[sqlalchemy] Composite primary key with nullable columns

2016-01-05 Thread Paul Johnston

I have a situation where I'm trying to us a composite primary key, where 
one of the columns can be null.

However, when I try to update an object I get the following error:
sqlalchemy.orm.exc.FlushError: Can't update table test using NULL for 
primary key value on column test.id2

Sample code here: http://dpaste.com/3Q8T09T

Is this something SQLAlchemy can do? From some quick tests, it seems SQLite 
can do it, not sure about other databases.


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[sqlalchemy] 10 Reasons to love SQLAlchemy

2015-09-04 Thread Paul Johnston
Hi guys,

I decided to express my love of SQLAlchemy through a blog post:



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[sqlalchemy] Declarative: defining relationship and column in one line

2015-05-19 Thread Paul Johnston

Sorry if this is a FAQ, but is it possible to define a relationship and its 
column all at once. e.g. instead of:

type_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('linktype.id'))
type = db.relationship('LinkType')

Something like:

type = db.relationship('LinkType', colname='type_id')

In fact, it'd be good for the colname to default to xxx_id - although 
allow overriding.

This certainly was possible with Elixir.


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[sqlalchemy] Joinedload and duplicate relations

2013-07-14 Thread Paul Johnston

I've just been debugging a slow running query:

products = 

The second joinedload_all should just have been joinedload. It was causing 
variations to be included twice in the joinedload, presumably causing a 
cross product that made the query very slow.

I can't imagine there's any legitimate need to include a relation twice, so 
it would be helpful if SQLAlchemy issued an error for this condition.

Many thanks,


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[sqlalchemy] Recipe for text search across multiple fields

2013-05-31 Thread Paul Johnston

Often you want to offer the user a text box which will search through 
multiple fields. If the user is looking at the list of orders, they want a 
search box that will search: order id, customer name, product names, etc. 
I'm trying to put together a recipe for this, although it's becoming more 
complicated than I planned.

The recipe will take three inputs: mapped class, list of fields, search 
term. The list of fields will be like ['id', 'customer.name', 
'products.name'] - where there is a dot in the field name, that indicates 
the search should walk a relation. For starters the matching will be an 
ilike with % characters put around the search term.

This is what I came up with so far:

def text_search(cls, fields, search):
queries = []
for field in fields:
query = cls.query.order_by(None)
parts = field.split('.')
cur_cls = cls
for part in parts[:-1]:
attr = getattr(cur_cls, part)
cur_cls = attr.property.mapper.class_
query = query.outerjoin(attr)
return queries[0].union(*queries[1:])

The problem is I'm getting PostgreSQL syntax errors, because some order_by 
clauses are still appearing in the queries, which don't play nice with the 
union. Any suggestions for fixing this would be welcome!

Once that's fixed, and with a few more refinements, I think this would be a 
very handy recipe to keep around, or even put in the SQLAlchemy core.


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Re: [sqlalchemy] Recipe for text search across multiple fields

2013-05-31 Thread Paul Johnston

That's fixed it! I was so close :-) I was using mapper.order_by, which I'd 
hoped order_by(None) would cancel. No worries - it works now.

This is in tw2.sqla DbListPage now, and I'll be putting updates in as I get 
round to it.



 what's the purpose of cls.query.order_by(None) ?   you're not using 
 mapper.order_by i hope ?   

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[sqlalchemy] zope.sqlalchemy - commit some objects on failure

2013-01-06 Thread Paul Johnston

I'm using zope.sqlalchemy in a web application (actually ToscaWidgets not 
Zope) so each request is wrapped in a transaction. If the request succeeds 
the transaction is committed; if there is an error it is rolled back. This 
works great.

I have a log table where I log incoming XML to web callback methods (from 
eBay, 3DCart, etc.) Now, if there is an error what I want to happen is most 
things to be rolled back, but the log table still committed.

This has left me scratching my head a bit. Any ideas on an elegant way to 
do this?

Many thanks,


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Re: [sqlalchemy] Automatic data partitioning using a custom Session class

2012-12-07 Thread Paul Johnston
Hi Mike,

we have a recipe that's all about the built in filter which also 
 illustrates how to work around that existing criterion thing: 

Thanks for that - exactly what I needed. I'm still tweaking my app to use 
this approach, but it seems to be working really well.

When (if) I get round to writing a tutorial I'll let you know. Hope you're 
keeping well,


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[sqlalchemy] Automatic data partitioning using a custom Session class

2012-12-06 Thread Paul Johnston

I hope everyone's keeping well. It's been ages since I've been on the list. 
I do use SQLAlchemy from time to time, but now it generally works so well, 
that I don't have any questions to ask!

But I would appreciate some thoughts on the approach I've taken with a 
multi-tennant SaaS web app. It's a multichannel stock management system for 
online retailers. All the user data is attached to a merchant - products, 
variations, categories, orders, etc. It's important that one merchant 
cannot access data belonging to another merchant. When handling a request, 
the active merchant can be determined from the logged-in user, which is 
kept in thread local storage.

So I started with lots of code like:
db.Order.query.filter_by(merchant_id = twa.get_user().merchant_id)

Now, this is fine, but it's repetitive, and it's risky for security - it 
just takes me to forget one filter_by merchant_id and we've got a security 

So, what I wanted to do is create a custom session that will do this 
automatically. It needs to do two things:
 1) Any query object against an entity that has a merchant_id property is 
filtered on that
 2) Any new object that has a merchant_id property has the property 
automatically set
I don't think a session extension can do (1), so I created MySession 
subclassing Session, and passed this as class_ to sessionmaker. Here's my 
initial attempt at MySession:

class MySession(sa.orm.Session):
def query(self, *entities, **kwargs):
query = super(MySession, self).query(*entities, **kwargs)
for e in entities:
if e.tables[0].name == 'user':
if e.has_property('merchant_id') and twa.get_user():
query = query.filter(e.class_.merchant_id == 
return query

Now, I faced on major problem - seeing these errors:

InvalidRequestError: Query.get() being called on a Query with existing 

As a temporary workaround, I edited query.py and disabled the check that 
causes this. That's got me going for now, although obviously a proper fix 
is needed. I haven't actually attempted (2) yet, but I will be trying that 

I'd really appreciate some feedback on this, particularly ideas to fix the 
InvalidRequestError. I think this is a very powerful technique that would 
be useful to many developers. Once my app is working I will see about 
writing a tutorial on the matter.

Many thanks,


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[sqlalchemy] Efficiency of adding to M:M relations

2010-06-30 Thread Paul Johnston

I hope everyone's well here. It's been some time since I posted. Great
to see it up to 0.6, and even more progress on MS-SQL (although I'm
now unlikely to be using that).

As always, I'm using SQLAlchemy as part of a web app. I have a set of
checkboxes, which I'm saving into an M:M relation. The app receives a
list of IDs from the client. To save these to the M:M, I need them as
database objects. So I'm doing (roughly):

myobj.relation = [OtherTable.get(i) for i in ids]

The problem with this is it's causing a database query for each id.
What I'd really like to do is somehow create a placeholder object
with just the id, that doesn't cost a database query to create. After
that, I'll trust flush() to do its magic as efficiently as possible.


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[sqlalchemy] OT: Travel Blog

2008-11-22 Thread Paul Johnston

Hi all,

Well, I finally set off on my travels, and it's turned out to be more
than I ever dreamed of. If you're interested, I'm keeping a blog here:

Hope everything's going well with SA. All the best,

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[sqlalchemy] MSSQL Failing deletes with subquery + schema

2008-10-06 Thread Paul Johnston


Is there any chance someone can look at ticket 973?

This is quite important to me, hitting the bug with a production app.
I've got a very hacky fix, which just disables the table aliasing, but
I don't think that's good enough to commit. I have looked at this a
few times and not figured it out, so any help would be appreciated.

Best wishes,

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[sqlalchemy] Replacement for query.mapper.class_

2008-08-29 Thread Paul Johnston


Hope everyone is well, not been around for a while.

I've noticed one of my apps has broken with an SA upgrade. It was
using query.mapper.class_ to determine the class from a query, but
query.mapper no longer exists.

What's the 0.5 way of doing this?


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[sqlalchemy] Moving On

2008-06-24 Thread Paul Johnston


I've had fun over the last 18 months doing odd bits of work on 
SQLAlchemy. It works pretty damn well on MSSQL now, although I never did 
quite get all the unit tests nailed. It's been great seeing the library 
continue to evolve, and particularly satisfying to see things I've 
started (e.g. AutoCode) being taken forward.

Just of late, I've been reassessing priorities in my life, and open 
source development isn't going to be a big one going forward. In fact, I 
may even be giving up the computer completely for a year or two and 
going travelling.

I'll be unsubscribing from the mailing list in a couple of days, 
although I'm happy to receive SA related emails at my personal address, 
for the next couple of months at least.

Thanks for the interesting times,


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[sqlalchemy] Re: sqlite PK autoincrement not working when you do a composite PK?

2008-06-13 Thread Paul Johnston

I don't think that is a very workable strategy in the long run :( There
 are far to many bogus restrictions in some databases, e.g. Oracle, for
 any meaningful program to
 be written to work on all platforms w/o support/wrapping/hiding of ugly
 details by SA.

This is often a difficulty for libraries that provide a portable layer over
different implementations. GUI toolkits are a good example. The library
essentially has three choices:
1) Only expose functionality that exists on all the implementations
2) Expose the user to the slight differences between implementations
3) Expose consistent functionality, and where an implementation lacks
support, fake it
In practice, (1) is usually a poor option as it's too restrictive.
SQLAlchemy currently takes approach (2). There is definitely consistency
merit for approach (3), but it comes at a cost - there's more magic going
on, which could be confusing in some circumstances.


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[sqlalchemy] Re: Troublesome relation

2008-06-10 Thread Paul Johnston

 VulnResDesc.mapper.add_property('rawvulns', sao.relation(VulnRes.mapper,
 primaryjoin = sa.and_(VulnRes.targetid == VulnResDesc.targetid,
VulnMap.vulndescid == VulnResDesc.id,
VulnMap.tool == VulnRes.tool,
VulnMap.toolvulnid == VulnRes.toolvulnid),
 foreign_keys = [VulnResDesc.c.targetid, VulnResDesc.c.id],
 viewonly = True,
 uselist = True))

 ultimately all relations distill the join condition into a set of pairs,
 above it would be:
 [ (VulnResDesc.targetid, VulnRes.targetid) ]

I still don't quite understand this I'm afraid, I though there were more
columns involved - VulnResDesc.id, VulnRes.tool, VulnRes.toolvulnid.

 So using foreign_keys which only deals with these columns should probably
 work by itself:
 foreign_keys = [VulnResDesc.targetid]
 The remote_side argument, if needed, would be remote_side=
 [VulnRes.targetid] since that is the right side of the relation.

Ok, if I set foreign_keys like that, it doesn't ask me for a remote_side,
BUT when I come to actually use the relation, the query runs for a long
time, in fact my web app times out before it completes.

Have you got any other suggestions? I am pretty damn stuck here. And the
bugger is, this used to work just fine!


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[sqlalchemy] Re: Troublesome relation

2008-06-10 Thread Paul Johnston

I still don't quite understand this I'm afraid, I though there were more
 columns involved - VulnResDesc.id, VulnRes.tool, VulnRes.toolvulnid.

So you know, this isn't urgent now. I've rewritten the mapper property as a
property on my class, and that works straight off, without any voodoo.

But I am still interested in any thoughts you have - obviously a proper
relation is the way to do if I want to use the eagerloaded in future, for


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[sqlalchemy] Re: How to calculate the size of the Oracle and PostgreSQL schema !!!!!

2008-06-10 Thread Paul Johnston


My development team and me are working in a application to migrate Oracle 
databases to PostgreSQL databases, and we need this information to do this.

I've done successful migrations using autocode, 

The procedure, roughly is:
1) Use autocode to generate sqlalchemy definitions from your existing 
2) Create the tables in a new database - which can be a different kind 
of database
3) Use a sqlalchemy program to copy the table data

As for the program to use for (3), I've used a throwaway script, but I 
think there's something in dbcook 
(http://pypi.python.org/pypi/dbcook/0.2) you could use.


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[sqlalchemy] Troublesome relation

2008-06-09 Thread Paul Johnston

I have had the following relation working ok for some time, but a recent
update of SQLAlchemy means it's now asking for a remote_side argument. I'm
really not too sure what too put in there - I've never really understood
that parameter, or foreign_keys.

VulnResDesc.mapper.add_property('rawvulns', sao.relation(VulnRes.mapper,
primaryjoin = sa.and_(VulnRes.targetid == VulnResDesc.targetid,
   VulnMap.vulndescid == VulnResDesc.id,
   VulnMap.tool == VulnRes.tool,
   VulnMap.toolvulnid == VulnRes.toolvulnid),
foreign_keys = [VulnResDesc.c.targetid, VulnResDesc.c.id],
viewonly = True,
uselist = True))

If you'd like some explanation what it's doing, this is part of a tracking
system for security scans. VulnRes is each raw result from a tool, VulnDesc
(not used here) is a textual description of a finding, and VulnMap maps
VulnRes to VulnDesc. VulnResDesc is a view, that gets the distinct
VulnDesc's for each Target. The idea is that the rawvulns relation takes you
from a VulnDesc on a particular Target, to a list of the VulnRes that relate
to this. Not an easy relation :-)

So, what do I put in remote_side? I tried copying foreign_keys, and the app
started, but the relation is always empty.

Any help appreciated!


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[sqlalchemy] Re: Optimizing a slow query

2008-06-08 Thread Paul Johnston


create index viewforum on forum_post (topic_id, id);

You probably want:

create index forum_post_topic_id on forum_post (topic_id);


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[sqlalchemy] Re: Optimizing a slow query

2008-06-08 Thread Paul Johnston


create index forum_post_topic_id on forum_post (topic_id);

are you sure? A key on topic_id and id makes my query much faster for
low offsets, while without it the query takes even for low offsets 
10 seconds.

I didn't follow the beginning of this thread, so I'm not sure exactly 
your query, but if you're searching on topic_id, I'd expect the index I 
suggested to help (although I'm not sure how much), and the combined 
index you mentioned to make almost no difference. Did you try the one I 

But from your results, I wonder if the slowness is caused by something 
else, not particularly by the lack of an index.


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[sqlalchemy] Re: SqlAlchemy and Stored Procedures with variables

2008-05-21 Thread Paul Johnston

I thought the original impetus for scope_identity was not multiple execution
 contexts, but rather things being fouled up for some users where they had
 nested INSERTs being done via a trigger on the mapped table, and the
 brain-dead SELECT @@identity_insert wasn't able to pluck out the correct PK.
 Was there another reason I'm missing?

You're right, that was the original motivation. I tried just changing
@@identity for scope_identity(), which worked just fine on pymssql, but not
on the other adapters. Did eventually get it working, but it involved pyodbc
changes, that I was unable to do. Fortunately someone on the list
volunteered, which was most appreciated.


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[sqlalchemy] Re: SqlAlchemy and Stored Procedures with variables

2008-05-20 Thread Paul Johnston

  The SQL works in our SQL analyzer with or without the named parameter
   and with the semicolon. We tried it the way you mentioned too, using
   positional parameters, and got the same error. I apologize for
   forgetting to mention that in my first post.

Dunno if this is related, but pyodbc and adodbapi execute each statement in
a separate context. This caused a problem with scope_identity, as in the
original implementation with pyodbc, scope_identity always returned null.


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[sqlalchemy] Re: MSSQL dislikes schema= on table.create()

2008-05-19 Thread Paul Johnston

The specified schema name queer either does not exist or you do not have
 ssion to use it.

This isn't an SQLAlchemy or DBAPI issue - you just need to create the schema
with the correct permissions.


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[sqlalchemy] Re: MSSQL dislikes schema= on table.create()

2008-05-19 Thread Paul Johnston

So now I'm of two minds about which module to use and if I should use a
 schema or not for these porposes.

I'm using PyODBC and schemas, and things work just fine for me. Ok, some
error messages aren't quite there, but it works well enough for me.


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[sqlalchemy] Re: Query Threading Issue

2008-05-06 Thread Paul Johnston

Hi Mike,

ive thought about this, and the Query is not in fact tied very hard to  
a partcular Session (or at all).  I think it would be workable for us  
to add a using_session() method to it, i.e.:

The original workaround you suggested of using a callable works fine for 
now. A using_session method would be nice, avoid exposing this detail to 
the user of my widget. Although pretty soon after I made the change I 
found a separate advantage of using a callable, so I'll probably stay 
with that. I guess another option is to make the query bind to the 
scoped_session object, so it picks up an appropriate session when it 
actually uses it.

Thanks for taking a look,


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[sqlalchemy] Re: arbitrary information for sa objects

2008-05-04 Thread Paul Johnston

 shows info as a parameter in the kwargs to a table.

So it does, so it's tables and columns. The column info setting is in the
same page as you sent across, just a bit further up.

What other objects would you like it for? I'm likely to have a requirement
for it on relations pretty soon.


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[sqlalchemy] Query Threading Issue

2008-05-04 Thread Paul Johnston

I'm writing a ToscaWidget to do a kind of data grid. The way I've designed
it so far, you pass an SA query object to the Widget when it's created.
Then, each time it's displayed, it applies a few extra filters to the query
and fetches the results. I'm using scoped sessions, and the query ends up
being used in several different threads.

My initial thoughts are that there could be thread safety problems with this
approach, although in practice it works just fine. How bad are the threading
issues? And is there anything I can do to fix it, e.g. a step that clones a
query and attaches it to the session for the current thread?

Any ideas appreciated,


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[sqlalchemy] Re: arbitrary information for sa objects

2008-05-03 Thread Paul Johnston

The info bucket is available just on columns at the moment, and it is a
supported feature. I think we're open to adding it to other types, such as
tables, if someone has a requirement.

My desire for this was exactly the same as yours - the SA model serving as
the authoritative master definition.


On Sat, May 3, 2008 at 9:47 AM, alex bodnaru [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 i read info is such a table option, but i'm not sure it's not deprecating?

 alex bodnaru wrote:
  hello friends,
  however sa stands at the model foundation of an application, i'd be
  to add additional information to some columns/tables/keys.
  is there a way to insert arbitrary information for sa objects?
  thanks in advance,


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[sqlalchemy] Re: mssql, pyodbc and rowcount

2008-05-01 Thread Paul Johnston


 Can anybody explain what I have to do (if possible at all) to get the
 correct number of rows in my cursor?

I don't think you can, short of reading all the results. The reason being
that pyodbc streams them from the server, so when your query first returns,
even the server may not know how many rows match.


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[sqlalchemy] Re: cant update mssql table

2008-04-28 Thread Paul Johnston

a table in a mssql db with a uniqueidentifier field as primary key and
 an integer field as identity,i am able to insert a row into the table
 but not update it

Can you send the code you're using, and the error you are getting? I think
this is an area we haven't particularly covered so far.


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[sqlalchemy] Re: ODBC Connection is busy error

2008-04-24 Thread Paul Johnston


Since our system went live we have been getting more  more errors
like this: DBAPIError: (Error) ('HY000', '[HY000] [Microsoft][SQL
Native Client]Connection is busy with results for another command
(0)') u'SELECT ...snip valid SQL string...endsnip

I've seen this error too, in fact some of the unit tests trigger it. The 
cause is that a single ODBC connection can only have one query active at 
a time, even if you have multiple cursors. I believe this is different 
to most other DBAPI drivers.

I have no idea how to fix this in SQLAlchemy, have thought about it a 
bit without success. A workaround is to recode your app to it fetches 
results right after each query.


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[sqlalchemy] Re: Extension proposal

2008-04-15 Thread Paul Johnston

the function so far seems pretty use-case specific.  (only works in
 one direction, is hardcoded to the obj.mapper convention, sort of

Ok, fair enough. It looks like Elixir will accept this, and Jonathan also
made the observation that my approach is one-way. For the time being, I've
updated the usage recipe which should keep Lele and Iain happy for now.

If you do change your mind, my offer to produce a patch with unit tests


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[sqlalchemy] Extension proposal

2008-04-14 Thread Paul Johnston

I have a utility function that I keep using again and again in my web apps.
It takes a nested hash/list structure, something like:

data = \
  *'id'*: 123,
  *'name'*: *'Example customer'*,
{*'id'*:12, name=*'Alice'*}
{*'id'*:23, name=*'Bob'*}

And it takes an SQLAlchemy object. It updates the object based on the
hash/list, in a deep way, in that it goes down relationships.

There's an old version of my code here:

Anyway, I keep using this, so can it be included as an SQLAlchemy extension?
If it's accepted, I will do the work to create unit tests for it.


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[sqlalchemy] Re: Extension proposal

2008-04-14 Thread Paul Johnston

In my case, the data is coming from FormEncode. I guess it could come from
JSON, but that would be JSON client to server, which is not the usual way

The proposal is for a standalone function, I'm thinking you'd do something

from sqlalchemy.ext.proc_hash import proc_hash
proc_hash(myobj, mydata)

As this is just plumbing python data structures into database objects, I
think it's fitting to the SA-core goals.


On Mon, Apr 14, 2008 at 3:00 PM, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 just two seconds ago someone asked about sticking a JSON plugin in
 SQLAlchemy (this looks essentially like JSON to me).is the extension
 proposal something that builds in using MapperExtension ?  it seems like
 people are just looking for json-like functions for things (which is handy,
 though not an SA-core kind of feature).

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[sqlalchemy] Re: SQLAlchemy questions

2008-04-14 Thread Paul Johnston


I think you'll do well to switch to an open library, I certainly found 
it worthwhile when I made a similar switch 18 months ago. And that's 
despite getting side-tracked making SA support MSSQL more completely :-)

On you specific points:

1. Be able to call custom functions when a field is updated, sometimes  
2. Force a field to be lowered all the time. When we insert, update or  
3. Handle multiple databases in the model.. We keep our user account  

You won't have much trouble doing those.

4. In the object model, hook into the object create, load, write/ 
update, and delete.. We've implemented an ACL type access on our  
objects, and would need to verify these ACLs for each action that  
touches the DB/..

Not 100%, but I think you can do that with a MapperExtension.

5. We also have a circumstance where we have 2 objects in difference  

Hmmm, that's harder. You probably can create a proxy class that hides 
the distinction, but I've got a feeling you'll have some fun making this 
work in all the corner cases.


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[sqlalchemy] Re: MSSQL, pyodbc linux

2008-04-01 Thread Paul Johnston

Hi Lukasz,

# oracle will feed host/port/SID into cx_oracle.makedsn
oracle_db = create_engine('oracle://scott:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:1521/sidname')

It's great to see you getting MSSQL to work on Unix. I know someone else 
tried this and had some good success, the unit tests ran nearly as 
cleanly as on Windows. As for the connection info, I suggest you add it 
to http://www.sqlalchemy.org/trac/wiki/DatabaseNotes initially (it's a 
wiki) - if this is useful to a lot of people it may make its way to the 
official docs.


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[sqlalchemy] Re: MSSQL, pyodbc linux

2008-03-25 Thread Paul Johnston

eng = sqlalchemy.create_engine

Try this:
eng = sqlalchemy.create_engine


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[sqlalchemy] Re: Suggestions for setup.py

2008-02-17 Thread Paul Johnston


 h im not sure every DBAPI can get installed through easy_install 
 tho.  pyscopg2 comes to mind.

Similarly you can't easy_install pyodbc at the moment.

I was thinking that doing this would be motivation to do the work to 
make those packages easy_install'able.


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[sqlalchemy] Suggestions for setup.py

2008-02-15 Thread Paul Johnston

I've noticed that setuptools supports optional dependencies

Would it be worth adding one of these for each database SA supports?

You could then do easy_install sqlalchemy mssql to get SA + the
appropriate dbapi.


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[sqlalchemy] Re: executing stored procedure which returns rows

2008-02-13 Thread Paul Johnston


I am using unixodbc-2.2.11 as packaged by Ubuntu 7.10 (gutsy) with

That sounds very promising, I have been meaning to have a go at this for 
a while.

Can you do me a favor and run the unit tests using your current setup? 
Run alltests.py and append text_as_varchar=1 to the dburi (a few mssql 
tests rely on this). Save the stdout and stderr and send them to me. 
This would really help us gauge how much work on unix support is needed. 
For comparison, a run on windows with pyodbc has about 40 test failures.


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[sqlalchemy] MSSQL Sprint

2008-02-12 Thread Paul Johnston


Would anyone like to join me in doing a one day sprint on MSSQL support 
in SQLAlchemy? (Rick - hope you can find some time)

I feel we're at the point now where the last few niggles could be ironed 
out quite quickly. I've just lost steam a bit doing this on my own. The 
main points would be:

1) Add support for limit with offset
2) Fix the last few failing unit tests for pyodbc on Windows against SQL 
2005 and 2000
3) Close off the remaining MSSQL tickets
4) Take a look at pyodbc on Unix

Let me know if you're interested, we can figure out a date that suits 


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[sqlalchemy] Re: schema changes

2008-02-12 Thread Paul Johnston


...and what happens if these methods are called and the tables already 

With metadata.create_all, it only creates ones that don't exist. 
table.create() will error, or if you use the checkfirst option, will do 

What if they exist but don't match the spec that SA has created?

SA doesn't know, so it continues until you hit a problem.

We should really pull the code in tg-admin sql out into a standalone 
script. I think having a model vs database diff function would help you 
out a lot.


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[sqlalchemy] Re: schema changes

2008-02-08 Thread Paul Johnston
Hi Chris,

What happens when the schema expected by the mappers doesn't match up to
 the schema in the database?

If the SQLAlchemy table definitions don't match the database, you will
usually get SQL errors when you try to use them.

The TurboGears admin tool can tell you the differences between the database
and the SA table definitions. I use this quite a lot, to check the database
is ok. To make changes, I first change the SA definitions, run tg-admin sql
status, make the changes to the DB by hand, and run it again to check I did
it right. This works for me; it could be improved, but that isn't greatly

For getting started with an existing database, try this:


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[sqlalchemy] Re: InvalidRequestError

2008-02-08 Thread Paul Johnston


I do a session.clear(), all time, after of
Can this be the problem?

That is almost certainly your problem. Try removing the session.clear() 
and see if it then works.

When is advisable do a session.clear() ?

When you're done with a batch of processing. In web applications this 
fits nicely at the end of a request.


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[sqlalchemy] Re: Connecting to MSSQL with a System DSN on Windows

2008-01-17 Thread Paul Johnston


For some reason it didn't work for me (sqlalchemy 0.4.2p3). I tried
mssql://?dsn=MyDSN, and also mssql://?DSN=MyDSN. Oh well.

Sorry, it's

This definitely works, just tested it
  eng = sqlalchemy.create_engine('mssql:///?dsn=bob')
  eng.execute('select 1')
sqlalchemy.engine.base.ResultProxy object at 0x00D17CB0


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[sqlalchemy] Re: Connecting to MSSQL with a System DSN on Windows

2008-01-16 Thread Paul Johnston


'mssql://DSN=MyDSN'. How can I get this to work without specifying

You were nearly there...


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[sqlalchemy] Re: connect sql server

2008-01-13 Thread Paul Johnston


How can I connect to sql server with windows authentication using 
Using pymssql I haven't find a way.

You have to use adodbapi or pyodbc - just specify no username/password 
and it just works.

I don't think it's possible with pymssql.


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[sqlalchemy] Re: MSSQL and LIMIT/OFFSET

2008-01-10 Thread Paul Johnston

 adding row_number will render a distinct clause useless...

Actually, this isn't a problem, as the distinct goes in an inner query, and
the row_number is only in the outer query.

I did have this mostly working, just need a final push to get it finished
and committed.


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[sqlalchemy] Issue with flush()

2008-01-08 Thread Paul Johnston

Having just upgraded to the latest svn, I'm now getting the traceback below.
It looks like it's related to the attribute tracking changes. This is coming
from a fairly large program, but if it helps, I can extract a minimum test

c:\sqlalchemy\lib\sqlalchemy\engine\base.py:1439: SADeprecationWarning:
Using String type with no length for CREATE TABL
E is deprecated; use the Text type explicitly
  rec = (type_, type_.dialect_impl(self.dialect).result_processor(
self.dialect), i)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File C:\tsrweb\scripts\parse-results.py, line 20, in ?
  File c:\sqlalchemy\lib\sqlalchemy\orm\scoping.py, line 74, in do
return getattr(self.registry(), name)(*args, **kwargs)
  File c:\sqlalchemy\lib\sqlalchemy\orm\session.py, line 693, in flush
self.uow.flush(self, objects)
  File c:\sqlalchemy\lib\sqlalchemy\orm\unitofwork.py, line 215, in flush
  File c:\sqlalchemy\lib\sqlalchemy\orm\unitofwork.py, line 437, in
UOWExecutor().execute(self, tasks)
  File c:\sqlalchemy\lib\sqlalchemy\orm\unitofwork.py, line 927, in
self.execute_save_steps(trans, task)
  File c:\sqlalchemy\lib\sqlalchemy\orm\unitofwork.py, line 945, in
self.execute_dependencies(trans, task, False)
  File c:\sqlalchemy\lib\sqlalchemy\orm\unitofwork.py, line 956, in
self.execute_dependency(trans, dep, False)
  File c:\sqlalchemy\lib\sqlalchemy\orm\unitofwork.py, line 939, in
dep.execute(trans, isdelete)
  File c:\sqlalchemy\lib\sqlalchemy\orm\unitofwork.py, line 892, in
self.processor.process_dependencies(self.targettask, [elem.state for
elem in self.targettask.polymorphic_tosave_elem
ents if elem.state is not None], trans, delete=False)
  File c:\sqlalchemy\lib\sqlalchemy\orm\dependency.py, line 282, in
self._process_key_switches(deplist, uowcommit)
  File c:\sqlalchemy\lib\sqlalchemy\orm\dependency.py, line 285, in
switchers = util.Set(s for s in deplist if self._pks_changed(uowcommit,
  File c:\sqlalchemy\lib\sqlalchemy\orm\dependency.py, line 285, in
generator expression
switchers = util.Set(s for s in deplist if self._pks_changed(uowcommit,
  File c:\sqlalchemy\lib\sqlalchemy\orm\dependency.py, line 161, in
return self.syncrules.source_changes(uowcommit, state)
  File c:\sqlalchemy\lib\sqlalchemy\orm\sync.py, line 99, in
if rule.source_changes(uowcommit, source):
  File c:\sqlalchemy\lib\sqlalchemy\orm\sync.py, line 133, in
prop = self.source_mapper._columntoproperty[self.source_column]
KeyError: Column('vulndescid', Integer(), ForeignKey('tsr.vulndesc.id'),



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[sqlalchemy] Re: migrating to 0.4: Parent instance is not bound

2008-01-08 Thread Paul Johnston

sqlalchemy.exceptions.InvalidRequestError: Parent instance class '
 doupy.model.objects.JobPosting' is not bound to a Session, and no
 contextual session is established; lazy load operation of attribute 'author'
 cannot proceed.

Not 100% sure without seeing your model, but you probably want to use 
session.mapper in place of mapper.


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[sqlalchemy] Re: save_or_update and composit Primary Keys... MSSQL / pyodbc issue ?

2007-12-10 Thread Paul Johnston


 /me faces toward UK, where it's about midnight right now...

Ok, you got my attention :-) Not at my best right now after being out 
drinking, but hey...

After a little tweak to the code (removing autoload=True, adding 
metadata.create_all() ) I get this:

sqlalchemy.exceptions.ProgrammingError: (ProgrammingError) ('42000', 
'[42000] [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Conversion 
failed when converting from a character string to uniqueidentifier. 
(8169)') u'INSERT INTO jobs (identifier, section, start, stop, station) 
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)' ['TEST1', None, datetime.datetime(2007, 12, 10, 
23, 40, 30,593000), None, None]

So, follow Rick's advice on fixing it. This does work with SQLite, but 
that's an accident of SQLite's funky type system more than anything.


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[sqlalchemy] Re: Design: mapped objects everywhere?

2007-12-07 Thread Paul Johnston


 A Sample may be created by the web application or fetched from the 
 database. Later on, it may be disposed of, edited or checked back into 
 the db.

 On the other hand, the requirements and coding of both classes are 
 kinda different, and I find myself changing the properties of the 
 mapped class for better mapping and making the use of the class in 
 non-Db contexts more awkward.

Sounds like you want your app to be mostly unaware of whether a class is 
saved in the db or not (i.e. persistent)? If so, I'd use a single class, 
design the properties so they work in non-persistent mode, and then 
they'll work in persistent mode as well.


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[sqlalchemy] Re: Representation of boolean logic in a database

2007-12-06 Thread Paul Johnston


My problem is beeing able to represent and store relations between 
options and contents tables in a normalized way.

I'd probably just store the relationship as a string. Do you have any 
particular querying requirements? Sometimes pragmatism beats elegance.


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[sqlalchemy] Re: SA 0.4.1 and MS-SQL problem at create time

2007-12-06 Thread Paul Johnston


It seems that the mssql backend use a 'foreign_key' attribute on
Column which does not exist anymore.

Yes, it's now foreign_keys. This is fixed in the svn trunk.

I still need to sort out a way to have MSSQL unit tests run 
periodically, so we can pick up this kind of issue before releases.


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[sqlalchemy] MSSQL and LIMIT/OFFSET

2007-11-26 Thread Paul Johnston


Can someone (Mike?) give me a hand with this, I've hit the limits of my 
understanding of the query compiler.

The patch I've done on #638 (mostly copied from Oracle) creates a 
subquery with row_number if there is an OFFSET. It aliases the query, 
because MSSQL is funny about that, and it also attempts to move ORDER BY 
from the inner to outer query (again, MSSQL is funny). Only problem is 
that it doesn't quite pick up the correct labelled name. Uncomment this 
line in the patch to see the problem:
#limitselect._order_by_clause = select._order_by_clause

Any ideas would be a help (and a query compiler 101 document would be fab!)


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[sqlalchemy] Re: unicode support for MSSQL

2007-11-25 Thread Paul Johnston

Hi Florent,

Just realised we'd gone quiet on this thread...

humm What bothers me is that I already get this comportement when
running my query program from a Linux host (using pyodbc same version)
but need the above mentioned patch on a windows host so there is
definitely a different behavior.

Is this a difference in PyODBC or SQLAlchemy? I suspect the former, but 
good if you can confirm.

From my point of view I am responsible to give the engine the right
encoding when I instantiate it. At the moment I have a master database
that provides me this info and so I feed it to the constructor at
engine creation time.

That sounds ok. I'd be happy to add a string_charset option or 
something that defaults to None which means no decoding. In fact, this 
wouldn't have to be MSSQL specific, it could apply to any DB.


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[sqlalchemy] Re: pyodbc and inserts... again

2007-11-25 Thread Paul Johnston


I've just noticed a remaining problem with the pyodbc/inserts with
triggers/scope_identity()/set nocount on/nextset() thing ;-) (it's
still a workaround if I understand correctly?)

scope_identity is expected to be a permanent solution. The set nocount 
on is a bit of a hack and will ideally be removed some day. If you 
comment it out at the moment, it causes 12 additional unit tests 
failures, so a bit of work is needed to do this cleanly.

new version, which keeps jumping as long as there are errors:

Looks good to me, and doesn't cause any additional unit tests to fail. 
Committed in 3819.


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[sqlalchemy] Multiple inserts and last_inserted_ids

2007-11-25 Thread Paul Johnston


I just realised, MSSQL is not returning last_inserted_ids correctly when 
an insert is done with multiple sets of params for a single statement. I 
don't think this is particularly a problem, just wanted to check what 
the intention is.


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[sqlalchemy] Re: FYI: SQLAutocode 0.4.1 and 0.5 released

2007-11-13 Thread Paul Johnston


Could you perhaps explain the advantages/differences to autoload=True or 
perhaps SqlSoup?

To me, it's quite a different approach to managing your database schema.

Using autoload or sqlsoup, the database holds the master definition of 
the schema, and your program automatically loads that.

The other approach is to have you python code be the master definition, 
and keep the database automatically synced to that. Tools like Migrate 
and AutoCode help people using this approach.


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[sqlalchemy] Re: Deprecation error raised for query on singly inherited table query ?

2007-11-11 Thread Paul Johnston


The following is a stripped down use case that I have, where I use
single table inheritance and run a query.first(), however I get a
deprecation warning and I was wondering why ??

A minor bug, an instance of SA internally using the deprecated syntax. 
Fixed in r3766.


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[sqlalchemy] Re: unicode support for MSSQL

2007-11-08 Thread Paul Johnston


I have isolated the problem a little bit more: my column is defined in
the MSSQL server as a user defined type which is based on VARCHAR.

Ok, so in this case you'd like SA to return a python unicode object when 
a VARCHAR is fetched, by decoding using the database's encoding? While I 
understand your requirement, this seems to me to be a special case. I 
think most people would expect a normal string in this case. I wonder if 
you should define a MyString class in your app and use that.

Rick - do you have a feel on this one?

If we do decide to implement this, does anyone know how python can find 
out what database encoding MSSQL is using?


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[sqlalchemy] Re: Can I have an integer primary keys that is not a sequence?

2007-11-06 Thread Paul Johnston

Is there a way to tell SQLAlchemy to create an ordinary integer primary
 key, without any associated sequence?

Sure... autoincrement=False


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[sqlalchemy] Re: unicode support for MSSQL

2007-11-05 Thread Paul Johnston


I have 10 different instances the each have their own collation names
(latin1, greek, russian...) I have a master database that references
all thos instances + their collation names. I use this master database
to create the engines to the different dbs. I would like to be able to
just pass the encoding for each engine at creation time an forget
about it.

Are your strings VARCHAR or NVARCHAR?

If they're NVARCHAR, all this will just work as-is with SA and MSSQL - 
are you having any specific problems?

If they're VARCHAR, then we need to think some more. I'm still not sure 
what the semantics should be when trying to save a unicode object in a 
non-unicode storage area.


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[sqlalchemy] Re: access mapped object attributes

2007-11-05 Thread Paul Johnston


Given a Message object, do I have a way to retrieve all the attributes
that result from the database mapping? 

Try this:

for col in Message.c:


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[sqlalchemy] Re: Add arbitrary information to some classes

2007-11-05 Thread Paul Johnston


 sorry, i havent been following.  two++ dicts ?!   this is getting out 
 of hand.   if we have to have any dicts at all, it would be just one 
 dict.  and also, it should be proxied through a property so that if 
 you dont access it, its never even created.  

I have just put a proposed patch on ticket #573. It uses info as the 
name and puts it on SchemaItem. Due to the way constructors are arranged 
for SchemaItem subclasses, I've explicitly put this in the constructor 
for Table and Column.

Happy to take further comments on this; at least now we've got a straw 
man to pull apart.


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[sqlalchemy] Re: column and table functions from sqlalchemy.sql

2007-11-05 Thread Paul Johnston


Just noticed that from sqlalchemy import * imports all functions from 
sqlalchemy.sql.expression, except column and table - is this by 
intent or have these only be forgotten?

It's to prevent confusion between column and Column - which are very 


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[sqlalchemy] Re: unicode support for MSSQL

2007-11-03 Thread Paul Johnston


I just added ticket #839 to the trac and attached a patch that enables
unicode conversion for MSSQL dialects.
I tested it with pyodbc but it should work the same with the other dialects.

What's the benefit of doing this? I've found that you usually want to 
pass python unicode objects to PyODBC and adodbapi; utf-8 encoded 
strings don't work properly (they end up as literally that - utf-8 byte 
strings, stored in a 16-bit string container).


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[sqlalchemy] Re: How to get list of relations

2007-10-31 Thread Paul Johnston

 You are missing a compile call before you can iterate properties.
 try adding:

Ah, that is indeed the problem. With that in place, iterate_properties does
very nearly what I need.

The only problem is that I need to get the name of the relation as well. For
now, the following works:

[(a,b) for a,b in getattr(obj.mapper, '_Mapper__props').items() if
isinstance(b, sqlalchemy.orm.properties.PropertyLoader)]

There's probably a better way, but my app is now working.


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[sqlalchemy] Re: Add arbitrary information to some classes

2007-10-31 Thread Paul Johnston

Ah sure, so it's to be a namespace for namespaces, a shared dict() parking
 lot. Got it.

How about having two dicts? One is purely for user data, libraries and such
never touch it. I suggest userdata.

The other is for use in extensions and stuff, say extdata.


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[sqlalchemy] Re: How to get list of relations

2007-10-30 Thread Paul Johnston

use mapper.get_property(name) and mapper.iterate_properties().   I've
 considered removing properties as a public accessor since it serves
 no useful purpose.

This doesn't work for me - the following code outputs:

[Column('id', Integer(), primary_key=True, nullable=False)]
[Column('val', String(length=None,convert_unicode=False))]

I can do a test case without Elixir if needed, but I don't think that will
change the result.

from sqlalchemy import *
from elixir import *

__metadata__ = MetaData('mssql://./test')

class Paj(Entity):
val = Field(String)

class Bob(Entity):
paj = ManyToOne(Paj, primary_key=True, backref='bob')
silly = Field(Integer)

for a in Paj.mapper.iterate_properties:
print a.columns


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[sqlalchemy] Re: How to get list of relations

2007-10-30 Thread Paul Johnston

use mapper.get_property(name) and mapper.iterate_properties ().   I've
  considered removing properties as a public accessor since it serves
  no useful purpose.

Ok, I found a hacky way that does what I need:

[(n, getattr(obj, n)) for n in dir(obj)
if isinstance(getattr(obj, n),

That'll do me for now.


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[sqlalchemy] Re: How to get list of relations

2007-10-30 Thread Paul Johnston

Ok, I found a hacky way that does what I need:

 [(n, getattr(obj, n)) for n in dir(obj)
 if isinstance(getattr(obj, n),

Ooops, not quite what I need. How do I go from a CollectionAttributeImpl to
a mapper?


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[sqlalchemy] Re: SQLalchemy coding style

2007-10-29 Thread Paul Johnston

I have a python file for all the table and class definitions (model.py). In
that I do from sqlalchemy import *, and that's ok as in that one file I know
not to use names like Table.

In my other python files I just import classes from model.py, and specific
bits of sqlalchemy. Ok, occasionally I get lazy and just do an import * :)


On 10/29/07, McA [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi all,

 I'm intersted in using sqlalchemy and started to read the manuals.
 I didn't find a hint for my question, so I'm asking here. I hope it's
 not too annoying.

 Most code examples in the documentation use something like this
 from sqlalchemy. import 

 My question is: Is this the good/proper way to import the sqlalchemy
 I'm concerned about polluting the current namespace. I could assume
 class names like 'Table' are too common to reserve them for the

 What would you recommend? How are the gurus out there using

 Thanks in advance.

 Best regards
 Andreas Mock


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[sqlalchemy] How to get list of relations

2007-10-29 Thread Paul Johnston

How do I get a list of the relations a mapper has? I've been using
mapper.properties, but have just realised this doesn't pick up backrefs.

Any ideas? Thanks,


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[sqlalchemy] Re: Two MSSQL databases on one engine?

2007-10-25 Thread Paul Johnston


 Do have to define two engines to access two databases on the same 
 database server?

With MSSQL, at the moment you do. People have suggested changes to 
workaround this (using dbname.schema.table), but nothing has been 
implemented as yet.


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[sqlalchemy] Re: SA (4.0) mssql table creation problems. No Python Errors?

2007-10-24 Thread Paul Johnston


Thanks for the help. I am still having those intermittent problems. I
tried using just pyodbc, but the symptoms were the same.
I tried a new machine, Windows 2003 Server, and installed SQL Server
2005 (SP2), Python, EZTools(py), Win32com(py), pyodbc(py), sqla(py),

I've used MSSQL through PyODBC extensively and it's always worked fine 
for me. I realise, I've not used 2005 SP2, I wonder if they've 
introduced some security lockdown that's broken something. Might be 
worth trying with SP1.

Do you get anything in you SQL Server log when this happens?


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[sqlalchemy] Re: RLIKE, REGEXP

2007-10-21 Thread Paul Johnston


Resource.select_by( foo=bar )

Untested, but I reckon this will work:



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[sqlalchemy] Re: Connecting to a Microsoft Access Database

2007-10-19 Thread Paul Johnston


Three slashes! The hostname is empty. And you want the full path to the .mdb


On 10/18/07, Eddie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Latest Version still gives me problems

 still in the same engine = create_engine('access://VMCPDB') line.
 Debug looks like the newest rev installed correctly...

 any help would be nice...

 [ Things before line 105 are unrelated to SA.. besides the import
 lines :) ]
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File monitor.py, line 105, in module
 engine = create_engine('access://VMCPDB')
   File c:\python25\lib\site-packages\SQLAlchemy-0.4.1dev_r3640-
 .py, line 173, in create_engine
 return strategy.create(*args, **kwargs)
   File c:\python25\lib\site-packages\SQLAlchemy-0.4.1dev_r3640-
 es.py, line 67, in create
 (cargs, cparams) = dialect.create_connect_args(u)
   File c:\python25\lib\site-packages\SQLAlchemy-0.4.1dev_r3640-
 s.py, line 208, in create_connect_args
 connectors.append(Dbq=%s % opts[database])
 KeyError: 'database'


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[sqlalchemy] Re: Storing DB engine in session

2007-10-17 Thread Paul Johnston

Here's how it should work: every time the user logs in, SA creates a
 new engine with his log/pass or uses the one that was already opened
 and then uses it.

Unless something has changed recently, this pattern is not particularly

Still, you could probably get it working with bound sessions. If the engine
doesn't exist in the users, session, create the engine and save in the
session. Don't know why the Pylons session save was failing, perhaps it
doesn't allow arbitrary Python objects. You could keep your own dictionary,
keyed on (username, password) tuples and avoid sessions altogether.


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[sqlalchemy] Re: Connecting to a Microsoft Access Database

2007-10-16 Thread Paul Johnston

Thanks for the help. Looks like I'm still stuck though.

Use the latest SVN version of SA 0.4, where I've fixed this issue.

You'll need to do something like:

svn checkout http://svn.sqlalchemy.org/sqlalchemy/trunk sqlalchemy
cd sqlalchemy
setup.py develop


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[sqlalchemy] Re: FYI: AutoCode moved to a new repository

2007-10-12 Thread Paul Johnston


I don't say that everything should be integrated, just the reflection
part (if at all useful in SA0.4) and the repr methods of the
corresponding objects (*_repr in formatter.py) which should IMHO
replace the current repr methods. 

That sounds good. One consideration is that autocode repr functions 
include line breaks and indentation, so the resulting code is easier to 
read. I hope this isn't too verbose for default repr functions. If it is 
we could make the behaviour switchable with a parameter.

With this functionality in SA, autocode becomes somewhat shorter. I 
wonder if we could have a scripts directory in the main SA svn, where 
this could live? It would be good to have an admin script too (create 
tables, see status of database against SA definitions, etc).


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[sqlalchemy] Re: FYI: AutoCode moved to a new repository

2007-10-12 Thread Paul Johnston


BTW, with SA 0.4, this script should be able to work with no
database-specific hacks at all. If you're interesting in implementing this,
I can explain more.

Would be nice to hear more details about this.

With 0.4, dialects have a table_names() method that will do the job of 

Some versions of AutoCode (although not 0.4 by the look of it) have 
outputted generic types, rather than db-specific ones, e.g. Integer 
rather than MSInteger. This can be done in a database independent way, 
by going through the __mro__ of the specific type, until a type that 
appears in types.py is encountered.


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[sqlalchemy] Re: Connecting to a Microsoft Access Database

2007-10-12 Thread Paul Johnston


 I  am very sorry for asking this question, but I was wondering if
anyone could give me a short step by step process as to how to access
a Microsoft Access Database using SQLAlchemy.

Access support is experimental. Use the lastest 0.4 trunk, as I've 
committed a few fixes just now. Beyond that, all you do is use 
SQLAlchemy as with  any other database. The DBURI is like 

There's some more info here: 


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[sqlalchemy] Re: FYI: AutoCode moved to a new repository

2007-10-11 Thread Paul Johnston

It's really good to see this script progressing.

BTW, with SA 0.4, this script should be able to work with no
database-specific hacks at all. If you're interesting in implementing this,
I can explain more.


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[sqlalchemy] Re: Can't insert records into a MS SQL database

2007-10-07 Thread Paul Johnston


Try adding autoincrement=False to the t_year column.

why would this fix the issue exactly ?

Fair question. The explanation is a bit convoluted, not as nice and 
simple as the fix.

MSSQL's equivalent of SERIAL/autoincrement is an identity flag on a 
column. To insert an explicit value into that, you have to issue set 
identity_insert table on. The MSSQL dialect does this for you 
automatically, and that was the statement failing in Paulino's example. 
The MSSQL dialect also automatically gives a column the identity flag if 
it's an integer primary key, and autoincrement is true. So it would have 
for t_year. Paulino is using table reflection, and I reckoned the real 
db table does not have the identity flag - it would certainly be odd to 
put that on a year column.



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[sqlalchemy] Re: Can't insert records into a MS SQL database

2007-10-06 Thread Paul Johnston


ppi = Table('ttfvbs061100', metadata,
Column('t_year', Integer, primary_key=True),
Column('t_dimx', String(), primary_key=True),
Column('t_ceco', String(), primary_key=True),
autoload = True)

Try adding autoincrement=False to the t_year column.


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[sqlalchemy] Re: Supporting sybase backend through mx.ODBC driver

2007-09-30 Thread Paul Johnston

 I was wondering if there is any development effort going on to
  support a
  sybase backend for sqlalchemy based on the mx.ODBC drivers from egenix
  (google didn't find anything and there was no relevant thread on this
  list) ?

Are you hard set on mxODBC? PyODBC seems to be a good free alternative, and
is already the preferred SQLAlchemy driver for MS-SQL, which may help get
you started.


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[sqlalchemy] Re: Built-in escape function?

2007-09-21 Thread Paul Johnston

It doesn't, and that would be a reasonable addition.

I'm also thinking that startswith, endswith and contains should probably do
the escaping by default.

If you create a ticket I'll look at it sometime, although not for a couple
of weeks (I'm on holiday, woo :-)


On 9/21/07, Felix Schwarz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 as several nice people from this list told me, SQLAlchemy uses bound
 parameters by default so that ordinary SQL injections are not possible

 However, I want to escape search patterns in like-queries, e.g.:
 User.c.username.like('%' + userinput + '%')

 Of course, I can write my own function to escape all pattern characters
but as always it seems to be more secure to use existing functions.
 After looking at the documentation for SQLAlchemy 0.3.10, I did not find
 an escape function.

 So just a quick question: Does SQLAlchemy come with a function to escape

 thank you very much


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[sqlalchemy] Re: MSSQL connection url format?

2007-09-19 Thread Paul Johnston


Should the hostname be the IP of the server or SQL Server's
host\instance combination?

Both work ok for me.

Isn't the port normally 1433?


2. I saw an archived email that said there was better support for
MSSQL in 0.3 than in 0.4. Is that still the case?

Support in 0.4 is pretty solid, main issue is update/delete statements 
on tables that have a schema. That should get fixed pretty soon.


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[sqlalchemy] Re: Feature suggestion: Description attribute in Tables/Columns

2007-09-19 Thread Paul Johnston


For my documentation, it is very handy to gather the table definitions 
directly from my SQLAlchemy-based python code - that's relatively easy, I 

This would be useful for me too, and it would be good to have hooks to 
store arbitrary information. I'd be using this as hints for a form 
builder, just like the Django auto-admin does.


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[sqlalchemy] Re: Weak Referencing Session

2007-09-12 Thread Paul Johnston


that the identity map within the Session again becomes weak
referencing, the way it used to be back in 0.2 and part of 0.3.

+0 from me. It sounds like a sensible change, but I only use short-lived 
sessions in web apps, so it makes little difference to me.


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[sqlalchemy] Re: sqlalchemy with turbogears and assign_mapper: select

2007-09-07 Thread Paul Johnston


And if I wanted to select a year and group by year?
select User.Year from User group by User.Year
 db.execute(select([User.Year]) ???

Have a look at http://www.sqlalchemy.org/docs/04/sqlexpression.html


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[sqlalchemy] Re: sqlalchemy with turbogears and assign_mapper: select

2007-09-05 Thread Paul Johnston


I am using turbogears with sqlalchemy and assign_mapper.
How do I select one column only when doing a select statement?

Can I ask why you want to do that? Unless you're really speed critical, 
selecting them all isn't too bad.

But, if you're set on this, there are two approaches:
1) Abandon the ORM and do something like 
db.execute(select([Useraddress.Address_Sid], Useraddress.User_Sid == 30))
2) Use deferred column loading (see the docs, advanced data mapping).


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[sqlalchemy] Re: Elixir performance

2007-09-05 Thread Paul Johnston


data.  I did some benchmarks a while back to see how everything
stacked up as I was wondering if I was doing everything the hard way
(in C++) instead of using SqlAlchemy, etc.  TurboEntity is the same as

Great work Eric.

I am quite surprised at the results. I would have thought 
ActiveMapper/TurboEntity would only be marginally slower than plain 
SQLAlchemy. And again, I'm surprised that SA is faster than MySQLdb. How 
does that work out? I though SA used MySQLdb??? Your use of query cache 
and best of three sounds sensible, but I've got a feeling we're seeing 
some kind of measurement effect in the results.

If those numbers are correct though, I'd expect fairly simple changes to 
Elixir could bring the performance close to plain SA.


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[sqlalchemy] Re: Testing for validity of a Connection

2007-08-31 Thread Paul Johnston


What it doesn't handle is if the database server is restarted.  That
doesn't happen very often with reliable database servers nowadays but
it is possible.

Yes, this is something of a problem for long-running apps that used 
pooled database connections.

I did some work with Mike a few months back, so that SA notices a 
dropped connection exception and invalidates the connection. The current 
statement fails, but at least subsequent requests in that thread can 
succeed. You could put select 1 at the start of all your requests, 
acting as a ping. You can just ignore errors in the ping - SA will 
reconnect automatically.

That's a bit of a performance hit, so I wonder if we can do any better. 
The reason for not retrying the failed statements is that there could be 
transactional state which would be lost. However, perhaps SA could keep 
track of whether there is transactional state. If there isn't any, it 
can retry the statement safely. Perhaps make this behaviour not the 
default and make people turn it on with an option. Considering that the 
problem will almost always happen on the first db query in a request, 
that will fix almost all cases without needing a ping.

I might have a go at coding this up in the next couple of weeks.


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[sqlalchemy] Re: Best way to handle in()

2007-08-28 Thread Paul Johnston


foo = session.query(MainTable).filter_by(customer='CUSTNAME')
foo = foo.filter(ChildTable.c.othercolumn.in_('bar', 'baz', 'qux'))

You need to do the join; pass the name of the relation (not the target 
table) to join:

foo = foo.join('childtable').filter(ChildTable.c.othercolumn.in_('bar', 'baz', 


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[sqlalchemy] Re: interface error with Decimal(0) in where clause

2007-08-24 Thread Paul Johnston


firebird which is the only other database engine supported by SA that
is embeddable in a python application without the need of and external

There is one other option, on Windows, the SA 0.4 beta supports 
Microsoft Access. I believe it works on all Windows systems (i.e. not 
just ones that have Access installed).


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[sqlalchemy] Re: between_op() error with property expressions: is this a bug?

2007-08-23 Thread Paul Johnston


sounds like a bug.  for now, call it from the Column object:   
MappedClass.c.age.between(1,2) (that should work).

There seems to be a bug in sql/operators.py - between only has two 
arguments, not three. I've hit this as well.


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[sqlalchemy] Re: Using 0.4 in anger

2007-08-19 Thread Paul Johnston


Couple more things:
1) When specifying foreign_keys manually on a relation, you have to use 
table.c.column; table.column doesn't work.
2) I used to be able to do obj.delete() but now obj.query.delete() isn't 

You can make whatever changes needed to ActiveMapper, but keep in  
mind the whole extension itself is deprecated ;) (of course it will  
be around for awhile since turbogears depends on it)

Changing AM to use scoped_session was pretty easy. However, this changes 
compatibility quite a lot - without the change, cls.get() works but 
gives a warning; with the change, cls.get() doesn't work. I still think 
the change is worthwhile, sticking closely to the 0.4 style, but I'll 
take your steer on whether this is to much change (we'll have to decide 
before 0.4 final though).

All the best,


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