[newbie-it] problemi con il mount

2000-10-13 Per discussione Silvano Pisoni

dopo aver smanettato il mio sistema operativo da root (Mandrake 7.0))
all'avvio mi si presenta un errore sul mount dei cd rom,infatti
non fa piu il mount automatico e scrive una cosa del tipo:
"Executing: /bin/mount -t msdos -o exec,nodev,nosuid,rw,conv=auto 
mount: wrong fs type ,bad option,bad superblck,on /dev/hdb6,
or too many mounted file system
(aren't you trying to mount an extended partition, instead of some
logical partition inside?)
...Executing /bin/mount -o remount  exec,dev,suid,rw /dev/cdrom2

...Executing /bin/mount -t auto -o exec,dev,suid,rw /dev/cdrom3 /mnt/cdrom
mount block device /dev/cdrom is write protected, mounting read only
mount:no medium found
il cd rom3 è un masterizzatore.
A proposito sapete come cambiare i caratteri di scrittura di netscape

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R: [newbie-it] non funziona la rete....

2000-10-13 Per discussione gg

- Original Message -
From: Fabio Coatti [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: linux forum [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2000 8:23 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] non funziona la rete

On Mon, Oct 09, 2000 at 04:45:20PM +0200, gg wrote:
 Ho installato Linux per la prima volta usando Mandrake 7.1. Tutto bene
fino alla gestione della rete.
 La scheda, realtek 80139, è stata riconosciuta subito, ma il ping funziona
solo per l'IP del mio pC ( e sul loopback.
 Ifconfig su eth0 mi dice che "la risorsa è temporaneamente non
disponibile" e se lo metto in UP non trova la scheda.Da win98 o NT funziona
tutto perfettamente anche su WAN; continuando a fare prove poi riesco solo a
perdere completamente la scheda, come se non fosse più nemmeno installata
 a proposito come faccio per "recuperarla" a quel punto ?)

Qualcuno può dirmi dove sbaglio?

Grazie anticipatamente

Sei sicuro che il modulo della scheda di rete sia caricato? Prova a lanciare
da da root lsmod e mandami il risultato...

Fabio Coatti

ecco cosa rileva il comando lsmod

[root@beppe /root]# lsmod
Module  Size  Used by
soundcore   3748   0  (autoclean) (unused)
vmnet  16160   3
vmppuser5520   0  (unused)
parport_pc  7788   0  [vmppuser]
parport 8284   0  [vmppuser parport_pc]
vmmon  17664   0  (unused)
usb-uhci   26660   0  (unused)
autofs  9604   1  (autoclean)
irda   84289   1
ppp21292   0  (autoclean) (unused)
slhc4572   0  (autoclean) [ppp]
nls_iso8859-1   2276   1  (autoclean)
nls_cp437   3784   1  (autoclean)
vfat   11164   1  (autoclean)
fat32864   1  (autoclean) [vfat]
keybdev 1832   0  (unused)
usbkbd  2292   0  (unused)
input   2880   0  [keybdev usbkbd]
usb-storage10120   0  (unused)
usbcore27236   0  [usb-uhci usbkbd usb-storage]
supermount 15112   2  (autoclean)
[root@beppe /root]# ifconfig
loLink encap:Local Loopback
  inet addr:  Mask:
  RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:0

vmnet1Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:50:56:01:00:00
  inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
  RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:37 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:100

[root@beppe /root]# ifconfig eth0 up
eth0: unknown interface: Dispositivo inesistente

ma cosa è vmnet1? prima dei miei pasticci avevo eth0, ma non so come posso
averla disabilitata


[newbie-it] scanner

2000-10-13 Per discussione Silvano Pisoni

ho comprato uno scanner hp3400C
come faccio a configurarlo??
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Re: [newbie-it] telnet linux e controlllo remoto....

2000-10-13 Per discussione Fabio Coatti

On Fri, Oct 13, 2000 at 09:27:34AM +0200, marco signoretto wrote:
 ho letto su una rivista che è possibilie connettersi a linux da remoto
 utilizzando telnet da una macchina che monta un qualsiasi sistema operativo.
 provando da win 2000 a eseguire "telnet indirizzoIp" tuttavia, il comp risponde
 "connessione rifiutata" (invece di richiedermi la passwd come avrebbe dovuto
 secondo la rivista). è veramente possibile fare una cosa del genere? se si,
 come? bisogna attivare qualche demone sulla macchina linux?

In effetti il demone deve essere attivo, nel tuo caso l'inetd. Ma credo
che non sia questo il problema. Più probabilmente il tcpwrapper blocca il
tentativo di connessione (tcpwrapper è una sorta di "controller" per
impedire la connessione a macchine esterne). La cosa migliore è che tu
controlli i logs, con un 
tail -f /var/log/messages
less /var/log/messages

se usi la linea di comando, oppure con un qualsiasi viewer/editor sotto

semplicemente tenta la connessione, poi leggi immediatamente cosa vedi
sul log. Magari il demone non è nemmeno installato..

Fabio Coatti

Re: [newbie-it] problemi con il mount

2000-10-13 Per discussione Fabio Coatti

On Fri, Oct 13, 2000 at 09:23:52AM +, Silvano Pisoni wrote:

 ...Executing /bin/mount -t auto -o exec,dev,suid,rw /dev/cdrom3 /mnt/cdrom
 mount block device /dev/cdrom is write protected, mounting read only
 mount:no medium found
 il cd rom3 è un masterizzatore.

Beh, per il primo problema le cause possono essere diverse, ma per questo
il "problema" è chiaro: all'atto del mounting un masterizzatore è visto
esattamente come un cdrom; sono solo apposito programmi (vedi cdrecord)
che scrivono e quindi lo trattano come masterizzatore.

Fabio Coatti

Re: [newbie-it] telnet linux e controlllo remoto....

2000-10-13 Per discussione Fabio Coatti

On Fri, Oct 13, 2000 at 04:11:41PM +0200, Gino Pelliccia - TMC Software wrote:
 Altrimenti prova con Hyperterminal..usando il TCP/ip come dispositivo
 Dai invio e sei al login di linux

Non ci siamo capiti... se è linux a non concedere la connessione, puoi
provare con qualsiasi cosa, ma non entri comunque :-)

Fabio Coatti

Re: [newbie-it] telnet linux e controlllo remoto....

2000-10-13 Per discussione Franco Vite

[Fri, Oct 13, 2000 at 09:27:34AM +0200] - marco scrive:
 ho letto su una rivista che è possibilie connettersi a linux da remoto
 utilizzando telnet da una macchina che monta un qualsiasi sistema operativo.
 provando da win 2000 a eseguire "telnet indirizzoIp" tuttavia, il comp risponde
 "connessione rifiutata" (invece di richiedermi la passwd come avrebbe dovuto
 secondo la rivista). è veramente possibile fare una cosa del genere? se si,
 come? bisogna attivare qualche demone sulla macchina linux?

Mi permetto di darti un consiglio:
invece di usare telnet, che trasferisce le paswd in chiaro, prova a vedere
se per w2k esiste un client ssh.
Ssh, che per linux e' pure free (gpl), critta le paswd, in modo tale che
nessun "malitenzionato" te le sniffi e faccia il "cattivo" sulla tua


Tutte le distro hanno ormai i binari per il server (che nel tuo caso
servirebbe), per il client e pure altre cose carine.

Franco aka caparossa
[god@heaven src]# tar -xvfz ~/universe-2.2.13.tar.gz
[god@heaven src]# make config
[god@heaven src]# make dep; make clean; make zlilo;
[god@heaven src]# sync; sync; sync; reboot
kernel panic

Re: [newbie-it] telnet linux e controlllo remoto....

2000-10-13 Per discussione Fabio Coatti

On Fri, Oct 13, 2000 at 05:08:05PM +0200, Franco Vite wrote:
 [Fri, Oct 13, 2000 at 09:27:34AM +0200] - marco scrive:
  ho letto su una rivista che è possibilie connettersi a linux da remoto
  utilizzando telnet da una macchina che monta un qualsiasi sistema operativo.
  provando da win 2000 a eseguire "telnet indirizzoIp" tuttavia, il comp risponde
  "connessione rifiutata" (invece di richiedermi la passwd come avrebbe dovuto
  secondo la rivista). è veramente possibile fare una cosa del genere? se si,
  come? bisogna attivare qualche demone sulla macchina linux?
 Mi permetto di darti un consiglio:
 invece di usare telnet, che trasferisce le paswd in chiaro, prova a vedere
 se per w2k esiste un client ssh.
 Ssh, che per linux e' pure free (gpl), critta le paswd, in modo tale che
 nessun "malitenzionato" te le sniffi e faccia il "cattivo" sulla tua


credo ci sia anche su ftp://ftp.ferrara.linux.it

Non so se ci siano versioni diverse per w2k w98 NT ecc...

Appena lo trovo posto l'url del main site...

Fabio Coatti   http://www.ferrara.linux.it/members/cova 
Ferrara Linux Users Group   http://ferrara.linux.it
GnuPG fp:9765 A5B6 6843 17BC A646  BE8C FA56 373A 5374 C703
Old SysOps never die... they simply forget their password.

[newbie-it] FTP

2000-10-13 Per discussione marco

ho installato mandrake 7.1 workstation su un P133 32MRam MB VX
ed ho la necessità di utilizzare il server ftp.
Il problema è che non trovo il file in.ftpt. Temo non sia stato installato.
Come posso fare per ovviare all'inconveniente?
Premetto che drakeconf afferma che il pacchetto ftp è installato.
Sono comunque certo che il summenzionato file non c'è.
cordiali saluti

Re: [newbie-it] problemi con il mount

2000-10-13 Per discussione Casa

Il ven, 13 ott 2000, hai scritto:

 A proposito sapete come cambiare i caratteri di scrittura di netscape
Editi il file ~/.Xdefault e ci scrivi dentro:


Al posto di -jmk-neep-medium-r-normal-*-20-*-*-*-c-*-iso8859-1 metti il tipo di
carattere che preferisci (i font li trovi in /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts ).

Ciao, Nicola.

Re: [newbie-it] telnet linux e controlllo remoto....

2000-10-13 Per discussione Casa

Il ven, 13 ott 2000, hai scritto:
 [Fri, Oct 13, 2000 at 09:27:34AM +0200] - marco scrive:
  ho letto su una rivista che è possibilie connettersi a linux da remoto
  utilizzando telnet da una macchina che monta un qualsiasi sistema operativo.
  provando da win 2000 a eseguire "telnet indirizzoIp" tuttavia, il comp risponde
  "connessione rifiutata" (invece di richiedermi la passwd come avrebbe dovuto
  secondo la rivista). è veramente possibile fare una cosa del genere? se si,
  come? bisogna attivare qualche demone sulla macchina linux?
 Mi permetto di darti un consiglio:
 invece di usare telnet, che trasferisce le paswd in chiaro, prova a vedere
 se per w2k esiste un client ssh.
 Ssh, che per linux e' pure free (gpl), critta le paswd, in modo tale che
 nessun "malitenzionato" te le sniffi e faccia il "cattivo" sulla tua

Sono ignorante perche' non ho mai visto win2000cacche ma se assomiglia ad NT la
colpa e' sua e non di linux (con NT bisogna cambiare una cosa sul registro di
configurazione). Scusate se ho detto cazz

Ciao, Nicola.

[newbie-it] ISDN: hardware. Dov'è la mia scheda?

2000-10-13 Per discussione Luca Martinazzi

Non riesco a dire al mio computer che la scheda 
ISDN (su PCI, è una Winbond passiva) esiste e deve andare su un ttsyI*. 
L'HARDRAKE non me la rileva, ma riesco a trovarla tra le periferiche sotto il 
nome di "network controller" con un altro programma.
Qualche idea? Qualche programma da 
Per il resto la configurazione per connettermi 
sembra andare bene.


[newbie-it] Problemi post-formattazione

2000-10-13 Per discussione Lookdown

Salve a tutti.Ho istallato Mandrake sul mio 
secondo HD, solo che essendo del tutto newbiedi Linux temo di aver fatto un 
po' di casino.. o meglio: ho 2 hd, uno con windows e uno con linux, e 
andava tutto benefinché non ho dovuto (ahimé) formattare l'hd con windows 
(un consigliospassionato: SE LE AVETE TOGLIETE LE NORTON UTILITIES, 
ndr...).Ho reistallato windows e va tutto bene, ma se scelgo da boot di 
partire conlinux mi chiede, nella schermata tipo DOS (quella col pinguino) 
una passwordche prima non mi chiedeva; ho provato a immettere la password 
per la rootche cmq mi aveva sempre chiesto (ma molto + avanti!), ma non la 
accetta...Che posso fare?C'erano forse dei file di linux anche 
sell'altro hd che sono andati persidurante la formattazione? E se sì, posso 
recuperarli?O cmq, come faccio a reistallare Linux, dato che da windows l'hd 
con sopralinux non me lo vede nemmeno?Vi prego di rispondermi nella 
maniera + semplice possibile, sono veramenteinesperto di 

Re: [newbie-it] Installare Linux.

2000-10-13 Per discussione paolo

Vorrei tenere il boot di win2k e inserire nella lista dei SO Linux..

Esiste un Linux+NT 
howto   http://www.linuxdoc.org/HOWTO/mini/Linux+NT-Loader-6.html

Re: [newbie-it] ISDN: hardware. Dov'è la mia scheda?

2000-10-13 Per discussione paolo

At 01:59 AM 10/14/2000 +0200, you wrote:
Non riesco a dire al mio computer che la scheda ISDN (su PCI, è una 
Winbond passiva) esiste e deve andare su un ttsyI*. L'HARDRAKE non me la 
rileva, ma riesco a trovarla tra le periferiche sotto il nome di "network 
controller" con un altro programma.
Qualche idea? Qualche programma da utilizzare?
Per il resto la configurazione per connettermi sembra andare bene.

Perche' hai la necessita' di farla andare su una tty*

Re: [newbie] OOPS: Help a dumbie please

2000-10-13 Per discussione Michael Alberts

alright, well, I was cooking just fine until i screwed
something up and now it seems that the password has
been changed for 'root'. Is there any way of changing
or correcting the root password IF you don't know what
it is to begin with? Currently, I can only access
'single' init. The X system won't start for some

--- Michael [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 If ya have any questions about what certain services
 are just
 ask. Generally a home machine will want about a
 dozen things running but
 you should try doing a port scan on your machine to
 make sure you don't
 have a lot of weird ports open. Using tcp wrappers
 is at least as
 important as shutting down unused services. Also
 most of the worst danger
 services are in inetd so edit those out.
 If you screw your Linux box you can always (usually,
 unless you go totally
 psycho w/ security) use 'single' as an argument to
 lilo or grub and it'll
 put you into 'save your ass' mode even if you can't
 do a normal login.
 Have the courage to take your own thoughts
 seriously, for they will shape
 you. -- Albert Einstein

[newbie] sb live! sound cards

2000-10-13 Per discussione chronos

This is chronos,
System specs are as follows- gateway 20 gig drive partitioned 10 win98 se 
and 10 linux mandrake 7.0 128 ram  pentium 3 500 and sb live sound card and 
svga video card.
So, how in the world do i get the sb card to work with my linux system ? 
Tried drakx and sndconf and also installing the compatible driver into 
linux as well and still no luck. Suggustions ? Should I try another card 
and if so which one ? Also I have a sneaking suspicion that gateway 
preconfigures everything to run solely in windows. Is this correct ? Thanx, 

[newbie] one problem sorted just makes room for another

2000-10-13 Per discussione Fraser Kendall

Servers sorted.  This message comes to you from kppp.

LineOne (0845 0345 UK numbers) support linux-mandrake, at least (www.lineone.net)

Can anyone help me to configure my sound card?


Re: [newbie] one problem sorted just makes room for another

2000-10-13 Per discussione Paul

 Servers sorted.  This message comes to you from kppp.
 LineOne (0845 0345 UK numbers) support linux-mandrake, at least (www.lineone.net)
 Can anyone help me to configure my sound card?

Yes. Probably someone can.

(This is a microsoft like answer to your microsoft like question..
Make and model of the soundcard would be convenient to

[newbie] Video AND Sound

2000-10-13 Per discussione Kevin A Sadler

Well, can anyone help out a real new newbie. L-M 
7.0 went in over L-M 6.0 OK but I cannot get EITHER video or sound accepted. 
Could not in 6.0 either and hoped 7.0 would improve things. Shortly my foot will 
solve the problem because I have spent three weeks just getting L-M into the 
computer. Now I am stuck with TEXT mode and I HATE TEXT MODE.
I have gone through virtually every combination 
of monitor/card, synchronisation and refresh rates one can find. Can someone 
just start me in the right direction PLEASE.
Kev S, down under.

Re: [newbie] Mandrake supportI

2000-10-13 Per discussione Rod Baxter

Now we all know that all software has bugs. So what differentiates between
suppliers is not the interface but the support!
From my experience (and others it would seem) mandrake don't provide it even
though they advertise that they do. Its a great pity really. Mandrake have a
nice configuration and tools, but without support they will never do any
good. In my business (SI) I would never recommend them, because support is
the number one difference between Linux verities.
I won't use or recommend Mandrake for any of my customers.
I also emailed Mandrake directly on their advertised line for comments and I
still haven't heard from them. They don't seem to be after the commercial
market at all, in fact they don't seem to be interested in anything else
except selling product.


- Original Message -
From: "KompuKit" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 13, 2000 11:48 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Mandrake supportI

 I totally agreehey Mandrake...whats up with this?
 This isn't good for Mandrake...and I care about this
 distribution alot...
 I've even gone as far as setting up a message board on my
 to help with questions...(link in my signature below)

 maynord wrote:
  In the U.S., support for Mandrake is supposed to come from the
distributor -
  Macmillan.  After purchasing the Deluxe version of Mandrake 7.1, I went
  the process of getting the Macmillan support ID number, etc.  Never
heard from
  them at all.  I also noticed a phone number available for a very limited
  of hours -- but the printout says there is no support offered by phone.
  My installation problem turned out to be a common one, experienced by
  users.  It was legitimate, but not difficult for someone familiar with
  specifics of verision 7.1.
  Why don't they simply set up an installation troubleshooting web site,
  of a registration process they cannot adequately respond to?
  On Thu, 12 Oct 2000, you wrote:
   I had a problem installing 7.1 and as I had bough a package which came
   support I emailed mandrake about the problem. I have not had a
response from
   them and its now been four days. Has anyone out there had any
experience of
   their support? I think four days is much too long.
   Incidentally, I finally got around the problem, but I would still like
   hear from Mandrake.

  Registered Linux User:167369
 Kit Goins   ICQ# 7110071
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] Lowell, Mass.
 Web Designerhttp://kitdesigns.bizhosting.com
 WebServer:  http://kompukit.dyndns.org
 (Server Runs between M - F 6pm-12am, S  S 12pm-12am EST)

Re: [[newbie] Video AND Sound]

2000-10-13 Per discussione Brent Hawkins

Please elaborate on the type of card and monitor and specs.  Also, what do you
have for Horiz and Vert freq settings?  Check this in /etc/X11/XF86Config
under monitor section.


"Kevin A Sadler" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   MIME Type: multipart/alternative 
 Well, can anyone help out a real new newbie. L-M 7.0 went in over L-M 6.0 OK
but I cannot get EITHER video or sound accepted. Could not in 6.0 either and
hoped 7.0 would improve things. Shortly my foot will solve the problem because
I have spent three weeks just getting L-M into the computer. Now I am stuck
with TEXT mode and I HATE TEXT MODE.
 I have gone through virtually every combination of monitor/card,
synchronisation and refresh rates one can find. Can someone just start me in
the right direction PLEASE.
 Kev S, down under.

Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at 

[newbie] Laptop driver support

2000-10-13 Per discussione Matt Sim

I have just installed Mandrake on my laptop and I am having a few problems.
I did a standard install and I do not think there is support for my sound
card or modem.

Dell Latitude LS
Modem = LT Win Modem
Sound Card = NeoMagic MagicMedia 256 Audio

Do I stand a chance of getting these to work?

Becuase this Laptop has no Serial port I have a USB to serial convertor made
by entrega.  Would any body have a clue how this would work.  Also DHCP does
not work.

Matt Sim

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[newbie] OOPS Maybe a better safer way

2000-10-13 Per discussione ai4a

After thoughts on my problem when I stopped too many daemons.
I am using Mandrake 7.0 here. This is the only linux I have ever seen so
all comments are about this distro.
Maybe a better  safer way to stop daemons would be:
During boot press 'I' to enter interactive mode.
Any daemon that I wish to stop just answer 'NO' when the system asks if
I wish to start it.
If everything works OK then wonderful.
If the system fails, just reboot.
After I determine which daemons I can do without, then I can use
DrakeConf to stop them.
Thanks to all who helped me. This is a wonderful way to share knowledge.
I hope one day to be able to contribute.
Have a nice day

Re: [newbie] Re: FW: How can I install LM 7.0 to laptop?

2000-10-13 Per discussione Mark Weaver


Since you're installing Mandrake and your machine only has 700MB of total
space you won't have sufficient space for a dual boot machine. In fact,
you may find it a bit tight squeezing Mandrake on there. However, a
workstation install should fit.

To install with an older CDROM shouldn't be too hard. If you've got an
Micro$oft CDROM setup disk lying around that will work wonderfully. If you
don't just email me and I'll zip you one up and send it to you. That will
allow you to boot your machine with the floppy and hopefuly load the CDROM
drivers to get the whole process started.

If that doesn't work you make have to make a boot floppy with the CDROM
boot.img and try booting with that. Those iamges should be on the Mandrake
installation CD's.


/*  I never worry about the to-jams.
 *  Once I've stuck my foot in my mouth
 *  it's already too late...just make sure
 *  you chew them thoroughly before swallowing!
Registered Linux user #182496
 *   Pine 4.21   *

On Tue, 10 Oct 2000 7:54pm ,Carlton Dodd spake passionately in a message:

  (Second sending, Hoping to catch someone's attention who's done this)
 Anyone have any work-arounds to install LM 7.0 on a laptop?
 I have an old Texas Instruments P75 laptop with 40MB RAM and a 700MB HDD.
 I have two questions:
 1. Is this laptop sufficient for running Linux?  With a GUI?
  I will devote the system completely to Linux if I need to, but I'd  love
 to be able to run a dual-boot if there's enough space so I can learn that
 as well.
 2. How do I actually install from the CD?  
 Unfortunately, I cannot simply boot from the CD like you can on newer
 machines.  The install instructions say to just make a boot floppy and
 then install from the CD, but my laptop only allows me to install one
 drive (CD or Floppy) at a time.  And I have to shut off the machine in
 between.   Can I make a floppy that will install enough so I can shut
 down, swap to the CD drive, and go from there?
 Thanks for any help you can give,
 Juno now offers FREE Internet Access!
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Re: [newbie] Laptop driver support

2000-10-13 Per discussione Mark Weaver

little or no chance for the modem. As for the sound card...well let's say
that this is likely going to be an adventure where you will learn many new
searching skills. Have you checked the HCL at the Mandrake site yet to see
if your sound card is supported? Linux doesn't always pickup the hardware
that exists on the machine.


/*  I never worry about the to-jams.
 *  Once I've stuck my foot in my mouth
 *  it's already too late...just make sure
 *  you chew them thoroughly before swallowing!
Registered Linux user #182496
 *   Pine 4.21   *

On Fri, 13 Oct 2000 10:30am ,Matt Sim spake passionately in a message:

 I have just installed Mandrake on my laptop and I am having a few problems.
 I did a standard install and I do not think there is support for my sound
 card or modem.
 Dell Latitude LS
 Modem = LT Win Modem
 Sound Card = NeoMagic MagicMedia 256 Audio
 Do I stand a chance of getting these to work?
 Becuase this Laptop has no Serial port I have a USB to serial convertor made
 by entrega.  Would any body have a clue how this would work.  Also DHCP does
 not work.
 Matt Sim
 This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and
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 the system manager.
 This footnote also confirms that this email message has been swept by
 MIMEsweeper for the presence of computer viruses.

Re: [newbie] Mandrake supportI

2000-10-13 Per discussione Mark Weaver


Welcome...and there are LOTS of such sites. I will list a few URL's that
you can visit and I'm sure when you've gone to these sites others will
present themselves to you.

http://www.linux.com"An excellant resource for checking Hardware
 and finding answers to questions."

http://www.kernel-panic.org/newusers/   "This one is geared a little
 more towards dablers and
 tinkerers but will suit well too
 for the newbie"

God Bless,


/*  I never worry about the to-jams.
 *  Once I've stuck my foot in my mouth
 *  it's already too late...just make sure
 *  you chew them thoroughly before swallowing!
Registered Linux user #182496
 *   Pine 4.21   *

On Thu, 12 Oct 2000 8:33pm ,maynord spake passionately in a message:

 In the U.S., support for Mandrake is supposed to come from the distributor -
 Macmillan.  After purchasing the Deluxe version of Mandrake 7.1, I went through
 the process of getting the Macmillan support ID number, etc.  Never heard from
 them at all.  I also noticed a phone number available for a very limited number
 of hours -- but the printout says there is no support offered by phone.  
 My installation problem turned out to be a common one, experienced by other
 users.  It was legitimate, but not difficult for someone familiar with the
 specifics of verision 7.1.  
 Why don't they simply set up an installation troubleshooting web site, instead
 of a registration process they cannot adequately respond to?
 On Thu, 12 Oct 2000, you wrote:
  I had a problem installing 7.1 and as I had bough a package which came with
  support I emailed mandrake about the problem. I have not had a response from
  them and its now been four days. Has anyone out there had any experience of
  their support? I think four days is much too long.
  Incidentally, I finally got around the problem, but I would still like to
  hear from Mandrake.

Re: [newbie] Mandrake supportI

2000-10-13 Per discussione Mark Weaver

There is so much incredible, wonderful documentation on the web to support
Linux that you can't possibly ever read it all. On the Mandrake site
itself there are links to some of these great sites. Lift your eyes just a
wee bit above the level of frustration and you will see a treasure trove
of support and documentation. Personally, I've not known another distro to
offer so much support for such a product that mostly free. Even when you
do buy a package you're paying far less than you ever would from
Microsoft. And we've all heard those tech support horror stories.


/*  I never worry about the to-jams.
 *  Once I've stuck my foot in my mouth
 *  it's already too late...just make sure
 *  you chew them thoroughly before swallowing!
Registered Linux user #182496
 *   Pine 4.21   *

On Thu, 12 Oct 2000 9:48pm ,KompuKit spake passionately in a message:

 I totally agreehey Mandrake...whats up with this?
 This isn't good for Mandrake...and I care about this 
 distribution alot...
 I've even gone as far as setting up a message board on my
 to help with questions...(link in my signature below)
 maynord wrote:
  In the U.S., support for Mandrake is supposed to come from the distributor -
  Macmillan.  After purchasing the Deluxe version of Mandrake 7.1, I went through
  the process of getting the Macmillan support ID number, etc.  Never heard from
  them at all.  I also noticed a phone number available for a very limited number
  of hours -- but the printout says there is no support offered by phone.
  My installation problem turned out to be a common one, experienced by other
  users.  It was legitimate, but not difficult for someone familiar with the
  specifics of verision 7.1.
  Why don't they simply set up an installation troubleshooting web site, instead
  of a registration process they cannot adequately respond to?
  On Thu, 12 Oct 2000, you wrote:
   I had a problem installing 7.1 and as I had bough a package which came with
   support I emailed mandrake about the problem. I have not had a response from
   them and its now been four days. Has anyone out there had any experience of
   their support? I think four days is much too long.
   Incidentally, I finally got around the problem, but I would still like to
   hear from Mandrake.

Re: [newbie] OOPS: Help a dumbie please

2000-10-13 Per discussione ai4a

Michael Alberts wrote:
 alright, well, I was cooking just fine until i screwed
 something up and now it seems that the password has
 been changed for 'root'. Is there any way of changing
 or correcting the root password IF you don't know what
 it is to begin with? Currently, I can only access
 'single' init. The X system won't start for some
 --- Michael [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  If ya have any questions about what certain services
  are just
  ask. Generally a home machine will want about a
  dozen things running but
  you should try doing a port scan on your machine to
  make sure you don't
  have a lot of weird ports open. Using tcp wrappers
  is at least as
  important as shutting down unused services. Also
  most of the worst danger
  services are in inetd so edit those out.
  If you screw your Linux box you can always (usually,
  unless you go totally
  psycho w/ security) use 'single' as an argument to
  lilo or grub and it'll
  put you into 'save your ass' mode even if you can't
  do a normal login.
  Have the courage to take your own thoughts
  seriously, for they will shape
  you. -- Albert Einstein

Scott I run Mandrake 7.0  LILO. Here is the way I can change the root
password if I forget it.
At the LILO prompt type 'linux 1'. No quotes of course.
this will boot into a single mode with no need to logon (no need for a
At the prompt type 'passwd' and press enter.
Enter a passwod.
Enter the password again.
Now reboot and use the new password.
Just use ALT+CTRL+DEL to reboot.

Hope this helps. Have a nice day.

Re: Re: [[newbie] wp8]

2000-10-13 Per discussione Renaud OLGIATI

On Fri, 13 Oct 2000, Paul wrote:
 I went to www.download.com, found the Linux section and searched for
 'wordperfect'. And there it was.


The moving cursor writes, and having written, blinks on.
  ---  http://personales.conexion.com.py/~rolgiati  ---

Re: [newbie] Mandrake supportI

2000-10-13 Per discussione Joel B

Get this... I properly registered my mandrake 7.1 and sent mandrake a
support email yesterday and just got a reply today.  Great turn around time!

--Original Message--
From: Mark Weaver [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: October 13, 2000 10:55:07 AM GMT
Subject: Re: [newbie] Mandrake supportI

There is so much incredible, wonderful documentation on the web to support
Linux that you can't possibly ever read it all. On the Mandrake site
itself there are links to some of these great sites. Lift your eyes just a
wee bit above the level of frustration and you will see a treasure trove
of support and documentation. Personally, I've not known another distro to
offer so much support for such a product that mostly free. Even when you
do buy a package you're paying far less than you ever would from
Microsoft. And we've all heard those tech support horror stories.


/*  I never worry about the to-jams.
*   Once I've stuck my foot in my mouth
*   it's already too late...just make sure
*   you chew them thoroughly before swallowing!
Registered Linux user #182496
*   Pine 4.21   *

On Thu, 12 Oct 2000 9:48pm ,KompuKit spake passionately in a message:

 I totally agreehey Mandrake...whats up with this?
 This isn't good for Mandrake...and I care about this
 distribution alot...
 I've even gone as far as setting up a message board on my
 to help with questions...(link in my signature below)

 maynord wrote:
  In the U.S., support for Mandrake is supposed to come from the
distributor -
  Macmillan.  After purchasing the Deluxe version of Mandrake 7.1, I went
  the process of getting the Macmillan support ID number, etc.  Never
heard from
  them at all.  I also noticed a phone number available for a very limited
  of hours -- but the printout says there is no support offered by phone.
  My installation problem turned out to be a common one, experienced by
  users.  It was legitimate, but not difficult for someone familiar with
  specifics of verision 7.1.
  Why don't they simply set up an installation troubleshooting web site,
  of a registration process they cannot adequately respond to?
  On Thu, 12 Oct 2000, you wrote:
   I had a problem installing 7.1 and as I had bough a package which came
   support I emailed mandrake about the problem. I have not had a
response from
   them and its now been four days. Has anyone out there had any
experience of
   their support? I think four days is much too long.
   Incidentally, I finally got around the problem, but I would still like
   hear from Mandrake.

FREE Personalized Email at Mail.com
Sign up at http://www.mail.com/?sr=signup

Re: [newbie] Program to check usage of mail box

2000-10-13 Per discussione Mark Weaver

Micro-management sucks.


/*  I never worry about the to-jams.
 *  Once I've stuck my foot in my mouth
 *  it's already too late...just make sure
 *  you chew them thoroughly before swallowing!
Registered Linux user #182496
 *   Pine 4.21   *

On Tue, 10 Oct 2000 3:27pm ,Vinay Kudithipudi spake passionately in a message:

 Hello Newbies,
   I  was  wondering if there is a command in linux to see the mail
   usage of the users mail box (i.e no of messages and size of mail
   box)  or  if there is a script which I can put in my cron job to
   run at regular intervals. I am using Mandrake 7.1. Thank you.

Re: [newbie] Mandrake support

2000-10-13 Per discussione Jeff Malka

I had pretty poor "support" from Mandrake.  What replies I got were either
cryptic or were obviously canned messages.  One time they told me my problem
with installing grub was a "bug".  When I asked what the bug was I never got
an answer.  Obviously a brush-off because I solved the problem and it was no

Registered Linux user  183185

- Original Message -
From: Bob Abbott [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2000 7:53 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Mandrake support

 - Original Message -
 From: "Rod Baxter" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2000 5:22 AM
 Subject: [newbie] Mandrake support

  I had a problem installing 7.1 and as I had bough a package which came
  support I emailed mandrake about the problem. I have not had a response
  them and its now been four days. Has anyone out there had any experience
  their support? I think four days is much too long.
  Incidentally, I finally got around the problem, but I would still like
  hear from Mandrake.
 I also have been having problems with support form Mandrake.  I have never
 really gotten a response from them.  Even after several e-mails.

 Robert C. Abbott
 Montana, The Big Sky Country

Re: [newbie] Newbie: Windows Opera3 bookmarks to Linux Netscape

2000-10-13 Per discussione Larry Marshall

 Make sure you do not try to install an i686 (pentium II) on an i586
 (pentium) machine. Or a i586 on a 486 machine.
 Alpha and PPC are not for intel platforms either.

In the case of Opera there is only one RPM file (type?) and trying to open
it reports the error described.  I'm beginning to wonder whether they're
not using a newer version of rpm.  My understanding is that v4.0 is out
and about now.

Cheers --- Larry

Re: [newbie] Video AND Sound

2000-10-13 Per discussione Larry Marshall

 Well, can anyone help out a real new newbie. L-M 7.0 went in over L-M 6.0 OK but I 
cannot get EITHER video or sound accepted. Could not in 6.0 either and hoped 7.0 
would improve things. Shortly my foot will solve the problem because I have spent 
three weeks just getting L-M into the computer. Now I am stuck with TEXT mode and I 
 I have gone through virtually every combination of monitor/card, synchronisation and 
refresh rates one can find. Can someone just start me in the right direction PLEASE.
 Kev S, down under.

I don't now how LM upgrade makes its decisions but if I were writing one,
I wouldn't change whatever video setup was there, thinking that it must
have been working or the guy wouldn't be doing an upgrade.  If you want
LM7.0 to so something about your video automatically, you might want to do
a clean install.  Beyond that, I can't advise as you haven't provided any
information about your system and claim to have tried everything.  That
pretty much closes the door on providing aid.

Cheers --- Larry

Re: [newbie] Mandrake supportI

2000-10-13 Per discussione Larry Marshall

 Now we all know that all software has bugs. So what differentiates between
 suppliers is not the interface but the support!

As this spools up into a beat up Mandrake support thread, you might be
interested to know that Mandrake has taken control over support from
Macmillan as they realized there were problems.  From what I got from the
thread here only a month or so ago, they will take steps to fix these

BTW, have you ever tried to get "support" from Microsoft on a Windoze

 I won't use or recommend Mandrake for any of my customers.

What do you recommend?

 I also emailed Mandrake directly on their advertised line for comments and I
 still haven't heard from them. They don't seem to be after the commercial
 market at all, in fact they don't seem to be interested in anything else
 except selling product.

You've got to be kidding.  You may not have received what you wanted (and
they've admitted problems) but nobody's gonna get rich selling operating
systems to the people who don't want to download it for free, especially
at the prices Linux is being sold for.  Open source is ALL about
service.  I suspect your problem is that you expect lots of it for $40 or
whatever you paid for Linux and that just isn't going to happen.

Cheers --- Larry

RE: [newbie] OOPS Maybe a better safer way

2000-10-13 Per discussione Dodd Carlton J MSgt 726 ACS/CSG

You just did...

Carlton J "Doc" Dodd, MSgt, USAF
Independent Duty Medical Technician
Superintendent, Commander's Staff
726th Air Control Squadron
(208) 828-3604   (DSN) 728-3604

 -Original Message-
From:   ai4a [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent:   Friday, October 13, 2000 4:14 AM
Subject:[newbie] OOPS  Maybe a better  safer way

After thoughts on my problem when I stopped too many daemons.
I am using Mandrake 7.0 here. This is the only linux I have ever seen so
all comments are about this distro.
Maybe a better  safer way to stop daemons would be:
During boot press 'I' to enter interactive mode.
Any daemon that I wish to stop just answer 'NO' when the system asks if
I wish to start it.
If everything works OK then wonderful.
If the system fails, just reboot.
After I determine which daemons I can do without, then I can use
DrakeConf to stop them.
Thanks to all who helped me. This is a wonderful way to share knowledge.
I hope one day to be able to contribute.
Have a nice day

RE: [newbie] Re: FW: How can I install LM 7.0 to laptop?

2000-10-13 Per discussione Dodd Carlton J MSgt 726 ACS/CSG

A... THERE's the problem!   This laptop has one drive bay.  That means I
can use the floppy drive OR the CD-ROM (so I can't boot from floppy and use
the CD).

Any way to write enough to the hard drive to allow a shut down and re-boot
so I can switch to CD?

Carlton J "Doc" Dodd, MSgt, USAF
Independent Duty Medical Technician
Superintendent, Commander's Staff
726th Air Control Squadron
(208) 828-3604   (DSN) 728-3604

 -Original Message-
From:   Mark Weaver [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent:   Friday, October 13, 2000 4:32 AM
Subject:Re: [newbie] Re: FW: How can I install LM 7.0 to laptop?


Since you're installing Mandrake and your machine only has 700MB of total
space you won't have sufficient space for a dual boot machine. In fact,
you may find it a bit tight squeezing Mandrake on there. However, a
workstation install should fit.

To install with an older CDROM shouldn't be too hard. If you've got an
Micro$oft CDROM setup disk lying around that will work wonderfully. If you
don't just email me and I'll zip you one up and send it to you. That will
allow you to boot your machine with the floppy and hopefuly load the CDROM
drivers to get the whole process started.

If that doesn't work you make have to make a boot floppy with the CDROM
boot.img and try booting with that. Those iamges should be on the Mandrake
installation CD's.


/*  I never worry about the to-jams.
 *  Once I've stuck my foot in my mouth
 *  it's already too late...just make sure
 *  you chew them thoroughly before swallowing!
Registered Linux user #182496
 *   Pine 4.21   *

On Tue, 10 Oct 2000 7:54pm ,Carlton Dodd spake passionately in a message:

  (Second sending, Hoping to catch someone's attention who's done this)
 Anyone have any work-arounds to install LM 7.0 on a laptop?
 I have an old Texas Instruments P75 laptop with 40MB RAM and a 700MB HDD.
 I have two questions:
 1. Is this laptop sufficient for running Linux?  With a GUI?
  I will devote the system completely to Linux if I need to, but I'd  love
 to be able to run a dual-boot if there's enough space so I can learn that
 as well.
 2. How do I actually install from the CD?  
 Unfortunately, I cannot simply boot from the CD like you can on newer
 machines.  The install instructions say to just make a boot floppy and
 then install from the CD, but my laptop only allows me to install one
 drive (CD or Floppy) at a time.  And I have to shut off the machine in
 between.   Can I make a floppy that will install enough so I can shut
 down, swap to the CD drive, and go from there?
 Thanks for any help you can give,
 Juno now offers FREE Internet Access!
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Re: [newbie] Re: FW: How can I install LM 7.0 to laptop?

2000-10-13 Per discussione Kevin . McCann

Newer machines have the CD second in the boot chain after the floppy.
Try just putting the CD in and reboot - RH and Mandrake CD's are
bootable. Worked for me.


[newbie] Upgrading Mandrake

2000-10-13 Per discussione Saravut Teepprasan

Can I upgrad my mandrake without rebooting from the CD I means upgrade from
7.0 to 7.1
or 7.1 to 7.2 from within 7.0

Re: [newbie] Mandrake supportI

2000-10-13 Per discussione Jeff Malka

 As this spools up into a beat up Mandrake support thread, you might be
 interested to know that Mandrake has taken control over support from
 Macmillan as they realized there were problems.  From what I got from the
 thread here only a month or so ago, they will take steps to fix these

That is great news. In the meanwhile thank God for this forum.

 BTW, have you ever tried to get "support" from Microsoft on a Windoze

Wait a minute.  This is Linux.  We are not trying to emulate MS!  :-))

Registered Linux user  183185

[newbie] HD.......

2000-10-13 Per discussione Robert Griffiths

Hi, recently when i've been browsing the internet i have noticed, 
particularly when scrolling on a webpage that my hard drive is working a bit 
harder than usual, just seems a bit noisier and working overtime, it's like 
it's just spinning faster when i scroll...i'm running AMD K6-2 450mhz, 
128meg Ram, 6.4 gig HD, dual booting win98/linux. If i haven't explained 
this properly please tell me, any help would be greatthanks in advance.

Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com.

Share information about yourself, create your own public profile at 

Re: [newbie] sb live! sound cards

2000-10-13 Per discussione chronos

To philomen-
Hi!- yes I have the driver but cant seem to get it installed correctly, I 
have it in my home directory and tried to follow the instructions but I 
must be seriously missing something. Do you have a better way and how did 
you or would you recommend I install the driver ? Otherwise any other 
suggestions ? Thank you, Chronos.
At 08:15 AM 10/13/2000 -0400, you wrote:
did you try downloading and installing the most recent emu10k1 driver ?
You can find it at www.opensource.creativelabs.com. That helps
chronos wrote-
  System specs are as follows- gateway 20 gig drive partitioned 10 win98 se
  and 10 linux mandrake 7.0 128 ram  pentium 3 500 and sb live sound card 
 and svga video card.

Re: [newbie] Alps Printer Installation problem

2000-10-13 Per discussione Barry Premeaux

"Bro. Lauren Ball" wrote:

 Hi All,

 Homemade AMD 350 processor, Mandrake Linux 7.1

 Alps has never heard of Linux and Mandrake seems not to have heard of Alps.

 My printer is an ALP MD 1000 dry image transfer printer.

 Does anyone know where I can get a driver.

 Has anyone decompiled and Windows based printer driver and rewritten it for
 Linux.  Is this possible?

 Are ther any other options.


The old Alps dot matrix had Epson equivalents.  You may find it referenced
in their manual or possibly on their web page.

Barry :-)

Registered Linux User #183879

[newbie] Re: 3c905c and adsl-start

2000-10-13 Per discussione M.

When I execute this command it times out.  Prior to this there was a
"\var\run]pppoe.pid file not found" message.

Can someone help me configure my machine for DSL surfing? 


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Get Yahoo! Mail - Free email you can access from anywhere!

Re: [newbie] security.sh in crontab

2000-10-13 Per discussione Adam

I think it's part of msec, it just checks for world writable files, changed
set-uid root files...basically anything that would tip you off that you've
had an intrusion onto your system.  I'm just a newbie though so I could be
wrong, but I set that cronjob to go off around 5am when i'm not awake, so it
doesn't matter either way.


- Original Message -
From: "John Hendrickx" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 13, 2000 2:17 PM
Subject: [newbie] security.sh in crontab

 I've noticed that my machine starts accessing the disks and slows to
 a crawl at 12:00 midnight. I've traced the problem to a line in my
 /etc/crontab file:

 # Mandrake-Security : if you remove this comment, remove the next
 line too.
 0 0 * * *root/etc/security/msec/cron-sh/security.sh

 My question is, what does this "security.sh" script do? It's a real
 pain in the ass, it effectively disables my computer for about 10
 minutes, but I'd like to know what it does first. It apparently
 searches my disks for certain files using "nice +19", which basically
 means "butt in and take over the whole machine". Can anyone tell me
 why this was installed in crontab, why it has to be so intrusive?

 Do You Yahoo!?
 Get Yahoo! Mail - Free email you can access from anywhere!

Re: [newbie] security.sh in crontab

2000-10-13 Per discussione Paul

It was Oct 13, 2000, 11:17, when John Hendrickx keyboarded:

# Mandrake-Security : if you remove this comment, remove the next
line too.
0 0 * * *root/etc/security/msec/cron-sh/security.sh

searches my disks for certain files using "nice +19", which basically
means "butt in and take over the whole machine". Can anyone tell me
why this was installed in crontab, why it has to be so intrusive?

The installer set this up. It is to ensure that things are safe in your
system. The level of security depends on the level of paranoia you set up
in your system.

If it bothers you that it runs at midnight, you can set it at a time when
you are sleeping, e.g. 4am.

As root do

crontab -e

and update the time to 0 4 * * * etc.

Of course, you can remove the entire bit and never be sure that the
security on your system is checked. It does save you a slow system for 10


If Jack Daniels makes your list of "Most Admired People."
...you might be a Redneck!

http://nlpagan.net - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
  -=PINE 4.21 on Linux Mandrake 7.1=-

Re: [newbie] one problem sorted just makes room for another

2000-10-13 Per discussione Ted Wager

On Thu, 12 Oct 2000, Fraser Kendall wrote:
 Servers sorted.  This message comes to you from kppp.
 LineOne (0845 0345 UK numbers) support linux-mandrake, at least (www.lineone.net)
 Can anyone help me to configure my sound card?

Try sndconfig in a terminal

Packetmail :- g3tpi@gb7wfs.#25.gbr.eu
  Mandrake Linux

Re: [newbie] security.sh in crontab

2000-10-13 Per discussione John Hendrickx

I've got anacron set too, so it would start the next day when I
restarted. I've just turned it off now. It might be useful but why
run at nice +19, it really gets in the way now. 
--- Adam [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I think it's part of msec, it just checks for world writable files,
 set-uid root files...basically anything that would tip you off that
 had an intrusion onto your system.  I'm just a newbie though so I
 could be
 wrong, but I set that cronjob to go off around 5am when i'm not
 awake, so it
 doesn't matter either way.
 - Original Message -
 From: "John Hendrickx" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, October 13, 2000 2:17 PM
 Subject: [newbie] security.sh in crontab
  I've noticed that my machine starts accessing the disks and slows
  a crawl at 12:00 midnight. I've traced the problem to a line in
  /etc/crontab file:
  # Mandrake-Security : if you remove this comment, remove the next
  line too.
  0 0 * * *root/etc/security/msec/cron-sh/security.sh
  My question is, what does this "security.sh" script do? It's a
  pain in the ass, it effectively disables my computer for about 10
  minutes, but I'd like to know what it does first. It apparently
  searches my disks for certain files using "nice +19", which
  means "butt in and take over the whole machine". Can anyone tell
  why this was installed in crontab, why it has to be so intrusive?
  Do You Yahoo!?
  Get Yahoo! Mail - Free email you can access from anywhere!

Do You Yahoo!?
Get Yahoo! Mail - Free email you can access from anywhere!

Re: [newbie] OOPS: Help a dumbie please

2000-10-13 Per discussione Michael Alberts

thanks, but its not working. I am getting a bad
password error when i type in anything for a new

--- Barry Premeaux [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Michael Alberts wrote:
  alright, well, I was cooking just fine until i
  something up and now it seems that the password
  been changed for 'root'. Is there any way of
  or correcting the root password IF you don't know
  it is to begin with? Currently, I can only access
  'single' init. The X system won't start for some
 I got this from

 You are nearly there, since you can still log in at
 Boot up as 'single'.  At the bash#, enter:
 It should then prompt you for a new root password,
 without asking for the old one.
 Barry :-)
 Registered Linux User #183879

Re: [newbie] Mandrake support

2000-10-13 Per discussione Tim Jackson

I did receive a rather prompt response from mandrake.  However, their answer 
doesn't seem to work.  I may be missing something but I have no one to go 
over it with.

I have formatted my hard drive and now want to install linux.  I have an 
older P60 Dell and I have to boot with a diskette, I have a MagicSpin cdrom 
that the system can not find.  The response I got back was create a special 
boot disk using cdrom.img under rawwrite.exe.  I am not able to do anything 
once I open rawwrite.exe am I missing something?

From: "Bob Abbott" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [newbie] Mandrake support
Date: Thu, 12 Oct 2000 17:53:04 -0600

- Original Message -
From: "Rod Baxter" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2000 5:22 AM
Subject: [newbie] Mandrake support

  I had a problem installing 7.1 and as I had bough a package which came
  support I emailed mandrake about the problem. I have not had a response
  them and its now been four days. Has anyone out there had any experience
  their support? I think four days is much too long.
  Incidentally, I finally got around the problem, but I would still like 
  hear from Mandrake.
I also have been having problems with support form Mandrake.  I have never
really gotten a response from them.  Even after several e-mails.

Robert C. Abbott
Montana, The Big Sky Country

Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com.

Share information about yourself, create your own public profile at 

Re: [newbie] OOPS: Help a dumbie please

2000-10-13 Per discussione Barry Premeaux

Michael Alberts wrote:
thanks, but its not working. I am getting a bad
password error when i type in anything for a new

If you try your rescue disk and it still fails, you may be left with
a new install. Maybe someone else has another trick you
can try.

Barry :-)

Registered Linux User #183879

Re: [newbie] sb live! sound cards

2000-10-13 Per discussione kryton

On Fri, 13 Oct 2000, you wrote:
 To philomen-
 Hi!- yes I have the driver but cant seem to get it installed correctly, I 
 have it in my home directory and tried to follow the instructions but I 
 must be seriously missing something. Do you have a better way and how did 
 you or would you recommend I install the driver ? Otherwise any other 
 suggestions ? Thank you, Chronos.
 At 08:15 AM 10/13/2000 -0400, you wrote:
 did you try downloading and installing the most recent emu10k1 driver ?
 You can find it at www.opensource.creativelabs.com. That helps
 chronos wrote-
   System specs are as follows- gateway 20 gig drive partitioned 10 win98 se
   and 10 linux mandrake 7.0 128 ram  pentium 3 500 and sb live sound card 
  and svga video card.


Have you tried to use sndconfig? If not, then get out of X completely and run
/usr/sbin/sndconfig from the command line. I have to do this to get my sb live
to work under both RH and Mandrake.

Hope this helps


RE: [newbie] Mandrake support

2000-10-13 Per discussione Liaw, Andy

rawrite.exe is a DOS program that must be run from a command line.  It's the
original program that was used to write Linux boot floppy back when there's
no such thing as LILO.

Hope this helps.

 From: Tim Jackson[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, October 13, 2000 3:51 PM
 Subject:  Re: [newbie] Mandrake support
 I did receive a rather prompt response from mandrake.  However, their
 doesn't seem to work.  I may be missing something but I have no one to go 
 over it with.
 I have formatted my hard drive and now want to install linux.  I have an 
 older P60 Dell and I have to boot with a diskette, I have a MagicSpin
 that the system can not find.  The response I got back was create a
 boot disk using cdrom.img under rawwrite.exe.  I am not able to do
 once I open rawwrite.exe am I missing something?
 From: "Bob Abbott" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Mandrake support
 Date: Thu, 12 Oct 2000 17:53:04 -0600
 - Original Message -
 From: "Rod Baxter" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2000 5:22 AM
 Subject: [newbie] Mandrake support
   I had a problem installing 7.1 and as I had bough a package which came
   support I emailed mandrake about the problem. I have not had a
   them and its now been four days. Has anyone out there had any
   their support? I think four days is much too long.
   Incidentally, I finally got around the problem, but I would still like
   hear from Mandrake.
 I also have been having problems with support form Mandrake.  I have
 really gotten a response from them.  Even after several e-mails.
 Robert C. Abbott
 Montana, The Big Sky Country
 Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com.
 Share information about yourself, create your own public profile at 

[newbie] Cannot mount HPFS partition

2000-10-13 Per discussione Joan Tur


I get the following message when trying to execute the following:
# mount /mnt/HPFS
mount:  wronf fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda5, or too
many mounted filesystems

In /etc/fstab there's the following line:

Help!!  8-)

Joan Tur. Ibiza - Spain
Joan.Tur.pagina.de  Club.Ibosim.pagina.de
Linux: usuari registrat 190.783

Re: [newbie] Laptop driver support

2000-10-13 Per discussione Carroll Grigsby

With regard to the modem, the winmodem presents a problem. Although some
of them can be made to work with winmodems, most don't. The best source
I have found is at:
I'll leave the sound card and USB questions to smarter people than me --
and there's lots of that kind on this mail list. I do know that LM 7.1
has some USB support, but I'm not sure what the limits are. (Jump in
anytime, folks!)
-- Carroll

Matt Sim wrote:
 I have just installed Mandrake on my laptop and I am having a few problems.
 I did a standard install and I do not think there is support for my sound
 card or modem.
 Dell Latitude LS
 Modem = LT Win Modem
 Sound Card = NeoMagic MagicMedia 256 Audio
 Do I stand a chance of getting these to work?
 Becuase this Laptop has no Serial port I have a USB to serial convertor made
 by entrega.  Would any body have a clue how this would work.  Also DHCP does
 not work.
 Matt Sim

Re: [newbie] Ultimate Formatting

2000-10-13 Per discussione John Rye

"Kelly, Christopher" wrote:
 That would be great, John.
 -Original Message-
 From: John Rye [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2000 9:38 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Ultimate Formatting
 Rod Baxter wrote:
  Boot from a dos boot disk and use dos fdisk. Delete all partitions and
  reboot from the floppy. Then type fdisk  /mbr which will rewrite a
  master boot record.
  But, (as allways!!) if you cannot delete an extended partition because it
  says 'cannot delete while logical drives exist' and when you go and look
  there are no logical drives you need to cheat a bit.
  Go into the bios and change the disk drive settings. If its running LBA,
  change it to normal. Reboot and you will find the logical drives will have
  dissapeared. Delete everything, then reboot and put it back to LBA mode.
  Then go through the loop again, and finish with the fdisk /mbr command.
  If its a small disk and you are not running LBA, then just change the
  type to something else.
  - Original Message -
  From: "Kelly, Christopher" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: "'Newbie'" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2000 9:23 PM
  Subject: [newbie] Ultimate Formatting
   Anybody know how to completely wipe a HD clean?? I am having major
   and need to start over. I need to blow away partitions and all. Make it
  just like new.
 There is a rather smart wee utility called ZeroDisk out there somewhere
 which rewrites every sector. I have used that to do Security Wipes.
 I may have a copy here somewhere - whant to check thru the floppy box?

After a two-day search thru better than 2500 floppies I found said
only to find it's for MFM/RLL harddrives from Maxtor!!! That sort of
I don't think it will be very useful.

Sorry about that.

ICQ# 89345394 Mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"The number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected"
(The UNIX Programmer's Manual, 2nd Edition, June 1972.)

Re: [newbie] Ultimate Formatting

2000-10-13 Per discussione John Rye

Mark Weaver wrote:
 that's easy. Just use the partitioning utility in the setup program that
 runs when you install Mandrake on your computer. That can do anything you
 could think of to do to a HDD.
 ...Larry isn't a cucumber. He's a PICKLE...
 Surprisingly on Wed, 11 Oct 2000 Kelly, Christopher had this to say!
  Anybody know how to completely wipe a HD clean?? I am having major problems
  and need to start over. I need to blow away partitions and all. Make it just
  like new.

Just a thought on the end of this thread...

A Dos-based version of the Norton Utilities had/has a version of
'wipeinfo' - I haven't been there in many years - 

I think it could also be used to re-write each sector on an already
formatted dos-partition. However - that would presuppose having
a dos 5.xx or so boot disk with the utility on it.

I saw a few references to using the bios low-level format routines.
I would very seriously suggest this is a BAD idea - I stuffed a
perfectly good 2gig ide drive by accidently using this !!!

If you need to reformat at that level - get the correct util from
the drive manufacturer - I know Quantum have these so I would assume
the others also have them.


ICQ# 89345394 Mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"The number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected"
(The UNIX Programmer's Manual, 2nd Edition, June 1972.)

[newbie] New kernel and error messages

2000-10-13 Per discussione Francois Massonneau


I've just compiled and installed a new kernel. I upgraded from
2.2.15 to 2.2.17 on my Portable PC.

Everything runs fine, except during the boot process where I
have a few error messages.

These are the main ones :

- This new kernel doesn't seem to recognize my Slim SCSI PC Card -
Fast SCSI 1460D (Adaptec). With kernel 2.2.15 during the boot
process, I have a message telling me that it has recognized this
adaptor card (One scsi host detected). With kernel 2.2.17 I have no
message at all.
Is it because I forgot to do something during the kernel
To configure the new kernel, I saved in a txt file my 2.2.15 kernel
config, and loaded it when I run the "make xconfig" to create my new
2.2.17 kernel.

- I have the following message too :
"locate usb interface modprobe can't locate module usb-interface"
(This one doesn't appear when I boot on 2.2.15).

- And finally this one :
"starting kheader -- failed"
(It doesn't failed with kernel 2.2.15)

How can I make it run the same way as my old kernel ?
Thanks. Francois

Re: [newbie] 2 computers 1 mail database ?

2000-10-13 Per discussione Lance Dow


 I've bought a laptop and i'd like to be able to use from this one the
 same messages database i've got in my computer at home... what will be
 the best way to have that working?  8-?

 I'm using Netscape for my mail...

Sounds like the way I've got my account set up. Here's how I do it.

The laptop connects to the LAN at work so I've got Netscape set up to use
that instead of dialing up. Messenger is set up identically to the way it
is at home, with one important difference; messages are not deleted from
the server after download. What this means in practice is that I can
download and read all my mail from work. Messages I delete on the laptop
are also deleted from the server. Messages that I leave in folders or in my
Inbox, remain on the server so I can download them again from home and
store them as normal.

To set this up you need to go to:

Edit - Preferences... - Mail Servers
In the 'Incoming Mail Servers' window, highlight the one you want to use
(if you have more than one), then Click Edit.
Select the POP tab.
Select 'Leave messages on server'.
Click Ok and Ok.

That should be it.

I do this under Windows by the way (not fully Linuxed yet). From what I've
seen Netscape is the same on both platforms so this should work for you

If I can help further


[newbie] Kmail configuration

2000-10-13 Per discussione Jeff Malka

Is there a way to configure kmail in such a way that the "To" listing shows
in addition to From, Subject, and date?


Registered Linux user  183185

[newbie] bad table partitions in mandrake install

2000-10-13 Per discussione Jesse Farmer

Hi everyone.

I am trying to install mandrake 7.0.  Currently I have RedHat 6.1 on my 
system, which I am tired of, and want to try this distro.  However, the 
Mandrake installer says that my partition table is corrupted, and that it 
can't read it.  It then prompts me that it will "blank out" the bad sectors 
if I press ok.  If I press cancel, it goes to Disk Druid, or whatever 
partition program Mandrake uses.

Needless to say, I have not pressed 'ok' because I don't have any idea what 
'blank out' means here.  Does it mean ignore, or reformat?
My hard drive setup looks like this.

Jafwin - FAT32 - Windows OS installed - bootable
Linux -  Linux native - Redhat 6.1 OS installed
Tmp -   Linux swap file
*Windows Extended partition
+audio1 - WinEX - Logical partition
+audio2 - WinEX - Logical partition
+audio3 - WinEX - Logical partition
+audio4 - WinEX - Logical partition

Fdisk under Dos reads all of this fine.  The Corel installer reads it fine, 
but then crashes on the actual beginning of the installation.  RedHat 6.1 
Install will not read this, and gives and error.  In both Windows and 
Linux, right now, all of my partitions are readable and working 
fine.  However, I cannot afford to lose any data on my Windows Extended 
partitions.  Obviously, there is nothing in my Linux partition that I have 
to keep.

Can someone help me out on this one?  Am I going to have to reformat to get 
this distro in?  What is this 'blank out' messsgae?

Thanks in advance
-Jesse Farmer

Re: [newbie] security.sh in crontab

2000-10-13 Per discussione Larry Marshall

 # Mandrake-Security : if you remove this comment, remove the next
 line too.
 0 0 * * *root/etc/security/msec/cron-sh/security.sh
 My question is, what does this "security.sh" script do? It's a real
 pain in the ass, it effectively disables my computer for about 10

It looks through your entire file system and reports files that have had
their permissions changed.  Then it checks your ports and tells you what
it thinks is going on.  All of that is put into an email and sent to
whoever/whereever you want it sent.  If you don't want to check for such
things, comment the line out.  

If you do want to keep it but don't want it
to happen at midnight, change the time.  You do sleep don't you?

 means "butt in and take over the whole machine". Can anyone tell me
 why this was installed in crontab, why it has to be so intrusive?

Frankly, I don't understand why it causes problems its set to nice=+19
sets it at the lowest priority.  You must have your system really loaded
when it runs for it to slow things down much.

Cheers --- Larry

Re: [newbie] Mandrake support

2000-10-13 Per discussione - -

Answer from a user:

dont know if you tried this:

when your computer boot press delete to acces the bios
of your machine.

find the part where it say order to boot , its
probably a,b,c or something like that.

change it to cd-rom first, c , a or something like
that (important is to have cd-rom first.

restart your machine when it restart put your
distibution cd instalation in the cd-rom drive.

if you miss it the first time, just restart the

its suppose to use your cd-rom as boot

If you have tried it sorry
If it dont work sorry it works here
If it work, well thank the Linux-mandrake gods for
there blessing. hehehe

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Re: [newbie] Re: 3c905c and adsl-start

2000-10-13 Per discussione Glenn Johnson

Are you using Roaring Penguin's pppoe package? 
Did you run the setup program?
Did you follow the directions in the 'how to connect' file?

I have a DSL connection also. Had a few similar problems until I did exactly as
the 'how to connect' file stated. Also, after installation and configuration,
it seems that there is a need to reboot Linux for some settings to take effect.
The gurus here will probably let me know that there is a better way than
rebooting, but that's all part of the learning curve. I'm no expert, but if I
can be of any help, shout it out...

On Fri, 13 Oct 2000, M.
wrote:  When I execute this command it times out.  Prior to this there was a 
"\var\run]pppoe.pid file not found" message.Can someone help me configure
my machine for DSL surfing? =
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Get Yahoo! Mail - Free email you can access from anywhere!
Glenn Johnson
Registered Linux user #175132
Powered by Linux-Mandrake 7.1

Re: [newbie] Mandrake supportI

2000-10-13 Per discussione Rod Baxter

The problem is that I registered the product and as install support is
advertised I expected to get a reply at the least. $40 dollars or not they
do advertise support. It just hasn't happened. I don't want to beat up any
supplier, but I expect them to do as they say.


- Original Message -
From: "Larry Marshall" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 13, 2000 10:16 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Mandrake supportI

  Now we all know that all software has bugs. So what differentiates
  suppliers is not the interface but the support!

 As this spools up into a beat up Mandrake support thread, you might be
 interested to know that Mandrake has taken control over support from
 Macmillan as they realized there were problems.  From what I got from the
 thread here only a month or so ago, they will take steps to fix these

 BTW, have you ever tried to get "support" from Microsoft on a Windoze

  I won't use or recommend Mandrake for any of my customers.

 What do you recommend?

  I also emailed Mandrake directly on their advertised line for comments
and I
  still haven't heard from them. They don't seem to be after the
  market at all, in fact they don't seem to be interested in anything else
  except selling product.

 You've got to be kidding.  You may not have received what you wanted (and
 they've admitted problems) but nobody's gonna get rich selling operating
 systems to the people who don't want to download it for free, especially
 at the prices Linux is being sold for.  Open source is ALL about
 service.  I suspect your problem is that you expect lots of it for $40 or
 whatever you paid for Linux and that just isn't going to happen.

 Cheers --- Larry

Re: [newbie] Mandrake support

2000-10-13 Per discussione Alan Shoemaker

Tim Jackson wrote:
 I did receive a rather prompt response from mandrake.  However, their answer
 doesn't seem to work.  I may be missing something but I have no one to go
 over it with.
 I have formatted my hard drive and now want to install linux.  I have an
 older P60 Dell and I have to boot with a diskette, I have a MagicSpin cdrom
 that the system can not find.  The response I got back was create a special
 boot disk using cdrom.img under rawwrite.exe.  I am not able to do anything
 once I open rawwrite.exe am I missing something?

Timgo to a dos prompt and use rawrite.exe instead (it's
in the same directory as rawwrite.exe).  You'll need to know
the path to the cdrom.img file.

MandrakeSoft Inc [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Altadena, CA USA --Alan

Re: [newbie] Mandrake supportI

2000-10-13 Per discussione - -

--- Rod Baxter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The problem is that I registered the product and as
 install support is
 advertised I expected to get a reply at the least.
 $40 dollars or not they
 do advertise support. It just hasn't happened. I
 don't want to beat up any
 supplier, but I expect them to do as they say.

Have you tought that maybee the message nerver got
there ? It happens sometime , have you tried to send
the same message again? are you shure you used the
right adresss?

As your problem been fixed? what was the problem again
maybee someone can help here?

Do You Yahoo!?
Get Yahoo! Mail - Free email you can access from anywhere!

[newbie] Ebrarassed to ask this question

2000-10-13 Per discussione ai4a

I have created a standalone boot linux using 'tomsrtbt'. This is a
standalone bootable linux. It boots fine. But how do I access the files
on my HD. MY partitions are:
hda1 linux boot
hda2 windows
hda3 linux extended partition
hda5 linux
hda6 linux

How do I mount the hda3(hda5,hda6) partitions?
I am using Mandrake 7.0.
Please show several mount commands so I can try and understand the mount
command. I have read the 'man mount' pages and several books. I think
they all presume I have a better background than I have. I am a newbie
(so new I shine).
The fstab in /etc/fstab (floppy) show only fd0.

Re: [newbie] Ebrarassed to ask this question

2000-10-13 Per discussione Greg Stewart

Make a temporary "mount point" in the directory /mnt:

mkdir /mnt/temp5
mkdir /mnt/temp6  (you don't have to call them 'tempX', but bear with me
:-) )

As long as you are not trying to mount a swap partition, you can use the
following for the linux partitions:

mount -t ext2 /dev/hda5 /mnt/temp5
mount -t ext2 /dev/hda6 /mnt/temp6

If the windows partition is fat16:

mount -t vfat /dev/hda1 /mnt/temp5
(I'm re-using the temp5 directory, assuming it's not already mounted when
you try this)

I'll guess your "linux extended partition" is your swap, and leave it alone.

to "unmount" the partition:

umount /dev/hdaX (where 'X' is the partition #)

For a fat floppy:

mount -t vfat /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy
umount /dev/fd0

the '-t' denotes the file system, for a cdrom it would most likely be '-t
iso9660'. The man page has a list of the different file systems your
distro's kernel supports. But for many of them, you may have to re-compile
the kernel toget functionality. An important hint: DO NOT COMPILE READ-WRITE
FOR NTFS IN YOUR KERNEL... sorry for "yelling" but this can royally fuck
things up. And, um, sorry about the language, but urgency can often be well
demonstrated by profane emphatic expression. It's colourful, as well, and
sometimes gets a rise out of co-workers in a stuffy office environment--you
may shout it loudy over the cubical walls in a disguised voice and watch the
surprised, somewhat perturbed faces on the prairie dogs as they begin
popping up around you.

I'm getting off topic?

Anywaythe above is the typical usage for 'mount' MDK may, depending on
the security level at which you installed, prevent you from mounting if
you're not root. Y should be able to change this in linuxconf, by making the
devices (/dev/...) user-mountable.

If you have any questions... well... you've been here before.


- Original Message -
From: "ai4a" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I have created a standalone boot linux using 'tomsrtbt'. This is a
 standalone bootable linux. It boots fine. But how do I access the files
 on my HD. MY partitions are:
 hda1 linux boot
 hda2 windows
 hda3 linux extended partition
 hda5 linux
 hda6 linux

 How do I mount the hda3(hda5,hda6) partitions?
 I am using Mandrake 7.0.
 Please show several mount commands so I can try and understand the mount
 command. I have read the 'man mount' pages and several books. I think
 they all presume I have a better background than I have. I am a newbie
 (so new I shine).
 The fstab in /etc/fstab (floppy) show only fd0.

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[newbie] Mandrake Support

2000-10-13 Per discussione maynord

Mandrake Folks:

Just to clarify my comments regarding Mandrake installation support --

After experimenting with several Linux distributions, I tried Mandrake 7.1 and
found it to be far superior.  I am using 7.1 in a school setting where there
are 25 networked machines in a lab, and multiple networked workstations in the
classrooms.  At this time, about half of the machines are running Mandrake 7.1 
I set up new workstations continually. 

The principal of the school is running Mandrake 7.1.  When I get a call saying
that she needs help because "it won't print" (or some such), I must solve the
problem (stress).  Previously, the students were using W95 with Powerpoint,
Word, etc.  The Mandrake version of Linux has held up well in a setting where
350 kids are already fairly computer literate.  They expect a lot - things
must work.

My comments regarding installation support were made as a Mandrake "fan" -
not a detractor.

Robert Maynord

[newbie] writing to a vfat partition?

2000-10-13 Per discussione Jeff Malka

It was my understanding that even though Linux could be setup to read and copy
files from fat (dos) partitions by mounting them, it was not wise to write back
to these fat partitions from within linux.  Yet I read messages about doing
that, I believe through fat32?

My fat partitions are not fat32.  Can I or cn I not save files to these
partitions from linux?  As I live more and more in linus it becomes important
not only to access my data files from the fat p;artitions but also to save
changes made back to those fat partitions.  Safe or no?


Registered Linux User 348854

Re: [newbie] writing to a vfat partition?

2000-10-13 Per discussione Alan Shoemaker

Jeff Malka wrote:
 It was my understanding that even though Linux could be setup to read and copy
 files from fat (dos) partitions by mounting them, it was not wise to write back
 to these fat partitions from within linux.  Yet I read messages about doing
 that, I believe through fat32?
 My fat partitions are not fat32.  Can I or cn I not save files to these
 partitions from linux?  As I live more and more in linus it becomes important
 not only to access my data files from the fat p;artitions but also to save
 changes made back to those fat partitions.  Safe or no?

Jeffyou sure can.

MandrakeSoft Inc [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Altadena, CA USA --Alan

Re: [newbie] writing to a vfat partition?

2000-10-13 Per discussione Adrian Smith

Jeff, I have fat32 drives and i save onto them from linux.  i have not had any 
problems other than one little thing  when i run norton disk doctor on my fat 
drives, if i have written to that drive from linux i will get "invalid date or time" 
error on some of the files on that drive.  i'm guessing this relates to the way in 
which dos  linux write the date/time information.  but it seems to do no 
harm.  i assume then you have fat16, yes??  i'd say just make a directory in 
win/dos, then go in linux, write a bunch of files into that directory, then go back to 
win/dos  see if they are ok.  i'm 99% sure they will be fine.  after all, don't 
floppys still format fat16 under dos/win??  i think they do, and i can write to a 
floppy just fine.

Adrian Smith
'de telepone dude
Telecom Dept.
x 7042

 Jeff Malka [EMAIL PROTECTED] 5:46:45 PM 10/13/00 
It was my understanding that even though Linux could be setup to read and copy
files from fat (dos) partitions by mounting them, it was not wise to write back
to these fat partitions from within linux.  Yet I read messages about doing
that, I believe through fat32?

My fat partitions are not fat32.  Can I or cn I not save files to these
partitions from linux?  As I live more and more in linus it becomes important
not only to access my data files from the fat p;artitions but also to save
changes made back to those fat partitions.  Safe or no?


Registered Linux User 348854

Re: [newbie] Ebrarassed to ask this question

2000-10-13 Per discussione ai4a

Greg Stewart wrote:
 Make a temporary "mount point" in the directory /mnt:
 mkdir /mnt/temp5
 mkdir /mnt/temp6  (you don't have to call them 'tempX', but bear with me
 :-) )
 As long as you are not trying to mount a swap partition, you can use the
 following for the linux partitions:
 mount -t ext2 /dev/hda5 /mnt/temp5
 mount -t ext2 /dev/hda6 /mnt/temp6
 If the windows partition is fat16:
 mount -t vfat /dev/hda1 /mnt/temp5
 (I'm re-using the temp5 directory, assuming it's not already mounted when
 you try this)
 I'll guess your "linux extended partition" is your swap, and leave it alone.
 to "unmount" the partition:
 umount /dev/hdaX (where 'X' is the partition #)
 For a fat floppy:
 mount -t vfat /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy
 umount /dev/fd0
 the '-t' denotes the file system, for a cdrom it would most likely be '-t
 iso9660'. The man page has a list of the different file systems your
 distro's kernel supports. But for many of them, you may have to re-compile
 the kernel toget functionality. An important hint: DO NOT COMPILE READ-WRITE
 FOR NTFS IN YOUR KERNEL... sorry for "yelling" but this can royally fuck
 things up. And, um, sorry about the language, but urgency can often be well
 demonstrated by profane emphatic expression. It's colourful, as well, and
 sometimes gets a rise out of co-workers in a stuffy office environment--you
 may shout it loudy over the cubical walls in a disguised voice and watch the
 surprised, somewhat perturbed faces on the prairie dogs as they begin
 popping up around you.
 I'm getting off topic?
 Anywaythe above is the typical usage for 'mount' MDK may, depending on
 the security level at which you installed, prevent you from mounting if
 you're not root. Y should be able to change this in linuxconf, by making the
 devices (/dev/...) user-mountable.
 If you have any questions... well... you've been here before.
 - Original Message -
 From: "ai4a" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  I have created a standalone boot linux using 'tomsrtbt'. This is a
  standalone bootable linux. It boots fine. But how do I access the files
  on my HD. MY partitions are:
  hda1 linux boot
  hda2 windows
  hda3 linux extended partition
  hda5 linux
  hda6 linux
  How do I mount the hda3(hda5,hda6) partitions?
  I am using Mandrake 7.0.
  Please show several mount commands so I can try and understand the mount
  command. I have read the 'man mount' pages and several books. I think
  they all presume I have a better background than I have. I am a newbie
  (so new I shine).
  The fstab in /etc/fstab (floppy) show only fd0.
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Thanks Greg. That was just what I needed. A few examples are worth a
thousand words. I was able to mount my hda5, browse the files,  edit

Re: [newbie] Mandrake supportI

2000-10-13 Per discussione Larry Marshall

 The problem is that I registered the product and as install support is
 advertised I expected to get a reply at the least. $40 dollars or not they

I've registered a lot of software in my time but I've never expected a
response.  What do you want them to say?  Presumably, if you have a
problem, and you're registered, they'll help you

 do advertise support. It just hasn't happened. I don't want to beat up any
 supplier, but I expect them to do as they say.

They say they'll give you email support, not be your friend :-)

Cheers --- Larry

[newbie] mandrakeusers mailing list

2000-10-13 Per discussione KompuKit

I just created a new Mandrake Users mailing list,
if anyone is interested...
To subscribe to it:

send email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

and inside the body of the mailing, insert this:

subscribe mandrakeusers

 Registered Linux User:167369
Kit Goins   ICQ# 7110071
Web Designerhttp://kitdesigns.bizhosting.com
WebServer:  http://kompukit.dyndns.org
(Server Runs between M - F 6pm-12am, S  S 12pm-12am EST)

[newbie] Opera Beta

2000-10-13 Per discussione Carroll Grigsby

Good evening:
I understand that Opera has released the beta of version 4.0. If you're
braver than I am, you may wish to give it a try. If so, keep us posted.
-- Carroll (not a Netscape fan)

Re: [newbie] Opera Beta

2000-10-13 Per discussione Eddie Torres

It is the first beta and it crashes pretty good.  I'll wait for a second or
third beta to try it again.  It still missing some things like java
support, etc.

On Fri, 13 Oct 2000, Carroll Grigsby wrote:
 Date: Fri, 13 Oct 2000 21:38:41 -0400
 From: Carroll Grigsby [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [newbie] Opera Beta
 Good evening:
 I understand that Opera has released the beta of version 4.0. If you're
 braver than I am, you may wish to give it a try. If so, keep us posted.
 -- Carroll (not a Netscape fan)
Eddie Torres

[newbie] bad table partitions in mandrake install

2000-10-13 Per discussione Jesse Farmer

Hi everyone.
I am trying to install mandrake 7.0. Currently I have RedHat 6.1 on my 
system, which I am tired of, and want to try this distro. However, the 
Mandrake installer says that my partition table is corrupted, and that it 
can't read it. It then prompts me that it will "blank out" the bad sectors 
if I press ok. If I press cancel, it goes to Disk Druid, or whatever 
partition program Mandrake uses.
Needless to say, I have not pressed 'ok' because I don't have any idea what 
'blank out' means here. Does it mean ignore, or reformat?
My hard drive setup looks like this.
Jafwin - FAT32 - Windows OS installed - bootable
Linux - Linux native - Redhat 6.1 OS installed
Tmp - Linux swap file
*Windows Extended partition
+audio1 - WinEX - Logical partition
+audio2 - WinEX - Logical partition
+audio3 - WinEX - Logical partition
+audio4 - WinEX - Logical partition
Fdisk under Dos reads all of this fine. The Corel installer reads it fine, 
but then crashes on the actual beginning of the installation. RedHat 6.1 
Install will not read this, and gives and error. In both Windows and Linux, 
right now, all of my partitions are readable and working fine. However, I 
cannot afford to lose any data on my Windows Extended partitions. 
Obviously, there is nothing in my Linux partition that I have to keep.
Can someone help me out on this one? Am I going to have to reformat to get 
this distro in? What is this 'blank out' messsgae?
Thanks in advance
-Jesse Farmer

Re: [newbie] writing to a vfat partition?

2000-10-13 Per discussione Jeff Malka

Thanks.  Good to know.  I have obviously been hampering myself unnecessarily.

On Fri, 13 Oct 2000, you wrote:
 Jeff, I have fat32 drives and i save onto them from linux.  i have not had any 
problems other than one little thing  when i run norton disk doctor on my fat 
drives, if i have written to that drive from linux i will get "invalid date or time" 
error on some of the files on that drive.  i'm guessing this relates to the way in 
which dos  linux write the date/time information.  but it seems to do no 
harm.  i assume then you have fat16, yes??  i'd say just make a directory in 
win/dos, then go in linux, write a bunch of files into that directory, then go back 
to win/dos  see if they are ok.  i'm 99% sure they will be fine.  after all, don't 
floppys still format fat16 under dos/win??  i think they do, and i can write to a 
floppy just fine.
 Adrian Smith
 'de telepone dude
 Telecom Dept.
 x 7042
  Jeff Malka [EMAIL PROTECTED] 5:46:45 PM 10/13/00 
 It was my understanding that even though Linux could be setup to read and copy
 files from fat (dos) partitions by mounting them, it was not wise to write back
 to these fat partitions from within linux.  Yet I read messages about doing
 that, I believe through fat32?
 My fat partitions are not fat32.  Can I or cn I not save files to these
 partitions from linux?  As I live more and more in linus it becomes important
 not only to access my data files from the fat p;artitions but also to save
 changes made back to those fat partitions.  Safe or no?
 Registered Linux User 348854
Registered Linux User 348854

Re: [newbie] Mandrake supportI

2000-10-13 Per discussione Rod Baxter

I am registered, and they have not responded to a request for assistance.


- Original Message -
From: "Larry Marshall" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, October 14, 2000 10:56 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Mandrake supportI

  The problem is that I registered the product and as install support is
  advertised I expected to get a reply at the least. $40 dollars or not

 I've registered a lot of software in my time but I've never expected a
 response.  What do you want them to say?  Presumably, if you have a
 problem, and you're registered, they'll help you

  do advertise support. It just hasn't happened. I don't want to beat up
  supplier, but I expect them to do as they say.

 They say they'll give you email support, not be your friend :-)

 Cheers --- Larry

Re: [newbie] Can not boot to windows after installation

2000-10-13 Per discussione Mwinold

your windows command need to have a check up sometimes your auto install 
misses especially if you have multiple partitions or you may have the wrong 
partition set as active but that is rare, im not sure what you need to press 
fo lilo check your linux cong file, if you use grub, i like it anyways looks 
a bit better i typ enough just to log in so i like being able to use the 
cursor keyes, with grub you press c now you can move to your windows 
selection and press e (i may have c-e backwards) but you want to check and 
make sure the windows command shows something like:


that should be your windows partition

Re: [newbie] Fastest X for linux to use?

2000-10-13 Per discussione Mwinold

well if you want memory i suggest you dont use x!
it will take up memory so far gnome has 3 different versions that i see and 
then you have kde, i find gnome enlightenment keeps things simple but it runs 
alot of aplets, kde runs god knows what and through all the bickering i herd 
i have ran upto 30 different programs at once on kde and gnome enlightenment 
and find them to be the most stable and still provide me with performance, 
i run 64mb sdram,
550 celeron processor,
152 L2 cache
its a megar system in my opinion but linux makes the most of it!

Re: [newbie] ReiserFS or ext2 ?

2000-10-13 Per discussione Mwinold

In a message dated 10/12/2000 5:44:25 AM Central Daylight Time, 

 I've read about reiserfs and it seems to be better than ext2... can
 anyone tell me it's experiences with this file system??  Any problems i
 could get??  8-?

still in experimental stage if i remember the article correctly on linux.com
so i wouldnt try it just yet

Re: [newbie] Cannot mount HPFS partition

2000-10-13 Per discussione Mwinold

sorry the only windows filesystems linux can read are fat vfat and fat32, i 
know it sucks but i run win 2000 and ust the ntfs and i used to use win98 so 
when i upgraded i found i had to create a new partition  so i can swap my 
files between both os's

Re: [newbie] writing to a vfat partition?

2000-10-13 Per discussione Mwinold

had no problems i do it all the time, normally i access a fat32 system but 
you can access the other fat systems as well

Re: [newbie] Mandrake supportI

2000-10-13 Per discussione rharvey

Some of the Linux Mandrake OS that is sold in stores offers free tech.
support (phone support) if you register with them.
I have not tried to use it. But I WOULD expect them to help me as promised.
Emails that are hit and miss suggestions is not tech support. It is
community support. Some times it is very accurate and some times you never
hear a reply, some times the answer is a how to that is 68 pages long and
after you work thru it your just as confused as you were before you started.
That is when it is nice to have a knowledgeable person help you.

Just my 2 Cents.
- Original Message -
From: "Larry Marshall" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 13, 2000 7:56 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Mandrake supportI

  The problem is that I registered the product and as install support is
  advertised I expected to get a reply at the least. $40 dollars or not

 I've registered a lot of software in my time but I've never expected a
 response.  What do you want them to say?  Presumably, if you have a
 problem, and you're registered, they'll help you

  do advertise support. It just hasn't happened. I don't want to beat up
  supplier, but I expect them to do as they say.

 They say they'll give you email support, not be your friend :-)

 Cheers --- Larry

[newbie] starting apps when system boots

2000-10-13 Per discussione Eric Nadine Bonnett

I am running Hawkeye on my mandrake 7.0 server.
When I startup my server everything starts
automatically except Hawkeye. When I go to a
terminal window and type hawkeye it starts right
away and everything works fine.

How do I tell the system to start hawkeye when it


Re: [newbie] Linux version of Arachnophilia?

2000-10-13 Per discussione Don W. Jenkins

If you want bells and whistles and an interface similar to HomeSite,
CoffeeCup works pretty well, although it ultimately is not free.  If you
just want to write HTML with some basic support, including Weblint to
check it for you, try Bluefish, which is free.  Another is AsWedit, which
I like less well.  

Don J.

On Fri, 13 Oct 2000, Jeff Malka wrote:

 There is a powerful free webpage editor called Arachnophilia which I use and
 like in the NT world.  There does not seem to be a Linux version of it (even
 though it is freeware).
 Does anyone know of a similar html editor in Linux?

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