RE: Are Generic Link Relations Always a Good Idea? [was: Feed History -04]

2005-10-24 Thread Byrne Reese

   As I said before, if the WG can reach consensus, I'm happy 
 with any old term. I hadn't seen Mark's proposal till a few 
 days ago, and a mention in an does not,  in my 
 opinion, a spec-in-stone make.  
 My only pushback on next is that to me, it seems counterintuititive
 -- same as your pushback on prev. *shrug*
 The SixApart people have publicly pointed to FH, so I don't 
 think they're particularly fussed about any particular 
 approach other (not to put words in their mouth). I wasn't 
 able to find a TP feed that uses rel=next; do you have a 
 link to one?

I have been holding back until I found the right message to reply to. I
think I found it.

As it turns out Six Apart's Japanese office recently released something
we call TypePad Mobile and TypeCast. Both products are geared at the
same problem: making blogs accessible to mobile devices. TypeCast is
about making an Atom powered blogging application, whereas TypePad
Mobile's purpose is to make all published blogs completely accessible
via Atom. It may be the most comprehensive Atom implementation of its
kind, but that is a bold statement to make.

(FYI: Tatsuhiko Miyagawa was the lead engineer behind the project.)

In TypePad Mobile, Tatsuhiko implemented a rel=next and rel=prev in
order to facilitate the following problem:

* in browsing a blog on a phone, one can only realistically afford to
read 1-3 entries at a time. The implementation addresses the need to:
** veiwing the first n posts on the front door, and then paging through
entries that go back in time
** viewing category archives (1 or 2 entries at a time)
** viewing daily/weekly/monthly/yearly archives (1 or 2 entries at a
** eventually to view tag archives, most popular archives, etc
* next and prev were also used both in the context of the application:
** show me a list of entries I can edit
** show me a list of the most recent comments
** etc.

So there is a real live use case.

As for me, I am rarely one to get myself involved in a namenclature
debate. More often than not, IMHO, they just go in cicles. Plus once you
get involved, it is hard to extricate yourself from the debate. So for
*me*, I don't really care what the link relations are labeled provided
that their usage is well defined, and that there is concenseus around
their intended usage.

I have come around to favor: next|prev|first|last|(current or subscribe)
because it is similar to (if not identical with) what we have alread
implemented in our APP implementatin and in Japan. But also it is
sufficiently specific and sufficiently open ended to give me (the
implementer) a very reasonable set of ways to apply the principal.

Byrne Reese

Re: Are Generic Link Relations Always a Good Idea? [was: Feed History -04]

2005-10-19 Thread Robert Sayre

On 10/17/05, Mark Nottingham [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 It's a matter of personal preference as to whether one likes 'prev'
 or 'next';
 My concern is that if there is more than one use of a link relation
 like 'next' or 'prev', those uses could conflict.
 This is why I'm leaning towards prev-archive.

OK. 'prev-archive' is fine. Let's throw it against the wall see if it
sticks. No amount of atom-syntax traffic is going to resolve this.
We'll see if it turns out to be useful.

Robert Sayre

Re: New Link Relations? [was: Feed History -04]

2005-10-18 Thread Eric Scheid

On 18/10/05 3:32 PM, Mark Nottingham [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Such agents should also take care to detect circular
 references between feeds when following them.

s/between feeds when/between feed documents/

otherwise +1


Re: Are Generic Link Relations Always a Good Idea? [was: Feed History -04]

2005-10-18 Thread Thomas Broyer

Antone Roundy  wrote:
 If the complete set represents all the entries ever published
 through an ever-changing feed document (what a feed currently is,
 you subscribe with an URI and the document you get when
 dereferencing the URI changes as a sliding-window upon a set of
 entries), then paging allows for feed state reconstruction.
 In other terms, feed state reconstruction is a facet of paging, an
 application to non-incremental feeds.

 Let's say you're doing a feed for the Billboard top 100 songs.  Each
 week, the entire contents of the feed are swapped out and replaced by
 a new top 100 (ie. it is a non-incremental feed).  And let's say you
 don't want to put all 100 in the same document, but you want to break
 it up into 4 documents with 25 entries each.  You now have two
 potential axes that people might want to traverse--from songs 1-25 to
 26-50 to 51-75 to 76-100, or from this weeks 1-25 to last weeks 1-25
 to two weeks ago's 1-25, etc.  You can't link in both directions with
 the same next.

 There are clearly two distinct concepts here--navigating through the
 chunks that make up the current state of the feed resource, and in a
 non-incremental feed, navigating though the historical states of the
 feed resource.

Yes, and navigating through the historical states of the feed resource is
not paging, it's more like having access to archives.

I was thinking about proposing yet another link relation archives: in
the general use case, it would reference another feed document where each
entry describes an archive:

Top 100 feed:
feed xmlns...
titleOctober 2005 Top 100/title
!-- this links to the next chunk of the non-incremental feed --
link rel=next type=application/atom+xml
  href=26-50.atom title=26 to 50 entries /
!-- this links to a list of archives --
link rel=archives type=application/atom+xml
  href=../archives.atom title=Top 100 archives /

Archive feed:
feed xmlns...
fh:incremental xmlns...yes/fh:incremental
!-- this links to the next chunk of the archive feed --
link rel=next type=application/atom+xml
  href=archives2.atom /
titleSeptember 2005 Top 100/title
content type=application/atom+xml src=2005/09/1-25.atom /
titleAugust 2005 Top 100/title
content type=application/atom+xml src=2005/08/1-25.atom /

September 2005 Top 100 feed:
feed xmlns...
titleSeptember 2005 Top 100/title
!-- this links to the next chunk of the non-incremental feed --
link rel=next type=application/atom+xml
  href=26-50.atom title=26 to 50 entries /
!-- this links to a list of archives --
link rel=archives type=application/atom+xml
  href=../archives.atom title=Top 100 archives /

Thomas Broyer

Re: Are Generic Link Relations Always a Good Idea? [was: Feed History -04]

2005-10-18 Thread Eric Scheid

On 18/10/05 6:14 PM, Thomas Broyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Yes, and navigating through the historical states of the feed resource is
 not paging, it's more like having access to archives.
 I was thinking about proposing yet another link relation archives: in
 the general use case, it would reference another feed document where each
 entry describes an archive:

The word 'archives' is too general though. May I suggest @rel=history

Otherwise, +1


Re: Are Generic Link Relations Always a Good Idea? [was: Feed History -04]

2005-10-18 Thread Eric Scheid

On 18/10/05 5:51 PM, Thomas Broyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 How can there be more than one paging semantic applied to a single feed?

 If a feed (not feed document) is a set of entries (sorted by whatever
 metadata: updated, priority, relevance, etc.) and you publish chunks as
 many feed documents, paging is navigation from one to the other, following
 the sort order.

... and the subset of entries which are on page 1 sorted by one axis would
be very unlikely to be on page 1 when sorted by some other axis.


 If you want to provide the exact same entries sorted (thus paged)
 differently, then that's another feed.

unless of course each feed document contains only one entry each ;-)


Re: New Link Relations? [was: Feed History -04]

2005-10-18 Thread Robert Sayre

On 10/18/05, Mark Nottingham [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Requiring a separate element to always be present is a non-starter;
 what is the point of a reusable link relation if you have to use it
 with another element to contextualise it? I'm really stretching to
 see any benefit from this approach.

 prev-archive (or maybe prev-entries?) is starting to look better, as
 is fh:prev/.

Hogwash. Do not reinvent the AtomAPI. Posting on atom-syntax and then
claiming your way is the right way after all because people are
arguing and some folks are saying silly things... why did you bother?

Robert Sayre

Re: Are Generic Link Relations Always a Good Idea? [was: Feed History -04]

2005-10-18 Thread James M Snell

Thomas Broyer wrote:

Mark Nottingham  wrote:

They seem similar. But, what if you want to have more than one paging
semantic applied to a single feed, and those uses of paging don't
align? I.e., there's contention for prev/next?

How can there be more than one paging semantic applied to a single feed?

If a feed (not feed document) is a set of entries (sorted by whatever
metadata: updated, priority, relevance, etc.) and you publish chunks as
many feed documents, paging is navigation from one to the other, following
the sort order.

If you want to provide the exact same entries sorted (thus paged)
differently, then that's another feed.



Re: Feed History -04

2005-10-18 Thread Henry Story

My laptop broke down so I am having touble following all of this thread, 
but I agree that next, prev, ...  should just suggest a linked list.

There should then be special links for hist-prev, hist-next, ... that
are in rdf terms sub-properties of prev, next, etc... On the atom-owl 
mailing list we are working on a very faithful onotology to the 
atom-syntax, that would allow this sub-property relation to be clearly 
stated. This keeps everything very nicely open, allowing many specialised

semantics of the next, prev, style to be created.


   On Mon, 17 Oct 2005, James M Snell wrote:

Date: Mon, 17 Oct 2005 12:31:38 -0700
From: James M Snell [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Robert Sayre [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: Byrne Reese [EMAIL PROTECTED],
Atom Syntax
Subject: Re: Feed History -04

Robert Sayre wrote:

On 10/17/05, Byrne Reese [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

next and previous are as James points out, orthogonal to ordering.
The debate as to whether the next set goes backwards or forwards in time
is not about the use of the terms next and previous, it is about the
default sort order of a result set.

Fully agree. Let's use what MarkP wrote down over a year ago, and stop
debating the nature of adjacency and ordering as it relates time and
archives. Are there any technical problems with the elements in this

;-) Woo hoo! Robert and I agree on something ;-)

Debating how the entries are organized is fruitless.  The Atom spec already 
states that the order of elements in the feed has no significance; trying to 
get an extension to retrofit order-significance into the feed is going to 
fail... just as I discovered with my Feed Index extension proposal.

* Next/Prev/Start/Subscribe defines a linked list of feed documents and/or 
entry documents and says absolutely nothing about the ordering of the 
* Next/Prev/Start/Subscribe should be defined in their own specification that 
is not bound to Feed History
* Feed History (if MarkN wishes it so) should normatively reference the 
Next/Prev/Start/Subscribe extension spec

I do believe that a last link relation would be helpful for completeness 
and I do believe the use cases are there (e.g. search results, etc) but I am 
ok with dropping that for now as it can easily be defined later once the use 
cases do become more prominent. 
Over the next week I'll see if I can draft up the spec.  I'll use what MarkP 
put together as the basis for what I write up and submit.

- James

RE: Feed History -04

2005-10-17 Thread Lindsley Brett-ABL001

I would like to toss out another thought - since the updated time of a
feed is required, maybe it can be used to help determine the feed
For example, if following a next link (or pick your favorite term), if
the updated time gets older, then the client can understand these
entries are from an earlier time. If when following the next link the
updated time stays the same, then the client can assume this is just
more of the same collection from the previous point in time (unordered
collection). Just a thought...

Brett Lindsley, Motorola Labs.

Re: Feed History -04

2005-10-17 Thread Eric Scheid

On 17/10/05 9:30 PM, Lindsley Brett-ABL001 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I would like to toss out another thought - since the updated time of a
 feed is required, maybe it can be used to help determine the feed
 For example, if following a next link (or pick your favorite term), if
 the updated time gets older, then the client can understand these
 entries are from an earlier time. If when following the next link the
 updated time stays the same, then the client can assume this is just
 more of the same collection from the previous point in time (unordered
 collection). Just a thought...

Won't work -- older date-paged archives may have an entry updated anytime in
the future, and thus not only does that entry get a more recent atom:updated
than any entries intervening then and now, but the feed itself will also get
a more recent atom:updated.


Re: Feed History -04

2005-10-17 Thread James Holderness

Eric Scheid wrote:

I'd prefer that our use of 'prev' and 'next' be consistent with other uses
elsewhere, where 'next' traverses from the current position to the one 

*follows*, whether in time or logical order. Consider the use of
'first/next/prev/last' with chapters or sections rendered in HTML.

I'm still not exactly sure which of the two options you're in favour of. 
This is the reason why the point is being debated - it's not immediately 
obvious which way is most consistent with usage elsewhere. Nottingham or 

2. Are next and prev both needed in the spec if we only require one of 

to reconstruct the full history?

Knowing that the most recently published archive won't likely remain the
most recently published archive, there will be use cases where it's better
to reconstruct the full history by starting at the one end which is fixed.
Not much sense starting at the other end which is constandly shifting.

The way I understand it, both sides are fixed as soon as there is at least 
one archive. At the one end you have the oldest archive. At the other end 
you have the current syndication document (to which the end-user would 
subscribe). Both URIs are fixed. The most recent archive will keep changing 
over time, but that is the second item in the list (or second last, 
depending on which direction you prefer to travel).

5. Is the issue of whether a feed is incremental or not (the 

element) relevant to this proposal?

non-incremental feeds wouldn't be paged, by definition, would they?

This has been debated. There have been those who have expressed an interest 
in having next and prev links traverse an archive of old non-incremental 
feeds. Say you have a feed with the top 10 books for this month. The next 
link (or prev link, depending on your preference) would point to the archive 
document with the top 10 books from last month.

Personally I think that is an issue that should be argued and subsequently 
specified in a separate proposal on the use of non-incremental feeds. Just 
make sure the history spec is open enough to allow for either possibility 
once it is decided.


Re: Feed History -04

2005-10-17 Thread Mark Nottingham

On 17/10/2005, at 1:20 AM, Eric Scheid wrote:

I'd prefer that our use of 'prev' and 'next' be consistent with  
other uses
elsewhere, where 'next' traverses from the current position to the  
one that

*follows*, whether in time or logical order. Consider the use of
'first/next/prev/last' with chapters or sections rendered in HTML.

I'm starting to think that the way to fix this is to make it more  
specific, so that it doesn't get conflated with other uses; e.g.,  

Mark Nottingham

Re: Feed History -04

2005-10-17 Thread Eric Scheid

On 18/10/05 12:43 AM, James Holderness [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Eric Scheid wrote:
 I'd prefer that our use of 'prev' and 'next' be consistent with other uses
 elsewhere, where 'next' traverses from the current position to the one that
 *follows*, whether in time or logical order. Consider the use of
 'first/next/prev/last' with chapters or sections rendered in HTML.
 I'm still not exactly sure which of the two options you're in favour of. This
 is the reason why the point is being debated - it's not immediately obvious
 which way is most consistent with usage elsewhere. Nottingham or Pilgrim?

hmmm ... I did say Consider the use of 'first/next/prev/last' with chapters
or sections rendered in HTML... Chapter #1 comes first, followed by chapter
#2, and you go from chapter #1 through to chapter #nnn via 'next'.

Think too of Pepys' Diary. What would you consider the 'first' entry? Would
the 'first' entry be 1st January 1660, or would it be 16th October 1662?
Note well though that sometime tomorrow the latter point would be neither
'first' or 'last' because there would be a new entry for the 17th October
1662 (and yet another one the day after).

 2. Are next and prev both needed in the spec if we only require one of them
 to reconstruct the full history?
 Knowing that the most recently published archive won't likely remain the most
 recently published archive, there will be use cases where it's better to
 reconstruct the full history by starting at the one end which is fixed. Not
 much sense starting at the other end which is constandly shifting.
 The way I understand it, both sides are fixed as soon as there is at least one
 archive. At the one end you have the oldest archive. At the other end you have
 the current syndication document (to which the end-user would subscribe). Both
 URIs are fixed. 

What I mean by fixed is that it doesn't move or change as the set grows.
Adding one onto the end and resetting where 'last' points to means that
'last' is *not* fixed.

What you mean is that as soon as there is at least one archive then both
ends are *established*. One end is fixed, and the other will grow.

 5. Is the issue of whether a feed is incremental or not (the fh:incremental
 element) relevant to this proposal?
 non-incremental feeds wouldn't be paged, by definition, would they?
 This has been debated. There have been those who have expressed an interest in
 having next and prev links traverse an archive of old non-incremental feeds.
 Say you have a feed with the top 10 books for this month. The next link (or
 prev link, depending on your preference) would point to the archive document
 with the top 10 books from last month.

That makes sense.

 Personally I think that is an issue that should be argued and subsequently
 specified in a separate proposal on the use of non-incremental feeds. Just
 make sure the history spec is open enough to allow for either possibility once
 it is decided.

I agree. So .. the issue of (not-)incremental is orthogonal to feed history


Re: Feed History -04

2005-10-17 Thread Antone Roundy

On Oct 17, 2005, at 2:20 AM, Eric Scheid wrote:

On 17/10/05 5:09 PM, James Holderness [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
1. Which relationship,  next or prev, is used to specify a link  
backwards in
time to an older archive. Mark Nottingham's Feed History proposal  
used prev.

Mark Pilgrim's article used next.
I'd prefer that our use of 'prev' and 'next' be consistent with  
other uses
elsewhere, where 'next' traverses from the current position to the  
one that

*follows*, whether in time or logical order. Consider the use of
'first/next/prev/last' with chapters or sections rendered in HTML. do you follow forward through time or backward?  Is the  
starting current position now or the the beginning of time?   
Especially if we're talking about history, following backward makes  
as much sense as following forward.

I prefer next to go back in time (if temporally ordered--from the  
most current chunk to the next most current chunk) or to less  
significant pages (in things like search results).  But I'll probably  
have to stop and think what next means in temporally ordered feeds  
from time to time since it'd be the reverse of temporal order.

2. Are next and prev both needed in the spec if we only require  
one of them

to reconstruct the full history?
Knowing that the most recently published archive won't likely  
remain the
most recently published archive, there will be use cases where it's  
to reconstruct the full history by starting at the one end which is  

Not much sense starting at the other end which is constandly shifting.
Is this only going to be used to reconstruct full history?  What  
about just reconstructing the last 3 months (in which case you'd want  
a link from closer to the live end to close to the fixed end), or  
reading from the beginning before deciding whether to continue  
reading what comes later (in which case you'd want a link from closer  
to the fixed end to closer to the live end).

3. Are the first/last relationships needed?
See (2) above for 'first'. Meanwhile 'last' could be followed by a  
user to
jump ahead to the end of the set of archives to see if the butler  
did it.

Who said 'first/next/prev/last' would only be used by machines?
As mentioned above, there may be cases where you'd prefer to start at  
either the fixed or live end, so as long as complete feed  
reconstruction isn't the only goal, I'd say yes.

But what's first?  It'd be the top results in a search feed, but  
would it be the start of time or the start from the present (before  
possibly traveling backward through time) in a temporally ordered  
feed?  Making it the start of time would prevent it from matching up  
well with how significance ordered feeds match up (ie. does start  
point to the thing you'd most likely want to see if you subscribed to  
the feed?)  If we're not careful, we'll be traversing out of first  
through prev and last through next!

4. Is the order of the entries in a feed relevant to this proposal?

not to this proposal.
If you mean not just the order within each chunk of the feed, but the  
order of the chunks, then not central, but certainly related.  Two  
cases come to mind:

1) A chain of temporally ordered chunks in the history of a feed  
where new entries are tacked onto the end.
2) Search results, where the order of everything all along the entire  
chain shifts around all the time.

If you're not going to reconstruct the whole thing, then your  
decision function for when to stop may have to be different depending  
on how things are ordered.

BTW, case 2 destroys the idea of a fixed end and a live end.

Having a means to indicate what the ordering is might make it easier  
to make the distinction between next and prev more intuitive.   
I'm not sure how else we're going to reconcile terminology for  
significance and temporally ordered feeds.

5. Is the issue of whether a feed is incremental or not (the  

element) relevant to this proposal?

non-incremental feeds wouldn't be paged, by definition, would they?
This week's top ten on the first page, last week's ten on the second  

Since this proposal is defining a paging mechanism, I think that what  
each page represents is relevant.  Is it an earlier part of the feed  
or an earlier state of the feed?

6. What to name the link relation that points to the active feed  

subscribe, subscription, self, something else?

I just noticed something about the definition of self in the format  
spec.  In one place it says:

   o  atom:feed elements SHOULD contain one atom:link element with a  

  attribute value of self.  This is the preferred URI for
  retrieving Atom Feed Documents representing this Atom feed.

Does that mean that it's the preferred optionsubscription/option  
URI, or the preferred place to retrieve optionthis chunk/option  
of the feed history?  The format spec didn't define paging, so it  

Re: Feed History -04

2005-10-17 Thread Antone Roundy

On Oct 17, 2005, at 10:04 AM, Antone Roundy wrote:

4. Is the order of the entries in a feed relevant to this proposal?

1) A chain of temporally ordered chunks in the history of a feed  
where new entries are tacked onto the end.
2) Search results, where the order of everything all along the  
entire chain shifts around all the time.

If you're not going to reconstruct the whole thing, then your  
decision function for when to stop may have to be different  
depending on how things are ordered.

BTW, case 2 destroys the idea of a fixed end and a live end.

Having a means to indicate what the ordering is might make it  
easier to make the distinction between next and prev more  
intuitive.  I'm not sure how else we're going to reconcile  
terminology for significance and temporally ordered feeds.

Okay, I've got another idea--switch to totally generic terminology, a  

end-a: the URI of most significant, most current,  
prerequisite[1], etc. end of a sequence of documents, or a randomly  
selected end if there is no order.
end-b: the URI of the least significant, least current,  
or ...uh, postrequisite? end of a sequence of documents or  
otherwise the opposite end from end-a.
a-ward: the URI of the document next closest to end-a in the  
b-ward: the URI of the document next closest to end-b in the  

If you have neither end-a nor end-b, then you should use b-ward  
to traverse out of the subscription document (ie. the subscription  
document in that case is assumed to be end-a).

[1] if the sequence should be read first to last, for example, if  
it's a novel broken down into entries, end-a points to the place  
from which one should start.  Which end is end-a and which is end- 
b is somewhat subjective. For example, in a temporally ordered feed,  
is it most important to read what's most current, or to understand  
the origins of the present first before reading what's most current?

One more thing occurs to me--if this extension is going to be used to  
handle things like paging in search results, then it's not really  
feed history, it's paging.

Re: Feed History -04

2005-10-17 Thread Eric Scheid

On 18/10/05 2:04 AM, Antone Roundy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'd prefer that our use of 'prev' and 'next' be consistent with  other uses
 elsewhere, where 'next' traverses from the current position to the  one that
 *follows*, whether in time or logical order. Consider the use of
 'first/next/prev/last' with chapters or sections rendered in HTML. do you follow forward through time or backward?  Is the  starting
 current position now or the the beginning of time?   Especially if we're
 talking about history, following backward makes  as much sense as following

You can start wherever you want, but the @rel='first' archive is the
archive which contains the first entry that ever existed. Why would the
@rel='first' archive contain the last entry created, that makes no sense.

If you want to go backwards in time, then the next archive would be found
by following the @rel='prev' link .. because you are going backwards!

 I prefer next to go back in time (if temporally ordered--from the  most
 current chunk to the next most current chunk) or to less  significant pages
 (in things like search results).  But I'll probably  have to stop and think
 what next means in temporally ordered feeds  from time to time since it'd be
 the reverse of temporal order.

You're also likely to get confused when comparing Atom archives against
their HTML versions ... because in the HTML world the '@rel=first' page is
conventionally the oldest page, and the @rel='next' page traverses forward
in time.

 But what's first?  It'd be the top results in a search feed, but
 would it be the start of time or the start from the present (before
 possibly travelling backward through time) in a temporally ordered
 feed?  Making it the start of time would prevent it from matching up
 well with how significance ordered feeds match up (ie. does start
 point to the thing you'd most likely want to see if you subscribed to
 the feed?)  If we're not careful, we'll be traversing out of first
 through prev and last through next!

Ask yourself these questions: which is the first message in this thread,
and if you wanted to understand the thread would you start there, or at the
most recent entry in this thread and read backwards. Remember that by the
time you've read back to the initial posting there would likely now be even
more entries into this thread, so where would you then read them from ...
where you started and going forward in time, or would you jump to the most
recent and then read backwards until you hit a message you already read?

So, would you read the messages in this order:






I know which way I'd prefer to read stuff.


Re: Feed History -04

2005-10-17 Thread Eric Scheid

On 18/10/05 2:04 AM, Antone Roundy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Can self be polymorphic--the subscription URI in the live end of a
 feed, and this chunk in a historical chunk?  Can an extension speak
 authoritatively about the meaning of something from the core spec?

If it were so, and you were looking at an historical chunk, you would still
need some link to where you might subscribe to that feed.

So, if polymorphic, you'd have in the current living chunk a link of 'self'
to subscribe to, but in a historical chunk you'd need to ignore the 'self'
link and follow the 'subscribe' link instead.

If not polymorphic, in the current living chunk you'd have a 'subscribe'
link, and in a historical chunk you'd have a 'subscribe' link. They would
both mean the same thing, and have the same value. In the historical chunk
the 'self' link would be different from the 'subscribe' link (pointing at
the historical chunk, of course), but in the current living chunk they could
very well have the same value ... or not...

The or not case is best exemplified by the feed links. If you
want to subscribe to Nature Medicine, you'd use this URI ...

... but if you were to attempt to retrieve that URI today you would find
yourself redirected to ...

... where, if were atom, you might find a 'self' link pointing to that
second URI, not the first.

The feeds are, btw, a rather good real-life example of
non-incremental feeds.


Re: Feed History -04

2005-10-17 Thread Eric Scheid

On 18/10/05 2:04 AM, Antone Roundy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 2) Search results, where the order of everything all along the entire
 chain shifts around all the time.
 BTW, case 2 destroys the idea of a fixed end and a live end.

Case 2 would be a closed set, generally speaking.

geeking Technically, they wouldn't necessarily be closed sets. Tim Bray,
search god that he is, has explained in some blog post somewhere that the
smart thing to do is simply find the first hundred or so results, sort them,
and only when the user asks for more pages to bother going off and finding
more results to add to the collection. It's complicated, I think I
understood it for all of 10 seconds after I finished reading it, and it only
really applies to searching massive collections ... searches in more finite
collections would be, could be, completely closed sets. /geeking


Re: Feed History -04

2005-10-17 Thread James Holderness

Eric Scheid wrote:

Ask yourself these questions: which is the first message in this thread,
and if you wanted to understand the thread would you start there, or at 

most recent entry in this thread and read backwards. Remember that by the
time you've read back to the initial posting there would likely now be 

more entries into this thread, so where would you then read them from ...
where you started and going forward in time, or would you jump to the most
recent and then read backwards until you hit a message you already read?

This makes perfect sense if you're a human reading messages, but now try and 
understand it from the point of view of a computer program (an Atom 
processor). The computer doesn't care which messages came first. It's not 
going to try and read the messages and make sense of them. It just wants to 
retrieve all the documents in the most efficient way possible.

First off is has to start with the most recent document since that's what 
the user is going to subscribe to. From there, the most sensible thing to do 
would be to keep following links back in time to older and older archives 
until it has retrieved all of them or (if this is a feed that has been 
downloaded before) until it reaches an archive that it has previously 

While it's theoretically possible to obtain a link from the subscription 
document back to the oldest archive and then make your way forward in time 
that wouldn't be very efficient when you've most likely already retrieved 
all of those old archives.

From an aggregator's point of view, you really don't have that much choice - 
going backwards in time is the only sensible thing to do. Which is why 
aggregator developers tend to think of the most recent document as first, 
and subsequent documents (back in time) as next.

Technically these documents don't even have to be archives - they could just 
as easily be chunks of search results. The dates on the messages don't even 
come into play - an Atom processor wouldn't treat them any differently.

I don't dispute that you have valid reason for thinking that forwards in 
time is the way to go, but please don't assume those of us that think the 
opposite are necessarily insane.


Re: Feed History -04

2005-10-17 Thread Robert Sayre

On 10/17/05, Byrne Reese [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 next and previous are as James points out, orthogonal to ordering.
 The debate as to whether the next set goes backwards or forwards in time
 is not about the use of the terms next and previous, it is about the
 default sort order of a result set.

Fully agree. Let's use what MarkP wrote down over a year ago, and stop
debating the nature of adjacency and ordering as it relates time and
archives. Are there any technical problems with the elements in this

Works for me. Can anyone tell us about problems this causes for their software?

Robert Sayre

Re: Feed History -04

2005-10-17 Thread Mark Nottingham


I don't want this draft to become the all-singing, all-dancing feed  
model review; although there's lots of interesting stuff there, it's  
way too ambitious for my tastes (and I think I detect the smell of a  
tarpit faintly wafting...). The feed history case gets us to a nice 80 
+% point; the rest can come in separate vehicles.

Any response to 'prev-archive'?


On 17/10/2005, at 11:49 AM, Thomas Broyer wrote:

James Holderness wrote:

5. Is the issue of whether a feed is incremental or not (the  

element) relevant to this proposal?

non-incremental feeds wouldn't be paged, by definition, would they?

This has been debated. There have been those who have expressed an  
interest in having next and prev links traverse an archive of old  
non-incremental feeds. Say you have a feed with the top 10 books  
for this month. The next link (or prev link, depending on your  
preference) would point to the archive document with the top 10  
books from last month.

I think that Mark's concerns were that readers/aggregators  
generally keep a local history of the feeds they're subscribed to.  
fh:incremental=no would explicitly tell them not to do so.

Thomas Broyer

Mark Nottingham   Principal Technologist
Office of the CTO   BEA Systems

BEAWorld 2005: coming to a city near you.  Everything you need for SOA and 
enterprise infrastructure success.

Register now at

London 11-12 Oct| Paris13-14 Oct| Prague18-19 Oct |Tokyo 25-26 Oct| Beijing 7-8 

Re: Feed History -04

2005-10-17 Thread Eric Scheid

On 18/10/05 4:39 AM, James Holderness [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Eric Scheid wrote:
 Ask yourself these questions: which is the first message in this thread,
 and if you wanted to understand the thread would you start there, or at the
 most recent entry in this thread and read backwards. Remember that by the
 time you've read back to the initial posting there would likely now be even
 more entries into this thread, so where would you then read them from ...
 where you started and going forward in time, or would you jump to the most
 recent and then read backwards until you hit a message you already read?
 This makes perfect sense if you're a human reading messages, but now try and
 understand it from the point of view of a computer program (an Atom
 processor). The computer doesn't care which messages came first.

Yes, the _computer_ does *not* care. So why should it's preference trump the
human reader?

I imagine a future where a client application would offer up feed documents
rendered all pretty, and offer up any links to other feed documents as links
the client application will itslef render rather than passing them to a HTML
browser. Thus, a Feed Browser in the same sense as a HTML Browser. Do you
want to explain to future users why the next link gives them last weeks
news instead of next weeks news?

 It's not going to try and read the messages and make sense of them. It just
 wants to retrieve all the documents in the most efficient way possible.

Do things efficiently then. Remember though that the computer does *not*
care if the token is 'next' or 'prev' or even 'foobar'. Does *not* care.

 First off is has to start with the most recent document since that's what the
 user is going to subscribe to. From there, the most sensible thing to do would
 be to keep following links back in time to older and older archives until it
 has retrieved all of them or (if this is a feed that has been downloaded
 before) until it reaches an archive that it has previously retrieved.

Did you say back in time? Your explanation is riddled with references to
going backwards .. the aggregator/developer frame of reference is going
backwards, so of course the next object would be the one marked as being
prior to the one your are currently on. That is, the next feed to process is
the one marked @rel='prev'.

Depending on what meta-data is available, and which axis you wish to
traverse, and in which direction, then the link to the object you wish to
retrieve after processing the current one could be next, prev, hotter,
colder, or foobar. The usage of the word next in describing the
sequence of actions is entirely dependent on the purpose of those actions,
and quite possibly completely detached from the meaning of the content being

The @rel='next' and @rel='prev' links however are part and parcel of the
content. They describe the content. They are provided by the content
publisher. They don't describe some third party's desired course of action.

 I don't dispute that you have valid reason for thinking that forwards in time
 is the way to go, but please don't assume those of us that think the opposite
 are necessarily insane.

But that would take all the fun out of things ;-)


Re: Feed History -04

2005-10-17 Thread Mark Nottingham

I already get the same results with just one link relation -- 'prev- 
archive' -- instead of three.

The algorithm for combining results is an important issue, but an  
orthogonal one.

On 17/10/2005, at 12:37 PM, James M Snell wrote:

Mark, I honestly believe that feed history can be achieved using a  
very simple model:

a. incremental=true... which means that entries (posted at any  
time) may exist in other feed documents

b. start/next/prev... points to other feeds where entries may be found

if I point my newsreader to a feed document that has a  
incremental=true, I would look for a start link.  I would process  
the start feed then begin walking my way through the next links to  
build the history.  The start feed MAY have the most recent entries  
or MAY have the oldest entries, it doesn't matter.  My Atom  
processor would just Do The Right Thing with whatever entries it  
finds in the feeds as it walks through the linked list of feed  
documents.  How does the Atom processor know when it has the  
complete history?  Either a) the user tells it to stop or b) it  
reaches a feed without a next link.

There shouldn't be any requirement that the entries in a feed (or  
even the feed documents themselves) have to be in a specific order  
in order to reconstruct the history.  The minimum requirement is  
only that we're able to find the feed documents we need.  The Atom  
processor can figure the rest out from there.

- James

Mark Nottingham wrote:


I don't want this draft to become the all-singing, all-dancing  
feed  model review; although there's lots of interesting stuff  
there, it's  way too ambitious for my tastes (and I think I detect  
the smell of a  tarpit faintly wafting...). The feed history case  
gets us to a nice 80 +% point; the rest can come in separate  

Any response to 'prev-archive'?


On 17/10/2005, at 11:49 AM, Thomas Broyer wrote:

James Holderness wrote:

5. Is the issue of whether a feed is incremental or not (the   

element) relevant to this proposal?

non-incremental feeds wouldn't be paged, by definition, would  

This has been debated. There have been those who have expressed  
an  interest in having next and prev links traverse an archive  
of old  non-incremental feeds. Say you have a feed with the top  
10 books  for this month. The next link (or prev link, depending  
on your  preference) would point to the archive document with  
the top 10  books from last month.

I think that Mark's concerns were that readers/aggregators   
generally keep a local history of the feeds they're subscribed  
to.  fh:incremental=no would explicitly tell them not to do so.

Thomas Broyer

Mark Nottingham   Principal Technologist
Office of the CTO   BEA Systems

BEAWorld 2005: coming to a city near you.  Everything you need for  
SOA and enterprise infrastructure success.

Register now at

London 11-12 Oct| Paris13-14 Oct| Prague18-19 Oct |Tokyo 25-26  
Oct| Beijing 7-8 Dec

Mark Nottingham

Re: Feed History -04

2005-10-17 Thread James M Snell

Robert Sayre wrote:

On 10/17/05, Byrne Reese [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

next and previous are as James points out, orthogonal to ordering.
The debate as to whether the next set goes backwards or forwards in time
is not about the use of the terms next and previous, it is about the
default sort order of a result set.

Fully agree. Let's use what MarkP wrote down over a year ago, and stop
debating the nature of adjacency and ordering as it relates time and
archives. Are there any technical problems with the elements in this


;-) Woo hoo! Robert and I agree on something ;-)

Debating how the entries are organized is fruitless.  The Atom spec 
already states that the order of elements in the feed has no 
significance; trying to get an extension to retrofit order-significance 
into the feed is going to fail... just as I discovered with my Feed 
Index extension proposal.

* Next/Prev/Start/Subscribe defines a linked list of feed documents 
and/or entry documents and says absolutely nothing about the ordering of 
the entries.
* Next/Prev/Start/Subscribe should be defined in their own specification 
that is not bound to Feed History
* Feed History (if MarkN wishes it so) should normatively reference the 
Next/Prev/Start/Subscribe extension spec

I do believe that a last link relation would be helpful for 
completeness and I do believe the use cases are there (e.g. search 
results, etc) but I am ok with dropping that for now as it can easily be 
defined later once the use cases do become more prominent. 

Over the next week I'll see if I can draft up the spec.  I'll use what 
MarkP put together as the basis for what I write up and submit.

- James

Re: Feed History -04 -- is it history or paging or both?

2005-10-17 Thread Antone Roundy

If we're going to separate the concepts of history and paging,  
then the term history doesn't really apply to incremental feeds.   
In an incremental feed, all of the entries are part of the current  
state of the feed.  We don't go back through history to find the  
present--we go to different pages of the present.  In a non- 
incrememental feed also, we may have multiple pages of current  
entries (eg. the top 100 DVDs in chunks of 10), or we may have just  
one.  We also may preserve historical data (eg. the top 10 songs last  
week, the week before, etc.)

So what we end up with might looks like this:

Any feed, whether incremental or not, MAY contain something like this  
(names chosen somewhat arbitrarily, with an eye toward avoiding  
excess conceptual baggage):

page-a - the URI of one end of a chain of documents representing one  
state of a feed resource (eg. the current state of an incremental  
feed)--it doesn't really matter which end it is

page-b - the other end of the chain of documents
page++ - the next farther page from page-a
page-- - the next closer page to page-a

Neither page-a nor page-b is necessarily fixed--the entire  
contents of the chain may shuffle around, be added to, be deleted  
from, etc., in the case of something like search results.

A non-incremental feed MAY also contain something like this (history  
is temporal, so we can use temporally loaded terminology):

history-1 - a document containing a representation of one of the ends  
of or the entire temporally first historical state of the feed resource
history-n - a document containing a representation of one of the ends  
of or the entire temporally last (perhaps current and still changing)  
historical state of the feed resource
history++ - one of the ends or ... of the the next more recent  
historical state... (moves toward history-n)
history-- - one of the ends ... of the next less recent historical  
state... (moves toward history-1)

If you want to catch up on an incremental feed to which you're  
subscribed, or want to get the last month of an incremental feed to  
which you are newly subscribed, you look for page++ or page-- and  
follow whichever one the subscription document (which can only have  
one, since it's one of the ends) contains till you've got everything  
you want.

If you start in the middle, you don't know which direction you're  
going...but since the ordering of the chain isn't defined, it's like  
the Cheshire cat says--it doesn't matter which direction you go if  
you don't know where you want to end up...or something like that.   
Perhaps convention could dictate that page-a be where the publisher  
subjectively thinks that a newcomer to the feed would be most likely  
to want to start reading.  It wouldn't always be correct, but so what?

Re: Feed History -04

2005-10-17 Thread Robert Sayre

On 10/17/05, Mark Nottingham [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I already get the same results with just one link relation -- 'prev-
 archive' -- instead of three.

Why should one prefer your proposal to what's in this feed:

'prev-archive' is more specific, and I think that's a bad thing. It
seems to introduce tower of babel problems.

Robert Sayre

Re: Feed History -04

2005-10-17 Thread Thomas Broyer

Mark Nottingham wrote:
I don't want this draft to become the all-singing, all-dancing feed 
model review; although there's lots of interesting stuff there, it's 
way too ambitious for my tastes (and I think I detect the smell of a 
tarpit faintly wafting...). The feed history case gets us to a nice 
80+% point; the rest can come in separate vehicles.

Any response to 'prev-archive'?
Question: is what you want really a link to archives or isn't it just 
simple paging through a feed?

I suspect it is the latter, because reconstructing feed state is only 
needed if a complete set of entries is split into several documents.

Therefore, I'll rather suggest moving to:
- a spec about paging, defining head/prev/next (do we really need 
tail?) [note: see with A9/OpenSearch people]
- a spec defining fh:incremental, describing relation to paging (can a 
non-incremental feed be paged? does it mean something different than 
paging of an incremental feed?)
- eventually a spec defining links to archives (which in turn may use 
paging: think about archives of search results, what did the same query 
return yesterday, last week, last month, etc.)

Thomas Broyer

Re: Are Generic Link Relations Always a Good Idea? [was: Feed History -04]

2005-10-17 Thread James M Snell

I know this was directed to Robert, but I'd like to throw my $.02 in.

Generally speaking, if the semantic difference between the use of 
next/prev in one feed relative to another can be expressed using a 
separate extension (e.g. the presence of an incremental=true or a 
profile attribute or whatever else may come up, then I would favor the 
use of the generic mechanism assuming that the basic function is the same.

- James

Mark Nottingham wrote:


It's a matter of personal preference as to whether one likes 'prev'  
or 'next'; if there had been wide implementation and a good  
specification of what MarkP did, I could see a strong argument for  
using it.

As it is, no one has even noticed it had similarity to this proposal  
until a few days ago, and it looks like there are a number of people  
who have strong feelings each way.

OTOH, how specific the relation is *is* a technical issue; could you  
expand on what you see as the 'tower of babel' problem?

My concern is that if there is more than one use of a link relation  
like 'next' or 'prev', those uses could conflict. For example, if I  
use 'prev' for Feed History, will that cause a problem with feeds  
using Amazon OpenSearch if they want to use it in a slightly  
different way? To put it in Thomas' terms, what if there are  
different concepts of paging using the same terms -- which there seem  
to be already?

This shows up perfectly with the whole next or previous?  
discussion. If we don't assign specific, functional semantics to the  
links, people will interpret -- and use -- them differently.

This is why I'm leaning towards prev-archive.

On 17/10/2005, at 1:15 PM, Robert Sayre wrote:

On 10/17/05, Mark Nottingham [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I already get the same results with just one link relation -- 'prev-
archive' -- instead of three.

Why should one prefer your proposal to what's in this feed:

'prev-archive' is more specific, and I think that's a bad thing. It
seems to introduce tower of babel problems.

Robert Sayre

Mark Nottingham

Re: New Link Relations? [was: Feed History -04]

2005-10-17 Thread Mark Nottingham

Good point.

On 17/10/2005, at 2:54 PM, James M Snell wrote:

+1. An additional security concern would be the potential for  
circular references

Mark Nottingham

Re: Are Generic Link Relations Always a Good Idea? [was: Feed History -04]

2005-10-17 Thread Robert Sayre

On 10/17/05, Mark Nottingham [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 It's a matter of personal preference as to whether one likes 'prev'
 or 'next'; if there had been wide implementation and a good
 specification of what MarkP did, I could see a strong argument for
 using it.

I think the spec is perfectly clear. Is there something about it you
don't understand? I do think your addition of an indicator that the
feed is an archive is a good idea. I have to disagree with your
characterization of deployment. Most AtomAPI implementations work this
way--see for example

 My concern is that if there is more than one use of a link relation
 like 'next' or 'prev', those uses could conflict. For example, if I
 use 'prev' for Feed History, will that cause a problem with feeds
 using Amazon OpenSearch if they want to use it in a slightly
 different way? To put it in Thomas' terms, what if there are
 different concepts of paging using the same terms -- which there seem
 to be already?

 This shows up perfectly with the whole next or previous?
 discussion. If we don't assign specific, functional semantics to the
 links, people will interpret -- and use -- them differently.

Folks who have written Atom clients know which way 'next' points.

 This is why I'm leaning towards prev-archive.

Mmm. I think 'prev-archive' means exactly the same thing that 'next'
does in the feeds you're describing, and people will certainly use it
in ways that don't reflect whatever you lay out in the spec. They will
look at a feed, and think oh, I use prev-archive to get the next 10.
I know for a fact that other feeds So, now we have two ways to say the
same thing -- The Tower of Babel problem.

Robert Sayre

Re: New Link Relations? [was: Feed History -04]

2005-10-17 Thread Thomas Broyer

Mark Nottingham wrote:

- Attribute Value: prev
- Description: A stable URI that, when dereferenced, returns a feed 
document containing entries that sequentially precede those in the 
current document. Note that the exact nature of the ordering between 
the entries and documents containing them is not defined by this 
relation; i.e., this relation is only relative.

- Expected display characteristics: Undefined.
- Security considerations: Because automated agents may follow this 
link relation to construct a 'virtual' feed, care should be taken when 
it crosses administrative domains (e.g., the URI has a different 
authority than the current document).

- Attribute Value: next
- Description: A stable URI that, when dereferenced, returns a feed 
document containing entries that sequentially follow those in the 
current document. Note that the exact nature of the ordering between 
the entries and documents containing them is not defined by this 
relation; i.e., this relation is only relative.

- Expected display characteristics: Undefined.
- Security considerations: Because automated agents may follow this 
link relation to construct a 'virtual' feed, care should be taken when 
it crosses administrative domains (e.g., the URI has a different 
authority than the current document).

- Attribute Value: first
- Description: A stable URI that, when dereferenced, returns a feed 
document containing those entries furthest preceding those in the 
current document at the time it was minted. Note that the exact nature 
of the ordering between the entries and documents containing them is 
not defined by this relation; i.e., this relation is only relative.

- Expected display characteristics:
- Security considerations:

- Attribute Value: last
- Description: A stable URI that, when dereferenced, returns a feed 
document containing those entries furthest following those in the 
current document at the time it was minted. Note that the exact nature 
of the ordering between the entries and documents containing them is 
not defined by this relation; i.e., this relation is only relative.

- Expected display characteristics: Undefined.
- Security considerations:
+0.5 (adding the circular references issue raised by James), because 
some people will use first to link to the live feed (the one you 
subscribe to) and next to link to the first archive document and so 
on, and some will use last and prev for the exact same roles…

The given definition is not precise enough.

And wrt prev, why not previous? both could also be registered as 

- Attribute Value: subscribe
- Description: A stable URI that, when dereferenced, returns a feed 
document containing the most recent entries in the feed. This URI is 
intended to be subscribed to to keep abreast of changes in the feed. 
When different from the URI of the feed document it exists in, it 
indicates a URi that should be used for this purpose in place of the 
current document's URI.

- Expected display characteristics: Undefined.
- Security considerations: Users should always be informed of the 
actual URI they are subscribing to, and subscription should only take 
place when it is explicitly requested.
Depends whether @rel=self was really meant for subscribing and the 
spec wording is not precise enough about it; this could then be fixed 
with an errata rather than create a new link relation…
Otherwise, +0.5, because it seems to overlap @rel=first (or last?) – 
or I missed something…

Thomas Broyer

Re: New Link Relations? [was: Feed History -04]

2005-10-17 Thread James M Snell

Thomas Broyer wrote:

- Attribute Value: subscribe
- Description: A stable URI that, when dereferenced, returns a feed 
document containing the most recent entries in the feed. This URI is 
intended to be subscribed to to keep abreast of changes in the feed. 
When different from the URI of the feed document it exists in, it 
indicates a URi that should be used for this purpose in place of the 
current document's URI.

- Expected display characteristics: Undefined.
- Security considerations: Users should always be informed of the 
actual URI they are subscribing to, and subscription should only take 
place when it is explicitly requested.

Depends whether @rel=self was really meant for subscribing and the 
spec wording is not precise enough about it; this could then be fixed 
with an errata rather than create a new link relation…
Otherwise, +0.5, because it seems to overlap @rel=first (or last?) 
– or I missed something…

self should always point to the feed document containing the self 
link.  It makes no sense to have a self link in a feed that does not 
point to itself.

- James

Re: Are Generic Link Relations Always a Good Idea? [was: Feed History -04]

2005-10-17 Thread Mark Nottingham

They seem similar. But, what if you want to have more than one paging  
semantic applied to a single feed, and those uses of paging don't  
align? I.e., there's contention for prev/next?

If no one shares my concern, I'll drop it... as long as I get to say  
I told you so if/when this problem pops up :)

On 17/10/2005, at 3:21 PM, Thomas Broyer wrote:

I don't think there are different concepts of paging.

Paging is navigation through subsets (chunks) of a complete set of  

If the complete set represents all the entries ever published  
through an ever-changing feed document (what a feed currently is,  
you subscribe with an URI and the document you get when  
dereferencing the URI changes as a sliding-window upon a set of  
entries), then paging allows for feed state reconstruction.
In other terms, feed state reconstruction is a facet of paging, an  
application to non-incremental feeds.

I think it's worth waiting consensus on previous/next or forwards/ 
backwards, first/last or head/tail, etc. and having a paging spec  
(or just IANA registration, I don't really matter), and  
orthogonally define an fh:incremental extension (fh:incremental  
will just change newsreaders behavior, not the paging concept).

It seems James is having the same feeling…

Mark Nottingham

Re: Are Generic Link Relations Always a Good Idea? [was: Feed History -04]

2005-10-17 Thread James M Snell

Mark Nottingham wrote:

They seem similar. But, what if you want to have more than one paging  
semantic applied to a single feed, and those uses of paging don't  
align? I.e., there's contention for prev/next?

If no one shares my concern, I'll drop it... as long as I get to say  
I told you so if/when this problem pops up :)

Be sure to throw a neener neener neener into it and we're good to go ;-)

- James

Re: Are Generic Link Relations Always a Good Idea? [was: Feed History -04]

2005-10-17 Thread Thomas Broyer

Mark Nottingham wrote:
My concern is that if there is more than one use of a link relation 
like 'next' or 'prev', those uses could conflict. For example, if I 
use 'prev' for Feed History, will that cause a problem with feeds 
using Amazon OpenSearch if they want to use it in a slightly different 
way? To put it in Thomas' terms, what if there are different concepts 
of paging using the same terms -- which there seem to be already?

I don't think there are different concepts of paging.

Paging is navigation through subsets (chunks) of a complete set of entries.

If the complete set represents all the entries ever published through an 
ever-changing feed document (what a feed currently is, you subscribe 
with an URI and the document you get when dereferencing the URI changes 
as a sliding-window upon a set of entries), then paging allows for feed 
state reconstruction.
In other terms, feed state reconstruction is a facet of paging, an 
application to non-incremental feeds.

I think it's worth waiting consensus on previous/next or 
forwards/backwards, first/last or head/tail, etc. and having a paging 
spec (or just IANA registration, I don't really matter), and 
orthogonally define an fh:incremental extension (fh:incremental will 
just change newsreaders behavior, not the paging concept).

It seems James is having the same feeling…

Thomas Broyer

Re: Are Generic Link Relations Always a Good Idea? [was: Feed History -04]

2005-10-17 Thread Mark Nottingham


 As I said before, if the WG can reach consensus, I'm happy with any  
old term. I hadn't seen Mark's proposal till a few days ago, and a  
mention in an does not,  in my opinion, a spec-in-stone make.  
My only pushback on next is that to me, it seems counterintuititive  
-- same as your pushback on prev. *shrug*

The SixApart people have publicly pointed to FH, so I don't think  
they're particularly fussed about any particular approach other (not  
to put words in their mouth). I wasn't able to find a TP feed that  
uses rel=next; do you have a link to one?

If the WG registers a set of generic link relations (I still have  
that concern, but again, if there's consensus in the WG, I'm happy to  
abide by it), it effectively reduces FH to a users' guide for one use  
of those extensions, and would probably say something like walk down  
and next or prev you see in the subscription feed. The only  
normative bit would probably be fh:incremental.


On 17/10/2005, at 3:21 PM, Robert Sayre wrote:

I think the spec is perfectly clear. Is there something about it you
don't understand? I do think your addition of an indicator that the
feed is an archive is a good idea. I have to disagree with your
characterization of deployment. Most AtomAPI implementations work this
way--see for example

Mark Nottingham

Re: New Link Relations? [was: Feed History -04]

2005-10-17 Thread Mark Nottingham

On 17/10/2005, at 4:07 PM, Thomas Broyer wrote:

- Attribute Value: first
- Description: A stable URI that, when dereferenced, returns a  
feed document containing those entries furthest preceding those in  
the current document at the time it was minted. Note that the  
exact nature of the ordering between the entries and documents  
containing them is not defined by this relation; i.e., this  
relation is only relative.

- Expected display characteristics:
- Security considerations:

- Attribute Value: last
- Description: A stable URI that, when dereferenced, returns a  
feed document containing those entries furthest following those in  
the current document at the time it was minted. Note that the  
exact nature of the ordering between the entries and documents  
containing them is not defined by this relation; i.e., this  
relation is only relative.

- Expected display characteristics: Undefined.
- Security considerations:

+0.5 (adding the circular references issue raised by James),  
because some people will use first to link to the live feed  
(the one you subscribe to) and next to link to the first archive  
document and so on, and some will use last and prev for the  
exact same roles…

The given definition is not precise enough.

A stable URI was intended to capture that, but I see that wasn't  
good enough. How about:

- Attribute Value: first
- Description: A stable URI that, when dereferenced, returns a feed  
document containing the set of entries furthest preceding those in  
the current document at the time it was minted. The set of entries in  
this document should not change over time; i.e., this link points to  
a stable snapshot of entries, or an archive of feed entries. Note  
that the exact nature of the ordering between the entries and  
documents containing them is not defined by this relation; i.e., this  
relation is only relative.

- Expected display characteristics: ...
- Security considerations: ...

Another thought would be first-archive, last-archive, prev- 
archive and next-archive (just expanding a previous thought).

And wrt prev, why not previous? both could also be registered  
as aliases…

I'd prefer one or the other; don't care much which it is, but two  
seems wasteful. HTTP-WG didn't alias Referer even tho it's spelled  
incorrectly, for example. That worked out OK.

- Attribute Value: subscribe
- Description: A stable URI that, when dereferenced, returns a  
feed document containing the most recent entries in the feed. This  
URI is intended to be subscribed to to keep abreast of changes in  
the feed. When different from the URI of the feed document it  
exists in, it indicates a URi that should be used for this purpose  
in place of the current document's URI.

- Expected display characteristics: Undefined.
- Security considerations: Users should always be informed of the  
actual URI they are subscribing to, and subscription should only  
take place when it is explicitly requested.

Depends whether @rel=self was really meant for subscribing and  
the spec wording is not precise enough about it; this could then be  
fixed with an errata rather than create a new link relation…

I think there's value in the current reading of self; it's  
sometimes useful for a document to know what URI it's available at.  
Also, when it occurs in another feed, self is a very non-obvious  
name for what's happening.

Otherwise, +0.5, because it seems to overlap @rel=first (or  
last?) – or I missed something…

I think we're kind of short on use cases for first and last, but  
people seem to want them. 'subscribe' is more explicit; as they're  
written, 'first' and 'last' should definately NOT be subscribed to  
(because the set of entries in them won't change).


Mark Nottingham

Re: New Link Relations? [was: Feed History -04]

2005-10-17 Thread James M Snell

Mark Nottingham wrote:

A stable URI was intended to capture that, but I see that wasn't  
good enough. How about:

- Attribute Value: first
- Description: A stable URI that, when dereferenced, returns a feed  
document containing the set of entries furthest preceding those in  
the current document at the time it was minted. The set of entries in  
this document should not change over time; i.e., this link points to  
a stable snapshot of entries, or an archive of feed entries. Note  
that the exact nature of the ordering between the entries and  
documents containing them is not defined by this relation; i.e., this  
relation is only relative.

- Expected display characteristics: ...
- Security considerations: ...

Another thought would be first-archive, last-archive, prev- 
archive and next-archive (just expanding a previous thought).

-1.  The first/next/prev/last link rels should not specify any 
restrictions on how the contents of the feeds should or should not be 
updated.  If a specific use of these link rels wishes to impose such a 
restriction (e.g. for feed history), then great, so-be-it, but the link 
rels themselves should not.

And wrt prev, why not previous? both could also be registered  as 

I'd prefer one or the other; don't care much which it is, but two  
seems wasteful. HTTP-WG didn't alias Referer even tho it's spelled  
incorrectly, for example. That worked out OK.

+1, it doesn't matter... but I do prefer previous because I don't like 
abbreviations in things like this

Otherwise, +0.5, because it seems to overlap @rel=first (or  
last?) – or I missed something…

I think we're kind of short on use cases for first and last, but  
people seem to want them. 'subscribe' is more explicit; as they're  
written, 'first' and 'last' should definately NOT be subscribed to  
(because the set of entries in them won't change).


- James

Re: Are Generic Link Relations Always a Good Idea? [was: Feed History -04]

2005-10-17 Thread Robert Sayre

On 10/17/05, Mark Nottingham [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The SixApart people have publicly pointed to FH,


 so I don't think
 they're particularly fussed about any particular approach other (not
 to put words in their mouth).

Did you miss Byrne's post?

 I wasn't able to find a TP feed that
 uses rel=next; do you have a link to one?

They use them in their AtomAPI implementation, not the public feeds.{blogid} points to the
20 newest entries. There's a link rel=next in there that points to
the next 20 entries.

Robert Sayre

Re: New Link Relations? [was: Feed History -04]

2005-10-17 Thread Mark Nottingham

So what happens when you need the rel=self (as currently defined)  
of an archive feed?

On 17/10/2005, at 4:28 PM, Eric Scheid wrote:

On 18/10/05 9:07 AM, Thomas Broyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Depends whether @rel=self was really meant for subscribing and the
spec wording is not precise enough about it; this could then be fixed
with an errata rather than create a new link relation…

IIRC, it came into existence to solve the feed subscription problem.
However, I don't recall that the issue of feed archives featured  
much in

that discussion, and that thus the now understood problem of 'self' vs
'subscribe' wasn't envisaged.

Fortunately, the link relation 'self' was defined in such a woolly  
way we
could get away with re-purposing it. A few articles here or there,  
a bit of
blog chatter, and the arrival of the fabled Developers Guide and  
we'd be


I'd think this would be favourable to having to come up with a  

pair of relations, like

'self'   = what you subscribe to,
   may not look anything like the chunk in front of  

'this-chunk' = link to what you are looking at,
   not to be confused with 'self'

(Maybe the Developers Guide will have a chapter called Up Is Down  
- The New
Reality, which would explain that a link to 'self' doesn't, we use  
to go backwards, and 'alternate' for feed discovery may not point  
to actual

alternates of the content in front of you ;-)

Otherwise, +0.5, because it seems to overlap @rel=first (or  
last?) –

or I missed something…

There's nothing wrong with having an overlap like this, because  
they don't
always overlap. Consider the 'subscribe' link to  
which I
described earlier - two different URIs, but the same eventual  


Mark Nottingham   Principal Technologist
Office of the CTO   BEA Systems

BEAWorld 2005: coming to a city near you.  Everything you need for SOA and 
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Re: New Link Relations? [was: Feed History -04]

2005-10-17 Thread James M Snell

Mark Nottingham wrote:

The intent here was to say that the *set* of entries is generally  
stable, not that they're set in stone. That's what you want, no? If  
so, how about:

- Attribute Value: first
- Description: A stable URI that, when dereferenced, returns a feed  
document containing the set of entries furthest preceding those in  
the current document at the time it was minted. This can be thought  
of as specific to those entries; in other words, it represents a  
fixed section of the feed, rather than a sliding window over it. Note  
that the exact nature of the ordering between the entries and  
documents containing them is not defined by this relation; i.e., this  
relation is only relative.

- Expected display characteristics: ...
- Security considerations: ...

It's a hard line to walk.

Hmm.. better than before.  It would be better if you left it at the at 
the time it was minted part and left out the sentence that follows.  
But I can live with it.

- James

Re: Are Generic Link Relations Always a Good Idea? [was: Feed History -04]

2005-10-17 Thread Antone Roundy

On Oct 17, 2005, at 5:17 PM, Mark Nottingham wrote:
They seem similar. But, what if you want to have more than one  
paging semantic applied to a single feed, and those uses of paging  
don't align? I.e., there's contention for prev/next?

If no one shares my concern, I'll drop it... as long as I get to  
say I told you so if/when this problem pops up :)

I share your concern.

On 17/10/2005, at 3:21 PM, Thomas Broyer wrote:

I don't think there are different concepts of paging.

Paging is navigation through subsets (chunks) of a complete set of  
Yeah, but what if you need what amounts to a multi-dimensional  
array.  The method of addressing each dimension has to be  
distinguishable from the others.

If the complete set represents all the entries ever published  
through an ever-changing feed document (what a feed currently is,  
you subscribe with an URI and the document you get when  
dereferencing the URI changes as a sliding-window upon a set of  
entries), then paging allows for feed state reconstruction.
In other terms, feed state reconstruction is a facet of paging, an  
application to non-incremental feeds.
Let's say you're doing a feed for the Billboard top 100 songs.  Each  
week, the entire contents of the feed are swapped out and replaced by  
a new top 100 (ie. it is a non-incremental feed).  And let's say you  
don't want to put all 100 in the same document, but you want to break  
it up into 4 documents with 25 entries each.  You now have two  
potential axes that people might want to traverse--from songs 1-25 to  
26-50 to 51-75 to 76-100, or from this weeks 1-25 to last weeks 1-25  
to two weeks ago's 1-25, etc.  You can't link in both directions with  
the same next.

There are clearly two distinct concepts here--navigating through the  
chunks that make up the current state of the feed resource, and in a  
non-incremental feed, navigating though the historical states of the  
feed resource.

Re: New Link Relations? [was: Feed History -04]

2005-10-17 Thread Eric Scheid

On 18/10/05 9:53 AM, Mark Nottingham [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 So what happens when you need the rel=self (as currently defined)
 of an archive feed?

The current definition being ...

 The value self signifies that the IRI in the value of the href
 attribute identifies a resource equivalent to the containing element.

thus a link with @rel='self' in the feed element would link to that
archive feed document. Similarly, a link with @rel='self' in the entry
element would link to a resource document of that particular entry.

Thus (in context of feed)

'self'  = identifies a resource equivalent to this feed
'subscribe' = identifies the resource to subscribe to

The same holds true for archive feeds and the current sliding window chunk,
which makes life easier.


Re: New Link Relations? [was: Feed History -04]

2005-10-17 Thread Antone Roundy

On Oct 17, 2005, at 3:44 PM, Mark Nottingham wrote:

On 17/10/2005, at 12:31 PM, James M Snell wrote:
Debating how the entries are organized is fruitless.  The Atom  
spec already states that the order of elements in the feed has no  
significance; trying to get an extension to retrofit order- 
significance into the feed is going to fail... just as I  
discovered with my Feed Index extension proposal.
Here's what the spec says: This specification assigns no  
significance to the order of atom:entry elements within the  
feed.  ...but there may be some.  ...but there's no action you can  
take based on it unless something else tells you what the  
significance is.  ...which, yes, is very difficult to specify.

For the purposes of this discussion, it doesn't matter what the order  
of atom:entry elements within a feed document is.  But the order of  
chunks of atom:entry elements within a linked series of feed  
documents may have significance, and in fact, unless you just want to  
reconstruct the complete feed state, working with a series of feed  
documents with no specific order would be fairly unwieldy.  Imagine  
paging though a feed of search results with no idea of whether you'd  
just jumped from the most to the least significant results, or to the  
second most significant results.  Imagine trying to catch up on a  
fast-moving incremental feed without having any idea whether a link  
would take you to the first entries ever added to a feed or the one's  
you just missed.

I do believe that a last link relation would be helpful for  
...and last certainly seems to imply SOME sort of ordering of  
chunks, even if we know nothing about the order of the entries in  
each chunk.

To each of the following, perhaps we could add something to indicate  
that these link relations are all used to page through the current  
state of a feed, and not to navigate among various states of a feed.   
The fact that most people wouldn't have a clue what that means  
without some discussion of incremental and non-incremental feeds may  
be an argument for having a spec document to provide more explanation  
(rather than embedding an identical explanation in each  
Description).  Example:

At any point in time, a feed may be represented by a series of Feed  
documents, each containing some of the entries that exist in the feed  
at that point in time.  In other words, a feed may contain more  
entries than exist in the Feed document that one retrieves when  
dereferencing the subscription URI, and there may be other documents  
containing representations of those additional entries.  The link  
relations defined in this specification are used to navigate between  
Feed documents containing pages or chunks of those entries which  
exist simultaneously within a feed.

Note that this specification does not address navigation between the  
current and previous states of a type of feed which does not  
simultaneously contain it's current and past entries.  For example, a  
Top 100 Songs feed might at any point in time only contain entries  
for the top 100 songs for a single week, which entries may or may not  
be divided among a number of Feed documents.  The entries for the top  
100 songs from the previous week are not only no longer part of the  
Feed document or Feed documents representing the current state of the  
feed--they are no longer part of the feed at all.  Another  
specification may describe a method of navigating between the current  
and previous states of such a feed.  The link relations defined in  
this specification are only used to navigate between the various Feed  
documents representing any single state of such a feed.

 -  Attribute Value: prev
 -  Description: A stable URI that, when dereferenced, returns a  
feed document containing entries that sequentially precede those in  
the current document. Note that the exact nature of the ordering  
between the entries and documents containing them is not defined by  
this relation; i.e., this relation is only relative.

 -  Expected display characteristics: Undefined.
 -  Security considerations: Because automated agents may follow  
this link relation to construct a 'virtual' feed, care should be  
taken when it crosses administrative domains (e.g., the URI has a  
different authority than the current document).

 -  Attribute Value: next
 -  Description: A stable URI that, when dereferenced, returns a  
feed document containing entries that sequentially follow those in  
the current document. Note that the exact nature of the ordering  
between the entries and documents containing them is not defined by  
this relation; i.e., this relation is only relative.

 -  Expected display characteristics: Undefined.
 -  Security considerations: Because automated agents may follow  
this link relation to construct a 'virtual' feed, care should be  
taken when it crosses administrative domains (e.g., the URI has a  
different authority 

Re: New Link Relations? [was: Feed History -04]

2005-10-17 Thread James M Snell

Antone Roundy wrote:

On Oct 17, 2005, at 3:44 PM, Mark Nottingham wrote:

On 17/10/2005, at 12:31 PM, James M Snell wrote:

Debating how the entries are organized is fruitless.  The Atom  spec 
already states that the order of elements in the feed has no  
significance; trying to get an extension to retrofit order- 
significance into the feed is going to fail... just as I  discovered 
with my Feed Index extension proposal.

Here's what the spec says: This specification assigns no  
significance to the order of atom:entry elements within the  feed.  
...but there may be some.  ...but there's no action you can  take 
based on it unless something else tells you what the  significance 
is.  ...which, yes, is very difficult to specify.

Not only difficult to specify, impossible to enforce.  There's no way we 
can expect implementations to preserve the order of entries

For the purposes of this discussion, it doesn't matter what the order  
of atom:entry elements within a feed document is.  But the order of  
chunks of atom:entry elements within a linked series of feed  
documents may have significance, and in fact, unless you just want to  
reconstruct the complete feed state, working with a series of feed  
documents with no specific order would be fairly unwieldy.  Imagine  
paging though a feed of search results with no idea of whether you'd  
just jumped from the most to the least significant results, or to the  
second most significant results.  Imagine trying to catch up on a  
fast-moving incremental feed without having any idea whether a link  
would take you to the first entries ever added to a feed or the one's  
you just missed.

That's what incremental=true is for, or the feed rank mechanism, etc.  
Basically, the next/prev mechanism should be used in conjunction with 
something else that specifies the ordering of the entries, etc.  The 
next/prev link relations should imply nothing more than a linked list of 

I do believe that a last link relation would be helpful for  

...and last certainly seems to imply SOME sort of ordering of  
chunks, even if we know nothing about the order of the entries in  
each chunk.

Nope.  It implies nothing more than a closed-set linked list of feeds.  
No ordering is implied.  We could achieve the same result with 
rel=start and rel=end

To each of the following, perhaps we could add something to indicate  
that these link relations are all used to page through the current  
state of a feed, and not to navigate among various states of a feed.   
The fact that most people wouldn't have a clue what that means  
without some discussion of incremental and non-incremental feeds may  
be an argument for having a spec document to provide more explanation  
(rather than embedding an identical explanation in each  
Description).  Example:

When I think of next/prev I'm not thinking about any form of temporal 
semantic.  I'm thinking about nothing more than a linked list of feed 
documents.  If you want to add a temporal semantic into the picture, use 
a mechanism such as the Feed History incremental=true element. 

In other words,

this does not imply a feed history thing...
   link rel=next href=... /

this does...
   link rel=next href=... /

At any point in time, a feed may be represented by a series of Feed  
documents, each containing some of the entries that exist in the feed  
at that point in time.  In other words, a feed may contain more  
entries than exist in the Feed document that one retrieves when  
dereferencing the subscription URI, and there may be other documents  
containing representations of those additional entries.  The link  
relations defined in this specification are used to navigate between  
Feed documents containing pages or chunks of those entries which  
exist simultaneously within a feed.

Again, you're thinking in terms of Feed History.  I'm separating the 
link rel's out from Feed History and making them more generic.  I would 
fully expect that the Feed History spec would define some ordering and 
processing semantic for the linked documents.

- James

Re: New Link Relations? [was: Feed History -04]

2005-10-17 Thread Antone Roundy

On Oct 17, 2005, at 10:17 PM, James M Snell wrote:
When I think of next/prev I'm not thinking about any form of  
temporal semantic.  I'm thinking about nothing more than a linked  
list of feed documents.  If you want to add a temporal semantic  
into the picture, use a mechanism such as the Feed History  
incremental=true element.
I don't think I expressed the point I wanted to make quite clearly  
enough, so let me try again.

Chains of Feed documents are going to be ordered in some way, whether  
it's specified or not, whether they explicitly indicate it or not.   
For example, the chain of Feed documents representing an incremental  
feed is going to naturally be in temporal order.  You're not going to  
be tacking on new entries willy nilly to whichever of the documents  
in the chain fits your fancy at the moment.  You're going to create a  
new document when the one you were most recently adding entries to  
gets full, and then your going to add entries there till that one  
is full, and so on.  There may be exceptions, but by and large,  
whether the temporal order is explicit or not, that's what's going to  

Chains of pages of search results feeds are going to naturally be  
ordered with the best matches on top.

The point I was trying to make was that you're not going to create  
all the documents without links between then and then randomly assign  
links between them in no specific order.  You're going to link  
between then in an order that makes sense within the context of how  
the feed was created.

I don't know how client applications are going to adapt to deal with  
the difference between incremental feeds and, for example, search  
results feeds, but I can't imagine that client software isn't going  
to rely on there being some sort of sense to the order of the Feed  

What I was trying to say further down with the example spec text I  
wrote was, let's state explicitly that this link relation does not  
have a temporal semantic, and if somebody want's a link relation with  
a temporal semantic, they should create another link/@rel value for it.

In other words...

In other words,

this does not imply a feed history thing...
...let's have this be a link for navigating among the pages of the  
current state of the feed (whether it be incremental or not--noting  
that some non-incremental feeds will only have one page, and won't  
need it).  The entries in the current state of the feed are not in  
any specific order (though we know that naturally they will be in  
some sort of order):

   link rel=next href=... /

How does the following have anything to do with history?  In an  
incremental feed, all of the entries, whether part of the Feed  
document at the subscription end or not, are part of the present  
state of the feed--they don't just exist back in history.  History is  
for non-incremental feeds.  I'm saying let's not work on navigation  
through history right now, but let's recognize that unless we say not  
to, people might try to use the mechanism designed for paging through  
the current state of a feed to navigate through the history of a feed  
too, so let's say not to.  I understand (or at least suppose) that  
you don't think we need to say not to, because you don't see the harm  
in making the link relation more generic.  I disagree.  I think we're  
going to end up with a mess if we don't make it specifically for  
navigating the current state.

this does...
   link rel=next href=... /

Re: New Link Relations? [was: Feed History -04]

2005-10-17 Thread Mark Nottingham

Requiring a separate element to always be present is a non-starter;  
what is the point of a reusable link relation if you have to use it  
with another element to contextualise it? I'm really stretching to  
see any benefit from this approach.

prev-archive (or maybe prev-entries?) is starting to look better, as  
is fh:prev/.

On 17/10/2005, at 9:17 PM, James M Snell wrote:

In other words,

this does not imply a feed history thing...
   link rel=next href=... /

this does...
   link rel=next href=... /

Mark Nottingham

Re: New Link Relations? [was: Feed History -04]

2005-10-17 Thread Mark Nottingham


On 17/10/2005, at 7:57 PM, Eric Scheid wrote:

On 18/10/05 9:53 AM, Mark Nottingham [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

So what happens when you need the rel=self (as currently defined)
of an archive feed?

The current definition being ...

 The value self signifies that the IRI in the value of the href
 attribute identifies a resource equivalent to the containing  

thus a link with @rel='self' in the feed element would link to that
archive feed document. Similarly, a link with @rel='self' in the  

element would link to a resource document of that particular entry.

Thus (in context of feed)

'self'  = identifies a resource equivalent to this feed
'subscribe' = identifies the resource to subscribe to

The same holds true for archive feeds and the current sliding  
window chunk,

which makes life easier.


Mark Nottingham

Re: Feed History -04

2005-10-16 Thread Henry Story

I am ok with next, prev, ... but I suppose I do have a question that is 
similar to Marks: how do I know in what order the results are listed? Are 
they in historical order? Are these feeds grouping entries in alphabetical 
order, in inverse historical order? Perhaps in alphabetical order of 

Again next, prev, first, last deal very well with paging. how do we 
specify the order? Is this related to the query? Should there be a default 
order for subscription feeds? Should the ordering information be specified 
in the feed?

In rdf we could say things like

iana:historicalNext a owl:ObjectProperty;
rdfs:subPropertyOf iana:next;
rdfs:comment a historically ordered next relation .

and then use historicalNext for the particular historical ordering that we 
need to archive our feeds. This would allow processors who do not 
understand or care about the historical ordering to still walk through the 
linked list of feeds.


Ps. writing from Italy

On Sat, 15 Oct 2005, Mark Nottingham wrote:

Date: Sat, 15 Oct 2005 20:45:35 -0700
From: Mark Nottingham [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: Atom Syntax
Subject: Re: Feed History -04

OK, but that still leaves us with the question below -- who's doing the 
paging, and why is it useful to have multiple ways around the thing?

On 15/10/2005, at 7:25 PM, Eric Scheid wrote:

On 16/10/05 6:54 AM, Mark Nottingham [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Can you walk me through a use case where this would be desirable?
E.g. what would the subscription URI be, would any of the entries
be  updated, and how if so? In what scenario would having a closed
set  feed be useful?

An archive for a blog that is no longer being updated? An archive
of entries pertaining to an event with a fixed endpoint? A
discussion forum that has been closed.

How are implementations supposed to use this information? Stop
polling the feed? Consider its items immutable? I'm concerned if
something so innocent-looking as last has these sorts of implications.

perhaps a better example would then be a feed of search results, which at
any time of query is a finite and closed set, and also designed to be paged


Mark Nottingham   Principal Technologist
Office of the CTO   BEA Systems

Re: Feed History -04

2005-10-16 Thread Henry Story

I am ok with next, prev, ... but I suppose I do have a question
that is similar to Marks: how do I know in what order the results
are listed? Are they in historical order? Are these feeds grouping entries 
in alphabetical order, in inverse historical order? Perhaps in 
alphabetical order of author,...

Again next, prev, first, last deal very well with paging. how do we 
specify the order? Is this related to the query? Should there be a default order for

subscription feeds? Should the ordering information be specified in the

In rdf we could say things like

iana:historicalNext a owl:ObjectProperty;
rdfs:subPropertyOf iana:next;
rdfs:comment a historically ordered next relation .

and then use historicalNext for the particular historical ordering
that we need to archive our feeds. This would allow processors
who do not understand or care about the historical ordering to still
walk through the linked list of feeds.


Ps. writing from Italy

On Sat, 15 Oct 2005, Mark Nottingham wrote:
OK, but that still leaves us with the question below -- who's doing the 
paging, and why is it useful to have multiple ways around the thing?

On 15/10/2005, at 7:25 PM, Eric Scheid wrote:

On 16/10/05 6:54 AM, Mark Nottingham [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Can you walk me through a use case where this would be desirable?
E.g. what would the subscription URI be, would any of the entries
be  updated, and how if so? In what scenario would having a closed
set  feed be useful?

An archive for a blog that is no longer being updated? An archive
of entries pertaining to an event with a fixed endpoint? A
discussion forum that has been closed.

How are implementations supposed to use this information? Stop
polling the feed? Consider its items immutable? I'm concerned if
something so innocent-looking as last has these sorts of implications.

perhaps a better example would then be a feed of search results, which at
any time of query is a finite and closed set, and also designed to be paged


Mark Nottingham   Principal Technologist
Office of the CTO   BEA Systems

Re: Feed History -04

2005-10-16 Thread James M Snell

Here's another thought.  Thus far, we've talked about 
next/previous/first/last links appearing on the atom:feed element... 
used as a means of linking Atom Feed Documents together.  These same 
link relations could be used on atom:entry as well used as a way of 
creating a linked list of Atom Entry Documents.

 link rel=next
   type=application/atom+xml /
 link rel=previous
   type=application/atom+xml /

The challenge comes when you want to link to entries that are contained 
within a feed, in which case, we could use xml:id

entry xml:id=1,2005:/1/id
 link rel=next
   type=application/atom+xml /
entry xml:id=2,2005:/1/id
 link rel=previous
   type=application/atom+xml /

Again, this is just used to build a simple linked-list of entries and 
does not imply any semantic order (e.g. order by date, order by 
significance, etc). 

the key challenge with this is that while I can definitely see how it 
would work, I'm having a hard time envisioning a use case for this.

- James

Henry Story wrote:

I am ok with next, prev, ... but I suppose I do have a question that 
is similar to Marks: how do I know in what order the results are 
listed? Are they in historical order? Are these feeds grouping entries 
in alphabetical order, in inverse historical order? Perhaps in 
alphabetical order of author,...

Again next, prev, first, last deal very well with paging. how do we 
specify the order? Is this related to the query? Should there be a 
default order for subscription feeds? Should the ordering information 
be specified in the feed?

In rdf we could say things like

iana:historicalNext a owl:ObjectProperty;
rdfs:subPropertyOf iana:next;
rdfs:comment a historically ordered next relation .

and then use historicalNext for the particular historical ordering 
that we need to archive our feeds. This would allow processors who do 
not understand or care about the historical ordering to still walk 
through the linked list of feeds.


Ps. writing from Italy

On Sat, 15 Oct 2005, Mark Nottingham wrote:

Date: Sat, 15 Oct 2005 20:45:35 -0700
From: Mark Nottingham [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: Atom Syntax
Subject: Re: Feed History -04

OK, but that still leaves us with the question below -- who's doing 
the paging, and why is it useful to have multiple ways around the thing?

On 15/10/2005, at 7:25 PM, Eric Scheid wrote:

On 16/10/05 6:54 AM, Mark Nottingham [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Can you walk me through a use case where this would be desirable?
E.g. what would the subscription URI be, would any of the entries
be  updated, and how if so? In what scenario would having a closed
set  feed be useful?

An archive for a blog that is no longer being updated? An archive
of entries pertaining to an event with a fixed endpoint? A
discussion forum that has been closed.

How are implementations supposed to use this information? Stop
polling the feed? Consider its items immutable? I'm concerned if
something so innocent-looking as last has these sorts of 

perhaps a better example would then be a feed of search results, 
which at
any time of query is a finite and closed set, and also designed to 
be paged



Mark Nottingham   Principal Technologist
Office of the CTO   BEA Systems

Re: Feed History -04

2005-10-15 Thread Mark Nottingham

OK, but that still leaves us with the question below -- who's doing  
the paging, and why is it useful to have multiple ways around the thing?

On 15/10/2005, at 7:25 PM, Eric Scheid wrote:

On 16/10/05 6:54 AM, Mark Nottingham [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Can you walk me through a use case where this would be desirable?
E.g. what would the subscription URI be, would any of the entries
be  updated, and how if so? In what scenario would having a closed
set  feed be useful?

An archive for a blog that is no longer being updated? An archive
of entries pertaining to an event with a fixed endpoint? A
discussion forum that has been closed.

How are implementations supposed to use this information? Stop
polling the feed? Consider its items immutable? I'm concerned if
something so innocent-looking as last has these sorts of  

perhaps a better example would then be a feed of search results,  
which at
any time of query is a finite and closed set, and also designed to  
be paged



Mark Nottingham   Principal Technologist
Office of the CTO   BEA Systems

Re: Feed History -04

2005-10-15 Thread Robert Sayre

On 10/15/05, Mark Nottingham [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 OK, but that still leaves us with the question below -- who's doing
 the paging, and why is it useful to have multiple ways around the thing?

James is 100% wrong :)... about
last/first/top/head/bottom/hole-in-the-ground. There's no reason to
specify these things in Mark's draft. If they prove useful in
implementations, they can be layered on the existing specs.

Mark has his next/prev turned around, IMHO. link rel=next should go
deeper into the past. Think of how you would write a SQL query with a
limit clause.

Robert Sayre

Re: Feed History -04

2005-10-14 Thread Mark Nottingham

The approach I took in -04 was to say that the pseudo-ordering  
introduced by the mechanism was ONLY meaningful for the purposes of  
reconstituting the feed; it's still up to the feed itself to  
determine what the ordering of entries means (or doesn't). That  
avoids a lot of problems, although it does require some careful wording.

Also -- I'd think that the last link is already covered by self,  
no? If not, there's some pretty serious confusion about what 'self'  

On 13/10/2005, at 8:01 PM, Antone Roundy wrote:

On Oct 13, 2005, at 7:58 PM, Eric Scheid wrote:

On 14/10/05 9:18 AM, James M Snell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Excellent.  If this works out, there is an opportunity to merge the
paging behavior of Feed History, OpenSearch and APP collections  
into a

single set of paging link relations (next/previous/first/last).

'first' or 'start'?

Do we need to define what 'first' means though?  I recall a  
opinion on the wiki that the 'first' entry could be at either end  
of the

list, which could surprise some.

Yeah, that's a good question.  Maybe calling them top and  
bottom would work better.  Considering that the convention is to  
put the newest entry at the top of a feed document, top might be  
more intuitively understandable as being the new end.  You might  
also rename next and previous (or is it previous and next?)  
to down and up.  There's SOME chance of that getting confused  
with hierarchical levels, but I could live with that.

Mark Nottingham   Principal Technologist
Office of the CTO   BEA Systems

BEAWorld 2005: coming to a city near you.  Everything you need for SOA and 
enterprise infrastructure success.

Register now at

London 11-12 Oct| Paris13-14 Oct| Prague18-19 Oct |Tokyo 25-26 Oct| Beijing 7-8 

Re: Feed History -04

2005-10-14 Thread A. Pagaltzis

* Eric Scheid [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2005-10-14 17:35]:
 Why would anyone want to know the 'last' link? One use case is
 that one could take note of the 'last' URI, and then later find
 out what the 'last' URI now is ... and if they are different
 then obviously more has been added and it's time to go fetch.

If you really want this, don’t forget to to legislate this
expectation. Otherwise some people may devise clever (or
“clever”) stuff which breaks this expectation. Your example of

atom:[EMAIL PROTECTED]'self']/@href = atom:[EMAIL PROTECTED]'last']/@href

is a perfect demonstration of how someone may do something legal
that may break (naïve?) expectations.

Aristotle Pagaltzis //

Re: Feed History -04

2005-10-14 Thread Thomas Broyer

Lindsley Brett-ABL001 wrote:

I have a suggestion that may work. The issue of defining what is prev
and next with respect to a time ordered sequence seems to be a
problem. How about defining the link relationships in terms of time -
such as newer and older or something like that. That way, the
collection returned should be either newer (more recent updated time)
or older (later updated time) with respect to the current collection
Wouldn't it be better to share the same link relations between feeds 
sorted by date/time or some other priority (e.g. OpenSearch results)?

Thomas Broyer

Re: Feed History -04

2005-10-14 Thread Mark Nottingham

On 14/10/2005, at 9:22 AM, Lindsley Brett-ABL001 wrote:
I have a suggestion that may work. The issue of defining what is  
prev and next with respect to a time ordered sequence seems to  
be a problem. How about defining the link relationships in terms of  
time - such as newer and older or something like that. That  
way, the collection returned should be either newer (more recent  
updated time) or older (later updated time) with respect to the  
current collection doc.

A feed isn't necessarily a time-ordered sequence. Even a feed  
reconstructed using fh:prev (or a similar mechanism) could have its  
constituent parts generated on the fly, e.g., in response to a search  

The ordering of the entries may not matter, but the ordering of the  
documents does. Starting with the active feed document, you need to  
know whether you should be following a series of prev links or  
next links in order to traverse the archives back through time.  
While your feed history spec used prev for that purpose, previous  
implementations of atom:link appear to have used next.

I agree that it's important to honour the document order; that's what  
FH tries to do. I'm a little surprised to hear you say that people  
thought that this was previously 'next'; I'd never heard that (but  
will be happy to put a note in).

I was going to suggest that initially but I don't think it's  
strictly true. The spec says that self identifies a resource  
*equivalent* to the containing element. Considering that an  
archived document and the active feed document will quite likely  
have no entries in common I think it's a bit of a stretch to claim  
them equivalent. Derived would be a better relationship IMHO.

Hmm. Yeah, I see what you're saying. Actually, I think this is an  
opportunity -- we we define a new link relation to the subscription  
document, and specify that it can only occur in archive documents, it  
obviates the need for a separate fh:archive flag, which in turn means  
that you don't have to declare two namespaces to use fh in RSS  
archive documents -- which was one of the things making me reluctant  
to switch over to atom:link.

How about:

atom:link rel=subscription href=.../


Mark Nottingham

Re: Feed History -04

2005-10-14 Thread Thomas Broyer

Mark Nottingham wrote:

How about:

atom:link rel=subscription href=.../

I always thought this was the role of @rel=self to give the URI you 
should subscribe to, though re-reading the -11 it deals with a resource 
equivalent to the containing element.

1. Isn't a resource equivalent to the containing element the same as 
an alternate version of the resource described by the containing element?
2. Is the answer to 1. is no then what does a resource equivalent … 
mean? Is it really different than the URI you should subscribe to (at 
least if @type=application/atom+xml)?

Thomas Broyer

Re: Feed History -04

2005-10-14 Thread Mark Nottingham

That's what I thought too, but the words in the spec don't bear it  
out; a resource equivalent to the containing element is a little  
hard to interpret (there is no equivalence function for Web  
resources, by definition), but it's a lot closer to something you  
dereference to get the same thing as what's in the containing  
element than to something you dereference to get a potentially  
completely different thing.

Arguably, there is sometimes a use case for the current definition of  
self, so it's probably best to just define a new link relation.

On 14/10/2005, at 10:28 AM, Thomas Broyer wrote:

Mark Nottingham wrote:

How about:

atom:link rel=subscription href=.../


I always thought this was the role of @rel=self to give the URI  
you should subscribe to, though re-reading the -11 it deals with a  
resource equivalent to the containing element.

1. Isn't a resource equivalent to the containing element the same  
as an alternate version of the resource described by the  
containing element?
2. Is the answer to 1. is no then what does a resource equivalent  
… mean? Is it really different than the URI you should subscribe  
to (at least if @type=application/atom+xml)?

Thomas Broyer

Mark Nottingham

Re: Feed History -04

2005-10-14 Thread Antone Roundy

On Oct 14, 2005, at 11:13 AM, Mark Nottingham wrote:

On 14/10/2005, at 9:22 AM, Lindsley Brett-ABL001 wrote:
I have a suggestion that may work. The issue of defining what is  
prev and next with respect to a time ordered sequence seems to  
be a problem. How about defining the link relationships in terms  
of time - such as newer and older or something like that. That  
way, the collection returned should be either newer (more recent  
updated time) or older (later updated time) with respect to the  
current collection doc.

A feed isn't necessarily a time-ordered sequence. Even a feed  
reconstructed using fh:prev (or a similar mechanism) could have its  
constituent parts generated on the fly, e.g., in response to a  
search query.

The OpenSearch case mentioned by Thomas is what convinced me that  
terms related to temporal ordering aren't appropriate (what a pity,  
since newer and older are the perfect terms for time ordered  
sequences of feed documents!)

Previous and next suffer from the fact that they could easily be  
interpreted differently in different use cases. For example, for  
OpenSearch results pages, clearly prev points to the search  
results that come up on top and next to the lower results. But in  
a conventional syndication feed, next could easily be taken to mean  
either the next batch of entries as you track back towards the  
beginning of time from where you started (which is usually going to  
be the growing end of the feed), or a batch of entries containing  
the entries that were published next after the ones in this batch.   
I'd have to look at the document to remind myself of which next  
means, because either makes just as much sense to me.

Which brings me back to top, bottom, up and down.  In the  
OpenSearch case, it's clear which end the top results are going to  
be found.  In the syndication feed case, the convention is to put the  
most recent entries at the top.  If you think of a feed as a stack,  
new entries are stacked on top.  The fact that these terms are less  
generic and flexible than previous and next is both an advantage  
and a disadvantage.  I think the question is whether it's an  
advantage in a significant majority of cases or not.  What orderings  
would those terms not work well for?


Re: Feed History -04

2005-10-14 Thread Antone Roundy

On Oct 14, 2005, at 11:28 AM, Thomas Broyer wrote:

Mark Nottingham wrote:

How about:

atom:link rel=subscription href=.../


I always thought this was the role of @rel=self to give the URI  
you should subscribe to, though re-reading the -11 it deals with a  
resource equivalent to the containing element.
That's what some of us wanted it to be and thought it was intended to  
be.  The language that made it into the spec certainly falls short of  
expressing what was in PaceFeedLink, which is the proposal that added  
@rel=self [1].

1. Isn't a resource equivalent to the containing element the same  
as an alternate version of the resource described by the  
containing element?
That's how I would read that language knowing nothing of the history  
of that part of the spec.  I think some people intended equivalent  
to mean it may not be a different copy of the same bits, but  
whatever it is, it contains the same bits (or at least the same code  
points, if it happens to be transcoded).

2. Is the answer to 1. is no then what does a resource equivalent  
… mean? Is it really different than the URI you should subscribe  
to (at least if @type=application/atom+xml)?
I think what some people want that to mean is here's a place you  
could get the feed, but I'm not making any assertions regarding  
whether it's preferable to get it from there or somewhere else.


Re: Feed History -04

2005-10-14 Thread James Holderness

Mark Nottingham wrote:
I agree that it's important to honour the document order; that's what  FH 
tries to do. I'm a little surprised to hear you say that people  thought 
that this was previously 'next'; I'd never heard that (but  will be happy 
to put a note in).

Mark Pilgrim's article on discussing the Atom Link Model:

I can't say I've seen it widely used, but there is at least one occurrence 
in the wild (Mark's archives).

Hmm. Yeah, I see what you're saying. Actually, I think this is an 
opportunity -- we we define a new link relation to the subscription 
document, and specify that it can only occur in archive documents, it 
obviates the need for a separate fh:archive flag, which in turn means 
that you don't have to declare two namespaces to use fh in RSS  archive 
documents -- which was one of the things making me reluctant  to switch 
over to atom:link.

How about:

atom:link rel=subscription href=.../

Yeah, I think that's a great idea. I'm not sure about the name though. Would 
it not be better as a verb (say subscribe) since the link is effectively 
providing you with a url with which you can subscribe to the feed. This 
seems to me more in line with the verb-based link relations being used in 
the Atom publishing protocol.

Admittedly in this case the link could just as easily be interpreted as a 
passive pointer to a document rather than an operation as such. I'm not 
really arguing strongly either way. Just something to think about.


Re: Feed History -04

2005-10-14 Thread Mark Nottingham

At first I really liked this proposal, but I think that the kind of  
confusion you're concerned about is unavoidable; the terms you refer  
to suffer bottom-up vs. top-down.

I think that defining the terms well and in relation to the  
subscription feed will help; after all, the terms don't surface in  
UIs, so it should be transparent.

On 14/10/2005, at 10:37 AM, Antone Roundy wrote:

Which brings me back to top, bottom, up and down.  In the  
OpenSearch case, it's clear which end the top results are going  
to be found.  In the syndication feed case, the convention is to  
put the most recent entries at the top.  If you think of a feed  
as a stack, new entries are stacked on top.  The fact that these  
terms are less generic and flexible than previous and next is  
both an advantage and a disadvantage.  I think the question is  
whether it's an advantage in a significant majority of cases or  
not.  What orderings would those terms not work well for?

Mark Nottingham   Principal Technologist
Office of the CTO   BEA Systems

BEAWorld 2005: coming to a city near you.  Everything you need for SOA and 
enterprise infrastructure success.

Register now at

London 11-12 Oct| Paris13-14 Oct| Prague18-19 Oct |Tokyo 25-26 Oct| Beijing 7-8 

Re: Feed History -04

2005-10-14 Thread Stefan Eissing

Am 14.10.2005 um 20:00 schrieb James Holderness:

Mark Nottingham wrote:
Hmm. Yeah, I see what you're saying. Actually, I think this is an 
opportunity -- we we define a new link relation to the subscription 
document, and specify that it can only occur in archive documents, it 
obviates the need for a separate fh:archive flag, which in turn means 
that you don't have to declare two namespaces to use fh in RSS  
archive documents -- which was one of the things making me reluctant  
to switch over to atom:link.

How about:

atom:link rel=subscription href=.../

Yeah, I think that's a great idea. I'm not sure about the name though. 
Would it not be better as a verb (say subscribe) since the link is 
effectively providing you with a url with which you can subscribe to 
the feed. This seems to me more in line with the verb-based link 
relations being used in the Atom publishing protocol.

Admittedly in this case the link could just as easily be interpreted 
as a passive pointer to a document rather than an operation as such. 
I'm not really arguing strongly either way. Just something to think 

The idea is excellent. As for the naming sugar of the relation head, 
anchor or origin could work also.


RE: Feed History -04

2005-10-14 Thread Byrne Reese


The meaning of these terms depends so much upon the feed it is being
used within. That and your own mental model.

If you visualize a feed like this:


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mark Nottingham
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2005 11:28 AM
To: Antone Roundy
Subject: Re: Feed History -04

At first I really liked this proposal, but I think that the kind of  
confusion you're concerned about is unavoidable; the terms you refer  
to suffer bottom-up vs. top-down.

I think that defining the terms well and in relation to the  
subscription feed will help; after all, the terms don't surface in  
UIs, so it should be transparent.

On 14/10/2005, at 10:37 AM, Antone Roundy wrote:

 Which brings me back to top, bottom, up and down.  In the  
 OpenSearch case, it's clear which end the top results are going  
 to be found.  In the syndication feed case, the convention is to  
 put the most recent entries at the top.  If you think of a feed  
 as a stack, new entries are stacked on top.  The fact that these  
 terms are less generic and flexible than previous and next is  
 both an advantage and a disadvantage.  I think the question is  
 whether it's an advantage in a significant majority of cases or  
 not.  What orderings would those terms not work well for?

Mark Nottingham   Principal Technologist
Office of the CTO   BEA Systems

BEAWorld 2005: coming to a city near you.  Everything you need for SOA
and enterprise infrastructure success.

Register now at

London 11-12 Oct| Paris13-14 Oct| Prague18-19 Oct |Tokyo 25-26 Oct|
Beijing 7-8 Dec

RE: Feed History -04

2005-10-14 Thread Byrne Reese

 I think that defining the terms well and in relation to the  
 subscription feed will help; after all, the terms don't surface in  
 UIs, so it should be transparent.


Maybe this goes without saying, but I think the spec needs to either:

a) define these terms clearly and how they should be used and
interpreted (in which case it doesn't matter what words we use), or 
b) provide a mechanism for the feed to define their meaning relative to
the feed (perhaps James' FeedRank extension is relevant here?) - i.e.
this feed sorts items chronologically in ascending order. With that
information, next and previous become more meaningful.

Without either (a) or (b) then the meaning of whatever terms we choose
will depend too much on the developer's mental model for feeds. For
example, if you visualize a feed like this (e.g. a web page's
chronologically sorted list):

--- top
 |- entry
 |- entry
 |- entry
--- bottom

Then the terms up and down are quite meaningful, and next and
prev a little ambiguous (am I top-down kinda guy, or a bottom-up?). Of
course you then have to be clear to what top and bottom means.

Then if you visualize feeds like this (like a linear timeline for

   entry  |  entry

Then up and down are the terms that become less meaningful. Yadda
yadda yadda.

My feeling is that erring on the side of more broadly applicable, and
semantically well know terms like next and previous will be more
useful to extensions wishing to extend the metaphor or model for their
own purposes (the FeedRank extension comes to mind specifically).

I can even see value for a feed to specify more information about its
result set:

link rel=next href=foo?31-40 /
link rel=previous href=foo?1-10 /

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mark Nottingham
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2005 11:28 AM
To: Antone Roundy
Subject: Re: Feed History -04

At first I really liked this proposal, but I think that the kind of  
confusion you're concerned about is unavoidable; the terms you refer  
to suffer bottom-up vs. top-down.

I think that defining the terms well and in relation to the  
subscription feed will help; after all, the terms don't surface in  
UIs, so it should be transparent.

On 14/10/2005, at 10:37 AM, Antone Roundy wrote:

 Which brings me back to top, bottom, up and down.  In the  
 OpenSearch case, it's clear which end the top results are going  
 to be found.  In the syndication feed case, the convention is to  
 put the most recent entries at the top.  If you think of a feed  
 as a stack, new entries are stacked on top.  The fact that these  
 terms are less generic and flexible than previous and next is  
 both an advantage and a disadvantage.  I think the question is  
 whether it's an advantage in a significant majority of cases or  
 not.  What orderings would those terms not work well for?

Mark Nottingham   Principal Technologist
Office of the CTO   BEA Systems

BEAWorld 2005: coming to a city near you.  Everything you need for SOA
and enterprise infrastructure success.

Register now at

London 11-12 Oct| Paris13-14 Oct| Prague18-19 Oct |Tokyo 25-26 Oct|
Beijing 7-8 Dec

Re: Feed History -04

2005-10-14 Thread Joe Gregorio

On 10/14/05, Antone Roundy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Oct 14, 2005, at 11:13 AM, Mark Nottingham wrote:
  On 14/10/2005, at 9:22 AM, Lindsley Brett-ABL001 wrote:
  I have a suggestion that may work. The issue of defining what is
  prev and next with respect to a time ordered sequence seems to
  be a problem. How about defining the link relationships in terms
  of time - such as newer and older or something like that. That
  way, the collection returned should be either newer (more recent
  updated time) or older (later updated time) with respect to the
  current collection doc.
  A feed isn't necessarily a time-ordered sequence. Even a feed
  reconstructed using fh:prev (or a similar mechanism) could have its
  constituent parts generated on the fly, e.g., in response to a
  search query.
 The OpenSearch case mentioned by Thomas is what convinced me that
 terms related to temporal ordering aren't appropriate (what a pity,
 since newer and older are the perfect terms for time ordered
 sequences of feed documents!)

 Previous and next suffer from the fact that they could easily be
 interpreted differently in different use cases. For example, for
 OpenSearch results pages, clearly prev points to the search
 results that come up on top and next to the lower results. But in
 a conventional syndication feed, next could easily be taken to mean
 either the next batch of entries as you track back towards the
 beginning of time from where you started (which is usually going to
 be the growing end of the feed), or a batch of entries containing
 the entries that were published next after the ones in this batch.
 I'd have to look at the document to remind myself of which next
 means, because either makes just as much sense to me.

True, but I don't think that means that the terms have to be
abandoned, but that these examples need to be supported by spec text.
That is, define 'next' as pointing to the next document in a series
of documents, the whole series of documents containing
a series of Atom Entries whose order is specific to the service
providing it.


Joe Gregorio

Re: Feed History -04

2005-10-14 Thread James M Snell

The way I look at this is in terms of a single linked list of feeds.  
The ordering of the entries within those feeds is irrelevant.  The 
individual linked feeds MAY be incremental (e.g. blog entries,etc) or 
may be complete (e.g. lists,etc).  Simply because a feeds are linked, no 
assumption should be made as to whether or not the entries in those 
feeds share any form of ordered relationship.

link rel=first / is the first feed in the linked list
link rel=next / is the next feed in the linked list
link rel=previous / is the previous feed in the linked list
link rel=last / is the last feed in the linked list.

Terms like top, bottom, up, down, etc are meaningless in this 
model as they imply an ordering of the contents.

For feed history, it would work something like:

 link rel=self href=...feed1 /
 link rel=next /
 link rel=last href=...feed3 /

 link rel=self href=...feed2 /
 link rel=previous href=...feed1 /
 link rel=next href=...feed3 /
 link rel=first href=...feed1 /
 link rel=last href=...feed3 /

 link rel=self=href=...feed3 /
 link rel=previous href=...feed2 /
 link rel=first href=...feed1 /

- James

Mark Nottingham wrote:

At first I really liked this proposal, but I think that the kind of  
confusion you're concerned about is unavoidable; the terms you refer  
to suffer bottom-up vs. top-down.

I think that defining the terms well and in relation to the  
subscription feed will help; after all, the terms don't surface in  
UIs, so it should be transparent.

On 14/10/2005, at 10:37 AM, Antone Roundy wrote:

Which brings me back to top, bottom, up and down.  In the  
OpenSearch case, it's clear which end the top results are going  to 
be found.  In the syndication feed case, the convention is to  put 
the most recent entries at the top.  If you think of a feed  as a 
stack, new entries are stacked on top.  The fact that these  terms 
are less generic and flexible than previous and next is  both an 
advantage and a disadvantage.  I think the question is  whether it's 
an advantage in a significant majority of cases or  not.  What 
orderings would those terms not work well for?

Mark Nottingham   Principal Technologist
Office of the CTO   BEA Systems


BEAWorld 2005: coming to a city near you.  Everything you need for SOA 
and enterprise infrastructure success.

Register now at

London 11-12 Oct| Paris13-14 Oct| Prague18-19 Oct |Tokyo 25-26 Oct| 
Beijing 7-8 Dec

Re: Feed History -04

2005-10-14 Thread Henry Story

This looks good.

Is the 'first' the feed document that changes, whereas 'next' and 'last' 
point to the archives? (in a feed history context?)


On Fri, 14 Oct 2005, James M Snell wrote:
The way I look at this is in terms of a single linked list of feeds.  The 
ordering of the entries within those feeds is irrelevant.  The individual 
linked feeds MAY be incremental (e.g. blog entries,etc) or may be complete 
(e.g. lists,etc).  Simply because a feeds are linked, no assumption should be 
made as to whether or not the entries in those feeds share any form of 
ordered relationship.


link rel=first / is the first feed in the linked list
link rel=next / is the next feed in the linked list
link rel=previous / is the previous feed in the linked list
link rel=last / is the last feed in the linked list.

Terms like top, bottom, up, down, etc are meaningless in this model 
as they imply an ordering of the contents.

For feed history, it would work something like:

link rel=self href=...feed1 /
link rel=next /
link rel=last href=...feed3 /

link rel=self href=...feed2 /
link rel=previous href=...feed1 /
link rel=next href=...feed3 /
link rel=first href=...feed1 /
link rel=last href=...feed3 /

link rel=self=href=...feed3 /
link rel=previous href=...feed2 /
link rel=first href=...feed1 /

- James

Mark Nottingham wrote:

At first I really liked this proposal, but I think that the kind of 
confusion you're concerned about is unavoidable; the terms you refer  to 
suffer bottom-up vs. top-down.

I think that defining the terms well and in relation to the  subscription 
feed will help; after all, the terms don't surface in  UIs, so it should be 

On 14/10/2005, at 10:37 AM, Antone Roundy wrote:

Which brings me back to top, bottom, up and down.  In the 
OpenSearch case, it's clear which end the top results are going  to be 
found.  In the syndication feed case, the convention is to  put the most 
recent entries at the top.  If you think of a feed  as a stack, new 
entries are stacked on top.  The fact that these  terms are less generic 
and flexible than previous and next is  both an advantage and a 
disadvantage.  I think the question is  whether it's an advantage in a 
significant majority of cases or  not.  What orderings would those terms 
not work well for?

Mark Nottingham   Principal Technologist
Office of the CTO   BEA Systems

BEAWorld 2005: coming to a city near you.  Everything you need for SOA and 
enterprise infrastructure success.

Register now at

London 11-12 Oct| Paris13-14 Oct| Prague18-19 Oct |Tokyo 25-26 Oct| Beijing 
7-8 Dec

Re: Feed History -04

2005-10-14 Thread Robert Sayre

On 10/14/05, James M Snell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The way I look at this is in terms of a single linked list of feeds.

James is 100% right. Think of any feed as a google search result,
ordered in terms of relevance. On your average blog, the newest post
is always the most relevant :). I would support mnot's draft moving
onto the standards track if it followed the linking scheme outlined by
James. The RSS way of doing it could be kept alongside, if that's
politically necessary. If Mark opts not to support atom:link, my
support changes to silence, and I will go right ahead and implement
the three link relations I need in my Atom implementations: next,
prev, and profile.

Robert Sayre

Re: Feed History -04

2005-10-14 Thread A. Pagaltzis

* James M Snell [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2005-10-15 00:25]:
 Terms like top, bottom, up, down, etc are meaningless
 in this model as they imply an ordering of the contents.


Aristotle Pagaltzis //

Re: Feed History -04

2005-10-14 Thread James M Snell

What in the world is wrong with first and last? ;-)  I just don't get it.

A. Pagaltzis wrote:

* James M Snell [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2005-10-15 00:25]:

Terms like top, bottom, up, down, etc are meaningless
in this model as they imply an ordering of the contents.



Re: Feed History -04

2005-10-14 Thread Mark Nottingham

Right. A few questions that pop up:

1) Is it a closed or open set? If it's open (and I think 99% of feeds  
are), what does last mean?

My answer is that it's probably an open set, so last doesn't mean  
much that's useful (unless it's conflated with the subscription feed;  
see below).

2) What's the relationship between these feed documents and the feed  
document that people subscribe to?

I think the subscription feed needs to be pinned to one end of the  
set (which is what FH does now). Otherwise, it becomes difficult to  
figure out whether you have the complete set or not by polling.

On 14/10/2005, at 3:16 PM, James M Snell wrote:

The way I look at this is in terms of a single linked list of  
feeds.  The ordering of the entries within those feeds is  
irrelevant.  The individual linked feeds MAY be incremental (e.g.  
blog entries,etc) or may be complete (e.g. lists,etc).  Simply  
because a feeds are linked, no assumption should be made as to  
whether or not the entries in those feeds share any form of ordered  

link rel=first / is the first feed in the linked list
link rel=next / is the next feed in the linked list
link rel=previous / is the previous feed in the linked list
link rel=last / is the last feed in the linked list.

Terms like top, bottom, up, down, etc are meaningless in  
this model as they imply an ordering of the contents.

For feed history, it would work something like:

 link rel=self href=...feed1 /
 link rel=next /
 link rel=last href=...feed3 /

 link rel=self href=...feed2 /
 link rel=previous href=...feed1 /
 link rel=next href=...feed3 /
 link rel=first href=...feed1 /
 link rel=last href=...feed3 /

 link rel=self=href=...feed3 /
 link rel=previous href=...feed2 /
 link rel=first href=...feed1 /

- James

Mark Nottingham wrote:

At first I really liked this proposal, but I think that the kind  
of  confusion you're concerned about is unavoidable; the terms you  
refer  to suffer bottom-up vs. top-down.

I think that defining the terms well and in relation to the   
subscription feed will help; after all, the terms don't surface  
in  UIs, so it should be transparent.

On 14/10/2005, at 10:37 AM, Antone Roundy wrote:

Which brings me back to top, bottom, up and down.  In  
the  OpenSearch case, it's clear which end the top results are  
going  to be found.  In the syndication feed case, the convention  
is to  put the most recent entries at the top.  If you think of  
a feed  as a stack, new entries are stacked on top.  The fact  
that these  terms are less generic and flexible than previous  
and next is  both an advantage and a disadvantage.  I think the  
question is  whether it's an advantage in a significant majority  
of cases or  not.  What orderings would those terms not work well  

Mark Nottingham   Principal Technologist
Office of the CTO   BEA Systems

BEAWorld 2005: coming to a city near you.  Everything you need for  
SOA and enterprise infrastructure success.

Register now at

London 11-12 Oct| Paris13-14 Oct| Prague18-19 Oct |Tokyo 25-26  
Oct| Beijing 7-8 Dec

Mark Nottingham   Principal Technologist
Office of the CTO   BEA Systems

Re: Feed History -04

2005-10-14 Thread Mark Nottingham

This leads to:

Subscription feed:
  - can contain link/@rel=prev, OR
  - can contain fh:incremental = false

Archive feed:
  - can contain link/@rel=prev and/or link/@rel=next
  - can contain link/@rel=subscribe  (effectively gives you last)
  - link/@rel=subscribe has a semantic of if you want to  
subscribe to this feed, use the linked document, not this one.

The reconstruction algorithm is pretty much the same as in -04.

The only dangling point is first. I'm not especially against it,  
but what's the use case?

On 14/10/2005, at 4:53 PM, Mark Nottingham wrote:

Right. A few questions that pop up:

1) Is it a closed or open set? If it's open (and I think 99% of  
feeds are), what does last mean?

My answer is that it's probably an open set, so last doesn't mean  
much that's useful (unless it's conflated with the subscription  
feed; see below).

2) What's the relationship between these feed documents and the  
feed document that people subscribe to?

I think the subscription feed needs to be pinned to one end of the  
set (which is what FH does now). Otherwise, it becomes difficult to  
figure out whether you have the complete set or not by polling.

On 14/10/2005, at 3:16 PM, James M Snell wrote:

The way I look at this is in terms of a single linked list of  
feeds.  The ordering of the entries within those feeds is  
irrelevant.  The individual linked feeds MAY be incremental (e.g.  
blog entries,etc) or may be complete (e.g. lists,etc).  Simply  
because a feeds are linked, no assumption should be made as to  
whether or not the entries in those feeds share any form of  
ordered relationship.

link rel=first / is the first feed in the linked list
link rel=next / is the next feed in the linked list
link rel=previous / is the previous feed in the linked list
link rel=last / is the last feed in the linked list.

Terms like top, bottom, up, down, etc are meaningless in  
this model as they imply an ordering of the contents.

For feed history, it would work something like:

 link rel=self href=...feed1 /
 link rel=next /
 link rel=last href=...feed3 /

 link rel=self href=...feed2 /
 link rel=previous href=...feed1 /
 link rel=next href=...feed3 /
 link rel=first href=...feed1 /
 link rel=last href=...feed3 /

 link rel=self=href=...feed3 /
 link rel=previous href=...feed2 /
 link rel=first href=...feed1 /

- James

Mark Nottingham wrote:

At first I really liked this proposal, but I think that the kind  
of  confusion you're concerned about is unavoidable; the terms  
you refer  to suffer bottom-up vs. top-down.

I think that defining the terms well and in relation to the   
subscription feed will help; after all, the terms don't surface  
in  UIs, so it should be transparent.

On 14/10/2005, at 10:37 AM, Antone Roundy wrote:

Which brings me back to top, bottom, up and down.  In  
the  OpenSearch case, it's clear which end the top results are  
going  to be found.  In the syndication feed case, the  
convention is to  put the most recent entries at the top.  If  
you think of a feed  as a stack, new entries are stacked on  
top.  The fact that these  terms are less generic and flexible  
than previous and next is  both an advantage and a  
disadvantage.  I think the question is  whether it's an  
advantage in a significant majority of cases or  not.  What  
orderings would those terms not work well for?

Mark Nottingham   Principal Technologist
Office of the CTO   BEA Systems


BEAWorld 2005: coming to a city near you.  Everything you need  
for SOA and enterprise infrastructure success.

Register now at

London 11-12 Oct| Paris13-14 Oct| Prague18-19 Oct |Tokyo 25-26  
Oct| Beijing 7-8 Dec

Mark Nottingham   Principal Technologist
Office of the CTO   BEA Systems

Mark Nottingham   Principal Technologist
Office of the CTO   BEA Systems

Re: Feed History -04

2005-10-14 Thread James Holderness

Subscription feed:
  - can contain link/@rel=prev, OR
  - can contain fh:incremental = false

I never did understand this. Why is fh:incremental needed here? From a feed 
history point of view you either have a history (a prev link is present) or 
you don't. That's all an Atom processor needs in order to reconstruct the 

I get that a feed producer may want to provide a non-incremental feed (top 
10, todo lists, playlists, etc), but I don't see what that has to do with 
feed history. Wouldn't that be better suited in a separate extension along 
with whatever other meta-information might be appropriate for 
non-incremental lists?

Archive feed:
  - can contain link/@rel=prev and/or link/@rel=next
  - can contain link/@rel=subscribe  (effectively gives you last)
  - link/@rel=subscribe has a semantic of if you want to  subscribe to 
this feed, use the linked document, not this one.

The reconstruction algorithm is pretty much the same as in -04.

The only dangling point is first. I'm not especially against it,  but 
what's the use case?

I'm not especially for it, but it's theoretically possible that someone 
subscribing to a feed for the first time may want to download the full 
archives. Depending on their processing model, this may be more convenient 
starting with the oldest archive and working forwards in time


Re: Feed History -04

2005-10-14 Thread Mark Nottingham

On 14/10/2005, at 8:01 PM, James Holderness wrote:

I never did understand this. Why is fh:incremental needed here?  
From a feed history point of view you either have a history (a prev  
link is present) or you don't. That's all an Atom processor needs  
in order to reconstruct the feed.

I get that a feed producer may want to provide a non-incremental  
feed (top 10, todo lists, playlists, etc), but I don't see what  
that has to do with feed history. Wouldn't that be better suited in  
a separate extension along with whatever other meta-information  
might be appropriate for non-incremental lists?

It's more relevant than it seems at first glance. Currently, most (if  
not practically all) feed aggregators will keep a history by default,  
without information otherwise. Introducing a standard extension to  
enable that necessitates that there be a way to say don't do that.

The only dangling point is first. I'm not especially against  
it,  but what's the use case?

I'm not especially for it, but it's theoretically possible that  
someone subscribing to a feed for the first time may want to  
download the full archives. Depending on their processing model,  
this may be more convenient starting with the oldest archive and  
working forwards in time

Yeah, that's pretty much where I'm at; supplying effectively gives  
*two* ways to reconstruct the state of a feed, meaning that both  
would need to be supported (and optimised) by implementations, which  
isn't so great unless there's a compelling need for it.

Mark Nottingham

Re: Feed History -04

2005-10-14 Thread James M Snell

Mark Nottingham wrote:

Right. A few questions that pop up:

1) Is it a closed or open set? If it's open (and I think 99% of feeds  
are), what does last mean?

My answer is that it's probably an open set, so last doesn't mean  
much that's useful (unless it's conflated with the subscription feed;  
see below).

My answer would be: if last is used, it's a closed set; if last is 
not used, it's an open set.

2) What's the relationship between these feed documents and the feed  
document that people subscribe to?

I think the subscription feed needs to be pinned to one end of the  
set (which is what FH does now). Otherwise, it becomes difficult to  
figure out whether you have the complete set or not by polling.

I think this will be dependent on the context in which the link rels are 
used.  The subscription link rel you've suggested is a good solution 
to this problem.  Within any of the feeds in the set, the subscription 
link rel would point to the feed that should be subscribed to -- 
regardless of whether the subscription feed appears at the start or end 
of the set.

On 14/10/2005, at 3:16 PM, James M Snell wrote:

The way I look at this is in terms of a single linked list of  
feeds.  The ordering of the entries within those feeds is  
irrelevant.  The individual linked feeds MAY be incremental (e.g.  
blog entries,etc) or may be complete (e.g. lists,etc).  Simply  
because a feeds are linked, no assumption should be made as to  
whether or not the entries in those feeds share any form of ordered  

link rel=first / is the first feed in the linked list
link rel=next / is the next feed in the linked list
link rel=previous / is the previous feed in the linked list
link rel=last / is the last feed in the linked list.

Terms like top, bottom, up, down, etc are meaningless in  
this model as they imply an ordering of the contents.

For feed history, it would work something like:

 link rel=self href=...feed1 /
 link rel=next /
 link rel=last href=...feed3 /

 link rel=self href=...feed2 /
 link rel=previous href=...feed1 /
 link rel=next href=...feed3 /
 link rel=first href=...feed1 /
 link rel=last href=...feed3 /

 link rel=self=href=...feed3 /
 link rel=previous href=...feed2 /
 link rel=first href=...feed1 /

- James

Mark Nottingham wrote:

At first I really liked this proposal, but I think that the kind  
of  confusion you're concerned about is unavoidable; the terms you  
refer  to suffer bottom-up vs. top-down.

I think that defining the terms well and in relation to the   
subscription feed will help; after all, the terms don't surface  in  
UIs, so it should be transparent.

On 14/10/2005, at 10:37 AM, Antone Roundy wrote:

Which brings me back to top, bottom, up and down.  In  the  
OpenSearch case, it's clear which end the top results are  going  
to be found.  In the syndication feed case, the convention  is to  
put the most recent entries at the top.  If you think of  a feed  
as a stack, new entries are stacked on top.  The fact  that 
these  terms are less generic and flexible than previous  and 
next is  both an advantage and a disadvantage.  I think the  
question is  whether it's an advantage in a significant majority  
of cases or  not.  What orderings would those terms not work well  

Mark Nottingham   Principal Technologist
Office of the CTO   BEA Systems

BEAWorld 2005: coming to a city near you.  Everything you need for  
SOA and enterprise infrastructure success.

Register now at

London 11-12 Oct| Paris13-14 Oct| Prague18-19 Oct |Tokyo 25-26  Oct| 
Beijing 7-8 Dec

Mark Nottingham   Principal Technologist
Office of the CTO   BEA Systems

Re: Feed History -04

2005-10-14 Thread Eric Scheid

On 15/10/05 8:28 AM, Henry Story [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Is the 'first' the feed document that changes, whereas 'next' and 'last'
 point to the archives? (in a feed history context?)

My thinking is that of the two ends, 'first' and 'last', it would normally
be the 'first' end that is anchored, while the 'last' end would shift as
more is added.


Re: Feed History -04

2005-10-14 Thread Mark Nottingham

On 14/10/2005, at 8:32 PM, James M Snell wrote:

1) Is it a closed or open set? If it's open (and I think 99% of  
feeds  are), what does last mean?

My answer would be: if last is used, it's a closed set; if last  
is not used, it's an open set.

Can you walk me through a use case where this would be desirable?  
E.g. what would the subscription URI be, would any of the entries be  
updated, and how if so? In what scenario would having a closed set  
feed be useful?

Separately, you say:
The first may not be relevant in the Feed history case but does  
come into play when thinking about paged search results, sequences  
of linked, non-incremental feeds, etc.

How? Can you give us a bit more flesh for the use case? Again, I'm  
not saying it's bad, but I don't see how it's useful in a feed (as  
opposed to a Web page).

2) What's the relationship between these feed documents and the  
feed  document that people subscribe to?

I think the subscription feed needs to be pinned to one end of  
the  set (which is what FH does now). Otherwise, it becomes  
difficult to  figure out whether you have the complete set or not  
by polling.

I think this will be dependent on the context in which the link  
rels are used.  The subscription link rel you've suggested is a  
good solution to this problem.  Within any of the feeds in the set,  
the subscription link rel would point to the feed that should be  
subscribed to -- regardless of whether the subscription feed  
appears at the start or end of the set.

What would the algorithm be for assuring that you have the complete  
state of the feed, without necessitating traversal of the entire feed  
every time?


Mark Nottingham

RE: Feed History -04

2005-10-13 Thread Byrne Reese

I was wondering if someone might be able to summarize the issues
associated with a link rel=next and link rel=previous? What were
the primary objections?

I ask because it seems like a very logical core component for the spec,
especially as a link relation.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of James M Snell
Sent: Sunday, October 09, 2005 9:06 PM
To: James Holderness
Cc: Syntax Atom
Subject: Re: Feed History -04

I've been considering asking the Opensearch folks if they would be 
willing to separate their next/previous/first/last link relations out to

a separate spec that could be made a working group draft.  The paging 
functionality they offer provides a solution to paging in the protocol 
and are generally useful across a broad variety of feed application 
cases.  Regardless, it would be very good to see these registered.

- James

James Holderness wrote:

 In case anyone is interested, the OpenSearch Response draft can be 
 found here:

 The rel values they support include next, previous (not prev), start 
 and end. They have a note next to each saying This value is pending 
 IETF registration. Does that mean they've actually started some kind 
 of registration process or they're just hoping to do so at some point 
 in the future?

 Another issue worth noting is that their example RSS feed is also 
 using atom:link to provide this functionality.

 Robert Sayre wrote:

 No, but Amazon OpenSearch has been threatening to register it, FWIW.

Re: Feed History -04

2005-10-13 Thread Joe Gregorio

On 10/10/05, James M Snell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I've been considering asking the Opensearch folks if they would be
 willing to separate their next/previous/first/last link relations out to
 a separate spec that could be made a working group draft.  The paging
 functionality they offer provides a solution to paging in the protocol
 and are generally useful across a broad variety of feed application
 cases.  Regardless, it would be very good to see these registered.



Joe Gregorio

RE: Feed History -04

2005-10-13 Thread Byrne Reese


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of James M Snell
Sent: Sunday, October 09, 2005 9:06 PM
To: James Holderness
Cc: Syntax Atom
Subject: Re: Feed History -04

I've been considering asking the Opensearch folks if they would be 
willing to separate their next/previous/first/last link relations out to

a separate spec that could be made a working group draft.  The paging 
functionality they offer provides a solution to paging in the protocol 
and are generally useful across a broad variety of feed application 
cases.  Regardless, it would be very good to see these registered.

- James

Re: Feed History -04

2005-10-13 Thread Mark Nottingham

I've been considering moving feed history over to atom:link, but  
wanted to check with people who are currently using / referring to  
it, as well as with the RSS communities. Please give me a little time.

On 09/10/2005, at 9:06 PM, James M Snell wrote:

I've been considering asking the Opensearch folks if they would be  
willing to separate their next/previous/first/last link relations  
out to a separate spec that could be made a working group draft.   
The paging functionality they offer provides a solution to paging  
in the protocol and are generally useful across a broad variety of  
feed application cases.  Regardless, it would be very good to see  
these registered.

- James

James Holderness wrote:

In case anyone is interested, the OpenSearch Response draft can be  
found here:

The rel values they support include next, previous (not prev),  
start and end. They have a note next to each saying This value is  
pending IETF registration. Does that mean they've actually  
started some kind of registration process or they're just hoping  
to do so at some point in the future?

Another issue worth noting is that their example RSS feed is also  
using atom:link to provide this functionality.

Robert Sayre wrote:

No, but Amazon OpenSearch has been threatening to register it,  
FWIW. :)

Mark Nottingham   Principal Technologist
Office of the CTO   BEA Systems

Mark Nottingham

Re: Feed History -04

2005-10-13 Thread James M Snell

Excellent.  If this works out, there is an opportunity to merge the 
paging behavior of Feed History, OpenSearch and APP collections into a 
single set of paging link relations (next/previous/first/last).

Mark Nottingham wrote:

I've been considering moving feed history over to atom:link, but  
wanted to check with people who are currently using / referring to  
it, as well as with the RSS communities. Please give me a little time.

On 09/10/2005, at 9:06 PM, James M Snell wrote:

I've been considering asking the Opensearch folks if they would be  
willing to separate their next/previous/first/last link relations  
out to a separate spec that could be made a working group draft.   
The paging functionality they offer provides a solution to paging  in 
the protocol and are generally useful across a broad variety of  feed 
application cases.  Regardless, it would be very good to see  these 

- James

James Holderness wrote:

In case anyone is interested, the OpenSearch Response draft can be  
found here:

The rel values they support include next, previous (not prev),  
start and end. They have a note next to each saying This value is  
pending IETF registration. Does that mean they've actually  started 
some kind of registration process or they're just hoping  to do so 
at some point in the future?

Another issue worth noting is that their example RSS feed is also  
using atom:link to provide this functionality.

Robert Sayre wrote:

No, but Amazon OpenSearch has been threatening to register it,  
FWIW. :)

Mark Nottingham   Principal Technologist
Office of the CTO   BEA Systems

Mark Nottingham

Re: Feed History -04

2005-10-13 Thread Eric Scheid

On 14/10/05 9:18 AM, James M Snell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Excellent.  If this works out, there is an opportunity to merge the
 paging behavior of Feed History, OpenSearch and APP collections into a
 single set of paging link relations (next/previous/first/last).

'first' or 'start'?

Do we need to define what 'first' means though?  I recall a dissenting
opinion on the wiki that the 'first' entry could be at either end of the
list, which could surprise some.


Re: Feed History -04

2005-10-13 Thread Antone Roundy

On Oct 13, 2005, at 7:58 PM, Eric Scheid wrote:

On 14/10/05 9:18 AM, James M Snell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Excellent.  If this works out, there is an opportunity to merge the
paging behavior of Feed History, OpenSearch and APP collections  
into a

single set of paging link relations (next/previous/first/last).

'first' or 'start'?

Do we need to define what 'first' means though?  I recall a dissenting
opinion on the wiki that the 'first' entry could be at either end  
of the

list, which could surprise some.

Yeah, that's a good question.  Maybe calling them top and bottom  
would work better.  Considering that the convention is to put the  
newest entry at the top of a feed document, top might be more  
intuitively understandable as being the new end.  You might also  
rename next and previous (or is it previous and next?) to  
down and up.  There's SOME chance of that getting confused with  
hierarchical levels, but I could live with that.

Re: Feed History -04

2005-10-13 Thread A. Pagaltzis

* Antone Roundy [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2005-10-14 05:10]:
 On Oct 13, 2005, at 7:58 PM, Eric Scheid wrote:
 Do we need to define what 'first' means though?  I recall a
 dissenting opinion on the wiki that the 'first' entry could be
 at either end of the list, which could surprise some.
 Yeah, that's a good question. Maybe calling them top and
 bottom would work better. Considering that the convention
 is to put the newest entry at the top of a feed document,
 top might be more intuitively understandable as being the
 new end. You might also rename next and previous (or is
 it previous and next?) to down and up. There's SOME
 chance of that getting confused with hierarchical levels, but
 I could live with that.

'inaugural' and 'latest'? :-)

Aristotle Pagaltzis //

Re: Feed History -04

2005-10-13 Thread Joe Gregorio

On 10/13/05, Eric Scheid [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 14/10/05 9:18 AM, James M Snell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Excellent.  If this works out, there is an opportunity to merge the
  paging behavior of Feed History, OpenSearch and APP collections into a
  single set of paging link relations (next/previous/first/last).

 'first' or 'start'?

 Do we need to define what 'first' means though?  I recall a dissenting
 opinion on the wiki that the 'first' entry could be at either end of the
 list, which could surprise some.

   It's like deja-vu all over again.



Joe Gregorio

Re: Feed History -04

2005-10-13 Thread Eric Scheid

On 14/10/05 2:01 PM, Joe Gregorio [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  It's like deja-vu all over again.

I'd forgotten about that, I was only remembering the wiki.

I still think it odd that one could traverse both prev and next from the
start. In the context of paging link relations (first/next/prev/last) I
would've thought that 'first' and 'last' are boundaries, and only the 'last'
boundary would shift over time as more is added.


Re: Feed History -04

2005-10-09 Thread Henry Story

It occurred to me that I should think a little more before speaking.

There seems to be a history of the atom spec here:

I could not find the prev link in any of the specs. So I guess I was  
But I also always thought of prev and next as being very good  
candidates for
the link element.  I never raised my voice against the move at the  
time because

I assumed most decisions on this list were good ones.

There is one reference to prev and next here:


On 9 Oct 2005, at 10:47, Henry Story wrote:

I believe it was part of atom 0.3, and for some complex reason I never
bothered trying to understand someone decided it should be moved  
over to
the protocol side of things. Probably just because the debate was  
taking up

too much time...

So yes. 'prev' and 'next' have always been intended to be there in  
the link element...


On 9 Oct 2005, at 10:39, James Holderness wrote:

Following up on the idea of using atom:link instead of fh:prev, I  
recently came across an old article by Mark Pilgrim on  
( in which he  
discusses the atom:link element and the various rel attributes it  
supports. He specifically brings up the issue of feed history and  
using next and prev to link archives together.

It sounded to me as if he was talking about an existing feature in  
the spec - it wasn't like he was proposing it as a new idea. So  
was this something that used to be part of an old version of the  
spec that was later removed? Or was this an early proposal that  
was never accepted into the spec?

Also of interest: there's a link from that article to his archives  
on which actually include next and prev links in  
the feed. I'm almost inclined to add support for that just so I  
can access those old posts. There used to be some excellent  
articles on his site.

Re: Feed History -04

2005-10-09 Thread James Holderness

Funny you should say that. When you told me it was part of Atom 0.3 I also 
thought to myself that I should have checked that before posting. 
Technically you were correct. Version 0.3 of the syndication format doesn't 
mention next and prev explicitly, but it does say (in section 3.4.1) that 
the rel attribute must be one of the values enumerated in the API 
specification. And at the time the API specification included (amongst 
others) start, next and prev. They were only recently removed (in 
draft-ietf-atompub-protocol-03). If you look at the draft prior to that 
you'll find them in section 3.5.1.


Henry Story wrote:

It occurred to me that I should think a little more before speaking.

There seems to be a history of the atom spec here:

I could not find the prev link in any of the specs. So I guess I was 

Re: Feed History -04

2005-10-09 Thread Mark Nottingham

Managing Feed State was a placeholder I put in the original Atom  
spec draft 
format-00.html#rfc.section.4 for just this kind of discussion. The  
WG couldn't come to a consensus on a mechanism (my proposal was, so we removed  
that section (earlier this year, IIRC).

On 09/10/2005, at 1:39 AM, James Holderness wrote:

Following up on the idea of using atom:link instead of fh:prev, I  
recently came across an old article by Mark Pilgrim on  
( in which he  
discusses the atom:link element and the various rel attributes it  
supports. He specifically brings up the issue of feed history and  
using next and prev to link archives together.

It sounded to me as if he was talking about an existing feature in  
the spec - it wasn't like he was proposing it as a new idea. So was  
this something that used to be part of an old version of the spec  
that was later removed? Or was this an early proposal that was  
never accepted into the spec?

Also of interest: there's a link from that article to his archives  
on which actually include next and prev links in  
the feed. I'm almost inclined to add support for that just so I can  
access those old posts. There used to be some excellent articles on  
his site.

Mark Nottingham   Principal Technologist
Office of the CTO   BEA Systems

Mark Nottingham

Re: Feed History -04

2005-10-09 Thread Joe Gregorio

On 10/9/05, Henry Story [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 It occurred to me that I should think a little more before speaking.

 There seems to be a history of the atom spec here:

 I could not find the prev link in any of the specs. So I guess I was

It's in there:

So -1 to draft-nottingham-atompub-feed-history-04.txt for not using
a link tag of rel=prev.


Joe Gregorio

Re: Feed History -04

2005-10-09 Thread Robert Sayre

On 10/9/05, Mark Nottingham [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The format doesn't reference the API document any more,

That's good.

 and the
 current API document
 atompub-protocol-04.txt doesn't include anything about that link
 relation; it was removed.

No, but Amazon OpenSearch has been threatening to register it, FWIW. :)

Robert Sayre

Re: Feed History -04

2005-10-09 Thread James Holderness

In case anyone is interested, the OpenSearch Response draft can be found 

The rel values they support include next, previous (not prev), start and 
end. They have a note next to each saying This value is pending IETF 
registration. Does that mean they've actually started some kind of 
registration process or they're just hoping to do so at some point in the 

Another issue worth noting is that their example RSS feed is also using 
atom:link to provide this functionality.

Robert Sayre wrote:

No, but Amazon OpenSearch has been threatening to register it, FWIW. :)

Re: Feed History -04

2005-10-09 Thread Mark Nottingham

Looks like the whole use URIs for non-registered values approach  
has already gone by the wayside. Oh, well.

Next time, it should just be URIs, period -- no shortcuts.

On 09/10/2005, at 3:41 PM, James Holderness wrote:

They have a note next to each saying This value is pending IETF  
registration. Does that mean they've actually started some kind of  
registration process or they're just hoping to do so at some point  
in the future?

Mark Nottingham

Re: Feed History -04

2005-10-09 Thread James M Snell

I don't think not using the URI is a problem so long as the intent is to 
register the value and you make an attempt at standardization.  The 
problems arise when folks use names when they have no intention of 
standardizing or registering.

- James

Mark Nottingham wrote:

Looks like the whole use URIs for non-registered values approach  
has already gone by the wayside. Oh, well.

Next time, it should just be URIs, period -- no shortcuts.

On 09/10/2005, at 3:41 PM, James Holderness wrote:

They have a note next to each saying This value is pending IETF  
registration. Does that mean they've actually started some kind of  
registration process or they're just hoping to do so at some point  
in the future?

Mark Nottingham

Re: Feed History -04

2005-10-09 Thread James M Snell

I've been considering asking the Opensearch folks if they would be 
willing to separate their next/previous/first/last link relations out to 
a separate spec that could be made a working group draft.  The paging 
functionality they offer provides a solution to paging in the protocol 
and are generally useful across a broad variety of feed application 
cases.  Regardless, it would be very good to see these registered.

- James

James Holderness wrote:

In case anyone is interested, the OpenSearch Response draft can be 
found here:

The rel values they support include next, previous (not prev), start 
and end. They have a note next to each saying This value is pending 
IETF registration. Does that mean they've actually started some kind 
of registration process or they're just hoping to do so at some point 
in the future?

Another issue worth noting is that their example RSS feed is also 
using atom:link to provide this functionality.

Robert Sayre wrote:

No, but Amazon OpenSearch has been threatening to register it, FWIW. :)

Re: Feed History -04

2005-10-03 Thread Ian Davis

On 01/10/2005 01:05, James Holderness wrote:

Mark Nottingham wrote:
Thanks for the feedback. As I've explained before, I have a pretty  
strong preference for the current design, to make it usable in other  
formats; i.e., the scope of this is not just Atom (which is why I'm  
probably going to do it as an Individual submission).

At first I thought this was a good idea, but I'm starting to have second 
thoughts. The spec as it stands is fine for RSS 2, but I can see a lot 
of Atom people thinking that you should be using atom:link (as Henry 
suggested) and not wanting to corrupt their nice new format. No doubt 
the RSS 1 folks have their own preference for where this should be going 
and will probably be even more adamant that you do things the correct 
way (not sure what that might be - something using dc:relation maybe?) I 
would worry that if they don't like it, they won't use it.

I think the RSS 1.0 folks would be happiest with a self-contained 
extension in its own namespace with each term having clear unambiguous 
semantics. I think Mark's design achieves this.

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Working on... Silkworm

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