Re: Chain enhancement idea

2004-11-24 Thread Craig McClanahan
On Wed, 24 Nov 2004 11:03:23 -0700, BaTien Duong

 3) CoR is finer grain than IoC in the construction and rounting of
 services within and between software layers, while IoC is aprropriate at
 the application level.

I don't think of these as mutually exclusive.  Why not set up a
mechanism to configure your CoR command chains out of Chain and
Command beans instantiated via your favorite IoC container?

The XML format supported by Commons Chain is a convenience, not a requirement.


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Re: Shale application-wide controller

2004-11-24 Thread Craig McClanahan
On Wed, 24 Nov 2004 11:44:04 -0800, Martin Cooper [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Is there any reason that a JSF-independent version of the
 application-wide controller scheme, as just checked in, couldn't be
 part of Struts 1.3?

That should work fine, as long as 1.3 is going to be based on Servlet
2.3 or later.  Tweaks to un-JSF-ize this would be quite small.

 Or, for that matter, even part of the Commons
 Filters component, or even Chain itself? It seems like a much too
 useful general purpose filter to bury it in Shale. ;-)

It's also a shame that you guys are so focused on the current version
that you haven't had a chance to see the light about the future too

 Also, it seems unfortunate that ShaleWebContext appears to be already
 nailed to the servlet API, rather than usable with portlets as well.

As soon as I can prove to myself that you can really use filters in a
portlet environment, I'll make it work for that too (adding the
portlet API jar as a dependency, of course).

 Martin Cooper


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Re: Shale application-wide controller

2004-11-24 Thread Craig McClanahan
On Wed, 24 Nov 2004 14:39:45 -0800, Dakota Jack [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Where is this checked in. folks?

We recently reorganized the repository so that independent pieces of
Struts could be branched and released independently of each other. 
As a result, the SVN repository for the core of Struts itself is:

while all the sandbox stuff (including struts-chain, struts-shale,
struts-shale-mailreader) is at:


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Re: [Apache Struts Wiki] Updated: SiteNavigation

2004-11-25 Thread Craig McClanahan
I reverted the defacement, but didn't see any confirmation email.


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Re: Think Tank Thread on IoC, CoR, and HaD (hot arse deploy) [was Re: Chain enhancement idea]

2004-11-28 Thread Craig McClanahan
On Sun, 28 Nov 2004 15:36:27 -0800, Dakota Jack [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 With hot deploy, instead of switching the implementation and the name
 of the implementation class, e.g. ColonSeparatedMovieFinder for
 DatabaseMovieFinder, you just have an implementation called
 MovieFinderImplementation (or whatever you want, e.g. X) and a
 MovieFinderImplementationHotFactory for getting object instance
 implementations of the MovieFinder interfaces.  Conceivably, in fact,
 you can give people differing implementations with the same name by
 simply putting them in different directories: no problem.  This means
 that the code can be dynamic and alterable at will and that there need
 be no changes anywhere if you don't want there to be other than
 dumping the new MovieFinderImplemenation.class in some directory

Within a single JVM (such as a servlet container), the only way to
have different versions of the same fully qualified class name is to
use different class loaders, which loads the different versions from
lots of different places.  That sounds like a pretty significant code
management issue that any hot deploy strategy like what you describe
would need to deal with.

On the other hand, you're going to need individual class loaders to
solve a different aspect of hot deploy as well ... recompiling an
existing implementation class to modify its behavior (instead of
trying to switch to a new one).  There is no ClassLoader.unloadClass()
method in Java, so the only way to throw away an old class is to
throw away the class loader that contained it (and hope that the rest
of the application doesn't have any pointers to the old class or any
instances created by it, which would cause a big memory leak).

That's what a servlet container does, for instance, when you reload an
app -- it throws away the old context class loader and creates a new
one.  It's not a perfect solution, but it's not an easy problem,



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Re: Think Tank Thread on IoC, CoR, and HaD (hot arse deploy) [was Re: Chain enhancement idea]

2004-11-29 Thread Craig McClanahan
If I'm reading the code right, your factory for any given class has
to know a bunch of nitty gritty details in order to implement the
transferState() method, right?  So, whenever I add new state
information to the application class, I have to update transferState()
as well?

I don't see any mechanism to replace references to previous instances
of a newly loaded implementation class -- without that, hot deploy
doesn't seem particularly useful.  Or, for that matter, any mechanism
to suspend access to the old instance while the state is being

I definitely don't like the notion of having more than one class with
the same name floating around ... that's just asking for confusion and
problems in debugging.

Overall, it seems like an interesting attempt to do the kinds of
things that implementation inheritance (using more typical service
locator patterns), and/or (JDK 1.3 or later) dynamic proxies, let you
deal with in ways that are more to my personal taste.


On Mon, 29 Nov 2004 00:59:43 -0800, Dakota Jack [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Here is code, as opposed to pretty pictures -- LOL  ;-)
 This is intended to demonstrate how simple Had is in contrast to
 normal Service Locator or Inversion of Control (Dependency Injection)
 frameworks.  Remember, THIS IS ALL THE CODE.  There are no
 NanoContainers.  Not XML.  No Config classes, etc.  Where you want to
 have a single class with potential changes in implementations, you
 simply do not change the name of the class, e.g. provide new
 implementations under the same name.  Where you want implementations
 that are different, e.g. if the Action class were an interface, you
 simply use different names for the different implementations and then
 you can hot deploy variations on the code in classes with those names.
  This allows you to change an existing implementation radically either
 by hot deploy or by name.  Which you want to do depends on the
 situation.  ActionServlet would want to be, for example, an interface
 that allowed differing implementations under ActionServlet without
 having different named implemenations, like you have with IoC and
 Service Locator solutions.  On the other hand, you also would get hot
 deploy of various Action implementations under different names, e.g.
 LogonAction, PublishAction, etc.
 A working application with the App interface and client tester is
 available in a zip file,, at
 This code has some additions that allow us to see whether or not a
 particular object has the last loaded implementation of AppImpl.  The
 code includes:
 To use a new AppImpl, all you have to do is to drop the AppImpl.class
 into the classes/deploy/com/crackwillow/app directory and call
 To see the name command work with the client, start the client with
 java com.crackwillow.testing.TestAppClientTester NEW_NAME
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Re: Spring dreaming (was Second call: add generic mapped property to ActionConfig)

2004-11-29 Thread Craig McClanahan
I agree with Don's assessment, but wanted to add an FYI note -- Shale
does zero-config for #3 (because the mapping between a JSP page and
the corresponding ViewController is implicit), and doesn't require #1
unless you need it for doing Commons Validator stuff.

Simpler is definitely better.


On Mon, 29 Nov 2004 10:03:16 -0800, Don Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 struts-config.xml accomplishes the following tasks:
  1. Defines form models
  2. Defines and configures Actions
  3. Defines and configures mappings of actions
  4. Defines and configures plugins
  5. Defines and configures message resources
  6. Defines and configures request processor
 I see Spring vastly improving, if not completely replacing, #2, #4, #5,
 and #6.  It could even be argued #1 should be moved into a form
 definition file that integrates validator field configuration.
 Therefore, I'd imagine a Springified Struts only needing
 struts-config.xml for #3, defining action mappings, with probably
 another configuration element to point to the Spring context/BeanFactory
 file for the module (loaded as a child of a global Spring
 context/BeanFactory) and the bean id's the request process, message
 resources, and plugins can be found under.
 Joe Germuska wrote:
  snip /
  The more we go down this road of more robust
  configuration/initialization, the more I think we are going to
  realize Spring already does this and does it better.
  I suspect you're right, as I have come to prefer Spring's BeanFactory
  to Digester for this kind of thing.  Have you ever looked at
  configuring Struts completely using Spring?  It might be an
  interesting exercise, along with possibly coming up with an XSLT
  process to make current Struts config files usable with Spring!
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Re: Think Tank Thread on IoC, CoR, and HaD (hot arse deploy) [was Re: Chain enhancement idea]

2004-11-29 Thread Craig McClanahan
On Mon, 29 Nov 2004 15:04:48 -0800, Dakota Jack [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thanks for this thoughtful response, Craig.  Very helpful.  Notes are within:
 On Mon, 29 Nov 2004 09:02:04 -0800, Craig McClanahan [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  If I'm reading the code right, your factory for any given class has
  to know a bunch of nitty gritty details in order to implement the
  transferState() method, right?  So, whenever I add new state
  information to the application class, I have to update transferState()
  as well?
 Yup!  Dang!  LOL  Nothing is free, is it?  I have changed the factory
 transfer state code to
 The people changing the implementation will know what state they want
 to keep, to alter, or whatever, and this allows them to do it.  In the
 actual example of the AppImpl, I do with with a StateContainer.  I
 have made these changes in the

That's better, but still requires me to be able to produce this
artificial state object.  It's not obvious to me what happens if
that state information is modified (on another thread) while
getState() is executing, if it includes live references to other hot
deploy instances, and a few goodies like that.

  I don't see any mechanism to replace references to previous instances
  of a newly loaded implementation class -- without that, hot deploy
  doesn't seem particularly useful.  Or, for that matter, any mechanism
  to suspend access to the old instance while the state is being
 The previous instance, when loaded, is replaced with the new version.
 Or, do you mean generally?  If you are talking about something like a
 registry, then that is what my question on the previous email was
 about.  I am concerned that I be able to keep track of instances of an
 implementation but not stop garbage collection.  My head is not coming
 up with interesting ideas on that one.  I am sure that must exist.  Do
 you have a suggestion on that?  Or, if I am not reading you right,
 please elaborate.

From a simplistic viewpoint, I see IoC type frameworks being used in a
couple of different ways:

* create on demand -- every time I need an instance
  of a service object, I call the appropriate factory method,
  use this resource, and then throw away my reference to
  it.  (Using JNDI resources normally also follows this model).

* create at startup -- leverage the IoC architecture to
  configure the actual implementation class separately,
  and call the factory (or whatever) only once, at application
  startup; caching the object reference I get back.  Convenienty,
  this object is also set up with whatever dependencies it needs
  (using constructor injection, setter injection, or whatever).

My concern with your hot deploy strategy is that it works fine for
the first case, but not at all for the second ... and people who just
read the name are going to feel misled when they find that they can't
transparently swap *existing* instances of the service object being
used.  They can only change the implementation class for *new*
instances -- and that isn't any different from what an IoC container
that allows configuration changes can do.

  I definitely don't like the notion of having more than one class with
  the same name floating around ... that's just asking for confusion and
  problems in debugging.
 Yah.  I have to agree on that one.  That was just an extra which I
 thought was neat but which might be too confusing.
  Overall, it seems like an interesting attempt to do the kinds of
  things that implementation inheritance (using more typical service
  locator patterns), and/or (JDK 1.3 or later) dynamic proxies, let you
  deal with in ways that are more to my personal taste.
 Explain, if you would, on the dynamic proxies.  I think I know what
 you mean but do not want to muddy the waters and would rather have you
 elaborate a bit.  Okay?  Eschew obfuscation and avoid metaphors 'til
 the cows come home!

From JDK 1.3 onwards, you can create a class that *appears* to
implement one or more particular interfaces, but doesn't really.  This
is an easy way to decorate existing objects to customize their
behavior.  The technique could be used to accomplish your idea of
changing behavior on the fly -- but, of course, if you use create on
demand and are using an IoC container that allows its configuration
to be changed on the fly, then you don't even need dynamic proxies to
change behavior at runtime.

See java.lang.reflect.Proxy for more info.

 Thanks, again,


  On Mon, 29 Nov 2004 00:59:43 -0800, Dakota Jack [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Here is code, as opposed to pretty pictures -- LOL  ;-)
   This is intended to demonstrate how simple Had is in contrast to
   normal Service Locator or Inversion of Control (Dependency Injection)
   frameworks.  Remember, THIS IS ALL THE CODE

Re: Think Tank Thread on IoC, CoR, and HaD (hot arse deploy) [was Re: Chain enhancement idea]

2004-11-29 Thread Craig McClanahan
On Mon, 29 Nov 2004 17:36:09 -0800, Dakota Jack [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am not sure what you mean by transparently swap.  IoC requires
 fairly extensive configuration for this transparency.  I don't see
 what is transparent about the IoC setting of an implementation at all.
  Am I missing something?

If I use create at startup, I'm going to get my instance of a
service class configured with its own dependencies.  For example, if
I'm using constructor injection:

public class Foo {
public Foo(Bar bar) { = bar;
... code that uses bar ...

Now, in your scheme you upgrade the Bar class (of course, setting up a
new class loader to contain it).  But what you haven't done is
notified my Foo instance that you should somehow update the private
bar variable to point at a new instance based on the new class
(possibly having to do some sort of state transfer as well) ... it
continues to use the old one -- with the side effect that the old one
will not get garbage collected either.

You can tell me to use create on demand instead, but then I don't
need anything fancier than an IoC framework that lets me reconfigure
on the fly.

And, current IoC approaches provide me other important benefits:

* Multiple implementations can be used without the user having
  to know the implementation class name.

* Don't need the artificial confusion of multiple instances of the
  same class name.

For those reasons alone, I'm satisfied sticking with current IoC
approaches, and have sort of lost interest in pursuing this any


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Re: Think Tank Thread on IoC, CoR, and HaD (hot arse deploy) [was Re: Chain enhancement idea]

2004-11-30 Thread Craig McClanahan
On Mon, 29 Nov 2004 22:29:35 -0800, Dakota Jack [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thanks, Craig.  I think there might be a misunderstanding.  See within.
 On Mon, 29 Nov 2004 18:32:06 -0800, Craig McClanahan [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  On Mon, 29 Nov 2004 17:36:09 -0800, Dakota Jack [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I am not sure what you mean by transparently swap.  IoC requires
   fairly extensive configuration for this transparency.  I don't see
   what is transparent about the IoC setting of an implementation at all.
Am I missing something?
  If I use create at startup, I'm going to get my instance of a
  service class configured with its own dependencies.  For example, if
  I'm using constructor injection:
  public class Foo {
  public Foo(Bar bar) { = bar;
  ... code that uses bar ...
 So far the comparison is this: IoC creates the implementation of the
 Bar class with configuration and so on at startup.  There has to be a
 class somewhere, of course, which is the implementation that IoC plugs
 into the app.   HaD just starts with this class sitting where the
 implementation class is supposed to be.  Your class might be called
 BarTypeXImpl.  My class is always called BarImpl merely.
 So far, all HaD requires none of the considerable coding overhead
 required by dependancy injection.  (I hope I don't sound negative
 about lightweight, IoC containers, because I am not.  Just looking
 around here.)
 Now, if you want to change the implementation class to, say,
 BarTypeYImpl, you have to change the configuration and restart the
 application.  I just drop call this new implementation by the same
 name (BarImpl) and drop it in place of the old implementation.
 Then, I call BarHotFactory.loadBarImpl().  The result is that the Bar
 class reference and the Bar classloader class reference are changed to
 the new BarImpl.  There will be no straggler references to cause
 garbage collection problems, I now see.
  Now, in your scheme you upgrade the Bar class (of course, setting up a
  new class loader to contain it).
 This only happens when there is a change.  The IoC has also to do something.
  But what you haven't done is
  notified my Foo instance that you should somehow update the private
  bar variable to point at a new instance based on the new class
  (possibly having to do some sort of state transfer as well) ... it
  continues to use the old one -- with the side effect that the old one
  will not get garbage collected either.
 This is, I think, mistaken.  Isn't it?  The class reference content
 has changed.  The reference Bar has to a classloader and the reference
 Bar has to a class remains the same but points to a different entity.

Only partly.  The renference to the old version of Bar remains in
existence fo the lifetime of the Foo instance that contains it,
until the Foo instance is told to release the old reference.

  So, when Foo no longer uses Bar, Bar will be garbage
 collected.  The sole result that is of significance is that Bar has
 been updated but the Bar in Foo is using the old version.  Right?  All
 new Bars created in Foo will be the new version.  All new Foos will
 create new Bars.  Right?

Yes, but so what?  It's the existing Foos that will be broken by your change.

Updating the bytecodes that your factory method returns for a
getInstance() method for a Bar class has nothing to do with any
existing object that uses a Bar object as a service, and maintains a
reference to that instance.

You could get away with what you're after if Java supported
ClassLoader.unloacClass() -- but it doesn't for valid technical

 If we want all client Foos to use the newest and greatest Bars, we can
 do so by restarting the application.  This is the same thing we have
 to do with IoC, or we can get a solution for HaD that wil mirror any
 solution for IoC.  So, the sole problem is that HaD can do things that
 IoC cannot do.  You don't have to do that.  Correct?

Restarting the application works (for this particular scenario) ...
but it makes any attempt to pretend to do hot deploy pretty
pointless - the newly restarted app will already pick up the new
version of your implementation class, without any special attention on
the part of the app itself.  There is no need, if you're willing to
restart the app, to do anything like this.


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Re: Spring dreaming (was Second call: add generic mapped property to ActionConfig)

2004-11-30 Thread Craig McClanahan
On Mon, 29 Nov 2004 10:34:13 -0800 (PST), David Graham
 --- Craig McClanahan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I agree with Don's assessment, but wanted to add an FYI note -- Shale
  does zero-config for #3 (because the mapping between a JSP page and
  the corresponding ViewController is implicit), and doesn't require #1
  unless you need it for doing Commons Validator stuff.
  Simpler is definitely better.
 But is adding yet another framework to Struts simplifying anything for the
 user or just for us developers?  If we add Spring, we would need to know
 the following to write a Struts webapp:
 1.  struts-config.xml
 2.  validator-rules.xml
 3.  spring.xml (or whatever they call the config file)
 4.  possibly tiles-config.xml
 5.  possibly jsf config files
 How is learning and remembering up to 5 different configuration files
 better for the user?  If I was put in this position, I would seriously
 consider other ways of writing Java webapps.

The current Shale version of struts-mailreader requires *one*
configuration file (WEB-INF/faces-config.xml), and adding client side
validation and/or Tiles *might* add one for each (although that is not
a given).  For example, Spring config files are only needed if you
want to use Spring in addition to JSF -- if you are satisfied with the
setter injection support that JSF already provides, you don't need
Spring for basic IoC functionality.

Tell me again why it is ok for Stuts 1.x to require more configuration
files than Shale does :-)


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Re: Roadmaps (was Spring dreaming ...)

2004-11-30 Thread Craig McClanahan
On Tue, 30 Nov 2004 07:45:17 -0500, Ted Husted [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Speaking of todos, is there more to be done on the struts-faces taglib? Or is 
 that ready for a release vote?

There are two outstanding bugs ... 32014 and 32370.  The latter is
fairly straightforward, the former is a must fix (the current wrapper
that was added for MyFaces compatibility breaks the servlet API rules,
but changing that makes Tiles not work).  I'd also like to see MyFaces
get to the point where it can actually run with Struts (since lots of
people will try it) -- as of 1.0.7 they still had some bugs (which I
filed in their SF bugtracking system a while back).


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Re: Spring dreaming (was Second call: add generic mapped property to ActionConfig)

2004-11-30 Thread Craig McClanahan
On Tue, 30 Nov 2004 08:38:54 -0800 (PST), David Graham

 My basic concern is that we're heading down a path that doesn't simplify
 things for Struts users (including myself in that group) and instead using
 the next shiny technology in front of us.  If Spring and/or JSF simplify
 using Struts, then I wholeheartedly support using them.  But first we need
 to show how they accomplish that and not just use them because they're

Does your definition of easier include writing less Java code?  and
less stuff in configuration files?  If so, please compare the
mailreader code in Struts 1.x versus the Shale-ized version.  You'll
find substantial improvements.

If those aspects are not included in your definition, I'd be curious what is.

 Writing Java webapps should be easy.

I'd say as easy as possible, but no easier :-)



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Re: [OT] Re: WeakReference

2004-12-02 Thread Craig McClanahan
Don't forget that Strings are immutable in Java :-).

You might have better luck experimenting with a JavaBean that has
getters/setters for the properties you want to be able to mess with.


On Wed, 1 Dec 2004 23:44:38 -0800, Dakota Jack [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thanks for the response, Paul.  Here's what I am up to.  I can get an
 object from the weak reference created from a strong reference.  What
 I want to do, and am not sure if I can (I am starting to think I
 cannot), is to grab the object with the weak reference and make
 changes which will happen also with the strong reference.  So far, it
 seems that when I have the object of a weak reference created form a
 strong reference and change this object, it does not affect the object
 of the strong reference.
 package com.crackwillow.deploy;
 import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
 import java.lang.ref.Reference;
 public class MyReference {
   public static void main(String [] params) {
 Stringstring = new String(Aa);
 WeakReference wr = new WeakReference(string);
 wr = replace(wr);
 string = (String)((Reference)wr).get();
   public static WeakReference replace(WeakReference wr) {
 return new WeakReference(((String)wr.get()).replaceAll(A,B));
 Apparently there is no connection between the objects referred to by
 string and wr in the code shown above.
 Is this clearer?
 On Thu, 02 Dec 2004 02:03:39 -0500, Paul Speed [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  A WeakReference is just a way of holding a reference to an object that
  will not keep it from being garbage collected (a very useful thing).
  There are also ways that you can track when it has been garbage
  collected.  Once it has been garbage collected, it's gone though.  All
  you have is any data you originally associated with your WeakReference
  (by subclassing or some other method).  You cannot access the referenced
  object anymore because it doesn't exist.
  While the object still exists (ie: is strongly referenced some where),
  you can still access it through the WeakReference.  You just have to
  expect that at some point you may go to retrieve it from the
  WeakReference and get a null.
  Maybe it would help to know what you are trying to do with it.  There
  are other Reference implementations that may be better suited.
  Dakota Jack wrote:
   Working here on a new paradigm, sort of, I think.
   Apparently you can track what has happened to a strong reference with
   a weak reference but you cannot manipulate the object referred to by
   the strong reference by manipulating the weak reference.  Is that
   right?  Seems odd to me.
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Re: [OT] Re: WeakReference

2004-12-02 Thread Craig McClanahan
On Thu, 2 Dec 2004 11:56:31 -0800, Dakota Jack [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Essentially, I am trying to keep a WeakReference to
 Point classes so that when I update the Point.class I can change the
 classes for all the PointImpl objects out there.

My understanding of Java (extensive in many areas, but not necessarily
comprehensive here) is that this kind of replacement is *not* possible
at all.  At best, you can create new instances of the new class and
then transfer the state information -- but that still doesn't clean up
references that other objects will have to the old instance.



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Re: Call me crazy, but I want it all.

2004-12-10 Thread Craig McClanahan
On Thu, 9 Dec 2004 11:36:10 -0500, James Mitchell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Also, why do we have so many copies of the mailreader example all over the
 place?  Why can't we just keep one copy and have a build that can handle
 building for core or chain or shale or xyz?

For the most part, they aren't the same.  The canonical Struts
mailreader app has been reimplemented in struts-faces with JSF tags
but the same actions (twice, once without Tiles and once with), in
Shale (completely re-implemented with JSF tags and the replacement for
actions (much simpler, too, but that's for another thread :-).

The common thread (at least among the implementations I've seen so
far) is the abstraction of the DAO APIs (UserDatabase, User,
Subscription) and the corresponding implementation that uses an XML
document for persistence.  That part has already been abstracted out
... it would be straightforward for the customized implementations to
use that part from a common source, while keeping their own copies of
what might be unique.

 James Mitchell
 Software Engineer / Open Source Evangelist
 EdgeTech, Inc.
 AIM: jmitchtx


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Re: Minimum Ant version for building Struts

2004-12-11 Thread Craig McClanahan
+1.  Just because we are conservative on runtime APIs doesn't mean we
have to be conservative on our own environments :-).


On Fri, 10 Dec 2004 22:12:07 -0800 (PST), Martin Cooper
 Currently, we say that Ant 1.5.4 is required for building Struts. I'd like
 to bump that to 1.6.2 as a minimum, so that we can take advantage of some
 of the features that were introduced in Ant 1.6.
 Anyone have any objections?
 Martin Cooper
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Re: Any objections to adding Ant get's to build.xml?

2004-12-18 Thread Craig McClanahan
On Thu, 16 Dec 2004 22:10:50 -0800, Don Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm setting up Struts to build from Ant (again), and have to go through
 the hassle of setting up  When I brought struts-bsf
 in, I changed its build.xml to, if a lib directory didn't exist,
 create one and use Ant's get task to pull the jars from ibiblio.  It
 wouldn't be a long term solution to our building woes, but I figure if I
 have to go through the pain of setting up, I might as
 well make it easier for the next guy/gal.

If you want nightly builds to work :-), the build.xml file had
better work, with minimal need for custom files,
although I'll obviously maintain those as needed for Struts and the
commons package it depends on.

A deeper issue, though, is that the way Maven currently generates Ant
build.xml files is to duplicate hard coded URLs for the dependencies
to be retrieved.  Besides being very tough on people who try to build
when not connected to the net, the fatal flaw is when you run into
dependencies that cannot (for license reasons) be posted individually
in a repository.  Examples include the Commons Email dependence on

If you're willing to hand create the Ant scripts so that you can still
use type mechanisms to override these URLs, that's
fine.  If not, then I think it's a waste of time, because there is no
solution for the non-redistributable-binary-dependencies scenario.



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Re: Moving Validator Depenency to Version 1.1.4

2004-12-18 Thread Craig McClanahan

That's the version of Commons Validator I plan to support in Shale as well.


On Thu, 16 Dec 2004 23:15:21 -, Niall Pemberton
 Does anyone object to me moving Strut's dependency on to the recently
 released Version 1.1.4 of Commons Validator?
 Its a very minor maintenance release of Validator, but will allow the issues
 with Validator and different resource bundles to be resolved. Details of
 changes in 1.1.4 are here:
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Re: Escape html

2004-12-19 Thread Craig McClanahan
The purpose for filtering these four characters is to avoid cross site
scripting attacks that would otherwise be possible if an application
accepted an input text field that had something like a script
element in it, and then wrote that text to an HTML output stream with
no modifications.

Are there any other characters that should be filtered for security
reasons?  If not, what's the use case for converting anything else to
its xxx; equivalent?  Which, among other things, can cause you some
grief if you're trying to do XML validation of the resulting output.


On Sun, 19 Dec 2004 18:51:32 -0300, Edgar Poce [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 TagUtils.filter(String value) only filters 4 html sensitive characters
 while there are many more. Is there any special reason or it's a bug?
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Re: Escape html

2004-12-19 Thread Craig McClanahan
On Sun, 19 Dec 2004 19:24:23 -0300, Edgar Poce [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Are there any other characters that should be filtered for security
 I think there are not. I thought it was a html escape tool and I
 expected it replaced 'à' with agrave for example. But I see it's not
 the purpose.
 Has it any sense to add an escape attribute with values html,
 javascript, ...?

I guess I am still missing the use case for doing this sort of thing
... what's the reasoning?

If you're talking about webapps, by the way, another option is to use
a Servlet Filter that intercepts the output and performs this sort of
transformation.  That solution would work on *any* way to generate the
markup -- without requiring that the application source be modified.

 Thanks for your quick response


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Re: Extracting taglibs

2004-12-21 Thread Craig McClanahan
I think a separate subproject for Tiles (including the code and the
tags) probably makes the most sense.  If we don't mind the dependency
back onto Struts, then this could also include the Struts PlugIn that
is currently used to configure it -- although it would probably be
better that this class stay part of Struts so that the Tiles library
could be used stand alone.

In addition, there should be mechanisms to configure the Tiles
definitions even if Struts is not present, via TilesServlet (which I
believe already exists?) and/or a new ServletContextListener
implementation since we're willing to use Servlet 2.3.


On Tue, 21 Dec 2004 18:29:43 -0800, Don Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 It has been discussed, I believe, to separate Tiles from Struts, but no
 one seemed to know where it would go.  jakarta-commons doesn't want
 taglibs, and for some reason I don't remember, the taglibs project
 wasn't accepted.  It would be kinda funny, though, since Tiles used to
 be its own project that was assimilated into Struts when Struts was
 trying to divest iteself of code into commons.
 I mentioned the separation of Tiles from their taglibs as I thought I
 heard somewhere of Velocity being able to use Tiles.  I could be wrong
 Eddie Bush wrote:
  Actually, I'd tend to agree with that.  It makes more sense than
  separating Tiles and the Tiles taglibs - don't think you'd use the
  former without the latter.  Maybe ... but I don't.
  On Tue, 21 Dec 2004 20:35:53 -0500, Deadman, Hal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Haven't look into this much but it would seem better to have a
 completely separate tiles sub-project that struts core would use. Don't
 JSF and Spring currently use tiles and have to include struts.jar when
 all they really want is tiles?
 -Original Message-
 From: Don Brown [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, December 21, 2004 7:51 PM
 To: Struts Developers List
 Subject: Extracting taglibs
 My basic assumption in approaching taglibs extraction into its own
 subproject is it can reference Struts classes, but Struts classes
 shouldn't reference it.
 If that is correct, here are the changes I see happening to extract
 1. Move o.a.s.taglib out into its own subproject src tree
 2. Remove methods in RequestUtils that delegate to TagUtils.  They are
 marked as deprecated anyways and explicitly say they will be removed
 after 1.2.
 3. Move properties in o.a.s.taglib.html.Constants that are referred to
 in Struts core code into o.a.s.Globals. (cancel and token keys)
 4. Move o.a.s.taglib.tiles to o.a.s.tiles.taglib  This one I'm not
 about.  Should/can tiles be used w/o its jsp taglibs?  If not, then it
 should stay in core w/ tiles.  Otherwise, it could be moved out too.
 That should be it, as far as I can tell.  taglibs are already pretty
 well isolated from the rest of Struts which will make the extraction
 pretty straightforward.
 I'd like to get this done before Christmas (25th) if there are no
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Re: Extracting taglibs

2004-12-21 Thread Craig McClanahan
On Tue, 21 Dec 2004 20:45:03 -0800, Don Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I agree as well.  This lets us follow a consistent approach to
 subprojects, where they may (and probably should) link to Struts core,
 but Struts core should not depend on them.

I hope this can actually be accomplished ... but I recall playing
around with this particular separation when we had our testbed
Subversion installation, and the interdependencies were much more
invasive than I would have originally expected ... to the point that I
deferred actually finishing this particular separation (since I was
mostly focused on whether SVN made sense).


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Re: svn commit: r123053 - /struts/core/trunk/build.xml

2004-12-22 Thread Craig McClanahan
On 22 Dec 2004 06:11:56 -, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Author: martinc
 Date: Tue Dec 21 22:08:58 2004
 New Revision: 123053
 Ensure that the nightly build still works, now that the Chain code is in the 
 mainstream (assuming that I'm right about what properties it depends on). The 
 revamped build isn't ready yet.

Saw this too late for last night's run (20041222), but it will work
tonight (20041223)..


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Re: ViewUtils and UtilityFactory (was Extracting taglibs)

2004-12-23 Thread Craig McClanahan
On Thu, 23 Dec 2004 10:54:31 -0800, Dakota Jack [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 What does Commons FileUpload being Filter-ized mean?

Martin has talked (on the Commons dev list) about his plans to upgrade
Commons FileUpload to use a Servlet Filter, and the request wrapper
features of Servlet 2.3, in the next version.  This will enable much
cleaner integration of file upload processing with existing web
application architectures, because (for many use cases) the fact that
ths request is in mutipart/form-data can be made totally transparent
to the rest of the architecture.



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Re: [struts-faces] JSF integration into Struts

2004-12-23 Thread Craig McClanahan
On Thu, 23 Dec 2004 18:04:18 -0800, Don Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Craig McClanahan wrote:
  On Thu, 23 Dec 2004 12:31:19 -0800, Don Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 snip /
 If that is correct, would it be possible to implement JSF within Struts
 chain?  Could a JSF implementation be decomposed into chain commands,
 and therefore allow the user to mix and match?
  You'd have to replace the standard implementation of JSF's Lifecycle
  API while still ensuring that the JSF based functioning happens in the
  correct order.  To my mind, it's easier to decompose what Struts does
  and bolt it onto JSF (basically the direction Shale is taking) versus
  the other way.
 I guess what I have in mind is the JSF integration approach Cocoon
 takes.  Every request enters Cocoon, then certain pipelines can choose
 to hand the request off to JSF.  Conceptually, I think it is a better
 fit with the advantages of the respective frameworks.  Cocoon and Struts
 excel at a request-based approach, so it is a natural fit for them to be
 the controller for all requests, JSF or not.  JSF, as an event-based
 framework, is a fine solution for components or complex, event-based

I guess I'm not seeing the advantage of having a controller (in the
sense that we've traditionally used talking about Struts or Cocoon) in
*front* of JSF's controller.  In a very simplistic sense, there are
three kinds of requests in the world:

* UI State Change (example: tree control node open/close, where
  the component's state is managed server side).  Should be handled
  by the view tier technology (JSF in this scenario, which Shale
  puts in front).

* Form Submit to be validated (example:  typical of what Struts
   form processing ins about).  Should be handled by the application
   tier that enforces such things (in Shale, this is done by a combination
   of the JSF validators and an upcoming integration of Commons
   Validator, all managed transparently by the JSF lifecycle, including
   redisplay of the input page if validation fails.

* Validated form submit to be processed by business logic (example:
   what we use actions for in Struts; in JSF/Shale this is the invocation
   of the action method bound to your submit button).

There's still room for some overall per-request processing for things
like enforcing authentication, performance logging, etc.  That can all
be handled with a Filter (Shale's filter predefines before and
after chains that you can use to decorate the basic functionality.

I guess I don't see why I need anything else as a controller -- with
the possible exception of managing dialogs that are longer than a
request and shorter than a session.  What I've got so far is
conceptually pretty similar to what you can do today by sharing a
single form bean across multiple pages; the reason it's not posted yet
is I haven't made the remove the session object when you leave the
dialog part quite elegant enough yet.

 The end game here would be to make Struts a universal controller
 implementation that could front-end JSF, Cocoon (as it can do now with
 the Struts Cocoon plugin), continuations-based frameworks, or any other
 more specialized controller implementation.  IMO, chain is great for a
 universal controller backbone, but poor/too-generic for an
 application-level controller framework.  Not every request/workflow
 might be appropriate for JSF, but by putting it behind Struts, the
 developer has the option how best to handle it.
 I guess where I'm going with this is one of the huge advantages of an
 event-based view framework like JSF is the ability to have
 self-contained, complex components.  On the other hand, I think
 event-based approaches are poor at handling complex workflows as code
 has to be split up into different event methods.  It seems like a
 perfect marriage would be event-based framework for the components, but
 continuations-based framework for application events and actions.
  Stay tuned next week for a Shale checkin that addresses the complexity
  of managing dialogs -- I've made some good progress fleshing that out.
   Continuations are definitely a good way to deal with serial workflows
  like a wizard dialog, and I'd like to see us continue to explore that
  avenue -- it's just not (yet?) obvious to me that they are optimal for
  workflows with lots of branches in them.
  Consider, for example, a dialog for handling authentication at a
  portal that also allows self-registration and remember me cookies.
  The various paths through this logic are essentially the same as the
  front parts of MailReader (up to where you get to the main menu), plus
  a bypass branch if the user's cookie is still there.  For extra fun,
  assume that the process of collecting user profile info takes multiple
  screens, and that the user might at any point cancel the whole thing
  (meaning no updates should show up in any database).
 Actually, I think continuations really excel at workflows

Re: [struts-faces] JSF integration into Struts

2004-12-24 Thread Craig McClanahan
On Thu, 23 Dec 2004 22:24:28 -0800, Dakota Jack [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I think, Don, that this integration is a bit smoke and mirrors
 Really what the integration is, if I understand it right, is just a
 switch to use either JSF or Struts.  They really cannot work together
 because JSF has a page based controller which is inconsistent with
 everything Struts as we know does.

Sorry Jack, you don't have it right at all.  The current integration
library absolutely lets you use JSF components in an application based
on Struts 1.1 or 1.2.  Plus, far from being smoke and mirrors, the
code actually exists too -- unlike some proposed approaches :-).

Of course, this approach doesn't leverage anything of JSF other than
the visual components, but that's OK if it floats your boat.

Don's question was primarily around whether you put JSF in front of,
or behind, a flow-through controller (the page based part isn't really
the important issue -- the part about wanting to be in front, and
processing *all* requests first, is the key one).  The integration
library currently puts JSF in front (for user interface events only),
which I believe is the better architecture -- a particular request
penetrates into the system only as far as it makes sense.  There's no
reason, for example, for any business logic action to get involved in
a purely visual change like expanding or contracting a tree node. 
Putting JSF in front lets that happen; the current Struts architecture

As for the future, the queston that Struts 1.x developers need to ask
ourselves is what's the value add of a flow-through controller in a
JSF environment.  Others have already shown, for example, that you can
use Tiles and Commons Validator directly with JSF (without using the
Struts controller architecture) -- and these are capabilities I
already know how to integrate into Shale.  Servlet Filters let you do
all the overall per-request type things you might want to do; no extra
infrastructure is needed for overall control things like is the user
logged in checking.

It's also quite pleasant to be done with form beans (JSF components
already do the stuff we used to need them for); to have the logic to
set up a page and process it's input next to each other instead of in
two actions that have to be chained; to not need configuration beans
at all; to be able to manage multi-request dialogs more gracefully
(stay tuned for a Shale example next week); and to be able to use JSF
components from multiple libraries; but I digress ...



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Re: Struts Faces - what to do?

2006-04-13 Thread Craig McClanahan
On 4/13/06, James Mitchell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Perhaps Craig can shed some light on this, but are we going to
 continue to support the struts-faces project?

We should.  There will be people who want to have a few JSF components on a
few pages (or they want to migrate) -- and using this library is the right
strategy for them.  Don was also talking about porting this to action2,
which I also support.

  If so, can someone
 please fix the faces example (1 and 2) apps?

Has the source organization and the build scripts settled down now?  If so,
I can devote some time to this ... but not until the end of next week.  One
more long trip first (St. Petersburg, Russia).

 James Mitchell


Re: Struts Faces - what to do?

2006-04-13 Thread Craig McClanahan
On 4/13/06, James Mitchell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Yes, I believe things have settled down.  Although I'm still working
 changes in the struts-scripting webapp.

 The error I was getting when deploying the faces-example1 app was:
 javax.faces.FacesException: Undefined component type

Sounds like a jar file is missing from the webapp ... not all that
surprising giving all the changes going on.  I'll take a look.

I was under the assumption that the struts-faces library only buys
 someone partial compatibility.  And what they get was only jsf-1.0
 compatible anyway, but I will be happy to be corrected.

It buys you either JSF 1.0 or 1.1 or 1.2 ... but, more importantly, it buys
you the ability to use the UI components part of JSF even if you don't want
to use the controller part.  For example, it has full integration with
Commons Validator and Tiles, but uses JSF component tags instead of Struts
HTML tags.

 James Mitchell


Re: Struts Faces - what to do?

2006-04-14 Thread Craig McClanahan
On 4/14/06, Dakota Jack [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Isn't the rule that this should have [faces] or something like that in the
 subject matter?

It is a convention, not a rule.  And it is more for the user list than the
dev list -- people subscribed here are presumed to have a clue :-).


Re: [action1] Which webapp dtds to include in struts-core.jar?

2006-04-15 Thread Craig McClanahan
On 4/14/06, Wendy Smoak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Do we need to include webapp-2_2.dtd in struts-core.jar?  I deleted it
 as part of the reorganization [1], so only the webapp 2.3 dtd remains.
 Should we include the one for 2.4 as well?

We need the 2.2 DTD if Struts continues to support Servlet 2.2.  We should
also definitely include the 2.4 DTD, as that is now a popular platform.  To
make the inclusion effective, though, we'll also want to make sure it gets
registered with the Digester that processes config files -- otherwise,
including it will not make any difference.

Separately, I'm ready (gulp!) to start moving Shale towards Maven2, and it's
recommended soure directory organizations ... as long as you
have-a-clue-about-Maven gurus promise to stand by my side and help :-).  I
had a question about the resources directories in the organization
recommended by Maven.  Does that include resource bundles for localization
(which are normally placed somewhere in the src/java hierarchy currently),
or is it just for configuration files?

It shouldn't be too hard to remodel the existing organization and update the
relevant Ant build.xml files, as a move towards forwards compatibility with
the recommended structure.  In terms of timing, though, my efforts will
likely be after next week ... on Sunday I get on a plane for a couple of
days in St. Petersburg, Russia (just when I got used to it being springtime,
back to mixed rain and snow showers).  But it makes a lot of sense to
migrate the internal organization of the Shale source repositories now, to
make the ultimate conversion easier.  Anyone else who wants to help in this
is, of course, welcome to have at it.




Re: [shale] Maven 2 build (was Re: [action1] Which webapp dtds to include in struts-core.jar?)

2006-04-15 Thread Craig McClanahan
On 4/15/06, Wendy Smoak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 4/14/06, Craig McClanahan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Separately, I'm ready (gulp!) to start moving Shale towards Maven2, and
  recommended soure directory organizations ... as long as you
  have-a-clue-about-Maven gurus promise to stand by my side and help :-).

 Of course. :)

  had a question about the resources directories in the organization
  recommended by Maven.  Does that include resource bundles for
  (which are normally placed somewhere in the src/java hierarchy
  or is it just for configuration files?

 Maven's recommended directory structure is src/main/java for .java
 files, and src/main/resources for everything else.  With that, no
 configuration is necessary.

 If you prefer to keep .properties files in with the source code, it
 takes some resource sections in the pom to get them included in the
 jar.  Example:

  It shouldn't be too hard to remodel the existing organization and update
  relevant Ant build.xml files, as a move towards forwards compatibility
  the recommended structure.
  But it makes a lot of sense to
  migrate the internal organization of the Shale source repositories now,
  make the ultimate conversion easier.  Anyone else who wants to help in
  is, of course, welcome to have at it.

 The major change is splitting core-library into multiple modules, one per

Which is the reason I've been resisting so far ... :-)

I'll want to experiment with ways to get combined javadocs out of these
artifacts (although probably two sets ... I got a suggestion to split the
APIs that are interesting to application developers from the internal APIs
for those extending the framework, and would like to produce two sets of
javadocs with their appropriate packages.

Are you planning to keep the Ant build after Maven 2 is in place?

Ideally, no ... it's hard enough to keep one build environment in sync with
reality.  But we'll probably need some user feedback before decomissioning
the Ant scripts.



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Re: [shale] Maven 2 build (was Re: [action1] Which webapp dtds to include in struts-core.jar?)

2006-04-15 Thread Craig McClanahan
On 4/15/06, Brett Porter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 are the apis with the other javadoc going to be in a separate module?
 This should make it easy to produce javadoc from there, and then go on
 to produce the aggregated javadoc for the others.

Ideally not.  It's already going to be painful to split up the core-library
package (which now produces several JAR files) into separate modules solely
because Maven likes one artifact per module.

Shale publishes information on API stability ( that also includes
a column describing who should be using the APIs in each package ...
application developers or those wanting to extend the framework.  That is
the basis on which I would want to split the javadocs, but they would also
be based on combining back together all the application-related APIs and all
the framework-related APIs back together again.

- Brett


On 4/16/06, Wendy Smoak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On 4/15/06, James Mitchell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Craig wrote
I'll want to experiment with ways to get combined javadocs out of
these artifacts (although probably two sets ...
   Can we do this with custom assemblies?
  Without trying it, I don't think so, because it's more than just
  copying files around.  The Javadoc tool needs to create the frames and
  indexes so that everything is linked together.
  I think it will need two reportSets, so the Javadoc plugin runs
  twice with different configuration.  Maybe something like this, which
  runs both the regular Javadoc doclet and the UMLGraph one:
  And here's a link to some work that I did last year, which includes
  pom.xml files and a script to rearrange Shale into Maven 2's preferred
  structure.  I stopped in late November, so it doesn't include Shale
  Tiger or anything after that.
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Re: Struts BOF at JavaOne?

2006-04-21 Thread Craig McClanahan
On 4/21/06, James Mitchell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm seriously considering coming to JavaOne this year.  What should I
 expect as far as costs?  (Conference Pass, lodging, meals, etc)

Full conference pass is pretty hefty ... $2595 before May 15, $2695
afterwards.  Cheapest hotels I have seen this year are around $175/night
(including the discount you get if you go through the conference
registration system, but not including tax). Lunch is included, but you're
on your own for breakfast and dinner and beer (although there are often
parties you can horn in on, as well as a couple of BOFs that I understand
plan to serve liquid refreshments :-) -- San Francisco has the typical range
of food types and price ranges for a big city, many pretty close by.  Don't
bother with a rental car ... you can take BART directly from the SFO airport
to downtown and be within walking distance of Moscone nearly all the
reasonable hotels (for the farther away ones, there's free bus service
to/from Moscone during the conference).

If you want to swing one extra night of expenses, think about also signing
up for NetBeans Day (Monday).  It's free to get in, but registration is
highly desireable (last year we thoroughly filled up the allocated space;
it'll be bigger this year but we expect more folks too).

This would be my first time and since this will be totally on my
 dime, any way for me to cut costs?

Not much you can do this year other than perhaps try to share a hotel room
with someone else.  Biggest savings is if you get a session accepted --
speakers get in for free.

 James Mitchell


Re: Bugzilla to JIRA migration update

2006-04-22 Thread Craig McClanahan
On 4/22/06, Don Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 - Move Shale issues into its own project.  We would have done this
 already, but we wanted  to let Shale pick their own prefix.  We propose

+1 on a separate project.  I'm ok with SHL as a prefix, but would actually
prefer to spell it out (SHALE).  I haven't seen that three characters is a
limitation that Jira imposes, right?

- Move Tiles issues into its own project (?).  Also needs a collective
 decision on a prefix.  We propose TLS

Does this include both the SAF1-dependent version of Tiles and the
standalone version in the sandbox?  I'd recommend that it be just the
latter, and if so I'm ok with TLS (but would prefer TILES) as the prefix.

- Update the public site and any other Bugzilla URL links, once the
 above has been accomplished

 For now, Bugzilla has been turned Closed for entry, which as I
 understand it, only means no new tickets.  Infra is talking about
 removing the project completely (with a backup saved somewhere of course).

 A word about prefixes - these are important because JIRA and Confluence
 can use them to link commit messages and wiki pages to tickets.  They
 are also an easy way to associate a bug ticket number with an actual
 project without looking it up.  We'd like to get the prefix question
 resolved by tomorrow if possible, as this limbo stage is vulnerable to
 synchronization issues as Bugzilla is still linked to and can be modified

 Finally, you will find that your account might have been created for you
 from the Bugzilla import.  Please let me know if you need to be added to
 the struts-developer group that allows you to close tickets.



Re: Standalone Tiles as TLP

2006-04-23 Thread Craig McClanahan
On 4/23/06, Martin Cooper [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 4/23/06, Don Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I would think it would be Tiles' responsibility to support deployment
  with Struts.  In that view, Tiles would be its own project, yet part of
  it would depend on struts-action.jar to provide the Struts hooks.  In
  the same way, they would provide Struts Action 2 hooks, if necessary.

 This is a tough one - for me, at least. Should an independent Tiles have
 glue code for Struts, or should it be Struts' responsibility to provide
 glue? If we look at Velocity, the glue is over there, but we've also
 about it coming here. If we look at Validator, the glue is here. If we
 at Chain, the servlet and portlet glue is over there.

I've always thought it would be as Martin describes for Validator --
standalone Tiles would really be standalone, and each framework that wanted
to utilize it would provide it's own glue to some particular version(s) of
Standalone Tiles.  That is what Shale already does with the standalone Tiles
stuff -- for example, Shale integrates tiles into the standard JSF
navigation mechanism.  That's not something that it seems reasonable to
impose on a standalone project.

My preference, at least at this time, would be for the Struts / Tiles glue
 to stay here. That will help Standalone Tiles stand on its own feet, and
 especially help with the notion that it's now independent of Struts. Any
 perception - real or otherwise - that Tiles is tied to Struts will be
 detrimental to Tiles as an independent library.


 Martin Cooper


Re: [action2] [VOTE] Target Java 5, support 1.4 through Retroweaver

2006-04-24 Thread Craig McClanahan
On 4/24/06, Don Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 So... is that a +1? :)

 As for annotations, I'd imagine we'd keep the XML as override so most
 anything you can do with annotations, you could
 also do in XML.  This would give Java 1.4 users mostly the same

I think he was expressing a technical concern :-).  And, depending on how
you want to use annotations, it's an important one.

It is straightforward to see how one could use annotations at build time,
even if the ultimate target platform is 1.4.  You can do things like run the
apt tools, generate new code (or maybe generate config files that
correspond to what the annotations signify) as part of the build process --
as long as the build process itself was running on Java SE 5, of course.
Even this might be too much of a leap for some organizations, however.

But the annotations facility also provides *runtime* mechanisms to examine a
Class instance and determine what annotations are present.  I do not see how
that can be done with something like Retroweaver, for two reasons:

* The annotations themselves can't be stored in the compiled class, because
there is nowhere to put them.

* The APIs to do the reflective checks (added to the Class class in 1.5)
don't exist in the 1.4 runtime.

This would be a pretty serious limitation on what you might otherwise want
to do with annotations -- but, again, it depends on the intended usage

Because of the above issues, I'm -0 on this, (it's not reasonable for me to
vote -1 since I'm not the one that is wanting to do the work).

I think a better strategy would be to have the core framework depend solely
on 1.4, but provide an optional layer on top which leverages 1.5 things for
those who actually do have a 1.5 runtime environment.  That's the approach
taken by the Tiger Extensions to Shale[1].  And, the first two features of
these extensions (use annotations instead of configuration files, and use
annotations instead of implementing interfaces) are *very* similar to the
sorts of things that would make 1.5 attractive in [action2].




Alexandru Popescu wrote:
  This looks quite nice. I cannot figure out what means support for
  annotations. Even if they are left inside the classbytecode, you will
  not have access to the API to use them (except the case they are
  weaving the Class.class, but I really don't think so).
  .w( the_mindstorm )p.
  On 4/24/06, Don Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  There has been a lot of discussion on Java 5 support for Struts Action
 2, and from my reading of the comments, we have
  settled on a path, but I want to formalize it in a vote to ensure we
 are all on the same page.
  I vote we develop Struts Action 2 with Java 5, taking advantage of it
 where ever we can.  At the same time, we should
  use Retroweaver to build jars that will run in a 1.4 JVM.  For those
 that aren't familiar, Retroweaver supports
  conversion of an impressive amount of Java 5 features and language
 changes.  In summary, Retroweaver supports [1]:
   * generics
   * extended for loops
   * static imports
   * autoboxing/unboxing
   * varargs
   * enumerations
   * annotations
  Therefore, our development philosophy will be to take _full_ advantage
 of Java 5, but provide a working jar for Java
  1.4, however, we can't guarantee every Struts Action 2.0 feature will
 be available to Java 1.4 users.
  [ ] +1 Make Java 5 the target
  [ ] +0 I am fine with this move, but I'll still mainly interested in
  [ ] -0 I am not too keen, because ...
  [ ] -1 I am against this move, because ...
  I'll tally the votes after at least 72 hours and include the count in
 our STATUS file.  The vote is open to anyone.
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Re: Proposal for change

2006-04-24 Thread Craig McClanahan
On 4/24/06, Frank W. Zammetti [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I look forward to feedback.  Thanks for listening!

Without commenting on the merit of the proposal itself, or the reasoning
presented as its justification, it is important to note that we (the Struts
community) do not have free reign to do whatever we want in this regard.  As
part of Apache, the Struts community is accountable to the Apache Software
Foundation's Board of Directors, and one of the things that gets watched is
how well the various projects implement the Apache Way.  And one of the
key tenets of that way is how new committers get selected.

Regardless of the details, anything along the general lines of what you
describe would be quite different from the way Apache has grown from the
very beginning to what it is today -- and it would, therefore, be looked at
with a *lot* of skepticism by Apache as a whole.  Trying to argue that the
Apache Way is flawed, and needs to be fundamentally changed like this, does
not seem likely (to me) to get much agreement Apache wide, given the ASF's
history, and the success of many of its projects at building communities of
committers that buy in to that culture -- and, by the way, produce some
pretty popular software to boot.

So what the heck is this Apache way thing?  It is a culture; a way of
gathering a community that interoperates ... and it can be tough at times to
write down a descrption that makes sense.  But [1] is a pretty good starting
point.  I'd also recommend looking through the documentation for the
Incubator Project (where a specific exit criteria is that the folks
participating in the new project get it about the Apache way).




PS:  If you like the code but don't like the community, one of the best
things about Apache is that the license gives you the right to fork and
build your own community, operated according to whatever rules please you.
So, even if a proposal like this is not accepted, you still have the
opportunity to go build a better Struts -- that doesn't have to be done

Re: Proposal for change

2006-04-24 Thread Craig McClanahan
On 4/24/06, Frank W. Zammetti [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 * Rationale
 One of the issues that a number of people seem to have with the way
 Struts has progressed is the seeming inability (or difficulty at least)
 of getting new blood involved.  There seems to be a perception by many
 that there is a bit of a closed club mentality with regard to being
 invited in as a committer and that the Struts community at large has no
 say in the matter.

The latter statement is, as mentioned in my previous response, the way that
*all* projects at Apache work -- it is not unique to Struts.  Any claim that
all of Apache is broken in this regard is going to be, umm, unlikely to be
agreed with :-).  What's more interesting is to examine the former
statement, and compare it to the facts.

The Who We Are page[1] lists the current folks who are on the PMC (and
also have committer privileges), and who are committers not on the PMC.
There's 14 and 13 names, respectively, giving a total of 27 (and this
doesn't count the 10 previous committers who are now on the emeritus list,
for a total of 37).  That's a pretty good size number, compared to the
average at Apache.  But what is really interesting is to look at the timing
of how we got from one committer (me) six years ago, to where we are today
-- and focus especially on the more recent changes.

In just the last year there have been quite a number of new committers
added[2] ... six independent of the WebWork merger (Wendy, Gary, Greg,
Shawn, Laurie, and Richard), two more (Jason and Patrick) directly because
of the merger, and five more who have commit rights to the WebWork incubator
code and will become Struts committers as soon as it graduates.  There is
also one outstanding invitation that, for personal reasons fo the individual
involved, will be accepted later rather than now.  That is a pretty large
percentage increase for a single year, even discounting the merger -- and
have you ever seen other competing communities come together like this?
Hmm ... doesn't seem like the existing community is particularly closed to
new blood to me.

Examining how the new folks got themselves nominated and elected is also
interesting.  In every case, it was based on continuous contributions of
code, documentation, user list help, build script maintenance, or whatever
made a *positive* difference for everyone.  Indeed, if you go back to the
days when folks like Ted and Martin were added, a lot of it was being tired
of applying all the patches they were contributing :-).  All of these folks
get it -- so it is not just a couple of dictatorial snobs sitting on top
of the mountain dictating who is in and who is out :-).

There is also another interesting observation here -- you don't have to be a
committer to initiate changes to the Struts code base.  What you have to do
is justify your bugfix or RFE to the point where an existing committer is
willing to take responsibility for cleaning up any messes that committing
the change might cause.  So, you only have to convince one of the various
folks to get your patch in.  Failure to succeed in that goal *could* be a
close minded community, but it also just might be that the proposed change
doesn't fit with what the committers as a whole have in mind (it only takes
one commiter -1 to make a committed change get reversed, so we pay attention
to this as part of the decision process on accepting a patch).  Just in the
little time I have had to spend on Struts in the last year, I've committed
patches from at least 20 different people.  Spread across the six years that
Struts has existed, and all the committers who have done the same thing, we
are talking many *hundreds* of people who have contributed at least some
code or documentation to what is now Struts.

I just don't buy the presumption that the current system is broken.  I won't
presume to convince *you* to think that way -- it's your perogative to think
whatever you want -- but I will certainly take into account whether someone
gets it before I would ever vote for them to be a committer.

Fortunately for those who either don't, or don't want to, buy into this, the
Apache license gives you the freedom to take the code and go start your own
community, operating according to your own rules, if you don't like the way
things work here.  But you are starting from a rationale that does not match
the objective facts, so I'm not even going to be interested in trying to
hash out details of how to change something that does not need to be



Re: Proposal for change

2006-04-25 Thread Craig McClanahan
On 4/25/06, Wendy Smoak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 4/25/06, Ted Husted [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Actually, there are three public lists.
  * user@ for helping people use the product
  * dev@ for discussing changes to the product
  * commit@ for logging changes to the product
  Right now, we have the issue trackers and wiki posting to dev@, but I
  sometimes wonder if it would be cleaner to have all the automatic
  posts going to commit@, especially if we are going to be hooking
  forums up to the lists.

 I was wishing for that today as I set up filters to get all the JIRA
 messages out of my struts-dev label.  IIRC this has been suggested
 before. :)

 What about issues@ rather than directing them to commits@ (which they
 really aren't)?

FWIW, this (four lists) is what the ADF Faces incubator podling chose
(dev,user,issues,commits).  There's actually yet one more category of
automated messages (wiki changes), but I suspect the volume of those is low
enough not to bother anyone.



Re: Proposal for change

2006-04-25 Thread Craig McClanahan
On 4/25/06, Patrick Lightbody [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Any chance that as you discuss this there would be a move to make dev@ not
 receive all commit@ messages? Some of us (me) prefer to use RSS and forcing
 the emails seems a bit heavy handed.

I've historically been a holdout on this issue (based on the philosophy that
anyone who is interested in the development of a project should be watching
the commit messages too, and having separate lists for commit messages makes
it too easy to ignore those), but I'd be ok with separate lists if the
majority of the commiters want it that way.


Re: [PROPOSAL] Separate lists for notifications vs. discussion

2006-04-25 Thread Craig McClanahan
On 4/25/06, Wendy Smoak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 To make it easier to filter and sort messages, and to facilitate
 presenting the lists through alternate interfaces such as forums and
 RSS feeds, I propose that we do the following:

 * establish [EMAIL PROTECTED] and direct JIRA emails to it

 * unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] (svn commit messages and Wiki diffs) from

 Initially, the subscriber lists for these two could be copied from
 dev@, so that current subscribers are not affected.  (Except for
 possibly needing to reconfigure mail filters.)

+1 on both suggestions.  I can appreciate Don's concerns about the issues
list, but I would still like people to have the option to receive all
commits on *all* JIRA projects related to the Struts community, without
having to manually subscribe to each project individually.  If someone is
interested in only one project, they can of course ignore the issues list
and subscribe to that JIRA project directly.



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Re: How to keep feature changes on the front burner (Re: This has gone too far.)

2006-04-26 Thread Craig McClanahan
On 4/26/06, Don Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Craig McClanahan wrote:
  On 4/26/06, Don Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I'd like to see tickets become the ultimate tracker, including
  votes.  I see it working this way:
- any significant change requires a ticket
- a committer reviews the ticket and decides on a fix version or
  it outright
- discussion ensues on the ticket, _not_ on the dev list
- a vote is called for on the ticket if necessary
- the release manager must resolve or move the ticket before rolling
  This approach allows for considerable debate, however ensures the
  will ultimately be dealt with in some fashion.
I agree Struts has been very good about fixing bugs, however, we need
  extend that same courtesy to other tickets.
  I know not all agree my philosphy, but I think a ticket requires a
  decision on the part of the committers.  If it
  is to be accepted, give it a fix version.  If we think it is
  but aren't willing to commit to it, mark it
  TBD or Future.  If we don't agree, reject it.  What we've missed is the
  first step: giving it a fix version, leaving all
  the enhancement tickets to wallow around, waiting for attention.
  WebWork has been very good about following this approach, and I think
  is something we should adopt.
  I can buy into this in general, but do not think we want to completely
  up on lazy consensus either -- it should be fine for a committer to go
  and commit a change (at least up to a certain size -- judgement call
  without waiting for another committer to agree.  If there is objection
  later, these things can generally be backed out.

 Sorry, I didn't mean to imply we were removing lazy consensus.

Didn't think so, but just wanted to make sure.

  Tickets can be opened, fix version assigned, and closed
 in the same day.  They still will be subject to a review by the release
 manager at release, however.  I'm just saying we
 should be using tickets to track these changes and give a clear place for
 their discussion and later reference.




Re: Make the site docs more generic

2006-04-26 Thread Craig McClanahan
On 4/26/06, Don Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I propose we try to minimize the site content that will be in a
 continuous state of flux, like detailed roadmap or milestone plans, as
 recent wiki activity has show it to be a superior tool for development
 planning.  I'd like to see one roadmap page with a very high level list
 of proposed versions and a sentence or two on their purpose.  This will
 make them easier to maintain and be less confusing for users when they
 inevitably fall out of date.

I'm still something of a JIRA newbie, but I agree that we should keep the
content of this sort of web page *very* high level, and feature a link to
the JIRA roadmap for detailed information.



Re: closing and reopening jira issues

2006-04-26 Thread Craig McClanahan
On 4/26/06, Don Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The resolved/closed question is interesting.  I guess they could be
 resolved, but reviewed and closed by the release manager.  Otherwise,
 I'd agree that they seem to function the same for open source projects

In my day job scenario, we have the developers who commit changes switch an
issue to Resolved, and then QE verifies the result and switches it to
Closed.  I'd hate to see us stick all of that responsibility solely on a
release manager right before a release (doubt we'd ever get a volunteer to
do it twice :-), but maybe we could have the release manager declare a
moratorium on changes, and then have all the committers take on the task of
verifying the issues that have been purported to be fixed?



Brett Porter wrote:
  We actually eliminated the resolve step since weren't using it
  independantly of resolve, however this doesn't affect the other part.
  I'm not exactly sure of the technical details of how we made editing
  possible when it was resolved/closed - but I can find out. It doesn't
  actually transition to any different steps in between.
  On 4/27/06, Don Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  What does the end workflow look like?  Do you just add a transition to
 resolve to the close step?
  Brett Porter wrote:
  I've noticed that there have been 1 or 2 mails recently on this list
  to reopen and close jira issues. Am I correct in assuming this is to
  be able to edit the fix version or other details?
  If this will be a regular occurrence, I recommend working with the
  jira admins to create a custom workflow. We've done that in Maven and
  it allows you to edit issues that are closed with appropriate
  permissions. It's a big timesaver if used responsibly.
  just my $A0.02
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Re: [VOTE] Struts Action Framework v1.3.2 Quality

2006-04-26 Thread Craig McClanahan
On 4/26/06, Don Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Stupid HTML email editor... ignore that shale stuff :)

Rats ... thought that was a very enjoyable Freudian slip :-).


/me is downloading the 1.3.2 build ...

Don Brown wrote:
  The first Action 1 release since the recent reorganization, we have a
  Struts Action Framework 1.3.2 build to evaluate for release quality.
  The release plan is available on the wiki:
  the Struts Action Framework v1.3.2 test build has been completed and
  deployed to
  In my testing, I found the following issues:
  1. Struts faces example webapps both don't work
  2. Taglib integration tests don't work
  Otherwise, all the example applications worked correctly.
  Once you have had a chance to review this test build, please respond
  with a vote on its quality:
  [ ] Alpha
  [ ] Beta
  [ ] General Availability (GA)
  We welcome votes from all community members, however, only the votes
  of Struts PMC members are binding.
  My vote is for Beta quality, as there are no unreleased dependencies,
  all the key example apps work correctly, and I've personally had the
  1.3.x code in production for over six months without any problems.
  Only Beta because the docs need work and there are a few outstanding
  bugs in JIRA that should be addressed in the next release.
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Re: Suggestion: Google Calendar for Struts

2006-04-28 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 4/28/06, Jason Carreira [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

So who's account do we want to create it under? I suppose we can give
permissions to multiple people to maintain calendar events and user

How about if we ask the PMC Chair (Martin at the moment) to create a
pseudo-account for this purpose (so that it's not tied to any particular
person), and then share the password appropriately?


Re: [VOTE] Accept and Graduate WebWork 2 Podling to Struts

2006-04-29 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 4/28/06, Don Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I call a vote that the Struts PMC accept the WebWork 2 podling as having
met the incubation requirements and thereby be
accepted by the Apache Struts project as Struts Action 2.


[X] +1 Let's bring it in, and I'm committed to the project
[ ] +0 Let's bring it in, but I won't be involved
[ ] -0 I'd rather not, but I'm not involved, and here's why...
[ ] -1 Let's not, and here's why...


Re: [PROPOSAL] Separate lists for notifications vs. discussion

2006-05-01 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 5/1/06, Martin Cooper [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 5/1/06, Wendy Smoak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 4/30/06, Brett Porter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  My bad - fixed. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  I have also subscribed all committers to the 'allow' list for commits
  to save the moderators some time.

 Thanks, Brett!

 We also need to send the Wiki diffs to commits@ instead of [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
 that something that someone here can fix, or do I need to open another
 issue with infrastructure?

I know how to do this, but I don't have the perms. ;-( It seems you need
either apmail or root to change it, so I guess a ticket is in order.


It so happens I have apmail karma ... if you want to forward me the
necessary steps I should be able to take care of this.



Martin Cooper

I'll update mail.xml with the new list descriptions tonight.


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Re: [PROPOSAL] Separate lists for notifications vs. discussion

2006-05-01 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 5/1/06, Brett Porter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Martin was the one that knew the steps - I've not done anything with
the wikidiffs myself. :)

Aha ... note to self ... match the names to the indent levels :-)




On 5/2/06, Craig McClanahan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 5/1/06, Martin Cooper [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On 5/1/06, Wendy Smoak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   On 4/30/06, Brett Porter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
My bad - fixed. Sorry for the inconvenience.
I have also subscribed all committers to the 'allow' list for
to save the moderators some time.
   Thanks, Brett!
   We also need to send the Wiki diffs to commits@ instead of [EMAIL 
   that something that someone here can fix, or do I need to open
   issue with infrastructure?
  I know how to do this, but I don't have the perms. ;-( It seems you
  either apmail or root to change it, so I guess a ticket is in order.


 It so happens I have apmail karma ... if you want to forward me the
 necessary steps I should be able to take care of this.


  Martin Cooper
  I'll update mail.xml with the new list descriptions tonight.
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Re: [VOTE] Release the struts-parent pom v2

2006-05-03 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 5/3/06, Wendy Smoak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

We need to release version 2 of the struts-parent pom:




Re: [action2] Public API first draft

2006-05-05 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 5/5/06, Don Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

It isn't about using Cocoon or building another version of it, but
learning from others design choices and consequences.  I see Struts Action
2 as
a chance to quit competing and start collaborating.  Merging with
was the first important step, but equally important was Tim from Stripes
the design discussion, and IMO, finding a way to leverage other project's
experiences including Cocoon.

The point isn't that we should do whatever Cocoon did, but there is value
learning from how they tackled a similar problem.  In the end, we may go
with a
new abstraction layer, but it is still important to make that decision

If support for a portlet environment is a goal for SAF2, remember that there
is more to it than just papering over the differences between the portlet
and servlet APIs.  You also have to deal at the functional level with the
differences in the request processing lifecycle of the underlying container.

In particular, consider the scenario where there are six portlets on the
same page.  One (and only one) of them will be the destination of an
incoming GET or POST request (the processAction() part of the portlet
lifecycle), followed by all six of them doing the render() portion of the
lifecycle -- potentially simultaneously on multiple threads.  Also, request
attributes from the portlet that performed the processAction() are *not*
carried forward to the render() call on that same portlet.

JSF dealt with this by formally dividing the request processing lifecycle in
two, along the same lines.  (In a web application, it just calls the them
serially for the one-and-only request.)  That, plus the abstraction of
ExternalContext, made supporting JSF in portlets pretty straightforward.  It
would seem that now (when API design is being discussed) would be a good
time to decide if portlet support matters, and (if it does) to take the
lifecycle differences into consideration in the design.



Re: [action2] Leveraging known constructs (was Public API first draft)

2006-05-05 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 5/5/06, Joe Germuska [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

That doesn't reference either of those interfaces -- but I think the
JSTL behaves very unpredictably given objects that implement both
interfaces.  I can't remember the specifics, but since the syntax for
indexing list elements as well as map keys is the same, it just
breaks down.

It is certainly possible for an implementation of EL evaluation to be
broken, but the specs have always been explict about what to do in this
scenario ... check for mapiness before you check for listiness.


Re: [action2] Public API first draft

2006-05-05 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 5/5/06, Don Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

These are very good points.  How does JSF handle the multiple renders?

For the implementation questions below, my answers are based on the
jsf-portlet bridge code in the RI's project.  AFAICT, the
implementations inside MyFaces and the bridges project
are pretty similar, but might not be identical.

The JSF lifecycle is implemented by a single portlet with the two standard
lifecycle methods.  The portlet container calls processAction() for the
portlet that processes the form post, which is mapped to a call to JSF's
Lifecycle.process() method.  This in turn triggers the Restore View through
Invoke Application phases of the standard JSF lifecycle (in action
framework terms, that is everything up to and including calling the action
method).  Then, the portlet container will call render() on the JSF portlet
for *every* portlet on the page, which gets mapped to a call to JSF's
Lifecycle.render() method, which does the Render Response phase of the
lifecycle (i.e. the moral equivalent of forwarding to the JSP page that you
navigated to).

The net effect is that one portlet runs through both phases of the portlet
lifecycle, while all the other portlets only run through the rendering

 Do you

have to ensure your backing bean is session scoped?  Wouldn't a request
mean the data would be lost at the end of the processAction()?

Yes, you would lose request attribute data at the end of processAction() --
the container is explicitly prohibited from carrying them forward.

But, when you think about it, this actually makes sense.  A portlet *always*
needs to be prepared to rerender its current state, because it might not be
the one that receives the next GET or POST request, so it needs to save
enough state information (in session scope or cookies or ...) to make that

There's one other subtlety to sessions in portlets -- it turns out there are
two kinds.  You can have session attributes in portlet scope (specific to
a particular instance of a particular portlet) or in applicaton scope (per
user, like a servlet session).  The former is useful for the kind of state
saving referenced above, while the latter is used the same way we use
session scope in webapps.  The point here, though, is we'd need to decide
whether or not to expose both concepts in an abstraction API (JSF did not,
and I'm not sure this was the right long term choice.)

 How would you

expect a portlet lifecycle to be supported with a stateless Action-based

I would think we'd want to support some explicit notion of a setup phase
right before rendering, and a cleanup phase afterwards.  That way, you can
do things like open a Hibernate session and do a query that's needed to
populate a table, then clean up the session afterwards.  (JSF makes this
possible with before phase and after phase' event listeners, while Shale
exposes these concepts directly as callbacks to the prerender() and
destroy() methods on your backing bean if it implements ViewController.)

With this structure, the Action framework would actually have two
controllers in a portlet environment ... one for the processAction() part
and one for the render() part.  In a webapp, it would all be just one,
essentially concatenating the processing steps.  We would also want some
sort of environment-independent action context object that was implemented
differently for the two environments, but that seems likely to be desireable



Re: [action2] Public API first draft

2006-05-05 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 5/5/06, Michael Jouravlev [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Therefore, I personally consider JSR-168 a big mistake, and I would
prefer it to die peacefully.

Consider the way the world was before JSR-168 happened ... every portal
server had their own completely different API for building portlets, and
bunches of folks who come out the web application world think that almost
portlet solutions[1] are enough -- seemingly without caring that they just
added yet another incompatible API to the mix :-)




Re: [action2] Public API first draft

2006-05-05 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 5/5/06, Jason Carreira [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I would think we'd want to support some explicit
 notion of a setup phase
 right before rendering, and a cleanup phase
 afterwards.  That way, you can
 do things like open a Hibernate session and do a
 query that's needed to
 populate a table, then clean up the session
 afterwards.  (JSF makes this
 possible with before phase and after phase' event
 listeners, while Shale
 exposes these concepts directly as callbacks to the
 prerender() and
 destroy() methods on your backing bean if it
 implements ViewController.)

We can do this with interceptors. Since each phase will have it's own
action, the interceptors will wrap the entire call from the portlet
dispatcher... I don't think there's a way to do something like keep a
Hibernate session open across the processAction() and render() calls,

The only way I can think of to do this would be an egregious hack using
static variables or something ... not a good idea.  But you could certainly
use interceptors to keep one Hibernate session open for the processAction()
part, and a different session open for the render() part.  Indeed, because
the latter would be read only you'd likely want to do this anyway so that
any locks from the processing part would have been released a little


 With this structure, the Action framework would
 actually have two
 controllers in a portlet environment ... one for the
 processAction() part
 and one for the render() part.  In a webapp, it would
 all be just one,
 essentially concatenating the processing steps.  We
 would also want some
 sort of environment-independent action context
 object that was implemented
 differently for the two environments, but that seems
 likely to be desireable

Or more... I think WebWork's support is one of the few to support the
other portlet states like minimized.
Posted via Jive Forums

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Re: Messages Round II (was Leveraging known constructs (was Public API firs

2006-05-05 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 5/5/06, Jason Carreira [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Yeah, I generally like it, but I still prefer the more obvious addError(),
addWarning(). I like my methods as verbs... makes reading the code easier
(to me).

I can see how verbs make the code easier to *read*, but not sharing a common
prefix like add makes the code easier to *write*, especially if your
favorite editor does code completion ...


Re: [VOTE] Struts Action Framework v1.3.3 Quality

2006-05-08 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 5/7/06, Wendy Smoak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

The Struts Action Framework 1.3.3 Test Build is available to evaluate
for release quality.

The release plan is available on the wiki:

The test build, including signatures and checksums, has been deployed to:

In addition, all jars, webapps, sources and javadocs are available in
Apache's Maven snapshot repository under groupId

Known issues:
* struts-faces-example2 does not work

The Specification-Title entry in the manifest for many (all?) of the
generated JAR files is corrupted.

The struts-faces-example2 app is not initializing when deployed, failing on
a ClassNotFoundException for the MyFaces startup class.  In turn, this is
because the MyFaces implementation library (myfaces-impl-1.0.9.jar) is not
being included in the WEB-INF/lib directory (as it is on the first example
app).  I'll see if I can fix this, if no one else beats me to it.  Looks
like it's probably a missing dependency in the POM, because there are a few
other missing JAR files that the MyFaces impl would be declaring.

Separately, I'll file RFE requests to update to a more recent MyFaces build,
but that will also require ensuring that the struts-faces library works with


Once you have had a chance to review this test build, please respond

with a vote on its quality:

[ ] Alpha
[ ] Beta
[ ] General Availability (GA)

We welcome votes from all community members, however, only the votes
of Struts PMC members are binding.

Wendy Smoak

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Re: [VOTE] Struts Action Framework v1.3.3 Quality

2006-05-08 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 5/8/06, Craig McClanahan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

The struts-faces-example2 app is not initializing when deployed, failing
on a ClassNotFoundException for the MyFaces startup class.  In turn, this is
because the MyFaces implementation library ( myfaces-impl-1.0.9.jar) is
not being included in the WEB-INF/lib directory (as it is on the first
example app).  I'll see if I can fix this, if no one else beats me to it.
Looks like it's probably a missing dependency in the POM, because there are
a few other missing JAR files that the MyFaces impl would be declaring.

I had some time to do further digging in on this one, and have made some
progress (I'm at the JAX conference, but my talks are all tomorrow and most
of the sessions today are in German, which does me little good :-).

I've got a patch prepared (see below) that cleans up most of the issues.  In
brief, it does the following:

* Restore to the build,
 after making processValidate() throw InvalidCancelException
 (see below for more on this issue).

* Correct dependency issues in the pom.xml for the second example.

* Correct references to the tiles TLD file to use the canonical
 URL (but there's an outstanding problem here).

* Correct struts-config.xml to load the internal copies of the
 validator-rules.xml resource.

* Make struts-tiles a compile time dependency for faces.

I can commit these to the trunk anytime it won't disrupt trying to get a
release out.  However, these changes do not completely address everything.
The second faces example will still fail, for at least two reasons:

* The missing DTD files in struts-tiles-xxx.jar that Jurgen Zimmerman

* The fact that META-INF/tld/struts-tiles.tld is *also* missing from this
 jar file.  It looks like Maven's resource copying process is not
 recursive by default, so perhaps it's missing this due to the nested tld

The only problem I have with the attached patch is the change to the
processValidate() method signature -- adding InvalidCancelException as a
*checked* exception makes it impossible to write a single version of the
struts-faces library that supports both 1.2 and 1.3.  Worst case, we can
probably branch the faces sources and create a variant that works there
(potentially acceptable because the faces library hasn't ever had a GA
release) -- but would you guys also consider making this an unchecked
exception instead of a checked exception?  That way, it would not need to be
added to the throws clause, and wouldn't break compilation on


(revision 404950)
(working copy)
@@ -1,465 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2002,2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License);
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package org.apache.struts.faces.application;
-import javax.faces.FactoryFinder;
-import javax.faces.application.ViewHandler;
-import javax.faces.component.UICommand;
-import javax.faces.component.UIComponent;
-import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;
-import javax.faces.context.FacesContextFactory;
-import javax.faces.event.ActionEvent;
-import javax.faces.lifecycle.Lifecycle;
-import javax.faces.lifecycle.LifecycleFactory;
-import javax.servlet.ServletException;
-import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
-import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
-import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
-import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
-import org.apache.struts.Globals;
-import org.apache.struts.action.Action;
-import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm;
-import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForward;
-import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping;
-import org.apache.struts.config.FormBeanConfig;
-import org.apache.struts.config.ForwardConfig;
-import org.apache.struts.faces.Constants;
-import org.apache.struts.faces.component.FormComponent;
-import org.apache.struts.tiles.TilesRequestProcessor;
- * pConcrete implementation of codeRequestProcessor/code that
- * implements the standard Struts request processing lifecycle on a
- * request that was received as an codeActionEvent/code by our

Re: [VOTE] Struts Action Framework v1.3.3 Quality

2006-05-08 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 5/8/06, Niall Pemberton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 5/8/06, Craig McClanahan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 5/8/06, Craig McClanahan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  The struts-faces-example2 app is not initializing when deployed,
  on a ClassNotFoundException for the MyFaces startup class.  In turn,
this is
  because the MyFaces implementation library ( myfaces-impl-1.0.9.jar)
  not being included in the WEB-INF/lib directory (as it is on the first
  example app).  I'll see if I can fix this, if no one else beats me to
  Looks like it's probably a missing dependency in the POM, because
there are
  a few other missing JAR files that the MyFaces impl would be

 I had some time to do further digging in on this one, and have made some
 progress (I'm at the JAX conference, but my talks are all tomorrow and
 of the sessions today are in German, which does me little good :-).

 I've got a patch prepared (see below) that cleans up most of the
issues.  In
 brief, it does the following:

 * Restore to the build,
  after making processValidate() throw InvalidCancelException
  (see below for more on this issue).

 * Correct dependency issues in the pom.xml for the second example.

 * Correct references to the tiles TLD file to use the canonical
  URL (but there's an outstanding problem here).

 * Correct struts-config.xml to load the internal copies of the
  validator-rules.xml resource.

 * Make struts-tiles a compile time dependency for faces.

 I can commit these to the trunk anytime it won't disrupt trying to get a
 release out.  However, these changes do not completely address
 The second faces example will still fail, for at least two reasons:

 * The missing DTD files in struts-tiles-xxx.jar that Jurgen Zimmerman

 * The fact that META-INF/tld/struts-tiles.tld is *also* missing from
  jar file.  It looks like Maven's resource copying process is not
  recursive by default, so perhaps it's missing this due to the nested

 The only problem I have with the attached patch is the change to the
 processValidate() method signature -- adding InvalidCancelException as a
 *checked* exception makes it impossible to write a single version of the
 struts-faces library that supports both 1.2 and 1.3.  Worst case, we can
 probably branch the faces sources and create a variant that works
 (potentially acceptable because the faces library hasn't ever had a GA
 release) -- but would you guys also consider making this an unchecked
 exception instead of a checked exception?  That way, it would not need
to be
 added to the throws clause, and wouldn't break compilation on

Firstly FacesRequestProcessor has had the InvalidCancelException added
to the processValidate() method signature, so you probably want to
consider that as well:

Yah, that is probably a compelling enough reason to make the change here as
well, for consistency.

The problem is that Struts 1.2.9 has been released with the

processValidate() method declaring the InvalidCancelException
exception. This does at least mean that if you do add
InvalidCancelException to the method signature then it can be used
with 1.2.9+ versions. If not and you still think changing it to an
unchecked exception is the best approach, then it would need a new
1.2.x release. The only solution I can see that accomodates all
versions though is to remove the implementation of the
processValidate() method from the faces RP implementations - since all
they do is debug logging - this would seem a good approach IMO.

OK, if it doesn't invalidate *all* of the 1.2 releases, then it's much less
important to try to change this.  Upgrade to 1.2.9 is going to be much
more palatable than upgrade to 1.3.x even after 1.3 goes GA.

Maybe a bigger issue though is that faces doesn't really support 1.3

at all - since it relies on the existing RP - rather than providing a
set of Commands to plug into the ComposableRequestProcessor.

More precisely, it relies on 1.3 continuing to provide legacy support for
the old RP approach :-).  But your point is well taken -- the 1.3 version of
the library should definitely be rearchitected to use CRP.  I'll put in an
RFE for that.




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Stupid Maven Question

2006-05-08 Thread Craig McClanahan

I notice that, when a release manager is cutting a new release, she or he
has to update the version element of all the dependent pom.xml files (in
the recent case, from 1.3.3-SNAPSHOT to 1.3.3, and then from 1.3.3 to
1.3.4-SNAPSHOT).  Since these poms all inherit from a parent pom that has
the version number in it, is it possible to use ${pom.version} in all the
child poms as well, to avoid having to change this in more than one place?


Re: Struts-Faces: Is this a bug?

2006-05-10 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 5/9/06, A. Alonso Dominguez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi there!

I'm trying to use the new struts-action framework, version 1.3.3 with
and faces. I'm following the example applications but I found possibly a
when rendering a struts-based FormBean.

The jsp code that I was using is as follows:

s:errors /
s:form action=/login id=login styleClass=loginForm
h:panelGrid columns=2
f:facet name=header
s:message key=page.logon.form
f:param name=arg0 value=Social Labs /
h:outputLabel for=username
s:message key=form.logon.username /
h:inputText id=username size=25 value=#{logonForm.username}

h:outputLabel for=password
s:message filter=false key=form.logon.password /
h:inputSecret id=password size=25 value=#{logonForm.password}

f:facet name=footer
h:commandButton id=submit type=SUBMIT styleClass=img
image=/common/skin/social-labs/img/login.png /

but when it's rendered to the view, the HTML form's action attribute
references /common/skin/default/layout/ There is not any action
my application with that url. Instead there is a file
/common/skin/default/layout/base.jsp which is the base file for the

definition name=base.layout
put name=title value= /
put name=navigation value= /
put name=body value= /
putList name=scripts
add value= /

I dived inside the org.apache.struts.faces.renderer.FormRenderer code
I found this code (line 280):

protected String action(FacesContext context, UIComponent component) {
String actionURL =
getActionURL(context, context.getViewRoot().getViewId());
if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
log.trace(getActionURL( + context.getViewRoot().getViewId()
  ) --  + actionURL);
return (context.getExternalContext().encodeActionURL(actionURL));


which really does nothing with the actionURL, It just takes de ViewRootId
and returns it to the caller.
Playing with this code I have now the following:

protected String action(FacesContext context, UIComponent component,
ModuleConfig moduleConfig) {
//String actionURL =
//context.getApplication ().getViewHandler().
//getActionURL(context, context.getViewRoot().getViewId());
FormComponent form = (FormComponent) component;
String actionURL = context.getApplication().getViewHandler().
  getActionURL(context, moduleConfig.getPrefix() +
if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
log.trace(getActionURL( + context.getViewRoot().getViewId()
  ) --  + actionURL);
return (context.getExternalContext().encodeActionURL(actionURL));


I don't know if this is the correct way for retrieving the real actionURL
but It works now and I'm using it.

Should this be posted as a bug??

Yes, this does sound like a bug.  Could you please file an issue on it,

using project name Struts Action 1 and component Faces?


Re: [PROPOSAL] Separate lists for notifications vs. discussion

2006-05-11 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 5/11/06, Wendy Smoak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 5/1/06, Craig McClanahan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 5/1/06, Martin Cooper [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On 5/1/06, Wendy Smoak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   We also need to send the Wiki diffs to commits@ instead of [EMAIL 
   that something that someone here can fix, or do I need to open
   issue with infrastructure?
  I know how to do this, but I don't have the perms. ;-( It seems you
  either apmail or root to change it, so I guess a ticket is in order.
 It so happens I have apmail karma ... if you want to forward me the
 necessary steps I should be able to take care of this.

Martin and Craig, do you think you can make this change?  If not, let
me know and I'll open an issue with infrastructure.

I tried to do this, but my apmail karma only works on the mail server, not
on minotaur where this particular file needs to be edited.  It will be
necessary to file an infra issue for it, although I suspect they'll consider
things like getting SVN back up to be more important right at the moment





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Re: [VOTE] Struts Action Framework v1.3.4 Quality

2006-05-11 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 5/11/06, Wendy Smoak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 5/11/06, Niall Pemberton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have taken some time to check out the 1.3.4 version today -
 upgrading my webapp to this version (was on 1.2.9) and the only other
 issue(s) I came up with is that we used to distribute things like the
 validator-rules.xml config and taglib tlds in the lib directory. I
 releaize that these are now all packaged in the jar and the distro
 does include the source - but I expect quite a few people will still
 have these manually configured and will have difficulty finding them
 in the distro.

First, thank you for taking the time to review 1.3.4.  I really appreciate

I thought about including those resources, and decided against it.
They were not in the 1.3.0 'lib' distribution, either.  I'm willing to
answer the questions on the user list, and I think we should encourage
people to configure their apps to use the latest versions of the
resources that we've provided in the jar files.

+1 on the recommended configuration approach (use the canonical URLs instead
of references to explicit resources in WEB-INF).

Since we now require Servlet 2.3, there's little reason to configure

tlds in web.xml, and there's no reason to keep a copy of
validator-rules.xml in WEB-INF when it can be loaded from

We can include them in 'lib' in the next distribution if more people
disagree.  (But as you pointed out, they are included with the

I think we should include the DTDs in some convenient place like lib in
the distro in *addition* to the previous comments on recommended
configuration practices.  There's lots of documentation about valid options
in the DTD documents themselves that is not reproduced anywhere else.  It
should be as easy as possible to get to these files for *reading* them, not
just for using them in an app.


Re: [OT] reading resources from nested JARs (Re: [VOTE] Struts Action Framework v1.3.4 Quality)

2006-05-11 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 5/11/06, Joe Germuska [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

At 10:50 AM -0700 5/11/06, Michael Jouravlev wrote:
I think it is much cleaner to have DTDs and other default XML files in
the JAR, but sometimes it might not work.

The hosting that I use for the samples, uses Tomcat 4.x, which
supposedly should support SRV 2.3 and therefore it should be able to
pull DTDs from classpath. Yet, this does not work, I don't know
exactly why. But if I put DTD files into lib directory and configure
them in web.xml then everything works fine.

Do you deploy your webapps as WARs?  We often find ourselves bumping
up against something when we need to read classpath resources from a
JAR within another JAR; in fact, this is why we don't deploy webapps
as WARs, and we've also had similar problems with the classworlds
uberjar mechanism which makes JARs for standalone execution along a
model similar to WARs.

Has anyone ever seen formal documentation of this issue?  We've
always just worked around it.

The particular version of Tomcat used by this hosting provider is broken (
i.e. it has bugs) with reference to this issue -- it is supposed to work.
And I know from experience it works correctly on 5.0.x versions.


The bottom line, it is better to hide DTDs in the JAR, but in case it
does not work a readily available HOW-TO should be provided.

Joe Germuska

You really can't burn anything out by trying something new, and
even if you can burn it out, it can be fixed.  Try something new.
-- Robert Moog

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Re: [SAF1 - Struts-Faces] s:loadMessages / can't load the correct MessageResources in a multimodule webapp

2006-05-12 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 5/12/06, A. Alonso Dominguez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi there,

I think that there is a bug in the implementation of the 
org.apache.struts.faces.taglib.LoadMessagesTag. When working in a
multimodule webapp with several messages-resources / per module, the
s:loadMessages / tag can't find the appropiate MessageResources instance
via messages attribute.

The reason for this is the way that the tag uses to locate the appropiate
MessageResources instance. This code explains it (line 76):

public int doStartTag() {

// Acquire the Locale to be wrapped
Locale locale =

// Acquire the MessageResources to be wrapped
MessageResources messages = null;
if (this.messages == null) {
messages = (MessageResources)
if (messages == null) {
messages = (MessageResources)
} else {
messages = (MessageResources)

// Expose a Map instance under the specified request attribute key
 new MessagesMap(messages, locale),

// Skip the body of this tag (if any)
return (SKIP_BODY);


As you can see, this code doesn't supports modules.

If we want to load a different bundle than the one configured as the
default, we must use the messages attribute but this code tries to load
that MessageResources instance from the APPLICATION_SCOPE rather that
for it inside the REQUEST_SCOPE.

In a multimodule webapp the MessageResources instances are loaded on
inside the APPLICATION_SCOPE with the key:
org.apache.struts.action/MESSAGE + [modulePrefix]

If we have more than one MessageResources instance per module the will be
loaded with the key:
[bundleKey] + [modulePrefix]

So, the above code can't load any of those kind of messages resources.
can be solved easily:

public int doStartTag() throws JspException {

// Acquire the Locale to be wrapped
Locale locale =

ModuleConfig modConfig = ModuleUtils.getInstance
(HttpServletRequest) pageContext.getRequest(),

// Acquire the MessageResources to be wrapped
MessageResources messages = null;
if (this.messages == null) {
messages = (MessageResources)
if (messages == null) {
messages = (MessageResources)
pageContext.getAttribute(Globals.MESSAGES_KEY +
} else {
messages = (MessageResources)

if(messages == null) {
messages = (MessageResources)
pageContext.getAttribute(this.messages +

if(messages == null)
throw new JspException(MessageResources bundle  +
   this.messages +  not

// Expose a Map instance under the specified request attribute key
 new MessagesMap(messages, locale),

// Skip the body of this tag (if any)
return (SKIP_BODY);


Should I open a new issue about this?

Yes please ... this is not an issue (pardon the pun :-) that I was aware of.



Re: [PROPOSAL] Separate lists for notifications vs. discussion

2006-05-12 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 5/12/06, Wendy Smoak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 5/11/06, Craig McClanahan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I tried to do this, but my apmail karma only works on the mail server,
 on minotaur where this particular file needs to be edited.


Thanks ... I meant to do that, but got distracted by preparations for a demo
I'm going to do in the Tuesday keynote next week.  It'll be a fun one ...
you'll want to make sure you see it :-)




Re: [VOTE] Struts Action Framework v1.3.4 Quality

2006-05-13 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 5/13/06, Ted Husted [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 5/10/06, Wendy Smoak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 [ ] Alpha
 [X] Beta
 [ ] General Availability (GA)

I would prefer that we resolve the DTD issue before marking a
distribution ready for primetime.

I agree ... and vote for beta as well.

But we should spend some more time testing to see if there are any other
lurking ghosts before we send Wendy off on yet another cycle through the
release plan process.




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Re: [VOTE] Struts Action Framework v1.3.4 Quality

2006-05-13 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 5/13/06, Wendy Smoak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 5/13/06, Craig McClanahan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 5/13/06, Ted Husted [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I would prefer that we resolve the DTD issue before marking a
  distribution ready for primetime.

 I agree ... and vote for beta as well.

 But we should spend some more time testing to see if there are any other
 lurking ghosts before we send Wendy off on yet another cycle through the
 release plan process.

I see two choices.  Make the two-line change to XmlParser and roll
1.3.5 immediately with *only* that change, or wait a while and see if
anything else comes up.

I'm trying to find the motivation for Plan A.  Because if we do that,
and no one objects to calling the vote immediately... we could count
the vote in time for Don's talk on Wednesday.

Plan B assumes that people are going to continue to test 1.3.4, and I
don't know how likely that really is.

Right now I just feel like I'm going to make someone unhappy, no
matter what I do.  Or don't do, as the case may be.

I hope that I wasn't implying I would be unhappy if you were *willing* to
roll 1.3.5 immediately ... that'd be fine.  However, I would be unhappy with
all of us other committers if we stopped testing 1.3.4 at all, until
1.3.5became available, and we surface yet another two line change next
Where, by the way, I suspect you'll be pretty busy :-).

But if you want to go for it, I'm game -- can do a small bit of testing on





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Re: Release Process thoughts (Re: [VOTE] Struts Action Framework v1.3.4 Quality)

2006-05-17 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 5/16/06, Ted Husted [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 5/16/06, Don Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I think the solution is to:
  1. Make betas publicly available and widely known like our 1.1 betas


I think the notion that we can't announce and mirrors Betas is a
misunderstanding. We can mirror an announce *any* release, even an

Announce and mirror are two different things.  IIRC, Apache's general
guidelines on mirror are GA releases only (although we've probably been
among the folks that bypassed that policy on occasion).

Sorry not to have time (here at JavaOne this week) to do the historical
research to back this up, hence the disclaimer that this might be my foggy


Re: [action2] Combining JSF and SAF2

2006-05-21 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 5/21/06, Kito D. Mann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Congrats, Don! I'm very encouraged, and I'm anxious to check it out. This
will allow SAF2 developers to work with JSF components (and the market is
growing nicely).

I wonder how well Shale will run in this context...

Don and I had a chance to chat about this idea last week at JavaOne (glad to
see the phase listener strategy worked out so well :-).  You'll want to look
at SAF2+JSF for cases where you've got a primarily action controller driven
application architecture, but where you want to use some really cool JSF
components here and there on your pages -- without *having* to convert the
entire page to use components.  You'll be able to do that, without throwing
away all the rest of your architecture (but you won't be leveraging anything
in JSF other than the components).

If you're building an app around the JSF controller (perhaps because you
like the JSF approach to navigation, or its lifecycle), on the other hand,
you'd be better off starting with JSF+Shale.  Just to make things a bit more
interesting, several of the Struts committers got together and talked about
how we can share common stuff between the two frameworks ... and some ideas
that are already on the Shale roadmap[1][2] involve support for XWork
interceptors in addition to (and probably ultimately preferred to) using
Commons Chain to decorate the overall request lifecycle.  This will likely
end up being fairly similar to what Don did in terms of being able to
customize each phase individually.  I'll have more detailed comments when
I've had a chance to dig in a little deeper.



Re: [shale] some improvement proposal for performance

2006-05-25 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 5/24/06, Gary VanMatre [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 the following code demo an hotswap design for file change monitoring.
 only limitation is that shall use getMap() first and once.

 map idMap = getMap(), and latter use idMap variable through an request
 thread. you can use weaked referenced variable and threadlocal to
 the following demo further.
 in clay, watchdog maybe hotswapable I think.

I'm not sold on the Thread based file watch but I don't have a good handle
what types of threading are allowed.  I'll go with Craig's opinion on
this one.

It's legal for a webapp to create threads beyond the request processing
thread(s) provided by the container, so long as they do not directly or
indirectly reference any request or response objects handed to any
particular  request.  In a JSF-based app, you also need to be aware that
component processing is *not* safe for multiple thread access, because it is
assumed only the request processing thread will access the tree.

For configuration file updating, it should be feasible to start a background
thread for this kind of thing ... but I'd like to make sure that we share
this kind of technology between Shale and SAF2.  In particular, WebWork has
some code that already exists which we can look at for this purpose.


Re: DWR/Struts integration: why? (Re: JavaOne Ajax Discussion)

2006-05-25 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 5/25/06, Frank W. Zammetti [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Thu, May 25, 2006 2:12 pm, Jason Carreira wrote:
 I'm still waiting to see how this plays out... I've been a big proponent
 of Dojo and built several Dojo widgets, but I understand that it can be
 tricky and not as easy to use as we'd all like. I think there'll be room
 for different strategies and implementations, and we'll figure it out as
 we go.

It's been talked about here, but I don't know how much interest there
might be... At this moment I'm grabbing the code I started and intend to
finish it this weekend...

My plan is to create 4 interceptors.  Two for input and two for output,
one each for XML and one each for JSON.

How I envision it working is that let's say for example you want to send
XML to an Action and get JSON back... ok, so you add the (a)
AjaxXMLInputInterceptor and (b) AjaxJsonOutputInterceptor to the stack...

On input, (a) determines (not quite sure how yet) that the request has XML
in the request body.  So it gets it, parses it, and sets the fields on the
Action as I outlined yesterday.

I would expect a well-behaved client to set the content type on the incoming
request to text/xml for XML content, so you should be able to check that.
Likewise, isn't JSON content supposed to be sent with text/javascript?

On output, (b) takes the Action and generates JSON from its fields.

And you should, of course, set the correct content type on the response too.


At least initially, the only added config is the new interceptors.  There

are some obvious ways to expand this, and some obvious problems, but for a
first pass I think it's enough.  I believe this will allow you to make
Ajax calls to an Action from any Ajax code, without much of any extra work
on your part.  It should also allow for XML/JSON responses, at least
simplistically, without any extra work.

Does this sound reasonable to anyone?  I'm going to go ahead and do it in
any case as it is my first try at writing an interceptor, and also the
first time I'm doing anything that requires even minimal internal
knowledge of XW/WW, so it should be a learning experience if nothing else.
I may be missing something, but it seems like it might be useful too :)


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Re: DWR/Struts integration: why? (Re: JavaOne Ajax Discussion)

2006-05-25 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 5/25/06, Joe Germuska [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Likewise, isn't JSON content supposed to be sent with

actually, no, application/json

text/* types are meant to be things that are more human readable,
despite the historic reality of text/javascript

Ah ... thanks Joe.  I had looked around the JSON site for an authoritative
statement on this, but hadn't found this one.



Re: Request to publish Struts 1.3.5

2006-05-28 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 5/28/06, Paul Benedict [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I am asking about the website, not the builds. I know the developer
builds are always available, but I see no reason why we shouldn't
publish the 1.3.x website on the left-hand bar as we release new
beta versions. We don't need a vote for that.

To publish a beta release on the website, we need to put the release
somewhere that the download link can point to.  That really evolves down to
two choices:

* Link it to an Apache server (where Wendy's test build is) and
 suffer the wrath of the Apache infrastructure group when a huge
 number of people try to download it -- given how widely Struts
 is used, this is likely to be a very serious hit on the Apache

* Publish the release in the usual way so that it goes to the
 mirror sites, to spread the download impact around the world.

The first choice is totally inappropriate, and will get a guaranteed -1 from
me.  If we want to tell the world about a release, it needs to go out to the
mirrors -- which means it needs to be published just like a GA release.
*That* is when it is reasonable to link it off the website, as well as tell
the user list about it.



Re: [shale] Maven 2 build -- Help Wanted

2006-05-31 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 5/31/06, Sean Schofield [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


core-library tests are now compiling although there are several failures

Good news ... on further review, the test module's compile time dependency
on core is really conceptual rather than actual ... there is no import that
requires this.  I've removed the dependency from the Ant build.xml for
test-framework ... Wendy, you should also be able to update the POM now to
bypass the circular dependency issue.



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Re: [shale] Maven 2 build -- Help Wanted

2006-05-31 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 5/31/06, Wendy Smoak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 5/31/06, Sean Schofield [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I bet this makes the core stuff work in Creator.  OK I moved it to be
 a subproject of core-library and for now, its not automatically being
 built when you build core-library (since we're missing the jars.)  I
 also moved one of the test cases to the proper location and modified
 the script.

Why a sub-project of core?  It's a separate, optional jar, like
shale-tiger.  I think it belongs in shale/designtime as its own

I agree ... and, if I understood you correctly, switching to a Maven build
will require not only this, but also splitting up core into separate modules
for each deliverable artifact, right?

Given that, I don't see the need to create hierarchical Maven projects
unless there is some compelling advantage we get on inheriting dependencies
from parent poms or something.

Suggestion: We need to have separate trunk for each shale subproject.
 core-library/trunk shale-test/trunk, etc.  It will not suffice to have
 a single struts-shale/trunk because we want to be able to release the
 subprojects independently.

Do you forsee us needing to release them separately?  I think the
single distribution with one version number is less confusing for
users.  Separate releases are less work individually for release
managers (easier to verify, etc.,) but you end up doing more of them.

But we're going to do the separation thing anyway, right, even if we don't
release separately?

I can certainly see a case for something like the test framework being
releasable separately.

We tried it briefly for Struts Action, and ended up going back to a

single distribution.  The only piece that I can see needing a separate
release is shale-test, and even that's not causing a problem right

It's not causing a problem now because nobody has asked for a high priority
bug fix or feature enhancement, who is not also willing to wait for another
Shale omnibus release.

Craig, any thoughts on this one?

By the way, you can clean up the circular compile dependency stuff now :-).





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Re: [shale] Maven 2 build -- Help Wanted

2006-05-31 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 5/31/06, Wendy Smoak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 5/31/06, Craig McClanahan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 5/31/06, Wendy Smoak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Do you forsee us needing to release them separately?  I think the
  single distribution with one version number is less confusing for
  users.  Separate releases are less work individually for release
  managers (easier to verify, etc.,) but you end up doing more of them.

 But we're going to do the separation thing anyway, right, even if we
 release separately?

 I can certainly see a case for something like the test framework being
 releasable separately.

Separate jars, yes.  Now we're discussing the difference between:

Ah ... now I see where you're going.  But even if we went the first way,
couldn't you still fork from




if version 1.2.3 was actually released separately?

The former implies that all the jars are versioned and released

together.  The latter is what Sean is suggesting, a separate trunk for
each module.

I can see a reason to have Clay and Test Framework on separate trunks,
but I'm not so sure that spring and tiles really need a separate
release cycle from core.

The test framework is reorganized and building with just the Servlet
API and HtmlUnit as provided and optional dependencies, respectively.

I'm going to move designtime back out to shale/designtime.

That makes sense as well ... it would not likely every be released

Sean, I removed the MyFaces dependency from core-library.  For now,

enable a profile with either -Pmyfaces or -Pjsfri depending on what
you want to build with.  We need to make the MyFaces profile active by
default, while also being able to deactivate it to build with the RI.

Sounds good.




Re: [shale] Maven 2 build -- Help Wanted

2006-05-31 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 5/31/06, Wendy Smoak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 5/31/06, Sean Schofield [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Well design time is inherently linked to core.  It makes no sense to
 release one without the other.  With shale-test, you might in fact
 release that separately from core so if it has its own trunk and set
 of branches, that is easier to do.

 If they are always going to be released together, then one
 struts-shale/trunk is fine.

Right now I see:

Not sure what to call that last one:  shale/shale/trunk? shale/main/trunk?

What do you think?

Using main works for me if we want to go this way.

But, does apps really belong underneath main (I can see the logic on the
rest of them)?  And, do we really need this at all (versus shale/trunk/*)
given that you can svn copy a branch of, say, shale/trunk/test to
something like shale/branches/test/1_2_3 at any time you want to do a
separate release of one component?




Re: [shale] Maven 2 build -- Help Wanted

2006-05-31 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 5/31/06, Gary VanMatre [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: Wendy Smoak [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 On 5/31/06, Sean Schofield wrote:

  I think the ultimate answer depends on whether we know for sure that
  we want separate releases. It doesn't sound like we know for sure so
  maybe we should just stick with one shale/trunk. For MyFaces we had
  as a goal to break out tomahawk from the core. But it doesn't sound
  like we have that strong of a reason in this case.

 I think there's a good argument for releasing Clay and the Test
 Framework separately.

I have a couple more variations of the rolodex usecase example in the
works. I agree that it would be good to pull Clay out of the core
usecases.   What ever it takes to let maven do it's magic.

I would also like to setup a Clay mail reader version.  Could we go ahead
and add an empty maven project under the clay-plugin for this in addition to
the usecases?

Sounds like a good opportunity to test out Maven's archetype capabilities,
if that part of the conversion is done :-).


Sean, why don't you go ahead and check in what you've got, and don't
 worry too much about recording the commands it took to get there
 exactly. With the test repo as a reference, we'll be able to figure
 it out.

 I don't want to lose momentum, and it's easier to discuss the project
 structure when there's something real to check out and look at. :)

 Once we agree on the overall structure, we can start moving things in
 the Struts svn repo, with the understanding that it may take a few
 days to get it all arranged and building again.

After the new structuring, I could move the Clay usecase stuff out into a
empty maven project.  I'm a maven newbie so I'll let you guys to the new
wiring :-)



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Re: [shale] Maven 2 build -- Help Wanted

2006-05-31 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 5/31/06, Sean Schofield [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Sean, why don't you go ahead and check in what you've got, and don't
 worry too much about recording the commands it took to get there
 exactly.  With the test repo as a reference, we'll be able to figure
 it out.

 I don't want to lose momentum, and it's easier to discuss the project
 structure when there's something real to check out and look at. :)

Why don't we just make a struts-shale-mvn directory in the real ASF
repo.  Just copy the existing struts-shale?  As long as there is
nothing pressing (next 10 days or so) to check in, we can just work in
the copy.  Then when we're happy we cut delete the original and rename
back to struts-shale.

Ultimately I think this will be faster b/c we won't have to check in
all of the poms and move everything around again.  Plus we'll have the
svn emails as a record if we need to replicate it.  Worse case there
is a crucial bug that can be fixed in the original location as well as
the reorg one.

That makes sense to me ... it'll be a lot easier to keep the inevitable
small changes over the next few days in sync if it's all in one repository
-- plus, we get the benefit of the visible audit trail courtesy of the
commit emails.





Re: svn commit: r410977 - in /struts/shale/branches/mvn_reorg: core-library/src/conf/ core-library/src/designtime/ core-library/src/java/ core-library/src/main/ core-library/src/main/java/ core-librar

2006-06-01 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 6/1/06, James Mitchell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

There were a couple of commits to shale between when mvn_reorg was
copied and this commit.  Without looking over this file by file, I
hope we aren't losing anything.

I'm watching closely on the commits I'm doing, and I imagine Gary will do
the same.  I plan to duplicate the necessary changes once the  under
construction dust settes down a bit :-).

Also, what's the status of the reorg?  Are we supposed to still help

out in the test repo?  Or in mvn_reorg? Or in shale/trunk?

Once Sean is done with the initial updates, we'll want to test i mvn_reorg.
After we're satisfied with that, and catch up on pending commits, we'll move
mvn_reorg back to the trunk and proceed from there.


James Mitchell


On Jun 1, 2006, at 6:16 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Author: schof
 Date: Thu Jun  1 15:16:48 2006
 New Revision: 410977

 committed changes in Wendy's original script

   - copied from r410974, struts/shale/branches/mvn_reorg/core-
   - copied from r410974, struts/shale/branches/mvn_reorg/core-
   - copied unchanged from r410974, struts/shale/branches/
   - copied from r410974, struts/shale/branches/mvn_reorg/core-
   - copied from r410974, struts/shale/branches/mvn_reorg/core-
   - copied from r410974, struts/shale/branches/mvn_reorg/core-
   - copied from r410974, struts/shale/branches/mvn_reorg/core-
   - copied from r410974, struts/shale/branches/mvn_reorg/core-
   - copied unchanged from r410974, struts/shale/branches/
   - copied from r410974, struts/shale/branches/mvn_reorg/core-
   - copied unchanged from r410974, struts/shale/branches/

Re: Maven Reorg (Was -- Re: [shale] Maven 2 build -- Help Wanted)

2006-06-01 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 6/1/06, Sean Schofield [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I ran all but the tiger script.  There are a ton of errors still in
the core tests but we're making progress.

One problem seems to be with AbstractJsfTestCase and a null pointer
when referencing the servletContext variable from a subclass.  My
guess is that there is a missing configuration resource.

@Craig:  Any ideas?  Try running mvn -Pmyfaces test and then examine
the output in target.  All of the necessary resource files shoudl be
in the classes or test-classes dirs.  If not, then we missed

I'll pull the mvn_reorg stuff and check this out.



On 6/1/06, Wendy Smoak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 6/1/06, Sean Schofield [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  So I can run svn move foo/bar foo/buzz locally and then commit foo?
  This is the same as svn move

 Yes, exactly the same.  The advantage is that you can do multiple
 commands locally, preview the results, and then commit all the changes
 at once.

 There are some limits, occasionally Subversion will complain that you
 need to commit before executing some command that you're trying to do.
  (Which is why that first script is separate.)

 Whatever is easier for you, though, it ends up being the same when
you're done.


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Re: Maven Reorg (Was -- Re: [shale] Maven 2 build -- Help Wanted)

2006-06-01 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 6/1/06, Craig McClanahan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 6/1/06, Sean Schofield [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I ran all but the tiger script.  There are a ton of errors still in
 the core tests but we're making progress.

 One problem seems to be with AbstractJsfTestCase and a null pointer
 when referencing the servletContext variable from a subclass.  My
 guess is that there is a missing configuration resource.

 @Craig:  Any ideas?  Try running mvn -Pmyfaces test and then examine
 the output in target.  All of the necessary resource files shoudl be
 in the classes or test-classes dirs.  If not, then we missed

I'll pull the mvn_reorg stuff and check this out.


Is there any way to teach Maven to use an HTTP proxy when it does it's
dependency downloads, like you can tell Subversion to?  I spend most of my
time connected to Sun's VPN network, and right now I have to disconnect from
that to do the Maven stuff -- not fatal, but it's sure a pain.




On 6/1/06, Wendy Smoak  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On 6/1/06, Sean Schofield [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   So I can run svn move foo/bar foo/buzz locally and then commit foo?
   This is the same as svn move
  Yes, exactly the same.  The advantage is that you can do multiple
  commands locally, preview the results, and then commit all the changes
  at once.
  There are some limits, occasionally Subversion will complain that you
  need to commit before executing some command that you're trying to do.

   (Which is why that first script is separate.)
  Whatever is easier for you, though, it ends up being the same when
 you're done.
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Re: Maven Reorg (Was -- Re: [shale] Maven 2 build -- Help Wanted)

2006-06-01 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 6/1/06, James Mitchell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Is this what you need?

Yes!  Thanks ... but it leads to a stupid newbie question ... where's the
user settings file go?  :-)


James Mitchell


On Jun 2, 2006, at 12:31 AM, Craig McClanahan wrote:

 On 6/1/06, Craig McClanahan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 6/1/06, Sean Schofield [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I ran all but the tiger script.  There are a ton of errors still in
  the core tests but we're making progress.
  One problem seems to be with AbstractJsfTestCase and a null pointer
  when referencing the servletContext variable from a subclass.  My
  guess is that there is a missing configuration resource.
  @Craig:  Any ideas?  Try running mvn -Pmyfaces test and then
  the output in target.  All of the necessary resource files
 shoudl be
  in the classes or test-classes dirs.  If not, then we missed

 I'll pull the mvn_reorg stuff and check this out.


 Is there any way to teach Maven to use an HTTP proxy when it does it's
 dependency downloads, like you can tell Subversion to?  I spend
 most of my
 time connected to Sun's VPN network, and right now I have to
 disconnect from
 that to do the Maven stuff -- not fatal, but it's sure a pain.




 On 6/1/06, Wendy Smoak  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   On 6/1/06, Sean Schofield [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
So I can run svn move foo/bar foo/buzz locally and then
 commit foo?
This is the same as svn move
   Yes, exactly the same.  The advantage is that you can do multiple
   commands locally, preview the results, and then commit all the
   at once.
   There are some limits, occasionally Subversion will complain
 that you
   need to commit before executing some command that you're
 trying to do.
(Which is why that first script is separate.)
   Whatever is easier for you, though, it ends up being the same
  you're done.
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  To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: Maven Reorg (Was -- Re: [shale] Maven 2 build -- Help Wanted)

2006-06-01 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 6/1/06, James Mitchell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I keep mine here:


That did the trick ... thanks James!


James Mitchell


On Jun 2, 2006, at 12:38 AM, Craig McClanahan wrote:

 On 6/1/06, James Mitchell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Is this what you need?

 Yes!  Thanks ... but it leads to a stupid newbie question ...
 where's the
 user settings file go?  :-)

 James Mitchell


 On Jun 2, 2006, at 12:31 AM, Craig McClanahan wrote:

  On 6/1/06, Craig McClanahan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On 6/1/06, Sean Schofield [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I ran all but the tiger script.  There are a ton of errors
 still in
   the core tests but we're making progress.
   One problem seems to be with AbstractJsfTestCase and a null
   when referencing the servletContext variable from a
 subclass.  My
   guess is that there is a missing configuration resource.
   @Craig:  Any ideas?  Try running mvn -Pmyfaces test and then
   the output in target.  All of the necessary resource files
  shoudl be
   in the classes or test-classes dirs.  If not, then we missed
  I'll pull the mvn_reorg stuff and check this out.
  Is there any way to teach Maven to use an HTTP proxy when it
 does it's
  dependency downloads, like you can tell Subversion to?  I spend
  most of my
  time connected to Sun's VPN network, and right now I have to
  disconnect from
  that to do the Maven stuff -- not fatal, but it's sure a pain.
  On 6/1/06, Wendy Smoak  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On 6/1/06, Sean Schofield [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 So I can run svn move foo/bar foo/buzz locally and then
  commit foo?
 This is the same as svn move
Yes, exactly the same.  The advantage is that you can do
commands locally, preview the results, and then commit all the
at once.
There are some limits, occasionally Subversion will complain
  that you
need to commit before executing some command that you're
  trying to do.
 (Which is why that first script is separate.)
Whatever is easier for you, though, it ends up being the same
   you're done.
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Re: Maven Reorg (Was -- Re: [shale] Maven 2 build -- Help Wanted)

2006-06-01 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 6/1/06, Wendy Smoak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 6/1/06, Sean Schofield [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I ran all but the tiger script.  There are a ton of errors still in
 the core tests but we're making progress.

Core library builds and all the tests pass:

   mvn clean install -Pmyfaces

Works for me now as well, with your latest patches.  But shouldn't it also
work without the -Pmyfaces because it's got activeByDefault set?

By the way (if you beat me to it), the sql-browser example app also requires
JDK 1.5 (an the tiger library).


It was a combination of a missing 'documentRoot' system property, and

not having all of the non-Java resources in the right place in the jar

The Ant build also copies -, which isn't in the Maven build yet.


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Re: Maven Reorg (Was -- Re: [shale] Maven 2 build -- Help Wanted)

2006-06-01 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 6/1/06, Craig McClanahan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 6/1/06, Wendy Smoak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 6/1/06, Sean Schofield [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I ran all but the tiger script.  There are a ton of errors still in
  the core tests but we're making progress.

 Core library builds and all the tests pass:

mvn clean install -Pmyfaces

Works for me now as well, with your latest patches.  But shouldn't it also
work without the -Pmyfaces because it's got activeByDefault set?

In addition, I wanted to try this using the JSF RI too, because (in theory)
everything should still work.  So I tried

   mvn clean install -Pjsfri

It looks like Maven is trying to download the RI stuff from ibiblio, which
isn't correct ... the necessary files are on the repository (

How does one go about telling Maven to get the javax.faces artifacts from
here instead?


Re: Maven Reorg (Was -- Re: [shale] Maven 2 build -- Help Wanted)

2006-06-01 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 6/1/06, Wendy Smoak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 6/1/06, Craig McClanahan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 In addition, I wanted to try this using the JSF RI too, because (in
 everything should still work.  So I tried

 mvn clean install -Pjsfri

 It looks like Maven is trying to download the RI stuff from ibiblio,
 isn't correct ... the necessary files are on the repository (

 How does one go about telling Maven to get the javax.faces artifacts
 here instead?

Put this in the shale parent pom, then adjust the version numbers on
the RI dependencies.

repository Maven 1 Repository/name

Thanks ... I've gotta get my feet wet with this stuff sometime, so now seems
like a good opportunity :-).

Although, it might ultimately make sense to do this in the Struts parent POM
since SAF2 is using JSF as well.  Did we set up profiles the same way
there?  (I'm gonna go ahead and do the Shale parent now, and worry about
that later.)





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Re: Maven Reorg (Was -- Re: [shale] Maven 2 build -- Help Wanted)

2006-06-01 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 6/1/06, Wendy Smoak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 6/1/06, Craig McClanahan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thanks ... I've gotta get my feet wet with this stuff sometime, so now
 like a good opportunity :-).

Here's the 'maven model', the documentation for pom.xml:

There's probably a newer version somewhere, that's the one Google finds.

Found the one on the Maven website[1] and added the appropriate entries.
But now, when I try to run mvn clean test -Pjsfri the following bad things

* There's an obsolete jsf-api artifact on ibiblio --
 can we specify a priority ordering somehow?

* It fails to download the jsf-impl (but that could
 be my proxy not liking https -- investigating.

By the way, the version number we want for both api and impl is 1.1_02






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Re: Maven Reorg (Was -- Re: [shale] Maven 2 build -- Help Wanted)

2006-06-02 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 6/1/06, Wendy Smoak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 6/1/06, James Mitchell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Are you able to run the tiger tests?

No.  I got to the part in build.xml where it says Set up 'web
application' for unit tests and decided that maven.test.skip=true
would do for now. :)

Craig, can you explain the testing strategy for shale-tiger?

It's supposed to be similar to core-lbrary, in that the src/test directory
will contain a bunch of JUnit tests.  Since the module requires 1.5, the
tests will as well, but other than that it should not be anything special.




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Re: Maven Reorg (Was -- Re: [shale] Maven 2 build -- Help Wanted)

2006-06-02 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 6/1/06, James Mitchell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Also, what's the deal with designtime?  I briefly remember some
discussion on it in this thread and was just wondering what the final
result was.

Will the binaries be made available via Maven repo?  Or do we have to
download creator and manually install the jars locally?

I'm working on the public avaiability of this (we announced at JavaOne that
Creator will be open sourced ... finalizing the planning now, but it's more
likely to be months than weeks or days).  In the mean time, I'll create a
cheat sheet for how to copy the necessary JARs out of a downloaded Creator 2
(or Creator 2 Update 1) install and put them locally into your repository.


James Mitchell


Re: Maven Reorg (Was -- Re: [shale] Maven 2 build -- Help Wanted)

2006-06-02 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 6/1/06, Craig McClanahan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 6/1/06, Wendy Smoak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 6/1/06, James Mitchell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Are you able to run the tiger tests?

 No.  I got to the part in build.xml where it says Set up 'web
 application' for unit tests and decided that maven.test.skip=true
 would do for now. :)

 Craig, can you explain the testing strategy for shale-tiger?

It's supposed to be similar to core-lbrary, in that the src/test directory
will contain a bunch of JUnit tests.  Since the module requires 1.5, the
tests will as well, but other than that it should not be anything special.

OK, that's only half the story ... and the same thing will apply to
use-cases (and potentially all of the other webapps when we get there).
There are potentially two sets of tests.

* src/test in the original repository contains JUnit unit tests
 that run standalone on the classes in the webapp's src/java

* src/systest in the original repository contains JUnit tests,
 but they (a) presume that the webapp has been deployed,
 and (b) use HtmlUnit to exercise the actual application and
 examine the returned HTML pages for correct output.  I think
 of these as system integration tests rather than unit tests,
 but vastly prefer HtmlUnit based tests like this to something
 built with Cactus.  Much simpler.

We don't necessarily have to solve the systest issues tonight, but that'll
probably bear some thought since the same principle would apply to any
webapp in the repository (and, ideally, any user-defined webapp created via
the archetype mechanisms).



Re: Maven Reorg (Was -- Re: [shale] Maven 2 build -- Help Wanted)

2006-06-02 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 6/1/06, Wendy Smoak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 6/1/06, Craig McClanahan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Works for me now as well, with your latest patches.  But shouldn't it
 work without the -Pmyfaces because it's got activeByDefault set?

I think so, too. :/  In addition there was some strangeness (discussed
on [EMAIL PROTECTED]) with being able to deacivate an active-by-default
profile.  So I'm not yet sure how that part is going to work.

I would hope they end up with a reasonable policy like if there is a -P
option on the command line, activate only the profiles specified there;
otherwise activate the active by default profile(s).


By the way (if you beat me to it), the sql-browser example app also
 JDK 1.5 (an the tiger library).

Shale Tiger isn't building just yet, working on that now...


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Re: Maven Reorg (Was -- Re: [shale] Maven 2 build -- Help Wanted)

2006-06-02 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 6/1/06, Wendy Smoak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 6/1/06, Craig McClanahan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Found the one on the Maven website[1] and added the appropriate entries.
 But now, when I try to run mvn clean test -Pjsfri the following bad

 * There's an obsolete jsf-api artifact on ibiblio --
   can we specify a priority ordering somehow?

Not that I'm aware of.  But ibiblio only has a pom for 1.1, so it
shouldn't cause a problem if we're using version 1.1_02.  If you mean
the 'invalid pom' warnings, that's because is a Maven 1 repo.

 * It fails to download the jsf-impl (but that could
   be my proxy not liking https -- investigating.

After I added the repository and changed the version number, 'mvn
clean install -Pjsfri' in core-library ran with no problems here.

Me too when I disconnected from my VPN network (and commented out the
appropriate proxy stuff).  I've used https proxies for other things
(including SVN commits to Apache), so it's likely to still be something with
Maven ... but that's an issue that can wait for a night's sleep.





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Re: Maven Reorg (Was -- Re: [shale] Maven 2 build -- Help Wanted)

2006-06-02 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 6/1/06, Wendy Smoak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 6/1/06, James Mitchell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Sorry, I meant with Maven 2.  I get a few test failures, even after
 correcting the missing .xml files from test.

So did I.  The tests fail with Maven2, so I looked at tiger/build.xml
to see what might be missing.

In build,xml, the 'test' target depends on 'test:webapp' which
constructs a web application directory structure that I assume the
tests depend on.

Yes, they do ... Tiger needs to be able to parse the faces-config.xml files
defined by the webapp just like the JSF runtime does, so I needed to be able
to simulate a webapp directory structure for that in the unit tests.

Note that the Ant scripts pass a basedir system property pointing at where
the deployed webapp directory structure is -- we'll need to do something
equivalent or change the tests to presume where the resources actually end


It might be as simple as arranging that into src/test/resources so it

will be available for the m2 tests.


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Re: Maven Reorg (Was -- Re: [shale] Maven 2 build -- Help Wanted)

2006-06-02 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 6/1/06, Wendy Smoak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

And with that, I think I'm done for the night.  Thanks for all the help!

Likewise ... and thanks to James as well.




Re: Maven Reorg (Was -- Re: [shale] Maven 2 build -- Help Wanted)

2006-06-02 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 6/2/06, Wendy Smoak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 6/2/06, Sean Schofield [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 We should rename core-library to shale-core.  It saves a lot on
 maven/continuum headaches if the name of the dir matches the name of
 the artifact.  We did not do this in MyFaces (for some valid reasons)
 but its a definite inconvenience.  I haven't checked the other
 artifacts but that suggestion holds for those as well.

+1 for shale-core, shale-test, shale-clay, etc., as directory names
matching the artifactIds.

+1 as well (convention over configuration strikes again :-).

For the apps, I see a really long artifactId for the sql browser app,

and would rather have it match the name of the war file:

That makes sense.  And the name is also the default for the context path,





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Re: Maven Reorg (Was -- Re: [shale] Maven 2 build -- Help Wanted)

2006-06-02 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 6/2/06, Wendy Smoak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Oops... wrong button!

On 6/2/06, Sean Schofield [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  +1 for shale-core, shale-test, shale-clay, etc., as directory names
  matching the artifactIds.


The list of modules in the parent pom needs to be changed to match.

I'm working on this one ... but it raises two questions.

* I presume we don't have to list the individual applications themseves in
 shale-parent-pom file, because things get processed hierarchically?

* When I try a build (like mvn test intall -Pmyfaces) from within one
 of the subdirectories (like shale-core), it tries to download
 struts-shale-parent-1.0.3-SNAPSHOT.pom (i.e. the file I'm modifying)
 from ibiblio.  Shouldn't we be installing the local copy of the
 parent POM so it'll pick up all the most recent changes?


Are you suggesting changing the artifact id and then the name of the
 module to match it?  If so +1 from me.

Yes, for all the apps.  I'll do it later (or tomorrow) if no one beats me
to it.


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Re: [shale] Maven 2 build -- Help Wanted

2006-06-03 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 6/1/06, Wendy Smoak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 6/1/06, James Mitchell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Ok, so I had some time this morning to help.

 I started looking at the apps to see what I could do to get them up
 to Maven2 par.  I created a struts-shale-apps-parent (pom.xml under
 apps/) and added it as a module of struts-shale-parent.  I then
 created struts-shale-apps-sql-browser (pom.xml under apps/sql-
 browser) and that almost works fine.

 With respect to 1.4 vs 1.5 for compilation, I'm not sure what all is
 going on with profile/activation inheritance and all, but even with

Thanks. :)  The 1.5 profile should be automatically activated if
you're compiling with JDK 1.5.  You shouldn't have to put anything on
the command line.  Is that not working?

jdk1.5/jdk   -


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Updated status -- we now can successfully compile all of the following
modules using the new Maven build:

 shale-clay, shale-core, shale-remoting, shale-spring, shale-tiles,
shale-tiger, shale-test

However, the following modules still have unit test failures:

* shale-clay:  It looks like the component definitions for the standard JSF
 are not getting recognized.  Gary, could you take a look at these?

* shale-tiger:  The ant version of the tests builds a mock web application
 structure under target/test-webapp that is used to exercise the
configuration loading
 classes.  It doesn't look like we can emulate this by simply copying
resources, because
 it assembles some things out of compiled classes.  Is there a plugin where
we can
 escape out to an actual Ant script when the tests are compiled?  If so, it
would be
 pretty easy to copy just the test:webapp target stuff from the original
build.  The POM
 will also need to pass the basedir property, if it doesn't already.

I'll be working out the details on the last remaining top-level module
(shale-designtime) late this evening.  In the mean time, I'm going to
comment it out of the parent POM because this module will always require
some special processes at build time, and is not required for anything
else.  That will allow us to start hacking on the Shale sample apps once the
test failure issues above are addressed.


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