Re: [newbie] Linux and Windont (was: Installation of Java JDK ...

2000-09-29 Per discussione Larry Marshall
Linux seems to be one of those things that is hard to get set up, and after it is it works much better that Windonts. First there is the problem of Yep...I guess my view is that with another year of the current efforts to address that installation stuff, this isn't going to be a problem.

Re: [newbie] repartitioned but win98 doesn't know it!?

2000-09-29 Per discussione Larry Marshall
i just did a large HD with win98 / mandrake, and norton disk doctor thinks i have a partition problem tho both OSs work fine, so i believe it just can't recognize the linux partition. if eveything is working fine for you, maybe it's ok??? i'm not really sure. i suppose this doesn't

Re: [newbie] Just wondering...

2000-09-29 Per discussione Larry Marshall
If I remember right (which means I could be wrong : ) /dev contains the files for every possible hardware device you could ever attach to your system. That's why it's so big (my /dev has 2234 files, "ls /dev | wc -l"). I "Big" is an wonderful word. /dev is only a shade over 100k.

Re: [newbie] any screenshots of grub?

2000-09-28 Per discussione Larry Marshall
boot. It's all done from the keyboard. Frankly, I think the hype about Grub is a lot of hot air and I don't see what all the fuss is about. Hype? Not sure I know what you're referring to Mark but I'd agree that it doesn't do much beyond what Lilo does. It's really too bad that the

Re: [newbie] Problem with CD-ROM Floppy Drive

2000-09-28 Per discussione Larry Marshall
Thanks James, but acctually i log on as a root, but don't know why still can't access both drives, may be some settings is not right. Need to solve this problem before proceed to Mandrake 7.1, please advise. You could help the cause considerably if you'd post the contents of your fstab file.

Re: [newbie] any screenshots of grub?

2000-09-28 Per discussione Larry Marshall
Many thanks for the info, however I think I screwed something up, I think I did not get the file somehow, I still have 7.0-2 but I installed the newest rpm that I am aware of from the rpmfind thingy, and still no fileuh oh. This IS grub

Re: [newbie] Using PPOE; problems

2000-09-28 Per discussione Larry Marshall
I am connecting to Bell Canada's HSE service in Toronto Canada. My system config is P300A, 64MB ram, abit motherboard, DLINK Ethernet card. I can't help interpret your problem but will say that I'm using Bell Canada's HSE as well, here in Quebec. All I did was download the pppo

RE: [newbie] Microsoft and George W. Bush

2000-09-28 Per discussione Larry Marshall
effort to get the engine started. How long does the average Linux user run with a crippled system (like the sound card not working) until all the subsystems settle into place. This is probably the best indicator of how "mature" Linux is becoming relative to the average desktop user.

Re: OT [newbie] Microsoft and George W. Bush

2000-09-28 Per discussione Larry Marshall
I must say I have never heard a line of shit like yours! Did you know your hero claims to have been in combat? Did you know he never was? Did you know that gun owners are not all puppets? But sir you sure do sound like one. rm -rf * will fix this problem.

Re: [newbie] Just one quick point

2000-09-28 Per discussione Larry Marshall
While we're on the subject of Bush and all, what's everyone's view of the Iraq sanctions? I work with Voices in the Wilderness ( which is working to end the sanctions. I wouldn't mind seeing what people's opinions are. That they shouldn't be discussed in a Linux

Re: OT [newbie] Microsoft and George W. Bush

2000-09-28 Per discussione Larry Marshall
I don't care about it. Would you like to have 25 messages per day about the traffic problems in our country? It would be far more interesting than the drivel that had dumped into this conference in the past few days :-) Are they using hoping to use Linux to control traffic in your part of

Re: [newbie] Microsoft and George W. Bush

2000-09-28 Per discussione Larry Marshall
Yes, but what happens as more people notice the free tanks? Slowly their numbers gather and they become easier and easier to notice. Not seeing them would be like being next door to Woodstock and not noticing anything Maybe more important would be a changing environment that made owning a

[newbie] where is the login setup?

2000-09-28 Per discussione Larry Marshall
Hopefully there are still a few Linux experts here in spite of the takeover by the political pundits. I mentioned that I had installed Helix-Gnome last night. What I didn't realize was that in doing so I changed not only the shell I was using but also the entire login sequence. Where is this

Re: OT [newbie] Microsoft and George W. Bush

2000-09-28 Per discussione Larry Marshall
I, for one, enjoy reading the political banter. If you don't like it, you can use the delete button when you see the heading you want to avoid. This is a No, Jay...the reason there are many conferences is that each is subject specific. Neither you or anyone else has the right to carry on

Re: [newbie] any screenshots of grub?

2000-09-28 Per discussione Larry Marshall
Uh oh I think I might see the problem, the menu.lst file is missing, do I just create it? Or is the install supposed to do that? The install should have done that. Here's my menu.lst file. I'm going to drop some comments into it to explain it to you. If you're going to use this, you

Re: [newbie] The finale of the linux vs. windows. vs. tanks batmobiles :)

2000-09-28 Per discussione Larry Marshall
STOP IT!! NONE OF YOU KNOW WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN IN THE OS WARS Yep...I confessed that early on :-) I'm writing a new OS right now in GW-BASIC in MS-DOS 3.3 that will 0wn linux. More power to you. Seriously, I hope Linux does well, but, who knows? Do you all think that

[newbie] casualties

2000-09-28 Per discussione Larry Marshall
This is the end. Sorry Roman Sorry to see you go but I can certainly understand your point of view. It's a shame that a good resource can be so abused by the very people it's intended to help but that seems to be the Internet. Should give everyone a pen I suppose. Keeping this msg

Re: [newbie] Microsoft and George W. Bush

2000-09-28 Per discussione Larry Marshall
Funny I turn lose complete novices on my Linux systems and they adapt quickly. Some of them figured it out and can't even figure out how to turn the computer on (yes that scares me too). My guess is that it's easier for "complete novices" to deal with Linux than it is for people who are

[newbie] Linux version of Ghost?

2000-09-26 Per discussione Larry Marshall
Does anyone know of a Linux version of Ghost. I'd like to do a "dumb" byte-for-byte copy of one HD onto another one. Ghost will do it from Windows except that I'm tired of fighting with Windows. Cheers --- Larry

Re: [newbie] Microsoft and George W. Bush

2000-09-26 Per discussione Larry Marshall
The Microsoft Antitrust Case is going to a lower court. And if George W. Bush has his way. Mr. Bil will be able add - force people to accept what comes with Windows? It's a sad day. I believe Microsoft should be able to add whatever they want to their products. I sure don't want anyone

Re: [newbie] 00 stuck key

2000-09-24 Per discussione Larry Marshall
To Mark Weaver: Once upon a time Mark, you suggested to someone that they use Pronto for their email. That generated a line on my 'Linux to do' list and this weekend I got around to it. Thanks for that recommendation. I used the ProntoInstaller and excepting that I had to edit the Perl

Re: [newbie] Typing special characters

2000-09-22 Per discussione Larry Marshall
I am in Lanzarote, Canary Islands, Spain (Atlantic Ocean, in front of Marrocco - Africa) ; probably you haven't even heard of it, it's a very small volcanic island, the population is around 80.000 people, but Neat! Lots of sunshine I bet. Being in Quebec Canada I have a keen appreciation

Re: [newbie] Mandrake 7.1 ....too many bugs

2000-09-22 Per discussione Larry Marshall
In reference to 7.1 being buggy, I disagree intensely. Netscape does crash a bit too much, but still not as much as Internet Exploder from Microcrap. Not that it matters but I tried hard to drop Explorer in favor of Netscape under Windows and always had to return to Explorer because it was

Re: [newbie] Mandrake 7.1 ....too many bugs

2000-09-22 Per discussione Larry Marshall
The main things I'm running into are a poor X setup (that might've been me not understanding how Mandrake is setup, but Mandrake is definitely bad for KDE on a small, low-quality monitor) and probs with Or at least with yours :-) It's clear that Linux, in general, needs to improve its

Re: [newbie] STUCK on interactive setup

2000-09-22 Per discussione Larry Marshall
Of course I missed the part about the user not being able to get to /etc, and that's probably because he never mentioned it. Pretty much anyone that I probably misinterpreted what he meant when he said "I don't know how to _go to /etc_" My mistake. loads Linux either has the manual that

Re: [newbie] Setting the time

2000-09-22 Per discussione Larry Marshall
I have a quick one for whoever is interested. How do I set the time? I know I set my time zone correctly when I installed Linux, but for some reason my clock is off by 3 hours. Hi Phil, Try "linuxconf" and then click on the "Control" tab. You should see an option to set the date and

Re: [newbie] How to add shortcuts to KDE desktop

2000-09-22 Per discussione Larry Marshall
I so embarrased about asking this but how do I add a shortcut to the KDE desktop. Do I right click and select New - Application? It says Program.kdelnk, but I'm not sure what to do with it. Do I replace that is /usr/bin/foo or something? You know that old quote about no bad

Re: [newbie] Mandrake 7.1 ....too many bugs

2000-09-22 Per discussione Larry Marshall
Sound volume control is a frequent problem for new users.. Ok from a terminal 'aumix' Thanks John...I'm presuming this is the base Linux sound control but I would have thought that kmix would have done the same thing. Guess not. I'll pass your msg to him. I'm more of a "quiet" computer

Re: [newbie] Is it my imagination or------

2000-09-22 Per discussione Larry Marshall
I have 2 machines here, a PentiumII/400 handbuilt, and a P-II/350 pre-built. Mandrake 7.1 runs fine on both of them. I think it is more a matter of having more or less well supported hardware than where the system comes from. I agree about the hardware but what about the software source?

Re: Netscape question - was Re: [newbie] Mandrake 7.1 ....too many bugs

2000-09-22 Per discussione Larry Marshall
If you have installed the tarball version first, can you just delete the dir in which you specified Netscape to install or does it dribble a bunch of stupid little libs all around that yoiu don't know about? I'm not sure about stupid little libs but you can find out what files were

Re: [newbie] slow printer performance

2000-09-22 Per discussione Larry Marshall
Larry Marshall says that another 64MB RAM will not improve S.O. or printer performance much on my setup (described in my original query below). I didn't. I really have no opinion on that subject. Not sure who said that or whether they are correct or not. a possible alternative

Re: [newbie] CD-RW help!

2000-09-22 Per discussione Larry Marshall
Yep. It was a SCSI emulator. You have to install the scsi emulation. I don't remember how, but that should point you in the right direction. I don't believe that "emulation" is the proper term. What you need is a link with the sticky bit set between scd0 and cdrom2 (assuming the drive is

Re: [newbie] Sound card configuration problems

2000-09-21 Per discussione Larry Marshall
As is the next - If you don't know the answer to why the car above won't start, should you not suggest "Did you turn the key to see if the starter would operate" - seems fairly sensible. I'm reminded of the basic tech support question in the early days of the PC. "Is the machine plugged into

Re: [newbie] ttyS4 problem still!

2000-09-21 Per discussione Larry Marshall
Ok i tryed all your suggestions so far, I finally got linux to reconize my modem. All communication programs show it working, But i still can't get kppp to dial my ISP..cause there is NO ttyS4 listed (only ttyS0-ttyS3). Does anyone know the procedure to get Kppp to reconize ttyS4 from the

Re: [newbie] ttyS4 problem still!

2000-09-21 Per discussione Larry Marshall
Yes I know all this stuff, but my modem in WIndows was on COM 5, so that is why i am looking for ttyS4...i though i made myself pretty clear :) Sorry Mark. Maybe you were clear in previous msgs in the thread but there's too much mail going through this conference to keep track of all of it.

Re: [newbie] Error msg's while booting up mandrake linux

2000-09-20 Per discussione Larry Marshall
These things being said this fact begs a serious and important question. Why in the world are they doing it at all? Continuing to do so is never going to help their standing in the world of desktop OS market share. You're absolutely right. I suspect its done because they realize that lots

Re: [newbie] Yahooooo - nuther part at Fred's

2000-09-20 Per discussione Larry Marshall
If you haven't already take a look into setting up procmail filters. It's relatively easy, quick, and offers precise, hands-on control over the filters and the messages getting filtered. Can't say that I have. I'm using Netscape for my mail and haven't even had the time to figure out why it

Re: [newbie] slow printer performance

2000-09-20 Per discussione Larry Marshall
StarOffice is a resource hog. If you aren't running a P3 600+ with like 128MB RAM, it's slow. It's NOT Linux's system (well, the O/S anyhow). Heck Steve, even those numbers don't make it load/run at a decent pace. I've seen nothing like it in the Linux world. I'm praying that Sun does

Re: [newbie] Dual-boot question

2000-09-20 Per discussione Larry Marshall
the correct name is. One of my compadres at work has decided to put ME on his machine. He said it crashed a lot. He was unable to even boot the machine today! I Probably while doing its "maintenance" to keep it from crashing :-) can't believe that MS was so stupid as to create this

Re: [newbie] Tech Support from Macmillan -- Personal Inquiry

2000-09-20 Per discussione Larry Marshall
I've only used their support once and got a timely and very helpful response. I am by now an "old hand" :-) at installing, configuring and reinstalling my Linux, etc. But even for an "old hand", it would seem that 2 incidents are just not enough. For a newbie, this is, I believe, terribly

Re: [OT] Who uses Linux? (was RE: [newbie] Mandrake...too many apps?)

2000-09-20 Per discussione Larry Marshall
Don't get me wrong, I really like Linux and hope it flourishes. And I'm not saying that Linux sucks in any way! Mark...UNIX doesn't dominate the home computer market for one reason. They've failed to get the interface useable by people who don't want to know much about computers. I don't

Re: [newbie] Tech Support from Macmillan -- Personal Inquiry

2000-09-20 Per discussione Larry Marshall
So, why not offer LM 7.1 at the current price (around $50) and add the option of a package deal on free email support for a certain period of time beyond that, i.e. $50 to $75 for 30 or 60 days of serious tech support, at least as it concerns installation issues and helping the newbie get

Re: [OT] Who uses Linux? (was RE: [newbie] Mandrake...too many apps?)

2000-09-20 Per discussione Larry Marshall
all -- because I don't know how many megabytes I want, all I knew was that I wanted packages A, B, and C. I just accepted the default and then it told I find that question odd as well. I suspect it's a subtle notice of how much stuff you've selected but it's too subtle :-) The app

Re: [OT] Who uses Linux? (was RE: [newbie] Mandrake...too many apps?)

2000-09-20 Per discussione Larry Marshall
Mark Johnson wrote: Agreed. I think my use of "bad" was inappropriate... Mark, I've been critical of "Linux" too. My criticisms have been directed at the marketeers and/or the press who are telling unknowing computer users that Linux is a drop-in replacement for Windows. I suspect it might

Re: [OT] Who uses Linux? (was RE: [newbie] Mandrake...too many apps?)

2000-09-20 Per discussione Larry Marshall
p.s. i have the wardrobe, though! six t-shirts from! and i have a stuffed penguin! and i devour slashdot upon a daily basis... oh, god, *please* tell me i'm not a total failure and i have the makings of a "real" linux user...!! Anyone with a stuffed penguin is well on his way

Re: [OT] Who uses Linux? (was RE: [newbie] Mandrake...too many apps?)

2000-09-20 Per discussione Larry Marshall
About the only time that I have to go to that other O/S is when I need to scan something as I have a Umax Astra 1220U Scanner and the USB Scanners aren't quite there yet in Linux :-( but they'll get there -- I am confident of that! Patti, it's advertised that 7.1 has improved USB support.

Re: [newbie] Typing special characters

2000-09-20 Per discussione Larry Marshall
of that character in the ASCII character set. The standard IBM keyboard under Windows let's you get any character by pressing Alt and typing its number. I know of no equivalent in Linux. Cheers --- Larry Marshall

Re: [newbie] EXT2

2000-09-20 Per discussione Larry Marshall
peanut linux ???peanut linux sounds luck someone was a nut when they wrote this version Peanut Linux is a micro-version of the OS to use in small devices. It will fit on a floppy. Cheers --- Larry

Re: [newbie] Um... wheres my kde?

2000-09-20 Per discussione Larry Marshall
I have been messing with trying to get kde or gnome (?) up and running, and out of windows manager for awhile, but no one has been able to help me, so I decided to join the mailing list. I have Have you considered reading a basic book about Linux? If you don't, I fear you're headed towards

Re: [newbie] Pine and dialup

2000-09-20 Per discussione Larry Marshall
Since nobody answered my first post does this mean I can't use Pine with a dialup connection? I don't use Pine but I can't imagine that it cares how the connection is made as long as one is active when you tell it to send/receive mail. I don't think it will initiate that connection though

Re: [newbie] Error msg's while booting up mandrake linux

2000-09-19 Per discussione Larry Marshall
Actually I wish the good folks at Mandrake wouldn't even offer this type of installation choice. This is my opinion of course, but in doing so it makes an extremely wonderful, dependable, powerful product look like crap I second that. I see so many people here having trouble with this that

Re: [newbie] Yahooooo - nuther part at Fred's

2000-09-19 Per discussione Larry Marshall
I have managed to get Junkbuster going Result - No more Ads!!! Wonderful is Junkbuster doing its filtering? I've tried a couple of these in the Windoze world and they've always ended up filtering some stuff that I really needed to receive. Cheers --- Larry

Re: [newbie]

2000-09-19 Per discussione Larry Marshall
Adobe's site. While installing Acrobat Reader, I had an error saying: cannot create /usr/local/acrobat4/bin ... I wonder why it is not possible to install it. Most likely you are not "root" when you're trying to do this. You need to be to have permission to write anything into /user/...

Re: [newbie] Need help understanding path mechanisms

2000-09-19 Per discussione Larry Marshall
The current problem is all of us have the path setup correctly under our usernames. If we 'su - root' the paths are still correct. However, if we 'su root', no dash, then for two of us the paths are correct but for the other, her path's are screwed up. We are all using bash. I don't

Re: [newbie] hdd space

2000-09-18 Per discussione Larry Marshall
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: How can I get the amount of hdd spaced used and how much is left on my machine(multiple hdd's) Check man df (for space) and man du (for files) Cheers --- Larry

Re: [newbie] dual booting with win2k and linux

2000-09-15 Per discussione Larry Marshall
Not to be defending windows but it was most likly the way your anti-virus was configured that keep changing your boot record back to its orig. state. Good point Charles...Mr. Norton does has a way with things himself. I gave up running virus software all the time and went to scanning for

Re: [newbie] Bravooo Carol !Bravo Dennis!

2000-09-15 Per discussione Larry Marshall
Is this a mailing list for people who want to learn ? about linux? and to get help ? Is there a difference (Grin)? I guess if there is it would be some expectation that, as a help line, that it would work and/or that responses should be expected. If that's the distinction then it's a place

Re: [newbie] Windows ME

2000-09-15 Per discussione Larry Marshall
I know that a lot of you hate the Microsoft bashing, but when the hell is the public going to wake up and realize that the joke is on us. Just as soon as Linux reaches a point where most of the questions asked here are unnecessary. Cheers --- Larry

Re: [newbie] RPM destination

2000-09-15 Per discussione Larry Marshall
Bring up Konsole -- type in "whereis java" (without the quotes) and it will tell you where it is. Mine is at /usr/bin/java Patti, I haven't tested this extensively with Linux but with most flavors of Unix, whereis is principally used to find system-related files and searches only a specified

Re: [newbie] Menu Editor (Where?)

2000-09-15 Per discussione Larry Marshall
The menu editor is there, but not available graphically. On 7.1 you can find it via Kmenu-Kpanel-Edit_menus It's also at Kmenu-Configuration-Other-Menu_editor Cheers --- Larry

Re: [newbie] Network Card Address

2000-09-14 Per discussione Larry Marshall
Can anyone tell me a command, or config tool that will enable me to find the address of my network card? (XX-XX-XX-XX-XX) Thank you. I believe you'll find that "cat /proc/pci" will yield up what you want. Cheers --- Larry

Re: [newbie] Napster Server IP Address Wanted

2000-09-14 Per discussione Larry Marshall
Napster is dead, I cannot creat a new username, I can't log on , the ip addresses are dead. Napster is dead can say that over and over but the darn place responds everytime I try to connect there. You have a problem with Napster; it is functioning fine. Truthfully, this doesn't

Re: [newbie] Re: [newbie] Re: [newbie] Solicitar informaciĆ³n

2000-09-14 Per discussione Larry Marshall
Frankly, I'm getting tired of people and their bloated sense of self-importance on this list, and have made up my mind that in a week, if bashing and flaming doesn't all settle down, I'm leaving. Greg...I've left several conferences because I felt that the signal/noise ratio became

Re: [newbie] dual booting with win2k and linux

2000-09-14 Per discussione Larry Marshall
dont use win2000! it hates anything that it detects as a non windows partition, I had a bizarre thought today. What would happen if Mickeysoft decided that a nice feature of their operating system would be to rewrite the boot record every time you booted Windows. This could be referred to

Re: [newbie] Spanish co.

2000-09-14 Per discussione Larry Marshall
Kathleen Dickason wrote: I've gotten email in the past leading me to think that people found my coments helpful, insightful, and funny, but it looks like it's time for me to unsub... Maybe it's time for everyone to lighten up just abit. Didn't you notice Greg's smily emoticon? Let's get a

Re: [newbie] dual booting with win2k and linux

2000-09-14 Per discussione Larry Marshall
In a few words: I thought they already did that! :-) Not at my house...yet. I had a windows 98 installation that consistently re-wrote the disk-signature of my dual boot system's 2nd hard drive, and kept rendering that damned drive's partitions hidden... so , I couldn't boot from it

Re: [newbie] penguin icons

2000-09-10 Per discussione Larry Marshall
I'm only using it because of the huge accumulation of Word, Excel and Yep, my work dictates that I be Word-compatible. In fact, Star Office isn't quite up to that task, though it's pretty good. Anyone here have enough experience importing Word docs into Applixware to comment on it? I'm

Re: [newbie] Printer problems

2000-09-10 Per discussione Larry Marshall
John Rye wrote: Mark Thurston wrote: I have an HP Deskjet 722C printer and I can not get it to work in Linux. The system finds the printer, tells me what it is and the Look in your printers' manual - somewhere you should find a reference to earlier HP Deskjets which it is similar

Re: [newbie] RAM Detection

2000-09-10 Per discussione Larry Marshall
And here is the kicker...In Windows I couldn't run more than 800x640 res, while in Linux I can go 1024x724. Figure that out, eh? This is a function of the video drivers you have installed on both operating systems. You could fix it in Windows but you have to go to a different conference for

Re: [newbie] netscape segmentation fault

2000-09-10 Per discussione Larry Marshall will convert Eudora to netscape, and I assume (fact check please) that the mozilla address book matches the netscape windows address book. Yippee! You made my day. I just downloaded DAWN (didn't like the idea of filtering my addressbook through a

Re: [newbie] Is there a C++ compiler somewhere?

2000-09-10 Per discussione Larry Marshall
Mark Thurston wrote: I need to do some C++ programming and I would prefer to do this on a Linux machine, is there a C++ compiler and editor in Mandrake-Linux? I have Linux-Mandrake 7.1 complete. Yes...there is a set of CNU compiler apps and they're first rate. As for editors, pick your

Re: [newbie] Is there a C++ compiler somewhere?

2000-09-10 Per discussione Larry Marshall
John Rye wrote: Call up your favourit editor and start writing your code. run man gcc from your commandline and you're off. I think you'll find this works better with g++ if you're going to feed it C++ code. Cheers --- Larry

Re: [newbie] Is there a C++ compiler somewhere?

2000-09-10 Per discussione Larry Marshall
use kdevelop to program in c or c++, it is good c++/c programming editor. and kdevelop package includes in linux mandrake 7.0/7.1 installation cd This is why I like this list. I know GNU compilers but didn't know about kdevelop. Just popped it up and it looks like a really nice environment

Re: [newbie] Is there a C++ compiler somewhere?

2000-09-10 Per discussione Larry Marshall
I tried the gcc, I actually used the command g++ at the command prompt and every time it gives me an error saying "iostream.h is not found." Is You must be real new to C++. You're going to have to read a wee bit to get things set up as it's beyond the ability of a conference like this to

Re: [newbie] Is there a C++ compiler somewhere?

2000-09-10 Per discussione Larry Marshall
Kathleen Dickason wrote: Not necessarily. This library file (iostream.h) is missing from the Standard install of drake 7.1, though it does install with the Developer version. I guess I wouldn't have thought anyone would believe they were "installed" for program development without doing a

Re: [newbie] Is there a C++ compiler somewhere?

2000-09-10 Per discussione Larry Marshall
Mark Thurston wrote: So what do I do to get the Developer version? To be quite honest, this is for a class that I am taking at school, we have to program in C++ on a Linux system, so yes I am very new at this and I can use all the help I can get. Mark, this isn't a different version, it's

Re: [newbie] netscape segmentation fault

2000-09-09 Per discussione Larry Marshall
I guess it's time for me to chirp in giggle. I use Star Office for Thanks for chirping Patti. both mail and browser and have found it extremely is more like a mini-operating system than a office suite. I need to use Netscape Exactly, which is the thing that turns me off. I'm

Re: [newbie] Installation of Extension CD

2000-09-09 Per discussione Larry Marshall
Why oh why do I/we keep seeing double postings??? Is something about my configuration??? If there is John, then I've got the same problem. I suspect it's a server problem. Now there we go...complaining in double. Cheers -- Larry

Re: [newbie] penguin icons

2000-09-09 Per discussione Larry Marshall
I agree regarding the root login - however seems that even in the GUIs one needs to violate the conventions now and then. I guess my view is that the commandline has conventions and that the GUIs are now developing them. I only have two neurons and so I need to use them wisely when it comes

Re: [newbie] Installing packages

2000-09-09 Per discussione Larry Marshall
Richard Garand wrote: KPackage and rpmDrake aren't in the menus, there's no configuration-Packagin, and they don't work from the console. Do i have to re-install Mandrake? -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Larry Marshall Sent

Re: [newbie] penguin icons

2000-09-09 Per discussione Larry Marshall
Comment - We must be about due for a flame here - something about wasting bandwidth on reminiscing. Don't know what this has to do with penguin icons but I for one am certainly enjoying it, so please don't stop!! Well...first there was this dumb question I asked about penguins. Then

Re: [newbie] penguin icons

2000-09-09 Per discussione Larry Marshall
Just type 'mc' at your terminal prompt - it should be part of the standard install. It's almost exactly like the Dos equiv. - a few Very interesting...something new to play with. thanks. I'm not ofay with the history of Linux - I suspect that Linus may have been avoiding copyright issues.

Re: [newbie] last one to be answered :(

2000-09-09 Per discussione Larry Marshall
problem is knowing the names of the man pages This is an understated and underestimated problem with computers and software in general. We're provided with lots of syntactic reference support (here's all the options you can use with this command) but very little guidance when it comes to what

Re: [newbie] penguin icons

2000-09-08 Per discussione Larry Marshall
As root... K Menu -- Settings -- Applications -- Login Manager Click on User tab and play, Works like a dream Thanks for the pointer. I guess I'm from the old school so my sys admin stuff is done by my doing an su to root rather than logging on as root. Thus, most of this graphical

Re: [newbie] netscape segmentation fault

2000-09-08 Per discussione Larry Marshall
Personally, I feel that the communicator package is a bit of a waste. There are better mail, news and html editors available than what is included. Communicator also seems to be less stable than navigator. Can you name one you like? I'm using communicator right now and it's a considerable

Re: [newbie] penguin icons

2000-09-08 Per discussione Larry Marshall
Long time since I worked exclusively at the command prompt - grin!!! I suppose I'll get used to using all those graphical "aids" but I'm comfortable at a Unix commandline, I was taught that one only logged in as root under the most dire of circumstances, am too lazy to dump out of X and

Re: [newbie] Kmenuedit is not instlled

2000-09-08 Per discussione Larry Marshall
Romanator wrote: Select K button--Disk Navigator--Menu Editor Looks like they've got it in at least two places on the Kmenu. Thanks for the tip. I do hope that the menus don't get reorganized this much with every .x change of the operating system. Cheers --- Larry

Re: [newbie] Cable Modem.

2000-09-08 Per discussione Larry Marshall
Cable modems that are set up right on yourend AND the ISP should NOT slow down even if full to the brink with users, that is why there is a Peak Transfer rate/and MIN transfer rate. Just like anything in the computer world..expect less, but pleased when you get the best. :) Ha..."setup

Re: [newbie] netscape segmentation fault

2000-09-08 Per discussione Larry Marshall
John Rye wrote: Larry - I like(d) Eudora too and miss it functions in Linux. One thing I realized the other day was that of the few programs that I either miss (Eudora, Anytime) or that require that I boot Windows (ACAD, MS-Word), only one of them is a Mickeysoft program. This isn't a

Re: [newbie] Help! Mandrake install destroyed windows registry, keyboard doesn't work in gnome, DSL connection can't be configured......

2000-09-07 Per discussione Larry Marshall
Would this cause the grub problem and destroy the windows registry? There were only 2 problems (in getting the operating systems to cooperate): grub wouldn't boot windows and something (during the install?) destroyed my registry. If i know what did this and how to avoid these problems, i'll

Re: [newbie] Zip drive

2000-09-07 Per discussione Larry Marshall
I have lately installed Linux Mandrake and find it very good,but I have a few small problems: 1.I can't get it to work my zip drive. Don't know zip drives...sorry. 2.I backed up my windows through Mandrake one time when I had to re-boot windows but now it won't let me send the

Re: [newbie] Command Line

2000-09-07 Per discussione Larry Marshall
Another very simple request! In windoze, there is an option "Start-Programs-MSDos prompt". What's the equivalent in Linux if I boot up with the KDE Desktop? Kconsole...or if you've got a typical system, click on the small computer screen icon that's on the bottom menu. It's an insult to

Re: [newbie] Help! Mandrake install destroyed windowsregistry, keyboard doesn't work in gnome, DSL connection can'tbe configured......

2000-09-07 Per discussione Larry Marshall
Sometimes these msgs really confuse me as there's no information that explains how these problems could possibly occur. I deleted the partitions and reinstalled windows yesterday..i want to know why it destroyed my registry, If your registry got destroyed, Windows did it, not Mandrake

Re: [newbie] Floppy and Zip Drive Problems

2000-09-06 Per discussione Larry Marshall
Andrew Moore wrote: Hi I posted a message earlier but this was before I was completely up to spead on the mailling list. Maybe a response has already been post. I using Mandrake 7.1 and on a machine that had been using Redhat 6.0. Under Redhat my floppy worked (not my zip drive). When I

Re: [newbie] Installing Linux-Mandrake 7.1 on Windows Me

2000-09-06 Per discussione Larry Marshall
I'm from that old school which says go back to the lowest common denominator hence the suggestion. Didn't mean to suggest that your suggestion wouldn't work. But the flurry of "I've lost data", "Can't find my partition", and "why can't I get this installed" msgs have me wondering. I'll be

Re: [newbie] Mass directory delete

2000-09-06 Per discussione Larry Marshall
flupke wrote: On Tue, 5 Sep 2000, Vic wrote: them all, issue a : find / -type d -a -name .xvpics -exec rm -rf {} \; and it will erase all of them without any confirmation prompt. Gee...and I thought I was out on a limb telling a newbie (for some things, if you ask the question it says

Re: [newbie] it won't install :(

2000-09-06 Per discussione Larry Marshall
I've been really enjoying your responses here on the list! I'm really enjoying it here as well and have learned quite a bit already. That being said, I haven't really come up with a workable, steady backup solution yet other than keep /home on it's own partition and tarballing data files

Re: [newbie] Question on Partitioning

2000-09-06 Per discussione Larry Marshall
When i tried to partition my 4gig hd that has Windows 98 on it with Partition Magic that came with Linux Mandrake 7.1 it saidthat it couldnt continue because of linked files. is there any way to get it to work without having to format my hd? From within Windows run Scandisk and have it fix

Re: [[newbie] Another question]

2000-09-05 Per discussione Larry Marshall
BTW I have the exact same problem...error on a Trident video card...strange thing's a supported AT24/3DFX video card I installed 7.1 from the Max. Linux CD and found that there was a bunch of stuff that existed in my Mandrake 7.0 Deluxe package that was missing. One of those

Re: [newbie] Mass directory delete

2000-09-05 Per discussione Larry Marshall
I need to delete a bunch of directories called .xvpics that has somehow got scattered all over my system (I don't know how) That's a control file of some sort. My guess would be that it's created by an xview app you run to view graphics. It's unclear why you'd have more than one of them

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