water as information

2003-03-12 Thread flylo
that it seems more like diluting than strengthening. Note: Actually, I'm beginning to understand the principles behind stirring, etc, adding your intent to a project, but explaining to someone else who may be involved is very hard for this novice. Martha Wells~Flylo Farms~ Texas Zone 8

organic food

2003-03-12 Thread flylo
off. What can I do, after all, what difference does ONE person make? But, if you show them what a difference it makes TO one person, they'll come in for a taste, and probably come back for more. Martha Wells~Flylo Farms~ Texas Zone 8

OT bird habit

2003-03-12 Thread flylo
. I'm sure the males see it as a rival, but I have no idea what angers the hens so much. Martha Wells~Flylo Farms~ Texas Zone 8

Re: It's a Beautiful Day, streaming along

2003-03-12 Thread flylo
Picked it up great! Even on my very slow internet connect speed (24000bps) Who is the girl in the purple skirt, and is that Angel Trumpet she's pointing at? The flowforms are gorgeous and so is the rest of the photography. thanks for sharing Martha Wells~Flylo Farms~ Texas Zone 8

Re: organic food

2003-03-12 Thread flylo
devil's advocate in anyone's findings (before the naysayers can do it.) If they can't prove it in a test tube or petrie dish, it's probably not going to hold up unless the 'real world' recognises the value of intangible things. Martha Wells~Flylo Farms~ Texas Zone 8

baby animals born...

2003-03-10 Thread flylo
Yes, kidding and foaling season is finished here. I had some very early (or late) foals last year, one very pregnant mare was sold. But the buyer was afraid to foal out so paid me extra to midwife her for her. For some reason, I knew it would be a stud colt, and didn't want to try to get it to

put me out of business!

2003-03-10 Thread flylo
Anyone who grows open pollinated vegetables or other seeds is saying the same thing: (Please, put me out of business!) The few times I've sold to Brazos Natural Foods or The Farm Patch (one is a health food store, the other is a produce vendor only), I've always given them signs to put up,

me either (beautiful day file access)

2003-03-10 Thread flylo
Steve, I couldn't get it to come up either. I have RealPlayer and that program came up fine. It searched for a moment, then gave me a 'file not found' note. I clicked on more info, and found: Requested file not found. The link you followed may be outdated or inaccurate. RealOne Player was sent

beautiful day link

2003-03-10 Thread flylo
Steve, I don't know much about RealPlayer files, how they're uploaded, but the link shows: file:c:%5caudio%5crss_beautiful_day.smi Wouldn't you have to have a web address for everyone to access this file rather than on your C drive itself? On the other hand, you probably could send the file

my nettles

2003-03-09 Thread flylo
Funny how we get possessive over something we actually have a use for. 2 years ago, I was griping about the nettles and now I consider them my earliest crop yet nothing has changed with the nettle itself, only my attitude toward it. They're anywhere from a foot tall to 18 inches in places. When

Re: Yesterday (today and tomorrow)

2003-03-06 Thread flylo
There's a tree with that nickname (Yesterday, Today and tomorrow), a saucer Magnolia? because the flowers change colors as they age. today is sunny and green, some of the mud is receding, finally. I have a mockingbird who is flitting around the eaves of the greenhouse and the brilliant

Re: FW: [globalnews] Man's Give Peace A Chance T-Shirt Lands Him in Custody

2003-03-05 Thread flylo
Wonder why they let the vendor sell the shirt to begin with, if they're going to be that bizarre over it? Maybe it was lucky it was a lawyer, he'll at least have a few 'words' to say over the incident.

Re: Which wormwood?

2003-03-03 Thread flylo
I had the common wormwood, probably A. vulgaris (unsure) but it's the type wreathmakers like because it grows so tall. I say had. I thought you couldn't kill the stuff, but little by little, as they needed some, the goats would wander to the places it grew and eat on it. the horses did the

Dan Rather interview

2003-02-26 Thread flylo
We saw only the last half hour of the Saddam Hussain interview. What I saw and heard didn't exactly jive with Rather's interpretation on what he'd been told. They said the regime's own interpreters, and those who were going to 'mark up' the tapes had complete control over the interview and the

powerful statement

2003-02-25 Thread flylo
Thanks, Keith for putting it into somewhat more perspective. I know I read all of the globalnewshorrowstuff, and just get overwhelmed. too much sadness, too much to deal with. (Why didn't we just all slit our wrists in 1913 and have done with it?) I can't piece it all out to get any grasp. (And

Mildred Cowger

2003-02-24 Thread flylo
I was looking thru SSE yearbook at tomatoes and ran across Mildred Cowger's Belgium and mentions she was a Master Biodynamic Gardener. running Google, I can find some Belgium Cherry tomatoes developed by the late M Cowger, as well as a 1996 column in the JPI magazine Mildred Cowger: A Life Of

pre-emergence weed control

2003-02-23 Thread flylo
Maybe something for Merla's roadside project? Have you tried using corn gluten meal as a pre-emergence? I'm trying it this year in some of the areas that have tough annual weeds that are hard to get into to mow. It's supposed to deter any seed from sprouting, while acting as a fertilizer to

thanks, Jane!

2003-02-23 Thread flylo
I'd like to try to get in touch with this person: ³Nature is in some fundamental way important for the human psyche, and as such it is really central to public health,² says Roger Ulrich, director of the Center for Health Systems and Design at Texas AM University. A pioneer in the field,

Re: chicken feed

2003-02-21 Thread flylo
My chickens don't particularly like liquid milk, but they really gobble up anything solid like soft cheese or yogurt. if I'm going to feed milk to the chickens I curd it up first by heating it then adding cider vinegar to it. They like it ok then. Also, grit and/or oyster shell? I never know

Re: chicken feed

2003-02-21 Thread flylo
Thanks. Like I said, mine have found their own source of grit (cement blocks), and they're free ranging so I have to suppose they're getting things to help grind up food particles ok. When I butchered out some young roosters, I found beautiful, perfectly oval and smooth pieces of glass in one

rain in Tx, update on intelligent guineas

2003-02-20 Thread flylo
I'm going to have to revise my statement about no intelligent life found in guineas. These two are pretty savvy. They quit all that loud screeching yesterday and strolled about their new acreage, seemingly approving all that they found. At dusk, I was in the hay barn getting ready to haul hay

Re: Violets as Soil Indicators

2003-02-19 Thread flylo
I think Violets will grow anywhere almost. Johnny JumpUps, aren't they a type of violet? Jane, your violets are probably happily marching across your lawn as they reseed themselves annually. Can you tell where they originally started in at? Would be interesting to detect their line of


2003-02-19 Thread flylo
My old flock of guineas could dodge bullets but not cars. They'd play 'chicken' with trucks on the road and I lost them one by one. I'd inherited that group with a bunch of poultry I bought from an elderly lady who was moving in to town. Their racket actually lured up several others (guineas,

Re: intelligence? (OT)

2003-02-19 Thread flylo
I know this is off topic but I can't resist the tale. I've had all sorts of birds from everyday chickens to raising the exotics (macaws, etc.) I had a trio of peafowl but the hens wouldn't set their own eggs. I put some in an incubator and hatched out a dozen babies. They followed me like

Re: FW: [globalnews] Starhawk: The Crisis of Government Legitimacy and What Happened in New York

2003-02-19 Thread flylo
This reads a lot like one of Starhawk's early (fiction) books. A shame that in this case, truth follows fiction.


2003-02-18 Thread flylo
I've raised guineas before and nope, I don't think I'd ever use the word 'intelligence' in the same sentence as guineafowl. These 2 new ones are no exception. I had to go shoo them off the henhouse front wall several times, just so the new pullets wouldn't pile up on each other and smother in

Re: Peace Seeds cannibals

2003-02-17 Thread flylo
You know, I almost didn't get the barred rocks. I wasn't exactly shopping for that breed, and to me they had a 'mean eye'. I thought that I was being ridiculous. Now, 2 days later, I realize I should have gone with intuition (but when do we ever listen to ourselves?) What I'm hoping for is the

chicken feed

2003-02-17 Thread flylo
My own chickens eat my horse pellets like everything else around here. Expensive but nonmedicated. These new ones were on a (medicated) grow mash and hen scratch. I bought chopped corn and tried to get unmedicated grower feed. I ended up having to get game bird starter and paid a whopping

Update on cannibals / goat news / questions for seed starting

2003-02-17 Thread flylo
I've never been overly concerned about my chicken feed. They eat probably better than any other critter here. I'll see about Muenster's poultry rations, though. I DID solve the problem about my (new arrivals) cannibal pullets. A friend wanted 2 - 3 new hens, and has an established flock. no


2003-02-13 Thread flylo
I know the topic came up awhile back, but SStorch's post about 'sheath material' struck a chord. Before we moved back to the farm, my neighbor ran some of his cows over here. They were old and even once I had my own herd, his insisted on coming 'home' to calve. A few, as they aged, died here.

Re: arsenic (and old 'shrooms?)

2003-02-12 Thread flylo
It was our ag agent who told us about the test results on the mushroom compost. Since everything that comes out of TAMU is gospel, I suspect they were the ones who tested. I was thinking about using it but after that, plus the fact the stuff stinks worse (almost) than a poultry house, I

Re: arsenic (and old 'shrooms?)

2003-02-12 Thread flylo
Gardeners like it because it has already composted horse manure in it. Plus whenever it rains, they get a bumper crop of mushrooms since some of the spore remains viable for a time. You can't believe how bad this stuff smells, though. Driving by the mushroom plant at 70mph, windows rolled up,

Re:naked chickens

2003-02-11 Thread flylo
Hi Tony, if you can get photo attachments, I'll send these 2 (small) pictures I have of the naked chickens to you. They're a startling red! They look a bit like very weird flamingos.

arsenic (and old 'shrooms?)

2003-02-11 Thread flylo
We have a mushroom plant nearby that practically gives away it's spent mushroom compost to gardeners. Even the organic folk like to use it. But I've heard that some tests on the compost itself and on the soil it's used on reveal a high level of arsenic. It's been pasteurized before inoculated

mean spirited

2003-02-10 Thread flylo
Sorry gang, I suppose I (hopefully for a brief moment) had become one of the people I was railing about. Deborah, yes I understand where you're coming from now. If one were to fly over my county, they'd think small cities have sprung up out of nowhere, so many poultry houses abound. There is


2003-02-09 Thread flylo
Tilapia also like chicken shit, I understand. ThenI definitely need to research this. My chickens stand around on my porch and traverse my path to the horses and goats, pooping healthily as they go. John is mortified that I said I need 'more laying hens', that we'll be awash in chicken poop.

bitter tonight

2003-02-09 Thread flylo
I'll be better tomorrow, but I just had to vent tonight. Sometimes ya'll make me smile. I thought anything a person could grow, 'in kindness and healthy food and atmosphere' would be preferable to buying at the store. Which is what any homesteader is truly trying to avoid. NO, of

Re: sheep know, so do cows

2003-02-08 Thread flylo
I actually understood what was meant (I think.) We have a neighbor who is pushing 100. He said he recalled when they started selling NPK chemical fertilizers as 'the only soil amendment you'll ever need'. But farmers were very leery of the stuff, and tended to put it out with a spoon rather

Producer of Tainted Beef Can Continue

2003-02-08 Thread flylo
Great. Does anyone farm fish?

full of fish

2003-02-08 Thread flylo
Allan there is an organic radio host, Howard Garrett, who does a 4 hour seg Sunday mornings plus one hour Q A on Saturdays. He's wildly popular in Texas. I've seen photos of his home and his greenhouse is a knock out. He insulates the walls with 55 gallon barrels of water. It just looks like

Responsibly Grown

2003-02-07 Thread flylo
I sent the Abundant Life Seed link to another group. One member commented he was really struck by the phrase 'responsibly grown'. (For those who choose not to certify with the organic group). If that phrase hasn't been trademarked, is there any reason we all can't use it?

Re: Subject: Peace Seeds

2003-02-06 Thread flylo
Abundant Life is a beautiful website, especially it's opening page! But I really did want Peace Seeds. Thanks to 'our' Allan, I was able to get in touch with A. Kapuler this morning and order the corn I was looking for, plus ask for a listing of the 2003 Peace varieties.

sheep know, so do cows

2003-02-06 Thread flylo
In 1964, my Daddy put down a good deal of chemical fertilizer. We had pretty good pastures and they instantly went to 'lush green fields' he was pleased. But it made him 'sick as a dog' to handle the stuff, and we ended up having to buy hay mid summer because the cows wouldn't eat any of it.

milk regs

2003-02-05 Thread flylo
When I asked our State Health Inspector he admitted if someone brought their own clean containers I could sell milk and it 'probably' would be ok. He said it wouldn't be legal in Texas, but it was one of those 'iffy things' no one was going to come out and deal with it. However, I weighed the

Peace Seeds

2003-02-05 Thread flylo
Does anyone know if Alan Kapuler is still running Peace Seeds, and if he or the company has email or a web address?


2003-02-04 Thread flylo
The topic of soybeans came up on the homesteading group. One gardener says to just pull up the whole bush when the soybeans are ripe. so I wondered if the plants were good to dry for livestock feeds. She didnt' think so, so I thought I'd ask someone who might know on this list. Obviously,

willow water?

2003-02-03 Thread flylo
I need to prune back some of my rose bushes (they've turned into strangler vines, not even good bloomers any more). I went to our stock tank yesterday and gathered some willow stems and made up a batch of willow water to root some of the roses. Is there any other use for this? I'm sure Ill

Jane's photo

2003-02-03 Thread flylo
Jane, I'd love to see the photo if you can find it. (The one with the researchers under the high lines.) thanks, martha


2003-02-03 Thread flylo
It wouldn't be hard at all for someone (Jane or Allan) to create a distribution list and only send those OT messages to people who actually request to be on the distribution list. It would remove it from BDNOW, and no one would have to actually start a new group with all the headaches that

Jane 's information

2003-02-03 Thread flylo
Jane Sherry has agreed to try something a little different. I'm setting up a distribution list, and everyone who wants to get the forwarded messages from Jane, will now come from me. This will eliminate some of the off topic posts to BDNOW group itself. I'll need to set up a list of emails,

Re: electron resonance

2003-02-02 Thread flylo
I hope someone on this list more 'in the know' of bd 'therapies' will read the entire thread and start dialog on it.So many people come out with statements that 'this will cure cancer' as well as the other main killers, we all have to be a little sceptical. But flaxseed oil and yogurt or

digest mode - you'll hate it

2003-01-30 Thread flylo
Digest really becomes frusterating and extremely bulky when so few people will actually refrain from copying out entire emails to which they're responding. Eventually, some digests may contain ONE solid new piece of information along with re re re re (and BDNOW posts can be lengthy on their


2003-01-29 Thread flylo
Vanilla is an orchid, or in the orchid family, (I think). And it's probably the host trees in stress conditions that attract the ants, not necessarily the vanilla plants themselves. So, planting companion plants, or putting out bits of dried herb is going to be quite an undertaking, especially

not cabin fever!

2003-01-28 Thread flylo
I don't know what it is. But it's everywhere. I was fired from my job yesterday and for no really good reason. Granted, I was 'iffy' about working in a deli - smokehouse. Wondering what all those nitrites, high sodium foodstuffs, heavily preserved meats, etc., were doing to myself just

compost and certification

2003-01-23 Thread flylo
compost first: John brought home a large hoop. Plastic, about 4 feet diameter, 3 feet tall. He thought it'd make a good compost pit. I'm currently using just pallets wired together. I like the air flow and double wall system of pallets, but the front is open so I can haul stable cleanings and

Say No to GMO

2003-01-23 Thread flylo
The lady who has the 'no to GMO website' has recently gotten in bumper stickers. Free for a SASE: They are BRIGHT yellow with big bold black writing. Say No to GMOs! www.saynotogmo.org is all that's on them. 8.5 x 2.5 vinyl No GMOs Sticker PO Box 382 Cedar Creek Texas78612


2003-01-23 Thread flylo
Allan, why not name the new CSA HIDDEN SECRETS? You said the name Just WOULD NOT COME for you... and what better than a Secret Garden (oh speak from my childhood reading G), or, a hidden secret of great taste and nourishment?

Re: Looking for a new CSA name

2003-01-23 Thread flylo
Earth Wares

diatomaceous earth

2003-01-21 Thread flylo
I make goat milk soap and use DE in my soaps. It acts like a very mild abrasive. You really can't feel it in the lather, but it helps abrade that fine top layer of dead skin cells (somewhat). Otherwise, I don't have a lot of use for the stuff. I did try feeding it to the horses as a dewormer

GOOGLE (not Goggle)

2003-01-21 Thread flylo
I don't know what a Goggle search would generate, but GOOGLE is the search engine folks tend to utilize the most. I did plug in my name (Martha Wells), and came up with my mirror self, the other Martha Wells. Ironic isn't it. we both are writers (she gets paid ((TOR books, science fiction) , I

so true, so true

2003-01-20 Thread flylo
Allan (and Chris) are right. This very thing happened a few weeks ago. Someone forwarded me a lengthy message about how we all should boycott McDonald's restaurant chain because they're importing beef, not using our own US cattle, etc. The post was, by all appearances, signed by Dr. David

Re: OT: Re: Canberra Wildfire

2003-01-18 Thread flylo
Yes, Roger, please keep updating all of us. The wildfires were in our local (Dallas Tx) news this evening. Terrifying for you and heartrendering for everyone concerned. If everyone on the list could think 'rain' for Roger, hopefully it would help stop the fires.

mailing lists

2003-01-09 Thread flylo
Roger stated: This is not the usual practice for mailing lists (for archives to be in the public domain) Doesn't matter if the archives or the forum is supposed to be private or public, I don't think. I recently ran a search on something totally innocent (Dragon Langerie wax beans), and on

about Google and other search engines

2003-01-09 Thread flylo
I was looking up another topic (chicken tunnels), and Google listed a number of tunnel and 'moat' sites. I clicked on one, (homesteading today?) I can't remember but it said 'this forum has been converted to members access only, please enter your password.' So, it is doable to change from an

internet posting

2003-01-09 Thread flylo
I suppose there are entire agencies devoted to snooping in on internet email groups. Ok by me. I suggest posting long, hard, information-driven messages. The people you intend to see them will benefit, the people who haven't a clue will probably absorb some of it, even unintentionally. The

where in Texas?

2003-01-08 Thread flylo
Hugh writes: I think what you, Jeff, Allan and others, particularly in Hawaii, Texas, the midwest and out on the west coast, have done as regards making BD info available to the public Are there demo farms in Texas? I know of one or two practitioners, but I was unaware of any teaching

Given That

2003-01-08 Thread flylo
Allan, you need to elaborate on the refused entrance to WHAT public building? And, a couple of other lists I have are mandating NO LURKING rules, maybe for the very same thing. If someone audits a list, that's fine, but they need to post occasionally if nothing more than to say, 'explain

tree topic

2003-01-07 Thread flylo
My BDNOW (email) folder has over 2495 entries. I was pretty sure the topic of trees as broadcasters has been addressed before now, but I can't locate it in all the conglomerated mess that is BDNOW folder. I DID locate one (off in my Biodynamic folder of documents I've saved as Word docs),


2003-01-06 Thread flylo
The USDA operates a CSA database Allan, I think this was where I found the (one) Tx CSA listed. I know the girl, and have been to her place. If she was growing anything but weeds and dogshit I couldn't see it. I can't imagine how she can claim to be growing food for people unless she's really

CSA names

2003-01-05 Thread flylo
When I ran a Google search on CSA in Texas, I got one only. (And I know the person running it, and I wouldn't trust her as far as I could heave her.) But, instead they're calling it subscription farms. I'd think even contract farming would have a good ring, nicer than 'subscribers'.

Whole Foods, you are what you buy

2003-01-04 Thread flylo
Whole Foods started out in Austin Tx of all places, 1980's, little 'hole in the wall'. Austin also has / had a good food co-op called Wheatsfield which was bigger at the time. It's still there, but about the same size, very family type atmosphere. WF is more glistening supermarket style. When

Re: Water is Becoming a Dangerous Drug

2003-01-03 Thread flylo
Years ago I received a cassette tape from a guy who was selling some 'health remedy' or other. Liquid Colloidal minerals, i think was the going rage at that time. But one thing he mentioned, that he knew a rental service, the kind that rents jobsite tools, large equipment, even port a potties.

Chef's A Field

2003-01-03 Thread flylo
PBS is going to be hosting a series of farmer to chef specials. The web site is an excellent presentation of what's to come. It is a slide show, complete with music and voiceover. Takes about 10 - 15 minutes to run, but it starts quickly, you don't have to wait for the whole thing to load up.

roses, lesson in humility

2003-01-02 Thread flylo
We've been getting torrential rains here in central Texas. Though everything is still green and growing, we have water standing in every available low spot. I was amazed that even tho we've had a couple of frosts, my roses have been blooming late December. One white rose has always had small


2003-01-02 Thread flylo
Can anyone direct me to some good sites on dowsing? Also, another list, the topic came up of the art of dowsing for foal and calf sex on the cow or mare. Is this widely done, and can anyone explain how? I did a pendulum dowsing about 2 months before my first foal was due. I had 2 mares I

Now we're cookin!!

2003-01-02 Thread flylo
Well, the 'neighbor who shoots off explosives' hit a chord.. I don't know those way back neighbors, but they've been shooting off what seemed like cannons since midday Tuesday. They're still at it. Humongous Kaboombs... They're maybe 5 miles away so I don't really mind, but I thought it was

killer bees

2003-01-01 Thread flylo
We still have some wild bees that apparently haven't interbred yet. We were all sharing the same leaky water hose this summer and no one objected. However, we also have some that I believe have requeened with killer bee queens. When they swarm, I usually like to go observe them. They have a

nettle seeds

2003-01-01 Thread flylo
Mine had to have come from a direct seed source. I never had them until about 5 years ago. At that time I was raising some exotic finches and other birds. I'd moved the cages to a row run shed behind the house, and the following season, I was seeing strange weeds in the goat fields next door.

sorry, I was unclear

2002-12-31 Thread flylo
Allan, when I picked out those vegetables at random off this farmer's chart, I wasn't clear. From the chart it looks like these are not a weekly offering, but the whole total amounts one member may expect to receive for that year. It just didn't look like very much to me. 8 bunch beets, 1-3


2002-12-31 Thread flylo
This one in MASS says she supplies 33 members. I did some digging on CSA + Texas and came up with one I know for a fact is a rip off near Houston. Two around the Austin area who call themselves 'subscription farms' rather than CSA. These only will allow 10 members, and charge $25 per week. Our

Re: CSA Tx

2002-12-31 Thread flylo
Thanks Perry, there's a lot to think about. For the next couple of seasons, until my garden beds get re-established, I'm probably going to just try growing enough extra to build a produce stand business locally. Land expansion isn't a problem, i have one 18 acre field that's shaped triangular

more buggy questions

2002-12-30 Thread flylo
Not that we've had too terribly cold weather so far, only some frosty nights, but everyone's insect sitings made me want to ask the list about my ladybugs. Every November thru January, they hatch out in droves. In the framework of my windowsills, around the edges of anything remotely still

Re: Organic Seed

2002-12-28 Thread flylo
Baker Creek Heirlooms (not always OG but always open pollinated), seems to carry a great deal of seed from other countries. When I order seed they're very good about sending extra packets of 'something for me to try out'. I've received South American melons, little red eggplant from Tunisia,

nettle seeds

2002-12-22 Thread flylo
Laura, Most of my own nettles are growing very healthily in my goat yards. One of the few plants the goats won't touch. They usually get quite tall, some 3 - 4 feet (but scraggly, not bushy). Usually by summer's heat they fade, and I've never noticed seeds. If you want me to save some, I have

field broadcaster

2002-12-20 Thread flylo
I've been looking at Hugh's broadcasters, wondering how I'd know where to put one, and what I'd need to do, etc. I mentioned it on another list, saying I just can't afford it right now, husband is particularly opposed to this 'foofoo stuff'. A friend on that list mentioned she'd bought one

what about honey?

2002-12-20 Thread flylo
I used to hear the old cowpokes around here talk about getting gored, or some other really horrendous wounds to either themselves, their horses, or the cattle in their charge while on some of the last cattle drives from Tx to Ks. They would pour sugar into the wound and if it was really

nettle beer

2002-12-19 Thread flylo
He wouldn't drink the tea but might sample the beer. We have some friends who call themselves wine makers. Well, I guess they are, but it's a wine no one but themselves can drink. And they're very generous with the stuff. I've made some rather potent wine jelly out of it, the rest is 'aging

Sierra Club info

2002-12-18 Thread flylo
I emailed Laurel and received this reply from her. We are out of videos. You can order one for $6.00. You'll find out how by going to http://www.thecampaign.org laurel

color / param sorry

2002-12-18 Thread flylo
Sorry for all the html looking quote signals. I never know how my emailer is going to pick up and send my quoted lines, luckily they weren't too many.


2002-12-18 Thread flylo
Thank you all!! Because of a link someone provided on this group, I stumbled upon a great source. (and local to me, too!!) www.saynotogmos.org And one of the folk there sent me this very nice letter in response to one I'd sent to Laurel (Sierra Club). The tapes seem very reasonable, I think $8

apologizing before the fact

2002-12-18 Thread flylo
If my last message is 'warbley', I'm apologizing now. I assume that when I pick up a thread from a prior email, it's going to get all discombobulated in the translation. That one, I felt was worth the nasty look I'll probably get from Allan G.

Re: book review?

2002-12-16 Thread flylo
Thanks Allan. I'll save my money. (Pinetree Gardens offers it at a deep discount ($3.95).)

Ferdinand's clay coating

2002-12-16 Thread flylo
Wasn't it Ferdinand who was coating his tree trunks in the wintertime with a mixture of cow manure and clay? Is anyone else doing this and if so, what are the benefits / results?

not CSA, but farmstand

2002-12-12 Thread flylo
A couple of days ago I forwarded a newsletter I get from a woman who runs a produce stand in Austin Tx. Granted, her stand is practically downtown Austin, but they also have about 60 acres under production in a smaller town nearby. The stand is in her front yard and only open Wednesdays and

descendents of African potentates?

2002-12-10 Thread flylo
Allan, I'm disappointed and feel very unloved if I don't get 1/2 a dz per day. They seem to come in waves though. And can get quite imaginative (those I even bother to open). One involved their high school athletic equipment. billion dollar basketballs, I dunno. Some people must be too greedy

reading - other than Jeavons

2002-12-09 Thread flylo
Rose, here is a post from awhile back about a book list on biodynamic agriculture. You also may want to look up Biodynamic in Google search and go to some of the websites. You'll probably run across a number of list member's sites there. (i never throw out anything, not even old emails.)

Wendell Berry and others

2002-12-08 Thread flylo
I went to the Orion Society link and read Berry's essay. I think what I have a hard time with this is that yes, he's been writing 'agrarian' for over 25 years. Now his writings have been more (it seems to me) : 'I told you this was going to happen. You didn't listen now I'm tired and we're

Allan, you old sneak!

2002-12-08 Thread flylo
Allan, when did you join Homesteader's Work group? There are some people asking about biodynamic gardening and I haven't seen you say anything about it. Anytime you want to post something about BDNOW or about your website, or anything about biodynamic in general, it would be well received on


2002-12-08 Thread flylo
Perry wrote: hopefully other stakeholders within the foodshed will want to buy locally and receive the same fresh locally produced food. And yep!! this could very well be a fad too!!! Good taste good heath is never a fad. (Should be someone's motto.)

Re: fad? /foodshed project

2002-12-08 Thread flylo
Perry, please keep us informed after your Tuesday meeting. I'm picking up on your excitement and feel that others are probably energized by it also. Good Luck!

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