Re: CShelp

2012-11-28 Thread Jason R Eaton
Hi Jaxi:

You're right; that describes the Silvergen SG7 to a T.

The Colloid Master doesn't look bad, but I don't like flat plate electrodes 
without both reverse polarity AND rigorous stirring.

I have owned one of each of most EIS makers (at least ones with at least one 
unique feature), and I've been using the SG7 successfully since 2002 or 2003; 
it's by far my favorite unit.  I also have a few Silver Puppies; for smaller 
amounts of EIS, it's also one of my favorites.


  - Original Message - 
  From: jaxi 
  Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2012 17:49
  Subject: Re: CShelp

  I disagree that those are the best or only ones to buy but that point aside 
the description Joe sent sounds like a silvergen to me.  I personally have a 
silver puppy and just LOVE it.  I was trying to answer the person's question 
and direct them to the EIS maker it sounded like he was describing ... I did 
not try to tell him which one he should buy or which one I think is best.



  On Wed, Nov 28, 2012 at 4:35 PM, Tel Tofflemire wrote:

No not even close to a Colloidal Master, but do what you want !

Tel Tofflemire

From: jaxi
Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2012 5:03 PM
Subject: Re: CShelp

Sounds like Silvergen to me


  From: Joe Crook
  Sent: Monday, November 26, 2012 1:59 PM
  Subject: CShelp

  I am a big advocate of cs. I have been taking it for several yrs with 
much success. while at my uncles house last week he showed me a generator he 
found through this discussion. It was a 5 gal plastic tub with a spout. The 
generator was fixed to the top with plates I presume, they were not consumable 
rods ( which I liked this feature very much ) . He has been making 10 ppm - 20 
ppm for several yrs now. He has not been sick in over 7 yrs. Could someone 
possible point me in the right direction to find this generator. Thank you. 
Many blessings.


2012-11-21 Thread Jason R Eaton
Hi Gary:

There is quite a bit of authentic research material available.  Feel free to 
browse some of it here:

There is plenty of great material on our informational website.

I wrote a book about the use of therapeutic clays, which includes the 
publication of several clinical studies which have been done in the past.  

In my experience, all IBS can be managed with informed use of therapeutic clay, 
allowing an individual the chance to actually heal the digestive system... all 
but one (and I have about two decades of research experience with clays).  In 
some very, very rare cases, IBS can be caused by a central nervous system 
disorder that is nuerological in origin.  Other treatment options would have to 
be considered in such a case, as ingesting therapeutic clay would not have the 
desired effect.

Kind Regards,


  - Original Message - 
  From: Gary Hilt 
  Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2012 15:53
  Subject: Re: CSMSM

  AHHH my bad
  i appreciate the info but it would help me as i am a bit curious as to the
  substantiations of anything anyone would offer. i mean just because some one 
said they take a certain thing without at least some documentation would be  
less than responsible. Do you not agree?

  On Wed, Nov 21, 2012 at 6:41 PM, Craig Chamberlin wrote:

With all due respect Gary, you came asking for help and you are being 
provided with help.  Discounting something that others know about and have used 
may result in folks just not helping.

FWIW, These clays are NOT dirt. Read more about it here:


Gary Hilt wrote: 
  Well thats not good news about the MSM but i have to tell ya ingesting 
  i just dont see that happening :O) 

  On Wed, Nov 21, 2012 at 5:09 PM, sol wrote:

Del wrote:

  MSM is not a solution for IBS In fact, it may aggravate it.

It certainly aggravated my IBS-D. There was practically no dose no 
matter how small that didn't set off a big attack of diarrhea. I persisted at 
one point, but never could raise it and it never didn't cause diarrhea even 
after faithful daily use.

My experience with kefir was the same.

  The solution, based on my experience, is three-fold:
  1. Clay – get a high quality clay from this website: Start with a teaspoon 
of clay in four ounces of filtered or purified water twice a day, and increase 
to as much as a tablespoon in 8oz twice a day. Stir the clay into the water and 
let it sit for half an hour before drinking.
  2. Colon Care – Some people get constipated from clay. Colon Care 
from Yerba Prima is very gentle, is excellent for the colon in general, 
prevents constipation, and provides great fiber for colon health.
  3. Live Kefir probiotic – make your own kefir and drink it every 
day, at least 8 ounces a day. I drink mine in the evening and let it work while 
I am asleep. You can order kefir grains from Amazon, I did and they work very 
well. Use organic milk, raw milk if you can get it. We also tried water kefir 
and Kombucha, but neither of those were near as effective as the kefir.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour


  Eph 1:2  Grace be to you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the 
Lord Jesus Christ. 
  Gary  Lennie


  Eph 1:2  Grace be to you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord 
Jesus Christ. 
  Gary  Lennie


2012-11-21 Thread Jason R Eaton
Hi Gary:

It depends upon the clay and the individual.

The three clay blend that was mentioned earlier is a bit more pallatable than 
some clays.  We actually pioneered a method of dry ozonating edible clay to 
improve the taste a bit.

You can view certificate of analysis and clay minerology report on several 
clays we use and study above; usage information is also available.

Clay is actually much more pallatable than MSM (I take about 1/2 cup of MSM 

Keep in mind that clay is not dirt or mud; when pure clay is mixed with 
water, it creates a colloid comprised of minute and highly organized crystals.  
Different clays have different particle characteristics, mineral combinations, 
and particle sizes.  For IBS, the larger smectite particles are ideal, because 
they are not adsorbed into the system, but pass through the stomach and small 
intestine into the large intestine.

Kind Regards,


  - Original Message - 
  From: Gary Hilt 
  Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2012 17:25
  Subject: Re: CSMSM

  Thanks for your response im not familiar with find any folks of this healing 
  i would like to get this resolved. What makes this clay more palatable. Or 
does it matter? 

  On Wed, Nov 21, 2012 at 7:14 PM, Craig Chamberlin wrote:

Yes, if one did not know the person who made the recommendation, but Del is 
well known here and highly respected.  If he made an error in his 
recommendation, there would have been many responses pointing that out FOR you. 
 Its the way it works here.


Gary Hilt wrote: 
  AHHH my bad 
  i appreciate the info but it would help me as i am a bit curious as to the
  substantiations of anything anyone would offer. i mean just because some 
one said they take a certain thing without at least some documentation would be 
 less than responsible. Do you not agree?


  Eph 1:2  Grace be to you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord 
Jesus Christ. 
  Gary  Lennie

Re: CSMaking silver colloids from silvernitrate and trisodium citrate

2012-10-17 Thread Jason R Eaton
Hi David:

Are you using a biofilm protocol along with silver?  I would use EIS to help 
cut down populations of microbes (just because you don't experience a herx 
reaction, doesn't mean an antimicrobial substance isn't doing some work), and 
use enzymes and di-sodium EDTA to help address microbes that are protected from 
most anti-microbial substances.

Something like this:

...cimbined, perhaps, with additional systemic enzymes.

...also, combining MSM with Vitamin C in increasingly large amounts (to 

Anyone with Lyme or lyme-like pathogenic conditions should be researching more 
comprehensive protocols to address this.


- Original Message - 
  From: David AuBuchon 
  Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2012 15:07
  Subject: CSMaking silver colloids from silvernitrate and trisodium citrate

  The reason I am trying to try things like this is because my bugs are not 
dying.  If I take a swig of 1000PPM silver citrate, I get a herx, but I am not 
ready to do that regularly as I am afraid of argyria.  I have also taken a few 
drops of 15,000PPM silver citrate with barely noticeable response.   Other 
things I have thought of doing are drops of super concentrated silver nitrate, 
but there are warnings that it may not be safe to contact tissues at higher 
PPMs, so I am shy about that.  And then also that may turn me blue eventually.  
Silver nitrate can supposedly reach like 2 million PPM at saturation.

  Well, then I suppose another approach is trying super concentrated silver 
colloids.  I feel a little better about that since I have not heard of anyone 
getting argyria from silver colloids, but tell me if I am wrong. Also no one 
has complained about toxicity of lower PPM silver colloid suspensions.  One 
claimed method is using the reducing agent from silverlungs:
  They only recently started selling it separately.  Though I would need a high 
PPM ionic solution in order to convert to colloids in the first place.  I 
suppose I could just see what happens if I mixed it with silver citrate or 
silver nitrate solutions in that case.

  And then there is this method:
  Apparently, you can mix silver nitrate and trisodium citrate to make 
colloidal silver.  The method described in the paper would yield approximately 
100PPM colloidal silver assuming it all gets converted.  This begs the question 
if the same process would work for much higher concentrations, perhaps making 
say 1000PPM silver colloids?  

  And also, I was reading some other forum where people were mentioning using 
cinnamon extract to make silver colloids.  Anyone know anything about that? 


  Trisodium citrate supplier:
  Silver nitrate facts and supplier:


Re: CSBeck blood purifier

2012-10-10 Thread Jason R Eaton
... I second that, Marshall... hundreds of gallons of EIS using reverse 
polarity, producing nothing but a high quality product.


- Original Message - 
  From: Marshall 
  Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2012 15:44
  Subject: Re: CSBeck blood purifier

  Reversing polarity of the electrodes while making CS is an effective and 
widely used method of decreasing buildup of silver and oxides of silver on the 
electrodes.  I have made thousands of gallons of CS, and I reverse every 
minute, on a two minute cycle.  Reversing eliminates the dark oxides because 
the electrode which forms the oxide is exposed to monoatomic hydrogen during 
the next half cycle, and the hydrogen immediately reacts with the oxide 
reducing the silver oxide to silver.  Also any silver powder that accumulates 
on an electrode, either by reduction of silver oxide, or by deposition of 
silver from the solution, goes back out on the next half cycle as well.  The 
result is electrodes which stay amazingly clean and never need to be cleaned.  
I can typically make several thousand gallons of CS on a set of electrodes and 
have never ever had to clean them.

  Also I have never witnessed any silver oxide coming loose due to polarity 
switching.  If any were to come loose it would be from the stirring of the 
water, not a polarity switch.


  On 10/10/2012 6:31 PM, D B wrote: 
The idea of reversing polarity during the manufacturing process is a very 
bad idea and obvious design flaw. Far better to select one electrode, and make 
a mark at the top with a pair of pliers, then simply connect it to positive one 
run , then negative the next, keeping note of dates you use the marked 
electrode with neg or pos current.  

The reason for this is that you will accrue a large amount of dark oxides 
which should not be disturbed during manufacturing. If they get into the sol 
(colloid) then the ions coming of the electrode will then stick to those chunks 
and your sol will bottom out much quicker, the particles also being less 
therapeutically beneficial as they will be getting so large to the point where 
they will just not be able to pass inside cell tissue and kill pathogens, also 
creating more possibility of argyria skin discolouration, though that can be 
lessened or even removed with selenium supplementation to chelate it from the 
skin I read. The regular changing of polarity will just push a load of muck 
into the distilled water and act as a magnet for the smaller groups of ions to 
stick to. 

With best wishes, Dave

On Sun, Oct 7, 2012 at 1:32 AM, HARSHA GODAVARI wrote:

  I am considering using this to make colloidal silver. I like the idea of 
reversing polarity because it will slow down a build_up of CS near one 
electrode and both electrodes (hopefully) wear evenly. Also I have one of these 
around and it will save a bit for the time being :-)

  Are there any cons ( pros) to this notion. I would appreciate your 
thoughts on this. Thank you.


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Re: CS Anti-Inflammatory Lemonade

2012-06-26 Thread Jason R Eaton
Hi Bob:

As I said previously, you can either substitute with D-Ribose (for energy 
production), or simply omit.


- Original Message - 
  From: Bob Banever 
  Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2012 19:57
  Subject: RE: CS Anti-Inflammatory Lemonade

  I like all of the ingredients except stevia.  Is there a substitute for that? 
 Coconut sugar perhaps?   Thanks.





  From: david moskovits [] 
  Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2012 1:48 PM
  Subject: RE: CS Anti-Inflammatory Lemonade



  1 cup of fresh squeezed lemon juice: (4 -6 lemons)
  4-6 cups of clean water (to taste) 
  1 tsp of ground turmeric
  1 tsp of cinnamon
  Pinch of Himalayan salt
  pinch of cayenne pepper

  pinch of ginger 

  pinch of basil 
  1/2 tsp of liquid stevia (or to taste)



  Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2012 20:12:24 -0600
  Subject: Re: CS Anti-Inflammatory Lemonade

  For internal?  How much? 



  On Wed, Apr 18, 2012 at 3:20 PM, Harold wrote:

  My understanding about Citrus fruits acidity is; it is converted in the body 
to an Alkaline ash and should have no effect on leaching Calcium and Magnesium.

  Am enclosing  an important recipe for treating inflammation which is very 
prevalent in most diseases.








  Anti-Inflammatory Lemonade:
  1 cup of fresh squeezed lemon juice:
  (4 -6 lemons)

  4-6 cups of clean water (to taste)
  1 tsp of ground turmeric
  1 tsp of cinnamon
  Pinch of Himalayan salt

  1/2 tsp of liquid stevia (or to taste)
  Optional: 1 tsp ground/fresh ginger


Re: CS Anti-inflammatory Lemonde

2012-05-29 Thread Jason R Eaton

Also, d-ribose can be substituted for Stevia; while not anti-inflammatory, it 
does help the ATP energy conversion process.

Kind Regards,


- Original Message - 
  From: Tel Tofflemire 
  Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2012 16:54
  Subject: Re: CS Anti-inflammatory Lemonde

  Sounds like what I make, only better?  Lemon juice by the teaspoon, a day can 
prevent cancer, and kill cancer cells as well.

  Tel Tofflemire

  From: Guyot Léna
  Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2012 4:51 PM
  Subject: Re: CS Anti-inflammatory Lemonde

  Hi Harold,
  This sounds great! Would xylitol work (for those who hate stevia)?

  Be well,

  On May 29, 2012, at 5:03 PM, Harold wrote:

  Easy to make and good to take.

  Anti-Inflammatory Lemonade:
  1 cup of fresh squeezed lemon juice:
  (4 -6 lemons)

  4-6 cups of clean water (to taste)
  1 tsp of ground turmeric
  1 tsp of cinnamon
  Pinch of Himalayan salt

  1/2 tsp of liquid stevia (or to taste)
  Optional: 1 tsp ground/fresh ginger


Re: CSMaking 100% colloidal EIS

2012-05-04 Thread Jason R Eaton

Hi Ken:

Beware of individuals claiming false expertise.

First off, zappers were firsted tested by individuals such as Royal Rife 
and Nikola Tesla.  These ideas were then eventually borrowed, with an 
attempt at a refinement, by individuals such as Bob Beck and Hulda Clark.

Second, my experience is that the hulda clark type zapper is only marginally 
effective.  However, for many individuals, marginally is enough to give 
the immune system enough support to recover.

One of the problems with Hulda Clark type zappers is the actual waveform. 
Just like Royal Rife was working with very ineffective technology, most of 
the Hulda Clark zappers don't produce a true square wave form, which 
inhibits any potential effectiveness.  A device such as the Godzilla is 
far more effective to treat localized conditions.

When using one of the more technically correct and properly engineered 
zappers, the effectiveness is increased.  However, as the saying goes, the 
pathogen is nothing and the bioterrain is everything.  For severe chronic 
systemic infections, the best one can hope for using anti-pathogenic devices 
and substances is to help keep the bloodstream clean and support the immune 
system, and thus improve the body's own ability to address infections.

As far as electrodes, use an extremely clean cloth moistened with a high 
grade sea salt solution.  Being concerned about the adsorption of metals 
through such a cloth into the body is like worrying about a neighbor's 
candle when your house is burning down.  I would be far more concerned about 
toxicity from the average air sample in metropolitan areas.

BTW:  One of the simpler ways to test the effectiveness of zappers is by 
contrasting before and after live blood analysis studies.

Kind Regards,


- Original Message - 
From: Mike Monett

To: SilverList
Sent: Friday, May 04, 2012 19:05
Subject: Re: CSMaking 100% colloidal EIS

  Hi Mike, Regarding Zappers, it sounds like you are talking about
  the devices that Hulda Clark popularized over the past 20 years or
  so (I first read her books in 1994 or so). Is that the case? I use
  a zapper  occasionally  if I get a bad cold  or  upper respiratory
  infection. But I have never heard of what you mentioned  about the
  copper hand holds depositing copper ions into the skin  (I covered
  them with 2 layers of paper towel), or other materials, depositing
  who knows  what into the skin. Do you have a  recommendation  on a
  material that  is  safe  to use with a Zapper?  I  have  found the
  zapper to  be  extremely  useful at times  of  viral  or bacterial
  infection -  it doesn't seem to cure the problem outright,  but it
  definitely seems  to have a positive effect (in my  case,  pain or
  congestion in  the sinuses or throat is usually  alleviated  for a
  few hours after a zapping session). -Ken


 Zappers were  proposed by Bob Beck and Hulda Clark. Beck  claimed to
 be a  physicist, and would have known that electrons cannot  flow in
 an electrolyte.  However, he claimed his Zapper could  do  just that
 and that it would cure all diseases.

 Here is  a  1998  talk where Beck claims his  Zapper  will  kill ALL
 pathogens and  parasites,   including   HIV.   He  claims  the blood
 circulates in the body in 9 or 10 seconds (5:00). This is  false. It
 takes a minute or so.

 Note also that he uses stainless steel electrodes. Please  see below
 for more information.

 Clearly the device does not do what he claims. If it did,  HIV would
 not exist,  and  we would not need antibiotics.  Every  hospital and
 clinic would be using them instead. That is obviously not true.

 Hulda Clark has a slightly different version and made much  the same
 claims. However,  she  also  claimed to  have  the  ability  to cure
 cancer. However, Hulda Clark died of cancer in 2009.

 From Wikipedia:

 Clark's claims  and  devices   have  been  dismissed  by authorities
 ranging from  the  US  Federal Trade Commission  and  Food  and Drug
 Administration to  alternative medicine figures such as  Andrew Weil
 asscientifically   unfounded,   bizarre,[3]   and  potentially
 fraudulent.[2] Clark  died 3 September 2009 of  multiple  myeloma (a
 blood and bone cancer).[4][5][6]

 Hulda's Zapper  supposedly  worked by shaking  or  vibrating  a germ
 until it  falls  apart,  like  the  famous  Memorex  commercial that
 shatters a wine glass.

 However, bacteria are not brittle like crystal, and there is  no way
 any energy from a Zapper could reach them. The first problem is skin
 effect that  causes high frequencies to travel on the  outside  of a
 body and not penetrate very deeply. The second problem is the energy
 in the  harmonics  falls   off   extremely   rapidly,  and  there is
 negligible energy  at  the frequencies that  might  resonate  with a
 bacterial cell.

Re: CSAlkalizing-Cleansing

2012-04-22 Thread Jason R Eaton
Hi Melly:

Humic/fulvic acid is a great combination, but alone is not usually enough to 
correct a moderate to serious imbalance in the body; not alone.

I should note that I'm personally not the biggest fan of homeopathic 
formulations such as cell salts; I've simply never been able to get them to 
work.  I prefer a more direct approach, as there are ways to actually measure 
the effects.  

Some of the finest salt-based therapies can get very expensive.  Standard sea 
salts are great, but subnstances such as Quinton Sea Plasma, high quality 
bamboo salt, and Wright Salt.

For example, bamboo salt that has been roasted nine times is likely one of the 
purest and most potent salts on the planet.  Not only are all of the necessary 
minerals present, but the salt has a negative ORP of between -300 and -500.  
This is an extraordinary amount of antioxidant power.

However, it's my opinion that these higher quality salt therapies should be a 
third step in the process, in order to reduce the detox effect and get the most 
benefit of salt therapy, at a cellular level, or else they'll simply be used up 
nuetralizing acidic waste in the body.  Adding green leafy nutrient-rich plants 
in-diet (at at least two cups per day), and balancing the body's electrolytes 
should ideally be done first, and this can be done far more affordably.

Kind Regards,


- Original Message - 
  From: Melly Bag 
  Sent: Friday, April 20, 2012 22:52
  Subject: CSAlkalizing-Cleansing


Thank you so much for taking the time to write a nice outline and good 
info on what i should do to help my body get balanced.

I will study the link you gave.  

I am not familiar with cell salt so i will have to research it too.  I 
take  humic-fulvic acid, can  that take the place of sea minerals?  I do take 
seaweeds once in a while and use sea  salt.

Again thanks.


Re: CSAlkalizing-Cleansing

2012-04-22 Thread Jason R Eaton
Hi Paul:

Don't get me wrong:  I use Himalayan salt as well, especially for a great sea 
mineral bath.

Wright salt doesn't taste very salty; it doesn't work very well as a culinary 
salt, although it is a great therapeutic salt.  Real Salt by Redmond Trading 
Company is a very clean award winning culinary salt that is excellent for 
cooking and as a therapeutic salt.

Bamboo salt (9X roasted) is the best; it is very potent and powerful.  When 
used in cooking, it is excellent.  However, when used in water it is very 
sulphorous, and smells like rotten eggs (when used in soups and as a seasoning 
with food, one doesn't notice it).  If used alone as for therapeutic purposes, 
it's best to place it directly on the tongue, and then chase it with a glass of 
lemon water.  Used in 1/4 teaspoon doses, it is a good supplement; used in 1/2 
- 1 tsp. doses it can cause major detox reactions.

In 1/4 tsp doses, it usually causes a 1/2 - 1  log increase in Ph within ten 
minutes, followed by a drop by 1.5x.  Therefore, it is similiar to how baking 
soda works in the body, although the pH spikes with baking soda tend to be more 
severe.  The increase in Ph is indicative of the alkalzing power of the salt, 
and the excess drop in pH is indicative of its cleansing power in 
stripping/eliminating acids.

Kind Regards,


- Original Message - 
  From: Paul Steel 
  Sent: Sunday, April 22, 2012 08:17
  Subject: Re: CSAlkalizing-Cleansing

  Jason this is very interesting ad I am interested in changing my table salt 
from Himalayan to one of these salts.

  In your opinion what is the best of these salts??

  Thanks Jason

  Paul Steel
  h 508.520.6905
  c 508.922.0519
  The harder you work the luckier you get!

  From: Jason R Eaton
  Sent: Sunday, April 22, 2012 10:13 AM
  Subject: Re: CSAlkalizing-Cleansing

  Hi Melly:

  Humic/fulvic acid is a great combination, but alone is not usually enough to 
correct a moderate to serious imbalance in the body; not alone.

  I should note that I'm personally not the biggest fan of homeopathic 
formulations such as cell salts; I've simply never been able to get them to 
work.  I prefer a more direct approach, as there are ways to actually measure 
the effects.  

  Some of the finest salt-based therapies can get very expensive.  Standard sea 
salts are great, but subnstances such as Quinton Sea Plasma, high quality 
bamboo salt, and Wright Salt.

  For example, bamboo salt that has been roasted nine times is likely one of 
the purest and most potent salts on the planet.  Not only are all of the 
necessary minerals present, but the salt has a negative ORP of between -300 and 
-500.  This is an extraordinary amount of antioxidant power.

  However, it's my opinion that these higher quality salt therapies should be a 
third step in the process, in order to reduce the detox effect and get the most 
benefit of salt therapy, at a cellular level, or else they'll simply be used up 
nuetralizing acidic waste in the body.  Adding green leafy nutrient-rich plants 
in-diet (at at least two cups per day), and balancing the body's electrolytes 
should ideally be done first, and this can be done far more affordably.

  Kind Regards,


  - Original Message - 
From: Melly Bag 
Sent: Friday, April 20, 2012 22:52
Subject: CSAlkalizing-Cleansing


  Thank you so much for taking the time to write a nice outline and 
good info on what i should do to help my body get balanced.

  I will study the link you gave.  

  I am not familiar with cell salt so i will have to research it too.  
I take  humic-fulvic acid, can  that take the place of sea minerals?  I do take 
seaweeds once in a while and use sea  salt.

  Again thanks.


Re: CSLemon for Alkalizing

2012-04-19 Thread Jason R Eaton
Hi Melly:

First and foremost, the soft tissues of the body cannot be acidic.  The 
alkaline minerals needed to balance biochemistry, in acidic tissue 
environments, are used up nuetralizing acidic waste.  This greatly impacts the 
body's ability to adsorb nutrients at a cellular level.

Since I spent so much money for testing, I obstained from mineral 
supplementation.  I was testing the biochemical effects of excessive sulphur 
supplementation (MSM) and studying the effect of ozone therapy on my 

There are many factors that can influence the pH of soft tissues in the body.  

I list a few below:

1.  Digestive failure - undigested foods, lack of HCL production in the 
stomach, lack of digestive enzymes, poor diet - Using a good quality edible 
clay and high quality natural probiotics to repair digestion greatly assists.

2.  Free radical damage - Low cellular levels of antioxidants...  Particularly, 
lack of production of glutathione at a cellular level, and fatty acid 
imbalance.  Poor diet can be a big contributory factor.  Supplementation with 
superfoods and the master antioxidants can greatly help, as well as making 
sure you get a balanced ratio of Omega 6 and Omega 3's in-body (a ratio of 

3.  Systemic infections, including but not limited to Lyme Disease and Candida 
overgrowth (or any yeast/fungal infection).  Many pathogenic organisms thrive 
in acidic environments, and in turn, produce even more acidic waste.

4.  Toxicity - Severe toxicity can impair mitochondrial function, severly 
inhibiting the ATP production cycle.  Mitochondrial failure can result in 
metabolic failure, where the muscles in the body have severe disfunction in 
energy conversion.  The result can be a switch from aerobic to anaerobic 
metabolism, which results in the production of more lactic acid waste.

Here's a basic introduction to soft tissue pH balancing:

..however, it is really one article in a series of articles, some of which 
haven't been written yet!

The general basic idea is to first flush all of the acids out of the body that 
are in the circulatory system and lymphatic system.  High quality water, and 
alkalizing whole foods, while starting to tackle the fundamental cause of 
imbalance (such as working on digestive system repair).

Once this is done, the next step is to flush acidic waste from generally stored 
in-body and in-tissue (but generally speaking, extracellular).  One can simply 
eat a great diet with plenty of great water, and let the body slowly cleanse, 
or one can use a substance such as MSM, which starts to flush acidic waste.

The last step is intracellular work.  One of the best ways is to use cell salt 
therapy, or any high quality sea mineral treatment.  Again, not doing things in 
the proper order will result in only partial success, and often times, a whole 
world of herxing.  Cell salt or sea mineral therapy is only cellularly 
effective when the soft tissue pH is very close to neutral, otherwise the 
alkaline minerals are spent nuetralizing the acidity.

Other great ideas include things like systemic enzyme therapy.

Kind Regards,


- Original Message - 
  From: Melly Bag 
  Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2012 19:51
  Subject: CSLemon for Alkalizing


Thank you very much for disspelling the info about lemon leaching 
minerals.  This makes me happy as i stay away from lemon juice out of fear of 
losing my minerals,  Citrus and pineapple juice also lowers blood pressure,

How do you keep your minerals balanced?


Re: CSDrinking lemon juice to alkalize

2012-04-18 Thread Jason R Eaton
Hi Melly:

While taking adequate minerals is a very important part of health, I strongly 
disagree with that blanket statement, which is backed by opinion and not real 
science.  In fact, the truth is that the alkalzing minerals IN lemon are 
primarily calcium, magnesium, and potassium.  It actually stimulates the 
production of calcium carbonate in the body.  I'm aware that some people out 
there are trying to teach this leaching idea, but it is not backed in common 
sense or science, and is obviously being taught by individuals with very little 
background in the scientific approach to biochemistry.

For example, I actually have cellular and metabolic work done to monitor my 
electrolyte and mineral balance.  I'm one of the few people who test at near 
perfect mineral balance levels.  No mineral supplementation needed; only a 
reasonably healthy diet is required.

Kind Regards,


- Original Message - 
  From: Melly Bag 
  Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2012 11:50
  Subject: CSDrinking lemon juice to alkalize

For those drinking lemon juice to alkalize i hope you realize that for 
lemon to convert your ph, it leaches on your minerals like calcium and 
magnesium, so it would be best to take mineral supplement too.


Re: CSDrinking lemon juice to alkalize

2012-04-18 Thread Jason R Eaton
Hi Bob:

Yes, usually I do use edible clay; I consider it a part of a reasonably healthy 
diet. :0)

For my testing, however, I obstained from taking clay minerals for four to six 

Kind Regards,


- Original Message - 
  From: Bob Banever 
  Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2012 12:53
  Subject: RE: CSDrinking lemon juice to alkalize



If you are testing well for mineral and electrolyte balance then you 
must be consuming edible clay.  J



  From: Jason R Eaton [] 
  Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2012 12:25 PM
  Subject: Re: CSDrinking lemon juice to alkalize


  Hi Melly:


  While taking adequate minerals is a very important part of health, I strongly 
disagree with that blanket statement, which is backed by opinion and not real 
science.  In fact, the truth is that the alkalzing minerals IN lemon are 
primarily calcium, magnesium, and potassium.  It actually stimulates the 
production of calcium carbonate in the body.  I'm aware that some people out 
there are trying to teach this leaching idea, but it is not backed in common 
sense or science, and is obviously being taught by individuals with very little 
background in the scientific approach to biochemistry.


  For example, I actually have cellular and metabolic work done to monitor my 
electrolyte and mineral balance.  I'm one of the few people who test at near 
perfect mineral balance levels.  No mineral supplementation needed; only a 
reasonably healthy diet is required.



  Kind Regards,






  - Original Message - 

From: Melly Bag 


Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2012 11:50

Subject: CSDrinking lemon juice to alkalize


  For those drinking lemon juice to alkalize i hope you realize that 
for lemon to convert your ph, it leaches on your minerals like calcium and 
magnesium, so it would be best to take mineral supplement too.




Re: CSColloidal Silver Enema?

2012-01-17 Thread Jason R Eaton
Hi Art:

You are correct.  Since few people take the time to understand exactly how 
oxidative therapies work in-body, they often neglect the counterbalancing agent.

I have done pretty extensive research in this area, as those who need oxidation 
therapy the most often cannot tolerate it.  When dealing with activated oxygen 
(in forms O3 / O1), the best results are achieved when healthy cells have full 
antioxidant capabilities intact, with elimination channles clear, and 
electrolyes in-body properly balanced.

Kind Regards,


- Original Message - 
  From: art rambo 
  Sent: Monday, January 16, 2012 20:47
  Subject: Re: CSColloidal Silver Enema?

   What most people never discuss with o2 therapies is, that you can tip the 
oxidative balance by overdoing o2, so you need to focus on much antioxidants to 
counter the extra o2. 
   You can do like Bill Munro, and then also dose each hour with h202, and get 
positive results I think. 
   CS would be a bonus. 

Re: CSbrain a barrier?

2012-01-04 Thread Jason R Eaton


According to Becker's work contrasted with Bart Flick's work contrasted with 
Steven Quinto's work, the following statement can be made:

With the right amount of current (extremely small amount), silver ions 
delivered by this current can cause cancer cells to dedifferentiate, and 
thus return to a pre-cancerous state.  However, Becker refuted this claim; 
based on his work, it is clear that the RIGHT amount of current must be 

Stephen Quinto followed up and studied the effect that silver ions had on 
human cancer cells, and found that the silver ion has the capability to 
destroy cancer cells.  His lab studies were never published, but they were 
very interesting.

However, I do not view silver as a primary treatment modality for cancer, as 
the silver ion must reach the cancer, and with cancer/tumors in the body, if 
you're not a surgeon, getting that task done guaranteed is not easy.


Cc: mgperrault
Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2012 16:04
Subject: Re: CSbrain a barrier?

What is uncontrolled de-differentiation?  Perhaps almost a cancer, 
perhaps a scar tissue, but

anyway, not good I can imagine.

So those who nebulize CS are increasing their chances of lung cancer?


 mgperrault wrote:

Is there information on silver crossing the blood brain barrier?
Informed person says it does.   I witnessed someone putting a poultice
of c silver on the arm and this seemed to cause a slightly raised, de
pigmented scar tissue like area.

If I can vaguely remember, Becker said that silver can de differentiate
cells and that skin mediated voltage fields can sustain a re
differentiation and thus some regeneration of limb and bone, even
cancerous.  I may not have it right, but I dont have the book anymore.
Another part of the conundrum is that when the silver forms brown stains
on the colloidal making apparatus, this is very difficult to clean.  So
I imagine the silver staining the brain and causing dedifferentiation
and this seems totally frightening.  What is uncontrolled
de-differentiation?  Perhaps almost a cancer, perhaps a scar tissue, but
anyway, not good I can imagine.   Sorry if this has been covered, I
looked at the archives but didnt find anything



The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CSArgyria

2011-12-02 Thread Jason R Eaton
Hi all:

...with a silver product of 3600 PPM and a claim that such a product cannot 
cause argyria (which is not true), he has opened himself up to a whole host of 
problems, sadly, especially since he claims that it is impossible to get 
argyria with his product.  On his website under lab reports, he says 
Impossible to get argyria.  I don't know anybody credible that would testify 
that it is impossible to get argyria with a 3600 PPM product.


- Original Message - 
  From: David AuBuchon 
  Sent: Friday, December 02, 2011 14:58
  Subject: Re: CSArgyria

  She has actually sued already?

  He himself could also himself present the evidence of doses of EIS that don't 
cause argyria, and then note how the recommended use on his product falls way 
below that.  The EPA study and the Indian diet of silver foil on sweets are the 
two relevant things.  Also, he could argue that since argyria develops 
gradually, why did she not stop much sooner when she first noticed the argyria. 

  Maybe that doctor could testify?

  Hopefully he knows enough to show that argyria caused historically by other 
types of silver does not apply to EIS, as would certainly come up in the case.  

  On Fri, Dec 2, 2011 at 2:41 PM, Marshall wrote:

I just had a call from Russell, who owns Neutrasilver.  He has some lady 
who apparently painted her body with silver and exposed herself to the sun on 
purpose to try and get argyria, telling one of her doctors that she is going to 
be a millionaire after the lawsuit.  He is looking for someone who knows what 
the heck they are talking about, and will not prostitute themselves out to the 
FDA or anyone else for money who can testify in his behalf.

Anyway, if anyone on this list has the credentials to testify, or knows 
someone who does, that is willing to tell the truth, let me know.  I was 
thinking of maybe Brooks Bradley, but don't know how to locate him.



The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CSRe: argyria.

2011-12-02 Thread Jason R Eaton

Hi David:

Agreed.  It's really sad to see people even attempting such a thing as 
purposefully trying to enduce harm for the sake of a lawsuit, but with 
information such as is presenting on the nutrasilver website, it is nearly 
an invitation for trouble.

I actually get about two requests a year to testify against silver companies 
(they are always companies mis-representing highly concentrated silver 
products) from lawyer firms.  I never know what happens with potential 
cases, because I have no interest in involving myself in civil cases, and 
although I doubt there are many individuals out there that know more about 
argyria, I don't consider myself a qualified expert at any rate.


- Original Message - 
From: Alchemysa

Sent: Friday, December 02, 2011 19:06
Subject: CSRe: argyria.

At 3,600 PPM, NutraSilver® is unlike store-bought or home-made
colloidal silver.

First thing to know is, has she actually got argyria?

And if its as you described wouldn't that just get thrown out of
court? Its clearly a case of deliberate self harm. Like jumping in
front of a car to claim the insurance, although, its probably stupid
to say this on his website...

Impossible to get argyria (turning blue)

and this

An Estimated 10 Million Americans Consume Colloidal Silver Daily

Sounds like he's a bit loose with his facts to me.


From: Marshall
Date: 3 December 2011 9:11:48 AM
Subject: CSArgyria

I just had a call from Russell, who owns Neutrasilver.  He has some  lady 
who apparently painted her body with silver and exposed  herself to the 
sun on purpose to try and get argyria, telling one  of her doctors that 
she is going to be a millionaire after the  lawsuit.  He is looking for 
someone who knows what the heck they  are talking about, and will not 
prostitute themselves out to the  FDA or anyone else for money who can 
testify in his behalf.

Anyway, if anyone on this list has the credentials to testify, or  knows 
someone who does, that is willing to tell the truth, let me  know.  I was 
thinking of maybe Brooks Bradley, but don't know how  to locate him.



The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CScheapest source for Argentyn 23 please

2011-11-02 Thread Jason R Eaton
Hi David:

Argentyn 23 only comes in max 16 ounce bottles.

The most affordable source I've seen is Pure Formulas

Kind Regards,


- Original Message - 
  From: David AuBuchon 
  Sent: Wednesday, November 02, 2011 12:19
  Subject: CScheapest source for Argentyn 23 please

  I don't see this being sold by the gallon, which is frustrating.  Anyone have 
a link for this?  It is not for me.  Please no comments about just making it 


Re: CSElectromedicine

2011-10-24 Thread Jason R Eaton
Hi David:

I have a rebuilder; I bought it before they received their approval, so the 
price was much more affordable.  :o)

It is an excellent device, and certainly works well for injuries and 
nueropathy.  I was suprised to find that it is is perfect to use with referred 
pain; possibly even phantom pain.


- Original Message - 
  From: David AuBuchon 
  Sent: Monday, October 24, 2011 18:15
  Subject: Re: CSElectromedicine

  Here is the article I wrote on nerve damage and spinal cord injury treatment 
options.  It contains everything I know (or don't know) about the ReBuilder, 
and a lot more:

  I had been compiling all this for my dad who has a chronic spinal cord injury 
and is so skeptical it makes one feel sick.  Even he has agreed to try some of 
this stuff in the future after getting berated by me over the course of months 
for his close mindedness / stinginess.  I kept telling him to either try this 
stuff or stop complaining you wish there was something that can be done.  

  Some of these can be generically classified as stem cell boosters.  I have 
been meaning to pull all out those out of this webpage and make a page just 
about stem cell boosters.  I think many supplements that we don't formally 
recognize as stem cell boosters in part work that way.  I think it is a 
mechanism of action that is really only starting to be talked about.  

  The CEO of Rebuilder Medical has a long comment at the end.  He says he 
actually worked with Dr. Becker interestingly enough.

  There are actually a lot of cheap supplements on this list that I would try 
all at once for nerve damage and spinal cord injury.  Some other cheap options 
too such as simply putting some wooden blocks under the head of your head to 
incline your bed at night has improved I think 3 cases of chronic SCI's.

  Liposomal colostrum is cheap in bulk powder (not capsules) and is very 
promising for any injury I think.  The Director of that company posted a 
comment saying his product cured a case of spina bifida, a very serious birth 
defect!  Ordinary colostrum also improved one chronic SCI.  

  I have some other things in my notes I still have not added to this page such 
as IR therapies and a couple other supplements I can't remember right now.  

  Nothing can be done for nerve damage and spinal cord injury?...That is BS.


  On Mon, Oct 24, 2011 at 6:01 PM, 

  Hi David.  Does the ReBulider only work on nerves, do you know?  It 
sounds much like the SCIO machine a friend of mine has, only hers works on just 
about everything--in real time, sending back a balancing signal to what it has 
detected as being unbalanced in the body.  But that machine is SUPER expensive! 




Re: CSA case report of fungal issues caused by EIS

2011-10-23 Thread Jason R Eaton
Hi Janet:

Furthermore, the individual reported ***prior*** problems with toenail fungus, 
which is usually an indication of a pre-existing issue, often having to do with 
a systemic insult of some sort.

Kind Regards,


- Original Message - 
  From: Garnet 
  To: Silver List 
  Sent: Saturday, October 22, 2011 20:25
  Subject: Re: CSA case report of fungal issues caused by EIS

In my way of thinking and advising people as a Wellness Consultant at
Austin's four holistic pharmacies, is to tell them that probiotics are
always a healthy choice. That there are no documented cases of CS
or EIS causing fungal dysbiosis. And few if any anecdotal reports.

For one thing it would be extremely difficult to isolate a cause. But
just thinking about it, this list would be rife with stories of candida
dysbiosis following initial CS use. And it is not.

To propagate a myth because one person out of literally hundreds of 
thousands believes it is true
is very science, it is not conservative, it is simply unfounded belief 
lacking any proof, therefore IMHO it is best not to propagate such an
unfounded belief in the mistaken cause of conservativism.

To me it is a disservice unless there is an abundance of anecdotal 
evidence, and there is not, to even mention it. I only address the issue
if asked.

Janet R. Perry, MA Pharmacology
Wellness Consultant
Peoples Pharmacy
Austin, TX

Subject: Re: CSA case report of fungal issues caused by EIS 
From: David AuBuchon 
Date: Sat, 22 Oct 2011 12:10:58 -0700 

  Yes, all true...the yeast could have been related to something else.  Though 
the person believes it was the CS.  It is always better to be on the 
conervative side, so that when people ask about yeast and CS, I will say from 
now on that there has been 1 *possible* case of candida from the use of EIS.  
Though it wasnt clear if other things were the cause.  And the dose was large.  
And there was no probiotic.

  Probiotic or not, this is the first time I have ever heard it claimed, so it 
should be noted by the members of this forum for completeness sake.  


Re: CS44 PPM

2011-09-28 Thread Jason R Eaton

For small batches, I personally like the Silver Puppy; especially the electrode 

For large batches, I like the Silvergen SG-7.

There are other decent units out there, but they get very pricey with little 
extra--if any-- additional benefit.


- Original Message - 
  Sent: Wednesday, September 28, 2011 09:42
  Subject: Re: CS44 PPM

  Hi Jason, what is the best generator in your opinion , many thanks

  On 22/09/2011, at 17:43, Jason R Eaton wrote:

Hi Alan:

It's the age old arguement.  Frank says that the reason people experience 
good results with a good quality home brew is the particulate content.  The 
counter-arguement is that the reason people experience results with Mesosilver 
is its ionic content.

Best Regards,


- Original Message -
  From: Alan Jones
  Sent: Thursday, September 22, 2011 10:29
  Subject: Re: CS44 PPM

  I wonder if Frank has changed his mind about this?  I was scanning his 
web site and he seems to be saying that ingesting ionic silver is useless.

  All ionic silver will turn into silver chloride once inside the body 
because of the readily available supply of chloride ions in many different 


  On Mon, Sep 19, 2011 at 7:46 PM, Jonathan B. Britten wrote:

I'm baffled by the comments.  As I stated, Frank Key has stated clearly 
on the Silver List, he recognizes the efficacy of the EIS that most members 
make.  That's a matter of record; it's in the archives.I don't understand 
the need to attack him here in this manner.

  Alan Jones

  The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor 
prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to 
the people.  (Tenth Amendment to the US Constitution)


Re: CS[List Owner] Whew!

2011-09-24 Thread Jason R Eaton

Hi David:

Indeed.  Certainly a forgiveable offense, in my book.

The problem I have with individuals who display similiar tendencies (I'm 
certainly not going to comment directly about MM in particular, because I do 
not know him), is that they tend to leave a wasteland of human carnage 
wherever they go.

Healing isn't about science, it's about people. Science isn't about 
technical pursuit, it's about rigorous honesty and meticulous observation.

Where I draw the line is the true motives of an individual.  It is quite 
normal for people to say their motive is one thing, and have it be very, 
very different.  Sometimes you have to listen very, very carefully in order 
to hear.

For example, there's a reason I refer people to Trem and 'Ode, and that 
reason only superficially has to do with the quality of their products.  I 
know that neither of them are going to tell the people I send to them 
something that is going to cause them harm, and that they are going to be as 
honest as they know how to be, and for no other motive than it's the decent 
thing to do.

If I were to send someone to MM currently, and they had strep throat, his 
advice could possibly kill them.  You don't treat throat infections with 
sublingual anything, least of all strep.  I also wouldn't appreciate very 
much if he told his single mother with three kids that her pneumonia or 
bronchitis couldn't be helped with EIS nebulization because she would get 
something similiar to mesothelioma.

And I don't think it is very brilliant science that states that there is no 
oxidation in the EIS process; and the individual turns around and talks 
about silver hydroxide formation (silver hydroxide is an oxide, which is 
formed through oxidation).

When I run into a bad case of suspected strep, I tell the individual if they 
want to treat it with silver, and without modern medicine, they need to 
follow instructions exactly, and if they don't choose to do it, that's fine; 
they need to go see a doctor.

Treatment is simple and has always been effective, but requires a constant 
supply of fresh ions.  Just 1/2 ounce or so, held under the tongue for about 
a minute or so, and trickled down the throat, at least every 15 minutes 
until the throat starts to feel better, and then about every hour or two 
until the problem is gone.  If results are not achieved within 48 hours 
(which has never happened in my experience), then one would still need to 
see an qualified MD.

Some strep infections are really simple, and some are very aggressive.  One 
cannot know offhand how aggressive the infection is, or why.

I'm all for methods to improve EIS.  I'd be working on them myself, only I 
haven't ever had the need.The stuff we make works extremely well, and 
always works for the things I believe it WILL work for.

So if someone wants to throw a simple resistor between two leads on a nine 
volt battery, toss two curved electrodes in distilled water and call it a 
holy smoke device, that's great... but it's nothing new.


- Original Message - 
From: David Bearrow

Sent: Saturday, September 24, 2011 08:05
Subject: RE: CS[List Owner] Whew!

Mike Monet originally joined the group back in 2006 with complaints about
mold spores which is why he came to us. He was so desparate to find an
answer about his mold problem to the point where he was triple washing his
clothes and burning holes in his bedsheets with strong chemicals. He even
mentioned fires in the microwave in his zealous though misguided attempt 

kill the spores he supected were poisening him.

Mike is a brilliant electronics engineer. At some point his mind fogged 
he suspected the mold. As a result he came here and gleaned information 
the group. He improved his eating habits and developed scientific methods 
EIS production. His mind began to clear and he began to refine the 
Mike's intelligence is such that he has no social skills nearly to the 
of being a sociopath. As he got his mind back (who knows if it was spores 

what) he refined existing protocols for EIS production and now has hit on
something that makes logical sense to his electonics trained mind. However
his focus on things electrical and scientific was to the exclusion of 
skills and so he blasted through the group like a bull in a china shop 
considering he might be hurting peoples feelings. Indeed he would scoff 

a person would allow their rational mind to be overcome by a feeling.

I write this so that you the reader might understand a little of the 

of Mike Monet and perhaps be able to forgive the crude manner in which he
communicated. Maybe even have empathy for him as he is surely a lonely

David Bearrow

-Original Message-
From: M. G. Devour []
Sent: Thursday, September 22, 2011 10:09 PM
Subject: CS[List Owner] Whew!

Hi folks,

Re: CS[List Owner] Whew!

2011-09-24 Thread Jason R Eaton

Hi Dan:

I've always taught people to pay extra careful attention to keeping 
electrodes in good shape.

I don't think using any type of chemical solution is anywhere near as 
effective as a bit of old fashioned elbow grease and non-reactive abbrasive.

And the problem with using any dipping or chemical solution to cleanse the 
silver rods is that no matter how hard you try, you are still going to get 
uneven wear on the silver ( even if you at first can't see it with the naked 
eye).  That means, that nothing short of polishing will return silver 
electsrodes to their most ideal state for brewing.  And it does make a very 
big difference in quality.

That's my one problem with the SG-7; it's difficult to properly clean the 
electrodes; a bit of an art form, but with practice, it gets easier.  I know 
there are alot of people who think that cleaning electrodes is not 
necessary, but I can easily demonstrate the difference between batches done 
with pristine electrodes, and ones that aren't.

Oh, and don't forget to add Ivan to the list; not sure what ever became of 
his laboratory grade CS generator project, but I also learned alot from his 
creative exploits.


- Original Message - 
From: Dan Nave

Sent: Saturday, September 24, 2011 10:42
Subject: Re: CS[List Owner] Whew!

You wrote:
 So if someone wants to throw a simple resistor between two leads on a 

volt battery, toss two curved electrodes in distilled water and call it a
holy smoke device, that's great... but it's nothing new.

I think that, if nothing else, we will find that the idea and method
of desulfurizing *is* new and will be an extremely useful tool for
EIS making.

Also, In spite of any disagreements over chemistry equations, I
appreciate the efforts of many people including Ole Bob, Bob Lee,
Marshall, Ode, and Mike Monett in making the process of CS or EIS
production more understandable and removing it from the realm of
having to make it by the phase of the moon or thinking that there is
no way to get understandable or consistent results.


On Sat, Sep 24, 2011 at 11:46 AM, Jason R Eaton 

Hi David:

Indeed. Certainly a forgiveable offense, in my book.

The problem I have with individuals who display similiar tendencies (I'm
certainly not going to comment directly about MM in particular, because I 

not know him), is that they tend to leave a wasteland of human carnage
wherever they go.

Healing isn't about science, it's about people. Science isn't about
technical pursuit, it's about rigorous honesty and meticulous observation.

Where I draw the line is the true motives of an individual. It is quite
normal for people to say their motive is one thing, and have it be very,
very different. Sometimes you have to listen very, very carefully in order
to hear.

For example, there's a reason I refer people to Trem and 'Ode, and that
reason only superficially has to do with the quality of their products. I
know that neither of them are going to tell the people I send to them
something that is going to cause them harm, and that they are going to be 
honest as they know how to be, and for no other motive than it's the 

thing to do.

If I were to send someone to MM currently, and they had strep throat, his
advice could possibly kill them. You don't treat throat infections with
sublingual anything, least of all strep. I also wouldn't appreciate very
much if he told his single mother with three kids that her pneumonia or
bronchitis couldn't be helped with EIS nebulization because she would get
something similiar to mesothelioma.

And I don't think it is very brilliant science that states that there is 

oxidation in the EIS process; and the individual turns around and talks
about silver hydroxide formation (silver hydroxide is an oxide, which is
formed through oxidation).

When I run into a bad case of suspected strep, I tell the individual if 

want to treat it with silver, and without modern medicine, they need to
follow instructions exactly, and if they don't choose to do it, that's 

they need to go see a doctor.

Treatment is simple and has always been effective, but requires a constant
supply of fresh ions. Just 1/2 ounce or so, held under the tongue for 

a minute or so, and trickled down the throat, at least every 15 minutes
until the throat starts to feel better, and then about every hour or two
until the problem is gone. If results are not achieved within 48 hours
(which has never happened in my experience), then one would still need to
see an qualified MD.

Some strep infections are really simple, and some are very aggressive. One
cannot know offhand how aggressive the infection is, or why.

I'm all for methods to improve EIS. I'd be working on them myself, only I
haven't ever had the need. The stuff we make works extremely well, and
always works for the things I believe it WILL work for.


Re: CS44 PPM

2011-09-23 Thread Jason R Eaton

EIS starts to become effective at roughly 3 PPM.  Since Mesosilver is about 80% 
particulate and 20% ionic it has around 4 PPM ionic content.

BTW, the 'arguement' is not mine, it was where Frank pretty much left the 


- Original Message - 
  From: Bob Banever 
  Sent: Thursday, September 22, 2011 18:47
  Subject: Re: CS44 PPM


   But since the ionic content of Mesosilver is almost nonexistant how can 
the results be attributed to it's ionic content?  Particle silver perhaps 
becomes ionic in the presence of stomach acid?  

- Original Message - 
From: Neville Munn 
Sent: Thursday, September 22, 2011 5:56 PM
Subject: RE: CS44 PPM

Apologies, I did lose something in translation.  I misread it.  I read that 
several times, and only AFTER posting did I get it.
The suggestion is that it's NOT the particle content in Mesosilver, but 
rather the ION content that gets results.
Sorry, as you were.

Subject: RE: CS44 PPM
Date: Fri, 23 Sep 2011 11:22:54 +1030

Unless I've misread something, all the advertising I've read regarding 
Mesosilver is that it purports to be high in *particulate* content?
Have I lost something in translation?

Subject: Re: CS44 PPM
Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2011 16:43:02 -0700

Hi Alan:

It's the age old arguement.  Frank says that the reason people experience 
good results with a good quality home brew is the particulate content.  The 
counter-arguement is that the reason people experience results with Mesosilver 
is its ionic content.

Best Regards,


- Original Message - 
  From: Alan Jones 
  Sent: Thursday, September 22, 2011 10:29
  Subject: Re: CS44 PPM

  I wonder if Frank has changed his mind about this?  I was scanning his 
web site and he seems to be saying that ingesting ionic silver is useless. 

  All ionic silver will turn into silver chloride once inside the body 
because of the readily available supply of chloride ions in many different 


  On Mon, Sep 19, 2011 at 7:46 PM, Jonathan B. Britten wrote:

I'm baffled by the comments.  As I stated, Frank Key has stated clearly 
on the Silver List, he recognizes the efficacy of the EIS that most members 
make.  That's a matter of record; it's in the archives.I don't understand 
the need to attack him here in this manner.

  Alan Jones

  The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor 
prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to 
the people.  (Tenth Amendment to the US Constitution)

Re: CS44 PPM

2011-09-22 Thread Jason R Eaton
Hi Alan:

It's the age old arguement.  Frank says that the reason people experience good 
results with a good quality home brew is the particulate content.  The 
counter-arguement is that the reason people experience results with Mesosilver 
is its ionic content.

Best Regards,


- Original Message - 
  From: Alan Jones 
  Sent: Thursday, September 22, 2011 10:29
  Subject: Re: CS44 PPM

  I wonder if Frank has changed his mind about this?  I was scanning his web 
site and he seems to be saying that ingesting ionic silver is useless.

  All ionic silver will turn into silver chloride once inside the body because 
of the readily available supply of chloride ions in many different forms.


  On Mon, Sep 19, 2011 at 7:46 PM, Jonathan B. Britten wrote:

I'm baffled by the comments.  As I stated, Frank Key has stated clearly on 
the Silver List, he recognizes the efficacy of the EIS that most members make.  
That's a matter of record; it's in the archives.I don't understand the need 
to attack him here in this manner.

  Alan Jones

  The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor 
prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to 
the people.  (Tenth Amendment to the US Constitution)


2011-09-19 Thread Jason R Eaton

Hi Gayla:

It doesn't quite work that way!

The mother culture is a combination of many different types of microbes. 
The phototropic organisms, for example, feed off of the yeast as it dies. 
The first activation really wakes everything up; but once the first 
activation occurs, there is no way to keep the microbial balance in check 
for addidtional extensions.  The microbe I'm most interested in:  The 
phototropic organisms.  In order to keep them alive to do their work, the 
proper balance between aerobic and anaerobic organisms needs to be 

Keep in mind that for many common uses, the ideal dilution of EM to water 
for most purposes is 1:100.  Even for soil purposes the dilution is 1:10.

So, even if you purchase one liter of EM mother culture, and don't create an 
extension, you can still make 10 - 100 liters of useful product.

Kind Regards,



- Original Message - 
From: Gayla Roberts

Sent: Monday, September 19, 2011 07:32
Subject: Re: CSEMs

I wonder why they say one time only to brew? If the micro-organisms are 
there, they should be able to replicate indefinitely, no?

- Original Message - 
From: PTFerrance

Sent: Sunday, September 18, 2011 8:26 PM
Subject: RE: CSEMs

Thanks again.  Maybe I'll start off with the formula designed for human
consumption first and see how that works out.

-Original Message-
From: Jonathan B. Britten []
Sent: Sunday, September 18, 2011 7:50 PM
Subject: Re: CSEMs

You're welcome.  I've consumed EM1 without any negative reaction.   I 

it calming, something reported with farm animals.   I don't consume it
regularly, however.

Vinny Pinto's site has quite a lot of human consumption of EM and similar
formulations, and there are probably many useful anecdotes there.  He 

sells a book about making EM brews.

For the average person, the instructions for making EM1 on the TeraGanix
site are sufficient to make the simple EM1 brew that I was introduced 
by the wife of a biologist at a local university.   Again, though, that 

strictly off-label use.

Only chickens, cows, and pigs are supposed to have EM1 in their food and

On 2011/09/19, at 8:39, PTFerrance wrote:

Thanks, Jonathan.  I did check it.  But with everything that is written 

websites that isn't always substantiated I like finding out things from
friends like on the list.  People who have used it first hand.

-Original Message-
From: Jonathan B. Britten []
Sent: Sunday, September 18, 2011 7:33 PM
Subject: Re: CSEMs

I noticed that the site Jason links sells a probiotic for human


If you check that, you may fine the information you want.

On 2011/09/19, at 0:54, PTFerrance wrote:

Would those of you who use the EM products please write about your
experiences?  How much do you use if you take it internally and what
benefits have you experienced?  It has been written about
extending/activating this but I have not figured out how this would be


in a typical, non-agricultural household.
I would appreciate some guidance and I'm sure others would also.
Thanks. PT

-Original Message-
From: Jason R Eaton []
Sent: Sunday, September 18, 2011 10:55 AM
Subject: Re: CSBioremediation at Fukushima

Hi hg:

...could have been a typo.  It's TeraGanix:

Kind Regards,


- Original Message - 
From: h.godavari

Sent: Sunday, September 18, 2011 09:51
Subject: Re: CSBioremediation at Fukushima

Bob Banever wrote:

Thanks Jonathan.


  Could you post a URL , where Dr. Higa's products are available in
North America.  BTW when I searched for Tara Gamix, Google came up 

Tera Gamix


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Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

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Re: CSBioremediation at Fukushima

2011-09-18 Thread Jason R Eaton

Hi hg:

...could have been a typo.  It's TeraGanix:

Kind Regards,


- Original Message - 
From: h.godavari

Sent: Sunday, September 18, 2011 09:51
Subject: Re: CSBioremediation at Fukushima

Bob Banever wrote:

Thanks Jonathan.


Could you post a URL , where Dr. Higa's products are available in 
North America.  BTW when I searched for Tara Gamix, Google came up with, 
Tera Gamix


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
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List Owner: Mike Devour


2011-09-18 Thread Jason R Eaton

Hi PT:

Potential therapeutic applications of EM are not widely known.  I know that 
work has been done in Japan, but I'm not aware of any English translations.

I personally don't recommend-- offhand-- individuals use EM's internally 
unless they have a specific reason to do so.  I personally often mix a very 
small amount of mother culture or activated EM with my therapeutic clay 
for digestion.  However, for those individuals who have extreme digestive 
disorders, and have found no relief with any other therapy, EM use 
internally may be a God send, with long term use.  The biggest problem is 
finding the right dose.  I know one individual who had been hospitalized on 
numerous occasions, with chronic and multiple bowel disorders; the 
individual was pencil thin, and could not put on weight.  EM 
supplementation, along with a few dietary changes, turned him around in 
about a month and a half.  I won't say that he was completely restored at 
that time, but his digestion improved dramatically and he started steadily 
putting on weight.

Those individuals who are extremely chemically sensitive may also find a 
very good friend in EMs.  People have found really good benefit when 
spraying the entire environment a few times per week.  You don't spray 
enough to soak anything, you just lightly mist the area.

EM is amazing for sick house syndrome.  EM ceramics can be mixed with any 
common paint for home projects.  A very light solution of EM (a small amount 
of EM added to a full spray bottle) can be used to help 
cleanse/decontaminate carpet, furniture, etc.

For those with central air, spraying new filters with EM is excellent for 
air quality.

Kind Regards,


From: PTFerrance
Sent: Sunday, September 18, 2011 08:54
Subject: RE: CSEMs

Would those of you who use the EM products please write about your
experiences?  How much do you use if you take it internally and what
benefits have you experienced?  It has been written about
extending/activating this but I have not figured out how this would be 

in a typical, non-agricultural household.
I would appreciate some guidance and I'm sure others would also.
Thanks. PT

-Original Message-
From: Jason R Eaton []
Sent: Sunday, September 18, 2011 10:55 AM
Subject: Re: CSBioremediation at Fukushima

Hi hg:

...could have been a typo.  It's TeraGanix:

Kind Regards,


- Original Message - 
From: h.godavari

Sent: Sunday, September 18, 2011 09:51
Subject: Re: CSBioremediation at Fukushima

Bob Banever wrote:

Thanks Jonathan.


Could you post a URL , where Dr. Higa's products are available in
North America.  BTW when I searched for Tara Gamix, Google came up with,
Tera Gamix


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

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Re: CSBioremediation at Fukushima

2011-09-17 Thread Jason R Eaton

Greetings, all:

Actually, the term is Effective Microorganisms.  The company in the United 
States that is now distributing this quite amazing product is Teraganix:

Dr. Higa's book, An Earth Saving Revolution is a very, very fascinating 

Dr. Higa's microbial forumation uses sevearl more common organisms to 
support the sustained existance of phototropic organisms, amazing little 
critters that cannot exist in an oxygen-rich environment, but are 
extraordinarily efficient at processing-- what to us-- is toxic waste 
material, and producing waste-- that to our environment-- is life 

One of the most enjoyable experiments I've done is proving that these 
organisms actually do exist in the retail product.  When cultivated 
properly, they are the most amazing purple colored organisms.

Best Regards,


- Original Message - 

Sent: Saturday, September 17, 2011 06:47
Subject: Re: CSBioremediation at Fukushima

I think its Essential Microorganisms. Someone please correct if wrong.
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless handheld

-Original Message-
From: PTFerrance
Date: Sat, 17 Sep 2011 07:40:21
Subject: RE: CSBioremediation at Fukushima

What does EM mean?

-Original Message-
From: Jonathan B. Britten []
Sent: Friday, September 16, 2011 11:23 PM
Subject: CSBioremediation at Fukushima

Some members, particularly Brooks Bradley, are familiar with the Essential
Microorganisms  (EM) of Terao Higa, PhD.  The proprietor of a local EM 
told me today that volunteers in Fukushima area are experimenting with EM 
contaminated crops.  He said blueberries went from 20,000 becquerels down 

5,000, a 75% drop.  I don't know the details.

He also said people volunteering in that area are suffering from throat
problems, which I took to be due to radiation, but am not sure.  If I get
more details I'll pass them along.Incidentally, these volunteers 

EM themselves.

Incidentally, most of the news in the corporate press regarding this
disaster is, to put it mildly, inadequate.  There have been at least three
melt-downs and apparently a total melt-through in at least in one 

some experts fear that radiation is actually moving down through the earth
toward groundwater.   Given the sugar-coating in the mainstream news to
date, this is certainly possible.   Japanese people are deeply skeptical 
government reports, and I think some major changes are ahead for Japan, 

that's all off-topic.

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 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

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Re: CSBioremediation at Fukushima

2011-09-17 Thread Jason R Eaton

Hi Jonathan:

Just so you know, is NOT affiliated with EMRO Japan.

The only authorized distributors for EM products are listed on their global 
parters project:

The primary distributor of retail products is Tera Ganix, Inc.

The products marketed by Sustainable Community Development Probiotics may 
be closely related to EM, based on Matthew Wood's original work with Dr. 
Higa, but they are not the same.

If you look closely at their website, they can only market products that are 
...A functionally similar product to EM Farming and EM-1.

I'm sure that they probably carry good products that are effective, but if 
people want the original Dr. Higa organisms, one must purchase from Tera 
Ganix, Inc., or one of THEIR smaller distributors.

Besides, it's much cheaper.

The only authorized manufacturing plant in the United States is in Tucson, 
Arizona.  The plant is official run by EMRO USA Effective Microorganisms. 
Terag Ganix, Inc. was set up to be the retail and wholesale distributor for 
North America.

So for those who want to support Dr. Higa's direct vision, you'll save money 
by purchasing from Tera Ganix, plus you'll be supporting Dr. Higa's global 

You'll notice that on the website:

:EMRO USA is a wholly-owned subsidiary of EM Research Organization (EMRO) of 
Okinawa, Japan. EMRO holds the universal or global rights, trademarks and 
patents or patents pending on the technology of EM, Effective 
Microorganisms, the EM logo, and its broad range of EM products and their 
manufacturing know-how or processing licenses throughout the world.

If you hadn't noticed, I'm a big fan.  :o)

I have all of Higa's English translations, and have worked through Vinny's 
book on EM's.

I hope you'll keep us up to date on any further information you get on EM's 
and the restoration of radiation contaminated soils there in Japan!

Kind Regards,


From: Jonathan B. Britten
Sent: Saturday, September 17, 2011 15:40
Subject: Re: CSBioremediation at Fukushima

Apologies:  Jason got it right:  Effective it is.   Here's the link:

The translation is superb.

Here's a link to SCD:

I have not purchased anything from them but had a good impression when they 
started out.   Still do:

If SCD has English information about the Fukushima work, that would be the 
best source.  I haven't checked.

On 2011/09/18, at 7:25, Jonathan B. Britten wrote:

The name that Terao Higa coined is Essential Microorganisms.  The company 
that marketed the original formula in the USA is called Sustainable 
Community Development Probiotics.   The founder trained with Higa.   Other 
companies have copied Higa's work.   So far as I know, none of them have 
the same vision.

Higa's book really is amazing and is essential reading.   He really 
believes that EM is an earth-saving revolution.  His volunteer work in the 
radiation-stricken areas is evidence of that.

On 2011/09/17, at 23:47, Jason R Eaton wrote:

Greetings, all:

Actually, the term is Effective Microorganisms.  The company in the 
United States that is now distributing this quite amazing product is 

Dr. Higa's book, An Earth Saving Revolution is a very, very fascinating 

Dr. Higa's microbial forumation uses sevearl more common organisms to 
support the sustained existance of phototropic organisms, amazing little 
critters that cannot exist in an oxygen-rich environment, but are 
extraordinarily efficient at processing-- what to us-- is toxic waste 
material, and producing waste-- that to our environment-- is life 

One of the most enjoyable experiments I've done is proving that these 
organisms actually do exist in the retail product.  When cultivated 
properly, they are the most amazing purple colored organisms.

Best Regards,


- Original Message - From:
Sent: Saturday, September 17, 2011 06:47
Subject: Re: CSBioremediation at Fukushima

I think its Essential Microorganisms. Someone please correct if wrong.
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless handheld

-Original Message-
From: PTFerrance
Date: Sat, 17 Sep 2011 07:40:21
Subject: RE: CSBioremediation at Fukushima

What does EM mean?

-Original Message-
From: Jonathan B. Britten []
Sent: Friday, September 16, 2011 11:23 PM

Re: [SPAM] Re: CSBioremediation at Fukushima

2011-09-17 Thread Jason R Eaton

Hi Jonathan:

You're very welcome.

Some years ago (2001 actually, according to the SCD website) there was some 
controversy or political problem (I'm not privy to the details), that caused 
a reorganization of Higa's work in the U.S.

That's a great tip about the PET bottles; what I usually do is transfer my 
activated EM brew into numerous very small bottles.  Your way sounds better!

Kind Regards,


- Original Message - 
From: Jonathan B. Britten

Sent: Saturday, September 17, 2011 18:35
Subject: [SPAM] Re: CSBioremediation at Fukushima


Thanks for all this invaluable information.   I did not know that Tara Ganix 
is an official distributor.  If I were buying in the USA,  I definitely 
would buy from them in order to support Dr. Higa's work.

I thought that SCD intended to carry official EM products -- and did at one 
time, I think --  but I guess the company has gone off in a new direction.

I've found EM1 extension very easy to make, and found that if air is 
squeezed out of the PET bottle, it can be stored for years without going 

I have no experience with any competing products, but can recommend Dr. 
Higa's mixture.



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 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CSConcentrating EIS

2011-09-16 Thread Jason R Eaton

Hi David:

I haven't had a need to try to concentrate EIS, but keep in mind that the 
silver in solution doesn't turn brown, it's only light refraction.

The problem with concentrating EIS, is that you have to deal with 
agglomeration, which defeats the purpose of creating a highly oligodynamic 
product.  In my opinion, that is the entire purpose of working with EIS.

When particles are too large (being a relative term), and you add hydrogen 
peroxide, rather than atomizing the silver particles, an oxide forms 
(contrary to some fancy opinions, it's easy to demonstrate), and the 
particles fall out of solution.  If you set aside your container for a week 
or so, you'll notice a thin or thick coating of greyish silver at the bottom 
of the container.  Depending upon the quality, concentration, and amount of 
H2O2 used, the silver that remains with and in the solution will be a pretty 
good product.  If you start off with a quality product, you can even use 
H2O2 to create a completely ionic solution, with no tyndal.

This is one of the problems I use to quality check my own batches.  If I add 
hydrogen peroxide to a fresh batch of EIS, and the solution turns dark, it 
indicates a lower quality end product, even though you can return the 
solution to clear with the use of H2O2.  This is usually due to problems 
with electrode degredation (or in some cases, electrodes being too close, or 
batches being run to long, water not being pure enough, etc. etc.).

Contrary to Frank's opinion on the use of TEM to study silver-based 
products, his opinion is not shared by anyone else in the scientific 
community (again, this is not my opinion, but the opinion of the scientific 
community at large).  While it is true that TEM has limitations (which Frank 
is quick to point out), the tool isn't used to definatively characterize 
attributes.  It's main advantage is in comparative analysis.  And what TEM 
can demonstrate through comparative analysis, is an attribute that has been 
proven to be very important in electrically isolated silver products: 
particle dispersion.  While TEM's revelation of particle dispersion may not 
be definative due to the process of drying a solution in order to photograph 
it, it has a direct correspondence to the direct antimicrobial power of any 
given EIS product.

The greater the particle dispersion, the greater the greater the 
antimicrobial power of a given product is... and you cannot get great 
particle dispersion with a solution filled with larger particles.

So while there are those who use highly concentrated products, from a few 
hundred parts per million to a few thousand parts per million, and while it 
is true that in those high concentrations, the direct antimicrobial power of 
the product is impressive, once you equalize the concentrations, the 
performance is dismal.

I've long been told by users of other CS products that our brew is far 
superior to anything they'd been using over the years.  I'm always quick to 
point out that there are products that are even better, but you can't get 
them for free (we don't sell silver, but we do give away alot).

If you're looking for highly concentrated silver, I don't think EIS is the 
way to go.  The higher concentration products I've attempted to make 
(upwards to around 50 PPM), are not as effective as the lower PPM high 
quality batches.

Using a minute current over a longer period of time, like Mike M. suggests, 
may be the way to go...  I mentioned this in an article I wrote (in 
passing), about this process somewhere around 2002-2003, because some people 
I've corresponded with-- individuals more on the fringe/esoteric side of 
things, have long believed that brewing silver for a week or more with an 
extremely small amount of current produces a very unique and useful product.

Although most of the current experts I consulted with at the time believe 
that you can get a higher concentration of EIS, none of them believed it was 
possible to get a higher quality end product; one that was more effective. 
It's possible that Mike M. is correct, and that a high quality product can 
be produced at 40 uS using his simple process.  That might be an ideal 
solution for the home brewer.

Silver particles are NEVER stable in the presence of H2O2... that's the neat 
thing about using H2O2.  I use peroxide testing strips to be certain that at 
least the majority of reactive H2O2 is gone from the EIS before letting 
anyone use it; otherwise, one needs to disclose that there is active H2O2 in 
solution, although when needed, I don't hesitate to use EIS with a bit of 
H2O2 still active.

I still believe that the risk of argyria is dose dependent, and that the 
most relevent factor is the actual amount of silver in the product.  I also 
believe that when you add an acid to the equation, that risk increases at 
least slightly, due to increased adsorption into tissues.  Using a high PPM 
silver stabilized with acids intranasally is 

Re: CSnebulized peroxide and silver safe to alternate?

2011-09-14 Thread Jason R Eaton
Hi David:

I doubt there would be any need for the MD to recommend to stop the nebulizer 
treatment of H2O2.

One day cessation of H2O2 would certainly be plenty of time for to avoid any 
h2O2 reaction in-lungs with silver.

However, I know nothing about the use of silver citrate in-lungs.  One of the 
things I like about using a quality EIS product, is that a good product is very 
close to a neutral pH.  Certainly at first thought, I'm not a big fan of 
dumping acids into the lungs, although I do understand that there are those who 
believe that citrates in general have an increased adsorbtion rate in the body.

 For the sake of interested parties, you should share with the group the 
concentration the MD has this individual on with the H2O2 nebulization 
protocol.  I would imagine that the concentration used for someone with lung 
cancer would be different than someone without it.

If memory serves correctly, the ideal concentration of activated oxygen 
in-lungs for lung cancer is about 0.5 PPM.  

If the MD is not aware of the research done with Pycnogel (a pine bark extract) 
and lung cancer, then maybe you can spend some time doing some research.  
There's been some very promising clinical medical research done, as well as 
some very impressive experiences by those with lung cancer.

Since silver can be delivered directly into the lungs without very many 
titration issues, you may wish to at least consider an alternative approach.  
If you read Dr. Robert O Becker's work with silver ions, Our Body Electric, 
you'll note that he pretty conclusively demonstrated that isolated silver ions, 
in combination with a minute amount of current, had a dramatic effect on 
cancerous cells.  I do not believe that anyone has demonstrated a similiar 
effect with silver compounds (perhaps nobody has ever tried).

If the medical doctor wishes to explore alternative possibilities, I know that 
unpublished research has been vitro... studying the direct effect of 
a high quality electrically isolated silver on human cancer cells.  While, to 
my knowledge, there has been little or no work done trying to translate this 
into an actual feasible treatment protocol, via MD to MD communication, some of 
these medical researchers may be available for at least a consultation.  If the 
MD is interested in exploring the issue further, please email me off list, and 
I'll get him in contact with some people, although the preferred contact has 
been out of the country for the last year or so.

P.S.:  The old adage:  Beware of a wolf dressed in sheep's clothing, seems to 
be applicable of late.

Kind Regards,


- Original Message - 
  From: David AuBuchon 
  Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 21:47
  Subject: Re: CSnebulized peroxide and silver safe to alternate?

  Thank you Mike for you sincere comments, and they provide more objectivity 
for me.  I actually make these suggestions to his integrative MD, and he makes 
the decisions.  He routinely prescribes nebulized peroxide, which is why he is 
taking it.  I personally wouldn't want to give him both at once, and am probing 
as whether or not I would really have to suggest to the doctor to stop the 
peroxide which he prescribed.  Actually the patient is doing much better off 
with his alternative treatment than had he not.  And it is not clear he is 
destined to leave this world, though he may.  I recently saw an elderly loved 
one who was weeks from death achieve complete remission.  He had a large colon 
tumor, blood loss, several large metastases in the liver, and he couldn't sit 
up on his own.  


  On Tue, Sep 13, 2011 at 9:27 PM, Mike Monett wrote:

David AuBuchon wrote:

Can someone do nebulized silver and peroxide on alternating days?  I have 
elderly person with lung cancer, diabetes, and mild parkinsons.  He is
already doing nebulized peroxide.  I want to give him nebulized silver 100
(100ppm potassium silver citrate).

No chemical reactions between residual silver and peroxide going to cause a
problem, don't you think?

Re: CS[List Owner] Caution, please... Mike, David, Jason, others...

2011-09-14 Thread Jason R Eaton

Hi Mike:

After three emails of personal insults from Mike, long before the nebulizer 
issue, I simply got tired of the escalating language.

If you start with this thread:

...and follow it from there, I'm sure you'll see what I mean.

There are things that some people say that need to be challenged, for the 
betterment of all, and I believe I did it in a very respectful and civil 
way, especially since nobody else seemed to pay much attention.

That third set of insults and I'd had enough.  Even then, I think my email 
was very responsible.

If I can't tell someone in a stern polite voice that I don't appreciate 
being personally insulted, and that I'm done with the situation, I'm not 
sure what you'd expect me to do.

If you look at the comments he made to Jonathan and David, they are not only 
equally unjustified, but very bullying.

I don't like bullies, and I don't tolerate bullying, even when the school 
principal isn't looking.

Please take a few moments and review Mike's posts for the last two days.

Kind Regards,


- Original Message - 
From: M. G. Devour

Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2011 15:31
Subject: CS[List Owner] Caution, please... Mike, David, Jason, others...

Greetings folks! Long time since I've had to wade into the list on this
kind of mission! Thank you for that fact, and to the several members
who gave me the heads-up so promptly.

In catching up with the messages I was a bit surprised and disappointed
to see the first intemperate remarks coming from Jason, of all people,
in his too-vigorous rebuttal of Mike Monett's speculations about
possible hazards of nebulizing CS.

(Jason, if by chance the order of things in my mail program distorted
the sequence of events and you feel there was some other provocation
besides his nebulizing assertion, feel free to let me know.)

I tend to agree that nebulizing has an excellent track record, and that
Mike's statements were an example of unwarranted certituded by logic
rather than empirical evidence: Much clinical AND anecdotal experience
plus known information about the actual solubility of the supposedly
insoluble silver compounds involved, lead me to doubt Mike's

Here's the problem when folks with a lot of training, experience,
and/or expertise with overlapping but not congruent competencies start
stepping into each others' areas of interest and on each others' toes:
The next thing you know we've got external genital appendages wagging
around and egos engaged, and all progress goes out the window!

Stop it!

Now, Mike, I want to address you specifically:

I think your specifications for the device are wonderfully crafted and
your intention of releasing it to the public domain and seeking its
widespread use by the neediest are an exquisite example of the merging
of responsible engineering and activism. Thank you, it's a good plan.

But keep in mind that the universe and the powers that be will be more
than happy to sabotage such humane intentions and the first place it
will try to do this is within you...

Want to collaborate successfully with folks from this group? Use our
forum to help promote your project? Great! You're welcome.

DON'T, however, let yourself succumb to the temptation to engage with
both fists the moment somebody steps on your toes. People WILL disagree
on things, including things you hold dear. Let them. The truth will
carry the day, for or against your ideas. That's as it should be.

Your nastiness to David A. was uncalled for and unprovoked. He's well
within the charter of the group, and you're not the referee of what's
appropriate, nor are you in a competent position to judge the
circumstances he is dealing with. Be supportive or leave it be.

Jonathan effectively raised the same reasonable questions about
nebulizing peroxide that you are concerned with -- without the ad-
hominem that sabotages your credibility and effectiveness.

Take his example to heart.

All right, I used all the big words I could think of, just to make sure
all you experts could 'grok' what I'm saying. grin Let's see if we
can actually stay on target and stop chaos from winning, just this
once, okay?


Mike D.
List owner

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

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 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CSnebulized peroxide and silver safe to alternate?

2011-09-14 Thread Jason R Eaton
Hi David:

Understood.  Like I said, I can't offer an educated opinion on the +potassium 
silver citrate, but I would be interested to know how it works out.

Like most companies marketing silver compounds, I don't trust them as I review 
their information.  Statements like this:

There really is no ppm that is best. Lower ppm is not safer and higher ppm 
is not more effective. 

...cause me to stop reading.

Argyria is dosage dependent.  The actual amount of silver is the most important 
consideration when evaluating the risk for argyria.  If one doesn't want to 
take the extensive time it requires to research argyria cases, and their 
causes, then at least one should offer fair warning to users that by using a 
highly concentrated silver product, they are at increased risk for cosmetic 

Some of the most infamous cases of argyria are from Water Oz, where the founder 
and staff swore up and down that there product produced no risk of argyria.  
They claimed their product was angstrom-sized silver, but it was a silver 
citrate.   For someone with massive health issues, fighting for their life, I 
doubt the individual would be that concerned about some skin discoloration, but 
I always strongly believe in a term popularized by The WHO at the geneva 
convention after World War II...  The idea of informed consent. 

Regarding reference #1:

Every medical experiment that I'm aware of regarding Ag4O4 was done with 
Tetrasil before it dissapeared off the market (not the topical tetrasil).

Best of luck with the aggressive protocols.

Regarding H2O2:

Thanks for this information.  Individuals commonly use 1.5% H2O2 for 
nebulization, and I have always thought that for ***some*** individuals, that 
concentration may be a little high.  Starting off with a concentration of 
0.0375% may be a very prudent and safe way for individuals to introduce 
themselves to this type of therapy.  To note, for systemic issues, an 
individual may have to work their way up to higher concentrations  but I 
wouldn't even make a suggestion for increased concentration to a lung cancer 
patient.  I'm just glad to know that it is possible for a lung cancer patient 
to even attempt such a therapy.
Best Regards,


- Original Message - 
  From: David AuBuchon 
  Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2011 16:27
  Subject: Re: CSnebulized peroxide and silver safe to alternate?

  Thanks Jason.  So if you google silver 100, you get their site.  They claim 
the potassium silver citrate (not silver citrate) produces a gradual release of 
free silver ions, which is why I am thinking about it over regular EIS.  They 
claim it has a much higher ability to disassociate that regular EIS.  There are 
some anecdotes on a lyme forum of sublingual silver 100 causing immediate herx 
even after oral EIS no longer does anything for them.  I nebulized the stuff 
and got mold asthma for an hour.  I have infected lungs (and everything) that 
are super resistant to treatment.  Regular EIS produces no effect in me with 
nebulizer for example.  It could have just been more the higher PPM than the 
freeing of silver ions, but I tend to believe the company.   I am sure some 
chemists on this forum could shed some light in this.  

  The evidence I have for silver in the use of cancer as follows:

  - In brazil a study had 30 out of 30 breast cancer remitted with one IV 
treatment of Ag4O4.
  - I've read about 15 anecdotes in humans and 10 in dogs of tumors 
dissappearing thought to be due to a silver supplement.
  - an animal study showed showed silver nanoparticles have an anticancer effect
  - silver nanoparticles are known to target cancer.
  - in vitro studies show EIS kills breast cancer.  And I think I have seen

  I am hedging the risk and thinking about using both sublingual/oral silver 
100, nebulized silver 100, and oral ASAP health max 30PPM.  The silver 100 is 
resulting in ions, the ASAP is particles...which would target cancer.  And they 
are coated in Ag4O4, which was the chemical used in the breast cancer study.  
Plus they just found a bladder infection, which silver may solve quickly.  Plus 
I think he has Lyme...well I think everybody and their mom has lyme!

  Regarding peroxide, I had mentioned to the MD that I had head of people who 
had done 3% peroxide (Brooks).  He said it wasn't safe and 0.5% was the max.  I 
think he starts with 0.0375%...very little.

  Anyrate, no one here ever puts all their eggs in one basket, and we have 20 
other things in the pipeline.


Re: CSspectrographs of CS [GishPuppy]

2011-09-13 Thread Jason R Eaton

Hi Mike:

 I am  astonished  to find anyone can get down to 0.3uS.  The  best I
 have seen is 0.5uS, and that is from the local Walmart.

I use high powered rare earth magnets in the double distillation process.

 However, such  extreme purity is simply not desirable or  needed for
 the typical single mom.


 However, none  of  us use this anymore. For  LVDC,the  thing  we are
 worried about  is CO2, which forms carbonic acid. This  will quickly
 raise your 0.3uS to 1.5uS or so.

Having an actual closed production system takes care of this problem, 
although again not very necessary for a simple generator.

 Silver does  not  oxidize.   Search   google  for  silver  does not
 oxidize, and you will get over 8,000 hits. Here are some:

Here we'll have to agree to disagree for the moment.  The point is rather 
mute anyway.

For example:

The equilibrium electrode potential of silver is +0.799 V. This value is 
only 0.01 V
more negative than the equilibrium potential of an oxygen electrode in 
environments. Then by definition silver is not regarded as a noble metal, 
because it
can still be thermodynamically oxidised by atmospheric oxygen at normal 
At standard temperatures and pressures (STP), the thermodynamical 

of 4 Ag + O2 -- 2 AgO

-from the ESA Journal, 1989

I can also show you some journal publications with TEM's of silver oxide 
configurations which must have occured with some relatively simple 

I've never questioned my common understanding of the oxidation process 
involving silver, as I use ozone and activated oxygen with silver all of the 
time.  I can pretty much prove by physical evidence some very simple 

That said, I'll take a look your alternate viewpoint when I get the 
chance...  I always question everything, and I love being proved wrong... 
there's a big thrill in improving the accuracy and depth perception of 

However, I don't see that the point is that relative to anything regarding a 
basic generator, anyway.

 The electrode  configuration does affect the performance. I  hope to
 clarify this soon when I get the SilverCell web page up and running.

That might be one of your bigger issues.  If people purchase standard silver 
electrodes from somewhere like , they may not be able to bend 
them into shape successfully without tearing them up with pliars or some 
such tool.

  Also, silver particles are not converted into silver chloride.

I don't believe that I stated that they were.  Silver ions are leached off 
by acids, whereby they are then converted into compounds ( in reference to 
Dr. Bart Flick's work).

 Frank is dead wrong in this. Ions kill pathogens in vitro.

 Particles do not.

As I stated in an earlier email, work done at UCLA demonstrated conclusively 
that only the electromagnetic information is required to kill pathogens.  I 
noted that particles in the colloidal spectrum have unique properties not 
shared by simple ion arrangements.  Metallic silver can very easily survive 
the digestive tract.  In fact, you may not be aware fo this, but some 
colloidal-size particles exhibit enzyme-like activities in the body.

However, again, I don't see this as very important to the work at hand.  I 
wholeheartedly agree that Frank is very wrong in some of his suppositions.

 Internally, something completely different happens.  With sublingual
 absorption, the amount of silver in the blood is far to low  to have
 any effect  on  pathogens. We need to study this  further,  since it
 definitely involves the human immune system

Even small concentrations of silver ions contain the electromagetic 
information of silver.  I'm not sure anyone understands from a practical 
level how oligodynamics work biologically.  As far as anyone really knows, 
the effect could simply be a catylst.

Nebulization is my favorite method of administration, although I am aware 
that there are some MD's out there who rely soley upon sublingual 

 High ionic  is the only way to go. Unfortunately,  most  people here
 have no  way  to see this for themselves since  all  the  current cs
 generators have  too   many   design   flaws   to  reach  the needed

Aside from experience with the differences in taste, the salt solution is an 
elegant solution.

 But the  solution has been under our fingers since the  3  nines was
 originally invented.  All it takes is a slight rearrangement  of the
 design, and we can improve the ion concentration by a factor of ten!

I would really like to see this in a closed system some day, with the 
ambient air variables removed.  It would be fascinating.

 You will  truly  be amazed when you see  how  simple  the SilverCell
 process is.  This is the most significant breakthrough  in colloidal
 silver generators  since the original 3 nines, and I  am  hopeful it
 will have  beneficial  effects   for  those  suffering  from serious

Re: CSspectrographs of CS

2011-09-13 Thread Jason R Eaton

Greetings, all:

 Hi David,

 I wrote  an  article for the Lyme Strategies called  Silver  In the
 Blood. In it I tried to show the ion concentration in the  blood is
 far too low to have any effect on pathogens, and the main instrument
 in healing is the immune system.

 I will be expanding on this topic in the SilverCell forum,  so there
 will be plenty of new information to work with.

 In the  meantime,  I  need   to   alert  you  to  the  problems with
 nebulizers. As  a  water droplet shrinks, the  silver  and hydroxide
 ions are  forced closer together. And the smaller  the  droplet, the
 faster it shrinks.

 At some  point, the ions combine to form silver hydroxide,  which is
 inert, insoluble,  and  has no  antibacterial  qualities.  This gets
 distributed deep  inside your lungs, and could have the  same effect
 as asbestos in harming the lungs.

This is one of the most ridiculous statements I've read in quite awhile.

As an individual with over ten years of experience with nebulization, this 
type of fear-mongering is unbecoming of true intelligence.

I can introduce you to individuals with terminal infectous conditions of the 
blood, lungs and organs who used CS nebulization to effect a permanent 
cure it's effective with both humans and animals.

Asbestos is carcinogenic, and the particle characteristics prevent it from 
being removed from lung tissue.  I can also introduce you to individuals who 
have breathed in so much silver in an industrialized setting, that their 
whole upper body turned black.The lungs, however, are in perfect shape 
(after twenty some years).

Furthermore, studies have been done demonstrating that silver accumulation 
in lung tissue is not present as long as the silver particle is less than 15 
nanometers in diameter.

People with massive silver exposure in lung tissues don't even develop 
conditions similiar to silicosis, let alone asbestos.

Silver is not as effective with Lyme disease as some would hope, and it's 
completely due to concentration levels.  Here is a quote from a Lyme 

There can also be some unintended consequences: While on IV Colloidal 
Silver, after my initial herxing, I started feeling better...until one day, 
I got slammed with Babesia symptoms. Apparently, the artemisinin I'd been on 
the year before, which had reduced my Babesia microti down to 
non-infective levels, did not eradicate it. Some other organism or two or 
three were helping my body keep down the Babesia population left after I 
went off the artemisin, organisms that were killed off by the silver, 
resulting in a major Babesia population. Fortunately, my physician had just 
returned from a Lyme conferenced, wherein he learned that Babesia is far 
more prevalent in the Lyme patient population (40% or more), and is far more 
difficult to get rid of, has a cyst form requiring the addition of a third 
antibiotic, and the tests are, like tests for Borrelia burgdorferi, 
returning high rates of false negatives because acute illness happens at 
ratios far less than the test sensitivity levels. [Note that there are tests 
for only two of the 13 known Babesia species, so people infected with the 
other 11 species will never test positive, no matter how sick they are.)

Lyme is more complicated than just saying higher concentration of silver 
will eradicate it.  It's one of those infections that requires a great deal 
of knowledge and concerted effort to address, especially in advanced stages.

I doubt very seriously that silver would have any impact on the cystic stage 
of Lyme, whicih is why it may be a good aid, but not a primary treatment 
modality.  As a friend recently reminded me, though, if all you have is a 
hammer, everything looks like a nail!

I don't often like to comment on Lyme disease, because that one should 
really be handled by people specializing in it with a medical background as 
well as a natural/alternative background.  However, because there is so much 
confusion, bad information, and down right imaginative suppositions going 
around, a Lyme sufferer really needs to take a multi-pronged approach to the 
whole problem.

Regardless of how one decides to use silver in a protocol, spirochetes 
travel to tissues and areas in the body that it is not likely silver will 
have a great impact on.  However, in some of its active stages, and as it 
operates in the active metabolism, silver use can greatly help knock the 
pathogen counts down, which obviously helps the immune system.  Titration is 
one of the biggest issues; bioactive silver in any form, and by any 
philosphy, doesn't have a long activity life in a biological system (like 
the human body).  At extremely low concentrations, silver only inhibits 
spirochetes' growth cycle.

There are therapies far more effective at dealing with the cystic stage of 
lyme and biofilm... but they are not that easy to use by someone without 
experience (which is why a good alt med practitioner 

Re: CSspectrographs of CS [GishPuppy]

2011-09-13 Thread Jason R Eaton
Hi Renee:

In theory, yes.  In practice, maintaining the purity of any signal is 
problematic.  It's easy to both measure and maintain any energy signal from a 
device through a chamber and into a test tube.  It's way beyond my technical 
expertise to try and figure out how this could be done.

Kind Regards,


- Original Message - 
  Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 18:27
  Subject: Re: CSspectrographs of CS [GishPuppy]

Jason wrote:
Even small concentrations of silver ions contain the electromagetic
Information of silver.  I'm not sure anyone understands from a practical
Level how oligodynamics work biologically.  As far as anyone really 
The effect could simply be a catylst.

Jason, does this mean if a person could get the figures for the 
frequency of the silver that this would be as good as the electromagnetic 
information from the silver--or do you think it's still necessary to have 
actual, physical ions present?


Re: CSspectrographs of CS

2011-09-13 Thread Jason R Eaton

Hi Mike:

You've actually been quite personally insulting, and so I'm done with 

You ignore ascertations with deflections, and are not communicating in good 

The last thing I'm going to say:

You've said:

 Doctors have  absolutely no clue about cs, and it is  not recognized by 
the FDA. So they simply cannot order anyone to use it or not.

...basically calling me a liar, which I do not appreciate.

Best of luck with your project.

Kind Regards,


From: Mike Monett
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 20:06
Subject: Re: CSspectrographs of CS

 Jason R Eaton wrote:

 Your experience  would  mean more if you  had  some  basic chemistry
 knowledge to  tell the difference between junk science  and valuable
 information. You  cannot  tell  what  silver  hydroxide  will  do to
 tissues in  the  long term. You have no knowledge  or  experience to

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CSspectrographs of CS

2011-09-10 Thread Jason R Eaton
Hi Neville:

You're right...  You really need to use a digital meter.


- Original Message - 
  From: Neville Munn 
  Sent: Friday, September 09, 2011 23:00
  Subject: RE: CSspectrographs of CS

  From my experience, Ph is high immediately upon cessation of the brewing 
process {LVDC home produced} and over time it returns to base Ph.
  I haven't actually timed it as all I wanted to know was the Ph level of my 
two samples I had tested at the time.
  If I thought those litmus strips were worth anything I would have used some 
in the past, but I don't think they amount to much for this purpose.

   Subject: Re: Re: CSspectrographs of CS 
   Date: Fri, 9 Sep 2011 18:27:19 -0700
  I only use EIS with a pH very close to neutral. Some manufacturing methods 
   acidic CS; at best, one is simply delivering small amounts of silver 
   into the body.

Re: CSspectrographs of CS

2011-09-10 Thread Jason R Eaton

Hi Mike:

I'm very interested in your work; please send me a link to your group when 
you get the chance.

I'm actually not confused, though.

There are other variables in the production process, although perhaps some 
would consider the issue splitting hairs.

The most irritating variable is distilled water quality.  While this does 
not necessarily directly impact the electrolysis process, indirectly in 
makes a big difference.  I can only get the best results when I 
double-distill water myself, which I usually don't have time to do.  When I 
measure distilled water that I purchase, and I see the ph is above 8.0, and 
the purity level far above my ideal 0.3 uS, I know that my end product will 
not be as good as it could be.

Second, the longer distilled water sits in open air, the more nitrogen it 
will pull from the air; the more energy you apply to the process, the more 
nitrogen is pulled into the water.  With HVAC, this can make a huge 
difference, but with LVDC, it only seems to be a minor difference.

Furthermore, you can get silver oxides due to the decay at the silver 
electrodes.  Poor electrode configurations are probably the biggest 

Also, silver particles are not converted into silver chloride.  The only 
thing they are subject to (relative to our topic) to is oxidation.  In the 
presence of acids, silver ions may be released (as was definatively 
demonstrated by Dr. Bart Flick), once released they are then subject to 
numerous chemical reactions.

Again, colloidal size particles, even if they in oxide form, have unique 
characteristics; however, you won't find this information by cracking open 
your high school chemistry book.  But I do agree that any interesting 
function of silver particles, as silver particles, is not very relevant to a 
direct action of killing pathogens.

So we definately agree about the value of a highly ionic, highly 
concentrated stabilized silver solution in distilled water.  I can't wait to 
see the information you present on your generator!

Kind Regards,



 Hi Jason,

 I can clear up some of the confusion you are experiencing.

 The only product of silver electrolysis is silver ions, Ag+, and the
 hydroxide ion, OH-.

 There are no other products in colloidal silver.

 There can  be  no other results from the  electrolysis  process. You
 cannot get  pure  silver  atoms,  or  silver  oxide,  or tetrasilver
 tetroxide, or any other combination of silver compounds. Only silver
 ions, Ag+, and the hydroxide, OH-.

 The only  combination  you can get from  this  is  silver hydroxide,
 AgOH. These are the only particles you will see in colloidal silver.

 This is what turns the solution yellow. There are only a  few metals
 that engage in plasmon resonance. Silver and gold are among them.

 For silver, this absorbs the blue end of the spectrum and leaves the
 typical yellow tint that everyone is familiar with.

 But when  you  ingest  this solution,  the  AgOH  combines  with the
 hydrochloric acid  in your stomach and produces silver  chloride and
 water. The equation is:

 AgOH + HCl -- AgCl + H2O

 This is a standard acid-base neutralization reaction. Look it  up in
 any high school chemistry textbook.

 The result  is  it  doesn't matter  what  kind  of  silver hydroxide
 particles you  ingest.  The particle size, zeta  potential,  and any
 other parameters  are  of no consequence. They  are  all  reduced to
 silver chloride and water.

 So particle size has no meaning when you ingest cs.

 But there  is a different way of making cs. I have  developed  a new
 method called  the  SilverCell process. This makes  cs  up  to 44uS,
 which is  the  world's  strongest   and  most  effective  silver ion
 solution possible.

 Normally, any  cs  generator is terminated when  the  ions  from one
 electrode reach  the opposite electrode. They combine in  the Nernst
 Diffusion Layer and form silver hydroxide, AgOH.

 This terminates  the brewing process, since any more  electrons that
 enter the  solution  only go to forming  more  silver  hydroxide, or
 they plate out on the cathode.

 If you continue the brew, you may find the silver  ion concentration
 actually decreases  due to extra combination of AgOH  in  the Nernst
 Diffusion Layer.  So for every electron delivered  to  the solution,
 you now  lose more than two ions, and it makes no sense  to continue
 the process.

 But I  have developed a way to control the reactions  in  the Nernst
 Diffusion Layer. As a result, my solution has absolutely no Tyndall,
 even in  the darkest room. I can deliver the world's  highest silver
 ion concentration in a colloidal silver generator. This makes  it by
 far the most effective cs ever produced.

 I can  also show that the silver ion concentration  is  essential in
 combating the most virulent pathogens. See for example my post on

 This clearly  shows  the higher ion  

Re: CSspectrographs of CS

2011-09-10 Thread Jason R Eaton
Hi David:

Oh, the Brooks Bradley Oxygen Nebulizer is far superior...  I didn't include it 
because most people don't have one and are unable to create one.

For some strange reason, people get the idea that if they see more mist than 
it's better.

With the oxygen nebulizer, you can set it so that you can't even see the mist 
without a mirror to fog out.  This gives you by far the most penetration into 
lung tissue.

The problem with spritzers/humidifiers/etc., is that very little of the 
bioactive silver reaches deep into the lower lobes of the lungs, which are 
sometimes the worst problem areas.  So, you need the best delivery system 
possible... even then, no matter how painful it is, you have to take very deep, 
deliberate breaths.

If there is fluid build-up in the lungs, then it is very important to nebulize 
right when waking up in the morning, before the flui has a chance to build up 
in the lower lobes, as well.

Generally speaking, actual nebulizers work better than other solutions (and 
ultrasonic a bit better than pneumonic) because of the atomization of the 
solution.  It doesn't change, of course, the size of the silver in solution, 
but with a finer mist you get far less water vapor coating the throat and the 
upper respiratory tract, and deeper penetration in the lungs.

Furthermore, anything you can do to to open the capillaries will also increase 
the effectiveness of nebulization... Such as taking high heat cayenne pepper 
under the tongue five to fifteen minutes prior to nebulizing...  It can make a 
big difference.

Kind Regards,


- Original Message - 
  From: David AuBuchon 
  Sent: Saturday, September 10, 2011 15:03
  Subject: Re: CSspectrographs of CS

  The more I hear about in vivo views, the less I know!  

  Also very interested in your generator Mike.  I have suspected that 
inadequate concentration of ions in the blood is the main issue when people 
like me peak in improvements with CS.  I definitely want to try your solution 

  So is particle size the main factor with nebulizer effectiveness?  So Jason, 
you would say that ultrasonic nebulizers give the best particle sizes?  Any 
thoughts on how they compare to Brooks nebulizer?  I also have infected lungs 
that do not respond to all sorts of nebulized silver products with a cheap edge 


Re: Re: CSspectrographs of CS

2011-09-09 Thread Jason R Eaton


...while there are no published definative studes done, medical doctors 
have done their own comparitive analysis with their patients, and I've never 
found a single medical doctor that hasn't drawn the same conclusion.  They 
may be out there, but I haven't found one.

Once a silver ion enters the bloodstream, it quickly converts to the most 
likely compound:  Silver chloride.  Silver chloride still has antimicrobial 
properties, probably more than inert silver particles.  For direct killing 
power, I'd rather have silver chloride active in the body than silver 

However, minutely sized silver particles have colloidal properties not 
shared by silver ions.  As was demonstrated by a scientist from Standford 
University (Professor William A. Tiller), the presence of bioactive silver 
is not required in order for silver to have pathogen killing power:  Only 
its electromagnetic signature.  Silver particles, even if coated in oxides, 
provided that they are colloidal-sized, have a zeta potential that... like 
all colloids...  act as catalysts by their mere presence.

The most effective way to deliver EIS, for the home user, into the body is 
via ultrasonic nebulization.

The most effective way to deliver it is to do an IV drip, followed by an IV 
drip of H2O2.  Silver complexes blow apart in the presence of H2O2, just 
like silver particles do.

The toxicology of EIS (be it colloidal silver sized particles or silver ions 
in distilled water) is extremely low; so while some forms of silver might be 
more powerful directly (such as highly concentrated silver citrate), I only 
use EIS with a pH very close to neutral.  Some manufacturing methods create 
acidic CS; at best, one is simply delivering small amounts of silver nitrate 
into the body.

There are methods that individuals can use to definatively determine the 
effectiveness of a given silver product, but I don't recommend them for the 
average person because the side effects can be unpredictable.

In my experience (speaking only for myself), Argentyn 23 is at least four 
times more effective than the silver I make using my modified Silvergen 
SG-7.  However, for oral use, as Marshall has been playing with,   adding 
H2O2 to the mix may make up for the variable.  The problem is, one cannot 
then make a determination if the increase in effectiveness is due to the 
activated oxygen or smaller particles.

The cost difference is too high to justify the expense of purchasing a 
retail product, no matter how good it may be...  especially since we go 
through five gallon batches of EIS quite often.

I do find it sad that so much knowledge and research was lost to the average 
person regarding the different types of silver products, and quality 

...but I will say that there are many little quiet clinics around the 
country (like the one I sometimes go to for non-related therapy) where 
you'll find a room full of people getting Argentyn 23 IV drips, and the 
medical doctors administering them would pour products like (brand name 
removed) down the toilet rather than give them to their patients, because 
these doctors can do things like live blood cell analysis before and after 

I personally am a middle of the road person, and see plenty of value in both 
colloids and ions.

The problem people face when dealing with pathogenic infections is 
understanding the biological origin of the infection, and understanding the 
biological reason the body cannot beat the infection.  7/10 the reason 
people cannot beat their infections is poor bowel health.


- Original Message - 
From: Alchemysa

Sent: Friday, September 09, 2011 17:32
Subject: Re: Re: CSspectrographs of CS

Theres no solid evidence that any particular form of silver is any  more 
'effective' than any other form. Numerous lab test seem to  indicate that 
all forms of silver are effective. Pure silver  particles, silver ions, 
and all sorts of silver compounds, all seem  to kill germs.

There are indications that some forms of silver may kill pathogens 
'quicker' (in vitro) but that doesn't mean that in the longer term  they 
are any more effective. For example a pure silver particle (eg 
mesosilver) may (or may not) work more 'slowly', but it may retain  its 
effectiveness for much longer, thereby killing more pathogens  overall, so 
the benefit ultimately may be greater than an ion that  (may) work only 

Anyway all the results we have are 'in vitro' (i.e. lab tests). We  have 
no real idea of whats really happening in the human body. And is  there 
any such thing as a silver 'ion' in the blood stream anyway?  Don't silver 
ions immeadiately become a 'silver compound particle'  the instant they 
are ingested?

The whole argument about smaller particles being more effective than 
larger particles is somewhat nebulous too. I can't say I've ever seen  a 
lab test that 

Re: CSSystemic Yeast Infection

2011-07-05 Thread Jason R Eaton
Hi Judy:

Some of the top supplements you can use to fight Candida (there is plenty of 
research out there if Google the topics):

East Park Research Olive Leaf Extract (D Lenolate)

Fresh water Diatomaceous Earth (for the digestive system)

A high quality therapeutic edible clay (for the digestive system)

Plenty of quality probiotics (even up to three times daily)

Colloidal Silver

Plus, it is very important to reduce or eliminate fast burning sugars...  Try 
to eat foods that are low on the glycemic index.

Even for those people who aren't using medications that encourage Candida, who 
have acquired systemic candida infections, it can easily take a year to clear 
up with a concentrated effort.

Kind Regards,


- Original Message - 
  From: Judy Harnett 
  Sent: Tuesday, July 05, 2011 09:52
  Subject: CSSystemic Yeast Infection

  Thanx Sandy.  I checked out the link you forwarded, but did not find it very 
helpful as it concentrated mainly on vaginitis and thrush and yeast infection 
during pregnancy.  Those are not the problems I'm dealing with.  Because I am 
dealing with inhalants to treat my COPD, the infection centers around my vocal 
cords, esophagus, and the like, eventually causing me severe laryngitis.  It 
starts out with a horrible taste in my mouth and I know that it's time to take 
the fluconazole, which is losing it effectiveness.  There may not be an answer 
to my problem as long as I'm using these inhalant meds, but was hoping someone 
would know if using silver on a daily basis would at least keep it at bay.  So, 
if anyone has experience with it's use, I'd appreciate hearing from you.


Re: CSAgO4 is the ingredient in Guardian Silver Sol

2011-07-05 Thread Jason R Eaton

Hi David:

A. The product that was used in the breast cancer studies quoted earlier 
(done by Dr. John Apsley) was Argentyn 23, and not Silver Sol, or Silver 

B.  Horowitz is absolutely rediculous.  His ravings on this topic should be 

American Biotech Labs shreas a unique relationship with the FDA because they 
spent the money to have at least two of their products cleared for medical 
use by the FDA.  Therefore, they have the legal authority to make medical 
claims based on their patent filings coupled with their FDA approval.

I'm not the biggest fan with everything that ABL has done, but Keith Moeller 
et al are certainly not FDA plants, nor do they have an agenda beyond making 
their investors happy by selling lots of silver.

As far as whether or not it is **more** or less useful than a typical EIS 
product, it's hard to say.

Best Regards,


- Original Message - 
From: David AuBuchon

Sent: Tuesday, July 05, 2011 14:51
Subject: Re: CSAgO4 is the ingredient in Guardian Silver Sol

And then, the maker of Oxysilver (a Dr. Len Horowitz), says that they
ripped off his product (which may imply oxysilver is also Ag4O4).  He
says that ABL, and its like 7 or 8 different names of silver products
that it sells on various websites are a government scam to manipulate
the growing interest in colloidal silver for various purposes.  He
says the FDA seems to allow them make claims, while they cracked down
on his product.  (I did in fact see blatant claims against tons of
illnesses on one of their sites that I checked.  In one of their
videos, they state that they are allowed to make claims because they
have filed a patent...that is not how it is supposed to legally work
though as far as I know!)  .

He says the frequencies in the silversol products may cause cancer
and that it is a depopulation scheme to take out the natural health
oriented people who are the ones who tend to talk about depopulation
conspiracies, etc.

Man...I'm just trying to try a new silver product that won't give me
cancer and be certain it is something I have not tried before (Ag4O4).
Not sure what to think of this particular mudslinging.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour


2011-03-15 Thread Jason R Eaton
Re: CSProbioticsHi Steve:

I'm always playing around with various probies.  Sometimes, one must consider 
how powerful of a porbiotic formula one actsually needs.  I'm NOT an expert on 
the topic, but I do emmensely enjoy the research.

Dr. Mercola's probiotics, which contain ten strains, are desigend to survive 
the digestive tract.  These are just your run-of-the-mill probiotics, and a 
touch pricey, but at least one knows the job will get done.

The first of the big guns I play with are HSO's, homeostatic soil organisms, 
offered by Garden Life under the brand name Primal Defense.  These are very 
controversial little creatures have no problems surviving through the digestive 
system.  These types of organisms have come under fire primarily due to modern 
science's inability to predict the long term effects of HSO's.  However, before 
disregarding them as potentially profound healing agents, the small scale 
studies done should be carefully considered.

But my personal favorite probies I make myself, from Effective Microorgansims.  
THe EM master culture, from Japan, is quite affordable, and is a blend of 
microorganisms designed as a support system to keep one type of very special 
microorganism alive: Two strains of photosynthetic bacteria,  Rhodopseudomonas 
palustris and Rhodobacter sphaeroides

These amazing little creatures (if you can call them that) don't often appear 
at the Earth's surface anymore... Not since the Earth's atomosphere began 
containing oxygen.  

Every last researcher that I've corresponded with has been nothing short of 
amazed at the various applications of EM and A-EM.  Ongoing research continues:

...however, very little has been published in English about the health and 
healing potential of using EM-based supplements as probiotics.  That said, in 
the worst case scenarios with people I correspond with, when their chronic 
digestive conditions (and we're talking hospitalization level conditions) 
respond to nothing else, a combination of EM therapy and clay therapy has, at 
the very least, stabilized even the most serious cases of IBS, Crohns, and 
other non- or mis-diagnosed conditions of the lower intestines.

Whatever probiotic one chooses, it takes about four weeks to see how they will 
compete with whatever else is in the colon.  When the state of the colon is 
returned to normal, an individual will always effortlessly go to the bathroom 
once for every major meal eaten the day prior.

So it really depends on what you are trying to accomplish with your 
supplementation.  I also make kombucha on occassion, and use Kefir, but I don't 
see either as being powerful enough to act to restore serious digestive 

Kind Regards,


- Original Message - 


  From: Gayla Roberts [] 
  Sent: Saturday, March 12, 2011 10:30 PM
  Subject: Re: CSProbiotics

  Anyone have experience and recommendations for probiotics? 

Re: CSGood and bad bacteria

2011-03-08 Thread Jason R Eaton
Greetings, everyone:

This subject always produces great confusion, and there really is no need for 

I ask that those interested in understanding how antimicrobial substances work 
in the gut read pages  249 - 259 of my book, most of which has been made 
available for free on Google books:

The confusion is easily solved when contrasting the desireable population 
counts of good bacteria vs. the population counts of bad bacteria, and how 
quickly good bacteria repopulates in the large intestines, provided that the 
biological terrain has been restored.

If one desires to hammer the large intestines in order to eradicate pathogenic 
organisms overgrowth, then colloidal silver, olive leaf extract (East Park 
Research), and a high quality healing clay can be used.  In situations where 
there is a severe imbalance in the colon, a high quality probiotic can be used. 
 Howver, one needs to use the probiotic not because these antimicrobial 
substances have wiped out the good organisms, but because there is a good 
chance that the imbalance in the digestive system has already depleted them.  
Those with fantastically functioning digestive systems experience no problems, 
due to the fact that repopulation of the good organisms occurs very quickly; 
and even more quickly as the undesireable organisms perish.

If one wishes to ensure the delivery of active silver into the intestines, then 
mixing colloidal silver with clay is the best way to accomplish this.

For those using CS for other conditions, as long as the digestive system is 
relatively healthy, there is no real reason to be concerned about the 
over-killing of good bacteria in the gut.

Kind Regards,


- Original Message - 
  From: Alan Jones 
  Sent: Tuesday, March 08, 2011 06:44
  Subject: Re: CSc/s and Bee Mites

  My understanding is, the CS would kill the gut flora if it got in contact 
with it.

  But I believe the CS is absorbed before it gets that far in the digestive 

  On Mon, Mar 7, 2011 at 5:33 PM, Scotty wrote:

So does this mean that CS kills good bacteria in humans too? This seems to 
be a controversial subject. 

  Alan Jones

  The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor 
prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to 
the people.  (Tenth Amendment to the US Constitution)

Re: CSMagnesium Oxide Prill Beads - 20 June

2010-06-21 Thread Jason R Eaton, what great science.

Let's thus toss out electromagnetism, abstractionism, aphorism

Actually, the word skepticism is a very revealing word with an interesting 
history and word origin.

The word ism actually means doctrine, system, manner, condition, at and 

The history of the word skeptic started with philosophy of the Pyrrho of 
Elis, who fought dogmatism by showing reasons for doubting it, but which 
today is the position that absolute knowledge is impossible but that science 
can succeed with relative certainty.  The word comes from the latin word 
scepticus and Greek skeptikos skeptic from skeptesthai to examine 
closely.  This word comes from a the root, PIE *spek-/*spok- look, see 
(i.e. spectator, inspect, and even spice ). Spice via the French version of 
Latin species, which originally meant kind, type, but later came to mean 
wares and then spice. Finally, the [p] and [k] traded places in Greek 
(metathesis), where we find skopein to see, like in some great words words 
telescope, microscope, and the new (slang) verb to scope out.

Thus, the word skepticism literally can be translated to mean:  To examine 
closely in an orderly manner.

Nice word that.  In my experience, 9-10 People who don't like the word 
skepticism or skeptics usually don't because the things they say fall apart 
quickly under close examination.

Your experience may be different though.

Best Regards,


- Original Message - 
From: bodhisattva

Sent: Monday, June 21, 2010 1:08 PM
Subject: Re: CSMagnesium Oxide Prill Beads - 20 June

Not an opinion, a fact.

Skepticism itself is a 'doctrine', and a 'Skeptic' is a preacher of this 
doctrine/religion. Ism' is basically something taken too far, before one 
engages their logical, and intuitive mind to take a rational, healthy 
approach to something. The dictionary defines an 'ism' as an oppressive and 
especially discriminatory attitude or belief.


All the same, just another oppressive doctrine.  Like I said a good healthy, 
open mind, with an intuitive sense of wonder, and a logical sense of 
investigation is best termed 'normal'. Anything else, is probably considered 
to be some degree of insanity, or irrational overzealousness.. Prill beads, 
and this discussion I will continue on the off-topic list if it is 

Dorothy Fitzpatrick wrote:
Your opinion, not mine.  dee

On 21 Jun 2010, at 20:22, bodhisattva wrote:

Open questioning is healthy, skepticism is another 'ism' and is therefore, 

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: Skeptics was // Re: CSMagnesium Oxide Prill Beads - 20 June

2010-06-21 Thread Jason R Eaton

Hi Bodhisattva:

Your remarks are (and quite classically) very prejudicial.  Skeptics are not 
armchair philosophers.  They are scientists, with a varying degree of skill, 
that are quite active in world of inquiry.  Granted, there are many people 
who don't understand the term and claim to be one, but this is universal 
with any belief system.

The true skeptic ideology ignores belief altogether as absent of real 
existance.  A belief is only a form of energy (a very feeble one, usually) 
and has only a fleeting connection with reality (objective or perceived). 
And while most ardent skeptics are very existential, they ***do not ever*** 
fall into the trap of discounting anecdotal evidence.  This of course means 
that a good skeptic cannot afford an atheistic viewpoint any more than a 
good skeptic can afford a perspective of fervent religious faith.

This usually makes the true skeptic a highly successful, achieved, and 
qualified scientist.  However, like most disciples of truth, finding a good 
practitioner can be extremely rare.

Most people of spiritual concerns are deeply resentful of skepticism.  This 
is quite sad, as I was personally taught to apply this very buddhistic idea 
first and foremost with the mental and emotional realm as a part of a 
healthy spiritual discipline.  Equally, however, people neglect to remember 
that the end result of inquiry is either a demonstration of fact or a lack 
of conclusion.

With most actual real spiritual pursuits, the act of inquiry will lead to a 
lack of conclusion... and yet, hopefully, the collection of useful data.  A 
skeptic is ok with being left in doubt; a believer is usually NOT ok with 
that uncomfortable concept.  However, there are times when skepticism has 
demonstrated beyond any possible doubt the reality of certain religious, 
spiritual and philisophical practices.

I could list some of the spiritual greats of world history (few of which 
have come from the English speaking world) that embrace the art of Inquiry 
(need I neglect to mention the Indian sage who perfect the art of Self 
Inqiry from  atma-vicara?)... but someone else already did a good job with 
historic figures for me:

I actually view your weak and unsubstantiated (not to mention not very well 
thought out) negativity against the idea of the skeptic as an attack which 
needs a few moments of reasonable defense.  While the off topic list is the 
perfect place for such things to be discussed, I think that THIS list needs 
to remain very open to inquiry and questioning and doubt...  for the benefit 
of the people who do not believe as you do.

If you had stated that you are a Nazi and hate jews, you would have been 
banned from this list.  However, it appears that other forms of prejudism 
are well tolerated.

Best Regards,


- Original Message - 
From: bodhisattva

Sent: Monday, June 21, 2010 3:06 PM
Subject: Re: Skeptics was // Re: CSMagnesium Oxide Prill Beads - 20 June

You put it directly, I said the same thing nicely.  Basically, skeptics 
are 'dead energy', nothing moves either way, nothing happens.

Jane MacRoss wrote:
I have found skeptics to be basically fence sitters which  means they are 
usually pains in the A*se whereas I walk a razor's edged path so it's my 
feet that are sore.

~The Highest Field of Energy Healing you now!~
- Original Message - From: Jason R Eaton

Sent: Tuesday, June 22, 2010 7:35 AM
Subject: Re: CSMagnesium Oxide Prill Beads - 20 June, what great science.

Let's thus toss out electromagnetism, abstractionism, aphorism

Actually, the word skepticism is a very revealing word with an 

history and word origin.

The word ism actually means doctrine, system, manner, condition, at and

The history of the word skeptic started with philosophy of the Pyrrho of
Elis, who fought dogmatism by showing reasons for doubting it, but which
today is the position that absolute knowledge is impossible but that 

can succeed with relative certainty.  The word comes from the latin word
scepticus and Greek skeptikos skeptic from skeptesthai to examine
closely.  This word comes from a the root, PIE *spek-/*spok- look, 
(i.e. spectator, inspect, and even spice ). Spice via the French version 
Latin species, which originally meant kind, type, but later came to 
wares and then spice. Finally, the [p] and [k] traded places in 
(metathesis), where we find skopein to see, like in some great words 

telescope, microscope, and the new (slang) verb to scope out.

Thus, the word skepticism literally can be translated to mean:  To 

closely in an orderly manner.

Nice word that.  In my experience, 9-10 People who don't like

Re: Skeptics was // Re: CSMagnesium Oxide Prill Beads - 20 June

2010-06-21 Thread Jason R Eaton
\Hi Alan:

Not at all...  Sites such as Quackwatch, et al. aren't run by skeptics, they 
are run by individuals posing as some sort of authority.  

A skeptic, by definition, would actually DO the science to see if the claims 
made by CS had any valid (many of us skeptics did exaclty just that...  I've 
personally commissioned several scientific studies, as well as run test groups 
actually testing the effectiveness of CS for a basic data pool... ).  If a 
skeptic was not in a position to do the science, the skeptic would work 
diligently examining any and all scientific data available.

Best Regards,


  - Original Message - 
  From: Alan Jones 
  Sent: Monday, June 21, 2010 5:39 PM
  Subject: Re: Skeptics was // Re: CSMagnesium Oxide Prill Beads - 20 June

  Jason, don't most so-called skeptics dismiss colloidal silver as quackery?


  On Mon, Jun 21, 2010 at 5:37 PM, Jason R Eaton 

Hi Bodhisattva:

Your remarks are (and quite classically) very prejudicial.  Skeptics are 
not armchair philosophers.  They are scientists, with a varying degree of 
skill, that are quite active in world of inquiry.  Granted, there are many 
people who don't understand the term and claim to be one, but this is universal 
with any belief system.

The true skeptic ideology ignores belief altogether as absent of real 
existance.  A belief is only a form of energy (a very feeble one, usually) and 
has only a fleeting connection with reality (objective or perceived). And while 
most ardent skeptics are very existential, they ***do not ever*** fall into the 
trap of discounting anecdotal evidence.  This of course means that a good 
skeptic cannot afford an atheistic viewpoint any more than a good skeptic can 
afford a perspective of fervent religious faith.

This usually makes the true skeptic a highly successful, achieved, and 
qualified scientist.  However, like most disciples of truth, finding a good 
practitioner can be extremely rare.

Most people of spiritual concerns are deeply resentful of skepticism.  This 
is quite sad, as I was personally taught to apply this very buddhistic idea 
first and foremost with the mental and emotional realm as a part of a healthy 
spiritual discipline.  Equally, however, people neglect to remember that the 
end result of inquiry is either a demonstration of fact or a lack of conclusion.

With most actual real spiritual pursuits, the act of inquiry will lead to a 
lack of conclusion... and yet, hopefully, the collection of useful data.  A 
skeptic is ok with being left in doubt; a believer is usually NOT ok with that 
uncomfortable concept.  However, there are times when skepticism has 
demonstrated beyond any possible doubt the reality of certain religious, 
spiritual and philisophical practices.

I could list some of the spiritual greats of world history (few of which 
have come from the English speaking world) that embrace the art of Inquiry 
(need I neglect to mention the Indian sage who perfect the art of Self Inqiry 
from  atma-vicara?)... but someone else already did a good job with historic 
figures for me:

I actually view your weak and unsubstantiated (not to mention not very well 
thought out) negativity against the idea of the skeptic as an attack which 
needs a few moments of reasonable defense.  While the off topic list is the 
perfect place for such things to be discussed, I think that THIS list needs to 
remain very open to inquiry and questioning and doubt...  for the benefit of 
the people who do not believe as you do.

If you had stated that you are a Nazi and hate jews, you would have been 
banned from this list.  However, it appears that other forms of prejudism are 
well tolerated.

Best Regards,


  Alan Jones

  The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor 
prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to 
the people.  (Tenth Amendment to the US Constitution)

Re: CSOn Topic Online Questions Begging For CS Answers

2010-06-09 Thread Jason R Eaton

Hi Everyone:

Unfortunately, that information on H2O2, while useful, is not exactly 

I test the quality of my colloidal silver by taking a small amount and 
adding a few drops of 35% H2O2.  If the colloidal silver clouds up, I throw 
the batch away.

However, I do tend to be very old school with my CS production.

The problem is that it seems everyone now teaches that it is ok not to clean 
the silver rods and the vessel when brewing CS.  This is not correct.  All 
of the silver oxide must be removed from the silver electrodes just prior to 
brewing.  All silver must be removed from the brewing vessel just prior to 
brewing.  All jagged edges must be removed from the silver electrodes just 
prior to brewing... if one is to achieve the highest quality EIS possible.

If the above instructions are followed, then your CS will not cloud up when 
adding H2O2 to the end product.  Grab a laser pen and watch the beautiful 
tyndal effect as the magnificent H2O2 silver reaction blasts silver 
particles apart and at the same time releases activated oxygen.  Purchase 
some H2O2 concentration strips and chart the reduction of H2O2 over time, if 
you are interested in following and understanding the entire reaction.

What happens when the EIS clouds up just after production?  You have larger 
agglomerated particles of silver oxide in-solution.  And if you have larger 
ones, then chances are you have a whole range, from tiny visible silver 
flakes all the way down the scale.  The product will be very unstable as 
agglomeration continues.  After two or three weeks, you probably have about 
a good of product as can be carefully made with nine volt batteries 
still effective, but hardly ideal.

The amount of H2O2 to add to any EIS formulation is greatly dependant upon 
the concentration and the composition of the silver hydrosol.  For 
experimental teaching purposes, immediately bring the CS solution up to a 
concentration of 50 PPM H2O2 (this is midway between the 0-100 PPM peroxide 
testing strips available for purchase).  You can then track how much hwow is 
reacting with silver particles in solution by comparing the tyndal effect 
with a PWT meter reading and concentration.  If you really have a great 
silver generator production unit set up, you can brew a 10 PPM EIS and 
completely reduce the silver particles out of the solution, at which point 
the H2O2 concentration will stabilize and there will be no tyndal effect; 
the silver taste will be much more noticeable.  This ideal is hard to 
achieve due to the complex species of silver oxides that can be created when 
larger particles of silver (apparently) react with H2O2; these silver 
peroxide complexes can get small enough to stay in solution without being 
oxygen reactive!

Now of course, it is not critical that the perfect EIS be created every 
time; lazy batches of CS will often work just fine.  Sometimes, even with 
perfectly formed silver electrodes properly placed in-water in the highest 
quality distilled water, there are variables that can still adversely effect 
production.  Open-lidded systems are dependent upon light and air issues, 
including humidity and nitrogen content.  EIS brewing greats such as Ivan 
and Steven Quintos went to extraordinary lengths to control each and every 
variable.  Ivan chose to use batch processing and flushing out his sealed 
production container with Argon gas.  Stephen Quinto chose to use continuous 
flow production with at-production water purification and water structuring.

I modified my SG7 so that the lid closes and seals; if I'm really in an 
ambitious mood, I'll pump about 5% ozone (by concentration) ON TOP (not 
within) of the water using 98% pure oxygen to feed the ozone generator. 
Ozone is heavier than air so I'm basically just placing a sheet of oxygen on 
top of the water surface with a flow through system.

Kind Regards,

Jason R. Eaton
Independent Research Executive
Author of Upon A Clay Tablet, the Definitive Guide to Healing with 
Homeostatic Clay, Vol's I  II

- Original Message - 
From: Marshall Dudley

Sent: Wednesday, June 09, 2010 9:09 AM
Subject: Re: CSOn Topic  Online Questions Begging For CS Answers

Paula Samuels Anthis wrote:

Question?  If I remember correctly, it is best to wait two days after 
brewing CS to add H2O2 - _but would someone be kind and tell again how 
many drops H2O2 per quart of CS solution? and is that drugstore 3% or 
diluted to 3% food grade H2O2 that shoul be used?_
Yes, wait 22 days.  Then add 1/2 teaspoon per gallon of EIS.  A quart 
would take 1/16 teaspoon.
(And please forgive me if this info was posted and I failed to see or 
record it? OK?) Thanks also Ode for having such good, easily understood 
info on your website as it is helping solidify all this information in my 
little old brain. I used several drops H2O2 in a fresh brewed quart 
several weeks ago and the CS

Re: CSWound care....using colloidal silver for it

2010-05-04 Thread Jason R Eaton
Hi Garrick:

I have extensive experience with wound management and complex colloids and 
hydrosols.  Yes, you can simply add CS to the wound, bandage it, and use a 
spray bottle to spray the bandage to keep the active silver on the wound site.

However, this is not the best method, especially with non-healing wounds.  The 
silver will be key to help heal the wound, but it will do nothing to help 
address the lack of oxygen in the tissue, nor the failure of the lower 
lymphatic system.

Starting on page 56 of my book, I describe how you can use silver and a complex 
clay colloid to heal even the worst infections... even with diabetics and those 
on immune system destroying drugs.

I use 50% colloidal silver at about 10PPM, with 50% of whatever ionic complex I 
want to use, in order to hydrate healing grade therapeutic clay.  Now, not all 
bentonites will work with serious wound-care.  To ensure success, a healing 
grade clay must be used.

About four years ago I ran into the first case where silver and clay would not 
heal a severe infection.  The infection was in the bone of the foot; it was a 
typical diabetic tunneling wound turned infection.  The MD was getting ready to 
take the whole foot off.

I couldn't fathom how/why the silver clay combination was not working.  I then 
realized that the primary issue was probably oxygen/circulation related.  So I 
developed a three stage treatment system.

First, the individual would place the entire foot in a small tub filled with 
colloidal silver.  Then, the individual would bubble ozone with a disc bubbler 
THROUGH the silver hydrosol and underneath the wound site.  The individual was 
instructed to do this twice daily for 30 minutes per treatment.  The individual 
was compliant because the ozone greatly soothed the wound.

Next, the individual was to use a therapeutic clay hydrated with at least 50% 
colloidal silver and pack it inside the wound and on the bottom of the foot, 
and then secure the clay in place with a clean bandage... inbetween the two 
daily treatments, the clay would remain.  The individual was compliant because 
as long as the hydrated clay was packed, there was no pain or irritation.

I'm certain the infection was destroyed within the first 72 hours; the wound 
took a few months to completely heal, but it did so.

Later, I started to study, contrast and compare the world's most famous 
therapeutic clays.  As I studied their characteristics, I realized that 
different clays had different strengths and weaknesses, and yet they could be 
used together to produce a synergetic effect.

I will be publishing these studies in my next Volume, but it will likely be 
about 3-5 years to complete the science... 

However, I was able to produce a complex colloid that involves a blend of three 
clays, and that was precisely PH balanced for proper skin health and 
wound-care.  The problem with silver is it is almost caustic because it is very 
close to distilled water.  The problem with most therapeutic clays is that they 
are very alkaline.  Using the knowlege I gained back in 2001 working with Greg 
Caton's products, I hypothesized that I could utilize Alpha Omega 
Lab's Hydronium solution to safely modify the PH levels of any solution without 
concern for skin irritation.  The tests proved effective, and I was able to 
develop a complex colloid that could be kept on any wound. 24 hours a day, 
7 days a week, for one to two months.

The clay was to be kept hydrated simply by using a spray bottle and spraying 
silver onto the dressing.  After all wound draining (the clay has to be changed 
out often until any wound is done draining), the clay is simply changed out two 
to three times daily. Using this method, you also avoid wound chilling, 
which can greatly slow down healing.  If you are just spraying silver on a 
wound, it needs to be at body temperature, or slightly warm.  The area needs to 
be insulated enough not to chill after application, as well. ...these are just some notes 
thrown together on an example of such a treatment.

Kind Regards,


  - Original Message - 
  From: Garrick 
  Sent: Tuesday, May 04, 2010 8:35 AM
  Subject: CSWound careusing colloidal silver for it

  Hi all,

  I might not be able to get them to try it out but.
  I know an elderly couple and the man has a wound on his shin that will not 
  He had a skin cancer removed from there
  He is diabetic so poor circulation to his limbs
  What is the best way to keep the colloidal silver on the wound?
  A good bandage that you keep wet with CS?

  This guy is 92 years old and served on our (USA) bomber crews in WW2 in the 
  He was kind of a boxing champ in the military. He showed me some photos of 
him from in the boxing 

Re: CSWound care....using colloidal silver for it

2010-05-04 Thread Jason R Eaton
Hi Del:

That clay should be fine.  Using 100% CS with clay is also fine.  I was just 
demonstrating that a superior formulation could be made, specifically to PH 
balance the end product.

That is one of the effects of the clay.  Therapeutic grade clays are 
homeostatic.  When possible, the use therefore results in a restoration of 
balance.  Another potential effect of a quality clay is the uranium (extremely 
low level radiation hormesis) and trace amounts of minerals such as Thorium.

In some cases (such as gram negative bacteria in the colon), the clay's action 
of the sorption of the toxic byproducts that bacteria naturally produces is 
more effective than any substance designed to kill pathogenic organisms.

What makes a highly complex colloid the better bet is that sometimes it 
doesn't matter if you kill the pathogenic organisms responsible for an 
infection, because conditions remain that support the reinfection of the 
tissue.  In my complex colloids, everything that the tissue needs to rebuild is 
included in the colloid...  everything accept activated oxygen (which is why we 
employ ozone with tough situations).  Also, you never know if you have embedded 
metal from the injury.  CS won't pull out splinters (even microscopic ones can 
cause irritation that results in reinfection), but clay often will (even if you 
can't see them).

Kind Regards,


  - Original Message - 
  From: Del 
  Sent: Tuesday, May 04, 2010 12:48 PM
  Subject: Re: CSWound careusing colloidal silver for it

  Hi Jason:

  Good to see you back on this list again, it's been a while.
  This post is timely for me, I have an infection on the knuckle of my thumb 
that will not go away.
  I scored it with a hand saw while sawing up some downed tree limbs in my back 
  It bled quite a bit, and I first washed it out then poured on some DMSO and 
CS, and some Cayenne Tincture, then bandaged it with a Band-Aid and Bacitracin.
  It healed over, but apparently an infection persisted under the skin, which 
now has a lump on the knuckle.
  I tried applying CS and DMSO several times a day, but not much success.
  So I switched to DMSO and SSKI (potassium iodide) with better results, but 
still not eliminated.
  It so happens that my wife is using pure calcium bentonite as a facial.
  It's this one here:
  Would this work for my thumb as described in your email?
  And what do you mean by 50% of whatever ionic complex.
  Why not just use 100% CS with the clay?
  I assume the clay acts to draw out the infection and the CS kills it?

- Original Message - 
From: Jason R Eaton 
Sent: Tuesday, May 04, 2010 12:40 PM
Subject: Re: CSWound careusing colloidal silver for it

I use 50% colloidal silver at about 10PPM, with 50% of whatever ionic 
complex I want to use, in order to hydrate healing grade therapeutic clay.  
Now, not all bentonites will work with serious wound-care.  To ensure success, 
a healing grade clay must be used.

Re: CSWound care....using colloidal silver for it

2010-05-04 Thread Jason R Eaton

...oh and by the way:  Thank you and hello.  I though I would drop back in and 
see how the silver listers have been doing.  :o)

~ Jason
  - Original Message - 
  From: Del 
  Sent: Tuesday, May 04, 2010 12:48 PM
  Subject: Re: CSWound careusing colloidal silver for it

  Hi Jason:

  Good to see you back on this list again, it's been a while.
  This post is timely for me, I have an infection on the knuckle of my thumb 
that will not go away.
  I scored it with a hand saw while sawing up some downed tree limbs in my back 
  It bled quite a bit, and I first washed it out then poured on some DMSO and 
CS, and some Cayenne Tincture, then bandaged it with a Band-Aid and Bacitracin.
  It healed over, but apparently an infection persisted under the skin, which 
now has a lump on the knuckle.
  I tried applying CS and DMSO several times a day, but not much success.
  So I switched to DMSO and SSKI (potassium iodide) with better results, but 
still not eliminated.
  It so happens that my wife is using pure calcium bentonite as a facial.
  It's this one here:
  Would this work for my thumb as described in your email?
  And what do you mean by 50% of whatever ionic complex.
  Why not just use 100% CS with the clay?
  I assume the clay acts to draw out the infection and the CS kills it?

- Original Message - 
From: Jason R Eaton 
Sent: Tuesday, May 04, 2010 12:40 PM
Subject: Re: CSWound careusing colloidal silver for it

I use 50% colloidal silver at about 10PPM, with 50% of whatever ionic 
complex I want to use, in order to hydrate healing grade therapeutic clay.  
Now, not all bentonites will work with serious wound-care.  To ensure success, 
a healing grade clay must be used.

Re: CSMeat claimed as invention by Monsanto

2010-05-02 Thread Jason R Eaton
Hi Bob:

I agree regarding eating organic foods when possible.

However, and quite sadly, there are even some organic foods that are very poor 
quality.  For example, the organic free range chicken that I purchase at Trader 
Joe's has plastic or petro-chemical filled soft tissues or fat.

Even much of the midwestern free range grass fed beef is not supremely 
excellent.  I pay twice as much for beef I order, and I order it from smaller 
ranches in Northern California; any area that has rich volcanic-origin soils.

Best Regards,


  - Original Message - 
  From: Bob Banever 
  Sent: Sunday, May 02, 2010 3:24 PM
  Subject: Re: CSMeat claimed as invention by Monsanto


   Try as much as possible to only eat organic foods.

- Original Message - 
From: Day Sutton 
Sent: Sunday, May 02, 2010 12:05 PM
Subject: Re: CSMeat claimed as invention by Monsanto

They already own the patent on every soybean in the world!  GM is Roundup 
Ready this means they can spray Roundup on soybean crops and only the weeds 
will be killed.  How much Roundup are we getting with soymilk, beans, etc???

On Sun, May 2, 2010 at 2:02 PM, Bob Banever wrote:


   Monsanto is THE most evil company on the planet.  They are tryoing 
to poison the entire human population with their GM foods.  They are a bunch of 
nazis, nothing more and nothing less.

  - Original Message - From: Annie B Smythe
  To: CS List
  Sent: Sunday, May 02, 2010 9:55 AM
  Subject: CSMeat claimed as invention by Monsanto 

Meat claimed as invention by Monsanto

Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

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 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

Day Sutton

Re: CS(OT) Russians Offer Water Bombers

2000-05-13 Thread Jason R. Eaton

  I think the point is that quite a few modern countries - Russia, Japan,
China - would love to explore the area a bit under a guise of international
cooperation.   Water bombing is not going to help one iota with any
radiation problem.

I can tell you that a hazardous waste team left from Albuquerque yesterday.
I think it's more likely that we have a chemical burning problem, rather
than a radiation problem.  That doesn't bother me NEAR as much as the
potential for a biological containment issue.
- Original Message -
From: d.linen
Sent: Friday, May 12, 2000 9:16 PM
Subject: Re: CS(OT) Russians Offer Water Bombers

 I think it's great that they offered their help. How many countries came
 to our aid when we had those hurricanes/flooding last fall or other
 major disasters? That was part of my point. We aid many countries in
 times of their major disasters.

 The other point is that I think there is much more to this disastrous
 fire than they are telling us. I'd bet that the radioactivity is pretty
 high. With many years of testing in that area, there is a lot of 'stuff'
 in the ground and plant life and with the fire it's being released into
 the atmosphere and will affect people in neighboring cities/states.

 My opinion only,

 ode wan coyote wrote:
  On 05/12/00, d.linen wrote...
  ###  perhaps they are opening a door for us to help them with some of
  national disasters? We could actually help each other.
  What are they NOT telling us if the Russians offer to help us? Has any
  other country offered us help before with our disasters?
  Friday, May 12, 2000
  Russians Offer Water Bombers
  The Associated Press
   MOSCOW   -   Two giant Il-76 jet airplanes capable of dumping 44 tons
  water are standing by to help fight a fire in the Los Alamos area if
  needed, Russian officials said Friday.   The Russian Ministry of
  Situations said it had received an official request  from the U.S.
  Emergency Management Agency for the airplanes, but was awaiting
  confirmation before ordering the long flight to the United States.  The
  airplanes were ready to take off at any minute, said ministry
  Alexander  Zalyotov.  The four-engine Il-76MDP can water-bomb an area
  yards by 100 yards or drop 40 fully equipped firefighters by parachute,
  according to the reference book Jane's All  The World's Aircraft.
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  List maintainer: Mike Devour


2000-05-08 Thread Jason R. Eaton
So THAT'S where I've been getting that pesky worm.  Wonder if CS would kill

- Original Message -
From: Marshall Dudley
Sent: Monday, May 08, 2000 9:49 AM

 Please be advised I have received copies of the KAK worm 3 times in the
 few weeks from this list.

 The messages are:

 Subject:  CSTry this
  Resent-Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2000 05:09:58 -0700
 Date:  Tue, 11 Apr 2000 21:42:27 -0700
 From:Steve Geigle

 Subject:   CSUnidentified subject!
  Resent-Date:   Fri, 14 Apr 2000 11:50:06 -0700
 Date:Fri, 14 Apr 2000 19:50:05 +0100

 Subject: CSaddress change
  Resent-Date: Fri, 14 Apr 2000 13:00:52 -0700
 Date:  Fri, 14 Apr 2000 16:01:26 -0400
 From: Bill Bleasdale

 You can only get infected if you are using Outlook express for reading
 (In which case I would get a mail reading program that does not have these
 security holes in it).  To see if you have the worm either check your
 autoexec.bat file for these lines:

 @echo offC:\Windows\STARTM~1\Programs\StartUp\kak.hta
 del C:\Windows\STARTM~1\Programs\StartUp\kak.hta

 If you have one or both, you have the worm.  Also you can do a find for
 kak.*, *.kak and *.hta on your hard drive

 To remove see: or
 files to remove
 and gives
 information on removing it from the registry.


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 To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
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 To post, address your message to:
 Silver-list archive:
 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSRe: Documented CS Successes under Controlled Conditions

2000-04-07 Thread Jason R. Eaton

Sadly, Terry, that understanding is not correct.  Anything used and accepted
before 1935 is protected under the grandfather clause, provided ONLY that
the FDA does not choose to reclassify it.  The FDA ruled that CS is an
unclassified drug in September of 1999.  However, colloidal silver is still
protected under the Vitamin and Mineral Suppliment Act.  And so, the bottom
line:  CS can be sold as such without any medical claims.

- Original Message -
From: Ted Windsor
Sent: Friday, April 07, 2000 2:45 PM
Subject: Re: CSRe: Documented CS Successes under Controlled Conditions

 My understanding is that anything used pre- 1935, the FDA cannot rule
against it,
 this does not mean that they won't try to use scare tactics and
intimidation, I
 would not be afraid to go to court at any time to defend my rights against
 Ted wrote:

  I wonder how your read of FDA action (or inaction) with regard to CS
  claims (or even non-claims) stacks up against their most recent
  The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
  To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
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  List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSRe: Documented CS Successes under Controlled Conditions

2000-04-07 Thread Jason R. Eaton
Great idea Steve, however:

We might be hard pressed to come to agreement on a uniform document.  For
instance, many believe that CS alone is a fine treatment for acne.  However,
some of us believe quite the opposite.  In cases of true acne, the problem
is not in the skin, but the liver.  CS in distilled water disturbs the PH
balance of the skin, and therefore acts as an irritant to normal tissue that
is inflamed.  The benefit of colloidal silver ( in it's ionic state )
lasts for about thirty seconds.  The residual silver left on/in the tissue
is not a sufficient quantity to continue to kill replicating bacteria, and
the PH balance remains disturbed.  In my experience, three out of three
people with chronic acne experienced no improvement and increased
irritation, using three different types of colloidal silver.  However,
colloidal silver used internally may certainly have a positive benefit on
the condition.

In contrast to this, however, we have the numerous reports of people who
have experienced very rapid cures of the same condition using colloidal
silver.  The same can be said for many conditions, and it can be very
difficult to isolate the variables.  I don't think we've ever gotten past
the first variable:  How the CS is made, and with what strength.

In my opinion, what we need is data.  We need to do a study, of say, 50
people with condition X, using the same CS.  I, for one, would be more
comfortable stating something like, out of 50 people with chronic acne, 5%
of the people experienced a complete cure, 45% experienced positive results,
and 50% experienced no benefit.  Even at 5%, that would make colloidal
silver the most successful treatment available.  Furthermore, we would be
able to better isolate variables.

I would trust people such as are on this list ( whereas I won't even look at
the numbers from someone like Robert Becker ) to do such a study.

There is a difference between irrefutable evidence and scientific evidence.
I for one am more than satisfied with irrefutable evidence.

- Original Message -
From: Steve geigle
Sent: Friday, April 07, 2000 3:49 PM
Subject: Re: CSRe: Documented CS Successes under Controlled Conditions

 Great idea, Roger.  Say, why can't members of the silver list somehow
 produce a document explaining the benefits of CS and make it available at
 cost (now there's a radical idea) to all members and others as they wish.
 Dumb idea or what? ;-)


 Steven Geigle
 Cedar Mill, Oregon, USA
 - Original Message -
 Sent: Friday, April 07, 2000 8:01 AM
 Subject: Re: CSRe: Documented CS Successes under Controlled Conditions

  Thaks very much Marshall. I'm sure a combined effort from the CS list
  yield several times more published CS results. Perhaps we could request
  list subscriber to contribute at least one published positive or negatve
  (which would be at least as interesting) CS report.
  Roger Altman
  The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
  To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
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  List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSRe: Documented CS Successes under Controlled Conditions

2000-04-07 Thread Jason R. Eaton
Many people do not have the luxury to engage the government in such pursuits
as breaking an established law, then spending years of time and resources
fighting.  It would jeopardize their work in the world, and most likely lead
to the discrediting of even non-related works, many of which have quite
profound implications for humanity.  It would be blatantly self-destructive
to do so.  I would highly suggest anyone considering such an act contact
those who have personal experience to guide by.  I would also strongly
suggest consulting a good lawyer, who would inform you that while your
efforts are noble, righteous, and most princely, they would not even be
subject to appeal.  It is like building your defense in a murder trial upon
the basis that murder should not be against the law.  Even if you proved
your case, it would be irrelevant.  A law, if passed legally, is beyond
philosophical, scientific, or otherwise logical judgement.

In our case, however, I do not forsee anyone going to jail over colloidal
silver.  At worst, I expect the FDA will just fine offending companies out
of business.  The FDA has a history of going after truly dangerous people,
and is not likely to be concerned with laymen who do not have the
credentials or a demonstrated history in an important field necessary to
make a large impact on public awareness.  The FDA also is very reluctant to
go after well organized, law abiding organizations who include a standard
sample of the public.  1000 average Americans united in the pursuit of an
altruistic aim also pose a dangerous threat.

Your danger to the system does not lie in breaking the law.  It lies in
following it.  The power lies not in assertion of Will, but in application
of Wisdom.  Freedom is obtained by the strictess observance of natural law.

- Original Message -
From: Ted Windsor
Sent: Friday, April 07, 2000 4:29 PM
Subject: Re: CSRe: Documented CS Successes under Controlled Conditions

 The FDA can reclassify any thing, but this does not mean it cannot be
 in a court of law. You have the God given right to defend yourself from
 who try to take your rights away.  You are also given the right of choice.

 Jason R. Eaton wrote:

  Sadly, Terry, that understanding is not correct.  Anything used and
  before 1935 is protected under the grandfather clause, provided ONLY
  the FDA does not choose to reclassify it.  The FDA ruled that CS is an
  unclassified drug in September of 1999.  However, colloidal silver is
  protected under the Vitamin and Mineral Suppliment Act.  And so, the
  line:  CS can be sold as such without any medical claims.
  - Original Message -
  From: Ted Windsor
  Sent: Friday, April 07, 2000 2:45 PM
  Subject: Re: CSRe: Documented CS Successes under Controlled Conditions
   My understanding is that anything used pre- 1935, the FDA cannot rule
  against it,
   this does not mean that they won't try to use scare tactics and
  intimidation, I
   would not be afraid to go to court at any time to defend my rights
   Ted wrote:
I wonder how your read of FDA action (or inaction) with regard to
claims (or even non-claims) stacks up against their most recent
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To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message
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To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSRe: Documented CS Successes under Controlled Conditions

2000-04-07 Thread Jason R. Eaton
That's a great idea to use aloe vera, and I agree that many different
carriers can be used.

And my apologies about Robert Becker.  I believe I'm referring to the other
Becker ( Bob Becker? ).  I should have left personalities out of it, and
simply made the point that the data I study closely is data performed by
those with no vested financial interest, that are non-promotional in nature.

- Original Message -
From: Marshall Dudley
Sent: Friday, April 07, 2000 4:55 PM
Subject: Re: CSRe: Documented CS Successes under Controlled Conditions

 Jason R. Eaton wrote:

  Great idea Steve, however:
  We might be hard pressed to come to agreement on a uniform document.
  instance, many believe that CS alone is a fine treatment for acne.
  some of us believe quite the opposite.  In cases of true acne, the
  is not in the skin, but the liver.  CS in distilled water disturbs the
  balance of the skin, and therefore acts as an irritant to normal tissue
  is inflamed.

 Mix with aloe vera.  Works much better, sticks around longer, and has a
 acid ph for the skin.

  I would trust people such as are on this list ( whereas I won't even
look at
  the numbers from someone like Robert Becker ) to do such a study.

 Why would you say this?  I consider Robert Becker one of the real pioneers
 using silver for burns and so forth.  His book The Electric Body is a
 resource, and he does not seem to toe the party line when it disagrees


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 To post, address your message to:
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 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSseasilver

2000-04-03 Thread Jason R. Eaton
Greetings Listers!

The following is a quote from the SeaSilver website ( I personally have no
experience with nor opinion on their products ):

begin webquote Dr. Gary Smith (a pioneer in cancer research) writes: We
get silver and all minerals in the body through the food we eat . by
assimilating the plant nutrients the minerals are transferred . through the
blood stream to the various organs of our body. Hence, we get silver from
plants. If we cannot assimilate silver for some reason or as the tissues
age, we develop a silver deficiency and an impaired immune system .
Consequently, the depletion of minerals in our soil has left us deficient of
silver, one of our most essential trace minerals, causing a drastic increase
in immune system disorders in our society in the last decade. Research has
taught us that all disease is allowed to manifest itself because of a
weakened immune system. In over 20 years of worldwide research on Colloidal
Silver, numerous interviews with government agencies, health care
practitioners and their patients, no other nutrient, herb or drug
(prescription or over-the-counter) is as safe and effective against all
known forms of unfriendly virus, bacteria, and fungus. Additionally, while
it is generally known that most antibiotics kill only perhaps 6 or 7
different disease organisms, reports have shown that Colloidal Silver has
been used successfully in the treatment of over 650 diseases! Furthermore,
strains of disease organisms fail to develop in the presence of Colloidal
Silver. Colloidal Silver's greatest attribute is its unique ability to
function as a superior second immune system in the body! EndQuote

Now, I'm a real believer in colloidal silver.  However, the use of language
and paste-togethers from various web sources paint a doubtful picture.  At
first glance, one readily believes that all of the above is from this Dr.
Gary Smith.  How crafty.  If I had first heard of colloidal silver by
reading this, I wouldn't have touched the stuff.  Over twenty years of
worldwide research on Colloidal Silver?  Numerous interviews with goverment
agencies?  One of our most essential trace minerals?

Making a simple statement as if it were the truth, without citation, reason,
data, or personal experience, which goes against the readily believable,
obvious, or commonly accepted, and doing so with expressed authority, is
propaganda.  Research has taught us that all disease is allowed to manifest
itself because of a weakened immune system.  I wonder how long one must
study in order to realize that 1=1.

This is a quote from another page, a letter from John Hopkins University, as
signed at the end:


The amount of silver required to develope argyria is estimated to be 3.8
grams per day.  By comparison your product contains silver in amounts
equaling less than 1 milligram of silver (1,000 micrograms = 1 milligram;
1,000 milligrams - 1 gram), which therefore represents an amount
approximately 1/500th to 1/1000th of the amount of silver considered to be a
risk in the developement of argyria.

Most cases of argyria reported in the medical literature over the last 100
years involved chronic intravenous or intramuscular use of the silver
preparations, most often involving a silver drug prescribed by physicians
which in most cases contained silver nitrate.  Other cases of argyria
reported in the medical literature involve application of silver
preparations used for many months or years in the treatment of the eye or
vagina for certain diseases.  We could not locate a single case of orally
consumed colloidal silver manufactured in the last 25 years causing argyria
in our review of the literature [emphasis added].  This is probably due to
the low levels of silver contained in such preparations, since only very
small amounts of silver are needed for its antiseptic effect.

Humans consume approximately 100 micrograms of silver every day in the diet.
Additional amounts within this range would be considered safe by all
reasonable estimates, especially if the amount needed to develope argyria
would be equivalent of 380,000 micrograms (or 3.8 grams) of silver a day.

As for the efficacy of silver preparations, we found considerable scientific
evidence published over the last 75 years that a number of silver compounds
can be effective germicidal (antiseptic) agents against several hundred
pathogenic organisms [emphasis added].   However, silver is not an
antibiotic as some have claimed because an antibiotic by definition is
derived from a living organism.

I hope this information is of assistance to SeaSilver, Inc.  I have prepared
an extensive monograph on this subject for future publication.  We expect
the monograph to be available in late spring of this year.  We hope the
information therein will clarify and educate consumers on the safety of
various silver preparations.   We will advise you when that publication is

We appreciate the concerns expressed at this time by some of 

Re: CSDowsing????

1999-12-27 Thread Jason R. Eaton
It is a sad day indeed to hear such comments...  It's like saying that moon 
pulling the water in one's body is an evil influence.

People have been burned at the stake for far less than using something like 
colloidal silver, all in the name of some type of righteousness or another.  
How many people who like to point out sin even know what the word means, or 
where it comes from?  Not many.  If any.

Colloidal silver and dowsing have one thing in common; they both operate off of 
natural principles, which Creator Prime designed.  And who can speak for 
another's motive, be it in the use of dowsing, colloidal silver, or religious 

I personally do not dowse, though I have nothing against it, and I do believe 
in Divine Providence.

King Solomon wisely pointed out that one would be well advised not to contempt 
prior to investigation...  I'd take it one step futher, being, without PERSONAL 
investigation.  That means getting or making colloidal silver and testing it 
for oneself as apposed to reading some others' report.  It also means picking 
up the traditional dowsing rod oneself.  If one is not willing to do this, then 
the one I'd call an evil influence is the accuser - the one whom not only 
contempts prior to investigation, but whom also condemns.  I believe that 
Yeshua said 'Though they spoke in my name, I never knew them.'  paraphrased  
regarding such types.

It is the doctor whom refuses to tell a mother to take her child off of 
Aspartame products because the AMA told him to do so.

It is the so-called scientist whom claims colloidal silver does not work at all 
because it offends his ego or pascifies a need to belong.

If it does not proclaim:  Live free!  Live boldly!  Think for yourself!  Fail 
often and love your learning! - Then, as it is pointed out so eloquently in 
Corinthians I-13, it IS NOTHING.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Nicole Fraser 
  Sent: Sunday, December 26, 1999 5:54 PM
  Subject: Re: CSDowsing

  Dennis Lipter wrote:

I think you are asking the wrong question. You should be asking does it
work? Not how does it work?

Dennis Lipter

LOL Well, if there are things involved that I don't want to be a part of 
and are sinful to God.. I think then it is best to stay away from it..;0) If 
GOD is not the one involved in the healing then I would rather be sick. I am 
sure others may disagree? especially those who do not believe in God right? ;0/ 
But I am sure most of those who do agree with me...I don't know your beliefs so 
it may sound childish to you, but to me it is far from that...


  Do You Yahoo!?
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Re: CSRe: OT Bentonite clay

1999-12-12 Thread Jason R. Eaton
It actually is... or was...  or perhaps will again be a brand name...

We pulled our products when we realized that at the continued rate of
consumption and growth of our business, a land that has been held hidden and
sacred for thousands of years would be rapidly depleted.  This had never
been our intention.

We've re-directed our efforts to exploring a wide variety of other sources
from around the world, and we are actually working on a few hybrid products,
though we finance everything we due and so development is often slow.  When
we can beat everyone's prices and at the same time develop the highest
quality product in the world from sources which don't impact the spiritual
history of the world, we'll go back to commercial and increase our
not-for-profit efforts as well.

- Original Message -
From: Nutritional Intelligence Cooperative of North America
Sent: Sunday, December 12, 1999 2:32 PM
Subject: Re: CSRe: OT Bentonite clay

 i browsed the Eaton website... great material.
 I am confused. I thought that Eyton's Earth would be the brand name for a
 clay?  guess not?


 -Original Message-
 From: Jason R. Eaton
 Date: Saturday, December 11, 1999 1:23 PM
 Subject: CSRe: OT Bentonite clay

 Hi Tom...
 We have had great success treating non-degenerative muscular/bone
 with external bentonite treatments.  Any type of arthritis is a  bit more
 tricky.  The key is to determine the actual cause ( as apposed to the
 various effects ) of the arthritis, and come up with a treatment plan
 both relieves the symptoms and treates the origin of the condition.
 I have found medical science's definitions and conclusions very
 if not useless.
 If your conclusion is true, and the arthritis is due to 'leaky gut
 syndrome', then you might very well experience fantastic results using
 healing.  The digestive system would be the primary treatment area, or
 specificially, the elimination system, including treatment for the liver
 well as the intestinal tract.
 Any time the symptoms of arthritis are LOCALIZED in one ( or two ) part
 the body, external healing clay packs usually have a phenominal impact in
 the condition, usually within 72 hours.
 Personally, I recommend going to and purchasing the fantastic
 natural medicine handbook Earth Cures by Raymond Dextreit.
 If you look on our Purchasing Healing Clay page, you'll see that we
 recommend products for internal use by V.E. Irons, Inc.  And Pascalite
  also listed on that page ) is well known to have good effects when used
 externally on arthritis, but we don't have personal experience in this.
 If you and your wife enjoy travelling, email me at
 and I will share a very special place you can go to.  I've seen people
 in a wheelchair and leave walking, provided one has about three weeks to
 month to spare.
 We have found that colloidal silver and healing clay work hand in hand
 well.  Healing clay is often weak on treating fungus and doesn't touch
 things like chest colds, ect. ( except, of course, with healing clay used
 internally one's immune system is strengthened ).  Neither myself nor my
 wife have any die-off problem, as we cycle CS and bentonite ( offset by
 4 - 6 hours ).  Colloidal Silver, it seems, does the job but leaves a
 of a mess behind for the elimination system to clean up...  Bentonite, on
 top of everything else it does, grabs and sorpts these now toxic
 substances and carries them through the elimination system, leaving the
 body's immune system free to do it's job unfettered.
 A last note; we use a three-staged healing system that includes
 Most people we have worked with are not even conscious of the first
 which is metaphysical diagnosis.  I developed this stylized system from
 the inspiration I was blessed with from two of my teachers - both of whom
 cured themselves of severe immune syndromes with the power of the mind
 united with heart.
 If you feel so inclined, you might find a copy of the book The Healing
 Secret of the Ages by Catherine Ponder - if you strip out the poor
 style, and even the religious context if one desires, you are left with a
 modality of healing that is quite striking if put into motion - although
 this at times is no easy task!
 By the way, our thanks to all of the wonderful people who share their
 experience and insight on this list!
 Jason R. Eaton
 Eytons' Earth
 - Original Message -
 From: Tom Trauberman
 Sent: Saturday, December 11, 1999 2:42 AM
 Subject: CSBentonite clay
  My wife recently came down with rheumatoid arthritis, which I believe
  may be caused by leaky gut syndrome. I wonder if your clay might have
  effect in her treatment

CSRe: OT Bentonite clay

1999-12-11 Thread Jason R. Eaton
Hi Tom...

We have had great success treating non-degenerative muscular/bone conditions
with external bentonite treatments.  Any type of arthritis is a  bit more
tricky.  The key is to determine the actual cause ( as apposed to the
various effects ) of the arthritis, and come up with a treatment plan that
both relieves the symptoms and treates the origin of the condition.

I have found medical science's definitions and conclusions very unhelpful,
if not useless.

If your conclusion is true, and the arthritis is due to 'leaky gut
syndrome', then you might very well experience fantastic results using clay
healing.  The digestive system would be the primary treatment area, or more
specificially, the elimination system, including treatment for the liver as
well as the intestinal tract.

Any time the symptoms of arthritis are LOCALIZED in one ( or two ) part of
the body, external healing clay packs usually have a phenominal impact in
the condition, usually within 72 hours.

Personally, I recommend going to and purchasing the fantastic
natural medicine handbook Earth Cures by Raymond Dextreit.

If you look on our Purchasing Healing Clay page, you'll see that we
recommend products for internal use by V.E. Irons, Inc.  And Pascalite
 also listed on that page ) is well known to have good effects when used
externally on arthritis, but we don't have personal experience in this.

If you and your wife enjoy travelling, email me at
and I will share a very special place you can go to.  I've seen people come
in a wheelchair and leave walking, provided one has about three weeks to a
month to spare.

We have found that colloidal silver and healing clay work hand in hand very
well.  Healing clay is often weak on treating fungus and doesn't touch
things like chest colds, ect. ( except, of course, with healing clay used
internally one's immune system is strengthened ).  Neither myself nor my
wife have any die-off problem, as we cycle CS and bentonite ( offset by
4 - 6 hours ).  Colloidal Silver, it seems, does the job but leaves a bit
of a mess behind for the elimination system to clean up...  Bentonite, on
top of everything else it does, grabs and sorpts these now toxic
substances and carries them through the elimination system, leaving the
body's immune system free to do it's job unfettered.

A last note; we use a three-staged healing system that includes metaphysics.
Most people we have worked with are not even conscious of the first stage,
which is metaphysical diagnosis.  I developed this stylized system from
the inspiration I was blessed with from two of my teachers - both of whom
cured themselves of severe immune syndromes with the power of the mind
united with heart.

If you feel so inclined, you might find a copy of the book The Healing
Secret of the Ages by Catherine Ponder - if you strip out the poor language
style, and even the religious context if one desires, you are left with a
modality of healing that is quite striking if put into motion - although
this at times is no easy task!

By the way, our thanks to all of the wonderful people who share their
experience and insight on this list!

Jason R. Eaton
Eytons' Earth

- Original Message -
From: Tom Trauberman
Sent: Saturday, December 11, 1999 2:42 AM
Subject: CSBentonite clay


 My wife recently came down with rheumatoid arthritis, which I believe
 may be caused by leaky gut syndrome. I wonder if your clay might have an
 effect in her treatment?


 Jason wroteHarold:
 I'm sorry to hear about the pain you are experiencing. Although I have
 no REASON to expect that what I recommend will ( or will not ) work, I
 am interested in performing a study to see if it has any effect. Please
 feel free to browse our website, and if you are interested in exploring
 it further, provided you sign some paperwork, we would be more than
 happy to supply you with the needed materials at no charge.
 Jason R. Eaton
 Eytons' Earth 

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 To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
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 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSPain Pain Pain

1999-12-10 Thread Jason R. Eaton

I'm sorry to hear about the pain you are experiencing.  Although I have no
REASON to expect that what I recommend will ( or will not ) work, I am
interested in performing a study to see if it has any effect.  Please feel
free to browse our website, and if you are interested in exploring it
further, provided you sign some paperwork, we would be more than happy to
supply you with the needed materials at no charge.


Jason R. Eaton
Eytons' Earth

- Original Message -
From: Harold Rand
To: Silver
Sent: Friday, December 10, 1999 11:11 AM
Subject: CSPain Pain Pain

 Pain, severe pain.  I must have help
 I will probably be reprimanded for this inquiry but I am desparately
 seeking an answer.  I have shingles (herpies zoster)  over the upper
 right quarter of my head
 together with the same thing infecting my right eye.  Can anyone tell me
 how I can get some relief from the alternate medicine field? I have a
 rife machine and silver generator and am hurting like everything

 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

 To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
 with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

 To post, address your message to:
 Silver-list archive:
 List maintainer: Mike Devour