[FairfieldLife] Re: Utopian voice in MUM

2009-05-05 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, grate.swan  wrote:
> A vaguely related thought on research and  claims -- in 
> our lives. People make a lot of claims, here and everywhere. 
> For example some may claim that if an age difference between 
> beer drinkers is to wide, the younger is quite subject to 
> corruption, disruption, and even severe discombobulation. 
> Yet, this is only a claim. Perhaps based on observation 
> of a small sample of people. Hardly epistimologically strong.
> Perhaps we should run an experiment. Gather 200 women under 
> 30. let 100 b a control group. Have Turq talk to the other 
> 100 of them -- individually - or possibly in groups not > 3, 
> over a beer. Let the dialogue take its course. That is, 
> some will end in 5 minutes, some may carry on. Even for 
> some time. Beyond breakfast.  
> Then test all 200 women. See if there is a statistically 
> significant difference between the control and "dosed' 
> groups -- in psychological trauma, adoption of false ideas 
> as beliefs (aka "been snowed", erratic behavior, problems 
> with subsequent relations, a social closing up -- increased 
> anxiety or fear of meeting new people, lower grades (if 
> students), loss of job or diminishment of income, poorer 
> athletic ability, degraded memory and cognitive function, 
> higher blood pressure, different brain waves, depression, 
> anxiety, etc. 
> Until such evidence is forthcoming, it would appear prudent 
> to take claims about the deleterious effects of such age-
> gapped dialogs as simply speculation, dreaming or fantasy. 
> Regardless, in the name of science, I sugggest we all send 
> Turq $50 to fund such research.

See? This is *exactly* the difference between
creativity and complacency I was talking about
in my earlier post this morning.

Some are content with rehashing the same old
same old "research," just as they were content
with listening to the same old same old talks 
from Maharishi for decades. They never seem 
to get tired of it.

But others, displaying a little creativity, 
think of newer, more interesting scientific
studies. I heartily applaud grate.swan's idea
for a research project. I am so taken with the
idea that I will reject his suggestion to send
me $50, and will offer to fund the study myself.
Don't send money...send test subjects.

This is selfless service on my part, and I hope
that you all appreciate it. I shall forward the
peer-reviewed test results to you as soon as the 
study is completed. All I ask in return is the 
chance to hit on the 100 women in the control 
group after the study is completed.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Compersion, Polyamory and Spanish Rights to Nudity

2009-05-05 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "lurkernomore20002000"  
> Nice riff. I could do without the last paragraph.  
> Don't think it applies.

Indeed it does not. I have never once attempted
to buy either of my dogs a beer and seduce them
with my "wise old man" ways. They would, in fact, 
be affronted at the very idea that I was either
old, or wise. 

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung  wrote:
> >
> > For you, Turq, I'd say the highest relationship you've 
> > ever had is with your dogs. I hope that eventually they'll 
> > nurture your heart with their unconditional love. One can 
> > hope anyway.  

[FairfieldLife] Fundraiser To Fight Age-Inappropriate Romance

2009-05-05 Thread TurquoiseB
The Edg Duveyoung Don't Even Think Of Hitting That
Society announces a gala banquet to raise funds for
the ongoing fight against age-inappropriate romance.

Plates at the celebrity-filled event start at $100
each (prices may vary depending on the age difference
of the celebrity you wish to be seated next to).

Come and help us fight the scourge of dirty old men
and cougars who imperil America and keep Sat Yuga
from manifesting, and you too can mingle with the 
stars. Some of the celebrity guests who have already 
committed to attending the banquet include: 

* Demi Moore (+15) and Ashton Kutcher.
* Harrison Ford (+20) and Calista Flockhart.
* Michael Douglas (+25) and Catherine Zeta-Jones.
* Tim Robbins and Susan Sarandon (+12).
* Tom Cruise (+15) and Katie Holmes.
* Barbara Hershey (+21) and Naveen Andrews. 
* Julianne Moore (+10) and Bart Freundlich.
* Dinah Shore (+20) and Burt Reynolds.
* Geena Davis (+15) and Dr. Reza Jarrahy.
* Elizabeth and Dennis Kucinich (+31).
* Clint and Dina Eastwood (+25).
* Donald Trump and Melania Knauss (+28).
* Jeri and Fred Thompson (+24).
* Warren Beatty (+21) and Annette Bening.
* Francesa Annis (+19) and Ralph Fiennes.
* Mary Tyler Moore (+18) and Dr. Robert Levine.
* Jerry Seinfeld (+18) and Jessica.
* Tommy Lee Jones (+18) and Dawn Laurel.
* Cindy and John McCain (+17).
* Paul McCartney (+26) and Heather Mills.
* Rod Stewart (+25) and Rachel Hunter.
* Chuck Norris (+28) and Gena O'Kelley.
* Strom Thurmond (+44) and Nancy Janice Moore.
* Justice William O. Douglas (+56) and Cathleen Heffernan.

"It is difficult for a man of my years to address such 
an august body. Almost as difficult as it is for a man 
of my years to make love three — no, four — times in 
one afternoon."
-- Victor Hugo, age 82, addressing the French Senate

"Trying to make love with someone who is as unskilled 
as you are seems to me about as sensible as learning 
to drive with a person who doesn't know the first thing 
about cars either."
-- Stephen Vizinczey, author of "In Praise of Older Women"

[FairfieldLife] Results of the "Beat Edg's Romance Record" research study

2009-05-05 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:
> While I agree with you about the likelihood
> of Edg's "babe" actually existing, Sal, I
> think you should lay off of him. I plan to.
> You see, Edg's little lecture really touched 
> me and made me completely rethink my life, 
> and I have resolved not to give him a hard
> time again until I have achieved more deep
> and meaningful romantic relationships than 
> he has had in his lifetime. 
> Since he's only had two, it shouldn't take 
> me more than a week to surpass that number. 
> So what I'm aiming for to make it more inter-
> esting for me is seeing whether I can find
> three whose combined ages add up to less 
> than Edg's.

Because I know that, in the words of the
National Enquirer, "Curious minds want to
know," I will report on the outcome of 
the research study outlined above. It is 
completed, and the results have been 
tabulated and peer-reviewed.

I cannot go into explicit details about all
of the study's protocols because I cannot 
risk one of our august members reporting
it to Yahoo in yet another attempt to get 
FFL taken down again. Suffice it to say that
foursomes occur in sports other than golf.

The participants in the study -- three newly-
arrived-in-Sitges Irish tourists and myself --
acted as their own controls (or lack thereof).
No one was compensated for their participation
in the study, other than the obvious. I merely
read to the Irish girls some of Edg's writings
(changing the name for what will be obvious 
reasons further down) after a few beers, and 
they laughed so hard that they could barely 
control themselves. At that point I explained 
to them the nature of my quest to match his 
legendary romantic exploits, and they agreed 
to help out. I think the actual quote was, 
"What the fuck...we came here to do weird shit, 
and nothing we have heard or seen so far is 
anywhere near as weird as this, so why not?"

No underage women were harmed or otherwise
exploited during the course of this research
study. No undue influence was exerted on them,
and no excess alcohol or date-rape drugs were
involved. (If you exclude one of the study
participants having to resort to Viagra at 
about hour two of the experiment, that is.)

The results of the study, synopsized, are 
that a good time was had by all. (My nickname 
in Sitges is, in fact, "Good Time.") High 
standards of love and mutual respect were 
maintained throughout the entire study, and no 
major traumas or disappointments were stated
(at least verbally) by any of the participants.
Followup studies will have to determine if any
lasting harm was done to any of the female par-
ticipants, but I can pretty much tell you that
the only harm done to the male participant
in the study has been a somewhat strained set 
of facial muscles from smiling so much. 

Alas, the sub-goal of the research study -- to
find three women whose combined ages were less
than Edg's -- was not achieved. All three of
the other study participants were in their 30s,
so unless Edg is as old as he sounds, that goal
was not achieved.

But I think that, as a preliminary study, this
scientific experiment has shown that no lasting
harm comes to those who indulge in either age-
inappropriate romance, or even those who indulge
in romance with evil minions of Satan. Peer-review 
comments from the study participants follow:

"It was great fun, and saved us the cost 
of a hotel room for the night. Plus the
researcher paid for all the beers and
condoms...he was a perfect gentleman."

"I'm a little greasy from all the Kama 
Sutra body oil, but that'll just save me
from having to put on suntan lotion later
at the beach."

"My appreciation of wrinkly old farts and 
their staying power has been completely 
changed. I just hope I'm not pregnant, 
because then I'd have to track down this
guy and marry him, and the only thing I've
got to trace him with is his name, Edg

[FairfieldLife] Mexico: 590, Spain: 54 : 0

2009-05-05 Thread cardemaister


[FairfieldLife] Notice to the Group

2009-05-05 Thread grate . swan
** Note from Yahoo Groups **

We apologize if access to your group is slow or not accessible today. 
Your site has experienced unprecedented hits and request for memberships -- its 
a record, by a mile, for any Yahoo group in history. When prompted by an 
informal survey, as to why the sudden interest in FFL, participants from 53 
different countries gave similar answers. "We want this sexual Edg thing 
Twitter picked up". 

Apparently Twitter was almost brought to its knees this morning by the heavy 
traffic from an explosively fast moving viral-twitter being replicated globally 
at astonishing speed. All starting from a short twitter from a vacationing 
woman from Ireland -- about "some older guy read the most incredible thing that 
me two girlfriends and I slammed the bejesus out of him all night long".  
Google News picked up the story -- and now the Obama administration is worried 
that the Net may actually crash this morning around 9:52 EST.  They are sending 
truckloads of TARP money to try to find the problem and fix it -- though some 
senior members were also heard telling aides, "Get me everything you can on 
this Edg thing that's popping up all over." The aide to one senior economist 
was heard saying. "I am all over it". 

We at Yahoo Groups thank your for your patience. We know it can be quite hard 
to have your group just limp along, slowing to a dribble, or just dangle in the 
void.  We will have it up and running strong -- full steam ahead -- no matter 
how hard and long it takes. We've been down tighter tunnels than this before -- 
but always found the light at the end. 

Yahoo Groups


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:
> >
> > While I agree with you about the likelihood
> > of Edg's "babe" actually existing, Sal, I
> > think you should lay off of him. I plan to.
> > 
> > You see, Edg's little lecture really touched 
> > me and made me completely rethink my life, 
> > and I have resolved not to give him a hard
> > time again until I have achieved more deep
> > and meaningful romantic relationships than 
> > he has had in his lifetime. 
> > 
> > Since he's only had two, it shouldn't take 
> > me more than a week to surpass that number. 
> > So what I'm aiming for to make it more inter-
> > esting for me is seeing whether I can find
> > three whose combined ages add up to less 
> > than Edg's.
> Because I know that, in the words of the
> National Enquirer, "Curious minds want to
> know," I will report on the outcome of 
> the research study outlined above. It is 
> completed, and the results have been 
> tabulated and peer-reviewed.
> I cannot go into explicit details about all
> of the study's protocols because I cannot 
> risk one of our august members reporting
> it to Yahoo in yet another attempt to get 
> FFL taken down again. Suffice it to say that
> foursomes occur in sports other than golf.
> The participants in the study -- three newly-
> arrived-in-Sitges Irish tourists and myself --
> acted as their own controls (or lack thereof).
> No one was compensated for their participation
> in the study, other than the obvious. I merely
> read to the Irish girls some of Edg's writings
> (changing the name for what will be obvious 
> reasons further down) after a few beers, and 
> they laughed so hard that they could barely 
> control themselves. At that point I explained 
> to them the nature of my quest to match his 
> legendary romantic exploits, and they agreed 
> to help out. I think the actual quote was, 
> "What the fuck...we came here to do weird shit, 
> and nothing we have heard or seen so far is 
> anywhere near as weird as this, so why not?"
> No underage women were harmed or otherwise
> exploited during the course of this research
> study. No undue influence was exerted on them,
> and no excess alcohol or date-rape drugs were
> involved. (If you exclude one of the study
> participants having to resort to Viagra at 
> about hour two of the experiment, that is.)
> The results of the study, synopsized, are 
> that a good time was had by all. (My nickname 
> in Sitges is, in fact, "Good Time.") High 
> standards of love and mutual respect were 
> maintained throughout the entire study, and no 
> major traumas or disappointments were stated
> (at least verbally) by any of the participants.
> Followup studies will have to determine if any
> lasting harm was done to any of the female par-
> ticipants, but I can pretty much tell you that
> the only harm done to the male participant
> in the study has been a somewhat strained set 
> of facial muscles from smiling so much. 
> Alas, the sub-goal of the research study -- to
> find three women whose combined ages were less
> than Edg's -- was not achieved. All three of
> the other study participants were in their 30s,
> so unless Edg is as old as he sounds, that 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Utopian voice in MUM

2009-05-05 Thread Vaj

On May 4, 2009, at 10:15 PM, Peter wrote:

The physiological/neurological research on TM has always been  
interesting and legit because its just a straight measure of brain  
wave activity. The problem has come in when there is an attempt to  
correlate these measure with complex psychological traits. The  
worst is when you see a degree of hemispheric coherence at some  
frequency and someone claims that this "means" that TM allows you  
to use more of your brain and therefore you are "better" at  
something than someone who doesn't have this coherence. The  
politics of consciousness enter when the non-scientists or the  
either deceptive/naive scientists make very self-serving statements  
regarding the research. This was non-physiological, but it is like  
the latest research that, according to the TMO, shows that TM  
reduces the symptoms of ADHD. Even the TM "scientist" David Orme- 
Johnson claimed this and it is just patently false. The design of  
the study does not allow you to conclude this at all, primarily
 because there was no control group and each subject functioned as  
there own control. If you know anything about research design, such  
a study essentially tells you nothing other than a bunch of  
students over x amount of time had a lessening of their ADHD  
symptoms. Why this lessening occurred, which is the most important  
question, can not be concluded because no variables have been  
controlled. I would love to ask David, why he believes you can  
conclude that TM is the one variable that "caused" these results  
when not a single variable has been controlled.

They seem to be operating on the premise that "you can fool some of  
the people most of the time". Make no mistake, ADHD and meditation  
has a potential to make some big $$$ for the TMO, so they will no  
doubt continue to attempt to get into school districts with there  
"science" and they will try to get it used for cardiac patients,  
another mistake.

There has been some validated success with ADHD and other forms of  
meditation, so I suspect they'll try to ride on the backs of them.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Utopian voice in MUM

2009-05-05 Thread Vaj

On May 5, 2009, at 2:45 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:

I'd rather discuss the new, cutting edge stuff coming out at events
like Mind and Life 18 or the Harvard conference last weekend, than
lament over your spilt milk again!

Of course should something eventually come out on TM that is
reputable, worthwhile and new--sure I'd love to hear it. I'm
just not holding my breath on that one. The same old relaxation
response findings just aren't that exciting for those of us
interested in higher states of consciousness.

An interesting parallel to the thousands who,
unlike some who found Maharishi's talks brilliant
and incisive, moved on to some other teacher who
didn't recycle the same mind-pablum ad absurdum.
Interestingly enough, the ones who never tired
of Maharishi saying the same old things are the
ones who still claim to find the "TM science"

You know it's funny, someone posted some old MMY lecture videos on  
YouTube, so I decided to watch one to see how it stood the test of time.

I watched the one on yoga (and it's limbs) and found it really didn't  
stand the test of time. In fact in terms of authentic lineal yoga  
teachings, he was flat out WRONG. The most noticeable thing however  
was his use of repetition. I used to parse it as 'he wants to really  
get the point across' but listening to it now, one gets the sense  
he's just acting and trying to come up with something convincing to  
say. Unfortunately, if you had any real training in Patanjali, it was  
easy to see he was just making up something new and convincing and  
the droning repetition made it sound "profound".

[FairfieldLife] Re: Notice to the Group

2009-05-05 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, grate.swan  wrote:
> ** Note from Yahoo Groups **
> We apologize if access to your group is slow or not accessible 
> today. Your site has experienced unprecedented hits and request 
> for memberships -- its a record, by a mile, for any Yahoo group 
> in history. When prompted by an informal survey, as to why the 
> sudden interest in FFL, participants from 53 different countries 
> gave similar answers. "We want this sexual Edg thing Twitter 
> picked up". 
> Apparently Twitter was almost brought to its knees this morning 
> by the heavy traffic from an explosively fast moving viral-
> twitter being replicated globally at astonishing speed. All 
> starting from a short twitter from a vacationing woman from 
> Ireland -- about "some older guy read the most incredible thing 
> that me two girlfriends and I slammed the bejesus out of him 
> all night long".  Google News picked up the story -- and now the 
> Obama administration is worried that the Net may actually crash 
> this morning around 9:52 EST. They are sending truckloads of 
> TARP money to try to find the problem and fix it -- though some 
> senior members were also heard telling aides, "Get me everything 
> you can on this Edg thing that's popping up all over." The aide 
> to one senior economist was heard saying. "I am all over it". 

Worldwide response to this impromptu scientific 
study has inspired me to propose another followup
study. The new study has to do with the possible
*spiritual* benefits of age-inappropriate sex.

The genesis of this followup study idea was that
several of the participants in the original pre-
liminary study were recorded (see YouTube for
details) saying "Oh God! Oh God!" during the
experiment itself. One even called God by His
name in Gaelic and one other now-extinct language, 
suggesting possible evidence of past-life flash-
backs. One of the female participants in the 
study looked at her reflection in the mirror
the next morning and said, "Hey...I can see my
aura, and it has rug burns!"

Applicants interested in participating in the 
followup study should send their resumes (and 
photographs or homemade porn videos) and, if
TMSP practitioners, a Xerox copy of their 
current dome pass, to:

The Institute For Enlightenment Through
Age-Inappropriate But Tantrically-Appropriate
Group Sex
Marques de Montroig 69
08870 Sitges, Barcelona, Spain

[FairfieldLife] Re: Poland: Thanx, Jimi!

2009-05-05 Thread Richard M
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister  wrote:
> http://www.guitarworld.com/article/6346_guitar_players_converge_in_poland_to_play_quothey_joequot
> http://tinyurl.com/cuoxjq

The much-conjectured JH effect will kick in if they can reach 10,000.
This I confidently predict.

"Good and Evil lay side by side
While electric love penetrates the sky..."


[FairfieldLife] Re: MIT launches new Dalai Lama Center for Ethics and Transformative Values

2009-05-05 Thread authfriend
>From a post on the Google Group soc.culture.iraq:

[The Dalai Lama] came out and told people he and Bush
instantly hit it off and he loved the warmonger.  He 
said he would withhold judgment on the attack of 
Iraq.  He also said he supported Bush's ``war on 
terror'' because, according to him, some humans are 
just inherently evil, referring to the Muslim 
``extremists'' Bush branded for the kill.



A reader of the National Review Online's blog, The 
Corner, paraphrases the Dalai Lama answering 
questions after a recent speech in Cambridge, Mass.:

Audience member: "Can you give us an example of a 
leader we should look up to as a positive 

Dalai Lama (after thinking for a few seconds): 
"President Bush. I met him personally and liked him 
very much. He was honest and straightforward, and 
that is very important. I may not have agreed with 
all his policies, but I thought he was very honest 
and a very good leader."



>From The Times of India:

The Dalai Lama, a lifelong champion of non-violence 
on Saturday candidly stated that terrorism cannot be 
tackled by applying the principle of ahimsa because 
the minds of terrorists are closed.

"It is difficult to deal with terrorism through
non-violence," the Tibetan spiritual leader said 
delivering the Madhavrao Scindia Memorial Lecture 
here [in New Delhi].



--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> At MIT, Dalai Lama offers ethics, humor (Corrected)
> Posted by James F. Smith April 30, 2009 06:44 PM
> At MIT today, the Dalai Lama spoke at an inaugural event for a new  
> institute in his name, the Dalai Lama Center for Ethics and  
> Transformative Values. He tempered his provocative ideas about  
> promoting ethics in a secular society with a stream of lively banter.
> In the nearly full Kresge Auditorium, he kidded a Catholic monk in  
> the front row about his less than perfectly shaved head, unlike the  
> Buddhist monks in the hall. Sitting cross-legged on a sofa, he  
> recalled that he had visited a homeless shelter in San Francisco the  
> other day and told a man he met that he, too, had suffered the same  
> fate after he went into exile in 1959. "I said, 'me too. Homeless'."
> His talk centered on how to achieve genuine compassion -- not the  
> kind that people easily muster for friends who share their views, but  
> compassion for those they don't agree with.
> The Dalai Lama also said the ethics center should search for ways to  
> help secular people build ethical values, arguing that most of the  
> world's six billion people are non-believers who won't get their  
> ethics through their religious values.
> He asked the Catholic monk whether secularism means rejection of  
> religion, to which the monk replied, "that depends on your experience  
> of secularism."
> "Very wise answer," the Dalai Lama told him to laughter. "We need to  
> promote secular ethics through education."
> The address took place in the same hall where the Dalai Lama held a  
> remarkable five-hour debate in 2003 with several prominent scientists  
> about Buddhism and the science of the mind. That public conference,  
> "Investigating the Mind," allowed scientists and the Dalai Lama to  
> reflect on meditation and mental focus.
> He said yesterday that scientists may be non-believers but they treat  
> issues with honesty, the key to ethical behavior. "This honesty,  
> truthfulness and calmness lead to compassion," he said. "It also  
> brings a calm mind."
> And then he stopped with a shrug, saying, "Anyhow, enough," and asked  
> for questions.
> The Dalai Lama had some imaginative ideas for MIT scientists to work  
> for peace.
> "You could invent an injection for compassion," he said. "I would  
> want that." And maybe commerce could contribute: "You could have  
> shops selling compassion. In a supermarket, you could buy compassion."
> A student asked about ethics and the weapons industry. The Dalai  
> Lama, who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1989 for his non-violent  
> campaign for Tibetan rights, said he hoped this would be the century  
> for global demilitarization. But a good start, he said, would be for  
> institutions like MIT to invent a bullet "that misses ordinary people  
> but hits the decision makers," waving his arm in the path of a  
> wiggling bullet to laughter and applause. "That kind of bullet needs  
> to be developed. Wonderful."
> (Correction: in the original version of this post, I called the event  
> a fund-raiser. In fact, nearly all the tickets were given out free to  
> MIT students.)

[FairfieldLife] Kali Yuga Boogaloo

2009-05-05 Thread TurquoiseB
Just as a sidebar to the Edg Meltdown, the "snapping 
point" at which I relaxed and began to laugh uncon-
trollably at Edg rather than be peeved at him was 
when he used the term "Kali Yuga" as if it were a 
real thing, and furthermore a real thing that could 
be utilized as a kind of "thought stopper" in an 
online discussion.

That just blew my mind, and reduced me to howls of
laughter. From my admittedly apostate and somewhat
cynical point of view, "Kali Yuga," as a unit of 
time or a description of an era, is part of a myth
promulgated by an ancient shaman-led society that
wanted to promote the idea that things were better
in a past era, and that the best we as humans could
ever hope for was a "return" that that mythical
golden era.

Bullshit, sez I. There is no historical record of
such a "golden era." The promotion of it, in my
opinion, is a fiction proposed by those who want
their followers to ignore the present and focus 
on a supposed future that is being sold to them.

So when I encounter someone who claims to have 
walked away from many of his TM beliefs but who
throws out "Kali Yuga" as a thought stopper, I
cannot control my laughter.

How does the greater audience at FFL react to
that term? Have you ever challenged the existence
of "Kali Yuga" or the other mythical "yugas" of
the Hindu/Vedic time system? Do you still think
they are accurate or viable? If so, do you have
anything you can present as any kind of evidence
*supporting* your view of these things as "real?"

Just curious...

[FairfieldLife] Re: MIT launches new Dalai Lama Center for Ethics and Transformative Values

2009-05-05 Thread Richard J. Williams
authfriend wrote:
> From a post on the Google Group soc.culture.iraq:
> [The Dalai Lama] came out and told people he and Bush
> instantly hit it off and he loved the warmonger.  He 
> said he would withhold judgment on the attack of 
> Iraq.  He also said he supported Bush's ``war on 
> terror'' because, according to him, some humans are 
> just inherently evil, referring to the Muslim 
> ``extremists'' Bush branded for the kill.
> http://tinyurl.com/cag4ys
Bush Doctrine: 

(1) rejection of moral relativism and commitment to 
fostering the spread of democracy in the Middle East.

(2) treating terrorism proactively, on a global basis, 
and not as law enforcement issue.

(3) willingness to engage in preemptive attacks against 
terrorists and terrorist supporting states.

(4) unwillingness to support a Palestinian state until 
Palestinian leaders "engage in a sustained fight 
against terrorists and dismantle their infrastructure."


'The Bush doctrine's fourth pillar'
Posted by Paul Mirengoff
Powerline, June 23, 2008

[FairfieldLife] Re: Utopian voice in MUM

2009-05-05 Thread Richard J. Williams
> > Of course should something eventually come out 
> > on TM that is reputable, worthwhile and new--sure 
> > I'd love to hear it. I'm just not holding my 
> > breath on that one. The same old relaxation 
> > response findings just aren't that exciting for 
> > those of us interested in higher states of 
> > consciousness.
> > 
TurquoiseB wrote:
> An interesting parallel to the thousands who,
> unlike some who found Maharishi's talks brilliant
> and incisive, moved on to some other teacher who
> didn't recycle the same mind-pablum ad absurdum.
"The more you give, the more people we can help." 
- Frederick Lenz

> Interestingly enough, the ones who never tired
> of Maharishi saying the same old things are the
> ones who still claim to find the "TM science" 
> believable. 
> It's just like kids, in a way. Some like to hear
> the same old bedtime stories read to them over 
> and over and over. Others edit the same old 
> stories and try to find new ways to tell them 
> and new ways to sell them and think of that as 
> being "creative." Yet others grow up to write 
> their own stories. Call me silly, but I'm going 
> to reserve the word "creative" for those who 
> actually create something new.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: MIT launches new Dalai Lama Center for Ethics and Transformative Values

2009-05-05 Thread Vaj

On May 5, 2009, at 10:07 AM, Richard J. Williams wrote:

Bush Doctrine:

(1) rejection of moral relativism and commitment to
fostering the spread of democracy in the Middle East.

(2) treating terrorism proactively, on a global basis,
and not as law enforcement issue.

(3) willingness to engage in preemptive attacks against
terrorists and terrorist supporting states.

(4) unwillingness to support a Palestinian state until
Palestinian leaders "engage in a sustained fight
against terrorists and dismantle their infrastructure."


'The Bush doctrine's fourth pillar'
Posted by Paul Mirengoff
Powerline, June 23, 2008

Perhaps so, but unfortunately HHDL thinks Bush lacks an understanding  
of the holistic, interdependent nature of reality. Nonetheless, he  
loves him! Go figure.


[FairfieldLife] Maharishi edges Hounds

2009-05-05 Thread Rick Archer
I thought the title was funny:

[FairfieldLife] Re: End of Ameica ---------- was/// Repugs Defend Off Shore Tax Havens

2009-05-05 Thread Richard J. Williams
off_world_beings wrote:
> This is the one issue, above all, that, if I 
> were American, I would defend Obama at all 
> costs on this issue...
So, how would you defend it and how, exactly, 
would you talk the Dems into voting for it?

There is a problems with this - Nobama is going 
to upset many American companies that invest 
overseas by grouping them all with 'tax cheats'; 
and he'll upset the G8 who recently wrote 
some agreements to limit protectionism. 

Now the U.S. is going to try and enforecement 
legislation that will limit investement in 
third-world countries? Now Obama wants to raise 
taxes on corporations right in the middle of a 

This doesn't even make any sense. Why would the
U.S. want companies to pull out of other countries? 
We WANT the U.S. to invest in other countries, not 
back out of current economic agreements.

"President Barack Obama's plan to end tax breaks 
for U.S.-based multinational companies drew a 
skeptical response from fellow Democrats on Capitol 
Hill, indicating that his plan may face obstacles 
on its path through Congress..." 

'Obama's Bid to End Offshore Tax Havens Faces 
Hurdle in Congress'
By Ryan J. Donmoyer
Bloomberg, May 5, 2009

[FairfieldLife] Re: Repugs Defend Off Shore Tax Havens Against Obama Crackdown

2009-05-05 Thread Richard J. Williams
do.rflex wrote:
> Repugs Defend Off Shore Tax Havens 
> Against Obama Crackdown
"The key point regarding the Administration's 
plans is that they can still be rejected by 
a blue-ribbon panel appointed by Obama and 
led by Paul Volcker..."

Planet Money:

"...the economy depends on the free movement 
of capital and that companies are supposed to 
maximize profits, including by moving capital 
overseas and seeking every legitimate tax 

Read more comments:

'Fears Of A Clown'
NPR Blog, May 5, 2009

[FairfieldLife] Re: MIT launches new Dalai Lama Center for Ethics and Transformative Values

2009-05-05 Thread enlightened_dawn11
i am appalled that the dolly lama calls for a bullet that will target decision 
makers, that killing those with closed minds is an acceptable course, and that 
bush was a great leader. sounds like a brainless dickhead to me.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> From a post on the Google Group soc.culture.iraq:
> [The Dalai Lama] came out and told people he and Bush
> instantly hit it off and he loved the warmonger.  He 
> said he would withhold judgment on the attack of 
> Iraq.  He also said he supported Bush's ``war on 
> terror'' because, according to him, some humans are 
> just inherently evil, referring to the Muslim 
> ``extremists'' Bush branded for the kill.
> http://groups.google.com/group/soc.culture.iraq/msg/f9c39c6c9d539681
> http://tinyurl.com/cag4ys
> A reader of the National Review Online's blog, The 
> Corner, paraphrases the Dalai Lama answering 
> questions after a recent speech in Cambridge, Mass.:
> Audience member: "Can you give us an example of a 
> leader we should look up to as a positive 
> influence?"
> Dalai Lama (after thinking for a few seconds): 
> "President Bush. I met him personally and liked him 
> very much. He was honest and straightforward, and 
> that is very important. I may not have agreed with 
> all his policies, but I thought he was very honest 
> and a very good leader."
> http://corner.nationalreview.com/post/?q=NDM5YWFiOTA4YzkyOTViODk5NDIzMDg0MTU5YTIyMzE=
> http://tinyurl.com/d26954
> From The Times of India:
> The Dalai Lama, a lifelong champion of non-violence 
> on Saturday candidly stated that terrorism cannot be 
> tackled by applying the principle of ahimsa because 
> the minds of terrorists are closed.
> "It is difficult to deal with terrorism through
> non-violence," the Tibetan spiritual leader said 
> delivering the Madhavrao Scindia Memorial Lecture 
> here [in New Delhi].
> http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/India/Non-violence_cant_tackle_terror_Dalai_/articleshow/3995810.cms
> http://tinyurl.com/9sydqr
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> >
> > At MIT, Dalai Lama offers ethics, humor (Corrected)
> > 
> > Posted by James F. Smith April 30, 2009 06:44 PM
> > 
> > At MIT today, the Dalai Lama spoke at an inaugural event for a new  
> > institute in his name, the Dalai Lama Center for Ethics and  
> > Transformative Values. He tempered his provocative ideas about  
> > promoting ethics in a secular society with a stream of lively banter.
> > 
> > In the nearly full Kresge Auditorium, he kidded a Catholic monk in  
> > the front row about his less than perfectly shaved head, unlike the  
> > Buddhist monks in the hall. Sitting cross-legged on a sofa, he  
> > recalled that he had visited a homeless shelter in San Francisco the  
> > other day and told a man he met that he, too, had suffered the same  
> > fate after he went into exile in 1959. "I said, 'me too. Homeless'."
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > His talk centered on how to achieve genuine compassion -- not the  
> > kind that people easily muster for friends who share their views, but  
> > compassion for those they don't agree with.
> > 
> > The Dalai Lama also said the ethics center should search for ways to  
> > help secular people build ethical values, arguing that most of the  
> > world's six billion people are non-believers who won't get their  
> > ethics through their religious values.
> > 
> > He asked the Catholic monk whether secularism means rejection of  
> > religion, to which the monk replied, "that depends on your experience  
> > of secularism."
> > 
> > "Very wise answer," the Dalai Lama told him to laughter. "We need to  
> > promote secular ethics through education."
> > 
> > The address took place in the same hall where the Dalai Lama held a  
> > remarkable five-hour debate in 2003 with several prominent scientists  
> > about Buddhism and the science of the mind. That public conference,  
> > "Investigating the Mind," allowed scientists and the Dalai Lama to  
> > reflect on meditation and mental focus.
> > 
> > He said yesterday that scientists may be non-believers but they treat  
> > issues with honesty, the key to ethical behavior. "This honesty,  
> > truthfulness and calmness lead to compassion," he said. "It also  
> > brings a calm mind."
> > 
> > And then he stopped with a shrug, saying, "Anyhow, enough," and asked  
> > for questions.
> > 
> > The Dalai Lama had some imaginative ideas for MIT scientists to work  
> > for peace.
> > 
> > "You could invent an injection for compassion," he said. "I would  
> > want that." And maybe commerce could contribute: "You could have  
> > shops selling compassion. In a supermarket, you could buy compassion."
> > 
> > A student asked about ethics and the weapons industry. The Dalai  
> > Lama, who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1989 for his non-violent  
> > campaign for Tibetan rights, said he hoped this wo

[FairfieldLife] Re: Utopian voice in MUM

2009-05-05 Thread grate . swan
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> I watched the one on yoga (and it's limbs) and found it really didn't  
> stand the test of time. In fact in terms of authentic lineal yoga  
> teachings, he was flat out WRONG. The most noticeable thing however  
> was his use of repetition. I used to parse it as 'he wants to really  
> get the point across' but listening to it now, one gets the sense  
> he's just acting and trying to come up with something convincing to  
> say. Unfortunately, if you had any real training in Patanjali, it 
> was  easy to see he was just making up something new and convincing and   the 
> droning repetition made it sound "profound".

You see, the thing is, there is knower, the known and the process of knowing. 
This is very beautiful. And when you have two people each observing a thing, 
you have two knowers, two processes of knowing -- but only one thing, one 
object of knowing. This is very beautiful. What is this object of knowing? huh? 
huh? So when one person says, "the rose is red" and the other person says "the 
rose is black", then we know that there may be many truths, but only One Truth. 
You see the point? Whether the rose is red or black, is not material. (howls of 
laughter). Its not material. You see? The rose is not material. But the person 
who sees black, that may be because they are black inside. Dark. No light. And 
the person who sees the red rose is full of light inside. You see? The rose is 
the rose but each person seeing the rose, sees it in their own way. They create 
their own reality, their own level of awareness. Sometimes there is enough 
light to just see the surface value. Other times there is sufficient light to 
see the entire rose -- all of its values, from surface down to the sap, the 
quantum level of sap. Now the Ved is so profound that it sees truth in 
everything. There is truth in the man who sees black rose. And there is truth 
in the man who sees infinite value of the rose. Both are true according to 
their own level of awareness, the level of light they have inside, and shine 
onto the process of knowing. Yous see? Its very beautiful. So the Ved sees from 
the level of Brahman. The Ved sees the wholeness of life. The complete 
wholeness. Even the man who sees the rose in full light, who sees the infinite 
value of the rose, is still not the full truth. Ved shines Its light, and the 
whole thing is revealed. You see. Its so profound, so profound  this very 
simple knowledge from our tradition of masters. It is not a complicated thing, 
its the most simple thing. the most simple, relaxed thing on the entire 
universe. So the man who sees the rose is black, we don't say "you are black 
inside". No we smile and say, "yes, that is part of the truth. very good. You 
are getting part of the truth." Now if this man who sees black, this man in 
darkness,  then if he takes his awareness to the level of the Ved, then 
instantly, as fast as light travels, he will see the total truth. the whole 
truth. the wholeness. So we invite the man who sees dark to just dive deep into 
that fundamental level of the Ved -- and all his darkness and grumbling will go 
away. Like darkness in a room. It does not exist. Its gone once the light is 
turned on. You see? Its very beautiful. We celebrate the man who sees only 
blackness, only darkness, the blindman, we see the blindman as part of the Ved. 
And when we take our awareness to the level of Brahm, the level of the Ved, 
then we see the totality of the man in darkness. Darkness is a reflection of 
the Ved. Light is a reflection of the Ved. Together, they are what Ved Sees. 
When Knower, Object, and Process of Knowing become one. Become One on the 
Unified Field of Awareness. Then the man in darkness just disappears. You see 
the point?


[FairfieldLife] Re: Kali Yuga Boogaloo

2009-05-05 Thread enlightened_dawn11
just as so much spiritual knowledge is hidden from the ignorant, Kali Yuga also 
refers to a state of consciousness. like a fish in water who cannot see the 
water, you Turq do not see the Kali Yuga that is your consciousness. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:
> Just as a sidebar to the Edg Meltdown, the "snapping 
> point" at which I relaxed and began to laugh uncon-
> trollably at Edg rather than be peeved at him was 
> when he used the term "Kali Yuga" as if it were a 
> real thing, and furthermore a real thing that could 
> be utilized as a kind of "thought stopper" in an 
> online discussion.
> That just blew my mind, and reduced me to howls of
> laughter. From my admittedly apostate and somewhat
> cynical point of view, "Kali Yuga," as a unit of 
> time or a description of an era, is part of a myth
> promulgated by an ancient shaman-led society that
> wanted to promote the idea that things were better
> in a past era, and that the best we as humans could
> ever hope for was a "return" that that mythical
> golden era.
> Bullshit, sez I. There is no historical record of
> such a "golden era." The promotion of it, in my
> opinion, is a fiction proposed by those who want
> their followers to ignore the present and focus 
> on a supposed future that is being sold to them.
> So when I encounter someone who claims to have 
> walked away from many of his TM beliefs but who
> throws out "Kali Yuga" as a thought stopper, I
> cannot control my laughter.
> How does the greater audience at FFL react to
> that term? Have you ever challenged the existence
> of "Kali Yuga" or the other mythical "yugas" of
> the Hindu/Vedic time system? Do you still think
> they are accurate or viable? If so, do you have
> anything you can present as any kind of evidence
> *supporting* your view of these things as "real?"
> Just curious...

[FairfieldLife] Re: Discovered: 200 trillion cubic feet of natural gas

2009-05-05 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
>  , "shempmcgurk" 
> wrote:
> >
> > Discovered: 200 trillion cubic feet of natural gas
> >
> > James Lewis
> >
> > Good news for America undermines the green energy agenda. The Wall
> Street Journal reports a huge new discovery of natural gas --- a fossil
> fuel so clean even liberals can stand it.
> >
> *
> Natural gas is not regarded as favorable for global warming concerns:
> "The picture is not all rosy though. Relative to other fuels, it is
> clean-burning. But because of our insatiable appetite for energy, the
> burning of natural gas is a significant contributor to global warming.
> Historically, natural gas use has produced about 10% of the greenhouse
> gases that contribute to global warming. Now, emissions from the burning
> of natural gas represent over 20% of the annual US carbon dioxide
> emissions. Annually, the burning of natural gas in the US produces
> almost 1,200 million metric tons of carbon dioxide, more than the TOTAL
> carbon dioxide emissions from ALL sources of all but three other
> countries in the world: China, Russia, and Japan.
> http://www.lowimpactliving.com/pages/your-impacts/natural-gas1

Fossil fuels are NOT the long term solution for humanity's energy needs. There 
are plenty of other clean, effective and economically viable alternatives. 
Magoo seems to have the signature right wing greed-and-profit-at-any-cost 

[FairfieldLife] Re: MIT launches new Dalai Lama Center for Ethics and Transformative Values

2009-05-05 Thread Richard J. Williams
enlightened_dawn11 wrote:
> i am appalled that the dolly lama calls for a bullet 
> that will target decision makers, that killing those 
> with closed minds is an acceptable course, and that 
> bush was a great leader. sounds like a brainless 
> dickhead to me.
Well maybe it takes a 'dickhead' to keep the country
safe; if so, then I'd vote for the dickhead to protect 
the country, wouldn't you? How many successful attacks
have there been on U.S. soil since 9-11?

Tibet would probably be a free country now if the 
Tibetan government had an army that could fight back. 
Pacifism doesn't work very well against humans who 
are inherently evil. 

> > [The Dalai Lama] came out and told people he and Bush
> > instantly hit it off and he loved the warmonger.  He 
> > said he would withhold judgment on the attack of 
> > Iraq.  He also said he supported Bush's "war on 
> > terror" because, according to him, some humans are 
> > just inherently evil, referring to the Muslim 
> > ``extremists'' Bush branded for the kill.
> > 
> > http://tinyurl.com/cag4ys
> > 

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Discovered: 200 trillion cubic feet of natural gas

2009-05-05 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com]
On Behalf Of do.rflex
Sent: Tuesday, May 05, 2009 10:01 AM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Discovered: 200 trillion cubic feet of natural
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 , bob_brigante 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
>  > , "shempmcgurk" 
> wrote:
> >
> > Discovered: 200 trillion cubic feet of natural gas
> >
> > James Lewis
> >
> > Good news for America undermines the green energy agenda. The Wall
> Street Journal reports a huge new discovery of natural gas --- a fossil
> fuel so clean even liberals can stand it.
> >
> *
> Natural gas is not regarded as favorable for global warming concerns:
> "The picture is not all rosy though. Relative to other fuels, it is
> clean-burning. But because of our insatiable appetite for energy, the
> burning of natural gas is a significant contributor to global warming.
> Historically, natural gas use has produced about 10% of the greenhouse
> gases that contribute to global warming. Now, emissions from the burning
> of natural gas represent over 20% of the annual US carbon dioxide
> emissions. Annually, the burning of natural gas in the US produces
> almost 1,200 million metric tons of carbon dioxide, more than the TOTAL
> carbon dioxide emissions from ALL sources of all but three other
> countries in the world: China, Russia, and Japan.
> http://www.lowimpactliving.com/pages/your-impacts/natural-gas1

Fossil fuels are NOT the long term solution for humanity's energy needs.
There are plenty of other clean, effective and economically viable
alternatives. Magoo seems to have the signature right wing
greed-and-profit-at-any-cost disease.

T. Boone Pickens, who has a vested interest in the natural gas industry,
sees gas as only a transitional energy source, with wind, solar, and other
green technologies offering the only viable long-term solutions.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Discovered: 200 trillion cubic feet of natural gas

2009-05-05 Thread grate . swan
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "do.rflex"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante  wrote:
> >
> > 
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> >  , "shempmcgurk" 
> > wrote:
> > >
> > > Discovered: 200 trillion cubic feet of natural gas
> > >
> > > James Lewis
> > >
> > > Good news for America undermines the green energy agenda. The Wall
> > Street Journal reports a huge new discovery of natural gas --- a fossil
> > fuel so clean even liberals can stand it.
> > >
> > 
> > *
> > 
> > Natural gas is not regarded as favorable for global warming concerns:
> > 
> > "The picture is not all rosy though. Relative to other fuels, it is
> > clean-burning. But because of our insatiable appetite for energy, the
> > burning of natural gas is a significant contributor to global warming.
> > Historically, natural gas use has produced about 10% of the greenhouse
> > gases that contribute to global warming. Now, emissions from the burning
> > of natural gas represent over 20% of the annual US carbon dioxide
> > emissions. Annually, the burning of natural gas in the US produces
> > almost 1,200 million metric tons of carbon dioxide, more than the TOTAL
> > carbon dioxide emissions from ALL sources of all but three other
> > countries in the world: China, Russia, and Japan.
> > 
> > 
> > http://www.lowimpactliving.com/pages/your-impacts/natural-gas1
> Fossil fuels are NOT the long term solution for humanity's energy needs. 
> There are plenty of other clean, effective and economically viable 
> alternatives. Magoo seems to have the signature right wing 
> greed-and-profit-at-any-cost disease.

You see, the thing is, profit is a good thing. Profit is what business men use 
to create new things, Better things. The world progresses with profit. The more 
profit, the more the world grows, the more the world progresses. More 
investment, more research, profit draws out maximum creativity of the 
individual and society. It draws it out in the deep inward stroke of creating 
the profit, creating the thought, creating the action, and it draws it out when 
the fruit is claimed, an the seed is replanted, and more trees grow, the desert 
becomes a forest. You see the point? its beautiful.

But real men of profit do not hurt others with their profit. If your hurt 
others and take profit, you take loss too. Loss and profit makes zero. Nothing. 
Nothing comes of profit if loss is equal. So the wise business man, he dives 
deep into that well of infinite creativity, infinite happiness, and he creates 
the most ingenious things. Things that help people, not hurt people. And he 
reinvests the profit, like  the seed of the fruit. Reinvests it and the desert 
becomes a forest. Because he plants a real seed. The seed of his profit is 
lively, Alive. Ready to grow big. 

The false businessman, the business man who sees darkness everywhere, the seed 
from his fruit, the fruit of profit that hurts people, that seed is hallow. It 
is dead. It does not create new wealth. It only creates unhappiness. For 
himself and thew world. 

So what we want are smart profits. Smart businessmen who can make oceans of 
smart profit. Profit full of light. Profit that creates vast new profit. 

Now pollution, that is something that hurts people. So if you profit but make a 
lot of pollution, then you have not made profit, you have made nothing. Profit 
and loss together. Such businessmen need more light. They need to dive deep 
within the field of all goodness and light. Then over time, their profit 
becomes light, floating. Alive. And the profit bears many children of profit. 
Like a huge family, the profit grows. While the man who pollutes with his 
profit, he has only darkness. He takes light away, and makes darkness.   

So profit is good.  We never say profit is bad. The more profit, the more 
progress. What we speak out against is profit that hurts people. Then there is 
no real profit. You see the point? Its beautiful.  

[FairfieldLife] Re: Discovered: 200 trillion cubic feet of natural gas

2009-05-05 Thread Richard J. Williams
> > The Wall Street Journal reports a huge new 
> > discovery of natural gas --- a fossil fuel 
> > so clean even liberals can stand it.
> > 
do.rflex wrote:
> Magoo seems to have the signature right wing 
> greed-and-profit-at-any-cost disease...
Speaking of greed and profit, Ted Kennedy is all
for alternative sources of energy, AS LONG AS IT'S
NOT IN HIS BACKYARD. So, I'd say that natural gas,
wind power, and solar power are about as close
to an endless supply of energy you can get. For
most human consumers these sources will be 
available for eternity. Ted is a left winger, 

"For his remarks, Obama chose Iowa, second only 
to Texas in installed wind capacity."

Full story:

'Obama talks up wind power, green jobs on Earth Day'
By Philip Elliot and Mike Glover
Associated Press, April 22, 2009 

"But like a lot of well-to-do Cape and Islands 
landowners and sailing enthusiasts, Kennedy doesn't 
want to share his Atlantic playground with an 
energy facility, no matter how clean, green, and 
nearly unseen."

Read more:

'Kennedy doesn't play by the rules'
By Jeff Jacoby
Boston Globe, May 7, 2006

[FairfieldLife] Re: Discovered: 200 trillion cubic feet of natural gas

2009-05-05 Thread uns_tressor
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, grate.swan  wrote:
> So profit is good.  We never say profit is bad. The more profit, 
> the more progress. What we speak out against is profit that hurts
> people. Then there is no real profit. You see the point? 
> Its beautiful.
So, some profitable projects are good and other profitable 
projects are bad.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Utopian voice in MUM

2009-05-05 Thread dhamiltony2k5
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter  wrote:
> The physiological/neurological research on TM has always been interesting and 
> legit because its just a straight measure of brain wave activity. The problem 
> has come in when there is an attempt to correlate these measure with complex 
> psychological traits. The worst is when you see a degree of hemispheric 
> coherence at some frequency and someone claims that this "means" that TM 
> allows you to use more of your brain and therefore you are "better" at 
> something than someone who doesn't have this coherence. The politics of 
> consciousness enter when the non-scientists or the either deceptive/naive 
> scientists make very self-serving statements regarding the research. This was 
> non-physiological, but it is like the latest research that, according to the 
> TMO, shows that TM reduces the symptoms of ADHD. Even the TM "scientist" 
> David Orme-Johnson claimed this and it is just patently false. The design of 
> the study does not allow you to conclude this at all, primarily
>  because there was no control group and each subject functioned as there own 
> control. If you know anything about research design, such a study essentially 
> tells you nothing other than a bunch of students over x amount of time had a 
> lessening of their ADHD symptoms. Why this lessening occurred, which is the 
> most important question, can not be concluded because no variables have been 
> controlled. I would love to ask David, why he believes you can conclude that 
> TM is the one variable that "caused" these results when not a single variable 
> has been controlled.   

In some hundreds of studies published now, some of them are controlled?

David O-J was retired to Florida wasn't he?  Seems he left (was cast out?) with 
some lot of other faculty about that time.

Does he still have movement credentials?  Does seems if they could just use the 
two, three or four hundred good studies then they'd still be able to credibly 
crow.  Seems to be they're getting killed out in the public domain over parts 
of what had been their research.  However, evidently they're teaming more with 
real universities to publish now.  Probably a good strategy longterm.
> --- On Mon, 5/4/09, dhamiltony2k5  wrote:
> > From: dhamiltony2k5 
> > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Utopian  voice in  MUM
> > To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> > Date: Monday, May 4, 2009, 9:24 PM
> > 
> > 
> > Dear Doug,
> > On a more pragmatic note:
> > As you can see from the recent News bulletin included
> > below. 
> >  
> > The mere fact that a peer reviewed Professional Journal
> > accepts this type of research silently speaks with a
> > mightier voice than all the critics on FFL.
> >  
> > One has to bust a gut to get published in one of these
> > journals. One's work has to be impeccable and considered
> > relevant by the your peers to even be considered.
> >  
> > Like any stable worthy of it's hard earned reputation,
> > no professional Journal wants to be seen backing the wrong
> > horse.
> >  
> > All love,
> > 
> > 
> > > >
> > > 
> > > 
> > > "For me the radical arguments like the ones you
> > brought to my attention seem to pose either/or choices.
> > Either the measurement of EEG alpha waves is an accurate
> > indicator of higher states of consciousness or they are not.
> > But I have learned to appreciate that the relative universe
> > I have enjoyed for more than 60 years, is a limitless
> > reservoir of infinite choice. I have often observed that a
> > concept that our imaginations project as being
> > 'either/or' is seamlessly integrated into a greater
> > whole as new knowledge is gained and expands. 
> > >  
> > > For this reason, I conclude that all the scientific
> > research on consciousness has some value. In its most
> > elemental form it has a value in that it will take us to
> > greater knowledge. But more pragmatically speaking, I
> > believe that there will be an integration of everything that
> > is being learned as the measurements of consciousness come
> > together to give us an understanding that is greater than
> > their collective technical components. 
> > >  
> > > On a final note, I believe it is myopically
> > prejudicial for a critic to say of a brilliant scientist
> > that he is clinging to his theory because his theory is what
> > he wants to believe to be true. On the contrary, to my
> > surprise the brilliant scientist that I have met here at
> > Maharishi University of Management  our true seekers of
> > knowledge, (are) ready, willing, and able to let the light
> > of science illuminate their path." 
> > >
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > To subscribe, send a message to:
> > fairfieldlife-subscr...@yahoogroups.com
> > 
> > Or go to: 
> > http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/
> > and click 'Join This Group!'Yahoo! Groups Links
> > 
> > 
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Discovered: 200 trillion cubic feet of natural gas

2009-05-05 Thread grate . swan
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "uns_tressor"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, grate.swan  wrote:
> >
> > So profit is good.  We never say profit is bad. The more profit, 
> > the more progress. What we speak out against is profit that hurts
> > people. Then there is no real profit. You see the point? 
> > Its beautiful.
> >
> So, some profitable projects are good and other profitable 
> projects are bad.

Of course. If a robber robs your house, he makes a profit. But what did he 
create. Nothing. No Thing. So that profit is really No profit. If a man creates 
a way to make the sun into electricity, very inexpensively, and does not 
pollute in making that thing, then that is good profit. We should smile upon 
that profit. Let that man invest all of his profit in new ideas. You  see, the 
thing is, men who really create new things, that really help all mankind, that 
is their profit. they have these huge waves of ideas, huge waves of creative 
intelligence surging in them. They are fulfilled by seeing these ideas turned 
into things of the world. The profit is not their fruit. Their profit is seeing 
something come from nothing. From a sprk inside, and then it manifests into 
something real. This is the process of creation. Such real profiteers are like 
gods, creating new things for humanity. The profit is only a tool for them. A 
tool to create more. And since they have a good track record, they created 
something god, they received high profits, then its wise that these bright 
souls have more tools to create more.

However, when  a man create loss with profit, when he creates suffering with hi 
profit, there is no profit. Loss cancels profit. Such men should not have tools 
to carry on and create more suffering. 

So yes, your quetion is very beautiful. There is good profit and bad profit. 
bad prfoti is really no profit at all. Its illusory. Its false profit. False 
prophets create false profits. True profit is form creating things that help 
all people. Or at least they do not hurt people.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Utopian voice in MUM

2009-05-05 Thread Vaj

On May 5, 2009, at 11:33 AM, dhamiltony2k5 wrote:

Does he still have movement credentials?  Does seems if they could  
just use the two, three or four hundred good studies then they'd  
still be able to credibly crow.  Seems to be they're getting killed  
out in the public domain over parts of what had been their  
research.  However, evidently they're teaming more with real  
universities to publish now.  Probably a good strategy longterm.

Yes, they have used universities--with TB's  who are hidden behind  
the studies. I suspect what will happen next is they'll just get  
better at hiding the TB's behind them. That appears to be their new  



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Discovered: 200 trillion cubic feet of natural gas

2009-05-05 Thread Sal Sunshine

On May 5, 2009, at 10:50 AM, grate.swan wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, grate.swan  wrote:

So profit is good.  We never say profit is bad. The more profit,
the more progress. What we speak out against is profit that hurts
people. Then there is no real profit. You see the point?
Its beautiful.

So, some profitable projects are good and other profitable
projects are bad.

Of course. If a robber robs your house, he makes a profit. But what  
did he create. Nothing. No Thing. So that profit is really No  
profit. If a man creates a way to make the sun into electricity,  
very inexpensively, and does not pollute in making that thing, then  
that is good profit. We should smile upon that profit. Let that man  
invest all of his profit in new ideas. You  see, the thing is, men  
who really create new things, that really help all mankind, that is  
their profit. they have these huge waves of ideas, huge waves of  
creative intelligence surging in them. They are fulfilled by seeing  
these ideas turned into things of the world. The profit is not their  
fruit. Their profit is seeing something come from nothing. From a  
sprk inside, and then it manifests into something real. This is the  
process of creation. Such real profiteers are like gods, creating  
new things for humanity. The profit is only a tool for them. A tool  
to create more. And since they have a good track record, they  
created something god, they received high profits, then its wise  
that these bright souls have more tools to create more.

However, when  a man create loss with profit, when he creates  
suffering with hi profit, there is no profit. Loss cancels profit.  
Such men should not have tools to carry on and create more suffering.

So yes, your quetion is very beautiful. There is good profit and bad  
profit. bad prfoti is really no profit at all. Its illusory. Its  
false profit. False prophets create false profits. True profit is  
form creating things that help all people. Or at least they do not  
hurt people.

grate, just out of curiosity, you wouldn't
happen to be new.morning in disguise,
would you?  Your writing styles and wit
seem similar.

And great rants, BTW.


[FairfieldLife] Re: MIT launches new Dalai Lama Center for Ethics and Transformative Values

2009-05-05 Thread shempmcgurk
I've never been a big fan of the DL -- nor of Bush -- but I admire him for 
actually saying something that is so obviously politically incorrect.

I wonder how much of his comments below about war and fighting terrorism harken 
back to his own experience with the Chinese Communists. After all, the DL at 
one point attempted to cozy up to Mao in the early days and hoped that 
appeasement, thinking-only-the-best-of-someone, and a 
non-violence-above-all-else approach would help his people. But, of course, the 
opposite happened and his people, culture, and religion were devastated.

Perhaps he realizes that carrying a big stick has its advantages in the world 
when confronting evil and bullies.  After all, his kumbayah approach not only 
didn't work but got a million or so of his fellow Tibetans killed.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> From a post on the Google Group soc.culture.iraq:
> [The Dalai Lama] came out and told people he and Bush
> instantly hit it off and he loved the warmonger.  He 
> said he would withhold judgment on the attack of 
> Iraq.  He also said he supported Bush's ``war on 
> terror'' because, according to him, some humans are 
> just inherently evil, referring to the Muslim 
> ``extremists'' Bush branded for the kill.
> http://groups.google.com/group/soc.culture.iraq/msg/f9c39c6c9d539681
> http://tinyurl.com/cag4ys
> A reader of the National Review Online's blog, The 
> Corner, paraphrases the Dalai Lama answering 
> questions after a recent speech in Cambridge, Mass.:
> Audience member: "Can you give us an example of a 
> leader we should look up to as a positive 
> influence?"
> Dalai Lama (after thinking for a few seconds): 
> "President Bush. I met him personally and liked him 
> very much. He was honest and straightforward, and 
> that is very important. I may not have agreed with 
> all his policies, but I thought he was very honest 
> and a very good leader."
> http://corner.nationalreview.com/post/?q=NDM5YWFiOTA4YzkyOTViODk5NDIzMDg0MTU5YTIyMzE=
> http://tinyurl.com/d26954
> From The Times of India:
> The Dalai Lama, a lifelong champion of non-violence 
> on Saturday candidly stated that terrorism cannot be 
> tackled by applying the principle of ahimsa because 
> the minds of terrorists are closed.
> "It is difficult to deal with terrorism through
> non-violence," the Tibetan spiritual leader said 
> delivering the Madhavrao Scindia Memorial Lecture 
> here [in New Delhi].
> http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/India/Non-violence_cant_tackle_terror_Dalai_/articleshow/3995810.cms
> http://tinyurl.com/9sydqr
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> >
> > At MIT, Dalai Lama offers ethics, humor (Corrected)
> > 
> > Posted by James F. Smith April 30, 2009 06:44 PM
> > 
> > At MIT today, the Dalai Lama spoke at an inaugural event for a new  
> > institute in his name, the Dalai Lama Center for Ethics and  
> > Transformative Values. He tempered his provocative ideas about  
> > promoting ethics in a secular society with a stream of lively banter.
> > 
> > In the nearly full Kresge Auditorium, he kidded a Catholic monk in  
> > the front row about his less than perfectly shaved head, unlike the  
> > Buddhist monks in the hall. Sitting cross-legged on a sofa, he  
> > recalled that he had visited a homeless shelter in San Francisco the  
> > other day and told a man he met that he, too, had suffered the same  
> > fate after he went into exile in 1959. "I said, 'me too. Homeless'."
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > His talk centered on how to achieve genuine compassion -- not the  
> > kind that people easily muster for friends who share their views, but  
> > compassion for those they don't agree with.
> > 
> > The Dalai Lama also said the ethics center should search for ways to  
> > help secular people build ethical values, arguing that most of the  
> > world's six billion people are non-believers who won't get their  
> > ethics through their religious values.
> > 
> > He asked the Catholic monk whether secularism means rejection of  
> > religion, to which the monk replied, "that depends on your experience  
> > of secularism."
> > 
> > "Very wise answer," the Dalai Lama told him to laughter. "We need to  
> > promote secular ethics through education."
> > 
> > The address took place in the same hall where the Dalai Lama held a  
> > remarkable five-hour debate in 2003 with several prominent scientists  
> > about Buddhism and the science of the mind. That public conference,  
> > "Investigating the Mind," allowed scientists and the Dalai Lama to  
> > reflect on meditation and mental focus.
> > 
> > He said yesterday that scientists may be non-believers but they treat  
> > issues with honesty, the key to ethical behavior. "This honesty,  
> > truthfulness and calmness lead to compassion," he said. "It also  
> > brings a calm mind."
> > 
> > And then he stopped

[FairfieldLife] Re: Utopian voice in MUM

2009-05-05 Thread dhamiltony2k5
Dear Grate.swan,

This is good.  I'm glad you wrote this here.  People evidently do have their 
own experience with it around any of what is said.  Any of this is easy to 
dismiss or miss if you have no experience with it.  And yet, absolutely if 2 
out of 3, or even 1 out of 3 of the TM studies are good then proly likely that 
what is going on here is quite extraordinary and possibly significant.  & 
self-validation is some of the experience of folks here too and evidently it 
can stand way more than some of the absolutism of the TM-hating as they may say 

Jai Guru Dev,

-Doug in FF

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, grate.swan  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter  wrote:
> >
> > 
> > The physiological/neurological research on TM has always been interesting 
> > and legit because its just a straight measure of brain wave activity. The 
> > problem has come in when there is an attempt to correlate these measure 
> > with complex psychological traits. The worst is when you see a degree of 
> > hemispheric coherence at some frequency and someone claims that this 
> > "means" that TM allows you to use more of your brain and therefore you are 
> > "better" at something than someone who doesn't have this coherence. The 
> > politics of consciousness enter when the non-scientists or the either 
> > deceptive/naive scientists make very self-serving statements regarding the 
> > research. This was non-physiological, but it is like the latest research 
> > that, according to the TMO, shows that TM reduces the symptoms of ADHD. 
> > Even the TM "scientist" David Orme-Johnson claimed this and it is just 
> > patently false. The design of the study does not allow you to conclude this 
> > at all, primarily
> >  because there was no control group and each subject functioned as there 
> > own control. If you know anything about research design, such a study 
> > essentially tells you nothing other than a bunch of students over x amount 
> > of time had a lessening of their ADHD symptoms. Why this lessening 
> > occurred, which is the most important question, can not be concluded 
> > because no variables have been controlled. I would love to ask David, why 
> > he believes you can conclude that TM is the one variable that "caused" 
> > these results when not a single variable has been controlled.   
> > 
> >
> Your points are well taken. And I cringe at sloppy research cast as something 
> else. 
> However, epistimologically, in day to day life, most of us live in pretty 
> muddy and murky waters. We all do self-control, single subject experiments 
> all the time. And we actually believe some of them. You eat a food, take a 
> drug, do a meditation method, read a book and make (tentative) conclusions 
> about the value to you -- and possibly others. It may be only a bit better 
> than 50:50 (if its a yes/no type question) odds but 55:45 is better than 
> random. We tend to muddle through this way. Did you start TM or any other 
> methods because of the scientific research? Perhaps. But the real deal was 
> trying it for yourself. If you felt better, you continued, if worse didn't. 
> Better or worse than what? your single subject self-controlled "past 
> experience". 
> I suppose even ad hoc, informal experiments, with more than a single subject, 
> even if self-controlled can tell you something. Like a focus group used 
> widely in marketing -- it's not statistically valid, but you get a feel if 
> the thing, idea, concept, has any juice to it. 
> I would rather see a self-controlled experiment over no experiment. As a 
> preliminary / experimental basis, it may provide enough juice to warrant or 
> inspire more rigorous research.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: End of Ameica ---------- was/// Repugs Defend Off Shore Tax Havens

2009-05-05 Thread Bhairitu
Richard J. Williams wrote:
> This doesn't even make any sense. Why would the
> U.S. want companies to pull out of other countries? 
> We WANT the U.S. to invest in other countries, not 
> back out of current economic agreements.
You're really a dumbass if you think US corporations are big altruistic 
concerns that are investing to improve life in other countries.  No, 
they're there to exploit cheap labor.  While they do that they destroy 
the middle class in this country.  I say destroy the mega corporations 
instead.   Break them up into a thousand pieces.  I hope that this step 
by Obama is the first one towards this goal.  When corporations merge 
jobs go away.   Reverse the process and jobs appear.

[FairfieldLife] New advaita talks live

2009-05-05 Thread Rick Archer
Website with advaita talks almost continuously with many different teachers



1) streaming schedule for the coming days

2) watch streaming video

3) two month schedule

or simply go to http://www.mogulus.com/nevernothere

To see what is currently playing (either live or archive of something

[FairfieldLife] Raw Story Down

2009-05-05 Thread Bhairitu
For those looking for their hourly fix of news on Raw Story it is down.  
According to the Brad Blog the site was moved to a new server and the IP 
address has not propagated yet.  This could take 24 hours or more.   
However I've had my server moved and it didn't take that long.  It used 
to years ago.

[FairfieldLife] Re: MIT launches new Dalai Lama Center for Ethics and Transformative Values

2009-05-05 Thread cardemaister
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11  wrote:
> i am appalled that the dolly lama calls for a bullet that will >target 
> decision makers, that killing those with closed minds is an >acceptable 
> course, and that bush was a great leader. sounds like a >brainless dickhead 
> to me.

Did Maharishi ever criticize Der Führer?

[FairfieldLife] Letterman does a Hilarious Take Down of Dick Cheney

2009-05-05 Thread do.rflex

Since leaving office, Dick Cheney has been on a whirlwind media tour of 
Obama-hate. He told CNN's John King that President Obama has raised the risk of 
attack on America, he called the new president's economic policies 
"devastating," and he said Obama's trips abroad were "disturbing."

Well, David Letterman thought it was time to remind our former VP of his time 
in office with a segment called "Dick Cheney: How'd He Do?" It doesn't turn out 
well for Dick. 

Watch here: 

[FairfieldLife] Re: End of Ameica ---------- was/// Repugs Defend Off Shore Tax Havens

2009-05-05 Thread Richard J. Williams
> > This doesn't even make any sense. Why would the
> > U.S. want companies to pull out of other countries? 
> > We WANT the U.S. to invest in other countries, not 
> > back out of current economic agreements.
> >
Bhairitu wrote:
> You're really a dumbass if you think US corporations 
> are big altruistic concerns that are investing to 
> improve life in other countries.  No, they're there 
> to exploit cheap labor.
Don't people that live in other countries deserve
the right to work and make some money too? They are
the perfect candidates for cheap manual labor. In
the U.S., we will see more jobs in high technology,
service industries, and tourism. The U.S. can no
longer compete for cheap labor - the average union
wages are way to high for viable manufacturing.

> While they do that they destroy the middle class 
> in this country. I say destroy the mega corporations
> instead. 
Destroy the world's economy? That doesn't even make 
any sense at all. What's got into you, anyway? How
are you going to "destroy" foreign mega corporations?

> Break them up into a thousand pieces. I hope that 
> this step by Obama is the first one towards this 
> goal.  
Well, I don't think this is Nobama's goal, but you
could be right. If so, I'm voting for Ron Paul in 
the next election. I want to see economic prosperity, 
not a deeper recession world-wide. If Nobama's wants 
to destroy the economy, I'm not going to vote for 

> When corporations merge jobs go away. Reverse the 
> process and jobs appear.
So, you're not in favor of globalization or the right
to work? I never figured you for a union man. 

[FairfieldLife] Get out the vote! (Re: Sexy Time)

2009-05-05 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung  wrote:
> I'm ashamed to admit it, but unless a flood of folks post 
> about my being over the top and completely whacked about 
> "predation," I'm going with the "silent majority" concept, 
> i.e., the silence means I'm being supported.  

You ignore the possibility that most people
have already put you in the same class as
Willytex, Jim, and Judy, and thus not worthy
of reading, much less replying to. Just sayin'...

[FairfieldLife] Re: Letterman does a Hilarious Take Down of Dick Cheney

2009-05-05 Thread Richard J. Williams
do.rflex wrote:
> Well, David Letterman thought it was time to remind 
> our former VP of his time in office with a segment 
> called "Dick Cheney: How'd He Do?" It doesn't turn 
> out well for Dick... 
Well, what would you expect from such a renowned 
political science scholar such as David Letterman?

Dave forgot that the U.S. won the war in Iraq and
that now our troops are going to Afghanistan to
fight in Nobama's war. Dave forgot that the U.S. 
hasn't suffered another attack since 9-11. Dave
forgot that Nobama signed into law the largest
bail-out in U.S. history.

Nobama has not made the U.S. safer, instead Nobama 
has raised the risk of attack. Nobama's economic 
policies are devastating the country. And Nobama's 
trips abroad are very disturbing, to say the least. 

But, is this 'takedown' by Dave anything like the 
recent takedown of Harry Truman, the Democrat, by 
that other esteemed historian, Jon Stewart? It didn't 
turn out well for Jon. LOL!

How Jon Stewart took down the war criminal Democrat 
Harry Truman:

'Jon Stewart opines on Harry Truman and the A-bomb'
TigerHawk, April 29, 2009 

[FairfieldLife] Get out the vote! (Re: Sexy Time)

2009-05-05 Thread Richard J. Williams
> > I'm ashamed to admit it, but unless a flood 
> > of folks post about my being over the top and 
> > completely whacked about "predation," I'm going 
> > with the "silent majority" concept, i.e., the 
> > silence means I'm being supported.  
> >
TurquoiseB wrote:
> You ignore the possibility that most people
> have already put you in the same class as
> Willytex, Jim, and Judy, and thus not worthy
> of reading, much less replying to. Just sayin'...
According to Judy, silence indicates agreement.

From: Judy Stein
Subject: Re: MMY - Tyrant Crackpot!
Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
Date: Nov 11, 2005 11:18:10

Where I come from silence signals agreement.

[FairfieldLife] Get out the vote! (Re: Sexy Time)

2009-05-05 Thread Duveyoung
TurquoiseB wrote: 
> You ignore the possibility that most people
> have already put you in the same class as
> Willytex, Jim, and Judy, and thus not worthy
> of reading, much less replying to. Just sayin'...

Well, if folks have indeed put me into such a class, then they have an onus to 
notify me of that.  Why?  Because, I'm here, and I'm listening, and I'm 
approachable, and if I'm wrong, and they know it, and yet they do not point it 
out to me, then, hey, they're allowing me to be laughable in the future when a 
word or two might correct my thinking. Seems to me they'd want me to stop being 
a FFL irritant.

Let me handle your next argument: "They don't have to post anything about Edg 
being laughable, because Turq has already completely laid out the case against 
Edg's concepts such that their additional voicings would be merely redundant."

The issue is predation, Turq, not "let's imagine up what the non-posters are 
thinking about Edg."

Of course, as a narcissist, let me remind everyone, that, in my eyes, any 
attention on me is like receiving the benefits of a yagya or at least a mitzva. 
 Hee heeeven narcissism has its upsides.  

Are you talking to me?  Are you talking to me?  You are?  Alrght!

No such thing as bad press.  Maybe I'll go really over the top on Turq's ass 
and get even more Sals to pipe up.  I'll bask in itsomeone hand me the 
tanning lotion.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: End of Ameica ---------- was/// Repugs Defend Off Shore Tax Havens

2009-05-05 Thread Bhairitu
Richard J. Williams wrote:
>>> This doesn't even make any sense. Why would the
>>> U.S. want companies to pull out of other countries? 
>>> We WANT the U.S. to invest in other countries, not 
>>> back out of current economic agreements.
> Bhairitu wrote:
>> You're really a dumbass if you think US corporations 
>> are big altruistic concerns that are investing to 
>> improve life in other countries.  No, they're there 
>> to exploit cheap labor.
> Don't people that live in other countries deserve
> the right to work and make some money too? They are
> the perfect candidates for cheap manual labor. In
> the U.S., we will see more jobs in high technology,
> service industries, and tourism. The U.S. can no
> longer compete for cheap labor - the average union
> wages are way to high for viable manufacturing.
Certainly people in other countries have a right to make money too but 
not at the expense of American jobs.  They can create businesses and 
jobs for their own cultures and economies.  And why haven't they?  
Because their countries were and are run by criminals.  They need some 
balls and overthrow them.   Now tell me why we'll see more jobs in high 
technology when there is no one to buy those products?
>> While they do that they destroy the middle class 
>> in this country. I say destroy the mega corporations
>> instead. 
> Destroy the world's economy? That doesn't even make 
> any sense at all. What's got into you, anyway? How
> are you going to "destroy" foreign mega corporations?
Mega corporations are often US run corporations, Willy.  Why do you suck 
up to the "status quo."  Are you a fool?
>> Break them up into a thousand pieces. I hope that 
>> this step by Obama is the first one towards this 
>> goal.  
> Well, I don't think this is Nobama's goal, but you
> could be right. If so, I'm voting for Ron Paul in 
> the next election. I want to see economic prosperity, 
> not a deeper recession world-wide. If Nobama's wants 
> to destroy the economy, I'm not going to vote for 
> him.
Go ahead and throw away your vote.
>> When corporations merge jobs go away. Reverse the 
>> process and jobs appear.
> So, you're not in favor of globalization or the right
> to work? I never figured you for a union man.
Prey tell what do unions and globalization have in common?  You're not 
making any sense, Willy.

[FairfieldLife] Fwd: DOME ANNOUNCEMENTS--George Harrison Video Tonight

2009-05-05 Thread Dick Mays
Date: Tue, 05 May 2009 10:59:27 -0500
From: Dome Announcements 

George Harrison's Last Interview Tonight in Dalby Hall, Argiro Center

Tuesday, May 5th
7:30 pm - Dalby Hall
Come and watch George Harrison's last interview with Ravi Shankar, 
broadcast on VH1 on July 24th, 1997. This last interview with the 
legendary singer and songwriter gives a beautiful look into the 
former Beatles' view of music, life and love, and chronicles some of 
his stories about Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and his experiences in 

It is very moving.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Repugs Defend Off Shore Tax Havens Against Obama Crackdown

2009-05-05 Thread shempmcgurk
The latest on this issue is that Obama is receiving the most opposition on this 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "do.rflex"  wrote:
> ~~~   Big Corporations Skip Out on Taxes   ~~~
> --Morgan Stanley, for instance, boasts 273 subsidiaries 
> in tax havens, with 158 in the Cayman Islands alone. 
> Citigroup's got 427, with 90 in the Cayman Islands, and 
> 59 of Bank of America's tax-haven subsidiaries are there 
> as well...
> But the amount Obama's plan would reportedly save is a 
> far cry from the estimated $1 trillion the United 
> States loses to offshore tax havens over a ten-year 
> period.---
> President Obama and Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner announced on Monday a 
> crackdown on offshore tax havens that could produce $210 billion in new tax 
> revenue over the next decade.
> The White House will face opposition to the proposal from the business 
> community and Congress. Before the announcement, a Republican leadership 
> staffer circulated an email citing a Bloomberg report saying the proposal 
> "would be the biggest tax increase on U.S. corporations since 1986." And 
> Senate GOP leader Mitch McConnell (Ken.) said later on Monday that he could 
> not endorse Obama's plan since it "gives preferential treatment to foreign 
> companies at the expense of U.S.-based companies."
> But the amount Obama's plan would reportedly save is a far cry from the 
> estimated $1 trillion the United States loses to offshore tax havens over a 
> ten-year period.
> A 2008 Senate report (PDF) estimated that "the United States loses an 
> estimated $100 billion in tax revenues due to offshore tax abuses" every year.
> In January, the Government Accountability Office issued a report (PDF) that 
> found that 83 of the 100 largest publicly traded U.S. corporations reported 
> subsidiaries in countries listed as tax havens or "financial privacy 
> jurisdictions."
> Many of those corporations are beneficiaries of billions in taxpayer dollars 
> under the Troubled Asset Relief Program. Morgan Stanley, for instance, boasts 
> 273 subsidiaries in tax havens, with 158 in the Cayman Islands alone. 
> Citigroup's got 427, with 90 in the Cayman Islands, and 59 of Bank of 
> America's tax-haven subsidiaries are there as well.
> The GAO found 18,857 businesses are registered at just one address in the 
> Cayman Islands -- the "Ugland House." The report said that "Ugland House 
> registered entities included investment funds, structured-finance vehicles, 
> and entities associated with other corporate activities."
> The Treasury Department pooh-poohed the GAO's list of countries because there 
> is no agreed-upon definition of a tax haven. "Even though coming up with a 
> list of countries has significant appeal, any list of countries is likely to 
> be under-inclusive as well as over-inclusive," the Treasury wrote. "Moreover, 
> because any such list is likely to be regarded as a blacklist and may be used 
> as the basis for the imposition of sanctions or other negative measures, such 
> a list may inappropriately negatively affect our economic and other relations 
> with listed countries."
> On tax day, April 15, the U.S. Public Interest Research Group issued a report 
> with a state-by-state breakdown of the cost to taxpayers of corporate tax 
> evasion in offshore havens.
> http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/05/04/republicans-defend-tax-ha_n_195617.html

[FairfieldLife] Re: End of Ameica ---------- was/// Repugs Defend Off Shore Tax Havens

2009-05-05 Thread Duveyoung

Personally, I would love it if you would fill us in about how your ideal world 
would look.

What kind of political structure can prevent the abuses of globalization?

Seeing Obama struggle, it's not easy to keep from screaming at him: "You've got 
the fucking car, put the peddle to the metal."  I wonder if you, Bhairitu, were 
president, would you take more risks than Obama is chancing right now?  I mean, 
they killed Jack and Bobby and Martin, ya know?

I think Obama's done tons already that took some serious courage, but I feel 
like I'm in denial and cutting him a break -- say, about 30% of the time --  
when he's not pushing certain agendas very hard.  You?


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> Richard J. Williams wrote:
> >>> This doesn't even make any sense. Why would the
> >>> U.S. want companies to pull out of other countries? 
> >>> We WANT the U.S. to invest in other countries, not 
> >>> back out of current economic agreements.
> >>>
> >>>   
> > Bhairitu wrote:
> >   
> >> You're really a dumbass if you think US corporations 
> >> are big altruistic concerns that are investing to 
> >> improve life in other countries.  No, they're there 
> >> to exploit cheap labor.
> >>
> >> 
> > Don't people that live in other countries deserve
> > the right to work and make some money too? They are
> > the perfect candidates for cheap manual labor. In
> > the U.S., we will see more jobs in high technology,
> > service industries, and tourism. The U.S. can no
> > longer compete for cheap labor - the average union
> > wages are way to high for viable manufacturing.
> >   
> Certainly people in other countries have a right to make money too but 
> not at the expense of American jobs.  They can create businesses and 
> jobs for their own cultures and economies.  And why haven't they?  
> Because their countries were and are run by criminals.  They need some 
> balls and overthrow them.   Now tell me why we'll see more jobs in high 
> technology when there is no one to buy those products?
> >   
> >> While they do that they destroy the middle class 
> >> in this country. I say destroy the mega corporations
> >> instead. 
> >>
> >> 
> > Destroy the world's economy? That doesn't even make 
> > any sense at all. What's got into you, anyway? How
> > are you going to "destroy" foreign mega corporations?
> >
> >   
> Mega corporations are often US run corporations, Willy.  Why do you suck 
> up to the "status quo."  Are you a fool?
> >> Break them up into a thousand pieces. I hope that 
> >> this step by Obama is the first one towards this 
> >> goal.  
> >>
> >> 
> > Well, I don't think this is Nobama's goal, but you
> > could be right. If so, I'm voting for Ron Paul in 
> > the next election. I want to see economic prosperity, 
> > not a deeper recession world-wide. If Nobama's wants 
> > to destroy the economy, I'm not going to vote for 
> > him.
> >   
> Go ahead and throw away your vote.
> >   
> >> When corporations merge jobs go away. Reverse the 
> >> process and jobs appear.
> >>
> >> 
> > So, you're not in favor of globalization or the right
> > to work? I never figured you for a union man.
> Prey tell what do unions and globalization have in common?  You're not 
> making any sense, Willy.

[FairfieldLife] Get out the vote! (Re: Sexy Time)

2009-05-05 Thread enlightened_dawn11
ha-ha- laugh of the day-- get this, Turq says that Edg isn't worth reading, 
while devoting HIS 7TH POST OF THE DAY to him! the irony is priceless.

ignore Turq, Edg, there are plenty of us supporting you. 

As authfriend said, Turq takes this place far more SERIOUSLY than the rest of 
us do (so it is impossible for him to admit that he is the entertainment clown 
on here, not all of those he points his wizened, shaky finger at).

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung  wrote:
> >
> > I'm ashamed to admit it, but unless a flood of folks post 
> > about my being over the top and completely whacked about 
> > "predation," I'm going with the "silent majority" concept, 
> > i.e., the silence means I'm being supported.  
> You ignore the possibility that most people
> have already put you in the same class as
> Willytex, Jim, and Judy, and thus not worthy
> of reading, much less replying to. Just sayin'...

[FairfieldLife] Re: MIT launches new Dalai Lama Center for Ethics and Transformative Values

2009-05-05 Thread enlightened_dawn11
yes. he killed two birds with one stone by referring to Bush as "a Hitler". 
completely the opposite of Bush's friend, the dolly lama.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11  wrote:
> >
> > i am appalled that the dolly lama calls for a bullet that will >target 
> > decision makers, that killing those with closed minds is an >acceptable 
> > course, and that bush was a great leader. sounds like a >brainless dickhead 
> > to me.
> Did Maharishi ever criticize Der Führer?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Repugs Defend Off Shore Tax Havens Against Obama Crackdown

2009-05-05 Thread Duveyoung
I'm not a very deep thinker when it comes to the tax issues.  I'm more like: 
"hey, tax the hell out of the financial industry's trillions of dollars 
exchanging hands daily, and pay for the entire US Budget, and save all of us 
the trouble and expense of filling out individual tax forms." 

The idea is so simple, the tax amounts so huge and so automatically tabulated 
and collected in real time, that I feel like I must be missing something and 
being incredibly naive to espouse the concept -- it must be flawed simply 
because, if it were a solid concept, then it would have been tried by now.  So 
many giant brains in the world of finance, surely they've thought it all out, 
and I'm ridiculous to even suggest it, but my Pooh brain keeps asking why 
something so simple cannot be true.

Or, the world is filled with predators.  

H, I wonder how my jury will come back on this issue?


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "do.rflex"  wrote:
> ~~~   Big Corporations Skip Out on Taxes   ~~~
> --Morgan Stanley, for instance, boasts 273 subsidiaries 
> in tax havens, with 158 in the Cayman Islands alone. 
> Citigroup's got 427, with 90 in the Cayman Islands, and 
> 59 of Bank of America's tax-haven subsidiaries are there 
> as well...
> But the amount Obama's plan would reportedly save is a 
> far cry from the estimated $1 trillion the United 
> States loses to offshore tax havens over a ten-year 
> period.---
> President Obama and Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner announced on Monday a 
> crackdown on offshore tax havens that could produce $210 billion in new tax 
> revenue over the next decade.
> The White House will face opposition to the proposal from the business 
> community and Congress. Before the announcement, a Republican leadership 
> staffer circulated an email citing a Bloomberg report saying the proposal 
> "would be the biggest tax increase on U.S. corporations since 1986." And 
> Senate GOP leader Mitch McConnell (Ken.) said later on Monday that he could 
> not endorse Obama's plan since it "gives preferential treatment to foreign 
> companies at the expense of U.S.-based companies."
> But the amount Obama's plan would reportedly save is a far cry from the 
> estimated $1 trillion the United States loses to offshore tax havens over a 
> ten-year period.
> A 2008 Senate report (PDF) estimated that "the United States loses an 
> estimated $100 billion in tax revenues due to offshore tax abuses" every year.
> In January, the Government Accountability Office issued a report (PDF) that 
> found that 83 of the 100 largest publicly traded U.S. corporations reported 
> subsidiaries in countries listed as tax havens or "financial privacy 
> jurisdictions."
> Many of those corporations are beneficiaries of billions in taxpayer dollars 
> under the Troubled Asset Relief Program. Morgan Stanley, for instance, boasts 
> 273 subsidiaries in tax havens, with 158 in the Cayman Islands alone. 
> Citigroup's got 427, with 90 in the Cayman Islands, and 59 of Bank of 
> America's tax-haven subsidiaries are there as well.
> The GAO found 18,857 businesses are registered at just one address in the 
> Cayman Islands -- the "Ugland House." The report said that "Ugland House 
> registered entities included investment funds, structured-finance vehicles, 
> and entities associated with other corporate activities."
> The Treasury Department pooh-poohed the GAO's list of countries because there 
> is no agreed-upon definition of a tax haven. "Even though coming up with a 
> list of countries has significant appeal, any list of countries is likely to 
> be under-inclusive as well as over-inclusive," the Treasury wrote. "Moreover, 
> because any such list is likely to be regarded as a blacklist and may be used 
> as the basis for the imposition of sanctions or other negative measures, such 
> a list may inappropriately negatively affect our economic and other relations 
> with listed countries."
> On tax day, April 15, the U.S. Public Interest Research Group issued a report 
> with a state-by-state breakdown of the cost to taxpayers of corporate tax 
> evasion in offshore havens.
> http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/05/04/republicans-defend-tax-ha_n_195617.html

[FairfieldLife] Get out the vote! (Re: Sexy Time)

2009-05-05 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung  wrote:

> I'm ashamed to admit it, but unless a flood of folks post about my being over 
> the top and completely whacked about "predation," I'm going with the "silent 
> majority" concept, i.e., the silence means I'm being supported.  As if, but, 
> hey, better I claim the silent majority vote before this bastard tries to 
> characterize it as a deafening roar of giggles at Edg's expense.  


In my view, you've consistently displayed a clear history of mental instability 
on this forum ever since I've been here. Is that the kind of comment you're 
looking for?

[FairfieldLife] Get out the vote! (Re: Sexy Time)

2009-05-05 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11  wrote:
> ha-ha- laugh of the day-- get this, Turq says that Edg isn't worth reading, 
> while devoting HIS 7TH POST OF THE DAY to him! the irony is priceless.
> ignore Turq, Edg, there are plenty of us supporting you. 
> As authfriend said, Turq takes this place far more SERIOUSLY than the rest of 
> us do (so it is impossible for him to admit that he is the entertainment 
> clown on here, not all of those he points his wizened, shaky finger at).

HaHa, so true !  :-)

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung  wrote:
> > >
> > > I'm ashamed to admit it, but unless a flood of folks post 
> > > about my being over the top and completely whacked about 
> > > "predation," I'm going with the "silent majority" concept, 
> > > i.e., the silence means I'm being supported.  
> > 
> > You ignore the possibility that most people
> > have already put you in the same class as
> > Willytex, Jim, and Judy, and thus not worthy
> > of reading, much less replying to. Just sayin'...
> >

Re: [FairfieldLife] Get out the vote! (Re: Sexy Time)

2009-05-05 Thread Sal Sunshine

On May 5, 2009, at 2:19 PM, do.rflex wrote:

I'm ashamed to admit it, but unless a flood of folks post about my  
being over the top and completely whacked about "predation," I'm  
going with the "silent majority" concept, i.e., the silence means  
I'm being supported.  As if, but, hey, better I claim the silent  
majority vote before this bastard tries to characterize it as a  
deafening roar of giggles at Edg's expense.


In my view, you've consistently displayed a clear history of mental  
instability on this forum ever since I've been here. Is that the  
kind of comment you're looking for?

Well put, flex and satvadude.
But I gotta admit to thoroughly enjoying
these periodic meltdowns of Edg's.  Am
I the only sicko here who does?  :)
C'mon, admit it...so do  you.

(Pete would probably call this classic
projection, and I'm not going to argue!)


[FairfieldLife] Get out the vote! (Re: Sexy Time)

2009-05-05 Thread satvadude108
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine  wrote:
> On May 5, 2009, at 2:19 PM, do.rflex wrote:
> >>> I'm ashamed to admit it, but unless a flood of folks post about my  
> >>> being over the top and completely whacked about "predation," I'm  
> >>> going with the "silent majority" concept, i.e., the silence means  
> >>> I'm being supported.  As if, but, hey, better I claim the silent  
> >>> majority vote before this bastard tries to characterize it as a  
> >>> deafening roar of giggles at Edg's expense.
> >>
> >> ---
> >>
> >> In my view, you've consistently displayed a clear history of mental  
> >> instability on this forum ever since I've been here. Is that the  
> >> kind of comment you're looking for?
> Well put, flex and satvadude.
> But I gotta admit to thoroughly enjoying
> these periodic meltdowns of Edg's.  Am
> I the only sicko here who does?  :)

Do you stay home and watch NASCAR on
Saturdays Sal? 

I'm just sayin' :-)

> C'mon, admit it...so do  you.
> (Pete would probably call this classic
> projection, and I'm not going to argue!)
> Sal

[FairfieldLife] Get out the vote! (Re: Sexy Time)

2009-05-05 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine  wrote:
> On May 5, 2009, at 2:19 PM, do.rflex wrote:
> >>> I'm ashamed to admit it, but unless a flood of folks post about my  
> >>> being over the top and completely whacked about "predation," I'm  
> >>> going with the "silent majority" concept, i.e., the silence means  
> >>> I'm being supported.  As if, but, hey, better I claim the silent  
> >>> majority vote before this bastard tries to characterize it as a  
> >>> deafening roar of giggles at Edg's expense.
> >>
> >> ---
> >>
> >> In my view, you've consistently displayed a clear history of mental  
> >> instability on this forum ever since I've been here. Is that the  
> >> kind of comment you're looking for?
> Well put, flex and satvadude.


Turq is apparently quite successful at hitting the sensitive nerves of the few 
nasties on this list.

> But I gotta admit to thoroughly enjoying
> these periodic meltdowns of Edg's.  Am
> I the only sicko here who does?  :)
> C'mon, admit it...so do  you.
> (Pete would probably call this classic
> projection, and I'm not going to argue!)
> Sal

[FairfieldLife] Get out the vote! (Re: Sexy Time)

2009-05-05 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "do.rflex"  wrote:

> Turq is apparently quite successful at hitting the
> sensitive nerves of the few nasties on this list.


Like, you're not one of them? Like *Barry* isn't one
of them?

Give me a freaking break.

Barry sure did a good job of hitting *your* sensitive
nerves back when you were in suck-up-to-Judy mode.

Incidentally, I wouldn't want to pass judgment on
Edg's emotional health, and I think his "predator"
kick is kinda silly, but he's just *nailed* Barry's
transparent phoniness in several of his recent posts.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Are Runes, Astrology and Other Ancient Paths Connected?

2009-05-05 Thread beno beno
Of course I am willing to discuss my posts, but I am only online once a week, 
soon twice. 
Definitions follow...
consciousness: God, Primal Cause, Life, whatever you want to call That
Absolute: do not know the context in which this was used, but is it not clear 
and why?
evolution: a progression of change from one form to another over time

"If your words don't startle the crowd, you will fall into the streams of the 
commonplace."--Blue Cliff Record (Ch'an [Zen] Buddhist scripture)

--- On Thu, 4/30/09, Duveyoung  wrote:
From: Duveyoung 
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Are Runes, Astrology and Other Ancient Paths 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Thursday, April 30, 2009, 6:17 AM


Are you willing to discuss your posts?

If so, can you give us some definitions of: consciousness, Absolute, God, and 


--- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, beno beno  wrote:


> I have discovered, over the course of 24 years, a new system of

> metaphysics that combines and sythesizes all of the following into one

> great whole, like pieces of a great jigsaw puzzle: astrology, tarot, I

> Ching, runes, the Tolkin (Mayan calendar),

> the Enneagram, Wm. B. Yeates' "A Vision", "Messages From Michael" on

> soul age, and even blood type analysis, DNA, amino acids and proteins.

> This is the Rosetta Stone

> of ancient mysteries. I even calculate all my own values and show how

> they match with currently accepted values. Please, take a look:

> http://logos. 13gems.com/

> Note: This is NOT nor ever will be a commercial site.

> beno

> PS Only online once a week.


> "If your words don't startle the crowd, you will fall into the streams of the 
> commonplace. "--Blue Cliff Record (Ch'an [Zen] Buddhist scripture)






[FairfieldLife] Five Minutes Of Heaven

2009-05-05 Thread TurquoiseB
Tonight I saw one of the best films I've seen
in years. You might have to search for this one
to find it, because it's probably not going to
show up in your local multiplex, but if you can
find it, you're in for a moving experience.

"Five Minutes Of Heaven" won the Directing award
for Oliver Hirschbiegel and the World Cinema 
Screenwriting Award for Guy Hibbert at the most
recent Sundance Film Festival, and was nominated
for the Grand Jury Prize. That and the fact that
Liam Neeson is in it were the reasons I decided
to watch it. I didn't even know what it was about.

It's about violence, and how violence shatters 
lives, and about how the shattering does not stop
when the violence stops. Set in Northern Ireland,
it is nothing more, nor less, than the meeting,
25 years later, between the man (Neeson) who in
his youth murdered a Catholic for nothing more 
than being a Catholic, and the murdered man's 
brother (portrayed so powerfully as to bring 
the audience I saw it with to tears more than
once by James Nesbitt). As a child, he watched 
his brother murdered, and then was blamed by his
own mother for killing him because he did nothing
to stop it. He was nine. 

Both men are shattered, 25 years later. One is
seeking redemption and resolution by meeting the
brother of the man he killed, and the other is
seeking only revenge. I cannot spoil the film 
for anyone by saying more. All I can say is that
this film would bring the Dalai Lama to tears, 
or Yassar Arafat. It's that powerful, and that
well done. 

This is the film that young people whose culture
is pushing them into terrorism should be shown,
before it's too late for them. And this is the
film that those who feel no compassion for the
terrorists should be shown, before it's too late
for them, too.

[FairfieldLife] Astrology and the Tree of Life

2009-05-05 Thread beno beno
The Tree of Life, or Otz Chiim, is rich with associations between its
ten sephiroth. What if it were possible to correlate it with
astrology? Then astrologers could incorporate those correlations into
their charts, adding whole new levels of depth and meaning. I
demonstrate, easily and obviously, how the 10 sephiroth correspond
directly to the 12 inter-signal nodes. I match up their values
precisely as well, then I show how *both* astrology and the Otz Chiim
evolved directly out of what I call the Logos, which itself evolved
logically from nothing more than a single point of consciousness,
which also I prove. Coincidence? No way.
   Some insightful astrologer is going to latch on to this and discover
all sorts of insights that are staring you in the face, while the rest
move on to the next post. Will it be you? Why not take a look (chapter
PS Only online once a week.

"If your words don't startle the crowd, you will fall into the streams of the 
commonplace."--Blue Cliff Record (Ch'an [Zen] Buddhist scripture)


[FairfieldLife] Torture and Civilization

2009-05-05 Thread do.rflex

"There's a fight in is this country over civilization.

Some of us believe in science, analytical thought, personal freedoms, rule of 
law and a common morality that does not discriminate against those who are 
outside our group. We don't like violence, even if we believe that war is 
sometimes necessary.

Our opponents who don't believe in these things are basically barbarians. They 
hate science, love fundamentalist religion, disdain the rule of law and see no 
problem with changing standards of morality for those seen as 'others' -- 
whether it's torturing Muslims or denying marriage to gay couples. They 
actually like war, and don't like diplomacy. There are a lot of these people."

~ G. Powell   

Re: [FairfieldLife] Get out the vote! (Re: Sexy Time)

2009-05-05 Thread Sal Sunshine

On May 5, 2009, at 3:02 PM, satvadude108 wrote:

In my view, you've consistently displayed a clear history of  

instability on this forum ever since I've been here. Is that the
kind of comment you're looking for?

Well put, flex and satvadude.
But I gotta admit to thoroughly enjoying
these periodic meltdowns of Edg's.  Am
I the only sicko here who does?  :)

Do you stay home and watch NASCAR on
Saturdays Sal?

I'm just sayin' :-)

Who needs nascar when we got
our very own train wrecks?


[FairfieldLife] Re: Quantum gods don't deserve your faith (?)

2009-05-05 Thread ruthsimplicity
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:

Judy will still get the last word, but I am giving one more response to some of 
her comments before going back to ignoring her.

Judy said:

> I never intended for people to say to themselves,
> Oh, this must be a terrible book because of those
> reviews, merely to bear in mind that several
> thoughtful readers found it unimpressive. You
> weren't able to allow even that kind of tentative
> mental reservation about her work.

Lie.  I never said anything about anyone not being able to have tentative 
mental reservations about her work.  Of course they should.  But they should 
also have "tentative mental reservations" about her critics. Quit mindreading 
me.  It is past irritating. 

> Just a really shoddy performance.

I'm not performing.

> > Whatever.  As I said before,  the homework that
> > should be done is to read her book, maybe read
> > some background material depending on the book
> > and how it is sourced, and read what her peers
> > have to say.  Anonymous Amazon reviews fall into
> > the meaningless category when compared to the
> > real work that needs to be done. 
> The Amazon reviews should act as a *motivator* to
> do this kind of work, rather than unquestioningly
> accepting Vaj's wholehearted endorsement of Nanda.
> That was the whole point, you see.

Oh, now they are a motivator. Well then, a further motivator was my comment to 
take reviews with a grain of salt when you know nothing about the reviewer and 
haven't read the book.   

> It was a sarcastic observation about your hypocrisy
> in suggesting the reviewers might have "an axe to
> grind" and if so could have nothing of interest to
> say, when Nanda herself is furiously grinding her
> own mammoth brace of axes. The tone of her writings
> that I've read is anything but calm and objective,
> quite unlike that of the Amazon reviewers. She's a
> *polemicist*, for pete's sake.

Ah, this is your admission that your response was baiting?   Plus includes 
further baiting of me by calling me a hypocrite. Well Judy, I know that I am 
not a hypocrite. Commenting on the negative reviews does not make me a 
hypocrite.  When you didn't comment on the positive reviews that didn't make 
you a hypocrite either.   I suggested in our discussion how to approach Nanda.  
I believe that makes it clear that I am not a hypocrite as I approach Nanda 
consistent what I articulate.  You certainly have a personal opinion of Nanda, 
clear by your statement "furiously grinding her own mammoth brace of axes." So, 
I am starting to question your objectivity. 

Ruth said:  
> > I never said Nanda was completely objective and
> > never would.
Judy said: 
> You didn't say anything about her objectivity one
> way or the other, while making a big deal about
> the reviewers possibly not being objective.

No big deal, one little post.  You made the big deal by trolling me with your 
snide and baiting response, with your usual mindreading as to my objectives. 
> > The topics she discusses are not objective.  You
> > punched first my dear by misstating what I said.
> I did not state in that response that you said
> anything, and you know it. It was my sarcastic
> version of what you wanted readers to think.

Oh my.  I should start over my response to I can use rich-text and put this in 
bold.  First you claim that you didn't say I said anything and I know it.  But 
then you turn around and claim to know my intentions?  Wtf?  You sure have 
negative views of what people think or intend.  Instead of mindreading you 
might try to actually ask people whether they mean what you think they mean 
instead of assuming it. 
> > Judy:
> > > Perhaps you worded it poorly the first time 
> > > through. Either way it's a rather grossly 
> > > inaccurate description, and it was designed to 
> > > belittle, if not dismiss completely, his 
> > > critique.
> > 
> > Perhaps I did.  But I was not trying to belittle
> > him.
> I don't believe you, sorry. You misrepresented what
> the blogger wrote, and everyone here knows your
> disdain for phenomena like ESP.

 I fully acknowledge that I didn't say everything that was said, but my post 
was not intended to be a summary.  I was clear in saying that I could draw no 
conclusions. I do want to be clear that I certainly did not say anyone 
"believed in" ESP.  I commented on the dispute as to whether someone could find 
it rational to believe that ESP is a possibility. That isn't even a statement 
of my opinion on the issue.  In fact, I think that someone could rationally 
believe in ESP as a possibility. After all, it is not disproved.  This is a 
digression, but you are misrepresenting me again. 
> > Ruth:
> > > > but I can't evaluate them. To do so would be 
> > > > intellectually dishonest.
> > Judy: 
> > > I think it's intellectually dishonest to 
> > > claim you can't. You could start by reading the 
> > > article by Nanda that he's critiquing; 

[FairfieldLife] Re: MIT launches new Dalai Lama Center for Ethics and Transformative Values

2009-05-05 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11  wrote:
> >
> > i am appalled that the dolly lama calls for a bullet that will >target 
> > decision makers, that killing those with closed minds is an >acceptable 
> > course, and that bush was a great leader. sounds like a >brainless dickhead 
> > to me.
> Did Maharishi ever criticize Der Führer?

No, but He considered der buddist furhrer, the dolly lama a great fool. He 
considered "his holines" a politician only, a fellow amongst fellows, devoid of 
Enlightenment and devoid even of a discrimimative mind. 

With the dolly's lama love towards Bush&al this becomes increasingly obvious. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Quantum gods don't deserve your faith (?)

2009-05-05 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ruthsimplicity  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:

> > From my perspective, it's partly about Nanda and
> > partly about what I perceive to be a pretty
> > consistent tendency on your part to slip into
> > intellectual dishonesty whenever your perspective
> > is challenged and you feel called on to debate it.
> >
> But not about you, eh?  Not even a little teeny bit?
> Not even when you freely use name calling and insults,
> like calling me a hypocrite and dishonest when no one
> else here would? I will never ever take your word for
> it if you call someone a liar or a hypocrite now that
> you have called me both and I know that I am neither.

Of course, I've never suggested that anyone should take
my word for it. They can make up their own minds from
the evidence on the record.

I stand by my perceptions, your denials notwithstanding.
Those perceptions weren't formed just on the basis of
this one exchange.

To paraphrase one of your comments: Of course you 
present yourself as honest and not a hypocrite, who

The question is whether the record is consistent with
such a presentation.

Finally, others here (one in particular) repeatedly
characterize folks as negatively as they please,
including insults and name-calling and mind-reading,
while claiming it's "just my opinion," and very few
seem to think there's anything wrong with it even when
it obviously *conflicts* with the record.

So I'm afraid I'm not inclined to take your objections
to my expressing my opinions of you terribly seriously.

[FairfieldLife] Fairfield fruit trees

2009-05-05 Thread bob_brigante

from fairfieldtoday.com:

First Annual Fairfield Edible Cityscapes - Take the free workshops then
plant fruit trees!   [PDF] 
   Trees are leafy umbrellas on a hot
summer day. Trees are habitat for birds and bugs of all kinds. Trees
inhale carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen for us all to breathe. Trees are
hardy water reservoirs, purifying and transpiring up to 2,000 gallons
per day that later falls as rain! Trees make great windbreaks and can
even help us reduce energy costs if we place them properly on the land.
And, after all that, some even grow sweet treats...
Trees Forever, Sierra Club-Leopold Group and Sustainable Living
Coalition are inviting you to adopt a fruit tree, or two, today and
plant them May 9! To make it easy, they are hosting How to Plant and
Care for Your Fruit Trees—a free one-hour workshop on Saturday, May
9, 11 a.m. at Howard Park, during the Farmers Market and again on
Saturday, May 16, 1 p.m. at Ecovillage, 185th & B Street.

Everyone is encouraged to plant at least two trees and share the
harvests with friends and neighbors. Trees are $15 for Pristine Apples,
Montmorency Pie Cherry, Asian Pear, Plum Bush, and Serviceberry Bush.
All species are edible. Please pre-order before May 3 by calling
469-5600 or email   foodfor...@mac.com.    
This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need
JavaScript enabled to view it   All trees can be picked up at the

Some free trees are available for nonprofit organizations. And, if you
would like to adopt a tree, but don't have a place for one, you can
be part of a community orchard with picking privileges! Make inquiries
by calling: 469-5600.

[FairfieldLife] Is extreme ignorance traitorous? --------- was/// End of America

2009-05-05 Thread off_world_beings

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 , "Richard J. Williams"

> There is a problems with this - Nobama is going
> to upset many American companies that invest
> overseas by grouping them all with 'tax cheats'>>

No, that was Fox News that said that Obama said that.  Obama did not say
that...but you are like a pig at the trough of Faux News Richard.

You just don't get it:

1. If companies do not want to pay taxes, then they cannot expect the
protection of the US abroad. They cannot use US courts to protect
themselves and they cannot operate as a US company.

It costs money to run a military Richard. Something you Repugs don't
seem to understand. You are all about lower taxes and more war. You are
an idiot. You are damaging the US military because the cost of it is WAY
too high -- as Ron Paul has been pointing out for many years. How will
you keep the military strong Richard? You Fox news are traitors to your
own country with your ignorance.

2. Tax havens such as Bermuda, etc. cannot expect any defense of their
lands if they are not willing to contribute to the NATO military that
protects them. The only reason Bermuda is safe, is because of taxes paid
by NATO country members. Otherwise, you and I could go and take it over
if no-one was there to protect it. Why should NATO member tax payers pay
for a state that is helping people to not pay taxes towards defense?

3. Any company that operates in any way as a US company should be forced
to pay fines for pollution and unfair work practices they use abroad --
just as they would in this country. If they refuse, then see number 1
and 2 above.

Example: There is now strong evidence that the swine flu came from a
dirty operation pig farm in Mexico owned and run by a US company. They
operate abraod so that they can do one, or all of the following:
a) avoid environmental rules - because Mexico is not wealthy enough to
enforce them properly.
b) cheap labor and no workers rights.
c) to avoid paying taxes.

It is inevitable that these international rights will be enforced in due
time. You can't avoid International Law forever Richard. Your unilateral
arrogance is over, and the Republican party is at an all time low. It
will take 15 years for them to recover, and they will end up having to
toe the line or no-one will vote for them.

Welcome to the 21st century Richard.

Enjoy watching all this unfold now for your party.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Concept showdown: Privacy Vs Tender Feeling Level

2009-05-05 Thread satvadude108
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "lurkernomore20002000"  
> wrote:
> > Like you say, few people here care about it, so I don't
> > think those who are their acquaintices would have much
> > interest.  Unless you are a Barry groupie,or a Judy
> > groupie why would you care. Barry fires off pretty much
> > the same salvos every time, and Judy often drudges up
> > five to ten year old posts to make her points.
> Not "often," *rarely*. Not much more often than Barry
> does, in fact.
> See, if it were two *other* people engaged in constant
> argument, I'd want to get the gist of it before I tuned
> out.
> Anybody who read, say, two weeks' worth of the exchanges
> between Barry and me would be aware that their primary
> feature is Barry lying and my exposing and correcting his
> lies.

Perhaps you are simply mistaken.
Perhaps you are delusionally incorrect.
Perhaps you are  lying.
Sorry Sister Aloysius, your game has been exposed.

> Once it's become clear that Barry is a chronic and
> malicious liar, *then* it would make sense to tune out.
> Too many folks here would prefer to avoid having to
> come to that conclusion, so they've tuned out
> prematurely.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Quantum gods don't deserve your faith (?)

2009-05-05 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ruthsimplicity  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> Judy will still get the last word, but I am giving one more response to some 
> of her comments before going back to ignoring her.
> Judy said:
> > 
> > I never intended for people to say to themselves,
> > Oh, this must be a terrible book because of those
> > reviews, merely to bear in mind that several
> > thoughtful readers found it unimpressive. You
> > weren't able to allow even that kind of tentative
> > mental reservation about her work.
> Lie.  I never said anything about anyone not being able to have tentative 
> mental reservations about her work.  Of course they should.  But they should 
> also have "tentative mental reservations" about her critics. Quit mindreading 
> me.  It is past irritating. 
> > 
> > Just a really shoddy performance.
> I'm not performing.
> > 
> > > Whatever.  As I said before,  the homework that
> > > should be done is to read her book, maybe read
> > > some background material depending on the book
> > > and how it is sourced, and read what her peers
> > > have to say.  Anonymous Amazon reviews fall into
> > > the meaningless category when compared to the
> > > real work that needs to be done. 
> > 
> > The Amazon reviews should act as a *motivator* to
> > do this kind of work, rather than unquestioningly
> > accepting Vaj's wholehearted endorsement of Nanda.
> > That was the whole point, you see.
> Oh, now they are a motivator. Well then, a further motivator was my comment 
> to take reviews with a grain of salt when you know nothing about the reviewer 
> and haven't read the book.   
> > 
> > It was a sarcastic observation about your hypocrisy
> > in suggesting the reviewers might have "an axe to
> > grind" and if so could have nothing of interest to
> > say, when Nanda herself is furiously grinding her
> > own mammoth brace of axes. The tone of her writings
> > that I've read is anything but calm and objective,
> > quite unlike that of the Amazon reviewers. She's a
> > *polemicist*, for pete's sake.
> Ah, this is your admission that your response was baiting?   Plus includes 
> further baiting of me by calling me a hypocrite. Well Judy, I know that I am 
> not a hypocrite. Commenting on the negative reviews does not make me a 
> hypocrite.  When you didn't comment on the positive reviews that didn't make 
> you a hypocrite either.   I suggested in our discussion how to approach 
> Nanda.  I believe that makes it clear that I am not a hypocrite as I approach 
> Nanda consistent what I articulate.  You certainly have a personal opinion of 
> Nanda, clear by your statement "furiously grinding her own mammoth brace of 
> axes." So, I am starting to question your objectivity. 
> Ruth said:  
> > > I never said Nanda was completely objective and
> > > never would.
> Judy said: 
> > You didn't say anything about her objectivity one
> > way or the other, while making a big deal about
> > the reviewers possibly not being objective.
> No big deal, one little post.  You made the big deal by trolling me with your 
> snide and baiting response, with your usual mindreading as to my objectives. 
> > 
> > > The topics she discusses are not objective.  You
> > > punched first my dear by misstating what I said.
> > 
> > I did not state in that response that you said
> > anything, and you know it. It was my sarcastic
> > version of what you wanted readers to think.
> Oh my.  I should start over my response to I can use rich-text and put this 
> in bold.  First you claim that you didn't say I said anything and I know it.  
> But then you turn around and claim to know my intentions?  Wtf?  You sure 
> have negative views of what people think or intend.  Instead of mindreading 
> you might try to actually ask people whether they mean what you think they 
> mean instead of assuming it. 
> > 
> > > Judy:
> > > > Perhaps you worded it poorly the first time 
> > > > through. Either way it's a rather grossly 
> > > > inaccurate description, and it was designed to 
> > > > belittle, if not dismiss completely, his 
> > > > critique.
> > > 
> > > Perhaps I did.  But I was not trying to belittle
> > > him.
> > 
> > I don't believe you, sorry. You misrepresented what
> > the blogger wrote, and everyone here knows your
> > disdain for phenomena like ESP.
>  I fully acknowledge that I didn't say everything that was said, but my post 
> was not intended to be a summary.  I was clear in saying that I could draw no 
> conclusions. I do want to be clear that I certainly did not say anyone 
> "believed in" ESP.  I commented on the dispute as to whether someone could 
> find it rational to believe that ESP is a possibility. That isn't even a 
> statement of my opinion on the issue.  In fact, I think that someone could 
> rationally believe in ESP as a possibility. After all, it is not disproved.  
> This is a digression, but you are mis

[FairfieldLife] Re: Quantum gods don't deserve your faith (?)

2009-05-05 Thread authfriend
"Turq is apparently quite successful at hitting the
sensitive nerves of the FEW NASTIES on this list"
(emphasis added).

--do.rflex, 2 hours ago

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "do.rflex"  wrote:
> Judy lives the role of a mean spirited self-righteous nitpicker of real 
> and/or fabricated nits often using twisted meanings, off-the-wall 
> interpretations and misrepresentations of others' motives and what they have 
> said - in her logorrheic arguments personally against them and their 
> positions together with both subtle and overt insults to bait them into 
> perpetuating her sadistic game. 
> By perpetually exercising her nastiness against her targets her real aim is 
> to maintain her self-satisfying [but false] self-image of superior 
> intellectual importance which she hopes to be noticed and enthusiastically 
> supported by those dumb enough [like I was at one time] to buy into it. She 
> takes particular delight in relentlessly pursuing anyone who dares criticize 
> her. 
> She's run this ugly game in forums like this for ages instead of being a 
> positive contributing human being. You can plainly see she doesn't exactly 
> inspire much of anything but hostility. My advice is to stay away from her 
> and leave her to her own energies.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Quantum gods don't deserve your faith (?)

2009-05-05 Thread satvadude108
Yep, he sure is.
Do.reflex's excellent summation [bow} obviously hit
a nerve of at least one of them.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> "Turq is apparently quite successful at hitting the
> sensitive nerves of the FEW NASTIES on this list"
> (emphasis added).
> --do.rflex, 2 hours ago
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "do.rflex"  wrote:
> > Judy lives the role of a mean spirited self-righteous nitpicker of real 
> > and/or fabricated nits often using twisted meanings, off-the-wall 
> > interpretations and misrepresentations of others' motives and what they 
> > have said - in her logorrheic arguments personally against them and their 
> > positions together with both subtle and overt insults to bait them into 
> > perpetuating her sadistic game. 
> > 
> > By perpetually exercising her nastiness against her targets her real aim is 
> > to maintain her self-satisfying [but false] self-image of superior 
> > intellectual importance which she hopes to be noticed and enthusiastically 
> > supported by those dumb enough [like I was at one time] to buy into it. She 
> > takes particular delight in relentlessly pursuing anyone who dares 
> > criticize her. 
> > 
> > She's run this ugly game in forums like this for ages instead of being a 
> > positive contributing human being. You can plainly see she doesn't exactly 
> > inspire much of anything but hostility. My advice is to stay away from her 
> > and leave her to her own energies.

[FairfieldLife] Get out the vote! (Re: Sexy Time)

2009-05-05 Thread enlightened_dawn11
you are crackin' me up!!!
here are a few quotes from YOUR HERO Barry Wright, NOT included in your 
precious list of "the few nasties on this list":

"All three of them deserved to be called that
because they were acting like cunts."

"You're just a cunt."

"That said, Palin really IS a bimbo and a cunt"

"Hell hath no fury like a cunt ignored."

"Ah, I get it now. It's that time of year again,
that week when the Who Can Be The Most Argumentative
Cunt On Fairfield Life Contest rolls around."

LOL! what a bone head you are!

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "do.rflex"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine  wrote:
> >
> > On May 5, 2009, at 2:19 PM, do.rflex wrote:
> > 
> > >>> I'm ashamed to admit it, but unless a flood of folks post about my  
> > >>> being over the top and completely whacked about "predation," I'm  
> > >>> going with the "silent majority" concept, i.e., the silence means  
> > >>> I'm being supported.  As if, but, hey, better I claim the silent  
> > >>> majority vote before this bastard tries to characterize it as a  
> > >>> deafening roar of giggles at Edg's expense.
> > >>
> > >> ---
> > >>
> > >> In my view, you've consistently displayed a clear history of mental  
> > >> instability on this forum ever since I've been here. Is that the  
> > >> kind of comment you're looking for?
> > 
> > Well put, flex and satvadude.
> ---
> Turq is apparently quite successful at hitting the sensitive nerves of the 
> few nasties on this list.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Torture and Civilization

2009-05-05 Thread Richard J. Williams
do.rflex wrote:
> ...torturing Muslims or denying marriage to 
> gay couples. They actually like war, and don't 
> like diplomacy. There are a lot of these people."
Thank Gawd! We've still got lots of these people
to keep America safe from the terrorists, but the
U.S. doesn't practice torture. 

>From what I've read, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed had
four wives, but I don't know if he was gay or not.

It doesn't matter to me if he's gay or not, or how
many wives he had. But I know he should get a lot 
more than water splashed on his face in the shower.

So, I think it was a good thing to make the guy 
talk. Now he's going to get the death penalty for 
planning, with Osama bin Laden, to bring down the 
World Trade Center and murder three thousand 
innocent people. 

"Khalid Sheikh Mohammed is a prisoner in U.S. 
custody for alleged acts of terrorism, including 
mass murder of civilians. He was charged on 
February 11, 2008 with war crimes and murder by 
a U.S. military commission and faces the death 
penalty if convicted."

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed:

[FairfieldLife] Post Count

2009-05-05 Thread FFL PostCount
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): Sat May 02 00:00:00 2009
End Date (UTC): Sat May 09 00:00:00 2009
389 messages as of (UTC) Tue May 05 23:43:19 2009

43 nablusoss1008 
41 authfriend 
37 TurquoiseB 
21 ruthsimplicity 
18 "Richard J. Williams" 
17 Bhairitu 
16 Rick Archer 
16 "grate.swan" 
13 sparaig 
13 dhamiltony2k5 
13 Vaj 
13 Duveyoung 
12 enlightened_dawn11 
12 bob_brigante 
11 Sal Sunshine 
10 shempmcgurk 
10 lurkernomore20002000 
10 "do.rflex" 
 9 off_world_beings 
 8 satvadude108 
 7 geezerfreak 
 7 Nelson 
 6 cardemaister 
 3 raunchydog 
 3 William108 
 3 Alex Stanley 
 2 beno beno 
 2 Tom 
 2 Dick Mays 
 1 uns_tressor 
 1 tkrystofiak 
 1 metoostill 
 1 drpetersutphen 
 1 Richard M 
 1 Peter 
 1 Patrick Gillam 
 1 Mike Doughney 
 1 Mike Dixon 
 1 Joe Smith 
 1 "min.pige" 

Posters: 40
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: www.worldtimezone.com 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Quantum gods don't deserve your faith (?)

2009-05-05 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, satvadude108  wrote:
> Yep, he sure is.
> Do.reflex's excellent summation [bow} obviously hit
> a nerve of at least one of them.

Yes, it's known as the funny bone ('cause you guys
are so, you know, humerus, heh heh heh).

I mean, thank goodness for the sweet, kind people
on FFL like Barry, do.rflex, Sal, Vaj, and yourself,
right? You do such a fine job of holding the 
nastiness quotient down. If you didn't keep us few
nasties in stitches, it would just be intolerable
around here.

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> >
> > "Turq is apparently quite successful at hitting the
> > sensitive nerves of the FEW NASTIES on this list"
> > (emphasis added).
> > 
> > --do.rflex, 2 hours ago
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "do.rflex"  wrote:
> >  
> > > Judy lives the role of a mean spirited self-righteous nitpicker of real 
> > > and/or fabricated nits often using twisted meanings, off-the-wall 
> > > interpretations and misrepresentations of others' motives and what they 
> > > have said - in her logorrheic arguments personally against them and their 
> > > positions together with both subtle and overt insults to bait them into 
> > > perpetuating her sadistic game. 
> > > 
> > > By perpetually exercising her nastiness against her targets her real aim 
> > > is to maintain her self-satisfying [but false] self-image of superior 
> > > intellectual importance which she hopes to be noticed and 
> > > enthusiastically supported by those dumb enough [like I was at one time] 
> > > to buy into it. She takes particular delight in relentlessly pursuing 
> > > anyone who dares criticize her. 
> > > 
> > > She's run this ugly game in forums like this for ages instead of being a 
> > > positive contributing human being. You can plainly see she doesn't 
> > > exactly inspire much of anything but hostility. My advice is to stay away 
> > > from her and leave her to her own energies.
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Utopian voice in MUM

2009-05-05 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> On May 4, 2009, at 10:15 PM, Peter wrote:
> >
> > The physiological/neurological research on TM has always been  
> > interesting and legit because its just a straight measure of brain  
> > wave activity. The problem has come in when there is an attempt to  
> > correlate these measure with complex psychological traits. The  
> > worst is when you see a degree of hemispheric coherence at some  
> > frequency and someone claims that this "means" that TM allows you  
> > to use more of your brain and therefore you are "better" at  
> > something than someone who doesn't have this coherence. The  
> > politics of consciousness enter when the non-scientists or the  
> > either deceptive/naive scientists make very self-serving statements  
> > regarding the research. This was non-physiological, but it is like  
> > the latest research that, according to the TMO, shows that TM  
> > reduces the symptoms of ADHD. Even the TM "scientist" David Orme- 
> > Johnson claimed this and it is just patently false. The design of  
> > the study does not allow you to conclude this at all, primarily
> >  because there was no control group and each subject functioned as  
> > there own control. If you know anything about research design, such  
> > a study essentially tells you nothing other than a bunch of  
> > students over x amount of time had a lessening of their ADHD  
> > symptoms. Why this lessening occurred, which is the most important  
> > question, can not be concluded because no variables have been  
> > controlled. I would love to ask David, why he believes you can  
> > conclude that TM is the one variable that "caused" these results  
> > when not a single variable has been controlled.
> They seem to be operating on the premise that "you can fool some of  
> the people most of the time". Make no mistake, ADHD and meditation  
> has a potential to make some big $$$ for the TMO, so they will no  
> doubt continue to attempt to get into school districts with there  
> "science" and they will try to get it used for cardiac patients,  
> another mistake.
> There has been some validated success with ADHD and other forms of  
> meditation, so I suspect they'll try to ride on the backs of them.

But of course, neither Fred Travis nor Alaric Arenander nor any other TM 
could possibly perform  legitimate positive research on ADHD and TM...


[FairfieldLife] Re: Utopian voice in MUM

2009-05-05 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> On May 5, 2009, at 2:45 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> >>
> >> I'd rather discuss the new, cutting edge stuff coming out at events
> >> like Mind and Life 18 or the Harvard conference last weekend, than
> >> lament over your spilt milk again!
> >>
> >> Of course should something eventually come out on TM that is
> >> reputable, worthwhile and new--sure I'd love to hear it. I'm
> >> just not holding my breath on that one. The same old relaxation
> >> response findings just aren't that exciting for those of us
> >> interested in higher states of consciousness.
> >
> > An interesting parallel to the thousands who,
> > unlike some who found Maharishi's talks brilliant
> > and incisive, moved on to some other teacher who
> > didn't recycle the same mind-pablum ad absurdum.
> > Interestingly enough, the ones who never tired
> > of Maharishi saying the same old things are the
> > ones who still claim to find the "TM science"
> > believable.
> You know it's funny, someone posted some old MMY lecture videos on  
> YouTube, so I decided to watch one to see how it stood the test of time.
> I watched the one on yoga (and it's limbs) and found it really didn't  
> stand the test of time. In fact in terms of authentic lineal yoga  
> teachings, he was flat out WRONG. The most noticeable thing however  
> was his use of repetition. I used to parse it as 'he wants to really  
> get the point across' but listening to it now, one gets the sense  
> he's just acting and trying to come up with something convincing to  
> say. Unfortunately, if you had any real training in Patanjali, it was  
> easy to see he was just making up something new and convincing and  
> the droning repetition made it sound "profound".

As I said, we agree to disagree...

Or, to quote a famous anonymous sage: there are as many legitimate i
interpretations of the Veda as there are enlightened persons.


[FairfieldLife] Re: MIT launches new Dalai Lama Center for Ethics and Transformative Values

2009-05-05 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> At MIT, Dalai Lama offers ethics, humor (Corrected)
> Posted by James F. Smith April 30, 2009 06:44 PM
> A student asked about ethics and the weapons industry. The Dalai  
> Lama, who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1989 for his non-violent  
> campaign for Tibetan rights, said he hoped this would be the century  
> for global demilitarization. But a good start, he said, would be for  
> institutions like MIT to invent a bullet "that misses ordinary people  
> but hits the decision makers," waving his arm in the path of a  
> wiggling bullet to laughter and applause. "That kind of bullet needs  
> to be developed. Wonderful.

HHTDL: The first thing we do is shoot all the politicians

The irony of his joke wasn't lost on the reporter, either.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Quantum gods don't deserve your faith (?)

2009-05-05 Thread satvadude108
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, satvadude108  wrote:
> >
> > Yep, he sure is.
> > Do.reflex's excellent summation [bow} obviously hit
> > a nerve of at least one of them.
> Yes, it's known as the funny bone ('cause you guys
> are so, you know, humerus, heh heh heh).
> I mean, thank goodness for the sweet, kind people
> on FFL like Barry, do.rflex, Sal, Vaj, and yourself,
> right?

No need for thanks.
I consider it a public service.

 You do such a fine job of holding the 
> nastiness quotient down. If you didn't keep us few
> nasties in stitches, it would just be intolerable
> around here.

Yes, the downright nastiness does get insufferable.

Like this: Message #217619

authfriend wrote:

"Gawd, Ruth, take some truth serum, willya?"

Have you and Jim ever considered taking up
some meditation practice?  

> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> > >
> > > "Turq is apparently quite successful at hitting the
> > > sensitive nerves of the FEW NASTIES on this list"
> > > (emphasis added).
> > > 
> > > --do.rflex, 2 hours ago
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "do.rflex"  wrote:
> > >  
> > > > Judy lives the role of a mean spirited self-righteous nitpicker of real 
> > > > and/or fabricated nits often using twisted meanings, off-the-wall 
> > > > interpretations and misrepresentations of others' motives and what they 
> > > > have said - in her logorrheic arguments personally against them and 
> > > > their positions together with both subtle and overt insults to bait 
> > > > them into perpetuating her sadistic game. 
> > > > 
> > > > By perpetually exercising her nastiness against her targets her real 
> > > > aim is to maintain her self-satisfying [but false] self-image of 
> > > > superior intellectual importance which she hopes to be noticed and 
> > > > enthusiastically supported by those dumb enough [like I was at one 
> > > > time] to buy into it. She takes particular delight in relentlessly 
> > > > pursuing anyone who dares criticize her. 
> > > > 
> > > > She's run this ugly game in forums like this for ages instead of being 
> > > > a positive contributing human being. You can plainly see she doesn't 
> > > > exactly inspire much of anything but hostility. My advice is to stay 
> > > > away from her and leave her to her own energies.
> > >
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Quantum gods don't deserve your faith (?)

2009-05-05 Thread enlightened_dawn11
yes, they are truly *the milk of human kindness*, aren't they? 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, satvadude108  wrote:
> >
> > Yep, he sure is.
> > Do.reflex's excellent summation [bow} obviously hit
> > a nerve of at least one of them.
> Yes, it's known as the funny bone ('cause you guys
> are so, you know, humerus, heh heh heh).
> I mean, thank goodness for the sweet, kind people
> on FFL like Barry, do.rflex, Sal, Vaj, and yourself,
> right? You do such a fine job of holding the 
> nastiness quotient down. If you didn't keep us few
> nasties in stitches, it would just be intolerable
> around here.
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> > >
> > > "Turq is apparently quite successful at hitting the
> > > sensitive nerves of the FEW NASTIES on this list"
> > > (emphasis added).
> > > 
> > > --do.rflex, 2 hours ago
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "do.rflex"  wrote:
> > >  
> > > > Judy lives the role of a mean spirited self-righteous nitpicker of real 
> > > > and/or fabricated nits often using twisted meanings, off-the-wall 
> > > > interpretations and misrepresentations of others' motives and what they 
> > > > have said - in her logorrheic arguments personally against them and 
> > > > their positions together with both subtle and overt insults to bait 
> > > > them into perpetuating her sadistic game. 
> > > > 
> > > > By perpetually exercising her nastiness against her targets her real 
> > > > aim is to maintain her self-satisfying [but false] self-image of 
> > > > superior intellectual importance which she hopes to be noticed and 
> > > > enthusiastically supported by those dumb enough [like I was at one 
> > > > time] to buy into it. She takes particular delight in relentlessly 
> > > > pursuing anyone who dares criticize her. 
> > > > 
> > > > She's run this ugly game in forums like this for ages instead of being 
> > > > a positive contributing human being. You can plainly see she doesn't 
> > > > exactly inspire much of anything but hostility. My advice is to stay 
> > > > away from her and leave her to her own energies.
> > >
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: MIT launches new Dalai Lama Center for Ethics and Transformative Values

2009-05-05 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11  wrote:
> i am appalled that the dolly lama calls for a bullet that will target 
> decision makers, that killing those with closed minds is an acceptable 
> course, and that bush was a great leader. sounds like a brainless dickhead to 
> me.

"Today, Maharishi University of Management celebrates the dawn of a New World 
Order of Peace, as demonstrated by the invincibility of President Fidel Castro 
of Cuba, the freedom of President Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe, the Divine 
Rulership of President Abdurrahman Wahid of Indonesia, and the casting off of 
corrupt democracy by President Robert Guei of the Ivory Coast."


Though, at least MUM was being positive about something rather than joking
about shooting people.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Utopian voice in MUM

2009-05-05 Thread dhamiltony2k5

day to day.

Similarly, from our friend on campus:

",,,truth is an experience that occurs when our personal belief (s), be they 
individual or socially-consensual, intersect with our experience.  
My argument is not to say that what we believe is true at one moment in time is 
not extremely valuable. On the contrary, it is upon the foundation of 
apparent-truths that the entire relative world progress from. 
I therefore expect virtually everything I think I know to be true about the 
world to change. I also expect that, that change will become more and more 
frequent as we progress forward through time. As I said, I'm not really 
qualified academically to shed much light on whether alpha-waves coherence 
indicates higher states of consciousness. I don't believe that neuroscience has 
developed a significant enough understanding of the entire brain measurement 
process to make a definitive determination. 
However, my expectations based on personal experience, is that this measurement 
process is going to become more and more and more refined over time as new 
knowledge or "truths" are revealed. Personally, I have serious doubts as to 
whether we will ever be able to physically measure the mechanics of 
consciousness.  I believe that at best we may hope to get some indicators which 
can be cross referenced with sufficient confidence to provide theoretical 
Like many long term meditators I have experienced 'Being' beyond time-space. At 
that level of consciousness there is no relative world, no relative universe. 
How then, can a measurement be taken of the deepest level of consciousness when 
nothing physical like the brain exists to measure."   

> > However, epistimologically, in day to day life, most of us live in pretty 
> > muddy and murky waters. We all do self-control, single subject experiments 
> > all the time. And we actually believe some of them. You eat a food, take a 
> > drug, do a meditation method, read a book and make (tentative) conclusions 
> > about the value to you -- and possibly others. It may be only a bit better 
> > than 50:50 (if its a yes/no type question) odds but 55:45 is better than 
> > random. We tend to muddle through this way. Did you start TM or any other 
> > methods because of the scientific research? Perhaps. But the real deal was 
> > trying it for yourself. If you felt better, you continued, if worse didn't. 
> > Better or worse than what? your single subject self-controlled "past 
> > experience". 
> > 
> > I suppose even ad hoc, informal experiments, with more than a single 
> > subject, even if self-controlled can tell you something. Like a focus group 
> > used widely in marketing -- it's not statistically valid, but you get a 
> > feel if the thing, idea, concept, has any juice to it. 
> > 
> > I would rather see a self-controlled experiment over no experiment. As a 
> > preliminary / experimental basis, it may provide enough juice to warrant or 
> > inspire more rigorous research.
> >

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "dhamiltony2k5"  wrote:
> Dear Grate.swan,
> This is good.  I'm glad you wrote this here.  People evidently do have their 
> own experience with it around any of what is said.  Any of this is easy to 
> dismiss or miss if you have no experience with it.  And yet, absolutely if 2 
> out of 3, or even 1 out of 3 of the TM studies are good then proly likely 
> that what is going on here is quite extraordinary and possibly significant.  
> & self-validation is some of the experience of folks here too and evidently 
> it can stand way more than some of the absolutism of the TM-hating as they 
> may say it.
> Jai Guru Dev,
> -Doug in FF
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, grate.swan  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter  wrote:
> > >
> > > 
> > > The physiological/neurological research on TM has always been interesting 
> > > and legit because its just a straight measure of brain wave activity. The 
> > > problem has come in when there is an attempt to correlate these measure 
> > > with complex psychological traits. The worst is when you see a degree of 
> > > hemispheric coherence at some frequency and someone claims that this 
> > > "means" that TM allows you to use more of your brain and therefore you 
> > > are "better" at something than someone who doesn't have this coherence. 
> > > The politics of consciousness enter when the non-scientists or the either 
> > > deceptive/naive scientists make very self-serving statements regarding 
> > > the research. This was non-physiological, but it is like the latest 
> > > research that, according to the TMO, shows that TM reduces the symptoms 
> > > of ADHD. Even the TM "scientist" David Orme-Johnson claimed this and it 
> > > is just patently false. The design of the study does not allow you to 
> > > conclude this at all, primarily
> > >  because there was no control group and each subject functioned as ther

[FairfieldLife] Re: MIT launches new Dalai Lama Center for Ethics and Transformative Values

2009-05-05 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> >
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > At MIT, Dalai Lama offers ethics, humor (Corrected)
> > 
> > Posted by James F. Smith April 30, 2009 06:44 PM
> [...].
> > A student asked about ethics and the weapons industry. The Dalai  
> > Lama, who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1989 for his non-violent  
> > campaign for Tibetan rights, said he hoped this would be the century  
> > for global demilitarization. But a good start, he said, would be for  
> > institutions like MIT to invent a bullet "that misses ordinary people  
> > but hits the decision makers," waving his arm in the path of a  
> > wiggling bullet to laughter and applause. "That kind of bullet needs  
> > to be developed. Wonderful.
> HHTDL: The first thing we do is shoot all the politicians
> The irony of his joke wasn't lost on the reporter, either.

Though, on re-read, perhaps he meant such a bullet needs to be developed
[and deployed] because then the policy makers would stop having people shot.

Lost something when he said it, I think.


[FairfieldLife] Fwd: Ron Paul Revolution Sweeping the GOP

2009-05-05 Thread WLeed3


 From: no-re...@campaignforliberty.com
To: wle...@aol.com
Sent: 5/5/2009  7:09:10 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: Ron Paul Revolution Sweeping the  GOP

May 5, 2009

Dear Friend of Liberty,

With each passing  day, Ron Paul is winning people over to the cause of 
Federal Reserve  transparency and sound money.

More and more Congressmen have been  signing onto Dr. Paul’s Audit the Fed 
bill, HR 1207, and it is now up to a  whopping 124 cosponsors. 

That cosponsor list now includes over half of  the House Republican Caucus. 
 Dr. Paul is truly leading  the GOP back to its roots of sound money and 
fiscal conservatism.

In  fact, The Washington Independent’s David Weigel just wrote an important 
 article about how Ron Paul’s message is resonating with Republican  
lawmakers.  All I can say is, "It's about time!" 
_Click  here to read the article -- “Ron Paul's Economic Theories Winning 
GOP  Converts”_ 

And today, Dr. Paul proved the case for  Federal Reserve transparency to 
people across America by _grilling  Ben Bernanke on national television_ 
286178279D4827F) .


Chairman Ben is running scared now that HR 1207 is gaining  steam.  He even 
tried to appease Dr. Paul by offering transparency  on everything except 
monetary policy -- the Fed's sole function! 

It is  clear we are winning this fight, and I believe that ultimately we 
will  see it through to victory.  But this is no time to rest on our  laurels.

Keep writing and calling your congressman if he has not  already 
cosponsored HR 1207 (_click  here to find out_ 
 ).  Circulate 
more petitions and Audit the Fed  literature to your friends and neighbors to 
recruit them to this winning  effort.

Thank you for all you have done and all you will  do.  With your continued 
support, Ron Paul and Campaign for Liberty  will return the GOP to its 
conservative roots, and America back to its  founding principles.

In Liberty,

John Tate
President, Campaign for Liberty

P.S. Unlike  the Fed, Campaign for Liberty cannot print money out of thin  
air.  Only your ongoing financial support allows us to do the work  we do.  
_Please  click here to donate to Campaign for Liberty_ 
To  unsubscribe from future Campaign for Liberty e-mails, _click  here_ 
eemail=wle...@aol.com&_mh=5012f4c1a9b4a2caa1cd56f9392c5199) .
You were added  to our system on October 18, 2008.  For more information, 
_click  here_ 


**Remember Mom this Mother's Day! Find a florist near you now. 

Fwd: [FairfieldLife] Fwd: Ron Paul Revolution Sweeping the GOP

2009-05-05 Thread WLeed3


 From: wle...@aol.com
Reply-to: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
To:  FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: 5/5/2009 9:41:14 P.M. Eastern Daylight  Time
Subj: [FairfieldLife] Fwd: Ron Paul Revolution Sweeping the  GOP


 From: no-re...@campaignforliberty.com
To: wle...@aol.com
Sent:  5/5/2009 7:09:10 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: Ron Paul Revolution  Sweeping the GOP

May 5, 2009

Dear Friend of Liberty,

With each  passing day, Ron Paul is winning people over to the cause of 
Federal  Reserve transparency and sound money.

More and more Congressmen have  been signing onto Dr. Paul’s Audit the Fed 
bill, HR 1207, and it is now up  to a whopping 124 cosponsors. 

That cosponsor list now includes over  half of the House Republican Caucus. 
 Dr. Paul is  truly leading the GOP back to its roots of sound money and 
fiscal  conservatism.

In fact, The Washington Independent’s David  Weigel just wrote an important 
article about how Ron Paul’s message  is resonating with Republican 
lawmakers.  All I can say is,  "It's about time!" 
_Click  here to read the article -- “Ron Paul's Economic Theories Winning 
GOP  Converts”_ 

And today, Dr. Paul proved the case for  Federal Reserve transparency to 
people across America by _grilling  Ben Bernanke on national television_ 
286178279D4827F) .


Chairman Ben is running scared now that HR 1207 is gaining  steam.  He even 
tried to appease Dr. Paul by offering transparency  on everything except 
monetary policy -- the Fed's sole function! 

It  is clear we are winning this fight, and I believe that ultimately we  
will see it through to victory.  But this is no time to rest on  our laurels.

Keep writing and calling your congressman if he has not  already 
cosponsored HR 1207 (_click  here to find out_ 
 ).  Circulate m
ore petitions and Audit the Fed  literature to your friends and neighbors to 
recruit them to this winning  effort.

Thank you for all you have done and all you will  do.  With your continued 
support, Ron Paul and Campaign for  Liberty will return the GOP to its 
conservative roots, and America back to  its founding principles.

In Liberty,

John Tate
President, Campaign for Liberty

P.S. Unlike  the Fed, Campaign for Liberty cannot print money out of thin  
air.  Only your ongoing financial support allows us to do the work  we do.  
_Please  click here to donate to Campaign for Liberty_ 
To unsubscribe from future Campaign for Liberty e-mails, _click  here_ 
email=wle...@aol.com&_mh=5012f4c1a9b4a2caa1cd56f9392c5199) .
You were added  to our system on October 18, 2008.  For more information, 
_click  here_ 



Remember Mom this Mother's Day! _Find  a florist near you  now_ 
(http://yellowpages.aol.com/search?query=florist&ncid=emlcntusyelp0006) .

**Remember Mom this Mother's Day! Find a florist near you now. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Utopian voice in MUM

2009-05-05 Thread Vaj

On May 5, 2009, at 8:44 PM, sparaig wrote:

>> They seem to be operating on the premise that "you can fool some of
>> the people most of the time". Make no mistake, ADHD and meditation
>> has a potential to make some big $$$ for the TMO, so they will no
>> doubt continue to attempt to get into school districts with there
>> "science" and they will try to get it used for cardiac patients,
>> another mistake.
>> There has been some validated success with ADHD and other forms of
>> meditation, so I suspect they'll try to ride on the backs of them.
> But of course, neither Fred Travis nor Alaric Arenander nor any  
> other TM researcher
> could possibly perform  legitimate positive research on ADHD and TM...

Well, I think you need to ask some different questions, namely, can an  
actual attentional improvement be found in the subjects, will they be  
randomized AND will that stand when compared to good controls, not  
just some lame controls? Of course if they're to prove attentional  
resiliency, they also need to show neuroplastic changes. There are a  
new and growing list of criteria in this area.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Utopian voice in MUM

2009-05-05 Thread Vaj

On May 5, 2009, at 8:46 PM, sparaig wrote:

>> You know it's funny, someone posted some old MMY lecture videos on
>> YouTube, so I decided to watch one to see how it stood the test of  
>> time.
>> I watched the one on yoga (and it's limbs) and found it really didn't
>> stand the test of time. In fact in terms of authentic lineal yoga
>> teachings, he was flat out WRONG. The most noticeable thing however
>> was his use of repetition. I used to parse it as 'he wants to really
>> get the point across' but listening to it now, one gets the sense
>> he's just acting and trying to come up with something convincing to
>> say. Unfortunately, if you had any real training in Patanjali, it was
>> easy to see he was just making up something new and convincing and
>> the droning repetition made it sound "profound".
> As I said, we agree to disagree...
> Or, to quote a famous anonymous sage: there are as many legitimate i
> interpretations of the Veda as there are enlightened persons.

Unfortunately this is one area where the sages of the yoga-darshana  
(not "the Veda") are in agreement. Generally the type of people who  
subvert the angas are what would in western languages be referred to  
as "black magicians" or in theosophical lingo "black brothers": give  
me the magic, let me circumvent the virtues, they will come on their  
own, just give me power, NOW.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Utopian voice in MUM

2009-05-05 Thread Vaj

On May 5, 2009, at 9:15 PM, dhamiltony2k5 wrote:

> Epistemologically
> day to day.
> Similarly, from our friend on campus:
> ",,,truth is an experience that occurs when our personal belief (s),  
> be they individual or socially-consensual, intersect with our  
> experience.
> My argument is not to say that what we believe is true at one moment  
> in time is not extremely valuable. On the contrary, it is upon the  
> foundation of apparent-truths that the entire relative world  
> progress from.
> I therefore expect virtually everything I think I know to be true  
> about the world to change. I also expect that, that change will  
> become more and more frequent as we progress forward through time.  
> As I said, I'm not really qualified academically to shed much light  
> on whether alpha-waves coherence indicates higher states of  
> consciousness. I don't believe that neuroscience has developed a  
> significant enough understanding of the entire brain measurement  
> process to make a definitive determination.

Well fortunately researchers have had access to yogis in higher states  
of consciousness, particularly over the last 16 years or so. What  
they've found is there are remarkable changes indeed.

> However, my expectations based on personal experience, is that this  
> measurement process is going to become more and more and more  
> refined over time as new knowledge or "truths" are revealed.  
> Personally, I have serious doubts as to whether we will ever be able  
> to physically measure the mechanics of consciousness.  I believe  
> that at best we may hope to get some indicators which can be cross  
> referenced with sufficient confidence to provide theoretical validity.
> Like many long term meditators I have experienced 'Being' beyond  
> time-space. At that level of consciousness there is no relative  
> world, no relative universe. How then, can a measurement be taken of  
> the deepest level of consciousness when nothing physical like the  
> brain exists to measure."   

Such states are easily demonstrable by methods known for thousands of  
years. So if the state is legit., it would be relatively easy to know,  
even without a lot of fancy science. What I've found is TMers learn to  
talk and think in flowery language as a part of the TM mythos and that  
ends up having little basis in reality, although they're quite  
convinced what they're experiencing is something remarkable.

Remarkable experiences require remarkable proof. So far no proof...

[FairfieldLife] Re: Quantum gods don't deserve your faith (?)

2009-05-05 Thread enlightened_dawn11
"You're just a cunt."- Barry Wright, October 14th, 2008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, satvadude108  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, satvadude108  wrote:
> > >
> > > Yep, he sure is.
> > > Do.reflex's excellent summation [bow} obviously hit
> > > a nerve of at least one of them.
> > 
> > Yes, it's known as the funny bone ('cause you guys
> > are so, you know, humerus, heh heh heh).
> > 
> > I mean, thank goodness for the sweet, kind people
> > on FFL like Barry, do.rflex, Sal, Vaj, and yourself,
> > right?
> No need for thanks.
> I consider it a public service.
>  You do such a fine job of holding the 
> > nastiness quotient down. If you didn't keep us few
> > nasties in stitches, it would just be intolerable
> > around here.
> Yes, the downright nastiness does get insufferable.
> Like this: Message #217619
> authfriend wrote:
> "Gawd, Ruth, take some truth serum, willya?"
> Have you and Jim ever considered taking up
> some meditation practice?  
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > "Turq is apparently quite successful at hitting the
> > > > sensitive nerves of the FEW NASTIES on this list"
> > > > (emphasis added).
> > > > 
> > > > --do.rflex, 2 hours ago
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "do.rflex"  wrote:
> > > >  
> > > > > Judy lives the role of a mean spirited self-righteous nitpicker of 
> > > > > real and/or fabricated nits often using twisted meanings, 
> > > > > off-the-wall interpretations and misrepresentations of others' 
> > > > > motives and what they have said - in her logorrheic arguments 
> > > > > personally against them and their positions together with both subtle 
> > > > > and overt insults to bait them into perpetuating her sadistic game. 
> > > > > 
> > > > > By perpetually exercising her nastiness against her targets her real 
> > > > > aim is to maintain her self-satisfying [but false] self-image of 
> > > > > superior intellectual importance which she hopes to be noticed and 
> > > > > enthusiastically supported by those dumb enough [like I was at one 
> > > > > time] to buy into it. She takes particular delight in relentlessly 
> > > > > pursuing anyone who dares criticize her. 
> > > > > 
> > > > > She's run this ugly game in forums like this for ages instead of 
> > > > > being a positive contributing human being. You can plainly see she 
> > > > > doesn't exactly inspire much of anything but hostility. My advice is 
> > > > > to stay away from her and leave her to her own energies.
> > > >
> > >
> >

[FairfieldLife] Get out the vote! (Re: Sexy Time)

2009-05-05 Thread grate . swan
One of the reasons I strayed away (and stayed away) from the Movement was its 
cliqueness. I found even the "most profound" and experienced meditators and 
teachers all hung out together, and basically looked down on everyone else. No 
one else admitted. I was at a beach outing  one day with them and it just 
became so clear. "There is something more to life than living within a TM 
clique". That day, I just dropped out. No one saw me again - for years. I knew 
almost no one in the real world outside the clique  but over 
time I got established. Even go the nerve to  date non-Movement girls. Talk 
about walking over the borderline, and taking a walk on the wild side. 

I raise this, because FFL seems like deja vu all over again. Little petty 
cliques. I like most everyone here, to a degree, Most have something to 
contribute. And a quick scan of nothingness and I am on to the next post. 

But the incessant "me good, you bad" neanderthal attitude of some is just 
astonishing. I don't need a random, double blind, large multi-variate 
controlled study to tell me that if this is what the long term practice of TM, 
or Mindfulness, or exotic, wierd-shit-of-the-day produces, its not working. And 
not worth much. At least as a global thing. Some seem to benefit from it. I 
like it. I like other things too. I would not pass the Movement bookshelf test. 
(an believe me, once upon a time, I did give a rats ass about that.) 

A not-TM mentor I like said once, something like, "if you can't love or 
appreciate the people around you, how are you ever going to experience the 
Unity of all creation". The more bickering, bitterness, baiting and borisjness 
-- the more darkness. Maybe TM produces darkness in some people. Who knows. The 
data appears to support the hypothesis.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11  wrote:
> ha-ha- laugh of the day-- get this, Turq says that Edg isn't worth reading, 
> while devoting HIS 7TH POST OF THE DAY to him! the irony is priceless.
> ignore Turq, Edg, there are plenty of us supporting you. 
> As authfriend said, Turq takes this place far more SERIOUSLY than the rest of 
> us do (so it is impossible for him to admit that he is the entertainment 
> clown on here, not all of those he points his wizened, shaky finger at).
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung  wrote:
> > >
> > > I'm ashamed to admit it, but unless a flood of folks post 
> > > about my being over the top and completely whacked about 
> > > "predation," I'm going with the "silent majority" concept, 
> > > i.e., the silence means I'm being supported.  
> > 
> > You ignore the possibility that most people
> > have already put you in the same class as
> > Willytex, Jim, and Judy, and thus not worthy
> > of reading, much less replying to. Just sayin'...
> >

[FairfieldLife] Get out the vote! (Re: Sexy Time)

2009-05-05 Thread raunchydog
In café light computer glow
A spider weaves his web
To snag a tasty boy or girl
And trap them in his thread

Suspended tethered by his wits
In trance are they before him
The shallow dishpan of his love
Preys on forever grim

A one night stand a piper's dance 
Lovers leaving ever
His empty net a wisp of wind
Scattered dust and severed

Twilight moon in Sitges waning 
Youthful bloom a-fading
Cruising beaches wrinkled, naked
Reaper's cloak evading


[FairfieldLife] Re: Fwd: Ron Paul Revolution Sweeping the GOP

2009-05-05 Thread off_world_beings

Sergeant Leeds?   why is a warmonger like you interested in an
extreme pacififist environmentalist like Ron Paul?


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 , wle...@... wrote:
>  From: no-re...@...
> To: wle...@...
> Sent: 5/5/2009  7:09:10 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
> Subj: Ron Paul Revolution Sweeping the  GOP
> May 5, 2009
> Dear Friend of Liberty,
> With each passing  day, Ron Paul is winning people over to the cause
> Federal Reserve  transparency and sound money.
> More and more Congressmen have been  signing onto Dr. Paul’s
Audit the Fed
> bill, HR 1207, and it is now up to a  whopping 124 cosponsors.
> That cosponsor list now includes over half of  the House Republican
>  Dr. Paul is truly leading  the GOP back to its roots of sound money
> fiscal conservatism.
> In  fact, The Washington Independent’s David Weigel just wrote
an important
>  article about how Ron Paul’s message is resonating with
> lawmakers.  All I can say is, "It's about time!"
> _Click  here to read the article -- “Ron Paul's Economic
Theories Winning
> GOP  Converts”_
 ) .
> And today, Dr. Paul proved the case for  Federal Reserve transparency
> people across America by _grilling  Ben Bernanke on national

> 286178279D4827F) .
> Chairman Ben is running scared now that HR 1207 is gaining  steam.  He
> tried to appease Dr. Paul by offering transparency  on everything
> monetary policy -- the Fed's sole function!
> It is  clear we are winning this fight, and I believe that ultimately
> will  see it through to victory.  But this is no time to rest on our 
> Keep writing and calling your congressman if he has not  already
> cosponsored HR 1207 (_click  here to find out_
 ) ).  Circulate
> more petitions and Audit the Fed  literature to your friends and
neighbors to
> recruit them to this winning  effort.
> Thank you for all you have done and all you will  do.  With your
> support, Ron Paul and Campaign for Liberty  will return the GOP to its
> conservative roots, and America back to its  founding principles.
> In Liberty,
> John Tate
> President, Campaign for Liberty
> P.S. Unlike  the Fed, Campaign for Liberty cannot print money out of
> air.  Only your ongoing financial support allows us to do the work  we
> _Please  click here to donate to Campaign for Liberty_
>  .
> To  unsubscribe from future Campaign for Liberty e-mails, _click 
> eemail=wle...@...&_mh=5012f4c1a9b4a2caa1cd56f9392c5199
 ) .
> You were added  to our system on October 18, 2008.  For more
> _click  here_
 ) .
>  (http://www.bluehornet.com/  )
> **Remember Mom this Mother's Day! Find a florist near you

[FairfieldLife] Get out the vote! (Re: Sexy Time)

2009-05-05 Thread off_world_beings

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 , grate.swan 
> One of the reasons I strayed away (and stayed away) from the Movement
was its cliqueness. I found even the "most profound" and experienced
meditators and teachers all hung out together, and basically looked down
on everyone else.>>

I totally agree, I could not stand those people. That is why I left the
movement. And now all those arrogant fucks have also left the movement,
and are now here on FFL as the TM-ex crowd.   Its ironic.The only
constant is their arrogance (Turq, Vaj, Curtis etc.)


  << but over time I got established. Even go the nerve to 
date non-Movement girls. Talk about walking over the borderline, and
taking a walk on the wild side.
> I raise this, because FFL seems like deja vu all over again. Little
petty cliques. I like most everyone here, to a degree, Most have
something to contribute. And a quick scan of nothingness and I am on to
the next post.
> But the incessant "me good, you bad" neanderthal attitude of some is
just astonishing. I don't need a random, double blind, large
multi-variate controlled study to tell me that if this is what the long
term practice of TM, or Mindfulness, or exotic, wierd-shit-of-the-day
produces, its not working. And not worth much. At least as a global
thing. Some seem to benefit from it. I like it. I like other things too.
I would not pass the Movement bookshelf test. (an believe me, once upon
a time, I did give a rats ass about that.)
> A not-TM mentor I like said once, something like, "if you can't love
or appreciate the people around you, how are you ever going to
experience the Unity of all creation". The more bickering, bitterness,
baiting and borisjness -- the more darkness. Maybe TM produces darkness
in some people. Who knows. The data appears to support the hypothesis.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 , enlightened_dawn11 
> >
> > ha-ha- laugh of the day-- get this, Turq says that Edg isn't worth
reading, while devoting HIS 7TH POST OF THE DAY to him! the irony is
> >
> > ignore Turq, Edg, there are plenty of us supporting you.
> >
> > As authfriend said, Turq takes this place far more SERIOUSLY than
the rest of us do (so it is impossible for him to admit that he is the
entertainment clown on here, not all of those he points his wizened,
shaky finger at).
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 , TurquoiseB  wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 , Duveyoung  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > I'm ashamed to admit it, but unless a flood of folks post
> > > > about my being over the top and completely whacked about
> > > > "predation," I'm going with the "silent majority" concept,
> > > > i.e., the silence means I'm being supported.
> > >
> > > You ignore the possibility that most people
> > > have already put you in the same class as
> > > Willytex, Jim, and Judy, and thus not worthy
> > > of reading, much less replying to. Just sayin'...
> > >
> >

[FairfieldLife] Get out the vote! (Re: Sexy Time)

2009-05-05 Thread off_world_beings

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 , "raunchydog" 
> In café light computer glow
> A spider weaves his web
> To snag a tasty boy or girl
> And trap them in his thread
> Suspended tethered by his wits
> In trance are they before him
> The shallow dishpan of his love
> Preys on forever grim
> A one night stand a piper's dance
> Lovers leaving ever
> His empty net a wisp of wind
> Scattered dust and severed
> Twilight moon in Sitges waning
> Youthful bloom a-fading
> Cruising beaches wrinkled, naked>>

Is this a poem about Turq?

( good poem by the way. Poor subject - TurquoiseB - you chose though.  )


> Reaper's cloak evading>>>
> raunchydog

[FairfieldLife] Get out the vote! (Re: Sexy Time)

2009-05-05 Thread off_world_beings

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 , grate.swan 
>> One of the reasons I strayed away (and stayed away) from the Movement
was its cliqueness. ... No one saw me again - for years. I knew almost
no one in the real world outside the clique 'cough, "cult"' but over
time I got established ... said the arrogant fuck.

> I raise this, because FFL seems like deja vu all over again. Little
petty cliques. I like most everyone here, to a degree, Most have
something to contribute. And a quick scan of nothingness ... said the
arrogant fuck,  and I am on to the next post.

> But the incessant "me good, you bad" neanderthal attitude ... said the
arrogant fuck, of some is just astonishing.  >>

> A not-TM mentor I like ... said the arrogant fuck, said once,
something like, "if you can't love or appreciate the people around you,
how are you ever going to experience the Unity of all creation" ... said
the arrogant fuck.

The more bickering, bitterness, baiting and borisjness -- the more
darkness ... said the arrogant fuck.Maybe TM produces darkness in
some people ... said the fascist fuck.Who knows. The data appears to
support the hypothesis ... said the arrogant fuck.


> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 , enlightened_dawn11 
> >
> > ha-ha- laugh of the day-- get this, Turq says that Edg isn't worth
reading, while devoting HIS 7TH POST OF THE DAY to him! the irony is
> >
> > ignore Turq, Edg, there are plenty of us supporting you.
> >
> > As authfriend said, Turq takes this place far more SERIOUSLY than
the rest of us do (so it is impossible for him to admit that he is the
entertainment clown on here, not all of those he points his wizened,
shaky finger at).
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 , TurquoiseB  wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 , Duveyoung  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > I'm ashamed to admit it, but unless a flood of folks post
> > > > about my being over the top and completely whacked about
> > > > "predation," I'm going with the "silent majority" concept,
> > > > i.e., the silence means I'm being supported.
> > >
> > > You ignore the possibility that most people
> > > have already put you in the same class as
> > > Willytex, Jim, and Judy, and thus not worthy
> > > of reading, much less replying to. Just sayin'...
> > >
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Utopian voice in MUM

2009-05-05 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> On May 5, 2009, at 8:44 PM, sparaig wrote:
> >> They seem to be operating on the premise that "you can fool some of
> >> the people most of the time". Make no mistake, ADHD and meditation
> >> has a potential to make some big $$$ for the TMO, so they will no
> >> doubt continue to attempt to get into school districts with there
> >> "science" and they will try to get it used for cardiac patients,
> >> another mistake.
> >>
> >> There has been some validated success with ADHD and other forms of
> >> meditation, so I suspect they'll try to ride on the backs of them.
> >>
> >
> > But of course, neither Fred Travis nor Alaric Arenander nor any  
> > other TM researcher
> > could possibly perform  legitimate positive research on ADHD and TM...
> Well, I think you need to ask some different questions, namely, can an  
> actual attentional improvement be found in the subjects, will they be  
> randomized AND will that stand when compared to good controls, not  
> just some lame controls? Of course if they're to prove attentional  
> resiliency, they also need to show neuroplastic changes. There are a  
> new and growing list of criteria in this area.

Right and Fred and Aleric have never mentioned neoplsticity in any TM context...

And Hari Sharma wasn't talking about free radicals and MAK 20 years ago because
he was an ignorant fool


[FairfieldLife] Re: Utopian voice in MUM

2009-05-05 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> On May 5, 2009, at 8:46 PM, sparaig wrote:
> >> You know it's funny, someone posted some old MMY lecture videos on
> >> YouTube, so I decided to watch one to see how it stood the test of  
> >> time.
> >>
> >> I watched the one on yoga (and it's limbs) and found it really didn't
> >> stand the test of time. In fact in terms of authentic lineal yoga
> >> teachings, he was flat out WRONG. The most noticeable thing however
> >> was his use of repetition. I used to parse it as 'he wants to really
> >> get the point across' but listening to it now, one gets the sense
> >> he's just acting and trying to come up with something convincing to
> >> say. Unfortunately, if you had any real training in Patanjali, it was
> >> easy to see he was just making up something new and convincing and
> >> the droning repetition made it sound "profound".
> >>
> >
> > As I said, we agree to disagree...
> >
> > Or, to quote a famous anonymous sage: there are as many legitimate i
> > interpretations of the Veda as there are enlightened persons.
> Unfortunately this is one area where the sages of the yoga-darshana  
> (not "the Veda") are in agreement. Generally the type of people who  
> subvert the angas are what would in western languages be referred to  
> as "black magicians" or in theosophical lingo "black brothers": give  
> me the magic, let me circumvent the virtues, they will come on their  
> own, just give me power, NOW.

Is that how you see the TM-Sidhis program?


[FairfieldLife] Re: Utopian voice in MUM

2009-05-05 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> On May 5, 2009, at 9:15 PM, dhamiltony2k5 wrote:
> > Epistemologically
> >
> > day to day.
> >
> > Similarly, from our friend on campus:
> > 
> > ",,,truth is an experience that occurs when our personal belief (s),  
> > be they individual or socially-consensual, intersect with our  
> > experience.
> >
> > My argument is not to say that what we believe is true at one moment  
> > in time is not extremely valuable. On the contrary, it is upon the  
> > foundation of apparent-truths that the entire relative world  
> > progress from.
> >
> > I therefore expect virtually everything I think I know to be true  
> > about the world to change. I also expect that, that change will  
> > become more and more frequent as we progress forward through time.  
> > As I said, I'm not really qualified academically to shed much light  
> > on whether alpha-waves coherence indicates higher states of  
> > consciousness. I don't believe that neuroscience has developed a  
> > significant enough understanding of the entire brain measurement  
> > process to make a definitive determination.
> Well fortunately researchers have had access to yogis in higher states  
> of consciousness, particularly over the last 16 years or so. What  
> they've found is there are remarkable changes indeed.
> >
> > However, my expectations based on personal experience, is that this  
> > measurement process is going to become more and more and more  
> > refined over time as new knowledge or "truths" are revealed.  
> > Personally, I have serious doubts as to whether we will ever be able  
> > to physically measure the mechanics of consciousness.  I believe  
> > that at best we may hope to get some indicators which can be cross  
> > referenced with sufficient confidence to provide theoretical validity.
> >
> > Like many long term meditators I have experienced 'Being' beyond  
> > time-space. At that level of consciousness there is no relative  
> > world, no relative universe. How then, can a measurement be taken of  
> > the deepest level of consciousness when nothing physical like the  
> > brain exists to measure."   
> Such states are easily demonstrable by methods known for thousands of  
> years. So if the state is legit., it would be relatively easy to know,  
> even without a lot of fancy science. What I've found is TMers learn to  
> talk and think in flowery language as a part of the TM mythos and that  
> ends up having little basis in reality, although they're quite  
> convinced what they're experiencing is something remarkable.
> Remarkable experiences require remarkable proof. So far no proof...

Aside from the thousands of non-TM hits on the term "pure consciousness event"
cointed by someone writing about TM research and adopted by all sorts of non-TM 
reserachers over teh past decade or so.


[FairfieldLife] Get out the vote! (Re: Sexy Time)

2009-05-05 Thread TurquoiseB
You're just upset because you pretend to 
have a cunt but don't. When someone calls
*you* a cunt, it is clear that they're
invoking the British definition of the
term (a person who is thoroughly disliked), 
not the American one. Either that, or they
are mistaking you for the 3rd full-length 
album by the Australian grindcore band 
Blood Duster. :-)

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11  wrote:
> you are crackin' me up!!!
> here are a few quotes from YOUR HERO Barry Wright, NOT included 
> in your precious list of "the few nasties on this list":
> "All three of them deserved to be called that
> because they were acting like cunts."
> "You're just a cunt."
> "That said, Palin really IS a bimbo and a cunt"
> "Hell hath no fury like a cunt ignored."
> "Ah, I get it now. It's that time of year again,
> that week when the Who Can Be The Most Argumentative
> Cunt On Fairfield Life Contest rolls around."
> LOL! what a bone head you are!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fwd: Ron Paul Revolution Sweeping the GOP

2009-05-05 Thread WLeed3
To insulting  & ignorant to answer such a querry on a # of  grounds 
& the title is Col. I take little credit for  the title for the senate was 
democratic at the confirmation of myself.
 I assure U I read & write however. 
But more important I assure U never lost a valued  soldier save for 
 A soldier hates war the most of all for they experienced  it.
In a message dated 5/6/2009 12:04:17 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
no_re...@yahoogroups.com writes:

Sergeant Leeds?   why is a  warmonger like you interested in an extreme 
pacififist environmentalist like  Ron Paul? 
--- In _fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com_ 
(mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com) ,  wle...@... wrote:
>  From:  no-re...@...
> To: wle...@...
> Sent: 5/5/2009  7:09:10 P.M.  Eastern Daylight Time
> Subj: Ron Paul Revolution Sweeping the   GOP
> May 5, 2009
> Dear Friend of Liberty,
> With each  passing  day, Ron Paul is winning people over to the cause of 
>  Federal Reserve  transparency and sound money.
> More and  more Congressmen have been  signing onto Dr. Paul’s Audit 
the Fed  
> bill, HR 1207, and it is now up to a  whopping 124 cosponsors.  
> That cosponsor list now includes over half of  the  House Republican 
>  Dr. Paul is truly leading  the  GOP back to its roots of sound money and 
> fiscal conservatism.
> In  fact, The Washington Independent’s David Weigel just wrote  an 
>  article about how Ron Paul’s message is  resonating with Republican  
> lawmakers.  All I can say is,  "It's about time!" 
> _Click  here to read the article -- “Ron  Paul's Economic Theories 
> GOP  Converts”_ 
 )  .
> And today, Dr. Paul proved the case for  Federal  Reserve transparency to 
> people across America by _grilling  Ben  Bernanke on national television_ 
>  286178279D4827F) .
> Chairman Ben is running scared now that HR 1207 is  gaining  steam.  He 
> tried to appease Dr. Paul by  offering transparency  on everything except 
> monetary policy --  the Fed's sole function! 
> It is  clear we are winning  this fight, and I believe that ultimately we 
> will  see it  through to victory.  But this is no time to rest on our   
> Keep writing and calling your congressman if he has  not  already 
> cosponsored HR 1207 (_click  here to find out_  
 )  ).  Circulate 
> more petitions and Audit the Fed  literature  to your friends and 
neighbors to 
> recruit them to this winning   effort.
> Thank you for all you have done and all you  will  do.  With your 
> support, Ron Paul and  Campaign for Liberty  will return the GOP to its 
> conservative  roots, and America back to its  founding principles.
> In  Liberty,
> John Tate
> President, Campaign for  Liberty
> P.S. Unlike  the Fed, Campaign for Liberty  cannot print money out of 
> air.  Only your ongoing  financial support allows us to do the work  we 
>  _Please  click here to donate to Campaign for Liberty_ 
>   . 
> To  unsubscribe from future Campaign for Liberty e-mails,  _click  here_ 
>  _eemail=wle...@...&_mh=5012f4c1a9b4a2caa1cd56f9392c5199_ 
(mailto:eemail=wle...@...&_mh=5012f4c1a9b4a2caa1cd56f9392c5199) )  .
> You were added  to our system on October 18, 2008.  For  more 
> _click  here_ 
5056877a1fe8fe3) )  .
>  (_http://www.bluehornet.com/_ (http://www.bluehornet.com/) ) 
> **Remember Mom this Mother's Day! Find a florist  near you 