Re: [newbie-it] nvidia driver

2001-07-24 Thread Tommaso Leddi
18:53, venerdì 20 luglio 2001, bellotti: Grazie del tuo consiglio sono riuscito ad installare i driver nvidia e adesso all'avvio di X mi appare il logo di nvidia. Anch'io infine sono riuscito a installare i driver nvidia. anche a me all'avvio di X mi appare il logo di nvidia. Ho provato a far

Re: [newbie-it] visualizzazione caratteri

2001-07-24 Thread Sandro
Il 18:02, lunedì 23 luglio 2001, hai scritto: Il 22:55, lunedì 23 luglio 2001, hai scritto: [CUT] Era quel che pensavo. In realtà non ho fatto modifiche all'impostazione del server X. Ero entrato nel MCCenter per verificare i passi della configurazione per rispondere ad una email di

[newbie-it] ancora modem ISDN ASUS interno...

2001-07-24 Thread D.P.
...allora... forse quello che ho scoperto getterà nuova luce sul caso modem interno ASUS ^__^' Ho scaricato i drivers aggiornati dal sito della ASUS... il problema adesso è : CHE ME NE FACCIO ? non so dove metterli, come installarli.. allego il file readme (contenuto nei

Re: [newbie-it] ancora modem ISDN ASUS interno...

2001-07-24 Thread Fabio Coatti
Il 10:40, martedì 24 luglio 2001, scrivesti: non so dove metterli, come installarli.. allego il file readme (contenuto nei suddetti drivers), le istruzioni sono abbastanza precise, il problema è che LA CARTELLA A CUI FA RIFERIMENTO LO STEP 1 NON ESISTE :- ! (o per lo meno, io non

Re: [newbie-it] nvidia driver

2001-07-24 Thread Gigi
hai inserito la riga load glx nel file xf86config-4? --- Tommaso Leddi [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto: 18:53, venerdì 20 luglio 2001, bellotti: Grazie del tuo consiglio sono riuscito ad installare i driver nvidia e adesso all'avvio di X mi appare il logo di nvidia. Anch'io infine sono

Re: [newbie-it] nvidia driver

2001-07-24 Thread bellotti
Tommaso Leddi wrote: 18:53, venerdì 20 luglio 2001, bellotti: Grazie del tuo consiglio sono riuscito ad installare i driver nvidia e adesso all'avvio di X mi appare il logo di nvidia. Anch'io infine sono riuscito a installare i driver nvidia. anche a me all'avvio di X mi appare il logo

[newbie-it] Sound

2001-07-24 Thread baldo78
Ciao a tutti, ho ancora il problema con la sb. Non riesco a sentire il suono, i moduli sono su, ma il server sonoro si blocca. Viene segnalato un conflitto a irq5, può dipendere dal fatto che ho un masterizzatore interfacciato a porta scsi? Ho provato a risolvere il problema usando le how-to e

R: [newbie-it] Player video AVI MPEG

2001-07-24 Thread Tulissi Franco
Ho appena terminato il download di MPlayer-0.18pre5.tgz da freshmeat. Appena possibile la provo! Grazie mille :-))) Frank -Messaggio originale- On Tuesday 24 July 2001 11:25, you wrote: C'è qualcuno che ha qualche suggerimento in merito, oppure conosce qualche altro player (anche per

Re: [newbie-it] Sound

2001-07-24 Thread Fabio Coatti
Il 14:25, martedì 24 luglio 2001, scrivesti: Ciao a tutti, ho ancora il problema con la sb. Non riesco a sentire il suono, i moduli sono su, ma il server sonoro si blocca. Viene segnalato un conflitto a irq5, può dipendere dal fatto che ho un masterizzatore interfacciato a porta scsi? Ho

Re: [newbie-it] Mdk 8 - Perche' non funzioni?

2001-07-24 Thread Sandro
Il 07:18, martedì 24 luglio 2001, hai scritto: Il giorno 24-07-2001 16:01, Sandro, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto: Il 17:02, lunedì 23 luglio 2001, hai scritto: In effetti fstab è corretto. Se mi dici che poi adesso ti funziona...non so che dirti. Effettivamente è una cosa strana. Anche lo

Re: [newbie-it] Mdk 8 - Perche' non funzioni?

2001-07-24 Thread Fabio Coatti
Il 21:57, martedì 24 luglio 2001, Sandro scrisse: No e' bloccato e al riavvio odierno e' di nuovo bloccato anche il cdrom!!! Prova ad inserire un cdrom ed una cartuccia zip e poi riavvia. Non vorrei che il sistema cercasse di montare a tutti i costi il cdrom e lo zip, pur non avendo

Re: [newbie-it] visualizzazione caratteri

2001-07-24 Thread Daniele Micci
Il 16:12, martedì 24 luglio 2001, hai scritto: [CUT] hai controllato anche il resto dell' xf86config? magari vede meno memoria di quella che ha la tua scheda. guarda anche se c'e' qualche processo strano in esecuzione o doppio o qualcosa comunque che occupa molta cpu, o qualcosa di simile.

Re: [newbie-it] nvidia driver

2001-07-24 Thread Tommaso Leddi
05:09, martedì 24 luglio 2001, Gigi: hai inserito la riga load glx nel file xf86config-4? Si, evidentemente non basta. Ho sostituito nv con nvidia, ho aggiunto load glx e non ho cancellato quelle due stringhe perchè non c'erano da nessuna parte. Se serve posto tutto il file

Re: [newbie-it] Sound

2001-07-24 Thread Mr_Brain
Il 21:01, venerdì 20 luglio 2001, hai scritto: Anima pietosa mi guardi stò modules.conf e mi dici se ci capisci qualcosa per la mia OPTi audio 16 Sicuri che e` 100% Sb16 compatibile, vero? O:-) riconosce col # dmesg | less ma che poi hard drake fallisce miseramente perché non trova il

[newbie-it] Problema MOUNT mdk8

2001-07-24 Thread legion
ciaoz ogni volta che spengo il pc nell'ultima schermata mi viene fuori: /MOUNT : device busy (qualcosa di simile) e praticamente non smonta il filesystem... ed ad ogni riavvio fa il check forced perche' appunto non e' stato smontato bene.. che posso fare? help! graz

Re: [newbie-it] Sound

2001-07-24 Thread Sebastiano Cordiano
On Tue, 24 Jul 2001 14:25:27 +0200 baldo78 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Ciao a tutti, ho ancora il problema con la sb. Non riesco a sentire il suono, i moduli sono su, ma il server sonoro si blocca. Viene segnalato un conflitto a irq5, può dipendere dal fatto che ho un masterizzatore

[newbie-it] ancora update

2001-07-24 Thread bosva
salve ML! grazie mille per l'aiuto che mi avete dato fino ad avrei ancora una domanda da super-new: facendo l'update (mdk 7.2, clicco su update sul desktop) a volte, dopo aver scaricato il pacchetto (ad es. mi è successo con kdegames, ma non è stato l'unico), mi dice che l'aggiornamento

Re: [newbie-it] visualizzazione caratteri

2001-07-24 Thread Daniele Micci
Il 17:01, martedì 24 luglio 2001, hai scritto: -Messaggio Originale- Da: Daniele Micci [EMAIL PROTECTED] | La scheda è una Matrox G400 con 32Mb. anche io ho questa...e mi viene data con 16 mb di ram posso fare qualcosa? grazie Prima di allarmarti, verifica il tuo XF86Config:

Re: [newbie-it] Mailreader + gpg

2001-07-24 Thread Fabio Coatti
On Tue, Jul 24, 2001 at 05:58:34PM +0200, Mr_Brain wrote: Salve a tutti i newbies (chi piu`, chi meno :) ) Sto cercando un mailreader che *non* sia kmail e che includa il pieno supporto al gpg/pgp... chi me ne sa indicare uno? Se non ti serve l'interfaccia grafica allora mutt. --

[newbie-it] Secondo voi si può fare?

2001-07-24 Thread Luca Branca
Mi è arrivato tra le mani un portatile omnibook hp 486dx 75 con 8 mb di ram. Questo sistema io dovrei usarlo unicamente per scrivere testi con un programma tipo word e poco altro. I problemi che si pongono sono 2: il primo è che non dovendolo usare io di persona ma un mio amico totalmente

[newbie-it] Re: [newbie-it] Secondo voi si può fare?

2001-07-24 Thread Mercury
Primo suggerimento: Non scrivere alle ML in grafico (HTML) Secondo suggerimento: Non proporre l'idea windows in questa ML (è mattina presto mi rovini la giornata ;-) ) Terzo suggerimento: Cerca una belle versione antica di linux ... la distribuzione la lascio a tua discrezione ... l'importante

Re: [newbie-it] visualizzazione caratteri

2001-07-24 Thread freefred
On Tuesday 24 July 2001 14:16, you wrote: Come non detto: ho controllato le frequenze di refresh orizzontale e verticale settate nel file XF86config-4: sono *esattamente* quelle del mio monitor (sia nei valori massimi che in quelli minimi)... Daniele hai controllato anche il

Re: [newbie-it] visualizzazione caratteri

2001-07-24 Thread Daniele Micci
Il 16:16, martedì 24 luglio 2001, hai scritto: [CUT] Una domanda: che scheda grafica hai, quale processore usa, quanta ram ha installata a bordo (della scheda) ? Potrebbe essere un problema di driver non adeguati? In effetti , però, se fosse così avrebbe dovuto dare i problemi da subito.

Re: [newbie-it] Mdk 8 - Perche' non funzioni?

2001-07-24 Thread Franco
Il giorno 24-07-2001 15:57, Fabio Coatti, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto: Prova ad inserire un cdrom ed una cartuccia zip e poi riavvia. Non vorrei che il sistema cercasse di montare a tutti i costi il cdrom e lo zip, pur non avendo niente inserito. Infatti se ci sono tutto ok, ma appena

Re: [newbie-it] address book

2001-07-24 Thread bosva
Daniele Micci wrote: Il 19:00, domenica 22 luglio 2001, hai scritto: [CUT] ok...proverò a cercare i file di intanto sapeste darmi un suggerimento su dove ne sarei grato... grazie mille a tutta la ml e a daniele osva Penso vengano creati all'interno

Re: [newbie-it] Sound

2001-07-24 Thread Fabio Coatti
On Tue, Jul 24, 2001 at 12:52:55PM +0200, Mr_Brain wrote: Il 12:36, sabato 21 luglio 2001, hai scritto: Benissimo, ecco il mio modules. Ho provato il comando dmesg da consolle, la Sb viene riconosciuta ma mi da un conflitto a IRQ5. Non me ne intendo, ma potrebbe essere in conflitto con

[newbie] Re: Can't Print Anymore???

2001-07-24 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan
Try checking your printer settings using kups, qtcups or at https://localhost:631/ (strangely, I've only managed to get this URL working in Opera). I once had a problem where my printer stopped working all of a sudden. I checked my CUPS settings and found that it had been put offline. I

Re: [newbie] Linux under Windoze

2001-07-24 Thread Paul
I run my Linux Mandrake 8.0 at home PC, and, as I discovered, you won't learn nothing without actually work with it. So I want to install some Linux at work, but I MUST leave the Windoze !!, so i look for some Linux that comes on top of windows, can live on NTFS/FAT and work just like

Re: [newbie] Alternatives help like Win4Lin?

2001-07-24 Thread Paul
VM is dearest by miles. Not sure of this one - seems to be similar in CPU demand to Windoze . From what I heard, windowze is more stable in VMWare than in Windowze. I have used it for a while and it is pretty good. Win4Lin is around $80. Seems to be a simple gui install.Claims to do

Re: [newbie] Linux under Windoze

2001-07-24 Thread Oren Gozlan
You can also use VMware for windows and install Linux on virtual partition... Oren Gozlan Mobixell Networks Inc. p: +972 9 776 0121 f: + 972 9 740 7373 c: +972 54 536 047 [EMAIL PROTECTED] On 24 Jul 2001 09:22:16 +0200, Michael Spivak wrote:

RE: [newbie] X won't start default font fixed

2001-07-24 Thread Jose M. Sanchez
The FIX for this problem is to start XFS! Try: service start xfs From a prompt... Tail /var/log/messages for any errors... -JMS -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Scott Wagner Sent: Monday, July 23, 2001 12:56 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [newbie] Getting the basics going

2001-07-24 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan
The best and easiest (it's entirely graphical!) way to give user access to a burner, IMHO, is to use userdrake to add your user to the cdwriter group. As for burning software, have your tried X-CD-Roast? Burning software in GNU/Linux is currently designed for functionality rather than for

Re: [newbie] Getting the basics going

2001-07-24 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan
Here's the text from a Civileme post last month: -- quote -- SCSI Emulation is in two parts--first a message to the kernel to tell it to assume emulation is done Second is a modprobe of scsi and a link to the appropriate SCSI device The first part is simple in /etc/lilo.conf or in drakboot

RE: [newbie] New user

2001-07-24 Thread Adams, Jamie
Hiya, it seems as though somehow your machine is defaulting to the graphical login. You DO see the text login briefly even if your machine is booting into X, but you wont be able to login there. Im not sure how to change this manually but you can change your preferred boot mode in DrakConf.

Re: [newbie] nVidia drivers (again) NEED HELP FROM KERNEL GURU!

2001-07-24 Thread Kernell32
Hmm glx is installed fine i guess. The kernel wont install thats weird i never seen that one before ... did you do any changes to it? Do you use a custom kernel or is it the default ? What kernel version is it? The default mandrake8 kernel should work fine. Thing is i dont know allmost

Re: [newbie] NOW: philosophy of the Newby book

2001-07-24 Thread etharp
John, as you compile your book, please consider that while this e-mail list is freely distributed and may be fair use copied, We can not be sure that everyone whom contributed a question or a response is willing to see that question or response in someone other than MandrakeSoft inc.'s

Re: [newbie] Getting the basics going

2001-07-24 Thread John Rigby
Sridhar, On Tue, 24 Jul 2001 18:40, you manipulated electrons to produce: The best and easiest (it's entirely graphical!) way to give user access to a burner, IMHO, is to use userdrake to add your user to the cdwriter group. I got in couldn't see how to add a user/group gave

[newbie] ADSL Weirdness

2001-07-24 Thread Neville Cobb
I changed my ADSL password using windows but after that I could not get an ADSL connection using Lunix again so I reconfigured md ADSL several times and still no connection. I then reinstalled Md8+freq2 with the new ADSL password and I got a connection 1st time. Nev

[newbie] httpd, proftpd, squid, innd

2001-07-24 Thread James S Bear
Okay, I am still a bad kid, but I have another question. On my box, httpd, proftpd, squid, and innd do not start. They cannot start at boot or using the commands. I believe the problem is that my DNS server isn't working--at least correctly. In North Dakota, all the schools are connected in

Re: [newbie] A job using linux?

2001-07-24 Thread Tim Holmes
I agree with Jim. I wouldn't so much say that Linux knowledge is what's in high demand, but more of *nix. If you have a very comprehensable knowlegde of Linux, especially the command line ascpect of it, then applying for work where your work station will be a SunOS machine, or you're doing

Re: [newbie] extracting a single folder from a tarball

2001-07-24 Thread Paul
hey there , i want to extract a folder called byhp from a tar file called html.tar.bz2 , i've tried the tar -Ixvf , also tried to do this with mc(Midnight Command er ) but it doesn't seem to happen could any of you please help me with this . ? If I remember correctly it should

Re: [newbie] MAC addresses

2001-07-24 Thread Frans Ketelaars
James S Bear wrote: Okay, I will admit it. I am a bad kid. You can go ahead and hate me if you want, but some of your addresses are filtered out of my e-mail. I hate to do that, it is bad list etiquette. How do I expect to get my questions answered if I don't read half of your e-mails?

Re: [newbie] deleting user

2001-07-24 Thread Tim Holmes
Personally I would have tried and fixed the corrupted userID before I would have deleted the user. That should always be the very last option when all else fails. But at this point it's a bit late for that huh? :0) Never go through an just vi /etc/passwd, or whatever editor you use. Learn

Re: [newbie] and dsl lan setup question

2001-07-24 Thread Dave Sherman
Congratulations! As a current user of Qwest dsl, I was told (before I signed up) that the internal modem they supply is Windows-compatible *only*, and that I would need to get the external dsl modem if I wanted to work with any non-Windows OS. This is what I did, and everything works fine.

RE: [newbie] Screem crashes

2001-07-24 Thread Dennis Herndon
It's funny to see this message. I too just installed Screem on LinMan 8.0 - and it hangs on the screaming splash screen also. I remember trying it out in LinMan 7.x and it did work. Now that I have my system going, I wanted to try it out again. -Original Message- From: =/\= Majki

RE: [newbie] Best browser for linux?

2001-07-24 Thread Dennis Herndon
I actually like Mozilla - it's a Netscape clone. -Original Message- From: OOzy Pal [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Saturday, July 21, 2001 12:56 To: Ravi Malghan; [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: [newbie] Best browser for linux? Try Nestscape 6.1 it is good. They fix most of NS6.0

Re: [newbie] extracting a single folder from a tarball

2001-07-24 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan
If you have KDE, you should be able to do this with the Archiver (ark). On Fri, 21 Jul 2000 10:24, Surdeep B wrote: hey there , i want to extract a folder called byhp from a tar file called html.tar.bz2 , i've tried the tar -Ixvf , also tried to do this with mc(Midnight Commander ) but it

Re: [newbie] NOW: philosophy of the Newby book

2001-07-24 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan
Ummm John? I don't think Ed meant any harm by his comments. He just doesn't want his comments directly used in a publication without his permission (but you can paraphrase), which I think is perfectly acceptable (they are his commments, after all). I believe his concern is that you may be

Re: [newbie] Best browser for linux?

2001-07-24 Thread Robert MacLean
Hi Isn't it the other way round? Netscape is based on Mozilla, or am I wrong thinkin' that. Robert MacLean - Original Message - From: Dennis Herndon [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: 'OOzy Pal' [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Ravi Malghan [EMAIL PROTECTED]; [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2001 3:46 PM

Re: [newbie] and dsl lan setup question

2001-07-24 Thread James S Bear
You know, I am sure this is what they said and it may be true, but if that external dsl modem costs more, I would get the PCI card. I think the problem isthat they don't want to do any supporting of anything other than windows, but other than that VIA chipset, I haven't come across anything that

[newbie] canonical and/or virtual

2001-07-24 Thread Franki
Hi all, Can someone explain what the difference between canonical and virtual mapping? I am trying to setup postfix.. and I am getting a mail bounces back to me error for the local domain,, its not even one of the virtual domains... they all seem to be working... its got me knackered..

Re: [newbie] Getting the basics going

2001-07-24 Thread Michel Clasquin
On Tuesday 24 July 2001 07:19, John Rigby wrote: 2. Cannot get my new Linux Ready Lexmark Z32 Printer to work properly with Star. Cannot get it to accept new drivers./new printer. Do you mean StarOffice 5.2? I got it to print like this: setup your printer in CUPS. This should have been done

[newbie] some install questions

2001-07-24 Thread Robert MacLean
Hi Firstly I'm a hardcore Windows man, always used Windows (since Windows 2.0). I have basic Linux knowledge, some stuff I've picked up. I want to move to Linux for the speed and for the security. Windows NT is like a pregnant bloated water buffalo, and about as secure as a pregnant water

Re: [newbie] Sound Card and Printers

2001-07-24 Thread James S Bear
Good. IF you do not have CUPS, install it. Then, I run it through netscape by typing in http://localhost:631/, I have found that if immediately after installing CUPS, this doesn't work. I am sure there is something you could change to make it work, but to me it is easier just to reboot. Once

Re: [newbie] Linux under Windoze

2001-07-24 Thread Brandon Caudle
You could run vmware with 2000. Brandon Caudle -- 15yr Old Avid Unix User (HP-UX,FreeBSD,Linux) From: Paul [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: [newbie] Linux under Windoze Date: Tue, 24 Jul 2001 06:44:52 GMT I run my Linux Mandrake 8.0 at home PC, and, as I

Re: [newbie] Getting the basics going

2001-07-24 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan
On Tue, 24 Jul 2001 21:26, John Rigby wrote: Sridhar, On Tue, 24 Jul 2001 18:40, you manipulated electrons to produce: The best and easiest (it's entirely graphical!) way to give user access to a burner, IMHO, is to use userdrake to add your user to the cdwriter group. I

Re: [newbie] some install questions

2001-07-24 Thread Tim Holmes
Wsup Robert? Well here's the run down. Postfix is a mail server. Basically it does what sendmail is so famous for doing, but Mandrake seems to love it, so that's why it's in the standard install. Go ahead and let it install. By default it's a close port so you won't have to worry too much

[newbie] source code for mandrake 7.2

2001-07-24 Thread karthigan srinivasan
I am trying to download the source code for Mandrake 7.2. I checked their web site. I went to the CVS repository. I am not able to find any directory called /src. Can someone please enlighten me? Regards, Karthigan. _ Get your

Re: [newbie] Best browser for linux?

2001-07-24 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan
Netscape 6 is Mozilla (an open source project) with extra AOL junk (advertising, etc.) placed on top. Why use Netscape 6, when Mozilla is leaner and meaner? On Tue, 24 Jul 2001 23:55, Robert MacLean wrote: Hi Isn't it the other way round? Netscape is based on Mozilla, or am I wrong

Re: [newbie] Getting the basics going

2001-07-24 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan
On Tue, 24 Jul 2001 19:19, Michel Clasquin wrote: On Tuesday 24 July 2001 07:19, John Rigby wrote: 2. Cannot get my new Linux Ready Lexmark Z32 Printer to work properly with Star. Cannot get it to accept new drivers./new printer. Do you mean StarOffice 5.2? I got it to print like this:

Re: [newbie] MAC addresses

2001-07-24 Thread Tim Holmes
Frans is right... ifconfig is your friend on many levels. In Mandrake, ifconfig is not in a regular user's path. So you'll need to be root, or have to include the full path. /sbin/ifconfig But here's a way to get the MAC address. Just use this command here to cut out what you need with out

RE: [newbie] A job using linux?

2001-07-24 Thread Jason Guidry
first, thanks to those who have replied to my post. each of you has supplied a lot of valuable and thoughtful info. second, it appears as though i did not word my original post correctly. i was not trying to ask the list to tell me how I could make millions because i could install mandrake 8

Re: [newbie] source code for mandrake 7.2

2001-07-24 Thread karthigan srinivasan
What is SRPMS? I am looking for the kernel source. I am looking for the complete source code package for Mandrake 7.2. Can you please tell me where I can find it? Regards, Karthigan. From: civileme [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: karthigan srinivasan [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re:

Re: [newbie] xmps win32 divx plugin...

2001-07-24 Thread H.Narfi Stefansson
On Tuesday 24 July 2001 11:01, arro wrote:  well i was installing xmps to watch divs movies under linux , as they  claimed to have a plugin that uses the win32 dll's .  libxmps/libxmps_config.h:39:18: glib.h: No such file or directory  i was wondering why there is the message of a missing

Re: [newbie] source code for mandrake 7.2

2001-07-24 Thread Michael D. Viron
Karthigan, SRPMS are basically the source code for an application which can be rebuilt to a binary RPM. The SRPM for the latest kernel is available from .src.rpm The tar.gz file (if you'd rather do it that way), can

Re: [newbie] some install questions

2001-07-24 Thread A B
My friends, Let me ask you something regarding the last matter mentioned in this mail. When you define low, normal or high security levels, does LM8.0 uses different kinds of ipchains configurations? if not, what is the tool for defining the security levels? I'd appreciate your help, Angel

Re: [newbie] some install questions

2001-07-24 Thread Randy Kramer
Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote: On Wed, 25 Jul 2001 00:20, Robert MacLean wrote: What is postfix? It keeps telling me it's going to have it run as a server, but what is it/does it do. I'm worried to let it run (cause I don't know what it does), but I'm also worried to not let it run. If you

Re: [newbie] New user

2001-07-24 Thread Michael D. Viron
Eric, Unfortunately since I've never used GRUB, I'm not sure of how to get into single user mode from it, which is why I'm cc'ing this to the list. Michael At 10:44 AM 07/24/2001 -0600, you wrote: The problem with the LILO prompt, is that it really isn't a prompt. When I boot my machine a

Re: [newbie] New user

2001-07-24 Thread Paul
Best thing to do: log in through Grub, and become root. Run linuxconf and go to the boot section. Let lilo become the boot manager, best to select the textmode one. Reboot and you can get into single user mode with linux 1 or linux single Paul The problem with the LILO prompt, is that it

[newbie] Fwd: Re: WinXP is better....My reply to this BS

2001-07-24 Thread John
,--- Forwarded message (begin) Windows XP Activation Changes We spoke with Microsoft about how it is addressing user concerns over XP's inflexibility toward hardware upgrades. Microsoft has revealed that it plans to change its antipiracy measures in Windows

[newbie] Santa Cruz Audio Card Utility

2001-07-24 Thread Kevin Fonner
I probably shouldnt complain but as I get further into this linux stuff, I keep trying to do more and more and more. Anyways I have a Santa Cruz audio card. This audio card has multiple output channels and stuff like that. I was just curious if anybody new of a utility that would allow me

RE: [newbie] Best browser for linux?

2001-07-24 Thread Franki
That should be around the other way, netscape is a mozilla clone,, it uses mozilla code.. as far as I am aware. rgds Frank -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Dennis Herndon Sent: Tuesday, 24 July 2001 9:46 PM To: 'OOzy Pal'; Ravi Malghan;

Re: [newbie] A real duhhhh!!

2001-07-24 Thread D. Hoyem
Thanks Tim, Ha Ha yes this time I'll try and pick something that I remember. Thanks again Don --- Tim Holmes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Just boot into single user mode, and then change the passwd. And this time make sure it's something you can remember! :0) The command you're looking for

Re: [newbie] xmps win32 divx plugin...

2001-07-24 Thread arro
sorry , there was a little typing error ...i meant glib.h and i have the file , version 1.2 and 2.0 ..that is why i was wondering ...the file exists !!

Re: [newbie] Fwd: Re: WinXP is better....My reply to this BS

2001-07-24 Thread Tim Holmes
This is amazing! I mean I'm completely dumb-founded at this. I know, as a previous computer gamer, hardware in my machine changed drastically from one week to the next. I remember at on point, inside one month, I added two new HDD, I added a new video card and then swapped in a better one.

[newbie] updating postfix in mdk7.2 2.2.19-4mdksecure. (to use with Amavis.)

2001-07-24 Thread Franki
Hi all, I have a box running great with mdk 7.2 2.2.19-4mdksecure.. and I want to add Amavis antivirus support to it for all mail, incoming, outgoing and relaying... now of the methods available (according to amavis's postfix documentation...) the easiest and most efficient way of doing this is

Re: [newbie] Primary master hard disk fail

2001-07-24 Thread Marcia L Waller
Dear All, I decided as a last resort to download the utility from Fujitsu and to check the drive. It failed the tests but not necessarily because it is permanently bad from what I could tell. I decided to get the utility also to do the low-level format. I am looking at my desktop and it says the

RE: [newbie] Fwd: Re: WinXP is better....My reply to this BS

2001-07-24 Thread Jason Guidry
this is just one of a laundry list of concerns about this particular product. I'm actually hoping that they go through with everything they promise (no java, anti-piracy, bloted code). perhaps this will provide some momentum to our beloved linux and others. check out some benchmarks

Re: [newbie] xmps win32 divx plugin...

2001-07-24 Thread H.Narfi Stefansson
On Tuesday 24 July 2001 13:03, arro wrote:  sorry , there was a little typing error ...i meant glib.h and i have the  file , version 1.2 and 2.0 ..that is why i was wondering ...the file exists  !! Let's have a look at the compilation line in your original post: gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I..

[newbie] kernel update

2001-07-24 Thread pepe torrres
is ppossipbe to update the kernel if i have installed lnx4win??? n wher the #$%^ is the kernel is it kind of virtual or something? HELP PLS! note:i cant install the normal mandrake version because i just got the linux for win cd. :( so dont tell me to do it...

[newbie] RPM Drake Multiple CDROMS

2001-07-24 Thread Darren
Hello, I am having problems (sorta) installing files off mandrake CDs thru RPM Drake. Problem 1: It asks me to enter either CD1 or CD2 etc and then it opens my CDROM drive, now here is the problem - By the time the drive is half way open it automatically closes itself before I even have time to

Re: [newbie] Configure, make and make install MPlayer problems with MPlayer-0.18pre5

2001-07-24 Thread Romanator
Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote: It works fine for me. What is the configure error? On Mon, 23 Jul 2001 08:17, Romanator wrote: Hi all, Well, I can't for life of me figure out why the MPlayer tar ball is not configuring. Has any one else been succesful in configuring, make and make

Re: [newbie] some install questions

2001-07-24 Thread A B
Thanks a lot for the info, Angel Ibanez -- On Tue, 24 Jul 2001 21:33:27 civileme wrote: On Tuesday 24 July 2001 16:26, A B wrote: My friends, Let me ask you something regarding the last matter mentioned in this mail. When you define low, normal or high security levels, does LM8.0 uses

[newbie]Using RPM

2001-07-24 Thread George Baker
Trying to install a package alien-7.27-1mdk.src.rpm. Used rpm -ivh but get message: only major numbers supported in this version of rpm. Where can I get a version of rpm that does support non major numbers? Or where can I find alien with a major number release. Tried - no luck. --

Re: [newbie] NOW: philosophy of the Newby book

2001-07-24 Thread skinky
Hi John I agree with Miark. Also, as Sridhar said, I don't think Ed meant any harm. He merely pointed out something you/we need to be aware of. Don't be too quick to judge. Lighten up a little :-) Keep up the good work with your book and good luck. Cheers skinky - Original Message

Re: [newbie] NOW: philosophy of the Newby book

2001-07-24 Thread etharp
Thank you you are correct On Tuesday 24 July 2001 09:49, Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote: Ummm John? I don't think Ed meant any harm by his comments. He just doesn't want his comments directly used in a publication without his permission (but you can paraphrase), which I think is perfectly

Re: [newbie] Modules eth0

2001-07-24 Thread Alan Shoemaker
Dennis Myers wrote: My ethernet card is detected and shows up in harddrake, but I can not seem to get it to make a lan connection. it is a generic rtl8139 card by NetSurf. When I hit configuration tool in Mandrake Control center it gives the error message can't find module eth0 . I've tried

Re: [newbie] Alternatives help like Win4Lin?

2001-07-24 Thread Bryan Tyson
On Tuesday 24 July 2001 01:53, you wrote: I NEED a Scanner May I recommend the Epson 1200U, a USB scanner which I recently got for $105. It was quite easy to get it working in Linux and the scans are great. *** Powered by SuSE Linux 7.2

Re: [newbie] Alternatives help like Win4Lin?

2001-07-24 Thread John Rigby
Hi Miark, Thanks for the summary. I seem to recall someone saying that it has problems with sound - I think it was from a Voice Recognition list - ? Your time is money theme is apt! My problem is really only in not wasting money. Win4 seems the clear winner all round. The only negative

Re: [newbie] Fwd: Re: WinXP is better....My reply to this BS

2001-07-24 Thread John Rigby
Hi Civileme, On Wed, 25 Jul 2001 08:49, you manipulated electrons to produce: OK, First, the Microsoft Product Activation is a _requirement_ for winXP or it stops working after 30 days (10 in some circumstances). Corporate licenses have other arrangements. Product activation does _not_

[newbie] 1Ghz + 256 MB = Not Linux-Mandrake 8.0

2001-07-24 Thread CastleKidd
I just built a new system, a AMD 1Ghz with 256 MB of RAM and I went to install LM 8.0 on it, and it freaked out. The error is as follows: Loading program into memory [***] install exited abnormally :-( -- recieved signal 11 sendind termination

Re: [newbie] NOW: philosophy of the Newby book

2001-07-24 Thread John Rigby
Hi Skinky, On Wed, 25 Jul 2001 09:04, you manipulated electrons to produce: Hi John I agree with Miark. Also, as Sridhar said, I don't think Ed meant any harm. He merely pointed out something you/we need to be aware of. Don't be too quick to judge. Lighten up a little :-) Keep up the

Re: [newbie] and dsl lan setup question

2001-07-24 Thread Dave
On Tuesday 24 July 2001 08:39, you wrote: Congratulations! As a current user of Qwest dsl, I was told (before I signed up) that the internal modem they supply is Windows-compatible *only*, and that I would need to get the external dsl modem if I wanted to work with any non-Windows OS. This

Re: [newbie] Configure, make and make install MPlayer problems

2001-07-24 Thread s
On Tuesday 24 July 2001 07:08 pm, you wrote: I was reading that this only works with Matrox cards. Is this true? Also, are you using a TV tuner card? Nope, a Asus V7700 (nvidia geforce2 gts chipset). I've always wanted to try a tv tuner card. Can I hook that up to my cable service and get

[newbie] Mandrake 8.0 install hangs after IDE detection

2001-07-24 Thread Kevin R. Bulgrien
I have a system that successfully boots Mandrake 7.2... I want to install 8.0 instead, so I have the boot floppy and a bootable CD. I can boot both types of media. All installation choices fail with a hard system hang immediately after the system detects the IDE devices in the system. No

[newbie] Security Issues

2001-07-24 Thread Barry Premeaux
I'm running MD8.0 on my pc at home and accessing the internet through a dial up connection. MSEC is set for a Medium Level of security. Using, I got the following report: PortProtService Status 111 tcp sunrpc open 111 udp sunrpc

Re: [newbie] 1Ghz + 256 MB = Not Linux-Mandrake 8.0

2001-07-24 Thread Steve Maytum
Hello , just wondering where your version of 8.0 came from? Is it from the cover of a Linux Magazine? If so , the disk is corrupt , sorry. Regards [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Original Message - From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2001 4:12 AM Subject: [newbie]

Re: [newbie] 1Ghz + 256 MB = Not Linux-Mandrake 8.0

2001-07-24 Thread Kevin Khaw
Where did you get your copy of Mandrake from? I had that problem when I downloaded from an FTP site using Internet Explorer. I read that Internet Explorer corrupts huge FTP downloads. When I burned the iso of Mandrake into a CD, it was corrupted. Started the installation and it doesnt load up

Re: [newbie]Using RPM

2001-07-24 Thread Mr S Ganesan
pl go to for all your needs! -- S.Ganesan Principal Scientist Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering Berasia Road Bhopal 462038, INDIA Phone: 0755-730986 (O) 0755-732105 (R) Fax:0755-734016 Email[EMAIL PROTECTED] Web Address:

[newbie] sound problems with creative sound blaster live 1024

2001-07-24 Thread arro
tech details : creative sound blaster live 1024 under LM8 VIA Technologies,Inc VT82c686 [Apollo Super AC97/Audio] Creative Labs SN live! EMU1 while i can play cd's directly , i cannot play any mp3 or videos , well i can play them but just don't get sound !!!

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