Re: [scifinoir2] Re: OT: Obama, Huckabee Win Big in Iowa

2008-01-05 Thread Gymfig
In a message dated 1/4/2008 7:58:14 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

That's not true of all of us by any means.

Blacks women still face sexism. Why should we put that aside for the good of 
the race?
When you listed to George Will, Bill Bennet, Juan Williams, or Chris Mattews, 
you would think that racism would disappear with the election Obama? I truly 
believe this is what non black america and parts of black America want. 

**Start the year off right.  Easy ways to stay in shape.

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Re: [scifinoir2] Re: OT: Obama, Huckabee Win Big in Iowa

2008-01-05 Thread Martin
We'll stop you when you're wrong, Tracey.

tdemorsella [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   While 
gymfig may have cut off the comment.  I'm the one that said
 disintegrating.  Perhaps it is  an exaggeration. I certainly hope
 so.   But in some parts of the country, black men have 50%
 unemployment, college grad rates of black men are decreasing
 dramatically, the percentage of Blacks marrying is dropping
 dramatically, blacks placed in prison for petty crimes is increasing,
 offsprings of middle class blacks are increasingly falling behind;
 college educated blacks are finding it increasingly difficult to find
 gainful employment, in states where affirmative action has been
 abolished blacks pursuing college degrees has been cut in half. 
 Community organizations supporting Black communities are finding it
 increasingly difficult to secure funds needed for operation.  I could
 cite other factors, but if it is not disintegrating, I think something
 bad is definitively happening to us and no has yet figured out how to
 stop it.  
 --- In, Daryle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Whoa. Whoa, wait. Whoa.
  Disintegrating? Whowhere? I¹m confused. HOW did we get here? You¹ve
 cut off
  the post you  were responding to  and I don¹t follow you  right  now
 at all.
  On 1/4/08 4:33 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


   In a message dated 1/4/2008 3:32:17 PM Eastern Standard Time,
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  writes:
   then somebody please tell me why the black community
   seems to be disintegrating.
   Black males AND black females must take some form of
 responsibility for
   their problems (education, crime, single homes) and stop blaming
 racism and

   **Start the year off right.  Easy ways to stay in shape.
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  [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

There is no reason Good can't triumph over Evil, if only angels will get 
organized along the lines of the Mafia. -Kurt Vonnegut, A Man Without A 
Never miss a thing.   Make Yahoo your homepage.

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Re: [scifinoir2] Re: OT: Obama, Huckabee Win Big in Iowa

2008-01-05 Thread Martin
Daryle, then George Soros is really confused right now.

Daryle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  
So wait. You¹re saying that if I¹m rich, I¹m a right winger by default?


 In a message dated 1/4/2008 5:02:47 PM Eastern Standard Time,
 It takes a hook. Clinton has access to ALL of
 this, AND a hook, but her true underwear is showing. As Tracey said, Clinton
 is mad right wing with hers. Nobody wants to go down that road again.
 Edwards is a very rich man
 Obama is a rich man
 To say that they respresent poor white men is a joke. Pba,as tried a liberal
 foreign policy in the debate and was criticized for it. Especially with his
 Palestinian people are opprssed
 speech. He will have to become more right wing to fit into a realistic real
 war. The Democratic controlled Congress has not been able to cut off funding
 or stop the war. Do you think Obama or Edwards can do that? The Pentagon and
 the corporations that put them there will not allow that to happen. Do no be
 quick to be the liberal that could. Liberal Democrrats have not done
 anything for the war and have not done anything for this country. They still
 vote to 
 send jobs pverseas/ They still fund the war. They still cant balence the
 budget. Obama will have to give in to conservative Republicans/ To say that he
 be some great liberal savior is a joke. Even Edwards knows this.
 **Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape.
 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


There is no reason Good can't triumph over Evil, if only angels will get 
organized along the lines of the Mafia. -Kurt Vonnegut, A Man Without A 
Never miss a thing.   Make Yahoo your homepage.

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Re: [scifinoir2] Re: OT: Obama, Huckabee Win Big in Iowa

2008-01-05 Thread Martin
Tracey, you're still on that roll.

tdemorsella [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  In my mind, it is all smoke and 
mirrors. The reason I wanted Edwards
is his history of going for the corporate juggler and he seems to be a
donor outsider. All are hungry for power and that brass ring. I
think its about picking the lessor of all evils. Who is likely not to
attack Iran. Who might cut a few taxes to look good. Who might
restore some civil liberties or at least prevent some more from being
taken away. Despite his riches, the powers that be went out of their
way to marginalize Edwards and his history as an attack pit bull up
against the big guys made me opt for him. I think his history and
some of his rhetoric terrifies corporate America. That made him my
choice as the lessor of all evils. 

I wanted Gore, because Gore in his writings admitted that before 2000,
that he had sold his soul. I think the new Gore coming back from
having the election stolen would not have sold his soul this time
around. I also think he did not run because he knew that he would not
be able to run and win unless he sold his soul. Selling your soul is
a prerequisite for the job as the leader of our country. The powers
that be have seen to that. I thought Edwards, still might have a
little of his left intact

--- In, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In a message dated 1/4/2008 5:02:47 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
 It takes a hook. Clinton has access to ALL of
 this, AND a hook, but her true underwear is showing. As Tracey said,
 is mad right wing with hers. Nobody wants to go down that road again.
 Edwards is a very rich man
 Obama is a rich man
 To say that they respresent poor white men is a joke. Pba,as tried a
 foreign policy in the debate and was criticized for it. Especially
with his 
 Palestinian people are opprssed
 speech. He will have to become more right wing to fit into a
realistic real 
 war. The Democratic controlled Congress has not been able to cut off
 or stop the war. Do you think Obama or Edwards can do that? The
Pentagon and 
 the corporations that put them there will not allow that to happen.
Do no be so 
 quick to be the liberal that could. Liberal Democrrats have not done 
 anything for the war and have not done anything for this country.
They still vote to 
 send jobs pverseas/ They still fund the war. They still cant balence
 budget. Obama will have to give in to conservative Republicans/ To
say that he will 
 be some great liberal savior is a joke. Even Edwards knows this. 
 **Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape.
 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


There is no reason Good can't triumph over Evil, if only angels will get 
organized along the lines of the Mafia. -Kurt Vonnegut, A Man Without A 
Looking for last minute shopping deals?  Find them fast with Yahoo! Search.

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Re: [scifinoir2] Re: OT: Obama, Huckabee Win Big in Iowa

2008-01-05 Thread Martin
(standing ovation)
  Keith, I've got a true story that you reminded me of when you commented about 
being followed by a security guard in a store.
  Back when I worked for Soulless Evil Inc (aka Federated DEepartment Stores, 
owners of M*cy's), I decided to splurge one Chrsitmas for the young lady I was 
seeing, so I went shopping at the old Downtown M*cy's. Thye minute I walked in, 
I had my own private security guard on my a$$, despite my habit of looking as 
untreatening as possible (never putting my hands in my pockets, always looking 
up and making eye contact, not carrying bags, et cetera). As I went, I noticed 
a White guy shoplifting, and had to point it out to the guard who was so 
ficused on me that he didn't catch the theft. When filling out the report for 
the police, Occupation came up on the form. I made myself say aloud the words 
as I wrote them, Supervisor, Federated Department Stores, Store #13, and 
smiled at the guard and the assistant manager before leaving and never gracing 
the place with my presence again.
  BTB- I got a commendation from the Chairman of the board, and a write-up in 
the company newsletter.

  i really have to disagree with your saying America's not racist. As a 
Black man I still fight this stuff every day, whether it's inferiour white guys 
on my job giving me grief, the white cop or security guard who follows m ein 
the store, or the more generic white attitude that has whites speaking what 
they think is black slang to me, or making assumptions about my values and 
interests. I worked in HR for a while, and i can tell you that black people get 
discriminated against in hiring all the time, even now in 2008. 

And to say that black people don't want to end our problems? I'm surprised at 
that. I know a lot of blacks, rich and poor, educated and illiterate, who might 
blame some of their problems on racism, but they don't *embrace* that as an 
excuse. But they do see a system that still redlines black neighborhoods, that 
has businesses skittish to build in black neighborhoods, real estate agents 
leery of showing homes to blacks in a majority white neighborhood, and 
companies where white people support other whites at our expense. It's changed, 
it's gotten better, but it's not at all some fantasy we cook up to blame others 
for our problems. I'm fairly well educated (BS in Electrical Engineering, 
several hundred hours in Microsoft NT/Windows 2000 etc. training) speak good 
English, etc., and I still encounter racism and prejudice. i don't go looking 
for it, but i acknowledge it. 

And even if Obama's elected that doesn't mean racism will end in America. A 
president can attain the White House with basically half the vote, meaning half 
th electorate can still be just as backwards and unenlightened as they want.

Finally, i have to comment on the thing about black man having all the 
advantages. I agree with Tracey's statement: while black men may apparently 
have an in in a male dominated corporate structure, the truth is that many 
whites only have room for one or the other, black men or black women. And the 
truth is that often white men see competent black men as threats. I have been 
in many a situation where white guys view me with veiled hostility even though 
i've done nothing to them, yet will joke and kid around with black women. some 
of that, frankly, is a sexist attitude: they see the women as less of a threat 
and someone they can joke and kid and flirt with. My wife has commented to me 
more than once on how white guys in corporate America are getting bolder than 
ever in flirting with black women. They're *women*, and that makes the guys 
feel good. but as a black man, what can I do for a straight white guy in that 
area? He can't flirt with me, can't feel somehow more
 physically powe
rful over me the way he might with a woman. he might assume that i'm in 
incoming Alpha male who might mess with his little fiefdom. So out goes the 
threat (me) in favor of a black lady that threatens the guys less. 

I feel that you're kind of putting a divide here, drawing a line between 
Brothers and Sisters and lumping us with white men. as if you're saying black 
men take advantage of Sisters too and use the system against them. That's not 
true of all of us by any means. My wife is my partner, and i'm just as 
angry--angrier--at the combination sexist/racist treatment she takes as the 
racist treatment i get. i see a victory for her and all Sisters as a victory 
for us as a people and would never subscribe to the philosophy that i'm in the 
old boys club like the white guys.

-- Original message -- 

In a message dated 1/4/2008 1:12:44 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

Most biracial people with African blood are seen as Black -
particularly those who look Black, say they are Black and are
Considered prominent members of the Black community. 

[scifinoir2] Re: OT: Obama, Huckabee Win Big in Iowa

2008-01-05 Thread tdemorsella
--- In, Daryle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


You said to Gymfig, It is straight up insulting to assume the things
you are about Black people, but particularly, it is insulting to come
off the way you are to this group. You¹re talking to us like we¹re
children who haven¹t done anything with our lives. Many of us HAVE
children. You give NO scientific references for your observations, and
you make these grand sweeping judgments based on something  you read,
for all we know,  on someone¹s blog. We¹re scientists, business
owners, mathematicians, elected officials, engineers, husbands,
fathers, mothers, sisters...this ain¹t rehab, this is one of the most
together groups of people you will (apparently) ever come across
online. Please respect that. We don¹t deserve to be shouted at like
we¹re this rebel band of liberal hippies. We¹re not. And this isn¹t
the first time you¹ve done it.We¹re all adults. Why can¹t you just
disagree with someone and keep it moving? 

Your mistake is that you are expecting civil, intellectual discourse
that involves a sharing ideas and opinions and backing them up with
cold hard facts.  That is not what you will get in a continued
discourse here.  This is not about difference of opinion, but about
distorting the facts, name calling, hating of men - specifically Black
men, Saying the all of us have a particular behavior lumping some
behaviors  distorting what you say, misunderstanding what you say,
intentionally not addressing salient points, or simply cutting them
out of the reply message to further confuse the issue.   The point is
to anger and wound you with these distortions, not share differing
opinions.  The style of communicating reminds me of a style of a
pundit called Bill Kristol, a famous neocon who works for the Weekly
Standard.  He says things like   

~90 percent of the people on the Nobel Committee are into child
pornography and molestation. 
~Of all of the dictators in the past, you know the one Al Gore
strikes me as [being] closest [to] is Mussolini., 
~Notice what this double-talking slut just did, this mind-slut
Barbara Walters. And I stick by those words. She's an empty mind-slut.. 
~ Madeline Albright is a traitor. In my opinion, she should be tried
for treason, and when she's found guilty, she should be hung. ;
~Liberalism is, in essence, the HIV virus, and it weakens the defense
cells of a nation.

Its not that he is right wing.  Like Gymfig, its that his method of
discourse is to incite, insult, distort and enrage.  Pat Robertson and
Joe Scarborough are right wingers who I can watch  (even if I might
not like them)  They back up their statements with facts and don't
seek to insult people in their discussions and debates and can concede
when their facts are incorrect.  That won't happen here in this or any
other conversation as far as I can see.  

This style of non -communication goes back years and seems to  have
been developed into a full-blown art-form.  I've noticed that Gymfig
does this with all her discussions.  We do not usually pay as much
attention to it because she usually just puts down and distorts the
facts about entertainers.  I'm responding now, because she is doing so
about us and our people.  I will probably posting this, but I do not
know when I've encountered someone say so many ugly sweeping
generalizations about me and my people without backing it up with one
fact that was not distorted or who worked so hard to distort what I
have posted.  

So here it is.  This is Black on Black crime and I abhor it.  I guess
I have drawn the line in the sand.  I did not want to, but the Savage
syndrome is likely to continue, so I guess I thought I would let
people know what type of non-conversation they are becoming involved
with and let them decide if they want to waste their time.  Besides
I'm sick of the ridiculing insults.

Darryl, I applaud you for shutting the sick abusive game down.  With
so many of our liberties being taken away from us, I loath to stop
someone from posting their opinion.   I think different opinions have
been one of the best things about the list. As a daughter of a former
 Black Union leader who ran two union newsletter  I place a high value
on freedom of speech (thats right a Black Union Leader-wow!)  So
preventing someone from posting is something I have extremely
reluctant to do.  

Taking a deep depressed exhausted sigh..  


 It is straight up insulting to assume the things you are about Black
people, but particularly, it is insulting to come off the way you are
to this group. You¹re talking to us like we¹re children who haven¹t
done anything with our lives. Many of us HAVE children. You give NO
scientific references for your observations, and you make these grand
sweeping judgments based on something  you read, for all we know,  on
someone¹s blog. We¹re scientists, business owners, mathematicians,
elected officials, engineers, husbands, fathers, mothers,
sisters...this ain¹t rehab, 

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: OT: Obama, Huckabee Win Big in Iowa

2008-01-05 Thread KeithBJohnson
Wow, so sad--and familiar. Years ago i was shopping at Oxford Too (an 
independent bookstore here in Atlanta that sold comics, for those who don't 
live here) and the white guy on duty eyeballed me soon as i walked in. He 
followed me all over that store, despite the fact i shopped there every Friday 
night like clockwork. well, while following me, he failed to notice the two 
white guys who came in like cliches from a movie: literally wearing long dark 
trench coats--in July!  As the manager trailed me like a bloodhound, i watched 
those white guys lift several comics and walk out of the store.  I should have 
reported it, but when my anger goes it's really nasty, and i could only barely 
control my rage. I think even speaking to him at that point I woud have lost 
it. I'm not usually like that, but something about what he did to me at that 
time in my life (i was having problems with work and stuff) pushed me over the 
edge. So, i just let those white guys steal the comics, and watched him s
ay Thanks guys, have a good night when they left.
I wish i could have seen the look on his face after i left, realizing he'd been 
robbed, and that it *had* to have been the white guys.

But idiot cops and guards is one thing. I think people are missing the subtle 
undercurrent of intolerance, exasperation, racism, and blame that white 
Americans--and blacks like Gymfig--seem to feel. I ain't gonna front: i have 
friends and relatives who i will tell you are trifling. who look for a handout 
and are lazy. I see the negative influences in our community by young black men 
all about money and power and rap music. I get that in many ways we're hurting 
ourselves. but i also know that no one becomes the way they are in a vacuum, 
that this country and world are ultimately one big organism, and that any part 
that's sick harms--and is harmed by--others.  If your hand is hurting you, you 
gonna just cut it off to make yourself feel better? No.  I understand 
responsibility and teaching it. all for it. But I think Gymfig and many 
whites--and Blacks who've made it--are getting awfully high and mighty and 
judgemental in their you caused your own problems attitude. 

I'm adopted, and I know that but for the grace of God, i could have ended up in 
a horrible orphanage and who knows what kind of person i'd be today? Probably 
angry, womanizing, maybe even a criminal. I had a fortunate upbringing, and not 
all Blacks can say that.

-- Original message -- 
(standing ovation)

Keith, I've got a true story that you reminded me of when you commented about 
being followed by a security guard in a store.

Back when I worked for Soulless Evil Inc (aka Federated DEepartment Stores, 
owners of M*cy's), I decided to splurge one Chrsitmas for the young lady I was 
seeing, so I went shopping at the old Downtown M*cy's. Thye minute I walked in, 
I had my own private security guard on my a$$, despite my habit of looking as 
untreatening as possible (never putting my hands in my pockets, always looking 
up and making eye contact, not carrying bags, et cetera). As I went, I noticed 
a White guy shoplifting, and had to point it out to the guard who was so 
ficused on me that he didn't catch the theft. When filling out the report for 
the police, Occupation came up on the form. I made myself say aloud the words 
as I wrote them, Supervisor, Federated Department Stores, Store #13, and 
smiled at the guard and the assistant manager before leaving and never gracing 
the place with my presence again.

BTB- I got a commendation from the Chairman of the board, and a write-up in the 
company newsletter.

i really have to disagree with your saying America's not racist. As a Black man 
I still fight this stuff every day, whether it's inferiour white guys on my job 
giving me grief, the white cop or security guard who follows m ein the store, 
or the more generic white attitude that has whites speaking what they think is 
black slang to me, or making assumptions about my values and interests. I 
worked in HR for a while, and i can tell you that black people get 
discriminated against in hiring all the time, even now in 2008. 

And to say that black people don't want to end our problems? I'm surprised at 
that. I know a lot of blacks, rich and poor, educated and illiterate, who might 
blame some of their problems on racism, but they don't *embrace* that as an 
excuse. But they do see a system that still redlines black neighborhoods, that 
has businesses skittish to build in black neighborhoods, real estate agents 
leery of showing homes to blacks in a majority white neighborhood, and 
companies where white people support other whites at our expense. It's changed, 
it's gotten better, but it's not at all some fantasy we cook up to blame others 
for our problems. I'm fairly well educated (BS in Electrical Engineering, 
several hundred hours in Microsoft NT/Windows 2000 etc. 

[scifinoir2] Re: OT: Obama, Huckabee Win Big in Iowa

2008-01-05 Thread tdemorsella
I do too.  I hate that his message has been drowned out by the media.
 I also wonder why I find him more believable that Hilary and Obama. 
I used to here great things about Obama inchicago.  I wonder how he
lost his soul so fast.  I guess it was necessary.  Too bad,  That man
cn give a speech

--- In, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I like Edwards' focus on helping the poor and those with insurance
 -- Original message -- 
 From: Martin [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 No, not by a longshot. Class warfare, IMO, is exactly what's going
on. A couple of years ago, I had to go to Grady to get my scrips
rewritten. (For the record, Grady is the biggest hospital here in
Atlanta, and doing anything in there is an all-day proposition). As
I'm waiting, sitting next to a man who's coughing up a lung, his wife
at the point of shattering because they'd been there since five that
morn (it was almost four in the afternoon at this time) and the docs
*still* didn't know what was wrong with him, and hadn't even bothered
to consider the need to admit him), a story popped up on Headline
News, that then-Governor Pataki (NY) had been hospitalized for a
ruptured appendix. According to the report, he felt ill at five that
morn, his driver took him to the hospital at six, and he was in
surgery at seven. It was a nice laugh-and-cry session.
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: so you think Edwards went too far in his
righteous anger?
 -- Original message -- 
 From: Martin [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 IMO, Edawrds could'v epulled in that younger ticket as easily as
Obama did, had he not opted to take the hyper-reformist tack that he
did. Many on both sides of the aisle are veiwing it as something akin
to class warfare, and Republicans are uniting against him for that reason.
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: agreed. It points out a few things. One,
that every generation there's a man or woman who can reach those still
young and idealistic enough to believe that a true change is a-comin:
the Kennedy's, Bill Clinton, now Obama. Two, the only problem is that
sometimes the young and idealistic don't stay all the way to the end,
and the old cynical fogeys turn out in greater numbers. Not always,
but often. 
 Three, Clinton has really been staying put, as you said, not really
standing *for* anything, just saying I have more experience and I'm
tougher. Static message heard too many times. Finally, i believe that
*any* frontrunner would have seen a decline in the numbers because
this went on too freakin' long. had Obama started out as the clear
frontrunner and gotten all the focus, all the attention, all the
attacks, I believe that after a campaign this long, people would have
started picking at him, too. I know enough folks right now who aren't
enamored of him. If he'd been in front all along this might have been
a three-way day, or Edwards might have pulled ahead simply by dint of
seeming to be newer and fresher.
 -- Original message -- 
 From: Martin [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 I just had a look at some of the voter breakdowns, and it seems that
Obama won through youth more than gender. He's energized the kids out
there. Hillary standing pat hurt her in the voters' eyes, IMO.
 In a message dated 1/4/2008 2:48:10 AM Eastern Standard Time, 
 or a Black man. the only thing i'm sure of is you won't see them on
the same 
 ticket! no way America'd elect a woman and a Brother in the same year!
 So they go with the man because they really dobn't want to see a woma?
 **Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape.
 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
 There is no reason Good can't triumph over Evil, if only angels
will get organized along the lines of the Mafia. -Kurt Vonnegut, A
Man Without A Country
 Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your homepage.
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 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
 There is no reason Good can't triumph over Evil, if only angels
will get organized along the lines of the Mafia. -Kurt Vonnegut, A
Man Without A Country
 Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Yahoo!
 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
 There is no reason Good can't triumph over Evil, if only angels
will get organized along the lines of the Mafia. -Kurt Vonnegut, A
Man Without A Country
 Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your homepage.
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[scifinoir2] Re: OT: Obama, Huckabee Win Big in Iowa

2008-01-05 Thread tdemorsella
Hey Veronica:

Glad to see your post.  :)  Do not quell your cynicism. In my opinion
it protects you. Racisim is alive and well (even thriving, cultivated
and growing) here in America The facts are not in.  Someone on the
suggested that Republicans voted for Obama in higher numbers than
Huckabee as part of an effort to know out Edwards and Hilary who some
may perceive to be more electable.  While I have not seen numbers to
back that up yet, I would not be surprised if it were true.  Its been
done before.  If is true, then this is simply business as usually.

I know you are really busy these days, but don't be a stranger to the
board  :)

--- In, vhenry_89147 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I also had feeling about how impossible it was for Obama to win a
 nomination, let alone the presidency of the United States.
 Perhaps his win in Iowa is an indication that my cynicism over race
 relations in America can someday be quelled. Let's hope. In any event,
 guess we'll see what happens in New Hampshire.
 It still burns me up that some people continue to group the behavior
 of Black people in one all encompassing bucket. If I fit into that
 bucket, I wouldn't love science fiction the way I do, reading or
 writing it. For that matter, I wouldn't practice Yoga or have studied
 computer science either, right?
 --- In, Tracey de Morsella (formerly
 Tracey L. Minor) tdlists@ wrote:
  Me, like a lot of Blacks who have experienced racism, could not see 
  White America voting for Obama -- a Black guy.  We'd seen some real 
  racist stuff come out of even the nicest people.  Surely these people 
  could not vote for someone that has a member of a race that they 
  harbored such ugly thoughts and feelings about. .  Then tonite 
  happened.  Obama won big in a state with only 2% Blacks. After a
  deal of thought, I think I figured out how he won and why it is
  for him to win.  There are two factors involved:
  1.  Most people - even the nicest people have unconscious biases
  people who are different from them.  This often comes in the form of 
  racism when it comes to Black/White relations.  Most of the time,
  are not even aware of them, nor do they cultivate these feeling, and 
  when confronted with some act that shows that the person obviously
  that bias, he or she will adamantly deny it, because he or she
does not 
  see him or herself that way.So if you do not consciously see your 
  self as someone who dislikes Blacks, then why would you not vote for
  if you thought he was the best candidate.  Think out it,
  those people you talk to that do not believe that racism is so
  and that when you experience a racist act, you are being
  or pulling the race card, are potential Obama voters.  i personally
  one or too who seem to like Obama
  2.  When I was growing up and even as a young adult, I would meet
  who really liked and seem to accept me who said to me, You do not
  like a  Black person  Or they would say some horrible thing about 
  Blacks to me.  When I would ask them then what are you doing with
 me.  I 
  would here something like, well you are not like them.  this stuff 
  used to burn me up.  I can't tell you how many people I kicked to the 
  curb over this stuff.  Now I think most Whites who feel this way,
  better then to express these thought out loud.  (Biden being the 
  exception )  Remember how complimentary Biden was about Obama being 
  articulate? I suspect that Obama has probably had many encounters
  the two I described above.  He is able to blend in and be accepted by 
  people from a variety of backgrounds.  For that reason, I think
  who might not be overt racists - who do not see themselves as racist, 
  might not have a problem voting for him.  So its off to New Hampshire 
  and believe or now, the polls show that he is poised to beat Hilary.
  KeithBJohnson@ wrote:
   Wow, i thought Edwards would take first place by a percentage
 point over Obama, with Hillary in third. I had Huckabee, Romney, and
 McCain as 1-2-3, respectively. Looks like Obama pulled off a major
 upset. Huckabee might have some real legs, given that he's a real
 fundamentalist Christian in some ways, but supportive of environmental
 issues, not averse to taxing for the poor, and pretty well respected
 by many Blacks--at least in Arkansas. I never could get with Romney,
 not because he's a Mormon, but because his positions have flip-flopped
 more than anyone in the last few years. Talk about an opportunistic
   Now, how does Hillary proceed, given that liberal/independent New
 Hampshire might go for Obama and Edwards again, and ditto for South
 Carolina and the southern states? Indeed, let this momentum keep
 building and we could be looking at an Obama/Edwards ticket, which

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: OT: Obama, Huckabee Win Big in Iowa

2008-01-05 Thread Martin
(hugging Tracey)

tdemorsella [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  --- In, Daryle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


You said to Gymfig, It is straight up insulting to assume the things
you are about Black people, but particularly, it is insulting to come
off the way you are to this group. You¹re talking to us like we¹re
children who haven¹t done anything with our lives. Many of us HAVE
children. You give NO scientific references for your observations, and
you make these grand sweeping judgments based on something you read,
for all we know, on someone¹s blog. We¹re scientists, business
owners, mathematicians, elected officials, engineers, husbands,
fathers, mothers, sisters...this ain¹t rehab, this is one of the most
together groups of people you will (apparently) ever come across
online. Please respect that. We don¹t deserve to be shouted at like
we¹re this rebel band of liberal hippies. We¹re not. And this isn¹t
the first time you¹ve done it.We¹re all adults. Why can¹t you just
disagree with someone and keep it moving? 

Your mistake is that you are expecting civil, intellectual discourse
that involves a sharing ideas and opinions and backing them up with
cold hard facts. That is not what you will get in a continued
discourse here. This is not about difference of opinion, but about
distorting the facts, name calling, hating of men - specifically Black
men, Saying the all of us have a particular behavior lumping some
behaviors distorting what you say, misunderstanding what you say,
intentionally not addressing salient points, or simply cutting them
out of the reply message to further confuse the issue. The point is
to anger and wound you with these distortions, not share differing
opinions. The style of communicating reminds me of a style of a
pundit called Bill Kristol, a famous neocon who works for the Weekly
Standard. He says things like 

~90 percent of the people on the Nobel Committee are into child
pornography and molestation. 
~Of all of the dictators in the past, you know the one Al Gore
strikes me as [being] closest [to] is Mussolini., 
~Notice what this double-talking slut just did, this mind-slut
Barbara Walters. And I stick by those words. She's an empty mind-slut.. 
~ Madeline Albright is a traitor. In my opinion, she should be tried
for treason, and when she's found guilty, she should be hung. ;
~Liberalism is, in essence, the HIV virus, and it weakens the defense
cells of a nation.

Its not that he is right wing. Like Gymfig, its that his method of
discourse is to incite, insult, distort and enrage. Pat Robertson and
Joe Scarborough are right wingers who I can watch (even if I might
not like them) They back up their statements with facts and don't
seek to insult people in their discussions and debates and can concede
when their facts are incorrect. That won't happen here in this or any
other conversation as far as I can see. 

This style of non -communication goes back years and seems to have
been developed into a full-blown art-form. I've noticed that Gymfig
does this with all her discussions. We do not usually pay as much
attention to it because she usually just puts down and distorts the
facts about entertainers. I'm responding now, because she is doing so
about us and our people. I will probably posting this, but I do not
know when I've encountered someone say so many ugly sweeping
generalizations about me and my people without backing it up with one
fact that was not distorted or who worked so hard to distort what I
have posted. 

So here it is. This is Black on Black crime and I abhor it. I guess
I have drawn the line in the sand. I did not want to, but the Savage
syndrome is likely to continue, so I guess I thought I would let
people know what type of non-conversation they are becoming involved
with and let them decide if they want to waste their time. Besides
I'm sick of the ridiculing insults.

Darryl, I applaud you for shutting the sick abusive game down. With
so many of our liberties being taken away from us, I loath to stop
someone from posting their opinion. I think different opinions have
been one of the best things about the list. As a daughter of a former
Black Union leader who ran two union newsletter I place a high value
on freedom of speech (thats right a Black Union Leader-wow!) So
preventing someone from posting is something I have extremely
reluctant to do. 

Taking a deep depressed exhausted sigh.. 


 It is straight up insulting to assume the things you are about Black
people, but particularly, it is insulting to come off the way you are
to this group. You¹re talking to us like we¹re children who haven¹t
done anything with our lives. Many of us HAVE children. You give NO
scientific references for your observations, and you make these grand
sweeping judgments based on something you read, for all we know, on
someone¹s blog. We¹re scientists, business owners, mathematicians,
elected officials, engineers, husbands, fathers, mothers,

[scifinoir2] Re: OT: Obama, Huckabee Win Big in Iowa

2008-01-04 Thread vhenry_89147

I also had feeling about how impossible it was for Obama to win a
nomination, let alone the presidency of the United States.

Perhaps his win in Iowa is an indication that my cynicism over race
relations in America can someday be quelled. Let's hope. In any event,
guess we'll see what happens in New Hampshire.

It still burns me up that some people continue to group the behavior
of Black people in one all encompassing bucket. If I fit into that
bucket, I wouldn't love science fiction the way I do, reading or
writing it. For that matter, I wouldn't practice Yoga or have studied
computer science either, right?

--- In, Tracey de Morsella (formerly
Tracey L. Minor) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Me, like a lot of Blacks who have experienced racism, could not see 
 White America voting for Obama -- a Black guy.  We'd seen some real 
 racist stuff come out of even the nicest people.  Surely these people 
 could not vote for someone that has a member of a race that they 
 harbored such ugly thoughts and feelings about. .  Then tonite 
 happened.  Obama won big in a state with only 2% Blacks. After a great 
 deal of thought, I think I figured out how he won and why it is
 for him to win.  There are two factors involved:
 1.  Most people - even the nicest people have unconscious biases
 people who are different from them.  This often comes in the form of 
 racism when it comes to Black/White relations.  Most of the time, they 
 are not even aware of them, nor do they cultivate these feeling, and 
 when confronted with some act that shows that the person obviously has 
 that bias, he or she will adamantly deny it, because he or she does not 
 see him or herself that way.So if you do not consciously see your 
 self as someone who dislikes Blacks, then why would you not vote for
 if you thought he was the best candidate.  Think out it, theoretically 
 those people you talk to that do not believe that racism is so
 and that when you experience a racist act, you are being hypersensitive 
 or pulling the race card, are potential Obama voters.  i personally
 one or too who seem to like Obama
 2.  When I was growing up and even as a young adult, I would meet
 who really liked and seem to accept me who said to me, You do not act 
 like a  Black person  Or they would say some horrible thing about 
 Blacks to me.  When I would ask them then what are you doing with
me.  I 
 would here something like, well you are not like them.  this stuff 
 used to burn me up.  I can't tell you how many people I kicked to the 
 curb over this stuff.  Now I think most Whites who feel this way, know 
 better then to express these thought out loud.  (Biden being the 
 exception )  Remember how complimentary Biden was about Obama being 
 articulate? I suspect that Obama has probably had many encounters
 the two I described above.  He is able to blend in and be accepted by 
 people from a variety of backgrounds.  For that reason, I think people 
 who might not be overt racists - who do not see themselves as racist, 
 might not have a problem voting for him.  So its off to New Hampshire 
 and believe or now, the polls show that he is poised to beat Hilary.
  Wow, i thought Edwards would take first place by a percentage
point over Obama, with Hillary in third. I had Huckabee, Romney, and
McCain as 1-2-3, respectively. Looks like Obama pulled off a major
upset. Huckabee might have some real legs, given that he's a real
fundamentalist Christian in some ways, but supportive of environmental
issues, not averse to taxing for the poor, and pretty well respected
by many Blacks--at least in Arkansas. I never could get with Romney,
not because he's a Mormon, but because his positions have flip-flopped
more than anyone in the last few years. Talk about an opportunistic
  Now, how does Hillary proceed, given that liberal/independent New
Hampshire might go for Obama and Edwards again, and ditto for South
Carolina and the southern states? Indeed, let this momentum keep
building and we could be looking at an Obama/Edwards ticket, which
just might win the day, though I still have this nagging doubt that
America as a whole will elect a Black man named Obama
  But I could be wrong--i certainly was tonight!
  With 97 percent of precincts reporting, Obama had the support of
38 percent of voters, compared to 30 percent for John Edwards and 29
percent for Hillary Clinton.
  The numbers tell us this was a debate between change and
experience, and change won, said CNN political analyst Bill Schneider.
  Iowa delivered fatal blows to the campaigns of Sen. Chris Dodd of
Connecticut and Sen. Joe Biden of Delaware. Both have decided to
abandon their White House runs.
  Bill Richardson, who finished fourth, said his campaign plans 

[scifinoir2] Re: OT: Obama, Huckabee Win Big in Iowa

2008-01-04 Thread ravenadal
The Obama phenomenon is like nothing America has experienced before. 
He is one of us, but he is also one of them.  Call it the Halle Berry
factor - where she was the first black woman to win when she won her
oscar but how she has essentially been a white actress since -
Catwoman, Things we Lost in the Fire,Tulia (where she plays an
east indian). Her race is almost never mentioned in her current
bi-racial relationship.

Obama has black and white relatives.  A white second cousin told NPR
the story of visiting Obama at his Chicago campaign headquarters.  She
sees a photograph of a smiling, bright-eyed, elderly african dressed
in bright native costume on the wall.  Knowing Obama's father was
African, she asks him, is that a picture of your grandmother?  No,
Obama replies, that is Nelson Mandela.


--- In, Tracey de Morsella (formerly
Tracey L. Minor) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Me, like a lot of Blacks who have experienced racism, could not see 
 White America voting for Obama -- a Black guy.  We'd seen some real 
 racist stuff come out of even the nicest people.  Surely these people 
 could not vote for someone that has a member of a race that they 
 harbored such ugly thoughts and feelings about. .  Then tonite 
 happened.  Obama won big in a state with only 2% Blacks. After a great 
 deal of thought, I think I figured out how he won and why it is
 for him to win.  There are two factors involved:
 1.  Most people - even the nicest people have unconscious biases
 people who are different from them.  This often comes in the form of 
 racism when it comes to Black/White relations.  Most of the time, they 
 are not even aware of them, nor do they cultivate these feeling, and 
 when confronted with some act that shows that the person obviously has 
 that bias, he or she will adamantly deny it, because he or she does not 
 see him or herself that way.So if you do not consciously see your 
 self as someone who dislikes Blacks, then why would you not vote for
 if you thought he was the best candidate.  Think out it, theoretically 
 those people you talk to that do not believe that racism is so
 and that when you experience a racist act, you are being hypersensitive 
 or pulling the race card, are potential Obama voters.  i personally
 one or too who seem to like Obama
 2.  When I was growing up and even as a young adult, I would meet
 who really liked and seem to accept me who said to me, You do not act 
 like a  Black person  Or they would say some horrible thing about 
 Blacks to me.  When I would ask them then what are you doing with
me.  I 
 would here something like, well you are not like them.  this stuff 
 used to burn me up.  I can't tell you how many people I kicked to the 
 curb over this stuff.  Now I think most Whites who feel this way, know 
 better then to express these thought out loud.  (Biden being the 
 exception )  Remember how complimentary Biden was about Obama being 
 articulate? I suspect that Obama has probably had many encounters
 the two I described above.  He is able to blend in and be accepted by 
 people from a variety of backgrounds.  For that reason, I think people 
 who might not be overt racists - who do not see themselves as racist, 
 might not have a problem voting for him.  So its off to New Hampshire 
 and believe or now, the polls show that he is poised to beat Hilary.
  Wow, i thought Edwards would take first place by a percentage
point over Obama, with Hillary in third. I had Huckabee, Romney, and
McCain as 1-2-3, respectively. Looks like Obama pulled off a major
upset. Huckabee might have some real legs, given that he's a real
fundamentalist Christian in some ways, but supportive of environmental
issues, not averse to taxing for the poor, and pretty well respected
by many Blacks--at least in Arkansas. I never could get with Romney,
not because he's a Mormon, but because his positions have flip-flopped
more than anyone in the last few years. Talk about an opportunistic
  Now, how does Hillary proceed, given that liberal/independent New
Hampshire might go for Obama and Edwards again, and ditto for South
Carolina and the southern states? Indeed, let this momentum keep
building and we could be looking at an Obama/Edwards ticket, which
just might win the day, though I still have this nagging doubt that
America as a whole will elect a Black man named Obama
  But I could be wrong--i certainly was tonight!
  With 97 percent of precincts reporting, Obama had the support of
38 percent of voters, compared to 30 percent for John Edwards and 29
percent for Hillary Clinton.
  The numbers tell us this was a debate between change and
experience, and change won, said CNN political analyst Bill Schneider.
  Iowa delivered fatal blows to the campaigns of 

[scifinoir2] Re: OT: Obama, Huckabee Win Big in Iowa

2008-01-04 Thread B. Smith
The wife and I caucused for the first time and it was one of the 
greatest voting experiences we've ever had. They expected approx. 140-
150 people at our caucus location but close to 300 people attended. 
There was a large number of first time voters, independents and even 
a few converted Republicans our location. The room was packed and 
people began to sort themselves by candidate. Once registration and 
sign up was done the fun began. 

The candidates' representatives gave their speeches on why you should 
choose their candidate. Some were firey, some were cool, but all of 
them were true belivers and they and the precinct captains were 
actively trying to garner support for their candidate. One hilarious 
Dodd captain was an Irish tenor and he strolled around singing trying 
to cajole people to come support his candidate. 

The wheeling and dealing was the most fun part of the experience. The 
Obama contingent was the largest, loudest and best organized. During 
the first caucus period some early projections said Obama was winning 
the state and the place just erupted. 

As the night went on more undecideds and supporters of non-viable 
candidates started to drift over to the Obama campaign. Richardson, 
Kucinich, Biden and Dodd had asked their supporters to caucus for 
Obama if they were not viable in their precincts. Quite a few Dodd 
supporters and a few (cause that's all that were there) Kucinich 
people followed through. Most of the Richardson and Biden folks went 
home. (haters)  

We got a final count and Obama handily won our precinct. The room 
erupted in cheers and then as we were leaving it was announced that 
Obama was projected to win the state and cheers started again. A lot 
of folks headed downtown to the victory celebration and the party 

--- In, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Wow, i thought Edwards would take first place by a percentage point 
over Obama, with Hillary in third. I had Huckabee, Romney, and McCain 
as 1-2-3, respectively. Looks like Obama pulled off a major upset. 
Huckabee might have some real legs, given that he's a real 
fundamentalist Christian in some ways, but supportive of 
environmental issues, not averse to taxing for the poor, and pretty 
well respected by many Blacks--at least in Arkansas. I never could 
get with Romney, not because he's a Mormon, but because his positions 
have flip-flopped more than anyone in the last few years. Talk about 
an opportunistic chamelon.
 Now, how does Hillary proceed, given that liberal/independent New 
Hampshire might go for Obama and Edwards again, and ditto for South 
Carolina and the southern states? Indeed, let this momentum keep 
building and we could be looking at an Obama/Edwards ticket, which 
just might win the day, though I still have this nagging doubt that 
America as a whole will elect a Black man named Obama
 But I could be wrong--i certainly was tonight!
 With 97 percent of precincts reporting, Obama had the support of 38 
percent of voters, compared to 30 percent for John Edwards and 29 
percent for Hillary Clinton.
 The numbers tell us this was a debate between change and 
experience, and change won, said CNN political analyst Bill 
 Iowa delivered fatal blows to the campaigns of Sen. Chris Dodd of 
Connecticut and Sen. Joe Biden of Delaware. Both have decided to 
abandon their White House runs.
 Bill Richardson, who finished fourth, said his campaign plans 
to take the fight to New Hampshire.
 For the winners of both party's caucuses, it's an age revolt for 
Democrats versus a religious revolt for Republicans, Schneider said. 
 On the Democratic side, Obama took 57 percent of the under-30 vote, 
according to CNN's analysis of entrance polls. 
 Speaking to supporters, Obama called the night a defining moment 
in history. 
 You came together as Democrats, Republicans and independents to 
stand up and say that we are one nation, we are one people and our 
time for change has come. 
 Huckabee's victory can be attributed to his overwhelming support 
among evangelical voters and women, the polls indicate. 
 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: OT: Obama, Huckabee Win Big in Iowa

2008-01-04 Thread Daryle
You¹re not getting it. Michael Jordan is a ³safe² Black. Shaq is a ³safe²
Black. Tiki Barber is a ³safe² Black. Oprah is a ³safe² Black. It¹s not
about his assumed biraciality, it¹s about his marketing approach.

On 1/4/08 12:40 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 So he is a Safe black. Unlike someone is of obvious African American

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[scifinoir2] Re: OT: Obama, Huckabee Win Big in Iowa

2008-01-04 Thread tdemorsella

Most biracial people with African blood are seen as Black -
particularly those who look Black, say they are Black and are
considered prominent members of the Black community.  Obama and his
family are seen as Black.  The talking heads in the media often refer
to him as Black.  The conservatives portray him as a Black with muslim

Hilary comes from a connected family, she is worth millions, has a
history, ironically of top ties with the republican party starting
with Barry Goldwater, and for the last 20 years or so, she has been
apart of the elite of the democratic party.  The woman is on the board
of Walmart. She is considered American Aristocracy.  She is a chairs
and serves on several powerful committees in the Senate and  I do not
thing she exactly fit the profile of a woman excluded from the boardroom

I have spent the past 15 years working with, reporting and training
people on issues of race in the workplace and I have to tell you the
male/female thing is not as black and white when it comes to Black men
- even biracial men.  While women consistent get paid less than men,
Black men get paid less than White men.  a Black man with a
traditional name is less likely to even get a job interview than a
white female.  Black men (even biracial men) have higher incidents of
discrimination in the workplace than White women.

There are other factors at work that you either overlooked or were not
aware of.While a Black male who has climbed the corporate ladder
playing the game is more likely to fit in the board room than a White
woman, a Black woman is more likely to get a job than a Black man.
Black men are more likely to get laid off than White women as well.
Many educators start feeling threatened by Black males - even biracial
Black males that look Black starting at age eight.  This continues
into adulthood.  These are not my assumptions, but facts that have
been proved time and again with data.  Black men (Black looking
biracial men included)in New York and many American cities still can
not get a cab and people will cross the street when they see one
coming.  Black men (Black looking biracial men included)are also still
experiencing racial profiling on the road.

Despite a history of supporting women in elections, more women voted
for Obama and Edwards than Hilary.  More young people prefer them, and
more union people prefer them.  Most people want the war to end and
she not only refuses to admit that her war decisions were wrong, she
is very hawkish on Iran and Iraq.  Since her healthcare initiative of
the early nineties, She has been a polarizing force in the democratic
party - despite her many right wing stances of late.  In polling, very
few independents or republicans have indicated that they would vote
for her.  Last night, she got very few votes from independents, while
Obama received 20% votes from independents and I think Edwards got
more than 10% independent votes.  Because of her marriage to bill and
her current power in the senate, there is also the perception that she
is part of the status quo during a time when Americans of both parties
have indicated that they want significant change.  No status quo
person of either party or any gender did well last night.

I stopped liking Hilary a few years ago when she decided to become a
baby Republican with her voting.   I understood why, but those
decisions made it impossible to support her.   Knowing her Republican
roots, I was terrified of the prospect of her winning.  So, while I
wanted Edwards to win, I was OK with Obama's win.  If you are a Hilary
supporter, you can not be happy with the outcome of yesterday's
primary.  While it may be comforting to tell yourself that she lost
because she is a woman, in my view that is a simplistic notion that
flies in the face of a lot of other significant factors - and does not
necessarily erasing the existence of these other factors.   
 A black man won over a white woman in Mass. A black man will still
get a job 
 over a competent white woman or black woman.  I think that with the
win of a 
 black man it will be harder for blacks especially black men  to
play the 
 victim. The old boys club does admit black men these days. It is
still harder for 
 a woman white or black to get ahead.  
 **Start the year off right.  Easy ways to stay in shape.
 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: OT: Obama, Huckabee Win Big in Iowa

2008-01-04 Thread Gymfig
In a message dated 1/4/2008 12:56:18 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

It¹s not
about his assumed biraciality, it¹s about his marketing approach.

Actually his race does play a part. When you go to other websites and talk to 
others it is mentioned that being biracial makes him marketable to white 
women and white males. He is not black like most black people. His approach 
make it better. 
Halle is safe because she is biracial and also her attitude.  It increase his 
likability. I don't a black man who was actually black would get this much 

**Start the year off right.  Easy ways to stay in shape.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[scifinoir2] Re: OT: Obama, Huckabee Win Big in Iowa

2008-01-04 Thread ravenadal
I could not disagree more.  If Michael Jordan or Shaq ran for
president, they would become unsafe blacks real quick!


--- In, Daryle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 You¹re not getting it. Michael Jordan is a ³safe² Black. Shaq is a
 Black. Tiki Barber is a ³safe² Black. Oprah is a ³safe² Black. It¹s not
 about his assumed biraciality, it¹s about his marketing approach.
 On 1/4/08 12:40 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  So he is a Safe black. Unlike someone is of obvious African American
 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[scifinoir2] Re: OT: Obama, Huckabee Win Big in Iowa

2008-01-04 Thread tdemorsella

I have not seen all of these polls you refer to. In fact I have seen
the media try to downplay his race or redefine it in less threatening
terms.   However, most general polls on race indicate that Whites see
biracial people who look Black as Black. - That is not to say that
they do not acknowledge that they are biracial.  

I was not aware that conservatives liked him as you suggested.  Many
have tried to portray him as someone with Muslim extremists roots and
drug taking.  That is an odd way of showing that you like someone in
my opinion.  While I have seen the talking heads say last night that
him being third world  can help us become of the world, I've never
heard anyone say they like him because he is biracial.  Even if
someone thought that, I do not think they would say it, because it
might be perceived as racist.  OK, so maybe Bill O'Reilly would - Did
he?  I think most commentators are more saavy than that

I never said he was a share cropper, but as far as I understand, he
did not come from a privileged background, have lots of money ot
connections as Hilary did.  Most Blacks and many biracials from middle
class backgrounds are still excluded from the benefits Hilary had.  in
fact many Whites from similar backgrounds are excluded from
As I told you, Obama is not my first choice.  I did not want him in
office either.  Like most politicians, I think he is a sell out. 
However, I wanted Hilary even less because she has been voting on many
important issues like a right wing conservative.  She wants to go into
Iran, she wants it to be illegal to burn the flag, she is ok with
invasion of privacy, the list goes on.  I think Obama id a player and
in the pockets of those in power.  I think he is the lesser of two

However, that is not relevant to the issues that you raised.  Which
was that Hilary lost because she is a woman.  That biracial black men
who look Black do not face the issues that other Black men face.  That
Black men have it easier than White women.  That Hilary is not already
part of the power elite.  Those are issues YOU raised.  

Whether I like Obama or not relevant to those issues.  Truth be told,
I'm not a big fan.  I think he is all smoke and mirrors.  The Perfect

You say, Black men are still men. They are still part of the
network.  I would say the Black men on this list and across the
country would disagree with you.  There is tons of data that refutes
your claim.  Maybe this is more about the candidate you like loosing
than the issues you raised.  I can understand that.  Having a woman in
office  would be a major milestone - Whoever it is.  However
belittling the milestone of Obama's achievement or minimizing and
negating the existence of the many overwhelming odds Black and
biracial men face in our country seems an odd way to cope with
Hilary's setback of loosing one primary.  

--- In, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In a message dated 1/4/2008 1:12:44 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

 Poll after poll; discussion after discussion sees Obama as a
biracial man. 
 Halle may be the first black  actress but she is also seen as
biracial.  Tiger 
 woods may be seen blacks by some people but he is still seen as
 Conservatives like him because of his biracial background. Not his
 Black men get paid less than White men.  a Black man with a
 traditional name is less likely to even get a job interview than a
 white female
  Obama did not start from humble beginnings either.  He is not the
my father 
 was a sharecropper black as many blacks who have achieved many
things like 
 to suggest. 
 When people actually start asking what does Obama stand for. they
 answer. I don't know who I will vote for, but I do not that this
woe is the black 
 man stuff will have to end with the election of a black man.  That
why I 
 don't understand why people still think that America is still a
racist society. I 
 don't think that black america can really stomach and end to their
 I am sure that white America cannot wait for the end of the Jena 6 soul 
 Black men are still men. They are still part of the network.  
 **Start the year off right.  Easy ways to stay in shape.
 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[scifinoir2] Re: OT: Obama, Huckabee Win Big in Iowa

2008-01-04 Thread ravenadal
I agree with most of what you say below, but my twenty plus years
looking up through the glass ceiling at corporate america, I have seen
many more black men than black women ascend to the top corporate spot.
With Stan O'Neal ousted at Merril Lynch and Richard D. Parsons about
to retire at Time Warner, Kenneth Chenault remains at American
Express, Ronald Williams at Aetna, Clarence Otis Jr. at Darden
Restaurants, Aylwin Lewis at sears and John W. Thompson at Symantac. 
I don't believe there is a similar list of African-American women.
The top eschelon of corporate America remains an old boy club.


--- In, tdemorsella [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Most biracial people with African blood are seen as Black -
 particularly those who look Black, say they are Black and are
 considered prominent members of the Black community.  Obama and his
 family are seen as Black.  The talking heads in the media often refer
 to him as Black.  The conservatives portray him as a Black with muslim
 Hilary comes from a connected family, she is worth millions, has a
 history, ironically of top ties with the republican party starting
 with Barry Goldwater, and for the last 20 years or so, she has been
 apart of the elite of the democratic party.  The woman is on the board
 of Walmart. She is considered American Aristocracy.  She is a chairs
 and serves on several powerful committees in the Senate and  I do not
 thing she exactly fit the profile of a woman excluded from the boardroom
 I have spent the past 15 years working with, reporting and training
 people on issues of race in the workplace and I have to tell you the
 male/female thing is not as black and white when it comes to Black men
 - even biracial men.  While women consistent get paid less than men,
 Black men get paid less than White men.  a Black man with a
 traditional name is less likely to even get a job interview than a
 white female.  Black men (even biracial men) have higher incidents of
 discrimination in the workplace than White women.
 There are other factors at work that you either overlooked or were not
 aware of.While a Black male who has climbed the corporate ladder
 playing the game is more likely to fit in the board room than a White
 woman, a Black woman is more likely to get a job than a Black man.
 Black men are more likely to get laid off than White women as well.
 Many educators start feeling threatened by Black males - even biracial
 Black males that look Black starting at age eight.  This continues
 into adulthood.  These are not my assumptions, but facts that have
 been proved time and again with data.  Black men (Black looking
 biracial men included)in New York and many American cities still can
 not get a cab and people will cross the street when they see one
 coming.  Black men (Black looking biracial men included)are also still
 experiencing racial profiling on the road.
 Despite a history of supporting women in elections, more women voted
 for Obama and Edwards than Hilary.  More young people prefer them, and
 more union people prefer them.  Most people want the war to end and
 she not only refuses to admit that her war decisions were wrong, she
 is very hawkish on Iran and Iraq.  Since her healthcare initiative of
 the early nineties, She has been a polarizing force in the democratic
 party - despite her many right wing stances of late.  In polling, very
 few independents or republicans have indicated that they would vote
 for her.  Last night, she got very few votes from independents, while
 Obama received 20% votes from independents and I think Edwards got
 more than 10% independent votes.  Because of her marriage to bill and
 her current power in the senate, there is also the perception that she
 is part of the status quo during a time when Americans of both parties
 have indicated that they want significant change.  No status quo
 person of either party or any gender did well last night.
 I stopped liking Hilary a few years ago when she decided to become a
 baby Republican with her voting.   I understood why, but those
 decisions made it impossible to support her.   Knowing her Republican
 roots, I was terrified of the prospect of her winning.  So, while I
 wanted Edwards to win, I was OK with Obama's win.  If you are a Hilary
 supporter, you can not be happy with the outcome of yesterday's
 primary.  While it may be comforting to tell yourself that she lost
 because she is a woman, in my view that is a simplistic notion that
 flies in the face of a lot of other significant factors - and does not
 necessarily erasing the existence of these other factors.   
  A black man won over a white woman in Mass. A black man will still
 get a job 
  over a competent white woman or black woman.  I think that with the
 win of a 
  black man it will be harder for blacks especially black men  to
 play the 
  victim. The old boys club does admit black men these days. It is

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: OT: Obama, Huckabee Win Big in Iowa

2008-01-04 Thread Gymfig
In a message dated 1/4/2008 1:35:59 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

Stan O'Neal ousted at Merril Lynch and Richard D. Parsons about
to retire at Time Warner, Kenneth Chenault remains at American
Express, Ronald Williams at Aetna, Clarence Otis Jr. at Darden
Restaurants, Aylwin Lewis at sears and John W. Thompson at Symantac. 
I don't believe there is a similar list of African-American women.
The top eschelon of corporate America remains an old boy club.


I could not remember their names. I just did not want to say the Merril Lynch 

**Start the year off right.  Easy ways to stay in shape.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: OT: Obama, Huckabee Win Big in Iowa

2008-01-04 Thread Gymfig
In a message dated 1/4/2008 1:12:44 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

Most biracial people with African blood are seen as Black -
particularly those who look Black, say they are Black and are
Considered prominent members of the Black community.  Obama and his
family are seen as Black. 

Poll after poll; discussion after discussion sees Obama as a biracial man. 
Halle may be the first black  actress but she is also seen as biracial.  
woods may be seen blacks by some people but he is still seen as multiethnic 
Conservatives like him because of his biracial background. Not his black 
Black men get paid less than White men.  a Black man with a
traditional name is less likely to even get a job interview than a
white female
 Obama did not start from humble beginnings either.  He is not the my father 
was a sharecropper black as many blacks who have achieved many things like 
to suggest. 
When people actually start asking what does Obama stand for. they cannot 
answer. I don't know who I will vote for, but I do not that this woe is the 
man stuff will have to end with the election of a black man.  That why I 
don't understand why people still think that America is still a racist society. 
don't think that black america can really stomach and end to their problems. 
I am sure that white America cannot wait for the end of the Jena 6 soul 
Black men are still men. They are still part of the network.  

**Start the year off right.  Easy ways to stay in shape.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[scifinoir2] Re: OT: Obama, Huckabee Win Big in Iowa

2008-01-04 Thread tdemorsella
I think you missed part of my overly long post  :)  I said,  While a
Black male who has climbed the corporate ladder playing the game is
more likely to fit in the board room than a White woman, a Black woman
is more likely to get a job than a Black man.

I was comparing Black men to white women (not black women) and saying
they do better once they are up the top.  I was thinking of some of
the people you were.  They all learned how to work the system and
ultimately became a part of the network.  However recent surveys of
boards have revealed that they are still the exception - not the rule.
 Once they get up in the upper echelon, Black men are more readily
excepted than White women.   While i is bad for white women in the
board room, the situation is abysmal for Black women in the boardroom.
  However, statistically, Black women get in the door easier at
entry-level and lower-management positions than Black men.

--- In, ravenadal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I agree with most of what you say below, but my twenty plus years
 looking up through the glass ceiling at corporate america, I have seen
 many more black men than black women ascend to the top corporate spot.
 With Stan O'Neal ousted at Merril Lynch and Richard D. Parsons about
 to retire at Time Warner, Kenneth Chenault remains at American
 Express, Ronald Williams at Aetna, Clarence Otis Jr. at Darden
 Restaurants, Aylwin Lewis at sears and John W. Thompson at Symantac. 
 I don't believe there is a similar list of African-American women.
 The top eschelon of corporate America remains an old boy club.
 --- In, tdemorsella tdlists@ wrote:
  Most biracial people with African blood are seen as Black -
  particularly those who look Black, say they are Black and are
  considered prominent members of the Black community.  Obama and his
  family are seen as Black.  The talking heads in the media often refer
  to him as Black.  The conservatives portray him as a Black with muslim
  Hilary comes from a connected family, she is worth millions, has a
  history, ironically of top ties with the republican party starting
  with Barry Goldwater, and for the last 20 years or so, she has been
  apart of the elite of the democratic party.  The woman is on the board
  of Walmart. She is considered American Aristocracy.  She is a chairs
  and serves on several powerful committees in the Senate and  I do not
  thing she exactly fit the profile of a woman excluded from the
  I have spent the past 15 years working with, reporting and training
  people on issues of race in the workplace and I have to tell you the
  male/female thing is not as black and white when it comes to Black men
  - even biracial men.  While women consistent get paid less than men,
  Black men get paid less than White men.  a Black man with a
  traditional name is less likely to even get a job interview than a
  white female.  Black men (even biracial men) have higher incidents of
  discrimination in the workplace than White women.
  There are other factors at work that you either overlooked or were not
  aware of.While a Black male who has climbed the corporate ladder
  playing the game is more likely to fit in the board room than a White
  woman, a Black woman is more likely to get a job than a Black man.
  Black men are more likely to get laid off than White women as well.
  Many educators start feeling threatened by Black males - even biracial
  Black males that look Black starting at age eight.  This continues
  into adulthood.  These are not my assumptions, but facts that have
  been proved time and again with data.  Black men (Black looking
  biracial men included)in New York and many American cities still can
  not get a cab and people will cross the street when they see one
  coming.  Black men (Black looking biracial men included)are also still
  experiencing racial profiling on the road.
  Despite a history of supporting women in elections, more women voted
  for Obama and Edwards than Hilary.  More young people prefer them, and
  more union people prefer them.  Most people want the war to end and
  she not only refuses to admit that her war decisions were wrong, she
  is very hawkish on Iran and Iraq.  Since her healthcare initiative of
  the early nineties, She has been a polarizing force in the democratic
  party - despite her many right wing stances of late.  In polling, very
  few independents or republicans have indicated that they would vote
  for her.  Last night, she got very few votes from independents, while
  Obama received 20% votes from independents and I think Edwards got
  more than 10% independent votes.  Because of her marriage to bill and
  her current power in the senate, there is also the perception that she
  is part of the status quo during a time when Americans of both parties
  have indicated that they want significant change.  No status quo

[scifinoir2] Re: OT: Obama, Huckabee Win Big in Iowa

2008-01-04 Thread tdemorsella
There are more than 18 African American CEOs currently leading
corporate America (Fortune 500 companies).  It is a significant
acheivement, that would be foolhardy to overlook.  However, it
concerns me that this achievement may allow people to be deceived in
the belief that because of these acheivements, that Black men have
overcome and are part of the network. 

Those Black men are part of the network.  If you read their bios you
will see reoccurring themes and come to understand how exceptional
they are and that they faced many overwhelming obstacles to get their.
 Very few, if any had the key to the executive suite handed to them. 
The profiles I rad indicated that they learned how to use the system
to get what they want, take a lot of crap and literally wrench the key
away to get access to the executive suite.  

While it does not surprise me that a lot of whites look at these guys
and say Black men are part of the network, it horrifies me that
African Americans who interact in the Black community could believe
this myth.  This is not just my opinion. There is tons of redundant
data that supports what I'm saying.  But hell, if Black men are part
of the network then somebody please tell me why the black community
seems to be disintegrating.

I know I'm fired up, but I have spent the past decade, studying this,
reporting on this, creating a section of my website on this, host
events on this, talked to people who managed the studies/surveys,
speaking on this at workshops and conferences, been interviewed on
this, and  have interviewed a few of the people discussed on this, so
it is a subject close to me heart and my livelihood.  

Some resources you may want to check out:

Cracking the Corporate Code: The Revealing Success Stories of 32
African-American Executives by Price M. Cobbs

 Breaking Through: The Making of Minority Executives in Corporate
America by David A. Thomas

Black Enterprise Titans of The B.E. 100s: Black CEOs Who Redefined and
Conquered American Business (Black Enterprise Books)

  Leading in Black and White: Working Across the Racial Divide in
Corporate America (J-B CCL (Center for Creative Leadership)) by
Ancella B. Liver

Take a Lesson: Today's Black Achievers on How They Made It and What
They Learned Along the Way by Caroline V. Clarke

--- In, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In a message dated 1/4/2008 1:35:59 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
 Stan O'Neal ousted at Merril Lynch and Richard D. Parsons about
 to retire at Time Warner, Kenneth Chenault remains at American
 Express, Ronald Williams at Aetna, Clarence Otis Jr. at Darden
 Restaurants, Aylwin Lewis at sears and John W. Thompson at Symantac. 
 I don't believe there is a similar list of African-American women.
 The top eschelon of corporate America remains an old boy club.
 I could not remember their names. I just did not want to say the
Merril Lynch 
 **Start the year off right.  Easy ways to stay in shape.
 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: OT: Obama, Huckabee Win Big in Iowa

2008-01-04 Thread Daryle
With all due respect, this is a 2 dimensional analysis.

It assumes that there is a woman at American Express, for example, Black or
otherwise, going for Kenneth¹s job,  and that the only reason she won¹t get
it is because Kenneth is there. It also dismisses the fact that you have
just named 7 men in senior positions (none of them owners, by the way) out
of HOW MANY corporations? So, by this analysis,  it  would take 7 more Black
Women in CEO positions in order for things to  be balanced. The reality is
that there are close to  20 Black CEOs. But even by this math, Having 14
Black faces on a list of 500 Fortune-rated companies doesn¹t exactly signal
that ³we¹ve made it².

You are also dismissing the amount of Black VPs, SVPs, EVPs, and GMs at the
companies that  do not have Black CEOs, and a significant amount of them ARE
Black women. And in addition, you  are dismissing  Black executives who were
not born in the United States. So again, it goes to the question of how we
are defining ³power². There is strength in numbers, and a greater strength
in strategically placed number of people of color (from the entire Diaspora)
in positions to make change.


 In a message dated 1/4/2008 1:35:59 PM Eastern Standard Time,
 Stan O'Neal ousted at Merril Lynch and Richard D. Parsons about
 to retire at Time Warner, Kenneth Chenault remains at American
 Express, Ronald Williams at Aetna, Clarence Otis Jr. at Darden
 Restaurants, Aylwin Lewis at sears and John W. Thompson at Symantac.
 I don't believe there is a similar list of African-American women.
 The top eschelon of corporate America remains an old boy club.
 I could not remember their names. I just did not want to say the Merril Lynch
 **Start the year off right.  Easy ways to stay in shape.
 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: OT: Obama, Huckabee Win Big in Iowa

2008-01-04 Thread Gymfig
In a message dated 1/4/2008 2:56:53 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

I was not aware that conservatives liked him as you suggested.  Many
have tried to portray him as someone with Muslim extremists roots and
drug taking.  That is an odd way of showing that you like someone in
my opinion.  While I have seen the talking heads say last night that
him being third world  can help us become of the world, I've never
heard anyone say they like him because he is biracial.  Even if
someone thought that, I do not think they would say it, because it
might be perceived as racist.

What is said in newspaper articles and internet discussions is difference 
what is heard on tv. From some of the more conservative points of view,an Obama 
win would be an end to the Jesse Jackson type of black american. An end to 
affirmative action and to blacks complaing about racism aka the Jena 6 kind of 
In some cases Black men have it easier than White women. I don't believe that 
black men are always downtrodden when they step outside the door until they 
get home. 
Alot of thlem do have it easier than white women because they are men. 
Despite the idea that affirmative action has benefitted white females. Black 
have benefitted from being men. Someties race is not an issue. You are right 
that some people don't like Clinto because she is Clinton. However I don't like 
the liberal hype that Obama will be any different than any other person. If 
the liberal Demoract Congress is any indication that it will be SSDD. 
If you listen to Juan Willams and other talk about  him, they feel that is is 
the kind of black that should be leading america. 

**Start the year off right.  Easy ways to stay in shape.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[scifinoir2] Re: OT: Obama, Huckabee Win Big in Iowa

2008-01-04 Thread tdemorsella
While I agree that what is said in an Internet discussion is different
than TV, I disagree that newspapers differ from the traditional media
that I was referring to.  With the Internet there is no holding back.
 I still say I have not seen the many polls on his  biracial
heritage that you refer to.  

I do not think I indicated Black men are always down trodden.  In
fact most of the Black men I know personally are not.  However,
statistically - as a group they are.  There is a significant
difference.  While there are cases where Black men have it better than
White Women, there are many case where the opposite is true.  I'm
getting the impression that you do not believe that and problably see
all the data that supports that as flawed so on that issue I have been
wasting my time.  

 I think that in addition to White conservatives, that many Blacks
have problems with Jesse Jackson, so I'm not even arguing for that cause

As I said to you before.  I'm not a big Obama fan, but a professional
who works with issues that you addressed. I came to the conversation
seeking to point out some facts about Blacks, biracials, and women in
power that I did not think you knew.  This was not about my preference
of Obama or Hilary.  To be honest  - I prefer Gore or Edwards.  Thats
not going to happen.  However the more we exchange emails, the more I
believe that for you this conversation has been more about your
dislike of  Obama - which I understand  


 In a message dated 1/4/2008 2:56:53 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
 I was not aware that conservatives liked him as you suggested.  Many
 have tried to portray him as someone with Muslim extremists roots and
 drug taking.  That is an odd way of showing that you like someone in
 my opinion.  While I have seen the talking heads say last night that
 him being third world  can help us become of the world, I've never
 heard anyone say they like him because he is biracial.  Even if
 someone thought that, I do not think they would say it, because it
 might be perceived as racist.
 What is said in newspaper articles and internet discussions is
 what is heard on tv. From some of the more conservative points of
view,an Obama 
 win would be an end to the Jesse Jackson type of black american. An
end to 
 affirmative action and to blacks complaing about racism aka the Jena
6 kind of 
 In some cases Black men have it easier than White women. I don't
believe that 
 black men are always downtrodden when they step outside the door
until they 
 get home. 
 Alot of thlem do have it easier than white women because they are men. 
 Despite the idea that affirmative action has benefitted white
females. Black males 
 have benefitted from being men. Someties race is not an issue. You
are right 
 that some people don't like Clinto because she is Clinton. However I
don't like 
 the liberal hype that Obama will be any different than any other
person. If 
 the liberal Demoract Congress is any indication that it will be SSDD. 
 If you listen to Juan Willams and other talk about  him, they feel
that is is 
 the kind of black that should be leading america. 
 **Start the year off right.  Easy ways to stay in shape.
 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: OT: Obama, Huckabee Win Big in Iowa

2008-01-04 Thread Gymfig
In a message dated 1/4/2008 3:51:55 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

believe that for you this conversation has been more about your
dislike of  Obama - which I understand  

It is not my dislike of Obama. I just think that there are issues that will 
not be touched because of gender, race and other problems. Hillary my notr be 
likable, but I don't think Obama is like either. From some of the liberal 
blogs/website people say that he is low on substance. Will the mainstream press 
start going after him? I think not. Also I think that there are those liberals 
that see a win as a end to any racist feeling that may exist in this country. 
Other threads I have seen say that that they voted for Obama because they know 
that he can not win the general election. 
I think he has not been attacted because he was not considered the front 
runner, but will they go after him if he is. Obama has been careful to race 
issues. He has not seem to bee to controversial.  Do people really know his 
on other issues. Some liberals say he is a republcian-lite. He is not 
different than Clinton. He hope and change message is meaningless. Why should 
he get 
a free ride while Edwards, Rommney, and Huckabbee have to prove themselves. 
I still don't understand why Edwards is going after Clinto but never goes 
after Obama. He is content to be second place? If he wants the presdiential 
then he needs to go after Obama. Something that only Clinton has done. 

**Start the year off right.  Easy ways to stay in shape.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: OT: Obama, Huckabee Win Big in Iowa

2008-01-04 Thread KeithBJohnson
can you briefly explain how a caucus works? How does it differ from a primary, 
and what's the difference in how the Democrats and Republicans do theirs? The 
Republican results counted actual votes cast, the Dems just the delegate votes?

-- Original message -- 
The wife and I caucused for the first time and it was one of the 
greatest voting experiences we've ever had. They expected approx. 140-
150 people at our caucus location but close to 300 people attended. 
There was a large number of first time voters, independents and even 
a few converted Republicans our location. The room was packed and 
people began to sort themselves by candidate. Once registration and 
sign up was done the fun began. 

The candidates' representatives gave their speeches on why you should 
choose their candidate. Some were firey, some were cool, but all of 
them were true belivers and they and the precinct captains were 
actively trying to garner support for their candidate. One hilarious 
Dodd captain was an Irish tenor and he strolled around singing trying 
to cajole people to come support his candidate. 

The wheeling and dealing was the most fun part of the experience. The 
Obama contingent was the largest, loudest and best organized. During 
the first caucus period some early projections said Obama was winning 
the state and the place just erupted. 

As the night went on more undecideds and supporters of non-viable 
candidates started to drift over to the Obama campaign. Richardson, 
Kucinich, Biden and Dodd had asked their supporters to caucus for 
Obama if they were not viable in their precincts. Quite a few Dodd 
supporters and a few (cause that's all that were there) Kucinich 
people followed through. Most of the Richardson and Biden folks went 
home. (haters) 

We got a final count and Obama handily won our precinct. The room 
erupted in cheers and then as we were leaving it was announced that 
Obama was projected to win the state and cheers started again. A lot 
of folks headed downtown to the victory celebration and the party 

--- In, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Wow, i thought Edwards would take first place by a percentage point 
over Obama, with Hillary in third. I had Huckabee, Romney, and McCain 
as 1-2-3, respectively. Looks like Obama pulled off a major upset. 
Huckabee might have some real legs, given that he's a real 
fundamentalist Christian in some ways, but supportive of 
environmental issues, not averse to taxing for the poor, and pretty 
well respected by many Blacks--at least in Arkansas. I never could 
get with Romney, not because he's a Mormon, but because his positions 
have flip-flopped more than anyone in the last few years. Talk about 
an opportunistic chamelon.
 Now, how does Hillary proceed, given that liberal/independent New 
Hampshire might go for Obama and Edwards again, and ditto for South 
Carolina and the southern states? Indeed, let this momentum keep 
building and we could be looking at an Obama/Edwards ticket, which 
just might win the day, though I still have this nagging doubt that 
America as a whole will elect a Black man named Obama
 But I could be wrong--i certainly was tonight!
 With 97 percent of precincts reporting, Obama had the support of 38 
percent of voters, compared to 30 percent for John Edwards and 29 
percent for Hillary Clinton.
 The numbers tell us this was a debate between change and 
experience, and change won, said CNN political analyst Bill 
 Iowa delivered fatal blows to the campaigns of Sen. Chris Dodd of 
Connecticut and Sen. Joe Biden of Delaware. Both have decided to 
abandon their White House runs.
 Bill Richardson, who finished fourth, said his campaign plans 
to take the fight to New Hampshire.
 For the winners of both party's caucuses, it's an age revolt for 
Democrats versus a religious revolt for Republicans, Schneider said. 
 On the Democratic side, Obama took 57 percent of the under-30 vote, 
according to CNN's analysis of entrance polls. 
 Speaking to supporters, Obama called the night a defining moment 
in history. 
 You came together as Democrats, Republicans and independents to 
stand up and say that we are one nation, we are one people and our 
time for change has come. 
 Huckabee's victory can be attributed to his overwhelming support 
among evangelical voters and women, the polls indicate. 
 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: OT: Obama, Huckabee Win Big in Iowa

2008-01-04 Thread Daryle
Whoa. Whoa, wait. Whoa.

Disintegrating? Whowhere? I¹m confused. HOW did we get here? You¹ve cut off
the post you  were responding to  and I don¹t follow you  right  now at all.


 In a message dated 1/4/2008 3:32:17 PM Eastern Standard Time,
 then somebody please tell me why the black community
 seems to be disintegrating.
 Black males AND black females must take some form of responsibility for
 their problems (education, crime, single homes) and stop blaming racism and
 **Start the year off right.  Easy ways to stay in shape.
 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: OT: Obama, Huckabee Win Big in Iowa

2008-01-04 Thread Martin
Preachify, sister!

vhenry_89147 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Tracey,

I also had feeling about how impossible it was for Obama to win a
nomination, let alone the presidency of the United States.

Perhaps his win in Iowa is an indication that my cynicism over race
relations in America can someday be quelled. Let's hope. In any event,
guess we'll see what happens in New Hampshire.

It still burns me up that some people continue to group the behavior
of Black people in one all encompassing bucket. If I fit into that
bucket, I wouldn't love science fiction the way I do, reading or
writing it. For that matter, I wouldn't practice Yoga or have studied
computer science either, right?

--- In, Tracey de Morsella (formerly
Tracey L. Minor) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Me, like a lot of Blacks who have experienced racism, could not see 
 White America voting for Obama -- a Black guy. We'd seen some real 
 racist stuff come out of even the nicest people. Surely these people 
 could not vote for someone that has a member of a race that they 
 harbored such ugly thoughts and feelings about. . Then tonite 
 happened. Obama won big in a state with only 2% Blacks. After a great 
 deal of thought, I think I figured out how he won and why it is
 for him to win. There are two factors involved:
 1. Most people - even the nicest people have unconscious biases
 people who are different from them. This often comes in the form of 
 racism when it comes to Black/White relations. Most of the time, they 
 are not even aware of them, nor do they cultivate these feeling, and 
 when confronted with some act that shows that the person obviously has 
 that bias, he or she will adamantly deny it, because he or she does not 
 see him or herself that way. So if you do not consciously see your 
 self as someone who dislikes Blacks, then why would you not vote for
 if you thought he was the best candidate. Think out it, theoretically 
 those people you talk to that do not believe that racism is so
 and that when you experience a racist act, you are being hypersensitive 
 or pulling the race card, are potential Obama voters. i personally
 one or too who seem to like Obama
 2. When I was growing up and even as a young adult, I would meet
 who really liked and seem to accept me who said to me, You do not act 
 like a Black person Or they would say some horrible thing about 
 Blacks to me. When I would ask them then what are you doing with
me. I 
 would here something like, well you are not like them. this stuff 
 used to burn me up. I can't tell you how many people I kicked to the 
 curb over this stuff. Now I think most Whites who feel this way, know 
 better then to express these thought out loud. (Biden being the 
 exception ) Remember how complimentary Biden was about Obama being 
 articulate? I suspect that Obama has probably had many encounters
 the two I described above. He is able to blend in and be accepted by 
 people from a variety of backgrounds. For that reason, I think people 
 who might not be overt racists - who do not see themselves as racist, 
 might not have a problem voting for him. So its off to New Hampshire 
 and believe or now, the polls show that he is poised to beat Hilary.
  Wow, i thought Edwards would take first place by a percentage
point over Obama, with Hillary in third. I had Huckabee, Romney, and
McCain as 1-2-3, respectively. Looks like Obama pulled off a major
upset. Huckabee might have some real legs, given that he's a real
fundamentalist Christian in some ways, but supportive of environmental
issues, not averse to taxing for the poor, and pretty well respected
by many Blacks--at least in Arkansas. I never could get with Romney,
not because he's a Mormon, but because his positions have flip-flopped
more than anyone in the last few years. Talk about an opportunistic
  Now, how does Hillary proceed, given that liberal/independent New
Hampshire might go for Obama and Edwards again, and ditto for South
Carolina and the southern states? Indeed, let this momentum keep
building and we could be looking at an Obama/Edwards ticket, which
just might win the day, though I still have this nagging doubt that
America as a whole will elect a Black man named Obama
  But I could be wrong--i certainly was tonight!
  With 97 percent of precincts reporting, Obama had the support of
38 percent of voters, compared to 30 percent for John Edwards and 29
percent for Hillary Clinton.
  The numbers tell us this was a debate between change and
experience, and change won, said CNN political analyst Bill Schneider.
  Iowa delivered fatal blows to the campaigns of Sen. Chris Dodd of
Connecticut and Sen. Joe Biden of Delaware. Both have decided to
abandon their White House runs.
  Bill Richardson, who 

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: OT: Obama, Huckabee Win Big in Iowa

2008-01-04 Thread Daryle
The only source I¹ve seen you  reference is Juan Williams and ³TV². I don¹t
think a yahoo discussion thread is the same as what people feel on the
streets. Change in this country has to  happen from all levels, not just
from blogs,  but from the streets. Obama and Edwards are hitting up these
unions, the working people in this country.  Ain¹t a lot of dock workers
maintaining blogs.

You seem focused all day on Obama having an easy go of it for no other
reason than because he is a partially white male. That  was a great
perspective for 1988. Now, honestly? Even the liberal/conservative jazz is
old hat. It¹s more marketing. Being liberal or conservative was the new
³urban². There are some TOTALLY white males -- even on this list -- who will
tell you that just being white  is not enough. It takes money, and it takes
a flawless marketing team. It takes a hook. Clinton has access to ALL of
this, AND a hook, but her true underwear is showing. As Tracey said, Clinton
is mad right wing with hers. Nobody wants to go down that  road again. It
cost the country BILLIONS of dollars,  and thousands of lives. America has
chosen the woman they are going to stand behind, and I say again ‹ her name
is Oprah Winfrey. This is a consumer based economy and she is the #1
influencer across all 50 states. And she has chosen Obama. In 2004 you had
Puffy out here with Vote Or Die T shirts,  Oprah, Tom Joyner, Tavis, all the
Black people who can make people do things...all very vocal...all
registering voters...and none of them endorsed a candidate. So guess what
happened...nobody won. This time, everybody is saying Obama. And so, guess
what¹s happening...Obama is coming out of the gates strong.

Black people have to take responsibility for ourselves, yes,  but that¹s not
what we¹re talking about. We¹re talking about candidates for president of
the United States. Truth be told,  if we were talking about  personal
responsibility,  we¹d be laughing ALL of these democrats off the stage and
having a long talk with Kucinich  to see how serious he REALLY  is.  Truth
be told, if Black people were about self responsibility,  there would have
been three riots  by now since 2004. We¹re not TALKING about that.  We are
talking about sending  four people to the Pro Bowl. The public gets a say in
who goes,  and then the game has to  be played to decide a winner.


 In a message dated 1/4/2008 3:51:55 PM Eastern Standard Time,
 believe that for you this conversation has been more about your
 dislike of  Obama - which I understand
 It is not my dislike of Obama. I just think that there are issues that will
 not be touched because of gender, race and other problems. Hillary my notr be
 likable, but I don't think Obama is like either. From some of the liberal
 blogs/website people say that he is low on substance. Will the mainstream
 start going after him? I think not. Also I think that there are those liberals
 that see a win as a end to any racist feeling that may exist in this country.
 Other threads I have seen say that that they voted for Obama because they know
 that he can not win the general election.
 I think he has not been attacted because he was not considered the front
 runner, but will they go after him if he is. Obama has been careful to race
 issues. He has not seem to bee to controversial.  Do people really know his
 on other issues. Some liberals say he is a republcian-lite. He is not
 different than Clinton. He hope and change message is meaningless. Why should
 he get 
 a free ride while Edwards, Rommney, and Huckabbee have to prove themselves.
 I still don't understand why Edwards is going after Clinto but never goes
 after Obama. He is content to be second place? If he wants the presdiential
 then he needs to go after Obama. Something that only Clinton has done.
 **Start the year off right.  Easy ways to stay in shape.
 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: OT: Obama, Huckabee Win Big in Iowa

2008-01-04 Thread Martin
Daryle, in the Political World, none of them would stay safe for very long. 
Jordan and Shaq both being in the middle of divorces, Mike's being potentially 
ugly, considering the known fact that he's had mistresses, would certainly 
spawn some fodder that would break any potential candidacy. Tiki and Oprah, I 
can't find much dirt on at face value.

Daryle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  You¹re not getting it. Michael 
Jordan is a ³safe² Black. Shaq is a ³safe²
Black. Tiki Barber is a ³safe² Black. Oprah is a ³safe² Black. It¹s not
about his assumed biraciality, it¹s about his marketing approach.

On 1/4/08 12:40 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 So he is a Safe black. Unlike someone is of obvious African American

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


There is no reason Good can't triumph over Evil, if only angels will get 
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Looking for last minute shopping deals?  Find them fast with Yahoo! Search.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: OT: Obama, Huckabee Win Big in Iowa

2008-01-04 Thread Gymfig
In a message dated 1/4/2008 5:02:47 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

It takes a hook. Clinton has access to ALL of
this, AND a hook, but her true underwear is showing. As Tracey said, Clinton
is mad right wing with hers. Nobody wants to go down that  road again.

Edwards is a very rich man
Obama is a rich man
To say that they respresent poor white men is a joke. Pba,as tried a liberal 
foreign policy in the debate and was criticized for it. Especially with his 
Palestinian people are opprssed
speech.  He will have to become more right wing to fit into a realistic real 
war. The Democratic controlled Congress has not been able to cut off funding 
or stop the war. Do you think Obama or Edwards can do that? The Pentagon and 
the corporations that put them there will not allow that to happen.  Do no be 
quick to be the liberal that could. Liberal Democrrats  have not done 
anything for the war and have not done anything for this country. They still 
vote to 
send jobs pverseas/ They still fund the war. They still cant balence the 
budget. Obama will have to give in to conservative Republicans/ To say that he 
be some great liberal savior is a joke. Even Edwards knows this. 

**Start the year off right.  Easy ways to stay in shape.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: OT: Obama, Huckabee Win Big in Iowa

2008-01-04 Thread Daryle

So wait. You¹re saying that  if I¹m rich, I¹m a right winger by default?


 In a message dated 1/4/2008 5:02:47 PM Eastern Standard Time,
 It takes a hook. Clinton has access to ALL of
 this, AND a hook, but her true underwear is showing. As Tracey said, Clinton
 is mad right wing with hers. Nobody wants to go down that  road again.
 Edwards is a very rich man
 Obama is a rich man
 To say that they respresent poor white men is a joke. Pba,as tried a liberal
 foreign policy in the debate and was criticized for it. Especially with his
 Palestinian people are opprssed
 speech.  He will have to become more right wing to fit into a realistic real
 war. The Democratic controlled Congress has not been able to cut off funding
 or stop the war. Do you think Obama or Edwards can do that? The Pentagon and
 the corporations that put them there will not allow that to happen.  Do no be
 quick to be the liberal that could. Liberal Democrrats  have not done
 anything for the war and have not done anything for this country. They still
 vote to 
 send jobs pverseas/ They still fund the war. They still cant balence the
 budget. Obama will have to give in to conservative Republicans/ To say that he
 be some great liberal savior is a joke. Even Edwards knows this.
 **Start the year off right.  Easy ways to stay in shape.
 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[scifinoir2] Re: OT: Obama, Huckabee Win Big in Iowa

2008-01-04 Thread tetsuwanatom1
--- In, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In a message dated 1/4/2008 2:56:53 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
 I was not aware that conservatives liked him as you suggested.  

In Iowa, at least, conservatives do. More Republicans caucused with 
the democrats and voted for Obama than voted for Huck. WHITE 
REPUBLICANS jumped ship to vote for the Black candidate. This could 
be part of their misguided strategy to subvert the electable 
candidate, still, numbers mean something.

Barack Obama on his name alone would be considered an unsafe Black 
man. He's presented himself as the intelligent but not intellectual, 
affable and approachable, Black but not too Black candidate. His 
image is fine toned, make no mistake. White people are for the most 
part totally confused about the issue of his Blackness and I doubt 
it factors in either way unless they are associating (or confusing) 
Blackness with how much is he like me?

 have tried to portray him as someone with Muslim extremists roots 
 drug taking.  That is an odd way of showing that you like someone in
 my opinion.  While I have seen the talking heads say last night that
 him being third world  can help us become of the world, I've never
 heard anyone say they like him because he is biracial.  Even if
 someone thought that, I do not think they would say it, because it
 might be perceived as racist.
 What is said in newspaper articles and internet discussions is 
 what is heard on tv. From some of the more conservative points of 
view,an Obama 
 win would be an end to the Jesse Jackson type of black american. An 
end to 
 affirmative action and to blacks complaing about racism aka the 
Jena 6 kind of 
 In some cases Black men have it easier than White women. I don't 
believe that 
 black men are always downtrodden when they step outside the door 
until they 
 get home. 
 Alot of thlem do have it easier than white women because they are 
 Despite the idea that affirmative action has benefitted white 
females. Black males 
 have benefitted from being men. Someties race is not an issue. You 
are right 
 that some people don't like Clinto because she is Clinton. However 
I don't like 
 the liberal hype that Obama will be any different than any other 
person. If 
 the liberal Demoract Congress is any indication that it will be 
 If you listen to Juan Willams and other talk about  him, they feel 
that is is 
 the kind of black that should be leading america. 
 **Start the year off right.  Easy ways to stay in 
 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[scifinoir2] Re: OT: Obama, Huckabee Win Big in Iowa

2008-01-04 Thread ravenadal
Oh, you are preaching to the choir!  My son, who is a sophomore at the
University of Wisconsin-Madison, researched affirmative action for a
Speech class speech he had to give.  The government supplied
statistics confirmed that a white EX CONVICT had a better chance of
getting hired than a better qualified black male high school graduate
with no priors.

There are many a day when I believe the millions of young black men
who opt out and refuse to play this zero sum game may have it right.

Then I tighten the bootstraps I am lucky enough to have and send
another check to keep my son enrolled at a public college where he
will receive the diploma he will need to do the job I achieved without


--- In, tdemorsella [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I think you missed part of my overly long post  :)  I said,  While a
 Black male who has climbed the corporate ladder playing the game is
 more likely to fit in the board room than a White woman, a Black woman
 is more likely to get a job than a Black man.
 I was comparing Black men to white women (not black women) and saying
 they do better once they are up the top.  I was thinking of some of
 the people you were.  They all learned how to work the system and
 ultimately became a part of the network.  However recent surveys of
 boards have revealed that they are still the exception - not the rule.
  Once they get up in the upper echelon, Black men are more readily
 excepted than White women.   While i is bad for white women in the
 board room, the situation is abysmal for Black women in the boardroom.
   However, statistically, Black women get in the door easier at
 entry-level and lower-management positions than Black men.
 --- In, ravenadal ravenadal@ wrote:
  I agree with most of what you say below, but my twenty plus years
  looking up through the glass ceiling at corporate america, I have seen
  many more black men than black women ascend to the top corporate spot.
  With Stan O'Neal ousted at Merril Lynch and Richard D. Parsons about
  to retire at Time Warner, Kenneth Chenault remains at American
  Express, Ronald Williams at Aetna, Clarence Otis Jr. at Darden
  Restaurants, Aylwin Lewis at sears and John W. Thompson at Symantac. 
  I don't believe there is a similar list of African-American women.
  The top eschelon of corporate America remains an old boy club.
  --- In, tdemorsella tdlists@ wrote:
   Most biracial people with African blood are seen as Black -
   particularly those who look Black, say they are Black and are
   considered prominent members of the Black community.  Obama and his
   family are seen as Black.  The talking heads in the media often
   to him as Black.  The conservatives portray him as a Black with
   Hilary comes from a connected family, she is worth millions, has a
   history, ironically of top ties with the republican party starting
   with Barry Goldwater, and for the last 20 years or so, she has been
   apart of the elite of the democratic party.  The woman is on the
   of Walmart. She is considered American Aristocracy.  She is a chairs
   and serves on several powerful committees in the Senate and  I
do not
   thing she exactly fit the profile of a woman excluded from the
   I have spent the past 15 years working with, reporting and training
   people on issues of race in the workplace and I have to tell you the
   male/female thing is not as black and white when it comes to
Black men
   - even biracial men.  While women consistent get paid less than men,
   Black men get paid less than White men.  a Black man with a
   traditional name is less likely to even get a job interview than a
   white female.  Black men (even biracial men) have higher
incidents of
   discrimination in the workplace than White women.
   There are other factors at work that you either overlooked or
were not
   aware of.While a Black male who has climbed the corporate ladder
   playing the game is more likely to fit in the board room than a
   woman, a Black woman is more likely to get a job than a Black man.
   Black men are more likely to get laid off than White women as well.
   Many educators start feeling threatened by Black males - even
   Black males that look Black starting at age eight.  This continues
   into adulthood.  These are not my assumptions, but facts that have
   been proved time and again with data.  Black men (Black looking
   biracial men included)in New York and many American cities still can
   not get a cab and people will cross the street when they see one
   coming.  Black men (Black looking biracial men included)are also
   experiencing racial profiling on the road.
   Despite a history of supporting women in elections, more women voted
   for Obama and Edwards than Hilary.  More young people prefer
them, and

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: OT: Obama, Huckabee Win Big in Iowa

2008-01-04 Thread KeithBJohnson
i really have to disagree with your saying America's not racist. As a Black man 
I still fight this stuff every day, whether it's inferiour white guys on my job 
giving me grief, the white cop or security guard who follows m ein the store, 
or the more generic white attitude that has whites speaking what they think is 
black slang to me, or making assumptions about my values and interests.  I 
worked in HR for a while, and i can tell you that black people get 
discriminated against in hiring all the time, even now in 2008. 

And to say that black people don't want to end our problems? I'm surprised at 
that. I know a lot of blacks, rich and poor, educated and illiterate, who might 
blame some of their problems on racism, but they don't *embrace* that as an 
excuse. But they do see a system that still redlines black neighborhoods, that 
has businesses skittish to build in black neighborhoods, real estate agents 
leery of showing homes to blacks in a majority white neighborhood, and 
companies where white people support other whites at our expense. It's changed, 
it's gotten better, but it's not at all some fantasy we cook up to blame others 
for our problems. I'm fairly well educated (BS in Electrical Engineering, 
several hundred hours in Microsoft NT/Windows 2000 etc. training) speak good 
English, etc., and I still encounter racism and prejudice. i don't go looking 
for it, but i acknowledge it. 

And even if Obama's elected that doesn't mean racism will end in America. A 
president can attain the White House with basically half the vote, meaning half 
th electorate can still be just as backwards and unenlightened as they want.

Finally, i have to comment on the thing about black man having all the 
advantages. I agree with Tracey's statement: while black men may apparently 
have an in in a male dominated corporate structure, the truth is that many 
whites only have room for one or the other, black men or black women. And the 
truth is that often white men see competent black men as threats. I have been 
in many a situation where white guys view me with veiled hostility even though 
i've done nothing to them, yet will joke and kid around with black women. some 
of that, frankly, is a sexist attitude: they see the women as less of a threat 
and someone they can joke and kid and flirt with. My wife has commented to me 
more than once on how white guys in corporate America are getting bolder than 
ever in flirting with black women. They're *women*, and that makes the guys 
feel good. but as a black man, what can I do for a straight white guy in that 
area? He can't flirt with me, can't feel somehow more physically powe
rful over me the way he might with a woman. he might assume that i'm in 
incoming Alpha male who might mess with his little fiefdom.   So out goes the 
threat (me) in favor of a black lady that threatens the guys less.  

I feel that you're kind of putting a divide here, drawing a line between 
Brothers and Sisters and lumping us with white men. as if you're saying black 
men take advantage of Sisters too and use the system against them. That's not 
true of all of us by any means. My wife is my partner, and i'm just as 
angry--angrier--at the combination sexist/racist treatment she takes as the 
racist treatment i get.  i see a victory for her and all Sisters as a victory 
for us as a people and would never subscribe to the philosophy that i'm in the 
old boys club like the white guys.

-- Original message -- 

In a message dated 1/4/2008 1:12:44 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

Most biracial people with African blood are seen as Black -
particularly those who look Black, say they are Black and are
Considered prominent members of the Black community. Obama and his
family are seen as Black. 


Poll after poll; discussion after discussion sees Obama as a biracial man. 
Halle may be the first black  actress but she is also seen as biracial. Tiger 
woods may be seen blacks by some people but he is still seen as multiethnic 

Conservatives like him because of his biracial background. Not his black 

Black men get paid less than White men. a Black man with a
traditional name is less likely to even get a job interview than a
white female

Obama did not start from humble beginnings either. He is not the my father 
was a sharecropper black as many blacks who have achieved many things like 
to suggest. 

When people actually start asking what does Obama stand for. they cannot 
answer. I don't know who I will vote for, but I do not that this woe is the 
man stuff will have to end with the election of a black man. That why I 
don't understand why people still think that America is still a racist society. 
don't think that black america can really stomach and end to their problems. 
I am sure that white America cannot wait for the end of the Jena 6 soul 

Black men are still men. 

[scifinoir2] Re: OT: Obama, Huckabee Win Big in Iowa

2008-01-04 Thread tdemorsella
In my mind, it is all smoke and mirrors.  The reason I wanted Edwards
is his history of going for the corporate juggler and he seems to be a
donor outsider.   All are hungry for power and that brass ring.  I
think its about picking the lessor of all evils.  Who is likely not to
attack Iran.  Who might cut a few taxes to look good.  Who might
restore some civil liberties or at least prevent some more from being
taken away.  Despite his riches, the powers that be went out of their
way to marginalize Edwards and his history as an attack pit bull up
against the big guys  made me opt for him.  I think his history and
some of his rhetoric terrifies corporate America. That made him my
choice as the lessor of all evils. 

I wanted Gore, because Gore in his writings admitted that before 2000,
that he had sold his soul.  I think the new Gore coming back from
having the election stolen would not have sold his soul this time
around.  I also think he did not run because he knew that he would not
be able to run and win unless he sold his soul.  Selling your soul is
a prerequisite for the job as the leader of our country.  The powers
that be have seen to that.  I thought Edwards, still might have a
little of his left intact

--- In, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In a message dated 1/4/2008 5:02:47 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
 It takes a hook. Clinton has access to ALL of
 this, AND a hook, but her true underwear is showing. As Tracey said,
 is mad right wing with hers. Nobody wants to go down that  road again.
 Edwards is a very rich man
 Obama is a rich man
 To say that they respresent poor white men is a joke. Pba,as tried a
 foreign policy in the debate and was criticized for it. Especially
with his 
 Palestinian people are opprssed
 speech.  He will have to become more right wing to fit into a
realistic real 
 war. The Democratic controlled Congress has not been able to cut off
 or stop the war. Do you think Obama or Edwards can do that? The
Pentagon and 
 the corporations that put them there will not allow that to happen.
 Do no be so 
 quick to be the liberal that could. Liberal Democrrats  have not done 
 anything for the war and have not done anything for this country.
They still vote to 
 send jobs pverseas/ They still fund the war. They still cant balence
 budget. Obama will have to give in to conservative Republicans/ To
say that he will 
 be some great liberal savior is a joke. Even Edwards knows this. 
 **Start the year off right.  Easy ways to stay in shape.
 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[scifinoir2] Re: OT: Obama, Huckabee Win Big in Iowa

2008-01-04 Thread B. Smith
The basic differences are that it's a public vote, you can't leave
until the caucus is done if you want your vote to count and the
viability rules on the Democratic side. 

If your candidate can't garner 15% or more of the vote at a caucus
location he's not considered viable and his votes go back into play.
Those people can either choose to caucus with another candidate or
leave the caucus. That's when the candidates representatives and
caucus goers get sell their candidate. 

It was a great experience and it was awesome to see a roomful of
people openly expressing their support of Obama.

--- In, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 can you briefly explain how a caucus works? How does it differ from
a primary, and what's the difference in how the Democrats and
Republicans do theirs? The Republican results counted actual votes
cast, the Dems just the delegate votes?
 -- Original message -- 
 From: B. Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 The wife and I caucused for the first time and it was one of the 
 greatest voting experiences we've ever had. They expected approx. 140-
 150 people at our caucus location but close to 300 people attended. 
 There was a large number of first time voters, independents and even 
 a few converted Republicans our location. The room was packed and 
 people began to sort themselves by candidate. Once registration and 
 sign up was done the fun began. 
 The candidates' representatives gave their speeches on why you should 
 choose their candidate. Some were firey, some were cool, but all of 
 them were true belivers and they and the precinct captains were 
 actively trying to garner support for their candidate. One hilarious 
 Dodd captain was an Irish tenor and he strolled around singing trying 
 to cajole people to come support his candidate. 
 The wheeling and dealing was the most fun part of the experience. The 
 Obama contingent was the largest, loudest and best organized. During 
 the first caucus period some early projections said Obama was winning 
 the state and the place just erupted. 
 As the night went on more undecideds and supporters of non-viable 
 candidates started to drift over to the Obama campaign. Richardson, 
 Kucinich, Biden and Dodd had asked their supporters to caucus for 
 Obama if they were not viable in their precincts. Quite a few Dodd 
 supporters and a few (cause that's all that were there) Kucinich 
 people followed through. Most of the Richardson and Biden folks went 
 home. (haters) 
 We got a final count and Obama handily won our precinct. The room 
 erupted in cheers and then as we were leaving it was announced that 
 Obama was projected to win the state and cheers started again. A lot 
 of folks headed downtown to the victory celebration and the party 
 --- In, KeithBJohnson@ wrote:
  Wow, i thought Edwards would take first place by a percentage point 
 over Obama, with Hillary in third. I had Huckabee, Romney, and McCain 
 as 1-2-3, respectively. Looks like Obama pulled off a major upset. 
 Huckabee might have some real legs, given that he's a real 
 fundamentalist Christian in some ways, but supportive of 
 environmental issues, not averse to taxing for the poor, and pretty 
 well respected by many Blacks--at least in Arkansas. I never could 
 get with Romney, not because he's a Mormon, but because his positions 
 have flip-flopped more than anyone in the last few years. Talk about 
 an opportunistic chamelon.
  Now, how does Hillary proceed, given that liberal/independent New 
 Hampshire might go for Obama and Edwards again, and ditto for South 
 Carolina and the southern states? Indeed, let this momentum keep 
 building and we could be looking at an Obama/Edwards ticket, which 
 just might win the day, though I still have this nagging doubt that 
 America as a whole will elect a Black man named Obama
  But I could be wrong--i certainly was tonight!
  With 97 percent of precincts reporting, Obama had the support of 38 
 percent of voters, compared to 30 percent for John Edwards and 29 
 percent for Hillary Clinton.
  The numbers tell us this was a debate between change and 
 experience, and change won, said CNN political analyst Bill 
  Iowa delivered fatal blows to the campaigns of Sen. Chris Dodd of 
 Connecticut and Sen. Joe Biden of Delaware. Both have decided to 
 abandon their White House runs.
  Bill Richardson, who finished fourth, said his campaign plans 
 to take the fight to New Hampshire.
  For the winners of both party's caucuses, it's an age revolt for 
 Democrats versus a religious revolt for Republicans, Schneider said. 
  On the Democratic side, Obama took 57 percent of the under-30 vote, 
 according to CNN's analysis of entrance polls. 
  Speaking to supporters, Obama called the night a defining moment 
 in history. 

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: OT: Obama, Huckabee Win Big in Iowa

2008-01-04 Thread Bosco Bosco
If anyone needs any kind of evidence as to entrenched presence of
institutional racism in the United States they need only look at
arrest, conviction and incarceration statistics in the our Justice
System. Even the folks who work daily in this system will tell you
it is racially biased against blacks and hispanics, most especially
black men. America is racist at deeply fundamental level.

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 i really have to disagree with your saying America's not racist. As
 a Black man I still fight this stuff every day, whether it's
 inferiour white guys on my job giving me grief, the white cop or
 security guard who follows m ein the store, or the more generic
 white attitude that has whites speaking what they think is black
 slang to me, or making assumptions about my values and interests. 
 I worked in HR for a while, and i can tell you that black people
 get discriminated against in hiring all the time, even now in 2008.
 And to say that black people don't want to end our problems? I'm
 surprised at that. I know a lot of blacks, rich and poor, educated
 and illiterate, who might blame some of their problems on racism,
 but they don't *embrace* that as an excuse. But they do see a
 system that still redlines black neighborhoods, that has businesses
 skittish to build in black neighborhoods, real estate agents leery
 of showing homes to blacks in a majority white neighborhood, and
 companies where white people support other whites at our expense.
 It's changed, it's gotten better, but it's not at all some fantasy
 we cook up to blame others for our problems. I'm fairly well
 educated (BS in Electrical Engineering, several hundred hours in
 Microsoft NT/Windows 2000 etc. training) speak good English,
 etc., and I still encounter racism and prejudice. i don't go
 looking for it, but i acknowledge it. 
 And even if Obama's elected that doesn't mean racism will end in
 America. A president can attain the White House with basically half
 the vote, meaning half th electorate can still be just as backwards
 and unenlightened as they want.
 Finally, i have to comment on the thing about black man having all
 the advantages. I agree with Tracey's statement: while black men
 may apparently have an in in a male dominated corporate
 structure, the truth is that many whites only have room for one or
 the other, black men or black women. And the truth is that often
 white men see competent black men as threats. I have been in many a
 situation where white guys view me with veiled hostility even
 though i've done nothing to them, yet will joke and kid around with
 black women. some of that, frankly, is a sexist attitude: they see
 the women as less of a threat and someone they can joke and kid and
 flirt with. My wife has commented to me more than once on how white
 guys in corporate America are getting bolder than ever in flirting
 with black women. They're *women*, and that makes the guys feel
 good. but as a black man, what can I do for a straight white guy in
 that area? He can't flirt with me, can't feel somehow more
 physically powe
 rful over me the way he might with a woman. he might assume that
 i'm in incoming Alpha male who might mess with his little fiefdom. 
  So out goes the threat (me) in favor of a black lady that
 threatens the guys less.  
 I feel that you're kind of putting a divide here, drawing a line
 between Brothers and Sisters and lumping us with white men. as if
 you're saying black men take advantage of Sisters too and use the
 system against them. That's not true of all of us by any means. My
 wife is my partner, and i'm just as angry--angrier--at the
 combination sexist/racist treatment she takes as the racist
 treatment i get.  i see a victory for her and all Sisters as a
 victory for us as a people and would never subscribe to the
 philosophy that i'm in the old boys club like the white guys.
 -- Original message -- 
 In a message dated 1/4/2008 1:12:44 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
 Most biracial people with African blood are seen as Black -
 particularly those who look Black, say they are Black and are
 Considered prominent members of the Black community. Obama and his
 family are seen as Black. 
 Poll after poll; discussion after discussion sees Obama as a
 biracial man. 
 Halle may be the first black  actress but she is also seen as
 biracial. Tiger 
 woods may be seen blacks by some people but he is still seen as
 Conservatives like him because of his biracial background. Not his
 Black men get paid less than White men. a Black man with a
 traditional name is less likely to even get a job interview than a
 white female
 Obama did not start from humble beginnings either. He is not the
 my father 
 was a sharecropper black as many blacks who have achieved many
 things like 
 to suggest. 
 When people 

[scifinoir2] Re: OT: Obama, Huckabee Win Big in Iowa

2008-01-04 Thread tdemorsella
Not that I do not believe you about more Repblicans went for him than
Huckabee.  It rings true for me to some degree because of the high
number of independents and that there were four times as many
participated in the democratic caucus than the republican, but could
you provide a source?  

Another point that I mentioned before that it appears that we agree on
is that he qualifies as one of those Blacks that often hear, you
don't seem Black or You're not like them  He blends in and makes
them feel at ease and more comfortable to vote for then say someone
like Sharpton  

--- In, tetsuwanatom1 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I was not aware that conservatives liked him as you suggested.  
 In Iowa, at least, conservatives do. More Republicans caucused with 
 the democrats and voted for Obama than voted for Huck. WHITE 
 REPUBLICANS jumped ship to vote for the Black candidate. This could 
 be part of their misguided strategy to subvert the electable 
 candidate, still, numbers mean something.
 Barack Obama on his name alone would be considered an unsafe Black 
 man. He's presented himself as the intelligent but not intellectual, 
 affable and approachable, Black but not too Black candidate. His 
 image is fine toned, make no mistake. White people are for the most 
 part totally confused about the issue of his Blackness and I doubt 
 it factors in either way unless they are associating (or confusing) 
 Blackness with how much is he like me?
  have tried to portray him as someone with Muslim extremists roots 
  drug taking.  That is an odd way of showing that you like someone in
  my opinion.  While I have seen the talking heads say last night that
  him being third world  can help us become of the world, I've never
  heard anyone say they like him because he is biracial.  Even if
  someone thought that, I do not think they would say it, because it
  might be perceived as racist.
  What is said in newspaper articles and internet discussions is 
  what is heard on tv. From some of the more conservative points of 
 view,an Obama 
  win would be an end to the Jesse Jackson type of black american. An 
 end to 
  affirmative action and to blacks complaing about racism aka the 
 Jena 6 kind of 
  In some cases Black men have it easier than White women. I don't 
 believe that 
  black men are always downtrodden when they step outside the door 
 until they 
  get home. 
  Alot of thlem do have it easier than white women because they are 
  Despite the idea that affirmative action has benefitted white 
 females. Black males 
  have benefitted from being men. Someties race is not an issue. You 
 are right 
  that some people don't like Clinto because she is Clinton. However 
 I don't like 
  the liberal hype that Obama will be any different than any other 
 person. If 
  the liberal Demoract Congress is any indication that it will be 
  If you listen to Juan Willams and other talk about  him, they feel 
 that is is 
  the kind of black that should be leading america. 
  **Start the year off right.  Easy ways to stay in 
  [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[scifinoir2] Re: OT: Obama, Huckabee Win Big in Iowa

2008-01-04 Thread tdemorsella
While gymfig may have cut off the comment.  I'm the one that said
disintegrating.  Perhaps it is  an exaggeration. I certainly hope
so.   But in some parts of the country, black men have 50%
unemployment, college grad rates of black men are decreasing
dramatically, the percentage of Blacks marrying is dropping
dramatically, blacks placed in prison for petty crimes is increasing,
offsprings of middle class blacks are increasingly falling behind;
college educated blacks are finding it increasingly difficult to find
gainful employment, in states where affirmative action has been
abolished blacks pursuing college degrees has been cut in half. 
Community organizations supporting Black communities are finding it
increasingly difficult to secure funds needed for operation.  I could
cite other factors, but if it is not disintegrating, I think something
bad is definitively happening to us and no has yet figured out how to
stop it.  

--- In, Daryle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Whoa. Whoa, wait. Whoa.
 Disintegrating? Whowhere? I¹m confused. HOW did we get here? You¹ve
cut off
 the post you  were responding to  and I don¹t follow you  right  now
at all.
 On 1/4/08 4:33 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  In a message dated 1/4/2008 3:32:17 PM Eastern Standard Time,
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  writes:
  then somebody please tell me why the black community
  seems to be disintegrating.
  Black males AND black females must take some form of
responsibility for
  their problems (education, crime, single homes) and stop blaming
racism and
  **Start the year off right.  Easy ways to stay in shape.
  [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: OT: Obama, Huckabee Win Big in Iowa

2008-01-04 Thread KeithBJohnson

-- Original message -- 
The only source I¹ve seen you reference is Juan Williams and ³TV². I don¹t
think a yahoo discussion thread is the same as what people feel on the
streets. Change in this country has to happen from all levels, not just
from blogs, but from the streets. Obama and Edwards are hitting up these
unions, the working people in this country. Ain¹t a lot of dock workers
maintaining blogs.

You seem focused all day on Obama having an easy go of it for no other
reason than because he is a partially white male. That was a great
perspective for 1988. Now, honestly? Even the liberal/conservative jazz is
old hat. It¹s more marketing. Being liberal or conservative was the new
³urban². There are some TOTALLY white males -- even on this list -- who will
tell you that just being white is not enough. It takes money, and it takes
a flawless marketing team. It takes a hook. Clinton has access to ALL of
this, AND a hook, but her true underwear is showing. As Tracey said, Clinton
is mad right wing with hers. Nobody wants to go down that road again. It
cost the country BILLIONS of dollars, and thousands of lives. America has
chosen the woman they are going to stand behind, and I say again ‹ her name
is Oprah Winfrey. This is a consumer based economy and she is the #1
influencer across all 50 states. And she has chosen Obama. In 2004 you had
Puffy out here with Vote Or Die T shirts, Oprah, Tom Joyner, Tavis, all the
Black people who can make people do things...all very vocal...all
registering voters...and none of them endorsed a candidate. So guess what
happened...nobody won. This time, everybody is saying Obama. And so, guess
what¹s happening...Obama is coming out of the gates strong.

Black people have to take responsibility for ourselves, yes, but that¹s not
what we¹re talking about. We¹re talking about candidates for president of
the United States. Truth be told, if we were talking about personal
responsibility, we¹d be laughing ALL of these democrats off the stage and
having a long talk with Kucinich to see how serious he REALLY is. Truth
be told, if Black people were about self responsibility, there would have
been three riots by now since 2004. We¹re not TALKING about that. We are
talking about sending four people to the Pro Bowl. The public gets a say in
who goes, and then the game has to be played to decide a winner.


 In a message dated 1/4/2008 3:51:55 PM Eastern Standard Time,
 believe that for you this conversation has been more about your
 dislike of Obama - which I understand
 It is not my dislike of Obama. I just think that there are issues that will
 not be touched because of gender, race and other problems. Hillary my notr be
 likable, but I don't think Obama is like either. From some of the liberal
 blogs/website people say that he is low on substance. Will the mainstream
 start going after him? I think not. Also I think that there are those liberals
 that see a win as a end to any racist feeling that may exist in this country.
 Other threads I have seen say that that they voted for Obama because they know
 that he can not win the general election.
 I think he has not been attacted because he was not considered the front
 runner, but will they go after him if he is. Obama has been careful to race
 issues. He has not seem to bee to controversial. Do people really know his
 on other issues. Some liberals say he is a republcian-lite. He is not
 different than Clinton. He hope and change message is meaningless. Why should
 he get 
 a free ride while Edwards, Rommney, and Huckabbee have to prove themselves.
 I still don't understand why Edwards is going after Clinto but never goes
 after Obama. He is content to be second place? If he wants the presdiential
 then he needs to go after Obama. Something that only Clinton has done.
 **Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape.
 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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