Re: dictionnaire de données centralisé : interface de saisie

2005-01-27 Thread Sylvain Wallez
Arnaud Blancher wrote:
Sylvain Wallez wrote:
Lucas Arnaud wrote:
Je vais essayer d'être plus clair :
Pour gérer un satellite, on a plusieurs centres de traitement :
- un qui est chargé de piloter le satellite
- un ou plusieurs chargés de programmer les instruments à bord
- un ou plusieurs clients qui reçoivent les résultats - un 
pour planifier tout ça
Tous ces centres s'envoient mutuellement des fichiers (dans mon projet,
c'est du XML). Ces fichiers sont décrits en XML Schema. L'idée, 
c'est donc
d'avoir un serveur regroupant tous les types Schema utilisés dans 
tous les systèmes pour garantir la cohérence. La description des 
fichiers se
fait alors simplement en utilisant l'ordre xs:import du Schema.
Donc mon serveur est vu comme un dictionnaire de types XML Schema.
En plus, on récupèrera les informations dans xs:annotation pour pouvoir
générer des documents d'interface décrivant la structure des fichiers
échangés. Ainsi, ceux qui ne lisent pas le Schema, pourront quand 
même y
comprendre quelque chose.

Voilà ce que je veux faire, le tout avec cocoon...

C'est un bon choix :-)
Plus sérieusement, un XMLSchema étant écrit en XML, il peut 
parfaitement entrer dans une chaîne de transformation pour en 
faire... un peu ce qu'on veut (même si ça serait plus facile avec 
RelaxNG) : écrans de saisie, docs lisibles, etc.

D'un point de vu strictement théorique, je veux bien. on peut faire 
une interface de saisie a partir d'un schemas
maintenant en passant du côté pratique, il y a pas mal de chose qui me 

exemple avec deux champs.
1 type de document
2 sous type.
disons qu'il y a 4 type de documents:
supossons que le sous type est liée au type:
ta1 permet ta1st1, ta2st2,
ta2 permet ta2st1,ta2st2,
ta3 permet tb3st1,tb3st2,
ta4 permet tb4st1,tb4st2
en xslt je dois men sortir (avec un peut de javascript dans 
l'interface client)

mais ,
si je veux introduire une condition classique du style
les possibilités du  type de document sont en fonction du login
ca se complique tres fortement, non ?
vous traitrez toujours cela à partir du schemas ?

Ca dépend. A ce niveau de complexité encore faible, on peut utiliser le 
schéma pour produire un formulaire CocoonForms (définition + template) 
utilisant les union (sous-formulaires variants selon la valeur d'un 

Avec des schemas plus complexes, je me méfie des IHM entièrement 
autogénérées, qui sont souvent peu ergonomiques. Arnaud a mentionné 
l'utilisation des xs:annotation, qui sont un bon support pour mettre des 
indications de mise en forme des IHM pour produire des interfaces moins 

Et sur des schemas encore plus complexes, on fait ses CocoonForms à la 
main (on a fait ça pour un schéma se décomposant en plus de 50 écrans).

avec des xslt ?

Oui, mais pour produire les CocoonForms qui font ensuite tout le boulot.
Pour ce qui est du filtrage par rapport au login, CocoonForms (encore 
lui) permet de donner un état au champ de saisie, le rendant soit non 
saisissable, soit carrément invisible. On a ainsi un unique formulaire 
qui peut facilement s'adapter aux permissions d'un utilisateur donné.

Sylvain Wallez  Anyware Technologies
{ XML, Java, Cocoon, OpenSource }*{ Training, Consulting, Projects }
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Re: plier/déplier dans les cocoon forms

2005-01-27 Thread Raphaël Franchet
j'ai eu à réaliser ce genre de plier/déplier lors d'un projet cocoon 
forms. Je crois qu'il n'y a pas de solution simple.

La solution choisie a consisté a rajouter un élément de formulaire de 
type booléen à chaque noeud désiré. Ce booléen signifie 'ouvert' ou 
'fermé' pour le noeud. (cela permet de conserver l'état des pliages 
lors d'un aller-retour serveur)
Ensuite, il faut donner un aspect particulier à ce boolean (car on ne 
désire pas afficher une case à cocher) en créant un nouveau styling: 
celui-ci affichera un plus ou un moins selon le cas.
Enfin, la zone qui doit se fermer et s'ouvrir doit posséder elle-aussi 
un styling particulier qui va consister à lire la valeur du booléen qui 
lui est rattachée et à s'afficher ou se cacher (au moyen d'une balise 
style='display: none' par exemple)

Telle qu'elle est décrite ici, cette technique propose de faire un 
aller-retour serveur à chaque fois que l'on désire plier/déplier. Il est 
possible en écrivant un peu de javascript de la rendre utilisable sans 

Il va de soit, qu'il ne faut pas réaliser de mapping de ce champ 
booléen, puisque généralement on ne désire pas sauvegarder la 
configuration de pliage des noeuds.

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Anyware Technologies
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Cathérine GOURGUET a écrit :
j'ai une arborescence à faire (genre thème/sous-thème) avec les cocoon forms, 
et je me demandais s'il existait un genre de plier/déplier pour les afficher, 
étant donné qu'il y a beaucoup de thèmes, et que certains thèmes ont beaucoup 
de sous-thèmes.
J'avais pensé à un repeater dans un repeater. C'est possible ? Il y a mieux ?
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Re: cocoon forms et base de données

2005-01-27 Thread Bertrand Delacretaz
Le 27 janv. 05, à 15:47, Cathérine GOURGUET a écrit :
Une autre question (décidément aujourd'hui, ça n'arrête pas !) :
comment fait-on pour remplir un repeater à partir des données de la 
base : on met le code dans le binding ? et quel code ?
quelqu'un aurait un exemple ?
Il y a un petit exemple de binding sur un repeater dans le supersonic 
tour de Cocoon (dans blocks with samples), qui démontre le binding 
depuis un objet java qui contient une liste d'autres objets. Si tes 
données sont disponibles sous cette forme le lien avc CForms est assez 

j'hope que cela helps (et ce n'est sûrement pas la dernière fois que 
vous m'entendrez mentionner le supersonic tour ;-)

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: plier/déplier dans les cocoon forms

2005-01-27 Thread Sylvain Wallez
Raphaël Franchet wrote:
Les deux idées ne sont pas incompatibles.
Pour mettre un état Invisible, je pense qu'il faudra insérer un 
élément de formulaire supplémentaire, car le repeater ne possède pas 
l'information 'visible/invisible'.

Si :-)
A partir de la verion 2.1.6, tous les widgets CForms on un state, 
prenant les valeurs active/disabled/invisible.

Cet état est applicable à tous les widgets, y compris un repeater. Un 
widget invisible ne produit pas de valeur et ne lit pas la requête en 
retour. Toutefois, le repeater est un cas particulie puisque c'est le 
template de page qui construit la structure du repeater (genre une 
table autour).

Si le template de présentation du formulaire utilise JXTG, on peut 
utiliser qq chose du style

 ft:repeater ...

On peut aussi faire plus simple en ajoutant un fd:struct sur les blocs 
qu'on veut plier/déplier. C'est alors l'état du struct qu'on va 
changer, et le test précédent est simplement remplacé par :

ft:struct id=monblock
Et puis, comme le propose Raphaël, il faudra ajouter un bouton 
plier/déplier dont l'action sera de permuter l'état du struct entre 

Sylvain Wallez  Anyware Technologies
{ XML, Java, Cocoon, OpenSource }*{ Training, Consulting, Projects }
Liste francophone Apache Cocoon --
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Re: [flow] Hibernate createCriteria syntax help?

2005-01-27 Thread Ugo Cei
Il giorno 26/gen/05, alle 22:44, JD Daniels ha scritto:
so I guess my next question would be : would you just forget having a 
hibernate factory as a cocoon component? ie, just have yet another 
class like package.hibernateFactoryImpl? see I'm thinking it is too 
much overhead to be registering classes at every request.
You mean you are creating a SessionFactory for _every_ request? This is 
WAY too much overhead. The SessionFactory should be a singleton, no 
discussion about that!

I'm just very confused :)
You should really be using the Open Session in View pattern:
Ugo Cei -

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Re: [Poll] Portal deployment / Cocoon portal usage

2005-01-27 Thread David Duhme
 1. Are you currently using the Cocoon Portal Framework? 

A) Yes we are using it. 

 The following questions only if you are using 
 the Cocoon Portal framework 
 3. Why did you choose the Cocoon portal framework?

B) A strategic decision was made to use Open Source 
C) Becaus of the features of the framework 

 4. What do you think is currently missing from 
 the Portal framework?
A) Tools (which?) or tool support
- Lotus Domino Support

D) Better Documentation 

 5. How do you get support for the framework 
A) Through the mailing lists 
B) Reading the documentation and other publications 
D) We get external help 

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[Portal] change content of a CachingURICoplet

2005-01-27 Thread David Duhme
Hello Cocooners,

after several months of practicing cocoon it still takes me hours
and days to get some tricky things working. Hope I'm not the
only one making this experience ;)

Let me explain what I'm trying to do and perhaps someone can help
me with that.

I've written a custom generator which makes a Lotus Domino connection
and fetches xml out of a domino database. This generator is part of
a pipeline which serves the content for a CachingURICoplet in the cocoon
portal. The generator works similar to the Portal ProxyTransformer, that
means it is making a http-connection to the domino server and using the
domino specific url syntax.


(returns xml stream)

The initial parameters are passed to the generator through the coplet-data
like this

coplet-data id=ID name=standard
value xsi:type=java:java.lang.Boolean 
value xsi:type=java:java.lang.Boolean 
value xsi:type=java.lang.String 

For the coplet content the following pipeline is triggered:

map:match pattern=domino/view
map:generate type=domino /
map:transform src=styles/view2html.xsl
map:parameter name=use-request-parameters 
map:serialize type=html /

Now my problem:
The domino server delivers only ten entries of the view because I told it 
so ('Count=10').
If there are more than ten entries in the view I need to generate links in 
the coplet which
reload the content of the coplet with different URL parameters. This means 
the pipeline
has to be executed again and the portal page has to be updated. So what 
I'm trying
to implement is some kind of google-like paging mechanism which stays in 
the context of
a portal coplet.

I know that I have to generate portal-events and specify the copletId and 
to do that, but I'm not sure which events I have to call and how to 
achieve that.

Another possibility is that I'm completly wrong and I could use the 
to realize this. But the ProxyTransformer seams to expect html or xhtml to 
work correctly
and the LinkTransformer needs the content of a ProxyTransfomer Instance to 
translate links.

So if there's any experienced cocoon portal user out there who can help me 
domino urls into portal-events, I would really appreciate it.

Thanks in advance,

David Duhme.

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bit of brotherly help...

2005-01-27 Thread beyaRecords
I was just wondering if there are any cocoon heads out there who have 
access to an I.E browser on an windows platform that can tell me 
whether my site is visible when accessed from the browser?
If you view source in the browser, you will see that I have placed an 
external tag (test) around the html tag, and this tag picks up some xml 

test xmlns:cinclude=;
If I don't place the tag around the html tag I get:
html xmlns:cinclude=;
When this happens none of the javascript will work in any browser on 
MAC OS X, but if I leave the tag in then nothing appears in an IE 

All xsl pages are being transformed as xsltc and the serialize type is 

What to do?

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RE: bit of brotherly help...

2005-01-27 Thread Conal Tuohy

 I was just wondering if there are any cocoon heads out there who have
 access to an I.E browser on an windows platform that can tell me
 whether my site is visible when accessed from the browser?

It does appear. So that means it the cinclude namespace is causing a

 All xsl pages are being transformed as xsltc and the
 serialize type is

I don't know if you can configure the cinclude transformer to remove the
namespace (possibly?), but you could run a stylesheet at the end of your
pipeline (just before serialization) to strip the cinclude namespace. HTH.


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Include pipeline content in another servlet

2005-01-27 Thread Olivier Billard
Hi cocooners,
For some design constrainst, I would like from another servlet, to tell Cocoon 
to output files.
A wrapper has been made around the CocoonServlet to redirect servlet 
outputstream to a file. That's the existing part.
Then in a servlet I would like to tell Cocoon to output a file here is a 
snippet :
request.getRequestDispatcher(cocoonPipeline).include(request, response);
The problem is that Cocoon bases request processing over the request.getServletPath() to get the URI, and this don't change from 
the request that originally called the calling servlet...

So is there a better and working method to call file outputting to the Cocoon 
servlet from another servlet ?
Olivier Billard
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Re: bit of brotherly help...

2005-01-27 Thread Jan Hoskens
beyaRecords wrote:
I was just wondering if there are any cocoon heads out there who have 
access to an I.E browser on an windows platform that can tell me whether 
my site is visible when accessed from the browser?
Yes, I can see your site properly on my winxp with IE6 as well as on 
If you view source in the browser, you will see that I have placed an 
external tag (test) around the html tag, and this tag picks up some xml 

test xmlns:cinclude=;
If I don't place the tag around the html tag I get:
html xmlns:cinclude=;
When this happens none of the javascript will work in any browser on MAC 
OS X, but if I leave the tag in then nothing appears in an IE browser.

All xsl pages are being transformed as xsltc and the serialize type is 

What to do?
Well if you experience problems with namespaces popping up in your xhtml you can always remove all 
of them by extending the XMLSerializer:

public class XMLSerializer extends org.apache.cocoon.serialization.XMLSerializer
public void endPrefixMapping(String prefix) throws SAXException
// do nothing
public void startPrefixMapping(String prefix, String uri)
throws SAXException
// do nothing
This way no xmlns:cinclude=; will bother 
your html page.
(I did the same to avoid pages with unreadable xml, containing dozens of xmlns 
on various elements)
Kind Regards,

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Re: [Portal] change content of a CachingURICoplet

2005-01-27 Thread Jean-Christophe Kermagoret
Hi David,
As you have realized, the portal doesn't use request parameters, but 
events and actions. When you request a portal page, this page calls each 
portlet that described it. Each portlet has its own set of parameters 
you can use in your pipeline.

For example, you may have a portlet, with the following parameters 
described in your portal or copletinstancedata/portal-role-zzz.xml files :
* database (your notes database)
* query (your query)
* sortQuery (the sort query to use)
* browseQuery (the page number you want)
* count (the number of results you want)

Let's say you generate your pipeline call with all of these parameters 
(through {coplet:attributes/query}, ... in your generator)
So, to solve your problem in this situation, you just have to update the 
browseQuery attribute. Then the portlet will be called again and the 
result will be there.

To do that, just put the following where you want to generate the link 
to next/previous page :
   cl:link coplet=your-porlet-instance path=attributes/browseQuery 
  Page 2

   cl:link coplet=your-porlet-instance path=attributes/browseQuery 
  Page 3

And, so on
You may put several cl:link, this way you can change several parameter 
values in one link.

David Duhme a écrit :
Hello Cocooners,
after several months of practicing cocoon it still takes me hours
and days to get some tricky things working. Hope I'm not the
only one making this experience ;)
Let me explain what I'm trying to do and perhaps someone can help
me with that.
I've written a custom generator which makes a Lotus Domino connection
and fetches xml out of a domino database. This generator is part of
a pipeline which serves the content for a CachingURICoplet in the cocoon
portal. The generator works similar to the Portal ProxyTransformer, that
means it is making a http-connection to the domino server and using the
domino specific url syntax.

   (returns xml stream)
The initial parameters are passed to the generator through the coplet-data
like this
   coplet-data id=ID name=standard
   value xsi:type=java:java.lang.Boolean 
   value xsi:type=java:java.lang.Boolean 
   value xsi:type=java.lang.String 

For the coplet content the following pipeline is triggered:
   map:match pattern=domino/view
   map:generate type=domino /
   map:transform src=styles/view2html.xsl
   map:parameter name=use-request-parameters 
   map:serialize type=html /

Now my problem:
The domino server delivers only ten entries of the view because I told it 
so ('Count=10').
If there are more than ten entries in the view I need to generate links in 
the coplet which
reload the content of the coplet with different URL parameters. This means 
the pipeline
has to be executed again and the portal page has to be updated. So what 
I'm trying
to implement is some kind of google-like paging mechanism which stays in 
the context of
a portal coplet.

I know that I have to generate portal-events and specify the copletId and 
to do that, but I'm not sure which events I have to call and how to 
achieve that.

Another possibility is that I'm completly wrong and I could use the 
to realize this. But the ProxyTransformer seams to expect html or xhtml to 
work correctly
and the LinkTransformer needs the content of a ProxyTransfomer Instance to 
translate links.

So if there's any experienced cocoon portal user out there who can help me 
domino urls into portal-events, I would really appreciate it.

Thanks in advance,
David Duhme.

Re: Include pipeline content in another servlet

2005-01-27 Thread Leszek Gawron
Olivier Billard wrote:
Hi cocooners,
For some design constrainst, I would like from another servlet, to tell 
Cocoon to output files.
A wrapper has been made around the CocoonServlet to redirect servlet 
outputstream to a file. That's the existing part.
Then in a servlet I would like to tell Cocoon to output a file here is a 
snippet :

request.getRequestDispatcher(cocoonPipeline).include(request, response);
The problem is that Cocoon bases request processing over the 
request.getServletPath() to get the URI, and this don't change from the 
request that originally called the calling servlet...

So is there a better and working method to call file outputting to the 
Cocoon servlet from another servlet ?

Olivier Billard
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use of CocoonBean maybe ?
Leszek Gawron  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Project ManagerMobileBox sp. z o.o.
+48 (61) 855 06 67
mobile: +48 (501) 720 812   fax: +48 (61) 853 29 65
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Re: bit of brotherly help...

2005-01-27 Thread beyaRecords
On 27 Jan 2005, at 10:43, Jan Hoskens wrote:
public class XMLSerializer extends 

public void endPrefixMapping(String prefix) throws SAXException
// do nothing
public void startPrefixMapping(String prefix, String uri)
throws SAXException
// do nothing
Hi Jan,
I like the sound of what you are saying but could you please expand on 
your explanation?

So I create my new XMLSerializer class but how do I call it into my 

many regards
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Re: bit of brotherly help...

2005-01-27 Thread Leszek Gawron
beyaRecords wrote:
On 27 Jan 2005, at 10:43, Jan Hoskens wrote:
public class XMLSerializer extends 

public void endPrefixMapping(String prefix) throws SAXException
// do nothing
public void startPrefixMapping(String prefix, String uri)
throws SAXException
// do nothing

Hi Jan,
I like the sound of what you are saying but could you please expand on 
your explanation?

So I create my new XMLSerializer class but how do I call it into my 
ordinary xml serializer is defined as :
map:serializer logger=sitemap.serializer.xml mime-type=text/xml 
name=xml src=org.apache.cocoon.serialization.XMLSerializer/

so do your own declaration
map:serializer logger=sitemap.serializer.myxml mime-type=text/xml 
name=myxml src=org.apache.cocoon.serialization.MyExtendedXMLSerializer/

and then:
map:serialize type=myxml/
Leszek Gawron  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Project ManagerMobileBox sp. z o.o.
+48 (61) 855 06 67
mobile: +48 (501) 720 812   fax: +48 (61) 853 29 65
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Re: bit of brotherly help...

2005-01-27 Thread beyaRecords
On 27 Jan 2005, at 11:25, Leszek Gawron wrote:
map:serializer logger=sitemap.serializer.myxml mime-type=text/xml 

and then:
map:serialize type=myxml/
got it! Thanks very much for that heads up.
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Re: transformation from XML to excel only works with one element set

2005-01-27 Thread Philipp Rech
jxtg? okay, but i need microsoft excel as and ouput format and 

i do't see how JXTG could help me here...

i would need one excel-row for each row element...

i was thinking that i miss a xsl:for-each ... instruction

but i dunno where/how to apply this...

(the transformation works fine to WML and PDF btw) 

any hints? (stylesheet  see below)

thanks a lot!


 Yep. Your guess is right! You are overwrite the first with the second. You

 need to use a variable to move to the next row. As a solution, try to use



 Best Regards,


 Antonio Gallardo.


 On Mie, 26 de Enero de 2005, 6:04, Philipp Rech dijo:

  Hello Cocooners,


  [Cocoon Version 2.1.6]


  i have the following xml file (see below) which is the result of a db


  (from Cocoon)... when i transfrom it with the stylesheet (see below) using


  transfomer within Cocoon an excel sheet opens but with only one row in it


  one with the last id) but i need all elements in diferent rows... so only


  last row element with the eventid2/eventid gets displayed but not

  both of

  them... my guess was thet the first one is processed but is overwritten by


  last one (see my xml and xsl file below)


  thank you very much!



  ps: i already asekd on the poi-user list but

  got no reply...



  here is my xml file:


  ?xml version=1.0 encoding=ISO-8859-1 ?



  rowset xmlns:sql=;




typeofcontrolControl Type A/typeofcontrol


checkpointBlue Border/checkpoint


checklocationblack sea/checklocation


guard_2Peter Pan/guard_2



locationblack sea/location







typeofcontrolControl Type B/typeofcontrol



klassificationilligal entry/klassification

checklocationairport hall 2/checklocation



objectionilligal enrty/objection


locationairport somewhere/location











  here is my xsl file:




  ?xml version=1.0?

  xsl:stylesheet version=1.0






xsl:template match=/

 gmr:Workbook xmlns:gmr=;


   gmr:Sheet DisplayFormulas=false HideZero=false


  HideColHeader=false HideRowHeader=false DisplayOutlines=true

  OutlineSymbolsBelow=true OutlineSymbolsRight=true

   gmr:NameBIHS - Event Data/gmr:Name


   gmr:Cols DefaultSizePts=48

   gmr:ColInfo No=0 Unit=48 MarginA=2 MarginB=2



   gmr:Rows DefaultSizePts=12.8

  gmr:RowInfo No=0 Unit=12.8 MarginA=0 


  gmr:RowInfo No=10 Unit=12.8 MarginA=1 













xsl:template match=sql:eventid

   gmr:Cell Col=0 ValueType=60

xsl:variable name=rownumberxsl:number level=any



xsl:attribute name=Row

   xsl:value-of select=$rownumber/









xsl:template match=sql:typeofcontrol

   gmr:Cell Col=1 ValueType=60

xsl:variable name=rownumberxsl:number level=any



xsl:attribute name=Row

   xsl:value-of select=$rownumber/









xsl:template match=sql:trafficdirection

   gmr:Cell Col=2 ValueType=60

xsl:variable name=rownumberxsl:number level=any




Re: bit of brotherly help...

2005-01-27 Thread Jan Hoskens
FYI: I use this declaration for my xhtml serialization:
map:serializer logger=sitemap.serializer.xhtml mime-type=text/html; charset=utf-8 name=xhtml 
pool-grow=2 pool-max=64 pool-min=10 src=org.mycompany.cocoon.serialization.XMLSerializer
 	doctype-public-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN/doctype-public

Kind Regards,
beyaRecords wrote:
On 27 Jan 2005, at 10:43, Jan Hoskens wrote:
public class XMLSerializer extends 

public void endPrefixMapping(String prefix) throws SAXException
// do nothing
public void startPrefixMapping(String prefix, String uri)
throws SAXException
// do nothing

Hi Jan,
I like the sound of what you are saying but could you please expand on 
your explanation?

So I create my new XMLSerializer class but how do I call it into my 

many regards
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Re: bit of brotherly help...

2005-01-27 Thread beyaRecords
On 27 Jan 2005, at 10:43, Jan Hoskens wrote:
public class XMLSerializer extends 

public void endPrefixMapping(String prefix) throws SAXException
// do nothing
public void startPrefixMapping(String prefix, String uri)
throws SAXException
// do nothing
i'm gonna call this class from my own package as so:
package test
all I need to know is what package I need to import and what jar file 
it sits in? so:

package test
import ?
public class myXMLSerializer extends 

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Re: transformation from XML to excel only works with one element set

2005-01-27 Thread Jan Hoskens
You might want to try this:
xsl:apply-templates select=page/content/rowset/row
xsl:with-param name=rowposition select=position()/

and then use xsl:param name=rowposition/ where you need to set Row= instead of re-counting 
your rows every time. Also this: you might want to set your Row directly through a shortcut:
gmr:Cell Row={$rowposition} as the content of {} will be evaluated by xsl.

xsl:variable name=rownumberxsl:number level=any from=content
   xsl:attribute name=Row
  xsl:value-of select=$rownumber/

Didn't try this myself but think this might work.
Kind Regards,

Philipp Rech wrote:
Hello Cocooners,
[Cocoon Version 2.1.6]
i have the following xml file (see below) which is the result of a db querry
(from Cocoon)... when i transfrom it with the stylesheet (see below) using the
transfomer within Cocoon an excel sheet opens but with only one row in it (the
one with the last id) but i need all elements in diferent rows... so only the
last row element with the eventid2/eventid gets displayed but not both of
them... my guess was thet the first one is processed but is overwritten by the
last one (see my xml and xsl file below)
thank you very much!
ps: i already asekd on the poi-user list but
got no reply...
here is my xml file:

?xml version=1.0 encoding=ISO-8859-1 ? 
rowset xmlns:sql=;
  typeofcontrolControl Type A/typeofcontrol 
  checkpointBlue Border/checkpoint 
  checklocationblack sea/checklocation 
  guard_2Peter Pan/guard_2 
  locationblack sea/location 
  typeofcontrolControl Type B/typeofcontrol 
  klassificationilligal entry/klassification 
  checklocationairport hall 2/checklocation 
  objectionilligal enrty/objection 
  locationairport somewhere/location 

here is my xsl file:
?xml version=1.0?
xsl:stylesheet version=1.0 xmlns:xsl=;
  xsl:template match=/
   gmr:Workbook xmlns:gmr=;
 gmr:Sheet DisplayFormulas=false HideZero=false HideGrid=false
HideColHeader=false HideRowHeader=false DisplayOutlines=true
OutlineSymbolsBelow=true OutlineSymbolsRight=true
 gmr:NameBIHS - Event Data/gmr:Name
 gmr:Cols DefaultSizePts=48
 gmr:ColInfo No=0 Unit=48 MarginA=2 MarginB=2
 gmr:Rows DefaultSizePts=12.8
gmr:RowInfo No=0 Unit=12.8 MarginA=0 MarginB=0 
gmr:RowInfo No=10 Unit=12.8 MarginA=1 MarginB=0 

  xsl:template match=sql:eventid
 gmr:Cell Col=0 ValueType=60
  xsl:variable name=rownumberxsl:number level=any from=content
  xsl:attribute name=Row
 xsl:value-of select=$rownumber/
  xsl:template match=sql:typeofcontrol
 gmr:Cell Col=1 ValueType=60
  xsl:variable name=rownumberxsl:number level=any from=content
  xsl:attribute name=Row
 xsl:value-of select=$rownumber/

  xsl:template match=sql:trafficdirection
 gmr:Cell Col=2 ValueType=60
  xsl:variable name=rownumberxsl:number level=any from=content
  xsl:attribute name=Row
 xsl:value-of select=$rownumber/

  xsl:template match=sql:checkpoint 
 gmr:Cell Col=3 ValueType=60
  xsl:variable name=rownumberxsl:number level=any from=content

Re: bit of brotherly help...

2005-01-27 Thread Jan Hoskens
Ok, I'll make it easy for you, just copy this:
package org.yourcompany.cocoon.serialization;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
 * A simple serializer, extending XMLSerializer to avoid getting namespaces in
 * output. (Thus only overriding prefixmapping methods to do nothing.)
 * This is most usefull for xhtml outputting.
public class XMLSerializer extends org.apache.cocoon.serialization.XMLSerializer
public void endPrefixMapping(String prefix) throws SAXException
// do nothing
public void startPrefixMapping(String prefix, String uri)
throws SAXException
// do nothing
Then compile with the following jars added to your buildpath:
I don't know if you need them all (last one probably not, other's not sure as I have other 
transformers/serializers/generators as well). These files can be found in your cocoon/WEB-INF/lib 
directory, possibly with another version.

Kind Regards,
beyaRecords wrote:
On 27 Jan 2005, at 10:43, Jan Hoskens wrote:
public class XMLSerializer extends 

public void endPrefixMapping(String prefix) throws SAXException
// do nothing
public void startPrefixMapping(String prefix, String uri)
throws SAXException
// do nothing

i'm gonna call this class from my own package as so:
package test
all I need to know is what package I need to import and what jar file it 
sits in? so:

package test
import ?
public class myXMLSerializer extends 

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Re: bit of brotherly help...

2005-01-27 Thread beyaRecords
On 27 Jan 2005, at 12:23, Jan Hoskens wrote:
Ok, I'll make it easy for you
done and works a treat. many thanks.
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Re: Include pipeline content in another servlet

2005-01-27 Thread Olivier Billard
Thanks for your answer Leszek,
Unfortunately, the Cocoon pipes are working with informations stored in session 
or request attributes...
How do you handle these ? It would be too much work to change this to use only 
request params...
Leszek Gawron wrote:
Olivier Billard wrote:
Hi cocooners,
For some design constrainst, I would like from another servlet, to 
tell Cocoon to output files.
A wrapper has been made around the CocoonServlet to redirect servlet 
outputstream to a file. That's the existing part.
Then in a servlet I would like to tell Cocoon to output a file here is 
a snippet :

request.getRequestDispatcher(cocoonPipeline).include(request, response);
The problem is that Cocoon bases request processing over the 
request.getServletPath() to get the URI, and this don't change from 
the request that originally called the calling servlet...

So is there a better and working method to call file outputting to the 
Cocoon servlet from another servlet ?

Olivier Billard
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use of CocoonBean maybe ?

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decimal formatting

2005-01-27 Thread Gunter D'Hondt

Currenlty I've got a Cocoon pipeline that generates HTML output by using a 
XSLT transformer where I'm using the following:
xsl:value-of select=format-number(round(field), '##,##0.00')/

this all works fine and displays for example 12,345.99 but how can I setup 
this that it uses my country locale where the decimal separator is a comma 
and the thousand separator is a point? So the result would be 12.345,99

is there a way to set this for the whole Cocoon application? something 
like setting the locale for the xslt-transformer?

and what with the woody field convertors? for example i've got the 
following widget declaration:
  wd:output id=price
wd:datatype base=decimal
  wd:convertor variant=number

Any help is welcome!

Gunter D'Hondt
Sofico NV Belgium

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Re: [Portal] change content of a CachingURICoplet

2005-01-27 Thread David Duhme

Hi Jean-Christophe,

first of all thanks for your reply.

I think I haven't yet understood completly how to
with coplet parameters. So with your hints I will
some new approaches.

But I got another question. In which context do I
elements with the syntax

cl:link coplet=your-porlet-instance path=attributes/browseQuery
  Page 2


I'm generating links in an xslt stylesheet which is
handled by the
XSLT Transformer. Do I have to include a specific
namespace to use
these tags?


David Duhme.

Re: bit of brotherly help...

2005-01-27 Thread beyaRecords

On 27 Jan 2005, at 12:26, beyaRecords wrote:

done and works a treat. many thanks.

I have implemented the following:

map:serializer logger=sitemap.serializer.xhtml mime-type=text/html name=myxml pool-grow=2 pool-max=64 pool-min=10 src=test.myXMLSerializer>
doctype-public>-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN/doctype-public>


!-- = -->
!-- Holding page			   -->
!-- = -->
map:match pattern=holding.xml>
map:generate type=jx src=jx/holding.jx/>
map:transform type=xsltc src=style/holding.xsl/>
map:transform type=cinclude/>
map:serialize type=myxml/>

And still when I view source in the browser I see:


what am I doing wrong here?



undefined exception object in flow script try {} catch {} block

2005-01-27 Thread Ellis Pritchard
Using Cocoon 2.1.6, I don't seem to be getting the exception object 
passed through when catching an exception in flowscript; I've reduced it 
to the most simple case:

function login() {
   try {
   throw bang;
   } catch (x) {
I get the error message 'The undefined value has no properties.', and 
sure enough, the Flow debugger says that x is undefined (actually it 
doesn't even exist).

Any ideas?
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Re: Include pipeline content in another servlet

2005-01-27 Thread Leszek Gawron
Olivier Billard wrote:
Thanks for your answer Leszek,
Unfortunately, the Cocoon pipes are working with informations stored in 
session or request attributes...
How do you handle these ? It would be too much work to change this to 
use only request params...
have a look at: 

Leszek Gawron  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Project ManagerMobileBox sp. z o.o.
+48 (61) 855 06 67
mobile: +48 (501) 720 812   fax: +48 (61) 853 29 65
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Re: [Portal] change content of a CachingURICoplet

2005-01-27 Thread Jean-Christophe Kermagoret

Hi David,
Just declare the following namespace :

The cl:* will be transformed in events by the coplet transformer in the

David Duhme a crit:

  Hi Jean-Christophe,
  first of all thanks for your reply.
  I think I haven't yet understood completly how to
  with coplet parameters. So with your hints I will
  some new approaches.
  But I got another question. In which context do I
  elements with the syntax

cl:link coplet="your-porlet-instance"


  Page 2

  I'm generating links in an xslt stylesheet which
handled by the
  XSLT Transformer. Do I have to include a specific
namespace to use
  these tags?
  David Duhme.


Jean-Christophe Kermagoret

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Re: undefined exception object in flow script try {} catch {} block

2005-01-27 Thread Leszek Gawron
Ellis Pritchard wrote:
Using Cocoon 2.1.6, I don't seem to be getting the exception object 
passed through when catching an exception in flowscript; I've reduced it 
to the most simple case:

function login() {
   try {
   throw bang;
   } catch (x) {
I get the error message 'The undefined value has no properties.', and 
sure enough, the Flow debugger says that x is undefined (actually it 
doesn't even exist).
Leszek Gawron  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Project ManagerMobileBox sp. z o.o.
+48 (61) 855 06 67
mobile: +48 (501) 720 812   fax: +48 (61) 853 29 65
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Re: bit of brotherly help...

2005-01-27 Thread Jan Hoskens
At first sight, everything should be fine.
A few things you can check:
- your custom serializer doesn't contain any super.blablah(..)
- the mentioned pipeline is the correct one and is called on its own. No other pipelines 
calling/including this one? Try altering the page to be sure it's the correct one. Check your logs 
to see where the sitemap matches your request.
- restart the whole bunch (tomcat or whatever you're using) and clear the workdir if you're cocoon 
starts acting funny (can help sometimes)

I'm using the serializer myself (3 different sites now) and am experiencing no problems concerning 
xmlns namespaces.

Kind Regards,
beyaRecords wrote:

On 27 Jan 2005, at 12:26, beyaRecords wrote:
done and works a treat. many thanks.
I have implemented the following:
map:serializer logger=sitemap.serializer.xhtml mime-type=text/html 
name=myxml pool-grow=2 pool-max=64 pool-min=10 
doctype-public-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN/doctype-public



!-- = --
!-- Holding page --
!-- = --
map:match pattern=holding.xml
map:generate type=jx src=jx/holding.jx/
map:transform type=xsltc src=style/holding.xsl/
map:transform type=cinclude/
map:serialize type=myxml/
And still when I view source in the browser I see:
what am I doing wrong here?

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Re: [Portal] change content of a CachingURICoplet

2005-01-27 Thread Frank Taffelt

do you know how to influence the generated a tags 
from this syntax. I want to include some css information like:

a href="" 


  - Original Message - 
  Jean-Christophe Kermagoret 
  Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2005 2:58 
  Subject: Re: [Portal] change content of a 
  Hi David,Just declare the following namespace 
  : xmlns:cl=""The 
  cl:* will be transformed in events by the coplet transformer in the 
  portalDavid Duhme a écrit: 
  Hi Jean-Christophe, first of 
all thanks for your reply. I think I 
haven't yet understood completly how to deal with coplet parameters. So with your hints I will try 
some new approaches. But I got another question. In which context do I use 
elements with the syntax cl:links  
   cl:link coplet="your-porlet-instance" 
path="attributes/browseQuery" value="2"/
/cl:links ? 
I'm generating links in an xslt stylesheet which is 
handled by the XSLT Transformer. Do I have 
to include a specific namespace to use these tags? Regards, David 
Duhme. -- 

Jean-Christophe Kermagoret

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  unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional 
  commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: undefined exception object in flow script try {} catch {} block

2005-01-27 Thread Ellis Pritchard
Ok! Great first post; it was the logger causing the problem; it should 
have been:

Ellis Pritchard wrote:
Using Cocoon 2.1.6, I don't seem to be getting the exception object 
passed through when catching an exception in flowscript; I've reduced 
it to the most simple case:

function login() {
   try {
   throw bang;
   } catch (x) {
I get the error message 'The undefined value has no properties.', and 
sure enough, the Flow debugger says that x is undefined (actually it 
doesn't even exist).

Any ideas?
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Re: [Portal] change content of a CachingURICoplet

2005-01-27 Thread Jean-Christophe Kermagoret

Unfortunately, I don't know. I asked the same question a few days ago.

You can use the following workaround. You put your link in a css div...


Frank Taffelt a crit:

  do you know how to influence the
generated a tags from this syntax. I want to include some css
information like:
  a href=""
Original Message - 
Thursday, January 27, 2005 2:58 PM
Re: [Portal] change content of a CachingURICoplet

Hi David,
Just declare the following namespace :

The cl:* will be transformed in events by the coplet transformer in the

David Duhme a crit:

  Hi Jean-Christophe, 
  first of all thanks for your reply.
  I think I haven't yet understood completly how
to deal 
  with coplet parameters. So with your hints I
will try 
  some new approaches. 
  But I got another question. In which context
do I use 
  elements with the syntax 
 cl:link coplet="your-porlet-instance"
path="attributes/browseQuery" value="2"/
   Page 2
  I'm generating links in an xslt stylesheet
which is handled by the 
  XSLT Transformer. Do I have to include a
specific namespace to use 
  these tags? 
  David Duhme. 


Jean-Christophe Kermagoret

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Jean-Christophe Kermagoret

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Re: bit of brotherly help...

2005-01-27 Thread beyaRecords
On 27 Jan 2005, at 14:13, Jan Hoskens wrote:
- your custom serializer doesn't contain any super.blablah(..)
- the mentioned pipeline is the correct one and is called on its own. 
No other pipelines calling/including this one? Try altering the page 
to be sure it's the correct one. Check your logs to see where the 
sitemap matches your request.
- restart the whole bunch (tomcat or whatever you're using) and clear 
the workdir if you're cocoon starts acting funny (can help sometimes)
I have checked all that you mention and there is nothing out of place. 
h... puzzling!

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Re: bit of brotherly help...

2005-01-27 Thread Jan Hoskens
beyaRecords wrote:
On 27 Jan 2005, at 14:13, Jan Hoskens wrote:
- your custom serializer doesn't contain any super.blablah(..)
- the mentioned pipeline is the correct one and is called on its own. 
No other pipelines calling/including this one? Try altering the page 
to be sure it's the correct one. Check your logs to see where the 
sitemap matches your request.
- restart the whole bunch (tomcat or whatever you're using) and clear 
the workdir if you're cocoon starts acting funny (can help sometimes)

I have checked all that you mention and there is nothing out of place. 
h... puzzling!

Hmm yeah, you got me there... ;-)
If only I could meet that troublemaker head-on, grrr...
What about a simple test with a page containing nothing but a few xmlns namespaces, running it 
through the html serializer once, check if there are xmlns (there should be) and then replace that 
serialzer by your customserializer and check again(there should be none)?

btw, what version of cocoon are u using? (not that it should matter ...)
Kind Regards,
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javaflow on weblogic 8.1sp2

2005-01-27 Thread WHIRLYCOTT
I'm trying to get javaflow from Cocoon working Weblogic 8.1sp2 
with the application deployed as a .war file (i.e. not exploded) without 
much luck.  I tweaked the ParanoidCocoonServlet so that it is loading 
jars out of /WEB-INF/lib/ (easy to do, but you need to use the Servlet 
2.3 jar, not the 2.2 jar that Cocoon normally builds against).

I see posts out there on the cocoon-users list indicating that people 
have approximately this config working...?

I seem to be bumping into an initialization problem with the 
JavaInterpreter.  It's calling ContinuationClassLoader.initialize(), 
which then throws a java.lang.NoSuchMethodError when trying to do 
Repository.setRepository() (that's in the BCEL jar).

Ideas, prayers and samples from working configurations would be greatly 
appreciated ;)

  Philip Jacob
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Re: javaflow on weblogic 8.1sp2

2005-01-27 Thread Ralph Goers
I'm trying to get javaflow from Cocoon working Weblogic 8.1sp2 
with the application deployed as a .war file (i.e. not exploded) 
without much luck.  I tweaked the ParanoidCocoonServlet so that it is 
loading jars out of /WEB-INF/lib/ (easy to do, but you need to use the 
Servlet 2.3 jar, not the 2.2 jar that Cocoon normally builds against).

I see posts out there on the cocoon-users list indicating that people 
have approximately this config working...?

I seem to be bumping into an initialization problem with the 
JavaInterpreter.  It's calling ContinuationClassLoader.initialize(), 
which then throws a java.lang.NoSuchMethodError when trying to do 
Repository.setRepository() (that's in the BCEL jar).

Ideas, prayers and samples from working configurations would be 
greatly appreciated ;)

Weblogic.jar has its own versions of Rhino and BCEL in it.  You can try 
to get the Cocoon versions to supercede them but then you might run into 
failures in other parts of Weblogic.  We switch to Java flow just 
because of this.

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Re: bit of brotherly help...

2005-01-27 Thread beyaRecords
On 27 Jan 2005, at 15:25, Jan Hoskens wrote:
What about a simple test with a page containing nothing but a few 
xmlns namespaces, running it through the html serializer once, check 
if there are xmlns (there should be) and then replace that serialzer 
by your customserializer and check again(there should be none)?

btw, what version of cocoon are u using? (not that it should matter 
firstly i am running cocoon 2.1.6. My xslt file is specified top and 
bottom as follows:

?xml version=1.0 encoding=ISO-8859-1?
xsl:stylesheet version=1.0

xsl:template match=/



xsl:template match=*
  xsl:element name={local-name()}
xsl:template match=@*|text() priority=-1

Now, as you can see I have 2 xmlns declarations and only the cinclude 
one appears all the time. So I changed the serializer type to html as 
you suggested and the xmlns line was still in the final html output!! 
Should I send my sitemap, xsl, and jxt file to you to have a look?

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Re: javaflow on weblogic 8.1sp2

2005-01-27 Thread WHIRLYCOTT
Right, I'm trying to use Javaflow (i.e. not javascript).  Did you have 
to make any WL specific configuration changes in the console or in 
weblogic.xml?  I assume you are using the ParanoidCocoonServlet?  Is 
your .war exploded?

Ralph Goers wrote:
I'm trying to get javaflow from Cocoon working Weblogic 8.1sp2 
with the application deployed as a .war file (i.e. not exploded) 
without much luck.  I tweaked the ParanoidCocoonServlet so that it is 
loading jars out of /WEB-INF/lib/ (easy to do, but you need to use the 
Servlet 2.3 jar, not the 2.2 jar that Cocoon normally builds against).

I see posts out there on the cocoon-users list indicating that people 
have approximately this config working...?

I seem to be bumping into an initialization problem with the 
JavaInterpreter.  It's calling ContinuationClassLoader.initialize(), 
which then throws a java.lang.NoSuchMethodError when trying to do 
Repository.setRepository() (that's in the BCEL jar).

Ideas, prayers and samples from working configurations would be 
greatly appreciated ;)


Weblogic.jar has its own versions of Rhino and BCEL in it.  You can try 
to get the Cocoon versions to supercede them but then you might run into 
failures in other parts of Weblogic.  We switch to Java flow just 
because of this.

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  Philip Jacob
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Framework for Web application with multi-profile clients

2005-01-27 Thread Elad Messing
Title: Framework for Web application with multi-profile clients

Hello All

I am new here with cocoon. I came here after I got some advices that this is the place where I can find some answers.

I am looking for a web-framework that can help me with my requirement of supporting different profile customers. I.E. some of the customers will use PC, some will use PDA like IPAQ and some maybe WAP phones.

The resolution is off-course different, the HTML / WML support is different and so on.

What do you think ? Can Cocoon answer these requirements ?

Thanks !! 

Elad Messing

Re: javaflow on weblogic 8.1sp2

2005-01-27 Thread Ralph Goers
Right, I'm trying to use Javaflow (i.e. not javascript).  Did you have 
to make any WL specific configuration changes in the console or in 
weblogic.xml?  I assume you are using the ParanoidCocoonServlet?  Is 
your .war exploded?

I'll have to check with the guy who did the work when he comes in this 
morning.  We normally deploy as an ear, but he might have run it 
exploded.  I don't believe he was using ParanoidCocoonServlet. 

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Re: Framework for Web application with multi-profile clients

2005-01-27 Thread Roberto
Title: Framework for Web application with multi-profile clients

definitely you are in the right 
place with the right product. Cocoon is the right solution for your 

Welcome a board

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2005 4:46 
  Subject: Framework for Web application 
  with multi-profile clients
  Hello All 
  I am new here with cocoon. I came here after I got some 
  advices that this is the place where I can find some answers. 
  I am looking for a web-framework that can help me 
  with my requirement of supporting different profile customers. I.E. some of 
  the customers will use PC, some will use PDA like IPAQ and some maybe WAP 
  phones.The resolution is off-course different, the HTML / WML support 
  is different and so on.What do you think ? Can Cocoon answer these 
  requirements ?Thanks !! 
  Elad Messing 

Re: bit of brotherly help...

2005-01-27 Thread Jan Hoskens
beyaRecords wrote:
On 27 Jan 2005, at 15:25, Jan Hoskens wrote:
What about a simple test with a page containing nothing but a few 
xmlns namespaces, running it through the html serializer once, check 
if there are xmlns (there should be) and then replace that serialzer 
by your customserializer and check again(there should be none)?

btw, what version of cocoon are u using? (not that it should matter ...)

firstly i am running cocoon 2.1.6. My xslt file is specified top and 
bottom as follows:

?xml version=1.0 encoding=ISO-8859-1?
xsl:stylesheet version=1.0

xsl:template match=/



xsl:template match=*
  xsl:element name={local-name()}
xsl:apply-templates select=@*|xmlns|node()/

xsl:template match=@*|text() priority=-1


Now, as you can see I have 2 xmlns declarations and only the cinclude 
one appears all the time. So I changed the serializer type to html as 
you suggested and the xmlns line was still in the final html output!! 
Should I send my sitemap, xsl, and jxt file to you to have a look?

Sure, send it, I'll take a look, I haven't got time to do it right away, but I can test it tomorrow 
if you like.

Kind Regards,
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Re: [flow] Hibernate createCriteria syntax help?

2005-01-27 Thread JD Daniels
Wait a minute ok I think I see now...
project/java - interface to cocoon's persistenceFactory, 
methods createSession - implements persistenceFactory, methods 
configure, service, initialize, dispose, createSession

Ok so far so good, when cocoon starts up, the hibernate factory is 
initialized, and the sessionfactory is in existence:
 cfg = new net.sf.hibernate.cfg.Configuration();
 sf = cfg.buildSessionFactory();

I was thinking this would be moved to happen at every request, which I 
definately did not want. It makes sense now. So when I change the 
persistence mechanism, it *should* be only these two classes that need 
to be changed right?

Moving forward,
project/java POJO methods like findbugsByStatus, findBugsByExample, etc.
Heres my next confusion - I am using cocoon to handle my sessionFactory 
right? So stuff I have in my flow now like:

   // Create Hibernate Session
   var factory = 
   var hs = factory.createSession();

   // Might as well quit now if the session is no good :(
   if (hs == null){throw new session is 
null );}

   // Look up our Entry
   var bean = hs.find(from com.kismetsoftware.insecticide.Bug 
WHERE id='+id+').get(0);

Should change to:
   // Create Persistence Session
   var factory = 
   var hs = factory.createSession();

   // Might as well quit now if the session is no good :(
   if (hs == null){throw new session is 
null );}

   // Grab the class with the methods to do what we want 
(Constructor takes the session as an arguement)
   var bugSearch = new;

   // Look up our Entry
   var bean = bugSearch.findBugById(id);
right? Or would it be better to have one class such as BugFacade with 
all methods dealing with bugs? (save, find, delete etc)

Lastly, I am pretty sure the above would work, but to be really 
separate-y, what about:

var bugSearch = new;
var bean = bugSearch.findBugById(id);
much simpler and really doesn't care how BugSearch does what it does. 
How would I get a grip on the cocoon component inside

You should really be using the Open Session in View pattern:
Sorry, but this has confused me further.. where would this fit into a 
cocoon framework?

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Re: [flow] Hibernate createCriteria syntax help?

2005-01-27 Thread WHIRLYCOTT
As a preface, the Cocoon-users list is probably not the best place to 
get Hibernate assistance, but here goes

JD Daniels wrote:
Wait a minute ok I think I see now...
project/java - interface to cocoon's persistenceFactory, 
methods createSession - implements persistenceFactory, methods 
configure, service, initialize, dispose, createSession

Ok so far so good, when cocoon starts up, the hibernate factory is 
initialized, and the sessionfactory is in existence:
 cfg = new net.sf.hibernate.cfg.Configuration();
 sf = cfg.buildSessionFactory();
You should be declaring these inside hibernate.cfg.xml to avoid putting 
all this hardcoded junk in your code.  What you are doing will work, but 
gives you pain with no gain, in your particular case.

I was thinking this would be moved to happen at every request, which I 
definately did not want. It makes sense now. So when I change the 
persistence mechanism, it *should* be only these two classes that need 
to be changed right?
You should only create one SessionFactory per application lifecycle.
Should change to:
   // Create Persistence Session
   var factory = 
Right, this is the part that I am less keen on.  I don't see the point 
of creating this dependency between Cocoon and your backend.

   var hs = factory.createSession();
   // Might as well quit now if the session is no good :(
   if (hs == null){throw new session is 
null );}

   // Grab the class with the methods to do what we want 
(Constructor takes the session as an arguement)
   var bugSearch = new;
Well, you shouldn't even be exposing any of this Hibernate stuff in the 
flow code at _all_.  The Hibernate session is just wrapping your JDBC 
connection and whatever transaction JTA/JDBC transaction that you're 
currently in, so you could create a class to wrap that.

   // Look up our Entry
   var bean = bugSearch.findBugById(id);
Yes, that's looking better.  But call it a 'facade', so that others who 
work on your code will understand the role of bugSearch immediately just 
by looking at the name.

right? Or would it be better to have one class such as BugFacade with 
all methods dealing with bugs? (save, find, delete etc)
You can run into an anti-pattern quickly here, but you should ideally 
have all of your transactional and business logic methods exposed in one 
interface or class, not just your bug search stuff.

(Aside: are you really writing _another_ bug tracking system...???)
Lastly, I am pretty sure the above would work, but to be really 
separate-y, what about:

var bugSearch = new;
var bean = bugSearch.findBugById(id);
much simpler and really doesn't care how BugSearch does what it does. 
How would I get a grip on the cocoon component inside
I don't think you should be, but maybe someone else has a good argument 
for creating this dependency.

You should really be using the Open Session in View pattern:
Sorry, but this has confused me further.. where would this fit into a 
cocoon framework?
Cocoon sits on top of a web container.  The servlet 2.3 api supports 
servlet filters.  What this person is suggesting is that you use a 
servlet filter to drop a hibernate session into a threadlocal that sits 
in the thread currently servicing your request.  It's a very standard 
way of doing stuff like this... definitely take the time to understand that.

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  Philip Jacob
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Re: how to get value of browserselector in sitemap

2005-01-27 Thread Mark Lundquist
On Jan 26, 2005, at 5:59 AM, Stefan Pietschmann wrote:

I know how the BrowserSelector works, but I want to use its value as a 
parameter for one of my actions.
Suggestion: instead of BrowserSelector, use a HeaderMatcher to get the 
value of the User-Agent header.

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Re: [flow] Hibernate createCriteria syntax help?

2005-01-27 Thread JD Daniels
No, I'm not really writing another bug tracker. I have it so clients can 
login and peek at the timesheets for what we have done including stuff 
like printers, adsl etc etc. It is just a simple object so they can add 
feature requests or fixes for whatever they need. They all hate having 
to login more than once, so this is just simple - not nearly bugzilla 
power :)

I was hoping this list would be ok, I can make a hibernate command line 
app do what I want ( Ie hello world again) It is getting it into cocoon 
that is my headache :)

So I am off to read about filters .. this might be good way to do it and 
get all that crap out of my flow. Quick question for you before i go off 
into researchland: From what I have googled so far, it looks like people 
are only using the filter to trash sessions when they are done with them 
at the end of the request. For example, still using a 
cocoon component to create the session.

How are you creating the session in your business logic?
As a preface, the Cocoon-users list is probably not the best place to 
get Hibernate assistance, but here goes

JD Daniels wrote:
Wait a minute ok I think I see now...
project/java - interface to cocoon's persistenceFactory, 
methods createSession - implements persistenceFactory, methods 
configure, service, initialize, dispose, createSession

Ok so far so good, when cocoon starts up, the hibernate factory is 
initialized, and the sessionfactory is in existence:
 cfg = new net.sf.hibernate.cfg.Configuration();
 sf = cfg.buildSessionFactory();

You should be declaring these inside hibernate.cfg.xml to avoid 
putting all this hardcoded junk in your code.  What you are doing will 
work, but gives you pain with no gain, in your particular case.

I was thinking this would be moved to happen at every request, which 
I definately did not want. It makes sense now. So when I change the 
persistence mechanism, it *should* be only these two classes that 
need to be changed right?

You should only create one SessionFactory per application lifecycle.
Should change to:
   // Create Persistence Session
   var factory = 

Right, this is the part that I am less keen on.  I don't see the point 
of creating this dependency between Cocoon and your backend.

   var hs = factory.createSession();
   // Might as well quit now if the session is no good :(
   if (hs == null){throw new session 
is null );}

   // Grab the class with the methods to do what we want 
(Constructor takes the session as an arguement)
   var bugSearch = new;

Well, you shouldn't even be exposing any of this Hibernate stuff in 
the flow code at _all_.  The Hibernate session is just wrapping your 
JDBC connection and whatever transaction JTA/JDBC transaction that 
you're currently in, so you could create a class to wrap that.

   // Look up our Entry
   var bean = bugSearch.findBugById(id);

Yes, that's looking better.  But call it a 'facade', so that others 
who work on your code will understand the role of bugSearch 
immediately just by looking at the name.

right? Or would it be better to have one class such as BugFacade with 
all methods dealing with bugs? (save, find, delete etc)

You can run into an anti-pattern quickly here, but you should ideally 
have all of your transactional and business logic methods exposed in 
one interface or class, not just your bug search stuff.

(Aside: are you really writing _another_ bug tracking system...???)
Lastly, I am pretty sure the above would work, but to be really 
separate-y, what about:

var bugSearch = new;
var bean = bugSearch.findBugById(id);

much simpler and really doesn't care how BugSearch does what it does. 
How would I get a grip on the cocoon component inside

I don't think you should be, but maybe someone else has a good 
argument for creating this dependency.

You should really be using the Open Session in View pattern:
Sorry, but this has confused me further.. where would this fit into a 
cocoon framework?

Cocoon sits on top of a web container.  The servlet 2.3 api supports 
servlet filters.  What this person is suggesting is that you use a 
servlet filter to drop a hibernate session into a threadlocal that 
sits in 

Re: [flow] Hibernate createCriteria syntax help?

2005-01-27 Thread Ugo Cei
Il giorno 27/gen/05, alle 15:16, JD Daniels ha scritto:
right? Or would it be better to have one class such as BugFacade with 
all methods dealing with bugs? (save, find, delete etc)
Yes, that is usually preferrable. A class that deals with retrieving 
and storing domain objects to a persitent store is usually called a 
Data Access Object (DAO).

Lastly, I am pretty sure the above would work, but to be really 
separate-y, what about:

var bugSearch = new;
var bean = bugSearch.findBugById(id);
What's changed WRT to the previous version? I can't see the difference.
Ugo Cei -

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: [flow] Hibernate createCriteria syntax help?

2005-01-27 Thread JD Daniels

Ugo Cei wrote:
Il giorno 27/gen/05, alle 15:16, JD Daniels ha scritto:
right? Or would it be better to have one class such as BugFacade with 
all methods dealing with bugs? (save, find, delete etc)

Yes, that is usually preferrable. A class that deals with retrieving 
and storing domain objects to a persitent store is usually called a 
Data Access Object (DAO).

Lastly, I am pretty sure the above would work, but to be really 
separate-y, what about:

var bugSearch = new;
var bean = bugSearch.findBugById(id);

What's changed WRT to the previous version? I can't see the difference.
var bugSearch = new;
var bean = bugSearch.findBugById(id);
The  cocoon component for the persisenceFactory , and the hibernate 
session  opening and closing is gone from flow. so the whole function 
would be:

function showBug()
   var bugSearch = new;
   var bean = bugSearch.findBugById(id);
   cocoon.sendPage(internal/generate-view/bug_summary, {title : Bug 
details, bug : bug});

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RE: Cocoon on Weblogic 8 / Cocoon Forms standalone

2005-01-27 Thread Lopke, Michael
Title: Message


the first question, modify your sitemap.xmap

default is probably something like this:

!-- main pipeline -- map:pipeline

 !-- welcome page 
-- map:match 

it to this:

!-- main pipeline -- map:pipeline

 !-- welcome page -- 
map:match pattern="index.html"

I think the index.html portion of the 
url ( http://localhost:7001/cocoon/ 
)is added by Weblogic.

I'm not sure on the answer to the second 
question. I'm guessing not.


  -Original Message-From: Mark Hibbard 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 
  2005 9:09 AMTo: users@cocoon.apache.orgSubject: Cocoon 
  on Weblogic 8 / Cocoon Forms standalone
  Im totally new to Cocoon but have 
  the following questions, which may just be damn stupid, or impossible, but if 
  you dont ask
  Ive tried to deploy Cocoon on 
  weblogic 8  with a degree of success  it deploys with no errors  but not 
  all pages seem to work  ie. 
  works, yet the 
  does not 
  no pipeline matced 
  request: index.html
  I thought that would show the 
  welcome to cocoon?
  Is it possible to use just 
  CocoonForms  without the whole of cocoon.
  For example  if Im writing my 
  app and I want to use cocoon forms  can I do this without integrating the 
  whole of cocoon into my app?
  Thanks, and apologies if these 
  questions are dumb!

Re: [flow] Hibernate createCriteria syntax help?

2005-01-27 Thread JD Daniels
Heh heh what I want anyway.. still need to find a way to actually *do* it :S
I think you've basically got the hang of this now.
JD Daniels wrote:

Ugo Cei wrote:
Il giorno 27/gen/05, alle 15:16, JD Daniels ha scritto:
right? Or would it be better to have one class such as BugFacade 
with all methods dealing with bugs? (save, find, delete etc)

Yes, that is usually preferrable. A class that deals with retrieving 
and storing domain objects to a persitent store is usually called a 
Data Access Object (DAO).

Lastly, I am pretty sure the above would work, but to be really 
separate-y, what about:

var bugSearch = new;
var bean = bugSearch.findBugById(id);

What's changed WRT to the previous version? I can't see the difference.
var bugSearch = new;
var bean = bugSearch.findBugById(id);
The  cocoon component for the persisenceFactory , and the hibernate 
session  opening and closing is gone from flow. so the whole function 
would be:

function showBug()
   var bugSearch = new;
   var bean = bugSearch.findBugById(id);
   cocoon.sendPage(internal/generate-view/bug_summary, {title : 
Bug details, bug : bug});

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Re: sendmail - Problems with cocoon protocol

2005-01-27 Thread Thorsten Scherler
Thorsten Scherler escribió:
Hello list,
I am having proplems with the cocoon:/ protocol in the email:attachment 

email:attachment name=production.xml mime-type=text/xml 
url=cocoon:/test.xml /
That is wrong! I need to use @src for cocoon:/...
Together we stand, divided we fall
Hey you (Pink Floyd)
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Re: [flow] Hibernate createCriteria syntax help?

2005-01-27 Thread Ugo Cei
Il giorno 27/gen/05, alle 17:09, JD Daniels ha scritto:
What's changed WRT to the previous version? I can't see the 

var bugSearch = new;
var bean = bugSearch.findBugById(id);
Ah OK. I'll tell you a story :-) When we started using Hibernate with 
Cocoon, we used too get a session from a home-grown component that 
wrapped a SessionFactory and created Sessions on demand. Just like in 
your first version.

Now we use Spring, which handles SessionFactory configuration, session 
creation (and guaranteed disposal), transactions and exception 
handling. Typically we define one (or a few) Service facades that are 
managed by Spring and interact with one or more DAOs in the backend. 
The flowscript deals exclusively with the service facade.

If you want to develop robust, easily maintained and testable 
applications, I suggest you look closely at Spring.

Ugo Cei -

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: [flow] Hibernate createCriteria syntax help?

2005-01-27 Thread WHIRLYCOTT
+1 on that, Ugo.
JD, there's a decent O'Reilly book called Better, Faster, Lighter Java 
or something like that.  It covers a lot of the ideas that we have been 
telling you about.  It doesn't cover any Cocoon stuff, but the part you 
are working on shouldn't care about that at all.  You might find it useful.

Ugo Cei wrote:
Il giorno 27/gen/05, alle 17:09, JD Daniels ha scritto:
What's changed WRT to the previous version? I can't see the difference.
var bugSearch = new;
var bean = bugSearch.findBugById(id);

Ah OK. I'll tell you a story :-) When we started using Hibernate with 
Cocoon, we used too get a session from a home-grown component that 
wrapped a SessionFactory and created Sessions on demand. Just like in 
your first version.

Now we use Spring, which handles SessionFactory configuration, session 
creation (and guaranteed disposal), transactions and exception handling. 
Typically we define one (or a few) Service facades that are managed by 
Spring and interact with one or more DAOs in the backend. The flowscript 
deals exclusively with the service facade.

If you want to develop robust, easily maintained and testable 
applications, I suggest you look closely at Spring.

  Philip Jacob
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RE: bit of brotherly help...

2005-01-27 Thread Conal Tuohy
Uzo wrote:

 firstly i am running cocoon 2.1.6. My xslt file is specified top and 
 bottom as follows:
 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=ISO-8859-1?
   xsl:stylesheet version=1.0
   xsl:template match=/
   xsl:template match=*
 xsl:element name={local-name()}
   xsl:template match=@*|text() priority=-1
 Now, as you can see I have 2 xmlns declarations and only the cinclude 
 one appears all the time. So I changed the serializer type to html as 
 you suggested and the xmlns line was still in the final html output!! 
 Should I send my sitemap, xsl, and jxt file to you to have a look?

You have declared the namespace on the stylesheet element, but you haven't told 
the stylesheet processor to exclude it from the output. You need to use the 
exclude-result-prefixes attribute on the stylesheet.


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Re: [flow] Hibernate createCriteria syntax help?

2005-01-27 Thread JD Daniels
I sincerley appreciate the info you guys have shared with me :) thank you.
that was where i was stuck - I knew I had to separate my concerns, but 
all the tutorials I found had a cocoon component dealing with hibernate 
stuff. Hibernate itself is rather nice. I have been doing it for awhile 
now using the cocoon persistencefactory component. However, everytime i 
got stuck, and asked on the list for help, I got Separate your stuff 
better heh heh. believe me I want to, and since you guys were so 
helpful with the issue this time, I chased it a little. I actually have 
a much better understanding of the cocoon involvement, and now know 
where to mess with it to fix it. Of course, I have trashed my project so 
badly that it currently won't build, but I am confident I can get it 
worked out.

Right now, I had the idea of a filter for each request both open and 
close my session, but I haven't got it working yet.
I guess I will take the plunge into spring right now. (Maybe past 
discussions on the dev list will start to make sense)

Again thanks to both of you - you have truly expanded my knowledge.
I had no idea a syntax question would put me so far ahead :)
+1 on that, Ugo.
JD, there's a decent O'Reilly book called Better, Faster, Lighter 
Java or something like that.  It covers a lot of the ideas that we 
have been telling you about.  It doesn't cover any Cocoon stuff, but 
the part you are working on shouldn't care about that at all.  You 
might find it useful.

Ugo Cei wrote:
Il giorno 27/gen/05, alle 17:09, JD Daniels ha scritto:
What's changed WRT to the previous version? I can't see the 

var bugSearch = new;
var bean = bugSearch.findBugById(id);

Ah OK. I'll tell you a story :-) When we started using Hibernate with 
Cocoon, we used too get a session from a home-grown component that 
wrapped a SessionFactory and created Sessions on demand. Just like in 
your first version.

Now we use Spring, which handles SessionFactory configuration, 
session creation (and guaranteed disposal), transactions and 
exception handling. Typically we define one (or a few) Service 
facades that are managed by Spring and interact with one or more DAOs 
in the backend. The flowscript deals exclusively with the service 

If you want to develop robust, easily maintained and testable 
applications, I suggest you look closely at Spring.


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Re: javaflow on weblogic 8.1sp2

2005-01-27 Thread WHIRLYCOTT
So did your guy ever show up for work today? ;)
Ralph Goers wrote:
Right, I'm trying to use Javaflow (i.e. not javascript).  Did you have 
to make any WL specific configuration changes in the console or in 
weblogic.xml?  I assume you are using the ParanoidCocoonServlet?  Is 
your .war exploded?

I'll have to check with the guy who did the work when he comes in this 
morning.  We normally deploy as an ear, but he might have run it 
exploded.  I don't believe he was using ParanoidCocoonServlet.

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Broken pipe exceptions

2005-01-27 Thread Oleg Konovalov

I am new to Cocoon.
Getting the following exceptions in Cocoon'e error.log: Broken pipe 

Could somebody please interpret them for me ?
What might be causing it ?  How to fix it ?

Thank you in advance,

P.S.: Cocoon 2.0.4 on JBoss 3.0.7

javax.xml.transform.TransformerException: Broken pipe
Caused by: Broken pipe

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Re: javaflow on weblogic 8.1sp2

2005-01-27 Thread Ralph Goers
So did your guy ever show up for work today? ;)
Yeah, he did.  He isn't using ParanoidCocoonServlet.  He says all he did 
was put the xalan, xerces-impl and xml-apis jars into a lib/endorsed 
directory in our Weblogic project directory and then modified the 
Weblogic startup script to use that directory for endorsed overrides.

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Re: javaflow on weblogic 8.1sp2

2005-01-27 Thread WHIRLYCOTT
Thanks, Ralph - I've tried that with no luck.  But I'm curious to know 
if you mean that those 3 jars were put in the JDK's lib/endorsed/ 
directory?  Because that shouldn't require modifying any startup 
scripts, if I understand this correctly.  Would you mind confirming what 
the modification to the startup script does?

Thanks again.
Ralph Goers wrote:
So did your guy ever show up for work today? ;)

Yeah, he did.  He isn't using ParanoidCocoonServlet.  He says all he did 
was put the xalan, xerces-impl and xml-apis jars into a lib/endorsed 
directory in our Weblogic project directory and then modified the 
Weblogic startup script to use that directory for endorsed overrides.

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  Philip Jacob
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Re: javaflow on weblogic 8.1sp2

2005-01-27 Thread Ralph Goers
Thanks, Ralph - I've tried that with no luck.  But I'm curious to know 
if you mean that those 3 jars were put in the JDK's lib/endorsed/ 
directory?  Because that shouldn't require modifying any startup 
scripts, if I understand this correctly.  Would you mind confirming 
what the modification to the startup script does?

Thanks again.
We don't put them in the JDK's lib/endorsed.  We put them in 
lib/endorsed and then use -Djava.endorsed.dirs=lib/endorsed when 
starting Weblogic.

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Re: javaflow on weblogic 8.1sp2

2005-01-27 Thread WHIRLYCOTT
Ok, I will try that.  Two more questions:
Are you using prefer-web-inf-classes in weblogic.xml?
Do you have init-classloader set in web.xml?
Ralph Goers wrote:
Thanks, Ralph - I've tried that with no luck.  But I'm curious to know 
if you mean that those 3 jars were put in the JDK's lib/endorsed/ 
directory?  Because that shouldn't require modifying any startup 
scripts, if I understand this correctly.  Would you mind confirming 
what the modification to the startup script does?

Thanks again.

We don't put them in the JDK's lib/endorsed.  We put them in 
lib/endorsed and then use -Djava.endorsed.dirs=lib/endorsed when 
starting Weblogic.

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  Philip Jacob
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RE: ESQL and utf-8 encoding

2005-01-27 Thread Lopke, Michael
Title: Message

for all the help. It appears my data was corrupted in the 


  -Original Message-From: Martinson, 
  Theresa [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: 
  Tuesday, January 25, 2005 12:00 PMTo: 
  users@cocoon.apache.orgSubject: RE: ESQL and utf-8 
  We experienced a similar problem with the character encoding 
  on the http request processed by Cocoon. We also were attempting to use UTF-8 
  encoding but found that the encoding would always default to ISO-8859-1. Looking at the request in a debugger, we found that 
  the actual http request wrapped by the Cocoon HttpRequest did not have the 
  character encoding properly set. We corrected this by modifying CocoonServlet 
  to set the character encoding on the wrapped request to the form-encoding 
  value specified in the web.xml. In order to set the character encoding, we 
  needed to use the 2.3 version of the servlet jar. This solved our encoding 
  problems for page display and for request parameter interpretation.
  We understand that this is not directly on point with your 
  problem, but perhaps it may provide a basis for thought.
  Good luck. 
  -Original Message-From: Lopke, 
  Michael [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Monday, January 24, 2005 
  7:18 PMTo: users@cocoon.apache.orgSubject: RE: ESQL and 
  utf-8 encoding
  following up on my previous post because I have done quite a bit of reading of 
  the mail archives which has been helpful, but I'm still 
  placed some code in my original xsp file that looks like 
  String debug_thing =EsqlHelper.getStringFromByteArray( 
  System.out.println("DEBUG " + debug_thing);
  This was nested in side the 
  esql:query. What I'm finding is that the string that gets 
  printed out to the file is good utf-8. My problem is that the 
  output I'm getting on my browser is still incorrect. Any ideas? I 
  even modified the container encoding in the web.xml file and had no 

-Original Message-From: Lopke, Michael 
Sent: Friday, January 21, 2005 10:20 AMTo: 
users@cocoon.apache.orgSubject: ESQL and utf-8 
Has anyone here used esql with data that is utf-8 
encoded? I'm able to connect to my database and get the correct data 
but it appears that somewhere along the way the data is being interpreted as 
iso-8859-1 encoding. I'm not sure if I got all of the configurations 
For example, the Chinese character. 
Shows up as this.  
In my sitemap.xmap I have the 
map:generators default="file" 
map:generator label="content,data" logger="sitemap.generator.file" 
name="file" pool-grow="4" pool-max="32" pool-min="8" 
map:generator label="content,data" 
logger="sitemap.generator.serverpages" name="xsp" pool-grow="2" pool-max="32" 
default="html" ...  
map:serializer name="xml"  
mime-type="text/xml; charset=utf-8"  
/map:serializer  /map:serializers 
. !-- the XSP pages --  map:match 
pattern="*.xml"  map:generate 
type="xsp" src=""/  map:serialize 
type="xml"/  /map:match 
The snippit in my xsp file looks like 
this: ...  
esql:get-string column="display"  
It looks like the generator is interpreting the 
data as iso-8859-1 and passing it through the pipe as such. If I take 
the same data and put it into an xml file as my source but modify the 
encoding at the top to iso-8859-1, I can duplicate the problem.
Thanks, Mike 

Re: javaflow on weblogic 8.1sp2

2005-01-27 Thread Ralph Goers
Ok, I will try that.  Two more questions:
Are you using prefer-web-inf-classes in weblogic.xml?
Do you have init-classloader set in web.xml?
No to both questions.
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Re: decimal formatting

2005-01-27 Thread Gunter D'Hondt
Isn't anybody who knows how I can change the general decimal and thousand 
seperator in a Cocoon application? How to switch them?

I've tried the LocaleAction but this only gives you the locale as a 
parameter in your sitemap so that no use for decimal formatting

Any help is welcome!

Gunter D'Hondt


27-01-2005 14:24
Please respond to


decimal formatting


Currenlty I've got a Cocoon pipeline that generates HTML output by using a 

XSLT transformer where I'm using the following:
xsl:value-of select=format-number(round(field), '##,##0.00')/

this all works fine and displays for example 12,345.99 but how can I setup 

this that it uses my country locale where the decimal separator is a comma 

and the thousand separator is a point? So the result would be 12.345,99

is there a way to set this for the whole Cocoon application? something 
like setting the locale for the xslt-transformer?

and what with the woody field convertors? for example i've got the 
following widget declaration:
  wd:output id=price
wd:datatype base=decimal
  wd:convertor variant=number

Any help is welcome!

Gunter D'Hondt
Sofico NV Belgium

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AW: Framework for Web application with multi-profile clients

2005-01-27 Thread Elad Messing
Title: Framework for Web application with multi-profile clients

Roberto and all.
 Thanks for the answer. However - can anybody elaborate a 
bit ? What tools does cocoon give me in order to answer the difference in the 
profile of my clients ?

 Thanks !!


Von: Roberto [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 27. Januar 2005 16:53An: 
users@cocoon.apache.orgBetreff: Re: Framework for Web application 
with multi-profile clients

definitely you are in the right 
place with the right product. Cocoon is the right solution for your 

Welcome a board

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2005 4:46 
  Subject: Framework for Web application 
  with multi-profile clients
  Hello All 
  I am new here with cocoon. I came here after I got some 
  advices that this is the place where I can find some answers. 
  I am looking for a web-framework that can help me 
  with my requirement of supporting different profile customers. I.E. some of 
  the customers will use PC, some will use PDA like IPAQ and some maybe WAP 
  phones.The resolution is off-course different, the HTML / WML support 
  is different and so on.What do you think ? Can Cocoon answer these 
  requirements ?Thanks !! 
  Elad Messing