RE: [SLUG] [OT] Hard disk wipe / file shredders etc

2001-12-26 Thread Doug Stalker

> > I am wondering, is there any software I can use with Linux that
> can scramble
> > everything on my hard disk

> Boot off a CD or single disk system such as toms root boot.
> cat /dev/random >/dev/hda
> will really scramble things but it will take a long time to go over the
> whole disk. There'll be no partition table afterwards either.

If you use /dev/urandom instead it will be quicker, but vulnerable to
theoretical attacks based on the random sequencer.  Unless the NSA or
similar agency if out to get you, /dev/urandom should be good enough.

And if truely paranoid be aware that a single pass of writing random data
isn't enough - there are still ways to get information out by looking
physically at the disk platter.  Give it a few passes to make sure.

 - Doug

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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[SLUG] limit apaches bandwidth usage

2001-12-19 Thread Doug Stalker

How can I limit Apaches bandwidth use?  I have a 256 kbps outgoing
connection with Telstra ADSL (when it works...) and would like to limit
apache to using only 192kbps, so that I can still use systems inside the
network when my web-site is being hit.

 - Doug

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RE: [SLUG] Pppd server won't authenticate

2001-12-14 Thread Doug Stalker

> You've probably got
> user * password 
> in your chap secrets
> you need 
> user * passwors *
> or
> user * password ip-address
> which specifiacally sets an PI for that connection.

Thats not it - I have 
user * pass *

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RE: [SLUG] Pppd server won't authenticate

2001-12-10 Thread Doug Stalker

> > Is there something else I'm misisng here?  The fact that noauth is 
> > being ignored suggests to me it is in the wrong place - 
> where should I 
> > be
> placing
> > sting for this?
> have you told pptpd wher to findc its options?
> Its should be in the /etc/pptpd.conf I think.
> make sure its pointing to the relevant place.
> Also what about the contents of /etc/ppp/chap-options?
> Dave

/etc/pptpd.conf correctly refers to /etc/ppp/pptpd-options

There is no chap-options file; should there be?.  chap-secrets contains the
test user
bill*   bob *

 - Doug

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RE: [SLUG] Pppd server won't authenticate

2001-12-10 Thread Doug Stalker

> Firstly unless your using TCPwrappers and pptpd in the 
> inittab /etc/hosts.allow will do nothing..
It was worth a try.  :)

> Check your /var/log/messages for anything else, so far your 
> posting just a couple of lines and we're probably missing an 
> important piece..
> can you send a whole pppd session logs to us?

There is nothing in messages, in syslog I get 

Dec 11 12:57:36 legba pptpd[11084]: CTRL: Client 202.129.XXX.XXX control
connection started
Dec 11 12:57:36 legba pptpd[11084]: CTRL: Starting call (launching pppd,
opening GRE)
Dec 11 12:57:36 legba modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module char-major-108
Dec 11 12:57:36 legba pppd[11085]: The remote system is required to
authenticate itself
Dec 11 12:57:36 legba pppd[11085]: but I couldn't find any suitable secret
(password) for it to use to do so.
Dec 11 12:57:36 legba pppd[11085]: (None of the available passwords would
let it use an IP address.)
Dec 11 12:57:36 legba pptpd[11084]: GRE: read(fd=5,buffer=804d9c0,len=8196)
from PTY failed: status = -1 error = Input/output error
Dec 11 12:57:36 legba pptpd[11084]: CTRL: PTY read or GRE write failed
Dec 11 12:57:36 legba pptpd[11084]: CTRL: Client 202.129.XXX.XXX control
connection finished

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RE: [SLUG] Pppd server won't authenticate

2001-12-10 Thread Doug Stalker

Client is windows.

Authentication should be chap - I have both 'auth' and 'require-chap' in

I just tried adding noauth to /etc/ppp/pptpd-options and /etc/ppp/options,
and including ALL:ALL in /etc/hosts.allow, and I still got the same error.

/usr/sbin/pppd: The remote system is required to authenticate itself
/usr/sbin/pppd: but I couldn't find any suitable secret (password) for it to
use to do so.
/usr/sbin/pppd: (None of the available passwords would let it use an IP

Is there something else I'm misisng here?  The fact that noauth is being
ignored suggests to me it is in the wrong place - where should I be placing
sting for this?

 - Doug

> -Original Message-
> From: George Vieira [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2001 12:22 PM
> To: Doug Stalker; '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
> Subject: RE: [SLUG] Pppd server won't authenticate
> What's the client, a windows or linux machine?
> What type of authentication is your server requesting?

> -Original Message-
> From: Doug Stalker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

> > 
> I'm currently trying to get PoPToP working,
> How can I get the server to accept the connections?
> Server: Debian Woody, 2.2.17 kernel
> Client: Windows 98 using built in VPN 
>  - Doug

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[SLUG] Pppd server won't authenticate

2001-12-10 Thread Doug Stalker

I'm currently trying to get PoPToP working, but it's coming up with an error
on the server:
Dec 11 12:13:58 legba pppd[10845]: The remote system is required to
authenticate itself
Dec 11 12:13:58 legba pppd[10845]: but I couldn't find any suitable secret
(password) for it to use to do so.
Dec 11 12:13:58 legba pppd[10845]: (None of the available passwords would
let it use an IP address.)

I've commented out ALL:PARANOID in /etc/hosts.deny, but there was no change.

How can I get the server to accept the connections?

Server: Debian Woody, 2.2.17 kernel
Client: Windows 98 using built in VPN 

 - Doug

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RE: [SLUG] Stopping system beeps

2001-12-06 Thread Doug Stalker

> >
> > How can I stop a system from beeping on things like hitting tab
> when there
> > are multiple matches, scrolling too far in less/vi etc?  Is
> there a way to
> > disable it for all apps (other than removing teh speaker)?
> >
> > The system I'd like to do this for is a Redhat 7.1 box.
> When you're in X windows "xset b off"
> I've got that line in $HOME/.xsession

Whoops, should have mentioned I'm not using X - just multiple consoles
running bash.

 - Doug

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[SLUG] Stopping system beeps

2001-12-06 Thread Doug Stalker

How can I stop a system from beeping on things like hitting tab when there
are multiple matches, scrolling too far in less/vi etc?  Is there a way to
disable it for all apps (other than removing teh speaker)?

The system I'd like to do this for is a Redhat 7.1 box.

 - Doug

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RE: [SLUG] SCSi card disappeared after upgrade to 2.4

2001-11-15 Thread Doug Stalker

> Doug Stalker was once rumoured to have said:
> > That doesn't explain why there is no /scsi directory in
> /lib/modules/2.4.12.
> That'll be because it got moved to kernel/drivers/scsi in 2.4.

Next question: how do I work out which module to load?  Under 2.2.17 lsmod

Module  Size  Used by
st 24264   0  (autoclean)
nfsd  143492   8  (autoclean)
lockd  31100   1  (autoclean) [nfsd]
sunrpc 52420   1  (autoclean) [nfsd lockd]
af_packet   6048   5  (autoclean)
ppp20672   2  (autoclean)
slhc4436   0  (autoclean) [ppp]
smbfs  23952   4  (autoclean)
eepro100   15644   1  (autoclean)
serial 19564   0  (autoclean)
ip_masq_cuseeme 1104   0  (unused)
ip_masq_quake   1332   0  (unused)
ip_masq_vdolive 1360   0  (unused)
ip_masq_raudio  2928   0  (unused)
ip_masq_user2540   0  (unused)
ip_masq_mfw 3136   0  (unused)
ip_masq_portfw  2528   0  (unused)
ip_masq_irc 1584   0  (unused)
ip_masq_ftp 2448   0  (unused)
ne2k-pci4080   1
83906040   0  [ne2k-pci]
unix   10212  21  (autoclean)

While under 2.4.12 it shows

Module  Size  Used by
nfsd   64768   8  (autoclean)
lockd  46528   1  (autoclean) [nfsd]
sunrpc 58068   1  (autoclean) [nfsd lockd]
af_packet  11400   5  (autoclean)
ppp_synctty 4512   0  (unused)
ppp_async   5984   1
ppp_generic17864   3  [ppp_synctty ppp_async]
slhc4352   0  [ppp_generic]
ipt_MASQUERADE  1216   1  (autoclean)
iptable_nat12564   0  (autoclean) [ipt_MASQUERADE]
ip_conntrack   12748   1  (autoclean) [ipt_MASQUERADE iptable_nat]
iptable_filter  1728   0  (autoclean) (unused)
ip_tables  10208   5  [ipt_MASQUERADE iptable_nat
smbfs  30848   4  (autoclean)
eepro100   15984   1  (autoclean)
ne2k-pci4768   1
83905888   0  [ne2k-pci]
rtc 5240   0  (autoclean)
unix   13700  21  (autoclean)
ide-disk6592   3  (autoclean)
ide-probe-mod   8000   0  (autoclean)
ide-mod   129772   3  (autoclean) [ide-disk ide-probe-mod]
ext2   30944   2  (autoclean)

The only difference I can see is the st module, which 2.4 wont load
(unresolved symbols)

I think the driver to load may be atp870u.o, but this also comes up
unresolved sysmbols.

atp870u.o: unresolved symbol scsi_unregister_module_R81d85a75
atp870u.o: unresolved symbol scsi_unregister_R360bc44f
atp870u.o: unresolved symbol scsi_register_Rf61c2f6a
atp870u.o: unresolved symbol scsi_register_module_Rfa20b7b0

Is there a module that needs to be loaded for scsi support before the card
drivers can be loaded?

 - Doug

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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RE: [SLUG] SCSi card disappeared after upgrade to 2.4

2001-11-15 Thread Doug Stalker

> > I can't be the only person using debian 2.4.12 who needs scsi -
> there must
> > be a debian package for it somewhere!
> You might have a non standard card (since you called it 'cheap') which
> isn't supported in the standard kernel.  This will mean you have to
> build your own kernel unless package kernel-patch-2.2.19-adaptec helps
> you out.

That doesn't explain why there is no /scsi directory in /lib/modules/2.4.12.
Or why it worked fine under 2.2.17.

> >
> > Please help before I'm forced to go through make config...
> >
> Or you could install ncurses.

It is installed. (ncurses base 5.2.20010318-3)  Packages for the ncurses
libraries are on the system, and cfdisk works (the only other curses based
program I could

 - Doug

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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RE: [SLUG] SCSi card disappeared after upgrade to 2.4

2001-11-15 Thread Doug Stalker


There is no config for 2.2.17 to copy, because that was installed as a
debian package as part of the initial install
I cant use make menuconfig, because it complains curses is not installed
(but it is!)
I cant use make xconfig, because I dont have a funtional x windows install

I can't be the only person using debian 2.4.12 who needs scsi - there must
be a debian package for it somewhere!

Please help before I'm forced to go through make config...

 - Doug

> -Original Message-
> From: George Vieira [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, 15 November 2001 1:39 PM
> To: 'Doug Stalker'
> Subject: RE: [SLUG] SCSi card disappeared after upgrade to 2.4
> AAaahaa!! you haven't compiled the modules for it..
> Can you still boot back into 2.2.17? If you can then do this
> cd /usr/src/linux
> make menuconfig
> (Exit and Save it).
> Reboot into 2.4 kernel
> cd /usr/src/linux
> make oldconfig
> and this will compile all the modules that were compiled in the
> 2.2.17 setup
> otherwise you'll have to manually go through and add them in and
> recompile.
> thanks,
> George Vieira
> Network Engineer
> Citadel Computer Systems P/L
> -Original Message-
> From: Doug Stalker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2001 2:28 PM
> To: George Vieira
> Subject: RE: [SLUG] SCSi card disappeared after upgrade to 2.4
> The problem is I'm not sure what modules to install - I didn't need to
> manually install anything under 2.2.17 - and there is no /scsi
> subdirectory
> in the lib/modules/2.4.12 directory.
>  - Doug
> > -Original Message-
> > From: George Vieira [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Thursday, 15 November 2001 12:55 PM
> > To: 'Doug Stalker'
> > Subject: RE: [SLUG] SCSi card disappeared after upgrade to 2.4
> >
> >
> > have you tried a insmod or modprobe for the device... do you have
> > `kudzu` on
> > your machine (this might be RH only, not sure)..
> >
> >
> >
> > thanks,
> > George Vieira
> > Network Engineer
> > Citadel Computer Systems P/L
> >
> >
> >
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Doug Stalker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2001 1:55 PM
> > To: Slug
> > Subject: [SLUG] SCSi card disappeared after upgrade to 2.4
> >
> >
> >
> > I recently moved a debian system from kernel 2.2.17 to 2.4.12.
> Everything
> > is working fine (once I changes ipchains to iptables) except
> that the SCSI
> > card doesn't work anymore.  It's a cheap ACARD scsi adapter, with a CD
> > burner and a DDS3 tape drive runing off it that was working fine under
> > 2.2.17  (I just shut down the system, plugged it in, powered it
> > back up and
> > it worked perfectly)
> >
> > Now any command that involves /dev/st0 or /dev/scd0 comes up
> with no such
> > device.
> >
> > There is a scsi directory in /lib/modules/2.2.17/, but not in
> > /lib/modules/2.4.12/.  Is there an extra package I need to
> install to get
> > scsi support under 2.4?
> >
> >  - Doug
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
> > More Info:
> >

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[SLUG] SCSi card disappeared after upgrade to 2.4

2001-11-14 Thread Doug Stalker

I recently moved a debian system from kernel 2.2.17 to 2.4.12.  Everything
is working fine (once I changes ipchains to iptables) except that the SCSI
card doesn't work anymore.  It's a cheap ACARD scsi adapter, with a CD
burner and a DDS3 tape drive runing off it that was working fine under
2.2.17  (I just shut down the system, plugged it in, powered it back up and
it worked perfectly)

Now any command that involves /dev/st0 or /dev/scd0 comes up with no such

There is a scsi directory in /lib/modules/2.2.17/, but not in
/lib/modules/2.4.12/.  Is there an extra package I need to install to get
scsi support under 2.4?

 - Doug

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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RE: [SLUG] 443/500 MHz Celeron CPU chip wanted.

2001-11-11 Thread Doug Stalker

> Dear SLUG,
> Apologies if this a poor email id to send to !
> I'm looking for a 443 MHz or possibly 500 MHz Celeron CPU to
> upgrade an old
> HP PC (from 366 Mhz, I've checked with HP that it will take a small speed
> upgrade).
> The PC stores only carry about 850MHz upward now and say slower speeds can
> only be got from PC parts classifieds/swaps/blackmarket etc.
> HP may have official spares but at enormous price.
> Can you advise a good place to try ?

Depending on the type of motherboard you could buy an 850MHz CPU (designed
for 100Mhz FSB, 8.5x multiplier) and put it in the existing motherboard with
the FSB remaining at 66Mhz for a speed of (8.5*66=) 566 Mhz.

Or, as someone else suggested, you could look into getting more RAM instead.
What is the system being used for?  How does CPU usage compare to memory
usage?  (Run top to get this sort of info)

An example: (system is a 366 Celeron internet gateway/web server/database
server, has an xserver running but unused)

legba:~$ top
14:53:56 up 5 days, 20:58,  1 user,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
76 processes: 74 sleeping, 2 running, 0 zombie, 0 stopped
CPU states:   2.3% user,   6.2% system,   0.6% nice,  90.9% idle
Mem:127320K total,   124300K used, 3020K free, 2480K buffers
Swap:   265032K total, 8184K used,   256848K free,63884K cached

This system would get no benefit frm a CPU upgrade (the 10% CPU is apache
serving a complicated webpage to a local user) but would show benefits from
a RAM upgrade if I wanted to use it as a desktop.

 - Doug

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RE: [SLUG] mounting remote home directories

2001-10-30 Thread Doug Stalker

> I have two Linux boxes, one is a server and holds the usernam/password
> file, however it's HDDs are full and so are the available slots, ie I
> cannot just add another drive I would have to replace one. The
> other Linux
> box can be a server or workstation but it does have a very large HDD.
> I would like to be able to use that computer to store all the user Home
> directories which at the moment are under /home/popusers/year/username.
> I only want to maintain one list of usernames and passwords on
> the original
> server, in fact this is the second list - the first is on the NT server.

To syncronize username/passwords between *nix systems, I sugest looking into
NFS will do fine to mount the file system remotely, and with NIS keeping
usernames syncronized there won't be issues with different username/userids
on the two systems.

 - Doug

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RE: [SLUG] Command line CD burning software

2001-10-18 Thread Doug Stalker

Thanks all; I now have cdrecord and mkisofs installed.

 - Doug

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[SLUG] Command line CD burning software

2001-10-18 Thread Doug Stalker

I've just moved a SCSI CD burner and a DDS3 tape drive out of a windows
system into a linux system to allow network backups.  The tape drive works
beautifully using mt and tar, but I don't have any CD recording software
installed at the moment.  Can anyone recommend any good command line CD
burning software?  I need to be able to both copy CDs and create CDs from
files on the hard-drive.

(Using Debian, Installed Potato and dist-upgraded to woody, kernel 2.2.17)

 - Doug

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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[SLUG] Mass converting html to css

2001-09-17 Thread Doug Stalker

I have a large collection of html written with fixed colors that I want to
convert to CSS.  The lines that need changing look like this:

And once changed should look like this:

How can I write a script that will do this automatically?

 - Doug

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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RE: [SLUG] x-Fnord

2001-09-16 Thread Doug Stalker

> >
> > > So, what is the x-Fnord mail header for ?? and why do people embed the
> > > modem escape and hangup cmd sequence in it ??

> > On sufficiently broken mail clients, the client wil actually send the
> > modem escape sequence tothe modem.
> >
> I suspect that the mail client doesn't have to be "broken" as the modem
> will see the escape sequence before any running program(the mail client)
> gets it. So if you are using a modem out of the box and your connection
> software doesn't reprogram it before it dials up, there is a good chance
> that the modem will hang up regardless of what mail client you are
> using.

This used to work many years ago in the days of dialup BBSes.  I suspect
that it won't do anything at all now, as the modem will only accept the
escape sequence from the local side to avoid a potential DOS attack.

> So this x-fnord  thingie is designed to cause mischief,
> a bit like a virus really.

To find out all about fnords, read the Illuminatus! trilogy by Robert Shea
and Robert Anton Wilson.

 - Doug

Remember: If you cant see the fnords, they can't eat you.

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RE: [SLUG] HP Superceeded Server Boxes

2001-06-19 Thread Doug Stalker

> > Be aware that if you want to increase the memory on these boxes
> you _must_
> > use HP sourced RAM.
> Yep, I think that's right. Can't be sure but I thinks this is a
> nasty worthy
> of MS themselves. Me thinks that the bios queries the ram and
> when it doesn't
> say "HP Dimm" the bios says get lost, I don't think there is any
> "technical"
> reason.

I know that HP's LH Pro servers take non-HP RAM (168 Pin EDO) , but on every
boot you get a message during POST similar to


but apart from that it works normally.  I'm not sure about the later models
though - we never had to upgrade any of the more recent systems.

(Incidentally, I don't recommend the LH Pro - We had a lot of problems with
random HDD failures and RAID cards failing to switch to the hot spare.)

 - Doug

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RE: [SLUG] Telstra ADSL & Debian vs RedHat

2001-05-01 Thread Doug Stalker

using Telstra ADSL with Debian and it's working very well - better than it works 
with windows.  I'ts been down once in the past few weeks, when something 
went wrong with Telstras Authenticationserver.
package you need is pppoe.  I had some setup problems - PAP will 
not work with bigpond ADSL.  Once I setup CHAP it was 
months ago I switched from Mandrake to Debian, and I think debian is much nicer 
to work with.  Try it and see for yourself.
-Original Message-From: 
Michael X HaynesSent: Tuesday, 1 May 2001 11:08 PMTo: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [SLUG] Telstra ADSL & Debian vs 

  Hi there,
  Well I've been using Linux for the 
  past 4 years for uni work and havent looked back. I now plan to go broadband 
  which is just great for the linux box (linux without internet is not that 
  great right?). So I wanted to see if anyone has got ADSL running effectively, 
  and get a judgement of its service. My first preference would be Optus Cable, 
  but this building has a poor management and the network is reluctant too 
  Lastly I have a friend who swears 
  by the virtues of Debian over mainstream Linux e.g RedHat, my current setup. 
  Who will argue his case? I may just change if someone can convince me. 

RE: [SLUG] Could Realtek 8139 cards be the problem?

2001-04-16 Thread Doug Stalker

My experience of RealTeks has been that there are very cheap and very
unreliable.  I've never had any problems quite as extreme as this.

Try putting a crossover cable directly between the two systems, and see how
that goes.

 - Doug

> -Original Message-
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
> Howard Lowndes
> Sent: Saturday, April 14, 2001 3:04 AM
> To: Mail List - SLUG
> Subject: [SLUG] Could Realtek 8139 cards be the problem?
> I have 2 machines connected on a 10mpbs network (it still has some 10base2
> cabling around, but these boxes are using 10baseT to a 10mbps hub).
> Both boxes have RH7.0 installs with bog standard openssh and both boxen
> have Realtek 8139 NICs.
> I can ssh between the boxes in both directions OK, but if I scp between
> the 2 boxes then the transfer stalls around 30-40Kb.
> If I introduce a laptop onto the network, also with a 10mbps dongle and
> plugged into the same hub, then I can scp between the laptop and either
> box with no problems.
> The question is in the subject line.
> --
> Howard.
> LANNet Computing Associates 
>"...well, it worked before _you_ touched it!"
> --
> SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
> More Info:

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[SLUG] CHAP Authentication problem (was: ADSL Problems)

2001-04-11 Thread Doug Stalker

> sent [LCP ConfRej id=0x68 ]

> Does anyone have any ideas wjat is going wrong here?

Whoops - I had a type in chap-secrets  ([EMAIL PROTECTED] instead of

Now when I run adsl-start it just sits there, with the debug showing

Using interface ppp0
Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/pts/0
sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1  ]
rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x26   ]
sent [LCP ConfAck id=0x26   ]
rcvd [LCP ConfAck id=0x1  ]
sent [LCP EchoReq id=0x0 magic=0x9cbca246]
rcvd [CHAP Challenge id=0x1 <24df3a0de6a9fb6dfcee47677d184919>, name =
sent [CHAP Response id=0x1 <87f0cdc4db4fb4bfc710002df4d35013>, name =
rcvd [LCP EchoRep id=0x0 magic=0x4667d42f]
rcvd [CHAP Success id=0x1 ""]
sent [IPCP ConfReq id=0x1   ]
rcvd [IPCP ConfReq id=0xfa ]
sent [IPCP ConfAck id=0xfa ]
rcvd [IPCP ConfNak id=0x1   ]
sent [IPCP ConfReq id=0x2   ]
rcvd [IPCP ConfAck id=0x2   ]
local  IP address
remote IP address
primary   DNS address
secondary DNS address
Script /etc/ppp/ip-up started (pid 5581)
Script /etc/ppp/ip-up finished (pid 5581), status = 0x0
rcvd [LCP EchoReq id=0x0 magic=0x4667d42f]
sent [LCP EchoRep id=0x0 magic=0x9cbca246]
sent [LCP EchoReq id=0x1 magic=0x9cbca246]
rcvd [LCP EchoRep id=0x1 magic=0x4667d42f]
rcvd [LCP EchoReq id=0x1 magic=0x4667d42f]
sent [LCP EchoRep id=0x1 magic=0x9cbca246]
rcvd [LCP EchoReq id=0x2 magic=0x4667d42f]
sent [LCP EchoRep id=0x2 magic=0x9cbca246]
sent [LCP EchoReq id=0x2 magic=0x9cbca246]


The system then continues to argue over the correct magic number forever.
However the connection works fine.  If I kill the adsl-start script (killall
adsl-start) then pppd and pppoe keep running, and the debug contines to fill
with the magic number argument.

My main concern here is it stops the adsl-start script from exiting cleanly,
meaning I cant run it automatically on startup.  (And given enough time, the
log will fill up teh available hard drive space on /tmp, but that will take
a while)

 - Doug

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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RE: [SLUG] ADSL Problems

2001-04-11 Thread Doug Stalker

> put the following line in
> /etc/ppp/peers/dsl-provider or whatever ppp options file your're using
> for the connection.
> debug
> It will probably give you some more useful debug info to work out what's
> going wrong.

Adding DEBUG=1 to adsl-start gives some more usefull information.
In particular, I can see the details of the authentication.

Using interface ppp0
Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/pts/1
sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1  ]
rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x95   ]
sent [LCP ConfNak id=0x95 ]
rcvd [LCP ConfAck id=0x1  ]
rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x96   ]
sent [LCP ConfAck id=0x96   ]
sent [LCP EchoReq id=0x0 magic=0xb4c46d94]
sent [PAP AuthReq id=0x1 user="dstalker@bigpond" password="mypassword"]
rcvd [LCP EchoRep id=0x0 magic=0x5ac2637e]
rcvd [PAP AuthNak id=0x1 ""]
PAP authentication failed
sent [LCP TermReq id=0x2 "Failed to authenticate ourselves to peer"]
rcvd [LCP TermReq id=0x97]
sent [LCP TermAck id=0x97]
Modem hangup
Connection terminated.

The username and password are correct - they are the same ones I use on the
Windows ME system
After adding 'refuse-pap' to pppoe.conf, I get the following:

Using interface ppp0
Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/pts/1
sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1  ]
rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x68   ]
sent [LCP ConfRej id=0x68 ]
rcvd [LCP ConfAck id=0x1  ]
rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x69   ]
sent [LCP ConfRej id=0x69 ]
rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x6a  ]
sent [LCP ConfAck id=0x6a  ]
sent [LCP EchoReq id=0x0 magic=0xaf795553]
sent [IPCP ConfReq id=0x1   ]
rcvd [LCP TermReq id=0x6b]
LCP terminated by peer
sent [LCP TermAck id=0x6b]
Modem hangup
Connection terminated.

Does anyone have any ideas wjat is going wrong here?

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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RE: [SLUG] ADSL Problems

2001-04-10 Thread Doug Stalker

Adding in debug doesn't give any more information.

I can get the following though:

legba:/home/doug# pppoe -A -I eth1
Access-Concentrator: nkt1-kent
AC-Ethernet-Address: 00:90:39:47:00:3a

> put the following line in
> /etc/ppp/peers/dsl-provider or whatever ppp options file your're using
> for the connection.
> debug
> It will probably give you some more useful debug info to work out what's
> going wrong.


SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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[SLUG] ADSL Problems

2001-04-10 Thread Doug Stalker

I've searched the mailing list archive and can't find an answer to this one:

I've just gotten Telstra ADSL.  It's working fine from my Windows Me system
(the one I'm using now) but when I try to use pppoe on my gateway system
(Debian Potato) I get the following in /var/log/messages:

legba pppd[419]: pppd 2.3.11 started by root, uid 0
legba pppd[419]: Using interface ppp0
legba pppd[419]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/pts/3
legba pppd[419]: Modem hangup
legba pppd[419]: Connection terminated.
legba pppd[419]: Exit.

What could be causing this, and how can I fix it?  I've tried three
different network cards so far (including teh one that works in the windows
box), and that hasn't made any differece.  I've tried both the pppoe package
and downloading the source for roaring penguin's pppoe.

 - Doug

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] PCI internal Modem?

2000-12-13 Thread Doug Stalker

Peter Rundle wrote:
> Sluggers,
> I've been given a PCI internal modem and I was wondering if there is
> any obvious way to tell if it is a real modem or a dreaded win-modem.
> (like, before I stick in my linux box and give myself endless grief
> for no good reason ;-)
> It has lots of chips all over it, jumpers to set the com port 

This indicates it isn't a Plug 'n Pray modem - but I've never heard of a
non PNP PCI modem.  It might be a really fancy one where it normally
uses PNP, but the user can manually set it up instead if they want.

I'd try setting the modem to COM2 (IRQ 3 if you have to set that as
well) and disabling COM2 on your motherboard.  Fire up minicom, point it
at COM2 and see what it can find.  If you are lucky, it will be treated
like an external modem plugged into a COM port (like the old ISA modem I
have here at work in a linux box).

> and an
> Austel approval sticker, but I figure that's doesn't a modem make.
> What should I be looking for? 

Try searching the internet for information about the individual chips on
the modem - start with the larget one.

> Oh yeah, made in Taiwan with no brand
> name what so ever.

  Network Operations Engineer - Big Pond Advance Satellite
 Ericsson Australia - Level 5, 184 The Broadway, Sydney 2000
  Ph: +61-416-085-390   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] IP Masq problem..

2000-12-06 Thread Doug Stalker


ipchains -F
ipchains -X

to remove all the chains and rules, and see if you can telnet/fp then. 
If not the problem is with the apps themsleves, not the firewalling.

 - Doug

George Ferizis wrote:
> I thought so I hunted for some type of "generic"
> rules...
> from tucows I used the simple ipchain rules they used...
> /sbin/ipchains -P forward DENY
> /sbin/ipchains -A forward -s -j MASQ
> as well as the timeout rule...this didn't fix the problem..I
> thought these were pretty open and left everything suspect in
> relation to security, but felt they should work, however they
> didn't...can anybody see anything wrong with these, because they
> look OK to me

  Network Operations Engineer - Big Pond Advance Satellite
 Ericsson Australia - Level 5, 184 The Broadway, Sydney 2000
  Ph: +61-416-085-390   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [SLUG] IP Masq problem..

2000-12-06 Thread Doug Stalker

Look at your IPChains rules for input and output.  Allow any form of
output, and make sure data beinng returned to user ports (ie: ports
above 1024) is allowed to return.  (you can use the -y flag to allow
data to return, but not allow new connections to be established)

 - Doug

George Ferizis wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm running IP Masq on a linux box, with some windows
> boxes on the surrounding network.
> It functions fine, I can telnet/ftp whatever from the
> windows box to anywhere external, and can telnet/ftp from
> anywhere external to the linux box.
> The only problem I am having however is making
> connections from the linux box to anything external, such as
> telnet or ftp results in a connection refused, the hosts are
> clearly not down, nor is the interface the linux box has to the
> outside world.
> Funnily enough pings/traceroutes work fine from the linux
> box to anywhere external
> Can anybody suggest anything? The only thing I can think
> of is that the linux box sends out the requests for the
> connection and then attempts to forward the connection
> acknowledgment to somewhere else on the network...
> --
> SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
> More Info:

  Network Operations Engineer - Big Pond Advance Satellite
 Ericsson Australia - Level 5, 184 The Broadway, Sydney 2000
  Ph: +61-416-085-390   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[SLUG] Backspace under X not working - fixed

2000-11-30 Thread Doug Stalker

I fixed my problem with backspace not working under X - I edited
/etc/X11/Xmodmap so the following lines were uncommented:

keycode 22 = BackSpace
keycode 107 = Delete

I still have no idea how the problem started, but a working solution is
good enough for me.

 - Doug

  Network Operations Engineer - Big Pond Advance Satellite
 Ericsson Australia - Level 5, 184 The Broadway, Sydney 2000
  Ph: +61-416-085-390   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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[SLUG] BAckspace under X

2000-11-29 Thread Doug Stalker

Debian Woody System.  Everything going fine.  Then from a console I
killed X ('killall gdm') to see if it would make any difference with my
sound problem - it didn't.  I started gdm back up, but teh backspace key
wont work - it just beeps.  I rebooted teh entire system - same
problem.  backspace works fine on teh console but not under X.

What can I do to fix this?  I really have no idea where to start, since
I didn't change anything prior to it happening.

 - Doug

  Network Operations Engineer - Big Pond Advance Satellite
 Ericsson Australia - Level 5, 184 The Broadway, Sydney 2000
  Ph: +61-416-085-390   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] Re: maestro sound card and debian

2000-11-28 Thread Doug Stalker

I got the same problem trying to get my AWE 64 (ISA) working with Debian

What I've found:

as alsaconf starts up it flashes an error about a missing module - I
think this is the auto-detect modules.  If I give teh setting manually I
get the same error as listed below, except maestro.o is replaced with
sb.o.  (I guess this means alsaconf called modprobe sb?)

I used apt-get install sndconfig, and ran that - it detetcted the card
perfectly but failed to load the module for the card.

Manually running 'insmod sb' results in a huge list of unresolved

Is there some secret trick to getting sound working with Debian?  Is
there an ISA PNP app I need to install?  

Apart from this sounds problem I'm really enjoying Debian.

 - Doug

Craige McWhirter wrote:

> I put in the line you've suggest and run the command. This has got me
> back to square one:
> obair /etc/modutils# modprobe maestro
> /lib/modules/2.2.17/misc/maestro.o: init_module: Device or resource
> busy
> Hint: this error can be caused by incorrect module parameters, including
> invalid IO or IRQ parameters
> /lib/modules/2.2.17/misc/maestro.o: insmod
> /lib/modules/2.2.17/misc/maestro.o failed
> /lib/modules/2.2.17/misc/maestro.o: insmod maestro failed
> obair /etc/modutils#
  Network Operations Engineer - Big Pond Advance Satellite
 Ericsson Australia - Level 5, 184 The Broadway, Sydney 2000
  Ph: +61-416-085-390   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [SLUG] Traffic via two external interfaces

2000-11-28 Thread Doug Stalker

Policy-based routing should be able to do this - I started looking into
something similar, but the project it was for never went anywhere.

Start with the Linux 2.4 Advanced Routing HOWTO.  I suspect that most
things in it can be done with a 2.2.X Kernel, ipchains and iproute2. 

My understanding:  

ipchains flags packets depending on source address (or whatever criteria
you want to use)
iproute2 sets up the routing table so that as well as looking at the
destination address (the taditional method of routing) it also looks at
the flags set by ipchains.

I'm interested in hearing your results if you try this.

 - Doug

> HI everyone,
> The same client who is getting ADSL (thank you all who supplied me info on that) is 
>interested in being able to send web traffic via either the ADSL connection OR a 
>permanent modem link, depending on the user. That is stick some poor people with the 
>modem access and in the process avoid download costs over the adsl. What is any is 
>the best way to approach this?
> --
> -Paul de Kievit
> Netwise Australia
> Ph:  (07) 3216 0660
> Fax: (07) 3216 0226
> --
> SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
> More Info:

  Network Operations Engineer - Big Pond Advance Satellite
 Ericsson Australia - Level 5, 184 The Broadway, Sydney 2000
  Ph: +61-416-085-390   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[SLUG] Multisession CDs

2000-11-28 Thread Doug Stalker

If I have a CD-R to which I have burnt multiple sessions, how can I get
the system to mount an earlier session instead of defaulting to the most
recent?  Under Windows one of the CD-Burning apps added an option so I
could right click on a drive letter and select a session - but I don't
know the linux equivilent.

(Debian Woody, Philips 3610 CDRW)

 - Doug

  Network Operations Engineer - Big Pond Advance Satellite
 Ericsson Australia - Level 5, 184 The Broadway, Sydney 2000
  Ph: +61-416-085-390   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] You can tell it is Friday when .....

2000-11-16 Thread Doug Stalker

Jobst Schmalenbach wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 17, 2000 at 01:34:05PM +1100, Terry Collins ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > you spend 15 minutes wondering why root is seeing a different /usr/bin
> > than your user sees.
> I got to wonder whether *THIS* has to do with the day?
> Oooops. Let me rephrase:
> I got to wonder whether *THIS* has to do with a particular day?

I personally find I lose my focus on wok durring the last part of a
Friday.  I never do anything important/risky to our servers then, as I'm
too likely to make a mistake.  I'm also more liekly to rush something to
get it done by the end of the day so it's not waiting for me on Monday

I find it a good time to catch up on all the trivial things that pile up
durring the week though.

 - Doug

  Network Operations Engineer - Big Pond Advance Satellite
 Ericsson Australia - Level 5, 184 The Broadway, Sydney 2000
  Ph: +61-416-085-390   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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2000-11-16 Thread Doug Stalker

John Ryland wrote:

> When the telstra guy came to install it from Windows, it like took him
> practically all day. Various things went wrong for him and he had to get some
> other guy in to help in. After they had gone it took about 5 minutes to setup
> the ppp over ethernet package on Linux. I really don't get why people say
> Windows is so easy to use, it just isn't true.

My take on this is that windows isn't easier to use/configure, it's just
that most people have more experience with it.  This will especially
hold true in tech support, where they have been trained up on windows
and told that other operating systems aren't supported.  At one time I
earnt a reputation as a unix guru because I could use the sh shell and
some basic commands like ps and grep.  Most of the other people were
technically savy to some extent, but almost exclusivly with windows.  

I actually find it easier to learn how to do things with linux - the
open archetecture of the system means I can easily poke around and see
whats going on if I want to.  And the quality of documentation is
generally much better, which is a HUGE help.

Another Anecdote:

I once had my flatmates mother use my system (at the time:  Mandrake
7.1, Helix Gnome, Netscape 4.7) to do some web-browsing and later on my
flatmate made a comment about this.  Her mother was surprised - she'd
just assumed it was windows the whole time, and didn't believe it was
actually linux untill I pointed out some differences to her.

 - Doug

  Network Operations Engineer - Big Pond Advance Satellite
 Ericsson Australia - Level 5, 184 The Broadway, Sydney 2000
  Ph: +61-416-085-390   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [SLUG] c++... a bit OT

2000-11-14 Thread Doug Stalker

> I was thinking, that as computers are binary machines, you could
> probably speed up your algorithm by thinking in binary rather than
> decimal.  This will mean doing a lot of modification to your algorithm.
> Just thinking out loud again.

Even better would be to think it terms of how many opcodes it takes to
get the job done.  Compare:

void swap (int x, int y) { int tmp; tmp=x; x=y; y=tmp }

#define swap(a,b) { a^=b;b^=a;a^=b }

The second is from the book 'Applied Cryptography', which has some very
tight code in it.  It avoids the funtion call altogether, it doesn't
create any tempory variables, and should become 3 XOR commands in total
once compiled. 

 - Doug

  Network Operations Engineer - Big Pond Advance Satellite
 Ericsson Australia - Level 5, 184 The Broadway, Sydney 2000
  Ph: +61-416-085-390   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [SLUG] c++... a bit OT

2000-11-14 Thread Doug Stalker

Alex Salmon wrote:

> my idea was that as all primes end in 1,3,7,9 (not all ending 1 3 7 9 are
> primes tho) so i wouldent need to start testing the number if it ended in
> say 5. sure this would slow down the working initily but as i get in to
> the say the 5 or more it would dramticly reduce time in the long
> run.. i hope ;-)

Checking for divisible by 5 won't help much

Assume an algorith like

isprime (int X)
for i = 2 to squareroot(X) (2 and odd numbers only)
if X modulus i ==0 return false
return true;

Then numbers ending in 5 (10% of the smaple space) get picked up in 3
tests if not pre-filtered.  Filtering for divisible by five adds an
extra step to all checks.

Adding a filter for even numbers helps a lot though, as it avoid the
system having to set the for loop up just to exit on the first

On my system, checking the first million numbers : 

No prefiltering: 11 seconds
Prefilter for Even: 6 seconds
Prefilter for ending in 5s as well: 6 seconds

My test code:

(spoiler space for anyone who wants to do it themselves)

//  Poor quality random number checker
//  returns true if the test number is prime, false otherwise.

bool isprime (int testnum)
int i;
if ((testnum & 1) == 0) return false; //number is even
int nSqrt = (int)sqrt(testnum); //(do only once to avoid calling sqrt
every cycle of the for statement
// Test odd numbers from 3 to square root of testnum
for (i=3; i< nSqrt;i+=2) 
if (testnum % i == 0) return false;
return true;

  Network Operations Engineer - Big Pond Advance Satellite
 Ericsson Australia - Level 5, 184 The Broadway, Sydney 2000
  Ph: +61-416-085-390   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [SLUG] missing files on unstable debian

2000-11-02 Thread Doug Stalker

Matthew Dalton wrote:
> Doug Stalker wrote:
> > Is it normal for packages to be missing like this in unstable?
> I think it's more a problem with the aarnet mirror than with debian
> unstable. Try a different mirror.

It looks like you were right - I changed my unstable to and it seems to be able to grab the libraries it
They don't have non-US though, so I'm hoping the unstable/non-US on
aarnet works properly.

 - Doug

  Network Operations Engineer - Big Pond Advance Satellite
 Ericsson Australia - Level 5, 184 The Broadway, Sydney 2000
  Ph: +61-416-085-390   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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[SLUG] missing files on unstable debian

2000-11-02 Thread Doug Stalker

I'm having trouble installing some packages now I switched to unstable.

Relavent lines from /etc/ap/sources.list

deb stable main non-free contrib 
deb stable/non-US main non-free
deb unstable main non-free
deb unstable/non-US main
non-free contrib 

An example of the problem: (I ran this right after apt-get update)

samedi:/tmp# apt-get --fix-missing install ssh2

Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
The following extra packages will be installed:
  g++ libc6 libc6-dev libesd0 libnss-db libssl095a locales 
The following packages will be REMOVED:
  libesd-alsa0 ssh ssh-askpass-gnome 
The following NEW packages will be installed:
  libesd0 libnss-db libssl095a ssh2 
4 packages upgraded, 4 newly installed, 3 to remove and 45 not upgraded.
Need to get 7034kB/9469kB of archives. After unpacking 4992kB will be
Do you want to continue? [Y/n] y
Err unstable/main libc6 2.1.95-1
  404 Not Found
Err unstable/main libc6-dev 2.1.95-1
  404 Not Found
Err unstable/main locales 2.1.95-1
  404 Not Found
Failed to fetch
  404 Not Found
Failed to fetch
  404 Not Found
Failed to fetch
  404 Not Found
Unable to correct missing packages.
E: Aborting Install.

Is it normal for packages to be missing like this in unstable?

 - Doug

  Network Operations Engineer - Big Pond Advance Satellite
 Ericsson Australia - Level 5, 184 The Broadway, Sydney 2000
  Ph: +61-416-085-390   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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[SLUG] Debian sound question

2000-11-02 Thread Doug Stalker

More things I can't figure out with Debian!

How do I set up sound?  I installed alsaconf, but it complains about
grep: /etc/modutils/alsa: No such file/directory and modprobe: can't
locate module snd-detect.

Is there a better way to setup sound?  Is there a (working) automated
utility to do this in Debian or do I have to do it by hand?   The card
is an ISa Awe 64 PnP card, and has always worked with redhats sndconfig
in the past.

 - Doug

  Network Operations Engineer - Big Pond Advance Satellite
 Ericsson Australia - Level 5, 184 The Broadway, Sydney 2000
  Ph: +61-416-085-390   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] Debian ssh2 question

2000-11-01 Thread Doug Stalker

Conrad Parker wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 02, 2000 at 02:37:24PM +1100, Doug Stalker wrote:
> >
> > apt-get install ssh2 results in
> >
> > Package ssh2 has no available version, but exists in the database.
> > ...
> your next step is to do "apt-cache search ssh2" to see what packages
> do anything ssh2-ish. It could simply be that you need packages like
> eg. ssh2-server and ssh2-clients, or something like that. There was
> probably once a package called ssh2, which some newly reorganised
> package obsoletes.

It doesn't find anything.  

apt-cache search ssh just shows packages I've already installed.  Does
this mean there is no ssh2 for debian?

 - doug

  Network Operations Engineer - Big Pond Advance Satellite
 Ericsson Australia - Level 5, 184 The Broadway, Sydney 2000
  Ph: +61-416-085-390   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [SLUG] Debian fptd question

2000-11-01 Thread Doug Stalker

Doug Stalker wrote:
I installed proftd with the default settings (anonymous=N was the only
question) and it works fine.  I consider that to be a fix.  :-)
George Vieira wrote:
> Not a fix but I prefer to use ProFTPd... Customize the hell out of it.
> I'm having trouble with running an FTP server on Debian (Potato,
> stable).  I started by running apt-get install ftpd, which seemed to
> work fine.
  Network Operations Engineer - Big Pond Advance Satellite
 Ericsson Australia - Level 5, 184 The Broadway, Sydney 2000
  Ph: +61-416-085-390   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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[SLUG] Debian ssh2 question

2000-11-01 Thread Doug Stalker

Is there an ssh2 daemon for Debian (Potato)

I ran apt-get install ssh, and I have an sshd running - but it is SSH1

apt-get install ssh2 results in 

Package ssh2 has no available version, but exists in the database.
This typically means that the package was mentioned in a dependency and 
never uploaded, has been obsoleted or is not available with the contents 
of sources.list

I've tried adding 
deb unstable main non-free

And then running apt-get update and trying again, but I get the same
message.  How can I get ssh2 running?

 - Doug

  Network Operations Engineer - Big Pond Advance Satellite
 Ericsson Australia - Level 5, 184 The Broadway, Sydney 2000
  Ph: +61-416-085-390   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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[SLUG] Debian fptd question

2000-11-01 Thread Doug Stalker

I'm having trouble with running an FTP server on Debian (Potato,
stable).  I started by running apt-get install ftpd, which seemed to
work fine.

I try to ftp there from an external system, and get 

D:\windows\Desktop>ftp 203.X.X.X
Connected to 203.X.X.X
Connection closed by remote host.

So I ran apt-get install wu-ftpd, and still have the same problem. 
After ssh'ing to the system I can connect via ftp to either or
the IP address on ppp0.  I've restarted inetd; it didn't make any

The system has ipchains, but currently input is set to ACCEPT and so is
output.  Forward is set to MASQ.  (I'll be setting up a dedicated
gateway in a few days, and I'll do proper firewalling then)

What could be stopping the ftp from working?  Is there an allowed hosts
file that needs editing?  I know you can disallow users, but this is
happening before the user login prompt.

 - Doug

  Network Operations Engineer - Big Pond Advance Satellite
 Ericsson Australia - Level 5, 184 The Broadway, Sydney 2000
  Ph: +61-416-085-390   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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[SLUG] Returned mail: Too many hops 26 (25 max)

2000-10-30 Thread Doug Stalker

>From the two messages I've posted to SLUG today I've received error
messages from complaining of too many hops.  A look at
the headers shows that the messege is going to
[EMAIL PROTECTED], it is then converted to
[EMAIL PROTECTED], and that it then starts running in a circle
around the following 4 systems;

and then kipling forwards it to, and the cycle
repeats.  Eventually onteh 26th jump it decides it's gone on for too
long and sends an error back to the sender (which is shown as

Is anyone else getting this on their posts to SLUG?

Hopefully one of the postmaster address I've CC'd this to will do
something to stop this.

 - Doug

  Network Operations Engineer - Big Pond Advance Satellite
 Ericsson Australia - Level 5, 184 The Broadway, Sydney 2000
  Ph: +61-416-085-390   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
More Info:

[SLUG] Internet Banking With National

2000-10-30 Thread Doug Stalker

I just got the following from the Nation Australia Bank.  I thought it
may be of interest to other SLUG members.


Dear Mr Stalker,

Thank you for your feedback.

We are currently in the process of upgrading our Internet Banking system
to be
platform independant to the extent where Linux users should be able to
use the
facility. Unfortunately we do not have a fixed release date however it
expected to be sometime in the first quarter of 2001.

[Rest of message removed]

 - Doug

  Network Operations Engineer - Big Pond Advance Satellite
 Ericsson Australia - Level 5, 184 The Broadway, Sydney 2000
  Ph: +61-416-085-390   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
More Info:

[SLUG] How I make X work in Debian (Was Debian newbie guide for existing linuxusers)

2000-10-30 Thread Doug Stalker

Jeff Waugh wrote:
> > So lets assume for a moment I want to get X windows working, preferably
> > with Helix Gnome.
> >
> > Where do I start?
> First off, run either:
>   a) tasksel, and choose the "X Window System" task, or,
>   b) apt-get install task-x-window-system

Both of these commands insisted on installing the VGA16 server.  When I
aborted the X configuration it would complain it didn't work, and run
the config again.  Repeat untill I hit Ctrl-C.

Eventually I figured out that 'apt-get install xserver-SVGA' would
install teh SVGA server, complete with a little graphical configuration
thingy.  It had Diamond Viper 770 in the list of cards, and worked
fine.  I'll worry about getting the mouse wheel working later.

> Then, to install Helix Gnome, you need to add the Helix Gnome repository to
> your /etc/apt/sources.list file (you'll find the appropriate line on the
> Helix Code website) and then run:
>   apt-get install task-helix-gnome

I figured out that if I burn the Helix-gnome .debs to a CD I can use
'apt-cdrom add' to add the CD to the list of availabe packages, and then
'apt-get install task-helix-gnome' will prompt for teh CD.

Or do I need to do more to the CD than just burn the .debs on?  The
actual debian CDs include a .disk folder, but that just seems to contain
a file with the full name of teh CD in it.

 - Doug

  Network Operations Engineer - Big Pond Advance Satellite
 Ericsson Australia - Level 5, 184 The Broadway, Sydney 2000
  Ph: +61-416-085-390   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] mouse problem

2000-10-29 Thread Doug Stalker

computer computer wrote:
> hi
> everytime i turn my computer on, my mouse freezes and it does not move
> till i disconnected it and reconnected it again from the back of my computer.
> Any idea? and how do solve it?

Does this happen when you start X-windows?  What if you unplug/replug to
get it working, then restart X?

(If you have a graphical login you can disable it temporarily with the
command 'init 3', and then you can start X windows with 'startx')

What sort of mouse is it?

> MY MB is Asus and it has two ports for mouth one
> serial and the other PS2.  

No matter how the ports are labled on the back of your computer, I
advise against putting your mouth on any of them.  :)

  Network Operations Engineer - Big Pond Advance Satellite
 Ericsson Australia - Level 5, 184 The Broadway, Sydney 2000
  Ph: +61-416-085-390   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] Debian newbie guide for existing linux users

2000-10-29 Thread Doug Stalker

Malcolm Tredinnick wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 30, 2000 at 02:33:37PM +1100, Jeff Waugh wrote:
> > Read the above stuff on X, and look through "apt-cache search"... Lotsa cool
> > stuff. "Just add water."
>  ^
>  Don't do this. It's silly and you would just be disappointed
> with the flash-bang-smoke effect it had. :-)

My monitor documentation explicitly states 'do not operate when immersed
in any liquid'

I'd love to know what tech-support call prompted them to add that to the
list of warnings.  

  Network Operations Engineer - Big Pond Advance Satellite
 Ericsson Australia - Level 5, 184 The Broadway, Sydney 2000
  Ph: +61-416-085-390   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] 1st Debian install (was M$ goes open source)

2000-10-29 Thread Doug Stalker

Jeff Waugh wrote:
> > If there a guide anywhere titled "Debian for people who have had a lot
> > of experience using Redhat and redhat like linux distributions like
> > Mandrake who now wish to change to Debian"?
> Yep. It's:

>   man 
>   apt-cache search  (to find cool packages)
>   apt-cache show  (to read more about those packages)

Not quite what I was after, but hopefully man apt-cache will tell me
something.  :)

So lets assume for a moment I want to get X windows working, preferably
with Helix Gnome.

Where do I start?

I need to install the SVGA server - I'm sure it's on one of the three
CDs, but how do I get it off there?  Man Xfree86_SVGA won't tell me how
to install it in the first place.

I need to configure the server once it's installed - how is this done
under debian?  Does debian have a central configuration thingy I can
use?  There is xviddetect, but it just tells me it isn't sure what the
card is and gives a list of poassabilities - the last one of which is
Riva TNT2, the correct choice.

What if I don't have a network connection?  Having the system update
itself over the net is great, but I wan't to be able to burn stuff to CD
at work and take it home to install.

 - Doug

  Network Operations Engineer - Big Pond Advance Satellite
 Ericsson Australia - Level 5, 184 The Broadway, Sydney 2000
  Ph: +61-416-085-390   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] detecting hardware

2000-10-29 Thread Doug Stalker

computer computer wrote:
> hi
> how do you know that nework card is detecting by redhat7?. After i had
> installed my Sohware fasr ethernet network card and configure it and
> rebooting the computer, i saw the word eth0. however when i used the
> command arp -r and rarp commands to see the mac of the card, somtimes
> i get nothing and sometimes in the place of the mac of the card the question
> marks appears. i looked in /proc/irq i did not find anything shows that
> my card is there?.

Try pinging the IP address you assigned to the card. 

> also, is there anyway to force the os to detect any hardware i mean manually?

Kudzu.  I don't know if it comes with Redhat 7, but Mandrake 7.1 uses it
to auto-detect new hardware.  It worked perfectly for me the one time I
used it to detect a second network card.  It may be set to run everytime
your system starts - Mandrake defaults to this, but I disable it.

And for a more manual installation of the NIC 

Create an alias in /etc/conf.modules for ethX so that the system loads
the drivers when it loades module ethX 
(in my case, 'alias eth1 ne2k-pci')

Create a ifcfg-ethX file in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/.  This file
just lists a few parameters for the card, such as IP address and

Now you can activate the interface with ifup/ifdown, and if you set
ONBOOT=Yes in ifcfg-ethX, it will start automatically when the system

 - Doug

  Network Operations Engineer - Big Pond Advance Satellite
 Ericsson Australia - Level 5, 184 The Broadway, Sydney 2000
  Ph: +61-416-085-390   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
More Info:

[SLUG] Debian newbie guide for existing linux users

2000-10-29 Thread Doug Stalker

Steven downing wrote:
> I've only been a Linux user for a few months now, and decided to go Debian last 
>week.  Inside one week I've got more set up and working correctly than I did in x 
>months of RedHat. X worked out of the box, (almost, bad hardware cursor), XMMS and 
>all those sound things needed a bit of chmod /dev/ (, but all is 
>great now.

I also decided to give debian a proper try this weekend.  


The system currently has no network connection.  (new house, no
phone-line yet)  I have ISOs of teh three debian 2.2 CDs I burnt in
August, and I figured they should be enough to get it going.  If really
needed I can carry the computer to work (I'm living 2 minutes walk from
where I work - very convinent) and plug it into a high-speed net

My video card is a Riva TNT 2.  It won't detect automatically, but I
know how to set it up using XConfigurator under other linux distros. 
Except not only do I not have XConfigurator, I don't even appear to have
any X Servers installed (running X gives a message about failing to
execute XFree86_NONE)

I have no idea how this apt thing works.  It sounds good though.

If there a guide anywhere titled "Debian for people who have had a lot
of experience using Redhat and redhat like linux distributions like
Mandrake who now wish to change to Debian"?

 - Doug

  Network Operations Engineer - Big Pond Advance Satellite
 Ericsson Australia - Level 5, 184 The Broadway, Sydney 2000
  Ph: +61-416-085-390   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
More Info:

[SLUG] scripting question - fixing incorrect EOL characters.

2000-10-26 Thread Doug Stalker

I need to dump the output of an Oracle SQl query to a file, but
unfortunately it replaces all NULL field with a carrage return.

Correct carrage returns can be determined by the fact the have 200
spaces in front of them due to line padding.  To fix the problem and
geteverything back into correct allignment, I need to replace all
improper carrage returns with a single space.

I guess the algorithm would be something like

Find all correct carrage returns, replace with a placeholder.
Replace all carrage returns with a single space
Replace placeholders with carrage returns

But I don't know how to implement this.  Can it be done with a sed
script or 3, or will it require something more complicated?

 - doug


  Network Operations Engineer - Big Pond Advance Satellite
 Ericsson Australia - Level 5, 184 The Broadway, Sydney 2000
  Ph: +61-416-085-390   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] CPIO problem porting from SCO to Linux

2000-10-24 Thread Doug Stalker

What flags are you passing cpio in SCO?  There is a -c flag that write
steh header in text instead of binary, and it says in the SCO cpio man
page that this is required for archives being moved between different
system types.

Also check the block size - if they are different between systems I'm
sure it would cause problems of some sort.

 - Doug

George Vieira wrote:
> Yes, a tar works BUT on the linux box I had to use DD. I tried DD already
> with cpio and no go..
> > If you write to the tape using tar, will it work on both systems?

  Network Operations Engineer - Big Pond Advance Satellite
 Ericsson Australia - Level 5, 184 The Broadway, Sydney 2000
  Ph: +61-416-085-390   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] Scripting literature suggestions

2000-10-24 Thread Doug Stalker

> > I have the "Sed & Awk" O'Reilly, but I was wondering if anyone out there who
> > works with shell scripting had suggestions for other scripting based books? I
> > would like to find a book (or two) which teach how to shell script in general,
> > rather than concentrating on one or two commands (even if they are two
> > incredibly useful commands). Anyone?

I have got a copy of 'Unix Shell Programming Tools' by David Medinets

It covers basic bash scripting as well as having some information on
Perl and Tcl/Tk (neither of which I've read)  It also has a chapter
giving brief (several page) descriptions of a lot of utlities like grep,
find and test.  (but it doesn't cover awk or sed, which probably won't
bother you)

I found it a lot of help when I was starting to deal with shell scripts.

 - Doug

  Network Operations Engineer - Big Pond Advance Satellite
 Ericsson Australia - Level 5, 184 The Broadway, Sydney 2000
  Ph: +61-416-085-390   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] bpay / online banking / direct debits

2000-10-24 Thread Doug Stalker

Kevin Waterson wrote:
> The bank is the National Australia Bank but
> I am willing to change if this can be done
> from linux.
> Anyone with any knowlege of this, I would
> like to hear from you

I don't know how it works for Business connections, but for National
Personal Internet banking 

1) It's windows 9X/NT 4 only.  

2) It uses 1024 Bit RSA and 3DES (secure!) but stores the certifactes
and keys in your netscape user directory in what appears to plaintext
(not secure!)

I sent them off a few customer feedback email earlier today - I got a
letter this morning explaining it will now cost me 60 cent to find out
how much money I using phone/internet banking.*   So I finally was
motivated enough to tell them what a crap service they offer, and ask
when they plan to support linux.

I sugest everyone here who may be interested in using internet banking
goes to and asks about linux -
if they see enough interest, they may do something about it.

* Tertiary/Graduate Student account, not sure about other accounts.  I
should also mention that the first $12 a month are free, but I suspect
they will begin to reduce this amount over time.  And $1.50 non-national
ATM fee, not covered in the $12 

Account balance please.
> Ten Dollars and twenty eight cents.
That can't be right!   Check it again!
> Nine dollars and sixty eight cents
Huh?  But youjust said...
> Nine Dollars and but eight cents

  Network Operations Engineer - Big Pond Advance Satellite
 Ericsson Australia - Level 5, 184 The Broadway, Sydney 2000
  Ph: +61-416-085-390   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] Reinstalling Lilo on a reiserfs system.

2000-10-24 Thread Doug Stalker

Ken Yap wrote:
> >or a way of installing a boot loader without
> >mounting the partition that it will be running.

> could boot a rescue floppy, make a tmproot in ramdisk, say
> /tmp/foo, mount the boot partition under that as /tmp/foo/boot, create a
> /tmp/foo/etc/lilo.conf (hope you remember the items required), then run
> lilo -r /tmp/foo.

I did this, also creating a /foo/dev directory and mknod'ing device
files for the hard-drive partitions.  (Otherwise lilo can't access
/dev/hda after doing a chroot to /tmp/foo)

I made up a lilo.conf file, installed it, and then when rebooting it
starts to work fine untill it goes to mount the root partition.

Kernel Panic: Unable to mount root fs on 03:06.

3 and 6 are the major/minor numbers for hda6, so I assume it's trying to
mount the right partition and failing.  Unless anyone can suggest
something I've missed, I'll assume that *somehow* windows installation
has corrupted the partition itself, and I'll just reinstall.  Luckily
this won't be a mojor problem, as I've got all the patches I've used
burnt to CD as well as 3 day old copies of /etc, /root and /home.

 - Doug
  Network Operations Engineer - Big Pond Advance Satellite
 Ericsson Australia - Level 5, 184 The Broadway, Sydney 2000
  Ph: +61-416-085-390   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] Firewall dropping packets

2000-10-23 Thread Doug Stalker

"Marshall, Joshua" wrote:

> IP forwarding is enabled, and it is working on the other interfaces.
> Any other clues?
> I noticed that most of the problems seem to be from the to the
> 10.10.10.x LAN, not the other way around (tcpdump showed me this)

Try disabling IPchains completely, just to make sure the problem isn't
with the ipchains configuration.

Perhaps try modifying your IPchains config to log everything and have a
look at the resulting log.  (Make sure you turn this off afterwards!)

 - Doug

  Network Operations Engineer - Big Pond Advance Satellite
 Ericsson Australia - Level 5, 184 The Broadway, Sydney 2000
  Ph: +61-416-085-390   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] Firewall dropping packets

2000-10-23 Thread Doug Stalker

"Marshall, Joshua" wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm having weird happenings on my firewall.
> The problem I'm having is forwarding data between the eth1 to
> the 10.10.10.x eth0. Packets are working fine for the rest of the
> system.


> The ipchains rules (in, out, forward) accept the 10.x.x.x subnet on both
> eth0 and eth1. These shouldn't be affecting it as half of the packets
> get out. At least, the in and out are working fine - the forward one
> isn't anything spectacular (accept 10.x.x.x on device eth0 or eth1)
> Is there anything I've overlooked? This one is getting me beat.

Is it possible it's something really simple like not having IP
forwarding enabled on the firewall?

echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

 - Doug

  Network Operations Engineer - Big Pond Advance Satellite
 Ericsson Australia - Level 5, 184 The Broadway, Sydney 2000
  Ph: +61-416-085-390   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] Outgoing port-redirection

2000-10-23 Thread Doug Stalker

Terry Collins wrote:
> Doug Stalker wrote:

> This doesn't answer your question, and might not be the best solution,
> but there are apps like tcpgate, redir, etc that will collect packets
> for ports on one machine and redirects them to another machine/port.
> I don't like tcpgate as it re-indentifies everything as coming from the
> redirecting machine. redir (?) is also old.

This sounds like the sort of functionality now incorporated in ipchains
- I can remember using redir to setup a mailserver behind a masqurading
system using kernel 2.0.X and ipfw.

Unfortunately it still uses the routing table to determine which
interface to send outgoing data on.  (This is the real difficulty, but
any program that gets around this is probably in violation of standards
- The TCP/IP stack should be doing the routing, not the application) 

 - Doug

  Network Operations Engineer - Big Pond Advance Satellite
 Ericsson Australia - Level 5, 184 The Broadway, Sydney 2000
  Ph: +61-416-085-390   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
More Info:

[SLUG] Outgoing port-redirection

2000-10-23 Thread Doug Stalker

I have a linux box which acts as a gateway:  it accepts connection from
the internal private network (called ethP), masqurades them and then
forwards them out to the internet (via interface ethI)

This works fine, except now teh client wants to change things around a
bit - he wants any packets sent to a particular port (Oracle Database, I
don't know what the number is) to be sent via a different network
interface (I'll callit ethI2).

If the clients just wanted to redirect traffic to a particular set of
computers with known Ip addresses it would a simple matter to add
another line to the routing table.  But he wants it done by destination

So:  Is it possible to set up rules with IPchains (or something similar)
so that all packets to be forwarded to a particular port number (-p TCP
--dport XXX) get sent using an interface different to the one specified
in the routing table, while still being masquraded?

 - Doug

  Network Operations Engineer - Big Pond Advance Satellite
 Ericsson Australia - Level 5, 184 The Broadway, Sydney 2000
  Ph: +61-416-085-390   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
More Info:

[SLUG] Reinstalling Lilo on a reiserfs system.

2000-10-23 Thread Doug Stalker

I had to reinstall windows on my dual-boot system, and as expected
windows overwrote the lilo boot loader.  Easy to fix, I just put in my
linux boot disk and boot it up - except teh disk has devoloped a whole
bunch of bad sectors.

Not a problem! I think.  I'll just use a TOMRTBT boot disk to do the
job.  Except after booting I realize this wont work, because my root
partition is using reiserfs, not ext2.  I figure even this shouldn't be
a problem, since I can just boot off the installation CD and select
'rescue' and use that instead.  Except the Mandrake 7.1 CD rescue disk
doesn't have support for reiserfs.  

So what can I do?  I need either a boot disk which will let me mount
reiserfs partitions, or a way of installing a boot loader without
mounting the partition that it will be running.  

If it's any help, /boot is a 12 MB ext2 partition.  The system itself is
Mandrake 7.1 with a few patches and updates.

 - Doug

  Network Operations Engineer - Big Pond Advance Satellite
 Ericsson Australia - Level 5, 184 The Broadway, Sydney 2000
  Ph: +61-416-085-390   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] New User with a few questions.

2000-10-22 Thread Doug Stalker

Graeme Nichols wrote:
> Hello Folks,
> Please bear with me if the questions I am about to ask appear to be a
> bit silly. I am completely new to Linux.
> I have just installed Red Hat Linux 6.1 onto a 10G HD.



> Linux still works fine. WIN 98 works just fine and doesn't hang around
> trying to sort out the HD. It sees C, D & E (the CDRom). I can go to the
> D drive under Win 98 but again cannot actually do anything such as DIR.
> A message comes back saying that some thing else has the drive. I am not
> game to try a format on D in case it may be the Linux partition. 

You mat be able to get a better idea what's happening under windows by
running fdisk form a DOS prompt and select 4 > Display partition
information.  This should indicate which partitions windows consideres
to be which letters.  Be warned that the partitions dont always apear in
numerical order; on my system it's hda2  hda3, with hda1
being the extended partition.

> I don't
> know how to look at it under Linux. There appears to be no fdisk on my
> Linux system or the boot disk created during install so I cannot work
> out what Linux thinks are there. 

They should be installed.  Make sure you are logged in as root, and you
should find both fdisk and cfdisk in /sbin.  (cfdisk is a lot easier to
use than fdisk, but either will do)
On my system (Mandrake 7.1) they are part of the util-linux package. 
You can check to see if this is installed by running

rpm -qa | grep util-linux 
(This lists all the installed RPMs, and the grep filters out all lines
that don't contain util-linux)

If you need to install it, try something like:

cd /mnt/cdrom/RedHat/RPMS
rpm -i util-linux-2.10h.rpm
(use ls util* to find the actual package name)

If you are logged in as a user, you won't have access to the sbin
utilities (sbin stands for super-user binaries) 

> During bootup the following message is
> in dmesg, Partition check. hda: hda1 hda2 . The 4
> partitions I created during the linux install appear to be there.
> My question therefore is, how can I check out those 4 partitions. 

running [fdisk will display a list of partitions and types. This is the
output from cfdisk on my system:

  cfdisk 2.10h

  Disk Drive: /dev/hda
 Size: 8455200768 bytes
  Heads: 255   Sectors per Track: 63  
Cylinders: 1027

  Name  FlagsPart Type   FS
Type  [Label]Size (MB)

ext2  16.46
swap 131.61
Linux 4293.60
  hda3  Boot  PrimaryWin95
FAT32   4005.72  

Important things to check for to make sure windows works:

Exactly one partition set bootable, and it should probably be the
windows partition
Only one Primary partition of a type usable by windows

Linux partitions should be type Linux ext2 (83), swap should be Linux
Swap (82) and Windows should be FAT32 (0B) unless you intend to use
FAT16 for some reason like compatability with NT 4.0.

> can I format hda8 to be a FAT32 partition 

mkfs -t vfat /dev/hda8
Make sure it is fat 32 (0B) first and not Fat16 (DOS >= 32).  If you do
want fat16, use -t msdos.

It's also possible to format using a MSDOS bootdisk and the MS format

If you want to change the partition from DOS >=32 to FAT32 use cfisk.

> (providing, of course, that it
> is the 4G partition I created at install time as a dos >=32 (the other 3
> partitions are root, boot and swap.) Can I format it under WIN 98? Is
> the D drive WIN 98 sees the dos >=32 partition or one of the other Linux
> partitions?

> There are other docs I would like to get, eg. Linux USers Guide and
> Linus FAQs and CONFIG.HOWTO at the same site.

They may already be installed in /usr/doc

/usr/doc/HOWTO for the Howtos
/usr/doc/LDP for a few guides 

> What am I doing wrong?

Nothing.  You're starting to learn a new operating system, and it's
natural that it takes you a while to pick it up.

> I know this is all pretty simple stuff to experienced users but if
> someone can help me with this simple stuff I can start, hopefully,
> looking after myself.

It can be hard starting out - but it's worth it.

 - Doug

  Network Operations Engineer - Big Pond Advance Satellite
 Ericsson Australia - Level 5, 184 The Broadway, Sydney 2000
  Ph: +61-

Re: [SLUG] Home network project

2000-10-22 Thread Doug Stalker

> Holroyd Engineering Services wrote:
> I found an article, Howto, about using a pc as an internet gateway for
> a home network (by Paul Ramsay). However the article assumes you have
> a cable link to the internet and unfortunately I have not got the
> luxury of having one. I have, however, like most people, an
> all-you-can-eat :), dialup account. My question is, how easy is it to
> reconfigure for dialup instead off cable?. 

Here is the way I did it:

Start by getting the dialup working.  I just configured ppp0 and then
run ifup/ifdown ppp0 to control the connection. (You could use diald,
but I don't like automatic redial)

Use Ipchains to look after masqurading and firewalling.  This is very
easy to setup, and if you want I can send you the script I use to setup
the rules.  (Mandrake 7.1 comes with ipchains in /etc/rc.d/, but you
need to set the rules up if you want to actually use it)

> I ve got ppp configured and
> it can actually connect to my isp, but even on the linux box netscape
> could not browse the net.

You would need to sort out this problem first; if the gateway isn't
properly connected to the network then it's not much use as a gateway.

> Does anyone know of any howto or any other artcle that explain
> in basic terms exactly how to enable internet sharing using linux. 

Good starting points are the IP-Masqurade HOWTO and the ipchains HOWTO

 - Doug

  Network Operations Engineer - Big Pond Advance Satellite
 Ericsson Australia - Level 5, 184 The Broadway, Sydney 2000
  Ph: +61-416-085-390   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] types of modems

2000-10-22 Thread Doug Stalker

Lucent based PCI modems will work, *BUT* the drivers are very specific
to one kernel version. (Unless they've released some more recent
On later kernel versions I could use it for a text based dialup
(Vodafone Telenotes) but it would crash when I tried to use it for PPP.

If you do need an internal modem, I recommend getting an older style ISA
modem - the sort where you set the COM port with jumpers and you can
then treat it like an external modem on that COM port.  

Better yet would be an external.  

 - Doug

computer computer wrote:
> hi
>  can anyone recommand for me a PCI modems which is supported by Linux?

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Re: [SLUG] backup using rsync and file permission

2000-10-19 Thread Doug Stalker

Ian Ward wrote:
> administrator, you will need to keep UID/GID consistent between the two
> systems.

Is it possible to copy the passwd, shadow and group files from one
system and have them work another?  

I just tried it here and it worked fine but are there any
not-immediately-obvious problems with doing this?  This system is
running as a backup for another server, and I can duplicate the contents
of the home directories without problems (I'll install rsync later
today, tar -> ftp -> untar is rather inefficient ) but I obviously need
to duplicate the user details as well.  

 - Doug

  Network Operations Engineer - Big Pond Advance Satellite
 Ericsson Australia - Level 5, 184 The Broadway, Sydney 2000
  Ph: +61-416-085-390   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] Kernel .config file

2000-10-18 Thread Doug Stalker

> > I can't for the life of me build a kernel that boots my machine. Yet
> > the default redhat 2.2.14-5.0smp kernel works fine. 
> get the source rpm for the kernel package our using from redhat
> and the .config file should be in there.

Just make sure you don't do 'make mrproper', or you'll wipe the config

  Network Operations Engineer - Big Pond Advance Satellite
 Ericsson Australia - Level 5, 184 The Broadway, Sydney 2000
  Ph: +61-416-085-390   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] RE: Damn and m4

2000-10-18 Thread Doug Stalker

George Vieira wrote:
> Now that I founnd the files needed I still get problems. I'm trying to get
> rid of DNS lookups in sendmail and use a relay host.

I tried to do the same thing and failed - I ended up setting up DNS on
our firewall and having the the system use that to do the lookups.  

Is it possible to set up a fake named that returns the relay hosts IP
address for every lookup?  Or would that break other applications?

  Network Operations Engineer - Big Pond Advance Satellite
 Ericsson Australia - Level 5, 184 The Broadway, Sydney 2000
  Ph: +61-416-085-390   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[SLUG] [OT] Micro NLX Power Supply

2000-10-18 Thread Doug Stalker

Appologies for the off-topic post, but it is for a linux system...

Does anyone know where I can get a power supply for a Micro NLX case? 
To further complicate things it has to be paid for with VISA.

 - Doug

  Network Operations Engineer - Big Pond Advance Satellite
 Ericsson Australia - Level 5, 184 The Broadway, Sydney 2000
  Ph: +61-416-085-390   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] Netfinity 5600 and Linux with RAID 5

2000-10-11 Thread Doug Stalker

George Vieira wrote:

> Also when creating swap space, what happens if you put somethign large like
> 1000MB as swap? Could that have been the problem as I remember 128MB was the
> limit but this time it did

I think the way it works is not matter how bug the swap partition is only teh
first 128MB gets used, but you can have up to 8 swap partitions.

If the system won't even boot from the HDD then the problem may lie with the
boot loader.  Have you tried to reinstall LILO? (Or your boot loader of choice -
I've only ever used lilo)

 - Doug

  Network Operations Engineer - Big Pond Advance Satellite
 Ericsson Australia - Level 5, 184 The Broadway, Sydney 2000
  Ph: +61-416-085-390   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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[SLUG] Viewing output of mutiple tty's via telnet

2000-10-09 Thread Doug Stalker

We have several unix server here at work run several processes in
different tty's with different logins. The application output is sent to
the tty the process is running in. When accessing the systems locally
it's an easy matter to switch between teh different screens with
ctl-alt-F*, but is there any equivilent that can be used over telnet?

 - Doug

  Network Operations Engineer - Big Pond Advance Satellite
 Ericsson Australia - Level 5, 184 The Broadway, Sydney 2000
  Ph: +61-416-085-390   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] Security Vulnerability Scanners

2000-10-04 Thread Doug Stalker

Some feedback for everyone who helped with my question on security Vulnerability

Nessus - It looks very nice, but it doesn't seem to work very well when doing
remote probes.  Scanning the system it was installed on (My Home system,
Mandrake 7.1 w/ ipchains firewall) picked up a few potential holes vulnerable to
a local user, but scanning a remote Win98 system with file sharing open to the
net (complete with unpassworded shares) failed to even generate a warning.  When
scanning the target system (openlinux 1.2) all it did was generate some general
warnings about services being available.  ("Port 23 is running telnet, which is
insecure" etc).

I couldn't get Satan to work.  On my home system it can't find perl to it's
satisfaction, and on the target system it compiles but when you launch it the
browser doesn't seem to work with the html properly - it just keeps trying to
save teh page instead of viewing it.

The Port Scan test at Gibson Research doesn't provide any information other than
to test if several common ports are open.  The Shields Up! test works properly,
but all that does is check to see if you have netbios available to the server.
(Either from Windows file-sharing or from installing SAMBA)

Thanks all for your help, even if I didn't get the results I wanted.  I'm
currently writing up a document explaining why it's a bad idea to have the
target  system expose all it's services to the internet, even if there aren't
any well documented security exploits.

  - Doug

  Network Operations Engineer - Big Pond Advance Satellite
 Ericsson Australia - Level 5, 184 The Broadway, Sydney 2000
  Ph: +61-416-085-390   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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2000-10-03 Thread Doug Stalker

Jill Rowling wrote:

> > ObLinux: Would Linux cope with an AI the scale of Mike Holmes?
> Would not scale. Can imagine self asking permission to format new disk...
> Can imagine answer.

> I wondered at the time that Heinlein had been looking at PDP-11 front
> panels.
> That's the only thing that struck me as odd in his description when I
> re-read the book a couple of
> years ago.

It interesting when reading old material how much they expected future computers
to be able to do - the sci-fi authors had created artificial intelligence and
computers that could run the world - but no-one in the computer industry
actually though that this would require quite a few magnitudes more capability
than what was available.  Because of this we have various limits imposed a long
time ago that still affect us today - things like the 640K base memory for DOS,
or the inability to boot from partition above 8GB on some systems.

How long is it likely to be before 64 bit architecture becomes a limitation?
Already 32 bits are too small for use in a lot of places - 32 bits places a
limit of 4G possabilities on anything it is applied to.   4GB or RAM may sound
like a lot today, but 10 years ago the 196MB in my home system would have been a
lot, and 8GB or storage thought to be far more than one person could ever use.

I wonder if 10 years from now peopel will look back on teh computers in
contempery sci-fi and wonder how we ever could have been so limited in scope.
If they will look on the GUI as an anacronism, the way many people already do
about the command line interface. (I personally don't - I like having a CLI, and
I'd hate to do any serious programming work with a dictation program.

So what can be done to future proof things?  The Y2K issue showed how not
planning ahead can cause big headaches for future users - what are likely to be
the first limits linux comes up against?  I know the linux time-keeping system
falls over after 2038, but what else could limit it?  How much RAM can it
handle?  How much hard-drive space can it look after?  How hard would it be to
change the default length of an int from 32 bits to 64, 128 or more?

>Then again, when the books were written, it was necessary to have

> flashing lights on front panels. How else could you read the register
> values?

Much more useful the the MHz indicators on a lot of systems a few years back.

I wouldn't mind having a few register contents listed on the front of my system
- at least then I could tell when it's locked up and when it is just busy.

  Network Operations Engineer - Big Pond Advance Satellite
 Ericsson Australia - Level 5, 184 The Broadway, Sydney 2000
  Ph: +61-416-085-390   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] Oddball ADSL Question

2000-10-03 Thread Doug Stalker

Jason Rennie wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have a hub, and i want to connect 2 machines to the hub, and plug the
> adsl modem into the hub.

It would be better to have the ADSL connect to one machine, with another NIC
in that machine connected to the hub.  This makes it easier to do thing like
firewalling and masqurading, and eliminates the chance of the ADSL modem
forward packets from your local (private) LAN to the internet.

Network cards are cheap, and this way there's no chance of your ADSL provider
noticing you have a LAN connected to the service, as well as making it easier
to setup and maintain the configuration at your end.

ObDisclaimer:  These are my opinions, not my companies etc.

  Network Operations Engineer - Big Pond Advance Satellite
 Ericsson Australia - Level 5, 184 The Broadway, Sydney 2000
  Ph: +61-416-085-390   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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[SLUG] Security Vulnerability Scanners

2000-10-02 Thread Doug Stalker

I want to demonstrate that a particular (linux) system is vunerable so I
can try to get something done about it.  According to netstat -a the
following TCP ports are listening for connections:

1700, 1025, echo, discard, daytime, chargen, ftp, telnet, gopher, shell,
login, exec, pop2, pop3, imap2, uucp, finger, socks, sunrpc, 661, 7201,
7200, www, 6000.

and when you combine that with the fact it's a 2.0.X linux system that
has never had any security patches or updates installed, and that all
these ports are available to the internet with a fixed IP, I'm pretty
sure that there's a security vulnerability or two in there somewhere.

Can anyone recommend a good security vulnerability scanner that can
generate a nice list of vulnerabilities that I can use to try and get
permission to do something about this?  Either a program that installs
onto the system being tested or something that can do it remotly would

 - Doug

  Network Operations Engineer - Big Pond Advance Satellite
 Ericsson Australia - Level 5, 184 The Broadway, Sydney 2000
  Ph: +61-416-085-390   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] Any Modem Gurus?

2000-09-27 Thread Doug Stalker

Gregg wrote:

> Dear Slug,
> Two nights ago we had a lightning storm (but not actually near us). Since then,
> my modem connects fine to my  ISP but DNS doesn't seem to work. I can ping IP
> addresses but not domain names.

Try the following to help to isolate the problem:

What happens if you try to use nslookup?  What if you try nslookup with a different
DNS server?

What happens if you try to connect to a site using it's IP address?  (eg: ftp

 - Doug

  Network Operations Engineer - Big Pond Advance Satellite
 Ericsson Australia - Level 5, 184 The Broadway, Sydney 2000
  Ph: +61-416-085-390   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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[SLUG] redirecting stdin and stdout to a modem

2000-09-25 Thread Doug Stalker

I've written a script to use for paging messages from a linux system,
and all that remains to be done is to run it with its output directed to
the modem and the output of the modem directed back to it.  The only
problem is I can't figure out how to do this: page < /dev/modem >
/dev/modem doesn't do anything.  How shoudl I do this?

 - Doug

  Network Operations Engineer - Big Pond Advance Satellite
 Ericsson Australia - Level 5, 184 The Broadway, Sydney 2000
  Ph: +61-416-085-390   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] Mozilla

2000-09-25 Thread Doug Stalker

David wrote:

> I presume that IE will never be an option for linux anyway???
> What ever happened to Opera?

I use opera under windows at work, and I find it vastly superior to both IE
and netscape.  It renders fast, and when it does crash it's just the
application - both IE and netscape take down my whole system when they die
(the netscape in a very strange way, but this isn't the place to discuss it)

I havn't tried the linux version of opera yet - I only just noticed they have

> Are there any other realistic options?? (yes,of course I use lynx, but
> that isn't useful for many things).
> Meantime, aren't we realistically stuck with Netscape anyway? I'm
> constantly having to kill it because it freezes. Yuk.

I use netscape under linux at home.  It doesn't crash much (no crashes at all
since I wiped it and installed mandrake 7.1/Helix) but thats probably because
I don't use it much - I stay back at work after hours and do all my personal
browsing then on a high speed connection.

I downloaded Mozilla M17 yesterday and plan to have a look at it tonight - the

last time I tried it was M14 and I found it to be very slow and bloated, both
under windows and netscape.

 - Doug

  Network Operations Engineer - Big Pond Advance Satellite
 Ericsson Australia - Level 5, 184 The Broadway, Sydney 2000
  Ph: +61-416-085-390   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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[SLUG] CD Burners vs CDROMs

2000-09-24 Thread Doug Stalker

> Ahh I see they are doing THAT again.
> In the mid 1980's, the way you used to protect software from being
> was to deliberately write a bad sector to the disk using special
> Your game software would check for the existence of this bad sector,
and not
> run properly if the sector was good.
> Similarly, if you tried to copy the disk, you couldn't copy the bad
> on standard hardware.

There are plenty of more advanced ways of copy-protecting a disk these
days -
and plenty of ways around them.

Check out - they have a lot of information about
copy protection methods and ways around them - either general methods or
specific methods (ie: a hacked executable that skips the check)

This is assuming that the disk isn't faulty - if you place the disk in
burner can you mount and read it normally?

  Network Operations Engineer - Big Pond Advance Satellite
 Ericsson Australia - Level 5, 184 The Broadway, Sydney 2000
  Ph: +61-416-085-390   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] Re: Distro Layout / Config Standards (was Re: Debian)

2000-09-21 Thread Doug Stalker

Dave Kempe wrote:

> > I've also gone into single user mode to fix problems (or make them worse
> > :-) but I've never been into lvel 2 or 4.
> That's ok Doug. One day you'll find someone willing to go to 2 or even 4
> with you. No doubt she'll be very special :-)


I just had a quick look at man init, and it supports runlevels up to 9.  So by
creating appropriate entries in /etc/rc.d and editing inittab you can boast to
all your friends that your runlevel is higher than theirs - I've just set up a
Caldera box here at work to go into runlevel 7.  Of course, as far as
practical value goes this is pretty useless.

 - Doug

  Network Operations Engineer - Big Pond Advance Satellite
 Ericsson Australia - Level 5, 184 The Broadway, Sydney 2000
  Ph: +61-416-085-390   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] Re: Distro Layout / Config Standards (was Re: Debian)

2000-09-20 Thread Doug Stalker

Angus Lees wrote:

> On Wed, Sep 20, 2000 at 10:13:59AM +1100, Jill Rowling wrote:
> > This is good; if distros can stick with a standard.
> [different run level conventions]
> i'm curious: does anyone actually use different runlevels?

I use 0 and 6 for rebooting/shutting down,  and sometimes change the
default between 3 and 5 to control the graphical login.

I've also gone into single user mode to fix problems (or make them worse
:-) but I've never been into lvel 2 or 4.

 - Doug

  Network Operations Engineer - Big Pond Advance Satellite
 Ericsson Australia - Level 5, 184 The Broadway, Sydney 2000
  Ph: +61-416-085-390   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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[SLUG] Kernel naming

2000-09-20 Thread Doug Stalker

> > On Tue, Sep 19, 2000 at 01:43:40PM +1100, Angus Lees wrote:
> > > > The kernel, vmlinuz-2.2.17-idepci,
I've seen kernals with names liek this before (mandrake with its
2.2.15mdk etc)
but whenever I compile I get a kernel named simply after the version.
How can
I create a custom kernel version name when compiling  (eg:  make
2.2.15test so
 it doesn't overwrite the contents of /modules/2.2.15)

- Doug

  Network Operations Engineer - Big Pond Advance Satellite
 Ericsson Australia - Level 5, 184 The Broadway, Sydney 2000
  Ph: +61-416-085-390   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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[SLUG] Linuxconf and ease of use (was: Debian)

2000-09-18 Thread Doug Stalker

David Fisher wrote:

> >>
> > And how many newbies would have given up when they were first learning if they
> > didn't have access to it?
> >
> And you would have a perfectly valid point, if only it worked properly, which
> in my experience, it didn't.  It was just a frustration and a discouragement.

You're right that my experience with linuxconf has been largely posative.  I do
acknowledge there are some problems with it - in my experience mostly minor ones
which can be worked around, but I've never used it for much beyond configuring
network interfaces and dial up connections.

My argument is that is shouldn't be gotten rid of because it's too easy to use and
the user doesn't learn anything when using it.  Getting rid of it beacuse there are
better, more reliable alternatives is perfectly alright.

 - Doug

  Network Operations Engineer - Big Pond Advance Satellite
 Ericsson Australia - Level 5, 184 The Broadway, Sydney 2000
  Ph: +61-416-085-390   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] Strange Kernel Compilations

2000-09-18 Thread Doug Stalker

Are you using make zImage or make bzImage?  Make bzImage is required for larger
kernals (I think all modern kernal require it)

Arthur Barton wrote:

> Hey there,
>i seem to be having the strangest problems with re-compiling my kernel.
> Kernel size is too large.

  Network Operations Engineer - Big Pond Advance Satellite
 Ericsson Australia - Level 5, 184 The Broadway, Sydney 2000
  Ph: +61-416-085-390   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] Debian

2000-09-18 Thread Doug Stalker

David Fisher wrote:

> Linuxconf is not an admin aid, it is a learning impediment.

And how many newbies would have given up when they were first learning if they
didn't have access to it?

It might not teach you how to manually configure linux by creating/editing files
but it makes linux a lot more accessable to people who don't have a strong
background in using linux (such as someones with previous experience with windows)
which IMO is a good thing.  If we want to have any chance of linux acheiving
widespread use we have to acknowledge that not everyone will be able to learn
every thing about linux.  Look at how many people use windows without having any
idea about how to do 'simple' things like install device drivers - why should a
linux user need to know how to manually configure everything?  The option to learn
how is there, but not everyone wants to take it.

 - Doug

  Network Operations Engineer - Big Pond Advance Satellite
 Ericsson Australia - Level 5, 184 The Broadway, Sydney 2000
  Ph: +61-416-085-390   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] Goobye to SLUG

2000-09-17 Thread Doug Stalker

Dean Hamstead wrote:

> slug-l33t
> l33t would be people who dream in c syntac, who cant see any point to
> running a graphical interface, people who get pissed off and recode
> sections of the kernel or glibc to suit their needs (eg. non-newbies)

I wouldn't want ot move all the highly experienced people off the main list.  You
can learn a lot from reading their posts, even if you don't understand exactly
what they are talking about.  At most I'd like to see SLUG and SLUG-OT.  I

And if there is a list for experienced linux gurus only, please don't call is
l337.  For one thing I have a low opinion of people who think that using numbers
and symbols instead of letters makes them appear to be 'l337 hax0rs', and the term
elite sounds too exclusive.  SLUG-Advanced would be a better choice.

And anyone who thinks that this list can be unkind to newbies should try asking a
question on 2600-Au.

 - Doug Stalker

  Network Operations Engineer - Big Pond Advance Satellite
 Ericsson Australia - Level 5, 184 The Broadway, Sydney 2000
  Ph: +61-416-085-390   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] Goobye to SLUG

2000-09-17 Thread Doug Stalker


> Well - goodbye to SLUG.
> It was fun while it lasted.

How about setting up a SLUG-OT list, where non-linux discussions that start on
the SLUG list can been taken?  I've seen this done on a few other mailing
lists and it helps keep the main list on topic while providing an forum for
other discussions to be taken into.

 - Doug

  Network Operations Engineer - Big Pond Advance Satellite
 Ericsson Australia - Level 5, 184 The Broadway, Sydney 2000
  Ph: +61-416-085-390   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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[SLUG] An on-topic thought (Was: More Anti-Linux Olympic madness!)

2000-09-17 Thread Doug Stalker

> the Australian Dollar is on its lowest terms ever and nobody in the
> world want to buy Australian products, or?

Thinking about how this discussion has noting to do with linux (although I am finding 
interesting) and reading this it suddenly occured to me:  Has there ever meen an
Australian made distribution of Linux?

  Network Operations Engineer - Big Pond Advance Satellite
 Ericsson Australia - Level 5, 184 The Broadway, Sydney 2000
  Ph: +61-416-085-390   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: Moving OT a bit [was] Re: [SLUG] Re: Proceedure for preventing 'linuxsingle' at lilo promp t

2000-09-14 Thread Doug Stalker

Howard Lowndes wrote:

> I did hear a rumour that RAM theft is a problem in corporate
> environments.  Does anyone have any first hand experience of just how
> prevelent it might be.

Yes.  I used to work doing Technical support for a large computer company, and we
had a tech-lab where we could try to duplicate problems.  When I first started the
lab was always open.  A few months later things started to go missing - mainly
software CDs, but then a CD burner (taken durring office hours while tehre were lots
of peopel in teh office!) and some memory went missing.  There were also reports of
personal property being stolen, and soemone had half teh memory removed from their
desktop system.  Most of us assumed it was one of the many newly hired staff who
joined around the time the thefts started.

To try and stop this they put a metal detector on the tech-lab door.  Of course, if
a metal detector is sensative enough to pick up memory it will pick up any metal -
no-one could get through without setting it off.

 - Doug

  Network Operations Engineer - Big Pond Advance Satellite
 Ericsson Australia - Level 5, 184 The Broadway, Sydney 2000
  Ph: +61-416-085-390   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] Linux Mandrake

2000-09-14 Thread Doug Stalker

Christine Whybrow wrote:

> Hi,
> I've just installed Linux-Mandrake 7.1 on my new motherboard.
> 1/ Sound. The sound is reported ( by Win 2000 ) as a Intel 82801BA/BAM AC
> '97 Audio Controller 2445. Linux seems completely unable to detect it!

Have you tried runnig sndconfig?  It's a redhat utility included with Mandrake
7.1 and it worked for me.

> 2/ NIC. The NIC is reported as Intel Pro/100 VE Network Card ( again under
> Win 2000 ). Undere Linux the card is detected but can't install and I am
> presented with a page of options ( transmit and receive fifo's etc) but I
> have no idea of what to fill in?

I recently installed to a system with an Intel Pro/100 (built into the
motherboard) and it detected fine when installing.

 - Doug

  Network Operations Engineer - Big Pond Advance Satellite
 Ericsson Australia - Level 5, 184 The Broadway, Sydney 2000
  Ph: +61-416-085-390   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [SLUG] RAID and crash recovery

2000-09-14 Thread Doug Stalker

Jill Rowling wrote:

> Well, yes, you can just boot from a floppy if the machine has a floppy
> drive.
> The main thing about RAID 1 is that a hard disk crash whilst the machine is
> running does not get noticed by users.

I just had a RAID 1 drive fail and lock the system - after rebuilding it was
full of corrupted files.  Every other time it's happened it just been a matter
of shuting down the system and rebuilding the drive - with a good RAID
controller and a hot spare even this wouldn't be needed.

Moral of the story:  No matter how good your RAID is, make regular backups.

  Network Operations Engineer - Big Pond Advance Satellite
 Ericsson Australia - Level 5, 184 The Broadway, Sydney 2000
  Ph: +61-416-085-390   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] Dumb email question

2000-09-13 Thread Doug Stalker

Graeme Merrall wrote:

> I've just noticed that + seems to be a valid char in email addresses which
> is news to me :)

... but will it work with all mail programs?  I seem to recall + being used to
route messages between hosts:  something like

Or it may be case of something that should work according to teh standard but
whih often doesn't.  Like the way some programs wont let you specifiy a proper
netmask, they restrict you to Class A/Class B/Class C only.

 - Doug

  Network Operations Engineer - Big Pond Advance Satellite
 Ericsson Australia - Level 5, 184 The Broadway, Sydney 2000
  Ph: +61-416-085-390   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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[SLUG] My Sendmail is working: Thanks All!

2000-09-11 Thread Doug Stalker

Thanks to everyone who helped with my sendmail problem.  I now have it
working.  Final configuration:


Under Cw I had to remove so it didn't consider it
to be local and try to deliver to a local mail account.

And then I had to get DNS working.  Since the firewall already has a
working DNS server on it, I edited /etc/resolv.conf to point to instead of  (Whoever said Sendmail wouldn't work
without DNS was correct - it won't even try to send the message if it
can't do a DNS lookup.)

Now the internal system can send mail to the outside world which appears
to come from [user]

  Network Operations Engineer - Big Pond Advance Satellite
 Ericsson Australia - Level 5, 184 The Broadway, Sydney 2000
  Ph: +61-416-085-390   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] Making sendmail relay to another mail server

2000-09-11 Thread Doug Stalker

I just tried DS[] and it didn't seem to make any difference.

- Doug

John Ferlito wrote:

> On Tue, Sep 12, 2000 at 12:51:00PM +1000, Doug Stalker wrote:
> >
> > I have a system running sendmail that is behind a firewall

>The thing is when you do DSfirewall sendmail doesn't actually try to
> send the mail direct to it actually does an MX lookup
> on and then if the MX doesn't exist it will send directly
> to firewall. To prevent this try DS[firewall] or to avoid DNS problems all together
> DS[192.168.x.x]

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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[SLUG] Making sendmail relay to another mail server

2000-09-11 Thread Doug Stalker

I have a system running sendmail that is behind a firewall (private
network).  On the outside of the firewall is our mail server.  I have
already configured the firewall to accept mail and relay it to the mail
server where it can be sent to the outside world; I have verified this
works by telneting (from the intenral system) to the firewall on port 25
and manually sending a message.

The problem is that sendmail doesn't seem to be forwarding the mail to
the fierwall properly.

In the file there is the line DSfirewall  (firewall is
defined in the /etc/host file as the firewalls internal IP address)

If I try to manually send a message and watch what it is doing (ex:
sendmail -v [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null) the system just sits
there doing nothing.

Does anyone have any ideas on what I'm doing wrong?

 - Doug

  Network Operations Engineer - Big Pond Advance Satellite
 Ericsson Australia - Level 5, 184 The Broadway, Sydney 2000
  Ph: +61-416-085-390   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
More Info:

Re: [SLUG] [OT] looking for Linux friendly supplier (Sydney)

2000-09-10 Thread Doug Stalker

Jobst Schmalenbach wrote:
>Why dont you shop the parts yourself and put them together into a box.

> You can build computers very cheap this way and you are not requested
> to buy a particular shop's hardware set

I do that for my personal systems, but for work systems it's a lot easier to get
everything from one supplier with good after-sales support.  That way when
something goes wrong you know exactly who to contact without trying to remember
which part came from where.  Also, for work related systems there are a lot more
things to consider financially than just the initial cost - it's a lot better to
spend extra at the beginnning to avoid downtime later.

As for linux, some manufacturors will sell servers wihout any pre-installed
operating system.  You are then free to install whatever OS you want onto the
system.  They obviously don't offer support for the OS,  but there may be third
party vendors who offer linux support.

 - Doug

  Network Operations Engineer - Big Pond Advance Satellite
 Ericsson Australia - Level 5, 184 The Broadway, Sydney 2000
  Ph: +61-416-085-390   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
More Info:

Re: [SLUG] pppd crashes

2000-09-06 Thread Doug Stalker

David Kempe wrote:

> Dougie,
> tail /var/log/messages
> it may not be pppd that is dieing, but chap. or chat.

I've listed what I get in /var/log/message below (I removed some lines to reduce
the size)  .  The crash is immediatly after "Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/modem" so I
think Tom Massey is right when he says it's caused by the 2.2.15 ppp module not
working with ltmodem.o.  Does anyone know if lucent plan to recompile under a
more recent kernal at any time in the future?

I can't include the log for the crash that come 2 minutes fater thius, since it
causes kernel panic and locks the whole system: howevere it's another Unable to
handle kernel NULL pointer dereference.

If I use the modem for non-ppp uses it works fine - I was able to use Vodafone
Telenote to send an SMS to my mobile using minicom without trouble.


08:34:26 icarus PAM_pwdb[768]: (login) session opened for user root by
08:36:24 icarus ifup-ppp: pppd started for ppp0 on /dev/modem at 115200
08:36:24 icarus modprobe: Note: /etc/conf.modules is more recent than
08:36:24 icarus kernel: registered device ppp0
08:36:24 icarus pppd[842]: pppd 2.3.11 started by root, uid 0
08:36:25 icarus chat[852]: abort on (BUSY)
[Chat stuff removed]
08:36:55 icarus pppd[842]: Serial connection established.
08:36:55 icarus pppd[842]: Using interface ppp0
08:36:55 icarus pppd[842]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/modem
08:36:56 icarus kernel: Unable to handle kernel paging request at virtual
address 6000
08:36:56 icarus kernel: current->tss.cr3 = 09c5b000, %cr3 = 09c5b000
08:36:56 icarus kernel: *pde = 
08:36:56 icarus kernel: Oops: 0002
08:36:56 icarus kernel: CPU:0
08:36:56 icarus kernel: EIP:
08:36:56 icarus kernel: EFLAGS: 00010002
[cpu registers removed]
08:36:56 icarus kernel: Process pppd (pid: 842, process nr: 55,
[stack contents removed]
08:36:56 icarus kernel: Call Trace: [ppp:__insmod_ppp_S.text_L16863+3427/15232]
[ppp:__insmod_ppp_S.text_L16863+1706/15232] [tty_write+450/532]
[ppp:__insmod_ppp_S.text_L16863+1432/15232] [sys_write+195/232]
08:36:56 icarus kernel:[system_call+52/64]
08:36:56 icarus kernel: Code: f3 a5 f6 c3 02 74 02 66 a5 f6 c3 01 74 01 a4 89 d8
03 45 5c
08:36:56 icarus kernel: Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at
virtual address 0014
08:36:56 icarus kernel: current->tss.cr3 = 00101000, %cr3 = 00101000
08:36:56 icarus kernel: *pde = 
08:36:56 icarus kernel: Oops: 
08:36:56 icarus kernel: CPU:0
08:36:56 icarus kernel: EIP:
08:36:56 icarus kernel: EFLAGS: 00010293
[cpu registers removed]
08:36:56 icarus kernel: Process pppd (pid: 842, process nr: 55,
[stack contents removed]
08:36:56 icarus kernel: Call Trace: [do_tty_hangup+804/816]
[do_tty_hangup+432/816] [sound:__insmod_sound_S.bss_L5088+1096352/62403732]
[timer_bh+900/984] [disassociate_ctty+102/236] [exit_notify+648/660]
08:36:56 icarus kernel:[do_IRQ+63/68] [do_exit+613/688] [die+71/72]
[die+61/72] [error_table+8544/8896] [do_page_fault+733/996]
[error_table+8622/8896] [sock_sendmsg+115/152]
08:36:56 icarus kernel:[error_code+45/64]
[ppp:__insmod_ppp_S.text_L16863+1706/15232] [tty_write+450/532]
08:36:56 icarus kernel:[sys_write+195/232] [system_call+52/64]
08:36:56 icarus kernel: Code: 8b 73 14 50 e8 bb eb ff ff 53 e8 19 e3 ff ff c7 43
40 00 00

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
More Info:

Re: [SLUG] pppd crashes

2000-09-05 Thread Doug Stalker

Tom Massey wrote:

> Doug Stalker wrote:
> > Install the modem drivers
> This is a kernel module called 'ltmodem.o'? Binary only, released by
> Lucent.

Thats the one.  (AFAIK, it the only official linux driver for any winmodem)

> > 2) Any ideas on what is causing  pppd to crash and how to resolve it?
> Yep, the problem is that you're running kernel 2.2.15 or later. The ppp
> kernel module was changed between kernels 2.2.14 and 2.2.15 and now the
> Lucent driver's incompatible with it, and makes your machine crash.
> Couple of possible solutions, none very satisfactory:

> 1. Downgrade to kernel 2.2.14. (this is the best way of avoiding kernel
> panics)
> 2. Compile the ppp module from 2.2.14,

What version should I look for?

> and load it instead of the ppp
> module from your current kernel

> (this solution will quite possibly crash your machine every
> couple of days)

Wow!  Using an internal winmodem on a system that crashes regularly!  I know
another operating system that can do that.  

I think that I'll try it tonight on the vodafone telenotes service (text only,
used to send SMS to vodafone mobiles) and not worry about getting pppd to work
with it - I don't want to break it completly and then not be able to use an
external modem either.

 - Doug

  Network Operations Engineer - Big Pond Advance Satellite
 Ericsson Australia - Level 5, 184 The Broadway, Sydney 2000
  Ph: +61-416-085-390   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
More Info:

Re: [SLUG] pppd crashes

2000-09-05 Thread Doug Stalker

David Kempe wrote:

> Dougie,
> tail /var/log/messages
> it may not be pppd that is dieing, but chap. or chat.

I did, and it is pppd. (And it's a crash, not a script failure)  I'll post the
relavent part of the log tomorrow

> You may need a custom chat script.
> What isp are you dialing?

It's a dial in service at work, not  a public ISP.

> have you tried just dialing them with at commands?

Yes.  I get a lot of gibberish (mostly brackets) - I'm not sure if that normal
for CHAP.

I'll try the Vodafone 0414100200 service tonight, which is plain text to see if
it works.

  Network Operations Engineer - Big Pond Advance Satellite
 Ericsson Australia - Level 5, 184 The Broadway, Sydney 2000
  Ph: +61-416-085-390   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
More Info:

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