RE: [UC] black kitty (nr 45th & Larchwood)

2007-05-09 Thread Kyle Cassidy
I saw a darkly striped nearly all black cat around there with a red
collar and wasn't sure if I'd seen a flier saying one like that was

We could really use some sort of central lost / found pet registry
around here.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Linda Lee
Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2007 9:32 AM
To: purple; pfsni
Subject: [UC] black kitty (nr 45th & Larchwood)

Anyone know the all-black adult kitty that lives(?)/hangs around
Larchwood, btw 45th&46th?  I encountered it last night sitting on the
steps at Marigold.  Extremely friendly, looks to be healthy and fed. A
couple folks in the area see it regularly and say it appears to be lost.
If you own or know something about this cat, please contact me.  Thanks.


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RE: [UC] High Society celebration nears

2007-05-09 Thread Kyle Cassidy
Forget those government sponsored white-tie dinners in the bowl, you're
too likely to get bitten by an off-leash dog or get your size 12 Bruno
Mags stuck in a puddle for my tastes. Come see the Green Bird at Curio
with me dude. Show starts at 8:00. It's where all the trustafarians,
whores and drug dealers will be. You can really stump the actors by
shouting out "astroturfing!" when they ask for a word from the peanut

Curio Theater at Calvary Center for Culture and Community
48th and Baltimore
Tickets $10-$20 (eat that FOCP!)



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Stop-n-frisk and innocent people in jail (was RE: [UC] Stop-N-Frisk, Racial Profiling and Law Enforcement)

2007-05-09 Thread Kyle Cassidy
I have similar concerns with any "stop and frisk" policy. I can't see
how it won't turn into a costume hunt. "Hey! Look at that guy's shirt!
It has some weird heavy metal devil sign on it! Frisk him!"

I've been reading an awesome photo book called "the innocents"


By Taryn Simon. It's beautiful portrait photos of about sixty people
who'd been convicted of a crime, put on death row waiting execution,
only to be exhonerated (usually by advances in DNA technology) It has a
preface written by Peter Neufeld and Barry Scheck from the Innocense
Project. Absolutely stunning photography and gut wrenching stories of
people who were sentenced to death based on the flimsiest of evidence.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Glenn
Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2007 11:24 AM
To: S. Sharrieff Ali;

On my way I was stopped by the police and thrown into a
"paddy-wagon" (police van), 
hand-cuffed and detained for an hour in the dark locked van.
When the van door 
finally opened, my hopes of being released soon turned to
disappointment when 
2 other kids my age were locked in with me, hand-cuffed as well.

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Greem bird on Thursday endorsed by Kyle and Glenn (was RE: [UC] High Society celebration nears)

2007-05-09 Thread Kyle Cassidy
No doubt with the Chablis and Brie crowd at the exclusive FOCP party
tomorrow, Curio Theater's production of "the Green Bird" will be
PARTICULARLY SCATALOGICAL with all those matrons (and patrons) of "good
taste" absent from their bell-ringing duties. This show will probably be
COMPLETELY UNCENSORED, the with the lowbrow audience begging for MORE
rude humor about bodily functions! Cries of "more poop jokes!" will rise
up from the audience (who will leave the seats torn up and covered with
"This is West Philly" stickers.) Afterwards we'll retire to Fiume or
Craig's back yard for some banjo music and while away the rest of the
evening recounting the uncouth symphony.

So come on out if you can stomach the sort of completely puerile humor
that would no doubt put TIPPER GORE INTO A _COMA_!

I'll be sitting next to Glenn. 


-Original Message-
From: Glenn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2007 11:39 AM
To: Kyle Cassidy;
Subject: Re: [UC] High Society celebration nears

Way to go Cassidy!  You've become one with us whores and gangsters.

If I could just convince you that the dogs are our friends, you might
continue to have personality improvements.  Because you asked nicely,
this is just for you.

 Down with astroturfing!  Down with the astroturfing FOCP! Down with the
astroturfing UCD!

Your friend,

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RE: [UC] Bob Brady

2007-05-10 Thread Kyle Cassidy
I don't know much about the man's politics, but I've seen him speak twice and 
he made Mayor Street seem downright eloquent in comparison.

[UC] The Seasonal Gentrification Crime Wave Begins Anew....

2007-05-10 Thread Kyle Cassidy
Two weeks ago someone stole my recycling bucket, then last week someone
stole one of my trash cans. The trash can showed up again this morning
-- someone's been mixing concrete in it. My recycling bucket is no doubt
filled with drywall scraps in some yuppie's kitchen renovation.

 Sometimes I yearn for the good old days when people were just shooting
into the air.

 Can I still get a recycling bucket somewhere in the hood?


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[UC] Forces of Gentrification Defeated! Dirty Jokes Aboud at Curio!

2007-05-11 Thread Kyle Cassidy

Last night's production of The Green Bird featured extensive and prolonged 
scatological tirades as the actors threw so called "community standards" to the 
wind making many a-joke that would send UCD lovers fleeing to their namby-pamby 
QOL meetings to try and have free speech re-destroyed. The vulgar entertainment 
of the working (or unemployed, as the case may be) man scored a blow for 
victory last night when one of the actors was forced to write a song on the 
spot with the audience provided word "weenus".

During one of the scene changes some guy about three rows behind me announced 
"I'm gonna start heckling these actors," I thought it was Glenn at first, but 
in turning around, it was just some bearded anti-yuppie in a fishing hat, 
waving a gigantic foam rubber middle finger. He had a fine time though, barking 
at the players and they had a swell evening barking back.

Indeed, a splendid time was had by all.

Hope the hoity-toity black tie affair at the park went nicely and the bowl is 
now filled with crisp, new five dollar bills for the West Philly millionaires 
to roll around in.

kyle "fight the power" cassidy

RE: [UC] Forces of Gentrification Defeated! Dirty Jokes Aboud at Curio!

2007-05-11 Thread Kyle Cassidy

With banter like that there's probably a part for you in the cast of The Green 

-Original Message-

This is a far more appealing position for you, when you go cocked and locked.

[UC] The election will not be televised (was re: obsolete campaign signs)

2007-05-16 Thread Kyle Cassidy
Sweet barking cheese Margie! Are you suggesting that the Philadelphia
Political Machine is _corrupt_???

I had to run a gauntlet between, literally, 30 people shoving stuff in
my hands. It was like throwing a bloody fish into a pool of sharks. Not
a pleasant experience.

Earlier that day I'd gotten a call from Magazine X asking if I could go
to the Nutter party and take photos as their regular photographer was
out sick. Since these things are usually relatively exciting and provide
one with the opportunity to see local politicians staggering drunk,
clinging to women not their wives, vomiting into trash cans and getting
belligerent with Bill Baldini, I called the Nutter campaign (their
number's on their website). A woman answered, and I asked "Hi, I'm
calling to find out where the party's going to be tonight." And she shot
back "Who wants to know?" which baffled me. This is a phone call I've
made at least a dozen times before and I assume that people are calling
all day to find out where to see the candidate that evening. I was
speechless for a second and finally stammered that I was a photographer
covering the event. To which she responded "You are, are you? Well,
we'll see about that." There followed a pause where some machinations
went through her head and she added "It's on the web page. At the
Warwick." I'd looked on the web page and hadn't found it. But her
attitude was so off-putting I called Magazine X back and told them to
find someone else. I stayed home and watched The Snows of Kilimanjaro
with Gregory Peck instead. Politicians: always put your friendliest
people on the phones.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Margie Politzer
Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2007 2:50 PM
To: University City listserv
Subject: Re: [UC] Recycle all those obsolete politicans campaign signs

I volunteered for Nutter at my polling place in the morning. A woman who
was working for Fattah (and Milton Street) said that she didn't know who
she would be working for when she took the job (which she believed was
organized through John Street). She wasn't voting for the candidates she
was working for. Another woman (who was working for Knox) at a different
polling place said (at the end of the day) that she wasn't given the
opportunity to vote herself. She and others were brought to a polling
place far from their own before the polls opened and returned after the
polls closed.

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RE: [UC] Deer in Woodland Cemetery

2007-05-21 Thread Kyle Cassidy
I haven't heard of a single instance of a car hitting a deer from Woodlawn, in 
fact, I haven't heard that the deer can get _out_ (though the gate is open 
during the day, it would involve them walking out onto Baltimore avenue).

Having seen the deer myself rather recently, they all looked rather healthy and 
not wasting away. 

I'm puzzled that our Process Maven's aren't complaining that Penn Sharpshooters 
are planning on firing rifles in the neighborhood with zero community input.

RE: [UC] John Fenton Got Suspended!

2007-05-22 Thread Kyle Cassidy
I'm with Al on this. I think to whatever extent it's possible for this
group, we should withhold judgement or action until we actually know
what happened. Right now it's all just speculation based on a source
none of us know.


-Original Message-
Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2007 10:02 AM
Subject: Re: [UC] John Fenton Got Suspended!

In a message dated 5/22/2007 9:52:28 AM Eastern Daylight Time, MLamond

Where do we go from here?  This seems to be a situation where
there is no easy solution.  It's under investigation, Karen tells us.
When the facts are in, given the very germane points Al raised, how
would any of you handle this situation, if you were in charge and if it
turns out that the newspaper has it right?  

Shouldn't we withhold judgement until the facts are in? Not only those
from UCD's internal investigation -- which would be somewhat suspect
because there's always the possibility of a cover-up with John as the
scapegoat -- but from trying to research other sources as well?
Speculation and the playing of "what if... then" at this point would be
Alan Krigman
KRF Management
211 S 45th St, Phila PA 19104
215-349-6500, fax 215-349-6500
on-line bulletin board:

See what's free at

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RE: [UC] Request for info on a possible crime

2007-05-22 Thread Kyle Cassidy
Looks like the whores and drug dealers are back!

>1) Investigate Object (suspicious object: drugs, weapon, hazardous
>2) Investigate person (suspicious person)

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[UC] Two Plays in the Hood -- UC List Meetup

2007-05-22 Thread Kyle Cassidy
There are (at least) two plays going on now in the hood -- the Green Bird at 
Curio on 48th and Baltimore and Gems of the Ocean, by August Wilson which is 
playing at the Bushfire Theater on 52nd and Baltimore.

Some of us are going this Friday to see the Green Bird -- anybody interested in 
going up to see Gems of the Ocean some time next week? (I can't find show time 
information on their website, so if someone knows, please post. Danke.)


RE: [UC] Deer in Woodland Cemetery

2007-05-22 Thread Kyle Cassidy
"thinning the heard?" where's the community presentation with charts and graphs 
showing that the heard needs "thinning"? more likely it's a bunch of rich 
campaign contributors who are too lazy to get up at the crack of dawn and go 
out to the woods and sit in a tree during a snow storm for five hours hoping to 
see a deer so instead dropped a couple dollars in the right pockets for the 
opportunity to bag some tame animals.

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Brian Siano
Sent: Tue 5/22/2007 9:56 PM
Subject: Re: [UC] Deer in Woodland Cemetery
Brian Siano wrote:

> Okay, I'm at home now, and can make a short report. I phoned around: 
> The West Philly police ((215) 686-3180) confirmed it; they said the 
> Game Warden's authority supersedes theirs in this matter. The PA Game 
> Warden's office (610-926-3136) claimed no knowledge, but they'll get 
> back to me, and they also suggested I call the FDA's Agriculture 
> division which handles this (717-236-9451), and they "could neither 
> confirm nor deny."
> I figure we need two questions answered: 1) why is this being done, 
> and b) are all the deer to be killed, or just a few to thin the herd?
> Got this done by noon. No word from anyone I left messages with. But I 
> did get out there tonight with my video camera, and I'll get that onyo 
> Youtube soon. I counted eight deer there tonight. 

Okay, the video of the deer is on Google Video. Nothing special, just 
eight deer wandering around in front of the main building.

Did anyone find out for certain what's happening? We've _speculated_ 
that it's thinning the herd, but has anyone _determined_ that to be the 

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RE: [UC] Tom Fenton on ABC News

2007-05-24 Thread Kyle Cassidy
The DP article seems to present it as "politician dupes local good-guy into 
helping out disguised political ralley"

the malcom x park web page says that a church group was indeed having an event 
in the park that day and had reserved the gazebo. though i also have problems 
with UCD helping out a church group. perhaps jannie thought "i'll just pump up 
the church event with some free BBQ, and then i'll go over to the church picnic 
and campaign. how clever!"

>From the DP article:

"Blackwell admitted to asking John Fenton, who was supervising the community 
service effort, to bring 
some workers to the rally, but maintained that the event was not intended to 
represent any one political bent."

"no one political bent" just her and tom knox. that's two political bents.

RE: [UC] Tom Fenton on ABC News

2007-05-24 Thread Kyle Cassidy

>Oh..I forgot..where is their statement again?  

 They probably just don't want to draw attention to it. 99% of the people in 
this neighborhood, I'll bet, have zero idea that this is happening. I think any 
PR flackette, whether trying to scrape by on $74,000 a year or not, would 
advise "don't make a lot of noise about this, wait till the investigation's 
over, keep emptying trash cans and sweeping the streets."

RE: [UC] Tom Fenton on ABC News

2007-05-24 Thread Kyle Cassidy
So what would Laserbeam PR do if you'd been hired by UCD to deal with this?

-Original Message-

you've just described exactly what a pr professional 

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RE: [UC] Tom Fenton on ABC News

2007-05-24 Thread Kyle Cassidy
so what's dishonest about issuing a statement to the media saying "we're 
conducting an investigation"?

-Original Message-
Sent: Thu 5/24/2007 11:19 AM
Subject: Re: [UC] Tom Fenton on ABC News
In a message dated 5/24/2007 11:07:36 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] writes:

So what would Laserbeam PR do if you'd been hired by UCD to deal with 

I can't speak for laserbeam PR. But LOG (Left of Grozny) PR would have tried 
honesty and candor. 
Always at your service & ready for a dialog,
Al Krigman -- 36-year local resident, housing provider, curmudgeon, and 
all-around crank,

See what's free at  . 

RE: [UC] 4800 block of Warrington ave

2007-05-24 Thread Kyle Cassidy

Dang, they're grinding that thing into the dust, aren't they?

Sales History:
Sale Date: 5/30/2006
Sale Price: $1
Sale Type: Market Sale

Sale Date: 1/15/1999
Sale Price: $64,500
Sale Type: Market Sale

Sale Date: 12/5/1986
Sale Price: $134,500
Sale Type: Market Sale

RE: [UC] Tom Fenton on ABC News

2007-05-24 Thread Kyle Cassidy
I think Sharrif already answered that very well. UCD's accountable to the 
people who are paying for it to exist. It's a private entity. In order for it 
to be beholden to "the people who live in the area bounded by the UCD" it would 
have to be funded by the public. Until that time, they can do whatever they 
feel like as long as their funders are happy and don't stop sending checks.

This does bring up an interesting point though, if the NID had passed, UCD 
would be beholden to Jannie Blackwell, who is the elected representative of the 
people who live in the area bounded by the UCD.


-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Anthony West
Sent: Thu 5/24/2007 4:13 PM
To: University City List
Subject: Re: [UC] Tom Fenton on ABC News
So let's continue, Ray. Can you please (insert whom), for starters? If you 
want UCD to be more accountable to (whom) than it now is, how might you 
define (whom) and how would (who) pay money to UCD, so that it might be held 
more accountable to them?

This is necessary question if we are to talk about accountability. Name some 
names, for instance.

-- Tony West

RE: [UC] Tom Fenton on ABC News

2007-05-24 Thread Kyle Cassidy
i agree -- if we're talking about the political rally -- i was strictly 
answering ray's question about UCD being able to operate outside the boundaries 
of the district.

and likewise, if it was the _church_ who invited jannie and tom to speak, they 
should also lose their 501c tax exempt status.

>With respect to political activity, that's incorrect. As a 501-(c)-3 
>UCD is tax exempt and therefore is getting support from the taxpayers as a 
>The IRS has strict rules prohibiting partisan politics, the violation of which 
>not only take away the tax exemption but make them liable for back taxes and 
>We're talking about a serious issue here, and big bucks. Thiose rules are 
>there for a 
>reason, and have been in place long enough to have been honed by experience -- 
>judicial decisions.

RE: [UC] Tom Fenton on ABC News

2007-05-25 Thread Kyle Cassidy
I don't think anybody, Tony included, has said that they were anything but 
completely opposed to UCD supporting anybodies  political campaign. I'm 
certainly opposed to them putting up campaign signs for anyone. Not only is it 
wrong for a non-profit to do so, it's illegal; this goes for churches, and it 
goes for UCD. Whether UCD can cross the invisible line set up on their maps to 
perform a service however is a completely different issue. As long as they're 
keeping their funders happy, UCD can certainly go an extra block or so and 
extend services as they see fit. In fact, I can think of at least one other 
instance where UCD provided safety ambassadors to walk people back from an 
event on 52nd street. To stand on the opposite side of the street and shout 
"sorry! we can't help you! there's an invisible line down the middle of this 
road!" would be a foolish consistency. imho anyway.

UCD has, in the past, expressed a desire to extend services West. The proposed 
NID maps showed how they'd planned to add street cleaning and safety ambassador 
service several blocks farther out (I don't recall the exact numbers). So, 
crossing the road to help out in Malcolm X park seem to me like going the extra 
mile in spite of funding difficulties. Now, if they did go the extra mile to 
put up campaign signs for Jannie Blackwell, I'm completely opposed to that, as 
I'm sure Tony and Ray are too. 

> This is another example of an area with specific boundaries that you  have 
> decided don't exist because you don't want them to exist. You've  even 

[UC] The Green Bird at Curio -- List Meetup at Abbraccio, 7:00 - play at 8:00 (ooh, and photos!)

2007-05-25 Thread Kyle Cassidy
If you're sitting on the fence about coming to the show, stop, it can't
be comfortable.
Here are some photos I took of the show last night:
Our own Margie Politzer played a key roll in the performances' success
last night. But I'll leave that to her to tell.

I'll see y'alls at Abbraccio tonight. 

P.s. I also have info on the August Wilson show. More on that later.

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RE: [UC] UC Review Graffiti Contest

2007-05-25 Thread Kyle Cassidy

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RE: [UC] UC Review Graffiti Contest - manipulative PR?

2007-05-25 Thread Kyle Cassidy
Whitey is obviously Whitey "The Chairman of the Board" Ford one of the
greatest pitchers in baseball history. He allowed an average of only
10.94 base runners per nine innngs and posted 45 career shutouts.
Apparantly this title is contested.

I'm also a bit puzzled though as to why the UC review would glorify
taggers with some page 1 exposure There must be better uses for that
space on the front page.


-Original Message-
Sent: Friday, May 25, 2007 1:21 PM
Subject: Re: [UC] UC Review Graffiti Contest - manipulative PR?

In a message dated 5/25/2007 12:37:23 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

Who is whiley, and why did you do this?
Photos of comely Curio actresses dressed in sacks is probably more
appropriate for page one, just below the fold, of the UC Review.
And, why no complaints about the UCD removing for free graffitti, when a
subsidiary of the Partnership CDC did the same work for a fee?
Apparently, even the UC Bourgeoisie doesn't want to give up its
entitlements and stoops to creating the perception of need by
manipulating the local media.
More artists. Fewer vandals.

See what's free at

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RE: [UC] The Green Bird

2007-05-25 Thread Kyle Cassidy
As I was sitting closest to Ross I can perhaps best address this. 

Upon entering the theater, we were given a bell which we were told to ring if 
the jokes became too "risqué" -- this as a signal to the actors that the line 
betwixt salt and sin was being crossed and the audience felt the icy grip of 
impending moral denouement. Within the first few minutes one of the characters, 
dressed as a large, pink, hot dog, uttered a line with the word "buttocks" in 
it. Shocked into a state of intense action, Ross immediately clutched for the 
bell, but in the dark missed by inches and knocked it to the floor where it 
rolled under a chair across the isle from us -- far from reach. Unfortunately, 
in rapid succession the same actor uttered the word "bosoms" and the phrase 
"clean as a whistle", which was used in a manner I'd never imagined before but 
the salaciousness of which could not be disputed. Ross clutched his chest, 
gasping a faint but well rehearsed Mennonite oath to ward off evil, and his 
eyes rolled back into his head. He quickly collapsed into his seat, at which 
time I espied a phial of what I took to be smelling salts in his breast pocket. 
I broke it open and waved it under his nose in a puissant dose. Later we 
discovered that this ampule in fact contained Amyl nitrite, a fierce and 
powerful drug which Dr. Bender had apparently been self-administering already 
in somewhat ill-advised amounts. He quickly revived, but I fear he witnessed 
the rest of the play in a chemical fueled frenzy for which I feel partly (if 
not wholly) responsible. He seemed at times to have been transported back 
through the years to a production of Heidi he had seen in his youth and began 
to weep at the scene where Peter pushes Clara's wheelchair over the cliff. This 
pageant seemed to replay several times in his fevered mind, as Ross would stand 
at intervals, waving a penny loafer in the air and shouting "No Peter! No 
Peter!" -- which only stirred the actors on stage into bouts of further 
lasciviousness, thinking they were being egged on in the manner of the bawdy 
audiences they had come to expect, the theater being so close to such a number 
of Fraternity Houses. By the end of the evening, Ross was sweat drenched and 
raving -- the actors said, to a man, that they had never seen a more animated 
patron and plied him with coupons beseeching him to return to tomorrow nights 
performance to pepper them once again with the non sequitors which are the very 
life-blood of this particular show. 

There were others there from the list who can probably fill in any small 
details I may have missed.


-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Ross Bender
Sent: Fri 5/25/2007 10:33 PM
Subject: [UC] The Green Bird
Well! I finally went to see The Green Bird at Curio Theater (on its penultimate 
DING DING DING night), and frankly, I can't see what all the fuss is about. The 
jokes, if you can call them jokes, went right over my head although I admit it 
was slightly amusing to hear young Chelsea Bulack screaming  "Douchebags!" at 
all the actors and ranting about the pterodactyl in her tummy. Otherwise, I 
guess you have to had put in your time suffering through at least six previous 
shows to catch all the nuances, if you can call them nuances. There was lots of 
stuff about high school prom dancing which was utterly beyond me, since, as an 
Orthodox Mennonite, I never learned to dance, certainly not the sort of dirty 
dancing which was on shameful display right smack in the space where we Mennos 
meet to worship Sunday mornings at 9:00 am. (The Deacons have told me that it's 
a real pain in the ass to have to come in extra early to exorcise and disinfect 
the sanctuary.) Seriously, the only thing vaguely "cultural" about the evening 
was a few bars of "Tristan und Isolde" when the Princess and the King were 
doing a sort of slo-mo love scene, if you can call it a love scene. That and 
the Disney Animatronix slapstick number, which I could totally relate to, and 
which sort of brought things up to the level of a Mack Sennett comedy or maybe 
the Three Stooges. 

At any rate, word on the street is that Cassidy is smitten by one of the 
members of the cast, and may apparently be "doing it" with her. My guess is 
that it's the Queen Mother, or the Mother Queen -- the one with the pendant 

But perhaps next season will be better. Starting in October they're presenting 
(I kid you not):

"Breasts and the Maiden"

"The Buttocks Did It"

"Penis Envy"

and "The Nutcracker". 

Things can only go up DING DING DING from here.

Ross Bender 

RE: [UC] Anyone know a wrought iron gate builder/installer?

2007-05-26 Thread Kyle Cassidy
Sheryl, simply hang a sign at the bottom of your steps that says:

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Sheryl Walters-Harbin
Sent: Sat 5/26/2007 8:03 AM
Subject: [UC] Anyone know a wrought iron gate builder/installer?

I've called over ten businesses from the yellow pages. Only one actually 
answered and I had to leaves messages for the others. So 2 weeks later I still 
wait for replies.
I need a gate (approx. 5 1/2 ft wide) made and installed at the bottom of my 
front steps ASAP!.
I am tired of cleaning up after (and getting citations for) the not-so-locals 
who choose to perch on my steps. I've tried sprinkling all sorts of powdered 
cleansers on the steps to discourage them. Of course after raising so much 
{bleep} they move when they see me coming home, but I still have to walk 
through a cloud of not-so-legal smoke and pick up debris. I tell my kids to 
hold their breath and run into the house.
Because of the daily drug sales/use, I've written to both Jannie Blackwell and 
L&I over a year ago. I've also called the police, but these characters are 
smart, they scatter and then return later.
The gate will certainly stop them from getting so close. So information 

Be a better Heartthrob. Get better relationship answers 

 from someone who knows.
Yahoo! Answers - Check it out. 

RE: [UC] Smashed car window alert!

2007-05-26 Thread Kyle Cassidy

i saw the remnants of a smashed car window on the corner of 46th and spruce. 
the piles of glass looked rather recent.

which brings up something we'd discussed a while back during the 
front-window-smash robbery spree two years ago -- i really wish there was a 
better crime blotter. not just one that said "X was arrested in connection with 
car window smashing" but that says "X, who was arrested for car window smashing 
six months ago, was found guilty and sentenced to three months community 
service at Tom Knox's house" or "X, who was arrested for smashing car windows 
six months ago was found innocent, police have no new leads" -- we had a spate 
of muggings a while back, as far as i know, there were some arrests, but no 

i'm not sure what the solution is, but it's information i think would be 
helpful to us all. it's like we're writing notes on the wind sometimes.

-Original Message-
Sent: Sat 5/26/2007 11:21 AM
Subject: [UC] Smashed car window alert!
On the heels of a smashed car window rampage across the whole area a few weeks 
ago, two were busted out in my fenced-in-and-gated (well-lit, too, but we know 
how much good that does ... it may be a good example of lights helping the 
perps) parking lot last night (45th just south of Walnut). Several cars were 
parked overnight. Only two were touched -- both higher-end vehicles.
I don't know if there's any precautions anyone can take -- other than to be 
sure there's nothing even hinting being worth taking left in view. (Whether 
this applied here, I don't know).
Semper vigilans
Al Krigman

See what's free at  . 

RE: [UC] The Green Bird

2007-05-26 Thread Kyle Cassidy

That would totally account for the strange scene in act II where the Green Bird 
endorses Andy Toy!!

-Original Message-
From: Ross Bender [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sat 5/26/2007 11:37 AM
To: Kyle Cassidy
Subject: Re: [UC] The Green Bird
 on awaking this morning I had a fearful
tussle with my conscience, and I now feel compelled to share the sad sad
news with the community. Yes, Wendell Lewis totally owns the Curious
Theatre. I'm afraid that I shall have to put off purchasing my season
tickets for 2007-2008 until the results of the pending internal
investigation are made public.

RE: [UC] ...and another thing

2007-05-26 Thread Kyle Cassidy

sweet barking cheese! Ross, get out to the park and buy something that'll 
counteract the amyl -- you can't take one right after another like this, it's 
sheer madness! These are high-potency test-drugs, meant for lethargic elephants 
and gray whales and only brought into the west philly market by bankrupt vet 
students, driven to this sadistic crime by high rents and gentrification. If 
you keep this up, you're going to come apart like a rocket car with a loose 
fender on the Bonniville salt flats at mach 2!

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Ross Bender

Oh stuff it, Melani. Who do you think you are, the Princess Barbarina? When we 
want your opinion we'll ask for it.

RE: [UC] The Green Bird

2007-05-26 Thread Kyle Cassidy
i am a big fan of Renzo's deadpan. But I think the show belongs to Truffldino, 
everyone else is largely a foil for his antics. Though definite notables to 
Nanetta/Pompea for her singing voice and improv and, carrying off the only 
serious acting in the play while everyone else cracks wise around her.

-Original Message-
From: Ross Bender [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sat 5/26/2007 3:49 PM
To: Kyle Cassidy
Subject: Re: [UC] The Green Bird
On 5/26/07, Kyle Cassidy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> That would totally account for the strange scene in act II where the Green
> Bird endorses Andy Toy!!
> Act II  You mean the bloody hodgepodge was segmented into "acts"? It
was all one long blur to me. And BTW I didn't have a chance to ask you last
night because you were passed out in the back room at Abbraccio when the
party broke up, but who do YOU think wins Best Actor/Best Actress for last
night's performance. Or for the whole run for that matter -- I know you've
been hanging around the show like a stoned groupie on roofers.

Or does anybody else have an opinion, since Cassidy's probably incapacitated
already by his mint juleps? I mean, I know it's a holiday weekend, but

Ross Bender

RE: [UC] The UCD answer

2007-05-27 Thread Kyle Cassidy

>All we know about this illegal abuse of prisoner labor 

Prisoner labor? I missed this, what prison did he come from? Please give us the 

And I think that you meant to put "alleged" in there somewhere, because I'm 
sure a civil rights activist such as yourself would not advocate that someone 
be guilty until proven innocent.

RE: [UC] The IRS on political involvement by tax-exempt organizations

2007-05-27 Thread Kyle Cassidy

When we're done that, let's assume that the jewelry turns out not to have been 
stolen but accidentally left in the pocket of the owners mink coat. Then we 
apologize to the landlord, and to the employee and go on about our business. 

We still have very little idea what happened that weekend. We have the 
student's allegations as posted in the daily news (which if true I think we all 
agree is indeed illegal), we have Lewis' statement, we have Jannie, who was 
also there, saying that neither John nor UCD had anything to do with a 
political rally and, as you pointed out, all this speculation gets us nowhere. 
I'm willing to wait a reasonable amount of time for UCD to conduct their 
investigation before I'm ready to hang anyone out to dry. But, like everyone 
else, I'm eager for official answers.

-Original Message-

Assume, arguendo (a favorite sport on this list), that some jewelry was 
missing from your apartment after a service call to unclog your drain. The 
landlord conducted an investigation, letting you know how this was being done, 

RE: [UC] The UCD answer

2007-05-27 Thread Kyle Cassidy

>Again with the comprehension problems, Cassidy?

>A prisoner is not just defined as one who resides in a prison.  The people 
>in the "community service" program are forced against their will to provide 
>free labor as a form of punishment.  If they refuse, the punishment gets 
>more severe.  They are under the coerced control of another, in this case, 
>UCD employees.  I used the word correctly.

Can you provide a usage of this that's not invented by you? I checked out and found these:

1.  a person who is confined in prison or kept in custody, esp. as the 
result of legal process.
2.  prisoner of war.
3.  a person or thing that is deprived of liberty or kept in restraint.

Is Penn actually making their students "prisoners" without going through the 
court system? If they're doing this, I think you should be dialing the ACLU, 
not wasting time posting here. 

>Whether or not UCD is guilty of 5 
>years or more of illegal activity, or one illegal "mistake," the issue of 
>UCD credibility is different than the issues of a criminal trial.

Let me also quote your previous email "...nothing about this illegal action and 

"Illegal" which to me suggests that there has, would, or should be a criminal 
trial. What has UCD done exactly here that's been proven illegal in a court of 
law? I'm missing that one. All I heard was an allegation. Now, if you get Lewis 
convicted of an "illegal action" you can offer him community service instead of 
jail time. But until then, I think it's probably just libel. 


[UC] Attic exhaust fans?

2007-05-27 Thread Kyle Cassidy
Does anybody have an attic exhaust fan? I'm wondering if I should put one in. 
Does it make a perceptible difference? And if so, any recommendations on 
someone I could have install one?

RE: [UC] Fabulous Green Bird Tribute Page

2007-05-27 Thread Kyle Cassidy
sweet barking cheese, that's awesome! it's like watching Libarace smash a bunch 
of Andy Warhol's brillio boxes and shove the shards through a 1 x 1 foot hole 
in a wall while Monty Hall hovers over him going "if you finish within 2 more 
minutes, you could WIN A NEW CAR!!"

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Ross Bender
Sent: Sun 5/27/2007 7:46 PM
Subject: [UC] Fabulous Green Bird Tribute Page
OK, it's at:

I stole Cassidy's photos and some of his inane commentary and added a bit of my 

BTW, Krigman Al, you old Bolshevik, you might consider putting some of your 
ill-gotten billions into this budding company. I know you've got it, because we 
ripped off the Romanoff's family jewels together and I know you've got em 
stashed somewhere, so pull it out of the old mattress, comrade, and support a 
worthy cause. 

Felix Edmundovich

Ross Bender 

RE: [UC] Community Court link

2007-05-28 Thread Kyle Cassidy
I think I asked this before, but in case I didn't:
"What has been proven to be 'illegal' about UCD's use of community service 
workers?" If there are laws being broken by this system of labor use, I'm sure 
we'd all like to know about it. Please be specific. Thanks.

" This illegal action,"

[UC] photos of lighting from last night's storm

2007-05-28 Thread Kyle Cassidy

a pretty marvelous display last night, fo shizzle. I managed to get a couple 
photos of lightning bolts over the city north of walnut:

RE: [UC] The UCD answer

2007-05-28 Thread Kyle Cassidy
I think you have found another worthy windmill. 

Across the country small children are being given Time Outs by their parents 
without due process, fraternities are being put on academic probation without 
the intervention of judges, and 8th graders are being assigned detentions 
without a court appointed attorney. I'll turn on channel 6 now, I know they're 
going to interrupt their regular programming when they get your call.

> This is a huge development, Sanderson.
> If you are correct about this, this Penn program may also  violate the 13th 
> Amendment to the US Constitution.

RE: [UC] The UCD answer

2007-05-29 Thread Kyle Cassidy
This is my favorite of Glenn's questions:

>Windhole Lewis, "yo dude, I don't know nothin', I don't see nothing,
and I don't give a damn 'cause I'm the UCD man."

>Please answer my questions about probationers,


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RE: [UC] The UCD answer

2007-05-30 Thread Kyle Cassidy
Apart from, of course, Councilwoman Blackwell's denial, which has been
widely reported but seems inconvenient to your assumptions.

-Original Message-
Glenn said:

"Not a single denial of the student accounts has been made..."

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RE: [UC] The UCD answer

2007-05-30 Thread Kyle Cassidy
Jannie's comment on channel six seems to be a _direct_ denial of their
"testiments" that they were "working for a partisan campaign":

  "This was not a Knox rally. This was a community rally. I asked nobody
to do 
  anything for a Knox rally. I asked them to do it for a community fair
in the 
  park where we had a church rally," said Blackwell.
>I'm going to believe them for now and ask questions with the assumption
that they are not lying Trustafarians.

Or you could believe Councilwoman Blackwell for now and ask questions
with the assumption that she is not lying. OR you could wait until
there's actual _information_ before making your conclusion 

-Original Message-
From: Glenn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Nor is it a claim that the reported accounts by the students of events
were untrue.  I've heard no one challenge any of their testaments. Only
a denial of blame or responsibility is what I saw.

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RE: [UC] The UCD answer

2007-05-30 Thread Kyle Cassidy
Though as Glenn pointed out, there are ways that this could have happened where 
everyone is telling the truth -- for example:

1) A community picnic is scheduled, Jannie asks John Fenton to help.
2) John comes and sets up bbq grills and a moon bounce. Children are pleased. 
3) While this is happening, a church group, scheduled days before, unbeknownst 
to UCD, sets up in the gazebo.
4) Hearing the sounds of choir music, Jannie and Tom Knox are mysteriously 
drawn to the park from the poker game they'd been involved in in the basement 
of the new Dock Street. Knox is down $752 dollars to some flunky from Philly 
Car Share. Knox and Blackwell investigate the gathering with bull horns.
5) Bigfoot, driven from the Woodlawn cemetery by wealthy Penn Rhinoplasticians 
blasting away at deer, enters Malcom X park and stuffs a lot of KNOX FOR MAYOR 
signs all around the edge of the grass in an age old yeti ritual.
6) Glenn, disguised as John Fenton, asks the students in orange jump suits to 
move the Knox signs because they're in the way of the volley ball game.

Everybody is telling the truth.

I would like to point out that nobody has disputed that this is the way it 
happened. None of the prisoners have challenged the fact that it was actually 
Bigfoot who put up the Knox signs. Councilwoman Blackwell has not disputed it, 
and, as you'll notice, neither has Glenn. No published statement _anywhere_, in 
fact, says "Bigfoot did not put up these signs." 

Well, now that's laid to rest. When's that bath house getting installed?


-Original Message-
From: Ross Bender [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

> Blackwell's response was more than a little disingenuous considering that
the website video, broadcast on ABC, showed her promenading Tom Knox around
the park.

RE: [UC] The UCD answer

2007-05-31 Thread Kyle Cassidy
Well, you're right of course that if the church invited Jannie and Tom to speak 
that it may have been illegal and may have violated their 501c status. But 
before you can go filing lawsuits, you need to know specifically that the 
church _invited_  Councilwoman Blackwell and Tom Knox to speak and that it was 
an offical _church function_ -- they may (I'm not a laywer) get a lot of leeway 
saying "it's just some people who happened to be from the church having a 
picnic and some people invited Councilwoman Blackwell and Tom Knox, the church 
had no prior knowledge". And then you'll have to prove that they didn't invite 
other candidates to speak. It may be a long row to hoe. 
You can probably clear a lot of that up with a phone call to the church. Let us 
know how it goes.
>We need to look into ways for the city of Philadelphia to file a formal 
>with the IRS over the alleged violations of the law. 

RE: [UC] IRS Treatment of third-party information relating to tax-exempt organizations

2007-06-02 Thread Kyle Cassidy

-Original Message-

> While UCD supporters keep saying this is a private matter 
> internal to the organization, 

I don't think anybody said that. Certainly not me anyway. But as you pointed 
out, there's still not enough information and I'm not a lawyer, but I'd guess 
that if someone went to court with the evidence that exists now (the newspaper 
article, the TV news story and the malcom x park video) it would be dismissed 
very quickly.

There are endless iterations of the allegations which would all be born out by 
what we know now:

1) UCD illegally and unethically aided in setting up a political rally.
2) UCD helped to set up a church picnic. The church illegally or unethically 
invited a political candidate to speak.
3) UCD helped set up a church picnic, Jannie and Tom, realizing that there 
would be a lot of people at the church picnic came of their own volition. 
4) There were several different groups independently using the park on one 
5) Prisoners were forced to hand out Tom Knox signs and fliers.
6) Prisoners observed Tom Knox signs and fliers already there or being handed 
out by other people.

as someone else pointed out, speculation gets us nowhere.

I'd guess that the investigation won't be over until John Fenton's two week 
leave has expired. If someone wants to file a lawsuit before then, I'd say 
knock yourself out, but it seems like a lot of wasted effort.

But we do have a number of bona fide lawyers on the list who might be looking 
for some extra cash if anybody wants to hire them to get that ball rolling.


RE: [UC] IRS Treatment of third-party information relating to tax-exempt orga...

2007-06-03 Thread Kyle Cassidy

>Anyway, how long do you think it would be right to wait for an answer from UCD 
>before concluding they were >stonewalling? 
at least until john fenton's suspension is over.

RE: [UC] IRS Treatment of third-party information relating to tax-exempt orga...

2007-06-03 Thread Kyle Cassidy

this is probably better suited for one of the lawyers on the list -- I don't 
know what typically happens when a company launches an internal investigation. 
Do they issue press releases? Do they simply decline to comment until the 
investigation is over? Does a spokes-person make periodic updates? I have no 
idea what's typically done or what I should be expecting. I can speak for 
myself and say that when we do hear the results, I'll look at their statement 
and decide whether or not it answers all of my questions and proceed from there.

You could always call UCD and ask if John Fenton is back to work. Or, if you 
think they won't give you a straight answer, you could call the University City 
Review and suggest they do an article on the progress. I think both are 


-Original Message-

> doesn't this presume a release of the methodology and findings of the 
> "investigation."

RE: [UC] IRS Treatment of third-party information relating to tax-exempt orga...

2007-06-03 Thread Kyle Cassidy

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Glenn

> their listserv liaison and research coordinator, Melani, 

I think you mis-read their statement. Lewis said very clearly that their 
liaison was Lori Brenner and that all questions should go to her, NOT Melani.

>I won't have time for the list, but I'd be pleased to receive any suggestions 
>on appropriate action steps in >light of the UCD stonewalling.  I plan to work 
>tomorrow on the complaint to Municipal Court and make the initial 
>appointment with ACLU. Apparantly, ACLU is busy because there are a lot of 
>constitutinal problems.  Imagine that?
If Penn's actually illegally using prisoners in violation of their 13th 
amendment rights I'm sure the ACLU will listen. And I'm sure the Inky would be 
interested in picking it up too.

>By Wed. I hope to have my request to Penn officials for clarification of 
>reports about a separate community court >for Penn students under the 
>jurisdiction of Penn Police.  I got some good advise about that issue.
This is definitely something that could use some clarification. All the sources 
we've seen seem to be, if not conflicting, at least vague. We have no idea what 
this kid was busted for, if this community service was instead of a jail 
sentence, or a fine, or academic action. I'd like to know myself.

RE: [UC] IRS Treatment of third-party information relating to tax-exempt orga...

2007-06-03 Thread Kyle Cassidy

Again, I'm not a lawyer but it strikes me that many organizations, the Catholic 
Church, for example, which is also tax exempt and has had, for years, very 
closed door "internal investigations" and hasn't been stripped of their 501 
status. So, I may be off base and I'll stand correction from someone who knows 
more, I'm guessing that UCD's not violating any law by conducing their 
investigation without regular updates to this list. 

-Original Message-

>This isn't a "company." It is obligated to operate in the open because of 
>its tax exempt status 

RE: [UC] IRS Treatment of third-party information relating to tax-exempt organizations

2007-06-03 Thread Kyle Cassidy

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Glenn

> Why on earth would you be asking for this requirement if you are a 
> lawyer?  

Probably because _as_ a lawyer he knows that the burden of proof is on the 
accuser. That would be you. If you think there is such a law, please cite it. 
You can't walk into a debate and say "obviously, we all know the color yellow 
is illegal" and walk out and expect people to respect your argument.

Where's your citation?

> You don't think that Al or anyone suggested that the current UCD 
> cover-up was the legal issue?  

You yourself suggested that _Penn's_ "illegal" use of "prisoner labor" in 
"violation of the 13th Amendment" was the legal issue, yet you have offered NO 
evidence on this.  

Where's your evidence?

Or are you just banging around releasing gas in random directions because you 
got uncorked somehow? 

RE: [UC] towing cars on 46th street

2007-06-04 Thread Kyle Cassidy
 I was rather puzzled by this as well -- I'm no streets expert, but I
walk along mine a fair amount and noticed no anomolies that looked like
they'd require repaving. 

 I imagine that every single tax dollar I've spent since I moved here
wouldn't cover this. Where's our community input on this one? Where's
our oversight?


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Dan Myers

Disgusted at unneeded work (IMO our block was fine- no pot holes or even
cracks), Dan Myers

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RE: [UC] The UCD answer

2007-06-04 Thread Kyle Cassidy
I understand your position and I think very often UCD does stay out of
the fray. But in the particular case of Dock Street I believe it goes
back to your point of "whom is UCD beholden to" -- and as Sharrieff
pointed out, UCD is beholden to the people who pay it's bills -- at the
moment, that is not "all the people of west philly". They're still a
private entity until/unless the NID passes, in which case they'd be
answerable to our citycouncil person. In the meantime, the people who
are funding UCD have made it clear that getting businesses on Baltimore
avenue is a priorty and they have created a special pool of money to do
just that -- get businesses to open up along Baltimore Avenue. So with a
clear mandate from the people who are funding them, and popular support
among the people in the neighborhood (I recall someone from the zoning
board saying the amount of community support for that particular
business getting their variance was unprecidented in sheer size), they
went ahead and sided with Dock Street over the Hickman Temple day care
(which is my understanding, would have not been a public day care, but
rather one for the church only). If two neighbors were arguing over what
color their semi-detatched should be painted, I expect that UCD would
not get involved or if there were a rich debate about the borders of the
Catchman zone, I'd likewise expect them not to pick a side, but in this
instance, I think they acted properly in accordance with the wishes of
their funders. (Who include, to some small extent, me, since I've sent
them money and I'm happy with their position on Dock Street).


-Original Message-

>in the example I cited, ucd took sides once the zoning question became
>dispute among neighbors; gail fisher, as a ucd staffer, posted on
>to support one side [apparently online communications ARE useful, SOME
of the 
>time :-)] this was all documented here, onlist, months ago.

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RE: [UC] towing cars on 46th street

2007-06-04 Thread Kyle Cassidy
I was trying not to see this as some possible form of mismanagement and
corruption. Because I'm an optomistic guy. But it smells a little like
Haliburton to me. Of course, I know _NOTHING_ about road surfacing, so
this is a total lay person's perspective. The road could have been ready
to explode dangerously. But as a lay person, were I asked "where can we
spend $100,000 in your neighborhood?" This would have come to mind
somewhere south of "new hats for Omar".
 > Kyle may not have been entirely serious, but yes, where is our input
and oversight on this?  

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RE: [UC] The UCD answer

2007-06-05 Thread Kyle Cassidy

>consider this: if a majority of folks in the hood were 
>pro-Nutter, and these same folks also happened to be 
>contributing money to ucd, that would not make it right for 
>ucd to publicly endorse Nutter, to encourage voters to vote 
>for Nutter. the choice for Nutter or not is a public choice, 
>a public process among equal stakeholders.

There's a big difference between the two examples. As we've all discovered 
recently, UCD is prohibited from political advocacy because of their 501c 
status. Were they "for profit" as is, the University City Review, for example, 
they could endorse Mr. Nutter 

>so, how would you revise this:

>   idea #5: ucd should remain scrupulously neutral in public
>questions/disputes/contests, not taking sides or
>even appearing to take sides.

"scrupulously neutral" is very dangerous and leads to complete inaction. Take 
my block for example. We planted 26 trees down the street last summer. Many of 
my neighbors came out and helped, we dug, we planted, we watered, UC Green 
bought the trees and UCD cleaned up the mess afterwards. You would think that 
something like this would be uncontroversial, however, there were neighbors who 
were violently opposed to it under the belief that trees along the block would 
improve the exterior appearance and cause their property values to go up. (And 
I'm told that this probably is the case, but I think we can use the shade.) To 
get my trees, UCD and UC Green had to take the "side" of some neighbors over 

My revision would be:

 UCD should be committed to making the district a
 better place to live for the people who live
 in the district.

When they helped Dock Street get their zoning variance they were doing what I 
wanted and what I would expect a business advocacy group to do. I think that 
intersection will be better for the business being there. UCD's funders have 
designated a certain amount of UCDs budget to getting businesses to locate 
along the Baltimore Avenue corridor.  

In the future there will probably be MANY times that two businesses want the 
same parcel of land, there will be  property owners who don't want trees 
planted along their streets, there will be sidewalk-shovelers who don't want 
UCD to plow sidewalks. To wait for a universal consensus is to never move 
forward, there will always be at least two sides to every decision.

just my two cents.


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RE: [UC] Community Court

2007-06-05 Thread Kyle Cassidy

It could also have been an academic infraction, I don't think it necessarily 
had to come through the office of public safety. I'm curious as well, 
specifically because they don't go into it at all dancing around with the 
"minor infraction" thing. Which could have been cheating on a test, or it could 
have been sneaking beer into a dry dorm, or stealing a bagel from My Favorite 

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Glenn
It appears we do indeed have a separate system operating within Penn's Office 
of Public Safety. ... I wonder if some people go to community court and receive 
a police record while others get unequal privileges through the "internal 

RE: [UC] Community Court

2007-06-05 Thread Kyle Cassidy
Their email addresses pop right up on a google search  

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Bill Sanderson

> Why not check with the quoted students, or someone actually
knowledgeable about the process, before suggesting a constitutional


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RE: [UC] The UCD answer

2007-06-05 Thread Kyle Cassidy
The whole of the community's never going to completely agree on anything as we 
saw with the dog park, and the liquor store move, so I think that ANY group is 
going to have to take a side on something -- if I announced that all soup 
kitchens in west philadelphia should not to serve meals with meat in them 
because I'm a vegetarian, I wouldn't Catholic Outreach to not take a stance or 
pick a side. I'd expect them to weigh the issue and do what benefits their 

Can you think of _any_ community group that exemplifies the neutrality you'd 

-Original Message-

>in a nutshell, the above contradiction is what I think is 
>problematic with ucd, with our relationship with ucd. I 
>think it's what we could all work on, together, to resolve. 
>but first we have to be more aware of it.

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RE: [UC] Headers from the original First Thursday post (trimmed for the non tech savvy)

2007-06-05 Thread Kyle Cassidy
The relevant headers for the non tech savvy -- both came from the same 
computer, named "glenn's desktop" oops. Now we get to have a new dialogue about 
transparency and honest communication:

Email 1:
X-Envelope-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Email 2:
X-Envelope-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: Debunking the hysteria RE: [UC] Question for tech people

2007-06-05 Thread Kyle Cassidy
looks like i owe glenn an apology. thanks for catching that mike. and sorry 

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Mike V.
Sent: Tue 6/5/2007 10:10 PM
To: 'Glenn';
Subject: Debunking the hysteria RE: [UC] Question for tech people
I hate to be the one to have to defend Glenn, but I can't find any evidence 
directly linking him to the anonymous email, or even any evidence that shows 
that someone tried to frame him. Bill just misinterpreted the email header 
info.  Calm down, Glenn.  The fix isn't in.
It certainly is odd that "committeeman7" tried to mislead the people of this 
listserv about what was going to be discussed at Thursday's meeting, though, 
isn't it?  Committeeman7 is someone local -- I think I've managed to track them 
down to within a few blocks, but certainly to Philly -- so I wonder what motive 
they might have to promulgate false information like that -- assuming, of 
course, that Tony West was right and no such information is forthcoming.
- Mike V.

RE: FRAUDULENT POST (Was: [UC] First Thursday Meeting will have an update on the UCD investigation)

2007-06-05 Thread Kyle Cassidy
doesn't take long for the recently vindicated to start pointing fingers without 
evidence does it?

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Glenn
Sent: Tue 6/5/2007 11:24 PM
To: Anthony West; University City List
Subject: Re: FRAUDULENT POST (Was: [UC] First Thursday Meeting will have an 
update on the UCD investigation)
Come to the First Thursday meeting at the Walnut Street Library, 40th and 
Walnut Street for an update on the UCD's investigation into Councilwoman 
Jannie Blackwell's claim that she asked UCD for help at a community fair or 
a political rally for Tom Knox. This should be interesting.

The meeting starts at 8:00am and a light breakfast will be served. Please 
inform your neighbors.

Above is the post from committeman 7.

Do we know anyone on this list who likes to make false claims about others? 
Anyone who does so in an arrogant style similar to the fraudulent post?

Look below please.

- Original Message - 
From: "Anthony West" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "University City List" 
Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2007 10:17 PM
Subject: Re: FRAUDULENT POST (Was: [UC] First Thursday Meeting will have an 
update on the UCD investigation)

> Ray,
> I think your original admission of complicity was plainer, if less 
> discreet. We'll let it stand.
> First Thursday is not a forum at which any agency or association has ever 
> discussed any dirty linen, internal problems or PR troubles. If 
> committeeman7 had ever been to one (and textual evidence suggests he had), 
> he would be well aware of that. It is as inappropriate a venue for such 
> discussions as the ER at HUP would be, for example.
> The only clear intention of the poster was to mislead a large number of 
> unsuspecting UC-list readers to a room, early in the morning, where they 
> would be told the "update" they were expecting to get was not, in fact, to 
> be gotten. A marvelous propaganda tool for those who see "secret meetings" 
> and "stonewalls" everywhere, eh?
> You're right; this is the second, very cleverly worded fake post planted 
> on UC-list in the past few months, both intended to get UCD into trouble. 
> It seems likely they are at least connected. I have heard other rumors 
> about committeeman7, but I prefer to stay away from them as I do from the 
> whole Fentongate thing, because neither are my job to figure out. Let 
> those who pay the bill, order the work.
> I've never seen anything like this before. But surely there can be nothing 
> new under the sun. Does any other reader recall hearing about this sort of 
> net abuse elsewhere?
> -- Tony West
> - Original Message - 
> To: "University City List" 
> Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2007 9:51 PM
> Subject: Re: FRAUDULENT POST (Was: [UC] First Thursday Meeting will have 
> an update on the UCD investigation)
>> Anthony West wrote:
>>> Ah, Ray.
>>> So you know the intentions of committeeman7's post. We must take it, 
>>> then, you are involved at least to some degree in this fraud; how else 
>>> would you know the intentions of the con artist?
>> haha I didn't think I'd have to spell it out because I thought it was 
>> clear to any reader that one of the intentions of the committeeman7's 
>> post was to show us just how well ucd was handling its communication with 
>> the community about the fenton/malcolm x park incident. ie, NOT.
>> which you then made crystal clear with your 'spokespersons ... 
>> categorically deny that any "update on the UCD's investigation" will be 
>> prepared or presented at the upcoming First Thursday meeting.'
>> I'm wondering now if [EMAIL PROTECTED] and [EMAIL PROTECTED] are the same 
>> genius.
>> ps, welcome to the internets.
>> :-)
>> ..
>> [aka laserbeam®]
>> [aka ray]
>> You are receiving this because you are subscribed to the
>> list named "UnivCity." To unsubscribe or for archive information, see
>> .
> You are receiving this because you are subscribed to the
> list named "UnivCity." To unsubscribe or for archive information, see
> .
> -- 
> No virus found in this incoming message.
> Checked by AVG Free Edition. Version: 7.5.472 / Virus Database: 
> 269.8.9/832 - Release Date: 6/4/2007 6:43 PM

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RE: [UC] West Philly menus

2007-06-06 Thread Kyle Cassidy

i'm a fan of -- which allows you to make orders over the 
internet to many of our local restaurants, pay with a credit card all from the 
convenience of your computer. i've actually found it to often times be faster 
than calling.

now, if only fuwah would deliver.

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Andrew Schwalm
Sent: Wed 6/6/2007 9:21 AM
To: University City List
Subject: [UC] West Philly menus is poised to become the gold standard for
online menus, but there are still quite a few places in West Philly that
aren't covered.  At, I'm slowly assembling a scanned
collection of west philly eateries whose menus are not online.  If there's
one you know of that you'd like to see listed, let me know!


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RE: [UC] Wall on Baltimore Ave (was Headers..).

2007-06-06 Thread Kyle Cassidy
I use the carshare in the parking lot right behind the wall. In my
experience, there are always a few people using it as a table to eat
from Styrofoam takeout containers and tossing chicken bones into the
parking lot. They always look happy though. Maybe some trash cans would
help. As to whether the wall posse is a deterrent to crime in and around
the parking lot or a catalyst I'm not exactly sure. 

In practical terms, I think the wall is a hazard for drivers, bikers,
and pedestrians. It's difficult to get out of that parking lot onto
Baltimore with the reduced field of view. 

In other news, I'm really glad to see Vientiane has new outdoor seating
-- I hope Saad re-installs his.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Fred Wolfe
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2007 12:08 PM
To: Margie Politzer
Cc: University City listserv
Subject: Re: [UC] Wall on Baltimore Ave (was Headers..).

Yes. The wall makes a nice casual meeting spot-for a community of loud,
inconsiderate folks who don't care about the community that lives there
and carry on until 3 or 4 inthe morning. Neighbors who live on the 4700
block of Baltimore and the 4700 block of Warrington have been trying to
get the wall taken down for years. 

Benny has wanted the wall down because people dump garbage on the
parking lot side of it, and he then has to clean it up.

The hookers and druggies want it to stay, cause it helps them conduct

Down with the wall!

Fred Wolfe

(btw, the new mural is going to be great) 


It has been brought to my attention that the reason Tim
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) joined the list was to alert the community to
an issue that concerns him and to find out what to do about it.
Apparently, the short wall fronting the parking lot on the 4700 block of
Baltimore Ave is heading for demolition to make way for some shrubs. He
feels that the wall provides a nice casual meeting spot for the
community and that it would be a shame to lose it. Any thoughts?



also, I just checked and found that
subscribed to the list.

Of course, doofus. Otherwise he/she/it couldn't send
mail to the list. What's your point? There are a whole lot of dubious
characters subscribed to the list, like frintstance: 



Who knows if these are real people or just whimsical
handles somebody made up when they were bored? There are 369 addresses
subscribed to this list and I'd be willing to wager that up to a third
of them are dead, another third are dogs pretending to be people, and
maybe one-tenth are actual real-life subscribers. 

That's why it would be nice to see some introductions
from the lurkers.

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RE: So, who is Committeeman7? [was: Re: [UC] Blackwell calls to save Fenton's...

2007-06-07 Thread Kyle Cassidy

I'd say it's relevant because:

1) committeeman7 aparantly had insider knowledge about what was going to
happen at the meeting. What they posted
   was, it seems, exactly what happened at the meeting.
2) when Glenn was falsely accused about being the poster and there 
   was SIGNIFICANT fallout, committeeman7 did not come forward and say 
   "Woah dudes, lay off, I'm not Glenn. I made a factual post."

So the question "why did committeeman7 make the post and then leave
Glenn to fend for himself amongst the jackles?" I think is relevant. And
now we discover that it was probably someone who was at the meeting or
who works for someone who was at the meeting

Maybe it was UCD!


-Original Message-

In a message dated 6/7/2007 11:05:27 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

Who Committeeman7 is, has not. 

What's the relevance? The posting on our little list had nothing to do
with what happened at the meeting.

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RE: [UC] Funding special services

2007-06-08 Thread Kyle Cassidy
I think the only practical way to do it is divide the group's budget up
among all the property owners in the area and have them (us) pay for it.
It eliminates two of the problems that some people had with ucd which

1) uneven funding -- everybody would pay the same thing
2) representation -- the organization would be (as is UCD now) beholden
to it's funders which in this case would be the people in the district.
Everybody would get to vote on what services should be provided (you pay
the tax, you get a vote).

You'd just have to convince people that playing football without Penn's
money is better because they have more control. 

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Anthony West
Sent: Friday, June 08, 2007 2:51 PM
Subject: [UC] Funding special services (Was: which bad thing?)

Hi, Guy. I find all this negativism annoying too, especially when it is
accompanied by a complete lack of practical thinking.
I think your idea is great, and thinking about it with some good
business heads could be very beneficial for University City
Remember, though, about the proposed NID: it was intended to extend
UCD's current services (let's call them "John Fenton" as a kind of
discussion shorthand). The original "John Fenton" was to continue being
funded by UCD's current major backers -- Penn, Drexel, large real estate
If we are talking about a service entity that does roughly what UCD
does, it's going to cost something like what UCD now costs. That cost is
currently derived from millions of dollars from major donors. So let us
be terribly clear:
Do you envision a CID that would seek to retain these millions of
dollars? Or do you seek one that will deliberately avoid them? If the
latter, who else will we hit up around here to replace those lost funds,
and how?
A special services district is a kind of business. It needs a business
plan. We need to begin with a business plan, rather than with all this
community-input chat. Because if you begin with the community-input
chat, what we're likely to wind up with is a whole lot of community
input into nothing.
-- Tony West

- Original Message - 
Sent: Friday, June 08, 2007 11:32 AM
Subject: Re: [UC] which bad thing?

Thanks for getting back.  My name is Guy Laren.
I have been disappointed by all of the negative energy on the
Listserv lately by both groups of people who have one seemingly unifying
goal and passion-- a love of UC.
I thought that my proposal to create this NID (or my proposed
"CID") by funding it the same way that Penn had proposed (the model
already exists in someone's archives).  If I remember exactly the amount
that would be raised was less than $1,5 million per year.  I believe
that we could get commitments for that amount by going to the very
people who would have been taxed by the NID and then get people who are
currently contributing to the UCD and get close to that figure in a very
short time (might have to borrow some of it on peoples' promise to pay).
Then we would have our CID/NID/BID, but it would be run by the
community.  I see this type of entity as a community based one from the
start.  I like to use the anaylogy of colonial times, because it is
where many of our models for this community/village stuff started.  If
there were a threat in a colonial village the leaders would find a way
to get the Villagers to commit to enhanced patrols.  I'm sure they would
do the same for health issues.  In UC's case we have the City providing
for heath and security, but it is inadequate.  Shouldn't the community
run their own supplemental services?
It sounds daunting, but one of the special aspects of our
community is the surplus of intelligent and committed residents.
Guy Laren

See what's free at

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RE: [UC] Funding special services

2007-06-08 Thread Kyle Cassidy
You have to fund it somehow, and if one of the goals is to cut the big
doners out (and thereby their influence), you need to make up for some
of that lost revenue. And we already heard that going door to door with
hat in hand doesn't seem to work. If you tax everybody, then a) you get
the money you need and b) you don't have Penn and Drexel calling the
shots and c) it's beholden to it's funders -- us. I don't see another
way to do it, (apart from roving vigilanti groups that issue smackdowns
on people who don't clean up their own properties, which I could go with
as well).


-Original Message-
From: Turner,Kathleen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, June 08, 2007 3:16 PM
To: Kyle Cassidy; Anthony West;
Subject: RE: [UC] Funding special services

So this would be an organization that has the power to impose taxes?

I believe that's what it's called when all property owners are required
to pay towards something . . .


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kyle Cassidy
Sent: Friday, June 08, 2007 3:13 PM
To: Anthony West;
Subject: RE: [UC] Funding special services

I think the only practical way to do it is divide the group's budget up
among all the property owners in the area and have them (us) pay for it.
It eliminates two of the problems that some people had with ucd which

1) uneven funding -- everybody would pay the same thing
2) representation -- the organization would be (as is UCD now) beholden
to it's funders which in this case would be the people in the district.
Everybody would get to vote on what services should be provided (you pay
the tax, you get a vote).

You'd just have to convince people that playing football without Penn's
money is better because they have more control. 

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RE: [UC] Out of the Ivory Tower and Into the Streets

2007-06-12 Thread Kyle Cassidy
Ross, I think the obvious way to settle this is a Cut-Throat Quizzo
Tournament at Abbraccio. Glenn, vs, Melani, vs, Tony West in a battle of
the minds. After that, there will be a "crank" contest that will allow
the spectators vote on who has the "most crank like" answers to a series
of questions from "Who killed JFK?" to "List the five most salient
down-sides of the building of the Panama Canal" -- at the end the person
with the highest quizzo score and lowest crank score will be voted off
the island. The winner (with the highest intelligence and least
crank-like) will be appointed "real community leader". 

A part of the profits from spectator food and drink sales could be
donated to a local charity; once we all agree on a worthy one.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ross Bender
Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2007 10:52 AM
To: Glenn
Cc: University City List
Subject: Re: [UC] Out of the Ivory Tower and Into the Streets

On 6/12/07, Glenn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Ask Tony and Melani if I captured the basic idea.  Those are the
types of community leaders Penn looks to use because of their
personality issues and limited intelligence.  Penn would not deal with
the real leaders among the people but sought to replace these folks with
the cranks.

Glenn, I was following you most of the way until you had to toss in the
gratuitous insults of Tony and Melani. Dude, there's really no need for
it. We all have our unique personality issues, including me, and
"intelligence" is a relative thing. 

Ross Bender 

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RE: [UC] Out of the Ivory Tower and Into the Streets

2007-06-12 Thread Kyle Cassidy

I will buy Glenn all the top shelf scotch he can drink during both the
Quizzo and Crank portions of the tournament.

Proceeds can be flung into the bowl, little kids will pick them up, but
the gang members will take it away.


-Original Message-
From: Glenn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2007 11:40 AM
To: Kyle Cassidy; University City List
Subject: Re: [UC] Out of the Ivory Tower and Into the Streets

Let's up the stakes a wee bit and I'm in.  I'd also like a bottomless
top shelf scotch glass.  Your treat.

All three participants take a pledge that if they lose they will never
request leadership in a civic association for the remainder of their

Let's give the proceeds to the whores, drug dealers and gang members at
the drug infested Clark Park at the center of the West Philadelphia

Wank, wank, wank...

Your pal,

- Original Message -
From: "Kyle Cassidy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "University City List" 
Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2007 11:18 AM
Subject: RE: [UC] Out of the Ivory Tower and Into the Streets

> Ross, I think the obvious way to settle this is a Cut-Throat Quizzo
> Tournament at Abbraccio. Glenn, vs, Melani, vs, Tony West in a battle
> the minds. After that, there will be a "crank" contest that will allow
> the spectators vote on who has the "most crank like" answers to a
> of questions from "Who killed JFK?" to "List the five most salient
> down-sides of the building of the Panama Canal" -- at the end the
> with the highest quizzo score and lowest crank score will be voted off
> the island. The winner (with the highest intelligence and least
> crank-like) will be appointed "real community leader".
> A part of the profits from spectator food and drink sales could be
> donated to a local charity; once we all agree on a worthy one.
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ross Bender
> Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2007 10:52 AM
> To: Glenn
> Cc: University City List
> Subject: Re: [UC] Out of the Ivory Tower and Into the Streets
> On 6/12/07, Glenn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ask Tony and Melani if I captured the basic idea.  Those are the
> types of community leaders Penn looks to use because of their
> personality issues and limited intelligence.  Penn would not deal with
> the real leaders among the people but sought to replace these folks
> the cranks.
> Glenn, I was following you most of the way until you had to toss in
> gratuitous insults of Tony and Melani. Dude, there's really no need
> it. We all have our unique personality issues, including me, and
> "intelligence" is a relative thing.
> --
> Ross Bender
> You are receiving this because you are subscribed to the
> list named "UnivCity." To unsubscribe or for archive information, see
> <>.
> -- 
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> Checked by AVG Free Edition.
> Version: 7.5.472 / Virus Database: 269.8.14/845 - Release Date:
> 6:39 AM

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RE: [UC] Reality check

2007-06-12 Thread Kyle Cassidy
Not having been to the meeting, I'd like to ask those who were -- in
light of the Councilwoman's testimony, does it appear that no crime was
comitted? That John Fenton and his crew were in fact, not setting up a
political rally, and the students were either exaggerating or confused? 

I see Glenn's account here as a reasonable possiblity.

And I can see UCD having a freakout if an exaggerated or mis-aimed story
hit the newspaper and jeapordized their 501c status.

I, like most other people, find it difficult to believe that John Fenton
does anything other than lay golden eggs wherever he goes, and I can't
see him intentionally doing something illegal.


"Even before the Thursday meeting from the reports, it was obvious that
it was a short stop for her on a long day.  Examining the UCD policies
and procedures is what is indicated after this event; not trying to make
Mr. Fenton a scapegoat and unfairly accusing the Councilwoman of
intentional wrongdoing.  Both of those directions are mean and should be
exposed for what these are." 

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[UC] Romance is not dead in the hood!

2007-06-12 Thread Kyle Cassidy
Walking up to my house I discovered a young man standing in my front
yard, ripping the last of the roses from my rose bush and handing them
down to a young lady on the sidewalk. 

"Would you like a pair of scissors?" I asked.

"No thanks," he said, "We've got them all."

Young love!

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RE: [UC] "Committee meeting" on the 13th at Walnut West

2007-06-13 Thread Kyle Cassidy
Sharrief has also welcomed people to email him with suggestions. 

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Brian Siano
> Sharrieff is trying to organize a meeting of people who'd like to be
on this committee. 
> So it's going to be a small, preliminary planning meeting. 
> This is mainly to _get things started_. It _is_ not going to be a
> public meeting at which public policy is to be debated.

> THEN, you can niggle over whether anybody is unfairly excluded because
> scheduling, child-care, travel issues and the like.

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RE: [UC] A second press release from UCD

2007-06-14 Thread Kyle Cassidy

The reason that you didn't get the press release about the three new baby 
tigers at the Philadelphia Zoo is not because Pete Hoskins and the rest of the 
board are hiding information from you, it's because you're not a member of the 
PRESS. By definition PRESS releases go to the PRESS where they pile up on the 
floor next to the fax machine. UCD's press release made it to the list a lot 
faster than any other press release from any west philly entity I can think of, 
which is hardly secret.

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Glenn

A secret press release is just very very new to me, and I'm not that all 
together, as you've read about on the list.

RE: [UC] Notes from Planning Committee Meeting Re: UCD 6-13-07

2007-06-14 Thread Kyle Cassidy
in the "letter from the editor" it says "the article which was scheduled to run 
was not available at press time" -- which could mean that in light of a new 
press release, the article was being rewritten. or it could mean something 
else. you could call the UC review and ask them.


-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Glenn
Sent: Thu 6/14/2007 5:46 PM
To: UNIVERSITY*CITOYEN; University City List
Subject: Re: [UC] Notes from Planning Committee Meeting Re: UCD 6-13-07
You know what is odd to me.  Melani posted a second press, fairly important, 
release dated June 8.

June 8, 2007
University City District has made numerous documented attempts to contact 
John Fenton asking him to respond to the matter under investigation. Our 
calls and letters have gone unanswered. He still remains on paid 
administrative leave.

If UCD released this press release June 8, why would the University City 
Review refuse to publish it in the editor's note in the June 13 issue?

This seems very odd indeed.  I feel bad that with the tremendous effort made 
by UCD to get out this press release, even the University City Review 
refused to publish the information in the editor's note.

It's such a short sweet press release.  Let's be thankful Melani got it.


- Original Message - 
To: "University City List" 
Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2007 5:06 PM
Subject: Re: [UC] Notes from Planning Committee Meeting Re: UCD 6-13-07

>> Did the media do anything at all, or should we assume that they didn't 
>> find it newsworthy?
> this week's ucity review mentioned the thursday meeting in a small column 
> that begins at the bottom of the front page:
> [manually re-typing this, 'scuse the typos]:
>> From the Editor:
>> Last Thursday, June 7th, the University of Pennsylvania
>> Office of City and Community Relations held the last First
>> Thursday Meeting of the season at the 40th Street branch of
>> the Free Library.
>> The major topic of the meeting scheduled was to be on
>> "Healthy in Philadelphia," but instead took quite a
>> different course. The meeting rapidly turned into a public
>> airing of the dissatisfaction Councilwoman Jannie Blackwell
>> -- who spoke at the meeting -- and much of the community
>> represented at the meeting felt concerning the alledged
>> "mismanagement" of a variety of issues by the University
>> City District and the University of Pennsylvania.
>> Unfortunately, the story that was scheduled to run was not
>> available at press time and will be published in next week's
>> 6/20/07 University City Review.
>> Also, much has been circulated over the internet, and even
>> by word of mouth about the University City Review "hosting"
>> or "moderating" a public forum on these issues.
>> While it is true that we offered our services at the meeting
>> in this regard, as an objective party, it is also true that
>> we will only participate once all responsible parties have
>> come together in agreement about the purpose, structure,
>> ground rules and venue of such a meeting. --RC
> - - - - - - -
> ucity review hasn't mentioned anything else about the fenton incident 
> since their original may 23 article about it
> the summer dp hasn't mentioned anything about the incident since their 
> original may 24 article
> the daily news article that appeared june 1 after its original article may 
> 16 shifted the focus away from ucd and onto blackwell.
> all in all, it's odd, how the official story is on hold, yet we're given, 
> meanwhile, sifted morsels of information in timed bits...
> ..
> [aka laserbeam®]
> [aka ray]
>   "It is very clear on this listserve who
>these people are. Ray has admitted being
>connected to this forger."  -- Tony West
> __
> This email has been scanned by the MessageLabs Email Security System.
> For more information please visit 
> __
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> list named "UnivCity." To unsubscribe or for archive information, see
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> -- 
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> Checked by AVG Free Edition. Version: 7.5.472 / Virus Database: 
> 269.8.15/848 - Release Date: 6/13/2007 12:50 PM

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[UC] Stars of West Philly

2007-06-18 Thread Kyle Cassidy
I was trolling around youtube this weekend and found a video by our very
own Frek Billionare called "West Philly G" -- I'd print the lyrics, but
Bender would have a heart attack. It's the number one hit for "west

There's also a little bio/doccumentary/promo that has scenes of west
philly for Freck called "From the Block to the Yacht":

Meanwhile searching for "university city" comes back with what IMHO, is
actually a more impressive musical offering:

In any event -- there's creativity bubbling up all around us.


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RE: [UC] 49th & Locust event

2007-06-18 Thread Kyle Cassidy
I think we all looked at this before -- murders rates are
_significantly_ lower in UCD area.

So while this one does fall into the borders of UC, on the whole, it's a
lot safer east of 50th. 

I'm just sayin!


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of S. Sharrieff Ali

At 49th and Locust a body was found WEST PHILLY...
..but UNIVERSITY CITY is safer and cleaner according to INKY.
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Turner,Kathleen
Sent: Monday, June 18, 2007 12:18 PM
To: sjminnis; University City
Subject: RE: [UC] 49th & Locust event
Thank you for sending this -- we saw the police activity this morning,
but couldn't find out what was going on.  All the attention seemed to be
focused on the abandoned apartment buildings on the southeast corner of
49th and Locust; we were wondering whether it was related to the group
of squatters in residence there.

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of sjminnis
Sent: Monday, June 18, 2007 11:42 AM
To: University City
Subject: [UC] 49th & Locust event

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RE: [UC] 49th & Locust event

2007-06-18 Thread Kyle Cassidy
I heard a chopper thumping around all morning, I'm betting this guy was
part of a fast-rope team from Blackwater who was about to evict some
non-paying tennants in a morning no-knock raid when he slipped on a
loose bottle of pinot grigio left in the helo from a party the night
before and tumbled from the door of the Apache to his death on the roof,
70 feet below. 

In any event, no one has provided any evidence to the contrary.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ross Bender

On 6/18/07, Mike V. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Oh Kyle, why let facts and realities get in the way of good ol'
fashioned sensationalism?

Look, chowderhead, don't you find it just a *teensy* bit suspicious that
on the EXACT SAME DAY the Inky publishes its glowing UCD "Report Card",
some dude gets tossed off the roof (or beaten to death, whatever the
internal inquiry will show) right WITHIN the boundaries of the new
Cleaner and Safer UCD??? 

Coincidence, synchronicity, or conspiracy, take your choice, but as far
as I'm concerned it was NO ACCIDENT.

Ross Bender 

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[UC] 49th & Locust Update -- Murder took place during all night party

2007-06-18 Thread Kyle Cassidy
>From abc:

WEST PHILADELPHIA - June 18, 2007 - Philadelphia police now say a man
who was found dead on the roof of a multi-story building was murdered,
apparently during an all-night party on top of the building.

Chopper 6 flew above the scene Monday morning along the 200 block of
South 49th Street near Locust.

Police say the victim is in his late 20s. They say he was beaten beyond
recognition and left on the roof of the building.

Homicide detectives are interviewing a number of people who they say
spent the night up on this roof drinking and partying. Then, a fight
broke out around 6 a.m. Police say that's when the victim was murdered.

Action News is following this homicide investigation. 

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[UC] update: three squatters arrested in 49th st murder

2007-06-18 Thread Kyle Cassidy

>From 6 ABC:

Police apprehended the men at 70th and Cobbs Creek Parkway. They're suspects in 
the beating death of a 28-year-old man on the roof of a building near 49th and 
Locust Streets.

The three suspects are described as modern day hobos. Anarchistic vagabonds who 
travel by train, jumping boxcars when it's time to go. But today the three of 
them apparently tried to make a getaway by train  but they didn't get very far.

The suspects jumped the train at 70th and Cobbs Creek, but the cops caught up 
with them and hauled them off in handcuffs. They're wanted for questioning in 
the beating death of another young man last night.

The victim's body was found on the rooftop of an abandoned apartment building 
in West Philadelphia. Police sources say a group of squatters were drinking on 
the rooftop last night when a fight broke out. The victim was stomped to death.

Police say the squatters are a part of an underground network of young people 
who reject the norms of society. They travel by train, form town to town, 
taking over vacant buildings. Neighbors say the group's been in the 
neighborhood for about three years.

Marie Thompson tells Action News, "No sanitation, no running water. There's 
nowhere to take a bath. They've been here. The tenants and us have been 
complaining about them. They'll come once a year, they'll clean out the 
building and then (the squatters will) come right back and move in numbers. 
Each year the numbers are growing."

Police say there are pockets of them throughout West Philadelphia. They raided 
one house of 48th Street and took seven squatters in for questioning.

Police say the squatters are mostly well educated from upper-middle class 
families, who choose to reject society's values and live on the fringe. Tonight 
three of them are in custody being questioned and possibly facing murder 
charges ... now very much a part of the system they despise. 

RE: [UC] Mugging on Farragut St. Last Night

2007-06-19 Thread Kyle Cassidy
About three or four months ago I was coming home from the El, it was probably 
nine at night or so, and right at the intersection of farragut and sansom, in 
front of the vacant lot, a group of about six men who looked to be in their mid 
20's, wearing hooded sweatshirts who had been walking up sansom surrounded me 
and stopped me, the one who was facing me said: "Hello Mr. Police Officer. Did 
you find what you were looking for?" They looked at me for about ten seconds 
and then walked off. It was strange and intimidating.

I'm sure it's unrelated, but that's become a lonely stretch of street.

[UC] update: squatters released, others sought

2007-06-19 Thread Kyle Cassidy

The three anarchists apprehended yesterday in connection with the murder at 
49th and locust have been released after questioning.

KYW reports that police are looking for two "upper middle class educated 
young-adults" "The male goes by "Connor" or "Icon" the female has a mowahk and 
goes by "Echo". They're travelling with a large white dog with brown spots."

RE: [UC] update: squatters released, others sought

2007-06-19 Thread Kyle Cassidy

They may catch them at the liquor store purchasing a bottle of Pernod with a 
Slurpee cup full of change. 

-Original Message-
From: Ross Bender [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

"upper middle class educated young-adults" -- that's about as helpful a
description in this neighborhood as "African-American male, about 5' 8",
wearing a hoodie"

RE: [UC] update: squatters released, others sought

2007-06-19 Thread Kyle Cassidy

Cop: We found all these Beethoven LP's in your duffle bag. That's some pretty 
sophisticated listening.
Suspect: I stole them!
Cop: Stole them? from who?
Suspect: I don't remember.
Cop: You stole these Beehthoven LP's from who?!!!
Suspect: Get bent!
Cop: You stole these Beethoven LP's from who?

[long pause]

Cop: Well well well. Now let's have a talk about this Nieman Marcus card we 
found in your dog's napsack, shall we?

-Original Message-
From: Ross Bender [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

> I'm trying to imagine the interrogation down at the Roundhouse:

Cop 1: Where'd ya go to college, kid?
Suspect: College? What college? I'm a high school dropout.
Cop 1: Look kid, we can do this the easy way or the hard way. I'm gonna ask
you one more time, Where'd ya go to college?"
Suspect:  School of hard knocks, my good gendarme.
Cop 1: Oh, you speaks French, does ya? Where'd ya learn yer French??
Suspect:  I seen it in a movie.
Cop 1: Don't suppose you learned it at Oberlin, maybe? Or Cornell?
Suspect: Never heard of 'em.
Cop 1: Like I said, we can do this the easy way or the hard way.

Cop 2: Never went to college, huh? What's this dirty old diploma we found in
yer ditty bag? Says "Harvard, Ph.D, 1997". Wanna explain that?
Suspect: I was awarded an honorary doctorate.

Ross Bender

RE: [UC] City Kitties needs help!

2007-06-20 Thread Kyle Cassidy
Actually, you may remember about two years ago when there was a cat
stuck at the top of a tree in clark park (which john fenton rescued
eventually) there were SEVERAL frequent posters to this list who either
suggested or offered to shoot it out of the tree. (The difference, of
course, might be that they might not have been joking...) I think the
offenders got away with nary an outraged reply from The List
In any event, this month marks the one year anniversary when City
Kitties helped save a stray I'd found in my back yard who'd suffered
seizures and a brain infection. I'll be having a fundraising party for
CK in July or August, you're all invited. They're a wonderful
organization actually doing something every day to make the world a
better place.



Can you imagine the howling indignation in this online community if
someone thinking he or she was being cute joked about stomping the cat
to death to put him out of his misery?

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RE: [UC] City Kitties needs help!

2007-06-20 Thread Kyle Cassidy
Not so! City Kitties helped!

I was able to catch the blind kitten:

City Kitties got her medicine, she got her vision back, and they trapped
her sister and mother who have since found homes. Roswell is fat and
happy and will be celebrating her first birthday next month:

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Gail Defendorf
Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2007 12:29 PM
Subject: Re: [UC] City Kitties needs help!

I still think about that momma cat with the blind kitten you saw in your
yard a couple of years ago, but they disappeared before anyone could


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[UC] John Fenton's New Job

2007-06-20 Thread Kyle Cassidy
Sweet barking cheese! Does this mean that I can now call my city councilwoman's 
office to complain about the nine foot weeds in the vacant lot next door?!!

I hope he's able to continue the initiative he demonstrated at UCD in his new 


-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of S. Sharrieff Ali
Well...Marty Cabry attended tonight's Community 
Stakeholder Meeting and informed of today...
John Fenton is a member of Councilwoman Blackwell's 
Staff. He is no longer an employee of UCD.


RE: [UC] John Fenton's New Job!

2007-06-21 Thread Kyle Cassidy

Could this be the magic of john fenton creeping into the way the city 

As I speak, there are two guys with weed wackers in the vacant lot cutting down 
the jungle AND THEY'RE FROM THE CITY! they have a truck that says "vacant lot 

Will wonders never cease?!


-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Kyle Cassidy
Sent: Wed 6/20/2007 10:06 PM
To: S. Sharrieff Ali; UNIVERSITY*CITOYEN; University City List
Subject: [UC] John Fenton's New Job
Sweet barking cheese! Does this mean that I can now call my city councilwoman's 
office to complain about the nine foot weeds in the vacant lot next door?!!

I hope he's able to continue the initiative he demonstrated at UCD in his new 


-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of S. Sharrieff Ali

Well...Marty Cabry attended tonight's Community
Stakeholder Meeting and informed of today...
John Fenton is a member of Councilwoman Blackwell's
Staff. He is no longer an employee of UCD.


[UC] John Fenton: Restoring my faith in city government!

2007-06-21 Thread Kyle Cassidy
As you all know, the landlord who owns the lot next door has been
fighting rising property values in the hood with a Native Pennsylvania
Weed Farm for some time now:
It showcases over 95 varieties of local weeds and scrub plants. This
experiment is closely monitored by some neighborhood kids who hide out
in the tall grass and throw rocks at one another, occasionally breaking
my windows.
I complained about it on the list last night and this morning I awoke to
find this note:

And this!
of course efforts to keep housing values in check are still underway at
their rental properties:
But if this is the new face of Jannie Blackwell's office, I'm a happy
Thanks John Fenton.

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RE: [UC] UCD Related

2007-06-25 Thread Kyle Cassidy
Luckily for us, UCD's spending their own money. Unlike whoever it was
who just ripped up all the pavement on my block, who are spending OUR
money with, as far as I can tell, absolutely no neighborhood oversight,
no explanations, no town meetings, at all. The only reason we know the
names of the people in UCD is because they DO come to meetings, even if
they're reading prepared statements. Who's in charge of tearing up the
streets? Did they ask any of the stakeholders if we wanted our streets
torn up? Did anybody fill out a pothole survey? Al keeps pointing out
how poorly UCD's PR person is paid, but does anybody know how much this
re-paving is costing? And who's getting the money?  

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of S. Sharrieff Ali

The UCD is a fiscal nightmare of frivolous spending and waste. They are
on Mars looking down at the rest of us on earth.

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RE: [UC] Cobbs Creek Recreation Path

2007-06-25 Thread Kyle Cassidy
i might be available this weekend.

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Anthony West
Sent: Mon 6/25/2007 6:43 PM
To: UC Llist
Subject: Re: [UC] Cobbs Creek Recreation Path
I'd love to do this with a group of University City cyclists, some 
sultry-yet-simmering-down summer evening. Very available this weekend. Does 
anybody feel like a bike excursion across West and Southwest Philadelphia? I 
know the area pretty well, and I bet others do too. Best days would be 

-- Tony West

- Original Message - 
From: "Andrew Schwalm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Ever wished you could just hop on your bike and ride away from the
> UCD-related squabbles?  Well, you can, both literally and figuratively.
> Welcome to the Cobbs Creek Recreation Path: four miles of smooth pavement
> and creek-side bliss about as far due west from the UCD as you can get 
> while
> remaining in Philadelphia.  I recommend a jaunt down Spruce, a dogleg past
> the Caribbean destination restaurant "Taste O' Home" for takeout and a
> relaxing picnic in the shade at Mount Moriah Cemetery. (
> )  Do it now! More, as usual, 
> including
> a video tour here:
> Comments welcome,
> Andrew

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[UC] Proof that gentrification has run amok in the hood

2007-06-26 Thread Kyle Cassidy
It's come to this -- people are "reserving" parking spaces by tying $800
Herman Miller Aeron chairs to trash cans and leaving them in the street:
Pardon me, but would you have any Grey Poupon?


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RE: [UC] UCD Related - Whoa

2007-06-26 Thread Kyle Cassidy
I'm one of the biggest John Fenton supporters on this list -- but I
really don't see what option UCD had. There were:

1) Serious allegations about UCD and a political campaign that were
printed in the media
2) People _on this list_ so outraged by it that they were threatening to
call for a government investigation -- Al, in fact, asked people to
consider joining in a group complaint to the IRS on the "use of [UCD]'s
resrouces on behalf of a political candidate"

I think that if UCD had done nothing, there would have been several
people here screaming that Lewis was whitewashing illegal activities,
that crimes were being committed and nothing was being done.  

I think UCD's biggest deficiency here has been in not releasing any
updates about the investigation -- even if to say "the investigation is
proceeding" -- I've heard wild rumors on the street, but I've heard very
little from actual sources. Why, for example, has no one interviewed the
two students? This could have been cleared up in a day I think if
someone asked them specific questions about what they did that day, in
light of the councilwoman's explanation that there was a day-long
neighborhood rally which she and tom knox stopped at for fifteen
minutes. Did they put up campaign signs? Or did they cut grass? 

In the face of the allegations on the news I think suspension with pay
during the investigation was the best way for UCD to protect themselves
from accusations of whitewashing. What puzzles me is that the
investigation took so long and that so little information has come out. 

So I'll ask, since you're suggesting Lewis should no longer run UCD
because of his suspension of John, _how should_ have UCD met the
accusations and avoided charges of covering up, ignoring, or
whitewashing a misuse of funds?


-Original Message-

>and in this case a man was suspended, publicly, and a seriouis rift of
mistrust between 
>ucd and blackwell's office, between ucd and the community, was
deepened, publicly, under 
>wendell's leadership. none of this happened as a result of ucd's
director acting in a 
>private or personal capacity.

as ucd's director, wendell has had years to strengthen and improve the
relationship between ucd and blackwell, between ucd and the community.
and he has had over a month to account, publicly, for the suspension of
john fenton.

so long as wendell remains the head of ucd and bears responsibility for
fenton's suspension, the rift with blackwell, the community's mistrust,
the damage to ucd and to penn, ucd's ability to move forward will be
compromised, and it will be impossible for ucd to work credibly with
other organizations (blackwell's office, penn, neighborhood

no one is perfect, but it must be remembered that wendell the private
man can, as ever, continue to work personally with any of these
agencies, just like the rest of us.

[aka laserbeam(r)]
[aka ray]
   "It is very clear on this listserve who
these people are. Ray has admitted being
connected to this forger."  -- Tony West

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RE: [UC] UCD Related

2007-06-26 Thread Kyle Cassidy
I think, as is often the case, Mario's got a good point. I can't
remember who said it first (it might have been sharrieff) that
ultimately UCD is accountable to it's funders. At the moment, that's not
"us". I agree that if "we" want to control the direction of UCD, then
"we" need to be the ones paying for it. Otherwise it's like complaining
to the guy sweeping your street for free that you'd rather he painted
your house. UCD's a democracy of it's funders, it's just a question if
we want to pony up what it takes to be part of the shareholders club.
Had the NID passed, we would have gotten oversight of UCD through our
councilwoman, who would have been able to keep the NID from renewing if
she didn't like the way it was run. As it is, we have no oversight apart
from complaining to one another on this list, which is probably a lot
like barking into the wind.

When you're paying the guy, you get to tell the guy what to do.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mario Giorno
Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2007 12:05 PM
Subject: Re: [UC] UCD Related


 I think Brian is on to something here. The NID is a hard thing to
implement, because it supposed to be funded by a base annual income
taken from the citizens in is geography, ie the surcharge that the city
government would collect from us each year and give to the UCD. If the
UCD needed more money above and beyond the surcharge monies then they
could float a bond  and collect extra donations to make up the
difference of the operating costs. This is in fact what Lewis Wendell
and the UCD steering committee have proposed. Argumentatively, it isn't
just Lewis Wendell that's failng here, it's the very idea of a NID in
general amongst many of the citizens in UC. 

 We want more transparent accountability on the part of the UCD
staff and steering committee. We want UC residents partly in control of
the UCD to make sure that it's doing the people's bidding, not just the
high rollers' (UPenn, Drexel, the Cira Center, Campus Apartments, etc.)
bidding. Ideally this is actually what happens with NIDs and they are in
fact a good thing. But because UPenn and its partners came at the idea
backwards by creating the organization first without legally creating it
as a NID by getting  community approval, they have doomed themselves and
us to this constant bickering about how to use this useful organization
and how to fund it. This should have been clearly defined before the UCD
was created. 

 But here we are. We must take the UCD for what is is. We may never
truly come together under a generalissimo UCD director, but that's
hardly a problem. If UCD stayed as it is now getting funded by local
businesses and citizens by choice rather than by surcharge, it could
still survive on more meager means, it would simply provide less
service. The question we need to ask is, is this a better idea than
sucking it and giving some percentage of our real estate tax to UCD each
year so that it can do every and anything we want it to do? Do we still
want to take the recommendation of Wendell and the UCD steering
committee to only take 12% of the annual RE tax from those with 4 or
more bedroom units on the property? Do we want every landowner to maybe
pay 6% of their annual RE tax instead so that everyone has skin in the
game and can vote to restrain or enbolden specific UCD practices or

 Brian's right. This will only work if we will it to work. Lewis
Wendell will do all that he can to keep UCD afloat and hopefully
efficient and productive, but he and th rest of the UCD can't do it
without our support. Eventually we as a community will have to make a
deliberate attempt to uphold UCD or destroy it. Whatever democratic
dialogue has been exchanged on this list for the past 2 years about what
to do with UCD will become purely academic unless we the citizens of UC
either shit or get off the pot. We need to reconsider the UCD NID plan.
If changes need to be made, then we need to tell UCD what those specific
legal and/or financial changes are and come to a compromise. 

 If Lewis Wendell and his staff are out there and reading this post,
please believe that you will have to give the local community the
control it wants over everyday practices of UCD, if not day-to-day
decisions. A charter that contains language from community member input
will need to be discussed. While there are standard legal guidelines for
NIDs in most every state, there is also the ability for each individual
NID to create special stipulations and agreements that are specific to
the community or neighborhood it serves and represents. I'm sure there
is some compromise solution that can be worked out that will satisfy the
majority of the UC landowning population as well as the current major
UCD benefactors on the steering committee. I suggest that UC residents
on this list post the one major concession or stipulation that you

RE: [UC] UCD Related - Whoa [clarification]

2007-06-26 Thread Kyle Cassidy
It's been pointed out to me off list that Al might not have actually
asked people to "consider joining a group complaint" rather he provided
information "for those interested in ... joining a group complaint" in
reaction to UCD using its resources on behalf of a political campaign,
and my statement may have been amiss -- so I'll just reprint what I was
thinking of and let people decide for themselves what he meant. Perhaps
I should have worded it "Al threatened to file a complaint with the IRS
_individually_ and provided information for others wishing to file their
own or join in a group complaint":

June 2, 2007

UCD continues to be less than forthcoming about the "internal
of its violation of the laws under which it operates as a  tax-exempt 
organization. Namely through the use of its resources on behalf of a
candidate in the recent mayoral primary.
Those of us who question the NID proposal by UCD, which includes UCD's  
management of what amounts to a QUANGO in the event it does happen to be

formed, have been holding back on filing complaints with the IRS
questioning UCD's  
tax-exempt status.
In preparation for what might happen if UCD continues to stonewall,
interested in filing complaints or joining in a group complaint might
want to  
"IRS Treatment of third-party information relating to tax-exempt  
organizations" -- _Click  here: 

Al  Krigman
Left of Ivan Grozny

[whole post here:]

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RE: [UC] UCD Related

2007-06-26 Thread Kyle Cassidy
A good point that Al makes is that there seems to be no knowledge,
scientifically, of what people who live here actually think about ucd.
Are we "all in this together"? I have no idea if 2% of the population is
in favor of UCD or 97%. As far as I can tell, there's never been a
survey, so we're all in the dark about who's in what with whom.
Community meetings only bring out a certain subset of the population, as
do community organizations. I'd be interested in someone going
door-to-door and polling 2,000 residents and finding out how they feel
about not just this, but a variety of community issues. I suspect that
most of them would actually say "UCD who?"


-Original Message-
Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2007 12:50 PM
Subject: Re: [UC] UCD Related

In a message dated 6/26/2007 12:28:21 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

I can't
remember who said it first (it might have been sharrieff) that
ultimately UCD is accountable to it's funders.

You're not getting the sense of the statement.
It was that UCD is accountable to its funders, which explains why
they're at such cross-purposes with the community in general.
And the reason why transparency and participation should be the modus
operandi is that Penn keeps touting its "partnership with the community"
as if we're all in it together. The unpleasant reality is that Penn does
what it pleases -- and co-opts a few local groups so it can make believe
it has a partnership going.
The whole thing is a lie. Has been from the start. Still is. The
anointed are so sure they've got the franchise on wisdom and morality
that they never listen or learn. That's why the NID is dead. That's why
Wendell is a has-been. 
Always at your service & ready for a dialog, Al Krigman

See what's free at

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RE: [UC] UCD Related - Whoa

2007-06-26 Thread Kyle Cassidy
I'm down with that.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mario Giorno
Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2007 2:16 PM

I second that emotion!

On 6/26/07, Mike V. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Putting more feet on the street and reducing neighborhood crime
levels would be my #1.

- Mike V.

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RE: [UC] Re: UCD - Lewis Wendell and His UCD Lashes Out

2007-06-27 Thread Kyle Cassidy
>I'd give him a straight F on the University City Report Card.
But you would have done that before the interview anyway, wouldn't you?

I find it fascinating how some people, not necessarily Al -- but you can
all troll through the back posts and see who -- saw this incident and
said "Holy smokes! UCD did something illegal! They're going to cover it
up, stonewall, and whitewash it! And nothing will be done about it!" and
then the results of the investigation come out, and sweet barking
cheese, UCD says "Something illegal happened, we dealt with it" and the
same voices are saying "holy smokes! It's Lewis' fault!"

Craig, it seems to me, goes so far as to suggest that Lewis never told
anybody not to work on a political campaign "UCD's failure to develop,
implement, and maintain the ongoing training of such policies as well as
to frequently and effectively audit the compliance with such policies."
and that's how this came about. 

There certainly seem to be some behind-the-scenes machinations between
John and Lewis and Councilwoman Blackwell that I'm not privy to, maybe
some of the rest of you are, but I suspect that this whole thing was a
fairly complicated mess based on relationships between the various
parties involved and the seriousness of the allegations. Where still, I
wonder, is the testimony of the two students? The only accusers in this
whole thing. I, for one, would like to know if the reiterated their
stories to this investigation. Though I suppose it's a moot point now.
Things seem to have settled in a way that's not the worst possible
outcome. UCD will continue along, we all still have John, who may
himself now be in a better position to utilize his not insignificant
skills to improve a city government that we almost all think is lagging,
and hopefully whatever relationship dynamics exist between the various
players will work themselves out in a way that continues to improve the

I'm not sure that anything UCD could have done would have satisfied some
on this list, apart from setting fire to their own building and moving
to Mannyunk.


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[UC] Why on Earth does it matter that Lewis didn't mention John's new job?

2007-06-28 Thread Kyle Cassidy
Why are we wasting electrons and people's time talking about something so 
absurd? Does _anybody_ think this is important? 

This list has the potential to be a useful tool. I like to think that it has 
the power to help us prepare for and combat crime as well as find out about 
exciting activities and events going on in our neighborhood, but lately that's 
not been the case. In the past month I don't think I've read more than five 
useful or informative posts to this list, I might as well be reading fortune 

We've had a rash of muggings and vandalism the likes of which we haven't seen 
here for a year, we've had descriptions of some of the muggers, we know that 
windows are being broken along our streets on a regular basis. Can we divert 
some attention to this as opposed to trying to pry between the lines of an 
interview about a situation which has already resolved itself? 

If people want to talk about what Lewis can do or is not doing, let's talk 
about crime, how can we stop people from getting beaten up over a freaking cell 


[UC] RE: [UC] Sa-ád's

2007-07-03 Thread Kyle Cassidy

Saad's been a lynch-pin of that corner for years. I recall when it used to be a 
"Wings to Go". Imho, he's done so much to clean up that corner and build 
community with the neighbors and the neighboring businesses. The constant foot 
traffic from the Mosque to the restaurant is very welcome, as are his summer 
time outdoor seats all of which get people on the streets. He learns your name 
the first time you go in there, and by the third time he says "Hello my friend! 
Will it be the usual for you today?!" The prices are still very un-gentrified, 
though he's recently upscaled his interior. We're lucky to have him there. A 
genuinely friendly, effusive, and kind person as well as a fantastic cook.

That's been my experience this last decade anyway.


[UC] RE: [UC] Sa-ád's

2007-07-04 Thread Kyle Cassidy

There is occasionally a sign on Saad's window that says "closed for prayers, be 
back at:" with the clock hands. I believe only for Friday prayers and never 
more than an hour. That means you can take a few minutes to buy some soap at 
the fragrance lab and shop for goodies at the second mile until they get back.

I believe saad catered vincent and roger's holiday party a few years back,  i 
recall seeing a wash tub filled with stuffed grape leaves and thinking "Sweet 
Barking Cheese! How long does it take to stuff two thousand grape leaves?!"

RE: [UC] Clark Park

2007-07-05 Thread Kyle Cassidy
Yeah Sharrieff, for crying out loud, your comittee can't represent the 
residents of our diverse community unless Glenn is allowed to hand pick the 
members, sheesh! Don't make him make a formal complaint about you.

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Glenn
Sent: Thu 7/5/2007 9:46 AM
To: S. Sharrieff Ali; 'Lewis Mellman';
Subject: Re: [UC] Clark Park
The "committee" process is to plan the public forums. And it. Tony West will chair the next meeting.



I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw that you put Mr West in charge of your 
next committee meeting. 

I made my opinions about a single community forum known to you and I hope you 
conveyed them to the committee. Let me reiterate. In order for residents of our 
diverse community to come together in an empowering way and call for UCD 
accountability, a single well-publicized community forum is a potentially 
important goal. 

RE: [UC] Trash ticket update

2007-07-06 Thread Kyle Cassidy
Y'all will probably remember that I've gotten four of these tickets and since 
the Moyer-UCD-Conspiracy-Theory labels me as a "BID Boy" I highly doubt this is 
part of a UCD plot. But he's right that something is seriously wrong here. I'd 
been complaining about this seemingly random ticketing for ages and it was 
finally Matt Wolfe who, through Frank Rizzo's office got it settled for me. 
(UCD, in the form of John Fenton, offered to appear as a character witness for 
me, but apart from that UCD was unable to solve the ticketing problem.) One 
part of the solution was that I take a digital picture of the front of my house 
every day and more on days when my neighbors put their trash out at random 
times since my getting tickets often seems to be related to next door neighbors 
putting out trash on random days (or letting their weeds grow to five feet 
tall). The last three times that a ticket has shown up, I've been able to flip 
through the photo archive and show what the front of my house looked like on 
that day. I think everybody agrees that this is an outrageous solution and an 
onerous burden on the homeowner -- to daily have to prove their innocence. 
Tickets should be delivered on the day they're written, if not the day after, 
and if I can take a digital photo of my non-violation, why can't the ticketing 
officer take an illustrative photo of the actual offense? It seems to me that 
would be a foolproof solution as the person receiving the ticket would have the 
option to say, at their hearing "That's not my house, I actually live over 
here, this is my neighbor at #412 in the photo" or "Dang, ya got me."

I agree with Glenn about one thing, the ticketing system, as it stands, seems 
to be largely random. I have neighbors who dump trash on the street four days 
before trash-day with seeming impunity, two neighbors who let their lawns grow 
high enough to hide tigers, with seeming impunity, and then we hear on the list 
of random good neighbors who are recycle nazi's and chronic front-walk sweepers 
who suddenly get a ticket saying they had mountains of trash in front of their 
house four months prior. This anecdotal evidence makes me wonder if the ticket 
writers could be doing a lot of their work from the Green Line. I want stricter 
trash-code enforcement, because I don't want garbage blowing up and down the 
street, and I don't want to be tripping over cardboard boxes filled with lemon 
rinds and plaster but I want it to be based on actual violations.


>Friends, together the evidence points overwhelmingly to many of our tickets 
>manufactured in a coordinated effort with the UCD. Our property addresses are 
>by an unaccountable UCD to serve their intimidation purposes. If you saw the 
>front of 
>my house, you would see that I am being targeted by UCD for this harassment 
>and intimidation 
>for reasons other than trash.

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