Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

2006-02-12 Thread Paul Stenquist
Cool! This message was regurgitated by the list. We can start sending 
images to Marco again, then argue about the whole affair.

On Jan 27, 2006, at 8:58 AM, frank theriault wrote:

On 1/27/06, frank theriault [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm only the messenger.  I'm assuming that the e-mail address (above)
would be the place to send any enquiries...

Any questions regarding this matter can be forwarded to:


I know that if I had a Pentax digital camera, I'd send a few in.  I
think it would be fun, but that's just me.  If you don't think it
would be fun, then don't participate...


Sharpness is a bourgeois concept.  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

2006-02-10 Thread Fernando Terrazzino

Hi Keith

On the other hand, it's my time and energy so I think it's up to me to 
judge whether or not the expenditure is futile. 8-)

Futile is my word of the day, I just wanted to write something to use it.
I guess I'm ecologically concerned about waste of energy.

But no-one is making you read the thread.
Fair enough, I'm problably just too curious to see how this ends (or 
not...). My fault.

And sometimes clarification comes through discussion, even if the issue is 
*never* decided. 8-)

My dear PDMLer, I can't stop you, can I? so be my guest


From: Keith McGuinness [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix
Date: Fri, 10 Feb 2006 09:01:59 +0930

Fernando Terrazzino wrote:


I just joined this list a couple of days ago, which may not enable me to 
give a valuable opinion on many matters, but I certainly didn't expect to 
be expectator of a soap opera.

Can you guys please let this one go and move on...

Some people think that there are issues to discuss here.

Apparently, you don't. Fine. I have no intention of trying to convince you, 
or anyone else, otherwise.

But no-one is making you read the thread.

I may be a beginner photographer but I don't need to be a good one to 
realize that all this emails are futile lost of energy in a topic that's 
not gona be solved. If you ask me Dario's yes, no, yes, no is the one 
that made more sense in all this.

I didn't ask you...but like anyone else you can express an opinion. 8-)

On the other hand, it's my time and energy so I think it's up to me to 
judge whether or not the expenditure is futile. 8-)

And sometimes clarification comes through discussion, even if the issue is 
*never* decided. 8-)

Keith McG

Take charge with a pop-up guard built on patented Microsoft® SmartScreen 
 Start enjoying all the benefits of MSN® Premium right now and get the 
first two months FREE*.

Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

2006-02-09 Thread Keith McGuinness

Doug wrote a long message, so I have to snip...

Doug Brewer wrote:

On Feb 8, 2006, at 10:59 PM, Rob Studdert wrote:

On 8 Feb 2006 at 21:42, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

In a message dated 2/8/2006 6:24:07 PM Pacific Standard Time,
If anything Marco and/or Pentax Canada owes those who took the  time to
inquire and/or contribute  an apology for not having their act  

Tom C.
You're beginning to approach JCO's record for remaking the same  
point over

and over.

Except he's correct.

Unfortunately, Rob, Tom is not correct.

Unfortunately, Doug, I partly agree with Tom; only partly because 
whoever sent the abusive messages is most to blame for the 
subsequent fall-out.

The partly is because I agree, with several others, that the 
request for photographs was not made in a particularly 
professional fashion, nor was the subsequent rejection of those 
who took the trouble to submit images.

The key phrase (for me) in the reply sent to those who submitted 
was: We received great images but due to the problems it has 
been decided that it is more trouble that it is worth.

As Tom C said, the more trouble than it is worth is not a 
particularly gracious response to those who submitted images for 
FREE for Pentax to use in promoting its products. I can't speak 
for others, but mine were sent with no strings attached, so I 
have difficulty seeing what the trouble is here.

The message did say, twice, thanks to those who submitted 
images and, as a consequence, I am interpreting more trouble 
think the poor guy just got caught in the middle of something he 
did not anticipate. (I, on the other hand, having been on lists 
and read newsgroups for over a decade am not in the least 
surprised about the whole shemozzle.)


And then, to have the whole thing blow up because some list members  
apparently don't have the good sense and respect to write civil  
inquiries just shocks and saddens me. Adding insult to injury, now  
there is a hue and cry that someone Pentax Canada owes them an apology. 
No. No. No.

I don't call anyone a jackass and then demand an apology for my doing so.

To the best of my knowledge Tom C didn't send abusive letters to 
Pentax, nor did I. On the other hand, as I said before, the 
people who are most at fault are those who sent the abusive 
messages in the first place.

The actions of a few members have given the PDML a black eye, and I  am 
ashamed of it.  Someone owes the list an apology, and it damn sure  
isn't Pentax Canada.

It might help if, in situations like this, people didn't refer to 
the PDML as if it was some independent entity.

According to the suspicions of some (I've seen no definite proof) 
and Doug's belief (as stated above), some of the abusive messages 
were sent by people subscribed to the PDML list. If such 
individuals apologised to the list (highly unlikely), they would 
also be apologising to themselves! 8-) For giving themselves a 
black eye? 8-) This is all a bit convoluted for me.

Some people, possibly or probably subscribed to PDML (depending 
on your belief and access to the relevant messages), violated the 
norms of civil behaviour by sending abusive messages.

The rest of us (presumably) condemn such behaviour and at least 
some of us are disappointed at the outcome of this.

On the other hand (I'm up to about six hands so far!), such abuse 
is not uncommon (I've experienced it, although not that often), 
and it is odd for a corporation to decide to pick up its ball and 
go home because of it.

My conclusions, for what (not a lot) they are worth:

Was the original request made in a professional manner? Could 
have been handled better.

Did the requester deserve to get abused for it? Definitely not.

Was the response and subsequent reply to those who sent images 
made in a professional manner? Could have been handled better.

Does the PDML list deserve an apology? The list is not an entity.

Do the subscribers to the PDML list deserve an apology? Those who 
did not send abusive messages have a reasonable case for thinking so.

Does Marco deserve an apology? Yes.

Do I want an apology? I have better things to worry about.

Does Tom C deserve an apology? Oh...I hear the kids calling; I'll 
have to sign off now... 8-)

Keith McG

Secure in the knowledge that he is several thousand km away from 
any other subscribers to PDML...!

Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

2006-02-09 Thread Boris Liberman


The actions of a few members have given the PDML a black eye, and I  
am ashamed of it.  Someone owes the list an apology, and it damn sure  
isn't Pentax Canada.

What pisses me is that as a member of the PDML I'm being bundled in with all 
this BS too.



Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

2006-02-09 Thread Paul Stenquist

Well said, Doug.

On Feb 9, 2006, at 12:45 AM, Doug Brewer wrote:

On Feb 8, 2006, at 10:59 PM, Rob Studdert wrote:

On 8 Feb 2006 at 21:42, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

In a message dated 2/8/2006 6:24:07 PM Pacific Standard Time,
If anything Marco and/or Pentax Canada owes those who took the time 
inquire and/or contribute  an apology for not having their act 

Tom C.
You're beginning to approach JCO's record for remaking the same 
point over

and over.

Except he's correct.

Unfortunately, Rob, Tom is not correct. With all due respect, and with 
the extra-added reminder that anyone on here is free to hold his or 
her own opinion, what some less-than-respectful members of this list 
have done is pretty much destroy what I, and a number of others here, 
have been working to achieve for several years now, which is a 
relationship with Pentax based on mutual respect and civility.

I have personally visited Pentax headquarters in Colorado, and had 
conversations with many employees leading toward this relationship. I 
have sat at a conference table showing off the PUG on a big digital 
projector and talked up the list and its members as an invaluable 
resource of opinion, both good and bad, about the Pentax product line. 
I have considered it my honor to carry the PDML banner wherever I 
thought it necessary, from GFM to camera shops and workshops and into 
the Pentax USA offices.

And I am not alone. Other members of this list have developed ties to 
Pentax reps and other employees, carrying that same banner.

It has hurt me to read the hateful things that have been said about 
Pentax employees over my years here. These are hard-working, regular 
people with families, who are doing the best job they can, and when 
they are vilified, attacked personally, it's been all I could do to 
hold my tongue.

I was here long before Aaron left. I remember his first faltering 
steps in his business. When Frank forwarded Aaron's email from Marco, 
I trusted that it was legit, and when the follow-up came, that any 
questions could be sent to Marco's direct email address at Pentax 
Canada, it sealed the deal. Here was a regular guy, asking other 
regular guys, to show off a few photos, at no risk whatsoever.

And then, to have the whole thing blow up because some list members 
apparently don't have the good sense and respect to write civil 
inquiries just shocks and saddens me. Adding insult to injury, now 
there is a hue and cry that someone Pentax Canada owes them an 
apology. No. No. No.

I don't call anyone a jackass and then demand an apology for my doing 

The actions of a few members have given the PDML a black eye, and I am 
ashamed of it.  Someone owes the list an apology, and it damn sure 
isn't Pentax Canada.

Doug Brewer
List Guy

Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

2006-02-09 Thread Mark Roberts
Doug Brewer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

The actions of a few members have given the PDML a black eye, and I  
am ashamed of it.  Someone owes the list an apology, and it damn sure  
isn't Pentax Canada.

Thanks Doug. I think this last thought is what's been subconsciously
bothering me without my being able to articulate it.  I almost killfiled
this thread last night. Glad I waited until after your message to do so.
Mark Roberts
Photography and writing

Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

2006-02-09 Thread frank theriault
On 2/9/06, Mark Roberts [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Doug Brewer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The actions of a few members have given the PDML a black eye, and I
 am ashamed of it.  Someone owes the list an apology, and it damn sure
 isn't Pentax Canada.

 Thanks Doug. I think this last thought is what's been subconsciously
 bothering me without my being able to articulate it.  I almost killfiled
 this thread last night. Glad I waited until after your message to do so.

We've had a lot of ridiculous flame-wars over the years, but this has
to take the cake.

You all may have noticed that I haven't been posting much over the
past couple of weeks, and this shit is the reason why.  It just
doesn't seem like the warm, welcoming place that it was before I
started this thread.

I honestly thought this would be a fun thing.  Those that were
interested in participating would do so, and derive some satisfaction
that others were enjoying their photos, while in some small way
helping out Our Corporate Mother.  I figured that those who didn't
want to participate, or who wanted some sort of remuneration, or were
worried that their photos would be used for nefarious purposes would

Once a few questions were raised, and I posted Marco's Pentax Canada
e-mail address, and I thought (again), Okay, frank, this is the end
of it.  We might hear from a few people what a nice guy Marco is, and
how he answered questions promptly and politely, and how a few folks
have sent in images.  This thing's over now.  (as an aside, a few did
make such posts, which I was glad to see)

I was wrong.  This thing has simply devolved into a morass of
accusations, finger pointing and demands for apologies the likes of
which I've rarely seen.  Now I see after Doug's post, people are still
being defensive and saying it's not the list as a whole, it's not me,
it's ~other people~ on this list.

It's all been quite unseemly, and Doug is right, we should all hang
our collective heads in shame.  The list as a whole has misbehaved.  I
accept some responsibility, not because I started the thread, but just
because I'm here.  This used to be a pretty cool place to be.

It's not any more.


Sharpness is a bourgeois concept.  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

2006-02-09 Thread Bob Shell

On Feb 9, 2006, at 9:45 AM, frank theriault wrote:

It's all been quite unseemly, and Doug is right, we should all hang
our collective heads in shame.  The list as a whole has misbehaved.  I
accept some responsibility, not because I started the thread, but just
because I'm here.  This used to be a pretty cool place to be.

A similar thing happened when Fuji solicited photos last year.  The  
pro community in NYC got wind of it and raised hell.  I think Fuji  
just quietly withdrew the idea.

There are two sides to everything, though.  I am in favor of photo  
competitions in general, but I am opposed to those that say things  
like all entries become the property of *** and we can use them any  
way we damned well please without paying the photographer a cent.   
There are tons of competitions with words to that effect somewhere in  
their rules.  I won't participate in or promote such competitions.   
But competitions which claim no rights to submitted photos and offer  
nice prizes for those selected are tops in my opinion.


Re: Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

2006-02-09 Thread mike wilson

 From: frank theriault [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 It's not any more.

My healthy skepticism was based on two things.  First, I thought it was rather 
cheeky of a national corporation to ask its customers to provide something 
effectively for nothing.  Secondly, the approach style did not meet what I 
expected from the said body.  Your, and other persons', later remarks negated 
the second point but I still adhere to the first.  So I didn't participate in 
either the event or the subsequent discussion.

But the list hasn't changed.  It is exactly the same as it was before.  The 
only difference is that you are aware of aspects of it that you were not 
before.  That goes for quite a few of us.

I'm going to carry on as before.  As I hope Doug and the rest will.  This may 
have been a particularly bloody skirmish but the war goes on.



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Do we owe Marco an appology (was RE: Pentax wants your digital pix)

2006-02-09 Thread Butch Black
I sent this message last night. It has not as yet shown up in the digest, so 
I'm re-sending it. My apologies if you are receiving it twice.

Also, thanks Doug for your point in your letter about building a mutually 
supportive relationship with Pentax. It summarizes a lot of my reasoning for 
suggesting the PDML send Marco an apology.


I'm saddened to hear that too. Since no one has come forward admitting

to the jackass statement perhaps the PDML should send an e-mail
apologizing for that statement and assuring that it is not the sentiment
of the majority of the list members.


It is far from clear that a PDML member was responsible for writing that.
When pressed, Aaron became a little vague and rather defensive.


I remember Aaron from my early days on the list and as such I have no doubt
to his sincerity about the jackass statement. I can also understand a
reluctance to name names given the litigious world we live in. Whether it is
a current or former member is a valid question, as we have had a few loose
cannons amongst us from time to time. My point is that the good name of the
PDML has been hurt by this incident, whether caused by a current or former
member or someone else. While there seems to be a widely varying opinion of
the original request it appears that much, if not most, of the list does not
approve of the jackass statement. I am a firm believer in when wrong,
promptly admitting it, and making amends whenever possible. Hence, my
suggestion for the e-mail assuring him that this was not the sentiment of
the vast majority of the list members. Am I the only one who thinks an
apology is in order?


Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

2006-02-09 Thread Eactivist
In a message dated 2/9/2006 7:01:58 AM Pacific Standard Time, 
There are two sides to everything, though.  I am in favor of photo  
competitions in general, but I am opposed to those that say things  
like all entries become the property of *** and we can use them any  
way we damned well please without paying the photographer a cent.   
There are tons of competitions with words to that effect somewhere in  
their rules.  I won't participate in or promote such competitions.   
But competitions which claim no rights to submitted photos and offer  
nice prizes for those selected are tops in my opinion.

Microsoft recently ran a contest using VB.Net and it was not specified what 
would happen to the programs. Nothing was said about who would own the entered 
programs once they were entered. I thought it was one of the most poorly 
conceived contests I had ever heard of and wondered who would be dumb enough to 
enter. People could sell their programs directly rather than let MS possibly 
money on them later. However, money/prizes were offered for the winner(s). I 
don't know what happened with it, I haven't tracked it since, but my 
impression was it generated very little interest.

It was very poorly thought out. 

I don't own a Pentax, so I don't know if I should even comment. And I am not 
up on all the details on this issue. But I sort of fall in the middle, I 
think. I think the approach was poorly thought out by Pentax. Something 
specifically mentioning copyright should have been done from the beginning -- 
in detail 
and clearly. It is not unusual for lists or newsgroups for there to be 
uninformed individuals about copyright. It is not unusual for there to be 
When a company deals with the public, ownership rights must be discussed up 
front and clearly. And some the public will be jackasses. It's just par for the 
course, unfortunately.

Sure, it was informal. But, unfortunately, I don't think a company can do an 
informal approach when copyright issues for personal property/creativity are 

If you think this was bad, you should have read the game writing newsgroup I 
was in for years, and years, and years. Well, they discuss copyright a lot, 
and it gets repetitive and boring. But it does mean most are fairly informed. 
However, I mean some of the flame wars. All writers they can be rather 
in their sarcasm and cutting and put downs. :-)

So I guess I think both sides erred. 

Doug, PDML, is a special place. OTOH, it is also a mailing list. Although 
you/and we all collectively, keep the BS down to a minimum. BS on the Net 
happens. So the PDML can only be special to a degree. And especially because 
leave this list essentially unmoderated.

If you or frank or anyone want to apologize for the list to Pentax Canada, 
feel free. But it does seem they tucked tail and ran rather fast. That tells me 
they are not used to dealing with the normal jackasses one finds EVERYWHERE on 
the Net. It is simply part of dealing with a large group of people who remain 
faceless behind emails/posts etc. People will say things in emails and posts, 
unfortunately, they will not say face to face in real life.

And it was obvious Aaron did not want to name names. 

Pentax Canada is never going to apologize. I don't feel they need to. Poorly 
conceived, does not mean they meant harm. And refusing to go forward on a 
project is not harmful either. It may be disappointing, but it is not harmful.

Whoever on this list (if they are on this list and not in the other groups 
contacted by members of this list) who was a jackass is not going to apologize 
to this list. 

But, yeah, we could collectively apologize to Pentax Canada for whoever or 
for the several whoevers who were a jackass(es). And it doesn't mean, by 
apologizing, we are saying we in particular are a jackasses. Just that we feel 
it was 
unfortunate and most on the list who submitted photos liked the idea and had 
no problems with it.

I suggest a web page with a simple letter and where people can add their 
names. Sort of like a petition. We the undersigned liked the idea and apologize 
for the unfortunate... blah, blah... the PDML is unmoderated and unfortunately 
jackasses happen everywhere on the Net... blah, blah. Wording could be arrived 
at jointly. Or it could be done by email too.

Would that help? Would it help repair any Pentaxian relationship bridges?

Marnie aka Doe 

Re: Do we owe Marco an appology (was RE: Pentax wants your digital pix)

2006-02-09 Thread brooksdj
In my contact with Aaron over this, his reply was Pentax management was not 
going forward
with this 
project and best leave it alone.

That s all i have to say on this, other than well thought out reply Doug.

I WAS going to submit,but not now i quess.


 I sent this message last night. It has not as yet 
shown up in 
the digest, so 
 I'm re-sending it. My apologies if you are receiving it twice.
 Also, thanks Doug for your point in your letter about building a mutually 
 supportive relationship with Pentax. It summarizes a lot of my reasoning for 
 suggesting the PDML send Marco an apology.
 I'm saddened to hear that too. Since no one has come forward admitting
  to the jackass statement perhaps the PDML should send an e-mail
  apologizing for that statement and assuring that it is not the sentiment
  of the majority of the list members.
 It is far from clear that a PDML member was responsible for writing that.
 When pressed, Aaron became a little vague and rather defensive.
 I remember Aaron from my early days on the list and as such I have no doubt
 to his sincerity about the jackass statement. I can also understand a
 reluctance to name names given the litigious world we live in. Whether it is
 a current or former member is a valid question, as we have had a few loose
 cannons amongst us from time to time. My point is that the good name of the
 PDML has been hurt by this incident, whether caused by a current or former
 member or someone else. While there seems to be a widely varying opinion of
 the original request it appears that much, if not most, of the list does not
 approve of the jackass statement. I am a firm believer in when wrong,
 promptly admitting it, and making amends whenever possible. Hence, my
 suggestion for the e-mail assuring him that this was not the sentiment of
 the vast majority of the list members. Am I the only one who thinks an
 apology is in order?

Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

2006-02-09 Thread Tom C

Keith McGuinnesswrote (in part):

Unfortunately, Doug, I partly agree with Tom; only partly because whoever 
sent the abusive messages is most to blame for the subsequent fall-out.

It's good to not be alone.  :-)

The partly is because I agree, with several others, that the request for 
photographs was not made in a particularly professional fashion, nor was 
the subsequent rejection of those who took the trouble to submit images.

The key phrase (for me) in the reply sent to those who submitted was: We 
received great images but due to the problems it has been decided that it 
is more trouble that it is worth.

As Tom C said, the more trouble than it is worth is not a particularly 
gracious response to those who submitted images for FREE for Pentax to use 
in promoting its products. I can't speak for others, but mine were sent 
with no strings attached, so I have difficulty seeing what the trouble is 

An employee of Pentax Canada, when dealing with the public on Pentax Canada 
business, is for all practical purposes, representing the company.  The 
phrasing was basically insulting, even if unintentionally so.  I won't pick 
on it any more.

The message did say, twice, thanks to those who submitted images and, as 
a consequence, I am interpreting more trouble than it is worth AS JUST AN 
UNFORTUNATE CHOICE OF PHRASE. I think the poor guy just got caught in the 
middle of something he did not anticipate. (I, on the other hand, having 
been on lists and read newsgroups for over a decade am not in the least 
surprised about the whole shemozzle.)


To the best of my knowledge Tom C didn't send abusive letters to Pentax, 
nor did I. On the other hand, as I said before, the people who are most at 
fault are those who sent the abusive messages in the first place.

Of course not.

It might help if, in situations like this, people didn't refer to the PDML 
as if it was some independent entity.

As a member of a mailing list we are individually no more responible for 
another member's actions than we are for the guy down the street.

My conclusions, for what (not a lot) they are worth:

Was the original request made in a professional manner? Could have been 
handled better.

Did the requester deserve to get abused for it? Definitely not.

Was the response and subsequent reply to those who sent images made in a 
professional manner? Could have been handled better.

Does the PDML list deserve an apology? The list is not an entity.

Do the subscribers to the PDML list deserve an apology? Those who did not 
send abusive messages have a reasonable case for thinking so.

And we're big enough not to actually require one.

Does Marco deserve an apology? Yes.

But not from the list at large.

Do I want an apology? I have better things to worry about.

Does Tom C deserve an apology? Oh...I hear the kids calling; I'll have to 
sign off now... 8-)


Keith McG

Secure in the knowledge that he is several thousand km away from any other 
subscribers to PDML...!

Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

2006-02-09 Thread Tom C

From: Doug Brewer [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Unfortunately, Rob, Tom is not correct. With all due respect, and  with the 
extra-added reminder that anyone on here is free to hold his  or her own 
opinion, what some less-than-respectful members of this  list have done is 
pretty much destroy what I, and a number of others  here, have been working 
to achieve for several years now, which is a  relationship with Pentax 
based on mutual respect and civility.

I'm not correct in WHAT Doug? I do not feel responsible for apologizing for 
something I did not do.  Nor do I feel that because others on the list may 
be jackasses that it reflects any on me (I'm quite capable of hee-hawing all 
on my own). :-)  An apology only makes sense if it comes from the one(s) 
giving offense. The PDML is not that body.

I have personally visited Pentax headquarters in Colorado, and had  
conversations with many employees leading toward this relationship. I  have 
sat at a conference table showing off the PUG on a big digital  projector 
and talked up the list and its members as an invaluable  resource of 
opinion, both good and bad, about the Pentax product  line. I have 
considered it my honor to carry the PDML banner wherever  I thought it 
necessary, from GFM to camera shops and workshops and  into the Pentax USA 

I don't want to belittle those efforts. This is the first time I've heard 
mention on the list from you that you did that. What feedback has Pentax 
given to the list?  What feedback has Pentax given to you to pass on to the 
list?  I haven't heard any.  I don't see that this relationship is a shared 
one between the PDML and Pentax.  I'm not meaning any disrespect. It seems 
this is more a relationship between yourself and Pentax. That being said, 
I'm sure myself and others appreciate and thank you for anything you may 
have said or done that represents our interests.

And I am not alone. Other members of this list have developed ties to  
Pentax reps and other employees, carrying that same banner.

I'm not sure I get the 'banner' part.  The members of this list are so 
diverse and even those that participate frequently disagree with each other 
on what they want to see out of Pentax.  Aside from those such as yourself 
who may have had first hand contact with Pentax, how has the list benefitted 
from this relationship?  I am asking only because relationships generally 
benefit all parties and as far as I know Pentax has been silent.  I'm not 
trying to be a wise-guy, I'm sincerely asking.

It has hurt me to read the hateful things that have been said about  Pentax 
employees over my years here. These are hard-working, regular  people with 
families, who are doing the best job they can, and when  they are vilified, 
attacked personally, it's been all I could do to  hold my tongue.

Sure they are. We are all pretty much the same in that respect. Whoever 
wrote the insulting e-mails did a bad thing and it was unjustified, no doubt 
about it.

You are using the plural here, so I have to ask what Pentax employees? What 
things over the years?  Was more than one attacked personally?  I'm assuming 
you must be referring to Marco as one, and who else?  Pentax collectively?

This is actually the first time I've known any Pentax employee to have even 
written the list.  So the attacks you're referring to must have gone beneath 
my radar.

I hope you're not referring to a widely-shared, though not universally held 
opinion, that Pentax has not been going in the direction some would hope.

I was here long before Aaron left. I remember his first faltering  steps in 
his business. When Frank forwarded Aaron's email from Marco,  I trusted 
that it was legit, and when the follow-up came, that any  questions could 
be sent to Marco's direct email address at Pentax  Canada, it sealed the 
deal. Here was a regular guy, asking other  regular guys, to show off a few 
photos, at no risk whatsoever.

Sure that's all it was.  Except he was representing Pentax Canada.  There 
are some of us here on the list that did not write those terrible e-mails 
(which appear to be tightly and secretly guarded), yet we had additional 
questions because we did not see all the earmarks of a corporation 
requesting photo submissions.  A number of list members have vilified us as 
*suspicious*, *not understanding copyright laws*, and otherwise ridiculed 
myself and those who simply raised those questions.

And then, to have the whole thing blow up because some list members  
apparently don't have the good sense and respect to write civil  inquiries 
just shocks and saddens me. Adding insult to injury, now  there is a hue 
and cry that someone Pentax Canada owes them an  apology. No. No. No.

Who do you mean by them in that last sentence?  The ones that wrote the 
uncivil inquires? No one here suggested that THOSE persons deserved an 

When I wrote I was referring to those that had inquired sincerely and had 

Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

2006-02-09 Thread Tom C
Frank... I like you but that's the biggest bunch of BS I've ever read from 

FWIW, you were not at all responsible, nor was Aaron, nor was Doug.

Those of us on the list that had legitimate additional questions to ask and 
raised them in a civilzed manner were labled as suspicious and ignorant.  
Those legitimate questions asked in a civilzed manner, from what I can tell, 
is not why Pentax Canada, or Marco, or whoever was really behind withdrawing 
the request, did so.

Respectfully, those who had those questions and were intersted in 
participating, as I was, should not have just SHUT UP and DONE NOTHING.

Tom C.

From: frank theriault [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix
Date: Thu, 9 Feb 2006 09:45:24 -0500

On 2/9/06, Mark Roberts [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Doug Brewer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The actions of a few members have given the PDML a black eye, and I
 am ashamed of it.  Someone owes the list an apology, and it damn sure
 isn't Pentax Canada.

 Thanks Doug. I think this last thought is what's been subconsciously
 bothering me without my being able to articulate it.  I almost killfiled
 this thread last night. Glad I waited until after your message to do so.

We've had a lot of ridiculous flame-wars over the years, but this has
to take the cake.

You all may have noticed that I haven't been posting much over the
past couple of weeks, and this shit is the reason why.  It just
doesn't seem like the warm, welcoming place that it was before I
started this thread.

I honestly thought this would be a fun thing.  Those that were
interested in participating would do so, and derive some satisfaction
that others were enjoying their photos, while in some small way
helping out Our Corporate Mother.  I figured that those who didn't
want to participate, or who wanted some sort of remuneration, or were
worried that their photos would be used for nefarious purposes would

Once a few questions were raised, and I posted Marco's Pentax Canada
e-mail address, and I thought (again), Okay, frank, this is the end
of it.  We might hear from a few people what a nice guy Marco is, and
how he answered questions promptly and politely, and how a few folks
have sent in images.  This thing's over now.  (as an aside, a few did
make such posts, which I was glad to see)

I was wrong.  This thing has simply devolved into a morass of
accusations, finger pointing and demands for apologies the likes of
which I've rarely seen.  Now I see after Doug's post, people are still
being defensive and saying it's not the list as a whole, it's not me,
it's ~other people~ on this list.

It's all been quite unseemly, and Doug is right, we should all hang
our collective heads in shame.  The list as a whole has misbehaved.  I
accept some responsibility, not because I started the thread, but just
because I'm here.  This used to be a pretty cool place to be.

It's not any more.


Sharpness is a bourgeois concept.  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

2006-02-09 Thread Tom C

And Frank,

I think Mike Wilson is right.  The list hasn't changed as much as we've 
gotten to know people better.

What I do notice is immediate name-calling, labeling, rush to judgement, and 
scoffing by some on the list when others don't share their opinion on a 
matter. In that respect it is not a friendly place to be.

Ridicule is not a prerequisite to disagreement.

Tom C.

From: frank theriault [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix
Date: Thu, 9 Feb 2006 09:45:24 -0500

On 2/9/06, Mark Roberts [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Doug Brewer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The actions of a few members have given the PDML a black eye, and I
 am ashamed of it.  Someone owes the list an apology, and it damn sure
 isn't Pentax Canada.

 Thanks Doug. I think this last thought is what's been subconsciously
 bothering me without my being able to articulate it.  I almost killfiled
 this thread last night. Glad I waited until after your message to do so.

We've had a lot of ridiculous flame-wars over the years, but this has
to take the cake.

You all may have noticed that I haven't been posting much over the
past couple of weeks, and this shit is the reason why.  It just
doesn't seem like the warm, welcoming place that it was before I
started this thread.

I honestly thought this would be a fun thing.  Those that were
interested in participating would do so, and derive some satisfaction
that others were enjoying their photos, while in some small way
helping out Our Corporate Mother.  I figured that those who didn't
want to participate, or who wanted some sort of remuneration, or were
worried that their photos would be used for nefarious purposes would

Once a few questions were raised, and I posted Marco's Pentax Canada
e-mail address, and I thought (again), Okay, frank, this is the end
of it.  We might hear from a few people what a nice guy Marco is, and
how he answered questions promptly and politely, and how a few folks
have sent in images.  This thing's over now.  (as an aside, a few did
make such posts, which I was glad to see)

I was wrong.  This thing has simply devolved into a morass of
accusations, finger pointing and demands for apologies the likes of
which I've rarely seen.  Now I see after Doug's post, people are still
being defensive and saying it's not the list as a whole, it's not me,
it's ~other people~ on this list.

It's all been quite unseemly, and Doug is right, we should all hang
our collective heads in shame.  The list as a whole has misbehaved.  I
accept some responsibility, not because I started the thread, but just
because I'm here.  This used to be a pretty cool place to be.

It's not any more.


Sharpness is a bourgeois concept.  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

2006-02-09 Thread Tom C

Well Frank, with all sincerity,

It ~is~ other people on this list.  It's not everyone. It's not most.

There were no ~demands~ for apologies.

We don't have a collective head.

I have a hard time understanding why peoples words are so often twisted and 
propagated to mean something this didn't.

I'm sorry that this project that you had a hand in delivering to the list 
got out of hand.  It was kind on your part to make us aware.  I still hold 
to the opinion that the list is not to blame, it is not an organization, or 
an entity.

Tom C.

We've had a lot of ridiculous flame-wars over the years, but this has
to take the cake.

You all may have noticed that I haven't been posting much over the
past couple of weeks, and this shit is the reason why.  It just
doesn't seem like the warm, welcoming place that it was before I
started this thread.

I honestly thought this would be a fun thing.  Those that were
interested in participating would do so, and derive some satisfaction
that others were enjoying their photos, while in some small way
helping out Our Corporate Mother.  I figured that those who didn't
want to participate, or who wanted some sort of remuneration, or were
worried that their photos would be used for nefarious purposes would

Once a few questions were raised, and I posted Marco's Pentax Canada
e-mail address, and I thought (again), Okay, frank, this is the end
of it.  We might hear from a few people what a nice guy Marco is, and
how he answered questions promptly and politely, and how a few folks
have sent in images.  This thing's over now.  (as an aside, a few did
make such posts, which I was glad to see)

I was wrong.  This thing has simply devolved into a morass of
accusations, finger pointing and demands for apologies the likes of
which I've rarely seen.  Now I see after Doug's post, people are still
being defensive and saying it's not the list as a whole, it's not me,
it's ~other people~ on this list.

It's all been quite unseemly, and Doug is right, we should all hang
our collective heads in shame.  The list as a whole has misbehaved.  I
accept some responsibility, not because I started the thread, but just
because I'm here.  This used to be a pretty cool place to be.

It's not any more.


Sharpness is a bourgeois concept.  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

2006-02-09 Thread Fernando Terrazzino


I just joined this list a couple of days ago, which may not enable me to 
give a valuable opinion on many matters, but I certainly didn't expect to be 
expectator of a soap opera.

Can you guys please let this one go and move on...

I may be a beginner photographer but I don't need to be a good one to 
realize that all this emails are futile lost of energy in a topic that's not 
gona be solved. If you ask me Dario's yes, no, yes, no is the one that 
made more sense in all this.


Subject: Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix
Date: Thu, 09 Feb 2006 10:55:00 -0700

And Frank,

I think Mike Wilson is right.  The list hasn't changed as much as we've 
gotten to know people better.

What I do notice is immediate name-calling, labeling, rush to judgement, 
and scoffing by some on the list when others don't share their opinion on a 
matter. In that respect it is not a friendly place to be.

Ridicule is not a prerequisite to disagreement.

Tom C.

From: frank theriault [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix
Date: Thu, 9 Feb 2006 09:45:24 -0500

On 2/9/06, Mark Roberts [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Doug Brewer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The actions of a few members have given the PDML a black eye, and I
 am ashamed of it.  Someone owes the list an apology, and it damn sure
 isn't Pentax Canada.

 Thanks Doug. I think this last thought is what's been subconsciously
 bothering me without my being able to articulate it.  I almost 
 this thread last night. Glad I waited until after your message to do 

We've had a lot of ridiculous flame-wars over the years, but this has
to take the cake.

You all may have noticed that I haven't been posting much over the
past couple of weeks, and this shit is the reason why.  It just
doesn't seem like the warm, welcoming place that it was before I
started this thread.

I honestly thought this would be a fun thing.  Those that were
interested in participating would do so, and derive some satisfaction
that others were enjoying their photos, while in some small way
helping out Our Corporate Mother.  I figured that those who didn't
want to participate, or who wanted some sort of remuneration, or were
worried that their photos would be used for nefarious purposes would

Once a few questions were raised, and I posted Marco's Pentax Canada
e-mail address, and I thought (again), Okay, frank, this is the end
of it.  We might hear from a few people what a nice guy Marco is, and
how he answered questions promptly and politely, and how a few folks
have sent in images.  This thing's over now.  (as an aside, a few did
make such posts, which I was glad to see)

I was wrong.  This thing has simply devolved into a morass of
accusations, finger pointing and demands for apologies the likes of
which I've rarely seen.  Now I see after Doug's post, people are still
being defensive and saying it's not the list as a whole, it's not me,
it's ~other people~ on this list.

It's all been quite unseemly, and Doug is right, we should all hang
our collective heads in shame.  The list as a whole has misbehaved.  I
accept some responsibility, not because I started the thread, but just
because I'm here.  This used to be a pretty cool place to be.

It's not any more.


Sharpness is a bourgeois concept.  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

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Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

2006-02-09 Thread Bob Shell

On Feb 9, 2006, at 2:24 PM, William Robb wrote:

Sure, it was informal. But, unfortunately, I don't think a company  
can do an
informal approach when copyright issues for personal property/ 
creativity are


As far as I was able to tell from the initial request, there were  
no copyright issues.
On a somewhat different topic, with the exception of the 3 people  
on list who actually earn a living doing photography, any issues  
revolving around copyright is little more than arrogant bullshit,  
and the three people here who earn their living at photography  
seemed to be the ones who gave freely of their work, no questions  

I don't know if I'm one of your three, but regardless of whether one  
makes a living from photography or not, copyright is important.  I  
don't know of any working pro who disregards the importance of  
copyright.  It's what enables us to make a living doing photography.


Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

2006-02-09 Thread Tom C
I just don't understand this no copyright issues idea.  Maybe there were 
not issues as such, respecting who the pictures belong to.

But there are law libraries full of books on the subject and it is common 
practice for corporations and individuals to put copyright notices on works. 
 It is also common practice for a corporation (wittingly or unwittingly 
represented by an employee) to make a statement of ownership in clear 
unambiguous language.  You'll find it almost everywhere you look, where this 
type of property is involved. To not have seen it present, simply makes 
inquiring minds want to know.

I believe that was the reason why Marco's e-mail address was given to the 
list...  So that those who had questions could ask?  Whether others did not 
ask or did not feel the need to ask is actually irrelevant to my or anyone 
else's actions.

Now this things seems to have morphed into 'it was stupid to ask questions'. 
 I highly disagree.

Tom C.

From: William Robb [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix
Date: Thu, 9 Feb 2006 13:24:29 -0600

- Original Message - From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject: Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

Sure, it was informal. But, unfortunately, I don't think a company can do 
informal approach when copyright issues for personal property/creativity 


As far as I was able to tell from the initial request, there were no 
copyright issues.
On a somewhat different topic, with the exception of the 3 people on list 
who actually earn a living doing photography, any issues revolving around 
copyright is little more than arrogant bullshit, and the three people here 
who earn their living at photography seemed to be the ones who gave freely 
of their work, no questions asked.

I am more than a little embarrassed that my name is is associated with 
Pentax Discuss at the moment.

William Robb

Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

2006-02-09 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: Bob Shell

Subject: Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

I don't know if I'm one of your three, but regardless of whether one 
makes a living from photography or not, copyright is important.

I'm not sure if I follow.
Why is copyright an important issue if you are not making commercial gain 
from your work?

I  don't know of any working pro who disregards the importance of 
copyright.  It's what enables us to make a living doing photography.

Nor do I, but thats not germaine to the discussion, other than, as noted, 
the on list pros seemed a lot more willing to hand over some work, no 
questions asked.

William Robb 

Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

2006-02-09 Thread Tom C
Just for the record, anytime I've had a photo published, with the exception 
of the small newsletter that gets sent to around 250 homes where I live, I 
have received and been asked to sign what is essentially a usage agreement 
for my work, that clearly states ownership and limitations on usage of the 
photograph.  I assume that is for the protection of both the publisher and 
myself.  Using photos in a slideshow at tradeshow is a form of publication. 
I know that you know this common practice as does the three you are 
referring to.

There was not an unwillingness to provide Pentax Canada with photographs, 
Bill. I don't understand 'no questions asked', though.  That is not the norm 
for this kind of transaction.  The norm is to have everything clearly 
spelled out. I was willing to submit photographs after corresponding with 
Marcos, though I still found it unusual.

Tom C.

From: William Robb [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix
Date: Thu, 9 Feb 2006 15:01:30 -0600

- Original Message - From: Bob Shell
Subject: Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

I don't know if I'm one of your three, but regardless of whether one makes 
a living from photography or not, copyright is important.

I'm not sure if I follow.
Why is copyright an important issue if you are not making commercial gain 
from your work?

I  don't know of any working pro who disregards the importance of 
copyright.  It's what enables us to make a living doing photography.

Nor do I, but thats not germaine to the discussion, other than, as noted, 
the on list pros seemed a lot more willing to hand over some work, no 
questions asked.

William Robb

Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

2006-02-09 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: Tom C

Subject: Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

Just for the record, anytime I've had a photo published, with the 
exception of the small newsletter that gets sent to around 250 homes where 
I live, I have received and been asked to sign what is essentially a usage 
agreement for my work, that clearly states ownership and limitations on 
usage of the photograph.  I assume that is for the protection of both the 
publisher and myself.  Using photos in a slideshow at tradeshow is a form 
of publication. I know that you know this common practice as does the 
three you are referring to.

There was not an unwillingness to provide Pentax Canada with photographs, 
Bill. I don't understand 'no questions asked', though.  That is not the 
norm for this kind of transaction.  The norm is to have everything clearly 
spelled out. I was willing to submit photographs after corresponding with 
Marcos, though I still found it unusual.

Cultural difference.
We tend to do the small things without worrying about it over much up here.

William Robb

Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

2006-02-09 Thread E.R.N. Reed

Tom C wrote:

Just for the record, anytime I've had a photo published, with the 
exception of the small newsletter that gets sent to around 250 homes 
where I live, I have received and been asked to sign what is 
essentially a usage agreement for my work, that clearly states 
ownership and limitations on usage of the photograph.

On the other hand, I only recall *once* being presented with anything to 
No, come to think of it -- it may have happened one other time. That 
still leaves a handful of clients who didn't do that.


Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

2006-02-09 Thread pnstenquist

 - Original Message - 
 From: Tom C
  Just for the record, anytime I've had a photo published, with the 
  exception of the small newsletter that gets sent to around 250 homes where 
  I live, I have received and been asked to sign what is essentially a usage 
  agreement for my work, that clearly states ownership and limitations on 
  usage of the photograph.

Do you insist on a usage agreement before posting a pic on the web? This slide 
show was essentially the equivelant of a web post, save for the fact that far 
fewer people would see the photo.


Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

2006-02-09 Thread Tom C


I didn't *insist* on anything in this instance. Not sure why you chose that 

I *asked* questions in a very polite and business-like manner and received 
answers, in a like fashion, as earlier e-mails suggested we could do.  I did 
not *insist*. In fact, as we all know, their was no agreement, just 
correspondence... and I was ready to submit a few images.

The slideshow may be viewed as the equivalent of a web post, but in this 
case it was being presented by a corporate entity that is part of a 
multi-national conglomerate (at least that's what I think it is). :-)  What 
makes that different? I guess in one case it's *me* deciding to post a 
photograph on my own.  In the other case it's an entity asking to see my 
photos for possible use.  Since I/we were asked, we certainly have the right 
to ask back.

Tom C.


Do you insist on a usage agreement before posting a pic on the web? This 
slide show was essentially the equivelant of a web post, save for the fact 
that far fewer people would see the photo.


Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

2006-02-09 Thread Cotty
I've read this entire thread from start to finish and I still haven't
got a clue what it's all about.


||   (O)   | People, Places, Pastiche

Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

2006-02-09 Thread Tom C

Blessed are the feeble-minded. :-)

Tom C.

I've read this entire thread from start to finish and I still haven't
got a clue what it's all about.


||   (O)   | People, Places, Pastiche

Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

2006-02-09 Thread Cotty
On 9/2/06, Rob Studdert, discombobulated, unleashed:

What pisses me is that as a member of the PDML I'm being bundled in with all 
this BS too.

You could do what I did and buy into Canon. At least there, nobody gives
a fart.


||   (O)   | People, Places, Pastiche

Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

2006-02-09 Thread John Francis
On Thu, Feb 09, 2006 at 01:24:29PM -0600, William Robb wrote:
 On a somewhat different topic, with the exception of the 3 people on list 
 who actually earn a living doing photography, any issues revolving around 
 copyright is little more than arrogant bullshit . . .

I'd have to take exception to that.

While I don't earn my living from photography, I (and several other folks
here) fall in the middle ground between full-time professional and just-
for-fun amateur.  I probably know as much about copyright as most of us,
because much of my photography involves race series with diligent control
of their intellectual property, including copyright.  Not only that - I
also work (during the week) for a software house, but with a very unusual
arrangement involving intellectual property rights.

Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

2006-02-09 Thread John Francis
On Thu, Feb 09, 2006 at 10:01:16PM +, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  - Original Message - 
  From: Tom C
   Just for the record, anytime I've had a photo published, with the 
   exception of the small newsletter that gets sent to around 250 homes 
   I live, I have received and been asked to sign what is essentially a 
   agreement for my work, that clearly states ownership and limitations on 
   usage of the photograph.
 Do you insist on a usage agreement before posting a pic on the web? This 
 slide show was essentially the equivelant of a web post, save for the fact 
 that far fewer people would see the photo.

In a way, yes.  I won't post pictures on the local photography
site, for example, because I strongly disagree with their posted policy
on copyright.

I wouldn't have sent pictures to Pentax without any explanatory statement.
But I found the followup message, explaining how the photographs were to
be used, to be more than sufficient.

Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

2006-02-09 Thread Keith McGuinness

Fernando Terrazzino wrote:


I just joined this list a couple of days ago, which may not enable me to 
give a valuable opinion on many matters, but I certainly didn't expect 
to be expectator of a soap opera.

Can you guys please let this one go and move on...

Some people think that there are issues to discuss here.

Apparently, you don't. Fine. I have no intention of trying to 
convince you, or anyone else, otherwise.

But no-one is making you read the thread.

I may be a beginner photographer but I don't need to be a good one to 
realize that all this emails are futile lost of energy in a topic that's 
not gona be solved. If you ask me Dario's yes, no, yes, no is the one 
that made more sense in all this.

I didn't ask you...but like anyone else you can express an 
opinion. 8-)

On the other hand, it's my time and energy so I think it's up to 
me to judge whether or not the expenditure is futile. 8-)

And sometimes clarification comes through discussion, even if the 
issue is *never* decided. 8-)

Keith McG

Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

2006-02-09 Thread Shel Belinkoff
Reminds me of the summer I spent in Alaska.  My home base was Haines. 
During the time I was up there., my driver's license was about to expire. 
I went to the Haines branch of the Dept of Motor vehicles and asked about
getting an Alaskan license.  No problem - I got one on the spot.  No test
was required.  I asked why not and was told, Well, you drove up here from
California, you obviously know how to drive.


 [Original Message]
 From: William Robb 

 Cultural difference.
 We tend to do the small things without worrying about it over much up

Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

2006-02-08 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: Tom C

Subject: Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

More than anything else, regardless of how it was handled, the withdrawing 
of the request simply because there were a number of rude people and 
saying 'it's more trouble than it's worth' when the images were being 
offered gratis, devalues Pentax's clientele. It devalues those who were 
not rude.  It devalues the images that were presented, and it devalues the 
work that was done by some to prepare the images.

If those images he might have gotten were 'not worth' the effort of 
deleting a couple of rude e-mails, or a hundred rude e-mails, then I'm 
happy that I didn't waste my time for something that was 'not worth it'.

Tom, I think you are being a bit unfair.
It's pretty obvious to me that Marco was doing this on a bit of a lark. As 
soon as it became apparent that he was going to have to involve the legal 
team, I would guess that it became more trouble than it was worth.

William Robb 

Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

2006-02-08 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: Tom C

Subject: Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

You guys don't have an overabundance of lawyers up there?

We encourage them to become politicians. It's easier to keep track of them 
that way.

William Robb 

Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

2006-02-08 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: Paul Stenquist

Subject: Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

Hmmm. I'd say the whole thing was just sort of bungled from the PDML side. 
The photographer always retains all rights unless otherwise indicated. 
Anyone who has ever sold a photo or even displayed a photo must know that. 
It's as obvious as the nose on your face.

Just a wild guess, but anyone who reads the PDML would know this. It comes 
up in discussion several times a year.

William Robb 

Re: Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

2006-02-08 Thread mike wilson

 From: William Robb [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: 2006/02/08 Wed PM 12:42:21 GMT
 Subject: Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix
 - Original Message - 
 From: Paul Stenquist
 Subject: Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix
  Hmmm. I'd say the whole thing was just sort of bungled from the PDML side. 
  The photographer always retains all rights unless otherwise indicated. 
  Anyone who has ever sold a photo or even displayed a photo must know that. 
  It's as obvious as the nose on your face.
 Just a wild guess, but anyone who reads the PDML would know this. It comes 
 up in discussion several times a year.
 William Robb 

Usually it's really nice to know that the person on the other side is playing 
with the same shaped ball as you, though.


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Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

2006-02-08 Thread Christian

Tom C wrote:

The whole thing was just sort of bungled from the Pentax side...

Nothing new there! :-)

oh yeah, MARK!



Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

2006-02-08 Thread Tom C

William Robb wrote:

Tom, I think you are being a bit unfair.
It's pretty obvious to me that Marco was doing this on a bit of a lark. As 
soon as it became apparent that he was going to have to involve the legal 
team, I would guess that it became more trouble than it was worth.

Possibly.  I'm picking on the words more trouble than it's worth.  Oh my 
pictures are more trouble than it's worth? Your pictures are more trouble 
than it's worth?

My perception (probably incorrectly) at the outset and I think others was, 
that this was more or less Pentax Canada asking for these pictures.  So when 
a person who previously requested photos and as a practical matter was 
representing Pentax Canada, says it's more trouble than it's worth... well I 
tend to have a pretty thick skin, but this in particular bothers me.

As a side point, when I did that little Syncronicity gallery there were a 
small handful of people that got somewhat rude about it not being finished 
as quickly as they liked.  I was ready to either say
forget it or just throw them up on  But that's not what I said I 
would do and and I didn't back out of it because a minority of people made 
me mad or hurt my feelings. :-(

Now if Marco decided that the legal department of Pentax Canada was going to 
need to be involved and it would be too timely an undertaking, or if his 
superiors decided that this was not what they wanted to do, that's fine.  
Then present that information acccurately.  'After further consideration 
it's been decided to withdraw the request due to circumstances beyond my 
control'.  That would be a palatable statement.

Tom C.

From: William Robb [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix
Date: Wed, 8 Feb 2006 06:45:13 -0600

- Original Message - From: Tom C
Subject: Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

More than anything else, regardless of how it was handled, the withdrawing 
of the request simply because there were a number of rude people and 
saying 'it's more trouble than it's worth' when the images were being 
offered gratis, devalues Pentax's clientele. It devalues those who were 
not rude.  It devalues the images that were presented, and it devalues the 
work that was done by some to prepare the images.

If those images he might have gotten were 'not worth' the effort of 
deleting a couple of rude e-mails, or a hundred rude e-mails, then I'm 
happy that I didn't waste my time for something that was 'not worth it'.

Tom, I think you are being a bit unfair.
It's pretty obvious to me that Marco was doing this on a bit of a lark. As 
soon as it became apparent that he was going to have to involve the legal 
team, I would guess that it became more trouble than it was worth.

William Robb

Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

2006-02-08 Thread Dario Bonazza


















Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

2006-02-08 Thread Kenneth Waller
This was the first time I know of that an individual representing a 
corporate entity came to the list  looking for photographs to use in a 
trade show or for marketing purposes.

Did I miss an email? I don't recall seeing an email from Pentax Canada 
soliciting images for their usage. I do remember seeing an email from a 
PDMLer relaying a request from a Pentax Canada employee.

I never sent them anything but I would have if the request was made direct 
to this list.

I'm not slighting any of the PDMLers that were involved with that request.

Kenneth Waller

- Original Message - 

Sent: Tuesday, February 07, 2006 8:04 PM
Subject: Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

But phrases just like that (or even opposite of that) are frequently used 
almost, if not every time I've seen an organization asking for photo 
submissions.  Photo contests, Magazine articles, the photo gallery 
websites, you name it.  Whether it's legally necessary or not isn't the 
point. I have a friend who came and told me he was going to use one of my images for something and then he read the copyright notice and 
didn't do it.  This guy is, of course honest, it wouldn't stop other 
people. Of course then I told him to feel free to use them (mostly for 
home/computer made greeting cards, thank you notes, etc.).

This was the first time I know of that an individual representing a 
corporate entity came to the list  looking for photographs to use in a 
trade show or for marketing purposes.  As such, I think individuals 
naturally had an expectation that the whole thing would be handled in that 
corporate manner we all tend to expect.  I's dotted and T's crossed. Marco 
did not even join the list and announce it himself, did he?  That might 
have made a difference.  Actually I think the fact that he was 
representing a corporate entitiy and we heard about the request third 
hand, albeit by people we already knew, lessened his credibility.

Don't worry my fingers are starting to cramp...

Tom C.

From: Mark Roberts [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix
Date: Tue, 07 Feb 2006 19:42:20 -0500


And yes I think the words Photographer
retains all rights or something like that should have been used.

There is no legal reason in the world why that is necessary.

The whole thing was just sort of bungled from the Pentax side...

Perhaps they should have been more prepared for suspicion and cynicism.
I'd say they overestimated their audience rather than bungled.

Mark Roberts
Photography and writing

Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

2006-02-08 Thread Dario Bonazza

Summing up:





























































Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

2006-02-08 Thread Tom C

Paul Stenquist wrote:

Hmmm. I'd say the whole thing was just sort of bungled from the PDML side. 
The photographer always retains all rights unless otherwise indicated. 
Anyone who has ever sold a photo or even displayed a photo must know that. 
It's as obvious as the nose on your face.


I don't believe that's the point though.  We all tend to expect a certain 
type of behavior from a corporate entity even though it's made up of people. 
 I think the issue is we wanted to know how the images are going to be 
used, and usually when some 3rd party entity is going to use or display our 
photographs, things are pretty much spelled out. After additional 
correspondence I was satisfied.

If someone wrote the list saying Hey do you guys mind if I download and 
save around 100 PUG pictures for a photo presentation I'm doing... do you 
think the list at large would simply say Sure go ahead, they're just small 
.jpgs and I'm aware I retain the copyright?  I wouldn't.  I realize we 
don't have strict control over the images out there to begin with.

Tom C.

From: Paul Stenquist [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix
Date: Tue, 7 Feb 2006 21:17:33 -0500

Hmmm. I'd say the whole thing was just sort of bungled from the PDML side. 
The photographer always retains all rights unless otherwise indicated. 
Anyone who has ever sold a photo or even displayed a photo must know that. 
It's as obvious as the nose on your face.


Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

2006-02-08 Thread Tom C
I think it was natural to think that since the person works for Pentax 
Canada and the photos were to be used by somone representing Pentax Canada 
at a trade show, that it was indeed Pentax Canada that using our photos and 
not just an individual.

At least that was my perception.

Tom C.

From: Kenneth Waller [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix
Date: Wed, 8 Feb 2006 11:08:55 -0500

This was the first time I know of that an individual representing a 
corporate entity came to the list  looking for photographs to use in a 
trade show or for marketing purposes.

Did I miss an email? I don't recall seeing an email from Pentax Canada 
soliciting images for their usage. I do remember seeing an email from a 
PDMLer relaying a request from a Pentax Canada employee.

I never sent them anything but I would have if the request was made direct 
to this list.

I'm not slighting any of the PDMLers that were involved with that request.

Kenneth Waller

- Original Message - From: Tom C [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, February 07, 2006 8:04 PM
Subject: Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

But phrases just like that (or even opposite of that) are frequently used 
almost, if not every time I've seen an organization asking for photo 
submissions.  Photo contests, Magazine articles, the photo gallery 
websites, you name it.  Whether it's legally necessary or not isn't the 
point. I have a friend who came and told me he was going to use one of my images for something and then he read the copyright notice and 
didn't do it.  This guy is, of course honest, it wouldn't stop other 
people. Of course then I told him to feel free to use them (mostly for 
home/computer made greeting cards, thank you notes, etc.).

This was the first time I know of that an individual representing a 
corporate entity came to the list  looking for photographs to use in a 
trade show or for marketing purposes.  As such, I think individuals 
naturally had an expectation that the whole thing would be handled in that 
corporate manner we all tend to expect.  I's dotted and T's crossed. Marco 
did not even join the list and announce it himself, did he?  That might 
have made a difference.  Actually I think the fact that he was 
representing a corporate entitiy and we heard about the request third 
hand, albeit by people we already knew, lessened his credibility.

Don't worry my fingers are starting to cramp...

Tom C.

From: Mark Roberts [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix
Date: Tue, 07 Feb 2006 19:42:20 -0500


And yes I think the words Photographer
retains all rights or something like that should have been used.

There is no legal reason in the world why that is necessary.

The whole thing was just sort of bungled from the Pentax side...

Perhaps they should have been more prepared for suspicion and cynicism.
I'd say they overestimated their audience rather than bungled.

Mark Roberts
Photography and writing

Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

2006-02-08 Thread Kenneth Waller

I don't disagree.

I feel it would have had more legitimacy if he had directly contacted the 
list on behalf of Pentax Canada.

Why didn't he is the question.

Kenneth Waller

- Original Message - 

Subject: Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

I think it was natural to think that since the person works for Pentax 
Canada and the photos were to be used by somone representing Pentax Canada 
at a trade show, that it was indeed Pentax Canada that using our photos and 
not just an individual.

At least that was my perception.

Tom C.

From: Kenneth Waller [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix
Date: Wed, 8 Feb 2006 11:08:55 -0500

This was the first time I know of that an individual representing a 
corporate entity came to the list  looking for photographs to use in a 
trade show or for marketing purposes.

Did I miss an email? I don't recall seeing an email from Pentax Canada 
soliciting images for their usage. I do remember seeing an email from a 
PDMLer relaying a request from a Pentax Canada employee.

I never sent them anything but I would have if the request was made direct 
to this list.

I'm not slighting any of the PDMLers that were involved with that request.

Kenneth Waller

- Original Message - From: Tom C [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, February 07, 2006 8:04 PM
Subject: Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

But phrases just like that (or even opposite of that) are frequently used 
almost, if not every time I've seen an organization asking for photo 
submissions.  Photo contests, Magazine articles, the photo gallery 
websites, you name it.  Whether it's legally necessary or not isn't the 
point. I have a friend who came and told me he was going to use one of my images for something and then he read the copyright notice and 
didn't do it.  This guy is, of course honest, it wouldn't stop other 
people. Of course then I told him to feel free to use them (mostly for 
home/computer made greeting cards, thank you notes, etc.).

This was the first time I know of that an individual representing a 
corporate entity came to the list  looking for photographs to use in a 
trade show or for marketing purposes.  As such, I think individuals 
naturally had an expectation that the whole thing would be handled in 
that corporate manner we all tend to expect.  I's dotted and T's crossed. 
Marco did not even join the list and announce it himself, did he?  That 
might have made a difference.  Actually I think the fact that he was 
representing a corporate entitiy and we heard about the request third 
hand, albeit by people we already knew, lessened his credibility.

Don't worry my fingers are starting to cramp...

Tom C.

From: Mark Roberts [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix
Date: Tue, 07 Feb 2006 19:42:20 -0500


And yes I think the words Photographer
retains all rights or something like that should have been used.

There is no legal reason in the world why that is necessary.

The whole thing was just sort of bungled from the Pentax side...

Perhaps they should have been more prepared for suspicion and cynicism.
I'd say they overestimated their audience rather than bungled.

Mark Roberts
Photography and writing

Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

2006-02-08 Thread pnstenquist
If someone wanted to download the PUG images, they wouldn't have to ask. All 
they would have to do is open the images and drag them to their desktop. That's 
the nature of the web, and anyone who contributes an image should know it.
 -- Original message --
 Paul Stenquist wrote:
 Hmmm. I'd say the whole thing was just sort of bungled from the PDML side. 
 The photographer always retains all rights unless otherwise indicated. 
 Anyone who has ever sold a photo or even displayed a photo must know that. 
 It's as obvious as the nose on your face.
 I don't believe that's the point though.  We all tend to expect a certain 
 type of behavior from a corporate entity even though it's made up of people. 
   I think the issue is we wanted to know how the images are going to be 
 used, and usually when some 3rd party entity is going to use or display our 
 photographs, things are pretty much spelled out. After additional 
 correspondence I was satisfied.
 If someone wrote the list saying Hey do you guys mind if I download and 
 save around 100 PUG pictures for a photo presentation I'm doing... do you 
 think the list at large would simply say Sure go ahead, they're just small 
 .jpgs and I'm aware I retain the copyright?  I wouldn't.  I realize we 
 don't have strict control over the images out there to begin with.
 Tom C.
 From: Paul Stenquist [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix
 Date: Tue, 7 Feb 2006 21:17:33 -0500
 Hmmm. I'd say the whole thing was just sort of bungled from the PDML side. 
 The photographer always retains all rights unless otherwise indicated. 
 Anyone who has ever sold a photo or even displayed a photo must know that. 
 It's as obvious as the nose on your face.

Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

2006-02-08 Thread Tom C
That has been my feeling as well.  If I was putting 2 + 2 together, I would 
guess that I percieved an official request being handled in an unofficial 
manner, when the reality may have been that it was an unofficial request.

Tom C.

From: Kenneth Waller [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix
Date: Wed, 8 Feb 2006 11:46:48 -0500

I don't disagree.

I feel it would have had more legitimacy if he had directly contacted the 
list on behalf of Pentax Canada.

Why didn't he is the question.

Kenneth Waller

- Original Message - From: Tom C [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

I think it was natural to think that since the person works for Pentax 
Canada and the photos were to be used by somone representing Pentax Canada 
at a trade show, that it was indeed Pentax Canada that using our photos 
and not just an individual.

At least that was my perception.

Tom C.

From: Kenneth Waller [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix
Date: Wed, 8 Feb 2006 11:08:55 -0500

This was the first time I know of that an individual representing a 
corporate entity came to the list  looking for photographs to use in a 
trade show or for marketing purposes.

Did I miss an email? I don't recall seeing an email from Pentax Canada 
soliciting images for their usage. I do remember seeing an email from a 
PDMLer relaying a request from a Pentax Canada employee.

I never sent them anything but I would have if the request was made 
direct to this list.

I'm not slighting any of the PDMLers that were involved with that 

Kenneth Waller

- Original Message - From: Tom C [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, February 07, 2006 8:04 PM
Subject: Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

But phrases just like that (or even opposite of that) are frequently 
used almost, if not every time I've seen an organization asking for 
photo submissions.  Photo contests, Magazine articles, the photo gallery 
websites, you name it.  Whether it's legally necessary or not isn't the 
point. I have a friend who came and told me he was going to use one of 
my images for something and then he read the copyright notice 
and didn't do it.  This guy is, of course honest, it wouldn't stop other 
people. Of course then I told him to feel free to use them (mostly for 
home/computer made greeting cards, thank you notes, etc.).

This was the first time I know of that an individual representing a 
corporate entity came to the list  looking for photographs to use in a 
trade show or for marketing purposes.  As such, I think individuals 
naturally had an expectation that the whole thing would be handled in 
that corporate manner we all tend to expect.  I's dotted and T's 
crossed. Marco did not even join the list and announce it himself, did 
he?  That might have made a difference.  Actually I think the fact that 
he was representing a corporate entitiy and we heard about the request 
third hand, albeit by people we already knew, lessened his credibility.

Don't worry my fingers are starting to cramp...

Tom C.

From: Mark Roberts [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix
Date: Tue, 07 Feb 2006 19:42:20 -0500


And yes I think the words Photographer
retains all rights or something like that should have been used.

There is no legal reason in the world why that is necessary.

The whole thing was just sort of bungled from the Pentax side...

Perhaps they should have been more prepared for suspicion and cynicism.
I'd say they overestimated their audience rather than bungled.

Mark Roberts
Photography and writing

Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

2006-02-08 Thread Mark Roberts
Paul Stenquist wrote:

 Hmmm. I'd say the whole thing was just sort of bungled from the PDML side. 

Now that's being a little unfair because it wasn't just the PDML that
was involved. But, yes, it was us rather than Pentax who bungled: Some
people hit the send key without thinking. A moment's reflection would
have revealed that even if *all* the suspicions about this matter were
confirmed, the *worst* that would have happened was that someone would
have received by email some low-res files that he could have downloaded
from a web page.

 The photographer always retains all rights unless otherwise indicated. 
Mark Roberts
Photography and writing

Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

2006-02-08 Thread Tom C

Good grief Paul - I know that. You didn't read my last sentence? :-)

Tom C.

Subject: Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix
Date: Wed, 08 Feb 2006 16:51:08 +

If someone wanted to download the PUG images, they wouldn't have to ask. 
All they would have to do is open the images and drag them to their 
desktop. That's the nature of the web, and anyone who contributes an image 
should know it.

 -- Original message --
 Paul Stenquist wrote:

 Hmmm. I'd say the whole thing was just sort of bungled from the PDML 

 The photographer always retains all rights unless otherwise indicated.
 Anyone who has ever sold a photo or even displayed a photo must know 

 It's as obvious as the nose on your face.

 I don't believe that's the point though.  We all tend to expect a 
 type of behavior from a corporate entity even though it's made up of 

   I think the issue is we wanted to know how the images are going to be
 used, and usually when some 3rd party entity is going to use or display 

 photographs, things are pretty much spelled out. After additional
 correspondence I was satisfied.

 If someone wrote the list saying Hey do you guys mind if I download and
 save around 100 PUG pictures for a photo presentation I'm doing... do 
 think the list at large would simply say Sure go ahead, they're just 

 .jpgs and I'm aware I retain the copyright?  I wouldn't.  I realize we
 don't have strict control over the images out there to begin with.

 Tom C.

 From: Paul Stenquist [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix
 Date: Tue, 7 Feb 2006 21:17:33 -0500
 Hmmm. I'd say the whole thing was just sort of bungled from the PDML 

 The photographer always retains all rights unless otherwise indicated.
 Anyone who has ever sold a photo or even displayed a photo must know 

 It's as obvious as the nose on your face.

Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

2006-02-08 Thread Tom C
I didn't hit the 'SEND' button without thinking.  I asked perfectly 
legitimate questions based on the nature of the request.

If other prople didn't think to ask, it doesn't make me suspicious any more 
than it makes them careless, does it?

Tom C.

From: Mark Roberts [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix
Date: Wed, 08 Feb 2006 11:13:28 -0500

Paul Stenquist wrote:

 Hmmm. I'd say the whole thing was just sort of bungled from the PDML 

Now that's being a little unfair because it wasn't just the PDML that
was involved. But, yes, it was us rather than Pentax who bungled: Some
people hit the send key without thinking. A moment's reflection would
have revealed that even if *all* the suspicions about this matter were
confirmed, the *worst* that would have happened was that someone would
have received by email some low-res files that he could have downloaded
from a web page.

 The photographer always retains all rights unless otherwise indicated.

Mark Roberts
Photography and writing

Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

2006-02-08 Thread John Francis
On Wed, Feb 08, 2006 at 08:58:18AM -0700, Tom C wrote:
 My perception (probably incorrectly) at the outset and I think others was, 
 that this was more or less Pentax Canada asking for these pictures.

And that, I think, is where the root of the problem lies.

I assumed that, as it *didn't* come wrapped up in legalese
from a address, it was something far less than a
formal arrangement.  It sounded to me like somebody with the
job of putting together a booth display who wanted to get a
broad range of pictures to appeal to the widest audience.

I don't think it was really well thought through before the
request was made - the predictable touchiness about copyright
and credit doesn't seem to have been anticipated - but I don't
see it as anything more sinister than that.

Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

2006-02-08 Thread Tom C

From: John Francis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix
Date: Wed, 8 Feb 2006 12:26:35 -0500

On Wed, Feb 08, 2006 at 08:58:18AM -0700, Tom C wrote:

 My perception (probably incorrectly) at the outset and I think others 

 that this was more or less Pentax Canada asking for these pictures.

And that, I think, is where the root of the problem lies.

I assumed that, as it *didn't* come wrapped up in legalese
from a address, it was something far less than a
formal arrangement.  It sounded to me like somebody with the
job of putting together a booth display who wanted to get a
broad range of pictures to appeal to the widest audience.

I don't think it was really well thought through before the
request was made - the predictable touchiness about copyright
and credit doesn't seem to have been anticipated - but I don't
see it as anything more sinister than that.

Funny, I assumed that since it didn't come wrapped up in legalese, and 
knowing how much Pentax (acrros the board) communicates with it's customers, 
that it must be modus operandi.  I saw nothing sinister either.

Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

2006-02-08 Thread frank theriault
On 2/7/06, Paul Stenquist [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
snip. Frank's word is good enough for me.

Words you may live to regret, Paul!  LOL


Sharpness is a bourgeois concept.  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

2006-02-08 Thread brooksdj
 On 2/7/06, Paul Stenquist 
 snip. Frank's word is good enough for me.
 Words you may live to regret, Paul!  LOL

Just ask border patrol.

 Sharpness is a bourgeois concept.  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

2006-02-08 Thread Mark Roberts
Dario Bonazza [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Summing up:


You haven't been actually *reading* this thread: There have been some
very thoughtful discussions of copyright as well as the technical and
legal limitations of what can be done with images posted on the web and
sent via email.
Mark Roberts
Photography and writing

Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

2006-02-08 Thread John Forbes
Nobody's been reading anybody's messages.  They just keep re-stating their  
own views.

But it was ever thus.


On Wed, 08 Feb 2006 21:41:18 -, Mark Roberts [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

Dario Bonazza [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Summing up:


You haven't been actually *reading* this thread: There have been some
very thoughtful discussions of copyright as well as the technical and
legal limitations of what can be done with images posted on the web and
sent via email.

Using Opera's revolutionary e-mail client:

Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

2006-02-08 Thread Godfrey DiGiorgi

On Feb 8, 2006, at 8:13 AM, Dario Bonazza wrote:

Yes, No,



Do go on... Makes more sense than the rest of this thread. ;-)

I believe that this effort was a simple idea that Marco had, thought  
he could make work, and his management decided it was simply too much  
trouble given the response. Paranoids, whingers and whiners, and  
beyond, have now spewed as much nonsense about it as I want to bother  
skimming through so I've put the thread on my auto delete list now.


Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

2006-02-08 Thread Dario Bonazza

Godfrey DiGiorgi wrote:

On Feb 8, 2006, at 8:13 AM, Dario Bonazza wrote:

Yes, No,



Do go on... Makes more sense than the rest of this thread. ;-)

So Godfrey (and John) got my point.

I believe that this effort was a simple idea that Marco had, thought  
he could make work, and his management decided it was simply too much  
trouble given the response. Paranoids, whingers and whiners, and  
beyond, have now spewed as much nonsense about it as I want to bother  
skimming through so I've put the thread on my auto delete list now.

Me too.


Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

2006-02-08 Thread Dario Bonazza


I've carefully read all messages in this thread. To me, after a  while it 
looked like running idle. My Yes/No contribution was as interesting as 
reading all those messages telling the same two concepts a zillion times. 
Those silly yes-no messages were just trying to point that out.

Of course you, Tom C. and anyone else are free to resume writing your Yes,
No forever. Sure I don't want to squelch other people's conversations on
the list.

I'm just killing this thread from now on.


- Original Message - 
From: Mark Roberts [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Wednesday, February 08, 2006 10:41 PM
Subject: Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

Dario Bonazza [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Summing up:


You haven't been actually *reading* this thread: There have been some
very thoughtful discussions of copyright as well as the technical and
legal limitations of what can be done with images posted on the web and
sent via email.

Mark Roberts
Photography and writing

Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

2006-02-08 Thread Butch Black

I'm saddened to hear that too. Since no one has come forward admitting

to the jackass statement perhaps the PDML should send an e-mail
apologizing for that statement and assuring that it is not the sentiment
of the majority of the list members.


It is far from clear that a PDML member was responsible for writing that.
When pressed, Aaron became a little vague and rather defensive.


I remember Aaron from my early days on the list and as such I have no doubt 
to his sincerity about the jackass statement. I can also understand a 
reluctance to name names given the litigious world we live in. Whether it is 
a current or former member is a valid question, as we have had a few loose 
cannons amongst us from time to time. My point is that the good name of the 
PDML has been hurt by this incident, whether caused by a current or former 
member or someone else. While there seems to be a widely varying opinion of 
the original request it appears that much, if not most, of the list does not 
approve of the jackass statement. I am a firm believer in when wrong, 
promptly admitting it, and making amends whenever possible. Hence, my 
suggestion for the e-mail assuring him that this was not the sentiment of 
the vast majority of the list members. Am I the only one who thinks an 
apology is in order?


Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

2006-02-08 Thread Mark Roberts
Butch Black [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I remember Aaron from my early days on the list and as such I have no doubt 
to his sincerity about the jackass statement. I can also understand a 
reluctance to name names given the litigious world we live in. Whether it is 
a current or former member is a valid question, as we have had a few loose 
cannons amongst us from time to time. My point is that the good name of the 
PDML has been hurt by this incident, whether caused by a current or former 
member or someone else. While there seems to be a widely varying opinion of 
the original request it appears that much, if not most, of the list does not 
approve of the jackass statement. I am a firm believer in when wrong, 
promptly admitting it, and making amends whenever possible. Hence, my 
suggestion for the e-mail assuring him that this was not the sentiment of 
the vast majority of the list members. Am I the only one who thinks an 
apology is in order?

I've sent one on my own behalf.
Mark Roberts
Photography and writing

Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

2006-02-08 Thread Keith McGuinness
I sent pictures and wrote to Marco on two subsequent occasions. I 
think it would be quite clear to him from these communications 
that I was not responsible for any abusive messages.

Keith McG

Butch Black wrote:

I'm saddened to hear that too. Since no one has come forward admitting

to the jackass statement perhaps the PDML should send an e-mail
apologizing for that statement and assuring that it is not the sentiment
of the majority of the list members.


It is far from clear that a PDML member was responsible for writing that.
When pressed, Aaron became a little vague and rather defensive.


I remember Aaron from my early days on the list and as such I have no 
doubt to his sincerity about the jackass statement. I can also 
understand a reluctance to name names given the litigious world we live 
in. Whether it is a current or former member is a valid question, as we 
have had a few loose cannons amongst us from time to time. My point is 
that the good name of the PDML has been hurt by this incident, whether 
caused by a current or former member or someone else. While there seems 
to be a widely varying opinion of the original request it appears that 
much, if not most, of the list does not approve of the jackass 
statement. I am a firm believer in when wrong, promptly admitting it, 
and making amends whenever possible. Hence, my suggestion for the e-mail 
assuring him that this was not the sentiment of the vast majority of the 
list members. Am I the only one who thinks an apology is in order?


Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

2006-02-08 Thread Tom C
I don't feel the PDML owes an apology to anybody.  We are not a collective 
consciousness or even an organization of sorts.  I am not responsible for 
anyone's behavior just as they are not for mine.

If anything Marco and/or Pentax Canada owes those who took the time to 
inquire and/or contribute  an apology for not having their act together.

Tom C.

From: Butch Black [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix Date: Wed, 8 Feb 2006 20:01:00 

I'm saddened to hear that too. Since no one has come forward admitting

to the jackass statement perhaps the PDML should send an e-mail
apologizing for that statement and assuring that it is not the sentiment
of the majority of the list members.


It is far from clear that a PDML member was responsible for writing that.
When pressed, Aaron became a little vague and rather defensive.


I remember Aaron from my early days on the list and as such I have no doubt 
to his sincerity about the jackass statement. I can also understand a 
reluctance to name names given the litigious world we live in. Whether it 
is a current or former member is a valid question, as we have had a few 
loose cannons amongst us from time to time. My point is that the good name 
of the PDML has been hurt by this incident, whether caused by a current or 
former member or someone else. While there seems to be a widely varying 
opinion of the original request it appears that much, if not most, of the 
list does not approve of the jackass statement. I am a firm believer in 
when wrong, promptly admitting it, and making amends whenever possible. 
Hence, my suggestion for the e-mail assuring him that this was not the 
sentiment of the vast majority of the list members. Am I the only one who 
thinks an apology is in order?


Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

2006-02-08 Thread Eactivist
In a message dated 2/8/2006 6:24:07 PM Pacific Standard Time, 
If anything Marco and/or Pentax Canada owes those who took the time to 
inquire and/or contribute  an apology for not having their act together.

Tom C.
You're beginning to approach JCO's record for remaking the same point over 
and over.

Marnie aka Doe 

Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

2006-02-08 Thread Rob Studdert
On 8 Feb 2006 at 21:42, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In a message dated 2/8/2006 6:24:07 PM Pacific Standard Time, 
 If anything Marco and/or Pentax Canada owes those who took the time to 
 inquire and/or contribute  an apology for not having their act together.
 Tom C.
 You're beginning to approach JCO's record for remaking the same point over 
 and over.

Except he's correct.

Rob Studdert
Tel +61-2-9554-4110
UTC(GMT)  +10 Hours
Pentax user since 1986, PDMLer since 1998

Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

2006-02-08 Thread Doug Brewer

On Feb 8, 2006, at 10:59 PM, Rob Studdert wrote:

On 8 Feb 2006 at 21:42, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

In a message dated 2/8/2006 6:24:07 PM Pacific Standard Time,
If anything Marco and/or Pentax Canada owes those who took the  
time to
inquire and/or contribute  an apology for not having their act  

Tom C.
You're beginning to approach JCO's record for remaking the same  
point over

and over.

Except he's correct.

Unfortunately, Rob, Tom is not correct. With all due respect, and  
with the extra-added reminder that anyone on here is free to hold his  
or her own opinion, what some less-than-respectful members of this  
list have done is pretty much destroy what I, and a number of others  
here, have been working to achieve for several years now, which is a  
relationship with Pentax based on mutual respect and civility.

I have personally visited Pentax headquarters in Colorado, and had  
conversations with many employees leading toward this relationship. I  
have sat at a conference table showing off the PUG on a big digital  
projector and talked up the list and its members as an invaluable  
resource of opinion, both good and bad, about the Pentax product  
line. I have considered it my honor to carry the PDML banner wherever  
I thought it necessary, from GFM to camera shops and workshops and  
into the Pentax USA offices.

And I am not alone. Other members of this list have developed ties to  
Pentax reps and other employees, carrying that same banner.

It has hurt me to read the hateful things that have been said about  
Pentax employees over my years here. These are hard-working, regular  
people with families, who are doing the best job they can, and when  
they are vilified, attacked personally, it's been all I could do to  
hold my tongue.

I was here long before Aaron left. I remember his first faltering  
steps in his business. When Frank forwarded Aaron's email from Marco,  
I trusted that it was legit, and when the follow-up came, that any  
questions could be sent to Marco's direct email address at Pentax  
Canada, it sealed the deal. Here was a regular guy, asking other  
regular guys, to show off a few photos, at no risk whatsoever.

And then, to have the whole thing blow up because some list members  
apparently don't have the good sense and respect to write civil  
inquiries just shocks and saddens me. Adding insult to injury, now  
there is a hue and cry that someone Pentax Canada owes them an  
apology. No. No. No.

I don't call anyone a jackass and then demand an apology for my doing  

The actions of a few members have given the PDML a black eye, and I  
am ashamed of it.  Someone owes the list an apology, and it damn sure  
isn't Pentax Canada.

Doug Brewer
List Guy

Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

2006-02-08 Thread Rob Studdert
On 9 Feb 2006 at 0:45, Doug Brewer wrote:

 The actions of a few members have given the PDML a black eye, and I  
 am ashamed of it.  Someone owes the list an apology, and it damn sure  
 isn't Pentax Canada.

What pisses me is that as a member of the PDML I'm being bundled in with all 
this BS too.

Rob Studdert
Tel +61-2-9554-4110
UTC(GMT)  +10 Hours
Pentax user since 1986, PDMLer since 1998

RE: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

2006-02-08 Thread Trevor Bailey
Well put. 

Regards, Trevor.

-Original Message-
From: Rob Studdert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, 9 February 2006 5:58 PM
Subject: Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

On 9 Feb 2006 at 0:45, Doug Brewer wrote:

 The actions of a few members have given the PDML a black eye, and I  
 am ashamed of it.  Someone owes the list an apology, and it damn sure  
 isn't Pentax Canada.

What pisses me is that as a member of the PDML I'm being bundled in with all

this BS too.

Rob Studdert
Tel +61-2-9554-4110
UTC(GMT)  +10 Hours
Pentax user since 1986, PDMLer since 1998

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Version: 7.1.375 / Virus Database: 267.15.1/250 - Release Date: 3/02/2006

Re: Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

2006-02-07 Thread mike wilson

 From: Aaron Reynolds [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: 2006/02/07 Tue AM 04:37:00 GMT
 Subject: Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix
 The messages I'm referring to were vulgar and aggressive.  If you want to 
 know why the idea was canned, ask your brethren why they needed to write 
 dear jackass letters.
 I didn't expect that from the PDML, so yes, I didn't think this through.
 Please now, I am aware of my mistake; let's move on.

As someone who queried the sensibility of what was proposed by Pentax, I have 
to say that I find the actions mentioned above disgusting.


 -Original Message-
 Subj:  Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix
 Date:  Mon Feb 6, 2006 11:23 pm
 Size:  479 bytes
 In a message dated 2/6/2006 7:25:52 PM Pacific Standard Time, 
 I too was surprised by the negativity and suspicion. You can't lose 
 your copyright without expressly agreeing to the same.
 Okay, read rest of thread. I shouldn't have said anything. But someone didn't 
 think this idea through. Obviously people would worry about copyrights. And 
 not everyone is informed about them, that there are inherent copyrights.
 Marnie aka Doe 

Email sent from
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Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

2006-02-07 Thread E.R.N. Reed


In a message dated 2/6/2006 8:37:35 PM Pacific Standard Time, 
The messages I'm referring to were vulgar and aggressive.  If you want to 
know why the idea was canned, ask your brethren why they needed to write dear 
jackass letters.

I didn't expect that from the PDML, so yes, I didn't think this through.

Please now, I am aware of my mistake; let's move on.


Saddened to hear that.

Actually, I think our number of jackasses are minimal compared to some 
lists/newsgroups. :-) 

Moving on...

Doesn't take a lot of jackasses to make a loud, unpleasant noise.
(One will do it all by himself, as a matter of fact.)

re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

2006-02-07 Thread Tom C


I stated in my original post, that I had lost the original message.  After 
reading your copy of it, I find that I insinuated nothing at all. The words 
more trouble than it is worth are hardly kind words for a business to use 
in any context when their customers are involved. Additionally I find it odd 
to the extreme that a company whose business is producing and selling 
products that allow people to engage in photography would have *any* trouble 
in having a coherent policy and procedure regarding copyrights of submitted 
photo.  Likely any inquiries and perceived negativity would have been 
minimized if complete information was presented up front.

Tom C.

From: Godfrey DiGiorgi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix
Date: Mon, 6 Feb 2006 16:47:35 -0800

Rather than present an insinuation about Pentax Canada's business  
practices by posting interpretations of the note, here is the text of  the 
message sent to me on Saturday:

Begin forwarded message:

From: Marco Veltri
Date: February 3, 2006 6:20:40 AM PST
Subject: RE: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

   Due to the negative response on the forums and all the questions  
kept asking about copyright the powers that be have decided that we  will 

other sources to find images. We received great images but due to the
problems it has been decided that it is more trouble that it is  worth. 

you to all the people who sent in images. There were about 10  people who
sent in images and I will be contacting them individually with this  

Again, thanks to all who sent in images.

Marco was very responsive when I corresponded with him, I submitted a  
gallery of 20 images for him to select from and he wrote back to  thank me 
within an hour. It sounds like his project for the marketing  department 
foundered due to a perceived negativism expressed in  people's responses.

I'd have cut it short as well.


re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

2006-02-07 Thread Shel Belinkoff
I think that if Aaron's comments about PDML members being rude and abusive
are true, then the words more trouble than it is worth is certainly
appropriate.  FWIW, I believe Aaron based on some posts I've seen on this
list at various times.  A lot of people shoot their mouths off and act in a
belligerent manner before knowing all the facts (and that sometimes
includes me as well).


 [Original Message]

 I stated in my original post, that I had lost the original message. 
 reading your copy of it, I find that I insinuated nothing at all. The
 more trouble than it is worth are hardly kind words for a business to
 in any context when their customers are involved. Additionally I find it
 to the extreme that a company whose business is producing and selling 
 products that allow people to engage in photography would have *any*
 in having a coherent policy and procedure regarding copyrights of
 photo.  Likely any inquiries and perceived negativity would have been 
 minimized if complete information was presented up front.

 Tom C.

 From: Godfrey DiGiorgi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix
 Date: Mon, 6 Feb 2006 16:47:35 -0800
 Rather than present an insinuation about Pentax Canada's business  
 practices by posting interpretations of the note, here is the text of 
 message sent to me on Saturday:
 Begin forwarded message:
 From: Marco Veltri
 Date: February 3, 2006 6:20:40 AM PST
 Subject: RE: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix
 Due to the negative response on the forums and all the questions  
 kept asking about copyright the powers that be have decided that we 
 other sources to find images. We received great images but due to the
 problems it has been decided that it is more trouble that it is  worth. 
 you to all the people who sent in images. There were about 10  people
 sent in images and I will be contacting them individually with this  
 Again, thanks to all who sent in images.
 Marco was very responsive when I corresponded with him, I submitted a  
 gallery of 20 images for him to select from and he wrote back to  thank
 within an hour. It sounds like his project for the marketing  department 
 foundered due to a perceived negativism expressed in  people's responses.
 I'd have cut it short as well.

Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

2006-02-07 Thread Tom C
For my part, I was extremely polite and business like.  I think it was the 
lack of 'official sounding' wording that led to the questions people had 
(the word copyright was never used) and the fact that the request came 
second hand (albeit through Frank :-) )

Tom C.

From: Aaron Reynolds [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix
Date: Mon, 6 Feb 2006 21:53:13 -0500

not proactively provide what would be considered fairly normal 

The original message clearly stated their intended use -- for a slide show 
to run at trade shows.  It explicitly said that the images would not be 
used on their website or in print ads.

Marco is a close personal friend of mine and asked me if I thought the 
membership of the PDML would allow Pentax Canada to use a few images so 
that they could get rid of the boring, standard sample pictures they have 
in their slide show.  I said that I thought they might, but directed him to 
Frank since I hadn't been active here for years.

I'll just say that the nature of some of the responses sent to Marco really 
surprised and embarrassed me.


Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

2006-02-07 Thread Tom C
Those types of responses were definitely out of line.  Why not just ignore 
those people instead of withdraw the request?

Tom C.

From: Aaron Reynolds [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix
Date: Mon, 6 Feb 2006 23:37:00 -0500

The messages I'm referring to were vulgar and aggressive.  If you want to 
know why the idea was canned, ask your brethren why they needed to write 
dear jackass letters.

I didn't expect that from the PDML, so yes, I didn't think this through.

Please now, I am aware of my mistake; let's move on.


-Original Message-

Subj:  Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix
Date:  Mon Feb 6, 2006 11:23 pm
Size:  479 bytes

In a message dated 2/6/2006 7:25:52 PM Pacific Standard Time,
I too was surprised by the negativity and suspicion. You can't lose
your copyright without expressly agreeing to the same.

Okay, read rest of thread. I shouldn't have said anything. But someone 

think this idea through. Obviously people would worry about copyrights. And
not everyone is informed about them, that there are inherent copyrights.

Marnie aka Doe

re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

2006-02-07 Thread Aaron Reynolds
Tom, Pentax Canada, like Pentax USA, produce nothing.  They import and re-sell 
cameras atincreasingly poorer margins.

If you had read the e-mails, you'd know why they canned it.  They were 

They were looking for goodwill and attempting to engage their customer base in 
a friendly, grassroots way, and for their troubles they were called things that 
would make Harvey Keitel blush.

Why you assume they intended to steal people's images or do something different 
from what they said because there wasn't a legalese paragraph at the end of the 
message is beyond me.

As I said, this is on my shoulders -- my bad advice led them here.  Please stop 
beating me up over this.


-Original Message-

Subj:  re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix
Date:  Tue Feb 7, 2006 11:36 am
Size:  2K


I stated in my original post, that I had lost the original message.  After 
reading your copy of it, I find that I insinuated nothing at all. The words 
more trouble than it is worth are hardly kind words for a business to use 
in any context when their customers are involved. Additionally I find it odd 
to the extreme that a company whose business is producing and selling 
products that allow people to engage in photography would have *any* trouble 
in having a coherent policy and procedure regarding copyrights of submitted 
photo.  Likely any inquiries and perceived negativity would have been 
minimized if complete information was presented up front.

Tom C.

From: Godfrey DiGiorgi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix
Date: Mon, 6 Feb 2006 16:47:35 -0800

Rather than present an insinuation about Pentax Canada's business  
practices by posting interpretations of the note, here is the text of  the 
message sent to me on Saturday:

Begin forwarded message:

From: Marco Veltri
Date: February 3, 2006 6:20:40 AM PST
Subject: RE: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

Due to the negative response on the forums and all the questions  
kept asking about copyright the powers that be have decided that we  will 
other sources to find images. We received great images but due to the
problems it has been decided that it is more trouble that it is  worth. 
you to all the people who sent in images. There were about 10  people who
sent in images and I will be contacting them individually with this  

Again, thanks to all who sent in images.

Marco was very responsive when I corresponded with him, I submitted a  
gallery of 20 images for him to select from and he wrote back to  thank me 
within an hour. It sounds like his project for the marketing  department 
foundered due to a perceived negativism expressed in  people's responses.

I'd have cut it short as well.


re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

2006-02-07 Thread Tom C

Shel wrote:

I think that if Aaron's comments about PDML members being rude and abusive
are true, then the words more trouble than it is worth is certainly
appropriate.  FWIW, I believe Aaron based on some posts I've seen on this
list at various times.  A lot of people shoot their mouths off and act in a
belligerent manner before knowing all the facts (and that sometimes
includes me as well).

I'm not trying to make a major issue out of it. It seems to me that the 
jackass inquiries could just be ignored (i.e., punish the naughty children 
not the nice), or that an official statement coming firsthand to the list 
would have quelled much of the issues.

Tom C.

Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

2006-02-07 Thread Aaron Reynolds
Tom, it's hard to ignore repeated insulting e-mails.  They're not robots.


-Original Message-

Subj:  Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix
Date:  Tue Feb 7, 2006 11:49 am
Size:  1K

Those types of responses were definitely out of line.  Why not just ignore 
those people instead of withdraw the request?

Tom C.

From: Aaron Reynolds [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix
Date: Mon, 6 Feb 2006 23:37:00 -0500

The messages I'm referring to were vulgar and aggressive.  If you want to 
know why the idea was canned, ask your brethren why they needed to write 
dear jackass letters.

I didn't expect that from the PDML, so yes, I didn't think this through.

Please now, I am aware of my mistake; let's move on.


-Original Message-

Subj:  Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix
Date:  Mon Feb 6, 2006 11:23 pm
Size:  479 bytes

In a message dated 2/6/2006 7:25:52 PM Pacific Standard Time,
I too was surprised by the negativity and suspicion. You can't lose
your copyright without expressly agreeing to the same.

Okay, read rest of thread. I shouldn't have said anything. But someone 
think this idea through. Obviously people would worry about copyrights. And
not everyone is informed about them, that there are inherent copyrights.

Marnie aka Doe

Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

2006-02-07 Thread John Forbes
The fact remains that the idea was ineptly executed.  It is surprising  
that a company operating in the imaging field didn't give full  
consideration to the question of copyright.  And whilst the request to  
this list came via personal introduction, those sent to certain other  
lists did not - just a brief, bald, anonymous message asking people to  
respond to a GMail account.

It would be interesting to hear whether the Dear Jackass message did  
really come from somebody on this list, or whether this is just a general  
slur.  No need to name and shame, just confirm.

And at least it gave Tom C an opportunity to show he can be polite and  
business-like.  :-)  Like the birdy, by the way.  The doughnuts don't  
detract in my view.


On Tue, 07 Feb 2006 16:45:28 -, Tom C [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

For my part, I was extremely polite and business like.  I think it was  
the lack of 'official sounding' wording that led to the questions people  
had (the word copyright was never used) and the fact that the request  
came second hand (albeit through Frank :-) )

Tom C.

From: Aaron Reynolds [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix
Date: Mon, 6 Feb 2006 21:53:13 -0500

not proactively provide what would be considered fairly normal  

The original message clearly stated their intended use -- for a slide  
show to run at trade shows.  It explicitly said that the images would  
not be used on their website or in print ads.

Marco is a close personal friend of mine and asked me if I thought the  
membership of the PDML would allow Pentax Canada to use a few images so  
that they could get rid of the boring, standard sample pictures they  
have in their slide show.  I said that I thought they might, but  
directed him to Frank since I hadn't been active here for years.

I'll just say that the nature of some of the responses sent to Marco  
really surprised and embarrassed me.


Using Opera's revolutionary e-mail client:

re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

2006-02-07 Thread Tom C


I'm not beating you up over this... please believe that. I understand what 
Pentax Canada does, they do however represent Pentax (the company that 
produces cameras and photography equipment).

I just don't get how you're jumping to the conclusion that you assume they 
intended to steal people's images or do something different from what they 
said.  When did I say that?  I never assumed that all.  I did require more 
information, however.

Lets face it.  The whole thing was handled somewhat unofficially.  In this 
day and age of legalese, things appear unusual when we *don't see it*. I'm 
not pointing fingers at you. You did exactly what I would have done in the 
same circumstances and Frank was passing the message along. I would assume 
that anyone truly interested in submitting photos, including myself would be 
thankful, and I am.

In the end what I don't understand is the about-face that was taken.  Why 
not just delete and ignore the e-mails from the jackasses and continue to 
engage those who responded in a sincere and civil manner?

Tom C.

From: Aaron Reynolds [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix
Date: Tue, 7 Feb 2006 11:56:00 -0500

Tom, Pentax Canada, like Pentax USA, produce nothing.  They import and 
re-sell cameras atincreasingly poorer margins.

If you had read the e-mails, you'd know why they canned it.  They were 

They were looking for goodwill and attempting to engage their customer base 
in a friendly, grassroots way, and for their troubles they were called 
things that would make Harvey Keitel blush.

Why you assume they intended to steal people's images or do something 
different from what they said because there wasn't a legalese paragraph at 
the end of the message is beyond me.

As I said, this is on my shoulders -- my bad advice led them here.  Please 
stop beating me up over this.


-Original Message-

Subj:  re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix
Date:  Tue Feb 7, 2006 11:36 am
Size:  2K


I stated in my original post, that I had lost the original message.  After
reading your copy of it, I find that I insinuated nothing at all. The words
more trouble than it is worth are hardly kind words for a business to use
in any context when their customers are involved. Additionally I find it 

to the extreme that a company whose business is producing and selling
products that allow people to engage in photography would have *any* 

in having a coherent policy and procedure regarding copyrights of submitted
photo.  Likely any inquiries and perceived negativity would have been
minimized if complete information was presented up front.

Tom C.

From: Godfrey DiGiorgi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix
Date: Mon, 6 Feb 2006 16:47:35 -0800

Rather than present an insinuation about Pentax Canada's business
practices by posting interpretations of the note, here is the text of  

message sent to me on Saturday:

Begin forwarded message:

From: Marco Veltri
Date: February 3, 2006 6:20:40 AM PST
Subject: RE: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

Due to the negative response on the forums and all the questions
kept asking about copyright the powers that be have decided that we  

other sources to find images. We received great images but due to the
problems it has been decided that it is more trouble that it is  worth.
you to all the people who sent in images. There were about 10  people 

sent in images and I will be contacting them individually with this

Again, thanks to all who sent in images.

Marco was very responsive when I corresponded with him, I submitted a
gallery of 20 images for him to select from and he wrote back to  thank 

within an hour. It sounds like his project for the marketing  department
foundered due to a perceived negativism expressed in  people's responses.

I'd have cut it short as well.


Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

2006-02-07 Thread Tom C

I agree. Thanks and glad you liked the birdy, :-)

Tom C.

From: John Forbes [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The fact remains that the idea was ineptly executed.  It is surprising  
that a company operating in the imaging field didn't give full  
consideration to the question of copyright.  And whilst the request to  
this list came via personal introduction, those sent to certain other  
lists did not - just a brief, bald, anonymous message asking people to  
respond to a GMail account.

It would be interesting to hear whether the Dear Jackass message did  
really come from somebody on this list, or whether this is just a general  
slur.  No need to name and shame, just confirm.

And at least it gave Tom C an opportunity to show he can be polite and  
business-like.  :-)  Like the birdy, by the way.  The doughnuts don't  
detract in my view.


Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

2006-02-07 Thread Tom C
BTW Aaron, it's nice to see you on the list again.  I'm honestly not trying 
to get off on the wrong foot with you.

Tom C.

From: Aaron Reynolds [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix
Date: Tue, 7 Feb 2006 12:00:00 -0500

Tom, it's hard to ignore repeated insulting e-mails.  They're not robots.


Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

2006-02-07 Thread Aaron Reynolds
Why do you assume they didn't consider copyright?  Usage was explicitly laid 
out in the initial mail.


-Original Message-

From:  John Forbes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subj:  Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix
Date:  Tue Feb 7, 2006 12:03 pm
Size:  2K

The fact remains that the idea was ineptly executed.  It is surprising  
that a company operating in the imaging field didn't give full  
consideration to the question of copyright.  And whilst the request to  
this list came via personal introduction, those sent to certain other  
lists did not - just a brief, bald, anonymous message asking people to  
respond to a GMail account.

It would be interesting to hear whether the Dear Jackass message did  
really come from somebody on this list, or whether this is just a general  
slur.  No need to name and shame, just confirm.

And at least it gave Tom C an opportunity to show he can be polite and  
business-like.  :-)  Like the birdy, by the way.  The doughnuts don't  
detract in my view.


On Tue, 07 Feb 2006 16:45:28 -, Tom C [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 For my part, I was extremely polite and business like.  I think it was  
 the lack of 'official sounding' wording that led to the questions people  
 had (the word copyright was never used) and the fact that the request  
 came second hand (albeit through Frank :-) )

 Tom C.

 From: Aaron Reynolds [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix
 Date: Mon, 6 Feb 2006 21:53:13 -0500

 not proactively provide what would be considered fairly normal  

 The original message clearly stated their intended use -- for a slide  
 show to run at trade shows.  It explicitly said that the images would  
 not be used on their website or in print ads.

 Marco is a close personal friend of mine and asked me if I thought the  
 membership of the PDML would allow Pentax Canada to use a few images so  
 that they could get rid of the boring, standard sample pictures they  
 have in their slide show.  I said that I thought they might, but  
 directed him to Frank since I hadn't been active here for years.

 I'll just say that the nature of some of the responses sent to Marco  
 really surprised and embarrassed me.


Using Opera's revolutionary e-mail client:

Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

2006-02-07 Thread Tom C
Maybe because some of us would have expected the word copyright to have 
been used?  It's used just about everywhere else when it comes to 

I understand inherent copyright... but that doesn't stop copyright symbols 
and statements from being plastered just about everywhere by the world at 

Tom C.

From: Aaron Reynolds [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix
Date: Tue, 7 Feb 2006 12:33:00 -0500

Why do you assume they didn't consider copyright?  Usage was explicitly 
laid out in the initial mail.


-Original Message-

From:  John Forbes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subj:  Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix
Date:  Tue Feb 7, 2006 12:03 pm
Size:  2K

The fact remains that the idea was ineptly executed.  It is surprising
that a company operating in the imaging field didn't give full
consideration to the question of copyright.  And whilst the request to
this list came via personal introduction, those sent to certain other
lists did not - just a brief, bald, anonymous message asking people to
respond to a GMail account.

It would be interesting to hear whether the Dear Jackass message did
really come from somebody on this list, or whether this is just a general
slur.  No need to name and shame, just confirm.

And at least it gave Tom C an opportunity to show he can be polite and
business-like.  :-)  Like the birdy, by the way.  The doughnuts don't
detract in my view.


On Tue, 07 Feb 2006 16:45:28 -, Tom C [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 For my part, I was extremely polite and business like.  I think it was
 the lack of 'official sounding' wording that led to the questions people
 had (the word copyright was never used) and the fact that the request
 came second hand (albeit through Frank :-) )

 Tom C.

 From: Aaron Reynolds [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix
 Date: Mon, 6 Feb 2006 21:53:13 -0500

 not proactively provide what would be considered fairly normal

 The original message clearly stated their intended use -- for a slide
 show to run at trade shows.  It explicitly said that the images would
 not be used on their website or in print ads.

 Marco is a close personal friend of mine and asked me if I thought the
 membership of the PDML would allow Pentax Canada to use a few images so
 that they could get rid of the boring, standard sample pictures they
 have in their slide show.  I said that I thought they might, but
 directed him to Frank since I hadn't been active here for years.

 I'll just say that the nature of some of the responses sent to Marco
 really surprised and embarrassed me.


Using Opera's revolutionary e-mail client:

Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

2006-02-07 Thread John Forbes


You knew the guy.  Nobody else did.  I first saw this request on another  
list where it just arrived, anonymous and unannounced.  Everybody assumed  
it was some sort of con., and that feeling was reinforced by the lack of  
any connection to the Pentax Canada website.

People were irritated because it was so badly handled.

So some people may have over-reacted.  That's a shame.  But they would not  
have done if the thing had been handled correctly at the beginning.  The  
idea clearly didn't have any support at the top of PCan, or the idea would  
not have been dropped.


On Tue, 07 Feb 2006 17:33:00 -, Aaron Reynolds  

Why do you assume they didn't consider copyright?  Usage was explicitly  
laid out in the initial mail.


-Original Message-

From:  John Forbes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subj:  Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix
Date:  Tue Feb 7, 2006 12:03 pm
Size:  2K

The fact remains that the idea was ineptly executed.  It is surprising
that a company operating in the imaging field didn't give full
consideration to the question of copyright.  And whilst the request to
this list came via personal introduction, those sent to certain other
lists did not - just a brief, bald, anonymous message asking people to
respond to a GMail account.

It would be interesting to hear whether the Dear Jackass message did
really come from somebody on this list, or whether this is just a general
slur.  No need to name and shame, just confirm.

And at least it gave Tom C an opportunity to show he can be polite and
business-like.  :-)  Like the birdy, by the way.  The doughnuts don't
detract in my view.


On Tue, 07 Feb 2006 16:45:28 -, Tom C [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

For my part, I was extremely polite and business like.  I think it was
the lack of 'official sounding' wording that led to the questions people
had (the word copyright was never used) and the fact that the request
came second hand (albeit through Frank :-) )

Tom C.

From: Aaron Reynolds [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix
Date: Mon, 6 Feb 2006 21:53:13 -0500

not proactively provide what would be considered fairly normal

The original message clearly stated their intended use -- for a slide
show to run at trade shows.  It explicitly said that the images would
not be used on their website or in print ads.

Marco is a close personal friend of mine and asked me if I thought the
membership of the PDML would allow Pentax Canada to use a few images so
that they could get rid of the boring, standard sample pictures they
have in their slide show.  I said that I thought they might, but
directed him to Frank since I hadn't been active here for years.

I'll just say that the nature of some of the responses sent to Marco
really surprised and embarrassed me.


Using Opera's revolutionary e-mail client:

Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

2006-02-07 Thread Aaron Reynolds
What other lists did it show up on?

For the record, both Frank and Too Bald Dave had met Marco previously.  Frank 
said so about eight times.


-Original Message-

From:  John Forbes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subj:  Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix
Date:  Tue Feb 7, 2006 1:03 pm
Size:  3K


You knew the guy.  Nobody else did.  I first saw this request on another  
list where it just arrived, anonymous and unannounced.  Everybody assumed  
it was some sort of con., and that feeling was reinforced by the lack of  
any connection to the Pentax Canada website.

People were irritated because it was so badly handled.

So some people may have over-reacted.  That's a shame.  But they would not  
have done if the thing had been handled correctly at the beginning.  The  
idea clearly didn't have any support at the top of PCan, or the idea would  
not have been dropped.


On Tue, 07 Feb 2006 17:33:00 -, Aaron Reynolds  

 Why do you assume they didn't consider copyright?  Usage was explicitly  
 laid out in the initial mail.


 -Original Message-

 From:  John Forbes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subj:  Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix
 Date:  Tue Feb 7, 2006 12:03 pm
 Size:  2K

 The fact remains that the idea was ineptly executed.  It is surprising
 that a company operating in the imaging field didn't give full
 consideration to the question of copyright.  And whilst the request to
 this list came via personal introduction, those sent to certain other
 lists did not - just a brief, bald, anonymous message asking people to
 respond to a GMail account.

 It would be interesting to hear whether the Dear Jackass message did
 really come from somebody on this list, or whether this is just a general
 slur.  No need to name and shame, just confirm.

 And at least it gave Tom C an opportunity to show he can be polite and
 business-like.  :-)  Like the birdy, by the way.  The doughnuts don't
 detract in my view.


 On Tue, 07 Feb 2006 16:45:28 -, Tom C [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 For my part, I was extremely polite and business like.  I think it was
 the lack of 'official sounding' wording that led to the questions people
 had (the word copyright was never used) and the fact that the request
 came second hand (albeit through Frank :-) )

 Tom C.

 From: Aaron Reynolds [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix
 Date: Mon, 6 Feb 2006 21:53:13 -0500

 not proactively provide what would be considered fairly normal

 The original message clearly stated their intended use -- for a slide
 show to run at trade shows.  It explicitly said that the images would
 not be used on their website or in print ads.

 Marco is a close personal friend of mine and asked me if I thought the
 membership of the PDML would allow Pentax Canada to use a few images so
 that they could get rid of the boring, standard sample pictures they
 have in their slide show.  I said that I thought they might, but
 directed him to Frank since I hadn't been active here for years.

 I'll just say that the nature of some of the responses sent to Marco
 really surprised and embarrassed me.


Using Opera's revolutionary e-mail client:

Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

2006-02-07 Thread Tom C
I think it was John who wrote the nasty remarks.  He's even calling Pentax 
Canada a PCan .

Tom C.

From: John Forbes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The  idea clearly didn't have any support at the top of PCan, or the idea 
would  not have been dropped.


Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

2006-02-07 Thread Mark Roberts
Aaron Reynolds [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Why do you assume they didn't consider copyright?  Usage was explicitly laid 
out in the initial mail.

Yep. And the followup did indeed list [EMAIL PROTECTED] as a reply
I can't see why there was so much over-reaction to this. And I'm one of
the people on this list who does shoot and sell images for income.
Mark Roberts
Photography and writing

Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

2006-02-07 Thread Tom C


FWIW, I know I'm not telling you anything you don't already know. :-) 
Usually a corporate entity that wants to solicit for photograph submissions 
announces such in some formal way.  I think that's the crux of the matter.  
I think most might have expected an announcement in a publication, on a 
corporate website, whatever.  I'm not saying anyone did anything wrong, it 
was just rather unusual.  It was the first time in my 8 years on the list 
that I recall anything like this happening.

I didn't sense an overreaction on this list.  I sensed a proceed with 
caution... check it out... everything's OK approach.

The one question in particular I had, and no mention of this was made in the 
request I saw, was whether the photographer received credit for the image.  
Since Pentax Canada apparently wanted these images for free, the least they 
could do was credit the photographer, and Marco said the photographer's name 
could be at the bottom of the image.

Tom C.

From: Mark Roberts [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix
Date: Tue, 07 Feb 2006 15:10:47 -0500

Aaron Reynolds [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Why do you assume they didn't consider copyright?  Usage was explicitly 
laid out in the initial mail.

Yep. And the followup did indeed list [EMAIL PROTECTED] as a reply
I can't see why there was so much over-reaction to this. And I'm one of
the people on this list who does shoot and sell images for income.

Mark Roberts
Photography and writing

RE: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

2006-02-07 Thread Jens Bladt
I sent a few images.
I told himm they could freely use these for INTERNAL purposes - for slide
shows and presentations at business conventions, and they could publish
these exclusivelye for promoting Pentax euipment, provided my name is
mentioned as the author along with the image.

I don't care that much about copy right - my images aren't that interssting
anyway - as long as they are not used for any other purposes than promoting
Pentax equipment. I probably won't sell less images for that reason-

Jens Bladt

-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Fra: Tom C [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sendt: 7. februar 2006 18:15
Emne: re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix


I'm not beating you up over this... please believe that. I understand what
Pentax Canada does, they do however represent Pentax (the company that
produces cameras and photography equipment).

I just don't get how you're jumping to the conclusion that you assume they
intended to steal people's images or do something different from what they
said.  When did I say that?  I never assumed that all.  I did require more
information, however.

Lets face it.  The whole thing was handled somewhat unofficially.  In this
day and age of legalese, things appear unusual when we *don't see it*. I'm
not pointing fingers at you. You did exactly what I would have done in the
same circumstances and Frank was passing the message along. I would assume
that anyone truly interested in submitting photos, including myself would be
thankful, and I am.

In the end what I don't understand is the about-face that was taken.  Why
not just delete and ignore the e-mails from the jackasses and continue to
engage those who responded in a sincere and civil manner?

Tom C.

From: Aaron Reynolds [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix
Date: Tue, 7 Feb 2006 11:56:00 -0500

Tom, Pentax Canada, like Pentax USA, produce nothing.  They import and
re-sell cameras atincreasingly poorer margins.

If you had read the e-mails, you'd know why they canned it.  They were

They were looking for goodwill and attempting to engage their customer base
in a friendly, grassroots way, and for their troubles they were called
things that would make Harvey Keitel blush.

Why you assume they intended to steal people's images or do something
different from what they said because there wasn't a legalese paragraph at
the end of the message is beyond me.

As I said, this is on my shoulders -- my bad advice led them here.  Please
stop beating me up over this.


-Original Message-

Subj:  re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix
Date:  Tue Feb 7, 2006 11:36 am
Size:  2K


I stated in my original post, that I had lost the original message.  After
reading your copy of it, I find that I insinuated nothing at all. The words
more trouble than it is worth are hardly kind words for a business to use
in any context when their customers are involved. Additionally I find it
to the extreme that a company whose business is producing and selling
products that allow people to engage in photography would have *any*
in having a coherent policy and procedure regarding copyrights of submitted
photo.  Likely any inquiries and perceived negativity would have been
minimized if complete information was presented up front.

Tom C.

 From: Godfrey DiGiorgi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix
 Date: Mon, 6 Feb 2006 16:47:35 -0800
 Rather than present an insinuation about Pentax Canada's business
 practices by posting interpretations of the note, here is the text of
 message sent to me on Saturday:
 Begin forwarded message:
 From: Marco Veltri
 Date: February 3, 2006 6:20:40 AM PST
 Subject: RE: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix
 Due to the negative response on the forums and all the questions
 kept asking about copyright the powers that be have decided that we
 other sources to find images. We received great images but due to the
 problems it has been decided that it is more trouble that it is  worth.
 you to all the people who sent in images. There were about 10  people
 sent in images and I will be contacting them individually with this
 Again, thanks to all who sent in images.
 Marco was very responsive when I corresponded with him, I submitted a
 gallery of 20 images for him to select from and he wrote back to  thank
 within an hour. It sounds like his project for the marketing  department
 foundered due to a perceived negativism expressed in  people's responses.
 I'd have cut it short as well.

Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

2006-02-07 Thread frank theriault
On 2/7/06, Aaron Reynolds [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Tom, Pentax Canada, like Pentax USA, produce nothing.  They import and 
 re-sell cameras atincreasingly poorer margins.

 If you had read the e-mails, you'd know why they canned it.  They were 

 They were looking for goodwill and attempting to engage their customer base 
 in a friendly, grassroots way, and for their troubles they were called things 
 that would make Harvey Keitel blush.

 Why you assume they intended to steal people's images or do something 
 different from what they said because there wasn't a legalese paragraph at 
 the end of the message is beyond me.

 As I said, this is on my shoulders -- my bad advice led them here.  Please 
 stop beating me up over this.


I realized that a mistake had been made within 15 minutes of posting
Marco's request.  The immediacy and negativity of the responses really
surprised me - and those were the ones on-list;  I didn't see any of
the ones that Marco received personally.

Sharpness is a bourgeois concept.  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

2006-02-07 Thread Keith McGuinness
I mostly agree with Tom C here, and I'm certainly not getting 
stuck into either Aaron or Pentax.

In response to the thanks but no thanks email from Marco, I 
sent the following reply to him (note that I sent this message 
*before* most of the recent discussion and, in particular, before 
information about abusive messages):

---Message to Marco

You gave up too easily, I think!

I saw several responses on PDML from people who thought it was 
okay, a few (including me) even thought it was fun to do.

It was inevitable -- given the large number of internet scams 
running -- that there would be some doubt about the legitimacy of 
the request.

Also, given the nature of the internet, there were always going 
to be some negative comments. To me, it seemed to be worst on the 
Pentax User Forum (which I visit rarely) than on PDML. On PDML 
(and I read the whole thread), the main issue was concern that it 
was a scam. Once that had been settled, several people indicated 
that they would give it a go.

As a fan of Pentax gear for 20 years (although I've only recently 
taken up the *ist DL), if there is some reconsideration I'll 
happily take part.

Keith McGuinness
---End message

Tom C wrote:


I'm not beating you up over this... please believe that. I understand 
what Pentax Canada does, they do however represent Pentax (the company 
that produces cameras and photography equipment).

I just don't get how you're jumping to the conclusion that you assume 
they intended to steal people's images or do something different from 
what they said.  When did I say that?  I never assumed that all.  I did 
require more information, however.

Lets face it.  The whole thing was handled somewhat unofficially.  In 
this day and age of legalese, things appear unusual when we *don't see 
it*. I'm not pointing fingers at you. You did exactly what I would have 
done in the same circumstances and Frank was passing the message along. 
I would assume that anyone truly interested in submitting photos, 
including myself would be thankful, and I am.

In the end what I don't understand is the about-face that was taken.  
Why not just delete and ignore the e-mails from the jackasses and 
continue to engage those who responded in a sincere and civil manner?

Tom C.

From: Aaron Reynolds [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix
Date: Tue, 7 Feb 2006 11:56:00 -0500

Tom, Pentax Canada, like Pentax USA, produce nothing.  They import and 
re-sell cameras atincreasingly poorer margins.

If you had read the e-mails, you'd know why they canned it.  They were 

They were looking for goodwill and attempting to engage their customer 
base in a friendly, grassroots way, and for their troubles they were 
called things that would make Harvey Keitel blush.

Why you assume they intended to steal people's images or do something 
different from what they said because there wasn't a legalese 
paragraph at the end of the message is beyond me.

As I said, this is on my shoulders -- my bad advice led them here.  
Please stop beating me up over this.


-Original Message-

Subj:  re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix
Date:  Tue Feb 7, 2006 11:36 am
Size:  2K


I stated in my original post, that I had lost the original message.  
reading your copy of it, I find that I insinuated nothing at all. The 
more trouble than it is worth are hardly kind words for a business 
to use
in any context when their customers are involved. Additionally I find 
it odd

to the extreme that a company whose business is producing and selling
products that allow people to engage in photography would have *any* 
in having a coherent policy and procedure regarding copyrights of 

photo.  Likely any inquiries and perceived negativity would have been
minimized if complete information was presented up front.

Tom C.

From: Godfrey DiGiorgi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix
Date: Mon, 6 Feb 2006 16:47:35 -0800

Rather than present an insinuation about Pentax Canada's business
practices by posting interpretations of the note, here is the text 
of  the

message sent to me on Saturday:

Begin forwarded message:

From: Marco Veltri
Date: February 3, 2006 6:20:40 AM PST
Subject: RE: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

Due to the negative response on the forums and all the questions
kept asking about copyright the powers that be have decided that we  

other sources to find images. We received great images but due to the
problems it has been decided that it is more trouble that it is  worth.
you to all the people who sent in images. There were about 10  
people who

sent in images and I will be contacting them individually

Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

2006-02-07 Thread John Forbes
It's people trying to defend PCan (TC pls note: this stands for Pentax  
Canada) who are dragging this out and making something rather trivial into  
a much bigger issue.  Nobody cares anymore, except that some of us have  
been labeled whingers and worse for suggesting that it might have been  
handled better.  An apology for that is in order (though perhaps not for  
Mr Jackass, who I suspect wasn't a PDMLer anyway).


On Tue, 07 Feb 2006 21:38:42 -, Jens Bladt [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

I sent a few images.
I told himm they could freely use these for INTERNAL purposes - for slide
shows and presentations at business conventions, and they could publish
these exclusivelye for promoting Pentax euipment, provided my name is
mentioned as the author along with the image.

I don't care that much about copy right - my images aren't that  
anyway - as long as they are not used for any other purposes than  

Pentax equipment. I probably won't sell less images for that reason-

Jens Bladt

-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Fra: Tom C [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sendt: 7. februar 2006 18:15
Emne: re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix


I'm not beating you up over this... please believe that. I understand  

Pentax Canada does, they do however represent Pentax (the company that
produces cameras and photography equipment).

I just don't get how you're jumping to the conclusion that you assume  
intended to steal people's images or do something different from what  
said.  When did I say that?  I never assumed that all.  I did require  

information, however.

Lets face it.  The whole thing was handled somewhat unofficially.  In  
day and age of legalese, things appear unusual when we *don't see it*.  
not pointing fingers at you. You did exactly what I would have done in  
same circumstances and Frank was passing the message along. I would  
that anyone truly interested in submitting photos, including myself  
would be

thankful, and I am.

In the end what I don't understand is the about-face that was taken.  Why
not just delete and ignore the e-mails from the jackasses and continue to
engage those who responded in a sincere and civil manner?

Tom C.

From: Aaron Reynolds [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix
Date: Tue, 7 Feb 2006 11:56:00 -0500

Tom, Pentax Canada, like Pentax USA, produce nothing.  They import and
re-sell cameras atincreasingly poorer margins.

If you had read the e-mails, you'd know why they canned it.  They were

They were looking for goodwill and attempting to engage their customer  

in a friendly, grassroots way, and for their troubles they were called
things that would make Harvey Keitel blush.

Why you assume they intended to steal people's images or do something
different from what they said because there wasn't a legalese paragraph  

the end of the message is beyond me.

As I said, this is on my shoulders -- my bad advice led them here.   

stop beating me up over this.


-Original Message-

Subj:  re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix
Date:  Tue Feb 7, 2006 11:36 am
Size:  2K


I stated in my original post, that I had lost the original message.   
reading your copy of it, I find that I insinuated nothing at all. The  
more trouble than it is worth are hardly kind words for a business to  

in any context when their customers are involved. Additionally I find it
to the extreme that a company whose business is producing and selling
products that allow people to engage in photography would have *any*
in having a coherent policy and procedure regarding copyrights of  

photo.  Likely any inquiries and perceived negativity would have been
minimized if complete information was presented up front.

Tom C.

From: Godfrey DiGiorgi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix
Date: Mon, 6 Feb 2006 16:47:35 -0800

Rather than present an insinuation about Pentax Canada's business
practices by posting interpretations of the note, here is the text of
message sent to me on Saturday:

Begin forwarded message:

From: Marco Veltri
Date: February 3, 2006 6:20:40 AM PST
Subject: RE: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

Due to the negative response on the forums and all the questions
kept asking about copyright the powers that be have decided that we
other sources to find images. We received great images but due to the
problems it has been decided that it is more trouble that it is   

you to all the people who sent in images. There were about 10  people
sent in images and I will be contacting them individually

Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

2006-02-07 Thread Aaron Reynolds

On Feb 7, 2006, at 4:56 PM, John Forbes wrote:

An apology for that is in order (though perhaps not for Mr Jackass, 
who I suspect wasn't a PDMLer anyway).

Far more than one person.  A cursory search of the PDML archive shows 
that a few of them have posted to the PDML, though they are not names I 
recognize from the olden days.


Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

2006-02-07 Thread John Forbes

More than one PDMLer wrote: Dear Jackass?  Are you sure?

I think you should distinguish between people who wrote to say that the  
thing was not as well organised as it might have been, and those who were  
vulgar and aggressive.

I think you should also recognise that the whole thing was badly handled,  
and stop defending it by claiming that people here were to blame for the  
scheme being abandoned.  If it had been a good scheme, it would have  
sailed over a few nasty letters.


On Tue, 07 Feb 2006 22:05:44 -, Aaron Reynolds  

On Feb 7, 2006, at 4:56 PM, John Forbes wrote:

An apology for that is in order (though perhaps not for Mr Jackass, who  
I suspect wasn't a PDMLer anyway).

Far more than one person.  A cursory search of the PDML archive shows  
that a few of them have posted to the PDML, though they are not names I  
recognize from the olden days.


Using Opera's revolutionary e-mail client:

Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

2006-02-07 Thread Aaron Reynolds

On Feb 7, 2006, at 5:19 PM, John Forbes wrote:

More than one PDMLer wrote: Dear Jackass?  Are you sure?

I think you should distinguish between people who wrote to say that 
the thing was not as well organised as it might have been, and those 
who were vulgar and aggressive.

I am 100% certain that more than one person wrote nasty, mean-spirited, 
vulgar letters, and I am 100% certain that more than one of them has 
posted on the PDML in the past.  One of them wrote many times.  I am 
100% certain that these letters were the cause of the abandonment of 
the project.  Can I be any clearer than that?


Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

2006-02-07 Thread Mark Roberts
John Forbes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I think you should also recognise that the whole thing was badly handled,  

I for one don't think it was badly handled. It was handled pretty much
as I'd expect a casual photo display to be done, presented without
promise of payment or request for copyrights, just for entertainment
value and fun. Heck, one of the reasons I had no qualms about it from
the word go was that there *wasn't* any legalese and fine print
involved. Anyone who didn't want to participate could have simply
ignored the whole thing.
Mark Roberts
Photography and writing

Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

2006-02-07 Thread John Forbes

More than one person wrote nasty letters?  Two, perhaps?

And at least two people have posted on PDML in the past?

Well, that's enough to damn the PDML isn't it?

On behalf of the two past PDMLers who wrote mean letters, I'm very sorry.


On Tue, 07 Feb 2006 22:27:20 -, Aaron Reynolds  

On Feb 7, 2006, at 5:19 PM, John Forbes wrote:

More than one PDMLer wrote: Dear Jackass?  Are you sure?

I think you should distinguish between people who wrote to say that the  
thing was not as well organised as it might have been, and those who  
were vulgar and aggressive.

I am 100% certain that more than one person wrote nasty, mean-spirited,  
vulgar letters, and I am 100% certain that more than one of them has  
posted on the PDML in the past.  One of them wrote many times.  I am  
100% certain that these letters were the cause of the abandonment of the  
project.  Can I be any clearer than that?


Using Opera's revolutionary e-mail client:

Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

2006-02-07 Thread John Forbes


I've got a bridge for sale.  Also a famous large iron structure in Paris.   
Contact me off-list.


On Tue, 07 Feb 2006 22:38:53 -, Mark Roberts [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

John Forbes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I think you should also recognise that the whole thing was badly  

I for one don't think it was badly handled. It was handled pretty much
as I'd expect a casual photo display to be done, presented without
promise of payment or request for copyrights, just for entertainment
value and fun. Heck, one of the reasons I had no qualms about it from
the word go was that there *wasn't* any legalese and fine print
involved. Anyone who didn't want to participate could have simply
ignored the whole thing.

Using Opera's revolutionary e-mail client:

Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

2006-02-07 Thread Tom C

From a total stranger, claiming to represent a corporate entitiy, 3rd hand.

It was handled in a manner that in normal business terms would be deemed 
unprofessional. The PUG operates in a more professional manner.

If a personal aquaintance of mine (which I realize Marco was to some) came 
and made the request it would be one thing.  But this was to be used by a 
large corporate entity, in an effort to market their products, I would 
assume, on numerous occasions. I'm not sure I would call that a casual photo 

If this was not Pentax Canada, but another entity making a similar request, 
would the reactions be the same?

Tom C.

From: Mark Roberts [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix
Date: Tue, 07 Feb 2006 17:38:53 -0500

John Forbes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I think you should also recognise that the whole thing was badly handled,

I for one don't think it was badly handled. It was handled pretty much
as I'd expect a casual photo display to be done, presented without
promise of payment or request for copyrights, just for entertainment
value and fun. Heck, one of the reasons I had no qualms about it from
the word go was that there *wasn't* any legalese and fine print
involved. Anyone who didn't want to participate could have simply
ignored the whole thing.

Mark Roberts
Photography and writing

Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix

2006-02-07 Thread Mark Roberts
John Forbes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I've got a bridge for sale.  Also a famous large iron structure in Paris.   
Contact me off-list.

You've lost me here. There was no offer of remuneration involved as far
as I can tell. In fact, the offer was not unlike what the people who run
the Pentax Users Gallery do every month.
Mark Roberts
Photography and writing

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