[Elecraft] 3B7 with K2/qrp

2007-09-22 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL
Okay...had to give it a try.  Just worked him on 40m after about 3
minutes of calling.  2.5 minutes spent calling blind.  Then I heard
him call a G3, found the G3 on VFO B (no dual rx) and I was the next

K2/qrp (no KPA here!)

Now for 160?  LOL

de Doug KR2Q
Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] OT: infinitely large marketplace

2007-09-22 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL
Yeah..you and Norman Hsu!


de Doug KR2Q

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[Elecraft] OT: CW reader analogy to watching TV/listening to radio

2007-09-20 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL
Hello sports fans!

Recently, I made an analogy between the cw reader and watching the
Yankees on TV but listening to the announcer(s) via radio.


I received so many private replies about I do that too that I
decided to reply here to simply ack' all your replies and to express
my appreciation for your email.

THANKS!  I never would have guessed that this is so popular

de Doug KR2Q
Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] K3 phase noise BDR - how related?

2007-09-20 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL
Okay you techie gurus...please teach me 

How does the composite TRANSMITTED phase noise impact the RECEIVE BDR specs?

I admit that over the decades I've frequently noted that the ARRL
review cite that the rx spec is phase noise limited but I never
thought that they meant XMIT phase noise.

Help me learn!

de Doug KR2Q
Degreed in Biology and Hospital Administration, but a quick study!
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[Elecraft] OT: interesting thread on TT reflector

2007-09-19 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL
This post caught my eye.


Here is the link for the monthly archive

de Doug KR2Q
Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] K3 noise remover (silly post follows)

2007-09-18 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL

Good to know that you like the radio.  As for the Dragon, doesn't DSP
stand for Dragon Slayer Plus?

I know...hide my head in shame. Cudn't resist.

de Doug KR2Q
Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] K3: CW decoder

2007-09-18 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL
I, for one, am looking foward to seeing lots of folks who do not
normally do CW start to show up during the CW contests.  99% of the
code sent during the contest is nearly perfect. so I am hoping that
the decoding will be pretty good...good enough to encourage those
normally too timid to try CW to get on and make some Q's.

While some ops MAY be too embarrassed to use a code reader (external
box), with the K3, it is a hidden tool...no embarrassment factor if
a friend stops by.  And really, since CW is not longer a
requirement, there is nothing different than LOOKING at the decoding
of RTTY or PSK or whatever...just another digital mode for those who
don't know the code.

I've seen code readers at work and they a distraction for me.  I copy
the stuff faster in my head than the software can decode and display

Analogy: One time, my family was watching the Yankees game on TV.  We
didn't like the TV announcers as much as the usual Yankees announcers
via radio, so turned on the AM radio to listen and watch TV with the
AF turned off.

We couldn't do it.  The TV had a much longer delay (FCC mandated?)
than the radio.  We HEARD what was happening well before we SAW it.
Same with decoders (for me).

But for those who would feel more relaxed with a decoder...GO FOR IT.
And please be sure to work me in the contest!

Who knows...if Elecraft can do it in reverse (copy SSB and have it
come out as code...or use the paddle and have the rig xmit SSB), we
might even see the likes of Ron Wright on sideband!

de Doug KR2Q
Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] K3 on the bench at ARRL

2007-09-17 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL
Fellow K3 droolers

If Elecraft wishes to have the BEST opportunity for the ARRL to laud
the K3 (assuming that it will indeed cause jaws to drop), they better
get it in soon.

Historically, the BEST reviews (IMHO) are those that are conducted by
one of the FAMOUS contesters DURING THE BIG ONE (CQWW ssb and cw).
Passing the rig around to the likes of Mark Wilson, Tom Frenaye, or
Dave Sumner DURING THE CONTEST will, if successful, have the seal of
approval from those in the game and in know who are RECOGNIZED as
peers (or better) by contesters and DXers.  The BEST reviews
historically run the radio through its paces on BOTH MODES.

OTOH, if the radio isn't ready for prime time, don't send it in.  If I
were Elecraft, I sure wouldn't want to read When the power exceeds
100 watts, the SWR goes nuts in QST as part my NEW radio review.

However, I really thought that the ARRL tested radios which they
PURCHASED so as to ensure a random, production radio.  I don't think
Elecraft can send them one as the test unit.  Maybe there is some
wiggle room?  Maybe I'm wrong?

As a consumer, I would rather the testing agency bought a random
production radio as opposed to having one potentially cherry-picked by
the manufacturer and sent in for testing.

As for Sherwood and RadCom/Peter Hart, maybe they'll take whatever they get.

de Doug KR2Q
Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] u-Tune for K3

2007-09-16 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL
I know the list owner has chided against me too comments, but ZV has
it summed up nicely and I fully agree with his comments and findings.
$500 for just 2db?

If you drive a car w/o air conditioning, and the mfgr let you add a
turbo speed fan for extra cooling, does not mean that you NEED (as
opposed to want) a turbo fan option in a car that HAS air
conditioning.  The final level of enhanced cooling from the turbo
fan non-AC car still won't come close to the car with real A.C. and
no turbo fan.

Back to radio:
With the K3, you just don't need u-tune units cuz the K3 is already
heads and shoulders better than the 2000D even with all that other
u-tune stuff.  Beside, for $500, you can get another REAL receiver
(KRX3) instead of u-tune to help a less-than-spectacular rx (2000D).

de Doug KR2Q
Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] totally honest, brutal request for K3 deliveries

2007-09-16 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL
Bob (et al):

I have nothing to do with Elecraft inside operations in any way,
shape, or form, but your request has only ONE answer.  If they still
waiting on parts, in terms of p.99, Elecraft has ZERO idea of when
the radios can or will ship.  The ONLY time they can forecast
delivery dates for the K3, with any real probably of success, is AFTER
they receive all of the correct and properly functioning parts.  Once
those are in-house, then Elecraft is in control.  Until then, Elecraft
is NOT in control.

Vendor promises, while often trusted, are nothing but words.  Parts
in hand is the only thing that counts.This is not a criticism, it is
simply reality (what you called brutally honest).

If you are looking for honest communications (and I think we all
are), then I'd ask Elecraft to let us know when they have all of the
parts in hand AND have confirmed that they are the right parts AND
that they actually function as per/meet Elecraft specs.  Failing
receipt of everything from all of the vendors, anything posted about
delivery is, in reality, total guess-work.

de Doug KR2Q
Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] K3 Filter IMD/BDR specs

2007-09-13 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL
W4ZV sed:

Elecraft promised to post full IMD/BDR
measurements for all filters but has not done so thus far.

[2nd snip]
I commend Elecraft for posting full data in advance but sure
wish they would get on with it so I can finalize my order
[end snip]

I heartily agree

What's the hangup with these measurements?

Time keeps on slippin, slippin, slippin...into the future
Steve Miller Band

de Doug KR2Q
Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] ARRL changes RX measurement methodology

2007-09-13 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL
In the Oct 2007 product review section (on line version for Members
Only), the ARRL explains their newest methodology for RX measurements.

While improving methodologies are always welcome, I sure wish they
would also provide info using the old method measurements, so we can
compare apples to apples.

With constantly changing methods, it's just tough to make easy,
side-by-side comparisons.

Oh wellsomething new to learn.

de Doug KR2Q
Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] Re: K3 Filter IMD numbers

2007-09-13 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL
OMG!  I died and went to heaven!!

Thanks a lot EricOUTSTANDING!

de Doug KR2Q

On 9/13/07, Eric Swartz - WA6HHQ, Elecraft [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Here you go! These are recent measurements from our lab.

 Filter20kHz  10kHz  5kHz  2kHz
 200 Hz, 5 pole100+   100+   100+   95
 250 Hz, 8 pole100+   100+   100+   95
 400 Hz, 8 pole100+   100+   100+   95
 500 Hz, 5 pole100+   100+   100+   94
 1 kHz, 8 pole 100+   100+   10094
 2.7 kHz, 5 pole   100+   98  92n/a
 2.8 kHz, 8 pole   100+   100 93n/a

 These are typical numbers and may vary a couple of dB from radio to
 radio or filter to filter.

 73, Eric  WA6HHQ

Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] K3 Manual questions

2007-09-11 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL

1.  Who gets credit for their fingers on page 24?

2.  Page 10 sez we need a dummy load...but does not specify a power
leveluntil you hit page 49.  You may want to add at least 5 watt
dummy load to page 10.

I'd love to read this all now, but I'm at work and this is not a task
for today.  :-)

de Doug KR2Q
Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] OT: type of Keying

2007-09-10 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL
Well, this topic has migrated from requests for my kind of keyer to
a comparision of the various types (including words such as relic).

For the life of me, I can't see the practical difference.  I
understand the difference, but comparing iambic to utlimatic, I see
essentially the same number of finger movements for the majority of

1.  The letter C in iambic requires each finger to close and open
once. Ultimatic seems to involve more movements.

2.  The figure 2:  same for both: each finger closes and opens once.

3.  The letter J:  a shorter version of the figure 2.  Both methods =
same number of finger movements.

4.  Punctuation period: Iambic seems to have fewer movements.

5.  Letter R:  both the same: each finger closes and opens once.

6.  Punctuation ?: Thumb closes and opens twice with iambic.
Ultimatic: thumb opens/closes just once.

I'm not going to go through the entire alphabet, it it seems that this
is purely personal preference with no advantage for Ultimatic over

Am I missing something?  Please enlighten me...I am always anxious to learn!


de Doug KR2Q
Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] K3: while you're waiting for vendors

2007-09-07 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL
Eric, Wayne:

While you're in QRX mode (ha ha ha) waiting for parts, boards, etc.
why not do some more measurements.

TOI would be nice (even tho some say: Yawn)

Complete specs on ALL of the optional filters (so we have a better
idea which to buy instead of hanging in limbo).  And I'm not talking
about bw and shape factors.

Any inkling as to what the advertised binaural effects might be?

OTOH, maybe you should take a long spin in the sauna.  :-)

de Doug KR2Q
Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] K3 front panel assembly

2007-09-05 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL
One again, it pays to search the archives...


I would say that since knobs are mentioned as part of the modular
assembly, that the front panel is just the front panel; we do the
attaching, mounting, etc.  Just a guess (educated guess?).

de Doug KR2Q
Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] front panel ibid

2007-09-05 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL

another post by Wayne

de Doug KR2Q
Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] Eleventh Annual Stew Perry Topband Distance Challenge results posted

2007-09-03 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL

LOTS of QRP entries last year!

Elecraft K2 mentioned in SOAPBOX by four separate entries.  I'm sure
there were more.

de Doug KR2Q
Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] new front panel silk screening

2007-09-02 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL
Looks nice.  Happy to see PITCH out front instead of only on a menu!  Hooray!!

Can anyone tell me how one discerns an output power of (say) 200mw or
1 watt on the RF out display?  I presume that at QRP levels, the
scales changes.  Yes?

de Doug KR2Q
Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] K3 ship dates - ? for Elecraft

2007-08-30 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL

Thanks for the recent update on the proposed shipping schedule.

Please speculate as to the shipping status for Production Run #2.
Will that be delayed as well?   If so, please estimate what the range
of shipping dates might be.

de Doug KR2Q
Elecraft mailing list
Post to: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
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[Elecraft] K3 ship dates for run #2?

2007-08-30 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL
Bruce, et al, esp Eric/Wayne:

I did note the shipping status currently posted, which is flagged as
being last updated on August 16.  The Aug 29 update is specific to the
first run.

Since the most recently posted reflector update is well past August
16, I thought that an update for the other runs would be in order.

There are few folks who watch this stuff more often than I do (but I
suspect MANY who can match my frequency).  :-)

Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] any suggestions? cheap qrp xcvr kits

2007-08-27 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL
Hi all:

I am looking for an inexpensive qrp transceiver kit (monoband if fine)
and I would appreciate some suggestions.  I do not want to be

I'm looking at the Ten Tec 13xx series adn the MFJ Cub (93xxK series).
 Both are under $100.  The keying waveform on the MFJ (as per ARRL
review) looks like key click city to me (looks to be zero rise/fall

Any comments on these radios?  Any other suggestions?

de Doug KR2Q
Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] K3 DVR and subRX ship dates

2007-08-27 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL
I note that the ship dates for the DVR and the subRX are listed as Oct
20.  That's really cutting it close!

CQWWDX ssb is Oct 27/28 which means (for NA) that they have to arrive
Oct 26 (or sooner).  Wonder how many will be requesting FedEx or AIR?

Glad I'm a cw-type (but I'll try play on phone too).

de Doug KR2Q
Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] lousy audio ham radios

2007-08-24 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL
You guys crack me up.  On the one hand, some of us are trying to get
as narrow as possible (200hz) and on the other hand, some of us are
looking for high-fidelity, surround sound, theatre quality.

Gee whiz...this is ham radio (communications).  This is not your home
theatre (dolby 5.1 etc).

Speakers?  What's a speaker?  I haven't used a speaker since 1967 when
I learned how to plug in a set of headphones.  You'll have plenty of
drive (enough to blow your ears off, I'm sure) and you can get a hi
fi set of 'phones for not much $ (or spend as much as you like).
Good luck getting a rig to match the quality and range of the 'phones.

I use communciations headphones...great on CW, rather restricted on
SSB (but then again, I have mostly forgetten the phone.).  If I want
to hear 20 to 20k, I'm not going to use ham radio as the driver.

Each to his own (a liberal paraphrasing of Don's comment).

I do hope and pray that the audio output is not tarnished with
hisss and noise (ala the Drake TR7 - great front end for its day,
worst audio amp ever made).

Must be the doldrums of summer...at least here in the Northern Hemisphere!  LOL

de Doug KR2Q
Elecraft mailing list
Post to: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
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Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com

[Elecraft] K3 shipping in 10 days...well, yes and no ???

2007-08-22 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL
Dear anxious K3 invoicees

The following is my opinion based on nothing more than my own logic
after reading the words published.

Don't think that the flood gates will open up on Aug 31and that all of
those first run K3's will hit the road.

Read what it says:

1st Production Run K3 shipments are currently targeted to begin August
31.  Sold out.

2nd Production Run K3 shipments are scheduled to begin early October. Sold out.

New K3 orders received will be scheduled for shipment beginning in November.
[end snip]

As I read this, the first run radios will (may) BEGIN to ship Aug 31
but will likely continue to ship through early October when prod run
#2 will BEGIN.

Run #2 will BEGIN early Oct and likely continue through early
November, when the 3rd prod run will BEGIN to ship.

However, I am more than happy to be proven wrong, if the actual
results are more favorable!  :-)

But I sure would like to see the FULL SPECs (ala ARRL Prod Review) for
the RX ASAP!

de Doug KR2Q
Elecraft mailing list
Post to: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
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Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com

[Elecraft] K3 With Second Receiver as SO2R?

2007-08-21 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL
It always pays to search around the FAQ.  Try:


AND...use the searchable archives:

Just type in SO2R and you'll get more hits than you know what do with.

The short answer is NO.  SO2R implies receiving while you are
transmitting.  You'll need two radios.

de Doug KR2Q
Elecraft mailing list
Post to: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
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Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com

[Elecraft] NØSS comments

2007-08-08 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL
Tom sed:

And Wayne, I KNOW you're listening too... the latest changes you've
made to the K3's firmware have really made the QSK sweet... quiet and
FAST.  I now consider it to be as good as that of my TS-930S, which I
always felt had some of the very best QSK ever offered in an HF
rig... bar none.

Wow!  I really want to play with one first, but I'm getting very close
to ordering K3 #2, sight unseen.  Tom and I agree 100% on the Kenwood
930/940/950 QSKIDEAL!  QSK is a BIG DEAL for me.  Sure wish there
more field tester comments posted on the other stuff going on.

de Doug KR2Q
Elecraft mailing list
Post to: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
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Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com

[Elecraft] RE: K2 drops receive level

2007-07-28 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL

I'm no K2 guru, but what you describe is classic of a
poor/intermittent connection somewhere on the way to the antenna.
I've experienced this with many radios, going back many decades.  The
dit (transmitting) somehow reestablishes a better connection at the
point of failure.

This might be at any coax connector (from the back of the radio all
the up to the antenna).

Try tracing your coax and connections along the way.  Open up all
contact points and clean them up (emery cloth, board, your favorite
contact cleaner, etc).  At the antenna (and elsewhere too), be sure
your connections are not only clean, but tight.

I'll leave the suggestions for what to trace for inside the K2 up to
the K2-masters.

de Doug KR2Q
Elecraft mailing list
Post to: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
You must be a subscriber to post to the list.
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Help: http://mailman.qth.net/subscribers.htm
Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com

[Elecraft] RE: OT Dell Production Delays

2007-07-28 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL


Anyone who places an order for and PAYS for a not-yet-released product
should understand that s/he is entering the DANGER ZONE.  Anything is
possible, especially DELAYS and CHANGES in specs.  To place a
prepayment or deposit on a new product and expect everything to go
smoothly is simply being naïve.

Folks always have the other options to

1.  wait until the product is released
2.  wait until it has has received favorable reviews by those who
already have it
3.  wait X months after release until it is proven.

We each take our own risks.  We each determine what level of risk any
decision we make carries (whether we realize it or not).

And BLOGS (including this one) tend to bring out both the best and
worst in people.  Once the ball (opinions) get rolling in one
direction (currently bad for Dell), there is always the snowball (me
too) effect.  People LOVE to complain...ESPECIALLY in public.

Luckily (at least in this country), one can always cancel if the
product is not delivered within 30 days without penalty.

In theory, the K3 might not be ready for Prime Time for another 6
months (yes, I did say IN THEORY).  What would be the Elasticity of
Patience (borrowing from economics) for the K3 before folks get

For me, since there is NOTHING else out there that I would rather have
to replace my current radio (that I can afford), I'm willing to take
my chances (of which there are potentially many).

That said, I can feel your pain in waiting for your new Dell.

de Doug KR2Q
Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] K3: 21st century assembly manual

2007-07-24 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL

Hi all:

Well, I would like to see streaming video for the assembly
instructions.  As (if) things change, simply add a modify the link for
that portion of the instructions.  And no real language issues!

Photos are nice, but hey, kinda fossil-technology.
de Doug KR2Q


and from http://www.rleggat.com/photohistory/

The first successful picture was produced in June/July 1827 by
Niépce, using material that hardened on exposure to light. This
picture required an exposure of eight hours.

On 4 January 1829 Niépce agreed to go into partnership with Louis
Daguerre . Niépce died only four years later, but Daguerre continued
to experiment. Soon he had discovered a way of developing photographic
plates, a process which greatly reduced the exposure time from eight
hours down to half an hour. He also discovered that an image could be
made permanent by immersing it in salt.

Following a report on this invention by Paul Delaroche , a leading
scholar of the day, the French government bought the rights to it in
July 1839. Details of the process were made public on 19 August 1839,
and Daguerre named it the Daguerreotype.

The announcement that the Daguerreotype requires no knowledge of
drawing and that anyone may succeed and perform as well as
the author of the invention was greeted with enormous interest, and
Daguerreomania became a craze overnight. An interesting account of
these days is given by a writer called Gaudin , who was present the
day that the announcement was made.
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[Elecraft] that Drake or Collins sound

2007-07-23 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL

WØYK sed:

The K3 simply sounds better on all modes, including RTTY.  The band noise
is less severe to listen to, and the difference is striking just having the
ProIII in one ear and the K3 in the other with no signals in the passbands.
Yet, the K3 dynamic range accepts a much larger range of signal levels and
the K3 pre-amp can be left on even on the low bands where the attenuator
does NOT need to be turned on except in severe situations.  I ran with the
pre-amp on, maximum sensitivity, and the attenuator off on all bands 10-80
for the entire NAQP.  The K3 was less fatiguing to listen to for long
periods of time with the audio sounding very natural, whereas the ProIII
does sound digitized or artificial.  (Maybe if you're not old enough to have
spent many hours in front of a Drake or Collins receiver, you can't
appreciate this point!)
[end snip]

This is GREAT news for me!  While I don't do RTTY, I sure do CW.
Over the years, I have listened multiple times on the 756 Pro series,
and I must say that to my admittedly sensitive ear, I just can't
stand that digital sound (very flutey, if there is such a word).

From home, I can even hear it on the xmited signal.  I can pick out an

Icom radio a mile away.  Not bad...just not like it should be.

Normally, I HATE subjective opinions...but this one that really rings true.

Thanks for the review!

de Doug KR2Q
Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] K3 shiping update

2007-07-23 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL

I think that many (most?) of us knew that this was coming (and a long
time ago, too).

No Big Deal!  Use the B-testers to your (our) fullest advantage.  Get
it done right.

de Doug KR2Q
Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] K3: binaural effects - any update?

2007-07-21 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL

K3FAQ sez:

What are the K3's binaural effects?

[end snip]

Any update on this?
de Doug KR2Q
Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] Fwd: K3 countdown

2007-07-18 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL

I am really getting anxious to get my hands on the K3, as I'm sure
others are too.  But one must ask...what would be a worse

1.  Radio shipped end of July but not performing as expected, or
2.  Radio not shipped end of July, but when it does ship, is very
close to 100% of what is expected.

I've thought about this (I'm big into contingency planning) and I like
option #2 better than #1.  Of course, being in production run #2, my
expectations for delivery are not as high as those below SN 200
guys.  LOL

Of course, there is always option 3:  Radio ships this weeks (early)
and is everything we all anticipated

de Doug KR2Q

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Jul 1, 2007 7:38 PM
Subject: K3 countdown
To: elecraft@mailman.qth.net

Just 30 days left before scheduled (targeted) shipment of the K3 begins.

1st Production Run K3 shipments are currently targeted to begin the
last week of July.  Sold out.

tick tick tick tick

de Doug KR2Q
PS but who's counting?  LOL
Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] OT - my history of zero beating

2007-07-12 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL

I really have to chuckle a bit about matching tones or zero-beating.

When I was first licensed with a novice class ticket (rock-bound), one
learned to
tune the band looking for answers.  It was common-place to answer a
CQ by calling the CQer 5, 10, or even 50 kc away5 or 10 kc away
often got results.  50kc was less common, but not rare.

I also remember going over to a ham's in the same town (who had phone
rigs) and watching him call CQ on 2m and tuning the band
...MEGACYCLES worth, looking for an answer (which he got).

When I answer a CQ these days, I wait a bit first (1/2 second) to see
if there are any other callers.  If there are, I slightly change my
QRG so I'm not calling on top of him.  Zero-beat...what's that?  :-)

I don't know what the fascination is with zero beating the guy
you're calling.  Of course, with the advent of the K3 super filters,
this might become necessary if op's crank 'em all the way down for
routine CQs.  LOL

And yes...it is getting bad waiting for the K3's and sorry for the
summertime bandwidth.

de Doug KR2Q
PS...after the last Simon photo, I guess we might next hear about no
need to zero beat cuz you couldn't.
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[Elecraft] K3FAQ updated

2007-07-11 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL

see Accessory Connector

de Doug KR2Q
Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] OT: CQ FT243 crystals

2007-07-08 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL

Dear Elecrafters:

As we all marvel at what Elecraft can do in a tiny box, some of us are
also stuck in the past.

My first commercial radio was a Heathkit DX20.  After I upgraded
around Dec 1966, I sold it in early 1967 so I could buy a radio with

About 15 years ago, I ran across a DX at a local hamfest and bought
it.  Since then, I've been collecting (slowly) FT243 crystals, as I
find them available locally.  It's time to expand my search.

Do you have any FT243 (sometimes labeled as Z2) crystals collecting
dust that you'd like to offer up for my collection?

My mailing address is current at all URL lookups.

Here is what I have so far:

3513?   ?
3525Bliley Electric Co  Erie, PA
3525PR (Peterson Radio Co)  Council Bluffs, IA
3542PR (Peterson Radio Co)  Council Bluffs, IA
3553Stand. Piezo?
3590Bliley Electric Co  Erie, PA
3593.5  Bliley Electric Co  Erie, PA
3600Navy Type   ?
3647Texas Crystals  Ft. Myers, FL
3679PR (Peterson Radio Co)  Council Bluffs, IA
3715Bliley Electric Co  Erie, PA
3720Bliley Electric Co  Erie, PA
3725Texas Crystals  Fort Worth, TX
3733PR (Peterson Radio Co)  Council Bluffs, IA
3737CW Manufacturing?
3740Crystek Ft. Myers, FL
3794PR (Peterson Radio Co)  Council Bluffs, IA
3861.1  Scientific Radio Prod   ?
3940West Line Elec Co   Los Angeles, CA
7001PR (Peterson Radio Co)  Council Bluffs, IA
7055PR (Peterson Radio Co)  Council Bluffs, IA
7065Crystek Ft. Myers, FL
7073.33 Monitor Co  Pasedena, CA
7083Master Crystal Labs Los Angeles, CA
7085Crystek Ft. Myers, FL
7093Texas Crystals  Ft. Myers, FL
7095Texas Crystals  Ft. Myers, FL
7110Jan Ft. Myers, FL
7120Jan Ft. Myers, FL
7123Bliley Electric Co  Erie, PA
7130Jan Ft. Myers, FL
7131Texas Crystals  Los Angeles, CA
7153DX XtalsChicago
7167Texas Crystals  Ft. Myers, FL
7188PR (Peterson Radio Co)  Council Bluffs, IA
7190Crystek Ft. Myers, FL
7225Hudley Crystal Co   KC, MO
7236PR (Peterson Radio Co)  Council Bluffs, IA
7250Stand. Piezo?
7250?   ?
7253DX XtalsChicago
7283Premier Crystal LabsNY, NY
7300Goodall Electric Mfg Co ?
7720Radco CBYN  KC, MO  (don't ask, I don't know)
?   RCA ?
Unkwn   RCA ?
Unkwn   August E. MillerN.Bergen, NJ
Unkwn   RCA ?

I also have three identical crystals in FT243 format that read:
Channel 16, 21.6 MC on the top of a large housing (compared to the
novice xtals).
On the side = CR - 3/UCBVZ
Each has a round, red Jan sticker on the opposite side.  If I tap the
housing, I can feel something inside vibrating (but I can't feel
Any ideas?

de Doug KR2Q
Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] 13 wpm (was 20 wpm)

2007-07-07 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL

Yes, I remember Mr. Cigar out of NYC very well.

In late 1966 (or Jan 1967?) I approached the NYC Federal Bldg with my
mom (I was 14).  There was a female guard/receptionist just inside the
entrance.  She looked at me, my mom, and said, Here for your FCC
test? and told us the floor - which I forget now.

It was a long elevator ride up and the sissors-gated pathway finally
opened up.  The place was old and filthy with long hallways (at least
that's how I remember it).

Walking in, there he was (others had warned me).  There was a row of
desks along the wall opposite from the windows (which had 100 years of
filth on them).  I was seated at the first desk with a straight key.
I copied what was sent and after some waiting, got the nod.  Then it
was my turn to send.

I touched the heavily patina-ed key, but it didn't send anything.  I
mentioned this and was moved down a few desks.

I touched that key and whomever was there before me, had it set to one
molecule spacing.  Just breathing on it caused it to key.  I mentioned
this (again) but now was told, This is the standard key.  Either send
on it or you fail.  I grabbed the knurled, brass set screws and, with
all of my might, tried to loosen it up.  Nothing.  I tried again.
Nothing.  Mr. F was getting annoyed.  I gave it one last try.  POP!
the thing loosed up a mile wide.  He said, SEND.  So I starting
sending the text.  The gap must have been 1/4 inch..I was REALLY
pounding the brass and it sound like I was hammering a nail.

I clearly recall EVERYBODY in the room stopping what they were doing
and looking at me.  Gawd!  But I kept sending.  Mr. F was not happy
with my L's and told me so.  It was the spacing, I said.  He said,
Let me hear 5 L's.  UGH!  I managed to get them out and he said OK.
I'm sure I was sweating to death.  Looking around, everybody was still
starring at me but they soon went back to their exams when they saw
that I was finally done bothering them.

A day I shall never forget.  Of course, after passing (on my first
try), my mom swung by Harrison Radio.  Wow

de Doug KR2Q
Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] the Elecraft knack

2007-07-06 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL

here is the full blow video


de Doug KR2Q
Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] K3: first Beta test impressions posted on contesting reflector

2007-07-05 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL


A bit vague, but I'll take what I can get.

de Doug KR2Q
Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] K3 Beta: more reviews from the contesters

2007-07-05 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL


This is more granular

de Doug KR2Q
Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] RE: Programmable mode/band Fwd: K3 suggestion for future release (read later)

2007-07-04 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL


Glad I'm not the only one who is thinking this way

de Doug KR2Q

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Jun 17, 2007 7:10 AM
Subject: K3 suggestion for future release (read later)
To: Eric Swartz WA6HHQ - Elecraft [EMAIL PROTECTED], wayne burdick

K3FAQ sez:

How do you change bands on the K3? Do you have to toggle through all
the bands to get to the desired one?

You can change bands in several ways:

- With the BAND UP and BAND DOWN buttons
- Using direct frequency entry; two methods:
   1. Enter a frequency in MHz and then a decimal point, e.g.
7.  jumps to 7.000 MHz (40 meters)
   2. Enter a frequency in kHz and then a decimal point, e.g.
1825. jumps to 1.825 MHz (160 meters)
- Using general-purpose memories (100) for your favorite bands/modes,
including 5-character names that you assign to each memory)
- Using a computer program to control the radio

When using the band up/down button, enable a feature that allows to
SKIP certain bands.  I am thinking contesting.  For example, to get
from 10 to 20, using the Band Up/Down would take 4 pushes.  If you
know that you won't be on 12 and 17 (cuz it's a contest) and you could
disable them (or skip them, whatever you want to call it), then it
would only take 2 pushes of the Band Up/Down button.

Additionally, and even though it might be faster to go from 160 to
10 by pushing the UP button, during a contest, my brain doesn't
usually think that way and I go back DOWN through 80, 40, 30, 20, 17,
15, 12, finally to ten.  It requires less thinking (believe it or
not), even though it clearly would take way more time.

While the 160 to 10 example is easy to figure out, but if I'm on 40
and want to get 10, I don't want to think about or remember what
is the fastest path.  So just thinking higher band vs lower band
is simpler (at least for me).

As I really don't know how the memory function will work yet, this
might be moot.  From your description, it sounds like pushing 7
decimal gets you to 7.000 instead of the last QRG you used.  I assume
that using the Band Up/Down will get you back to your last QRG.  Yes?
Also, I am pretty sure that you actually would be required to do at
least one more keystroke (FREQ ENT) to get into direct freq entry
mode, beyond simply tapping 7 then decimal point.  I assume that
you have to terminate the sequence with another FREQ ENT, otherwise
how one enter a discrete frequency (say, 21066)?  So if I counted
correctly (to just change bands using the keypad), you need at least 4
key strokes.  Might as well use the Band Up/Down.

As I sed...for a future release, if you think there might be wider
appeal than just for me.

de Doug KR2Q
Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] K3 Freq hopping

2007-07-04 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL


Guess my age is showing.  I've never used computer control on my
radio(s) during a contest.  My K2 has no KIO, so I am stuck thinking
like a caveman.

You're right.  I use a computer to log, so I might as well use it to
control the radio as well.


de Doug KR2Q
Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] K2 - another contest winner

2007-07-03 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL

Hi all:

Help me celebrate!

ARRL DX CW 2007 results are out and my 'lil K2 WON the QRP category for USA/VE.

After log checking:

696 Qso's
244 DXCC
509,472 points

Why am I so thrilled?  Because according to the CLAIMED scores, I came
in 2nd.  Yup, gotta love log checking!   What a TOTAL surprise!

YAHOO!  Elecraft rocks!!

de Doug KR2Q
Elecraft mailing list
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Re: [Elecraft] K3 countdown

2007-07-02 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL

On 7/2/07, Eric Swartz - WA6HHQ, Elecraft [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

You guys sure like to keep the pressure on! ;-)

I hate to sound like the TenTec reflector a year or so back, but..

We'd rather you get it right than get it out the door 'on time.'

At least that is my opinion.

de Doug KR2Q
Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] K2 vs K3 re: final COST

2007-07-01 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL

A comparison of the kit K2 vs the modular K3 has previously been made:


If you add on the cost of a builder, shipping from the builder back to
you, then you have to REALLY want a K2 to cost-justify getting one

Did Elecraft unintentionally put the K2 semi-official builders out to pasture?

Very happy with my K2; anxiously awaiting my K3 (and even more
anxiously awaiting the receiver specs for the K3 which, I hope, will
precede the arrival of my K3!).

de Doug KR2Q
Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] K3 countdown

2007-07-01 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL

Just 30 days left before scheduled (targeted) shipment of the K3 begins.

1st Production Run K3 shipments are currently targeted to begin the
last week of July.  Sold out.

tick tick tick tick

de Doug KR2Q
PS but who's counting?  LOL
Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] OT: Hate the word ham

2007-06-23 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL

So Ken hates the word Ham when used to describe us, well, hams.


1.  As a adjective to RADIO, it adds no meaning except to other hams

2.  To the uninitiated, is sounds rather silly (at best)

3.  It does not convey the technical nor operating skill levels

4.  Zero offense to Elecraft, but I can only imagine what hands-on
ham radio conveys to a non-ham.   LOL

For me, I'd rather be called a short wave radio operator, even
though I operate on frequencies outside the short waves.  At least
short wave is a term many folks (but probably not kids) understand.
Then again, I'm sure kids today would get a good laugh (and not much
more) from the phrase ham radio.

Maybe us hams need a campaign to repackage ourself in terms of the public.

de Doug KR2Q
Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] OT: ham vs amateur

2007-06-23 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL

HI all:

After helping with set-up at Field Day, I am waiting for my shift (I
start when the mosquitoes comes out).so I have some time to kill.

This topic sounded like the perfect opportunity to try www.googlefight.com

Ham Radio = 1, 240,000 hits

Amateur Radio = 1,300,000 hits

H...so now what?


de Doug KR2Q

PS..in case anyone is interested, when I took my FCC tests, I had to
take the train to NYC and get on the 7th Ave IRT to the FCC building
and try to copy code on a desk that was older than dirt and had the
desktop pock-marked with the carved-out grooves from 10,000 previous
test-takers to prove it.  My first xmtr was out of the 1964 ARRL
handbook (love rescuing those TV xmfrs with 1 long leads) and my
first commerical xmtr was a (very used) DX20.  Even then, I thought
that others sort of laughed at the term ham radio.  Same time
frame, different impressions.
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Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com

[Elecraft] K3: Attn Field Testers

2007-06-23 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL

Dear Field Testers,

Lyle referred me to YOU!

I recently inquired about how the SWR is displayed.  The answer is now
part of the FAQ.

This is a really exciting method (nice trick), but I have a
question, perhaps a concern.

If I'm on CW and doing 40 wpm QSK (common for me), is the DISPLAY (S
meter // RF/SWR) going to flicker at 40 wpm as I go from TX to RX?
Can the display keep up?

Should I assume that there is some sort of delay (user settable?) so that the
display doesn't go crazy during QRQ QSK.  Yes?  Some other solution?

de Doug KR2Q
Elecraft mailing list
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Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com

[Elecraft] K2: attention builders - perfect for your K2 (or K1)

2007-06-23 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL

You won't believe this!


de Doug KR2Q
Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] K3: mic gain

2007-06-22 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL

Elecraft guys have the patience of a saint.  Just search the archive!



de Doug KR2Q
Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] K3 question: SWR monitor

2007-06-21 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL

Dear (probably) Greg:

I note several comments in the FAQ about how the K3 monitors the SWR
for various operating functions, but I do not see anything about the
SWR being displayed for the user.

So...is there some feature that displays the SWR during transmit (like
maybe the passband width display goes away)?

de Doug KR2Q
Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] K3 shipping status page added!

2007-06-18 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL

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[Elecraft] OT: moving xtals

2007-06-16 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL

Al said:
Then  we'd disassemble the xtals and soak em in acid for a few minutes
to tweak them  up 3 or 5 KC.

I never did that.  I used to make a slurry with Comet (the cleanser,
before it went grit free) and, using an index finger on the xtal, make
circles in the slurry to grind the xtal (move it up in frequency).
Using this method, you could move a xtal all the way up the band, but
it took time.  And you would measure the frequency by transmitting
with it by FINDING it on your receiver, then taping a paper label to
the xtal with the new QRG.

To lower the frequency, I used to make figure 8's using solder to
draw on the xtal's flat surface.  Of course, you could not lower the
frequency too much that way or the xtal would stop vibrating.

Ah...the fun days when nobody thought about holding solder in their
hands (or mouth) and intentionally inhaling solder fumes (tendrils)
cuz it smelled so good.

de Doug KR2Q

PS...I have a crystal for 7000.1 - by is that a good one...would
multiply up on LOTS of bands!
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[Elecraft] list guidelines

2007-06-13 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL



de Doug KR2Q
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[Elecraft] OT: large scale production of quartz crystals during WWII

2007-06-12 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL

Of course, one of the pioneers was Hazard Reeves (K2GL, SK in 1986).
Buz was a world class engineer and beyond that, is still well known
for the winning-est Multi-Multi Contest Station in history (I
operated there from 1976 to 1986).  In fact, the Multi-Multi Category
was invented because of Buz' operations in the CQWW DX Contest.  He
won everything, so they created a new category to distinguish what he
was doing from what others were doing.  Can you imagine competing head
to head as a Single-Op with M/M because there was only one category?

I don't know if Hazard Reeves is mentioned in the book or not, but if
not, he should be.



de Doug KR2Q
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[Elecraft] OT: more on Xtals K2GL

2007-06-12 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL

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[Elecraft] OT: more Woodpecker pix (not birds)

2007-06-09 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL


I'm just blown away at the scale of this thing (450 feet tall).

My last post on this

de Doug KR2Q
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[Elecraft] waaaay OT: Russian Woodpecker

2007-06-08 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL

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[Elecraft] S meters and audio quality

2007-06-07 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL

Here is (was) my take on S meters:

Next.  I think that an adjustable sensitivity for the S meter (how
many db/S) is great for my purposes.  Frankly, I don't care if the guy
I'm working is S1 or 20 over, just so long as I can hear him.

However, when I am doing things that require a RELATIVE scale (testing
antennas, aligning things, etc), all I care about is is condition 2
better or worse than condition 1?

One of the YUCK things about a bar graph S meter is that you can't see
tiny increments (at least I can't).  If I can twiddle the db/S unit,
then I suspect that I'll be able to observe TINY changes, more like
what I might be able to see on an analog meter (mechanical).

So I think this sounds GREAT to me.  Hope it goes does down to 1db per
S unit!  I do have an 82db step attenuator, so I'm all set.

Audio:  I think a classic case is the TR7.  For the time, a great
front end right out of the box.  But OMG, what an aweful audio
amp!!  It was wonderful to hear tiny signals when surrounded by
other BIG signals (especially at M/M...we had 10 TR7's), but wow, did
one get a headache from all that GARBAGE audio (I can't even call it
bad quality because it still has the word quality).

How many big dollars when into good design (for the time) only to send
it out through a 99 cent AF amp.  UGH...

Hope things are in order with the K3

de Doug KR2Q
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[Elecraft] K2: ext battery suggestions?

2007-06-02 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL

What are folks using in terms of an external battery for the K2?

I'm sure there are lots of options, so please include
advantages/disadvantages of each.

I've look at the archive and unless I'm doing something wrong, I don't
get a lot of hits with respect to the k2.

de Doug KR2Q
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[Elecraft] K3 chatter on the TenTec reflector

2007-06-01 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL

Hi all:

Was surfing around tonight and checked out the TenTec reflector
archive.  I was surprised to see that they had almost as much chatter
about the K3 as we did.

I was even MORE surprised to see a posting by Eric there.  Wow...these
E guys really, really, really have done their homework.  VFB OM!

Counting the days

de Doug KR2Q
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[Elecraft] slow cw speed contesting

2007-05-31 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL

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[Elecraft] Re: First Shipment TallY

2007-05-30 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL

Sorry, but this was raised and answered before.  :-(


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[Elecraft] RE: First shipment Tally - correction

2007-05-30 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL

Sorry...wrong link.  Try again!


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[Elecraft] contest reflections on K2 - addendum

2007-05-28 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL

Hi all:

I was going to post this privately, but since I've received several
private (direct) comments in addition to the public postings, most
recently by Dave, G3YMC, I'm making it public, using up some
bandwidth, as I think this might benefit others.

1.  QSK.  This is user skill level dependent.  If you do 20 wpm or
less, the K2 QSK may be fine for you.  During contesting, I am going
at least 32-34 wpm, and not uncommonly at 40wpm.  At these speeds and
during a contest, I NEED to hear everything immediately (that is what
top-end contesting is about).  So not hearing between dits at slow
contest speeds of 32 wpm is an issue for me.  NOTE that I still used
the K2 despite that deficit because OVERALL, it is a great radio.  But
for someone used to real QSK, this is not real QSK.  Ask other serious
contesters and they will say the same.  For most K2 users, who are
clearly not serious contesters, this is not an issue at all.  Since
the K3 says very much better QSK than the K2, I would easily assume
that the deficit is real and acknowledged.

2.  Stable power output.  I use multiple antennas PER BAND.  All are
resonant (monoband yagi's, Optibeam tribanders, and quads).  EXAMPLE:
During the WPX contest that took place this weekend I may have been
working Europe on my yagi pointed to EU (about 45 degree from NJ).  If
I hear a potential qso in South America (170 degrees), I simply turn
the antenna switch to my QUAD which is already pointed south.  When I
do that, the power output indicated on the K2 DRAMATICALLY changes.
It might go from 5 watts to 2 watts or to 15 watts!  I am not sure
why, but some of the technical guys explained it to me long ago
(something about how the power output is set [calculated] on the K2).
I cannot justify entering the qrp category of a contest if the radio
is running 15 out when qrp is defined as 5 out.  So whenever I change
antennas (which I do a million times during a contest), I have to hit
TUNE to make sure the power stays at qrp (goldie locks syndrome).
NOTE:  I do not have the internal antenna tuner.  I don't know that
would make a difference or not.  IF THIS IS NOT HOW THE RADIO SHOULD
WORK, PLEASE TELL ME!  W3FPR tells me that this IS how it works.

3.  AGC.  Using the K2 S meter, signals here range from zero S units
on the meter (even though atmospheric noise is supposed to be S1) to
40 or even 60 over 9 (all LEDs lit up).  A 40 over 9 signal is VERY
LOUD in the phones while S1 is not.  This has to be real because the
K3 provides tools to address this.  I assume (know) that this is how
the radio was designed.  Many contesters have commented (here) that
they like this aspect because it is easier to pick out the LOUD
signals in a big pileup.  Different strokes

I have been reminded that the K2 was not designed as contest
radio...that it simply ended up being so good in other aspects, that
it ended up being that way.  Agreed.  My comments were posted in
response to a recent number of reflector posts suggesting
improvements for the K2.  I doubt that any of these will be
addressed because the K2 is a fine radio the way it is and being a
serious contester puts me out of the main target market for the K2,
esp now with the K3 on the near horizon (which I have ordered).  But
if Lyle, Eric, Wayne, et all ever catch their breath, and if K2 users
want improvements, I thought I'd add my contester-centric dime.

The K2 is an awesome value and for all, including serious contesters.
At US$600 base, nobody expects it to be 100% perfect for all market
niches.  This is clearly the ABSOLUTE BEST VALUE going in ham radio.

de Doug KR2Q
Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] a K3 owner's contest reflections on the K2

2007-05-27 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL

HI all:

Just finished the CQWW WPX cw contest.  Weird condx, but lots of fun.

I note lots of comments on the K2 of late (this weekend).here are
my 2 cents (maybe a dime).

After having been plugged in for most of the weekend, here are my
take-aways (none of which are new).

1.  I own the base K2 with the 160m module.  So base price was under $650.

2.  You simply cannot buy any radio that performs this well under
harsh conditions for anywhere near this price...even used.  The
performance on the lows band is unsurpassed  for anything even double
or triple the price (probably a lot more).

3.  What's wrong with the K2 for cw contesting (IMHO)

A.  The QSK is almost worthless.  At the first setting above Ø.ØØ, you
just can't hear between the dits and dahs.  And at zero, it's too

B.  Every time I change antennas (even on the same band), I have to
depress the TUNE button so that I can get stable qrp output (5
watts).  This is an extra step I did hundreds of time this weekend.
It is now 2nd nature, but a royal pain (yes, all my antenna are
resonant, but just not the same according to the K2.

C.  The AGC is not set up correctly.  Weak signals are, well, too weak
(audio) and strong signals blow my ears off.  The AF knob is my
friend...but I don't want it to be.

I don't use RIT/XIT in the contest (since Im qrp, I don't run
much), so I don't miss the lack of the CLEAR button.  I use the
400hz filter (forget what it is exactly) and it is wide enough so I
can hear callers substantially off frequency without RIT'ing.  For my
style of contesting, I NEVER change the XFIL selection (good ears, I

Anyhow, all of the above are SUPPOSED TO BE addressed in the K3.  Hpe
to find out soon.

Anyhow, the K2 is a might fine contest radio for qrpers (it is not
IC7800 for those who like dual receive, a band scope, etc etc etc).  I
cannot think of a better radio VALUE for contesting.  This is
hands-down the clear winner, probably over the K3 also.  The K3 is
(hopefully) also a great VALUE for contesters, but the K2 is just
impossible to touch.

OH yeahI worked 896 stations, 439 prefixes, and a claimed score of
991,262.  Not too shabby for a $600 box.

de Doug KR2Q
Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] K3 pushbuttons

2007-05-26 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL

I never took the time to notice if they were soft rubber buttons.
They felt fine to me and I did not come away with the feeling that
they were soft or rubber.

I mean, they don't have a click like the old IBM XT keyboards, but I
never had a sense that I didn't know when the the button was pushed
(and I did push them at least a few times, esp the RIT/XIT and CLEAR
buttons).  :-)

Maybe someone else actually focused on the buttons.

de Doug KR2Q
Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] K3: course wanted: Panadaptor 101

2007-05-24 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL

Hi all:

Just as lots of folks needed a tutorial on what a roofing is (and
isn't), I'm sure there are at least an equal number (now including me)
that need an introductory course on Pan displays (specifically, what
we forecast Elecraft might do versus what Softrock can already do -
and not do).

It is hard for me to (currently) understand how there is something out
there already for US$11.00 that apparently provides what is wanted.
Or maybe it doesn't?

I gather that we need a PC to run Softrock and if you're like me (with
kids), you have lots of computers around the house that are old or
minimally used, or currently in use in the shack but with lots of
untapped horsepower still available.  Or maybe you just need an excuse
to upgrade.

I have noted the article in a recent QST on soundcards and I wonder if
we need the best sound card to simply get a Pan display (not running
an SDR radio).

What sort of additional functionality might Elecraft include on
theirs that would not be available in the Softrock (looking for

And if you can bascially do this for $11.00 (assuming we already
have a PC we can use/share for this app), why would Elecraft even
bother to start to design their own Pan display?

And my final request for the gurus here...please keep it simple and
take an operational approach.  I don't care how it does it, I want
to know how the user can USE it, and to compare/contrast Softrock and
whatever E might come out with.

de Doug KR2Q
Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] Dayton review

2007-05-21 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL

Hi all:

Arrive in Dayton Thurday, left Sunday.  Good time.


K3:  I bought one (paid in full).  K3/100.  I can add more later and
by the time I get mine (Sept build, maybe early Oct delivery?) the
other stuff should be sitting on the inventory shelf so no need to
make those decisions at Dayton.

Interesting method of demonstrating the QSK (turn off side town and
listen to the band hiss on receive, nothing recovery time.  Not a
great demo, but better than nothing.  I'll see for sure when it

Reading about the features is one thing, seeing them all work together
(seeing because not much an antenna was available) was much more
impressive.  Got to see how things interact with other and how
flexible/easy they are to manipulate.  Impressed.

IC7700:  Rather boring.  IC7800 without dual receive or dual watch
(which even the 756 does).  Price point said to be between $5 and $7k.
Heard others say $6k (which is between 5 and 7 - LOL).  Pretty to
look at, bummed about performance.  Just think, you could buy 2 - 3
K3's (depending on how you configure them) for the same cost.   I
don't think the pan display is worth that kind of $ differential.  But
then again, I am motivated by performance and not looks.

With two K3's and something else (aftermarket) for the pan display,
you would still save a fortune compared to single 7800, have more
flexibility, better specs (likely), and still have $5K left over.  No
brainer unless you like to brag about how much money you threw away.
Prior 7800 owners excepted as it WAS the best thing going (before).

FT9000:  This was really funny in the extreme.  It is so overboard.
If any of you (OTers) ever read MAD magazine, it is like the cartoons
they used to run.  For example, the one where they showed a new car
from the 60's..it has 20 rocket fins on the trunk and 15 headlights.
I'm sure it is a nice radio, but gee whiz.  Make sure you budget to
rent a crane to move it.

Flex 5000:  GREAT specs, zero radio-ness.  One method of tuning the
band is to use a hand tool (like you use on a pdf file) and you
pull the band across your display (like Goole Maps).  Very, u,
different.  User interface (tactile) is all but lacking.  There is
this external device with pushbuttons and a knob to use, but I like at
least two knobs (one for each VFO or one for VFO and one for RIT/XIT).
If they ever get a better (much better) human interface, this will be
one to watch.

The K3 fits nicely between the FT9000 (overkill on a grand scale) and
the Flex 5000 (a mouse).  Can't beat a radio that you can lift up off
of the desk with one hand so the other hand is free to move other
stuff around.

Tokyo Hi-Power:  1.5KW output solid state amp.  Very nice.  Waiting
for type acceptance.  Price proposed as $6K.  This is the ONLY
brochure I actually took home.  Not in my future, but nice to look at.

Still can't wait for the official specs to be published (within next
six weeks?).

de Doug KR2Q

Great to meet Eric, Lyle, Wayne from Elecraft and esp enjoyed chatting
with Don, W3FPR.  He is as nice in person as you would expect from
this 10,000 helpful posts.

PPS...best other Tee Shirt:  Power is no substitute for Skill.  Love it.
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[Elecraft] Dayton Review - now edited

2007-05-21 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL

Wow...does not pay to type so fast without checking.

Let's try this paragraph again:

Interesting method of demonstrating the QSK (turn off side town and
listen to the band hiss on receive, nothing recovery time.  Not a
great demo, but better than nothing.  I'll see for sure when it

Should be:
Interesting method of demonstrating the QSK (turn off the side-tone and
listen to the band hiss on receive, noting the recovery time.  Not a
great demo, but better than nothing.  I'll see for sure how it works when it

Sorry about that.

Also:  Speaking of the K3 with the whip at Dayton.  While there,
Wayne was able to tune in one station on CW (using a tiny whip INSIDE
the arena!).  He cranked the BW down to 50hz and it sound GREAT.  No
ringing, EASY tuning back and forth across the signal (did not just
appear out of nowhere, which I like) so you could set the pitch the
way you liked.  I was very impressed with what 50hz sounded like (and
even more about what it didn't sound like).

de Doug KR2Q
Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] S meters in the USA

2007-05-17 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL

Arghwhat a nit-picker's delight.

The reason why you get You're S9 but please repeat everything is
that you can be S9 and be covered by QRM/QRN.

Check out what the ARRL says about RST (page 2 of the document).
NOTHING about volts.  It's all subjective.


For me the purpose of an S meter is as a RELATIVE comparison tool.
This is ham radio, not a laboratory test bench.  Who care what the S
meter says?  If you can carry on the QSO or exchange, S1 is as good as
30 over.  If someone wants to check ant A vs ant B or station A vs
station B, then all they really want to know is which/who is louder.

If they want real measurements, then the person on the receiving end
should use a calibrated step attenuator and use it to match signal
levels.  But no ham is likely to ask someone else for an accurate
measure in uv or dbm unless they already know that the other guy
has a REAL means of measuring AND has real reason to want to know.
For most of us hams (99.9%), stronger and weaker is good enough
for comparisons that we might want to do.

Sun is up...off to Dayton.


de Doug KR2Q
Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] off to Dayton! 1 more time (sigh) on Roofing filters

2007-05-16 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL

Readers would do well to actually read the posts or do a SEARCH on the

Will you have an issue with only the stock roofing filter?  Eric
already gave us the answer with parameters.

If  you only use the 2.7 kHz stock filter for CW or data operation
you will  be significantly desensed once signals within that filter's
bandwidth  exceed about S9+25.

That means that you have to park within 2.7 kc of another guy (cw or
data) who is S9+25 on the K3 (calibrated) S meter.  How many of you
would sit there and fight it out?  If you're not one of them, then 2.7
is FB for you.


de Doug KR2Q
Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] 1st production run full - details?

2007-05-15 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL

Wayne, Eric, et al:

Okay, it is now posted on the order form that:
* Our July/August production run is now full. New K3 orders received
after 1800Z 5/14/07 will ship from our second production run. (Sept.)

Come on guys (gals)...how many radios?  Why would that be proprietary?

de Doug KR2Q
Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] loaded K2 vs K3

2007-05-12 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL

Hope I've done the math correctly.

K2   $629 (40 hours average 1st time build?)
KSB2   $ 99
K160rx $ 39
K60XV  $ 89
KNB2   $ 39
KIO2$ 89
Total $1,213

K3/10$1,399  (tons more features/ability than K2)


K2   $629   (50++ hours average 1st time build??)
KPA100   $389
KSB2   $ 99
K160rx $ 39
K60XV  $ 89
KNB2   $ 39
KDSP2 $229
Total  $1,752

K3/100   $1,749   (7-10 hours mechanical assembly)
KAT3 $   259
total   $2,008


de Doug KR2Q
Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] group delay distortion

2007-05-08 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL

Hi all:

Okay, I'm not an engineer.  Just what is group delay distortion?

Please reply direct, unless you feel that the group could learn something.

de Doug KR2Q
Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] K3 Request info (when you have time)

2007-05-07 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL

Wayne, Eric, et al:

I'd love to see (hear) an audio file posted (FAQ?) demonstrating the very
fast and much faster than the K2 QSK at various speeds (40wpm and up).
Please make sure there is another QSO on frequency.  :-)

de Doug KR2Q
Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] start without ANY extra roofing filters....

2007-05-05 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL

W3FPR said:
The real facts are: 1) I will order my initial K3 with only the stock
2.7 kHz filter.

followed later by

My best recommendation at this time: Understand the consequences of
depending on a wide roofing filter while making your decisions - if
you choose only the wide filter, live with it for a while.

First, for the majority of readers here, I fully agree with the
approach of starting out without anything extra (roofing filters).

Second, I really have to chuckle at the entire RELATIVELY of these
discussions (not directed to Don, whom I hold in high esteem).  Other
than Orion, or home brew/post-market mod, you simply can't get a
NARROWER roofing filter in any double/triple/quad conversion ham radio
on the market than 3.0kc.

A 2.7 kc roofing filter is not wide compared to what else is out
there...quite the opposite, it is THE MOST NARROW (exceptions cited
above).  You are STARTING OUT  NARROWER than everything else!  Calling
a 2.7kc roofing filter wide is a big misnomer (at least for me).  As
an example, the highly respected (by many, not me) Icom 756 Pro III
has a 15.0kc wide roofing filter.  Now THAT IS what I call wide.


Excluding Europe and Japan, the odds of a non-contester, non-top
band-DXer needing anything narrower than the stock 2.7 for ssb/cw is
remote, at best.

I dare say that even most contesters won't need anything
narrower...only the upper tier who want to battle it out with the
best.  The number of times a contester will actually NEED a 500 hz
roofing filter is very small (comparing the number of QSO's where it
is needed to the total number of QSO they make during a contest in
which they are top-tier).

Of course, there is no accounting for those who simply want it even
if they never need it.  Price elasticity (for you economics buffs) for
a item perceived to carry PRESTIGE can have no known bounds.


de Doug KR2Q
Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] slight correction

2007-05-05 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL

I said:
Second, I really have to chuckle at the entire RELATIVELY of these

which, of course, should have read:
Second, I really have to chuckle at the entire RELATIVITY of these

Sorry about that

de Doug KR2Q
Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] K3: what specs will be reported?

2007-05-05 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL

Eric, Wayne:

While we are waiting for the specs, I thought that I would list the
specs that I'd like to see, anticipating that you will, minimally,
cover them.  Hopefully, other will add to the list.

1.  MDS for ssb/cw.  By band (160, 20, 10, 6).  For both preamp OFF
and preamp ON.

2.  BDR at spacings: 20kc, 5kc, 2kc, 1kc.  By band (160, 20, 10, 6).

3.  Two tone, 3rd order IMD Dynamic Range.  By band (160, 20, 10, 6)

4.  3rd Order Intercept at spacings: 20kc, 5kc, 2kc, 1kc.  By band
(160, 20, 10, 6)

5.  2nd order intercept

For all of the above, specify which roofing filter (minimally
include stock 2.7 and at least one narrow (1kc or 500hz range).
More is better.

A detailed explanation of the AGC action, where and how it fits into
the circuit, and how it reacts at various signal levels (very tiny,
normal, very strong).

I would also appreciate a description of your testing setup, signal
levels, equipment used, etc.

Thanks for you consideration (cash in hand, pending specs).


de Doug KR2Q
Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] Wayne's comment on Filter Selection

2007-05-05 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL


Thanks for your multiple posts.  Your responsiveness is beyond
impressive.  I would not doubt the CTO's point of view on his own
design.  But now, I do have other comments and I would greatly
appreciate learning how you see these from your point of view.

Let's talk CW.

If a triple conversion radio has a 15kc wide roofing filter (1st IF),
there is a genuine need for a narrower filter in later stages (let's
say 2nd IF).  Since we are letting in a 15kc swath of the band
(ignoring IMD and AGC pumping for the moment), we might find that the
signal we want to copy is very close (say 500hz) to an interfering
SINGLE signal.  We can use a narrower (multiple choice of selected or
variable passband type) filter to isolate the desired signal from the
interfering signal.  These filters work well at this.

It is my presumption that the K3 DSP at 15kc (some call audio), is the
equivalent of the 2nd IF narrow passband filter you referenced in
other radios.  All the time, other radios still have a 15kc wide (not
to be confused with the DSP operating freq) roofing filter, still
letting other signals into the front end.

If I now insert a 1kc wide roofing filter, THAT has become a limiting
factor.  I should discern no difference (other than, perhaps some
audio) between using a 2kc wide 2nd IF filter and a 1kc wide 2nd IF
filter in a qrm-free environment.  If I encounter  single signal QRM
nearby to where I am listening, I can still narrow the 2nd IF (say
again to 500hz) and achieve some improvement.

So...if I get a K3 and (for cw) I use a 500hz roofing filter, I can
still use the DSP to get narrower for any single signal, nearby
interference.  If I use a 200hz roofing filter (assuming all other
factors could remain unchanged), there is no reason to use a DSP (2nd
IF filter) any WIDER than 200 because it is already limited at the 1st
IF.  I can use the DSP to get narrower than 200 and then I will HEAR a

All of the above basically is dealing with single signal QRM.  On a
band without IMD, a 15kc wide 1st IF is fine.  I use my narrow 2nd
IF (or DSP) to remove local qrm.

For me, the real purpose of the narrow roofing filter is kill the
potential for IMD, not nearby, single signal qrm.  There has been a
lot of discussion here already about HOW the roofing does that.
So...assuming that IMD is the culprit that we are trying to solve, I
would simply dump in the narrowest filter possible which met my
operating style.

For example, during a DX contest, I have to tune the band beside
just sitting on one frequency and running.  For me, I simply can NOT
tune the band with a 200hz filter; I like to (need to) hear what is
coming up as I approach it.  It gives me an advanced notice on
whether to keep tuning or to slow down and stop as I hit the guys
frequency.  With 200hz, signals only pop into the passband.  If you
tune too fast you'll miss them.

So I want to pick a roofing filter that is narrow enough to remove
most (if not all) IMD while still allowing me to tune the band in the
style I am comfortable with.  And I don't think that tuning the band
in 200hz steps is an efficient way to win a contest (or even to
enjoy tuning the band).

The same is analogous on SSB.  Using a 200hz (or 400hz) roofing filter
on SSB just won't work because the first IF is now narrower than the
single signal.  So I need something at least as wide as the minimum
for intelligible SSB reception.  This is why you recommend/offer a 6kc
filter for AM and an FM filter for FM (whatever width that is).

If the above is true, I want to use the narrowest roofing filter by
mode that works for my operating style only when I am having IMD
issues (some have said AGC issues also).  My use of the word
narrowest is key.  What possible advantage is there to trying a
filter a which is a little bit narrower?  If it doesn't work, I still
get IMD.  If it works this time, will it work next time under
harsher IMD conditions?  During a contest, I don't have time or
motivation to play around.  I want works all the time (or 99%).

So for me, it just seems way more efficient to go the narrowEST
roofing possible by mode all at once.  Meaning that I want a single
roofing filter by mode.  And with that single roofing filter, I can
still narrow the 2nd IF via the DSP (to 200, 100 or whatever hz)
depending on the local (by frequency) qrm.

It's fine with me that you are able to offer for sale so many
options, but I agree 100.0% with Bill (ZV) as to why you would do
that.  It would appear to be huge overkill and is an apparent source
of confusion to the subscribers.  And saying that the competition also
offers an array of filters, but in their 2nd if is not quite apple to
apples.  I found that to be a bit misleading.

I guess the price of the variable passband roofing filter will add a
lot to the story.  If some guys operate all modes then they
POTENTIALLY could use a roofing filter for each: FM, AM, SSB, CW,
digital, if, and only if, they encounter bad IMD conditions 

[Elecraft] K2 improvements

2007-05-04 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL

In no particular order (all are needed).


2.  Stable output power

3.  Opto-coupler for RIT/XIT (don't take away XIT and substitute IF
shift) with CLEAR function

4.  As turn RIT/XIT, have offset (in KHz) momentarily replace freq
display so we can see the amount of offset (essential for XIT).  Ala


de Doug KR2Q
Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] W3FPR said

2007-05-04 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL

Don said:

We both await the real details on the K3 AGC (and other things too).

There are a TON more than just both waiting for the full complement
of specs. and details.

Just cuz some guys can't wait (I see that the 50% deposit now only
assures a low serial number), there are quanta more waiting for real

de Doug KR2Q
Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] K2 enhancements - one more

2007-05-04 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL

completely indep. VFOs (split modes, bands).

de Doug KR2Q
Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] 8 pole vs 5 pole..I knew this would happen

2007-05-03 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL

Hi all:

The notation below (previously posted) is referring to the final
passband filter and NOT a roofing filter.  You are trying to compare
apples and oranges.

I think you would be hard pressed to discern (in real use) a
difference between the 200 and 250 hz ROOFING filter, except in LOSS
(which will be compensated for later).  Pesonally, for cw work, I
think both of those will be too narrow for my liking, especially if
I want to tune around the band and not have signals suddenly POP
into the final passband (which I like to keep fairly wide).  I want to
hear what's coming!

de Doug KR2Q

I had 2 CW filters in my TenTec OmniV and did a lot of A/B comparing
with them.  One was an 8 pole Inrad 400 Hz filter and the other was a 6
pole TenTec 500 Hz filter.  I had them both in the rig at the same time
specifically to decide which one to keep.  I was able to detect the
steeper skirts of the 8 pole filter as well as the narrower passband,
but the factor that eventually tipped the scales was ultimate rejection.
The TT filter, had better ultimate rejection.  Once I tuned past a
signal, it went away and didn't come back.  With the Inrad filter, the
signal would drop quicker, hit bottom and then come back up.  I could
hear strong signals 6-8 KHz away.
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[Elecraft] one mo' time on roofing filters, etc

2007-05-03 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL

Okay, I'm done being creative.  Try these .

PS... And roofing filter rage has been around for quite some
time...it is far from an Elecraft phenom.

de Doug KR2Q





Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] here is how to get a feel for a roofing filter

2007-05-02 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL

Hi all:

I knew this would be a tough one for many (most).  Try this on for size

Imagine that you walk into a very large office space (the band),
filled with desks and a hundred people working at those desks.  You
sit down at a desk in the middle of the room.

At first, nobody is talking (everyone is tuning the band).  You sit
down at a desk in the middle of the room and you strike up a
conversation with the person next to you (one qso on the band).  You
can easily hear them.

Now assume that five other deskmates (hams) within the room (band)
also start talking and that they are randomly distributed about the
room (the band).  Your conversation will likely continue without
issue.  But maybe, ONE of the other conversations if taking place only
5 desks (kc) away form yours.  It's a bit annoying.  What to do?
Well, you would ask your conversation-mate to talk louder (run more
power), move to another desk (qsy), or you could put up some walls
around the four desks adjacent to you (make a big cubicle).  This
helps to shut out some of the adjacent conversation (you narrow a
conventional IF filter).

If another conversation strikes up only 3 desks away from you, you
might compensate by making the cubicle even smaller - say around just
your two desks (narrow the conventional IF filter even more).

Now assume that everyone in the room is communicating verbally with
another person.  A few people are whispering to each other (qrpers),
some are at normal conversation levels, many are shouting (KW), and
some are screaming at the top of their lungs (you know who they are).
You have already build the smallest cubicle possible, but the other 99
conversations are still audible.  You can not actually understand the
other conversations, but the noise (IMD) is clearly there and making
it hard or impossible for you to hear the person you are talking with.
What to do?

One solution is to make a smaller room with the big room (add a
roofing filter).  You might build a sound-insulated, concrete room
that is one-tenth of the original size, but housed within the big
room.  This must mean that there are fewer other conversations within
ear-shot because there are fewer desks in the new sub-room.

So...lets suppose that you now have your smaller room built within the
larger room.  You now discover that there are NO other conversations
that are so loud that you can hear them.  In fact, it is so quiet now,
that you can even take down your cubicle walls (open up - widen - the
conventional IF filter) and still hear your own conversation without
any other noise (IMD).

[By the way, noise here = IMD squeaks, pops, bleeps, boops, etc., not
static crashes or ignition noise, etc]

Let's go back to the beginning.  If you are having your solitary
conversation in the original GIANT room and then build a walled-off
section (sub-room), you WON'T notice any difference because it was
quiet to start with and making your private room (smaller part of the
big room) had no impact.  It is still just as quiet after the new
walls are put up.

In other words, you can NOT hear the difference that a roofing filter
makes unless there are lots of other LOUD signals within the first
(typically broad) IF.  I can guarantee you that Wayne and Eric will
get complaints that the roofing doesn't work because folks just
don't understand it's purpose.  They will say (and I'll take bets on
this), I don't hear any difference whether I use the wide or narrow
roofing filter.  And they'll be correct.

Hope this analogy makes some sense for you.

de Doug KR2Q
Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] get a feel for roofing filters - an addendum

2007-05-02 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL

I forgot to mentionin my analogy, the small subroom is also able
to follow you around (continue to surround you) as move around within
the larger room (band).

Kinda important.

de Doug KR2Q
Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] getting a feel for roofing....CLARIFICATION

2007-05-02 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL

Hi all:

I got a nice email from Bill (ZV) noting that my description was
rather lacking in helping to define IMD.  I fully agree.  In fact,
what I described was about as far from what IMD is as one can get.

My intention was to describe how to envision (via analogy) what a
roofing is and does.  I think I did a reasonable job at that.  But I
did a horrible job of providing an analogy for what IMD is.

So here is here is the briefest of descriptions, trying to fit it into
my original room analogy.

When two people talk at the same time (not part of the same
conversation (qso), but 1/2 each of two different conversations
(qso's), ie, different desk to desk conversations), imagine that their
voices interact with each other in such a way that new voices
appears in the aisles between the desks.  Sitting at your desk, trying
to carry on your conversation, you hear these voices (which you
cannot understand because they are a mixture of two others) that cover
up the voice of the person that you are trying to talk with.

The louder the voices coming other desks, the higher the probability
that a phantom voice coming from the place between the desks will be
so loud that it will cover up the voice you want to hear.

Sowhen the roofing filter blocks the voice of a really loud
talker in a desk 5 desks away, it also blocks (removes the source
of) that phantom voice, so you can now hear the voice you want to.
You only need to block ONE of the interfering conversations, because
then there is no mixing of voices and no phantoms can voices result.

That's it.  Not great and perhaps not that easy to follow either, but
at least I gave it a shot.  The important thing is that IMD is not
either original signal by itself.  It is the result of 2 signals
combining and yielding a new signal on a frequency that defined by the
original two frequencies (somewhere in between...also beyond).

Hope this helps and did not actually muddy the waters.

de Doug KR2Q
Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] customer service - follow up on missed email

2007-05-01 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL

Well, there you have it.  Someone says, I didn't get a response and BINGO!

Not only a response, but a public one with an apology.

Business axiom about Customer Service:

1.  The customer is always right

2.  When the customer is wrong, re-read #1

Gotta love it.

de Doug KR2Q
Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] roofing filters - when to use them

2007-05-01 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL

Hi all:

Well, Bill (ZV) gave a nice (brief) summary and pointed to a nice
reference.  Ten Tec had (maybe it is still there) some good info also,
but specific to their radio...however, you can still use it to get a
feel for a what a roofing is (and what it isn't).  If you're a
member of ARRL, go to their web page and search on Roofing Filter.

Don (FPR) cited some uses which I am not familiar with (data), so no
comment from me on that.

I've commented directly to the source about my wonder at why one
would want a variable roofing filter.  As Lee said, one wide and one
narrow is enough (at least for SSB / CW only operation).

If I'm  on CW and my radio is hearing squeaks, pops, and garbage due
to lots of LOUD signals being in my passband (say 15 or 20kc wide on
an old radio), I would not be able to do much...maybe cut back on
the RF gain, add some attenuation, etc.  However, if I could narrow
the passband (the roof) to say 1kc, the likelihood of two (or more)
very loud signals being captured within that 1kc is greatly reduced.
If I use a 500hz roofing filter (assuming all other parameters could
remain unchanged), the odds of having two (or more) other very
strong signals there (besides the one I want to copy) is even
less...hence less chance of squeaks and pops masking the signal I want
to copy.  BTW, the squeaks and pops = IMD Products.

Of course, if there were that many LOUD signals that close together,
I'd simply move (qsy) to a clearer (relatively) spot.

Why in the world one would want to take the time to carefully or
slowly adjust a roofing filter's bandwidth is beyond me.  I would
simply dump in my narrow roofing filter and be done with it.  Either
it works or it doesn't; why play around?

This topic is of major concern to contesters, especially (mostly) on
the low bands.  I know...it is also of concern to Europeans on 40m
even NOT during a contest...true.

If you're not a SERIOUS contester or Low Band DXer (or data guy ala
Don's description?), I have a hard time understanding why you'd want
these narrow filters.  Hey look, 2.7kc is pretty darn narrow
compared to most of what is out there.  Again (as had already been
cited), even the IC7800 and FT9000 have a 3kc roofing filter as their
narrowest (which I don't think is good enough for some CW situation).

I would guess that for 95% of non-serious contesters, or non-low band
DXer (and digital guys?), you'll be VERY happy with a single 2.7kc
roofing filter for SSB and even for CW.  For those who are used to IF
filters, this is just not the same.  You'll still have that with the
K3twiddle the bandwidth any way you like (narrow).  Remember,
roofing filters are for CROWDED band condx FILLED with LOUD signals
(with the digital proviso still there).

And NOW, I'd like to say, I have no idea exactly how much MAGIC the
Aptos boyz have included in this radio and for all I know (not having
the radio, the specs, schematic, code, etc., they may have come up
with something that voids all of the above.  Wouldn't that be great!

de Doug KR2Q
Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] K3 production capability?

2007-04-30 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL


Well, the info you (Wayne, Lyle) have provided so far is just great
and totally impressive.  My mouth is watering and I'm getting ready to
dump (I mean sell) my other radios, except for my K2.

So you have provided an estimate of when delivery will start...thanks.

Just what is your production capability and ramp up time by month?  If
you get 1000 orders within 30 days of Dayton, when would expect Radio
#1000 to go out?

[Although I do note that radio 05000 is already pictured on the web..LOL]

If I want a radio (or two) in hand for contest season, how late
could I order and be assured of actuallyl having it in hand?  This
question is designed so as to prompt some thinking.  I am not looking
for a concrete answer, which is probably impossible at this point.

One of the big dissatifiers with other brands is Great Hype followed
by very delayed and/or very, very slow delivery (aka trickle).  You
clearly have your design ducks in a row...how about your production
ducks?  Is Lisa growing more arms?

de Doug KR2Q
Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] Elecraft in ARRL 160

2007-04-30 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL

How about top 11?  Then I make it (qrp category).

de Doug KR2Q
Elecraft mailing list
Post to: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
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[Elecraft] K3 - where is RIT readout?

2007-04-29 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL

If you activate the RIT/XIT, I am guessing that you can monitor that
as an option in the VFO B display.  But...does it show the frequency
or the amount of offset (or can you select that too)?   I'm hoping one
can see the offset in KHz (+/- 0.00).

I get the center detent LED, but what are the other for (at each
end)?  End of range?

de Doug KR2Q
Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] roofing filter loss and method of compensation

2007-04-29 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL

Can you discuss the loss of the narrow roofing filters and elaborate
on how you compensate for that?  How does that compensation impact
rx peformance specs (ie, do some get worse)?

de Doug KR2Q
Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] what can you do with a pair of K3s?

2007-04-29 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL

Any ability to sync two (instead of sync'ing the subrx option...if you
don't get the sub-rx)?

de Doug KR2Q
Elecraft mailing list
Post to: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
You must be a subscriber to post to the list.
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Help: http://mailman.qth.net/subscribers.htm
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[Elecraft] K3 - contesters want to know

2007-04-28 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL

Okay...looks good so far, but what are the hard specs that
dyed-in-the-wool HF/DX contesters?  What are the 2kc-spacing specs?

Will you have a set up at the Crown Plaza in Dayton in the Contest Super Suite?

If not, why not?  LOL

And last, but far from least...WOW.  a clear button for the RIT/XIT.
I am s happy.

Please nail down the specs cuz one K3 just won't do if the numbers
match the hype.

If you need a tester from the contest crowd, please call me!

de Doug KR2Q
Elecraft mailing list
Post to: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
You must be a subscriber to post to the list.
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Help: http://mailman.qth.net/subscribers.htm
Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com

[Elecraft] K3 AGC?

2007-04-28 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL

I see AGC-S on the display.  I assume that there is also AGC-F and
AGC-off, but are there any other tinkering options for the AGC?

de Doug KR2Q
Elecraft mailing list
Post to: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
You must be a subscriber to post to the list.
Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.):

Help: http://mailman.qth.net/subscribers.htm
Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com

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