CSCS plus Concentrace

2007-10-18 Thread Dee
Just a quick question.  I have been taking loads of CS because of this wretched 
'flu but have also been still taking Concentrace (not together) but wanted to 
know if this could be a bad thing, i.e. Could the silver plate out to the 
minerals in the Concentrace, even though not taken together.  I wouldn't have 
thought so but thought I'd better check with the more knowledgeable.  Many 
thanks, Dee 

Re: CSRe: Doctors...

2007-10-18 Thread Dee
Just to put my two penneth in here.  My daughter just had the 'flue vaccine,
and she has 'shed' it to me, her husband, and her son.  This is what you are
saying in reverse.  Dee 
---Original Message---
From: Simon Jester
Date: 18/10/2007 05:20:30
Subject: CSRe: Doctors...
On 10/17/2007 Mark Siepak wrote:
 Well, now, aren't you forcing YOUR medical beliefs and opinions
 *and* *practices* on ME when you refuse to be vaccinated against
 communicable diseases like smallpox or polio?

Re: CSRe: Forced flu vaccines?

2007-10-18 Thread Ode Coyote

 As in  In addition to:
Ya, Never have enough ways to go to avoid the ole briar patch.
There is never just one path.

MMS  [and CS] is most likely MUCH better than Tamiflu which is all they 
have right now and they are well aware of it's limitations...and what can 
be said publicly and still be employed.

 I know from experience what some good Mary Jane will do to dry up the 
lungs and prevent drowning in your own fluids.
 If push comes to shove, you may start hearing a few whispers about it 
from those very same people.

Pot always made me antisocial, [and everything a lot harder ] so I don't 
smoke it...but...that could be a good thing if socializing becomes dangerous.


At 07:53 AM 10/16/2007 -0700, you wrote:


   In addition to silver, MMS (sodium chlorite 28%) mixed with citric 
acid turns to chlorine dioxide... can be taken in very small amounts 
mixed with water/juice to oxidize any microbe (or chemical for that 
matter) in a matter of minutes.   Works better than silver IMO.

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Re: CSRe: Forced flu vaccines?

2007-10-18 Thread Ode Coyote

At 04:55 PM 10/16/2007 +0100, you wrote:

--On 16 October 2007 07:38:00 -0400 Ode Coyote wrote:

  Silver IS being rediscovered in more effective forms as nano-technology
and ion exchange technology are better understood though progression of
  You haven't noticed how many products it's being used in lately?
The list is a long one.

Even the Pharm is catching on.
That was the example hinted at for my suggestion of rediscovery as opposed 
to progressive discovery.

As of around 5 years ago, a pharm research department head friend of mine
was working on metallic nano particles.
That's all he would say.

Might have been touched off by a CS generator gift a year earlier.
I don't know, but he got pretty quiet after that.

  They aren't all  turkeys , you know.
You'd be surprised at how 'cool' some of these guys are,  just under the
lab coats, nearly incomprehensible back deck  barbecue party
conversations and triple PHD exteriors.

I'll bet my boots they got their ideas from alternative/complimentary 
users like people on this list, and some press reports of the fact, plus 
the problems of mms and the soloution of silver offered by certain 
companies using silver for linings in long-life products.
What medical reseachers study is all politically driven. 'Cool' I'm sure 
phd students are - they study cool and wear it like a uniform. Speak cool, 
I don't think so...barbecue parity conversation isn't so free where you 
hear the name of university colleges.. They are usually five years behind 
free thinkers who also try to solve imaginary problems.
Of course some are naturally intelligent,  and wear what they like in a 
nice way, like shirts instead of T-shirts.  It is true, I suppose, phd 
students, though dressed uninterestingly, are beginning to break a little 
from student conformity, into adult conformity.

But Cool is dead now. The re-birth of cool, would be the re-emergence of 
the unpaid politically-free 'Gentleman Scholar'. Like yourself.  Couldn't 
be less interested in nano-technology, or anything to do with microscopes 
myself. Another disaster for the human race, before we  just live. 
Seriously unnecessary  toys for  people who seriously insist on missing 
things with the scope of intelligence and the human eye. grin


##  I don't understand how looking closer can be bad.
Blundered into or studied scientifically, Colloidal Silver IS nano-technology.
 Study doesn't change that.
If I had those microscopes, I'd sure be using them.
 Granted, there are directions these guy have to go's their job to 
find what the boss wants them to look for, but they do some things on the 
side in those labs that would rock your opinions of them.
Some, are stuffed shirts, to be sure, but some are wearing two or more 
shirts that are quite subversive.
If I hadn't known them personally for 35 years, I'd never know and never 
hear what they really do when no one is looking, or hear what independent 
paths are being taken on the sly, discussed around the Barbie and beer.
While looking close, other things pop up that don't fit the plan and can't 
be used...but it's there and not forgotten or dismissed.
People are people and none can be pigeon holed.  You just never know what's 
just behind the appearances projected.
Cool, [open minded and adventurous ] before becoming scientists and not 
lost after...just hidden away from the man.
I've often been wrong about pillars of society after discovering their 
foundations in quiet trusted private...what they really believe, have 
seen and think about under societies demanded professional polished suit 
and tie surface.

I know a few PHDs that have private lives that would just blow you 
awaysome alien contactees working for the UN and , alt practitioners 
at home, toe the line scientists at work.
Preachers who have very different experiences guiding them, than what they 
sermonize about on Sunday.  They can talk freely to the non-flock who can 
keep a quiet secret.

I'll never name or expose them in any way and they know it.

Bullshitters tend to be loud and myopic, suit or no suit.


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Re: CSCanine Eye Infection

2007-10-18 Thread Ode Coyote

  I suppose you could use a thickening agent, like unflavored Jello ?


At 09:37 AM 10/16/2007 -0700, you wrote:

My Australian Cattle Dog suddenly got an eye infection a couple weeks 
ago.  The eye was red and oozing green stuff from the inside corner.  I 
sprayed her eyes with CS about 5 times a day and gave her a little orally 
too.  The infection got better, but not totally well.  Then the other eye 
got red.  I never could cure them totally, so when we got home we took her 
to the vet.  The antibiotic drops cut the green ooze in a day and her eyes 
got ok in a few days.  I thought maybe my CS had dropped out, but both 
bottles I used checked out with a Tyndall.  Is there anything I could have 
done to keep the CS in her eyes longer like the thick antibiotic drops?


Fussy? Opinionated? Impossible to please? Perfect.* 
Yahoo!'s user panel and lay it on us.

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Re: CSRe: Doctors...

2007-10-18 Thread Simon Jester

On 10/18/2007, Simon Jester ( wrote:


I'll only say this once...

Do NOT send any more email direct to me. If you want to discuss list 
talk, just do it on the list. 

Sorry Mark,

It was late, and I must not have looked at the headers...

As I said in my second post - please change your Reply-To to honor the 
list default of 'Reply to list'...

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Re: CSSalt therapy

2007-10-18 Thread Dee
That would be fine Jodi, but they only ship to the States.  I have had a
look on ebay as S-Max sent something too and I did find one that looks good
too that ships UK.  Of course, they are twice the price here!  Thanks for
your help.  Dee 

---Original Message---
From: Jodi
Date: 18/10/2007 01:39:23
Subject: Re: CSSalt therapy
Dee wrote: 
Thanks Jodi but here we have the problem of what nebulizer to buy and how to
do it all?  I am going to have to do something like this though because this
weak chest is a family thing (my dad died of it) so do you know of a good
make, which isn't going to break the bank?  Thanks in advance.  Dee 

I see what you mean, Dee.  I'm sorry that I didn't think it through, and I'm
sorry about the loss of your Dad.   Is a nebulizer for around $45.00 on Ebay
good?  One that's from a Power Seller with 100% positive feedback?It's



Re: CSQuarantine

2007-10-18 Thread Simon Jester

I've heard discussions about what would be done in various
hypothetical cases. Here's one: a boarding school full of kids has to
be quarantined because one or more of them suddenly develops
something like Ebola.

First false premise: people don't just 'develop' something like Ebola.

As soon as quarantine is declared, hordes of parents, some armed,
descend on the school determined to get their kids out,

I'd be one of them... since ebola is an ENGINEERED virus, why would I 
want to leave my child's destiny in the hands of the same people (in 
essence) who are responsible for the situation in the first place?

One alternative that I might be willing to put up with instead of seeing 
how many jack-boots I could take with me would be for 'them' to allow us 
parents to take our children HOME, and then imprison us there.

Another alternative I might consider is if they let me bring all of my 
'stuff' with me and join my child(ren) in quarantine...

 and to hell with anyone else, the

No... to hell with the people who engineered these super-bugs.

In such a scenario, how would one respond?   I'd say the everyone in 
the boarding school would have to be quarantined and that the angry 
parents would have to be disarmed.

Read: murdered.

I imagine others would say otherwise. Other very tough calls involve
efforts to stop fetal alcohol syndrome by imprisoning irremediably
alcoholic mothers during pregnancy. It would be interesting to hear
some reasoned opinions about the broader issue of control.

It is called fascism - and I will fight it and anyone who tries to force 
it down my throat to the death. And I will fight anyone who advocates it 
'for the good of the children' or 'to protect me from myself' with 
words, as long as that is all they are using.

The fact is, life is sometimes tragic, and SHIT HAPPENS.

I'd much rather live in a free society, where people are free to live 
their lives, and MAKE THEIR OWN MISTAKES (and have to suffer the 
consequences of them), rather than some controlled society where the 
myth of 'safety' is the over-riding concern, and people abdicate their 
personal responsibility for determining what is and is not safe to some 
petty tyrant wanna-be's who are more than happy to do it for them.

As for the hypothetical question below,

Excuse me, but there's absolutely nothing 'hypothetical' about it.

I think the problem may be that immunizations are not 100% effective
for everyone over all of a lifetime, and even advocates admit that.

Actually, the more correct wording would be:

Immunizations are not 100% INeffective for everyone over all of a 
lifetime, and more and more former advocates are admitting this every day.

The game plan is to keep infectivity low, I think.

The game plan SHOULD be to:

1. DESTROY the stranglehold that the fascist-medical-pharmaceutical 
system has on the treatment of disease,

2. DESTROY the stranglehold that the fascist system has on the education 
of our children, and go back to the basics - teach them reading, 
writing, arithmetic, and most of all the ability to think for themselves.

3. DESTROY the stranglehold that this fascist government has on our 
agricultural system, and provide incentives for farmers to use 
traditional techniques - like letting the laand lie fallow, the use of 
powerful cover crops like hemp to regenerate the soil and resotore it to 
its natural, health-giving state

4. Provide incentives in the form of tax breaks to doctors, teaching 
hospitals, etc to start studying HEALTH, instead of disease

5. Provide incentives in the form of tax breaks for insurance companies 
to pay for alternative services - and while doing so, to begin compiling 
statistics on what modalities are more effectiove for which condition

These are just off the top of my head... and there are many more things 
that could be done - that would not cost a bloody cent (as far as tax 
dollars are concerned)...

I'm no expert.

That is obvious... but neither am I... which is obvious too...

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Re: -

2007-10-18 Thread Paula Perry
All you have to do is scroll down and read the whole article. You don't have
to pay to read it. I saw that someone else answered your question.
- Original Message - 
From: Tad Winiecki
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2007 3:39 PM
Subject: Re: -

I went to this website and they want $15 to subscribe.  I can search
google and look at the side effects of individual drugs for free.

Would you care to post their list of drugs causing dementia?


On Oct 17, 2007, at 5:58 AM, Paula Perry wrote:

 This is for Kurt and anyone else that wants to look at it.
 It is about drug induced illness. It explains what type of drugs can
 induce Parkinson's and also other diseases.
 A good primer on what NOT to take! Anyone taking perscription drugs
 might want to check this out. Could be your drugs are causing a worse
 problem than what you started with.

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Re: CSQuarantine[Simon]

2007-10-18 Thread Kurt Milkowski
Hey Simon,
  I like the way you think. This is a government for the people by the people, 
or it was I should say. Unfortunately these folks have no idea whats in store 
for them. A couple of groups you may like to check out, avian2...@yahoo  and 
thefrontp...@yahoo , more like minded people here.

Simon Jester wrote:
   I've heard discussions about what would be done in various
 hypothetical cases. Here's one: a boarding school full of kids has to
 be quarantined because one or more of them suddenly develops
 something like Ebola.

First false premise: people don't just 'develop' something like Ebola.

 As soon as quarantine is declared, hordes of parents, some armed,
 descend on the school determined to get their kids out,

I'd be one of them... since ebola is an ENGINEERED virus, why would I 
want to leave my child's destiny in the hands of the same people (in 
essence) who are responsible for the situation in the first place?

One alternative that I might be willing to put up with instead of seeing 
how many jack-boots I could take with me would be for 'them' to allow us 
parents to take our children HOME, and then imprison us there.

Another alternative I might consider is if they let me bring all of my 
'stuff' with me and join my child(ren) in quarantine...

 and to hell with anyone else, the

No... to hell with the people who engineered these super-bugs.

 In such a scenario, how would one respond? I'd say the everyone in 
 the boarding school would have to be quarantined and that the angry 
 parents would have to be disarmed.

Read: murdered.

 I imagine others would say otherwise. Other very tough calls involve
 efforts to stop fetal alcohol syndrome by imprisoning irremediably
 alcoholic mothers during pregnancy. It would be interesting to hear
 some reasoned opinions about the broader issue of control.

It is called fascism - and I will fight it and anyone who tries to force 
it down my throat to the death. And I will fight anyone who advocates it 
'for the good of the children' or 'to protect me from myself' with 
words, as long as that is all they are using.

The fact is, life is sometimes tragic, and SHIT HAPPENS.

I'd much rather live in a free society, where people are free to live 
their lives, and MAKE THEIR OWN MISTAKES (and have to suffer the 
consequences of them), rather than some controlled society where the 
myth of 'safety' is the over-riding concern, and people abdicate their 
personal responsibility for determining what is and is not safe to some 
petty tyrant wanna-be's who are more than happy to do it for them.

 As for the hypothetical question below,

Excuse me, but there's absolutely nothing 'hypothetical' about it.

 I think the problem may be that immunizations are not 100% effective
 for everyone over all of a lifetime, and even advocates admit that.

Actually, the more correct wording would be:

Immunizations are not 100% INeffective for everyone over all of a 
lifetime, and more and more former advocates are admitting this every day.

 The game plan is to keep infectivity low, I think.

The game plan SHOULD be to:

1. DESTROY the stranglehold that the fascist-medical-pharmaceutical 
system has on the treatment of disease,

2. DESTROY the stranglehold that the fascist system has on the education 
of our children, and go back to the basics - teach them reading, 
writing, arithmetic, and most of all the ability to think for themselves.

3. DESTROY the stranglehold that this fascist government has on our 
agricultural system, and provide incentives for farmers to use 
traditional techniques - like letting the laand lie fallow, the use of 
powerful cover crops like hemp to regenerate the soil and resotore it to 
its natural, health-giving state

4. Provide incentives in the form of tax breaks to doctors, teaching 
hospitals, etc to start studying HEALTH, instead of disease

5. Provide incentives in the form of tax breaks for insurance companies 
to pay for alternative services - and while doing so, to begin compiling 
statistics on what modalities are more effectiove for which condition

These are just off the top of my head... and there are many more things 
that could be done - that would not cost a bloody cent (as far as tax 
dollars are concerned)...

 I'm no expert.

That is obvious... but neither am I... which is obvious too...

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CS[List Owner] Topic termination time...

2007-10-18 Thread M. G. Devour
Hi folks!

In the longstanding tradition of moderation of the list, I'd like to 
ask that the vaccination, doctors, quarantine, and other spin-off 
threads be ended over then next day. Obviously, they're venturing into 
prohibited topic areas of politics and political philosophy.

Naturally some folks will comment while catching up, so the responses 
will not stop all at once. 

*Somebody* has to have the last word. Let them. grin

Thanks to the folks who've addressed me privately with their concerns 
about these topics or the behavior of the participants, and also the 
several folks I've sent private messages to, for your favorable 

I'll again publicly remind each of the participants that personal 
attacks are not appropriate and can lead to loss of priveleges if 
severe enough or habitual. And I'd like to remind others that unpopular 
or unconventional ideas usually deserve a hearing, within limits.

Let me close with the following:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created 
equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable 
Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of 

That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men...

But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably 
the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute 
Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such 
Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

Those dead white guys were some dangerous people...

Be well,

Mike Devour
silver-list owner

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

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Re: CSRe: Forced flu vaccines?

2007-10-18 Thread Ode Coyote

At 05:24 PM 10/16/2007 +0100, you wrote:

--On 16 October 2007 09:15:16 -0400 Ode Coyote wrote:

   That depends on the flu strain.
The H5N1bird flu, so far, has a 60% survival rate...IF... you have access
to a ventilator to keep you breathing.

That's the human engineered variety.

###  Nature never has surprises?
A virus never morphs using a hosts DNA?
Gee whiz!
 I did not know that humans had absolute control.

  That's about a 90% mortality rate without one and most well equipped
hospitals only have a dozen or so.

It's not that flu that kills you, it's a healthy bodies over response
to it that drowns you in it's own defense mechanism.
Old people with weak immune systems actually survive better.

So it is speculated. I have seen no subsatantial research on this idea. DO 
you suggest a paper?

##  Look into the existing cases and what it took to keep those folks 
alive.  It's not a secret.

  If that one does mutate, it'll be a lot worse than the Spanish flu that
killed millions world wide in the early 1900s.
It could, however, also mutate into harmlessness, or a flu with a 99.9%
survival rate.

If: I think it does all the time.

##  Maybe.  Or just dies out for lack of new hosts.

I imagine meat eaters will kill the vulnerable young and old, if they 
don't restrain themselves - in the country too.

##  Hungry vegetarians will eat anything just like anyone else.

If the flu don't get you, starvation or hordes of hungry, scared and
about to be very ill people, probably will.

The vulnerable - not necessarily me.
It's not the flu that kills you, but mismanagement of flu cases: early 
intervention, with fresh air is needed, not heat. Rest. A shawl might be 
better, first. Then if heat is needed, radiant wood fire, with window 
open. SAlt water for the passages, A flannel for fever. Body exercises 
which loosen and strengthen congested areas, in the head, neck, and 
shoulder, nasal, throat, chest areas. Relieves flu in a few short hours. 
But there's no comparative study. Spanish flu epidemic is not a god 
example, as it was engendered by vaccines, I believe.

##  Many normal flues will choke you up AFTER it is gone, for weeks.
 That's your own body doing it, cleaning housenot the flu bug.  It's 
done, you aren't.
 Kill it fast and early, less damage to clean up. But lungs, nasal 
passages and sinuses are only the tip of the systemic ice burg... a 
treatment of symptoms, not causes.
Once a virus is contracted, it's too late for a vaccine and using one may 
actually make it worse, piling a less harmful similar strain on top of 
another, adding a merely uncomfortable defense to an up and coming deadly 
defense up twice at once...a little added to a lot.
With H5N1, it's the clean up that kills at a very high rate without help 
for quite a while after the bug has succumbed to antibodies.
 The body does successfully kill the bug, but then the body itself, kills 
 Transmission windows open before symptoms are felt, ready to go at the 
first sign of a cough.

 Tamiflu sorta works, but has a very narrow time window where it does 
anything at all.  Too early or too late?...nothing.
 And there isn't nearly enough of it to go around or the people skill to 
know when to use it.

 The type of cells H5N1 can now key into are deep in the lungs where very 
few copies ever get to and don't become aerosolized much by coughing.  But 
only a slight shift in viral structure can make eyes, nose and throat into 
a viable target for attachment and replication and hence, easy person to 
person transmission, shifting the dominant variant with more available hosts.

 It has already jumped species.  So far,  it's a long jump.
It is already person to person communicable,  just not very communicable.

 THAT is what has biologists worried.  It doesn't have to make a very big 
shift at all to become quite nasty.

A virus uses the persons own DNA to adapt and every time it finds a new 
host, it tries to adapt to the next type of cells using the last type as a 
springboard pattern, each replication just a little different, using the 
DNA from the next type it infected in a single host,  till it finds the 
right key for the next transmission lock.
That's a billion to one chance, maybebut with a ten trillion tries per 
case, could very easily happen.
 That's probably will  MIGHT not  odds...with a decent chance of 
catching it in the act with very close observation.

PLUS, less likely odds of a direct bird to human variant transmission key 
popping up as more and more  birds fall ill.

That part of the game is like playing Whack a Mole, with migrating flying 
moles.  Absolute unpredictability, anywhere, anywhen...low odds, but 
uncontrollable numbers of tries.

I thought it was all scare too...till I looked closer.

 Turns out:
 They are scared silly and have good reason to be.
 Governments want to deny problems as much as anyoneand they aren't 

Re: CSRe: Forced flu vaccines?

2007-10-18 Thread Ode Coyote
 The H5N1 kills those with healthy immune systems and spares those with 
weak ones.

 It's the immune system that causes death, not the virus.
It's not the normal flu.


At 01:19 PM 10/16/2007 -0400, you wrote:

Hey, flus do kill.

Only  those with a sufficiently weakened immunse system.

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Re: CSRe: CS turning yellow?

2007-10-18 Thread Ode Coyote

 I'd give it 2 or 3 days.

At 12:32 PM 10/16/2007 -0500, you wrote:

I added a few drops of H2O2 to some newly made cs, and it turned it a 
funny brownish yellow color, then I let it sit for a week, and started 
adding H2O2 a drop at a time, it turned clear, and the uS went up. Which I 
interpret to mean that the particles were broken up by the peroxide and 
went back to ions. I am taking that batch, and I would not hesitate to use 
it in my eyes or anywhere else.

How many days does one have to wait to add peroxide so it does not do that?

On Oct 16, 2007, at 12:02 PM, Marshall Dudley wrote:

Ode Coyote wrote:

At 05:52 PM 10/15/2007 -0400, you wrote:


If you use the peroxide in the cs is it still safe to use in eyes?


It only takes about 6 drops of 3% to the quart.
 I'd say, no problem.

That is interesting, because I determined that a half teaspoon per gallon 
was the correct amount. With 50 drops to the teaspoon, the amount you add 
is within 4% of the amount I add.  There is a tremendous difference in 
the way it acts if you add H2O2 to fresh CS vs aged CS.  When do you 
think the best time to add the H2O2 is?


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Re: CSQuarantine

2007-10-18 Thread Michael Zangari
Infectious disease as a weapon is a fact.
  Anthrax comes in an arosol form now!
  In fact, I am a living example of a witness being disabled by targeted 
  MRSA is more common now. I have several friends who have contracted it in 
  In the most general terms, biological warfare is a reality we all have to 
live with. I factor that in to the vaccine talks. But there is a clear over 
riding issue of safe environment. If you don't have a black light or high 
density negative ions and are concerned about your personal politics you are 
behind the times.

Simon Jester wrote:
   I've heard discussions about what would be done in various
 hypothetical cases. Here's one: a boarding school full of kids has to
 be quarantined because one or more of them suddenly develops
 something like Ebola.

First false premise: people don't just 'develop' something like Ebola.

 As soon as quarantine is declared, hordes of parents, some armed,
 descend on the school determined to get their kids out,

I'd be one of them... since ebola is an ENGINEERED virus, why would I 
want to leave my child's destiny in the hands of the same people (in 
essence) who are responsible for the situation in the first place?

One alternative that I might be willing to put up with instead of seeing 
how many jack-boots I could take with me would be for 'them' to allow us 
parents to take our children HOME, and then imprison us there.

Another alternative I might consider is if they let me bring all of my 
'stuff' with me and join my child(ren) in quarantine...

 and to hell with anyone else, the

No... to hell with the people who engineered these super-bugs.

 In such a scenario, how would one respond? I'd say the everyone in 
 the boarding school would have to be quarantined and that the angry 
 parents would have to be disarmed.

Read: murdered.

 I imagine others would say otherwise. Other very tough calls involve
 efforts to stop fetal alcohol syndrome by imprisoning irremediably
 alcoholic mothers during pregnancy. It would be interesting to hear
 some reasoned opinions about the broader issue of control.

It is called fascism - and I will fight it and anyone who tries to force 
it down my throat to the death. And I will fight anyone who advocates it 
'for the good of the children' or 'to protect me from myself' with 
words, as long as that is all they are using.

The fact is, life is sometimes tragic, and SHIT HAPPENS.

I'd much rather live in a free society, where people are free to live 
their lives, and MAKE THEIR OWN MISTAKES (and have to suffer the 
consequences of them), rather than some controlled society where the 
myth of 'safety' is the over-riding concern, and people abdicate their 
personal responsibility for determining what is and is not safe to some 
petty tyrant wanna-be's who are more than happy to do it for them.

 As for the hypothetical question below,

Excuse me, but there's absolutely nothing 'hypothetical' about it.

 I think the problem may be that immunizations are not 100% effective
 for everyone over all of a lifetime, and even advocates admit that.

Actually, the more correct wording would be:

Immunizations are not 100% INeffective for everyone over all of a 
lifetime, and more and more former advocates are admitting this every day.

 The game plan is to keep infectivity low, I think.

The game plan SHOULD be to:

1. DESTROY the stranglehold that the fascist-medical-pharmaceutical 
system has on the treatment of disease,

2. DESTROY the stranglehold that the fascist system has on the education 
of our children, and go back to the basics - teach them reading, 
writing, arithmetic, and most of all the ability to think for themselves.

3. DESTROY the stranglehold that this fascist government has on our 
agricultural system, and provide incentives for farmers to use 
traditional techniques - like letting the laand lie fallow, the use of 
powerful cover crops like hemp to regenerate the soil and resotore it to 
its natural, health-giving state

4. Provide incentives in the form of tax breaks to doctors, teaching 
hospitals, etc to start studying HEALTH, instead of disease

5. Provide incentives in the form of tax breaks for insurance companies 
to pay for alternative services - and while doing so, to begin compiling 
statistics on what modalities are more effectiove for which condition

These are just off the top of my head... and there are many more things 
that could be done - that would not cost a bloody cent (as far as tax 
dollars are concerned)...

 I'm no expert.

That is obvious... but neither am I... which is obvious too...

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Re: CSCanine Eye Infection

2007-10-18 Thread Ode Coyote

 Probably OK,  but I wouldn't.
If nothing else, it might dry the eye out, being extremely hydroscopic.

I've had the dust in my eyesno big dealbut.


At 12:27 PM 10/16/2007 -0500, you wrote:

you could make it into a gel, like they did with the antibiotic. I am
not sure if the gel kit sold at silverpuppy it ok to use in the eyes,
but you could ask them, or just make some and try it on yourself.

On Oct 16, 2007, at 11:37 AM, Pat wrote:

My Australian Cattle Dog suddenly got an eye infection a couple weeks
ago.  The eye was red and oozing green stuff from the inside corner.
I sprayed her eyes with CS about 5 times a day and gave her a little
orally too.  The infection got better, but not totally well.  Then the
other eye got red.  I never could cure them totally, so when we got
home we took her to the vet.  The antibiotic drops cut the green ooze
in a day and her eyes got ok in a few days.  I thought maybe my CS had
dropped out, but both bottles I used checked out with a Tyndall.  Is
there anything I could have done to keep the CS in her eyes longer
like the thick antibiotic drops?


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Re: -

2007-10-18 Thread mborgert
Very good article!

-- Original message --
From: Paula Perry

 All you have to do is scroll down and read the whole article. You don't have
 to pay to read it. I saw that someone else answered your question.
 - Original Message - 
 From: Tad Winiecki
 Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2007 3:39 PM
 Subject: Re: -
 I went to this website and they want $15 to subscribe.  I can search
 google and look at the side effects of individual drugs for free.
 Would you care to post their list of drugs causing dementia?
 On Oct 17, 2007, at 5:58 AM, Paula Perry wrote:
  This is for Kurt and anyone else that wants to look at it.
  It is about drug induced illness. It explains what type of drugs can
  induce Parkinson's and also other diseases.
  A good primer on what NOT to take! Anyone taking perscription drugs
  might want to check this out. Could be your drugs are causing a worse
  problem than what you started with.
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Re: CSQuarantine

2007-10-18 Thread faith gagne

  - Original Message - 
  From: Michael Zangari 
  Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2007 8:50 AM
  Subject: Re: CSQuarantine

  Infectious disease as a weapon is a fact.
  Anthrax comes in an arosol form now!
  In fact, I am a living example of a witness being disabled by targeted 
  MRSA is more common now. I have several friends who have contracted it in 
  In the most general terms, biological warfare is a reality we all have to 
live with. I factor that in to the vaccine talks. But there is a clear over 
riding issue of safe environment. If you don't have a black light or high 
density negative ions and are concerned about your personal politics you are 
behind the times.

  Waht is a black light please?


Re: CSQuarantine[Simon]

2007-10-18 Thread Carol Ann
Or as V would say..  People should not fear their governments, governments 
should fear their people.  Which is really a conundrum because govts who begin 
to lean towards fascism ideological , actually  fear their people. 

Kurt Milkowski wrote: Hey Simon,
  I like the way you think. This is a government for the people by the people, 
or it was I should say. 

Regards, Carol Ann ~ The only thing that is different is how you think..
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CSRe: What is in Vicks?

2007-10-18 Thread faith gagne

Just received this by email:

This really works!!


I wish I'd known this when my family was young during winter colds and 
coughs. I am going to try it myself. Share with young parents.
Isn't life strange. When we had a lecture on Essential Oils, they told us 
how the foot soles can absorb oils. Their example: Put garlic on your feet 
and within 20 minutes you can 'taste' it.
Some of us have used Vicks Vaporub for years for everything from chapped 
lips to sore toes and many body parts in between. But I've never heard of 
this. And don't laugh, it works 100% of the time although the scientists at 
the Canada Research council (who discovered it) aren't sure why.

To stop night time coughing in a child (or adult as we found out 
personally), put Vicks Vaporub generously on the bottom of the feet at 
bedtime, then cover with socks. Even persistent, heavy, deep coughing will 
stop in about 5 minutes and stay stopped for many, many hours of relief. 
Works 100% of the time and is more effective in children than even very 
strong prescription cough medicines. In addition it is extremely soothing 
and comforting and they will sleep soundly. I heard the head of the Canada 
Research Council describe these findings on the part of their scientists 
when they were investigating the effectiveness and usage of prescription 
cough medicines in children as compared to alternative therapies like 
Just happened to tune in A.M.Radio and picked up this guy talking about why 
cough medicines in kids often do more harm than good due to the chemical 
makeup of these strong drugs so,I listened. It was a surprise finding and 
found to be more effective than prescribed medicines for children at 
bedtime, in addition to have a soothing and calming effect on sick children 
who then went on to sleep soundly. Polly tried it on herself when she had a 
very deep constant and persistent cough a few weeks ago and it worked 100%! 
She said that it felt like a warm blanket had enveloped her, coughing 
stopped in a few minutes and believe me, this was a deep, (incredibly 
annoying!) every few seconds uncontrollable cough, and she slept cough-free 
for hours every night that she used it. If you have grandchildren, pass it 
on. If you end up sick, try it yourself and you will be absolutely amazed by 
the effect.


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Re: CSQuarantine

2007-10-18 Thread Michael Zangari
A black light is one of those long florresant tubes used to make posters glow. 
It is untra-violet light that highlights things that floress. It also kills 

faith gagne wrote:
- Original Message - 
  From: Michael Zangari 
  Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2007 8:50 AM
  Subject: Re: CSQuarantine

  Infectious disease as a weapon is a fact.
  Anthrax comes in an arosol form now!
  In fact, I am a living example of a witness being disabled by targeted 
  MRSA is more common now. I have several friends who have contracted it in 
  In the most general terms, biological warfare is a reality we all have to 
live with. I factor that in to the vaccine talks. But there is a clear over 
riding issue of safe environment. If you don't have a black light or high 
density negative ions and are concerned about your personal politics you are 
behind the times.
  Waht is a black light please?

The novelist, journalist and psychologist 
Michael Zangari

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Re: CSRe: Vaccines Part 3

2007-10-18 Thread Michael Zangari
 Emerging Worlds: Chronic Illness and Viral Infections 
  ... of certain diseases like Small Pox and Polio but as one Senator recently 
... including New York-that received contaminated batches of the polio vaccine. 
... - 41k - Cached   
 Vaccination Liberation Information 
  ... Regulatory Requirements for Historical and New Smallpox Vaccines  ... ( 
In fact, both small pox and polio immunization campaigns were followed 
initially ... - 51k - Cached   
  The spurt in small pox cases, vaccine induced deaths and the emergence of the 
... Polio -- Lathyrus or Polio Nosode. Small Pox -- Variolinum. ... - 56k - Cached   
 Vaccines: An issue of trust. Misinformation and government foot ... 
  ... new vaccines is already high--a single dose of the newest, a vaccine ... 
vaccines containing thimerosal as a preservative, and the oral polio vaccine 
may ... - 129k - 
 Vaccines (PDF) 
  4. Marie decided against the relatively new chickenpox vaccine and ... An 
interesting history of the use of smallpox itself as a vaccination against 
small pox. ... - 152k - View as html   
 Autism and Immunizations 
  The new Pneumococcal vaccine, Prevnar, has good efficacy for meningitis and 
... 1999 FDA admits infants exposed to unsafe limits of mercury in the 
vaccines. ... - 28k - Cached 

Simon Jester wrote:
   But you have argued in favor of ENFORCED, INVOLUNTARY vaccinations, 


Admitted, and retracted... I apologize again for making this mistake. I 
still don't know what I read or how I got that into my head that you had 
said that... but...

 Enforced isolation [quarantine] for those that refuse, sure, but not 
 forced vaccination.

This is almost as bad - and you even said earlier something about 
SHOOTING those who may choose to reject your forced quarantine. WHO 
DECIDES? Who decides who is sick? Who decides which 'germs' qualify for 
'quarantine'? Who decides how long the quarantine read: DEPRIVATION OF 
THE RIGHT OF LIBERTY, aka, freedom of movement and locomotion - lasts?

George Bush? Or maybe you prefer Hillary Clinton?

 There is a choice, neither of them all good or sure, but one or the 
 other is necessary.

Here is where we differ...

Assuming a pandemic is spreading... and that the goal is to try to 
minimize the spread of the disease as much as possible...

You would advocate the quarantining of everyone who refuses to be 

I, on the other hand, would advocate the quarantining of all of the 
people who actually evidence symptoms of said disease - and would 
strongly urge those whose immune systems are compromised - whether 
through poor lifestyle choices, lots of vaccinations, or some 
combination thereof - to stay home, and away from other people.

Vaccination or nonvaccination would be irrelevant...

I'd still like to hear why people who believe in the safety and efficacy 
of vaccinations (and therefore are vaccinated themselves, right?) are so 
afraid of the unvaccinated.

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The novelist, journalist and psychologist 
Michael Zangari

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Re: CSRe: Doctors...

2007-10-18 Thread Carol Ann

Simon Jester wrote:

If you believe vaccinations work, and you are vaccinated, WHY ARE YOU 

If one wanted discuss a hypothesis.the  above premise/question is succinct

Regards, Carol Ann ~ The only thing that is different is how you think..
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RE: CSForced Anthrax vaccines - NOT... WAS: Re: Forced flu vaccines?

2007-10-18 Thread Michael Zangari
The anthrax came in the form of a white powder in the folds of a letter 
postmarked and stamped in Nigeria. 

Dan Nave wrote:
  How were you exposed?

  From: Michael Zangari [] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2007 2:17 AM
Subject: Re: CSForced Anthrax vaccines - NOT... WAS: Re: Forced flu vaccines?

  I had several high density negative ion generators going in my apartment for 
seve years prior to the arival of the anthrax. I used negative ions for 
clarity, killing bacteria, and brightness.
  It was a studio condo. Very small with a very dense concentration of negative 
ions. I think that did the trick. I still developed a congestive heart failure. 
The thing that eventually saved my life was selegiline and good medication 

The novelist, journalist and psychologist 
Michael Zangari

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Re: CSHillary/medicine

2007-10-18 Thread M. G. Devour
And on that delightful note, let's *not* further debate the US 
presidential horse-race and likely outcomes. sigh

Mike D.

 Just heard Dick Morris on the Boortz show say that Hillary would be the
 next President and she would have a Demorat majority Congress---s-
 her first legislation would be socialized medicine.  Second would be
 raising the SS tax limits to 200,000 dollars.  Morris said Peru looks
 like a good place to live--for a couple years till the  Demorats were
 sweep out in 2010 --but it would be too late then to put the genie back
 in the bottle.
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[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

Re: CSDoctors...[Carol]

2007-10-18 Thread Carol Ann
That being the case - bible references - Ignorance regarding the terminology 
and interpretation of the word Witch whether applied to modern or archaic  is 

Simon Jester wrote: On 10/17/2007 Carol Ann wrote:

Get a good concordance and look up the biblical word(s) used for 
'witches' - you'll find that they fit the modern 'doctor' to a 't'...

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Regards, Carol Ann ~ The only thing that is different is how you think..
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Re: CSRe: Forced flu vaccines?

2007-10-18 Thread T. J. Garland

ODE, who do you think puts the info on Wikipedia?  More MSM bullshit.
- Original Message - 
From: Ode Coyote

Sent: Friday, October 12, 2007 11:48 AM
Subject: Re: CSRe: Forced flu vaccines?

  Regardless of unproven bullshit, Does any transport person have the 
right to be a disease carrier?

You are saying that the smallpox vaccine hasn't eliminated smallpox?
..That cowpox antibodies don't immunize from smallpox?

 Which vaccines work and which don't and that some vaccines may be harmful 
to some people for different reasons, may be questionable,  but the whole 
field of vaccination is pretty much an over all proven success with 
centuries of experience to back it up.

Smallpox was started 
in or before 200 
BC.[1] In, Mary Wortley 
Montague reported that the have 
a habit of deliberately inoculating themselves with fluid taken from mild 
cases of smallpox and she inoculated her own 
In Jenner inoculated using (a mild relative of the deadly 
smallpox virus). and others 
built on this


At 02:38 PM 10/11/2007 -0400, you wrote:

I don't think they can force you to take a vaccine, but they can 
constitutionally en force a quarantine.

No, they can't - but they can UNconstitutinally enforce one.

If you aren't vaccinated, you disqualify yourself from being an enforcer 
or having any part in a transport operation, becoming a potential part of 
the problem vs part of any solution.

? Vaccines simply DON'T WORK. It appears you have fallen for the FUD?

No job and rightly so, but not force, just choice.  Work safe or stay at 

Bullshit... sorry, Ode, but this is ridiculous. No one has the 'Right' to 
force someone to do something so ridiculous in order to keep a job. 
Vaccines are one of the big cons - right up there with the income tax and 
drivers licenses.

A vaccine costs everyone a lot less than a quarantine,

More bullshit. A vaccine won't prevent diddly.

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Re: CSRe: Forced Anthrax vaccines - NOT... WAS: Re: Forced flu vaccines?

2007-10-18 Thread Michael Zangari
I've written extensively about this. And my conclusion is the same. If they 
wanted me dead, I'd be dead. If you become disabled you become economically 
disadvantaged and isolated. You are less healthy and unable to function at the 
same level. You are treated as a subclass. Especially with something so exotic. 
People wonder about your mental health.
  I could go on and on. It is certainly about disabling people. I will say that 
I am not the only one targeted in that rash of anthrax attacks in 1998. A 
majority of these people died of other problems. They of course are all 
related to the anthrax exposure. I know how lucky I was, am.

Simon Jester wrote:
   btw, Simon, it would stand to reason that once they kill you with a 
 gun, they won't bother with further attempts to vaccinate you. ;)

Lead: the ultimate vaccine.

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The novelist, journalist and psychologist 
Michael Zangari

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Re: CS cancer/polio vaccine was Forced flu vaccines?

2007-10-18 Thread Marshall Dudley

T. J. Garland wrote:
I just read somewhere that the tonsils produce a chemical that kills 
the polio virus.  Polio became epidemic when it became fashionable to 
remove tonsils.

Yep. between the vaccinations, and removing the tonsils, the polio 
epidemic was doctor created.


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Re: CSRe: Forced flu vaccines?

2007-10-18 Thread Marshall Dudley

Simon Jester wrote:

Just like a drug test, which is an absolute invasion of privacy, your
employer can probably require that you do this if you are going to 
work there. Your employer can basically fire you for anything except

those things that are specifically prohibited such as certain kinds
of discrimination.

I'm not saying this is fair or right.  I'm saying this is the way it

A private, non-corporate 'employer' is free to do whatever he/she 
wants - hire and fire anyone they want, anytime they want, for any 
reason they want. Problem is, truly private 'employers' are rae these 

Actually that is not true.  Any employer, corporate or not, firing, or 
even refusing to hire, a person because of race, color, religion, sexual 
orientation (especially if the employee is gay), handicap, or 
nationality can be sued for huge amounts, and even prosecuted 
criminally.  The fourth episode of season 3 of Boston Legal actually had 
a show on this when a budding lawyer fired another lawyer because he was 
a Scientologist.  You are correct it is much worse for large 
corporations.  Exxon was legally prevented from firing a drunkard 
captain, because it was classified as a disability, which then wrecked 
the Valdez, and ended up being fined and sued for not firing him.


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Re: CSVaccines- chronic fatigue

2007-10-18 Thread Marshall Dudley
I used the wrong word. I meant weapnoized for the lyme.  Lyme existed 
long before it was apparently weaponized, but apparently as a much less 
virulent strain.  The present epidemic seems to have developed from a 
strain that appeared near Lyme in the 70's.

Do you have anything to support that the other diseases you listed are 
designer?  I know that several can be caused by neurotoxins, such as 
aspertame and mercury, but as a designer disease, I would think a 
pathogen would be required.


Kurt Milkowski wrote:
Well you have to look at how long other designer disease have been 
around. Here are a few, alhiemers, als, parkinsons, ms, lupus, autism, 
just to name a few.

*/Marshall Dudley* wrote:

Kurt Milkowski wrote:
 How long do you think lyme has been around? It's not a new
 been around for a long time. Just became named recently.
From what I have been able to determine it was designed in the
to mid 80's, then released to the wild near the naval base's
warefare research center around Lyme around 1986 or so.


 */Marshall Dudley /* wrote:

 Kurt Milkowski wrote:
  Hey Jess,
  Most likely the mmr vaccine would be the likely culprit. This is
  one that seems to be causing autism, which is lyme under another
 How can you arrive at that conclusion? Autism predates Lyme by a
 century or more.

  */jessie70 /* wrote:
  Kurt, you got lyme disease from which vaccine? Thanks, Jess
  -Original Message-
  *From:* Kurt Milkowski []
  *Sent:* Sunday, October 14, 2007 6:31 PM
  *Subject:* Re: CSVaccines- chronic fatigue
  Hey Kathryn,
  No problem. Yep the mycoplasma is used alot in bio-weapons.
  Check into lyme disease, thats what I have, got it from a
  vaccine. Lots of folks with lyme suffer from cfs and fibro.
  */Clayton Family /* wrote:
  Thanks for posting this whole series. It is interesting
  reading. The
  chronic fatigue part stood out for me.
  Brucella mycoplasma was probably responsible for chronic
  syndrome and fibromyalgia as well.
  It is known that fungal toxins can cause chronic fatigue,
  and it may
  well be that there are many other kinds of toxins and
  involved too. I read somewhere about other mycoplasma
  infections being
  implicated in asthma, and maybe other immune related
  conditions. Asthma
  can be caused by Valley Fever, which is an endemic fungi
  residing in
  the strata in the western states.
  I took antifungals for 18 months to rid myself of an
  entrenched fungal
  infection: it seemed to work, yet when I started CS, I
  began having die
  off rxns, and other rxns which were the same as what I get
  when exposed
  to toxins. Therefore, maybe the CS also releases cellular
  toxins in
  some way. In any case, I had some other kind of infection
  going on that
  the antifungals were not touching: not fungal, but
  something else, and
  the silver was doing quite a bit.
  fungal toxins cause neurological damage- is brucella
  fungal, I wonder?
  Those fungal toxins are used in biological weapons.
  And the bit about genetically engineered vacs- have you
  seen The
  Future of Food ? it is about genetically engineered food,
  and it seems
  like the film understates the problem. There are toxins
  and poisons
  deliberately sequenced into the genes of food, so it
  becomes poisonous
  at a low level. Organic is alot better, locally grown
  seems like the
  best idea.
  On Oct 13, 2007, at 6:23 PM, Kurt Milkowski wrote:
   Kurt Milkowski wrote: [snipped]
In October 2004, Dmtry Lvov, head of the Russian
  Virology Institute
declared that up to one billion people around the
  world could die
during the next pandemic. It would appear that the
  human herd is
to be culled in spectacular fashion. For whatever
  reasons, the dead
microbiologists wouldn't go along with the program.
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Re: CSRe: Doctors...

2007-10-18 Thread Marshall Dudley

Mark Siepak wrote:

My beef is with people - like Ode - who believe they have some kind of
Right to force their medical beliefs and opinions *and* *practices* on
me and my family and friends - and anyone else who claims the Right to
own their own life and body.

Well, now, aren't you forcing YOUR medical beliefs and opinions *and*
*practices* on ME when you refuse to be vaccinated against communicable
diseases like smallpox or polio? After all, I DO think vaccinations
work, and even if the rate of bad reactions was 10% (more like one and a
half percent), I think it is worth maybe 10,000 with bad reactions, to
avoid having pandemics kill millions every 15-30 years. Of course, if my
child were one with the bad reaction, I would probably want to blame
Somehow this makes no sense to me.  You say that you believe 
vaccinations work, and that someone choosing to not take them is forcing 
their beliefs and opinions on you when they refuse to be vaccinated.  
That is like saying that someone is forcing their religion on you if 
they go to Church (or not). What are you talking about? How does what 
one chooses to do with their body force anything on you?  Are you saying 
it is because you may catch something from them? If so, then that is 
contrary to you saying that you believe vaccinations work,, unless you 
are saying that you want everyone else to be vaccinated but you.  Can 
you restate this in a way that is logical?


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Re: CSRe: What is in Vicks?

2007-10-18 Thread Dee
I will try this Faith!  I know it works for toe-nail fungus as well.  Dee 
---Original Message---
From: faith gagne
Date: 18/10/2007 15:00:50
Subject: CSRe: What is in Vicks?
Just received this by email:
This really works!!
I wish I'd known this when my family was young during winter colds and
coughs. I am going to try it myself. Share with young parents.
Isn't life strange. When we had a lecture on Essential Oils, they told us
how the foot soles can absorb oils. Their example: Put garlic on your feet
and within 20 minutes you can 'taste' it.
Some of us have used Vicks Vaporub for years for everything from chapped
lips to sore toes and many body parts in between. But I've never heard of
this. And don't laugh, it works 100% of the time although the scientists at
the Canada Research council (who discovered it) aren't sure why.


2007-10-18 Thread bob Larson
...what's the blacklight for?

 If you don't have a black light or high density negative ions and are
concerned about your personal politics you are behind the times.

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CSvaccinated vs un

2007-10-18 Thread bob Larson
how about this? ...the vaccination may stop the virus that the unvaccinated
person initially caught (which they probably wouldn't have caught if they'd
been vaccinated), but may well not stop the newly mutated virus that the
unvaccinated person is now spewing around.  granted, slim odds, but that's
how it goes, isn't it?

 -Original Message-
 Are you saying
 it is because you may catch something from them? If so, then that is
 contrary to you saying that you believe vaccinations work,, unless you
 are saying that you want everyone else to be vaccinated but you.  Can
 you restate this in a way that is logical?

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2007-10-18 Thread T. J. Garland
Just heard Dick Morris on the Boortz show say that Hillary would be the next 
President and she would have a Demorat majority Congress---s- her first 
legislation would be socialized medicine.  Second would be raising the SS 
tax limits to 200,000 dollars.  Morris said Peru looks like a good place to 
live--for a couple years till the  Demorats were sweep out in 2010 --but it 
would be too late then to put the genie back in the bottle.

List maintainer: Mike Devour

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Re: CSVaccines- chronic fatigue

2007-10-18 Thread Clayton Family
I'm not Kurt, but the T2 toxin of stachybotris is used, and it is a 
very potent neurotoxin. It is listed in the gov't research as a potent 
weapon, but then when you get to the CDC, they say the same exact toxin 
is benign in a household setting. It can cause, just from a household 
infestation, chronic fatigue, universal reactivity, heart disease, and 
maybe many many more. The concentrated weapon version is probably 

On Oct 18, 2007, at 9:56 AM, Marshall Dudley wrote:

I used the wrong word. I meant weapnoized for the lyme.  Lyme existed 
long before it was apparently weaponized, but apparently as a much 
less virulent strain.  The present epidemic seems to have developed 
from a strain that appeared near Lyme in the 70's.

Do you have anything to support that the other diseases you listed are 
designer?  I know that several can be caused by neurotoxins, such as 
aspertame and mercury, but as a designer disease, I would think a 
pathogen would be required.


Kurt Milkowski wrote:
Well you have to look at how long other designer disease have been 
around. Here are a few, alhiemers, als, parkinsons, ms, lupus, 
autism, just to name a 

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Re: CSLugol's 5% solution

2007-10-18 Thread Ruth Bertella
You can order the Lugol's 5% solution from - I believe it was 
$10.95 for a 1 oz. bottle and they have specials for different items at 
different times.  I think they also carry Iodoral (sp?) which is a pill form of 
iodine and some type of kelp (s).

Ruth B.
  - Original Message - 
  From: Deborah Gerard 
  Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2007 7:00 PM
  Subject: Re: CSLugols at Humco

  It has on one page listed tincture and on this page that is posted it has the 
Solution...the tincture has alcohol and solution does not...thanks debbie

  Leslie wrote: 
Just read the other emails. Glad you found it. Now, are you saying Humco 
does have the Lugols Iodine formula without alcohol?? That seems to be contrary 
to what the employee of Humco told me. I would like to know.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Deborah Gerard 
  To: cs 
  Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2007 6:49 PM
  Subject: CSLugols at Humco

  Humco does have the Lugols/Strong Iodine if someone is interested in 
buying it thru the Walmart pharmacyit isn't the tincture it is the 
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Re: CSRe: What is in Vicks?

2007-10-18 Thread faith gagne
Good luck Dee.  I really don't know anything about it.  I jsut received it in 
an email this morning and am just passing it on.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Dee 
  Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2007 11:15 AM
  Subject: Re: CSRe: What is in Vicks?

I will try this Faith!  I know it works for toe-nail fungus as well.  

---Original Message---

From: faith gagne
Date: 18/10/2007 15:00:50
Subject: CSRe: What is in Vicks?

Just received this by email:

This really works!!


I wish I'd known this when my family was young during winter colds and
coughs. I am going to try it myself. Share with young parents.
Isn't life strange. When we had a lecture on Essential Oils, they told 
how the foot soles can absorb oils. Their example: Put garlic on your 
and within 20 minutes you can 'taste' it.
Some of us have used Vicks Vaporub for years for everything from chapped
lips to sore toes and many body parts in between. But I've never heard 
this. And don't laugh, it works 100% of the time although the 
scientists at
the Canada Research council (who discovered it) aren't sure why.

Re: CSCanine Eye Infection- gelling agents

2007-10-18 Thread Clayton Family
How about pectin, like for making jelly?  I think it needs to be cooked 
in order to gel, any one know?

Or maybe agar seaweed thickener. I am not sure if that requires cooking 
or not.  I am a veg- maybe jello would work too, but not for me- I 
think it also needs some heat.

I am thinking that the heat would cause the cs to bind with the 
thickener, so maybe make it too thick, then add cs to it when it is 
cooled. Would that work?  Another thing that might be considered is the 


On Oct 18, 2007, at 4:57 AM, Ode Coyote wrote:

  I suppose you could use a thickening agent, like unflavored Jello ?


At 09:37 AM 10/16/2007 -0700, you wrote:

My Australian Cattle Dog suddenly got an eye infection a couple weeks 
ago.  The eye was red and oozing green stuff from the inside corner.  
I sprayed her eyes with CS about 5 times a day and gave her a little 
orally too.  The infection got better, but not totally well.  Then 
the other eye got red.  I never could cure them totally, so when we 
got home we took her to the vet.  The antibiotic drops cut the green 
ooze in a day and her eyes got ok in a few days.  I thought maybe my 
CS had dropped out, but both bottles I used checked out with a 
Tyndall.  Is there anything I could have done to keep the CS in her 
eyes longer like the thick antibiotic drops?


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Re: CSRe: What is in Vicks?

2007-10-18 Thread M1marine
Levomenthol, eucalyptus oil, turpentine oil and  camphor.

** See what's new at

Re: CSQuarantine

2007-10-18 Thread T. J. Garland
Just had a 2 yr. old young girl die from  e coli here- probably from  beef.  
Stories on the radio about MRSA deaths.  Apparently school gyms are a breeding 
ground.  Schools are using some kind of aerosal spray.  Any chance of them 
using EIS??!!!  right
  - Original Message - 
  From: faith gagne 
  Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2007 9:25 AM
  Subject: Re: CSQuarantine

- Original Message - 
From: Michael Zangari 
Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2007 8:50 AM
Subject: Re: CSQuarantine

Infectious disease as a weapon is a fact.
Anthrax comes in an arosol form now!
In fact, I am a living example of a witness being disabled by targeted 
MRSA is more common now. I have several friends who have contracted it in 
In the most general terms, biological warfare is a reality we all have to 
live with. I factor that in to the vaccine talks. But there is a clear over 
riding issue of safe environment. If you don't have a black light or high 
density negative ions and are concerned about your personal politics you are 
behind the times.

Waht is a black light please?


Re: CSVaccines- chronic fatigue-Dave

2007-10-18 Thread Clayton Family
Thanks. Did you have any adverse reactions to that amount of cs?  Like 
herks, or something else?  -Kathryn

On Oct 17, 2007, at 7:54 PM, Dave wrote:

 I took 6 ounces every half hour of awake time for three days and it 
broke like a fever in the middle of the night.

I've had almost four years of health and energy like a twenty year old 
( I was 68 at the time) Now I'm getting tired a lot so don't know if 
it is coming back or not. No other symptoms.

I have been taking MMS and seeing some improvement .

Clayton Family wrote:

Now this is useful information, thanks.  How much did you take to get 
it under control, and did it go underground, or get killed off?


On Oct 17, 2007, at 1:17 PM, Dave wrote:

 I think that is when they discovered it ( named it) not when it 
began, before that they called it whatever it seemed to mimic, as 
Lyme does present a number of maladies. When they had me in the hos

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Re: CSRe: Forced flu vaccines?

2007-10-18 Thread Clayton Family
This is what I mean when I say that we don't know all the laws that 
govern this world. Just because something does not fit the model, means 
maybe the model is not good enough, so go back and look at that. If it 
is good enough for the use it is intended for, then ok, the model can 
be used, but the unusual events are there, written down, filed away for 
future ref. Then when eventually, we get more info, or other events 
like it, we can maybe figure it out.

On Oct 18, 2007, at 4:43 AM, Ode Coyote wrote:

While looking close, other things pop up that don't fit the plan and 
can't be used...but it's there and not forgotten or dismissed.

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CSRe: Forced flu vaccines?

2007-10-18 Thread Simon Jester
A private, non-corporate 'employer' is free to do whatever he/she 
wants - hire and fire anyone they want, anytime they want, for any 
reason they want. Problem is, truly private 'employers' are rae these 

Actually that is not true.  Any employer, corporate or not, firing, 
or even refusing to hire, a person because of race, color, religion, 
sexual orientation (especially if the employee is gay), handicap, or 
nationality can be sued for huge amounts, and even prosecuted 

Anyone can file a lawsuit against anyone, anytime, for anything, that is 

And today, judges have no fear of reprisal for failure to follow the 
law... so, in that sense, you are correct.

But, in strict accordance with  the law, the government does not have 
the Right to interfere with totally private contracts between private 

Corporations do not have 'Rights', they only have governmentally 
bestowed privileges.

People have Rights.

But yes - since the judges couldn't care less what the laws actually 
say, and or apply to - yes, they could UNconstitutionally MIS-apply a 
law intended only at 'employers' (this is a legal word of art - meaning, 
it doesn't mean what you think it means) and/or 'employees' (another 
word of art) at private Americans.

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CSRE: CS + High Blood pressure/eye trombosis

2007-10-18 Thread Emile D. de Leeuw
Hi has anybody experience or are there known effects / treatments for high
blood pressure /eye trombosis using CS or any other succesfull methods.



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Re: CSHillary/medicine

2007-10-18 Thread Simon Jester

On 10/18/2007, T. J. Garland ( wrote:
Just heard Dick Morris on the Boortz show say that Hillary would be 
the next President and she would have a Demorat majority 
Congress---s- her first legislation would be socialized medicine. 
 Second would be raising the SS tax limits to 200,000 dollars.  
Morris said Peru looks like a good place to live--for a couple years 
till the  Demorats were sweep out in 2010 --but it would be too late 
then to put the genie back in the bottle. 

Democrats aren't the problem... fascism in America has grown far more 
quickly under Republican regimes.

The problem is ignorance, fear, and ultimately insanity... people are 
either (or some combination of):

1. ignorant - many if not most of them deliberately so (this is the only 
true sin in my book) - of the true nature of liberty and freedom,

2. fearful of true liberty and freedom - because with true liberty comes 
a hell of a lot of personal responsibility - and most importantly - 
ACCOUNTABILITY, therefore they clamor for government to pass a bunch of 
unconstitutional ILLOGICAL laws to 'make them safe',

3. engage in insanity when they vote for some *other* politician who 
again makes lots of promises, then goes about continuing the slow slide 
into tyranny.

We're already there - they just haven't actually come right and said:

Attention all people of the solar federation...

Attention all people of the solar federation...

Attention all people of the solar federation...

We have assumed control...

We have assumed control...

We have assumed control...

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CSRe: Forced flu vaccines?

2007-10-18 Thread Simon Jester

On 10/18/2007, Ode Coyote ( wrote:
The H5N1 kills those with healthy immune systems and spares those 
with weak ones.

It's the immune system that causes death, not the virus.
It's not the normal flu.

Interesting - and we have some of your 'friends' (figuratively speaking) 
with Phd's to thank for this...

No worries - ozone and a mix of the anti-viral/bacterial/fungal herbs 
and substances (like Grapefruit seed extract) should take care of it in 
short order - and now we have MMS too...

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CSRe: Forced flu vaccines?

2007-10-18 Thread Simon Jester

On 10/18/2007, Ode Coyote ( wrote:
I know a few PHDs that have private lives that would just blow you 
awaysome alien contactees working for the UN and , alt 
practitioners at home, toe the line scientists at work.
Preachers who have very different experiences guiding them, than what 
they sermonize about on Sunday.  They can talk freely to the 
non-flock who can keep a quiet secret.
I'll never name or expose them in any way and they know it. 

Where is the virtue in having these 'private lives', if they remain 
hidden and secret?

Another question: WHY are the keeping them secret? Certainly not out of 
fear of what people in general would think. So, obviously, it is out of 
fear of what their 'superiors' would DO to them (job/career loss? 
discredited and humiliated? murdered?).

Again... these people you seem to revere so much are nothing more than - 
in my book - COWARDS.

Worst of all, these are the very people who could actually do something 
ABOUT this mess, if enough of them got together and came 'out of the 
closet' together.

Cowards - and worst of all, since these are the people that would 
actually stand a VERY GOOD CHANCE of bringing an abrupt (but probably 
nasty) end to the horror that is our current medical/disease paradigm, 
simply by standing up and speaking out en masse - in accordance with the 
Nuremberg principles, they are no better than the puppet masters that 
are pulling the strings, and just as guilty for all of the unnecessary 
suffering and death.

Maybe if they had less 'Phd', and more BALLS, things would be different.

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CSHigh Blood Pressure

2007-10-18 Thread Teddyberen
CS has helped me so many ways, but could not find a way with my high blood  
pressure. I am off meds now, but  to do this I  took cayenne tincture  orally 
daily( This is a challenge) . I am up to 1/2 tsp. 3 x a day, but am  trying to 
get to more, and I take one of Doctor Christopher's products,  Hawthorne Berry 
Syrup.  It is so great to be free of the meds, so very very  good.  I am 
still taking the cayenne and hawthorne berry syrp and will do  so indefinately. 
This is in answer to the following from Emile
Hi has anybody experience or are there known effects / treatments for  high
blood pressure /eye trombosis using CS or any other succesfull  methods.



** See what's new at

Re: CSHigh Blood Pressure

2007-10-18 Thread Smitty
 CS has helped me so many ways, but could not find a way with my high blood
 pressure. I am off meds now, but  to do this I  took cayenne tincture orally
 daily( This is a challenge) . I am up to 1/2 tsp. 3 x a day, but am trying
 to get to more, and I take one of Doctor Christopher's products, Hawthorne
 Berry Syrup.  It is so great to be free of the meds, so very very good.  I
 am still taking the cayenne and hawthorne berry syrp and will do so
 This is in answer to the following from Emile=
Hi has anybody experience or are there known effects / treatments for high
 blood pressure /eye trombosis using CS or any other succesfull methods.
 Regards. . . Emile
I am taking Dr. Christopher's BPE powder, which has cayenne  herbs,
2 tespoons 3X/day in a 1/2 glass water.
Doesn't burn as much as you might think when you first think *cayenne*.
Gotta chug it down. . . .

I get it from=


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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSQuarantine

2007-10-18 Thread Dianne France
I don't know enough to comment on the manufactured diseases but I do know some 
of what is being prepared for by law enforcement.  My husband retired after 36 
years with one of the larger sheriff's offices.  He planned to go back as 
reservist to be able to continue to have contact with his friends and also to 
make some side money.  They were required to attend classes.  One of the 
classes he would have to take is just what you are talking about quarantined 
children keeping parents away.  He said he just couldn't do that and did not 
continue.  He was two years in military at Uncle's request before he was in law 

We were talking on a trip today and he said that all these baby boomers are 
retiring now and I guess the government does have their own plans for all of 
us.  I'm sure these groups are probably being monitored.  I told him today we 
probably need to consider stock piling some things that are soon going to be 
unavailable to us.  I really hate thinking like that.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Simon 
  Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2007 7:07 AM
  Subject: Re: CSQuarantine

   I've heard discussions about what would be done in various
   hypothetical cases. Here's one: a boarding school full of kids has to
   be quarantined because one or more of them suddenly develops
   something like Ebola.

  First false premise: people don't just 'develop' something like Ebola.

   As soon as quarantine is declared, hordes of parents, some armed,
   descend on the school determined to get their kids out,

  I'd be one of them... since ebola is an ENGINEERED virus, why would I 
  want to leave my child's destiny in the hands of the same people (in 
  essence) who are responsible for the situation in the first place?

  One alternative that I might be willing to put up with instead of seeing 
  how many jack-boots I could take with me would be for 'them' to allow us 
  parents to take our children HOME, and then imprison us there.

  Another alternative I might consider is if they let me bring all of my 
  'stuff' with me and join my child(ren) in quarantine...

and to hell with anyone else, the

  No... to hell with the people who engineered these super-bugs.

   In such a scenario, how would one respond?   I'd say the everyone in 
   the boarding school would have to be quarantined and that the angry 
   parents would have to be disarmed.

Fwd: CSHigh Blood Pressure

2007-10-18 Thread Teddyberen
I wrote about the Hawthorne Berry and Cayenne, but it came thru on someone  
else's email. 
Diane M

** See what's new at
 CS has helped me so many ways, but could not find a way with my high blood
 pressure. I am off meds now, but  to do this I  took cayenne tincture orally
 daily( This is a challenge) . I am up to 1/2 tsp. 3 x a day, but am trying
 to get to more, and I take one of Doctor Christopher's products, Hawthorne
 Berry Syrup.  It is so great to be free of the meds, so very very good.  I
 am still taking the cayenne and hawthorne berry syrp and will do so
 This is in answer to the following from Emile=
Hi has anybody experience or are there known effects / treatments for high
 blood pressure /eye trombosis using CS or any other succesfull methods.
 Regards. . . Emile
I am taking Dr. Christopher's BPE powder, which has cayenne  herbs,
2 tespoons 3X/day in a 1/2 glass water.
Doesn't burn as much as you might think when you first think *cayenne*.
Gotta chug it down. . . .

I get it from=


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List maintainer: Mike Devour

---End Message---

RE: CSHigh Blood Pressure

2007-10-18 Thread bob Larson
if you're not disabled, physical exercise is the best way to control blood
pressure and high cholesterol too.
take a daily long walk, a comfortable one, picking it up a bit as
conditioning improves and you start to feel like it.
i don't know about the eye part...that might not be a problem if the BP
isn't high and the meds are purged out of the system?

meditation is effective for a lot of people.  i'm not sure i know how to do
it, but also not sure i don't.  i can usually drop my resting pulse and BP
to slightly sub-normal by breath control and dropping into some kind of head
space i don't really know how to talk about.

time to go skate a few miles then eat some of the good stuff i've been
making all day.

  -Original Message-
  From: []
  Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2007 2:49 PM
  Subject: CSHigh Blood Pressure

  CS has helped me so many ways, but could not find a way with my high blood
pressure. I am off meds now, but  to do this I  took cayenne tincture orally
daily( This is a challenge) . I am up to 1/2 tsp. 3 x a day, but am trying
to get to more, and I take one of Doctor Christopher's products, Hawthorne
Berry Syrup.  It is so great to be free of the meds, so very very good.  I
am still taking the cayenne and hawthorne berry syrp and will do so
  This is in answer to the following from Emile

  Hi has anybody experience or are there known effects / treatments for high
  blood pressure /eye trombosis using CS or any other succesfull methods.



  See what's new at and Make AOL Your Homepage.

Re: CSVaccines- chronic fatigue-Dave

2007-10-18 Thread Dianne France

What strength CS did you use?

  - Original Message - 
  From: Clayton 
  Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2007 12:44 PM
  Subject: Re: CSVaccines- chronic fatigue-Dave

  Thanks. Did you have any adverse reactions to that amount of cs?  Like 
  herks, or something else?  -Kathryn

  On Oct 17, 2007, at 7:54 PM, Dave wrote:

I took 6 ounces every half hour of awake time for three days and it 
   broke like a fever in the middle of the night.
   I've had almost four years of health and energy like a twenty year old 
   ( I was 68 at the time) Now I'm getting tired a lot so don't know if 
   it is coming back or not. No other symptoms.
   I have been taking MMS and seeing some improvement .
   Clayton Family wrote:
   Now this is useful information, thanks.  How much did you take to get 
   it under control, and did it go underground, or get killed off?
   On Oct 17, 2007, at 1:17 PM, Dave wrote:
I think that is when they discovered it ( named it) not when it 
   began, before that they called it whatever it seemed to mimic, as 
   Lyme does present a number of maladies. When they had me in the hos

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Re: CSQuarantine

2007-10-18 Thread Marshall Dudley

faith gagne wrote:

- Original Message -
*From:* Michael Zangari
*Sent:* Thursday, October 18, 2007 8:50 AM
*Subject:* Re: CSQuarantine

Infectious disease as a weapon is a fact.
Anthrax comes in an arosol form now!
In fact, I am a living example of a witness being disabled by
targeted infection.
MRSA is more common now. I have several friends who have
contracted it in hospitals.
In the most general terms, biological warfare is a reality we all
have to live with. I factor that in to the vaccine talks. But
there is a clear over riding issue of safe environment. If you
don't have a black light or high density negative ions and are
concerned about your personal politics you are behind the times.

Waht is a black light please?

It is the common term for a UV lamp.  Usually long wave UV, often used 
to make posters glow in the dark, but also good for sterilization.


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CSMore on ionic silver

2007-10-18 Thread Trem
Check this link.



Re: CSHillary/medicine

2007-10-18 Thread Sandee George
Hi There Mike please do not defile the wonderful animal called a horse
!   grin !!!
Take good care

Peace is easy ... it is a Mindset

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Re: -

2007-10-18 Thread Tad Winiecki
Thanks, Paula, I had a problem because I clicked on a link in the 
beginning.My father had Parkinson's and tried an unapproved drug I 
think from Europe that I believe was Elavil.  He started having 
delusions and hallucinations that lasted the rest of his life.  He 
would see little green men with strange communication devices and call 
the military, the police, etc.  He would get angry when other people 
couldn't see them too.  He made life miserable for my mom.  He couldn't 
remember who she was and would call the police and say a strange woman 
was at his house.

Right after he died my mother was having terrible diarrhea problems.  
My doctor sister was there for the funeral and wanted her to go right 
in for a Barium enema GI scan.  I asked if she had started any new 
medications and she had just been given a new prescription for an 
arthritis medicine.  I looked at the side effects list and one was 
uncontrollable diarrhea.  She stopped the medicine and the diarrhea 
ended.  I could not believe my dr sister would not even consider this 

Later my mother was visiting another sister in NYC and took OTC cough 
medicine with the since much publicized ingredient that causes strokes. 
 She suffered a stroke and my dr. sister insisted she come to Texas to 
let her help her.  She put her on a number of nasty meds one of which 
is Imiodarone which is spoken of on the Worst Pills site, and another 
also nasty one I don't remember which causes short term memory loss, 
confusion and anxiety.  These treat atrial fibrillation.  My mom is 
turning 90 this month but can't remember more than the past 5 minutes.  
Talk about living in the present.  She can't even really carry on a 
conversation of any duration, she will start repeating the whole thing. 
 We had a reunion of all sibs, of course in short order she can't 
remember it even occurred.

And my dr sister can't understand my prejudice against dr's.  I'm 
grateful for this list and other alternative lists that provide real 
answers and help.


On Oct 17, 2007, at 5:58 AM, Paula Perry wrote:

This is for Kurt and anyone else that wants to look at it.
It is about drug induced illness. It explains what type of drugs can 
induce Parkinson's and also other diseases.
A good primer on what NOT to take!  Anyone taking perscription drugs 
might want to check this out. Could be your drugs are causing a worse 
problem than what you started with.


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Re: CSVaccines- chronic fatigue / NIACIN

2007-10-18 Thread Nenah Sylver
- Original Message - 

From: Dave


Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2007 11:17 AM

Subject: Re: CSVaccines- chronic fatigue

...I never felt right for 42 years, Then I diagnosed my problem myself with 
the help of the Internet and cured it with CS in three days. Chronic 
Fatigue, Pain and Arthritis were the main problems (as well as brain fog) 
and I'm sure they would have called it one of those if given the chance. It 
even went so far that they wanted to  remove the cartilage from my affected 
joints. After whipping the Lyme I cured the arthritis with CMO ,Glucosamine, 
Condroitin along with 6 grams a day of vitamin C and equal amount of 
L-Lysine and 6 grams of Niacin to help the circulation of these things to 
the joints. If you want to try this start very small on the niacin as the 
flush can be severe until you build up a resistance.



Hi Dave.

Glad to hear that you finally healed yourself. What a story!

You mentioned building up a resistance to niacin so after a while you don't 
flush from it. You may not know that although this is a common perception of 
many, there are other factors involved. I thought I'd share with you a 
tidbit about niacin from my book on sauna therapy,

==beginning excerpt==

Niacin (also called nicotinic acid or Vitamin B-3) is known as the 
flushing vitamin because it causes the skin to redden or become flushed 
due to capillary enlargement and increased blood flow. It also makes the 
skin feel itchy and prickly. If people take high enough doses of B-3, they 
sometimes also feel nauseated, dizzy, disoriented, and even mentally 
unstable and volatile. For these reasons, niacinamide -- a close relative 
chemically to niacin that does not cause skin flush or other symptoms -- has 
become a popular substitute. However, it turns out that this flushing 
property unique to niacin is not only crucial to the detoxification process, 
but indicates that a detoxification process is actually occurring.

   Hubbard's research on niacin, begun in 1950, explains how this 
detox process works. In Clear Body, Clear Mind: The Effective Purification 
Program, he wrote:

Odd manifestations occurred when this vitamin [niacin] was administered to 
individuals. Its most startling effect was that it would turn on, in a red 
flush, a sunburn on the person's body in an exact pattern of a bathing suit! 
These were very neat patterns. The bathing suit outline was unmistakable. 
What kind of educated vitamin was this that caused bodies to turn on a 
flush exactly like a previous sunburn, showing the exact pattern of a 
bathing suit outline?

   Could it be, Hubbard wondered, that niacin in itself does not 
cause a flush, but instead causes the body to start discharging old waste 
materials that had been stored in the fatty tissue? What if these people 
were simply recovering from a prior case of sun poisoning, acquired from too 
much sunbathing while in a swim suit? The subjects in this research program 
took carefully controlled dosages of niacin. At a 200 mg. (milligram) dose, 
the sunburnlike flushes eventually disappeared, at which point the dose 
was increased to 500 mg. At a 500 mg. dose, the flushes recurred, but with 
less intensity, at which point the dose was increased to 1000 mg. (which 
equals one gram). At a 1000 mg. dose, there was a small reaction for several 
days, at which point the dose was increased, and so on. Finally, at a 2000 
mg. dose, Hubbard reported, there were no more niacin flush side effects. 
The person would feel fine, his 'sunburn' would be gone, and he would 
experience no more flush from the niacin.

   Both British and American pharmacopoeia agencies, Hubbard also 
pointed out, advertised that the niacin flush -- presumably an intrinsic 
characteristic of the vitamin -- is inherently negative to the body, and 
thus toxic in large amounts. But if niacin was toxic, the author asked, 
how was it that the more you 'overdosed' [on] it the sooner you no longer 
experienced the sunburnlike flushes from it? Those in orthodox medicine 
circles hypothesized that this was an example of the body's adjusting to 
unfavorable conditions by repressing the symptoms, and thus appearing 
asymptomatic. But this hypothesis was completely unsatisfactory, in view of 
the bathing suit outline on the test subjects! Nevertheless, Hubbard's 
revealing evidence was mostly ignored by mainstream doctors and scientists. 
They didn't consider Hubbard qualified to do research, regardless of how 
carefully he designed his experiments or how coherent and rational his 
observations were.

   Six years later, Hubbard had the opportunity to gather even more 
compelling data when working with subjects who had been exposed to fallout 
from atomic bomb tests, atomic accidents, and materials that had been part 
of an old atomic bomb explosion. In 

Re: CSVaccines- chronic fatigue

2007-10-18 Thread Kurt Milkowski
The pathogen is Borrelia burgdorferi and all of its friends. The aspartame and 
mercury are food for the bugs. Yes lyme has been around for a long time, they 
just keep making it better all the time. Keeps us confused that way. In a 
recent study 100 out of 100 alzhiemers patients tested postive for Bb post 
mortum, very intersting.

Marshall Dudley wrote:
  I used the wrong word. I meant weapnoized for the lyme. Lyme existed 
long before it was apparently weaponized, but apparently as a much less 
virulent strain. The present epidemic seems to have developed from a 
strain that appeared near Lyme in the 70's.

Do you have anything to support that the other diseases you listed are 
designer? I know that several can be caused by neurotoxins, such as 
aspertame and mercury, but as a designer disease, I would think a 
pathogen would be required.


Kurt Milkowski wrote:
 Well you have to look at how long other designer disease have been 
 around. Here are a few, alhiemers, als, parkinsons, ms, lupus, autism, 
 just to name a few.
 */Marshall Dudley /* wrote:

 Kurt Milkowski wrote:
  How long do you think lyme has been around? It's not a new
  been around for a long time. Just became named recently.
 From what I have been able to determine it was designed in the
 to mid 80's, then released to the wild near the naval base's
 warefare research center around Lyme around 1986 or so.

  */Marshall Dudley /* wrote:
  Kurt Milkowski wrote:
   Hey Jess,
   Most likely the mmr vaccine would be the likely culprit. This is
   one that seems to be causing autism, which is lyme under another
  How can you arrive at that conclusion? Autism predates Lyme by a
  century or more.
   */jessie70 /* wrote:
   Kurt, you got lyme disease from which vaccine? Thanks, Jess
   -Original Message-
   *From:* Kurt Milkowski []
   *Sent:* Sunday, October 14, 2007 6:31 PM
   *Subject:* Re: CSVaccines- chronic fatigue
   Hey Kathryn,
   No problem. Yep the mycoplasma is used alot in bio-weapons.
   Check into lyme disease, thats what I have, got it from a
   vaccine. Lots of folks with lyme suffer from cfs and fibro.
   */Clayton Family /* wrote:
   Thanks for posting this whole series. It is interesting
   reading. The
   chronic fatigue part stood out for me.
   Brucella mycoplasma was probably responsible for chronic
   syndrome and fibromyalgia as well.
   It is known that fungal toxins can cause chronic fatigue,
   and it may
   well be that there are many other kinds of toxins and
   involved too. I read somewhere about other mycoplasma
   infections being
   implicated in asthma, and maybe other immune related
   conditions. Asthma
   can be caused by Valley Fever, which is an endemic fungi
   residing in
   the strata in the western states.
   I took antifungals for 18 months to rid myself of an
   entrenched fungal
   infection: it seemed to work, yet when I started CS, I
   began having die
   off rxns, and other rxns which were the same as what I get
   when exposed
   to toxins. Therefore, maybe the CS also releases cellular
   toxins in
   some way. In any case, I had some other kind of infection
   going on that
   the antifungals were not touching: not fungal, but
   something else, and
   the silver was doing quite a bit.
   fungal toxins cause neurological damage- is brucella
   fungal, I wonder?
   Those fungal toxins are used in biological weapons.
   And the bit about genetically engineered vacs- have you
   seen The
   Future of Food ? it is about genetically engineered food,
   and it seems
   like the film understates the problem. There are toxins
   and poisons
   deliberately sequenced into the genes of food, so it
   becomes poisonous
   at a low level. Organic is alot better, locally grown
   seems like the
   best idea.
   On Oct 13, 2007, at 6:23 PM, Kurt Milkowski wrote:
Kurt Milkowski wrote: [snipped]
 In October 2004, Dmtry Lvov, head of the Russian
   Virology Institute
 declared that up to one billion people around the
   world could die
 during the next pandemic. It would appear that the
   human herd is
 to be culled in spectacular fashion. For whatever
   reasons, the dead
 microbiologists wouldn't go along with the program.
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Re: CSRe: Forced flu vaccines?

2007-10-18 Thread Kurt Milkowski
My guess would be the same assholes that load the webmd site.

T. J. Garland wrote:
  ODE, who do you think puts the info on Wikipedia? More MSM bullshit.
- Original Message - 
From: Ode Coyote 
Sent: Friday, October 12, 2007 11:48 AM
Subject: Re: CSRe: Forced flu vaccines?

 Regardless of unproven bullshit, Does any transport person have the 
 right to be a disease carrier?

 You are saying that the smallpox vaccine hasn't eliminated smallpox?
 ..That cowpox antibodies don't immunize from smallpox?

 Which vaccines work and which don't and that some vaccines may be harmful 
 to some people for different reasons, may be questionable, but the whole 
 field of vaccination is pretty much an over all proven success with 
 centuries of experience to back it up.

 Smallpox inoculation was started 
 in India or 
 China before 200 
 BC.[1] In 
 Lady Mary Wortley 
 Montague reported that the Turks have 
 a habit of deliberately inoculating themselves with fluid taken from mild 
 cases of smallpox and she inoculated her own 
 In 1796 
 Edward Jenner inoculated using 
 cowpox (a mild relative of the deadly 
 smallpox virus). Pasteur and others 
 built on this


 At 02:38 PM 10/11/2007 -0400, you wrote:

I don't think they can force you to take a vaccine, but they can 
constitutionally en force a quarantine.

No, they can't - but they can UNconstitutinally enforce one.

If you aren't vaccinated, you disqualify yourself from being an enforcer 
or having any part in a transport operation, becoming a potential part of 
the problem vs part of any solution.

? Vaccines simply DON'T WORK. It appears you have fallen for the FUD?

No job and rightly so, but not force, just choice. Work safe or stay at 

Bullshit... sorry, Ode, but this is ridiculous. No one has the 'Right' to 
force someone to do something so ridiculous in order to keep a job. 
Vaccines are one of the big cons - right up there with the income tax and 
drivers licenses.

A vaccine costs everyone a lot less than a quarantine,

More bullshit. A vaccine won't prevent diddly.

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Re: CSDoctors...

2007-10-18 Thread John Plumridge
OK, if they know they are lying, but consider that there are many ailments 
that don't amount to a diagnosis of some syndrome or known pathology. ALso, 
in the early stages, depending how a patient presents themsleves, and with 
no clear indications, why fear the worst, when things do spontaneously 
improve - or should do. Like, I somethimes don't feel 100%. But as I never 
go to the doctor for anything, unless I need surgery to remove a bullet or 
something, or to witness my concussion after slipping on a supermarket 
floor (ho ho), I say to myself, look here somehting is wrong, you are 
pushing yourself and living unhealthily. LIke I rest before I get bad flu, 
and go for a walk in the fresh air if I've been too sedentary.

Those nasty symptoms, of being run down, could be the beginning of cancer, 
or ME, muscle atrophy, bone deterioration, myoinfarction etc. And sure, I 
know myself I've had them all and cured them at the outset.

Also, it's worth considering that doctors do value the placebo effect, tell 
a patient there is nothing wrong, is known to have a benign effect a lot of 
the time - reassurance. It helps people to get over minor (or early) stage 
symptoms. I don't think all doctors think their patients are imagining 
symptoms all the the symptoms of old age are widespread, but 

Well, that's to expand understanding of the big picture. But I don't 
forget, doctors can be ruthless, corrupt, nasty, petty, overbearing, vain, 
stupid, arrogant, and as you say, evil.

But not all of them all the time.
The main problem is medicine as an industry. Same with herbalism, reiki, 
housebuilding, convenience food, spiritual guides that accost you in your 
living room... you name it. But getting a haircut isn't so bad, unless you 
you go to Sweeny Todd (who worked for a doctor, I think).


--On 16 October 2007 14:42:08 -0700 Kurt Milkowski wrote:

When so many people go to see a doctor because they have no idea what is
wrong with them and are sent away being told that there is nothing wrong
with them all the while the doctor knows but he is lying, that makes them
EVIL. I know there may be some that don't have a clue as to whats going
on, but if they've been around for a while they know.


Ode Coyote wrote:

It's mostly self defense that makes Doctors toe the official line
If they weren't constantly under attack, they could afford to explore
more...but deviate just a little and be wrong, unbelievable law suits,
flocks of vultures swoop in for their pound of flesh with the victim
getting a third share.

I've met a few that will whisper, very quitely and privately, Colloidal
Silver, then pretend he didn't.
I've had some at my house and turned them on to CS.
I know a few dentists that would love to be able to use EIS in their
practice...they've seen what it can do with their own eyes.
Looks goodunfortunately, can't use it
Most doctors...almost ALL doctors...are very sincere people, but they
to huddle under the legal umbrella for protection.

I sold a box of 6 EIS generators delivered to a hospital in
to treat street people who don't have lawyers or any money, and several
more to names with MD behind them...I assume, for their friends and

No, they aren't Devils and they aren't stupidthey are afraid.


On Oct 15, 2007, at 5:09 AM, M. G. Devour wrote:

Allow for the existence of the exceptional few... *every* time you make
a statement about doctors. It doesn't take many words -- most,
nearly all -- to tranform the environment from hostile to merely

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Re: CSRe: Forced flu vaccines?

2007-10-18 Thread John Plumridge
To be fair, SImon is not knocking, or discussing CS knowledge, but it's 
uptake by the pharmacology industry and students.

SO in that way, he is not knocking Ode's credibility on that. Perhaps he is 
challenging, and incensed, with the dismissive attitude to wards those who 
do not accept that they should be shot for refusing to go along with a 
medical theory (vaccination) and it's practice. About this subject, I don't 
think CS knoweldge is the same: it requires reading of the alternative 
evidence first of the theory and practice of vaccination.


--On 17 October 2007 01:34:45 +0200 Richard wrote:

Simon , why are you attacking Ode´s credibility  and attempting to be
clever? Ode knows a lot more about CS than you, he certainly writes a lot
better than you and his Silver puppy generators are the best on the
market . Are you really  a simple minded peasant  or is that just a
giant chip on your shoulder? have a nice day - Richard
On 16/10/2007, at 19:57, Simon Jester wrote:

Silver IS being rediscovered in more effective forms as nano-
technology and ion exchange technology are better understood
though progression of discovery.
You haven't noticed how many products it's being used in lately?
The list is a long one.
Even the Pharm is catching on.

Sp, we should just bow down and worship at the altar of big pharm
because they have deigned to acknowledge something that some of us
simple-minded peasants have known for many many years?

As of around 5 years ago, a pharm research department head friend
of mine was working on metallic nano particles.
That's all he would say.

Ahh... some explanation for your attitude at last. Begone,
herr medical-fascist.

Might have been touched off by a CS generator gift a year earlier.
I don't know, but he got pretty quiet after that.
They aren't all turkeys , you know.

Maybe not turkeys - but definitely COWARDS. If even a SMALL number
of these people would stand up to the tyranny, the big pharmas
house of cards would come tumbling down around their heads - and
many, many people would end up in jail - and if I had my druthers,
on DEATH ROW - for their crimes against humanity.

You'd be surprised at how 'cool' some of these guys are,  just
under the lab coats, nearly incomprehensible back deck  barbecue
party conversations and triple PHD exteriors.

Yeah, really 'cool'... Ode, you just lost any shred of credibility
you may have had...

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Re: CSDoctors...

2007-10-18 Thread John Plumridge

This conversation has been a discussion , I thought. Why dislike it?

ALso, Faith, admiring people because they are professionals is risky.

Of course all doctors shouldn't be thought of in the same way, which means 
criticism, and also of the medical system - which is what is really at 
issue here, is valid and necessary by public and doctors alike. One example 
DOctor Ron PAul, who criticises the medical system - particularly the 
corruptive government involvement in that system.


--On 16 October 2007 19:40:13 -0400 faith gagne wrote:

I am really fed up with this conversation.

I have 3 or 4 extremely good and wonderrful doctors who have not only
helped me immeasurably over and over again,  but who I have come to
consider kind, loving and caring friend.

All this doctor-bashing is really getting to me.   I like and admire
professional people and If you do not like or trust doctors that is your


- Original Message -
From: Kurt Milkowski
Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2007 5:42 PM
Subject: Re: CSDoctors...

When so many people go to see a doctor because they have no idea what is
wrong with them and are sent away being told that there is nothing wrong
with them all the while the doctor knows but he is lying, that makes them
EVIL. I know there may be some that don't have a clue as to whats going
on, but if they've been around for a while they know.


Ode Coyote wrote:

It's mostly self defense that makes Doctors toe the official line
If they weren't constantly under attack, they could afford to explore
more...but deviate just a little and be wrong, unbelievable law suits,
flocks of vultures swoop in for their pound of flesh with the victim
getting a third share.

I've met a few that will whisper, very quitely and privately, Colloidal
Silver, then pretend he didn't.
I've had some at my house and turned them on to CS.
I know a few dentists that would love to be able to use EIS in their
practice...they've seen what it can do with their own eyes.
Looks goodunfortunately, can't use it
Most doctors...almost ALL doctors...are very sincere people, but they
to huddle under the legal umbrella for protection.

I sold a box of 6 EIS generators delivered to a hospital in
to treat street people who don't have lawyers or any money, and several
more to names with MD behind them...I assume, for their friends and

No, they aren't Devils and they aren't stupidthey are afraid.


On Oct 15, 2007, at 5:09 AM, M. G. Devour wrote:

Allow for the existence of the exceptional few... *every* time you make
a statement about doctors. It doesn't take many words -- most,
nearly all -- to tranform the environment from hostile to merely

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Checked by AVG Free Edition.
Version: 7.5.488 / Virus Database: 269.14.12/1072 - Release Date:
10/15/2007 5:55 PM

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Re: CSDoctors...

2007-10-18 Thread John Plumridge
This is an important point I think , Nancy.  I could expand briefly: 
limited knowledge of  biochemical processes and nutrition has led to 
spurious conclusions, fashions and so on. Many of these were taken up and 
publicised by a competitive food industry (processed foods).
MOreover, processed food, which has increased beyond belief, presents a 
complicated picture. And, quality of produce has deteriorated along with 


--On 16 October 2007 18:32:11 -0700 Tad Winiecki 

My experience is that doctors actually don't know what is wrong when the
cause of the problem is nutritional.   They are not taught nutrition in
medical school.  So they can tell you straight-faced that you have a
disease whose cause is unknown and it cannot be cured but they can give
you drugs to treat the symptoms or surgery.  That is what they told me
about my bursitis and also my thumb/tendon problem I had as a nursing
mother (both just needing more calcium and magnesium in a absorbable
form).  My doctor sister said, But that's just one doctor that didn't
know but actually I have met 4 other women who had the same problem when
nursing and were told the same lies, and one had the scars from the
unnecessary surgery.   It takes a special doctor to have knowledge of
nutrition, I haven't seen one yet.  My sister does try some, and will try
to help people correct their diets.

Yes, my youngest sister is a doctor and just visited along with my other
3 siblings.  She said she was afraid to open her mouth about her medical
views since I'm such an alternative nutcase (not her words) and I act so
superior.  Then she proceeded to say she was worried I would die of
something like appendicitis because I wouldn't seek the attention of a
doctor.  Talk about acting superior.  I asked her why she couldn't test
people for their mineral deficiencies and treat their nutritional
diseases, and she said the insurance company would not pay for the tests,
or there were no tests for some.

We parted still at an empasse.


On Oct 16, 2007, at 2:42 PM, Kurt Milkowski wrote:

When so many people go to see a doctor because they have no idea what
is wrong with them and are sent away being told that there is nothing
wrong with them all the while the doctor knows but he is lying, that
makes them EVIL. I know there may be some that don't have a clue as to
whats going on, but if they've been around for a while they know.

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Re: CSDoctors...

2007-10-18 Thread John Plumridge
In the past five or so years, all the doctors I have visited, except one, 
has been fair enough. A lot depends on my attitude, and they sense I have 
little patience for arrogance or 'lack of disclosure'. THey could lose me 
(it's in my eye's - non-dependency) so they do their best within the 
constraints to advise. I treat them respectfully as consultants, but I am 
the decision-maker. My intelligence must be addressed.

The one idiot was a dermatologist (seeing my little boy) who pulled mocking 
faces when my wife reported trials of homeopathy- as if she were a fool to 
try: he wore a bow tie. He poo pooed everything we were attempting ( 
mattresses, carpets/flooring etc, heat regulation)
We didn't bother with his drugs. SHortly after I diagnosed leaky gut, and 
had this conformed by a private consultant. Could I blame the UK hospital 
doctors? not really - it is all political. THree years later, the same 
hospital kindly informs me 'a lot of child eczema is gut-related'). Then 
they offered loads of useless blood/allergy tests. THe results came, and 
they couldn't tell me whether the 'highs' were high compared to the general 
population or to eczema children. You see, all eczema children show 
elevated scores across the whole range. THis is a symptom, and the food is 
not the cause (multiple food intolerances). IN fact you can predict that 
the higher the protein content the greater the intolerance, taking into 
account the degree to which the protein is broken down to amino acids (e.g 
fermented soya products, pulses, parmesan as opposed to non-matured 
cheese). ALso, they don't test the food we actually eat. If they test wheat 
as bread, which bread? Which flour? And so forth.

Conclusion: beware of DOctors with bow-ties.


--On 16 October 2007 21:59:38 -0400 Dianne France wrote:

The main doctor I see is very open minded about my ideals of how I want
to be treated for problems I go in for and tries hard to work with me.
She will suggest things and listens to what I say.  We don't always agree
with what I need but she treats my decisions with respect.  That is not
always the experience I have had with doctors but this one is different.
I feel fortunate to have her for a doctor.


- Original Message -
From: faith gagne
Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2007 7:40 PM
Subject: Re: CSDoctors...

I am really fed up with this conversation.

I have 3 or 4 extremely good and wonderrful doctors who have not only
helped me immeasurably over and over again,  but who I have come to
consider kind, loving and caring friend.

All this doctor-bashing is really getting to me.   I like and admire
professional people and If you do not like or trust doctors that is your


- Original Message -
From: Kurt Milkowski
Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2007 5:42 PM
Subject: Re: CSDoctors...

When so many people go to see a doctor because they have no idea what is
wrong with them and are sent away being told that there is nothing wrong
with them all the while the doctor knows but he is lying, that makes them
EVIL. I know there may be some that don't have a clue as to whats going
on, but if they've been around for a while they know.


Ode Coyote wrote:

It's mostly self defense that makes Doctors toe the official line
If they weren't constantly under attack, they could afford to explore
more...but deviate just a little and be wrong, unbelievable law suits,
flocks of vultures swoop in for their pound of flesh with the victim
getting a third share.

I've met a few that will whisper, very quitely and privately, Colloidal
Silver, then pretend he didn't.
I've had some at my house and turned them on to CS.
I know a few dentists that would love to be able to use EIS in their
practice...they've seen what it can do with their own eyes.
Looks goodunfortunately, can't use it
Most doctors...almost ALL doctors...are very sincere people, but they
to huddle under the legal umbrella for protection.

I sold a box of 6 EIS generators delivered to a hospital in
to treat street people who don't have lawyers or any money, and several
more to names with MD behind them...I assume, for their friends and

No, they aren't Devils and they aren't stupidthey are afraid.


On Oct 15, 2007, at 5:09 AM, M. G. Devour wrote:

Allow for the existence of the exceptional few... *every* time you make
a statement about doctors. It doesn't take many words -- most,
nearly all -- to tranform the environment from hostile to merely

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Re: CSSalt therapy

2007-10-18 Thread John Plumridge
These symptoms of the chest are not confined in their relation to the inner 
lings of the chest, as regards infections. They may also be , and often are 
when chronic, due to the chest muscles, their blood and nerve supply, the 
myofarcal membrane. THese are both postural flexor muscles involved with 
breathing. They also affect the mucosal lining in that their exercise helps 
to maintain loosening and renewal.

Exercise is the remedy, and yoga is about the most specialised, though 
other exercises have much in common.

If you act on the assumption that there is infection, then you may be 
right: infection is always occurring and being dealt with to a greater or 
lesser degree. Best not to assume you have no need for exercise in its 
alleviation; the primary problem may be 'weakness of the chest', but such 
constitutions are also behaviorally engendered, in that we learn the 
breathing patterns and posture of our parents too. Well, that offers a lot 
of scope then. Exercise of the chest, and upper chest, can take you far.
I would go so far as to say that a weak chest is symptomatic of a fairly 
blocked movement in the chest. The famous hatha yogin, Iyengar, took up 
yoga particularly because he was afflicted with a weak chest when he was a 
boy, which gave rise to pulmonary diseases and arrested development.


--On 17 October 2007 10:45:53 +0100 Dee wrote:

The trouble is Smitty, it gets really painful and feels as if I can't
breathe.  The last time I had to have anti-biotics which didn't do me any
good at all.  Just thought the salt thing might be an alternative. Still
taking the CS though which does keep it under and makes me feel better.
Thanks anyway.  Dee

---Original Message---

From: Smitty
Date: 16/10/2007 20:33:55
Subject: Re: CSSalt therapy

I haven't used *salt pipe* but from past experience, chest infections
take a long time to heal. . . . have patience.



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Re: CSRe: Forced flu vaccines?

2007-10-18 Thread John Plumridge

Sounds like placebo working in the other half.

--On 17 October 2007 02:54:40 -0700 Carol Ann 

Flu shots for the elderly are far less effective than doctors like to
 tell us. In fact, they are incapable of preventing up to half of all
 deaths from influenza and pneumonia in the elderly, new data suggests.
 Despite this, governments continue to spend millions of dollars on
 ineffective vaccines and mislead the public.
http://healthy. net/scr/news. asp?id=9445

Kurt Milkowski wrote:

You'd be surprised at how 'cool' some of these guys are,  just under

the lab coats, nearly incomprehensible back deck  barbecue party
conversations and triple PHD exteriors

No hookers to go along with the barbeques? It would help ease thier minds
as they develope new ways to kill people.


Simon Jester wrote:

Maybe not turkeys - but definitely COWARDS. If even a SMALL number of
these people would stand up to the tyranny, the big pharmas house of
cards would come tumbling down around their heads - and many, many people
would end up in jail - and if I had my druthers, on DEATH ROW -
for their crimes against humanity.

Regards, Carol Ann ~ The only thing that is different is how you think..

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Re: -

2007-10-18 Thread John Plumridge
I think all drugs are harmful when not used in an emergency situation, and 
even there I am not convinced unless there ar eno alternatives.

E.g. cooling the brain following concussion and brain damage (even a 
flannel, and a breeze through the window,  if not the new brain cooling 
equipment, rather than anti-inflammatories).


--On 17 October 2007 08:58:18 -0400 Paula Perry wrote:

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Re: CSMore on ionic silver

2007-10-18 Thread bbanever

 Bravo for them.  I wonder if products like those would even be allowed in 
the USA given big pharma's criminal activity with the FDA.  
  - Original Message - 
  From: Trem 
  Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2007 1:53 PM
  Subject: CSMore on ionic silver

  Check this link.



Re: CSDoctors...[Carol] - Kurt

2007-10-18 Thread John Plumridge
All true Carol Ann, and nicely put. But anger is the natural emotion felt 
at perceived injustice. Deception is an example. and the anger has an 
object, though maybe fuzzy. It shouldn' t be all doctors,  and is also a 
system of political corruption. But that seems almost like all doctors.
We do bring our children up with some sense of understanding that people 
have different roles, and in that we put trust if possible. With medicine 
it may be that we are not necessarily lied to, and doctors aren't 
researchers, merely robots. The problems are immense, but there is plenty 
of evidence from doctors themselves.

As someone put it earlier, med school has few lecturers, but teachers of a 
syllabus. Critical thinking is largely lacking.


--On 17 October 2007 06:25:01 -0700 Carol Ann 

Hey Kurt ~
Re your sis.  Forget mistakes. Forget failures. Forget everything except
what you're going to do now and do it. ;)

Ya know, of course, that by now,   what you are experiencing is a
learning process which is sometimes very painful but very applicable to
the old saying...what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger.

The problems you mention are universal, no need to take it personally on
the chin in silence or turn the other cheek. Our current system is merely
a mirror of societies deeply entrenched belief systems; what people
acquiesce to by letting govt,media, perceived gurus (doc's included)
demonstrates/mirrors how people have allowed themselves to be used. There
has always been way to much complacency...the you do it for me because I
don't want to be responsible mentality. Others become the ultimate
teachers, bosses, healers. Someone, just tell me what to do mentality!
Boils down to ideological worship and foolishness.

Is it frustrating.  Absolutely. Unfortunately, humans need to be tricked,
lied to and deceived before they can become aware.  Those that become
aware are the better for it.   Not to hijack the thread in any way, but I
will make a quick reference for to the current state of affairs re the
Iraq War as an analogy. People allowed the progression of national
affairs in this regard because of complacency, lack of interest, naivety,
acquiescence of their voting power, etc, etc.

Like it or not..what the medical professions and govt are accused of
doing is really reflecting  complacency and heinous archaic common
beliefs and projecting the drama back. ...which means, for the most part,
in many ways,  those choosing to remain  in acceptance and un-informed,
are essentially no better than the accused.

Undirected anger is imvho just a waste of exceptional and often, very
productive energy.

Kurt Milkowski wrote:

Hey Carol,

  I do what I can to let others know.

I should probably let you know that my sister belongs to this group of
quacks known as md's.

Whose fault is it for trusting doctors? Mine. Having a sister for an md
I thought I had and in. All pretty funny that I had to suffer for such
a long time before waking up. I might seem a bit angry to some about it,
and I am. The anger however is mostly at myself for letting myself be


Carol Ann wrote:

Kurt ~
Doctors are no more evil or good based solely upon their profession than
say...your local pastor, or service engineer be they mechanics or
plumbers. More so when the individual seeking advice is totally ignorant
about the service sought.

Regards, Carol Ann ~ The only thing that is different is how you think..

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Re: CSRe: Vaccines Part 3

2007-10-18 Thread John Plumridge
It's funny how researchers are still running to the east to determine the 
latest strains of flu. You would have thought by now flu could evolve new 
forms in the west. CLearly some misinformation is going  on here.


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Re: CSDoctors, EFA Profile list and Example

2007-10-18 Thread John Plumridge
within the normal range is not the ideal range. Some (Omega's) are low 
throughout the American population, as a whole.


--On 17 October 2007 09:02:15 -0500 CWFugitt wrote:

Morning Faith,

At 07:26 AM 10/17/2007, you wrote:

What's an EFA profile?

Don't feel bad, most doctors do not know.

Essential Fatty Acid Profile.

There are about 29 items on the list.  Mine had to go to the Mayo Clinic.

Local Blood Labs cannot usually do it.

At age 64, every single item was within the normal range.

You can see one here.  ( Mine )
Try to make it larger with your browser, the copy quality is not good,
but it can be read.

Not sure what all it proves.  Maybe it proves one does not have one foot
in the grave and the other on a banana peeling.


 Many people would sooner die than think. In fact they do.

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Re: CSOde, can i use this elsewhere if needed?.... Forced flu vaccines?

2007-10-18 Thread John Plumridge

Hold your horses, include my reply please.

--On 17 October 2007 12:54:35 -0400 bob Larson 

Great post Ode.

...really. clap clap, whistles, BIC lighter, foot stomping.

Ode, i'd like permission to cross post it to other lists when this debate
rears up now and then.


- Original Message -
From: Ode Coyote
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2007 9:14 AM
Subject: Re: CSRe: Forced flu vaccines?

   Damn Simon!  That's good for a belly laugh.
Talk about fear!
Do you foam at the mouth all the time?

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CSHelp destroy internet scraper sites.

2007-10-18 Thread david
There is actually a colloidal silver aspect to this. A local scraper  
site has posted a very alarmist, high rating, anti-colloidal silver  
message in order to attract hits whenever someone types 'colloidal  
silver' into google.  I can't get them to remove it (I've tried) but  
maybe we can slowly stop things getting worse.


Help clean up the internet by destroying 'scraper' sites.

'Scraper' sites are websites that steal content from other sites and  
provide little or no original content themselves. They exist solely  
to earn money by tricking people into clicking the small Google  
Adwords that they display.

You know the types of sites we mean, with headlines like 'We've got  
the best info about widgets'. Or '20 facts about Widgets'.

Some scraper sites are better disguised and will provide a few  
paragraphs of info, or a link to the original source, but they are  
still just PARASITIC scraper sites even though they may call  
themselves a news or information 'service'


ADS FROM APPEARING ON SCRAPER SITES. They can do this simply by going  
into their Google Adwords Campaign Settings and turning off 'Content  
Network'. (Their Adwords will still appear on legitimate Google  
search pages). When the Adwords stop appearing on scraper sites, the  
scraper sites will die.

Scraper sites are ruining the internet. They steal content, use  
fraudulent clicks to rip-off Adwords advertisers, and they are slowly  
making searches worthless as they clutter the results pages with  
useless sites.

Anyone who has a website should support this campaign. Many scraper  
sites now outrank the sites from which they steal the information.  
Your website could be the next to fall.

Anyone who advertises using Google Adwords should switch off 'Network  
Content' now.

HELP DESTROY PARASITIC SCRAPER SITES! Please send this information to  
all your friends and business associates. Send this message to chat  
groups. If you have a legitimate website then post this message on  
your website


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Re: CSVaccines- chronic fatigue-Dave

2007-10-18 Thread Dave
Yes but compared to what I was going through with the Lyme I didn't give 
a damn if it killed me. So when the herx started I just ignored it.
 I had already been through a couple of pint bottles and thought it was 
another scam so I jumped right in with both feet and when the Herx hit I 
was thankful for it because i then new it was actually doing something.


Clayton Family wrote:

Thanks. Did you have any adverse reactions to that amount of cs?  Like 
herks, or something else?  -Kathryn

On Oct 17, 2007, at 7:54 PM, Dave wrote:

 I took 6 ounces every half hour of awake time for three days and it 
broke like a fever in the middle of the night.

I've had almost four years of health and energy like a twenty year 
old ( I was 68 at the time) Now I'm getting tired a lot so don't know 
if it is coming back or not. No other symptoms.

I have been taking MMS and seeing some improvement .

Clayton Family wrote:

Now this is useful information, thanks.  How much did you take to 
get it under control, and did it go underground, or get killed off?


On Oct 17, 2007, at 1:17 PM, Dave wrote:

 I think that is when they discovered it ( named it) not when it 
began, before that they called it whatever it seemed to mimic, as 
Lyme does present a number of maladies. When they had me in the hos

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Re: CSRe: Doctors...

2007-10-18 Thread John Plumridge
Yeah, me too. Really, I want a vaccine against that nazi fascist attitude 
of the's pandemic, this abandonment of common sense and worship 
of paid experts to think for us.


--On 17 October 2007 15:23:05 -0700 Kurt Milkowski wrote:

I think Simon is just fed up with the nazi facist attitude of the public
as am I.


Richard wrote:

Simon, why are you so aggressive ? are you really a tough guy or
just pretending . ? What is a pinch of salt  in your lingo ? Cheer
up or chill , please ! Richard
On 17/10/2007, at 18:40, Simon Jester wrote:

On 10/17/2007, Dave ( wrote:

Do you consider that Ode just might be stirring the pot?
In the distant past Ode expressed views that weren't that much
different than yours.

When someone advocates something like he is advocating, in the
manner and medium that he is, no, don't consider such a possibility.

If he is, then he is a sick bastard... and I would happily
'explain' this to him in person.

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Re: CSVaccines- chronic fatigue-Dave

2007-10-18 Thread Dave
 I make 20 ppm.  the stuff I was buying before getting my generator was 
10 ppm.


Dianne France wrote:

What strength CS did you use?

- Original Message -
*From:* Clayton Family
*Sent:* Thursday, October 18, 2007 12:44 PM
*Subject:* Re: CSVaccines- chronic fatigue-Dave

Thanks. Did you have any adverse reactions to that amount of cs? 

herks, or something else?  -Kathryn

On Oct 17, 2007, at 7:54 PM, Dave wrote:

  I took 6 ounces every half hour of awake time for three days
and it
 broke like a fever in the middle of the night.

 I've had almost four years of health and energy like a twenty
year old
 ( I was 68 at the time) Now I'm getting tired a lot so don't
know if
 it is coming back or not. No other symptoms.
 I have been taking MMS and seeing some improvement .

 Clayton Family wrote:

 Now this is useful information, thanks.  How much did you take
to get
 it under control, and did it go underground, or get killed off?


 On Oct 17, 2007, at 1:17 PM, Dave wrote:

  I think that is when they discovered it ( named it) not when it
 began, before that they called it whatever it seemed to mimic, as
 Lyme does present a number of maladies. When they had me in
the hos

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Re: CSRe: Doctors...

2007-10-18 Thread John Plumridge
Greater good for society, means don't do wrong. You believe in vaccines, 
some people believe witch doctors. I cannot force witch doctors on you. You 
cannot force vaccinations on me. I c an't even force fresh air on you.

The greater evil for society is when people practice 'bitter medicine' for 
the greater good of society. An excuse always, carried by the necessary 
dupes to get a consensus, with an ulterior motive. The greater good is 
immoral, wrong, because the 'bitter medicine' is premeditated harm.

for Society is a collection of individuals. No one, even from a lottery is 
to be condemmned just because you fear death.
Society is all the people, even those you choose not to name, and think are 
nameless. There is no good for society with intervention. It's against the 
individual, and nature.

Society is not more important than just one of the people.
You may mean, by society, human survival: but it is not the same thing. 
Without vaccinations , and with natural death, the population will be 
fitter. Now that's a greater good, because no one needs to commit a 
horrible crime, or fear death. We can be willing to die if we're weak. 
Which is the way we're made.

You haven't answered the important question, if you are vaccinated, what 
are you afraid of?


--On 17 October 2007 19:21:23 -0400 Mark Siepak 

My beef is with people - like Ode - who believe they have some kind of
Right to force their medical beliefs and opinions *and* *practices* on
me and my family and friends - and anyone else who claims the Right to
own their own life and body.

Well, now, aren't you forcing YOUR medical beliefs and opinions *and*
*practices* on ME when you refuse to be vaccinated against communicable
diseases like smallpox or polio? After all, I DO think vaccinations
work, and even if the rate of bad reactions was 10% (more like one and a
half percent), I think it is worth maybe 10,000 with bad reactions, to
avoid having pandemics kill millions every 15-30 years. Of course, if my
child were one with the bad reaction, I would probably want to blame

Of course, you unvaccinated people could go to Hawaii, so no one else
would die when the inevitable pandemic swept  your 'nation'!

Sometimes the greater good for society is bitter medicine, pun intended.

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Re: CSRe: Forced flu vaccines?

2007-10-18 Thread John Plumridge

--On 17 October 2007 19:26:00 -0400 Mark Siepak 

the first known outbreak not occurring until mass

smallpox vaccination 100 years ago

Ever thought that the people getting polio in that outbreak might have,
in pre-vaccination times, die from smallpox before they had a chance to
develop polio?

THat's irrational - you're suggesting everyone died of smallpox at a young 

Sort of like cancer is so prevalent now.

Now that people live past 37 years old, that is

ANother myth: people only lived shorter lives in the bad new industrial 

Prior to that, if they lived past infant age they lived longer on average.

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Re: CSDoctors...[Carol]

2007-10-18 Thread John Plumridge

How beautiful.

--On 17 October 2007 19:01:26 -0700 Carol Ann 

Kurt - p.s.  Enjoy Life. Sometimes people can get so absolutely
preoccupied and caught  up in  inconsequential psycho dramas to the
exclusion of all else ( even  illness is  not excluded) that they forget
some of   important things that make less than desirable health more

Carol Ann wrote:

 Hey there, speak for thee...and not for we.[Image: 05.gif]
 I dunno know about thee, I've been going left when everyone else was
going right since I was but a wee babeor so my daddy used to tell me
up until the day he died. Society overall, has not yet demonstrated to me
why I should do an about face any time soon.

Kurt Milkowski wrote:

Hey Carol,
History just keeps repeating itself. Its really kind of funny when you
think about it. We get all knids of new toys to play with but we don't
get any smarter do we?


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Regards, Carol Ann ~ The only thing that is different is how you think..

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CSdoctors to ode

2007-10-18 Thread zeb caffe
I dont believe that it is self defense that inhibit most doctors from 
practicing better. I believe more in what John said in the last two paragraphs 
about them being arrogant, nasty, etc etc. Sorry I have had just to many bad 
experiences with medical people to be able to think any other way. ITs sad but 
true. I dont trust that they have the best intentions towards me or their 
patients and worst of all, I dont trust that they know what they are doing most 
of the time, except like JOhn mentions, maybe to remove a bullet .
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Re: CSVaccines- chronic fatigue / NIACIN

2007-10-18 Thread Dave

Glad to have you back!
 I well know the power of Niacin, the first time I used it I took a 500 
mg tablet and waited about a half an hour for the flush,it didn't come 
so I took another one. I turned bright red all over( not like a swim 
suit) and the slightest movement made me feel like I was rolling in 
fiberglass insulation. My heart rate came up until it seemed close to 
that of a jackhammer.
 That lasted for 12 hours,so that is why I always say to start small 
and work up.
Now I take 3 grams and get a mild flush which is my goal.  The niacin 
has rid me of all spider veins and turned my numb right foot back to 
normal for a 20 year old. I'm 72.  Sounds to me like Hubbard may be full 
of it!


Nenah Sylver wrote:

- Original Message -
From: Dave


Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2007 11:17 AM

Subject: Re: CSVaccines- chronic fatigue

...I never felt right for 42 years, Then I diagnosed my problem myself 
with the help of the Internet and cured it with CS in three days. 
Chronic Fatigue, Pain and Arthritis were the main problems (as well as 
brain fog) and I'm sure they would have called it one of those if 
given the chance. It even went so far that they wanted to  remove the 
cartilage from my affected joints. After whipping the Lyme I cured the 
arthritis with CMO ,Glucosamine, Condroitin along with 6 grams a day 
of vitamin C and equal amount of L-Lysine and 6 grams of Niacin to 
help the circulation of these things to the joints. If you want to try 
this start very small on the niacin as the flush can be severe until 
you build up a resistance.



Hi Dave.

Glad to hear that you finally healed yourself. What a story!

You mentioned building up a resistance to niacin so after a while you 
don't flush from it. You may not know that although this is a common 
perception of many, there are other factors involved. I thought I'd 
share with you a tidbit about niacin from my book on sauna therapy,

==beginning excerpt==

Niacin (also called nicotinic acid or Vitamin B-3) is known as the 
flushing vitamin because it causes the skin to redden or become 
flushed due to capillary enlargement and increased blood flow. It also 
makes the skin feel itchy and prickly. If people take high enough 
doses of B-3, they sometimes also feel nauseated, dizzy, disoriented, 
and even mentally unstable and volatile. For these reasons, 
niacinamide -- a close relative chemically to niacin that does not 
cause skin flush or other symptoms -- has become a popular substitute. 
However, it turns out that this flushing property unique to niacin 
is not only crucial to the detoxification process, but indicates that 
a detoxification process is actually occurring.

   Hubbard's research on niacin, begun in 1950, explains how 
this detox process works. In Clear Body, Clear Mind: The Effective 
Purification Program, he wrote:

Odd manifestations occurred when this vitamin [niacin] was 
administered to individuals. Its most startling effect was that it 
would turn on, in a red flush, a sunburn on the person's body in an 
exact pattern of a bathing suit! These were very neat patterns. The 
bathing suit outline was unmistakable. What kind of educated vitamin 
was this that caused bodies to turn on a flush exactly like a previous 
sunburn, showing the exact pattern of a bathing suit outline?

   Could it be, Hubbard wondered, that niacin in itself does 
not cause a flush, but instead causes the body to start discharging 
old waste materials that had been stored in the fatty tissue? What if 
these people were simply recovering from a prior case of sun 
poisoning, acquired from too much sunbathing while in a swim suit? The 
subjects in this research program took carefully controlled dosages of 
niacin. At a 200 mg. (milligram) dose, the sunburnlike flushes 
eventually disappeared, at which point the dose was increased to 500 
mg. At a 500 mg. dose, the flushes recurred, but with less intensity, 
at which point the dose was increased to 1000 mg. (which equals one 
gram). At a 1000 mg. dose, there was a small reaction for several 
days, at which point the dose was increased, and so on. Finally, at a 
2000 mg. dose, Hubbard reported, there were no more niacin flush 
side effects. The person would feel fine, his 'sunburn' would be 
gone, and he would experience no more flush from the niacin.

   Both British and American pharmacopoeia agencies, Hubbard 
also pointed out, advertised that the niacin flush -- presumably an 
intrinsic characteristic of the vitamin -- is inherently negative to 
the body, and thus toxic in large amounts. But if niacin was 
toxic, the author asked, how was it that the more you 'overdosed' 
[on] it the sooner you no longer experienced the sunburnlike flushes 
from it? Those in orthodox medicine circles hypothesized that this 
was an example of the body's 


2007-10-18 Thread PnkFlamingo238
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