[newbie-it] prova

2001-10-23 Per discussione Brancaleone

prova scusate :PPP


[newbie-it] news emulatori

2001-10-23 Per discussione Marco

salve gente :)) a qualcuno interesserebbe sapere che linux tra breve potra'
far girare giochi che usano DirectX? bene date una occhiata :)))




by Spider

Re: [newbie-it] Proposta

2001-10-23 Per discussione LukenShiro

Oggidi' alle ore 00:58, sabato 20 ottobre 2001, Voi, Nobile brain, 
avete realizzato:
 vista la continua richiesta di
 informazioni e/o consigli sui winmodem, perche` non realizzare una
 mini-guida, una faq se vogliamo, da mandare a quelli che chiedono
 info in lista?

Scusami per il ritardo, ma la mail mi dev'essere passata via. Boh, 
sinceramente, non saprei; per quanto mi riguarda sto traducendo il 
Winmodems-and-Linux-HowTo e il Conexant+Rockwell-HowTo, per il Pluto. 
Ovviamente non avendo mai avuto un winmodem non mi rendo conto piu' di 
tanto quali possano essere fisicamente i problemi, tuttavia questi due 
e il Linmodems-Howto (tradotto recentemente da Davide Di Lazzaro), mi 
pare possano gia' essere una buona guida all'utilizzo passo passo.

P.S. in questo periodo non avrei cmq moltissimo tempo da 
dedicarci e purtroppo anche la presenza qui (per quanto poco possa 
servire :P) e' destinata mio malgrado a ridursi :( 
Salutoni, Lk

LU #210970 LM #98222 / MDK 8.2 su 2.4.12-ac3 -Cooker-
[Chi e' pronto a dar via le proprie liberta' fondamentali
per comprarsi briciole di temporanea sicurezza non merita
ne' la liberta' ne' la sicurezza - Benjamin Franklin]

Re: [newbie-it] reti linux+windows

2001-10-23 Per discussione Lino Garbellini

capisco che site presi dai win modem,
ma qualcuno mi può spiegare
perchè la mia installazione di Mandrake continua
a non vedere la rete anche 
se è configurata ad hoc???

Re: [newbie-it] formattazione floppy

2001-10-23 Per discussione Marco

behprima cosa complimenti...essere nuova utente di PC e di linux
contemporaneamente non e' facile :))
io non sono uno smanettone su linux (sono anche io alle prime armi) ma
credo che per i floppy potresti usare il fs di winzozla mdk 8.0 e RH
dovrebbero vederli senza prob. per il supermount e'anzi dovrebbe :)
.essere un sistema di montaggio della mdk che ti abilita le
periferiche senza doverle montare ogni volta (/mnt/etc etc)detto questo
mi scuso se ho sparato delle bagianate :P e passo la parola ai piu'

by Spider


 Vi ricordo che sono una nuova utente sia di linux che
 del computer più in generale.


 ho avuto problemi con i floppy perchè il filesystem
 che viene montato dalla mandrake 8.0 probabilmente non
 è dello stesso tipo di quello necessario per altri
 sistemi operativi che devo utilizzare:p.es. windows,

 Ho cercato di capire qual è il fs che viene montato
 dalla Mandrake8.0 ma quello che ho capito è che il
 montaggio è in modalità supermount...quindi?
 - che fs monta?
 - quale mi conviene utilizzare dovendo lavorare con i
 diversi sistemi operativi sopra elencati (perchè credo
 che facendo la formattazione 'a mano' posso comunque
 montare il fs che preferisco, giusto?)

 Spero di essere stata sufficientemente chiara
 nell'esposizione del mio problema.
 A presto.


 Abbonati a Yahoo! ADSL con Atlanet!
 Naviga su Internet ad alta velocità, e senza limiti di tempo!
 Avrai sempre il telefono libero e non dovrai pagare il traffico telefonico
 per collegarti a Internet.
 Per saperne di più vai alla pagina http://adsl.yahoo.it

[newbie-it] SPSS ed Access

2001-10-23 Per discussione mistro

Salve a tutti. Non so se sono del tutto OT ma chiedo a tutti se sapete
indicarmi un programma analogo a SPSS per Linux e qualche reale e valido
sostituto ad Access. A parer mio Access è uno degli scogli maggiori per
chi, come me e la mia azienda - e molti altri comunque -, cerca di
affrancarsi del tutto da MS.
Grazie a tutti.

Andrea M.

Re: [newbie-it] reti linux+windows

2001-10-23 Per discussione Gino

dovresti essere un po' piu preciso rispetto a non vede la rete...p.es. che

- Original Message -
From: Lino Garbellini [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2001 4:15 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] reti linux+windows

 capisco che site presi dai win modem,
 ma qualcuno mi può spiegare
 perchè la mia installazione di Mandrake continua
 a non vedere la rete anche
 se è configurata ad hoc???

Re: [newbie-it] formattazione floppy

2001-10-23 Per discussione Sandro

Il 10:34, martedì 23 ottobre 2001, hai scritto:


 ho avuto problemi con i floppy perchè il filesystem
 che viene montato dalla mandrake 8.0 probabilmente non
 è dello stesso tipo di quello necessario per altri
 sistemi operativi che devo utilizzare:p.es. windows,
 Ho cercato di capire qual è il fs che viene montato
 dalla Mandrake8.0 ma quello che ho capito è che il
 montaggio è in modalità supermount...quindi?
 - che fs monta?

il file system normalmente è vfat cioè quello che si utilizza per le 
partizioni windows. In fatti, se non avessi il supermount, per montare un 
dischetto dovresti dare il comando:

mount -t vfat /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy
(dove fd0 è la prima unità a dischetti e floppy è una directory creata 
all'interno di /mnt come punto di montaggio)

 - quale mi conviene utilizzare dovendo lavorare con i
 diversi sistemi operativi 

Ti conviene utilizzare quello descritto, dato che è utilizzato sia da linux, 
in generale, che da windows.


Dr. Sandro Porrazzini
Linux Mndrake 8.0
Linux Machine: 103048
Linux User: 203143

Re: [newbie-it] formattazione floppy

2001-10-23 Per discussione Germano

Il 16:34, martedì 23 ottobre 2001, hai scritto:

 Vi ricordo che sono una nuova utente sia di linux che
 del computer più in generale.


 ho avuto problemi con i floppy perchè il filesystem
 che viene montato dalla mandrake 8.0 probabilmente non
 è dello stesso tipo di quello necessario per altri
 sistemi operativi che devo utilizzare:p.es. windows,

Di solito è Windows ad avere problemi con gli altri filesystems e non Linux, 
che li supporta quasi tutti, poi mi sorprende che ci siano incompatibilità 
con la RedHat, quindi cosa intendi con ho avuto problemi con i floppy ?

 Ho cercato di capire qual è il fs che viene montato
 dalla Mandrake8.0 ma quello che ho capito è che il
 montaggio è in modalità supermount...quindi?
 - che fs monta?
 - quale mi conviene utilizzare dovendo lavorare con i
 diversi sistemi operativi sopra elencati (perchè credo
 che facendo la formattazione 'a mano' posso comunque
 montare il fs che preferisco, giusto?)

Se vuoi utilizzarli anche con Windows vfat va bene, ma io non mi sono mai 
posto il problema, penso sia automatico basta configurare bene il file 
/etc/fstab ( strano che non lo sia già)

Comunque in ambiente grafico, fai così:
1) Se non hai l'icona del floppy:
Clicca sul Desktop con il destro, scegli nuovo disp. dischetti e riempi gli
spazi i più importanti
Dispositivo: /dev/fd0
Punto di montaggio: /mnt/floppy
tipo di filesys. : auto
2) Se hai l' icona controlla solo se i dati precedenti sono giusti

Anzi adesso che mi ricordo appena installato anche a me dava problemi, ho 
cancellato il link al floppy del Desktop e l'ho rifatto io.

Se hai ancora problemi manda il file /etc/fstab

Ciao, Ge

P.S: perchè vi piace tanto il supermount?!

Re: [newbie-it] SPSS ed Access

2001-10-23 Per discussione Stefano Lena

Il 16:06, martedì 23 ottobre 2001, hai scritto:
 Salve a tutti. Non so se sono del tutto OT ma chiedo a tutti se sapete
 indicarmi un programma analogo a SPSS per Linux e qualche reale e
 valido sostituto ad Access. A parer mio Access è uno degli scogli
 maggiori per chi, come me e la mia azienda - e molti altri comunque -,
 cerca di affrancarsi del tutto da MS.
 Grazie a tutti.

 Andrea M.

io avevo lo stesso problema. L'unica  attivita'  che non riuscivo a portare 
su linux erano i miei database, su cui facevo le mie ricerche etc.. 
Trattandosi di due archivi, uno software e uno di mp3, non si tratta di 
strutture elaborate ( una tabella ).  Tuttavia non riuscivo a fare il 
passaggio. Poi ho scoperto MySql, Apache e PHP.
Con MySql si possono fare ( mi pare ) qualsiasi cosa che si fa con Access ( 
non le maschere e i colori etc... perche' è a linea di comando ). Tuttavia 
installando Apache in maniera che supporti PHP e usando l'interfaccia 
phpMyAdmin si puo' gestire i propri database in stile quasi Access. Poi dopo 
aver imparato un po'  di PHP e' possibile fare tutti i lavori sul database 
MySql da una pagina web ( es fare una query e presentare il risultato con 
tutti i pupoletti e i colori che si possono ottenere com HTML + PHP ) che 
gira in locale su apache.
Certo che non e' proprio intuitivo : da utente Access quale ero ho dovuto 
prendermi qualche rivista e manuale ma alla fine ho ottenuto i seguenti 
risultati :

Uso windows quasi niente
Ho i miei database funzionanti
Ho imparato a usare MySql ( qualcosina...)
Ho imparato le basi di SQL ( un pochetto )
Ho installato e faccio girare Apache ( funzioni base )
Sto imparando PHP e HTML ( prima usavo frontpage e buonanotte )
Visto questo perche' non imparare ad usare sendmail e fetchmail insieme al 
mio kmail ?

Tutto questo per dirti che affrontare un problema singolo come i database 
sotto linux puo' aprire strade a conoscenze che poi rivelano la loro utilita' 
in tutti altri campi ( es PHP +  HMTL ). 
Capisco che ragionando in termini di azienda forse non c'e' proprio il tempo 
di star li' a legger manuali, bisogna farlo subito e funzionante. Sul breve 
periodo sicuramente Access puo' essere la soluzione migliore. Ma sul medio 
lungo credo che ( volendo attuare una politica di passaggio verso prodotti 
open source ) affrontare una volta per tutte il problema sotto linux e 
risolto , si ottengano poi una serie di benefici a cascata in altre aree. 
Senza contare che SQL e' il linguaggio base dei data base relazionali. Credo 
che pure Access sotto le sue windows alla fine traduca in SQL, non so. Ho 
letto il manuale di access 2000 e so fare maschere e disegni etcma 
abbandonato Access tutta questa conoscenza non mi serve. Uno dei grandi pregi 
di linux a mio avviso e' che permette di riciclare i contenuti imparati 
affrontando problemi diversi ( = imparare ). Cio' lo trovo molto stimolante e 
credo che alla fine possa risultate anche redditizio .
Mi scuso per la lungaggine ma sono un nuovo utente linux completamente 
conquistato dal nuovo OS. Ed e' il mio primo messaggio.


[newbie-it] Upgrade a KDE 2.2

2001-10-23 Per discussione Tommaso Leddi

Ho trovato su  uno dei 2 CD dell'ultimo LinuxC un upgrade per MDK 8.0 (ma 
c'era anche per altre versioni) del KDE 2.2
Non ho resistito alla tentazione, pur sapendo che raramente queste cose mi 
sono funzionate.
Qualcosa ha funzionato e altre cose no.
Per esempio dal menu iniziale (welcome..) e' sparita completamente per tutti 
gli utenti l'opzione per usare Gnome. Cosa non gravissima perche' la 
esploravo solo ogni tanto per curiosita' (ma non e' malaccio).
Ora per tutti gli utenti ci sono solo 3 possibilita': default, kde, failsave.
Quasi tutti gli account funzionano abbastanza bene in modalita' default, che 
sarebbe il nuovo kde mentre, selezionando kde, si ha uno spartanissimo modo 
grafico (Twm) che comunque funziona (sto facendoci girare ora kmail).
La modalita' failsave mostra una finestra che esce dallo schermo, l'ucica 
cosa a cui reagisce e' un Ctrl+Alt+Backspace.
L'a cosa che veramente mi disoiace e' che l'utente che uso per la posta e' 
l'unico sotto il quale non riesco a far girare il kde. Ho provato a togliere 
brutalmente, eliminando la dir .kde e files vari (.kderc e la dir Desktop) ma 
il problema rimane: selezionando default, invece del kde vengo rispedito alla 
finestra Welcome.
Nell'attesa di procurarmi la MDK 8.1 , qualcuno puo' suggerirmi qualche files 
sparso per l'HD che val la pena di smanettare per tentare di far funzionare 
il kde? Valgono anche altri tipi di consigli ;)


I: [newbie-it] G450 16M e DH con 8.0

2001-10-23 Per discussione Christian

-Messaggio originale-
Da: Christian [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Inviato: martedì 23 ottobre 2001 23.17
Oggetto: R: [newbie-it] G450 16M e DH con 8.0

Da quello che ho capito è un problema della 8.0 che con l'xWindows 4.0.1
non supporta pienamente la 450.
X avere il pieno supporto con devi avere l'Xwindow 4.1.0.o la MDK
8.1...altrimenti devi rinunciare alla piena compatibilità con
l'accelerazione 3D
Almeno questo è quello che mi è stato detto approposito

-Messaggio originale-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Per conto di Brancaleone
Inviato: martedì 23 ottobre 2001 19.34
Oggetto: [newbie-it] G450 16M e DH con 8.0

qualcuno di voi utilizza la G450 16M  con la 8.0?

me la vede come G400 e ho già provato con gli rpm dal sito della Matrox
niente :
non ho provato invece con le sorgenti per questione di tempo.


RE: Re: [newbie-it] reti linux+windows

2001-10-23 Per discussione Lost Hobbit

Ci potresti dire cosa intendi per vedere la rete? Solitamente un utente Microborg(io 
sono un admin Microborg - sigh -) dice di vedere la rete solo quando è in grado di 
vedere le iconcine degli altri pc, o le unità disco mappate. E' forse questa la tua 
definizione di vedere la rete?
Ciao, Oldgoblin :)

capisco che site presi dai win modem,
ma qualcuno mi può spiegare
perchè la mia installazione di Mandrake continua
a non vedere la rete anche 
se è configurata ad hoc???

[newbie-it] formattazione floppy

2001-10-23 Per discussione Loredana


Vi ricordo che sono una nuova utente sia di linux che
del computer più in generale.


ho avuto problemi con i floppy perchè il filesystem
che viene montato dalla mandrake 8.0 probabilmente non
è dello stesso tipo di quello necessario per altri
sistemi operativi che devo utilizzare:p.es. windows,

Ho cercato di capire qual è il fs che viene montato
dalla Mandrake8.0 ma quello che ho capito è che il
montaggio è in modalità supermount...quindi?
- che fs monta?
- quale mi conviene utilizzare dovendo lavorare con i
diversi sistemi operativi sopra elencati (perchè credo
che facendo la formattazione 'a mano' posso comunque
montare il fs che preferisco, giusto?)

Spero di essere stata sufficientemente chiara
nell'esposizione del mio problema.
A presto.


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per collegarti a Internet. 
Per saperne di più vai alla pagina http://adsl.yahoo.it

Re: [newbie-it] formattazione floppy

2001-10-23 Per discussione Stefano Salari

 --- Loredana [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto: 

 Vi ricordo che sono una nuova utente sia di linux
 del computer più in generale.
 ho avuto problemi con i floppy perchè il filesystem
 che viene montato dalla mandrake 8.0 probabilmente
 è dello stesso tipo di quello necessario per altri
 sistemi operativi che devo utilizzare:p.es. windows,
Volendo semplificare il discorso si puo' dire che
Linux (in generale) utilizza un filesystem che si
chiama ext, di cui la versione 2 (ext2) e' supportata
da tutte le distribuzioni; da qualche mese e'
disponibile la versione 3 (ext3) che e' una evoluzione
ed e' un filesystem journaled, cioe' un filesystem che
previene possibili perdite di dati dovuti a cali di
tensione (es. se manca improvvisamente la corrente).
Un altro tipo di filesystem e' raiserfs che e' pure
lui journaled, quindi analogo a ext3. Diciamo che se
sul tuo sistema usi ext2 vai sul sicuro e dovresti
poter condividere i files con tutte le altre
distribuzioni Linux.
Windows usa un filesystem di tipo fat che Linux vede
senza problemi (lo identifica come vfat). Quindi se tu
hai la necessita' di utilizzare dei floppy sia con
Windows che con Linux puoi tranquillamente formattarli
da Windows ed utilizzarli con i due sistemi.

 Ho cercato di capire qual è il fs che viene montato
 dalla Mandrake8.0 ma quello che ho capito è che il
 montaggio è in modalità supermount...quindi?
Supermount e' una prerogativa di Mandrake (non e'
standard Linux): grazie al supermount appena
inserisci il cdrom o il floppy nel lettore, il
dispositivo viene montato automaticamente, senza il
supermount devi procedere manualmente  a montare il
dispositivo con il comando mount. Supermount e'
comunque solo una comodita' che ti evita di lanciare
il comando mount, ma non influisce in nessun modo sul
filesystem, quindi non pregiudica che tu possa
condividere i tuoi floppy tra distribuzioni o sistemi

Spero di esserti stato d'aiuto. Se hai altri dubbi
facci sapere!!

Ciao. Steo.


Abbonati a Yahoo! ADSL con Atlanet!
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per collegarti a Internet. 
Per saperne di più vai alla pagina http://adsl.yahoo.it

[newbie-it] G450 16M e DH con 8.0

2001-10-23 Per discussione Brancaleone

qualcuno di voi utilizza la G450 16M  con la 8.0?

me la vede come G400 e ho già provato con gli rpm dal sito della Matrox ma
niente :
non ho provato invece con le sorgenti per questione di tempo.


Re: [newbie] Upgrading via RPMs

2001-10-23 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Mon, 22 Oct 2001 14:04:57 -0500, Joseph Zitt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Mon, Oct 22, 2001 at 01:45:14PM +1000, Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:
  2. urpmi
 Mandrake have developed their own dependency resolution utility, urpmi.
 It can be accessed via the command line or through the Mandrake Software
 This looks promising, but attempts to run it fail with:
 /usr/bin/perl: error while loading shared libraries:
 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0/i386-linux/auto/rpmtools/rpmtools.so: undefined
 symbol: rpmSetVerbosity
  4. rpm-get
 A command-line app designed to be similar to apt-get. It has been written
  specifically for Mandrake and Red Hat systems, and is part of the official
  Mandrake distribution.
 Also promising. One thing I'm not clear on with it: I have the RPMs
 from Mandrake 8.1 in a directory locally, copied from ISOs. (I tried
 to upgrade from 8.0 to 8.1 from the ISOs but it died horribly,
 apparently because it no longer supports my video card, which is
 working beautifully under 8.0.)  Is there a way to point rpm-get to
 look there rather than out at an FTP site? Looking in
 /etc/rpm-get.conf was not particularly enlightening.

$ rpm -ql rpm-get

Take a look at the README file.

Sridhar Dhanapalan

It is easy to be blinded to the essential uselessness of computers by the sense
of accomplishment you get from getting them to work at all.
-- Douglas Adams

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[newbie] Installing a new program

2001-10-23 Per discussione Eric Baber

Thanks to everyone who replied to my reply re. Internet Explorer - I get the
hint that it ain't gonna work :-) The main thing I really wanted it for was
to be able to use my old Outlook Express e-mails; I guess I'll have to
export and then import them into a Linux mail program instead then.

Next question: how do I install new programs on Linux? I've found the
Upgrade option and that works fine for stuff held on one of the upgrade
FTP sites. However, I've tried downloading a few programs (packages in
Linux-speak?), and once they've been downloaded I can't seem to get any
further. The one I'm particularly interested in downloads as a .gz file,
i.e. a zipped one. If I click it it unzips itself- fine. I then open the
folder with the unzipped stuff and click on the file called Setup or
Install or something like that, and it gives me an error message saying
cannot open the file. Am I doing the right things and have just downloaded
the wrong installation file? It's not a .zip file so I'm quite sure I
haven't downloaded the Windows installer by mistake. Any help would be



Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Internet Explorer for Mandrake 7.2?

2001-10-23 Per discussione John Hokanson Jr.

 Well on their way?

 They obtained the code from another company who had made it as a
 variant of the Mosaic client.  The deal was for a percentage of
 sales.  Wow, did that other company make a killing!  95% market
 share times nothing!

If you're referring to MSIE 1.0/2.0 (which was indeed very similar
to Mosaic), that's a completely different animal. I was specifically
referring to MSIE 3.x and beyond. 

- John

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

RE: [newbie] Installing a new program

2001-10-23 Per discussione Franki

Well, since your new, I'll try to keep this relatively simple..

If you can, stick to rpm's like those that came with mandrake linux... (to
install type in an xterm or console:

rpm -ivh package-name.i586.rpm in install one.)

they are easier to install and keep a central database so you can uninstall
them easily.

a gz file is a compressed file, usually the source code of the program, (the
stuff that the programmers understand)

It has yet to be compiled, (turned into the stuff that your PC understands)

more often then not, there is an install or setup file in the compressed
file that contains the instructions on how to
compile or install it.. it might involve the make command, you need to
read the readme or setup instructions as packages differ depending on what
they do

hope that helps..



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Eric Baber
Sent: Tuesday, 23 October 2001 2:16 PM
Subject: [newbie] Installing a new program

Thanks to everyone who replied to my reply re. Internet Explorer - I get the
hint that it ain't gonna work :-) The main thing I really wanted it for was
to be able to use my old Outlook Express e-mails; I guess I'll have to
export and then import them into a Linux mail program instead then.

Next question: how do I install new programs on Linux? I've found the
Upgrade option and that works fine for stuff held on one of the upgrade
FTP sites. However, I've tried downloading a few programs (packages in
Linux-speak?), and once they've been downloaded I can't seem to get any
further. The one I'm particularly interested in downloads as a .gz file,
i.e. a zipped one. If I click it it unzips itself- fine. I then open the
folder with the unzipped stuff and click on the file called Setup or
Install or something like that, and it gives me an error message saying
cannot open the file. Am I doing the right things and have just downloaded
the wrong installation file? It's not a .zip file so I'm quite sure I
haven't downloaded the Windows installer by mistake. Any help would be



Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Internet Explorer for Mandrake 7.2?

2001-10-23 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Mon, 22 Oct 2001 17:02:23 -0700, John Hokanson Jr. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 On Monday 22 October 2001 04:07 pm, you wrote:
  On Monday 22 October 2001 05:11 pm, you wrote:
   On Monday 22 October 2001 02:50 pm, you wrote:
In reply to Eric Baber's words, written Mon, 22 Oct 2001
17:07:10 +0100
Spoken like a true newbie. Linux and Microsoft do not mix.
   Could we PLEASE be a little nicer to the poor guy.
   They *DO* have IE for non-Microsoft operating systems. I believe
   Sun has a variant, and they were doing one for HP-UX.
  Don't forget MacOS and MacOSX. The latter could qualify as a form
  of Unix.
  I wonder why MS sees Linux as a threat and not these other Unices.
  I suppose since it can run on the x86?
 I think a better question is, would Linux users even use a MS product,
 or would they find it too revolting? 
 I personally believe that Microsoft Internet Explorer is the best web 
 browser out there.
 For any platform. 

Perhaps if you like the following:

1. The browser is automatically installed and starts up at every boot whether
you want it or not (which explains why it seems to load so quickly).

2. When it crashes (which is quite often), the whole OS crashes.

3. It's closed-source, so you have no idea what's going on underneath. For
example, the 'snapshot' facility used in the XP products will send whatever is
in your memory to Microsoft, even if it is private.

6. You like an inherently insecure application - one which has many well-known
exploits which can easily compromise your data and privacy.

5. You don't want to ever use Java. In a move against Sun, Java support has been
discontinued in IE6.

6. You don't want to ever use plug-ins. In a move against Netscape and other
non-IE based browsers, plug-in support has been discontinued in IE6.

7. You like to use applications designed by a company that doesn't care about
the above-mentioned problems, and even denies they exist. Would YOU trust such a

There are many other things as well, but I think you get my point.
 I was watching intently in the mid to late 90s, and I can tell you 
 right now that MS *DID NOT* attain their position in the browser war 
 entirely by unscrupulous means. They were well on their way even 
 before they started bundling it with Win98. MSIE 3.x would tear 
 anything else apart. And when AOL bought out Netscape, the 
 writing was on the wall. Hopefully the Mozilla folks can actually turn
 things around. 

There was far more to Microsoft's unscrupulous means than simple bundling.

A main method used by MS to extinguish competition was through APIs. The APIs
designed for third-party apps were (and still are) poorly documented and
deliberately crippled in functionality and performance. This made it difficult
for companies to code apps efficiently. In some cases, individual third-party
apps were targeted by MS engineers in an effort to cripple them. Realplayer,
DR-DOS and Lotus 123 are prime examples of this (see my sig). At the same time,
MS had their own internal set of APIs, which were _never_ released to the
public. These APIs were easier to code for, and provided greater functionality
and speed by accessing internal OS components (including the kernel) directly.
This, of course, is a major security risk, and largely explains why MS apps are
so insecure. It is also the reason why MS apps won't work well under WINE.

AOL's purchase of Netscape was a major blow for the company. AOL used MSIE, as
part of a Faustian deal to have an AOL icon on the Windows desktop. They had
little interest in developing the Netscape browser - they only really wanted
Netscape's web services. Hopefully things shall change now that the MS deal was
allowed to expire. Mozilla technology is already being used in beta versions of
the new Compuserve browser. If things go well, I think AOL would adopt it for
their main browser.

 MS had the better product. It's as simple as that. MSIE became leaner 
 and more stable, while Netscape became incresingly more bloated and 

No, it isn't as simple as that. MSIE didn't become leaner and more stable,
it was just 'assimilated' by Windows so that it looked that way. IE loads up
whenever you boot into Windows. When you want to use it, it will pop-up quickly,
since it is already in memory. This, combined with MS's use of secret internal
APIs, gave MS an unfair advantage over Netscape.

When I used to use Windows, I had a utility called 98lite
(http://www.98lite.net). It had the capability of 'exorcising' Windows of IE and
other bundled apps. The resulting speed and stability boost was amazing.
 You'll note that virtually NOBODY on this list has recommended 
 Netscape as a browser under Linux. They all recommend things like 
 Ghaleon, Opera, or even Lynx before Netscape. 

It depends on what you mean by 'Netscape'. Netscape 4 is old and is only
maintained by Netscape for bugfixes. It is useful to keep around for
compatibility reasons, 

Re: [newbie] downloads frozen at 99%

2001-10-23 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Mon, 22 Oct 2001 15:54:34 -0700, michael [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am in the process of downloading 2 iso files. Using Konqueror.
 They are both listed as destination /home/michael/.kde/tmp-michael yada 
 yada...essentially temp files, while downloading. The problem I need help 
 with is that they both stalled at 99% (646.5 of 646.6 MB and 638.3 of 638.4 
 I am afraid to click 'cancel'...has anyone dealt with this successfully?
 ! 133+ (but trying)

Browsers aren't really the best things to download large files with. For huge
files like ISOs, rsync is the best method (provided the server supports it). For
everything else, download managers like Downloader for X (NT) or GNOME Transfer
Manager (GTM) are excellent. A good FTP app like gFTP or IglooFTP can be useful
as well.

Sridhar Dhanapalan

Bad design. I'm not touching it with a ten-foot pole.
-- Linus Torvalds

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Re: [newbie] Mac vs Intel architecture deliberations

2001-10-23 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Mon, 22 Oct 2001 18:02:30 -0700 (PDT), Mel Roman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi everyone. 
 I_ve been playing with linux (ML8.1) for a little
 while on my home machine (an old P166). Our family is
 getting to the point where we need a second machine,
 so I_m trying to decide on the merits of going with a
 PowerPC (Mac) architecture (perhaps a new Mac G4)
 instead of Intel.  I forsee my current machine being
 used primarily as a linux box (file/print server,
 database server, secondary desktop for me).  We would
 use the newer machine as the primary (user-friendly)
 desktop that all family members will be comfortable

So long as the price is right (and remember that you tend to get better quality
with Mac hardware) and you don't buy into the MegaHertz Myth, a Mac would be
fine for you.

One thing to be wary of is the Classic environment. There is little point in
MacOS X if you're running most of your apps through Classic emulation. This
situation will obviously improve over time, as more apps get written/ported to
MacOS X.

 One of the things about the Mac that caught my
 attention was that its new OS X is basically another
 Unix variant.  Aside from being more stable than
 Windows, Im hoping that each machine would be able to
 easily mount the others file systems. Has anyone tried
 this?  I would expect it to be simply a matter of
 starting up an NFS service.  I know that you can
 similarly use SAMBA to serve files to a Windows
 client, but I understand that this would be more
 limiting (the linux box cant write to the Windows
 partitions, etc...).

MacOS X is based on FreeBSD, which is a very solid OS indeed. I think GNU/Linux
can read the Mac HFS, but don't quote me on that :)

I'm quite sure that SAMBA _can_ write to Windows partitions.

 I know that several distributions (Mandrake, SuSe, and
 Debian) come in  PPC flavours, but I sometimes wonder
 if they will continue to find it worthwhile to develop
 for PPC.  Although I expect that we would usually use
 OS X on the Mac, I would eventually want to someday
 put linux on that machine also.  How does everyone
 else feel about the future of linux support for the

I think the future is bright. Mandrake have only recently moved into the PPC
arena, so they must have had a reason to do so. Macs are really hotting-up in
both hardware and software. 64-bit G5s are due next year, and the Mac is
improving as a server and gaming platform (e.g. the Mac had GeForce3 suport
before the PC). MacOS X looks like the best release yet. I think its UNIX roots
will get people more interested in trying alternate OSs like GNU/Linux. Apps
like OpenOffice, Mozilla and Opera will be available for both MacOS and
GNU/linux, so switching between OSs will be relatively easy.
 I would be interested in any thoughts/experiences
 people have concerning Mac vs Intel architecture
 (either relating to the above or in any other
 Thanks in advance,

Sridhar Dhanapalan

I'm not a big believer in revolutions. What people call revolutions in
technology were more of a shift in perception - from big machines to PC's (the
_technology_ just evolved, fairly slowly at that), and from PC's to the
internet. The next revolution is going to be the same thing - not about the
technology itself being revolutionary, but a shift in how you look at it and how
you use it. -- Linus Torvalds

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Re: [newbie] Internet Explorer for Mandrake 7.2?

2001-10-23 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Tue, 23 Oct 2001 00:08:51 -0700, John Hokanson Jr. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Well on their way?
  They obtained the code from another company who had made it as a
  variant of the Mosaic client.  The deal was for a percentage of
  sales.  Wow, did that other company make a killing!  95% market
  share times nothing!
 If you're referring to MSIE 1.0/2.0 (which was indeed very similar
 to Mosaic), that's a completely different animal. I was specifically
 referring to MSIE 3.x and beyond. 
 - John

Actually, all versions of MSIE are based on Mosaic. Microsoft never completely
rewrote it, and if they did they'd be telling everyone. They just made it look
like there was no Mosaic in it, which is especially easy to do when the source
is closed. From that point, they built more and more on top.

Sridhar Dhanapalan

My girlfriend always laughs during sex -
no matter what she's reading.
-- Steve Jobs

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Re: [newbie] Some questions...

2001-10-23 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Mon, 22 Oct 2001 19:43:31 -0700, John Hokanson Jr. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 1. Am I to understand that KDE 2.1.1 is simply slow? Just out of 
 curiosity I fired up GNOME 1.4, and it ran MUCH faster. I've heard 
 that KDE 2.2.1 fixes a lot of the slowness of 2.1.1. Is this true?

KDE 2.2.1 is a bugfix release for KDE 2.2, and it is a little faster than 2.2. I
would say it is about on par with 2.1.1 in terms of speed.

I mostly use GNOME, which I have found to be significantly faster than KDE. I
have heard others say the exact opposite, so I guess it depends on your system.

 2. RPMDrake seems jacked to me. I'm trying to remove Netscape 4.x from
 my system and it won't budge. It just stils there saying it's 
 preparing to remove the selected components and I have to kill 
 RPMDrake. I am using Mandrake 8.0 BTW. Is there a workaround for this?

Run rpm --rebuilddb in a root terminal.

 - John

Sridhar Dhanapalan

Without C, We would only have Pasal, Basi, and obol.

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Re: [newbie] Mac vs Intel architecture deliberations

2001-10-23 Per discussione Robert

Just to put in my two cents. I have three machines. A 1GHz which I use to use 
for WindowsME is now a Linux box, WindowsME laptop which handles great and is 
just for strict use no fun whatsover, and I picked up an iMac about a month 
ago which the family enjoys mostly since it sticks out from the other two 
machines and OS. My sister plays with it from time to time, but uses Windows 
mostly. She doesn't care much for Linux until I installed the Aqua theme to 
it but mostly doesn't really care about it. My nephew like me wants to play 
with all of them. The only thing I have really used MacX is for home video 
editing which by far is superior to Windows and Linux. Easy to use but lacks 
the extras I can get from Linux and Windows. 

Linux for the most part has been my playground and classroom. Just the week 
before I got some good lessons from Professor Jose M. Sanchez and I have a 
great ole time with it.

Basically, I have the best of all three and enjoy it all.

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[newbie] To mount a CDwriter....

2001-10-23 Per discussione Robert

Just to be clear on things here. In order to mount my external HP cdwriter 
does Linux Mandrake have to detect it first or by mounting a point, if I 
using the correct terminology, Linux will do the rest and I will have use of 
my CDwriter?

In both LM 7.2 and 8.0 Linux didn't detect my CDwriter during installation 
although I thought it would have trouble with my DVD ROM but like any ATAPI 
device it was a breeze for it.

Lastly, before you offer your great and unselfish help please keep in my I 
only just started messing with terminal commands (tar -xzvf, cd name of 
script, sh ./) but if you can guide me slowly I will try my hardest to 
retain the info. Until, the next day when it gets cramed with numbers since I 
am machinist by trade.

Thanks in advance.

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Re: [newbie] Internet Explorer for Mandrake 7.2?

2001-10-23 Per discussione Steve Borrett

  Spoken like a true newbie. Linux and Microsoft do not mix.

Could we PLEASE be a little nicer to the poor guy.

They *DO* have IE for non-Microsoft operating systems. I believe Sun
has a variant, and they were doing one for HP-UX.

IE is also the browser of choice on the Mac. It evens works well on Mac OS X
(one of the few things which does!!) and that is BSD based.


When in danger, when in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout!

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[newbie] modem problem

2001-10-23 Per discussione yakup.kaya

hi everybody...
I have linux mandrake 8.1 installed on my computer.
I have an internal modem and as you know I can not connect internet using my modem...
I heard that some programs are developed to solve this problem, but I couldn't find 
any information anywhere...
If there is somebody there who knows anything about that please reply:)

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Re: [newbie] Internet Explorer for Mandrake 7.2?

2001-10-23 Per discussione Pascal Goguey


 Don't forget MacOS and MacOSX. The latter could qualify as a form of Unix.

 I wonder why MS sees Linux as a threat and not these other Unices. I
 suppose since it can run on the x86?

Because Linux is dangerous for MS, and MacOS, HP-UX, Solaris, etc are not.
The reason is simply that Linux is free or at least low-cost is you consider
that you should buy a distribution. Workstations are expensive, and therefore
will never get a significant share in the consumer world. Therefore, MS can
keep a large share when competing with non-free systems, but is
threatened by Linux boxes (very low-cost OS with tons of freeware,
very reliable, almost insensitive to viruses, that can run on cheap hardware,
and with lots of very cheap hardwares supported).


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[newbie] Full of questions tonight

2001-10-23 Per discussione Robert

Just noticed after importing the bookmarks from Netscape my Galeon scrolls 
smoothly and pricely, but only through the Netscape's weblinks. Before 
Netscape didn't only after I downloaded and installed the Flash plugin into 
my user account, didn't feel like doing a system wide installation.

Is there a correlation here or just coincidence? If I install the plugin 
system wide will Galeon work as smoothly?

Too much caffeine tonight!

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[newbie] Terrorists strike at my Netscape mail?

2001-10-23 Per discussione Graham Watkins

Here's a funny thing!

I opened Netscape to get my mail the other day and found my Newbie folder 
which had several hundred messages in it, to be completely empty.

When I downloaded my mail, nothing came down from this mailing list despite 
the fact that there were definitely messages on the server.

On checking the properties of the Newbie folder, I found that the language 
setting had altered itself to Arabic.  I tried to alter it back to a Western 
setiing but it did not close on clicking OK and closing it using the 'x' 
would not retain the altered setting.

Has anyone else encountered and corrected a similar problem?

I'm rapidly coming to the conclusion that Netscape 6.1 is a steaming pile of 
pants. For the moment at least, I'm using Kmail.

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[newbie] gnome desktop (M8.1, Gnome, Desktop)

2001-10-23 Per discussione Robert MacLean


All of a sudden all my desktop Icons are gone, I also can select the
desktop itself (drag left mouse button over desktop), right click.
It's almost like the desktop is gone.  I'm using the version of gnome
that comes with M8.1
I looked in ~/.gnome-desktop and they are there. Any ideas? Also how
do I create icons in gnome?


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Re: [newbie] Installing a new program

2001-10-23 Per discussione Derek Jennings

For a newbie installing packages in RPM format is MUCH the easiest way to do 
it. You should look for the program in the format 
'programname-version.i586.mdk.rpm' The 'mdk' indicates it was written for 
use in a Mandrake system. If you cannot find an RPM in that format on the 
site you are searching, then try searching at www.rpmfind.net where you will 
find hundreds of programmes in Mandrake format. Non 'mdk' rpm's may work, but 
not always.
(BTW to start with you should avoid files you see labelled 'Mandrake Cooker' 
They are 'bleeding edge' packages which may well require you to extensively 
upgrade your system.)

To install an RPM all you have to do is right click in Konqueror and when the 
dialogue box opens asking if you want to save it or open it, then just select 
'Open'  the Mandrake installer will then download it and install it as one 
simple action. The only thing you might have to do then is locate where it 
has been installed and define a 'K menu' entry  (sometimes this is automatic 
as well) 

Once you are comfortable with this simple method you can progress to 
rebuilding source RPM's, and then move onto 'tarballs' and compiling your 
own code.

BTW. Are you sure the programme you want is not already on your Mandrake 
discs? There is an awful lot on there...

On Tuesday 23 October 2001 7:15 am, Eric Baber wrote:
 Thanks to everyone who replied to my reply re. Internet Explorer - I get
 the hint that it ain't gonna work :-) The main thing I really wanted it for
 was to be able to use my old Outlook Express e-mails; I guess I'll have to
 export and then import them into a Linux mail program instead then.

 Next question: how do I install new programs on Linux? I've found the

As for your Outlook Express. Are you aware that KMail will import from 
Outlook Express?  

All you have to do is select File  Import and a window pops up offering to 
import from Outlook Express. You can point it to your existing windows 
partion because while windows cannot read Linux files, Linux can read Windows 
files no problem. Just import from /mnt/windows/Program Files/etc.

In general, whatever you want to do, Linux can do it..
But the learning curve is steep...


 Upgrade option and that works fine for stuff held on one of the upgrade
 FTP sites. However, I've tried downloading a few programs (packages in
 Linux-speak?), and once they've been downloaded I can't seem to get any
 further. The one I'm particularly interested in downloads as a .gz file,
 i.e. a zipped one. If I click it it unzips itself- fine. I then open the
 folder with the unzipped stuff and click on the file called Setup or
 Install or something like that, and it gives me an error message saying
 cannot open the file. Am I doing the right things and have just
 downloaded the wrong installation file? It's not a .zip file so I'm quite
 sure I haven't downloaded the Windows installer by mistake. Any help would
 be great!



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[newbie] Gnome apps mouse focus

2001-10-23 Per discussione shipahoy

I did a reinstall of mandrake 8.1 and have lost a setting somewhere. When I used to 
run Gmome apps like Pan and Sylpheed in KDE the window focus would follow the mouse, 
now I have to click in a frame to focus it.

For example, in Sylpheed if the mouse is in the message view frame, and I scroll the 
mouse to view the message, the thread frame or folder frame scrolls instead until I 
click in the message view frame to focus it. 

Its very annoying. I didn't used to do this. I use KDE not Gnome, and I've tried every 
setting I think of in Gnome Control Centre to put it to rights, but nothing works.

How do I get my scroll mouse to behave properly in Gnome apps? There must be a setting 
in Gnome that will do this, but I'm damned if I can find it.


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Re: [newbie] Internet Explorer for Mandrake 7.2?

2001-10-23 Per discussione Matt Greer

on 10/23/01 1:57 AM, Sridhar Dhanapalan at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 5. You don't want to ever use Java. In a move against Sun, Java support has
 discontinued in IE6.
Actually I dont ever want to use Java in a webpage. I hate java applets.

Most people forget or don't realize there's another, far superior, version
of IE out there, the Macintosh version (as you mentioned below). This
version of IE truly is the best browser ever made. The most standards
compliant of any browser for css, html and javascript. MS has no special
access to the OS, they make Apple apps just like everyone else does. Apple
enforces a strict set of interface guidelines, which miraculously MS
follows. It's fast, stable, intuitive just overall excellent. When Linux
gets a browser like this (and they're getting there) I'll be very happy.

 Mozilla itself, which is largely developed by Netscape, is shaping up to be a
 fine browser, but it still has some issues to work out.

I think Mozilla has the most potential of the Linux browsers. It will become
a great browser before the others IMO. Konqueror is also nice, but renders
some pages rather poorly.

  Mac users
 are generally apprehensive when it comes to using MS applications

I dont think that's true anymore, at least with web browsers. Netscape for
the Mac has basically always sucked. Netscape 6 for the Mac didn't even work
when they first shipped it. IE for the Mac was great from the beginning, and
most noticed. Mac magazines have been praising IE for a long time now.


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RE: [newbie] LISA

2001-10-23 Per discussione Jose M. Sanchez

LM8.0 put the lisa configuration files in the wrong place!

You need to move the reslisarc and lisarc file that the KDE Control
panel creates to 
~/.reslisarc  ~/.lisarc respectively.

Use the control panel to add your subnet broadcast address and workgroup
computers you want scanned.

Lastly, you'll need to modify /etc/rc.d/rc.local to add the startup for
the actual lisa and reslisa program.

Under LM8.1 relisa dies if I start it this way and I am forced to run it
manually as root. It becomes a daemon once run and permits you to browse
the Winblows machines from within Konqueror.

AFAIK you still need Samba to actually access them, although I may be
wrong on this...

(Someone correct me please!)


|-Original Message-
|[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Colin Jenkins
|Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2001 3:17 AM
|To: linux-newbi group
|Subject: [newbie] LISA
|Hello all,
|I just know this must be really obvious, but so far iv'e had 
|no luck. What deails do you have to enter in Lisa to get 
|browsing to work? (using lm80)
|Colin Jenkins
|ICQ: 650611   registered linux user 223862
|To be or not to be is true. Or maybe not. 

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RE: [newbie] gigabyte GA-7ZXH

2001-10-23 Per discussione Jose M. Sanchez

Both the VIA and ALiMagiK boards utilize Winbond chips.

There is nothing wrong with these boards, but there is a -BIG- bug with
the Winbond clock/timer chips.

These Winbond chips are what keeps the real time clock going during
power offs, etc.

It seems that the Winbond clocks will randomly change their reference
tick rate, as if they had a bad crystal reference.

As a result they will pick up or loose speed.

Fortunately Linux tries to work around this and set things right (BTW:
Windows does not and you'll gain or loose 15 minutes a day or MORE as a
result!), but you'll start to see a slew of messages about this in the
kernel logs.

You might want to turn this off, and/or not use these boards if you are
performing anything which is time intensive.

Linux uses an IRQ drive clock to keep it's own separate system clock and
then writes out it's time to the CMOS/hardware clock upon power down.
This is not foolproof though, and you should really set your machine to
a time reference in the Control Panel, so that Linux will adjust itself
several times a day.


|-Original Message-
|[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Robert MacLean
|Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2001 7:33 AM
|Subject: [newbie] gigabyte GA-7ZXH
|Does any here use the GA-7ZXH motherboard with M8 or M8.1?
|I want to buy it but I just want to see if it will work first. 
|I checked mandrakes hardware list and they had the GA-7ZXR 
|(raid version), so I think it will, but I just want to check 
|first. It uses the VIA KT133A chipset. thanx
|Robert MacLean

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Re: [newbie] gigabyte GA-7ZXH

2001-10-23 Per discussione Robert MacLean

how do i turn it off?

Robert MacLean
- Original Message -
From: Jose M. Sanchez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2001 4:41 PM
Subject: RE: [newbie] gigabyte GA-7ZXH

 Both the VIA and ALiMagiK boards utilize Winbond chips.

 There is nothing wrong with these boards, but there is a -BIG- bug
 the Winbond clock/timer chips.

 These Winbond chips are what keeps the real time clock going during
 power offs, etc.

 It seems that the Winbond clocks will randomly change their
 tick rate, as if they had a bad crystal reference.

 As a result they will pick up or loose speed.

 Fortunately Linux tries to work around this and set things right
 Windows does not and you'll gain or loose 15 minutes a day or MORE
as a
 result!), but you'll start to see a slew of messages about this in
 kernel logs.

 You might want to turn this off, and/or not use these boards if you
 performing anything which is time intensive.

 Linux uses an IRQ drive clock to keep it's own separate system clock
 then writes out it's time to the CMOS/hardware clock upon power
 This is not foolproof though, and you should really set your machine
 a time reference in the Control Panel, so that Linux will adjust
 several times a day.


 |-Original Message-
 |[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Robert
 |Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2001 7:33 AM
 |Subject: [newbie] gigabyte GA-7ZXH
 |Does any here use the GA-7ZXH motherboard with M8 or M8.1?
 |I want to buy it but I just want to see if it will work first.
 |I checked mandrakes hardware list and they had the GA-7ZXR
 |(raid version), so I think it will, but I just want to check
 |first. It uses the VIA KT133A chipset. thanx
 |Robert MacLean

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Re: [newbie] gnome desktop (M8.1, Gnome, Desktop)

2001-10-23 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Tue, 23 Oct 2001 11:23:54 +0200, Robert MacLean [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 All of a sudden all my desktop Icons are gone, I also can select the
 desktop itself (drag left mouse button over desktop), right click.
 It's almost like the desktop is gone.  I'm using the version of gnome
 that comes with M8.1
 I looked in ~/.gnome-desktop and they are there. Any ideas? Also how
 do I create icons in gnome?

Sounds like your desktop manager is not loaded. In GNOME 1.4 your desktop can be
managed by either GMC or Nautilus. If you normally use GMC, just run the command
gmc. If you use Nautilus, run nautilus and make sure that it is configured
to manage your desktop (in the preferences; in advanced mode).

Sridhar Dhanapalan

Once you realize that documentation should be laughed at, peed upon, put on
fire, and just ridiculed in general, THEN, and only then, have you reached the
level where you can safely read it and try to use it to actually implement a
-- Linus Torvalds

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Re: [newbie] Terrorists strike at my Netscape mail?

2001-10-23 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Tue, 23 Oct 2001 08:54:28 +0100, Graham Watkins [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Here's a funny thing!
 I opened Netscape to get my mail the other day and found my Newbie folder 
 which had several hundred messages in it, to be completely empty.
 When I downloaded my mail, nothing came down from this mailing list despite 
 the fact that there were definitely messages on the server.
 On checking the properties of the Newbie folder, I found that the language 
 setting had altered itself to Arabic.  I tried to alter it back to a Western 
 setiing but it did not close on clicking OK and closing it using the 'x' 
 would not retain the altered setting.
 Has anyone else encountered and corrected a similar problem?
 I'm rapidly coming to the conclusion that Netscape 6.1 is a steaming pile of 
 pants. For the moment at least, I'm using Kmail.

Mozilla 0.9.5 (the latest at the time of writing) should be able to read your
Netscape mail. Netscape 6.1 is based on Mozilla 0.9.2 (i.e. it's three Mozilla
versions behind).

You may also want to have a look at Sylpheed.

Sridhar Dhanapalan

In short, Microsoft is no more able to build secure products
than England's cricket team is able to withstand the bowling
of Australia's bowlers.
  -- Leyden, J., MS firewall is holier than the Pope,
  The Register (http://www.theregister.co.uk), 2001-08-20.

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Re: [newbie] Gnome apps mouse focus

2001-10-23 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Tue, 23 Oct 2001 13:27:59 +, shipahoy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Tue, 23 Oct 2001 12:57:19 +0200
  Remove a package called imwheel.
 That worked.  Thanks.
 It makes you wonder why imwheel is there in the first place.

I've been wondering this for a _long_ time. GTK+ (including GNOME) and QT
(including KDE2) apps have full wheel-mouse support. Other apps like Netscape
and Nedit can be quite easily modified to have a similar functionality. Imwheel
messes-up the native wheel support in these apps, but on the plus-side it allows
just about any app to scroll with the wheel. Since most the X apps you'll ever
use would have native support, I can't see why Mandrake loads this by default.

Sridhar Dhanapalan

The three Rs of Microsoft support: Retry, Reboot, Reinstall.

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Re: [newbie] Mac vs Intel architecture deliberations

2001-10-23 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Tue, 23 Oct 2001 11:35:27 +0100, Steve Borrett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I know that several distributions (Mandrake, SuSe, and
   Debian) come in  PPC flavours, but I sometimes wonder
   if they will continue to find it worthwhile to develop
   for PPC.  Although I expect that we would usually use
   OS X on the Mac, I would eventually want to someday
   put linux on that machine also.  How does everyone
   else feel about the future of linux support for the
 I think the future is bright. Mandrake have only recently moved into the PPC
 arena, so they must have had a reason to do so. Macs are really hotting-up in
 both hardware and software. 64-bit G5s are due next year, and the Mac is
 improving as a server and gaming platform (e.g. the Mac had GeForce3 suport
 before the PC). MacOS X looks like the best release yet. I think its UNIX 
 will get people more interested in trying alternate OSs like GNU/Linux. Apps
 like OpenOffice, Mozilla and Opera will be available for both MacOS and
 GNU/linux, so switching between OSs will be relatively easy.
 There is also a distro called Yellow Dog for the PPC, which I tried and 
 gave up on.
 I currently triple boot my Mac G4. I have Mac OS 9.0.1, Mac OS X (inc. 9.1)
 and Mandrake Linux for PPC. I have to say that I was pretty impressed with the
 Mandrake install.
 Mac OS X, now there is the problem. Coming from a unix background I thought,
 great, Unix on my Mac! Based on FreeBSD so it should be pretty good. However
 I have run into several fundamental flaws in it which seem to cause pain to 
 types and Mac types. Annoying things like not being able to su to root, having
 to sudo everything. From the Mac side of things, it refuses to remember where
 my windows are when it restarts and various other annoying things.
 I tend to think that Mac OS X is a good start, but no more. I think I could be
 described as a BIG fan of Mac OS 11 :)
 Ok, enough ranting. As to the longevity and support of Linux on PPC, I have to
 say I think that Mac OS X is only going to increase that interest. Some 
 users will
 be more than happy with the somewhat limited Linux like stuff exposed in 
 Mac OS X,
 while others will think, if only I could. and they may well give Linux 
 a try.
 Additionally, I think Mac OS X has given the PPC market a bit of a revival 
 and is persudaing
 traditionally skeptial users, like me, that the Mac is not just an artists 
 and designers toy.
 Just my £0.02.

I've been wondering this for a while:

Does MacOS X keep a clear root/user distinction like other Unicies, does it blur
them (like WinNT/2K) or doesn't it have any such distinction (like WinXP Home)?

Sridhar Dhanapalan

Yeah, yeah, it's 7PM Christmas Eve over there, and you're in the middle of your
Christmas dinner. You might feel that it's unreasonable of me to ask you to test
out my latest crazy idea.
How selfish of you.
Get back there in front of the computer NOW. Christmas can wait.
Linus the Grinch Torvalds

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Re: [newbie] Gnome apps mouse focus

2001-10-23 Per discussione Derek Jennings

On Tuesday 23 October 2001 3:41 pm, you wrote:
 On Tue, 23 Oct 2001 13:27:59 +, shipahoy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Tue, 23 Oct 2001 12:57:19 +0200
   Remove a package called imwheel.
  That worked.  Thanks.
  It makes you wonder why imwheel is there in the first place.

 I've been wondering this for a _long_ time. GTK+ (including GNOME) and QT
 (including KDE2) apps have full wheel-mouse support. Other apps like
 Netscape and Nedit can be quite easily modified to have a similar
 functionality. Imwheel messes-up the native wheel support in these apps,
 but on the plus-side it allows just about any app to scroll with the wheel.
 Since most the X apps you'll ever use would have native support, I can't
 see why Mandrake loads this by default.

Or you could exclude certain apps from using imwheel as this post by Sevatio 


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[newbie] How can I determine if I'm root in a script

2001-10-23 Per discussione Mark Johnson

I'm trying to write a bash script to install some files but it must be run
as root.  Is there a way that I can get my script to check to see if it has
root priviledges and if not exit out?

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Re: [newbie] How can I determine if I'm root in a script

2001-10-23 Per discussione Paul

In reply to Mark Johnson's words, written Tue, 23 Oct 2001 10:18:02 -0500

Check the value of $UID. It should be 0 for root.

I'm trying to write a bash script to install some files but it must be run
as root.  Is there a way that I can get my script to check to see if it has
root priviledges and if not exit out?

A mistake is evidence that someone tried to do something.

http://nlpagan.net - Registered Linux User 174403
Linux Mandrake 8.0 - Sylpheed 0.6.3 claws
Open Source, Open Minds. Linux.

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Re: [newbie] windows on linux

2001-10-23 Per discussione Matt Greer

on 10/23/01 3:44 PM, Dechao Wang at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Does anybody know what and where is the program that I can run windows'
 applications from linux box?
There's wine, the windows emulator. It takes a windows application and
translates the calls it makes into something X can handle, so you can run
the app right in X. www.winehq.com

Then there's vmware and win4lin. Which are very different solutions than
wine. They allow you to run a full fledged Windows installation and Linux at
the same time. vmware has a trial version which is a good way to see if this
is what you want, www.vmware.com. win4lin has no trial version,
www.netraverse.com and I've never used it.

I can give my nod to vmware, I'm very satisfied with it. It has some quirks
and can be a pain to get configured and running the way you want. But once
it's up it's really nice.


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Re: [newbie] windows on linux

2001-10-23 Per discussione russell hobman

goodaye, the program you would be after is WIN4LIN3
you can find out more about it here 
regards, russell.

 --- Dechao Wang [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Does
anybody know what and where is the program that
 I can run windows'
 applications from linux box?
  Want to buy your Pack or Services from
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Nokia Game is on again. 
Go to http://uk.yahoo.com/nokiagame/ and join the new
all media adventure before November 3rd.

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RE: [newbie] windows on linux

2001-10-23 Per discussione Adrian Lynch

Wine? If not, please go easy on me!! I have no work to do and I'm bored.
Has anyone read all of Sridhar's footer's, some are bloody funny :o)

-Original Message-
From: Dechao Wang [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 23 October 2001 21:44
To: newbie
Subject: [newbie] windows on linux

Does anybody know what and where is the program that I can run windows'
applications from linux box?


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[newbie] Xwidnows or KDE problem

2001-10-23 Per discussione Jon Doe

I am all sorts of problems with either the xserver or KDE, not sure which.
At times it just decides to freeze and I mean full blown windows freeze.  I 
have to power down to get out of it. Then sometimes if I open konqueror file 
browser the scroll bar just goes crazy and no files show up, have to use 
xkill to get rid of it. Then atlaest half of the time when I try to shutdown 
my PC, I click logout and the screen just goes black and does nothing.
Any one having this same problem? Anyone have a clue why it is happening?
I am about ready to just reinstall, though I know it happened with my last PC 
a few times too.


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Re: [newbie] Mac vs Intel architecture deliberations

2001-10-23 Per discussione Newbie

Do you find that winME is less stable than say
winNT or 2000?

On Tuesday 23 October 2001 03:10 am, Robert wrote:
 Just to put in my two cents. I have three machines. A 1GHz which I use to
 use for WindowsME is now a Linux box, WindowsME laptop which handles great
 and is just for strict use no fun whatsover, and I picked up an iMac about
 a month ago which the family enjoys mostly since it sticks out from the
 other two machines and OS. My sister plays with it from time to time, but
 uses Windows mostly. She doesn't care much for Linux until I installed the
 Aqua theme to it but mostly doesn't really care about it. My nephew like me
 wants to play with all of them. The only thing I have really used MacX is
 for home video editing which by far is superior to Windows and Linux. Easy
 to use but lacks the extras I can get from Linux and Windows.

 Linux for the most part has been my playground and classroom. Just the week
 before I got some good lessons from Professor Jose M. Sanchez and I have a
 great ole time with it.

 Basically, I have the best of all three and enjoy it all.

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Re: [newbie] Terrorists strike at my Netscape mail?

2001-10-23 Per discussione Newbie

Yeah I like the new K mail myself,
one of my buds just ditched winblows
to go to Linux, yaaay! He said he likes
K mail because it reminds him of Eudora,
the only thing that was holding him back
until I showed him Linux and K mail.

On Tuesday 23 October 2001 02:54 am, you wrote:
 Here's a funny thing!

 I opened Netscape to get my mail the other day and found my Newbie folder
 which had several hundred messages in it, to be completely empty.

 When I downloaded my mail, nothing came down from this mailing list despite
 the fact that there were definitely messages on the server.

 On checking the properties of the Newbie folder, I found that the language
 setting had altered itself to Arabic.  I tried to alter it back to a
 Western setiing but it did not close on clicking OK and closing it using
 the 'x' would not retain the altered setting.

 Has anyone else encountered and corrected a similar problem?

 I'm rapidly coming to the conclusion that Netscape 6.1 is a steaming pile
 of pants. For the moment at least, I'm using Kmail.

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Re: [newbie] How can I determine if I'm root in a script

2001-10-23 Per discussione Michael D. Viron

You could try 'whoami'.


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

At 10:18 AM 10/23/2001 -0500, you wrote:
I'm trying to write a bash script to install some files but it must be run
as root.  Is there a way that I can get my script to check to see if it has
root priviledges and if not exit out?

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RE: [newbie] gigabyte GA-7ZXH

2001-10-23 Per discussione Jose M. Sanchez

Nope it's common to all Winbond equipped motherboards.

Read the timer.h and timer.c kernel files (which is where I originally
found all of this) for more info on the problem.

If your motherboard does not have the Winbond timer chip you are fine.


|-Original Message-
|[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of shadowbuilder
|Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2001 11:13 AM
|Subject: RE: [newbie] gigabyte GA-7ZXH
|I haven't come across this bug before, was it just in the 
|early revisions or has it been sorted? I use my PC to 
|dual-boot with Win98se (for the games)and Mandrake8.1 and i 
|haven't experienced any problem with the time at all within 
|either OS. I am glad to hear that Linux tries to work round it though
|-Original Message-
|[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Robert MacLean
|Sent: 23 October 2001 15:24
|Subject: Re: [newbie] gigabyte GA-7ZXH
|how do i turn it off?
|Robert MacLean
|- Original Message -
|From: Jose M. Sanchez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2001 4:41 PM
|Subject: RE: [newbie] gigabyte GA-7ZXH
| Both the VIA and ALiMagiK boards utilize Winbond chips.
| There is nothing wrong with these boards, but there is a -BIG- bug
| the Winbond clock/timer chips.
| These Winbond chips are what keeps the real time clock going during 
| power offs, etc.
| It seems that the Winbond clocks will randomly change their
| tick rate, as if they had a bad crystal reference.
| As a result they will pick up or loose speed.
| Fortunately Linux tries to work around this and set things right
| Windows does not and you'll gain or loose 15 minutes a day or MORE
|as a
| result!), but you'll start to see a slew of messages about this in
| kernel logs.
| You might want to turn this off, and/or not use these boards if you
| performing anything which is time intensive.
| Linux uses an IRQ drive clock to keep it's own separate system clock
| then writes out it's time to the CMOS/hardware clock upon power
| This is not foolproof though, and you should really set your machine
| a time reference in the Control Panel, so that Linux will adjust
| several times a day.
| -JMS
| |-Original Message-
| |[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Robert
| |Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2001 7:33 AM
| |Subject: [newbie] gigabyte GA-7ZXH
| |
| |
| |Does any here use the GA-7ZXH motherboard with M8 or M8.1?
| |I want to buy it but I just want to see if it will work first. I 
| |checked mandrakes hardware list and they had the GA-7ZXR (raid 
| |version), so I think it will, but I just want to check 
|first. It uses 
| |the VIA KT133A chipset. thanx
| |
| |___
| |Robert MacLean
| |
| |
| |
| |

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[newbie] ISDN in USA

2001-10-23 Per discussione Chadwick, Tim

I just installed v8.1  I have a USR (USRobotics) Sportster 128k ISA modem.
Upon Mandrake installation, I was offered the options of Euro-ISDN or
ISDN with no D channel support. Neither of these will work in the US. Does
anyone know definitively if ISDN4Linux supports D channel? If not, what do I
need to install to get this modem to work? 

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[newbie] Unable to boot into X

2001-10-23 Per discussione Saul Lugoye


I can't tell what happened, but I'm no longer able to boot straight into 
X. I have to first logon and then startx.

This is the copy of my /etc/inittab:

# System initialization.

l0:0:wait:/etc/rc.d/rc 0
l1:1:wait:/etc/rc.d/rc 1
l2:2:wait:/etc/rc.d/rc 2
l3:3:wait:/etc/rc.d/rc 3
l4:4:wait:/etc/rc.d/rc 4
l5:5:wait:/etc/rc.d/rc 5
l6:6:wait:/etc/rc.d/rc 6

# Things to run in every runlevel.

ca::ctrlaltdel:/sbin/shutdown -t3 -r now

# When our UPS tells us power has failed, assume we have a few minutes
# of power left.  Schedule a shutdown for 2 minutes from now.
# This does, of course, assume you have powerd installed and your
# UPS connected and working correctly. 
pf::powerfail:/sbin/shutdown -f -h +2 Power Failure; System Shutting Down

# If power was restored before the shutdown kicked in, cancel it.
pr:12345:powerokwait:/sbin/shutdown -c Power Restored; Shutdown Cancelled

# Run gettys in standard runlevels
1:2345:respawn:/sbin/mingetty tty1
2:2345:respawn:/sbin/mingetty tty2
3:2345:respawn:/sbin/mingetty tty3
4:2345:respawn:/sbin/mingetty tty4
5:2345:respawn:/sbin/mingetty tty5
6:2345:respawn:/sbin/mingetty tty6

# Run xdm in runlevel 5
# xdm is now a separate service
x:5:respawn:/etc/X11/prefdm -nodaemon

Help will highlt be appreciated.


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Re: [newbie] Internet Explorer for Mandrake 7.2?

2001-10-23 Per discussione shane

you are kidding right?  the browser that loads virus directly from web pages? 
 the browser that for a while featured write once, write anywhere, even over 
your system files technology?  the browser that doesn't even pretend to try 
to be standards compliant?

...and talk about small!  try upgrading from a system with no trace of IE to 
the latest version.  several steps (and over 82 megs of download) later you 
will have a new os pretending to be a browser.

are you actually serious?  do you just not understand what is going on under 
the hood there?

are you this clueless?

On Monday 22 October 2001 17:02, you spoke unto me thusly:

 I think a better question is, would Linux users even use a MS product,
 or would they find it too revolting?

 I personally believe that Microsoft Internet Explorer is the best web
 browser out there.

Wherever you go, there you are.

registered linux user #101606 @ http://counter.li.org/
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
http://dmoz.org cause humans do it better!
Link different.
Profile at: http://dmoz.org/profiles/shen.html

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Re: [newbie] windows on linux

2001-10-23 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Tue, 23 Oct 2001 17:14:09 +0100, Steve Borrett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 There's wine, the windows emulator. It takes a windows application and
 translates the calls it makes into something X can handle, so you can run
 the app right in X. www.winehq.com
 Just because I am in a pedantic mood, I would like to point out that saying
 wine is a windows emulator is an oxymoron. WINE stands for
 Wine is not an emulator, therefore proving itself that your statement is 
 inaccurate. *grin*

Quite true. Strictly speaking, WINE is simply an independently-created (i.e.
contains no Windows code whatsoever) compatability layer which translates
Windows calls to GNU/Linux ones (as mentioned above). An emulator, on the other
hand, runs an entire OS (or a clone) inside a virtual machine (like how Java
apps run). Examples include Plex86, FreeDOS, VMware and Win4Lin.

Sridhar Dhanapalan

Also note how I said that it is the BSD people I  despise. Not the HP-UX
implementation. The HP-UX one is not pretty, but it works. But I hold open
source people to higher standards. They are supposed to be the people who do
programming because it's an art-form, not because it's their job. -- Linus

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Re: [newbie] Xwidnows or KDE problem

2001-10-23 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Tue, 23 Oct 2001 12:06:24 -0400, Jon Doe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am all sorts of problems with either the xserver or KDE, not sure which.
 At times it just decides to freeze and I mean full blown windows freeze.  I 
 have to power down to get out of it. Then sometimes if I open konqueror file 
 browser the scroll bar just goes crazy and no files show up, have to use 
 xkill to get rid of it. Then atlaest half of the time when I try to shutdown 
 my PC, I click logout and the screen just goes black and does nothing.
 Any one having this same problem? Anyone have a clue why it is happening?
 I am about ready to just reinstall, though I know it happened with my last PC 
 a few times too.

This behaviour is obviously not meant to happen :)

When X freezes, can you kill it with the ctrl-alt-backspace key combo? Can you
switch to another console with ctrl-alt-F[1-6]? If you can, then only X has
crashed. If you can't do these, the system as a whole has crashed.

Is there any pattern to make this happen? For example, are there any particular
apps which can trigger this? Does the same problem occur in other window
managers and environments? Try using GNOME for a while and see what happens. I
remember that when KDE 2.0 was released last year I had tremendous problems with
stability. GNOME, however, was as solid as a rock. The KDE problem for me was
fixed with 2.1.

Sridhar Dhanapalan

Bad design. I'm not touching it with a ten-foot pole.
-- Linus Torvalds

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Re: [newbie] Unable to boot into X

2001-10-23 Per discussione Paul

In reply to Saul Lugoye's words, written Tue, 23 Oct 2001 16:56:44 +0100

I can't tell what happened, but I'm no longer able to boot straight into 
X. I have to first logon and then startx.

This is the copy of my /etc/inittab:

l5:5:wait:/etc/rc.d/rc 5

Check to see if you /etc/rc.d/rc file is somehow corrupt. If needed I can send
you mine (mandrake 8.0)


A mistake is evidence that someone tried to do something.

http://nlpagan.net - Registered Linux User 174403
Linux Mandrake 8.0 - Sylpheed 0.6.3 claws
Open Source, Open Minds. Linux.

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Re: [newbie] windows on linux

2001-10-23 Per discussione Matt Greer

on 10/23/01 11:14 AM, Steve Borrett at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 There's wine, the windows emulator. It takes a windows application and
 translates the calls it makes into something X can handle, so you can run
 the app right in X. www.winehq.com
 Just because I am in a pedantic mood, I would like to point out that saying
 wine is a windows emulator is an oxymoron. WINE stands for
 Wine is not an emulator, therefore proving itself that your statement is
 inaccurate. *grin*
Yes, I'm well aware of that. But pointing out the technicalities of what
Wine is and isn't, isn't exactly necessary to inform the OP of a program
that will let him run Windows apps in a Linux environment (excuse me, a
GNU/Linux environment). Calling it an emulator probably gives him an idea
of what it does, a reference point. If he's really interested in what it
does, he can read up on it at the URL I gave him.

What's with the unnecessary attitude? Last I heard, being in a pedantic
mood and wrapping your post with cute little tags is not a viable excuse to
be an ass for no reason.


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RE: [newbie] gigabyte GA-7ZXH

2001-10-23 Per discussione shadowbuilder

No, i've experienced no problems yet, but i disabled the onboard sound
because i got a Soundblaster Live Platinum card for my anniversary from my
wife :) (she bought it not knowing i had onboard sound) so i never got to
test the AC97 sound for myself, but a mate of mine also uses this MB (that's
why i bought it) and he runs Mandrake 8.1 and hasn't had any trouble at all,
says it works great.


Michael wrote:
You have no problems with the AC 97 sound?

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RE: [newbie] AOL and Mandrake 8.0

2001-10-23 Per discussione Adrian Lynch

I'm a bit late with this one! I had a chat with AOL's online help, I wrote a
large paragraph of my situation, saying what info I needed , or thought I
needed, to get AOL going in Win4Lin. His answer, AOL does not support
Linux, 10 minutes of arguing later and it ends with a thank you and good
bye. Now I know AOL aren't considered the best ISP around but I have no
other problems with them, and they're cheap! I'm going home to try it again,
the setup, not the arguing!! I'll let you know if it all goes t*ts up!!!

-Original Message-
From: Gordon Burgess-Parker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 26 September 2001 21:03
Subject: [newbie] AOL and Mandrake 8.0

Has anyone heard of aol being got running using WINE or WIN4LIN or 
something like that? I ask because I'm using aol as a dial-up (flat rate 
unmetered access) while waiting for NTL cable modem to come to my area!



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RE: [newbie] windows on linux

2001-10-23 Per discussione Adrian Lynch


He was only joking, sometimes there's no other way to say, or point
something out with out coming across like you're being a smart arse, thats
why you should litter your email with symbols, then you can only hope that
people take it as info and not someone having a go! Now shake hands and say

I think I'll change my name to Mum!!

-Original Message-
From: Matt Greer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 23 October 2001 18:13
Subject: Re: [newbie] windows on linux

on 10/23/01 11:14 AM, Steve Borrett at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 There's wine, the windows emulator. It takes a windows application and
 translates the calls it makes into something X can handle, so you can run
 the app right in X. www.winehq.com
 Just because I am in a pedantic mood, I would like to point out that
 wine is a windows emulator is an oxymoron. WINE stands for
 Wine is not an emulator, therefore proving itself that your statement is
 inaccurate. *grin*
Yes, I'm well aware of that. But pointing out the technicalities of what
Wine is and isn't, isn't exactly necessary to inform the OP of a program
that will let him run Windows apps in a Linux environment (excuse me, a
GNU/Linux environment). Calling it an emulator probably gives him an idea
of what it does, a reference point. If he's really interested in what it
does, he can read up on it at the URL I gave him.

What's with the unnecessary attitude? Last I heard, being in a pedantic
mood and wrapping your post with cute little tags is not a viable excuse to
be an ass for no reason.


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RE: [newbie] AOL and Mandrake 8.0

2001-10-23 Per discussione Chris Huston

aol no workie... period

Please be aware that aol changes windows registry settings,
updated/pollutes your network setting... denudes ie,
changes your modem dialing string.. and
when you update your windows, using windows update...
or when you install software that looks for the windows default
setting/files in the preffered locations... those files are
gone or renamed to aol equivelents.

microsoft will attempt to replace the files, but aol will the
re update your system, before you log off...

its the same with real audio... and micros media player...

its a battle zone

don't get me started about the cute little icons each program
sticks in my system tray

i hate winblows...


On 23 Oct 2001, at 18:30, Adrian Lynch wrote:

 I'm a bit late with this one! I had a chat with AOL's online help, I wrote a
 large paragraph of my situation, saying what info I needed , or thought I
 needed, to get AOL going in Win4Lin. His answer, AOL does not support
 Linux, 10 minutes of arguing later and it ends with a thank you and good
 bye. Now I know AOL aren't considered the best ISP around but I have no
 other problems with them, and they're cheap! I'm going home to try it again,
 the setup, not the arguing!! I'll let you know if it all goes t*ts up!!!
 -Original Message-
 From: Gordon Burgess-Parker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: 26 September 2001 21:03
 Subject: [newbie] AOL and Mandrake 8.0
 Has anyone heard of aol being got running using WINE or WIN4LIN or 
 something like that? I ask because I'm using aol as a dial-up (flat rate 
 unmetered access) while waiting for NTL cable modem to come to my area!

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Re: [newbie] Installing a new program

2001-10-23 Per discussione Michel Clasquin

On Tuesday 23 October 2001 12:47, you wrote:

 The main program I want to install is Netscape 6 (though I've now played
 with Galeon and Konqueror, both of which actually look like they're
 pretty good). From the NS site I've downloaded the installation file,
 but that's a .tar.gz file and that's giving me a headache! Does anyone
 know if there's an RPM-format installation package for NS6?

No need. If you have Galeon, then you *must* already have Mozilla. Which 
is NS6 without all the commercial bumph. 

Michel Clasquin, D Litt et Phil (Unisa)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]/unisa.ac.za   http://www.geocities.com/clasqm
This message was posted from a Microsoft-free PC

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Re: [newbie] Can't run any GUI from root shell?

2001-10-23 Per discussione Arthur H. Johnson II

If you are in KDE, hit ALT-F2 then type xhost +localhost and hit
enter.  This will allow for local access.

On Mon, 22 Oct 2001, Jon Doe wrote:

 What would cause this? If I open a terminal window, su to root and type say
 kpackage, I get this error:

 Xlib: connection to :0.0 refused by server
 Xlib: Client is not authorized to connect to Server
 kpackage: cannot connect to X server :0.0

 Happens with nmapfe and any GUI program.

 I can't even run Mandrake Control Center as su to upgrade.

Arthur H. Johnson II
The Linux Box

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Re: [newbie] modem problem

2001-10-23 Per discussione Arthur H. Johnson II

On Tue, 23 Oct 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 hi everybody...
 I have linux mandrake 8.1 installed on my computer.
 I have an internal modem and as you know I can not connect internet using my modem...
 I heard that some programs are developed to solve this problem, but I couldn't find 
any information anywhereç...
 If there is somebody there who knows anything about that please reply:)

This message doesn't say much.  What kind of modem do you have, etc?

Arthur H. Johnson II
The Linux Box

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[newbie] Suggestions on FTP and Firewall software on LM81

2001-10-23 Per discussione Great Dragon

I was wondering what would be the best freeware FTP and firewall setup.  
Would I need a program or any executable or would it be better to just 
modify things directly?  I know FTP needs a daemon and the firewall could 
just use the IPTABLES.  What is the best.

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Re: [newbie] AOL and Mandrake 8.0

2001-10-23 Per discussione Michael Scottaline

On Tue, 23 Oct 2001 18:30:01 +0100
Adrian Lynch [EMAIL PROTECTED] cleverly noted:

 I'm a bit late with this one! I had a chat with AOL's online help, I
 wrote a
 large paragraph of my situation, saying what info I needed , or thought
 needed, to get AOL going in Win4Lin. His answer, AOL does not support
 Linux, 10 minutes of arguing later and it ends with a thank you and
 bye. Now I know AOL aren't considered the best ISP around but I have no
 other problems with them, and they're cheap! I'm going home to try it
 the setup, not the arguing!! I'll let you know if it all goes t*ts up!!!

What do you consider cheap??  I pay less than $16 a month for unlimited
dial-up access, haven't gotten a busy signal since 1995, have never been
cut off even after half an hour of inactivity, and have gotten excellent,
polite service whenever I have asked for it.  While they do not officially
support linux, they do have a page on their website that gives flawless
stepxstep instructions on getting set up with linux, including how to edit

A world where some live in comfort and plenty, while half of
the human race lives on less than $2 a day, is neither
just, nor stable.

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Re: [newbie] Suggestions on FTP and Firewall software on LM81

2001-10-23 Per discussione Great Dragon

Thats what I thought.  Now I just have to find out how to get inetd to work 
with proftp.  If I run inetd and try to connect, it replys connection 
rejected if I run /usr/sbin/in.proftpd manually it works fine, of corse, 
its permanently loaded

Subject: Re: [newbie] Suggestions on FTP and Firewall software on LM81
Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2001 20:50:33 -0400

In reply to Great Dragon's words, written Tue, 23 Oct 2001 13:31:15 -0500

 I was wondering what would be the best freeware FTP and firewall setup.
 Would I need a program or any executable or would it be better to just
 modify things directly?  I know FTP needs a daemon and the firewall could
 just use the IPTABLES.  What is the best.

ProFTP is installed by default and is great.
IPTables is used by def. in 2.4.x kernels, Ipchains in lower kernels. Both 
good. At least they have never let me down :)

A mistake is evidence that someone tried to do something.

http://nlpagan.net - Registered Linux User 174403
Linux Mandrake 8.0 - Sylpheed 0.6.3 claws
Open Source, Open Minds. Linux.

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Re: [newbie] DSL and 8.1, the saga continues

2001-10-23 Per discussione Paul Schwebel

Thanks Dave, I will check on this and post you back.
Since my system is not really live yet (I'm still
dual booting from WinMe) I did a complete reinstall
last night. I had tried so many leads that I wasn't
sure what state my system was in, and (sigh) didn't
document as I went. 

I will this time.


--- Dave Sherman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hash: SHA1
 On Monday 22 October 2001 10:13, Paul Schwebel
 opined on the topic: Re: 
 [newbie] DSL and 8.1, the saga continues
  Thanks for the clarification on my questions.
  Earthlink/Mindspring has 3 nameservers for their
  Mindspring customers (of which I am one). They
  I use the first two in my resolv.conf files and in
  rp-pppoe setup. I can ping these numbers. Also, I
  can't seem to connect with their email servers,
  pop.mindspring.com and smtp.mindspring.com, so I'm
  sure this is strictly a DNS problem, unless DNS is
  also required to resolve these names. Hmm, now
 that I
  think about it, I guess DNS must be involved.
 Yes, you do need DNS to resolve those, too ;-)
  Is there a simple 'enable DNS' checkbox that I've
 No, Linux should try to use DNS by default, as long
 as you have the IP 
 addresses in your resolv.conf.
 You will need bind-utils installed. Do this in an
   rpm -qa|grep bind
 and see if you get a bind-utils package. If not, you
 will need to install 
 it. If you know what bind is (a full DNS server),
 then you may guess that 
 bind-utils is just a set of tools for domain name
 resolution and other 
 information gathering.
  Now, I used to have a SuSE distribution (7.1), but
  switched to Mandrake because of what appeared to
 be a
  more user friendly wrapper around the OS. I was
  to connect with SuSE on the box, and I can connect
  under Win, so I'm not having a hardware issue.
 I have only used SUSe once, and it was a 6.x
 version. Back then (a couple 
 of years ago), it seemed pretty good, but I ended up
 switching to Caldera, 
 and then switching to Mandrake at the suggestion of
 a friend.
 Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
 Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org

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Re: [newbie] gigabyte GA-7ZXH

2001-10-23 Per discussione Sevatio

I have two machines with the GA-7ZX-1 mobo.  LM8.0 made the system clock 
very inaccurate.  LM8.1 made that same system clock even worse.  I'm very 
disappointed with this problem.  Although adjtimex can be used to help 
this, it still results in timekeeping that is less accurate than my 
childhood windup clock.


 Original Message 

On 10/23/01, 4:33:09 AM, Robert MacLean [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote regarding 
[newbie] gigabyte GA-7ZXH:

 Does any here use the GA-7ZXH motherboard with M8 or M8.1?
 I want to buy it but I just want to see if it will work first. I
 checked mandrakes hardware list and they had the GA-7ZXR (raid
 version), so I think it will, but I just want to check first.
 It uses the VIA KT133A chipset. thanx

 Robert MacLean

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Re: [newbie] Suggestions on FTP and Firewall software on LM81

2001-10-23 Per discussione Dennis Myers

On Tuesday 23 October 2001 01:31 pm, you wrote:
 I was wondering what would be the best freeware FTP and firewall setup.
 Would I need a program or any executable or would it be better to just
 modify things directly?  I know FTP needs a daemon and the firewall could
 just use the IPTABLES.  What is the best.

 Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com/intl.asp
Bastille is a very good firewall for starters, it is in the 8.1 installation 
and can be accessed for setup by going to a console and su and then type in 
cd /sbin and then at the prompt type in interactiveBastille  it will 
start a gui install and when it gets to something about file limits choose 
no, otherwise you will not be able to su from a user desktop console. HTH
Dennis M. registered Linux user #180842

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Re: [newbie] gigabyte GA-7ZXH

2001-10-23 Per discussione Sevatio

AC97 sound doesn't work very well with LM8.0 .  That's why I had to buy 
soundcards for my machines with this piece-of-crap motherboard.


 Original Message 

On 10/23/01, 9:22:06 AM, Michael [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote regarding 
Re: [newbie] gigabyte GA-7ZXH:

 You have no problems with the AC 97 sound?

 shadowbuilder wrote:
  I haven't come across this bug before, was it just in the early revisions 
  has it been sorted? I use my PC to dual-boot with Win98se (for the 
  Mandrake8.1 and i haven't experienced any problem with the time at all
  within either OS. I am glad to hear that Linux tries to work round it 
  -Original Message-



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[newbie] Compaq Presario 1700t (modem)

2001-10-23 Per discussione Marcia

Dear All,

I wrote about this a couple of days ago but did not get any responses. To my 
dismay I discovered that I have a Compaq 56 K V90 HCF miniPCI internal modem 
14F1:1815 Conexant chip. I, also, have a Compaq 10_100MiniPCI ethernet NIC 
card that also has the conexant chip. When I ordered this laptop I asked 
specifically to give me a real modem and ethernet and not a winmodem but I do 
not think they knew what I was talking about. I have done alot of research 
and downloaded the software that might make this modem work according to the 
linmodem page. I use Juno for my internet provider on my laptop with WIN98. 
My laptop is a win98/LM8 dualboot. I have not installed the new software yet. 
I am wondering if my modem will work if I get Kppp setup correctly. I tried 
to setup kppp last night and I got a message that the modem is busy which 
surprised me.

In console I typed ls -a /lib/modules/2.4.3-20mdk/ and I see among other 
files build@  flashing and highlighted in red. What would this mean? I 
found my Juno files which have my username and password. If I put those into 
kppp would that make a difference also? Using a dial-up modem is new to me 
since I only have used ethernet cable on my desktop PC with Linux. That seems 
to be easier to setup from what I can tell. I have heard about using minicom 
to see if one's modem is working, too. How would I check on this modem to see 
that it is working? Thanks for any help and suggestions.



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Re: [newbie] Mac vs Intel architecture deliberations

2001-10-23 Per discussione Robert Pena
WindowsME is a joke if I want to say do some video capture or producing. If all I do is download email, surf the net, work on documents,play with some photos with Adobe, or do my finances I never seea crash or get a blue screen of death. Although, theMac does come with Quicken, personally never liked it, it does annoy me with the single button mouse. Mostpeoplewho tell me they get crashes usually are not opening email or touching up photos. Linux does crash but handles very well without taking whole system with it. Mac is the same way too. I have hardly seen Mac crash but as far as multitasking goes I get the impression it is slower than Linux and Windows. Thats my impression so far since I had the Macfor ashort time and have been using Linux for less than a year.  With Windows2000 you get better stability compared to WindowsMEbut you pay a premium while with Linux it just comes standard and personally it should whether I download it for free or purchase a package box. Mac no matter what they put in is a premium price product.

Re: [newbie] Mac vs Intel architecture deliberations

2001-10-23 Per discussione Matt Greer

on 10/23/01 3:02 PM, Robert Pena at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have hardly seen Mac crash but as far as multitasking goes I
 get the impression it is slower than Linux and Windows.

What MacOS are you talking about, pre 10 or 10+? As a big time Mac fan I can
assure you Macs using 9 and earlier crash. They crash often, and they crash
hard :) They're less stable than Windows9x, which is pretty sad.

Also pre 10, Macs didn't have preemptive multitasking. Multitasking was up
to the software, not the OS. If a program doesn't give up his share of the
processor, everyone else is SOL. This is not the case for 10+.


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Re: [newbie] Suggestions on FTP and Firewall software on LM81

2001-10-23 Per discussione Paul

In reply to Great Dragon's words, written Tue, 23 Oct 2001 14:02:14 -0500

In mcc go to system and then to services. Check if proftpd is checked to run
on boot...


Thats what I thought.  Now I just have to find out how to get inetd to work 
with proftp.  If I run inetd and try to connect, it replys connection 
rejected if I run /usr/sbin/in.proftpd manually it works fine, of corse, 
its permanently loaded

Subject: Re: [newbie] Suggestions on FTP and Firewall software on LM81
Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2001 20:50:33 -0400

In reply to Great Dragon's words, written Tue, 23 Oct 2001 13:31:15 -0500

 I was wondering what would be the best freeware FTP and firewall setup.
 Would I need a program or any executable or would it be better to just
 modify things directly?  I know FTP needs a daemon and the firewall could
 just use the IPTABLES.  What is the best.

ProFTP is installed by default and is great.
IPTables is used by def. in 2.4.x kernels, Ipchains in lower kernels. Both 
good. At least they have never let me down :)

A mistake is evidence that someone tried to do something.

http://nlpagan.net - Registered Linux User 174403
Linux Mandrake 8.0 - Sylpheed 0.6.3 claws
Open Source, Open Minds. Linux.

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A mistake is evidence that someone tried to do something.

http://nlpagan.net - Registered Linux User 174403
Linux Mandrake 8.0 - Sylpheed 0.6.3 claws
Open Source, Open Minds. Linux.

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Re: [newbie] windows on linux

2001-10-23 Per discussione etharp

that's right. I am the only one around here with a viable excuse to be an 
ass, (being as I _AM_ an ass, and if you don't believe it, ask my kids.) 
PARTICK_u_lurly for no reason. 

(permission to see the doctor to remove toungue from cheek sir?)

 What's with the unnecessary attitude? Last I heard, being in a pedantic
 mood and wrapping your post with cute little tags is not a viable excuse
 to be an ass for no reason.


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Re: [newbie] aRts not working

2001-10-23 Per discussione Sevatio

Is aRts set on using Control Center?  What Mandrake is this?


 Original Message 

On 10/22/01, 6:33:02 PM, Marc [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote regarding 
[newbie] aRts not working:

 ok, i've been toying around for a few days... I got MP3's to play on KDE
 with XMMS, but only if I tell it to use OSS not aRts.  I need aRts 
 to hear any desktop sound effects and such.

 aRts keeps giving me cpu overload messages when I try and run the daemon.

 This is on a Dell GX110 with an Intel i810 chipset.

 before i got real choppy sound from both mp3 and KDE sounds, not I get no
 KDE sounds, broken aRts, but MP3s are cool if I force it to use OSS.

 any ideas?


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Re: [newbie] learn C++ for Linux-Mandrake

2001-10-23 Per discussione Lars Thilander

 on 10/12/01 7:45 AM, Marco Paul Mancheno Herrera at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Somebody can say me, where do I find a free book or tutorial about C++
  for Linux??


You find Thinking in C++ , written by Bruce Eckel at 


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[newbie] apostrophe in Mozilla

2001-10-23 Per discussione Fred Schroeder

While viewing web pages in Mozilla 0.9.4, I notice that all of the 
apostrophes get replaced with a y with two dots over the top.  Do any of 
you guys know how I get rid of this?  Not a big deal, but kind of annoying.

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Re: [newbie] Xwidnows or KDE problem

2001-10-23 Per discussione Robin Ballantine

You could try setting your bios to normal as opposed to optimum. If it's 
a hardware problem, this might help by putting less strain on it.

On Tuesday 23 October 2001 5:06 pm, you wrote:
 I am all sorts of problems with either the xserver or KDE, not sure which.
 At times it just decides to freeze and I mean full blown windows freeze.  I
 have to power down to get out of it. Then sometimes if I open konqueror
 file browser the scroll bar just goes crazy and no files show up, have to
 use xkill to get rid of it. Then atlaest half of the time when I try to
 shutdown my PC, I click logout and the screen just goes black and does
 nothing. Any one having this same problem? Anyone have a clue why it is
 happening? I am about ready to just reinstall, though I know it happened
 with my last PC a few times too.


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Re: [newbie] Internet Explorer for Mandrake 7.2?

2001-10-23 Per discussione Mike Leone

  I personally believe that Microsoft Internet Explorer is the best web
  browser out there.
  For any platform.

 Perhaps if you like the following:

 1. The browser is automatically installed and starts up at every boot
 you want it or not (which explains why it seems to load so quickly).

 2. When it crashes (which is quite often), the whole OS crashes.

My IE 5.5 crashes sometimes, on Win2K - does not take the whole OS with it.
Can't recall the last time the whole OS BSODed. Win2K is a very stable OS
(for me).

 3. It's closed-source, so you have no idea what's going on underneath. For
 example, the 'snapshot' facility used in the XP products will send
whatever is
 in your memory to Microsoft, even if it is private.

Well, sorta. It's not the WHOLE memory (can you imagine the time to do a
512M RAM upload to MS? :-), but the crashing application's share of it.
While may or may not include private information. And you can turn off the
snapshot feature; in fact, MS recommends turning it off (even before the
latest news)

 6. You like an inherently insecure application - one which has many
 exploits which can easily compromise your data and privacy.

True, altho there are things you can do to lessen the risks - same as there
are things you can do to lessen the risks on Linux.

 5. You don't want to ever use Java. In a move against Sun, Java support
has been
 discontinued in IE6.

No, I think they haven't disabled SUPPORT for it - I think they're not
SHIPPING with it, meaning you have to go get your own JRE (like Linux users
have to). If you have your own JRE, Java applets are supposed to still work.
(I think - I don't use IE 6)

 6. You don't want to ever use plug-ins. In a move against Netscape and
 non-IE based browsers, plug-in support has been discontinued in IE6.

Yeah, that sux. Altho QuickTime, for one, has gotten around that.

 7. You like to use applications designed by a company that doesn't care
 the above-mentioned problems, and even denies they exist. Would YOU trust
such a

Not a whole hell of a lot, no.

  before they started bundling it with Win98. MSIE 3.x would tear
  anything else apart. And when AOL bought out Netscape, the

Well, I'd dispute THAT. But IE started becomeing usable (and ahead of
Netscape) around v4, I think.

 When I used to use Windows, I had a utility called 98lite
 (http://www.98lite.net). It had the capability of 'exorcising' Windows of
IE and
 other bundled apps. The resulting speed and stability boost was amazing.

It still exists. In fact, they've (supposedly) improved on it.

 It depends on what you mean by 'Netscape'. Netscape 4 is old and is only
 maintained by Netscape for bugfixes. It is useful to keep around for
 compatibility reasons, since most sites out there aren't HTML
 standards-compliant. Today, I only use it to do my Internet banking.

I've come across many sites, where Mozilla/Galeon/Opera/Konq did not work,
or displayed the page incorrectly - and Netscape v4 did.
So it still has it's uses.

 Mozilla itself, which is largely developed by Netscape, is shaping up to
be a
 fine browser, but it still has some issues to work out. Nevertheless, it
is very

Still very slow, especially on Windows. And quite memory intensive, on all

 usable at present. Galeon, my favourite browser, relies on Mozilla's Gecko
 rendering engine to display web pages. Gecko is the fastest and best
 I've ever seen, easily faster than Opera and KDE's KHTML (although those
 still very quick).

I like Galeon. Opera is pretty cool, too. Wish Galeon had a Windows

 At this stage, I can't image MS ever writing or porting an app for
 The GNU/Linux community as a whole would not accept such applications
 they can be proven to be safe, reliable and standards-compliant. Since MS
 prefers to be closed (or 'shared') source, this cannot be verified.

I'll buy that.

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[newbie] Circular dependancies?

2001-10-23 Per discussione David Johnson

Hello all,

I've been trying to install Galeon onto my LM8.0 machine where the only x 
environment I have is KDE.  I'm downloading the RPM's from the Mandrake site 
(which means that they're the 8.1 RPM's) because my CD-ROM drive has died and 
I no longer have access to the original disks.

Here begins my problem:

When I try to install the Galeon rpm, I get:

[root@pengo packages]# rpm -i galeon-0.12.1-2mdk.i586.rpm
error: failed dependencies:
GConf = 1.0.4 is needed by galeon-0.12.1-2mdk
mozilla = 0.9.4 is needed by galeon-0.12.1-2mdk

So I went and downloaded the GConf 1.0.4 rpm and attempt to install that:

[root@pengo packages]# rpm -i GConf-1.0.4-2mdk.i586.rpm
error: failed dependencies:
libGConf1 = 1.0.4 is needed by GConf-1.0.4-2mdk
libdb-3.2.so   is needed by GConf-1.0.4-2mdk

So I download the libGConf 1.0.4 rpm and when I install it, I get:

[root@pengo packages]# rpm -i libGConf1-1.0.4-2mdk.i586.rpm
error: failed dependencies:
GConf = 1.0.4 is needed by libGConf1-1.0.4-2mdk

Is this my fault for trying to install from the 8.1 RPM's or should I be able 
to do this?
David Johnson

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Re: [newbie] Gnome apps mouse focus

2001-10-23 Per discussione skinky

On Wed, 24 Oct 2001 03:41, Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:
|  On Tue, 23 Oct 2001 13:27:59 +, shipahoy [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
|   On Tue, 23 Oct 2001 12:57:19 +0200
|   H McM [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
|Remove a package called imwheel.
|   That worked.  Thanks.
|   It makes you wonder why imwheel is there in the first place.
|  I've been wondering this for a _long_ time. GTK+ (including GNOME) and
| QT (including KDE2) apps have full wheel-mouse support. Other apps like
| Netscape and Nedit can be quite easily modified to have a similar
| functionality. Imwheel messes-up the native wheel support in these apps,
| but on the plus-side it allows just about any app to scroll with the
| wheel. Since most the X apps you'll ever use would have native support,
| I can't see why Mandrake loads this by default.

I've read several threads on this subject in the past and have not said 
anything, BUT, (and this applies to both LM8.0  8.1) without imwheel my 
M$ Cordless Wheel Mouse will not scroll at all.

Not only that, with LM8.0 my mouse just wouldn't work without imwheel - 
upon moving the mouse it would fly to the top of the screen and flicker 
erratically.  imwheel fixed that.

With LM8.1 my mouse worked out of the box, but not the scroll wheel - 
couldn't scroll in any app whatsoever.  imwheel fixed that.

I have not had ANY problems with imwheel - my scroll wheel works in all 
apps, including Gnome apps.  And I use KDE.  I'd be totally lost without 

Go figure... :-)  Just my $0.02.

But what ... is it good for?
(Engineer at the Advanced Computing Systems Division of IBM, 1968, 
commenting on the microchip)

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Re: [newbie] Circular dependancies?

2001-10-23 Per discussione Dave Sherman

Hash: SHA1

On Tuesday 23 October 2001 16:53, David Johnson 
 spouted off about [newbie] Circular dependancies?:
 Here begins my problem:

 When I try to install the Galeon rpm, I get:

 [root@pengo packages]# rpm -i galeon-0.12.1-2mdk.i586.rpm
 error: failed dependencies:
 GConf = 1.0.4 is needed by galeon-0.12.1-2mdk
 mozilla = 0.9.4 is needed by galeon-0.12.1-2mdk

 So I went and downloaded the GConf 1.0.4 rpm and attempt to install

 [root@pengo packages]# rpm -i GConf-1.0.4-2mdk.i586.rpm
 error: failed dependencies:
 libGConf1 = 1.0.4 is needed by GConf-1.0.4-2mdk
 libdb-3.2.so   is needed by GConf-1.0.4-2mdk

 So I download the libGConf 1.0.4 rpm and when I install it, I get:

 [root@pengo packages]# rpm -i libGConf1-1.0.4-2mdk.i586.rpm
 error: failed dependencies:
 GConf = 1.0.4 is needed by libGConf1-1.0.4-2mdk

 Is this my fault for trying to install from the 8.1 RPM's or should I be
 able to do this?

Sometimes you need to assume that you are more intelligent than RPM ;-)

In this case, you can use the --nodeps option to tell RPM to ignore 
dependencies. I don't recommend using it when it's not absolutely 
necessary, but in this case I think it is.

Use the --nodeps option to install libGConf first (and also install 
libdb-3.2, preferably without using the nodeps option unless necessary). 
Something like this:
  #rpm -U --nodeps libGConf1-1.0.4-2mdk.i586.rpm

Notice also, that I used option -U rather than -i. This way, you ensure 
that if such a package already exists on your system (unlikely, but 
possible), you will Upgrade it properly. And if no package exists, then 
RPM is smart enough to treat the 'U' as an 'i'. I also like to add options 
'vh' ('-Uvh') as well, so I get verbose messages from RPM, and I see hash 
marks (a text-based progress bar) during the upgrade/install.

- From there, GConf should be able to install without the nodeps option, and 
so on.

- -- 
You can't have everything... where would you put it?
- -- Steven Wright
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


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RE: [newbie] Circular dependencies?

2001-10-23 Per discussione Johnson, David


Thanks for the tip.  There's now a TON of dependencies on mozilla that I
don't yet have installed, but your trick DID work.

I am thinking I may just attempt to make a network boot disk and use that to
do an upgrade to 8.1, to help avoid some of this frustration...

-Original Message-
From: Dave Sherman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2001 3:45 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Circular dependancies?

Hash: SHA1

On Tuesday 23 October 2001 16:53, David Johnson 
 spouted off about [newbie] Circular dependancies?:
 Here begins my problem:

 When I try to install the Galeon rpm, I get:

 [root@pengo packages]# rpm -i galeon-0.12.1-2mdk.i586.rpm
 error: failed dependencies:
 GConf = 1.0.4 is needed by galeon-0.12.1-2mdk
 mozilla = 0.9.4 is needed by galeon-0.12.1-2mdk

 So I went and downloaded the GConf 1.0.4 rpm and attempt to install

 [root@pengo packages]# rpm -i GConf-1.0.4-2mdk.i586.rpm
 error: failed dependencies:
 libGConf1 = 1.0.4 is needed by GConf-1.0.4-2mdk
 libdb-3.2.so   is needed by GConf-1.0.4-2mdk

 So I download the libGConf 1.0.4 rpm and when I install it, I get:

 [root@pengo packages]# rpm -i libGConf1-1.0.4-2mdk.i586.rpm
 error: failed dependencies:
 GConf = 1.0.4 is needed by libGConf1-1.0.4-2mdk

 Is this my fault for trying to install from the 8.1 RPM's or should I be
 able to do this?

Sometimes you need to assume that you are more intelligent than RPM ;-)

In this case, you can use the --nodeps option to tell RPM to ignore 
dependencies. I don't recommend using it when it's not absolutely 
necessary, but in this case I think it is.

Use the --nodeps option to install libGConf first (and also install 
libdb-3.2, preferably without using the nodeps option unless necessary). 
Something like this:
  #rpm -U --nodeps libGConf1-1.0.4-2mdk.i586.rpm

Notice also, that I used option -U rather than -i. This way, you ensure 
that if such a package already exists on your system (unlikely, but 
possible), you will Upgrade it properly. And if no package exists, then 
RPM is smart enough to treat the 'U' as an 'i'. I also like to add options 
'vh' ('-Uvh') as well, so I get verbose messages from RPM, and I see hash 
marks (a text-based progress bar) during the upgrade/install.

- From there, GConf should be able to install without the nodeps option, and

so on.

- -- 
You can't have everything... where would you put it?
- -- Steven Wright
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


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Re: [newbie] Mac vs Intel architecture deliberations

2001-10-23 Per discussione Rick [Kitty5]

 Do you find that winME is less stable than say
 winNT or 2000?

I do, Win2k runs like a dream, WinME has added clunkyness

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Re: [newbie] apostrophe in Mozilla

2001-10-23 Per discussione Spencer Collyer

On Tuesday 23 October 2001 21:44, you wrote:
 While viewing web pages in Mozilla 0.9.4, I notice that all of the
 apostrophes get replaced with a y with two dots over the top.  Do any
 of you guys know how I get rid of this?  Not a big deal, but kind of
 annoying. TIA,

Sounds like the web pages you are viewing have been created with M$ 
s/ware. For some reason (actually I think it's to do with 'smart-(read 
dumb)-quotes' that they produce) M$ decided they wouldn't emit true 
apostrophes, but instead replace them with different characters that 
are not part of the 7-bit ASCII set. MSIE can interpret them correctly, 
but in all other browsers they get displayed as either the 8-bit ASCII 
character that the value actually represents, as a question mark (which 
is how Netscrape does it in version 4, IIRC), or get ignored completely 
(which is what Opera seems to do for me).

A good explanation of this stuff can be found at John Walker's 
Demoroniser page (http://www.fourmilab.ch/webtools/demoroniser/), where 
he also gives a Perl program that corrects these problems (and a whole 
raft of others that M$ apps introduce in their generated HTML). 
Unfortunately, the Demoroniser is really designed to be run on 
web-pages that you design before publishing them - I've no idea if it 
would be possible to pipe incoming pages through it before they get 
served up to your browser, although I imagine you could do it through a 
proxy, maybe?



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RE: [newbie] gigabyte GA-7ZXH

2001-10-23 Per discussione Jose M. Sanchez

Yeap, that's the bug, but it's not Linux's fault at all!

It also happens with my Winblows machines.

Linux at least TRIES to do something about it. Windows doesn't.

Reading the timer.h and timer.c comments in the kernel code is most

It not only describes the nature of the problem but tells you how
Winbond and ALiMagic  VIA don't seem to be interested in fixing this.


|-Original Message-
|[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Sevatio
|Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2001 3:20 PM
|Subject: Re: [newbie] gigabyte GA-7ZXH
|I have two machines with the GA-7ZX-1 mobo.  LM8.0 made the 
|system clock 
|very inaccurate.  LM8.1 made that same system clock even 
|worse.  I'm very 
|disappointed with this problem.  Although adjtimex can be used to help 
|this, it still results in timekeeping that is less accurate than my 
|childhood windup clock.
| Original Message 
|On 10/23/01, 4:33:09 AM, Robert MacLean [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
|wrote regarding 
|[newbie] gigabyte GA-7ZXH:
| Does any here use the GA-7ZXH motherboard with M8 or M8.1?
| I want to buy it but I just want to see if it will work first. I 
| checked mandrakes hardware list and they had the GA-7ZXR (raid 
| version), so I think it will, but I just want to check 
|first. It uses 
| the VIA KT133A chipset. thanx
| ___
| Robert MacLean

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[newbie] Where did Shred go?

2001-10-23 Per discussione Jon Doe

Where did shred go in KDE 2.2.1? Did they take this feature out or do I need 
to enable it somehow?

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Re: [newbie] File/Printer Sharing with Windows

2001-10-23 Per discussione Ron Allen

Hi Dave,

Wow, thanks for the detailed help! I'm going to try getting it set up
tonight. Sorry for the lateness of the thanks, BTW, I wasn't at home last
night and didn't get my email.



On 10/22/2001 at 8:39 AM Dave Sherman wrote:

Ron, Samba can do everything you need. It can act as a full-blown Primary 
Domain Controller, if you want (emulating an NT server).


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[newbie] Interesting stuff about XP

2001-10-23 Per discussione Franki

Hi Guys and Gals,,

Did you people know that XP home will only network with 5 PC's peer to peer,
?? it doesn't support domain networking at all
and has a maximium of 5 PC's it can network with...

I just saw this in an M$ email (directly from M$)...


Important Notice:  No Domain support in Windows XP Home edition

Windows XP Home edition is designed exclusively for home use.  As such it
enables peer-to-peer networking for a maximum of 5 PC’s, but DOES NOT
support centralized, domain-based networking.

Windows XP Professional is designed for businesses of all sizes and is
required for a PC to connect to a domain.  In addition, the Professional
edition provides a number of important features for business in areas of
mobile computing and business-class security.

To ensure customer satisfaction, only propose Windows XP Professional for
small business, government, schools and corporate customers.   For more
information on important differences between the Home and Professional

Thought you guys might find that interesting if you are setting up a samba
network at home and want to use
a domain name setup... with XP Home, you can't.



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Paul Cox
Sent: Wednesday, 24 October 2001 12:11 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] How do I release my IP number?

On Tuesday, Oct 23, 2001, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 This question is directed to Paul Cox, and is completely unrelated to the
 original topic. I am sending thought the mailing list since someone maybe
 wondering the same thing. My question is about the kernel and uptime on
 Paul's signature, I assume that is generated automatically (don't think
 anyone would go through the trouble to add and update it every time a
 message is sent 8) ). Is that done with a certain mail client or it can be
 done with any mail client? and how? TIA.

I think you emailed me about this, but I accidently deleted your
message. =)  Anyway, it's a perl script that appends it to my .signature
file, and then that's piped into my mail client's signature (I use
Mutt).  It's easier than it sounds.  The original script (attached as
uptime.bak.pl) I got from Vincent Danen.  I then modified it (attached
as uptime.pl) to make it display a little differently.  It can also
write out the completed sig to a file, but that's currently commented
out, so you'll have to uncomment it.  Then you can just run it in a cron
job every 5 mintues or something.

Oh, and my setting for Mutt (to be but in your muttrc):
set signature='~/bin/uptime.pl ~/.signature|'

If you have any other questions, just let me know.

Paul Cox paul at coxcentral dot com
Kernel: 2.4.8-26mdk  -  Uptime: 2 days 22 hours 42 minutes.

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RE: [newbie] How can I determine if I'm root in a script

2001-10-23 Per discussione Feras Al-Qadi

check also the value $USER
it should give root for root

or try this which is tricky

username=`who am i | awk '{print $1'}`

now $username holds the logged in user name

juts copy the line above as it is don't forget the ` this tills linux to
execute what is inside

-Original Message-
From: Paul [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2001 11:42 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] How can I determine if I'm root in a script

In reply to Mark Johnson's words, written Tue, 23 Oct 2001 10:18:02 -0500

Check the value of $UID. It should be 0 for root.

I'm trying to write a bash script to install some files but it must be run
as root.  Is there a way that I can get my script to check to see if it has
root priviledges and if not exit out?

A mistake is evidence that someone tried to do something.

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Re: [newbie] How can I determine if I'm root in a script

2001-10-23 Per discussione ddcharles


you can check to see if you are root, i.e.:

`whoami` == root

if that returns true, you are good to go. (btw, those are backticks around

David Charles

On Tue, 23 Oct 2001, Mark Johnson wrote:

 I'm trying to write a bash script to install some files but it must be run
 as root.  Is there a way that I can get my script to check to see if it has
 root priviledges and if not exit out?

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Re: [newbie] DSL and 8.1, the saga SOLVED!

2001-10-23 Per discussione Paul Schwebel

Dave and Paul,

I'm not sure what fixed things. I reinstalled Mandrake
last night because I have played around with so many
files that I wasn't sure of the original state of the

I made sure I had bind utilities installed, and
carefully configured my rp-pppoe software, initially
with NO firewall, since the instructions for
adsl-setup said that if I selected a firewall setting
AND I had any servers running, that no traffic would
pass. Since I don't know how to tell if I have any
servers running (do you?) I said NONE for the firewall

Now, everything works! DNS, mail, everything. I set up
my login and my wife's login. Everything looks good.
Now I can post the newbie group about something else!

-Paul Schwebel

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Re: [newbie] audio cds in 8.1

2001-10-23 Per discussione Paul Rodríguez

I did try your fix, but it didn't do it.  Here's the output of symlinks
cd* in the root dir and in /dev

[root@localhost dev]# symlinks cd*
/dev/cdrom: No such file or directory
/dev/cdrom0: Not a directory

[root@localhost /]# symlinks cd*
dangling: /cdroms/cdrom0 - ../ide/host0/bus1/target0/lun0/cd

-Paul Rodríguez

On Tue, 2001-10-23 at 23:15, Joseph Braddock wrote:
 I had a typo in my message.  It should have read ... if you go to /dev and 
 look at the links... not /etc.  Sorry for any confusion.  Also, to see where 
 the cdrom is linked, while root (or su), cd to the /dev directory and type 
 symlinks cd*  and it should show you where your cd rom(s) are linked to.  If 
 the one called cdrom is not linked to ../dev/cdroms then don't bother with my 
 On Tuesday 23 October 2001 10:07 pm, you wrote:
  This isn't a good fix, but it will make your audio CDs work. I imagine if
  you go to /etc and look at the links for cdroms, you will see the one named
  cdrom flashing red (assuming you are at a shell and not using Konqueror). 
  The problem is that it is looking for a link to ../cdroms/cdrom and the
  correct path should be /dev/cdroms/cdrom.  I haven't been successfull in
  changing it yet (well and getting the change to stick), but I temporarily
  fixed it by making a directory off of / called cdroms and then copied the
  files from /dev/cdroms to it.
  You might try that and see if works for you.
  On Tuesday 23 October 2001 09:55 pm, you wrote:
   Yeah, I'm running 8.1.  I'm not quite sure how to check where my cd rom
   really is, but taking a look at HardDrake, my cdrom is listed as
   existing at /dev/hdc.  And that seems to be what is listed in my fstab:
   /dev/hda6 / reiserfs noatime,notail 1 1
   none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
   none /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0
   /dev/hda9 /home reiserfs noatime,notail 1 2
   /dev/hdc /mnt/cdrom auto
   user,iocharset=iso8859-1,exec,codepage=850,ro,noauto 0 0
   /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy auto
   user,iocharset=iso8859-1,sync,exec,codepage=850,noauto 0 0
   /dev/hda1 /mnt/win_c vfat iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850 0 0
   /dev/hda5 /mnt/win_d vfat iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850 0 0
   none /proc proc defaults 0 0
   /dev/hda8 /usr reiserfs noatime,notail 1 2
   /dev/hda7 swap swap defaults 0 0
   It's strange, because it has no trouble reading data cds.  But audio cds
   it can't even read.
   Thanks again.
   -Paul Rodríguez
   On Tue, 2001-10-23 at 06:46, Paul wrote:
In reply to Paul Rodríguez's words, written 22 Oct 2001 20:53:14 -0400
Hmm... ls -l /dev/cdrom give me this:

[root@localhost root]# ls -l /dev/cdrom
lr-xr-xr-x1 root root   16 Oct 22 05:13 /dev/cdrom -

How do I go about changing this, and to what?
I have seen this from other people who use 8.1  Are you on that?
Check where your fstab points to in respect to the cdrom.
And where your cdrom really is. /dev/hd? something. Then the /dev/cdrom
link needs to be updated, I guess, to that /dev/hd?
A mistake is evidence that someone tried to do something.
http://nlpagan.net - Registered Linux User 174403
Linux Mandrake 8.0 - Sylpheed 0.6.3 claws
Open Source, Open Minds. Linux.
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Re: [newbie] cdrecord and my ricoh burner

2001-10-23 Per discussione quaylar

At 15:51 23.10.2001 -0700, you wrote:
On Tuesday 23 October 2001 02:42 pm, you wrote:
  hi ppl
  i have lm 8.1 and cdrecord version 1.10
  i just tried to burn an audio cd (mp3 files converted to
  wav) with eroaster and upon clicking the burn button i
  got this :
  scsidev: '0,0,0'
  scsibus: 0 target: 0 lun: 0
  Linux sg driver version: 3.1.20
  Cdrecord 1.10 (i586-mandrake-linux-gnu) Copyright (C)
  1995-2001 Jörg Schilling TOC Type: 0 = CD-DA
  Using libscg version 'schily-0.5'
  atapi: 1
  Device type: Removable CD-ROM
  Version: 0
  Response Format: 1
  Vendor_info: 'RICOH   '
  Identifikation : 'CD-R/RW MP7080A '
  Revision   : '1.30'
Have you tried any of the other ones? I used gnome-toaster
last night to burn a couple of iso's and they burnt
well...'just like mom's' ;-)

hi michael

i tried x cd-roast - but since it uses cdrecord as well it didnt work.
after that i tried to burn my wav files via command line - not setting the 
-dao option and thus burning in TAO mode.
this worked - but i would have liked to burn DAO over a nice gui

does gnome-toaster use another program than cdrecord ?



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