Re: [newbie-it] floppy

2002-03-26 Per discussione tom

Alle 10:29, lunedì 25 marzo 2002, Andrea Celli ha scritto:
 tom wrote:
  Salve a tutti
  Ho un problema non da pocoil floppy non funziona benee non ho un 
  di boot!
 Allora, apri il file /boot/grub/menu.lst
 e dove trovi l'analogo degli append di lilo, qualcosa tipo
 .. devfs=auto  ... ... 
 aggiungi 'nobiospnp', ossia
 .. devfs=auto  nobiospnp  ...
  In poche parole non riesco ne a scrivere ne ad aprire i floppy in linux,
 al prossimo riavvio dovresti essere a posto col il floppy
 A questo punto, man mkbootdisk per vedere come creare un nuovo
 floppy di boot.
 ciao, Andrea
Grazie.era gia fatto
ma il problema non era quello, credo che sia da cambiaredeve essere morto 
il floppy.
sino a qualche mese fa funzionava benone
e io devo aver cancellato il disco di boot.

Ciao , Tom

[newbie-it] Problema invio posta con mozilla

2002-03-26 Per discussione ku68

Ciao, è qualche giorno che non riesco + a inviare le mail
con mozilla. Mi si apre la finestra con la richiesta password e nonostante
le abbia provate tutte non c'è verso di inviare la posta. In ricezione invece 
nessun problema.
Suggerimenti, aiuti?
Grazie in anticipo dell'eventuale risposta

[newbie-it] Salve ..

2002-03-26 Per discussione Luigi De Pascale

..a tutti.
Cerco qualcuno che abbia un TravelMate acer (il numero credo non conti) 
che abbia ancora installata la 8.0.
Ho bisogno di capire delle cosette sui moduli che vengono installati di 
Si ammettono risposte private.

Not all who wander are lost

Luigi De Pascale:   Indirizzo: Dipartimento di Matematica Applicata U.Dini
   Via Bonanno Pisano 25/B, 56126 Pisa, ITALY  
 Tel.: +39/050/844745

[newbie-it]Kernel panic

2002-03-26 Per discussione Loredana

 Ciao a tutti
sono una principiante che ha bisogno di aiuto.
(tanto per cominciare questo è già il secondo
tentativo:spero che questa e-mail arrivi) 

Ho due sistemi operativi Windows Me e Linux Mandrake
8.0 e passo dall'uno all'altro tramite LILO

All'accensione non mi compare più la schermata di LILO
(forse a causa di un floppy che era rimasto inserito).

Ho provato ad inserire il disco di avvio della
Mandrake 8.0 ma ad un certo punto compare questo
Kernel panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 03:06

Che cosa posso fare?

Spero di aver dato tutte le informazioni utili.

è urgente



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Re: [newbie-it]Kernel panic

2002-03-26 Per discussione Brunini Alessandro

Il mar, 2002-03-26 alle 16:46, Loredana ha scritto:
  Ciao a tutti
 sono una principiante che ha bisogno di aiuto.
 (tanto per cominciare questo è già il secondo
 tentativo:spero che questa e-mail arrivi) 
 Ho due sistemi operativi Windows Me e Linux Mandrake
 8.0 e passo dall'uno all'altro tramite LILO
 All'accensione non mi compare più la schermata di LILO
 (forse a causa di un floppy che era rimasto inserito).
 Ho provato ad inserire il disco di avvio della
 Mandrake 8.0 ma ad un certo punto compare questo
 Kernel panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 03:06
 Che cosa posso fare?

Credo che ti chieda la password di root per la manutenzione.

Inseriscila e poi dai il seguente comando:
e2fsck -py /dev/la_partizione_che_non_ti_monta

Per maggiori informazioni sulle opzioni p ed y basta che tu digiti
e2fsck e basta.
Poi prendi le tue adeguate decisioni.

 Spero di aver dato tutte le informazioni utili.
 è urgente
In bocca al lupo

Re:[newbie-it]Kernel panic

2002-03-26 Per discussione Loredana

Ho provato ad inserire la password di root ma non
succede nulla.

Sotto il messaggio Kernel panic:...(che ho riportato)
compare il cursore lampeggiante ma non mi permette di
scrivere nulla.

Aggiungo che ogni volta che faccio una prova di avvio
con il disco di avvio di linux,una volta arrivata a
questo messaggio, l'unica cosa che riesco a fare per
sbloccare la situazione è.resettare.
Posso evitarlo?(Ho provato con Ctr+Alt+Del
Ctr+Alt+Canc Ctr+Alt+Esc) 


--- Brunini Alessandro [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto: 
Il mar, 2002-03-26 alle 16:46, Loredana ha scritto:
   Ciao a tutti
  sono una principiante che ha bisogno di aiuto.
  (tanto per cominciare questo è già il secondo
  tentativo:spero che questa e-mail arrivi) 
  Ho due sistemi operativi Windows Me e Linux
  8.0 e passo dall'uno all'altro tramite LILO
  All'accensione non mi compare più la schermata di
  (forse a causa di un floppy che era rimasto
  Ho provato ad inserire il disco di avvio della
  Mandrake 8.0 ma ad un certo punto compare questo
  Kernel panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on
  Che cosa posso fare?
 Credo che ti chieda la password di root per la
 Inseriscila e poi dai il seguente comando:
 e2fsck -py /dev/la_partizione_che_non_ti_monta
 Per maggiori informazioni sulle opzioni p ed y basta
 che tu digiti
 e2fsck e basta.
 Poi prendi le tue adeguate decisioni.
  Spero di aver dato tutte le informazioni utili.
  è urgente
 In bocca al lupo


Guarda il nuovo video di Anastacia su Yahoo!

[newbie-it] libdvdcss

2002-03-26 Per discussione Brunini Alessandro

Qualcuno sa dirmi, per cortesia, in che directory devo mettere la
libreria libdvdcss?


[newbie-it] modem ITU-T V90

2002-03-26 Per discussione tom

Ciao lista
Da quando ho installato linux sto navigando con un modem da 33.6bps su 
ma il modem interno 56bps (al 90% winmodem) se la ride!
Il modem credo che sia della Mentor (ITU-T V.90)
ed utilizza un software della Motorola

Motorola SM56 PCI Speakerphone Modem

Ho gia cercato in giro (anche nel santuario dei winmodem WWW.linmodems.)
ma non ho trovato nulla.
qualcuno di voi è riuscito a vedere la luce?

grazie per eventuali risposte

Ciao , Tom

[newbie-it] mount partizione ntfs

2002-03-26 Per discussione mailing -

ciao a tutti.
scusate l'eterna siamo proprio agli inizi :-))

sono riuscito a montare una partizione ntfs come user root
ma mi piacerebbe capire come ci si riesce come user normale...
normale...quello che ti crea alla prima installazione :-))

E' possibile?

Comunquevi chiedo anche se per la prima soluzione avevo fatto tutto ok.

1. ho creato una directory in /mnt chiamata w2k
2. ho eseguito come root : mount -t ntfs /dev/hda1 /mnt/win2k

come è andata???



Re: [newbie-it] modem ITU-T V90

2002-03-26 Per discussione tom

Alle 18:32, martedì 26 marzo 2002, tom ha scritto:
 Ciao lista
 Da quando ho installato linux sto navigando con un modem da 33.6bps su 
 ma il modem interno 56bps (al 90% winmodem) se la ride!
 Il modem credo che sia della Mentor (ITU-T V.90)
 ed utilizza un software della Motorola
 Motorola SM56 PCI Speakerphone Modem
 Ho gia cercato in giro (anche nel santuario dei winmodem WWW.linmodems.)
 ma non ho trovato nulla.
 qualcuno di voi è riuscito a vedere la luce?
 grazie per eventuali risposte
 Ciao , Tom
Mi correggo il modem utilizza un cip della motorola.
se qualcuno di voi ha voglia,puo dare uno sguardo qui per vedere se sto rpm 
mi puo essere utile?
è per un modello molto simile al  mio:((

Ciao , Tom

[newbie-it] Fwd: Sintesi vocale per linux .

2002-03-26 Per discussione Renato

Salve a tutti,

sto cercando informazioni dettagliate ed utenti linux non vedenti per 
installare e configurare linux sul pc  di un mio amico non vedente.


Mandra 8.1   [EMAIL PROTECTED] OpenBSD 2.9
   Linux User #265623  -  Linux Machine #149107 Beer OpenBSD User Group [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Mandra 8.1   [EMAIL PROTECTED] OpenBSD 2.9
   Linux User #265623  -  Linux Machine #149107 Beer OpenBSD User Group [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [newbie-it] Fwd: Sintesi vocale per linux .

2002-03-26 Per discussione Daniele Micci

Il giorno 20:42, martedì 26 marzo 2002 hai scritto:
 Salve a tutti,

 sto cercando informazioni dettagliate ed utenti linux non vedenti per
 installare e configurare linux sul pc  di un mio amico non vedente.



eccoti qualche indirizzo dove andare a curiosare:

... facendo una semplice ricerca in rete troverai un sacco di materiale.


[newbie-it] caddy 01

2002-03-26 Per discussione Claudio Duchi

ho una webcam caddy 01 waitec 
come configurare linux per utilizzala?

[newbie-it] Crisi Mandrake

2002-03-26 Per discussione Fabio Congiu

Mi sono appena iscritto al Mandrake Club. Si paga 120$ all'anno. Sono
felice di poter contribuire in questo momento di crisi. Sono favorevole
a queste forme di incentivazione, soprattutto per chi non é uno
sviluppatore (come me) e al pagamento di servizi che gratis non possono
esistere . Viva Linux!!! Abbasso Windows!!!

Re: [newbie-it] Problema invio posta con mozilla

2002-03-26 Per discussione ku68

- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2002 6:08 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] Problema invio posta con mozilla

 scusami per la banalita della risposta
 hai controllato l'smtp?
 Ciao , Tom

Allora ho guardato in view setting - advanced e c'era impostato default
server o qualcosa di simile
ed ho ripristinato
Ma non è cambiato nulla.
IL msg che appare quando provo ad inviare una mail è:
mail server password required

Comunque  non sono riuscito a trovare il settaggio del smtp.
Dove posso cercare?
Grazie in anticipo dell'eventuale risposta

Re: [newbie] cannot partition

2002-03-26 Per discussione John Lynch

Well, I know NOTHING about computers, but here's my Australian 2cents.

Have you defragged your computer?
If your using Windows 98 a good program to use is FIPS, that gives u 
instructions on how to partition your harddrive and what to do if it doesn't 

If your using Windows XP then a good program to use is Partition Magic, 
which I've heard you can download through Imesh and get a crack with it, I 
didn't do this of course

Hope this helps John.

From: Blood Slap [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Newbie Linux-Mandrake [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [newbie] cannot partition
Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2002 22:36:53 -0700

I've been using windows on a 12 GB FAT32, and just used Norton Ghost to 
transfer it to my new 40 GB.  Windows woks fine on this machine, so I know 
the existing FAT partition is fine, but when trying to install mandrake 
8.1, each time I attempt to either resize the partition or use the windows 
free space, it gives me a message saying either that the partition can not 
be resized, or partitioning failed.  If anyone knows what the problem is 
and how to solve it, I would greatly appreciate any help.


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Re: [newbie] OT quick note to Brian Lyvim the rest who care

2002-03-26 Per discussione Michael

If John is given his freedom on the channel ma'am, so should you be. Geeks tend
to be self righteous b's.  

I myself feel i have a further 20 years experience to gain before i could truly
call myself an eggspurt. By all means, help away. But if you err in your replies
- beware the tons of virtual bricks cascading around your ears %)


FemmeFatale wrote:
 Thx Brian  Lyvim.  I appreciate the sentiments.
 I've had a rough 2 weeks, and won't get into it here as to why.  If you
 really want to know you can email me offlist.
 I shall consider your words carefully, and see what I can come up with.
 Yes I've tried to lighten this particular subject with some humour.  And
 I do genuinely care to help.  I have a buoyant personality  I had hoped
 that some would enjoy a little fun as opposed to purely dry QA's.
 Apparently some do not.  That is their right as it is my own to be fun 
 loving to all *including my detractors*.
   On Krat's main screen appeared the holo image of a man, and several dolphins.
From the man's shape, Krat could tell it was a female, probably their leader.
   ...stupid creatures unworthy of the name `sophonts.'  Foolish, pre-sentient
upspring of errant masters.  We slip away from all your armed might, laughing
at your clumsiness!  We slip away as we always will, you pathetic creatures.
And now that we have a real head start, you'll never catch us!  What better
proof that the Progenitors favor not you, but us!  What better proof...
   The taunt went on.  Krat listened, enraged, yet at the same time savoring
the artistry of it.  These men are better than I'd thought.  Their insults
are wordy and overblown, but they have talent.  They deserve honorable, slow
- David Brin, Startide Rising

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Re: [newbie] cannot partition

2002-03-26 Per discussione Damian

El mar, 26-03-2002 a las 02:36, Blood Slap escribió:
 I've been using windows on a 12 GB FAT32, and just used Norton Ghost to transfer it 
to my new 40 GB.  Windows woks fine on this machine, so I know the existing FAT 
partition is fine, but when trying to install mandrake 8.1, each time I attempt to 
either resize the partition or use the windows free space, it gives me a message 
saying either that the partition can not be resized, or partitioning failed.  If 
anyone knows what the problem is and how to solve it, I would greatly appreciate any 

did you try defrag before resizing the partition? if used clusters
are scattered all over the filesystem -i.e. you got clusters in use both
at the beginning of the partition and at the end of it.-  it's not
possible to shrink it.



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Re: [newbie] StarOffice 6.0

2002-03-26 Per discussione Robin Turner

On Tuesday 26 March 2002 03:45, David wrote:

 So, whats the big difference in SO 5.2 and SO 6?   I just
 downloaded 5.2 from the Sun site for free.

6.0 go trid of some of the (IMO) unnecessary features of 5.2, like 
the integrated desktop and browsing/e-mail capability.  This, along 
with general sprucing up, makes for less bloat and more efficiency. 
6.0 still takes a while to load, but it runs at a reasonable speed 
after that, whereas 5.2 was   . yawn.  Only thing I miss is the 
KDE integration.


Bravo Epictetus! - Epictetus

Robin Turner
IDMYO, Bilkent Universitesi
Ankara 06533

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Re: [OT] Re: [newbie] Support?

2002-03-26 Per discussione Lyvim Xaphir

On Sat, 2002-03-23 at 20:41, Robin Turner wrote:

 Heh, I love these Von Neumann-type threads. I recently commented on a spam to 
 another list because I thought it was funny, and received a self-righteous 
 reply (to both myself and the list) telling me I was wasting bandwidth - I 
 mean the guy is so annoyed that I've wasted 3 seconds of his time opening 
 what I admit was a pretty silly post, that he spends much more time to tell 
 me off about it _and_ posts it to the list so other people will waste their 
 As I've said before, off-topic/whimsical/silly posts are IMO fine (I 
 generally prefer them to the more serious technical ones) but could people 
 please mark them OT so others who don't want to read them won't, and we 
 don't get our wrists slapped by Netiquette Nanny.

I have to agree.  I get maybe 20-100 messages from the newbie/expert
lists at the end of a day, if I havent left the machine on.  While I
understand the principle of ultimate efficiency with regard to
maximizing the download time to several hundred tenths of a second, I
also am not perceptually damaged enough to go apeshit over it.  There's
the human component of the list to revere, and while I realize that
there needs to be a cap on that also, it's my studied opinion that no
one has violated that cap in this thread (with the possible exception of



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[newbie] Digital Cameras

2002-03-26 Per discussione James Thomas

Hey all,

After some frustration with SanDisk and gphoto, I decided to download 
gphoto2 and libusb. I got it all installed and working perfectly for my 
digital camera.

After difficulty reading the man page and the gphoto2 output, I decided to 
write a shell-script to make it easy. I wrote 2 scripts total, one to delete 
the contents of the card and the other to get the contents of the card 
(it'll even make a directory to save the photos into.

The camget shell-script is attached should anyone desire it. Note it's a 
bash script and if anyone can suggest improvements, please let me know! :)


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Re: [newbie] Internet Connection Problem

2002-03-26 Per discussione civileme

Andy Napier wrote:


Got it sorted yesterday,

The routing table had eth0 as default so it couldn't initialise ppp.

Only problem I have now is that the Net works fine until I reboot.  After a
reboot I have to delete the default routing to eth0 and then it works fine.

So my question is how do I stop this from happening in the first place :)

I'll work on it this morning to try and sort it out.



- Original Message -
From: Brian Parish [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 25, 2002 1:47 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Internet Connection Problem


Have you tried pinging the ISP's DNS from a consoles? i.e.

ping ip-address-of-primary-dns


On Mon, 2002-03-25 at 21:36, Andy Napier wrote:


I'm using a Conexant HSF internal modem to connect to the net, the


installed OK and I'm not receiving any error messages but I cant access


sites on the WWW at all.

It connects fine then just sits there doing nothing DHCP seems to work


Kppp shows the IP range for my ISP.

I thought it was a DNS problem so I tried manually adding the DNS for


ISP I've tried but no luck.

I've tested Supanet, BT and Freeserve.

I'm not running a firewall and do have a network card  installed on a


IP.  I've tried disabling and enabling DNS for this card but that didn't

Thanks in advance.


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What are the contents of /etc/sysconfig/network?


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[newbie] apache apxs

2002-03-26 Per discussione [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I'm trying to install modlayout which needs apxs.  I'm using a mandrake 8.1 
install and can't find this program anywhere.  What's the deal?  Is this 
something I need to install seperately and if so where do I get it?

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[newbie] Motherboard

2002-03-26 Per discussione Robert Golovniov

Hello List,

   Just  a  little  question:  Where  do  I  get  the  name of my PC's

Robert  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

   -=Robert Golovniov | Lviv, Ukraine=-
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Fingerprint: 1A1C 29F1 2A0C 4C4E 0BDA  C8EE 5A1D 9F03 633F 6D07
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Re: [newbie] Uptime in signature?

2002-03-26 Per discussione Hylton Conacher (ZR1HPC)

Spencer Collyer wrote:
 If you use Sylpheed-claws you can use scripts in the sigfile. That's what
 I'm using right now. You just have to add a pipe '|' character to the start
 of the sigfile name and it will get executed rather than copied-in.
I use Netscape Messenger at the moment. Surely there must be a way to
get an ordinary text file aka my .signature file to retrieve the uptime?
Hylton Conacher on KDE 2.1.1 on kernel 2.4.3-20mdk#1
Registered Linux user # 229959 on Mandrake 8 on an i686 (AMD  1 Ghz K7
Licenced Windows user

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Re: [newbie] kpackage help needed to solve dependencies

2002-03-26 Per discussione Hylton Conacher (ZR1HPC)

bascule wrote:
 i haven't used kpackage for a while, sticking to 'urpmi' on the command line
 or 'software manager' in gui mode, both of these will fetch rpms from online
 and fetch dependencies but you will need to correctly set up the 'source' for
 these, i suggest using 'software manager' for that, for online sources i
 believe that this will only work if the maintainer of the repository has
 generated an '' or '' file for the repository and you
 specify the location of this file for the source as well as the rpms, this
 file is used by 'software manager' to satisfy dependencies, for collections
 of rpms held on a mounted filesystem locally you only need to specify their
 location, if you have difficulties let us know exactly where you are trying
 to get rpms from,
Hi bascule, 

Thanks for the suggestions. I hadn't played with Software Manager much
and so I ventured into it. I added two source areas, namely and /mnt/cdrom. I assumed that with these two added
Software Manager would scan the CD I placed in the drive for RPM's and
populate the trees. I clicked on rebuild lists and saw that it didn't
even go to the CD-ROM to have a look for RPM's so I went back to the
list of sources. The two entries I had added had disappeared!

What's up here as I feel a re-install like Windows coming up?
Hylton Conacher on KDE 2.1.1 on kernel 2.4.3-20mdk#1
Registered Linux user # 229959 on Mandrake 8 on an i686 (AMD  1 Ghz K7
Licenced Windows user

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Re: [newbie] Linux Drivers for SB PCI 16

2002-03-26 Per discussione Derek Jennings

Mandrake comes already loaded with drivers for SB and almost every other 
device currently supported by Linux. All you need to do is have Mandrake 
detect your sound card.
Open up a  terminal window  enter 'su' followed by the root password at the 
prompt then type
then experiment with the options you are presented with until you can hear 
the sound of Linus Torvalds voice.

By the way:  A common (and embarassing) cause of no sound is simply having 
the mixer levels set too low. You can find the mixer at 

If you still have problems a possible cause is IRQ conflicts. Post and tell 
us all about your system and we can work you through it.


On Tuesday 26 March 2002 02:34, NCS RSA wrote:

 I can't listen to any sounds in Mandrake 8.0.
 SoundBlaster doesn't have drivers for it.

 Is there another source?


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Re: [newbie] For the brazilian fellow looking for comp parts.

2002-03-26 Per discussione Roger Sherman

On Sun, 24 Mar 2002, FemmeFatale wrote:

 I got an answer  it was mostly for Asus motherboards
 Couldn't find out much else. Sorry

Hi weren't referring to me with this, were you? If so, thanks! 
But I'm American, not Brasilian (though thanks to a 5 year relationship 
with a Portuguese girl, I do know when I'm being henpecked in portuguese 

At this point, I'm looking at two motherboards - the Soyo Dragon Plus, and 
the Asus A7V266-E/AA. Both the same price, according to Pricewatch, about 
120 this point, I'm leaning toward the Asus...they are both on 
AMDs XP recommended motherboards, but the Asus is listed as AMD Assured, 
which gives it a slight edge. Anyone with a yea or nay for either board? 
Annoyingly, both have integrated sound. I know, I know...I can turn it off 
in the BIOS...but I just can't help but feel that something physically 
attatched to the board could somehow make my life more difficult than it 
needs to be. 




registered linux user #190719
ICQ #56469198

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Re: Re:[newbie] ftp to share files

2002-03-26 Per discussione Brian Parish


I'm getting a bit lost here.  I thought you had two eth cards.  Usual
setup for a static IP DSL system would be something like:

eth0: mask
eth1: ip-allocated-by-provider mask whatever-they-say

iptables set up to masquerade through eth0 and allow anything and
everything on eth0, but keep the nasties away on eth1.

Of course eth0 and eth1 could be swapped - nothing special about which
does what as long as the settings are consistent.

Maybe we can just verify that the above is what you want to achieve,
have you post a bunch of config files and see if we can sort it from


On Tue, 2002-03-26 at 03:03, Hanan Shargi wrote:
 well, maybe it would help to give more info, I'll  show some
 of bastille-firewall.cfg  settings later to make things clearer,
 though this makes me wanna ask : Does this file replaces the iptables file ?? 
 i couldnt find an iptables.cfg  file anywhere,  in what directory ??
 in network configuration I have:
 eth0 staticup
 eth1 staticdown
 eth2 staticup
 to confuse me  more , Sometimes the eth2 is down and the eth1 is up !!!
 here is part of bastille-firewall.cfg :
 # public interfaces:
 # UDP services that public hosts should be allowed to connect to
 TCP_PUBLIC_SERVICES=22 25 109 110 143 23 53 80 443 20 21 
 ICMP_ALLOWED_TYPES=destination-unreachable echo-reply time-exceeded
 # Set this variable if you're using IP Masq / NAT for a local network
 #IP_MASQ_NETWORK=   # example
 #DHCP_IFACES=eth0 # example, to allow you to query on 
 ICMP_OUTBOUND_DISABLED_TYPES=destination-unreachable time-exceeded
 DHCP is off , As for my ISP, they gave me a static IP ( eth0 ), but I was 
 wonderong about a dynamic IP for the w2k machine ,( and probably for any futur 
 machine to connect tp the lan )
 Hanan AL-Shargi

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Re: [newbie] SSH problem

2002-03-26 Per discussione Brian Parish


Sounds like telnet has been disabled on the linux side, but ssh is going
to work for you.  This is a much better solution (much more secure). 
Just download putty from:

and you should be in business.  There are other W$ ssh clients you could
use too, but putty seems popular and it works very nicely for me.  Click
on the ssh radio button and just type in your host name or ip and you
should get a login prompt.


On Tue, 2002-03-26 at 16:25, Barry Michels wrote:
 I'm new to Linux, hence the subscription to [newbie]...
 This weekend I installed Mandrake in a VMWare virtual machine.  It runs
 well, using only 20MB of my hosts' ram.  But, I'd like to telnet into it
 remotely as VNC doesn't work well with screen updates of virtual machines.
 Using telnet on my XP machine to access port 22 results in a blank screen
 and a disconnect in a few seconds.  The log shows 'sshd refused connect from' (my XP machine's intranet address).  After several hours
 searching, I'm no closer to figuring out what's going on.  Although, I am
 learning a LOT about interacting with Linux from the command line.
 BTW, the purpose of this virtual machine is to get more comfortable with
 Linux before dedicating real hardware for a web server.  The Apache server
 with PHP is already running at:

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Re: Re:[newbie] ftp to share files

2002-03-26 Per discussione Brian Parish

Well whatever else is wrong, having 2 cards recognized as 3 can't be
good.  Have u tried fooling around in MCC under hardware?

Maybe this is one for Civileme.


On Tue, 2002-03-26 at 12:35, Hanan Shargi wrote:
 Brian ,
 yes indeed thats what I have 2 NIC in the gateway machine ( linux )
 with eth0: having te ISP's IP
 eth1: have  as an IP
 thats is why I'm CONFUSED where the hell did that eth2 come from ?!
 my second NIC is a pcmci 3COM megaherts 10/100 and it got recognized 
 automatically by LM, but It was recognized twice for some reason. ( I trioed 
 sitching the cards back then still I had 3 eth's )
 What files would help to figure out whats wrog , so I'll post them. 
 Thanks .
 Hanan AL-Shargi

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[newbie] Problems with realplayer8

2002-03-26 Per discussione Defner Johannes

Hello everybody!
First some lines to introduce me:
Linux is a hobby of me and I have some experiences with installing Suse, 
RedHat , Mandrake and some (bad ;-) ) experiences with debian. Now I am using 
mandrake 8.1; some experiences with working with command line too. 
My problem is that after starting realplayer8 I`ve got following msg:
Cannot open audio device! Maybe another application is using it.
My soundcard is a SB64 ,driver Esonique 1370, kde 2.2.2, kernel 2.4.8-34.1mdk,
securitylevel medium and tiny firewall installed.
I´ve tried to change the permissions of /dev/audio and /dev/mixer with 
chmod -c 666 and chmod a=rw. After restarting the system there were the old 
permissions ( crw-). Afriend of mine suggested that there is a 
problem with PAM too. Or it could be a PATH problem.
As a newbie I don´t know the commandline methods to solve these problems and 
with the help forum of realplayer8 I have problems to understand what I have 
to do.
Is there anyone how could support me?
thanks in advance 

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Re: [newbie] Can't get openoffice to install with 8.2

2002-03-26 Per discussione Joseph Braddock

On Mon, 25 Mar 2002 13:10:14 -0700
Miark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 From Sun: Beta products are designed to run for a limited period of
 time and the StarOffice 6.0 beta product is set to expire on Sunday,
 March 31, 2002.
 You may as well get OpenOffice.

Sun has a patch posted on their web site to extend the SO6 beta to June.


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Re: [newbie] Kmail Phantom account-solved

2002-03-26 Per discussione Linus Drouhard

Thanks for the tip.  It worked like a champ.  

On Sunday 24 March 2002 05:52 pm, you wrote:
 On Monday 25 March 2002 12:04 pm, Linus Drouhard opened a hailing frequency

 and transmitted:
  Hi all,
  I did something during the install of 8.2 that left me with a phantom
  account in Kmail.  It has no name, but will not allow me to modify or
  delete it.  Whenever I check mail, it asks for the password for this
  account, but since it doesn't exist, I just click cancel and go on.  Any
  ideas on how to clear out this phantom account?

 had that happen in my 8.2 also with a new account.  i believe it is because
 i skipped the first time wizard so it left a blank account.  look in the
 hidden kde file .kde/share/config/kmailrc  and you will find a plesent text
 file with 2 accounts.  delete both (i think there are two) references that
 have no information in them and start kmail up again and it should be gone.

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Re: [newbie] OT CHEER UP Femme :)

2002-03-26 Per discussione Carroll Grigsby

On Monday 25 March 2002 08:40 pm, Hanan Shargi wrote:
 Hey Femme,

 keep your spirits and your lovely nutty posts flowing ... for those who
 can't stand your spirit, I still believe that subscription here is

 As for those who are charged for their connection by the BITs and BYTES,,,
 uum ,,, perhaps  its time for them to switch ISP's ???


 Hanan AL-Shargi

For some of our list members, your suggestion would also involve switching 
countries, which is not a trivial undertaking. There are still places in the world 
where it's like the old days on Compuserve/Genie/Delphi/etc. -- you pay by 
the minute rather than by the month. (Hey, honey, I wanna move to Canada. 
Huh? Yeah, that way I can read all of the useless crap on the mail lists 
without worrying about blowing the budget. See you in court., buddy. Bring 
your checkbook.) 
-- cmg

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[newbie] OT CHEER UP Femme :)

2002-03-26 Per discussione Hanan Shargi

Hey Femme,

keep your spirits and your lovely nutty posts flowing ... for those who can't 
stand your spirit, I still believe that subscription here is volantar.

As for those who are charged for their connection by the BITs and BYTES,,, 
uum ,,, perhaps  its time for them to switch ISP's ???


Hanan AL-Shargi

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Re: [newbie] Motherboard

2002-03-26 Per discussione g

Robert Golovniov wrote:
 Hello List,
Just  a  little  question:  Where  do  I  get  the  name of my PC's

it will be marked on mainboard.


 think green...  save a tree, save a life, save time, save bandwidth,
  save storage.   send email,   text/plain - disable pgp/gpg/geek code
 if you are proud to be an american, then buy made in america.

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Fwd: Re: [newbie] StarOffice 6.0

2002-03-26 Per discussione Lúcio Costa de Almeida

Thank you Civileme,

I´ll looking for MKL8.2 Pack here in Brazil.
But it's very  dificult to find it.

Beste Regards!

Lúcio Costa.

--- civileme [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:  Data:
Mon, 25 Mar 2002 16:50:21 -0900
 De: civileme [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Assunto: Re: [newbie] StarOffice 6.0
 Responder-para: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Michael Scottaline wrote:
 On Mon, 2002-03-25 at 15:47, Lúcio Costa de Almeida
 Hello All,
 Can Anyone help me ???
 I'm looking for information about StarOffice 6.0
 Is this version avaliable to Download ?
 Do you have a link?
 I don't believe it's quite ready yet.  6.0 beta is
 as rock solid a beta
 as I've ever come across though.  I'd say late
 April early May and
 likely well worth the wait.

 Want to buy your Pack or Services from
 Go to
 Well, if you are a tier 2 member of Mandrake Club,
 you can download it. 
  If you buy a boxed set PowerPack or ProSuite, it is
 there as well, and 
 very much the final.
  Want to buy your Pack or Services from
 Go to

Yahoo! Empregos
O trabalho dos seus sonhos pode estar aqui. Cadastre-se hoje mesmo no Yahoo! Empregos 
e tenha acesso a milhares de vagas abertas!

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Re: [newbie] How do you Install Mandrake 8.2

2002-03-26 Per discussione civileme

John Richard Smith wrote:

I can report being on desktop in Mandrake 8.2
Not without problems though.
first boot ( I had nobiospnp in /etc/lilo, drakeX/lilo install allowed me)
was a Yes , Yes, Yes, Yes, to many text message questions, most of
which concerned entities I know not much about.
Unknown bridge 0: assuming transparent
INIT:Version 2.83 blah,blah,blah.
Those are normal boot-up messages, showing hardware problems found and 
workarounds implemented...
God awful blood red desktop colour ,I couldn't live with that very long.
Soon had it looking presentable
The poison red screen is for those who login as root. You can format C: 
any old time in windows, but here in this OS only root can do that 
equivalent, so we needed a tiny reminder for those who were running as 
root in GUI mode. In the end we elected a subtle tinting of the 
background to remind folks they were in full danger mode.

Don't run as root unless you need to. That is why we did that. Your 
normal user login shows a much less garish shade.


As my install was CD1 only (all I have been able to download
yet-CD2 later) I am missing much.

However there are problems, much the same as those regarding LM8.1

namely :
No sound (via 8233 MoBo chip)ALSA Driver.
I cannot find sound mixer just yet, seems to be missing.

USB printer nonfunctional. ( I suspect the source of the original
install problem in second stage install) and where as LM8.1 did
successfully detect and sometimes install printer , some of the
time during OS install , you could always
tell when it would succeed because printer drake came up with
/dev/usb/lp0 device line. When it failed , it comes up
with /dev/lp0
The Model=Lexmark Z53 (Cups drivers = 2no, lexmark driver =1no.)

I tried Control center(the icon with the small screen covered
in green fungus) -system--print manager and enabled all three
driver entries (removed the red mark with right-mouse/down to
enable) but alias no good.

I tried control center(big blue desktop icon)- hardware-
printer. I played around a bit in there. Doesn't seem to
do much for me. I cannot find kups , seems to be not installed,
where I usually configure print page parameters.(eg borders,
resolution and many other bits,besides affording a test page)
(Actually you need CD2 and to have printing installed during install OR 
you need to
open a terminal, su to root and run printerdrake which will call in the 
packages you need)
So then , progress of a sort. It is certainly nice to be on desktop 
looking at
the real thing , but still have problems to overcome. Sound is it's
perfidious self, I never really overcame the erratic nature of sound in
in LM8.1 it was not all due to mixer unmuting and never worked at all
on a straight reboot without shutdown, and so really I am not too supprized,
however I did think the printer ought to of been detected properly, I think
there is a problem with USB device detection and that perhaps the
problem I am experiencing is a symptom of a wider problem to do with USB
device detection.

usb detection on certain motherboards will not occur during install 
because we don't have a full set of drivers (USB2 turned out to be less 
comprehensive than advertised), and of course without help from your 
BIOS, you have to wait until the kernel modules for the full system are 
installed. Once you are running, you should gfind detection of USB 
devices as soon as you plug them in.

One further last point I am dual booting LM8.1 with LM8.2

Now THAT is an accomplishment! If you care to explain how you configured 
that, I bet others would like to know. My explanations seem to overpower 
people in that regard.

many thanks


PS. this is becoming a long thread, perhaps we could shorten it next go.

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Re: [newbie] For the brazilian fellow looking for comp parts.

2002-03-26 Per discussione Ricardo Castanho de O. Freitas

On Mon, 25 Mar 2002, FemmeFatale wrote:

Sorry no, wasn't for you love.  The other fellow, my apologies, I cannot
remember his name!

sniff, sniff...

ok never mind...that was *me*!

My very first computer(I mean... a real one!) was 386DX-4 AMD then
that's a long time ago I've been using only intel! But I've decided to
give AMD another go.

tks for remembering the country at least! ;-)

Ricardo Castanho

I stick with Asus myself, it works for me.  Mind you I have only had
Intel chips too.  With AMD, I have Zero experience.  Sorry :\


Roger Sherman wrote:

 On Sun, 24 Mar 2002, FemmeFatale wrote:

  I got an answer  it was mostly for Asus motherboards
  Couldn't find out much else. Sorry

 Hi weren't referring to me with this, were you? If so, thanks!
 But I'm American, not Brasilian (though thanks to a 5 year relationship
 with a Portuguese girl, I do know when I'm being henpecked in portuguese

 At this point, I'm looking at two motherboards - the Soyo Dragon Plus, and
 the Asus A7V266-E/AA. Both the same price, according to Pricewatch, about
 120 this point, I'm leaning toward the Asus...they are both on
 AMDs XP recommended motherboards, but the Asus is listed as AMD Assured,
 which gives it a slight edge. Anyone with a yea or nay for either board?
 Annoyingly, both have integrated sound. I know, I know...I can turn it off
 in the BIOS...but I just can't help but feel that something physically
 attatched to the board could somehow make my life more difficult than it
 needs to be.




 registered linux user #190719
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Re: [newbie] For the brazilian fellow looking for comp parts.

2002-03-26 Per discussione FemmeFatale

Not sure I answered, however I don't know a thing about the Dragon+,
except I've heard it has gotten excellent reviews.

Sorry no, wasn't for you love.  The other fellow, my apologies, I cannot
remember his name!

I stick with Asus myself, it works for me.  Mind you I have only had
Intel chips too.  With AMD, I have Zero experience.  Sorry :\


Roger Sherman wrote:
 On Sun, 24 Mar 2002, FemmeFatale wrote:
  I got an answer  it was mostly for Asus motherboards
  Couldn't find out much else. Sorry
 Hi weren't referring to me with this, were you? If so, thanks!
 But I'm American, not Brasilian (though thanks to a 5 year relationship
 with a Portuguese girl, I do know when I'm being henpecked in portuguese
 At this point, I'm looking at two motherboards - the Soyo Dragon Plus, and
 the Asus A7V266-E/AA. Both the same price, according to Pricewatch, about
 120 this point, I'm leaning toward the Asus...they are both on
 AMDs XP recommended motherboards, but the Asus is listed as AMD Assured,
 which gives it a slight edge. Anyone with a yea or nay for either board?
 Annoyingly, both have integrated sound. I know, I know...I can turn it off
 in the BIOS...but I just can't help but feel that something physically
 attatched to the board could somehow make my life more difficult than it
 needs to be.
 registered linux user #190719
 ICQ #56469198
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Re: [newbie] Linux Drivers for SB PCI 16

2002-03-26 Per discussione FemmeFatale

I use an SBLIVE! soundcard.  I found that frankly if I don't have the
alsa drivers loaded, I get nada sound.

I take it you checked the volume levels?

Fwiw, Sound works in all WM's except Gnome *the bane of my existence, i
swear it Ximians' or the new 8.2 ver*.

I also loaded the OSS drivers *used em, they don't work*.

Creative does have new drivers out too I believe but don't have the
website URL offhand.


NCS RSA wrote:
 I can't listen to any sounds in Mandrake 8.0.
 SoundBlaster doesn't have drivers for it.
 Is there another source?
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[newbie] Test

2002-03-26 Per discussione Robert Golovniov

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Re: [newbie] cannot partition

2002-03-26 Per discussione John Lynch

Well, I know NOTHING about computers, but here's my Australian 2cents.

Have you defragged your computer?
If your using Windows 98 a good program to use is FIPS, that gives u 
instructions on how to partition your harddrive and what to do if it doesn't 

If your using Windows XP then a good program to use is Partition Magic, 
which I've heard you can download through Imesh and get a crack with it, I 
didn't do this of course

Hope this helps John.

From: Blood Slap [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Newbie Linux-Mandrake [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [newbie] cannot partition
Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2002 22:36:53 -0700

I've been using windows on a 12 GB FAT32, and just used Norton Ghost to 
transfer it to my new 40 GB.  Windows woks fine on this machine, so I know 
the existing FAT partition is fine, but when trying to install mandrake 
8.1, each time I attempt to either resize the partition or use the windows 
free space, it gives me a message saying either that the partition can not 
be resized, or partitioning failed.  If anyone knows what the problem is 
and how to solve it, I would greatly appreciate any help.


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Re: [newbie] StarOffice 6.0

2002-03-26 Per discussione ed tharp

 i don't think it is yet out from sun, so you won't find it.  if you wish to
 join as a silver member at the mandrake users club you can get it and much
 more, but it will set you back $120

Really? I am a silver member, but when I joined I saw a thing that said the 
benifits were the same for all club members, reguardless of level of 
membershiip. has that changed?

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Re:[newbie] ftp to share files

2002-03-26 Per discussione Hanan Shargi

Brian ,
yes indeed thats what I have 2 NIC in the gateway machine ( linux )

with eth0: having te ISP's IP
eth1: have  as an IP

thats is why I'm CONFUSED where the hell did that eth2 come from ?!
my second NIC is a pcmci 3COM megaherts 10/100 and it got recognized 
automatically by LM, but It was recognized twice for some reason. ( I trioed 
sitching the cards back then still I had 3 eth's )

What files would help to figure out whats wrog , so I'll post them. 

Thanks .

Hanan AL-Shargi

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Re: [newbie] Second post: trying to mount external firewire drive

2002-03-26 Per discussione FemmeFatale

hm.. well AFAIK Firewire is supported well.  Checked out the Mandrake
Docs site yet?

Might be something there?

If that fails, You can search the list archives.  I haven't so I can't
say if you'll find much yet.

I know the NTFS partition will probably have to be wiped  made into an
ext2/reiser/XFS or something linux compatible partition.  Hell even
FAT32 *aptly named, its Fat  is a size 32*, would work.

First place I'd start is the Linux for laptops website.  Google for
linux lists it:

Then look for drivers for your card there or perhaps on Mandrakes site
itself, it has a Hardware approved Section  ample newbie how-to's.


Andy Miller wrote:
 I'd like to attach an 80 gig firewire drive to a Dell laptop running
 Mandrake 8.1 and I'm not sure how I go about mounting the drive.  I
 have a 1394 PCMCIA card that I'm reasonably confident work with the
 OS, and the drive is NTFS formatted, though I could change that as
 there is nothing of value on it now.  Would like to be able to use it
 for a compleiÉM6ack up, among other things.  Can someone give me some
 help with this?  Not sure where to start.  The drive shows up fine in
 Andy Miller
 Andy Miller

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Re: [newbie] Koffice in catalan language?

2002-03-26 Per discussione Michael

Joan, somebody, somewhere, would love you to offer to do the translation for
them as you seem proficient in both languages. Just a thought :)


Joan Tur wrote:
 I'm using catalan language (-ca) under kde but koffice appears in english
 because no koffice-i18n-ca package exists.  It doesn't make me worry but i'd
 prefer koffice to use spanish language instead of english (and
 koffice-i18n-es is installed).
 Thanks!  ;)
 Joan Tur. Ibiza - Spain

Take Care of the Molehills, and the Mountains Will Take Care of Themselves.
-- Motto of the Federal Civil Service

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Re: [newbie] I'm Locked Out!

2002-03-26 Per discussione John Lynch

I just cant get over everyone calling Femme a 14 yr old girl.

Well, I talk to A LOT of 60 yr old men AND women, and i'd say she resembles 
them more then 14 yr old girls.

Subject: Re: [newbie] I'm Locked Out!
Date: Sun, 24 Mar 2002 20:48:05 -0500

On Sun, Mar 24, 2002 at 05:20:15PM -0700, FemmeFatale wrote:
  We're rough... to idiots. :)

For someone who's actually been only posting on this list for what three
weeks tops? - You seem to have an awful lot to say about things around
here. Now I'm sure you're cutsy 14 yo girlish antics get you somewhere
with most of the boys, I'm not too impressed. Care to tone it down a
bit, or is this list your flavour of the month?

I notice you've now started posting on the expert list - I'm sure
you're a sunny personality and all, but why do most women on the
internet have to chatter like 14 yo girls? You do realize that's what
you sound like right? I ran several of your posts by several of my
friends that are relatively sophisticated urbanite women early 30ish -
they agreed.

   -^-   -^-
   ?   ?Steve
 '   `

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Re: [newbie] For the brazilian fellow looking for comp parts.

2002-03-26 Per discussione Roger Sherman

Oops, my bad...I thought Femme was referring to me with this thread...:-)

On Mon, 25 Mar 2002, Ricardo Castanho de O. Freitas wrote:

 On Sun, 24 Mar 2002, FemmeFatale wrote:
 TKS, anyway!
 If I change my mind to Asus ;-)
 thanks again for the time and effort!
 Ricardo Castanho
 I got an answer  it was mostly for Asus motherboards
 Couldn't find out much else. Sorry




registered linux user #190719
ICQ #56469198

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Re: [newbie] Internet Connection Problem

2002-03-26 Per discussione Andy Napier


Got it sorted yesterday,

The routing table had eth0 as default so it couldn't initialise ppp.

Only problem I have now is that the Net works fine until I reboot.  After a
reboot I have to delete the default routing to eth0 and then it works fine.

So my question is how do I stop this from happening in the first place :)

I'll work on it this morning to try and sort it out.



- Original Message -
From: Brian Parish [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 25, 2002 1:47 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Internet Connection Problem


 Have you tried pinging the ISP's DNS from a consoles? i.e.

 ping ip-address-of-primary-dns


 On Mon, 2002-03-25 at 21:36, Andy Napier wrote:
  I'm using a Conexant HSF internal modem to connect to the net, the
  installed OK and I'm not receiving any error messages but I cant access
  sites on the WWW at all.
  It connects fine then just sits there doing nothing DHCP seems to work
  Kppp shows the IP range for my ISP.
  I thought it was a DNS problem so I tried manually adding the DNS for
  ISP I've tried but no luck.
  I've tested Supanet, BT and Freeserve.
  I'm not running a firewall and do have a network card  installed on a
  IP.  I've tried disabling and enabling DNS for this card but that didn't
  Thanks in advance.

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2002-03-26 Per discussione john rigby

Hi Sridhar,

  Ever heard of an Atari?  Fabulous engineering - rotten marketing.

 Actually, it was more than that. The company's management made some
 stupid decisions. The best thing Atari's marketing dept ever did was to
 the arcade game Puck Man to Pac Man before it was released. They were
 that vandals would scratch out part of the P in Puck to make it look
 something else :)
*** I did hear that one - but it was actually a TP problem from their
legal dept. :-)
Would you believe the name Puck is heavily registered around the world?
But it was a great system - and it died for lack of marketing nous, not even
clout - just nous.

   Ever wonder why countries like Japan and South Korea were able to grow
  ** In a word, no. They were essentially manufactured by the
  the USA in particular. I did spend a considerable time going in and out
  the country many years ago. Very simple people the Japanese. It was and
is a
  feudal system. The economic difficulties were simply the end of the
  plan. The tide now goes out.  11 years ago Kilneth corrected a paper of
  in which I predicted the breakpoint of the Japanese economy to be tied
to a
  10,000 range break and in one day convinced me it would be no lower than
  15k. before it was irrecoverable. Clue? Value of downtown Tokyo Real

 I'm sorry, but that is an incredibly simplistic view. I have written a few
 academic papers on the topic, and I can tell you that it is far more
 than that. Note that I did say Among other things when giving my reason.
 relations were very important, but they were not the sole reason.

 I would be interested in anything novel you have written on the
subject if it is available.
Most of my information came from the horses mouth as a rule. Kilneth and I
both worked for the Owners of The World in different ways at different
times. Thus, we had friends in high places as good servants. :-)
Ever heard of the Mountain Of Gold japanese hypothesis? Unless one
understands that, you can never understand how easy it is to fool the
Japanese.  No wonder they get so mad! It has been done to the dog people
for centuries.
Australians know how it feels.
BTW:  Not a single expert in Academe even had a clue what was to, or what
happened to Nippon. Not a whisper.  But in the real world it was common
knowledge - especially to the erudite few in Japan. A very good friend of
mine - a financial leader in Japan, outlined the pattern step-by-step to me
shortly before he died, while I was visiting him and I was only amazed that
he didn't understand it long  beforehand.  But I was born a cynic
and don't ever remember believing in Santa Claus...

 Perhaps, but you are still yet to prove that marketing is the panacea you
 it is.
*** Oh it is certainly no panacea - it is WHY we are in the state we are
in - for the good and the bad aspects. It is simply vital.  I simply know
how it works - like understanding Catholicism or Islam. It is simply there
and a fact of life to be dealt with/capitalised upon.
As I keep saying to people Don't shoot the messenger!  :-)

 If your product was available in infinite quantities for free, why would
 pay $900 for it? That's what free software is like. A distro/developer
adds a
 certain feature. The next second everyone has it, because the source code
 open. Why bother getting Ximian GNOME for Mandrake when Mandrakesoft have
 already taken the best bits of Ximian code and included it in their core

* A good example of the actual possibilities seems to be in the
approach of the Codeweavers people.
I liked the CEO's presentation. I just don't like their chances out there

  LINUX can have its community but it NEEDS a market.

 The Free Software Foundation was founded in 1984. Since then, free
 volunteers have writen a UNIX-like OS from scratch, without any major
funding or
 help from corporations. This is still mostly the case today. It doesn't
 market; it has proven itself to be very capable of surviving on its own.

** Not quite true - all of the attempts have been funded to some
degree - wastefully -but funded. As for surviving..  do you know there
is a very active network of die-hard Atari people out there, still???
Apple is surviving... MS is making the market.
(BTW I got warned off for writing a thing called  the real X plan last
year based on how X actually makes its money out of thin air.. and
that was for a private circulation magazine!  The eyes are
everywhere...)  :-)

  Those masochists who download all the freebies and do nothing to
  are neither Geeks ( who are out there designing things like Gnome and
  etc) nor a market. They are a complete DRAIN on the real system.
  Who cares if they go to another dying distro?

 This may be true of users of non-free OSs (e.g. BeOS), but there are
plenty of
 ways for one 

Re: [newbie] cannot partition

2002-03-26 Per discussione David

John Lynch said onto me:  

John Well, I know NOTHING about computers, but here's my Australian 2cents.
John Have you defragged your computer?
John If your using Windows 98 a good program to use is FIPS, that gives u 
John instructions on how to partition your harddrive and what to do if it doesn't 
John work.
John If your using Windows XP then a good program to use is Partition Magic, 
John which I've heard you can download through Imesh and get a crack with it, 

Ahhh, the beauty of the Internet; people are so sharing.  


Mandrake Linux  8.2 Kernel  2.4.18-6mdk 
Enlightenment  0.16.5   Sylpheed  0.7.4claws 

David L. Steiner   
Registered Linux User   #262493 

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[newbie] test

2002-03-26 Per discussione Abraham E Mandac Jr

Please ignore.

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Re: [newbie] changing the bash prompt

2002-03-26 Per discussione Wally

- Original Message - 

 definition of ~/.bashrc
 ~ = Your home directory
 ~/ = inside your home directory
 . = any file starting with a period is a hidden file

Thanks for explaining the syntax. :-) 

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Re: [newbie] StarOffice 6.0

2002-03-26 Per discussione civileme

Michael Scottaline wrote:

On Mon, 2002-03-25 at 15:47, Lúcio Costa de Almeida wrote:

Hello All,

Can Anyone help me ???
I'm looking for information about StarOffice 6.0 final

Is this version avaliable to Download ?
Do you have a link?

I don't believe it's quite ready yet.  6.0 beta is as rock solid a beta
as I've ever come across though.  I'd say late April early May and
likely well worth the wait.

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Well, if you are a tier 2 member of Mandrake Club, you can download it. 
 If you buy a boxed set PowerPack or ProSuite, it is there as well, and 
very much the final.


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Re: [newbie] OT CHEER UP Femme :)

2002-03-26 Per discussione FemmeFatale

Civilme gave me a nice place to go recently, more active than the other
irc channel he mentioned once., do a /join #Mandrake

I shall hang out there.  Or.. if you're feeling adventurous enough I'm
almost always logged into:, /join #wfa *its a local channel there, and i'm an


ed tharp wrote:
 this is an international list, as such some folks connect via a per min
 charge on the ppp dialup and a per min telco charge. we could respect that
 and take the discussions over to
 On Monday 25 March 2002 20:40, you wrote:
  Hey Femme,
  keep your spirits and your lovely nutty posts flowing ... for those who
  can't stand your spirit, I still believe that subscription here is
  As for those who are charged for their connection by the BITs and BYTES,,,
  uum ,,, perhaps  its time for them to switch ISP's ???
  Hanan AL-Shargi
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Re: [newbie] Default OS and Internet Problems: THANKYOU!!!!!!!!

2002-03-26 Per discussione FemmeFatale

NP John, I know how it feels to be in your shoes...and have wanted to
throw my own comp out the window a few times.

Have fun  try not to hit the machine too much.  *tempting as that is*.


John Lynch wrote:
 THAT reminds me!
 My internet is working on Linux!
 (well, it does until I try to do something, now all I have to do is work out
 what that thing is.
 I have a sneaky suspicion that thing is actually trying to reply to a
 certain e-mail in this hotmail account.
 THANKYOU!!! to everyone who helped me, ESPECIALLY BRIAN AND FEMME
 Brian actually got my computer hooked onto the net, and Femme stopped me
 from throwing the computer out the window!!!
 I am now Online with Linux!!
 h I just remembered what this post was also about.
 The default OS part, thanks everyone, I nearly lost Windows XP, rewrote some
 file that's important for XP to work. unpartitioned my harddrive getting rid
 of Mandrake, vowing not to touch it for another 3 weeks.
 waking up the next day, repartitioning my harddrive and installing Mandrake
 again and fixing that goddamn default boot.
 so now that means I get to use it more!
 WHICH MEANS I get to ask all of you even more questions!!!
 From: Lyvim Xaphir [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: NewbieMandrake-List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Default OS and Internet Problems
 Date: 24 Mar 2002 15:34:30 -0500
 On Sat, 2002-03-23 at 04:08, FemmeFatale wrote:
   I said FOOT You post-nazi! :)
   OK next time i'll capitalize it  say GNOME Footy-thing! hows that?
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Re: [newbie] changing the bash prompt

2002-03-26 Per discussione Wally

- Original Message - 
From: Gerald Waugh [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   I'd like to get ls to remember my preferred settings (colour, wide
   dirinfo display), but it wouldn't take a set command from the command
   line. How can I make this kind of thing stick?
 # ~/.bash_profile: executed by bash(1) for login shells.
 set -o vi
 alias email='mutt -y'
 eval `dircolors`
 alias ls='ls --color=auto';

Aha. alias dir='ls -l --color=always' seems to do what I want. :-)

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2002-03-26 Per discussione John Richard Smith

Dual Booting Linux Operating Systems

One further last point I am dual booting LM8.1 with LM8.2

Now THAT is an accomplishment! If you care to explain how you configured 
that, I bet others would like to know. My explanations seem to overpower 
people in that regard.

I have to say that I too found it difficult at first to dual boot Linux . My 
problem , like most other people , was that I was brought up dual booting 
Windows OS's where the general principle is that you create separate 
partitions on your hard drive for each Operating System and let  the boot 
loader go in the MBR at the beginning of the first hard drive.
That is simple enough .

When it comes to Linux the principles are different. 
Perhaps it might be compared to pealing the segments of two
separate oranges and putting like for like segments in the same 
directory partitions where the /boot partitions are concerned  and separate 
/root partitions where the binaries are concerned . Don't worry about 
how you are to accomplish this it does not matter, drakeX knows how
to do the job properly provided you give it the correct partition 
The very minimum set of partitions is :-

/boot   /root of OS 1   /root of OS 2   / swap  partition.

It does not actually matter how many /swap partitions you have
and they will work anyware but if you are concerned about the 
flow of data in and out of your /swap partition(s)and you should be,
then it is best to site one  /swap partition somewhere close to the 
middle of the hard drive.

I think it is still necessary, correct me if I'm wrong, but the /boot
driectory/partiton has to be within 1024cylinders(about 7.75gigs)
of the start of any hard drive, it matters not a jot if you have more than 
one hard drive and elect to put it in the second or third etc. Something
to do with bios ,not sure what.

In addition I am told you can have /var  /homepartitions as
well but I like to keep it simple, and I elect to keep to the
minimum of abovementioned partitions.

As far as the DrakeX install goes you merely follow the script as 
usual , the tricky bit comes when defining your lilo script , this
has to be just right.  My advice is if you plan to dual boot earlier
then I think it was LM8.0 or it might of been LM8.1 I cannot quite
remember , it is importand to put the earlier version in first because
the lilo install programme is a bit basic and cannot define the vmlinuz
kernels at all, and will have to be accomplished on desktop before the 
second Os install. Don't forget to run /sbin/lilo 

It is absolutely important to define which kernel version your boot
script is to boot .  To give you a simple example :-

  append= devfs=mount hdd=ide-scsi quiet
  read only 

What this script is doing is to call for the vmlinuz-2.4.8-19mdk kernel
to be run and to find it in the /boot directory/partition and operate LM8.1
which is installed in hda6, the boot script is to be run in graphical
quality 791 ( which is equivelent, I think, to 1024x766 pixel rate, but don't
quote me) for the other linux boot scripts such as failsafe and nonbf(does
anyone know what that means) you want a lower quality VGA number or
as I choose to do , I select ask at boot time. The important thing here
is to define you kernel version as in the example above. IT IS NOT
have the kernel version appended.

You do exactly the same thing with the second OS install and again take care 
to define which kernel version is to be booted .So the second example is:-

  append= devfs=mount hdd=ide quiet

The separate Linux OS's are then booted by lilo at boot time.

Now I will tell you why you cannot just create separate partitions
for each OS , without creating a separate /boot partition. If you try to do 
this the windows way , you will find that the kernel version of the second 
install will overwrite the kernel version of the first OS install, so that
effectively you are trying to boot both OS's with just the one kernel version.
It took me some time to work that out so don't be embarrassed either. My son
in law and I spent many long hours proving you cannot do it. But provided
the abovementioned partitions are created , and I like to do that beforehand
with a partion tool , all will be well and DrakeX will know how to find the 
relevant partitons and put what it needs to be put in whichever 
directory/partition. In principle there is no reason why other linux OS's
cannot go in additional partitions , you only need to add another /root
partition and the install ought to be accomplished, but 

Re[2]: [newbie] Motherboard

2002-03-26 Per discussione Robert Golovniov

Hello g,

Tuesday, March 26, 2002, 12:57:59 PM, you wrote:

g it will be marked on mainboard.

That's what I thougt! But the question is: Where? :-)
I've  spotted  a  sign there which reads: Processor Board, Diagram No.
003769. Does it have anything to do with the motherboard name?

BTW, its the good (maybe no so good anymore) old (this is rather true)
Compaq 575 DeskPro machine.

Robert  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

   -=Robert Golovniov | Lviv, Ukraine=-
PGP public key: 0x633F6D07 (link 1 - embedded, link 2 - attached)
Fingerprint: 1A1C 29F1 2A0C 4C4E 0BDA  C8EE 5A1D 9F03 633F 6D07
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=PGP%20KeyBody=Please%20send%20key
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=GPG%20KeyBody=Please%20send%20key

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Re: [newbie] Message posts

2002-03-26 Per discussione Lyvim Xaphir

On Mon, 2002-03-25 at 19:07, James Thomas wrote:
 I am just wondering if anyone else noticed problems with messages appearing 
 in bizarre order, the original message appears a day or so after the 
 replies. Is there anything I can do stop this (ie: get a new email account 
 or something? :P) or is it a list problem?

Yes, I've had the same problem. Sometimes they are delayed, then at
other times they seem delayed, but end up in a black hole somewhere.

In other words sometimes the messages don't make it to the list at all.



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Re: [newbie] Message posts

2002-03-26 Per discussione David

To add,
I got Miark's response.. and still have never seen James' original post.  


Miark said onto me:  

Miark Damn right, I have. I've received them out of order, doubles, and 
Miark messages that appear a day after they were posted.
Miark Miark
Miark James Thomas [EMAIL PROTECTED] spoke thusly:
Miark  I am just wondering if anyone else noticed problems with messages appearing 
Miark  in bizarre order, the original message appears a day or so after the 
Miark  replies. Is there anything I can do stop this (ie: get a new email account 
Miark  or something? :P) or is it a list problem?
Miark  Thanks!
Miark  James
Miark  _
Miark  Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger:


Mandrake Linux  8.2 Kernel  2.4.18-6mdk
KDE  2.2.2  Sylpheed  0.7.4claws

David L. Steiner   
Registered Linux User   #262493 

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Re: [newbie] For the brazilian fellow looking for comp parts.

2002-03-26 Per discussione Charles A Edwards

On Mon, 25 Mar 2002 18:21:28 -0500 (EST)
Roger Sherman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Sun, 24 Mar 2002, FemmeFatale wrote:
  I got an answer  it was mostly for Asus motherboards
  Couldn't find out much else. Sorry
 Hi weren't referring to me with this, were you? If so, thanks! 
 But I'm American, not Brasilian (though thanks to a 5 year relationship 
 with a Portuguese girl, I do know when I'm being henpecked in portuguese 
 At this point, I'm looking at two motherboards - the Soyo Dragon Plus, and 
 the Asus A7V266-E/AA. Both the same price, according to Pricewatch, about 
 120 this point, I'm leaning toward the Asus...they are both on 
 AMDs XP recommended motherboards, but the Asus is listed as AMD Assured, 
 which gives it a slight edge. Anyone with a yea or nay for either board? 
 Annoyingly, both have integrated sound. I know, I know...I can turn it off 
 in the BIOS...but I just can't help but feel that something physically 
 attatched to the board could somehow make my life more difficult than it 
 needs to be. 
I vote for the Dragon+.
I have 1 using the XP1900+ and you could not give me another ASUS.

Both use the same audio which works well and without problem in Mandrake.
With the Dragon+ you also get built in ethernet, also no problem in Mandrake, and 4 
ide controllers all of which can be used at UDMA 100.

If you want independent advise check this link from Tom,s Hardware.



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Re: [newbie] Printerdrake freezing??

2002-03-26 Per discussione civileme

Linus Drouhard wrote:

On Monday 25 March 2002 01:16 am, you wrote:

Linus Drouhard wrote:

Hi everyone,
 To open, I really like Mandrake 8.2.  I've been a Mandrake user since
8.0. It's the best out there.  8.2 installation was a breeze but for one

To start, I have an AMD K6-II running at 420 MHz, in an Asus P5A
motherboard, two Maxtor 20 gig hard drives, 160 MB of RAM, TNT2 video
card, SB 16 soundcard.  Also, I have an *ancient* sIDE-4HP multi-port
card that I use for a parallel port  connected scanner in Windows (don't
have any Linux drivers for it), plus a Lucent Windmodem (also only for
faxes in Windows).  (BTW, I hate Windows.  I'm about 99.9% independent of

I did not have my printer connected when I installed Mandrake, shouldn't
be a problem, I thought, I'll run Printerdrake later.  I cannot get
Printerdrake to run.  It starts up, asks for Disc 1, churns for about 30
seconds and then freezes my computer solid. Only the reset button
responds. Has anyone had a similar experience?  any suggestions?  any
thoughts on my parallel port card?



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It is not likely your parallel port card per se, but I would recommend
INSTALL the printer completely before running it.  It could be a problem
reading the CD.

If it is your parallel port card, the thing most likely is an attempt to
share an ISA Interrupt, but I would worry about 14 Megs of install
first.  The foomatic driver package plus CUPS plus drivers is huge.


I'm not sure what you mean to INSTALL the printer before running it.  
That's what I thought I was doing.  Is there another way to install the 
printer other than Printerdrake?  Do you mean to do a reinstall of Mandrake?



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urpmi cups
urpmi foomatic

Should do it


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Re: [newbie] Re: New info from cdrecord -scanbus.....

2002-03-26 Per discussione Roger Sherman

On Mon, 25 Mar 2002, Kaj Haulrich wrote:

 Derek Jennings wrote:
  cdrecord: Warning: controller returns wrong size for CD capabilities page.
 Derek, I have exactly that message too, only from my HP 9100 Writer. Doesn't mean a 
thing, it burns happily away
 nevertheless. Some burner-frontends just display a message while burning, something 
like : Can't determine file-size.
 I guess it's a warning against overstuffing the CD (file-size  700 MB).

Yah, I used to get that message as well, with my cheesy LG (I've since put 
in a plextor which doesn't get that). But it didn't seem to make a 
difference - it worked just fine, if a little slow...

 Kaj Haulrich




registered linux user #190719
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Re: [newbie] For the brazilian fellow looking for comp parts.

2002-03-26 Per discussione FemmeFatale

I agree with Charles on checking Tom's Hardware guides.

He's pretty good.


Charles A Edwards wrote:
 On Mon, 25 Mar 2002 18:21:28 -0500 (EST)
 Roger Sherman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Sun, 24 Mar 2002, FemmeFatale wrote:
   I got an answer  it was mostly for Asus motherboards
   Couldn't find out much else. Sorry
  Hi weren't referring to me with this, were you? If so, thanks!
  But I'm American, not Brasilian (though thanks to a 5 year relationship
  with a Portuguese girl, I do know when I'm being henpecked in portuguese
  At this point, I'm looking at two motherboards - the Soyo Dragon Plus, and
  the Asus A7V266-E/AA. Both the same price, according to Pricewatch, about
  120 this point, I'm leaning toward the Asus...they are both on
  AMDs XP recommended motherboards, but the Asus is listed as AMD Assured,
  which gives it a slight edge. Anyone with a yea or nay for either board?
  Annoyingly, both have integrated sound. I know, I know...I can turn it off
  in the BIOS...but I just can't help but feel that something physically
  attatched to the board could somehow make my life more difficult than it
  needs to be.
 I vote for the Dragon+.
 I have 1 using the XP1900+ and you could not give me another ASUS.
 Both use the same audio which works well and without problem in Mandrake.
 With the Dragon+ you also get built in ethernet, also no problem in Mandrake, and 4 
ide controllers all of which can be used at UDMA 100.
 If you want independent advise check this link from Tom,s Hardware.
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
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[newbie] Message posts

2002-03-26 Per discussione James Thomas

I am just wondering if anyone else noticed problems with messages appearing 
in bizarre order, the original message appears a day or so after the 
replies. Is there anything I can do stop this (ie: get a new email account 
or something? :P) or is it a list problem?



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RE: Re: [newbie] saving the power supply unit

2002-03-26 Per discussione Greg

I checked the system load CPU usage is never over 25 perent and ram is never above 50 
When it loacked up nothing will free it up so i have to reboot by hitting the reset 
and when it goes to sleep the screen just stays blank
it never did that until I loaded 8.0 and it still does it even with 8.1 
I will check the logs and see what I can find  
Thanks for your help  Greg
Brian Parish [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I think that the USB ports issue as Femme indicated are probably totally
separate to your system clagging out after some idle time.  I would
maybe suspect some highly intelligent piece of hardware that goes to
sleep to save energy then decides not to wake up again.  Do you notice
disks spinning down - anything like that.  How does it look when it
locks up?  Is the screen blank?  Have you tried the old alt-SysRq-rseiu
routine?  Sacrificing virgins?  etc.


On Sat, 2002-03-23 at 21:21, Michael wrote:
 Greg: Try looking at CPU Usage after a day or two's running. For a GUI tool for
 this i use kpm, on the kde menu (at least in my old ML7.1) it is
 Applications  Monitoring  Process Management
 You can click on the CPU column to sort by process using most/least cycles. Look
 for a process that steadily uses more and more CPU %.
 I also had a problem with logrotate that meant that it was filling my
 /var/log/mail and /var/log/news with backups of the backups of the backups ad
 infinitum. Thousands of files in one directory :o( This was probably fixed in
 later versions. 
 Greg wrote:
  One of the things it does is lock up after it sits for a few days without being 
  Another thing is the task bar in KDE disappears if it has not been rebooted for 
  I am thinking it might have some thing to do with my USB ports which do not work
  I am too new to Linux  I dont know where the log files would be
 When in panic, fear and doubt,
 Drink in barrels, eat, and shout.

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[newbie] 5.1-channel sound

2002-03-26 Per discussione Taras Panio

I am novice in Linux.
Is it possible to get a 5-channel sound from CREATIVE SB LIVE! PLAYER 5.1,
PCI sound card under Linux Mandrake 8.1?
Or, at least, to get SOME sound from the all speakers of 5.1 CREATIVE DTT
2200 sound system? The problem is that only two front speakers are
functioning properly...
Thanks in advance!

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Re: [newbie] Message posts

2002-03-26 Per discussione Brian Parish

I see the lag and some dupes, but never the tomorrow problem.  But then
I AM in Australia.  Doesn't everything get converted back to GMT or
something then presented in your local time?  Maybe different e-mail
clients are seeing it differenctly?  I using evolution.


On Tue, 2002-03-26 at 12:42, Carroll Grigsby wrote:
 Incidentally, one of the side effects is that some 
 messages (particularly from Australia and New Zealand), often show up as 
 having been posted tomorrow.
 --- cmg

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Re: [newbie] Audiogalaxy Satellite

2002-03-26 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Tue, 26 Mar 2002 07:33:06 +0100, Stojs [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Is the evil Gator installed with the Linux version of the satellite?

Nope, it is spyware-free :)

Sridhar Dhanapalan

The nice thing about standards is that you
have so many to choose from.
-- Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Computer Networks, 2nd ed, p.25

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Re: [newbie] Audiogalaxy Satellite

2002-03-26 Per discussione Nick

No sir, you wont find as much of that kind of crap in the wonderful world of 

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2002-03-26 Per discussione john rigby

Hello folks,

Sorry about that! This message was intended to be a private post.
But you were warned! :-)
As there are only a very few people here interested in discussing the future
realistic prospects and possibilities of  Mandrake on a friendly and
rational discourse level it really is better to continue such exchanges
Any serious replies are welcome to me privately still, but there are some
wonderful avenues on Mandrake.ORG for serious discussions and perhaps
offering helpful things.



- Original Message -
From: john rigby [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2002 9:51 PM
Subject: [newbie] NOW: GNU GLUE: DEFINITELY OFF-TOPIC! :-)

 Hi Sridhar,

   Ever heard of an Atari?  Fabulous engineering - rotten marketing.

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Re: Re[2]: [newbie] Motherboard

2002-03-26 Per discussione Charles A Edwards

On Tue, 26 Mar 2002 13:50:49 +0200
Robert Golovniov [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hello g,
 Tuesday, March 26, 2002, 12:57:59 PM, you wrote:
 g it will be marked on mainboard.
 That's what I thougt! But the question is: Where? :-)
 I've  spotted  a  sign there which reads: Processor Board, Diagram No.
 003769. Does it have anything to do with the motherboard name?
 BTW, its the good (maybe no so good anymore) old (this is rather true)
 Compaq 575 DeskPro machine.
Many factory built computers come with what, even I in my most benign mood, I call 
crappy Generic MOBOs.
It could be anyone of a dozen brands/models and it Does Not carry any markings.
The only way you can find any info about the board is from Compaq.
If you are lucky the 575 all used the same MOBO.
But it is more than likely that several different boards were used.
In this case you will need to write down the entire post code that appears at the 
bottom of your screen when you first turn on the computer. Within this string is a 
identifier for the specific MOBO
that your system has.
This will also have to be tracked down through Compaq.
It my not be easy to find but it will be there.
Start in their support area and if they have a search feature do a search for BIOS 
That should get you to the MOBO area.


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Re: [newbie] 5.1-channel sound

2002-03-26 Per discussione Brian Parish


Yes, but I don't know how, but I know that you will if you go to and look at the alsa-user archives.  I used
to follow that list and I'm sure I've seen this question flow past and
be dealt with many times.  Don't have one.  Don't want one.  So didn't
retain any of the content, but I'm sure it's there - probably 50 times
or so.


On Tue, 2002-03-26 at 23:50, Taras Panio wrote:
 I am novice in Linux.
 Is it possible to get a 5-channel sound from CREATIVE SB LIVE! PLAYER 5.1,
 PCI sound card under Linux Mandrake 8.1?
 Or, at least, to get SOME sound from the all speakers of 5.1 CREATIVE DTT
 2200 sound system? The problem is that only two front speakers are
 functioning properly...
 Thanks in advance!

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[OT] Posting style [was: Re: [newbie] I'm Locked Out!]

2002-03-26 Per discussione Robin Turner


 I just cant get over everyone calling Femme a 14 yr old girl.

Not everyone, by a long chalk.

  things around here. Now I'm sure you're cutsy 14 yo girlish
  antics get you somewhere with most of the boys, I'm not too
  impressed. Care to tone it down a bit, or is this list your
  flavour of the month?

So it's OK to be provocative, condescending, dogmatic or pedantic 
(not referring to anyone in particular) but being cute or girlish is 
out?  I detect a double standard here.  I'd guess that if Femme 
Fatale had picked a different nickname, like, say SegFault, 
no one would have picked up on the girly thing.


Bravo Epictetus! - Epictetus

Robin Turner
IDMYO, Bilkent Universitesi
Ankara 06533

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[newbie] Conection problem

2002-03-26 Per discussione Lúcio Costa de Almeida

I installed MDK8.2 im my Athlon 1GHz, 256Ram, but I
can`t start my dial-up connection.
MDK found my USR56K Ext in ttyS1.
But if I try connect with server I receve this
No carrier

I tried all configurations, but I can´t fix it.

Can anyone help me.



Um abraço, Lúcio 
ICQ  5495933.

Yahoo! Empregos
O trabalho dos seus sonhos pode estar aqui. Cadastre-se hoje mesmo no Yahoo! Empregos 
e tenha acesso a milhares de vagas abertas!

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Re: [newbie] kpackage help needed to solve dependencies

2002-03-26 Per discussione bascule

did you mount the cd on /mnt/cdrom when adding it as a source? and did you 
define it as a 'removable source' i just did this with an old 8.0 cd and the 
8.0 packages are showing up in the 'installable' list, if you unmount the cd, 
insert another. mount it and add as a source with a differnet name then using 
the same mount point doesn't matter as software manager is aware the source 
is removable media, as for it appears that even though it 
mirrors the RPMS directories for 8.1 and 8.2 it doesn't mirror the rest of 
the distro files, which include either or, 
these files contain the necessary info regarding dependencies that software 
manager or urpmi uses to fetch other files, without the location of these 
files one can only add 'local' sources because these files can be generated 
for rpm repositories that are mounted locally but not for those accessed 
online - like  local cd's of mandrake will of course have these 
files under the /Mandrake/base/ directory, for online fetching what you need 
is a full mirror there are a few mentioned on the mandrake site some will 
also mirror older as well as current distros, try defining an ftp source with 
the url:
and the relative position of the hdlsi file as ../base/
i just did this and the mirror at is added to my sources (only 
works for 8.2 since it doesn't mirror 8.1 fully), for 8.1 try:
with ../base/

it's always posssible that your installation of software manager is defective 
in some way, you might try upgrading it to the latest 8.2 version but of 
course you will have to solve dependencies for this manually! read 'man 
urpmi' and 'man urpmi.addmedia' for more insight into what is going on with 
software manager and urpmi

good luck


On Tuesday 26 March 2002 10:20 am, you wrote:

 Hi bascule,

 Thanks for the suggestions. I hadn't played with Software Manager much
 and so I ventured into it. I added two source areas, namely and /mnt/cdrom. I assumed that with these two added
 Software Manager would scan the CD I placed in the drive for RPM's and
 populate the trees. I clicked on rebuild lists and saw that it didn't
 even go to the CD-ROM to have a look for RPM's so I went back to the
 list of sources. The two entries I had added had disappeared!

 What's up here as I feel a re-install like Windows coming up?

One of the most basic rules of survival on any planet is never to upset 
someone wearing black leather.
(The Last Continent)

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RE: [newbie] StarOffice 6.0

2002-03-26 Per discussione Charles Muller

 Really? I am a silver member, but when I joined I saw a thing
 that said the
 benifits were the same for all club members, reguardless of level of
 membershiip. has that changed?

That was the impression I had. I felt justified paying the $60 at the
beginning, being completely new to Linux, in the event that things did not
work out. Has anyone seen instructions on how to upgrade to the next level.
I haven't been able to get into the Mandrake site for more than a day now.

Charles Muller

Toyo Gakuen University
Digital Dictionary of Buddhism and CJK-English Dictionary

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Re: [newbie] Koffice in catalan language?

2002-03-26 Per discussione Joan Tur

Es Dilluns 25 Març 2002 23:27, en Michael va escriure:
 Joan, somebody, somewhere, would love you to offer to do the translation
 for them as you seem proficient in both languages. Just a thought :)
My main language is ibicenco (dialect from catalan spoken in Ibiza island).  
It's slightly different from catalan.

And I'd be pleased to help translating koffice into catalan also  ;)

 Joan Tur wrote:
  I'm using catalan language (-ca) under kde but koffice appears in english
  because no koffice-i18n-ca package exists.  It doesn't make me worry but
  i'd prefer koffice to use spanish language instead of english (and
  koffice-i18n-es is installed).
  Thanks!  ;)
  Joan Tur. Ibiza - Spain

Joan Tur. Ibiza - Spain
   AOL quini2k  ICQ 11407395
 Linux: usuari registrat 190.783

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Re: [newbie] StarOffice 6.0

2002-03-26 Per discussione Michael Scottaline

On Mon, 25 Mar 2002 17:45:03 -0700
Miark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Mike, StarOffice 6.0 ready and downloadable from MandrakeClub _now_.
Thanks for the heads-up 8^)


You can't be a real country unless you have a beer and an airline - it
helps if you have some kind of a football team, or some nuclear weapons,
but at the very least you need a beer.
- Frank Zappa

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RE: [newbie] StarOffice 6.0

2002-03-26 Per discussione Brian Parish


When you do manage to get to the site you'll see an article about just
that and yes, they have made it easy to upgrade apparently.


On Wed, 2002-03-27 at 00:24, Charles Muller wrote:
  Really? I am a silver member, but when I joined I saw a thing
  that said the
  benifits were the same for all club members, reguardless of level of
  membershiip. has that changed?
 That was the impression I had. I felt justified paying the $60 at the
 beginning, being completely new to Linux, in the event that things did not
 work out. Has anyone seen instructions on how to upgrade to the next level.
 I haven't been able to get into the Mandrake site for more than a day now.
 Charles Muller
 Toyo Gakuen University
 Digital Dictionary of Buddhism and CJK-English Dictionary

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[newbie] To Femme

2002-03-26 Per discussione Dimitris Ioannou

Femme, have you been offended by someone? Well, just
tell him to go to hell. Your presence here is a breeze
and you're more than wanted in this list. Keep on
being yourself above all.



from Greece

Opinions are like assholes.Everybuddy has got one.
 Clint Eastwood
In your case, the one that said bad things about you
can stick in his own and occypie himself with it.We
really don't care.

Do You Yahoo!?

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Re: [newbie] Printing Problem under CUPS

2002-03-26 Per discussione Derek Jennings

On Tuesday 26 March 2002 02:08, Guilherme Cirne wrote:

 I'm having a bit of trouble printing under CUPS v1.1.10 on LM 8.1. When I
 print a text file, the last line of each page doesn't come out. I believe
 this has something to do with the printable area, but how do I configure

 I have tried different printers and different drivers and the results are
 always the same. Any help is welcome.


Two suggestions
1/ Right click on your printer Icon select PropertiesAdvancedAdjustments  
then increase the bottom margin.

2/ From a root terminal window run 'alignmargins'  (without quotes)
A terminal window pops up Follow the instructions



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2002-03-26 Per discussione Dimitris Ioannou

Femme, have you been offended by someone? Well, just
tell him to go to hell. Your presence here is a breeze
and you're more than wanted in this list. Keep on
being yourself above all.



from Greece

Opinions are like assholes.Everybuddy has got one.
 Clint Eastwood
In your case, the one that said bad things about you
can stick in his own and occypie himself with it.We
really don't care.

Do You Yahoo!?

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[newbie] Getting DiskDrake / Mandrake 8.1 Installation to recognize Win2K

2002-03-26 Per discussione Sullivan, Nick

I've recently installed Mandrake 8.1 on an old 350mhz machine I had sitting around.  
Since then I've really enjoyed playing with all of it's features, it's a great OS for 
me specifically as a CompSci major and can finally play on the linux end of our dual 
boot machines at school :)

Since last weekend when I installed it I've even gone as far as getting my first 
network ever up (well I can ping back and forth from my Linux box to my Win box and 
can FTP/Telnet to my Linux box, cool regardless and semi-painless).

I want to install MD 8.1 on my new PC (Athlon XP 1700+, PCChips 830LR board, nVidia 
GForce video card, etc.).  When I put the discs in everything is peachy, the only 
problem is that my automatic options for the partitioning setup doesn't find my 
Windows OS and doesn't give the option to install on extra space on Windows hard 
drive or whatever, which is what I'd like so as to not loose any information in 

I'm running Win2K Pro, and curious if there is anything I can do to get the installer 
to recognize it?  

Thanks ahead for the help, take care!

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[newbie] I have two NICs but Mandrake sees 3

2002-03-26 Per discussione Hanan Shargi

okay Brian ;)

Hi All,

I started a post 2 dyas ago wnating to know how can I share files between 2 
machines on a local home LAN ( LM 8.1 and a w2k )
connected to another bigger lan,( bothe machines are sharing the internet 
connection of course) yet I found that I have deeper problems than I though I 
had ():-)

first one ( as I stated in the last post ) is That win cannot ping linux 
though it can share the internet with it.

Second ( and maybe the cause of the first ) is that LM 8.1 have configured 3 
NIC's while I only have 2 my uestion is how could that happen ??
here are my HW info :

Linux machine is a Dell Inspiron 7500
1st NIC : eth0 Genius pcmci
2nd NIC : eth2 3COM megaherts 10/100 pcmci

here is the output of /sbin/ifconfig  ( I chopped the lo part for bandwidth 
constraints of some subscribers ():-) )

eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:A0:0C:45:17:32
  inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
  RX packets:34333 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:18809 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:56 txqueuelen:100
  RX bytes:17968208 (17.1 Mb)  TX bytes:1762810 (1.6 Mb)
  Interrupt:3 Base address:0x300

eth2  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:10:4B:A2:D1:A8
  inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
  RX packets:10156 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:14182 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:100
  RX bytes:1018348 (994.4 Kb)  TX bytes:14063580 (13.4 Mb)
  Interrupt:11 Base address:0x200

I have 3 ifcfg-ethx files I will list ifcfg-eth1 here which is the one that 
seems to be there for no reason and having a strange HD address:


okay I'll list ifcfg-eth1 and eth1 as well :)
BOOTPROTO=static   === I x 'ed the real IP though its useless in this case 


and here is /etc/sysconfig/network

Hanan AL-Shargi

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Re: [newbie] To Femme

2002-03-26 Per discussione Steve Borrett

 Femme, have you been offended by someone? Well, just
 tell him to go to hell. Your presence here is a breeze
 and you're more than wanted in this list. Keep on
 being yourself above all.

Agreed wholeheartedly.

 Opinions are like assholes.Everybuddy has got one.

and they ALL stink!!!

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Re: [newbie] Problems with realplayer8

2002-03-26 Per discussione Rodrigo

Hello Hannes, I had the same problem some time ago. I solved it using the
following command to open realplayer:
artsdsp realplay
Type that at the command line and see what happens. If it works for you,
I can send you a shell script I wrote, in order to get things more automated.
I think this method is valid only if you're running kde, I am not sure.
Hope it helps you, 


Defner Johannes wrote:">
  Hello everybody!First some lines to introduce me:Linux is a hobby of me and I have some experiences with installing Suse, RedHat , Mandrake and some (bad ;-) ) experiences with debian. Now I am using mandrake 8.1; some experiences with working with command line too. My problem is that after starting realplayer8 I`ve got following msg:Cannot open audio device! Maybe another application is using it.My soundcard is a SB64 ,driver Esonique 1370, kde 2.2.2, kernel 2.4.8-34.1mdk,securitylevel medium and tiny firewall installed.I´ve tried to change the permissions of /dev/audio and /dev/mixer with chmod -c 666 and chmod a=rw. After restarting the system there were the old permissions ( crw-). Afriend of mine suggested that there is a problem with PAM too. Or it could be a PATH problem.As a newbie  I don´t know the commandline methods to solve these problems and with the help forum of realplayer8 I have pr
oblems to understand what I have to do.Is there anyone how could support me?thanks in advance Hannes
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Re: [newbie] SSH problem

2002-03-26 Per discussione Miark

Howdy Barry,

You seem to be using telnet and ssh interchangabley 
when they're not. SSH is secure, while telnet is not, and 
SSH uses port 22, while telnet uses port 23. I recommend 
using SSH.

Now, the box that you're ssh'ing to must specifically allow
ssh connections, which is configured independently of the
ssh daemon. Instead, you must add the following lines to 

sshd sshd1 sshd2 : ALL : ALLOW

Give that a shot and let us know if that does the trick.


Barry Michels [EMAIL PROTECTED] spoke thusly:

 But, I'd like to telnet into it
 remotely as VNC doesn't work well with screen updates of virtual machines.
 Using telnet on my XP machine to access port 22 results in a blank screen
 and a disconnect in a few seconds.  The log shows 'sshd refused connect from' (my XP machine's intranet address).  After several hours
 searching, I'm no closer to figuring out what's going on.  Although, I am
 learning a LOT about interacting with Linux from the command line.
 BTW, the purpose of this virtual machine is to get more comfortable with
 Linux before dedicating real hardware for a web server.  The Apache server
 with PHP is already running at:

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[newbie] adding date to tar.gz file?

2002-03-26 Per discussione Jon Doe

I have a script I use to backup some important files in my home directory. It works 
fine but I would like it to add the curent date to the file name IE: 
backup-03-26-02.tar.gz instead of just backup.tar.gz
Any suggestions on how to do this? I looked in the tar man and tar howto but couldn't 
find exact syntax for the current date.

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Re: [newbie]

2002-03-26 Per discussione Miark

If I recall correctly, Opera made a version specifically
for Mandrake that works with 3, although it may only be
available via the Mandrake Club and Power Pack.


- vom adi - [EMAIL PROTECTED] spoke thusly:

 Anyone knows ho to get AND .3 to work ?
 For to opera needs ver. 2 
 And mandrake das .3
  - keep the X in your system -

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Re: [OT] Posting style [was: Re: [newbie] I'm Locked Out!]

2002-03-26 Per discussione cervix couch

Subject: Re: [OT] Posting style [was: Re: [newbie] I'm Locked Out!]

Oh contraire, she sounds as she sounds and this list is detoriating to
more noise once again. The problem is when the noise ratio exceeds the
actual help ratio, and with this nonsense carrying on I can see it
happening with ease. If you folks want to chat socially, I suggest you
all grab IRC and go to the Mandrake or what-ever-channel. 

Dude, why don't you just chill out?!?!?

This is not
the place, for the cutesy folksy noise that seems to prevade here, more
recently since uno-who joined.

Compared to some other lists I'm on, this list is hardly noisy, but when there's 
this much traffic, it does make a good case for offering a digest form of this list 
(hint hint)

Anyway carry-on I won't respond any more to this or similar threads.


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Re: [newbie] Java path for Konqueror.

2002-03-26 Per discussione Damian

El mar, 26-03-2002 a las 03:29, Seedkum Aladeem escribió:
 I have java runtime environment j2rel.4.0 installed (still on LM8.1) and 
 Konqueror needs to know the path to the executable and the required 
 arguments. Can someone please tell me which file the path is for so that I 
 figure out the rquired path and what the arguments should be?




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[newbie] Teleport Pro

2002-03-26 Per discussione Jordan Elver

Does anyone know if there is a tool (with docs) similar to the windows 
program teleport pro? Its used to download website to disk or to grab certain 
types of file from websites.


Jordan Elver
Press any key to continue or any other key to quit...

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[newbie] FTP denial of service

2002-03-26 Per discussione Steven Vacca

I have a Microsoft PC which uses FTP Explorer to connect
with another Linux PC (Mandrake).  (I do my development on the
Linux PC and transfer the zImage to the Microsoft PC).

I've been able to do an FTP connect with no problems for many, many
months.  But now when I try to connect to the Linux PC, 9 out of
10 times, or even worse, FTP Explorer can't connect.  And if it does
connect, the connection is closed after a minute or so.  I can FTP with
other PC's, so I know the problem is with the Linux PC.
It's been like this for 3 weeks now.

I remember 3 other times, over the past year, when this difficulty with
FTP connecting would occur, once on 3 separate days.  On those
occasions, I just rebooted the Linux PC, or waited overnight, and the
problem went away.  Then I came in on a Monday 3 weeks ago, and
now was acting like it is now, almost impossiblt to connect, and
if able, the connect gets closed.

Anybody have any idea what would cause this?  How to fix this?
Is the FTP daemon goin' crazy?  Why would it sometimes let me
connect, but rarely, and when I do, the connection is quickly closed?


ShutEye Thinkin

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Re: [OT] Posting style [was: Re: [newbie] I'm Locked Out!]

2002-03-26 Per discussione civileme

Brian Parish wrote:

OK! Yeah!  There you go Femme.  Make it Segfault Fatale  (or maybe Fatal
Segfault?) you'll be set like a jelly!  Or is the jello to you northern

Sorry - the OT police will be after me now.


On Tue, 2002-03-26 at 23:50, Robin Turner wrote:

So it's OK to be provocative, condescending, dogmatic or pedantic 
(not referring to anyone in particular) but being cute or girlish is 
out?  I detect a double standard here.  I'd guess that if Femme 
Fatale had picked a different nickname, like, say SegFault, 
no one would have picked up on the girly thing.

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Ummm, folks, the name should not have implied cutesy or 14yo at all and 
certainly not girlish.  kdict says:

femme fatale
 n : a woman who is considered to be dangerously seductive [syn:
 enchantress, temptress, siren, Delilah]


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Re: [newbie] How do you Install Mandrake 8.2

2002-03-26 Per discussione civileme

John Richard Smith wrote:

usb detection on certain motherboards will not occur during install
because we don't have a full set of drivers (USB2 turned out to be less
comprehensive than advertised), and of course without help from your
BIOS, you have to wait until the kernel modules for the full system are
installed. Once you are running, you should gfind detection of USB
devices as soon as you plug them in.

You should gfind detection of USB
devices as soon as you plug them in.

Please to advise me. How do I do this.
I tried typing   gfind in a root shell  it did nothing,
returned :  command not found.


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Sorry, typo :-)

USB devices should be detected as soon as you plug them in on a running 
8.2 system.  If they are not, then the hardware is outside of everything 
we were able to test.


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Re: [newbie] adding date to tar.gz file?

2002-03-26 Per discussione Tim Holmes

Just add an executable line to the name of the tar.gz by using date.
Pretty simple.  I do it all the time.

tar -zxf /path/to/file-`date +%m-%d-%y`.tar.gz /path/to/dir/to/backup

You'll end up with /path/to/file-03-26-02.tar.gz

Check out date --help for all the possible flags, so you can get your
tar file as specific as you'd like.  Including the time, just the day
and month, format, etc;

Hope that helps ya.

 T. Holmes  |  |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  UIN:  17021091
| I have a script I use to backup some important files in my home directory. It works 
|fine but I would like it to add the curent date to the file name IE: 
|backup-03-26-02.tar.gz instead of just backup.tar.gz
| Any suggestions on how to do this? I looked in the tar man and tar howto but 
|couldn't find exact syntax for the current date.
| thanks

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| Go to


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