Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New versions of erlands plugins

2012-11-14 Thread dip

erland wrote: 
 It's only available as a screen saver on the Touch, the browse menu is
 only available on Radio and Controller. The reason for this is simply
 that I never got the time to figure out how to handle touch screen slide
 movements and without that I felt it was pointless to show the browse
 menu on the Touch.

Thanks for the clarification.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New versions of erlands plugins

2012-11-13 Thread dip

thank you very much for your quick answer. I will try CustomClock
(probably in connection with ScreenSwitcher and report back (hopefully
my success) :)

Will this solution also switch font size depending whether I use the
remote or the touch display, as the standard now playing screen does?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New versions of erlands plugins

2012-11-13 Thread dip

erland wrote: 
 I think it will always use the same font size, but it typically works as
 a screen saver, so when you use the remove the screen saver will be
 deactivated and then the font will change and when the screen saver is
 activated again it will change back to the Custom Clock style. If you
 use the Custom Clock only approach, it's possible to replace the
 standard Now Playing screen with a Custom Clock style, but doing so will
 result in that you no longer can use the touch screen on the Now Playing
 screen as the Custom Clock applet doesn't offer any possibility to have
 touch controls on the style. You can still use the IR remote though.
Mmmh, this sounds problematic:
1. The last solution (to replace the Standard Now Playing screen with a
Custom Clock style) would be the best way but is no option, if the touch
screen cannot be used.
2. Designing the screen saver with the small font (used with the touch
screen) has the following problem: If you sit far away from the Touch
you cannot read the display. And if you use the remote the screen saver
will be deactivated and the font will be changed to the big version, but
the COMPOSER and GROUPING tags will no longer be displayed (because the
screen saver is deactivated). So you never will be able to read the
COMPOSER and GROUPING of the currently playing song.
3. Designing the screen saver with the big font (used with the remote)
will result that even if you are sitting close to the Touch always the
big font is used until you touch the display. This would result in a lot
of horizontally scrolling and a bad optical experience. And I assume
that in this case you need always an additional touch of the display if
you want to control the box using the touch display, since you mentioned
that the Custom Clock applet doesn't offer any possibility to have touch
controls (this is probaly also true if the screen saver is designed with
the small font).

The problem seems to be that there isn't a way to replace parts of the
now playing screen (define your own text lines) or to replace the whole
now playing screen with the possibility to define touch control buttons,
but that only a screen saver is used which covers the now playing

Is there no way to define the strings which are displayed in the now
playing screen? Could the Information Screen applet help in this case?

Best regards

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New versions of erlands plugins

2012-11-13 Thread dip

erland wrote: 
 Information Screen won't help, it was a plugin/applet combination I did
 before I did Custom Clock, so Custom Clock offers all functionality
 Information Screen offers plus a lot more.
 The thing you want is this enhancement request:
 Or even better this one:
 or this one:
 Unfortunately, I think it's extremely unlikely Logitech will implement
 something like this now when they have stopped selling the Squeezeboxes,
 especially since none of them even got any priority while they were
 still selling Squeezeboxes.
 However, I'd really like to offer something similar to what you
 describe, but due to some other stuff I'm working on at the moment it's
 unlikely I'll get the time to do it in the near future, at least not
 during the next 3 months or so.

Ok, if you ever will do it, I will definitely help testing ;)

Another question: I just installed the Album Flow and License Manager
applets but I don't get any Album Flow entry in the main menu or in the
My Music menu. I have now Album Flow as screen saver but where do I find
the browse menu entry?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New versions of erlands plugins

2012-11-12 Thread dip

I use at the moment the TitleSwitcher plugin in combination with the
MusicInfoSCR plugin and the CustomBrowse plugin to automatically switch
the display for classical music between ARTIST/COMPOSER and
TITLE/GROUPING (GROUPING holds the work title for classical music). I
set COMPOSER and GROUPING only for classical music and thus a switching
happens only for classical music, since titleswitcher does not switch if
one of the tags is empty. This works great for my several squeezebox
classics. My corresponding settings for TitleSwitcher and MusicInfoScr
are attached.

I have now bought a squeezebox touch and would like to have the same
automatically switching display. As far as I understand TitleSwitcher
and MusicInfoScr are only for the squeezebox classic but not for the
Touch. I read about InformationScreen, ScreenSwitcher and CustomClock
but am still not sure which plugin (or applet?) I must use to get the
same automatical switching as with my squeezebox classic.

I would appreciate if someone could point me in the right direction.


|Filename: titleswitcher.jpg|

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] LazySearch and 7.6.0 r32296/32300

2012-02-12 Thread dip

I have now a new problem with LazySearch 3.6.3 on Logitech Media Server

I use the plugin Srvrpowercontrol to automatically hibernate my server
after some idle time. However, since some time the server does not
hibernate sometime and I found that LazySearch blocks the hibernation.

I enclose a part of my server.log from which it seems that LazySerach
set a block twice but only releases it once so one block is still
present and prevents Srvpowercontrol from hibernating the server.

[12-02-12 19:48:18.0005]
Plugins::SrvrPowerCtrl::Watchdog::OnWakeupWatchdog (647) Wakeup Call!!
[12-02-13 00:19:35.5978] Plugins::CustomScan::Scanner::refreshData
(1955) CustomScan: Synchronizing Custom Scan data, please wait...
[12-02-13 00:19:37.6318] Plugins::CustomScan::Scanner::refreshData
(2305) CustomScan: Synchronization finished
[12-02-13 00:19:37.6381] Plugins::LazySearch2::Plugin::scanDoneCallback
(2317) Received notification of end of rescan
[12-02-13 00:19:37.6382] Plugins::LazySearch2::Plugin::scanDoneCallback
(2332) Lazifying database items not already done
[12-02-13 00:19:37.6383] Plugins::LazySearch2::Plugin::spcBegin (2399)
Blocking server power control
[12-02-13 00:19:37.6413] Plugins::LazySearch2::Plugin::spcBegin (2408)
blockcode 631298
[12-02-13 00:19:37.6424]
Plugins::LazySearch2::Plugin::lazifyDatabaseType (2501) Lazify
type=Album, 4 items to lazify
[12-02-13 00:19:37.6432]
Plugins::LazySearch2::Plugin::lazifyDatabaseType (2501) Lazify
type=Contributor, 18 items to lazify
[12-02-13 00:19:37.6440]
Plugins::LazySearch2::Plugin::lazifyDatabaseType (2501) Lazify
type=Genre, 0 items to lazify
[12-02-13 00:19:37.6727]
Plugins::LazySearch2::Plugin::lazifyDatabaseType (2501) Lazify
type=Track, 63 items to lazify
[12-02-13 00:19:37.6728] Plugins::LazySearch2::Plugin::lazifyDatabase
(2385) Scheduling backround lazification
[12-02-13 00:19:38.6809] Plugins::LazySearch2::Plugin::encodeTask
(2576) EncodeTask - 4 Albums remaining
[12-02-13 00:19:38.6831] Plugins::LazySearch2::Plugin::encodeTask
(2658) Lazifier running at 1945 Albums/sec
[12-02-13 00:19:38.6832] Plugins::LazySearch2::Plugin::encodeTask
(2665) Exhaused IDs for Album
[12-02-13 00:19:38.6835] Plugins::LazySearch2::Plugin::encodeTask
(2576) EncodeTask - 63 Tracks remaining
[12-02-13 00:19:38.8347] Plugins::LazySearch2::Plugin::encodeTask
(2658) Lazifier running at 417 Tracks/sec
[12-02-13 00:19:38.8348] Plugins::LazySearch2::Plugin::encodeTask
(2665) Exhaused IDs for Track
[12-02-13 00:19:38.8357] Plugins::CustomScan::Scanner::fullRescan (681)
CustomScan: Scanning already in progress, wait until its finished
[12-02-13 00:19:38.8360] Plugins::LazySearch2::Plugin::scanDoneCallback
(2317) Received notification of end of rescan
[12-02-13 00:19:38.8361] Plugins::LazySearch2::Plugin::scanDoneCallback
(2332) Lazifying database items not already done
[12-02-13 00:19:38.8362] Plugins::LazySearch2::Plugin::spcBegin (2399)
Blocking server power control
[12-02-13 00:19:38.8389] Plugins::LazySearch2::Plugin::spcBegin (2408)
blockcode 39375
[12-02-13 00:19:38.8399]
Plugins::LazySearch2::Plugin::lazifyDatabaseType (2501) Lazify
type=Album, 0 items to lazify
[12-02-13 00:19:38.8406]
Plugins::LazySearch2::Plugin::lazifyDatabaseType (2501) Lazify
type=Contributor, 18 items to lazify
[12-02-13 00:19:38.8414]
Plugins::LazySearch2::Plugin::lazifyDatabaseType (2501) Lazify
type=Genre, 0 items to lazify
[12-02-13 00:19:38.8693]
Plugins::LazySearch2::Plugin::lazifyDatabaseType (2501) Lazify
type=Track, 0 items to lazify
[12-02-13 00:19:38.8694] Plugins::LazySearch2::Plugin::lazifyDatabase
(2385) Scheduling backround lazification
[12-02-13 00:19:39.8694] Plugins::LazySearch2::Plugin::encodeTask
(2576) EncodeTask - 18 Contributors remaining
[12-02-13 00:19:39.8765] Plugins::LazySearch2::Plugin::encodeTask
(2658) Lazifier running at 2568 Contributors/sec
[12-02-13 00:19:39.8766] Plugins::LazySearch2::Plugin::encodeTask
(2665) Exhaused IDs for Contributor
[12-02-13 00:19:39.8767] Plugins::LazySearch2::Plugin::encodeTask
(2674) Database lazification completed
[12-02-13 00:19:39.8769] Plugins::LazySearch2::Plugin::spcEnd (2414)
Unblocking server power control
[12-02-13 00:19:42.6388] Plugins::CustomScan::Scanner::initDatabase
(96) CustomScan: Creating database tables

Is LazySearch still under development? It seems that there was no
activity for some time. Will this bug be fixed or is there a workaround
to avoid the described problem?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] LazySearch and 7.6.0 r32296/32300

2011-11-14 Thread dip

I just recognized that LazySearch 3.6.3 seems to have a bug. When I
search for an artist which is also an artist of one or more songs of a
compilation the albums of this artist and the compilations are
correctly shown when I press RIGHT on the found artist. However, when I
then press RIGHT on one of the shown compilations ALL songs of this
compilation are shown, not only the songs of the search artist. It
seems that there is no filter for the artist set.

I am using squeezeboxserver 7.6.1 - r33110 on Ubuntu.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] LazySearch and 7.6.0 r32296/32300

2011-09-11 Thread dip

I have the same problem with SC 7.6.1. and LazySearch 3.5.6.

Artist, album and genre search are broken in lazysearch. That means you
will find the item but pressing RIGHT does always only show the same
entry again, so browsing is not possible. However, keyword and title
search work correctly.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New versions of erlands plugins

2011-08-25 Thread dip

The duplicate entries all disappeared over night :)

The server was hibernating and no further scan was made. I am not sure
if I restarted the server once again before I went to bed which may
have solved the problem. 

Since ALL album, artist and composer entries were doubled, could it be
that it was a caching problem?

Anyway, now everything works perfectly again and I thank you very much
for your help and have just sent a donation which was overdue a long
time ;) .


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New versions of erlands plugins

2011-08-24 Thread dip

Hi Erland,

I just upgraded from squeezeboxserver 7.5.5 to 7.6.1 and have have a
problem with Custom Browse. I use several Custom Browse menus
especially for browsing classical music based on the Mixed Tags
template. The menus comprise standard tags like ALBUM, ARTIST, COMPOSER
and custom tags like GROUPING (for the work name of a classical piece)
and COMMENT. I have for example the following browse menus:

Classical Music - Work - Composer - Artist - Title

Classical Music - Album - Work - Title

Classical Music - Composer - Work - Artist - Title

Classical Music - Artist - Album - Work - Title

These Custom Browse menus are based on the Mixed Tags template and
worked perfectly in the past. However, since I switched to
squeezeboxserver 7.6.1 all Artist, Composer and Album entries are
always listed twice in the browse menus. This is independent of the
level in which the Artist, Composer or Album is. 

So I get e.g. a composer browse list like

Bach, Johann Sebastian
Bach, Johann Sebastian
Beethoven, Ludwig van
Beethoven, Ludwig van
Chopin, Frederic
Chopin, Frederic

and so on.

This happens only with Artist, Composer and Album but not with Work
(GROUPING). I use also the COMMENT tag in some browse menus and this
tag is also correctly listed once in each browse list. So it seems that
only the standard tags are concerned but not the tags scanned with
Custom Scan.

This happens on the web interface, the squeezeboxes, the controller and
in Squeezecommander on my Android phone.

In the album browse list the first album name is preceeded by the album
art (since in the mixed tags template I selected the corresponding level
tag type as Album) whereas the second (double) entry does not have an
album art in front.

I enclose three samples of my Custom Browse xml files which I have
renamed to *.txt files to be able to upload them.

Could you please check if this is a bug in Custom Browse?

Thanks a lot in advance.

|Filename: klassik-werke.cb.values.txt  |


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New versions of erlands plugins

2011-08-24 Thread dip

As far as I can see the standard tags are only scanned in the Mixed Tags
scanning module. In the Custom Tags scanning module only
GROUPING,TRACKNUM,COMMENT are included in the Tags to scan and the
Single value tags fields.

Where do I find the customscan.prefs file in ubuntu?

And the menus worked as expected since a long time. Only after having
switche from 7.5.5 to 7.6.1 the double entries appeared.

And yes, I don't get double entries in the standard SBS browse menus.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New versions of erlands plugins

2011-08-24 Thread dip

I just found customscan.prefs in /var/lib/squeezeboxserver/prefs/plugin

I renamed it to customscan.txt for uploading it.

|Filename: customscan.txt   |


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New versions of erlands plugins

2010-05-30 Thread dip

Thanks for all your efforts. All in all it is a great step forward in

I tried CustomBrowse and did not find any bug which may have been
introduced with the changes.

The only thing I noticed is the following. When you enter
CustomBrowse's menus (artist, album ...) in several menu levels there
is the menu item Play all. But when you select this item and click
the Center button on the controller nothing happens. To play all you
have to press the Play button. I don't know if this behaviour is on
purpose and if it was already before the changes have been applied.

Best regards and again thans a lot


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New versions of erlands plugins

2010-05-29 Thread dip

I installed the test3 version and enabled debugging for databse.sql and

After starting the server I did the same steps as before with the
following results:

- Entering the CB Artist menu took about 1,5 seconds.
- Entering the S sub menu of the A-Z menu took about 9 seconds.
- Entering the CB Album menu took about 4 seconds. 

I then tried the CB Artist and Album menus of my daughter's music.

- Entering her Artist menu took about 1 second
- Entering her Album menu took about 3 seconds. 

So it seems that there are no significant improvements over the second
test version.

For me the web interface is not relevant since I almost never use it.

Optionally Caching the CB menus (with album art) would be great. If the
menus are cached e.g. after a rescan (or after CustomScan has been
finished) the data should always up to date.

|Filename:   |


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New versions of erlands plugins

2010-05-29 Thread dip

Strange, entering the S sub menu was now only about 5 seconds. I tried
it a second time and then it was about 6 second. So version 4 was not
slower but faster than the previous versions.

I hope the version was correctly installed since in the plugin page of
SC settings there is still shown v2.10.test3. I copied the test4 files
twice in the plugins directory but this did not change the display on
the plugin page. So I assume that you simply forgot to change the
display string.

|Filename:   |


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New versions of erlands plugins

2010-05-27 Thread dip

erland;550968 Wrote: 
 Could you try the following Custom Browse version ?
I have tried the test version, but there was almost no improvement. I
enclose my server.log file.

I have not re-enabled mixers to make the results comparable with the
last test.

- Entering the CB Artist menu took about 1,5 seconds.
- Entering the S sub menu of the A-Z menu took about 10 seconds.
- Entering the CB Album menu took about 13 seconds.

I then tried the CB Artist and Album menus of my daughter's music. This
is a library defined with MultiLibrary (Criteria is GENRE is equal
Rachel and Genre is not equal Classical).

- Entering her Artist menu took about 1 second
- Entering her Album menu did not work at all. After more than 60
seconds spinning of the cursor on the Controller display I cancelled
the operation by pressing the Back button. I am quite (but not
completely) sure that this menu worked before. At least it works
flawless on the Squeezbox Classic (this is what she uses).

|Filename: server.log   |


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New versions of erlands plugins

2010-05-26 Thread dip

erland;550331 Wrote: 
 One thing you could try is to goto SBS Settings/Plugins/Custom
 Browse/Enabled Mixes and uncheck all mixes. I think this should save
 you one SQL statement per row in the list, so it might actually
 increase the performance a bit, maybe even a lot.
 Did I understand you correctly that it also takes a lot of time to
 enter the A-Z menu, not just entering the sub menu for a specific
 letter under it ?
 I'm asking since I don't think A-Z menu itself should be affected by
 the above problem, so if this also is slow it would be great to get a
 lot from a scenario when you enter the A-Z menu to see what happens

After I unchecked all mixes in CustomBrowse settings and restarted the
server I had the following results:

- Entering the CB Artist menu is now much faster (1-2 seconds). This is
a huge improvement and the result is now almost the same as with the
standard Artist menu.

- Entering the S sub menu of the A-Z menu takes still about 15
seconds. There seems to be no improvement (and I can confirm that only
the sub menu is slow, entering the A-Z menu itself is fast).

- Entering the CB Album menu is still slow and takes about 12 to 16
seconds. In this menu album art is shown so this might be the reason
for the bad performance.

- In addition there is a problem that scrolling through a large menu
item list does only work up to a specific entry, then it stops (I can
scroll backwards but not forward and the further entries of the list
are not shown). I then have to wait some time (can take up to 30
seconds or so) and only then I can further scroll through the list.
This happens in all CB menus, i.e. long album lists, long artist lists
and long title lists. It seems as if only a certain amount of memory is
allocated when entering a menu and only the number of menu items fitting
in this memory are shown. When during scrolling through the items the
end of the memory is reached it takes some time until additional memory
is allocated to show the further items in the list. For very long lists
(like in the S title sub menu) this happens multiple times.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New versions of erlands plugins

2010-05-25 Thread dip

erland;550331 Wrote: 
 One thing you could try is to goto SBS Settings/Plugins/Custom
 Browse/Enabled Mixes and uncheck all mixes. I think this should save
 you one SQL statement per row in the list, so it might actually
 increase the performance a bit, maybe even a lot. You might need to
 restart SBS for the changes to take effect. If I'm right, it show mean
 that the above message in the log related to Plugin::MusicMagic::Plugin
 shouldn't be visible anymore.
Thanks, Erland I will try that this evening when I'm at home.

erland;550331 Wrote: 
 Did I understand you correctly that it also takes a lot of time to enter
 the A-Z menu, not just entering the sub menu for a specific letter under
 it ?
No, as soon as I remember, entering the A-Z menu is fast, only entering
the sub menu for a specific letter is slow. I will also check this this


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New versions of erlands plugins

2010-05-24 Thread dip

dip;550037 Wrote: 
 Further, I am not sure if album art is really the problem. For example,
 in the CustomBrowse menu Browse title by A-Z there is no album art
 shown, but the performance is bad. So how can album art be the reason
 for the bad performance if there is no album art shown at all?
The artist browse menu of CustomBrowse shows also in the first menu
level (where the artist names are displayed) no album art. Only when
entering the second browse level, album art is shown with the albums of
the selected artist. However, entering the FIRST level already takes
much longer than with the standard artist browse menus. So are you sure
that album art is really the problem?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New versions of erlands plugins

2010-05-24 Thread dip

erland;550214 Wrote: 
 If you like to help, you can enable debug logging on
 plugin.custombrowse in SBS Settings/Advanced/Logging and then browse
 into a slow menu and send me the server.log log file.

I enclose my zipped server.log file. I did the following: After
enabling debug for CustomBrowse I entered the CustomBrowse Artist menu
to show the list of artists. This took about 5 seconds (which was
unexpectedly fast). I did then NOT enter the next level showing the
albums of a specific artist but I returned to the top level and entered
the Title by A-Z menu. On the A-Z list I scrolled to the character S
and pressed Right to show all tracks beginning with S. This took about
15 seconds. At no time a menu level was entered which shows album art.

Both, the Artist menu as well as the Title by A-Z menu are restricted
to a library defined wich the MultiLibrary plugin as Non-classical
Music. To define this library I have first defined a library
Classical Music comprising all tracks with Genre=Classical and a
library Opera comprising all tracks with Genre=Oper. The library
Non-classical Music is then defined by excluding the contents of
libraries Classical Music and Opera.

|Filename:   |


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New versions of erlands plugins

2010-05-23 Thread dip

erland;549597 Wrote: 
 I'm not sure if it makes you any happier but I feel that the performance
 problems needs to be solved, it's just a matter of how, as I look at
 there are currently the following options:
Any improvement makes me happier ;)

erland;549597 Wrote: 
 Logitech decides to implement flexible browsing and we don't need
 Custom Browse anymore (this will obviously not happen before July)
I agree that this would be the best but probably last available

erland;549597 Wrote: 
 I find some easy way to optimize Custom Browse to get decent
 performanceThis would be at least a first step

erland;549597 Wrote: 
 Make it possible to configure Custom Browse to just show basic
 information and instead get better performance. I suspect this means
 that we for example need to skip album art. The issue currently is that
 to be able to display album art Custom Browse runs a separate query for
 each entry in the menu, the result if there are many items in the menu
 is poor performance. I think it might be pretty easy to add a
 configuration option to make it possible to configure it to not run
 these extra queries.I am quite sure that skipping album art is not a good 
 idea. If you have
a Touch then (I guess) you want to see album art. 

Further, I am not sure if album art is really the problem. For example,
in the CustomBrowse menu Browse title by A-Z there is no album art
shown, but the performance is bad. So how can album art be the reason
for the bad performance if there is no album art shown at all?

erland;549597 Wrote: 
 Create a new plugin which offers a bit less flexibility with the
 advantage of improved performance. If I select this route it might even
 result in making a special version of SBS which have the necessary
 plugin API changes to integrate it better with the core code. It would
 probably mean that only Linux and OSX would be supported, so I would
 prefer to find a different solution since many people still uses
 Microsoft's crap.

I also guess that this may take some time.

erland;549597 Wrote: 
 The limited flexibility in option 4 would probably still satisfy 95% of
 the users since I suspect most users use about 5% of the potential of
 Custom Browse. The problem is just to get to know which 5% of the
 functionality this is so it can be included in the limited version.
 However, I really don't want to select option 4 if it means making a
 special version of SBS, it's only a way out if there isn't any other
 good options. Option 1 would be my preferred solution but I'm not yet
 convinced Logitech will prioritize this.In my special case it would be 
 sufficient to be able to define different
libraries depending on the Genre (I use multiple Genres and set Genre to
the names of my children to define what should be in their libraries)
and create regular Artist and Album browse menus which are in each case
limited to the respective library. I could imagine that this is a
feature which would use many people.

I personally have additionally defined special browse menus for
browsing classical music but this is more complicated. And as long as I
use my old classic Squezeeboxes everything is fine.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New versions of erlands plugins

2010-05-21 Thread dip

erland;544789 Wrote: 
 I think I know what's causing it, I'm just not sure how to solve it yet,
 haven't had the time to look at it yet.
 I suspect you will currently have the same problem on the Touch.

Erland, sorry for bothering you again.

As mentioned, my son wishes for a Squeezebox Touch for birthday. I have
created different libraries for my children, each based on a
corresponding Genre using your Multilibrary plugin, and use the
CustomBrowse plugin for browsing the libraries.

If performance of CustomBrowse on the Touch is as slow as on my
Controller then I really have to think about not buying a Touch (which
would be very disappointing for my son).

Since his birthday is on July 20, do you think there is a chance that
you will figure out the problem until this day?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New versions of erlands plugins

2010-05-21 Thread dip

Sorry, I didn't want to urge you (and I really did not expect a promise
from you as to the problem will be solved). I appreciate your work for
your plugins very much. I thought you may have already looked into the
problem and can give a time estimate. If not, I will live with it and
look for a workaround.

Using a local USB device or a separate computer would mean to double
all music since my son's music is completely included in the music of
the main library.

I think I will give the Touch a try to see how the performance of
CustomBrowse is. Perhaps it is better as on the Controller, perhaps I
find another workaround, or perhaps the CustomBrowse problem is solved
until then ;)

Thanks a lot for your efforts and your great plugins!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New versions of erlands plugins

2010-05-12 Thread dip

Erland, did you already find the reason for the bad performace on the

And back to my first question: Will there be the same performance
problem on a Squeezbox Touch or will that work like the Classic?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New versions of erlands plugins

2010-04-27 Thread dip

erland;540728 Wrote: 
 Could you try to enable debug logging on plugin.custombrowse in SBS
 Settings/Advanced/Logging and then enter one of these menus and post
 the server.log file afterwards ?

I enclose my zipped server.log file. I did the following steps on the

After waking up the server I entered the CustomBrowse Album menu which
took about 10 seconds. Then I returned to the main screen and entered
the CustomBrowse Artist menu which took also about 10 seconds. Then I
returned to the main screen and entered the Title by characters A-Z
menu. To enter the level showing only the single characters A...Z took
less than one second. Then I scrolled to the character S and entered
this submenu which took about 13 seconds.

I then returned to the main menu and entered the standard Album menu
(which comprises even more albums than the CB Album menu since in the
standard menu non-classical and classical albums are shown). This took
less than one second. Then I returned to the main menu and entered the
standard Artist menu which took also less than one second.

Is the log helpful or should I try anything else?

|Filename:   |


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New versions of erlands plugins

2010-04-27 Thread dip

erland;541095 Wrote: 
 Do you have the same performance problems in the web interface ?
I never use the web interface.

I just tried it and entering the CB Album menu took between 3 and 7
seconds, entering the CD Artist menu took between 2 and 5 seconds. The
time for entering the standard Album and Artist menu was about the
However when I tried to enter the S title submenu it took several

In contrast, on the Classic all menus are reacting almost immediately.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New versions of erlands plugins

2010-04-26 Thread dip

erland;540566 Wrote: 
 Is the standard browse menus provided by Logitech also slow on the
 Controller ?
No, the standard browse menus are much faster (sometimes about 10
 Does it show more information about each item in the menu in Controller
 compared to the Classic/Boom interfaces ?
No the information is the same.
 How many songs/artists/albums do you have in your library ?
I have 12672 songs, 593 artists and 925 albums in my complete library.
11685 are non-classical songs, 903 are classical songs and there are
additional 84 songs which are opera songs for which I have defined a
separate library.

 How many items are shown in the menus that are slow ?
In order to have classical music separated from non-classical I have
defined with MultiLibrary two different libraries, one comprising all
classical music and the other comprising all non-classical music, and a
third library comprising operas.
With CustomBrowse I have then defined an artist and an album browse
structure which are identical to the standard artist and album browse
structure except that they are restricted to the non-classical library
(to avoid that classical music is listed when browsing the artist and
the album menus). For the classical music I have a separate, different
browse structure.

When I enter the first level of the browse menus by pressing right on
the Artist or on the Album menu item it takes about 8 to 10 seconds on
the controller until the artist list or the album list is displayed
when using the CustomBrowse menus. When I use the standard artist or
album menus it takes usually less than a secondt until the artist or
the album list is displayed.

In addition I have defined a browse tracks menu shown an A-Z list on
the first level (this is one of your standard menus) which is also
restricted to the non-classical library. Entering the first level
(showing the A to Z) is fast, but entering the second level showing the
track titles takes also up to 10 seconds. I guess it takes the longer
the more tracks are to be displayed.

In addition there is a problem that scrolling through a large list does
only work up to a specific entry, then it stops (I can scroll backwards
but no forward and the further entries are even not shown). I then have
to wait some time (can take up to 30 seconds or so) and only then I can
further scroll through the list.

 Is it only menus that contains a lot of items that are slow ?
Yes, it seems that the problem increases with the number of items which
are in total stored under the browse structure. I just tested to enter
the S list of my tracks which took about 13 seconds. Entering the X
list took less than 1 second. In the S level there are about 1200
tracks but in the X level there are only two.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New versions of erlands plugins

2010-04-25 Thread dip
(2310) EncodeTask - 1 Tracks remaining
[10-04-25 18:07:16.1849] Plugins::LazySearch2::Plugin::encodeTask
(2389) Lazifier running at 2 Tracks/sec
[10-04-25 18:07:16.1856] Plugins::LazySearch2::Plugin::encodeTask
(2396) Exhaused IDs for Track
[10-04-25 18:07:16.1861] Plugins::LazySearch2::Plugin::encodeTask
(2405) Database lazification completed
[10-04-25 18:07:16.1877] Plugins::LazySearch2::Plugin::spcEnd (2148)
Unblocking server power control

Do you see from the log entries what causes the problem or is there
anything else I can do?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New versions of erlands plugins

2010-04-25 Thread dip

Yes, they have (and always had).


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New versions of erlands plugins

2010-04-19 Thread dip

erland;537369 Wrote: 
 Make sure you haven't disabled it in Custom Scan settings, it works in
 my setup towards Squeezebox Server 7.5.1
I double checked that I havn't disabled it. It is enabled as it always
was. I have not changed anything in my settings of CustomScan since
ages so I have no clue why it no longer starts automatically.

Can I provide you with log messages or any other information?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New versions of erlands plugins

2010-04-18 Thread dip

Since some time (maybe after I switched to SC 5.1?) the automatic rescan
of CustomScan after a Squeezebox Server rescan does no longer work. I
have now always to start the rescan of CustomScan manually. I use
CustomScan 2.7.4 on SC 5.1 running on Ubuntu 9.04.

Is that a bug in CustomScan?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] TitleSwitcher and MusicInfoScreen on squeezeboxserver 7.4

2010-01-26 Thread dip

Isn't that great for classical music?!
I love it :)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] TitleSwitcher and MusicInfoScreen on squeezeboxserver 7.4

2010-01-19 Thread dip

just to let you know, Michael has changed some code in SBS and his MIS
plugin and now everything works fine. So there is no need for a
workaround in the TitleSwitcher plugin. Great!!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Lazysearch problem

2010-01-17 Thread dip

hickinbottoms;507474 Wrote: 
 It looks one of your database tables is missing the customsearch
 column - is it possible for you to check that? It should be present on
 the following tables:
 How do I check the tables? I use Ubuntu 9.04 and have installed using unstable main.
hickinbottoms;507474 Wrote: 
 Also, are you running main or embedded branch, and is that with MySQL
 SQLite?I guess it's the main branch with MySQL since mysqld is started when I
start SBS.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Lazysearch problem

2010-01-17 Thread dip

hickinbottoms;507502 Wrote: 
 On an Ubuntu installation I think you can do that with the following:
 echo desc tracks | mysql -v --protocol TCP -u slimserver -P 9092
 Substitute albums, contributors and genres for tracks in the
 above command to look in each table. In each case it should dump the
 names of the columns in each table, and there should be a
 in each case.
I did that and in each output a customsearch is included. So that
seems not to be the problem.

Anything else I can try?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Beta version of SvrPowerControl

2010-01-15 Thread dip

I installed the latest beta version, but unfortunately the block still
can't be cleared. I even rebooted the server but this did not change
anything. After clicking on Clear block the messages Clearing block
and then Block cleared appear but in the SvrPowerCtrl menu the entry
still reads Clear Block wich means it is not cleared.

Anything else I can test?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Lazysearch problem

2010-01-15 Thread dip

I still have the following message in the server.log everytime I
restart SBS:

[10-01-15 18:59:05.2042] Plugins::LazySearch2::Plugin::scanDoneCallback
(2061) Re-lazifying (plugin version changed from
'af6478d2d77a21d0d332557db09c4b81167409df' to

And when I invoke LazySearch I get the message:

[10-01-15 19:22:16.1235] Plugins::LazySearch2::Plugin::__ANON__ (284)
Entering search while scan in progress

although no scan should be in progress.

Is that normal?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Lazysearch problem

2010-01-15 Thread dip

It seems that there is a conflict between the SrvPowerCtrl und
LazySearc2 plugins in SBS 7.5.

When I try to restart SBS through SrvPowerCtrl the following message
Screstart is unavailable. Lazysearch is requesting that the server
stay running because Performing Lazification.

I have now deinstalled LazySearch2 and after restarting the server the
block is cleared and SrvPowerCtrl works again. I have then reinstalled
LazySearch2 and the same problem appears.

With SBS 7.4.2 both plugins works together without problems.

I post this description also in the SrvPowerCtrl thread


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Beta version of SvrPowerControl

2010-01-15 Thread dip

gharris999;506828 Wrote: 
 Thanks for that.  Are you saying that 'Lazification' never finishes?  Or
 that LazySearch fails to clear the block when it is finished?I don't know, it 
 seems as if Lazification never finishes. When I invoke
LazySearch I get the message: 

[10-01-16 01:49:31.3969] Plugins::LazySearch2::Plugin::__ANON__ (284)
Entering search while scan in progress

This happend more then 5 hours after the server started, so all scans
and lazfification should have been finished a long time ago.

And after each server restart I get the message:

[10-01-15 20:20:59.9262] Plugins::LazySearch2::Plugin::scanDoneCallback
(2061) Re-lazifying (plugin version changed from
'af6478d2d77a21d0d332557db09c4b81167409df' to

This seems also not ok to me.

gharris999;506828 Wrote: 
 Just speculating here, but with 7.5, SBS's automatic 'scan for new' is
 defaulted to ON.  That means that every time SBS is started, the scanner
 is run.  This may, in turn, trigger an automatic 'Lazification' scan. 
 Look in the 7.5 settings and see if there is a way to disable the auto
 scans.  Then reboot the server and see if LazySearch is better behaved.I did 
 not find such an option. And I think that should not be the
problem, since even when the scanner was started after SBS was started,
after more then 5 hours every scan should be finished and the above
first message should not be shown.

Does LazySearch2 use the same block as SvrPowerCtrl?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Beta version of SvrPowerControl

2010-01-13 Thread dip

I just upgraded Squeezeboxserver from 7.4.2 to 7.5. I have used
SrvPowerCtrl only to monitor idle players and to suspend the server
after 45 minutes. With 7.5 SrvPowerCtrl does no longer work, i.e. the
server is no longer suspended. I checked the SrvPowerCtrl menu and
recognized that the entry Clear Block is shown (which usually means
that a block is set to prevent suspend). I then tried to clear the
block. After clicking on Clear Block message appears Clearing block
and after a while Block cleared, but in fact the block is NOT cleared
since after again entering the SrvPowerCtrl menu it is still shown
Clear Block and the server does not suspend after idle time.

I then deinstalled SrvPowerCtrl and installed the latest beta version
(v20100101.164543), restarted the server but nothing changed. I am
running SBS on Ubuntu 9.04.

Is this a known incompatibility with SBS 7.5?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Lazysearch problem

2010-01-13 Thread dip

After installing the new LazySearch2 version on SBS 7.5 I have the
following messages in the server.log file:

2010-01-14 00:13:18 squeezeboxserver_safe started.
[10-01-14 00:13:21.1008] main::init (321) Starting Squeezebox Server
(v7.5.0, r29768, Tue Jan 12 02:01:41 PST 2010) perl 5.01
[10-01-14 00:14:21.0550] Plugins::LazySearch2::Plugin::scanDoneCallback
(2061) Re-lazifying (plugin version changed from
'af6478d2d77a21d0d332557db09c4b81167409df' to
[10-01-14 00:14:21.1330] Slim::Plugin::MusicMagic::Common::__ANON__
(75) Failed fetching filters from MusicIP
[10-01-14 00:14:24.6385] Slim::Utils::Scheduler::run_tasks (142) Error:
Scheduled task failed: DBIx::Class::Row::set_column(): No such column
customsearch at
line 2365
[10-01-14 00:15:46.5643] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1165) Warning:
[00:15:46.5627] DBIx::Class::ResultSet::single(): Query returned more
than one row.  SQL that returns multiple rows is DEPRECATED for -find
and -single at /usr/share/perl5/Slim/Schema/ line 248
[10-01-14 00:16:51.0031]
Plugins::SrvrPowerCtrl::Watchdog::OnWakeupWatchdog (518) Wakeup Call!!
[10-01-14 00:18:51.5517] Plugins::LazySearch2::Plugin::__ANON__ (284)
Entering search while scan in progress
[10-01-14 00:32:44.2721] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1165) Warning:
[00:32:44.2712] DBIx::Class::ResultSet::single(): Query returned more
than one row.  SQL that returns multiple rows is DEPRECATED for -find
and -single at /usr/share/perl5/Slim/Schema/ line 248
[10-01-14 00:38:42.0008]
Plugins::SrvrPowerCtrl::Watchdog::OnWakeupWatchdog (518) Wakeup Call!!
[10-01-14 00:39:29.5132] Plugins::LazySearch2::Plugin::__ANON__ (284)
Entering search while scan in progress

I don't have problems using LazySearch but using SrvPowerCtrl since I
switched SBS from 7.4.2 to 7.5. When I not try to restart SBS through
SrvPowerCtrl the following message appears:
Screstart is unavailable. Lazysearch is requesting that the server
stay running because Performing Lazification.
Since I did not see the lazification is performed when calling
Lazysearch on the squeezebox I click on the Now create index for
lazysearch button on the Lazysearch settings page, but nothing happens
and the problems still exist.

Is this problem caused by Lazysearch?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Beta version of SvrPowerControl

2010-01-13 Thread dip

gharris999;506123 Wrote: 
 1). Does the block still exist after you've rebooted the server?Yes, 
 rebooting does not clear the block. At the moment I see no way to
clear it.

gharris999;506123 Wrote: 
 2). Does the file /var/lock/spc-block exist on the server?  If so,
 delete it.No, it does not exist. I created it manually to see what happend and
after clicking on clear block it was deleted but the block was still
not cleared.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Lazysearch problem

2010-01-11 Thread dip

The new version works perfectly, thanks a lot!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Lazysearch problem

2010-01-10 Thread dip

Thanks, I will wait for the update.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Lazysearch problem

2010-01-09 Thread dip

I just switched from SqueezeboxServer 7.4.2 to 7.5. Since in the
server.log there was the message that LazySearch is not compatible I
changed the may version number in LazySearch's install.xml from 7.4+ to

Now LazySearch works again but it cannot be started with the search
button on the remote. Despite the corresponding settings in the
LazySearch settings page the search button now always starts the regular
search and I have to stare LazySearch through the Extras menu. Is there
a way to start LazySearch with the search button even in SBS 7.5?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] TitleSwitcher and MusicInfoScreen on squeezeboxserver 7.4

2010-01-08 Thread dip

Thanks, I will try to figure it out.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] TitleSwitcher and MusicInfoScreen on squeezeboxserver 7.4

2010-01-07 Thread dip

erland;501764 Wrote: 
 Unfortunately I've decided to stop all third party development:
 However, Title Switcher is a fairly small plugin so if you are willing
 to learn som perl you might be able to do the modifications yourself.
It's very sad that you stopped third party development, although I can
understand you after having read the mentioned thread.

I use CustomBrowse, CustomScan, MultiLibrary and TitleSwitcher and
cannot think about not using these plugins. In particular for browsing
classical music these plugins are a must have for me.

I don't know perl but may have a look at the TitleSwitcher plugin. Can
I beg you to provide me with a starting point in which region of the
code I should start to look for the COMPOSER problem?

Anyway, thanks a lot for your past efforts and your great plugins!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] TitleSwitcher and MusicInfoScreen on squeezeboxserver 7.4

2010-01-02 Thread dip

erland;481860 Wrote: 
 Are we sure COMPOSER,BAND and CONDUCTOR never can exist for online
 radio stations ?
 If we are I can apply a similar fix in Title Switcher plugin as Michael
 already has done in MusicInfoSCR that doesn't show these values for
 online radio stations.I have never seen theses tags set in any online radio 
 station. Is there
a chance that you will provide such a fix? That would be great!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] TitleSwitcher and MusicInfoScreen on squeezeboxserver 7.4

2009-11-04 Thread dip

erland;481491 Wrote: 
 Could you try if the latest Custom Scan version (2.7.3) solves this ?
 I haven't been able to reproduce the problem in my own setup but 2.7.3
 should at least get rid of the errors in the log so if this was the
 cause it might solve the problem.I have now installed Custom Scan 2.7.3 and 
 TitleSwitcher 1.1.3 but
unfortunately this does not solve my problem. Display for Internet
streams still switches between artist and playist name (or whatever the
displayed string represents).

Do I have to initiate a new scan to make the changes of Custom Scan
effective? At the moment I only restarted squeezebox server but did not
rescan my music.

Should I provide you with more information (e.g. my server.prefs and my
titlesswitcher.prefs and musicinfo.prefs). Perhaps it depends on a
setting that you cannot reproduce this problem.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] TitleSwitcher and MusicInfoScreen on squeezeboxserver 7.4

2009-11-04 Thread dip

erland;481660 Wrote: 
 Please post or send me your titleswitcher.prefs and musicinfo.prefs
Here they are (with additional log extension to allow upload). If I can
help you in any further way, please let me know.

|Filename: titleswitcher.prefs.log  |


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New versions of erlands plugins

2009-11-02 Thread dip

erland;479508 Wrote: 
 Do you just get them when accessing the Custom Browse menus or do you
 also get them when accessing other menus ?
I was quite sure that I got them only when accessing the Custom Browse
menus but now I am not able to reproduce the errors in response to any
clicking action. Neither when I click on any Custom Browse menu item nor
on a standard menu item the error message appears but when I look some
times later in the log there are the same error messages again. So at
the moment I have no idea what causes these errors.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] TitleSwitcher and MusicInfoScreen on squeezeboxserver 7.4

2009-11-02 Thread dip

Erland, do you have any idea what could cause the wrong display? It is
still there consequently for ALL internet streams I use.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New versions of erlands plugins

2009-10-30 Thread dip

After installing this morning the latest nightly of 7.4.2 CustomBrowse
started working again in the web interface (although the above warnings
still show up in the log).


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] TitleSwitcher and MusicInfoScreen on squeezeboxserver 7.4

2009-10-26 Thread dip

I have just seen that on the settings page of MusicInfoScr there is an
option Show playlist name for online streams. In the info it is
described that online streams sometimes don't have the artist and/or the
album tag set and with this option enabled the playlist name of the
online stream can be displayed instead of an empty tag.

I have tried this option but it makes no difference in the display
output which is correct since the tag concerned in the present case is
the COMPOSER tag. However, could it be that TitleSwitcher, MusicInfoScr
or even a core component of Squeezebox Server displays the playlist
name (whatever this is in an online stream) if the COMPOSER tag is
empty? As alreday mentioned, it seems that always the name of the menu
item is displayed at which the PLAY button was pressed, so it could be
that this is be default the playlist name. And since in some cases the
COMPOSER and the ARTIST are treated similarly (there is e.g. an option
to include composer in the search for artist) there could be a cross
connection which lead to the present problem.

At the moment it seems that the problem is related to the TitleSwitcher
plugin since it does not show up if MusicInfoScr is used without
TitleSwitcher. But the replacement rule could in my opinion even be
defined in the core of Squeezebox Server and there is only a wrong
handling how TitleSwitcher communicates the empty COMPOSER tag to the
core component.

I have no idea if this makes sense but if I can give you any
information which could help to track down this bug I will do.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] TitleSwitcher and MusicInfoScreen on squeezeboxserver 7.4

2009-10-26 Thread dip

Are there any news to this problem? Can I test anything further?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] TitleSwitcher and MusicInfoScreen on squeezeboxserver 7.4

2009-10-23 Thread dip

erland;476201 Wrote: 
 Could you enable debug logging on plugin.musicinfoscr and
 plugin.titleswitcher and post the log after you have viewed it switching
 to the incorrect values at least once ?
Here is my server.log with debug logging enabled.

|Filename: server.log   |


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] TitleSwitcher and MusicInfoScreen on squeezeboxserver 7.4

2009-10-23 Thread dip

mherger;476300 Wrote: 
  Second, the string that is incorrectly displayed is not the contents
  the TITLE tag. I tested now several different internet radio
  and in addition Deezer. It seems that instead of COMPOSER the name
  the last menu item is displayed that was shown when I pressed PLAY.
  example, when I browse to Internet Radio - Our Recommendations -
  popular - radioioJazz and then press PLAY the display switches
  e.g. My Way (Frank Sinatra) and My Way (radioioJazz).
 Could you try with only MIS (without the switcher plugin) in order to
 make sure whether it's a MIS only bug, or only when both are being used?
I have now defined a format string


and set MIS to use this string (without TitleSwitcher). In this case
the display is alwasy correct, for music from my library and also for
internet radio, Deezer and For local music which comprises
COMPOSER and GROUPING all four tags are displayed and for local music
without these tags as well as for internet radio, Deezer and
only Title - Artist is displayed.

So it seems that this is a problem of TitleSwitcher.

I enclose my server.log file showing the playback of the music with the
above test format string.

|Filename: server.log   |


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New versions of erlands plugins

2009-10-23 Thread dip

erland;476284 Wrote: 
 Do you get this with any special type of tracks ?
 The error occurs when a Custom Scan based title format is about to be
 displayed through MusicInfoSCR, but I can't reproduce it in my own
 You could try to enable debug logging of plugin.custom scan, that
 should print something like:
 Retreiving title format: CUSTOMTAG_WORK
 In the server.log just before the error, where CUSTOMTAG is the
 scanning module and WORK is the tag.
I have the impression that I get this in internet streams.

I enclose my server.log file with debugging on.

|Filename: server.log   |


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New versions of erlands plugins

2009-10-22 Thread dip

erland;475749 Wrote: 
 I suspect this is related to remote tracks (internet radio), it would be
 great if you could check if the 2.7.2 version solves this problem as I'm
 not sure how to reproduce it in my own setup.
I installed 2.7.2 this morning and had the same error in server.log. 

I did not have the time to make a new scan. Is that necessary?

I will post you my server.log this evening.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] TitleSwitcher and MusicInfoScreen on squeezeboxserver 7.4

2009-10-22 Thread dip

In MIS 4.4.5 it's better but still not correct.

I shortly tested it this morning. In I selected PLAY on menu
item My Recommendations. The display switched then between Thriller
(Michael Jackson) and Thriller (My Recommendations). The second one
is obviously wrong. It seems that TITLE (ARTIST) is handled correctly
and in GROUPING (COMPOSER) the GROUPING part is correctly not switched
(since GROUPING is empty) but the COMPOSER part is switched although
COMPOSER is also empty and somehow the string My Recommendation is

For internet radio the display switched between Top 40-Pop (Bayern 3
97,3) and Top 40-Pop (Bayern 3 97,3(Top 40 Popmusik)). Again the
first is correct and the second (comprising the COMPOSER part) is
incorrect. The funny thing is that the additional string (Top 40
Popmusik) with the additional parantheses cannot be found in the
properties of the radio station. None of the tags which can be shown by
pressing RIGHT comprises this string.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] TitleSwitcher and MusicInfoScreen on squeezeboxserver 7.4

2009-10-22 Thread dip

erland;475991 Wrote: 
 If I remember correctly I think this is some default handling in
 Slim/Music/ that uses TITLE if no format is provided. Could this
 describe what you are seeing ?No, that's not what I'm seeing. 

First, as far as I understand the ARTIST/COMPOSER part of my format
definition should not switch at all since COMPOSER is empty. This works
correctly for the TITLE/GROUPING part which does correctly not switch.

Second, the string that is incorrectly displayed is not the contents of
the TITLE tag. I tested now several different internet radio stations
and in addition Deezer. It seems that instead of COMPOSER the name of
the last menu item is displayed that was shown when I pressed PLAY. For
example, when I browse to Internet Radio - Our Recommendations - Most
popular - radioioJazz and then press PLAY the display switches between
e.g. My Way (Frank Sinatra) and My Way (radioioJazz). 

The same is true for and Deezer. When I browse to My Apps -
Deezer - Radio - Jazz - Jazz vocal and then press PLAY the display
switches between My Way (Frank Sinatra) and My Way (Jazz vocal).
And, as previously described, when I browse to My Apps - - My
Stations - My Recommendations and then press PLAY the display switches
between My Way (Frank Sinatra) and My Way (My Recommendations).

The first part of the format TITLESWITCHERTITLEGROUPING
(TITLESWITCHERARTISTCOMPOSER) correctly shows always TITLE (since
GROUPING is always empty) but the second part switches between ARTIST
(which is correct) and the fixed name of the last menu item (although is
should remain to show ARTIST since COMPOSER is empty).


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New versions of erlands plugins

2009-10-22 Thread dip

erland;475993 Wrote: 
 No, you shouldn't need to scan again.

Enclosed is my server.log file. As you can see, there are still several
error messages for CustomScan saying Database error: You have an error
in your SQL syntax.

I use CustomScan 2.7.2


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New versions of erlands plugins

2009-10-22 Thread dip

erland;476199 Wrote: 
 Can't see any file, did you forget to attach it ?
Sorry, here it is

|Filename: server.log   |


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New versions of erlands plugins

2009-10-21 Thread dip


I just saw that I have errors in my server.log file which seem to be
related to CustomScan (you have an error in your SQL syntax...). I
don't recognize any problems but I thought you should know about.

I enclose an excerpt from my server.log file.

|Filename: server.log   |


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] TitleSwitcher and MusicInfoScreen on squeezeboxserver 7.4

2009-10-21 Thread dip

Michael Herger has now released a new version of MusicInfoScr (4.4.4).
With this new version the errors in server.log are gone. Now the display
for music from and internet radio stations does no longer switch
(wich is correct since neither COMPOSER nor GROUPING is set) but instead
of the artist name the string TITLESWITCHERARTIST is constantly

For example


instead of Top 40-Pop (Bayern 3 97,3)

for internet radio station Bayern 3



instead of Thriller (Michael Jackson)

for music from

Is that a bug in the TitleSwitcher Plugin?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Beta version of SvrPowerControl

2009-10-21 Thread dip

I run SrvrPowerCtrl's Debian setup script and now suspend works with the
latest beta. Thanks a lot.

One small point. After waking up the server I always get the following
empty Now trying to execute line in server.log.

[09-10-21 22:16:12.0014] Plugins::SrvrPowerCtrl::Util::SystemExecCmd
(550) Now trying to execute sudo /usr/sbin/pm-suspend
[09-10-21 22:22:56.9270]
Plugins::SrvrPowerCtrl::Watchdog::OnWakeupWatchdog (498) Wakeup Call!!
[09-10-21 22:22:56.9278] Plugins::SrvrPowerCtrl::Util::SystemExecCmd
(550) Now trying to execute


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] TitleSwitcher and MusicInfoScreen on squeezeboxserver 7.4

2009-10-21 Thread dip

Michael Herger has just explained that in his new version of
MusicInfoScr the COMPOSER tag is removed when an online stream is

I have the impression that also the substring COMPOSER is removed from
the string TITLESWITCHERARTISTCOMPOSER which would result in
TITLESWITCHERARTIST. Since this string is unknown to TitleSwitcher it
cannot be resolved and is displayed. Does this sound reasonable?

Anyway, I enclose my titleswitcher.prefs and musicinfo.prefs files for
your information (with log extension since prefs files cannot be

|Filename: titleswitcher.prefs.log  |


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Beta version of SvrPowerControl

2009-10-20 Thread dip

I used SvrPowerControl with SC 7.3 without problems to suspend SC after
45 minutes idle time on Ubuntu 9.04. After upgrading to squeezeboxserver
7.4 the plugin did no longer work so I uninstalled it.

I have now tested the new beta of the plugin and it crashes my
squeezboxserver. I enclose my server.log file. I manually installed the
beta version by copying the SvrPowerControl folder to
/var/lib/squeezboxserver/cache/InstalledPlugins/Plugins. After a server
restart the SvrPowerControl links wer shown in the web interface main
page of squeezeboxserver but the plugin was not listed on the plugins
page of the sqeueezeboxserver settings. And there was no way to access
the settings page of the plugin (there was also no prefs file

I tried then to suspend the server using the links on the web interface
main page but this did not have any effect. I than tried to shutdown the
server using SvrPowerControl and then squeezeboxserver died.

|Filename: server.log   |


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[SlimDevices: Plugins] TitleSwitcher and MusicInfoScreen on squeezeboxserver 7.4

2009-10-20 Thread dip

I use the TitleSwitcher and MusicInfoScreen plugins to switch display
every 15 seconds between 


i.e. for example Molto vivace (Leonard Bernstein) and Symphony No. 9
(Beethoven, Ludwig van)

GROUPING is a tag scanned with the CustomScan plugin in which I store
the work title for classical music. For non-classical music GROUPING and
COMPOSER are empty since I set the composer only for classical music.

Since the TitleSwitcher plugin does only switch display if the used
tags are not empty, the result is that for non-classical music the
display of my squeezbox always shows TITLE (ARTIST) while the switching
described above takes place only for classical music. For me that is a
perfect solution that takes into account that for classical music
composer, artist, work, and movement (which is stored in TITLE) should
be displayed while for non-classical music only artist and track title
should be displayed.

This worked perfectly with SC 7.3 for all kind of music sources. In 7.4
it works only correctly for music from my local library but it does not
work correctly for music from internet radios and

For example, when I hear music from the display switches


If you look into the enclosed server.log it seems that the
MusicInfoScreen plugin has problems with the COMPOSER tag which is not
set for the music (although there are no problems with my own
non-classical music for which this tag is also not set).

Same problem happens with internet radio. For example, if I hear radio
station Bayern 3 the display switches between

Top-40 Pop (Bayern 3 97,3) and Top-40 Pop

Note that Top-40 Pop is always the contents of the TITLE tag and
Bayern 3 97,3 is the contents of the ARTIST tag for this radio station
since the real artist names and titles are not transmitted. Of course
the GROUPING and the COMPOSER tags are not set so it seems to be the
same problem as with

I don't know if it is a problem with the TitleSwitcher or with the
MusicInfoScreen plugin. But I know that it worked perfectly with SC 7.3
even for and internet radio.

I enclose also screenshots from the settings for TitleSwitcher and

Erland and Michael, could you please look into this problem and check
which plugin causes the problem? 

Thanks a lot for your efforts.

|Filename: MusicInfoScreen.jpg  |


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Beta version of SvrPowerControl

2009-10-20 Thread dip

Sorry, I did not know that I have to run the setup script, I will try
that this evening and report.

When I switched from Windows XP to Ubuntu 9.04 (using SC 7.3) I
recognized that after a SC crash it was automatically restarted (which
is different from the Windows version). On Ubuntu there is a
squeezeboxserver_safe process running in addition to the normal
squezeboxserver which may restart squeezboxserver automatically if it

So it could be that restart is on purpose and it may be that shutdown
from SvrPowerControl always had this behavior. Usually I only use
suspend and I clicked on shutdown only for testing purposes so I don't
know if this happend already with SC 7.3 or if this is new in
squeezboxserver 7.4.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New versions of erlands plugins

2009-10-18 Thread dip

For me the new version also works perfectly. Thanks a lot Erland! I
don't know if the scan is slower than before since it takes some time
and I don't know exactly how long it took before. But that is not so
important since usually I don't scan so often. Browsing is perfectly
fast on the Squeezebox Classic as it was before.

I did two scans as requested and enclose my server.log file.

Thanks again Erland for your help and your great plugins!

|Filename: server.log   |


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New versions of erlands plugins

2009-10-16 Thread dip

erland;473184 Wrote: 
 I think I've found the problem you and dip sees, it's caused by a
 performance operation when there more than 2 rows in the Custom Scan
 table. Unfortunately this seems to cause problems with 7.4. 
 I'm not sure how to solve it yet, if I remember correctly the non
 optimized solution could lock SqueezeCenter completely for a few
 minutes. If I don't find a good solution, I'll release a version which
 use the non optimized version since that should at least do the right
 thing even though it's a bit slow.I'm glad to hear that you may have found 
 the problem. Will the non
optimized solution lock SqueezeCenter only during a scan or during
browsing? During scan would not be so problematic since one can await
that the scan is over.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New versions of erlands plugins

2009-10-15 Thread dip

erland;472434 Wrote: 
 This part sounds bad and similar to what aeo12 saw a few posts back.
 Would it be possible for you to enable info level logging on
 plugin.customscan in Squeezebox Server Settings/Advanced/Logging and
 post the log after you have performed a rescan ?I will start the rescan but 
 than have to leave for work. I will post the
result this evening.

erland;472434 Wrote: 
 Can you also try to start a rescan manually from the Custom Scan
 settings page to see if the problem only happens during automatically
 triggered rescans.Will do that also this evening.

erland;472434 Wrote: 
 What operating system are you running Squeezebox Server on ?Ubuntu 9.04


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New versions of erlands plugins

2009-10-15 Thread dip

erland;472434 Wrote: 
 Would it be possible for you to enable info level logging on
 plugin.customscan in Squeezebox Server Settings/Advanced/Logging and
 post the log after you have performed a rescan ?
 Can you also try to start a rescan manually from the Custom Scan
 settings page to see if the problem only happens during automatically
 triggered rescans.
Erland, I enclose now copies of my server.log and scanner.log. I made a
manual rescan (clicked on scan all) but the problem is still there. And
during the scan (especially at the beginning) the server is almost
unresponsive and scanning takes ages.
After performing the scan I clicked on several menu items in the web
interface which seems to generate errors in the log file.

|Filename: scanner.log  |


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New versions of erlands plugins

2009-10-14 Thread dip

erland;472172 Wrote: 
 Do you get any errors in the log files ?
Yes I get the following errors in server.log:
[09-10-05 23:13:29.5082] Plugins::CustomScan::Scanner::initTrackScan
(1337) Database error: Can't execute the given command because you have
active locked tables or an active transaction
[09-10-05 23:20:20.2543] Plugins::LazySearch2::Plugin::encodeTask
(2393) Database lazification completed
[09-10-06 06:36:52.3838] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1160) Warning:
[06:36:52.3828] DBIx::Class::ResultSet::single(): Query returned more
than one row.  SQL that returns multiple rows is DEPRECATED for -find
and -single at /usr/share/perl5/Slim/Schema/ line 159
[09-10-06 06:37:13.7776] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1160) Warning:
[06:37:13.7767] DBIx::Class::ResultSet::single(): Query returned more
than one row.  SQL that returns multiple rows is DEPRECATED for -find
and -single at /usr/share/perl5/Slim/Schema/ line 159
[09-10-06 06:48:45.4468] Slim::Buttons::Input::Choice::getExtVal (175)
Error: Couldn't run coderef. [Can't call method title on an undefined
value at
line 1760.
[09-10-06 06:48:51.1998] Slim::Buttons::Input::Choice::getExtVal (175)
Error: Couldn't run coderef. [Can't call method title on an undefined
value at
line 1760.
[09-10-06 06:48:52.3167] Slim::Buttons::Input::Choice::getExtVal (175)
Error: Couldn't run coderef. [Can't call method title on an undefined
value at
line 1760.
[09-10-14 23:42:29.5942] Slim::Networking::IO::Select::__ANON__ (146)
Error: Select task failed calling Slim::Web::HTTP::processHTTP: Can't
call method title on an undefined value at
line 1760.
; fh=Slim::Web::HTTP::ClientConn=GLOB(0xd5d5670)
[09-10-14 23:43:01.7394] Slim::Networking::IO::Select::__ANON__ (146)
Error: Select task failed calling Slim::Web::HTTP::processHTTP: Can't
call method title on an undefined value at
line 1760.
; fh=Slim::Web::HTTP::ClientConn=GLOB(0xd829bc0)

I also get the following error which seems to be a problem between the
TitleSwitcher plugin and MusicInfoScr since 7.4.1 (so that seems to be a
different story):
ta (351) Problem executing callback: Can't locate object method
composer via package Slim::Schema::RemotePlaylist at
/usr/share/perl5/Slim/Music/ line 191.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New versions of erlands plugins

2009-10-13 Thread dip

I tracked down my problems a bit. The problems seem only to occure with
the MixedTag menu template. All menus based on this template show the
described problems while my other menus based on other templates do

I finally created a test library comprising only one classical and one
non-classical album (i.e. there was also only one classical artist and
one non-classical artist). Further I created two MixedTag menus from
scratch wich both only contained ARTIST on the first level. One menu was
restricted to the classical part of my test library (defined with the
Multi Library plugin) and the other was restricted to the non-classical

When browsing in the web interface through the created menus, in both
cases the (in each case only) artist was listed three times. When
clicking on each of these artists the correct album was shown. However,
I noticed that on top of the web page only for one of the appearances
the correct artist name was shown in the displayed hierarchy chain
(Classical-Artist-Ivo Pogorelich). For the two other appearances
artists were displayed which were not part of the test library. So it
seems that there are some rests of my regular library either from the
squeezebox server cache or from the cache from CustomBrowse although I
made a wipe and rescan after I had reduced my library to the test

Further, I did not mention that I copied my prefs directories back
after having upgraded from 7.3.4 to 7.4.1 in order to preserve my
settings. Could the be the reason for my problems or is there indeed a
bug in CustomScan and/or CustomBrowse and/or the MixedTag template?

Since I have not yet received a response to any of my previous posts,
Erland, could you please confirm in a short answer that you have
recognized the posts. I have to admit that I am not completely clear if
the present thread is the correct one or if I should have chosen the
Announce: Squeezebox Server 7.4 beta versions of erlands plugins

At the moment my classical music is almost not accessible and I would
therefore really appreciate if you could have a look into the described

Thanks a lot for your great plugins.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New versions of erlands plugins

2009-10-13 Thread dip

erland;471663 Wrote: 
 How does the Mixed Tag and Custom Tag scanning module configurations
 look like ?
 Could you post the settings or send me the customscan.prefs file ?
Erland, many thanks for replying.
Here are my settings. I also enclose the customscan.prefs file since
not all tags are visible on the screenshots.
I have not changed any settings on these pages when upgrading from SC
7.3.4 to 7.4.1 and in 7.3.4 they worked correctly.

|Filename: customscan.prefs.txt |


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New versions of erlands plugins

2009-10-10 Thread dip

dip;468375 Wrote: 
 I have just switched from SC 7.3.4 to Squeezeboxserver 7.4.1 (on Ubuntu
 9.04). I use CustemScan and CustomBrowse created menus for classical
 music (including the custom tag GROUPING for the work name of
 classical pieces). I further use the MultiLibrary plugin to create
 separate libraries for classical and for non-classical music. All menus
 for classical music created with CustomBrowse are restricted to the
 classical library.
 Since I have switched to 7.4.1 I have errors in the sever.log which
 seem to be related to CustomScan and CustomBrowse. I enclose my
 server.log file.
 Further, when now browsing my classical music all artists and all
 composers are listed three or even four times (see enclosed screenshot
 for artists). This happens in all my CustomBrowse classical menus (I
 have different menus for different browse structures) which contain
 artist or composer within a browse level. I have made several times a
 complete wipe and rescan of the library but this did not change
 anything. I enclose a copy of my klassik-interpreten.cb.values.xml file
 (with appended .txt since xml-files cannot be uploaded) which creates a
 browsing structure like 
 Classical - artist - album - work - track
 Finally, I have also a CustomBrowse menu structure like
 Classical - album - work - track
 This menu does not work anymore but behaves differently on the web
 interface and on the real squeezebox. When I click in the web interface
 on the album link, nothing happens. When I press RIGHT on the remote on
 the album level, the squeezebox is showing the next level, which should
 be a list of my classical albums. However not only my classical albums
 are shown, but the list comprises in the first line one classical album
 name, in the next line one non-classical album name, the next line is
 empty, the next line is the next classical album name, the next line is
 a non-classical album name, the next line is again empty, and so on.
 I enclose a copy of my corresponding klassik-alben.cb.values.xml file.
 It seems that each time when I select the album link an error message
 is generated in server.log.
 All menus worked well with SC 7.3.4 and previous versions.
 Is there anything else you need for tracking this problems?
 Thanks for your help.
Erland, do you need more information? And should I additionally post a
bug report on your homepage?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New versions of erlands plugins

2009-10-07 Thread dip

I have just switched from SC 7.3.4 to Squeezeboxserver 7.4.1 (on Ubuntu
9.04). I use CustemScan and CustomBrowse created menus for classical
music (including the custom tag GROUPING for the work name of
classical pieces). I further use the MultiLibrary plugin to create
separate libraries for classical and for non-classical music. All menus
for classical music created with CustomBrowse are restricted to the
classical library.

Since I have switched to 7.4.1 I have errors in the sever.log which
seem to be related to CustomScan and CustomBrowse. I enclose my
server.log file.

Further, when now browsing my classical music all artists and all
composers are listed three or even four times (see enclosed screenshot
for artists). This happens in all my CustomBrowse classical menus (I
have different menus for different browse structures) which contain
artist or composer within a browse level. I have made several times a
complete wipe and rescan of the library but this did not change
anything. I enclose a copy of my klassik-interpreten.cb.values.xml file
(with appended .txt since xml-files cannot be uploaded) which creates a
browsing structure like 

Classical - artist - album - work - track

Finally, I have also a CustomBrowse menu structure like

Classical - album - work - track

This menu does not work anymore but behaves differently on the web
interface and on the real squeezebox. When I click in the web interface
on the album link, nothing happens. When I press RIGHT on the remote on
the album level, the squeezebox is showing the next level, which should
be a list of my classical albums. However not only my classical albums
are shown, but the list comprises in the first line one classical album
name, in the next line one non-classical album name, the next line is
empty, the next line is the next classical album name, the next line is
a non-classical album name, the next line is again empty, and so on.

I enclose a copy of my corresponding klassik-alben.cb.values.xml file.

It seems that each time when I select the album link an error message
is generated in server.log.

All menus worked well with SC 7.3.4 and previous versions.

Is there anything else you need for tracking this problems?

Thanks for your help.

|Filename: server.log   |


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Adding mp4/aac files in MusicIP

2009-08-17 Thread dip

As far as I know mp4/m4a/aac files are not supported in the Linux
version of MusicIP, only the Windows version supports these formats.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Beta version of SvrPowerControl

2009-08-17 Thread dip

I have a similar problem. I am running SC on an Ubuntu 9.04 machine
which I use only as music server. Music is stored on local disk. The
music directory (/media/Musik) on this disk is shared via samba.
On my desktop PC I am running Windows XP. There I use MediaMonkey to
hear music. The music directory from the linux machine is mapped as Z:
so the path MediaMonkey uses to access the music files is Z:\Musik\...

When I forget to set the block for SvrPowerControl manually, music
suddenly stops when be played with MediaMonkey since the music server is
sent to suspend mode by SvrPowerControl.

I would like to start MediaMonkey through a batch file on Windows which
first sets the block on the remote music server, then starts MediaMonkey
and after closing MediaMonkey clears the block on the music server.

How can I set and clear the block on the remote machine?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Beta version of SvrPowerControl

2009-08-17 Thread dip

moonsorrox;449227 Wrote: 
 On the server running Linux Ubuntu 9.04
 Can not install SrvrPowerCtrl
 Always get this error
 Wrong Repository -
 Couldn't resolve IP address for: 
 sorry my english is not so goodTry manually stopping and restarting 
 Squeezcenter without rebooting your
machine. It this solves your problem it is related to the problem
described in


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Beta version of SvrPowerControl

2009-08-17 Thread dip

gharris999;449244 Wrote: 
 You can use my SCCLITool.exe utility that's available in the download:
 Your batch file might look something like this:

   @echo off
   set SCPORT=9090
   echo Checking scserver status..
   ping %SCSERVERIP% -n 1 -w 10 NUL 21
   if errorlevel 1 goto wakeup
   goto awake
   echo SCServer is asleep...attempting to wake it up..
   rem Wakeup the server..
   %windir%\util\wolcmd.exe %SCSERVERMAC% %BROADCASTIP% 7 NUL 
   sleep 18
   goto checkwake
   sleep 5
   %windir%\util\SCCliTool.exe srvrpowerctrl setblock Media_Monkey_Playing 
viacli -h scserver -p %SCPORT%
   rem insert media_monkey command line here..e.g.:
   start Media Monkey /WAIT C:\Program Files\MediaMonkey\mediamonkey.exe 
   %windir%\util\SCCliTool.exe srvrpowerctrl clearblock Media_Monkey_Done 
viacli -h %SCSERVERIP% -p %SCPORT%

 You'll need to fix up the set XXX=XXX values to match your own
 setup.  And I'm totally guessing as to what the command line for Media
 Monkey might be.  You'll need to fix that up too.
 You can get the wake-on-lan cmd line tool from  You can get
 the sleep and other utilities as part of the Windows Server 2003
 Resource Tool Kit from here:
  a lot, your tool and the script are great! 

(Only one short comment for others who want to use it: The scserver
in the setblock line must be changed to %SCSERVERIP%)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Beta version of SvrPowerControl

2009-08-03 Thread dip

After having several Squeezecenter and Linux crashes it seemed that my
problem was hardware related. I exchanged the memory, motherboard and
processor and now I had no crashes since three days. In addition,
SvrPowerControl suspends the server like it should, so I am happy now

For longer jobs I will use SrvrPowerCtrl's Set Block feature as

Thanks for all your help.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Beta version of SvrPowerControl

2009-07-21 Thread dip

Thanks for your answer. I did not know about /etc/sudoers but this was
probably the reason that my logging did not work.

As mentioned, I have disabled SvrPowerPlugin at the moment to be sure
that the server crashes are really related to the plugin. Until now the
server did not crash and I will wait 2-3 days to confirm this. 

If there are no further crashes, I will re-enable SvrPowerControl with
debug set to on and see what happens.

You mentioned earlier that I should disable Gnomes Power Managment. I
see that a process gnome-power-manager ist running, but do not know
where it is started. Do you know how I can disable it that it is not
started on boot? I did not found (or at least not identify) a
corresponding start entry in BUM.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Beta version of SvrPowerControl

2009-07-19 Thread dip

Yes I am running the GUI version of Ubuntu. I have already disabled
Power Saving in the System, Settings, Power Managment menu (I am not
sure what the correct English menu names are since I am running the
German version of Ubuntu).

In addition I deselected acpid and apmd in System, System Settings,
Services. However, I saw in the SystemMonitoring tool that there is
still a process gnome-power-manager running.

In addition, I have meanwhile the impression that the problem is not
that SvrPowerControl sends the computer to suspend mode but that the
server crashes (due to the SvrPowerControl plugin?). I run Squeezenter
now for one day with the plugin deactivated and had no problems. About
one hour ago I activated the plugin and restarted Squeezecenter (idle
time is set to 45 min in the plugin). I did not play music for 45
minutes and the computer correctly went into suspend mode. I woke it up
(using wol) and started playing music. After about 15 minutes music
suddenly stopped. Since I was not in the living room at this time I run
to the cellar where the computer stays but everything looked normal. I
then run to the living room but the squeezebox looked normal except that
music was stopped. This happened again 7 minutes later and further 25
minutes again. I then looked into the squeezecenter log file and found
three SqueezeCenter died. Restarting. entries. 

I will now deactivate the plugin again and see if this stops

One further notice: To see when the plugin sends the computer to
suspend I added the line sudo /bin/date  /home/dieter/sc_suspend in
the settings line Optional action to take while not idle: of the
plugin. However, although I have given the directory /home/dieter and
the file sc_suspend write access for all no entries are appended to this
file. In the server log each minute an entry is found
Plugins::SrvrPowerCtrl::Util::SystemExecCmd (310) Now trying to execute
sudo /bin/date  /home/dieter/sc_suspend.

Any ideas what I could try?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Beta version of SvrPowerControl

2009-07-18 Thread dip

I just changed from my Windows Squeezecenter Installation to Ubuntu
9.04. In addition I installed the SvrPowerControl plugin since I want to
suspend my ubuntu system when the players are idle. I had now twice the
problem that my computer was sent to suspend mode although music was
just playing. Is there a known problem like that? This does not always
happend but only sometimes.

In my previous Windows installation I simply used the Windows power
save management. This was smart enough to send Windows only into suspend
mode when no music was playing. It seems that Windows not only checks
mouse movement and keyboard inputs but in addtion e.g. hard disk
activity (or something else). In Ubuntu I had the problem that the
default power management sends the computer to suspend mode when there
is no mouse movement and keyboard input but it does no further check. So
the computer was sent to suspend mode although music was playing. That
was the reasond that I switched to SvrPowerControl (but have now the
above problems).

Even if SvrPowerControl works as expected, I miss an option that the
plugin checks for other activities of the computer, e.g. hard disk
activity or network traffic. For example, I make sometimes backups of my
music files from the harddisk of my music server to an external
harddisk. If no music is played while the backup is running
SvrPowerControl does suspend my computer and breaks the backup
procedure. A similar problem arises if e.g. a linux update is running
and SvrPowerControl sends the computer into suspend mode.

Is there a chance that such additional checks will be included in


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New versions of erlands plugins

2009-05-22 Thread dip

dip;417211 Wrote: 
 Finally, as previously mentioned, the CustomBrowse menus are sometimes
 very slow. For example, after pressing select on my CumstomBrowse Albums
 menu it takes between 10 and 16 seconds until the album list is shown (I
 have 810 albums). Using the standard Albums menu it takes about 1 to 6
Do you see a realistic chance that performance will be improved to be
closer to that of the original browse mode? While on the squeezebox I
don't see any significant performance difference when browsing with
CustomBrowse compared to the standard browse menus, there is a huge
difference using the controller.

I use CustomBrowse mainly for creating a special browse structure for
browsing classical music. For this part I have to stick with
CustomBrowse since the standard menus cannot handle classical music

But for browsing non-classical music the standard browse menus are
sufficiant except that I don't want to see my classical music when
browsing non-classical music. Thus, I used your multi library plugin for
creating a classical and a non-classical library. For non-classical
music I created menus which are identical to the standard browse menu
but are restricted to the non-classical library. As mentioned, this
works perfectly on the squeezebox but is very slow on the controller, so
that for non-classical music I had now to switch back to the standard
browse menus (which of course means that my classical music is also
displayed during browsing).

It would really be great if performance could be improved on the
controller that your great plugin can be used flawlessly on the


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Titleparser-Plugin

2009-05-02 Thread dip

it would be great if you could post your plugin, since I also hear
Bayern 3 and miss the title/artist information.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New versions of erlands plugins

2009-04-22 Thread dip

erland;417289 Wrote: 
 Could you try to:
 1. Restart SqueezeCenter and try to see if it makes any difference, I'm
 not sure if the downloaded menus are detected automatically.I already did 
 this but it did not help.

erland;417289 Wrote: 
 2. If that doesn't solve it, try to hit the Refresh link at the bottom
 of the Custom Browse menu in the web interface.
 3. If that doesn't solve it, try to download them manually and
 overwrite the corresponding files in Plugins/CustomScan/MenuTemplates/
 (You will need to restart SqueezeCenter and maybe perform a Refresh
 for these changes to take effect)
 4. If that doesn't solve it, try to remove the files downloaded earlier
 through the download links. They will be stored in the Browse templates
 directory you have configured in Custom Browse settings.I will try these 
 steps this evening when I'm at home.

erland;417289 Wrote: 
 If any of these steps solves it, the problem is that the download
 mechanism doesn't work for menus handled by external plugins. In that
 case it would be great if you could let me know which step that solved
 the problem.I will let you know.

erland;417289 Wrote: 
 Of course, if you don't want to mess around with the above you can also
 just wait for the next Custom Scan release.You probably mean CustomBrowse or 
 is it a CustomScan problem?

erland;417289 Wrote: 
 Are you talking about a string configured somewhere in Custom Browse or
 is it the string configured in the parameter inside SqueezeCenter
 Settings/Music Library ?I mean the string you can define in the 
 SqueezeCenter Settings as
Various Artist name.

erland;417289 Wrote: 
 Are talking about a track list that's sorted by track number ?
 If you do, that feels like a bug in Custom Browse.Yes, I am talking about a 
 track list sorted by track number. To be
complete, this is only related to scrolling through the track list of a
selected album on the controller. When doing that using the standard
album menu the big selection letter is not shown in the background
(this is only shown when browsing through an album or artist list).
When using the CustomBrowse menu this big selection letter is shown.
However, it does not change with the track names but simply always
displays the first letter of the current album (it is hard to explain,
I hope you understand what I mean).

erland;417289 Wrote: 
 Did this happen with the latest release which show 2 lines for albums or
 has it always been this slow ?
 I was a bit worried about the performance impact when doing the two
 line implementation Custom Browse the way I did it, so if this is
 causing the problem I think we need some way to turn it off for people
 with larger libraries. This will of course mean that you have to choose
 to either get the performance or to get two lines.It has always been that 
 slow. I don't think that it has been changed
with the two line implementaion.

erland;417289 Wrote: 
 Does it work better if you have selected the Show artist with album
 option in the Custom Browse menu configuration for the problematic menu
 ?I think I have this option already turned on but I will check it this


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New versions of erlands plugins

2009-04-21 Thread dip

erland;408866 Wrote: 
 Yes, it's a bug in the current template, will be corrected in next
 I missed that menu template, duplicate lines will be available in next
 version if you have set the tag type to album in the menu
 If I click on Download last version of existing menus nothing really
happens, so how do I know if the latest versions have been successfully
loaded or not?

Fact is, that for my mixed tag menu having the structure

Classical - Albums - Grouping - Tracks

no second line is shown at the album level although the tag type is
set to album.

You mentioned earlier that you forgot to update this template. Did you
really amend it meanwhile (I tried to find by browsing the source on
your download page but was not successful)? Or does simply the download
not work?

I found one further bug with the menus on the controller. I replaced
the standard Albums menu with a CustomBrowse Albums menu which simply
restricts this menu to non-classical songs (using a non-classical
library created with the multi library plugin). When browsing by albums
for Various artists albums no second line is shown. There should the
user defined string for Various Artists (I have set it to German
Diverse) be displayed.

A further (very small) difference compared to the standard Albums menu
is that when scrolling through the tracks of a selected album using
CustomBrowse there is the big selection letter in the background
shown (which shows at which letter you are during scrolling). The point
is that this letter does not change within one album according to the
first letter of the current track but stays always at the first letter
of the current album. In contrast, in the standard browse album menu
when scrolling to the track list of an album no big letter is shown at

Finally, as previously mentioned, the CustomBrowse menus are sometimes
very slow. For example, after pressing select on my CumstomBrowse
Albums menu it takes between 10 and 16 seconds until the album list is
shown (I have 810 albums). Using the standard Albums menu it takes
about 1 to 6 seconds.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New versions of erlands plugins

2009-04-19 Thread dip

erland;408866 Wrote: 
 Yes, it's a bug in the current template, will be corrected in next
 I missed that menu template, duplicate lines will be available in next
 version if you have set the tag type to album in the menu
 configuration.Will the corrected templates be available through the Download 
version of the existing menus link in the CustomBrowse settings or
only when the next release of CustomBrowse will be available?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New versions of erlands plugins

2009-03-22 Thread dip

erland;408866 Wrote: 
 Do you know if this worked in the previous version ? If it did, which
 version of Multi Library and Custom Browse did you use before the
 upgrade ?yes, it worked in the previous version. I Don't know the version no 
it was the version which was available before the present version.

BTW, there was always (and is) a similar problem, that in the web
interface, in player settings, menu the label for the entry Oper
u.ä. was not shown. There is only an checkbox without any label. But
it uses to check and add it to the player menu. Since I now changed the
label to Oper u.a. it is shown. This has nothing to do with the
present problem on the controller, I only wanted to mention it for


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New versions of erlands plugins

2009-03-21 Thread dip

Erland, thanks a lot for the two lines display in album browsing on the

But in the new version there seem to be new bugs. I have a CustomBrowse
menu for my classical music having a structure like


Classical Music
  - Composer
  - Work (and further sub menus)
  - Work
  - Composer (and further sub menus)
  - Album
  - Work (and further sub menus)
  - Artist
  - Album (and further sub menus)

In this menu structure under the two Album levels no entries are shown.
These worked with the previous version of CustomBrowse and it still
works on my Squeezeboxes (only the controller shows empty album sub

I have also an album main menu entry for my non classical music which

And further, as already reported by Moonbase, it takes a long time
until the menu entries are displayed under my non classical album and
also under my non classical artist main menu entry.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New versions of erlands plugins

2009-03-21 Thread dip

erland;408816 Wrote: 
 Do you get any errors in the SqueezeCenter log file found in
 SqueezeCenter Settings/Advanced/Logging ?no

erland;408816 Wrote: 
 Do you know which menu template the non working menus are based on ?I think 
 it's the mixed tag template. I now found that when I set the
level 1 tag type (or the level 2 tag type for the artist-album menu) to
album the menu works and the albums are shown. This seems only be
necessary for the controller.

However, the (new) second line is still missing for these albums. Is
there a settings somewhere (like show artist with album in the
regular album menu template?).

erland;408816 Wrote: 
 Which menu templates are the slow menus based on ?
 Is it showing the track list that is slow on your non classical album
 or is it the album list in both menus ?It is the album list created with the 
 regular album template (I only
selected my library non classical to filter classical music from the
normal album list).

I had a further problem with a menu comprising a German umlaut in the
menu name (and also in the corresponding multi library name). The name
was Oper u.ä. (means opera and similar). This menu was also empty on
the controller. I now changed the multi-library name and the name of
the CustomBrowse menu to Oper u.a. and now it works.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] MusicInfoSCR 4.3 - now with theOriginal Boom Booklet Layout

2009-03-03 Thread dip

Will there be a version of the MusicInfoSCR plugin for the controller or
is there another way to control what is displayed on the screen of the


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Error in CustomBrowse sorting

2009-02-18 Thread dip

dip;396870 Wrote: 
 In contrast, when I browse the created CustomBrowse album menu the
 compilations are mixed within the regular albums.I just recognized that 
 this problem does not only exist on the
controller but also when browsing on a regular squeezebox.

Further, I noticed that each of the compilations show up several times
within the album list, namely for each track artist of the compilation
separately. However, the each is not correct. For some unknown reason
the same compilation shows up separately for some of the track artists
of this compilation, for others it doesn't. Until now I have not found
any systematic behavior behind this.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Error in CustomBrowse sorting

2009-02-16 Thread dip

erland;396913 Wrote: 
 Are you saying that all your compilations have ALBUMARTIST set ?Yes, I don't 
 rely on the automatic detection of compilations and set for
all compilations COMPILATION=1 and ALBUMARTIST=Diverse (which is defined
in the SqueezeCenter options as string for Various Artists).

erland;396913 Wrote: 
 I thought the default settings with Roles to Include set to artist and
 album artist should do this if you have ALBUMARTIST set as you describe
 above but I haven't tested it myself.This seems not to work. I tried manually 
 setting different combinations
but nothing helped.

erland;396913 Wrote: 
 Unfortunately a real solution for this requires major changes in the
 plugin so I've so far decided not to do it.
It's a pity to hear that, since the two-line design looks much better.
Maybe the new database design will overcome this problem.


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[SlimDevices: Plugins] MusicInfoScr and TitleSwitcher for the Controller?

2009-02-16 Thread dip

Is there a was that MusicInfoScr and TitleSwitcher can be used to adapt
the contents of the now playing screen on the controller? For example,
for classical music the standard display of TITLE, ALBUM and ARTIST is
not enough (for me). I would in addition prefer to see COMPOSER and
GROUPING (which I use to store the name of the classical work).

On my squeezeboxes I use the MusicInfoScr plugin in combination with
the TitleSwitcher plugin to display artist/composer and title/grouping.
But on the Controller this seems not to work.


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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Error in CustomBrowse sorting

2009-02-15 Thread dip

I have created an album browse menu with CustomBrowse for which I set
Default album sorting to By artist (inspired by a similar sorting
option for the standard album menu in my new Squeezebox Controller). 

When I browse the standard browse album menu on the Controller the
albums are correctly sorted by artists which have their own complete
album and the compilations are sorted under artist name Diverse
(German for Various which I have set explicitly for all compilation
albums to ALBUMARTIST)

In contrast, when I browse the created CustomBrowse album menu the
compilations are mixed within the regular albums. I tried different
settings for the Roles to include checkboxes in the CustomBrowse menu
definition page but nothing led to the correct result.

Further, on the Controller, in all browse lists showing albums
(starting e.g. from browse artist or browse albums) there is shown the
album art on the left, the album name right to the album art and
additionally the artist name below the album name. In the menu album
list created with CustomBrowse there is shown the album name right to
the album art and the artist is shown in parantheses after the album
name (for compilations nothing is shown after the album name). It would
be great if on the Controller display the artist name could be displayed
below the album name as it is in the standard album browse menu of the
Controller since with the present display most of the time scrolling is
necessary to see the artist name.


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