[newbie-it] Sorgenti del Kernel e scheda audio Aureal

2001-11-30 Per discussione Marco

Ciao a tutti,
grazie ad Andrea Celli per il suggerimento sul file contenente i 
sorgenti del kernel.
Ho trovato il file sul secondo cd di installazione. 
L'installazione dei sorgenti richiede però l'installazione del 
pacchetto ncurses-devel.
Per agevolare altri dico subito che non ho trovato il pacchetto ncurses-
devel ma dopo una ventina di minuti di sconsolate ricerche ;-) ho 
trovato libncurses-devel (sempre nel secondo cd) che risolve il 
problema delle dipendenze.
Concludo questa mia (un po' lunghina) per dire che sono riuscito a far 
funzionare egregiamente la scheda audio Aureal Vortex 8810.
Chi fosse interessato (anche per 8820 e 8830) sono a disposizione per 
tutte le informazioni).



[newbie-it] unscribe

2001-11-30 Per discussione Luca Valer

Re: [newbie-it] devfs

2001-11-30 Per discussione Stefano Salari

 --- Stefano Sebastiani [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha
 Alle 11:42, giovedì 29 novembre 2001, hai scritto:
  Il consiglio è di disabilitare devfs... :)
 Non vorrei, preferirei riuscire ad usarlo, l'idea di
 una gestione avanzata 
 dei device non è male, . eliminando i problemi!

Io un paio di settimane fa ho scoperto come impostare
i permessi per le partizioni Windows... Credo che lo
stesso valga per cdrom, floppy ecc...

Ti inoltro la mail che avevo postato allora. Spero che
ti serva!

Ciao! Steo.

Aspetta, aspetta!! Stasera ho fatto un po' di prove ed
ho capito alcune cosette interessanti!!
(Tutte le prove le ho fatte con il DevFS montato)

In /etc/fstab puoi usare alcuni parametri specifici
del filesystem vfat (ogni filesystem ha alcuni
parametri particolari, che trovi verso il fondo di
man mount). Alcuni in particolare servono proprio
per risolvere questo problema:

umask, uid e gid

Ho provato inutilmente a modificare i permessi dei
dispositivi, dei mount point, ad aggiungere l'opzione
rw in fstab, ma non e' cambiato nulla: ad ogni avvio
la situazione era sempre la stessa!! Ho risolto tutto
con quei parametri.

umask ti permette di impostare i flag dei permessi sul
mount point con la stessa logica di chmod. Va inserito
tra i parametri di fstab (dove puoi anche mettere
auto,rw[,...] per intenderci) ed il formato e'
umask=sequenza numerica dove sequenza numerica e'
un numero ottale che imposta i permessi con lo stesso
criterio di chmod ma all'inverso: impostando umask=0
abiliti tutti i permessi per tutti gli utenti (ottieni
drwxrwxrwx), impostando umask=7 togli tutti i permessi
a others (ottieni drwxrwx---) e cosi' via.

uid e gid sono analoghi e servono per impostare uno
user ed un group proprietari del mount point nel
momento in cui viene effettuato il mount del
filesystem . Se questi parametri non sono impostati il
sistema utilizza il gid lo uid dell'utente che
effettua il mount: al momento del boot questo utente
e' root. Per fare un esempio, se tu hai un gruppo
users il cui gid e' 500 puoi inserire in fstab
l'opzione gid=500: in questo modo puoi far si che al
boot del sistema il tuo mount point diventi proprieta'
del gruppo users (anziche' di root). La stessa cosa
vale per uid ma uid ti imposta lo user proprietario.

Ora, combinando questi parametri puoi configrarti la
tua partizione windows con opportuni permessi quasi
come fosse una directory linux.

Io ho fatto cosi':

Mi sono creato un gruppo windisk che ha come gid

Poi ho modificato /etc/fstab in questo modo:

/dev/hda1  /mnt/win_c  vfat
0 0
il parametro gid mi imposta windisk (gid=782) come
gruppo di /mnt/win_c, mentre umask=3 mi imposta i
diritti a drwxrwxr--.

All' avvio ho cosi' questa situazione:

[steos@localhost steos]$ ls -l /mnt/

drwxrwxr-x2 root root 4096 ott  9 
1998 cdrom/
drwxr-xr-x2 root root 4096 nov 12
22:07 cdrom2/
drwxr-xr-x2 root root 4096 nov 12
22:07 cdrom3/
drwxrwxr-x2 root root 4096 set 14
17:35 disk/
drwxrwxr-x2 root root 4096 feb  6 
1996 floppy/
drwxrwxr--8 root windisk  8192 nov 15
23:40 win_c/

In questo modo /mnt/win_c e' accessibile in lettura e
scrittura per gli utenti del gruppo windisk e solo
in lettura per tutti gli altri.

Spero di esserti stato d'aiuto (e di non essere stato
troppo confuso...!).

Ciao! Steo.


Iscriviti al Meglio della Settimana, la newsletter di Yahoo!
Per saperne di più vai alla pagina: http://buongiorno.yahoo.it

Re: [newbie-it] permessi

2001-11-30 Per discussione Stefano Salari

 --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto:  ho un probelma
probilmente cretino
 ho una partizione windows che voglio rendere
 accessibilie solo da 
 come fare per impostare i permessi in modo che solo
 root vi possa 
 accedere ?

In /etc/fstab puoi usare alcuni parametri specifici
del filesystem vfat (ogni filesystem ha alcuni
parametri particolari, che trovi verso il fondo di
man mount). Alcuni in particolare servono proprio
per risolvere questo problema:

umask, uid e gid

Ho provato inutilmente a modificare i permessi dei
dispositivi, dei mount point, ad aggiungere l'opzione
rw in fstab, ma non e' cambiato nulla: ad ogni avvio
la situazione era sempre la stessa!! Ho risolto tutto
con quei parametri.

umask ti permette di impostare i flag dei permessi sul
mount point con la stessa logica di chmod. Va inserito
tra i parametri di fstab (dove puoi anche mettere
auto,rw[,...] per intenderci) ed il formato e'
umask=sequenza numerica dove sequenza numerica e'
un numero ottale che imposta i permessi con lo stesso
criterio di chmod ma all'inverso: impostando umask=0
abiliti tutti i permessi per tutti gli utenti (ottieni
drwxrwxrwx), impostando umask=7 togli tutti i permessi
a others (ottieni drwxrwx---) e cosi' via.

uid e gid sono analoghi e servono per impostare uno
user ed un group proprietari del mount point nel
momento in cui viene effettuato il mount del
filesystem . Se questi parametri non sono impostati il
sistema utilizza il gid lo uid dell'utente che
effettua il mount: al momento del boot questo utente
e' root. Per fare un esempio, se tu hai un gruppo
users il cui gid e' 500 puoi inserire in fstab
l'opzione gid=500: in questo modo puoi far si che al
boot del sistema il tuo mount point diventi proprieta'
del gruppo users (anziche' di root). La stessa cosa
vale per uid ma uid ti imposta lo user proprietario.

Ora, combinando questi parametri puoi configrarti la
tua partizione windows con opportuni permessi quasi
come fosse una directory linux.

Io ho fatto cosi':

Mi sono creato un gruppo windisk che ha come gid

Poi ho modificato /etc/fstab in questo modo:

/dev/hda1  /mnt/win_c  vfat
0 0
il parametro gid mi imposta windisk (gid=782) come
gruppo di /mnt/win_c, mentre umask=3 mi imposta i
diritti a drwxrwxr--.

All' avvio ho cosi' questa situazione:

[steos@localhost steos]$ ls -l /mnt/

drwxrwxr-x2 root root 4096 ott  9 
1998 cdrom/
drwxr-xr-x2 root root 4096 nov 12
22:07 cdrom2/
drwxr-xr-x2 root root 4096 nov 12
22:07 cdrom3/
drwxrwxr-x2 root root 4096 set 14
17:35 disk/
drwxrwxr-x2 root root 4096 feb  6 
1996 floppy/
drwxrwxr--8 root windisk  8192 nov 15
23:40 win_c/

In questo modo /mnt/win_c e' accessibile in lettura e
scrittura per gli utenti del gruppo windisk e solo
in lettura per tutti gli altri.

Spero di esserti stato d'aiuto (e di non essere stato
troppo confuso...!).

Ciao! Steo.


Iscriviti al Meglio della Settimana, la newsletter di Yahoo!
Per saperne di più vai alla pagina: http://buongiorno.yahoo.it

[newbie-it] Ancora problemi con il floppy

2001-11-30 Per discussione Paolo Schiavo

Ringrazio intanto tutti per i consigli su come modificare i bootloader (sia 
per Grub che per Lilo), mi sono anche letto tutte le informazioni date in 
precedenza ed altro ancora ... tuttavia sono ancora al punto di partenza. 
Penso comunque che il problema sia legato alla mia scarsa capacità 
interpretativa ... mi chiedo se qualcuno, nella lista, che ha avuto lo stesso 
problema può mostrarmi come ha modificato i due file (menu.Ist -per Grub- e 
lilo.conf -per Lilo-) in modo che possa risolvere questo problema. Grazie in 

[newbie-it] Problemi con installazione kernel

2001-11-30 Per discussione Massimo Angelo Zanetti

Sono un neofita e chiedo aiuto per un problema i cui tentativi di risolverlo
me ne sta creando altri (a catena!).
Ho installato Mdk 8.0 sul mio portatile Ibm 560X: per un vizio del kernel
2.4.3-mdk riconosciuto dalla stessa casa il mouse non viene ricosciuto e
quindi sono stato costretto sino ad ora ad utilizzare il 2.2.19. Per ovviare
alla cosa ho provato ha installare un nuovo kernel 2.4, il 2.4.10 partendo
dai sorgenti. Si tratta di un kernel generico non mdk. Sistemati in /boot
i bzImage e System.map della versione, modificato lilo.
All'avvio selezionando il 2.4.10 il sistema parte ma poi si blocca con il
seguente messaggio:
Controllo il filesystem radice/dev/hda6 is mounted  cannot continue, aborting
Failed to check filesystem. Do you want to repair the errors?

E per di più adesso quando seleziono da lilo il 2.2.19 non va in modalità
grafica segnalando il seguente errore dopo aver fatto il login e dato

Could not init font path element unix/:-1, removing from list
Fatal error server error: could not open font fixed

Qualcuno può aiutarmi? Dove ho sbagliato?

E qualcuno può dirmi quali precauzioni particolari (immagino che ce ne
siano) per installare un nuovo kernel partendo dai file rpm?

Grazie e ciao a tutti

[newbie-it] stampante ora funge ma !!!

2001-11-30 Per discussione Colombo Rodolfo

ok ora la stampante funge, ho levato l'opzione mount dal devfs in lilo e 
tutto va bene ora si printa !!
ma è fastidioso che dopo una stampa regolare viene stampata e questo sempre 
una pagina con il seguente messaggio:

ERROR: timeout



come mai ?

ciao e grazie

[newbie-it] Fwd: mdk8.1 e audio

2001-11-30 Per discussione Mauro Ongaro

Salve a tutta la ML.

Ho due piccoli problemi che non riesco a risolvere.

Ho da poco installato mandrake 8.1 e tutto è andato a meraviglia  tranne che
per il mixer sonoro, che quando lo si avvia, si apre una finestra vuota.
Diversamente, per l'xmms, l'applicazione funziona ma quando carico un MP3
e lo faccio eseguire, mi risponde cosi:

Could'n open audio

Please check that:

1. You have the correct output plugin selected
2. No other programs is blocking the sound card
3. Your sound card is configured properly

A priori direi che, il punto 1 e 3 sono da escludere, dato che ho fatto
l'installazione fresca fresca e senza modifiche, quindi presumo che qualche
cosa blocchi queste due applicazioni.

Sarei lieto di avere almeno qualche indicazione su come rintracciare la causa
del problema.

Grazie a tutti coloro che vorranno aiutarmi.

Re: [newbie-it] Satellite

2001-11-30 Per discussione Matteo

Io ho LINUXe windows2000, e la scheda di 
netsystem con windows funziona perfettamente, però non uso il provaider 
netsystem ma skynet che per ora è gratis con velocità di 2,5Mb/s, percio non è 
cosi importante volevo riuscire ad usare il satellite anche con 
Quanto costa la scheda che mi dici tu, magari la 
compro ugualmenta.

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2001 10:25 
  Subject: Re: [newbie-it] Satellite
  Se hai già NetSystem, si devi 
  Hauppage è un produttore di scede TV e DVB, 
  personalmente ho la scheda WinTVgo di Haup.,
  Tra l'altro con questa scheda puoi fare 
  l'abbonamento con Hot Bird per internet via satellite con canone annuale di 
  Tieni presente che chi mi ha venduto quella 
  m..a di netsystem mi ha consigliato la DVB di H. se prorpio voglio 
  internet su satellite, e chiaramente puoi vedere in canali sat che trasmettono 
  in chiaro.
  Però prima di fare la scelta definitiva fammi 
  Ciao e a presto.
- Original Message - 


Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2001 9:50 
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] 

Grazie Renato, ma cosè houppage? puoi spiegarmi 
meglio, devocambiare scheda dvb?

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2001 
  8:49 PM
  Subject: Re: [newbie-it] 
  I driver per la NetSystem non sono 
  disponibbili, mentre per la scheda DVB di Hauppage puoi trovare i driver 
  per linux e c'è anche un Howto per configurarla.
  Spero di esserti stato utile.
- Original Message - 

Sent: Saturday, November 24, 2001 
3:17 PM
Subject: [newbie-it] 

Ciao a tutti!!!
Ho una scheda PCI-dvb della netsystem, e 
vorrei sapere se ci sono i drivers ed il software.
Oppure qualescheda si potrebbe usare 
al posto di quella che ho.

Re: [newbie-it] charimento su scheda sonora

2001-11-30 Per discussione Daniele Micci

Il giorno 08:15, venerdì 30 novembre 2001 hai scritto:
 Mi interesserebbe capire quale sia l'effetto di devfs=nomount
 Grazie, Luca

Ciao Luca,
il DEVFS - almeno così com'è implementato in Mandrake Linux - pare avere 
qualche problema di sicurezza e di stabilità (nonchè di funzionamento in 
presenza di link simbolici). Così, la stessa MandrakeSoft in un avviso di 
sicurezza ha consigliato per il momento di caricare LinuxMandrake senza il 
DEVFS abilitato.
In questo modo, oltre ad evitare i suddetti problemi di sicurezza, si 
migliora il funzionamento di alcune periferiche. Da vari post letti in rete e 
sul sito www.mandrakeexpert.com, ho appreso che diversi apparenti conflitti o 
problemi di riconoscimento di periferiche erano legato al (mal)funzionamento 
di DEVFS. L'opzione devfs=nomount nel file di configurazione del 
bootloader, fa sì che il sistema operativo sia caricato con il DEVFS 
disabilitato. Tutto qui.


Re: [newbie-it] Sorgenti_del_Kernel_e_scheda_audio_Aureal

2001-11-30 Per discussione luigi pinna

 Concludo questa mia (un po' lunghina) per dire che
 sono riuscito a far 
 funzionare egregiamente la scheda audio Aureal
 Vortex 8810.
 Chi fosse interessato (anche per 8820 e 8830) sono a
 disposizione per 
 tutte le informazioni).
mi mandaresti i dati per far funzionare l'aureal
vortex 8810? io e altre persone che conosco abbiamo
rinunciato a farla funzionare (io l'ho proprio

se un giorno ti svegli e hai 4 palle vuol dire che hai il nemico alle spalle, e a 
questo punto non ti muovere perchè altrimenti farai il suo gioco!
by Zelig

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Re: [newbie-it]

2001-11-30 Per discussione DoK

- Original Message -
From: tatiana morosetti [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2001 12:35 PM
Subject: [newbie-it]

 installato linux mandrake 8.0 avendo formattato win98, mi ritrovo a
 voler tornare a una partizione win e lin. ma non ho la più pallida idea
 di come fare.
 come posso creare unap artizione per win???
Istalla Mandrake 8.0 in modo esperto
crea con il wizzard di partizionamento le due partizioni
delle dimensioni desiderate(una linux native Mount Point \  una senza MP
del tipo Win Fat 32 crea poi una partizione di SWAP (256 MB dovrebbero
andare bene)
Quest'ultima è obbligatorio averla.
istalla Mandrake 8.0 crea il Boot disk (floppino)
terminata l'istallazione,istalla windows
al completamento di entrambe le istallazioni
inserisci il floppy e da root al prompt della shell
scrivi sbin lilo --invio
Potrebbe essere necessario aggiungere la voce
windows al menù di LILO
scusate per l'HTML non succederà più


Re: [newbie-it]

2001-11-30 Per discussione tatiana morosetti

  --- Luigi De Pascale [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha
  On Thu, 29 Nov 2001, [utf-8] tatiana morosetti
   installato linux mandrake 8.0 avendo formattato
  win98, mi ritrovo a 
   voler tornare a una partizione win e lin. ma non
  ho la più pallida idea 
   di come fare. 
   come posso creare unap artizione per win???

 Se hai ancora spazio sul tuo HD per creare una
 partizione puoi farlo con fdisk (man fdisk per le
 istruzioni) ed impostarla come partizione windows,
 dopodiche' ci installi sopra Windows. 
nessun  problema a formattare perchè il comp e' vuoto e posso 
pasticciare quanto voglio. io ho provato a fare questo: da lin ho 
creato spazio per win (installando di nuovo la mandrake 8.0, che mi da 
la possbilita' di creare partizioni di tutti i tipi. quando devo 
scegliere il boot per la partizione win, io INTUITIVAMENTE 
scelgo /dev/windows - is it right?
poi pero' non ho la piu' pallida idea di COME installare win.

se uso fdisk e provo a creare una sola grande partizione dove far 
andare win (e poi creare da li una part. x lin), win a un certo punto 
dell'installazione salta, e mi dice che devo creare una partizione dos. 
e come???

Tieni presente
 che devi avere un dischetto di boot per Linux perche'
 l'installazione di Windows ti ricopre il Master Boot
 Record dell'HD e quindi ti ricopre Lilo: senza un
 disco di boot non potresti piu' riaccedere a Linux.
 Se hai utilizzato tutto il tuo HD per Linux diventa
 gia' piu' difficile: non so se ci sono dei tools Linux
 per ridimensionare una partizione esistente. Nel caso
 il tuo sistema Linux abbia piu' di una partizione puoi
 rinunciare ad una di queste ed utilizzarla per
 Windows, altrimenti non saprei.
 In genere se vuoi installare sia Win che Linux
 1 - partizionare l'HD

mi puoi spiegare bene bene cosa dovrei fare? 
 2 - installare Windows
 3 - installare Linux
 In questo modo Windows si insedia sulla prima
 partizione, e quando Linux ti installa Lilo lo
 configura automaticamente in modo da poter avviare
 anche Windows, ed in + ti monta le partizioni Win in
 modo da poterle vedere anche in Linux.
 Ciao! Steo.
mi scuso se sono un po' confusa nelle mie esposizioni, ma sono di super 
fretta.   :) 
se hai capito qualcosa e mi sai rifilare una soluzione, ti ringrazio 
con inchino annesso.
 Iscriviti al Meglio della Settimana, la newsletter di Yahoo!
 Per saperne di più vai alla pagina: http://buongiorno.yahoo.it

[newbie-it] cronologia

2001-11-30 Per discussione Daniele Micci

nella mia cronologia di Konqueror c'è una voce che non si riesce a 
cancellare: se provo a rimuoverla, oppure a svuotare l'intera cronologia, il 
Konqueror semplicemente si chiude.
Ho provato a cercare in quale file o directory siano registrate le voci della 
cronologia, ma senza successo. Qualcuno sa dirmi dove posso trovarle?
Grazie in anticipo a chi vorrà rispondermi.


[newbie-it] risolto il problema del floppy

2001-11-30 Per discussione Paolo Schiavo

sono riuscito a risolvere il problema del floppy e anche quello del cdrom 
(comparso successivamente). Ringrazio tutti per la collaborazione e ... per 
la pazienza.

[newbie-it] prob. di tatiana

2001-11-30 Per discussione DoK

- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, November 30, 2001 7:00 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it]

 - Original Message -
 From: tatiana morosetti [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2001 12:35 PM
 Subject: [newbie-it]

  installato linux mandrake 8.0 avendo formattato win98, mi ritrovo a
  voler tornare a una partizione win e lin. ma non ho la più pallida idea
  di come fare.
  come posso creare unap artizione per win???
 Istalla Mandrake 8.0 in modo esperto
 crea con il wizzard di partizionamento le due partizioni
 delle dimensioni desiderate(una linux native Mount Point \  una senza MP
 del tipo Win Fat 32 crea poi una partizione di SWAP (256 MB dovrebbero
 andare bene)
 Quest'ultima è obbligatorio averla.
 istalla Mandrake 8.0 crea il Boot disk (floppino)
 terminata l'istallazione,istalla windows
 al completamento di entrambe le istallazioni
 inserisci il floppy e da root al prompt della shell
 scrivi sbin lilo --invio
 Potrebbe essere necessario aggiungere la voce
 windows al menù di LILO
 scusate per l'HTML non succederà più


Re: [newbie] 3D support for SIS 300/305 AGP 16 meg video card?

2001-11-30 Per discussione Derek Jennings

Have you checked out these HOWTO's?


On Friday 30 November 2001 03:35, you wrote:
 I just installed v8.1 on an older computer (older is pretty subjective
 nowdays though - its still a 475mhz AMD K6-III with 192 megs of Ram) that
 belongs to my stepson. It has a Crystal ISA soundcard, as well as a SIS
 300/305 AGP 16m video card.

 After installation, we got:

 No sound

 No 3D-accelerated video

 Are the Crystal and SIS supported? I tried to look up the SIS model at
 Mandrakes home page, as well as at Xfree.org, but found nothing useful.

 I ran sndconfig as root, and it would play a sound sample (Linus's voice,
 right?) but when it got to the midi sample, it said there was a modprobe
 error at the kernel level and wouldn't save anything or go on... ;-(

 Can anyone help?

 Thanks much! ;-)

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Re: [newbie] empty messages anyone?

2001-11-30 Per discussione Anke Max

Anuerin G. Diaz reported on Monday, November 26, 2001 4:40 PM

i just received one from parthysomething with the body saying

No Message Collected

the rest has its message attached. i dont see a reason why text
attachment should not be viewed. but maybe its just a matter of personal


Gidday Anuerin
Sorry about the delay (been in hosp 4 days)

It's cause I'm running windoze and I don't trust anything much. I've renamed
the windows scripting exe, locked up everything I can, deleted all unneeded
programs, and use Zone Alarm. My ISP filters for viruses. Should really stop
using OE but have 5 yrs of emails I want to access.

You might ask why not Linux, but the simple answer is, I can't get it to
work on the net yet. In fact I can't even get it to work my home network
yet. More to do with hardware than anything.


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Re: [newbie] how do I save any html page

2001-11-30 Per discussione pesarif

On Thu, 29 Nov 2001 20:53, Lance Dow wrote:
 On Thursday 29 November 2001 3:15 am, pesarif wrote:
   In Konqueror:
 Tools - Archive Web Page.
  I'm using KDE 2.2.  My Tools menu only has Run Command..., Open
  Terminal... and Find file
  What am I doing wrong?
  Please help!

 Go to the 'Location' menu and use 'Save as...'.


But that doesn't save all the pictures in the website -- it just saves the 


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] SMTP error

2001-11-30 Per discussione Ed Tharp

just delete the first message in the outbox. it has a bad address that does 
not connect to a valid smtp mail server address

On Friday 30 November 2001 01:42, you wrote:
 I'm having a problem sending email in Mandrake 8.1.  Today I tried to
 send an email with a file attachment (1.8 mb) and I couldn't send in
 either Kmail or Mozilla Messenger.  When I click on send in either
 program it appears to be sending the data and then just aborts.
 Kmail gives me this error message:

 Sending failed:
 a SMTP error occured.
 Command: CONNECT
 Response: Error reading socket.
 The message will stay inthe 'outbox' folder until you either
 fix the problem (e.g. a broken address) or remove the message
 from the 'outbox' folder.

 Note: other messages will also be blocked by this message, as
 long as it is in the 'outbox' folder.

 The following transport protocol was used:

 Mozilla Messenger gives an error message of:
 sending of message failed

 The funny thing is I can send smaller text messages with no problems it
 only seems to happen when I try to attach a file.  My isp has a limit of
 5 mb so I'm well below that with the 1.8 mb file.

 Can anybody shed some light on what might be the problem and what I can
 do to fix it?

 Steve M.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] How to upgrade to ext3?

2001-11-30 Per discussione NDPTAL85

I have a standard install of Mandrake 8.1 and I have upgraded the kernel 
to the latest Cooker kernel 2.4.13-12mdk. I was wondering how can I 
upgrade my filesystem to ext3 from ext2? Anyone have some sites that 
show you how to do this? Anything Mandrake specific perhaps? Thanks.

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RE: [newbie] How to upgrade to ext3?

2001-11-30 Per discussione Franki

hmmm, I thought you just had to mount them as ext3 to get the journal

and I know you can just change that back to ext2 to read them that way, so
try editing fstab, and change all ext2 references (except maybe boot) to
then restart.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of NDPTAL85
Sent: Friday, 30 November 2001 6:39 PM
Subject: [newbie] How to upgrade to ext3?

I have a standard install of Mandrake 8.1 and I have upgraded the kernel
to the latest Cooker kernel 2.4.13-12mdk. I was wondering how can I
upgrade my filesystem to ext3 from ext2? Anyone have some sites that
show you how to do this? Anything Mandrake specific perhaps? Thanks.

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Re: [newbie] fill in the blank.directory question...

2001-11-30 Per discussione H.J.Bathoorn

On Friday 30 November 2001 00:01, you wrote:
 Okay, I asked this before, but I've not been able to resolve it...if I
 copy/move/delete a file from any folder/directory, it leaves a file called:

 the name if that folder.directory

 I don't want this, its useless as far as I can tell, and unchecking view
 properties saved in directory under settings does -not- stop it.. Anyone
 have this same problem and any ideas what to do about it? Thanks!

 PS I'm using v8.1 BTW...

I've got exactly the same problem. It looks like a sort of temporary 
directory index that doesn't get removed when the job is done.
What filesystem are you using? I'm using ext2.

Good luck,
Harm Bathoorn

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Re: [newbie] fill in the blank.directory question...

2001-11-30 Per discussione Ed Tharp

sorry, I used the show hidden files tab and now ...even tho it's there. i 
don't see it. some times a hidden file might just be something you need, and 
if it seems empty when you look at it, when it;s needed, it sure would be 
nice to have, and really, in that 40 gig HD, how much space are you losing?

On Friday 30 November 2001 06:21, you wrote:
 On Friday 30 November 2001 00:01, you wrote:
  Okay, I asked this before, but I've not been able to resolve it...if I
  copy/move/delete a file from any folder/directory, it leaves a file
  the name if that folder.directory
  I don't want this, its useless as far as I can tell, and unchecking view
  properties saved in directory under settings does -not- stop it.. Anyone
  have this same problem and any ideas what to do about it? Thanks!
  PS I'm using v8.1 BTW...

 I've got exactly the same problem. It looks like a sort of temporary
 directory index that doesn't get removed when the job is done.
 What filesystem are you using? I'm using ext2.

 Good luck,
 Harm Bathoorn

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Re: [newbie] How to find Space on HD?

2001-11-30 Per discussione Robert MacLean


there are 2 commands worth looking at they are:
du and df

Type man du and man df to see the syntax, HTH
Robert MacLean
- Original Message -
From: Neville Cobb [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: Linux Newbie [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, November 30, 2001 2:00 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] How to find Space on HD?

 I too am used to the tools of windows and have found that xdiskusage
 useful in linux as it shows disk usage in a graph for a selected
 partition. You'll need to install egcs-c++ rpm as well and you'll
 to run it as root.  You can use the binary at this location just
 the permissions to execute, install egcs-c++ rpm an make a desktop
 and on the icons properties select to run as different user root.




 Neil R Porter wrote:

 Hi All
 Might sound like a trivial question (and most prob is!)... but if
on windows
 I want to know how big each partition is and how much space i have
left and
 have used etc it's easy... how can I do this in linux... I
installed LM8.1
 and took the default partitioning (if memory serves it was a bit
for swap
 and about 3GB for home and 15GB for the rest - 20GB hd)...
 I can see my file system fine.. but I want to know where I can
store big
 files and when I am running out of space etc ...

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 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
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Re: [newbie] How to find Space on HD?

2001-11-30 Per discussione Neville Cobb

I too am used to the tools of windows and have found that xdiskusage 
useful in linux as it shows disk usage in a graph for a selected 
partition. You'll need to install egcs-c++ rpm as well and you'll need 
to run it as root.  You can use the binary at this location just change 
the permissions to execute, install egcs-c++ rpm an make a desktop icon 
and on the icons properties select to run as different user root.



Neil R Porter wrote:

Hi All

Might sound like a trivial question (and most prob is!)... but if on windows
I want to know how big each partition is and how much space i have left and
have used etc it's easy... how can I do this in linux... I installed LM8.1
and took the default partitioning (if memory serves it was a bit for swap
and about 3GB for home and 15GB for the rest - 20GB hd)...

I can see my file system fine.. but I want to know where I can store big
files and when I am running out of space etc ...



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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] kwintv

2001-11-30 Per discussione Neville Cobb

If anyone is interested there is an rpm for kwintv that works fine on 
md8.1 at http://ftp.kde.com/Multimedia/Video/kwintv/mandrake/


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Re: [newbie] 3D support for SIS 300/305 AGP 16 meg video card?

2001-11-30 Per discussione Tom Brinkman

On Thursday 29 November 2001 10:35 pm, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
 I just installed v8.1 on an older computer (older is pretty
 subjective nowdays though - its still a 475mhz AMD K6-III with 192
 megs of Ram) that belongs to my stepson. It has a Crystal ISA
 soundcard, as well as a SIS 300/305 AGP 16m video card.

 I ran sndconfig as root, and it would play a sound sample
 (Linus's voice, right?) but when it got to the midi sample, it said
 there was a modprobe error at the kernel level and wouldn't save
 anything or go on... ;-(

   Just a thought,  try 'sndconfig --noprobe' without X, IOW's from a 
level 3 prompt. I've never had the problem, but I've talked to some 
people with Crystal chips, and it worked for them.
  Tom Brinkman             Galveston Bay, USA

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[newbie] xine - no sound

2001-11-30 Per discussione mnu

I compiled the .mdk package of xine 0.9.6 to play .asf files.  However, it 
keeps saying that the audiodriver (null) failed.

I'm not sure where to start looking for a problem.  All I know is, there is 
no sound.  XMMS and Mplayer plays with sound, though. (although mplayer plays 
some .asf files too fast)

Has anyone ever had any problems with this?  

thanks in advance. 


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Re: [newbie] 3D support for SIS 300/305 AGP 16 meg video card?

2001-11-30 Per discussione Ronald J. Hall

Tom Brinkman wrote:

Just a thought,  try 'sndconfig --noprobe' without X, IOW's from a
 level 3 prompt. I've never had the problem, but I've talked to some
 people with Crystal chips, and it worked for them.
   Tom Brinkman Galveston Bay, USA

Thanks Tom, I'll try that in a few minutes! ;-)

BTW, first time I've -never- got sound from a Mandrake install. My other 2
comps were picked up just fine (Sblaster Live and onboard audio, just had to
tweak them a bit - but then, I was born to tweak - its genetic grin).


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[newbie] Linux Network Install

2001-11-30 Per discussione xsturm

Hey group,

Has anyone here ever installed Drake Linux over the network through a
PCMCIA card?


It's a beautiful day...don't let it get away... ~U2~

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[newbie] do I need AMD Kernel

2001-11-30 Per discussione Mr.E.

I have an AMD Athlon Thunderbird processor.

Do I need to install an Athlon kernel, or just leave everything  (Mandrake 8.1) as is?

Saw this in an issue of Penguin Shell and didn't know if applied to all Linux distros 
or not:

Athlon Kernel]
If you're running an Athlon machine, up2date will update your kernel to i386. Instead 
of updating it with up2date, download the 2.4.9-7.athlon.rpm and rpm -ivh it. Grub 
will see the old kernel as default so you just need to reset that and you're golden.

- Ernie Schroder

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Re: [newbie] do I need AMD Kernel

2001-11-30 Per discussione NDPTAL85

up2date is a Red Hat utility. The article may have been specific to RH 
Linux. As far as I know generic kernels work fine on Athlons.

On Friday, November 30, 2001, at 11:40 AM, Mr.E. wrote:

 I have an AMD Athlon Thunderbird processor.

 Do I need to install an Athlon kernel, or just leave everything  
 (Mandrake 8.1) as is?

 Saw this in an issue of Penguin Shell and didn't know if applied to all 
 Linux distros or not:

 Athlon Kernel]
 If you're running an Athlon machine, up2date will update your kernel to 
 i386. Instead of updating it with up2date, download the 
 2.4.9-7.athlon.rpm and rpm -ivh it. Grub will see the old kernel as 
 default so you just need to reset that and you're golden.

 - Ernie Schroder

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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] [ OT ] Recommended Perl Book

2001-11-30 Per discussione Mandrake Newbie

[ Sorry for this OT. ]

Hello!  =)

Can you point me to a complete URL where I can download a good book on Perl for free?  
As much as possible, it would be free for download 'cause I don't have enough money to 
buy expensive books.

Thanks in advance.  =)

God bless...


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Re: [newbie] Book recommendations

2001-11-30 Per discussione Mandrake Newbie


Santa just asked me what I want for Christmas. A Linux reference book,
of course. But which book? Dennis Myers has already recommended
O'Reilly's Linux in a Nutshell. Any other recommendations?

- Linux Newbie Administrator Guide
  by: Stan and Peter Klimas

- An Introduction to Linux Systems Administration 3rd Edition
  by: David Jones and Bruce Jamieson
  http://infocom.cqu.edu.au/85321/ or try searching at

- Linux: Rute User's Tutorial and Exposition
  by: Paul Sheer

- The Linux Cookbook
  by: Michael Stutz

- Securing and Optimizing Linux: Red Hat Edition Version 1.3
  by: Gerhard Mourani

- Oreilly Open Book Projects


Good luck!  =)


Can you point me to a complete URL where can I download a good book on Perl for free?

Thanks in advance.


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[newbie] Double-sided printing

2001-11-30 Per discussione Jim Dawson

Does anyone know of a way to do double-sided printing in Linux? (by flipping over the 
pages and printing on the reverse side)

I have been using a Windows program called FinePrint to do this, but I would like to 
not have to revert to Windows every time I need to print out a long document.

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Re: [newbie] Double-sided printing

2001-11-30 Per discussione Lance Dow

Jim Dawson wrote:

 Does anyone know of a way to do double-sided printing in Linux? (by
 flipping over the pages and printing on the reverse side)

Same as under Windows. I just had a quick look and Kmail, Kword and Open 
Office all offer the option to print odd or even pages. Abiword doesn't 
have the option so it's obviously program dependent.

Lance Dow

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[newbie] can't find qt when compiling theme

2001-11-30 Per discussione ajax

I'm trying to compile a couple of themes under mandrake8.1  
I keep getting an error saying it can't find Qt.  I assume its installed 
since I'm running kde.  I've tried the suggested prefix and a couple of 
others. Any ideas?

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Re: [newbie] How to upgrade to ext3?

2001-11-30 Per discussione NDPTAL85

Ok I followed your instructions and I saw the journals being created on 
my partitions but when I power cycle the box its still running fcsk. 
There's no change it keeps running fcsk each time I cycle the box. Any 
ideas? Thanks.

On Friday, November 30, 2001, at 09:37 AM, Dave Sherman wrote:

 On Fri, 2001-11-30 at 04:39, NDPTAL85 wrote:
 I have a standard install of Mandrake 8.1 and I have upgraded the 
 to the latest Cooker kernel 2.4.13-12mdk. I was wondering how can I
 upgrade my filesystem to ext3 from ext2? Anyone have some sites that
 show you how to do this? Anything Mandrake specific perhaps? Thanks.

 You're in luck! I just did this yesterday morning, and it was a piece of

 1. Make sure you have tune2fs installed. It is probably /sbin/tune2fs,
 and so won't be in your path as a user, but will be as root.

 2. Unmount any unused partitions (nfs or samba mount points, windows
 partitions if you dual-boot).

 3. Run this command as root:
   tune2fs -j /dev/hdxx
 where hdxx is the device name for your hard drive partitions (hda1,
 hda5, etc.). You need to run this for each partition you want to convert
 -- you do not need to do this on your swap partition, only on your ext2

 4. Edit /etc/fstab, and change all instances of ext2 to ext3.

 Love may laugh at locksmiths, but he has a profound respect for money
   -- Sidney Paternoster, The Folly of the Wise

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[newbie] xine brightness control working???

2001-11-30 Per discussione Neville Cobb

Has anyone been able to get xine's brightness control to work or is that 
part not yet fully developed?


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[newbie] kapm-idled?

2001-11-30 Per discussione NDPTAL85

In top what is kapm-idled and why is it taking up all of my CPU time? Is 
it just marking how much idle CPU time there is?

I'm using Mandrake 8.1 with 2.4.13-12mdk

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Re: [newbie] How to upgrade to ext3?

2001-11-30 Per discussione NDPTAL85

Ok got it working. Someone gave me a tip. You also have to have the 
latest e2fsprogs installed so I just ran urpmi e2fsprogs to install it 
and ext3 worked! Thanks again.

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[newbie] linux and i815e

2001-11-30 Per discussione Marek M

i just want to know...
does lns mandrake 8.1 support i815e chipset (music, video) in 100%. i
remember that m80 loaded drivers from 810

- Original Message -
From: Ronald J. Hall [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, November 30, 2001 4:29 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] 3D support for SIS 300/305 AGP 16 meg video card?

 Tom Brinkman wrote:

 Just a thought,  try 'sndconfig --noprobe' without X, IOW's from a
  level 3 prompt. I've never had the problem, but I've talked to some
  people with Crystal chips, and it worked for them.
Tom Brinkman Galveston Bay, USA

 Thanks Tom, I'll try that in a few minutes! ;-)

 BTW, first time I've -never- got sound from a Mandrake install. My other 2
 comps were picked up just fine (Sblaster Live and onboard audio, just had
 tweak them a bit - but then, I was born to tweak - its genetic grin).




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[ http://oferty.onet.pl ]

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] linux mandrake 8.1 and harddrake

2001-11-30 Per discussione Marek M

when i had mamdrake80 i couldnt run harddrake. after clicking on it in
taskbar, HDD was running for about 5 sec and then the screen became black
with a blinking cursor in the upperleft corner. Does the system hang or i
just have to wait much longer (i waited 5 min and nothing happened) ?

- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, November 30, 2001 5:18 PM
Subject: [newbie] Linux Network Install

 Hey group,

 Has anyone here ever installed Drake Linux over the network through a
 PCMCIA card?


 It's a beautiful day...don't let it get away... ~U2~

 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
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Tego nie znajdziesz w zadnym sklepie!
[ http://oferty.onet.pl ]

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] linux mandrake 8.1 UPGRADE

2001-11-30 Per discussione Vogel, Andrew (VOGELAP)

How good an idea is it to do the 8.1 PowerPack UPGRADE and specify that it
should NOT format /var and /home (those are where my webserver and some
documents live).

IF I do the upgrade, does 8.1 automagically select/update the packages, or
do I need to specify which packages it should update?

What about new hardware that I added since I installed 8.0? For example, I
added an internal ATAPI ZIP drive since 8.0 was installed. Will 8.1 detect
and upgrade the software for that?


Andrew Vogel: Manager of Professional Programs, University of Cincinnati
College of Pharmacy

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Re: [newbie] do I need AMD Kernel

2001-11-30 Per discussione Tom Brinkman

On Friday 30 November 2001 11:40 am, Mr.E. wrote:
 I have an AMD Athlon Thunderbird processor.

 Do I need to install an Athlon kernel, or just leave everything 
 (Mandrake 8.1) as is?

as is.With an Athlon typing 'arch' in a terminal will return
 ~ $ arch

 Saw this in an issue of Penguin Shell and didn't know if applied to
 all Linux distros or not:

 Athlon Kernel]
 If you're running an Athlon machine, up2date will update your
 kernel to i386.

  This would actually be a downgrade from a Mandrake kernel which are 
i585.  i686 processors like the Athlon are completely compatible. You 
could recompile the kernel for i686 or Athlon optimizations but you 
won't recieve any benefits, might even lose some.
  Tom Brinkman             Galveston Bay, USA

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Re: [newbie] How to upgrade to ext3?

2001-11-30 Per discussione Dave Sherman

On Fri, 2001-11-30 at 14:30, civileme wrote:
 Hmmm, well it seems you did the partition thing the hard way.  If you open a 
 terminal, su to root and run 
 You can change the partitions from ext2 to ext3 in place and it also changes 
 the /etc/fstab entries so they say ext3 as well.

I actually thought of that idea, but did not pursue it as I assumed that
making such a change would also reformat the partition.

Never trust a child farther than you can throw it.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [newbie] kapm-idled?

2001-11-30 Per discussione Neville Cobb

Just noticed this myself, taking up 40% cpu and caused the desktop to be 
very slow. I was running a gnome program just before. I had to log out 
and log back in.



Mark Stewart wrote:

I've noticed this, too, but only when I'm running Gnome, never when I'm
running KDE. Does that jibe with your experience?


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of NDPTAL85
Sent: Friday, November 30, 2001 3:11 PM
Subject: [newbie] kapm-idled?

In top what is kapm-idled and why is it taking up all of my CPU time? Is
it just marking how much idle CPU time there is?

I'm using Mandrake 8.1 with 2.4.13-12mdk

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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] upgrade 192 to 384 MB RAM = 45 minutes to boot

2001-11-30 Per discussione DUSTY SOMERS


I upgraded my RAM from 192 to 384.  Now it takes 45 minutes to boot with 
linux mandrake 8.1.  In the beginning it's not slow (but slower than 
before).  It becomes really slow, when he's starting my firewall.  There's 
nothing wrong with the RAM itself, because other OS like windows 2000 don't 
have any probs.
Specifications :
intel celeron 600 MHz
Gigabyte 6WMM7 rev 2.0 (I don't know the exact number sorry)
intel i810 chipset
384 (128+256) MB SDRAM
video integrated on mobo (AGP) with 8 MB shared RAM
sound on board

Thanks for helping me,

Dusty Somers

Download MSN Explorer gratis van http://explorer.msn.nl/intl.asp

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[newbie] skrude up my apache

2001-11-30 Per discussione Newbie

I desparately need ehlp getting my apache server back up.

I force-backgraded my gcc and it funked up apache and perl somehow.

I have gcc 296 now but apache is funked up and does not function.

Please ehlp me.

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Re: [newbie] Internet connection and LAN don't get along

2001-11-30 Per discussione Warren Post

Further information on this problem... my /etc/resolv.conf file reads:

# search pizzapizza.net hondutel.hn
search pizzapizza.net
# nameserver

# ppp temp entry

The first time I had this problem, I solved it by remarking out as the
first nameserver. I don't understand why the same symptoms have returned even
though remains remarked out. Any ideas, anyone?


Warren Post wrote:

 Several people on this list have noted this problem:

  If you have a local area network, 2 or more computers connected, and you
  setup the LAN and eth0 during install, there is a bug in 8.1 that seems to
  stop the internet connection.  Try going to a console and suroot passwd and
  then tlype ifdown eth0 then back to the desktop and try connecting to
  internet again.

 (Quoting Dennis Myers). I have encountered this problem not once but
 twice. The first time was upon installation. I was able to fix it using
 Dark Lord's advice to edit the nameservers declared in /etc/resolv.conf.
 Then yesterday the problem returned after running the Internet
 Connection Sharing wizard. The wizard did not change the nameservers in
 /etc/resolv.conf, and I've searched in vain for files changed yesterday
 that mention nameserver.

 Dennis's workaround of taking down the LAN before connecting to the
 Internet works, but does anyone know a permanent solution to this

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Re: [newbie] kapm-idled?

2001-11-30 Per discussione NDPTAL85

I'm running KDE.

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RE: [newbie] upgrade 192 to 384 MB RAM = 45 minutes to boot

2001-11-30 Per discussione Jose M. Sanchez

Bring your MB down to 256 megs and give it a try!


|-Original Message-
|Sent: Friday, November 30, 2001 9:02 PM
|Subject: [newbie] upgrade 192 to 384 MB RAM = 45 minutes to boot
|I upgraded my RAM from 192 to 384.  Now it takes 45 minutes to 
|boot with 
|linux mandrake 8.1.  In the beginning it's not slow (but slower than 
|before).  It becomes really slow, when he's starting my 
|firewall.  There's 
|nothing wrong with the RAM itself, because other OS like 
|windows 2000 don't 
|have any probs.
|Specifications :
|intel celeron 600 MHz
|Gigabyte 6WMM7 rev 2.0 (I don't know the exact number sorry) 
|intel i810 chipset 384 (128+256) MB SDRAM video integrated on 
|mobo (AGP) with 8 MB shared RAM sound on board
|Thanks for helping me,
|Dusty Somers
|Download MSN Explorer gratis van http://explorer.msn.nl/intl.asp

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Re: [newbie] linux mandrake 8.1 UPGRADE

2001-11-30 Per discussione Charles A Edwards

On Fri, 30 Nov 2001 15:36:40 -0500
Vogel, Andrew (VOGELAP) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 How good an idea is it to do the 8.1 PowerPack UPGRADE and specify that it
 should NOT format /var and /home (those are where my webserver and some
 documents live).

 I you do an Upgrade none of your partition will be formated. 

 IF I do the upgrade, does 8.1 automagically select/update the packages, or
 do I need to specify which packages it should update?

All packages that you now have installed, if they are also in 8.1 will be
auto updated.

I would suggest that you are least glance through Flat list during pkg selection
since there are many in 8.1 that were not available in 8.0.

 What about new hardware that I added since I installed 8.0? For example, I
 added an internal ATAPI ZIP drive since 8.0 was installed. Will 8.1 detect
 and upgrade the software for that?

To me the prudent course is to always run the installations as new installs
rather than upgrades, you can still keep your current /var and /home intact
and need not format them.
The reasoning behind such a course is that in most cases when going from
1 version to the next there are most times certain differences which if
done as a upgrade can cause unneccessary problems.
In the case of 8.0 to 8.1 this is the addition of devfs in 8.1 allowing the
kernel to handle all block devices, hds, cdrom, floppies, etc. 

Devfs does have a problem with Zip drives in general and especially with the
ide Zip (these appears to have at last been fixed with the lastest kernel
and devfs rpms.)
I also have an ide Zip, if after installing 8.1 you should wish assistance
I can outline the procedure I used to get mine to work.



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Re: [newbie] linux mandrake 8.1 and harddrake

2001-11-30 Per discussione Richard Wenninger

I  had this problem... I had to wait a few secs... and cycle through the 
virtual consoles until I found Xwindows.  Then all was well.

It was alt-F7 on my machine.

On Friday 30 November 2001 02:24 pm, you wrote:
 when i had mamdrake80 i couldnt run harddrake. after clicking on it in
 taskbar, HDD was running for about 5 sec and then the screen became black
 with a blinking cursor in the upperleft corner. Does the system hang or i
 just have to wait much longer (i waited 5 min and nothing happened) ?

 - Original Message -
 Sent: Friday, November 30, 2001 5:18 PM
 Subject: [newbie] Linux Network Install

  Hey group,
  Has anyone here ever installed Drake Linux over the network through a
  PCMCIA card?
  It's a beautiful day...don't let it get away... ~U2~


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Re: [newbie] kapm-idled?

2001-11-30 Per discussione civileme

On Friday 30 November 2001 11:11 am, NDPTAL85 wrote:
 In top what is kapm-idled and why is it taking up all of my CPU time? Is
 it just marking how much idle CPU time there is?

 I'm using Mandrake 8.1 with 2.4.13-12mdk

Very good guess!  It is recording the idle cycles.


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Re: [newbie] XFree upgrade question

2001-11-30 Per discussione Jon Doe

On Thu, 29 Nov 2001 23:52:59 -0500
Charles A Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Thu, 29 Nov 2001 22:23:36 -0500
 Jon Doe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Thu, 29 Nov 2001 21:37:35 -0500
  Charles A Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   On Thu, 29 Nov 2001 17:32:21 -0500
   Jon Doe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
What packages from cooker do I need to upgrade? What is the best way to do the 

   I normally update 8 pkgs:
   XFree 86
   XFree 86-libs
   XFree 86-server
   XFree 86-devel
   XFree 86-Xnest
   XFree 86-xfs
   XFree 86-100dpi fonts
   XFree 86-75dpi fonts
   I also normally use rpmdrake to download and install, you simply need add a 
   Cooker source.
   You do not need all the pkgs I have.
   If you use rpmdrake just select the XFree 86 rpm and it will auto add the others
   that you Must have.
   Once they are installed, log-out and restart X ( you do not need to reboot.)
  LOL, that almost worked. It took trying all the mirrors twice before I finally 
didn't get the an error occured when adding this source then I figured kewl, I'm 
finally gonna get it, and now 6 tries later I'm getting error fetching package on 
all of the packages.
 If you are still using the stock rpmdrake you need to manually download
 and install the lastest release from cooker: rpmdrake-1.3-106mdk.i586.rpm
 I usually have good results from this site:
 Once you have it installed you should not have any problem adding a Cooker
 Or if you prefer you can manually also dl the XFree rpms into a special
 directory such as /home/jon/xfree.
 Once you have dled all the rpms you need, cd to /home/jon/xfree, su to root
 and rpm -Uvh *rpm and this will install all the rpms residing in that 

Well that just blew things up...lol Broke the netowrk connection. Ended up having to 
reinstall 8.1. I did notice that Auruor or whatever it is called is installed by 
default. I choise not to install it and I guess we will see what happens now.
Thanks for your help though.

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Re: [newbie] linux mandrake 8.1 UPGRADE

2001-11-30 Per discussione civileme

On Friday 30 November 2001 11:36 am, Vogel, Andrew (VOGELAP) wrote:
 How good an idea is it to do the 8.1 PowerPack UPGRADE and specify that it
 should NOT format /var and /home (those are where my webserver and some
 documents live).

 IF I do the upgrade, does 8.1 automagically select/update the packages, or
 do I need to specify which packages it should update?

 What about new hardware that I added since I installed 8.0? For example, I
 added an internal ATAPI ZIP drive since 8.0 was installed. Will 8.1 detect
 and upgrade the software for that?

 Andrew Vogel: Manager of Professional Programs, University of Cincinnati
 College of Pharmacy
If you are not formatting /var and /home, why bother with an upgrade?  Just 
install and have no worries about update artifacts.  In either case, it 
should see your ZIP.


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Re: [newbie] Internet connection and LAN don't get along

2001-11-30 Per discussione civileme

On Friday 30 November 2001 11:51 am, Warren Post wrote:
 Further information on this problem... my /etc/resolv.conf file reads:

 # search pizzapizza.net hondutel.hn
 search pizzapizza.net
 # nameserver

 # ppp temp entry

 The first time I had this problem, I solved it by remarking out
 as the first nameserver. I don't understand why the same symptoms have
 returned even though remains remarked out. Any ideas, anyone?


What does 


say when you type it in a terminal?


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Re: [newbie] SMTP error

2001-11-30 Per discussione hosey

Ed Tharp wrote:

 just delete the first message in the outbox. it has a bad address that does 
 not connect to a valid smtp mail server address
 On Friday 30 November 2001 01:42, you wrote:
I'm having a problem sending email in Mandrake 8.1.  Today I tried to
send an email with a file attachment (1.8 mb) and I couldn't send in
either Kmail or Mozilla Messenger.  When I click on send in either
program it appears to be sending the data and then just aborts.
Kmail gives me this error message:

Sending failed:
a SMTP error occured.
Command: CONNECT
Response: Error reading socket.
The message will stay inthe 'outbox' folder until you either
fix the problem (e.g. a broken address) or remove the message
from the 'outbox' folder.

Note: other messages will also be blocked by this message, as
long as it is in the 'outbox' folder.

The following transport protocol was used:

Mozilla Messenger gives an error message of:
sending of message failed

The funny thing is I can send smaller text messages with no problems it
only seems to happen when I try to attach a file.  My isp has a limit of
5 mb so I'm well below that with the 1.8 mb file.

Can anybody shed some light on what might be the problem and what I can
do to fix it?

Steve M.

 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
 Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

I've deleted the first and only message in the outbox and I'm still 
unable to send an email with a file attachment with Kmail, and Mozilla 
Messenger.  I've even tried Sylpheed and it also aborts with errors in 
sending.  I'm sending to another one of my email addresses that I know 
are functional.

Could this be a hardware problem?  Network card?  I'm using a StarTech 
10/100 ST100SW connectted to a Linksys hub and from there to a Linksys 
single port router which then goes to my cable modem.

Browsing the internet with Netscape, Galeon, Mozilla,  Knonqueror all 
work fine.

Steve M.

Linux Mandrake 8.1 (Vitamin)
Kernel 2.4.8-26mdk

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Re: [newbie] fill in the blank.directory question...

2001-11-30 Per discussione Ed Tharp

On Friday 30 November 2001 10:25, you wrote:
 Ed Tharp wrote:
  sorry, I used the show hidden files tab and now ...even tho it's there.
  i don't see it. some times a hidden file might just be something you
  need, and if it seems empty when you look at it, when it;s needed, it
  sure would be nice to have, and really, in that 40 gig HD, how much space
  are you losing?

 BUT...its NOT hidden. Its name of that directory.directory...not .name
 of that directory.directory... ;-(

 If it was hidden, I wouldn't mind at all... ;-)


   I've got exactly the same problem. It looks like a sort of temporary
   directory index that doesn't get removed when the job is done.
   What filesystem are you using? I'm using ext2.
   Good luck,
   Harm Bathoorn

 I'm using ext2 also...
sorry I spoke to soon

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Re: [newbie] xine - no sound

2001-11-30 Per discussione Matt Greer

On Friday 30 November 2001 09:52 am, you wrote:
 I compiled the .mdk package of xine 0.9.6 to play .asf files.  However, it
 keeps saying that the audiodriver (null) failed.

Maybe that package did not include any audio driver?


This page has rpms for xine, including the sound drivers for various types of 
linux sound architectures. I originally had no sound with xine. I just 
installed all the sound rpms and now my xine has sound. No conflicts or 
anything. Perhaps a bit brute force, but it worked.

Those are i686 rpms, if you have something else, go up a directory.


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Re: [newbie] Internet connection and LAN don't get along

2001-11-30 Per discussione C.H. Close

Warren Post wrote:
 Further information on this problem... my /etc/resolv.conf file reads:
 # search pizzapizza.net hondutel.hn
 search pizzapizza.net
 # nameserver
 # ppp temp entry
 The first time I had this problem, I solved it by remarking out as the
 first nameserver. I don't understand why the same symptoms have returned even
 though remains remarked out. Any ideas, anyone?
 Warren Post wrote:
  Several people on this list have noted this problem:
   If you have a local area network, 2 or more computers connected, and you
   setup the LAN and eth0 during install, there is a bug in 8.1 that seems to
   stop the internet connection.  Try going to a console and suroot passwd and
   then tlype ifdown eth0 then back to the desktop and try connecting to
   internet again.
  (Quoting Dennis Myers). I have encountered this problem not once but
  twice. The first time was upon installation. I was able to fix it using
  Dark Lord's advice to edit the nameservers declared in /etc/resolv.conf.
  Then yesterday the problem returned after running the Internet
  Connection Sharing wizard. The wizard did not change the nameservers in
  /etc/resolv.conf, and I've searched in vain for files changed yesterday
  that mention nameserver.
  Dennis's workaround of taking down the LAN before connecting to the
  Internet works, but does anyone know a permanent solution to this

Hi Warren,
I've seen a similar problem on my dial-up system. So far I have
discovered that are at least two programs that write (on a temporary
basis) to /etc/resolv.conf; the first is kppp and the second seems to be
the pppd daemon. You can identify what is happening if you try to make
your connection and then open /etc/resolv.conf. I discovered from this
that the two dns servers that I had entered in the setup had been
appended by two completely different ip addresses (neither of which I
had provided). This made a total of four dns's in the file which is
illegal (three is the max). Subsequently I discovered that there is
another resolv.conf in the /etc/ppp directory which contained the other
addresses and it was this files contents that was being appended.
This may of course be unrelated but I have had alot of difficulty with
the Mandrake Control Centre lan and internet setup in both 8.0 and 8.1
and it has always been related to a nameserver issue.


Colin Close

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[newbie] questions! TWO of them!! sort of...

2001-11-30 Per discussione Damian G

hi..!  how ya doin' ?  ;oP

this time these are my questions..

i've noticed that when i log into windoze ( yes unfortunately i still use 
it, however less and less  often ) my zonealarm firewall logs
repeated attempts from a single IP address trying to connect to my
computer ( repeated = HUNDREDS of times ). note that it is always the same 
source ip,   and same port it tries to connect to. it's a high port so i 
guess it's not trying to access any regular service. now, this
led me to a question.. was this port open when i was using linux?
( port is over 27900 )
How can i tell about this in linux? like,
people trying to connect to my computer, connections 
accepted/rejected/ignored... from what ip, etc...

my second question was asked before by other people but i forgot to write 
down the answer and i ended up forgetting.. how can i see all the processes 
running in my pc? like the task manager on windoze..?

thanks for your patience! ;o)

see ya.

Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com/intl.asp

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Re: [newbie] questions! TWO of them!! sort of...

2001-11-30 Per discussione Jon Doe

On Sat, 01 Dec 2001 03:56:54 +
Damian G [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 hi..!  how ya doin' ?  ;oP
 this time these are my questions..
 i've noticed that when i log into windoze ( yes unfortunately i still use 
 it, however less and less  often ) my zonealarm firewall logs
 repeated attempts from a single IP address trying to connect to my
 computer ( repeated = HUNDREDS of times ). note that it is always the same 
 source ip,   and same port it tries to connect to. it's a high port so i 
 guess it's not trying to access any regular service. now, this
 led me to a question.. was this port open when i was using linux?
 ( port is over 27900 )
 How can i tell about this in linux? like,
 people trying to connect to my computer, connections 
 accepted/rejected/ignored... from what ip, etc...

Not sure.

 my second question was asked before by other people but i forgot to write 
 down the answer and i ended up forgetting.. how can i see all the processes 
 running in my pc? like the task manager on windoze..?

top, gtop, gps and there are some KDE GUI's for this also. Under 
ApplicationsMonitoring in your menu.

 thanks for your patience! ;o)
 see ya.
 Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com/intl.asp

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Re: [newbie] [ OT ] Recommended Perl Book

2001-11-30 Per discussione Randy Kramer

Mandrake Newbie wrote:
 Can you point me to a complete URL where I can download a good book on Perl for 
free?  As much as possible, it would be free for download 'cause I don't have enough 
money to buy expensive books.

Here are some things I found with Google query [Perl free book]:

   * A list of free online books:
http://members.tripod.com/~tariqnazir/books.html -- there are at least
six Perl books listed here
   * Practical Perl Programming by A.D.Marshall, 1999 (looks like class
notes for some class) --

I've never used these books, so I don't know how good they might be --
when I saw your message I got curious about whether there were any free
on-line books for Perl.

There were about 353,000 hits, the above two were in the first fifty.

Hope this helps,
Randy Kramer

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Re: [newbie] Internet connection and LAN don't get along

2001-11-30 Per discussione Warren Post

civileme wrote:

 On Friday 30 November 2001 11:51 am, Warren Post wrote:
  Further information on this problem... my /etc/resolv.conf file reads:
  # search pizzapizza.net hondutel.hn
  search pizzapizza.net
  # nameserver
  # ppp temp entry
  The first time I had this problem, I solved it by remarking out
  as the first nameserver. I don't understand why the same symptoms have
  returned even though remains remarked out. Any ideas, anyone?

 What does


 say when you type it in a terminal?


route says:

Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric RefUse Iface *   U 0  00 eth0   *   U 0  00 lo
default gerencia.pizzap UG0  00 eth0


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Re: [newbie] Root exploit in SSH

2001-11-30 Per discussione asmiller

Root exploit in SSH -- anybody heard about this? I've shut down my ssh
server, just in case. But I haven't seen anything on Mandrake's security
page for 8.1, nor have I received an announcement from Mandrake.


I CC'd the security address for Mandrake ... if this was a faux pas,
please forgive.

Dave Sherman
Worth seeing?  Yes, but not worth going to see.

Content-Type: application/pgp-signature

Attachment converted: Big Foot:Untitled 9 (/) (0003801F)
Can you shut off the attachments that go out with your posts to the 
Mandrake Newbie list?  My drive is getting littered with these files 
and I'm sure this is happening for others.  After the first couple of 
times, they are redundant.

Thanks. Please don't interpret this as an objection to the posts 
themselves.  They are illuminating and helpful.


Andy Miller

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[newbie] Re: Root exploit in SSH

2001-11-30 Per discussione Vincent Danen

On Fri Nov 30, 2001 at 09:50:55AM -0600, Dave Sherman wrote:

 Root exploit in SSH -- anybody heard about this? I've shut down my ssh
 server, just in case. But I haven't seen anything on Mandrake's security
 page for 8.1, nor have I received an announcement from Mandrake.
 I CC'd the security address for Mandrake ... if this was a faux pas,
 please forgive.

This was apparently fixed in March with 2.5.2.  Since we are at
2.9.9p2 in updates, we should all be safe (well, those of us who have
updated anyways).  I did receive info from a local LUG member that a
friend's RH (I assume) system got rooted, but was using
openssh-2.3.0.  That is *way* old.

From having talked with some other vendors and a member of the openssh
team, it looks like this may have to do with the crc32 vulnerability
in the ssh1 protocol that was fixed in March.  Otherwise it may have
to do with the kerberos authentication in openssh, which 3.x fixes (we
will be updating openssh for that fix next week probably).

Unless someone has evidence of getting rooted on a Mandrake system
running openssh 2.9.9p2, I (and many others) are discounting this as
simple paranoia based on available exploits for a bug that was fixed
roughly 8 months ago.

vdanen (at) mandrakesoft.com, OpenPGP key available on www.keyserver.net
1024D/FE6F2AFD   88D8 0D23 8D4B 3407 5BD7  66F9 2043 D0E5 FE6F 2AFD

Current Linux kernel 2.4.8-34.1mdk uptime: 10 days 21 hours 57 minutes.

Description: PGP signature

[newbie] Root exploit in SSH

2001-11-30 Per discussione Dave Sherman

Root exploit in SSH -- anybody heard about this? I've shut down my ssh
server, just in case. But I haven't seen anything on Mandrake's security
page for 8.1, nor have I received an announcement from Mandrake.


I CC'd the security address for Mandrake ... if this was a faux pas,
please forgive.

Dave Sherman
Worth seeing?  Yes, but not worth going to see.

Description: PGP signature