Re: [newbie-it] RISPOSTE A... Masterizzatore montato in sola lettura!?!?!

2003-08-04 Per discussione kua79
Giuseppe Ferruzzi wrote:
* kua79 ha scritto:

... cancellavo cd o masterizzavo iso da console tramire cdrecord

Premetto che non uso un masterizzatore, ma siccome mi sembra che nei comandi 
che davi mancano delle opzioni hai controllato che il file /etc/cdrecord.conf 
sia coerente con la tua situazione attuale ?
Masterizzi se diventi root ?

Ciao, Giuseppe.

GNU/Linux Powered
Red Hat 9.A (Shrike) Kernel 2.4.20

Dimenticavo... nemmeno da root posso masterizzare! mi da sempre lo 
stesso problema !

Re: [newbie-it] RISPOSTE A... Masterizzatore montato in sola lettura!?!?!

2003-08-04 Per discussione kua79
Giuseppe Ferruzzi wrote:
* kua79 ha scritto:

... cancellavo cd o masterizzavo iso da console tramire cdrecord

Premetto che non uso un masterizzatore, ma siccome mi sembra che nei comandi 
che davi mancano delle opzioni hai controllato che il file /etc/cdrecord.conf 
sia coerente con la tua situazione attuale ?
Masterizzi se diventi root ?

Ciao, Giuseppe.

GNU/Linux Powered
Red Hat 9.A (Shrike) Kernel 2.4.20

Giuseppe ho sempre masterizzato correttamente da console, solo ora non 
riesco piu`, ma nemmeno con i programmini perche` mi monta il Mast in 
sola lettura e non capisco il perche`... ?!?!
Poco tempo fa ho cambiato la motherboard... puo` darsi che e` cambiato 
qualcosa a livello hardware che il mio bel pinguino non e` riuscito a 
sistemare? Veramente non so piu` cosa pensare
Grazie ancora ciao ciao Davide


2003-08-04 Per discussione Rocco
Salve a tutta la ML,

spero che anche ad agosto ci sia qualcuno che possa darmi qualche utile
suggerimento su come far riconoscere a Mandrake 9.1 il controller RAID
(0), settato in modalità stripping, della PROMISE 20276 che mi gestisce
due hard disk!
Dopo che DrakeX parte mi riconosce tranquillamente anche il mouse con
rotellina, si ferma all'atto di riconoscere dove installare il sistema
operativo dando per unknown il controller raid della promise 20276,
quindi di fatto non vede nessun Hard disk!
Saluti Rocco

[newbie-it] come configuro scheda audio??

2003-08-04 Per discussione carlo_canepa

Sono un assoluto principiante di linux. Ho installato mandrake
9.1 e non mi riconosce la scheda audio. Due cose: dove guardo per sapere se la
scheda audio del mio pc  supportata, e come faccio a farla riconoscere??

Re: [newbie-it] come configuro scheda audio??

2003-08-04 Per discussione tom
On Monday 04 August 2003 16:08, carlo_canepa wrote:
 Sono un assoluto principiante di linux. Ho installato  mandrake 9.1 e non
 mi riconosce la scheda audio. Due cose: dove guardo per sapere se la scheda
 audio del mio pc è supportata, e come faccio a farla riconoscere??

sul sito della MDK sotto software supportato

che scheda audio è?

 Ciao , Tom

 . ~ . 
 / v \ 
   /  /  \  \ 
 /  (  )  \ 
^^   ^^ 
B-) Bat-messaggio!!!
Slack 9.0
Linux user Tattari_manna aka plugs
Mauro... un'ammaestratore di liste ... un incubo!

Re: [newbie-it] come configuro scheda audio??

2003-08-04 Per discussione artasersec
On Mon, 4 Aug 2003 16:08:33 +0200, carlo_canepa [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Sono un assoluto principiante di linux. Ho installato  mandrake 9.1 e non 
riconosce la scheda audio. Due cose: dove guardo per sapere se la scheda
audio del mio pc  supportata, e come faccio a farla riconoscere??

A questo indirizzo trovi l'hardware supportato da Mandrake:

Se vi ritrovate con un cadavere tra le braccia, mettiamo vostro marito che 
giace al primo piano, e non sapete proprio come uscirvene, la prima cosa da 
fare  prepararvi una tazza di t ben forte.

Anthony Burgess, One hand clapping


2003-08-04 Per discussione Rocco
Salve a tutta la ML,

spero che anche ad agosto ci sia qualcuno che possa darmi qualche utile
suggerimento su come far riconoscere a Mandrake 9.1 il controller RAID
(0), settato in modalità stripping, della PROMISE 20276 che mi gestisce
due hard disk!
Dopo che DrakeX parte mi riconosce tranquillamente anche il mouse con
rotellina, si ferma all'atto di riconoscere dove installare il sistema
operativo dando per unknown il controller raid della promise 20276,
quindi di fatto non vede nessun Hard disk!
Saluti Rocco

R: [newbie-it] come configuro scheda audio??

2003-08-04 Per discussione carlo_canepa
Si, lo so, si schiantal'elenco hardware sul sito l'ho trovato, ma finché
non trovo quale scheda audio hoper quantospippoli non  trovo questa
informazionecome posso fare??

-Messaggio originale-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Per conto di tom
Inviato: lunedì 4 agosto 2003 16.43
Oggetto: Re: [newbie-it] come configuro scheda audio??

On Monday 04 August 2003 16:16, tom wrote:
 sul sito della MDK sotto software supportato
è il caldo.chiedo scusa

 Ciao , Tom

Dove e' finita la dolce collina erbosa? Se la sono fumata! (Le spie)
Slack 9.0
Linux user Tattari_manna aka plugs
Mauro... un'ammaestratore di liste ... un incubo!

Re: [newbie-it] come configuro scheda audio??

2003-08-04 Per discussione tom
On Monday 04 August 2003 16:16, tom wrote:
 sul sito della MDK sotto software supportato
è il caldo.chiedo scusa

 Ciao , Tom

Dove e' finita la dolce collina erbosa? Se la sono fumata! (Le spie)
Slack 9.0
Linux user Tattari_manna aka plugs
Mauro... un'ammaestratore di liste ... un incubo!

Re: [newbie-it] wted

2003-08-04 Per discussione piter
ho fatto lo scan al file wted nel sito da te segnalatomi, la risposta
è questa:

RAV AntiVirus command line for Linux i386.
Version: 8.4.3.
Copyright (c) since 1995 GeCAD The Software Company. All rights reserved.

Scan engine 8.11 for i386.
Last update: Mon, 04 Aug 2003 11:09:03 +0300
Scanning for 80233 malwares (viruses, trojans and worms).

Scan started on Mon Aug 4 17:46:22 2003

wtmp - OK

Scan ended on Mon Aug 4 17:46:22 2003

Scan results:
Time: 0 second(s).
Objects scanned: 1. New objects: 1
Infected: 0. Different virus bodies: 0.
Files: 1. Directories: 0. Archives: 0. Packed: 0. Mail files: 0.
Warnings: 0.

è a posto così o devo controllare anche altri file?

grazie molte.


Prova a fare uno scan on line del file a questo indirizzo:


Se vi ritrovate con un cadavere tra le braccia, mettiamo vostro marito

giace al primo piano, e non sapete proprio come uscirvene, la prima cosa
fare è prepararvi una tazza di tè ben forte.

Anthony Burgess, One hand clapping

R: [newbie-it] come configuro scheda audio??

2003-08-04 Per discussione carlo_canepa
Grazie per l'informazione sul sito, il problema a monte è che non so che
scheda audio ho su quel pc, e non riesco a trovare utilità di Mandrake per
vedere quale è: se guardo la lista dell'hardware in Centro di Controllo
MAndrake 9.1 non mi fornisce nessuna informazione, come se la scheda audio
non ci fosse ( e c'è di sicuro)..quindi non so come fare

-Messaggio originale-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Per conto di tom
Inviato: lunedì 4 agosto 2003 16.17
Oggetto: Re: [newbie-it] come configuro scheda audio??

On Monday 04 August 2003 16:08, carlo_canepa wrote:
 Sono un assoluto principiante di linux. Ho installato  mandrake 9.1 e non
 mi riconosce la scheda audio. Due cose: dove guardo per sapere se la
 audio del mio pc è supportata, e come faccio a farla riconoscere??

sul sito della MDK sotto software supportato

che scheda audio è?

 Ciao , Tom

 . ~ . 
 / v \ 
   /  /  \  \ 
 /  (  )  \ 
^^   ^^ 
B-) Bat-messaggio!!!
Slack 9.0
Linux user Tattari_manna aka plugs
Mauro... un'ammaestratore di liste ... un incubo!

Re: [newbie-it] wted

2003-08-04 Per discussione artasersec
Basta che controlli i file scaricati, se quelli sono puliti non possono 
averti infettato il pc.
Ciao ^_^

Se vi ritrovate con un cadavere tra le braccia, mettiamo vostro marito che 
giace al primo piano, e non sapete proprio come uscirvene, la prima cosa da 
fare  prepararvi una tazza di t ben forte.

Anthony Burgess, One hand clapping

Re: R: [newbie-it] come configuro scheda audio??

2003-08-04 Per discussione tom
On Monday 04 August 2003 17:01, carlo_canepa wrote:

 finché non trovo quale scheda audio hoper quantospippoli non  trovo
 questa informazionecome posso fare??

da root dai #lspci -v
ti elenca tutte le schede pci che monti sul pc.
ma non è che hai una di quelle schede audio integrate nella sk.madre?
il pc è novo,recente,un cadavere spazziale(tipo il mio)?

 Ciao , Tom

 . ~ . 
 / v \ 
   /  /  \  \ 
 /  (  )  \ 
^^   ^^ 
Legge di Glatum sull'acquisizione materiale: L'utilita' prevista di un 
qualsiasi articolo e' inversamente proporzionale alla sua reale utilita' una 
volta comprato e pagato.
Slack 9.0
Linux user Tattari_manna aka plugs
Mauro... un'ammaestratore di liste ... un incubo!


2003-08-04 Per discussione tom
On Monday 04 August 2003 16:21, Rocco wrote:
 operativo dando per unknown il controller raid della promise 20276,

se non sbaglio (la mia memoria è pessima),ci dovrebbe essere qualcosa nell 
archivio della lista.prova a dare uno sguardo..

 Ciao , Tom

 . ~ . 
 / v \ 
   /  /  \  \ 
 /  (  )  \ 
^^   ^^ 
(O-- Messaggio improbabile.
Slack 9.0
Linux user Tattari_manna aka plugs
Mauro... un'ammaestratore di liste ... un incubo!

Re: [newbie-it] AIUTO KERNEL PANIC

2003-08-04 Per discussione libero
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] AIUTO KERNEL PANIC

 Alle Tuesday 29 July 2003 20:43,  in merito a Re: [newbie-it] AIUTO
 KERNEL PANIC,  libero   ha scritto:

  Ora se tento di montare hda5 , mount mi restituisce il seguente
  errore ( sia che usi
  come tipo di filesystem l'ext2 che l' ext3):

 hai provato a vedere se nella vecchia  /usr ci sono ancora i tuoi dati?
 hai formattato senza rileggere la tabella delle partizioni, e forse
 quando sei andato a montare il disco non ti sei accorto dell'errore,
 quindi non hai spostato i dati..
 spero per te che sia andata così..

Dentro qualcosa cé ma non mi ricordo purtoppo cosa c'era prima, comunque
Diskdrake mi haveva chiesto se doveva spostare tutti i dati e io gli avevo
risposto di si.

  Poi visto che l'errore che mi da all'avvio dice:
  pivotroot: pivot_root (/sysroot, /sysroot/initrd) failed: 2
  Kernel Panic: No init found.

 mah questo è diverso,
 se non riesce a montare nemmeno la / dipende magari dalla mancanza
 dell'immgine di init...
 ma non ci sono legami con la /usr..
 hai anche rimaneggiato lilo.conf e all'interno di /boot?

No non avevo toccato nulla ma ho notato che nel file lilo.conf la parte

append=devfs=mount acpi=off quiet

Il problema potrebbe essere hda5 che non riesco neanche a montare in
modalitá rescue ??

mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hda5, or too many
mounted file system

Comunque vada grazie per la disponibilitá e l'aiuto ( sei grande ), ma se
entro fine settimana, smanetta smanetta ( tanto peggio di cosí) non
raggiungo qualche risultato reinstallo tutto, mi dispiace solo per il
winmodem che ero appena riuscito a far funzionare.



P.S. Buone vacanze a Tutti.

R: R: [newbie-it] come configuro scheda audio??

2003-08-04 Per discussione carlo_canepa
Scusa la mia ignoranza, ma io di linus davvero non so nulla, e quindi mi
muovo davvero male:dove trovo root2 per lanciare quel comando. Il pc non è
un relitto, ha un pentium III con 40 giga hard disk, masterizzatore e cd,
insomma non è proprio una schifezza...ho altri numerosi problemi, ma per ora
devo, intanto, risolver questo della scheda audio...

-Messaggio originale-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Per conto di tom
Inviato: lunedì 4 agosto 2003 19.24
Oggetto: Re: R: [newbie-it] come configuro scheda audio??

On Monday 04 August 2003 17:01, carlo_canepa wrote:

 finché non trovo quale scheda audio hoper quantospippoli non  trovo
 questa informazionecome posso fare??

da root dai #lspci -v
ti elenca tutte le schede pci che monti sul pc.
ma non è che hai una di quelle schede audio integrate nella sk.madre?
il pc è novo,recente,un cadavere spazziale(tipo il mio)?

 Ciao , Tom

 . ~ . 
 / v \ 
   /  /  \  \ 
 /  (  )  \ 
^^   ^^ 
Legge di Glatum sull'acquisizione materiale: L'utilita' prevista di un 
qualsiasi articolo e' inversamente proporzionale alla sua reale utilita' una

volta comprato e pagato.
Slack 9.0
Linux user Tattari_manna aka plugs
Mauro... un'ammaestratore di liste ... un incubo!

R: R: [newbie-it] come configuro scheda audio??

2003-08-04 Per discussione carlo_canepa
Dunque, dopo penosi tentativi ho lanciato questo comando dalla shell e fra
le schede elencate non c'è quella audio!!Come è possibile???esiste, ne sono

-Messaggio originale-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Per conto di tom
Inviato: lunedì 4 agosto 2003 19.24
Oggetto: Re: R: [newbie-it] come configuro scheda audio??

On Monday 04 August 2003 17:01, carlo_canepa wrote:

 finché non trovo quale scheda audio hoper quantospippoli non  trovo
 questa informazionecome posso fare??

da root dai #lspci -v
ti elenca tutte le schede pci che monti sul pc.
ma non è che hai una di quelle schede audio integrate nella sk.madre?
il pc è novo,recente,un cadavere spazziale(tipo il mio)?

 Ciao , Tom

 . ~ . 
 / v \ 
   /  /  \  \ 
 /  (  )  \ 
^^   ^^ 
Legge di Glatum sull'acquisizione materiale: L'utilita' prevista di un 
qualsiasi articolo e' inversamente proporzionale alla sua reale utilita' una

volta comprato e pagato.
Slack 9.0
Linux user Tattari_manna aka plugs
Mauro... un'ammaestratore di liste ... un incubo!

Re: R: [newbie-it] come configuro scheda audio??

2003-08-04 Per discussione freefred
Hash: SHA1

On Monday 04 August 2003 16:48, carlo_canepa wrote:
 Grazie per l'informazione sul sito, il problema a monte è che non so che
 scheda audio ho su quel pc, 

Che motherboard hai?
E' una scheda audio integrata?
In questo caso trovi le info sul manuale della MB o in rete.
Se e' a parte, oltre ad aprire il case, puoi guardare con
come e se viene vista al boot dalla mandrake.
Il centro di controllo non ti trova nemmeno periferiche sconosciute?


- -- 
Devil Inside Experiment - C'era un bambino che odiava la polizia
Davide Banda Partial Arts [2000] -
Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)


Re: R: [newbie-it] come configuro scheda audio??

2003-08-04 Per discussione toto
Alle 16:48, lunedì 4 agosto 2003, carlo_canepa ha scritto:
 Grazie per l'informazione sul sito, il problema a monte è che non so che
 scheda audio ho su quel pc, e non riesco a trovare utilità di Mandrake per
 vedere quale è: se guardo la lista dell'hardware in Centro di Controllo
 MAndrake 9.1 non mi fornisce nessuna informazione, come se la scheda audio
 non ci fosse ( e c'è di sicuro)..quindi non so come fare

 -Messaggio originale-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Per conto di tom
 Inviato: lunedì 4 agosto 2003 16.17
 Oggetto: Re: [newbie-it] come configuro scheda audio??

 On Monday 04 August 2003 16:08, carlo_canepa wrote:
  Sono un assoluto principiante di linux. Ho installato  mandrake 9.1 e non
  mi riconosce la scheda audio. Due cose: dove guardo per sapere se la


  audio del mio pc è supportata, e come faccio a farla riconoscere??

 sul sito della MDK sotto software supportato

 che scheda audio è?
Prova a installare alsamix , alsamixer-guicon i relativi plugin. Il più delle 
volte risolve i problemi della scheda audio.
Good Job


2003-08-04 Per discussione Rocco

archivio della lista.prova a dare uno sguardo..

Ciao , Tom

Salve Tom,
non essendo particolarmente pratico, ti chiedo di inviarmi il link
Anche se ho letto in un sito in inglese che forse la mandrake non
supporta controller raid-ide? Spero di aver letto male!
Saluti Rocco

R: R: [newbie-it] come configuro scheda audio??

2003-08-04 Per discussione carlo_canepa
Mi puoi spiegare la procedura per controllare con dmesg sul boot di
mAndrake? Il centro di controllo non trova periferiche sconosciute, ma della
scheda audio non c'è traccia!!

-Messaggio originale-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Per conto di freefred
Inviato: lunedì 4 agosto 2003 20.52
Oggetto: Re: R: [newbie-it] come configuro scheda audio??

Hash: SHA1

On Monday 04 August 2003 16:48, carlo_canepa wrote:
 Grazie per l'informazione sul sito, il problema a monte è che non so che
 scheda audio ho su quel pc, 

Che motherboard hai?
E' una scheda audio integrata?
In questo caso trovi le info sul manuale della MB o in rete.
Se e' a parte, oltre ad aprire il case, puoi guardare con
come e se viene vista al boot dalla mandrake.
Il centro di controllo non ti trova nemmeno periferiche sconosciute?


- -- 
Devil Inside Experiment - C'era un bambino che odiava la polizia
Davide Banda Partial Arts [2000] -
Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)


Re: R: R: [newbie-it] come configuro scheda audio??

2003-08-04 Per discussione tom
On Monday 04 August 2003 21:19, carlo_canepa wrote:
 Mi puoi spiegare la procedura per controllare con dmesg sul boot di

da shell , sempre come root


 Ciao , Tom

 . ~ . 
 / v \ 
   /  /  \  \ 
 /  (  )  \ 
^^   ^^ 
:_) Facevo il pugile, cosi' il mio naso...
Slack 9.0
Linux user Tattari_manna aka plugs
Mauro... un'ammaestratore di liste ... un incubo!

Re: R: R: [newbie-it] come configuro scheda audio??

2003-08-04 Per discussione tom
On Monday 04 August 2003 20:37, carlo_canepa wrote:
 Dunque, dopo penosi tentativi ho lanciato questo comando dalla shell e fra
 le schede elencate non c'è quella audio!!

mi pare molto strano!!
fai cosi:
(sempre come root)

#lspci -v  /home/tuo_utente/PCI.txt 

o se hai gia visibile la partizione di wind,dai quel percorsopresumo 

ti troverai un file di testo ( PCI.txt ) o nella home del tuo utente,o nella 
partizione dove risiede wind...ok! in poche parole,fai arrivare in lista 
quello che c'è scritto dentro!

 Come è possibile???esiste, ne sono sicuro!!

ma sei sicuro che non sia integrata nella scheda madre?

 Ciao , Tom

 . ~ . 
 / v \ 
   /  /  \  \ 
 /  (  )  \ 
^^   ^^ 
te metto quella mazza in culo e ti sventolo come una bandiera (i guerrieri 
della notte)
Slack 9.0
Linux user Tattari_manna aka plugs
Mauro... un'ammaestratore di liste ... un incubo!


2003-08-04 Per discussione tom
On Monday 04 August 2003 21:14, Rocco wrote:
 non essendo particolarmente pratico, ti chiedo di inviarmi il link
lista hardware supportato

 Ciao , Tom

 . ~ . 
 / v \ 
   /  /  \  \ 
 /  (  )  \ 
^^   ^^ 
Leggi di Klipstein: Applicate alla produzione meccanica e di prototipi: 10. 
Dopo aver assemblato un qualsiasi strumento, vari suoi componenti saranno 
trovati sul banco.
Slack 9.0
Linux user Tattari_manna aka plugs
Mauro... un'ammaestratore di liste ... un incubo!

Re: [newbie-it] RISPOSTE A... Masterizzatore montato in sola lettura !?!?!

2003-08-04 Per discussione Giuseppe Ferruzzi
* kua79 ha scritto:
 Già che ci siamo, mi spiegate a cosa serve quel udf?!?! Sul man non ne

Allora Davide ho cercato info riguardo a udf, ed è relativo ai CDROM
riscrivibili che utilizzano un sistema di scrittura dei dati denominata a pacchetti
che come substrato utilizza appunto un file system chiamato UDF. Viene asserito 
anche che la possibilità di scrittura su un filesystem UDF
non è normalmente consentita (considerata pericolosa) mentre la possibilità
di lettura è normalmente gestita. Sembrerebbe dunque che manchi questo
modulo di supporto UDF al tuo kernel che non trovandolo non ti monta
in sola lettura il masterizzatore. Rileggendo le mail precedenti ho letto che 
miKe aveva accennato a questo fatto e deprecato  per l'eventualità che
tu invece la usassi, proprio per le ragioni su esposte.
Ho guardato il mio fstab e ritrovo questo richiamo a udf anche nella
configurazione del mio CDROM che è così impostata:

/dev/cdrom  /mnt/cdrom   udf,iso9660   noauto,owner,kudzu,ro 0 0

Nota che udf c'è per default non l'ho inserito io, ho ro anzichè rw avendo solo un 
lettore. Sembrerebbe che la RH supporti questo sistema udf e che magari abbia
risolto sul fatto della pericolosità, infatti nella ricompilazione del kernel
normalmente in makemenuconfig sui file systems non c'è la possibilità di inserire il 
supporto UDF come modulo ne la possibilità di incorporarlo nel kernel, se in RH c'è di
default allora evidentemente ha reso questo sistema UDF sicuro e la voce in
makemenuconfig suyi file systems abilitata per la scelta anche in fase di scrittura.

Ci sarebbe la possibilità di verificare questo leggendo il config del tuo
kernel che si trova in /boot, dovresti trovare due righe uguali a queste: 

Dai che forse siamo sulla strada giusta, può darsi che sia questo il
problema, altrimenti comunque sono sempre cose che non fa male conoscere.

Ciao, Giuseppe.

GNU/Linux Powered
Red Hat 9.A (Shrike) Kernel 2.4.20

Re: [newbie-it] RISPOSTE A... Masterizzatore montato in sola lettura !?!?!

2003-08-04 Per discussione miKe
Alle Sunday 03 August 2003 19:55,  in merito a [newbie-it] RISPOSTE A... 
Masterizzatore montato in sola lettura !?!?!,  kua79   ha scritto:

 No ti sbagli, centra anche fstab!! In fstab ho toglievo l'opzione
 ro (read only) sostituendola con rw e cancellavo cd o
 masterizzavo iso da console tramire cdrecord

che non accede al mountpoint ma al dispositivo,
infatti indichi dev=x,y,z e non mnt=pincopallo...

poi, a voler essere precisi,
mi spieghi come sarebbe formattato un cd vergine?
come potresti montarlo??

e come potresti mai scrivere su un iso 9660 ??

il tuo problema non è nel montaggio, che _non_ fai prima di 
masterizzare, ma da qualche altra parte,
forse i premessi dei disposiivi, forse l'emulazione scsi o qualche 
libreria mancante ecc..

devi dirci l'errore che ottieni...

ti ripeto che montare un cd per scriverci, è possibile solo ricompilando 
un kernel col supportoinscrittura per udf, 
ma è tutta un'altra cosa, visto che il cd verrà trattato come un floppy 
o uno zip, quindi non parli più di masterizzazione ma di scrittura 

 In fstab ho...
 /dev/cdrom1   /mnt/CDRW  udf,iso9660 noauto,owner,kudzu 0 0

sul cd puoi mettere auto, il resto puoi condensarlo in un default,user 
ma non c'entra nulla col problema


Slackware 8.0 GNU/[EMAIL PROTECTED] 313T
R.U.#219755 SRU#755 

Re: [newbie-it] AIUTO KERNEL PANIC

2003-08-04 Per discussione miKe
Alle Monday 04 August 2003 21:01,  in merito a Re: [newbie-it] AIUTO 
KERNEL PANIC,  libero   ha scritto:

  hai provato a vedere se nella vecchia  /usr ci sono ancora i tuoi

 Dentro qualcosa cé ma non mi ricordo purtoppo cosa c'era prima,
 comunque Diskdrake mi haveva chiesto se doveva spostare tutti i dati
 e io gli avevo risposto di si.


la prossima volta,

gioca con fdisk
crea la partizione nuova
comprimi quella da spostare in un archivio tar.bz2
monta la nuova (un punto qualsiasi)  e decomprimi all'interno la vecchia
se nella nuova trovi tutto (un sano diff)
cambia nome alla vecchia (usr --usr.old)
quindi monta la nuova e aggiorna fstab

se tutto funzionerà correttamente (la sfiga..)
potrai rimuovere la vecchia dir recuperando spazio per / ...

  hai anche rimaneggiato lilo.conf e all'interno di /boot?

 No non avevo toccato nulla ma ho notato che nel file lilo.conf la


non era 6?

questa è una tua vecchia risposta:
se tento di montare hda6 l' operazione va a buon fine , l' output del
comando ls c:

bin/ dev/ initrd/ mnt/ proc/ sbin/ usr/ boot/
etc/ home/ lib/ opt/ root/ tmp/ var/ halt

e se guardo il file presente in /mnt/partizione6/etc/fstab  questo e il

/dev/hda6 / ext3 noatime 1 1
/dev/hda5 /usr ext3 noatime 1 2


qualcosa non torna...
/ è la 6 mentre usr (farlocca) la 5...
se fstab dice che / è in 5 non può partire nulla...

chroot in 6
modifica lilo  (/ in 6)
lilo -v -v

e vediamo come si lamenta stavolta

 ... reinstallo tutto, mi dispiace solo
 per il winmodem che ero appena riuscito a far funzionare.

inogni caso:

salva il salvabile..
se puoi accedere a lib/modules/blabla/winmodem..
ai vecchi sorgenti, del winmodem
a /boot/configure-tuokernel
a /etc/modules.conf

magari addirittura alla tua home,
salva tutto e dopo la reinstallazione ripristinerai senza troppi 
problemi ;)



 P.S. Buone vacanze a Tutti.

anche a te!


Slackware 8.0 GNU/[EMAIL PROTECTED] 313T
R.U.#219755 SRU#755 

Re: [newbie-it] come configuro scheda audio??

2003-08-04 Per discussione miKe
Alle Monday 04 August 2003 16:08,  in merito a [newbie-it] come 
configuro scheda audio??,  carlo_canepa   ha scritto:
 Sono un assoluto principiante di linux. Ho installato  mandrake 9.1 e
 non mi riconosce la scheda audio. Due cose: dove guardo per sapere se
 la scheda audio del mio pc è supportata, e come faccio a farla

da utente normale,
apri una console (konsole, xterm)
ti appare un prompt $

 digita esattamente:  

$ cat /proc/pci  pci.txt

quindi incolla pci.txt nella mail che ci manderai in lista

nella stessa console puoi anche diventare root
$ su
e immettendo la password di root

a questo punto il prompt cambierà da $a #
per farti capire che non sei un utente generico, quindi puoi fare danni,
a questo punto potresti anche digitare
# dmesg  dmesg.txt
e incollare anche questo alla mail

siccome il testo degli output sarà copioso,
taglia le parti non relative alla scheda audio, se possibile

(per aprire i due file txt ti consiglio kwrite okedit, o  gnotepad, o 
kate, sono molto semplici e supportano ctrl+c e ctrl+v per 
copiaincollare) evita per ora editor testuali come vi o pico o mcedit

nel frattempo leggi gli appunti di informatica libera,
dove trovi tutte queste cose e molto di più


Slackware 8.0 GNU/[EMAIL PROTECTED] 313T
R.U.#219755 SRU#755 

Re: [newbie] initial apache setup

2003-08-04 Per discussione Stefano Pogliani
I have a different configuration but, initially, I had a similar problem 
I think.

Since my two boxes were linked to a router which was, in turn, linked to 
the internet, when my second box was trying to access the web server of 
the first one, actually it looked liked it was accessing itself 
(because of the router).
I had to create a correspondance in the hosts file ( 
my.second.machine) in order to make it working properly.

Bill Winegarden wrote:
Hi Everyone,
	I am setting up a webserver using apache 1.3.8. It seems that I have the 
server functioning properly because I can see my simple web page when I type 
the IP address or localhost into the address bar of my browser. However, I 
have a second connection to the internet on a separate IP address in my home 
and I can't see anything when I address to my site.
	I went to and it seems that port 80 is open for business. 
	Also, I tried to ping my web server machine (LM9.1) from the other (WinXP) 
and the was no responsetimed out.

Is there some network config file that has to be set up in LM9.1 in order to 
accept connections? 

I can supply my IP addie if anyone want to try it.

Bill W.

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RE: [newbie] apache setup and archives

2003-08-04 Per discussione Frankie
hmmm, well I have the same thing, eth0 for internal, eth1 for external..

I have apache advx working for the most part, although I did suffer with
some probs running mod_perl apps, they only work with :8200 in the url, (I
use virtual named hosting).

other then that, I have half a dozen domains running php on this box.

I don't use MCC for much of anything, I have my smb.conf and do everything
else by hand, most importantly the network connections.

AS for the firewall, I have never used shorewall, i keep meaning to, then I
read posts like this one about it and decide to stick with gShield. (with
is a simple text config you answer yes or no to each quesiton and it just

Sad as it is to me, I'd like to say nice things about msec, as its a
fantastic idea in theory.. but even on the servers I set them to normal and
tighten things by hand.. every time I try a server setting, I have no end
of trouble getting things to work..

The problem as I see it, is that mandrake have alot of really good
programmers, but no really good software designers...

I also think mandrake should make a bunch of webmin modules for mandrake
specific tools.. msec should be a bumch oc checkboxes where you can choose
custom and just tick the items you want enforced.

I winge about mandrake alot, but i have to say that having tried several of
the alternatives, its still IMHO the best of the bunch for most things.

just my thoughts..



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Dennis Myers
Sent: Monday, 4 August 2003 10:46 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] apache setup and archives

On Sunday 03 August 2003 08:38 pm, John Wilson wrote:
 On August 3, 2003 05:44 pm, Todd Slater wrote:
  On Sun, Aug 03, 2003 at 04:58:53PM -0700, John Wilson wrote:
   On August 2, 2003 08:44 am, Todd Slater wrote:


  You haven't disappointed me at all, John. I don't work for Mandrake,
  they don't pay me any money, so I could really care less
whether you use
  it or not--use Suse, Red Hat, or IIS if it floats your boat.
  You haven't provided any details about what you tried and the result,
  only vague complaints. Obviously, you don't really care to
learn or you
  would have taken the time to try to compose a sensible
request for help.
   With regard to MCC, I've had it bork my system far too many times to
   trust it to do anything right.
   I was about to recommend to a friend that she run her business on
   Mandrake but until a lot of things are fixed, including MCC and a
   useable firewall that isn't Shorewall comes with the distro I think
   I'll let sleeping dogs lie and let her go to SuSE instead.

 I'm glad I haven't.  :-)

 Actually, rereading it I seem to have come off a bit more cranky than I
 meant to.

 The reality is that in many cases a lot of networking aps don't
work out
 of the box if you've done something the least bit strange from
MCC's point
 of view.  In my own situation it's the use of eth1 to go to the outside
 world and eth0 on the internal network.  This throws all the
wizards with
 respect to networking out of whack on MCC which wants to insist
on eth0 as
 the outward bound device and eth1 + as inward facing.  My
suspicion is that
 this is hard coded in the script rather than making use of variables and
 responding appropriately.

 When I said MCC borked my system I wasn't kidding.  It took
three days of
 rewriting conf files to get things back to normal again.
During that time
 most of the machine's functionality was lost.  I could have
reinstalled but
 I'd have learned nothing so I went ahead and did it all by hand
making very
 many mistakes and learning a fair bit in the process.  Not the least of
 which is how interconnected things are in Linux. :-)

 As for seems the default scripts that Mandrake
places made the
 same assumptions about which device did what as the MCC scripts
did.  Not a
 big problem.  Replace and go for it.

 Figure out how to get Shorewall to open port 80 on the internal network
 only, which wasn't fun.  (With Shorewall I'm strating to think
that there's
 something in my braincells that doesn't make a connection with
howtos and
 examples that don't match the actual configuration screens.  In
any event,
 it works now.)

 Set up BIND and DNS to handle things there and beat Samba into
 so that the Windoze boxes, now only laptops, can read it.

 Upload a web page with the entirely original phrase Hello World
written on
 it in dull script.

 Can't get there from here..even though I can ping it.  Even
more annoying
 and puzzling is that the Win 98 laptop has no problem but the Linux
 machines all error out.

 Anyway..the point I'm at now is having Apache log everything and looking
 for what it might be.  Ditto DNS and BIND.

 This never happened on 8.2 :-)

 However, learning is fun if frustrating at times.  The only
reason for the
 recommendation to my friend is that she's in a hurry and I

Re: [newbie] xcdroast reboots my computer (Fixed - partially)

2003-08-04 Per discussione John Richard Smith
Linus Drouhard wrote:

I got over the xcdroast reboot problem. There was clue on the xcdroast website that Debian distros might have trouble with ATIP sensing and to run xcdroast with the -a option to bypass that.  It worked.  

xcdroast  -a
Disable  additional scans for CD-Writers or CD-Readers. In addi-
 tion to the usual SCSI transport support (generic  scsi),  
 Roast also supports the experimental ATA-transport of the 
 linux kernels. If you set this option then  this  extra  
 will be disabled.

New problem.  I can't blank a DVD+RW disk.  I get the following error

Sense flags: Blk 0 (not valid) 

I've tried this with dvd+rw tools as well as xcdroast.  I get the same error.  The first time I used xcdroast to burn a data disk (approximately 3GB of data), it formatted fine and seemed to burn fine, but stopped at 704MB.  It thought it was a CD even though I set the media capacity to 4.7GB.  Now I can't blank the disk to try again.

perhaps ,

cdrecord   blank=all
 Blank  a  CD-RW  and  exit  or blank a CD-RW before 
writing. The
 blanking type may be one of:

 helpDisplay a list of possible blanking types.

 all Blank the entire disk. This may take a long time.

 fastMinimally blank the disk. This  results  in  
 the PMA, the TOC and the pregap.

 track   Blank a track.

 unreserve   Unreserve a reserved track.

 trtail  Blank the tail of a track.

 unclose Unclose last session.

 session Blank the last session.
  Not  all  drives support all blanking types. It may be necessary 
to use
  blank=all if a drive reports a specified command as being 
invalid.   If
  used  together  with  the -force flag, this option may be used to 
  CD-RW disks that otherwise cannot be blanked. Note that you may 
need to
  specify  blank=all  because  some drives will not continue with 
  types of bad CD-RW disks. Note also that cdecord does it's best 
if  the
  -force  flag  is  used  but  it finally depends on the drive's 
  whether the blanking operation will succeed or not.

see man cdrecord for all the other options, device, speed, etc etc.


John Richard Smith

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2003-08-04 Per discussione Acep Mardiyana

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Re: [newbie] Thanks to all

2003-08-04 Per discussione Jerry Barton
On Sun, 3 Aug 2003 22:07:22 -0700
Erylon Hines [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Next time (will there be a next time??), rid your home directory of the .kde 
 hidden directory and restart kde.  You'll lose all your settings (including 
 kmail settings!), but 90% of the time the problem, whatever it was, will be 
 cured.  As you can tell, I've NEVER had a problem with kde.

AH HAH!  I knew I was forgetting something after upgrading KDE to 3.1.3 (in another 
No more freeze up!


_||_  Registered linux user #300600 
 (o_  Registered linux machine # 185855  

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[newbie] LinPopUp cannot receive msgs from Win2k box

2003-08-04 Per discussione Jerry Barton
I've installed LinPopUp on the main box (this one...) and have Windows 2000 
Professional on a secondary box.  LinPopUp successfully sends messages to the Win2K 
box but does not receive messages from it.  I have the message command in my smb.conf 
as follows:

message command = /usr/bin/LinPopUp %f %m %s; rm %s

Still, I don't receive any messages from the Win2k box using either Fomine WinPopUp or 
net send from the command prompt.  

Back when I was on Mandrake 8.2 I seem to remember being able to receive messages from 
the secondary box back when it was Win98se.  Does LinPopUp not work with Win2k to 
receive messages?

Thanks in advance


_||_  Registered linux user #300600 
 (o_  Registered linux machine # 185855  

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Re: [newbie] apache setup and archives

2003-08-04 Per discussione Todd Slater
On Mon, Aug 04, 2003 at 06:22:36PM +0800, Frankie wrote:
 hmmm, well I have the same thing, eth0 for internal, eth1 for external..
 I have apache advx working for the most part, although I did suffer with
 some probs running mod_perl apps, they only work with :8200 in the url, (I
 use virtual named hosting).

You must be running 8.2 or 9.0 because this has changed in 9.1, i.e. you
don't have to specify the port number. I used Mod_survey in 8.2 and had
to specify the port but on my 9.1 install I didn't have to, which caused
me a few moments of head-banging.


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[newbie] Time Setting

2003-08-04 Per discussione rluchor

I know this has been covered here before, but all of a sudden my time setting resets every time the computer boots or reboots. I've used the KDE control panel, the Mandrake control panel and the command line to reset the time to no avail. This happened all of a sudden a couple of days ago. Could it be that my motherboard battery has died? Although, the calendar setting is OK.



Re: [newbie] fstab, windows folders and permissions

2003-08-04 Per discussione The Other

I have uid=501 and umask=0 2 2 for windows folders in fstab. though I
get owner as 501 user, permissions are there as 777 instead of 755 as
dictated by umask. How to go about getting permissions as 755 for
windows folders.
Try ..,user,umask=0,auto,...
with umask=0 I think permissions will be 777. Am I correct?
You might want to look at:

May help.
The Other

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Re: [newbie] Time Setting

2003-08-04 Per discussione Greg Meyer
On Monday 04 August 2003 08:03 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I know this has been covered here before, but all of a sudden my time
 setting resets every time the computer boots or reboots.  I've used the
 KDE control panel, the Mandrake control panel and the command line to
 reset the time to no avail.  This happened all of a sudden a couple of
 days ago.  Could it be that my motherboard battery has died?  Although,
 the calendar setting is OK.

If it has been okay up until now, the battery is probably getting weak.  Most 
mobo batteries can be replaced at a place like Radio Shack for a couple of 

Outside of a dog, a man's best friend is a book, inside
a dog it's too dark to read -Groucho Marx

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Re: [newbie] import messages from OE6 into Kmail

2003-08-04 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Saturday 02 Aug 2003 7:08 pm, Fajar Priyanto wrote:

 Hello all,
 I've been trying to import messages from OE6 into Kmail without
 success. The process just stopped after some times.
 Has anyone got any idea how to import it?
 I use the ToolImport menu from Kmail.

Fajar - I don't know whether you got this sorted, but I was browsing 
the NewbieFriendly page today 
( when I 
noticed this entry: - Get your O.E. Dbx mail 
into mbox format, or eml for importing to other mail clients

Sorry I didn't think of it earlier.


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Re: [newbie] audio software

2003-08-04 Per discussione Nathan Pryor
On Sun, 3 Aug 2003 11:36:30 -0700
dfox [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I misssed last night's show, though. In case 
 anyone's wondering, Schickele mix by mr. p.d.q. bach himself :) from 

Glad to know there is another Peter Shickele fan on the list  :-)
I listen to Schickele Mix through a RealAudio stream... is there any
way to capture a *.ram stream for later playback?  

-nathan aka mrtortoise

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[newbie] ARTICLE: Novell Acquires Ximian to Expand Linux Solutions and OpenSource Commitment

2003-08-04 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
Ximian (as in Red-Carpet, Evolution, Ximian Connector, Ximian Desktop2)
has been purchased by NOVELL. Read. This is interesting.
Mon Aug  4 23:55:01 EST 2003
 23:55:01 up 1 day,  3:43,  2 users,  load average: 1.17, 1.34, 1.39
|____  |kuhn media australia|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
  linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1+  RH 9  
  Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

Ladies and Gentlemen, Hobos and Tramps,
Cross-eyed mosquitos and bowlegged ants,
I come before you to stand behind you
To tell you of something I know nothing about.
Next Thursday (which is good Friday),
There will be a convention held in the
Women's Club which is strictly for Men.
Admission is free, pay at the door,
Pull up a chair, and sit on the floor.
It was a summer's day in winter,
And the snow was raining fast,
As a barefoot boy with shoes on,
Stood sitting in the grass.
Oh, that bright day in the dead of night,
Two dead men got up to fight.
Three blind men to see fair play,
Forty mutes to yell Hooray!
Back to back, they faced each other,
Drew their swords and shot each other.
A deaf policeman heard the noise,
Came and arrested those two dead boys.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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RE: [newbie] apache setup and archives

2003-08-04 Per discussione Frankie
yeah, thats a mandrake 9.0 box...

I have been dreading the switch to apache 2...

can you tell me how much differnce there is in the config files of 1.3x and

I mean like vhosts.conf stuff, does it use the same format??



-Original Message-
Behalf Of Todd Slater
Sent: Monday, 4 August 2003 8:06 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] apache setup and archives

On Mon, Aug 04, 2003 at 06:22:36PM +0800, Frankie wrote:
 hmmm, well I have the same thing, eth0 for internal, eth1 for external..

 I have apache advx working for the most part, although I did suffer with
 some probs running mod_perl apps, they only work with :8200 in
the url, (I
 use virtual named hosting).

You must be running 8.2 or 9.0 because this has changed in 9.1, i.e. you
don't have to specify the port number. I used Mod_survey in 8.2 and had
to specify the port but on my 9.1 install I didn't have to, which caused
me a few moments of head-banging.


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Time Setting

2003-08-04 Per discussione rluchor

On Mon, 2003-08-04 at 03:28, Jerry Barton wrote:

On Mon, 04 Aug 2003 08:03:34 -0400

 I know this has been covered here before, but all of a sudden my time
 setting resets every time the computer boots or reboots.  I've used the
 KDE control panel, the Mandrake control panel and the command line to
 reset the time to no avail.  This happened all of a sudden a couple of
 days ago.  Could it be that my motherboard battery has died?  Although,
 the calendar setting is OK.

When you reboot is the time 
a) always a random time (example one time it's 4 hours ahead, nex time it's 3 hours 20 minutes slow)
b) always off the same number of hours (example: always 5 hours too fast)
c) always set to the same time (example: at boot the time is always noon)

This may help in finding out the problem.  
If it's b then I would check your time zone setting.  mcc/system/date and time/Time Zone button
I'm not sure about a or c though I'm sure someone else might have some input.


It's b), always 4 hours earlier but the time zone setting is correct.



Re: [newbie] saving live-stream

2003-08-04 Per discussione Lyvim Xaphir
On Sun, 2003-08-03 at 07:37, Kaj Haulrich wrote:
 On Sunday 03 August 2003 02:19 am, Lyvim Xaphir wrote:
  On Fri, 2003-08-01 at 21:29, Heather/Femme wrote:
   If you search i'm sure there is a linux equivalent to
   Stream Ripper.
  The way I read that the first time, it looked like Team
 That's why some people (count me in) prefer a graphical interface 
 over a text based one.
 Kaj Haulrich.

Kajyou devil. ;)  That's a new twist; I never thought of a stripper
as being a graphical interface.

So *that's* why you prefer a graphical interface



Linux Mandrake 9.1  Kernel 2.4.21-0.13mdk
Filter That, Beach! --Lanman, MDK Newbie List

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Re: [newbie] Time Setting

2003-08-04 Per discussione Jerry Barton
On Mon, 04 Aug 2003 08:03:34 -0400

 I know this has been covered here before, but all of a sudden my time
 setting resets every time the computer boots or reboots.  I've used the
 KDE control panel, the Mandrake control panel and the command line to
 reset the time to no avail.  This happened all of a sudden a couple of
 days ago.  Could it be that my motherboard battery has died?  Although,
 the calendar setting is OK.

When you reboot is the time 
a) always a random time (example one time it's 4 hours ahead, nex time it's 3 hours 20 
minutes slow)
b) always off the same number of hours (example: always 5 hours too fast)
c) always set to the same time (example: at boot the time is always noon)

This may help in finding out the problem.  
If it's b then I would check your time zone setting.  mcc/system/date and time/Time 
Zone button
I'm not sure about a or c though I'm sure someone else might have some input.

_||_  Registered linux user #300600 
 (o_  Registered linux machine # 185855  

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RE: [newbie] ARTICLE: Novell Acquires Ximian to Expand Linux Solutions and OpenSource Commitment

2003-08-04 Per discussione Tony S. Sykes
What's SCO going to say about that? Are Novell going to release their
own version of Linux?

-Original Message-
From: Stephen Kuhn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, August 04, 2003 3:00 PM
To: Mandrake Newbie
Subject: [newbie] ARTICLE: Novell Acquires Ximian to Expand Linux
Solutions and OpenSource Commitment

Ximian (as in Red-Carpet, Evolution, Ximian Connector, Ximian Desktop2)
has been purchased by NOVELL. Read. This is interesting.
Mon Aug  4 23:55:01 EST 2003
 23:55:01 up 1 day,  3:43,  2 users,  load average: 1.17, 1.34, 1.39
|____  |kuhn media australia|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
  linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1+  RH 9  
  Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

Ladies and Gentlemen, Hobos and Tramps,
Cross-eyed mosquitos and bowlegged ants,
I come before you to stand behind you
To tell you of something I know nothing about.
Next Thursday (which is good Friday),
There will be a convention held in the
Women's Club which is strictly for Men.
Admission is free, pay at the door,
Pull up a chair, and sit on the floor.
It was a summer's day in winter,
And the snow was raining fast,
As a barefoot boy with shoes on,
Stood sitting in the grass.
Oh, that bright day in the dead of night,
Two dead men got up to fight.
Three blind men to see fair play,
Forty mutes to yell Hooray!
Back to back, they faced each other,
Drew their swords and shot each other.
A deaf policeman heard the noise,
Came and arrested those two dead boys.

-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Business Computer Projects - Disclaimer -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-

This message, and any associated attachment is confidential. If you have
received it in error, please delete it from your system, do not use or
disclose the information in any way, and notify either Tony S. Sykes
or the postmaster mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  immediately.

The contents of this message may contain personal views which are not
necessarily the views of Business Computer Projects Ltd., unless
specifically stated.  

Whilst every effort has been made to ensure that emails and their
attachments are virus free, it is the responsibility of the recipient(s)
to verify the integrity of such emails.

Business Computer Projects Ltd
BCP House
151 Charles Street
Tel: +44 (0)161 355-3000
Fax: +44 (0)161 355-3001

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[newbie] usb to serial adapter

2003-08-04 Per discussione L.V.Gandhi
Nowadays only one serial port is coming in most of the p4 boards. I need two 
serial ports one for external modem and other for handheld connection. How 
far usb to serial adapter can help in this? Any problems faced by list users?
203, Soundaryalahari Apartments, Lawsons Bay colony, Visakhapatnam, 530017
MECON, 5th Floor, RTC Complex, Visakhapatnam AP 530020 INDIA

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Re: [newbie] apache setup and archives

2003-08-04 Per discussione Todd Slater
I don't know as I don't use vhosts, but I actually like the set up of
2.x better. The configuration seems a bit more modular. I'll poke around
and see if I can find a sample vhosts file on here somewhere; I'm
guessing it uses the same format.


On Mon, Aug 04, 2003 at 09:52:33PM +0800, Frankie wrote:
 yeah, thats a mandrake 9.0 box...
 I have been dreading the switch to apache 2...
 can you tell me how much differnce there is in the config files of 1.3x and
 I mean like vhosts.conf stuff, does it use the same format??

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Re: [newbie] Mdk performance!

2003-08-04 Per discussione Robin Turner
Ricardo Castanho de Oliveira Freitas wrote:
Anyone could comment this one?

It was a happy surprise for me!

I particularly liked the line
Garry's friend Joris (visiting from Belgium) put in the hard work on 
the Mandrake install, clicking Yes and Next like a pro

Sir Robin

There are other rules, but you'll find out what those are when you 
break them.
- Blake's 7

Robin Turner
Bilkent Univeritesi
Ankara 06533

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Re: [newbie] ARTICLE: Novell Acquires Ximian to Expand Linux Solutions and Open Source Commitment

2003-08-04 Per discussione Aron Smith
On Monday 04 August 2003 06:59 am, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
 Ximian (as in Red-Carpet, Evolution, Ximian Connector, Ximian Desktop2)
 has been purchased by NOVELL. Read. This is interesting.
Well that one piece of software that gets uninstalled
I wouldn't put it past those crumb-bums to put a tattletale in it

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Re: [newbie] ARTICLE: Novell Acquires Ximian to Expand Linux Solutions and Open Source Commitment

2003-08-04 Per discussione Aron Smith
On Monday 04 August 2003 09:07 am, Robin Turner wrote:
 Aron Smith wrote:
  On Monday 04 August 2003 06:59 am, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
 Ximian (as in Red-Carpet, Evolution, Ximian Connector, Ximian Desktop2)
 has been purchased by NOVELL. Read. This is interesting.
  Well that one piece of software that gets uninstalled
  I wouldn't put it past those crumb-bums to put a tattletale in it

 Since they say it's going to remain Open Source, I don't seee they could
 get away with it.

 Sir Robin

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Re: [newbie] ARTICLE: Novell Acquires Ximian to Expand Linux Solutionsand Open Source Commitment

2003-08-04 Per discussione Robin Turner
Aron Smith wrote:
On Monday 04 August 2003 06:59 am, Stephen Kuhn wrote:

Ximian (as in Red-Carpet, Evolution, Ximian Connector, Ximian Desktop2)
has been purchased by NOVELL. Read. This is interesting.
Well that one piece of software that gets uninstalled
I wouldn't put it past those crumb-bums to put a tattletale in it
Since they say it's going to remain Open Source, I don't seee they could 
get away with it.

Sir Robin

There are other rules, but you'll find out what those are when you 
break them.
- Blake's 7

Robin Turner
Bilkent Univeritesi
Ankara 06533

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[newbie] oss emulation through alsa

2003-08-04 Per discussione John Drouhard
I have Mandrake 9.1, and would like to run OSS emulation through ALSA.
The reason for this is that when I try to run games with wine, it only
works with OSS. The problem with that is, Shockwave Flash doesn't work
at all on the internet. I would like both of these to work at the same
time, and I thought that this would do the trick.

Here is my modules.conf. I have and intel 810 based onboard sound card.

probeall scsi_hostadapter usb-storage ide-scsi
probeall usb-interface usb-ohci
alias eth0 sis900
above snd-intel8x0 snd-pcm-oss
alias sound-slot-0 snd-intel8x0
alias /dev/nvidia*   nvidia

Thanks a lot.

John Drouhard

Mon Aug  4 11:47:19 CDT 2003
They told me to install Windows 98 or better, so I installed Linux.
Registered Linux User # 315649
Registered Machine # 201001

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake 9.2 Beta 1 Released

2003-08-04 Per discussione John Richard Smith
Dennis Myers wrote:

On Sunday 03 August 2003 10:04 am, ed tharp wrote:

On Sun, 2003-08-03 at 11:15, John Richard Smith wrote:

Mandrake 9.2 Beta 1 Released.
Mandrake Linux 9.2 Beta 1 has arrived to offer you the opportunity of
summertime bug squashing. Join forces with the Mandrake Development team
by installing the Beta then submitting bug reports. Remember: This
release is for testing purposes only and is not suitable for production
machines. Learn all the details:
How to report bugs*
Bugs must be submitted to BugZilla and
technical discussions (for developers) are hosted on the Cooker mailing

So how does one in all practicle terms do this on a 56kdialup modem.

By the time I've downloaded 3 iso's , done the md5sum's, written the
iso's to disc, tested the discs to be faithful reproductions,  installed
OS, done a minimum of half a  day's  post install reconfiguring, to get
it up and running, and then probably a week's fiddling around in all the
apps looking for faults to report ,   mandrake have gone on to bets2 or
beta3 releases.

Tom Brinkman has posted some directions (I think it may have been on the
expert list) about how to do this. basically it involves getting setup
and updating only as cooker is updated, and not re-downloading the
complete ISOs, just sucking down the changes. Search the archives for
cooker update ought to help

Right, once you have the first beta d/l'd cooker updates work or you  should 
be able to run rsync to cut down time to d/l new beta's or release 
candidates.  Rsync only d/l's the changes. See man rsync or google cause 
there are some good tutorials on it. HTH


So which is best ,
slap in a repeat of my already configured and pretty well running M9.1
using a drive image programme.
write a stanza to boot it.
and then urpmi that as far as possible, which would have to be done at
night  as It's the only chance I have to get about 2 hours uniterrupted
or ,

download the  3 iso cd's and burn to disks and install etc. and then
urpmi this install.
from my point of view the first option is quicker.


John Richard Smith

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[newbie] Sylpheed-0.9.4claws

2003-08-04 Per discussione Charles A Edwards

Mandrake-9.1 rpms of sylpheed-0.9.4claws can now be dled from my website

Avaiable rpms:


The tools rpm is an additional rpm and it installs an assortment of
action scripts which can be used for importing address books from
various other client, both unix and Win32, doing google searches on
selected text, and other actions.
Full details can be found in the included READMEs

For anyone running the 9.2-beta rpms for it should be appearing on the
cooker mirrors shortly.


Keep grandma off the streets -- legalize bingo.
Mandrake Linux 9.2 on PurpleDragon

Description: PGP signature

[newbie] subscribe

2003-08-04 Per discussione Jeremy Rodriguez
attachment: winmail.datWant to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] ARTICLE: Novell Acquires Ximian to Expand Linux Solutions and Open Source Commitment

2003-08-04 Per discussione John Wilson
On August 4, 2003 06:59 am, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
 Ximian (as in Red-Carpet, Evolution, Ximian Connector, Ximian Desktop2)
 has been purchased by NOVELL. Read. This is interesting.

This is interesting.  Novell has been making a lot of noise about Linux lately 
and how it intends to support it.  In that respect it's probably good news.

Strictly on the PR side the fact that the former owner of SCO Unix is building 
it's Linux committment is a lovely shot at SCO/Caldera.  One would expect 
that Novell has roughly the same access to the source code that SCO is 
whining about and has concluded that there isn't a problem.  It's all very 
interesting. :-)



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Re: [newbie] apache setup and archives

2003-08-04 Per discussione John Wilson
On August 3, 2003 07:40 pm, Dennis Myers wrote:

 Not sure what the problem was for you, but Apache Extranet server supplied
 with 9.0 and 9.1 and 9.2  did most definitely work out of the box for me.
 All I had to do was put my html in the cgi-bin and it was off and running.
 Shorewall was not a problem, I just checked the box for web server and all
 was accessible.  I did have to tell my ISP that the IP address in question
 should be resolved to my web page name and after a day I could access the
 site with just the .com name.  Apache Extranet took no extra work to config
 it just worked.  Gotta love the Mandrake.

Oh, I do love the Mandrake!

I'm increasingly suspecting the Dell box that I've got it all on as the 
culprit for a lot of the problems I'm having.  Just for a lark I installed 
everything on a much newer Sony and it all came up without a hitch, except 
for having to hand configure the things that MCC was about to bork again.

The MCC issue is kinda curious.  It detects the NICs correctly and, unlike XP, 
even identifies them properly.  It sees the ISP on eth1 and the internal 
network on eth0 but the moment I let it go it reverses everything.  I'm also 
wondering if it's little issue is that they're both DHCP assigned.  Still 
it's a pain in the buttocks.

I'll have another look at it all in September when I stop working 6 days a 
week and grab a couple of weeks off. :-)



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RE: [newbie] usb to serial adapter

2003-08-04 Per discussione Duron . Davis
-Original Message-
From: L.V.Gandhi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, August 04, 2003 8:59 AM
Subject: [newbie] usb to serial adapter

Nowadays only one serial port is coming in most of the p4 boards. I need two

serial ports one for external modem and other for handheld connection. How 
far usb to serial adapter can help in this? Any problems faced by list
203, Soundaryalahari Apartments, Lawsons Bay colony, Visakhapatnam, 530017
MECON, 5th Floor, RTC Complex, Visakhapatnam AP 530020 INDIA

I found some things that might be of use.
I don't know what kind of equipment you have but here are some interesting
sites as well as an email regarding a similar issue.
I think that you can plug a USB expansion adapter into your USB port and
then run multiple adapters from that, but I've never had a need to try it as
I build my own PC's and use boards that are upgradeable.
Most stuff on the market is very limited and proprietary.

COM ports:

USB to PS2 adapters:

USB to DB9M:

[Handhelds] usb to serial 
26 Jul 2000 12:16:26 -0700 

Previous message: [Handhelds] usb to serial 
Next message: [Handhelds] usb to serial 
Messages sorted by: [ date ] [ thread ] [ subject ] [ author ] 

Ali Memarsadeghi [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I currently have an ipaq and am trying to put linux onto it.  I need
 to convert the usb cradle to serial cable and was looking at the
 how-to page on the subject.  Am I correctly interpreting the table
 ( in that
 I simply connect the pins listed in each row of the table together?
 Also, I opened up the ipaq cradle and looked at the chip inside.
 The wiring looks like it would need to be very precise.  Not having
 played around with hardware too much, I was wondering if anybody
 could give me some suggestions as to the best way for me to go about
 wiring the pins.

It took me a few days to figure out how to do it, but I finally
managed to build such a cable.  You can rip the USB cradle apart, and
re-use the little circuit board found inside (with the attached
connector) to build a serial cable that works.

Here are some pictures of my cable:

The connnector on the internal side of the little circuit board is a
14-pin Hirose DF13 Series, which you can get from
All you need is the nylon connector (DF13-14S-1.25C, 33 cents each)
and some crimp contacts (DF13-2630SCF, $3.45/100).  Don't bother
getting the crimp tool ($989.81) -- you can use a regular crimp tool

Theoretically, you can just use the same existing connector that the
USB cable is wired into, so you could have a dual USB/serial cable.

Apart from that, you need some wire, and a standard DB9 connector on
the other end.

The pinout on the website is only valid for the external connector.
The internal connnector has the pins in different positions.  I had to
figure out the pinout manually (I started the project before the
external pinout was posted on the website).  But I have verified that
everything makes sense.  Here's the pinout:

  External  Internal (Hirose)  DB9  Signal (DTE=PC, DCE=iPaq)
    -  ---  -
 5 27RTS
 6 38CTS
 7 42RXD
 8 53TXD
 3 6   6+1DSR + DCD
 9 74DTR
4,10   95   Ground 

Have fun.  :-)


 - Jim

p.s.  That's kaffe running the same demo I was showing off at OLS.

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Re: [newbie] Time Setting

2003-08-04 Per discussione Brant Fitzsimmons

On Mon, 2003-08-04 at 03:28, Jerry Barton wrote:

/On Mon, 04 Aug 2003 08:03:34 -0400
I know this has been covered here before, but all of a sudden my time
setting resets every time the computer boots or reboots.  I've used the
KDE control panel, the Mandrake control panel and the command line to
reset the time to no avail.  This happened all of a sudden a couple of
days ago.  Could it be that my motherboard battery has died?  Although,
the calendar setting is OK.
When you reboot is the time 
a) always a random time (example one time it's 4 hours ahead, nex time it's 3 hours 20 minutes slow)
b) always off the same number of hours (example: always 5 hours too fast)
c) always set to the same time (example: at boot the time is always noon)

This may help in finding out the problem.  
If it's b then I would check your time zone setting.  mcc/system/date and time/Time Zone button
I'm not sure about a or c though I'm sure someone else might have some input.


It's b), always 4 hours earlier but the time zone setting is correct.

When you say the time zone is correct do you mean the KDE time zone or 
the time zone diplayed by the taskbar clock?  The clock in the taskbar 
can display a different time zone than does KDE as a whole.

I had the wrong timezone showing on one of my computers after I upgraded 
KDE.  I was seeing Moscow time.  Here's how I fixed it:

-Right-click on the clock in the taskbar.
-Go up to Show Timezone and select Local Time
I don't know if this will help you any, but I *hope* it does.

Brant Fitzsimmons
All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being
-Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)

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Re: [newbie] ARTICLE: Novell Acquires Ximian to Expand Linux Solutions and Open Source Commitment

2003-08-04 Per discussione Technoslick
On Monday 04 August 2003 02:55 pm, John Wilson graced me with:
 On August 4, 2003 06:59 am, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
  Ximian (as in Red-Carpet, Evolution, Ximian Connector, Ximian
  Desktop2) has been purchased by NOVELL. Read. This is

 This is interesting.  Novell has been making a lot of noise about
 Linux lately and how it intends to support it.  In that respect
 it's probably good news.

 Strictly on the PR side the fact that the former owner of SCO Unix
 is building it's Linux committment is a lovely shot at SCO/Caldera.
  One would expect that Novell has roughly the same access to the
 source code that SCO is whining about and has concluded that there
 isn't a problem.  It's all very interesting. :-)



First IBM. Now Novell. There have been some others not as big or as 
much in the public's eye. Each had/has a hand in what SCO has been 
bitching about. This is what we need. One by one, big hitters to step 
out of the cowling crowds and telling SCO in a business like way they 
aren't backing down, they're actually pushing harder. SCO (and M$) 
can only benefit from this if everyone cowers and falls back. I have 
a lot of respect for these companies for publically stating they are 
going to continue and/or intensify their interest in Linux. It 
doesn't matter to me that there's an underlining agenda for each. In 
the long run, we all benefit if SCO has to back down because no one's 
listening and no one cares about their perceived propriety.


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Re: [newbie] Gaim Question

2003-08-04 Per discussione Brant Fitzsimmons
Drew S wrote:

crak600 wrote:

On Sunday 03 August 2003 11:03 pm, John Drouhard wrote:

Do you think you could take the Reply to thing off, it's not necessary.

sorry.  it's done now.  someone else pointed that out to me too.

Anyway, you should just be able to highlight a link and then press the
middle mouse button in the conversation window, and it should paste it
by itself automagically.

regular 2 button mouse.  never thought to click both buttons because 
copy/paste worked everywhere else except in Gaim.  Thanks Dennis (got 
your reply offlist because of my reply to thing) and thanks John. 

Hmm, mine works fine here with right click+ paste.  Also works with 
middle click or Ctrl-V.  Which version are you using, the 
gaim-0.59.8-2mdk package that comes with 9.1?  Gaim just did a lot of 
updating to gtk2, so you might want to try a newer version from cooker 
(gaim-0.64-3mdk).  I seem to remember I didn't like gaim-0.59.8 much.

Also, I find the rpms that Gaim itself distributes to be just squiffy. 
I am using 0.64 now, but am in the process of updating to 0.66.  They 
make mdk rpms.  Whatever you do, don't use .65- I think it was pretty 

Here's the link to find packages:


If you have the Texstar rpm repository set up in urpm you can install 
0.66 as easy as pie.  It works better than any of the previous versions 
I've used.

Brant Fitzsimmons
All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being
-Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)

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Re: [newbie] ARTICLE: Novell Acquires Ximian to Expand Linux Solutions and Open Source Commitment

2003-08-04 Per discussione Ronald J. Hall
On Monday 04 August 2003 03:44 pm, Technoslick wrote:

 First IBM. Now Novell. There have been some others not as big or as
 much in the public's eye. Each had/has a hand in what SCO has been
 bitching about. This is what we need. One by one, big hitters to step
 out of the cowling crowds and telling SCO in a business like way they
 aren't backing down, they're actually pushing harder. SCO (and M$)
 can only benefit from this if everyone cowers and falls back. I have
 a lot of respect for these companies for publically stating they are
 going to continue and/or intensify their interest in Linux. It
 doesn't matter to me that there's an underlining agenda for each. In
 the long run, we all benefit if SCO has to back down because no one's
 listening and no one cares about their perceived propriety.


Add Redhat. They've filed a 2 part complaint against SCO now. :-)


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Re: [newbie] Glaxium

2003-08-04 Per discussione Toran Korshnah

This suprises me.
Anyway, i find it stupid a distro includes software which simply won't work.
It is a sign of quantity, instead of quality.
I have the same probs with Luola, pinball and those I do not know.
I hope with 9.2 some probs are going to besolved...



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Re: [newbie] audio software

2003-08-04 Per discussione T C
--- dfox [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I recall chatting with the developer of another multitrack recorder
s/w  a number of years ago; he did not think linux was up to snuff for
that,  and I tried to convince him otherwise. A lot has to do with
sound card  buffers and how fast your computer is. the idea is to
record n tracks 
 of audio directly on the hard drive. broadcast 2000 I think was the  
  software, I think it is still around, and perhaps will work OK now.
I   haven't tried it in a very long time.

I have broadcast 2000, it comes with Mandrake 9.0, but I can't get it
to work with 9.1. Maybe I need to spend more time trying to make it
work. I have also pretty much decided to try Ardour, even if I have to
start downloading it Friday night before I go to bed. (I'm jealous of
those who have broadband of some flavor)  :-)

 Beware, audio files in native audacity form eat up large portions of
 your hard drive. 

I have 60 GB available so I'm not too concerned
 I've just now am working from cooker 9.2 beta 1 and i'm getting back
 the thnngs i need.

How is the 9.2 beta 1 looking?


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Re: [newbie] Mandrake 9.2 Beta 1 Released

2003-08-04 Per discussione Dennis Myers
On Sunday 03 August 2003 04:04 pm, John Richard Smith wrote:
 Dennis Myers wrote:
 On Sunday 03 August 2003 10:04 am, ed tharp wrote:
 On Sun, 2003-08-03 at 11:15, John Richard Smith wrote:
 Mandrake 9.2 Beta 1 Released.
 Mandrake Linux 9.2 Beta 1 has arrived to offer you the opportunity of
 summertime bug squashing. Join forces with the Mandrake Development team
 by installing the Beta then submitting bug reports. Remember: This
 release is for testing purposes only and is not suitable for production
 machines. Learn all the details:
 How to report bugs*
 Bugs must be submitted to BugZilla and
 technical discussions (for developers) are hosted on the Cooker mailing
 So how does one in all practicle terms do this on a 56kdialup modem.
 By the time I've downloaded 3 iso's , done the md5sum's, written the
 iso's to disc, tested the discs to be faithful reproductions,  installed
 OS, done a minimum of half a  day's  post install reconfiguring, to get
 it up and running, and then probably a week's fiddling around in all the
 apps looking for faults to report ,   mandrake have gone on to bets2 or
 beta3 releases.
 Tom Brinkman has posted some directions (I think it may have been on the
 expert list) about how to do this. basically it involves getting setup
 and updating only as cooker is updated, and not re-downloading the
 complete ISOs, just sucking down the changes. Search the archives for
 cooker update ought to help
 Right, once you have the first beta d/l'd cooker updates work or you 
  should be able to run rsync to cut down time to d/l new beta's or
  release candidates.  Rsync only d/l's the changes. See man rsync or
  google cause there are some good tutorials on it. HTH

 So which is best ,
 slap in a repeat of my already configured and pretty well running M9.1
 using a drive image programme.
 write a stanza to boot it.
 and then urpmi that as far as possible, which would have to be done at
 night  as It's the only chance I have to get about 2 hours uniterrupted

 or ,

 download the  3 iso cd's and burn to disks and install etc. and then
 urpmi this install.

 from my point of view the first option is quicker.

I don't know for sure which is faster. I don't know for sure what the first is 
for. For Beta testing the d/l and then do a rsync on one of the mirrors for 
beta 2 , 3 etc would be faster. My guess, again not sure how much change will 
be made between betas.  My $.02
Dennis M. linux user #180842

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Re: [newbie] Glaxium

2003-08-04 Per discussione Dennis Myers
On Monday 04 August 2003 11:00 am, Toran Korshnah wrote:

 This suprises me.
 Anyway, i find it stupid a distro includes software which simply won't
 work. It is a sign of quantity, instead of quality.
 I have the same probs with Luola, pinball and those I do not know.
 I hope with 9.2 some probs are going to besolved...


Which software and which distro are you refering to. If Glaxium I don't find 
it on the Mandrake disks?
Dennis M. linux user #180842

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Re: [newbie] saving live-stream

2003-08-04 Per discussione Carroll Grigsby
On Monday 04 August 2003 10:24 am, Lyvim Xaphir wrote:
 On Sun, 2003-08-03 at 07:37, Kaj Haulrich wrote:
  On Sunday 03 August 2003 02:19 am, Lyvim Xaphir wrote:
   On Fri, 2003-08-01 at 21:29, Heather/Femme wrote:
If you search i'm sure there is a linux equivalent to
Stream Ripper.
   The way I read that the first time, it looked like Team
  That's why some people (count me in) prefer a graphical interface
  over a text based one.
  Kaj Haulrich.

 Kajyou devil. ;)  That's a new twist; I never thought of a stripper
 as being a graphical interface.

 So *that's* why you prefer a graphical interface



I vote for a team stripper with a tactile interface. Invent that, and you 
would revolutionize the game industry -- particularly role playing games. (I 
was going to suggest that the XBox would be an ideal platform, but decided 
that would be in bad taste.)

Are we OT yet?
-- cmg

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RE: [newbie] ARTICLE: Novell Acquires Ximian to Expand LinuxSolutions and OpenSource Commitment

2003-08-04 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Tue, 2003-08-05 at 00:40, Tony S. Sykes wrote:
 What's SCO going to say about that? Are Novell going to release their
 own version of Linux?

I honestly think that this is only going to give more credence to
GNU/linux et al; Novell has some serious cash, and giving it to Ximian -
let's keep the mindset that Ximian won't be assimilated, is only going
to strengthen the OSS position in corporate environments. With Novell
porting applications and services to the GNU/linux platform, we're in
for some serious revolutions in the next two years - at least that's
how I see it...

Tue Aug  5 09:45:00 EST 2003
 09:45:00 up 1 day, 13:33,  3 users,  load average: 2.30, 2.79, 2.81
|____  |kuhn media australia|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
  linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1+  RH 9  
  Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

Yow!  Now we can become alcoholics!

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[newbie] Glaxium

2003-08-04 Per discussione Toran Korshnah
MM, denis,

I use MD 9.1, btw...
The 7 CD set...


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[newbie] dictionary installation

2003-08-04 Per discussione Josenildo Marques
Hash: SHA1

Hi, folks.
After two successive failures trying to install a dictionary, I have to ask 
you for some guidance. 
I downloaded an apparently useful dictionary/thesaurus from

Its docs say it runs on Solaris, Irix and Linux.
Although I have other dictionaries, I think the more I have, the better.
I unpacked the tar ball, read the install file and the make file and altered 
the latter to suit my system (MDK 9.1). Then, as root, I installed it but it 
didn't work at all. In the makefile I choose /usr/local/bin as the path. 
There are some changes and options which are not very clear to me and that's 
why I think I better show the makefile options.

- -


# Makefile for both source and binary distribution of WordNet 2.0

# The WordNet Unix release is provided as a binary installation for 
# the following platforms:
#   SPARCstation running Solaris 7
#   Silicon Graphics Mips processor running Irix 6.8.3
#   PC running Redhat Linux
# If you are using one of these systems, you should select the the
# appropriate PLATFORM below, and use the 'make BinWorld' command to
# install WordNet from the pre-compiled binaries.  Check the settings
# below first to make sure everything is installed where you want it.
# This package also includes the source code for the WordNet library
# and interfaces. If you plan on building your own WordNet application,
# or are running on a platform other than those listed above, you
# will have to read the comments below under Platform specific stuff
# and make the appropriate selections and changes for your system.

# Settings for binary installation on Solaris, Irix, or Linux 
# and source code build. 

# To perform a binary installation, make the appropriate settings
# in this section.  You also need to do this if you're going to 
# compile WordNet from source.

# Platform for binary installation.  If you are using one of the 
# following operating systems you do not have to compile the package.

#PLATFORM = solaris
#PLATFORM = irix
PLATFORM = linux

# The WordNet system must be installed in a directory hierarchy.
# WN_ROOT is the root of the WordNet installation hierarchy.
# The default is /usr/local/WordNet-2.0.  If you want to install
# WordNet 2.0 in a different directory, change WN_ROOT below.  
# Note that you must have write permissions for the installation path.

# The installation process will create the following subdirectories:

#   bin WordNet executable programs
#   dictWordNet database files (the WNSEARCHDIR environment
#   variable must be set by the user if the database
#   is NOT installed in /usr/local/WordNet-2.0/dict)
#   lib library of WordNet search code functions (libwn.a)
#   include header files for use with library functions
#   doc WordNet Reference Manual in HTML and PDF
#   man WordNet Reference Manual in 'man' page format

# Default installation paths

WN_ROOT = /usr/local/WordNet-2.0

I chose /usr/local/bin/ in one of my attempts.

# By default, precompiled WordNet binaries are installed in 
# $WN_ROOT/bin.  You may specify another location, such as /usr/local/bin.
# By installing the binaries in /usr/local/bin, you probably do not have to
# change your PATH environment variable.  


- --- I do not know which dir to choose here.

# By default, the WordNet database files are installed in $WN_ROOT/dict.
# You may specify another location.  If the database is not installed in
# the default location, you MUST set the environment variable 
# WNSEARCHDIR, or the WordNet browser will not be able to run.


# By default, installing the database files is done by copying them
# from the dict subdirectory into WN_DICTDIR.  To save space, you
# can set INSTALLCMD to 'mv', which will move the files instead of
# copying them.  This is slightly dangerous since you won't have a
# copy of the database files in the release directory.  If you set
# INSTALLCMD to 'mv', you must set INSTALLFLAGS to nothing.


# By default, the WordNet library is installed in $WN_ROOT/lib, and
# the WordNet header files are installed in $WN_ROOT/include.  These
# used when developing new applications that access the WordNet
# database files.

WN_INCDIR = $(WN_ROOT)/include

# By default, WordNet manual pages are installed $WN_ROOT/man. You may 
# specify another location, such as /usr/local/man.  By installing the 
# manual pages in /usr/local/man, you probably do not have to change 
# your MANPATH environment variable.  

Re: [newbie] ARTICLE: Novell Acquires Ximian to Expand Linux Solutions and OpenSource Commitment

2003-08-04 Per discussione Technoslick
On Monday 04 August 2003 07:49 pm, Stephen Kuhn graced me with:
 On Tue, 2003-08-05 at 00:40, Tony S. Sykes wrote:
  What's SCO going to say about that? Are Novell going to release
  their own version of Linux?

 I honestly think that this is only going to give more credence to
 GNU/linux et al; Novell has some serious cash, and giving it to
 Ximian - let's keep the mindset that Ximian won't be assimilated,
 is only going to strengthen the OSS position in corporate
 environments. With Novell porting applications and services to the
 GNU/linux platform, we're in for some serious revolutions in the
 next two years - at least that's how I see it...

That's a good point. Most OpenSource developers are not rolling in the 
dough. Any serious backing is only going to improve their ability to 
produce better distributions, applications and systemware.

I can't help but prematurely smile over all of this. My inner sense 
tells me that SCO's bluff has already backfired, and as a result is 
now strengthening the very infrastructure that they had hoped to 
leech off of and control. Big business is a dangerous game to play. I 
would not want to be SCO's elite right now. I can smell the sweat 
from here.


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Re: [newbie] oss emulation through alsa

2003-08-04 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Monday 04 Aug 2003 5:50 pm, John Drouhard wrote:
 I have Mandrake 9.1, and would like to run OSS emulation through ALSA.
 The reason for this is that when I try to run games with wine, it only
 works with OSS. The problem with that is, Shockwave Flash doesn't work
 at all on the internet. I would like both of these to work at the same
 time, and I thought that this would do the trick.

 Here is my modules.conf. I have and intel 810 based onboard sound card.

 probeall scsi_hostadapter usb-storage ide-scsi
 probeall usb-interface usb-ohci
 alias eth0 sis900
 above snd-intel8x0 snd-pcm-oss
 alias sound-slot-0 snd-intel8x0
 alias /dev/nvidia*   nvidia

 Thanks a lot.

 John Drouhard

Set up your modules.conf as per this page



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Re: [newbie] subscribe

2003-08-04 Per discussione Carroll Grigsby
On Monday 04 August 2003 02:02 pm, Jeremy Rodriguez wrote:

A few bits of advice:

First, sending binary attachments to Linux mailing lists is very bad form -- 
especially when they have names such as winfile.dat.

Second, blank out your reply-to address. That should only be used when you 
wish to have replies sent to some other address than the one from which you 
are sending. The problem is that it causes replies to your posts to go 
directly to you, but not to the list.

Finally, I'm not entirely certain that your method of subscribing will work. 
If you didn't get a find a bunch of mailings from the 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] list today (expect 80 to 120 a day), go to Click on the mail list link in the left hand column 
that will take you to a page where you can subscribe to this (and a great 
many others) list. Follow the procedure, and the deluge should begin. 
(Mandrake uses this procedure to prevent spam. It works very well.)
-- cmg

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Re: [newbie] Mozilla Spellcheck finds no errors

2003-08-04 Per discussione Brant Fitzsimmons
Ev Apxn wrote:

Ev Apxn wrote:

Brant Fitzsimmons wrote:
 Ev Apxn wrote:

 I installed spellchecking for Mozilla mail, and it seems to
 function but finds no errors, even when there are errors.
 Dd I miss something?

 When you run the spellchecker what language is it checking?

English. That's all I use. 

The reason I asked (I should have stated this earlier.) was because I 
had the same problem when I first ran spellchecker.  It had Download 
More as the language so I assumed (incorrectly) that is was 
automatically checking English, since that was the language of the 
browser I was using, and that I could download more language modules if 
I wanted to.  When I changed it to English-- everything worked as it 
should.  This may have only made a difference because I had not yet 
chosen a spellcheck language; I don't know.

I guess that in your case this does not apply.

Brant Fitzsimmons
All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being
-Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)

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Re: [newbie] Time Setting

2003-08-04 Per discussione David E. Fox
 I had the wrong timezone showing on one of my computers after I upgraded 
 KDE.  I was seeing Moscow time.  Here's how I fixed it:
 -Right-click on the clock in the taskbar.
 -Go up to Show Timezone and select Local Time
 I don't know if this will help you any, but I *hope* it does.

I'm seeing the same thing here with Cooker. It actually started
fairly recently. Resetting KDE seems to be the only way to fix it at
the moment. I've submitted (I hope) it to the Bugzilla system. Right
now, show timezone has America/Los Angeles checked (i.e., PDT) but
it's off about 4 hours.

'date' is correct.

 Brant Fitzsimmons

David E. Fox  Thanks for letting me
[EMAIL PROTECTED]change magnetic patterns
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   on your hard disk.

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