Re: [newbie] . . .that one question

1999-11-28 Thread David P. Greenberg

How the hell do I get this thing to work?!?
David P. Greenberg
Bitco Electronics
"In Service to the Recording Industry"
**Rock on with glowing glass**
-Original Message-
From: Seth Gibson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sunday, November 28, 1999 1:50 AM
Subject: [newbie] . . .that one question

Greetings all!
 Im taking a survey for a web project im working on and i was wondering
if anyone interested would mind answering the following question:

When you were just getting started in linux, what was question (or
you had that no one seemed to have an answer for?

Thanx All!

Seth Gibson (There,s Actually STUFF Here Now!)
OpenGL: Everything should work this well

Re: [newbie] Definitely Off Topic

1999-11-23 Thread David P. Greenberg

It probably wasn't his fault. Management most likeley made him do it in
keeping with that general "cop/disiplinarian" mindset so prevelent in the
work-place. I've often thought to myself, just as you say, "Why don't they
just call and ask me not to do whatever, rather than create some kind of
overkill security system."
David P. Greenberg
Bitco Electronics
"In Service to the Recording Industry"
**Rock on with glowing glass**
-Original Message-
From: Mike Perry [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Tuesday, November 23, 1999 4:54 AM
Subject: [newbie] Definitely Off Topic

I know this is off topic, but I noticed that a lot of you guys are
Network Admins or similar..

I was just wondering if the following Saga is common practice by you
We have just been connected in the past month to the Internet at work
and the following is the Lowdown of the past 2 days here.
BTW, my work machine is a Windoze98 one :-(


Yesterday morning when I started my trusty computer, it ran an
additional script during logon.
Well, that's interesting I said to myself...
Then I looked at a friends email and clicked on a Link to a chat room
and "Lo and Behold" the following Screen appeared in my browser... "
Blocked by SurfWatch "

Well, what do you know, say's I to myself :-(
Then I looked a little closer at the URL of the Screen.

Upon looking at the internet settings/lan of Internet Explorer, What
could this be, I never set it up to use a proxy, so I quiet merrily
disabled the use proxy option, and what do you know, that annoying
SurfWatch disappeared :-)
Well that's That I thought to myself.

BUT, someone had other ideas it seems!!!

Turned on trusty computer this morning, and what do you think I saw?
Another @#$#@ Script run during Logon...

Bugger says I..

Had a wee look at my I/E Internet settings/Lan, and what do you think I
The options to change lan settings grayed out and set to use unfriendly
proxy :-(((

Needless to say I was seriously unchuffed!!!

What can a poor boy do?
Well couldn't find anything in the Registry to explain this new
"feature" generously put into my brouser by our ever-loving IT

So, out comes my trusty backup of Notscape, and Praise the Lord, At
least that installed OK, and without any kindly supplied "added
features" from our friendly IT.

You know, if the stupid bugger would just give me a call and say "We
don't want you to go to porno sites or chat with your work computer"
Then he wouldn't need to fartass around wasting both his time and mine,
as I DON'T go to Porno Sites, and if it really get's his knickers in a
knot about chatting, then OK, it is possible to accommodate him...
But that would be to logical and wouldn't allow him to flex his scrawny
little Nerd Muscles.

Anyway, that's about the situation today

And what will appear on my screen during Logon tomorrow morning?
Maybe a variant on Deltree C:\progra~1\Netscape or something?

Jesus if he wasn't acting like an asshole I wouldn't be wasting my time
trying to foil him..

As you can see I was somewhat annoyed

What do you guys out there think?

Dont Crucify me to harshly



Linux -- the Ultimate Windows Service Pack

Re: [newbie] Totally useless fact (OS)

1999-11-22 Thread David P. Greenberg

Oh, now you've got my juices flowing. When is ground not zero volts? Of
course this has nothing to do with Linux, but I'm really curious.
David P. Greenberg
Bitco Electronics
"In Service to the Recording Industry"
**Rock on with glowing glass**
-Original Message-
From: Lyndon Lininger Sr. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sunday, November 21, 1999 11:29 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Totally useless fact (OS)

Very true, but ground is not always zero voltage. It depends on the point
reference that you measure it against.

- Original Message -----
From: "David P. Greenberg" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; "Axalon Bloodstone"
Sent: Sunday, November 21, 1999 7:34 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Totally useless fact (OS)

 On Sun, 21 Nov 1999, Axalon Bloodstone wrote:
  On Sun, 21 Nov 1999, Ralph | byte | wrote:
   A positive nothing is better than a negative anything.
  Not really, it just depends what the numbers represent, i can think of
  several uses for ground wires :)

 --Except that ground is zero volts. a negative voltage, is as pleasant to
 the touchee as a positive one. Take it from a veteran who has been many
 times bitten.

 David P. Greenberg
 Bitco Electronics
 "In Service to the Recording Industry"
 *Confirmed Linux Newbie*
 **If it's a dog eat dog world,
   then I must be a fire hydrant.**

Re: [newbie] Totally useless fact (OS)

1999-11-21 Thread David P. Greenberg

On Sun, 21 Nov 1999, Axalon Bloodstone wrote:
 On Sun, 21 Nov 1999, Ralph | byte | wrote:
  A positive nothing is better than a negative anything.
 Not really, it just depends what the numbers represent, i can think of
 several uses for ground wires :)

--Except that ground is zero volts. a negative voltage, is as pleasant to
the touchee as a positive one. Take it from a veteran who has been many
times bitten.

David P. Greenberg
Bitco Electronics
"In Service to the Recording Industry"
*Confirmed Linux Newbie*
**If it's a dog eat dog world,
  then I must be a fire hydrant.**

Re: [newbie] Printing Envelopes NIGHTMARE

1999-11-16 Thread David P. Greenberg

Try WP8
David P. Greenberg
Bitco Electronics
"In Service to the Recording Industry"
**Rock on with glowing glass**
-Original Message-
From: Mike Fieschko [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Tuesday, November 16, 1999 12:29 PM
Subject: [newbie] Printing Envelopes NIGHTMARE

 "Karen" == Karen Heiby [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Karen I can't find a single application that will print envelopes
Karen correctly.  I have an Epson 660.  Star Office feeds every


I do not have an Epson 660, but I notice in Star Office's Printer
Setup, that this model is not listed.  What printer support did you
install with Star Office?

Mike Fieschko, West Orange, NJ, USA
X-Mailer: XEmacs 21.1, VM 6.75 and random-sig.el
Kernel 2.2.13-28mdk
Nov 16 St Gertrude
"Veblen's conspicuous consumption is still around.  But it generally
has to share the stage with conspicuous compassion, another form of
compulsive display."  [Wilfred M. McClay in First Things, December

Re: [newbie] checked forced

1999-11-13 Thread David P. Greenberg

The maximal mount count thing is (as I understand it) sort of like Linux's
version of scandisk. Every time you boot into Linux it logs the number of
times you boot. Then when that reaches a certain number it runs the check
forced thing. It's no big deal, but it shouldn't be happening on every boot.
Other than that, there's nothing much I can say.
David P. Greenberg
Bitco Electronics
"In Service to the Recording Industry"
**Rock on with glowing glass**
-Original Message-
From: Mark Ramsey [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Saturday, November 13, 1999 4:55 PM
Subject: [newbie] checked forced

Every time I reboot my system "shutdown -r now" on reboot I get the error
that the hd "has reached maximal mount count, check forced"
What is happening? HD's aren't full, could it be the hd is going bad?

Re: [newbie] Way back when...... was some other topic

1999-11-07 Thread David P. Greenberg

Most of my audio equipment has these glass and mica thingies called "vacuum
tubes". Very popular during World War 2, You know, the one where President
Johnson freed the slaves.
David P. Greenberg
Bitco Electronics
"In Service to the Recording Industry"
**If a person with multiple personalities threatens suicide, is that
considered a hostage situation?**
-Original Message-
From: Sysadmin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sunday, November 07, 1999 4:54 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Way back when.. was some other topic

When I was in 8th grade, they had these "Commodore Pet"
terminals, networked together somehow to a central drive,
good greif that was an old system, and if more than one
person tried to access the central drive, it HUNG!
hehehe Not only was it a bug in the setup but a mistake.

But by themselves the Commodore Pets were decent
little computers, by the way if anyone knows of these,
what in the world was the "Rom Rabbit" that could
be activated by typing 'sys*4096"?--aka "rabbitised"?

On Sun, 07 Nov 1999, you wrote:
 I bought a Sinclair something or other long before the Times incarnation
 couldn't get it to work so I bought a Commodore VIC-20 with 5K and a
 drive for about $500, summer of 92, eventually upgraded it to 32K.

 Hugh wrote:

  I had one of those too, You could add extra ram buy pluging it into the
  back.  A whole 16 k
  On Sat, 06 Nov 1999, you wrote:
   I remember the days of my Timex Sinclair T1000. A whopping 2k of ram.
   - Original Message -
   From: Sysadmin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Saturday, November 06, 1999 3:22 PM
   Subject: Re: [Re: [newbie] MS releases new Windows and NT Keyboard
Wow, they taught us CPM in trade school, kind of reminded me of
DOS, it had a C compiler to build the executables and such.
We were trained on the old Z80 microprocessor.
I also remember Centix, the old business unix then too.
On Sat, 06 Nov 1999, you wrote:
 Dating myself, but my first operating system was trsdos on a
 I,   back in those days the competition was between apple and


 Keep this up and I'll get my Amstrad 6128 out of the loft and
 CP/M again.

 John the Nadger
Normal=boring x 100
  Boling's postulate:
  If you're feeling good, don't worry.  You'll get over it.
Normal=boring x 100

Re: [newbie]

1999-10-22 Thread David P. Greenberg

On Fri, 22 Oct 1999, ibi wrote:
 I'm so new I haven't even loaded Linux; I've never seen a Linux screen
 and I don't know one command. When you pick yourself up off the floor I
 have one question. I've decided on Mandrake based on the strength of
 support. Where do I go to begin to learn the raw basics? My goal is to
 have a pure Linux box. 

--Well, you've come to the right place. This list is chock full of people
who can help you. One thing I'd suggest is, at least at first, go for a
dual boot setup. Don't trash you Win95 untill you're really strong in
Linux. It's not the easiest learning curve around. But, once you get a
handle on it, I'm sure you'll love it. I know I do.

David P. Greenberg
Bitco Electronics
"In Service to the Recording Industry"
*Confirmed Linux Newbie*
**I feel like I'm diagonally parked 
  in a parallel universe.**

Re: [[newbie] MS Internet Explorer]

1999-10-21 Thread David P. Greenberg

On Thu, 21 Oct 1999, Michael Scottaline wrote:
 "Slava Bezguin" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Is it possible to use MS Internet Explorer in Mandrake instead of ugly 

--Perhaps a better way to phrase the question would be, Is there a better
browser than Nutscrape avail. for Linux. I have succesfully gotten past
most of my issues with "NS", but am still far from a fan, and I do agree
that its as slow as old people making love (Ahh! LOL ). I really like
KFM, but it won't do java or any of the other nifty bells and whistles on
most websites nowadays. I seem to recall a freeware browser, but the name
escapes me right now. (Not enough coffee, yet.) 

David P. Greenberg
Bitco Electronics
"In Service to the Recording Industry"
*Confirmed Linux Newbie*
**I feel like I'm diagonally parked 
  in a parallel universe.**

Re: [newbie]OT Items of interest

1999-10-20 Thread David P. Greenberg

On Tue, 19 Oct 1999, Ty Mixon wrote:
 Same here.  Generally what I have found is that if it errors out on 
 such things, then tells you the name is taken you DID join, but there 
 was some funky error that prevented you from getting the message.  So 
 you and i have several memberships now.  :)

--Well, when all those CD's come, then, I'll be selling them! G BTW, I
too have suffered the sign up error syndrome. Remember back when we all
considered things like black and white TV or power windows to be the
height of technology. Look how far we've come. 

David P. Greenberg
Bitco Electronics
"In Service to the Recording Industry"
*Confirmed Linux Newbie*
**I feel like I'm diagonally parked 
  in a parallel universe.**

Re: [newbie] EZ-drive

1999-10-13 Thread David P. Greenberg

On Tue, 12 Oct 1999, Gustavo Viola wrote:
 (*Perhaps* a more adequate phrasing for this question would be:  Does LiLo load
 before EZ-Drive and can it make EZ-Drive run only for Windows?)

--Hi Gustavo. You have answered many questions for me, and I wish I could
answer this one for you. What I can tell you is that EZ-drive puts a small
_non-dos_ partition on the first sector of the drive it controls. This
partition can be read by dos, but appears as errors to scandisk and
defrag. I believe that it's the first command to load during boot up. 

David P. Greenberg
Bitco Electronics
"In Service to the Recording Industry"
*Confirmed Linux Newbie*
**Dogs wonder why each week
we take our best stuff outside
and let people in big trucks 
steal it**

Re: [newbie] (not so) Incompatible Hardware

1999-10-12 Thread David P. Greenberg

 The Maxtor drive came with EZ-Drive, but that doesn't affect linux in
 any way since it can see large drives with no BIOS changes.
 Manny Styles
 NetZero - Defenders of the Free World
 Get your FREE Internet Access and Email at

--Oh, this is very interesting. I've used that EZ-Drive, and find it to be
OK (but not perfect). Of greater importance however is that Linux doesn't
need it. Fortunately, for me, I haven't yet had to do any "nightmare"
linux installs, but I've had plenty of Windows ones. It will be
interesting to find out how Linux compares in those situations.

David P. Greenberg
Bitco Electronics
"In Service to the Recording Industry"
*Confirmed Linux Newbie*
**Dogs wonder why each week
we take our best stuff outside
and let people in big trucks 
steal it**

Re: [newbie] (not so) Incompatible Hardware

1999-10-07 Thread David P. Greenberg

On Thu, 07 Oct 1999, Manny Styles wrote:
 - Original Message -
 From: David P. Greenberg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, October 04, 1999 11:01 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] (In)Compatible Hardware
  On Mon, 04 Oct 1999, Brian J. Babiuk wrote:
   Packard Bell computers of any
vintage. snip I have never experienced anything
more likely to drop its MBR or a few clusters off the disk than
  --I agree! Packard Bell, the Star Office of Computers g
  David P. Greenberg
  Bitco Electronics
 Maybe I have one of those 1 in 3 Packard Bells, so I needed to
 interject.  I believe that it is the newer Packard Bell pc's that are
 really crap.  I have a Packard Bell Legend 100CD that has built-in
 Cirrus Logic 1 MB video, and a 480 MB Seagate harddrive (bought in mid
 '95).  By your standards, I should have been dead in the water.  It is
 true that I have made some hardware changes in that time (ie: upgraded
 the 14.4 kbps faxmodem to a x2 56kbps faxmodem [now v.90], and a 50x
 CD-ROM drive since the original Panasonic-Matsushita died, plus more
 RAM).  I also added a Maxtor 4.3 GB harddrive as a slave device (but
 it is now the master), with my swap and /home partitions on the
 original Seagate.  I also dual boot.  It is true indeed that I have
 had some problems with linux, but nothing hardware related.  I
 understand that the original e-mail was just a start, but all of these
 things can't just be automatically scratched out.  Now if you say
 there may be hardware that conflict with each other, that may be a bit
 more acurate.
 Manny Styles
 NetZero - Defenders of the Free World
 Get your FREE Internet Access and Email at

--How did you get your old PB bios to accept the big drive?

David P. Greenberg
Bitco Electronics
"In Service to the Recording Industry"
*Confirmed Linux Newbie*
**Never use a big word when
substituting a diminutive one would

Re: [newbie] re Scar Orifice

1999-10-07 Thread David P. Greenberg

On Thu, 07 Oct 1999, Civileme wrote:
 And thank you, David, for not giving up right away.
 Without it, I would not have been able to convince management to
 allow the OS switch at the workers' desktops.

--Well, that alone makes it valuable. It also leads me to wonder, how a
switch like that would go in terms of ease of migration. I know that my
wife, for instance, had a hell of a time transitioning from Win3.1 at her
job to Win95. She's not a transistor chewin" gear head, like some of us.
She views the computer as a sort of nessesary evil. I KNOW that changing
over to Linux would be quite difficult for her. 

David P. Greenberg
Bitco Electronics
"In Service to the Recording Industry"
*Confirmed Linux Newbie*
**Never use a big word when
substituting a diminutive one would

[newbie] How Microsoft-esque

1999-10-07 Thread David P. Greenberg

--Here's an interesting question. Nutscrape has a folder in the bookmarks
called "Personal Toolbar Folder". I have tried every way I can think of to
delete it, but it just won't go away. What does it contain? a bunch of
links to Hmm. Sound familliar? Sound a little like BILL
GATES!!! You bet it does. Anybody else out there who doesn't want their
computer telling them what files they have to save, know how to get rid of
this damn thing? 

David P. Greenberg
Bitco Electronics
"In Service to the Recording Industry"
*Confirmed Linux Newbie*
**Never use a big word when
substituting a diminutive one would

Re: [newbie] calling all bash gurus re Scar Orifice

1999-10-06 Thread David P. Greenberg

On Tue, 05 Oct 1999, Civileme wrote:

--Hi Civileme,
Thanks for taking the time to reply. Infact I d like to thank
John, Ax, Jeanette and everyone else who tried to help. As I ve
said before, this list is great! However, I broke down and went
to Micro-Center and got Corel WP8. It installed in a matter of
seconds and works flawlessly. While I was there, spending my hard
earned cake on 1's  0's I saw Applix. So I decided to give that
a go as well. Not quite as easy an install, but it went in and
seems to work OK, albeit a bit less  Word-like  than Corel.
You have to understand that I ve been struggling with Star Office
since my early Linux days. The first version I ever had was 4.0,
and I ve NEVER had anything but the worst of luck with it. I ve
even seen it crash my system while trying to install. I did
manage to get 5.0 for Win95 to work, but didn t see much point to
a shell on top of a shell, so I ended up uninstalling it. (Try
and get _that_ mess out of your windows registry!)
Oh well, thanks again, and we can all get back to things like
 Kcharset: wrong charset  and  How do I get a parallel port zip+
100 autodect to work? .

David P. Greenberg
Bitco Electronics
"In Service to the Recording Industry"
*Confirmed Linux Newbie*
**Never use a big word when
substituting a diminutive one would

Re: [newbie] (In)Compatible Hardware

1999-10-05 Thread David P. Greenberg

On Mon, 04 Oct 1999, Civileme wrote:

 Maxtors I heard someone else mention.  I have had two drop dead on me, one
 with thermal shutdowns for no good reason, and the other with bearings
 eating the spindle.
 Quantum Bigfoot Drives--three KO from powering down unpredictably (the
 drive, not the computer or the power source), one with logic card woes.
 That was 4 out of 4, BTW.  I should have mentioned them, but they are not
 in the category of "problem for implementing linux"  They are in the
 category of "buying this qualifies you as *non compos mentis*"  :-} (And I
 bought 4 of them to pay for my education).

--I have had absolutely NO reliability problems with either Quantum-
Bigfoot or Maxtor Drives. I've used several of each in installations
including my own pooter, with out a single glitch. Not to be agumentitive,
just my own experience. I'll also be the last one to ever say, there's no
such thing as a lemon!

David P. Greenberg
Bitco Electronics
"In Service to the Recording Industry"
*Confirmed Linux Newbie*
**Never use a big word when
substituting a diminutive one would

Re: [newbie] Mandrake Update

1999-10-04 Thread David P. Greenberg

On Mon, 04 Oct 1999, B.Williams wrote:
 I'm  running Mandrake 6.0 and recently updated all current patches and
 now when I boot up I get the command
 prompt instead of the GUI screen (setup originally to boot up to
 Xwindows).How to do get the the GDE,Gnome screen back?

--I found the same thing. The update resets the inittab script. you can
get into rl-5 by typing startx then  (as Root) go to /etc/inittab and edit
the default back to rl-5.

David P. Greenberg
Bitco Electronics
"In Service to the Recording Industry"
*Confirmed Linux Newbie*
**Never use a big word when
substituting a diminutive one would

Re: [newbie] I Just D/L StarOffice, What to do w/ the tar file? How to install?

1999-10-04 Thread David P. Greenberg

On Mon, 04 Oct 1999, Sevatio Octavio wrote:
 Sorry about this but I've looked every where but can't seem to find an answer to my 
most basic question...
 I just downloaded Staroffice.  Now what?  How do I get that Tar file to install?  
Please explain this to me (while considering my
 knowledge to be no more than a highly intoxicated chimp).
 Frustrated Sevatio

--Here we go again! I suggest we start a 12 step group; "Hi, I'm David,
and I can't install Star Office."

David P. Greenberg
Bitco Electronics
"In Service to the Recording Industry"
*Confirmed Linux Newbie*
**Never use a big word when
substituting a diminutive one would

Re: [newbie] I Just D/L StarOffice, What to do w/ the tar file? How to install?

1999-10-04 Thread David P. Greenberg

On Mon, 04 Oct 1999, Sevatio Octavio wrote:
 Sorry about this but I've looked every where but can't seem to find an answer to my 
most basic question...
 I just downloaded Staroffice.  Now what?  How do I get that Tar file to install?  
Please explain this to me (while considering my
 knowledge to be no more than a highly intoxicated chimp).
 Frustrated Sevatio

--BTW, just for giggles and grins, I decided to try it again this weekend.
I downloaded the whole thing again and tried, again with some of the
suggestions I recieved from here, and still nothing.

David P. Greenberg
Bitco Electronics
"In Service to the Recording Industry"
*Confirmed Linux Newbie*
**Never use a big word when
substituting a diminutive one would

Re: [newbie] (In)Compatible Hardware

1999-10-04 Thread David P. Greenberg

On Mon, 04 Oct 1999, Brian J. Babiuk wrote:
 Packard Bell computers of any
  vintage. snip I have never experienced anything
  more likely to drop its MBR or a few clusters off the disk than these

--I agree! Packard Bell, the Star Office of Computers g 

David P. Greenberg
Bitco Electronics
"In Service to the Recording Industry"
*Confirmed Linux Newbie*
**Never use a big word when
substituting a diminutive one would

Re: [newbie] I found a link to 4.7 for linux 2.0 (glibc) (upgradeat your own risk)

1999-10-02 Thread David P. Greenberg

On Fri, 01 Oct 1999, Alan Shoemaker wrote:
 bay56 wrote:
  - Original Message -
  From: Alan Shoemaker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Friday, October 01, 1999 8:38 PM
  Subject: Re: [newbie] I found a link to 4.7 for linux 2.0 (glibc) (upgradeat
  your own risk)
I wouldn't recommend it, it's just as broken as the 4.61. (everybody
remebers the segfault on link insertion right?)
   EXCUSE ME!!  That statement really puts me off!  4.61 is what is in
   Mandrake's updates for 6.0!!??  It was recommended in this forum as an
   acceptable fix for the problems associated with 4.5.  Now you say this
   new (4.7) version is just as bad as the fix we had for the Mandrake 6.0
   distribution (which I still am using).  Well, what's that mean,
   EXACTLY!!??  If 4.7 is just as bad as 4.61 then upgrading to it
   shouldn't be any more of a problem than continuing to use 4.61, or
   should it??!!  Sheeesh
  Would this be the same software that Mandrake hangs the entire readability
  of the docs on? ;-)
  Remember that docs are more than anything else read by newbies (excuse the
  obvious [they don't read docs] remarks about newbies for a moment!)
  Sheeesh!!! is about right!
 Iantake it easy.  No, the default for the help files is a form of
 KFM not Netscape.  Axalon, although habitually a bit terse is usually a
 big help to just about everyone. (-:

--So perhaps all this would explain why the Mandrake update doesn't work
for Netscape!

David P. Greenberg
Bitco Electronics
"In Service to the Recording Industry"
*Confirmed Linux Newbie*
**Never use a big word when
substituting a diminutive one would

Re: [newbie] I found a link to 4.7 for linux 2.0 (glibc) (upgradeatyour own risk)

1999-10-02 Thread David P. Greenberg

On Fri, 01 Oct 1999, Steve Philp wrote:
 Alan Shoemaker wrote:
  Axalon Bloodstone wrote:
   On Fri, 1 Oct 1999, Alan Shoemaker wrote:
Axalon Bloodstone wrote:

 On Thu, 30 Sep 1999, Eosnet Team wrote:
  Here is a link to the latest version of netscape. (maybe more stable?)

 I wouldn't recommend it, it's just as broken as the 4.61. (everybody
 remebers the segfault on link insertion right?)

--Just as an aside, I've found that Navigator alone, without getting the
whole Communicator seems to work OK. I've had no freeze ups with it, and I
actually am using it quite a bit. 

David P. Greenberg
Bitco Electronics
"In Service to the Recording Industry"
*Confirmed Linux Newbie*
**Never use a big word when
substituting a diminutive one would

Re: [newbie] Stopping auto-boot to KDE?

1999-10-02 Thread David P. Greenberg

On Sat, 02 Oct 1999, Valheru wrote:
 Hello all,
 I am getting a font error when booting into KDE which is set for auto-load. How
 can I stop this? All my monitor does is reset itself.  Is there a command once
 I'm at the login: screen to stop the auto-load? I have about 3 seconds before
 KDE begins to load. BTW, Yes I've searched HOW-TO's on this with no luck. :(

--OOH! OOH! One _I_ can answer. At lilo boot type linux 3.

David P. Greenberg
Bitco Electronics
"In Service to the Recording Industry"
*Confirmed Linux Newbie*
**Never use a big word when
substituting a diminutive one would

Re: [newbie] I found a link to 4.7 for linux 2.0 (glibc) (upgradeatyourown risk)

1999-10-02 Thread David P. Greenberg

Hi. Ax (love that name!) I believe so. It's the one that came with my
Mandrake 6.0, hot off the press in may of this year.
David P. Greenberg
Bitco Electronics
"In Service to the Recording Industry"
**The falcon has heard the falconer**
-Original Message-
From: Axalon Bloodstone [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Saturday, October 02, 1999 10:16 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] I found a link to 4.7 for linux 2.0 (glibc)
(upgradeatyourown risk)snip
You are useing which version exactly? (the one in the topic i assume?)

[newbie] Re:

1999-10-01 Thread David P. Greenberg

In HTML no less. What a Genious!
David P. Greenberg
Bitco Electronics
"In Service to the Recording Industry"
**The falcon has heard the falconer**
-Original Message-
From: Christopher John Cogan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wednesday, September 29, 1999 3:19 PM

newbie remove

[newbie] Re:

1999-10-01 Thread David P. Greenberg

AHHH!!! more HTML
David P. Greenberg
Bitco Electronics
"In Service to the Recording Industry"
**The falcon has heard the falconer**
-Original Message-
From: Javi Lopez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thursday, September 30, 1999 10:45 PM


RE: [newbie] Re:

1999-10-01 Thread David P. Greenberg

On Fri, 01 Oct 1999, PaulHoy wrote:
  we are all "genious" in our own way :)...
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of David P. Greenberg
 Sent: October 1, 1999 6:55 PM
 Subject: [newbie] Re:

--Hi paul. Just noticed that little fox pass m'damn self.

David P. Greenberg
Bitco Electronics
"In Service to the Recording Industry"
*Confirmed Linux Newbie*
**Never use a big word when
substituting a diminutive one would

[newbie] Star Ahhh!fice

1999-09-30 Thread David P. Greenberg

--I would like to thank Jeremy, John, Katie and Alan for responding to my
plight with Scar Orifice (yes, correct spelling).  I dunno, maybe 13 year
old German kids have it in for me. I tried all your suggestions. All in
all I spent over 3 _more_ hours trying to get it to work.  Alan's
suggestion about Glibc2 is the only one I can't verify. Maybe that's it. I
DO hate to give up on anything computer related, and I also hate the idea
of paying for software for this platform. I mean isn't that the idea? that
it's supposed to be free? However, it looks like I'll have to try WP8. I
really need a decent word processor if I'm going to be able to use this OS
in lieu of Winblows. Maxwell is OK but not great. What I do want to say
however is that the overwhealming response, and the friendliness and
understanding of the response, with NO flames just confirms why I love the
listserve communication format and this group. NEWBIE@ RULES You guys
are great!!!

David P. Greenberg
Bitco Electronics
"In Service to the Recording Industry"
*Confirmed Linux Newbie*
**Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day.   
  Teach him how to fish, and 
  he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day.

Re: [newbie] Disk problems

1999-09-29 Thread David P. Greenberg

On Tue, 28 Sep 1999, Strike, Jeff wrote:
 My system locked up snip
   I run fsck and it just
 says Parallelizing fsck snip

--Jeff, I'm sure this isn't what you want to hear, and hopefully there's a
better solution, but when the exact same thing happened to me the only
thing that fixed it was a reinstall. I did find out, however, that you can
save your /home directory during a reinstall (unlike dos) so you won't
loose anything.

David P. Greenberg
Bitco Electronics
"In Service to the Recording Industry"
*Confirmed Linux Newbie*
**Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day.   
  Teach him how to fish, and 
  he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day.

[newbie] Star Ahhh!-fice

1999-09-28 Thread David P. Greenberg

--We've all heard tales of woe regarding that mess, Star Office. Well,
here's my sad story. I downloaded the thing from the new Sun page. it took
me 7 and 3/4 hours!!! That's at 33.6 connected at 31200. I'm NOT
exagerating. After getting it, I cracked the tarball w/ kde and it
unzipped. I opened the file with karchiver and unzipped to a
directory in my /home directory I ended up with 40 files in a so51
directory. At the bottom of the heap is a SETUP.BIN (exe. gear) . I have
set permissions but the gear does nothing. In fact none of the files do
anything. Now, before the flames roll in, let me just say this. I have
succesfully installed both rpm's and tar's on this system. Also I did read
the .pdf file that came with the download, and it was of absolutely no
help. I also would like to point out that I have not been able to make SO
work since version 4.0. I keep trying because if us Linux users didn't
like challenges we'd still be using Windows. Has anybody out there gotten
this thing to work? Please post a nice, dumb step by step for us newbies
out there, unwilling to concede.

David P. Greenberg
Bitco Electronics
"In Service to the Recording Industry"
*Confirmed Linux Newbie*
**Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day.   
  Teach him how to fish, and 
  he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day.

Re: [newbie] startup procs.

1999-09-26 Thread David P. Greenberg

On Sat, 25 Sep 1999, Steve Philp wrote:
 "David P. Greenberg" wrote:
that command that gives you the startup processes

 ntsysv, ya sissy!  :)
 Steve Philp

--Thanks Steve, what can I say?

David P. Greenberg
Bitco Electronics
"In Service to the Recording Industry"
*Confirmed Linux Newbie*
**Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day.   
  Teach him how to fish, and 
  he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day.

Re: [newbie] 4 days without install.

1999-09-25 Thread David P. Greenberg

On Sat, 25 Sep 1999, Bob Jackson wrote:
 Aaron Sinclair wrote:

 Eerrr - have you tried just disconnecting the mouse
 and going ahead with the install. Maybe we can beat the 
 mouse thingy to death once you get Mandrake installed.
 Bob J.

--Good Point. My CDrom wouldn't work for the install. Linux just wouldn't
see it. What I ended up doing was using my old one for the install, but
once I had Mandrake up and running it recognised the new CDrom.!? I still
don't know why this would be, but I'm willing to accept it for now.  So
maybe, if you took your trusty screw driver out of the closet, opened the
box up and physicaly _removed_ the mouse, you could proceed with the
install and hopefully once you have Man/KDE up and running, try hooking
the mouse back up. As a side note, in my dealings with Linux I have heard
that it isn't the most Laptop friendly system. You might have to settle
with just putting on your old clunker at home.

David P. Greenberg
Bitco Electronics
"In Service to the Recording Industry"
*Confirmed Linux Newbie*
**Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day.   
  Teach him how to fish, and 
  he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day.

Re: [newbie] OT Good posting practice

1999-09-25 Thread David P. Greenberg

On Sat, 25 Sep 1999, Bob Jackson wrote:
 "David P. Greenberg" wrote:
  --I agree with all but the sigs. I _love_ my sigs. Pleeease!!!

 After several iterations we have four or five sigs cluttering the
 question and it's answers. Makes it real hard to
 follow what's going on. Leave the posters names intact
 so we can see who said what, but clip the sigs.

 Bob J.

--Snip the reitterated sigs? No problem! Gotcha! 

David P. Greenberg
Bitco Electronics
"In Service to the Recording Industry"
*Confirmed Linux Newbie*
**Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day.   
  Teach him how to fish, and 
  he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day.

[newbie] startup procs.

1999-09-25 Thread David P. Greenberg

--Mornin' Ladies, 
Who out there remembers that command that gives you the startup processes
window. You know it's sysv or something like that. It allows you to set
which processes are on by default at boot up time. I just can't remember
the name of the command, and I know you're all gonna flame me for being to
lazy to look it up in Linux in a Nutshell... and well you should!

David P. Greenberg
Bitco Electronics
"In Service to the Recording Industry"
*Confirmed Linux Newbie*
**Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day.   
  Teach him how to fish, and 
  he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day.

Re: [newbie] OT Good posting practice

1999-09-24 Thread David P. Greenberg

--I agree with all but the sigs. I _love_ my sigs. Pleeease!!!

David P. Greenberg
Bitco Electronics
"In Service to the Recording Industry"
**The falcon has heard the falconer**
-Original Message-
From: Ken Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Friday, September 24, 1999 4:07 AM
Subject: RE: [newbie] OT Good posting practice

 -Original Message-

Re: [newbie] Posts

1999-09-23 Thread David P. Greenberg

On Thu, 23 Sep 1999, Bob Jackson wrote:
 phins13 wrote:
  I agree.  It's gotten so bad I can't even get someone to answer any of my posts.  
I thought this list was for serious help matters.  For those of you that are helping 
people on this list, I say thanks.
 Mea Culpa Ive contributed to these
 threads. That is not, however why I
 delete your posts. That has to do
 with the fact that you post all on
 one long line.
 My appologies for the fluff.
 Bob J.

--I contribute to some of the humorous threads, and may even be responsible for
a few, but I try to read all the posts, and see many questions being answered
and even some dialogs being developed. We're all trying to help each other, but
sometimes a little levity helps ease the mood. Y'know, "All work and no
play..." I agree with Jeanette in that maybe we should agree on a subject name
that will indicate to those who don't like the banter to delete it.

David P. Greenberg
Bitco Electronics
"In Service to the Recording Industry"
*Confirmed Linux Newbie*
**It was gonna be done in Septober,
  then Octember, now it's Novunder.**

Re: [newbie] Posts

1999-09-23 Thread David P. Greenberg

On Thu, 23 Sep 1999, Ripcrd6 wrote:
 -Original Message-
 From: David P. Greenberg 
 --I contribute to some of the humorous threads, and may even be
 responsible for
 a few, but I try to read all the posts, and see many questions being
 and even some dialogs being developed. We're all trying to help each
 other, but
 sometimes a little levity helps ease the mood. Y'know, "All work and no
 play..." I agree with Jeanette in that maybe we should agree on a subject
 that will indicate to those who don't like the banter to delete it.
 David P. Greenberg
 Bitco Electronics
 How about [OT] or [off topic] preceding a subject line.   Also need to have
 a subject line, not leave it blank.

--Works for me.

David P. Greenberg
Bitco Electronics
"In Service to the Recording Industry"
*Confirmed Linux Newbie*
**It was gonna be done in Septober,
  then Octember, now it's Novunder.**

[newbie] Charset

1999-09-14 Thread David P. Greenberg

--Hi guys, next Linux challenge. When I open a file in my /home directory
called xsession-errors I get the following:

QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket specified
QSocketNotifier: Internal error
KCharset: Wrong charset!

Everything appears to be working fine, of course I wouldn't really know if it
wasn't. What should I do to get rid of these errors?

David P. Greenberg
Bitco Electronics
"In Service to the Recording Industry"
*Confirmed Linux Newbie*
**It was gonna be done in Septober,
  then Octember, now it's Novunder.**

[newbie] IT WORKS!!!

1999-09-13 Thread David p. Greenberg

--I now have both floppies up and working and am chompin' at the bit for my next
Linux challenge. My special thanks to John for pointing me in the right
direction. If it's OK with y'all I'd like to post the step by step in case
anybody out there needs a really simplistic explanation.
   1. First uncheck the default word wrap in Kedit and set the line limit to a
high number like 120 or something. Failure to do so will result in your fstab
getting all corrupted and messed up. Take extra special caution with the last
two lines in fstab, as they don't appear to follow the regular format but seem
to be very important if you like booting your system.
   2. go to /mnt and create a new folder for the new floppy. Call it Floppy1 or
whatever. All the folders in /mnt should be empty, unless something like the
cdrom or whatever is mounted, in which case you should see nothing but the
folders on that particular cd. Make sure that your Kfm is set to show hidden
   3. Copy the /dev/fd0 line in fstab but make it /dev/fd1 and be sure to
change the mount point column to the name of the new folder that you just
created. (you'll need to be root for this part)
   4. Reboot, and from the console as user type the command $mount /dev/fd1 and
hit enter. Assuming of course that there's a floppy in the drive with data on
it, your console should return to the prompt without reporting an error, and
you should see your floppy led come on. That's telling you that mount was
succesfull, but you aint done yet.
   5. login as root. Right click your exiting floppy icon, and choose
properties. a multi tab dialog box will come up. Leave it open on the desktop
and right click anywhere on the desktop. From the drop down menu choose "create
new filesystem device", and a little question mark thingie will appear on your
desktop. A dialog simillar to the one already up will appear. Go through it and
match all permissions and other settings, making sure to substitute the name of
the new device and mount point. at this point you will be able to choose Icons.
I took the green floppies that obviously are supposed to be for the old 51/4
floppies, but whatever you like. Some of the KDE icons are really too cool!
   6. That's about it, after testing of course, and you'll have to repeat step
5 in user, and reboot to test the whole thing. When rebooting pay special
attention to all the green OK's. If no red FAILED's show up, you're probably
good to go.

BTW Sorry about the Windows crack!!!! 

David P. Greenberg
Bitco Electronics
"In Service to the Recording Industry"
*Confirmed Linux Newbie*
**It was gonna be done in Septober,
  then Octember, now it's Novunder.**

[newbie] Hardware (the Saga continues)

1999-09-12 Thread David p. Greenberg

Well, after attempting to edit my fstab file to add my second floppy (and
almost getting it to work) , I ended up somehow corrupting the damn thing and
had to reinstall Linux one more little old time. Now /dev/fd0 won't mount
either, and it says I must specify the filesystem type, which near as I can
tell is set to auto in my now virgin fstab. I do need to tell y'all that for
some unknown reason, I really love this stuff. Anyway, here's a copy of the
fstab. It's Mandrake6 and the goal for this week is get both floppies working
in user. 
Now just for s**ts and grins I'll explain the process in detail in Windows. 
Step 1. Turn your computer on
Step 2. Done

/dev/hdc1   /   ext2defaults1 1
/dev/hdc6   /home   ext2defaults1 2
/dev/hdc7   /tmpext2defaults1 2
/dev/hdc5   /usrext2defaults1 2
/dev/hdc9   swapswapdefaults0 0
/dev/hdc8   swapswapdefaults0 0
/dev/fd0/mnt/floppy auto
sync,user,noauto,nosuid,nodev,unhide 0 0
/dev/cdrom  /mnt/cdrom  auto 
user,noauto,nosuid,exec,nodev,ro 0 0
none/proc   procdefaults0 0
none/dev/ptsdevpts  mode=0622   0 0

The columns were, for some reason all straight and neat in the original file.

David P. Greenberg
Bitco Electronics
"In Service to the Recording Industry"
*Confirmed Linux Newbie*
**It was gonna be done in Septober,
  then Octember, now it's Novunder.**

[newbie] Update

1999-09-12 Thread David p. Greenberg

Guys, /dev/fd0 now works in both msdos and etc2 formats in both Root and User.
Don't ask me what I did to fix it. OK, so now just /dev/fd1 is still down, but
I'm a little gunshy to try it again without some pointers.

David P. Greenberg
Bitco Electronics
"In Service to the Recording Industry"
*Confirmed Linux Newbie*
**It was gonna be done in Septober,
  then Octember, now it's Novunder.**

[newbie] Hardware

1999-09-11 Thread David P. Greenberg

Hi guys, 
my big question is hardware. I posted a question this morning about my second
floppy,  but it doesn't appear to have made it through. Anyway, how do I get my
second floppy drive, my paraport zip+ 100 or my scanner to work in Mandrake 6
(or any Linux, for that matter). I'm willing to get the answers one at a time
if it will be easier on y'all. BTW, I _have_ tried to find this info in the
manuals and on the net.

David P. Greenberg
Bitco Electronics
"In Service to the Recording Industry"
*Confirmed Linux Newbie*
**The pessimist sees the glass as
  half empty.
  The optimist sees it as half full,
  but to the engineer
  it's just too big.**

Re: [newbie] newbie-forced to post this in Win95

1999-09-10 Thread David P. Greenberg

Hi Steve, Thanks for the response, but I don't think that's the problem. For
One thing, during some of the myriad of things I tried, I went into the bios
and disabled the two win32 drives, and it still wouldn't work. Anyway, I
dont want to have to go through all the muck of moving files and changing
partitions and stuff.,...but then again, the drive letters wouldn't change,
would they? hmmm. maybe it's worth a try but if someone can figure out
something better, please let me know. I'll hold off for now. Anyway thanks
again for the advice.

David P. Greenberg
Bitco Electronics
"In Service to the Recording Industry"
**The falcon has heard the falconer**
-Original Message-
From: Ken Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thursday, September 09, 1999 8:43 PM
Subject: RE: [newbie] newbie-forced to post this in Win95

I don't know if it will help but maybe try running your third hard drive
as the seconday master and the cd as the secondary slave.  That works on
my system here.  I have 3 harddrives, 4G, 8G and 11G respectively.
Except for what I need to boot Linux, which resides low on my primary
master, the rest resides in various partions on my primary slave.

Ken Wilson
First Law of Optimization: The speed of a nonworking program is
(Steve Heller, 'Efficient C/C++ Programming')

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of David P.
 Sent: Thursday, September 09, 1999 4:02 PM
 Subject: [newbie] newbie-forced to post this in Win95

 AAARGGGHHH!!! I've successfully set up linux several times in several
 different distros, and actually started using it. I recently
 added a new HD
 and a 40x CD-Rom to my system, and in so doing decided to go for fresh
 installs on both my Win32 and Linux systems. I now have
 Windows (OS only) on
 my 500mb primary master(/hda) and Windows programs on /hdb
 (6.3 gb quantum
 bigfoot set as primary slave). For my secondary master which
 would be /hdc I
 have the new CD-Rom, and I have a 4.3 gb Western Dig as
 secondary slave or
 /hdd. For some reason I get one of the following errors when
 I try to run
 the Mandrake 6 install.
 Can't mount /hdc Invalid argument
 no media in /hdc
 invalid media.
 at one point I did manage to get it to see the cd and start
 the install, but
 when I got to disk druid, It wouldn't see the hard drive. I
 tried putting my
 old CD-Rom drive back in, and now it won't work with that
 either. Please
 help, as I really want to get my Linux back
 Thanks in advance....

 David P. Greenberg
 Bitco Electronics
 "In Service to the Recording Industry"
 **The falcon has heard the falconer**

Re: [newbie] newbie-forced to post this in Win95

1999-09-10 Thread David P. Greenberg

I posted a response to this suggestion last night, which doesn't appear to
have made it through. If you mean that I should make the CD my secondary
slave, I suppose I can try it, but I don't really understand why it would
make a difference. My old CD was secondary master and that was never a
problem before.

David P. Greenberg
Bitco Electronics
"In Service to the Recording Industry"
**The falcon has heard the falconer**
-Original Message-
From: Frank Guidara [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Friday, September 10, 1999 3:52 AM
Subject: RE: [newbie] newbie-forced to post this in Win95

I dunno if this is gonna help ya or not, But I would put my Hardive as
secondary master not slave

 -Original Message-----
 From: David P. Greenberg [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, 10 September 1999 7:02
 Subject: [newbie] newbie-forced to post this in Win95

 AAARGGGHHH!!! I've successfully set up linux several times in several
 different distros, and actually started using it. I recently added a new
 and a 40x CD-Rom to my system, and in so doing decided to go for fresh
 installs on both my Win32 and Linux systems. I now have Windows (OS only)
 my 500mb primary master(/hda) and Windows programs on /hdb (6.3 gb
 bigfoot set as primary slave). For my secondary master which would be
 have the new CD-Rom, and I have a 4.3 gb Western Dig as secondary slave
 /hdd. For some reason I get one of the following errors when I try to run
 the Mandrake 6 install.
 Can't mount /hdc Invalid argument
 no media in /hdc
 invalid media.
 at one point I did manage to get it to see the cd and start the install,
 when I got to disk druid, It wouldn't see the hard drive. I tried putting
 old CD-Rom drive back in, and now it won't work with that either. Please
 help, as I really want to get my Linux back
 Thanks in advance....

 David P. Greenberg
 Bitco Electronics
 "In Service to the Recording Industry"
 **The falcon has heard the falconer**

[newbie] Thanks fellow linux dudes and dudettes

1999-09-10 Thread David P. Greenberg

--Well, it sorta worked. I swapped the drives, which was no problem for my Win
partitions, but the new CD still would not work. When I hooked up my old CD as
the sec. slave, I was able to boot to the installer, but disk druid would not
let me partition /dev/hdc. What I did was to create the root partition in
Linux- fdisk, I was then able to finish partitioning in Druid. The install went
smooth as butter from that point. After linux was installed, I switched over to
the new CD and shes-a-work beautiful. Go figure, huh! Any way thanks too you
all who posted what seems to have been the same general suggestion. That helped
me get back in the saddle.

David P. Greenberg
Bitco Electronics
"In Service to the Recording Industry"
*Confirmed Linux Newbie*
**The pesimist sees the glass as
  half empty.
  The optimist sees it as half full,
  but to the engineer
  it's just too big.**

Re: [newbie] newbie-forced to post this in Win95

1999-09-10 Thread David P. Greenberg

On Fri, 10 Sep 1999, Gustavo Viola wrote:
 If Ken´s suggestion does not work (I believe it should), check if you´re
 using EZ-Bios (software with bios extensions from Western Digital, that
 allows old bios to recognize bigger hard drives -- it is NOT
 Linux-compatible, only for Win95 or 98 -- [to see if you´re using it,
 EZ-Bios shows at boot a message like this: "loading ez-bios extensions"] ).
 I ran into that problem when installing Mandrake over the weekend, and found
 no solution to it -- or else, now I use hard drive "drawers" to decide which
 OS I am going to use, I love that, it´s cool. :-)
 Gustavo Viola

--Hi Gustavo, 
No EZ-Bios here, although thats an interesting point as I've used it before on
some Win32 installs I've done on older machines. We actually have  somewhat of
a love hate relationship. I'm curious about this Disk Drawers thing however.

David P. Greenberg
Bitco Electronics
"In Service to the Recording Industry"
*Confirmed Linux Newbie*
**The pesimist sees the glass as
  half empty.
  The optimist sees it as half full,
  but to the engineer
  it's just too big.**

[newbie] newbie-forced to post this in Win95

1999-09-09 Thread David P. Greenberg

AAARGGGHHH!!! I've successfully set up linux several times in several
different distros, and actually started using it. I recently added a new HD
and a 40x CD-Rom to my system, and in so doing decided to go for fresh
installs on both my Win32 and Linux systems. I now have Windows (OS only) on
my 500mb primary master(/hda) and Windows programs on /hdb (6.3 gb quantum
bigfoot set as primary slave). For my secondary master which would be /hdc I
have the new CD-Rom, and I have a 4.3 gb Western Dig as secondary slave or
/hdd. For some reason I get one of the following errors when I try to run
the Mandrake 6 install.
Can't mount /hdc Invalid argument
no media in /hdc
invalid media.
at one point I did manage to get it to see the cd and start the install, but
when I got to disk druid, It wouldn't see the hard drive. I tried putting my
old CD-Rom drive back in, and now it won't work with that either. Please
help, as I really want to get my Linux back
Thanks in advance

David P. Greenberg
Bitco Electronics
"In Service to the Recording Industry"
**The falcon has heard the falconer**

Re: [newbie] RealPlayer G2

1999-09-02 Thread David P. Greenberg

On Wed, 01 Sep 1999, Rick Murphy wrote:
 On Wed, 01 Sep 1999, John Aldrich wrote:
  On Wed, 01 Sep 1999, you wrote:
Sheesh this is almost getting TOO easy. ;-) I still
think it'd be better to have 'em learn how to do it from
command-line. :-)
   I think that linux thru mandrake 6.0 is now as easy to use as windows.  Well
   almost,  we need the manufactures to start writing drivers and programs for
  Yep... though I'm not sure if this ease of use is a good thing or a
  bad thing. 
 Hey it is a good thing.  Means folks like me have a chance at using it.  I have
 absolutely no computer background at all.   But...the folks here and elsewhere
 have had a lot of patience and taught me a thing or two. I just downloaded a
 theme for KDE tonight and sorta got it working.  I guessI've still got a way to
 go on my learning curve.
 "I don't want to swim in a roped off sea," JB

--Guys (and Women),
It's still nowhere near as easy as win-blows. The hardest thing is installing
progies (well, for me anyway). Even if they're in RPM and you use Kpack, you
still have to find the damn thing after you get it installed. No instant
desktop icons or anything. No, I think we're still safe in our geek status. What
I find really wonderful about Mandrake 6 is it opens the door for us and gives
us a start point to begin learning an otherwise virtually impossible system. 
Yet another two cents worth.

David P. Greenberg
Bitco Electronics
"In Service to the Recording Industry"
*Confirmed Linux Newbie*
**Girls are like pianos. When they're not upright, 
  they're grand.  --  Benny Hill**

[newbie] Netscape Still a !*$%

1999-09-02 Thread David P. Greenberg

--Well, I did it. I reinstalled Netcape (Navigator only) and the common files
from the CD-Rom. It went in as a shell script (!?!) but yet it works OK. I used
Drag and drop to move the shell script icon to the desktop, and when I click on
it, Navigator pops right up. I then tried several times to run the updater. The
updater does indeed tell me that it sees Nav. and the com. files on my disk,
but when I go to install the update, It doesn't appear to be doing anything. A
previous poster apearantly had a similar problem. If I open my ppp details
window , it looks as if the modem is downloading like no tommorow, but the
progress bars don't move. after about 5 and a half MB I get an error message,
then the updater freezes up and won't kill. Hmmm. Wasupwidat?

David P. Greenberg
Bitco Electronics
"In Service to the Recording Industry"
*Confirmed Linux Newbie*
**Girls are like pianos. When they're not upright, 
  they're grand.  --  Benny Hill**

Re: [newbie] Install cannot find filesystems

1999-09-02 Thread David P. Greenberg

On Thu, 02 Sep 1999, Marco Miller (LMC) wrote:
 Hello all,
 My "filesystems" cannot be found by the Macmillan Linux-Mandrake 6.0
 installation, right after choosing either "Disk druid" or "Fdisk". I don't
 choose the SCSI option since my hard drive is an EIDE Western Digital
 UDMA/66 (9.1GB, 7200rpm). I have Windows 98 working well on my primary DOS
 4GB partition and I have two more logical empty partitions defined (2GB,
 3GB) in my extended DOS partition. I install by booting from the floppy and
 installing from the CDROM.
 Any hint that could help me solve my problem?
 Thanks a lot!
 Marco Miller.

--Hi Marco, Of course there are many on this list far more knowledgable than I,
but I've found that if you  define the partitions in Partition Magic or
whatever 1st, linux doesn't like it. What worked for me was to (from Win95)
delete the linux partitions, then use Disk Druid to recreate them during the
install. In other words, leave your linux partitions grey (free space). When
you run the install Disk druid will call your windows partitions hda(x). On the
bottom of the Disk Druid screen will be a disk status line with free space
available. Just create your /, swap, etc. and you'll be good to go.

David P. Greenberg
Bitco Electronics
"In Service to the Recording Industry"
*Confirmed Linux Newbie*
**Girls are like pianos. When they're not upright, 
  they're grand.  --  Benny Hill**

Re: [newbie] pine installation (related to: netscape defaults)

1999-09-01 Thread David P. Greenberg

On Wed, 01 Sep 1999, pete moss wrote:
  --Yes I agree that Navigator alone works better than Communicator. Any way I'm
  in the process of following ricks advice (please exscuse me if I got the wrong
  poster). I reinstalled Netscape (Nav. only+common files only) and am
  downloading the upgrade now as we speak. We'll see.
 i too want to just have netscape running.  i have been using it for
 mail, but i think i want to switch to pine.  i have a few questions
 does pine do message filtering?
 can pine read my existing netscape mail files (i have ALOT of saved
 what exactly do i need to install to support pine?  sendmail, fetchmail,
 what?  not sure what i need.
 does anyone know of a better program than pine for email that has
 similar features to netscape mail?
  P.S. I just wanted to say that I've spent a lot of time on the NG's looking for
  help in learning Linux, and so far I think this list is absolutely awesome!
  It's really refreshing to have a forum to go to as a newbie where people are
  helpful without being condescending.
 agreed.  i was on another linux newbie list before that was just a bunch
 of newbies and one genius.  on this list there are alot of semi-genius
 types, which makes it much easier to get problems solved.

--Hi Pete,
I've used Pine a little bit in a Caldera dist. I tried before. It's a great
reader if you can get it to work. It's very command line-ey. Also after you get
it installed you have to go through this big and very austere config adventure
before you can actually read your mail. The good thing is that all your friends
will think you're a Super-Geek when they see you reading mail on it. I still
think that so far the KDE mail reader is the easiest and best. 

David P. Greenberg
Bitco Electronics
"In Service to the Recording Industry"
*Confirmed Linux Newbie*
**Girls are like pianos. When they're not upright, 
  they're grand.  --  Benny Hill**

Re: [newbie] netscape defaults

1999-08-31 Thread David P. Greenberg

On Tue, 31 Aug 1999, pete moss wrote:
 is there a default prefs file for netscape?  i have configured mine to
 open to messenger, and to bring up a blank page in navigator.  however,
 everytime i open netscape, i get navigator opening to the mandrake help
 page.  anyone know how to get rid of this?  i have looked at
 preferences.js in ~/.netscape and the settings are correct there, they
 just arent loading up.

--Well, I'm sure to suffer a flaming death for this statement, but what I found
to work best is to uninstall Netscape, and go about your life! I had nothing
but crashes and multiple other problems with it in any and all the distros I've
tried. (I'm currently using Mandrake 6 and absolutely love it). The KDE mail,
news, and browser all work great and I found no real need for Netscape anyway. 
It was slow and problematic for me when it _did_ work at all and on several
occasions even caused me to have to reinstall Linux (although, a more
experienced user could probably have repaired the situation). Anyway, just my
two cents worth...Please be merciful.

David P. Greenberg
Bitco Electronics
"In Service to the Recording Industry"
*Confirmed Linux Newbie*
**Girls are like pianos. When they're not upright, 
  they're grand.  --  Benny Hill**

Re: [newbie] netscape defaults

1999-08-31 Thread David P. Greenberg

On Tue, 31 Aug 1999, Pedro Timoteo wrote:
 Rick Murphy wrote:
  Don't give up on netscape.   If your using mandrake,  click on the updates
  icons and download all three parts of netscape 4.61 at the same time.  It will
  automatically install itself.  I found that most of my problems with netscape
  ended when I went  to 4.61. I think you will find that not all web sites will
  open with KDE's broswer.   I look forward to seeing the browser improved with
  the next reincarnation of mandrake.
 It's true that Netscape sucks - can't wait for Opera
 ( to release their Linux version. 
 Anyway, you don't need all 3 parts - you need netscape-common and then
 either netscape-navigator or netscape-communicator, not both of these. The
 difference between these two is that Communicator has the mail/news client,
 while Navigator does not.

--Yes I agree that Navigator alone works better than Communicator. Any way I'm
in the process of following ricks advice (please exscuse me if I got the wrong
poster). I reinstalled Netscape (Nav. only+common files only) and am
downloading the upgrade now as we speak. We'll see.

P.S. I just wanted to say that I've spent a lot of time on the NG's looking for
help in learning Linux, and so far I think this list is absolutely awesome!
It's really refreshing to have a forum to go to as a newbie where people are
helpful without being condescending.

David P. Greenberg
Bitco Electronics
"In Service to the Recording Industry"
*Confirmed Linux Newbie*
**Girls are like pianos. When they're not upright, 
  they're grand.  --  Benny Hill**

Re: [newbie] RealPlayer G2

1999-08-30 Thread David P. Greenberg

On Mon, 30 Aug 1999, Steve Philp wrote:
 13) Reopen Netscape
 Waa laa!  RealPlayer baby!
 Steve Philp
 Network Administrator
 Advance Packaging Corporation

--Hi Steve and Group, 
I just downloaded and installed it OK but it won't play anything. Do we have to
use it in Netscape? I took that off my system after it crashed too many times.
My Win95 version will play as a stand alone. It will also open automatically if
I come to a sight that has real audio. can we set this up to do the same thing.
did I do something wrong in the install that would allow it to come up, but not
play anything?

 David P. Greenberg Bitco Electronics 
"In Service to the Recording Industry" 
*Confirmed Linux Newbie* 
**Girls are like pianos. When they're not
upright,they're grand.  --  Benny Hill**

Re: [newbie] Totally useless fact (OS)

1999-01-17 Thread David P. Greenberg

Q: How many Internet mailing list subscribers does it take to change a light
A: 1,331:
1 to change the light bulb and to post to the mail list that the light bulb
has been changed
14 to share similar experiences of changing light bulbs and how the light
bulb could have been changed differently.
7 to caution about the dangers of changing light bulbs.
27 to point out spelling/grammar errors in posts about changing light bulbs.
53 to flame the spell checkers
156 to write to the list administrator complaining about the light bulb
discussion and its inappropriateness to this mail list.
41 to correct spelling in the spelling/grammar flames.
109 to post that this list is not about light bulbs and to please take this
email exchange to alt.lite.bulb
203 to demand that cross posting to alt.grammar, alt.spelling and
alt.punctuation about changing light bulbs be stopped.
111 to defend the posting to this list saying that we are all use light
bulbs and therefore the posts **are** relevant to this mail list.
306 to debate which method of changing light bulbs is superior, where to buy
the best light bulbs, what brand of light bulbs work best for this
technique, and what brands are faulty.
27 to post URLs where one can see examples of different light bulbs
14 to post that the URLs were posted incorrectly, and to post corrected
3 to post about links they found from the URLs that are relevant to this
list which makes light bulbs relevant to this list.
33 to concatenate all posts to date, then quote them including all headers
and footers, and then add "Me Too."
12 to post to the list that they are unsubscribing because they cannot
handle the light bulb controversy.
19 to quote the "Me Too's" to say, "Me Three."
4 to suggest that posters request the light bulb FAQ.
1 to propose new alt.change.lite.bulb newsgroup.
47 to say this is just what alt.physic.cold_fusion was meant for, leave it
143 votes for alt.lite.bulb.
(sorry about the size of this but I thought it would be aprapos, and it's
S true) LOL

David P. Greenberg
Bitco Electronics
"In Service to the Recording Industry"
**Rock on with glowing glass**
-Original Message-
Date: Friday, November 19, 1999 7:09 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Totally useless fact (OS)

yes it is, BUT 2 is an even digit and I think the point was that 11-19-1999
will be the last calander date with all odd digits.

This person probably also realizes that today is the first day of the rest
the week :) *chuckle* jk

On Fri, 19 Nov 1999, you wrote:
 From: Ronald A. Yacketta

 what about 1/9/2001?
 is that not odd a nod number? 1 is odd, 9 is nod and oh yeah 2001 is a
 number ;-P

 bluebottle [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 11/19/99 11:55:40 AM

 Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 cc:(bcc: Ronald A. Yacketta/958157/EKC)
 Subject:  [newbie] Totally useless fact (OS)

 Today - Friday, 19/11/1999 -  will be the last day that has all odd
 in it's date until 1/1/3111. That's right, you will have seen the last
 digit day" in your lifetime, and for approximately 37 generations to
PadLocke the Ogre
There are three types of people in this world...
those who can count, and those who can't!

Re: [newbie] Removal from lists

1999-01-16 Thread David P. Greenberg

OK, but you should know that you'll never be able to get back on. If you
really want off you need to stand on one leg, during a full moon in any
month that ends in "J" , and chant "Cry baby, Cry" 13 Times.
David P. Greenberg
Bitco Electronics
"In Service to the Recording Industry"
**Rock on with glowing glass**
-Original Message-
From: Mike J. Kesow [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thursday, November 18, 1999 5:40 PM
Subject: [newbie] Removal from lists