Re: Illegal Street Photography?

2001-11-30 Thread SudaMafud

In a message dated 11/29/01 10:00:49 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Greetings from Portland everyone...
 The recent discussion about Robert Payne's Arrest photo started me
 thinking about the legal implications of street photography. Are there
 locations and/or subjects that are just off-limits to uninvited 

The generally accepted term literally meaning in the streets, most times a 
public event (arrests, fights, celebrities and the like) are fair game. If 
the photographer is suspected of observing a crime, s/he might be asked to 
surrender their film (to be receipted and returned). In matters of national 
security, (or some such declared emergency), a photographer is often asked to 
give up their film (no return). 
~ANY~ commissioned officer can ask any civilian, (as opposed to a working 
PJ/journalist) for their film (to be returned).

Recent events since September 11 has seen such a tightening of security 
that the places I once took for granted as being safe to shoot, may not be 
*I've noted before that I generally didn't point my camera at any police for 
any reason, especially when overseas, where the even vaunted power (and 
privileges) of the press usually don't mean diddly. 

The photo in question seems to have been taken by a non-zoom lens, maybe 35 
to 50mm prime lens (because the interest, though at the center of the photo, 
was not clearly defined). 
**I don't remember if the photographer noted what lens he used.

 something they shouldn't have? I welcome comments, stories, whatever...

Yup; in Haiti, The Sudan, South Africa, Utah, New York, Philadelphia, 
Thailand, a NATO base in The Netherlands, Vietnam...
*After refusing to turn over my film, me and my film (and gear) have been 
bodily encouraged to accompany police to a police lab where the film was 
developed, printed, surveilled and returned. 
Overseas, the problem is you simply don't know who the particulars are in 
any photo. You may have captured an illegal transaction, or government spy 
or criminal in your lens. One can scream I'm an (pick one) citizen, 
I have my rights all you damn well pleased, but if they (police or 
security or gangsters) ~really~ want it, they'll have your film (and you).
***There are corporate campuses where you ought not be seen with a camera.
We learned from the OJ mess that it is legal (in the US at least) to 
shoot from ~public~ property onto private or government holdings without fear 
of recriminations. 
(Better not try that around US Air Force bases or any military facilities 

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Re: FA* 24mm f2's diffraction lusters flare performance

2001-11-30 Thread Alan Chan

I do not know how it ompares to other Pentax 24mm, but the FA*24/4 does have 
some flare problem though not serious (compared to other brands). I have had 
2 of this lens and both are the same.

Alan Chan

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Re: Cotty's Pentax Mods December update posted...

2001-11-30 Thread Cotty

Actually, a thought occurred to me regarding POETS day:

Piss Off Early Tomorrow's Saturday.

For your enhanced North American enjoyment, the UK-use of 'Piss Off' does 
not mean to annoy someone. In fact here in Britain it means to 'leave, 
go, depart, move off smartly, get-the-hell-outta-there, etc'. So the 
reference could be translated thus:

'I say old chap, do you realise it's Friday, and tomorrow is Saturday? 
Why don't we be awfully cheeky and leave work a tad early today, it'll be 
awfully good sport, what what?'

Instead of:

'Hey there buuud, seein' as termorra's Saterdee an' all, what sayin we 
head on dern the saloon and beat up on ol' Jakey-One-Eye, that'll get 'im 
riled some...'


Cotty's Modern and Ancient Slang Enjoyment Services

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Re: Censorship-not,

2001-11-30 Thread Pål Audun Jensen

Mike is perfectly right. The idea that complainers of  violation of list 
etiquette are turning the list into hell is like accusing the police 
arresting criminals for being the source of crime. The accusation that the 
complaining of off topic message is the real problem after a thread on the 
topic is as absurd as it is annoying. We have lost several highly respected 
valuable members of PDML due to excessive OT messages; lets not loose more. 
Guess what; in the more violent moment of this list some have even 
complained about on topic messages! This is the ultimate absurd endpoint 
when OT goes out of hand. Its' pretty obvious to me at least that you will 
always get complains off topic messages when people have subscribed to a 
topic list. This is bleeding obvious. Its like going into a cinema and they 
show a different film than the one advertised. Of course people complain. 
The fact that minority may find it perfectly OK to see another movie has 
nothing whatsoever to do with it.  If you don't want such complains don't 
post OT.

The reputation of Pentax discuss, and I'm speaking as someone who has been 
around since day one, grew from self restrain regarding OT messages and 
inflammatory posts. We were very aware of keeping the balance. The hell 
started (and always start) when the list get flooded with OT messages; when 
everything is allowed, flame throwing and name calling is also legal.
To illustrate the situation once on this list: In the summer of '98 a 
character calling himself The Who broke into this list. He had problems 
expressing himself (he might even have been dyslectic), anyway he got 
nastier with every post and eventually gave this classic remark; you sick 
as wholes (sic). The point is that it took weeks before anyone responded 
with Sorry, I can't take it anymore and then started complaining about 
Who. There was so much self restrain that people waited in the longest 
before complaining. Unfortunately, this eventually backfired. When the list 
got flooded with OT messages there was no mechanism that reacted 
immediately. Anyway, when the flame wars are at their worst, there is a 
following period that's quiet showing that everybody pretty much 
understands that OT out of hand simply doesn't work. And note that 90% of 
flame wars are due to OT messages like politics and taxes.

I would like to state that OT volume is now manageable and much lower that 
at other periods in this list history. This is just my opinion but nobody, 
including me, has any right to define the level of OT thats tolerable. I 
do, however, believe that most people can tolerate a low level of OT 
messages so lets keep it that way.  I see no reason to complain; I'm not 
doing that now either - I'm responding to a post that I find to be strictly 
on topic because its about this list.  I would also strongly urge those who 
want to subscribe to an everything list to subscribe to such a list if 
they can find one. I don't expect it to exist for the simple reason that 
there are no one out there who is interested in everything. Posting off 
topic post is grossly inconsiderate; nothing less. Its a lack of respect 
for those hundreds subscribing to this list and the thousands reading it. 
We have only one thing in common and that's Pentax and photography. We will 
never reach a consensus of what level of off topic post is reasonable; 
therefore keep it to a minimum. On this list we have subscribers who 
tolerate 0% to 100% OT messages. However, the only common ground is the 0% 
which means 100% Pentax. I personally see no reason to complain to the OT 
situation right now but I see no reason anybody should tolerate getting 
their mailbox flooded with post they never asked for just because someone 
feel its their goddamn constitutional right to do so if it pleases them.
I would also like to stress this isn't a place to hang out. Its a mailing 
list where people have subscribed to a certain topic. If someone find the 
topic boring why subscribe? And if you are bored why not go somewhere else 
- like getting a life (sorry) instead of sending unsolicited mail to 
hundreds of people? I'm not saying this to attac anyone personally. I find 
it totally obvious; I really can't fathom the right to go to any mailing 
list to post whatever one likes. There must be a reason for having subject 
mailing list. If it was OK to post whatever we liked, all we ever needed 
was one mailing list, the mailing list, where we could post Pentax, 
politics, whatever. I'm sorry but anarchy simply don't work.

The fact that some subscribe to the digest doesn't necessarily mean that 
they don't want to participate in this list. Many who read the list from 
the net or receive the digest may do so because they don't want excessive 
OT mails in their in box.
What makes Pentax discuss to a friendly place is that the subscribers show 
some restraints. It has work very well recently. You'll also see that the 
friendliness is correlative with the 

Re: Illegal Street Photography?

2001-11-30 Thread Kevin Waterson


 The generally accepted term literally meaning in the streets, most times a
 public event (arrests, fights, celebrities and the like) are fair game. If
 the photographer is suspected of observing a crime, s/he might be asked to
 surrender their film (to be receipted and returned).

Some years ago I had a knock on my door and upon opening it was confronted
by some firemen telling me the building (a church) was on fire and that our
building was being evacuated as a precaution. So I grabbed my camera and
joined the crowds on the street and thought I might get a few snaps for the
local paper.

About 5 mins into this I was approached by a police officer and asked if I might

be able to photograph the crowd, and as I had a reasonable zoom any one else
at a distance watching the fire-fighters extinguish the blaze.

The point was that apparently arsonists like to hang about to see the fire and
confusion they have created.

When I was out of film, the officer asked for it, quite nicely, and I gave it to
He took my particulars and told me he would return the film as I had informed
him the first 2-3 shots were of my children.
About a week later he contacted me by phone and asked if he might drop it off.
The timing was inconvenient so he suggested I pick it up from the station at a
pre-arranged time, I did this and all was well.

In hind sight, I wonder what would have happened if I said no, I am a freelance

photographer and want to sell the images to the press.

Kind regards
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November PUG comments

2001-11-30 Thread Bruce Dayton

OK, so I'm a little late.  It has been a crazy month and being gone
for a little over a week hasn't helped.  So, let me make a few

The Esses - by  Cory Waters

My first glance at this made me think the fence was actually some
overcase clouds.  The effect is quite interesting.  I'm sure Cory did
not have that in mind.  I had thought the panoramic crop was a little
odd for this image until I viewed the uncropped one.  I think that the
crop is basically in the right place.  It might not have hurt to crop
the sides a bit too.  I'm surprised by how great the DOF is.  It
really helps here to keep both cars in focus.

For some reason, my eyes keep wandering to the right as I view this
photo.  I'm not sure if it is anticipation of the cars moving off to
the right or some inbalance in the image.  It does have a *dark*
feeling to it overall.  Seems like an overcast day or maybe early
evening.  I like the headlights begin on, but not overpowering.
Catching the cars through this section seems like a tricky task. I'm
curious whether you used AF or pre-focused.

Cory, a very likable shot

The Fellas  - by  William Robb

I'm impressed by how well behaved the dogs are.  They appear to enjoy
having their picture taken.  Good, strong color, plus the coats are
very visible, rather than just being solid black.  The image is nice
and sharp.  I like how one dog is looking happy and the other one is
serious.  This does not come across as just a snapshoot, but rather, a
professional (love that word!) who knows what he is doing.

Bill, If I ever get dogs again, I'll have to have you photograph them.

 Bruce Dayton
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Re: Censorship-not

2001-11-30 Thread Pål Audun Jensen

Tom wrote:

I seem to be one of the few who defend the list remaining open to whatever
the members of the list want to talk about. Maybe the others who want it
that way are tired of the endless demands of Digest Subscribers that the
list have nothing in it except what they want to read. I would say that the
digest is a convenience for people who only want to partially participate in
the list. It is after all a mailing list. But if everyone wants to change
the list to something other than the list I subscribed to and love, go
ahead. It will just no longer be a list where I want to hang out.

Well, I'm frankly getting to old for this being a grown up. If this is 
offending it isn't meant as such. I mean, I have received complaints about 
posting on AF cameras, the MZ-S and what I think about my lenses on a 
Pentax discussion forum!. Note, it was not my opinion that was attacked but 
that I posted such things on PDML. And now you are telling me that posting 
complaints about OT messages are tedious? And that you expect to post OT 
without complaints? Dream on!
I tell you one thing; every mailing list that practice what you preach 
above, posting whatever you like, turn into a hell. There are no exceptions.
Regarding censorship: the only way to apply censorship on a mailing list is 
to post whatever you like. Nobody can stop you and you can flood this forum 
with your own interest regardless what other things. The only way to get 
what you want is to post. By posting OT you force your opinion thruogh 
regardless. Its the closest thing to censorship you can get because in the 
end the on topic stuff drowns in the noise.

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Re: Take cover!

2001-11-30 Thread Pål Audun Jensen

Tom wrote:

My flame was not about subject matter but about attitude. Obviously you can
not see the difference, but then again you censors want to cut in and run
everybody elses life. Probably because you don't have one of your own.

This is with all due respect nonsense coming from someone who apply 
censorship by stating he can post whatever he likes. I'm interested in 
cars. If I want to discuss cars right here and can turn this into a Pentax 
car forum simply by posting car posts. I can flood you with car post. Then 
its me who decide what this list is all about without permission from 
anybody doing whatever I like - this is effective censorship inasmuch as 
this will over time scare away everybody not interested in Pentax and cars. 
This is childish behaviour...
As for attitude. What attitude is it to post whatever one like? If this is 
the right attitude does it give me the right to call people assholes if I 
feel like it, without getting complaints? Attitude is to try to not offend 
people by avoiding posting about eg. politics and religion. That was not 
what they came here for. This is to show consideration which is the right 

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Re: Take cover!

2001-11-30 Thread Pål Audun Jensen

Aye aye aye ayeI'm glad there so many sensible people here.



Bill, KG4LOV
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Re: Slide Monitors

2001-11-30 Thread MZ3_fella _

I'm not familiar with the Braun but I have a 'Reflecta' which I suspect is 
the same model/different name. The negatives: - the screen is not evenly lit 
and the hotspot moves around as you move your head, - lens quality is so-so. 
Positives - saves your back having to be bent over a sorting tray  and is 
quick to set up and view. I've just spent 2 days on the thing looking for 
images to take to a landscape workshop this weekend and it made the task 
relatively painless. (The _real_  joy was going through slide that I haven't 
looked at in years.) In fact, since I bought this thing a few months back, 
I've done much more slide viewing.

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For sale - Screwmount

2001-11-30 Thread Leon Altoff

Well, it's Friday,  so here are some screw mount items that other
people will probably make more use of than I do.  If you are interested
please email me and we can discuss price. 

Super Takumar 35mm f3.5 with case and front and rear caps. Very good
condition.  Small dent in front cap lens and filter ring are ok.
Soligor 90-230mm f4.5 auto-zoom with case and front and rear caps.
Makinon 35-105mm f3.5 Multi-coated autozoom with front and rear caps. 
Hansa auto 2X converter with caps, case and original instructions. Case
is in good condition the converter itself looks like it has never been

Spotmatic SP - missing it's rewind lever.  Reasonable condition

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Re: why EI-2000 is total CRAP, UNUSABLE for anything but strong daylight!

2001-11-30 Thread Collin Brendemuehl

OK, besides me, how many PDML members shoot full manual flash (anytime)?

Always a manual mode for any deliberate composiiton requiring flash.
No sense in having the sensor average off something I don't intend it
to use.



* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  Edith Keiler must die.
  -- Spock, 1930
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Re: Monopod for heavy camera

2001-11-30 Thread John Mustarde

On Thu, 29 Nov 2001 19:57:45 -0500, you wrote:

John seems to be our Long Lens Artist In Residence.  I, for one, listen
to what he says on such matters.

Thanks for the kind words. As we all know, PDML has several big glass
shooters with as much or more experience and knowledge as I.

I generally talk about what works for me, and occasionally make a
foray into what theoretically is better or worse. Many photo tools are
plenty good enough for the job at hand, which means personal
preference becomes a valid criteria.

John Mustarde
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Re: Viruses Worms Everywhere

2001-11-30 Thread Anthony Farr

I've seen this kind of address on some spam e-mails, and I've read that
they are sent directly into your mail reader while online, rather than
being downloaded from your ISP's mail server.  That's why they have the
strange address details.  Just what I read but as I have no effing idea
how email works I'd probably believe anything I read :)

I haven't had any strangely addressed e-mail come in since I installed
Sygate Personal Firewall (freeware) recently.  Before that I'd get
them regularly.  What was scary were emails with unreadable babble in
the sender and subject lines, but they turned out to be spam from Korea,
and I don't have Korean language support installed.

Anthony Farr

- Original Message -
From: Shel Belinkoff [EMAIL PROTECTED]


 The ones that came my way were blank messages, the sender of which had
 an odd aspect to his/her email address.  The addresses looked like
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]. Note the underscore proceeding the actual

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Re: Slow today...etc

2001-11-30 Thread Camdir

In a message dated 29/11/01 20:54:25 GMT Standard Time, 

 Subject: RE: Slow today or did i get booted off again
 You mean you still don't know after two years?
 Frits Wüthrich
 tom wrote:
  Okee dokee, moving on...I bought an FA 85/1.4 about 2 years ago. Can
  anyone tell me if it's any good? 

I'd go along with that, Frits.

No, it's a dreadful old piece of junk. Toss it in the nearest dumpster  have 
this beautiful 85mm F1.4A* instead. 


Kind regards from sunny Brighton

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RE: New Pentax digital SLR

2001-11-30 Thread Mark Roberts

Pål wrote:

I've been told (something that doesn't prevent it from being bull***, but
anyway) that Pentax have decided to use another chip in the MZ-D. 
Theres no reason to automatically assume that it will be a different camera
and that it will use a chip smaller than 24x36. In fact, you can expect

otherwise. Pentax choose not to use the Phillips chip because it was too

I've heard rumors - from two different sources - that heat was also a problem.

- in a short while other chip will exist that offer the same 
performance but at a significant lower price. I was told that digital 
Contax DON'T use the Phillips 6mpix chip that Pentax showed in their MZ-D
prototype (can anyone confirm this?).

I have a meeting with Philips Semiconductor reps in half an hour! I'll see
if they know anything; the division that does the CCDs is kind of isolated
from the rest of the company. Weird but true.

Anyway, the bottom line is that there will be an MZ-D but with another
that's probably full frame. Expect it within a year.

Mark Roberts
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Re: Re: Illegal Street Photography?

2001-11-30 Thread David Brooks

I often try and shoot candid portraits at my out
door horse shows but had trouble as i shoot with the 
SP500 and only have the 55 and 105 which meant i had to
be fairly close.As soon as some one(i know most of the 
people at these events)saw the camera aimed at them the
made a face and ran away.I'm geting a ST 200mm from
a list members(m42)soon so this will help i hope.
As far as street shots,done very little and so far
not been shot at.


 Begin Original Message 

From: Kevin Waterson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Fri, 30 Nov 2001 20:43:09 +1100
Subject: Re: Illegal Street Photography?


 The generally accepted term literally meaning in the streets, 
most times a
 public event (arrests, fights, celebrities and the like) are fair 
game. If
 the photographer is suspected of observing a crime, s/he might be 
asked to
 surrender their film (to be receipted and returned).

Some years ago I had a knock on my door and upon opening it was 
by some firemen telling me the building (a church) was on fire and 
that our
building was being evacuated as a precaution. So I grabbed my camera 
joined the crowds on the street and thought I might get a few snaps 
for the
local paper.

About 5 mins into this I was approached by a police officer and asked 
if I might

be able to photograph the crowd, and as I had a reasonable zoom any 
one else
at a distance watching the fire-fighters extinguish the blaze.

The point was that apparently arsonists like to hang about to see the 
fire and
confusion they have created.

When I was out of film, the officer asked for it, quite nicely, and I 
gave it to
He took my particulars and told me he would return the film as I had 
him the first 2-3 shots were of my children.
About a week later he contacted me by phone and asked if he might 
drop it off.
The timing was inconvenient so he suggested I pick it up from the 
station at a
pre-arranged time, I did this and all was well.

In hind sight, I wonder what would have happened if I said no, I am 
a freelance

photographer and want to sell the images to the press.

Kind regards
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 End Original Message 

Pentax User
Stouffville Ontario Canada

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Re: Flash

2001-11-30 Thread wendy beard

At 04:04 30-11-2001 -0500, Mafud wrote:
OK, besides me, how many PDML members shoot full manual flash (anytime)?


My MX and Agfatronic 261 are the only flash/camera combination I have used


Wendy  Paul Beard
Ottawa, Canada
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Re: Take cover!

2001-11-30 Thread Tom Rittenhouse

Paal, go ahead and post about cars. If anyone wants to talk to you about
them they will. If not I assume you are adult enough to not continue posting
a dead subject. If it turns out that only one or two of you are interested,
then common courtesy would suggest you take it off list.

The thing about censor types is they don't think anybody has any restraint
and they have to beat people over the head to get them to act reasonably. I
have been on the list since before Pentax dropped it as an official list. In
all that time the only actual flame war I have seen is the one that was
going on when I first subscribed. Both the people involved in that war have
been off and on the list since, but have not engaged in that activity.

I expect folks on this list to be friendly, courteous, and self-restrained.
In the couple of years I have been here they have. Occasionally, some of us
get out of line. A friendly private reminder has always gotten things
straightened out.

As has been mentioned here before, many of us see this as list for Pentax
Users, rather than a list about Pentax cameras. That makes for an
interesting list. I can not imagine anyone who is not trying to make
themselves out to be the Pentax Guru staying on a pure equipment list for
more than a few weeks. There are people on this list who have been here for
years. The way it is seems to suit most of them.


- Original Message -
From: Pål Audun Jensen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, November 30, 2001 5:16 AM
Subject: Re: Take cover!

Tom wrote:

My flame was not about subject matter but about attitude. Obviously you can
not see the difference, but then again you censors want to cut in and run
everybody elses life. Probably because you don't have one of your own.

This is with all due respect nonsense coming from someone who apply
censorship by stating he can post whatever he likes. I'm interested in
cars. If I want to discuss cars right here and can turn this into a Pentax
car forum simply by posting car posts. I can flood you with car post. Then
its me who decide what this list is all about without permission from
anybody doing whatever I like - this is effective censorship inasmuch as
this will over time scare away everybody not interested in Pentax and cars.
This is childish behaviour...
As for attitude. What attitude is it to post whatever one like? If this is
the right attitude does it give me the right to call people assholes if I
feel like it, without getting complaints? Attitude is to try to not offend
people by avoiding posting about eg. politics and religion. That was not
what they came here for. This is to show consideration which is the right

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This message is from the Pentax-Discuss Mail List.  To unsubscribe,
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Re: November PUG comments

2001-11-30 Thread C or B Waters

Thanks for the comments.
It WAS a mostly- cloudy time of the day, though the image turned out a
little more gray online than it is in the print (I'm still learning the
digitizing process).
The crop being that shape is a function of the shape of the hole in the
fence and my wanting to give some sense of where the cars were going and
where they were going.  I wanted to try to convey some of the sweeping
effect of that turn.  I tried it with more of the left side cut off but
didn't like it as much.
It was manually focussed.  I think I picked a tire mark or a place in the
rumble strip to focus on.
 I liked the headlights too :)))
Thanks for the comments.

Cory Waters
missing motorsports already
- Original Message -
From: Bruce Dayton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, November 30, 2001 4:32 AM
Subject: November PUG comments


 The Esses - by  Cory Waters

 My first glance at this made me think the fence was actually some
 overcase clouds.  The effect is quite interesting.  I'm sure Cory did
 not have that in mind.  I had thought the panoramic crop was a little
 odd for this image until I viewed the uncropped one.  I think that the
 crop is basically in the right place.  It might not have hurt to crop
 the sides a bit too.  I'm surprised by how great the DOF is.  It
 really helps here to keep both cars in focus.

 For some reason, my eyes keep wandering to the right as I view this
 photo.  I'm not sure if it is anticipation of the cars moving off to
 the right or some inbalance in the image.  It does have a *dark*
 feeling to it overall.  Seems like an overcast day or maybe early
 evening.  I like the headlights begin on, but not overpowering.
 Catching the cars through this section seems like a tricky task. I'm
 curious whether you used AF or pre-focused.

 Cory, a very likable shot


  Bruce Dayton
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RE: Illegal Street Photography?

2001-11-30 Thread Amita Guha

My boyfriend had told me that there were signs all
around Ground Zero saying that cameras would be
confiscated. I was really nervous about this, so
when I went down there, I only took my 50mm prime
because I didn't want to mess around with changing
lenses and stuff. When I got to the street with
the signs, there was a cop there. I sort of snuck
the camera out of the bag and got a couple of
shots, then I moved across the street and took a
couple more. But then a guy with a 200mm zoom came
along and stood in the middle of the street taking
pictures, and there were a couple more people with
cameras, and the cop wasn't doing anything about
it, so I took some more pictures and left.
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RE: Censorship-not,

2001-11-30 Thread Mick Maguire

Very, very well said Pål

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developing Leonid shots

2001-11-30 Thread Amita Guha

I got my Leonid shots back from Adorama, and they
had only printed three photos because it looked at
first glance like there was nothing else on the
negatives. I looked closely and then tried
scanning them. Although the scans were poor, there
were indeed star streaks and a couple of meteors
on the four frames I scanned. Yesterday I took
them to a pro lab and asked for prints. I told the
woman there that there was something on the film,
even though it didn't look like it. She looked at
them in the light and said that their developing
machine might not be able to develop them, but
they could make contact sheets for me and I could
get prints made from that. Does that make any
sense? Is there a different method used in
developing contact sheets or something?

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RE: Viruses Worms Everywhere

2001-11-30 Thread Kent Gittings

It's known as the W32.Badtrans.B virus. It tries to pop up some kind of
control panel for something and then hangs. But it is really trying to
access your email list to replicate itself. My wife's machine got it last
week although she didn't see it. However those are the same symptoms. In my
case I saw it come in and try to make me install the Win Media module which
I squashed. then I switched Outlook to offline mode and figured out which
message it was and then finally got around to reinstalling the AV package I
have and didn't bother in my last HD upgrade. Had to upgrade to the latest
PC-cillin 2000 to get it because it won't show up in a file scan of the
drive as it is imbedded in the Outlook mail box as an undetectable
attachment (JavaScript). Had to use the PC2K special feature of scanning the
Outlook attachments to find it. Then set the scanner to check email as I
opened it. This had to be done because after rebooting and going back on
line all my last 400+ messages were redownloaded again to my desktop. this
means it is affecting the status of the Deleted Item list in Outlook. This
time when downloaded it caught it immediately.
So keep your AV tools updated.
Kent Gittings

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Tom Rittenhouse
Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2001 7:05 PM
Subject: Re: Viruses  Worms Everywhere

The one that got me was, I think, a script embedded in an e-mail. When I
selected the e-mail to delete it, it ran. It gave me a script cannot
complete message. Norton did not detect it.

- Original Message -
From: Anthony Farr [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2001 7:18 PM
Subject: Re: Viruses  Worms Everywhere


 Were they in attachments or embedded in HTML?  I'd just like to know
 what to watch out for.

 Anthony Farr

 - Original Message -
 From: Shel Belinkoff [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  I don't know about you all, but in the last three days I've received
  eleven email messages that contained a virus or a worm.  Be careful
  there ...
  Shel Belinkoff
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This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and
intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they
are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify
the system manager.

This footnote also confirms that this email message has been swept by
MIMEsweeper for the presence of computer viruses.
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Re: Re: Flash

2001-11-30 Thread David Brooks

I don't shoot flash often but when i do its:
K1000,SF-1 with Vivitar285HV or my OLD 1970's Hannimex
I also have a Vivitar 636AF i use sometimes.


 Begin Original Message 

From: wendy beard [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Fri, 30 Nov 2001 08:03:39 -0500
Subject: Re: Flash

At 04:04 30-11-2001 -0500, Mafud wrote:
OK, besides me, how many PDML members shoot full manual flash 


My MX and Agfatronic 261 are the only flash/camera combination I have 


Wendy  Paul Beard
Ottawa, Canada
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 End Original Message 

Pentax User
Stouffville Ontario Canada

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Re: Re: Flash

2001-11-30 Thread David Brooks

I don't shoot flash often but when i do its:
K1000,SF-1 with Vivitar285HV or my OLD 1970's Hannimex
I also have a Vivitar 636AF i use sometimes.


 Begin Original Message 

From: wendy beard [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Fri, 30 Nov 2001 08:03:39 -0500
Subject: Re: Flash

At 04:04 30-11-2001 -0500, Mafud wrote:
OK, besides me, how many PDML members shoot full manual flash 


My MX and Agfatronic 261 are the only flash/camera combination I have 


Wendy  Paul Beard
Ottawa, Canada
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 End Original Message 

Pentax User
Stouffville Ontario Canada

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Re: Viruses Worms Everywhere

2001-11-30 Thread Shel Belinkoff

That's a lot of work.  Not using Outlook frees me, it seems, from having
to deal with this garbage.  

Sorry you got infected, but, just out of curiosity, if various MS
products are so susceptible to this sort of thing, why use those
products?  Is there some feature about Outlook that makes it more
desirable compared to other mail programs?

Kent Gittings wrote:
 It's known as the W32.Badtrans.B virus. It tries to pop up some kind of
 control panel for something and then hangs. But it is really trying to
 access your email list to replicate itself. My wife's machine got it last
 week although she didn't see it. However those are the same symptoms. In my
 case I saw it come in and try to make me install the Win Media module which
 I squashed. then I switched Outlook to offline mode and figured out which
 message it was and then finally got around to reinstalling the AV package I
 have and didn't bother in my last HD upgrade. Had to upgrade to the latest
 PC-cillin 2000 to get it because it won't show up in a file scan of the
 drive as it is imbedded in the Outlook mail box as an undetectable
 attachment (JavaScript). Had to use the PC2K special feature of scanning the
 Outlook attachments to find it. Then set the scanner to check email as I
 opened it. This had to be done because after rebooting and going back on
 line all my last 400+ messages were redownloaded again to my desktop. this
 means it is affecting the status of the Deleted Item list in Outlook. This
 time when downloaded it caught it immediately.
 So keep your AV tools updated.

Shel Belinkoff
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go to and follow the directions. Don't forget to
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RE: Industrial site pix...

2001-11-30 Thread Mick Maguire

In a similar vein, here are three pics of mine which I just happened to have
on my hard disk drive. They were all taken this summer at an abandoned
railroad roundhouse with 100% Pentax gear. Posted for enjoyment, but
comments as always are welcome! :)


 __/)   Mick Maguire |
|   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |
(_/)  ICQ: 48609010  |
 \/  |
  \  /---+
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for sale - lomographic camera and more

2001-11-30 Thread Amita Guha

I have a lomographic camera that I only used once.
There's a pic of one similar to it here:

It works fine. $30 plus shipping takes it.

I also have a Praktika that's good for parts, and
a Sigma Konica mount 100-200mm macro lens. It
appears to be in great condition. $40 plus

By the way, I'm looking for a Kodak Signet 35.
It's an antique rangefinder, and I need one in
working condition. There are a few up on ebay
right now, but if anyone here has one, I'd rather
deal with you than with a stranger on ebay.

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shooting holiday lights

2001-11-30 Thread Amita Guha

We're going to the Bronx Zoo tomorrow night to
look at a display of holiday lights. How would I
shoot something like this? Do I use a flash?
Should I bring my monopod and do long exposures?

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Re: BW filters

2001-11-30 Thread Kristian Schuessler

- Original Message - 
From: Aaron Reynolds [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2001 7:44 PM
Subject: Re: BW filters

 On Tuesday, November 27, 2001, at 09:48  AM, Frank Wajer wrote:
  1 BW UV filter 77mm E
  1 BW UV filter 58mm ES
  Anybody know what the E and ES mean?

E  and  ES  is German language with the meaning of 
einschrauben (verb) means to screw in

and  A  means  Aufsteckfilter
aufstecken  =  to put on

Kristian-Heinrich Schuessler
with many greetings from Black Forrest in Germany
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Re: shooting holiday lights

2001-11-30 Thread Steve Larson

Hi Amita, a tripod is a must unless you are going to use 
800 to 3200 ASA. I like 100 ASA f1.4 and 1/4 second 
exposures with a tripod and self timer or cable release.
 No flash. If you don`t have a f1.4 adjust the time as
Steve Larson
Redondo Beach, California
- Original Message - 
From: Amita Guha [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, November 30, 2001 6:21 AM
Subject: shooting holiday lights

 We're going to the Bronx Zoo tomorrow night to
 look at a display of holiday lights. How would I
 shoot something like this? Do I use a flash?
 Should I bring my monopod and do long exposures?
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Re: Censorship-not,

2001-11-30 Thread SudaMafud

In a message dated 11/30/01 4:07:32 AM Eastern Standard Time,

 Mike is perfectly right.


 BTW  This has nothing to do with censorship but acting like a grown up.


 The problem with that Mike, is that those kind of responses very quickly
 turn any list into hell.


 the list to something other than the list I
 subscribed to and love, go ahead. It will just no longer be a list where I
 want to hang out.
Pål, I don't recall you or anyone coming to my defense when PDML members
attacked ~me~ in ~on-topic~ posts. Day after weary day the attacks went on
and... silence from the PDML or, when someone got p*ssed, the complainant
complained about ~me~ defending myself.
Already since I've been back, a number of PDML members have tried mightily to
start a flame war with me. NOT ONE PDML member, including yourself, said one
#%## W@ $%$##$ word to the provocateurs.

But now you guys want to complain about what has been not even a flame war
but an OT thread gone a little awry? Surely we must have order, but the
complaints on this thread are disingenuous if not supercilious when you and
others practice double standards.
**When ~topical~ threads drone on and on, the postings wandering far afield,
never even tangentially related to the thread heading, why isn't there a
whoa called for them?

OTs die of their own inertia and as has been suggested, ignore the thread.

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RE: developing Leonid shots

2001-11-30 Thread Mick Maguire

Interesting... I shot my Leonids on slide film, and have sent them to
Adorama for processing. I am still waiting to get them back. I did write in
the special instructions that they would be dark as they are nighttime
shots. I hope I get something back from them!


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Amita Guha
Sent: Friday, November 30, 2001 8:56 AM
Subject: developing Leonid shots

I got my Leonid shots back from Adorama, and they
had only printed three photos because it looked at
first glance like there was nothing else on the
negatives. I looked closely and then tried
scanning them. Although the scans were poor, there
were indeed star streaks and a couple of meteors
on the four frames I scanned. Yesterday I took
them to a pro lab and asked for prints. I told the
woman there that there was something on the film,
even though it didn't look like it. She looked at
them in the light and said that their developing
machine might not be able to develop them, but
they could make contact sheets for me and I could
get prints made from that. Does that make any
sense? Is there a different method used in
developing contact sheets or something?

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Re: shooting holiday lights

2001-11-30 Thread Steve Larson

.and bracket a bit.
Steve Larson
Redondo Beach, California
- Original Message - 
From: Steve Larson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, November 30, 2001 6:28 AM
Subject: Re: shooting holiday lights

 Hi Amita, a tripod is a must unless you are going to use 
 800 to 3200 ASA. I like 100 ASA f1.4 and 1/4 second 
 exposures with a tripod and self timer or cable release.
  No flash. If you don`t have a f1.4 adjust the time as
 Steve Larson
 Redondo Beach, California
 - Original Message - 
 From: Amita Guha [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, November 30, 2001 6:21 AM
 Subject: shooting holiday lights
  We're going to the Bronx Zoo tomorrow night to
  look at a display of holiday lights. How would I
  shoot something like this? Do I use a flash?
  Should I bring my monopod and do long exposures?
  This message is from the Pentax-Discuss Mail List.  To unsubscribe,
  go to and follow the directions. Don't forget to
  visit the Pentax Users' Gallery at .
 This message is from the Pentax-Discuss Mail List.  To unsubscribe,
 go to and follow the directions. Don't forget to
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Re: Take cover!

2001-11-30 Thread Aaron Reynolds

On Thursday, November 29, 2001, at 04:46  PM, John Coyle wrote:

  - but there is no excuse for bad language,
 insults, etc a la 'The Who' (said with fingers crossed).

S!  It's bad luck to say his name!


who vividly remembers the 'Flash Sync Wars'
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Re: Censorship-not

2001-11-30 Thread Aaron Reynolds

On Friday, November 30, 2001, at 05:04  AM, Pål Audun Jensen wrote:

  I mean, I have received complaints about posting on AF cameras, the 
 MZ-S and what I think about my lenses on a Pentax discussion forum!. 
 Note, it was not my opinion that was attacked but that I posted such 
 things on PDML.

  Pål, who complained about you posting about Pentax stuff?  I seem to 
have missed that.  Whoever that person was, they are an idiot.

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RE: Viruses Worms Everywhere

2001-11-30 Thread Mick Maguire

I had to remove W32.Badtrans.B virus from a machine this week too. Norton
only added this definition a few days ago (24th I believe), so if you
haven't run liveupdate since then it wont pick it up. Once I installed the
latest update it removed the virus fine. You also need to check Windows
Update (Microsoft) for a patch for the hole that this worm uses. HTH

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Re: photo printers

2001-11-30 Thread Aaron Reynolds

On Thursday, November 29, 2001, at 05:04  PM, Cotty wrote:

 One thing I would say on this score: creating a top quality scan from a
 neg, and creating a good quality inkjet print from a top quality scan 
 two seperate things with different workflows involved.

Of course, the two are very hard to judge from just the final print.

Gratz on the score, Cotty!  I gotta get something into the mail for Tom 


the busy procrastinator
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RE: Viruses Worms Everywhere

2001-11-30 Thread Mick Maguire

BTW an easy way to see if you have W32.Badtrans is to check for the
existence of Kernel32.exe (that's EXE and *NOT* DLL) and kdll.dll in your
windows system directory, as those arte the virus files. You can remove the
virus by deleteting them both in safe mode. Of course you also need to
delete the offending email too.

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Re: shooting holiday lights

2001-11-30 Thread Shel Belinkoff

One of the best ways to shoot lights is to do it at a time when the
contrast between the lights and the background isn't too great.  So,
shooting at dusk might offer greater possibilities and eliminate the
need for flash. This will, of course, give you a contrast range that
will include the lights and the surroundings.

If, however, you're interested in just the lights with a very dark or
black background, then, of course, shoot later in the evening, and meter
for the lights and open up a stop or so, depending on the film used.  If
you have a spot meter, this becomes a simple matter.  If not, get as
close to the lights as possible and take your reading from there. 
Depending on the light/dark ratio and the pattern of your meter, you may
need to stop down a little to catch the lights in all their glory.  

Stay away from flash at it will degrade the contrast between the lights
and the background, and if you're in doubt of the proper exposure,
bracket wherever possible. Make a note of the exposure and f-stops used,
see which photos look the best, and then you'll have the information for
similar shots in the future.

Since you didn't mention what film type you'll be using, it's hard to
give specific recommendations.  However, here are a couple of sites to
visit that may give better advice:

I remember all the wonderful trips to The Bronx Zoo that I took with my
parents, so many years ago.  Have fun ...

Amita Guha wrote:
 We're going to the Bronx Zoo tomorrow night to
 look at a display of holiday lights. How would I
 shoot something like this? Do I use a flash?
 Should I bring my monopod and do long exposures?

Shel Belinkoff
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Re: MX variations

2001-11-30 Thread Luis Pinar

My black MX serial number starts with 9. It has the
AOCo logo and Asahi Pentax on the pentaprism. Asahi
Opt. Co. is engraved on the back of the top cover
under the film advance lever and on the plastic
rectangular film tab holder. The shutter lock is all
metal. The battery cover is engraved BATTERY OPEN.
Yahoo! GeoCities - quick and easy web site hosting, just $8.95/month.
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Re: Cotty's Pentax Mods December update posted...

2001-11-30 Thread Cotty

I looked at your corner of the room photo ... eerily neat and 
organized ... gave me the willies*.

Ah, but Dan, give it time. It's only just been assembled. You shoulda 
seen the previous corner. There's a party of folks still lost in there 
somewhere - been waiting days for them to come out


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Re: New Pentax digital SLR

2001-11-30 Thread Cotty

This seems to be in keeping with the look of how things are panning out. 
It must be obvious to the whole industry that the success of the Canon 
D30 has highlighted the need for medium-priced pro/am digi SLR. With the 
previous 6MP Pentax vapoware, the price would have been well within the 
Nikon D and upcoming Canon EOS1 D territory - but few would have been 
sold, seeing as how Nikon and Canon have cornered the pro market. Very 
few Nikon/Canon users would have swapped for a Pentax - even if it was 
full-frame. The next cameras from Nikon and Canon will have full frame 
sensors.  Which leaves us, a few making there living shooting Pentax, 
most doing it for love, not wanting to lose all the glass, wanting good 

If there is anyone at Pentax reading this, or anyone knows anyone at 
Pentax, please copy and paste the following and email it to them:

Dear Pentax,

I am an amateur Pentax user of many years, on the cusp of introducing 
digital image acquisition to my repertoire. I am painfully close to 
buying a Canon D30, and I do mean painfully. I am prepared to wait - but 
not for much longer. The point is, if I don't get the chance to buy a 
Pentax DSLR soon (before Christmas 2002 TOPS), I will, without doubt, be 
getting a D30, and swapping glass as appropriate. The even bigger point: 
very unlikely I will swap back, because then I will be caught up in the 
Canon Way, updating bits of kit as and when appropriate. Sure I'll keep 
some vintage Pentax kit, but as a company, that's of little interest to 
you - what you want is for me to buy a Pentax D, not a Canon D. What you 
want is for me to stay Pentax, so I'll then upgrade as new cameras become 
available, new lenses, and so on. So please, I know you're working on it, 
I know you're building it - give me (and all the rest of us in this 
situation) a quick word of confirmation. Tap out a quick press release, 
give it to the magazines as a filler even. But give me a confirmation 
that we'll see hardware on the shelves sometime SOON! Thank you.

I sometimes think that we, as Pentax users, could do a better job! Anyone 
want to bung some money in the hat and we'll buy out Pentax - the PDML 



I've been told (something that doesn't prevent it from being bull***, but 
anyway) that Pentax have decided to use another chip in the MZ-D. 
Theres no reason to automatically assume that it will be a different camera 
and that it will use a chip smaller than 24x36. In fact, you can expect 
otherwise. Pentax choose not to use the Phillips chip because it was too 
expensive - in a short while other chip will exist that offer the same 
performance but at a significant lower price. I was told that digital 
Contax DON'T use the Phillips 6mpix chip that Pentax showed in their MZ-D 
prototype (can anyone confirm this?).
Anyway, the bottom line is that there will be an MZ-D but with another chip 
that's probably full frame. Expect it within a year.

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Re: flash stuff

2001-11-30 Thread Bill D. Casselberry

 Mafud wrote:
 OK, besides me, how many PDML members shoot full manual flash (anytime)?

Me, I confess, Yes - I am guilty of such despicable acts   :^)

I set the aperture by the distance scale, even if there is
an auto-thyrister function, because I want the flash level
at the *subject distance*, not the bounce-back measured from
some other distance according to the sensor.

I have just acquired an AF280T, but I still judge the distance
and set aperture accordingly and like the flash's ability to 
quench itself early if my distance estimate is off.


Bill D. Casselberry ; Photography on the Oregon Coast
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RE: Viruses Worms Everywhere

2001-11-30 Thread Sas Gabor


On 30 Nov 2001 at 10:04, Kent Gittings wrote:
 In my opinion at least Outlook tends to be more intuitive than using
 the Netscape email client. 

But these are only two. Two of the most common ones, 
and obviously the ones the viruses and worms are tested on.

Personally, I'm for Pegasus Mail, but there are lots of others...

 I've used
 other products over the years but most have some limitations and as a
 result I tend to put up with the vulnerabilities. 

Which are limitations too... ;-)

 And by the way my
 wife's machine uses Netscape Communicator so it is not an Outlook
 specific virus. As long as your machine is set to execute JavaScript
 wise open it is vulnerable. 

True. HTML mail with embedded active or binary content will 
always be a risk. That's why I don't send HTML mail at all.

For the scripted mails: has anybody ever seen anything really 
useful based on this feature? 

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Re: Bulk film - how many exposures?

2001-11-30 Thread Shel Belinkoff


Delano Mireles wrote:
 how many exposures can you roughly get off a 100'

Shel Belinkoff
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Computer Upgrade

2001-11-30 Thread Shel Belinkoff

It's time ... got a quick couple of questions.

Recently it was mentioned here that some Windows OS won't support more
than 256mb or 512mb of memory.  How much memory will Win98SE support?

What's SDRAM and RDRAM?  Is one better than the other?

Suggestions for a good video card?

In order to hook up a scanner I need a USB port or Firewire, right. 
What are the advantages/disadvantages of each?


Shel Belinkoff
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RE: developing Leonid shots

2001-11-30 Thread Peifer, William [OCDUS]

Amita wrote:
[Problems getting prints from astrophotographic exposures -- snipped]

Hi Amita,

Getting machine prints from astrophotographic exposures is problematic.  I
think the fundamental problem is that the machines usually can't determine
the boundary between two successive exposures.  (Worse yet, the technicians
can't determine this visually, and they often end up cutting the film right
through the middle of an exposure.)  At least in my experience, it seems
that the drug and department store minilab technicians haven't had enough
training to know how to override the machine and manually print a specified
area of the negative strip.  Perhaps it isn't even possible to override some
machines?  I shot about half a roll of the Christmas eclipse a couple years
ago and I had a devil of a time getting prints from the nearby drugstore.
The central image of the partially eclipsed Sun was quite dense, but the
machine just couldn't figure out where the edges were.

What ~may~ help is to shoot a conventional scene at the beginning of each
roll, and instruct the technician not to cut the film.  This way, you'll at
least have a starting point from which to reference the registration of the
rest of the exposures.  Another trick is to get a little bit of something
terrestrial -- a tree branch, the edge of a building, a horizon -- into your
shot.  This usually gets exposed enough to allow the machine to see the edge
of the negative frame.

Hope this helps.  I still haven't shot the rest of my roll that I hopefully
have a few Leonids on -- been sick with the flu and haven't gotten outside
with the camera yet.  Maybe this weekend.

Bill Peifer
Rochester, NY
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OT Re: Computer Upgrade

2001-11-30 Thread C or B Waters

- Original Message -
From: Shel Belinkoff [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 In order to hook up a scanner I need a USB port or Firewire, right.
 What are the advantages/disadvantages of each?

You CAN use a parallel port (printer port) scanner.  I had to resort to this
after several USB scanners failed to work in my system's configuration (it
seems like my printer driver was dis-allowing the USB to function properly-
go figure).
The USB is faster and a bit better than sharing the parallel port with my
printer (a new printer now, but I still have the PP scanner).  I don't know
much about firewire.

Cory Waters
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Re: Viruses Worms Everywhere

2001-11-30 Thread Bill D. Casselberry

 Shel wrote:
 That's a lot of work.  Not using Outlook frees me, it seems,
 from having to deal with this garbage.
Not using WinDoze is even better. One of the benefits of
Macintosh's small market share is that these viro-nutz
don't bother attacking since the big gorilla is much
more satisfying to see brought to its knees.

my system spits out .exe's  such like so much rotted fruit


Bill D. Casselberry ; Photography on the Oregon Coast
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A series zoom lenses

2001-11-30 Thread Mike Gezing

Hello to all,

I'm new to the group although I have been following your discussions on for the last six months. I have the following A series
zoom lenses.  24-50mm f/4, 35-105mm f/3.5 and 70-210mm f/4.

I would like to know what the consensus is of these lenses pro or con.  I
see by your favorite lense survey that the 35-105mm is a popular one it is
mine also.  Any information will be highly appreciated.

Regards,  Mike
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OT: Re: Slow today or did i get booted off again

2001-11-30 Thread Chris Brogden

On Fri, 30 Nov 2001, tom wrote:

 Tom Rittenhouse wrote:
  TV, what are you drinking? Something potent I would guess.
 Really bad coffee...

Well, that hardly narrows it down.  Can't stand the stuff, myself.  :)

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Friday Sales

2001-11-30 Thread Tiger Moses

I have a almost pristine zoom I want to unload.

Tokina SMZ845
its an 80-200/4.5 zoom
f 4.5-22, no A setting
Front  Rear caps, front has velcro disk for sticking somehwere when off
Kalimar 52mm UV attached
Has Close Focus ability/ normal min = 2meters/ close min 44cm
max mag ratio 1:6.3
weight 450g
12 elements, 9 groups
Tokina RMC multi-coat
w/ manuals, leather pouch and Tokina flyer/book
This would honestly be like a 9+ to 10
is 15 years NEW, I guess
NOTE: I held this lens upside down - NO ZOOM SLIPPAGE!

$45 plus SH (you pick method) or round it to $50 total if US Priority Mail 
is kosher!
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Re: Flash

2001-11-30 Thread BHutto

 At 04:04 30-11-2001 -0500, Mafud wrote:
 OK, besides me, how many PDML members shoot full manual flash (anytime)?
 My MX and Agfatronic 261 are the only flash/camera combination I have used

Me too.

I have a ZX-M and a Sunpack 383 manual/auto (non-TTL) flash.

I like being able to set it at 1/2, 1/4...1/16 power in manual and just 
add as much light as I think I need. But of course I can just set the 
aperture on the camera and on the little calculator on the back of the 
flash to different stops and use automatic mode anyway. 

I also think as I start trying closeup photography the automatic won't 
be very reliable since the light will be bouncing back from many 
other things beside my subject. So if I use flash for closeups I'll 
need manual mode, although at some point I want a camera with 
TTL flash.
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Re: RE: RE: developing Leonid shots

2001-11-30 Thread David Brooks

That might be true.I try to put one of my big
maples in the corner for scale.The ones i take
well away from city lights have a lot of stars
in them and may be better for the machines


 Begin Original Message 

From: Amita Guha [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Fri, 30 Nov 2001 10:22:33 -0500
Subject: RE: RE: developing Leonid shots

I noticed that the prints they did make were the
ones with some of the trees and shoreline in them.
I didn't think there would be a problem because
Snapfish, the online service, printed my star
streaks pic last summer. But that photo had trees
in it too. Perhaps the photo needs to have an
obvious object in it so that the lab will know
it's a good photo?

 I some times take star, time exposures, from the
 back yard and sometimes they do not print one
 or two.I'll have to ask them about it now.
 Thanks for bringing it up

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 End Original Message 

Pentax User
Stouffville Ontario Canada

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RE: developing Leonid shots

2001-11-30 Thread Mick Maguire

Bill Peifer wrote:
Worse yet, the technicians can't determine this visually,
and they often end up cutting the film right
through the middle of an exposure.

I had this with some night-time shots of traffic and floodlit buildings
recently. I sent the film off to Kodak for processing and half of the prints
were 1/2 a frame out (left and right halves of prints were of adjacent
frames), and several of the negs were ruined by them cutting through the
middle of an exposure. I wasn't worried too much about the prints as I only
wanted the negs to scan, but was annoyed about losing some good pictures
through the cutting. :(

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custom PZ-1p Batt grip

2001-11-30 Thread Tiger Moses

Whatever ever happened to the genius and the project that was making the 
custom grip/battery holder for the PZ-1p.  I remember looking at the 
prototype page with the new shutter button he'd put on it a year ago it 
seems, and they were to available shortly back then.
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Re: developing Leonid shots

2001-11-30 Thread aimcompute

Yes - I've been told a similar thing.  Even just setting the self timer,
standing back and holding a flashlight during the exposure.  It'll give the
lab a reference point.

Tom C.

- Original Message -
From: Peifer, William [OCDUS] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, November 30, 2001 8:48 AM
Subject: RE: developing Leonid shots

 Amita wrote:
 [Problems getting prints from astrophotographic exposures -- snipped]

 Hi Amita,

 Getting machine prints from astrophotographic exposures is problematic.  I
 think the fundamental problem is that the machines usually can't determine
 the boundary between two successive exposures.  (Worse yet, the
 can't determine this visually, and they often end up cutting the film
 through the middle of an exposure.)  At least in my experience, it seems
 that the drug and department store minilab technicians haven't had enough
 training to know how to override the machine and manually print a
 area of the negative strip.  Perhaps it isn't even possible to override
 machines?  I shot about half a roll of the Christmas eclipse a couple
 ago and I had a devil of a time getting prints from the nearby drugstore.
 The central image of the partially eclipsed Sun was quite dense, but the
 machine just couldn't figure out where the edges were.

 What ~may~ help is to shoot a conventional scene at the beginning of each
 roll, and instruct the technician not to cut the film.  This way, you'll
 least have a starting point from which to reference the registration of
 rest of the exposures.  Another trick is to get a little bit of something
 terrestrial -- a tree branch, the edge of a building, a horizon -- into
 shot.  This usually gets exposed enough to allow the machine to see the
 of the negative frame.

 Hope this helps.  I still haven't shot the rest of my roll that I
 have a few Leonids on -- been sick with the flu and haven't gotten outside
 with the camera yet.  Maybe this weekend.

 Bill Peifer
 Rochester, NY
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RE: Computer Upgrade

2001-11-30 Thread Kent Gittings

Doesn't mean they can't use more just can't be used for program storage.
Everything from Win2K on up can use as much as you can put in it. This is
from the underlying NT technology. Win95 could use as much as 32MB for
program loading. Win98 what ever version was up to 64MB for program space I
think and WinMe can use up to 128 MB I think from memory. I know my home
WinMe machine (Celeron II 1.1 GHz, 320 MB RAM, ATA/100 40 GB drive, Hercules
Prophet 4500 64 MB video) showed no speed improvement on the TestCPU v0.96
program when I went above 128 MB. So I plan on upping it to Win2K Pro
sometime next week as it does my digital camera input and conversion.

As for your specific questions 128MB in Win98SE is a good amount.
Computers use either SDRAM or RDRAM but can't use both as the chipsets are
not compatible. If you plan on going for a motherboard upgrade go either for
an Athlon XP or a Pentium 4 CPU model. For cost/speed reasons the best deal
is to get a board that uses DDR PC2100 266 MHz SDRAM modules. About 1/2 the
cost of RDRAM and hard to tell apart in real world running.
As for video go for either a GeForce 2 MX400, Ultra, GeForce 3, Kyro II, or
ATI Radeon 8500 based board with 64 MB of DDR video memory. I think the Kyro
II based Hercules Prophet 4500 is the best deal of the lot but you really
can't go too wrong with any of those just that some are pricey.
Kent Gittings

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Shel Belinkoff
Sent: Friday, November 30, 2001 10:58 AM
To: Pentax List
Subject: Computer Upgrade

It's time ... got a quick couple of questions.

Recently it was mentioned here that some Windows OS won't support more
than 256mb or 512mb of memory.  How much memory will Win98SE support?

What's SDRAM and RDRAM?  Is one better than the other?

Suggestions for a good video card?

In order to hook up a scanner I need a USB port or Firewire, right.
What are the advantages/disadvantages of each?


Shel Belinkoff
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FS: Bogen 3047 Deluxe 3-Way Pan/Tilt Head

2001-11-30 Thread aimcompute

I have a Bogen 3047 Deluxe 3-Way Pan/Tilt Head with Quick Release for sale.

I've had it for about two years and have used it 3 - 4 times.  It's like
new.  It has two bubble levels and will support camera/lens up to 16.5 lbs.

New price is $75.  Will sell for $40 + shipping or make offer.

Tom C.
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Re: Spotted on eBay

2001-11-30 Thread Camdir

In a message dated 30/11/01 15:30:27 GMT Standard Time, 

 Subject: Spotted on eBay
 Spotted on eBay: K-mount Tokina 28-70 2.8 

Who are these lazy people with no pix? 

Kind regards

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Re: Computer Upgrade

2001-11-30 Thread Shel Belinkoff

Hi Kent ...

Thanks for the info ... have a couple more questions though.

 Doesn't mean they can't use more 
 just can't be used for program storage.

I don't understand what you mean by that.  What is program storage? 
Isn't the program stored on the hard drive?

If there's a program that uses 150mb to run, where are all those
megabytes kept?  In memory?  On the disk?  Then, if the program, say a
photo editing program, loads an image of 50mb, where is that kept?  And
if there are three or four images loaded, totaling 200mb, where is that
information kept? especially in regard to your comment about 128mb being

 As for your specific questions 128MB in 
 Win98SE is a good amount.

More would be better, or not?

 As for video go for either a 
 GeForce 2 MX400, Ultra, GeForce 3, 
 Kyro II, or ATI Radeon 8500 based 
 board with 64 MB of DDR video memory. 

Thanks - I was actually looking at an ATI Radeon.
Shel Belinkoff
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Re[2]: Bulk film - how many exposures?

2001-11-30 Thread Bruce Dayton


I get about 18 rolls of 36 exposure.


Friday, November 30, 2001, 7:31:24 AM, you wrote:

DM Along the same lines.  how many exposures can you roughly get off a 100'
DM roll?

DM Delano

 From: William Robb [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Thu, 29 Nov 2001 08:25:37 -0600
 Subject: Re: Bulk film
 - Original Message -
 From: Delano Mireles 
 Subject: Bulk film
 Can someone explain how a bulk film loader works and when do
 you think it is
 worth it to use?
 You put a long roll of film into the loader, and then attach a
 film cassette to the end of the film and close the thing. You
 then roll off the desired number of exposures into the cassette.
 You can no longer use the film up to the last frame, as it is
 light fogged at the end (unless you tape the film on and close
 the cassette in the dark).
 I think bulk loading is most useful when self processing film as
 most bulk loaded film that I have seen, including my own, has
 the tape stuck too far along the film. It then binds the cutter
 blades on the minilab style film processors and causes a cutter
 failure. This results in the film being pulled off the leader
 card, where it then sits in the developer until someone notices
 and pulls it out. If you are lucky, no one elses film gets
 wrecked in the process.
 Minilabs generally have no way of going dark, so a film fallen
 off in the developer is pretty much a write off.
 William Robb
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DM -
DM This message is from the Pentax-Discuss Mail List.  To unsubscribe,
DM go to and follow the directions. Don't forget to
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Re[2]: Bulk film

2001-11-30 Thread Bruce Dayton


I have Adorama's loader.  Based on what I have read of the others,
this is a good one.  No felt in the light trap to catch particles and
start scratching your film and good counters for number of frames
(including leader) and amount left on the big roll.  I can heartily
recommend it.  BTW, stick with metal cartridges.  I have found the
plastic ones tend to bind just a bit and causes strain on the
autowinder motor.

Bruce Dayton

Friday, November 30, 2001, 7:27:35 AM, you wrote:

DM Thanks to Bill and Tiger for the responses.  Can either of you (or anyone)
DM recommend which loader to go with or at least what to look for?

DM Thanks again,

DM Delano

 From: William Robb [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Thu, 29 Nov 2001 08:25:37 -0600
 Subject: Re: Bulk film
 - Original Message -
 From: Delano Mireles 
 Subject: Bulk film
 Can someone explain how a bulk film loader works and when do
 you think it is
 worth it to use?
 You put a long roll of film into the loader, and then attach a
 film cassette to the end of the film and close the thing. You
 then roll off the desired number of exposures into the cassette.
 You can no longer use the film up to the last frame, as it is
 light fogged at the end (unless you tape the film on and close
 the cassette in the dark).
 I think bulk loading is most useful when self processing film as
 most bulk loaded film that I have seen, including my own, has
 the tape stuck too far along the film. It then binds the cutter
 blades on the minilab style film processors and causes a cutter
 failure. This results in the film being pulled off the leader
 card, where it then sits in the developer until someone notices
 and pulls it out. If you are lucky, no one elses film gets
 wrecked in the process.
 Minilabs generally have no way of going dark, so a film fallen
 off in the developer is pretty much a write off.
 William Robb
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DM -
DM This message is from the Pentax-Discuss Mail List.  To unsubscribe,
DM go to and follow the directions. Don't forget to
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Re: custom PZ-1p Batt grip

2001-11-30 Thread Len Paris

I've been watching for that one too.  Still vaporware, I fear.


- Original Message -
From: Tiger Moses [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, November 30, 2001 10:38 AM
Subject: custom PZ-1p Batt grip

 Whatever ever happened to the genius and the project that was
making the
 custom grip/battery holder for the PZ-1p.  I remember looking
at the
 prototype page with the new shutter button he'd put on it a
year ago it
 seems, and they were to available shortly back then.
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Re: Bulk film

2001-11-30 Thread William Robb

- Original Message -
From: Delano Mireles
Subject: Re: Bulk film

 Thanks to Bill and Tiger for the responses.  Can either of you
(or anyone)
 recommend which loader to go with or at least what to look

I have 2 Lloyds loaders and a Watson. The Lloyds is the ultimate
in simple design, but it has a felt lipped light trap that must
be cleaned before loading a new roll of film. The Watson is a
bit more complicated, having a fairly accurate exposure counter
( with the Lloyd you count turns of the crank) and a rotating
drum that works as a light baffle. It does put a pressure mark
on the film when closed though, from time to time. The Watson is
also a bit more of a film hog if you are using it in daylight,
as you have to pull about 3 inches of film past the light baffle
to load the cassette. If you are good in the dark, go with the
Watson, if you don't mind not knowing exactly how many exposures
your film is, go with the Lloyd.
William Robb
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Re: Spotted on eBay

2001-11-30 Thread Len Paris

They're rather foolish.  It's tough to interest buyers without
pictures of the item being auctioned.  Then again, there are
others that use pictures that are not of the item they are
selling, too.  That's just plain dishonest.


- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, November 30, 2001 11:06 AM
Subject: Re: Spotted on eBay

 In a message dated 30/11/01 15:30:27 GMT Standard Time,

  Subject: Spotted on eBay

  Spotted on eBay: K-mount Tokina 28-70 2.8 

 Who are these lazy people with no pix?

 Kind regards

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OT: Re: What We All Need

2001-11-30 Thread Dan Scott

More RAM should definitely help--and as cheap as RAM is nowadays, everyone
doing photoshop should be able to afford enough (mine has its original 64mb
+ 3 x 256mb chips added by me). Big, fast harddrives have become amazingly
affordable, too. Photoshop is still an arm and leg though.

Dan Scott

Tom wrote:
x-charset iso-8859-1Thanks!  My next $75 is going towards 384mb RAM to
upgrade my PIII.  Maybe
Photoshop will run reasonably fast then.

BTW, it's an HP Pavilion.  Currently has 64mb RAM, Win98 V2, PIII 500, 8mb
video ram, 20gig hard drive.  I have never seen a machine access the hard
drive so often as this one does.

I'm not overly impressed with it.  384mb RAM is the most it'll take.

Tom C.
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Re: Spotted on eBay

2001-11-30 Thread Mark Roberts


 Spotted on eBay: K-mount Tokina 28-70 2.8 

Who are these lazy people with no pix? 

And what, exactly, is that particular lazy person selling?
Tokina makes a 28-70/2.6-2.8 as well as a 28-80/2.8... 
but they don't make a 28-70/2.8 

Mark Roberts
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Re: Computer Upgrade

2001-11-30 Thread William Robb

- Original Message -
From: Shel Belinkoff 
Subject: Computer Upgrade

 It's time ... got a quick couple of questions.

 Recently it was mentioned here that some Windows OS won't
support more
 than 256mb or 512mb of memory.  How much memory will Win98SE

Hi Shel, I just went through this The best advice I got was that
Win 98 (either V1 or V2) will not address more than 512mb of
RAM, so that was what I ended up with on my new rig.

 What's SDRAM and RDRAM?  Is one better than the other?

I think the best one is what will plug into your mother
board I don't have a clue. I was told that for some reason
that sounded like Swahili to me, you want your RAM to be
identical chips, so don't put a 256MB and a couple of 128mb ram
chips on. Put 2 x 256 MB chips on instead.

 Suggestions for a good video card?

I ended up with an ATI Radeon VE dual display. It has 32 mb of
RAM on board, but it seems fime for digital image editing, which
isn't exactly fast moving graphics, and supports my new Samsung
Synchmaster 955 DF up to an embarassingly high screen resolution
at 32 bit colour with a good refresh rate.
Make sure the card will support a refresh rate of at least 75hz
at the largest resolution yo want to use, and 85hz to 100hz at
the resolution you normally work at.
My normal resolution is 1024 x 768, at 200hz.
The faster refresh rate keeps the screen from flickering, and
causing headaches and road rage.
The scond monitor is nice, as I can heep the image and tool bar
on the main screen, and have pallettes and tool windows open on
the second screen. Very handy.
 In order to hook up a scanner I need a USB port or Firewire,
 What are the advantages/disadvantages of each?

I am still using an SCSI interface. It is very fast. Firewire,
apparently is also fast. I have heard that USB is slow, but this
is second hand information from me.
William Robb
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RE: New Pentax digital SLR

2001-11-30 Thread Mark Roberts

Well, I just got the the engineers from Philips Semiconductor to buy me
lunch so the day wasn't a total loss ;-)
The people I met with today didn't have any information on any of the Philips
CCD products (as I expected) but one of them said he could easily find out
if Contax is using the Philips part in their camera. I'll email him tomorrow
and remind him. I expect that Contax *isn't* using the Philips part. My
bet is on Sony as the supplier.
Stay tuned.

-- Original Message --

I've been told (something that doesn't prevent it from being bull***, but
anyway) that Pentax have decided to use another chip in the MZ-D. 
Theres no reason to automatically assume that it will be a different camera
and that it will use a chip smaller than 24x36. In fact, you can expect

otherwise. Pentax choose not to use the Phillips chip because it was too
expensive - in a short while other chip will exist that offer the same

performance but at a significant lower price. I was told that digital 
Contax DON'T use the Phillips 6mpix chip that Pentax showed in their MZ-D
prototype (can anyone confirm this?).
Anyway, the bottom line is that there will be an MZ-D but with another
that's probably full frame. Expect it within a year.

Mark Roberts
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OT: Computer security.

2001-11-30 Thread William Robb

Is there a way to set up Lookout Express to not accept html
messages at all? It seems to me the best way to deal with email
scripts is to have them nuked at the server level. The option
doesn't seem to be in the message rules tool.
One thing I have done is removed VBS from my machines recognized
file types. What other filetypes could I remove from the
recognized list to bolster my machines security?
Private replies are welcomed.
Sorry for the OT post.
William Robb
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Re: PDML Members Web Sites List Update

2001-11-30 Thread Dan Scott

Cool--I didn't know such a site existed!

Dan Scott

Paul wrote:


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Re[2]: Bulk film

2001-11-30 Thread Bruce Dayton


That is interesting about the film hog bit.  My Adorama loader only
needs about 1.5 inches for daylight loading.  The more I hear about
others, the more happy I am with the unit.  I wonder who makes it for
them?  Anybody know?

Bruce Dayton

Friday, November 30, 2001, 9:42:49 AM, you wrote:

WR - Original Message -
WR From: Delano Mireles
WR Subject: Re: Bulk film

 Thanks to Bill and Tiger for the responses.  Can either of you
WR (or anyone)
 recommend which loader to go with or at least what to look
WR for?

WR I have 2 Lloyds loaders and a Watson. The Lloyds is the ultimate
WR in simple design, but it has a felt lipped light trap that must
WR be cleaned before loading a new roll of film. The Watson is a
WR bit more complicated, having a fairly accurate exposure counter
WR ( with the Lloyd you count turns of the crank) and a rotating
WR drum that works as a light baffle. It does put a pressure mark
WR on the film when closed though, from time to time. The Watson is
WR also a bit more of a film hog if you are using it in daylight,
WR as you have to pull about 3 inches of film past the light baffle
WR to load the cassette. If you are good in the dark, go with the
WR Watson, if you don't mind not knowing exactly how many exposures
WR your film is, go with the Lloyd.
WR William Robb
WR -
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WR go to and follow the directions. Don't forget to
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Re: =?iso-8859-1?Q?Re=3A=20Slow=20to day=20or=20did=20i=20get=20boot ed=20off=20again?=

2001-11-30 Thread Aaron Reynolds

On Friday, November 30, 2001, at 10:20  AM, Mark Roberts wrote:

 That was too easy.

Was Professional: The Musical really all that long ago?  I'm still 
killing myself laughing over that Provia song!

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RE: OT: Computer security.

2001-11-30 Thread Mark Roberts

William Robb wrote:

Is there a way to set up Lookout Express to not accept html
messages at all? 

I don't think so :(
I use Outlook at work and haven't been able to do so. I can only block image
loading through judicious use of Zone Alarm.

It seems to me the best way to deal with email
scripts is to have them nuked at the server level. 

I agree.

The option doesn't seem to be in the message rules tool.

Unfortunately true.

One thing I have done is removed VBS from my machines recognized
file types. What other filetypes could I remove from the
recognized list to bolster my machines security?

.js and .wsh and .shx
Actually, what I've done with these file types is not remove them but set
the default action to be open in text editor so I can still run them if
I so choose (by right-clicking and selecting RUN).

I highly recommend Pegasus Mail ( as a free alternative
to Outhouse Express.

Mark Roberts
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Re: November PUG comments

2001-11-30 Thread William Robb

- Original Message -
From: Bruce Dayton Subject: November PUG comments

 The Fellas  - by  William Robb

 I'm impressed by how well behaved the dogs are.  They appear
to enjoy
 having their picture taken.  Good, strong color, plus the
coats are
 very visible, rather than just being solid black.  The image
is nice
 and sharp.  I like how one dog is looking happy and the other
one is
 serious.  This does not come across as just a snapshoot, but
rather, a
 professional (love that word!) who knows what he is doing.

 Bill, If I ever get dogs again, I'll have to have you
photograph them.

Hi Bruce, Thanks for the kind comments. This would classify as a
professional photograph. I used a fairly simple lighting set
up, two heads with 20 inch diffused reflectors, and barn doors
for light control. We shot 16 dog portraits at the kennel club
right after a protection seminar. Rollei was still a bit geared,
which I suspect is the source of the rather stern expression.
Leica found the seminar a bit more stressful, and this shows in
her open mouth panting, which is not something she normally
I over exposed the Portra 160 by one stop to make sure I secured
as much detail as possible on the shadow side. This made the
negs a bit heavey, but as the entire scene range was only a few
stops, it was well within the filma ability to handle. I could
probably have given an additional stop of exposure.
One of the things I like about photographing my dogs is that
they are obedient and trusting enough to do what they are asked
to do. This was a particularly easy portrait, as all I did was
place one dog, tell her stay, place the second dog, give a stay
command and then went back to the camera. A few soft words to
get them looking in my direction, and I had secured the picture.
That was the only exposure I made of the two together. I knew I
didn't have to make a second one when I tripped the shutter.
Thanks again
William Robb
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Re: shooting holiday lights

2001-11-30 Thread Shel Belinkoff

Not with a 1-degree spot meter.

Tom Rittenhouse wrote:
 Actually metering is something of a bug-a-boo under these types of
Shel Belinkoff
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Re: flash stuff

2001-11-30 Thread SudaMafud

In a message dated 11/30/01 2:00:56 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

 You guys should really try TTL flash, or better yet P-TTL if you have 
 the new FA360FGZ and MZ-S. It really makes your approach redundant. 
 Even with  my AF280T and plain old TTL I find well balanced exposures. 
 If I have some highly reflective foreground, I use bounce to even out 
 the light;  try that with manual calculations.
 Cheers,  Mike.
Hey Mike!
You forgot your camera and there is a function you could shoot but you only 
have access to a 283 with a broken sensor and a K1000, meaning raw manual 
flash shooting if you hope to get any photos at all. And since the 283 does 
not have a distance scale, what are ~you~ going to do? We know me and Bill 
can get along just fine but what are ~you~ going to do without at least a 
rudimentary background in shooting manual flash?
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Re: Computer Upgrade

2001-11-30 Thread Shel Belinkoff

What's a MOBO?  What's a P1V and a Dragon ATX?

 The MOBO is the limiting factor Shel, not the OS. The MOBO in this machine
 supports up to 1.5GIG of RAM. The new PlV and Dragon ATX MOBOs support up to

Shel Belinkoff
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Re: Computer Upgrade

2001-11-30 Thread SudaMafud

In a message dated 11/30/01 4:26:10 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

 What's a MOBO?  What's a P1V and a Dragon ATX?

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Re: Computer Upgrade

2001-11-30 Thread Tom Rittenhouse

In line comments

- Original Message -
From: William Robb [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, November 30, 2001 12:59 PM
Subject: Re: Computer Upgrade

 - Original Message -
 From: Shel Belinkoff 
 Subject: Computer Upgrade

  It's time ... got a quick couple of questions.
  Recently it was mentioned here that some Windows OS won't
 support more
  than 256mb or 512mb of memory.  How much memory will Win98SE

 Hi Shel, I just went through this The best advice I got was that
 Win 98 (either V1 or V2) will not address more than 512mb of
 RAM, so that was what I ended up with on my new rig.

I have seen this 512meg limitation mentioned several times, I have also seen
computers running more. I may be the cache limitation. On Win95 machines
only 128meg would be cached, but you could run more it just wouldn't be as
fast as the first 128.

  What's SDRAM and RDRAM?  Is one better than the other?

 I think the best one is what will plug into your mother
 board I don't have a clue. I was told that for some reason
 that sounded like Swahili to me, you want your RAM to be
 identical chips, so don't put a 256MB and a couple of 128mb ram
 chips on. Put 2 x 256 MB chips on instead.

Pick the one that your MB is speced for. RDRAM only works with Pentium 4
processors AFAIK. All the ram in the same bank should be identical. Most new
PC computers use one piece of ram per bank. That wasn't always so, and if
you have a 64 bit MB it isn't so now. Check your MB manual.

  Suggestions for a good video card?

 I ended up with an ATI Radeon VE dual display. It has 32 mb of
 RAM on board, but it seems fime for digital image editing, which
 isn't exactly fast moving graphics, and supports my new Samsung
 Synchmaster 955 DF up to an embarassingly high screen resolution
 at 32 bit colour with a good refresh rate.
 Make sure the card will support a refresh rate of at least 75hz
 at the largest resolution yo want to use, and 85hz to 100hz at
 the resolution you normally work at.
 My normal resolution is 1024 x 768, at 200hz.
 The faster refresh rate keeps the screen from flickering, and
 causing headaches and road rage.
 The scond monitor is nice, as I can heep the image and tool bar
 on the main screen, and have pallettes and tool windows open on
 the second screen. Very handy.

Pretty good information. The thing to know is if you are not going to use
animation such as in games, or video you can get by with a lot less video
card. If you are a gamer you probably know, better than most of us, what
works. On yes, a pet peave, serious graphic card such as used in high end
CAD and Video workstations don't cost hundreds of dollars they cost
thousands. See ATI Fire GL4 for an example of a workstation graphics card.

  In order to hook up a scanner I need a USB port or Firewire,
  What are the advantages/disadvantages of each?

 I am still using an SCSI interface. It is very fast. Firewire,
 apparently is also fast. I have heard that USB is slow, but this
 is second hand information from me.

Pick your scanner then get the kind of card that supports it. In decending
order of speed SCSI-160, firewire, usb, parallel port. USB seems to work
well with low end flatbed scanners. Film scanners work better with SCSI, or
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Re: Computer Upgrade

2001-11-30 Thread William Robb

- Original Message -
From: Tom Rittenhouse
Subject: Re: Computer Upgrade

 In line comments

  - Original Message -
  From: Shel Belinkoff 
  Subject: Computer Upgrade
   It's time ... got a quick couple of questions.
   Recently it was mentioned here that some Windows OS won't
  support more
   than 256mb or 512mb of memory.  How much memory will
  Hi Shel, I just went through this The best advice I got was
  Win 98 (either V1 or V2) will not address more than 512mb of
  RAM, so that was what I ended up with on my new rig.

 I have seen this 512meg limitation mentioned several times, I
have also seen
 computers running more. I may be the cache limitation. On
Win95 machines
 only 128meg would be cached, but you could run more it just
wouldn't be as
 fast as the first 128.

The way it was explained to me, you can put as much ram on as
the mother board will support, but Win 98 will not address more
than 512. All that is happenning after that is you ar stuffing
up your computer by tying up excess ports.
Anyway, that just what the guy at the computer store told me
when I was asking about having 768mb of ram put on my new

Also, pardon the typo, I am getting a refresh rate of 100hz, not
200 at 1024 x 768.
William Robb
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Website Update

2001-11-30 Thread Mark Cassino

I just updated my website with a few new photos from a trip last 
summer.  The pics were generally taken with my trusty (though fragile) LX, 
usually with an A 28-135 f4.  A handful were produced with the Pz-1p.

If you're interested, stop by and click on the link entitled 5 Nights in 

The url is:

Cheers -

- - - - - - - - - -
Mark Cassino
Kalamazoo, MI
- - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - 
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Re: Computer Upgrade

2001-11-30 Thread Robert Harris

Shel Belinkoff wrote:

 What's a MOBO?  What's a P1V and a Dragon ATX?

MOBO = motherboard (or mainboard for those who do not like what might be 
construed as sexist connotations.) The center of the system -- the big 
board that everything else plugs into -- CPU, memory chips, sound and 
video cards, various other cards and connections for peripherals, etc.

P1V = Pentium 4, latest in Intel CPU series, offering the fastest speeds.

Dragon ATX must be a particular brand of MOBO. ATX is the form factor 
for the MOBO -- shape and size. Pretty much the current standard.

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Re: Bulk film

2001-11-30 Thread Dave Weiss


I use the Alden 74 which is pretty popular and easy to acquire.  I load the
cassettes in the dark so there is no waste of film.  It is fairly easy to do
once you do it a few times.  

Date: Fri, 30 Nov 2001 09:27:35 -0600 
From: Delano Mireles [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: Re: Bulk film 

Thanks to Bill and Tiger for the responses.  Can either of you (or anyone) 
recommend which loader to go with or at least what to look for? 

Thanks again, 


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Re: Computer Upgrade

2001-11-30 Thread SudaMafud

In a message dated 11/30/01 4:26:10 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

 What's a MOBO?

  What's a P1V and a Dragon ATX?

PlV = Pentium 4, Dragon ATX are both high performance Motherboards. You can 
buy either w/processors for under $300. 
**Add a 400 watt case ($80) and RAM and you could be running a 1.4 GIG 
scream-machine for under $450.
You'd load your OS and a new HDD (hard disk drive), then reload all your 
programs, about two days work part-time. Of course I recommend partitioning 
your drives (old or new) first then load the OS. 

*The new Pentium 4 motherboards run at a bus speed of 400, the ATXs at up to 

**A SYK7ADA ATX Socket A Motherboard w/1.4 GIG Athlon processor, bus speed up 
to 266, sells for $260. It takes 3GB of DDR RAM. 
A 4-port Firewire card for the computer is $60. 

Of course there are other more expensive or cheaper MOBO/processor 
combinations than what I suggest above, any real, serious upgrade ~starts~ 
with a new Motherboard/processor. 
**And while some RAM is inexpensive as in $24 for 256MB of SDRAM 
(PC100/133, 168 pin), some RAM, like 256MB of DDR RAM costs $60. 

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Re: Computer Upgrade

2001-11-30 Thread Rfsindg


What size and type monitor did you end up with.
I remember the comment to get 75hz or better for
the refresh rate, but judging that involves some

Regards,  Bob S.

William Robb wrote:
 Also, pardon the typo, I am getting a refresh
 rate of 100hz, not 200 at 1024 x 768.
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Re: Computer Upgrade

2001-11-30 Thread William Robb

- Original Message -
From: Bob S

Subject: Re: Computer Upgrade


 What size and type monitor did you end up with.
 I remember the comment to get 75hz or better for
 the refresh rate, but judging that involves some

Hi Bob
I ended up with a Samsung Synchmaster 19 flat screen, .20 dot
pitch. I am using it as my primary, and I have a cheapo Daytek
piece of junk that came with the computer sitting just above and
to the right of it as the secondary. My film scanner sits below
the Samsung (I built a stand that raised the monitor about 5
inches) and my printer sits below the second monitor.
It is not the best set up, as the second screen is high up, but
it is also easy to ignore if I am not actually looking at it.
This is a good thing, as it really is a crappy monitor.
William Robb
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Re: RE: developing Leonid shots

2001-11-30 Thread Len Paris

Interesting.  You'd think that the clear space between pictures
would give the machine a clue.


 Machine prints  machine can't find edge of the picture...too
much black for automatic printing.
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December PUG favourites

2001-11-30 Thread Cotty

Interesting PUG this month. I felt it was a real chore because the 
constraints in sticking with the 'Synchronicity' theme were rigid - it 
felt like someone telling me to go do something in their time-frame and 
not mine. I think for this reason, lots of us took shots we perhaps 
wouldn't normally do. This isn't necessarily a bad thing - coming up with 
some creativity to order when one is maybe not in the mood is a 
mountainous task.

Some very interesting images, interesting subjects. All very well 
executed. Two that caught my eye for an extra-long look:

'The Party is Over'
Gianfranco Irlanda
Another superb study. Shots like this either work or they don't, and this 
one most definitely does! Excellent relationship between the hands. Don't 
need to see the faces. The cups and things on the table nice and soft - 
peripheral items that we glimpse and then discard, instantly they tell 
their part of the story. This pic could only work in mono for me. And 
work it does. Pic of the Month.

'Synchronicity Sophie'
Darryn Richter
Great lighting. We don't know what Sophie is looking at, but she's seeing 
it through a child's eyes, and that's the wonderful feeling this picture 
evokes. The toning is a nice touch. Again, I love the lighting. Well done!

I liked Wendy Beard's son in Wal-Mart, I liked Matjaz's backlit tree. The 
WTC images were poignant and sobering. Annsan's rooftop view would be any 
other city skyline, except that we know that the dust carries the voices 
of many fallen people. It's going to take a long time to recover from 

Cheers from England.


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Re: My PUG Picks

2001-11-30 Thread Daniel J. Matyola

My personal favorite is St. Petersburg, City Centre, by  Sergey SHP.  I like
the contrast between the sun and bright ground outside and the dark interior
figures in the foreground.  I also like the contrast between the soft focus on
the distant figures and the sharper foreground focus.  It gives the shot a
dreamy feeling.  Is that St. Isaac's dome in the distance?  Who's giant foot
is that in the right foreground, and where is that statue located?
Daniel J. Matyola  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Stanley, Powers  Matyola  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Suite203, 1170 US Highway 22 East
Bridgewater, NJ 08807  (908)725-3322  fax: (908)707-0399
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Re: Illegal Street Photography?

2001-11-30 Thread frank theriault

Well, I don't know too much about the law, and how it pertains specifically to
photographing crime scenes, but I do know a little bit about criminal law.

I don't know how photographing police officers at their work impedes anything.
It may piss them off, but it doesn't impede them from carrying out thier duties -
assuming that you're far enough away from the action that you're not physically
impeding them from moving about.

If an officer thinks that you've photographed relevent evidence, he or she may ask
you for the film, but as far as I know, one has no obligation to hand it over.  If
you refuse to hand it over, they can subpoena the film, or subpoena both you and
the film, for any future court case.

But if one refuses to hand it over, I believe that an arrest would be an
intolerable abuse of power, and an illegal arrest and imprisonment to boot.  To
illegally arrest a photograper in order to seize film would probably taint that
evidence to the extent that it couldn't be used in court.

That's not to say that nasty officers wouldn't threaten arrest.  That's not to say
that they wouldn't actually arrest someone in order to get their film.  But such
an arrest would, imho, be highly illegal, and leave the arresting officer
potentially liable in a fairly large civil suit.

And, if they did subpoena the film as evidence, it would have to be returned to
the rightful owner after the court proceedings, just as any other evidence has to

Of course, what the law is, and how police officers act are sometimes two
different things...



 If the officer wanted to be nasty, he could have cited you for impeding an
 ongoing investigation.
 Your defense? None for in effect, you would be guilty.

The optimist thinks this is the best of all possible worlds. The pessimist fears
it is true. -J. Robert
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Re: RE: developing Leonid shots

2001-11-30 Thread William Robb

- Original Message -
From: Len Paris 
Subject: Re: RE: developing Leonid shots

 Interesting.  You'd think that the clear space between
 would give the machine a clue.

Unfortunately, often the entire film is clear space, with no
visible frame delineation. This happens a lot with pictures such
as meteor showers, fireworks and theatre/ concerts. We just give
the film back to the custome uncut, hand them sissors and
sleeving and let them do it themselves on the light table.
William Robb


  Machine prints  machine can't find edge of the
 much black for automatic printing.
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Re: Spotted on eBay

2001-11-30 Thread Mark Roberts

John Glover [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

They do make this lens as I have it in front of me right now

Doh! Never thought they might have made one in the past that isn't in the
current catalog. Felling dumb.

And I do have pictures:)

Mark Roberts
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Re: Illegal Street Photography?

2001-11-30 Thread frank theriault

As an addendum, I should add (I guess that's what you do in an addendum) a couple of

Firstly, what I wrote in my previous post is my understanding of what the law is in
Common Law countries (ie:  Britain, the US, the Commonwealth countries).  It may be
way different in other jurisdictions.  BTW, it isn't a legal opinion, it's just an

Secondly, I'm not saying that anyone should refuse to co-operate with the cops.  I'm
just saying what I understand that they can legally do or not do.  In that situation
(where an officer demands my film), I'd probably co-operate myself.  Ending up with a
smashed camera, and having the officer say later, I didn't do it, he must have
dropped it in the melee, doesn't suit me.

And third, I'm not saying that cops are all a bunch of jerks who illegally seize film
from poor photogs.  Some cops are jerks, just like some photographers are jerks.  No
more so, no less so.  And let's face it, officers have to work under extreme stress at
times, and sometimes make bad decisions at such times, just like all of us.  Problem
is, because of the large amount of power they have, when the police are jerks, it can
be a scary thing.  In my opinion, anyway...

And, last of all, matters of national security (referring to Brendan's experience) may
legally be different.  I could understand why Canada's Navy would be embarassed to
have anyone photographing those leaky buckets of bolts even in a peaceful situation.
I heard last week that there's a water shortage aboard our ships that are on their way
to Afghanistan.  I'm not sure if they've gotten there yet.  Sheesh, a water shortage
on a boat!  And, they haven't even started to fight yet!

frank - a Canuck and proud of it!

frank theriault wrote:

 Well, I don't know too much about the law, and how it pertains specifically to
 photographing crime scenes, but I do know a little bit about criminal law.

 I don't know how photographing police officers at their work impedes anything.
 It may piss them off, but it doesn't impede them from carrying out thier duties -
 assuming that you're far enough away from the action that you're not physically
 impeding them from moving about.

The optimist thinks this is the best of all possible worlds. The pessimist fears it
is true. -J. Robert
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Re: A series zoom lenses

2001-11-30 Thread Alan Chan

All 3 are excellent lenses.

Alan Chan

I'm new to the group although I have been following your discussions on for the last six months. I have the following A series
zoom lenses.  24-50mm f/4, 35-105mm f/3.5 and 70-210mm f/4.

I would like to know what the consensus is of these lenses pro or con.  I
see by your favorite lense survey that the 35-105mm is a popular one it is
mine also.  Any information will be highly appreciated.

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Re[2]: Illegal Street Photography?

2001-11-30 Thread Bob Walkden


things are pretty bad in France at the moment:-




Friday, November 30, 2001, 11:13:43 PM, you wrote:

 Well, I don't know too much about the law, and how it pertains specifically to
 photographing crime scenes, but I do know a little bit about criminal law.

 I don't know how photographing police officers at their work impedes anything.
 It may piss them off, but it doesn't impede them from carrying out thier duties -
 assuming that you're far enough away from the action that you're not physically
 impeding them from moving about.

 If an officer thinks that you've photographed relevent evidence, he or she may ask
 you for the film, but as far as I know, one has no obligation to hand it over.  If
 you refuse to hand it over, they can subpoena the film, or subpoena both you and
 the film, for any future court case.

 But if one refuses to hand it over, I believe that an arrest would be an
 intolerable abuse of power, and an illegal arrest and imprisonment to boot.  To
 illegally arrest a photograper in order to seize film would probably taint that
 evidence to the extent that it couldn't be used in court.

 That's not to say that nasty officers wouldn't threaten arrest.  That's not to say
 that they wouldn't actually arrest someone in order to get their film.  But such
 an arrest would, imho, be highly illegal, and leave the arresting officer
 potentially liable in a fairly large civil suit.

 And, if they did subpoena the film as evidence, it would have to be returned to
 the rightful owner after the court proceedings, just as any other evidence has to

 Of course, what the law is, and how police officers act are sometimes two
 different things...

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FS: Vivitar 100-500

2001-11-30 Thread William Kane

Hey gang

   I've got a Vivitar 100-500 /5.6-8 that's sitting around in it's hard
case collecting dust.  It's got a PKA/R mount on it.  In VERY GOOD

Any taker?

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