Re: [newbie-it] Utilizzo della RAM

2003-06-22 Per discussione Pollo
Il sab, 2003-06-21 alle 16:16, Pollo ha scritto:
 Ho un pc con pentium III 500MHz e 450MB di RAM. Appena avvio linux
 (mandrake 9.1) l'uso della RAM è già di 300MB circa. E' vero che ho
 qualche server attivo in ascolto (ssh, cups) ma come si spiega
 l'utilizzo di tutta questa RAM. Mi hanno detto che linux usa la RAM al
 massimo e che è normale avere la RAM sempre quasi piena. E' vero?
 Inoltre esiste un modo per sapere quanta ram viene utilizzata da ogni
 Il comando top mi dice la percentuale di memoria usata da ogni processo
 ma mi sembra sbagliato. Quando ho il 70% di ram utilizzata se vado a
 guardare i processi totali e faccio una somma delle percentuali indicate
 da top arrivo a ma la pena al 15%. Mi sono accorto che top fornisce le
 informazioni non per tutti i processi ma solo per quelli che stanno
 della finestra (nel mio caso circa 35 sui 94 totali). Degli altri come
 faccio a trovare le informazioni? In sostanza mi piacerebbe avere un
 elenco completo di tutti i processi con relativi dati (%cpu, %ram, pid,
 Grazie, Pollo.

Scusate per la domanda banale. Bastava il comando: 
ps -A -eo pid,%mem

Ciao, Pollo.

Re: [newbie-it] buone nuove dettagli non proprio trascurabili - era: ssmtp

2003-06-22 Per discussione syd
* Arwan wrote:
 Funzia tutto, filtri, scaricamento, lettura, invio, pero' per l'invio posta 
 devo essere connessa, dunque chiedo lumi per il come si fa offline.

Lo potrai fare con un MTA non ridotto come ssmtp. Ti diro', non ora
perche' sto facendo ancora alcune altre prove, come farlo con sendmail.

 Sistemato questo ,direi che il prossimo passo e' aggiustare il send-hook in 
 modo che le ML abbiano ciascuna il from e il reply-to corretto. Ho provato a 
 modificare .muttrc, ma senza risultato. Qualcuno mi puo' mandare la parte 
 incriminata del proprio .muttrc che scopiazzo? Ci sono altri file da 

Risolvi tutto dentro dentro ~/.muttrc

$ cat ~/.muttrc
send-hook .* 'my_hdr From: syd [EMAIL PROTECTED]
send-hook maja 'my_hdr From: syd [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

send-hook .* 'my_hdr Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
send-hook arwan 'my_hdr Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

La prima coppia e' dedicata al campo from. Quando crei un hook devi
prima stabilire il _comportamento_ generale e poi l'eccezioni alla
Nella prima stringa stabilisco che il mio campo From deve essere
sempre (.*) impostato su [EMAIL PROTECTED] Nella seconda stabilisco che
quando scrivo a majalinux (mi e' sufficiente scrivere maja che e'
l'alias per l'indirizzo di majalinux contenuto nel file degli alias..
ma puoi scrivere direttamente majalinux) la regola generale deve
cedere all'eccezione che prevede l'uso di [EMAIL PROTECTED] e cosi'
via per eventuali altre eccezioni (la regola generale la scrivi solo
una volta).
Per il Reply-to.. idem con patate. Fai delle prove spippolando un
pochino sulla parola che deve individuare l'eccezione
Ricorda anche che devi cancellare/commentare le eventuali impostazioni 
che usavi prima di creare gli hook; quelle quindi relative al campo
from e al campo Reply-to (e questo vale per qualsiasi hook che
deciderai in futuro di creare)

$ grep my_hdr ~/.muttrc
send-hook .* 'my_hdr From: syd [EMAIL PROTECTED]
send-hook maja 'my_hdr From: syd [EMAIL PROTECTED]
send-hook .* 'my_hdr Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
send-hook arwan 'my_hdr Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
#my_hdr From: syd [EMAIL PROTECTED]
#my_hdr Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
my_hdr X-Operating-System: Slackware GNU/Linux  
my_hdr X-Disclaimer: .. nel bel mezzo del progresso
my_hdr X-Mailer: Mutt-1.5.3i
my_hdr X-Editor: Vim-6.1
my_hdr X-GPG-Keyserver:
my_hdr X-GPG-Keynumber: 0xAEF9D59F
my_hdr X-GPG-Fingerprint: F822 6E69 D401 546C 533B  7EC7 3748 AFB6 AEF9 D59F

 A proposito del DUMMY che Syd ha in .procmailrc, l'uso dovrebbe essere (se non 
 ho capito male dalle mail del thread) per non cancellare cartelle gia' 
 esistenti al momento dello smistamento della posta con procmail; ma proc non 
 aggiunge gia' di default la posta in piu' in una data mailbox senza toccare 
 cosa c'era prima? A me pare che, con le mie impostazioni, funzioni cosi', 
 pero' non posso giurarci. Oppure l'esigenza di Syd nasce da altre 
 impostazioni precedenti che a me sono sfuggite?

No, era proprio questa la mia esigenza. Funziona anche senza la
verifica del DUMMY? Buono a sapersi Arwan ;))
Quando costrui' (piu' di due anni fa) il mio .procmailrc forse era
necessaria quella impostazione magari adesso con le nuove versioni di
procmail non lo e' piu'. 
Sono un forte sostenitore del motto: se funge.. va benissimo!!  

 Altra cosa: il file pm.log: da cosa e' creato? Da me non ho trovato file log 
 riguardanti fetch/proc/mutt che crescano a dismisura, ho solo un file from 
 che contiene le operazioni di procmail, e che quindi ho zittito con mailstat. 
 Ce ne sono altri?

$ cat ~/.procmailrc

VERBOSE = no   # puoi anche usare yes per una maggiore verbosita'
LOGABSTRACT = no   # se usi all la verbosita' e' massima
LOGFILE = $PMDIR/pm.log   # file di log

Queste impostazioni mi creano il pm.log in cui vengono registrate le
manovre di procmail e anche io allegerisco il file con mailstat.
Tu hai un file from? Dipende dalla tua configurazione.. spulcia
meglio a meno che non ti vada bene cosi' come e'.

 Probabilmente ho ancora in background sendmail che lavora (anche se non e' 
 coinvolto nelle operazioni di invio) come lo zittisco? Ho scoperto d'avere 
 una barca di eseguibili sendmail abbandonati in giro per tutto il PC 
 durante i vari esperimenti...

$ whereis sendmail
sendmail: /usr/bin/sendmail /usr/sbin/sendmail /usr/lib/sendmail /usr/share/sendmail 
/usr/man/man8/sendmail.8.gz /usr/share/man/man8/sendmail.8.gz

e considera che 

$ ls -l /usr/bin/sendmail

lrwxrwxrwx1 root root   18 giu 20 17:36 /usr/bin/sendmail - 

All'elenco del whereis devi aggiungere solo

Non dovresti avere altro di sendmail.

Per _azzittire_ il demone di sendmail commenta queste stringhe 

$ cat /etc/rc.d/rc.M

# Start the sendmail daemon:
if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.sendmail ]; then
  . /etc/rc.d/rc.sendmail start

Tutto quello che ho 

[newbie-it] 2 harddisk 2 linux 2 orari

2003-06-22 Per discussione Mirko
cari tutti
devo segnalarvi una situazione bizzarra che si verifica sul mio sistema.
ho 2 hard disk e per provare la nuova mdk 9.1 ho deciso di usare il vecchio
hard disk (secondary master) .
una volta installato linux con lilo su floppy ho notato che ogni volta che
cambio da mdk 9 a mdk 9.1 l'orario dell'orologio cambia di 2 ore.
ovvero se regolo l'orario in mdk 9 alle 20:00 in mdk 9.1 è 22:00 e
come si può sincronizzare l'orario?
ciao a tutti
Linux mdk 9.0 / 9.1 on P!!! @600mhz ( e ben 2 fusi orari!)

[newbie-it] Ma perche' la domenica mi fanno inca22are?

2003-06-22 Per discussione Arwan
Alle Sunday 22 June 2003 08:30, a proposito di Re: [newbie-it] buone nuove  
dettagli non proprio trascurabili - era: ssmtp (e chissa' a cosa pensava 
veramente), syd ha scritto: 

 * Arwan wrote:
  Funzia tutto, filtri, scaricamento, lettura, invio, pero' per l'invio
  posta devo essere connessa, dunque chiedo lumi per il come si fa

 Lo potrai fare con un MTA non ridotto come ssmtp. Ti diro', non ora
 perche' sto facendo ancora alcune altre prove, come farlo con sendmail.

Allora... ho installato postfix e sono riuscita a farlo partire dopo mezzo 
pomeriggio di poecheggiamenti con i settaggi... mutt mi da' errore, e non ne 
vuole sapere di usarlo. Sono ritornata al vecchio sendmail, e adesso quando 
faccio y la mail non mi va piu' nella coda predefinita da sendmail. Ma cosa 
devo fare? (domanda di disperazione)

 Risolvi tutto dentro dentro ~/.muttrc

 La prima coppia e' dedicata al campo from. Quando crei un hook devi
 prima stabilire il _comportamento_ generale e poi l'eccezioni alla

E no, non ci siamo. L'altro mezzo pomeriggio m'e' partito con send-hook. Ho 
seguito le tue indicazioni, e di tutte le ml ne funzionava solo una, poi ho 
cambiato i nomi degli alias, e continuava a funzionarne solo una... alla fine 
ho giocato ai bussolotti finche' non sono andata quasi tutte. Adesso se 
scrivo una mail a tolkien la manda a newbie... perche'? e non mi comoda per 
nulla utilizzare quei nomi con gli alias... pero' se do quelli che voglio io 
le cobinate destinatario-reply/from non corrispondono... ecco il pezzo di 
alias e quello di muttrc:

send-hook .* 'my_hdr From: Arwan - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
send-hook new 'my_hdr From: Arwan - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
send-hook oltre 'my_hdr From: Arwan - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
send-hook open 'my_hdr From: Arwan - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
send-hook fantascienza 'my_hdr From: Arwan - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
send-hook academy 'my_hdr From: Arwan - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
send-hook magazine 'my_hdr From: Arwan - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
send-hook maja 'my_hdr From: Arwan - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
send-hook slack 'my_hdr From: Arwan - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
send-hook tolkienlistari 'my_hdr From: Arwan - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

send-hook .* 'my_hdr Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
send-hook new 'my_hdr Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
send-hook oltre 'my_hdr Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
send-hook open 'my_hdr Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
send-hook fantascienza 'my_hdr Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
send-hook academy 'my_hdr Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
send-hook magazine 'my_hdr Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
send-hook maja 'my_hdr Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
send-hook slack 'my_hdr Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
send-hook tolkienlistari 'my_hdr Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

alias tolkienlistari lista Tolkien [EMAIL PROTECTED]
alias academy lista sf-academy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
alias magazine lista fantasymagazine [EMAIL PROTECTED]
alias fantascienza lista fantascienza [EMAIL PROTECTED]
alias maja lista majalinux [EMAIL PROTECTED]
alias cena lista cenacolo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
alias open lista openoffice [EMAIL PROTECTED]
alias new lista MDK [EMAIL PROTECTED]
alias slack lista slack [EMAIL PROTECTED]
alias oltre lista LinuxC [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Ho provato a cambiare nome, aggiungere virgolette, metterlo in una posizione 
diversa... niente, non c'e' nulla da fare. vorrei quantomeno capire...

 Ricorda anche che devi cancellare/commentare le eventuali impostazioni
 che usavi prima di creare gli hook; quelle quindi relative al campo
 from e al campo Reply-to (e questo vale per qualsiasi hook che
 deciderai in futuro di creare)

  Altra cosa: il file pm.log: da cosa e' creato? Da me non ho trovato file
  log riguardanti fetch/proc/mutt che crescano a dismisura, ho solo un file
  from che contiene le operazioni di procmail, e che quindi ho zittito con
  mailstat. Ce ne sono altri?

 $ cat ~/.procmailrc
 VERBOSE = no   # puoi anche usare yes per una maggiore verbosita'
 LOGABSTRACT = no   # se usi all la verbosita' e' massima
 LOGFILE = $PMDIR/pm.log   # file di log

 Queste impostazioni mi creano il pm.log in cui vengono registrate le
 manovre di procmail e anche io allegerisco il file con mailstat.
 Tu hai un file from? Dipende dalla tua configurazione.. spulcia
 meglio a meno che non ti vada bene cosi' come e'.

Non ho controllato oggi (sono gia' incazzata per conto mio) ma dai miei 
ricordi dovrei avere il from al posto del tuo pm.log

 $ whereis sendmail

whereis e' come find?

OK per il resto.


Re: [newbie-it] tuxrace e driver nvidia

2003-06-22 Per discussione Giorgio Griffon
Alle 14:19, giovedì 19 giugno 2003, Andrea Celli ha scritto:
 Ho un piccolo problema con tuxrace.
 Nulla di grave, ma i nipotini vogliono giocarci :-)

 Io ho una scheda geforge2-mmx che con i driver Nvidia non ha mai
 dato alcun problema.
 Da quando ho installato la 9.1 e, contemporaneamente, la nuova versione
 dei driver, si impalla il sistema se cerco di fare alcune discese di


 La discesa che dà maggiori problemi è quella con tutti gli spunzoni di

 Ho cercato un po' su google, ma non ho trovato nulla.
 Qualcuno ha avuto problemi analoghi o ha indicazioni da darmi?

 ciao, Andrea

Rispondo in ultra-ritardo senza sapere se ci sono stati interventi più succosi 
del mio. Come già scrivevo a Chiara giorni fa io ho dei problemi analoghi 
causati da un cattivo supporto della mia scheda video (ATI rage 128) da parte 
dell'XFree 4.3, che nelle versioni precedenti non si verificava. Da me dopo 
un po' di minuti si pianta il sistema in ogni caso (purché sia in funzione un 
ambiente grafico). La mia soluzione parziale è consistita nel disattivare 
l'accelerazione 3D, solo che così tuxracer funziona a rilento; quando voglio 
giocarci (proprio io, lo ammetto, nessun nipotino...) attivo l'accelerazione, 
faccio partire tuxracer da un ambiente più snello di kde, come wmaker, e sto 
attento a non usarlo troppo. Intanto spero che esca qualche nuova versione di 

[newbie-it] Disinstallare dai sorgenti o aggiornare

2003-06-22 Per discussione AF
Nella mia breve esperienza su linux ho già avuto modo di installare parecchi 
programmi dai sorgenti. Mi chiedo però come fare a disinstallarli in modo 
completo. Ho letto che se il makefile lo prevede basta fare un 'make 
uninstall', ma credo che la casistica sia più vasta (in un caso ho provato e 
non funzionava). 
D'altra parte volendo aggiornare un programma alla versione più recente qual è 
la procedura più corretta e pulita?
Grazie a tutti per le indicazioni.


Re: [newbie-it] buone nuove dettagli non proprio trascurabili - era: ssmtp

2003-06-22 Per discussione Giuseppe Ferruzzi
* Arwan ha scritto: 
 Funzia tutto, filtri, scaricamento, lettura, invio, pero' per l'invio posta 
 devo essere connessa, dunque chiedo lumi per il come si fa offline.

Quale è la ragione per cui necessiti di una queue ?

 Sistemato questo ,direi che il prossimo passo e' aggiustare il send-hook in 
 modo che le ML abbiano ciascuna il from e il reply-to corretto.

A proposito del reply-to, perchè ancora ci trovo il tuo indirizzo di posta ?

 Ho provato a modificare .muttrc, ma senza risultato. Qualcuno mi puo' mandare 
 la parte incriminata del proprio .muttrc che scopiazzo? Ci sono altri file da 

Chiedere ancora di file .muttrc dopo quelli che ti ha mandato syd
e che hai prelevato pure dalle rete e che trovi nei tuoi man mi sembra superfluo. 
Comunque questi sono alcuni esempi di hook:

 Se vuoi far finire la posta in uscita in una particolare mailbox:
 con il seguente hook:

fcc-save-hook newbie-it =out_newbie-it

 _aggancio_ un messaggio in uscita inviato alla lista newbie-it (la chiave è appunto 
 To: quella tra virgolette, per farlo finire nella 
 mailbox out_newbie-it
 Se vuoi cambiare l'header From:  e Reply-to  quando invii a un particolare 
 con il seguente hook:

send-hook my_hdr From: arwan2 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; \
   my_hdr Reply-To: arwan3 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 _aggancio_ un particolare indirizzo mail agli headers specificati,
 nota che il punto . dato all'inizio di ha un significato
 simile a quello usato nei filtri di procmailrc, ossia un qualunque carattere
 prima di

 Ogni volta che si _aggancia_  un'header questo tende a rimanere, così ti
 troveresti questo al posto di quello di default nei tuoi headers, allora devi 
 un hook generico che verrà posizionato all'inizio dei send-hook che ripristina ogni 
 il valore di default ossia:

send-hook . set signature=~/.signature ; \
  my_hdr From: arwan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  my_hdr Reply-To: 

Non ti ho messo niente in reply-to  perchè tu hai il vizio di metterci
il tuo indirizzo di posta, non serve specificarlo con e lo sai il
perchè ;)  .

In questo hook trovi anche il sistema di come utilizzare una firma che già
vedo che utilizzi con kmail.

Già con questi puoi fare molte cose.
Mi raccomando le virgolette  all'inizio e alla fine dei comandi, sono importanti, il 
; serve a
immettere un comando nuovo e \ per andare a capo.

 A proposito del DUMMY che Syd ha in .procmailrc, l'uso dovrebbe essere (se non 
 ho capito male dalle mail del thread) per non cancellare cartelle gia' 
 esistenti al momento dello smistamento della posta con procmail; 

Secondo me dummy come impostato da syd serve a creare la base delle mailbox nella 
fase di installazione iniziale che altrimenti dovresti inserirle a mano una per una. 
Dopodichè una volta create automaticamente, tramite dummy questo processo viene 
bloccato. Personalmente ancora non ho inserito quelle righe da adattare alla mia 
situazione, ma lo farò presto perchè sono molto utile specialmente 
se vuoi inserire nuovi utenti nel tuo sistema e creare le mailbox in automatico 
nella rispettiva home, oppure sposti intere mailbox preesistenti per 
qualsiasi motivo, allora vengono rimpiazzate automaticamente di nuove vuote. 
Non è male...

 ma proc non 
 aggiunge gia' di default la posta in piu' in una data mailbox senza toccare 
 cosa c'era prima? A me pare che, con le mie impostazioni, funzioni cosi', 
 pero' non posso giurarci.

si è così

 Altra cosa: il file pm.log: da cosa e' creato? Da me non ho trovato file log 
 riguardanti fetch/proc/mutt che crescano a dismisura, ho solo un file from 
 che contiene le operazioni di procmail, e che quindi ho zittito con mailstat. 
 Ce ne sono altri?

Anche io lo chiamo from ed è molto utile specialmente all'inizio, nella fase
di configurazione, ma anche dopo perchè ti lascia il tracciato di dove
la posta andrà a finire. Se da Mutt apri from come se fosse una mailbox, ed
è una mailbox, comprenderai che ti renderà facile la ricerca della posta 
scaricata e particolarmente potrai verificare se procmail è stato impostato 

 Probabilmente ho ancora in background sendmail che lavora (anche se non e' 
 coinvolto nelle operazioni di invio) come lo zittisco? Ho scoperto d'avere 
 una barca di eseguibili sendmail abbandonati in giro per tutto il PC 
 durante i vari esperimenti...

Se usi sSMTP, sendmail non disturba se è attivo. Mentre stavo scrivendo
questa risposta, mi è arrivata altra tua mail che ce ne fosse una che
ti va bene, ti stai creando un vespaio di confusione intorno a te. 
Personalmente non riesco a seguirti in questo modo. Ti consiglio di fare una 
cosa per volta e di seguire una logica tipo passo-passo, invece non fo intempo a
dirti questo che già hai modificato tutto e combinato altri pasticci. Se cerchi 
aiuto devi poter accettare anche il tempo degli altri. Se invece vuoi fare come 
ti pare 

Re: [newbie-it] buone nuove dettagli non proprio trascurabili - era: ssmtp

2003-06-22 Per discussione Arwan
Alle Monday 23 June 2003 00:20, a proposito di Re: [newbie-it] buone nuove  
dettagli non proprio trascurabili - era: ssmtp (e chissa' a cosa pensava 
veramente), Giuseppe Ferruzzi ha scritto: 

 * Arwan ha scritto:
  Funzia tutto, filtri, scaricamento, lettura, invio, pero' per l'invio
  posta devo essere connessa, dunque chiedo lumi per il come si fa

 Quale è la ragione per cui necessiti di una queue ?

Ho una connessine a tempo, non forfettaria, insomma, se rimango collegata ci 
lascio lo stipendio. Cosi', invece, per quelle che che sono le mie abitudini 
internettiane spendo circa 2.5 euro al mese.

  Sistemato questo ,direi che il prossimo passo e' aggiustare il send-hook
  in modo che le ML abbiano ciascuna il from e il reply-to corretto.

 A proposito del reply-to, perchè ancora ci trovo il tuo indirizzo di posta

Perche' sono ancora con kmail, alcuni li ho sistemati, altri no... dicendomi 
che il lavoro non valeva la pena visto che il passaggio a mutt era 
imminiente... pero' quello di questa ml dovrebbe essere a posto... ...

 Chiedere ancora di file .muttrc dopo quelli che ti ha mandato syd
 e che hai prelevato pure dalle rete e che trovi nei tuoi man mi sembra

Be', se non funzia... e continua a non funziare...

 Comunque questi sono alcuni esempi di hook:

  Se vuoi far finire la posta in uscita in una particolare mailbox:
  con il seguente hook:

Ecco, questa mi mancava... non mi serve (grazie lo stesso) ma puo' essere 

  Se vuoi cambiare l'header From:  e Reply-to  quando invii a un
 particolare indirizzo: con il seguente hook:

 send-hook my_hdr From: arwan2 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; \
my_hdr Reply-To: arwan3 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Ho provato anche in questo modo qui, e non vanno. E' per quello che ho 
ripostato al domanda. Vedi l'altra mail.

  _aggancio_ un particolare indirizzo mail agli headers specificati,
  nota che il punto . dato all'inizio di ha un significato
  simile a quello usato nei filtri di procmailrc, ossia un qualunque
 carattere prima di

Provero' a risitemare con queste nuove indicazioni, giuro che ieri sono 
impazzita tentando di farli andare.

 Non ti ho messo niente in reply-to  perchè tu hai il vizio di metterci
 il tuo indirizzo di posta, non serve specificarlo con e lo sai il
 perchè ;) 

Non io... kmail ;-)

 In questo hook trovi anche il sistema di come utilizzare una firma che già
 vedo che utilizzi con kmail.

A quella ci pensero' dopo, ma non credo sia un problema. (Le ultime parole 

 Già con questi puoi fare molte cose.
 Mi raccomando le virgolette  all'inizio e alla fine dei comandi, sono
 importanti, il ; serve a immettere un comando nuovo e \ per andare a capo.

Avevo provato, e non andando ho ripetuto il comando ;-)
Per quanto riguarda le virgolette... io sul file di esempio ne avevo una 
singola; e poi in parte funzionano e in parte no...

 Anche io lo chiamo from ed è molto utile specialmente all'inizio, nella
 fase di configurazione, ma anche dopo perchè ti lascia il tracciato di dove
 la posta andrà a finire. Se da Mutt apri from come se fosse una mailbox, ed
 è una mailbox, comprenderai che ti renderà facile la ricerca della posta
 scaricata e particolarmente potrai verificare se procmail è stato impostato

A questo non avevo pensato... Ottimo!

  Probabilmente ho ancora in background sendmail che lavora (anche se non
  e' coinvolto nelle operazioni di invio) come lo zittisco? Ho scoperto
  d'avere una barca di eseguibili sendmail abbandonati in giro per tutto
  il PC durante i vari esperimenti...

 Se usi sSMTP, sendmail non disturba se è attivo. Mentre stavo scrivendo
 questa risposta, mi è arrivata altra tua mail che ce ne fosse una che
 ti va bene, ti stai creando un vespaio di confusione intorno a te.

Ho solo provato a venirne fuori...

 Personalmente non riesco a seguirti in questo modo. Ti consiglio di fare
 una cosa per volta e di seguire una logica tipo passo-passo, invece non fo
 intempo a dirti questo che già hai modificato tutto e combinato altri
 pasticci. Se cerchi aiuto devi poter accettare anche il tempo degli altri.

E' un problema di testardaggine.

 A questo punto credo che forse mutt abbia evidenziato i suoi limiti con
 l'astrusa arwan.

Ma dai... ;-)


Re: [newbie] Bookmarks in Galeon

2003-06-22 Per discussione Douglas Bainbridge
On Sat, 2003-06-21 at 11:55, RichardA wrote:
 On 21 Jun 2003 10:21:39 +0100, Douglas Bainbridge
  On Fri, 2003-06-20 at 14:13, RichardA wrote:
  Sounds very useful, but I don't see how to do this in 1.3.3. Could you
  give me an idiot's guide?
 It was from the bookmark manager, bookmarks - 'add bookmark to', or
 right-clicking in the bookmarks tree, but I'm still on 1.2.5.
 See my reply to eric- if they really have taken these useful options
 out, it might be worth installing the older one.

Now seen your reply to Eric and his response - it's the same for me. A
shame :(


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Re: [newbie] Posting to TWiki

2003-06-22 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Sunday 22 Jun 2003 12:22 pm, Johan Scheepers wrote:
 Hi Anne,
 Reference Muti-boot  posting to TWiki.
 I am still new in webpages - have not done it . Please feel free to
 make suggestions. This will be a learning curve for me.
 I did have a look at it is good to know
 that it exist.
 I repeat the site address here so that more new members may see and
 visit it.
 I did register.

Hi, Johan.

First, spend a little time browsing the Using TWiki section, which is 
accessed from the main WebHome page (right-hand panel).  Print out 
the page called TWiki Shorthand Basics - you will find it very useful 
for formatting.

 1. Please suggest application  to use on (Mandrake 9.x) to write
 the page for upload.

Prepare your text in any text editor, or indeed almost any program you 
are comfortable with.

 2. This page - must it be send to some-one for checking -etc?

No.  When you are happy with it, you will post it up, and you could 
ask for comments.  Those of us who have done a bit more will advise 
and help if any revision is necessary, but no-one owns the site, we 
each take our own basic responsibilities for what we post but 
encourage others to add their own experience to it.

 3. Suggest application to use for uploading.

I would suggest that when you are ready, the easiest way to create the 
new page would be to edit the page with a 
one-line link to it - perhaps calling it MultiBoot.  This will create 
the beginning of the link, but put a question mark against it, 
indicating that it does not yet exist.  You will see that in the 
preview mode.  Accept that.

When you click on that link that you have created it will open a new 
page, and you can copy and paste your prepared text to it.

 4. Please suggest anything you think will be required.
  I am sure there is a lot that I not even think about.
 5. Some Howto's.

I don't think there's much more I need to say, but do ask if you get 
stuck.  While you are in the SlightlyOffTopic page, just have a look 
at the formatting for different heading levels, and compare them with 
your Shorthand printout.  You should be fine.

 May this be a good day for learning

I love your tag-line.


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[newbie] chinese fonts

2003-06-22 Per discussione Giulio F.
I have just installed Mandrake 9.1. I have chosen the support for some
languages that I need, particulary chinese. My problem is the I can't input
chinese character.
There is a program xcin but it does't work because the font zh_CN.UTF-8 are
unsupported by this program.
When I try to run the program Iget this error:
locale section zh_CN.UTF-8: DEFAULT_IM : value not specified

Do you know other programs to input chinese characters?
Can I set Mandrake 9.1 to support zh_CN.GB2312?
Thank you.
Giulio F.

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Re: [newbie] Failed Compilation of kdelibs-3.1-58mdk.src.rpm

2003-06-22 Per discussione Huw Blackwell
On Sun, 2003-06-22 at 05:12, Huw Blackwell wrote:
 Okay guys,
 A bit stumped by this one, I am new to linux and learning quickly
 (hence jumping in @ the deep end by optimizing mandrake for my
 computer...) Not Sure if this should go on another mailing list
 (please advise if you have one to suggest) but here goes.
 Compiling kdelibs-3.1-58mdk.src.rpm on an AMD Duron 750, 128Mb Ram
 kt133 chipset.
 Opt flags are standard Mandake issue, as found in /usr/lib/rpm/rpmrc
 the rebuild just targeting athlon architecture.
 I Can't find any reference to this anywhere on the web.
 @ wits end
 Any pointers would be apprieciated. I have the full comiliation text
 which I can mail to you as an attachment if this is not sufficient.


Thanks for the tip, here are the answers to your, queries, Hope They

Do you have a reference to the QT libs in your /etc/



These are the only entries in this file.

 - and if
so, have you run ldconfig to rebuild the lib path cache?

Thought this ran automatically at bootup, but re run it as root
anyway, recompiled package, and have the same error.

So stuck again.


Huw - also (trying) to run a Microsoft free computer...

Sun Jun 22 10:40:00 EST 2003

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Re: [newbie] RTCW on linux (well, Mandrake to be more specific)

2003-06-22 Per discussione ed tharp
On Sat, 2003-06-21 at 08:07, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
 On Sat, 2003-06-21 at 21:42, ed tharp wrote:
  I have a story about that. As a teenager, (having spent most my life in
  the Fla.Keys) I, and most all my friends were excellent swimmers, and
  water polo was the game most often played. We also liked to play tag
  on a bridge with a catwalk (a walkway for fishing) that had a strong
  current running under, that got stronger as you got closer to the middle
  of the channel. We would run out the cat walk and jump in when it got
  close, and swim back to shore fighting the current. one day when I was
  about 14, we had spent the afternoon playing tag, and after we left,
  some tourist had tried to swim back in from where we were jumping in and
  swimming. needless to say, he got his name in the paper, and his wife
  was quoted as saying he just jumped in where these kids had been jumping
  in, but the current must have gotten worse since it carried him right
  out to sea. I decided that night, that just because _I_ like to swim
  upstream, does not mean I should let others see me swim upstream and
  think that they can do it too, so we never played tag during the
  daylight hours like that again, at least at that bridge.   
 I'd reckon south of Jewfish creek, then ya?

yep, channel #2 bridge, right near Holiday Isle.

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Re: [OT] Re: [newbie] Told ya, don't trust IBM

2003-06-22 Per discussione ed tharp
On Sat, 2003-06-21 at 17:04, Michael Scottaline wrote:
 On Sat, 21 Jun 2003 16:28:50 -0400
 JoeHill [EMAIL PROTECTED] insightfully noted:
 On Sat, 21 Jun 2003 13:38:06 -0600
 FemmeFatale [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:
  Joes makes me thinks Gun nut. 
 you misunderstand, I have a certain sympathy with the individualist who
 resists authority, and I recognize that *sometimes* it is necessary to
 take up arms against the imposition of an immoral authority. For
 example, I see nothing wrong with what the Zapatistas did in Mexico, or
 what Che and Fidel did to Batista and his band of criminal thugs in
 In retrospect though, tough to consider Fidel an individiualist, no???  I
 often think that Che was partially motivated to leave by the way in which he
 saw Fidel moving.  My guess is that there are many individualists in Cuba
 today in hiding, or rotting in prisons :(
As some one who's family was in what is now Miami, before it was an army
fort, and having a close retrospect on current Cuban Socity, I can say
that I do not think Castro was all that wrong. he did manage to rid
(with out the mass murder his opponents would claim, and would have
pursued) his island of an entire bourgeois class, and while the
bourgeois took a great deal of wealth with them (that they all claim to
a person did not come with them , but suddenly showed up) he did also
manage to surpass the USA in literacy rates, from a populace that had
one of the lowest rates of literacy when he took power. not an easy feat
to eliminate the bourgeois, educate the masses and redistribute the
wealth in such a manner that the bourgeoisie are the only ones upset.
Especially if you consider that the bourgeoisie were not killed, but
exiled to a better place with more wealth. 
Even more amazing when you consider that 99% of the class that is now
exiled claim to have been (the children of) great war heroes. with
that many great war heroes, it must have been a very tough war to have
anyone left to exile. 
I might be tempted to argue that the Exile-Cubanismo society allows
and encourages and/or tolerates some things that are so very wrong as to
justify almost all of Castro's actions. how do you end corruption in a
society that accepts bribery as greasing the wheels? even in Police

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Re: [newbie] hard drive partition sizes

2003-06-22 Per discussione Tom Brinkman
On Saturday June 21 2003 06:16 pm, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
   I've used a separate /boot since civileme recommended doin
  so quite a while ago if your other partitions are journalized
  fs's. He said to use ext2 or ext3 for /boot, specially with XFS
  or ReisersFS / and other partitions. So I do, particularly
  since civileme's specialty was HDD, fs's and partition QA.

 Hmmm...funny - I'm even using ReiserFS on my /boot partition...

Well, you can try seaching the newbie archive, it was about two 
years ago.  I also use ReiserFS for all partitions, and I didn't 
have a separate /boot.  When I mentioned a few minor gremlins 
(sorry, don't remember what they were), that's when civileme 
advised to use a separate /boot and make it ext2 or 3, when using 
journaling FS's. You might consider doin the same next time you 
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] Installing new hard

2003-06-22 Per discussione Johan Scheepers
I run XP and Mandrake 9 on same drive - LILO my bootloader.
On installing Mandrake it picked up XP and configured it  LILO was written
to MBR.
What I found was that Mandrake and LILO do a better job on discovering and
config of additional OS's than Redhat.
Now when I boot GUI come up - pick windows and then
XP loader comes up - there you go.
My system works fine.
Here is something I did on the  PC of my wife(MS win 95 only)drive - I
installed a second drive as slave - installed Mandrake on 2nd drive -
Mand/LILO picked up all - BUT wrote the configuration to the  1st (primary
MBR) drvie.
Now if you remove slave( permanent) the LILO boot up still works for
Winlinux. To get rid of this - in dos fdisk /MBR and you are back to MS -
on XP you will probably need the repair function to correct this.

Refer to my letter on list - to multi boot - you can boot more than 2 OS'S
on 1 drive.
Refer to position of drive on cable - can NOT cunfuse win or linux - (unless
your PC is ancient - when you had you set links on drive   correct position
on cable  and some dip switches) it will be your BIOS that may get confused.
BUT CAREFULL if you move your drive hda to hdb or hdc and make it your boot
by removing all  in front boot up- linux WILL get confused (windows in this
case do not care everything just become C again.Sorry for linux but this is
Set the hardware BIOS detection all of it on auto - it will work fine. I
chop and change drives(7 HD's) at will (only drive link importend) and it
works every  time.I have these mobile rack and trays.
To make this easy set your cdrom/s to slave and all harddrives to master. If
you have 2 cdroms then each as slave one on a cable with a harddrive. Trust
this may help
you to decide.
- Original Message - 
From: Greg Meyer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, June 22, 2003 5:10 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Installing new hard

 On Saturday 21 June 2003 08:58 pm, Crak600 - Michael wrote:
  which drive would i make the primary drive?  my thought is that i'd make
  the 100GB drive the primary drive, as the computer would have to access
  linux before windows to give me the dual boot option, correct?

 Actually, Windows needs to be first, or at least it used to.  I don't know
 about XP.  I recall that Windows ignores all partitions above the first
 it doesn't recognize, so I always put windows on first, create my shared
 partition and then put linux on the end of the drive.

  Secondly...does the drive's position on the ribbon matter?  i'm running
  things on that ribbon currently, the 20GB drive and my CDRW drive.  this
  only the first computer i've owned that i've actually torn apart and put
  back together hardware wise, once while trouble shooting for a defective
  sound card, the other time doing a case swap.  so i'm not all that
  with hooking up new hardware.

 You're best bet, as long as you don't need to do a lot of disk to disk
 copying, is to put your optical drives on a seperate channel from your
 drives.  This is especially true of CDRW drives, where you want to
 the data throughput from your hard drives to the burner.  Putting them on
 same channel could create bottlenecks when you burn a cd.  So I would make
 the disk drives hda and hdb and let the cdrw be hdc.

  i know if i make the 100GB drive the primary, i have to switch the
  on the 20GB drive to make it the secondary.
  and a final question.i'm running an ASUS KV7-RM motherboard that has
  all the bios updates done to it, so that's a plus, but will i have to
  the bios settings once i plug the new drive in?

 Maybe, maybe not.  It depends on what your bios settings are now.  Some
 indicate none in the unused channels to speed up their boots.  As long as
 everything in the bios is set to autodetect, then you shouldn't have to do
 anything, but if it is not, you may have to go in there and change some

  as far as how i'm going to work with linuxi havn't decided if i'm
  to do a fresh install and wipe out the old install or if i'm going to
  to move the current install to the new drive (someone already gave me a
  link that explains how to do that).  that's something i'll decide for
  myself once i get to that point.
 You could always try to move it for the learning experience and if you
 up you can still reinstall.

 As far as partition sizes go, 80 gig is way too much for Linux.  You are
 better off setting up your linux partitions in 10-15GB, and then creating
 fat32 partition with the rest to share your data between windows and

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Re: [newbie] re re mnt/winc

2003-06-22 Per discussione Johan Scheepers
OK lets usume you use mandrake 9.1 (older versions differ in some respects)
When booting it goes to the user selected on install.
On KDE. Right click on mouse - select logout.
On GNOME select start  logout.
Now it goes to where different user may logon
This if you installed more than one user otherwise you will be there only.
Now here is 3 options other user (NO option for ROOT)
2.. REBOOT - if selected it MAY have a dropdown list to select way of
rebooting. Why I say may - sometimes the dropdown list is empty - if empty
then select HALT.

If above  is all hash - then use* alt - cntrl -del  * this will -  if it
works reboot.
Open console - su - password - shutdown -r (or -h) now.
If nothing of the above works - sorry beyond my scope
Now this not recommended - switch off.

- Original Message - 
From: Mike Carter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, June 22, 2003 2:41 AM
Subject: [newbie] re re mnt/winc

 From a terminal, cd to /mnt/win_d. Now type mkdir test. Post any errors.

  Also, I can boot to linux, I cannot reboot, shutdown the computer or
  change user from linux.
 Here I am not sure what you mean. How are you trying to reboot/shutdown?
 How are you trying to change users? Logout and log back in from the
 Login Manager?

 No errors when I made the test file.
 I use kde as my gui, and logout etcetera is done through the kde menu.
 I have upgraded my installation daily so I have the latest updates
 Any ideas anyone?

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[newbie] No response on questions

2003-06-22 Per discussione Johan Scheepers
A while back a member complained about no response to questions. I take it
none had a something to say.
I do understand his frustration ( being new to this)- I also had some
questions - no response.
Now I have pondered on this issue.
Now should every one who see a question/s should reply sorry no help - This
system will COMPLETELY be overloaded.
As it is if I skip a day or two I found up 785 messages waiting on server.
I suggest - join more user groups and post again.

May this be a good day for learning

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Re: [newbie] No response on questions

2003-06-22 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Sunday 22 Jun 2003 3:21 pm, Johan Scheepers wrote:
 A while back a member complained about no response to questions. I
 take it none had a something to say.
 I do understand his frustration ( being new to this)- I also had
 some questions - no response.
 Now I have pondered on this issue.
 Now should every one who see a question/s should reply sorry no
 help - This system will COMPLETELY be overloaded.
 As it is if I skip a day or two I found up 785 messages waiting on
 server. I suggest - join more user groups and post again.

 May this be a good day for learning

Sometimes, too, it is a problem that few know about, and maybe the one 
person who can help is away or on holiday.  I understand the 
frustration too, but it is always worth trying the question again a 
few days later.  It sometimes helps, too, to think whether re-wording 
the subject line might better get the attention of the right person.



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Re: [newbie] No response on questions

2003-06-22 Per discussione ed tharp
On Sun, 2003-06-22 at 10:21, Johan Scheepers wrote:
 A while back a member complained about no response to questions. I take it
 none had a something to say.
 I do understand his frustration ( being new to this)- I also had some
 questions - no response.
 Now I have pondered on this issue.
 Now should every one who see a question/s should reply sorry no help - This
 system will COMPLETELY be overloaded.
 As it is if I skip a day or two I found up 785 messages waiting on server.
 I suggest - join more user groups and post again.
 May this be a good day for learning
or just post again,  adding note; no help in three days to the subject
it may well be that in with the other mail, your question was just
missed, or no-one knew the answer. Asking again, and adding something
like can anyone hear or help me might at least get an answer of no, i
are 'tupid.
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Re: [newbie] chinese fonts

2003-06-22 Per discussione Robin Turner
Giulio F. wrote:
 I have just installed Mandrake 9.1. I have chosen the support for some
 languages that I need, particulary chinese. My problem is the I can't input
 chinese character.
 There is a program xcin but it does't work because the font zh_CN.UTF-8 are
 unsupported by this program.
 When I try to run the program Iget this error:
 locale section zh_CN.UTF-8: DEFAULT_IM : value not specified
 Do you know other programs to input chinese characters?
 Can I set Mandrake 9.1 to support zh_CN.GB2312?

You could try chinput - there are a few others in the contrib sources, IIRC.

Sir Robin

Some guy breaking into a government computer system and wreaking havoc
makes for a more interesting movie plot than some guy writing device
drivers. It's hard to work in a good 10-minutes car chase scene with some
guy who writes device drivers... - tjc, post to LWN

Robin Turner
Bilkent Univeritesi
Ankara 06533

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[newbie] Powerfan connection?

2003-06-22 Per discussione Dale Huckeby

  This isn't strictly a Mandrake question, but I hope someone here can help
me.  I'm building a computer for my mother using an Abit NF7-M motherboard.
In the manual it says, Attach the connector from the power fan to PWRFAN1
header...  The PWRFAN1 header has three prongs.  Two of the connectors
coming out of the power housing have four holes, none have three.  Which
(if any) is supposed to connect to PWRFAN1?  Do I need an adapter so it can
fit the three-prong header?  My own computer has an Abit KR7A-133 board.
The equivalent passage in it is attach the connector from the power fan
to FAN3 header.  I just looked and nothing is attached to that header,
and the only four-hole connector I see is plugged into the floppy drive.
Some friends online suggested that the power fan (ie. I assume the one in
the power box housing) is run _by_ the power box, that it doesn't need
to connect to the motherboard.  Is that true?  I notice that it isn't
turning now, but that might be because it doesn't need to.  Looking at the
fan through the grill I can see the wires running from it but can't see
where they're going or if they're one of the bundles exiting the unit
at the rear.  How _do_ I connect that fan, or do I need to do anything at

Puzzled in Evansville,
Dale Huckeby

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Re: [newbie] No response on questions

2003-06-22 Per discussione Inhabitant of Zion
 server. I suggest - join more user groups and post again.

If you don't get a response in one place by all means go to another and
post your question. 

How ever you should avoid cross posting (i.e. posting the same question
on several forums all at once). 



Lead me not into tepmtation - I can find my own way thanks!

ICQ: 92791912

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[newbie] kde runs slow while offline ?

2003-06-22 Per discussione LtCdData
after several installs of mdk9.1 all because of kde going all slow eg
open /home with konq with kfmclient openProfile filemanagement command
konqueror can take over a minute to open and sometimes not open at all.
some other apps are the same but not all; however ive noticed while i am  
online everything runs at full speed ... 
does anyone know why this could be??


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[newbie] urpmi

2003-06-22 Per discussione Aron Smith
Hey am trying to RTFM on urmpi  not finding a lot of infromation out there
also is it better to download from one mirror in this case UC Santa Cruz or to 
spread it out amoung 3 or four servers?

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Re: [newbie] Tux pics...

2003-06-22 Per discussione ed tharp
On Sun, 2003-06-22 at 00:07, Dennis Myers wrote:
 On Saturday 21 June 2003 11:20 pm, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
  In another thread (I think it was Femme!) posted some Tux gaming pics 'n
  stuff. I found a couple I had lying around the old HD, if anyone wants me
  to send them offlist. Of course, many of you probably already have these.
  One is from Penguin Computing (my fav!)
  One is Tux with a joystick
  One is Tux with a keyboard
  Just a thought... :-)
 Ron, I would like to have them, part of a collection. I have a small 
 collection of stuffed toy penguins also. Each has a name, since Tux is taken 
 I named the first one  Throckmorton P. Custerbuddy  the P. stands for 
 penguin. : )

I would love to have them as well.

What I really want to find is Nigril Tux laying in a hammock, with a
big yellow spleef.

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Re: [newbie] chinese fonts

2003-06-22 Per discussione Rob Lindsay
On Sunday 22 Jun 2003 3:38 pm, Giulio F. wrote:
 I have just installed Mandrake 9.1. I have chosen the support for some
 languages that I need, particulary chinese. My problem is the I can't input
 chinese character.
 There is a program xcin but it does't work because the font zh_CN.UTF-8 are
 unsupported by this program.
 When I try to run the program Iget this error:
 locale section zh_CN.UTF-8: DEFAULT_IM : value not specified

 Do you know other programs to input chinese characters?

Hi Guilio,

I tried a work around this but it didn't succeed.

I use NJ Star under W2K and output usually to PDF.

Thought I might be able to load the njcwp435.exe with wine [am using 

No luck.

Others may have succeeded, but I am running wine unconnected to any Windoze 

Good luck on the zhongwen front.


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Re: [newbie] Tux pics...

2003-06-22 Per discussione Aron Smith
On Sunday 22 June 2003 08:37 am, ed tharp wrote:
 On Sun, 2003-06-22 at 00:07, Dennis Myers wrote:
  On Saturday 21 June 2003 11:20 pm, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
   In another thread (I think it was Femme!) posted some Tux gaming pics
   'n stuff. I found a couple I had lying around the old HD, if anyone
   wants me to send them offlist. Of course, many of you probably already
   have these.
   One is from Penguin Computing (my fav!)
   One is Tux with a joystick
   One is Tux with a keyboard
   Just a thought... :-)
  Ron, I would like to have them, part of a collection. I have a small
  collection of stuffed toy penguins also. Each has a name, since Tux is
  taken I named the first one  Throckmorton P. Custerbuddy  the P. stands
  for penguin. : )

 I would love to have them as well.

 What I really want to find is Nigril Tux laying in a hammock, with a

 big yellow spleef.
Or the Ninja Tux I saw in a bar a couple of months ago (no they wouldn't sell 

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[newbie] Am I doing this right yet?

2003-06-22 Per discussione Aron Smith
Still trying to get K-mail configured right

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Re: [newbie] urpmi

2003-06-22 Per discussione Jason Guidry
Aron Smith wrote:
Hey am trying to RTFM on urmpi  not finding a lot of infromation out there
what do you need from urpmi that rpmdrake doesn't provide?

also is it better to download from one mirror in this case UC Santa Cruz or to 
spread it out amoung 3 or four servers?
urpmi will just download from one server, so multiple servers don't 
speed things up.  Try downloading directly from a mirror and see which 
one is fastest for you, and then use that for urpmi.

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[newbie] Gimp fonts

2003-06-22 Per discussione Jason Guidry
I have a whole bunch of fonts installed that other programs see but that 
  the Gimp does not.  when I use the text tool in the gimp, the fonts 
are listed, but when they're selected it sez they're not available.


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Re: [newbie] SCSI Em- Again

2003-06-22 Per discussione Langsley T Russell

Hi John. 

When I logged on this morning after checking my email I checked the status of my CDRW drive. To my dismay I discovered that I no longer have a working CDRW, either as supermount or as SCSI. It no longer appears on my hardware list at all and is completely unavailable. 

You asked for my fstab and lilo files which I'm including below. 

My fstab currently (following reboot this AM) reads:

 /dev/hda6 / ext3 defaults 1 1
none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
none /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0
/dev/hda8 /home ext3 defaults 1 2
none /mnt/hdb supermount dev=/dev/scd0,fs=auto,ro,--,user,iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850,umask=0 0 0
none /mnt/floppy supermount dev=/dev/fd0,fs=vfat,--,iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,sync,codepage=850 0 0
/dev/hda1 /mnt/win_c vfat iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,codepage=850 0 0
/dev/hda5 /mnt/win_d vfat iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,codepage=850 0 0
none /proc proc defaults 0 0
/dev/hda7 swap swap defaults 0 0

My lilo.conf reads:

	append=devfs=mount hdb=ide-scsi
	append=failsafe devfs=nomount

I don't understand why my CDRW keeps disappearing!?! When I rebooted last night with the new fstab file the CDRW was recognized by the system and was usable by the xcdroast program. I did not intentionally change anything after that reboot and yet when I rebooted this AM my CDRW was gone?!?! 

LTR }}:{(

On Sun, 2003-06-22 at 02:07, John Richard Smith wrote:

Langsley T Russell wrote:

 BINGO John!!

 I once again have my CDRW in my hardware list. Once again it appears 
 twice, once as hdb and once as scd1. I opened xcdroast and it too sees 
 the Samsung CDRW drive.

 Now I must ask if I should leave both entries for the CDRW in my 
 hardware list? I checked mount points and the CDRW is mounted as scd1. 
 Is that as it should be?

 Thank you so much, John! I am forever in your debt.

 LTR }}:{( 

If I understand you correcty you have a working writer, both 
supermounted and scsi-emulated.
Can yopu kindly post both your relevent lilo.conf and fstab entries , 
for the device, so that we can see what does what.



Re: [newbie] No response on questions

2003-06-22 Per discussione Björn Olsson
On 22 Jun 2003 10:58:18 -0400 Ed Tharp [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Sun, 2003-06-22 at 10:21, Johan Scheepers wrote:
  A while back a member complained about no response to questions. I
  take it none had a something to say.
  I do understand his frustration ( being new to this)- I also had
  some questions - no response.
  Now I have pondered on this issue.
  Now should every one who see a question/s should reply sorry no help
  - This system will COMPLETELY be overloaded.
  As it is if I skip a day or two I found up 785 messages waiting on
  server. I suggest - join more user groups and post again.
  May this be a good day for learning
 or just post again,  adding note; no help in three days to the
 subject line.
 it may well be that in with the other mail, your question was just
 missed, or no-one knew the answer. Asking again, and adding something
 like can anyone hear or help me might at least get an answer of no,
 i are 'tupid.


A few days ago I posted a question about running Enemy Territory as a 
regular user, but I haven't got any answer thus far. No offence taken,
of course; some questions get answered and others don't.
And would you really like me (and others) to post the same questions
over and over? I take it that if no one answers, it is because no one
Besides, for some months now I have been lurking in the shadows of this
list (one of the few things I'm actually good at :-) ), inhaling the
wisdom of the non newbies, but without lifting a finger myself to
help anyone. So I am hardly in a position to complain.

But beware, I may be back!

Until then, see you in the shadows

Björn Olsson

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[newbie] RPM: How to register a compiled prog (rox)

2003-06-22 Per discussione eric huff
I installed a newer version of roxfiler that was not an rpm.

How do i make the rpm utils see that as my most current version?

When i try to install some other rm from rox, it keeps wanting to 
install rox-filer 1.3.7, since according to it i have none 


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Re: [newbie] RPM: How to register a compiled prog (rox)

2003-06-22 Per discussione stormjumper
i suspect checkinstall may be what you're looking for
although having not used it personally,
i can only point you to it and hope it helps

also, if you've added your contrib sources properly,
# urpmi checkinstall
should get your the rpm for your version of mandrake.
- Original Message - 
From: eric huff [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, June 23, 2003 00:58
Subject: [newbie] RPM: How to register a compiled prog (rox)

 I installed a newer version of roxfiler that was not an rpm.

 How do i make the rpm utils see that as my most current version?

 When i try to install some other rm from rox, it keeps wanting to
 install rox-filer 1.3.7, since according to it i have none


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Re: [newbie] urpmi

2003-06-22 Per discussione eric huff
There's a twiki on it at:

On Sunday 22 June 2003 03:25 pm, Aron Smith wrote:
 Hey am trying to RTFM on urmpi  not finding a lot of infromation
 out there also is it better to download from one mirror in this
 case UC Santa Cruz or to spread it out amoung 3 or four servers?

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Re: [newbie] SCSI Em- Again

2003-06-22 Per discussione John Drouhard
On 22 Jun 2003 11:41:04 -0500
Langsley T Russell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi John. 
 When I logged on this morning after checking my email I checked the
 status of my CDRW drive. To my dismay I discovered that I no longer have
 a working CDRW, either as supermount or as SCSI. It no longer appears on
 my hardware list at all and is completely unavailable. 
 You asked for my fstab and lilo files which I'm including below. 
 My fstab currently (following reboot this AM) reads:
  /dev/hda6 / ext3 defaults 1 1
 none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
 none /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0
 /dev/hda8 /home ext3 defaults 1 2
 none /mnt/hdb supermount
 dev=/dev/scd0,fs=auto,ro,--,user,iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850,umask=0 0 0
 none /mnt/floppy supermount
 dev=/dev/fd0,fs=vfat,--,iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,sync,codepage=850 0
 /dev/hda1 /mnt/win_c vfat iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,codepage=850 0 0
 /dev/hda5 /mnt/win_d vfat iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,codepage=850 0 0
 none /proc proc defaults 0 0
 /dev/hda7 swap swap defaults 0 0

May I ask what hardware list you are talking about? Is it harddrake?
Or dmesg? I am beginning to think that you may need to reinstall linux.
What version are you running? Try typing mount -a as root in a terminal.
Then check /mnt/hdb when you have a cd in the drive. If it's empty or
not accessible, then there is something wrong. Oh ya, what is your
/dev/scd0? Do you have another scsi device that isn't a cd? If you do,
change your fstab so that the dev=/dev/scd0 becomes /dev/scd1.

John Drouhard

Sun Jun 22 12:52:01 UTC 2003
They told me to install Windows 98 or better, so I installed Linux.
Registered Linux User # 315649
Registered Machine # 201001

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Re: [newbie] No response on questions

2003-06-22 Per discussione Rob Blomquist
One of the things I often do is try to get in on discussions where no one has 
responded, or no solution has been found. That is, if I can shed light on the 

I have had my questions forgotten on this list, and many others, and I try not 
to let that happen to anyone else.

A question asked in any forum is worthy of some sort of answer.


Linux: For the people, by the people.

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Re: [newbie] RPM: How to register a compiled prog (rox)

2003-06-22 Per discussione eric huff
 i suspect checkinstall may be what you're looking for


Derek has a great explanation:

I had downloaded a precompiled version of rox-filer, and 
checkinstall correctly understood the install script, etc.  Now i 
have 2.0.0 installed *and* my urpmi knows it's 2.0.0!


 also, if you've added your contrib sources properly,
 # urpmi checkinstall
 should get your the rpm for your version of mandrake.

  I installed a newer version of roxfiler that was not an rpm.
  How do i make the rpm utils see that as my most current

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[newbie] test

2003-06-22 Per discussione Drew Martin
Using M2, Opera's revolutionary e-mail client:
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Re: [newbie] SCSI Em- Again

2003-06-22 Per discussione Langsley T Russell

Hi John, 

The hardware list I was referring to is the one in the Mandrake Control Center. I'm running 8.2. Part of the reason for wanting to get my CDRW working is so that I can backup many files before upgrading to 9.1. Mount -a at this point simply takes me back to a command line cursor. I have a very old 1X SCSI CD ROM drive, but not a CDRW). At this point it is listed in MCC hardware list as scd0. The mount point for it at this time is hdb. Opening /mnt/hdb reads from my stone-age 1X CD ROM drive!

LTR }}:{(

On Sun, 2003-06-22 at 07:54, John Drouhard wrote:

May I ask what hardware list you are talking about? Is it harddrake?
Or dmesg? I am beginning to think that you may need to reinstall linux.
What version are you running? Try typing mount -a as root in a terminal.
Then check /mnt/hdb when you have a cd in the drive. If it's empty or
not accessible, then there is something wrong. Oh ya, what is your
/dev/scd0? Do you have another scsi device that isn't a cd? If you do,
change your fstab so that the dev=/dev/scd0 becomes /dev/scd1.

John Drouhard

[newbie] System Still Hangs

2003-06-22 Per discussione Wade Waldron

I reinstalled Mandrake 9.1 in order to try to solve 
my login problems. I am booting from a floppy. When I boot, it gives 
me options of whether to load linux-secure, linux, failsafe, or windows. I 
have tried selecting both secure and just linux.

The system loads and takes me to a text based 
login. Here I login and I am taken to the shell (Bash). I type KDE 
to try to boot the windowing system. A blue background comes up with an X 
shaped cursor. It then comes up with an initialization screen. This 
last for a few moments. The initialization screen disappears and the blue 
background remains. The hard drive continues to hum like it is working, 
but nothing ever happens. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Also, I have considered trying to run Gnome 
instead, but because I am new to linux I do not know the command to start a 
Gnome session.


Re: [newbie] No response on questions

2003-06-22 Per discussione JoeHill
On Sun, 22 Jun 2003 16:21:09 +0200
Johan Scheepers [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 As it is if I skip a day or two I found up 785 messages waiting on

This is why sometimes, to be frank, they just get missed in the sheer
number of posts. I have many times said oh, I know the answer to that
or could find one... then get distracted, then it's marked as read so
next time I don't notice it.

I will try to do much better with this in the future, I've been on this
SCO stuff too much lately.

I see nothing wrong, BTW, with re-posting after a reasonable amount of
time, someone mentioned 3 days, I think that's a little bit too much to
ask. There's nothing wrong with making a second request within say 48
hours, esp if it's a bigger system prob.

One thing with web forums, they always had that link, view unanswered
posts...that would be very usefull...

doin my best! well, someone's best...
+ Joe Hill
+ Registered Linux user #282046
+ Homepage:
+ ICQ# 279518458 
+ Do what thou wilt, this shall be the
+ whole of the law.

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Re: [newbie] System Still Hangs

2003-06-22 Per discussione Dennis Myers
On Sunday 22 June 2003 02:27 pm, Wade Waldron wrote:
 I reinstalled Mandrake 9.1 in order to try to solve my login problems.  I
 am booting from a floppy.  When I boot, it gives me options of whether to
 load linux-secure, linux, failsafe, or windows.  I have tried selecting
 both secure and just linux.

 The system loads and takes me to a text based login.  Here I login and I am
 taken to the shell (Bash).  I type KDE to try to boot the windowing system.
  A blue background comes up with an X shaped cursor.  It then comes up with
 an initialization screen.  This last for a few moments.  The initialization
 screen disappears and the blue background remains.  The hard drive
 continues to hum like it is working, but nothing ever happens.  Does anyone
 have any suggestions?

 Also, I have considered trying to run Gnome instead, but because I am new
 to linux I do not know the command to start a Gnome session.

when you get to the login and it gives you the text based login and the shell, 
at the shell prompt type startx without the quotes. This should give you 
the default you chose during install, normally KDE desktop. If no desk top 
then the video config is not right for your comp setup. If no desktop come 
back to the list with hardware info, like:  video card, monitor brand etc. 
Dennis M. linux user #180842

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Re: [newbie] DVD still not working (Mandrake 9.1)

2003-06-22 Per discussione SethiPradeep

Ronald J. Hall [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Monday 16 June 2003 11:00 pm, Pradeep Sethi wrote:

 I am still not able to play DVDs. I can play audio CDs / VCDs in that
 drive, work fine. but get error, while playing DVD.

 when I try to play DVD through mplayer GUI, click on open Disc, it shows
 reading the DVD for 5-6 seconds (light blinking), then gives error
 'Can't play /dev/dvd'.

Pradep, I've not been following this thread so if I repeat something already 
asked I apologize.

Did you do (as root) a ln -s /dev/devicename /dev/dvd? In my case, since I 
use SCSI it would be:

ln -s /dev/scd0 /dev/dvd

on an IDE system, it would look something like:

ln -s /dev/hdb (or hdc or hdd) /dev/dvd

Also, did you add your user to the cdrom or cdwriter group(s)?

One more thing, what about permissions? Here I had to do a:

chmod a+r /mnt/cdrom
chmod a+rx /dev/scd0 (that would be hdb, hdc, or hdd on IDE).

when I do ln -l /dev/dvd

[EMAIL PROTECTED] psethi]# ls -l /dev/dvd
lr-xr-xr-x1 root root   30 Jun 17 07:36 /dev/dvd - 

I would guess, this config is correct, as I can play audio CDs and VCDs in this drive, 
works fine.

Done :

[EMAIL PROTECTED] psethi]# chmod a+r /mnt/cdrom

[EMAIL PROTECTED] psethi]# chmod a+rx /dev/ide/host0/bus1/target0/lun0/cd

Then I try gmplayer, still getting the same error :(

Output :
Playing /dev/dvd
libdvdread: Using libdvdcss version 1.2.6 for DVD access
libdvdread: Could not open device with libdvdcss.
libdvdread: Can't open /dev/dvd for reading
Couldn't open DVD device: /dev/dvd

pls help.

Thanks in Advance


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Re: [newbie] Sun let's the cat out of the bag

2003-06-22 Per discussione Miark
On Saturday 21 June 2003 06:49 pm, JoeHill graced me with:

 It's official, Sun is right in there with MS and SCO. 

SCO and M$ want Linux to die. Sun just wants to take advantage of the
FUD to steal some business from IBM. There's a significant difference.


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Re: [newbie] Sun let's the cat out of the bag

2003-06-22 Per discussione Miark
On Sun, 22 Jun 2003 00:17:46 -0400
MWafkowski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I think we all do..this is quickly becoming less than an amusement and more

Oh, I dunno--nothing has really changed in the last week. Since the suit
was announced, we've had minor leaks about the validity of the
accusations that are divided at best, and a mountain of reasons why SCO
will lose. Until the whole case is settled, I bet this pattern will not
change one bit.

This case will take forever to settle, and the wait in and of itself will
tempt Linux users into falling for the FUD. But I really believe IBM and
Linux will prevail.


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Re: [newbie] No response on questions

2003-06-22 Per discussione Chris

 I see nothing wrong, BTW, with re-posting after a reasonable amount of
 time, someone mentioned 3 days, I think that's a little bit too much to
 ask. There's nothing wrong with making a second request within say 48
 hours, esp if it's a bigger system prob.

 One thing with web forums, they always had that link, view unanswered
 posts...that would be very usefull...

There are always the newbie archives at:

  A 100% Microsoft free computer
  Registered Linux User 283774
  3:19pm  up 21:29,  4 users,  load average: 0.08, 0.32, 0.37

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Re: [newbie] SCSI Em- Again

2003-06-22 Per discussione John Drouhard
On 22 Jun 2003 14:03:26 -0500
Langsley T Russell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi John, 
 The hardware list I was referring to is the one in the Mandrake Control
 Center. I'm running 8.2. Part of the reason for wanting to get my CDRW
 working is so that I can backup many files before upgrading to 9.1. 
 Mount -a at this point simply takes me back to a command line cursor. I
 have a very old 1X SCSI CD ROM drive, but not a CDRW). At this point it
 is listed in MCC hardware list as scd0. The mount point for it at this
 time is hdb. Opening /mnt/hdb reads from my stone-age 1X CD ROM drive!

Aha! make this your fstab:

/dev/hda6 / ext3 defaults 1 1
none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
none /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0
/dev/hda8 /home ext3 defaults 1 2
none /mnt/cdrom supermount 
dev=/dev/scd0,fs=auto,ro,--,user,iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850,umask=0 0 0
none /mnt/cdrw supermount 
dev=/dev/scd1,fs=auto,ro,--,user,iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850,umask=0 0 0
none /mnt/floppy supermount
dev=/dev/fd0,fs=vfat,--,iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,sync,codepage=850 0 0
/dev/hda1 /mnt/win_c vfat iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,codepage=850 0 0
/dev/hda5 /mnt/win_d vfat iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,codepage=850 0 0
none /proc proc defaults 0 0
/dev/hda7 swap swap defaults 0 0

Save it, reboot, and then open /mnt/cdrw for your cdrw drive, and /mnt/cdrom 
will be your scsi drive. This will work. If it doesn't, then I don't
know what the heck is going wrong.

I seriously hope this helps.

John Drouhard

Sun Jun 22 15:16:21 UTC 2003
They told me to install Windows 98 or better, so I installed Linux.
Registered Linux User # 315649
Registered Machine # 201001

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Re: [newbie] Install problems

2003-06-22 Per discussione FemmeFatale
At 11:07 PM 6/21/2003 -0400, you wrote:
On Saturday 21 June 2003 01:44 pm, Tom Brinkman wrote:


I'll send the pics to you offlist and everything will become clear as mud. :-)



sendy pls to me too! ? :)
FemmeFatale, aka The Skirt
Good Decisions Your boss Made:
We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux. I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.
- Source: Dilbert

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Re: [newbie] Install problems, OT Speaking of cable select on HDDs

2003-06-22 Per discussione FemmeFatale
At 10:17 PM 6/21/2003 -0700, you wrote:
CableSelect is a function of the controller, not the hd.  Very few 
use the CS function (I've never owned one, nor even seen one, so I can only
take it on face value that they exist).

so wtf.. my manual says you can use it..but it didn't work?... i give up. 
Thx E!

FemmeFatale, aka The Skirt
Good Decisions Your boss Made:
We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux. I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.
- Source: Dilbert

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[newbie] Another Help site

2003-06-22 Per discussione Aron Smith
Hey Gang 
Don't Know if you know this link it's interesting

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Re: [newbie] Installing new hard

2003-06-22 Per discussione FemmeFatale
At 11:10 PM 6/21/2003 -0400, you wrote:
On Saturday 21 June 2003 08:58 pm, Crak600 - Michael wrote:

 which drive would i make the primary drive?  my thought is that i'd make
 the 100GB drive the primary drive, as the computer would have to access
 linux before windows to give me the dual boot option, correct?
Actually, Windows needs to be first, or at least it used to.  I don't know
about XP.  I recall that Windows ignores all partitions above the first one
it doesn't recognize, so I always put windows on first, create my shared
partition and then put linux on the end of the drive.
Others have answered the rest..but YES XP still needs to be 
first...sadly... Goddamn U M$!

FemmeFatale, aka The Skirt
Good Decisions Your boss Made:
We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux. I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.
- Source: Dilbert

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Re: [newbie] Installing new hard

2003-06-22 Per discussione FemmeFatale
At 11:10 PM 6/21/2003 -0400, you wrote:

You're best bet, as long as you don't need to do a lot of disk to disk
copying, is to put your optical drives on a seperate channel from your hard
drives.  This is especially true of CDRW drives, where you want to maximize
the data throughput from your hard drives to the burner.  Putting them on the
same channel could create bottlenecks when you burn a cd.  So I would make
the disk drives hda and hdb and let the cdrw be hdc.
I just swapped drives around... should of answered this in my other 
post...oh well.

If you do alot of copying from hard drive to HDD or cd to cd or cd to hdd:

put your 100 gigger separate on the primary IDE channel.

Put your cd burner on the 2nd IDE channel for faster computer speeds  
copying from HDD to CDRom.  Also stick your other HDD on this channel as 
its likely you will do more copying from the primary to CDRom than from the 
2nd HDD to CDRom...thus preserving read/write speeds  allowing better 
transfers speeds.

FemmeFatale, aka The Skirt
Good Decisions Your boss Made:
We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux. I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.
- Source: Dilbert

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Re: [newbie] Powerfan connection?

2003-06-22 Per discussione FemmeFatale
At 10:02 AM 6/22/2003 -0500, you wrote:

  This isn't strictly a Mandrake question, but I hope someone here can help
me.  I'm building a computer for my mother using an Abit NF7-M motherboard.
In the manual it says, Attach the connector from the power fan to PWRFAN1
header...  The PWRFAN1 header has three prongs.  Two of the connectors
coming out of the power housing have four holes, none have three.  Which
(if any) is supposed to connect to PWRFAN1?  Do I need an adapter so it can
fit the three-prong header?  My own computer has an Abit KR7A-133 board.
The equivalent passage in it is attach the connector from the power fan
to FAN3 header.  I just looked and nothing is attached to that header,
and the only four-hole connector I see is plugged into the floppy drive.
Some friends online suggested that the power fan (ie. I assume the one in
the power box housing) is run _by_ the power box, that it doesn't need
to connect to the motherboard.  Is that true?  I notice that it isn't
turning now, but that might be because it doesn't need to.  Looking at the
fan through the grill I can see the wires running from it but can't see
where they're going or if they're one of the bundles exiting the unit
at the rear.  How _do_ I connect that fan, or do I need to do anything at
Puzzled in Evansville,
Dale Huckeby
That connector is for an extra fan mounted directly to your computer 
case...usually 40-120mm in size.  They use special 3 wire or 4 wire little 
connectors.  I have an old one that is 2 connectors but I jerry rigged the 
sucker so it works.  Just ignored one pin (which is an pin that gives an 
extra few volts IIRC that this fan doesn't need being its only 60mm in 

So in short: if you have a case fan, thats where you connect it to on the 
mobo.  Otherwise ignore it.  Some newer powersupplys have a little heat 
sensor you connect to the mobo ... looks like a 3 pronged connector 
too.  Thats not the same thing. :)  HTH?  If you need more info email me 
off list I'll send you pix of what i'm talking about.

FemmeFatale, aka The Skirt
Good Decisions Your boss Made:
We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux. I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.
- Source: Dilbert

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Re: [newbie] Tux pics...

2003-06-22 Per discussione FemmeFatale
At 11:20 PM 6/21/2003 -0400, you wrote:
In another thread (I think it was Femme!) posted some Tux gaming pics 'n
stuff. I found a couple I had lying around the old HD, if anyone wants me to
send them offlist. Of course, many of you probably already have these.
One is from Penguin Computing (my fav!)

One is Tux with a joystick

One is Tux with a keyboard

Just a thought... :-)



FemmeFatale, aka The Skirt
Good Decisions Your boss Made:
We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux. I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.
- Source: Dilbert

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Re: [newbie] No response on questions

2003-06-22 Per discussione FemmeFatale
At 10:58 AM 6/22/2003 -0400, you wrote:
On Sun, 2003-06-22 at 10:21, Johan Scheepers wrote:
or just post again,  adding note; no help in three days to the subject
it may well be that in with the other mail, your question was just
missed, or no-one knew the answer. Asking again, and adding something
like can anyone hear or help me might at least get an answer of no, i
are 'tupid.
*giggles* I can volunteer to post the no, i r tupid responses. :D

FemmeFatale, aka The Skirt
Good Decisions Your boss Made:
We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux. I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.
- Source: Dilbert

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Re: [newbie] No response on questions

2003-06-22 Per discussione FemmeFatale
At 06:48 PM 6/22/2003 +, you wrote:
snips  yanks Bjorn outta his closet! NO CLOSSETING ALLOWED! Once you're 
OUT you're OUT!


A few days ago I posted a question about running Enemy Territory as a
regular user, but I haven't got any answer thus far. No offence taken,
of course; some questions get answered and others don't.
And would you really like me (and others) to post the same questions
over and over? I take it that if no one answers, it is because no one
Besides, for some months now I have been lurking in the shadows of this
list (one of the few things I'm actually good at :-) ), inhaling the
wisdom of the non newbies, but without lifting a finger myself to
help anyone. So I am hardly in a position to complain.
But beware, I may be back!

Until then, see you in the shadows

Björn Olsson
Check its permissions  make sure they are set for USER  that you now own 
it using chown as a user.  Thats my best answer... :)

FemmeFatale, aka The Skirt
Good Decisions Your boss Made:
We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux. I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.
- Source: Dilbert

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Re: [newbie] test

2003-06-22 Per discussione John Drouhard
On Sun, 22 Jun 2003 19:41:52 +0100
Drew Martin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


sorry, it didn't work :)

Sun Jun 22 16:53:09 UTC 2003
They told me to install Windows 98 or better, so I installed Linux.
Registered Linux User # 315649
Registered Machine # 201001

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Re: [newbie] Installing new hard

2003-06-22 Per discussione eric huff
 If you do alot of copying from hard drive to HDD or cd to cd or
 cd to hdd:

 put your 100 gigger separate on the primary IDE channel.

 Put your cd burner on the 2nd IDE channel for faster computer
 speeds  copying from HDD to CDRom.  Also stick your other HDD on
 this channel as its likely you will do more copying from the
 primary to CDRom than from the 2nd HDD to CDRom...thus preserving
 read/write speeds  allowing better transfers speeds.

I'm a little confused here with all the hdd's, HDD's, other HDD's 
and hard drives.  :)

Are you saying that copying is faster if both devices are on the 
same ide buss or different?  I just want to make sure i get this 


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[newbie] XMMS and cdread plugin

2003-06-22 Per discussione Chris
I've just about got my system backup again so thought I'd enjoy some cd's.  
Loaded up xmms and here are the problems. 

1.  Looking back at the archives I found Ann's message about loading the 
cdread plugin.  Found it at rpmfind although it was the cooker version, I 
downloaded and installed.  Bringing up the preferences in xmms the cdread 
plugin is nowhere to be found in the input plugin list although I've 
confirmed its in the correct directory under xmms.

2.  I can't even bring up a list of the .wav files on my cd with xmms although 
.mp3s show up fine after I mount the drive.  WAV files play fine with KsCD 
player though.  

Any ideas where I need to go from here?


  A 100% Microsoft free computer
  Registered Linux User 283774
  5:12pm  up 23:23,  5 users,  load average: 0.14, 0.08, 0.07

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Re: [newbie] System Still Hangs

2003-06-22 Per discussione Wade Waldron

Okay, when my system hangs I am able to press Alt 
Ctrl F1 to go back to the shell. From here if I push the Windows key on my 
keyboard I get a screen which seems to be logging current activity (does this 
make sense). It lists a series of errors. Unfortunately the errors 
go by so quickly that I am unable to see them. Is it possible to halt this 
screen, or to print it to a file? This might help me diagnose the 
problem. It appears that the error is probably the same one over and 
over. I am thinking that something is not configured correctly and the 
system is going into an infinite loop of trying and failing to perform some 

Also, when I am back in the shell I have tried 
pressing Ctrl C to stop KDE from loading. This gives me a message saying 
something like "Unexpected signal 15". Nothing happens after that unless I 
press Ctrl C again at which point I am given a prompt again. However, the 
hard drive still hums as though the system is still hanging. If I then 
press the Windows key I am again given the error messages rapidly scrolling off 
the screen. I have tried to do a ps to see the process which is causing 
the hard drive to continue to work, but I don't see any process running which 
would account for that.


  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Sunday, June 22, 2003 12:27 
  Subject: [newbie] System Still 
  I reinstalled Mandrake 9.1 in order to try to 
  solve my login problems. I am booting from a floppy. When I boot, 
  it gives me options of whether to load linux-secure, linux, failsafe, or 
  windows. I have tried selecting both secure and just linux.
  The system loads and takes me to a text based 
  login. Here I login and I am taken to the shell (Bash). I type KDE 
  to try to boot the windowing system. A blue background comes up with an 
  X shaped cursor. It then comes up with an initialization screen. 
  This last for a few moments. The initialization screen disappears and 
  the blue background remains. The hard drive continues to hum like it is 
  working, but nothing ever happens. Does anyone have any 
  Also, I have considered trying to run Gnome 
  instead, but because I am new to linux I do not know the command to start a 
  Gnome session.

Re: [newbie] SCSI Em- Again

2003-06-22 Per discussione Langsley T Russell
OK John, I copied the new fstab file you provided to the etc directory. 

On boot up I now get two FAILED lines. 

The first one reads:
Supermount error (device 0/12) supermount_read_sup er:no dev: file
system option

The second reads:
Mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock or none, or too many
mounted file systems 

However the two drives appear to be working as expected.

My CD ROM drive now appears as device scd0 in the hardware list.
Mount point: /mnt/cdrom 
Device: scd0
Type: auto
Options: supermount,ro,user,iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850,mask=0 

My CDRW drive once again appears on my mandrake command center twice,
once as /dev/hdb and once as /dev/scd1. 
For mount point it says /mnt/cdrw. 
Device is scd1 
Type auto 
Options supermount,ro,user,iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850,unmask=0

Again thanks for the unbelievable amount of assistance. Believe me it is
truly appreciated!!

LTR  }}:{(

On Sun, 2003-06-22 at 10:21, John Drouhard wrote:

 Aha! make this your fstab:
 /dev/hda6 / ext3 defaults 1 1
 none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
 none /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0
 /dev/hda8 /home ext3 defaults 1 2
 none /mnt/cdrom supermount 
 dev=/dev/scd0,fs=auto,ro,--,user,iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850,umask=0 0 0
 none /mnt/cdrw supermount 
 dev=/dev/scd1,fs=auto,ro,--,user,iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850,umask=0 0 0
 none /mnt/floppy supermount
 dev=/dev/fd0,fs=vfat,--,iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,sync,codepage=850 0 0
 /dev/hda1 /mnt/win_c vfat iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,codepage=850 0 0
 /dev/hda5 /mnt/win_d vfat iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,codepage=850 0 0
 none /proc proc defaults 0 0
 /dev/hda7 swap swap defaults 0 0
 Save it, reboot, and then open /mnt/cdrw for your cdrw drive, and /mnt/cdrom 
 will be your scsi drive. This will work. If it doesn't, then I don't
 know what the heck is going wrong.
 I seriously hope this helps.
 John Drouhard

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Re: [newbie] Sun let's the cat out of the bag

2003-06-22 Per discussione Dennis Myers
On Sunday 22 June 2003 04:03 pm, Miark wrote:
 On Sun, 22 Jun 2003 00:17:46 -0400

 MWafkowski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I think we all do..this is quickly becoming less than an amusement and
  more creepy.

 Oh, I dunno--nothing has really changed in the last week. Since the suit
 was announced, we've had minor leaks about the validity of the
 accusations that are divided at best, and a mountain of reasons why SCO
 will lose. Until the whole case is settled, I bet this pattern will not
 change one bit.

 This case will take forever to settle, and the wait in and of itself will
 tempt Linux users into falling for the FUD. But I really believe IBM and
 Linux will prevail.

One thing not mentioned much and that is the way the US judicial system works. 
It is not a system based on justice, but a system based on precedence. The 
interpretation of a legislated law by a court sets  precedence and once 
accepted after all appeals are used up, the courts decision defines the law. 
(Until of course, new legislation is passed).  So do not expect an outcome 
based on what is fair or just, the outcome will be based on law (see U.
S. Govmnt  vs. Microsoft, was that fair or just??)  just my $0.02 pessimistic 
as it is. 

Dennis M. linux user #180842

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Re: [newbie] RTCW on linux (well, Mandrake to be more specific)

2003-06-22 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Sun, 2003-06-22 at 23:44, ed tharp wrote:

 yep, channel #2 bridge, right near Holiday Isle.

Funny it's been literally 20 years since being down that way and I still
remember it so clearly. I was recently attempting to describe snorkeling
around Turkey Point to some people - strange, that.

Mon Jun 23 08:55:00 EST 2003
 08:55:00 up 1 day, 18:05,  3 users,  load average: 0.49, 0.27, 0.17
|____  |kuhn media australia|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
 linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1  RH 7.3  
 Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

The introduction of a new kind of music must be shunned as imperiling the
whole state, for styles of music are never disturbed without affecting
the most important political institutions. ...  The new style, gradually
gaining a lodgement, quitely insinuates itself into manners and customs,
and from it ... goes on to attack laws and constitutions, displaying the
utmost impudence, until it ends by overturning everything.
-- Plato, Republic, 370 B.C.

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[newbie] Boot error message

2003-06-22 Per discussione Dennis Myers
I have googled and archived the www and not found a decent answer to the 
message I get on boot since I changed out my CDROM.  Message is ;  A:  drive 
error  F1 to continue .   I hit F1 and the system boots up and both hda and 
hdc are there and both cdrw and cdrom work. I am puzzled about what drive is 
in error. Any one seen this before? Advice? Guesses for grabs.
Dennis M. linux user #180842

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Re: [newbie] Tux pics...

2003-06-22 Per discussione C. Tresenriter
On Sat, 21 Jun 2003 23:20:54 -0400
Ronald J. Hall [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In another thread (I think it was Femme!) posted some Tux gaming pics 'n 
 stuff. I found a couple I had lying around the old HD, if anyone wants me to 
 send them offlist. Of course, many of you probably already have these.
I'd like to have 'em too.

Should anyone be interested I have a great little clip of two penguins... real ones, 
that I'd be glad to email. Very funny!

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Re: [newbie] XMMS and cdread plugin

2003-06-22 Per discussione Dennis Myers
On Sunday 22 June 2003 06:24 pm, Chris wrote:
 I've just about got my system backup again so thought I'd enjoy some cd's.
 Loaded up xmms and here are the problems.

 1.  Looking back at the archives I found Ann's message about loading the
 cdread plugin.  Found it at rpmfind although it was the cooker version, I
 downloaded and installed.  Bringing up the preferences in xmms the cdread
 plugin is nowhere to be found in the input plugin list although I've
 confirmed its in the correct directory under xmms.

 2.  I can't even bring up a list of the .wav files on my cd with xmms
 although .mp3s show up fine after I mount the drive.  WAV files play fine
 with KsCD player though.

 Any ideas where I need to go from here?

Chris, it should show up in xmmspreferences as  Audio CD reader -  HTH 

Dennis M. linux user #180842

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Re: [newbie] Boot error message

2003-06-22 Per discussione Graham Banks
Dennis Myers wrote:
I have googled and archived the www and not found a decent answer to the 
message I get on boot since I changed out my CDROM.  Message is ;  A:  drive 
error  F1 to continue .   I hit F1 and the system boots up and both hda and 
hdc are there and both cdrw and cdrom work. I am puzzled about what drive is 
in error. Any one seen this before? Advice? Guesses for grabs.
I had that error come up last week after installing a new CDRW on my 
A7N8X mobo,
turned out I had dislodged the floppy drive cable and when I reconnected 
it the
boot up message disappeared.


Proudly powered by GNU/Linux
Mandrake-9.1 kernel 2.4.21-0.18
Registered Linux User #309089 Machine #195076
A7N8X XP2700+ 512RAM Gf4Ti4600 80Gb

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Re: [newbie] Boot error message

2003-06-22 Per discussione Carroll Grigsby
On Sunday 22 June 2003 07:04 pm, Dennis Myers wrote:
 I have googled and archived the www and not found a decent answer to the
 message I get on boot since I changed out my CDROM.  Message is ;  A: 
 drive error  F1 to continue .   I hit F1 and the system boots up and both
 hda and hdc are there and both cdrw and cdrom work. I am puzzled about what
 drive is in error. Any one seen this before? Advice? Guesses for grabs.

A shot in the dark: Based on the reference to A:, it looks like a BIOS 
message. Is your BIOS is set to boot from floppy?
-- cmg

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Re: [newbie] XMMS and cdread plugin

2003-06-22 Per discussione Chris
On Sunday 22 June 2003 01:27 pm, Dennis Myers wrote:

  2.  I can't even bring up a list of the .wav files on my cd with xmms
  although .mp3s show up fine after I mount the drive.  WAV files play fine
  with KsCD player though.
  Any ideas where I need to go from here?

 Chris, it should show up in xmmspreferences as  Audio CD reader -  HTH and are both in the /usr/lib/xmms/Input directory 
however it just doesn't show up on the list of plugin's.  It doesn't take a 
reboot to get this thing to show up does it?
  A 100% Microsoft free computer
  Registered Linux User 283774
  6:35pm  up 1 day, 45 min,  5 users,  load average: 0.13, 0.08, 0.01

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Re: [newbie] Boot error message

2003-06-22 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Mon, 2003-06-23 at 09:04, Dennis Myers wrote:
 I have googled and archived the www and not found a decent answer to the 
 message I get on boot since I changed out my CDROM.  Message is ;  A:  drive 
 error  F1 to continue .   I hit F1 and the system boots up and both hda and 
 hdc are there and both cdrw and cdrom work. I am puzzled about what drive is 
 in error. Any one seen this before? Advice? Guesses for grabs.

Is it safe to assume that you didn't change anything in BIOS or that the
jumpers on the drive are set properly?
Mon Jun 23 09:30:00 EST 2003
 09:30:00 up 1 day, 18:40,  4 users,  load average: 0.82, 0.37, 0.23
|____  |kuhn media australia|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
 linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1  RH 7.3  
 Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

What this country needs is a good five dollar plasma weapon.

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[newbie] Kmail settings.

2003-06-22 Per discussione Ronald J. Hall
Recently, since installing 9.1, I've had quite a few Kmail crashes. When it 
does, I don't lose any mail, sent, trash or otherwise, but I do lose all my 
config settings. Even the address book is okay.

So - can someone tell me where kmails' user settings are stored so I can back 
them up? I looked in /home/darklord/mail and .kde but didn't find anything.




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Re: [newbie] Help with rpmdrake not able to read source cds

2003-06-22 Per discussione Terence J. Golightly
On Sun, 2003-06-22 at 06:42, Derek Jennings wrote:
 Have you been doing your security updates? There is an updated urpmi available 
 which I think addresses this sort if issue. Assuming you have an update 
 source defined then
 urpmi urpmi  (in a root terminal)

did that got the update..

 If you do not have an update source then go here

yeah I did setup an update, contrib and plf source right after my fresh
install on my new 80gb 7200rpm maxtor.  
  Select an 'update' source as well as 'contrib' and 'plf' sources. You will 
 then gain access to hundreds of online applications.
 There are a *lot* of security updates for 9.1 so unless you have a broadband 
 connection you might like to do them a few at a time.

I don't think got the security updates yet.
 To reset your CD sources again. Delete all the existing CD sources. Put CD1 in 
 the drive and in a root terminal enter
 urpmi.addmedia --distrib cdrom removable:///mnt/cdrom

I'm going to do that tomorrow.  To get around the problem I disabled all
my source cds in the Software Sources Manager. The install went w/o a
 If you have broadband you might like to delete all the CDs and just declare a 
 'main' source using the link above. That way you will never be prompted for a 
 CD at all, and all installs will be over the net.

I just may keep them disabled..



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Re: [newbie] System Still Hangs

2003-06-22 Per discussione eric huff
I would first look at  /var/log/messages 
You might see the same messages in there.

If you use  less /var/log/messages  (instead of more) you can hit 
the end key to get to the end of them.


On Sunday 22 June 2003 03:31 pm, Wade Waldron wrote:
 Okay, when my system hangs I am able to press Alt Ctrl F1 to go
 back to the shell.  From here if I push the Windows key on my
 keyboard I get a screen which seems to be logging current
 activity (does this make sense).  It lists a series of errors. 
 Unfortunately the errors go by so quickly that I am unable to see
 them.  Is it possible to halt this screen, or to print it to a
 file?  This might help me diagnose the problem.  It appears that
 the error is probably the same one over and over.  I am thinking
 that something is not configured correctly and the system is
 going into an infinite loop of trying and failing to perform some

 Also, when I am back in the shell I have tried pressing Ctrl C to
 stop KDE from loading.  This gives me a message saying something
 like Unexpected signal 15.  Nothing happens after that unless I
 press Ctrl C again at which point I am given a prompt again. 
 However, the hard drive still hums as though the system is still
 hanging.  If I then press the Windows key I am again given the
 error messages rapidly scrolling off the screen.  I have tried to
 do a ps to see the process which is causing the hard drive to
 continue to work, but I don't see any process running which would
 account for that.

   - Original Message -
   From: Wade Waldron
   Sent: Sunday, June 22, 2003 12:27 PM
   Subject: [newbie] System Still Hangs

   I reinstalled Mandrake 9.1 in order to try to solve my login
 problems.  I am booting from a floppy.  When I boot, it gives me
 options of whether to load linux-secure, linux, failsafe, or
 windows.  I have tried selecting both secure and just linux.

   The system loads and takes me to a text based login.  Here I
 login and I am taken to the shell (Bash).  I type KDE to try to
 boot the windowing system.  A blue background comes up with an X
 shaped cursor.  It then comes up with an initialization screen. 
 This last for a few moments.  The initialization screen
 disappears and the blue background remains.  The hard drive
 continues to hum like it is working, but nothing ever happens. 
 Does anyone have any suggestions?

   Also, I have considered trying to run Gnome instead, but
 because I am new to linux I do not know the command to start a
 Gnome session.


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[newbie] slypheed install: where to get it?

2003-06-22 Per discussione eric huff
I have to apologize: i swear i saved this info, but can''t find it 
here or in the archves:

I remember a little while ago, there was a sylpheed flurry about 
doing something special to install it (ie not just using the 
standard mandrake rpm).

Am i just smokin it?


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Re: [newbie] Kmail settings.

2003-06-22 Per discussione stephlub
Le Lundi 23 Juin 2003 01:56, Ronald J. Hall a écrit :
 Recently, since installing 9.1, I've had quite a few Kmail crashes. When it
 does, I don't lose any mail, sent, trash or otherwise, but I do lose all my
 config settings. Even the address book is okay.

 So - can someone tell me where kmails' user settings are stored so I can
 back them up? I looked in /home/darklord/mail and .kde but didn't find

have a look at the FAQ at the web site of Kmail (try 'Help')

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Re: [newbie] Kmail settings.

2003-06-22 Per discussione eric huff
it's buried in ~/.kde/share/config/kmailrc

On Sunday 22 June 2003 04:56 pm, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
 Recently, since installing 9.1, I've had quite a few Kmail
 crashes. When it does, I don't lose any mail, sent, trash or
 otherwise, but I do lose all my config settings. Even the address
 book is okay.

 So - can someone tell me where kmails' user settings are stored
 so I can back them up? I looked in /home/darklord/mail and .kde
 but didn't find anything.


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Re: [newbie] XMMS and cdread plugin

2003-06-22 Per discussione Dennis Myers
On Sunday 22 June 2003 07:40 pm, Chris wrote:
 On Sunday 22 June 2003 01:27 pm, Dennis Myers wrote:
   2.  I can't even bring up a list of the .wav files on my cd with xmms
   although .mp3s show up fine after I mount the drive.  WAV files play
   fine with KsCD player though.
   Any ideas where I need to go from here?
  Chris, it should show up in xmmspreferences as  Audio CD reader -  HTH and are both in the /usr/lib/xmms/Input directory
 however it just doesn't show up on the list of plugin's.  It doesn't take a
 reboot to get this thing to show up does it?
I feel your pain.  This is an area that ML is very weak in. I don't know about 
other distros. Sound in general is very problematic. I am having trouble now 
with a computer that worked perfectly in all aspects but MP3s and in trying 
to get that working I now can not play anything on xmms. Not .wav or .ogg 
nothing. So I do not know what file I failed to include or delete  or really 
wwhere to look now, but I will keep looking. It worked once, it will work 
again. :  )
Dennis M. linux user #180842

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Re: [newbie] SCSI Em- Again

2003-06-22 Per discussione John Drouhard
On 22 Jun 2003 17:54:27 -0500
Langsley T Russell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 OK John, I copied the new fstab file you provided to the etc directory. 
 On boot up I now get two FAILED lines. 
 The first one reads:
 Supermount error (device 0/12) supermount_read_sup er:no dev: file
 system option
 The second reads:
 Mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock or none, or too many
 mounted file systems 
 However the two drives appear to be working as expected.
 My CD ROM drive now appears as device scd0 in the hardware list.
 Mount point: /mnt/cdrom 
 Device: scd0
 Type: auto
 Options: supermount,ro,user,iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850,mask=0 
 My CDRW drive once again appears on my mandrake command center twice,
 once as /dev/hdb and once as /dev/scd1. 
 For mount point it says /mnt/cdrw. 
 Device is scd1 
 Type auto 
 Options supermount,ro,user,iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850,unmask=0
 Again thanks for the unbelievable amount of assistance. Believe me it is
 truly appreciated!!

Since your cd drives are working, I suggest you backup all your data,
then upgrade to 9.1 doing a fresh install. Then everything will be fixed
(Also, 9.1 automatically sets up SCSI emulation for detected burners). 

Hope you get it working!

John Drouhard

Sun Jun 22 20:27:56 UTC 2003
They told me to install Windows 98 or better, so I installed Linux.
Registered Linux User # 315649
Registered Machine # 201001

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Re: [newbie] Kmail settings.

2003-06-22 Per discussione Damian Gatabria
On Sunday 22 June 2003 20:56, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
 Recently, since installing 9.1, I've had quite a few Kmail crashes. When it
 does, I don't lose any mail, sent, trash or otherwise, but I do lose all my
 config settings. Even the address book is okay.

 So - can someone tell me where kmails' user settings are stored so I can
 back them up? I looked in /home/darklord/mail and .kde but didn't find





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Re: [newbie] Installing new hard

2003-06-22 Per discussione Graham Banks
FemmeFatale wrote:
Copying from any medium to another is faster if they are on different 
busses.. or IDE connectors.

so for me:

Primary HDD  DVD ROM are on IDE1 ( i don't copy back  forth tween 
those... so no need to split them up)
Secondary CD R/W  HDD are on IDE2 (I DO Copy from HDD 1 (Primary) to my 
CD Writer...alot.  Splitting them up allows faster transfer of data 
because they are not waiting for one another on teh same IDE Port/bus.  
This way they can transfer  don't need to wait for one another to 
finish unloading off the same Bus.)

Something to consider - and I may be wrong (I often am!) but I was 
having trouble with the
transfer speed on my shiny new ata133 hard drive a while back when it 
was connected as
master, and the dvd as slave, on the primary IDE cable.

I can't remember exactly where I read it - as it was some time ago - 
that if you connect
two drives to the same cable then both drives will be limited by the 
transfer capabilities
of the slower drive, eg master=udma5 - slave=udma2 then both drives will 
behave as
though they were udma2.

When I put my dvd drive as slave to my cdrw drive master on the second 
ide channel I got an
incredible improvement in transfer rates for my hard disk.

This may or may not be relevant but I just thought to comment on this 
for consideration and/or
comment from the more learned folks on the list. I like to learn and 
appreciate info from others.


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Mandrake-9.1 kernel 2.4.21-0.18
Registered Linux User #309089 Machine #195076
A7N8X XP2700+ 512RAM Gf4Ti4600 80Gb

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Re: [newbie] Kmail settings.

2003-06-22 Per discussione Ronald J. Hall
On Sunday 22 June 2003 09:08 pm, eric huff wrote:

 it's buried in ~/.kde/share/config/kmailrc

Thats it, thanks!


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Re: [newbie] Kmail settings.

2003-06-22 Per discussione Ronald J. Hall
On Sunday 22 June 2003 08:58 pm, Damian Gatabria wrote:




Thanks Damian!


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[newbie] Argh! Apologies... :-(

2003-06-22 Per discussione Ronald J. Hall
I think I accidentally sent some attachments to the list again.

I'm sorry.

(I know, someday I'll be first against the wall when the revolution comes!!!)



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[newbie] slypheed installed

2003-06-22 Per discussione eric huff
Ok, installed.  I like the speed, etc, but it seems a little klunky 
for reading mail.

I figured out that hitting enter scrolls the mail down so you can 
read lower, but if you need to go back up, the only way i can see 
to do it is to use the mouse.

Is this right?  Is there any way to make page down, or the arrows 
keys always work in the mail window w/o first clicking in it?

time passes

Well, i just went and used it a little more (reprogrammed a couple 
keys) and i guess if i use right hand for switching mails, and the 
scroll wheel for up/down in the mail, that works pretty well...

Yeah, i think i can get used to this...

Thanks for the rpms locations.


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Re: [newbie] Installing new hard

2003-06-22 Per discussione FemmeFatale
At 08:00 PM 6/22/2003 -0700, you wrote:
 Copying from any medium to another is faster if they are on
 different busses.. or IDE connectors.

 THis make more sense?  Sorry about last was sorta
 muddled. -
Yeah, thanks.

So, this would seem that cd copying would be better done with cdroms
on diff busses, too, right?
This makes it seem silly that the standard setup is to group hard
drives together and cdrs/cdrws together...
yes it is silly but its b/c that was teh way it was done until P3's came on 
the scene...till then if you separated them you saturated the busses as i 
understand it.  Now its de riguer to do it this way to avoid that because 
the bus is so much faster as are the cpu's  the cache's are big.  Back 
then a 512 cache on your cdrom was big...and no buffer underrun technology this also prevented that from happening.

ya separate cdroms are good...that way on teh fly read/writing is done more 
FemmeFatale, aka The Skirt

Good Decisions Your boss Made:
We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux. I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.
- Source: Dilbert

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Re: [newbie] Installing new hard

2003-06-22 Per discussione FemmeFatale
At 01:57 PM 6/23/2003 +1000, you wrote:
FemmeFatale wrote:
Copying from any medium to another is faster if they are on different 
busses.. or IDE connectors.
so for me:
Primary HDD  DVD ROM are on IDE1 ( i don't copy back  forth tween 
those... so no need to split them up)
Secondary CD R/W  HDD are on IDE2 (I DO Copy from HDD 1 (Primary) to my 
CD Writer...alot.  Splitting them up allows faster transfer of data 
because they are not waiting for one another on teh same IDE Port/bus.
This way they can transfer  don't need to wait for one another to finish 
unloading off the same Bus.)

Something to consider - and I may be wrong (I often am!) but I was having 
trouble with the
transfer speed on my shiny new ata133 hard drive a while back when it was 
connected as
master, and the dvd as slave, on the primary IDE cable.

I can't remember exactly where I read it - as it was some time ago - that 
if you connect
two drives to the same cable then both drives will be limited by the 
transfer capabilities
of the slower drive, eg master=udma5 - slave=udma2 then both drives will 
behave as
though they were udma2.

When I put my dvd drive as slave to my cdrw drive master on the second ide 
channel I got an
incredible improvement in transfer rates for my hard disk.

This may or may not be relevant but I just thought to comment on this for 
consideration and/or
comment from the more learned folks on the list. I like to learn and 
appreciate info from others.


Up to a PIII Processor this is relevant.  This is no longer the case with 
improved drives  the technology that goes into them these days.  Very few 
mobos these days will suffer like that anymore.
FemmeFatale, aka The Skirt

Good Decisions Your boss Made:
We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux. I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.
- Source: Dilbert

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Re: [newbie] RTCW on linux (well, Mandrake to be more specific)

2003-06-22 Per discussione Aron Smith
On Sun, 2003-06-22 at 16:01, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
 On Sun, 2003-06-22 at 23:44, ed tharp wrote:
  yep, channel #2 bridge, right near Holiday Isle.
 Funny it's been literally 20 years since being down that way and I still
 remember it so clearly. I was recently attempting to describe snorkeling
 around Turkey Point to some people - strange, that.
Got a T-shirt down that way says ..Everyone Needs A Little Nukie (Turkey
Point Nuclear Power Plant)

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Re: [newbie] Install problems

2003-06-22 Per discussione Ian Trickett
If the master and slave jumpers are set correctly, position on the cable is 
immaterial.  For cable select setting, end connector is master, middle 
connector is slave.  Maxtor drives (and all Dell computers) now come set as 
cable select by default.

On June 21, 2003 11:19 am, Andy Davidson wrote:
 On Sat, Jun 21, 2003 at 09:12:22AM -0500, Tom Brinkman wrote:
  Also, it's correct practice to have master on the cable's
  end connector, not the middle one.

 That I didn't know.  Why?


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Re: [newbie] DVD still not working (Mandrake 9.1)

2003-06-22 Per discussione Royke K
The problem maybe in your DVD drive , the error message complain about 
DVD encription

libdvdread: Could not open device with libdvdcss.

What is the DVD region code you want to play, for Mplayer I think should 
play all kind of region with no problem.  Check your DVD drive, because 
if you use it in Windowz , it will lock the region code after 4 times 
change playing 4 different kind of region code of DVD Movie.
Maybe I,m wrong too... CMIIW




Ronald J. Hall [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


On Monday 16 June 2003 11:00 pm, Pradeep Sethi wrote:


I am still not able to play DVDs. I can play audio CDs / VCDs in that
drive, work fine. but get error, while playing DVD.
when I try to play DVD through mplayer GUI, click on open Disc, it shows
reading the DVD for 5-6 seconds (light blinking), then gives error
'Can't play /dev/dvd'.

Pradep, I've not been following this thread so if I repeat something already 
asked I apologize.

Did you do (as root) a ln -s /dev/devicename /dev/dvd? In my case, since I 
use SCSI it would be:

ln -s /dev/scd0 /dev/dvd

on an IDE system, it would look something like:

ln -s /dev/hdb (or hdc or hdd) /dev/dvd

Also, did you add your user to the cdrom or cdwriter group(s)?

One more thing, what about permissions? Here I had to do a:

chmod a+r /mnt/cdrom
chmod a+rx /dev/scd0 (that would be hdb, hdc, or hdd on IDE).

when I do ln -l /dev/dvd

[EMAIL PROTECTED] psethi]# ls -l /dev/dvd
lr-xr-xr-x1 root root   30 Jun 17 07:36 /dev/dvd - 
I would guess, this config is correct, as I can play audio CDs and VCDs in this drive, works fine.

Done :

[EMAIL PROTECTED] psethi]# chmod a+r /mnt/cdrom

[EMAIL PROTECTED] psethi]# chmod a+rx /dev/ide/host0/bus1/target0/lun0/cd

Then I try gmplayer, still getting the same error :(

Output :
Playing /dev/dvd
libdvdread: Using libdvdcss version 1.2.6 for DVD access
libdvdread: Could not open device with libdvdcss.
libdvdread: Can't open /dev/dvd for reading
Couldn't open DVD device: /dev/dvd
pls help.

Thanks in Advance


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Re: [newbie] Told ya, don't trust IBM

2003-06-22 Per discussione Ian Trickett
I very much doubt it


On June 21, 2003 07:14 am, RichardA wrote:
 On Fri, 20 Jun 2003 21:22:43 -0400, JoeHill [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  On Fri, 20 Jun 2003 21:21:34 -0400
  Thomas Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:
   but I get concerned that any time the government gets involved
  One of my favourite quotes, I still have no idea where it came from:
  When I hear the word 'government', I reach for my gun.

 Herman Goering said When I hear the word 'culture', I reach for
 my Browning.


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Re: [newbie] Installing new hard

2003-06-22 Per discussione Ronald J. Hall
On Monday 23 June 2003 12:55 am, FemmeFatale wrote:

 Up to a PIII Processor this is relevant.  This is no longer the case with
 improved drives  the technology that goes into them these days.  Very few
 mobos these days will suffer like that anymore.
 FemmeFatale, aka The Skirt

Well, I've had odd luck with IDE stuff. I had this first:

hda: maxtor 80 gig
hdb: zip drive
hdc: Plextor CDRW
hdd: Toshiba DVD

and all I got when I tried to dupe from CD to CD was coasters.

last time:

hda: maxtor 80 gig
hdb: Toshiba DVD
hdc: Plextor CDRW
hdd: zip drive

Even like this I could not dupe from CD to CD without adjusting fifo cache 
(IIRC) to the maxium recommended amount, and even then, cpu use was about 100 
percent, and the mouse was even jerky, but it did work.

DMA was turned on on all drives.

So I switched back to my former setup, SCSI. With an Adaptec SCSI card and 
both my DVD and CDRW drives in the SCSI format, I can dupe with ease and cpu 
usage is very, very, low.

Just my mileage :-)


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Re: [newbie] DVD still not working (Mandrake 9.1)

2003-06-22 Per discussione Rob Blomquist
On Sunday 22 June 2003 12:54 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Output :
 Playing /dev/dvd
 libdvdread: Using libdvdcss version 1.2.6 for DVD access
 libdvdread: Could not open device with libdvdcss.
 libdvdread: Can't open /dev/dvd for reading
 Couldn't open DVD device: /dev/dvd

I use Xine for watching DVDs, but I have been scratching my head about your 
DVD read troubles.

Do you have installed:

All of these are necessary depending on the type of DVD it is, and there are 
likely to be more.

This is also a bad time for me, as the house is in boxes as we are moving 
soon. So I can't find a DVD to play and test mplayer on my machine.

Your problem is now cleary the library or driver needed to read the DVD you 
want. If you can tell us more about it, maybe we can help more.



Linux: For the people, by the people.

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Re: [newbie] slypheed installed

2003-06-22 Per discussione eric huff
Not a big deal, but i found that when i haven't configured the 
receiving pop3 settings properly, claws crashes.

Oddly, it crashed on one of my account and not the other (both had 
the wrong user name typed in. This mostly just means i should go to 
bed before i goof and do something worse...)


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