Re: [newbie] Linux and Satellite Modems

2001-04-15 Per discussione Michael R. Batchelor

but the question is..with 2way satellite web service on
the horizon now,what type modems will they require. From what I've
seen so
far it looks like usb. What are the odds one of these will work in

For the one I've seen, exactly zilch. Nada, fugedaboudit. Reading the
fine print reveals that Microsoft is one of the primary financial
backers of the service. And the tech support people were absolutely
not forthcoming with details, so getting enough info to write the
driver software is unlikely.

Of course, that may be just the guys in my area. If There is someone
else getting intot he market things could be different with them.


Re: [newbie] script help

2001-04-05 Per discussione Michael R. Batchelor

 listen 010:atm1.7530
 listen 010:atm120.7080
 How I can extract of the second column since ':' to '.'
 010:atm1.7530 atm1
 010:atm120.7080 atm120

cat datafilename | gawk -F: '{ print $2 }' | gawk -F. '{ print $1 }'


$ cut -f 2 -d : datafile|cut -f 1 -d .  outfile

Probably uses fewer cpu cycles if the datafile is big.


[newbie] Digital camera and USB (Sony DSC-S70)

2001-03-22 Per discussione Michael R. Batchelor

OK, I know this is a long shot, but has anyone gotten *ANYTHING* to
talk to a Sony DSC-S70? I'm running LM7.2, and I can't find anything
which ships with it or on the net that will retrieve the pictures.

It's connected via a USB port, not a regular serial, and I do have
the USB drivers starting on boot, but since this is the only USB
device I even own, I'm not really sure how to tell if it even works.

I do know that it works in W98, does not work in WinNT4.0, and so far
doesn't appear to be reachable with LM 7.2 using the 2.2 series


Re: [newbie] the origin's of bash?

2001-02-22 Per discussione Michael R. Batchelor
 Basically it's the GNU replacement for sh.
  Does anyone know where bash came from?
Origenally there was the bourne shell in unix, when linus needed a
he revived it,improved it and called it the bourne again shell or

Jeez, RMS is pulling his hair out! Check the link above. It's not
from Linus; he's responsible for the kernel. It's from the GNU
project, and the name is a joke. (Bourne again shell) It couldn't be
called a Bourne shell, which is what shipped from ATT, but it's a
drop in replacement superset of the old Bourne shell. All the old !sh
scripts I've ever tried run correctly under bash, and /bin/sh is
usually a link to bash.


[newbie] History Time (was: the origin's of bash?)

2001-02-22 Per discussione Michael R. Batchelor

OK, here are some history lessons. I know this is pretty far afield
of the bash question, but seems like a good place to bring it up.

These first ones are about Unix, which predates GNU and Linux.
Remember, Unix came from the telephone company, not a computer

This is long and very good at explaining how things got here.

These are shorter

Here it is from the horse's mouth.

These are about GNU, which predates Linux

Here's GNU from the horse's mouth. Not long, some good links.

Here's GNU from the horse's whatever you think. (Hey, I like
the guy, but a lot of people don't. Particularly Microsoft.)

How GNU relates to Linux

And now Linux. Remember, Linux is just a kernel. LM 7.2 is a
distribution of Linux kernel and a bunch of GNU tools and a bunch of
other tools. (X, for example.)

Again, from the horse's mouth (These are the same text,
just in case one's not available when you look.)

And other views

Re: [newbie] How do you tar /usr/share/apps

2001-02-18 Per discussione Michael R. Batchelor

I'm a bit stuck with the tar commands. I would like to tar the
path: /usr/share/apps

Can some one help?

This will create a compressed archive with relative path which is
restricted to apps/files

$ cd /usr/share
$ tar czf apps.tgz apps/

This will create a compressed archive but have longer path data

$ cd /any/place/you_have_a_big_enough_filesystem
$ tar czf apps.tgz /usr/share/apps/

The c means create, x is extract. The z means filter with gzip. The
f, which must be last to work in some versions, means put it in this
file name I specify first on the command line. You can also use cvzf
for a verbose or cvvzf for very verbose if you want to see whats


Re: [newbie] Why use linux at all? - not heresy, just want astraight answer please+a laff

2000-12-31 Per discussione Michael R. Batchelor

Well, I've seen a lot of "because the other guy is bad" stuff. And I've
seen a lot of "I want my computer more stable" stuff. But neither of
those really address the reasons I've been fooling with Linux for years.
And none of my reasons may be meaningful to you. The context in which I
run Linux is really a bit different than an average home user.

The reason I run Linux, in addition to, not as an alternative to,
Windows (pick your flavor) is I want the toolkit that grew up in the
Unix world. I had been a Unix system administrator for years before I
got stuck with my first Windows 3.0 box to take care of. That first
Windows experience I found frustrating because of the very limited
tools, so I would dump the ini files to an SCO box to actually work on

Linux, Windows, Novell, the various BSD packages and the commercial
Unix's have come a long way since then. But I still find the toolkit
that's standard in the Unix world to be superior to the toolkits that
cost money in the other worlds. It's basically a simple math problem.
The tools are better (for what I need, maybe not for what you need) and
the price is almost free. (OK, It's free, but for Heaven's sake buy at
least one CD from some poor sucker trying to make a living at this.)

Can I dump Windows. No, I'd go out of business. I'm sitting here at an
NT 4.0 box writing this in Outlook Express because I've been working on
something for a customer this morning. When I hit the send button this
NT box will find the outbound SMTP server using a DNS server on a RedHat
box, and drop the mail into the queue on a FreeBSD box at the ISP office
by routing through another RedHat box running pmfirewall to set up the
ipchains. Our NIS domain in handled by a Sparc running OpenBSD, and the
home directory and printers are handled by a Mandrake 7.0 and a Mandrake
7.1 box. The inbound mail is handled by another Mandrake box, and when
my mailbox gets out of hand I drop back into a shell and use procmail to
move everything around. If I'm on the road I still read my mail with elm
(oh goodness, this guy must be *OLD*). My own personal workstation is a
dual boot between NT 4.0 and RedHat 7, and the workbench machine behind
me is a dual boot between W98 and Mandrake 7.2. All of the other
desktops in the office are some flavor of Windows.

So, why do we use Linux? Because it fills a niche, and does it well.


Re: [newbie] My Linux Box

2000-12-31 Per discussione Michael R. Batchelor

What I tell you. It's monster. How do you kill this? What did that
character say in Lost in Space? KILL, something or other, DESTROY!

Do you mean IDAK? Instant Destroyer And Killer

Re: [newbie] Mail delayed

2000-12-31 Per discussione Michael R. Batchelor

Yes, mine have been, but if it gets rid of the dual posts then I
supposed it's OK.

Is anyone else noticing that their posts are delayed quit a long time,
up to 24 hours?

Call Signs (Was: Re: [newbie] gates gets Linux)

2000-12-26 Per discussione Michael R. Batchelor



Here a Ham, there a Ham, everywhere a Ham Ham  : )


On Tue, 26 Dec 2000, Vic wrote:
 Hey are you a ham? I am


 On Sun, 24 Dec 2000, Rick Commo wrote:
  Very good comment!  With 100+ messages a day from [newbie] and
[expert] I
  was tempted to do just that but figured at some point I could be an
  Elmer. As used here, "Elmer" is a term used in Ham Radio for a
person who
  helps a beginner get up and running.
  Happy Holidays and Season's Best to all
  -Original Message-
  From: Mark Hillary
  Sent: Sunday, December 24, 2000 10:51 AM
  Subject: Re: [newbie] gates gets Linux
  I wasn't making a comment about the thread. I just don't like it
  people join, get the help that they are looking for the leave not
  anyone else.
  Mark Hillary.
  Ps Anyway I like getting lots of email. Makes every say "Wow why do
  get so much email". Then I can laugh.

Re: [newbie] Flashing BIOS under Linux?

2000-12-26 Per discussione Michael R. Batchelor

Can it be done or will I need to make a dos boot disc?

I have only Linux on here, no dos or windows.

That's pretty much determined by the MoBo manufacturer. We're talking
about hard core down in nuts and bolts hardware here. Way, way, way
before any OS gets involved in the picture. You'll just have to see what
the board can do. Check their website to see if an updated bios is


Re: [newbie] Hi Fellow-Penguin Newbies! Anyone know anything about Primary and Second Servers?

2000-12-23 Per discussione Michael R. Batchelor

When I disconnect my Primary Server from service- I want the Secondary
server to automatically take over providing the websites I am Hosting.

My question is:

Does MY  DNS Info at the Open SRS Database tell the world to look at my
Primary IP and if it is "down"  will traffic automatically look for my
Secondary IP?

You misunderstand what the primary and secondary DNS server's jobs are.
Those machines are the traffic cops to tell the world where your various
hosts are (IP address). If the primary DNS server is down, then the
secondary server still tells everybody where your hosts are.

What you're trying to do is get your standby web server (not DNS server)
to take over the role of servicing the http requests. That's possible to
do, and one way is how you described it. There are also tools that can
do it for you automatically, but I'm not readily familiar with them.

Grab a book on TCP/IP and get to know what DNS does. And remember to
keep the concepts of server="computer" and server="program that does a
job" seperated in your mind. For example, you might make your primary
DNS server the same physical box as your standby web server, etc.

Re: [newbie] Virus on Linux?

2000-12-01 Per discussione Michael R. Batchelor

 Side note here on PMFIREWALL

 I installed it day before yesterday, ran the script.  Was very easy -
 I accepted defaults.  Then I ran a scan on my system.  Much to my
 I was wide open on ALL my udp ports... Reran the setup looking for
what may

They may not be open. If you check your messages log you probably have
hundreds of DENY entry. The problem is that UDP packets don't
necessarily get a response, so no response may look open. If the port is
closed then a closed message is sent. If the port is shut down
completely then it's denied and may look open to the scanner.


Re: [newbie] Shut down problem

2000-11-22 Per discussione Michael R. Batchelor

 After I hit the shut down button, Mandrake begins
 a shut down sequence. And the machine actually beeps stating that
 shutting down but immediately after it shuts down, it auto reboots

This is a hardware problem, particularly with a lot of older machines.
You've got APM enabled in the BIOS, and Mandrake is issuing a power off
after shutdown command, but the hardware is blinking back on and
starting the reboot process again. Either disable APM or twiddle with
the BIOS setting for it. Really old hardware wou;dn't shut off at all,
mot of the new stuff correctly powers down, but I've got a few machines
around here that do exactly what you describe. I just killed APM on

Re: [newbie] Visio replacement

2000-11-16 Per discussione Michael R. Batchelor

LinuxCAD claims to be a Visio replacement. I've asked them about file
compatibility, etc. and they claim to be a "full featured" replacement.
I don't know if that's for Visio 2000 or Visio 5.0. Frankly, I've never
tried it out just because that's low on my priority list. The third
party ER tools we use with Visio are much too Visio specific to work
correctly in Linux. :-(

So is there a Visio-like tool for Linux or not? I'd like to know, too.

[newbie] Microsoft IntelliMouse

2000-10-10 Per discussione Michael R. Batchelor

Does anyone know if a Microsoft IntelliMouse Trackball's 
wheel switch acts as a middle button?


Re: [newbie] Financial programs

2000-09-18 Per discussione Michael R. Batchelor

Alan Shoemaker wrote:
 I personally went a
 little farther and bought a shareware package called

So, of the people who use Moneydance, how is it?

Fantastic, not bad, or wouldn't buy it again?

Michael R. Batchelor
Linux is like a wigwam...
No windows, no gates.
Apache inside.

All the emails come to me (Was: Re: [newbie] 386/387 coupling)

2000-09-15 Per discussione Michael R. Batchelor

i m  new linux user too 
i dont know why all mails came to me .

All the emails come to everybody on the list. That's so everyone
can see both the questions and the answers.

Re: [newbie] Differences of versions of a distro release distro families

2000-08-03 Per discussione Michael R. Batchelor

Given that there are different major groupings of linux
(Red Hat, Debian, ), and that different release versions are not
comparible (like RH 6.1 vs. LM 7.0 which I understand to be basically
comparible--using the same kernel revision, similar versions of major
components like X-windows, etc.), I have noted that there are also

Probably the most important thing to understand is that the
distributions are more closely related to each other based on their
respective release dates than anything else. Most everyone puts in the
latest release of all the components available at time of the
distribution release freeze. So the distribution numbers are pretty
meaningless for comparison.

As for kernel versions vs. other parts of the distribution, remember
that "Linux" per se is really just the kernel and it's sources, nothing
else. Way back in the dark ages one had to grab the sources from usenet,
compile a kernel, then see if you get it to boot on your system. And you
had to start with some *OTHER* Unix vendor's system to get a working
kernel. There weren't any "Linux" distributions.

The vast majority of the components in a "Linux" distribution, at least
from the toolset perspective, come from the GNU project of the Free
Software Foundation. And you can actually build a GNU kernel (HURD) and
make yourself a working Unix-like system with only GNU software. There
are other avenues, too, like OpenBSD, FreeBSD, NetBSD, etc.

Other components, like the Taylor UUCP system, MIT's X-windows, etc. are
not really related to the Linux project or to the GNU project. But
they're included because that's what's necessary to make a "working"
Unix-like system.

So, how all this came about is an interesting bit of history, and I
might get a few details misplaced or mispelled. I'm sure someone will
correct me if need be.

Back in the Dark Ages, i.e. the late 80's, ATT still owned Unix, still
licensed it for resale by other vendors under other trademark names
(HP/UX is HP's name, SunOS - later Solaris - is Sun Microsystem's name,
Xenix is Microsoft's name [yes, Xenix is a trademark of Microsoft, and
they sold SCO rights to use it after MS had Xenix on a jazillion Radio
Shack Model 6000 multiuser business computers], and AIX is IBM's name),
and everybody used mostly the same code base, kinda sorta, but not
really the BSD guys, who were already in a religious war.

There was an Internet between many campuses, a bunch of government
sites, and the big guys like IBM, DEC, etc., and there was Usenet, which
was a giant electronic user's group of sorts with many sites on the
Internet and another jazillion nodes all passing stuff around on modems
using uucp to store and forward. (Anyone still got a Telebit?)

Now, a lot of ATT's source code was kind of rough around the edges with
age, so people started writing their own versions of stuff, like Paul
Vixie wrote Vixie Cron to replace the ATT cron, Stallman and the FSF
were busy cranking out gcc and family to replace the native development
tools, rcs showed up to replace sccs and then cvs was built on top of
rcs, and a bunch more. And in the good ol' days everybody passed around
source code with a few notable exceptions, like ATT and licensee's.
(This was Stallman's big beef.)

Well, after a while - like the early 90's - just about everything had
been replaced, with a notable exception of the system libraries. Linus
had been working on Linux and passing it around, and we were compiling
it and cursing it when we couldn't make it work, but we were still using
the system libraries from the ATT licensee's even though we had
replaced cc, make, yacc, and all the other development stuff with the
GNU tools and replaced everything else with the various packages
floating around in the comp.sources.unix archives.

Note, here's where I differ from many of the mainstream reports which
claim the kernel was the missing piece. It was really the release of the
GNU libraries, thank you Richard Stallman - genius or madman I don't
know, which made it possible to put together a working system from the
various pieces which didn't need anything with ATT origins. A kinda
sorta working Linux kernel had been around for months by then.

So, people like the Slackware gang, and others I didn't play with,
started gathering up all the parts and putting them together as a single
unit. Thus was born a "Linux" distribution, free and clear of any ATT
stuff. Note that the FreeBSD guys were working toward the same goal, a
complete system free of any ATT copyrights. The BSD derivatives are
definitely *NOT* Linux, that's a different diatribe, however they
definitely *ARE* Unix-like operating systems. (And from the perspective
of an ordinary non-technical Joe User, who get's parked in front of a
computer at work but someone else maintains the thing, the two are
probably indistinguishable.)

versions of the same release (ex: Linux-Mandrake 7.1 "download" and
versions).  Just what, how 

Re: [newbie] Differences of versions of a distro release distro families

2000-08-02 Per discussione Michael R. Batchelor

Given that there are different major groupings of linux
(Red Hat, Debian, ), and that different release versions are not
comparible (like RH 6.1 vs. LM 7.0 which I understand to be basically
comparible--using the same kernel revision, similar versions of major
components like X-windows, etc.), I have noted that there are also

Probably the most important thing to understand is that the
distributions are more closely related to each other based on their
respective release dates than anything else. Most everyone puts in the
latest release of all the components available at time of the
distribution release freeze. So the distribution numbers are pretty
meaningless for comparison.

As for kernel versions vs. other parts of the distribution, remember
that "Linux" per se is really just the kernel and it's sources, nothing
else. Way back in the dark ages one had to grab the sources from usenet,
compile a kernel, then see if you get it to boot on your system. And you
had to start with some *OTHER* Unix vendor's system to get a working
kernel. There weren't any "Linux" distributions.

The vast majority of the components in a "Linux" distribution, at least
from the toolset perspective, come from the GNU project of the Free
Software Foundation. And you can actually build a GNU kernel (HURD) and
make yourself a working Unix-like system with only GNU software. There
are other avenues, too, like OpenBSD, FreeBSD, NetBSD, etc.

Other components, like the Taylor UUCP system, MIT's X-windows, etc. are
not really related to the Linux project or to the GNU project. But
they're included because that's what's necessary to make a "working"
Unix-like system.

So, how all this came about is an interesting bit of history, and I
might get a few details misplaced or mispelled. I'm sure someone will
correct me if need be.

Back in the Dark Ages, i.e. the late 80's, ATT still owned Unix, still
licensed it for resale by other vendors under other trademark names
(HP/UX is HP's name, SunOS - later Solaris - is Sun Microsystem's name,
Xenix is Microsoft's name [yes, Xenix is a trademark of Microsoft, and
they sold SCO rights to use it after MS had Xenix on a jazillion Radio
Shack Model 6000 multiuser business computers], and AIX is IBM's name),
and everybody used mostly the same code base, kinda sorta, but not
really the BSD guys, who were already in a religious war.

There was an Internet between many campuses, a bunch of government
sites, and the big guys like IBM, DEC, etc., and there was Usenet, which
was a giant electronic user's group of sorts with many sites on the
Internet and another jazillion nodes all passing stuff around on modems
using uucp to store and forward. (Anyone still got a Telebit?)

Now, a lot of ATT's source code was kind of rough around the edges with
age, so people started writing their own versions of stuff, like Paul
Vixie wrote Vixie Cron to replace the ATT cron, Stallman and the FSF
were busy cranking out gcc and family to replace the native development
tools, rcs showed up to replace sccs and then cvs was built on top of
rcs, and a bunch more. And in the good ol' days everybody passed around
source code with a few notable exceptions, like ATT and licensee's.
(This was Stallman's big beef.)

Well, after a while - like the early 90's - just about everything had
been replaced, with a notable exception of the system libraries. Linus
had been working on Linux and passing it around, and we were compiling
it and cursing it when we couldn't make it work, but we were still using
the system libraries from the ATT licensee's even though we had
replaced cc, make, yacc, and all the other development stuff with the
GNU tools and replaced everything else with the various packages
floating around in the comp.sources.unix archives.

Note, here's where I differ from many of the mainstream reports which
claim the kernel was the missing piece. It was really the release of the
GNU libraries, thank you Richard Stallman - genius or madman I don't
know, which made it possible to put together a working system from the
various pieces which didn't need anything with ATT origins. A kinda
sorta working Linux kernel had been around for months by then.

So, people like the Slackware gang, and others I didn't play with,
started gathering up all the parts and putting them together as a single
unit. Thus was born a "Linux" distribution, free and clear of any ATT
stuff. Note that the FreeBSD guys were working toward the same goal, a
complete system free of any ATT copyrights. The BSD derivatives are
definitely *NOT* Linux, that's a different diatribe, however they
definitely *ARE* Unix-like operating systems. (And from the perspective
of an ordinary non-technical Joe User, who get's parked in front of a
computer at work but someone else maintains the thing, the two are
probably indistinguishable.)

versions of the same release (ex: Linux-Mandrake 7.1 "download" and
versions).  Just what, how 

[expert] Alert about how domain names are changing

2000-07-25 Per discussione Michael R. Batchelor

Brian Livingston's column in InfoWorld has a rather frightening
revelation about ICANN, the body which ultimately controls many internet
domain names, is making changes to how they do business. For the details

He gives the address to join as a
member at large so we have a voice in the process, but you must do so by
July 31, 2000 to be included.

Please check this out, and if you're likely to have an interest in the
outcome please register.


Re: [newbie] Kingston nic card question

2000-07-22 Per discussione Michael R. Batchelor

looking for the Kingston KNE110TX nic, and I did not see it,
I read on RedHat or something that it simply takes a tulip driver,

I have had both the KNE100TX and the KNE110TX work with Mandrake. I
never had to do anything beyond the ordinary install, but some people
have had trouble.


Re: [newbie] $6.50 for MDK 7.1 2-CD set (GPL version)

2000-06-21 Per discussione Michael R. Batchelor

Hey! Let's get real here. He's a guy offering to do a few friends a
favor, not a vendor going into the CD business. A dozen people take him
up on the offer and we all get a warm fuzzy about how tight the Linux
community is. 1200 people take him up on the offer and it will go away.

:A quick look shows cheapbytes charges 6.99 for MDK 7.1 2 CD set, the
:price is for MDK 7.0 single CD.  Matt includes shipping in his price,

Re: [newbie] Linksys LNE 100tx problems w/ mdk7

2000-06-17 Per discussione Michael R. Batchelor

 I tried setting up a Linksys LNE100TX NIC on my HP / MDK7 / Win98 machine.  I 
 My buddy said to buy a supported NIC like a 3COM.  Maybe he's right, but the 
 Linksys should work... right?

I have a Linksys LNE100TX in a Mandrake 7.0-2 box that I use as a samba
server on our internal network. Frankly I had no trouble configuring
it. It just worked automatically after the install. Here's the card
settings from my machine. Let me know if you want anything else. (But
I'm not the network guru here.)

Here's "cat /proc/pci" (Nothing special here. It's about halfway down.)

PCI devices found:
  Bus  0, device   0, function  0:
Host bridge: Intel 440BX - 82443BX Host (rev 3).
  Medium devsel.  Master Capable.  Latency=32.
  Prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xf800 [0xf808].
  Bus  0, device   1, function  0:
PCI bridge: Intel 440BX - 82443BX AGP (rev 3).
  Medium devsel.  Master Capable.  Latency=32.  Min Gnt=136.
  Bus  0, device   7, function  0:
ISA bridge: Intel 82371AB PIIX4 ISA (rev 2).
  Medium devsel.  Fast back-to-back capable.  Master Capable.  No
  Bus  0, device   7, function  1:
IDE interface: Intel 82371AB PIIX4 IDE (rev 1).
  Medium devsel.  Fast back-to-back capable.  Master Capable.
  I/O at 0xffa0 [0xffa1].
  Bus  0, device   7, function  2:
USB Controller: Intel 82371AB PIIX4 USB (rev 1).
  Medium devsel.  Fast back-to-back capable.  IRQ 10.  Master
  I/O at 0xef80 [0xef81].
  Bus  0, device   7, function  3:
Bridge: Intel 82371AB PIIX4 ACPI (rev 2).
  Medium devsel.  Fast back-to-back capable.
  Bus  0, device  11, function  0:
Multimedia audio controller: Cirrus Logic Unknown device (rev 1).
  Vendor id=1013. Device id=6003.
  Medium devsel.  IRQ 10.  Master Capable.  Latency=32.  Min
  Non-prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xffafe000 [0xffafe000].
  Non-prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xff90 [0xff90].
  Bus  0, device  19, function  0:
Ethernet controller: LiteOn Unknown device (rev 37).
  Vendor id=11ad. Device id=c115.
  Medium devsel.  Fast back-to-back capable.  IRQ 11.  Master
Latency=32.  Min Gnt=8.Max Lat=56.
  I/O at 0xec00 [0xec01].
  Non-prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xffafff00 [0xffafff00].
  Bus  1, device   0, function  0:
VGA compatible controller: ATI Unknown device (rev 0).
  Vendor id=1002. Device id=5246.
  Medium devsel.  Fast back-to-back capable.  IRQ 11.  Master
Latency=32.  Min Gnt=8.
  Prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xf000 [0xf008].
  I/O at 0xdc00 [0xdc01].
  Non-prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xff7fc000 [0xff7fc000].  

Here's the conf.modules (Nothing special here either.)

alias parport_lowlevel parport_pc
pre-install plip modprobe parport_pc ; echo 7  /proc/parport/0/irq
pre-install pcmcia_core /etc/rc.d/init.d/pcmcia start
alias sound alsa
alias eth0 tulip   

Michael R. Batchelor - Industrial Informatics  Instrumentation, Inc.
Linux is like a wigwam...
No windows, no gates.
Apache inside.

Re: [newbie] SAMBA

2000-06-15 Per discussione Michael R. Batchelor

Check out the man pages for smbmount and smbmnt. This pair should do
what you want.

I have, for some time, been trying to figure out how to use my Linux
box to access files and printers on my NT and Warp Server
networks.  The obvious answer is SAMBA.

Re: [newbie] watch what you say on this list

2000-05-09 Per discussione Michael R. Batchelor

This "filtering" isn't done by Mandrake, but by someone's site who is
subscribed to the list. I've gotten a couple back from the same site
myself, related to some oddball word they considered "forbidden". Just
blow them off as paranoid. They're free to run their site any way they

I think the Mandrake site archives all the maillist messages. But not
all sites archive all their mail. We sure don't. The warning message
only comes back to the person who originally sent the message, not to
the list, so they aren't really singling out anyone other than the poor
sucker on the list who isn't getting these filter messages.


This is news to me. Not good news either.

Not that I'm trying to be sarcastic, but isn't all mail archived

Re: [newbie] WolfRyder and his censoring

2000-05-09 Per discussione Michael R. Batchelor

any time you type in the word you use to sign up for this message group
or to sign
off.  You get filtered, so we cannot tell someone how to get out of
nor discuss any of the useful subjects like filtering.

We're talking about two different filtering mechanisms here. The
mandrake filter prevents people from start flamefests regarding joining
and unjoining.

The original thread was about a "seven dirty words" filter at a
subscriber's site. Both filters exists.


Re: [newbie] COM3

2000-05-08 Per discussione Michael R. Batchelor

Does anyone know what IRQ is usually assigned to COM3?  Thanks

Com1 and Com3 are traditionally IRQ4.
Com2 and Com4 are traditionally IRQ3.

(Don't ask me why the 3's didn't go together and the 4's didn't go
together. I've always thought that was stupid.)

Re: [newbie] lost+found folder

2000-05-01 Per discussione Michael R. Batchelor

  If your system dosn't get shutdown properly and some errors occur
on the
  harddrive, linux puts the files there which have been damaged.

To understand the lost+found folder you need to understand a little of
how Unix handles the filesystems. (OK, GNU/Linux, but that's
hairsplitting for the lawyers.)

In order to speed up disk access so that a program may write out
something, then get back to whatever it was doing, the operating system
creates a number of write buffers for the disk. (Remember that most of
this stuff came about when a 95 ms access time was king of the hill.)
Basically the OS has a section of memory that it accepts bytes destined
to go on the hard drive, then lies to the requesting program that it's
been written so the user program will get back to its business. Then the
system really flushes the bytes out to the physical disk later when it
gets a chance. Part of the shutdown routine is to force the disk buffers
to sync all their data to the physical drive before the system halts. As
part of that sync procedure the systems writes a flag to the filesystem
that all the buffers are clean and the file system is intact. This flag
gets changed when the filesystem is used to indicate that the *LOGICAL*
state of the hard drive does not match the *PHYSICAL* state of the hard
drive. (Way over-simplified, but you get the idea.)

If you just reach out and kill the power or some terrible, bad, naughty
program crashes the system this flag says "DIRTY" and the startup
procedure runs the fsck (FileSystemChecK) program, which is somewhat
analogous to the windows scandisk program. Now, fsck does a whole bunch
of swell things, and you should probably read the documentation if you
really want to know the nuts and bolts details. But one of the things it
does, if it finds an intact (somewhat) file with no place to call home
it stuffs it into the lost+found directory and gives it a generic name
similar to the MS-DOS C:\FILE.CHK stuff. They might be trash, or
they might be treasures; it's up to you to look at them and decide.

The fact that GNU/Linux does this automagically is a remnant of the days
when the central host was a big box kept in a glass house and tended by
high priests called "system administrators" around the clock.

   What is this folder for?  I've never seen anything in it.

It's good that you've never seen anything in it. I hope you never do.
Just remember to shut the system down properly. (And don't run any
naughty programs!)


Re: [newbie] 7.02 ISO image question

2000-04-20 Per discussione Michael R. Batchelor

I downloaded the 7.02 ISO file to disk. I then tried copying the file
to a
CD.  The CD recording software (called just!Data) on my PC seems to
just copied the .iso file onto the CD - there is no directory structure
anything. Should the recording software have taken care of that, or I
missing a step or ten ?

Do you have one of the Sony CD-RW drives in a commercially integrated
package? I've seen just one of those (a Compaq), and it included the
just!data software. I couldn't convince it to correctly restore the
image. As you state, it will copy the ISO file to a single *BIG* file on
the CD, but it won't restore the image.

The EZ_somethingorother software which came with the HP in our office
works fine, but I don't know of a place to download it. (Obviously
they're trying to sell CD-RW drives, not give away software.)

Perhaps someone knows of a shareware or free writing tool. I doubt
rawwrite is going to work.


Re: [[newbie] cable modem]

2000-04-19 Per discussione Michael R. Batchelor

use "ipconfig /all" 

Well that would work in win98, but I'm running win2k pro. and winipcfg
doesn't work..

Re: [newbie] running windows in linux

2000-04-18 Per discussione Michael R. Batchelor

What you want to find is an Xterminal application for Win32 like micro
xterm or something (or like the aforementioned Exceed). Using one of
these applications to log into a Unix machine running an X server, you

One minor nit. In the X world, the "server" is the program which
performs the drawing services (the xterminal), and the "client" is the
program which requests the picture to be drawn.

So, if you have an X session running on Windows and are connected to a
Unix/Linux/Something else host running some program, then the X server
is the program on the Windows machine and the X client is the program on
the host. For example, if I run Exceed on my Windows machine and have a
gimp window showing from my Linux box, then Exceed is the X server and
gimp is the X client. I.e., gimp requests that a circle be displayed
with thus and so characteristics, and Exceed acknowledges the command an
draws a circle within the limits of the video display.

It's very confusing because the "client program" is actually running on
what we normally think of as the "server host" while the "server
program" is running on what we normally think of as the "client
workstation." 90% of the time this is meaningless hair splitting, but
occasionally this is a critical distinction to understand. It's sure
sent me in circles a few times.


Re: [newbie] Shutdown/Restart

2000-04-16 Per discussione Michael R. Batchelor

For a newbie:  What is the most correct way to shutdown and restart

The easiest way is to login, or become, root and issue the shutdown
command. The su command will give you root access.

$ shutdown -h now

will bring the system down.

$ shutdown -r now

will reboot the system.

Some systems, depending on configuration, will reboot with ctrl-alt-del
key combination.
If the shutdown command doesn't work for some reason you can manually
sync the disks and halt the system, but that's not a good place to start
the learning curve. There are also a lots of ways to configure control
operators, but that's overkill for the average home user.


(Give him a break, guys. He asked nice.)

Re: [newbie] i386 vs. i586

2000-04-16 Per discussione Michael R. Batchelor

Would you mind translating this into english?

Dreja Julag wrote:

 If you do beowulf, you usually need i386, right?  cheap hardware --

Beowulf is an ancient English language epic... no wait, wrong list.
Beowulf is a Linux clustering technology. My observation was that it's
not for the faint of heart. It's probably pretty good for analyzing
volumes of numerical data in scientific circles, but I doubt you'd get a
faster web browser.


Re: [newbie] lots of crashes???

2000-04-15 Per discussione Michael R. Batchelor

rant on

until the Linux community gets this web browser "crap" resolved, to me,
Linux ain't worth the CD it is shipped on.
rant off

I hate to say it (again), but this is absolutely correct. To gain
widespread acceptance any Linux distribution *MUST* have a good browser,
a good email package, and (oh no! here it comes!) support Winmodems, ...
ugh, Linmodems!

Anything short of this and it's a sideshow in the big market place.
Sure, you'll get people like me stuffing it into server rooms to do all
kinds of stuff. But we'll never tell the pointy haired boss.

Linux user #162430
InterNIC handle MRB7
(Yeah, that's right. Number 7!)

Re: [newbie] Qmail and Mandrake 7

2000-04-09 Per discussione Michael R. Batchelor

Has anyone installed qmail on Mandrake 7?  If so, do you know of any
or whatever?  I'd like to intall from rpm if possible.

It's not possible. The qmail license requires distribution in source
code format only. No precompiled binaries are allowed. (Unless it
changed recently.)

If you compile it, though, it does work. We install qmail on all the
systems here, and it's fine. If you want to use procmail with qmail you
have to mess around with procmail and compile a custom version. If you
don't need/want procmail then there's no issue.


[newbie] 10/100 ISA cards?

2000-03-07 Per discussione Michael R. Batchelor

Does anyone know of a *REASONABLY* priced 10/100 ISA Ethernet card? I
can find Intel and 3COM cards for about $150, but that's outrageous when
I can get a cheap switch for almost the same price.


Re: [newbie] DiskDrake

2000-02-06 Per discussione Michael R. Batchelor

So I can install linux along with windows without 
destroying my data on the FAT32 partitions?

Yes, this does work. I've tried it once with 7.0 
successfully. I allowed DiskDrake to resize an 8 GB
partition down to 2 GB. I don't know if I'd try it 
without a good backup, though.


[newbie] xdm login blanking

2000-01-29 Per discussione Michael R. Batchelor

Anyone know how to get xdm to blank the login prompt like a screen

[newbie] 7.0 and i810

2000-01-25 Per discussione Michael R. Batchelor

I noticed that 7.0 has xfree86 3.3.6, which has support for Intel i810.
The xfree86 site claims that i810 support is disabled by default because
it requires a special kernel module.

Is that module supplied in the 2.2.14 kernel in 7.0 and is i810 support
enabled out of the box or not? Does anyone know. Given the huge number
of new i810 machines coming on the market these days this might be
important. After all, I'm asking.


[newbie] OT Richard Stallman -- Boycott Amazon! (

1999-12-15 Per discussione Michael R. Batchelor

 Richard Stallman -- Boycott Amazon!.url

Re: [newbie] OTWAY OT WinNT Explorer won't refresh the diskette

1999-12-09 Per discussione Michael R. Batchelor

Recently I installed a Promise Ultra66 IDE controller and also a
Fireball Plus KA 18.1 GB hard drive (connected to the Promise Ultra66).
couple weeks later, I installed an HP CD Writer Plus 9100i.  After
installing this hardware, my Windows NT Explorer no longer refreshes
diskette between disk changes.  I have the same problems under Win95
Explorer.  I do not have this problem under the Linux Mandrake OS.


I don't have an answer, but I understand the problem. The HP drivers
have a negative affect on the floppy disk drivers in NT. (I don't use
95, so I don't know about it.) I have, so far, not found a solution to
this. It is absolutely a software issue in that the OS no longer sees
the "disk change" line toggle from the hardware. But I haven't been able
to fix it and I have been able to duplicate that installing the HP
software in several IBM portables renders the floppies inoperative. The
reason you can still copy "file1" is because the OS caches the file in
memory, and since it no longer sees the disk change signal it just does
the "copy" from the cache. You can force an update by trying to access
the disk with a write, and the FAT will be wrong so the OS will update.
But that is a miserable pain in the butt.

Perhaps with that as a starting point someone else can point both of us
in the right direction.


A place for LinModems? [Long-OT] (was: Re: [newbie] modem configuration problem)

1999-11-26 Per discussione Michael R. Batchelor

Of course, some company had to go and break that rule... That's right,
there are now LinModems as well.  Do yourself a favor and avoid them.
There are better things for a CPU to be doing than the work of a $.50
part on a modem.

I'm not so sure this a good long term strategy. I agree that using a
$200 CPU to replace a .50 chip is pretty stupid, but some of the DSP
based software modems are very robust at call management in the MS
windows environment.

At the risk of flames, let's think about the discussion that was raging
through here a few weeks ago about browsers. I made a strong point that
the browser and email client were crucial for maintaining a desktop
presence. I'll be willing to stick my neck on the line and make a
similar statement that the same is true for telephony applications. And
there are surly others I haven't thought through yet, all of which will
be "crucial" to the long term success of Mandrake as a desktop.

But how can they all be "the one crucial app" you ask. Well, they're not
all the "single" crucial application (but I think the browser is
probably most important user application). The crucial application is
the whole system. If we think about an automobile for a minute I'll

In an automobile the user expects to be able to use the "entire" package
upon delivery. But no individual piece of the package is suitable to the
drivers purpose, only the entire package. No automobile salesperson
would think of trying to get me to settle for only an engine or only a
transmission or only tires. None of those individual components is
sufficient to meet my transportation needs. Likewise, no salesperson is
going to try to convince me to accept a vehicle without an engine or
without a transmission or without tires. Each of those components is
necessary for the package to function as intended.

These are the analogous parts for the browser and email client. Like it
or not, most of the millions of PCs which will be sold this holiday
season are for people to surf the net and exchange email. Neither is
sufficient; both are necessary. Period. That's life. Get over it.

Now, lets go back to the automobile. As I'm standing on the lot looking
at the various items for sale, I notice that some of them have cute
little map lights and rear window defrosters. I decide I like those
touches, and I'm swayed by emotion rather than logic. The truth is I
almost never need the cute little map light and the rear window
defroster, but I buy then anyway. (OK they're crucial for some drivers,
but not most.)

The call management functions of a WinModem will be available to about
90% of those PCs sold this year, and almost nobody will ever use them.
I've personally bought 5-6 computers/modems with all that stuff in the
past few years and never turned any of it on. But I would guess that 10%
of the people who buy the stuff try to use the call management
functions, and perhaps 5% of the people who try it actually continue to
use it. So, in the long run, lets assume that 0.5% of the users actually
find the call management function useful, and everybody else abandons
it. So, do we say, "Well, nobody uses it in the long run, so we'll leave
it out." Or do we acknowledge that, "Despite that fact almost nobody is
going to use this, it's a major selling point on the front end. So we
need it, or we'll be shut out."

Now, let's finally consider one more totally unnecessary option
available on modern automobiles. Back in the 1920's Cadillac developed
an "electric starter" for their vehicles. At that time it was an extreme
luxury. These days, however, you cannot buy a production automobile
without an electric starter. And if we started the "Mandrake Automobile
Company" making cars without electric starters we'd go out of business
fast. Even if we made astonishingly beautiful vehicles with map lights
and rear window defrosters, ordinary people will still flock to the
"inferior competitors" who have those convenient electric starters
instead of a crank.

Well, the electric starter is the installer routines. And, while it's
true that Mandrake may be a far technically superior and elegant choice
to many of the other Linux distributions, and to that "other" OS, it's a
bitch for Grandpa to get set up compared to taking an HP Brio with Win98
preinstalled out of the box from Wal-Mart. If anyone wants to help with
that aspect, I'd suggest that it's probably the most crucial hurdle to
overcome. (There is a group named SEUL - Simple End User Linux,, but I don't much about them.)

So, I've ranted enough. More OT comments?


Re: [newbie] Definitely Off Topic

1999-11-23 Per discussione Michael R. Batchelor

Take a hint.  The filter is there for a reason.  If you've got a
complaint about it, take it up with HR.  IS doesn't make the rules, it
follows them.

Thank you, thank you, thank you. Confirmation from a third party that
the poor IS guy in the trenches is the decision maker. It amazes me how
many people are willing to shoot the messenger. I'm not going to say
that there aren't some first class butt heads who work in IS, but I know
some of those out on the plant floor and in the warehouse and in the


Re: [newbie] Mail

1999-11-23 Per discussione Michael R. Batchelor

O.K. now the next step in the process. As most of you know, I have been
setting up a network here at work using linux as my server. Samba to
the window box's talk to the server. No I would like to add internal

When you go about setting things up you need to decide if you want
*ONLY* internal mail, or if you'd like to allow users to send mail in
and out also.


Re: [newbie] Definitely Off Topic

1999-11-23 Per discussione Michael R. Batchelor

Thank you, thank you, thank you. Confirmation from a third party that
the poor IS guy in the trenches is the decision maker. It amazes me how

insert  ^^NOT^^
many people are willing to shoot the messenger. I'm not going to say
that there aren't some first class butt heads who work in IS, but I
some of those out on the plant floor and in the warehouse and in the


Re: [newbie] A little OT- Memory

1999-11-21 Per discussione Michael R. Batchelor

If anyone has suggestions for places to find the best prices on memory
upgrades that I can use for my PIII 450 linux box I would appreciate
I am going to be using it as a server and need at least PC100 128 meg
chips (though I would like to buy 256 if I could find an affordable
source). I have looked at several mainstream mailorder places and
vary widely. Y'all can email me directly if you think this is not of
general interest to others. Thanks much.

I would check out first to see what's there. I've
bought several modules from, which one of my
engineers found through the pricewatch site. Good price, good
merchandise (PNY), terrible email response, no phone. (Misspellings, no
order number, etc. Obviously a garage type low budget operation.) But
the stuff worked, delivery time was quick to the US east coast, and the
price was right. No sales outside the USA. Don't know where you're


Re: [newbie] Totally useless fact (OS)

1999-11-20 Per discussione Michael R. Batchelor

 But the "2" in "2001" is not.  here is a good one...are zeros od or

According to a report on NPR last night, they were assumed to be even.

I think if you talk to a "real mathematician" (which leaves me out) zero
isn't odd or even, just as the negative numbers aren't odd or even. The
quality of oddness or evenness only applies to whole numbers, i.e.
positive integers.


Re: [newbie] Totally useless fact (OS)

1999-11-20 Per discussione Michael R. Batchelor

 But the "2" in "2001" is not.  here is a good one...are zeros od or

According to a report on NPR last night, they were assumed to be even.

I think if you talk to a "real mathematician" (which leaves me out) zero
isn't odd or even, just as the negative numbers aren't odd or even. The
quality of oddness or evenness only applies to whole numbers, i.e.
positive integers.


Re: [newbie] Totally useless fact (OS)

1999-11-20 Per discussione Michael R. Batchelor

 But the "2" in "2001" is not.  here is a good one...are zeros od or

According to a report on NPR last night, they were assumed to be even.

I think if you talk to a "real mathematician" (which leaves me out) zero
isn't odd or even, just as the negative numbers aren't odd or even. The
quality of oddness or evenness only applies to whole numbers, i.e.
positive integers.


Re: [newbie] Totally useless fact (OS)

1999-11-20 Per discussione Michael R. Batchelor

 But the "2" in "2001" is not.  here is a good one...are zeros od or

According to a report on NPR last night, they were assumed to be even.

I think if you talk to a "real mathematician" (which leaves me out) zero
isn't odd or even, just as the negative numbers aren't odd or even. The
quality of oddness or evenness only applies to whole numbers, i.e.
positive integers.


Browser (was Re: [newbie] Opera for Linux)

1999-11-14 Per discussione Michael R. Batchelor

[Don asbestos flame suit]
 Face it, the open source community just doesn't find browsers "sexy" to
 Well, they better change their minds on that one. It's where Linux looses
 the game if the only browser that's useful is IE. 

That depends on the goals of the open source community.
Originally it had nothing whatsoever to do with Microsoft bashing, and
if Bill Gates purchases the USA in order to fire the DOJ, the people who
were, and still are, in the middle of the "Open Source" movement rather
than the "Bash Microsoft" movement won't bat an eyelash. THEY DON'T 
CARE. Read some of the stuff about and by Richard Stallman before anyone
had ever even *HEARD* of Microsoft Windows. (Hell, I coerced my boss 
into sending him $100 in 1989, and I had never even seen a copy of 

 I'd encourage anyone who can write documentation or code to point your
 browser at and see if you can help. Sexy or not, the browser is
 the most important app on the desktop computer today, and Linux doesn't have

If you care about Linux having a significant presence on the desktop, I
think this is about the most sound assessment of the situation today.
Like it or not, the corporate desktop is driven by the masses who *ARE
NOT COMPUTER GEEKS!* Those masses care about 

1) the browser 


2) HTML Mail {Help me! It burns! It burns! Take it away!}

Bill Gates may be a lot of things, but he is not stupid. And when he
integrated IE and Outlook into the Windows desktop he was exactly right. And
anyone who wants to compete *MUST* compete there. No amount of perl code
will unseat him.

But, again, what are the goals of the "Open Source" movement. To provide
a freely available set of tools to meet their own needs? Or to compete
capitalistically against a well heeled competitor who *IS GETTING PAID!*
I'll wager that the "savior" of Linux on the desktop will be the one who
can figure out how to make a profit on the browser and HTML mail reader.
It may be open source or it may not, but I'm confident it will be the
one who can make a profit.


P.S. If you *REALLY* give a damn about Linux on the desktop, stop giving
the poor newbies such a hard time about the HTML tags in their email.
Get over it, that's where the world is headed.

[Remove flame suit. Claim you were drugged and forced to say it.]
Michael R. Batchelor
Industrial Informatics  Instrumentation, Inc.

Re: [Re: [newbie] MS releases new Windows and NT Keyboard (humor)]

1999-11-06 Per discussione Michael R. Batchelor

Wow, they taught us CPM in trade school, kind of reminded me of
DOS, it had a C compiler to build the executables and such.

You mean somebody taught you an OS?! The military taught us digital
theory on circuts built with individual transistors in TO3 cans, but
there wasn't any concept of "the operating system." The circuit just did
whatever it was wired to do. (Nowadays that's called the microcode.) My
first computer as a teenager was a plastic educational toy called
"Digi-COMP I" which was programmed with drinking straws and had a
mechanical clock you cycled by hand.


Re: [newbie] SQL systems comparison?

1999-11-03 Per discussione Michael R. Batchelor

 Is it free?  Can I get RPMs of it somewhere?  If not, I'll pass

I believe Sybase *is* free (for now... later versions MAY
cost money.) Check out the following UR --

This directly from the web page above. Download links are on the page.

Adaptive Server Enterprise for Linux version continues
to be offered as a free, unsupported release for development as
well as deployment. Adaptive Server Enterprise for Linux version is available from the Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise
for Linux version download web page.

Adaptive Server Enterprise 11.9.2 is offered FREE for development
from the Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise 11.9.2 download web page.
You can purchase support even if you download the free development
copy. You can get the software on CD with printed copy of Installation
guide for $99 from Sybase sales. To deploy Adaptive Server Enterprise
for Linux version 11.9.2 on a production box, contact Sybase sales
at 1-800-8SYBASE.


Re: [newbie] executing programs

1999-10-31 Per discussione Michael R. Batchelor

M L Cates wrote:
 I have tried typing the name
 of the program in at the prompt and it says "command not found".  

The "current directory" is probably not in your path. try typing

$ ./program_name

Which means run the program right here in this directory.

 I have tried
 to type "sh" before the filename and am told "cannot execute binary file".

That's right. The shell is looking for a list of shell commands.

Michael R. Batchelor
Industrial Informatics  Instrumentation, Inc.

Re: [newbie] WOW!!!

1999-10-30 Per discussione Michael R. Batchelor

Linux can handle many of your needs, but because it is really just
into other mainstream areas outside of the server market, some areas
need a
lot of development. Industrial applications such as you're doing,
process controls, and SCADA systems are some of the areas where very
development has been done when compared to server and desktop

Some of this is beginning to change. The guys at
have developed a small module for industrial control which runs a linux
kernal. Some pictures of it are mirrored on our machine at . After the first of the year we're
going to begin work on a communications driver to Allen Bradley SLC 500
devices. (Hopefully PLC5 will follow shortly thereafter.) OUr ultimate
hope is for the PLC to control, and a Linux box to record and display. I
know there are others, too.


Re: [newbie] SQL on Linux

1999-10-25 Per discussione Michael R. Batchelor

Does anyone know of a good online SQL tutorial for a db novice
linux specifically?  Should I be looking toward MySQL or is there
Linux SQL package that is worth investing time in?  Thanks for any

It really depends on how much you know about SQL. If you don't know
about relational database design I would suggest you start with a book
(gasp!) Microsoft Access printed by O'Reilly. The title is something
"What you REALLY need to know about Microsoft Access" and it's the best
introduction to relational database design I've see in a long time.

But it won't help you with anything Linux specific. And it's not online.


Re: [newbie] GREP

1999-10-22 Per discussione Michael R. Batchelor

On Fri, 22 Oct 1999, Shannon M. Johnston wrote:

 Does anybody know what the grep command do?

grep = Global Regular Expression Processor

$ grep dog filename

will spew out every line in filename which contains
the string "dog"

Read through the docs for grep and egrep, then get
the O'Rielly book. Understanding this stuff will
be the most useful thing you'll ever learn about
Linux/Unix. (I've been doing this since '87, and
I've learned a lot of useful and useless stuff.)


Re: [newbie] BUG: 6.1

1999-10-21 Per discussione Michael R. Batchelor


You and Steve wrote:
   If you expected no bumps when we went from Redhat(c)+, to Redhat(c)
 compatible, I really don't know what to tell you. It is going to be
 but no one will get bruised, promise..

I've been here since 5.3, using every release in between.  6.1 is the
absolute most broken distribution I've ever laid hands on.  You've got
smart group of people there, but you're spending time developing new
while your distribution rots.
taking a break from all of the "extras" and get back to making sure
the base distribution is solid?

I think both of you have reasonable points. What is changing is that
MandrakeSoft is now moving from business childhood to business
adulthood. In the past it was a group of dedicated, enthusiastic
people with a vision. And from the 5.2 version on you were targeting
an audience much the same.

Certainly there was a hope that there would be financial reward if
you pulled it off, but it was a big gamble.

Now, however, you've really started to get a lot of notice and well
deserved attention, but you really are moving into bigger business
world. And the Mandrake business model has got to change with it.
Unfortunately, the new model you must have is exactly the same one
where a few other competitors are already very good. People with
names like Bill Gates and Scott McNealy and Larry Ellison. They
may like and admire you just fine, but they'll eat you for lunch if
you don't pay attention to the customer.

As for Steve's point about cooker, look at the fact that MS has
delayed Windows NT 5.0/Windows 2000 repeatedly. To make
a real dent in the corporate world the stuff MUST work out of the box.
Absolutely no excuses.

Frankly, if this hiccup is the only one Mandrake ever has you'll
rule the world. But for now, stop,check out where your revenue
comes from, and make your major revenue providers happy.


[newbie] Intel 810 chipset

1999-10-19 Per discussione Michael R. Batchelor

Has anyone tried, successfully or unsuccessfully, 
to install Mandrake 6.1 on an Intel 810 motherboard?
Does any Xserver support that chipset yet?


Re: [newbie] Procmail

1999-10-19 Per discussione Michael R. Batchelor

 what you put in your ~/.forward file?  I've tried several variations, including
 this one given in procmail's manpage:
 "|exec /usr/bin/procmail"
 And it does not work.

Try removing the exec so it looks like


just in case your sendmail is configured to deny exec.
That should dump the message directly into procmail's 
standard input. Of course, you need to verify that procmail 
is actually installed in /usr/bin, too.


Re: [newbie] (OT) -- About HTML

1999-10-18 Per discussione Michael R. Batchelor

All of the settings I have refer to plain text, so my question is, does
Outlook have a mind of it's own, as most Microsoft products do? Does it
inherit the format from the post I am replying to?

Yes. Under


There is a check box second from the bottom about replying in the format
the sender used. Deselect the choice.


Re: [newbie] install problems 13.0gig

1999-07-18 Per discussione Michael R. Batchelor

 Kernels have to be in the first 8.4 GB of a harddisk. (This is not a Linux
 bug, but a BIOS problem. Stuff like EZDrive won't help you either).
so why doesn't someone come up with a BIOS fix for this?
(although you SHOULD be able to squeeze the kernel in the
first 8.4G SOMEWHERE :-)) Or is there some technical reason
for this limitation?

It's not that easy to write a BIOS fix because there is some configuration
issues with the controller electronics. It's somehow all tied up in
backwards compatibility with old IBM PC's, but I can't remember the
specifics. Other hardware architectures don't have the problem.

Michael R. Batchelor
Industrial Informatics  Instrumentation, Inc.

Re: [newbie] shell scripts

1999-07-10 Per discussione Michael R. Batchelor

At 10:34 PM 7/9/99 -0700, you wrote:
how do i write shell scripts..?
can someone please show me an example...

cd to /usr/bin

type "file *"

This will give a list of the file type for everything in the /usr/bin
directory, and many of them are really, really good professionally done
shell scripts of different types. Copy some of them to your home directory
and start hacking away. Look at the O'Rielly Nutshell books, too.

Michael R. Batchelor
Industrial Informatics  Instrumentation, Inc.

Re: [newbie] Win/DOS Emulator - VMWare

1999-07-08 Per discussione Michael R. Batchelor

At 01:26 PM 7/8/99 -0400, you wrote:
 Do you know how they got VMWare to use the existing installation of NT?  I'd
 like to do the same with Win98.

You use the "raw disk" option to use an alreadt-install OS. I have used this 
with Win98 and it works fine and does not corrupt the regular Win98 

Can Win98 (or WinNT) inside the vm access anything on the Linux partition,
or is it locked in? Alternately, can the Linux OS run samba and let the
windows vm mount the samba share?

Michael R. Batchelor
Industrial Informatics  Instrumentation, Inc.

Re: [newbie] Review of Mandrake 6.0 (URL)

1999-07-06 Per discussione Michael R. Batchelor

At 03:43 PM 7/6/99 -0500, you wrote:
I think you misunderstood my post.  If Mandrake makes no $, fine, it's
legal, but if we don't support the developers of our Distro of choice then
they may disappear.  If you buy the book and no support goes to Mandrake or
RH or whoever, at the least it grows the group of users of a great distro.
If you are _able_ then buy the boxed set of your _favorite_ distro as a way
to support them.   Just as important, contribute to discussions on Usenet,
maillists like this one, web-based help sites and documentation projects.

Let me second this as an *IMPORTANT* concept. I personally own two boxed
Mandrakes, and both were purchased *AFTER* I had working copies of the ISO
in my office. And I'll readily burn a copy for people around town who only
want to try it or can't afford the price. But, given some of the ridiculous
license fees I pay Microsoft/Oracle/Sun and some others just to stay in
business, paying the minor cost of a boxed Linux distribution is morally
obligatory to me. (Particularly considering the main servers in our office
are Mandrake boxes.)

Like he says, if you're *able* to purchase a boxed set, show your support.
And if you're not, then that's OK. Take what you need and help out the next
guy when you can. But please contribute *something*.

Michael R. Batchelor
Industrial Informatics  Instrumentation, Inc.

Re: [newbie] NIC cards and Cable modems

1999-06-30 Per discussione Michael R. Batchelor

 We'll be getting a cable modem ISP before the end of the year, and I was
 wondering how compatible they are with Linux.  Are they a pain to set
q: Are they a pain to set up?
a: nope not the slightest

The technology isn't too hard, but your cable company might be. If they are
anything like the one here, just tell them you have a Windows 95 computer,
let them set it up, then look at how it's configured after the person
leaves. Don't even get into the Linux discussion with them.

Michael R. Batchelor
Industrial Informatics  Instrumentation, Inc.

Re: [newbie] How to install my 56k modem

1999-04-29 Per discussione Michael R. Batchelor

At 10:03 AM 4/29/99 -0500, you wrote:
Does this mean that Diamond MM modems won't work?  I have a 28.8 and a 56K.

Don't know anything about these specific modems.

Both have software drivers (.inf files) that are loaded, but I think both

In windows an inf file is an instruction file for how windows is supposed
to deal with the device. A regular external modem which *is not* a winmodem
will have an inf file if it comes with a windows device installation
routine. (Usually to take advantage of some "specialness" or extend the
command set past the standard AT commands.)

have processors on them.I think I will just need to reset the jumpers on

There are a couple of hardware configurations which get the generic name
"winmodem". The first is a true winmodem where all the modem card has on it
is a few tone converter chips and the entire modem functions are handled by
a program which runs in the windows environment on the computer's main CPU.
This is by far the slowest setup, and least likely to ever have any Linux

The second is a DSP (Digital Signal Processor) based board which requires a
piece of program code loaded into it to work. The DSP chip is really a
highly specialized CPU chip. So it doesn't require anything from the
computer other than the service of downloading it's instruction set. For
some of these, if you boot windows so the instruction set gets loaded, then
reboot and load Linux *without turning off the power* they will work.
Others don't work because they reset on the reboot rather than on power
loss. (I have no idea which models are which. Someone posted a great modem
resource site some time back. Anyone still have it?)

The second category, DSP processor which requires code loaded into it, is
probably going to be the first group to get Linux support as Linux becomes
more popular because all that must be written is a small program to shove
the DSP  instruction set into the card and a device driver to talk to the
hardware's physical address. Conceivably it could be call from the rc
scripts and the modem would work from then on. (As an aside, it's probably
possible to reverse engineer some of the windows loader programs, strip the
DSP code from it, and write a device driver and code loader program for
Linux without support from the manufacturer. But it's probably a few
hundred hours of work, and it's almost defiantly a copyright violation to
redistribute the DSP code. The best bet would be for several hundred users
to demand Linux support from the manufacturer.)

the modem to disable PnP and set the IRQ manually.Am I wrong here

If it's really a "traditional" modem, then you're all set. In fact, if you
can disable the PnP and manually set the IRQ you probably have a
"traditional" modem rather than a dysfunctional one.

Michael R. Batchelor
Industrial Informatics  Instrumentation, Inc.

Re: [newbie] Committee for the Moral Defense of Microsoft

1999-04-21 Per discussione Michael R. Batchelor

At 04:11 AM 4/21/99 -0700, you wrote:
I'm not convinced that it is a joke... 

It is definitely not a joke, but it *IS* an alternate mind set. (Not an
altered mind set, an alternate one.)

Basically the argument boils down to, "Microsoft deserves whatever success
they work to create. (And they're very good at it.) If you choose to take
them on, feel free. Best of luck, and such. If you - the Linux community -
become wildly successful as the result of your own work, then you, too,
deserve the success you work to create."

Or to paraphrase Walt Whitman, "Breaking up your neighbor's furniture won't
make your furniture look any better."

Or in street vernacular, "You want to beat Bill Gates? Then quit worrying
about Bill Gates, build a better product, and start worrying about your

Michael R. Batchelor
Industrial Informatics  Instrumentation, Inc.