[FairfieldLife] Re: The British in India

2005-12-16 Thread mcjrich
The Colonial Legacy - Myths and Popular Beliefs

While few educated South Asians would deny that British Colonial 
rule was detrimental to the interests of the common people of the 
sub-continent - several harbor an illusion that the British weren't 
all bad. Didn't they, perhaps, educate us - build us modern cities, 
build us irrigation canals - protect our ancient monuments - etc. 
etc. And then, there are some who might even say that their record 
was actually superior to that of independent India's! Perhaps, it is 
time that the colonial record be retrieved from the archives and re-
examined - so that those of us who weren't alive during the freedom 
movement can learn to distinguish between the myths and the reality. 

Literacy and Education 

Several Indians are deeply concerned about why literacy rates in 
India are still so low. So in the last year, I have been making a 
point of asking English-speaking Indians to guess what India's 
literacy rate in the colonial period might have been. These were 
Indians who went to school in the sixties and seventies (only two 
decades after independence) - and I was amazed to hear their fairly 
confident guesses. Most guessed the number to be between 30% and 
40%. When I suggested that their guess was on the high side - they 
offered 25% to 35%. No one was prepared to believe that literacy in 
British India in 1911 was only 6%, in 1931 it was 8%, and by 1947 it 
had crawled to 11%! That fifty years of freedom had allowed the 
nation to quintuple it's literacy rate was something that almost 
seemed unfathomable to them. Perhaps - the British had concentrated 
on higher education ? But in 1935, only 4 in 10,000 were 
enrolled in universities or higher educational institutes. In a 
nation of then over 350 million people only 16,000 books (no 
circulation figures) were published in that year (i.e. 1 per 

Urban Development 

It is undoubtedly true that the British built modern cities with 
modern conveniences for their administrative officers. But it should 
be noted that these were exclusive zones not intended for 
the natives to enjoy. Consider that in 1911, 69 per cent of 
Bombay's population lived in one-room tenements (as against 6 per 
cent in London in the same year). The 1931 census revealed that the 
figure had increased to 74 per cent - with one-third living more 
than 5 to a room. The same was true of Karachi and Ahmedabad. After 
the Second World War, 13 per cent of Bombay's population slept on 
the streets. As for sanitation, 10-15 tenements typically shared one 
water tap! 

Yet, in 1757 (the year of the Plassey defeat), Clive of the East 
India Company had observed of Murshidabad in Bengal: This city is 
as extensive, populous and rich as the city of London... (so quoted 
in the Indian Industrial Commission Report of 1916-18). Dacca was 
even more famous as a manufacturing town, it's muslin a source of 
many legends and it's weavers had an international reputation that 
was unmatched in the medieval world. But in 1840 it was reported by 
Sir Charles Trevelyan to a parliamentary enquiry that Dacca's 
population had fallen from 150,000 to 20,000. Montgomery Martin - an 
early historian of the British Empire observed that Surat and 
Murshidabad had suffered a similiar fate. (This phenomenon was to be 
replicated all over India - particularly in Awadh (modern U.P) and 
other areas that had offered the most heroic resistance to the 
British during the revolt of 1857.) 

The percentage of population dependant on agriculture and pastoral 
pursuits actually rose to 73% in 1921 from 61% in 1891. (Reliable 
figures for earlier periods are not available.) 

In 1854, Sir Arthur Cotton writing in Public Works in India 
noted: Public works have been almost entirely neglected throughout 
India... The motto hitherto has been: 'Do nothing, have nothing 
done, let nobody do anything. Adding that the Company was 
unconcerned if people died of famine, or if they lacked roads and 

Nothing can be more revealing than the remark by John Bright in the 
House of Commons on June 24, 1858, The single city of Manchester, 
in the supply of its inhabitants with the single article of water, 
has spent a larger sum of money than the East India Company has 
spent in the fourteen years from 1834 to 1848 in public works of 
every kind throughout the whole of its vast dominions. 

Irrigation and Agricultural Development 

There is another popular belief about British rule: 'The British 
modernized Indian agriculture by building canals'. But the actual 
record reveals a somewhat different story.  The roads and tanks and 
canals, noted an observer in 1838 (G. Thompson, India and the 
Colonies, 1838), ''which Hindu or Mussulman Governments constructed 
for the service of the nations and the good of the country have been 
suffered to fall into dilapidation; and now the want of the means of 
irrigation causes famines. Montgomery Martin, in his standard 
work The 

[FairfieldLife] Re: The British in India

2005-12-15 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jim_flanegin [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In 
 FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, tomandcindytraynoratfairfieldlis 

 Many times a day I will juxtapose two complete opposites in my mind, 
 the intellect will try for a resolution, going deeper and deeper, 
 finally give up, bounce into the transcendent, back out again, and 
 I'll break into a smile or small chuckle at this universal infinite 

Interesting mental activity...

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[FairfieldLife] Re: The British in India

2005-12-15 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Dec 14, 2005, at 2:08 PM, jyouells2000 wrote:
  It's odd. If Maharishi's so right-wing how come almost everyone
  connected with him in the West leans so far left? It's a strange  
 It is.
 It's just the paradox of Brahman, so stop worrying. And he just has 
 funny way of showing his compassion. All is well.
 Is there great difference between a Christian fundie school kid 
 quotes the bible, talks of the Big Bang and tells about Jesus and 
 MSAE kid who quotes scientific literature, talks about AGNI and  
 unified field theory to sell you his idea from M.?
 Both are conditioned dogmas. Call it Pavlov's meditator.

Thus Speaks One Who Judges From Beyond (R).

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[FairfieldLife] Re: The British in India

2005-12-15 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jim_flanegin [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  --- authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter
MMY's personality is very much a product of his
and culture. It has nothing to do with anything
cosmic. Blazing Brahman expresses itself through
aging, slightly senile, lower-caste, 89 year old
man who has run a spiritual movement with an iron
for the past 50 years.
   Boy, I think this is an important point.
   Peter, would it also be correct to phrase it
   slightly differently and say, This is *how*
   Blazing Brahman is expressing itself through
   this particular aging, slightly senile,
   lower-caste, 89-year-old Hindu man who has
   run a spiritual movement with an iron fist
   for the past 50 years?
  Yes, better stated your way.
   I mean, obviously one has to think MMY has
   *realized* Blazing Brahman in order to make
   either of these two statements.
   But people tend to look at the *expression*,
   find it to be much less than what they think
   of as perfection in a relative sense, and
   on that basis assume MMY has *not* realized
  Agreed. If you're looking for relative perfection in a
  realized master, good luck! For example in a
  residential Art of Living course I took about a year
  ago with SSRS in residence, I was bothered by his
  casual manner in talking about funny stories from his
  ashram and people throwing themselves at his feet. He
  wasn't making fun of them or anything but was talking
  about the difficulty in walking around and how much
  time it took to go from one end of his ashram to
  another. Very funny, very cute story. But I was amazed
  at part of my own reaction. I wanted him to be more
  serious and aloof and not have the reaction he did.
  Just some silly relative ideal of what a guru should
  be. My attachment, my problem, not his.
 Yes. Funny what a process that is- engaging with a guru, and coming 
 to terms with who he or she is, vs who we want them to be.
 *Paradoxically* I never had the slightest inclination to be in 
 Maharishi's physical presence. 
 and *paradoxically* the only guru who lived up to my expectations 
 when I met him face to face was Brahmananda Saraswati aka Guru Dev 
 (who was the only one I ever met face-to-face...). The embodiment 
 gentleness, love, friendliness, compassion and an absolute pillar 
 resolve, tenacity, steadfastness, and no compromise.

Hey Paul, I mean Saul.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: The British in India

2005-12-15 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, anonymousff [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
   --- jim_flanegin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Maharishi has evolved into pure paradox,
transcending my intellect,  
and leaving me as the innocent witness to his
actions. Like a master-
 disciple relationship only in the transcendent;
ONLY in the 
transcendent. Pure Paradox.
   Absolutely. You got it! Nothing of value on the
   surface at all. It's all sentimentality and ego up
   there, but deep in the heart is that pulse of Brahman
   that just PULLS you into it and flattens all the
   bullshit of the personality. Pure Shiva whirling in
   absolute stillness destroying all boundaries. 
  And yet I suspect you'd have to admit that this
  is a subjective feeling. 
 A polite way of saying mood making, perhaps? 
 And/ or the inner consolidation/condensation of ones own projections
 of how the world (and gurus) should be? I mean if one thinks MMY or
 whoever is IT, THE ONE, won't the mind almost automatically 
 a sense of that experience when one sees them? Particularly if it 
is a
 rare event / (always a) special occasion?
 Did the skinboys and inner circle types who were around MMY 
 experience him as blazing brahman.
 Could the need to experience a teacher as blazing brahman justify
 the umpteen years poured into what now apear, at least in part as
 trivial and silly projects of his?

Were they trivial and silly to those involved? DId the projects 
attained the desired goal? How do you know?

 Someone once said that the grandeur of the described experience
 around the teacher is inversely proportional to ones proximity.

Except that according to Helena Olson, MMY's most favorite person in 
the clique of Americans hanging around the Master in 1959 was her 
Mother (Mother-in-law?) who didn't take him serioiusly at all and 
couldn't understand why everyone else did.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: The British in India

2005-12-15 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, anonymousff [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Premanand Paul Mason
  Please, when and where did you meet Brahmananda Saraswati face-to-
   *Paradoxically* I never had the slightest inclination to be in 
   Maharishi's physical presence. 
   and *paradoxically* the only guru who lived up to my 
   when I met him face to face was Brahmananda Saraswati aka Guru 
   (who was the only one I ever met face-to-face...). The 
embodiment of 
   gentleness, love, friendliness, compassion and an absolute 
pillar of 
   resolve, tenacity, steadfastness, and no compromise.
 In his dreams?

Somewhere near Damascus, I think...

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[FairfieldLife] Re: The British in India

2005-12-15 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 All valid observations and insights that you need to
 temper your own experience with, not deconstruct the
 validity of another's experience. You can only talk
 about what you experience, not another. 

True, but I think you can draw inferences from your
own experience to other experiences. *Not* to challenge
them for challenge's sake, but to understand that we
all have the ability to *create* our own subjective
experience out of desire for such an experience. If 
I know that about myself and my own experiences, and
become comfortable with it, then I can infer it with
regard to the experiences of others, and be comfort-
able with theirs as well.

 And certainly
 don't expect social consensus with someone like MMY.
 Your mind is never going to get him. Never, ever.

I think that my point is that no one will ever get
*anybody*.  Maharishi is no different than any other
human being on the planet in that regard.
 --- TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, anonymousff
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter 
 --- jim_flanegin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Maharishi has evolved into pure paradox,
  transcending my intellect,  
  and leaving me as the innocent witness to
  actions. Like a master-
   disciple relationship only in the
  ONLY in the 
  transcendent. Pure Paradox.
 Absolutely. You got it! Nothing of value on
 surface at all. It's all sentimentality and
  ego up
 there, but deep in the heart is that pulse of
 that just PULLS you into it and flattens all
 bullshit of the personality. Pure Shiva
  whirling in
 absolute stillness destroying all boundaries. 

And yet I suspect you'd have to admit that this
is a subjective feeling. 
   A polite way of saying mood making, perhaps? 
   And/ or the inner consolidation/condensation of
  ones own 
   projections of how the world (and gurus) should
  be? I mean 
   if one thinks MMY or whoever is IT, THE ONE,
  won't the 
   mind almost automatically create a sense of that
   when one sees them? Particularly if it is a
   rare event / (always a) special occasion?
  Absolutely. The rarer the event is, the more likely
  it is that the expected experience will occur.
   Did the skinboys and inner circle types who were
  around MMY 
   constantly experience him as blazing brahman.
  Absolutely not. That's why most of them left. Each
  of us is free to decide whether they were right in 
  their decision to leave or not.
   Could the need to experience a teacher as blazing
  brahman justify
   the umpteen years poured into what now apear, at
  least in part as
   trivial and silly projects of his?
  I think so. There is a strong tendency in all humans
  to justify what one has dedicated years to. This
  often keeps people paying lip service to what they
  dedicated years to *years* past the time when they
  longer feel it deserves their dedication. Most of
  people I've ever met who have walked away from a
  involvement with a spiritual tradition have said
  they did so several years later than they should
  The realization that they no longer fit predated 
  their ability to accept or act on that realization.
   Someone once said that the grandeur of the
  described experience
   around the teacher is inversely proportional to
  ones proximity.
  There *is* a proximity factor at work here. The aura
  of a teacher is usually stronger in his/her close
  proximity than it is far away. That is, until and
  unless one develops an inner connection with the 
  teacher that transcends time and space. At that
  point, distance no longer matters.
  But there are a myriad of energies that swirl around
  a strong spiritual teacher. In my opinion, some of
  these energies have to do with enlightenment, with
  eternity itself. Other of the energies have to do 
  with the finite teacher and his or her good points,
  and his or her lingering samskaras. One of the
  that tends to happen when one is in close proximity
  to a strong teacher is that one is bombarded by both
  types of energies, and can have a hard time figuring
  out which is which. Thus people sometimes begin to 
  mistake the strong energy of the lingering samskaras
  for the strong energy of enlightenment.
  Just an opinion, but one based on experience...
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[FairfieldLife] Re: The British in India

2005-12-15 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, anonymousff [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  All valid observations and insights that you need to
  temper your own experience with,
 Actually all of the questions I wrote: the inner
 consolidation/condensation of ones own  projections of how the 
 (and gurus) should be; could the need to experience a teacher as
 blazing brahman justify the umpteen years poured into the trivial
 etc., are prompted from reviewing, questioning and speculating 
 my own experiences with saints. 
  not deconstruct the
  validity of another's experience. 
 Who said anything about any specific other's experience? It was a
 serious of questions about the general drawn from observation and
 speculation of my own experiences, the specific

Exactly. And that was exactly the spirit in which I 
replied to the questions. The issue is not whether
a specific experience is to be trusted as valid in
any kind of objective sense, but whether *any* exper-
ience can be trusted in any kind of objective sense.

I have long been comfortable with the possibility
that my subjective experiences in the realm of 
enlightenment might be illusory, as illusory as any
other experience. And yet I trust them completely,
because many of these experiences were more real
than any other experience in my life.

That said, I ask no one else in the universe to 
believe in their reality. They are my experiences 
and mine alone. I just use them as a springboard 
from which to ponder the nature of subjective 
experience itself, as I think anon was doing here.

In other words, I don't think there is any need to
get all protective of one's subjective experience.
That's called attachment. The experiences were what
they were, or were not. Nothing *anyone* else has
to say about them is relevant.

  You can only talk
  about what you experience, not another. 
 OK I will try to keep that in mind when such circumstances arise. I
 assume you will also.
  And certainly
  don't expect social consensus with someone like MMY.
  Your mind is never going to get him. Never, ever.
 Aren't you now guilty of what you just preached not to do? It 
 valid for you to conclude that your mind is never going to get 
 But it seems baseless for you to conclude that another mind, much 
 all minds, are incapbable of getting him, or of anything for that
 matter. Isn't all possibilities part of the credo of this group?

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[FairfieldLife] Re: The British in India

2005-12-15 Thread Premanand Paul Mason
Before you desparaige someone, check you got the right person. The 
author of the following is Jim Flanegan not me!

  Yes. Funny what a process that is- engaging with a guru, and 
  to terms with who he or she is, vs who we want them to be.
  *Paradoxically* I never had the slightest inclination to be in 
  Maharishi's physical presence. 
  and *paradoxically* the only guru who lived up to my expectations 
  when I met him face to face was Brahmananda Saraswati aka Guru 
  (who was the only one I ever met face-to-face...). The embodiment 
  gentleness, love, friendliness, compassion and an absolute pillar 
  resolve, tenacity, steadfastness, and no compromise.
 Hey Paul, I mean Saul.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: The British in India

2005-12-15 Thread Premanand Paul Mason
Before you desparaige someone, check you got the right person. The 
author of the following is Jim Flanegan not me!

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, anonymousff [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Premanand Paul Mason
   Please, when and where did you meet Brahmananda Saraswati face-
*Paradoxically* I never had the slightest inclination to be 
Maharishi's physical presence. 

and *paradoxically* the only guru who lived up to my 
when I met him face to face was Brahmananda Saraswati aka 
(who was the only one I ever met face-to-face...). The 
 embodiment of 
gentleness, love, friendliness, compassion and an absolute 
 pillar of 
resolve, tenacity, steadfastness, and no compromise.
  In his dreams?
 Somewhere near Damascus, I think...

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[FairfieldLife] Re: The British in India

2005-12-15 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Premanand Paul Mason 

 Before you desparaige someone, check you got the right person. 

Nonsense...you've *always* got the right person.

Everything you do, you do to yourself.
- some scripture or another


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[FairfieldLife] Re: The British in India

2005-12-15 Thread Premanand Paul Mason
Interesting to see how casually 'sparaig' disparagues another without 
bothering to check his facts. I have experienced this clumsiness 
before when he misquoted from a book I wrote which he admitted he had 
never read. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, anonymousff [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Premanand Paul Mason
   Please, when and where did you meet Brahmananda Saraswati face-
*Paradoxically* I never had the slightest inclination to be 
Maharishi's physical presence. 

and *paradoxically* the only guru who lived up to my 
when I met him face to face was Brahmananda Saraswati aka 
(who was the only one I ever met face-to-face...). The 
 embodiment of 
gentleness, love, friendliness, compassion and an absolute 
 pillar of 
resolve, tenacity, steadfastness, and no compromise.
  In his dreams?
 Somewhere near Damascus, I think...

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[FairfieldLife] Re: The British in India

2005-12-15 Thread Premanand Paul Mason
Thank you Turq, I seem to remember a news report about one of ZZTOP 
shooting himself in the foot, literally. Maybe the scripture you quote 
is by Billy Gibbon.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Premanand Paul Mason 
  Before you desparaige someone, check you got the right person. 
 Nonsense...you've *always* got the right person.
 Everything you do, you do to yourself.
 - some scripture or another

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[FairfieldLife] Re: The British in India

2005-12-15 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Premanand Paul Mason 

 Interesting to see how casually 'sparaig' disparagues another 
 without bothering to check his facts. I have experienced this 
 clumsiness before when he misquoted from a book I wrote which 
 he admitted he had never read. 

Paul, with all due respect, I think you're being 
overly sensitive. I didn't get the feeling that
sparaig had you in mind with either of these posts
you just replied defensively to. He was just making
what he felt was a clever quip.

The clever quip *was* disparaging, and IMO a reflexive
reaction to yet another something he chooses not to
believe, but it wasn't really about you. If I'm not
mistaken, both the Paul/Saul and Damascus quips are
references to the story of Christ, not PaulPremanand. :-)

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, anonymousff 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Premanand Paul Mason
Please, when and where did you meet Brahmananda Saraswati 

 *Paradoxically* I never had the slightest inclination to 
 Maharishi's physical presence. 
 and *paradoxically* the only guru who lived up to my 
 when I met him face to face was Brahmananda Saraswati aka 
 (who was the only one I ever met face-to-face...). The 
  embodiment of 
 gentleness, love, friendliness, compassion and an absolute 
  pillar of 
 resolve, tenacity, steadfastness, and no compromise.

   In his dreams?
  Somewhere near Damascus, I think...

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[FairfieldLife] Re: The British in India

2005-12-15 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Premanand Paul Mason 

 Thank you Turq, I seem to remember a news report about one of 
 ZZTOP shooting himself in the foot, literally. Maybe the 
 scripture you quote is by Billy Gibbon.

He was probably trying to twirl his six-shooter the
same way the ZZTopsters twirl their guitars on stage. :-)

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Premanand Paul Mason 
   Before you desparaige someone, check you got the right person. 
  Nonsense...you've *always* got the right person.
  Everything you do, you do to yourself.
  - some scripture or another

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[FairfieldLife] Re: The British in India

2005-12-15 Thread Premanand Paul Mason
From what I gather Paul/Saul distorted Jesus's teaching and presented 
the world with the 'religion of suffering' which should rightly be 
called Paulianity.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Premanand Paul Mason 
  Interesting to see how casually 'sparaig' disparagues another 
  without bothering to check his facts. I have experienced this 
  clumsiness before when he misquoted from a book I wrote which 
  he admitted he had never read. 
 Paul, with all due respect, I think you're being 
 overly sensitive. I didn't get the feeling that
 sparaig had you in mind with either of these posts
 you just replied defensively to. He was just making
 what he felt was a clever quip.
 The clever quip *was* disparaging, and IMO a reflexive
 reaction to yet another something he chooses not to
 believe, but it wasn't really about you. If I'm not
 mistaken, both the Paul/Saul and Damascus quips are
 references to the story of Christ, not PaulPremanand. :-)
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, anonymousff 
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Premanand Paul Mason

 Please, when and where did you meet Brahmananda Saraswati 
  *Paradoxically* I never had the slightest inclination to 
  Maharishi's physical presence. 
  and *paradoxically* the only guru who lived up to my 
  when I met him face to face was Brahmananda Saraswati aka 
  (who was the only one I ever met face-to-face...). The 
   embodiment of 
  gentleness, love, friendliness, compassion and an 
   pillar of 
  resolve, tenacity, steadfastness, and no compromise.

In his dreams?
   Somewhere near Damascus, I think...

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[FairfieldLife] Re: The British in India

2005-12-15 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Premanand Paul Mason 

 Interesting to see how casually 'sparaig' disparagues another
 without bothering to check his facts. I have experienced this 
 clumsiness before when he misquoted from a book I wrote which he 
 admitted he had never read.

What on earth makes you think he's disparaging *you*?

As I understand him, the reference was to St. Paul 
of the Christian Scriptures (previously known as
Saul) having a vision of the risen Christ at Damascus,
as Jim had a vision of Guru Dev.

I could be wrong, but I don't think it had anything to
do with you.  That the name is the same was coincidental.
I don't believe you've ever said you had a vision of Guru
Dev, have you?

(And as I recalll, he never misquoted you, he misstated
something from the book based on what he had heard
elsewhere, and apologized when you pointed this out.)

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, anonymousff [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Premanand Paul Mason
Please, when and where did you meet Brahmananda Saraswati 

 *Paradoxically* I never had the slightest inclination to be 
 Maharishi's physical presence. 
 and *paradoxically* the only guru who lived up to my 
 when I met him face to face was Brahmananda Saraswati aka 
 (who was the only one I ever met face-to-face...). The 
  embodiment of 
 gentleness, love, friendliness, compassion and an absolute 
  pillar of 
 resolve, tenacity, steadfastness, and no compromise.

   In his dreams?
  Somewhere near Damascus, I think...

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[FairfieldLife] Re: The British in India

2005-12-15 Thread jyouells2000
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jyouells2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jyouells2000 
Just a few off the cuff comments to your thoughtful reply.

Regardless of your (our) judgement of Maharishi's state of
consciousness, how the teaching is manifested still has to be
evaluated critically. Does it acomplish it's purpose? This is 
process of life.
   I'm not sure we can say what its purpose is in a way
   that would enable us to do a critical evaluation.
   How would you define it?
You'll find the same internal consistency in many of the more 
proment Adviatic, Dzochen, Course in Miracles, etc. teachers. 
many have the same type of character flaws we talk about here.
   Sure.  But internal consistency is just one of the
   criteria I was using.
Most of us agree that TM has inspired benificial unfoldment of
consciousness.  When we see or come into contact with Maharishi 
get a clearer reflection/experience of OUR own Self (Blazing 
Brahman is non-dual, afterall)

We (both us and Maharishi) still have to work it out in the 
relative, no matter what the perspective on where or who or 
what state of consciousness the  teaching comes from. 
   Yes, well said.
Without meditators there is no movement, no TMO. 

  Sure, the purpose of the teaching is to unfold enlightenment for the
  individual. Simple, if there is no or limited access to the teaching
  how can that happen. Maharishi has planted that seed very widely. 
  should it stop now? Is the TMO fulfilling it's purpose now? Very
  difficult to say. Will it do so in the future? There certainly isn't
  any clear indication of that. The TMO is and has been violently
  contracting on itself. Burning many carefully build bridges along 
  way. Slowly and simply teaching all these years would have worked
  better, in my opinion, with much less bullshit.
 It's a reasonable perspective, but it isn't exactly
 the basis for an objective measurement of whether
 MMY's teaching is fulfilling its purpose.  There are
 lots of ways to interpret what MMY is doing with the
 TMO now, some of which suggest that it will
 ultimately facilitate that purpose more than going
 slowly and simply.
 I've proposed one such: MMY wants to contract the
 movement and burn its bridges so that it can be
 handed over to King Tony in a nice, neat, self-
 contained package of unquestioned loyalty once MMY
 dies, which will allow Tony to take firm control
 and implement his own plans and ideas without a lot
 of controversy (or at least without as much as 
 there would have been otherwise).
 In other words, the contraction now will make
 expansion easier once King Tony takes over.
 I have *no* idea if that's correct; obviously we'll
 have to wait and see.  We have no idea yet what Tony
 will be like as the head of the movement, whether
 he'll take it and run with it or get all bogged
 down in trying (and inevitably failing) to be a
 second Maharishi.
 But I don't see anything that would rule out that
 interpretation, at any rate.
 There's more than one way to skin a cat; plus which,
 Unfathomable is the course of action.  Who can say
 what Nature has in mind?

Yup, that's one idea that makes some sense. Even that could be done
without fraud. Other family run (ordinary/traditional) businesses do
it, and without being unfathomable.


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[FairfieldLife] Re: The British in India

2005-12-15 Thread jyouells2000
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, lurkernomore20002000

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jyouells2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  I said Ayatolla Maharishi 
 Yea, but who's the ayatollah of rock n rolla.

Hey Lurk - I didn't write that. 


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[FairfieldLife] Re: The British in India

2005-12-15 Thread lurkernomore20002000
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jyouells2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Yea, but who's the ayatollah of rock n rolla.
  Hey Lurk - I didn't write that. 

Sorry. Will try to be more careful.


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[FairfieldLife] Re: The British in India

2005-12-15 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Premanand Paul Mason 

 Before you desparaige someone, check you got the right person. The 
 author of the following is Jim Flanegan not me!
   Yes. Funny what a process that is- engaging with a guru, and 
   to terms with who he or she is, vs who we want them to be.
   *Paradoxically* I never had the slightest inclination to be in 
   Maharishi's physical presence. 
   and *paradoxically* the only guru who lived up to my 
   when I met him face to face was Brahmananda Saraswati aka Guru 
   (who was the only one I ever met face-to-face...). The 
   gentleness, love, friendliness, compassion and an absolute 
   resolve, tenacity, steadfastness, and no compromise.
  Hey Paul, I mean Saul.

Was commenting on the comment. Paul, originally known as Saul, met 
Jesus after his death, on the road to Damascus. Your name 
coincidentally is Paul, but I was commenting on Jim Flanegan's 
comment, regardless of how I mangled the quote attribution.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: The British in India

2005-12-15 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Premanand Paul Mason 

 Thank you Turq, I seem to remember a news report about one of ZZTOP 
 shooting himself in the foot, literally. Maybe the scripture you 
 is by Billy Gibbon.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Premanand Paul Mason 
   Before you desparaige someone, check you got the right person. 
  Nonsense...you've *always* got the right person.
  Everything you do, you do to yourself.
  - some scripture or another

PErhaps I'm too subtle in my one-liners, because neither your NOR 
Unc got the reference, which I thought was overwhelmingly obvious.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: The British in India

2005-12-15 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Premanand Paul Mason 

 Interesting to see how casually 'sparaig' disparagues another 
 bothering to check his facts. I have experienced this clumsiness 
 before when he misquoted from a book I wrote which he admitted he 
 never read. 

in this, I WAS responding to anonymousff, not to you. I was likening 
him to Saul, or Paul of Tarsus, who met Jesus on the Road to Damascus 
AFTER Jesus had already died...

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, anonymousff [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Premanand Paul Mason
Please, when and where did you meet Brahmananda Saraswati 

 *Paradoxically* I never had the slightest inclination to be 
 Maharishi's physical presence. 
 and *paradoxically* the only guru who lived up to my 
 when I met him face to face was Brahmananda Saraswati aka 
 (who was the only one I ever met face-to-face...). The 
  embodiment of 
 gentleness, love, friendliness, compassion and an absolute 
  pillar of 
 resolve, tenacity, steadfastness, and no compromise.

   In his dreams?
  Somewhere near Damascus, I think...

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[FairfieldLife] Re: The British in India

2005-12-15 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Premanand Paul Mason 
  Interesting to see how casually 'sparaig' disparagues another 
  without bothering to check his facts. I have experienced this 
  clumsiness before when he misquoted from a book I wrote which 
  he admitted he had never read. 
 Paul, with all due respect, I think you're being 
 overly sensitive. I didn't get the feeling that
 sparaig had you in mind with either of these posts
 you just replied defensively to. He was just making
 what he felt was a clever quip.
 The clever quip *was* disparaging, and IMO a reflexive
 reaction to yet another something he chooses not to
 believe, but it wasn't really about you. If I'm not
 mistaken, both the Paul/Saul and Damascus quips are
 references to the story of Christ, not PaulPremanand. :-)

So you DID get it, but rather than clarify the confusion originally, 
you had to put in a joke at my expense.

And you're right, I don't believe in the meeting of long-dead people 
the way Saul/Paul of Tarsus and Jim describe. That doesn't mean that 
I'm right and they are wrong, but it DOES point out that things can 
get very interesting (re: Christian CHurch, TMO) when  people assign 
post-death meetings the same significance that pre-death meetings 

The same might be said (not sure) of MMY and the TMO itself since MMY 
claims to have had some kind of direct inspiration from his guru to 
start the TMO, apparently AFTER Guru Dev died.

  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, anonymousff 
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Premanand Paul Mason

 Please, when and where did you meet Brahmananda Saraswati 
  *Paradoxically* I never had the slightest inclination to 
  Maharishi's physical presence. 
  and *paradoxically* the only guru who lived up to my 
  when I met him face to face was Brahmananda Saraswati aka 
  (who was the only one I ever met face-to-face...). The 
   embodiment of 
  gentleness, love, friendliness, compassion and an 
   pillar of 
  resolve, tenacity, steadfastness, and no compromise.

In his dreams?
   Somewhere near Damascus, I think...

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[FairfieldLife] Re: The British in India

2005-12-15 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Premanand Paul Mason 
  Before you desparaige someone, check you got the right person. 
  author of the following is Jim Flanegan not me!
Yes. Funny what a process that is- engaging with a guru, and 
to terms with who he or she is, vs who we want them to be.

*Paradoxically* I never had the slightest inclination to be 
Maharishi's physical presence. 

and *paradoxically* the only guru who lived up to my 
when I met him face to face was Brahmananda Saraswati aka 
(who was the only one I ever met face-to-face...). The 
gentleness, love, friendliness, compassion and an absolute 
resolve, tenacity, steadfastness, and no compromise.

   Hey Paul, I mean Saul.
 Was commenting on the comment. Paul, originally known as Saul, met 
 Jesus after his death, on the road to Damascus. Your name 
 coincidentally is Paul, but I was commenting on Jim Flanegan's 
 comment, regardless of how I mangled the quote attribution.

I don't know that story about Jesus, though I would recommend Kahlil 
Gibran's excellent book on Jesus- really brings him alive.

Speaking of death, Guru Dev was anything but dead when I met him! 
Just elsewhere...

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[FairfieldLife] Re: The British in India

2005-12-15 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Premanand Paul Mason 

 From what I gather Paul/Saul distorted Jesus's teaching and 
 the world with the 'religion of suffering' which should rightly be 
 called Paulianity.

That's part of what I was implying by referring to Jim's experience 
that way. I don't KNOW that Jim's experience is invalid or 
distorting, but given a choice between insights gained due to pre-
death experiences with someone and insights gained due to post-death 
experiences, I'd go with the former.

This may be MY problem and not Jim's or Paul/Saul of Tarsus' but its 
what I believe.


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[FairfieldLife] Re: The British in India

2005-12-15 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Premanand Paul Mason 
  From what I gather Paul/Saul distorted Jesus's teaching and 
  the world with the 'religion of suffering' which should rightly 
  called Paulianity.
 That's part of what I was implying by referring to Jim's 
 that way. I don't KNOW that Jim's experience is invalid or 
 distorting, but given a choice between insights gained due to pre-
 death experiences with someone and insights gained due to post-
 experiences, I'd go with the former.
 This may be MY problem and not Jim's or Paul/Saul of Tarsus' but 
 what I believe.

Just to be absolutely clear, Lawson, I had an experience of 
Brahmananda Saraswati, after he left this earth. I shared it as 
accurately as I could. There was no attempt, whatsoever, on my part 
to impart Guru Dev's teaching, or my own for that matter. 

If you are more comfortable seeing it as a dream, hallucination, or 
story, that is your choice, just as sharing a special event in my 
life here was my choice.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: The British in India

2005-12-15 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jim_flanegin [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Was commenting on the comment. Paul, originally known as Saul, 
  met Jesus after his death, on the road to Damascus. Your name 
  coincidentally is Paul, but I was commenting on Jim Flanegan's 
  comment, regardless of how I mangled the quote attribution.
 I don't know that story about Jesus

Acts 22:6-21.  Paul is on a mission as a hired gun
for the High Priest to arrest Jewish Christians when
the vision of Christ--whom he had never met in life--
occurs and he becomes a convert.

Pretty dramatic episode, actually, at least as Paul 
tells it.  Text here:


(Scroll down; a third-person account earlier in Acts
comes first.)

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[FairfieldLife] Re: The British in India

2005-12-14 Thread Ingegerd
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Premanand Paul Mason 

 I have received an email relating to a press conference in which 
 allegedly made himself look and sound like an Ill tempered raving 
 Does anyone know of such a conference and do they have a 
 Follows an extract of the email received:-
 'It might interest you to know that during the summer of 2004 
 was watching a free live transmission of a Maharishi Press 
 Holland to India.  I had been watching these free for a limited 
 Maharishi press conferences for about the whole summer.  In each 
 John Hagelin of MUM was fielding questions from the press for 
 Maharishi would then give a thorough answer and/or message that 
 pleasing to hear.  However, one day as I was watching a special 
 broadcast of
 the Maharishi speaking to India, he absolutely lost it (so to 
 began what amounted to be a complete 30-45 minute tyrannical 
 how India is still being kept down by its Britisher foreigners and 
 religion of suffering-Christianity.
 I was stunned when he started advocating that Indians begin to 
 forcibly directly threaten Britishers and Christians (namely 
 explaining that if they didn't leave India immediately 
 their, Husbands 
 children's lives would be in great danger.  And that was only one 
 quote.  I watched in disbelief as he threw all caution to the wind 
 started chastising the Indian Press and basically all of India for 
 the West and becoming less Spiritual.  He was out of control to 
 the truth.  I am not exaggerating at all either.  He made himself 
 sound like an Ill tempered raving lunatic.  Literally trying to 
 violence?  I was stunned at how much disrespect and open contempt 
 displaying towards Britishers and westerners in general.  It was
 unthinkable, the things that he was saying.  He was openly 
 others to throw the bloody Britishers out or they will pay a 
 for staying, mainly he explained because of British involvement 
 in Iraq and the fact that these democratically run foreign 
 dragging the spirituality of India and her people down.  Also he 
 repeating get away from democracy get away from democracy.'

I have not heard that special conference. But what he says about 
Brithishers and Democracy has been repeated over and over again 
through the last years. I have heard him use a language that is far 
from spiritual and that is one of the reasons that I stopped to 
listen to his speaches. He is not in balance.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: The British in India

2005-12-14 Thread mainstream20016
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Premanand Paul Mason [EMAIL 

 I have received an email relating to a press conference in which MMY 
 allegedly made himself look and sound like an Ill tempered raving 
 Does anyone know of such a conference and do they have a transcript?
 Follows an extract of the email received:-
 'It might interest you to know that during the summer of 2004 
 was watching a free live transmission of a Maharishi Press conference 
 Holland to India.  I had been watching these free for a limited time
 Maharishi press conferences for about the whole summer.  In each 
 John Hagelin of MUM was fielding questions from the press for 
 Maharishi would then give a thorough answer and/or message that was 
 pleasing to hear.  However, one day as I was watching a special 
 broadcast of
 the Maharishi speaking to India, he absolutely lost it (so to speak) 
 began what amounted to be a complete 30-45 minute tyrannical speech 
 how India is still being kept down by its Britisher foreigners and 
 religion of suffering-Christianity.
 I was stunned when he started advocating that Indians begin to 
 forcibly directly threaten Britishers and Christians (namely 
 explaining that if they didn't leave India immediately 
 their, Husbands 
 children's lives would be in great danger.  And that was only one 
 quote.  I watched in disbelief as he threw all caution to the wind and
 started chastising the Indian Press and basically all of India for 
 the West and becoming less Spiritual.  He was out of control to 
 the truth.  I am not exaggerating at all either.  He made himself 
 sound like an Ill tempered raving lunatic.  Literally trying to incite
 violence?  I was stunned at how much disrespect and open contempt he 
 displaying towards Britishers and westerners in general.  It was
 unthinkable, the things that he was saying.  He was openly instructing
 others to throw the bloody Britishers out or they will pay a heavy 
 for staying, mainly he explained because of British involvement in 
 in Iraq and the fact that these democratically run foreign countries 
 dragging the spirituality of India and her people down.  Also he kept 
 repeating get away from democracy get away from democracy.'

Is this how you conduct research for your published books?  To fish for 
corroboration by broadcasting the above  without requiring your source to be 
regarding date of speech, or week, or month, even, is grossly irresponsible, 
and certainly 
lowers your credibility as a biographical author.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: The British in India

2005-12-14 Thread TurquoiseB
 On Dec 14, 2005, at 6:37 AM, Premanand Paul Mason wrote:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I have received an email relating to a press conference in which 
  MMY allegedly made himself look and sound like an Ill tempered 
  raving lunatic.
  Does anyone know of such a conference and do they have a 

 The ones I've watched seem edited now. Maybe that's why?

Vaj, your comment (and recent events here on FFL) have
left me thinking about a fine film I saw recently, one
that IMO has profound implications in many areas of 
life, including the spiritual search and one's own
spiritual sadhana.  The film is called The Final Cut,
and it stars Robin Williams (brilliant! in one of his
subdued, introverted roles) as a cutter.  In this
slightly future story, parents have the option of fit-
ting their kids with a Zoe chip, a bio-organic device 
that records everything they see and do from the moment
of birth to the moment of their deaths. Then, when the
wearer of the Zoe chip dies, his or her loved ones can
ask a cutter to make a Rememory film of the high-
lights of the person's life.

And therein lies the problem -- the idea of highlights,
of the necessity to EDIT a person's life to make it 
more palatable to the loved ones who want to view por-
tions of it.  Robin's character is the best at what he
does, and he's willing to take on *anybody's* life and
edit it to remove the offending parts.  He thinks of
himself as a sin eater, as in the old (I think) Jewish

I think we see this editing of life all the time. All
around us, but especially in spiritual traditions. 
There is a tendency for people to compartmentalize their
lives, and show only one small aspect of themselves to
the people they care about, while revealing other, less
savory aspects of themselves to those that they *don't*
care about. You need go no further than recent schizo-
phrenic remarks made here on FFL to understand what I'm
talking about. How would that person *feel* if people 
he cared about knew what he did and what he said to 
amuse himself at other people's expense. But he feels
safe doing it, because he doesn't believe they'll find
out. They don't read FFL.

Similarly, there is a *huge* tendency in spiritual 
traditions to edit the lives of their founders. If
the teacher does or says something messy, there are
teams of people whose job it is to edit it out, to 
make it appear as if the messy thing never happened.
This certainly happens with video- and audiotape; I 
have seen various generations of the same tape come
and go, the later generations hugely different from
the original as TBs labor to remove all the parts 
that could be considered messy.

And what's even worse is the self editing that the
TBs sometimes perform on *themselves*. They *refuse*
to accept the veracity of stories that seem messy,
that seem contradictory to the way that they'd like
to think of their teacher.

I think this is a Big Spiritual Mistake. I think that
anyone's life is really about the raw footage of
that life -- the clean parts *and* the messy parts.
And I think that this is even more true when dealing
with enlightenment. The enlightened *aren't* all
squeaky clean. They fart and shit like other people,
and as far as I can tell they make messy mistakes
like other people. I believe that editing their
lives to make it appear as they don't is a disservice
to the enlightened themselves, and to people who seek
enlightenment and hope to find it in their example.

I don't know whether the press conferences in ques-
tion are being edited to remove the messy parts,
but it is *completely* consistent with TM movement
history that they are. I have certainly seen the edits
done on other tapes and books over the years.  And I'm
just rappin' about this because I think it's a mistake,
a disservice to the person being edited, and to the 
seekers who are forced to view an edited version
of life. IMO, real life is always better.

Just my opinion,


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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The British in India

2005-12-14 Thread Peter

--- TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I think this is a Big Spiritual Mistake. I think
 anyone's life is really about the raw footage of
 that life -- the clean parts *and* the messy parts.
 And I think that this is even more true when dealing
 with enlightenment. The enlightened *aren't* all
 squeaky clean. They fart and shit like other people,
 and as far as I can tell they make messy mistakes
 like other people. I believe that editing their
 lives to make it appear as they don't is a
 to the enlightened themselves, and to people who
 enlightenment and hope to find it in their example.
 I don't know whether the press conferences in ques-
 tion are being edited to remove the messy parts,
 but it is *completely* consistent with TM movement
 history that they are. I have certainly seen the
 done on other tapes and books over the years.  And
 just rappin' about this because I think it's a
 a disservice to the person being edited, and to the 
 seekers who are forced to view an edited version
 of life. IMO, real life is always better.
 Just my opinion,

Excellent post. When I did video production in Ffld I
used to interact on a regular basis with MIU's video
production department. On a near regular basis I would
see raw MMY footage being edited to remove sections
that did not adhere to top administrators' ideal of
what MMY should say. Usually international did this
but every once in a while MIU video would edit some of
these tapes. I also saw them do this on a Triguna tape
where the edit completely reversed his intended
meaning. The person editing the tape showed me the raw
footage and the finished product. He told me that he
was directly told by someone in the MIU administration
to edit particular parts of the tape.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: The British in India

2005-12-14 Thread Ingegerd
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I think this is a Big Spiritual Mistake. I think
  anyone's life is really about the raw footage of
  that life -- the clean parts *and* the messy parts.
  And I think that this is even more true when dealing
  with enlightenment. The enlightened *aren't* all
  squeaky clean. They fart and shit like other people,
  and as far as I can tell they make messy mistakes
  like other people. I believe that editing their
  lives to make it appear as they don't is a
  to the enlightened themselves, and to people who
  enlightenment and hope to find it in their example.
  I don't know whether the press conferences in ques-
  tion are being edited to remove the messy parts,
  but it is *completely* consistent with TM movement
  history that they are. I have certainly seen the
  done on other tapes and books over the years.  And
  just rappin' about this because I think it's a
  a disservice to the person being edited, and to the 
  seekers who are forced to view an edited version
  of life. IMO, real life is always better.
  Just my opinion,
 Excellent post. When I did video production in Ffld I
 used to interact on a regular basis with MIU's video
 production department. On a near regular basis I would
 see raw MMY footage being edited to remove sections
 that did not adhere to top administrators' ideal of
 what MMY should say. Usually international did this
 but every once in a while MIU video would edit some of
 these tapes. I also saw them do this on a Triguna tape
 where the edit completely reversed his intended
 meaning. The person editing the tape showed me the raw
 footage and the finished product. He told me that he
 was directly told by someone in the MIU administration
 to edit particular parts of the tape.
This is my experience too. What MMY say alive is very different from 
what is published from the TMO - either by video or press release.
The heavy stuff is taken out.
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The British in India

2005-12-14 Thread Rick Archer
on 12/14/05 7:36 AM, TurquoiseB at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I think this is a Big Spiritual Mistake. I think that
 anyone's life is really about the raw footage of
 that life -- the clean parts *and* the messy parts.
 And I think that this is even more true when dealing
 with enlightenment. The enlightened *aren't* all
 squeaky clean. They fart and shit like other people,
 and as far as I can tell they make messy mistakes
 like other people. I believe that editing their
 lives to make it appear as they don't is a disservice
 to the enlightened themselves, and to people who seek
 enlightenment and hope to find it in their example.

Your post reminds me of why Oprah Winfrey is such a spiritual person. My
wife has been watching her 6-DVD 20th Anniversary special - highlights of
her past 20 years. Oprah's heart is wide open. She feels others' pain as her
own. And she is brutally honest with herself in front of 20 million people,
sometimes appearing without makeup, talking about her weight problems, etc.
Very inspiring lady.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: The British in India

2005-12-14 Thread Jason Spock

 There are 150 million Muslims in india.!! Does Maharishi wants to throw them out too.?? Maharishi also seems to hate the German efficiency. Hecriticised it a couple of times in his speeches.OriginalMessage-  From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Wed, 14 Dec 2005 10:27:47 EST Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The British in IndiaI said Ayatolla Maharishi , not Ghengis Maharishi! LOL! my point being that he sounds more like any other fundamentalist from any other religion. Maybe a little more Islamic like with his throw out the Christians by force sentiment. But you are right , it's like he is calling in air strikes on his own position. Only thing is with such speak he only damages his own image, which I suppose could be a false image in some peoples eyes. 
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[FairfieldLife] Re: The British in India

2005-12-14 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 MMY's personality is very much a product of his time
 and culture. It has nothing to do with anything
 cosmic. Blazing Brahman expresses itself through an
 aging, slightly senile, lower-caste, 89 year old Hindu
 man who has run a spiritual movement with an iron fist
 for the past 50 years.

Boy, I think this is an important point.

Peter, would it also be correct to phrase it
slightly differently and say, This is *how*
Blazing Brahman is expressing itself through
this particular aging, slightly senile,
lower-caste, 89-year-old Hindu man who has
run a spiritual movement with an iron fist
for the past 50 years?

I mean, obviously one has to think MMY has
*realized* Blazing Brahman in order to make
either of these two statements.

But people tend to look at the *expression*,
find it to be much less than what they think
of as perfection in a relative sense, and
on that basis assume MMY has *not* realized

Of course whether he has or hasn't is still
one's individual take; it's just that the take
shouldn't be based, it seems to me, on the
perceived distance of the expression from what
they would consider relative perfection.

So what should it be based on??  I assume
realized people and nonrealized people have
different ways of evaluating MMY's state of

From my unrealized perspective, it's a
combination of a gut hunch, and my awe at the
depth, comprehensiveness, and internal
consistency of his teaching on the nature and
mechanics of consciousness (including its
implementation in the TM technique), as well 
as the teaching'sextraordinary explanatory value.

It just doesn't seem possible to me that a person,
no matter how brilliant their mind, could come up
with such a teaching purely on an intellectual
basis.  It has to be coming from some basis in
higher intuitive knowledge (or Knowledge, to
distinguish it from intellectual knowledge).

Of course, that's still based on a sense of how
close MMY's expression comes to my idea of 
relative perfection, which is what I just said
you shouldn't do.

Now I'm trying to figure out on what basis I think
evaluating his teaching on the nature and mechanics
of consciousness is a more appropriate criterion on
which to have an opinion of his realization, versus
evaluating the sensibleness of his political and
social pronouncements and what he's been doing with
the TMO.

Help me out here.  They're both measuring what MMY
expresses against a personal idea of relative 
perfection.  Why should choosing one *type* of
expression over another make a difference?  Or
are both approaches essentially absurd?

Obviously I've gone off on something of a tangent

 The value of our interaction
 with him has nothing to do with the surface of this
 relationship. This surface always varies from guru
 to guru and is quite irrelevent to the transcendent
 value of the relationship. MMY doesn't give a damn
 about your personality. It is utterly irrelevent to
 your Realization.
 --- Premanand Paul Mason [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  I have received an email relating to a press
  conference in which MMY 
  allegedly made himself look and sound like an Ill
  tempered raving 

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[FairfieldLife] Re: The British in India

2005-12-14 Thread Premanand Paul Mason
There is no question that MMY disparages Britain, the issue has already 
provoked much discussion on FFL. Since he has broadcast anti-British 
propaganda, it would be grossly irresponsible and incredible if this 
information were suppressed. It would be interesting to know the exact 
wording of his transmissions to those in India.

 Is this how you conduct research for your published books?  
To fish for 
 corroboration by broadcasting the above  without requiring your 
source to be specific
 regarding date of speech, or week, or month, even, is grossly 
irresponsible, and certainly 
 lowers your credibility as a biographical author.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: The British in India

2005-12-14 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Premanand Paul Mason 

 There is no question that MMY disparages Britain, the issue has 
 provoked much discussion on FFL. Since he has broadcast anti-
 propaganda, it would be grossly irresponsible and incredible if 
 information were suppressed. It would be interesting to know the 
 wording of his transmissions to those in India.
  Is this how you conduct research for your published 
 To fish for 
  corroboration by broadcasting the above  without requiring your 
 source to be specific
  regarding date of speech, or week, or month, even, is grossly 
 irresponsible, and certainly 
  lowers your credibility as a biographical author.

So, if MMY lost it and later decided he had said too much in public, 
its not his perogative to edit the remarks that he doesn't want 

And of course, since we don't have access to the raw footage, we 
don't even know if these remarks were actually said in the first 

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The British in India

2005-12-14 Thread Vaj

On Dec 14, 2005, at 10:59 AM, authfriend wrote:as well  as the teaching'sextraordinary explanatory value. There's a Freudian slip if ever I saw one!

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[FairfieldLife] Re: The British in India

2005-12-14 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  MMY's personality is very much a product of his time
  and culture. It has nothing to do with anything
  cosmic. Blazing Brahman expresses itself through an
  aging, slightly senile, lower-caste, 89 year old Hindu
  man who has run a spiritual movement with an iron fist
  for the past 50 years.
 Boy, I think this is an important point.
 Peter, would it also be correct to phrase it
 slightly differently and say, This is *how*
 Blazing Brahman is expressing itself through
 this particular aging, slightly senile,
 lower-caste, 89-year-old Hindu man who has
 run a spiritual movement with an iron fist
 for the past 50 years?
 I mean, obviously one has to think MMY has
 *realized* Blazing Brahman in order to make
 either of these two statements.
 But people tend to look at the *expression*,
 find it to be much less than what they think
 of as perfection in a relative sense, and
 on that basis assume MMY has *not* realized
 Of course whether he has or hasn't is still
 one's individual take; it's just that the take
 shouldn't be based, it seems to me, on the
 perceived distance of the expression from what
 they would consider relative perfection.

Brilliant posts Judy, and Peter! ...we're back to 'the meaty 

I have watched my own evolution of my perceptions of Maharishi's 
expressions, and what has happened is I kept trying to have an 
opinion about him, where he was headed, what his initiatives mean, 
why the people around him do what they do, and despite my best 
intentions, I am now in a 'watching what comes next, fascinated' 

Maharishi has managed to transcend everything I have ever felt or 
thought about him, and now my experience is that of watching Shiva 
incarnate. However, lest you think, 'aha, Jim is making an opinion 
of Maharishi again...', this is really just a way to express my 
current perception. As we might imagine, Shiva incarnating has as 
much to do with the Infinite as He does with discrete actions.

I also want to make the strong point that the only way I am now able 
to just be with Maharishi's actions is by previously attending to 
all of my impressions of him, and watching them dissolve, one by one 
by one.

Is this a less certain way of watching Maharishi? Yes. Because there 
is no reserved parking space for me anymore, with regard to my 
judgement of him. 

He is what he is, whatever that is. Kind of like watching a tree 
grow from a sapling and trying to predict exactly what it will look 
like as it grows, which is impossible, because it continues to 
change. How do we judge the sky? Is it Hurricane Katrina, or a sunny 
day at the beach? 

Maharishi has evolved into pure paradox, transcending my intellect,  
and leaving me as the innocent witness to his actions. Like a master-
 disciple relationship only in the transcendent; ONLY in the 
transcendent. Pure Paradox.  

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The British in India

2005-12-14 Thread Peter

--- authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter
  MMY's personality is very much a product of his
  and culture. It has nothing to do with anything
  cosmic. Blazing Brahman expresses itself through
  aging, slightly senile, lower-caste, 89 year old
  man who has run a spiritual movement with an iron
  for the past 50 years.
 Boy, I think this is an important point.
 Peter, would it also be correct to phrase it
 slightly differently and say, This is *how*
 Blazing Brahman is expressing itself through
 this particular aging, slightly senile,
 lower-caste, 89-year-old Hindu man who has
 run a spiritual movement with an iron fist
 for the past 50 years?

Yes, better stated your way.

 I mean, obviously one has to think MMY has
 *realized* Blazing Brahman in order to make
 either of these two statements.
 But people tend to look at the *expression*,
 find it to be much less than what they think
 of as perfection in a relative sense, and
 on that basis assume MMY has *not* realized

Agreed. If you're looking for relative perfection in a
realized master, good luck! For example in a
residential Art of Living course I took about a year
ago with SSRS in residence, I was bothered by his
casual manner in talking about funny stories from his
ashram and people throwing themselves at his feet. He
wasn't making fun of them or anything but was talking
about the difficulty in walking around and how much
time it took to go from one end of his ashram to
another. Very funny, very cute story. But I was amazed
at part of my own reaction. I wanted him to be more
serious and aloof and not have the reaction he did.
Just some silly relative ideal of what a guru should
be. My attachment, my problem, not his.

 Of course whether he has or hasn't is still
 one's individual take; it's just that the take
 shouldn't be based, it seems to me, on the
 perceived distance of the expression from what
 they would consider relative perfection.

The first time I saw MMY in 1972 my mind blew wide
open and left absolutely no doubts about his Realized
status. And in every ensuing contact with him over the
years this has happened over and over again with the
experience getting deeper and deeper everytime.

 So what should it be based on??  I assume
 realized people and nonrealized people have
 different ways of evaluating MMY's state of

Your own direct experience...only!

 From my unrealized perspective, it's a
 combination of a gut hunch, and my awe at the
 depth, comprehensiveness, and internal
 consistency of his teaching on the nature and
 mechanics of consciousness (including its
 implementation in the TM technique), as well 
 as the teaching'sextraordinary explanatory value.

Right, you find great value in his teachings.
 It just doesn't seem possible to me that a person,
 no matter how brilliant their mind, could come up
 with such a teaching purely on an intellectual
 basis.  It has to be coming from some basis in
 higher intuitive knowledge (or Knowledge, to
 distinguish it from intellectual knowledge).

 Of course, that's still based on a sense of how
 close MMY's expression comes to my idea of 
 relative perfection, which is what I just said
 you shouldn't do.

I don't think we can ever, to a complete degree, get
away from this. In fact, it perhaps is a foolish
spiritual ideal.
 Now I'm trying to figure out on what basis I think
 evaluating his teaching on the nature and mechanics
 of consciousness is a more appropriate criterion on
 which to have an opinion of his realization, versus
 evaluating the sensibleness of his political and
 social pronouncements and what he's been doing with
 the TMO.
 Help me out here.  They're both measuring what MMY
 expresses against a personal idea of relative 
 perfection.  Why should choosing one *type* of
 expression over another make a difference?  Or
 are both approaches essentially absurd?
 Obviously I've gone off on something of a tangent

Yeah, but a good tangent  I think, ultimately, the
value of a guru/master is in him/her functioning as a
catalyst for one's own realization. This is
appreciated by people as their experiences with the
body of techniques offered, the intellectual
knowledge, and the transcendent darshan experiences
with the master.

  The value of our interaction
  with him has nothing to do with the surface of
  relationship. This surface always varies from
  to guru and is quite irrelevent to the
  value of the relationship. MMY doesn't give a damn
  about your personality. It is utterly irrelevent
  your Realization.
  --- Premanand Paul Mason [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   I have received an email relating to a press
   conference in which MMY 
   allegedly made himself look and sound like an
   tempered raving 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The British in India

2005-12-14 Thread Peter

--- jim_flanegin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Maharishi has evolved into pure paradox,
 transcending my intellect,  
 and leaving me as the innocent witness to his
 actions. Like a master-
  disciple relationship only in the transcendent;
 ONLY in the 
 transcendent. Pure Paradox.

Absolutely. You got it! Nothing of value on the
surface at all. It's all sentimentality and ego up
there, but deep in the heart is that pulse of Brahman
that just PULLS you into it and flattens all the
bullshit of the personality. Pure Shiva whirling in
absolute stillness destroying all boundaries. Ha
Tomorrow night meditate under the full moon for a few
hours and watch that cosmic dance unfold in your

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[FairfieldLife] Re: The British in India

2005-12-14 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 --- jim_flanegin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Maharishi has evolved into pure paradox,
  transcending my intellect,  
  and leaving me as the innocent witness to his
  actions. Like a master-
   disciple relationship only in the transcendent;
  ONLY in the 
  transcendent. Pure Paradox.
 Absolutely. You got it! Nothing of value on the
 surface at all. It's all sentimentality and ego up
 there, but deep in the heart is that pulse of Brahman
 that just PULLS you into it and flattens all the
 bullshit of the personality. Pure Shiva whirling in
 absolute stillness destroying all boundaries. 

And yet I suspect you'd have to admit that this
is a subjective feeling. I spent a lot of time
around Maharishi as well, and never felt anything
from him that I would attribute to enlightenment,
whereas I have with other people. Go figure.

I think the bottom line may be that if we could
react to everyone we meet (including ourselves) by 
cutting them the same slack we give to those we 
consider enlightened, the world might be a better 
place.  :-)

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[FairfieldLife] Re: The British in India

2005-12-14 Thread tomandcindytraynoratfairfieldlis
jim_flanegin writes; snipped
Maharishi has evolved into pure paradox, transcending my intellect,  
and leaving me as the innocent witness to his actions. Like a master-
 disciple relationship only in the transcendent; ONLY in the 
transcendent. Pure Paradox.  

Tom T responds:
This is the value of Brahman. Only Brahman can hold those extreme
values inside one human mind and live with that paradox. If you have
any doubt left about the nature of Brahman see above and ponder on
that for a while. This is the exposition and playing out of the
Jaimini sutras. On the hand is the realtive loony toon character and
on the other hand is the blazing brillance of pure Shiva, go try and
figure it out and you can't. That is the definition of Brahman. 
I once heard a 23 year old, FF born and raised, describe her
enlightenment as delightful confusion. Delightful because it was and
confusion because the mind was never going to figure it out. Not now
Not ever. Tom T

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The British in India

2005-12-14 Thread Vaj

On Dec 14, 2005, at 1:01 PM, TurquoiseB wrote:And yet I suspect you'd have to admit that this is a subjective feeling. I spent a lot of time around Maharishi as well, and never felt anything from him that I would attribute to enlightenment, whereas I have with other people. Go figure.  I think the bottom line may be that if we could react to everyone we meet (including ourselves) by  cutting them the same slack we give to those we  consider enlightened, the world might be a better  place.  :-) In the tradition I practice in, it is considered one of the aspects of the manifestations of staying in the state of unity to be able to see others in their enlightened forms. 

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[FairfieldLife] Re: The British in India

2005-12-14 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In 
FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, tomandcindytraynoratfairfieldlis 

 jim_flanegin writes; snipped
 Maharishi has evolved into pure paradox, transcending my 
 and leaving me as the innocent witness to his actions. Like a 
  disciple relationship only in the transcendent; ONLY in the 
 transcendent. Pure Paradox.  
 Tom T responds:
 This is the value of Brahman. Only Brahman can hold those extreme
 values inside one human mind and live with that paradox. If you 
 any doubt left about the nature of Brahman see above and ponder on
 that for a while. This is the exposition and playing out of the
 Jaimini sutras. On the hand is the realtive loony toon character 
 on the other hand is the blazing brillance of pure Shiva, go try 
 figure it out and you can't. That is the definition of Brahman. 
 I once heard a 23 year old, FF born and raised, describe her
 enlightenment as delightful confusion. Delightful because it was 
 confusion because the mind was never going to figure it out. Not 
 Not ever. Tom T

Along the lines of 'delightful confusion', the literally funny thing 
is (and I think you've mentioned this before Tom also...), is that 
whenever the intellect tries to make sense of the paradox that is 
Brahman, all that results is this little percolation of bliss. 

Many times a day I will juxtapose two complete opposites in my mind, 
the intellect will try for a resolution, going deeper and deeper, 
finally give up, bounce into the transcendent, back out again, and 
I'll break into a smile or small chuckle at this universal infinite 

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The British in India

2005-12-14 Thread Peter

--- tomandcindytraynoratfairfieldlis

 jim_flanegin writes; snipped
 Maharishi has evolved into pure paradox,
 transcending my intellect,  
 and leaving me as the innocent witness to his
 actions. Like a master-
  disciple relationship only in the transcendent;
 ONLY in the 
 transcendent. Pure Paradox.  
 Tom T responds:
 This is the value of Brahman. Only Brahman can hold
 those extreme
 values inside one human mind and live with that
 paradox. If you have
 any doubt left about the nature of Brahman see above
 and ponder on
 that for a while. This is the exposition and playing
 out of the
 Jaimini sutras. On the hand is the realtive loony
 toon character and
 on the other hand is the blazing brillance of pure
 Shiva, go try and
 figure it out and you can't. That is the definition
 of Brahman. 
 I once heard a 23 year old, FF born and raised,
 describe her
 enlightenment as delightful confusion. Delightful
 because it was and
 confusion because the mind was never going to figure
 it out. Not now
 Not ever. Tom T

That's what you don't think!

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[FairfieldLife] Re: The British in India

2005-12-14 Thread jyouells2000
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Dec 14, 2005, at 10:27 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I said Ayatolla Maharishi , not Ghengis Maharishi! LOL! my point  
  being that he sounds more like any other fundamentalist from any  
  other religion. Maybe a little more Islamic like with his throw out  
  the Christians by force sentiment. But you are right , it's like he  
  is calling in air strikes on his own position. Only thing is with  
  such speak he only damages his own image, which I suppose could be  
  a false image in some peoples eyes.
 The parallels are striking. What is Maharishi Vedic Science but  
 Maharishi Creation Science--Creation Science with a different mask.  
 The Christian Creation Science  adherents will sometime point out the  
 similarity to the Big Bang and Genesis. For The Mahesh Creation  
 Science people it's the first word of the Rig Veda Agni as Hindu  
 Quantum Cosmology. Similarly the first word of Genesis, Bereshith, is  
 said to show the sequential unfolding of Creation. How different is  
 Natural Law and it's caste system than a right-wing theocracy in  
 this country which seeks to legalize millions of illegal aliens to  
 create a new slave class for their republican corporate slave-mongers?
 Both are a right-wing political phenomena wedded with religion.

It's odd. If Maharishi's so right-wing how come almost everyone
connected with him in the West leans so far left? It's a strange thing.


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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The British in India

2005-12-14 Thread Sal Sunshine
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 > On Dec 14, 2005, at 10:27 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 > > I said Ayatolla Maharishi , not Ghengis Maharishi! LOL! my point  
 > > being that he sounds more like any other fundamentalist from any  
 > > other religion. Maybe a little more Islamic like with his throw out  
 > > the Christians by force sentiment. But you are right , it's like he  
 > > is calling in air strikes on his own position. Only thing is with  
 > > such speak he only damages his own image, which I suppose could be  
 > > a false image in some peoples eyes.
 > The parallels are striking. What is Maharishi Vedic Science but  
 > Maharishi Creation Science--Creation Science with a different mask. 

But the big question is...do they have Think  Draw? :)


[FairfieldLife] Re: The British in India

2005-12-14 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- jim_flanegin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Maharishi has evolved into pure paradox,
  transcending my intellect,  
  and leaving me as the innocent witness to his
  actions. Like a master-
   disciple relationship only in the transcendent;
  ONLY in the 
  transcendent. Pure Paradox.
 Absolutely. You got it! Nothing of value on the
 surface at all. It's all sentimentality and ego up
 there, but deep in the heart is that pulse of Brahman
 that just PULLS you into it and flattens all the
 bullshit of the personality. Pure Shiva whirling in
 absolute stillness destroying all boundaries. Ha


 Tomorrow night meditate under the full moon for a few

For a few *hours*?? No can do my friend- full moons already exert a 
very powerful influence on me, very much like flooring the 
accelerator, so just a glance will be enough. Often times when the 
moon is full, the world begins to turn absolutely transparent, and 
unless exhausted, sleep eludes me.

and watch that cosmic dance unfold in your
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The British in India

2005-12-14 Thread Vaj

On Dec 14, 2005, at 2:08 PM, jyouells2000 wrote:It's odd. If Maharishi's so right-wing how come almost everyone connected with him in the West leans so far left? It's a strange thing. It is. It's just the paradox of Brahman, so stop worrying. And he just has a funny way of showing his compassion. All is well.Is there great difference between a Christian fundie school kid who quotes the bible, talks of the Big Bang and tells about Jesus and a MSAE kid who quotes scientific literature, talks about AGNI and unified field theory to sell you his idea from M.? Both are conditioned dogmas. Call it Pavlov's meditator.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: The British in India

2005-12-14 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter
   MMY's personality is very much a product of his
   and culture. It has nothing to do with anything
   cosmic. Blazing Brahman expresses itself through
   aging, slightly senile, lower-caste, 89 year old
   man who has run a spiritual movement with an iron
   for the past 50 years.
  Boy, I think this is an important point.
  Peter, would it also be correct to phrase it
  slightly differently and say, This is *how*
  Blazing Brahman is expressing itself through
  this particular aging, slightly senile,
  lower-caste, 89-year-old Hindu man who has
  run a spiritual movement with an iron fist
  for the past 50 years?
 Yes, better stated your way.
  I mean, obviously one has to think MMY has
  *realized* Blazing Brahman in order to make
  either of these two statements.
  But people tend to look at the *expression*,
  find it to be much less than what they think
  of as perfection in a relative sense, and
  on that basis assume MMY has *not* realized
 Agreed. If you're looking for relative perfection in a
 realized master, good luck! For example in a
 residential Art of Living course I took about a year
 ago with SSRS in residence, I was bothered by his
 casual manner in talking about funny stories from his
 ashram and people throwing themselves at his feet. He
 wasn't making fun of them or anything but was talking
 about the difficulty in walking around and how much
 time it took to go from one end of his ashram to
 another. Very funny, very cute story. But I was amazed
 at part of my own reaction. I wanted him to be more
 serious and aloof and not have the reaction he did.
 Just some silly relative ideal of what a guru should
 be. My attachment, my problem, not his.
Yes. Funny what a process that is- engaging with a guru, and coming 
to terms with who he or she is, vs who we want them to be.

*Paradoxically* I never had the slightest inclination to be in 
Maharishi's physical presence. 

and *paradoxically* the only guru who lived up to my expectations 
when I met him face to face was Brahmananda Saraswati aka Guru Dev 
(who was the only one I ever met face-to-face...). The embodiment of 
gentleness, love, friendliness, compassion and an absolute pillar of 
resolve, tenacity, steadfastness, and no compromise.

  Of course whether he has or hasn't is still
  one's individual take; it's just that the take
  shouldn't be based, it seems to me, on the
  perceived distance of the expression from what
  they would consider relative perfection.
 The first time I saw MMY in 1972 my mind blew wide
 open and left absolutely no doubts about his Realized
 status. And in every ensuing contact with him over the
 years this has happened over and over again with the
 experience getting deeper and deeper everytime.
  So what should it be based on??  I assume
  realized people and nonrealized people have
  different ways of evaluating MMY's state of
 Your own direct experience...only!
  From my unrealized perspective, it's a
  combination of a gut hunch, and my awe at the
  depth, comprehensiveness, and internal
  consistency of his teaching on the nature and
  mechanics of consciousness (including its
  implementation in the TM technique), as well 
  as the teaching'sextraordinary explanatory value.
 Right, you find great value in his teachings.
  It just doesn't seem possible to me that a person,
  no matter how brilliant their mind, could come up
  with such a teaching purely on an intellectual
  basis.  It has to be coming from some basis in
  higher intuitive knowledge (or Knowledge, to
  distinguish it from intellectual knowledge).
  Of course, that's still based on a sense of how
  close MMY's expression comes to my idea of 
  relative perfection, which is what I just said
  you shouldn't do.
 I don't think we can ever, to a complete degree, get
 away from this. In fact, it perhaps is a foolish
 spiritual ideal.
  Now I'm trying to figure out on what basis I think
  evaluating his teaching on the nature and mechanics
  of consciousness is a more appropriate criterion on
  which to have an opinion of his realization, versus
  evaluating the sensibleness of his political and
  social pronouncements and what he's been doing with
  the TMO.
  Help me out here.  They're both measuring what MMY
  expresses against a personal idea of relative 
  perfection.  Why should choosing one *type* of
  expression over another make a difference?  Or
  are both approaches essentially absurd?
  Obviously I've gone off on something of a tangent
 Yeah, but a good tangent  I think, ultimately, the
 value of a guru/master is in him/her functioning as a
 catalyst for one's own realization. This is

[FairfieldLife] Re: The British in India

2005-12-14 Thread Premanand Paul Mason
Please, when and where did you meet Brahmananda Saraswati face-to-face?

 *Paradoxically* I never had the slightest inclination to be in 
 Maharishi's physical presence. 
 and *paradoxically* the only guru who lived up to my expectations 
 when I met him face to face was Brahmananda Saraswati aka Guru Dev 
 (who was the only one I ever met face-to-face...). The embodiment of 
 gentleness, love, friendliness, compassion and an absolute pillar of 
 resolve, tenacity, steadfastness, and no compromise.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: The British in India

2005-12-14 Thread jyouells2000
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  MMY's personality is very much a product of his time
  and culture. It has nothing to do with anything
  cosmic. Blazing Brahman expresses itself through an
  aging, slightly senile, lower-caste, 89 year old Hindu
  man who has run a spiritual movement with an iron fist
  for the past 50 years.
 Boy, I think this is an important point.
 Peter, would it also be correct to phrase it
 slightly differently and say, This is *how*
 Blazing Brahman is expressing itself through
 this particular aging, slightly senile,
 lower-caste, 89-year-old Hindu man who has
 run a spiritual movement with an iron fist
 for the past 50 years?
 I mean, obviously one has to think MMY has
 *realized* Blazing Brahman in order to make
 either of these two statements.
 But people tend to look at the *expression*,
 find it to be much less than what they think
 of as perfection in a relative sense, and
 on that basis assume MMY has *not* realized
 Of course whether he has or hasn't is still
 one's individual take; it's just that the take
 shouldn't be based, it seems to me, on the
 perceived distance of the expression from what
 they would consider relative perfection.
 So what should it be based on??  I assume
 realized people and nonrealized people have
 different ways of evaluating MMY's state of
 From my unrealized perspective, it's a
 combination of a gut hunch, and my awe at the
 depth, comprehensiveness, and internal
 consistency of his teaching on the nature and
 mechanics of consciousness (including its
 implementation in the TM technique), as well 
 as the teaching'sextraordinary explanatory value.
 It just doesn't seem possible to me that a person,
 no matter how brilliant their mind, could come up
 with such a teaching purely on an intellectual
 basis.  It has to be coming from some basis in
 higher intuitive knowledge (or Knowledge, to
 distinguish it from intellectual knowledge).
 Of course, that's still based on a sense of how
 close MMY's expression comes to my idea of 
 relative perfection, which is what I just said
 you shouldn't do.
 Now I'm trying to figure out on what basis I think
 evaluating his teaching on the nature and mechanics
 of consciousness is a more appropriate criterion on
 which to have an opinion of his realization, versus
 evaluating the sensibleness of his political and
 social pronouncements and what he's been doing with
 the TMO.
 Help me out here.  They're both measuring what MMY
 expresses against a personal idea of relative 
 perfection.  Why should choosing one *type* of
 expression over another make a difference?  Or
 are both approaches essentially absurd?
 Obviously I've gone off on something of a tangent
  The value of our interaction
  with him has nothing to do with the surface of this
  relationship. This surface always varies from guru
  to guru and is quite irrelevent to the transcendent
  value of the relationship. MMY doesn't give a damn
  about your personality. It is utterly irrelevent to
  your Realization.
  --- Premanand Paul Mason [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   I have received an email relating to a press
   conference in which MMY 
   allegedly made himself look and sound like an Ill
   tempered raving 

Just a few off the cuff comments to your thoughtful reply.

Regardless of your (our) judgement of Maharishi's state of
consciousness, how the teaching is manifested still has to be
evaluated critically. Does it acomplish it's purpose? This is part
process of life.

You'll find the same internal consistency in many of the more proment
Adviatic, Dzochen, Course in Miracles, etc. teachers. And many have
the same type of character flaws we talk about here.

Most of us agree that TM has inspired benificial unfoldment of
consciousness.  When we see or come into contact with Maharishi we get
a clearer reflection/experience of OUR own Self (Blazing Brahman is
non-dual, afterall)

We (both us and Maharishi) still have to work it out in the relative,
no matter what the perspective on where or who or from what state of
consciousness the  teaching comes from. 

Without meditators there is no movement, no TMO. 


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[FairfieldLife] Re: The British in India

2005-12-14 Thread anonymousff
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,

 jim_flanegin writes; snipped
 Maharishi has evolved into pure paradox, transcending my intellect,  
 and leaving me as the innocent witness to his actions. Like a master-/
  disciple relationship only in the transcendent; ONLY in the 
 transcendent. Pure Paradox.  
 Tom T responds:
 This is the value of Brahman. Only Brahman can hold those extreme
 values inside one human mind and live with that paradox. If you have
 any doubt left about the nature of Brahman see above and ponder on
 that for a while. This is the exposition and playing out of the
 Jaimini sutras. On the hand is the realtive loony toon character and
 on the other hand is the blazing brillance of pure Shiva, go try and
 figure it out and you can't. That is the definition of Brahman. 
 I once heard a 23 year old, FF born and raised, describe her
 enlightenment as delightful confusion. Delightful because it was and
 confusion because the mind was never going to figure it out. Not now
 Not ever. Tom T

Snake-oil salesmen, religions, cults, tyrants and even democratically-
elected / appointed political leaders like I can't explain it pretty
good why we kneaded to have done it, but like God told me to do it so
I done it, I invaded Iraq revert to the same claim -- just trust my
explanation even though I can't explain it rationally and you can
never understand it: its 'a magic elexir, 'a miracle', 'god's will',
'what our founding fathers said was good for us', 'the unspoken
mystery', 'the grand paradox'. 

How to differentiate I wonder? 

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[FairfieldLife] Re: The British in India

2005-12-14 Thread jyouells2000
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter
   MMY's personality is very much a product of his
   and culture. It has nothing to do with anything
   cosmic. Blazing Brahman expresses itself through
   aging, slightly senile, lower-caste, 89 year old
   man who has run a spiritual movement with an iron
   for the past 50 years.
  Boy, I think this is an important point.
  Peter, would it also be correct to phrase it
  slightly differently and say, This is *how*
  Blazing Brahman is expressing itself through
  this particular aging, slightly senile,
  lower-caste, 89-year-old Hindu man who has
  run a spiritual movement with an iron fist
  for the past 50 years?
 Yes, better stated your way.
  I mean, obviously one has to think MMY has
  *realized* Blazing Brahman in order to make
  either of these two statements.
  But people tend to look at the *expression*,
  find it to be much less than what they think
  of as perfection in a relative sense, and
  on that basis assume MMY has *not* realized
 Agreed. If you're looking for relative perfection in a
 realized master, good luck! For example in a
 residential Art of Living course I took about a year
 ago with SSRS in residence, I was bothered by his
 casual manner in talking about funny stories from his
 ashram and people throwing themselves at his feet. He
 wasn't making fun of them or anything but was talking
 about the difficulty in walking around and how much
 time it took to go from one end of his ashram to
 another. Very funny, very cute story. But I was amazed
 at part of my own reaction. I wanted him to be more
 serious and aloof and not have the reaction he did.
 Just some silly relative ideal of what a guru should
 be. My attachment, my problem, not his.
That's refreshing. It is rather funny after all. Especially for
Westerners.  That behavior is not really apart of our tradition.
The couple of times that I have seen him, the vib was very good and it
was interesting to see the birth and development of a major movement.
Deja-vu all over again ;-) 



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[FairfieldLife] Re: The British in India

2005-12-14 Thread anonymousff
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  --- jim_flanegin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Maharishi has evolved into pure paradox,
   transcending my intellect,  
   and leaving me as the innocent witness to his
   actions. Like a master-
disciple relationship only in the transcendent;
   ONLY in the 
   transcendent. Pure Paradox.
  Absolutely. You got it! Nothing of value on the
  surface at all. It's all sentimentality and ego up
  there, but deep in the heart is that pulse of Brahman
  that just PULLS you into it and flattens all the
  bullshit of the personality. Pure Shiva whirling in
  absolute stillness destroying all boundaries. 
 And yet I suspect you'd have to admit that this
 is a subjective feeling. 

A polite way of saying mood making, perhaps? 

And/ or the inner consolidation/condensation of ones own projections
of how the world (and gurus) should be? I mean if one thinks MMY or
whoever is IT, THE ONE, won't the mind almost automatically create
a sense of that experience when one sees them? Particularly if it is a
rare event / (always a) special occasion?

Did the skinboys and inner circle types who were around MMY constantly
experience him as blazing brahman.

Could the need to experience a teacher as blazing brahman justify
the umpteen years poured into what now apear, at least in part as
trivial and silly projects of his?

Someone once said that the grandeur of the described experience
around the teacher is inversely proportional to ones proximity.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: The British in India

2005-12-14 Thread anonymousff
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Premanand Paul Mason

 Please, when and where did you meet Brahmananda Saraswati face-to-face?
  *Paradoxically* I never had the slightest inclination to be in 
  Maharishi's physical presence. 
  and *paradoxically* the only guru who lived up to my expectations 
  when I met him face to face was Brahmananda Saraswati aka Guru Dev 
  (who was the only one I ever met face-to-face...). The embodiment of 
  gentleness, love, friendliness, compassion and an absolute pillar of 
  resolve, tenacity, steadfastness, and no compromise.

In his dreams? 

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[FairfieldLife] Re: The British in India

2005-12-14 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Premanand Paul Mason 

 Please, when and where did you meet Brahmananda Saraswati face-to-
It was when I lived near Washington DC, around March or April 1993. 
The experience lasted for about three days. Also had other contact 
with him, but this one lasted the longest.

  *Paradoxically* I never had the slightest inclination to be in 
  Maharishi's physical presence. 
  and *paradoxically* the only guru who lived up to my 
  when I met him face to face was Brahmananda Saraswati aka Guru 
  (who was the only one I ever met face-to-face...). The 
embodiment of 
  gentleness, love, friendliness, compassion and an absolute 
pillar of 
  resolve, tenacity, steadfastness, and no compromise.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: The British in India

2005-12-14 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, anonymousff [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Premanand Paul Mason
  Please, when and where did you meet Brahmananda Saraswati face-
   *Paradoxically* I never had the slightest inclination to be in 
   Maharishi's physical presence. 
   and *paradoxically* the only guru who lived up to my 
   when I met him face to face was Brahmananda Saraswati aka Guru 
   (who was the only one I ever met face-to-face...). The 
embodiment of 
   gentleness, love, friendliness, compassion and an absolute 
pillar of 
   resolve, tenacity, steadfastness, and no compromise.
 In his dreams?

Believe what you want. I have not stated such a thing to convince 
anybody. On the other hand, I am not going to pretend it was some 
fantasy, or that I mention this for ego aggrandizement as many would 
understand it, or keep quiet about it because there are folks out 
there that desperately need a rational explanation. You've been 
meditating long enough, deal with it, however you like. 

It was what it was, and served as a strong catalyst for me. If you 
have any genuine questions, I'd be happy to answer them.

To paraphrase what Barry Wright said earlier, is daily life any less 
of an enlightened and enlightening experience? This was just that- 
An experience during daily life- the fulfillment of a desire.

So what?

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[FairfieldLife] Re: The British in India

2005-12-14 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, anonymousff [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
  jim_flanegin writes; snipped
  Maharishi has evolved into pure paradox, transcending my 
  and leaving me as the innocent witness to his actions. Like a 
   disciple relationship only in the transcendent; ONLY in the 
  transcendent. Pure Paradox.  
  Tom T responds:
  This is the value of Brahman. Only Brahman can hold those extreme
  values inside one human mind and live with that paradox. If you 
  any doubt left about the nature of Brahman see above and ponder 
  that for a while. This is the exposition and playing out of the
  Jaimini sutras. On the hand is the realtive loony toon character 
  on the other hand is the blazing brillance of pure Shiva, go try 
  figure it out and you can't. That is the definition of Brahman. 
  I once heard a 23 year old, FF born and raised, describe her
  enlightenment as delightful confusion. Delightful because it 
was and
  confusion because the mind was never going to figure it out. Not 
  Not ever. Tom T
 Snake-oil salesmen, religions, cults, tyrants and even 
 elected / appointed political leaders like I can't explain it 
 good why we kneaded to have done it, but like God told me to do it 
 I done it, I invaded Iraq revert to the same claim -- just trust 
 explanation even though I can't explain it rationally and you can
 never understand it: its 'a magic elexir, 'a miracle', 'god's 
 'what our founding fathers said was good for us', 'the unspoken
 mystery', 'the grand paradox'. 
 How to differentiate I wonder?

Intuition, ...plain...and...simple.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: The British in India

2005-12-14 Thread anonymousff
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jim_flanegin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  In his dreams?
 Believe what you want. I have not stated such a thing to convince 
 anybody. On the other hand, I am not going to pretend it was some 
 fantasy, or that I mention this for ego aggrandizement as many would 
 understand it, or keep quiet about it because there are folks out 
 there that desperately need a rational explanation. You've been 
 meditating long enough, deal with it, however you like. 

Its funny, no one said anything about belief, or lack thereof,  
pretending, fantasies, desperately needing a rational explanation, or
ego aggrandizement. Yet you jump immediately to defend yourself on
those grounds. As in Hamlet, The lady doth protest too much, methinks.

I thought the remark about dreams funny -- multi-leveled: sains often
come in deams; field of dreams -- create the field and they
(saints) will come; I have a dream -- a desire to be in the presence
of saints; and yes the slightly disparaging one -- in his
imagination -- somewhat declawed by its juxtapostion. All together, a
funny (and tasty) sandwich of meanings, in my mind.

 To paraphrase what Barry Wright said earlier, is daily life any less 
 of an enlightened and enlightening experience? 

Sounds deep. Perhaps too much for me. (As deep a Barry White's voice?)

 So what?

So Hum?

By the way, do you have a match sir?

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[FairfieldLife] Re: The British in India

2005-12-14 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, anonymousff [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jim_flanegin 
   In his dreams?
  Believe what you want. I have not stated such a thing to 
  anybody. On the other hand, I am not going to pretend it was 
  fantasy, or that I mention this for ego aggrandizement as many 
  understand it, or keep quiet about it because there are folks 
  there that desperately need a rational explanation. You've been 
  meditating long enough, deal with it, however you like. 
 Its funny, no one said anything about belief, or lack thereof,  
 pretending, fantasies, desperately needing a rational explanation, 
 ego aggrandizement. Yet you jump immediately to defend yourself on
 those grounds. As in Hamlet, The lady doth protest too much, 
 I thought the remark about dreams funny -- multi-leveled: sains 
 come in deams; field of dreams -- create the field and they
 (saints) will come; I have a dream -- a desire to be in the 
 of saints; and yes the slightly disparaging one -- in his
 imagination -- somewhat declawed by its juxtapostion. All 
together, a
 funny (and tasty) sandwich of meanings, in my mind.
  To paraphrase what Barry Wright said earlier, is daily life any 
  of an enlightened and enlightening experience? 
 Sounds deep. Perhaps too much for me. (As deep a Barry White's 
  So what?
 So Hum?
 By the way, do you have a match sir?

Akasha, please go practice your cynicism and rationalizations 
elsewhere. Besides the next time I see Guru Dev, I'm tattling on 
youHa Ha

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The British in India

2005-12-14 Thread MDixon6569

In a message dated 12/14/05 11:00:19 A.M. Central Standard Time, 

teaching'sextraordinary explanatory 
  There's a Freudian slip if ever I saw one!

O caught that one also LOL!

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[FairfieldLife] Re: The British in India

2005-12-14 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, anonymousff [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter 
   --- jim_flanegin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Maharishi has evolved into pure paradox,
transcending my intellect,  
and leaving me as the innocent witness to his
actions. Like a master-
 disciple relationship only in the transcendent;
ONLY in the 
transcendent. Pure Paradox.
   Absolutely. You got it! Nothing of value on the
   surface at all. It's all sentimentality and ego up
   there, but deep in the heart is that pulse of Brahman
   that just PULLS you into it and flattens all the
   bullshit of the personality. Pure Shiva whirling in
   absolute stillness destroying all boundaries. 
  And yet I suspect you'd have to admit that this
  is a subjective feeling. 
 A polite way of saying mood making, perhaps? 
 And/ or the inner consolidation/condensation of ones own 
 projections of how the world (and gurus) should be? I mean 
 if one thinks MMY or whoever is IT, THE ONE, won't the 
 mind almost automatically create a sense of that experience 
 when one sees them? Particularly if it is a
 rare event / (always a) special occasion?

Absolutely. The rarer the event is, the more likely
it is that the expected experience will occur.
 Did the skinboys and inner circle types who were around MMY 
 constantly experience him as blazing brahman.

Absolutely not. That's why most of them left. Each
of us is free to decide whether they were right in 
their decision to leave or not.

 Could the need to experience a teacher as blazing brahman justify
 the umpteen years poured into what now apear, at least in part as
 trivial and silly projects of his?

I think so. There is a strong tendency in all humans
to justify what one has dedicated years to. This tendency
often keeps people paying lip service to what they have
dedicated years to *years* past the time when they no
longer feel it deserves their dedication. Most of the
people I've ever met who have walked away from a strong
involvement with a spiritual tradition have said that
they did so several years later than they should have.
The realization that they no longer fit predated 
their ability to accept or act on that realization.

 Someone once said that the grandeur of the described experience
 around the teacher is inversely proportional to ones proximity.

There *is* a proximity factor at work here. The aura 
of a teacher is usually stronger in his/her close
proximity than it is far away. That is, until and
unless one develops an inner connection with the 
teacher that transcends time and space. At that
point, distance no longer matters.

But there are a myriad of energies that swirl around
a strong spiritual teacher. In my opinion, some of
these energies have to do with enlightenment, with
eternity itself. Other of the energies have to do 
with the finite teacher and his or her good points,
and his or her lingering samskaras. One of the things
that tends to happen when one is in close proximity
to a strong teacher is that one is bombarded by both
types of energies, and can have a hard time figuring
out which is which. Thus people sometimes begin to 
mistake the strong energy of the lingering samskaras 
for the strong energy of enlightenment.

Just an opinion, but one based on experience...

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The British in India

2005-12-14 Thread Vaj

On Dec 14, 2005, at 3:46 PM, jim_flanegin wrote:--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Premanand Paul Mason"  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Please, when and where did you meet Brahmananda Saraswati face-to- face?  It was when I lived near Washington DC, around March or April 1993.  The experience lasted for about three days. Also had other contact  with him, but this one lasted the longest. Were you the person who saw him at the rock concert and everyone was hurling? (seriously-- that was reported here once).

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The British in India

2005-12-14 Thread Vaj

On Dec 14, 2005, at 3:55 PM, jim_flanegin wrote:Believe what you want. I have not stated such a thing to convince  anybody. On the other hand, I am not going to pretend it was some  fantasy, or that I mention this for ego aggrandizement as many would  understand it, or keep quiet about it because there are folks out  there that desperately need a rational explanation. You've been  meditating long enough, deal with it, however you like.  Were you able to touch him?

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[FairfieldLife] Re: The British in India

2005-12-14 Thread Marek Reavis
Comment/Question below:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jim_flanegin [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Besides the next time I see Guru Dev, I'm tattling on 
 youHa Ha


Jim, if you don't mind sharing, is there any details regarding your
interaction(s) with Guru Dev that you can relate?


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[FairfieldLife] Re: The British in India

2005-12-14 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Dec 14, 2005, at 3:46 PM, jim_flanegin wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Premanand Paul Mason
  Please, when and where did you meet Brahmananda Saraswati face-
  It was when I lived near Washington DC, around March or April 
  The experience lasted for about three days. Also had other 
  with him, but this one lasted the longest.
 Were you the person who saw him at the rock concert and everyone 
 hurling? (seriously-- that was reported here once).

Ha Ha! No, though if that person is reading this, I'd be interested 
in any details...other than about the puking that is

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[FairfieldLife] Re: The British in India

2005-12-14 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Dec 14, 2005, at 3:55 PM, jim_flanegin wrote:
  Believe what you want. I have not stated such a thing to convince
  anybody. On the other hand, I am not going to pretend it was some
  fantasy, or that I mention this for ego aggrandizement as many 
  understand it, or keep quiet about it because there are folks out
  there that desperately need a rational explanation. You've been
  meditating long enough, deal with it, however you like.
 Were you able to touch him?

Really good question. Yes, but it was subtle body to subtle body. I 
do recall three things at different times: once, laying my head at 
his feet, looking into his eyes, and holding his hand while we went 
for a walk. I honestly have no explanation for how any of that 

It began slowly with increasing visions of him over about 12 years, 
getting closer, and then one day, he was there with me. It felt like 
such a natural thing to happen, given my heart's desire at the time, 
and I was so overcome with bliss I really didn't think about it at 
all when it occurred, and have just tried to integrate it into my 
life since.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: The British in India

2005-12-14 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Marek Reavis 

 Comment/Question below:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jim_flanegin 
  Besides the next time I see Guru Dev, I'm tattling on 
  youHa Ha
 Jim, if you don't mind sharing, is there any details regarding your
 interaction(s) with Guru Dev that you can relate?

Hi, yes- please see my answer to Vaj's question. 

Other than that, I've always detested mood making, and just followed 
the genuine desires of my heart. As I recall my desire began to form 
when I read in the Gita about God having a personal form, in order 
for us to be able to focus our devotion more easily on Him.

At the time, I really wanted to be devoted to Maharishi, but just 
couldn't ever get personally jazzed about it. It always felt dry, 
like trying to fall in love with someone and you just can't. 

But I sure was attracted to that picture of Brahmananda Saraswati- 
his facial expression and the look in his eyes. I just really 
admired that- I thought, yeah, there is a true saint, who can live 
in the jungle, etc. That is a resolute Being!

And it just went from there. Probably driven more from a sense of 
humility and desperation and surrender, than piety.

I wrote a very few notes during that time:

January 22, 1993
from communion

Guru dev, His Divinity Swami Brahmananda Saraswati,

perfect body; to look upon any part of His form instantly leads the 
mind on an inward march toward the Absolute, using the sense of 

perfect heart; to be near Him feels like your perfect dad and best 

perfect mind; to gaze into his eyes is to sit in the lotus, looking 
out over vast galaxies of stars; a throne upon the universe.

PS I got the date wrong earlier, when replying from memory. 

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[FairfieldLife] Re: The British in India

2005-12-14 Thread uns_tressor
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Premanand Paul Mason

 I have received an email relating to a press conference in which MMY 
 allegedly made himself look and sound like an Ill tempered raving 
 Does anyone know of such a conference and do they have a transcript?

...Britishers..the Raj in India in the 19th Cent.?
...maybe scorpions? I think that this is the notorious
5/11 press conference when Britain was kicked out of 
the movement (possibly to see what happened if the UK was
deprived of its TM activity. So far, so good). But if one 
wants to study the effects of a sudden deprivation, there
needs to be activity before. There wasn't. 

The transcript is on FFL, and will be about two to 
three weeks after May 11th. (Not easy to trace).

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The British in India

2005-12-14 Thread Peter
All valid observations and insights that you need to
temper your own experience with, not deconstruct the
validity of another's experience. You can only talk
about what you experience, not another. And certainly
don't expect social consensus with someone like MMY.
Your mind is never going to get him. Never, ever.

--- TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, anonymousff
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter 
--- jim_flanegin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Maharishi has evolved into pure paradox,
 transcending my intellect,  
 and leaving me as the innocent witness to
 actions. Like a master-
  disciple relationship only in the
 ONLY in the 
 transcendent. Pure Paradox.

Absolutely. You got it! Nothing of value on
surface at all. It's all sentimentality and
 ego up
there, but deep in the heart is that pulse of
that just PULLS you into it and flattens all
bullshit of the personality. Pure Shiva
 whirling in
absolute stillness destroying all boundaries. 
   And yet I suspect you'd have to admit that this
   is a subjective feeling. 
  A polite way of saying mood making, perhaps? 
  And/ or the inner consolidation/condensation of
 ones own 
  projections of how the world (and gurus) should
 be? I mean 
  if one thinks MMY or whoever is IT, THE ONE,
 won't the 
  mind almost automatically create a sense of that
  when one sees them? Particularly if it is a
  rare event / (always a) special occasion?
 Absolutely. The rarer the event is, the more likely
 it is that the expected experience will occur.
  Did the skinboys and inner circle types who were
 around MMY 
  constantly experience him as blazing brahman.
 Absolutely not. That's why most of them left. Each
 of us is free to decide whether they were right in 
 their decision to leave or not.
  Could the need to experience a teacher as blazing
 brahman justify
  the umpteen years poured into what now apear, at
 least in part as
  trivial and silly projects of his?
 I think so. There is a strong tendency in all humans
 to justify what one has dedicated years to. This
 often keeps people paying lip service to what they
 dedicated years to *years* past the time when they
 longer feel it deserves their dedication. Most of
 people I've ever met who have walked away from a
 involvement with a spiritual tradition have said
 they did so several years later than they should
 The realization that they no longer fit predated 
 their ability to accept or act on that realization.
  Someone once said that the grandeur of the
 described experience
  around the teacher is inversely proportional to
 ones proximity.
 There *is* a proximity factor at work here. The aura
 of a teacher is usually stronger in his/her close
 proximity than it is far away. That is, until and
 unless one develops an inner connection with the 
 teacher that transcends time and space. At that
 point, distance no longer matters.
 But there are a myriad of energies that swirl around
 a strong spiritual teacher. In my opinion, some of
 these energies have to do with enlightenment, with
 eternity itself. Other of the energies have to do 
 with the finite teacher and his or her good points,
 and his or her lingering samskaras. One of the
 that tends to happen when one is in close proximity
 to a strong teacher is that one is bombarded by both
 types of energies, and can have a hard time figuring
 out which is which. Thus people sometimes begin to 
 mistake the strong energy of the lingering samskaras
 for the strong energy of enlightenment.
 Just an opinion, but one based on experience...
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The British in India

2005-12-14 Thread Peter

--- jim_flanegin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Marek Reavis
  Comment/Question below:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
   Besides the next time I see Guru Dev, I'm
 tattling on 
   youHa Ha
  Jim, if you don't mind sharing, is there any
 details regarding your
  interaction(s) with Guru Dev that you can relate?
 Hi, yes- please see my answer to Vaj's question. 
 Other than that, I've always detested mood making,
 and just followed 
 the genuine desires of my heart. As I recall my
 desire began to form 
 when I read in the Gita about God having a personal
 form, in order 
 for us to be able to focus our devotion more easily
 on Him.
 At the time, I really wanted to be devoted to
 Maharishi, but just 
 couldn't ever get personally jazzed about it. It
 always felt dry, 
 like trying to fall in love with someone and you
 just can't. 
 But I sure was attracted to that picture of
 Brahmananda Saraswati- 
 his facial expression and the look in his eyes. I
 just really 
 admired that- I thought, yeah, there is a true
 saint, who can live 
 in the jungle, etc. That is a resolute Being!
 And it just went from there. Probably driven more
 from a sense of 
 humility and desperation and surrender, than piety.
 I wrote a very few notes during that time:
 January 22, 1993
 from communion
 Guru dev, His Divinity Swami Brahmananda Saraswati,
 perfect body; to look upon any part of His form
 instantly leads the 
 mind on an inward march toward the Absolute, using
 the sense of 
 perfect heart; to be near Him feels like your
 perfect dad and best 
 perfect mind; to gaze into his eyes is to sit in the
 lotus, looking 
 out over vast galaxies of stars; a throne upon the
 PS I got the date wrong earlier, when replying from

Very nice experience. I've never felt a strong
connection to him. Different dharmas for different

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[FairfieldLife] Re: The British in India

2005-12-14 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter
   MMY's personality is very much a product of his
   and culture. It has nothing to do with anything
   cosmic. Blazing Brahman expresses itself through
   aging, slightly senile, lower-caste, 89 year old
   man who has run a spiritual movement with an iron
   for the past 50 years.
  Boy, I think this is an important point.
  Peter, would it also be correct to phrase it
  slightly differently and say, This is *how*
  Blazing Brahman is expressing itself through
  this particular aging, slightly senile,
  lower-caste, 89-year-old Hindu man who has
  run a spiritual movement with an iron fist
  for the past 50 years?
 Yes, better stated your way.

Dunno about better.  Just another angle, really.

  I mean, obviously one has to think MMY has
  *realized* Blazing Brahman in order to make
  either of these two statements.
  But people tend to look at the *expression*,
  find it to be much less than what they think
  of as perfection in a relative sense, and
  on that basis assume MMY has *not* realized
 Agreed. If you're looking for relative perfection in a
 realized master, good luck! For example in a
 residential Art of Living course I took about a year
 ago with SSRS in residence, I was bothered by his
 casual manner in talking about funny stories from his
 ashram and people throwing themselves at his feet. He
 wasn't making fun of them or anything but was talking
 about the difficulty in walking around and how much
 time it took to go from one end of his ashram to
 another. Very funny, very cute story. But I was amazed
 at part of my own reaction. I wanted him to be more
 serious and aloof and not have the reaction he did.
 Just some silly relative ideal of what a guru should
 be. My attachment, my problem, not his.
  Of course whether he has or hasn't is still
  one's individual take; it's just that the take
  shouldn't be based, it seems to me, on the
  perceived distance of the expression from what
  they would consider relative perfection.
 The first time I saw MMY in 1972 my mind blew wide
 open and left absolutely no doubts about his Realized
 status. And in every ensuing contact with him over the
 years this has happened over and over again with the
 experience getting deeper and deeper everytime.
  So what should it be based on??  I assume
  realized people and nonrealized people have
  different ways of evaluating MMY's state of
 Your own direct experience...only!

Well, I've never been in his presence, so if I'm
going to make such a determination, I have to rely
on other means.

  From my unrealized perspective, it's a
  combination of a gut hunch, and my awe at the
  depth, comprehensiveness, and internal
  consistency of his teaching on the nature and
  mechanics of consciousness (including its
  implementation in the TM technique), as well 
  as the teaching'sextraordinary explanatory value.
 Right, you find great value in his teachings.
  It just doesn't seem possible to me that a person,
  no matter how brilliant their mind, could come up
  with such a teaching purely on an intellectual
  basis.  It has to be coming from some basis in
  higher intuitive knowledge (or Knowledge, to
  distinguish it from intellectual knowledge).
  Of course, that's still based on a sense of how
  close MMY's expression comes to my idea of 
  relative perfection, which is what I just said
  you shouldn't do.
 I don't think we can ever, to a complete degree, get
 away from this. In fact, it perhaps is a foolish
 spiritual ideal.

Sure.  The question is whether some relative expressions
give one a more accurate idea of the higher reality than
others.  Seems to me his teaching on consciousness is
a more accurate measuring tool in this regard than his
political/social behavior, but I'm having trouble
articulating why this should be the case.

  Now I'm trying to figure out on what basis I think
  evaluating his teaching on the nature and mechanics
  of consciousness is a more appropriate criterion on
  which to have an opinion of his realization, versus
  evaluating the sensibleness of his political and
  social pronouncements and what he's been doing with
  the TMO.
  Help me out here.  They're both measuring what MMY
  expresses against a personal idea of relative 
  perfection.  Why should choosing one *type* of
  expression over another make a difference?  Or
  are both approaches essentially absurd?
  Obviously I've gone off on something of a tangent
 Yeah, but a good tangent  I think, ultimately, the
 value of a guru/master is in him/her functioning as a
 catalyst for one's own realization. This is
 appreciated by people as their experiences with the
 body of techniques offered, the intellectual

[FairfieldLife] Re: The British in India

2005-12-14 Thread anonymousff
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jim_flanegin [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, anonymousff [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jim_flanegin 

In his dreams?
   Believe what you want. I have not stated such a thing to 
   anybody. On the other hand, I am not going to pretend it was 
   fantasy, or that I mention this for ego aggrandizement as many 
   understand it, or keep quiet about it because there are folks 
   there that desperately need a rational explanation. You've been 
   meditating long enough, deal with it, however you like. 
  Its funny, no one said anything about belief, or lack thereof,  
  pretending, fantasies, desperately needing a rational explanation, 
  ego aggrandizement. Yet you jump immediately to defend yourself on
  those grounds. As in Hamlet, The lady doth protest too much, 
  I thought the remark about dreams funny -- multi-leveled: sains 
  come in deams; field of dreams -- create the field and they
  (saints) will come; I have a dream -- a desire to be in the 
  of saints; and yes the slightly disparaging one -- in his
  imagination -- somewhat declawed by its juxtapostion. All 
 together, a
  funny (and tasty) sandwich of meanings, in my mind.
   To paraphrase what Barry Wright said earlier, is daily life any 
   of an enlightened and enlightening experience? 
  Sounds deep. Perhaps too much for me. (As deep a Barry White's 
   So what?
  So Hum?
  By the way, do you have a match sir?
 Akasha, please go practice your cynicism and rationalizations 
 elsewhere. Besides the next time I see Guru Dev, I'm tattling on 
 youHa Ha

What a wonderful rorshoch test this is. The world is as we are.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: The British in India

2005-12-14 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jim_flanegin [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In 
 FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, tomandcindytraynoratfairfieldlis 
  jim_flanegin writes; snipped
  Maharishi has evolved into pure paradox, transcending my 
  and leaving me as the innocent witness to his actions. Like a 
   disciple relationship only in the transcendent; ONLY in the 
  transcendent. Pure Paradox.  
  Tom T responds:
  This is the value of Brahman. Only Brahman can hold those extreme
  values inside one human mind and live with that paradox. If you 
  any doubt left about the nature of Brahman see above and ponder on
  that for a while. This is the exposition and playing out of the
  Jaimini sutras. On the hand is the realtive loony toon character 
  on the other hand is the blazing brillance of pure Shiva, go try 
  figure it out and you can't. That is the definition of Brahman. 
  I once heard a 23 year old, FF born and raised, describe her
  enlightenment as delightful confusion. Delightful because it 
  confusion because the mind was never going to figure it out. Not 
  Not ever. Tom T
 Along the lines of 'delightful confusion', the literally funny
 thing is (and I think you've mentioned this before Tom also...), is 
 that whenever the intellect tries to make sense of the paradox that 
 is Brahman, all that results is this little percolation of bliss.

Hey, I've had that experience!

 Many times a day I will juxtapose two complete opposites in my 
 the intellect will try for a resolution, going deeper and deeper, 
 finally give up, bounce into the transcendent, back out again, and 
 I'll break into a smile or small chuckle at this universal infinite 

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[FairfieldLife] Re: The British in India

2005-12-14 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Dec 14, 2005, at 2:08 PM, jyouells2000 wrote:
  It's odd. If Maharishi's so right-wing how come almost everyone
  connected with him in the West leans so far left? It's a strange  
 It is.
 It's just the paradox of Brahman, so stop worrying. And he just has
 a  funny way of showing his compassion. All is well.
 Is there great difference between a Christian fundie school kid 
 who quotes the bible, talks of the Big Bang and tells about Jesus 
 and a MSAE kid who quotes scientific literature, talks about AGNI 
 and unified field theory to sell you his idea from M.?

The second is a lot more sophisticated, interesting,
and intellectually challenging, IMHO.

 Both are conditioned dogmas. Call it Pavlov's meditator.

Fundies meditate?

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The British in India

2005-12-14 Thread Vaj

On Dec 14, 2005, at 6:07 PM, authfriend wrote: Both are conditioned dogmas. Call it Pavlov's meditator.  Fundies meditate? They pray (presumably).

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[FairfieldLife] Re: The British in India

2005-12-14 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jyouells2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Just a few off the cuff comments to your thoughtful reply.
 Regardless of your (our) judgement of Maharishi's state of
 consciousness, how the teaching is manifested still has to be
 evaluated critically. Does it acomplish it's purpose? This is part
 process of life.

I'm not sure we can say what its purpose is in a way
that would enable us to do a critical evaluation.

How would you define it?

 You'll find the same internal consistency in many of the more 
 proment Adviatic, Dzochen, Course in Miracles, etc. teachers. And 
 many have the same type of character flaws we talk about here.

Sure.  But internal consistency is just one of the
criteria I was using.

 Most of us agree that TM has inspired benificial unfoldment of
 consciousness.  When we see or come into contact with Maharishi we 
 get a clearer reflection/experience of OUR own Self (Blazing 
 Brahman is non-dual, afterall)
 We (both us and Maharishi) still have to work it out in the 
 relative, no matter what the perspective on where or who or from 
 what state of consciousness the  teaching comes from. 

Yes, well said.

 Without meditators there is no movement, no TMO. 

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[FairfieldLife] Re: The British in India

2005-12-14 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, anonymousff [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
  jim_flanegin writes; snipped
  Maharishi has evolved into pure paradox, transcending my 
  and leaving me as the innocent witness to his actions. Like a 
   disciple relationship only in the transcendent; ONLY in the 
  transcendent. Pure Paradox.  
  Tom T responds:
  This is the value of Brahman. Only Brahman can hold those extreme
  values inside one human mind and live with that paradox. If you 
  any doubt left about the nature of Brahman see above and ponder on
  that for a while. This is the exposition and playing out of the
  Jaimini sutras. On the hand is the realtive loony toon character 
  on the other hand is the blazing brillance of pure Shiva, go try 
  figure it out and you can't. That is the definition of Brahman. 
  I once heard a 23 year old, FF born and raised, describe her
  enlightenment as delightful confusion. Delightful because it 
was and
  confusion because the mind was never going to figure it out. Not 
  Not ever. Tom T
 Snake-oil salesmen, religions, cults, tyrants and even 
 elected / appointed political leaders like I can't explain it 
 good why we kneaded to have done it, but like God told me to do it 
 I done it, I invaded Iraq revert to the same claim -- just trust 
 explanation even though I can't explain it rationally and you can
 never understand it: its 'a magic elexir, 'a miracle', 'god's will',
 'what our founding fathers said was good for us', 'the unspoken
 mystery', 'the grand paradox'. 
 How to differentiate I wonder?

Maybe anybody who *trades* on just trust me is
automatically not to be trusted.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: The British in India

2005-12-14 Thread anonymousff
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 All valid observations and insights that you need to
 temper your own experience with,

Actually all of the questions I wrote: the inner
consolidation/condensation of ones own  projections of how the world
(and gurus) should be; could the need to experience a teacher as
blazing brahman justify the umpteen years poured into the trivial
etc., are prompted from reviewing, questioning and speculating about
my own experiences with saints. 

 not deconstruct the
 validity of another's experience. 

Who said anything about any specific other's experience? It was a
serious of questions about the general drawn from observation and
speculation of my own experiences, the specific

 You can only talk
 about what you experience, not another. 

OK I will try to keep that in mind when such circumstances arise. I
assume you will also.

 And certainly
 don't expect social consensus with someone like MMY.
 Your mind is never going to get him. Never, ever.

Aren't you now guilty of what you just preached not to do? It appears
valid for you to conclude that your mind is never going to get him. 
But it seems baseless for you to conclude that another mind, much less
all minds, are incapbable of getting him, or of anything for that
matter. Isn't all possibilities part of the credo of this group? 


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[FairfieldLife] Re: The British in India

2005-12-14 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, anonymousff [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jim_flanegin 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, anonymousff 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jim_flanegin 
 In his dreams?

Believe what you want. I have not stated such a thing to 
anybody. On the other hand, I am not going to pretend it was 
fantasy, or that I mention this for ego aggrandizement as 
understand it, or keep quiet about it because there are 
there that desperately need a rational explanation. You've 
meditating long enough, deal with it, however you like. 
   Its funny, no one said anything about belief, or lack 
   pretending, fantasies, desperately needing a rational 
   ego aggrandizement. Yet you jump immediately to defend 
yourself on
   those grounds. As in Hamlet, The lady doth protest too much, 
   I thought the remark about dreams funny -- multi-leveled: 
   come in deams; field of dreams -- create the field and they
   (saints) will come; I have a dream -- a desire to be in the 
   of saints; and yes the slightly disparaging one -- in his
   imagination -- somewhat declawed by its juxtapostion. All 
  together, a
   funny (and tasty) sandwich of meanings, in my mind.
To paraphrase what Barry Wright said earlier, is daily life 
of an enlightened and enlightening experience? 
   Sounds deep. Perhaps too much for me. (As deep a Barry White's 
So what?
   So Hum?
   By the way, do you have a match sir?
  Akasha, please go practice your cynicism and rationalizations 
  elsewhere. Besides the next time I see Guru Dev, I'm tattling on 
  youHa Ha
 What a wonderful rorshoch test this is. The world is as we are.


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[FairfieldLife] Re: The British in India

2005-12-14 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jim_flanegin 
  --- In 
FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, tomandcindytraynoratfairfieldlis 
   jim_flanegin writes; snipped
   Maharishi has evolved into pure paradox, transcending my 
   and leaving me as the innocent witness to his actions. Like a 
disciple relationship only in the transcendent; ONLY in the 
   transcendent. Pure Paradox.  
   Tom T responds:
   This is the value of Brahman. Only Brahman can hold those 
   values inside one human mind and live with that paradox. If 
   any doubt left about the nature of Brahman see above and 
ponder on
   that for a while. This is the exposition and playing out of the
   Jaimini sutras. On the hand is the realtive loony toon 
   on the other hand is the blazing brillance of pure Shiva, go 
   figure it out and you can't. That is the definition of 
   I once heard a 23 year old, FF born and raised, describe her
   enlightenment as delightful confusion. Delightful because it 
   confusion because the mind was never going to figure it out. 
   Not ever. Tom T
  Along the lines of 'delightful confusion', the literally funny
  thing is (and I think you've mentioned this before Tom also...), 
  that whenever the intellect tries to make sense of the paradox 
  is Brahman, all that results is this little percolation of bliss.
 Hey, I've had that experience!
Cool! I'm not surprised- I've heard it is also why some jokes are 
funny, e.g my brother's a great magician, he walked down the street 
and turned into a drugstore... 
  Many times a day I will juxtapose two complete opposites in my 
  the intellect will try for a resolution, going deeper and 
  finally give up, bounce into the transcendent, back out again, 
  I'll break into a smile or small chuckle at this universal 

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[FairfieldLife] Re: The British in India

2005-12-14 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- jim_flanegin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Marek Reavis
   Comment/Question below:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
Besides the next time I see Guru Dev, I'm
  tattling on 
youHa Ha
   **SNIP TO END**
   Jim, if you don't mind sharing, is there any
  details regarding your
   interaction(s) with Guru Dev that you can relate?
  Hi, yes- please see my answer to Vaj's question. 
  Other than that, I've always detested mood making,
  and just followed 
  the genuine desires of my heart. As I recall my
  desire began to form 
  when I read in the Gita about God having a personal
  form, in order 
  for us to be able to focus our devotion more easily
  on Him.
  At the time, I really wanted to be devoted to
  Maharishi, but just 
  couldn't ever get personally jazzed about it. It
  always felt dry, 
  like trying to fall in love with someone and you
  just can't. 
  But I sure was attracted to that picture of
  Brahmananda Saraswati- 
  his facial expression and the look in his eyes. I
  just really 
  admired that- I thought, yeah, there is a true
  saint, who can live 
  in the jungle, etc. That is a resolute Being!
  And it just went from there. Probably driven more
  from a sense of 
  humility and desperation and surrender, than piety.
  I wrote a very few notes during that time:
  January 22, 1993
  from communion
  Guru dev, His Divinity Swami Brahmananda Saraswati,
  perfect body; to look upon any part of His form
  instantly leads the 
  mind on an inward march toward the Absolute, using
  the sense of 
  perfect heart; to be near Him feels like your
  perfect dad and best 
  perfect mind; to gaze into his eyes is to sit in the
  lotus, looking 
  out over vast galaxies of stars; a throne upon the
  PS I got the date wrong earlier, when replying from
 Very nice experience. I've never felt a strong
 connection to him. Different dharmas for different
Well said- a matter of getting our -armas around IT ;)

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[FairfieldLife] Re: The British in India

2005-12-14 Thread anonymousff
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jim_flanegin [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, anonymousff [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Not  now  Not ever. Tom T
  Snake-oil salesmen, religions, cults, tyrants and even 
  elected / appointed political leaders like I can't explain it 
  good why we kneaded to have done it, but like God told me to do it 
  I done it, I invaded Iraq revert to the same claim -- just trust 
  explanation even though I can't explain it rationally and you can
  never understand it: its 'a magic elexir, 'a miracle', 'god's 
  'what our founding fathers said was good for us', 'the unspoken
  mystery', 'the grand paradox'. 
  How to differentiate I wonder?
 Intuition, ...plain...and...simple.

A problem with intuition, in general, is that it can and is used by
spiritual and political charlatans and others (look at bush, I just
got a hunch its the right thing, I feel it strongly in my gut -- as
if thats some sort of proof or validation of some lame brained thing
that pops into his head. He really needs Byron Katie and have himself
ask about each of his thoughts Is it true? Do I really know its

Spiritual charlatans can justify great things by saying the insight
is from their (implied, highly refined, highly evolved) intuition.
Any questioning of such brings the easy retort well, if you don't
HAVE it, I can't explain it to you or some such spurious and
condescending comment. (with a small smirk and chuckle too)

Personally using intuition, if that includes forsaking rational
analysis, is such a trap for so many. On the other hand, intuition,
insight, that is then tested or thought through rationally, can be a
great tool. Part of a package. But to use it exclusively, in the above
post, to discern wheat from chaf, charlatans from those with insight,
appears naive. But  each to his own, going with what works.

If I were to go by intuition alone, I would take a number of posts on
this list  as unrepentant mood making. But I try to keep an open mind,
the rational side keeps the door open.


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[FairfieldLife] Re: The British in India

2005-12-14 Thread anonymousff
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jim_flanegin [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, anonymousff [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  What a wonderful rorshoch test this is. The world is as we are.

Ah, dream time aproaches. May the sugar plums be sweet and the rag
dolls dance with glee.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: The British in India

2005-12-14 Thread Marek Reavis
Thank you, Jim.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jim_flanegin [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Marek Reavis 
  Comment/Question below:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jim_flanegin 
   Besides the next time I see Guru Dev, I'm tattling on 
   youHa Ha
  Jim, if you don't mind sharing, is there any details regarding your
  interaction(s) with Guru Dev that you can relate?
 Hi, yes- please see my answer to Vaj's question. 
 Other than that, I've always detested mood making, and just followed 
 the genuine desires of my heart. As I recall my desire began to form 
 when I read in the Gita about God having a personal form, in order 
 for us to be able to focus our devotion more easily on Him.
 At the time, I really wanted to be devoted to Maharishi, but just 
 couldn't ever get personally jazzed about it. It always felt dry, 
 like trying to fall in love with someone and you just can't. 
 But I sure was attracted to that picture of Brahmananda Saraswati- 
 his facial expression and the look in his eyes. I just really 
 admired that- I thought, yeah, there is a true saint, who can live 
 in the jungle, etc. That is a resolute Being!
 And it just went from there. Probably driven more from a sense of 
 humility and desperation and surrender, than piety.
 I wrote a very few notes during that time:
 January 22, 1993
 from communion
 Guru dev, His Divinity Swami Brahmananda Saraswati,
 perfect body; to look upon any part of His form instantly leads the 
 mind on an inward march toward the Absolute, using the sense of 
 perfect heart; to be near Him feels like your perfect dad and best 
 perfect mind; to gaze into his eyes is to sit in the lotus, looking 
 out over vast galaxies of stars; a throne upon the universe.
 PS I got the date wrong earlier, when replying from memory.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: The British in India

2005-12-14 Thread anonymousff
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
 Tom T responds:
 This is the value of Brahman. Only Brahman can hold those extreme
 values inside one human mind and live with that paradox. If you have
 any doubt left about the nature of Brahman see above and ponder on
 that for a while. This is the exposition and playing out of the
 Jaimini sutras. On the hand is the realtive loony toon character and
 on the other hand is the blazing brillance of pure Shiva, go try and
 figure it out and you can't. That is the definition of Brahman. 
 I once heard a 23 year old, FF born and raised, describe her
 enlightenment as delightful confusion. Delightful because it was and
 confusion because the mind was never going to figure it out. Not now
 Not ever. Tom T

Perhaps you can take insight from Dr. Pete, below. You can speak for
yourself and your experience, but not really for others. 

All valid observations and insights that you need to
temper your own experience with, not deconstruct the
validity of another's experience. You can only talk
about what you experience, not another. snip
Dr. PS
Perhaps Tom meant to say,

This is the value of Brahman for me. Only what I call Brahman can hold
those extreme values inside my mind and live with that paradox. If you
have  any doubt left about what I experience as the nature of Brahman,
see above and ponder on that for a while and see if you get the same
insight that I do. For me, this is an experience of the exposition and
playing out of the  Jaimini sutras. I percieve, and hey it may be my
ownlimitations, but on one hand is the realtive loony toon character
and on the other hand is the blazing brillance of pure Shiva. When I
go try and figure it out, it am profoundly confused -- in a good way.
I just for the life of me can't figure it out. Maybe you can, at least
its worth a try. But that profound confusion, that is the definition
of Brahman for me.  I once heard a 23 year old, FF born and raised,
describe her enlightenment as delightful confusion. Delightful
because it was and confusion because it appeared to my mind that her
mind was never going to figure it out. Not now, Not ever am I ever
going to figure it out.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: The British in India

2005-12-14 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, anonymousff [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jim_flanegin 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, anonymousff 
   Not  now  Not ever. Tom T
   Snake-oil salesmen, religions, cults, tyrants and even 
   elected / appointed political leaders like I can't explain it 
   good why we kneaded to have done it, but like God told me to 
do it 
   I done it, I invaded Iraq revert to the same claim -- just 
   explanation even though I can't explain it rationally and you 
   never understand it: its 'a magic elexir, 'a miracle', 'god's 
   'what our founding fathers said was good for us', 'the unspoken
   mystery', 'the grand paradox'. 
   How to differentiate I wonder?
  Intuition, ...plain...and...simple.
 A problem with intuition, in general, is that it can and is used 
 spiritual and political charlatans and others (look at bush, I 
 got a hunch its the right thing, I feel it strongly in my gut --
 if thats some sort of proof or validation of some lame brained 
 that pops into his head. He really needs Byron Katie and have 
 ask about each of his thoughts Is it true? Do I really know its
 Spiritual charlatans can justify great things by saying the 
 is from their (implied, highly refined, highly evolved) 
 Any questioning of such brings the easy retort well, if you don't
 HAVE it, I can't explain it to you or some such spurious and
 condescending comment. (with a small smirk and chuckle too)
 Personally using intuition, if that includes forsaking rational
 analysis, is such a trap for so many. On the other hand, intuition,
 insight, that is then tested or thought through rationally, can be 
 great tool. Part of a package. But to use it exclusively, in the 
 post, to discern wheat from chaf, charlatans from those with 
 appears naive. But  each to his own, going with what works.
 If I were to go by intuition alone, I would take a number of posts 
 this list  as unrepentant mood making. But I try to keep an open 
 the rational side keeps the door open.

All good points. I think of the tool of intuition as something to 
continually be tested and verified. Otherwise, as you imply, it can 
easily be subverted by 'magical thinking' and lead to delusion.

However I have come to strongly rely on it to at least send up a 
signal flag about something or other. A good example is at work, my 
boss said the other day that she trusts my judgement but remarked 
that she wished I'd get to the point more quickly (not a 
lamentation, but more an observation). I replied that I first felt 
my reaction in my body (what I call intution) and then figure out 
what it is telling me. 

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[FairfieldLife] Re: The British in India

2005-12-14 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, anonymousff [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jim_flanegin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, anonymousff [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
   What a wonderful rorshoch test this is. The world is as we are.
 Ah, dream time aproaches. May the sugar plums be sweet and the rag
 dolls dance with glee.

dude, you are quick minded, but that may in fact be your biggest 
barrier. Good night

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[FairfieldLife] Re: The British in India

2005-12-14 Thread anonymousff
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jim_flanegin [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, anonymousff [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jim_flanegin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, anonymousff [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
What a wonderful rorshoch test this is. The world is as we are.
  Ah, dream time aproaches. May the sugar plums be sweet and the rag
  dolls dance with glee.
 dude, you are quick minded, but that may in fact be your biggest 
 barrier. Good night

Sweet dreams.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: The British in India

2005-12-14 Thread tomandcindytraynoratfairfieldlis
Judy writes:
Maybe anybody who *trades* on just trust me is
automatically not to be trusted.
Tom T
Once got a Bday card showing a shark wearing a suit and tie with a
sign in the backgound saying shark and shark atty's at law. The
caption under the shark was Trust Me for all y our legal needs. I
thought that was really funny. Tom T

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[FairfieldLife] Re: The British in India

2005-12-14 Thread bbrigante
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, uns_tressor [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 ...Britishers..the Raj in India in the 19th Cent.?
 ...maybe scorpions? I think that this is the notorious
 5/11 press conference when Britain was kicked out of 
 the movement (possibly to see 

what happened if the UK was
 deprived of its TM activity. So far, so good). 



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[FairfieldLife] Re: The British in India

2005-12-14 Thread jyouells2000
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jyouells2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Just a few off the cuff comments to your thoughtful reply.
  Regardless of your (our) judgement of Maharishi's state of
  consciousness, how the teaching is manifested still has to be
  evaluated critically. Does it acomplish it's purpose? This is part
  process of life.
 I'm not sure we can say what its purpose is in a way
 that would enable us to do a critical evaluation.
 How would you define it?
  You'll find the same internal consistency in many of the more 
  proment Adviatic, Dzochen, Course in Miracles, etc. teachers. And 
  many have the same type of character flaws we talk about here.
 Sure.  But internal consistency is just one of the
 criteria I was using.
  Most of us agree that TM has inspired benificial unfoldment of
  consciousness.  When we see or come into contact with Maharishi we 
  get a clearer reflection/experience of OUR own Self (Blazing 
  Brahman is non-dual, afterall)
  We (both us and Maharishi) still have to work it out in the 
  relative, no matter what the perspective on where or who or from 
  what state of consciousness the  teaching comes from. 
 Yes, well said.
  Without meditators there is no movement, no TMO. 

Sure, the purpose of the teaching is to unfold enlightenment for the
individual. Simple, if there is no or limited access to the teaching
how can that happen. Maharishi has planted that seed very widely. Why
should it stop now? Is the TMO fulfilling it's purpose now? Very
difficult to say. Will it do so in the future? There certainly isn't
any clear indication of that. The TMO is and has been violently
contracting on itself. Burning many carefully build bridges along the
way. Slowly and simply teaching all these years would have worked
better, in my opinion, with much less bullshit.


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[FairfieldLife] Re: The British in India

2005-12-14 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jyouells2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jyouells2000 
   Just a few off the cuff comments to your thoughtful reply.
   Regardless of your (our) judgement of Maharishi's state of
   consciousness, how the teaching is manifested still has to be
   evaluated critically. Does it acomplish it's purpose? This is 
   process of life.
  I'm not sure we can say what its purpose is in a way
  that would enable us to do a critical evaluation.
  How would you define it?
   You'll find the same internal consistency in many of the more 
   proment Adviatic, Dzochen, Course in Miracles, etc. teachers. 
   many have the same type of character flaws we talk about here.
  Sure.  But internal consistency is just one of the
  criteria I was using.
   Most of us agree that TM has inspired benificial unfoldment of
   consciousness.  When we see or come into contact with Maharishi 
   get a clearer reflection/experience of OUR own Self (Blazing 
   Brahman is non-dual, afterall)
   We (both us and Maharishi) still have to work it out in the 
   relative, no matter what the perspective on where or who or 
   what state of consciousness the  teaching comes from. 
  Yes, well said.
   Without meditators there is no movement, no TMO. 
 Sure, the purpose of the teaching is to unfold enlightenment for the
 individual. Simple, if there is no or limited access to the teaching
 how can that happen. Maharishi has planted that seed very widely. 
 should it stop now? Is the TMO fulfilling it's purpose now? Very
 difficult to say. Will it do so in the future? There certainly isn't
 any clear indication of that. The TMO is and has been violently
 contracting on itself. Burning many carefully build bridges along 
 way. Slowly and simply teaching all these years would have worked
 better, in my opinion, with much less bullshit.

It's a reasonable perspective, but it isn't exactly
the basis for an objective measurement of whether
MMY's teaching is fulfilling its purpose.  There are
lots of ways to interpret what MMY is doing with the
TMO now, some of which suggest that it will
ultimately facilitate that purpose more than going
slowly and simply.

I've proposed one such: MMY wants to contract the
movement and burn its bridges so that it can be
handed over to King Tony in a nice, neat, self-
contained package of unquestioned loyalty once MMY
dies, which will allow Tony to take firm control
and implement his own plans and ideas without a lot
of controversy (or at least without as much as 
there would have been otherwise).

In other words, the contraction now will make
expansion easier once King Tony takes over.

I have *no* idea if that's correct; obviously we'll
have to wait and see.  We have no idea yet what Tony
will be like as the head of the movement, whether
he'll take it and run with it or get all bogged
down in trying (and inevitably failing) to be a
second Maharishi.

But I don't see anything that would rule out that
interpretation, at any rate.

There's more than one way to skin a cat; plus which,
Unfathomable is the course of action.  Who can say
what Nature has in mind?

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[FairfieldLife] Re: The British in India

2005-12-14 Thread lurkernomore20002000

 That is the definition
  of Brahman. 
  I once heard a 23 year old, FF born and raised,
  describe her
  enlightenment as delightful confusion. Delightful
  because it was and
  confusion because the mind was never going to figure
  it out. Not now
  Not ever. Tom T

That's the thing about spiritual progress.  You keep waiting to 
arrive.  But it's never clear when you do arrive.  Maybe after a 
while things become clear, that you may have reached a milestone.  
But by that time you're dealing with a new set of confusions.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: The British in India

2005-12-14 Thread lurkernomore20002000
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jyouells2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 I said Ayatolla Maharishi 

Yea, but who's the ayatollah of rock n rolla.


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[FairfieldLife] Re: The British in India

2005-12-14 Thread tomandcindytraynoratfairfieldlis
Akasha 108 writes:
This is the value of Brahman for me. Only what I call Brahman can hold
those extreme values inside my mind and live with that paradox. If you
have  any doubt left about what I experience as the nature of Brahman,
see above and ponder on that for a while and see if you get the same
insight that I do. For me, this is an experience of the exposition and
playing out of the  Jaimini sutras. I percieve, and hey it may be my
ownlimitations, but on one hand is the realtive loony toon character
and on the other hand is the blazing brillance of pure Shiva. When I
go try and figure it out, it am profoundly confused -- in a good way.
I just for the life of me can't figure it out. Maybe you can, at least
its worth a try. But that profound confusion, that is the definition
of Brahman for me.  I once heard a 23 year old, FF born and raised,
describe her enlightenment as delightful confusion. Delightful
because it was and confusion because it appeared to my mind that her
mind was never going to figure it out. Not now, Not ever am I ever
going to figure it out.

Tom T responds:
Who is this I that Akasha is writing into my letter. Is that your
projection. The writer looking out through these eyes is that Brahman.
What has been written is the experience of life lived. It may not be
your experience if you are real attached to that I you keep inserting
in someones elses letter. The young lady in question said it was her
experience that her mind was never going to figure it out. Not Now.
Not ever. It would be nice if you could cut the BS of pretending to
post as anon when most of us here know who you are Mr Akasha. Your
signature is pretty easy to read now. Enjoy Tom T 

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[FairfieldLife] Re: The British in India

2005-12-14 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, lurkernomore20002000 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jyouells2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  I said Ayatolla Maharishi 
 Yea, but who's the ayatollah of rock n rolla.

The Wez, of course.

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