Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2015-08-13 Thread rayman1701

PasTim wrote: 
 I would definitely run without any extra load on the Touch.  I run with
 no 'now playing' display at all and most other Touch options turned
 Are you sending FLAC to the Touch, or transcoding to PCM on the server? 
 Ditto ALAC?  If one is being transcoded on the server, and the other on
 the Touch, that might explain the different behaviour.

I'm just using the default settings. It's the fact it worked fine a week
or so ago, then all of a sudden one is and one isn't. That's the part
that is confusing me, I could get it if neither worked with ALAC or over
the USB, that's the fun of troubleshooting with inconsistent results :-(
confusing as hell...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2015-08-13 Thread rayman1701

Thanks for the suggestions, it gives me some more things to look at and
try. Not having the best health today, so it may be a bit before I'm up
to running thru more troubleshooting, but I will update when once I've
tried to pin it down more. I had thought it might be the USB drive or
bottleneck with the laptop (it's a full powered 64bit laptop, not a
barebones underpowered machine) but then why would it bottleneck with
one set of 192 files but not another. I did pull over a back up of one
of the tracks just to see if the one on the USB drive had gotten
corrupted, but had the same issue with the backup file, so I don't
believe the file has been corrupted just sitting on a rarely plugged in
drive.  Probably wouldn't be driving me so nuts if it hadn't been
working a week or two ago without issue, you know.

Thanks and hopefully I'll be feeling better in a day or two and can run
down more testing.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2015-08-12 Thread rayman1701

PasTim wrote: 
 Sounds like either a network problem or server being busy doing
 something else.  I assume you are using a wired connection.   Have you
 checked all the connectors?

Yeah it's a wired connection. Checked everything, even rebooted the
laptop server. Just so weird that it was working perfectly and then just
not playing 192 without dropouts. The only other thing I've done is
created a custom Now Playing screen, with Erlands plug in, it does have
a spectrum meter, could that be using too much processing and messing up
the EDO? The Touch's memory doesn't look to be overtaxed, but
still...just wondering. I've tried without the custom Now Playing screen
and still had issues, reinstalled the latest firmware and let the EDO
reinstall, and still have the issue.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2015-08-12 Thread rayman1701

What's even weirder, my Jackson Browne Running On Empty DVD-A rip at
24/192 will play fine, but Eagles Hotel California won't. Nothing has
changed with the files since I ripped them a couple of weeks ago, and
everything played perfectly then. Unfortunately those are the only 2 I
have at 192 at the moment to test, but I don't get why one would play
and the other would not.

Ok doing a bit more testing..Hotel California will play fine as a
FLAC on the C drive, but will not play right from the USB external hard
drive that my music is on. Now I still had issues with the ALAC version
on the C drive, but the FLAC was ok. The Jackson Browne played fine from
the USB hard drive in ALAC, so there is something going on with the
Eagles and ALAC and/or USB, but there is no consistency on the issue
between the 2 192 files, since 1 works one way and the other doesn't.
Weird, if it were an ALAC problem, I'd expect neither to play right, if
it was USB bogging down, again neither should play. Frustrating that I
can't pin down the exact issue.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2015-08-12 Thread rayman1701

So can EDO just become corrupted for lack of a better word, over time?
I installed a couple of weeks or so ago when I updated to 7.9. 
Everything was working perfect the couple of 24/192 albums I had would
play beautifully thru my Touch and Marantz receiver over coax. Then I go
to play one of the albums last night and it starts dropping out and
almost what seemed like it just couldn't hold the stream or something
with 192 files, 96/24 and redbook play fine.  It would have the issues
at different points of the same song, so it's not the file that is bad.
For example Hotel California, it could be during the second verse when
it will break up, but if I play it again, maybe it starts at the
beginning, not predictable about it.

I've not changed anything, in fact I have avoided updating the nightlies
just because everything was working so well.  So should I uninstall EDO
and reinstall or something more drastic like restore factory settings
and start again? And since I've never had to restore to factory settings
before, will I have to set everything up like I like it again or will
the prefs be remembered by the server and it not be a big deal? I know
such a newb question, but I've been lucky that my set up has just been
solid without too many issues, so it's something new for me.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Custom Wallpapers for Touch

2015-08-07 Thread rayman1701

Cool designs, I really like the disco ball and the spectrum. But as you
can see by mine I tend to go for flashier designs.

I finally figured out how to make changes to the Now Playing Alternate
screen with Custom Clock helper and made a nice layout that works for me
and is a bit more readable than he white text of the default Touch Now
Playing. For the longest time Custom Clock really intimidated me, just
not having a clue what all the boxes might do. I had gotten the SDT
clock the way I liked it and didn't explore much more. But finally I
decided to give it a whirl and after a bunch of trial and error almost
kinda get the most basics of it. Still many things I don't understand,
but I'm happier now that I've adjusted a few things that were just
bugging me. Many thanks Erland, it is one hell of a plug-in.

With the combination of custom wallpaper and Custom Clock helper, it
really makes it your own. Also kinda fun to be able to change it up as
the mood strikes.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Custom Wallpapers for Touch

2015-07-31 Thread rayman1701

Yeah when I first got my Touch I got excited and did a bunch. Takes a
bit of time to get it scaled to the EXACT pixel resolution. No room for
error, so scaling and reducing, lots of trial and error. Somewhere I've
got copious notes on the resizing just for the Touch. I like having the
different look and just for something different.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Custom Wallpapers for Touch

2015-07-31 Thread rayman1701

That was the thread I remembered being in when I first did this. I
figured it had been so long ago and with some user turnover that a new
thread to offer the ones I created to share would probably be better. 
Rereading that, I would still love an easy, simple way to change the Now
Playing text color (song, artist, album) for better readability with
some images, but I've gotten used to it and my Touch is so close to me
it isn't that big of a deal, but it would still be nice.

Still can't believe how long I've been using my Touch and I can't
imagine life without one (good thing I have a boxed spare). I didn't
really have any issues with LMS 7.7 as evidenced by my lack of being
around the forum for a while (other health factors too) but stoping in,
discovering 7.9 and the improvements that have been made have made for a
really fun week or so.

So yeah if anyone would like my wallpapers, let me know.


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[SlimDevices: Touch] Custom Wallpapers for Touch

2015-07-31 Thread rayman1701

I was just wondering if anyone would be interested in custom wallpapers
for the Touch?  I have made a few that I'd be happy to share, some Iron
Maiden, KISS, Van Halen, a Star Trek LCARS screen, and a couple of
generic fractal/space type images.  Some work a bit better than others,
as far as seeing the text really well, but I do think they look cool and
it gives it a fresh look. Here are a few examples. I have about 20 or so




|Filename: final_frontier_30_ironmaidenwallpaper_com.jpg|

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Custom Wallpapers for Touch

2015-07-31 Thread rayman1701

SlimChances wrote: 
 Where would you put the xml file to gain access to the wallpaper through
 the Touch?

Go to Settings with the web viewer thenIn Advanced Settings under
Customize Device, you can browse your server/computer for files, which
they are jpegs formatted for the Touch only as they have to be exact
size. Browse your drive for the picture, enter a name in the box if you
want and hit apply, it will refresh and then go to Advanced, Screen,
Wallpaper on the Touch and scroll down to see the Wallpapers.

I dropped the shadows and highlights a bit with the pictures as that
helps the white Now Playing text to be seen a bit better. So the first
ones I might repost the modified ones if requested.

So here are a few more.

|Filename: Spaceman-kiss (2).jpg|

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Custom Wallpapers for Touch

2015-07-31 Thread rayman1701

Oh what the heck here are some more..

|Filename: art_live_after_death_3 (2).jpg   |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Custom Wallpapers for Touch

2015-07-31 Thread rayman1701

Why not a few more

|Filename: KISS purple black.jpg|

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Missing Album Artwork - Sort of!

2013-01-16 Thread rayman1701

I missed the part of your original post about Large Text.  Sorry even
though I use the IR remote all the time, I've got my Touch close enough
that I always use Small Text, so that's probably why I've never noticed
the issue.  It is a weird bug if it only does it with Large Text and
certain Artist/Album types comps vs non comps.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Missing Album Artwork - Sort of!

2013-01-09 Thread rayman1701

Funny, I don't have an issue with this with 7.7.2 and I use the IR
remote all the time.  I went in and double checked and all my album art
shows in My Music  Artist  Album whether there is a compilation or not
for an artist.  Now 99% of my files are ALAC and have embedded art if
that makes a difference as to why I'm not seeing the same behavior.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] digital silence between tracks?

2013-01-02 Thread rayman1701

Mnyb wrote: 
 I have no such issues going to another sample rate , must be Yamaha
 specific ?

I have a Yamaha receiver and have no issues when changing sample rates,
using digital input.  Must be something else.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Problem Setting Up A Server System (SBT, LMS On Host PC, USB Hard Drive)

2012-12-12 Thread rayman1701

Also make sure that LMS is pointing to the correct folder on your USB
hard drive.  I use a laptop with USB and have never had any issues, but
you do need to make sure you point to where the files are, that is in
the LMS control panel.  Also make sure there are any weird permissions
issues, or firewall/virus scanner problems (you'll want to allow LMS in
your firewall/virus program).  And yeah make sure it's not still looking
at the other server, on the SBT go to Change Library to find the correct
LMS installation.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Missing album art

2012-08-28 Thread rayman1701

I use embedded art, so I'm not the most experienced with your issue, but
I thought that the pictures needed to be 'cover.jpg' not sure about png.
At least that's what I remember seeing suggested, but like I said I
used embedded and never have any issues.  Also, not sure if somehow the
permissions of the art might be messed up, as that could cause issues

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Selecting And Setting Up A USB Music Library Drive: Factors To Consider

2012-08-16 Thread rayman1701
 to do very often.  And the speed isn't an issue
while playing music, even Hi-Res.

Hope that covers most of your questions.  I still don't know how I coped
before the Touch.  I mean 400 disc changers just don't work the same

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Oldtimer looking to upgrade to Touch withoutdowngrading to

2012-06-27 Thread rayman1701

fallenguru wrote: 
 Now, I've never used Squeezenetwork / and very much
 want to. Not everything needs to be closely integrated with the
 much less a proprietary service. There's privacy issues, security
 reliability issues - all for functionality that I don't need and that
 easily be done via server plugins. More than that, I see the service as
 attempt to take back the openness that was another one of Slim Devices'
 core concepts by moving as much functionality as possible out of the
 server, and frankly that pisses me off. If I'm forced to register I
 buy a Touch, it's that simple. So,

I don't think they were trying to take away any functionality with
having the option.  They were trying to accommodate
users who couldn't have/didn't want to have a computer/full server
running.  So for those that just want to listen to internet radio, or
streaming services without a computer, they have that option along with
the stripped down version of the server for a USB drive for their own
music.  I know before I had my permanent server it was nice to be able
to listen to something when the computer was off, and I've never felt I
was lacking any functions by having both options available.  So I don't
understand the hostility.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] How customizeable is the Touch?

2012-06-15 Thread rayman1701

Yeah, SuperDateTime is one of my favorite things to have with the Touch,
and it feels weird when it is down or not working right.

Also as long as you have the size exactly correct, you can also add
Custom Wallpaper to the Touch.  I have several Iron Maiden and others
that I resized down to 480x272 to fit the Touch's screen.  And yes it
has to be exactly 480x272 to work, it won't resize on it's own, which
sometimes takes a bit of work to get things just right.  Then also using
Erland's custom clock plugin I've changed the colors for the Time and
Weather info with the SDT screensaver so that it's a bit easier to see
with certain wallpapers.  There may be more ways to customize stuff, but
I'm not very good at all with figuring things like that out if it's not
spelled out really clearly.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Paying iTunes to have DRM removed?

2012-06-05 Thread rayman1701

Go into Preferences, down towards the bottom of the first page there is
a button for Import Settings, press that button.  When that opens, the
top drop down menu change it to Apple Lossless, then hit OK, and then OK
at the bottom of the preference page.  Go to the songs that are Apple
Protected and select those songs (you can select the one at the top,
scroll down to the last one and hit the Shift Key before you select with
the mouse, to include them all).  Then Right Click with the mouse, and
go to the selection Change Selected Files to Apple Lossless, and then
wait for them all to convert and delete the old files.

You know now that I've been thinking about it, there may have been some
that wouldn't let me convert and I did have to make a playlist and burn
it to a cd, then rip that cd as Apple Lossless so as not to lose more
quality reconverting it to a lossy file for the second time.  I know
I've used both methods, but it may depend on how the DRM was implemented
as to which way you have to go.  But the burn to cd always works as long
as you still have rights to those files.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Over 500 iTunes files not present on Squeezebox Touch

2012-06-04 Thread rayman1701

I converted some of my old DRM iTunes files to Apple Lossless to make
copies for LMS to use.  Most of my DRMed files were free bonus or
giveaway stuff that didn't get offered to be upgraded when they went to
the higher bitrates and no DRM.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Why would the same music Library have different Album Counts........

2012-06-04 Thread rayman1701

It depends on what criteria is used to get the totals.  For example in
iTunes, an album called  Greatest Hits  will be counted once, no mater
how many different artists there are, they all get counted as the same
album.  Now I've noticed that in LMS it actually knows that The Beach
Boys - Greatest Hits is a different album compared to Queen - Greatest
Hits.  That's one thing that has irked me about the way iTunes gives
totals, if it's the same name, then it's 1 album.  Which is why I've
just gotten to the point that I actually use the Artist name: Greatest
Hits or Artist name: Live in the album title to keep titles from being
merged in iTunes.  But then there are regular albums with the same name,
like No Way Out or something like that, and they still get merged, so
the album count still isn't the same.  So that's one reason why every
music manager may have a slightly different count.  I just go with the
total track count to make sure everything is in both libraries.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Paying iTunes to have DRM removed?

2012-06-04 Thread rayman1701

Or just convert to Apple Lossless within iTunes, that's what I did and
they work fine.

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[SlimDevices: Touch] to me like I'm 5 yo.--Quest re: touch to replace CD collection.

2012-06-01 Thread rayman1701

The Touch's analog outputs are really good.  You can just run the Touch
to the analog inputs of your classic receiver and should be good to go.

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[SlimDevices: Touch] to me like I'm 5 yo.--Quest re: touch to replace CD collection.

2012-06-01 Thread rayman1701

garym wrote: 
 all this is true, except your statement about harddrive failure. ANY
 hard drive will most likely fail eventually. So the ipod hd and the
 vortexbox hd are both equally likely to fail eventually. That's why any
 data you want to save needs to be backed up.  Even data on CDs will fail
 too (CDs become unreadable, etc. after a number of years, although this
 mostly relates to CDR, CDRW, etc. (not so much commericial music CDs
 (although they can go bad too).  Bottom line...backup all data, at least
 once, maybe to multiple locations. Large USB drives are dirt cheap now,
 so not much reason not to have a good backup.
 p.s. Buy a cheap IPOD cradle (the APPLE one is fine) and connect this
 with a power cable to electricity and analog out cable to the inputs of
 your Stereo. When you want your music, drop your IPOD into the the
 cradle and it's ready, set your stereo receiver to AUX, CD, or whatever
 the input is labled on your receiver.  All done and it will sound quite
 good!  The Wadia ipod cradle with DAC bypass is way, way, way overkill
 for playing mp3 files to your stereo.

+1  Completely agree.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Trouble synching Itunes updates with squeezebox

2012-05-31 Thread rayman1701

Sometimes it takes a delete  full scan to pick up certain changes that
scan for new and changed just doesn't pick up.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Help, yep another new member with a problem

2012-05-04 Thread rayman1701

I don't know if this is still the case, but when I first got my Touch
and tried to use the USB one thing you had to do was, leave it totally
alone possibly overnight to let it totally finish the scan.  Yes it can
take a few hours for it to actually finish, and during that time you
don't want to do anything on the Touch, no listening to music, or
mucking about, just let it sit.  I bet this is especially true of WAV
files, since it has to guess tags to fill in the database.  But even
then, using the TinyLMS in the Touch has always been hit or miss, since
it just doesn't have the power or memory to really work consistently. I
gave up on it very soon, started running the full LMS on a computer and
actually started to enjoy the whole idea of having a music server

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Help!

2012-04-25 Thread rayman1701

What kind of server  network are you using?  The first thing I'd try is
rebooting the router, the server and the touch.  But it's hard to
pinpoint without more info about your system.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Squeezebox Touch: WIFI or WIred that's my question?!?

2012-04-24 Thread rayman1701

1) Unless there is some serious issues with your Wi-Fi, like
interference that would cause drop-outs, then I don't see any reason why
it would sound different.
2) That's up to personal preference.  If you've already got a PC then
you don't need to spend money for a NAS, unless you want the central
storage and the ability to run LMS without a computer running, or want
to share data with other computers/devices on your network. But if what
you've already got works, you've got half the battle won.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Questions from new Touch adopter

2012-04-18 Thread rayman1701

To be honest I don't use the touch screen very often, I just find it
handier to use the IR remote.  However, I just tried and you can just
hold on the back arrow on the screen and it goes right to the home
screen.  As for turning it on  off, since it doesn't really use that
much different power from on to off, and it doesn't really power down, I
never turn it off.  You could just set up the when stopped screensaver
to be the same as the off one, then you'd just have to touch the screen
and do a long hold to get to home. You can also move items up and down
the list on the home screen by holding the item you'd like to move
up/down until the context menu comes up, then choose move up or move
down, then you could move the Favorites closer to the top, to eliminate
the need to scroll.  Hope that helps a bit.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Lots of help needed!

2012-03-27 Thread rayman1701

garym;697608 Wrote: 
 And why is this logitech's fault and it makes them a piece of crap?
 itunes has a bizarre, non standard way of handling album art. If you
 try to read your itunes files in almost any other player at all, you
 won't see the album art. So is everything other than itunes crap? If
 you had used any other CD ripper, you wouldn't have the current issue. 
 p.s. And I'm not sure why one would want to use itunes for ripping CDs.
 The ripper lacks many of the secure ripping features of rippers like EAC
 or dbpoweramp.

I totally agree with the way iTunes handles artwork and I actually LIKE
using iTunes!  I realized years ago, years before my first Squeezebox
that the iTunes artwork handling was crazy. Probably sometime when I
did a fresh install and then had no artwork, which really ticked me off
at the time.

I know so many don't like iTunes for ripping, but I've done over to
3800 albums and had very few issues. I know all the arguments in the
debates about what is best for ripping, but iTunes works for me.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Lots of help needed!

2012-03-27 Thread rayman1701

garym;697769 Wrote: 
 And I'm guessing you mean above that you agree that the way itunes
 handles artwork is odd (not that you actually agree with the method
 itunes uses).

Yes, that's what I meant.  Overall I like iTunes since that's what I
got used to, but I find it totally ridicules how it handles the artwork
downloads.  Of course I'm pretty particular on what I want in my tags,
so I always do everything manually.

And I totally agree one shouldn't blame LMS for iTunes quirks.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Lots of help needed!

2012-03-26 Thread rayman1701

Or you could just embed the iTunes artwork into the files.

For Windows do the following:

Go to an album, on the first song with the artwork viewer window, right
click, copy.   Then highlight all tracks on the album, then Get
Info(right click is again the fastest), then paste the artwork into the
artwork box and press enter.  And the artwork will be embedded with the
files and go with them, not just in the separate iTunes artwork

Apple OS will be slightly different, but the same principal. Just
different ways to copy and get info.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Lots of help needed!

2012-03-26 Thread rayman1701

Mnyb;697539 Wrote: 
 I do advocate a lossles format preferably not wav because it's crummy
 metadata support .
 ALAC is not as well suported even ifpart of it have become open source
 (not all of it) .
 You can use ALAC with LMS if you must (however 24/96 or similar might
 have problems in squeezeboxes )

I have no issues using 24/96 with ALAC with the Touch.  Now there can
be issues if your using the Touch's internal server with 24/96, but not
with LMS. Then mixing  matching with older Squeezebox players might
also be an issue as well.  But if you just have a Touch and are using
the full LMS, I've had no issues with any flavor of ALAC.

Granted if you're using non Apple products, then ALAC or AAC might not
be the way to go.  Of course if you wanna change later on you could
convert to FLAC with dbpoweramp or something, and only lose time in


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] settings have disappeared!!

2012-03-23 Thread rayman1701

Are you running a full LMS on a computer?  If so just go to My Music or
in the Advanced area Switch Library, on the Touch.  If you are using
the Touch's Server and switched to, then go to Advanced
Switch Library and point to the USB drive.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] USB External Hard Drive Library for Touch

2012-03-21 Thread rayman1701

putente;696727 Wrote: 
 Hi. I'm new around here and looking for some help and guidance...
 I also have an SBT, and I'm looking for the best way to have my FLAC
 library available on it. It's a fairly large collection of about 500GB,
 but there some albums I listen to more frequently. My plan was to have
 those albuns in a 64GB SD card or USB flash drive on the SBT, and the
 rest of my collection placed on a NAS or external USB hard disk. But I
 have some questions about this, and what I can do...
 1. Is it better (for speed, reliability, etc) to use SD card or USB
 2. Is it possible to have LMS running at the same time from USB and SD
 (to have  the music from both media available at the same time)?

1. It doesn't really matter that much between SD or USB
2. NO

It will always be a bit clunky running Tiny LMS on the Touch.  I'm
pretty sure that every time you switch over to it, it will need to do a
complete rescan of the SD/USB, which will take time and not allow you to
listen while it is scanning.  Plus you lose most if not all plugin
capability, and no WEB UI, and I'm not sure  but would assume that
probably means control plugins like iPeng.

What you want to do as far as segregating the favorite albums you
might be able to do with Erland's Custom Browse plugin, which could
give you that view without the penalty of the limitations of Tiny LMS,
which can still be a bit buggy and picky about SD/USB cards  drives. 
I would check the 3rd party software section for the thread for it and
ask, as I don't use that.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] could use some starter help for LMS+SBT

2012-03-21 Thread rayman1701

GeminiAlpha;696714 Wrote: 
 I'll ignore offered LMS SW updates, but I'll update SBT FW, when
 Thank for Tips  help, hope to bring more good news after some time
 Rudolf NL

If you don't update LMS on the computer you shouldn't get update
notices on the Touch unless you use, then you'll upgrade
to and if you don't upgrade to the latest LMS, then
downgrade when you go back to local music.  So just keep that in mind,
and if you're running LMS you shouldn't need


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] A timeless Question

2012-03-14 Thread rayman1701

Yeah, mine changed without me even thinking about it.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch Firmware Upgrade ?

2012-03-09 Thread rayman1701

I think it was some sort of error or something with the Auto Update,
after I saw the thread about people getting the message to upgrade the
MS Visual ++, it was suggested to ignore that and go to the direct
download site and install from that installer.  I did that and didn't
have to mess with the MS crap.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] lost my Advanced Settings page

2012-03-06 Thread rayman1701

I wonder if it could be some kind of Anti Virus/Firewall type issue?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] squeezebox server glitch 6 seconds before end of song

2012-03-06 Thread rayman1701

Having ALAC with the Touch in standalone can have some issues.  I've got
my library entirely of ALAC, with some ACC, MP3 and a few FLACs and it
only took me a couple of hours after getting my Touch a couple of years
ago to decide to use a computer and have the full (now) LMS server. 
Also Hi-Res ALAC files (96/24) really didn't want to work at all, so
that's something to keep in mind.  It was a bummer at the time since I
was hoping for it to be an independent player without the need for the
computer, but once I got used to the idea and then found a few very
useful plugins I'm glad I went with the full LMS in the end.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Skipping ahead to next track b4 current track is done

2012-03-05 Thread rayman1701

I just want to ask something to rule it out.  Are you sure it isn't a
problem with the rip of the track?  I'm on Win 7 64bit and I've only
had an issue like this when I had a bad rip.  Although have you tried
rebooting the Touch and/or clearing the cache on the server, as those
things can also help clear stuff up.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Issue with Library

2012-03-05 Thread rayman1701

A dedicated server won't necessarily do anything for the sound quality
per se, but with the Touch not having to strain it's small internal
processor and it's even smaller onboard memory, things will run much
better.  When I got my Touch a couple of years ago it only took me a
few hours before I decided to ditch the Touch's onboard server for a
computer.  With a library of over 58,000 tracks (most ALAC), the Touch
just couldn't handle it.  Plus I discovered a few plugins that are
really helpful that I couldn't use with the Touch's internal server. 
So while the files themselves won't sound different, without the quirks
of the Touch's internal server, it may feel like they are better.  If
you know what I mean.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Issue with Library

2012-03-01 Thread rayman1701

Good.  Sometimes the database just gets a bit corrupted, so I'm glad it
all got worked out.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] lost my Advanced Settings page

2012-03-01 Thread rayman1701

Try clearing your IE history.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Issue with Library

2012-02-28 Thread rayman1701

I don't know if this is something that would affect LMS, but did you
empty the Trash in Windows?  It might not make any difference, but you
never know.  Also are you doing just a New and Changed scan or a Clear
and Rescan?  I know sometimes the database can get a bit clunky after a
bunch of changes and sometimes needs to be rebuilt.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Cant choose wifi

2012-02-24 Thread rayman1701

Without the ethernet cable connected, reboot the router and then the


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Cant choose wifi

2012-02-23 Thread rayman1701

Try going to Settings-Advanced-Networking-Choose Network. Then choose
Wireless Network.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24bit files outputting at 20bit

2012-02-03 Thread rayman1701

Thanks for the info.  I had thought that it output 24bit, since that's
how the volume works, but in checking my setup to make sure I didn't
set it up wrong when I first got it, and occasionally since it's always
displayed the correct format info of the files on the Yamaha.  Been
close to 2 years and still learning new things about the Touch  LMS.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24bit files outputting at 20bit

2012-02-02 Thread rayman1701

Thanks Phil, I knew I had seen something about this and I just couldn't
remember the details to fully explain to the OP.  But just to clarify
something, is it his Cambridge or is it the Touch's optical that isn't
displaying correct?   With my Touch I use the coax to my Yamaha and
it's always been displayed correct.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24bit files outputting at 20bit

2012-02-01 Thread rayman1701

Could it be something with the Cambridge?  With my Yamaha receiver 24/96
displays as 24/96 and 16/44 displays at 16/44 (or 24/48 displays at
24/48, ect.) So it shouldn't be an issue with the Touch.  So I'm
wondering if the Cambridge resamples everything to 20bit?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24bit files outputting at 20bit

2012-02-01 Thread rayman1701

Maybe the input upconverts while the native cd audio doesn't.  I'm not
really sure why playing cd's with it would display fine while audio
files won't. But I have heard of some weird quirks with components, so
who knows.  All I know is all of my files have always displayed
correct, and I run a fairly straight LMS, without very many plug-ins or
customization of settings.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Can't import media from iTunes?

2012-01-19 Thread rayman1701

I'm not really familiar with Macs, but was would try a couple of things.
First try to do a scan without using iTunes integration, just to see if
you can get a scan, then can figure out any playlist things later.  Also
with 7.7.1, make sure to uncheck the options for pictures  video for
the scan.  Hopefully someone more familiar with how LMS works on a Mac
will also chime in, but that's what I'd start with.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Can't import media from iTunes?

2012-01-18 Thread rayman1701

Just try doing a new and changed to see if it picks up the rest.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch Wallpapers?

2011-12-29 Thread rayman1701

Erland, well after playing around with the text and picture, I'm not
sure if any color will really be a huge improvement.  I think that the
picture that I like as my wallpaper might just be a bit too busy for
the text to be quite as clear as the standard wallpapers that come with
the Touch.  I've gotten used to the way it is, and I'm not looking to
add to your workload.  I just mentioned it as an aside, because I
thought it would be handy to have a way of easily changing the Now
Playing font color, since you can create custom wallpaper.  Thanks for
the offer.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch Wallpapers?

2011-12-29 Thread rayman1701

Erland, I appreciate the offer so I will give it some thought.  I have
just gotten used to it the way it is, so I may play around a bit with
the image on my computer to see what may give a better contrast and
readability between the image and text color.  I've just gotten used to
it, so I don't have an immediate answer.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch Wallpapers?

2011-12-28 Thread rayman1701

Yeah, I was meaning the Now Playing screen.  I'm sure there may be a
way, but it always seemed just above my skill set.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch Wallpapers?

2011-12-27 Thread rayman1701

The Touch's Wallpaper needs to be EXACTLY 480x272.  I took a few Iron
Maiden, Van Halen, a Star Trek, a couple of cool computer art and 1
Ricky Gervais animated show wallpapers and resized them.  They work
pretty well and the only thing that would be nice is to be able to
change the color of the font on the Touch.  The white can be a bit hard
to read on some, but I just didn't quite get how to configure Erland's
plugins to know if I could use one to do that.  You can take any picture
and crop  shrink to get to that, take a bit of tweaking to get it just
right, but can be kinda cool. So anyway here are the 3 I use the most.

|Filename: 2nd   |


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Removing track from saved playlists

2011-12-23 Thread rayman1701

Yeah, I was thinking that it might be some kind of surge when the power
comes back up, or that it comes up slow like a brown in for lack of a
better term.  The few times I've had it happen was during storms or
times when it goes out, comes back up, then goes right back out.  Then
when it finally comes back on for good the Touch doesn't start.  ComEd
out here in the South Suburbs of Chicago, has given me fits ever since
we moved up here, seems like when there are power issues, it's never
just out for a while and back on, there are always stutter steps in
between, and there doesn't need to be a storm in the area for it to
happen.  So that's why to at least, it does seem like it's either a
surge or a trickle, that may cause the issue.  I've had it maybe 2
times, but no more than 3, and I've had way more power outages than
that since I've had my Touch, unfortunately.

So that's why I suggest if you are getting power outages once a day or
so, then just unplug the Touch until the power comes back on, then plug
the Touch in and that should help make sure it doesn't get hit with a
spike or even  a trickle which also might be bad.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Dont want my audiobooks

2011-12-23 Thread rayman1701

Yeah, if you wanna keep the let iTunes keep your files organized
checked, it may be that you have to move the audiobooks to the other
directory manually when you get new ones.  And even if you uncheck it,
since that is the only folder you want elsewhere, it may still put them
in the same place as your music files anyway.  I don't know of a way to
tell it to put certain files in one area and others in another with

Now if you really didn't want your audiobooks mixed in with the music
and didn't mind a little extra step to keep them segregated, you could
create a new iTunes library just for the audiobooks and have only
audiobooks in that one and music in the other one.  I've got 3
different iTunes libraries that I use, 1 for my LMS music that is
mostly Apple Lossless and whatever other lossy files that I don't have
in lossless, 1 with my iPod AAC library and the 3rd is for special
ripping or editing projects.  It's easy to create or switch, just hold
the Shift key while you click the iTunes icon to start iTunes, and that
brings up the Create or Switch library dialog.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Removing track from saved playlists

2011-12-22 Thread rayman1701

neeraj0272;678661 Wrote: 
 I was afraid of that. you know it is cumbersome to save the play-list
 using Touch IR remote , you have to enter the exact same title of the
 play-list to overwrite the existing play-list and even a minor mistake
 will result in an existing play-list + a new play-list. And there is
 always a chance of screwing something up.
 Anyway thanks a lot.
 Anything about my 2nd question?

Well you could save with slightly different name, then just delete the
other playlist.  Heck, I actually like using the Touch's IR remote for
typing instead of the Touch screen keyboard.  Not sure if it's my
fingers, how I have it positioned that makes it more awkward, but the
IR is the only thing I use 99% of the time for the Touch control.

neeraj0272;678681 Wrote: 
 It does not power up as if no electric supply is coming into it.

I've actually seen this happen every once in a while as well after a
power outage.  I don't know of anything that would be any better at
fixing it than unplugging and replugging it in, when that happens.  But
it certainly doesn't happen every time, and hopefully you are not having
power outages so frequent to be an issue.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Removing track from saved playlists

2011-12-22 Thread rayman1701

Maybe the one thing that might help to avoid damage, is when the power
goes out, to go ahead and unplug the Touch from the outlet.  Then plug
it back in once the power is restored.  Might help avoid any power
spikes at the moment the power comes back up.  But yeah, I could see
where that many outages would get old quick.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] safely adding to a playlist

2011-12-12 Thread rayman1701

toby10;676293 Wrote: 
 Can probably use the + button on remote too.

That's what I do.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] safely adding to a playlist

2011-12-07 Thread rayman1701

Or the way I do it is using the Touch's remote and using the + key and
then play next.  I've rarely ended up trashing the current list and it
starting over once I got in the habit of using the remote.  And you can
add either songs or albums the same way, just highlight selection press
+ and choose play next, or even add to end if that's the way you want
to go.

I know there is iPeng and the web page, but where my Touch is, it's
just easier for me to use the Touch's remote, plus I don't own a smart
phone or iPod Touch to even use iPeng.  And maybe it's just how it's
placed or that I haven't used it that much, but using the Touch's
screen usually is where I make mistakes.  Too easy to select something
instead of holding it long enough for the menu to come up. So the
remote is perfect for me.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] New behaviour with not square cover arts ?

2011-11-23 Thread rayman1701

Yeah, but I've gone to the work to create some cool custom wallpapers,
Iron Maiden, Van Halen ect. and I don't want a black background.  And
the main thing is, it didn't do it before this update, so something
changed in how it maps album art and one would think it shouldn't be an
issue to go back to what it was.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] New behaviour with not square cover arts ?

2011-11-07 Thread rayman1701

Yeah I finally went from 7.5 to 7.7 and noticed the black around covers
on the Touch.  And I too would rather have the wallpaper showing, it
just looks more elegant.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Difference between 32gb USB stick and 32gb SD card?

2011-11-01 Thread rayman1701

I'm not sure the reason, but I had a similar issue the one time I tried
to use an SD card although it was a 4 gig card, not 32.  I wasn't sure
at the time if it was my card or the Touch, but since I was just trying
it to quickly listen to something to compare I didn't have the time or
inclination to try multiple re-formats ect.  So I don't know what the
problem is, but can confirm that I've had the same issue.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] What's Random?

2011-10-18 Thread rayman1701

Depending on what you mean with random.  Do you just hit play and then
the random or shuffle button, or do you select the random play thru the
menu with song selected?  The reason it might be different, if you just
hit play it will try to add all songs to the playlist on SBS and
depending on what you have the playlist limit size that's how many
songs will actually be shuffled.  And I could see that causing stuff to
repeat more often.  I usually have all but Christmas and Spoken Comedy
genres selected, and I listen to random constantly and don't have songs
come up 2 nights in a row, at least not that I can remember.  I've had
my Touch for a little over a year and a half and have 54,500 songs,
running full SBS on a laptop.  Also if you're using TinySC on the
Touch, that has an even lower playlist size limit and I could see that
not doing as well at random.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Tagging questions (maybe?)

2011-09-08 Thread rayman1701

Yeah, just selecting random while during the current playlist will
just shuffle what you've currently got in the playlist, like the
previously played stuff.  On the Touch, go to My Music- then scroll
down to Random Mix- then you can select Song Mix, Album Mix, ect. and
you can go down to Choose Genre, to choose which Genres are played in a
full random mix, All is default.  And it will show up to 21 songs in the
playlist, the 10 previous and the 10 next tracks upcoming, at least on
the Touch's display I don't know about the web interface since I never
use it.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Can't get USB-device to work

2011-07-29 Thread rayman1701

The Touch can be fickle about USB powered drives, externals with their
own power seem to do better.  Also you will need to wait until the
Touch has finished running it's scan, and that could take a couple of
hours depending on how many files you have on the drive.  Also won't
play the older iTunes files with DRM, just in case you have any of


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Running 2 SB Servers with a SB Touch

2011-07-19 Thread rayman1701

Everything Phil said plus if you are doing because you don't wanna keep
the laptop on all the time, then WOL works wonderfully for that.  I had
no idea what exactly Wake On Lan was when I set mine up a while back,
but I found it fairly easy to get going and it works perfectly on my
Win 7 laptop that I got especially to use as a server.  It actually
took me all of about 4 hours before I ditched the Touch's USB for a
full server, and I haven't looked back since.  Now I have used it
occasionally when I've gotten something temporary on a stick, but not
for any serious amount of time.  Just too bugy, and I've got some
favorite plugins that it would suck to do without.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Running 2 SB Servers with a SB Touch

2011-07-19 Thread rayman1701

Yeah, I just looked around in Windows 7 until I figured it out.  I went
into the power management advanced settings to enable WOL.  Of course I
have mine set up wired, so it may be slightly different for wireless.  I
also didn't have luck with it going into hibernation mode, it worked
better for me with sleep mode.  Not sure how much more power one uses
vs. the other, but that's what I've got working for me.  You just set
it to go to sleep after xx amount of time of inactivity and that's it. 
The Touch will wake it up if you push the home button on the remote or
try to play something, it takes a couple of minutes to get going, and I
had to tweak the time out a couple of times to be more useful for me.

I'm sure there are others that may have a better understanding of the
whole process that can help, but for me not really knowing much about
it, it didn't take long to get working.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] A few questions

2011-07-02 Thread rayman1701

How many files are on the USB drive?  Because you have to let the server
finish the scan and that can take several hours with the Touch's
internal server and if you try to play music before it finishes it will
have issues.  Or is it giving you an error of some kind?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] SB Touch Clock Wallpaper

2011-07-01 Thread rayman1701

Look into the Custom Clock plugin, maybe you could do what you want with


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] SB Touch - adds the wrong albums to playlist

2011-06-22 Thread rayman1701

Yeah, that sounds like the Album Shuffle mode.  You need cycle out of
that.  Pressing random a time or 2 should get it back to off, and the
pop up on the Touch's screen will be grayed out.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 'connection refused' by squeeze server

2011-06-02 Thread rayman1701

Just a question, the Touch isn't trying to log onto is


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] nice wallpapers for screensaver?

2011-05-21 Thread rayman1701

I have made a few wallpapers to experiment a bit by resizing and
cropping.  So I have some Iron Maiden, a couple of Van Halen, a Star
Trek and a few other various ones.  It was a fun challenge to get it
cropped and shrunk to fit the Touch's screen size.  The only thing is
on some it would be nice to change the font color for the now playing
screen to better see the text, the white just blends too well on some. 
I'd be willing to share, but I'm ust not sure how.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Tagging Issues

2011-05-19 Thread rayman1701

Did you look at the extended tags, for all tracks?  I bet one song has a
slightly different spelling in an extended tag.

I'm not sure what you mean with choosing genre on the Touch.  If you
My Music  (scroll down to) Genre

That will show just the Genre you choose, provided all your tags are as
you want.  Of course that's just one Genre at a time.  Of course you
could try the Custom Brouse plug-in, which may give you more options if
you are using full SBS.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Duplicate/ghost tracks

2011-05-13 Thread rayman1701

No it will not erase the Music files.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] No Album Art?

2011-04-22 Thread rayman1701

iTunes puts the art that it downloads automatically into it's own
database, so Squeezebox doesn't see it.  The easiest way to add the
files to the tracks is to go down the album list in iTunes and embed
the art.

Go to first Album, then the first track of the first album. Copy the
art in the artwork viewer, then select all songs from that album and
right click, get info, then paste the art into the album art area, then
hit enter, then enter again and it will embed the art into all the files
for that album.

Then repeat those steps for all other albums. Then you should see the
art with Squeezebox.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] TinySC questions

2011-04-03 Thread rayman1701

As far as I know, and I've had my Touch for about a year, Tiny SC is
only for playing music from USB/Memory Card.  If you want to use
Internet Radio you use Unless I've truly missed
something big.

I don't use alarms, so I'm not sure how those would work.

Hope that helps a bit.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Newbie seeking expert advice

2011-03-17 Thread rayman1701

To embed art in iTunes is easy.  First thing is to NOT let iTunes
download automatically.

Otherwise go to the album you want to embed art for and do the

Easiest is to select all songs from album, then right click and Get
Info, yes, and then paste the art into the artwork window and press
enter and yes.

I do that with everything and have never had an issue with art on my

Now if you have only 1 song from an album just get info and go to the
artwork tab and paste the art there and it will be imbedded.

Hope that helps.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Newbie seeking expert advice

2011-03-17 Thread rayman1701

No if iTunes already has downloaded some art it's easy..

Just copy that art into the multi-change like I told you before.  In
iTunes 10 you'll need to Get Info on one of the tracks of the album, go
to Artwork Tab and copy the image, then close.  Then go thru the steps I
told you before.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Apple Lossless 24/96 on Touch?

2011-03-10 Thread rayman1701

drooggie;616835 Wrote: 
 Rayman, can you confirm the firmware you are on?

I'm on 7.5.3-r31792 with SBS running on a Windows 7 64bit Laptop.

It is a strange issue, I've never had a hiccup in the almost year since
I got the Touch and set it up.  And I've had 96/24 ALAC rips from my DVD
Audio discs from the very beginning with no issues.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Apple Lossless 24/96 on Touch?

2011-03-10 Thread rayman1701

drooggie;616978 Wrote: 
 I'm confused on NAS implications.  I thought if I played the track from
 the USB drive, the Touch spawned a local version of the server on the
 Touch itself.  Therefore, the NAS was not involved at all.  Is that not
 At this point, I have to believe the issue is with the trancoding of
 24/96.  The 24/96 ALAC file plays fine through Foobar and other players
 but not Touch.  So, there is nothing wrong with the file.  The 24/96
 FLAC file plays fine on all sources.  A 16/44 ALAC file plays fine on
 all sources.  Is there a setting somewhere I am missing?  Everything is
 on default.
 I can always insert my Benchmark DAC1 in the middle but I'd really like
 to mimize the components where this system is set up.  Frustrating given
 I bought the Touch purely for the hi-res capability.  I already have a
 Radio and SB3 which have been great.
 Thanks for all the comments.

I've never messed with any of the transcoding settings and everything
is on default for me as well. So I don't think you're missing anything.
When you said that the FLACS play on all sources, that includes the
Touch right? If so, maybe you should just use the FLAC files.  I know
how the keep everything consistant desire comes in, I have it too, but
for now at least you could listen to them.  And other than consistancy,
there's no difference between 96/24 FLAC  96/24 ALAC (unless your using
iTunes, but that's a whole nother issue)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Apple Lossless 24/96 on Touch?

2011-03-10 Thread rayman1701

AFAIK it should decode up to 96/24, anything higher would definately
need to be transcoded.  I've played 96/24 ALAC files from a USB drive
attached to the Touch, so unless something new has happened since I did
that, it should work.  I could try it again if you wanted me to check.

Just as a clarification, when you did the FLACWAVALAC, did you use
iTunes to convert the WAV to ALAC?  Not that it should make any
difference, but I had downloaded some Tom Petty files in ALAC (from his
store) and something was really wonky with the tags and caused me all
kinds of headaches with SBS until I converted to WAV and reconverted
with my iTunes. Otherwise, I don't understand what is causing your
issue.  Maybe it is a new bug with that firmware with your NAS, it
doesn't make any sense.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Apple Lossless 24/96 on Touch?

2011-03-10 Thread rayman1701

Unfortunately I don't know of any that sells 96/24 ALAC.  The Tom Petty
Mojo ones I bought were 16/44.1, which for some reason wouldn't play in
SBS even though it worked in iTunes/iPod ect. so that's when I did the
ALACWAVALAC conversion thru iTunes and it cleared up ( I also got the
96/24 FLACS which I converted to ALAC and they play without issue). 
Otherwise, since I don't have Foobar or dbPoweramp, I convert any FLACs
(whatever resolution) I get into WAV's thru Media Monkey then convert to
ALAC in iTunes.  Is it more convoluded a method than could be used, yes,
but it works for me.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Apple Lossless 24/96 on Touch?

2011-03-10 Thread rayman1701

One more question... Are you using the Touch's analog outs?  I'm using
the digital out to my receiver.  I don't know if that would make any
difference, just trying to brainstorm.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Apple Lossless 24/96 on Touch?

2011-03-10 Thread rayman1701

That may be why I haven't had the issue that you are.  I didn't realize
it would make that much of a difference.  I may try this evening to see
what mine does thru the analog outsI may end up having the same
problem, we'll see.  I totally get the fustration you're having though,
it would drive me nuts too :)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Apple Lossless 24/96 on Touch?

2011-03-10 Thread rayman1701

OK, I did some experimenting and found the following:

1) 96/24 ALAC on USB Stick connected directly to the Touch - Digital
Screech and then silence.  

In fact it overloaded my receiver and the protection kicked in and I
paniced and reset my Touch to factory in my attempts to get some/any
music to play. After I finally figured out what happened and it was
working correctly again, most of the listening was thru the headphone
out, so I wouldn't accidently blow my amp.

2) 16/44.1 ALAC on USB Stick connected directly to Touch - Plays

3) 24/48 ALAC on USB Stick (some of my needledrops) direct to Touch -
Digital Static and nothing just like the 96/24 files.

4) ALL of the same files play perfectly thru either the Touch's digital
or analog or headphone jacks when using the full SBS on my Windows 7
laptop server.

So in conclusion, the Touch doesn't like anything above 16/44.1 with
ALAC at least with the firmware that I currently have (7.5.3-r31792 as
noted earlier).  I had tried it when I first got the Touch and had a
couple of issues with it skipping every once in awhile with the 96/24
tracks although at the time I thought it was because of having a 2tb
hard drive attached to the Touch with around 50,000 tracks as just
being too much for the Touch's internal server to handle.  So I
installed on my desktop, then got a laptop to be primarily a server.

So it is not an isolated problem that only you have.  Which may either
be good or bad news, depending on how you look at it :)  But it would
seem like your NAS is not transcoding the ALAC properly which is why
you may be having the issue.

Hope all of my testing helps you in some way.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Apple Lossless 24/96 on Touch?

2011-03-10 Thread rayman1701

No problem, glad I could help.  Heck I learned something myself.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] How do you organise your music files???

2011-03-10 Thread rayman1701

What do you mean?  When I think of organizing music files, I think of
the actual folder structure like, Music-Artist-Album-Songs.  But what I
think you mean is how do you figure out or find what to listen to.  I
either go to New Music or Artists and either add a song or album.  I
also make playlists which is nice to have for some favorites.  Or
sometimes I just do a shuffle of all my music or just a specific genre.
To me it's not much different than figuring out what cd or vinyl to
listen to, except I don't have to stop the music to switch to another

Of course this all works when you have all the tags the way you want
them and using SBS database.  If you don't have good tags or are going
thru the music folder to make selections, I could see that being


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Apple Lossless 24/96 on Touch?

2011-03-09 Thread rayman1701

I have all of my lilbrary in Apple Lossless including my hi-rez 96/24
stuff and it works fine for me.  I've never had any issues like you
describe.  Are you using the full sbs or are you using TinySC on the
Touch itself?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Apple Lossless 24/96 on Touch?

2011-03-09 Thread rayman1701

The way I usually do it, and I know I could do it other ways but this is
what works for me, is I convert the FLAC's to WAV files then use iTunes
to convert to ALAC.  I've had some wierd tag issues from sites that
I've bought tracks from be it 96/24, 16/44.1, or MP3.  Some places just
do weird things to tags that mess with SBS, so that's how I work around
that issue (if it's an MP3 i just use MP3 Tag), but I'm not sure if
this feels like a tagging problem or not.  I don't know if Foobar would
do any different compression level than iTunes would, I know FLACs have
varying compression levels but I'm not sure if that's true for ALAC or
not.  Try the original FLACs with the Touch to see if they are
playable, and if they are I'd just leave it that way and use the
converted ALAC ones in iTunes.  I know it's a pain to have duplicates,
but sometimes you just gotta do it.  One other thing, you could try the
ALAC files on a USB stick to see if the Touch will play them ok, then it
could be a NAS issue, maybe.  It's always tough to pin these things


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Play All Feature Question

2011-03-07 Thread rayman1701

That threw me when I first got my Touch (which was my first Squeeze
product) I was used to the iPod way of treating all songs and when it
only played the one track it took me a while to figure out why.  I had
to kinda play around with it and try different things and finaly
figured it out.  And being my first Squeezebox I wasn't sure if that
behavior was the same across the board or not.  And since I don't have
something that would run iPeng I didn't know if that would behave
differently either.  It would be handy if when you actually choose the
all songs that it does add them all to the playlist, but once I figured
out how to do it, I just got used to doing it that way.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Play All Feature Question

2011-03-06 Thread rayman1701

On my Touch at least it is All Songs which lists all songs, but as you
say only plays the highligted one.  To play all songs by an artist there
are 2 easy ways.  Either with the Touch screen hold when selecting an
artist and the more options screen comes up and you hit play next and
it will add all the songs to the playlist.  Or with the Touch remote
hold the + key and the more options menu will come up and you can do
the same thing.  Of course if you want to continue with the songs you
are currently listening to, the add to end will work too.  Hope this
helps, in fact you can do the hold/+ key thing on an album or artist
depending on what you want to do. Took me a bit to figure that out too.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] SD Card

2011-03-01 Thread rayman1701

Just a thought, but did you leave enough free space so that the database
can store the files it needs to?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Numptie Appeal for Help Please

2011-02-15 Thread rayman1701

DaveKen;611408 Wrote: 
 Yes I am running SQBX Server on my PC, that's where I get the Scan
 stopped prematurely error message.
 I have a direct USB connection between Touch and USB drive, there is
 also another firewire direct connection between PC and the 1TB USB hard
 drive, the Touch is patch cable connected to network ethernet switch and
 also wirelessly to the same network, the co-ax phono and optical inputs
 on the Touch are from the PC (connected because the connections are
 available rather than because they are needed. Hopefully you will be
 able to follow this mesh of connections.
 My antivirus programme is Norton.
 Any pointers, advice or guidance would be much appreciated.

Wow!!  Just because there are all kinds of connections doesn't mean you
have to plug them all in!! :)

First If you're running the Server on the Computer, which you said you
are, then you DON'T want to also connect the Xternal Hard Drive to the
Touch at the same time!  That's probably gonna cause some kind of
conflict!  Just do One or The Other, not both.

Then unless you are listening to the Touch thru the computer speakers
there is absolutely no need to have it hooked up with the optical or
coax.  That just seems to complicate things a bit.  Generally you would
use one or the other to plug into a DAC which is then plugged into the

I know everyone use things a little differently, and whatever works for
you is fine as far as hooking the audio outs, but usually the simplest
works the best.

There are others that are better with the whole anti-virus stopping the
scan error, but you need to make sure that ALL Squeezebox entries has
permissions set to on with the Norton.  Hopefully someone with a little
more programming chops can explain that to you a little better.

But having both the computer hooked up to a firewire jack on the hard
drive and the Touch hooked up to the usb jack on the SAME hard drive is
just asking for troubles!  So that's the first thing I'd do.  Choose
one, with the hard drive hooked to computer alone as the best option.

Hope that I have helped at least a little.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/96 unsupported sample rate on Touch

2011-02-07 Thread rayman1701

First, I don't have any idea on what your DAC may be doing, I'll leave
that to more knowledgeable folks.  But I KNOW via on screen display
thru my receiver that the Touch does play back Hi-Res Files, everything
registers correctly and even plays back some dts CD's that I have ripped
perfectly, and if the Touch were doing the slightest thing it would mess
up the dts stream.  So unless you have transcoding on, you should be
getting out what you put in.  Now hopefully some more tech savy folks
can help you out a bit more on what's going on with the DAC.


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