Re: [newbie-it] tuxracer (gioco di mdk 8)

2001-06-11 Per discussione Alberto Zanoni

Il 09:47, domenica 10 giugno 2001, hai scritto :
 provando ad avviare tuxracer e qualche altro gioco leggo:

 Xlib: extension GLX missing on display :0.0.

 couldn't initialize video. couldn't find matching GLX visual (Success)

 Avete qualche idea?

purtroppo non so come aiutarti, a me tuxracer parte, solo che e' di una 
lentezza incredibile: i disegni sono fatti molto bene, ma praticamente e' 
ingiocabile, in quanto tra un'immagine e l'altra passa circa un secondo, e 
si' che ho un Athlon 800 Mhz ! Mi succede anche con un altro gioco: qualcuno 
sa cosa per caso debba fare ? (Mandrake 7.2, kernel 2.2.17, KDE 2.0).

[newbie-it] Winmodem

2001-06-11 Per discussione mistro

Salve a tutti.

Espongo il problema:
- in un Acer TravelMate 525 (con una bella Mandrake 8.0, dove tutto funziona
eccetto il modem..) c'è un winmodem (Lucent)
- scarico da il driver (almeno ho capito che era una cosa del
genere) e lo scompatto con tutte le relative cosine del caso
- installo alcuni comandi che non c'erano suggeriti (per così dire) dallo
- lancio i comandi
- non succede niente.

Ora chiedo:
- qualche dritta elementare sulla procedura (tipo passo passo)
- qualche link (in italiano, scusate l'ignoranza) facile (non ne ho
- tante grazie a tutti.

Andrea M.

webmin: [newbie-it] informazioni

2001-06-11 Per discussione max

Qualcuno sa come si può far partire il programma webmin appena installato
?(non lo vedo da nessuna parte ! ) esiste nella cartella ma...
Grazie a tutti !

R: [newbie-it] tuxracer (gioco di mdk 8)

2001-06-11 Per discussione emi80

Anche io avevo lo stesso problema.
Ti dico quello che mi hanno risposto su un'altra ML:

Prova ad aggiungere, nel file /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 ,nella sezione
Section Module , la riga Load glx
Ma non ti aspettare grandi cose...

Ed effettivamente tux racer ed altri programmi come openuniverse ora
partono, anche se con una lentezza che le rende inutilizzabili.

- Original Message -
To: newbie-it [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, June 10, 2001 9:47 AM
Subject: [newbie-it] tuxracer (gioco di mdk 8)

 provando ad avviare tuxracer e qualche altro gioco leggo:

 Xlib: extension GLX missing on display :0.0.

 couldn't initialize video. couldn't find matching GLX visual (Success)

 Avete qualche idea?

Re: [newbie-it] Modem pci 56k !!!

2001-06-11 Per discussione Andrea Celli

Fabio Coatti wrote:
 Il 11:43, lunedì 11 giugno 2001, xpyto scrisse:
   Ho da poco messo su la Mandrake 8.0 meravigliosa creatura!!!.
  Tutte le periferiche funzionano a meraviglia..
  Tutte tranne il mio modem trust communicator 56k pci(Interno).
  Pur sapendo che molti modem winmodem non sono supportati da linux ho
  speranze per il futuro(e se qualcuno lo sa per il presente)di poter
  montare il mio modem?? Un saluto

vedi su e
cosa si dice del tuo modello.

Comunque, la possibilita` di farlo funzionare dipende al 99,99%
da quanto il produttore collabora.
E quelli della trust mi sembrano siano in generale piuttosto restii.

Se gli rompi un po' le scatole fai una cosa saggia :-)

Io gli ho appena scritto per chiedere notizie su una tavoletta 
grafica, mi hanno risposto gentile cliente... non supportiamo Linux,
gli ho risposto cordiali saluti, un mancato cliente. :-)

ciao, Andrea

Re: webmin: [newbie-it] informazioni

2001-06-11 Per discussione Brotto Graziano

- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, June 11, 2001 9:17 AM
Subject: webmin: [newbie-it] informazioni

Qualcuno sa come si può far partire il programma webmin appena installato
?(non lo vedo da nessuna parte ! ) esiste nella cartella ma...
Grazie a tutti !

Re: webmin: [newbie-it] informazioni

2001-06-11 Per discussione Fabio Coatti

Il 14:49, lunedì 11 giugno 2001, scrivesti:
 Il lun, 11 giu 2001, max ha scritto:
  Qualcuno sa come si può far partire il programma webmin appena
  installato ?(non lo vedo da nessuna parte ! ) esiste nella cartella
  ma... Grazie a tutti !

 Sul server nel quale usi webmin deve essere attivo apache in quanto
 webmin gira su piattaforma web.
 Fai partire un browser (qualsiasi) da una macchina (win$, GNU/Linux,
 BeOs, ecc. non fa differenza)  collegata in lan o dial-up al server,
 quindi vai su http:\\ip_del_server:1

Occhio, le barre vanno dritte (//), non backslash (\\) (troppa 
microsoft ? :-))) )

Fabio Coatti 
Ferrara Linux Users Group
GnuPG fp:9765 A5B6 6843 17BC A646  BE8C FA56 373A 5374 C703
Old SysOps never die... they simply forget their password.

[newbie-it] aiuto web dir utente

2001-06-11 Per discussione lobax

sono 2 giorni che smanetto per poter usare apache come utente (solo per avere
i permessi di scrivere su /var/www/ ) ho aggiunto il nio nome utente al
gruppo apache ma nada de nada ,a questo punto chiedo a voi ,per prima ,e
minima cosa ,ho bisognio di poter salvare i miei files da qualche parte ,che
il server possa eseguirli , e se proprio non posso fare delle dir virtuali
come sui sistemi winnoz almeno poter da utente salvare sulla serveroot i
files php e i database ,insomma devo ricreare e fare il porting asp/php sotto
linux ,ma non è possibile metterci 2/3 giorni solo per configurare l'ambiente
di lavoro , ho una mdk 8 e una versione di apache 1.3.19 vi prego datemi una
mano ,ah c'è un'altra cosa non conosco abbastanza l'inglese da poter capire
il manuale apache che c'e sul server.
ciao grazie

tools antipro

brand your brain


[newbie-it] chromium

2001-06-11 Per discussione bosva

sono un neofita entusiasta di linux, ho mdrk7.2 e mi piace mi sfugge...come mai un gioco come chromium (tutto sommato 
penso sia un gioco particolarmente pesante) gira super lento? mi sembra di
guidare delle lumache invece che degli vista la mia ignoranza
non saprei cosa pensare...c'è forse qualche trucco sull'accelerazione
grazie a tutti
in attesa di illuminazione

Re: [newbie-it] chromium

2001-06-11 Per discussione Sebastiano Cordiano

On Mon, 11 Jun 2001 18:09:03 +0200

 sono un neofita entusiasta di linux, ho mdrk7.2 e mi piace mi sfugge...come mai un gioco come chromium
(tutto sommato non
 penso sia un gioco particolarmente pesante) gira super lento? mi sembra
 guidare delle lumache invece che degli vista la mia ignoranza
 non saprei cosa pensare...c'è forse qualche trucco sull'accelerazione
 grazie a tutti
 in attesa di illuminazione
Premesso che non mi intendo affatto di giochi, avete provato a lanciarli
da root invece che da utente?
Parlo soprattutto di Tuxracer: se lo lancio da utente e' di una lentezza
spaventosa ma da root funziona benissimo.
Piu' che l' accelerazione hardware non sara' una questione di permessi su
qualche file (libGL?)?


Sebastiano Cordiano

Re: [newbie-it] settaggio caratteri netscape

2001-06-11 Per discussione Sebastiano Cordiano

On Mon, 11 Jun 2001 00:20:13 -0400
Francesco Speranza [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Non riesco a settare i caratteri di netscape e come risultato ho dei
 caratteri piccoli e non ben leggibili ( per es.  nella pagina  , e inoltre  non tutte le colonne
 scritte hanno questo aspetto . Ho cercato di settare in preferenze -
 apparence- font dove ho settato Helvetica e Corrier ( adobe ) ma non ho
 alcun risultato . Cosa devo fare per avere un carattere piu'  leggibile
Usa i fonts di mozilla che sono fatti apposta per (Mozilla) Netscape!:-)
Dovrebbero gia' essere installati ma non in uso, controlla con rpm -q
mozilla-fonts, se non li hai li puoi trovare sul cd di MDK.
Per renderli attivi devi aggiungere il path
(/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/mozilla-fonts) nella sezione catalogue del
file /etc/X11/fs/config, poi dai il comando
xset fp+ /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/mozilla-fonts.
Quando riavvii Netscape scegli uno dei tre nuovi fonts (io uso
Helvetica(Mozilla)) con accanto (Mozilla).
Gia' alla grandezza 9 sono leggibilissimi.


Sebastiano Cordiano

Tablet (Era:Re: [newbie-it] Modem pci 56k !!!)

2001-06-11 Per discussione freefred

 Io gli ho appena scritto per chiedere notizie su una tavoletta
 grafica, mi hanno risposto gentile cliente... non supportiamo
 Linux, gli ho risposto cordiali saluti, un mancato cliente. :-)

Le wacom dovrebbero funzionare quasi perfettamente.
Ho una penpartner, ancora non va, ma so per certo che lo fara':-)


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Re: webmin: [newbie-it] informazioni

2001-06-11 Per discussione Fabio Coatti

Il 12:34, lunedì 11 giugno 2001, Brotto Graziano scrisse:

(notare la s di https)

NON fate girare webmin in protocollo non cifrato. Già è poco simpatico 
far viaggare le password via internet, ma in chiaro è proprio da evitare 

Fabio Coatti 
Ferrara Linux Users Group
GnuPG fp:9765 A5B6 6843 17BC A646  BE8C FA56 373A 5374 C703
Old SysOps never die... they simply forget their password.

Re: [newbie-it] hola!! como conecto un zip?? OT!!!

2001-06-11 Per discussione Daniele Micci

Il 00:44, martedì 12 giugno 2001, hai scritto:
hola que tal soy un usuario de Linux Mandrake version 7.1 quisiera
 saber si algun usuario de mandrake a logrado instalar en esta version
 de mandrake una unidad de zip iomega (de 100) conectada a travez de
 un puerto paralelo si es asi entonces me gustaria que me facilitaran
 la infomacion de como puedo hacerlo. He bajado de iomega el
 controlador para el dispositivo pero aun asi no he logrado hacerlo
 funcionar desde ya muchas gracias.

Tre ipotesi:
1. ti sei iscritto alla mailing list sbagliata;
2. devo smetterla di bere birra di bassa qualità;
3. qualcuno sa se per caso Linux ha un traduttore incorporato che si attiva 
da solo?



Re: webmin: [newbie-it] informazioni

2001-06-11 Per discussione webmaster

Il lun, 11 giu 2001, max ha scritto:
 Qualcuno sa come si può far partire il programma webmin appena installato
 ?(non lo vedo da nessuna parte ! ) esiste nella cartella ma...
 Grazie a tutti !

Un'aggiunta a quanto detto con la mai precedente;
usare webmin è comodissimo in una LAN, ma MAI usarlo su rete pubblica!!

Se non hai modo di usare un protocollo sicuro (https) chiunque potrebbe leggere la tua
password di root e avere la tua macchina ai piedi.

Personalmente uso molto webmin in ambito intranet, ma mai la userei in internet!

 Nucleo Gestione Sistemi Informatici
MDK GNU/Linux 2.4.x  P III 500 256 
   U.T. 04/2001

Re: [newbie-it] hola!! como conecto un zip?? OT!!!

2001-06-11 Per discussione Marco

- Original Message -
From: Daniele Micci [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: manuel paez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: Linux Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2001 12:04 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] hola!! como conecto un zip??  OT!!! 

 Il 00:44, martedì 12 giugno 2001, hai scritto:
 hola que tal soy un usuario de Linux Mandrake version 7.1 quisiera
  saber si algun usuario de mandrake a logrado instalar en esta version
  de mandrake una unidad de zip iomega (de 100) conectada a travez de
  un puerto paralelo si es asi entonces me gustaria que me facilitaran
  la infomacion de como puedo hacerlo. He bajado de iomega el
  controlador para el dispositivo pero aun asi no he logrado hacerlo
  funcionar desde ya muchas gracias.

 Tre ipotesi:
 1. ti sei iscritto alla mailing list sbagliata;
 2. devo smetterla di bere birra di bassa qualità;
 3. qualcuno sa se per caso Linux ha un traduttore incorporato che si
 da solo?



hahhahahahahahhahaha :o))) LOL scusatema il bello di questa list e'
che oltre a risolvere problemi, imparare qualcosa di interessante, e
conoscere i trucchi del mestiereci si possono fare anche due
risatecon simpatia ;)

by Spider

[newbie-it] BlackBox

2001-06-11 Per discussione Corrado

Ciao a tutti!
Sto provando un po' tutti gli ambienti a dicposizione del Pinguino; non
posso dire di essere esattamente sorpreso nel constatare come Gnome e
Kde non siano poi così indispensabili, dopotutto... anche se le
applicazioni per essi realizzate continuano a esserlo! :)
E' qualche giorno che, specie per navigare in rete, mi servo di
BlackBox, e qui, appena imparato a gestirlo adeguatamente (leggi: a
prenderci la mano, e a usare in maniera proficua dei desktop virtuali),
sono riamsto effettivamente sorpreso nel rendermi conto di come tale
ambiente sia quasi perfetto per le mie esigenze, pur essendo
incredibilmente leggero... finora, a parte il fatto che manca
un'applicazione per lanciare un programma non inserito nei menù, l'unico
vero inconveniente è dato dalla visualizzazione dei font di non poche
pagine web, quale che sia il browser che utilizzo: i caratteri appaiono
se non proprio illeggibili, certo molto sgradevoli da vedere; qualcuno
sa se tale problema sia risolvibile?



[newbie-it] xfree 4.1.0

2001-06-11 Per discussione Brunini Alessandro

Salve a tutti.
Possiedo una ATI Radeon VE, che ha un chip diverso dal Radeon generico.
Ad esempio non ha il motore grafico Charisma Engine.

Premesso ciò, tale scheda non è supportata dalle xfree 4.0.3, ma pare 
che possa essere supportata dalle 4.1.0, appena uscite.

- Domanda numero 1 -

Qualcuno sa se tale scheda è supportata dalle 4.1.0?

- Domanda numero 2 -

Una volta che uno si scarica i files, come si installano e come si 
rendono operativi?

PS: Mandrake 7.2 e 8.0 mi funzionano col server FBDev (che fa schifo). 
Mi piacerebbe cambiare, e non usare win98, che non usavo da mesi.


Re: [newbie-it] Modem pci 56k !!!

2001-06-11 Per discussione Fabio Coatti

Il 11:43, lunedì 11 giugno 2001, xpyto scrisse:

  Ho da poco messo su la Mandrake 8.0 meravigliosa creatura!!!.
 Tutte le periferiche funzionano a meraviglia..
 Tutte tranne il mio modem trust communicator 56k pci(Interno).
 Pur sapendo che molti modem winmodem non sono supportati da linux ho
 speranze per il futuro(e se qualcuno lo sa per il presente)di poter
 montare il mio modem?? Un saluto

Al volo non saprei, devo cerificare che chipset usa, ma sicuramente è 
un'ottima idea scrivere al produttore, anche se non si hanno risultati è 
semrpe bene far sapere che c'è gente che vuole usare tale modem con 

Fabio Coatti 
Ferrara Linux Users Group
GnuPG fp:9765 A5B6 6843 17BC A646  BE8C FA56 373A 5374 C703
Old SysOps never die... they simply forget their password.

RE: [newbie] A good Motherboard

2001-06-11 Per discussione OOzy Pal

Ok now after I got my motherboard, I am trying to make
linux detect the built-in Promise Fasttrack card in my
motherboard MSI K7T Turbo-R. I don't want the card to
work as a raid. I want to just to work as a normal
IDE. Hard Drake is detecting the Promise card under
Other Devices. How can I get it to work?

--- Shawn Dolan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm using a promise ATA 33/66/100 driver from
 direct link:
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
 Sent: Friday, June 01, 2001 11:07 AM
 Cc: Brandon Caudle; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [newbie] A good Motherboard
 On Friday 01 June 2001 17:45, OOzy Pal wrote:
  Are you saying that this motherboard will not work
  with Linux? If this true then I am screwed.
 Look at operating systems--No linux available... 
 The driver we have to run
 it as a regular controller (not RAID) makes one
 channel for one device,
  --- Civileme [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   On Friday 01 June 2001 01:25, OOzy Pal wrote:
I have already ordered my system with
MSI K7T Turbo-R
I hope it works fine. Even though it is RAID
 but I
running it as a normal IDE.
   I hope you realize you have the right to turn it
   around unopened and I
   STRONGLY recommend you do so.  I can more or
   guarantee it will NOT work.
   Make it the manufacturer's problem not
   bought a board with WinIDE.
--- Tim Holmes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 *sigh*  HTML in email is EVIL!

 But back to the point... the ASUS A7V133, is
 NICE motherboard.  That's what I'm running
 It supports 266 FSB, it has a Promise ATA
 on board, which will handle 4 IDE devices. 
 comes with the regular IDE controller that
 motherboards come with.  So you could have 8
 in the machine provided you have the room in
 case and then room on the power supply for
 the 8

 But if you want recommendations for a
 you really need to know what kind of
 looking to go with.  The A7V133 is a AMD
 motherboard.  I'm not sure if they make a
 motherboard like that,
 that supports Intel.

 The motherboad is about $150-$160, but it's

 T. Holmes
 Real Men Us Vi!

 | hy,
 | i dont know if there are special drivers
 but the asus a7v133 has

 | 4 ide channels. 2 are normal ide's, so
 under linux for sure.

 | the other 2 are controlled by a promise
 win98 you need a driver

 | from promise for them).
 | the connectors can be used to access 4 ide

 peripherals, or the

 | 2 primary ide's can be used to build a


 | regards
 | mp
 | Am Montag, 28. Mai 2001 00:37 schrieb

 |  htmlDIV
 |  Pthe maximumis 4 ide devices//P
 |  Pnbsp;/P
 |  Pbrandon caudleBRBR/P/DIV
 |  DIV/DIVgt;From: Pauwel Demeyer


 |  DIV/DIVgt;To:
 |  DIV/DIVgt;Subject: Re: [newbie] A


 |  DIV/DIVgt;Date: Sat, 26 May 2001

 |  DIV/DIVgt;
 |  DIV/DIVgt;The problem is there are
 who have more than 2

 |  IDE-connectors DIV/DIVgt;(as far
 |  DIV/DIVgt;as I know, so the best is
 an extra card with again

=== message truncated ===


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Re: [newbie] network sharing

2001-06-11 Per discussione Kheb

On Wed, 6 Jun 2001 23:56:10 +0200, • Karel • said:

   Question 2:
  Which rpm I must install to get back nslookup command?

[kheb@dors kheb]$ locate nslookup 
[kheb@dors kheb]$ rpm -qf /usr/bin/nslookup
[kheb@dors kheb]$ 


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Re: [newbie] LM8.0

2001-06-11 Per discussione Francisco Alcaraz Ariza

Greg, why don't download the two iso images and try?
For me MDK 8 is runing fine, but perhaps your hardware could give problems; 
if you first try with this main installation you could have an experience to 
decide buy or not.

I have the 8.0 installed in 3 computers, one of them a laptop, runing lot of 
Hitachi dvd (movies with xine and videolan fine)
Soncy CRX160 cd-writer (now, with the patch for xcdroast, burning cds fine)
Teach cd-driver
Epson Perfection 1200 USB scanner (runing fine)
Cable módem and other lan conexion runing fine (the cable modem with IP 
masquering is also used by the laptop)
Epson Stylus Color 760 USB printer
HP LaserJet 4 L pritner
Avermedia TVCapture 98 tv-card (wonderfull, even decodifing cable television 
and nagra codified channels)
Voodo3 3000 runing fine with DRI (aceleration) activated (Quake II and so on 
runing fast)
ATI Rage video card
Maestro 2 and CreativeLab PCI 128 sound cards runing fine

If your hardware is compatible, I do recommend you Mandrake 8.0!

Francisco Alcaraz
Murcia (Spain)

 Greg G wrote:
  I was thinking about buying  8.0 but wanted to hear
  from some who already have it Is it worth the
  money or should i wait

Re: RE: [newbie] Can't get on-line

2001-06-11 Per discussione Michael Scottaline



 Before you do anything else from a console prompt type in




 If you get back a reply, then your internet connection is set up and you

 are having DNS problems which is likely.

If there is a dns problem, you'll need to edit /etc/resolv.conf
add the lines:
search your isp
nameserver dns #
nameserver dns #  [your isp should give you two]

Many loads of beer were brought. What disorder, whoring, fighting, killing, and 
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[newbie] batch files

2001-06-11 Per discussione SK


How to create a batch files in Linux command. For example tail -f

Best Regards,

Re: [newbie] batch files

2001-06-11 Per discussione marek kilimajer

On Mon, 11 Jun 2001, SK wrote:

Batch files begin with:

# comments start like this
# now your commands follow
tail -f /var/log/maillog

this file needs to be executable: chmod +x file
now put it somwhere in your PATH


 How to create a batch files in Linux command. For example tail -f

 Best Regards,

[newbie] How to re-install an rpm using rpm tools (like rpmdrake)

2001-06-11 Per discussione Pedro _

I am using Mandrake 8.0. How can I re-install a rpm with rpm tools (like 
rpmdrake)? Or do I need to use the command line?

Thanks in advance
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[newbie] FTape modules

2001-06-11 Per discussione Patrick Hubers


I am trying to get my Iomega QIC tape drive to work under LM8.0. I
downloaded the ftape sources, but compilation failed due to what looks like
errors in the source code (missing return statements etc.), even thought I
can hardly imagine that the code is really that bad. I'd prefer to avoid
debugging this stuff, however.

But, I found the ftape modules in gzip format under
/lib/modules/2.4.3-20mdk/kernel/drivers/char/ftape. Is it possible to unzip
these, put them in the modules directory and simply load them? Or is this
not a recommended course of action for some reason?


Patrick Hubers

Solve IT
Postbus 5063
3502 JB Utrecht

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RE: [newbie] How to re-install an rpm using rpm tools (like rpmdrake)

2001-06-11 Per discussione Adams, Jamie

I prefer to use a graphical front end for RPM installations, with
mandrake i use KPackage, which comes with KDE, but your can also use
Jamie Adams
Housing Assistant

41 Castle Road
North Yorkshire, YO11 1BJ

Tel: (01723) 507543
Fax: (01723) 355862

Sent:  11 June 2001 10:38
Subject:   [newbie] How to re-install an rpm using rpm tools (like rpmdrake)

I am using Mandrake 8.0. How can I re-install a rpm with rpm tools (like 
rpmdrake)? Or do I need to use the command line?

Thanks in advance
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This message has been checked for all known viruses by Star Internet
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Re: [newbie] where to get themes?

2001-06-11 Per discussione Charles A. Punch

Thanks for the link! The message wasn't on the page when I'd checked it (I 

On Monday 11 June 2001 00:46, Charles A. Punch wrote:
 Sam wrote:
  I went to to download a couple of themes for KDE.
  But I get a page saying 404 Not Found. In fact, it appears to be the
  same with Does anybody know what's happened to the site,
  and any other good sources of themes? Thanks

 There is a link at

 called Sourceforge mirrors, which will take you here

 to a list of themes.

[newbie] AWE 32 Sound Card Problem LM8

2001-06-11 Per discussione Joe Finnie

I installed Linux Mandrake 8 but it did not detect my
sound card. I have a sound blaster awe 32 isa card.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Joe Finnie

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a year!

Re: [newbie] FTape modules

2001-06-11 Per discussione Tim Holmes

You should be able to compile your kernel to just load the module at boot.  Here's 
some of
the info in the kernel config file.

# Ftape, the floppy tape device driver
# CONFIG_FTAPE is not set
# CONFIG_DRM_GAMMA is not set
# CONFIG_DRM_R128 is not set
# CONFIG_DRM_I810 is not set
# CONFIG_DRM_MGA is not set

There's another section I believe that will allow you set other things.  You may
investigate this option.

T. Holmes
Real Men Us Vi!
| Hi,
| I am trying to get my Iomega QIC tape drive to work under LM8.0. I
| downloaded the ftape sources, but compilation failed due to what looks like
| errors in the source code (missing return statements etc.), even thought I
| can hardly imagine that the code is really that bad. I'd prefer to avoid
| debugging this stuff, however.
| But, I found the ftape modules in gzip format under
| /lib/modules/2.4.3-20mdk/kernel/drivers/char/ftape. Is it possible to unzip
| these, put them in the modules directory and simply load them? Or is this
| not a recommended course of action for some reason?
| TIA!
| _
| Patrick Hubers
| Solve IT
| Postbus 5063
| 3502 JB Utrecht
| Nederland
| fax +31-84-8820913

[newbie] ALN601a Network Adapter on Mandrake 7.2

2001-06-11 Per discussione Frederico Figueiredo

Hi there.
I recently bought a Notebook Toshiba 1700-500...
And I instaled Mandrake 7.2 on it.
I was able to configure everything except the Network Adapter. It's an Acer
I really need it!
Can someone help me please?


Re: [newbie] A good Motherboard

2001-06-11 Per discussione Chubby Vic

I wonder if I could crack out the code?

On Monday 11 June 2001 08:03 am, so spoke civileme:
 On Monday 11 June 2001 02:21, OOzy Pal wrote:
  Ok now after I got my motherboard, I am trying to make
  linux detect the built-in Promise Fasttrack card in my
  motherboard MSI K7T Turbo-R. I don't want the card to
  work as a raid. I want to just to work as a normal
  IDE. Hard Drake is detecting the Promise card under
  Other Devices. How can I get it to work?

 Short answer:  One channel and one drive--maybe.  The Promise FastTrak is
 basically unsupported thanks to the secrecy from Promise.  Andre did the
 best he could wih the info they gave but it isn't enough.

 QA/Software Testing

  --- Shawn Dolan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I'm using a promise ATA 33/66/100 driver from
   direct link:
   -Original Message-
   [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
   Sent: Friday, June 01, 2001 11:07 AM
   Cc: Brandon Caudle; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Subject: Re: [newbie] A good Motherboard
   On Friday 01 June 2001 17:45, OOzy Pal wrote:
Are you saying that this motherboard will not work
with Linux? If this true then I am screwed.
   Look at operating systems--No linux available...
   The driver we have to run
   it as a regular controller (not RAID) makes one
   channel for one device,
--- Civileme [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Friday 01 June 2001 01:25, OOzy Pal wrote:
  I have already ordered my system with
  MSI K7T Turbo-R
  I hope it works fine. Even though it is RAID
   but I

  running it as a normal IDE.

 I hope you realize you have the right to turn it
 around unopened and I
 STRONGLY recommend you do so.  I can more or
 guarantee it will NOT work.

 Make it the manufacturer's problem not
 bought a board with WinIDE.


  --- Tim Holmes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   *sigh*  HTML in email is EVIL!
   But back to the point... the ASUS A7V133, is

   NICE motherboard.  That's what I'm running
   It supports 266 FSB, it has a Promise ATA


   on board, which will handle 4 IDE devices.

   comes with the regular IDE controller that
   motherboards come with.  So you could have 8
   in the machine provided you have the room in
   case and then room on the power supply for
   the 8
   But if you want recommendations for a


   you really need to know what kind of
   looking to go with.  The A7V133 is a AMD
   motherboard.  I'm not sure if they make a
   motherboard like that,
   that supports Intel.
   The motherboad is about $150-$160, but it's


   T. Holmes
   Real Men Us Vi!
   | hy,
   | i dont know if there are special drivers

   but the asus a7v133 has
   | 4 ide channels. 2 are normal ide's, so

   under linux for sure.
   | the other 2 are controlled by a promise

   win98 you need a driver
   | from promise for them).
   | the connectors can be used to access 4 ide
   peripherals, or the
   | 2 primary ide's can be used to build a
   | regards
   | mp
   | Am Montag, 28. Mai 2001 00:37 schrieb
   |  htmlDIV
   |  Pthe maximumis 4 ide devices//P
   |  Pnbsp;/P
   |  Pbrandon caudleBRBR/P/DIV
   |  DIV/DIV
   |  DIV/DIVgt;From: Pauwel Demeyer
   |  DIV/DIVgt;To:
   |  DIV/DIVgt;Subject: Re: [newbie] A
   |  DIV/DIVgt;Date: Sat, 26 May 2001


   |  DIV/DIVgt;
   |  DIV/DIVgt;The problem is there are

   who have more than 2
   |  IDE-connectors DIV/DIVgt;(as far
   |  DIV/DIVgt;as I know, so the best is


   an extra card with again
  === message truncated ===
  What is the purpose of life?

Re: [newbie] Fwd: OT:Mayor problems with MBR need help desp.

2001-06-11 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

Whatever yo do, DON'T reinstall Windows. If you do, booting into 
GNU/Linux will not be possible unless you do a lot of messing around.

In the Mandrake Control Centre ('Configuration' - 'Other' - 
'Mandrake Control Centre' in the Mandrake menus) click 'Boot' - 'Boot 
Config' - 'Configure'. You can configure LILO/GRUB from this wizard.

On Mon, 11 Jun 2001 07:11, Garry wrote:
 I have a similar problem. I have Win98SE and Mandrake 8 operating on
 a LILO dual boot system. When reinstalling Mandrake I went fdisk/mbr
 after deleting the non-DOS partition (ie Mandrake). I have doen this
 before and it worked ok, although I thought I used 'del/mbr'.

 Now I cannot get into Windows at all. The reference to Windows in in
 the LILo option, but it does not lead to anything. I can still use
 Mandrake ok. I had problems reinstalling Mandrake 8. It got stuck
 and I had to start again from the begining.
 I can still see all the Windows files from Linux. Will I need to
 reinstall Windows?
 Can I reconfigure LILO to boot Windows? If so, how can I do this?

 On Monday 11 June 2001 11:04, Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:
  The fdisk /mbr command sets your MBR to refer to the boot record
  on the active partition. If you change the active partition later,
  this is the partition that will boot at startup.
  The WinNT loader is stored on the boot record of the partition
  that WInNT is installed, not on the MBR. You can do the same with
  other boot loaders like LILO and GRUB. When you configure these,
  write to your GNU/Linux partition and not to then MBR. Use a tool
  like fdisk to set your active partition to the one with that boot
  loader installed and then in DOS issue a fdisk /mbr. This method
  is much more flexible than writing to your MBR since the partition
  to be booted from can be changed simply by changing the active
  partition. If you are having problems with LILO or GRUB starting
  (preventing you from booting GNU/Linux), you can change the active
  partiton to your Windos partition using fdisk and then try to fix
  the problem from there.
  On Sun, 10 Jun 2001 14:33, Romanator wrote:
   Nope. It puts it back to it original state before Linux was
   installed. I tried it on NT4  machine with no problems.
   Registered Linux User #179293
   This email is powered by the Tux Email Utility
   Michael Spivak wrote:
if you'll do 'fdisk /mbr' you'll erase all your mbr data,
including the WinNT OS Loader.

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] Windows Shutdown Problem in Linux?

2001-06-11 Per discussione George Petri

On Sunday 10 June 2001 20:27, you wrote:
 On Sunday 10 June 2001 18:31, you wrote:
  Everyone knows that certain versions of Windows, when told to Shut
  Down, actually choose to reboot instead.  And it seems that my Linux
  installation has caught this horrible disease (actually it's had this
  problem ever since I first installed it).
  Basically, if I select Shutdown from kdm or type in halt or
  poweroff or telinit 0, it gives lots of
  shutting-down-whatever-service messages and then it says:
  System is halted.
  So far so good but then it says stopping all md devices and reboots.
  Does anyone know why this happens?
  Could it have something to do with this (in my /sbin directory):?
  -rwxr-xr-x1 root root 7548 Oct  3  2000 halt*
  lrwxrwxrwx1 root root4 Mar 30 16:03 poweroff - halt*
  lrwxrwxrwx1 root root4 Mar 30 16:03 reboot - halt*
  George Petri

 Nope, more likely it is your chipset.  Some KT133 and KT133A chipsets have
 a problem about halting/rebooting, especially on FIC AZ11 motherboards,
 limited to specific runs.  There may be others as well that we don't know
 about.  If you can describe your system, maybe we can come up with a
 workaround.  If it is 7.1, I have one already.  (You didn't mention your

 QA Team


I have Mandrake 7.2 running on a Pentium II-350.  I have no idea what type of 
motherboard it is except that it is from Gateway and is full of integrated 
components such as an nVidia Riva 128 zx chipset and es1373 sound card.  It 
supports the advanced power management thing as well.  I dual boot with 
Windows 98 and disabled the fast shutdown option (but more recently win98 
still doesn't shutdown at all!).


[newbie] AntiAliaising

2001-06-11 Per discussione Florian

Howdy first of all after installing themes and getting used to them i have to 
say i like kde more than ever .
But i have a little problem with AA actually all fonts and icons look great 
but as soon as i open a console under kde i cant use some symbols 
ie: `-`i cant see those at all not either in kmail (thats why i 
have probably typed a lot of them ) =) has this been fixed somewhere? 
i have a Geforce2gts with latest nvidia drivers thanx for help .

[newbie] Forwarded mail....

2001-06-11 Per discussione Mr S Ganesan

Senior Scientist
Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering
Berasia Road
Bhopal 462038, INDIA
Phone:  0755-730986 (O)
0755-732105 (R)
Web Address:

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, 11 Jun 2001 17:38:59 +0530 (IST)
From: Mr S Ganesan [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dear Sir,
I have downloaded the RH7.1 iso file from the site
( and burnt both the CDs. These CDs are working fine in
ordinary single processor machines with IDE hard disks. But when I tried
to load RH7.1 on my dual processor 768 MB RAM machine with SCSI hard disk
and megaraid support it takes a long time to load the aic7xxx driver and
after selecting the needed softwares, the install does not complete and
the machine simply hangs without any indication of what is happening.
The same machine loads beautifully with the RH 6.2 and we have been using
it for nearly 8 months as our mail server. What is the problem with the RH
7.1 operating system?

Senior Scientist
Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering
Berasia Road
Bhopal 462038, INDIA
Phone:  0755-730986 (O)
0755-732105 (R)
Web Address:

Re: [newbie] AWE 32 Sound Card Problem LM8

2001-06-11 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

This has got to be one of the most asked questions since at least 
Mandrake 7.0 (released Jan 2000). I'm surprised Mandrake hasn't fixed 
properly yet.

From a text console (NOT a X terminal window), log in as root and type 
'sndconfig'. Follow the instructions.

On Mon, 11 Jun 2001 11:10, Joe Finnie wrote:
 I installed Linux Mandrake 8 but it did not detect my
 sound card. I have a sound blaster awe 32 isa card.
 Any help will be greatly appreciated.

 Joe Finnie

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] where to get themes?

2001-06-11 Per discussione Jose

I want to thank you for the link as well. I have been looking for KDE 
themes for awhile.

On Monday 11 June 2001 06:36, Charles A. Punch wrote:
 Thanks for the link! The message wasn't on the page when I'd checked it
 (I think!)

 On Monday 11 June 2001 00:46, Charles A. Punch wrote:
  Sam wrote:
   I went to to download a couple of themes for
   KDE. But I get a page saying 404 Not Found. In fact, it appears
   to be the same with Does anybody know what's
   happened to the site, and any other good sources of themes? Thanks
  There is a link at
  called Sourceforge mirrors, which will take you here
  to a list of themes.


Re: [newbie] LM8.0

2001-06-11 Per discussione poogle

On Sunday 10 June 2001 14:25, you wrote:
 I was thinking about buying  8.0 but wanted to hear
 from some who already have it Is it worth the
 money or should i wait

 Do You Yahoo!?
 Get personalized email addresses from Yahoo! Mail - only $35
 a year!

Wait for what ? It's great now - but it will keep getting better so you could 
wait forever :-)
Registered Linux user 182657 (added to sig for the benefit of those irritated 
by it)

Re: [newbie] AntiAliaising

2001-06-11 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

Have a read at

You probably should disable AA in the KDE Control Centre before you 
try any of this, just in case.

On Mon, 11 Jun 2001 11:47, Florian wrote:
 Howdy first of all after installing themes and getting used to them
 i have to say i like kde more than ever .
 But i have a little problem with AA actually all fonts and icons
 look great but as soon as i open a console under kde i cant use some
 symbols ie: `-`i cant see those at all not either in
 kmail (thats why i have probably typed a lot of them ) =) has this
 been fixed somewhere? i have a Geforce2gts with latest nvidia
 drivers thanx for help . Florian

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] Xnews type program for Linux?

2001-06-11 Per discussione Tom Brinkman

On Monday 11 June 2001 07:53 am, Leif Madsen wrote:
 I am wondering if there is a good newsgroup program for Linux that
 automatically converts all the multipost messages in the binary
 newsgroups to single files like in a program I used to use called
 Xnews?  I'm using KNode now, but it seems a lot like Free Agent.  Any


 Pan   is probly the most popular binary 
grabber for newsgroups.  I'm using it (pan-0.9.6-1mdk) right now to get 
some mp3's. It's on 8.0's 2nd CD. I believe it was on 7.x CD's also. I 
use Knode for reading discussion newsgroups.
Tom Brinkman  [EMAIL PROTECTED] Galveston Bay

[newbie] Bind, DNS, Named - Where's A Good Place For Setup Information?

2001-06-11 Per discussione Sevatio

I'm trying to set up the Bind DNS server on LM8.0.  Where's a good place 
for setup information?  I'm hoping to find more information than what's 
on the HowTo.


Re: [newbie] Can't get on-line

2001-06-11 Per discussione Ken Knecht

At 08:42 PM 06/10/2001 -0400, you wrote:
On Sunday 10 June 2001 07:38 pm, you wrote:
  I'm using MD 8, KDE 2, and kppp. The modem is an external US Robotics
  56k. Kppp says it has logged on successfully. However, I can't go
  anywhere after logging on with a browser. I tried Netscape and
  Konqueror and Mozilla. None seem to be able to go anywhere on the
  net. I tried addresses I know are good like Google and addresses from
  their bookmark list.
  I use the same primary and secondary DNS IPs that I use in W98's DUN
  where they work fine.
  I wrote about this earlier and was told to try:
  1) Adding CR at the end of /etc/ppp/pap-secrets
  2) Commenting out 'Gateway' line in /etc/sysconfig/network
  I used a '#' for the comment symbol and followed these instructions.
  I haven't tried e-mail or news aps yet.
  Any suggestions? Another modem program?
I had(have) a similar problem although I'm using 7.2 and a Supra
external 56K modem.  Mine occurred after my ISP changed DNS settings on
a new server. I tried numerous configurations in /etc/ppp/options and
/etc/ppp/resolv.conf. Nothing seems to work. I must have changed every
setting in linuxconf - one by one.

Finally I tried resetting the speed at the KPPP settings screen. I had
always used 115200. Logged in but only a few packets transferred. Same
at 57600. At 38400 it connected and although slower than I had
previously experienced it worked. The connection is still occasionally
intermittent. It is rock solid at 19200 but slow.

I don't really know why it worked (I truly am new to Linux) but I
suspect that line quality comes into play. Some wizard of
initialization strings might have a better method but for now it worked
for me. It's a quick change to try and you're no worse off if it
doesn't. Good luck.



That got it! Thanks much. I got to google and made a search. Ugh - horrible 
font in Netscape! I'll have to try to fix that.

  I'll have to figure out how to get the speed back up but I can certainly 
live with 38400. I was only on a couple of minutes but it stayed connected. 
Now to set up mail and a newsreader. Anyone have any favorites?

If I can get my system to print and I can finally got off the W98 box - 
forever! I hope.


Re: [newbie] where to get themes?

2001-06-11 Per discussione Charles A. Punch

Jose wrote:
Glad to help and thanks for letting me know that it did. It always helps 
to let people know when their suggestion helped you. It keeps the spirit 
of sharing information alive.


Registered Linux user #217118
a seasoned newbie

 I want to thank you for the link as well. I have been looking for KDE 
 themes for awhile.
 On Monday 11 June 2001 06:36, Charles A. Punch wrote:
 Thanks for the link! The message wasn't on the page when I'd checked it
 (I think!)
 On Monday 11 June 2001 00:46, Charles A. Punch wrote:
 Sam wrote:
 I went to to download a couple of themes for
 KDE. But I get a page saying 404 Not Found. In fact, it appears
 to be the same with Does anybody know what's
 happened to the site, and any other good sources of themes? Thanks
 There is a link at
 called Sourceforge mirrors, which will take you here
 to a list of themes.

[newbie] Bind, DNS, Named - Where's A Good Place For Setup Information?

2001-06-11 Per discussione Sevatio

I'm trying to set up the Bind DNS server on LM8.0.  Where's a good place 
for setup information?  I'm hoping to find more information than what's 
on the HowTo.


[newbie] Upgrade to 8.0

2001-06-11 Per discussione Mark Lucas

I know that I can download the files to upgrade from 7.0 (my current setup)
to 8.0, but am unsure what to download. Can anyone offer an idiot's guide to

Re: [newbie] A good Motherboard

2001-06-11 Per discussione Paul

It was Sun, 10 Jun 2001 23:21:51 -0700 (PDT) when OOzy Pal wrote:

Ok now after I got my motherboard, I am trying to make
linux detect the built-in Promise Fasttrack card in my
motherboard MSI K7T Turbo-R. I don't want the card to
work as a raid. I want to just to work as a normal
IDE. Hard Drake is detecting the Promise card under
Other Devices. How can I get it to work?

Civileme wrote about this mainboard that the Promise controller is Win-IDE.
Perhaps that is the problem?


Grelb's Reminder:
Eighty percent of all people consider themselves
to be above average drivers. - Registered Linux User 174403
   Linux Mandrake 7.2 - Sylpheed 0.4.66
** - when you care **

[newbie] partition problem

2001-06-11 Per discussione González

Hi all
I'm trying to install LM8.0 on a second box, but when diskdrake asks about
what to do, it says it can't resize my windows98 partition, which appears to
be fat32-lba mapped (what is that?)
is it a software problem, the disk is to fragmented, or it has to do with the

can i use  partition magic to try it?


Get free email and a permanent address at

[newbie] KDE mail newsreader doc?

2001-06-11 Per discussione Ken Knecht

Can someone direct me to a site with printable doc, preferably ASCII, for 
Kmail and the KDE 2 newsreader (Knode?). I like to read the directions 
before I set up and use software and I prefer not to do my reading from a 

I looked at the howto and mini-howto list but couldn't find anything. I 
have found Kmail doc at the KDE site, but in HTML, which doesn't lend 
itself to easy printing. (Or is there a secret to printing out a whole HTML 
doc without pulling up each section from the TOC?)



[newbie] DVD Player?

2001-06-11 Per discussione Geof Steichen

Is DVD supported on LM8.0?  My search has not found a player
for Linux.  Can anyone point me to where I can get DVD
player software.  My DVD drive works as a CD Reader only. 
Geof A. Steichen
Netscape Mail

Re: [newbie] Fwd: OT:Mayor problems with MBR need help desp.

2001-06-11 Per discussione Paul

It was Mon, 11 Jun 2001 17:11:25 +1000 when Garry wrote:

WHen you boot to dos with a floppy, make sure you have the sys command on it.
First run fdisk /mbr and then do a sys c:
That should get you going.

I have a similar problem. I have Win98SE and Mandrake 8 operating on a LILO 
dual boot system. When reinstalling Mandrake I went fdisk/mbr after deleting 
the non-DOS partition (ie Mandrake). I have doen this before and it worked 
ok, although I thought I used 'del/mbr'.

Now I cannot get into Windows at all. The reference to Windows in in the LILo
option, but it does not lead to anything. I can still use Mandrake ok. I had 
problems reinstalling Mandrake 8. It got stuck and I had to start again from 
the begining. 
I can still see all the Windows files from Linux. Will I need to reinstall 
Can I reconfigure LILO to boot Windows? If so, how can I do this? 

On Monday 11 June 2001 11:04, Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:
 The fdisk /mbr command sets your MBR to refer to the boot record on
 the active partition. If you change the active partition later, this
 is the partition that will boot at startup.

 The WinNT loader is stored on the boot record of the partition that
 WInNT is installed, not on the MBR. You can do the same with other
 boot loaders like LILO and GRUB. When you configure these, write to
 your GNU/Linux partition and not to then MBR. Use a tool like fdisk to
 set your active partition to the one with that boot loader installed
 and then in DOS issue a fdisk /mbr. This method is much more flexible
 than writing to your MBR since the partition to be booted from can be
 changed simply by changing the active partition. If you are having
 problems with LILO or GRUB starting (preventing you from booting
 GNU/Linux), you can change the active partiton to your Windos
 partition using fdisk and then try to fix the problem from there.

 On Sun, 10 Jun 2001 14:33, Romanator wrote:
  Nope. It puts it back to it original state before Linux was
  installed. I tried it on NT4  machine with no problems.
  Registered Linux User #179293
  This email is powered by the Tux Email Utility
  Michael Spivak wrote:
   if you'll do 'fdisk /mbr' you'll erase all your mbr data,
   including the WinNT OS Loader.

Grelb's Reminder:
Eighty percent of all people consider themselves
to be above average drivers. - Registered Linux User 174403
   Linux Mandrake 7.2 - Sylpheed 0.4.66
** - when you care **

Re: [newbie] Windows Shutdown Problem in Linux?

2001-06-11 Per discussione Jon Doe

On Sunday 10 June 2001 12:01 pm, you wrote:
 George Petri wrote:
  Everyone knows that certain versions of Windows, when told to Shut
  Down, actually choose to reboot instead.  And it seems that my Linux
  installation has caught this horrible disease (actually it's had this
  problem ever since I first installed it).
  Basically, if I select Shutdown from kdm or type in halt or
  poweroff or telinit 0, it gives lots of
  shutting-down-whatever-service messages and then it says:
  System is halted.
  So far so good but then it says stopping all md devices and reboots.
  Does anyone know why this happens?

 I haven't the foggiest why this happens, but  I have the same problem
 (sometimes). I can shutdown normally twice, but the third time, it will
 reboot instead.


 Registered Linux user 217118

I have this same problem with RedHat 7.1. So it must not be distro specific.

Re: [newbie] Windows Shutdown Problem in Linux?

2001-06-11 Per discussione Paul

It was Mon, 11 Jun 2001 14:55:09 -0400 when Jon Doe wrote:

  Everyone knows that certain versions of Windows, when told to Shut
  Down, actually choose to reboot instead.  And it seems that my Linux
  installation has caught this horrible disease (actually it's had this
  problem ever since I first installed it).

A possible way to fix it is: 
change your /etc/rc.d/init.d/halt file.
Change eval $command -i -d -p to eval $command -i -d

No warranty, but it seems to help on some systems.

Grelb's Reminder:
Eighty percent of all people consider themselves
to be above average drivers. - Registered Linux User 174403
   Linux Mandrake 7.2 - Sylpheed 0.4.66
** - when you care **

[newbie] Single Network Firewall

2001-06-11 Per discussione Florian

Did anyone try it?
Im thinking of using it as a router for our company we have a lan with 10 pcs 
and a novell server (ouch) but since our ElsaLancom (never buy it) chrashes 
every 10 minutes i was wondering if Single Network Firewall firewall is an 
possibly easy to use alternative?
If i did all the networks stuff by myself i would use a MDK8 version but 
since there are people taking care of the networking who dont have experience 
with linux i like the idea of boot a cd  install  boot  and hop were up.
Another question is if there are possibillities of putting ssh etc. servers 
on the Single Network Firewall?
Do i expect too much ... little?

[newbie] LM 7.2, upgrading kernel to 2.2.19

2001-06-11 Per discussione Chris Buxton

I'm using Mandrake 7.2, which came with the 2.2.17 kernel.

I ran the Updates program and found that there was an available 
kernel update. Unfortunately, I told it to install said update. Now 
my system won't boot.

I see in the list archive that someone has indicated that there's a 
page describing how to properly perform the update, somewhere on the 
Mandrake website. I don't even know where to look.

Can anyone point me to a set of directions describing how to recover 
from this? Any and all help is appreciated. I would very much not 
like to have to reformat and start over.

Details of my system:
- Custom system, 900 MHz Athlon with 1536 MB of RAM.
- 30 GB hard drive with a single ReiserFS partition (plus a separate, 
nonfunctional Windows98 installation - it doesn't like having that 
much RAM).
- Grub.
- Floppy drive, CD-ROM drive, network connection (with gateway 
[separate machine] to broadband Internet access).
- Mandrake 7.2 CD set (and I've figured out how to get into Rescue 
mode from the bootable CD)

Chris Buxton

[newbie] LoopBack not working.

2001-06-11 Per discussione Frederico Figueiredo

I'm trying to use loopback on M7.2!
And I can't. I don't know why. 
When I do ping it says Network Unreachable
Can someone help me please?


[newbie] XFree86

2001-06-11 Per discussione OOzy Pal

How can I know which version of XFree86 I am running.
I have LM8.0?


What is the purpose of life?

Do You Yahoo!?
Get personalized email addresses from Yahoo! Mail - only $35 
a year!

Re: [newbie] XFree86

2001-06-11 Per discussione Alan Shoemaker

OOzy Pal wrote:
 How can I know which version of XFree86 I am running.
 I have LM8.0?


X -version

Re: [newbie] DVD Player?

2001-06-11 Per discussione s

umm, there's livid, videolan, vlc, and xine.  a google search will yield a 
url for these.  vlc and xine are the ones i've had the most luck with.

On Monday 11 June 2001 01:02 pm, you wrote:
 Is DVD supported on LM8.0?  My search has not found a player
 for Linux.  Can anyone point me to where I can get DVD
 player software.  My DVD drive works as a CD Reader only.

Re: [newbie] SCSI emulation

2001-06-11 Per discussione s

On a related note, I just replaced my mobo and dvdrom drive and linux booted 
fine and kudzu configured the new chipset.  yaaay!!!  

In addition, the new drive is a dvd/cdrw combo deal, and it is correctly 
identified in kde systems control and harddrake.  again yaayyy.

However, the scsi emulation did not automagically get configured.  Where is 
an uptodate site I can look to get this set up?  


On Sunday 10 June 2001 03:21 pm, you wrote:
 On Sunday 10 June 2001 06:37, Roberto Herrero wrote:
  SCSI emulation doesn't work in my Macmillan LM 7.2 distribution because
  the module sr_mod.o is missing. As a consequence, my CD-burner is not

 Sorry but that analysis is incorrect.  sr_mod.o is not needed. Access it
 through /dev/scd0.  There could be several other reasons your CD-R is not
 working in 7.2.  I would have to see setup information for your specific
 machine but if it is not an LG and it is not sharing an IDE channel with a
 DVD or a CDROM, it will work, almost always.  In those cases mentioned, an
 installation of kernel 2.2.19 is required and still some LGs don't work.


  Please can anybody tell me if that module is loaded by LM 8.0, or it is
  still missing in that version? Check out in

 FWIW, it is there, but at
 file:/lib/modules/2.4.3-20mdk/kernel/drivers/scsi. And it still is not

  Thank you very much,
  Roberto Herrero

[newbie] OT: TNT2 can't configure

2001-06-11 Per discussione [EMAIL PROTECTED]

ok need some help with my TNT2 card from creative its installed as a regular 
tnt2 with no opengl options. But i want to play opengl games in the futhure 
with this pc so i need to have my system running opengl.
what do i need and WHERE do i get it ?
LM8.0, AMD400,192RAM,TNT2,6.4GB,56kmodem =[
using kde/gnome/enlightment (icq 73608706)

[newbie] OT: TNT2 can't configure

2001-06-11 Per discussione [EMAIL PROTECTED]

ok need some help with my TNT2 card from creative its installed as a regular 
tnt2 with no opengl options. But i want to play opengl games in the futhure 
with this pc so i need to have my system running opengl.
what do i need and WHERE do i get it ?
LM8.0, AMD400,192RAM,TNT2,6.4GB,56kmodem =[
using kde/gnome/enlightment (icq 73608706)

[newbie] OT: TNT2 can't configure

2001-06-11 Per discussione [EMAIL PROTECTED]

ok need some help with my TNT2 card from creative its installed as a regular 
tnt2 with no opengl options. But i want to play opengl games in the futhure 
with this pc so i need to have my system running opengl.
what do i need and WHERE do i get it ?
LM8.0, AMD400,192RAM,TNT2,6.4GB,56kmodem =[
using kde/gnome/enlightment (icq 73608706)

Re: [newbie] LoopBack not working.

2001-06-11 Per discussione Frederico Figueiredo

I've look in the kernel configuration for that option. I didn't find it. All
I could found about loopback, was Loopback device suport...
I have M7.2 on another computer that works well, and this option is equal o
where I need loopback, wish is an notebook (toshiba 1700-500)
Any more ideas? I really need them!

Thanks a lot,
- Original Message -
From: Gary Chisholm [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Frederico Figueiredo [EMAIL PROTECTED];
Sent: Monday, June 11, 2001 9:37 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] LoopBack not working.

 Do you have network loopback compiled in your kernel?

 On 11 Jun 2001 20:50:02 +0100, Frederico Figueiredo wrote:
  I'm trying to use loopback on M7.2!
  And I can't. I don't know why.
  When I do ping it says Network Unreachable
  Can someone help me please?


 Gary Chisholm

Fw: [newbie] Configurar Samba en Mandrake 8.0

2001-06-11 Per discussione Félix Martin Celaya Murguía

Que tal,
e intentado configurara el samba en mi PC con mandrake 8.0 pero estor
usuando un pequeño manual de redhat y aunque la ubicacion de archivos es la
misma, su configuración no.
Agradecria me pudieran ayudar atte. Felix

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[newbie] Installing Network Adapter on LM7.2

2001-06-11 Per discussione Frederico Figueiredo

Thaks for helping me with the loopback...
I was able to put it to work using ifconfig lo
It's really strange why I have to do this in order to work. Because I use
M7.2 on another computer and I never needed this option.

I have another problem.
I bought an Network Adapter Acer ALN601a...
And I can't put it to work. Acer does not have any drives for it, and I've
tried with realteek drivers, but it doesn't work.
By the way, I'm trying to install it on a notebook, Toshiba 1700-500...
I really need to acess my local network.
Can someone welp me with this simple problem :)


Re: [newbie] OT: TNT2 can't configure

2001-06-11 Per discussione Michael D. Viron


First, don't post the same e-mail to the list 3 times within 3
minutes--Send your e-mails only once--it may take a while to get posted,
but *it* will get to the list.

As far as opengl, you have to make sure you have XFree 4 installed -- I
don't think opengl is an option on the 3.3.x series.


Michael Viron
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

At 11:16 PM 06/11/2001 +0200, Sh@rky wrote:
ok need some help with my TNT2 card from creative its installed as a regular 
tnt2 with no opengl options. But i want to play opengl games in the futhure 
with this pc so i need to have my system running opengl.
what do i need and WHERE do i get it ?
LM8.0, AMD400,192RAM,TNT2,6.4GB,56kmodem =[
using kde/gnome/enlightment (icq 73608706)

[newbie] Masquerading and IPTables

2001-06-11 Per discussione Ross Slade

1. Is there a howto on Masquerading for Mandrake 8.0? I had it working fine
under 6.0 - 7.1, but not now... I have a static IP ( and an
internal LAN using for this box and for a WinME box.

One thing I have found is that a friend's box has four tabs in netconf, one
being for forwarding and such - I don't have that tab available so something's
missing - can someone please tell me what package will add that seemingly
critical tab to netconf?

2. I had a resonable firewall under the older versions using ipchains - what's
the best way to convertthe old one into iptables? (since it seems I can no
longer use ipchains?)

Thanks in advance for any help...


-- [ICQ No.9391313]
  {For email change borg to org}

[newbie] Numbers, Numbers and more Numbers

2001-06-11 Per discussione Suresh

Hello Friends,

When I shutdown my system I get lots of numbers scrolling on my
screen. It does not stop also. I have not observed this problem on
any other machines. All my friends get the message Power Down but I
don't. But as such I don't have any problem with the working of
Linux. Just  want to know the reason for this and is there any way I
can prevent it. 

I had the same problem when I was using RHL. One day the numbers
stopped scrolling and it gave a message saying Unable to fulfill
kernels paging request.

Thanks in advance


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Re: [newbie] Windows Shutdown Problem in Linux?

2001-06-11 Per discussione Carroll Grigsby

I also saw this tip on your website, and I'm going to give it a try on
Lazarus (he's the backup PC that I'm building from scrapbox parts).
Since I'm also trying to learn something about shell programming, I dug
through some Linux texts, but struck out. (1) What's happening here? (2)
What's a good reference on shell programming?

Paul wrote:
 It was Mon, 11 Jun 2001 14:55:09 -0400 when Jon Doe wrote:
   Everyone knows that certain versions of Windows, when told to Shut
   Down, actually choose to reboot instead.  And it seems that my Linux
   installation has caught this horrible disease (actually it's had this
   problem ever since I first installed it).
 A possible way to fix it is:
 change your /etc/rc.d/init.d/halt file.
 Change eval $command -i -d -p to eval $command -i -d
 No warranty, but it seems to help on some systems.
 Grelb's Reminder:
 Eighty percent of all people consider themselves
 to be above average drivers. - Registered Linux User 174403
Linux Mandrake 7.2 - Sylpheed 0.4.66
 ** - when you care **

RE: [newbie] partition problem

2001-06-11 Per discussione Tyrell


When you say a second box you want to say a Second partition, true?

I think you have too defragmented your partition.

To resize a partition, first you must defrag it, in order to have all data
at the beginning. And then resize it safely.
Yes, You can use Partition Magic. Be carefull and perhaps make a backup
before resize.

The DOS file system use a FAT (File Allocation Table) to indicate the
secuence of clusters (a cluster is a group of sectors) of your partition
correspond to each  archive. The number of cluster of your partition is 2^32
(FAT32), each file of size greater tha zero occupied one cluster at least,
for example a file of 55 bytes is on a cluster of for example 16 Kb, wasting
more than 15 Kb of space. LBA (Logical Block Adress) is an standard invented
to manage hard disk greater than 512 Mb, that was the limited for the before


- Original Message -
From: Carlos Alberto Berardi González [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, June 11, 2001 6:38 PM
Subject: [newbie] partition problem

Hi all
I'm trying to install LM8.0 on a second box, but when diskdrake asks about
what to do, it says it can't resize my windows98 partition, which appears to
be fat32-lba mapped (what is that?)
is it a software problem, the disk is to fragmented, or it has to do with

can i use  partition magic to try it?


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[newbie] New LM8 PowerPack installation freezes on Boot CD

2001-06-11 Per discussione Romanator

Hi everybody,

Well, I just received the new Powerpack and I cannot get it installed. I
was running expert mode. In fact the first RAM disk crapped out and I
was prompted to retry again by pressing the [enter] key. After
partitioning /boot / /usr /swap  and /home, the Boot Disk was searching
the programs to install, the motor stopped while the light on CD was
still on, and the following error message appeared:

Error Message
An error occurred nothing found while parsing
/mnt/var/lib/urpmi/hdlist.CD1 Core System CD(x86)
What the heck is going on? My beta installed instantly. I can't get
anything installed from the Powerpack!!

Any ideas?

Registered Linux User #179293
This email is powered by the Tux Email Utility

[newbie] what happened to add in kmail?

2001-06-11 Per discussione etharp

I added a couple of addresses to the address book, but later on when I went 
to add more, the add tab is grayed out. Ok, what did I do? any one know? 

Re: [newbie] partition problem

2001-06-11 Per discussione linuxmaxx

Try using partition magic
The best program for controling your partitions. You can do every kind of 
event about partitions with that program.
I have the trial version (!)  of it and can send you from ICQ
My ICQ UIN is 6090411.

On Tuesday 12 June 2001 02:45 am, Tyrell wrote:

 When you say a second box you want to say a Second partition, true?

 I think you have too defragmented your partition.

 To resize a partition, first you must defrag it, in order to have all data
 at the beginning. And then resize it safely.
 Yes, You can use Partition Magic. Be carefull and perhaps make a backup
 before resize.

 The DOS file system use a FAT (File Allocation Table) to indicate the
 secuence of clusters (a cluster is a group of sectors) of your partition
 correspond to each  archive. The number of cluster of your partition is
 2^32 (FAT32), each file of size greater tha zero occupied one cluster at
 least, for example a file of 55 bytes is on a cluster of for example 16 Kb,
 wasting more than 15 Kb of space. LBA (Logical Block Adress) is an standard
 invented to manage hard disk greater than 512 Mb, that was the limited for
 the before standard.


 - Original Message -
 From: Carlos Alberto Berardi González [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, June 11, 2001 6:38 PM
 Subject: [newbie] partition problem

 Hi all
 I'm trying to install LM8.0 on a second box, but when diskdrake asks about
 what to do, it says it can't resize my windows98 partition, which appears
 to be fat32-lba mapped (what is that?)
 is it a software problem, the disk is to fragmented, or it has to do with

 can i use  partition magic to try it?


 Get free email and a permanent address at

___ mensaje enviado desde
 emails (pop)-paginas web (espacio illimitado)-agenda-favoris

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Get your free address at

[newbie] CD Burner Question

2001-06-11 Per discussione Jim Darrough


I have successfully installed Mandrake 8.0 on my Athlon 650 box, but want 
to be able to burn CD's with my Memorex 1622 burner. I also Have a 24x CD 
Reader, both of which were detected by Mandrake upon initial installation.

What cd burning software comes with Mandrake 8.0, and, how do I install it?

Thanks so much,

Jim Darrough

RE: [newbie] Configurar Samba en Mandrake 8.0

2001-06-11 Per discussione Paul Rodríguez


I've tried to configure Samba on my PC running Mandrake 8.0, but I'm using a
small Red Hat manual, and although the location of the files is the same,
their configuaration is not.
I apprecaite all of your help.  Felix.

[In other words, any differences between Samba configuaration in Red Hat and

-Paul R

Que tal,
e intentado configurara el samba en mi PC con mandrake 8.0 pero estor
usuando un pequeño manual de redhat y aunque la ubicacion de archivos es la
misma, su configuración no.
Agradecria me pudieran ayudar atte. Felix

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Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free address at

[newbie] make command not found

2001-06-11 Per discussione Oren Magid

Hi everyone,

I just recently installed 7.1.  I'm trying to install a program that 
requires me to run make  make install but I'm told that the make 
command is not found.  I think this might be because I couldn't insert the 
second cd, installation sources cd, during installation.  My cdrom just 
wouldn't open!!  What can I do about this now?  I will obviously need this 
command and whatever else I'm missing.  Any help would be appreciated.  

Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at

RE: [newbie] Configurar Samba en Mandrake 8.0

2001-06-11 Per discussione Paul Rodríguez


I've tried to configure Samba on my PC running Mandrake 8.0, but I'm using a
small Red Hat manual, and although the location of the files is the same,
their configuaration is not.
I apprecaite all of your help.  Felix.

[In other words, any differences between Samba configuaration in Red Hat and

-Paul R

Que tal,
e intentado configurara el samba en mi PC con mandrake 8.0 pero estor
usuando un pequeño manual de redhat y aunque la ubicacion de archivos es la
misma, su configuración no.
Agradecria me pudieran ayudar atte. Felix

Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free address at

Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free address at

Re: [newbie] New LM8 PowerPack installation freezes on Boot CD

2001-06-11 Per discussione Romanator

Hi list and Mandrake Support,

I am very disappointed. It appears that I have a bad Boot Core System
Boot CD. The light on the CD stays on for about 10 minutes followed by
and error message:
An error occurred nothing found while parsing
/mnt/var/lib/urpmi/hdlist.CD1 Core System CD(x86)

How do I get a replacement?

Registered Linux User #179293
This email is powered by the Tux Email Utility

 On Monday 11 June 2001 20:45, you wrote:
  Hi everybody,
  Well, I just received the new Powerpack and I cannot get it installed. I
  was running expert mode. In fact the first RAM disk crapped out and I
  was prompted to retry again by pressing the [enter] key. After
  partitioning /boot / /usr /swap  and /home, the Boot Disk was searching
  the programs to install, the motor stopped while the light on CD was
  still on, and the following error message appeared:
  Error Message
  An error occurred nothing found while parsing
  /mnt/var/lib/urpmi/hdlist.CD1 Core System CD(x86)
  What the heck is going on? My beta installed instantly. I can't get
  anything installed from the Powerpack!!
  Any ideas?

Re: [newbie] New LM8 PowerPack installation freezes on Boot CD

2001-06-11 Per discussione bpremeaux

I don't have a copy of the Powerpack, so I haven't tried to install apps 
from it.  I am curious as to whether you can install using the Software
Manager program?


On Mon, 11 June 2001, Romanator wrote:

 Hi everybody,
 Well, I just received the new Powerpack and I cannot get it installed. I
 was running expert mode. In fact the first RAM disk crapped out and I
 was prompted to retry again by pressing the [enter] key. After
 partitioning /boot / /usr /swap  and /home, the Boot Disk was searching
 the programs to install, the motor stopped while the light on CD was
 still on, and the following error message appeared:
 Error Message
 An error occurred nothing found while parsing
 /mnt/var/lib/urpmi/hdlist.CD1 Core System CD(x86)
 What the heck is going on? My beta installed instantly. I can't get
 anything installed from the Powerpack!!
 Any ideas?
 Registered Linux User #179293
 This email is powered by the Tux Email Utility

Re: [newbie] what happened to add in kmail?

2001-06-11 Per discussione Alan Shoemaker

etharp wrote:
 I added a couple of addresses to the address book, but
 later on when I went to add more, the add tab is grayed
 out. Ok, what did I do? any one know?

etharpyou can't add till there's something in the add 
window to add. :)

Re: [newbie] LoopBack not working.

2001-06-11 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

I had the same problem in LM7.2 -- it took me ages to figure out!

In your /etc/rc.d/rc.local, add the following:

ifconfig lo
route add -host lo

That should fix the problem.

On Mon, 11 Jun 2001 19:50, Frederico Figueiredo wrote:
 I'm trying to use loopback on M7.2!
 And I can't. I don't know why.
 When I do ping it says Network Unreachable
 Can someone help me please?


Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] change hostname

2001-06-11 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

As root, run linuxconf. There's an option for that somewhere in there.

On Tue, 12 Jun 2001 01:39, Noah Richards wrote:
 How do I change the hostname that is set during startup
 (localhost.localdomain)?  The hostname command changes it, but at
 startup it is always set back to localhost.localdomain during boot.

 -Noah Richards

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] Antivirus software on Linux?

2001-06-11 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

There are no anti-virus programmes for GNU/Linux -- the main reason 
for this being the lack of virii for this OS. UNIX/Linux virii usually 
exploit security holes in software. In every case security fixes had 
been available long before the attacks. In other words, the few who 
were affected by virii suffered only because they had not kept their 
systems up-to-date with the latest packages. The best virus protection 
you can have is to keep you system up-to-date with the latest official 
Mandrake package releases. Software Manager is ideal for this.

In the M$ world, things are different. M$ don't bother fixing the 
holes that virii exploit, instead delegating the job to virus scanning 
companies, who can merely scan for virii, not fix the holes.. This 
means you have to frequently scan your discs, and if something *does* 
get through the protection (no virus scanner is 100% accurate) 
you're seriously stuffed.

You may see virus scanners available for GNU/Linux -- these are made 
to detect Windows viruses (which can't harm GNU/Linux at all). This 
can be useful if you have multiple OSs installed, or if you share a 
network with WIndos boxes.

On Mon, 11 Jun 2001 16:07, Robert Basye3rd wrote:
 Is it necessary to run a antivirus program on Linux Mandrake 8.0? If
 so which one is the best and are there any free antivirus programs
 out there?

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] make command not found

2001-06-11 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

For some silly reason Mandrake 8's installation doesn't install the 
packages needed for compiling. Go to and look for a 
Mandrake package called make.

On Tue, 12 Jun 2001 01:39, Oren Magid wrote:
 Hi everyone,

 I just recently installed 7.1.  I'm trying to install a program that
 requires me to run make  make install but I'm told that the
 make command is not found.  I think this might be because I
 couldn't insert the second cd, installation sources cd, during
 installation.  My cdrom just wouldn't open!!  What can I do about
 this now?  I will obviously need this command and whatever else I'm
 missing.  Any help would be appreciated. Thanks,


Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] SCSI emulation

2001-06-11 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

Probably the easiest way to do this is to run through the Mandrake 
installation again. Pop your CD in, reboot, and choose an upgrade 
install (expert mode). When it comes to selecting packages, unselect 
everything and continue. By the end, your CD-RW should be configured 
as a SCSI device.

On Tue, 12 Jun 2001 05:18, s wrote:
 On a related note, I just replaced my mobo and dvdrom drive and
 linux booted fine and kudzu configured the new chipset. 

 In addition, the new drive is a dvd/cdrw combo deal, and it is
 correctly identified in kde systems control and harddrake.  again

 However, the scsi emulation did not automagically get configured. 
 Where is an uptodate site I can look to get this set up?

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] Antivirus software on Linux?

2001-06-11 Per discussione Michael D. Viron

Actually, that isn't the case.  Mcafee does in fact make a version of its
virus scanning software for linux--there are others that are listed at


Michael Viron
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

At 12:13 PM 06/12/2001 +, Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:
There are no anti-virus programmes for GNU/Linux -- the main reason 
for this being the lack of virii for this OS. UNIX/Linux virii usually 
exploit security holes in software. In every case security fixes had 
been available long before the attacks. In other words, the few who 
were affected by virii suffered only because they had not kept their 
systems up-to-date with the latest packages. The best virus protection 
you can have is to keep you system up-to-date with the latest official 
Mandrake package releases. Software Manager is ideal for this.

In the M$ world, things are different. M$ don't bother fixing the 
holes that virii exploit, instead delegating the job to virus scanning 
companies, who can merely scan for virii, not fix the holes.. This 
means you have to frequently scan your discs, and if something *does* 
get through the protection (no virus scanner is 100% accurate) 
you're seriously stuffed.

You may see virus scanners available for GNU/Linux -- these are made 
to detect Windows viruses (which can't harm GNU/Linux at all). This 
can be useful if you have multiple OSs installed, or if you share a 
network with WIndos boxes.

On Mon, 11 Jun 2001 16:07, Robert Basye3rd wrote:
 Is it necessary to run a antivirus program on Linux Mandrake 8.0? If
 so which one is the best and are there any free antivirus programs
 out there?

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
   There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
   LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
   -- Jeremy S. Anderson

[newbie] GTK+Devel rpm?

2001-06-11 Per discussione Chris Keelan

Am I stoned or does the 8.0 Standard Ed ($35!!!) not include gtk+-devel?

It's not even on any of the download sites?

Please tell me there's an RPM for 8.0. Why isn't it on the standard ed cds?

- Chris

[newbie] LimeWire Installation

2001-06-11 Per discussione Jose

I am running Mandrake 8.0 and was having problems installing LimeWire. I 
found some instructions that enabled me to finally install and run 

First got to and download the Java Runtime Enviroment 
1.3.1 for Linux. Then get from 
finally as root run 
/usr/java/jre1.3.1/bin/java -classpath install
then just run the binary as /home/your_directory/LimeWire/LimeWire

It worked for me and hopefully for everyone else.

[newbie] STB TV Tuner problems

2001-06-11 Per discussione kyle

Under Mandrake 8, I can't get my STB TV Tuner card (Gateway OEM version) to work 
correctly.  It only plays the channel it was playing last under Windows.  XawTV is not 
able to detect any channels, and I can't seem to get it to change channels.  Also, 
mildly annoying but not as big of a deal, when Mandrake boots, the sound for whatever 
channel I was last playing in windows starts, and doesn't stop until I start XawTV and 
then quit it.

And while we're on the subject, whatever happened to KwinTV?  My TV Tuner didn't work 
at all under 7.2, but it looked like it had a nice interface at least.


Re: [newbie] Antivirus software on Linux?

2001-06-11 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

This just proves the point I made earlier. If you look below you shall 
notice I said:

You may see virus scanners available for GNU/Linux -- these are
made to detect Windows viruses (which can't harm GNU/Linux at
all). This can be useful if you have multiple OSs installed, or if
you share a network with WIndos boxes.

These programmes are no different. If you look at the Technical 
Information introduction (, 
you will see it says:

Most people will say: A virus scanner? For UN*X? Why? Viruses do not
work in a UNIX environment. On the first glance they are right (even
if there are at least two viruses which run under Linux - well,
actually they are Trojan Horses).

On the second view though, imagine a heterogene network environment
with both UN*X and DOS / Windows / Macintosh workstations. Now think
of an UN*X server that serves Windows and/or Macintosh workstations
via a POP3 service. Would it not be nice to ensure attachments coming
via email are scanned for viruses before they reach a system they are
able to infect? Well - that is what this package is for. It resides on
the server that handles your incoming mails. When a mail arrives,
instead of being delivered via procmail directly, is parsed through a
script that extracts all attachments from the mail, unpacks (if
needed) and scannes them using a professional virus scanner program.

In other words, these scanners do run on GNU/Linux, but scan for 
WIndows virii. This ensures that all e-mail is clean *before* it 
retreived onto a system that is capable of being infected.

On Tue, 12 Jun 2001 03:33, Michael D. Viron wrote:
 Actually, that isn't the case.  Mcafee does in fact make a version
 of its virus scanning software for linux--there are others that are
 listed at


 At 12:13 PM 06/12/2001 +, Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:
 There are no anti-virus programmes for GNU/Linux -- the main reason
 for this being the lack of virii for this OS. UNIX/Linux virii
  usually exploit security holes in software. In every case security
  fixes had been available long before the attacks. In other words,
  the few who were affected by virii suffered only because they had
  not kept their systems up-to-date with the latest packages. The
  best virus protection you can have is to keep you system
  up-to-date with the latest official Mandrake package releases.
  Software Manager is ideal for this.
 In the M$ world, things are different. M$ don't bother fixing the
 holes that virii exploit, instead delegating the job to virus
  scanning companies, who can merely scan for virii, not fix the
  holes.. This means you have to frequently scan your discs, and if
  something *does* get through the protection (no virus scanner is
  100% accurate) you're seriously stuffed.
 You may see virus scanners available for GNU/Linux -- these are
  made to detect Windows viruses (which can't harm GNU/Linux at
  all). This can be useful if you have multiple OSs installed, or if
  you share a network with WIndos boxes.
 On Mon, 11 Jun 2001 16:07, Robert Basye3rd wrote:
  Is it necessary to run a antivirus program on Linux Mandrake 8.0?
  If so which one is the best and are there any free antivirus
  programs out there?

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] New LM8 PowerPack installation freezes on Boot CD

2001-06-11 Per discussione civileme

On Monday 11 June 2001 22:03, Romanator wrote:
 Hi list and Mandrake Support,

 I am very disappointed. It appears that I have a bad Boot Core
 System Boot CD. The light on the CD stays on for about 10
 minutes followed by and error message:
 An error occurred nothing found while parsing
 /mnt/var/lib/urpmi/hdlist.CD1 Core System CD(x86)

 How do I get a replacement?

 Registered Linux User #179293
 This email is powered by the Tux Email Utility

  On Monday 11 June 2001 20:45, you wrote:
   Hi everybody,
   Well, I just received the new Powerpack and I cannot get
   it installed. I was running expert mode. In fact the first
   RAM disk crapped out and I was prompted to retry again by
   pressing the [enter] key. After partitioning /boot / /usr
   /swap  and /home, the Boot Disk was searching the programs
   to install, the motor stopped while the light on CD was
   still on, and the following error message appeared:
   Error Message
   An error occurred nothing found while parsing
   /mnt/var/lib/urpmi/hdlist.CD1 Core System CD(x86)
   What the heck is going on? My beta installed instantly. I
   can't get anything installed from the Powerpack!!
   Any ideas?

Send your descriptions individually to me.  Address it to 

Include the following info:

Serial number.
WHERE you bought the pack.
Description of problem

We have more than one manufacturer making these packs and we 
need to trace what is happening and why as well as stemming the 
flow of bad packs and making good on them.


[newbie] change hostname

2001-06-11 Per discussione Noah Richards

How do I change the hostname that is set during startup 
(localhost.localdomain)?  The hostname command changes it, but at startup it 
is always set back to localhost.localdomain during boot.

-Noah Richards

Re: [newbie] LoopBack not working.

2001-06-11 Per discussione Gary Chisholm

Do you have network loopback compiled in your kernel?

On 11 Jun 2001 20:50:02 +0100, Frederico Figueiredo wrote:
 I'm trying to use loopback on M7.2!
 And I can't. I don't know why. 
 When I do ping it says Network Unreachable
 Can someone help me please?


Gary Chisholm

Re: [newbie] XFree86

2001-06-11 Per discussione Salvatore Enrico Indiogine


xdpyinfo | less

You should get something like here below and notice the third line.


Eric Indiogine

name of display::0.0
version number:11.0
vendor string:Linux Mandrake (XFree86 4.0.3, patch level 7mdk)
vendor release number:4003
maximum request size:  4194300 bytes
motion buffer size:  256
bitmap unit, bit order, padding:32, LSBFirst, 32
image byte order:LSBFirst
number of supported pixmap formats:7
supported pixmap formats:
depth 1, bits_per_pixel 1, scanline_pad 32
depth 4, bits_per_pixel 8, scanline_pad 32
depth 8, bits_per_pixel 8, scanline_pad 32
depth 15, bits_per_pixel 16, scanline_pad 32
depth 16, bits_per_pixel 16, scanline_pad 32
depth 24, bits_per_pixel 32, scanline_pad 32
depth 32, bits_per_pixel 32, scanline_pad 32
keycode range:minimum 8, maximum 255
focus:  window 0x2800011, revert to PointerRoot
number of extensions:27

On Monday 11 June 2001 13:58, OOzy Pal wrote:
 How can I know which version of XFree86 I am running.
 I have LM8.0?


 What is the purpose of life?

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Re: [newbie] LoopBack not working.

2001-06-11 Per discussione Salvatore Enrico Indiogine

Try as root

/etc/rc.d/init.d/network status

and you might get some info from there.

Also check your cable and network card light.


Eric Indiogine

On Monday 11 June 2001 13:50, Frederico Figueiredo wrote:
 I'm trying to use loopback on M7.2!
 And I can't. I don't know why.
 When I do ping it says Network Unreachable
 Can someone help me please?


[newbie] Install help

2001-06-11 Per discussione Michael

I have been running 7.1 for sometime now.  It has been great and has
worked beautifully.  I installed 7.2 on another machine and it has
worked great, but when I backed up my files and did a fresh install of
7.2 over 7.1, that's where everything went to hell.  It took over three
hours per attempt.  

Everything went fine until it completed it's install and tried to
reboot, it locked up both times and i had to boot from a floppy.  On my
graphical login it created another user named Tina?, both times, it only
recognized 64M of memory instead of 160M, even though I indicated the
right amount, It performs like I'm running NT Server on a 286 with 32M

When I tried to use kmail to send my message in a bottle, I got the
address wrong the first time, and now, no matter what I do to correct
it, it won't allow me to send a message to the list.  it keeps bringing
up the first mistake I made over and over, I had to configure Netscape
messenger to even send this. My clock is totally wrong even the day of
the week.  I can reset it, but it's neccesary every time it boots.  Can
anybody suggest something short of going back to 7.1 or Redhat? 


No sleep and disgusted

Re: [newbie] Antivirus software on Linux?

2001-06-11 Per discussione Yura Gusev

On Mon, 11 Jun 2001, Robert Basye3rd wrote:

 Is it necessary to run a antivirus program on Linux Mandrake 8.0? If so
 which one is the best and are there any free antivirus programs out there?

It's a good idea to setup antivir on mailserver.


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\_\\  //_/   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   _\\()//_
 .'/()\'.   Foo-Bar / //  \\ \
   jgs\\  //| \__/ |

Re: [newbie] SCSI emulation

2001-06-11 Per discussione civileme

On Tuesday 12 June 2001 01:18, s wrote:
 On a related note, I just replaced my mobo and dvdrom drive
 and linux booted fine and kudzu configured the new chipset. 

 In addition, the new drive is a dvd/cdrw combo deal, and it is
 correctly identified in kde systems control and harddrake. 
 again yaayyy.

 However, the scsi emulation did not automagically get
 configured.  Where is an uptodate site I can look to get this
 set up?


SCSI Emulation is in two parts--first a message to the kernel to 
tell it to assume emulation is done  Second is a modprobe of 
scsi and a link to the appropriate SCSI device

The first part is simple in /etc/lilo.conf  or in drakboot 
(Control Center Boot Config) make sure you have this in the 


if for example it is hdc.

Now in /dev you need to do the following

cd /dev  rm cdrom2  ln -s scd0 cdrom2

if, for example, the /etc/fstab entry uses /dev/cdrom2 for your 

Finally somewhere you need a 

modprobe ide-scsi

It can be dropped int the next to last line of /etc/rc.local  
(an extra one won't hurt if your system is already doing one)

It is a little known fact that ordinaty plain vanilla CDROMs can 
also be scsi-emulated in the same manner.  Our tests over the 
past 5 months show this works just as well as the dual structure 
we now support.


 On Sunday 10 June 2001 03:21 pm, you wrote:
  On Sunday 10 June 2001 06:37, Roberto Herrero wrote:
   SCSI emulation doesn't work in my Macmillan LM 7.2
   distribution because the module sr_mod.o is missing. As a
   consequence, my CD-burner is not operative.
  Sorry but that analysis is incorrect.  sr_mod.o is not
  needed. Access it through /dev/scd0.  There could be several
  other reasons your CD-R is not working in 7.2.  I would have
  to see setup information for your specific machine but if it
  is not an LG and it is not sharing an IDE channel with a DVD
  or a CDROM, it will work, almost always.  In those cases
  mentioned, an installation of kernel 2.2.19 is required and
  still some LGs don't work.
   Please can anybody tell me if that module is loaded by LM
   8.0, or it is still missing in that version? Check out in
  FWIW, it is there, but at
  file:/lib/modules/2.4.3-20mdk/kernel/drivers/scsi. And it
  still is not needed.
   Thank you very much,
   Roberto Herrero

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