g_b Sundae

2008-03-31 Thread asfan
Once a farmer has a horse, who has a very depressing face, so the farmer puts 
up an ad in local newspaper. 
Anybody who makes my horse laugh, gets $10,000. The next day a man comes up 
to the farm and says I can do it, just let me be alone with the horse for 5 
minutes. The farmer agrees. 
After 5 minutes, the man comes out with the horse, and lo and behold, the horse 
is actually laughing. The farmer is surprised and pays up. 
After a couple of days, the farmer gets irritated to find his horse still 
laughing. He again puts up an ad, this time it states. Whoever makes my horse 
cry, gets $10,000. The next day, the same man comes up and again says, Give 
me 5 minutes alone with the horse. The farmer agrees. 
After 5 minutes, the man leads a crying horse out of the stables. 
The farmer is surprised, he asks the man, What did you do with the horse? 
The man says, The first time I told the horse, I was hung bigger than him. So, 
the horse started laughing. The farmer is amused, and asks, What did you say 
the second time. 
Well, I actually showed him. said the man. 

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Re: g_b What Is Sexual Orientation and What Causes Homosexuality?!

2008-03-14 Thread asfan
Dear Mimo69,
  This is an interesting article but where did you read it?
  Is it from an established medical/scientific journal?
  Or is it a personal opinion of the author?
  Please do inform as some of it doesn't seem plausible.

Mimo69 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   What Is Sexual Orientation and What Causes Homosexuality

It's unfortunate that there is such a vast ignorance about 

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g_b Catholic bishop hits out at 'gay conspiracy' to destroy Christianity

2008-03-14 Thread asfan
Published Date: 13 March 2008 
Source: The Scotsman 

  Catholic bishop hits out at 'gay conspiracy' to destroy Christianity


  ONE of Scotland's most senior Catholics has launched an attack on the gay 
lobby in Scotland, claiming there is a huge and well-orchestrated conspiracy 
against Christian values.

  The Rt Rev Joseph Devine, Bishop of Motherwell and president of the Catholic 
Education Commission, said gay rights organisations aligned themselves with 
minority groups, such as Holocaust survivors, to project an image of a group 
of people under persecution.

He warned that the gay lobby – which he labelled the opposition – had mounted 
a giant conspiracy to shape public policy.

He singled out the actor Sir Ian McKellen, who was given a New Year honour for 
services to gay rights, pointing out that Oscar Wilde was locked up only a 
century ago for homosexual acts. The bishop said he would not tolerate the 
behaviour of a child struggling to come to terms with his or her 
homosexuality. Last night his views were attacked by gay rights groups, which 
branded them unChristian and deeply out of step with the views of ordinary 

In the fourth of the Gonzaga Lectures held at St Aloysius' College in Glasgow 
on Tuesday, Bishop Devine said: The homosexual lobby has been extremely 
effective in aligning itself with minority groups.

It is ever-present at the service each year for the Holocaust memorial, as if 
to create for themselves the image of a group of people under persecution. We 
neglect the gay movement at our peril.

I want to ask you if you are able to see the giant conspiracy that's taking 
place before our eyes, even if we didn't see it at the time. I take it you're 
beginning to see that there is a huge and well-orchestrated conspiracy taking 
place, which the Catholic community missed.

He went on: In this New Year's honours list, I saw actor Ian McKellen being 
honoured for his work on behalf of homosexuals, when a century ago Oscar Wilde 
was locked up and put in jail. It's a very small group of people, but very 
active and organised – and extremely indulgent. The opposition know exactly 
what they're doing. We don't.

Calum Irving, the director of Stonewall Scotland, said the bishop was 
deluded, pointing out that the Catholic Church had much greater wealth and 
political influence than the gay rights lobby. He said: So Bishop Devine has 
decided it's time to have a go at lesbian and gay people again.

I'm flattered that the bishop thinks we could mount a 'huge and 
well-orchestrated' conspiracy, but he is much deluded. After all, which 'lobby' 
really has the greater resources and political access?

Such a continued attack on gay people is distinctly unChristian and deeply out 
of step with the views of most Scots today. There is no war on Christianity – 
just the bishop's own fevered paranoia. 

I would defend the bishop's right to practise his faith and yet he would deny 
me basic dignity and respect. Worse, he appears to hanker after an age when 
Oscar Wilde was put in jail for being gay. Worse still, he seems to infer that 
gay people have no right to be remembered as victims of the Holocaust.

After Bishop Devine's lecture, entitled Sectarianism and Secularism: Bugbears 
for the Catholic Church in Scotland, one audience member asked how Catholic 
parents should come to terms with a child's mission to become homosexual.

The bishop replied: This must be a nightmare moment for any parent. There are 
many days when I'm glad to not be a parent. I would try to handle it with a 
degree of compassion, but I would not tolerate (it].

Bishop Devine also cited the battles over Clause 28, legalising civil 
partnerships and same-sex adoption.

He said prominence had been given to the supreme moral values of liberty and 
equality replacing truth and goodness as supreme moral values.

Bishop Devine continued: It was bound to result in state-sponsored morality at 
war with Christian values. We must resist being corrupted by secularism.

Asked about how Christians could influence politics, he commented: It was once 
thought that the Labour Party was a Christian democratic party. Sadly, it's not 
that anymore. Certainly in terms of leadership, the SNP are much more 
responsive to us.

He vowed to fight on against the forces of secularism. He concluded his 
lecture stating: Like Mel Gibson, who said, 'I'm going to pick a fight', so am 

A Holocaust Memorial Day Trust spokeswoman said: Holocaust Memorial Day is 
about remembering all victims: be they Jewish, gypsy, gay or lesbian.

The day is also about learning the lessons from the past, encouraging society 
to tackle all forms of prejudice, such as antisemitism, racism and homophobia.

A spokeswoman for Sir Ian McKellen said the actor was out of the country and 
unavailable for comment.


THE Rt Rev Joseph Devine is no stranger to controversy.

Last year, he dealt a blow to 

g_b Why call him a Bastard

2008-03-14 Thread asfan

GIRL: I have sinned. I called my boyfriend a BASTARD.

  PSYCHIATRIST: Well now, that's not a nice thing to call anyone, so what did 
he do to deserve that?

  GIRL: Well, he kissed me.

  PSYCHIATRIST:You mean like this?
( The psychiatrist kissed the girl )

  GIRL: ..Yes!

  PSYCHIATRIST:Well that's no reason to call him a BASTARD.

  GIRL: But, he put his hand in my top.

  PSYCHIATRIST:You mean like this?
( The psychiatrist put his hand in the girl's top )

  GIRL: Yes!

  PSYCHIATRIST:Well that's no reason to call him a BASTARD.

  GIRL: But, he took my clothes off.

  PSYCHIATRIST:You mean like this?
( The psychiatrist took off the girl's clothes )

  GIRL: Yes!

  PSYCHIATRIST:Well that's no reason to call him a BASTARD.

  GIRL: But, he had sex with me!

  PSYCHIATRIST:You mean like this?
( The psychiatrist had sex with the girl )

  GIRL: .Yes!

  PSYCHIATRIST:  Well that's no reason to call him a BASTARD.

  GIRL: But, then he told me he has AIDS.


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g_b The nun's story

2008-03-04 Thread asfan

A nun, badly needing to use the restroom, walked into a local restaurant.

The place was hopping with music and loud conversation and every once in a
while the lights would turn off. Each time thelights would go out, the place 
would erupt into cheers. However, when the revellers saw the nun, the room went 
dead silent.

She walked up to the bartender, and asked, May I please use the restroom?

  The bartender replied, OK, but I should warn you that there is a statue of
a naked man in there wearing only a fig leaf.

  Well, in that case I'll just look the other way, said the nun. So, the
bartender showed the nun to the back of the restaurant.

After a few minutes, she came back out, and the whole place stopped just
long enough to give the nun a loud round of applause.

She went to the bartender and said, Sir, I don't understand. Why did they
applaud for me just because I went to the restroom?

  Well, now they know you're one of us, said the bartender, Would you like
a drink?

But, I still don't understand, said the puzzled nun.

  You see, laughed the bartender, every time someone lifts the fig leaf on
that statue, the lights go out. Now, how about that drink sister?

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Re: g_b Re: Wife wants to divorce gay hubby

2008-03-01 Thread asfan
I have never read anything so DISGUSTING before! 
  Does Pasha mean to say that a gay man should spoil a 
  poor woman's life just because she is, poor and illeterate?
  The writer should hang down his head in shame. Has he
  no care for other's feelings?  Is he a woman hater?
   I do hope
  other readers also castigate this illeterate, shameless, idioticand ruthless 
  We can do without his ilk.  He is the type of person responsible
  for gays being at the recieving end.

pasha_trans [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
No PROBLEM it cab be solved peacefully.

we all play game of pretending. we can pretend that in everyday 
life. suppose a gay man is having sex with his wife. he can imageni 
that he is loving a man. physical and mental activities are separate 
things. passive men can ask their women to penetrate them with 

actually gay men marrying in poor families are in very ideal 
position. illeterate and rural background women of poor status seldom 
complain about anything. it is tragic that gay men are merrying women 
of their similar financial status and from educated families. this is 
wrong. educated women especially of big cities are very demanding. 
they must be avoided.

--- In gay_bombay@yahoogroups.com, gay_bombay moderator 

 Dont know how much truth is there in this report. Just posting it 
 Wife wants to divorce gay hubby
 Divyesh Singh
 *Salma Shaikh says he had sexual relations with male servant; in-
laws ask
 her to keep mum*
 MUMBAI: When 22-year-old Salma from Mumbra married Amjad Shaikh from
 Kolhapur in May 2006, she had no idea hers would be a marriage of
 convenience for her husband. Barely a few days into the marriage, 
she was
 shocked to discover her husband was homosexual and that he shared 
 relations with a male servant Rafique, 35, who worked in their 
 Feeling cheated, Salma has now filed a case against her husband and 
 in the Mumbra police.
 After marriage, Amjad established sexual relations with me only 
for a week,
 that too unwillingly. Then he started avoiding me, Salma told 
DNA. A few
 days later, I found that Amjad was close to Rafique. I brushed it 
aside as
 friendship. Later, I caught them in the act several times, and 
 that the two had sexual relations. He refused to eat meals from my 
hands and
 demanded Rafique's involvement in everyday chores, said Salma.
 When Salma informed her in-laws, they harassed her, pressuring her 
not to
 disclose the matter to anyone. They would demand more dowry, she 
 Rafique has been with the family for a more than a decade. Amjad 
and his
 family own many businesses in and around Kolhapur. They are 
influential, so
 they threatened to kill me and my parents if I spoke about the 
issue to
 anyone, she added.
 Salma came to her parental house in February 2007. She has been 
 divorce, along with her belongings and jewellery, ever since but 
her in laws
 have refused. Salma also filed a complaint with the Maharashtra 
 Women's Commission, Kolhapur division last year, to which Amjad did 
 Salma has been deceived by her in-laws. We want justice for her 
now, why
 did Amjad marry her when he was not going to give her the place of 
his wife
 and satisfy her sexually. He should be severly punished for that, 
 Bano, Salma's mother said.
 A case has been registered against Amjad under sections of dowry 
 and cheating. Under special directives of Supreme Court, Salma can 
 a case in Mumbra.
 Action will be taken against the accused soon, said Arun Sonde, 
 inspector, Mumbra police station


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g_b Tuesday's Tune -amoroso

2008-02-26 Thread asfan
At 85 years of age, Wally married Lou Anne,
a lovely 25 year old.

Since her new husband is so old, Lou Anne decides that after
their wedding she and Wally should have separate bedrooms,
because she is concerned that her new but aged husband
may over-exert himself if they spend the entire night together.

After the wedding festivities Lou Anne prepares herself for bed
and the expected 'knock' on the door. Sure enough the knock comes,
the door opens and there is Wally, her 85 year old groom, ready for action.
They unite as one. All goes well, Wally takes leave of his bride,
and she prepares to go to sleep.

After a few minutes, Lou Anne hears another knock on her
bedroom door, and it's Wally. Again he is ready for more 'action'.

Somewhat surprised, Lou Anne consents for more coupling.
When the newlyweds are done, Wally kisses his bride,
bids her a fond goodnight and leaves.

She is set to go to sleep again, but, aha you guessed it
Wally is back again, rapping on the door,
and is as fresh as a 25-year-old, ready for more 'action'.
And, once again they enjoy each other.

But as Wally gets set to leave again, his young bride says to him,
'I am thoroughly impressed that at your age you can perform
so well and so often. You are truly a great lover, Wally.'

Wally, somewhat embarrassed, turns to Lou Anne and says:
'You mean I was here already?'


The moral of the story:

Senior moments may have their advantages!

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g_b Sundae

2008-02-24 Thread asfan
A young woman was so depressed that she decided to end her life by throwing 
herself into the Arabian Sea off the Gateway of India.. 
  She went down to the pier and was about to leap into the frigid water when a 
handsome young sailor saw her tottering on the edge of the pier crying. He took 
pity on her and said, Look, you've got a lot to live for. I'm off to Europe in 
the morning, and if you like, I can stow you away on my ship. I'll take good 
care of you and bring you food every day. Moving closer he slipped his arm 
round her shoulder and added, I'll keep you happy, and you'll keep me happy. 
The girl nodded yes. After all, what did she have to lose?
That night, the sailor brought her aboard and hid her in a lifeboat. From then 
on, every night he brought her three sandwiches and a piece of fruit, and they 
made passionate love until dawn. Three weeks later, during a routine 
inspection, she was discovered by the captain. What are you doing here? the 
Captain asked. I have an arrangement with one of the sailors, she explained. 
I get food and a trip to Europe, and he's screwing me.
He sure is, lady, the Captain said. This is the Elephanta Island Ferry.

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g_b Funnie

2008-02-22 Thread asfan
  Good evening ladies, Sherlock Holmes said as he passed three women eating 
bananas on a park bench. 
  Do you know them? Dr. Watson asked. 
  No, Holmes replied, I've never met the nun, the prostitute or the bride we 
just passed. 
  Good Lord, Holmes, how in the world did you know all that? 
  Elementary, my dear Watson. The nun ate the banana by holding it one hand 
and using the fingers of the other hand to properly break the fruit into small 
pieces. The prostitute, he continued, grabbed with both hands and crammed 
the whole thing into her mouth. 
  Amazing! Watson exclaimed. But how did you know the third was a newlywed?
   Because she held it one hand and pushed her head toward it with the other. 

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g_b Saturday Smilie

2008-02-22 Thread asfan
A man was brought to Mercy Hospital, and went in for heart surgery.  The 
operation went well, and as the groggy man regained consciousness, he was 
reassured by a Sister of Mercy waiting by his bed. 
 Mr. Smith, you're going to be just fine, the nun said while patting  his 
hand. We do have to know, however, how you intend to pay for your  stay here. 
Are you covered by insurance? 
 No, I'm not, the man whispered hoarsely. 
 Can you pay in cash? 
 I'm afraid I can't, Sister. 
 Do you have any close relatives, then? 
 Just my sister in New Mexico, replied the man, but she's a spinster nun. 
 Nuns are not spinsters, Mr. Smith, the nun replied. They are married to 
 Okay, the man said with a smile, then send the bill to my  

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g_b Saturday Smilie

2008-02-15 Thread asfan
A group of cowboys were out on the range branding some cattle.

While they were away the new cook saw a sheep tied to a post.
Thinking it was for that night's dinner he slaughtered the sheep,
and cooked it.

That night after dinner the cowboys were all sulking and ignoring
the cook.

He pulled one aside and asked, ...Did I screw up the cooking

No, the cowboy replied, You cooked up the screwing.
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Re: g_b Interesting item -Magnets in underpants...underpants??

2008-02-11 Thread asfan
Dear Lizzie,
  One could always try.  Do let me know the results in due course.
  I am so glad you like and enjoy my pearls of wisdom. I am, indeed,
  very grateful.

Asfan -
  As most people I stay with do not wear underpants...do you think if the 
magnets were placed in their bras it would help them increase their bust sizes??
  Asfan you are as always a veritable source of heartfelt wisdom..

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g_b Interesting item -Magnets in underpants

2008-02-10 Thread asfan
From: New Scientist 2 Feb 2008:

Magnets in underpants
WE ARE surprised nobody thought of this before: a magnetic therapy for the 
world's most over-advertised dysfunction. The makers of Magnehance claim that 
if you are male you can enhance your organ's performance by wearing a flexible 
neodymium-iron-boron magnet in your underpants. If you are female, the 
Magnehance website promises that products designed for you will be arriving 

The orthodox medical community has serious doubts about magnetic therapies of 
all kinds, of course, but advocates claim magnetic fields can make people feel 
better, ease pain in arthritic joints and improve blood circulation. The last 
claim is the key, since blood flow is important for achieving erections. 
According to www.magnehance.com, the magnetic field from the triangular magnet 
- worn in a special pouch taped to your underwear - will keep the blood flowing 
and ready for action.

If you buy into that theory, what's to stop you using, say, an old refrigerator 
magnet instead? The Magnehance Questions  Answers page says that, alas, 
ordinary refrigerator magnets are too weak to provide appropriate stimulation.

Maybe so. We are sorry, however, that the QA page fails to address another 
obvious question. We can only hope that the manufacturer's description of 
Magnehance as a natural, non-intrusive magnetic approach to sexual 
enhancement means the magnet doesn't have to be worn during the act itself.

  We also wonder what happens to nearby metallic objects when you are wearing 
the device. Nothing spoils a romantic dinner more than knives and forks flying 
off the restaurant table and attaching themselves to your crotch - except 
possibly the moment when the newly magnetised credit cards in your pocket won't 
work as you attempt to pay for the meal.

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Re: g_b Media Coverage of the busted gay party

2008-02-04 Thread asfan
All the newspaper reports mention merely a crate of beer  being found.
  No other form of alcohol.  Surely, no permit is required for drinking beer.
  How could the police then arrest them for not having permits?
  Or, was some other form of alcohol found on them?
  Anyway, it just goes to prove our old concept of the Indian (and not merely 
the Mumbai) police - do anything to make money.

lgbtindiagroup [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi All 

Pastied below is the coverage of the busted gay party in mumbai 
papers. today's hindustan times , mumbai, has the pics of the 
organisers, handcuffed to each other and being led away to the court for their 
crime of holding a party for gays. someone defended the HT pic which is in 
bad taste as saying that the report was ok and that the eyes had been covered 
with a black strip unlike loksatta, a 


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g_b Monday melody - scherzo

2008-02-03 Thread asfan

 A salesman checked into a futuristic hotel.
Realizing he needed a haircut before the next day's
meeting, he called down to the desk clerk to ask if
there was a barber on the premises.

 I'm afraid not, sir, the clerk told him
 apologetically, but down the hall from your room is
 a vending machine that should serve your purposes.

Skeptical but intrigued, the salesman located
the machine, inserted $15.00, and stuck his head
into the opening, at which time the machine started
to buzz and whirl. Fifteen seconds later the
salesman pulled out his head and surveyed his
 reflection, which reflected the best haircut of his life.

Two feet away was another machine with a sign
that read, 'Manicures, $20.00.' Why not? thought
the salesman. He paid the money, inserted his hands
into the slot, and the machine started to buzz and
whirl. Fifteen seconds later he pulled out his hands
and they were perfectly manicured.

The next machine had a sign that read, 'This
 Machine Provides a Service Men Need When Away from
 Their Wives, 50 Cents.' The salesman looked both
 ways, put fifty cents in the machine, unzipped his
 fly, and with some anticipation, stuck his manhood
 into the opening. When the machine started buzzing,
 the guy let out a shriek of agony and almost passed
 out. Fifteen seconds later it shut off. With
 trembling hands, the salesman was able to withdraw
 his tender unit... which now had a button sewn on the end.
Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.

g_b 2008 - Leap Year

2008-02-02 Thread asfan
At the village fair the showman was shouting his wares in order to attract 
  “Roll up, ladies and gentlemen and see the leopard.  With all his spots! One 
spot for each day of the year.  Eh, what’s that lady?  Leap year? O. K.”
  “George,” he called out to his assistant.  “George, lift up the leopard’s 
tail and show the lady the 29th  of February.” 

Looking for last minute shopping deals?  Find them fast with Yahoo! Search.

g_b Heath Ledger's last movie role could be completed by computer

2008-02-02 Thread asfan

From Times Online
January 30, 2008

Heath Ledger's last movie role could be completed by computer

Philippe Naughton and agencies 
Heath Ledger could appear in his last film courtesy of computer wizardry - 
unless its director persuades Johnny Depp to step into his role instead. 
The young Australian actor died in New York last week during a break from the 
filming in London of The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus, a $30 million fantasy 
movie directed by Terry Gilliam. 
His co-star Christopher Plummer told People Magazine that Gilliam was terribly 
saddened by Ledger's death and trying to work out at this moment how to 
continue on. 
Fortunately, because the film deals with magic there is a way, perhaps, of 
turning Heath into other people and then, using stills and I think they call it 
CGI (computer-generated imagery), he said. 
Terry was a very good friend [of Ledger]. He very wants to go on with the 
movie, and I can very much understand why. Because he wants to dedicate it to 
Heath, of course. 
In The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus, Ledger played a mysterious new member 
of a magician's troupe. Plummer plays the eponymous magician who has developed 
extraordinary powers by trading them for his teenage daughter's life in a deal 
with the Devil. 
The recent location shooting in East London meant that filming was about 
one-third complete when Ledger was found dead in his Manhattan apartment. Cast 
and crew were due to get together again in Toronto next week, although that was 
called off as soon as news emerged of the actor's death. 
It would not be the first time that CGI had been used to complete a role. It 
was used most notably after the death of Oliver Reed to finish off the actor's 
performance in Ridley Scott's Gladiator, although in that case shooting was 
much closer to completion. 
An alternative for Gilliam, notorious as a director whose projects hit 
unexpected snags, is to appoint another actor to take over in Ledger's role, 
specifically after a scene when his character steps through a magic mirror. The 
American Johnny Depp, who has worked with Gilliam in the past, is seen as the 
most likely contender. 
In his People interview, Plummer said that Ledger had been in very high 
spirits during filming in London. He was just enjoying himself tremendously. 
It's a rather fanciful script, and he was wonderful in this role, he said. 
But he confirmed that the actor had not been feeling well on set. He said: We 
all caught colds because we were shooting outside on horrible, damp nights. But 
Heath's went on and I don't think he dealt with it immediately with the 
I think what he did have was the walking pneumonia... He was saying all the 
time, 'dammit, I can't sleep'?and he was taking all these pills. 

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g_b Hell and damnation

2008-02-02 Thread asfan
A guy goes to hell and is met by the devil. The devil explains that the 
punishments are changed every thousand years, so he is to select his first 
In the first room, he sees a young guy on the wall being whipped. The new guy 
is not keen on this, so he asks to see the next room. 
The next room has a middle-aged guy being tortured with fire. The new guy 
immediately asks to see the third room. 
It has a really old man chained to the wall getting a blow job from a gorgeous 
blonde. The guy jumps at the chance and takes the room. 
The devil walks into the room, taps the blonde on the shoulder, and says, 
Okay, stop now, you've been relieved
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g_b Tuesday's Tune (molto agitato)

2008-01-28 Thread asfan
Guts or Balls?

 We've all heard about people having guts or balls. But do you really know 
the difference between them? In an effort to keep you informed, the definition 
for each is listed below...

 GUTS - is arriving home late after a night out with the guys, being met by
your wife with a broom, and having the guts to ask: Are you still cleaning, 
or are you flying somewhere?

 BALLS - is coming home late after a night out with the guys, smelling of
perfume and beer, lipstick on your collar, slapping your wife on the ass and
having the balls to say: You're next!

 I hope this clears up any confusion on the definitions.

Medically speaking, there is no difference in the outcome since both
ultimately result in death. 

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.

g_b smilie

2008-01-26 Thread asfan
Two parents take their son on a vacation to a nude beach. The father goes for a 
walk on the beach, and the son goes and plays in the water. The son comes 
running up to his mom and
says, Mommy, I saw ladies with breasts a lot bigger than yours!
The mom says, The bigger they are, the dumber they are.
Minutes later, he runs back and says,  Mommy, I saw men with penises a lot 
bigger than Daddy's!
The mom says, The bigger they are, the dumber they are.
So he goes back to play.
Several minutes later, he comes running back and says. Mommy, I just saw Daddy 
talking to the
 dumbest lady I ever saw, and the more they talked, the dumber he got!

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.

g_b Prince of Intensity With a Lightness of Touch

2008-01-24 Thread asfan

January 24, 2008


  Prince of Intensity With a Lightness of Touch 

  The defining performance of Heath Ledger’s tragically foreshortened career — 
more or less equivalent to what Jim Stark in “Rebel Without a Cause” was for 
James Dean — will surely be the role of Ennis Del Mar in “Brokeback Mountain.” 

  A portrait of inarticulate love and thwarted desire, Ennis is a rich, 
complicated character succinctly sketched in Annie Proulx’s original short 
story and brought to heartbreaking life by the film’s screenwriters, Diana 
Ossana and Larry McMurtry; by its director, Ang Lee; and above all by Mr. 
Ledger himself. 

  Outwardly, Ennis presents a familiar image of rough-hewn Western masculinity, 
and the longing that surges under his taciturn demeanor does not so much 
contradict this image as help to explain it. Ennis’s love for Jack Twist, whom 
he meets tending sheep on a Wyoming mountaintop in the early 1960s, takes Ennis 
by surprise and throws him permanently off balance. His lifelong silence, the 
film suggests, is less a sign of strength than of cowardice, a crippling 
inability to acknowledge or communicate the truth of his own feelings. 
What made the performance so remarkable was that Mr. Ledger, without betraying 
Ennis’s dignity or his reserve, was nonetheless able to convey that truth to 
the audience. This kind of sensitivity — the ability to signal an inner 
emotional state without overtly showing it — is what distinguishes great screen 
acting from movie-star posing. And while Mr. Ledger was handsome enough, and 
famous enough, to be called a movie star, he was serious enough, and smart 
enough, to be suspicious of deploying his charisma too easily or cheaply.
In retrospect the best thing that happened to him — the lucky break for his 
admirers, at any rate —may have been his disinclination to realize his apparent 
movie-star potential. He was the most likable of the young things in the 
“Taming of the Shrew”-derived teenage comedy “10 Things I Hate About You,” with 
his curly hair, high forehead and the permanent intimation of a smirk on his 
thin-lipped, angled mouth. And as often happens with young actors in Hollywood, 
his good looks and easy charm looked like a ticket to the commercial big time. 
Dutifully, but also with sparks of playful, eager energy, he played period 
golden boys in “The Patriot” and “A Knight’s Tale,” a misbegotten (but not 
entirely unenjoyable) entry in the ever-silly costume-action genre.

  It is hard to know exactly when Mr. Ledger discovered his range, and set 
about trying to explore it, but it is clear that he covered a lot of ground in 
a very short time. He had a taste for portraying troubled, brooding, 
self-destructive young men, it’s true — the anguished third-generation prison 
guard in “Monster’s Ball,” the heroin addict in “Candy,” the unhappy film star 
in “I’m Not There,” in addition to Ennis — but the temptation to blend their 
fates with Mr. Ledger’s own should be resisted at all costs. Those roles should 
be seen less as expressions of some imagined inner torment than as evidence of 
resourcefulness, creative restlessness and wit. 

  Those same characteristics are abundantly evident in less well-known movies 
that should not be overlooked. Mr. Ledger was hilarious and eccentric in 
Catherine Hardwicke’s “Lords of Dogtown,” playing a shaggy old-timer on the 
Venice Beach surf-and skateboard scene, and affably mischievous in Terry 
Gilliam’s “Brothers Grimm,” alongside Matt Damon. 
Ennis Del Mar is complemented and complicated by Casanova, whom Mr. Ledger 
played in Lasse Hallstrom’s unfairly neglected biopic-as-sex-farce, which came 
and went too quickly in late 2005, during the ascendancy of “Brokeback 
Mountain.” It’s not just that the flamboyantly heterosexual Casanova is Ennis 
Del Mar’s opposite in obvious ways. He is also a creature of pure whimsy, a 
lighter-than-air confection of licentiousness and gallantry. 
Which is not to say that Mr. Ledger’s performance is frivolous. Rather it 
required intelligence, restraint and a tricky lightness of touch. Mr. Ledger 
had an unusual ability to mix lightness and gravity, an emotional nimbleness he 
displayed most fully in Todd Haynes’s “I’m Not There.” Of the six avatars of 
Bob Dylan in that film, his, an actor named Robbie Clark, is the most remote 
from Mr. Dylan’s various personae and closest to the prosaic world of love, 
fame and ambition. Robbie starts out full of youthful energy, heedless and in 
love, and finds himself a decade later adrift and disappointed, robbed of the 
happiness that early success had seemed to promise.

  Again, it’s important to warn against looking in that film or any other for 
clues or portents. It seems to me that Mr. Ledger, in his choice of roles, was 
motivated above all by curiosity, and perhaps also by an impatience with the 
predictability and caution that can settle around the shoulders of talented 

Re: g_b Vote for Mr.Gay India!

2008-01-16 Thread asfan
Done the needful. 
   Mr. Portugal gets zero marks from me.Ugh!!!

Vikram D [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
You've voted (or not) for Indian Idol, Sa Re Ga Ma, Nach Baliye and 
every other Indian reality show that requires votes, even though none of them 
had the (openly) gay or lesbian contestants that we could vote for in shows 

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g_b Grandma's boyfriend

2008-01-16 Thread asfan

Grandma's boyfriend

A 5-year-old boy went to visit his grandmother one day. Playing with his toys 
in her bedroom while grandma was dusting, he looked up and said, 'Grandma, how 
come you don't have a boyfriend now that Grandpa went to heaven?'

Grandma replied, 'Honey, my TV is my boyfriend. I can sit in my bedroom and 
watch it all day long. The religious programs make me feel good and the 
comedies make me laugh. I'm happy with my TV as my boyfriend.'

Grandma turned on the TV, and the reception was terrible. She started adjusting 
the knobs, trying to get the picture in focus.  Frustrated, she started hitting 
the backside of the TV hoping to fix the problem.

The little boy heard the doorbell ring, so he hurried to open the door and 
there stood Grandma's minister. The minister said, 'Hello son, is your Grandma 

The little boy replied, 'Yeah, she's in the bedroom bangin' her boyfriend.'

The minister fainted.


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g_b Some things in life are certain

2008-01-08 Thread asfan
The Madam opened the brothel door to see a frail, elderly gentleman. Can I 
help you? the madam asked.
I want Natalie, the old man replied.
Sir, Natalie is one of our most expensive ladies, perhaps someone else...
No, I must see Natalie.
Just then Natalie appeared and announced to the old man that she charges $1,000 
per visit. Without blinking, the man reached into his pocket and handed her ten 
$100 bills. The two went up to a room for an hour, whereupon the man calmly 
The next night he appeared again demanding to see Natalie. Natalie explained 
that no one had ever come back two nights in a row and that there were no 
discounts...it was still $1,000 a visit. Again the old man took out the money, 
the two went up to the room and an hour later, he left.
When he showed up the third consecutive night, no one could believe it. Again 
he handed Natalie the money and up to the room they went. At the end of the 
hour Natalie questioned the old man: No one has ever used my services three 
nights in a row. Where are you from? 
The old man replied, I'm from Philadelphia.
Really? replied Natalie. I have family who lives there.
Yes, I know, said the old man. Your father died, and I'm your sister's 
attorney. She asked me to give this $3,000 to you.
Some things in life are certain: taxes, death and being screwed by an attorney.

Looking for last minute shopping deals?  Find them fast with Yahoo! Search.

g_b A Code Of Ethical Behaviour

2008-01-04 Thread asfan
A Code Of Ethical Behaviour For Patients

1. Do not expect your doctor to share your discomfort.
Involvement with the patient's suffering might cause him to
lose valuable scientific objectivity.

2. Be cheerful at all times. Your doctor leads a busy and
trying life and requires all the gentleness and reassurance he
can get.

3.Try to suffer from the disease for which you are being
treated. Remember that your doctor has a professional
reputation to uphold.

4.Do not complain if the treatment fails to bring relief. You
must believe that your doctor has achieved a deep insight into the true nature 
of your illness, which transcends any mere permanent disability you may have 

5. Never ask your doctor to explain what he is doing or why he is doing it. It 
is presumptuous to assume that such profound matters could be explained in 
terms that you would understand.

6. Submit to novel experimental treatment readily. Though the surgery may not 
benefit you directly, the resulting research paper will surely be of widespread 

7. Pay your medical bills promptly and willingly. You should
consider it a privilege to contribute, however modestly, to the
well-being of physicians and other humanitarians.

8. Do not suffer from ailments that you cannot afford. It is
sheer arrogance to contract illnesses that are beyond your

9. Never reveal any of the shortcomings that have come to light in the course 
of treatment by your doctor. The patient-doctor relationship is a privileged 
one, and you have a sacred duty to protect him from exposure.

10. Never die while in your doctor's presence or under his
direct care. This will only cause him needless inconvenience
and embarrassment.

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g_b Tuesday's tune

2008-01-02 Thread asfan
A prostitute went to visit a colleague in the hospital just before she was 
about to have a heart transplant.
The woman, concerned about her friend's welfare, went up to the surgeon who was 
going to perform the operation and said Doctor, I'm worried about my friend. 
What if her body rejects the organ?
The doctor replied Well, she's 34 years old and is in extremely good health 
apart from her heart. How long has she been in the business?
The patient's friend replied She's been working since she was 18 years old, 
but what's that got to do with anything?
Well, said the doctor, if she's been working for 16 years and hasn't 
rejected an organ, I don't think she's about to start now!

Looking for last minute shopping deals?  Find them fast with Yahoo! Search.

g_b New H.I.V. Cases Drop, but Rise in Young Gay Men

2008-01-02 Thread asfan
January 2, 2008

  New H.I.V. Cases Drop, but Rise in Young Gay Men 

For years he had numbed his pain and fear with drugs, alcohol and anonymous 
sex. But in a flash of clarity one day, when the crystal meth was wearing off, 
Javier Arriola dragged himself to a clinic to get an H.I.V. test, years after 
he stopped using condoms. 
He knew the answer before he received the results, but it was far worse than he 
thought: At age 29, he had full-blown AIDS. 
He had planned to have a party for his 30th birthday. Instead he was thinking 
of hanging himself in his apartment in Hell’s Kitchen. 
“There were feelings of terror, like when you were a little kid and there’s 
that thing that terrifies you,” he said. “This was it. The worst nightmare, and 
I brought this onto myself.”
The number of new H.I.V. infections in men under 30 who have sex with men has 
increased sharply in New York City in the last five years, particularly among 
blacks and Hispanics, even as AIDS deaths and overall H.I.V. infection rates in 
the city have steadily declined. 
New figures from the city’s Department of Health and Mental Hygiene show that 
the annual number of new infections among black and Hispanic men who have sex 
with men rose 34 percent between 2001 and 2006, and rose for all men under 30 
who have sex with men by 32 percent.
At a time when the number of new cases among older gay men is dropping — by 22 
percent in New York City during the same period — AIDS experts are bearing down 
on what they say is a worrisome and perplexing growth of H.I.V. infection among 
young men like Mr. Arriola.
So far, they say, the significant factors feeding the trend appear to be higher 
rates of drug use among younger men, which can fuel dangerous sex practices, 
optimism among them that AIDS can be readily treated, and a growing stigma 
about H.I.V. among gays that keeps some men from revealing that they are 
infected. There has also been a substantial increase in the number of new 
infection cases among young white men who have sex with men, but still that 
group had fewer new cases in 2006: 100, compared with 228 among blacks and 165 
among Hispanics.
The rising rates for young men in New York City come as federal health 
officials acknowledge that infection rates nationwide, while flat, may be 
substantially higher than previously thought because of underreporting.
The highest rates of H.I.V. infection nationally are among gays, blacks and 
Hispanics, with a recent trend toward a younger infected population mirroring 
New York City’s experience, according to AIDS researchers, who say they are 
concerned that the country’s infection rates over all have not declined in the 
past 10 years. 
“It’s really unconscionable that we haven’t had a decrease in new infections in 
the past decade in the United States,” said Wafaa El-Sadr, chief of infectious 
diseases at Harlem Hospital Center and a professor of public health at Columbia 
University. “It’s not anymore in the headlines; many people think it’s gone 
away, and it hasn’t gone away.”
AIDS activists and medical providers say the rates among young men could signal 
a new wave of the disease.
“Unless you start pulling it apart, unless you start looking at really 
addressing this and talking honestly, unless you start talking about it in a 
real way,” said Soraya Elcock, deputy director for policy at Harlem United 
Community Aids Center, in a neighborhood that has one of the highest infection 
rates in the city, “we’ll be here in another 20 years having the same 
As a young, black gay man, Lynonell Edmonds says it seems like a miracle that 
he has not contracted the AIDS virus. Before he turned 20, he had a haunting 
realization: in his group of 20 close gay friends, he was the only one without 
Mr. Edmonds, now 25, does outreach work for the Harlem AIDS center, trolling 
Craigslist and other online meeting spots as a “sexpert,” encouraging men to be 
tested. He and a crew of outreach workers also go to gay nightclubs late at 
night, with a van carrying H.I.V. tests that can be conducted on the spot. The 
crew parks the van, which has no obvious signs of its mission, on the street. 
When they go into the clubs, they make conversation and delicately inquire 
whether a clubgoer would like to take the test.
Mr. Edmonds said that for many gay black men there is a sense that getting the 
virus is almost inevitable. 
“A lot of guys say, ‘I’m going to get it anyway,’” Mr. Edmonds said. 
Mr. Edmonds and other gay men say the stigma of being infected with H.I.V. is 
growing, and may be greater now than it was in the 1990s, when the AIDS 
epidemic became a unifying cause, a shared tragedy for gay men. 
“I call it, ‘Don’t ask, don’t tell,’” Mr. Edmonds said. “People are not asking 
— it’s like it’s an offensive question.”
Kyle, who found out that he had the virus two years ago, at the age of 23, said 
he had grown weary of what he called “pity 

g_b On-line poll

2007-12-14 Thread asfan
In a recent on-line poll, 38,562
women were asked to identify a woman's ultimate fantasy.

97.8 percent of the respondents said that a woman's ultimate fantasy is
to have two men at once.

While this poll result has been verified by a recent sociological study,
it appears that most men do not realize that, in this fantasy, one man
is cooking and the other is cleaning.

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g_b Wednesday's Wonder

2007-12-12 Thread asfan

A cannibal was walking through the jungle and came
upon a restaurant operated by a fellow cannibal.
Feeling somewhat hungry, he sat down and looked over
the menu...

+ Tourist: $5
+ Broiled Missionary: $10.00
+ Fried Explorer: $15.00
+ Baked Democrat or Grilled Republican: $100.00

The cannibal called the waiter over and asked, 'Why
such a price difference for the Politician? 

The cook replied, Have you ever tried to clean one?
They're so full of shit, it takes all morning.

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g_b A smiley for Saturday

2007-12-03 Thread asfan
The Maid asked for a raise.
The Madam was very upset about this and asked: Now
Maria, why do you want an increase?
Maria: Well Madam, there are three reasons why I
want an increase. The first is that I iron better than you. 
Madam: Who said you iron better than me?
Maria: The Master said so.
Madam: Oh.
Maria: The second reason is that I am a better cook than you.
Madam: Nonsense, who said you were a better cook than I?
Maria: The Master did.
Madam: Oh.
Maria: My third reason is that I am a better lover than you. 
Madam (very upset now): Did the Master say so as well?
Maria: No, Madam, the gardener did.

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g_b Attorney-General set to scupper plans to make gay hate a crime

2007-11-26 Thread asfan
  From The Times
  November 26, 2007
  Attorney-General set to scupper plans to make gay hate a crime
Richard Ford and Frances Gibb 

  Government plans to criminalise the stirring up of hatred against gays and 
lesbians are in disarray because of a Cabinet split over the need for such a 
  The split – between Baroness Scotland of Asthal, the Attorney-General, and 
Jack Straw, the Justice Secretary – are likely to scupper plans for a new 
  Baroness Scotland has privately expressed concern about the controversial 
legislation proposed by Mr Straw, The Times has learnt. 
  Mr Straw announced the plans last month with the backing of Harriet Harman, 
the Equalities Secretary. He had said that he would bring forward an amendment 
to the Criminal Justice and Immigration Bill this month to extend the law that 
already protects religious and racial groups, carrying up to seven years in 
  He had also said that he would listen to views about whether the incitement 
offence should be extended further to cover hatred against disabled and 
transgendered people. 
  But Baroness Scotland, who is also determined to crack down on the problem of 
homophobic behaviour, believes that there are sufficient laws on the statute 
book to deal with the issue. 
  She also has concerns about the difficulities of getting the proposal through 
the House of Lords, which gave a rough ride to measures on incitement to 
religious hatred and substantially watered them down. 
  She is understood to have told colleagues that she wants to see more 
successful prosecutions in this area, but is unconvinced that a new law is the 
way to do it and would prefer to focus on existing procedures. 
  It is the second time in recent weeks that ministers’ plans have failed to 
win the support of Baroness Scotland, the country’s senior law officer. 
  Last week The Times reported that she believed the case had not been made for 
extending the time that terror suspects can be held before charge. 
  Mr Straw’s plan was to mirror the offence of incitement to religious hatred. 
The amendment would cover hatred and invective directed at people on the basis 
of their sexuality. Ministers insist that it would not prohibit criticism of 
gay and bisexual people but protect them from incitement to hatred because of 
their sexual orientation. 
  But, despite strong backing from bodies such as Stonewall, the campaigning 
group for gay rights, the proposals have caused controversy and been condemned 
as a threat to freedom of speech, including from some prominent homosexuals. 
  Matthew Parris, the Times columnist, wrote that “some groups may be so weak 
and fragile as to need the law’s protection from hateful speech. I’d like to 
think that we gays are no longer among them.” 
  In a letter to The Times this month, Rowan Atkinson, the actor, criticised 
the plans, saying that society was “working things out” without the need for 
any “legislative interference”. He was concerned about the “extendable” nature 
of the legislation not just to the disabled and transsexuals but to anyone else 
who could claim that they could not help the way they are. “Men, for example. 
Or women. Or people with big ears.” 
  There were warnings that the move could mean that vicars would face a threat 
of jail for preaching from the Bible; others said that gay rights were being 
given priority over Christian values and would be used to silence those with 
strong Christian beliefs. 
  Most police forces now record hate crimes and the Crown Prosecution Service 
already deals with hate crime by scrutinising cases for a racial, religious, 
homophobic or transphobic element. Special “hate crime panels” are to be 
introduced after the success of a hate crime scrutiny panel in West Yorkshire, 
which two weeks ago won an award for its work. 
  The panel, which includes members of the “hate crime partnerships” in the 
area such as Stop Hate UK and Bradford Hate Crime Alliance, has seen a rise in 
the prosecution of hate crimes in the area and a fall in the failure rate. 
  Courts in England and Wales already have the power to impose tougher 
sentences for offences that are motivated or aggravated by a victim’s sexual 
  Freedom of speech v hate crime
  “ One can’t help thinking, with legislation of this nature, that the point at 
which it becomes politically possible for it to be enacted, is precisely the 
point when it becomes unnecessary. The ease which some people move from finding 
something offensive to wishing to declare it criminal – and are then able to 
find factions within government to aid their ambitions – is truly depressing” 
  Rowan Atkinson
  “Some groups may be so weak and fragile as to need the law’s protection from 
hateful speech. I’d like to think we gays are no longer among them” 
  Matthew Parris
  “We will soon be in the bizarre 

g_b Friday's Funnie

2007-11-23 Thread asfan

A young Native American woman went to a doctor for her first ever physical exam.
After checking all of her vitals and running
The usual tests, the doctor said,
Well, Running Doe, you are in fine health.
I could find no problems.
I did notice one abnormality however.

Oh, what is that, Doctor?
Well, you have no nipples.

None of the people in my tribe have nipples,
She replied.

That is amazing, said the doctor.
I'd like to write this up for The South Dakota
Journal of Medicine if you don't mind.

She said, OK.

First of all asked the doctor,
how many people are in your tribe?

She answered, Approximately 500.

And what is the name of your tribe?
Asked the doctor. *

Running Doe replied, We're called .

(You know me, I hate to do this to you)

(I really do hate to do this to you; (but I love it!)

The Indiannippleless Five Hundred


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g_b Thursday's thunder

2007-11-21 Thread asfan
There was a cop on his horse waiting to cross the road when a little boy on his 
new shiny bike stopped beside him.
   ''Nice bike,'' the cop said, ''did Santa bring it to you?''
''Yep,'' the little boy said, ''he sure did!'' 
The cop looked at the bike and while handing the boy a $20 ticket he said, 
''Next year, tell Santa to put a license plate on the back of it.'' 
To go along with the cop, the little boy said, ''Nice horse you got there sir, 
did Santa bring it to you?'' 
  ''Yes, He sure did,'' said the cop.
The little boy looked up at the cop and said, ''Next year tell Santa to put the 
dick underneath the horse instead of on top.'' 

Be a better sports nut! Let your teams follow you with Yahoo Mobile. Try it now.

g_b Sundaes

2007-11-18 Thread asfan
  After a two year long study, the National Science Foundation announced the 
following results on corporate America's recreation preferences:
1. The sport of choice for unemployed or incarcerated people is: Basketball.
2. The sport of choice for maintenance level employees is: Bowling.
3. The sport of choice for front line workers is: Football.
4. The sport of choice for supervisors is: Baseball.
5. The sport of choice for middle management is: Tennis.
6. The sport of choice for corporate officers is: Golf.
Conclusion: The higher you are in the corporate structure, the smaller your 
balls become.

Three Dead Gay Men
Three gay men died, and were going to be cremated. Their lovers happened to be 
at the funeral home at the same time, and were discussing what they planned to 
do with the ashes.
The first man said, My Benny loved to fly, so I'm going up in a plane and 
scatter his ashes in the sky.
The second man said, My Carl was a good fisherman, so I'm going to scatter his 
ashes in our favourite lake.
The third man said, My Jim was such a good lover, I think I'm going to dump 
his ashes in a pot of chilli, so he can tear my ass up just one more time.

Be a better pen pal. Text or chat with friends inside Yahoo! Mail. See how.

g_b Monday melodies

2007-11-18 Thread asfan
Three friends (two straight guys and a gay guy) and their significant others 
were on a cruise. A tidal wave came and swamped the ship and they all drowned. 
The next thing you know, they're standing before St. Peter.
First came one of the straight guys and his wife. St. Peter shook his head 
I can't let you in. You loved money too much. You loved it so much, you even 
married a woman name Penny.
Then came the second straight guy. Sorry, can't let you in either. You loved 
food too much. You loved to eat so much, you even married a woman named Candy!
The gay guy turned to his boyfriend and whispered nervously, It doesn't look 
good, Dick.

Sandie lost her husband almost four years ago and still has not gotten out of 
her depression – mourning as if it were only yesterday. Her daughter is 
constantly calling her and urging her to get back into the world.
Sandie says she'd go out, but didn't know anyone. Her daughter immediately 
replies, Mama! I have someone for you to meet.
Well, it was an immediate hit. They took to one another and after dating for 
six weeks he asks her to join him for a weekend in the Catskills. And we know 
what that meant. Their first night there she undresses as he does. There she 
stood nude except for a pair of black lacy panties. He in his birthday suit.
Looking at her he asks, Why the black panties?
She replies, My breasts you can fondle, my body is yours to explore, but down 
there I am still in
He knows he's not getting lucky that night. The following night the same 
scenario. She's
standing there with the black panties on and he is in his birthday suit; except 
that he has an erection, on which he has a black condom.
She looks at him and asks, What's with this...a black condom?
He replies, I'd like to offer my condolences.

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g_b my postings

2007-11-17 Thread asfan
Dear Moderators,
  Of late none of my postings to the gb and g_b sites
  have seen the light of day.  Have I been blacklisted?
  Please do let me know.

dont know about gb but on this group, you are a valued subscriber. i have been 
not prompt in clearing emails of this group for quite some time. hope to come 
out of that mode.



g_b Wednesday wonder!

2007-11-07 Thread asfan
An elephant asks a camel: Why are your breasts on your back? 

That's a strange question, says the camel, from someone whose dick is on his 

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g_b Thursday's Thunder

2007-11-07 Thread asfan
Golf resort

A guy receives a brochure in the mail for a golf resort where everything
costs just $1.
He jumps at the offer and heads off for a weekend of unlimited golf.

He plays a round of golf. It cost him a buck. He goes for lunch, it costs
him another buck. He goes for dinner that evening, it costs him another buck. 
His room
is only a buck a day!

Sunday evening, he heads out to play one last round and stops by the pro
shop and charges a sleeve of golf balls to his room.

When he's checking out next morning, he looks at the bill and sees:
  Golf:   $2.00
  Meals: $6.00
  Room: $2.00
  Sleeve of golf balls: $3,000

Calling the manager, he says, Hey, what is this all about? Everything is
supposed to cost one dollar, and you charged me three thousand bucks for three 
golf balls?
Are you nuts?

I'm sorry, sir, said the manager, but perhaps you didn't read the fine
print in our brochure. That's what our golf balls cost.

Well, said the man, If I wanted to spend that kind of money, I could've
gone to that luxury resort across the road and paid them a thousand dollars a 
for a room. At least I would've known what I was paying for!

Well, you see, sir, explained the manager, Over there they get you by the
rooms. But  over here

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g_b Friday's Funnie

2007-09-21 Thread asfan
Arthur Davidson, of the Harley Davidson Motorcycle Corporation, died and went 
to heaven. At the gates, St. Peter told Arthur, Since you've been such a good 
man and your motorcycles have changed the world, your reward is, you can hang 
out with anyone you want - in Heaven. Arthur thought about it for a minute, 
and said, I want to hang out with God.

  St. Peter took Arthur to the Throne Room, and introduced him to God.
Arthur then asked God, Hey, aren't you the inventor of woman?
God said, Ah, yes.
 Well, said Arthur, professional to professional, you have some major design 
flaws in your invention.
 1. There's too much inconsistency in the front-end protrusion.
 2. It chatters constantly at high speeds.
3. Most of the rear ends are too soft and wobble too much.
4. The intake is placed way to close to the exhaust. And finally,
 5. The maintenance costs are outrageous.

  H, you may have some good points there, replied God, hold on.
 God went to his Celestial Supercomputer, typed in a few words, and waited for 
the results.The computer printed out a slip of paper and God read it.

  Well, it may be true that my invention is flawed, God said to Arthur, but 
according to these numbers, more people are riding my invention than yours.

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g_b Archbishop calls secret service for gay clergy to halt slide towards schism

2007-09-18 Thread asfan
 From Times Online
  September 18, 2007

  Archbishop calls secret service for gay clergy to halt slide towards schism   
  /* Global variables that are used for image browsing. Used on 
article pages to rotate the images of a story. */ var sImageBrowserImagePath = 
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break, but the secret communion is bound to destabilise his position further';  
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   Dr Rowan Williams is just returning from a three-month break, but the secret 
communion is bound to destabilise his position further

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  Ruth Gledhill, Religion Correspondent of The Times 

  The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, is to hold a secret 
Communion service for gay clergy and their partners in London. 
  Dr Williams will celebrate the eucharist at St Peter’s, Eaton Square – the 
Church of England parish that is known as the spiritual home to some of the 
country’s most liberal and wealthy Anglican elite. There he will give an 
address titled “Present realities and future possibilities for lesbians and gay 
men in the Church”. 
  The event has been organised under Chatham House rules, which prevent any 
disclosure of the discussions. The event will take place at 10am on November 
29. A list of the names of those who will be present will be seen only by Dr 
Williams. It will be shredded afterwards. 
  Among those attending will be the convenor, Chris Newlands, the chaplain to 
the Bishop of Chelmsford, the Right Rev John Gladwin. Also present will be the 
Vicar of St Peter’s, the Rev Nicholas Papadopulos, and the former chaplain to 
the Bishop of Salisbury, the Right Rev David Stancliffe. 
  Dr Williams’s mission to maintain the unity of the Anglican Communion, rent 
with schism since the 2003 ordination of the gay Bishop Gene Robinson in the 
US, has never appeared less likely to succeed. The disclosure of the event 
could not have come at a time more likely to destabilise him. This week he is 
due to attend a meeting of US Episcopal bishops to discuss the crisis. He has 
returned from three months on holiday and sabbatical, working on a study of the 
Russian writer Dostoevsky. His return has been marked by a Church in disarray. 
  African archbishops from the Global South group of churches have been 
consecrating like-minded evangelical bishops from the US to pastor parishes 
alienated by the Episcopal Church’s liberal drift. A new structure is in place 
to facilitate a breakaway province in the US. There is speculation that at 
least one African province could be close to consecrating a missionary bishop 
in England. 
  The Rev Richard Kirker, of the Lesbian and Gay Christian Movement, criticised 
Dr Williams for trying to hold a Communion service in secret. 
  “I don’t think it is a good thing in many ways. The conditions of secrecy are 
quite at variance with the openness of his meetings with a panoply of antigay 
church leaders. We are astonished at the attempts to make the meeting 
clandestine when it would be far better to have this in the open. The fact that 
he wants to go there without anyone knowing he’s going there makes it quite 
clear that he has an attitude towards the event that he doesn’t have at any 
other meetings.” 
  Details of the event were published on a website of the Church Society, 
evangelical.org. The Rev David Phillips, its general secretary, said: “The 
secretive nature and circumstances of the meeting suggest they have something 
to hide. Moreover, as is well known, there are clergy in the Church of England 
who have refused to give assurances that they are celibate and bishops who, 
contrary to their own agreed policy, apparently refuse to ask for such 
  “The Archbishop might have defended the meeting with such a group on the 
grounds that he is engaged in a listening process. However, by leading the 
Communion service he is clearly doing far more than just listening.” 
  Chris Sugden, of the evangelical group Anglican Mainstream, said: “It is 
understandable that the Archbishop of Canterbury would wish to express support 
and understanding for people who struggle with same-sex attraction. Many 
Christian churches and organisations do that.” He said that to do so in the 
context of a service of Holy Communion 

g_b Thursday's Thunder

2007-09-06 Thread asfan
A lady from California purchased a piece of timberland in Oregon. There was a 
large tree on one of the highest points in the tract. She wanted to get a good 
view of her land so she started to climb the big tree. As she neared the top, 
she encountered a spotted owl that attacked her.

  In her haste to escape, the lady slid down the tree to the ground and got 
many splinters in her private parts. In considerable pain, she hurried to the 
nearest doctor.  He listened to her story then told her to go into the
examining room and he would see if he could help her. She sat and waited for 
three hours before the doctor reappeared. The angry lady demanded, What took 
you so long? 
  The unperturbed doctor replied, Well, I had to get
permits from the Environmental Protection Agency, the Forest Service, and the 
Bureau of Land Management before I could remove old-growth timber from a 
recreational area.

Luggage? GPS? Comic books? 
Check out fitting  gifts for grads at Yahoo! Search.

g_b The ageing gay peps up (a little)

2007-08-26 Thread asfan
I'm Not Old... Just Mature 
   Today at the drugstore, the clerk was a gent. 
  From my purchase this chap took off ten percent. 
I asked for the cause of a lesser amount; 
 And he answered, Because of the Seniors Discount. 
  I went to McDonald's for a burger and fries; 
And there, once again, got quite a surprise. 
The clerk poured some coffee which he handed to me. 
He said, For you, Seniors, the coffee is free. 
  Understand---I'm not old---I'm merely mature; 
But some things are changing, temporarily, I'm sure. 
The newspaper print gets smaller each day, 
And people speak softer---can't hear what they say. 
  My teeth are my own (I have the receipt.), 
and my glasses identify people I meet. 
Oh, I've slowed down a bit...not a lot, I am sure. 
You see, I'm not old...I'm only mature. 
  The gold in my hair has been bleached by the sun. 
You should see all the damage that chlorine has done. 
Washing my hair has turned it all white, 
But don't call it gray...saying blond is just right. 
  My car is all paid for...not a nickel is owed. 
Yet a kid yells, Old duffer...get off of the road! 
My car has no scratches...not even a dent. 
Still I get all that guff from a punk who's Hell bent. 
  My friends all get older...much faster than me. 
They seem much more wrinkled, from what I can see. 
I've got character lines, not wrinkles...for sure, 
But don't call me old...just call me mature. 
  The steps in the houses they're building today 
Are so high that they take...your breath all away; 
And the streets are much steeper than ten years ago. 
That should explain why my walking is slow. 
  But I'm keeping up on what's hip and what's new, 
And I think I can still dance a mean boogaloo. 
I'm still in the running...in this I'm secure, 
I'm not really old...I'm only mature.

Luggage? GPS? Comic books? 
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g_b Saturday Smilie

2007-08-25 Thread asfan
It was mealtime during a flight on Hooters Airline.
Would you like dinner? the flight attendant asked
John, seated in front.
What are my choices? John asked.
Yes or no, she replied.

A flight attendant was stationed at the departure
gate to check tickets.
As a man approached, she extended her hand for the
ticket and he opened
his trench coat and flashed her. 
Without missing a beat, she said, Sir, I need to see
your ticket, not your stub.

A lady was picking through the frozen turkeys at the grocery store but she 
couldn't find one big enough for her family.
She asked a stock boy, Do these turkeys get any bigger?
The stock boy replied, No ma'am, they're dead.

The cop got out of his car and the kid who was stopped for speeding
rolled down his window.
I've been waiting for you all day, the cop said.
The kid replied, Yeah, well I got here as fast as I could.
When the cop finally stopped laughing, he sent the kid on his way
without a ticket.

A truck driver was driving along on the freeway. A sign comes up that Reads,  
Low Bridge Ahead. 
Before he knows it, the bridge is right ahead of him and he gets stuck under 
the bridge. Cars are backed up for miles. 
Finally, a police car comes up. The cop gets out of his car and walks to the 
truck driver, puts his hands on his hips and says, Got stuck, huh?
The truck driver says, No, I was delivering this bridge and ran out of gas. 

A college teacher reminds her class of tomorrow's final exam. 
Now class, I won't tolerate any excuses for you not being here tomorrow. I 
might consider a nuclear attack or a serious personal injury, illness, or a 
death in your immediate family, but that's it, no other excuses whatsoever! 
A smart-ass guy in the back of the room raised his hand and asked, What would 
you say if tomorrow I said I was suffering from complete and utter sexual 
The entire class is reduced to laughter and snickering. 
When silence is restored, the teacher smiles knowingly at the student, shakes 
her head and sweetly says, Well, I guess you'd have to write the exam with 
your other hand.

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g_b An ageing gay's lament

2007-08-25 Thread asfan
 If my body were a car, this is the time I would be
 thinking about trading it in for a newer model. 
 I've got bumps and dents and scratches in my finish
 and my paint job is getting a little dull, but
 that's not the worst of it. 
 My headlights are out of focus and it's especially
 hard to see things up close. 
 My traction is not as graceful as it once was. 
 I slip and slide and skid and bump into things even
 in the best of weather. 
 My whitewalls are stained with varicose veins. 
 It takes me hours to reach my maximum speed. 
 My fuel burns inefficiently. 
 But here's the worst of it -- 
 Almost every time I sneeze, cough or sputter...
 either my radiator leaks or my exhaust backfires! 

Luggage? GPS? Comic books? 
Check out fitting  gifts for grads at Yahoo! Search.

g_b Monday Melody

2007-08-06 Thread asfan
 Two Crocodiles were sitting at the side of the swamp near the

The smaller one turned to the bigger one and said, I can't
understand how you can be so much bigger than me. We're the same
age, we were the same size as kids. I just don't get it.

Well, said the big Croc, what have you been eating?

Politicians, same as you, replied the small Croc.

Hmm. Well, where do you catch them?

Down the other side of the swamp near the parking lot by the
Parliament House.

Same here. Hmm. How do you catch them?

Well, I crawl up under one of their Lexus cars and wait for one to
 unlock the car door. Then I jump out, grab them by the leg, shake
the shit out of them and eat 'em!

Ah! says the big Crocodile, I think I see your problem. You're
not getting any real nourishment. See, by the time you finish
shaking the shit out of a Politician, there's nothing left but an  asshole
and a briefcase!

Yahoo! oneSearch: Finally,  mobile search that gives answers, not web links. 

g_b What dating was like in 1956.

2007-08-05 Thread asfan
  What dating was like in 1956.
 It's the summer of 1956 and Harold goes to pick up his date, Peggy Sue. 
Harold's a pretty hip guy with his own car and a duck tail hairdo. 
When he goes to the front door, Peggy Sue's mother answers and 
invites him in. Peggy Sue's not ready yet, so why don't you have a seat? 
Peggy Sue's mother asks Harold what they're planning to do. Harold 
replies politely that they will probably just go to the malt shop or to a 
drive-in movie. 
Peggy Sue's mother responds, Why don't you kids go out and screw? I 
hear all the kids are doing it. Naturally this comes as quite a 
surprise to Harold and he says, Wht? 
Yeah, says Peggy Sue's mother, We know Peggy Sue really likes to 
screw; why, she'd screw all night if we let her! 
Harold's eyes light up and he smiles from ear to ear. Immediately, he 
has revised the plans for the evening. A few minutes later, Peggy Sue 
comes downstairs in her little poodle skirt with her saddle shoes, 
and announces that she's ready to go. 
Almost breathless with anticipation, Harold escorts his date out the 
front door while Mom is saying, Have a good evening kids, with a 
small wink for Harold. 
About 20 minutes later, a thoroughly dishevelled Peggy Sue rushes back 
into the house, slams the door behind her and screams at her mother: 
Dammit, Mom! It's the Twist! It's called The Twist!!! 

Ready for the edge of your seat? Check out tonight's top picks on Yahoo! TV. 

g_b Today's joke

2007-08-03 Thread asfan
A woman dies and goes to heaven. She is horrified to see another woman 
screaming in pain as St. Peter drills holes into her shoulders to fasten the 
wings.Then she hears a man screaming and sees them drilling holes in his head 
to fasten the halo.

  Screw You! she tells St. Peter. I'll go to the other place.
You don't want to go there, he replies. They'll rape and sodomize you down 
I don't care she answers. At least I already have the holes for that!

Yahoo! oneSearch: Finally,  mobile search that gives answers, not web links. 

Re: g_b Sexy Foods

2007-07-31 Thread asfan
Only the greengrocer and the fruiterer will benifit from these.
  The only aphrodisiac effect that any of them would have would 
  be from a placebo effect.
  Of course, there are nutrients and anti-oxidants in them and 
  they are benificial to one's well-being.
  But, to the libido?  NO.

javed abbas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Ready for the edge of your seat? Check out tonight's top picks on Yahoo! TV. 

Re: g_b Count the Doctors.

2007-07-31 Thread asfan
I think both the docs will f--ck each other!
  And have a swell time.

Bloot Fontaine [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  From an old Readers' Digest Magazine:
A small girl went to a Doctor with a question. She
told the Doctor she was not very confident the Doctor
would understand her question. The Doctor laughed and
told her that she being a small girl and he being a
Doctor, he would definitely understand her question.
Given below is her question to the Doctor. Did you
understand it?
Doctor, if a Doctor falls sick and goes to another
Doctor for treatment, will the doctoring doctor doctor
the doctored doctor in the way the doctored doctor
wants to be doctored or will the doctoring doctor
doctor the doctored doctor in the doctoring doctor's
own way?

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g_b A joke for Thursday

2007-07-28 Thread asfan
A concerned patient asked the doctor if masturbation is harmful.
Not usually, answered the doctor. Not unless you do it too often.
How about three times a day? the patient asked.
That seems a little excessive. Why don't you get a girlfriend?
Oh,... I already have a girlfriend, the patient replied.
I mean a girl you can live with and have sex with? asked the doctor.
The patient said, I've got one just like that!
So the doctor asked, Then why do you masturbate three times a day?
Because,... she won't have sex during mealtimes!

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Re: g_b straws in the wind ..

2007-07-24 Thread asfan
Truly heartwarming, to say the least.
  How different it was in the '60s, when
  I was in my 30s!

edwardxderwent [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  that's how i characterise the following story. it's a change in
attitude that i believe i see here in australia also - enough
momentum has built up in gay acceptance, to sweep away centuries of
christian oppression.

let's keep it rolling.


i read it at:


Small Conversions, Big Victories

by John Corvino

First published at 365gay.com on July 9, 2007

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g_b Today's joke

2007-07-24 Thread asfan
A gay couple is driving along one afternoon, and while stopped at a stop sign, 
they are rear-ended by a big semi.   Furiously, the guy in the passenger side 
throws his purse on the seat, gets out of the car, goes back to the truck and 
starts banging on the door. 
The truck driver opens the door and the gay guy, standing there with his hands 
on his hips, says, I'm gonna sue your ass, Buddy!
 The truck driver, laughs and says, Suck my dick!
The gay guy stands there for a second, then his eyes get really big and his 
face lights up. He runs back to the car, and says excitedly to his lover, You 
won't believe it, he wants to settle out of court!

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Re: g_b straws in the wind ..

2007-07-24 Thread asfan
Sorry, that should have read, in the '70s
  and not 60s.
  I am not THAT old!

asfan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Truly heartwarming, to say the least.
  How different it was in the '60s, when
  I was in my 30s!

edwardxderwent [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

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Re: g_b my very gay drag queen ebook novel is out.

2007-07-16 Thread asfan
  Didn't  know u were an author.
  Great man !

Peter Joseph Swanson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  It's about time. I wrote the first draft in 1984 (so it takes place 
then - ha ha). What year is it now? It's funny how if you live long 
enough you can accidentally write historical fiction! Ah!

Hidden River by Peter Joseph Swanson


It's so gay, so cool, and so 1984!

When you go to the publisher, click on the book cover and it will take 
you to an excerpt.


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g_b A joke for Monday

2007-07-16 Thread asfan
Every year at the state fair Paul entered the lottery for the brand-new truck 
and lost. This year, he told his friend David, he wasn't going to bother and 
What kind of attitude is that? David asked. He leaned closer and whispered, 
What you need, pal, is faith. Look around and see if the good Lord sends you a 
 Strolling around the fair, Paul grew more and more despondent as the drawing 
neared. Nothing struck him, no divine inspiration, no sign from God.  Finally, 
while he was passing old Mrs. Kelleher's pie stand, he glanced over and saw the 
woman  bending down. She wasn't wearing any panties, and suddenly her ass began 
to glow. All of a sudden, a finger of flame came from the skies and without her 
even knowing it, used her ass as a  notepad. The fiery finger etched a seven on 
each cheek.  Thanking God, Paul rushed to the raffle booth and played the 
number 77. A few minutes later, the drawing was held. And once again, Paul lost.

  The winning number was 707

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Re: g_b A Nominee�s Abnormal Views

2007-07-15 Thread asfan
  Never thought of it.

Bloot Fontaine [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Let's just rename him Hole Singer yar!

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g_b Joke for Thursday

2007-07-13 Thread asfan
  A college professor in an art class asked his students to sketch a naked man. 
As the professor walked around the class checking the sketches, he noticed that 
one of the young ladies had sketched the man with an erection.

   The professor said, Oh, no, I wanted it the other way.

  She replied, What other way?

Pinpoint customers who are looking for what you sell. 

Re: g_b childhood abuse and being gay

2007-07-06 Thread asfan
Regarding the subject of sexual abuse in childhood and the development of 
homosexual behavior later on there does not seem to be much, or any, evidence 
in the literature.
  What Freud discovered in practically all the homosexuals he analysed was the 
presence of a very strong Oedipus complex.  This was corroborated by other 
analysts too.  While it may be fashionable today to deride his theories, there 
is no doubt that most psycoanalysts today assert that there is a very strong 
evidence of some arrested psychological development in very early life.
  Of course, the newer theories of there being a gay' gene, the hippocampus of 
gays being larger than that of straights are there too.  But, again these 
require furthur corroboboration.
  But, there is hardly any evidence to corelate sexual abuse with homosexuality.

Ajitkumer Roy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Dear All,
Let me forward my explanation. First of all, a lot
gays have a childhood sexual use or abuse experience.
This is a fact. This may be a mere co-incidental
correlation. But there may be a causal relationship.
Why I suggest that there may be a causal relationship?
Because all children do not allow themselves to be
used as a sexual partner. Some children allow older
boys, even man, to engage them sexually. In my
assessment this category of boys later become
homosexual affinity.
So, we can put the facts in an order as follows:
First of all, there is a certain class of young boys
(may be also girls) who are vulnerable to sexual
Secondly, some of these boys really are approached and
grow up with childhood sexual experience.
Thirdly, these boy, when they grow up, show homosexual

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g_b Massachusetts Gay Marriage to Remain Legal

2007-06-15 Thread asfan
June 15, 2007
  Massachusetts Gay Marriage to Remain Legal   By PAM BELLUCK
BOSTON, June 14 — Same-sex marriage will continue to be legal in 
Massachusetts, after proponents in both houses won a pitched months-long battle 
on Thursday to defeat a proposed constitutional amendment to define marriage as 
between a man and a woman.
  “In Massachusetts today, the freedom to marry is secure,” Gov. Deval Patrick 
said after the legislature voted 151 to 45 against the amendment, which needed 
50 favorable votes to come before voters in a referendum in November 2008.
  The vote means that opponents would have to start from Square 1 to sponsor a 
new amendment, which could not get on the ballot before 2012. Massachusetts is 
the only state where same-sex marriage is legal, although five states allow 
civil unions or the equivalent.
  Thursday’s victory for same-sex marriage was not a foregone conclusion, 
especially after the amendment won first-round approval from the previous 
legislature in January, with 62 lawmakers supporting it.
  As late as a couple of hours before the 1 p.m. vote on Thursday, advocates on 
both sides of the issue said they were not sure of the outcome. The 
eleventh-hour decisions of several legislators to vote against the amendment 
followed intensive lobbying by the leaders of the House and Senate and Governor 
Patrick, who, like most members of the legislature, is a Democrat.
  “I think I am going to be doing a certain number of fund-raisers for 
districts, and I am happy to do that,” said Mr. Patrick, who said he had tried 
to persuade lawmakers not only that same-sex marriage should be allowed but 
also that a 2008 referendum would be divisive and distract from other important 
state issues. 
  About 8,500 same-sex couples have married in Massachusetts since the unions 
became legal in May 2004. In December 2005, opponents, led by the Massachusetts 
Family Institute, gathered a record 170,000 signatures for an amendment banning 
same-sex marriage, a measure that was supported by Mr. Patrick’s predecessor, 
Gov. Mitt Romney, a Republican who is now running for president.
  Kris Mineau, president of the institute, did not indicate on Thursday whether 
opponents would start a new petition drive, but said, “We’re not going away.” 
  “We want to find out why votes switched and see what avenues are available to 
challenge those votes, perhaps in court,” Mr. Mineau said. 
  The vote reflected changes in the legislature, the election of Mr. Patrick, 
and lobbying by national and local gay rights groups.
  “This was the focus of our national community,” said Matt Foreman, executive 
director of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force. “Frankly, a loss today 
would have been very demoralizing.”
  It is difficult to know how support for same-sex marriage has changed since 
legalization because polls taken before and after have asked different 
questions. The most recent Massachusetts poll, in April 2007, found that 56 
percent of those surveyed would oppose the amendment. 
  One legislator who switched his vote was Representative Paul Kujawski, 
Democrat of Uxbridge, saying meetings with gay and lesbian constituents 
convinced him that “I couldn’t take away the happiness those people have been 
able to enjoy.”
  Mr. Kujawski, who said he grew up in a conservative Roman Catholic 
neighborhood and had not understood gay relationships, said, “So many people 
said, ‘I didn’t ask to be gay; I was born this way.’ ” 
  He added, “Our job is to help people who need help, and I feel the gay side 
of the issue needed more help than the other side.”
  Senator Gale D. Candaras, a Democrat, voted against the amendment Thursday, 
although she had supported it as a state representative in January. Ms. 
Candaras said her vote reflected constituent views in her larger, more 
progressive Senate district and her fear of a vicious referendum campaign.
  Most moving, she said, were older constituents who had changed their views 
after meeting gay men and lesbians. One woman had “asked me to put it on the 
ballot for a vote, but since then a lovely couple moved in,” Ms. Candaras said. 
“She said, ‘They help me with my lawn, and if there can’t be marriage in 
Massachusetts, they’ll leave and they can’t help me with my lawn.”
  Unlike several previous constitutional conventions on same-sex marriage with 
impassioned soliloquies, Thursday’s session took barely 10 minutes. Afterward, 
supporters of same-sex marriage, many in tears, erupted in standing ovations.
  Katie Zezima contributed reporting.

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Re: g_b I will write

2007-06-08 Thread asfan
Is there any need for such venom and invective?
  Being so rude and impolite doesn't reflect well on oneself.

Siddharth 82 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I think both Suhail and Salil are idiots, Suhail is an idiot that he 
keeps clarifying himself for which there is no need, if he is really as smart 
as he appears from his e-mails,he should know nothing is going to enter in 
Salil's head, but alas Suhail is really an idiot. and Salil is an idiot 
that even though he thinks Suhail's e-mails are useless he is not able to 
restrain himself from reading and replying to them in a stupid way all the time.

Cheers to the two big S idiots!

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Re: g_b Was it my fault

2007-06-08 Thread asfan
Dear SSM,
  From what you write it is evident that you were not interested in having gay 
sex with your friend and that you made it plain to him.  In spite of that he 
insisted on it.  It shows that he was infatuated with you and, evidently, not 
mature enough to accept your denial.  The very fact that he went on to commit 
suicide is evidence that he was emotionally unbalanced. I do not think you have 
to bear any guilt for it - you had made it abundantly clear to him.  Perhaps, 
if he had shown signs of depression before counselling or psychiatric help 
could have helped prevent the catastrophe.
  Interestingly, it is not clear whether you are gay/bi/straight, especially as 
you joined the group.
  Anyway, I think all of us would be glad to know that joining the group 
enabled you in helping your cousin.
  So, snap out of your depression and live life as it comes.
ssm ssm [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

You snooze, you lose. Get messages ASAP with AutoCheck
 in the all-new Yahoo! Mail Beta. 

g_b Truth is stranger than fiction!

2007-05-26 Thread asfan
The World Health Organization spokesman advocating the circumcision of adult 
men to reduce transmission of HIV is Doctor De Kock.

A course on functional morphology of marine organisms is offered at
the Shoals Marine Laboratory on Appledore Island, Maine, by Dr Fish.
Get the free Yahoo! toolbar and rest assured with the added security of spyware 

g_b Gay and Dissident Bishops Excluded From �08 Meeting - TUT,TUT,TUT!!!!

2007-05-24 Thread asfan
  May 23, 2007

  Gay and Dissident Bishops Excluded From ’08 Meeting 
The archbishop of Canterbury sent out more than 800 invitations yesterday to a 
once-a-decade global gathering of Anglican bishops. But he did not invite the 
openly gay Episcopal bishop of New Hampshire and the bishop in Virginia who 
heads a conservative cluster of disaffected American churches affiliated with 
the archbishop of Nigeria. 
  The exclusions offended liberals and conservatives in the worldwide Anglican 
Communion, which has been threatened by schism since the election in 2003 of 
the bishop of New Hampshire, V. Gene Robinson, who lives with his gay partner.
  The gathering, the Lambeth Conference, is shaping up as a crucial test of the 
unity of the communion. It is scheduled for three weeks in the summer of 2008 
in London.
  The archbishop of Nigeria, Peter Akinola, issued a statement saying if an 
invitation was not extended to his bishop in Virginia, Martyn Minns, he would 
regard that as “withholding invitation to the entire House of Bishops of the 
Church of Nigeria.” 
  The Nigerian archbishop leads the largest of 38 provinces in the communion, 
with as many as 17 million members.
  Bishop Robinson said he was extremely disappointed at his exclusion and asked 
in a statement, “At a time when the Anglican Communion is calling for a 
‘listening process’ on the issue of homosexuality, how does it make sense to 
exclude gay and lesbian people from the discussion?”
  The archbishop of Canterbury, the Most Rev. Rowan Williams, who has expressed 
liberal views on homosexuality in the past, has been determined to keep the 
communion intact. In his invitation letter, Archbishop Williams wrote, “I have 
to reserve the right to withhold or withdraw invitations from bishops whose 
appointment, actions or manner of life have caused exceptionally serious 
division or scandal within the communion.”
  The secretary general of the communion, Canon Kenneth Kearon, told reporters 
that the archbishop of Canterbury was contemplating inviting Bishop Robinson as 
a guest, rather than a participant, but not Bishop Minns. 
  Canon Kearon said that the leaders of the communion recognized that Bishop 
Robinson was “duly elected and consecrated according to the proper procedures 
of the Episcopal Church.” 
  But to invite him, the canon said, “would be to ignore the very substantial 
and widespread objections in many parts of the communion to his consecration 
and his ministry.”
  He said there was “no parallel” between Bishop Robinson and Bishop Minns, a 
rector who was installed as a bishop in Virginia this month by Archbishop 
Akinola, a crossing of boundaries that the archbishop of Canterbury criticized. 
  Bishop Minns heads a consortium of churches that have left the Episcopal 
Church, the Convocation of Anglicans in North America. Canon Kearon said the 
convocation was not a recognized body of the Anglican Communion.
  Bishop Minns said in a statement, “One thing is clear, a great deal can and 
will happen before next July.” 
  At the last Lambeth Conference, in 1998, the bishops passed a resolution 
“rejecting homosexual practice as incompatible with Scripture” and declared 
their opposition to blessing same-sex unions. 
  The archbishop of Canterbury said in his letter to the bishops that he wanted 
the next conference to focus on prayer and reflection more than setting policy. 
  Integrity, an advocacy group for gay Episcopalians, said its members were 
“outraged and appalled” at the ostracizing of Bishop Robinson and called on 
American bishops “to think long and hard about whether they are willing to 
participate in the continued scapegoating of the gay and lesbian faithful as 
the price for going to the Lambeth Conference.”
  American bishops are reacting cautiously. Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts 
Schori said in a brief statement, “I urge a calm approach,” and added that the 
situation could change over the next 14 months. 
  The bishop of Vermont, Thomas Clark Ely, said: “It’s hard for me to see my 
colleague in a different status than I am. I think there’s still time to try to 
work this through. I would hope there is.”
  Canon Kearon said two other bishops risked being disinvited. Church officials 
said one was Nolbert Kunonga, the archbishop of Harare, Zimbabwe, and an ally 
of President Robert G. Mugabe, who has been accused of human rights abuses. The 
other bishop was not identified.

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g_b On mother's day for mothers who are no more

2007-05-12 Thread asfan


 The young mother set her foot on the path of life. 
Is this the long way? she asked. And the guide said: 
Yes, and the way is hard. And you will be old before 
you reach the end of it. But the end will be better 
than the beginning.” But the young mother was happy, 
and she would not believe that anything could be 
better than these years. So she played with her 
children, and gathered flowers for them along the 
way, and bathed them in the clear streams; and the 
sun shone on them, and the young Mother cried, 
Nothing will ever be lovelier than this. 
Then the night came, and the storm, and the path was 
dark, and the children shook with fear and cold, and 
the mother drew them close and covered them with 
her mantle, and the children said, Mother, we are 
not afraid, for you are near, and no harm can come to us. 
And the morning came, and there was a hill ahead, 
and the children climbed and grew weary, and the 
mother was weary. But at all times she said to the 
children, A little patience and we are there. So 
the children climbed, and when they reached the 
top they said, Mother, we would not have done it 
without you. And the mother, when she lay down 
at night looked up at the stars and said, This is a 
better day than the last, for my children have 
learned fortitude in the face of hardness. 
Yesterday I gave them courage. Today, I have 
given them strength. 
And the next day came strange clouds which, 
darkened the earth, clouds of war and hate and 
evil, and the children groped and stumbled, and 
the mother said:Look up. Lift your eyes to the 
light. And the children looked and saw above the 
clouds an everlasting glory! , and it guided them 
beyond the darkness. And that night the Mother 
said, This is the best day of all, for I have 
shown my children God. 
And the days went on, and the weeks and the 
months and the years, and the mother grew old 
and she was little and bent. But her children 
were tall and strong, and walked with courage. 
And when the way was rough, they lifted her, 
for she was as light as a feather; and at last 
they came to a hill, and beyond they could see 
a shining road and golden gates flung wide. 
And mother said: I have reached the end of 
my journey. And now I know the end is better 
than the beginning, for my children can walk 
alone, and their children after them. 
And the children said,  You will always walk 
with us, Mother, even when you have gone 
through the gates. And they stood and watched 
her as she went on alone, and the gates closed 
after her. And they said: We cannot see her, 
but she is with us still. A Mother like ours is 
more than a memory. She is a living presence. 
Your Mother is always with you. She's the 
whisper of the leaves as you walk down the 
street, she's the smell of bleach in your 
freshly laundered socks, she's the cool hand 
on your brow when you're not well. Your 
Mother lives inside your laughter. And she's 
crystallized in every teardrop. She's the 
place you came from, your first home; and 
she's the map you follow with every step you 
take. She's your first love and your first 
heartbreak, and nothing on earth can separate 
you.. Not time, not space...not even death! 

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Re: g_b Hi Mark !! am always thinking of suicide

2007-05-12 Thread asfan
Hi Joy,
  It may be difficult, but not impossible, to say no to marriage.
  There are hundreds of us who are still in the closet yet still unmarried.
  I am 67  yo and still unmarried. When my mother was insisting I get 
  married (my father had died while I was still studying) I would just  say
  I didn't want to get married and give no reason for saying so. Of course,
  she died disappointed but I think it was all for the better.
You have only relatives to contend with.  Which would make things easier.
  Also, your staying abroad makes it easier.
  I am sure that if you have patience and wait you may meet someone of 
  your liking.
  As for contemplating suicide, FORGET IT.  Immerse yourself in your work.
  Go out and meet friends.  Or  take the help of a counselor. Suicide is not 
  answer.  Be brave and face the world.  You won't be the first and you won't 
be the last!!
  Wishing you all the best,

joy bs [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Dear Mark,
  Your ideas are so nice, i am 34 yo, and fighting against marriege. I am 
working in DXB and came back to India for a short veccation. But i feel i 
didn't want this veccation and feel to go back to work. 
  I have no parents, i am still alone, all my sisters got married and living 
separate. Now my relatieves and friends are trying for my marriege.  Its make 
my life so misarable. I dont want to marry, but everyone telling me , how you 
will live alone, who will take care of you. How can you live alone here? I Know 
out culture is so difficult.  And i am tired of telling no...
  I was trying for a life partner ( gay) for the last 10 years. I couldnt find 
any gays.  And i always feel that the gays are not trustable,and dependable.  
They will go when they meet another atractive one.
  Really i am so confused about my life. I dont know what to do? I am always 
thinking about suicide .  Otherwise what to do?
  You can see my profile in gaydar page...
  Thank you

Mark Gory [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
MUST STAND UP AND SAY NO !! ! ! ! !IF NOT HELL NO ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !YOU 

  - Original Message 
From: amit dhaundiyal [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: gay_bombay@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Saturday, April 7, 2007 2:57:51 AM
Subject: Re: g_b I want 2 marry a lesbian

interesting idea, let me know if u have any leads 
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g_b Lie over gay partner ends BP chief�s career

2007-05-02 Thread asfan
  From The Times
  May 2, 2007
  Lie over gay partner ends BP chief’s career
  David Brown and Patrick Foster 

  The chief executive of BP resigned yesterday after a judge found that he had 
lied to a court about his gay relationship with a 27-year-old student. 
  Lord Browne of Madingley, who was ennobled by Tony Blair, quit after the 
House of Lords rejected his attempt to keep secret their relationship and 
allegations that he had misused company resources. 
  The businessman will lose up to £15.5 million in cash and shares by stepping 
down three months earlier than planned. 
  Lord Browne was forced to resign after court documents showed that he had: 
  — Lied to the High Court about how he met his former lover, Jeff Chevalier, 
whom he said he had met while “exercising in Battersea Park”; 
  — Used BP resources and staff to set up a company for his boyfriend; 
  — Attempted to “trash” the reputation of Mr Chevalier in court by claiming 
that he was a drug user and alcoholic; 
  — Allegedly told Mr Chevalier details about his discussions on BP’s strategy 
with Mr Blair and Gordon Brown 
  The documents give details of a series of meetings which Lord Browne, 59, 
allegedly had with the Prime Minister, the Chancellor and Peter Mandelson, the 
European Trade Commissioner. 
  Mr Chevalier, 27, claimed that these involved discussions about the prospect 
of BP taking an “important strategic decision”. The Chancellor also allegedly 
opposed a “scheme for the benefit of BP’s customers”. Mr Blair is also believed 
to have asked Lord Browne how much each could expect to earn in the City after 
the Prime Minister’s expected resignation next week. 
  Lord Browne said yesterday that the allegations against him were “full of 
misleading and erroneous claims”. “I have always regarded my sexuality as a 
personal matter, to be kept private. My initial witness statements, however, 
contained an untruthful account about how I first met Jeff. This is a matter of 
deep regret . . . It was retracted and corrected.” 
  Mr Chevalier, a student from Toronto, claimed that Lord Browne had used BP 
staff and resources to set up a company for him trading in mobile ring tones. 
Lord Browne was a director of the company. The Times has discovered that David 
Allen, BP’s group chief of staff and group managing director, was also a 
  Lord Browne took Mr Chevalier on holiday, bought him clothes and paid for his 
luxury accommodation. The businessman also made “substantial payments” to his 
lover during their relationship and paid for him to study economics and 
business at the University of Westminster so that he could stay on in Britain 
with a student visa. 
  The relationship ended early last year and Mr Chevalier claimed that his 
former partner reneged on a promise to help him adjust from his 
multi-millionaire lifestyle. 
  Lord Browne resigned six hours after the House of Lords rejected his attempt 
to prevent The Mail on Sundayfrom reporting the details of his four-year 
relationship with Mr Chevalier. 
  The Timeshas learnt that Lord Browne will also lose his position as a 
director of Goldman Sachs, the world’s leading investment bank. A senior source 
said his role as the $500,000-a-year head of its audit committee was 
  Lord Browne said yesterday that the allegations against him were misleading 
and erroneous. “I deny categorically any allegations of improper conduct 
relating to BP. The company has confirmed today that it has found no such 
  Mr Justice Eady, in a High Court judgment, said that although Lord Browne had 
apologised he was not prepared to make allowances for a “white lie” told to the 
  He said that Lord Browne had used the “various honours he has received under 
the present Government, when asking the court to prefer his account of what 
took place”. 
  Mr Justice Eady said that Lord Browne’s assertion that Mr Chevalier was an 
alcoholic “seems largely to have been based on an inference he drew when his 
butler told him that his wine stocks were diminishing”. 
  The judge said he would not be reporting Lord Browne’s lie to the 
Attorney-General because “it is probably sufficient penalty that the claimant’s 
behaviour has had to be mentioned in this judgment”. 
  However, Associated Newspapers, publishers of The Mail on Sunday, said it 
would make the court papers available to the Attorney-General. 
  Peter Sutherland, chairman of BP, said a review of the allegations of 
misusing company assets and resources were “unfounded or insubstantive”. 
  He added: “It is a tragedy that he [Lord Browne] should be compelled by his 
sense of honour to resign in these painful circumstances.” 
  Lord Browne was knighted in 1998 and made a life peer in 2001. He is on 
first-name terms with many leading figures in the Labour Party and his 
closeness to the 

Re: g_b A Sweet Love Story

2007-04-30 Thread asfan
This trashy, maudlin story has been going the rounds of email since ages.
  Medically speaking, how could an accident make one lose one's voice?
  Any answers from the docs on the site?

Aditya Bondyopadhyay [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
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g_b From: Trevvy Newsletter Issue 34

2007-04-29 Thread asfan
When Minister Mentor Lee comments on decriminalising homosexuality, you know 
that the government is paying attention to the issue. After all, in Singapore, 
the establishment usually shuns controversial topics unless they absolutely 
have to be dealt with. And it is about time that this issue is resolved - 
archaic Victorian laws have no place in a cosmopolitan, first-world city. 
The Editor
Team Trevvy
  Trevvy  Newsletter  Issue 34 

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g_b Ted Heath 'propositioned men for sex'

2007-04-28 Thread asfan
The TimesOnLine
April 25, 2007

Ted Heath 'propositioned men for sex'
Rajeev Syal and Greg Hurst

A senior gay Conservative claimed yesterday that Sir Edward Heath
propositioned men for sex in the 1950s.

Brian Coleman, chairman of the London Assembly, claimed that the former
Prime Minister curbed his behaviour after he was warned that it would harm
his career.

Asked to substantiate his claims, Mr Coleman told The Times: I have this on
very good authority. There were many stories about Ted Heath. I did not know
him well myself, but have been told this by people who did.

It was certainly not a secret that he was an old queen. I have been told
that he was warned about his behaviour and then stopped.

In a column for the online edition of the New Statesman, Mr Coleman wrote
that Sir Edward was one of a number of gay men who have thrived in

He wrote: The late Ted Heath managed to obtain the highest Office of State
after he was supposedly advised to cease his cottaging activities in the
1950s when he became a Privy Counsellor, he wrote.

The claim prompted an outcry from Sir Edward's friends.

Sir Edward, Prime Minister between 1970 and 1974, never commented on his

One senior Tory and friend of his described the claim as extraordinary.
Robert Key, MP for Salisbury and Sir Edward's Parliamentary private
secretary between 1984 and 1986, said that far from being gay he had close
relationships with unnamed women.

I was aware that he had very close friendships and relationships with a
number of women, he said. I never thought that he had a predalic-tion for
men. To say that someone who was that politically astute would risk it all
is quite an extraordinary claim.

Lord Carrington, who served as Sir Edward's Defence Secretary, said simply:
What a load of nonsense.

Lord Rees-Mogg, a former editor of The Timeswho regarded Sir Edward as a
friendly political acquaintance, said he believed that Sir Edward was
celibate. I knew Ted in the Fifties and I ran into him all of the time. He
always left on me the impression that he had no active sexual life at all,
he said.

He had no coterie of young men. I knew several Conservative homosexuals at
the time and they gossiped about anyone who was gay or might be gay. They
never said that Ted was gay but did say that he was not interested at all.

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g_b Anglicans closer to schism as US bishops reject gay ultimatum

2007-03-22 Thread asfan
The Times of London
  March 22, 2007
  Anglicans closer to schism as US bishops reject gay ultimatum
  Ruth Gledhill, Religion Correspondent 
The Anglican Church took another step towards its apparently inevitable schism 
when US Episcopal bishops rejected the ultimatum from primates of the Anglican 
Communion to fall into line over homosexuals. 
  The bishops of the Episcopal Church accused Anglican primates of trying to 
drag their Church back into “a time of colonialism”. They said late on Tuesday 
night that they would resist the primates’ demand that they set up a new 
pastoral scheme with a “primatial vicar” to make a traditionalist enclave for 
antigay conservatives who reject the oversight of liberal bishops. They said 
that the scheme “violated” their canons, or Church law. 
  Christian gays in Britain yesterday welcomed the US decision and accused the 
Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, who chaired last month’s primates’ 
meeting in Tanzania, of trying to “sell them down the river” and of pandering 
to “forces of the extreme Right”. 
  If the wealthy US Church, headed by the Communion’s first woman primate, 
Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori, is expelled from the Communion, as now 
appears increasingly likely, the Anglican Communion worldwide will be plunged 
into financial crisis because so much of the central administration and 
overseas aid is bank-rolled by the Americans. 
  Although the 2.3 million American Episcopalians are few among the 77 million 
Anglicans worldwide, they are understood to finance up to one third of the 
Communion’s total international budget. 
  Speaking at the end of their annual spring retreat at Camp Allen near 
Houston, the Episcopal Church House of Bishops said in a statement that they 
had “declined to participate in a pastoral initiative designed by the primates 
to care for congregations and dioceses which, for reasons of conscience, cannot 
accept the episcopal ministry of their bishop or primate”. 
  The bishops said: “We believe that there is an urgent need for us to meet 
face to face with the Archbishop of Canterbury and members of the primates’ 
standing committee, and we hereby request and urge that such a meeting be 
negotiated . . . at the earliest possible opportunity. 
  “We invite the archbishop and members of the primates’ standing committee to 
join us at our expense for three days of prayer and conversation regarding 
these important matters.” 
  At their meeting in Dar es Salaam, the primates set a deadline of September 
30 for the pastoral scheme to be set up. They also demanded a commitment not to 
authorise same-sex blessings or consecrate any more gay bishops. 
  “It harks back to a period of colonialism from which The Episcopal Church was 
liberated. It replaces local rule by laity with a curial model,” the US bishops 
  Responding for the UK’s Lesbian and Gay Christian Movement, the Rev Richard 
Kirker said: “At last some sanity is breaking into the debate. There is an 
obvious realisation that the consequences of this pandering to the puritans 
means an increasing hostility towards lesbian and gay people so clearly 
demonstrated by the Archbishop of Nigeria, who is fiercely promoting antigay 
legislation in his country contrary to Scripture and all the decisions of 
Anglicanism over the last 30 years. 
  “The Archbishop of Canterbury has much to answer for. His decision to sell us 
down the river in the short term to buy time has back-fired. If the Americans 
are expelled, this will encourage those bent on our destruction to persecute 
lesbian and gay people even more.” 
  Origins of split
  * The depth of the divisions in the Anglican Communion became clear at the 
1998 Lambeth Conference when Resolution 1.10 set a conservative Biblical 
standard but insisted that lesbians and gays in the Church must be heard 
  * The seeds of the present schism were sown when in 1993 The Episcopal Church 
consecrated the openly gay bishop, Gene Robinson 
  * At about the same time, the New Westminster diocese in Canada authorised a 
rite of same-sex blessing. The first authorised gay blessing took place 
followed, leading the Church Times to declare the existence of one happy couple 
and 75 million unhappy Anglicans 
  * Conservatives in the US were swift to act, with some looking as far afield 
as African provinces such as Nigeria for orthodox bishops to lead them

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g_b Navroze Mubarak

2007-03-21 Thread asfan
Wishing all Zoroastrians and the whole wide world Jamshedi Navroze Mubarak.
  Navroze, new day or New Year,  is a celebration of the spring Equinox (March 
21). It was celebrated by all the major cultures of ancient Mesopotamia. The 
Sumerians, (3000BC), Babylonians (2000 BC), the ancient kingdom of Elam in 
Southern Persia (also 2000BC) and the Akaddians all celebrated it in one form 
or another. What we know today as Now Ruz has been celebrated for at least 3000 
years and is deeply rooted in the traditions of Zoroastrianism. 

Zoroastrianism was the religion of Ancient Persia before the advent of Islam 
1400 years ago. It is known as the mother religion in the area. The familiar 
concepts of Heaven, Hell, the Resurrection, the coming of the Messiah, the 
concept of the individual and final judgment were incorporated into the 
Zoroastrianism belief system. They still exist in Judo-Christian and Islamic 
  The Zoroastrians of India are the Parsis.

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g_b Tests of Drug to Block H.I.V. Infection Are Halted Over Safety

2007-02-01 Thread asfan
  February 1, 2007
Tests of Drug to Block H.I.V. Infection Are Halted Over Safety 
Efforts to develop a topical microbicide to prevent H.I.V. infection during sex 
suffered a surprising setback yesterday when researchers announced that they 
had stopped two full-scale trials for safety reasons.
  The trials, in Africa and India, involved a chemical, cellulose sulfate or 
Ushercell, and were the second failure of a potential microbicide in a 
full-scale trial in recent years. In one of the latest trials, a standard check 
by an independent scientific committee found an increased risk of H.I.V. 
infection among women who used cellulose sulfate compared with those who used a 
placebo gel. 
  In 2000, a large full-scale trial showed that the only other microbicide 
candidate, nonoxynol-9, was unsafe when it had been expected to be effective. 
Subjects in that trial developed a higher incidence of H.I.V. infection, 
presumably through ulcers caused by chemical irritation. 
  Yesterday, AIDS researchers at the World Health Organization, the United 
Nations AIDS program and other organizations expressed hope that at least one 
of three other potential microbicides undergoing full-scale testing would prove 
to be safe and effective. The others are Pro 2000 by Indevus Pharmaceuticals, 
BufferGel by ReProtect and Carraguard, whose trademark is held by the 
Population Council. 
  “While the closing of these trials is a profound disappointment for the 
microbicide field, we cannot let it paralyze us,” said Dr. Zeda Rosenberg, 
chief executive of the nonprofit International Partnership for Microbicides in 
Silver Spring, Md. 
  In the absence of an AIDS vaccine, specialists say development of a 
microbicide is a public health priority, mainly to protect the many women in 
poor countries whose partners refuse to use condoms. Such protection could take 
the form of a gel, cream, film, tablet or sponge that could be inserted into 
the vagina or rectum.
  The study that led to stopping the trials involved 1,333 participants in 
Benin, South Africa and Uganda. Conrad, a health research organization in 
Arlington, Va., conducted the study.
  Conrad said the independent committee found more new H.I.V. infections among 
those who used cellulose sulfate than among those who used an inactive gel, but 
did not report any numbers. Final numbers are expected in March, a spokeswoman 
for Conrad said.
  Family Health International of Research Triangle Park, N.C., conducted the 
second trial involving 1,700 participants in Nigeria. The study found neither a 
benefit in preventing H.I.V. infection nor an increased risk of developing it.
  So, given the adverse findings in the Conrad trial, “the responsible course 
of action was to halt our study” also, said Dr. Vera Halpern, the principal 
investigator of the Family Health International trial.
  An ideal microbicide would work in three ways. First, it would kill H.I.V. in 
the vagina and cervix. Second, the microbicide would prevent any virus that 
escaped from attaching to a woman’s cells, the way the virus starts to infect. 
Third, for any virus that did enter cells, the microbicide would block an 
enzyme, reverse transcriptase, that the virus needs to replicate.
  The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Agency for International 
Development paid $20 million for the two latest studies.
  In speaking at the 16th International AIDS Conference in Toronto in August, 
Bill and Melinda Gates were enthusiastic about the prospects of developing a 
  Yesterday, Dr. Nicholas Hellmann, acting director of the foundation’s H.I.V. 
and tuberculosis program, affirmed the optimism. 
  “We remain hopeful that a safe and effective microbicide will be developed,” 
Dr. Hellmann said, adding that the foundation was still committed to supporting 
research on microbicides and other prevention methods.
  The new findings were surprising, researchers said, because 11 smaller trials 
of more than 500 women conducted since 1999 showed that cellulose sulfate was 
safe. The chemical, which was developed as Ushercell by Polydex Pharmaceuticals 
in Toronto, was active against H.I.V. in laboratory tests.
  Dr. Peter Piot, the executive director of Unaids in Geneva, said the new 
findings were puzzling because there appeared to be no biological explanation 
for the failure of cellulose sulfate, as there was in the case of nonoxynol-9 
and the ulcers associated with its use.
  Finding new drugs like a microbicide often can be a process of trial and 
error, and requires scientifically rigorous trials, Dr. Piot said.
  He speculated that one of the antiretroviral drugs used to treat AIDS might 
be needed for an effective microbicide. The world needs a microbicide because 
“the stakes are so high,” Dr. Piot said. 

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g_b Anti-Gay Slurs: The Latest in Hilarity

2006-12-17 Thread asfan
  December 17, 2006
Anti-Gay Slurs: The Latest in Hilarity 

  HE predilections of Sebastian Venable, the gothic ghost who haunts Tennessee 
Williams’s “Suddenly Last Summer,” were so unspeakable that they essentially 
went unspoken in the text of the play. Dark hints about his taste for young men 
bloom all through the lyrical foliage of Williams’s dialogue, but the actual 
subject of homosexuality is never explicitly mentioned.
  Nobody would have called the doomed poet a gay man, although that’s what all 
the tortuous innuendo essentially amounts to. The play, which was teamed with a 
curtain-raiser actually called “Something Unspoken” when it had its premiere in 
1958, was written in an era when the word “gay” had not come into common 
parlance, and the word “homosexual” had a clinical and disreputable ring. (The 
“something” in “Something Unspoken” was lesbianism, by the way.)
  The coyness about the subject in “Suddenly Last Summer,” written by a 
playwright who was famously uncoy about matters of sex and sexuality, firmly 
dates the play. Today neutral terms describing homosexuality are commonplace, 
having long since joined the vocabulary list deemed fit and proper to be spoken 
in front of the footlights. But as “The Little Dog Laughed,” “Regrets Only” and 
“Borat” have lately shown, old-school mockery, refitted for a new, 
post-politically-correct era, is making a comeback. 
  In “The Little Dog Laughed,” Douglas Carter Beane’s Hollywood satire at the 
Cort Theater, the central character, a ruthless female agent played with verve 
by Julie White, uses the following terms, among others, to refer to her client, 
a closeted gay movie actor: “that pansy,” “Mary” and “Miss Nancy,” “little 
fairy Tinkerbell” and “little fruit.” Coining her own variation on derogation, 
she calls another character “St. Francis of the Sissies.” 
  At the performance I recently attended, virtually every one of those lines 
got a laugh. As they were meant to. For the character’s noxious vocabulary 
isn’t meant to mark her as a bigot. The epithets, generally employed in acerbic 
monologues addressed to the audience, are meant to establish her as a funny 
gal, if maybe a little soulless. It seems for most people they do.
  Little notice has been taken of Mr. Beane’s comic exploitation of what is, in 
other contexts, called hate speech. But he seems to be aware that he is 
treading on tender turf: how else to explain the agent’s opening announcement 
that she’s a lesbian? Her sexuality then disappears until a passing reference 
in the last scene. But it’s enough to inoculate her (and perhaps him) against 
accusations of homophobia: she’s on the team, so she’s allowed, and we’re 
allowed to chuckle. (For the record, Mr. Beane is an openly gay man.)
  The play raises a question that has been brought to the forefront of the 
cultural chatter recently in another context: Who is and is not allowed to use 
— and to laugh at or milk laughs from — derisive names for minorities? On a 
Broadway stage, Ms. White is warmly applauded for tossing out those nasty 
words. At a multiplex near you, Sacha Baron Cohen, playing a fictional 
anti-Semite, has ’em rolling in the aisles. But Michael Richards, also an 
entertainer, repeatedly uses a derogatory term for African-Americans in a 
stand-up act that queasily devolves into a fit of pique, and his offense makes 
headlines and cripples his career, possibly for good. 
  Is it all about context? Certainly Mr. Richards’s ghastly rant was not a 
scripted piece of entertainment, nor was it designed to provoke a discussion of 
slang and semantics. In savaging a heckler, he used the word the only way it 
was once used: as a weapon meant to demean and hurt. (Likewise, Mel Gibson got 
into trouble for his anti-Semitic rant because it appeared to be an expression 
of personal animus.) But at some point in his tirade Mr. Richards also tried to 
frame his attack as a political challenge. Muttering grimly in response to the 
audience’s obvious displeasure, he said, “You see, there’s still those words, 
those words.” 
  Lenny Bruce was the first comic to start a conversation about “those words” 
on the nightclub stage. In one of his most famous, and controversial, routines, 
he asked if there were any African-Americans in the house — using the usual 
offensive term. He went on to run down a litany of bigoted epithets. His point 
was that by keeping the words taboo, we unwittingly preserve their power to 
hurt. He ended the bit by suggesting that if they were allowed to fully enter 
the cultural conversation, their batteries would go dead.
  History has proved him to be at least half right. Gays and blacks took the 
language meant to demean them and put it to sly new use when speaking among 
themselves. Lately, as attitudes have relaxed, it has become easier for the 
rest of America to join the parties. (The character of Jack in the popular 

g_b In New Jersey, Gay Couples Ponder Nuances of Measure to Allow Civil Unions

2006-12-16 Thread asfan

  December 16, 2006
In New Jersey, Gay Couples Ponder Nuances of Measure to Allow Civil Unions 

  HOBOKEN, N.J. Dec. 15 — Away from the loud political arguments over the New 
Jersey Legislature’s vote to establish civil unions for same-sex couples, gays 
and lesbians across the state have begun to grapple with the practicalities: 
What verb to use? Get unified?
  After drinks at a bar here Thursday night, hours after the vote, Rosanna 
Durruthy, 44, said she and her partner would soon start planning the ceremony 
they had talked about for years. “This is great,” said Ms. Durruthy, a Hoboken 
resident who has lived with her partner for nine years. “Will we have the major 
event where we get the villa in Tuscany? We’re still discussing it.” (She 
favors the Amalfi coast.)
  Ms. Durruthy celebrated the news amid laughter and a long embrace with her 
old friend Bill Carter, 37, who lives in Texas with his partner. Mr. Carter was 
happy for his friend and said he considered the law a collective leap forward, 
but added of his home state: “There are no rights there; sodomy just came off 
the books.”
  New Jersey is the third state to give approval to civil unions; Massachusetts 
permits gay couples to marry but only if they live in the state. Since Vermont 
began allowing civil unions in 2000, between 250 and 400 New Jersey couples 
have gotten hitched there (along with about 200 New York couples a year). 
Connecticut’s civil union laws took effect in October 2005.
  The 2000 Census found about 16,000 same-sex couples living together in New 
Jersey, though the Urban Institute, a research organization, says the true 
count is as much as 50 percent higher; nearly one-third of them are raising 
  In interviews with more than a dozen gays and lesbians over the past three 
days, many talked about following through on long deferred plans now that the 
law has been passed. Other couples welcomed the broader rights but said little 
would change, saying that their commitments did not need a government sanction. 
There was approval from single people as well, even if some had not followed 
the debate as closely as their friends who share children, homes or bank 
  The legislation does not spell out procedures for obtaining civil unions, but 
advocates for same-sex marriage and state officials said the process was likely 
to mirror that for marriage. In New Jersey, couples apply for a marriage 
license in the municipality where the bride lives, unless the bride lives out 
of state; such rules would most likely have to be tweaked. 
  After a 72-hour waiting period, set aside to make certain a couple wants to 
get married, a municipal registrar issues a marriage license. Weddings in New 
Jersey can be performed by mayors, many judges, village presidents and 
  Eric Kabel, who works for a nursing agency and lives in Rahway, said that he 
and his partner signed up for a domestic partnership in New Jersey the first 
day that a law passed in 2004 went into effect.
  “Neither of us were real activists,” he said. “But we wanted them to see the 
number of people who signed up as partners.”
  When the civil union law takes effect — 60 days after the governor’s expected 
signature — the couple will head to City Hall, Mr. Kabel said, adding, “I don’t 
care if the city clerk does it.”
  But while they are eager to claim the rights and benefits provided by the new 
law, Mr. Kabel lamented that a heterosexual couple who met “five minutes ago” 
can get a marriage license, while he and his partner of 16 years cannot.
  “We’re a suburban, boring couple, with a yard, a dog,” he said. “We’re 
friendly to our neighbors.”
  Steve Mandeville and Victor Aluise, partners of 16 years who share a house in 
Ocean Grove, exchanged wedding bands years ago, in Sedona, Ariz.
  “We were in a beautiful place, it was a beautiful day,” Mr. Mandeville 
recalled. “It doesn’t matter what you want to call it. If it will keep the 
heterosexual people happy, let’s just call it a union. Isn’t that what a 
marriage is anyhow?”
  Mr. Aluise said the two had not yet decided if they would have another big 
ceremony, but they would wait until April 25 — the anniversary of their 
domestic partnership registration — to register for their union. “I’m elated, 
and I’m proud to be a New Jerseyan now,” he said.
  Though advocates for civil rights for gay people vowed to keep pushing for 
same-sex marriage, Alan Fox, the manager of the bar in Hoboken where Mr. Carter 
and Ms. Durruthy had a drink, the Cage, said he had no desire for gays to win 
the right to marry.
  Marriage, Mr. Fox said, had been for his parents (who eventually divorced). 
If he married, “it would be offensive to my people like my mother,” Mr. Fox 
  Jan Moore, 70, hailed the new law as good for young people. “They won’t be 
made to feel like 

g_b Legislators Vote for Gay Unions in New Jersey

2006-12-15 Thread asfan
  December 15, 2006
Legislators Vote for Gay Unions in New Jersey 

  TRENTON, Dec. 14 — The Legislature voted on Thursday to make New Jersey the 
third state in the nation to recognize civil unions for same-sex couples. In 
doing so, it moved quickly to fulfill a court mandate to provide equal rights 
to gay couples but frustrated people on both sides of the emotional issue.
  Gov. Jon S. Corzine, who is expected to sign the measure into law, said, “I 
think we’re doing the right thing.” 
  In joining Vermont and Connecticut in establishing the parallel institution 
of civil unions, New Jersey shunned the option of opening marriage to same-sex 
couples. Massachusetts is the only state that allows gay marriage, and it has a 
residency requirement; some same-sex couples have married in Canada.
  New Jersey’s new unions, which would take effect 60 days after the governor 
gives the nod, would expand on the domestic partnership arrangements the state 
has had since 2004. Gay couples would gain benefits like adoption privileges, 
inheritance rights and the ability to take a partner’s surname without going to 
  But gay-rights advocates continued to contend Thursday that the separate 
institutions were inherently unequal and promised to keep pushing for nothing 
short of marriage itself.
  “We’re planning a massive rally the day the civil union law takes effect, to 
pre-empt the idea that this is a day for celebration,” said Steven Goldstein, 
the chairman of Garden State Equality, a gay-rights group.
  Still, about 20 supporters of gay rights who had gathered in the gallery for 
the hourlong floor debate cheered when the Assembly voted 56 to 19 in 
midafternoon to approve the measure. They also applauded when Assemblyman Reed 
Gusciora, a Princeton Democrat, said, “The distance between nothing and civil 
unions is greater than the distance between civil unions and marriage.” 
  But Assemblyman Ronald S. Dancer, a Republican from Ocean County, said that 
the bill was an affront to the Bible, and that “this is one time that I cannot 
compromise my personal beliefs and faiths.”
  The Senate passed the bill 23 to 12.
  The civil union law was written under pressure, in response to a directive by 
the New Jersey Supreme Court seven weeks ago that the state grant gay and 
lesbian couples exactly the same financial benefits and legal rights as married 
heterosexual couples. 
  The Supreme Court gave the Legislature 180 days to decide whether gay couples 
should be allowed to marry or placed on a separate, parallel track. Both houses 
quickly settled on the civil union route, sending it through in just 10 days 
from introduction to final votes. 
  While the Legislature was instructed not to fall short of equality in the 
benefits it extended, conservatives lobbied to reserve the word “marriage” for 
heterosexuals, and on Thursday Republicans tried unsuccessfully to amend the 
bill to define marriage as the union of one man and one woman.
  “I believe the foundation of our state is families, marriage, one man, one 
woman,” said Senator Robert W. Singer, the Republican from Jackson who 
sponsored the amendment proposal. “Why do you want to crumble that? We’re not 
taking away anyone’s rights, just sanctifying what marriage is.”
  Without the amendment, the legislation leaves open the possibility of 
allowing same-sex marriage.
  “Give us two to five years,” said Assemblyman Wilfredo Caraballo, the Newark 
Democrat who introduced the civil unions measure. “In a year and a half or two 
years we’ll see that the world hasn’t collapsed, heterosexuals are still 
getting married and God hasn’t thrown fire and brimstone on us.” 
  Mr. Caraballo said proponents of gay marriage could not have pushed through a 
full marriage bill by the court’s deadline in April. 
  He noted that just three years ago, it was a struggle to enact the limited 
package of rights and benefits that characterize domestic partnerships. “We had 
to twist arms to get 41 votes,” he said. 
  But Mr. Goldstein pointed to the legislators, including some Republicans, who 
had said the civil union bill did not go far enough. “Today’s debate for civil 
unions could be summed up in two words: buyer’s remorse, for legislators who 
wish they were voting for full marriage equality,” he said.
  David Buckel, of the Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund, said after the 
Senate vote, “This law hit with a dull thud.” 
  Mr. Buckel represents the couples whose lawsuit led to the Oct. 25 Supreme 
Court decision, in which the justices held unanimously that to deny them the 
full rights accorded married heterosexual couples violated their equal 
protection rights. He said he would consult his clients about going to the 
court again to argue that the new law does not meet its mandate.
  Few legislators have said explicitly that they oppose civil 

g_b Circumcision Halves H.I.V. Risk, U.S. Agency Finds

2006-12-15 Thread asfan
  Circumcision Halves H.I.V. Risk, U.S. Agency Finds 
Published: December 14, 2006

  Circumcision appears to reduce a man’s risk of contracting AIDS from 
heterosexual sex by half, United States government health officials said 
yesterday, and the directors of the two largest funds for fighting the disease 
said they would consider paying for circumcisions in high-risk countries. 
  The announcement was made by officials of the National Institutes of Health 
as they halted two clinical trials, in Kenya and Uganda, on the ground that not 
offering circumcision to all the men taking part would be unethical. The 
success of the trials confirmed a study done last year in South Africa. 
  AIDS experts immediately hailed the finding. “This is very exciting news,” 
said Daniel Halperin, an H.I.V. specialist at the Harvard Center for Population 
and Development, who has argued that circumcision slows the spread of AIDS in 
the parts of Africa where it is common. 
  In an interview from Zimbabwe, he added, “I have no doubt that as word of 
this gets around, millions of African men will want to get circumcised, and 
that will save many lives.”
  Uncircumcised men are thought to be more susceptible because the underside of 
the foreskin is rich in Langerhans cells, sentinel cells of the immune system, 
which attach easily to the human immunodeficiency virus, which causes AIDS. The 
foreskin also often suffers small tears during intercourse. 
  But experts also cautioned that circumcision is no cure-all. It only lessens 
the chances that a man will catch the virus; it is expensive compared to 
condoms, abstinence or other methods; and the surgery has serious risks if 
performed by folk healers using dirty blades, as often happens in rural Africa. 
  Circumcision is “not a magic bullet, but a potentially important 
intervention,” said Dr. Kevin M. De Cock, director of H.I.V./AIDS for the World 
Health Organization. 
  Sex education messages for young men need to make it clear that “this does 
not mean that you have an absolute protection,” said Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, an 
AIDS researcher and director of the National Institute of Allergy and 
Infectious Diseases. 
  Circumcision should be used with other prevention methods, he said, and it 
does nothing to prevent spread by anal sex or drug injection, ways in which the 
virus commonly spreads in the United States. 
  The two trials, conducted by researchers from universities in Illinois, 
Maryland, Canada, Uganda and Kenya, involved nearly 3,000 heterosexual men in 
Kisumu, Kenya, and nearly 5,000 in Rakai, Uganda. None were infected with 
H.I.V. They were divided into circumcised and uncircumcised groups, given safe 
sex advice (although many presumably did not take it), and retested regularly. 
  The trials were stopped this week by the N.I.H. Data Safety and Monitoring 
Board after data showed that the Kenyan men had a 53 percent reduction in new 
H.I.V. infection. Twenty-two of the 1,393 circumcised men in that study caught 
the disease, compared with 47 of the 1,391 uncircumcised men. 
  In Uganda, the reduction was 48 percent. 
  Those results echo the finding of a trial completed last year in Orange Farm, 
a township in South Africa, financed by the French government, which 
demonstrated a reduction of 60 percent among circumcised men.
  The two largest agencies dedicated to fighting AIDS said they would now be 
willing to pay for circumcisions, which they have not before because there was 
too little evidence that it worked. 
  Dr. Richard G. A. Feachem, executive director of the Global Fund to Fight 
AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, which has almost $5 billion in pledges, said in 
a television interview that if a country submitted plans to conduct sterile 
circumcisions, “I think it’s very likely that our technical panel would approve 
  Dr. Mark Dybul, executive director of President Bush’s $15 billion Emergency 
Plan for AIDS Relief, said in a statement that his agency “will support 
implementation of safe medical male circumcision for H.I.V./AIDS prevention” if 
world health agencies recommend it.
  He also warned that it was only one new weapon in the fight, adding, 
“Prevention efforts must reinforce the A.B.C. approach — abstain, be faithful, 
and correct and consistent use of condoms.” 
  Researchers have long noted that parts of Africa where circumcision is common 
— particularly the Muslim countries of West Africa — have much lower AIDS 
rates, while those in southern Africa, where circumcision is rare, have the 
  But drawing conclusions was always confounded by other regional factors, like 
strict Shariah law in some Muslim areas, rape and genocide in East Africa, 
polygamy, rites that require widows to have sex with a relative, patronage of 
prostitutes by miners, and men’s insistence on dangerous “dry sex” — 

g_b Cheney Pregnancy Stirs Debate on Gay Rights

2006-12-08 Thread asfan
December 7, 2006
  Cheney Pregnancy Stirs Debate on Gay Rights   By JIM RUTENBERG
WASHINGTON, Dec. 6 — Mary Cheney, a daughter of Vice President Dick Cheney, 
is expecting a baby with her partner of 15 years, Heather Poe, Mr. Cheney’s 
office said Wednesday.
  Lea Anne McBride, a spokeswoman for Mr. Cheney, said the vice president and 
his wife, Lynne Cheney, were “looking forward with eager anticipation” to the 
baby’s birth, which is expected this spring and will bring to six the number of 
grandchildren the Cheneys have.
  Mr. Cheney’s office would not provide details about how Mary Cheney became 
pregnant or by whom, and Ms. Cheney did not respond to messages left at her 
office and with her book publisher, Simon  Schuster.
  The announcement of the pregnancy, which was first reported Wednesday by The 
Washington Post, and Ms. Cheney’s future status as a same-sex parent, prompted 
new debate over the administration’s opposition to gay marriage.
  Family Pride, a gay rights group, noted that Ms. Cheney’s home state, 
Virginia, does not recognize same-sex civil unions or marriages.
  “The news of Mary Cheney’s pregnancy exemplifies, once again, how the best 
interests of children are denied when lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender 
citizens are treated unfairly and accorded different and unequal rights and 
responsibilities than other parents,” said the group’s executive director, 
Jennifer Chrisler.
  Focus on the Family, a Christian group that has provided crucial political 
support to President Bush, released a statement that criticized child rearing 
by same-sex couples.
  “Mary Cheney’s pregnancy raises the question of what’s best for children,” 
said Carrie Gordon Earll, the group’s director of issues analysis. “Just 
because it’s possible to conceive a child outside of the relationship of a 
married mother and father doesn’t mean it’s the best for the child.”
  In 2004, Ms. Cheney worked on the Bush-Cheney re-election campaign, which won 
in part because of the so-called values voters who were drawn to the polls by 
ballot measures seeking to ban same-sex marriage.
  Mr. Bush voiced strong approval that year for a constitutional amendment 
banning same-sex marriage, as he did this year, too. While gay rights groups 
called on Ms. Cheney to speak out against the proposed ban in 2004, she 
remained silent.
  But Ms. Cheney wrote in a book published this year that she had considered 
resigning from the campaign after learning that Mr. Bush would endorse the 
proposed amendment. She said that she decided to stay because other important 
issues were at stake in the 2004 campaign.
  As she promoted her book last spring, she said a federal ban on same-sex 
marriage would “write discrimination into the Constitution.” The vice president 
has hinted at disapproval of the proposed amendment. Asked where he stood on 
the issue during a campaign stop in Iowa in 2004, Mr. Cheney said, “Freedom 
means freedom for everyone.”
  Dana Perino, a spokeswoman for Mr. Bush, said that Mr. Cheney had recently 
told the president about the pregnancy and that “the president said he was 
happy for him.” The Cheneys have five grandchildren by their other daughter, 
  Mary Cheney, 37, is a vice president at AOL; Ms. Poe, a former park ranger, 
is 45.
  The New York Times Company 

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g_b Men only

2006-11-25 Thread asfan
  23RD NOVEMBER 2006
  Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Men only
The subject of gay, men-only parties has been taken up by both Anthony and 
Adrian. Both point out the foolishness of going to one when you´re in a 
monogamous relationship. Wise words. 
  And true enough, while I can´t think of anything worse, I can see how for 
many people a gay men-only party might add up to what, in my Catholic days, I 
learned to call a ´dangerous occasion of sin´. In other words, a situation 
where, while it might not say ´sin´ on the can, in big bold letters, a thorough 
reading of the small-print would reveal hidden dangers. 
  Life is full of ´dangerous occasions´- and we face them every day, from the 
´just one quick drink´at the start of the evening through to óne for the 
road´at the end. Moments which, while innocent in themselves, can easily lead 
to other things. Moments which we either avoid altogether or approach with our 
eyes open. 
  But that´s not my problem with men-only parties, or with the full-on, 100 per 
cent gay party scene I encountered in the States. Far from being a temptation, 
my problem was that I always thought that a completely gay party was a 
completely dull party, a party I didn´t want to go to, a party which had failed 
in the core business of a party, which for me has always been about a mix of 
  Sex is one thing... parties another.
  True, I am in a monogamous relationship now, but that´s not the point. I can 
still understand how, if you´re looking to get your leg over, so to speak, 
anyone who doesn´t fit the bill, because they´re a straight boy or a straight 
girl or a lesbian, might seem simply a distraction. 
  But I don´t think that´s what a party is about. And evenings which are about 
picking up - from straight pick-up wine bars in South Kensington, through to a 
gay leather bar in Vauxhall - are just not that much fun, surely?

  Posted by James Collard on Tuesday, November 21, 2006 at 21:38 

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RE: g_b hello friends

2006-11-24 Thread asfan
What sort of a doc are you?
  Are you a qualified psychiatrist?

doc cop [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  i am a 47 year old doc in delhi
  u can put across yr problems directly to me through email
  may be i can help

  From: prash_k29 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: gay_bombay@yahoogroups.com
To: gay_bombay@yahoogroups.com
Subject: g_b hello friends
Date: Tue, 21 Nov 2006 08:41:26 -

hi all friends,
i want to meet someone senior person in pune, sex is not the issue,need 
some suggestions. please let me know if there is any, interested in 
meeting such a person. or is there any help centre? want to contact.
if anybody has some information please suggest me.

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Re: g_b Eternal Quest :So what should I do?

2006-05-29 Thread asfan

Dear Sagar,  The thing to do is to sit down and think things over and ultimately it isYOU who decides what to do. You have to take up the responsibility for yourself and not ask  others to do so. I am sure that things will work themselves out.  Best wishes,  Asfan.new life [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:HiAll  I was in a dilema and wanted advice from people who dont know me so I guess thismay be the right place.  After long years of study,I got a job in a good company.After getting it all I realised how little it meant to me,I am not happy.  I always wanted to do something more creative in my life likedirecting or script writing .Now I have two options with me 1.Continue the way things arewe humans
 will never be happy ..should be thankful to god that I atleast have a job and foget about the things that I really wanted and anyways it is not easy to strike it right in movies.  2.Take the plung..throw away everthing I have .Join a art school or start looking for jobs in media realted stuff(which is not easy).  So what should I do?Ring'em or ping'em. Make PC-to-phone calls as low as 1¢/min with Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. 
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Re: g_b What is hepatitis B?

2006-05-06 Thread asfan

Hepatitis B is an infection of the liver and NOT of the pancreas. It is NOT transmitted by breathing. It is usually transmitted though blood transfusions,through unprotected sex and through infected needles (as in the case of drug addicts). The virus may lie dormant in the body for years and then cause liver damage and may even predispose to cancer of the liver. It is preventible by taking vaccines.
 Would the moderators PLEASE weed out such erroneous and misleading information, however well intended it be? It can cause a lot of harm, especially in gullible people.
 Ignorance is definitely not bliss!

Sage Redjie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hepatitis is an inflamation if the pancrease. usually caused by viral infection. Its usually transferred through air when you breathe the exhaled breathe of an infected one, body fluid, through sexual contact, blood transfusion. 
 An infected one can be identified by the color of their skin and eyes( usually turn to yellow same as jundice). 
 It can be healed depending on its level of infection. Yet, there is a certian Heptitis is not curable. 
 If you want to know more you research on google. just type Hepatitis symptoms and cure
 hope this helps
 hare krishna
 On 5/4/06, ganesh kumble [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: My dear friends
 In last week I was disturbed as my close 
 friend Ravi was vomiting.
 Now he has been admited in hospital for more treatment.
 After taking blood taste yesterday Doctors has 
 told me that he has hepatitis b.
 So friends can any one tell me what is hepatitis b
 And what is treatment for the same?
 Is there any medicine Ayurvedic,Homeopathic or
 Yoga can help or not to cure the same?
 Can you guide me?
 It is important for my friend's life as he is my best friend.
 Please reply me as early as possible at 

i should have checked out the info. normally, i do, but i erred in letting the mail pass. my apologies



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g_b Tuesday's TERROR!!

2006-04-11 Thread asfan

Two doctors were in a hospital hallway one day complaining about Nurse Nancy.   "She's incredibly mixed up," said one doctor. "She does everything absolutely backwards. Just last week, I told her to give a patient 2 milligrams of morphine every 10 hours, but instead she gave him 10 milligrams every 2 hours! He damn near died on us!"   The second doctor said, "That's nothing. Earlier this week, I told her to give a patient an enema every 24 hours, but instead she tried to give
 him 24 enemas in one hour! The guy damn near exploded!"   Suddenly, they hear this bloodcurdling scream from down the hall. "Oh my God!" exclaimed the first doctor. "I just realized I told Nurse Nancy to prick Mr. Smith's boil
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g_b Monday Melody

2006-04-10 Thread asfan

*The Forest Service has issued a BEAR WARNING in the national forests for this summer. They're urging everyone to protect themselves by wearing bells and carrying pepper spray.Campers should be alert for signs of fresh bear activity, and they should be able to tell the difference between Black Bear dung and Grizzly Bear dung.Black Bear dung is rather small and round. Sometimes you can see fruit seeds and/or squirrel fur in it.Grizzly Bear dung has bells in it, and smells like pepper spray!
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g_b Tuesday's Tune

2006-04-03 Thread asfan

A woman goes to England to attend a 2-week, company training session. Her husband drives her to the airport and wishes her to have a good trip. The wife answers, "Thank you honey, what would you like me to bring him for you?" The husband laughs and says, "An English girl!" The woman kept quiet and left. Two weeks later he picks her up in the airport and asks, "So, honey, how was the trip?""Very good, thank you." "And, what happened to my present?""Which present?""What I asked forthe English girl? "Oh, that? Well, I did what I could, now we have to wait a few months to see if it is a girl!!!" 
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g_b Saturday Smilie

2006-03-31 Thread asfan

A secretary complained about her boss.She said, "My boss is so sex-crazed". Every time he comes into the office, I must do the LAPTOP position and then the DESKTOP position, followed by the SPREADSHEET format. I must LOAD UP his SOFT DISK into a HARD DISK, so that he can INSERT in my C DRIVE and then the A DRIVE, which is most uncomfortable. Then he'll ask me to EJECT his SOFTWARE outside my C DRIVE so that he is VIRUS FREE. Then he changes his mind and decides to ENTER, ENTER, ENTER the whole day till he is in MICROSOFT stage. Once I tried to ESC but he caught me and shifted me to his HOME where he started pressing @ BACKSPACE, and saying "TURNOVER today"...Many a times he works without CAPLOCKS
 (without "CAP" or HELMET) and sometimes as an ALTERNATIVE he CRASHES my SYSTEM until he looses his CTRL and he LOGS INThis process continues until I ZIP him and SHUTDOWN his main SYSTEM.
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g_b Thursday's Thunder

2006-03-29 Thread asfan

A young couple took their three-year-old son to Dr. Cohen. With some hesitation, they explained that, although their little angel appeared to be in good health, they were concerned about his rather small "member".After examining the child, the doctor confidently declared, "Just feed him bagels with cream cheese. That should solve the problem."The next morning, the boy arrived at breakfast, there was a large stack of warm bagels and cream cheese in the middle of the table."Gee, mom," the boy exclaimed. "For me?""Just take two," his mother replied. "The rest are for your father."
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g_b Wednesday's Woe

2006-03-28 Thread asfan

A New Yorker was forced to take a day off from work to appear for a minor traffic summons. He grew increasingly restless as he waited hour after endless hour for his case to be heard. When his name was called late in the afternoon, he stood before the judge, only to hear that court would be adjourned for the rest of the afternoon and he would have to return the next day."What for?" he snapped at the judge.His honour, equally irked by a tedious day and sharp query, roared out loud: "Twenty dollars contempt of court! That's why!" Then, noticing the man checking his wallet, the judge relented: "That's all right. You don't have to pay now." The young man replied, "I know. But I'm just seeing if I have enough for two more words." 
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g_b Tuesday's Tune

2006-03-27 Thread asfan

A woman goes to the doctor's and says, "Doctor, Doctor, you have to help me. Every time I go to the bathroom, DIMES come out!"The doctor tells her to relax, go home, rest with her feet up and come back in a week.A week later the woman returns and says, "Doctor, Doctor, it's gotten worse!Every time I go to the bathroom, QUARTERS come out!! What's wrong with me?"Again the doctor tells her to relax, go home, rest with her feet up and come back in a week. Another week passes and the woman returns and yells, "Doctor, Doctor, I'm still not getting better! Every time I go to the bathroom, HALF-DOLLARS come out! WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH ME?!!" The doctor says, "Relax, Relax,... you're just going through your change!"
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g_b Sundae

2006-03-26 Thread asfan

A woman was trying hard to get the catsup to come out of the jar. During her struggle the phone rang so she asked her four-year old daughter to answer the phone. "It's the minister, Mommy," the child said to her mother.Then she added, "Mommy can't come to the phone to talk to you right now. She's hitting the bottle." 
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g_b A thought for Sunday

2006-03-26 Thread asfan

There is nothing wrong with abstinence, in moderation
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g_b Thursday's Thunder

2006-03-22 Thread asfan

A woman goes to her doctor complaining that she is exhausted all the time. After the diagnostic tests showed nothing, the doctor gets around to asking her how often she has intercourse."Every Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday," she says.The doctor advises her to cut out Wednesday."I can't," says the woman. "That's the only night I'm home with my husband!"
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g_b Wednesday's Woe

2006-03-21 Thread asfan

A guy was staying in a fancy hotel and was enjoying the pool when the manager told him to get out. When asked for the reason, the manager said, "Because you urinated in the pool.""Well," replied the swimmer, "lots of people do that." "True," answered the manager, "but you did it from the diving board." 
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g_b Navroze Mubareak

2006-03-20 Thread asfan

Wishing all Bawajis and the whole wide world   Jamshedi Navroze Mubarak.  Best wishes for a happy and prosperous  New Year.  Asfan.
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g_b Monday Melody

2006-03-19 Thread asfan

 Four guys who worked together always golfed as a group at 7:00 a.m. on Sunday. Unfortunately, one of them got transferred out of town and they were talking about trying to fill out the foursome. A woman standing near the tee said, "Hey, I like to golf, can I join the group?" They were hesitant, but said she could come once to try it and they could see what they thought.They all agreed and she said, "Good, I'll be there at 6:30 or 6:45." She showed up right at 6:30, and wound up setting a course record with a 7-under par round. The guys went nuts and everyone in the clubhouse congratulated her.Meanwhile, she was fun and pleasant the entire round. The guys happily
 invited her back the next week and she said, "Sure, I'll be here at 6:30 or 6:45."Again, she showed up at 6:30 Sunday morning. Only this time, she played left-handed, and matched her 7-under par score of the previous week. By now the guys were totally amazed, and they asked her to join the group for keeps. They had a beer after their round, and one of the guys asked her, "How do you decide if you're going to golf right-handed or left-handed?"She said, "That's easy. Before I leave for the golf course, I pull the covers off my husband, who sleeps in the nude. If his member is pointing to the right, I golf right-handed; if it's pointedto the left, golf left-handed."One of the guys asked, "What if it's pointed straight up?"She said, "Then I'll be here at 6:45."
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g_b Sundae

2006-03-18 Thread asfan

Giorgio is in this country for about 6 months. He walks to work every day and passes a shoe store. Each day he stops and looks in the window and admires a certain pair of Bocceli leather shoes. He wants those shoes so much it's all he can think about.After about 2 months he saves the $300.00 the shoes cost and purchases them Every Friday night the Italian community gets together at a dance in the church basement, so Giorgio seizes the opportunity to wear his new Bocceli leather shoes to the dance.He asks Sophia to dance and as they dance he asks her, "Sophia, do you wear red panties tonight?"Sophia, startled, says, "Yes, Giorgio, I do wear red panties tonight, but how do you know?"Giorgio replies, "I see the reflection in my new $300.00 Bocceli
 leather shoes. How do you like them?"Next he asks Rosa to dance, and after a few minutes he says to her, "Rosa, do you wear white panties tonight?"Rosa answers, "Yes, Giorgio, I do, but how do you know that?"He answers, "I see the reflection in my new $300.00 Bocceli leather shoes. How do you like them?"Now as the evening is almost over and the last song is being played, Giorgio asks Carmella to dance. Midway through the dance his face turns red. He says, "Carmella, stilla my heart, please, please tell me you wear no panties tonight, please, please, tella me this true!"Carmella smiles coyly and answers, "Yes Giorgio, I wear no panties tonight."Giorgio gasps and says "Thanka God ... I thought I had a CRACK in my $300.00 Bocceli leather shoes!"
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g_b Funnie

2006-03-17 Thread asfan

Harold was in the South of France, and could not understand why Rich had attracted all the girls at the beach, while he had no luck.So he asked Rich "why do you get all the girls and I get nothing?"Rich replied "Take a potato and tuck it in your swimming trunks. It drives the women wild!"So Harold stuffed a potato in his suit and paraded up and down the beach. Several hours later, he still had no woman.Harold went to see Rich again and said, "I've tried the potato and it doesn't work!"Rich looked at Harold and said "Have you tried putting the potato in the front?"
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Re: Fwd: Re: g_b BBM

2006-03-17 Thread asfan

Salil,  Ithink I didn't make my stand clear in the posting.  It is not that I defend married gays cheating on their wives,far from it.  I dislike their doing it. But,asI had explained in my reply to Vikram I just wanted to   say that we should leave them alone. They are grown-ups who should know  the difference between right and wrong. It is no use judging them and   crucifying them - they are not going to change. And it does make reading   such diatribes boring! Of course,one could always tell me to hit the delete button.  I  n one of my recent emails I had written that I too resisted marrying in spite  of severe maternal pressure. One cannot live a lie.  Asfan.  Salil [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Hi Ketan,The following post of mine never appeared - can u please look into it and allow it to appear ? Thanks in advance !CheersSalilSalil [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 23:09:59 + (GMT)From: Salil [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: g_b BBMTo: gay_bombay@yahoogroups.comHi asfan,Let us not trivialise the topic. The criticism is not of married gay men. The ciriticism is of anyone who advises undecided single gay men to go in for a heterosexual marriage rather than resisting it. The criticism is sharper if the advice comes from a married gay man - because he should not be asking others to follow him in the mistake he has already done. The mistake being the intentional premeditated life-long fraud that he has played on the bride - again it is important to
 understand that there is no criticism of gay men who have got married and realise the mistake. The sharp criticism is for those who find it acceptable to live the lie for completely selfish reasons and then ad insult to injury by calling it a loving relationship. The two common refrains are 1) she doesnt notice i am gay because i love her tenderly (though she wud have got better sex from a straight guy) (which implies that fraud is ok as long as it is not found out) and 2) i had to please my conservative parents towards whom i have a duty (which implies that sacrificing the girl's life is ok as long as one gets to be in the good books of the parents).Only the most extreme of us have displayed any hate for married gay men in general - you can call that subset goody two shoes. The rest of us are simply saying - if u r living a lie, please consider coming out of it - if you cant, best of luck with it, but in any case please dont ask more gay men to cheat a girl each for
 life.cheerssalilasfan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I have just seen BBM (first day, first show) and thought it to be a good, sensitively made movie. BUT, it concerns two gay cowboys who marry and then cheat on their wives.In view of the recent brickbats being thrown at married gays on the GB and G_B sites by the goody two-shoes, I do hope they voice the same concern and condemn the
 movie.  Otherwise, it will show up their hypocrisy. About a year or so ago I had posted on the site that it would be best to leave the married gays alone – they are old enough to know what they are doing. I had also written that given the opportunity the same “goodys” wouldn’t bat an eyelash at having a roll in the hay with them.  I am sure this is going to raise the Irish in quite a
 few but the truth always hurts.  Asfan.Jiyo cricket on Yahoo! India cricketYahoo! Messenger Mobile Stay in touch with your buddies all the time.  Jiyo cricket on Yahoo! India cricketYahoo! Messenger Mobile Stay in touch with your buddies all the time. 
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g_b Saturday Smilie

2006-03-17 Thread asfan

A blind man walks into a restaurant and sits down. The waiter,who is also the owner, walks up to the blind man and hands him amenu."I'm sorry sir, but I am blind and can't read the menu. Justbring me a dirty fork from the previous customer, I'll smell itand order from there."A little confused, the owner walks over to the dirty dish pileand picks up a greasy fork. He returns to the blind man's tableand hands it to him. The blind man puts the fork to his nose andtakes in a deep breath."Ah, yes that's what I'll have, meatloaf and mashed potatoes."Unbelievable, the owner says to himself as he walks towards thekitchen. The cook happens to be the owner's wife and he tells herwhat had just happened. The blind man eats his meal and leaves.Several days later the blind man returns and the owner mistakenlybrings him a menu again."Sir, remember me? I'm the blind man.""I'm sorry, I didn't recognize
 you. I'll go get you a dirtyfork." The owner again retrieves a dirty fork and brings it tothe blind man. After another deep breath, the blind man says,"That smells great, I'll take the Macaroni and cheese withbroccoli.Once again walking away in disbelief, the owner thinks maybe theblind man is screwing around with him and tells his wife that thenext time the blind man comes in he's going to test him. Theblind man eats and leaves.He returns the following week, but this time the owner sees himcoming and runs to the kitchen. He tells his wife, "Mary rub thisfork around your crotch before I take it to the blind man." Marycomplies and hands her husband the fork back.As the blind man walks in and sits down, the owner is ready andwaiting. "Good afternoon sir, this time I remembered you and Ialready have the fork ready for you."The blind man puts the fork to his nose, takes a deep whiff andsays, "Hey I
 didn't know that Mary worked here"
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g_b Monday Melody

2006-03-13 Thread asfan

On day there was a boy at school. He needed to go to thetoilet. The teacher said "Say your ABCs first"The boy started saying "A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O Q R S T UV W X Y Z"The teacher asked at the end "Where is your P?" The boy answered "Running down my pants!!"_
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g_b BBM

2006-03-10 Thread asfan

 I have just seen BBM (first day, first show) and thought it to be a good, sensitively made movie. BUT, it concerns two gay cowboys who marry and then cheat on their wives.In view of the recent brickbats being thrown at married gays on the GB and G_B sites by the goody two-shoes, I do hope they voice the same concern and condemn the movie.  Otherwise, it will
 show up their hypocrisy. About a year or so ago I had posted on the site that it would be best to leave the married gays alone – they are old enough to know what they are doing. I had also written that given the opportunity the same “goodys” wouldn’t bat an eyelash at having a roll in the hay with them.  I am sure this is going to raise the Irish in quite a few but the truth always
 hurts.  Asfan.
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Post:- gay_bombay@yahoogroups.com
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Archives are at http://www.mail-archive.com/gay_bombay%40yahoogroups.com/maillist.html

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