Re: [CnD] FW: cooking humor: you know you're a bad cook when ...

2016-10-21 Thread Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark
I know someone who actually does use a smoke detector to indicate that his 
steak is ready to be taken off of the indoor grill.  I thought that he was 
kidding me until I witnessed him doing it.  He likes them extremely well done, 
to the point of actually being to the point at which you can actually hear the 
meat crack when he cuts it with a knife.  I suppose that tastes differ greatly, 
because I am the exact opposite.  I like mine to be just beyond the mooing 
stage.  In restaurants, they purposely cook them just a bit less done than you 
order them.  The reasoning is that if a steak is not done enough to your 
liking, it can be cooked a bit more.  If it has been overlooked, they will have 
to cook another one for you.  With this in mine, I always order them extra 
rare.  They usually come out close enough to my liking.

Sent from my iPhone7+

> On Oct 20, 2016, at 9:14 PM, Jeanne Fike via Cookinginthedark 
>  wrote:
> From: Jeanne Fike []
> Sent: Thursday, October 20, 2016 9:09 PM
> Subject: Fw: cooking humor: you know you're a bad cook when ...
> Got this from another list.
> - You use the smoke alarm as a cooking timer.
> - You consider it a culinary success if the pop-tart stays in one piece.
> - Your dog goes to the neighbors' to eat.
> - Your family buys Alka Seltzer and Kaopectate in bulk.
> - When you barbecue, two of your kids hold water guns and the third stands
> ready by the phone with 911 on speed-dial.
> - Your family automatically heads for the dinner table every time they hear
> a fire truck siren.
> - The EPA insists that all your garbage cans be marked with biohazard
> symbols.
> - Your microwave display reads "TILT!"
> - Your two best recipes are meatloaf and apple pie, but your dinner guests
> can't tell which is which.
> - Your pie filling bubbles over and eats the enamel off the bottom of the
> oven.
> - You've used three boxes of scouring pads and a bottle of Drano and a
> crowbar, and that macaroni and cheese still won't let go of the pan.
> - Pest control companies keep pestering you for your recipes.
> - You make tuna noodle surprise and the surprise is that it glows in the
> dark and melts the silverware.
> - Your family prays AFTER they eat!
> ___
> Cookinginthedark mailing list

Cookinginthedark mailing list

Re: [CnD] this list

2016-10-13 Thread Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark
I know that there were requests, sent to this list instead of where they 
should have been sent, to be unsubscribed, but don't know if they were 
fulfilled.  Some of them were repeats of previously sent requests.  But, 
just like on any eMail list, traffic fluctuates.

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
-Original Message- 
From: Kimsan Song via Cookinginthedark

Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2016 12:44 PM
Cc: Kimsan Song
Subject: [CnD] this list

I'm not seeing emails come through this list. Did we lose lots of members?

Kimsan Song

Cookinginthedark mailing list 

Cookinginthedark mailing list

[CnD] Ro-Tel tomatoes - Re: Nyyki’s Traditional Texas Chili (Was: Chili with no beans)

2016-09-27 Thread Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark

The ones that are marked "hot" actually are.  I use them when making my
chili.  I do not drain them, as the juice adds to the chili.  I do not add
any water because I like it thick, not thin and watery.  These really add
some kick to the good stuff.

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
-Original Message-
From: Nicole Massey via Cookinginthedark
Sent: Tuesday, September 27, 2016 12:32 PM
To: ;
Cc: Nicole Massey
Subject: Re: [CnD] Nyyki’s Traditional Texas Chili (Was: Chili with no

Yep -- Ro-tel added different varieties, with different heat levels, a while

-Original Message-
From: Gary Patterson via Cookinginthedark
Sent: Tuesday, September 27, 2016 12:29 PM
Cc: Gary Patterson 
Subject: Re: [CnD] Nyyki’s Traditional Texas Chili (Was: Chili with no

Be real careful. The Rotel Tomatoes have hot peppers in them, even the green
chiles with seasoned tomatoes. The Rotel are good but be wise to which of
the several kinds there are.

Gary Patterson

-Original Message-
From: Nicole Massey via Cookinginthedark
Sent: Sunday, September 11, 2016 5:49 PM
Cc: Nicole Massey
Subject: Re: [CnD] Nyyki’s Traditional Texas Chili (Was: Chili with no

I wouldn't use ketchup, I'd just cook it a bit longer, as it'll thicken up.
It helps if you want a thicker chili to open the lid a bit after it's done
to let the liquid steam out some.

-Original Message-
From: Rebeca V via Cookinginthedark []
Sent: Sunday, September 11, 2016 5:00 PM
Cc: Rebeca V 
Subject: Re: [CnD] Nyyki’s Traditional Texas Chili (Was: Chili with no

On Saturday, September 10, 2016, Nicole Massey via Cookinginthedark <> wrote:

Chili with beans isn't chili, it's chili stew, though many folks north
of the Red River don't know the difference between the two.
Traditional chili, as a menu item instead of a sauce, is range food
that accomplished two things -- it used side cuts of beef from a cow
or steer that didn't make the long drive up the trails to Kansas City,
and it also saved money and rations as beans, a cowhand's least
favorite meal, can be saved indefinitely in the chuck wagon. Hot dog
sauce is a variant of the sauce variety, which is best known as chili
con carne to differentiate it from the main dish version, and it tends
to be sweeter and thinner -- it's sort of like a mixture of sauce chili
plus some catsup or ketchup and mustard.
Below is my traditional chili recipe, which I've made for decades.

Nyyki’s Traditional Texas Chili
 Okay, I’m from Texas and Chili is our state dish, and this recipe is
a range chili. This means there are no beans in the recipe. However,
if you like, you can add beans after cooking the chili.
The recipe works best with a “chili meat” grind; this is a larger
grind than ground beef. If you want more heat, add red pepper flakes,
diced jalapenos (either fresh or pickled), or hotter peppers like
habaneros. You could also use a tomato and green chili blend like
Ro-Tel to increase the heat level.
The chili can be ladled over rice, crushed crackers, or even
cornbread. A good sharp cheddar cheese and/or diced onions are also nice
with the Chili.
Servings: 6
1 med. onion, minced
2 lb. of chili meat
1 lb. of ground pork sausage
1 can tomato sauce
1 can of diced tomatoes, Large
2 tsp. of cumin
1 tbsp. of chili powder
1 tbsp. clove fresh chopped garlic
2 packets store brand chili seasoning
2 cups of water
Place all ingredients into a crock pot, and stir. Then, simmer for 4
hours on high or until the meat is tender; add water to keep the chili
from getting too dry.
Variations: Venison, Buffalo, or even exotic red meats can be used
instead of beef. A chicken-based sausage can be used instead of pork
sausage. You can also add mushrooms.

-Original Message-
From: Rebeca V via Cookinginthedark
Sent: Saturday, September 10, 2016 1:11 PM
Cc: Rebeca V >
Subject: [CnD] Chili with no beans

Hi there, hope everyone is having a great weekend. Anyhow, I was
wondering if any of you have a recipe that you would like to share.
I'm looking for chili with no beans. I believe they sell it in a cat
at the grocery store and it's called hotdog sauce.

Hope everyone has a wonderful day.
Sincerely, Rebeca and family
Cookinginthedark mailing list

Cookinginthedark mailing list

Re: [CnD] chicken thoughts

2016-09-26 Thread Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark

Getting back on topic, I hope, by reminding that I'm looking for thoughts on
the original post.

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
-Original Message-
From: Sugar via Cookinginthedark
Sent: Monday, September 26, 2016 2:10 PM
Cc: Sugar
Subject: Re: [CnD] chicken thoughts

We have one of those restaurants here in Fresno. I love their honey mustard
sauce. They have contest on who can eat a dozen of their hottest sauces
dipped wings in just 3 minutes, it's crazy.

‘I had rather stand with God and be judged by the world, than to stand with
the world and be judged by God.’
-Truly Blessed, Sugar

-Original Message-
From: juliette via Cookinginthedark []
Sent: Monday, September 26, 2016 9:37 AM
Cc: juliette
Subject: Re: [CnD] chicken thoughts

Hey Charles,
Where I'm from, Minneapolis, you can purchase buffalo sauce (any degree of
hotness) from Buffalo Wild Wings. If interested, you might try this on a
thigh or two. We'll need all the help and hope we can get tonight to listen
to those debates!!

Juliette Silvers

- Original Message -
From: Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark  <>
To: cooking in the dark list  <>
Date: 09/26/2016 6:19 am
Subject: [CnD] chicken thoughts

I'm not sure what I am going to do with a 5 pound package of chicken
thighs that have the bones and skin intact.  I do want the bone and skin
to remain intact.  I'm considering to either bake them in the oven covered
with either barbecue sauce or with Shake 'not Bake, but I want to add
another taste and texture, just for fun.  I'm thinking of rubbing them
very heavily with some lemon pepper seasoning and then grilling them on a
George Formann grill before sticking them into the preheated oven.  These
are very large thighs.  In the 5 pound package, I think there might be 10
of them.  The grill has a temperature knob with no tactual temperature
indications such as a click or detent that can be felt, although I do have
a stick-on dot to locate settings of "low" and "medium".  Of course, "off"
is all the way counter clockwise and "high" is all the way clockwise.  The
question is this:  I will be grilling them in batches.  How long and at
what temperature setting?  After all thighs have

 been grilled and cooled, the Shake 'not Bake or barbecue sauce will be
added, then the final cooking will be done.  The purposes that I want to do
this are to give a different taste and to hopefully eliminate some of the
greasiness.  Main reason is the taste experiment, though.  This should
result in a feast during donight's Presidential debate!!  Any thoughts are

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
Cookinginthedark mailing list

Cookinginthedark mailing list

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Cookinginthedark mailing list

Re: [CnD] chicken thoughts

2016-09-26 Thread Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark
I've already been thinking about that very thing.  I can make some thigh 
sauce by combininb about a quarter teaspoon of Spontaneous Combustion with a 
cup of barbecue sauce.  I would need at least two batches of this mixture 
for the 5 pounds of chicken.  This hot sauce can be gotten from

which is screen reader friendly.  It is extremely hot, and this is the 
opinion of someone who really likes hot stuff, namely me.  When it comes to 
Spontaneous Combustion, a little goes a long, long way!

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
-Original Message- 
From: juliette via Cookinginthedark

Sent: Monday, September 26, 2016 11:36 AM
Cc: juliette
Subject: Re: [CnD] chicken thoughts

Hey Charles,
Where I'm from, Minneapolis, you can purchase buffalo sauce (any degree of 
hotness) from Buffalo Wild Wings. If interested, you might try this on a 
thigh or two. We'll need all the help and hope we can get tonight to listen 
to those debates!!

Juliette Silvers

- Original Message -
From: Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark  <>
To: cooking in the dark list  <>
Date: 09/26/2016 6:19 am
Subject: [CnD] chicken thoughts

I'm not sure what I am going to do with a 5 pound package of chicken 
thighs that have the bones and skin intact.  I do want the bone and skin 
to remain intact.  I'm considering to either bake them in the oven covered 
with either barbecue sauce or with Shake 'not Bake, but I want to add 
another taste and texture, just for fun.  I'm thinking of rubbing them 
very heavily with some lemon pepper seasoning and then grilling them on a 
George Formann grill before sticking them into the preheated oven.  These 
are very large thighs.  In the 5 pound package, I think there might be 10 
of them.  The grill has a temperature knob with no tactual temperature 
indications such as a click or detent that can be felt, although I do have 
a stick-on dot to locate settings of "low" and "medium".  Of course, "off" 
is all the way counter clockwise and "high" is all the way clockwise.  The 
question is this:  I will be grilling them in batches.  How long and at 
what temperature setting?  After all thighs have
 been grilled and cooled, the Shake 'not Bake or barbecue sauce will be 
added, then the final cooking will be done.  The purposes that I want to do 
this are to give a different taste and to hopefully eliminate some of the 
greasiness.  Main reason is the taste experiment, though.  This should 
result in a feast during donight's Presidential debate!!  Any thoughts are 

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
Cookinginthedark mailing list

Cookinginthedark mailing list

Cookinginthedark mailing list

[CnD] chicken thoughts

2016-09-26 Thread Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark
I’m not sure what I am going to do with a 5 pound package of chicken thighs 
that have the bones and skin intact.  I do want the bone and skin to remain 
intact.  I’m considering to either bake them in the oven covered with either 
barbecue sauce or with Shake ‘n Bake, but I want to add another taste and 
texture, just for fun.  I’m thinking of rubbing them very heavily with some 
lemon pepper seasoning and then grilling them on a George Formann grill before 
sticking them into the preheated oven.  These are very large thighs.  In the 5 
pound package, I think there might be 10 of them.  The grill has a temperature 
knob with no tactual temperature indications such as a click or detent that can 
be felt, although I do have a stick-on dot to locate settings of “low” and 
“medium”.  Of course, “off” is all the way counter clockwise and “high” is all 
the way clockwise.  The question is this:  I will be grilling them in batches.  
How long and at what temperature setting?  After all thighs have been grilled 
and cooled, the Shake ‘n Bake or barbecue sauce will be added, then the final 
cooking will be done.  The purposes that I want to do this are to give a 
different taste and to hopefully eliminate some of the greasiness.  Main reason 
is the taste experiment, though.  This should result in a feast during 
donight’s Presidential debate!!  Any thoughts are appreciated.

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
Cookinginthedark mailing list

Re: [CnD] Bacon Hot Dogs:

2016-09-24 Thread Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark
I seem to remember that you bake them according to the directions on the can 
of biscuits.  When the biscuit dough is done, so is everything on the 

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
-Original Message- 
From: Brenda Mueller via Cookinginthedark

Sent: Saturday, September 24, 2016 6:17 PM
To: []
Cc: Brenda Mueller
Subject: [CnD] Bacon Hot Dogs:

Did someone say there were no recipes for Bacon Hot Dogs? Be ware; that is 
only so far as that person knows.  Years ago back in the 70's in cooking 
class we made what the teacher called bacon hot dogs.

First we took wieners and made a slit down the length of the wieners being 
careful not to cut all the way through, but coming very close.

Next we took American cheese slices and broke them into slices that would 
fit in those slits in the wieners.

after the cheese was in place, we took a slice of uncooked bacon for each 
wiener and wrapped each with a slice of bacon.

After that we opened one of those containers of Hungry Jack Butter Milk 
biscuits, the kind from the refrigerated section, separated the biscuits and 
made them into strips for each wiener.  We wrapped the bacon cheese wieners 
with a strip encasing the wieners completely.

Then we baked them in the oven.  The problem is I don't remember the exact 
temperature or time.

If I try it any time soon, I'll try it at 375 for about 20 minutes to see 
what happens.  So recipes for bacon hot dogs certainly exist, because I 
remember working with this one all those years ago.  The cookbook we had in 
that class was Cooking Without Looking.  Too bad I don't have access to that 
book to see if that recipe for that bacon hot dog came from there.

Now we have a first: a cooking mystery that I just posted on this forum.

Brenda Mueller

Sent from my iPhone
Cookinginthedark mailing list 

Cookinginthedark mailing list

Re: [CnD] bacon hotdogs

2016-09-20 Thread Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark
That's all there is to it.  I use an indoor grill.  I wrap a strip of bacon 
in a spiral around the hotdog so that it is completely encased, then lay in 
on a heated grill.  The George Formann grill closes down on top of the 
hotdogs, keeping the bacon in place.  The grill is turned on "high", and it 
will probably take about 4 minutes to get the bacon crispy.  By this time, 
the hotdog is done, too.

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
-Original Message- 
From: Nicole Massey via Cookinginthedark

Sent: Tuesday, September 20, 2016 5:05 PM
Cc: Nicole Massey
Subject: Re: [CnD] bacon hotdogs

The only time I've done this is on a grill or campfire, and there is no 
recipe -- wrap a hot dog in bacon, grill until the bacon is done, and revel 
in the flavor.

-Original Message-
From: Kimsan via Cookinginthedark []
Sent: Tuesday, September 20, 2016 1:54 PM
Cc: Kimsan 
Subject: [CnD] bacon hotdogs

Has anyone made bacon wrapped hotdogs?

If so, would you like to supply a recipe?


Kimsan Song

Cookinginthedark mailing list

Cookinginthedark mailing list 

Cookinginthedark mailing list

Re: [CnD] I Hate to Cook cookbooks in braille to give away

2016-09-15 Thread Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark

The contact info was shown as

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
-Original Message- 
From: Mike and Jean via Cookinginthedark

Sent: Thursday, September 15, 2016 4:08 PM
Cc: Mike and Jean
Subject: Re: [CnD] I Hate to Cook cookbooks in braille to give away

I could not find your e-mail address so I am sending this on list.  I am 
very interested in the "I Hate To Cook" cookbook in braille.  My address is  Thanks Mike

-Original Message-
From: Jeanne Fike via Cookinginthedark 

Sent: Thursday, September 15, 2016 4:46 PM
Cc: Jeanne Fike 
Subject: [CnD] I Hate to Cook cookbooks in braille to give away


Hope this is allowed.

I am acquainted with the editor of Our Special magazine. She has given me 
permission to let people know she has the I Hate to Cook cookbook in braille

(3 volumes) and the appendix (also in braille; 3 volumes) to give away.

She has other cookbooks in braille. If interested, contact me off list and 
I'll give you her contact information.


Cookinginthedark mailing list

Cookinginthedark mailing list 

Cookinginthedark mailing list

[CnD] do people actually read posts?Re: I Hate to Cook cookbooks in braille to give away

2016-09-15 Thread Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark
I'm noticing that someone has asked to be contacted, and here is the key 
phrase that nobody pays attention to, "off! list!", if they are interested 
in receiving info about, or receiving, brailled cookbooks.  And what are 
these people doing??  They are contacting the person through the use of this 
eMail list.  Why don't people at least show the courtesy of following 
specifically given instructions in order to take advantage of generosity??

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
-Original Message- 
From: Naima Leigh via Cookinginthedark

Sent: Thursday, September 15, 2016 6:07 PM
Cc: Naima Leigh
Subject: Re: [CnD] I Hate to Cook cookbooks in braille to give away

Jeanne I'm interested too.

-Original Message-
From: Jeanne Fike via Cookinginthedark 

Sent: Thursday, September 15, 2016 4:44 PM
Cc: Jeanne Fike
Subject: [CnD] I Hate to Cook cookbooks in braille to give away


Hope this is allowed.

I am acquainted with the editor of Our Special magazine. She has given me 
permission to let people know she has the I Hate to Cook cookbook in braille

(3 volumes) and the appendix (also in braille; 3 volumes) to give away.

She has other cookbooks in braille. If interested, contact me off list and 
I'll give you her contact information.


Cookinginthedark mailing list

Cookinginthedark mailing list 

Cookinginthedark mailing list

Re: [CnD] Chili with no beans

2016-09-10 Thread Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark
Hotdog sauce is different than chili with no beans.  It's sort of like a 
Sloppy Joe stuff, only a bit spicier.  I have a recipe for making extremely 
hot chili that has no beans in it.  The base is Wolf brand canned chili that 
has no beans.  If that is what you're looking for, I can post it.  If you 
are looking for a recipe for hot dog sauce, I don't have one.  I'm not sure 
which you're looking for because both were mentioned in your query.

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
-Original Message- 
From: Rebeca V via Cookinginthedark

Sent: Saturday, September 10, 2016 1:08 PM
Cc: Rebeca V
Subject: [CnD] Chili with no beans

Hi there, hope everyone is having a great weekend. Anyhow, I was wondering
if any of you have a recipe that you would like to share. I'm looking for
chili with no beans. I believe they sell it in a cat at the grocery store
and it's called hotdog sauce.

Hope everyone has a wonderful day.
Sincerely, Rebeca and family
Cookinginthedark mailing list 

Cookinginthedark mailing list

[CnD] a razz at the moderator - Re: Amount of recipes

2016-09-06 Thread Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark
Steve:  Even though it takes bravery to admit to being the moderator, I 
won't hold it against you.  Being the lion tamer of this circus of lions 
takes guts.  Anyway, keep up the good work.

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
-Original Message- 
From: Steve Stewart via Cookinginthedark

Sent: Monday, September 05, 2016 9:42 PM
Cc: Steve Stewart
Subject: Re: [CnD] Amount of recipes

Juliette, I am the moderator; steve stewart.

-Original Message- 
From: juliette via Cookinginthedark

Sent: Monday, September 05, 2016 9:18 PM
Cc: juliette
Subject: Re: [CnD] Amount of recipes

All right Sugar; now I'm even more confused. I thought Wayne Stewart was the
moderator! Who is the moderator? (smile)


- Original Message -
From: Sugar via Cookinginthedark  
Date: 09/05/2016 7:59 pm
Subject: Re: [CnD] Amount of recipes

Wayne is not a moderator, Steve is the moderator

 'I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the


-Original Message-
From: juliette via Cookinginthedark []
Sent: Monday, September 05, 2016 6:50 PM
Cc: juliette
Subject: Re: [CnD] Amount of recipes

I'm confused Naima! I must have missed something. I read all the e-mails 
yet I'm confused-is Wayne o your friend? He's the moderator! Did he 
unsubscribe himself? I'm missing something. If you want to e-mail me off 
list here's my e-mail:



- Original Message -
From: Naima Leigh via Cookinginthedark  
Date: 09/05/2016 1:01 pm
Subject: Re: [CnD] Amount of recipes

> Since all of you complained about the recipes, I have lost Wayne my 
> friend, who has been more than generous to share what he has found, with 
> all of you.

> Some of you just want to hear yourselves criticize and gripe. But the 
> rest of us don't. For the complainers, why don't you post something once 
> and a wile than being lurkers and trouble makers. Why did you join a 
> cooking group anyway? This is not a abusing or grumbling group. This 
> group was supposed to except everyone, in spite of their abilities or 
> disabilities. Which means if that person post recipes from his or her 
> phone you shouldn't criticize about how it comes across. That maybe the 
> only way they can communicate. If the recipe has fractions in it, then 
> copy it in to word and change it! Or look it up and repost it 
> yourselves! This group isn't what I heard about, when I joined. David 
> needs to drop this one because it was a waste of time and energy. People 
> hurting other people because of some miss communication issues. Or 
> because of non appreashateive people who just want tried and true 
> recipes. I loved this group at first because I was learning about all 
> recipes and not just o

  particular group of them. It used to be helpful and enjoyable. If some 
of you don't like what you see "Then you should leave" and leave the 
recipes, if copied, to us who want them and appreciate them too..

> Stop making people leave because you are disgruntled and unsatisfied. 
> Leave if it is getting on your nerves. You will not be missed!

> This group will be a lot better without you anyway. Then maybe we can 
> get back to normal. Sharing recipes of all types with no hate in between 
> or at surtaint people.

> I am so disappointed with this group! Instead of excepting everyone, you 
> are just as bad as the prejudice and injustice people out there 
> discriminating on the disabled. But you are hurting and despising your 
> own people. Learn from your mistakes and put yourself in that person's 
> shoes. Would you want to be treated or talked to like the way some of 
> you are treating each other? No one is running these people away faster, 
> than all of you!
> What's the point of having a cooking group, if no one shares any recipes 
> and just picks on each other. In my eyes, that's considered "bullying" 
> Please Stop It

> Thank You
> -Original Message-
> From: Sugar via Cookinginthedark []
> Sent: Monday, September 05, 2016 12:36 PM
> To:
> Cc: Sugar
> Subject: Re: [CnD] Amount of recipes
> No worries dear heart he has unsubscribed.
>  'I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night.
> Sugar
> -Original Message-
> From: Anna Galassi via Cookinginthedark 
> []

> Sent: Monday, September 05, 2016 7:19 AM
> To:
> Cc: Anna Galassi
> Subject: Re: [CnD] Amount of recipes
> Yes it is but there have been more than 7.
> Anna
> -Original Message-
> From: Sugar via Cookinginthedark
> Sent: 

[CnD] griping - Re: Amount of recipes

2016-09-05 Thread Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark

Recipes are to be written in an understandable format.  It is up to the
author, not the reader, to convey, not decipher.

As for losing a friend, that would have nothing to do with this list.  That
would be between you and him, as a personal matter.

There is a reason as to why complaints are being voiced, and if you were to
have an open mind, you would clearly understand that list guidelines are
created and sent for a purpose.  When guidelines are shattered, not just
barely crossed, people will naturally send messages of complaint, and most
have been courteous, meaning no harm or not meant as flames.  When the same
guideline is continued to be broken in the same manner by the same people,
more strongly worded complaints will probably, and justifiably sent.

Your message is probably going to insult a lot of people, and was not

Whether someone sends a lot or not has nothing to do with their enjoyment of
the list.  A lot of the recipes that I have have already been sent to the
list.  I don't care to repeat them.  Others may feel the same way.  But for
you to say that if all we do is to complain and not send, so we should leave
the list is offensive.  I will offer you the same advice.  If you don't like
the list, I'll see you somewhere else instead, after you leave here.
Otherwise, don't complain about justifiably sent complaints.

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
-Original Message-
From: Naima Leigh via Cookinginthedark
Sent: Monday, September 05, 2016 1:58 PM
Cc: Naima Leigh
Subject: Re: [CnD] Amount of recipes

Since all of you complained about the recipes, I have lost Wayne my friend,
who has been more than generous to share what he has found, with all of you.

Some of you just want to hear yourselves criticize and gripe. But the rest
of us don't. For the complainers, why don't you post something once and a
wile than being lurkers and trouble makers. Why did you join a cooking group
anyway? This is not a abusing or grumbling group. This group was supposed to
except everyone, in spite of their abilities or disabilities. Which means if
that person post recipes from his or her phone you shouldn't criticize about
how it comes across. That maybe the only way they can communicate. If the
recipe has fractions in it, then copy it in to word and change it! Or look
it up and repost it yourselves! This group isn't what I heard about, when I
joined. David needs to drop this one because it was a waste of time and
energy. People hurting other people because of some miss communication
issues. Or because of non appreashateive people who just want tried and true
recipes. I loved this group at first because I was learning about all
recipes and not just one particular group of them. It used to be helpful and
enjoyable. If some of you don't like what you see "Then you should leave"
and leave the recipes, if copied, to us who want them and appreciate them

Stop making people leave because you are disgruntled and unsatisfied. Leave
if it is getting on your nerves. You will not be missed!

This group will be a lot better without you anyway. Then maybe we can get
back to normal. Sharing recipes of all types with no hate in between or at
surtaint people.

I am so disappointed with this group! Instead of excepting everyone, you are
just as bad as the prejudice and injustice people out there discriminating
on the disabled. But you are hurting and despising your own people. Learn
from your mistakes and put yourself in that person's shoes. Would you want
to be treated or talked to like the way some of you are treating each other?
No one is running these people away faster, than all of you!
What's the point of having a cooking group, if no one shares any recipes and
just picks on each other. In my eyes, that's considered "bullying" Please
Stop It

Thank You

-Original Message-
From: Sugar via Cookinginthedark []
Sent: Monday, September 05, 2016 12:36 PM
Cc: Sugar
Subject: Re: [CnD] Amount of recipes

No worries dear heart he has unsubscribed.

‘I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night.


-Original Message-
From: Anna Galassi via Cookinginthedark
Sent: Monday, September 05, 2016 7:19 AM
Cc: Anna Galassi
Subject: Re: [CnD] Amount of recipes

Yes it is but there have been more than 7.

-Original Message-
From: Sugar via Cookinginthedark
Sent: Sunday, September 04, 2016 11:10 PM
Cc: Sugar
Subject: Re: [CnD] Amount of recipes

I think it's 7 unless you are awnsering questions about a recipe I think

‘I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night.


-Original Message-
From: Anna Galassi via Cookinginthedark
Sent: Sunday, September 04, 2016 9:44 

Re: [CnD] Amount of recipes

2016-09-05 Thread Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark

You are absolutely right on this issue.  The guidelines are that we are to
send no more than 7 recipes per day.  The reasoning, which is true, is that
if you send tons of them, most will be skipped due to the sheer number that
were sent, thus they are wasted.  If you want your recipes appreciated,
don't deluge the list with them.  It makes perfect sense, and I don't know
why people disregard this guideline.

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
-Original Message-
From: Anna Galassi via Cookinginthedark
Sent: Monday, September 05, 2016 6:03 PM
Cc: Anna Galassi
Subject: Re: [CnD] Amount of recipes

I apologize, it wasn't my intention to start a national debate. However
there is a limit for a reason.

-Original Message-
From: Naima Leigh via Cookinginthedark
Sent: Monday, September 05, 2016 12:58 PM
Cc: Naima Leigh
Subject: Re: [CnD] Amount of recipes

Since all of you complained about the recipes, I have lost Wayne my friend,
who has been more than generous to share what he has found, with all of you.

Some of you just want to hear yourselves criticize and gripe. But the rest
of us don't. For the complainers, why don't you post something once and a
wile than being lurkers and trouble makers. Why did you join a cooking group
anyway? This is not a abusing or grumbling group. This group was supposed to
except everyone, in spite of their abilities or disabilities. Which means if
that person post recipes from his or her phone you shouldn't criticize about
how it comes across. That maybe the only way they can communicate. If the
recipe has fractions in it, then copy it in to word and change it! Or look
it up and repost it yourselves! This group isn't what I heard about, when I
joined. David needs to drop this one because it was a waste of time and
energy. People hurting other people because of some miss communication
issues. Or because of non appreashateive people who just want tried and true
recipes. I loved this group at first because I was learning about all
recipes and not just one particular group of them. It used to be helpful and
enjoyable. If some of you don't like what you see "Then you should leave"
and leave the recipes, if copied, to us who want them and appreciate them

Stop making people leave because you are disgruntled and unsatisfied. Leave
if it is getting on your nerves. You will not be missed!

This group will be a lot better without you anyway. Then maybe we can get
back to normal. Sharing recipes of all types with no hate in between or at
surtaint people.

I am so disappointed with this group! Instead of excepting everyone, you are
just as bad as the prejudice and injustice people out there discriminating
on the disabled. But you are hurting and despising your own people. Learn
from your mistakes and put yourself in that person's shoes. Would you want
to be treated or talked to like the way some of you are treating each other?
No one is running these people away faster, than all of you!
What's the point of having a cooking group, if no one shares any recipes and
just picks on each other. In my eyes, that's considered "bullying" Please
Stop It

Thank You

-Original Message-
From: Sugar via Cookinginthedark []
Sent: Monday, September 05, 2016 12:36 PM
Cc: Sugar
Subject: Re: [CnD] Amount of recipes

No worries dear heart he has unsubscribed.

‘I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night.


-Original Message-
From: Anna Galassi via Cookinginthedark
Sent: Monday, September 05, 2016 7:19 AM
Cc: Anna Galassi
Subject: Re: [CnD] Amount of recipes

Yes it is but there have been more than 7.

-Original Message-
From: Sugar via Cookinginthedark
Sent: Sunday, September 04, 2016 11:10 PM
Cc: Sugar
Subject: Re: [CnD] Amount of recipes

I think it's 7 unless you are awnsering questions about a recipe I think

‘I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night.


-Original Message-
From: Anna Galassi via Cookinginthedark
Sent: Sunday, September 04, 2016 9:44 PM
Cc: Anna Galassi
Subject: [CnD] Amount of recipes

What happened to only having a certain amount of recipes posted everyday?
Cookinginthedark mailing list

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Cookinginthedark mailing list

Re: [CnD] cracker jacks

2016-09-05 Thread Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark

You forgot the prize!  How terrible!!

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
-Original Message- 
From: Wayne Scott via Cookinginthedark

Sent: Saturday, September 03, 2016 7:49 PM
To: Blind Recipe Exchange ; Cooking-friends ; 
; Recipesbbshare ; Santas-workshop ; Sweet temptation

Cc: Wayne Scott
Subject: [CnD] cracker jacks

Cracker Jacks

1  cup   Peanuts -- warmed
  1  cup   Butter
  5  cups  Popped corn -- warm
  2  cups  Brown sugar -- packed
1/2  cup   Light corn syrup
1/2  teaspoon  Baking soda

Pop corn; keep warm in oven.  Warm nuts in pan.  In saucepan,
melt butter; add brown sugar and syrup.  Cook till thick then add
baking soda; stir.  Pour over warm ed popped corn and peanuts.
Stir well.  Let cool and munch down.
Cookinginthedark mailing list 

Cookinginthedark mailing list

Re: [CnD] Dive® s'mores

2016-09-05 Thread Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark

Although this sounds very tasty, it will only serve one.  Me.  (grin)

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
-Original Message-
From: Wayne Scott via Cookinginthedark
Sent: Sunday, September 04, 2016 12:21 PM
To: Cooking-friends ; Little bakery ; Recipesbbshare ; Santas-workshop ;
Sweet temptation ;
Cc: Wayne Scott
Subject: [CnD] Dive® s'mores

Dive!® S'mores

You don't need a campfire, wire hangers or long sticks to make
this popular marshmallow, chocolate and graham cracker dessert.
Steven Spielberg's Dive! chain of theme restaurants is the
inspiration for this week's clone recipe, pulled from the third
TSR book, Top Secret Restaurant Recipes (which includes other
clones from the chain as well).  You need only four ingredients,
an oven with a broiler, and a serious sweet tooth to put together
this delicious dessert previously enjoyed only camping trips and
at beach parties.

2 whole graham crackers (4 sections, not separated)
two 1 1/2-ounce Hershey milk chocolate bars
16 large marshmallows
2 tablespoons Hershey's chocolate syrup, in squirt bottle

1.  Preheat the broiler.  Arrange the graham crackers side by
side on an oven-safe plate (such as ceramic).  You can also use a
baking sheet.  2.  Stack the milk chocolate bars side by side on
top of the graham crackers.  3.  Arrange the marshmallows on the
chocolate in 4 rows -- 4 across, 4 down.  4.  Broil the dessert
on the middle rack for 1 to 3 minutes or until the marshmallows
turn light brown on top.  5.  Remove the dessert from the oven.
If you used a baking sheet, carefully slide the dessert onto a
serving plate.  With the squirt bottle, immediately drizzle the
chocolate syrup over the marshmallows in a sweeping
back-and-forth motion.  Drizzle the chocolate diagonally across
the dessert one way, and then the other, creating a cross-hatch
pattern.  Allow the chocolate to over-shoot the dessert so that
it creates a decorative pattern on the serving plate as well.
Serves 2-4.

Cookinginthedark mailing list

Cookinginthedark mailing list

Re: [CnD] Amount of recipes

2016-09-05 Thread Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark
Why do people not read and follow the list guidelines that the moderator 
posts on a fairly regular basis?  The answer to this query is right there 
for everyone to read and, mor importantly, to follow.

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
-Original Message- 
From: Cindy Simpson via Cookinginthedark

Sent: Sunday, September 04, 2016 11:57 PM
Cc: Cindy Simpson
Subject: Re: [CnD] Amount of recipes

I was wondering the same thing.  I was wondering if they did away with that
policy or something.

On Sun, Sep 4, 2016 at 11:43 PM, Anna Galassi via Cookinginthedark <> wrote:

What happened to only having a certain amount of recipes posted everyday?
Cookinginthedark mailing list

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Cookinginthedark mailing list

[CnD] canned cabbage - Re: Red cabbage:

2016-09-03 Thread Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark
I didn't even know that cabbage, of any variety, is available in cans, other 
than sour kraut.  Then again, I've never even thought to look for it.  So, 
with that in mind, from personal experiences only, how does it come?  Are 
there leaves, or is it shredded, or what?  I'm extremely interested, and 
it's that time of month for grocery buying.

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
-Original Message- 
From: Nicole Massey via Cookinginthedark

Sent: Saturday, September 03, 2016 8:46 AM
Cc: Nicole Massey
Subject: Re: [CnD] Red cabbage:

I've never encountered it in a can, but I've bought it many times in glass 
jars. It is, as far as I know, another variety of cabbage.

-Original Message-
From: Brenda Mueller via Cookinginthedark 

Sent: Saturday, September 03, 2016 12:49 AM
To: [] 
Cc: Brenda Mueller 
Subject: [CnD] Red cabbage:

Is there such a thing as red cabbage in a can?

Not the regular ones, but the red cabbage? I always seem to have had red 
cabbage away from home and assumed that it's a special breed of cabbage.  I 
like it; I just never made it.  So is red cabbage different cabbage or 
regular cabbage that is prepared in a special way? Now that I'm retired, I 
won't eat any red cabbage unless I make it.  When I was working, I got it at 
the cafeteria every time I saw it on the menu.

Brenda Mueller

Sent from my iPhone
Cookinginthedark mailing list

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Re: [CnD] Please remove me from the list

2016-09-02 Thread Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark
Why do so many people ask to be removed from the list rather than doing it 
themselves by following the directions in the list guidelines?  It seems 
like I see this request at least twice a month.

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
-Original Message- 
From: Janet Brown via Cookinginthedark

Sent: Friday, September 02, 2016 11:59 AM
Cc: Janet Brown
Subject: Re: [CnD] Please remove me from the list

I hate sounding snarky, but internet forward! are not the reason I 
subscribed to this list.
Any of us can get them but home tried and true recipes are real treasures 
that come wih love and notes with variations.

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 2, 2016, at 8:44 AM, Ramona Davidson via Cookinginthedark 

Please someone remove me off of this list

Cookinginthedark mailing list

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Re: [CnD] AandW chili dogs and sauce

2016-09-02 Thread Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark

The recipe shows the following:

Tablespoon dried, minced onion

teaspoons chili powder

What are the correct amounts of these ingredients?  Thanks.

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
-Original Message-
From: Wayne Scott via Cookinginthedark
Sent: Thursday, September 01, 2016 4:44 PM
To: Arlettes Recipes ; Cooking-friends ; Cooking In The Dark ;
Recipesbbshare ; Santas-workshop
Cc: Wayne Scott
Subject: [CnD] AandW chili dogs and sauce

A Chili Dogs

1 Sabrett brand 2 ounce beef frankfurter (7½" long)

1 regular hot dog roll

3 Tablespoons A Coney Island Sauce (see recipe below)

1 Tablespoon chopped white onion

1/2 Tablespoon Kraft shredded mild cheddar cheese (optional)

 A  Coney Island Chili Dog Sauce

1 pound ground chuck

1 six ounce can Hunts  tomato paste

1 Cup water

1 Tablespoon sugar

1 Tablespoon prepared yellow mustard

Tablespoon dried, minced onion

teaspoons chili powder

1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce

1 teaspoon salt

1/2 teaspoon celery seed

1/2 teaspoon ground cumin (heaping) 1/4 teaspoon ground black

Making the Chili Dog Sauce:

In a 2 qt.  saucepan, brown the ground chuck, breaking into very
small pieces.  Salt and pepper lightly while cooking.  Do not
drain the fat.

Add the remaining ingredients.  Simmer, uncovered, 30?45 minutes
until it thickens.  Stir occasionally.

Allow to cool, cover, and refrigerate until "Dog?Time".  You'll
be microwaving what you need later.

Cooking your A  Chili Dog

Bring a 2 qt.  saucepan of water to a rolling boil.

Remove the saucepan from the heat, and add the desired number of
frankfurters to the water.  Cover and let sit about 10 minutes.

After the franks are done, microwave the chili dog sauce until
steaming.  (Only microwave what you need, save the rest) Then
microwave each hot dog roll 10 seconds  just enough to warm.

Remove the cooked franks with tongs, and place on the microwaved
hot dogroll.

Add about 3 Tablespoons of your prepared A  chili dog sauce,
and the chopped onion.  Grated cheddar cheese is optional
Cookinginthedark mailing list

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[CnD] easiest and best barbecued chicken

2016-09-01 Thread Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark
I have a 5 pound package of chicken drumsticks.  There are 15 pieces, thawed in 
the fridge.  I’ve got good barbecue sauce.  What would you suggest for getting 
the best barbecued chicken for tonight’s dinner and beyond.  I want them to not 
be undercooked.  I have a 9 by 13 pan that they might fit into, or am not sure 
if they will fit into a 5 quart crock pot.  What temperature, what time, and 
for how long should these be cooked using which method?  I’m looking for 
personal experience, not an online search result.  Thanks.

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
Cookinginthedark mailing list

Re: [CnD] Tequila Sunrise

2016-08-31 Thread Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark

I used to make these for myself at home, but I used 5 ounces of tequila.

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
-Original Message- 
From: Sugar via Cookinginthedark 
Sent: Wednesday, August 31, 2016 10:41 AM 
To: CND 
Cc: Sugar 
Subject: [CnD] Tequila Sunrise 

Tequila Sunrise

2 1/2 oz Tequila
4 oz Orange Juice
1 oz Grenadine

Mix all three the ingredients in a mixing glass with ice. Strain into a
glass glass over crushed ice.

If we could look into each other's hearts and understand the unique
challenges each of us faces, I think we would treat each other much more
gently, with more love, patience, tolerance, and care.
Marvin J. Ashton

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

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Cookinginthedark mailing list

[CnD] Long Island iced tea

2016-08-31 Thread Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark
The Long Island Iced Tea (LIIT) is the basis of many elaborate mixed-drinks. It 
dates to the 70's, named after the continental USA's largest island Long 
Island, in New York. Although it doesn't contain tea, it's taste is similar. 
The drink sits in the top 5 of most popular cocktails and is regularly 
mentioned or seen served in television and films (worthy mentions are The 
Simpsons, Sex and the City and Cruel Intentions).


1 part vodka
1 part tequila
1 part rum
1 part gin
1 part triple sec
1 1/2 parts sweet and sour mix
1 splash Coca-Cola®


Mix ingredients together over ice in a glass. Pour into a shaker and give one 
brisk shake. Pour back into the glass and make sure there is a touch of fizz at 
the top. Garnish with lemon.

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
Cookinginthedark mailing list

Re: [CnD] questionns about measureing liqur

2016-08-30 Thread Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark
This is very confusing and unclear to me.  It's probably due to typos, but 
I'm not sure.  Can you resend a clearly typed message?  Also, how rapidly do 
you pour and count to 4?

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
-Original Message- 
From: Sugar via Cookinginthedark

Sent: Monday, August 29, 2016 8:06 PM
Cc: Sugar
Subject: [CnD] questionns about measureing liqur

Hi here is a general thumb of rule if you question how much is a jig, shot
or what is the 2 finger rule.
Jigger or a shot is an ounce
If not sure pour and count to 4
Or what they call a 2 finger count,place two fingers at the end of your
glass and pour till the liquor hits your seconf fingerthis if you have
enough sight

If we could look into each other's hearts and understand the unique
challenges each of us faces, I think we would treat each other much more
gently, with more love, patience, tolerance, and care.
Marvin J. Ashton

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Cookinginthedark mailing list 

Cookinginthedark mailing list

Re: [CnD] Amaretto Sour

2016-08-29 Thread Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark

How much lemon juice?

Why do we get incomplete recipes?

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
-Original Message- 
From: Sugar via Cookinginthedark 
Sent: Monday, August 29, 2016 7:15 PM 
To: CND 
Cc: Sugar 
Subject: [CnD] Amaretto Sour 

Amaretto Sour

1 1/2 oz Amaretto
Sweetened Lemon juice
Garnish with a flag

Shake and strain over ice into an "on the rocks" Glass.

If we could look into each other's hearts and understand the unique
challenges each of us faces, I think we would treat each other much more
gently, with more love, patience, tolerance, and care.
Marvin J. Ashton

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

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Cookinginthedark mailing list

Re: [CnD] Purple Haze

2016-08-29 Thread Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark
Can we get accurate measurements?  A dose?  A dash?  and how much of the 
other two ingredients?

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
-Original Message- 
From: Sugar via Cookinginthedark

Sent: Monday, August 29, 2016 7:41 PM
Cc: Sugar
Subject: [CnD] Purple Haze

Purple Haze

1 dose of Vodka
1 dose of Blue Curacao
A dash of Grenadine
Lime Juice

Pour Blue Curacao and Vodka into a shaker. Shake and pour into cocktail
glass. Fill glass with 1/2 Lime Juice and 1/2 7-UP. Add the dash of
Grenadine to
the top.  Stir gently until the mixture turns purple in color. Sprite or
similar soda can also be used.

If we could look into each other's hearts and understand the unique
challenges each of us faces, I think we would treat each other much more
gently, with more love, patience, tolerance, and care.
Marvin J. Ashton

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Cookinginthedark mailing list 

Cookinginthedark mailing list

[CnD] offense - Re: Tamales

2016-08-27 Thread Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark
As long as it is under a proper subject line, why would the mentioning of a 
good information source offend anyone?

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
-Original Message- 
From: Naima Leigh via Cookinginthedark

Sent: Friday, August 26, 2016 5:28 PM
Cc: Naima Leigh
Subject: Re: [CnD] Tamales


If you want I could give you the information on the Mexican food group I'm 
in? But you'll have to write me off list, because I don't want to get anyone 

Cookinginthedark mailing list

[CnD] Schwans - Re: Tamales

2016-08-27 Thread Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark
I feel just the opposite.  Too little product for too high a price, plus a 
decrease in service to blind people.  No more brailled material as of the 
last I heard, and in a lot of places, they no longer deliver.

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
-Original Message- 
From: Sandy via Cookinginthedark

Sent: Saturday, August 27, 2016 3:26 AM
Cc: Sandy
Subject: [CnD] Tamales

As for purchasing them, I have found the best ones are by Schwans, the home
delivery company. beef tamales. Honestly, I do not even like them when
purchased out here, in OK, not from Wendy's, any of our local Mexican
restaurants, which are mostly Tex-Mex cooking style. Hope Schwans never
folds up, or I sure will be

Fear is just excitement in need of an attitude adjustment!
-Original Message-
From: Naima Leigh via Cookinginthedark
Sent: Friday, August 26, 2016 6:00 PM
Cc: Naima Leigh
Subject: Re: [CnD] Tamales


Here's the Mexican food's group.

You can join if you want too? I have, and love it!

-Original Message-
From: Nicole Massey via Cookinginthedark
Sent: Friday, August 26, 2016 2:50 PM
Cc: Nicole Massey
Subject: Re: [CnD] Tamales

A tamale isn't the problem, it's a good tamale, and as someone who ate
tamales almost from the crib I'm sort of picky about my tamales. In this
area tamale production is a standard form of entrepreneurship for Hispanic
and Mexican-American women, but since I don't work in an office I don't have
the almost ubiquitous Latin co-worker with a family member who makes tamales
for her family member to sell at work.
So that's why I'm listening for recipes to indulge the roommate's

-Original Message-
From: Naima Leigh via Cookinginthedark
Sent: Friday, August 26, 2016 1:36 PM
Cc: Naima Leigh 
Subject: Re: [CnD] Tamales

If you mean grocery stores, then try Aldies, wall mart, crogers, Publics or
any other store that will sell them. For the family issue, you're not alone.
I'm going through similar problems as well.

-Original Message-
From: Nicole Massey via Cookinginthedark
Sent: Friday, August 26, 2016 2:26 PM
Cc: Nicole Massey
Subject: Re: [CnD] Tamales

I'm unable to get her recipe for the fruit tamales, as she's currently at
war with my family after the divorce. The reason I asked is because I was
curious as to what you turned up for the meat fillings. I've had a problem
finding decent tamales -- it's hard to predict what will be available from
independent cooks, and the different specialty places that make them in the
area are inconsistent in quality. My best tamale source, amazingly enough,
is at Braums, but my roommate has expressed interest in making them
sometime, so that's why I'm always interested in recipes for them.
Our front door has a sign up advising people of the rules of the house, and
one of them is as follows: "No solicitation. Exceptions will be made for
Girl Scout cookies and tamales."

-Original Message-
From: Naima Leigh via Cookinginthedark
Sent: Friday, August 26, 2016 12:30 PM
Cc: Naima Leigh 
Subject: Re: [CnD] Tamales

Well Nichole,

I would love to try your versions too.

Will you please post them?

P.S. Every family has one or more of those in them.

-Original Message-
From: Nicole Massey via Cookinginthedark
Sent: Friday, August 26, 2016 1:26 PM
Cc: Nicole Massey
Subject: Re: [CnD] Tamales

To make this we'll need recipes for the filling too, as it's definitely more
than just shredded meat. My former sister-in-law made a variation on this
with raisins, diced apple, coconut, and chopped pecans, and she formed them
as flat triangles instead of rolls. They were well liked by my family. (Far
more than she was, but she was a drama queen who threw fits if she wasn't
the center of attention) I've also encountered tamales made with cheese and
spices or beans.

-Original Message-
From: Naima Leigh via Cookinginthedark
Sent: Friday, August 26, 2016 11:51 AM
Cc: Naima Leigh 
Subject: [CnD] Tamales


Tamales are wintertime food in the American Southwest, and a Christmas Eve
must in the Mexican-influenced cuisine so popular there. Days before
families gather round to fix these delicious bundles.


1 recipe prepared

Shredded Beef, Chicken or Pork filling, or Picadillo filling (about 

Re: [CnD] Harvest Party Recipes: Edible Party Popcorn Bowl

2016-08-26 Thread Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark
The recipe calls for 10 cups of popped popcorn, not 10 cups of unpopped 
popcorn.  There is a huge difference.  If I were to pop 10 cups of popcorn 
kernels, that would make 60 quarts or 15 gallons.

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
-Original Message- 
From: Naima Leigh via Cookinginthedark

Sent: Thursday, August 25, 2016 5:51 PM
Cc: Naima Leigh
Subject: Re: [CnD] Harvest Party Recipes: Edible Party Popcorn Bowl


You get the popcorn seeds in a jar from the grocery store and mesure out 10 
cups. Then cook it in your microwave, on your stove top or in a popcorn 

-Original Message-
From: Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark 

Sent: Thursday, August 25, 2016 6:36 PM
Cc: Charles Rivard
Subject: Re: [CnD] Harvest Party Recipes: Edible Party Popcorn Bowl

Although I don't see how a blind person can accurately and safely do this, 
it sounds interesting.  Also, I don't know how much raw popcorn it would 
take to produce the desired amount.

Sent from my iPhone6

On Aug 25, 2016, at 5:28 PM, Naima Leigh via Cookinginthedark 
<> wrote:

Harvest Party Recipes: Edible Popcorn Party Bowl

This is a fun project to make with the kids, it has great party
- and you can eat, too!


10 cups popped popcorn

1 1/3 cups granulated sugar

1 cup water

1/3 cup light corn syrup

1/2 teaspoon distilled white vinegar

1/4 teaspoon salt

10 drops food color (optional)


1.   Spray the inside of a large, stainless steel bowl with cooking
spray and the outside of a second stainless steel bowl; set aside.

2.   These two bowls will be used to form popcorn bowl at end of 

time. (Note: if one bowl is smaller than the other, spray the outside
of the smaller bowl.)

3.   Spray a third large bowl with cooking spray and place popped
popcorn inside; set aside.

4.   Stir sugar, water, corn syrup, vinegar and salt together in a
medium saucepan.

5.   Bring mixture to a boil, cover, and boil for 3 minutes to allow
steam to wash down sides of pan. Remove lid and attach candy
thermometer to pan.

6.   Allow mixture to boil, without stirring, until mixture reaches 

degrees F (145 degrees C(. Stir in food color, if desired.

7.   Working quickly, pour syrup over popcorn and toss with a large
spoon until popcorn is thoroughly coated.

8.   Pour popcorn into first prepared bowl and use a spoon to push
mixture evenly up onto sides of bowl.

9.   Firmly press second prepared bowl onto popcorn to form popcorn
bowl. Allow popcorn bowl to cool completely between stainless steel bowls.

10.   To serve, tip popcorn bowl out and place on platter.

11.   Fill with popcorn to serve.

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Re: [CnD] Harvest Party Recipes: Edible Party Popcorn Bowl

2016-08-25 Thread Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark
Although I don't see how a blind person can accurately and safely do this, it 
sounds interesting.  Also, I don't know how much raw popcorn it would take to 
produce the desired amount.

Sent from my iPhone6

> On Aug 25, 2016, at 5:28 PM, Naima Leigh via Cookinginthedark 
>  wrote:
> Harvest Party Recipes: Edible Popcorn Party Bowl
> This is a fun project to make with the kids, it has great party presentation
> - and you can eat, too!
> Ingredients
> 10 cups popped popcorn
> 1 1/3 cups granulated sugar
> 1 cup water
> 1/3 cup light corn syrup
> 1/2 teaspoon distilled white vinegar
> 1/4 teaspoon salt
> 10 drops food color (optional)
> Directions
> 1.   Spray the inside of a large, stainless steel bowl with cooking
> spray and the outside of a second stainless steel bowl; set aside.
> 2.   These two bowls will be used to form popcorn bowl at end of cooking
> time. (Note: if one bowl is smaller than the other, spray the outside of the
> smaller bowl.)
> 3.   Spray a third large bowl with cooking spray and place popped
> popcorn inside; set aside.
> 4.   Stir sugar, water, corn syrup, vinegar and salt together in a
> medium saucepan.
> 5.   Bring mixture to a boil, cover, and boil for 3 minutes to allow
> steam to wash down sides of pan. Remove lid and attach candy thermometer to
> pan.
> 6.   Allow mixture to boil, without stirring, until mixture reaches 290
> degrees F (145 degrees C(. Stir in food color, if desired.
> 7.   Working quickly, pour syrup over popcorn and toss with a large
> spoon until popcorn is thoroughly coated.
> 8.   Pour popcorn into first prepared bowl and use a spoon to push
> mixture evenly up onto sides of bowl.
> 9.   Firmly press second prepared bowl onto popcorn to form popcorn
> bowl. Allow popcorn bowl to cool completely between stainless steel bowls.
> 10.   To serve, tip popcorn bowl out and place on platter.
> 11.   Fill with popcorn to serve.
> ___
> Cookinginthedark mailing list
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Re: [CnD] Information about Hatch Peppers

2016-08-21 Thread Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark
Use them as you would use others.  They are, however, fairly hot, so use 
with care.  They get their name from where they are grown; Hatch, New 
Mexico.  I haven't looked for them canned, so don't know if they are 
available.  And, as far as I know, when they are picked and the conditions 
in which they are grown determine their hotness.

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
-Original Message- 
From: Sandy via Cookinginthedark

Sent: Sunday, August 21, 2016 7:26 AM
Cc: Sandy
Subject: [CnD] Information about Hatch Peppers

I heard about these on the news, and in a newspaper article. August is hatch
pepper month; I would like to know how to use them. I know you could roast
them, or buy them already roasted, but are there different levels of hotness
to these peppers, meaning, can you get mild ones, and are they canned, and
how to use them and are they as I said different degrees of hotness? if any
one has a recipe, that also would be appreciated, or some quick ideas.

Fear is just excitement in need of an attitude adjustment!
-Original Message-
From: juliette via Cookinginthedark []
Sent: Saturday, August 20, 2016 9:06 AM
Cc: juliette
Subject: Re: [CnD] Oatmeal CHERRY COBBLER

Thank you very much Shannon!

- Original Message -
From: Shannon Hannah via Cookinginthedark  
To: Cooking In The Dark  
Date: 08/19/2016 8:26 pm
Subject: [CnD] Oatmeal CHERRY COBBLER


1 cup flour
3/4 cup  oatmeal
1 tsp. ground cinnamon
1 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup butter, melted
1 cup sugar (granulated)
1 cup water
3 tablespoons cornstarch
1 tsp. vanilla extract
4 cups pitted cherries

Combine flour, oatmeal, cinnamon, brown sugar and butter. Press half of

the mixture into an 8 by 8 pan.

Cook 1 cup granulated sugar, water, cornstarch and vanilla until very


Add cherries and mix thoroughly.
Spread into cake pan and top with remaining oatmeal mixture.
Bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour.
Serve warm topped with vanilla ice cream.
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Re: [CnD] Storing Fresh Vegetable

2016-08-19 Thread Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark

How can you wrap them around a paper towel?

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
-Original Message-
From: Sugar via Cookinginthedark
Sent: Friday, August 19, 2016 7:40 PM
Cc: Sugar
Subject: Re: [CnD] Storing Fresh Vegetable

I always place a paper towl or cut a paper bag and place it in the veggie
drawer and I also have Tauperware containers made for fresh veggies that
work out great.
If it is leafy like cilantro or green onions, I don't wash until I need them
and I wrap them around a paper towel and place onions in zip lock baggies
once cut.
‘I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the


-Original Message-
From: Naima Leigh via Cookinginthedark
Sent: Friday, August 19, 2016 5:32 PM
Cc: Naima Leigh
Subject: Re: [CnD] Storing Fresh Vegetable

Hello Mary Ann,

My mom stories ours in our vegetable bens in our refrigerater.

-Original Message-
From: Mary Ann via Cookinginthedark []
Sent: Friday, August 19, 2016 7:44 PM
Cc: Mary Ann
Subject: [CnD] Storing Fresh Vegetable

How do people store fresh vegetables such as lettuce, broccoli, cauleflower
peppers, etc.?? There seem to be different opinions on storing vegetables so
I would like to know your views.


Mary Ann

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[CnD] new cooking app for iDevices

2016-08-19 Thread Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark
I saw this at

and plan to give it a try very soon.  It sounds like, at the least, a lot of 
fun, and could be very useful.

Description of App:
Yes Chef is the hands free cooking app that talks you through recipes, and 
answers your questions. Use your voice to work through recipes and keep your
hands free to make great food! Yes Chef offers over 350,000 recipes -- what 
will you make today?

Yes Chef will find you recipes, read you recipes, and answer recipe questions. 
Yes Chef can answer questions like:

“Chef, how do I make Ratatouille?”
“Chef, what temperature do I set the oven to?”
“Chef, what’s the next step?”
“Chef, is it baking powder or baking soda?”


>From prep to plate, Yes Chef is entirely hands free. With the knife in one 
>hand, all you have to say is, “Chef, let’s get started.” If you’re cooking 
from scratch, Yes Chef may say “Dice the tomatoes.” Once you finish dicing 
tomatoes, simply say “next step” and the app continues to read the recipe aloud.
Yes Chef will guide your cooking to new heights.


Yes Chef is the first iOS voice-controlled natural language cooking app, making 
technology less detectable and more useful in the kitchen. If you don’t
understand a step in the recipe, you can ask follow up questions, and because 
the app is hands free, it won’t matter how grimy your fingers are. Our 
allows you to create deep cooking conversations with Yes Chef’s deep learning 


Yes Chef offers over 350,000 recipes! They are searchable by popularity, 
keyword and filterable by cuisine. Whatever you want to eat, Yes Chef knows a
way to cook it.

Put your cookbooks down, and get more active in the kitchen. Time to make it a 
little easier to prep, master new culinary techniques, and eat new recipes
that inspire you.

Apple Watch Support:
Free or Paid:
Device(s) App Was Tested On:
iOS Version:
Accessibility Comments:
Works great--designed and tested with the blind included. Self voicing in many 
places by intended nature of the app.

VoiceOver Performance:
VoiceOver reads all page elements.
Button Labeling:
All buttons are clearly labeled.
The app is fully accessible with VoiceOver and is easy to navigate and use.

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
Cookinginthedark mailing list

Re: [CnD] outside grilling

2016-08-18 Thread Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark

Gas grills would not be mentioned when having been asked about electric.

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
-Original Message- 
From: Douglas Lawlor via Cookinginthedark

Sent: Thursday, August 18, 2016 12:06 PM
Cc: Douglas Lawlor
Subject: Re: [CnD] outside grilling

When I did outside grilling I always used a gas grill. I had no problems 
using it. I'm not sure about anything regarding electric grills for outside 


Sent from my iPad

On Aug 17, 2016, at 5:19 PM, Kimsan via Cookinginthedark 


I swear there was a thread devoted to outside grilling, but since I cannot
find it, please let me just ask, what electric grill would people 

for bbqing outside?


Kimsan Song

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Re: [CnD] outside grilling

2016-08-18 Thread Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark
I use the bottom section of a Brinkmann Sportster smoker that I have had for 
about 12 years.

Sent from my iPhone6

On Aug 17, 2016, at 4:19 PM, Kimsan via Cookinginthedark 

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Re: [CnD] Report on New Products

2016-08-14 Thread Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark

I've never heard of a knife glider.  Now I'm curious.

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
-Original Message- 
From: ellen telker via Cookinginthedark

Sent: Sunday, August 14, 2016 5:25 PM
Cc: ellen telker
Subject: [CnD] Report on New Products

Just wanted to report on the latest things I bought from Blind Mice Mart.  I 
never had a good vegetable peeler so I never bothered to peel things, but 
tonight I tried my ceramic Y style vegetable peeler that I got last week 
from Blind Mice Mart.  I had a carrot with some of that hairy stuff on the 
outside so I thought I would see how the peeler worked and it was great. 
The peels were very thin so I didn't waste much.  Then I tried an old apple 
and that worked well too.  I had some store bought cole slaw which was okay 
but it was missing something. so I added the carrot and apples which made it 
delicious.  I forgot to mention that I tried my new pear apple corer and 
that worked wonderfully too.  Thank you Dale.  I also got the knife glider 
but I was not able to figure that out tonight.  I'll report when I do.

Ellen and Kelly
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Re: [CnD] Yummy Snowflakes

2016-08-09 Thread Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark

Flour or corn tortillas?

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
-Original Message- 
From: Naima Leigh via Cookinginthedark

Sent: Tuesday, August 09, 2016 12:40 PM
Cc: Naima Leigh
Subject: [CnD] Yummy Snowflakes

Yummy Snowflakes


4 tortillas


Powder sugar


Gently fold the tortilla in to quarters (Don't crease it, or it will tare).
Cut pieces out to make cool snowflake designs when you open it up. (You
might wana practice that part with paper first). Fry the tortilla until it's
crispy. Then, sprinkle it with powder sugar.

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Re: [CnD] Herb Crusted Pork Chops

2016-08-07 Thread Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark

Why cube the butter?

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
-Original Message-
From: Courtney Fulghum Smith via Cookinginthedark
Sent: Saturday, August 06, 2016 8:45 PM
Cc: Courtney Fulghum Smith
Subject: [CnD] Herb Crusted Pork Chops

Herb Crusted Pork Chops


1/3 cup butter, cubed
2/3 cup butter and herb-flavored mashed potato flakes
2/3 cup grated Parmesan cheese
3/4 teaspoon garlic powder
4 bone-in center-cut pork loin chops
2 tablespoons canola oil


In a shallow bowl, melt butter. In a large resealable plastic bag, combine
the potato flakes, cheese and garlic powder. Dip chops, one at a time, in
butter, then place in bag; seal and shake to coat.

In a large skillet, cook chops in oil over medium heat for 7-8 minutes on
each side or until a thermometer reads 160°.

Yield: 4 servings.

From Taste of Home website



I made this recipe twice. Once following the recipe above & once with the
modifications listed below. Remember, cooking times will vary by oven,
thickness & pan used.

Rub olive oil on a baking stone & place in cold oven. Turn on oven &
preheat oven & baking stone to 400* F.  Place prepared pork chops on hot
baking stone & bake for 30 minutes or until instant read thermometer reads
165* F.
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Re: [CnD] Congo Bars

2016-08-05 Thread Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark

Whole nuts, halves, or chopped?  The reason that I ask is that it would take
more nuts to make a cup of chopped or ground nuts.

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
-Original Message-
From: Courtney Fulghum Smith via Cookinginthedark
Sent: Friday, August 05, 2016 10:37 AM
Cc: Courtney Fulghum Smith
Subject: [CnD] Congo Bars


3/4 cup shortening
1 pound brown sugar
3 eggs
2 ¾ cup flour
1 ½ teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
1 cup nuts
16 oz Semi Sweet Chocolate Chips

Cream shortening and brown sugar. Add eggs and beat well. Sift flour,
baking powder and salt.
Add to cream mixture. Then add nuts and chips. Batter is very stiff.
Spread on a greased 9 x 13
inch pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 25 to 30 minutes.
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Re: [CnD] my very! hot! crock pot chili

2016-08-04 Thread Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark

I form the meat into 4 half-pound patties.  They will be easier to work
with.  Grill two of them.  Transform one to a plate and break it up with a
fork.  If it isn't done enough, grill it a bit more.  I would not use a fork
while they are still on the grill because it might damage the nonstick
surface.  Actually, as they will be cooking for a long time, all you need is
to have all of the grease out of them.  After the first two have been, as it
were, degreased??, they can be put into the mix.  While mixing the rest of
the stuff, the second half of the meat can be grilling to save time.  Maybe
someone else has a better idea, but that's how I do it.

Now, burn, Baby, burn!!

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, August 04, 2016 1:56 PM
To: ; 'Charles Rivard'
Subject: RE: [CnD] my very! hot! crock pot chili

Hello all:
As Charles says in his signature line: "If you think you are finished, you
really are finished." Especially, after consuming this chili.
This is not for the faint of heart.
Question: How would you crumble the meat on a Foreman grill without it
falling all over the place?

John and Carol McConnell

-Original Message-----
From: Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark
Sent: Tuesday, August 2, 2016 1:24 PM
To: cooking in the dark list <>
Cc: Charles Rivard <>
Subject: [CnD] my very! hot! crock pot chili

Notes:  As the subject line indicates, this is very hot chili!!!  It will
almost fill a 5 quart crock pot.  I do not like my chili to be watery or
soupy.  This will be pretty thick with not a huge amount of liquid.

If you do not want to use a crock pot, or don’t have one, you can put it
into a covered 5 quart container and put it into a 200 degree oven for the
designated time.  Slow cooking is the key to letting all of the seasonings


2 pounds of very lean hamburger, or meat of your choice.  (I use venison
2 16-ounce cans of Wolf brand chili, with no beans, marked "hot"
2 cans of RoTell tomatoes, marked "hot"
2 envelopes of Great Value chili seasoning, marked "hot"
2 teaspoons of each of the following:
black pepper
red pepper
garlic powder
cayenne pepper

1/4 teaspoon of Spontaneous Combustion hot sauce  WARNING!!!  This is an
extremely hot blend of Habinero extract and other spices!  Be VERY careful
when using it!!  It can be obtained from


1.  Cook the meat in a skillet or on a George Formann grill until it is
almost crumbly and then remove the fat.

2.  Pour 1 can of chili into the crock pot.  Do not drain.

3.  Add 1 can of the tomatoes.  Do not drain.

4.  Add half of the meat, crumbled or left in chunks.

5.  Add half of the dry ingredients and half of the Spontaneous Combustion.

6.  Mix thoroughly.

7.  Using the remaining ingredients, repeat steps 2 through 6, in sequence.

8.  Cook on low for 6 to 8 hours.

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
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Re: [CnD] Hello Charles

2016-08-03 Thread Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark

One pound.

Actually, I mentioned being too chicken to try my really hot chili, and I 
thought that, maybe, just maybe, you threw a pun in there about chicken and 

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
-Original Message- 
From: Janet Brown via Cookinginthedark

Sent: Wednesday, August 03, 2016 8:47 AM
Cc: Janet Brown
Subject: Re: [CnD] Hello Charles

I replied to the wrong recipe.
I was wondering how much pasta went in to Sugar's simple pasta dish.
I am still wondering.

Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 2, 2016, at 9:30 PM, Janet Brown via Cookinginthedark 
<> wrote:

Did I miss it?
How much pasta is in that dish?
1 cup?

Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 2, 2016, at 5:12 PM, Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark 
<> wrote:

Not at all, but try it first, if you're not a chicken.  (grin)

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
-Original Message- From: Naima Leigh via Cookinginthedark Sent: 
Tuesday, August 02, 2016 4:00 PM To: Cc: 
Naima Leigh Subject: [CnD] Hello Charles

Do you mind if I share your HOTTT! Chili recipe?

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Re: [CnD] Wendy's Spicy Fillet Chicken Sandwich

2016-08-03 Thread Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark
Yes, but although the amounts of other ingredients were listed, these were 
not.  No mention of how many chicken patties the recipe will season or 
anything.  Is this recipe enough for 4, 6, 8?

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
-Original Message- 
From: Susan Lumpkin via Cookinginthedark

Sent: Tuesday, August 02, 2016 9:13 PM
Cc: Susan Lumpkin
Subject: Re: [CnD] Wendy's Spicy Fillet Chicken Sandwich

Wouldn't the number of sandwiches depend on how many chicken breast fillets 
you use, Charles?


-Original Message-
From: Naima Leigh via Cookinginthedark 

Sent: Tuesday, August 02, 2016 5:54 PM
Cc: Naima Leigh 
Subject: [CnD] Wendy's Spicy Fillet Chicken Sandwich

Wendy's Spicy Fillet Chicken Sandwich

Not only a great sandwich, but also great topping your favorite salad greens 
with this!


1/3 cup frank's original red hot pepper sauce

2/3 cup water

1 cup all-purpose flour

2 1/2 teaspoons salt

4 teaspoons cayenne pepper

1 teaspoon fresh coarse ground black pepper

1 teaspoon onion powder

1/2 teaspoon paprika

1/8 teaspoon garlic powder

Chicken breasts fillets

Hamburger buns



Sliced tomatoes


1.   Preheat 6 to 8 cups of oil in a deep fryer to 350 degrees.

2.   Combine the pepper sauce in a small bowl.

3.   Combine the flour, salt, cayenne pepper, black pepper, onion
powder, paprika and garlic powder in another shallow bowl.

4.   Pound each of the chicken pieces with a mallet until about 3/8-inch
thick. Trim each breast fillet if necessary to help it fit on the bun.

5.   Working with one fillet at a time, coat each piece with the flour,
then dredge it in the diluted pepper sauce. Coat the chicken once again in 
the flour mixture and set it aside until the rest of the chicken is coated.

6.   Fry the chicken fillets for 8 to 12 minutes or until they are light
brown and crispy. Remove the chicken to a rack or paper towels to drain.

7.   As chicken is frying, prepare each sandwich by grilling the face of
the hamburger bun on a hot skillet over medium heat. Spread about 2 
teaspoons of mayonnaise on the face of each of the inverted top bun.

8.   Place a tomato slice onto the mayonnaise, then stack a leaf of
lettuce on top of the tomato.

9.   On each of the bottom buns, stack one piece of chicken.

10.   Flip the top half of each sandwich onto the bottom half and serve hot.

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Re: [CnD] Sugar's quick pasta skillet

2016-08-02 Thread Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark

It must've been really really quick.  In fact, it was blank.  (grin)

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
-Original Message- 
From: Sugar via Cookinginthedark 
Sent: Tuesday, August 02, 2016 7:39 PM 
To: CND 
Cc: Sugar 
Subject: [CnD] Sugar's quick pasta skillet 

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

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Re: [CnD] Wendy's Spicy Fillet Chicken Sandwich

2016-08-02 Thread Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark

The recipe said to fry them for from 8 to 12 minutes.

I did notice, though, that the recipe gave the amount of ingredients, but 
not how many sandwiches it would make.

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
-Original Message- 
From: Reinhard Stebner via Cookinginthedark

Sent: Tuesday, August 02, 2016 6:44 PM
Cc: Reinhard Stebner
Subject: Re: [CnD] Wendy's Spicy Fillet Chicken Sandwich

How can I tell when they're light brown if I am blind. Could you please 
adjust his instructions for 20 blind? How would a 20 point person do this.

Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 2, 2016, at 6:53 PM, Naima Leigh via Cookinginthedark 

Wendy's Spicy Fillet Chicken Sandwich

Not only a great sandwich, but also great topping your favorite salad 

with this!


1/3 cup frank's original red hot pepper sauce

2/3 cup water

1 cup all-purpose flour

2 1/2 teaspoons salt

4 teaspoons cayenne pepper

1 teaspoon fresh coarse ground black pepper

1 teaspoon onion powder

1/2 teaspoon paprika

1/8 teaspoon garlic powder

Chicken breasts fillets

Hamburger buns



Sliced tomatoes


1.   Preheat 6 to 8 cups of oil in a deep fryer to 350 degrees.

2.   Combine the pepper sauce in a small bowl.

3.   Combine the flour, salt, cayenne pepper, black pepper, onion
powder, paprika and garlic powder in another shallow bowl.

4.   Pound each of the chicken pieces with a mallet until about 

thick. Trim each breast fillet if necessary to help it fit on the bun.

5.   Working with one fillet at a time, coat each piece with the 

then dredge it in the diluted pepper sauce. Coat the chicken once again in
the flour mixture and set it aside until the rest of the chicken is 

6.   Fry the chicken fillets for 8 to 12 minutes or until they are 

brown and crispy. Remove the chicken to a rack or paper towels to drain.

7.   As chicken is frying, prepare each sandwich by grilling the face 

the hamburger bun on a hot skillet over medium heat. Spread about 2
teaspoons of mayonnaise on the face of each of the inverted top bun.

8.   Place a tomato slice onto the mayonnaise, then stack a leaf of
lettuce on top of the tomato.

9.   On each of the bottom buns, stack one piece of chicken.

10.   Flip the top half of each sandwich onto the bottom half and serve 

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Re: [CnD] Hello Charles

2016-08-02 Thread Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark

Not at all, but try it first, if you're not a chicken.  (grin)

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
-Original Message- 
From: Naima Leigh via Cookinginthedark 
Sent: Tuesday, August 02, 2016 4:00 PM 
Cc: Naima Leigh 
Subject: [CnD] Hello Charles 

Do you mind if I share your HOTTT! Chili recipe?

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[CnD] my very! hot! crock pot chili

2016-08-02 Thread Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark
Notes:  As the subject line indicates, this is very hot chili!!!  It will 
almost fill a 5 quart crock pot.  I do not like my chili to be watery or soupy. 
 This will be pretty thick with not a huge amount of liquid.

If you do not want to use a crock pot, or don’t have one, you can put it into a 
covered 5 quart container and put it into a 200 degree oven for the designated 
time.  Slow cooking is the key to letting all of the seasonings blend.


2 pounds of very lean hamburger, or meat of your choice.  (I use venison burger)
2 16-ounce cans of Wolf brand chili, with no beans, marked "hot"
2 cans of RoTell tomatoes, marked "hot"
2 envelopes of Great Value chili seasoning, marked "hot"
2 teaspoons of each of the following:
black pepper
red pepper
garlic powder
cayenne pepper

1/4 teaspoon of Spontaneous Combustion hot sauce  WARNING!!!  This is an 
extremely hot blend of Habinero extract and other spices!  Be VERY careful when 
using it!!  It can be obtained from


1.  Cook the meat in a skillet or on a George Formann grill until it is almost 
crumbly and then remove the fat.

2.  Pour 1 can of chili into the crock pot.  Do not drain.

3.  Add 1 can of the tomatoes.  Do not drain.

4.  Add half of the meat, crumbled or left in chunks.

5.  Add half of the dry ingredients and half of the Spontaneous Combustion.

6.  Mix thoroughly.

7.  Using the remaining ingredients, repeat steps 2 through 6, in sequence.

8.  Cook on low for 6 to 8 hours.

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
Cookinginthedark mailing list

[CnD] the "greater than" sign and other thoughts - Re: Microwave Mississippi Mud Brownies

2016-08-02 Thread Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark
Each time that the contents of an eMail are forwarded using eMail, a lot of 
eMail clients will put one of those "greater than" signs at the beginning of 
each line, even if the line is otherwise a blank one.  We should all take 
the time to rework the eMail before sending it so that it is not all 
separated out.  Ever noticed that there might only be one or two words on a 
line, and the next one be long?  That's because people aren't taking the 
time to rework their posts so that they make sense.  It might sound OK when 
using a screen reader, but looks horrible, and can be very frustrating for 
users of braille displays.  Also, spacing is a real pain when an unnecessary 
blank space is left between items in a list of ingredients or between lines 
in the instructions.  The only time there should be a blank line is when 
steps are to be separated or you are starting a new paragraph..  Let's try 
to make our posts more easily read.

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
-Original Message- 
From: John McConnell via Cookinginthedark

Sent: Monday, August 01, 2016 2:10 PM
Cc: John McConnell
Subject: Re: [CnD] Microwave Mississippi Mud Brownies

Hello all:
I guess what I meant was the greater than sign.

John McConnell

-Original Message-
From: John McConnell via Cookinginthedark 

Sent: Sunday, July 31, 2016 12:36 PM
Cc: John McConnell 
Subject: Re: [CnD] Microwave Mississippi Mud Brownies

Hello all:
Recipes will be easier to read if no > in the recipes.
Just a thought.
Happy reading, and cooking.
One more thought, and then off of my soapbox, Be sure, before sending 
recipes, that they are specific with ingredients, in both the brownies, and 
whatever frosting is made.

Helps for more happy baking, and eating.

John McConnell

-Original Message-
From: Jan via Cookinginthedark []
Sent: Saturday, July 30, 2016 5:26 PM
Cc: Jan 
Subject: Re: [CnD] Microwave Mississippi Mud Brownies

But there's no amount of cocoa given in the batter.

-Original Message-
From: ellen telker via Cookinginthedark
Sent: Saturday, July 30, 2016 1:59 PM
Cc: ellen telker
Subject: Re: [CnD] Microwave Mississippi Mud Brownies

No, the 3 tbsp cocoa are in the frosting, but according to the directions, 
there's also cocoa in the batter for the brownies.

- Original Message -
From: "Sugar via Cookinginthedark" 
Cc: "Sugar" 
Sent: Saturday, July 30, 2016 1:47 PM
Subject: Re: [CnD] Microwave Mississippi Mud Brownies

I read 3 table spoons
'I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night.


-Original Message-
From: ellen telker via Cookinginthedark
Sent: Saturday, July 30, 2016 10:43 AM
Cc: ellen telker
Subject: Re: [CnD] Microwave Mississippi Mud Brownies

How much cocoa is in the brownies?  I hate to sound crabby, but people 
should proofread their recipes before they send them.

- Original Message -
From: "Naima Leigh via Cookinginthedark" 
Cc: "Naima Leigh" 
Sent: Thursday, July 28, 2016 7:23 PM
Subject: [CnD] Microwave Mississippi Mud Brownies

Microwave Mississippi Mud Brownies

Prep Time: 5 minute

Cook Time: 15 minute

Total Time: 20 minute

Servings: 16


For the brownie

1/2 cup butter or margarine

1 cup sugar

2 eggs, slightly beaten

3/4 cup flour

1/8 teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon pure vanilla

1/2 cup chopped pecans

1 1/2 cups mini marshmallows

Chocolate frosting

1/4 cup butter or margarine

3 tablespoons milk

3 tablespoons cocoa

1/2 teaspoons pure vanilla

2 cups sifted powdered sugar


Place butter in a 2 quart bowl; microwave on high 1 minute or until
butter melts. Stir in sugar and eggs; set aside. Combine flour, salt
and cocoa; stir well. Combine in egg mixture. Stir in vanilla and
pecans. Spread batter in a glass 8" square dish spread with pam.
Shield corners with triangles of aluminum foil, keeping foil smooth
and close to dish. Place dish atop a micro safe cereal bowl inverted
in the oven. Microwave on medium 6-7 minutes, turning dish one half
turn after 3 minutes. Remove shield; microwave on high 2-3 minutes or
until top is almost dry. Remove from oven to cool sprinkle
marshmallows over brownies; cover with aluminum foil. Let stand 2
minutes. Remove foil. Spread with frosting; cool completely on rack
and cut into squares.

Chocolate Frosting:

Combine butter and milk and 

Re: [CnD] Popcorn Chicken

2016-08-02 Thread Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark

Hou much dry rub is used?  No measurement is given.

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
-Original Message- 
From: Naima Leigh via Cookinginthedark 
Sent: Tuesday, August 02, 2016 7:45 AM 
Cc: Naima Leigh 
Subject: [CnD] Popcorn Chicken 

Popcorn Chicken


2 pounds chicken thighs (boneless skinless, cut into 1/2-inch pieces)

Dry Rub

1 tablespoon kosher salt

1 tablespoon freshly ground black pepper

1 tablespoon garlic powder

1 tablespoon onion powder

1 tablespoon cayenne pepper

Buttermilk Batter

3 large eggs (lightly beaten)

1 cup buttermilk

1/4 cup water

2 cups flour (for dredging)

Peanut oil (for frying)

4 tablespoons cornstarch

Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper (to taste)

Hot sauce (to serve)

Honey (to serve)


In a large bowl, add the salt, pepper, garlic powder, onion powder and
cayenne and whisk to combine. Add the chicken pieces and spice mixture to a
plastic zip top bag, seal and toss to coat. Refrigerate chicken overnight.
In a large cast iron skillet, add oil to a depth of 2-inches and heat over
medium heat to 360 degrees F. In a shallow baking dish, add the eggs,
buttermilk and water and whisk to combine. In another baking dish, add the
flour and cornstarch and season with kosher salt and freshly ground black
pepper. Coat the chicken in the egg mixture then dredge in the flour
mixture, shaking off any excess. Add the chicken to the oil and fry until
golden brown and cooked through, about 5-6 minutes. Remove to a sheet tray
lined with paper towels. Serve hot with honey and hot sauce.

Cookinginthedark mailing list
Cookinginthedark mailing list

Re: [CnD] White Chip Chocolate Cookies

2016-07-31 Thread Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark

What baking soda?  There wasn't any in the list of ingredients.

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
-Original Message-
From: Naima Leigh via Cookinginthedark
Sent: Sunday, July 31, 2016 11:04 AM
Cc: Naima Leigh
Subject: [CnD] White Chip Chocolate Cookies

White Chip Chocolate Cookies

A stylish, simple scrumptious cookie-make sure you eat one right out of the

Recipe Ingredients:

2 1/4 cup all-purpose flour

2/3 cup NESTLÉ® TOLL HOUSE® Baking Cocoa

1/4 teaspoon salt

1 cup butter or margarine, softened

3/4 cup granulated sugar

2/3 cup packed brown sugar

1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract

2 large eggs

1 (12-ounce) package or 2 cups NESTLÉ® TOLL HOUSE® Premier White Morsels

Cooking Directions:

1.  Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).

2.  Combine flour, baking soda, and salt in small bowl. Beat butter,
granulated sugar, brown sugar, and vanilla extract in large mixer bowl until
creamy. Beat in eggs. Gradually beat in flour mixture. Stir in morsels. Drop
by well-rounded teaspoon onto ungreased baking sheet.

3.  Bake for 9 to 11 minutes or until centers are set. Cool on baking
sheets for 2 minutes; remove to wire racks to cool completely.

Makes 5 dozen cookies.

Cookinginthedark mailing list

Cookinginthedark mailing list

Re: [CnD] Fried Mexican Ice Cream

2016-07-30 Thread Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark

As a matter of fact, from a very reliable source, I have heard that he does
have a very big apetite.

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
-Original Message-
From: Naima Leigh via Cookinginthedark
Sent: Saturday, July 30, 2016 5:18 PM
Cc: Naima Leigh
Subject: Re: [CnD] Fried Mexican Ice Cream


I hope he has a big appetite? Like a giant size one!

Yeah! at least 4 trucks loads of honey too.

-Original Message-
From: Cindy Simpson via Cookinginthedark
Sent: Saturday, July 30, 2016 4:14 PM
Cc: Cindy Simpson
Subject: Re: [CnD] Fryed Mexican Ice Cream

I love this response.  Very good response.
Cindy Simpson

On Sat, Jul 30, 2016 at 3:05 PM, Sugar via Cookinginthedark <> wrote:


 ‘I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night.


-Original Message-
From: Courtney Fulghum Smith via Cookinginthedark [mailto:]
Sent: Saturday, July 30, 2016 12:06 PM
To:; Charles Rivard
Cc: Courtney Fulghum Smith
Subject: Re: [CnD] Fryed Mexican Ice Cream


How big is the fryer you will be using to cook this recipe?

If you read the directions, the amount of honey was listed. For the
whipped cream you will need one large dump truck load plus two squirts.
Cookinginthedark mailing list

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Cookinginthedark mailing list

Cookinginthedark mailing list

Cookinginthedark mailing list

Cookinginthedark mailing list

Re: [CnD] Mexican Fried Bread

2016-07-30 Thread Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark

When are they brown?

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
-Original Message- 
From: Sugar via Cookinginthedark

Sent: Saturday, July 30, 2016 4:07 PM
Cc: Sugar
Subject: [CnD] Mexican Fried Bread

Mexican Fried Bread
4 cups sifted flour
1 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons vegetable shortening
3 tablespoons baking powder
2 tablespoons sugar
1 cup milk
Vegetable oil for frying
Sift flour, baking powder, salt and sugar into a large bowl. Cut in
shortening until mixture resembles cornmeal. Stir in milk until mixture
forms a firm dough. Knead dough on a lightly floured surface just until
smooth. Cover, let rest for 20 minutes. Roll out to 1/4 inch thickness; cut
into squares or diamonds. Heat oil in a deep saucepan or deep fat fryer to
375 degrees on deep fat frying thermometer. Fry dough a few at a time,
turning often so they fry evenly, until golden brown. Remove from oil with
slotted spoon onto paper towel to drain. Serve hot with butter (with a meal)
or sprinkled with cinnamon sugar or with a pitcher of warm honey (for

"Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my
trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I entrust my life" (
Psalm 143:8).

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Cookinginthedark mailing list 

Cookinginthedark mailing list

Re: [CnD] Fruit Cobbler in the Crockpot

2016-07-30 Thread Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark

For the topping, the recipe calls for

1-1/2 oats
1-1/2 mixture of almonds and pecans

Something is missing.

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
-Original Message- 
From: gail johnson via Cookinginthedark

Sent: Friday, July 29, 2016 3:57 PM
Cc: gail johnson
Subject: [CnD] Fruit Cobbler in the Crockpot

Our kitchen smells wonderful.

for the fruit:
4-5 cups mixed berries mostly blueberries
1 Tbsp. lemon juice
1/2 cup sugar (I used coconut sugar)
1 tsp. cinnamon with a pinch of ground ginger
Coat the fruit well with the sugar, spices, and lemon juice and set aside.
for the topping:
1-1/2 oats
1-1/2 mixture of almonds and pecans
1 cup sugar
1-1/2 tsp. pumpkin pie spice
1 cup coconut oil
1. I used my Vitamix to make a flour out of the oats and nuts.
2. Put the flour in a separate bowl thoroughly mixing in the sugar and 

3. Add the coconut oil in small batches until it forms coarse crumbs.
You'll know when this occurs because you can form patties in your
hands. I didn't quite use the entire cup of oil.
4. grease the crockpot.
5. Pour in the fruit.
6. Cover with topping.
7. Cook on low for 5 hours.
You can use any type of flour. I used what I had on hand.
The recipe says 4-7 cups of fruit of your choice. Next time making
cherries and pineapple.
For the oil the recipe calls for 12 Tbsp. of butter.

I look forward to reading about everyone's cooking adventures.
Cookinginthedark mailing list 

Cookinginthedark mailing list

Re: [CnD] Indian Tacos - Fry Bread

2016-07-30 Thread Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark

There sure are a lot of amounts of ingredients missing.

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
-Original Message- 
From: Naima Leigh via Cookinginthedark 
Sent: Friday, July 29, 2016 6:45 PM 
Cc: Naima Leigh 
Subject: [CnD] Indian Tacos - Fry Bread 

Indian Tacos - Fry Bread

1 cup flour

1 teaspoon baking powder

1/4 teaspoon salt


Extra flour


Refried beans (with season)

Dash of chili powder

Corn meal or crushed corn chips

Browned and drained beef (or ground turkey)

Shredded lettuce

Chopped green peppers

Diced tomatoes

Sliced celery

Chopped onion

Shredded cheddar cheese

Mix dough together with fingers and enough milk to form sticky dough. Roll
the dough in flour to make cakes about 1 1/2 inch thick and 6 to 8 inch
round. Deep fry in a tall pot with shallow oil to keep from getting too
greasy. Drain on brown paper Fry bread can be sprinkled with cinnamon and
sugar for a dessert.

Cookinginthedark mailing list
Cookinginthedark mailing list

Re: [CnD] Apache Bread

2016-07-30 Thread Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark
How long does it take them to become brown?  Blind people cannot see a color 

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
-Original Message- 
From: Naima Leigh via Cookinginthedark

Sent: Friday, July 29, 2016 6:58 PM
Cc: Naima Leigh
Subject: [CnD] Apache Bread

Apache Bread

1 cup all-purpose flour

1 tablespoon baking powder

1/2 teaspoon salt

Scant of milk

Sift and mix flour, baking flour, and salt in a bowl. Add enough milk to
make the dough soft and pliable. Place dough on a floured surface. Need a
few times. Roll with a rolling pin and cut into squares or rounds as in
biscuits. Fry in oil about an inch deep (maybe 2 inches) until brown on both
sides. Take from frying pan and drain. Serve with butter and Grandpa's

Cookinginthedark mailing list 

Cookinginthedark mailing list

Re: [CnD] Navajo Fry Bread

2016-07-30 Thread Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark

How long should these be fried, as I won't know when they are brown?

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
-Original Message- 
From: Naima Leigh via Cookinginthedark

Sent: Friday, July 29, 2016 7:27 PM
Cc: Naima Leigh
Subject: [CnD] Navajo Fry Bread

Navajo Fry Bread

4 1/2 cup all-purpose flour

1 tablespoon baking powder

1 teaspoon salt

2 tablespoons powdered milk

1 1/2 cup warm water

1-1   1/2 cup oil or shortening for frying

Mix fry ingredients together in a bowl. Stir in the warm water, mix well
then need for 5 minutes or until a soft dough is formed. Dough will be
easier to shape if left for a half an hour under an inverted bowl. Pinch
piece dough about the size of a lemon. Roll into a flat, thin circle, about
8 inch diameter. While you are rolling out the remaining dough, heat the oil
in a heavy skillet. Fry circles one at a time in the hot oil. The dough will
brown quickly and puff up. Turn and brown on the other side. Drain on paper
towels, then place on a cookie sheet in a warm oven while the other circles
are being fried. If needed add more oil as you fry. The thinner the dough is
rolled out the crispier the bread will be.

Cookinginthedark mailing list 

Cookinginthedark mailing list

Re: [CnD] Fryed Mexican Ice Cream

2016-07-30 Thread Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark
An incomplete recipe.  How much oil, whipped cream and honey?  Have you made 
this recipe before?

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
-Original Message- 
From: Naima Leigh via Cookinginthedark

Sent: Friday, July 29, 2016 7:57 PM
Cc: Naima Leigh
Subject: [CnD] Fryed Mexican Ice Cream

Fried Mexican Ice Cream

1 pint vanilla ice cream

1/2 cup crushed corn flakes or cookie crumbs

1 teaspoon cinnamon

2 teaspoon sugar

1 egg

Oil for frying


Whip cream

Text Mex Servings 4-5

Scoop out 4 or 5 balls of ice cream. Return to freezer. Mix crumbs, cinnamon
and sugar. Roll frozen ice cream in half the crumb mixture and freeze again.
Beat egg and dip coated balls in egg, then roll again in remaining crumbs.
Freeze until ready to use (for thicker coating repeat dipping in egg and
rolling in crumbs). When ready to serve, heat oil to 350 degrees. Place a
ice cream ball on a fryer basket or on a perforated spoon and lower into hot
oil 1 minute. Immediately remove and place on dessert compote. Drizzle with
honey and dab with whipped cream. Continue to fry balls one at a time. Balls
will be crunchy on the outside and just beginning to melt on the inside.

Cookinginthedark mailing list 

Cookinginthedark mailing list

Re: [CnD] grilling outdoors?

2016-07-28 Thread Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark
I use an electric smoker that can also be used as a grill.  I prefer smoking 
the food because of the flavor.

As you're asking about grilling, here's how I do it.  The heating element is 
at the bottom of the unit, and I have a whole bunch of ceramic brickettes, 
bought at a barbecue supply store, placed all over the bottom of the unit. 
They all touch one another, and the heating element touches some of them. 
This evenly transfers the heat to all of them.  The rack onto which the 
stuff to be grilled is placed about 4 or 5 inches above the heating element. 
After the unit has been plugged into house current for about 15 minutes, you 
lay the food onto the grill and place the metal dome lid over the unit.  No 
temperature to set or anything.  Use a talking meat thermometer that you can 
get from

and a timer to gauge doneness.

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
-Original Message- 
From: Zoe via Cookinginthedark

Sent: Wednesday, July 27, 2016 7:58 PM
Cc: Zoe
Subject: [CnD] grilling outdoors?

Alright, can anyone tell me how they safely grill outside? What grills do 
you use, how do you set things up, be descriptive.

Cookinginthedark mailing list 

Cookinginthedark mailing list

Re: [CnD] guidelines; all members please read

2016-07-28 Thread Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark

This sort of stuff is certainly not in the list guidelines!

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
-Original Message-
From: Zoe via Cookinginthedark
Sent: Wednesday, July 27, 2016 8:06 PM
Cc: Zoe
Subject: Re: [CnD] guidelines; all members please read

Ok, sorry but, uh blind doesn't mean we can't find instructions on boxes, we
just have to try a little harder.

-Original Message-
From: Marie Rudys via Cookinginthedark
Sent: Sunday, July 24, 2016 11:05 AM
Cc: Marie Rudys 
Subject: Re: [CnD] guidelines; all members please read

How about adding this to the guidelines, Steve: No recipe which says,
"Prepare cake or anything else according to package directions" which we
blind people cannot read and there are also those of us who live alone and
don't have sighted help around, and are not married to a sighted person or
partner, and cannot afford a fancy reader that reads cans and boxes.  I am
annoyed when part of a recipe requires you to go by package directions a
blind person cannot read.  Also, when someone sends recipes that are not
blind-friendly, that is what a sighted person is doing.  What are they doing
on this list, then?  Yes, I am suspicious when someone does that, and it
raises red flags.


-Original Message-
From: Sugar via Cookinginthedark []
Sent: Friday, July 22, 2016 12:27 PM
Cc: Sugar
Subject: Re: [CnD] guidelines; all members please read

Thank you Nicole, I had lost this message I will save it for future
I appreciate that.

‘I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night.


-Original Message-
From: Nicole Massey via Cookinginthedark
Sent: Friday, July 22, 2016 12:24 PM
Cc: Nicole Massey
Subject: Re: [CnD] guidelines; all members please read

Here folks, below the list guidelines are instructions on how to subscribe
or unsubscribe. Note that there's a special email address for this, not the
regular list address. Hope this helps, and for those unsubscribing I'll miss

-Original Message-
From: Cookinginthedark [] On
Behalf Of Steve Stewart
Sent: Sunday, April 27, 2014 10:19 PM
To: cookinginthedark 
Subject: [CnD] guidelines; all members please read

List guide lines. Note, that the moderators addresses are in cluded at the
end of this message.

1. Keep messages on the topic of cooking.

2. Change subject lines to reflect the body of the message.

3. Avoid sending short, meaningless messages. Examples follow: "Thanks for
the recipe" "This sounds good" "Me too" Messages like this clutter up the
list and greatly increase the time it takes to read through posted messages.
If you want to thank someone for a recipe please do so off list.

4. Please limit posting of multiple recipes to about 5 to 7 per day. You
take the time to post them, so make sure that they get read. Bombarding the
list with 10 to 20 recipes will ensure that many are deleted instead of

5. Questions, comments, complaints, and requests for assistance should be
directed to the list owner or the list moderators for proper handling.

6. Off Topic notices or solicitations must be sent to the list owner for
approval and posting to the list. Failure to do this may result in
suspension from the Cooking in the Dark list.

Cooking in the Dark List Information. To subscribe to the list, send a
message to: and in the subject line,
put subscribe or unsubscribe. A confirmation message will be sent to your
address. When you receive it, simply reply to it to complete the
subscription or unsubscription transaction. If you need to get in touch with
the owner of this list, Dale Campbell, please send a message to: Or:

To Contact the list moderator,  Steve Stewart, please send a message to:

Please include a FORWARDED list message with ALL HEADERS intact to make it
easier to help you. This list does not keep archives. Cooking in the Dark is
sponsored by Blind Mice Mart.   Visit them at

Have a MICE Day!

Cookinginthedark mailing list

Cookinginthedark mailing list

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

[CnD] looking for answers rather than refusal - Re: guide lines; all members please read

2016-07-23 Thread Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark
If I am who you are referring to, you are totally missing my points.  Why do 
people not get the points that recipes should be complete in their 
ingredients lists, or that recipes should be modified so that blind people 
do not have to ask questions about how to know when the food has been 
correctly cooked, such as by giving approximate times and temperatures 
rather than saying to bake until it reaches a certain condition that must be 
attained through the use of eyesight?  If the sender knows the tips or 
tricks or help needed by some others to attain the correct results, why not 
include them in the recipe?  Is it that hard or time consuming to do?  And 
if it will help people who cannot see, why shouldn't it be done?

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
-Original Message- 
From: Jennifer Chambers via Cookinginthedark

Sent: Saturday, July 23, 2016 4:31 PM
Cc: Jennifer Chambers
Subject: Re: [CnD] guide lines; all members please read

My apologies, but I cannot tell who it was that stated he or she hoped
he or she was not unfriendly.  Sometimes, I cannot figure out this
gmail account.  Anyway, Wayne, I think you may have been the one to
make that statement, and, no, you are not the unfriendly one.

I will state this, then unsubscribe, for I am done with the bickering
and bullying that goes on here.  I know it's not a constant thing, but
it's wearing on the nerves.

When Naima began sending her copycat recipes to the list, I thought it
was great!  Most of them I had no intention of making, but I liked to
see how they were done.  Then one person decided for the whole list
that the recipes were not pertinent to the group.  Never mind what
others might feel.  Yes, others did agree with him, and others felt as
I do.  That's why I mentioned hitting the Delete key if a recipe
didn't appeal.  I, for instance, absolutely abhor cream cheese.  When
I read a recipe and I see that ingredient, I delete the recipe without
reading to the end.  I already know I don't want it.  Yet I have never
requested that people don't post things with cream cheese in it.

There are many recipes where one must beat egg whites to a stiff peak.
A lot of blind people are comfortable with this technique; I am not.
Yet I don't get on here and complain about it; I simply hit Delete.

Know your comfort zone and move on!  Why would you deprive others of
something they may enjoy?

Okay, I'll climb down from my soapbox, now, but it's going to be a
long step down!  I will hit the Send button now, then I'm off to

Best to all,


On 7/23/16, Steve Stewart via Cookinginthedark

I am posting the guide lines so please read.

List guide lines. Note, that the moderators addresses are in cluded at the
end of this message.

1. Keep messages on the topic of cooking.

2. Change subject lines to reflect the body of the message.

3. Avoid sending short, meaningless messages. Examples follow: "Thanks for
the recipe" "This sounds good" "Me too" Messages like this clutter up the
list and greatly increase the time it takes to read through posted 

If you want to thank someone for a recipe please do so off list.

4. Please limit posting of multiple recipes to about 5 to 7 per day. You
take the time to post them, so make sure that they get read. Bombarding 

list with 10 to 20 recipes will ensure that many are deleted instead of

5. Questions, comments, complaints, and requests for assistance should be
directed to the list owner or the list moderators for proper handling.

6. Off Topic notices or solicitations must be sent to the list owner for
approval and posting to the list. Failure to do this may result in
suspension from the Cooking in the Dark list.

Cooking in the Dark List Information. To subscribe to the list, send a
message to: and in the subject line,
put subscribe or unsubscribe. A confirmation message will be sent to your
address. When you receive it, simply reply to it to complete the
subscription or unsubscription transaction. If you need to get in touch 

the owner of this list, Dale Campbell, please send a message to: Or:

To Contact the list moderator,  Steve Stewart, please send a message to:

Please include a FORWARDED list message with ALL HEADERS intact to make it
easier to help you. This list does not keep archives. Cooking in the Dark 

sponsored by Blind Mice Mart.   Visit them at

 Have a MICE Day!

Steve Stewart
CnD Moderator
Cookinginthedark mailing list

Cookinginthedark mailing list


2016-07-23 Thread Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark
This is an example of what is being complained about!  Notice that the 
recipe is reprinted from a web site with, apparently, no modification.  It 
calls for

1 bag broken up pretzels
1 pkg. Ranch style dressing (dry)

What sized packages??

If you have, personally, made this recipe, how long would it have taken to 
be specific?

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
-Original Message- 
From: Sugar via Cookinginthedark

Sent: Friday, July 22, 2016 1:33 PM
Cc: Sugar


Printed from COOKS.COM

1 bag broken up pretzels
1 pkg. Ranch style dressing (dry)
1/2 tsp. lemon pepper
1/2 tsp. dill weed
1/2 tsp. garlic powder or salt
1 c. oil

Heat oven to 350 degrees. Break pretzels in bite size pieces and put in 9 x
13 inch cake pan. Mix oil, Ranch pack, dill weed, lemon pepper, and garlic
in small bowl. Pour over pretzels and mix up and put in oven for 15-20
minutes. Stir about three times while baking. Let cool.

'Faith is seeing light with your heart when all your eyes see is darkness.'

Come and join me and my busy elves at the North Pole for yummy & Tasty

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Cookinginthedark mailing list 

Cookinginthedark mailing list

Re: [CnD] ot time out

2016-07-23 Thread Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark

Well! said! John!!!

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
-Original Message- 
From: John McConnell via Cookinginthedark

Sent: Friday, July 22, 2016 1:43 PM
Cc: John McConnell
Subject: [CnD] ot time out

With all due respect:

I do not want to come across  as a "mail cop" as was reported some time
back, but can we please read the rules of the list, and function

I thought that when I came onto this list, I would learn about recipes
especially meant for those who are visually impaired, which incidentally, is
someone who has visual acuity of 20/200.

There are those of us, of whom I am one, who are totally blind.

We need to know what is meant by such terms as "golden brown," or "until the
juices are clear."

We, some of us, are independent, and do not have a care giver.

Our neighbors aren't going to monitor how we cook.

Please be clear about subject lines.

I know I should send this to moderator/owner of the list; but I have done
so; but things kept on getting crazier.

You all are great group to work with, but I'm not understanding the recipes
from P F. Changs, Taco Bell, Dairy Queen, and the like.

They aren't modified.

Please forgive me if I have hurt any feelings, but I want to learn from
others who are visually impaired, and therefore, better myself.

Thank you for your consideration.

Have a great day!


John McConnell

Cookinginthedark mailing list 

Cookinginthedark mailing list

Re: [CnD] unsubscribe

2016-07-23 Thread Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark
Why does this continually happen, when the instructions on how to do it are 
at the bottom of the list guidelines eMail which we have all received?

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
-Original Message- 
From: Sharon Howerton via Cookinginthedark

Sent: Friday, July 22, 2016 2:12 PM
Cc: Sharon Howerton
Subject: [CnD] unsubscribe

Cookinginthedark mailing list 

Cookinginthedark mailing list

Re: [CnD] guidelines; all members please read

2016-07-23 Thread Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark

If I remember correctly, when we first subscribed, it was suggested that we
save the most current copy of the list guidelines for reference.  I wonder
how many people do?

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
-Original Message-
From: Sugar via Cookinginthedark
Sent: Friday, July 22, 2016 2:26 PM
Cc: Sugar
Subject: Re: [CnD] guidelines; all members please read

Thank you Nicole, I had lost this message
I will save it for future references.
I appreciate that.

‘I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the


-Original Message-
From: Nicole Massey via Cookinginthedark
Sent: Friday, July 22, 2016 12:24 PM
Cc: Nicole Massey
Subject: Re: [CnD] guidelines; all members please read

Here folks, below the list guidelines are instructions on how to subscribe
or unsubscribe. Note that there's a special email address for this, not the
regular list address. Hope this helps, and for those unsubscribing I'll miss

-Original Message-
From: Cookinginthedark [] On
Behalf Of Steve Stewart
Sent: Sunday, April 27, 2014 10:19 PM
To: cookinginthedark 
Subject: [CnD] guidelines; all members please read

List guide lines. Note, that the moderators addresses are in cluded at the
end of this message.

1. Keep messages on the topic of cooking.

2. Change subject lines to reflect the body of the message.

3. Avoid sending short, meaningless messages. Examples follow: "Thanks for
the recipe" "This sounds good" "Me too" Messages like this clutter up the
list and greatly increase the time it takes to read through posted messages.
If you want to thank someone for a recipe please do so off list.

4. Please limit posting of multiple recipes to about 5 to 7 per day. You
take the time to post them, so make sure that they get read. Bombarding the
list with 10 to 20 recipes will ensure that many are deleted instead of

5. Questions, comments, complaints, and requests for assistance should be
directed to the list owner or the list moderators for proper handling.

6. Off Topic notices or solicitations must be sent to the list owner for
approval and posting to the list. Failure to do this may result in
suspension from the Cooking in the Dark list.

Cooking in the Dark List Information. To subscribe to the list, send a
message to: and in the subject line,
put subscribe or unsubscribe. A confirmation message will be sent to your
address. When you receive it, simply reply to it to complete the
subscription or unsubscription transaction. If you need to get in touch with
the owner of this list, Dale Campbell, please send a message to: Or:

To Contact the list moderator,  Steve Stewart, please send a message to:

Please include a FORWARDED list message with ALL HEADERS intact to make it
easier to help you. This list does not keep archives. Cooking in the Dark is
sponsored by Blind Mice Mart.   Visit them at

Have a MICE Day!

Cookinginthedark mailing list

Cookinginthedark mailing list

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

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Cookinginthedark mailing list

[CnD] what heat?? - Re: guidelines; all members please read

2016-07-23 Thread Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark
It's only supposed to reach 103 here this afternoon, with about 50 percent 
humidity!  What heat???  Ha ha ha ha ha!!!  Not to say that it's hot, but, 
yesterday, my neighbor said that he saw a dog chasing a rabbit, and they 
were both walking!

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
-Original Message- 
From: Debbra Piening via Cookinginthedark

Sent: Friday, July 22, 2016 3:58 PM
Cc: Debbra Piening
Subject: Re: [CnD] guidelines; all members please read

Thanks, Nicole, for the reminder.  I think Steve sends these out about once 
a month, and looking at them again, I can see there's a reason for that. 
Really, there are very few guidelines here, and they're simple enough to 
follow.  Maybe the heat is getting to us all these days.  Let's just take a 
collective deep breath, cool down a bit and try again.


-Original Message-
From: Nicole Massey via Cookinginthedark 

Sent: Friday, July 22, 2016 2:24 PM
Cc: Nicole Massey
Subject: Re: [CnD] guidelines; all members please read

Here folks, below the list guidelines are instructions on how to subscribe
or unsubscribe. Note that there's a special email address for this, not the
regular list address. Hope this helps, and for those unsubscribing I'll miss

-Original Message-
From: Cookinginthedark [] On
Behalf Of Steve Stewart
Sent: Sunday, April 27, 2014 10:19 PM
To: cookinginthedark 
Subject: [CnD] guidelines; all members please read

List guide lines. Note, that the moderators addresses are in cluded at the
end of this message.

1. Keep messages on the topic of cooking.

2. Change subject lines to reflect the body of the message.

3. Avoid sending short, meaningless messages. Examples follow: "Thanks for
the recipe" "This sounds good" "Me too" Messages like this clutter up the
list and greatly increase the time it takes to read through posted messages.
If you want to thank someone for a recipe please do so off list.

4. Please limit posting of multiple recipes to about 5 to 7 per day. You
take the time to post them, so make sure that they get read. Bombarding the
list with 10 to 20 recipes will ensure that many are deleted instead of

5. Questions, comments, complaints, and requests for assistance should be
directed to the list owner or the list moderators for proper handling.

6. Off Topic notices or solicitations must be sent to the list owner for
approval and posting to the list. Failure to do this may result in
suspension from the Cooking in the Dark list.

Cooking in the Dark List Information. To subscribe to the list, send a
message to: and in the subject line,
put subscribe or unsubscribe. A confirmation message will be sent to your
address. When you receive it, simply reply to it to complete the
subscription or unsubscription transaction. If you need to get in touch with
the owner of this list, Dale Campbell, please send a message to: Or:

To Contact the list moderator,  Steve Stewart, please send a message to:

Please include a FORWARDED list message with ALL HEADERS intact to make it
easier to help you. This list does not keep archives. Cooking in the Dark is
sponsored by Blind Mice Mart.   Visit them at

Have a MICE Day!

Cookinginthedark mailing list

Cookinginthedark mailing list

Cookinginthedark mailing list 

Cookinginthedark mailing list

Re: [CnD] purpose of the list concern

2016-07-20 Thread Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark

To add onto what I gave in my last answer, not only do I time them, but if I
were writing or modifying a recipe for blind people, I would include the
length of time and the temperature used.

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
-Original Message-
From: Teresa Mullen via Cookinginthedark
Sent: Tuesday, July 19, 2016 6:39 PM
Cc: Teresa Mullen
Subject: Re: [CnD] purpose of the list concern

Well pretty much Charles you answered your own question when it comes to
frying when you fry chicken how do you know when it's done? Or your french

Teresa MullenSent from my iPhone

On Jul 19, 2016, at 10:51 AM, Sharon Howerton via Cookinginthedark
<> wrote:

I agree as well. I left the list years ago when all that appeared were
recipes that I don't think the sender prepared at all.

-Original Message-
From: Bill via Cookinginthedark []
Sent: Tuesday, July 19, 2016 11:49 AM
To:; Charles Rivard
Cc: Bill
Subject: Re: [CnD] purpose of the list concern

Couldn't agree more, but I will probably not leave the list.

-Original Message-
From: Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark
Sent: Tuesday, July 19, 2016 10:36 AM
To: cooking in the dark list
Cc: Charles Rivard
Subject: [CnD] purpose of the list concern

I joined this list to get tips and tricks that a totally blind person
would use when preparing food.  I was hoping for recipes that blind people
have personally prepared.  I was hoping for modified recipes that
eliminated phrasing such as “Bake until juices run clear.”, “Fry until
golden brown.”
and so on.  Recipes also are not even modified to be more specific.
Ingredients lists such as “half of a jar of spaghetti sauce” or “one bagt
of noodles”, which are of no use are given.  What size is that bag or jar
to begin with?  If I want unmodified recipes, they are available by the
millions on the Internet.  The trend is now, on this list, to a greater
and greater extent, to post recipes copied from the Internet that people
have not tried, with no modification for blind people.  To me, this
tendency makes “Cooking in the Dark” less and less special.  It is
becoming just another cooking list.  What attracts me to the “cooking in
the Dark” podcast that Dale has done for a long time is that the focus
remains on how BLIND people accomplish the tasks involved in successful
meal preparation.  I am considering leaving a list that is becoming less
and less meaningful to blind people.
Cookinginthedark mailing list

Cookinginthedark mailing list

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Cookinginthedark mailing list

Re: [CnD] purpose of the list concern

2016-07-20 Thread Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark

I time them.

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
-Original Message-
From: Teresa Mullen via Cookinginthedark
Sent: Tuesday, July 19, 2016 6:39 PM
Cc: Teresa Mullen
Subject: Re: [CnD] purpose of the list concern

Well pretty much Charles you answered your own question when it comes to
frying when you fry chicken how do you know when it's done? Or your french

Teresa MullenSent from my iPhone

On Jul 19, 2016, at 10:51 AM, Sharon Howerton via Cookinginthedark
<> wrote:

I agree as well. I left the list years ago when all that appeared were
recipes that I don't think the sender prepared at all.

-Original Message-
From: Bill via Cookinginthedark []
Sent: Tuesday, July 19, 2016 11:49 AM
To:; Charles Rivard
Cc: Bill
Subject: Re: [CnD] purpose of the list concern

Couldn't agree more, but I will probably not leave the list.

-Original Message-
From: Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark
Sent: Tuesday, July 19, 2016 10:36 AM
To: cooking in the dark list
Cc: Charles Rivard
Subject: [CnD] purpose of the list concern

I joined this list to get tips and tricks that a totally blind person
would use when preparing food.  I was hoping for recipes that blind people
have personally prepared.  I was hoping for modified recipes that
eliminated phrasing such as “Bake until juices run clear.”, “Fry until
golden brown.”
and so on.  Recipes also are not even modified to be more specific.
Ingredients lists such as “half of a jar of spaghetti sauce” or “one bagt
of noodles”, which are of no use are given.  What size is that bag or jar
to begin with?  If I want unmodified recipes, they are available by the
millions on the Internet.  The trend is now, on this list, to a greater
and greater extent, to post recipes copied from the Internet that people
have not tried, with no modification for blind people.  To me, this
tendency makes “Cooking in the Dark” less and less special.  It is
becoming just another cooking list.  What attracts me to the “cooking in
the Dark” podcast that Dale has done for a long time is that the focus
remains on how BLIND people accomplish the tasks involved in successful
meal preparation.  I am considering leaving a list that is becoming less
and less meaningful to blind people.
Cookinginthedark mailing list

Cookinginthedark mailing list

Cookinginthedark mailing list

Cookinginthedark mailing list

Cookinginthedark mailing list

Re: [CnD] George Foreman Grill

2016-07-20 Thread Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark
What did your reply to Bill's question have to do with a George Formann 
grill?  I don't get the connection.  Thanks.

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
-Original Message- 
From: Naima Leigh via Cookinginthedark

Sent: Tuesday, July 19, 2016 10:18 PM
Cc: Naima Leigh
Subject: Re: [CnD] George Foreman Grill

Hi Bill,

Have you condered joining Sugar's list?

No bulling and lots more recipes from everyone.


-Original Message-
From: Bill via Cookinginthedark []
Sent: Tuesday, July 19, 2016 2:50 PM
To: Cooking In The Dark List
Cc: Bill
Subject: [CnD] George Foreman Grill

Hi All
Have been thinking about purchasing a George Foreman grill.  Any thoughts, 
comments and/or suggestions will be much appreciated.

Cookinginthedark mailing list

Cookinginthedark mailing list 

Cookinginthedark mailing list

Re: [CnD] My thoughts on Recipes on the List

2016-07-19 Thread Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark

Who is this list designed for?

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
-Original Message- 
From: Nicole Massey via Cookinginthedark

Sent: Tuesday, July 19, 2016 4:02 PM
Cc: Nicole Massey
Subject: [CnD] My thoughts on Recipes on the List

I've been reading the responses, at least the ones I get, (I filter some 
folks here because of their interaction style, so I don't get everything in 
my inbox) and there are a few things that I think might be good to consider.
First, not everyone here is completely blind. Blindness is a wide array of 
visual situations, so what may be completely inaccessible for someone might 
be no problem for another. Are we also expected to account for neuropathy, 
which is a common adjunct to a couple of the most common reasons for later 
onset blindness? If we do then we're going to get very few recipes after all 
the possible factors are accounted for.
We are blind people functioning in a sighted world. This means it's a good 
idea for developing coping mechanisms. If a recipe is completely free of any 
sighted elements that's great, and I support the "Tried and True" label in 
the message subject for those recipes. But we don't live in a world where 
others are going to do things just so we can participate equally, so we have 
to work out or ask to find out what these visual cues mean in terms of time, 
texture, and scent. I make sure to do this whenever I'm posting a recipe 
from one of the cooking sessions I attend once a month. But I also ask the 
chef what "when the juices run clear" means and other useful things like the 
palm test for grilled steaks, as just one example. Learning these skills 
will open up Avast array of recipes for you to use and make you far less 
dependent on assistance from others.
One more thing -- Dale Campbell owns this list. Steve Stewart moderates it. 
And they've been crystal clear in their list rules -- if you've got a 
problem, take it to them. Don't. Post. It. On. The. List. "Maling list cops" 
tend to solve nothing and create more discord themselves. Let the folks who 
run the list handle things, like they've asked us to.

Cookinginthedark mailing list

Cookinginthedark mailing list

[CnD] knives and cutting - Re: My thoughts on Recipes on the List

2016-07-19 Thread Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark
You mentioned that some people suggest using knives that are not as sharp to 
prevent blind people from cutting themselves??  Actually, the opposite is 
true.  If you use a sharp knife, it will more easily cut the desired 
material.  Because less pressure is needed to make the cut, there is less of 
a chance of the knife cutting undesired material such as fingers, because 
the knife will not be forced to do work, and will not slip away from the 
desired track.

The same is true for a power saw.  If it must be forced due to dullness, it 
will more likely kick back..

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
-Original Message- 
From: Laury-Johnson, Shawnese (LARA) via Cookinginthedark

Sent: Tuesday, July 19, 2016 4:14 PM
Cc: Laury-Johnson, Shawnese (LARA)
Subject: Re: [CnD] My thoughts on Recipes on the List

Yes, I agree with you Nicole. I have no usable vision but anytime a recipe 
is posted that I'm not quite sure of what the directions are indicating I 
ask someone sighted. I have also asked this list of folks to clarify what is 
indicated in a recipe. I also agree that we live in a sighted world and no 
one is going to make everything perfect for us. I teach independent living 
skills to students who are blind and are in various school districts in our 
state. There are usually sighted VI teachers and parents and sometimes when 
we are doing a lesson that requires cutting it is almost always the sighted 
individuals who will recommend that the students use something not so sharp 
to avoid cutting themselves. I'm always saying that I teach real life and 
the likelihood that they will use the recommended item is extremely slim. Of 
course, I teach them to be careful and we always consider other variables 
but I like this list. I have created a folder of recipes that I want to keep 
and try later. F
or those recipes that I don't like I simply delete them but it doesn't mean 
that someone else on the list may not like the very one that I deleted. I 
say keep 'em coming.

-Original Message-
From: Nicole Massey via Cookinginthedark 

Sent: Tuesday, July 19, 2016 5:02 PM
Cc: Nicole Massey 
Subject: [CnD] My thoughts on Recipes on the List

I've been reading the responses, at least the ones I get, (I filter some 
folks here because of their interaction style, so I don't get everything in 
my inbox) and there are a few things that I think might be good to consider.
First, not everyone here is completely blind. Blindness is a wide array of 
visual situations, so what may be completely inaccessible for someone might 
be no problem for another. Are we also expected to account for neuropathy, 
which is a common adjunct to a couple of the most common reasons for later 
onset blindness? If we do then we're going to get very few recipes after all 
the possible factors are accounted for.
We are blind people functioning in a sighted world. This means it's a good 
idea for developing coping mechanisms. If a recipe is completely free of any 
sighted elements that's great, and I support the "Tried and True" label in 
the message subject for those recipes. But we don't live in a world where 
others are going to do things just so we can participate equally, so we have 
to work out or ask to find out what these visual cues mean in terms of time, 
texture, and scent. I make sure to do this whenever I'm posting a recipe 
from one of the cooking sessions I attend once a month. But I also ask the 
chef what "when the juices run clear" means and other useful things like the 
palm test for grilled steaks, as just one example. Learning these skills 
will open up Avast array of recipes for you to use and make you far less 
dependent on assistance from others.
One more thing -- Dale Campbell owns this list. Steve Stewart moderates it. 
And they've been crystal clear in their list rules -- if you've got a 
problem, take it to them. Don't. Post. It. On. The. List. "Maling list cops" 
tend to solve nothing and create more discord themselves. Let the folks who 
run the list handle things, like they've asked us to.

Cookinginthedark mailing list

Cookinginthedark mailing list

Cookinginthedark mailing list

[CnD] totally out of orneriness - Re: Tip from a blind person

2016-07-19 Thread Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark
I do not want to become a PBJ.  I would be very messy!!  Even worse, my 
Yellow Lab guide would find me and lick me into oblivion!!  This would not 
be good for the beast.  I had to send this based on what you wrote.  Word 
play is such fun!

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
-Original Message- 
From: Courtney Fulghum Smith via Cookinginthedark

Sent: Tuesday, July 19, 2016 12:21 PM
Cc: Courtney Fulghum Smith
Subject: Re: [CnD] Tip from a blind person

Add some jam or jelly to make yourself a PB


Cookinginthedark mailing list 

Cookinginthedark mailing list

[CnD] frying choice - Re: purpose of the list concern

2016-07-19 Thread Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark
Oven frying does not achieve the same results as a deep fryer.  Onion rings, 
shrimp, and other foods are better, in my opinion, when deep frying is used. 
Oddly enough, even frozen french fries taste much better when deep fried 
rather than when baked.

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
-Original Message- 
From: Courtney Fulghum Smith via Cookinginthedark

Sent: Tuesday, July 19, 2016 12:08 PM
Cc: Courtney Fulghum Smith
Subject: Re: [CnD] purpose of the list concern

I will agree to a certain degree. Some of the recent recipe posts have
sounded good & I have saved a few. Please remember there are different
cooking methods & tools to use in cooking. In stead of deep frying, try
oven frying. Want to know if your chicken is done & can't see the clear
juices? Invest in a $30 cooking thermometer.  There is a wealth of
knowledge at our finger tips with the Internet & search engines.

Two things to consider:
1. Research different cooking techniques for a recipe you would like to
try. Post your findings to the list for others to glean from. Who knows,
you just might spark another idea from another list member.

2. Don't want to read all the recipes? Deletethen

Instead of complaining, be active!

Just my thoughts.

Cookinginthedark mailing list 

Cookinginthedark mailing list

Re: [CnD] Tip from a blind person

2016-07-19 Thread Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark
Using very thinly sliced ham with cheese, then grilled on a George Formann 
or similar unit for about 2 to 3 minutes makes them even better.  Tortillas 
make excellent bread.  After all, it's sort of what they are.

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
-Original Message- 
From: Marie Rudys via Cookinginthedark

Sent: Tuesday, July 19, 2016 11:49 AM
Cc: Marie Rudys
Subject: [CnD] Tip from a blind person

Hello, everyone!!

I discovered a quick snack on my own.  If you don't have any bread, and you
want something simple, just take an 8-inch tortilla and place a tablespoon
of creamy peanut butter on it.  Fold it in half and gently squeeze so that
the peanut butter will spread itself inside the tortilla without going
outside the edges.  I find it delicious.

Could the person posting all these fast food recipes please stop?  We need
more blind-friendly recipes, that makes sense to us.  Thank you.


Cookinginthedark mailing list 

Cookinginthedark mailing list

Re: [CnD] Cooking in the Dark Podcast

2016-07-13 Thread Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark
: Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark
Sent: Thursday, July 07, 2016 9:04 PM
Cc: Charles Rivard
Subject: Re: [CnD] Magic Chef Talking Microwave

Did your microwave come with a user's guide?  If so, in what format or

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
-Original Message-
From: Regina Marie via Cookinginthedark
Sent: Thursday, July 07, 2016 8:48 PM
Cc: Regina Marie
Subject: Re: [CnD] Magic Chef Talking Microwave

Sometimes Blind Mice Mart offers payment plans. Look for the sales
when they do and you can break them up into as many as four payments.
Regina Marie

-Original Message-
From: Marie Rudys via Cookinginthedark
Sent: Wednesday, July 06, 2016 6:58 PM
Cc: Marie Rudys
Subject: Re: [CnD] Magic Chef Talking Microwave

Yes, through Blind Mice Megamall it is.  I don't have that kind of
money to spend for a talking one.  The best one I ever had was the
Hamilton Beach Teamo, and it was so neat.  But, when it went out in
2008, it was already discontinued, and I couldn't get another one.

Some of the good products that are cheaper than that Magic Chef
microwave never last long enough.  They are discontinued in a flash.


-Original Message-
From: Sandy via Cookinginthedark
Sent: Wednesday, July 06, 2016 6:42 PM
To:; 'Charles Rivard'
Cc: Sandy
Subject: [CnD] Magic Chef Talking Microwave

Is the Magic Chef talking microwave still available?

Fear is just excitement in need of an attitude adjustment!
-Original Message-
From: Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark
Sent: Wednesday, July 06, 2016 11:44 AM
Cc: Charles Rivard
Subject: Re: [CnD] Talking Microwave

I would save a huge sum of money by getting a microwave not designed
for the blind and having it tactually marked.

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
-Original Message-
From: Noah Carver via Cookinginthedark
Sent: Wednesday, July 06, 2016 10:45 AM
Cc: Noah Carver
Subject: Re: [CnD] Talking Microwave

I personally have a magic chef talking microwave and I love it!

Noah Carver

On Jul 6, 2016, at 08:45, Kerryann Ifill via Cookinginthedark
<> wrote:

Hi all,

I'm in the market for a new microwave and I wanted a talking one.
I saw bad reviews on the magic chef one, but figured I'd come to the
experts for advice.
All thoughts appreciated.
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2016-07-12 Thread Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark

Why not just leave the peel on?

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
-Original Message- 
From: Lori Castner via Cookinginthedark

Sent: Tuesday, July 12, 2016 11:50 AM
Cc: Lori Castner

I peel apples for making pie or crisp.
I cut the apple into fourth or sixths and use a paring knife to remove the 
core from each slice. Then I use the peeler to remove peel. This usually 
takes me three swipes of the peeler. I start at the end and peel straight 
Just so you know, peeling apples is one of my least favorite tasks so I 
don't bake apple pie or crisp very often.

Lori C.

-Original Message-
From: William Henderson via Cookinginthedark 

Sent: Monday, July 11, 2016 10:52 PM
Cc: William Henderson

I noticed the apples have to be peeled.  Does anyone have a good
technique for peeling apples?  I've never done it.  I just eat my
apples with peel.

On 7/2/16, Sugar via Cookinginthedark  wrote:

4 boneless skinless chicken breasts
1 cup BBQ sauce of your choice
1/4 cup brown sugar
1/8 cup lemon juice, fresh or from a bottle
5 small apples, peeled and chopped, I used gala
8 slices bacon

In a small bowl, combine BBQ sauce, brown sugar, lemon juice and
peeled/chopped apples.

Wrap each chicken breast with two slices of bacon and place in a greased
slow cooker.

Pour BBQ apple mixture over chicken and cook on low for 6 to 8 hours or
until chicken is done.

I like to pin my bacon down with toothpicks so the bacon won't slide
You can also use Turkey bacon if you like.

"I Rather Walk In Darkness With God, Than To Walk Alone In The Light"

Come and joine me and my busy elves at the North Pole for fun and tasty
Recipes all around, especially for Christmas!:

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Cookinginthedark mailing list

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Cookinginthedark mailing list

Re: [CnD] An early morning request for Grilled cheese sandwich method

2016-07-11 Thread Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark
Without butter on the outside, if it isn't a grilled cheese sandwich, what 
is it?

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
-Original Message- 
From: Abby Vincent via Cookinginthedark

Sent: Monday, July 11, 2016 11:45 AM
Cc: Abby Vincent
Subject: Re: [CnD] An early morning request for Grilled cheese sandwich 

If there's no butter on the outside, it isn't a grilled cheese sandwich.  I 
melt the butter in the pan because I usually don't remember to take the 
butter out of the refrigerator in advance so it'll be soft enough to spread. 
Also the good cheese doesn't melt as well as the shrink wrapped slices or 
Velveeta or cheese wiz.


-Original Message-
From: Kimber Gardner via Cookinginthedark 

Sent: Monday, July 11, 2016 8:05 AM
Cc: Kimber Gardner 
Subject: Re: [CnD] An early morning request for Grilled cheese sandwich 

I think grilled cheese turns out better if you butter the outside of the 
sandwich rather than the skillet. Also, I like to set a plate on top of the 
sandwich while it's cooking to help the cheese melt. I can usually tell by 
the sound of the sizzle if it's time to turn the sandwich.

On 7/11/16, Cindy Simpson via Cookinginthedark 

Hi listers,
So I'm stuck with a bout of insomnia, and I'm wondering if a little
snack might help me get back to sleep again.  THe little snack I'm
favoring today is a grilled cheese sandwich.  But it has been years
and years since I've made one of these in the skillet and that is how I 
want to make one today.

Could someone give me a basic idea of how to do this? I know you melt
the butter, put your sandwich in, how long do you cook the sandwich on
each side?  I guess that's basically what I wanted to know was how
long to cook on each side.

Thanks in advance you guys.
Cindy Simpson
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Re: [CnD] Cookinginthedark An easier way to cook your sandwich

2016-07-11 Thread Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark
Oops.  I answer messages in the order that they are received in my inbox. 
The most recent first.  When I made my suggestion, I had not seen that the 
skillet is preferred.

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
-Original Message- 
From: Cindy Simpson via Cookinginthedark

Sent: Monday, July 11, 2016 9:36 AM
Cc: Cindy Simpson
Subject: Re: [CnD] Cookinginthedark An easier way to cook your sandwich

Thanks for the helpful hint, but I really don't have a grill that I would
feel comfortable using.  I do have a Hamilton Beach indoor grill but it is
very old and the coating is starting to come off, and I'd rather not pull
it down out of its hiding place just to make one sandwich as it's rather
big and bulky.

Again, thank you though.

On Mon, Jul 11, 2016 at 9:24 AM, Naima Leigh via Cookinginthedark <> wrote:

Hi, I know you want to use the skillet but have you thought of the George
Forman Grill?

It is a lot faster and there's no flames. It only takes a few minutes on
each side to cook. Don't put too much butter or margarine because the
will melt everywhere and burn.

It should take about 5 minutes to cook. I use my grill about every day and
love it!

Enjoy your sandwich

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Re: [CnD] An early morning request for Grilled cheese sandwich method

2016-07-11 Thread Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark
To prevent the sandwich from falling apart, I use a double spatula.  Also, I 
use a George Formann grill instead of a skillet.  Both sides get grilled at 
the same time, no need to turn.

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
-Original Message- 
From: Kimber Gardner via Cookinginthedark

Sent: Monday, July 11, 2016 10:34 AM
Cc: Kimber Gardner
Subject: Re: [CnD] An early morning request for Grilled cheese sandwich 

It also makes the sandwich stay together better so it won't fall apart
when you flip it over.

On 7/11/16, Cindy Simpson via Cookinginthedark

Very awesome suggestions! I never thought of putting a plate on the
sandwich. Thank you very much for this.

On Mon, Jul 11, 2016 at 10:04 AM, Kimber Gardner via Cookinginthedark <> wrote:

I think grilled cheese turns out better if you butter the outside of
the sandwich rather than the skillet. Also, I like to set a plate on
top of the sandwich while it's cooking to help the cheese melt. I can
usually tell by the sound of the sizzle if it's time to turn the

On 7/11/16, Cindy Simpson via Cookinginthedark
> Hi listers,
> So I'm stuck with a bout of insomnia, and I'm wondering if a little
> snack
> might help me get back to sleep again.  THe little snack I'm favoring
> is a grilled cheese sandwich.  But it has been years and years since
> I've
> made one of these in the skillet and that is how I want to make one
> Could someone give me a basic idea of how to do this? I know you melt
> the
> butter, put your sandwich in, how long do you cook the sandwich on each
> side?  I guess that's basically what I wanted to know was how long to
> on each side.
> Thanks in advance you guys.
> Cindy Simpson
> ___
> Cookinginthedark mailing list

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[CnD] cutting huge melons

2016-07-11 Thread Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark
I have been given a 40 pound water melon.  How can I, as a blind person, cut it 
into evenly sized slices?  I don’t even know where to start on such a behemoth! 
 What kind of a knife and what, if any, guide should be used?  Thanks.

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
Cookinginthedark mailing list

Re: [CnD] Talking Microwave

2016-07-07 Thread Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark
Sheesh!  Talk about a fast response??  I just, in a reply to another post, 
asked the question that you answered in the post I am replying to.

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
-Original Message- 
From: Regina Marie via Cookinginthedark

Sent: Thursday, July 07, 2016 8:40 PM
Cc: Regina Marie
Subject: Re: [CnD] Talking Microwave

Mine came with a disk I could place in a slot and read on the computer in 
case Braille or large print does not work. The manual is also online if you 
want to peruse it ahead of time.

Regina Marie

-Original Message-
From: John McConnell via Cookinginthedark 

Sent: Wednesday, July 06, 2016 11:29 AM
Cc: John McConnell
Subject: Re: [CnD] Talking Microwave

Hello all:
Carol and I have the Magic Cheff talking microwave, and it has 12 buttons. 
It omes with a Braille, and large print manual, rather, I think, we had to 
designate which type of manual we would use.

As always, read the manual first, before using the appliance.
You can change the pitch, and volume of the voice, and it even speaks in 
either English or Spanish. If you speak a language other than these, oops! 
Out of luck, (smile).
Seriously, this microwave is very practical for the blind or visually 
impaired person.
You might want to get a rubber mat, in order for the microwave not to move 
on your counter, or buffet, cabinet, or whatever.

Hope this lengthy email helps.

John and Carol McConnell

-Original Message-
From: Noah Carver via Cookinginthedark 

Sent: Wednesday, July 6, 2016 8:46 AM
Cc: Noah Carver 
Subject: Re: [CnD] Talking Microwave

I personally have a magic chef talking microwave and I love it!

Noah Carver

On Jul 6, 2016, at 08:45, Kerryann Ifill via Cookinginthedark 

Hi all,

I'm in the market for a new microwave and I wanted a talking one.
I saw bad reviews on the magic chef one, but figured I'd come to the 
experts for advice.

All thoughts appreciated.
Cookinginthedark mailing list

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Re: [CnD] Magic Chef Talking Microwave

2016-07-07 Thread Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark
Did your microwave come with a user's guide?  If so, in what format or 

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
-Original Message- 
From: Regina Marie via Cookinginthedark

Sent: Thursday, July 07, 2016 8:48 PM
Cc: Regina Marie
Subject: Re: [CnD] Magic Chef Talking Microwave

Sometimes Blind Mice Mart offers payment plans. Look for the sales when they 
do and you can break them up into as many as four payments.

Regina Marie

-Original Message-
From: Marie Rudys via Cookinginthedark 

Sent: Wednesday, July 06, 2016 6:58 PM
Cc: Marie Rudys
Subject: Re: [CnD] Magic Chef Talking Microwave

Yes, through Blind Mice Megamall it is.  I don't have that kind of money to 
spend for a talking one.  The best one I ever had was the Hamilton Beach 
Teamo, and it was so neat.  But, when it went out in 2008, it was already 
discontinued, and I couldn't get another one.

Some of the good products that are cheaper than that Magic Chef microwave 
never last long enough.  They are discontinued in a flash.


-Original Message-
From: Sandy via Cookinginthedark []
Sent: Wednesday, July 06, 2016 6:42 PM
To:; 'Charles Rivard'
Cc: Sandy
Subject: [CnD] Magic Chef Talking Microwave

Is the Magic Chef talking microwave still available?

Fear is just excitement in need of an attitude adjustment!
-Original Message-
From: Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark 

Sent: Wednesday, July 06, 2016 11:44 AM
Cc: Charles Rivard
Subject: Re: [CnD] Talking Microwave

I would save a huge sum of money by getting a microwave not designed for the 
blind and having it tactually marked.

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
-Original Message-
From: Noah Carver via Cookinginthedark
Sent: Wednesday, July 06, 2016 10:45 AM
Cc: Noah Carver
Subject: Re: [CnD] Talking Microwave

I personally have a magic chef talking microwave and I love it!

Noah Carver

On Jul 6, 2016, at 08:45, Kerryann Ifill via Cookinginthedark 
<> wrote:

Hi all,

I'm in the market for a new microwave and I wanted a talking one.
I saw bad reviews on the magic chef one, but figured I'd come to the
experts for advice.
All thoughts appreciated.
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[CnD] labeled microwaves - Re: Talking Microwave

2016-07-06 Thread Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark
The Dymo tape labels have stayed on my microwave oven for over 10 years. 
The surface was cleaned off with denatured alcohol before the braille 
numbers were pressed on.

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
-Original Message- 
From: Susie Stageberg via Cookinginthedark

Sent: Wednesday, July 06, 2016 7:29 PM
Cc: Susie Stageberg
Subject: Re: [CnD] Talking Microwave

My experience is that the taped-on Braille markings do not last. I have been 
thinking about that talking microwave just because this keeps happening.


-Original Message-
From: Brenda Mueller via Cookinginthedark 

Sent: Wednesday, July 06, 2016 12:52 PM
To: []; Charles Rivard
Cc: Brenda Mueller
Subject: Re: [CnD] Talking Microwave

I would say that a regular microwave, dymotape, and a slate and stylus is a 
much better way to go.  I marked mine in 1986, and it still works to this 

Brenda Mueller

Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 6, 2016, at 12:44 PM, Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark 
<> wrote:

I would save a huge sum of money by getting a microwave not designed for 
the blind and having it tactually marked.

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
-Original Message- From: Noah Carver via Cookinginthedark
Sent: Wednesday, July 06, 2016 10:45 AM
Cc: Noah Carver
Subject: Re: [CnD] Talking Microwave

I personally have a magic chef talking microwave and I love it!

Noah Carver

On Jul 6, 2016, at 08:45, Kerryann Ifill via Cookinginthedark 
<> wrote:

Hi all,

I'm in the market for a new microwave and I wanted a talking one.
I saw bad reviews on the magic chef one, but figured I'd come to the 
experts for advice.

All thoughts appreciated.
Cookinginthedark mailing list

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[CnD] inexpensive microwaves - Re: Magic Chef Talking Microwave

2016-07-06 Thread Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark
In a lot of cases, you get what you pay for.  A lot of those Hamilton Beach 
ovens were a very low budget microwave, and the talking function went out on 
them almost right away.

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
-Original Message- 
From: Marie Rudys via Cookinginthedark

Sent: Wednesday, July 06, 2016 8:58 PM
Cc: Marie Rudys
Subject: Re: [CnD] Magic Chef Talking Microwave

Yes, through Blind Mice Megamall it is.  I don't have that kind of money to 
spend for a talking one.  The best one I ever had was the Hamilton Beach 
Teamo, and it was so neat.  But, when it went out in 2008, it was already 
discontinued, and I couldn't get another one.

Some of the good products that are cheaper than that Magic Chef microwave 
never last long enough.  They are discontinued in a flash.


-Original Message-
From: Sandy via Cookinginthedark []
Sent: Wednesday, July 06, 2016 6:42 PM
To:; 'Charles Rivard'
Cc: Sandy
Subject: [CnD] Magic Chef Talking Microwave

Is the Magic Chef talking microwave still available?

Fear is just excitement in need of an attitude adjustment!
-Original Message-
From: Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark 

Sent: Wednesday, July 06, 2016 11:44 AM
Cc: Charles Rivard
Subject: Re: [CnD] Talking Microwave

I would save a huge sum of money by getting a microwave not designed for the 
blind and having it tactually marked.

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
-Original Message-
From: Noah Carver via Cookinginthedark
Sent: Wednesday, July 06, 2016 10:45 AM
Cc: Noah Carver
Subject: Re: [CnD] Talking Microwave

I personally have a magic chef talking microwave and I love it!

Noah Carver

On Jul 6, 2016, at 08:45, Kerryann Ifill via Cookinginthedark 
<> wrote:

Hi all,

I'm in the market for a new microwave and I wanted a talking one.
I saw bad reviews on the magic chef one, but figured I'd come to the
experts for advice.
All thoughts appreciated.
Cookinginthedark mailing list

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[CnD] iDevice thermometers - Re: Smokers

2016-07-06 Thread Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark

I would like to know more about these devices that apparently pair with an
app.  What brand do you have, what was the cost of the device and the app,
and how Voice-Over friendly is the app?  What are the buttons and settings?
What, if any, other uses can this be accomplished with this?  Thanks.

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
-Original Message-
From: Carlos Taylor via Cookinginthedark
Sent: Wednesday, July 06, 2016 9:25 AM
Cc: Carlos Taylor
Subject: Re: [CnD] Smokers

I have a bluetooth meat thermometer that works with my iPhone, but the
smoker itself does not.  However, there are only 5 buttons and it beeps with
each button press.  It is easy to learn and use.

On Jul 5, 2016, at 8:44 PM, Dixie via Cookinginthedark

Do you have the one that can be controlled by a  Smart phone?

If so, how well does it work with the screen reader on the phone?

@-> ~ <-@

-Original Message-
From: Carlos Taylor via Cookinginthedark
Sent: Tuesday, July 5, 2016 6:40 PM
Cc: Carlos Taylor
Subject: Re: [CnD] Smokers

I also have a Master Built electric smoker.  I absolutely love it!  I’ve
smoked chicken, ribs, pork chops, turkey, and even brisket.  Just to
clarify, a smoker of this type is something to be used outside, not in the

On Jul 1, 2016, at 7:26 PM, Marie Rudys via Cookinginthedark

That's nice.  I don't have room for a lot of stuff in my kitchen.  But
that's OK.
I am glad that you like your smoker.


-Original Message-
From: Regina Marie via Cookinginthedark
Sent: Friday, July 01, 2016 4:24 PM
Cc: Regina Marie
Subject: Re: [CnD] Smokers

I love my smoker. It is a Masterbuilt and I got it off of Amazon. Dale
recommends it and has many recipes using it on Cooking in the Dark. You
do not have to open the door to put chips in.

Regina Marie
Phone: 916-877-4320
Follow me: Find Me:
Listen Live:

-Original Message-
From: Mike and Jean via Cookinginthedark
Sent: Friday, July 01, 2016 6:45 AM
Cc: Mike and Jean
Subject: Re: [CnD] Smokers

Hi, I like to use a smoker and I have a few suggestions.  I highly
recommend that you use an electric smoker with adjustable controls.  I
used to have a digital smoker, however, I lost more sight and could no
longer use the digital settings.  I bought my adjustable smoker at a
local Ace hardware store.  It has a dial that controls the heat settings.
This allows me to place a bump dot at low, medium, and high.   You can
also find them at Sportsman warehouse Academy Sports,  and maybe Bass Pro
Shops. My smoker is approximately three feet tall and 18 inches wide.  It
has a locking door.  If you can find one, I recommend a smoker that has a
loading tube on the side that allows you to load chips during the cooking
without opening the door.  Unfortunitely, my unit does not have this
As for the chips, they can also be purchased from the places mentioned
above as well as from Lowes home improvements stores.  I really like
using misquette  chips when cooking chicken.  Apple wood chips also work
very well with fowl.  When smoking pork or beef, I like to use hickory
If you have any other questions, you can contact me at
Have a Blessed day.  Mike -Original Message-
From: Dixie via Cookinginthedark []
Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2016 7:48 AM
Cc: Dixie 
Subject: [CnD] Smokers

Hi all,

I am looking for some advice on purchasing and using a smoker.

We catch some fish here during the summer and I thought smoking it might
be a good idea.

What should I look for in a smoker?

What should I avoid in a smoker?

Where is a good source to get smokers, and the various woods?

Finally, do you have any tips and techniques to share?  Recipes?

Thanks so much,


@-> ~ <-@

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Re: [CnD] Smokers

2016-07-06 Thread Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark

Smoking is also not dangerous.  It is perfectly safe whether the cook is
sighted or blind.

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
-Original Message-
From: Carlos Taylor via Cookinginthedark
Sent: Wednesday, July 06, 2016 9:32 AM
Cc: Carlos Taylor
Subject: Re: [CnD] Smokers

I’m not trying to bash your friend, but apparently he doesn’t really know
what he’s talking about.  I’ve smoked small quantities of food with no
problem.  Smoking is often done for the flavor, not necessarily for
preserving.  Additionally, spices and sauces aren’t expensive.  Store bought
sauces and spices are quite tasty, although some like to experiment and make
their own rubs and sauces, but it by no means has to be expensive.

On Jul 6, 2016, at 3:57 AM, Kimsan via Cookinginthedark

I want to learn how to use a smoker. My friend believes I might have
challenges. I think it's because I'm blind. His comment is below. Not
posting this to bash but maybe a learning experience can begin.  I suppose
there might be books right? Until I locate one, any helpful tips for a
beginner will be appreciated. I plan on getting a masterbuilt in August,
unless someone has other ideas.
Have you ever tried smoked salmon? I cant see you smoking meat because it
is very time consuming. Also i think it is a little dangerous because of
whole visual aspect. Along with the ingredients plus special woods special
sauces lots of start up cost there. Now if you had a farm with cows or
then yes a smoker comes in handy as it preserves large quantities of meat.

-Original Message-
From: Carlos Taylor via Cookinginthedark
Sent: Tuesday, July 5, 2016 3:40 PM
Cc: Carlos Taylor 
Subject: Re: [CnD] Smokers

I also have a Master Built electric smoker.  I absolutely love it!  I’ve
smoked chicken, ribs, pork chops, turkey, and even brisket.  Just to
clarify, a smoker of this type is something to be used outside, not in the

On Jul 1, 2016, at 7:26 PM, Marie Rudys via Cookinginthedark

That's nice.  I don't have room for a lot of stuff in my kitchen.  But
that's OK.
I am glad that you like your smoker.


-Original Message-
From: Regina Marie via Cookinginthedark
Sent: Friday, July 01, 2016 4:24 PM
Cc: Regina Marie
Subject: Re: [CnD] Smokers

I love my smoker. It is a Masterbuilt and I got it off of Amazon. Dale
recommends it and has many recipes using it on Cooking in the Dark. You
do not have to open the door to put chips in.

Regina Marie
Phone: 916-877-4320
Follow me: Find Me:
Listen Live:

-Original Message-
From: Mike and Jean via Cookinginthedark
Sent: Friday, July 01, 2016 6:45 AM
Cc: Mike and Jean
Subject: Re: [CnD] Smokers

Hi, I like to use a smoker and I have a few suggestions.  I highly
recommend that you use an electric smoker with adjustable controls.  I
used to have a digital smoker, however, I lost more sight and could no
longer use the digital settings.  I bought my adjustable smoker at a
local Ace hardware store.  It has a dial that controls the heat settings.
This allows me to place a bump dot at low, medium, and high.   You can
also find them at Sportsman warehouse Academy Sports,  and maybe Bass Pro
Shops. My smoker is approximately three feet tall and 18 inches wide.  It
has a locking door.  If you can find one, I recommend a smoker that has a
loading tube on the side that allows you to load chips during the cooking
without opening the door.  Unfortunitely, my unit does not have this
As for the chips, they can also be purchased from the places mentioned
above as well as from Lowes home improvements stores.  I really like
using misquette  chips when cooking chicken.  Apple wood chips also work
very well with fowl.  When smoking pork or beef, I like to use hickory
If you have any other questions, you can contact me at
Have a Blessed day.  Mike -Original Message-
From: Dixie via Cookinginthedark []
Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2016 7:48 AM
Cc: Dixie 
Subject: [CnD] Smokers

Hi all,

I am looking for some advice on purchasing and using a smoker.

We catch some fish here during the summer and I thought smoking it might
be a good idea.

What should I look for in a smoker?

What should I avoid in a smoker?

Where is a good source to get smokers, and the various woods?

Finally, do you have any tips and techniques to share?  Recipes?

Thanks so much,

Re: [CnD] Talking Microwave

2016-07-06 Thread Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark
I would save a huge sum of money by getting a microwave not designed for the 
blind and having it tactually marked.

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
-Original Message- 
From: Noah Carver via Cookinginthedark

Sent: Wednesday, July 06, 2016 10:45 AM
Cc: Noah Carver
Subject: Re: [CnD] Talking Microwave

I personally have a magic chef talking microwave and I love it!

Noah Carver

On Jul 6, 2016, at 08:45, Kerryann Ifill via Cookinginthedark 

Hi all,

I'm in the market for a new microwave and I wanted a talking one.
I saw bad reviews on the magic chef one, but figured I'd come to the 
experts for advice.

All thoughts appreciated.
Cookinginthedark mailing list

Cookinginthedark mailing list 

Cookinginthedark mailing list

Re: [CnD] Smokers

2016-07-01 Thread Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark
In your message, you say, "I have never seen a click smoker and I love it". 
How can you love something you've never seen?

Anyway, I have a Brinkmann Sportster electric smoker, and it sure is a great 
way to make neighbors' mouths water when they get a bit of that smoke 
drifting toward them when I'm smoking hams, fish, pork or beef ribs, or 
whatever else strikes my mood.  No temperature setting, just use wood chunks 
of your choice.  When not in use on my patio, it is stored in the shed, out 
of the weather.

I bought it at Wal-Mart several years ago for about $60, although I'm sure 
it would cost more today.

You might be able to find more info about it at

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
-Original Message- 
From: janbrown via Cookinginthedark

Sent: Friday, July 01, 2016 9:51 AM
Cc: janbrown
Subject: Re: [CnD] Smokers

I am the most happy owner of a traeger  but I amnot sure of the spelling.
You can buy chips from their web side and I think I got the smoker at 

It has clicks to determine temperature.
I have never seen a click smoker and I love it.
On the side is a pellet box which you fill at the beginning and add to as 
your cooking progresses.
It is a true mess to clean.We got a shop vac to clean the ash out of the 
fire box.

But all that said, it is my personal favorite cooking device.
The pellets feel a bit like dry dog food.
The smoke setting is one click to the right of off.
If I'm smoking chicken, yes, wow your family and friends,  with delight.
I smoke it for two hours, take it out and turn the heat all the way to the 
right which gives you high, put a magic gross plastic grill protector on the 
grill once ten minutes have passed and the grill is up to temp.
My personal grill will hold up to 36 chicken wings which I rub before 

You can make all kinds of rubs.
You can get a sweet and smokey rub at the store which is brown sugar, 
papreka and some other stuff.

I also quite like a chipotle rub.
Have a lot of fun with whatever grill you get.

On Jul 1, 2016, at 6:44 AM, Mike and Jean via Cookinginthedark 

Hi, I like to use a smoker and I have a few suggestions.  I highly recommend 
that you use an electric smoker with adjustable controls.  I used to have a 
digital smoker, however, I lost more sight and could no longer use the 
digital settings.  I bought my adjustable smoker at a local Ace hardware 
store.  It has a dial that controls the heat settings.  This allows me to 
place a bump dot at low, medium, and high.   You can also find them at 
Sportsman warehouse Academy Sports,  and maybe Bass Pro Shops. My smoker is 
approximately three feet tall and 18 inches wide.  It has a locking door. 
If you can find one, I recommend a smoker that has a loading tube on the 
side that allows you to load chips during the cooking without opening the 
door.  Unfortunitely, my unit does not have this feature.
As for the chips, they can also be purchased from the places mentioned above 
as well as from Lowes home improvements stores.  I really like using 
misquette  chips when cooking chicken.  Apple wood chips also work very well 
with fowl.  When smoking pork or beef, I like to use hickory chips.
If you have any other questions, you can contact me at 
Have a Blessed day.  Mike

-Original Message-
From: Dixie via Cookinginthedark []
Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2016 7:48 AM
Cc: Dixie 
Subject: [CnD] Smokers

Hi all,

I am looking for some advice on purchasing and using a smoker.

We catch some fish here during the summer and I thought smoking it might be 
a good idea.

What should I look for in a smoker?

What should I avoid in a smoker?

Where is a good source to get smokers, and the various woods?

Finally, do you have any tips and techniques to share?  Recipes?

Thanks so much,


@-> ~ <-@

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Re: [CnD] Opti Grill

2016-06-21 Thread Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark
Great minds think alike.  Think of how greatly the list traffic would have 
been reduced if important info such as the cooking surface size, the 
features, and the restrictions as to what should and should not be grilled 
had been given right at the beginning for all to see.  I would prefer a good 
review of a product you have found rather than a vague one that leaves so 
many questions unanswered.

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
-Original Message- 

Sent: Tuesday, June 21, 2016 12:16 PM
To: ; 'Charles Rivard'
Subject: RE: [CnD] Opti Grill

When a person mentions a product on this list, or any other:
Why not give all of the specs in the beginning.
I was under the impression, that this list was for shring recipes, and 
products, with specs?

Just my thoughts.
Thank you for considering this.


John McConnell
P.S. If this offends someone, I apologize in advance.

-Original Message-
From: Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark 

Sent: Saturday, June 18, 2016 12:51 PM
Cc: Charles Rivard <>
Subject: Re: [CnD] Opti Grill

George Formanns come in different sizes.  So that we can get a better idea, 
I'll ask this:  How wide, and how far from front to back, is the cooking 
surface of the OptiGrill?

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
-Original Message-
From: Becky via Cookinginthedark
Sent: Saturday, June 18, 2016 1:21 PM
To: Bill via Cookinginthedark
Cc: Becky
Subject: Re: [CnD] Opti Grill

Is the opti grill bigger than the
George Forman and the Hamilton Beach?

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: Bill via Cookinginthedark
Sent: Friday, June 17, 2016 12:29 PM
To: Cooking In The Dark List
Cc: Bill
Subject: [CnD] Opti Grill

Hi Ward
Can we cook things like boan-in chops on the grill?  Thanks Bill 

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Re: [CnD] Opti Grill

2016-06-18 Thread Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark
George Formanns come in different sizes.  So that we can get a better idea, 
I'll ask this:  How wide, and how far from front to back, is the cooking 
surface of the OptiGrill?

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
-Original Message- 
From: Becky via Cookinginthedark

Sent: Saturday, June 18, 2016 1:21 PM
To: Bill via Cookinginthedark
Cc: Becky
Subject: Re: [CnD] Opti Grill

Is the opti grill bigger than the
George Forman and the Hamilton Beach?

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: Bill via Cookinginthedark
Sent: Friday, June 17, 2016 12:29 PM
To: Cooking In The Dark List
Cc: Bill
Subject: [CnD] Opti Grill

Hi Ward
Can we cook things like boan-in chops on the grill?  Thanks
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Re: [CnD] Opti Grill

2016-06-17 Thread Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark
I am wondering how much cooking space there is on one of these grills.  The 
square inches tells nothing because it might be square or long and narrow, 
yet have the same square inches of space.  The grill that I have will very 
easily hold two grilled cheese sandwiches on normal loaves of white bread 
side by side.  If I place them right, I can grill a dozen hot-dogs at once. 
There are 8 hot-dogs to a pound in this example, and are perfectly sized for 
a hot-dog bun.

I have heard that foods containing bones cannot be grilled on one of these 
machines, but would also like to know if this is true or not from someone 
who owns a grill and who has gone through the user's guide.

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
-Original Message- 
From: Ward Dudley via Cookinginthedark

Sent: Friday, June 17, 2016 11:32 AM
Cc: Ward Dudley
Subject: Re: [CnD] Opti Grill


Just wash the plates then either rub a light coating of oil or spray PAM
onto them before using.  There are ten buttons in the handle.  Power,
Defrost, Burger, Chicken, Sandwich, Sausage/Hot dogs, Pork/Steak, Fish,
Manual Temp., Okay.  Press power, defrost if the item is frozen,
whatever you are cooking then Okay.  It will play a musical tone when it
is done preheating.  Place your food on the grill.  It will play the
tunes again when it is rare again on medium and again when well done.
If you have more items just press the selection again and Okay.


On 6/17/2016 10:59 AM, Sharon Howerton via Cookinginthedark wrote:

Based on everyone's suggestions and a good price on Amazon, I ordered one
which should be delivered next week. If anyone has any practical getting
started tips or foods I should try first, I'd appreciate them and if you
want to send to me directly, my email is

I am really looking forward to this and thanks to all for your suggestions
and advice plus thanks to all who just listened/read!


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Re: [CnD] another device

2016-06-12 Thread Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark
This is why we should not be sending vague messages.  When asking about the 
device, she did not give any clue other than the fact that she may be 
misspelling it.  No name was given.  How are we supposed to deduce what she 
is asking about without some indication as to what she is looking for?

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
-Original Message- 
From: Ward Dudley via Cookinginthedark

Sent: Saturday, June 11, 2016 9:08 PM
Cc: Ward Dudley
Subject: Re: [CnD] another device

You could be talking about the T-FAl Opti Grill.  I love mine.


On 6/11/2016 6:13 PM, Sharon Howerton via Cookinginthedark wrote:

Someone mentioned this device and I must be spelling it incorrectly; she
said she found it on Amazon. It is an auto grill. And no, I didn't mean
parts for a car! I thought it was on QVC once but not sure.

Thanks again!


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Re: [CnD] another device

2016-06-12 Thread Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark
Can you give any details about the device other than this?  It'll make 
finding it easier.

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
-Original Message- 
From: Sharon Howerton via Cookinginthedark

Sent: Saturday, June 11, 2016 6:13 PM
Cc: Sharon Howerton
Subject: [CnD] another device

Someone mentioned this device and I must be spelling it incorrectly; she
said she found it on Amazon. It is an auto grill. And no, I didn't mean
parts for a car! I thought it was on QVC once but not sure.

Thanks again!


Cookinginthedark mailing list 

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2016-06-04 Thread Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark

What sized bags are used for this recipe?

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
-Original Message- 
From: Sugar via Cookinginthedark 
Sent: Saturday, June 04, 2016 12:19 PM 
To: CND 
Cc: Sugar 

The first time I ever had it was when Zachary and I were dating 
and he invited me to one of his family reunions. It was at Bear 
Lake {hence the name, Bear Lake Trail Mix}, a popular lake in 
northern Utah and his aunt, Kimberly, whipped out a couple 
Tupperwares of this stuff. I could not get enough of it the entire 
time we were there! It has become my favorite go-to snack mix 
ever since.

2 bags regular Chex Mix
1 bag Bugles
1 bag Chocolate Chip Teddy Grahams {I couldn't find these, 
so I used Mini Chips Ahoy}

1 bag Pretzel M's
1 bag Licorice Bits
I bag Swedish Fish
1 bag Goldfish crackers

Mix all ingredients in a large bowl.
Try not to eat yourself sick. {Trust me - once you start, it's 
impossible to stop.}

Cup of recipes

"I Rather Walk In Darkness With God, Than To Walk Alone In The Light"

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2016-06-04 Thread Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark
I've never heard of any combination like this.  It really sounds great.  One 
question, though:  What are Sweedish Fish?

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
-Original Message- 
From: Sugar via Cookinginthedark

Sent: Saturday, June 04, 2016 12:19 PM
Cc: Sugar

The first time I ever had it was when Zachary and I were dating
and he invited me to one of his family reunions. It was at Bear
Lake {hence the name, Bear Lake Trail Mix}, a popular lake in
northern Utah and his aunt, Kimberly, whipped out a couple
Tupperwares of this stuff. I could not get enough of it the entire
time we were there! It has become my favorite go-to snack mix
ever since.

2 bags regular Chex Mix
1 bag Bugles
1 bag Chocolate Chip Teddy Grahams {I couldn't find these,
so I used Mini Chips Ahoy}
1 bag Pretzel M's
1 bag Licorice Bits
I bag Swedish Fish
1 bag Goldfish crackers

Mix all ingredients in a large bowl.
Try not to eat yourself sick. {Trust me - once you start, it's
impossible to stop.}

Cup of recipes

"I Rather Walk In Darkness With God, Than To Walk Alone In The Light"

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Re: [CnD] Lasagna

2016-06-01 Thread Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark

No, he won't.  He's dead.  Good sausage, though.  (I just had to be ornery.)

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
-Original Message-
From: Becky McCullough via Cookinginthedark
Sent: Wednesday, June 01, 2016 7:59 AM
Cc: Becky McCullough
Subject: Re: [CnD] Lasagna

Jimmy Dean would work too.
- Original Message -
From: "Teresa Mullen via Cookinginthedark" <>
To: <>
Cc: "Teresa Mullen" <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 31, 2016 1:37 PM
Subject: Re: [CnD] Lasagna

You probably could use Johnsonville Italian sausage as well. Those come in
links I believe five of them. Hot or mild Italian sausage

Teresa MullenSent from my iPhone

On May 31, 2016, at 1:43 PM, Sugar via Cookinginthedark
<> wrote:

I use the entire package of the hillshire all beef sausage, it feels like
a horse shoe
There is only one size.
Knowing your own darkness is the best method for dealing with the
darknesses of other people.
-Filled with light, Sugar.

-----Original Message-----
From: Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark
Sent: Tuesday, May 31, 2016 9:56 AM
Cc: Charles Rivard
Subject: Re: [CnD] Lasagna

How much sausage should be used?

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
-Original Message-
From: Sugar via Cookinginthedark
Sent: Tuesday, May 31, 2016 11:34 AM
Cc: Sugar
Subject: Re: [CnD] Lasagna

Sugar’s Lasagna

My Daniel just loves all the beef in it!

2lbs of lean beef(4%)
2lbs of mozarela(saving a cup for topping)
1 16oz. Parmesan cheese(kraft in container)
1 1lg container(14 ounce-16 ounce ricotta cheese,(brand precious) 1lg egg
salt and pepper to taste
12 lasagna noodles(boiling 2-3 extras in case one breaks)
1 can black, pitted olives
1sm. green pepper
1sm. red pepper
1sm. red onion
garlic to taste
(Italian sausage(mild)
at times I use "hillshire" smoked Italian sausage) salt for boiling water
1 med. bottle of "Prego" speghetti sauce (I like to use the roasted garlic
with mushrooms) Pam( to spray cassarole dish

in a rolling boil of hot water, place noodles up to 12 minutes, or until
noodles are slightly soften while noodles are boiling, heat and brown meat
and sausage, and since I use the 4% lean beef, no need to drain...
adding veggies, all chopped, continue to stir, then pour entire speghetti
sauce in, for a slow simmer(don’t forget to season your beef with your
choice of spices) preheat oven at 350 degrees for 15 minutes:
on a piece of foil, lay out noodles to cool, being careful not to burn
now mix your cheeses, placing all cheeses in a bowl, and the egg, as the
egg plays like a glue remember to save at least 1 cup of mozeralla for
mix all together until a dough like substance, making sure egg has been
broken and spread through out mixture.
Add some pepper to cheese about half a tea spoon, or to taste Now the fun
1st layer: your meat sauce
2nd: noodles
3: cheese
repeat for 3 layers, being very generous with cheese, as you may have some
left over, if that happens, and you have a few noodles left, take all left
overs and roll up and place in oven for bit size stuffed noodles.
the same foil paper you used to place the noodles on, can be used to cover
lasagna .
bake for 35-45 minutes, or until all melted remember your meat has already
been browned...
last 15 minutes, remove foil and let sit for a few minutes more removing
out of the oven, to cool for about 10 minutes before sliceing.


Knowing your own darkness is the best method for dealing with the
darknesses of other people.
-Filled with light, Sugar.

-Original Message-
From: Teresa Mullen via Cookinginthedark
Sent: Tuesday, May 31, 2016 9:30 AM
To: []
Cc: Teresa Mullen
Subject: [CnD] Lasagna

Hello everyone
Does anyone have an easy recipe for lasagna?
It would be greatly appreciated thanks in advance take care all of you and
happy cooking

Teresa MullenSent from my iPhone
Cookinginthedark mailing list

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Re: [CnD] Lasagna

2016-05-31 Thread Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark

How much sausage should be used?

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
-Original Message-
From: Sugar via Cookinginthedark
Sent: Tuesday, May 31, 2016 11:34 AM
Cc: Sugar
Subject: Re: [CnD] Lasagna

Sugar’s Lasagna

My Daniel just loves all the beef in it!

2lbs of lean beef(4%)
2lbs of mozarela(saving a cup for topping)
1 16oz. Parmesan cheese(kraft in container)
1 1lg container(14 ounce-16 ounce ricotta cheese,(brand precious)
1lg egg
salt and pepper to taste
12 lasagna noodles(boiling 2-3 extras in case one breaks)
1 can black, pitted olives
1sm. green pepper
1sm. red pepper
1sm. red onion
garlic to taste
(Italian sausage(mild)
at times I use "hillshire" smoked Italian sausage)
salt for boiling water
1 med. bottle of "Prego" speghetti sauce
(I like to use the roasted garlic with mushrooms)
Pam( to spray cassarole dish

in a rolling boil of hot water, place noodles up to 12 minutes, or until
noodles are slightly soften
while noodles are boiling, heat and brown meat and sausage, and since I use
the 4% lean beef, no need to drain...
adding veggies, all chopped, continue to stir, then pour entire speghetti
sauce in, for a slow simmer(don’t forget to season your beef with your
choice of spices)
preheat oven at 350 degrees for 15 minutes:
on a piece of foil, lay out noodles to cool, being careful not to burn your
now mix your cheeses, placing all cheeses in a bowl, and the egg, as the egg
plays like a glue
remember to save at least 1 cup of mozeralla for topping.
mix all together until a dough like substance, making sure egg has been
broken and spread through out mixture.
Add some pepper to cheese about half a tea spoon, or to taste
Now the fun begins!
1st layer: your meat sauce
2nd: noodles
3: cheese
repeat for 3 layers, being very generous with cheese, as you may have some
left over, if that happens, and you have a few noodles left, take all left
overs and roll up and place in oven for bit size stuffed noodles.
the same foil paper you used to place the noodles on, can be used to cover
lasagna .
bake for 35-45 minutes, or until all melted
remember your meat has already been browned...
last 15 minutes, remove foil and let sit for a few minutes more
removing out of the oven, to cool for about 10 minutes before sliceing.


Knowing your own darkness is the best method for dealing with the darknesses
of other people.
-Filled with light, Sugar.

-Original Message-
From: Teresa Mullen via Cookinginthedark
Sent: Tuesday, May 31, 2016 9:30 AM
To: []
Cc: Teresa Mullen
Subject: [CnD] Lasagna

Hello everyone
Does anyone have an easy recipe for lasagna?
It would be greatly appreciated thanks in advance take care all of you and
happy cooking

Teresa MullenSent from my iPhone
Cookinginthedark mailing list

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Re: [CnD] The Perfect Cooker

2016-05-31 Thread Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark
Can you supply us with the name of the cooker?  It's sort of hard to know if 
we've tried an unspecified product.

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
-Original Message- 
From: gail johnson via Cookinginthedark

Sent: Monday, May 30, 2016 4:16 PM
Cc: gail johnson ;
Subject: [CnD] The Perfect Cooker

The other night Hank saw an infomercial about this cooking appliance.
You're supposed to be able to cook one-pot meals and grains.
Anyone tried one?
The 3-cup capacity is $20.00 and the 5-cup is $30.00.
Cookinginthedark mailing list 

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Re: [CnD] Vague recipes

2016-05-31 Thread Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark
You're absolutely right.  I've come across recipes that call for a package 
of noodles.  There are different sized packages.

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
-Original Message- 
From: John McConnell via Cookinginthedark

Sent: Monday, May 30, 2016 4:56 PM
Cc: John McConnell
Subject: [CnD] Vague recipes


We have the Casserole Classics cookbook in Braille.

In Vol. I. we did the chicken and dressing casserole.

The recipe called for cans of soups, evaporated milk, and even half cans of

My point is, there were no can sizes given. Therefore, I had to guess.

The final instructions were to bake at dg425 for about 25 minutes, or "until
golden brown." I frankly, due to our oven temperature, increased the baking

When people who are blind/visually impaired create a recipe, especially for
those of us who also like to cook.

They should be more explicit, specific in regard to exact ingredients.

Just my opinion.

Thank you.


John and Carol McConnell

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[CnD] cast iron cookware - Re: Grilling Question

2016-05-22 Thread Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark
I took the initiative to change this to an appropriate subject line because 
nobody else seems to care.

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
-Original Message- 
From: Mike and Jenna via Cookinginthedark

Sent: Sunday, May 22, 2016 10:08 AM
Cc: Mike and Jenna
Subject: Re: [CnD] Grilling Question


My cast iron cook ware was the best Christmas present my wife could have 
gotten me.

-Original Message-
From: Kimberly via Cookinginthedark []
Sent: Saturday, May 21, 2016 8:08 PM
Cc: Kimberly 
Subject: Re: [CnD] Grilling Question

Cast-iron is an investment but is well worth the cost imo. I have a couple 
of skillets and just got a Dutch-oven and they are my favorite cookware.

Sent from Kimber's iPhone

On May 21, 2016, at 10:45 AM, Nicole Massey via Cookinginthedark 

One thing the chef at the latest Cutco cooking event I went to last 
Tuesday said was that if you find your meat gets too dry on the grill you 
can grill the outside for a short time, then move it to the oven to finish 
cooking the insides. This will give you a more tender result with more 
juice in it. He was pretty vague about times, so I'll get more detail from 
him next time. He also mentioned that this will give you the color you get 
from grilled foods with baked tenderness.
On a related note, he mentioned that using non-stick pans will also rob 
the food of some color thanks to the nature of non-stick surfaces, and 
that if you're going to make gravy or sauce from the drippings it's better 
to use a multi-layered metal pan, preferably one that distributes heat 
real well -- aluminum core or cast iron are the best. That way you get 
more drippings and from them more flavor in your gravy or sauce.

-Original Message-
From: Mike and Jenna via Cookinginthedark 

Sent: Saturday, May 21, 2016 9:21 AM
Cc: Mike and Jenna 
Subject: Re: [CnD] Grilling Question


You can but I find it drys out the chicken

-Original Message-
From: Victoria E Gilkerson via Cookinginthedark 

Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2016 10:47 PM
Cc: Victoria E Gilkerson 
Subject: [CnD] Grilling Question

Is it possible to grill chicken parts that have bones in them on grills 
such as the George Forman Grill and such as that?

Victoria E Gilkerson

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Re: [CnD] Grilling Question

2016-05-22 Thread Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark

What does this have to do with grilling?

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
-Original Message- 
From: Becky McCullough via Cookinginthedark

Sent: Saturday, May 21, 2016 10:37 PM
Cc: Becky McCullough
Subject: Re: [CnD] Grilling Question

Can you bake casseroles in a cast iron skillet?
- Original Message - 
From: "Kimberly via Cookinginthedark" 

Cc: "Kimberly" 
Sent: Saturday, May 21, 2016 7:07 PM
Subject: Re: [CnD] Grilling Question

Cast-iron is an investment but is well worth the cost imo. I have a couple 
of skillets and just got a Dutch-oven and they are my favorite cookware.

Sent from Kimber's iPhone

On May 21, 2016, at 10:45 AM, Nicole Massey via Cookinginthedark 

One thing the chef at the latest Cutco cooking event I went to last 
Tuesday said was that if you find your meat gets too dry on the grill you 
can grill the outside for a short time, then move it to the oven to 
finish cooking the insides. This will give you a more tender result with 
more juice in it. He was pretty vague about times, so I'll get more 
detail from him next time. He also mentioned that this will give you the 
color you get from grilled foods with baked tenderness.
On a related note, he mentioned that using non-stick pans will also rob 
the food of some color thanks to the nature of non-stick surfaces, and 
that if you're going to make gravy or sauce from the drippings it's 
better to use a multi-layered metal pan, preferably one that distributes 
heat real well -- aluminum core or cast iron are the best. That way you 
get more drippings and from them more flavor in your gravy or sauce.

-Original Message-
From: Mike and Jenna via Cookinginthedark 

Sent: Saturday, May 21, 2016 9:21 AM
Cc: Mike and Jenna 
Subject: Re: [CnD] Grilling Question


You can but I find it drys out the chicken

-Original Message-
From: Victoria E Gilkerson via Cookinginthedark 

Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2016 10:47 PM
Cc: Victoria E Gilkerson 
Subject: [CnD] Grilling Question

Is it possible to grill chicken parts that have bones in them on grills 
such as the George Forman Grill and such as that?

Victoria E Gilkerson

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Re: [CnD] recipe limits?

2016-05-10 Thread Charles Rivard via Cookinginthedark
The limit is 7 recipes per day, and the list guidelines are sent out about 
once a month.  Save the latest copy of them for reference, erasing the old 
one.  That way, you always have the current one.  HTH.

If you think you're finished, you! really! are! finished!!
-Original Message- 
From: John McConnell via Cookinginthedark

Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2016 12:32 PM
Cc: John McConnell
Subject: [CnD] recipe limits?

Hello all:

I was under the impression, that we were only suppose to send in a limited
number of recipes.

I have just found at least 7 posts by one person.

Isn't this policy in the rules?

Thank you.


John McConnell

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