Re: NB & Eclipse about jar files

2022-03-05 Thread Chuck Davis
It's hard to know what you are wanting to do with little to no information.

In all probability the jar files produced via Eclipse are osgi bundles
(extra metadata in the manifest).  So you will have to run them on either
Felix or Equinox (or another osgi implementation) in a NB environment.

It would probably be best to move your source code to NB rather than jar
files if you are changing your environment as you say.  NB handles osgi
bundles fine but you have to set up the osgi environment in NB which, in
Eclipse, is probably your default.  Personally, I use NB to create the osgi
bundles and run them externally in Felix rather than muck around attempting
to run them within NB.  It's trivial to set up the external environment and
you don't get into the issues some people have of things running in NB but
then they don't run when they try to deploy.

Apache Felix is only a download away (you'll also probably want the bundle
repository) and has fair documentation.  Eclipse comes with the osgi
Equinox environment as default. If you're new to osgi there is a learning
curve.  If you move your source to NB and don't need the osgi runtime you
can recompile to regular jar files and run in NB without setting up the
osgi environment.  Choices, choices...

On Fri, Mar 4, 2022 at 8:16 AM Amn Ojee Uw  wrote:

> I have recently have done a major shift as a developer, I switch from MS
> to Debian 11 and as they say "New year, new life". So, I've also changed my
> developing platform to NetBeans 12.x from Eclipse. I have realized that the
> jar files produced by Eclipse are not desirable by  NB 12.x.
> Is this the norm? Should I always assume that  Eclipse produced jar files
> will not run on NetBeans?
> As a personal note, let me say that this issue must not exist; "Write
> once, run anywhere"?
> Perhaps, someone here could point out a document on the net that addresses
> this issue.
> Thanks in advance.

Re: Matisse GUI builder bindings

2022-02-04 Thread Chuck Davis
You might want to begin the migration to JavaFX.  It has a very good
binding capability.  There's a learning curve but well worth the effort.
Build your dialogs with Scene Builder and load them into your Java program
with FXMLLoader.  Distribution takes a little more effort but, again, well
worth the effort.

On Fri, Feb 4, 2022 at 8:28 AM Jeremy Faden CS 

> I've recently upgraded to Netbeans 12.6 after working with Netbeans 8
> for years.  Everything is working smoothly, but I just noticed that any
> of my GUIs which used bindings before cannot be edited in the GUI
> builder and I see that when I make a new GUI, I no longer have the
> option to add bindings.  Is this no longer supported and will I need to
> rebuild all my old GUIs?
> Thanks,
> Jeremy
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:
> For further information about the NetBeans mailing lists, visit:

Re: Question about Netbeans platform application with JavaFX

2022-01-11 Thread Chuck Davis
Check out Module javafx.swing in the JavaFX documentation.
It's how I got started on JavaFX.

On Tue, Jan 11, 2022 at 5:59 PM 王东华  wrote:

> Dear,
> I am investigating how to develop with Netbeans 12.6. I create a Netbeans
> platform application and I want to use JavaFX 17 in the application, our
> JDK is AWS Cretto 11.0.13. Unfortunately, I can not integrate JavaFX in the
> Netbeans Platform application.
> I know how to integrate JavaFX in Java Application, but I can not
> integrated JavaFX into Netbeans Platfrom Application with the same way.
> Do you have any idea about it? Looking forward to your reply.

Re: NB12.4 quit

2021-08-24 Thread Chuck Davis
Yes, I ordered new ram.  Thanks.

On Mon, Aug 23, 2021 at 11:03 PM Emilian Bold 

> Try a memtest. Most likely it's bad RAM and that can easily be replaced.
> --emi
> On Mon, Aug 23, 2021 at 9:10 PM Chuck Davis  wrote:
> >
> > I'm beginning to suspect hardware.  I put everything on my laptop (same
> OS, same NB, same JVM) and it's working flawlessly.
> >
> > May have to build myself a new desktop.  Bummer..
> >
> > But thanks for your response Emilian.
> >
> > On Sun, Aug 22, 2021 at 11:36 PM Emilian Bold 
> wrote:
> >>
> >> You could try jstack to see what the threads are doing. Maybe a heap
> dump?
> >>
> >> But if it locks up the desktop I suspect it may be the OpenJDK itself.
> >>
> >> --emi
> >>

Re: NB12.4 quit

2021-08-23 Thread Chuck Davis
I'm beginning to suspect hardware.  I put everything on my laptop (same OS,
same NB, same JVM) and it's working flawlessly.

May have to build myself a new desktop.  Bummer..

But thanks for your response Emilian.

On Sun, Aug 22, 2021 at 11:36 PM Emilian Bold 

> You could try jstack to see what the threads are doing. Maybe a heap dump?
> But if it locks up the desktop I suspect it may be the OpenJDK itself.
> --emi

Re: NB12.4 quit

2021-08-22 Thread Chuck Davis
Referenced has been sometimes closing itself and other times performing a
hard lock of the desktop.  The only thing I can find in the log is merely a

INFO [org.netbeans.core.netigso.Netigso]: bundle
org.eclipse.osgi@3.9.1.v20140110-1610 started
INFO []: System network
proxy resolver: KDE
WARNING []: KDE system
proxy resolver: The kioslaverc file not found
([/home/chuck/.config/kioslaverc, /home/chuck/.kde/share/config/kioslaverc])
WARNING []: KDE system
proxy resolver: The kioslaverc key not found (ProxyType)
INFO []: System network
proxy reloading failed! Trying fallback resolver.
INFO []:
Fallback system proxy resolver: no http_proxy variable found
INFO []: System network
proxy reloading succeeded. Fallback provider was successful.
INFO []: System network
proxy - mode: direct
INFO []: System network
proxy: fell to default (correct if direct mode went before)
WARNING [org.netbeans.TopSecurityManager]: use of system property
netbeans.home has been obsoleted in favor of InstalledFileLocator/Places at

Is this a bug in NB, Java16 or KDE?  I'm running OpenSUSE Tumbleweed which
keeps OpenJDK at the current level automatically:
openjdk version "16.0.2" 2021-07-20
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 16.0.2+7-suse-1.1-x8664)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 16.0.2+7-suse-1.1-x8664, mixed mode)

Is this something to file a bug report about?  It's most annoying to try to
compile a project and have it lock up tight.  Furthermore, it's

Thanks for any ideas.

Re: felix bundles

2021-05-11 Thread Chuck Davis
I'm back to experimenting with bundles to run on Felix and ran into this

ERROR: Bundle yrs.contractor.LedgerReportsBundle [88] Error starting
.jar (org.osgi.framework.BundleException: Unable to resolve
yrs.contractor.LedgerReportsBundle [88](R 88.0): missing requirement [yrs.
contractor.LedgerReportsBundle [88](R 88.0)]; (
Unresolved requirements: [[yrs.contractor.LedgerReportsBundle
[88](R 88.0)]; (])
org.osgi.framework.BundleException: Unable to resolve
yrs.contractor.LedgerReportsBundle [88](R 88.0): missing requirement
ctor.LedgerReportsBundle [88](R 88.0)]; (
Unresolved requirements: [[yrs.contractor.LedgerReportsBundle [88](R
88.0)]; (]
   at org.apache.felix.framework@7.0.0
   at org.apache.felix.framework@7.0.0
   at org.apache.felix.framework@7.0.0
   at org.apache.felix.framework@7.0.0
   at java.base/

Attempting to find out what is producing the message I looked in the
manifest Netbeans (12.3) is producing.   Some Googling I found a message
regarding eclipse from 2 years ago that indicated the bnd tools are too old
(in 2019!)  The offending entry is apparently the Require-Capability: entry in the manifest.  Unfortunately, I can't find a way to fix it
via Netbeans.

Manifest-Version: 1.0
Bnd-LastModified: 1620784684373
Build-Jdk: 16.0.1
Built-By: chuck
Bundle-Activator: yrs.contractor.ledgerreports.Activator
Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2
Bundle-Name: LedgerReportsBundle OSGi Bundle
Bundle-SymbolicName: yrs.contractor.LedgerReportsBundle
Bundle-Version: 1.0.0
Created-By: Apache Maven Bundle Plugin
Export-Package: yrs.contractor.ledgerreports;uses:="org.osgi.framework
Import-Package: com.yakridge.jfxbase;version="[3.0,4)",com.yakridge.jf
Tool: Bnd-

And I noticed, creating a new OSGi Bundle project uses VERY old versions in
the POM file.

Thanks to anybody who knows a work-around until Netbeans can produce a
Manifest without the offending entry.

Re: FXML import statement issue in Maven based project

2020-08-15 Thread Chuck Davis
I think all you need is the requires phrase.

On Sat, Aug 15, 2020 at 6:42 PM HRH  wrote:

> Thanks, that was the missing part that caused the error. Do I need to
> revise the statement that begins with the "opens" directive? I took the
> liberty and changed it. The module file looks as follow:
> module org.openjfx.fxmavenfxml {
> requires javafx.controls;
> requires javafx.fxml;
> requires javafx.base;
> requires;
> requires java.base;
> requires javafx.web;
>// opens org.openjfx.fxmavenfxml to javafx.fxml;
> opens org.openjfx.fxmavenfxml to javafx.web;
> exports org.openjfx.fxmavenfxml;
> }
> Should I keep the new "opens org.openjfx.fxmavenfxml to javafx.web;"?
> Thanks again
> On Sunday, August 16, 2020, 12:49:46 AM GMT+4:30, Chuck Davis <
>> wrote:
> Did you revise the module file?
> On Sat, Aug 15, 2020 at 11:34 AM HRH  wrote:
> Hi,
> I had an FXML file that was working fine until I added an UI component
> "WebView". The  in the FXML file
> marked as an error because somehow the javafx.web from the JavaFx\Lib is
> not seen. I have already modified the POM file to include this dependency
> as follow alas the FXMLLoader.load() failes to load the FXML file and it
> throws a runtime exception:
> org.openjfx
> javafx-controls
> 14
> org.openjfx
> javafx-fxml
> 14
> org.openjfx
> javafx-web
> 14
> Any insight as why the  cause an error?
> Thanks in advance.

Re: FXML import statement issue in Maven based project

2020-08-15 Thread Chuck Davis
Did you revise the module file?

On Sat, Aug 15, 2020 at 11:34 AM HRH  wrote:

> Hi,
> I had an FXML file that was working fine until I added an UI component
> "WebView". The  in the FXML file
> marked as an error because somehow the javafx.web from the JavaFx\Lib is
> not seen. I have already modified the POM file to include this dependency
> as follow alas the FXMLLoader.load() failes to load the FXML file and it
> throws a runtime exception:
> org.openjfx
> javafx-controls
> 14
> org.openjfx
> javafx-fxml
> 14
> org.openjfx
> javafx-web
> 14
> Any insight as why the  cause an error?
> Thanks in advance.

Re: JavaFX 12

2020-08-10 Thread Chuck Davis
You'll also have to update the plugins.  i.e. change the compiler plugin to
3.8.1 and any others that have a newer version available.  Following
section of my POM.







On Mon, Aug 10, 2020 at 4:55 AM HRH  wrote:

> Chuck,
> Thanks for the prompt response. During the installation and initial setup,
> I changed the artifact versions per instructions given by Getting Started
> with JavaFX 

Re: JavaFX 12

2020-08-10 Thread Chuck Davis
Update your POM to latest versions of Maven artifacts.

On Mon, Aug 10, 2020 at 3:34 AM HRH  wrote:

> I forgot to indicated, that I have already modified the
> in the pom.xml file.
> Thanks
> On Monday, August 10, 2020, 2:54:09 PM GMT+4:30, HRH
>  wrote:
> Hi,
> While using "Java with Maven"->FXML JavaFX Maven Archtype" works fine to
> run its pre-configured, creating a new package with a new main
> class fails to compile with the following error. Any insights on which
> resources need to be modified?
> Thanks in advance.
> Error msg:
> Error: JavaFX runtime components are missing, and are required to run this
> application
> Command execution failed.

> org.apache.commons.exec.ExecuteException: Process exited with an error: 1
> (Exit value: 1)
> at org.apache.commons.exec.DefaultExecutor.executeInternal
> (
> --
> Total time:  5.034 s
> Finished at: 2020-08-10T14:49:10+04:30
> Failed to execute goal org.codehaus.mojo:exec-maven-plugin:1.5.0:exec
> (default-cli) on project Mavenbasedlearningfx: Command execution failed.:
> Process exited with an error: 1 (Exit value: 1) -> [Help 1]

Re: JavaFX 12

2020-08-05 Thread Chuck Davis
Thanks for those links, Scott.

On Wed, Aug 5, 2020 at 3:00 PM Scott Palmer  wrote:

> You might also consider running with a distribution of OpenJDK that
> includes JavaFX. That simplifies things quite a bit. No need to fiddle with
> the module path.
> One such distribution is Bell Soft’s Liberica JDK (Full version, not
> Standard)
> Azul has a version of Zulu that does the same. Just pick JDK FX under
> “Java Package” ON the download page:
> Scott
> On Aug 5, 2020, at 4:03 PM, Chuck Davis  wrote:
> I suggest you take Ernie's suggestion to get started (use the fxml
> archtype).  You can build and run your application in NB.  The first thing
> to do after creating the project is edit the POM to update to newer
> versions of Maven artifacts.  Then, when you wish to run your application
> outside NB you will have to install JavaFX and set the module path per the
> document you linked in your post.  I think I even saw a post from Geertjan
> a few weeks ago where he used jlink (from within NB) to build a fat jar
> that included all the FX modules to run your app.  When jpackager hits the
> JDK perhaps deployments of JavaFX will get easier -- it's already worth the
> additional effort.  I need to find Geertjan's jlink demo again and do
> some testing.
> On Wed, Aug 5, 2020 at 11:52 AM HRH  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Trying to build a JavaFX project with Netbeans 12.0 IDE, using the online
>> documentation Getting Started with JavaFX
>> <>
>> Getting Started with JavaFX
>> Getting started with JavaFX for Java desktop application development
>> <>
>> In step 3 of this page, adding the JavaFX12 to the library, I don't seem
>> to locate such a library from the dropdown list. Please help.
>> Thanks

Re: JavaFX 12

2020-08-05 Thread Chuck Davis
I suggest you take Ernie's suggestion to get started (use the fxml
archtype).  You can build and run your application in NB.  The first thing
to do after creating the project is edit the POM to update to newer
versions of Maven artifacts.  Then, when you wish to run your application
outside NB you will have to install JavaFX and set the module path per the
document you linked in your post.  I think I even saw a post from Geertjan
a few weeks ago where he used jlink (from within NB) to build a fat jar
that included all the FX modules to run your app.  When jpackager hits the
JDK perhaps deployments of JavaFX will get easier -- it's already worth the
additional effort.  I need to find Geertjan's jlink demo again and do
some testing.

On Wed, Aug 5, 2020 at 11:52 AM HRH  wrote:

> Hi,
> Trying to build a JavaFX project with Netbeans 12.0 IDE, using the online
> documentation Getting Started with JavaFX
> Getting Started with JavaFX
> Getting started with JavaFX for Java desktop application development
> In step 3 of this page, adding the JavaFX12 to the library, I don't seem
> to locate such a library from the dropdown list. Please help.
> Thanks

Re: Statement of disappointment

2020-03-09 Thread Chuck Davis
Paul, many of us "feel your pain" with what Oracle did to JavaFX.  But all
is not lost.  Take a look here:

Scroll down to the JavaFX section and click on the first item.  You will
see how completely easy it is to develop JavaFX with Netbeans and Maven.
Of course, deployment is a different story but Gluon has some good
information about how to install JavaFX.  Once installed, it's installed --
until you want to upgrade to the next release and then it is also quite
simple.  The main difference is defining the module path.

It's a terrible shame all the big players have decided a browser is a "good
enough" interface for users.  For those of us old enough to remember how
efficient a character interface was to get work done a browser will just
never be adequate.  But, as you know, we can get pretty close to that
efficiency with either Swing or JavaFX.

On Mon, Mar 9, 2020 at 8:16 AM Paul Szudzik  wrote:

> I have been a NetBeans user since inception.  I am retired now, but
> when I worked, I was one of the few people in my company that was an
> advocate of NetBeans, and used it instead of the company line, Eclipse
> product.
> Retired now for 10+ years, I used NetBeans to develop my products, and
> really getting involved in JavaFX big time. I love the cross platform
> capability, and use it on both Ubuntu and Windows.  Raspberry Pi, no
> problem.  Windows, no problem.  I loved it. Then boom, Oracle takes JavaFX
> out of the mix, and NetBeans and I start having major problems. It gets
> harder and harder to use NetBeans with it’s incompatibility with JavaFX
> without going through hoops every single time we upgrade.  I have a ton of
> projects that are a major pain to go back to without having to dance on a
> high wire to get to work.  And I am still not sure I can do this anymore.
> I have been a computer programmer, designer and architect for well
> over 53+ years.  I have see many systems come and go, many IDE rise and
> fall, many languages surface and crash.  The move to Maven is beyond my
> scope now.  I want to program, not to have to regenerate and rehash my
> build system every release.  I have tried to move over to 11, and mostly
> failed.  I have too many modules and programs in play to hack this out.
> It would have been great if NetBeans had a seamless transition , built
> in conversions for old projects to current format.  Seriously, I would love
> to be on that train.  But nope, it seems too much handholding and dancing.
> I currently have a half dozen active Beta’s  that are stuck in a NetBeans
> 8.1.x / Java 8 scenario, that I want to port into NetBeans 11.3 / Java 13+
> area, but really don’t believe that it is 1: Easy, 2: Lasting, 3: Enduring
> more than another release.
> I still have reported bugs > 5 years old that are not resolved.
> I see streams of notes that are asking questions about compatibility.
> ( The latest straw is the Ant image ... )  I see how once the major players
> in NetBeans get on a wagon, the trail off is almost impossible.  If you’re
> new to NetBeans, perhaps this is a good trend.  If you have dealt with
> NetBeans as long as I have.. it becomes more than just an annoyance.  It
> almost easier to find another IDE to settle in on, as the amount of work to
> transfer 100+ projects, probably more, from old NetBeans to new NetBeans is
> formidable.
> Maybe a 3rd party can produce a product that 100% transfer old
> projects to Maven..  I’d rather develop and code than mess around with
> trying to make things move up the NetBeans chain anymore..  Coding is fun,
> transitioning is not. I am 100% committed to JavaFX, I like the layouts, I
> like what Gluon has done, I like the look and feel.
> NetBeans 8 –> NetBeans 11+ –> convert ...
> I would normally apologize for my rant, but nope. I feel that I am now
> progressing backwards...

Re: WARNING: INFECTED: Re: deployable javafx app

2019-12-03 Thread Chuck Davis
It wasn't intended to be a link gmail did that.  It was just a message
where to find the maven documentation.

If you hover on the link google created it indicates it's going to maven
but then goes anyplace else.

Correctdo not use the link.  Put the address in the browser manually.

On Tue, Dec 3, 2019 at 2:29 AM Jens Zurawski  wrote:

> Warning, this is a malicious link in this mail. Do not click on it!
> Am 03.12.2019 um 03:54 schrieb Chuck Davis:
> Chris, the documentation @ is getting better all the
> time.  It's even gotten understandable lately.  Certainly enough to get you
> started.  Start in the "User Center".
> On Mon, Dec 2, 2019 at 6:22 PM Chris Olsen  wrote:
>> Hello, Everyone --
>>   I have a (possibly) related question.  I am also writing JavaFX
>> programs and I am thinking of moving from Ant to Maven (and Java 8 to Java
>> ??).   Is there a good resource about Maven that non-developers would
>> benefit from?  Java is about my 5th language so I'm OK with reading
>> technical stuff, but I' would want something that holds my hand in the
>> beginning.
>>Thanks in advance!
>>   -- Chris
>> -
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> --
> jens zurawski
> diegurus - zurawski zurawski poppl rohland GbR
> juister straße 3
> 65199 wiesbaden
> kaspersweg 7b
> 26131 oldenburg
> internet
> tel +49(0)611 72437966
> CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail message is intended only for the
> person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential
> and/or privileged material. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or
> distribution is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient,
> please contact the sender by reply e-mail and destroy all copies of the
> original message.  If you are the intended recipient but do not wish to
> receive communications through this medium, please so advise the sender
> immediately.

Re: deployable javafx app

2019-12-02 Thread Chuck Davis
Chris, the documentation @ is getting better all the
time.  It's even gotten understandable lately.  Certainly enough to get you
started.  Start in the "User Center".

On Mon, Dec 2, 2019 at 6:22 PM Chris Olsen  wrote:

> Hello, Everyone --
>   I have a (possibly) related question.  I am also writing JavaFX programs
> and I am thinking of moving from Ant to Maven (and Java 8 to Java ??).   Is
> there a good resource about Maven that non-developers would benefit from?
> Java is about my 5th language so I'm OK with reading technical stuff, but
> I' would want something that holds my hand in the beginning.
>Thanks in advance!
>   -- Chris
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:
> For further information about the NetBeans mailing lists, visit:

Re: Hopefully close to the finish line with Java 11 & FX

2019-09-27 Thread Chuck Davis

On Fri, Sep 27, 2019 at 8:09 AM Geertjan Wielenga 

> Also, please comment your support for this PR, which updates the Maven
> plugin for OpenJFX to support both JDK 8 and beyond:
> Gj

Re: Hopefully close to the finish line with Java 11 & FX

2019-09-27 Thread Chuck Davis
I think that is a fabulous idea I've been advocating for since JDK11 was
released.  What is on the "create a new project" menu needs to create a
project that will build and run in the IDE.

On Fri, Sep 27, 2019 at 7:24 AM Geertjan Wielenga 

> On Fri, Sep 27, 2019 at 3:21 PM Chuck Davis  wrote:
>> I don't know what archetype should be "registered".  I just know what
>> we've got doesn't work as expected by users.
> Great. So let's fix it. The idea would be to remove the "JavaFX
> Application" that is currently there and causing you so much headache.
> Instead of that, we'll have the two samples from Gluon there that are
> hidden right now in the Samples category.
> What do you think?

Re: Hopefully close to the finish line with Java 11 & FX

2019-09-27 Thread Chuck Davis
If using a "sample" is required that should be indicated someplace where
users will find it a project creation time.  I've been using NB for many
years and have never had to resort to using a sample to create a project.
It's not what a user would expect in my opinion.

If NB wants to maintain compatibility with JDK8 and JDK11+ then if two
different archetypes are required we need two different project types --
JFX for JDK8 and JFX for JDK11+.  ??

On Fri, Sep 27, 2019 at 7:18 AM Geertjan Wielenga 

> Ideally, use the Gluon OpenJFX samples in the Sample category in the New
> Project dialog -- and maybe we should replace the JavaFX Application with
> those two samples instead?

Re: Hopefully close to the finish line with Java 11 & FX

2019-09-27 Thread Chuck Davis
I don't know what archetype should be "registered".  I just know what we've
got doesn't work as expected by users.

On Fri, Sep 27, 2019 at 7:13 AM Geertjan Wielenga 

> Here is where that archetype is registered, is there another one we should
> register instead:
> See line 76 to 80 in the above.
> Gj
> On Fri, Sep 27, 2019 at 3:10 PM Chuck Davis  wrote:
>> I don't think most users are going to build a project from samples (they
>> expect what's on the menu to work).  Fortunately, I cared enough to find
>> work-arounds people had posted on the internet but for new users it's a
>> bombshell.
>> On Fri, Sep 27, 2019 at 7:07 AM Geertjan Wielenga 
>> wrote:
>>> Go to the Samples category in the New Project dialog and choose JavaFX.

Re: Hopefully close to the finish line with Java 11 & FX

2019-09-27 Thread Chuck Davis
I don't think most users are going to build a project from samples (they
expect what's on the menu to work).  Fortunately, I cared enough to find
work-arounds people had posted on the internet but for new users it's a

On Fri, Sep 27, 2019 at 7:07 AM Geertjan Wielenga 

> Go to the Samples category in the New Project dialog and choose JavaFX.

Re: Hopefully close to the finish line with Java 11 & FX

2019-09-27 Thread Chuck Davis
That would be a good motive to move to Gradle!!

On Fri, Sep 27, 2019 at 7:00 AM Scott Palmer  wrote:

> You can also easily make a JavaFX project with NetBeans if you use a
> Gradle project - as everyone should ;-)
> But you do have to manually add the javafx-plugin to your Gradle build
> script.  Perhaps we can get that fixed with a tweak to the new project
> wizard for Gradle-based projects.
> Scott
> On Sep 27, 2019, at 9:47 AM, Chuck Davis  wrote:
> Chris:
> NB has not made a JFX project that works since JDK8.  The JavaFX
> application should be taken off the new project menu until such time as it
> can build and run a JFX application.
> You might find some help here:
> You can use NB to create the application but then you have to delete the
> entire pom and replace it with one that works -- which you will find at
> this link.  After you do that NB will actually run your application from
> the IDE.
> I recommend you build your dialogs with SceneBuilder outside the IDE for
> convenience.  One of the great features of fxml is reusability.  You can
> copy your fxml files into other projects, load them and nothing blows up.
> Since NB would not run a JFX application I wrote a script to copy the NB
> project files to another directory and run it there from a desktop icon.
> If you do that there are some tweaks to make for it to find the jfx
> modules.  I think you will also find  those issues addressed at the link
> but I don't remember for sure.  If you run into that you can email me
> off-list and we can discuss what has to be done.
> HTH with your frustrations.
> On Fri, Sep 27, 2019 at 5:12 AM Chris Olsen  wrote:
>> Scott and All --
>>   > The target should be 11 not 1.11.
>>   Thanks to Scott!  I'm not sure where the 1.11 came from -- I think it
>> was generated somewhere out of my control.  (Yes, passing the buck.)
>>   In any case, one step forward has gotten me to another problem, which I
>> believe is with something called javafxpackager:
>> ---
>>   Failed to execute goal org.codehaus.mojo:exec-maven-plugin:1.2.1:exec
>> (unpack-dependencies) on project Splat_Maven: Command execution failed.
>> Cannot run program "C:\Program
>> Files\AdoptOpenJDK\jdk-\..\bin\javafxpackager" (in
>> directory "C:\Users\olsenc\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Splat_Maven"):
>> CreateProcess error=2, The system cannot find the file specified -> [Help 1]
>> ---
>>   In searching the web I found a great deal of only partially helpful
>> information, much related to Java 6 and 7.  Some places, in discussing Java
>> 11, seemed to suggest there was no longer in existence a javafxpackager,
>> and would there not be one until Java 14.  This is distressing, as my app
>> is replete with FX.  I wonder if someone could give me an authoritative
>> answer about what javafxpackager -- if it exists -- actually does.  I
>> believe would like to be able to deploy my app bundled with Java 11 in
>> Windows and Mac versions because of my target audience (high school
>> teachers with even less computer savvy that I have).  I'm beginning to
>> think I should just return to Java 8. I have solved many problems in
>> migrating to Java 11, but I am getting a bit discouraged when I contemplate
>> the possibility of many problems still to come, problems that suggest I
>> should change professions from statistician to Java developer -- not
>> something I want to contemplate at this stage in my career.
>>   Any advice for the harried and distraught _amateur_ programmer?
>>   Thank you in advance!
>>   -- Chris
>> - Original Message -
>> From: Scott Palmer 
>> To: Chris Olsen 
>> Cc:
>> Sent: Tue, 24 Sep 2019 21:29:47 -0400 (EDT)
>> Subject: Re: Hopefully close to the finish line with Java 11 & FX
>> The target should be 11 not 1.11.
>> Scott
>> > On Sep 24, 2019, at 8:49 PM, Chris Olsen  wrote:
>> >
>> > Hello, Everyone --
>> >
>> >   I have downloaded AdoptOpenJDK, JavaFX 11, and Maven (or so I
>> believe).  I have waded through getting to zero FX compile errors, and with
>> the clarion call of "Excelcior!" I told Apache Netbeans 11.1 to run.  This
>> is what I got:
>> >
>> > 
>> > Failed to execute goal
>> org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-c

Re: Hopefully close to the finish line with Java 11 & FX

2019-09-27 Thread Chuck Davis
I should have added "that compiles" under JDK 12.  It may still work with
JDK 8 -- don't know.

On Fri, Sep 27, 2019 at 7:00 AM Chuck Davis  wrote:

> I just tried it a few minutes ago to be sure it hadn't been fixed.  NB
> 11.1 does NOT create a JFX application that compiles.

Re: Hopefully close to the finish line with Java 11 & FX

2019-09-27 Thread Chuck Davis
I just tried it a few minutes ago to be sure it hadn't been fixed.  NB 11.1
does NOT create a JFX application that compiles.

On Fri, Sep 27, 2019 at 6:58 AM Geertjan Wielenga 

> The Gluon OpenJFX Maven sample archetypes have been part of Apache
> NetBeans since 11.1.
> Gj
> On Fri, Sep 27, 2019 at 2:54 PM Chuck Davis  wrote:
>> Chris:
>> NB has not made a JFX project that works since JDK8.  The JavaFX
>> application should be taken off the new project menu until such time as it
>> can build and run a JFX application.
>> You might find some help here:
>> You can use NB to create the application but then you have to delete the
>> entire pom and replace it with one that works -- which you will find at
>> this link.  After you do that NB will actually run your application from
>> the IDE.
>> I recommend you build your dialogs with SceneBuilder outside the IDE for
>> convenience.  One of the great features of fxml is reusability.  You can
>> copy your fxml files into other projects, load them and nothing blows up.
>> Since NB would not run a JFX application I wrote a script to copy the NB
>> project files to another directory and run it there from a desktop icon.
>> If you do that there are some tweaks to make for it to find the jfx
>> modules.  I think you will also find  those issues addressed at the link
>> but I don't remember for sure.  If you run into that you can email me
>> off-list and we can discuss what has to be done.
>> HTH with your frustrations.
>> On Fri, Sep 27, 2019 at 5:12 AM Chris Olsen  wrote:
>>> Scott and All --
>>>   > The target should be 11 not 1.11.
>>>   Thanks to Scott!  I'm not sure where the 1.11 came from -- I think it
>>> was generated somewhere out of my control.  (Yes, passing the buck.)
>>>   In any case, one step forward has gotten me to another problem, which
>>> I believe is with something called javafxpackager:
>>> ---
>>>   Failed to execute goal org.codehaus.mojo:exec-maven-plugin:1.2.1:exec
>>> (unpack-dependencies) on project Splat_Maven: Command execution failed.
>>> Cannot run program "C:\Program
>>> Files\AdoptOpenJDK\jdk-\..\bin\javafxpackager" (in
>>> directory "C:\Users\olsenc\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Splat_Maven"):
>>> CreateProcess error=2, The system cannot find the file specified -> [Help 1]
>>> ---
>>>   In searching the web I found a great deal of only partially helpful
>>> information, much related to Java 6 and 7.  Some places, in discussing Java
>>> 11, seemed to suggest there was no longer in existence a javafxpackager,
>>> and would there not be one until Java 14.  This is distressing, as my app
>>> is replete with FX.  I wonder if someone could give me an authoritative
>>> answer about what javafxpackager -- if it exists -- actually does.  I
>>> believe would like to be able to deploy my app bundled with Java 11 in
>>> Windows and Mac versions because of my target audience (high school
>>> teachers with even less computer savvy that I have).  I'm beginning to
>>> think I should just return to Java 8. I have solved many problems in
>>> migrating to Java 11, but I am getting a bit discouraged when I contemplate
>>> the possibility of many problems still to come, problems that suggest I
>>> should change professions from statistician to Java developer -- not
>>> something I want to contemplate at this stage in my career.
>>>   Any advice for the harried and distraught _amateur_ programmer?
>>>   Thank you in advance!
>>>   -- Chris
>>> - Original Message -
>>> From: Scott Palmer 
>>> To: Chris Olsen 
>>> Cc:
>>> Sent: Tue, 24 Sep 2019 21:29:47 -0400 (EDT)
>>> Subject: Re: Hopefully close to the finish line with Java 11 & FX
>>> The target should be 11 not 1.11.
>>> Scott
>>> > On Sep 24, 2019, at 8:49 PM, Chris Olsen  wrote:
>>> >
>>> > Hello, Everyone --
>>> >
>>> >   I have downloaded AdoptOpenJDK, JavaFX 11, and Maven (or so I
>>> believe).  I have waded through getting to zero FX compile errors, and with
>>> the clarion call of "Excelcior!" I told Apache 

Re: Hopefully close to the finish line with Java 11 & FX

2019-09-27 Thread Chuck Davis
Scott, glad to hear I'm not the only one with major headaches.  Java 8 and
Java 11 are such vastly different creatures I don't see how anyone would
expect NB to address both equally well.  It militates for a break in
compatibility with the IDE in my opinion.  Those who want to stay on Java 8
can continue using NB 11.  Those of us who move forward should not be held
back by an antiquated IDE that tries to live in two entirely different

On Fri, Sep 27, 2019 at 6:45 AM Scott Palmer  wrote:

> Javafxpackager was removed along with several other things in Java 11.
> Sadly this was done with no reasonable path forward - there was no
> replacement for javapackager (it was renamed from javafxpackager because it
> isn’t strictly related to JavaFX), nor were many of the removed modules
> available with modular replacements (they were passed off to other open
> source communities to deal with, and those communities completely dropped
> the ball - Eclipse people I’m looking at you).
> Anyway.. the new jpackage tool, that was originally intended for Java 13
> and now is expected as an experimental feature of Java 14, is available as
> a pre-release and can be used to package an application with Java 11.
> You can get the early-access build from here
> jpackage is a tool that will create a native installer for Windows, or a
> package for Linux or macOS, or just an application image.  It includes your
> application and the JRE required to run it, all nicely bundled together so
> it appears as any other platform-specific application.
> The new jpackage tool serves the same purpose as javafxpackager, but it is
> not compatible.  The options have changed.
> It may be an adventure getting your project working.  I’ve been there… the
> transition away from Java 8 has been a massive headache for this and a few
> other reasons.
> Regards,
> Scott
> On Sep 27, 2019, at 8:02 AM, Chris Olsen  wrote:
> Scott and All --
> The target should be 11 not 1.11.
>  Thanks to Scott!  I'm not sure where the 1.11 came from -- I think it was
> generated somewhere out of my control.  (Yes, passing the buck.)
>  In any case, one step forward has gotten me to another problem, which I
> believe is with something called javafxpackager:
> ---
>  Failed to execute goal org.codehaus.mojo:exec-maven-plugin:1.2.1:exec
> (unpack-dependencies) on project Splat_Maven: Command execution failed.
> Cannot run program "C:\Program
> Files\AdoptOpenJDK\jdk-\..\bin\javafxpackager" (in
> directory "C:\Users\olsenc\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Splat_Maven"):
> CreateProcess error=2, The system cannot find the file specified -> [Help 1]
> ---
>  In searching the web I found a great deal of only partially helpful
> information, much related to Java 6 and 7.  Some places, in discussing Java
> 11, seemed to suggest there was no longer in existence a javafxpackager,
> and would there not be one until Java 14.  This is distressing, as my app
> is replete with FX.  I wonder if someone could give me an authoritative
> answer about what javafxpackager -- if it exists -- actually does.  I
> believe would like to be able to deploy my app bundled with Java 11 in
> Windows and Mac versions because of my target audience (high school
> teachers with even less computer savvy that I have).  I'm beginning to
> think I should just return to Java 8. I have solved many problems in
> migrating to Java 11, but I am getting a bit discouraged when I contemplate
> the possibility of many problems still to come, problems that suggest I
> should change professions from statistician to Java developer -- not
> something I want to contemplate at this stage in my career.
>  Any advice for the harried and distraught _amateur_ programmer?
>  Thank you in advance!
>  -- Chris
> - Original Message -
> From: Scott Palmer 
> To: Chris Olsen 
> Cc:
> Sent: Tue, 24 Sep 2019 21:29:47 -0400 (EDT)
> Subject: Re: Hopefully close to the finish line with Java 11 & FX
> The target should be 11 not 1.11.
> Scott
> On Sep 24, 2019, at 8:49 PM, Chris Olsen  wrote:
> Hello, Everyone --
>  I have downloaded AdoptOpenJDK, JavaFX 11, and Maven (or so I believe).
> I have waded through getting to zero FX compile errors, and with the
> clarion call of "Excelcior!" I told Apache Netbeans 11.1 to run.  This is
> what I got:
> Failed to execute goal
> org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:3.1:compile
> (default-compile) on project Splat_Maven: Fatal error compiling: error:
> invalid target release: 1.11 -> [Help 1]
>  I did my due diligence and looked for solutions on line, but nothing I
> found seemed to work.  What I'm thinking is that SOMEwhere I must have told
> some file or other that there is another Java 11 in town, but I don't
> really know where I would have said this.  (I blew away all my old Java 8
> JDKs.

Re: Netbeans 11 won't launch in Windows 10 (Fixed, PEBCAK)

2019-09-23 Thread Chuck Davis
Thanks, Carl, for letting us know you're off and running.  What I don't
understand is why setting the JAVA_HOME variable is not the default in the
AdoptOpenJDK installation.  It should be.  Other people are going to
miss that during install and have the same problems you experienced I
fear.  I nearly missed it when I installedone has to be unnecessarily

On Mon, Sep 23, 2019 at 12:08 PM Carl Burke  wrote:

> Since this was nagging at me, I uninstalled Netbeans, reverted my change
> to the JDK, and checked all my environment variables. The Path did not
> have any quotes around the JDK or JRE bin specs, so I quoted them.
> (Either AdoptOpenJDK doesn't do that, or Windows intervened to be
> 'helpful'.
> It does remove quotes when you edit the path as a list instead of a
> string.)
> I also verified that I had a JAVA_HOME variable set, with a quoted path.
> Running the netbeans installer with the --javahome parameter did work,
> and once Netbeans was installed it did launch without a hitch.
> I don't know what is different this time around, other than having the
> JAVA_HOME variable set at install time and ensuring that the PATH parts
> related to java are quoted.
> Thanks for bearing with me.
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:
> For further information about the NetBeans mailing lists, visit:

Re: Netbeans 11 won't launch in Windows 10

2019-09-23 Thread Chuck Davis

If you install AdoptOpenJDK, go to a command prompt and type "java
-version" and something other than an error message appears you've got a
JRE installed.

All I can tell you is that my experiment last evening worked as smoothly as
anything could be expected to work.  Installing AdoptOpenJDK 13 and  NB
11.1 on Windows10 (which had no prior java installation) works as
expected.  I cannot address the issues you are having with those older
versions of everything.

As for Windows version, I bought it shortly after Windows10 was released
and every time I turn on that box it nearly destroys the hard drive doing
updates.  What level it is at now I don't know and don't care enough to
find out.  I do know it is Pro -- I wouldn't buy anything else.  Home has
had too many problems in the past.

Hope you can find a solution for the issues you are experiencing.  At my
end it all works as designed.

On Sun, Sep 22, 2019 at 9:21 PM Carl Burke  wrote:

> Chuck:
> I don't know what to tell you. When I told the Netbeans installer to use
> the JDK, it complained there was no JRE. When I pointed it at the JRE, it
> complained there was no JDK. It was only when I put a 'jre' folder into the
> JDK directory that the installer was happy and ran. I agree, the JDK has a
> jvm.dll in it, I don't have a clue why the installer would not work,
> anymore than I understand why the IDE won't launch without removing JShell
> from the configuration.
> It might have been JAVA_HOME; I had to set that manually, and didn't get
> around to that until after installing Netbeans. PATH was updated
> automatically with both JDK and JRE bin directories, but JAVA_HOME was
> never set.
> The AdoptOpenJDK distribution does not contain a JRE directory, I don't
> know where you're seeing one.
> I'm not going to install 13, it's not the current LTS. I see no reason to
> change versions more frequently than every two years, especially if I want
> to maintain compatibility with my office work (which is still on 8, and
> rarely uses language features later than 6).
> Out of curiosity, which version on Windows is on that old Windows box?
> This is Windows 10 Home 1809. It could be differences between Home and Pro,
> or between major releases, or something like that.
> - Original Message -
> From: "Chuck Davis" 
> Cc: "users" 
> Sent: Sunday, September 22, 2019 11:48:15 PM
> Subject: Re: Netbeans 11 won't launch in Windows 10
> Carl:
> I just fired up an old Windows 10 box that I turn on every 3 to 4 months to
> test my hypothesis.  Installed like a hot knife through butter.  The only
> glitch might be you have to check @ installation of AdoptOpenJDK 13 to have
> it modify the JAVA_HOME environment variable.  If you miss that (it should
> be the default in my opinion) you might/will have a problem with NB (or
> anything else java related) finding the JDK/JRE.  AdoptOpenJDK DOES have a
> JRE/JVM in it.
> On Sun, Sep 22, 2019 at 11:14 AM Carl Burke  wrote:
> > I've got a brand new laptop, just installed AdoptOpenJDK 11 and Netbeans
> > 11.1, and Netbeans will not launch in Windows 10 (1809). I have run
> > previous versions of Netbeans on other Windows 10 systems, including with
> > AdoptOpenJDK, but those were with Java 8 and earlier releases of both
> > Netbeans and Windows 10.
> >
> > There were some issues getting the installer to run: since AdoptOpenJDK
> > does not bundle a JRE under the JDK, the JRE had to be moved and renamed
> > from it's separate installation so that the installer would find both the
> > JRE and the JDK. However, after that was done the installer appeared to
> > work fine.
> >
> > When I try to launch Netbeans 11 by clicking the desktop icon, nothing
> > visible happens. When I open a command shell and run .\netbeans64.exe
> from
> > the Netbeans bin directory, I get:
> > <<
> > Error occurred during initialization of boot layer
> > java.lang.module.FindException: Module jdk.jshell not found
> > >>
> > This happens whether I add --jdkhome "C:\Program
> > Files\AdoptOpenJDK\jdk-" to the command or not;
> > netbeans.conf has the uncommented correct value.
> >
> > Typing jshell in that directory opens JShell 11.0.4, for whatever that's
> > worth.
> >
> > There is no {user}\AppData\Roaming\Netbeans directory, so no log output
> to
> > be had, possibly because the IDE never gets that far.
> >
> > Any suggestions how I might run Netbeans in this version of Windows 10?
> Do
> > I need to fall back to Java 8 and an earlier Netbeans as well?
> >
> > --
> > Carl Burke
> >
> >
> > -
> > To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> > For additional commands, e-mail:
> >
> > For further information about the NetBeans mailing lists, visit:
> >
> >
> >

Re: Netbeans 11 won't launch in Windows 10

2019-09-22 Thread Chuck Davis

I just fired up an old Windows 10 box that I turn on every 3 to 4 months to
test my hypothesis.  Installed like a hot knife through butter.  The only
glitch might be you have to check @ installation of AdoptOpenJDK 13 to have
it modify the JAVA_HOME environment variable.  If you miss that (it should
be the default in my opinion) you might/will have a problem with NB (or
anything else java related) finding the JDK/JRE.  AdoptOpenJDK DOES have a
JRE/JVM in it.

On Sun, Sep 22, 2019 at 11:14 AM Carl Burke  wrote:

> I've got a brand new laptop, just installed AdoptOpenJDK 11 and Netbeans
> 11.1, and Netbeans will not launch in Windows 10 (1809). I have run
> previous versions of Netbeans on other Windows 10 systems, including with
> AdoptOpenJDK, but those were with Java 8 and earlier releases of both
> Netbeans and Windows 10.
> There were some issues getting the installer to run: since AdoptOpenJDK
> does not bundle a JRE under the JDK, the JRE had to be moved and renamed
> from it's separate installation so that the installer would find both the
> JRE and the JDK. However, after that was done the installer appeared to
> work fine.
> When I try to launch Netbeans 11 by clicking the desktop icon, nothing
> visible happens. When I open a command shell and run .\netbeans64.exe from
> the Netbeans bin directory, I get:
> <<
> Error occurred during initialization of boot layer
> java.lang.module.FindException: Module jdk.jshell not found
> >>
> This happens whether I add --jdkhome "C:\Program
> Files\AdoptOpenJDK\jdk-" to the command or not;
> netbeans.conf has the uncommented correct value.
> Typing jshell in that directory opens JShell 11.0.4, for whatever that's
> worth.
> There is no {user}\AppData\Roaming\Netbeans directory, so no log output to
> be had, possibly because the IDE never gets that far.
> Any suggestions how I might run Netbeans in this version of Windows 10? Do
> I need to fall back to Java 8 and an earlier Netbeans as well?
> --
> Carl Burke
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:
> For further information about the NetBeans mailing lists, visit:

Re: Netbeans 11 won't launch in Windows 10

2019-09-22 Thread Chuck Davis

Can this possibly be true?  I just visited the site and you must choose
which JVM you wish to install.  AdoptOpenJDK would not be used by anyone if
there is no JRE in it.  Sounds to me like your install is screwed-up.  Can
you upgrade to version JDK 13, reinstall NB 11.1 and see what happens?  I
don't work with Windows but I cannot conceive that AdoptOpenJDK would not
have a JRE to make it usable.

There were some issues getting the installer to run: since AdoptOpenJDK
> does not bundle a JRE under the JDK, the JRE had to be moved and renamed
> from it's separate installation so that the installer would find both the
> JRE and the JDK. However, after that was done the installer appeared to
> work fine.

Re: NB 10 does not reopen files on restart

2019-03-21 Thread Chuck Davis
NB should open what was open last time it closed normally.  If it
terminates unexpectedly it should still open what was open at the last
normal close.  If you close NB normally and it does not open correctly what
was open when you closed, it should be reported as a bug -- especially if
it is reproducible.

On Thu, Mar 21, 2019 at 1:45 PM Greenberg, Gary  wrote:

> Happened to me second time.
> My Windows machine restarted automatically due to installed system updates.
> When I restarted Netbeans, it did open projects I worked on, but over a
> dozen source files were not reopened.
> It used to open those files, although, in 8.2 a bug was introduced that
> opened not recent files, but files I worked with couple weeks prior.
> Now it doesn’t open anything.
> Is it a new feature or escalation of old bug?
> Gary Greenberg
> Staff Software Engineer
> Data Product Development, BI-A
> E:
> M: 650-269-7902
> [image: EmailSig-TaglineVersion]

Re: NPE when refactoring with NB 11

2019-03-11 Thread Chuck Davis
Out of curiosity:  did you install nb-javac in your 11 installation?  Also,
you might check the amount of memory available to NB.

I have no idea if these may impact your issue but I think installing
nb-javac has had an impact (positive impact) on some of my code.refactoring
vs. not installing it.
There was a discussion on the dev list recently about the impact of NB
memory constraints.  It has been changed for 11 but I'm not sure which
build dropped it.  You might also try the latest daily build and see if it
helps the issues you are observing.

On Mon, Mar 11, 2019 at 12:16 AM Thomas Kellerer  wrote:

> Hello,
> with NB 11 I consistently get a NPE when trying to do any refactoring
> (rename class, constant, enum) in my Maven based project.
> This happened already with v1 and vc2, but id does NOT happen with NB 10
> on the same code base.
> The error message asks me to attach the dump file from the var/log
> directory.
> However that dump file contains the full source code of the file which I
> can not make publicly available.
> Should I file an issue nevertheless or will it be closed as I can't
> provide the dump file?
> This is the stacktrace of the NPE:
> SEVERE [org.openide.util.Exceptions]
> An error occurred during parsing of '...'. Please report a bug against
> java/source and attach dump file ''.
> Caused: java.lang.NullPointerException
> at
> at
> at
> at$MethodType.accept(
> at
> at
> at
> at
> at
> at
> at
> at
> at
> at
> at
> at
> at
> at
> at
> at
> at
> at
> at
> at
> at
> at
> at
> at
> at
> at
> at
> at
> at
> at
> org.netbeans.modules.parsing.impl.TaskProcessor.callUserTask(
> at
> org.netbeans.modules.parsing.api.ParserManager$
> at
> org.netbeans.modules.parsing.api.ParserManager$
> at
> org.netbeans.modules.parsing.impl.TaskProcessor$
> at
> org.netbeans.modules.parsing.impl.TaskProcessor$
> at

Re: problem installing GUI Builder in netbeans9.0

2018-09-22 Thread Chuck Davis
As an alternative you might consider PDFBox.  I used iReport for a period
before it went private since at that time Java Print was unusable for
business reporting.  At that point I looked for alternatives and landed
with PDFBox.  Maybe it will work and maybe not.  It is, however, an Apache
project and further, I would like to see the day it is closely integrated
with NB -- along with ODFToolkit and James.  Then we would be getting very
close to having the kind of desktop development environment MS offers.

Be aware that there has been talk on the dev list for ODFToolkit about
retiring it due to lack of interest.  But when that discussion came about
there was response that it would be premature because one of the developers
has been doing work which may be on the cusp of generating significant
corporate/government interest and would inject a boatload of new interest
in the project.  If that happens it would make exporting data from Java/NB
to spreadsheets/documents/graphs very easy -- like all the windows based
desktop apps currently export to excel & word.

Just some food for thought.  I use both projects.

On Sat, Sep 22, 2018 at 1:36 AM Sabintxo  wrote:

> Hi Geertjan,
> My target is to install ireport designer from jasper reports. But i have
> this error installing plugin:
> Thank you

Re: JavaFX for NetBeans GUI

2018-08-21 Thread Chuck Davis
And I'm with you.  I cannot feature the day I'll waste money on a Microsoft
product or Apple product.

And any IT manager who puts critical business data into a public cloud
should be fired on the spot.  A private cloud, ok.  But public cloud,
never!  Cloud is fine for sharing pictures and documents but it is no place
for critical business data.

On Tue, Aug 21, 2018 at 10:05 AM Leo Donahue  wrote:

> I probably shouldn't have replied, but..
> >> ... force customers to a browser interface
> For Windows users, this is where you are headed -
> In a few years when you go buy a new Windows PC, what will it have spec
> wise?  Probably very little, just enough to get you to the cloud.
> You probably won't even be able to buy the PC device.  Instead you'll
> probably rent it for two years like your cell phone - paying off that last
> dollar will take you two years, then you'll be eligible for an upgrade.
> You're locked into the platform and the device.  The spice must flow.
> I'm thankful I still have the choice of an open OS.  Thank you Linux,
> thank you GTK, thank you Java/Swing, thank you open source.  Thank you
> every other Apache project I can run on Linux.
> On Mon, Aug 20, 2018 at 3:09 PM, Chuck Davis  wrote:
>> Microsoft will continue laughing all the way to the bank as long as they
>> can keep the Java crowd believing their desktop monopoly is just a niche
>> market.  In the US small businesses are the largest employer segment and we
>> live on a desktop.  More and more of them with larger and larger screens.
>> Of course, we also use browsers for web access and cell phones to talk with
>> each other.  But we get our work done with a desktop client/server
>> application for the most part; and no, we don't want to have to try to get
>> anything done with something as crude as a browser interface.  That should
>> be more than apparent from the recent rash of class action lawsuits that
>> have been filed against Oracle's attempt to force customers to a browser
>> interface.  We simply don't want it in small businesses.  Long live the
>> niche!!
>> On Mon, Aug 20, 2018 at 12:56 PM Eirik Bakke  wrote:
>>> Both Swing and JavaFX are niche technologies, and I'd question the value
>>> of porting a large existing application from one to another.

Re: JavaFX for NetBeans GUI

2018-08-21 Thread Chuck Davis
And it's not going to become common in the consumer market if it keeps
being threatened with abandonment, discontinuance, etc.  Perhaps becoming
open source will give people confidence it will be around for a while.
Unfortunately, integration with other MS desktop offerings holds a powerful
influence over the desktop which, itself, is NOT a niche market.

Getting developers on the same page is kind of like herding cats.  But
imagine, if you will, what could happen if NB was integrated with
ODFToolkit, PDFBox, James and other Apache products to produce something
with Java that could compete with MS for the desktop niche (actually,
monopoly) -- one install that provides a development environment, an office
suite, mail and calendar, etc. based on open protocols (including API).  We
can cobble it all together presently but OEMs like (need) a single
install.  And do not fail to understand it is the ability to integrate with
desktop apps (like Office, Outlook, etc.) that makes a Windows desktop (and
marketshare) compelling for software houses.  I enjoy it all on Linux but
most people are not motivated enough to cobble it all together so Windows
is the default because MS has cobbled it all together for them and provided
an API to integrate everything -- otherwise referred to as "vendor lock-in".

On Tue, Aug 21, 2018 at 7:12 AM Geertjan Wielenga

> The Java desktop, again, is not so common for the consumer marker, but all
> the more so for large back office systems.
> Gj

Re: JavaFX for NetBeans GUI

2018-08-21 Thread Chuck Davis
Microsoft doesn't create the desktop apps.  They created a rich environment
for businesses to create the apps.  Can you say Intuit (their on-line
version is not a big hit from what I've heard)?  Nearly all accounting
packages are built for Windows only.  Nearly everything used in businesses
is built for Windows only.  I work currently in agriculture.  Our packing
houses (and Ag is a huge industry) are run by software only available on
Windows desktops -- certainly not browsers.

Small businesses are not flocking to browser interfaces to get their real
work done.

If one looks only at Microsoft apps (and there are currently good
alternatives to those) he misses the big picture.  It's the rich
development environment they have provided that allows businesses to create
the apps we need to run our businesses -- unfortunately on Windows only.
Java is the only viable alternative.

I don't belong to the crowd who thinks Swing has been a failure.  It's been
wonderful in my experience (thanks in large part to NB).  But I've become
quite taken with FX as well (developed nicely with NB) -- for me it's been
a great journey to become proficient with it.  It's still got serious warts
I hope get fixed soon but it's a great start.  If FX falters I'll revert to
Swing in a heartbeat.  Desktop development, in my opinion, doesn't get any
better than Java.  Combine a Java desktop app with a good server, EJB, JDBC
and a good datastore -- good business environment.

What mobile has done is teach people that for a good user experience you
need to download an app -- not a browser.

On Tue, Aug 21, 2018 at 1:29 AM Emilian Bold 

> What new desktop apps did Microsoft release in the past years?
> They have a monopoly on office productivity apps (Word / Excel) but what
> other desktop software products are these 'small businesses' buying?
> Small businesses may be the biggest employer but they are not the biggest
> software (desktop) developer employers.
> The data just doesn't show this: where are the successful products, the
> companies catering to small business, the jobs?
> --emi

Re: JavaFX for NetBeans GUI

2018-08-20 Thread Chuck Davis
Microsoft will continue laughing all the way to the bank as long as they
can keep the Java crowd believing their desktop monopoly is just a niche
market.  In the US small businesses are the largest employer segment and we
live on a desktop.  More and more of them with larger and larger screens.
Of course, we also use browsers for web access and cell phones to talk with
each other.  But we get our work done with a desktop client/server
application for the most part; and no, we don't want to have to try to get
anything done with something as crude as a browser interface.  That should
be more than apparent from the recent rash of class action lawsuits that
have been filed against Oracle's attempt to force customers to a browser
interface.  We simply don't want it in small businesses.  Long live the

On Mon, Aug 20, 2018 at 12:56 PM Eirik Bakke  wrote:

> Both Swing and JavaFX are niche technologies, and I'd question the value
> of porting a large existing application from one to another.

Re: Compiling issue

2018-07-17 Thread Chuck Davis
As I recall, JavaHelp is not included in Apache NB.  The developers
are considering possible alternatives if I remember correctly since
JavaHelp cannot be relicensed to the Apache license.

On Tue, Jul 17, 2018 at 7:01 AM, Marco Rossi  wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> at last I found some time to spend trying the Netbeans VC 3 with my project 
> but I've got this compiling issue :-/
> An annotation processor threw an uncaught exception.
> Consult the following stack trace for details.
> java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/sun/java/help/search/Indexer
> at 
> org.netbeans.modules.javahelp.HelpSetRegistrationProcessor.handleProcess(
> ...
> Netbeans VC 3 in my MacBookPro with macOS 10.13.5 and JDK 10.0.1 64 bit. 
> Before now I didn’t try to compile my application project on something more 
> updated then Netbeans 8.2 and JDK 1.8.144
> What am I wrong?
> -
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Re: [GUI Editor]

2018-04-17 Thread Chuck Davis
Tools->Options->Java->GUI Builder   Check the box "Show Assistant".  I
think this is that for which you are looking.

On Tue, Apr 17, 2018 at 5:55 PM, Joseph Huber  wrote:

> Hello!
> In the NetBeans GUI editor, when on the “Design” tab, there is normally a
> help bar (with a light bulb icon on the left side and an “X” on the right
> side) above the form being edited.  Somehow I clicked the “X” or somehow
> did something else to remove the help bar.
> I cannot seem to find a setting to re-enable the help bar.  I have done
> the toolbar reset, and the window reset, but this did not bring the help
> bar back.  Does anyone know how to get this help bar back?  I am using
> NetBeans 8.2
> Thank You!
> Joe Huber

Re: Apache NetBeans needs you...

2018-03-07 Thread Chuck Davis
I'm currently in Seattle working on a contract accounting project but when
I get home Friday I'll join NetCAT.  Any particular area of need?  I'll be
using Linux.

On Wed, Mar 7, 2018 at 12:41 PM, Geertjan Wielenga <> wrote:

> Excellent. Click the link st the start of ths thread and join the NetCAT
> program.
> I’ve now heard from several people who’re concerned they’re not skilled
> enough to participate in NetCAT. Please put that concern aside. You’ll join
> a NetCAT tribe, based on your feature of choice in NetBeans, and the tribe
> leader will guide you through the process. It’s really not rocket science
> and you’ll be surprised how useful your feedback will be.

Re: Apache NetBeans needs you...

2018-03-07 Thread Chuck Davis
Being recently retired  I have some time on my hands.

I am not an expert at anything but if somebody wants to hold my hand and
tell me what to do -- I'll try.

I've used the GUI builder substantially in the past but have moved on to FX
for my apps.  I need to learn how Maven works -- it's a big mystery.

I'm willing to work anywhere something is needed.  I am willing to do all
the sign-ups if there is something somebody would like me to do.

I've been a freeloader for a lot of years.  If I can give back that would
be awesome.

On Wed, Mar 7, 2018 at 12:32 AM, Geertjan Wielenga <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> We're starting the final stage before the official first release of Apache
> NetBeans.
> Now is the time to get involved. Now is the time to test features and
> raise issues -- not afterwards, when it is too late, but now.

Re: Please tell me where to go

2018-01-10 Thread Chuck Davis
That is quite strange.  I've never seen Oracle jdk installed there.

In my case Oracle jdk always installs itself to /usr/java/  for example:


Looks like maybe you got something from the Ubuntu repositories that claims
to be Oracle java?

I'd suggest going to Oracle and getting the jdk.  Perhaps some of the
experts here will recognize Oracle installs differently on Ubuntu than it
does on an rpm based system???

On Wed, Jan 10, 2018 at 12:50 PM, Wyckham Seelig  wrote:

> At Chuck Davis's request, I am forwarding this email to the users list.
> Also, at his suggestion, I have installed java 8 oracle, and have reset my
> netbeans_jdkhome to
> /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle.
> This change made no difference in the availability of local variables in
> my variable window.
> Wyckham