Re: [Flashcoders] Release camera driver...

2008-07-23 Thread Steven Sacks
And when I mean you cannot get rid of a connection to either one, what I mean is 
if you load a swf that opens a connection to Camera or Microphone, YOU CAN NEVER 
UNLOAD IT, even with stopAndUnload().

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] AS3 shop

2008-07-23 Thread Steven Sacks

Is you or ain't you a developer?

If you know AS3, and you found an AS2 solution, why don't you port it to AS3?

If you're making an online shop though, might I recommend Flex, which has lots 
of great libraries available for e-commerce.  Here's a bonus - it's AS3!  :)

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] You cannot debug this SWF because it does not contain any Actionscript

2008-07-23 Thread Steven Sacks

Helmut Granda wrote:
 The question now is, how do files in the library can become so corrupted?
 This would help to avoid it I hope.

Because Flash, like a lot of software, ain't perfect.

There's no reliable way to make an image get corrupted.  Sometimes, the 
corruption is simple, like it says Image Cannot Be Displayed in the library 
preview, and it won't show up on stage.  Sometimes, it gets much worse.

The solution is (often) fairly simple.  You have to save the image out again 
with a different name, because if you try to copy the same image and rename it, 
Flash will still get corrupted.

Sometimes, it won't like it right away.  Sometimes, it won't like it until you 
Save and Compact.  Sometimes, it will work fine until you do a random amount of 
work in the file at which point it will stop working.  Sometimes, it will still 
show up in the library preview and the stage but it will cause the Flash file to 
have problems when compiling or opening on other computers.

In other words, Flash ain't perfect (CS3 is the best example of that, while 
Flash 8 is the closest it's ever been - in one version they went from best to 

There's no solution and don't expect a fix because this issue has been around 
since at least Flash 5 and they've never fixed it.  I don't even think they know 
what it is or why it happens, and it happens so infrequently, they simply don't 
talk about it.  The effort to figure it out might not make sense economically.

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] The Charges Against ActionScript 3.0

2008-07-16 Thread Steven Sacks
Everyone forgets their roots.  Nobody remembers what it was like when 
they were first learning Flash and learning the basics of programming.

Colin Moock forgot his roots when six months ago he wrote an article 
about how easy AS3 was to learn and how n00bs should be learning it 
right out the gate.

Colin Moock has now remembered his roots and written what amounts to an 
effective retraction of his original article.

Anyone who looks at the archives of Flashcoders knows where I stand on 
this issue.  People who say all these features in AS3 are much better 
are either

1. Experienced, talented coders, or people who came from other 
programming languages.

2. See 1.

Yes, it's really bad to put scripts on MovieClips or nested in some 
timeline somewhere.  But, it's also really good for some designer who 
just needs to get some glorified banner out the door.

Yes, it's questionable OOP to use _parent._parent, and it's certainly 
hard to maintain, but it's also really good for some animator who just 
needs to set the text of some TextField two levels up.

Advanced coders often take their intelligence and knowledge for granted.
Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] The Charges Against ActionScript 3.0

2008-07-16 Thread Steven Sacks

Ashim D'Silva wrote:

Flash is not a toy. You can't pick it up, with no prior knowledge, and
expect to have a app 2 hours later.


This is where we part ways.  Flash used to be a toy, and, up until Flash 8, it 
still could be.  Now, with AS3, Flash has ceased to be a child's toy and is now 
only a toy for adults.  Child, in this sense, means non-programmer who is more 
comfortable with design and timeline animation, and adult meaning seasoned 

The notion that Flash is not (or was ever) meant to be easy enough to just pick up and make something really quick is diametrically opposed to reality.  The reason you see so much BAD Flash is because it was SO EASY to use for even non programmers.  

It's the same with all the bad HTML.  It's like saying that AJAX means that the web 
browser is no longer a toy.  The difference here is that browsers still accept 
noob HTML coding standards (according to people who are AJAX/CSS experts), 
but Actionscript 3 gives you zero latitude.

Flash is, at its _root, a vector animation tool with a scripting language tacked on.  To say that a vector animation tool is not a toy is pretty far off the mark.  

Actionscript 3 takes Flash away from the realm of the artist and into the realm 
of the programmer.  It makes simple things harder (regardless if it's better, 
it's still harder for non-coders) and is thus much less appealing to its 
original core audience, and a VAST MAJORITY of the people who use it.

Sorry, but good Flash coders are hard to find.  You just think otherwise 
because you run in these circles.  For every person participating in online 
Flash development communities, there are thousands who aren't.

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Error #1009 and gotoAndStop()

2008-07-12 Thread Steven Sacks
Creat a function that does the setting on the TextField and call it from 
that frame.

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Nested SWFs

2008-07-09 Thread Steven Sacks

ApplicationDomain is the solution, but even the designer of the class 
acknowledges it's tricky.  Each choice has mutually exclusive 
consequences.  Gaia provides an easy way to manage the domain of loaded 
swfs, but I can't make it easy to understand why it works the way it 
works.  If the above article doesn't help, only time and experimentation 

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Netstream fails to close

2008-07-09 Thread Steven Sacks

Move to AS3.  ;)

Alexander, Mary wrote:
Does anyone have a solution for AS2? 

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Saffron Modeler - what happened to it

2008-07-09 Thread Steven Sacks

On 30 Jun 2008, at 17:11, Sidney de Koning wrote:

there is loads of activity on sam's twitter account

Ugh.  His twitter is the reason I hate twitter.

You know why Saffron isn't getting done?  Because Sam's got a twitter 
account and he's using it.  A LOT.

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Netstream fails to close

2008-07-08 Thread Steven Sacks


FYI, I didn't just throw out an idea and pull some code out of my ass.  
I have tackled this exact issue for a client that needed to stop a 
stream from downloading when they closed the stream, and couldn't 
actually kill streams when the user interaction resulted in spamming new 
NetStreams.  The solution is to throttle the requests, using the exact 
code I provided.

If you're saying you call

ns = null;

and the NetStream continues to download afterwards *when you do not 
attempt to open another NetStream*, then there's something else going on 
because that works.  If you immediately try to play another stream, even 
if it's not on same NetStream instance, then the previous one will not 
stop downloading (that's the bug).

When you throttle the requests for new streams, the problem goes away.


Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Netstream fails to close

2008-07-08 Thread Steven Sacks
And it's worth mentioning this works for AS3 Flash Player 9.0.47 only.  
It does not work for AS2.

The first link you provided was from 2004 with Flash Player 7.

The second link didn't look like it had any solution.

The third link shows how bad the bug is, and I'm well aware this was 
part of the problem.  You have to close the browser to kill the download 
if you get stuck downloading an flv because you didn't properly kill it.

However, if you call pause() first (which people assume, incorrectly, 
that you shouldn't have to do), then close(), then set the NetStream to 
null and then wait at least 250ms (I recommend 500ms) to play the next 
stream, you're good to go no matter what the MIME type is on the server.

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Netstream fails to close

2008-07-05 Thread Steven Sacks

You have to pause() before you close().

Jason Van Cleave wrote:

sounds like a scope issue where you have multiple netstream objects

On Thu, Jul 3, 2008 at 9:54 PM, Barry Hannah [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I'm trying to fix a bug in a video player.

Selecting a new video to play from a playlist, plays correctly but the
first clip's audio doesn't die.

I'm using NetStream.close(), it doesn't appear to work. It works if I
wait for the first clip to download fully, just not if I select a new
clip when the first is still loading.


Flashcoders mailing list

Flashcoders mailing list


Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Netstream fails to close

2008-07-05 Thread Steven Sacks
The only bug with NetStream that I know of is if you're spamming it with 
new streams too quickly.  The solution is to throttle the requests.

A safe time to wait between changing the streams is 250ms.

It's really simple to write a queueing system that does this.  You just 
overwrite the same variable and reset the timer.

var currentStream:String;
var timer:Timer = new Timer(250, 1);
timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, onTimerEvent);

function queueNewStream(value:String):void
   currentStream = value;

function onTimerEvent(event:Event):void
Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] E4X question

2008-07-03 Thread Steven Sacks
Just because you CAN do it (as this document is just that, 
documentation), it doesn't mean you SHOULD.

I mean, you CAN put underscores in class names.  You CAN start class 
names with lower case characters.  You can make all your variable names 
ALL CAPS even if they're not constants.  You can put 10 underscores and 
dollar signs alternating _$_$_$_$_$ before every variable name if you 
want to.  You can cast every variable as an Object, or as *.  The 
language supports it, and the documentation says you're able to do it.

So just because XML supports it, and the documentation says it's 
allowed, doesn't mean it's in any way a good practice, or smart, or even 
acceptable.  In fact, it is not.  I'll give you the number one reason why.

Because XML is MEANT to be read by programming languages while still 
being human readable.

Programming languages generally don't like hyphens in the middle of 
attribute names or variable names.  You have to do hacky stuff like 
bracket access to use them.

Hence, you should never use hyphens in XML attributes or node names.
Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] E4X question

2008-07-02 Thread Steven Sacks
You might want to try following XML standards and best practices by not 
using hyphens in XML node or attribute names.

The only time I've seen hyphens in XML is when salespeople and other 
laymen end up writing XML schemas.  Why they're ever given authority to 
do such things is beyond me.

If it was me, I would fight tooth and nail to get those hyphens removed 
and replaced with camel case.  Best practices or die!  ;)

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Actionscript Virtual Machine-1

2008-07-02 Thread Steven Sacks

Everything you ever wanted to know about AVM1.  Have fun seeing how far 
down the rabbit hole goes.

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] E4X question

2008-07-02 Thread Steven Sacks
Just because I'm parsing XHTML using the XML parser in Flash doesn't 
mean that the XHTML is not following best practices.  CDATA in XML is a 
best practice, but not in HTML.  I'm using the Flash E4X parser to parse 
HTML, which, while technically possible, has its own set of challenges 
due to XML expecting XML not XHTML.

Rich Shupe wrote:

He may be working with a source he can't change, like your parsing HTML
without using CDATA tags.

On 7/2/08 1:56 PM, Steven Sacks [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

You might want to try following XML standards and best practices by not
using hyphens in XML node or attribute names.

The only time I've seen hyphens in XML is when salespeople and other
laymen end up writing XML schemas.  Why they're ever given authority to
do such things is beyond me.

If it was me, I would fight tooth and nail to get those hyphens removed
and replaced with camel case.  Best practices or die!  ;)


Flashcoders mailing list

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] E4X question

2008-07-02 Thread Steven Sacks
My point is that the source (XHTML) was following best practices for 
XHTML, including using strict mode.

By contrast, the OP's source was XML, but it was not following best 
practices, so Flash had some issues with hyphens, which aren't supposed 
to be there.

I guess I was just saying that it wasn't a fair comparison.  I had 
control over my source (XHTML), it's just that source wasn't exactly 
what E4X was designed for, but it followed the standards that E4X 
expected and the output was exactly what E4X would have output if it was 
XML, I was just having growing pains because of how Flash handled XML in 

Hyphens in XML node names and attributes is just bad all around, and I 
refuse to accept that things that are within your power to change are 

Some people choose the path of least resistance and figure out a way to 
parse the hyphens.  I choose the path of righteousness and figure out a 
way to get rid of the hyphens that shouldn't be there in the first 
place.  ;)

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] E4X question

2008-07-02 Thread Steven Sacks

Fair enough, Rich.  :)
Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Warning: 3596: Duplicate variable definition.

2008-07-01 Thread Steven Sacks
Why?  You already set buttons to _menuButtons.  Now you're going to set 
it again?

Besides, that ternary is not DRY because you are setting buttons = twice.

However, it can be compacted even more, and in 2 lines, instead of 3, by 
reusing clip and a ternary in the var declaration, like so:

var clip:* =;
var buttons:Array = (clip.buttonType == 1) ? _subMenuButtons: _menuButtons;


Allandt Bik-Elliott (Receptacle) wrote:

should that be:?

var clip:* =;
var buttons:Array = _menuButtons;
( == 1) ? buttons = _subMenuButtons : buttons = 

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Warning: 3596: Duplicate variable definition.

2008-07-01 Thread Steven Sacks


You should turn Strict mode on your FLAs in the publish profile 
settings.  If you click on the language (the place you set your class 
paths and if you want Flash to auto-declare stage instances), you should 
see a checkbox for strict mode.  Turn it on.

The reason you want strict mode is because it will catch errors that the 
normal Flash compiler does not.  Strict mode will help you quite a bit 
and expose obvious errors that the normal Flash compiler does not catch, 
which results in confusing runtime errors that should have been caught 
during compiling.  I wish there was a way to turn Strict mode on by 
default, but AFAIK, you have to do it manually for every Flash file.

Leaving variables untyped is loose coding and AS3 is all about enforcing 
strict coding.  Using * as a wildcard type is not generally something 
you want to do, but it's there for you if you need it (notable 
exceptions include specific game programming situations where it's been 
proven faster to iterate over certain wildcard variables than typed ones).

In the example given, the proper way of doing that would be to do what I 
originally said; either have both classes extend the same abstract and 
cast the var to the abstract, or have both classes implement the same 
interface and cast the var to that.  In this case, you can probably get 
away with a wildcard, but you should never leave a variable untyped.

At the very least, you're making your code more readable in the sense 
that you're explicitly setting a type as a wildcard and it's clear in 
the code that's what you wanted, vs you forgot to set a type.


Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Warning: 3596: Duplicate variable definition.

2008-06-30 Thread Steven Sacks
You see that you're declaring clip (and buttons) twice (causing the 
error), and as two different types (not causing the error but will cause 
another shortly).

Because you want one variable to act as either a Main or Sub, you need 
to either cast clip as an abstract version that both of those extend, or 
make an interface both of them implement and cast clip as such, or cast 
clip as * and forgo any strict typing altogether.

Relevant code only:

var buttons:Array;
var clip:* =;
case 0:
buttons = _menuButtons;
case 1:
buttons = _subMenuButtons;

Pavel wrote:

Hi List,

I have written a script, here is piece of some method:

private function resetState( e:Event )
 case 0 :
  var clip = as MenuButtonMain;
  var buttons:Array = _menuButtons;
 case 1 :
  var clip = as MenuButtonSub;
  var buttons:Array = _subMenuButtons;   


for (var i:uint = 0; i buttons.length; i++)
if( buttons[i] != clip )
} else buttons[i].disable();

 The script works as want it to but I keep getting a 3596 - duplicate 
variable definition warning,  when I run the script. Should I be woried 
about this warning message? What is wrong in my code?



Flashcoders mailing list

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Warning: 3596: Duplicate variable definition.

2008-06-30 Thread Steven Sacks

Even better, 3 lines.

var clip:* =;
var buttons:Array = _menuButtons;
if ( == 1) buttons = _subMenuButtons;
Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] switch statement more efficient than if...else?

2008-06-25 Thread Steven Sacks
I disagree that switch statements are more readable than if else 
statements, at least if you put your braces on their own lines.

if (true)
   // something
else if (true)
   // something else
else if (true)
   // yet another outcome

I don't think either is more readable than the other, unless you write 
your if else or switch statements poorly (no whitespace).

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] switch statement more efficient than if...else?

2008-06-25 Thread Steven Sacks
One thing that nobody who writes switch statements seemed to know (me 
included) is you can (and, apparently, should) write them like this:

switch (n)
   case 0:

   case 1:

   case 2:


I definitely find that more readable than the old way.
Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] as2 - method losing scope when called from timeline.

2008-06-23 Thread Steven Sacks

Because of the way everything in AS2 is centred around the MovieClip 
class, in order to create any kind of MVC architecture, which I gather 
you are trying to do, it's all about the MovieClip. You can have your 
Model be an Object, but your View and Controller classes, and any 
other visual display class need to be MovieClips, as a general rule.
Unless you use composition and pass a reference to a MovieClip in the 
constructor.  ;)

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] as2 - method losing scope when called from timeline.

2008-06-23 Thread Steven Sacks

It's a rare bug that is unacknowledged by Macromedia/Adobe.

If you name the package folder that contains your class the same as your 
class name (case doesn't matter), AS2 will behave like a dumbass.  It 
does randomly buggy behavior, and it's impossible to track down what it 
is because there's nothing wrong with your code, it's AS2 being buggy.

Once you rename your package or class, everything works as it should.
Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] as2 - method losing scope when called from timeline.

2008-06-23 Thread Steven Sacks

Also, I'm not sure what you are trying to do with 'this.clip = clip;', 
but you cannot instantiate or associate a MovieClip inside an Object 
(which Test is), and have successful access to its properties and 
He's using composition, which is sometimes preferable to extending 
MovieClip in AS2. He's passing a reference to the MovieClip in the 

However, I generally avoid having MovieClips themselves instantiate 
their class on their own timeline, however, because then it's not 
explicit anywhere else what's going on and then you have to dig through 
the MovieClips to find out where code is (timeline code can be a major 
pain).  In those cases, you should either have a controller class do 
that or extend MovieClip and assign the class to the clip in the libary.

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Converting simple XML data into Array

2008-06-20 Thread Steven Sacks

class net.stevensacks.utils.XML2AS
   public static function parse(n:Object, r:Object):Void {
   var a:Object, d:Object, k:Object;
   if (r[k=n.nodeName] == null) r = ((a=r[k]=[{}]))[d=0];
   else r = (a=r[k])[d=r[k].push({})-1];
   if (n.hasChildNodes()) {
   if ((k=n.firstChild.nodeType) == 1) {
   r.attributes = n.attributes;
   for (var i:String in k=n.childNodes) XML2AS.parse(k[i], r);
   } else if (k == 3) {
   a[d] = new String(n.firstChild.nodeValue);
   a[d].attributes = n.attributes;
   }else r.attributes = n.attributes;

xml = new XML();
xml.ignoreWhite = true;
xml.onLoad = Delegate.create(this, onLoadComplete);

function onLoadComplete()
   var xmlObj:Object = {};
   XML2AS.parse(xml.firstChild, xmlObj);
   var nodes:Array = xml.files[0].file;
   var i:Number = nodes.length;
   while (i--)
Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] How to avoid fake data being sent to server?

2008-06-18 Thread Steven Sacks

This isn't even open for debate.

If you don't run your logic on the server, you have zero security.

End of story.
Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Exclude classes

2008-06-17 Thread Steven Sacks
In AS3, there is no exclude.xml.  Whether this was an oversight or, for 
some reason, not possible, you cannot do this in AS3.  You can, however, 
use the Bridge pattern.

In a nutshell, you:

1. Make an Interface for the class you want to share between swfs (the 
implementation), but only want to be compiled in one.

2. Make a class to Bridge the gap that contains a static getter that 
returns the Interface, but really returns the Implementation.  You could 
also just make it a public static var if you really want.  I used an 
internal namespace because I don't want developers overwriting the 

3. Set the Implementation in your primary swf to make it available to 
all the other swfs.

4. Import the Bridge class in your other swfs and now you can access the 

Here is a trivial example that would work.

   import IClass;

   public class Bridge
   public static var api:IClass;

import Bridge;



AFAIK, this is easiest way to overcome the lack of exclude.xml in AS3.  
There are other ways, but they are complicated and difficult.

Flashcoders mailing list

[Flashcoders] Gaia 2.2.0 now available

2008-06-16 Thread Steven Sacks
I'd like to let everyone on the list know about the latest major release 
of my free, open-source, front-end Flash framework, Gaia.,542.0.html

Gaia 2.2.0 is a major release and contains many awesome improvements and 

First off, SWFObject 2 + SWFAddress 2.1 are now fully supported. 
Updating older Gaia projects will automatically convert all your html 
pages, including your SEO Scaffolding ones, all while keeping any custom 
params and FlashVars you have in the old syntax. One click and your 
project is up-to-date with the latest SWF embedding technology. It 
doesn't get much easier than that!

Another cool new feature is queued on-demand asset loading. Gaia will 
now only open a maximum of two HTTP requests at a time, which means your 
Gaia site is more stable (developers have reported AS3 becomes unstable 
when you have too many pending HTTP requests) and more responsive.

External pages now have a window attribute which enables you to target 
which window you want to open your link in right in the site.xml.

The Gaia panel now has Site XML and Class Path validation so you don't 
accidentally scaffold invalid class folder names (no spaces, no number 
at the start, alphanumeric), or invalid page ids. Additionally, the 
panel tells you exactly which nodes are invalid so you don't have to 
waste time trying to determine which ones they are.

Gaia now has AS3 Event Metadata for auto-completion when using Flex 
Builder 3.

Separate page templates for Actionscript and Timeline are now available 
for easy customization (and to solve a nasty JSFL bug with removeFrames).

Plus, some important bug fixes were made in both the framework and the 

And to top it all off, the latest version of the TweenMax family (v 
1.17) is also included.

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Is it possible to display in the xml file

2008-06-12 Thread Steven Sacks
If you put ampersands in attributes, the XML will not parse correctly in 
any browser.

Ampersands (and other special characters) should go inside CDATA tags to 
maintain valid XML.  :)

Cedric Muller wrote:

or you could set an attribute instead of a node

dep value=Fin  IT /

Flashcoders mailing list

[Flashcoders] Unhandled IOError and IOErrorEvent when closing browser during load

2008-06-12 Thread Steven Sacks
I posted this to Flash_tiger but it seems to be down or something, so 
I'm xposting it here.

Am I missing something, or is this a bug with the Flash player (9.0.124)?

If you're loading something and during the load you close the browser, 
the Flash player spits out an Error #2044, from either ioError or 
IOErrorEvent or both.

Error #2044: Unhandled ioError:. text=Error #2036: Load Never Completed.
Error #2044: Unhandled IOErrorEvent:. text=Error #2036: Load Never 

Ok, fine. Adobe wants to enforce strictness even when you're 
annihilating the swf, I can deal with that, or so I thought...

I listen for the IOErrorEvent and I try..catch the load and Flash still 
spits out the same error.  What gives?   Flash still throws an allegedly 
unhandled error that I am most assuredly handling?

Sample code:

_loader = new Loader();
onError, false, 0, true);

catch (error:Error)
   trace(Caught error!, +  ::  + error.message);

function onError(event:IOErrorEvent):void
   trace(onError, event);

I believe I'm doing everything I should do to capture these errors and I 
still get them.  Why?

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] AS3: Stretch only edges of a displayObject?I

2008-05-20 Thread Steven Sacks

Maybe this will work?

Make two copies of the original MovieClip (if you're loading an image, 
load it once into the first clip, then when it's done loading, load it 
into the two others) for a total of three.

Mask the left and right pieces to the width you want to show.   Mask the 
middle piece so those edges aren't showing.

Determine the math that you would have to stretch each one of the slices 
so that that portion would be stretched 15% (it will be more than 15% 
because you would have to take into account the width of the entire 
clip) and set their scalex to that value.

Position their x so they're lined up correctly.


eric e. dolecki wrote:

I am looking to take a DO (movieclip), and stretch just the side edges,
leaving the middle unstretched... so take an image, cut in 4 vertical
pieces, and stretch the outside pieces out horizontally by like 15%.

I could use DisplayObjects above the main one and just stretch those
horizontally, but I really want to keep this contained to manipulations on
the main object itself and not worry about creating and destroying others.

Any ideas?
Flashcoders mailing list


Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] help again.. NaN

2008-05-17 Thread Steven Sacks
Your textfield is probably set to multiline or something like that.  
Anything like a carriage return will cause parseInt to break.

rlyn ben wrote:

need to display number to the resultTxt but when i press the first number it 
displays NaN.. when i enter the second number.. it display the number but with 
the NaN.. :(
ageField.addEventListener(TextEvent.TEXT_INPUT, convertAge);
function convertAge (event:TextEvent):Number {
 var resultTxt:TextField = new TextField();
 resultTxt.border = true;

 var userAge:Number;
 var ageStr:String;
 ageStr = ageField.text;
 userAge = parseInt(ageStr);

 resultTxt.text = String(userAge);
 return userAge;


Flashcoders mailing list


Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] help again.. NaN

2008-05-17 Thread Steven Sacks
You can just cast it as int and it will resolve as 0 if it's empty 
string or contains non-numeric characters.

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Best way...

2008-05-13 Thread Steven Sacks

The Flex 3 Debugger is solid.

Patrick J. Jankun wrote:

.. to debug AS3 [NOT AS2!]

Is there any other Debugger then one build in Flash IDE? How do you 
guys Debug your Proejcts?

What are the best practices in debugging? What tools should i consider?

fancy skills to pay the bills

Phone:  +43 660 96 969 - 01
mail:   p[at]

Flashcoders mailing list

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] FPS limit of flash player inside browser?

2008-05-07 Thread Steven Sacks

Juan Pablo Califano wrote:

By the way, in most cases setting a FPS above 30 doesn't make much sense
(bear in mind that a NTSC video signal runs at 30 FPS, and a PAL one at 25
FPS). And it will only worsen frame-dropping problem, if you already have

I'm awfully tired of hearing this argument put forth by people.  If this 
had even a remote possibility of truth then Nvidia and ATI would be out 
of business.  Obviously, they're not.  In fact, the competition is 
fierce over something that you claim makes no sense.

The fact of the matter is, running at a higher frame rate makes things 
look smoother.  Period, end of statement.  If you take a time-based 
animation inside a 30fps movie and a 60 fps movie, the 60 fps version 
will look a lot smoother.  It's not an opinion, it's a fact.

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Why is good to extend an Event Class

2008-05-06 Thread Steven Sacks
It's not really important to understand the why behind extending Event 
in AS3.  The reasons become self-evident over time as you use it. 
There's no reason not to, so best to just do so.

The only reason you wouldn't is if you spent considerable time to deeply 
understand the event system in AS3 (reading posts is only part of it - 
you would need to spend time running tests, poking around in the code, 
doing RD, basically) and somehow determined that extending Event was 
detrimental to a specific edge case that you were working on.  I'd be 
hard pressed to figure out what that edge case would be, and I could 
come up with several arguments against the decision to not extend Event 
in that case.

In other words, if you have to ask why you should use it, you should use 
it.  ;)

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Sr. Flash Developer Position

2008-04-28 Thread Steven Sacks
This is the first (and, unfortunately, I doubt the last) installment of 
my Recruiters Who Spam series.

Michael Bright is a spammer.  If he has spammed you, as well, won't you 
share your experience?  Here's mine.

Michael Bright emailed me twice, and then posted about his position 
twice in two days in the comments of one of my old blog posts from last 
October.  He has done this to other people I know, as well.

Michael is the second recruiter to do this specific thing - spam 
multiple emails and then spam their job posting on a blog post of mine 
they believe might show up in certain search queries.

Recruiters:  Post your jobs on, post once on Flashcoders and 
Flash_tiger, post on  Don't spam!

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Deleting Flash Vars

2008-04-21 Thread Steven Sacks

Have you tried setting your individual Flash Vars to null?

root.loaderInfo.parameters.someValue = null;

If you tried that and it didn't work, don't use FlashVars if you need 
that kind of security. There are many other options to FlashVars.

Ketan Anjaria wrote:

I am using FlashVars in an AS3 application.Is there a way to delete flash
vars once they are passed in?

What I would like to do is

// get the flash vars and set in application
var flashVars:Object = (root.loaderInfo as LoaderInfo).parameters;
for (var i:String in flashVars) {
 setValue(i, flashVars[i]);
// delete the flash vars to prevent other swfs from accessing
delete (root.loaderInfo as LoaderInfo).parameters;

but parameters is read only. Any ideas?
Flashcoders mailing list


Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Determining sound sample rate?

2008-04-21 Thread Steven Sacks
Ben has an open source project on Google code that is the evolution of 
his old classes called Metaphile.

Flashcoders mailing list

[Flashcoders] Actionscript Exploit very bad news

2008-04-18 Thread Steven Sacks
Flashcoders mailing list

[Flashcoders] Gaia Framework 2.1 - SEO Scaffolding

2008-04-16 Thread Steven Sacks
Just wanted to let everyone know I just launched a major release of my 
Gaia Framework for Adobe Flash.

Gaia 2.1 contains SEO Scaffolding.  To find out more about it, check out 
my blog post and the wiki.  Gaia 2.1 contains a bunch of other great new 
features, as well!

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Is Adobe fixing this big FP9 problem?

2008-04-15 Thread Steven Sacks
For the record, I never belittled his English, but rather celebrated his 
the internet is serious business approach, which actually had a 
greater affect on diffusing my frustration than anything else.  :)
Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] RE: AS3 memory management - loaded content

2008-04-14 Thread Steven Sacks
On the AIR tip, here's the thing.  Desktop application development is an 
entirely different beast than website application development and Flash 
website development.  You must be extremely conscientious about your 
memory management with desktop applications because they might be 
running for days or even weeks at a time, whereas website apps and Flash 
sites will only be running for maximum a few hours.

In this way, AIR is inviting trouble because they're attempting to bring 
Desktop development appealing to the masses, when really, the masses 
have no idea what they're getting into, or what they're subjecting their 
users to.  Of course, you gotta learn sometime and all the memory 
management stuff you learn can be applied to your Flash sites, as well.

This expose by Grant Skinner is important specifically because of Adobe 
AIR more so than anything else.  I was developing Flash desktop 
applications with Flash wrappers and Director for a few years so I know 
a lot of the pitfalls, one of the biggest being tight memory management. 

This extremely bad memory leak in AS3 is a death knell for AIR.  Until 
it is fixed, AIR can no longer be seriously considered as a reliable 
platform for desktop application development.  People are better off 
using AS2 and one of the other wrappers out there.  There's just no room 
for terribly bad memory leaks like this in the world of desktop 
application development, especially when they're completely out of your 
control even when you do everything right and you have no way of fixing it.

Adobe has really dug themselves into a deep hole here.
Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Is Adobe fixing this big FP9 problem?

2008-04-14 Thread Steven Sacks
No they are not.  In fact, their absolute refusal to fix it is the 
reason for Grant's post.

If you want it fixed, you're going to have to put pressure on Adobe, 
which they have certainly earned with this.  Talk about it on every 
online forum and blog.  Point to Grant's blog entry.  Expose the huge 
memory leak in the player.  Talk about how it has crippled AIR as a 
legitimate desktop application platform.  Make major companies like 
Disney and Turner wary of using AS3 for their Flash sites.

Think about the line about automobile recalls in Fight Club.  A times B 
times C equals X.  If X is less than the cost of a recall, we don't do one.

Unless this affects Adobe financially or embarrass them publicly in the 
tech industry, they aren't going to do anything about it.

Merrill, Jason wrote:

Does anyone know if Adobe is fixing this huge FP9 problem?

Jason Merrill
Bank of America  
GTO and Risk LLD Solutions Design  Development 
eTools  Multimedia 

Bank of America Flash Platform Developer Community

Are you a Bank of America associate interested in innovative learning
ideas and technologies? 
Check out our internal  GTO Innovative Learning Blog  subscribe.

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Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Is Adobe fixing this big FP9 problem?

2008-04-14 Thread Steven Sacks
And just a note here, but the blogosphere is starting to come alive with 
people talking about this issue.

Funny that MXNA has been down for the past couple of days.
Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Is Adobe fixing this big FP9 problem?

2008-04-14 Thread Steven Sacks

Francis Cheng wrote:

Grant's post is helpful because he discusses the issue in such detail,
but it would be even more helpful to have a concrete test case that
exhibits this problem.


With all due respect, the Flash team knows about this, and they don't 
need any more concrete test cases.  We've got better things to do than 
play into Adobe's attempt to buy time by deflecting it back on the 
developers to come up with examples while the Flash team tries to get 
out of their blunder.

It's clear that Grant had discussions with Adobe before he wrote that 
blog post and I'm certain that others have approached the Flash player 
team with this issue for awhile.  Nothing has been done to fix it, so 
you end up with a public exposure of the issue, as Grant has done.  The 
Flash player team has egg on its face because in AS2 if you unload a 
swf, it unloads, and in AS3, it doesn't.  Period end of statement.  The 
Flash GC engine's inner workings is something that nobody outside of 
Adobe has access into and we can't possibly make tests that demonstrate 
whether it is or isn't working.  The proof is in the pudding and Grant's 
post is all the evidence you need.

Let's not get into a situation where we are insulting each other's 
intelligence by acting like the Flash team hasn't been aware of this 
issue for quite some time.  The Flash team is well aware of it, they 
know why it exists and they know it's difficult to fix.  In all 
likelihood, they knew about it before any developer discovered it.  I 
mean, after all, it works exactly like it was coded to work.  It's not 
technically a bug, it's an engineering decision that is coming back to 
haunt them.

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Is Adobe fixing this big FP9 problem?

2008-04-14 Thread Steven Sacks
Correct, Muzak.  They are affected.  You might remember I posted about 
this issue last month.  I cannot unload a swf that contains an embedded 
video on the timeline.  The best I can do is stop it.

Muzak wrote:

My guess is that flv's are not affected..
And guessing some more.. external swf's that contain flv/audio are 
affected (e.g. audio will continue to play when unloading the swf).

- Original Message - From: Barry Hannah [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Flash Coders List
Sent: Monday, April 14, 2008 11:06 PM
Subject: RE: [Flashcoders] Is Adobe fixing this big FP9 problem?

1) Are flv's affected?
2) Does it ruin Adobe media player?

Flashcoders mailing list

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Is Adobe fixing this big FP9 problem?

2008-04-14 Thread Steven Sacks
Let's get down to brass tax. 

Grant's post is not some bug report and everyone at Adobe knows it.  
Coming on here and trying to downplay it isn't going to get you very far 
because people are going to call bullshit.  It's a major problem for 
Adobe for this to be made public and one reason it was made public is 
because the Flash team wouldn't admit it or fix it.  It's not a good 
idea to lie to your development community.

The Flash team knows what they did.  They shouldn't have made this bad 
engineering decision and now they are in a bind because there's no going 
back and the best they can do is try and provide a usable workaround in 
the form of memory sandboxing.  Weak (no pun intended).

The rule for unloading a swf is that you have to remove all references, 
stop all timelines, stop all sounds, stop all timers, stop any enter 
frame listeners, etc, only then will it be allowed to unload.  This 
requirement set up the situation where you cannot run a trace inside the 
swf to prove that it still exists in memory, otherwise, you've violated 
the requirement that allows a swf to unload.  Interesting, huh?

This is the very thing that the Flash team has relied upon to shield 
themselves from this being exposed.  If you can't prove it, they don't 
have to fix it because they've got plausible deniability.  The GC is 
completely hidden from developers, which only compounds the issue.  Of 
course, this lack of transparency of the GC is by design, and that 
discussion is out of the scope of this conversation.

This is the Flash team's dirty secret.  They don't actually unload your 
swf.  But, if you stop all timelines, scripts, and clear all references 
then to the casual observer it appears that your clip is unloaded 
because you have no solid way of proving otherwsie.  Crafty, but not 
crafty enough.  Unfortunately for the Flash player team, some smart 
developers figured out a way to prove what's really going on, and 
because of their continued denials and refusal to fix it because of the 
difficulty in doing so, their dirty little secret has been exposed.

The fact of the matter is, if your references are within the scope of 
the swf, and you unload the swf, then the swf and everything inside it 
should unload.  You shouldn't have to turn off anything inside a swf if 
its scope stays within the swf.  You shouldn't have to call stop() on 
all timelines inside a swf that you're trying to unload, either.  AS2 
let you do it, so should AS3.

I don't know how Adobe, in good conscience, could be pushing newbie 
developers to learn AS3.

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Is Adobe fixing this big FP9 problem?

2008-04-14 Thread Steven Sacks

Thanks for the link to Alex Harui's post, Francis.

It unquestionably supports my stance that only advanced developers 
should be using AS3 and everyone else (95% of Flash developers) should 
stick with AS1/AS2.  This issue of not unloading swfs unless you 
explicitly turn everything off inside it is another prime reason why 
only expert developers should be coding AS3.  The fact that it doesn't 
actually work even when you do requires a high level of programming 
skill to manage correctly.  This is not the realm of designers, 
animators and low to mid level Flash developers.

Nobody wants to acknowledge the strictness in AS3 is not merely syntax, 
but extends to the entire way you develop.  Most Flash developers out 
there are not strict or disciplined programmers.  AS2's looseness (and 
the ability to unload swfs) is still best for creative Flash 
development except in the trained hands of Flash experts who know how to 
manage the memory management issues.

If the GC implementation in Flash was truly transparent, then somebody 
would be able to explain why Grant's localConnection hack to force the 
GC to run worked.  The Flash team would also provide some API methods 
into it.  There is no API to the GC, therefore it's implementation is 
not transparent.

And to the guy who said Disney doesn't give a shit, you're wrong.  
Disney is undergoing a major overhaul of all their Flash content to 
AS3.  They've been in touch with Adobe about this.  Let's not spread 
misinformation here.  I think Adobe has done enough.

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Is Adobe fixing this big FP9 problem?

2008-04-14 Thread Steven Sacks
Also I want to make clear that I am not putting any words into Grant's 
mouth.  I have not had any discussion with Grant personally on this topic.

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Is Adobe fixing this big FP9 problem?

2008-04-14 Thread Steven Sacks
Ha!  I never said I make $300,000 a year.  Where did you get such a 
crazy idea as that?  :)

The Flash player team knew they were in a pickle and instead of 
providing a way to punt something or forcibly shut it down, they opted 
to not say anything and hope that nobody figured it out.  That might be 
ok when you only have a few hundred users, but with the way Adobe's been 
pushing AS3 at everyone, getting people like Colin Moock to try and 
convert newbie developers to use AS3 claiming how much better it is, 
Adobe's behavior is completely irresponsible.

I make my living with Flash.  I don't need other companies out there 
pushing competing technologies to be able to point out that the Flash 
player has a major issue in it so come to the darkside.   Adobe needs to 
fix it, pronto. 

:)-- Smiley face

laurent wrote:
I hope, Steven, this is just part of the strategy. How much money have 
you make since flash player is out...? 300 000$ a year you said

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Is Adobe fixing this big FP9 problem?

2008-04-14 Thread Steven Sacks

Laurent, you're my hero!  teh internet is serious business INDEED!  :)
Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Is Adobe fixing this big FP9 problem?

2008-04-14 Thread Steven Sacks


Paul Andrews wrote:
You're saving them the job. If I were reading this thread I'd wonder 
how anyone had ever done anything with Flash.

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Is Adobe fixing this big FP9 problem?

2008-04-14 Thread Steven Sacks

Laurent wrote:

what the f**k is a flash player in the universe god damn it!

By the way, Disney just called me, they don't give a s**t...

Kerry Thompson wrote:

Ouch. Ok, I'm old-fashioned, but, please, Laurent, out of consideration for
the more prudish members of the list like myself, could you refrain from
that sort of language? I'm not the list mom, and don't pretend to speak for
anybody but myself, but that does make me uncomfortable.
Yeah, Jason Merrill works in corporate America and he has to be careful, 
too.  Put $10 in the swear jar.

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] AS3 memory management - loaded content

2008-04-12 Thread Steven Sacks

Hi Dave,

Grant Skinner recently blogged about this.  Major issue. What's worse is 
Adobe really has no intention of fixing it.  I believe Grant's blog post 
was an intention to put mucho pressure on Adobe by exposing how bad the 
issue is as well as expose how they refuse to fix it. I dunno if it's 
going to work but it's better than nothing.

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] AS3 memory management - loaded content

2008-04-12 Thread Steven Sacks


One thing, though.  The documentation states that you absolutely must 
remove ALL references inside the swf, including timers, enter frame 
listeners, stop playback of sounds, etc., basically do a complete 
cleanup, before you can even remove a loaded swf.  The issue that Grant 
brings up is that even if you do all that, it STILL does not release the 

dave matthews wrote:

hi All,
  Our app is designed to load Flash content examples and widgets from outside servers -  anyone on the web can enter a URL.swf into the demo list and those .swf's are loaded as visitors view different areas of the site.
  Many of the examples we've experimented with setup  processes that do NOT let go when the responsible .swf is deleted and/or unloaded from the child container holding it.  What's more - even deleting the container does not stop background calculations and sounds from continuing to execute in the player.
  This is a huge departure from how Flash was!  One of the nice features of Flash was the ability to unload content on the fly and know it was out of the player.
  Is there a reason for this new behavior or just a serious bug - overlooked when the Flash9 player was developed?Dave Matthews

Use video conversation to talk face-to-face with Windows Live Messenger.
Flashcoders mailing list


Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Re: Two for loops and one if statement into one for loop.

2008-04-07 Thread Steven Sacks
Your if statement is pointless because defaultSection is ALWAYS less 
than maxSection because you're not altering either of those variables.

That being said, this is much faster:

var defaultSection:int = 3;
var maxSection:int = 6;
var i:int = maxSection + 1;
var j:int = defaultSection;

while (i--)
   trace(  -  + i );
   if (defaultSection  maxSection)
   while (j--)
   trace(  -  + j);

Helmut Granda wrote:

oh yeah forgot the loop:

var defaultSection: Number = 3;
var maxSection: Number = 6;

for (var i : Number = defaultSection ; i  maxSection + 1 ; i ++ )


trace (  -  + i ) ;


if (defaultSection  maxSection)


for (var i : Number = 1 ; i  defaultSection ; i ++ )


trace (  -  + i ) ;



Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Re: Two for loops and one if statement into one for loop.

2008-04-07 Thread Steven Sacks

Right.  I should have set j inside in the if statement each time.

var defaultSection:int = 3;
var maxSection:int = 6;
var i:int = maxSection + 1;
var j:int;

while (i--)
   trace( i =  + i );
   if (defaultSection  maxSection)
   j = defaultSection;
   while (j--)
   trace( j =  + j);

However, somebody managed to suss out what Helmut was really trying to 
achieve.  Their second example, however, was the exact opposite of what 
Helmut wanted, which was an efficient loop.

Doing any kind of math or function call in the comparison function of a 
loop is the polar opposite of efficiency.  ;)

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Calling Listener Functions

2008-04-05 Thread Steven Sacks
If you're not actually accessing any of the properties of the MouseEvent 
in your listener function, you could do the following:


or you could keep it strict and use

(e:MouseEvent = null)

Either works fine, though the second one is explicitly cleaner.

Omar Fouad wrote:

I've got a function that is called when a listener listens an event like:

fancyButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myFunction);

private function myFunction(e:MouseEvent):void {
   // statements...

If I try to call myFunction using myFunction() , the compiler throws me an
error, saying that the function expects an argument. At this point how
should I call this function without dispatching the MouseEvent Event??



Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Calling Listener Functions

2008-04-05 Thread Steven Sacks
I disagree with this approach.  It's unnecessary and makes code less 
manageable.  It's cleaner to set the argument as optional (event = null) 
than write another subroutine.

Matt S. wrote:

You might want to separate the functions, so you  would have
myFunction(), which you could call from anywhere, and myClickHandler,
which would handle the mouse event specifically. So:

fancyButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myClickHandler);

private function myClickHandler(e:MouseEvent):void {

private function myFunction():void{
  //blah blah...
Flashcoders mailing list


Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Seeking example: pop up div with greyed out background

2008-04-04 Thread Steven Sacks
You can't do any legwork first?  This is a Flash list and you're asking 
a non-Flash question.

Guess how easy it is to find numerous examples of this:


Mendelsohn, Michael wrote:

Hi list...

Does anyone have a good example URLs of a div that pops up an alert
for users to do something, then have an additional div that grays out
the background thus highlighting the alert div?

- Michael M.

Flashcoders mailing list


Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] how to check if child exists

2008-04-02 Thread Steven Sacks
If the display object is checking itself, all you have to do is check to 
see if stage == null.

Otherwise, you can see if its parent contains it.


that said, i'd still like to know how to determine if a display object 
is in the current display list?

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] AIR - Insert header in XML file

2008-04-02 Thread Steven Sacks

Can't you inject that into your xml string?

myXml = ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8? + myXml;

Patrick Matte | BLITZ wrote:

I'm saving an xml file with AIR, it works but how can I add ?xml version=1.0 
encoding=UTF-8? at the top of the file?

Flashcoders mailing list


Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] AIR - Insert header in XML file

2008-04-02 Thread Steven Sacks

myString:String = yourXML.toString();
myString += ?xml delcaration here?;
save(myString, myString.xml);

An XML file is just a text file with a .xml extension.
Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] AS3 MouseEvent target?

2008-04-01 Thread Steven Sacks
Extending DisplayObject to access some of its native functionality (e.g. 
event bubbling) seems fine to me, especially if you look at it from the 
perspective of EventDispatcher has events and DisplayObject extends 
EventDispatcher and adds bubbling functionality.  If you need bubbling, 
extend the class that provides that.

The whole non-visual argument is a bit of a red herring considering 
we're using Flash and, until recently, all Actionscript was inside of or 
attached to a display object (MovieClip).  Technically, it still is.  ;)

Flash is a visual tool, and I maximize my productivity by leveraging it 
fully.  Flash has all kinds of great Flash-centric features and you can 
definitely use them to your advantage.  It's not hacking to use the 
API given to you.  :)

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Interfaces

2008-04-01 Thread Steven Sacks
Interfaces can do much more than just help multiple coders stay on 
track.  In Actionscript 3, they can be used to mimic multiple 
inheritance, decrease file size of loaded swfs, and clarify your own code.

Interfaces are simple, but understanding Interfaces and how and when to 
use them takes a bit more time.  You need a firmly established 
understanding of core OOP concepts like inheritance, abstract/concrete, 
and factories.  Once you fully understand those, the transition into 
learning how interfaces work will be a lot easier and will pave the way 
for the Ah ha! moment when you actually get how they benefit you.

If you're the only person working on a project, interfaces can be less 
useful unless you know how to use them well.  Putting them in just to 
put them in serves no purpose other than bloating your code.  But, 
sometimes you need to do that in order to figure them out.

For instance, let's say you have multiple swfs, and some class and its 
inheritance chain is fairly large when compiled.  Rather than import the 
Abstract class type in the loaded swfs, you can instead import the 
Interface for the class and your loaded swf won't need to know the inner 
workings of any class that follows the interface to compile.  At 
runtime, the class will exist because the main movie loaded it, and all 
the loaded swf needs to know is that if it calls a particular method of 
an interface, it's guaranteed to be in the class because the class 
follows that interface.  That's just one example of how interfaces can 
be used.

If you want to see some example code for interfaces, install my Gaia 
Framework, create a new AS3 project, and take a look at the 
com.gaiaframework.api package.  There are interfaces for all of the 
asset classes, as well as the the main Gaia API.  There are more 
complicated uses for interfaces, such as multiple inheritance, but best 
to learn the basics before you jump into that aspect.

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] removeChild - targeting question

2008-04-01 Thread Steven Sacks

try event.currentTarget

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] AS3 MouseEvent target?

2008-03-31 Thread Steven Sacks

mc.mouseChildren = false;



Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] AS3 MouseEvent target?

2008-03-31 Thread Steven Sacks
IMO, explaining Event Bubbling as the reason the TextField is the target 
is complicating the immediate solution he needs, which is mouseChildren 
= false.

Yes, it's Event Bubbling that's causing the target to be the TextField.  
To understand Event Bubbling, read about it in the docs, or better yet, 
in a book (like Moock's).  But, then you MUST do it yourself to learn 
how it works.  If you don't play with it yourself, you will never get 
it no matter how much somebody explains it to you.  I'm fully convinced 
of that.  You gotta mess around with it to fully understand why it's so 
amazingly awesome.

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] AS3 MouseEvent target?

2008-03-31 Thread Steven Sacks
(dateStart, dateEnd) * 
var pb:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
if (uint(dateEnd-dateStart)  1)

{,.3);// white 50% alpha,0,pbWidth,pbHeight,pbHeight);;
pb.x = pbX;
pb.y = pbY;
var pbText:SimpleTextField = new 
SimpleTextField(0xFF, 14, headingFont, 4, -2, pbWidth-4, 25, 
pbTitle, false);

pbText.selectable = false;
pbText.text +=  ;
pbText.text += pbDate;
var pbf:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
pbf.font= subheadingFont;
pbf.size= 10;
var pbCurrentLength= pbTitle.length+1;
var pbDateLength= pbText.length;
pbText.setTextFormat(pbf, pbCurrentLength, 
pb.mouseChildren = false; 

} else
{,.5);// white 50% alpha,0,pbHeight/2);;
pb.x = pbX;
pb.y = pbY+(pbHeight/2);
pb.rolloverText = pbTitle + \n + pbDate;
pbMouseOverListener, true);


thanks for your input so far


On 31 Mar 2008, at 22:30, Steven Sacks wrote:

IMO, explaining Event Bubbling as the reason the TextField is the 
target is complicating the immediate solution he needs, which is 
mouseChildren = false.

Yes, it's Event Bubbling that's causing the target to be the 
TextField.  To understand Event Bubbling, read about it in the docs, 
or better yet, in a book (like Moock's).  But, then you MUST do it 
yourself to learn how it works.  If you don't play with it yourself, 
you will never get it no matter how much somebody explains it to 
you.  I'm fully convinced of that.  You gotta mess around with it to 
fully understand why it's so amazingly awesome.

Flashcoders mailing list

Flashcoders mailing list

Flashcoders mailing list

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] AS3 MouseEvent target?

2008-03-31 Thread Steven Sacks
 Take off the true flag for bubbling and set mouseChildren = true.  
This should solve your issue.

Er, I meant set mouseChildren = false.

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] JSFL Add a new font

2008-03-27 Thread Steven Sacks
You can do anything you want in C++.  Read the JSFL docs on how to use 
C++ to do more complex JSFL stuff.

Hopefully, the time and cost it takes to research it, write the C++, 
debug and deploy your solution will be less than the time and cost 
savings of importing a Font into a Flash library.  If you can sense the 
sarcasm, you're dead on.  ;)

On the other hand, it might be possible to alter an already existing 
Font symbol in the Library.  You might want to look into that.  The 
history panel is your friend and so are the JSFL docs.

Leon wrote:

And no others way?
Ex: A low-level extension for flash that extends JSFL ?

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Variable scope within for loops: reusing iteratorvariables

2008-03-27 Thread Steven Sacks

function doSomething

  var i:int;

Is functionally identical to this:

function doSomething
  for(var i:int =0;i++;i10)

Wrong.  It's not.

In the latter example, i is not available after the loop.  In the first 
example, it is.

var i:int;
for (i = 0; i  10; i++)
  if (i == 5) break;
-- 5

There are a multitude of uses for this, and I do it all the time.  
Additionally, I read somewhere many moons ago (back in my FLASM days) that 
declaring variables outside a for loop is less bytecode and uses less memory.  
I don't believe that applies to the counter declaration, but I do know it 
applies to the comparison as well as vars declared inside the for loop.  
However, this level of optimization is only useful in a practical way on mobile 
and some games.

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Outsourcing

2008-03-27 Thread Steven Sacks

If you want freelance work, here's how you do it.

Make an account on LinkedIn.  Get some recommendations.

I get about 10 job offers each week from just that.  Some full-time, 
some project-based.  You're missing out if you're not making yourself 
known.  :)

Dwayne Neckles wrote:

My sentiments exactly.. it's frustrating...thats why  I became full time in NY.


Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] AMFPHP vs RubyAMF

2008-03-27 Thread Steven Sacks
AMFPHP has been around a long time.  It's been optimized and optimized 
and optimized.  RubyAMF is (relatively) new.  However, I have not used 
it, so I don't know how it performs, but I'm going to take an educated 
guess that AMFPHP is faster, more stable and more flexible only because 
of its age and widespread use.

artur wrote:
is there a major difference in terms of performance, stability,  and 

im about to built an RIA using Flex  MySQL..
but havent decided on the middleware yet.

whats the verdict?

also whats the learning curve on it for devs who have experience with 

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Variable scope within for loops: reusing iteratorvariables

2008-03-27 Thread Steven Sacks
Valid where?  If that's in a class function and i is not a class 
variable, then the compiler will complain that you're using an 
undeclared variable.

Cory Petosky wrote:

I guess I should have provided an example when I mentioned no block
level scoping. Try this on for size:

for (i = 0; i  10; ++i); // Do nothing but increment i
var i:int;

This is totally valid code and will trace 10! ALL variable
declarations in a function, regardless of the block the variable is
declared in, are performed as the function is pushed on the stack.

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Tweening Engines for AS3

2008-03-26 Thread Steven Sacks
A few years ago, I went to work at a company and a guy had written an 
AS2 variable height data grid component.  It was over 2000 lines of code 
in 3-4 classes.  It had bugs and it was slow to render.  He had been 
working on it for over two months.

I sat down and wrote a variable height data grid with the same exact 
functionality in 41 lines of AS1 in about 2 hours.  No bugs, instant 

While the above example is a far cry from 3k vs 8k, the point I'm making 
is if the extra lines of code aren't benefiting you, why compile them?

For most purposes, TweenLite gets the job done.  If you're doing 
Papervision 3D and need bezier curves and such, Tweener is the obvious 

Both are fantastic.  I choose TweenLite most of the time purely for 
speed, size and efficiency.  If I need something more robust, I use 
Tweener.  They're the two obvious winners.

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Tweening Engines for AS3

2008-03-26 Thread Steven Sacks

We are programmers, we can't afford Porsches! Better change that
to bike and skate...

You're joking, right?  Talented Flash developers are in extremely high demand 
right now.  Every day I get 3-5 emails from recruiters or companies.  It's a 
seller's market and people are paying top dollar for AS3 and Flex devs.  Flash 
and Flex jobs are paying $75-$150/hr.  That's $150,000 - $300,000 a year.  If 
you can't afford a Porsche, you need to find a new job or grow a pair and ask 
for a raise.

That being said, I don't own a Porsche because I've got better things to do 
with my money.  ;)

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Sound.loadSound ?isStreaming?

2008-03-25 Thread Steven Sacks


mySound.loadSound(url, true);

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Sound.loadSound ?isStreaming?

2008-03-25 Thread Steven Sacks

;)   ywc

Andrew Sinning wrote:

Don't you think that a bit too obvious?  ;-)

Thanks Steven!

Steven Sacks wrote:


mySound.loadSound(url, true);

Flashcoders mailing list

Flashcoders mailing list

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] JSFL Add a new font

2008-03-25 Thread Steven Sacks

Here's the #1 way of knowing what's not possible in JSFL.

Open your History Panel (CTRL+F10).

Do something.

If the something you did has a red X in the lower right corner, you 
can't do it in JSFL.

x (Create New Font Symbol)

You can't do this with JSFL, unfortunately.
Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Custom MovieClip Classes

2008-03-24 Thread Steven Sacks
Beginners should not be coding AS3.  It's really that simple.  AS3 
requires a whole new level of strict coding practices and is not for 
beginners.  Null pointer exceptions are extremely important to catch 
because they can cause a Flash app to crash, and the foresight to know 
where and how those will trip you up requires a lot of coding 
experience.  I've been programming over 13 years and I still get caught 
by the occasional null pointer.

You have to cast everything in AS3 anyway, and understanding why you 
have to cast requires understanding of OOP and strict coding practices.  
AS3 is very strict.  It's not for everyone, in fact, it's not for most 
people.  There's a reason that AS2 won't be going anywhere for awhile, 
and it's because it's forgiving and fails gracefully and both 
non-programmers and lazy programmers appreciate that.  I know I miss it 
sometimes.  Writing try catches with nothing in the catch in order to 
fail gracefully is hacky, but when I've got a deadline looming, I'm glad 
it's there because there's no way I'm going back to AS2 again.  ;)

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] How to expand import * statements?

2008-03-24 Thread Steven Sacks
Instead of writing var myVar:WhateverClass in FlashDevelop, you can just 
say new WhateverClass and it will autocomplete it for you.  Less to 
type, less to erase.

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Tweening Engines for AS3

2008-03-24 Thread Steven Sacks
For things like Papervision 3D, where bezier curves are important, 
Tweener is the obvious choice.  For general purposes, though, Tweener is 
probably overkill.  I'm not bashing Tweener or Fuse or any of the other 
tweening engines out there.  For a lot of situations, TweenLite is more 
than sufficient.  When you need the special functionality that Tweener 
provides, TweenLite is obviously not going to cut it.

Zeh Fernando wrote:
While I agree with the speed thing, let's just keep this in context - 
it's so when you have a lot of tweenings going on at the exact same 
time. A few tweens won't produce a difference in terms of framerate. 
If they do, there's something else wrong.

Still, I think we should be glad there are so many alternatives. :)


Steven Sacks wrote:
Tweener is proven to be significantly slower than TweenLite, and it's 
almost 300% larger (TweenLite is 3k vs Tweener's 8k).

I'm not telling you what to do. You're welcome to your preference. I 
prefer to write better, faster, smaller, more efficient code.  
Different strokes for different folks, I guess.  :)

Dave Mennenoh wrote:
I prefer Tweener, and if you've ever used Fuse you'll like it's 
syntax. It's also quite small - adds about 8K.

Dave -
Head Developer
Adobe Community Expert
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Flashcoders mailing list

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Tweening Engines for AS3

2008-03-24 Thread Steven Sacks

Dwayne Neckles wrote:
Tweener allows you to tween frames in movieclips WITH easy... 
which is pretty darn useful and amazing if you ask me..

I dunno if tweenlite allows that..



*Frame tweening* - you can tween to any frame in a MovieClip, like, 2, {frame:125});

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Custom MovieClip Classes

2008-03-23 Thread Steven Sacks
The issue is that in Flash you are using the terrible awful 
why-did-Adobe-put-it-in-there publish option of Automatically Declare 
Stage Instances.  It's the worst thing in the world and causes many 
people headaches.

Turn it off.  It's the dumbest thing Adobe could have ever made.  
SHIFT+F12, click on the AS version Settings button, and deselect 
Automatically Declare Stage Instances.

Always always ALWAYS declare your stage instances in your classes.
Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Tweening Engines for AS3

2008-03-22 Thread Steven Sacks
TweenLite and TweenFilterLite are the undisputed kings of Tween 
engines.  They're the most efficient, best performing and most 
lightweight.  I distribute them with my Gaia framework.  Jack Doyle is 
actually working on an improved version of TweenFilterLite right now 
which should be released soon.
Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Custom MovieClip Classes

2008-03-21 Thread Steven Sacks

Do you want to inherit some or all?

If you want to inherit all, have RegistrationPanel extend APanel.

If you want to inherit some, have RegistrationPanel instantiate APanel 
and have proxy methods to just the ones you want.


Omar Fouad wrote:


I have a MovieClip in my Flash Library with Class Name APanel.

The class obviously extends MovieClip;

Also I have another MovieClip in the library Called RegistrationPanel and
It's class also would extend the MovieClip's one.

Now I would the like to let RegistrationPanel inherit some behaviours from
APanel. But it allready extends MovieClip... How can I do this ?


Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Decorator Pattern - removing a decorator

2008-03-20 Thread Steven Sacks

What you're experiencing is premature enlightenment. - Tyler Durden

The Gang of Four specifically warns about this, and it's important to 
acknowledge that it's happening.

When people first learn about design patterns, they will immediately 
begin looking for places to apply them.  They will do this and fail in 
some particular way, and in doing so, learn more about that design 
pattern or perhaps one that they don't know of, yet.  The issue most 
people have is trying to solve a problem with a design pattern they just 
learned without understanding that it isn't an appropriate pattern.  
But, you have to do it wrong in order to learn why.  Prepare to fail and 
learn from those failures.  It will make you a better coder.

Your initial hunch is that your problem would best be solved by the 
Decorator pattern, but it very well may not be.  The Decorator pattern 
has fallen out of favor in recent years, as many people believe it 
violates good OOP practices.  It has its uses, but they're limited.

You should continue coding this using Decorator if you like, so you can 
discover what its limitations are.  It sounds like you're already 
hitting them.  It's possible that Strategy and Composition might be 
useful here, as well.  Just understand that you won't understand until 
you code yourself into a corner a few times.  :)

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] dictionary vs array

2008-03-18 Thread Steven Sacks

If you want the best performance you can get:

His doubly linked list is insanely fast. What I mean is, I had some code 
that moved non-sequential items around a list.  Using an Array, I could 
easily cause Flash to timeout from code taking too long with 25,000 
items.  Using a DLinkedList, I could do the same operation with 200,000 
items in about 300ms.  25,000 items was  10ms on average.

Obviously, YMMV, but these classes are fantastic.

Leandro Ferreira wrote:

There's also a performance issue there, since some array operations(ie.
splice) are more expensive than in dictionaries and some dictionaries
for in) are more expensive than array ones.

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] frameworks and classes for flash cs3

2008-03-17 Thread Steven Sacks

You could also google flash frameworks.  Google is a great tool.
Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Error #1009

2008-03-17 Thread Steven Sacks
It is exceedingly rare that the compiler is telling you something is 
wrong that isn't.  If you're getting an error thrown, like it or not, 
you made a mistake somewhere.  Flash does what you tell it to do.

Unfortunately, it's not always easy to figure out where the error is 
coming from if you don't use the debugging tools provided.  Using try 
catch and throwing meaningful error messages will help you debug much 
more quickly.

If you're getting null pointer exceptions, you're experiencing the 
growing pains of going from AS1 to AS3.  It'll take time, but the more 
you get burned by them, the more your code will account for them and the 
less you'll have to deal with them.

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Writing Custom MovieClip Classes

2008-03-17 Thread Steven Sacks

Which is exactly what I told you to do and you brushed me off.  :p

Brilliant minds think alike, Jason.

Omar Fouad wrote:


On Mon, Mar 17, 2008 at 5:08 PM, Merrill, Jason 


Try this instead, this is how I would do it (you have a few screwy
things in the code you posted, too many to bother commenting on :) ):


 import flash.display.MovieClip
 import flash.text.*;

 public class DataCard extends MovieClip
  public function set name(value:String):void
  theTextField.text = value;

And in the .fla with the clip's class set to DataCard:

var dc:DataCard = new DataCard(); = Hello;

Jason Merrill
Bank of America
GTO LLD Solutions Design  Development
eTools  Multimedia

Bank of America Flash Platform Developer Community

Are you a Bank of America associate interested in innovative learning
ideas and technologies?
Check out our internal  GTO Innovative Learning Blog  subscribe.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Of Omar Fouad
Sent: Sunday, March 16, 2008 9:24 AM
To: Flash Coders List
Subject: [Flashcoders] Writing Custom MovieClip Classes

I have a MovieClip in my project that I put in the library.
This MovieClip is used in the application lots of times and I
attach it on the stage on run time when required like

var DC:DataCard = new DataCard();
DC.x = Math.random()*550;
DC.y = Math.random()*400;

In the Identifier Dialogue Box I set the Class name to
DataCard and I am trying to associate it to a Class file This MovieClip has a text field for example, and
it is named nameTF.
I want to be able to control the components of the DataCard
MovieClip from the Class Itself, in this case to change the
text in the nameTF TextField.

So in the Class I worte:

package {
import flash.display.MovieClip

import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.text.*;

public class DataCard extends MovieClip {

 var cardName:String;

 static public function DataCard():void {
  nameTF.text = cardName;
 public function set cardName(Name:String):void {
  cardName = Name;

It shows me many errors and it does not work.

when I tried:

public class DataCard extends MovieClip {

 public function CardName(CN:String):void {
  nameTF.text = CN;

and in the FLA:

var DC:DataCard = new DataCard();

DC.CardName(here is the name);

DC.x = Math.random()*550;
DC.y = Math.random()*400; = dataCard;

this worked. But how can I use a Constructor, setters and
getters in this case? Also how can I set the name of the
MovieClip like I would do in the FLA = DCName; in
the class itself?

Thanks for the Help.

Omar M. Fouad - Digital Emotions

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Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Writing Custom MovieClip Classes

2008-03-16 Thread Steven Sacks
What is nameTF?  I don't see it declared in your class.  If you are 
using Automatically declare stage instances, turn it off.  Adobe put 
it in there specifically for newbies to code, it's not meant for proper 
developers to use.

Keep in mind you need to declare your stage instances as public vars.

You cannot make the constructor of a class a static function.

Setting card name has no effect on the value of the text field in your 
code.  I recommend using a more generic naming convention anyway.

   import flash.display.*;
   import flash.text.*;

   public class DataCard extends MovieClip
  public var TXT_Name:TextField;

   public function DataCard()
   public function set label(value:String):void
   TXT_Name.text = value;

Omar Fouad wrote:

I have a MovieClip in my project that I put in the library. This MovieClip
is used in the application lots of times and I attach it on the stage on
run time when required like

var DC:DataCard = new DataCard();
DC.x = Math.random()*550;
DC.y = Math.random()*400;

In the Identifier Dialogue Box I set the Class name to DataCard and I am
trying to associate it to a Class file
This MovieClip has a text field for example, and it is named nameTF.
I want to be able to control the components of the DataCard MovieClip from
the Class Itself, in this case to change the text in the nameTF TextField.

So in the Class I worte:

package {
 import flash.display.MovieClip

 import flash.display.MovieClip;
 import flash.text.*;

 public class DataCard extends MovieClip {

  var cardName:String;

  static public function DataCard():void {
   nameTF.text = cardName;
  public function set cardName(Name:String):void {
   cardName = Name;

It shows me many errors and it does not work.

when I tried:

public class DataCard extends MovieClip {

  public function CardName(CN:String):void {
   nameTF.text = CN;

and in the FLA:

 var DC:DataCard = new DataCard();

DC.CardName(here is the name);

DC.x = Math.random()*550;
DC.y = Math.random()*400; = dataCard;

this worked. But how can I use a Constructor, setters and getters in this
case? Also how can I set the name of the MovieClip like I would do in the
FLA = DCName; in the class itself?

Thanks for the Help.


Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] to mac or not to mac

2008-03-14 Thread Steven Sacks

FlashDevelop is not, and probably will never be, since it's made
with .NET framework.

FlashDevelop beats every other editor hands down for Actionscript development.  
TextMate is great for other languages, and decent at AS, but FlashDevelop is 
truly the finest example of what an Actionscript editor should be.  You will 
write code *measurably* faster than with any other program.  FlexBuilder's 
auto-complete is buggy and poor, to say the least.

FlashDevelop is like driving a Formula 1 race car when everyone else out there 
is in mid-range sedans.

Beyond that, the whole Windows/OSX debate is hackneyed.  There is no winner.  It 
completely depends on what you like and what your needs are.  I know plenty of graphic 
designers who can't STAND Mac and will only use Windows.  Making blanket statements that 
Mac is better for creatives is regurgitating the marketing campaign of Apple 
from the frickin nineties for crying out loud.  It's not even relevant anymore because 
Windows no longer runs graphic programs slower than Mac and hasn't for quite some time.

If you do Flex development, then your needs will be met best on a Mac.  If you 
prefer OSX as an operating system over Windows then by all means get a Mac.  
The great thing about Mac is you can install Windows on it specifically for 
using FlashDevelop if you want to truly enjoy coding Actionscript.

That's all you need to know about using a Mac and FlashDevelop.

I can't get by without FlashDevelop anymore.  I donated to the project because 
there's nothing that has made such a dramatic difference in my production than 
that piece of software.  If you haven't used it yet, you don't know what you're 

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Using seek on a NetStream

2008-03-13 Thread Steven Sacks
You can pass any time to seek, but the NetStream will jump to the 
nearest keyframe of the FLV.

If you seek(4) and the nearest keyframe is at 7, it will jump to 7.  Go 
to YouTube to see this happen as you scrub.  Some of their videos have 
15 second keyframes.

If you've got control over the videos, you can publish them with more 
keyframes, 1 per second if you want, or more if you want more accuracy.

Stutter-free loop?  I'd say queue up a second NetStream of the same url 
and start it right when the other one ends or hits a certain timecode 
and attach the new one to the Video object at the same time.

Shant Parseghian wrote:

Hi guys,

I'm having a problem using seek. In a listener for NetStream.Play.Stop I
have a call to I am trying to loop a stream seamlessly. I
put a trace on the stream_ns.time and after the seek is called, the time
displays as starting over from 0. When I change the seek command to a value
of 3 or 4, it still isn't accurate to what I'm sending it. Is this a bug in
my trace or is the seek not as accurate as it should be?

If anyone has any advice on getting a clean, stutter free loop on a
NetStream I'd love to hear some thoughts. I've tried a lot of different
methods with no good result yet. Thanks.

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