Re: [newbie-it] Sicurezza

2003-01-23 Per discussione Enrico Teotti
dove trovo il file access_log? Se l'IP fosse assegnato dinamicamente avrebbe senso lo 
stesso denunciarlo alla polizia postale?
Grazie e ciao!

non riesco a disattivare reply to da lycos mail... spero al piu presto!

Get 25MB, POP3, Spam Filtering with LYCOS MAIL PLUS for $19.95/year.

[newbie-it] I: Masterizzazioni byFly

2003-01-23 Per discussione Enrico Piccinini

La nebbia finalmente si sta iniziando a dipanare!!

Finalmente sono riuscito a fare la mia prima connessione ad internet, a
scaricare la posta e a
masterizzare il mio primo CD dati.

Ora manca il lettore e poi quasi tutto funziona (ci sarà anche la scheda TV
che penso creerà più di qualche problema..). Come alcuni di voi mi hanno
consigliato, vi invio i miei file

per vedere se qualcuno di voi mi riesce in qualche modo ad aiutare: il
problema è far vedere il lettore IDE (Creative) a XCDRoast per fare delle
copie di CD al volo (purtroppo non riesco ad abilitare l'emulazione scsi).

Grazie ancora di tutto a tutti voi che mi state aiutando.
Buona giornata

append=quiet devfs=mount hdc=ide-scsi hdd=ide-scsi
append=devfs=mount hdc=ide-scsi
append=failsafe devfs=nomount hdc=ide-scsi

/dev/hda5 / reiserfs notail 1 1
none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
/dev/hda6 /home reiserfs notail 1 2
none /mnt/cdrom supermount 
dev=/dev/scd0,fs=auto,ro,--,iocharset=iso8859-15,codepage=850,umask=0 0 0
none /mnt/cdrom2 supermount 
dev=/dev/hdd,fs=auto,ro,--,iocharset=iso8859-15,codepage=850,umask=0 0 0
none /mnt/floppy supermount 
dev=/dev/fd0,fs=auto,--,iocharset=iso8859-15,sync,codepage=850,umask=0 0 0
none /proc proc defaults 0 0
/dev/hda3 swap swap defaults 0 0

options ide-cd ignore=hdd
probeall scsi_hostadapter ide-scsi
probeall usb-interface usb-uhci

Re: [newbie-it] Sicurezza

2003-01-23 Per discussione Paolo Tomiato
Enrico ha scritto:

dove trovo il file access_log?

Lo trovi in /var/log/httpd

Se l'IP fosse assegnato dinamicamente avrebbe senso lo stesso denunciarlo alla
polizia postale?

Nn ha importanza che l'ip sai dinamico o meno xche' i providers dovrebbero avere
a loro volta dei logs che documentano chi quel tal giorno alla tal ora era
autenticato con quell'indirizzo ip.

In verita' io sono contrario a procedere con una denuncia per vari motivi:
1) e' contro i miei principi
2) l'aggressore potrebbe essere a sua volta vittima di un worm (nel caso del log
che ho pubblicato si tratta di Nimda)
3) nn ritengo necessario rovinare la vita a un ragazzino x quanto stupido possa

Mi piacerebbe piuttosto capire come potrei contattare questo ipotetico cracker,
volontario o involontario che sia, x fargli capire che o, e' vittima di un virus
e nn lo sa, o nn gli conviene fare il furbo xche' disponendo della
documentazione del suo tentativo di attacco lo tengo x le °°! ;))

Se qualcuno dei guru sa dirmi come si fa

Re: [newbie-it] scaricare librerie per c++

2003-01-23 Per discussione Sandro Porrazzini
Il mer, 2003-01-22 alle 19:22, Leonardo ha scritto:
 .dove la trovo???

Vai sul sito
E' un motore di ricerca per gli rpm - gli dai in pasto la libreria che
cerchi: e lui ti dovrebbe fornire il pacchetto che la
contiene e una serie di link da cui scaricarlo direttamente.

Dr. Sandro Porrazzini - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Linux Mandrake 9.0 on Pentium III - 733 Mhz
Linux User # 203143
Linux Machine # 175781

[newbie-it] manuale di comandi da console

2003-01-23 Per discussione Enrico Teotti
qualuno conosce dei links che riportino i comandi da console di Linux e le loro 
Grazie e ciao!

Get 25MB, POP3, Spam Filtering with LYCOS MAIL PLUS for $19.95/year.

[newbie-it] comando shred su directory

2003-01-23 Per discussione Enrico Teotti
da Mandrake8.1 con KDE riuscivo a selezionare una directory ed eseguirne il comando 
Da Gnome (1.4 credo) non ho questa opzione nei menu.
Cosi ho aperto la console, ma il comando shred sembra possa essere eseguito solo sui 
Ho eseguito:
$ shred * -u
Mi sono trovato con i file eliminati solo dalla directory corrente. Dovrei fare lo 
stesso per tutte le subdirectory, magari creando un piccolo batch che le visiti tutte? 
Per cancellarle poi? 
Grazie mille!

Get 25MB, POP3, Spam Filtering with LYCOS MAIL PLUS for $19.95/year.

Re: [newbie-it] manuale di comandi da console

2003-01-23 Per discussione Paolo Tomiato
Enrico ha scritto:
| Ciao,
| qualuno conosce dei links che riportino i comandi da console di Linux e le
loro descrizioni?
| Grazie e ciao!
| Enrico
Qui trovi all'interno un elenco dei principali comandi con descrizioni, commenti
e sintassi:

Poi direi che il sito principe della documentazione e':

Spero di esserti stato utile.

Re: [newbie-it] I: Masterizzazioni byFly

2003-01-23 Per discussione Sandro Porrazzini
Il gio, 2003-01-23 alle 09:03, Enrico Piccinini ha scritto:

 per vedere se qualcuno di voi mi riesce in qualche modo ad aiutare: il
 problema è far vedere il lettore IDE (Creative) a XCDRoast per fare delle
 copie di CD al volo (purtroppo non riesco ad abilitare l'emulazione scsi).
 Grazie ancora di tutto a tutti voi che mi state aiutando.
 Buona giornata

Se il prolema è di fare copie di cd puoi anche procedere in questi due

1) utilizzare il masterizzatore sia come lettore che scrittore
passando attraverso l'immagine iso.
2) utilizzare il programma k3b (per kde) che è in grado di fare copia da
lettore (ide) a masterizzatore (scsi).

Dr. Sandro Porrazzini - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Linux Mandrake 9.0 on Pentium III - 733 Mhz
Linux User # 203143
Linux Machine # 175781

[newbie-it] filesystem journaled e shred

2003-01-23 Per discussione Enrico Teotti
Ciao (si si sono ancora io...),
ho letto lanciando l'help da console del comando shred che il suo funzionamento non è 
attivo per alcuni filesystem modello jurnaled o sistemi RAID.
In quelle situazioni -correggetemi se ho capito male- non c'è garanzia che i file 
vengono riscritti nella vecchia posizione. 
Mi interesserebbe sapere che tipo di operazione di potrebbe eseguire per sovrascrivere 
i dati (modello shred) con filesystem journaled.

Get 25MB, POP3, Spam Filtering with LYCOS MAIL PLUS for $19.95/year.

Re: [newbie-it] manuale di comandi da console

2003-01-23 Per discussione Andrea Celli
On Thu, 23 Jan 2003 10:08:05 +0100
Enrico Teotti [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 qualuno conosce dei links che riportino i comandi da console di Linux e le loro 
 Grazie e ciao!

Un qualsiasi manuale Linux o Unix è una buona base di partenza.
Però, non sarà mai completo perché ognuno di noi carica sulla sua macchina
cose diverse.
Per esempio, se sul pc che uso adesso batto due volte TAB ottengo:
Display all 2584 possibilities? (y or n)
:su -
Display all 2953 possibilities? (y or n)

Questo è il numero di eseguibili che ho nel mio PATH e in quello di root.
Sicuramente, tu avrai un numeri diversi.

Non spaventarti troppo perché non tutti sono veri comandi. moltissimi sono
eseguibili richiamati solo da altri comandi.

Allora, prova a fare così:
- vedi il contenuto del PATH di root e di un utente normale con
   echo $PATH

- Per ogni directory trovata, lancia:
man -f `ls /dir/del/path `|grep -iv 'nothing appropriate'  lista.
Attento alla differenza tra ' e `.
e poi un 
 sort -u lista

A questo punto ti ritrovi un elenco abbastanza completo dei comandi disponibili
sul tuo PC accompagnati da una breve descrizione del tipo:
lp   (1)  - send requests to an LPRng print service
lp   (4)  - line printer devices
lp [cancel-cups] (1)  - send requests to an LPRng print service
lp [lp-LPRng](1)  - send requests to an LPRng print service
lp [lp-cups] (1)  - print files

 Mancheranno solo quelli che non hanno una pagina man, ad es. tutti quelli di KDE.
Probabilmente, se hai installato anche le pagine man in italiano, per molti comandi
ti usciranno due righe: una in italiano ed una in inglese.
Non mi viene in mente un modo per togliere solo quelle in una lingua, tranne che
disinstallare temporaneamente le man-page italiane (togliere quelle inglesi è
più complicato, sono legate ai programmi per la loro lettura)

ciao, Andrea

Re: [newbie-it] Problemi scheda audio

2003-01-23 Per discussione Fabio Manunza
Alle 14:58, mercoledì 22 gennaio 2003, Eraser Head ha scritto:

 Ho da poco installato Mandrake 8.2, ma ho problemi con l'audio: i cd
 riesco a sentirli tranquillamente, mentre mp3, wav o altro (ad esempio
 audio in filmati flash) no.
 La scheda audio (VIA Technologies, VT8233 [AC97 Audio Controller]) è
 integrata nella motherboard (MSI KT3 Ultra).
 Ho controllato i permessi di /dev/sound/dsp e sono ok.
 Ho provato a lanciare il comando sndconfig, che mi riconosce la scheda
 audio ma si blocca al momento del test.

 Ora non saprei che altro tentare (a parte comprare una scheda audio
 decente)... Qualcuno ha qualche idea?

Potrebbe, e dico potrebbe, essere una cavolata del mixer.
Lancia Kmix e smanetta sul primo PCM (l'onda distorta blu), ovviamente con un 
Mp3 inserito; mi sembra di ricordare che mi fosse successa una cosa simile..

-- Fabio Manunza -- 
   ## n° macchina 140545 ##

[newbie-it] balsa e procmail

2003-01-23 Per discussione Nasato Andrea

  non riesco ad usare procmail con balsa. Quando tento di ricevere 
posta balsa si pianta in maniera brutale non rilasciando alcun codice 
d'errore anche se lo lancio da shell. Ho procmail 3.22, balsa 1.2.4 su 
mandrake 9.0. Vi invio il mio file .procmailrc:

SHELL=/bin/sh   #Uso la Bourne shell (determino il path con 
MAILDIR=${HOME}/mail#questa e' la mia mail directory


# variabile per il log

# To insert a blank line between each message's log entry, # uncomment 
next two lines (this is helpful for debugging)

# Set to yes when debugging; default is no

# Set to no if you want minimal logging; default is all


Qualcuno di voi e' riuscito a configurarlo?

vi ringrazio in anticipo,


Re: [newbie-it] I: Masterizzazioni byFly

2003-01-23 Per discussione francesco.melo
Enrico Piccinini wrote:

La nebbia finalmente si sta iniziando a dipanare!!

Finalmente sono riuscito a fare la mia prima connessione ad internet, a
scaricare la posta e a
masterizzare il mio primo CD dati.

Ora manca il lettore e poi quasi tutto funziona (ci sarà anche la scheda TV
che penso creerà più di qualche problema..). Come alcuni di voi mi hanno
consigliato, vi invio i miei file

per vedere se qualcuno di voi mi riesce in qualche modo ad aiutare: il
problema è far vedere il lettore IDE (Creative) a XCDRoast per fare delle
copie di CD al volo (purtroppo non riesco ad abilitare l'emulazione scsi).

Grazie ancora di tutto a tutti voi che mi state aiutando.
Buona giornata

	append=quiet devfs=mount hdc=ide-scsi hdd=ide-scsi
	append=devfs=mount hdc=ide-scsi
	append=failsafe devfs=nomount hdc=ide-scsi

/dev/hda5 / reiserfs notail 1 1
none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
/dev/hda6 /home reiserfs notail 1 2
none /mnt/cdrom supermount dev=/dev/scd0,fs=auto,ro,--,iocharset=iso8859-15,codepage=850,umask=0 0 0
none /mnt/cdrom2 supermount dev=/dev/hdd,fs=auto,ro,--,iocharset=iso8859-15,codepage=850,umask=0 0 0
none /mnt/floppy supermount dev=/dev/fd0,fs=auto,--,iocharset=iso8859-15,sync,codepage=850,umask=0 0 0
none /proc proc defaults 0 0
/dev/hda3 swap swap defaults 0 0

options ide-cd ignore=hdd
probeall scsi_hostadapter ide-scsi
probeall usb-interface usb-uhci

io masterizzo al volo sia dati che audio e lo faccio con gnome-toaster
è molto più semplice aggiungere il cdrom, infatti basta mettere un 
/dev/hdb ...

masterizza con cdrecord o con cdrdao a scelta
puoi masterizzare direttamente dagli mp3...
ho postato diverse volte a riguardo 


p.s  xcdroast  è rimasto , ormai all'età della pietra.

Re: [newbie-it] Partizioni

2003-01-23 Per discussione syd
* Emiliano La Licata wrote:

 Vorrei, diciamo, ribaltare la situazione, cioè ridimensionare ulteriormente 
 win e lasciare a lui qualcosa come 10 G e tutto il resto darlo a linux... 
 ma adesso come fare ??? 
 Avete consigli...

A tutti i consigli che gia' ti hanno dato aggiungo solo che quando anche
io affrontai il problema usai fips per il ridimensionamento. Funge, lo
trovi in rete con relativa documentazione, nonostante l'aspetto
spartano credo sia molto piu' affidabile dei vari front-end che ci sono
in circolazione ed e', aspetto da non sottovalutare, estremamente
Io mi diverti' un mondo e relegai win$ in circa 2.5 GB senza nessun

syd - LU 285930 * LM 167646

Description: PGP signature

Re: [newbie-it] Radeon 9000pro

2003-01-23 Per discussione Luigi
   sapete se esiste una versione dei driver ati per xfree86 vers. 4.2.1?
   sono riuscito a trovare solo i driver x xfree v. 4.2.0 in formato rpm che
   ovviamente non mi funzionano avendo l'xfree 4.2.1 (su mandrake 9).
   c'e' qualche soluzione al problema?
  Xfree supporta già di suo le scede Ati; che problemi hai?
 beh, non è proorio così. io ho lo stesso problema:
 ho una ATI Radeon 9000 (non pro) ma Mdk la vede come semplice VESA. Se si
 tenta di utilizzare un'altra scheda, tipo Radeon, o simili, nulla di fatto:
 dà un errore (non ricordo quale adesso) e devi tornare alla vesa altrimenti
 il OS non parte.

infatti e' proprio cosi'
anchio sto usando il vesa ma ho il problema del refresh verticale, che e' impostato
sul valore di 60
vorrei portarlo a 85 in modo da non affaticare la vista, ma non mi riesce in nessun
hai anche tu lo stesso problema?
sai come risolverlo?

Luigi Beltramini

Re: [newbie-it] I: Masterizzazioni byFly

2003-01-23 Per discussione tom
Alle 08:03, giovedì 23 gennaio 2003, Enrico Piccinini ha scritto:
 La nebbia finalmente si sta iniziando a dipanare!!

 Finalmente sono riuscito a fare la mia prima connessione ad internet, a
 scaricare la posta e a
 masterizzare il mio primo CD dati.


 Ora manca il lettore e poi quasi tutto funziona 

questo è quello che hai messo in lilo.conf...giusto?

append=quiet devfs=mount hdc=ide-scsi hdd=ide-scsi

e questo è quello che c'è in fstabgiusto?

none /mnt/cdrom2 supermount dev=/dev/hdd,fs=auto,ro,--,io

c'è un incongruenza
visto che hai emulato il lettore (hdd) in scsi in lilo.conf(non so che sono 
configurati a livello hardwer),il dispositivo è passato da hdd a = scd1 
quest'1 l'ho messo tra   perche non so se ci ho azeccato!...

da root dai
#cdrecord -scanbus
e vedi come ti vengono rilevati i dispositivi.
CD-RW scd0
CD   scd1
controlla per sicurezza.

cmq quando hai capito che nome ha preso , sostituiscilo in fstab al posto di 
hdd , e dovresti avere il lettore pronto al utilizzo per masterare al volo :)

facci sapere.

Ciao , Tom

Re: [newbie-it] I: Masterizzazioni byFly

2003-01-23 Per discussione Fabio Manunza
Alle 08:03, giovedì 23 gennaio 2003, Enrico Piccinini ha scritto:
 per vedere se qualcuno di voi mi riesce in qualche modo ad aiutare: il
 problema è far vedere il lettore IDE (Creative) a XCDRoast per fare delle
 copie di CD al volo (purtroppo non riesco ad abilitare l'emulazione scsi).

 Grazie ancora di tutto a tutti voi che mi state aiutando.
 Buona giornata

Lilo a posto.
Fstab: verificare con #cdrecord -scanbus la posizione delle due periferiche; 
il numero centrale è quello che conta. Modificare scdx, sostituendo x con il 
numero trovato. Anche hdd ora diventa scdx. Sostituire.
Eventualmente aggiustare il puntamento delle icone sul desktop.
Eventualmente prendere in considerazione la proposta di Enrico.

-- Fabio Manunza -- 
   ## n° macchina 140545 ##

[newbie-it] k3b per masterizzare

2003-01-23 Per discussione Alessandro
Ho provato ad installare K3b in formato rpm (MK 9) per avere una GUI moderna 
ed efficiente-così dicono-per masterizzare ma l'utility di installazione ha 
sputato fuori questo:
error: failed dependencies:   is needed by k3b-0.7.5-1mdk
Eppure ho scaricato il pacchetto apposito per MK9.Cosa posso fare per 
risolvere le dipendenze ed installare il software suddetto?
Vedere un mondo in un granello di sabbia 
e un cielo in un fiore selvatico. 
Tenere l'infinito sul palmo della mano 
e cogliere l'eternita' in un'ora.
(William Blake)

Re: [newbie-it] k3b per masterizzare

2003-01-23 Per discussione tom
Alle 14:13, giovedì 23 gennaio 2003, Alessandro ha scritto:   is needed by k3b-0.7.5-1mdk

è una libreria annessa all driver per le schede video invidia...
vorrei installare anche io questa libreria , ma senza dover installare tutto 
il paketto per la skeda video (che nn utilizzerei)...
se c'è un modo per estrarre la libreria e installarla, interesserebbe 
anche a me!!!

Ciao , Tom

Re: [newbie-it] k3b per masterizzare

2003-01-23 Per discussione Daniele Micci
Alle 15:13, giovedì 23 gennaio 2003, Alessandro ha scritto:
 Ho provato ad installare K3b in formato rpm (MK 9) per avere una GUI
 moderna ed efficiente-così dicono-per masterizzare ma l'utility di
 installazione ha sputato fuori questo:
 error: failed dependencies:   is needed by k3b-0.7.5-1mdk

 Eppure ho scaricato il pacchetto apposito per MK9.Cosa posso fare per
 risolvere le dipendenze ed installare il software suddetto?

Perchè scaricarlo? Lo trovavi già sui CD di Mandrake...



«Il mondo si divide in 10 tipi di persone: quelle che conoscono la 
numerazione binaria, e quelle che non la conoscono.»

Re: [newbie-it] k3b per masterizzare

2003-01-23 Per discussione Andrea Celli
On Thu, 23 Jan 2003 15:13:12 +0100
Alessandro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Ho provato ad installare K3b in formato rpm (MK 9) per avere una GUI moderna 
 ed efficiente-così dicono-per masterizzare ma l'utility di installazione ha 
 sputato fuori questo:
 error: failed dependencies:   is needed by k3b-0.7.5-1mdk
 Eppure ho scaricato il pacchetto apposito per MK9.Cosa posso fare per 
 risolvere le dipendenze ed installare il software suddetto?

 urpmi k3b
ti chiederà i(l) CD della distro in cui sono contenuti i pacchetti
che gli servono.

ciao, andrea

Re: [newbie-it] k3b per masterizzare

2003-01-23 Per discussione francesco.melo
tom wrote:

Alle 14:13, giovedì 23 gennaio 2003, Alessandro ha scritto:   is needed by k3b-0.7.5-1mdk

è una libreria annessa all driver per le schede video invidia...
vorrei installare anche io questa libreria , ma senza dover installare tutto 
il paketto per la skeda video (che nn utilizzerei)...
se c'è un modo per estrarre la libreria e installarla, interesserebbe 
anche a me!!!

Ciao , Tom


installa i pacchetti mesa contengono ...


[newbie-it] swapon

2003-01-23 Per discussione Gaetano
Ciao a tutti,
veramente vi ho gia mandato questa e-mail
ma non ho ricevuto risposte.

Cmq. il mio problema e questo:

ho avviato linux (viene avviato in modalità testo) ed ho ricevuto
questo errore:

-- Attivo le partizioni di swap:  swapon   /dev/hda9:   invalid argument
-- The superblock could not be read or does not describe
-- a correct ext2 filesystem.
-- If the device is valid and it really contains an ext2 filesystem
-- (and not swap or ufs or something else), then the superblock
-- is corrupt, and you might try running e2fsck whid an
-- alternate superblock:
-- e2fsk -b 8193 device
-- fsck.ext2: Bad magic number in super_block while
-- trying to open  /dev/hda10
-- Failed to check filesystem.

La situazione del mio disco è la seguente:

La prima partizione e primaria con win2000 e poi
a seguire ho una partizione estesa con dentro
6 partizioni logiche, le part. F,G,H sono fat32.


fino ad oggi è andato sempre tutto bene, oltretutto dopo
che ho ricevuto l'errore posso entrate nella shell come root
ma se vado nella cartella /home non trovo + niente.
Le cartelle degli user ed i loro dati sono sparite, come mai?

come posso risolvere il problema considerando anche che sono una spina?

Grazie mille a tutti e soprattutto a chi avrà la pazienza di rispondermi.


Re: [newbie-it] Touchpad portatile

2003-01-23 Per discussione Emiliano La Licata
Alle 01:34, giovedì 23 gennaio 2003, Marco Balzarini ha scritto:

 Ciao a tutti,

 mi sono iscritto da poco (oggi pomeriggio) ed avrei una domandina da

 Ho dei problemi a far riconoscere il Touchpad del mio portatile (Dell
 Inspiron 5000, le caratteristiche sono in firma) a Linux.
 Al momento ho installato la Mandrake 9.0 ma il problema era lo stesso
 con la RedHat 8.0 che avevo installato fino a qualche giorno fa.

nella configurazione del kernel (2.4.19mdk che è nella 9.0) in general setup 
c'è la voce Dell laptop support, credo che di norma venga configurato come 
modulo, quindi ti conviene andare a dare un'occhiata alla documentazione sui 
moduli... non ricordo però in quale directory è... acc. 
In alternativa puoi attivare tale voce nella ricompilazione del kernel e 
vedere che succede...


Re: [newbie-it] Partizioni

2003-01-23 Per discussione Emiliano La Licata
Alle 02:04, mercoledì 22 gennaio 2003, Santarella Benedetto ha scritto:

  7^ Usare Partition Magic!

Visto che ridurre Win è il passaggio più semplice, disk drake, fips, fdisk 
(non sono sicuro), fanno il lavoro
Con Partition Magic riesco ad espandere le partizioni linux già esistenti, 
senza doverle per forza cancellare?

grazie a tutti, ciao

[newbie-it] scheda audio e modem notebook

2003-01-23 Per discussione karkade'
ho da poco installato mandrake 9.0 su un texas
con 200mmx e 32 di ram. ma non riesco a
intastallare la scheda audio. chiedo solo quali
sono le applicazione del kde3.0 da smanettare.

inoltre mandrake, nonostante le sue magie, non
riesce a trovarmi il modem integrato su un altro
portatile - un toshiba satellite di qualche mese

confido nella community!

p.s.: la batteria del mio texas ha sei anni di
vita e con winzozzo moriva dopo non più di due o
tre minuti. beh, non ci crederete, ma con
mandrake arriva a quasi un'ora.
davvero incredibile.

Yahoo! Cellulari: loghi, suonerie, picture message per il tuo telefonino

Re: [newbie-it] Sicurezza

2003-01-23 Per discussione LukenShiro
On Thu, 23 Jan 2003, Paolo Tomiato wrote:
 Se l'IP fosse assegnato dinamicamente avrebbe senso lo stesso
 denunciarlo alla polizia postale?

 In verita' io sono contrario a procedere con una denuncia per vari motivi:

 Siamo un po' off-topic, ma credo che ognuno si debba assumere le proprie
responsabilita' almeno morali, indipendentemente dall'eta', incluso il
bambino scemino.
 Prescindendo dal fatto che la denuncia sia un suo diritto come persona
offesa da reato, concordo che forse non sia il caso di procedere in sede
penale (che sarebbe cmq senz'altro auspicabile in casi di palese gravita'
o reiterazione), ma di certo sarebbe ottima cosa segnalare
dettagliatamente il fatto al provider del tizio, affinche' provveda alle
verifiche necessarie e prenda i provvedimenti conseguenti, ove il
comportamente sia doloso; in caso di semplice negligenza colposa del tizio
propenderei cmq per avvertire il provider perche' possa sollecitare
l'interessato a mettere una pezza al suo sedicente s.o. colabrodo.

 Mi piacerebbe piuttosto capire come potrei contattare questo ipotetico cracker,

Non e' legalmente possibile ... e, a scanso di equivoci, chiunque, essendo
a conoscenza dell'associazione tra l'IP e la persona fisica relativa
(essenzialmente il provider e il gestore telefonico), te lo comunicasse
indebitamente si esporrebbe a conseguenze poco piacevoli ...

GNU/Linux Slackware 9.0beta1 ** k 2.4.20-acpi+preempt+lowlat+pktwrt
Ma se si puo' essere spiati da internet a PC spento, com'e' che non
riesco a lavorarci sconnesso dalla rete elettrica? ... *SBONK* #-)

[newbie-it] Script per init 6 con aggiunte

2003-01-23 Per discussione Stefano Sebastiani
Ho bisogno di creare uno script che faccia tre cose
1) init 6
2) lilo con opzione linux (meglio se in modalità single)
3)init 0.

ho provato con:
init 6:lilo;linux:init 0
ma non funziona esegue subito init 0!

eppure avevo uno script tipo
init 6:lilo;win 
che lanciava Windows ma ora non funziona cosa ho sbagliato?

Chi mi puo aiutare!

[newbie-it] scheda video ATI Rage 128 Pro

2003-01-23 Per discussione Giorgio Griffon
Ho comperato la scheda video in oggetto, vecchiotta, perché costava poco e 
perché non ho bisogno di grandi prestazioni; ho avuto qualche difficoltà a 
farla funzionare con linux, ma dopo aver modificato opportunamente (secondo 
indicazioni trovate in internet) il file /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 riesco ad 
avviare il server X dignitosamente. Rimangono due punti non sistemati, forse 
collegati tra loro:
- quando lancio startx ottengo i seguenti messaggi d'errore:
(EE) R128(0): No DFP detected
Symbol drmFreeBufs from module /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/drivers/r128_drv.o is 
Symbol drm128TextureBlit from module 
/usr/X11R6/lib/modules/drivers/r128_drv.o is unresoveld
Symbol drmFreeBufs from module /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/drivers/r128_drv.o is 

- da mandrake control center porto la profondità di colore a 24 bit, do OK, 
riavvio KDE, e quella torna da sola a 16 bit. La scheda in realtà ce la 
farebbe tranquillamente a reggere la massima risoluzione a 24 bit.
Uso mdk 8.2 (kernel 2.4.18); dei messaggi non ho capito niente. So solo che 
r128 è il nome del driver appropriato alla scheda video.
Se qualcuno sapesse darmi una dritta mi farebbe un piacere.

Re: [newbie-it] swapon

2003-01-23 Per discussione miKe
Hash: SHA1

Alle 18:00, mercoledì 22 gennaio 2003, Gaetano ha scritto:

 --Attivo le partizioni di swap:  swapon   /dev/hda9:  invalid

 fino ad oggi è andato sempre tutto bene, oltretutto dopo che
 ho ricevuto l'errore
 posso entrate nella shell come root ma se vado nella cartella
 /home non trovo +
 niente. Le cartelle degli user sono sparite, come mai?

mandaci il contenuto di 
#f disk -l

e di

la home potrebbe essere in una partizione che non viene montata
per lo swap idem (circa..)

per caso hai usato di recente partition magic?




- --

Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.20 @ hp  Xe3
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Comment: For info see


[newbie-it] funzionava tutto bene

2003-01-23 Per discussione carmine de pasquale
Da una settimana ero riuscito (grazie soprattutto ai consigli della
lista) a configurare in maniera decente linux. l'unico problema era che
il kde doveva essere avviato 2 volte per funzionare con ctrl-alt-back.

dopo aver modificato parecchie periferiche, ho spostato la partizione
swap da un hd all'altro ed eliminato una partizione temporanea usando il
tool grafico nel mandrake control center.
ora in hda ho la partizione windows e in hdb ho 3 partizioni, una fat32,
una swap e la /, mentre prima avevo
hda una fat 32, una swap e una /archivio
hdb una fat 32, e la /

riavvio e ottengo
can't find ext3 filesystem on dev ide0(3,69)
error 22 mounting ext3 flags freeing unused
kernel memory 136K
freed kernel panic no init found
try passing init= option to kernel.

ho provato con fdisk con la console testuale del cd1 di mandrake e nella
tabella delle partizioni mi dà un errore di allocazione oltre il numero
massimo di clusters consentiti;
secondo fdisk del dos ho solo una partizione primaria per tutto l'hard
disk, partition magic mi dà sul slave primario nessuna partizione (disco

la partizione hd6 è perfettamente leggibile usando la console testuale
del cd1mdk.

dato che non vorrei perdere nè le configurazioni, nè gli aggiornamenti
eseguiti dopo aver portato il pc da un amico che ha l'adsl, vorrei poter
ricostruire il tutto senza danni, o almeno fare un backup completo per
ripristinare tutti i files dopo un'eventuale riformattazione e

che devo fare?

Re: [newbie-it] swapon

2003-01-23 Per discussione Gaetano
Alle 22:51, mercoledì 23 gennaio 2003, miKe ha scritto:

 mandaci il contenuto d i
 # fdisk -l

questo comando parte ma purtroppo
non mi da nessun risultato,
ho provato con:  cfdisk -P hda  non so se è lo stesso
cmq. mi dice:

hda1   primaria   NTFS
hda5   logica  linux ext2
hda6   logica  linux swap
hda7   logica  linux ext2
hda8   logica  Win95 fat32
hda9   logica  Win95 fat32
hda10 logica  NTFS

 e di

il contenuto di fstab l'ho inserito nel
file allegato

 per caso hai usato di recente partition magic?

no,  lo solo avviato per vedere una cosa
ma non ho fatto nessuna operazione

Altro problema riscontrato e che non avevo
più il floppy montato, per accedervi
l'ho dovuto rimontare (in realtà non l'avevo mai
montato perchè dal giorno dell'installazione ha
sempre funzionato). Perchè?

ciao e grazie.

/dev/hda5 / ext2 noatime 1 1
none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
/dev/hda10 /home ext2 noatime 1 2
/mnt/cdrom /mnt/cdrom supermount fs=iso9660,dev=/dev/cdrom 0 0
/mnt/floppy /mnt/floppy supermount fs=vfat,dev=/dev/fd0 0 0
/dev/hda6 /mnt/win_c vfat user,exec,umask=0,codepage=850,iocharset=iso8859-1 0 0 
/dev/hda7 /mnt/win_d vfat user,exec,umask=0,codepage=850,iocharset=iso8859-1 0 0
none /proc proc defaults 0 0
/dev/hda9 swap swap defaults 0 0

Re: [newbie-it] scheda audio e modem notebook

2003-01-23 Per discussione carmine de pasquale

- Original Message -
From: karkade' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, January 23, 2003 7:12 PM
Subject: [newbie-it] scheda audio e modem notebook

 ho da poco installato mandrake 9.0 su un texas
 con 200mmx e 32 di ram. ma non riesco a
 intastallare la scheda audio. chiedo solo quali
 sono le applicazione del kde3.0 da smanettare.

non conosci la marca o il chip?

 inoltre mandrake, nonostante le sue magie, non
 riesce a trovarmi il modem integrato su un altro
 portatile - un toshiba satellite di qualche mese

idem come sopra, ma potrebbe essere un winmodem

 confido nella community!

 p.s.: la batteria del mio texas ha sei anni di
 vita e con winzozzo moriva dopo non più di due o
 tre minuti. beh, non ci crederete, ma con
 mandrake arriva a quasi un'ora.
 davvero incredibile.

ovvio, visto che con winzozz il processore consuma al massimo anche
quando non elabora: secondo me bill gheizz guida l'auto mettendo
l'acceleratore fisso al massimo e regolando la velocità con freno e


ciao e complimenti per il nick: è una delle mie bevande preferite
 Yahoo! Cellulari: loghi, suonerie, picture message per il tuo

[newbie-it] Ormai discussione [ot] su Appuntilinux e abitudini

2003-01-23 Per discussione Arwan
Alle Thursday 23 January 2003 13:04, a proposito di Re: [newbie-it] 
Appuntilinux (e chissa' a cosa pensava veramente), syd ha scritto: 

 Vabbe', ti perdono.

Meno male.

 Ti passo anche questa

E un'altra fatta.

  Terzo: la mia velocita' nella ricerca dati con il PC non e' la stessa che
  con un bel volume sottomano.

 Impara a fare le ricerche con il pc

A parte il fatto che se ricerco un file di cui conosco il nome e - grossomodo 
- la locazione il mio PC me lo trova in cinque minuti; se gli dico cerca il 
testo nel file posso anche aspettare una mezza giornata.
Davvero potrei ottimizzare, infatti era la scusa numero tre...
  Maddai! E' solo questione di abitudine, e di modo di fare.

 Considerando il depauperamento del patrimonio forestale credo che alcune
 abitudini sia necessario includerle tra quelle cattive.

Fosse solo per il depauperamento, ti direi subito: piuttosto che vedere kg di 
carta utilizzabile buttata via stampo... almeno a qualcosa e' utile. E' molto 
diffcile che io stampi qualcosa su fogli bianchi; a meno che non si tratti di 
documenti ufficiali utilizzo (anche per scrivere e fare due conti) sempre 
fogli parzialmente usati.

  Pensa che accade spessissimo che io mi  stampi perfino le mail... ;-)

 Ecco, vedi.. la degenerazione. Mi sembra un po' troppo.

Mmmm... se le stampo, non le butto: vuol dire che hanno contenuti che mi 
interessano in modo particolare. Per esempio le istruzioni per installare una 
data cosa (per quanto riguarda le mail di questa ML), oppure discussioni su 
testi (in genere di fantascienza) che so che riutilizzero' per analizzare 
qualche racconto o qualche romanzo, magari discutendo a quattr'occhi a cena 
con degli amici.
Alla fine tutto e' archiviato e facilmente recuperabile per l'uso.

 Sia chiaro Arwan, ognuno fa come vuole e fino a quando mi parli di
 esigenze fisico-tecniche come le prime due che hai indicato sarebbe da
 pazzi obiettare.


  D'altra parte se mi avessi parlato solo di abitudini e
 di modi di fare... no, non avrei compreso.

Be', come ti ho scritto le abitudini di cui parlavano derivano in fondo da 
altre esigenze tecniche... ;-)

 Conosco molte persone che stampano inutilmente; per dirla giusta, la
 maggior parte di quelli che conosco stampano solo per abitudine a
 leggere sulla carta.

In me c'e' una buona parte di abitudine a leggere sulla carta, ma penso che 
sarebbe in parte stata debellata se non fosse per le prime due esigenze... la 
terza e' un corollario per non rendere un vizio vano, anche ai miei occhi.

 Ti sembrero' esagerato ma uno degli aspetti che piu' mi affascinarono
 quando conobbi il mondo linux fu proprio quello della gestione
 intelligente delle risorse, dell'approccio all'uso consapevole dei mezzi

Dammi tempo,, io qui ci sono da poco...


Re: [newbie] Native Linux app Comparable to Quickbooks pro?

2003-01-23 Per discussione Sharrea
On Wed, 22 Jan 2003 17:37, Chuck Burns wrote:
 I wish to see about converting a friend of mine to linux, but he uses
 quickbooks pro, and I don't know the names of any comparable *nix
 applications, that would also read his current quickbooks stuff.  Anyone
 have any suggestions?

I use quasar (from which is very similar to 
MYOB, however I don't think data can be imported from quickbooks.

The Quasar base package is available for use on a single computer free of 

I found quasar much easier to use than gnucash - mainly because gnucash is 
strictly double-entry.

Quasar is excellent software AFAIAC!

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Re: [newbie] Star Office beats me

2003-01-23 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Thursday 23 Jan 2003 3:33 am, erylon hines wrote:
 On Wednesday 22 January 2003 06:47 am, you wrote:
  The spontaneous logouts were causing havoc in my file, as every backup
  was resulting in yet another corrupted file - at least that's what it
  looks like.

 Are you backing up to another machine over a network?  I had a bad NIC that
 caused spontaneous reboots--took me a month to figure out what hardware was
 doing it.  I found that I could get the behavior almost always if I
 transferred files across the network.  Sometimes I could even reboot my
 machine by transferring files to it from another workstation.  I think you
 have a hardware problem--not software.  Bad memory, bad NIC, something.

Not nic, I think - network is no problem, even for big files.  But hardware, 
yes, I think it must be.  Am investigating.

Registered Linux User No.293302

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RE: [newbie] /dev/dsp warning message

2003-01-23 Per discussione Vaessen, E.M.J. (Ed)
The few times I heard about this problem of /dev/dsp being busy, the finger
was pointed to this aRts thing being the cause of problems.
But I forgot the details.


 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: Damian Gatabria [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Verzonden: woensdag 22 januari 2003 16:47
 Onderwerp: Re: [newbie] /dev/dsp warning message
 On Wednesday 22 January 2003 18:27, John Richard Smith wrote:
  Every time I boot up I get a warning message in a terminal,
  /dev/dsp: Device or resource busy
  How can I check what is keeping the device busy.
  What can I do about it.
 At which stage of the boot process do you get this?


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[newbie] $$$$$$$$$$ TONY BLAIR is a BUSH LACKEY $$$$$$$$$$$$$

2003-01-23 Per discussione Jimmy Mac

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[newbie] Internet security Mandrake 9.0

2003-01-23 Per discussione Vaessen, E.M.J. (Ed)
I installed Mandrake 9.0 on my PC, that is connected to my internet provider
via an ADSL USB modem.
I don't have a network, just a simple PC.
The security level was put to 'high' during installation, but I don't know
at all to what extend I am protected against what. But I am online during
many hours a day and I guess hat this makes security more and more
I delved through many internet pages dealing with firewall and security
information but they very often deal with setting up a firewall for computer
on a network.

Does anyone know where to find information about configuring security on a
single PC?

Ed Vaessen


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de mail contact met afzender op te nemen.

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[newbie] FW: RPM : Accessing Installed Packages

2003-01-23 Per discussione Sendak, John
Thanks to Stephen Kuhn, Derek Jennings and et (and anyone else whose email
I might have missed) for providing valuable insights into installing and
launching rpm applications.



 -Original Message-
From:   Sendak, John  
Sent:   22 January 2003 12:19
Subject:RPM : Accessing  Installed Packages

Mandrake 9.0


As I understand it, rpm's can only be installed when logged in as root.

I have installed packages as root, using the GUI RPM facility i.e. left
click the rpm.
They appear to have installed correctly and I can see them in the list of
installed software i.e. in the alphabetical list of software in the Remove
Software window of the Mandrake Control Centre.
However, when I try to start them using the application toolbar, they are
not there e.g. 
*   Texmacs is apparently installed under RPM/Applications/Editors, but
does not appear in the list of editors,
*   Macaulay2 installs under RPM/Engineering, but Engineering is not
even in the list of applications

Why is this and how do I access the packages ?


John Sendak

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RE: [newbie] Internet security Mandrake 9.0

2003-01-23 Per discussione Robert Wideman
Do a search on google, there are tons of tutorials on IPTables.
A good place to start is or


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Vaessen, E.M.J.
 Sent: Thursday, January 23, 2003 3:58 AM
 Subject: [newbie] Internet security Mandrake 9.0

 I installed Mandrake 9.0 on my PC, that is connected to my
 internet provider
 via an ADSL USB modem.
 I don't have a network, just a simple PC.
 The security level was put to 'high' during installation, but I
 don't know
 at all to what extend I am protected against what. But I am online during
 many hours a day and I guess hat this makes security more and more
 I delved through many internet pages dealing with firewall and security
 information but they very often deal with setting up a firewall
 for computer
 on a network.

 Does anyone know where to find information about configuring
 security on a
 single PC?

 Ed Vaessen

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[newbie] kpackage

2003-01-23 Per discussione Sendak, John

Mandrake 9.0

As a user, I appear to have access to kpackage only in a limited way i.e. I
can open an rpm with it.
As root, however, I have complete access to kpackage i.e. I can open
kpackage and see a list of all rpm's installed, by using a menu arrow in the
toolbar at the foot of the desktop.
I cannot see the equivalent menu as a user.

Is the full kpackage available to a user, and, if so, how do I make it
available and launch it.



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[newbie] Openoffice printing with Lexmark Z25

2003-01-23 Per discussione Poogle
I have set up a friend with MD 9.0 and a Lexmark Z25 printer, the printer 
needs Lexmark drivers and is not compatible with CUPS and requires the use of 
LPR, I  managed to get this set up and printing both BW  Colour form other 
apps but I cannot get it to print using OpenOffice. A print job appears to 
have been accepted but the printer does nothing and nothing is in the queue, 
It is essential that my friend be able to open and print Word docs which is 
why OpenOffice was installed. I have googled and looked at archives to no 
avail, any ideas please ? 

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[newbie] Memoryleakage in 8.2?

2003-01-23 Per discussione Anders Lind
Hello friends,

I am experiencing some problem with my Mandrake box at work, I am using XFCE. When I 
rebooted 1,5 hour ago it was about 80 MB free Memory and no swap used. This was after 
I have started Sylpheed only. Now 1,5 hour later I have started and closed KNode down, 
and now I have only 4 MB free and over 20 MB of swap in use. Could somebody tell me if 
there is a memoryleakage known in 8.2?

I am on the verge on installing FreeBSD on this machine anyway, but this made the 
transitiondecision easier

Best Regards,

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RE: [newbie] Memoryleakage in 8.2?

2003-01-23 Per discussione Brandon Vanderberg
I'm using XFCE on a 9.0 box, but have run it on 8.2 and never noticed any
mem issues.
It's always seemed very light. This machine only has 48MB RAM, so it has to
be for me.

Have you run 'top' and then sorted by mem usage? That'll tell ya what's
sucking up the memory.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Anders Lind
Sent: Thursday, January 23, 2003 2:59 AM
Subject: [newbie] Memoryleakage in 8.2?

Hello friends,

I am experiencing some problem with my Mandrake box at work, I am using
XFCE. When I rebooted 1,5 hour ago it was about 80 MB free Memory and no
swap used. This was after I have started Sylpheed only. Now 1,5 hour later I
have started and closed KNode down, and now I have only 4 MB free and over
20 MB of swap in use. Could somebody tell me if there is a memoryleakage
known in 8.2?

I am on the verge on installing FreeBSD on this machine anyway, but this
made the transitiondecision easier

Best Regards,

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Re: [newbie] Memoryleakage in 8.2?

2003-01-23 Per discussione Anders Lind
On Thu, 23 Jan 2003 03:10:21 -0800
Brandon Vanderberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm using XFCE on a 9.0 box, but have run it on 8.2 and never noticed any
 mem issues.
 It's always seemed very light. This machine only has 48MB RAM, so it has to
 be for me.
 Have you run 'top' and then sorted by mem usage? That'll tell ya what's
 sucking up the memory.

Yeah I have run top, I think I saw what was the problem, for some reason Sylpheed 
snatched 93 MB of RAM. After restarting it it behaves much better, but now that I have 
94 MB of RAM free, still 3,1 MB of swap is used.


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Re: [newbie] /dev/dsp warning message

2003-01-23 Per discussione John Richard Smith
Thanks, Ed,
Certainly, If I disable aRTS and reboot I no longer get the

/dev/dsp: Device or resource busy  message,

but I also loose the use of several sound
devices that uses aRts to manage the sound streams.
Which is a negative developement.

Now I ran, 

artsdsp -help
/usr/bin/artsdsp: line 108: exec: -h: invalid option
exec: usage: exec [-cl] [-a name] file [redirection ...]

So I went to usr/bin/artsdsp, and this is how it is set up, note line 
108 is the last line

# artsdsp - wrapper script to allow *some* binary only programs to use artsd
# based on the esddsp script

# keep this in sync with artsversion.h

# default values for script variables

# check for artsdsp options
while test $# -gt 0; do

   case $1 in

   echo artsdsp - attempt to reroute audio device to artsd
   echo artsdsp [options] application arguments
   echo options:
   echo -h, --helpshow brief help
   echo -n, --name=NAME   use name to identify player to 
   echo -m, --mmapemulate memory mapping (i.e. for 
   echo -s, --single-threaded use the single-threaded version
   echo -v, --verbose show parameters
   echo -V, --version show version
   exit 0

   if test $# -gt 0; then
   export ARTSDSP_NAME=$1
   echo no player name specified
   exit 1

   export ARTSDSP_NAME=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/^[^=]*=//g'`


   echo artsdsp $version

   export ARTSDSP_MMAP=1


   # no more artsdsp options, get on with life

# echo options if verbose specified
if test $verbose = 1; then
   echo artsdsp:   $version
   echo name:  $ARTSDSP_NAME
   echo command line:  $@
   if test $single_thread = 1; then
   echo threaded:  no
   echo threaded:  yes

# setup artsdsp preload to hijack calls made to /dev/dsp

if test $single_thread = 1; then
if test -f /lib/; then

# invoke the program with the args given
exec $@

This looks like a bash script to manage sRts daemon or device to me,
but not being able to read bash scripts I don't know what to do to alter
things. Perhaps someone with more knowledge than me could advise !


Vaessen, E.M.J. (Ed) wrote:

The few times I heard about this problem of /dev/dsp being busy, the finger
was pointed to this aRts thing being the cause of problems.
But I forgot the details.



-Oorspronkelijk bericht-
Van: Damian Gatabria [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Verzonden: woensdag 22 januari 2003 16:47
Onderwerp: Re: [newbie] /dev/dsp warning message

On Wednesday 22 January 2003 18:27, John Richard Smith wrote:

Every time I boot up I get a warning message in a terminal,
/dev/dsp: Device or resource busy

How can I check what is keeping the device busy.
What can I do about it.


At which stage of the boot process do you get this?



John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] Memoryleakage in 8.2?

2003-01-23 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Thursday 23 Jan 2003 10:58 am, Anders Lind wrote:
 Hello friends,

 I am experiencing some problem with my Mandrake box at work, I am using
 XFCE. When I rebooted 1,5 hour ago it was about 80 MB free Memory and no
 swap used. This was after I have started Sylpheed only. Now 1,5 hour later
 I have started and closed KNode down, and now I have only 4 MB free and
 over 20 MB of swap in use. Could somebody tell me if there is a
 memoryleakage known in 8.2?

 I am on the verge on installing FreeBSD on this machine anyway, but this
 made the transitiondecision easier

 Best Regards,

And how much memory is cached?
Do not forget that Linux will use almost all available physical memory as hard 
disc cache.

Swap usage is only significant if it is forever moving processes in and out of 


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Re: [newbie] strange network slow down

2003-01-23 Per discussione Sharrea
On Thu, 23 Jan 2003 05:03, qhwang wrote:
 I don't know whether this is a discussed problem here. My laptop suffers
 from strange network slow down recently. The switch shows my network card
 is a 100 MB one but when I download something the bandwidth is about
 several hundreds bytes per second, while other computer in the same lab
 around 10 KB/s. My laptop worked well weeks ago. I install a Madrake 8.1
 within my laptop.  How could I fix it? Many thanks.

Make sure you have the correct entries for each host in /etc/hosts.  
Incorrect entries here can cause the network to slow down considerably.  
Other than that, hopefully someone more knowledgeable on networks can help 
you with this one.

Help Microsoft stamp out piracy - give Linux to a friend today

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Re: [newbie] Toshiba laptop installation problems

2003-01-23 Per discussione Benjamin Jeeves
The L99 99 99 99 99 99 might be lilo or what you use as a boot manager
Have you try to see if anyone has had this problem 

On Thursday 23 Jan 2003 4:25 am, Marc Oestreicher wrote:
 I submitted a question to the list earyler today, THANKS for the
 helpfull replies folks.  However the plot now thickens.

   After many attempts I could still not get the laptop to run more than a
 couple of miniuts in 9.0 although earyler in the day it had done ok in
 windoze. I finnally gave up and tried to install 8.1 , after I got a bit
 better than half way done it had a problem reading reading the CD, after a
 couple attempts at cleaning the cd the cd drive refused to open and I
 stoped the installation and went to reboot to windoze and was met with new
 fun and games.

   I got the same old message as always reading Toshiba corp bla bla bla
 Memory initalize 81664 KB followed by

  L99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 , about a half screen of this stuff and then
 it refused to proceed any further with the boot process.

   I have never seen a screen like this but my best guess is some bad memory
 may have caused the problems earyler with 9.0 and perhaps the installation
 of 8.1

   Does this sound about right to you folks? Do I have a bad stick of

Sorry I did not quote any of the old message but I am afraid all that
 email is stuck in the old laptop.


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Re: [newbie] kpackage

2003-01-23 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Thursday 23 Jan 2003 10:10 am, Sendak, John wrote:

 Mandrake 9.0

 As a user, I appear to have access to kpackage only in a limited way i.e. I
 can open an rpm with it.
 As root, however, I have complete access to kpackage i.e. I can open
 kpackage and see a list of all rpm's installed, by using a menu arrow in
 the toolbar at the foot of the desktop.
 I cannot see the equivalent menu as a user.

 Is the full kpackage available to a user, and, if so, how do I make it
 available and launch it.



This not the quite the answer to your question but :-

KPackage is the default app which opens when you click on an RPM to install 
it. However it is quite slow and clumsy, and is not able to resolve any 
dependencies the RPM has.

There is a better application called gurpmi which is smaller faster, and most 
importantly *will* resolve dependencies.

To make gurpmi the default package installer in KDE open 
Type rpm in the search box and highlight the 'x-rpm' item which then appears.

In the right hand pane highlight 'Software Installer' and click 'Move Up' 
until it is top of the list.
Click 'Apply' and you are done.


BTW: If Kpackage is missing from your user menu. It may be because you have 
selected customised menus for your user. Open 
KmenuConfigurationOtherMenudrake and menudrake will open in user mode.
Click on 'Menu Style' and select 'System settings'

You should then see the same menu items as root.


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Re: [newbie] Internet security Mandrake 9.0

2003-01-23 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Thursday 23 Jan 2003 9:58 am, Vaessen, E.M.J. (Ed) wrote:
 I installed Mandrake 9.0 on my PC, that is connected to my internet
 provider via an ADSL USB modem.
 I don't have a network, just a simple PC.
 The security level was put to 'high' during installation, but I don't know
 at all to what extend I am protected against what. But I am online during
 many hours a day and I guess hat this makes security more and more
 I delved through many internet pages dealing with firewall and security
 information but they very often deal with setting up a firewall for
 computer on a network.

 Does anyone know where to find information about configuring security on a
 single PC?

 Ed Vaessen

This is a good place to start.

For a desktop system 'High' is probably too high a security level. You will 
find the system will not let you do what appears to be innocent things.
If you are coming from the Windows world 'Standard' security is already much 
higher than you had before.


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Re: [newbie] Sources Manager still an issue

2003-01-23 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Thursday 23 Jan 2003 5:20 am, Robert Wideman wrote:
 I finally got everything working.
 The final error from the previous emaili had to just do the following:
 # touch /var/lib/urpmi/compssUsers.flat
 At this point everything started working until i started DLing and
 installing, then i got an error that a directory didnt exist.  So i just
 looked at my laptop at /var/cache/urpmi and it had partial/ rpms/ and
 headers/ so i just created them and it worked from that point on.

 Thanks Derek for all your help and patience, same to the others who helped
 as well.


Whoop di woo  I was getting worried about that one :)
I remember getting into a similar pickle when I tried editing the sources file 
by hand with 8.1

You know what they say -
If your Linux ain't broken- You are not trying hard enough



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Re: [newbie] Internet security Mandrake 9.0

2003-01-23 Per discussione Anthony Abby
Ed said:
 I installed Mandrake 9.0 on my PC, that is connected to my internet
 provider via an ADSL USB modem.
 I don't have a network, just a simple PC.
 The security level was put to 'high' during installation, but I don't
 know at all to what extend I am protected against what. But I am online
 during many hours a day and I guess hat this makes security more and
 more important.
 I delved through many internet pages dealing with firewall and security
 information but they very often deal with setting up a firewall for
 computer on a network.

 Does anyone know where to find information about configuring security on
 a single PC?

Setting msec to high is a good first step, but you need to make sure
shorewall is on also.  You'll find it under Security in the Mandrake
Control Center.

For more info on security check out MandrakeUser

Anthony Abby -
Comic Book Community News| Web Programming
Inventory and Management System  | Cold Fusion

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Re: [newbie] Native Linux app Comparable to Quickbooks pro?

2003-01-23 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Thu, 2003-01-23 at 19:28, Sharrea wrote:
  have any suggestions?
 I use quasar (from which is very similar to 
 MYOB, however I don't think data can be imported from quickbooks.
 The Quasar base package is available for use on a single computer free of 
 I found quasar much easier to use than gnucash - mainly because gnucash is 
 strictly double-entry.
 Quasar is excellent software AFAIAC!

Hsimilar to MYOB? I might have to ditch MYOB...getting sick of
the updates/upgrades...and it's clunky...and it runs under Windblows...
(Then I'll be down to TWO apps that I have to run under M$ - Photoshop
and Illustrator)

Thu, 23 Jan 2003 23:35:00 +1100
 11:35pm  up 7 days,  9:18,  4 users,  load average: 0.02, 0.72, 1.41
|____  | kuhn media australia|
|   / ,, /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |=|
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808 |
|  ;/ / | | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389|
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU   |
 linux user:267497 * RH 8.0 * PC/Mac/Linux/Networking/Consulting

How to make a million dollars:  First, get a million dollars.
-- Steve Martin

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Re: [newbie] Openoffice printing with Lexmark Z25

2003-01-23 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Thu, 2003-01-23 at 21:25, Poogle wrote:
 I have set up a friend with MD 9.0 and a Lexmark Z25 printer, the printer 
 needs Lexmark drivers and is not compatible with CUPS and requires the use of 
 LPR, I  managed to get this set up and printing both BW  Colour form other 
 apps but I cannot get it to print using OpenOffice. A print job appears to 
 have been accepted but the printer does nothing and nothing is in the queue, 
 It is essential that my friend be able to open and print Word docs which is 
 why OpenOffice was installed. I have googled and looked at archives to no 
 avail, any ideas please ? 

If the printer is available in KDE Control Centre, you can send the
print job to kprinter - so, like in my OO setup, my printer is defined

kprinter --stdin like a charm!

Thu, 23 Jan 2003 23:40:01 +1100
 11:40pm  up 7 days,  9:23,  4 users,  load average: 0.08, 0.31, 1.03
|____  | kuhn media australia|
|   / ,, /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |=|
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808 |
|  ;/ / | | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389|
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU   |
 linux user:267497 * RH 8.0 * PC/Mac/Linux/Networking/Consulting

It's not enough to be able to pick up a sword. You have to know which end to
poke into the enemy.
(Lords and Ladies)

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[newbie] GNU readline library

2003-01-23 Per discussione Rooms Frederic

I'm trying to compile the rlterm program working with the GNU readline 
libraries. As a real newbie in compiling issue, I don't understand the 
the problem which is happening. I have got the GNU readline 4.3 package 
installed on my computer. Rlterm requires libreadline.a which doesn't 
seem to exist for Mandrake. Is it however necessary to have this 
particular file or is possible to replace the libreadline.a library with 
one of the GNU readline package ? If anyone has an idea, I would greatly 

I join the Makefile program.

thanks a lot,


# replace this with the directory containing libreadline.a
#   or blank if libreadline.a is visible to your compiler
LIBDIR = -L/home/munro/readline-2.0

# The following switches may be necessary in order for rlterm.c to
# find termio and signal headers on your system:
#   -DUSE_TERMIOS  to use termios.h (otherwise termio.h)
#   -DUSE_SYS_TERMIO   to use sys/termio.h or sys/termios.h
#   -DPOSIX_TERMIO to use tc.etattr instead of ioctl (implies 
#   -DNO_SIGACTION if no sigaction or it doesn't take SA_NOCLDSTOP flag

LIBS = -lreadline -ltermcap

rlterm: rlterm.c
$(CC) $(ALLFLAGS) rlterm.c ${LIBDIR} ${LIBS} -o rlterm

rm -f rlterm *~

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Re: [newbie] Mozilla - SSL ?

2003-01-23 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Wednesday 22 Jan 2003 10:49 pm, Can Baytan wrote:
 Disabling FIPS from prefs- security- certificates from Mozilla solved
 the problem both in Netscape and Mozilla, FYI, happy homebanking.

Can, under prefs  security  certificates I only have
select automaticall and ask every time

Is this a different version from yours?  Mine is 1.1.

I keep finding that things are in different places on different installations, 
so I don't know whether they are different versions, or whether some other 
factor affects it (such as having Netscape installed at the same time).

Registered Linux User No.293302

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Re: [newbie] Memoryleakage in 8.2?

2003-01-23 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Thu, 2003-01-23 at 21:58, Anders Lind wrote:
 Hello friends,
 I am experiencing some problem with my Mandrake box at work, I am using XFCE. When I 
rebooted 1,5 hour ago it was about 80 MB free Memory and no swap used. This was after 
I have started Sylpheed only. Now 1,5 hour later I have started and closed KNode 
down, and now I have only 4 MB free and over 20 MB of swap in use. Could somebody 
tell me if there is a memoryleakage known in 8.2?
 I am on the verge on installing FreeBSD on this machine anyway, but this made the 
transitiondecision easier
 Best Regards,

Memory usage under any form of *nix is different than under OS/2, Mac or
PC. Even if you are shown smaller amounts of memory, that only means
that memory hasn't been flushed (buffers flushed). The bit of the OS
that is given to you - remember this is a multi-user OS - can get
squeezed down a bit, but once you require more memory, it's available.

Thu, 23 Jan 2003 23:40:01 +1100
 11:40pm  up 7 days,  9:23,  4 users,  load average: 0.08, 0.31, 1.03
|____  | kuhn media australia|
|   / ,, /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |=|
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808 |
|  ;/ / | | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389|
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU   |
 linux user:267497 * RH 8.0 * PC/Mac/Linux/Networking/Consulting

It's not enough to be able to pick up a sword. You have to know which end to
poke into the enemy.
(Lords and Ladies)

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Re: [newbie] OpenSource AutoCad for Linux?

2003-01-23 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Thursday 23 Jan 2003 2:30 am, Idea.list2BT wrote:
 - Original Message -

Have either of you asked NeTraverse whether AutoCad is known to run under 
win4lin?  I have found them to be very helpful - just ask the question at 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and I think you will get a reply.

If they don't know, I understand that you can buy the product under a 
money-back guarantee.  You just tell them what the critical program is, and 
if it doesn't run you get your money back.

It's worth a try.

Registered Linux User No.293302

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Re: [newbie] Native Linux app Comparable to Quickbooks pro?

2003-01-23 Per discussione Trevor Rhodes

I just installed Quasar and after a very perfunctory (do you like that word?) 
look, I would have to admit I'll be giving it a trial.  Looks good.

 Hsimilar to MYOB? I might have to ditch MYOB...getting sick of
 the updates/upgrades...and it's clunky...and it runs under Windblows...
 (Then I'll be down to TWO apps that I have to run under M$ - Photoshop
 and Illustrator)

Trevor Rhodes
Powered by Linux- Mandrake 9.0
Registered Linux user # 290542 at
Registered Machine #'s 186951, 
Source :  my 100 % Microsoft-free personal computer.

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[newbie] Mozilla

2003-01-23 Per discussione John Richard Smith
Now here is a funny thing,

/.mozilla/user/enpo83.slt/mail has   83.4 MB of data
/.mozilla/user/eu8shu49.slt/mail  has   73.0 MB of data156.4 MB total

and yet at the same time just 73 emails, none with any attatchments.

I am suspicious that mozilla is only giving the appearance of deleting
it's messages, and in fact it is building up over time to be quite a
tidy accumulation. I just wonder whether this is a problem
with my setup or a problem with mozilla.


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] Mozilla

2003-01-23 Per discussione Chuck Burns
On Thu, January 23 2003 7:23 am, John Richard Smith wrote:
 Now here is a funny thing,

 /.mozilla/user/enpo83.slt/mail has   83.4 MB of data
 /.mozilla/user/eu8shu49.slt/mail  has   73.0 MB of data156.4 MB total

 and yet at the same time just 73 emails, none with any attatchments.

 I am suspicious that mozilla is only giving the appearance of deleting
 it's messages, and in fact it is building up over time to be quite a
 tidy accumulation. I just wonder whether this is a problem
 with my setup or a problem with mozilla.

Well.. what you need to do, is make sure to empty the deleted items folder in 
mozilla-mail, and also see if there's an options somewhere to compact 
folders or something similar-sounding.
Bones: The man's DEAD, Jim!

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Re: [newbie] Mozilla

2003-01-23 Per discussione Jure Repinc
John Richard Smith wrote:

Now here is a funny thing,

/.mozilla/user/enpo83.slt/mail has   83.4 MB of data
/.mozilla/user/eu8shu49.slt/mail  has   73.0 MB of data156.4 MB total

and yet at the same time just 73 emails, none with any attatchments.

I am suspicious that mozilla is only giving the appearance of deleting
it's messages, and in fact it is building up over time to be quite a
tidy accumulation. I just wonder whether this is a problem
with my setup or a problem with mozilla.


Select your Inbox folder and then do to File menu and select Compact 
Folders. Mozilla doesn't delete messages because that would slow things 
down. So you have to manualy do it.

Also take a look at Edit  Preferences  Offline  Disk Space. Here you 
can set to run Compact Folders when Mozilla will save x KBs of space. x 
is any number you wan't.

Live long and prosper!

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Re: [newbie] Native Linux app Comparable to Quickbooks pro?

2003-01-23 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Fri, 2003-01-24 at 00:19, Trevor Rhodes wrote:
 I just installed Quasar and after a very perfunctory (do you like that word?) 
 look, I would have to admit I'll be giving it a trial.  Looks good.
  Hsimilar to MYOB? I might have to ditch MYOB...getting sick of
  the updates/upgrades...and it's clunky...and it runs under Windblows...
  (Then I'll be down to TWO apps that I have to run under M$ - Photoshop
  and Illustrator)

I'm sold. I'll give it a go.

Fri, 24 Jan 2003 00:45:01 +1100
 12:45am  up 7 days, 10:28,  4 users,  load average: 0.93, 0.83, 0.52
|____  | kuhn media australia|
|   / ,, /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |=|
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808 |
|  ;/ / | | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389|
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU   |
 linux user:267497 * RH 8.0 * PC/Mac/Linux/Networking/Consulting

I don't have any solution but I certainly admire the problem.
-- Ashleigh Brilliant

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RE: [newbie] Internet security Mandrake 9.0

2003-01-23 Per discussione Vaessen, E.M.J. (Ed)
Hello Derek,

Even though 'high' is very severe according to your words, my connection to
the internet via my ISP works fine and I encountered no road blocks towards
Your remarks give me a very save feeling (but: who can assure me that you
are not a malicious hacker trying to lull me and rule my machine?)


 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: Derek Jennings [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Verzonden: donderdag 23 januari 2003 13:14
 Onderwerp: Re: [newbie] Internet security Mandrake 9.0
 On Thursday 23 Jan 2003 9:58 am, Vaessen, E.M.J. (Ed) wrote:
  I installed Mandrake 9.0 on my PC, that is connected to my internet
  provider via an ADSL USB modem.
  I don't have a network, just a simple PC.
  The security level was put to 'high' during installation, 
 but I don't know
  at all to what extend I am protected against what. But I am 
 online during
  many hours a day and I guess hat this makes security more and more
  I delved through many internet pages dealing with firewall 
 and security
  information but they very often deal with setting up a firewall for
  computer on a network.
  Does anyone know where to find information about 
 configuring security on a
  single PC?
  Ed Vaessen
 This is a good place to start.
 For a desktop system 'High' is probably too high a security 
 level. You will 
 find the system will not let you do what appears to be 
 innocent things.
 If you are coming from the Windows world 'Standard' security 
 is already much 
 higher than you had before.


Aan dit bericht kunnen geen rechten worden ontleend. 
Dit bericht is uitsluitend bestemd voor de geadresseerde.
Als u dit bericht per abuis hebt ontvangen, wordt u verzocht het te 
vernietigen en de afzender te informeren.
Wij adviseren u om bij twijfel over de juistheid of de volledigheid van 
de mail contact met afzender op te nemen.

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Re: [newbie] Internet security Mandrake 9.0

2003-01-23 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Thursday 23 Jan 2003 2:00 pm, Vaessen, E.M.J. (Ed) wrote:
 Hello Derek,

 Even though 'high' is very severe according to your words, my connection to
 the internet via my ISP works fine and I encountered no road blocks towards
 Your remarks give me a very save feeling (but: who can assure me that you
 are not a malicious hacker trying to lull me and rule my machine?)

He's wicked! Wicked I tell you! g

Registered Linux User No.293302

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[newbie] OT: website usability

2003-01-23 Per discussione Anne Wilson
All web designers should be forced to sit behind an average user while he 
tries to find something.  He should be bound and gagged for the duration, 
then whipped soundly afterwards.

Registered Linux User No.293302

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Re: [newbie] OT: website usability

2003-01-23 Per discussione Lanman
Anne; Bad Hair Day? Or is there a specific web-site that has garnered this reaction?
Glad I don't do web-sites!



On 1/23/2003 at 2:12 PM Anne Wilson wrote:

All web designers should be forced to sit behind an average user while he
tries to find something.  He should be bound and gagged for the duration,
then whipped soundly afterwards.

Registered Linux User No.293302

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[newbie] triple boot

2003-01-23 Per discussione ivette brusselmans
Have installed
mandrake 9.0
still have 15 GB unpartitioned space on my HDD
would like to install redhat 8.1 first and be able to choose from 3 OS in 

later want to install debian woody and be able to choose from the 4 OS in 

what do I add to my present lilo configuration?


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Re: [newbie] OT: website usability

2003-01-23 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Thursday 23 Jan 2003 2:18 pm, Lanman wrote:
 Anne; Bad Hair Day? 

Yes indeed - it started with a church computer that had been accessed for 
'inappropriate use'.  They needed a bios password.  Simple, I thought.  Wrong 
again.  First I had to find a 'security' item that needed its level changing.  
Not only had I not come across this before, but neither had the vendor.  But 
then, I don't suppose that many people use bios passwords.

Or is there a specific web-site that has garnered this

Yeah - Asus.  I need a flash bios upgrade.  The manual tells how to get one.  
No doubt it was right when the manual was written in August 2000, but i 
certainly isn't now.  The supplied link is to a German language page - my 
German is minimal.  OK, try the American one.  No go.  It could be there, but 
after half an hour (didn't time it, but it must have been) I still hadn't 
found it.  Tried the Europe support email address - doesn't exist any more 
(this from the manual, again), so now I'm trying to email the US support.  It 
went 5 minutes ago, and hasn't bounced back yet.  Fingers crossed.

 Glad I don't do web-sites!

LOL - days like this need a little humour

Registered Linux User No.293302

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Re: [newbie] OT: website usability

2003-01-23 Per discussione robin
Anne Wilson wrote:

All web designers should be forced to sit behind an average user while he 
tries to find something.  He should be bound and gagged for the duration, 
then whipped soundly afterwards.

This could be a new money-making scheme for Mandrake (see my earlier 
post to this effect). See bound webmasters forced to watch their stupid 
Flash animations! (Gold Mandrake Club members only - click here to 
register by credit card).

As some usability expert said on Click Online recently: The bigger 
the company, the worse the website.

Did any particular site spawn that rant?

Sir Robin

 Like these cutters, and hackers, who will take the wall of men, and 
picke quarrells.
- G. Pettie

Robin Turner
Bilkent Univeritesi
Ankara 06533

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Re: [newbie] Xine - update

2003-01-23 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Tuesday 21 Jan 2003 11:16 pm, Pilagá wrote:
   So, don't bother with c/l. My sugestion to play unencrypted dvds is: Open
 xineClick on Playlist editor (the uper left icon)AddSearch your dvd
 playerChoose the files (vobs) that you want to playHilight themClick
 SelectThen Save your selectionThen hit play, et voilá...!

Hi, Pilaga.  I tried this, without success.  Browing the disk seems to suggest 
that it is vcd format.  There are directories for /cdi, /ext, /mpegav, 
/segment and /vcd.  The /vcd directory contains entries.vcd, info.vcd, 
lot.vcd and psd.vcd (the first is a text file that just contains ENTRYVCD.  
Does this ring any bells?  It's not essential that I crack this - I can watch 
them elsewhere, but I hate to be beatedn g

Registered Linux User No.293302

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Re: [newbie] OT: website usability

2003-01-23 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Thursday 23 Jan 2003 2:29 pm, robin wrote:
 Anne Wilson wrote:
  All web designers should be forced to sit behind an average user while he
  tries to find something.  He should be bound and gagged for the duration,
  then whipped soundly afterwards.

 This could be a new money-making scheme for Mandrake (see my earlier
 post to this effect). See bound webmasters forced to watch their stupid
 Flash animations! (Gold Mandrake Club members only - click here to
 register by credit card).

 As some usability expert said on Click Online recently: The bigger
 the company, the worse the website.

I like it!  At this rate we'll have Mandrake rich in no time!

Registered Linux User No.293302

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RE: [newbie] Xine - update

2003-01-23 Per discussione Jamie . Kerwick
You should find a large file called something like mpegav.dat I *think* in
the mpegav directory , just add this to your playlist (its just an mpeg
movie file)

Internal Extension : 5806
Direct Dial: 0870 754 5806

-Original Message-
From: Anne Wilson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: 23 January 2003 14:46
Subject: Re: [newbie] Xine - update

On Tuesday 21 Jan 2003 11:16 pm, Pilagá wrote:
   So, don't bother with c/l. My sugestion to play unencrypted dvds is:

 xineClick on Playlist editor (the uper left icon)AddSearch your dvd
 playerChoose the files (vobs) that you want to playHilight 
 SelectThen Save your selectionThen hit play, et voilá...!

Hi, Pilaga.  I tried this, without success.  Browing the disk seems to
that it is vcd format.  There are directories for /cdi, /ext, /mpegav, 
/segment and /vcd.  The /vcd directory contains entries.vcd, info.vcd, 
lot.vcd and psd.vcd (the first is a text file that just contains ENTRYVCD.  
Does this ring any bells?  It's not essential that I crack this - I can
them elsewhere, but I hate to be beatedn g

Registered Linux User No.293302

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Re: [newbie] Openoffice printing with Lexmark Z25

2003-01-23 Per discussione Poogle

On Thursday 23 Jan 2003 H:43 pm, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
 On Thu, 2003-01-23 at 21:25, Poogle wrote:
  I have set up a friend with MD 9.0 and a Lexmark Z25 printer, the printer
  needs Lexmark drivers and is not compatible with CUPS and requires the
  use of LPR, I  managed to get this set up and printing both BW  Colour
  form other apps but I cannot get it to print using OpenOffice. A print
  job appears to have been accepted but the printer does nothing and
  nothing is in the queue, It is essential that my friend be able to open
  and print Word docs which is why OpenOffice was installed. I have googled
  and looked at archives to no avail, any ideas please ?

 If the printer is available in KDE Control Centre, you can send the
 print job to kprinter - so, like in my OO setup, my printer is defined

 kprinter --stdin like a charm!

Thanks Stephen, I'll give at a go next week when I next visit 

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Re: [newbie] Internet security Mandrake 9.0

2003-01-23 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Thursday 23 Jan 2003 2:00 pm, Vaessen, E.M.J. (Ed) wrote:
 Hello Derek,

 Even though 'high' is very severe according to your words, my connection to
 the internet via my ISP works fine and I encountered no road blocks towards
 Your remarks give me a very save feeling (but: who can assure me that you
 are not a malicious hacker trying to lull me and rule my machine?)


Well give me your IP address, root password and Credit card number, and then 
see how trustworthy I am :-)

Seriously :- At high security the msec security system will enforce file 
permissions quite strictly. People on high security often complain they set 
file permissions one way, and then a few minutes later they get changed. If 
'High' works for you then fine. But be aware if 'weird' things happen it 
could be because of the security level.

BTW: The security level is unrelated to the firewall. You can test your 
firewall here

(Hmm How do you know that site does not contain malicious HTML designed to 
cause a buffer overflow in your browser and install a Trojan on your 
computer?  - The best defence against that possibility is to not visit the 
site with Internet Explorer :-)


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Re: [newbie] OT: website usability

2003-01-23 Per discussione Lanman
Anne; Are you looking for a BIOS update to erase the existing password? If so, look 
for a jumper near the on-board battery, and set it to the only other choice of pins in 
the set. First, make sure that the power cable is disconnected from the computer. Then 
switch the jumpers for a slow count of 5 seconds. This reload the default settings in 
the BIOS. Reconnect power, and restart the machine. Set the BIOS up the way you 
prefer, and go for it.

If that's not the reason for the BIOS search, Please disregard this notice!



On 1/23/2003 at 2:47 PM Anne Wilson wrote:

On Thursday 23 Jan 2003 2:29 pm, robin wrote:
 Anne Wilson wrote:
  All web designers should be forced to sit behind an average user while
  tries to find something.  He should be bound and gagged for the
  then whipped soundly afterwards.

 This could be a new money-making scheme for Mandrake (see my earlier
 post to this effect). See bound webmasters forced to watch their stupid
 Flash animations! (Gold Mandrake Club members only - click here to
 register by credit card).

 As some usability expert said on Click Online recently: The bigger
 the company, the worse the website.

I like it!  At this rate we'll have Mandrake rich in no time!

Registered Linux User No.293302

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[newbie] Modem lights

2003-01-23 Per discussione Keith Powell
I have been investigating the Gnome desktop, and have been trying to get the 
Modem Lights applet working to use it for dial-up. I can't get it to work. 
When I click on it, nothing happens.

It gives pppon (without the speech marks) as the connect command. I assume 
that pppon is a script, but it doesn't appear to installed anywhere. Trying 
to run pppon from a command line doesn't work either.

How do I get Modem Lights to work, please?

I can't find a help file for it anywhere.

Many thanks


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RE: [newbie] Xine - update

2003-01-23 Per discussione Jamie . Kerwick
That sounds a little screwy to me, a VCD is simply an mpeg file, are you
able to play any other mpeg files you have ??

I've just had a quick look thru the xine user-mailing-list on sourceforge,
one thing that was suggested was:

 I have a a problem with (s)vcds on my PowerBook, too. Removing the and solved the problem here.

Have you got the 'xine-vcdx'navigation-capable (S)VCD input plugin installed
? Maybe this will help, download from


Internal Extension : 5806
Direct Dial: 0870 754 5806

-Original Message-
From: Anne Wilson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: 23 January 2003 16:11
Subject: Re: [newbie] Xine - update

On Thursday 23 Jan 2003 4:02 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 xine vcd://1

There is no demuxer to handle vcd:/1

Courld there really be one plugin that I haven't got?

Registered Linux User No.293302

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Re: [newbie] Xine - update

2003-01-23 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Thursday 23 Jan 2003 4:10 pm, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Thursday 23 Jan 2003 4:02 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  xine vcd://1

 There is no demuxer to handle vcd:/1

 Courld there really be one plugin that I haven't got?


I never noticed before, but on the box it says VCD2.0.  Does that mean 
anything to you?

Registered Linux User No.293302

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RE: [newbie] Xine - update

2003-01-23 Per discussione Jamie . Kerwick
I think that's just the version of the VCD specifications.

*ver 1.0: Karaoke CD specification, MPEG-1 data in tracks 
*ver 1.1: Video CD: as 1.0 but chapter marks and multi-volume album
facilities added 
*ver 2.0: Video CD: addition of stills, generic menus, playlists, closed
caption text. 

Xine should have no problems viewing it. 

I've recently burnt my own VCDs using Nero on Windows, it does them as
VCD2.0, both a DVD player and Windows media player played it so Xine
shouldn't have any problems at all! Tho I haven't tested it using Xine, I'll
give it a go when I get home tonight.


Internal Extension : 5806
Direct Dial: 0870 754 5806

-Original Message-
From: Anne Wilson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: 23 January 2003 16:26
Subject: Re: [newbie] Xine - update

On Thursday 23 Jan 2003 4:10 pm, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Thursday 23 Jan 2003 4:02 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  xine vcd://1

 There is no demuxer to handle vcd:/1

 Courld there really be one plugin that I haven't got?


I never noticed before, but on the box it says VCD2.0.  Does that mean 
anything to you?

Registered Linux User No.293302

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Re: [newbie] Xine - update

2003-01-23 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Thursday 23 Jan 2003 4:32 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I think that's just the version of the VCD specifications.

 *ver 1.0: Karaoke CD specification, MPEG-1 data in tracks
 *ver 1.1: Video CD: as 1.0 but chapter marks and multi-volume album
 facilities added
 *ver 2.0: Video CD: addition of stills, generic menus, playlists, closed
 caption text.

 Xine should have no problems viewing it.

 I've recently burnt my own VCDs using Nero on Windows, it does them as
 VCD2.0, both a DVD player and Windows media player played it so Xine
 shouldn't have any problems at all! Tho I haven't tested it using Xine,
 I'll give it a go when I get home tonight.


OK - your last message came in just after I'd sent that.  I've got the tar.gz 
file, now, and am just previewing it.  I'll have a go with that.  I put in 
the plf varieties of the other plugins and am using the 0.9.17 version, so it 
should work, I think.

Registered Linux User No.293302

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[newbie] Sound in IBM Thinkpad 600E

2003-01-23 Per discussione Ivan Sustaita
Hello to all,

I'm new in this list.  I'm looking how to configure my Sound (CS4232) in the 
IBM Thinkpad 600E. I tried with:

OSS, but the default configuration is wrong.
sndconfig, but this can't load the driver.

Somebody know how to setup the sound in this machine??

I'm using Mandrake 8.2


- - - - - - - - -
Ivan Sustaita
Linux User #

Todo lo que la mente puede concebir y creer,
 se puede lograr

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[newbie] WINE.

2003-01-23 Per discussione Seedkum Aladeem
I have a dual boot system and I am getting tired rebooting from one OS to the 
other. How good and how reliable is wine in a system that already has the  
DLLs of W2K?



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Re: [newbie] Memoryleakage in 8.2?

2003-01-23 Per discussione civileme
On Thursday 23 January 2003 01:58 am, Anders Lind wrote:
 Hello friends,

 I am experiencing some problem with my Mandrake box at work, I am using
 XFCE. When I rebooted 1,5 hour ago it was about 80 MB free Memory and no
 swap used. This was after I have started Sylpheed only. Now 1,5 hour later
 I have started and closed KNode down, and now I have only 4 MB free and
 over 20 MB of swap in use. Could somebody tell me if there is a
 memoryleakage known in 8.2?

 I am on the verge on installing FreeBSD on this machine anyway, but this
 made the transitiondecision easier

 Best Regards,
It is not unusual at all to see lots of memory taken by any modern distro
It is in fact a GOOD thing, unused memory is wasted memory
That does not indicate a memory leak at all.  

 total   used   free sharedbuffers cached
Mem:257016 253200   3816  0  13980  95260
-/+ buffers/cache: 143960 113056
Swap:   401584 155980 245604
[tester@ibm333 eggdrop]$

When you actually figure out that statement, I have about 154M free or 61.6%.  
Just that the system routinely uses that to improve system speed.  It is 
still available on request to programs, reducing tha amount of buffers or 
cache.  This is why linux gets faster when you add memory.


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Re: [newbie] WINE.

2003-01-23 Per discussione Damian Gatabria
On Thursday 23 January 2003 17:16, Seedkum Aladeem wrote:
 I have a dual boot system and I am getting tired rebooting from one OS to
 the other. How good and how reliable is wine in a system that already has
 the DLLs of W2K?



which apps would you be trying to run?


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Fwd: NDN: [newbie] WINE.

2003-01-23 Per discussione Seedkum Aladeem
When I post a message it gets posted and at the same time I get this message 
saying that it did not get to some place. Why am I getting this message? Is 
there someting wrong with the Mandrake server?




--  Forwarded Message  --

Subject: NDN: [newbie] WINE.
Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2003 01:17:53 +0800
From: Mailer-Daemon [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sorry. Your message could not be delivered to:

linux-mandrake newbie,emc (The name was not found at the remote site.
Check that the name has been entered correctly.)


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Re: [newbie] WINE.

2003-01-23 Per discussione Seedkum Aladeem
On Thursday 23 January 2003 06:26 am, Damian Gatabria wrote:
 On Thursday 23 January 2003 17:16, Seedkum Aladeem wrote:
  I have a dual boot system and I am getting tired rebooting from one OS to
  the other. How good and how reliable is wine in a system that already has
  the DLLs of W2K?

 which apps would you be trying to run?


I was happy with Open Office for a while but, because I started to run into 
incompatibility issues, I dual booted for the Redmond Office Suite.

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Re: [newbie] WINE.

2003-01-23 Per discussione Damian Gatabria

 I was happy with Open Office for a while but, because I started to run into
 incompatibility issues, I dual booted for the Redmond Office Suite.

Well, there's a rumour that the latest wine release can do MS Office pretty

However i have not tried it (i don't have windows installed, so...) you could
give it a shot and see for yourself. Latet wine CVS can be found nicely
packaged here:

Good luck. the first run will take very long as wine will 
build some kind of fonts database. It will get nicer afterwards.


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[newbie] Compiling Kernels

2003-01-23 Per discussione Jordan Elver
Just a quick question regarding compiling Kernels. I am right in thinking that 
I can compile additional kernels, which I specifically select to use to boot?
Can I safely compile a new kernel without mucking up my current system?

If anyone has a good newbie website that they know of that would be good as 

Thanks for any info,
Jordan Elver
Every time you open your mouth you have this wonderful ability to continually 
confirm what I think. -- David Brent (The Office)

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[newbie] M9.1beta2 CD1 + CD2 Install

2003-01-23 Per discussione John Richard Smith
install method  ;  expert f1 route


No wheel mouse available

failed to detect swap partition

no create packages list on floppy

During system configuration it refused to accept cd1 when prompted
to provide it during  set printer to be available at boot time.

Failed to install my printer Z53.

Unable to install Xwindows , it's choice of screen resolution
and generic Geforce3 screen driver would nottest/install.

Refused boot disk creation

Insisted on installing lilo, but then failed to do so.

On first reboot found fault with filesystem on chosen partition,
could not repair it,

I had to format over chosen partition to restore full boot.

seems like a long way to go yet.


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] Compiling Kernels

2003-01-23 Per discussione Jordan Elver
 Sure, you can have any number of kernels in your system... you're only
 going to use one at a time, so no worries.  For more info, check out

Cheers mate,
I'll check it out. I'm going to be messing about with some graphics kernel 
stuff and don't want to loose what I have already got :)

Jordan Elver
When confronted by a difficult problem, you can solve it more easily by 
reducing it to the question, How would the Lone Ranger handle this? -- 
David Brent (The Office)

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Re: [newbie] Xine - update

2003-01-23 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Thursday 23 Jan 2003 4:20 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 That sounds a little screwy to me, a VCD is simply an mpeg file, are you
 able to play any other mpeg files you have ??

 I've just had a quick look thru the xine user-mailing-list on sourceforge,
 one thing that was suggested was:

  I have a a problem with (s)vcds on my PowerBook, too. Removing the and solved the problem here.
3 8)

I have the .so, not the .la.  I moved it out of the way, but it made no 
difference, so I put it back.

 Have you got the 'xine-vcdx'navigation-capable (S)VCD input plugin
 installed ? Maybe this will help, download from

I didn't get far with this, either.  I downloaded it, tried to ./configure, 
but got 

checking for xine-config... no
checking for XINE-LIB version = 1.0.0... no
*** The xine-config script installed by XINE could not be found
*** If XINE was installed in PREFIX, make sure PREFIX/bin is in
*** your path, or set the XINE_CONFIG environment variable to the
*** full path to xine-config.
configure: error: *** We need to find xine-lib 1.0.0 installed ***

I think the plf rpm does things a bit idiosyncratically.  xine-check 
complained that it couldn't find config.  There used to be one with the old 
Mandrake setup, 0.9.13, but the 0.9.17 from plf just has config2, and the 
directory structure seems to be different.  I can't find xine-lib, so maybe 
it isn't installed.  Anyway, it looks as though I'm in deep water, and nice 
as it would be, I have to wonder if it's worth it.

Registered Linux User No.293302

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Re: [newbie] Compiling Kernels

2003-01-23 Per discussione Damian Gatabria
On Thursday 23 January 2003 18:33, Jordan Elver wrote:
 Just a quick question regarding compiling Kernels. I am right in thinking
 that I can compile additional kernels, which I specifically select to use
 to boot?
Of course.

Can I safely compile a new kernel without mucking up my current


 If anyone has a good newbie website that they know of that would be good as

 Thanks for any info,


Remember, your first try is very likely to fail. Don't worry, after
some (repeated) attempts, you'll get it right. And make sure
you are familiar with your hardware.


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Re: [newbie] WINE.

2003-01-23 Per discussione Seedkum Aladeem
On Thursday 23 January 2003 07:02 am, Damian Gatabria wrote:
  I was happy with Open Office for a while but, because I started to run
  into incompatibility issues, I dual booted for the Redmond Office Suite.

 Well, there's a rumour that the latest wine release can do MS Office pretty

 However i have not tried it (i don't have windows installed, so...) you
 could give it a shot and see for yourself. Latet wine CVS can be found
 nicely packaged here:

 Good luck. the first run will take very long as wine will
 build some kind of fonts database. It will get nicer afterwards.


Do you know if this latest WINE will be in LM9.1?

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Re: [newbie] WINE.

2003-01-23 Per discussione Damian Gatabria

 Do you know if this latest WINE will be in LM9.1?

Probably. There was some discussion about it on the cooker list not
too long ago. why?


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Re: [newbie] Native Linux app Comparable to Quickbooks pro?

2003-01-23 Per discussione Sharrea
On Fri, 24 Jan 2003 01:39, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
 On Thu, 2003-01-23 at 19:28, Sharrea wrote:
  I use quasar (from which is very similar to
  MYOB, however I don't think data can be imported from quickbooks.
  The Quasar base package is available for use on a single computer free
  of charge.
  I found quasar much easier to use than gnucash - mainly because gnucash
  is strictly double-entry.
  Quasar is excellent software AFAIAC!

 Hsimilar to MYOB? I might have to ditch MYOB...getting sick of
 the updates/upgrades...and it's clunky...and it runs under Windblows...
 (Then I'll be down to TWO apps that I have to run under M$ - Photoshop
 and Illustrator)

The reports aren't as good as in MYOB, but that may be due to the fact that 
I haven't figured out how to obtain the ones I'm after, especially for GST.

Nevertheless, I like quasar so much that I'm going to buy the base package 
to help support it.

Oh yeah, and initially I had problems trying to write an invoice because I 
hadn't setup the tenders (cash, charge, direct credit, etc) in Setup  
System  Tenders, but asking on their website bulletin board got a quick 
reply from one of the developers.  A nice polite reply to the bargain, just 
like you get from this list  ;-)

Help Microsoft stamp out piracy - give Linux to a friend today

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[newbie] ARTICLE: Not just more FUD

2003-01-23 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
As I surfed...

Fri, 24 Jan 2003 07:35:00 +1100
  7:35am  up 7 days, 17:18,  4 users,  load average: 0.22, 0.16, 0.29
|____  | kuhn media australia|
|   / ,, /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |=|
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808 |
|  ;/ / | | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389|
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU   |
 linux user:267497 * RH 8.0 * PC/Mac/Linux/Networking/Consulting

He's still funny, but not 'ha-ha' funny.

--Ralph Wiggum
  Kamp Krusty (Episode 8F24)

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Re: Re: [newbie] X not starting at boot

2003-01-23 Per discussione Adolfo Bello
On Thu, 2003-01-23 at 06:50, Pupeno wrote:
 Hash: SHA1
 On Wednesday 22 January 2003 10:42 pm, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
  On Thu, 2003-01-23 at 18:20, Pupeno wrote:
   I've installed MDK 9.0 and everything was working ok, but after making
   all the updates, X stoped starting at boot.
   If I run /etc/rc.d/init.d/dm start by had it works, but it doesn't work
   It was at position 30 which didn't seem to be right, dm run beforre http
   even! I think it wasn't starting because the framebuffer interface was
   already up, I may be wrong, but I moved dm to 99 and it worked, once,
   now, it's not working anymore. I see starting dm in the framebuffer
   interface, it says ok, but after that, all I get is the console.
   Does anybody know what might be wrong here ?
   - --
  Open up your /etc/inittab - you will probably see that the default
  runlevel is set to 3 - change it to 5 and after a reboot, you should get
  your nice KDM/GDM/XDM back to normal (see example below):
 It is still set to 5 as it was all the time.
Do a:
chkconfig --list dm
It should show:
dm  0:off  1:off  2:off  3:off  4:off  5:on  6:off

If level 5 is off, turn it on with
chkconfig --level 5 dm on

   / \\   @   __ __@   Adolfo Bello [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  /  //  // /\   / \\   // \  //   Bello Ingenieria S.A, ICQ: 65910258
 /  \\  // / \\ /  //  //  / //cel: +58 416 609-6213
/___// // / _/ \__\\ //__/ // fax: +58 212 952-6797   //pager: (609-6213)

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