Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release

2015-11-10 Thread John Schoenick
Which header did you find to be differing? Ideally mods wouldn't require 
a recompile between the main and beta_test branches.

*From:* Rebel Yell
*Sent:* Sunday, October 04, 2015 4:30AM
*To:* Discussion Of Half-life Programming
*Subject:* Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release

Ignore this... I found the problem on my side, a header file differing 
in a way that won't terminate Windows build but crashes Linux and OSX. 
Quite a weird one, I actually got after it when the Windows build begun 
to crash in same manner than others. Yay for consistency.

   Hello, any news regarding this?

   >I'll take a look. It's possible we broke the CModelInfo ABI in a way that
   >/sourcetest doesn't hit. />//
   >/A crash issue here. After merging the code I get both Windows and
   Linux />>/server running, Windows client working fine too but Linux and OSX
   clients />>/will crash after map load, here's the trace: />>//>>/0 engine.dylib 0x0a87105f 
/>>/CModelInfo::GetModelType(model_t const*) const + 31 />>/1 client.dylib 0x1d114ea9 
/>>/CClientLeafSystem::NewRenderable(IClientRenderable*, RenderGroup_t,
   int) + />>/121 />>/2 client.dylib 0x1d115010 
/>>/CClientLeafSystem::CreateRenderableHandle(IClientRenderable*, bool)
   + 96 />>/3 engine.dylib 0x0a8f3529 />>/CStaticPropMgr::LevelInitClient() + 169 />>/4 engine.dylib 0x0a763c31 CL_FullyConnected() + 49 />>/5 engine.dylib 0x0a73d067 
/>>/CClientState::SetSignonState(int, int) + 823 />>/6 engine.dylib 0x0a7200bb />>/CBaseClientState::ProcessPacketEntities(SVC_PacketEntities*) + 219 />>/7 engine.dylib 
0x0a8d4776 />>/CClientState::ProcessPacketEntities(SVC_PacketEntities*) + 182 />>/8 engine.dylib 0x0a8d47ab non-virtual thunk to 
/>>/CClientState::ProcessPacketEntities(SVC_PacketEntities*) + 27 />>/9 engine.dylib 0x0a68fc98 />>/SVC_PacketEntities::Process() + 24 />>/10 engine.dylib 0x0a8914eb 
/>>/CNetChan::ProcessMessages(bf_read&) + 843 />>/11 engine.dylib 0x0a891c6c />>/CNetChan::CheckReceivingList(int) + 380 />>/12 engine.dylib 0x0a8926ff 
/>>/CNetChan::ProcessPacket(netpacket_s*, bool) + 751/

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To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives, please 

Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release

2015-10-04 Thread Rebel Yell
Ignore this... I found the problem on my side, a header file differing in a
way that won't terminate Windows build but crashes Linux and OSX. Quite a
weird one, I actually got after it when the Windows build begun to crash in
same manner than others. Yay for consistency.


> Hello, any news regarding this?
> >I'll take a look. It's possible we broke the CModelInfo ABI in a way that
> >* sourcetest doesn't hit.
> *>
> >* A crash issue here. After merging the code I get both Windows and Linux
> *>>* server running, Windows client working fine too but Linux and OSX clients
> *>>* will crash after map load, here's the trace:
> ** 0   engine.dylib0x0a87105f
> *>>* CModelInfo::GetModelType(model_t const*) const + 31
> *>>* 1   client.dylib0x1d114ea9
> *>>* CClientLeafSystem::NewRenderable(IClientRenderable*, RenderGroup_t, int) 
> +
> *>>* 121
> *>>* 2   client.dylib0x1d115010
> *>>* CClientLeafSystem::CreateRenderableHandle(IClientRenderable*, bool) + 96
> *>>* 3   engine.dylib0x0a8f3529
> *>>* CStaticPropMgr::LevelInitClient() + 169
> *>>* 4   engine.dylib0x0a763c31 CL_FullyConnected() + 49
> *>>* 5   engine.dylib0x0a73d067
> *>>* CClientState::SetSignonState(int, int) + 823
> *>>* 6   engine.dylib0x0a7200bb
> *>>* CBaseClientState::ProcessPacketEntities(SVC_PacketEntities*) + 219
> *>>* 7   engine.dylib0x0a8d4776
> *>>* CClientState::ProcessPacketEntities(SVC_PacketEntities*) + 182
> *>>* 8   engine.dylib0x0a8d47ab non-virtual thunk to
> *>>* CClientState::ProcessPacketEntities(SVC_PacketEntities*) + 27
> *>>* 9   engine.dylib0x0a68fc98
> *>>* SVC_PacketEntities::Process() + 24
> *>>* 10  engine.dylib0x0a8914eb
> *>>* CNetChan::ProcessMessages(bf_read&) + 843
> *>>* 11  engine.dylib0x0a891c6c
> *>>* CNetChan::CheckReceivingList(int) + 380
> *>>* 12  engine.dylib0x0a8926ff
> *>>* CNetChan::ProcessPacket(netpacket_s*, bool) + 751*
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Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release

2015-10-01 Thread Rebel Yell
Hello, any news regarding this?

I'll take a look. It's possible we broke the CModelInfo ABI in a way that
> sourcetest doesn't hit.

> A crash issue here. After merging the code I get both Windows and Linux
>> server running, Windows client working fine too but Linux and OSX clients
>> will crash after map load, here's the trace:
>> 0   engine.dylib0x0a87105f
>> CModelInfo::GetModelType(model_t const*) const + 31
>> 1   client.dylib0x1d114ea9
>> CClientLeafSystem::NewRenderable(IClientRenderable*, RenderGroup_t, int) +
>> 121
>> 2   client.dylib0x1d115010
>> CClientLeafSystem::CreateRenderableHandle(IClientRenderable*, bool) + 96
>> 3   engine.dylib0x0a8f3529
>> CStaticPropMgr::LevelInitClient() + 169
>> 4   engine.dylib0x0a763c31 CL_FullyConnected() + 49
>> 5   engine.dylib0x0a73d067
>> CClientState::SetSignonState(int, int) + 823
>> 6   engine.dylib0x0a7200bb
>> CBaseClientState::ProcessPacketEntities(SVC_PacketEntities*) + 219
>> 7   engine.dylib0x0a8d4776
>> CClientState::ProcessPacketEntities(SVC_PacketEntities*) + 182
>> 8   engine.dylib0x0a8d47ab non-virtual thunk to
>> CClientState::ProcessPacketEntities(SVC_PacketEntities*) + 27
>> 9   engine.dylib0x0a68fc98
>> SVC_PacketEntities::Process() + 24
>> 10  engine.dylib0x0a8914eb
>> CNetChan::ProcessMessages(bf_read&) + 843
>> 11  engine.dylib0x0a891c6c
>> CNetChan::CheckReceivingList(int) + 380
>> 12  engine.dylib0x0a8926ff
>> CNetChan::ProcessPacket(netpacket_s*, bool) + 751
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Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release

2015-09-14 Thread Tobias Kammersgaard
You said you ported it to Tactical Intervention without changing the BSP
format as far as I remember. VRAD basically does some extra calculations on
a model which gives better lighting. I don't remember the specifics and I
seem to have deleted my old mIRC install from my laptop.

On 12 September 2015 at 20:48, Tony "omega" Sergi 

> On Sat, Sep 12, 2015 at 11:46 PM, Tobias Kammersgaard <
>> wrote:
> While we're at it, it'd be nice if vrad did the same calculations on model
> lighting as it does in newer engine branches like ASW/L4D2 and CSGO.
> I believe Tony Sergi once told me it could be implemented without changing
> the BSP format (which was done for the newer branches).
> What did I say? What do you mean?
> ___
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Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release

2015-09-12 Thread Tony "omega" Sergi
On Sat, Sep 12, 2015 at 11:46 PM, Tobias Kammersgaard <> wrote:
While we're at it, it'd be nice if vrad did the same calculations on model
lighting as it does in newer engine branches like ASW/L4D2 and CSGO.
I believe Tony Sergi once told me it could be implemented without changing
the BSP format (which was done for the newer branches).

What did I say? What do you mean?

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Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release

2015-09-12 Thread Tobias Kammersgaard
While we're at it, it'd be nice if vrad did the same calculations on model
lighting as it does in newer engine branches like ASW/L4D2 and CSGO.

I believe Tony Sergi once told me it could be implemented without changing
the BSP format (which was done for the newer branches).

On 12 September 2015 at 16:38, Harry Jeffery  wrote:

> A non-critical feature that it'd be nice to have is the ability to create
> impossible geometry by linking areas with invisible portals, as was done in
> Portal 2.
> On 12/09/15 15:32, Tobias Kammersgaard wrote:
>> How about updating the particle system to match the one found in e.g.
>> Alien Swarm/Left 4 Dead 2 or CSGO?
>> The current one is somewhat limiting when creating certain type of
>> effects.
>> On 11 September 2015 at 20:50, John Schoenick > <>> wrote:
>> I'll take a look. It's possible we broke the CModelInfo ABI in a way
>> that sourcetest doesn't hit.
>> *From:*
>> <>
>> [
>> <>] on behalf of Rebel
>> Yell [ <>]
>> *Sent:* Friday, September 11, 2015 10:01 AM
>> *To:*
>> <>
>> *Subject:* Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release
>> A crash issue here. After merging the code I get both Windows and
>> Linux server running, Windows client working fine too but Linux and
>> OSX clients will crash after map load, here's the trace:
>> 0   engine.dylib0x0a87105f
>> CModelInfo::GetModelType(model_t const*) const + 31
>> 1   client.dylib0x1d114ea9
>> CClientLeafSystem::NewRenderable(IClientRenderable*, RenderGroup_t,
>> int) + 121
>> 2   client.dylib0x1d115010
>> CClientLeafSystem::CreateRenderableHandle(IClientRenderable*, bool) +
>> 96
>> 3   engine.dylib0x0a8f3529
>> CStaticPropMgr::LevelInitClient() + 169
>> 4   engine.dylib0x0a763c31 CL_FullyConnected() +
>> 49
>> 5   engine.dylib0x0a73d067
>> CClientState::SetSignonState(int, int) + 823
>> 6   engine.dylib0x0a7200bb
>> CBaseClientState::ProcessPacketEntities(SVC_PacketEntities*) + 219
>> 7   engine.dylib0x0a8d4776
>> CClientState::ProcessPacketEntities(SVC_PacketEntities*) + 182
>> 8   engine.dylib0x0a8d47ab non-virtual thunk to
>> CClientState::ProcessPacketEntities(SVC_PacketEntities*) + 27
>> 9   engine.dylib0x0a68fc98
>> SVC_PacketEntities::Process() + 24
>> 10  engine.dylib0x0a8914eb
>> CNetChan::ProcessMessages(bf_read&) + 843
>> 11  engine.dylib0x0a891c6c
>> CNetChan::CheckReceivingList(int) + 380
>> 12  engine.dylib0x0a8926ff
>> CNetChan::ProcessPacket(netpacket_s*, bool) + 751
>> I'm quite sure my SDK bin/ directory is up to date with the
>> beta_test branch files since my mod is  standalone (Fistful of
>> Frags), I triple checked that. So I don't see where the problem is,
>> maybe wrong engine (or other) library for Linux/OSX?
>> ___
>> To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list
>> archives, please visit:
>> ___
>> To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives,
>> please visit:
> ___
> To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives,
> please visit:
To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives, please 

Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release

2015-09-12 Thread Harry Jeffery
A non-critical feature that it'd be nice to have is the ability to 
create impossible geometry by linking areas with invisible portals, as 
was done in Portal 2.

On 12/09/15 15:32, Tobias Kammersgaard wrote:

How about updating the particle system to match the one found in e.g.
Alien Swarm/Left 4 Dead 2 or CSGO?

The current one is somewhat limiting when creating certain type of effects.

On 11 September 2015 at 20:50, John Schoenick>> wrote:

I'll take a look. It's possible we broke the CModelInfo ABI in a way
that sourcetest doesn't hit.

<>] on behalf of Rebel
Yell [ <>]
*Sent:* Friday, September 11, 2015 10:01 AM
*Subject:* Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release

A crash issue here. After merging the code I get both Windows and
Linux server running, Windows client working fine too but Linux and
OSX clients will crash after map load, here's the trace:

0   engine.dylib0x0a87105f
CModelInfo::GetModelType(model_t const*) const + 31
1   client.dylib0x1d114ea9
CClientLeafSystem::NewRenderable(IClientRenderable*, RenderGroup_t,
int) + 121
2   client.dylib0x1d115010
CClientLeafSystem::CreateRenderableHandle(IClientRenderable*, bool) + 96
3   engine.dylib0x0a8f3529
CStaticPropMgr::LevelInitClient() + 169
4   engine.dylib0x0a763c31 CL_FullyConnected() + 49
5   engine.dylib0x0a73d067
CClientState::SetSignonState(int, int) + 823
6   engine.dylib0x0a7200bb
CBaseClientState::ProcessPacketEntities(SVC_PacketEntities*) + 219
7   engine.dylib0x0a8d4776
CClientState::ProcessPacketEntities(SVC_PacketEntities*) + 182
8   engine.dylib0x0a8d47ab non-virtual thunk to
CClientState::ProcessPacketEntities(SVC_PacketEntities*) + 27
9   engine.dylib0x0a68fc98
SVC_PacketEntities::Process() + 24
10  engine.dylib0x0a8914eb
CNetChan::ProcessMessages(bf_read&) + 843
11  engine.dylib0x0a891c6c
CNetChan::CheckReceivingList(int) + 380
12  engine.dylib0x0a8926ff
CNetChan::ProcessPacket(netpacket_s*, bool) + 751

I'm quite sure my SDK bin/ directory is up to date with the
beta_test branch files since my mod is  standalone (Fistful of
Frags), I triple checked that. So I don't see where the problem is,
maybe wrong engine (or other) library for Linux/OSX?

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archives, please visit:

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To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives, please 

Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release

2015-09-12 Thread Tobias Kammersgaard
How about updating the particle system to match the one found in e.g. Alien
Swarm/Left 4 Dead 2 or CSGO?

The current one is somewhat limiting when creating certain type of effects.

On 11 September 2015 at 20:50, John Schoenick 

> I'll take a look. It's possible we broke the CModelInfo ABI in a way that
> sourcetest doesn't hit.
> --
> *From:* [
>] on behalf of Rebel Yell [
> *Sent:* Friday, September 11, 2015 10:01 AM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release
> A crash issue here. After merging the code I get both Windows and Linux
> server running, Windows client working fine too but Linux and OSX clients
> will crash after map load, here's the trace:
> 0   engine.dylib0x0a87105f
> CModelInfo::GetModelType(model_t const*) const + 31
> 1   client.dylib0x1d114ea9
> CClientLeafSystem::NewRenderable(IClientRenderable*, RenderGroup_t, int) +
> 121
> 2   client.dylib0x1d115010
> CClientLeafSystem::CreateRenderableHandle(IClientRenderable*, bool) + 96
> 3   engine.dylib0x0a8f3529
> CStaticPropMgr::LevelInitClient() + 169
> 4   engine.dylib0x0a763c31 CL_FullyConnected() + 49
> 5   engine.dylib0x0a73d067
> CClientState::SetSignonState(int, int) + 823
> 6   engine.dylib0x0a7200bb
> CBaseClientState::ProcessPacketEntities(SVC_PacketEntities*) + 219
> 7   engine.dylib0x0a8d4776
> CClientState::ProcessPacketEntities(SVC_PacketEntities*) + 182
> 8   engine.dylib0x0a8d47ab non-virtual thunk to
> CClientState::ProcessPacketEntities(SVC_PacketEntities*) + 27
> 9   engine.dylib0x0a68fc98
> SVC_PacketEntities::Process() + 24
> 10  engine.dylib0x0a8914eb
> CNetChan::ProcessMessages(bf_read&) + 843
> 11  engine.dylib0x0a891c6c
> CNetChan::CheckReceivingList(int) + 380
> 12  engine.dylib0x0a8926ff
> CNetChan::ProcessPacket(netpacket_s*, bool) + 751
> I'm quite sure my SDK bin/ directory is up to date with the beta_test
> branch files since my mod is  standalone (Fistful of Frags), I triple
> checked that. So I don't see where the problem is, maybe wrong engine (or
> other) library for Linux/OSX?
> ___
> To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives,
> please visit:
To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives, please 

Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release

2015-09-11 Thread John Schoenick
I'll take a look. It's possible we broke the CModelInfo ABI in a way that 
sourcetest doesn't hit.

[] on behalf of Rebel Yell 
Sent: Friday, September 11, 2015 10:01 AM
Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release

A crash issue here. After merging the code I get both Windows and Linux server 
running, Windows client working fine too but Linux and OSX clients will crash 
after map load, here's the trace:

0   engine.dylib0x0a87105f CModelInfo::GetModelType(model_t 
const*) const + 31
1   client.dylib0x1d114ea9 
CClientLeafSystem::NewRenderable(IClientRenderable*, RenderGroup_t, int) + 121
2   client.dylib0x1d115010 
CClientLeafSystem::CreateRenderableHandle(IClientRenderable*, bool) + 96
3   engine.dylib0x0a8f3529 
CStaticPropMgr::LevelInitClient() + 169
4   engine.dylib0x0a763c31 CL_FullyConnected() + 49
5   engine.dylib0x0a73d067 
CClientState::SetSignonState(int, int) + 823
6   engine.dylib0x0a7200bb 
CBaseClientState::ProcessPacketEntities(SVC_PacketEntities*) + 219
7   engine.dylib0x0a8d4776 
CClientState::ProcessPacketEntities(SVC_PacketEntities*) + 182
8   engine.dylib0x0a8d47ab non-virtual thunk to 
CClientState::ProcessPacketEntities(SVC_PacketEntities*) + 27
9   engine.dylib0x0a68fc98 SVC_PacketEntities::Process() + 
10  engine.dylib0x0a8914eb 
CNetChan::ProcessMessages(bf_read&) + 843
11  engine.dylib0x0a891c6c 
CNetChan::CheckReceivingList(int) + 380
12  engine.dylib0x0a8926ff 
CNetChan::ProcessPacket(netpacket_s*, bool) + 751

I'm quite sure my SDK bin/ directory is up to date with the beta_test branch 
files since my mod is  standalone (Fistful of Frags), I triple checked that. So 
I don't see where the problem is, maybe wrong engine (or other) library for 
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Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release

2015-09-11 Thread Rebel Yell
A crash issue here. After merging the code I get both Windows and Linux
server running, Windows client working fine too but Linux and OSX clients
will crash after map load, here's the trace:

0   engine.dylib0x0a87105f
CModelInfo::GetModelType(model_t const*) const + 31
1   client.dylib0x1d114ea9
CClientLeafSystem::NewRenderable(IClientRenderable*, RenderGroup_t, int) +
2   client.dylib0x1d115010
CClientLeafSystem::CreateRenderableHandle(IClientRenderable*, bool) + 96
3   engine.dylib0x0a8f3529
CStaticPropMgr::LevelInitClient() + 169
4   engine.dylib0x0a763c31 CL_FullyConnected() + 49
5   engine.dylib0x0a73d067
CClientState::SetSignonState(int, int) + 823
6   engine.dylib0x0a7200bb
CBaseClientState::ProcessPacketEntities(SVC_PacketEntities*) + 219
7   engine.dylib0x0a8d4776
CClientState::ProcessPacketEntities(SVC_PacketEntities*) + 182
8   engine.dylib0x0a8d47ab non-virtual thunk to
CClientState::ProcessPacketEntities(SVC_PacketEntities*) + 27
9   engine.dylib0x0a68fc98
SVC_PacketEntities::Process() + 24
10  engine.dylib0x0a8914eb
CNetChan::ProcessMessages(bf_read&) + 843
11  engine.dylib0x0a891c6c
CNetChan::CheckReceivingList(int) + 380
12  engine.dylib0x0a8926ff
CNetChan::ProcessPacket(netpacket_s*, bool) + 751

I'm quite sure my SDK bin/ directory is up to date with the beta_test
branch files since my mod is  standalone (Fistful of Frags), I triple
checked that. So I don't see where the problem is, maybe wrong engine (or
other) library for Linux/OSX?
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Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release

2015-09-11 Thread geotavros

Hi John,

Yesterday's TF2 update fixed several crashes. Lightmap on prop_static 
crash specifically
- Fixed a client crash for users who had model quality set to low on 
maps with static prop lightmaps (thanks to Egan for the detailed report 
and test case)

Could this crash fix be ported on Source SDK 2013? Because I checked it 
and it reproduces on my test level.

There is also an other issue of artifacts on prop_static with lightmaps 
which are far from player

On 9/10/2015 5:18 AM, John Schoenick wrote:
We've just pushed an update to the Source SDK 2013 on GitHub. This 
update includes security fixes to the game code included in the SDK, 
so all mods are strongly encouraged to integrate these updates as soon 
as possible.

This brings the GitHub repository in sync with the SourceSDK Base 2013 
*beta_test* branch on Steam. If all goes well, we will be promoting 
the beta_test branch to the primary branch on Steam in the next few 
days, so please give it a test run and let us know if you encounter 
any issues.

- John

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Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release

2015-09-09 Thread Neico

please consider this, it's a major pain...

John Schoenick wrote on 10.09.2015 at 04:18 GMT +1:
We've just pushed an update to the Source SDK 2013 on GitHub. This 
update includes security fixes to the game code included in the SDK, 
so all mods are strongly encouraged to integrate these updates as soon 
as possible.

This brings the GitHub repository in sync with the SourceSDK Base 2013 
*beta_test* branch on Steam. If all goes well, we will be promoting 
the beta_test branch to the primary branch on Steam in the next few 
days, so please give it a test run and let us know if you encounter 
any issues.

- John

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Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK Base 2013 Multiplayer beta release

2015-09-07 Thread Dexter Haslem
Hi Eric,

Any plans to update older versions of the engine? Would like to know either
way for dedicated server configuration moving forward

On Mon, Sep 7, 2015 at 8:54 PM, Kyle Sanderson  wrote:

> Good news.
> Thanks,
> Kyle.
> On Mon, Sep 7, 2015 at 7:39 PM, Eric Smith 
> wrote:
> > We've released a beta update for the Source SDK Base 2013 Multiplayer
> depot. The updated depots include several security fixes. The name for the
> beta branch is "beta_test". If you're running a game that depends on the
> Source SDK Base 2013 Multiplayer tool, please give the beta a try and
> report any problems. You can email me directly with any problems you find.
> >
> > * Clients can opt-in to the beta using the Betas tab of the
> Properties dialog for the Source SDK Base 2013 Multiplayer tool (select
> "beta_test" in the dropdown menu)
> >
> > * Dedicated servers can find information about how to use a beta
> here:
> >
> >
> > We're also working on updates for Counter-Strike: Source, Day of Defeat:
> Source, and Half-Life 2: Deathmatch. We'll have more information about
> those soon.
> >
> > Thanks.
> >
> > -Eric
> >
> >
> > ___
> > To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives,
> please visit:
> >
> >
> ___
> To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives,
> please visit:
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Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK Base 2013 Multiplayer beta release

2015-09-07 Thread Kyle Sanderson
Good news.


On Mon, Sep 7, 2015 at 7:39 PM, Eric Smith  wrote:
> We've released a beta update for the Source SDK Base 2013 Multiplayer depot. 
> The updated depots include several security fixes. The name for the beta 
> branch is "beta_test". If you're running a game that depends on the Source 
> SDK Base 2013 Multiplayer tool, please give the beta a try and report any 
> problems. You can email me directly with any problems you find.
> * Clients can opt-in to the beta using the Betas tab of the 
> Properties dialog for the Source SDK Base 2013 Multiplayer tool (select 
> "beta_test" in the dropdown menu)
> * Dedicated servers can find information about how to use a beta here:
> We're also working on updates for Counter-Strike: Source, Day of Defeat: 
> Source, and Half-Life 2: Deathmatch. We'll have more information about those 
> soon.
> Thanks.
> -Eric
> ___
> To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives, please 
> visit:

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Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 has been updated (with a breaking change)

2014-05-27 Thread Joe Ludwig
This is live now. Please let me know if you have any trouble.


[] On Behalf Of Jorge Rodriguez
Sent: Tuesday, May 27, 2014 7:56 AM
To: Discussion of Half-Life Programming
Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 has been updated (with a breaking 

Muchos gracias.

2014-05-26 19:59 GMT-04:00 Joe Ludwig>>:
Not yet. I forgot to push the button on Thursday.

I will push it tomorrow 5/26 so you guys have a little warning.


 On Behalf Of Jorge Rodriguez
Sent: Monday, May 26, 2014 3:14 PM
To: Discussion of Half-Life Programming
Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 has been updated (with a breaking 

This was supposed to ship on the 22nd but I still have to be in the upcoming 
beta for sdk 2013 multiplayer for it to work for me. Has this shipped yet?
On May 15, 2014 8:03 PM, "Joe Ludwig">> wrote:
Details on the update are here:

Details on the breaking change are here:

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Jorge "Vino" Rodríguez
[ Tw<> | Fb<> | 
G+<> | Ht<> ]
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Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 has been updated (with a breaking change)

2014-05-27 Thread Jorge Rodriguez
Muchos gracias.

2014-05-26 19:59 GMT-04:00 Joe Ludwig :

>  Not yet. I forgot to push the button on Thursday.
> I will push it tomorrow 5/26 so you guys have a little warning.
> Joe
> *From:* [mailto:
>] *On Behalf Of *Jorge Rodriguez
> *Sent:* Monday, May 26, 2014 3:14 PM
> *To:* Discussion of Half-Life Programming
> *Subject:* Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 has been updated (with a
> breaking change)
> This was supposed to ship on the 22nd but I still have to be in the
> upcoming beta for sdk 2013 multiplayer for it to work for me. Has this
> shipped yet?
> On May 15, 2014 8:03 PM, "Joe Ludwig"  wrote:
> Details on the update are here:
> Details on the breaking change are here:
> ___
> To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives,
> please visit:
> ___
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Jorge "Vino" Rodríguez
[ Tw <> | Fb <>
| G+<>|
Ht <> ]
To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives, please 

Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 has been updated (with a breaking change)

2014-05-26 Thread Joe Ludwig
Not yet. I forgot to push the button on Thursday.

I will push it tomorrow 5/26 so you guys have a little warning.


[] On Behalf Of Jorge Rodriguez
Sent: Monday, May 26, 2014 3:14 PM
To: Discussion of Half-Life Programming
Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 has been updated (with a breaking 

This was supposed to ship on the 22nd but I still have to be in the upcoming 
beta for sdk 2013 multiplayer for it to work for me. Has this shipped yet?
On May 15, 2014 8:03 PM, "Joe Ludwig">> wrote:
Details on the update are here:

Details on the breaking change are here:

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To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives, please 

Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 has been updated (with a breaking change)

2014-05-26 Thread Jorge Rodriguez
This was supposed to ship on the 22nd but I still have to be in the
upcoming beta for sdk 2013 multiplayer for it to work for me. Has this
shipped yet?
On May 15, 2014 8:03 PM, "Joe Ludwig"  wrote:

>  Details on the update are here:
> Details on the breaking change are here:
> ___
> To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives,
> please visit:
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Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 has been updated (with a breaking change)

2014-05-18 Thread Jan Hartung
Joe and Krzysztof: thanks for your instant replies. I copied an older
version of libprotobuf.lib to public\lib\2010, edited the additional library
paths and now it works again.




[] Im Auftrag von Joe Ludwig
Gesendet: Sonntag, 18. Mai 2014 19:57
An: Discussion of Half-Life Programming
Betreff: Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 has been updated (with a breaking


The two library files are specific to their compiler versions. I'll get the
2010 into Github, but for now you can grab one version back of the file in
lib public. That is the old "default" lib, which was 2010.

On May 18, 2014 10:40 AM, Krzysztof Lesiak  wrote:

If the linker complains about anything, it’s almost always the case that it
can’t find a required file.

You should be able compile after manually placing the file in the required
directory, though. Do you have the additional library paths set up
correctly? (in properties -> linker -> additional library directories)




From: Jan Hartung <> 
Sent: ‎Sunday‎, ‎18‎ ‎May‎, ‎2014 ‎19‎:‎07


Hi list,


I merged all latest changes to our project in order to prepare for the 22
May update. We’re still using VS 2010, so I re-created all project and
solution files with the /2010 switch. Now the project cannot be built
anymore, as it depends on the file lib\public\2010\libprotobuf.lib which is
missing from Git. Additionally, it doesn’t help to just create that
directory and copy the libprotobuf.lib from lib\public to it. In this case
the linker complains about a bunch of unresolved external symbols. Am I
doing something wrong here, or is the correct file actually missing?




[] Im Auftrag von Joe Ludwig
Gesendet: Freitag, 16. Mai 2014 01:57
An: Discussion of Half-Life Programming (
Betreff: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 has been updated (with a breaking


Details on the update are here:


Details on the breaking change are here:




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Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 has been updated (with a breaking change)

2014-05-18 Thread Joe Ludwig
The two library files are specific to their compiler versions. I'll get the 
2010 into Github, but for now you can grab one version back of the file in lib 
public. That is the old "default" lib, which was 2010.

On May 18, 2014 10:40 AM, Krzysztof Lesiak  wrote:
If the linker complains about anything, it’s almost always the case that it 
can’t find a required file.
You should be able compile after manually placing the file in the required 
directory, though. Do you have the additional library paths set up correctly? 
(in properties -> linker -> additional library directories)


From: Jan Hartung
Sent: ‎Sunday‎, ‎18‎ ‎May‎, ‎2014 ‎19‎:‎07

Hi list,

I merged all latest changes to our project in order to prepare for the 22 May 
update. We’re still using VS 2010, so I re-created all project and solution 
files with the /2010 switch. Now the project cannot be built anymore, as it 
depends on the file lib\public\2010\libprotobuf.lib which is missing from Git. 
Additionally, it doesn’t help to just create that directory and copy the 
libprotobuf.lib from lib\public to it. In this case the linker complains about 
a bunch of unresolved external symbols. Am I doing something wrong here, or is 
the correct file actually missing?


[] Im Auftrag von Joe Ludwig
Gesendet: Freitag, 16. Mai 2014 01:57
An: Discussion of Half-Life Programming (
Betreff: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 has been updated (with a breaking change)

Details on the update are here:

Details on the breaking change are here:

To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives, please 

Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 has been updated (with a breaking change)

2014-05-18 Thread Krzysztof Lesiak
If the linker complains about anything, it’s almost always the case that it 
can’t find a required file.

You should be able compile after manually placing the file in the required 
directory, though. Do you have the additional library paths set up correctly? 
(in properties -> linker -> additional library directories)


From: Jan Hartung
Sent: ‎Sunday‎, ‎18‎ ‎May‎, ‎2014 ‎19‎:‎07

Hi list,


I merged all latest changes to our project in order to prepare for the 22 May 
update. We’re still using VS 2010, so I re-created all project and solution 
files with the /2010 switch. Now the project cannot be built anymore, as it 
depends on the file lib\public\2010\libprotobuf.lib which is missing from Git. 
Additionally, it doesn’t help to just create that directory and copy the 
libprotobuf.lib from lib\public to it. In this case the linker complains about 
a bunch of unresolved external symbols. Am I doing something wrong here, or is 
the correct file actually missing?




[] Im Auftrag von Joe Ludwig
Gesendet: Freitag, 16. Mai 2014 01:57
An: Discussion of Half-Life Programming (
Betreff: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 has been updated (with a breaking change)


Details on the update are here:


Details on the breaking change are here:
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To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives, please 

Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 has been updated (with a breaking change)

2014-05-18 Thread Jan Hartung
Hi list,


I merged all latest changes to our project in order to prepare for the 22
May update. We're still using VS 2010, so I re-created all project and
solution files with the /2010 switch. Now the project cannot be built
anymore, as it depends on the file lib\public\2010\libprotobuf.lib which is
missing from Git. Additionally, it doesn't help to just create that
directory and copy the libprotobuf.lib from lib\public to it. In this case
the linker complains about a bunch of unresolved external symbols. Am I
doing something wrong here, or is the correct file actually missing?




[] Im Auftrag von Joe Ludwig
Gesendet: Freitag, 16. Mai 2014 01:57
An: Discussion of Half-Life Programming (
Betreff: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 has been updated (with a breaking


Details on the update are here:


Details on the breaking change are here:




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Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2007 mod - No crash dumps

2014-03-16 Thread Nick
make sure your mod is actually loading
make sure the right engine
make sure all files/directory are writable

start a new sdk, compile it, run it, check for mdmp files

On Sun, Mar 16, 2014 at 12:53 PM, James Marchant wrote:

> Already done that. Unfortunately nothing useful comes up. Any other ideas?
> --
> Date: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 12:02:28 -0500
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2007 mod - No crash dumps
> search for recent .mdmp files in your steam directory
> On Sun, Mar 16, 2014 at 10:42 AM, James Marchant 
> wrote:
> Yeah I knew about that folder, but they're still not generated for me.
> Perhaps there's some other step I'm missing?
> --
> Date: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 17:36:23 +0200
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2007 mod - No crash dumps
> Oh, i see now, here they are. Thank you for quick response.
> 2014-03-16 17:32 GMT+02:00 Neico :
>  You might want to look into /dumps
> this is where all the new source engine minidumps go.
> it's gotten harder to find out which belongs to which game / mod with that
> tough (regulary cleaning that folder should help tough)
> - Neico
> On 16.03.2014 15:45 GMT +1, Gunship Mark II wrote:
> Have the same problem, no dump files. I am using latest Source2013 source
> code from GitHub.
> 2014-03-16 16:04 GMT+02:00 James Marchant :
>  Ever since I got converted to the Steampipe update way back where a lot
> of stuff moved around to the "common" folder, I don't get any crash dumps
> when my mod crashes. It's relatively clean code without many additions. I'm
> compiling under debug and all that kind of stuff. Does anyone have any
> ideas why I wouldn't be getting crash dumps now?
> ___
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> visit:
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> ___
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> please visit:
> ___ To unsubscribe, edit your
> list preferences, or view the list archives, please visit:
> ___
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> please visit:
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Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2007 mod - No crash dumps

2014-03-16 Thread James Marchant
Already done that. Unfortunately nothing useful comes up. Any other ideas?

Date: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 12:02:28 -0500
Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2007 mod - No crash dumps

search for recent .mdmp files in your steam directory

On Sun, Mar 16, 2014 at 10:42 AM, James Marchant  

Yeah I knew about that folder, but they're still not generated for me. Perhaps 
there's some other step I'm missing?

Date: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 17:36:23 +0200

Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2007 mod - No crash dumps

Oh, i see now, here they are. Thank you for quick response.

2014-03-16 17:32 GMT+02:00 Neico :


You might want to look into /dumps

this is where all the new source engine minidumps go.

it's gotten harder to find out which belongs to which game / mod
with that tough (regulary cleaning that folder should help tough)

- Neico

On 16.03.2014 15:45 GMT +1, Gunship
  Mark II wrote:

  Have the same problem, no dump files. I am using
latest Source2013 source code from GitHub.


2014-03-16 16:04 GMT+02:00 James
  Marchant :


  Ever since I got converted to the Steampipe
update way back where a lot of stuff moved around to the
"common" folder, I don't get any crash dumps when my mod
crashes. It's relatively clean code without many
additions. I'm compiling under debug and all that kind
of stuff. Does anyone have any ideas why I wouldn't be
getting crash dumps now? 


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To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives, please 

Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2007 mod - No crash dumps

2014-03-16 Thread Nick
search for recent .mdmp files in your steam directory

On Sun, Mar 16, 2014 at 10:42 AM, James Marchant wrote:

> Yeah I knew about that folder, but they're still not generated for me.
> Perhaps there's some other step I'm missing?
> --
> Date: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 17:36:23 +0200
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2007 mod - No crash dumps
> Oh, i see now, here they are. Thank you for quick response.
> 2014-03-16 17:32 GMT+02:00 Neico :
>  You might want to look into /dumps
> this is where all the new source engine minidumps go.
> it's gotten harder to find out which belongs to which game / mod with that
> tough (regulary cleaning that folder should help tough)
> - Neico
> On 16.03.2014 15:45 GMT +1, Gunship Mark II wrote:
> Have the same problem, no dump files. I am using latest Source2013 source
> code from GitHub.
> 2014-03-16 16:04 GMT+02:00 James Marchant :
>  Ever since I got converted to the Steampipe update way back where a lot
> of stuff moved around to the "common" folder, I don't get any crash dumps
> when my mod crashes. It's relatively clean code without many additions. I'm
> compiling under debug and all that kind of stuff. Does anyone have any
> ideas why I wouldn't be getting crash dumps now?
> ___
> To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives,
> please visit:
> ___
> To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives, please 
> visit:
> ___
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> please visit:
> ___ To unsubscribe, edit your
> list preferences, or view the list archives, please visit:
> ___
> To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives,
> please visit:
To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives, please 

Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2007 mod - No crash dumps

2014-03-16 Thread James Marchant
Yeah I knew about that folder, but they're still not generated for me. Perhaps 
there's some other step I'm missing?

Date: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 17:36:23 +0200
Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2007 mod - No crash dumps

Oh, i see now, here they are. Thank you for quick response.

2014-03-16 17:32 GMT+02:00 Neico :


You might want to look into /dumps

this is where all the new source engine minidumps go.

it's gotten harder to find out which belongs to which game / mod
with that tough (regulary cleaning that folder should help tough)

- Neico

On 16.03.2014 15:45 GMT +1, Gunship
  Mark II wrote:

  Have the same problem, no dump files. I am using
latest Source2013 source code from GitHub.


2014-03-16 16:04 GMT+02:00 James
  Marchant :


  Ever since I got converted to the Steampipe
update way back where a lot of stuff moved around to the
"common" folder, I don't get any crash dumps when my mod
crashes. It's relatively clean code without many
additions. I'm compiling under debug and all that kind
of stuff. Does anyone have any ideas why I wouldn't be
getting crash dumps now? 


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archives, please visit:




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Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2007 mod - No crash dumps

2014-03-16 Thread Gunship Mark II
Oh, i see now, here they are. Thank you for quick response.

2014-03-16 17:32 GMT+02:00 Neico :

>  You might want to look into /dumps
> this is where all the new source engine minidumps go.
> it's gotten harder to find out which belongs to which game / mod with that
> tough (regulary cleaning that folder should help tough)
> - Neico
> On 16.03.2014 15:45 GMT +1, Gunship Mark II wrote:
> Have the same problem, no dump files. I am using latest Source2013 source
> code from GitHub.
> 2014-03-16 16:04 GMT+02:00 James Marchant :
>>  Ever since I got converted to the Steampipe update way back where a lot
>> of stuff moved around to the "common" folder, I don't get any crash dumps
>> when my mod crashes. It's relatively clean code without many additions. I'm
>> compiling under debug and all that kind of stuff. Does anyone have any
>> ideas why I wouldn't be getting crash dumps now?
>> ___
>> To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives,
>> please visit:
> ___
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> visit:
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Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2007 mod - No crash dumps

2014-03-16 Thread Neico
You might want to look into /dumps
this is where all the new source engine minidumps go.

it's gotten harder to find out which belongs to which game / mod with
that tough (regulary cleaning that folder should help tough)

- Neico

On 16.03.2014 15:45 GMT +1, Gunship Mark II wrote:
> Have the same problem, no dump files. I am using latest Source2013
> source code from GitHub.
> 2014-03-16 16:04 GMT+02:00 James Marchant  >:
> Ever since I got converted to the Steampipe update way back where
> a lot of stuff moved around to the "common" folder, I don't get
> any crash dumps when my mod crashes. It's relatively clean code
> without many additions. I'm compiling under debug and all that
> kind of stuff. Does anyone have any ideas why I wouldn't be
> getting crash dumps now?
> ___
> To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list
> archives, please visit:
> ___
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> visit:

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
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Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2007 mod - No crash dumps

2014-03-16 Thread Gunship Mark II
Have the same problem, no dump files. I am using latest Source2013 source
code from GitHub.

2014-03-16 16:04 GMT+02:00 James Marchant :

> Ever since I got converted to the Steampipe update way back where a lot of
> stuff moved around to the "common" folder, I don't get any crash dumps when
> my mod crashes. It's relatively clean code without many additions. I'm
> compiling under debug and all that kind of stuff. Does anyone have any
> ideas why I wouldn't be getting crash dumps now?
> ___
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> please visit:
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Re: [hlcoders] source sdk 2006 mod on steampipe doesn't mount vpk but vpks mount when from source sdk base

2014-03-06 Thread Foo Bar
I've come to the conclusion porting to 2013 is the thing to do and I've
started doing so.  I had hoped to port after releasing, but it appears it's
not to be.

I don't like the idea of including loose files for the supporting content -
like hl2 content.  Fragmentation, performance, etc are all reasons to use

Thanks for the tip about VPC's.  I'll keep that in mind.  Winmerge is
awesome ;)

Thanks everyone for their feedback and advise.  Time to move along.


On Thu, Mar 6, 2014 at 4:37 PM, eric brown  wrote:

>  When the 2007 SDK stopped working for my mod, I ported it to 2013.  It
> only took a few days, and I think it was worth while.  I'm not sure how
> extensive your changes are to the SDK, but WinMerge did wonders for me.
> I also had issues with VPK and Steampipe, despite the fact that I'm using
> SDK 2013.  I'm sure there are advantages to using them, but if they're not
> worth documenting, are they really worth your time at this point?  I have
> no regrets in distributing my mod the old way using just the mod
> directories + files.
> If you decide to port to the 2013 SDK, I'll save you some time:  Only
> VPC-related files should be checked in to your project, since they're used
> to build the VStudio/Xcode/Makefiles that you use to build on other
> platforms.  That being said, I didn't do this, and I'm still not sure how
> VPC works, so i couldn't really tell you how to use them effectively...
> Best
> --Eric
> ----------
> From:
> To:
> Date: Thu, 6 Mar 2014 17:55:00 +
> Subject: Re: [hlcoders] source sdk 2006 mod on steampipe doesn't mount vpk
> but vpks mount when from source sdk base
>  The DLL provides a thunk layer from the older Steam2 based filesystem
> API's into the VPK format.
> - Alfred
> *From:* [mailto:
>] *On Behalf Of *Foo Bar
> *Sent:* Wednesday, March 05, 2014 6:47 PM
> *To:* Discussion of Half-Life Programming
> *Subject:* Re: [hlcoders] source sdk 2006 mod on steampipe doesn't mount
> vpk but vpks mount when from source sdk base
> Is there any additional information about the compatibility dll?  I
> haven't found anything on the dev wiki or elsewhere.   Where can it be
> found?
> I've tried messing with the stdio dll but the engine won't start with it.
> On Mar 5, 2014 5:16 PM, "Netshroud"  wrote:
> IIRC pre-SteamPipe games have a compatibility layer Steam.dll. It may be
> the case that the Source SDK Base does a similar thing.
> On 5 Mar 2014, at 7:55 pm, Foo Bar  wrote:
>  Is the Steam client loading a compatibility DLL for mounting the
> dependent VPKs?  If so, how do I use it?
> Isn't file system access all handled by Source SDK Base/hl2.exe and its
> libraries?
> ___
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> please visit:
> ___ To unsubscribe, edit your
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> ___
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Re: [hlcoders] source sdk 2006 mod on steampipe doesn't mount vpk but vpks mount when from source sdk base

2014-03-06 Thread eric brown

When the 2007 SDK stopped working for my mod, I ported it to 2013.  It only 
took a few days, and I think it was worth while.  I'm not sure how extensive 
your changes are to the SDK, but WinMerge did wonders for me.
I also had issues with VPK and Steampipe, despite the fact that I'm using SDK 
2013.  I'm sure there are advantages to using them, but if they're not worth 
documenting, are they really worth your time at this point?  I have no regrets 
in distributing my mod the old way using just the mod directories + files.
If you decide to port to the 2013 SDK, I'll save you some time:  Only 
VPC-related files should be checked in to your project, since they're used to 
build the VStudio/Xcode/Makefiles that you use to build on other platforms.  
That being said, I didn't do this, and I'm still not sure how VPC works, so i 
couldn't really tell you how to use them effectively...
Date: Thu, 6 Mar 2014 17:55:00 +
Subject: Re: [hlcoders] source sdk 2006 mod on steampipe doesn't mount vpk but 
vpks mount when from source sdk base

The DLL provides a thunk layer from the older Steam2 based filesystem API's 
into the VPK format.

- Alfred
On Behalf Of Foo Bar

Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2014 6:47 PM

To: Discussion of Half-Life Programming

Subject: Re: [hlcoders] source sdk 2006 mod on steampipe doesn't mount vpk but 
vpks mount when from source sdk base
Is there any additional information about the compatibility dll?  I haven't 
found anything on the dev wiki or elsewhere.   Where can it be found?

I've tried messing with the stdio dll but the engine won't start with it.

On Mar 5, 2014 5:16 PM, "Netshroud"  wrote:

IIRC pre-SteamPipe games have a compatibility layer Steam.dll. It may be the 
case that the Source SDK Base does a similar thing.


On 5 Mar 2014, at 7:55 pm, Foo Bar  wrote:

Is the Steam client loading a compatibility DLL for mounting the dependent 
VPKs?  If so, how do I use it?


Isn't file system access all handled by Source SDK Base/hl2.exe and its 



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To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives, please 

Re: [hlcoders] source sdk 2006 mod on steampipe doesn't mount vpk but vpks mount when from source sdk base

2014-03-06 Thread Alfred Reynolds
The DLL provides a thunk layer from the older Steam2 based filesystem API's 
into the VPK format.

- Alfred

[] On Behalf Of Foo Bar
Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2014 6:47 PM
To: Discussion of Half-Life Programming
Subject: Re: [hlcoders] source sdk 2006 mod on steampipe doesn't mount vpk but 
vpks mount when from source sdk base

Is there any additional information about the compatibility dll?  I haven't 
found anything on the dev wiki or elsewhere.   Where can it be found?

I've tried messing with the stdio dll but the engine won't start with it.
On Mar 5, 2014 5:16 PM, "Netshroud">> wrote:
IIRC pre-SteamPipe games have a compatibility layer Steam.dll. It may be the 
case that the Source SDK Base does a similar thing.

On 5 Mar 2014, at 7:55 pm, Foo Bar>> wrote:

Is the Steam client loading a compatibility DLL for mounting the dependent 
VPKs?  If so, how do I use it?

Isn't file system access all handled by Source SDK Base/hl2.exe and its 

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Re: [hlcoders] source sdk 2006 mod on steampipe doesn't mount vpk but vpks mount when from source sdk base

2014-03-05 Thread Foo Bar
Is there any additional information about the compatibility dll?  I haven't
found anything on the dev wiki or elsewhere.   Where can it be found?

I've tried messing with the stdio dll but the engine won't start with it.
On Mar 5, 2014 5:16 PM, "Netshroud"  wrote:

> IIRC pre-SteamPipe games have a compatibility layer Steam.dll. It may be
> the case that the Source SDK Base does a similar thing.
> On 5 Mar 2014, at 7:55 pm, Foo Bar  wrote:
> Is the Steam client loading a compatibility DLL for mounting the dependent
> VPKs?  If so, how do I use it?
> Isn't file system access all handled by Source SDK Base/hl2.exe and its
> libraries?
> ___
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> please visit:
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Re: [hlcoders] source sdk 2006 mod on steampipe doesn't mount vpk but vpks mount when from source sdk base

2014-03-05 Thread Netshroud
IIRC pre-SteamPipe games have a compatibility layer Steam.dll. It may be the 
case that the Source SDK Base does a similar thing.

On 5 Mar 2014, at 7:55 pm, Foo Bar  wrote:

> Is the Steam client loading a compatibility DLL for mounting the dependent 
> VPKs?  If so, how do I use it?
> Isn't file system access all handled by Source SDK Base/hl2.exe and its 
> libraries?

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Re: [hlcoders] source sdk 2006 mod on steampipe doesn't mount vpk but vpks mount when from source sdk base

2014-03-05 Thread Foo Bar
Porting to 2013 is mainly out of the question.  If it all I had hoped it
would happen long after the game was up on Steam.

I noticed today it is trying to mount depot_ID.vpk, and also trying to read
a file named "steam_vpks.vdf".  I haven't found any documentation on this
behavior but there might be a solution here.

On Wed, Mar 5, 2014 at 1:59 PM, Jesse Oak  wrote:

> I'm going to guess porting to 2013 is out of the question?
> On Wed, Mar 5, 2014 at 2:55 AM, Foo Bar  wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'm working on moving an SDK2006 mod to Steampipe.  Basically, I took the
>> contents of the Source SDK Base folder and plopped the gamedir inside,
>> updated gameinfo.txt and steam_appid.txt, etc.
>> When I try to launch it from my Steam library after installing from our
>> Steamworks depot the mod runs, but isn't able to mount any VPKs from hl2 or
>> platform.  I know I can manually extract the files it needs from the hl2
>> VPK, but I'd prefer not to have to do that.
>> Tracing it using procmon shows it trying to open VPK's as folders, and
>> using |all_source_engine_paths| as part of the path component to resources
>> its looking for.
>> However, using the exact same gamedir - it runs fine if placed into the
>> sourcemods/ directory.
>> I've also tried running the command line I see the spawned sourcemod
>> running as, it's something like:
>> "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Source SDK Base\hl2.exe"
>> -game sourcetest -steam -game "C:\Program Files
>> (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\sourcemods\themod"  -gameid areallybignumber
>> And I see the exact same problem.
>> It seems like when running a mod out of the sourcemods/ directory, Steam
>> launches it in a way that allows the mod to see data from within VPKs - but
>> standalone VPK's aren't supported.
>> Is the Steam client loading a compatibility DLL for mounting the
>> dependent VPKs?  If so, how do I use it?
>> Isn't file system access all handled by Source SDK Base/hl2.exe and its
>> libraries?
>> Any ideas?
>> Thanks
>> foo
>> ___
>> To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives,
>> please visit:
> ___
> To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives,
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Re: [hlcoders] source sdk 2006 mod on steampipe doesn't mount vpk but vpks mount when from source sdk base

2014-03-05 Thread Jesse Oak
I'm going to guess porting to 2013 is out of the question?

On Wed, Mar 5, 2014 at 2:55 AM, Foo Bar  wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm working on moving an SDK2006 mod to Steampipe.  Basically, I took the
> contents of the Source SDK Base folder and plopped the gamedir inside,
> updated gameinfo.txt and steam_appid.txt, etc.
> When I try to launch it from my Steam library after installing from our
> Steamworks depot the mod runs, but isn't able to mount any VPKs from hl2 or
> platform.  I know I can manually extract the files it needs from the hl2
> VPK, but I'd prefer not to have to do that.
> Tracing it using procmon shows it trying to open VPK's as folders, and
> using |all_source_engine_paths| as part of the path component to resources
> its looking for.
> However, using the exact same gamedir - it runs fine if placed into the
> sourcemods/ directory.
> I've also tried running the command line I see the spawned sourcemod
> running as, it's something like:
> "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Source SDK Base\hl2.exe"
> -game sourcetest -steam -game "C:\Program Files
> (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\sourcemods\themod"  -gameid areallybignumber
> And I see the exact same problem.
> It seems like when running a mod out of the sourcemods/ directory, Steam
> launches it in a way that allows the mod to see data from within VPKs - but
> standalone VPK's aren't supported.
> Is the Steam client loading a compatibility DLL for mounting the dependent
> VPKs?  If so, how do I use it?
> Isn't file system access all handled by Source SDK Base/hl2.exe and its
> libraries?
> Any ideas?
> Thanks
> foo
> ___
> To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives,
> please visit:
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Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 missing files?

2013-11-08 Thread Borzh
Tried IServerPluginHelpers::ClientCommand() and
IVEngineServer::ClientCommand(), same result.

2013/11/8 Borzh 

> All right, I started to use SDK 2013, all works perfectly now. Got only
> one issue in my plugin: bots can't say.
> I used IServerGameClients::ClientCommand() for this, but there is no
> output... any clues?
> 2013/11/7 Dexter Haslem 
>> Well, in that case.. I have the same problem with both  2006 & 2007
>> source SDK base executable and have not yet found a way around it
>> On Wed, Nov 6, 2013 at 5:43 PM, Borzh  wrote:
>> > yes, and I have Source SDK Base 2007 installed.
>> >
>> >
>> > 2013/11/6 Dexter Haslem 
>> >>
>> >> are we talking about 2007, not 2013 then? it has its own sdk base
>> incase
>> >> you are unaware
>> >>
>> >> On Nov 6, 2013 4:29 PM, "Borzh"  wrote:
>> >>>
>> >>> Just try executing
>> >>>
>> >>> "Steam\SteamApps\common\Source SDK Base 2007\hl2.exe" -game sourcetest
>> >>>
>> >>> it gives same errors. But from steam it is working...
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>> 2013/11/6 Nick 
>>  On Wed, Nov 6, 2013 at 11:52 AM, Jan Hartung 
>> wrote:
>> >
>> > What exactly is "some other missing file". WIth the information
>> > provided it’s quite difficult to pin down what your problem here
>> is. On a
>> > sidenote: if you’re starting now, you may want to use the 2013 SDK
>> instead.
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > Jan
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > Von:
>> > [] Im Auftrag von
>> Borzh
>> > Gesendet: Mittwoch, 6. November 2013 16:40
>> > An:
>> > Betreff: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 missing files?
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > Hi all,
>> >
>> > I am trying to create a mod from Source Engine 2007 (Modify
>> Half-Life
>> > 2: Multiplayer).
>> >
>> > I could compile everything ok, but when I run it, it started to
>> > complain about missing files.
>> >
>> > Ok I copied some of them at my source mod folder, but it always
>> > compains about some
>> > other missing file.
>> >
>> > I suspect that there is a problem mounting Half-Life2: Multiplayer
>> > content, but I don't
>> >
>> > understand what am I missing here. What is a correct way to create a
>> > mod from
>> > HL2: DM? Anyone?
>> >
>> > My gameinfo.txt:
>> >
>> > "GameInfo"
>> > {
>> > // This is what shows up in the 'Third Party Games' area of the
>> > Steam games list.
>> > game"MyMod"
>> > title"MyMod"// Main Menu large Text
>> > title2"deathmatch"// Main Menu small text
>> > type multiplayer_only
>> > //type singleplayer_only
>> >
>> > hidden_maps
>> > {
>> > // Hide maps from the start server dialog
>> > "test_speakers"1
>> > "test_hardware"1
>> > }
>> > FileSystem
>> > {
>> > SteamAppId218// GCF for Source SDK
>> Base
>> > 2007
>> > ToolsAppId211// Tools will load this
>> > (ie: source SDK caches) to get things like materials\debug,
>> > materials\editor, etc.
>> > AdditionalContentId 320 // HL2MP
>> >
>> > //Orange box sdk allows an extra appid to be defined here to
>> > mount additional content. 240 is CounterStrike: Source
>> > //AdditionalContentId240
>> >
>> > SearchPaths
>> > {
>> > Game|gameinfo_path|.
>> > Game|all_source_engine_paths|hl2mp
>> >
>> > //For the example above; if including 240, mount the
>> > cstrike folder.
>> > //Game|all_source_engine_paths|cstrike
>> >
>> > Game|all_source_engine_paths|hl2
>> > }
>> > }
>> > }
>> >
>> >
>> > ___
>> > To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list
>> archives,
>> > please visit:
>> >
>> >
>> >
>>  ___
>>  To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list
>> archives,
>>  please visit:
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>> ___
>> >>> To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives,
>> >>> please visit:
>> >>>

Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 missing files?

2013-11-08 Thread Borzh
All right, I started to use SDK 2013, all works perfectly now. Got only one
issue in my plugin: bots can't say.
I used IServerGameClients::ClientCommand() for this, but there is no
output... any clues?

2013/11/7 Dexter Haslem 

> Well, in that case.. I have the same problem with both  2006 & 2007
> source SDK base executable and have not yet found a way around it
> On Wed, Nov 6, 2013 at 5:43 PM, Borzh  wrote:
> > yes, and I have Source SDK Base 2007 installed.
> >
> >
> > 2013/11/6 Dexter Haslem 
> >>
> >> are we talking about 2007, not 2013 then? it has its own sdk base incase
> >> you are unaware
> >>
> >> On Nov 6, 2013 4:29 PM, "Borzh"  wrote:
> >>>
> >>> Just try executing
> >>>
> >>> "Steam\SteamApps\common\Source SDK Base 2007\hl2.exe" -game sourcetest
> >>>
> >>> it gives same errors. But from steam it is working...
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> 2013/11/6 Nick 
>  On Wed, Nov 6, 2013 at 11:52 AM, Jan Hartung 
> wrote:
> >
> > What exactly is "some other missing file". WIth the information
> > provided it’s quite difficult to pin down what your problem here is.
> On a
> > sidenote: if you’re starting now, you may want to use the 2013 SDK
> instead.
> >
> >
> >
> > Jan
> >
> >
> >
> > Von:
> > [] Im Auftrag von
> Borzh
> > Gesendet: Mittwoch, 6. November 2013 16:40
> > An:
> > Betreff: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 missing files?
> >
> >
> >
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I am trying to create a mod from Source Engine 2007 (Modify Half-Life
> > 2: Multiplayer).
> >
> > I could compile everything ok, but when I run it, it started to
> > complain about missing files.
> >
> > Ok I copied some of them at my source mod folder, but it always
> > compains about some
> > other missing file.
> >
> > I suspect that there is a problem mounting Half-Life2: Multiplayer
> > content, but I don't
> >
> > understand what am I missing here. What is a correct way to create a
> > mod from
> > HL2: DM? Anyone?
> >
> > My gameinfo.txt:
> >
> > "GameInfo"
> > {
> > // This is what shows up in the 'Third Party Games' area of the
> > Steam games list.
> > game"MyMod"
> > title"MyMod"// Main Menu large Text
> > title2"deathmatch"// Main Menu small text
> > type multiplayer_only
> > //type singleplayer_only
> >
> > hidden_maps
> > {
> > // Hide maps from the start server dialog
> > "test_speakers"1
> > "test_hardware"1
> > }
> > FileSystem
> > {
> > SteamAppId218// GCF for Source SDK
> Base
> > 2007
> > ToolsAppId211// Tools will load this
> > (ie: source SDK caches) to get things like materials\debug,
> > materials\editor, etc.
> > AdditionalContentId 320 // HL2MP
> >
> > //Orange box sdk allows an extra appid to be defined here to
> > mount additional content. 240 is CounterStrike: Source
> > //AdditionalContentId240
> >
> > SearchPaths
> > {
> > Game|gameinfo_path|.
> > Game|all_source_engine_paths|hl2mp
> >
> > //For the example above; if including 240, mount the
> > cstrike folder.
> > //Game|all_source_engine_paths|cstrike
> >
> > Game|all_source_engine_paths|hl2
> > }
> > }
> > }
> >
> >
> > ___
> > To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list
> archives,
> > please visit:
> >
> >
> >
>  ___
>  To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives,
>  please visit:
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> ___
> >>> To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives,
> >>> please visit:
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>
> >> ___
> >> To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives,
> >> please visit:
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> > __

Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 missing files?

2013-11-06 Thread Dexter Haslem
Well, in that case.. I have the same problem with both  2006 & 2007
source SDK base executable and have not yet found a way around it

On Wed, Nov 6, 2013 at 5:43 PM, Borzh  wrote:
> yes, and I have Source SDK Base 2007 installed.
> 2013/11/6 Dexter Haslem 
>> are we talking about 2007, not 2013 then? it has its own sdk base incase
>> you are unaware
>> On Nov 6, 2013 4:29 PM, "Borzh"  wrote:
>>> Just try executing
>>> "Steam\SteamApps\common\Source SDK Base 2007\hl2.exe" -game sourcetest
>>> it gives same errors. But from steam it is working...
>>> 2013/11/6 Nick 


 On Wed, Nov 6, 2013 at 11:52 AM, Jan Hartung  wrote:
> What exactly is "some other missing file". WIth the information
> provided it’s quite difficult to pin down what your problem here is. On a
> sidenote: if you’re starting now, you may want to use the 2013 SDK 
> instead.
> Jan
> Von:
> [] Im Auftrag von Borzh
> Gesendet: Mittwoch, 6. November 2013 16:40
> An:
> Betreff: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 missing files?
> Hi all,
> I am trying to create a mod from Source Engine 2007 (Modify Half-Life
> 2: Multiplayer).
> I could compile everything ok, but when I run it, it started to
> complain about missing files.
> Ok I copied some of them at my source mod folder, but it always
> compains about some
> other missing file.
> I suspect that there is a problem mounting Half-Life2: Multiplayer
> content, but I don't
> understand what am I missing here. What is a correct way to create a
> mod from
> HL2: DM? Anyone?
> My gameinfo.txt:
> "GameInfo"
> {
> // This is what shows up in the 'Third Party Games' area of the
> Steam games list.
> game"MyMod"
> title"MyMod"// Main Menu large Text
> title2"deathmatch"// Main Menu small text
> type multiplayer_only
> //type singleplayer_only
> hidden_maps
> {
> // Hide maps from the start server dialog
> "test_speakers"1
> "test_hardware"1
> }
> FileSystem
> {
> SteamAppId218// GCF for Source SDK Base
> 2007
> ToolsAppId211// Tools will load this
> (ie: source SDK caches) to get things like materials\debug,
> materials\editor, etc.
> AdditionalContentId 320 // HL2MP
> //Orange box sdk allows an extra appid to be defined here to
> mount additional content. 240 is CounterStrike: Source
> //AdditionalContentId240
> SearchPaths
> {
> Game|gameinfo_path|.
> Game|all_source_engine_paths|hl2mp
> //For the example above; if including 240, mount the
> cstrike folder.
> //Game|all_source_engine_paths|cstrike
> Game|all_source_engine_paths|hl2
> }
> }
> }
> ___
> To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives,
> please visit:

 To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives,
 please visit:

>>> ___
>>> To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives,
>>> please visit:
>> ___
>> To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives,
>> please visit:
> ___
> To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives,
> please visit:

To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives, please 

Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 missing files?

2013-11-06 Thread Borzh
yes, and I have Source SDK Base 2007 installed.

2013/11/6 Dexter Haslem 

> are we talking about 2007, not 2013 then? it has its own sdk base incase
> you are unaware
> On Nov 6, 2013 4:29 PM, "Borzh"  wrote:
>> Just try executing
>> "Steam\SteamApps\common\Source SDK Base 2007\hl2.exe" -game sourcetest
>> it gives same errors. But from steam it is working...
>> 2013/11/6 Nick 
>>> On Wed, Nov 6, 2013 at 11:52 AM, Jan Hartung  wrote:
 What exactly is "some other missing file". WIth the information
 provided it’s quite difficult to pin down what your problem here is. On a
 sidenote: if you’re starting now, you may want to use the 2013 SDK instead.


 *Von:* [mailto:] *Im Auftrag von *Borzh
 *Gesendet:* Mittwoch, 6. November 2013 16:40
 *Betreff:* [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 missing files?

 Hi all,

 I am trying to create a mod from Source Engine 2007 (Modify Half-Life
 2: Multiplayer).

 I could compile everything ok, but when I run it, it started to
 complain about missing files.

 Ok I copied some of them at my source mod folder, but it always
 compains about some
 other missing file.

 I suspect that there is a problem mounting Half-Life2: Multiplayer
 content, but I don't

 understand what am I missing here. What is a correct way to create a
 mod from
 HL2: DM? Anyone?

 My gameinfo.txt:

 // This is what shows up in the 'Third Party Games' area of the
 Steam games list.
 title"MyMod"// Main Menu large Text
 title2"deathmatch"// Main Menu small text
 type multiplayer_only
 //type singleplayer_only

 // Hide maps from the start server dialog
 SteamAppId218// GCF for Source SDK Base
 ToolsAppId211// Tools will load this
 (ie: source SDK caches) to get things like materials\debug,
 materials\editor, etc.
 AdditionalContentId 320 // HL2MP

 //Orange box sdk allows an extra appid to be defined here to
 mount additional content. 240 is CounterStrike: Source


 //For the example above; if including 240, mount the
 cstrike folder.


 To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives,
 please visit:

>>> ___
>>> To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives,
>>> please visit:
>> ___
>> To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives,
>> please visit:
> ___
> To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives,
> please visit:
To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives, please 

Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 missing files?

2013-11-06 Thread Dexter Haslem
are we talking about 2007, not 2013 then? it has its own sdk base incase
you are unaware
On Nov 6, 2013 4:29 PM, "Borzh"  wrote:

> Just try executing
> "Steam\SteamApps\common\Source SDK Base 2007\hl2.exe" -game sourcetest
> it gives same errors. But from steam it is working...
> 2013/11/6 Nick 
>> On Wed, Nov 6, 2013 at 11:52 AM, Jan Hartung  wrote:
>>> What exactly is "some other missing file". WIth the information provided
>>> it’s quite difficult to pin down what your problem here is. On a sidenote:
>>> if you’re starting now, you may want to use the 2013 SDK instead.
>>> Jan
>>> *Von:* [mailto:
>>>] *Im Auftrag von *Borzh
>>> *Gesendet:* Mittwoch, 6. November 2013 16:40
>>> *An:*
>>> *Betreff:* [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 missing files?
>>> Hi all,
>>> I am trying to create a mod from Source Engine 2007 (Modify Half-Life 2:
>>> Multiplayer).
>>> I could compile everything ok, but when I run it, it started to complain
>>> about missing files.
>>> Ok I copied some of them at my source mod folder, but it always compains
>>> about some
>>> other missing file.
>>> I suspect that there is a problem mounting Half-Life2: Multiplayer
>>> content, but I don't
>>> understand what am I missing here. What is a correct way to create a mod
>>> from
>>> HL2: DM? Anyone?
>>> My gameinfo.txt:
>>> "GameInfo"
>>> {
>>> // This is what shows up in the 'Third Party Games' area of the
>>> Steam games list.
>>> game"MyMod"
>>> title"MyMod"// Main Menu large Text
>>> title2"deathmatch"// Main Menu small text
>>> type multiplayer_only
>>> //type singleplayer_only
>>> hidden_maps
>>> {
>>> // Hide maps from the start server dialog
>>> "test_speakers"1
>>> "test_hardware"1
>>> }
>>> FileSystem
>>> {
>>> SteamAppId218// GCF for Source SDK Base
>>> 2007
>>> ToolsAppId211// Tools will load this
>>> (ie: source SDK caches) to get things like materials\debug,
>>> materials\editor, etc.
>>> AdditionalContentId 320 // HL2MP
>>> //Orange box sdk allows an extra appid to be defined here to
>>> mount additional content. 240 is CounterStrike: Source
>>> //AdditionalContentId240
>>> SearchPaths
>>> {
>>> Game|gameinfo_path|.
>>> Game|all_source_engine_paths|hl2mp
>>> //For the example above; if including 240, mount the cstrike
>>> folder.
>>> //Game|all_source_engine_paths|cstrike
>>> Game|all_source_engine_paths|hl2
>>> }
>>> }
>>> }
>>> ___
>>> To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives,
>>> please visit:
>> ___
>> To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives,
>> please visit:
> ___
> To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives,
> please visit:
To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives, please 

Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 missing files?

2013-11-06 Thread Borzh
Just try executing

"Steam\SteamApps\common\Source SDK Base 2007\hl2.exe" -game sourcetest

it gives same errors. But from steam it is working...

2013/11/6 Nick 

> On Wed, Nov 6, 2013 at 11:52 AM, Jan Hartung  wrote:
>> What exactly is "some other missing file". WIth the information provided
>> it’s quite difficult to pin down what your problem here is. On a sidenote:
>> if you’re starting now, you may want to use the 2013 SDK instead.
>> Jan
>> *Von:* [mailto:
>>] *Im Auftrag von *Borzh
>> *Gesendet:* Mittwoch, 6. November 2013 16:40
>> *An:*
>> *Betreff:* [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 missing files?
>> Hi all,
>> I am trying to create a mod from Source Engine 2007 (Modify Half-Life 2:
>> Multiplayer).
>> I could compile everything ok, but when I run it, it started to complain
>> about missing files.
>> Ok I copied some of them at my source mod folder, but it always compains
>> about some
>> other missing file.
>> I suspect that there is a problem mounting Half-Life2: Multiplayer
>> content, but I don't
>> understand what am I missing here. What is a correct way to create a mod
>> from
>> HL2: DM? Anyone?
>> My gameinfo.txt:
>> "GameInfo"
>> {
>> // This is what shows up in the 'Third Party Games' area of the Steam
>> games list.
>> game"MyMod"
>> title"MyMod"// Main Menu large Text
>> title2"deathmatch"// Main Menu small text
>> type multiplayer_only
>> //type singleplayer_only
>> hidden_maps
>> {
>> // Hide maps from the start server dialog
>> "test_speakers"1
>> "test_hardware"1
>> }
>> FileSystem
>> {
>> SteamAppId218// GCF for Source SDK Base
>> 2007
>> ToolsAppId211// Tools will load this (ie:
>> source SDK caches) to get things like materials\debug, materials\editor,
>> etc.
>> AdditionalContentId 320 // HL2MP
>> //Orange box sdk allows an extra appid to be defined here to
>> mount additional content. 240 is CounterStrike: Source
>> //AdditionalContentId240
>> SearchPaths
>> {
>> Game|gameinfo_path|.
>> Game|all_source_engine_paths|hl2mp
>> //For the example above; if including 240, mount the cstrike
>> folder.
>> //Game|all_source_engine_paths|cstrike
>> Game|all_source_engine_paths|hl2
>> }
>> }
>> }
>> ___
>> To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives,
>> please visit:
> ___
> To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives,
> please visit:
To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives, please 

Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 missing files?

2013-11-06 Thread Nick

On Wed, Nov 6, 2013 at 11:52 AM, Jan Hartung  wrote:

> What exactly is "some other missing file". WIth the information provided
> it’s quite difficult to pin down what your problem here is. On a sidenote:
> if you’re starting now, you may want to use the 2013 SDK instead.
> Jan
> *Von:* [mailto:
>] *Im Auftrag von *Borzh
> *Gesendet:* Mittwoch, 6. November 2013 16:40
> *An:*
> *Betreff:* [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 missing files?
> Hi all,
> I am trying to create a mod from Source Engine 2007 (Modify Half-Life 2:
> Multiplayer).
> I could compile everything ok, but when I run it, it started to complain
> about missing files.
> Ok I copied some of them at my source mod folder, but it always compains
> about some
> other missing file.
> I suspect that there is a problem mounting Half-Life2: Multiplayer
> content, but I don't
> understand what am I missing here. What is a correct way to create a mod
> from
> HL2: DM? Anyone?
> My gameinfo.txt:
> "GameInfo"
> {
> // This is what shows up in the 'Third Party Games' area of the Steam
> games list.
> game"MyMod"
> title"MyMod"// Main Menu large Text
> title2"deathmatch"// Main Menu small text
> type multiplayer_only
> //type singleplayer_only
> hidden_maps
> {
> // Hide maps from the start server dialog
> "test_speakers"1
> "test_hardware"1
> }
> FileSystem
> {
> SteamAppId218// GCF for Source SDK Base
> 2007
> ToolsAppId211// Tools will load this (ie:
> source SDK caches) to get things like materials\debug, materials\editor,
> etc.
> AdditionalContentId 320 // HL2MP
> //Orange box sdk allows an extra appid to be defined here to mount
> additional content. 240 is CounterStrike: Source
> //AdditionalContentId240
> SearchPaths
> {
> Game|gameinfo_path|.
> Game|all_source_engine_paths|hl2mp
> //For the example above; if including 240, mount the cstrike
> folder.
> //Game|all_source_engine_paths|cstrike
> Game|all_source_engine_paths|hl2
> }
> }
> }
> ___
> To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives,
> please visit:
To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives, please 

Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 missing files?

2013-11-06 Thread Jan Hartung
What exactly is "some other missing file". WIth the information provided
it's quite difficult to pin down what your problem here is. On a sidenote:
if you're starting now, you may want to use the 2013 SDK instead.




[] Im Auftrag von Borzh
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 6. November 2013 16:40
Betreff: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 missing files?


Hi all,

I am trying to create a mod from Source Engine 2007 (Modify Half-Life 2:

I could compile everything ok, but when I run it, it started to complain
about missing files.

Ok I copied some of them at my source mod folder, but it always compains
about some 
other missing file.

I suspect that there is a problem mounting Half-Life2: Multiplayer content,
but I don't

understand what am I missing here. What is a correct way to create a mod
HL2: DM? Anyone?

My gameinfo.txt:

// This is what shows up in the 'Third Party Games' area of the Steam
games list.
title"MyMod"// Main Menu large Text
title2"deathmatch"// Main Menu small text
type multiplayer_only
//type singleplayer_only

// Hide maps from the start server dialog
SteamAppId218// GCF for Source SDK Base 2007
ToolsAppId211// Tools will load this (ie:
source SDK caches) to get things like materials\debug, materials\editor,
AdditionalContentId 320 // HL2MP

//Orange box sdk allows an extra appid to be defined here to mount
additional content. 240 is CounterStrike: Source


//For the example above; if including 240, mount the cstrike


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Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK Launch Issues

2013-10-29 Thread Jesse Oak
For 2007 you're going to need to use 2013's hammer.exe

On Fri, Oct 25, 2013 at 9:51 AM,  wrote:

> I think I'm having a similar problem, but I'm not sure what you mean by
> launching tools from the common/ directories.  If I'm making an SDK
> 2007 mod, which hammer.exe do I run now?  the common/Source SDK Base
> 2007/bin directory doesn't contain any exe's...
> On top of this:  studiomdl.exe isn't working for me anymore.  I'm getting
> an error that says "Can't find steam app user info" now, and I haven't
> changed anything in my mod's build scripts.  Is there a certain
> studiomdl.exe I'm supposed to run now?
> Thanks,
> Eric
> On Tue, Oct 22, 2013 at 11:22:35AM -0500, Jesse Oak wrote:
> > Do not use the SDK launcher. If you want to map for a 2007 mod use this
> > guide I made but comment out the stuff you do not want:
> > (make
> sure
> > to read the comments above the mounting of source mods so if you want to
> > just mount yours you know how)
> >
> > If you want to map for something like CSS, TF2 or DoD launch hammer from
> > steam/steamapps/common/gamename/bin/hammer.exe
> >
> >
> > On Tue, Oct 22, 2013 at 9:07 AM, Tobias Baumann 
> wrote:
> >
> > > **
> > >  We have the exact same issue here on three different machines.
> > >
> > >  Hammer won't start, not even the process. Upon trying to launching the
> > > Model Viewer we're greeted with the error: "Unable to load manifest
> file
> > > 'scripts/game_sounds_manifest.txt'"
> > >  This problem persists for all engine versions in the Source SDK.
> > > Addtionally it happened without me starting or using the Source SDK in
> a
> > > long time. So I doubt this problem created by my own actions.
> > >  I've also tried verifying the tool integrity but it didn't change a
> > > thing.
> > >  I've also tried Resetting Game Configurations and Refreshing SDK
> Content
> > > to no avail.
> > >
> > >  Any update from Valve on this would be great.
> > >
> > >  Thanks and best regards,
> > >  Tobias
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > James Marchant  hat am 18. Oktober 2013 um
> 22:26 geschrieben:
> > >
> > >
> > >  Even after verifying the integrity of the local cache? I had the same
> > > problem and it fixed it (although it claimed that basically every
> single
> > > file in the Source SDK needed "reacquiring".
> > >
> > >  --
> > > Date: Fri, 18 Oct 2013 15:41:24 -0400
> > > From:
> > > To:
> > > Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK Launch Issues
> > >
> > >  Source SDK launcher still doesn't work for me.
> > >
> > >
> > >  On Fri, Oct 18, 2013 at 2:03 PM, Jan Hartung 
> wrote:
> > >
> > >  Hi,
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Checked it. For our 2007 based version Hammer starts up normally from
> the
> > > SDK launcher and compiles come out as they should. Do you still see the
> > > issue with your mod?
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Jan
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > *Von:* [mailto:
> > >] *Im Auftrag von *Vincent
> Miceli
> > > *Gesendet:* Donnerstag, 17. Oktober 2013 02:29
> > > *An:*
> > > *Betreff:* [hlcoders] Source SDK Launch Issues
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Hi, I haven't seen this reported yet on the mailing list, so I decided
> to
> > > share this. I found as of 10/16/2013 that I cannot launch Hammer
> Editor for
> > > the Source SDK 2007 from the SDK app. Strangely, before that happened,
> I
> > > couldn't launch the SDK app at all, but after restarting my computer
> and
> > > Verifying the integrity of the Tool Cache for the Source SDK, I was
> able to
> > > launch the SDK. But, not Hammer. When I was just able to at least
> launch
> > > the SDK before, (but not Hammer), I found that if I open Hammer from
> the
> > > exe file instead of from the app, it launched Hammer, but said it
> couldn't
> > > find a specific file, and it ga

Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK Launch Issues

2013-10-25 Thread fuZZ RedEyes
Hey Eric to fix that problem i had to go in steamapps/PROFILE/sourcesdk and
copy the steam.dll  into sourcesdk/bin/source2007/bin and the sdk works
again after that.


> I think I'm having a similar problem, but I'm not sure what you mean by
> launching tools from the common/ directories.  If I'm making an SDK
> 2007 mod, which hammer.exe do I run now?  the common/Source SDK Base
> 2007/bin directory doesn't contain any exe's...
> On top of this:  studiomdl.exe isn't working for me anymore.  I'm getting
> an error that says "Can't find steam app user info" now, and I haven't
> changed anything in my mod's build scripts.  Is there a certain
> studiomdl.exe I'm supposed to run now?
> Thanks,
> Eric
> On Tue, Oct 22, 2013 at 11:22:35AM -0500, Jesse Oak wrote:
> > Do not use the SDK launcher. If you want to map for a 2007 mod use this
> > guide I made but comment out the stuff you do not want:
> > (make
> sure
> > to read the comments above the mounting of source mods so if you want to
> > just mount yours you know how)
> >
> > If you want to map for something like CSS, TF2 or DoD launch hammer from
> > steam/steamapps/common/gamename/bin/hammer.exe
> >
> >
> > On Tue, Oct 22, 2013 at 9:07 AM, Tobias Baumann 
> wrote:
> >
> > > **
> > >  We have the exact same issue here on three different machines.
> > >
> > >  Hammer won't start, not even the process. Upon trying to launching the
> > > Model Viewer we're greeted with the error: "Unable to load manifest
> file
> > > 'scripts/game_sounds_manifest.txt'"
> > >  This problem persists for all engine versions in the Source SDK.
> > > Addtionally it happened without me starting or using the Source SDK in
> a
> > > long time. So I doubt this problem created by my own actions.
> > >  I've also tried verifying the tool integrity but it didn't change a
> > > thing.
> > >  I've also tried Resetting Game Configurations and Refreshing SDK
> Content
> > > to no avail.
> > >
> > >  Any update from Valve on this would be great.
> > >
> > >  Thanks and best regards,
> > >  Tobias
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > James Marchant  hat am 18. Oktober 2013 um
> 22:26 geschrieben:
> > >
> > >
> > >  Even after verifying the integrity of the local cache? I had the same
> > > problem and it fixed it (although it claimed that basically every
> single
> > > file in the Source SDK needed "reacquiring".
> > >
> > >  --
> > > Date: Fri, 18 Oct 2013 15:41:24 -0400
> > > From:
> > > To:
> > > Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK Launch Issues
> > >
> > >  Source SDK launcher still doesn't work for me.
> > >
> > >
> > >  On Fri, Oct 18, 2013 at 2:03 PM, Jan Hartung 
> wrote:
> > >
> > >  Hi,
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Checked it. For our 2007 based version Hammer starts up normally from
> the
> > > SDK launcher and compiles come out as they should. Do you still see the
> > > issue with your mod?
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Jan
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > *Von:* [mailto:
> > >] *Im Auftrag von *Vincent
> Miceli
> > > *Gesendet:* Donnerstag, 17. Oktober 2013 02:29
> > > *An:*
> > > *Betreff:* [hlcoders] Source SDK Launch Issues
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Hi, I haven't seen this reported yet on the mailing list, so I decided
> to
> > > share this. I found as of 10/16/2013 that I cannot launch Hammer
> Editor for
> > > the Source SDK 2007 from the SDK app. Strangely, before that happened,
> I
> > > couldn't launch the SDK app at all, but after restarting my computer
> and
> > > Verifying the integrity of the Tool Cache for the Source SDK, I was
> able to
> > > launch the SDK. But, not Hammer. When I was just able to at least
> launch
> > > the SDK before, (but not Hammer), I found that if I open Hammer from
> the
> > > exe file instead of from the app, it launched Hammer, but said it
> couldn't
> > > fin

Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK Launch Issues

2013-10-25 Thread eric . brown
I think I'm having a similar problem, but I'm not sure what you mean by 
launching tools from the common/ directories.  If I'm making an SDK 2007 
mod, which hammer.exe do I run now?  the common/Source SDK Base 2007/bin 
directory doesn't contain any exe's...

On top of this:  studiomdl.exe isn't working for me anymore.  I'm getting an 
error that says "Can't find steam app user info" now, and I haven't changed 
anything in my mod's build scripts.  Is there a certain studiomdl.exe I'm 
supposed to run now?


On Tue, Oct 22, 2013 at 11:22:35AM -0500, Jesse Oak wrote:
> Do not use the SDK launcher. If you want to map for a 2007 mod use this
> guide I made but comment out the stuff you do not want:
> (make sure
> to read the comments above the mounting of source mods so if you want to
> just mount yours you know how)
> If you want to map for something like CSS, TF2 or DoD launch hammer from
> steam/steamapps/common/gamename/bin/hammer.exe
> On Tue, Oct 22, 2013 at 9:07 AM, Tobias Baumann  
> wrote:
> > **
> >  We have the exact same issue here on three different machines.
> >
> >  Hammer won't start, not even the process. Upon trying to launching the
> > Model Viewer we're greeted with the error: "Unable to load manifest file
> > 'scripts/game_sounds_manifest.txt'"
> >  This problem persists for all engine versions in the Source SDK.
> > Addtionally it happened without me starting or using the Source SDK in a
> > long time. So I doubt this problem created by my own actions.
> >  I've also tried verifying the tool integrity but it didn't change a
> > thing.
> >  I've also tried Resetting Game Configurations and Refreshing SDK Content
> > to no avail.
> >
> >  Any update from Valve on this would be great.
> >
> >  Thanks and best regards,
> >  Tobias
> >
> >
> >
> > James Marchant  hat am 18. Oktober 2013 um 22:26 
> > geschrieben:
> >
> >
> >  Even after verifying the integrity of the local cache? I had the same
> > problem and it fixed it (although it claimed that basically every single
> > file in the Source SDK needed "reacquiring".
> >
> >  --
> > Date: Fri, 18 Oct 2013 15:41:24 -0400
> > From:
> > To:
> > Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK Launch Issues
> >
> >  Source SDK launcher still doesn't work for me.
> >
> >
> >  On Fri, Oct 18, 2013 at 2:03 PM, Jan Hartung  wrote:
> >
> >  Hi,
> >
> >
> >
> > Checked it. For our 2007 based version Hammer starts up normally from the
> > SDK launcher and compiles come out as they should. Do you still see the
> > issue with your mod?
> >
> >
> >
> > Jan
> >
> >
> >
> > *Von:* [mailto:
> >] *Im Auftrag von *Vincent Miceli
> > *Gesendet:* Donnerstag, 17. Oktober 2013 02:29
> > *An:*
> > *Betreff:* [hlcoders] Source SDK Launch Issues
> >
> >
> >
> > Hi, I haven't seen this reported yet on the mailing list, so I decided to
> > share this. I found as of 10/16/2013 that I cannot launch Hammer Editor for
> > the Source SDK 2007 from the SDK app. Strangely, before that happened, I
> > couldn't launch the SDK app at all, but after restarting my computer and
> > Verifying the integrity of the Tool Cache for the Source SDK, I was able to
> > launch the SDK. But, not Hammer. When I was just able to at least launch
> > the SDK before, (but not Hammer), I found that if I open Hammer from the
> > exe file instead of from the app, it launched Hammer, but said it couldn't
> > find a specific file, and it gave me a few errors, one error included my 2d
> > viewports in Hammer showing pink/black checkerboard textures on 3d models.
> > I apologize for not having the error messages handy, after having been able
> > to launch Hammer and load and compile my map, I closed the SDK and now
> > Hammer won't open at all no matter what I do. Also, the compile that I made
> > while in that erroneous state produced a map with very strange black
> > brushwork with almost no lighting from the skybox. I'm assuming it's trying
> > to find a file that links stuff together with my mod, and since it couldn't
> > find it, it was giving me those related errors.
> &

Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK Launch Issues

2013-10-22 Thread Jesse Oak
Do not use the SDK launcher. If you want to map for a 2007 mod use this
guide I made but comment out the stuff you do not want: (make sure
to read the comments above the mounting of source mods so if you want to
just mount yours you know how)

If you want to map for something like CSS, TF2 or DoD launch hammer from

On Tue, Oct 22, 2013 at 9:07 AM, Tobias Baumann  wrote:

> **
>  We have the exact same issue here on three different machines.
>  Hammer won't start, not even the process. Upon trying to launching the
> Model Viewer we're greeted with the error: "Unable to load manifest file
> 'scripts/game_sounds_manifest.txt'"
>  This problem persists for all engine versions in the Source SDK.
> Addtionally it happened without me starting or using the Source SDK in a
> long time. So I doubt this problem created by my own actions.
>  I've also tried verifying the tool integrity but it didn't change a
> thing.
>  I've also tried Resetting Game Configurations and Refreshing SDK Content
> to no avail.
>  Any update from Valve on this would be great.
>  Thanks and best regards,
>  Tobias
> James Marchant  hat am 18. Oktober 2013 um 22:26 
> geschrieben:
>  Even after verifying the integrity of the local cache? I had the same
> problem and it fixed it (although it claimed that basically every single
> file in the Source SDK needed "reacquiring".
>  --------------
> Date: Fri, 18 Oct 2013 15:41:24 -0400
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK Launch Issues
>  Source SDK launcher still doesn't work for me.
>  On Fri, Oct 18, 2013 at 2:03 PM, Jan Hartung  wrote:
>  Hi,
> Checked it. For our 2007 based version Hammer starts up normally from the
> SDK launcher and compiles come out as they should. Do you still see the
> issue with your mod?
> Jan
> *Von:* [mailto:
>] *Im Auftrag von *Vincent Miceli
> *Gesendet:* Donnerstag, 17. Oktober 2013 02:29
> *An:*
> *Betreff:* [hlcoders] Source SDK Launch Issues
> Hi, I haven't seen this reported yet on the mailing list, so I decided to
> share this. I found as of 10/16/2013 that I cannot launch Hammer Editor for
> the Source SDK 2007 from the SDK app. Strangely, before that happened, I
> couldn't launch the SDK app at all, but after restarting my computer and
> Verifying the integrity of the Tool Cache for the Source SDK, I was able to
> launch the SDK. But, not Hammer. When I was just able to at least launch
> the SDK before, (but not Hammer), I found that if I open Hammer from the
> exe file instead of from the app, it launched Hammer, but said it couldn't
> find a specific file, and it gave me a few errors, one error included my 2d
> viewports in Hammer showing pink/black checkerboard textures on 3d models.
> I apologize for not having the error messages handy, after having been able
> to launch Hammer and load and compile my map, I closed the SDK and now
> Hammer won't open at all no matter what I do. Also, the compile that I made
> while in that erroneous state produced a map with very strange black
> brushwork with almost no lighting from the skybox. I'm assuming it's trying
> to find a file that links stuff together with my mod, and since it couldn't
> find it, it was giving me those related errors.
> Thanks for reading I hope that little bit of information was of value to
> someone and if more info is required I can respond as informatively as I
> can.
> --
> *Vincent Miceli*
> **
> ___
> To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives,
> please visit:
> ___ To unsubscribe, edit your
> list preferences, or view the list archives, please visit:
> ___
> To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives,
> please visit:
To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives, please 

Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK Launch Issues

2013-10-22 Thread Tobias Baumann
We have the exact same issue here on three different machines.

Hammer won't start, not even the process. Upon trying to launching the Model
Viewer we're greeted with the error: "Unable to load manifest file
This problem persists for all engine versions in the Source SDK. Addtionally it
happened without me starting or using the Source SDK in a long time. So I doubt
this problem created by my own actions.
I've also tried verifying the tool integrity but it didn't change a thing.
I've also tried Resetting Game Configurations and Refreshing SDK Content to no

Any update from Valve on this would be great.

Thanks and best regards,

> James Marchant  hat am 18. Oktober 2013 um 22:26
> geschrieben:
>  Even after verifying the integrity of the local cache? I had the same problem
> and it fixed it (although it claimed that basically every single file in the
> Source SDK needed "reacquiring".
>  -
>  Date: Fri, 18 Oct 2013 15:41:24 -0400
>  From:
>  To:
>  Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK Launch Issues
>  Source SDK launcher still doesn't work for me.
>  On Fri, Oct 18, 2013 at 2:03 PM, Jan Hartung  <> > wrote:
>   > > 
> >   Hi,
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >   Checked it. For our 2007 based version Hammer starts up normally from the
> > SDK launcher and compiles come out as they should. Do you still see the
> > issue with your mod?
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >   Jan
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >   Von:
> > <>
> > [
> > <> ] Im Auftrag von Vincent
> > Miceli
> >   Gesendet: Donnerstag, 17. Oktober 2013 02:29
> >   An:
> > <>
> >   Betreff: [hlcoders] Source SDK Launch Issues
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >   Hi, I haven't seen this reported yet on the mailing list, so I decided to
> > share this. I found as of 10/16/2013 that I cannot launch Hammer Editor for
> > the Source SDK 2007 from the SDK app. Strangely, before that happened, I
> > couldn't launch the SDK app at all, but after restarting my computer and
> > Verifying the integrity of the Tool Cache for the Source SDK, I was able to
> > launch the SDK. But, not Hammer. When I was just able to at least launch the
> > SDK before, (but not Hammer), I found that if I open Hammer from the exe
> > file instead of from the app, it launched Hammer, but said it couldn't find
> > a specific file, and it gave me a few errors, one error included my 2d
> > viewports in Hammer showing pink/black checkerboard textures on 3d models. I
> > apologize for not having the error messages handy, after having been able to
> > launch Hammer and load and compile my map, I closed the SDK and now Hammer
> > won't open at all no matter what I do. Also, the compile that I made while
> > in that erroneous state produced a map with very strange black brushwork
> > with almost no lighting from the skybox. I'm assuming it's trying to find a
> > file that links stuff together with my mod, and since it couldn't find it,
> > it was giving me those related errors.
> > 
> >   Thanks for reading I hope that little bit of information was of value to
> > someone and if more info is required I can respond as informatively as I
> > can.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >   --
> > 
> >   Vincent Miceli<>
> > 
> > 
> >   ___
> >   To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives,
> > please visit:
> >   <>
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >  > 
>  ___ To unsubscribe, edit your
> list preferences, or view the list archives, please visit:

To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives, please 

Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK Launch Issues

2013-10-18 Thread James Marchant
Even after verifying the integrity of the local cache? I had the same problem 
and it fixed it (although it claimed that basically every single file in the 
Source SDK needed "reacquiring".

Date: Fri, 18 Oct 2013 15:41:24 -0400
Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK Launch Issues

Source SDK launcher still doesn't work for me.

On Fri, Oct 18, 2013 at 2:03 PM, Jan Hartung  wrote:

 Checked it. For our 2007 based version Hammer starts up normally from the SDK 
launcher and compiles come out as they should. Do you still see the issue with 
your mod?
[] Im Auftrag von Vincent Miceli

Gesendet: Donnerstag, 17. Oktober 2013 02:29
Betreff: [hlcoders] Source SDK Launch Issues
 Hi, I haven't seen this reported yet on the mailing list, so I decided to 
share this. I found as of 10/16/2013 that I cannot launch Hammer Editor for the 
Source SDK 2007 from the SDK app. Strangely, before that happened, I couldn't 
launch the SDK app at all, but after restarting my computer and Verifying the 
integrity of the Tool Cache for the Source SDK, I was able to launch the SDK. 
But, not Hammer. When I was just able to at least launch the SDK before, (but 
not Hammer), I found that if I open Hammer from the exe file instead of from 
the app, it launched Hammer, but said it couldn't find a specific file, and it 
gave me a few errors, one error included my 2d viewports in Hammer showing 
pink/black checkerboard textures on 3d models. I apologize for not having the 
error messages handy, after having been able to launch Hammer and load and 
compile my map, I closed the SDK and now Hammer won't open at all no matter 
what I do. Also, the compile that I made while in that erroneous state produced 
a map with very strange black brushwork with almost no lighting from the 
skybox. I'm assuming it's trying to find a file that links stuff together with 
my mod, and since it couldn't find it, it was giving me those related errors.
Thanks for reading I hope that little bit of information was of value to 
someone and if more info is required I can respond as informatively as I can.
 -- Vincent


To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives, please 

To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives, please 
To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives, please 

Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK Launch Issues

2013-10-18 Thread Michael Zehnich
Source SDK launcher still doesn't work for me.

On Fri, Oct 18, 2013 at 2:03 PM, Jan Hartung  wrote:

> Hi,
> ** **
> Checked it. For our 2007 based version Hammer starts up normally from the
> SDK launcher and compiles come out as they should. Do you still see the
> issue with your mod?
> ** **
> Jan
> ** **
> *Von:* [mailto:
>] *Im Auftrag von *Vincent Miceli
> *Gesendet:* Donnerstag, 17. Oktober 2013 02:29
> *An:*
> *Betreff:* [hlcoders] Source SDK Launch Issues
> ** **
> Hi, I haven't seen this reported yet on the mailing list, so I decided to
> share this. I found as of 10/16/2013 that I cannot launch Hammer Editor for
> the Source SDK 2007 from the SDK app. Strangely, before that happened, I
> couldn't launch the SDK app at all, but after restarting my computer and
> Verifying the integrity of the Tool Cache for the Source SDK, I was able to
> launch the SDK. But, not Hammer. When I was just able to at least launch
> the SDK before, (but not Hammer), I found that if I open Hammer from the
> exe file instead of from the app, it launched Hammer, but said it couldn't
> find a specific file, and it gave me a few errors, one error included my 2d
> viewports in Hammer showing pink/black checkerboard textures on 3d models.
> I apologize for not having the error messages handy, after having been able
> to launch Hammer and load and compile my map, I closed the SDK and now
> Hammer won't open at all no matter what I do. Also, the compile that I made
> while in that erroneous state produced a map with very strange black
> brushwork with almost no lighting from the skybox. I'm assuming it's trying
> to find a file that links stuff together with my mod, and since it couldn't
> find it, it was giving me those related errors.
> Thanks for reading I hope that little bit of information was of value to
> someone and if more info is required I can respond as informatively as I
> can.
> ** **
> -- 
> *Vincent Miceli*
> **
> ___
> To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives,
> please visit:
To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives, please 

Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK Launch Issues

2013-10-18 Thread Jan Hartung


Checked it. For our 2007 based version Hammer starts up normally from the
SDK launcher and compiles come out as they should. Do you still see the
issue with your mod?




[] Im Auftrag von Vincent
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 17. Oktober 2013 02:29
Betreff: [hlcoders] Source SDK Launch Issues


Hi, I haven't seen this reported yet on the mailing list, so I decided to
share this. I found as of 10/16/2013 that I cannot launch Hammer Editor for
the Source SDK 2007 from the SDK app. Strangely, before that happened, I
couldn't launch the SDK app at all, but after restarting my computer and
Verifying the integrity of the Tool Cache for the Source SDK, I was able to
launch the SDK. But, not Hammer. When I was just able to at least launch the
SDK before, (but not Hammer), I found that if I open Hammer from the exe
file instead of from the app, it launched Hammer, but said it couldn't find
a specific file, and it gave me a few errors, one error included my 2d
viewports in Hammer showing pink/black checkerboard textures on 3d models. I
apologize for not having the error messages handy, after having been able to
launch Hammer and load and compile my map, I closed the SDK and now Hammer
won't open at all no matter what I do. Also, the compile that I made while
in that erroneous state produced a map with very strange black brushwork
with almost no lighting from the skybox. I'm assuming it's trying to find a
file that links stuff together with my mod, and since it couldn't find it,
it was giving me those related errors.

Thanks for reading I hope that little bit of information was of value to
someone and if more info is required I can respond as informatively as I



Vincent Miceli

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Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Multiplayer detects wrong hardware DirectX level

2013-07-03 Thread Jan Hartung
Thanks, will do.


[] Im Auftrag von Alfred
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 3. Juli 2013 18:47
An: Discussion of Half-Life Programming
Betreff: Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Multiplayer detects wrong hardware
DirectX level


Opt into the HL2 beta to get the missing dxsupport files for hl2.


[] On Behalf Of Tony "omega"
Sent: Wednesday, July 03, 2013 9:36 AM
To: Discussion of Half-Life Programming
Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Multiplayer detects wrong hardware
DirectX level


FYI, hl2, episode 1/2 etc, detect the same.

On Wed, Jul 3, 2013 at 8:56 PM, Jan Hartung  wrote:

There's always something to miss when looking for info ;)

Anyway, manually setting the DX_Level1 value to 95 resolves the issue.
However, when I run the game with -autoconfig it defaults back to DX level
80 - and that's still plainly wrong for my system.


[] Im Auftrag von Netshroud
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 3. Juli 2013 12:37
An: Discussion of Half-Life Programming
Betreff: Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Multiplayer detects wrong hardware
DirectX level


Have you seen ?


On 03/07/2013, at 8:32 PM, "Jan Hartung"  wrote:


Hi list,


When first running the Source SDK 2013 Multiplayer test app I noticed that
the graphics options tell me that my hardware DirectX level was 8.0. That's
not true, as I'm running a Geforce GTX 660 here which is clearly a DX11
card. With the DX level being detected as 8.0, there is no motion blur or
HDR rendering and that's in fact an issue for games/mods released in 2013.
To check whether it's the graphics driver I thoroughly cleansed my system
from any Nvidia components and installed the 320.49 WHQL driver which was
released two days ago - which did not resolve the issue.


This is what the advanced graphics options look like here in Source SDK 2013
Multiplayer: <>

And this is what the same dialog looks like when I run TF2:


Does anyone else see the same issue and is there maybe already a solution to




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To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives,
please visit:


To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives, please 

Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Multiplayer detects wrong hardware DirectX level

2013-07-03 Thread Alfred Reynolds
Opt into the HL2 beta to get the missing dxsupport files for hl2.

[] On Behalf Of Tony "omega" Sergi
Sent: Wednesday, July 03, 2013 9:36 AM
To: Discussion of Half-Life Programming
Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Multiplayer detects wrong hardware 
DirectX level

FYI, hl2, episode 1/2 etc, detect the same.

On Wed, Jul 3, 2013 at 8:56 PM, Jan Hartung>> wrote:
There's always something to miss when looking for info ;)
Anyway, manually setting the DX_Level1 value to 95 resolves the issue. However, 
when I run the game with -autoconfig it defaults back to DX level 80 - and 
that's still plainly wrong for my system.

 Im Auftrag von Netshroud
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 3. Juli 2013 12:37
An: Discussion of Half-Life Programming
Betreff: Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Multiplayer detects wrong hardware 
DirectX level

Have you seen ?

On 03/07/2013, at 8:32 PM, "Jan Hartung">> wrote:

Hi list,

When first running the Source SDK 2013 Multiplayer test app I noticed that the 
graphics options tell me that my hardware DirectX level was 8.0. That's not 
true, as I'm running a Geforce GTX 660 here which is clearly a DX11 card. With 
the DX level being detected as 8.0, there is no motion blur or HDR rendering 
and that's in fact an issue for games/mods released in 2013. To check whether 
it's the graphics driver I thoroughly cleansed my system from any Nvidia 
components and installed the 320.49 WHQL driver which was released two days ago 
- which did not resolve the issue.

This is what the advanced graphics options look like here in Source SDK 2013 
And this is what the same dialog looks like when I run TF2:

Does anyone else see the same issue and is there maybe already a solution to it?


To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives, please 

To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives, please 

To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives, please 

Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Multiplayer detects wrong hardware DirectX level

2013-07-03 Thread Tony "omega" Sergi
FYI, hl2, episode 1/2 etc, detect the same.

On Wed, Jul 3, 2013 at 8:56 PM, Jan Hartung  wrote:

> There’s always something to miss when looking for info ;)
> Anyway, manually setting the DX_Level1 value to 95 resolves the issue.
> However, when I run the game with –autoconfig it defaults back to DX level
> 80 – and that’s still plainly wrong for my system.
> ** **
> *Von:* [mailto:
>] *Im Auftrag von *Netshroud
> *Gesendet:* Mittwoch, 3. Juli 2013 12:37
> *An:* Discussion of Half-Life Programming
> *Betreff:* Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Multiplayer detects wrong
> hardware DirectX level
> ** **
> Have you seen ?*
> ***
> ** **
> On 03/07/2013, at 8:32 PM, "Jan Hartung"  wrote:
> Hi list,
> When first running the Source SDK 2013 Multiplayer test app I noticed that
> the graphics options tell me that my hardware DirectX level was 8.0. That’s
> not true, as I’m running a Geforce GTX 660 here which is clearly a DX11
> card. With the DX level being detected as 8.0, there is no motion blur or
> HDR rendering and that’s in fact an issue for games/mods released in 2013.
> To check whether it’s the graphics driver I thoroughly cleansed my system
> from any Nvidia components and installed the 320.49 WHQL driver which was
> released two days ago – which did not resolve the issue.
> This is what the advanced graphics options look like here in Source SDK
> 2013 Multiplayer:
> And this is what the same dialog looks like when I run TF2:
> Does anyone else see the same issue and is there maybe already a solution
> to it?
> Jan
> ___
> To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives,
> please visit:
> ** **
> ___
> To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives,
> please visit:

To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives, please 

Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Multiplayer detects wrong hardware DirectX level

2013-07-03 Thread Jan Hartung
There's always something to miss when looking for info ;)

Anyway, manually setting the DX_Level1 value to 95 resolves the issue.
However, when I run the game with -autoconfig it defaults back to DX level
80 - and that's still plainly wrong for my system.


[] Im Auftrag von Netshroud
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 3. Juli 2013 12:37
An: Discussion of Half-Life Programming
Betreff: Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Multiplayer detects wrong hardware
DirectX level


Have you seen ?


On 03/07/2013, at 8:32 PM, "Jan Hartung"  wrote:

Hi list,


When first running the Source SDK 2013 Multiplayer test app I noticed that
the graphics options tell me that my hardware DirectX level was 8.0. That's
not true, as I'm running a Geforce GTX 660 here which is clearly a DX11
card. With the DX level being detected as 8.0, there is no motion blur or
HDR rendering and that's in fact an issue for games/mods released in 2013.
To check whether it's the graphics driver I thoroughly cleansed my system
from any Nvidia components and installed the 320.49 WHQL driver which was
released two days ago - which did not resolve the issue.


This is what the advanced graphics options look like here in Source SDK 2013
Multiplayer: <>

And this is what the same dialog looks like when I run TF2:


Does anyone else see the same issue and is there maybe already a solution to




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please visit:


To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives, please 

Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Multiplayer detects wrong hardware DirectX level

2013-07-03 Thread Netshroud
Have you seen ?

On 03/07/2013, at 8:32 PM, "Jan Hartung"  wrote:

> Hi list,
> When first running the Source SDK 2013 Multiplayer test app I noticed that 
> the graphics options tell me that my hardware DirectX level was 8.0. That’s 
> not true, as I’m running a Geforce GTX 660 here which is clearly a DX11 card. 
> With the DX level being detected as 8.0, there is no motion blur or HDR 
> rendering and that’s in fact an issue for games/mods released in 2013. To 
> check whether it’s the graphics driver I thoroughly cleansed my system from 
> any Nvidia components and installed the 320.49 WHQL driver which was released 
> two days ago – which did not resolve the issue.
> This is what the advanced graphics options look like here in Source SDK 2013 
> Multiplayer:
> And this is what the same dialog looks like when I run TF2: 
> Does anyone else see the same issue and is there maybe already a solution to 
> it?
> Jan
> ___
> To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives, please 
> visit:

To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives, please 

Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release

2013-06-27 Thread fuZZ RedEyes
all right Joe, thank you for the good job :)


2013/6/28 Joe Ludwig 

>  1 and 3 are fixed now for the Source SDK 2013 Base Singleplayer. If
> those fixes look right we'll make the same fix in the Multiplayer app.
> ** **
> I appreciate the bug reports. I would encourage you to report this sort of
> thing over on GitHub in the Issues list:
> ** **
> That way we can have a system for keeping track of individual issues
> instead of trying to wrangle big email threads.
> ** **
> *From:* [mailto:
>] *On Behalf Of *Alfred Reynolds
> *Sent:* Thursday, June 27, 2013 9:51 AM
> *To:* Discussion of Half-Life Programming
> *Subject:* Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release
>  ** **
> 1. We will fix that
> 2. Hammer makes a gameconfig.txt on first launch if one isn't present on
> disk
> 3. We will fix that.
> 4. We will look into it (we may or may not fix it), you may want to check
> out GCFScape in the meantime, it will let you explode VPK files to disk to
> get you around this for now.
> ** **
> *From:* [
> *On Behalf Of *fuZZ RedEyes
> *Sent:* Wednesday, June 26, 2013 7:21 PM
> *To:* Discussion of Half-Life Programming
> *Subject:* Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release
> ** **
> some bug to fix :
> 1.
> set_sdk_env.bat is missing in /Common/half-life 2/bin/" directory
> 2.
> Gameconfig.txt is missing in /Common/half-life 2/bin/" directory ( hammer
> need it )
> 3.
> mp\game\mod_hl2mp\gameinfo.txt is wrong, the steapAppId is the "Source sdk
> base 2013 solo" and must be change by "243750"
> 4.
> Also Hlmv is not able to read into the VPK, so if the MDL,VMT and VTF
> files  are not stored on the disk, instead of the VPK package, hlmv just
> can't open the assets.
> It's not only for HL2 but it's the same problem with all the source engine
> game excepted SFM but all model are unpacked, so it can't count, and i
> can't say if the problem is the same.
> ** **
> 2013/6/27 Riley 
> Any chance that we could get access to the materialsystem like we had back
> in 06/07?
> ** **
> ** **
> On Wed, Jun 26, 2013 at 7:52 PM, fuZZ RedEyes  wrote:*
> ***
> steam://rungameid/243730 or try that one, sorry for the two quick posts, i
> don't want to spam everyone on the list :)
> ** **
> 2013/6/27 fuZZ RedEyes 
> create a shortcut on your desktop and add that as target
> steam://rungameid/243730 (SP)
> and enjoy
> ** **
> 2013/6/27 Stephen Swires 
> This doesn't appear to have been fixed yet. I have also tried restarting
> the Steam client.
> ** **
> ** **
> On 27 June 2013 02:07, Joe Ludwig  wrote:
> The SDK Base apps hadn't been published yet, but that should be fixed now.
> You should see "Source SDK Base 2013 Multiplayer" and "Source SDK Base 2013
> Singleplayer" in your tools list. Install those and your mod should show
> up. (You'll need to build it first so you have binaries to load.)
> *From:* [mailto:
>] *On Behalf Of *fuZZ RedEyes
> *Sent:* Wednesday, June 26, 2013 6:02 PM
> *To:* Discussion of Half-Life Programming
> *Subject:* Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release
> Thank for the fast reply Alfred,
> I just may have misunderstood something, cause i told about the equivalent
> of the source sdk base 2006 and 2007, but a 2013 version.
> The three mod templates, get from the github repository, have all a
> gameinfo.txt with a steamapp ID set to 243730.
> To me it was supposed to be the Sourcesdk Base 2013 i had mentionned. the
> hl2 steamapp id hasn't change it's always 220.
> So it a bit confuse to me, if i put the mod template into
> "steamapps/Sourcemods/" and restart steam, nothing appears.
> something goes wrong ,no ?
> //nicolas
> 2013/6/27 Alfred Reynolds 
> The expectation is that the Singleplayer variant of the SDK Base will
> update when HL2 does, which will be reasonably rarely (i.e less than once a
> year). The MP version will more closely track the engine used by our MP
> titles (TF2, HL

Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release

2013-06-27 Thread Joe Ludwig
1 and 3 are fixed now for the Source SDK 2013 Base Singleplayer. If those fixes 
look right we'll make the same fix in the Multiplayer app.

I appreciate the bug reports. I would encourage you to report this sort of 
thing over on GitHub in the Issues list:

That way we can have a system for keeping track of individual issues instead of 
trying to wrangle big email threads.

[] On Behalf Of Alfred Reynolds
Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2013 9:51 AM
To: Discussion of Half-Life Programming
Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release

1. We will fix that
2. Hammer makes a gameconfig.txt on first launch if one isn't present on disk
3. We will fix that.
4. We will look into it (we may or may not fix it), you may want to check out 
GCFScape in the meantime, it will let you explode VPK files to disk to get you 
around this for now.

 [] On Behalf Of fuZZ RedEyes
Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2013 7:21 PM
To: Discussion of Half-Life Programming
Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release

some bug to fix :
set_sdk_env.bat is missing in /Common/half-life 2/bin/" directory

Gameconfig.txt is missing in /Common/half-life 2/bin/" directory ( hammer need 
it )

mp\game\mod_hl2mp\gameinfo.txt is wrong, the steapAppId is the "Source sdk base 
2013 solo" and must be change by "243750"

Also Hlmv is not able to read into the VPK, so if the MDL,VMT and VTF files  
are not stored on the disk, instead of the VPK package, hlmv just can't open 
the assets.
It's not only for HL2 but it's the same problem with all the source engine game 
excepted SFM but all model are unpacked, so it can't count, and i can't say if 
the problem is the same.

2013/6/27 Riley>>
Any chance that we could get access to the materialsystem like we had back in 

On Wed, Jun 26, 2013 at 7:52 PM, fuZZ RedEyes>> wrote:
steam://rungameid/243730 or try that one, sorry for the two quick posts, i 
don't want to spam everyone on the list :)

2013/6/27 fuZZ RedEyes>>
create a shortcut on your desktop and add that as target
steam://rungameid/243730 (SP)
and enjoy

2013/6/27 Stephen Swires>>
This doesn't appear to have been fixed yet. I have also tried restarting the 
Steam client.

On 27 June 2013 02:07, Joe Ludwig>> wrote:
The SDK Base apps hadn't been published yet, but that should be fixed now. You 
should see "Source SDK Base 2013 Multiplayer" and "Source SDK Base 2013 
Singleplayer" in your tools list. Install those and your mod should show up. 
(You'll need to build it first so you have binaries to load.)

 On Behalf Of fuZZ RedEyes
Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2013 6:02 PM

To: Discussion of Half-Life Programming
Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release

Thank for the fast reply Alfred,
I just may have misunderstood something, cause i told about the equivalent of 
the source sdk base 2006 and 2007, but a 2013 version.

The three mod templates, get from the github repository, have all a 
gameinfo.txt with a steamapp ID set to 243730.
To me it was supposed to be the Sourcesdk Base 2013 i had mentionned. the hl2 
steamapp id hasn't change it's always 220.
So it a bit confuse to me, if i put the mod template into 
"steamapps/Sourcemods/" and restart steam, nothing appears.
something goes wrong ,no ?

2013/6/27 Alfred Reynolds>>
The expectation is that the Singleplayer variant of the SDK Base will update 
when HL2 does, which will be reasonably rarely (i.e less than once a year). The 
MP version will more closely track the engine used by our MP titles (TF2, 
HL2DM, DoD:S, CS:S) and will update every couple of months, but those changes 
should not break backwards compatibility for games.

 On Behalf Of fuZZ RedEyes
Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2013 5:07 PM

To: Discussion of Half-Life Programming
Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release

Yeah Great news, and thank you Joe and Alfred for posting, here.
Hmm, The source sdk base 2013 it not yet available from steam tools.
How many time do you expect guys, 

Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release

2013-06-27 Thread tobias.kammersgaard
Here’s a suggestion I hope you’re (or have) considering. 

Releasing the Hammer source code on GitHub. Let the community fix bugs and port 
it to Qt so it’ll be available on other platforms.

If I’ve understood this whole Source SDK Base 2013 release on Github that’s 
exactly your plans for the mod source code.

 - ScarT

From: Alfred Reynolds
Sent: ‎Thursday‎, ‎June‎ ‎27‎, ‎2013 ‎6‎:‎50‎ ‎PM
To: Discussion of Half-Life Programming

1. We will fix that

2. Hammer makes a gameconfig.txt on first launch if one isn't present on disk

3. We will fix that.

4. We will look into it (we may or may not fix it), you may want to check out 
GCFScape in the meantime, it will let you explode VPK files to disk to get you 
around this for now.


[] On Behalf Of fuZZ RedEyes
Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2013 7:21 PM
To: Discussion of Half-Life Programming
Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release


some bug to fix :
set_sdk_env.bat is missing in /Common/half-life 2/bin/" directory

Gameconfig.txt is missing in /Common/half-life 2/bin/" directory ( hammer need 
it )

mp\game\mod_hl2mp\gameinfo.txt is wrong, the steapAppId is the "Source sdk base 
2013 solo" and must be change by "243750"

Also Hlmv is not able to read into the VPK, so if the MDL,VMT and VTF files  
are not stored on the disk, instead of the VPK package, hlmv just can't open 
the assets.
It's not only for HL2 but it's the same problem with all the source engine game 
excepted SFM but all model are unpacked, so it can't count, and i can't say if 
the problem is the same.


2013/6/27 Riley 

Any chance that we could get access to the materialsystem like we had back in 



On Wed, Jun 26, 2013 at 7:52 PM, fuZZ RedEyes  wrote:

steam://rungameid/243730 or try that one, sorry for the two quick posts, i 
don't want to spam everyone on the list :)


2013/6/27 fuZZ RedEyes 

create a shortcut on your desktop and add that as target 
steam://rungameid/243730 (SP)

and enjoy


2013/6/27 Stephen Swires 

This doesn't appear to have been fixed yet. I have also tried restarting the 
Steam client.



On 27 June 2013 02:07, Joe Ludwig  wrote:

The SDK Base apps hadn't been published yet, but that should be fixed now. You 
should see "Source SDK Base 2013 Multiplayer" and "Source SDK Base 2013 
Singleplayer" in your tools list. Install those and your mod should show up. 
(You'll need to build it first so you have binaries to load.)


[] On Behalf Of fuZZ RedEyes
Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2013 6:02 PM

To: Discussion of Half-Life Programming
Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release


Thank for the fast reply Alfred,

I just may have misunderstood something, cause i told about the equivalent of 
the source sdk base 2006 and 2007, but a 2013 version.

The three mod templates, get from the github repository, have all a 
gameinfo.txt with a steamapp ID set to 243730.

To me it was supposed to be the Sourcesdk Base 2013 i had mentionned. the hl2 
steamapp id hasn't change it's always 220.

So it a bit confuse to me, if i put the mod template into 
"steamapps/Sourcemods/" and restart steam, nothing appears.

something goes wrong ,no ?



2013/6/27 Alfred Reynolds 

The expectation is that the Singleplayer variant of the SDK Base will update 
when HL2 does, which will be reasonably rarely (i.e less than once a year). The 
MP version will more closely track the engine used by our MP titles (TF2, 
HL2DM, DoD:S, CS:S) and will update every couple of months, but those changes 
should not break backwards compatibility for games.


[] On Behalf Of fuZZ RedEyes
Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2013 5:07 PM

To: Discussion of Half-Life Programming
Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release


Yeah Great news, and thank you Joe and Alfred for posting, here.
Hmm, The source sdk base 2013 it not yet available from steam tools.
How many time do you expect guys, for the steamAppID 243730 (source sdk 2013) 
to be )released  on steam ? ( the Steam AppID is the one set into the 
gameinfo.txt  of the template mod_hl2 /mod_episodic )




2013/6/27 Alfred Reynolds 

No, hammer is only available on windows and we have no plans at this time to 
change that.


It is a MFC app, which is a windows only UI tech, so a port would be difficult. 
Future engines have been designed with cross platform support in the toolchain 
from the start.


[] On Behalf Of Jesse F
Sent: Wedn

Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release

2013-06-27 Thread Gunship Mark II
Thanks for and update Valve.

The odd thing is that mod refused to launch at DX9-10, it was set by
default to DX8, i was forced to manually add -dxlevel 91 to make it use DX9
stuff. This goes for SDK Base 2013, it launches only at dx8 by default.

2013/6/27 Joel R. 

> Wow, very nice.  I'm still crossing my fingers for a new engine though,
> the amount of Source Developers has dwindled to near non-existent.   UDK
> and Unity are just too good at the moment.
> On Thu, Jun 27, 2013 at 12:29 PM, T X4  wrote:
>>  For anyone who's curious about what *exactly* has changed since Source
>> SDK 2007, I've managed to generate a diff between the last released version
>> of the 2007 SDK against the new 2013 SDK (*MP code only*). There was
>> initially plenty of extra 'noise' since virtually every single file was
>> detected as changed - this was due to Valve replacing the header comments
>> in all files. So after spending close to six hours filtering out changes of
>> that nature, I finally managed to get some useful output.
>> *Summaries (filenames only)*:
>> Changed Files (binaries) 
>> Changed Files (text)  - Use this to
>> quickly index the diffs for changes specific to a given file, since
>> scrolling through it might be fairly laggy at times.
>> File Removals 
>> File Additions 
>> Unchanged* Files 
>> *Detailed git diff output (packaged with the above summaries in text
>> form)*:
>> Here 
>> *Statistics (post noise reduction)*:
>> Changed files (binaries): 17
>> Changed files (text): 1465
>> Files removed: 423
>> Files added: 851
>> Unchanged* files: 1349
>> **Unchanged* *includes* the files whose header comments were modified to
>> reduce the amount of noise output.
>> Hope you guys will find these to be of use.
>> (also, to those longing for custom main menus, look near the bottom of
>> /mp/src/common/GameUI/IGameUI.h for a pleasant surprise [image: Emoji] )
>> Regards,
>> ___
>> To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives,
>> please visit:
> ___
> To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives,
> please visit:
To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives, please 

Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release

2013-06-27 Thread Joel R.
Wow, very nice.  I'm still crossing my fingers for a new engine though, the
amount of Source Developers has dwindled to near non-existent.   UDK and
Unity are just too good at the moment.

On Thu, Jun 27, 2013 at 12:29 PM, T X4  wrote:

>  For anyone who's curious about what *exactly* has changed since Source
> SDK 2007, I've managed to generate a diff between the last released version
> of the 2007 SDK against the new 2013 SDK (*MP code only*). There was
> initially plenty of extra 'noise' since virtually every single file was
> detected as changed - this was due to Valve replacing the header comments
> in all files. So after spending close to six hours filtering out changes of
> that nature, I finally managed to get some useful output.
> *Summaries (filenames only)*:
> Changed Files (binaries) 
> Changed Files (text)  - Use this to quickly
> index the diffs for changes specific to a given file, since scrolling
> through it might be fairly laggy at times.
> File Removals 
> File Additions 
> Unchanged* Files 
> *Detailed git diff output (packaged with the above summaries in text form)
> *:
> Here 
> *Statistics (post noise reduction)*:
> Changed files (binaries): 17
> Changed files (text): 1465
> Files removed: 423
> Files added: 851
> Unchanged* files: 1349
> **Unchanged* *includes* the files whose header comments were modified to
> reduce the amount of noise output.
> Hope you guys will find these to be of use.
> (also, to those longing for custom main menus, look near the bottom of
> /mp/src/common/GameUI/IGameUI.h for a pleasant surprise [image: Emoji] )
> Regards,
> ___
> To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives,
> please visit:
To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives, please 

Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release

2013-06-27 Thread T X4

For anyone who's curious about what exactly has changed since Source SDK 2007, 
I've managed to generate a diff between the last released version of the 2007 
SDK against the new 2013 SDK (MP code only). There was initially plenty of 
extra 'noise' since virtually every single file was detected as changed - this 
was due to Valve replacing the header comments in all files. So after spending 
close to six hours filtering out changes of that nature, I finally managed to 
get some useful output.
Summaries (filenames only):
Changed Files (binaries)
Changed Files (text) - Use this to quickly index the diffs for changes specific 
to a given file, since scrolling through it might be fairly laggy at times.
File Removals
File Additions
Unchanged* Files
Detailed git diff output (packaged with the above summaries in text form):
Statistics (post noise reduction):
Changed files (binaries): 17
Changed files (text): 1465
Files removed: 423
Files added: 851
Unchanged* files: 1349

*Unchanged includes the files whose header comments were modified to reduce the 
amount of noise output.
Hope you guys will find these to be of use. (also, to those longing for custom 
main menus, look near the bottom of /mp/src/common/GameUI/IGameUI.h for a 
pleasant surprise 😉 )


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Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release

2013-06-27 Thread Alfred Reynolds
1. We will fix that
2. Hammer makes a gameconfig.txt on first launch if one isn't present on disk
3. We will fix that.
4. We will look into it (we may or may not fix it), you may want to check out 
GCFScape in the meantime, it will let you explode VPK files to disk to get you 
around this for now.

[] On Behalf Of fuZZ RedEyes
Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2013 7:21 PM
To: Discussion of Half-Life Programming
Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release

some bug to fix :
set_sdk_env.bat is missing in /Common/half-life 2/bin/" directory

Gameconfig.txt is missing in /Common/half-life 2/bin/" directory ( hammer need 
it )

mp\game\mod_hl2mp\gameinfo.txt is wrong, the steapAppId is the "Source sdk base 
2013 solo" and must be change by "243750"

Also Hlmv is not able to read into the VPK, so if the MDL,VMT and VTF files  
are not stored on the disk, instead of the VPK package, hlmv just can't open 
the assets.
It's not only for HL2 but it's the same problem with all the source engine game 
excepted SFM but all model are unpacked, so it can't count, and i can't say if 
the problem is the same.

2013/6/27 Riley>>
Any chance that we could get access to the materialsystem like we had back in 

On Wed, Jun 26, 2013 at 7:52 PM, fuZZ RedEyes>> wrote:
steam://rungameid/243730 or try that one, sorry for the two quick posts, i 
don't want to spam everyone on the list :)

2013/6/27 fuZZ RedEyes>>
create a shortcut on your desktop and add that as target
steam://rungameid/243730 (SP)
and enjoy

2013/6/27 Stephen Swires>>
This doesn't appear to have been fixed yet. I have also tried restarting the 
Steam client.

On 27 June 2013 02:07, Joe Ludwig>> wrote:
The SDK Base apps hadn't been published yet, but that should be fixed now. You 
should see "Source SDK Base 2013 Multiplayer" and "Source SDK Base 2013 
Singleplayer" in your tools list. Install those and your mod should show up. 
(You'll need to build it first so you have binaries to load.)

 On Behalf Of fuZZ RedEyes
Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2013 6:02 PM

To: Discussion of Half-Life Programming
Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release

Thank for the fast reply Alfred,
I just may have misunderstood something, cause i told about the equivalent of 
the source sdk base 2006 and 2007, but a 2013 version.

The three mod templates, get from the github repository, have all a 
gameinfo.txt with a steamapp ID set to 243730.
To me it was supposed to be the Sourcesdk Base 2013 i had mentionned. the hl2 
steamapp id hasn't change it's always 220.
So it a bit confuse to me, if i put the mod template into 
"steamapps/Sourcemods/" and restart steam, nothing appears.
something goes wrong ,no ?

2013/6/27 Alfred Reynolds>>
The expectation is that the Singleplayer variant of the SDK Base will update 
when HL2 does, which will be reasonably rarely (i.e less than once a year). The 
MP version will more closely track the engine used by our MP titles (TF2, 
HL2DM, DoD:S, CS:S) and will update every couple of months, but those changes 
should not break backwards compatibility for games.

 On Behalf Of fuZZ RedEyes
Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2013 5:07 PM

To: Discussion of Half-Life Programming
Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release

Yeah Great news, and thank you Joe and Alfred for posting, here.
Hmm, The source sdk base 2013 it not yet available from steam tools.
How many time do you expect guys, for the steamAppID 243730 (source sdk 2013) 
to be )released  on steam ? ( the Steam AppID is the one set into the 
gameinfo.txt  of the template mod_hl2 /mod_episodic )

2013/6/27 Alfred Reynolds>>
No, hammer is only available on windows and we have no plans at this time to 
change that.

It is a MFC app, which is a windows only UI tech, so a port would be difficult. 
Future engines have been designed with cross platform support in the toolchain 
from the start.

 On Behalf Of Jesse F

Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release

2013-06-27 Thread Andrew Orner
Awesome, thanks for the update!

Are there any plans to include custom shader support like SDK2007?  I see
that the shadercompile.exe is included with the SDK Base but there are no
accompanying SDK shader sources for creating the required DLL.

On Thu, Jun 27, 2013 at 10:16 AM, Stephen Swires  wrote:

> I would consider that to be the main version of Source as that's what most
> of Valve core multiplayer games sit on.
> On 27 June 2013 15:02, Netshroud  wrote:
>> "to the main engine"
>> There's a main Source engine now?
>> On 27/06/2013, at 11:56 PM, Stephen Swires  wrote:
>> Nope, the engine is in line with TF2, CS:S and DOD:S, not CSGO. The new
>> lighting system is only part of the CSGO engine has hasn't been backported
>> to the main engine. The TF2 bot system is NextBot which is also used in
>> L4D2 and CSGO, that appears to have been removed judging from the lack of
>> NextBot folders in client and server.
>> On 27 Jun 2013 07:43,  wrote:
>>> Does this include upgrades to the engine? Like the new dynamic shadow
>>> system in CS:GO? New Botcode found in TF2?
>>> On 6/26/2013 3:48 PM, Joe Ludwig wrote:
>>> Source SDK 2013 Release
>>> We have released an update to the Source SDK, bringing support for Mac
>>> OS X and Linux to mod developers and exposing the ability for virtual
>>> reality support in your mod. The biggest change with this update is that we
>>> are using github to host the source code. You will find the code here. This
>>> Source SDK 2013 release also includes a new license that can be foundhere.
>>> This new license allows mod authors to share their changes to the SDK more
>>> easily.
>>> The other change with the Source SDK is that now Hammer and the other
>>> mod tools ship with their respective games instead of as part of the SDK
>>> Launcher. The launcher itself is being phased out, so it will disappear
>>> from your Tools list. You can find information about how to run the tools
>>> from the games here.
>>> The source for this new SDK release includes the latest code for all the
>>> included games, and has many new features:
>>> . The games now build and run clients on Windows, OSX, and Linux.
>>> Dedicated servers are supported on Windows and Linux.
>>> . Steam Pipe (the new Steam content delivery system) is supported by the
>>> sample mods. Existing mods can change their gameinfo.txt to match the new
>>> format and gain Steam Pipe support.
>>> . Support for Virtual Reality via the Oculus Rift has been added to the
>>> SDK. Running a compatible mod with -vr on the command line will run the mod
>>> in stereo and enable head tracking on the Rift.
>>> You can find instructions on getting started with the new Source SDK
>>> 2013 on the Valve Developer Community wiki.
>>> ___
>>> To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives,
>>> please visit:
>>> ___
>>> To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives,
>>> please visit:
>>>  ___
>> To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives,
>> please visit:
>> ___
>> To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives,
>> please visit:
> ___
> To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives,
> please visit:
To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives, please 

Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release

2013-06-27 Thread Stephen Swires
I would consider that to be the main version of Source as that's what most
of Valve core multiplayer games sit on.

On 27 June 2013 15:02, Netshroud  wrote:

> "to the main engine"
> There's a main Source engine now?
> On 27/06/2013, at 11:56 PM, Stephen Swires  wrote:
> Nope, the engine is in line with TF2, CS:S and DOD:S, not CSGO. The new
> lighting system is only part of the CSGO engine has hasn't been backported
> to the main engine. The TF2 bot system is NextBot which is also used in
> L4D2 and CSGO, that appears to have been removed judging from the lack of
> NextBot folders in client and server.
> On 27 Jun 2013 07:43,  wrote:
>> Does this include upgrades to the engine? Like the new dynamic shadow
>> system in CS:GO? New Botcode found in TF2?
>> On 6/26/2013 3:48 PM, Joe Ludwig wrote:
>> Source SDK 2013 Release
>> We have released an update to the Source SDK, bringing support for Mac OS
>> X and Linux to mod developers and exposing the ability for virtual reality
>> support in your mod. The biggest change with this update is that we are
>> using github to host the source code. You will find the code here. This
>> Source SDK 2013 release also includes a new license that can be foundhere.
>> This new license allows mod authors to share their changes to the SDK more
>> easily.
>> The other change with the Source SDK is that now Hammer and the other mod
>> tools ship with their respective games instead of as part of the SDK
>> Launcher. The launcher itself is being phased out, so it will disappear
>> from your Tools list. You can find information about how to run the tools
>> from the games here.
>> The source for this new SDK release includes the latest code for all the
>> included games, and has many new features:
>> . The games now build and run clients on Windows, OSX, and Linux.
>> Dedicated servers are supported on Windows and Linux.
>> . Steam Pipe (the new Steam content delivery system) is supported by the
>> sample mods. Existing mods can change their gameinfo.txt to match the new
>> format and gain Steam Pipe support.
>> . Support for Virtual Reality via the Oculus Rift has been added to the
>> SDK. Running a compatible mod with -vr on the command line will run the mod
>> in stereo and enable head tracking on the Rift.
>> You can find instructions on getting started with the new Source SDK 2013
>> on the Valve Developer Community wiki.
>> ___
>> To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives,
>> please visit:
>> ___
>> To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives,
>> please visit:
>>  ___
> To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives,
> please visit:
> ___
> To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives,
> please visit:
To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives, please 

Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release

2013-06-27 Thread Netshroud
"to the main engine"

There's a main Source engine now?

On 27/06/2013, at 11:56 PM, Stephen Swires  wrote:

> Nope, the engine is in line with TF2, CS:S and DOD:S, not CSGO. The new 
> lighting system is only part of the CSGO engine has hasn't been backported to 
> the main engine. The TF2 bot system is NextBot which is also used in L4D2 and 
> CSGO, that appears to have been removed judging from the lack of NextBot 
> folders in client and server.
> On 27 Jun 2013 07:43,  wrote:
> Does this include upgrades to the engine? Like the new dynamic shadow system 
> in CS:GO? New Botcode found in TF2? 
> On 6/26/2013 3:48 PM, Joe Ludwig wrote: 
> Source SDK 2013 Release 
> We have released an update to the Source SDK, bringing support for Mac OS X 
> and Linux to mod developers and exposing the ability for virtual reality 
> support in your mod. The biggest change with this update is that we are using 
> github to host the source code. You will find the code here. This Source SDK 
> 2013 release also includes a new license that can be foundhere. This new 
> license allows mod authors to share their changes to the SDK more easily. 
> The other change with the Source SDK is that now Hammer and the other mod 
> tools ship with their respective games instead of as part of the SDK 
> Launcher. The launcher itself is being phased out, so it will disappear from 
> your Tools list. You can find information about how to run the tools from the 
> games here. 
> The source for this new SDK release includes the latest code for all the 
> included games, and has many new features: 
> . The games now build and run clients on Windows, OSX, and Linux. Dedicated 
> servers are supported on Windows and Linux. 
> . Steam Pipe (the new Steam content delivery system) is supported by the 
> sample mods. Existing mods can change their gameinfo.txt to match the new 
> format and gain Steam Pipe support. 
> . Support for Virtual Reality via the Oculus Rift has been added to the SDK. 
> Running a compatible mod with -vr on the command line will run the mod in 
> stereo and enable head tracking on the Rift. 
> You can find instructions on getting started with the new Source SDK 2013 on 
> the Valve Developer Community wiki. 
> ___ 
> To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives, please 
> visit: 
> ___
> To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives, please 
> visit:
> ___
> To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives, please 
> visit:

To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives, please 

Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release

2013-06-27 Thread Stephen Swires
Nope, the engine is in line with TF2, CS:S and DOD:S, not CSGO. The new
lighting system is only part of the CSGO engine has hasn't been backported
to the main engine. The TF2 bot system is NextBot which is also used in
L4D2 and CSGO, that appears to have been removed judging from the lack of
NextBot folders in client and server.

On 27 Jun 2013 07:43,  wrote:

> Does this include upgrades to the engine? Like the new dynamic shadow
> system in CS:GO? New Botcode found in TF2?
> On 6/26/2013 3:48 PM, Joe Ludwig wrote:
> Source SDK 2013 Release
> We have released an update to the Source SDK, bringing support for Mac OS
> X and Linux to mod developers and exposing the ability for virtual reality
> support in your mod. The biggest change with this update is that we are
> using github to host the source code. You will find the code here. This
> Source SDK 2013 release also includes a new license that can be foundhere.
> This new license allows mod authors to share their changes to the SDK more
> easily.
> The other change with the Source SDK is that now Hammer and the other mod
> tools ship with their respective games instead of as part of the SDK
> Launcher. The launcher itself is being phased out, so it will disappear
> from your Tools list. You can find information about how to run the tools
> from the games here.
> The source for this new SDK release includes the latest code for all the
> included games, and has many new features:
> . The games now build and run clients on Windows, OSX, and Linux.
> Dedicated servers are supported on Windows and Linux.
> . Steam Pipe (the new Steam content delivery system) is supported by the
> sample mods. Existing mods can change their gameinfo.txt to match the new
> format and gain Steam Pipe support.
> . Support for Virtual Reality via the Oculus Rift has been added to the
> SDK. Running a compatible mod with -vr on the command line will run the mod
> in stereo and enable head tracking on the Rift.
> You can find instructions on getting started with the new Source SDK 2013
> on the Valve Developer Community wiki.
> ___
> To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives,
> please visit:
> ___
> To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives,
> please visit:
To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives, please 

Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release

2013-06-26 Thread minh_le
Does this include upgrades to the engine? Like the new dynamic shadow  system in CS:GO? New Botcode found in TF2?   On 6/26/2013 3:48 PM, Joe Ludwig wrote:  Source SDK 2013 Release  We have released an update to the Source SDK, bringing support for  Mac OS X and Linux to mod developers and exposing the ability for  virtual reality support in your mod. The biggest change with this update  is that we are using github to host the source code. You will find the  code here. This Source SDK 2013 release also includes a new license that  can be foundhere. This new license allows mod authors to share their  changes to the SDK more easily.  The other change with the Source SDK is that now Hammer and the  other mod tools ship with their respective games instead of as part of  the SDK Launcher. The launcher itself is being phased out, so it will  disappear from your Tools list. You can find information about how to  run the tools from the games here.  The source for this new SDK release includes the latest code for all the included games, and has many new features: . The games now build and run clients on Windows, OSX, and Linux. Dedicated servers are supported on Windows and Linux. . Steam Pipe (the new Steam content delivery system) is supported by  the sample mods. Existing mods can change their gameinfo.txt to match  the new format and gain Steam Pipe support. . Support for Virtual Reality via the Oculus Rift has been added to  the SDK. Running a compatible mod with -vr on the command line will run  the mod in stereo and enable head tracking on the Rift.  You can find instructions on getting started with the new Source SDK 2013 on the Valve Developer Community wiki.   ___ To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives, please visit:   

To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives, please 

Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release

2013-06-26 Thread Psy_Commando
I think the one from Alien Swarm could. Though, for some reasons, you have
to create all the folders from the VPK into your mod folder. Just the
folder structure, without extracting the models in them. And they with
ASW's hlmv you could navigate to the model's folder and load it for some
reasons. ( loading using (steam) in the hlmv )

On Wed, Jun 26, 2013 at 10:20 PM, fuZZ RedEyes  wrote:

> some bug to fix :
> 1.
> set_sdk_env.bat is missing in /Common/half-life 2/bin/" directory
> 2.
> Gameconfig.txt is missing in /Common/half-life 2/bin/" directory ( hammer
> need it )
> 3.
> mp\game\mod_hl2mp\gameinfo.txt is wrong, the steapAppId is the "Source sdk
> base 2013 solo" and must be change by "243750"
> 4.
> Also Hlmv is not able to read into the VPK, so if the MDL,VMT and VTF
> files  are not stored on the disk, instead of the VPK package, hlmv just
> can't open the assets.
> It's not only for HL2 but it's the same problem with all the source engine
> game excepted SFM but all model are unpacked, so it can't count, and i
> can't say if the problem is the same.
> 2013/6/27 Riley 
>> Any chance that we could get access to the materialsystem like we had
>> back in 06/07?
>> On Wed, Jun 26, 2013 at 7:52 PM, fuZZ RedEyes  wrote:
>>> steam://rungameid/243730 or try that one, sorry for the two quick
>>> posts, i don't want to spam everyone on the list :)
>>> 2013/6/27 fuZZ RedEyes 
>>>> create a shortcut on your desktop and add that as target
>>>> steam://rungameid/243730 (SP)
>>>> and enjoy
>>>> 2013/6/27 Stephen Swires 
>>>>> This doesn't appear to have been fixed yet. I have also tried
>>>>> restarting the Steam client.
>>>>> On 27 June 2013 02:07, Joe Ludwig  wrote:
>>>>>>  The SDK Base apps hadn't been published yet, but that should be
>>>>>> fixed now. You should see "Source SDK Base 2013 Multiplayer" and "Source
>>>>>> SDK Base 2013 Singleplayer" in your tools list. Install those and your 
>>>>>> mod
>>>>>> should show up. (You'll need to build it first so you have binaries to
>>>>>> load.)
>>>>>> ** **
>>>>>> *From:* [mailto:
>>>>>>] *On Behalf Of *fuZZ RedEyes
>>>>>> *Sent:* Wednesday, June 26, 2013 6:02 PM
>>>>>> *To:* Discussion of Half-Life Programming
>>>>>> *Subject:* Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release
>>>>>>  ** **
>>>>>> Thank for the fast reply Alfred,
>>>>>> I just may have misunderstood something, cause i told about the
>>>>>> equivalent of the source sdk base 2006 and 2007, but a 2013 version.*
>>>>>> ***
>>>>>> The three mod templates, get from the github repository, have all a
>>>>>> gameinfo.txt with a steamapp ID set to 243730.
>>>>>> To me it was supposed to be the Sourcesdk Base 2013 i had mentionned.
>>>>>> the hl2 steamapp id hasn't change it's always 220.****
>>>>>> So it a bit confuse to me, if i put the mod template into
>>>>>> "steamapps/Sourcemods/" and restart steam, nothing appears.
>>>>>> something goes wrong ,no ?
>>>>>> //nicolas
>>>>>> ** **
>>>>>> 2013/6/27 Alfred Reynolds 
>>>>>> The expectation is that the Singleplayer variant of the SDK Base will
>>>>>> update when HL2 does, which will be reasonably rarely (i.e less than 
>>>>>> once a
>>>>>> year). The MP version will more closely track the engine used by our MP
>>>>>> titles (TF2, HL2DM, DoD:S, CS:S) and will update every couple of months,
>>>>>> but those changes should not break backwards compatibility

Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release

2013-06-26 Thread fuZZ RedEyes
some bug to fix :
set_sdk_env.bat is missing in /Common/half-life 2/bin/" directory

Gameconfig.txt is missing in /Common/half-life 2/bin/" directory ( hammer
need it )

mp\game\mod_hl2mp\gameinfo.txt is wrong, the steapAppId is the "Source sdk
base 2013 solo" and must be change by "243750"

Also Hlmv is not able to read into the VPK, so if the MDL,VMT and VTF
files  are not stored on the disk, instead of the VPK package, hlmv just
can't open the assets.
It's not only for HL2 but it's the same problem with all the source engine
game excepted SFM but all model are unpacked, so it can't count, and i
can't say if the problem is the same.

2013/6/27 Riley 

> Any chance that we could get access to the materialsystem like we had back
> in 06/07?
> On Wed, Jun 26, 2013 at 7:52 PM, fuZZ RedEyes  wrote:
>> steam://rungameid/243730 or try that one, sorry for the two quick posts,
>> i don't want to spam everyone on the list :)
>> 2013/6/27 fuZZ RedEyes 
>>> create a shortcut on your desktop and add that as target
>>> steam://rungameid/243730 (SP)
>>> and enjoy
>>> 2013/6/27 Stephen Swires 
>>>> This doesn't appear to have been fixed yet. I have also tried
>>>> restarting the Steam client.
>>>> On 27 June 2013 02:07, Joe Ludwig  wrote:
>>>>>  The SDK Base apps hadn't been published yet, but that should be
>>>>> fixed now. You should see "Source SDK Base 2013 Multiplayer" and "Source
>>>>> SDK Base 2013 Singleplayer" in your tools list. Install those and your mod
>>>>> should show up. (You'll need to build it first so you have binaries to
>>>>> load.)
>>>>> ** **
>>>>> *From:* [mailto:
>>>>>] *On Behalf Of *fuZZ RedEyes
>>>>> *Sent:* Wednesday, June 26, 2013 6:02 PM
>>>>> *To:* Discussion of Half-Life Programming
>>>>> *Subject:* Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release
>>>>>  ** **
>>>>> Thank for the fast reply Alfred,
>>>>> I just may have misunderstood something, cause i told about the
>>>>> equivalent of the source sdk base 2006 and 2007, but a 2013 version.**
>>>>> **
>>>>> The three mod templates, get from the github repository, have all a
>>>>> gameinfo.txt with a steamapp ID set to 243730.
>>>>> To me it was supposed to be the Sourcesdk Base 2013 i had mentionned.
>>>>> the hl2 steamapp id hasn't change it's always 220.
>>>>> So it a bit confuse to me, if i put the mod template into
>>>>> "steamapps/Sourcemods/" and restart steam, nothing appears.
>>>>> something goes wrong ,no ?
>>>>> //nicolas
>>>>> ** **
>>>>> 2013/6/27 Alfred Reynolds 
>>>>> The expectation is that the Singleplayer variant of the SDK Base will
>>>>> update when HL2 does, which will be reasonably rarely (i.e less than once 
>>>>> a
>>>>> year). The MP version will more closely track the engine used by our MP
>>>>> titles (TF2, HL2DM, DoD:S, CS:S) and will update every couple of months,
>>>>> but those changes should not break backwards compatibility for games.*
>>>>> ***
>>>>> *From:* [mailto:
>>>>>] *On Behalf Of *fuZZ RedEyes
>>>>> *Sent:* Wednesday, June 26, 2013 5:07 PM
>>>>> *To:* Discussion of Half-Life Programming
>>>>> *Subject:* Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release
>>>>> Yeah Great news, and thank you Joe and Alfred for posting, here.
>>>>> Hmm, The source sdk base 2013 it not yet available from steam tools.
>>>>> How many time do you expect guys, for the steamAppI

Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release

2013-06-26 Thread Riley
Any chance that we could get access to the materialsystem like we had back
in 06/07?

On Wed, Jun 26, 2013 at 7:52 PM, fuZZ RedEyes  wrote:

> steam://rungameid/243730 or try that one, sorry for the two quick posts,
> i don't want to spam everyone on the list :)
> 2013/6/27 fuZZ RedEyes 
>> create a shortcut on your desktop and add that as target
>> steam://rungameid/243730 (SP)
>> and enjoy
>> 2013/6/27 Stephen Swires 
>>> This doesn't appear to have been fixed yet. I have also tried restarting
>>> the Steam client.
>>> On 27 June 2013 02:07, Joe Ludwig  wrote:
>>>>  The SDK Base apps hadn't been published yet, but that should be fixed
>>>> now. You should see "Source SDK Base 2013 Multiplayer" and "Source SDK Base
>>>> 2013 Singleplayer" in your tools list. Install those and your mod should
>>>> show up. (You'll need to build it first so you have binaries to load.)*
>>>> ***
>>>> ** **
>>>> *From:* [mailto:
>>>>] *On Behalf Of *fuZZ RedEyes
>>>> *Sent:* Wednesday, June 26, 2013 6:02 PM
>>>> *To:* Discussion of Half-Life Programming
>>>> *Subject:* Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release
>>>>  ** **
>>>> Thank for the fast reply Alfred,
>>>> I just may have misunderstood something, cause i told about the
>>>> equivalent of the source sdk base 2006 and 2007, but a 2013 version.***
>>>> *
>>>> The three mod templates, get from the github repository, have all a
>>>> gameinfo.txt with a steamapp ID set to 243730.
>>>> To me it was supposed to be the Sourcesdk Base 2013 i had mentionned.
>>>> the hl2 steamapp id hasn't change it's always 220.
>>>> So it a bit confuse to me, if i put the mod template into
>>>> "steamapps/Sourcemods/" and restart steam, nothing appears.
>>>> something goes wrong ,no ?
>>>> //nicolas
>>>> ** **
>>>> 2013/6/27 Alfred Reynolds 
>>>> The expectation is that the Singleplayer variant of the SDK Base will
>>>> update when HL2 does, which will be reasonably rarely (i.e less than once a
>>>> year). The MP version will more closely track the engine used by our MP
>>>> titles (TF2, HL2DM, DoD:S, CS:S) and will update every couple of months,
>>>> but those changes should not break backwards compatibility for games.**
>>>> **
>>>> *From:* [mailto:
>>>>] *On Behalf Of *fuZZ RedEyes
>>>> *Sent:* Wednesday, June 26, 2013 5:07 PM
>>>> *To:* Discussion of Half-Life Programming
>>>> *Subject:* Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release
>>>> Yeah Great news, and thank you Joe and Alfred for posting, here.
>>>> Hmm, The source sdk base 2013 it not yet available from steam tools.
>>>> How many time do you expect guys, for the steamAppID 243730 (source sdk
>>>> 2013) to be )released  on steam ? ( the Steam AppID is the one set into the
>>>> gameinfo.txt  of the template mod_hl2 /mod_episodic )
>>>> //nicolas
>>>> 2013/6/27 Alfred Reynolds 
>>>> No, hammer is only available on windows and we have no plans at this
>>>> time to change that.
>>>> It is a MFC app, which is a windows only UI tech, so a port would be
>>>> difficult. Future engines have been designed with cross platform support in
>>>> the toolchain from the start.****
>>>> *From:* [mailto:
>>>>] *On Behalf Of *Jesse F
>>>> *Sent:* Wednesday, June 26, 2013 4:46 PM
>>>> *To:* Discuss

Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release

2013-06-26 Thread fuZZ RedEyes
steam://rungameid/243730 or try that one, sorry for the two quick posts, i
don't want to spam everyone on the list :)

2013/6/27 fuZZ RedEyes 

> create a shortcut on your desktop and add that as target
> steam://rungameid/243730 (SP)
> and enjoy
> 2013/6/27 Stephen Swires 
>> This doesn't appear to have been fixed yet. I have also tried restarting
>> the Steam client.
>> On 27 June 2013 02:07, Joe Ludwig  wrote:
>>>  The SDK Base apps hadn't been published yet, but that should be fixed
>>> now. You should see "Source SDK Base 2013 Multiplayer" and "Source SDK Base
>>> 2013 Singleplayer" in your tools list. Install those and your mod should
>>> show up. (You'll need to build it first so you have binaries to load.)**
>>> **
>>> ** **
>>> *From:* [mailto:
>>>] *On Behalf Of *fuZZ RedEyes
>>> *Sent:* Wednesday, June 26, 2013 6:02 PM
>>> *To:* Discussion of Half-Life Programming
>>> *Subject:* Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release
>>>  ** **
>>> Thank for the fast reply Alfred,
>>> I just may have misunderstood something, cause i told about the
>>> equivalent of the source sdk base 2006 and 2007, but a 2013 version.
>>> The three mod templates, get from the github repository, have all a
>>> gameinfo.txt with a steamapp ID set to 243730.
>>> To me it was supposed to be the Sourcesdk Base 2013 i had mentionned.
>>> the hl2 steamapp id hasn't change it's always 220.
>>> So it a bit confuse to me, if i put the mod template into
>>> "steamapps/Sourcemods/" and restart steam, nothing appears.
>>> something goes wrong ,no ?
>>> //nicolas
>>> ** **
>>> 2013/6/27 Alfred Reynolds 
>>> The expectation is that the Singleplayer variant of the SDK Base will
>>> update when HL2 does, which will be reasonably rarely (i.e less than once a
>>> year). The MP version will more closely track the engine used by our MP
>>> titles (TF2, HL2DM, DoD:S, CS:S) and will update every couple of months,
>>> but those changes should not break backwards compatibility for games.***
>>> *
>>> *From:* [mailto:
>>>] *On Behalf Of *fuZZ RedEyes
>>> *Sent:* Wednesday, June 26, 2013 5:07 PM
>>> *To:* Discussion of Half-Life Programming
>>> *Subject:* Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release
>>> Yeah Great news, and thank you Joe and Alfred for posting, here.
>>> Hmm, The source sdk base 2013 it not yet available from steam tools.
>>> How many time do you expect guys, for the steamAppID 243730 (source sdk
>>> 2013) to be )released  on steam ? ( the Steam AppID is the one set into the
>>> gameinfo.txt  of the template mod_hl2 /mod_episodic )
>>> //nicolas
>>> 2013/6/27 Alfred Reynolds 
>>> No, hammer is only available on windows and we have no plans at this
>>> time to change that.
>>> It is a MFC app, which is a windows only UI tech, so a port would be
>>> difficult. Future engines have been designed with cross platform support in
>>> the toolchain from the start.
>>> *From:* [mailto:
>>>] *On Behalf Of *Jesse F
>>> *Sent:* Wednesday, June 26, 2013 4:46 PM
>>> *To:* Discussion of Half-Life Programming
>>> *Subject:* Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release
>>> Is hammer going to work on mac and linux now? I like that I can use not
>>> VS to build the sdk now.
>>> On Wed, Jun 26, 2013 at 4:44 PM, Alfred Reynolds <
>>>> wrote:
>>> There is a new Source SDK Base 2013 app (one for MP and one for SP) that
>>> ships with a complete

Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release

2013-06-26 Thread fuZZ RedEyes
create a shortcut on your desktop and add that as target
steam://rungameid/243730 (SP)
and enjoy

2013/6/27 Stephen Swires 

> This doesn't appear to have been fixed yet. I have also tried restarting
> the Steam client.
> On 27 June 2013 02:07, Joe Ludwig  wrote:
>>  The SDK Base apps hadn't been published yet, but that should be fixed
>> now. You should see "Source SDK Base 2013 Multiplayer" and "Source SDK Base
>> 2013 Singleplayer" in your tools list. Install those and your mod should
>> show up. (You'll need to build it first so you have binaries to load.)***
>> *
>> ** **
>> *From:* [mailto:
>>] *On Behalf Of *fuZZ RedEyes
>> *Sent:* Wednesday, June 26, 2013 6:02 PM
>> *To:* Discussion of Half-Life Programming
>> *Subject:* Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release
>>  ** **
>> Thank for the fast reply Alfred,
>> I just may have misunderstood something, cause i told about the
>> equivalent of the source sdk base 2006 and 2007, but a 2013 version.
>> The three mod templates, get from the github repository, have all a
>> gameinfo.txt with a steamapp ID set to 243730.
>> To me it was supposed to be the Sourcesdk Base 2013 i had mentionned. the
>> hl2 steamapp id hasn't change it's always 220.
>> So it a bit confuse to me, if i put the mod template into
>> "steamapps/Sourcemods/" and restart steam, nothing appears.
>> something goes wrong ,no ?
>> //nicolas
>> ** **
>> 2013/6/27 Alfred Reynolds 
>> The expectation is that the Singleplayer variant of the SDK Base will
>> update when HL2 does, which will be reasonably rarely (i.e less than once a
>> year). The MP version will more closely track the engine used by our MP
>> titles (TF2, HL2DM, DoD:S, CS:S) and will update every couple of months,
>> but those changes should not break backwards compatibility for games.
>> *From:* [mailto:
>>] *On Behalf Of *fuZZ RedEyes
>> *Sent:* Wednesday, June 26, 2013 5:07 PM
>> *To:* Discussion of Half-Life Programming
>> *Subject:* Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release
>> Yeah Great news, and thank you Joe and Alfred for posting, here.
>> Hmm, The source sdk base 2013 it not yet available from steam tools.
>> How many time do you expect guys, for the steamAppID 243730 (source sdk
>> 2013) to be )released  on steam ? ( the Steam AppID is the one set into the
>> gameinfo.txt  of the template mod_hl2 /mod_episodic )
>> //nicolas
>> 2013/6/27 Alfred Reynolds 
>> No, hammer is only available on windows and we have no plans at this time
>> to change that.
>> It is a MFC app, which is a windows only UI tech, so a port would be
>> difficult. Future engines have been designed with cross platform support in
>> the toolchain from the start.
>> *From:* [mailto:
>>] *On Behalf Of *Jesse F
>> *Sent:* Wednesday, June 26, 2013 4:46 PM
>> *To:* Discussion of Half-Life Programming
>> *Subject:* Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release
>> Is hammer going to work on mac and linux now? I like that I can use not
>> VS to build the sdk now.
>> On Wed, Jun 26, 2013 at 4:44 PM, Alfred Reynolds <
>>> wrote:
>> There is a new Source SDK Base 2013 app (one for MP and one for SP) that
>> ships with a complete suite of the modding tools, you should use those and
>> set a custom VPROJECT (actually, you can use the tools from any game, just
>> set that vproject environment).
>> - Alfred
>> -Original Message-
>> From: [mailto:
>>] On Behalf Of Neico
>> Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2013 4:33 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release
>> One question does appear in my mind with that tough...

Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release

2013-06-26 Thread Joe Ludwig
Ok, now it's REALLY fixed.

[] On Behalf Of Stephen Swires
Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2013 6:21 PM
To: Discussion of Half-Life Programming
Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release

This doesn't appear to have been fixed yet. I have also tried restarting the 
Steam client.

On 27 June 2013 02:07, Joe Ludwig>> wrote:
The SDK Base apps hadn't been published yet, but that should be fixed now. You 
should see "Source SDK Base 2013 Multiplayer" and "Source SDK Base 2013 
Singleplayer" in your tools list. Install those and your mod should show up. 
(You'll need to build it first so you have binaries to load.)

 On Behalf Of fuZZ RedEyes
Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2013 6:02 PM

To: Discussion of Half-Life Programming
Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release

Thank for the fast reply Alfred,
I just may have misunderstood something, cause i told about the equivalent of 
the source sdk base 2006 and 2007, but a 2013 version.

The three mod templates, get from the github repository, have all a 
gameinfo.txt with a steamapp ID set to 243730.
To me it was supposed to be the Sourcesdk Base 2013 i had mentionned. the hl2 
steamapp id hasn't change it's always 220.
So it a bit confuse to me, if i put the mod template into 
"steamapps/Sourcemods/" and restart steam, nothing appears.
something goes wrong ,no ?

2013/6/27 Alfred Reynolds>>
The expectation is that the Singleplayer variant of the SDK Base will update 
when HL2 does, which will be reasonably rarely (i.e less than once a year). The 
MP version will more closely track the engine used by our MP titles (TF2, 
HL2DM, DoD:S, CS:S) and will update every couple of months, but those changes 
should not break backwards compatibility for games.

 On Behalf Of fuZZ RedEyes
Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2013 5:07 PM

To: Discussion of Half-Life Programming
Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release

Yeah Great news, and thank you Joe and Alfred for posting, here.
Hmm, The source sdk base 2013 it not yet available from steam tools.
How many time do you expect guys, for the steamAppID 243730 (source sdk 2013) 
to be )released  on steam ? ( the Steam AppID is the one set into the 
gameinfo.txt  of the template mod_hl2 /mod_episodic )

2013/6/27 Alfred Reynolds>>
No, hammer is only available on windows and we have no plans at this time to 
change that.

It is a MFC app, which is a windows only UI tech, so a port would be difficult. 
Future engines have been designed with cross platform support in the toolchain 
from the start.

 On Behalf Of Jesse F
Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2013 4:46 PM
To: Discussion of Half-Life Programming

Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release

Is hammer going to work on mac and linux now? I like that I can use not VS to 
build the sdk now.

On Wed, Jun 26, 2013 at 4:44 PM, Alfred Reynolds>> wrote:
There is a new Source SDK Base 2013 app (one for MP and one for SP) that ships 
with a complete suite of the modding tools, you should use those and set a 
custom VPROJECT (actually, you can use the tools from any game, just set that 
vproject environment).

- Alfred

-Original Message-
 On Behalf Of Neico
Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2013 4:33 PM
Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release

One question does appear in my mind with that tough...

How are mods going to be able to use the tools like Hammer in the future?
Games ship it with themselves, but for mods there would be a
customizable solution needed,
or do you expect us to rip the tools stuff from one of the games and
modify it until it fits and ship it together with the mod?
I think that's a rather big thing that isn't covered by the news at all
and will have an impact if there's no solution coming soon.

- Neico

On 27.06.2013 01:02 GMT +2, Alfre

Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release

2013-06-26 Thread Mart-Jan Reeuwijk

Its more a confirmation of work being done on a new source engine.

> From: Rodrigo 'r2d2rigo' Diaz 
>To: Discussion of Half-Life Programming  
>Sent: Thursday, 27 June 2013, 2:00
>Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release
>Future engines have been designed with cross platform support in the toolchain 
>from the start.
>Oh my god, HL3 CONFIRMED!
>2013/6/27 Alfred Reynolds 
>No, hammer is only available on windows and we have no plans at this time to 
>change that.
>>It is a MFC app, which is a windows only UI tech, so a port would be 
>>difficult. Future engines have been designed with cross platform support in 
>>the toolchain from the start.
>>[] On Behalf Of Jesse F
>>Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2013 4:46 PM
>>To: Discussion of Half-Life Programming
>>Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release
>>Is hammer going to work on mac and linux now? I like that I can use not VS to 
>>build the sdk now.
>>On Wed, Jun 26, 2013 at 4:44 PM, Alfred Reynolds  
>>There is a new Source SDK Base 2013 app (one for MP and one for SP) that 
>>ships with a complete suite of the modding tools, you should use those and 
>>set a custom VPROJECT (actually, you can use the tools from any game, just 
>>set that vproject environment).
>>- Alfred
>>-Original Message-
>>[] On Behalf Of Neico
>>Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2013 4:33 PM
>>Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release
>>One question does appear in my mind with that tough...
>>How are mods going to be able to use the tools like Hammer in the future?
>>Games ship it with themselves, but for mods there would be a
>>customizable solution needed,
>>or do you expect us to rip the tools stuff from one of the games and
>>modify it until it fits and ship it together with the mod?
>>I think that's a rather big thing that isn't covered by the news at all
>>and will have an impact if there's no solution coming soon.
>>- Neico
>>On 27.06.2013 01:02 GMT +2, Alfred Reynolds wrote:
>>> That is where you want to go for the code.
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From: 
>>> [] On Behalf Of Joe Ludwig
>>> Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2013 3:49 PM
>>> To: ''
>>> Subject: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release
>>> Source SDK 2013 Release
>>> We have released an update to the Source SDK, bringing support for Mac OS X 
>>> and Linux to mod developers and exposing the ability for virtual reality 
>>> support in your mod. The biggest change with this update is that we are 
>>> using github to host the source code.
 You will find the code here. This Source SDK 2013 release also includes a new 
license that can be foundhere. This new license allows mod authors to share 
their changes to the SDK more easily.
>>> The other change with the Source SDK is that now Hammer and the other mod 
>>> tools ship with their respective games instead of as part of the SDK 
>>> Launcher. The launcher itself is being phased out, so it will disappear 
>>> from your Tools list. You can find information
 about how to run the tools from the games here.
>>> The source for this new SDK release includes the latest code for all the 
>>> included games, and has many new features:
>>> . The games now build and run clients on Windows, OSX, and Linux. Dedicated 
>>> servers are supported on Windows and Linux.
>>> . Steam Pipe (the new Steam content delivery system) is supported by the 
>>> sample mods. Existing mods can change their gameinfo.txt to match the new 
>>> format and gain Steam Pipe support.
>>> . Support for Virtual Reality via the Oculus Rift has been added to the 
>>> SDK. Running a compatible mod with -vr on the command line will run the mod 
>>> in stereo and enable head tracking on the Rift.
>>> You can find instructions on getting started with t

Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release

2013-06-26 Thread Stephen Swires
This doesn't appear to have been fixed yet. I have also tried restarting
the Steam client.

On 27 June 2013 02:07, Joe Ludwig  wrote:

>  The SDK Base apps hadn't been published yet, but that should be fixed
> now. You should see "Source SDK Base 2013 Multiplayer" and "Source SDK Base
> 2013 Singleplayer" in your tools list. Install those and your mod should
> show up. (You'll need to build it first so you have binaries to load.)
> ** **
> *From:* [mailto:
>] *On Behalf Of *fuZZ RedEyes
> *Sent:* Wednesday, June 26, 2013 6:02 PM
> *To:* Discussion of Half-Life Programming
> *Subject:* Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release
>  ** **
> Thank for the fast reply Alfred,
> I just may have misunderstood something, cause i told about the equivalent
> of the source sdk base 2006 and 2007, but a 2013 version.
> The three mod templates, get from the github repository, have all a
> gameinfo.txt with a steamapp ID set to 243730.
> To me it was supposed to be the Sourcesdk Base 2013 i had mentionned. the
> hl2 steamapp id hasn't change it's always 220.
> So it a bit confuse to me, if i put the mod template into
> "steamapps/Sourcemods/" and restart steam, nothing appears.
> something goes wrong ,no ?
> //nicolas
> ** **
> 2013/6/27 Alfred Reynolds 
> The expectation is that the Singleplayer variant of the SDK Base will
> update when HL2 does, which will be reasonably rarely (i.e less than once a
> year). The MP version will more closely track the engine used by our MP
> titles (TF2, HL2DM, DoD:S, CS:S) and will update every couple of months,
> but those changes should not break backwards compatibility for games.
> *From:* [mailto:
>] *On Behalf Of *fuZZ RedEyes
> *Sent:* Wednesday, June 26, 2013 5:07 PM
> *To:* Discussion of Half-Life Programming
> *Subject:* Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release
> Yeah Great news, and thank you Joe and Alfred for posting, here.
> Hmm, The source sdk base 2013 it not yet available from steam tools.
> How many time do you expect guys, for the steamAppID 243730 (source sdk
> 2013) to be )released  on steam ? ( the Steam AppID is the one set into the
> gameinfo.txt  of the template mod_hl2 /mod_episodic )
> //nicolas
> 2013/6/27 Alfred Reynolds 
> No, hammer is only available on windows and we have no plans at this time
> to change that.
> It is a MFC app, which is a windows only UI tech, so a port would be
> difficult. Future engines have been designed with cross platform support in
> the toolchain from the start.
> *From:* [mailto:
>] *On Behalf Of *Jesse F
> *Sent:* Wednesday, June 26, 2013 4:46 PM
> *To:* Discussion of Half-Life Programming
> *Subject:* Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release
> Is hammer going to work on mac and linux now? I like that I can use not VS
> to build the sdk now.
> On Wed, Jun 26, 2013 at 4:44 PM, Alfred Reynolds 
> wrote:
> There is a new Source SDK Base 2013 app (one for MP and one for SP) that
> ships with a complete suite of the modding tools, you should use those and
> set a custom VPROJECT (actually, you can use the tools from any game, just
> set that vproject environment).
> - Alfred
> -Original Message-
> From: [mailto:
>] On Behalf Of Neico
> Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2013 4:33 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release
> One question does appear in my mind with that tough...
> How are mods going to be able to use the tools like Hammer in the future?
> Games ship it with themselves, but for mods there would be a
> customizable solution needed,
> or do you expect us to rip the tools stuff from one of the games and
> modify it until it fits and ship it together with the mod?
> I think that's a rather big thing that isn't covered by the news at all
> and will have an impact if there's no solution coming soon.
> - Neico
> On 27.06.2013 01:02 GMT +2, Alfred Reynolds wrote:
> >
> >
> > That is where you want to go for the code.

Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release

2013-06-26 Thread fuZZ RedEyes
great Joe, thank you for the help :)
i will surely write an sort of tutorial as so much people should be confuse
with the recent change.

2013/6/27 Joe Ludwig 

>  The SDK Base apps hadn't been published yet, but that should be fixed
> now. You should see "Source SDK Base 2013 Multiplayer" and "Source SDK Base
> 2013 Singleplayer" in your tools list. Install those and your mod should
> show up. (You'll need to build it first so you have binaries to load.)
> ** **
> *From:* [mailto:
>] *On Behalf Of *fuZZ RedEyes
> *Sent:* Wednesday, June 26, 2013 6:02 PM
> *To:* Discussion of Half-Life Programming
> *Subject:* Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release
>  ** **
> Thank for the fast reply Alfred,
> I just may have misunderstood something, cause i told about the equivalent
> of the source sdk base 2006 and 2007, but a 2013 version.
> The three mod templates, get from the github repository, have all a
> gameinfo.txt with a steamapp ID set to 243730.
> To me it was supposed to be the Sourcesdk Base 2013 i had mentionned. the
> hl2 steamapp id hasn't change it's always 220.
> So it a bit confuse to me, if i put the mod template into
> "steamapps/Sourcemods/" and restart steam, nothing appears.
> something goes wrong ,no ?
> //nicolas
> ** **
> 2013/6/27 Alfred Reynolds 
> The expectation is that the Singleplayer variant of the SDK Base will
> update when HL2 does, which will be reasonably rarely (i.e less than once a
> year). The MP version will more closely track the engine used by our MP
> titles (TF2, HL2DM, DoD:S, CS:S) and will update every couple of months,
> but those changes should not break backwards compatibility for games.
> *From:* [mailto:
>] *On Behalf Of *fuZZ RedEyes
> *Sent:* Wednesday, June 26, 2013 5:07 PM
> *To:* Discussion of Half-Life Programming
> *Subject:* Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release
> Yeah Great news, and thank you Joe and Alfred for posting, here.
> Hmm, The source sdk base 2013 it not yet available from steam tools.
> How many time do you expect guys, for the steamAppID 243730 (source sdk
> 2013) to be )released  on steam ? ( the Steam AppID is the one set into the
> gameinfo.txt  of the template mod_hl2 /mod_episodic )
> //nicolas
> 2013/6/27 Alfred Reynolds 
> No, hammer is only available on windows and we have no plans at this time
> to change that.
> It is a MFC app, which is a windows only UI tech, so a port would be
> difficult. Future engines have been designed with cross platform support in
> the toolchain from the start.
> *From:* [mailto:
>] *On Behalf Of *Jesse F
> *Sent:* Wednesday, June 26, 2013 4:46 PM
> *To:* Discussion of Half-Life Programming
> *Subject:* Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release
> Is hammer going to work on mac and linux now? I like that I can use not VS
> to build the sdk now.
> On Wed, Jun 26, 2013 at 4:44 PM, Alfred Reynolds 
> wrote:
> There is a new Source SDK Base 2013 app (one for MP and one for SP) that
> ships with a complete suite of the modding tools, you should use those and
> set a custom VPROJECT (actually, you can use the tools from any game, just
> set that vproject environment).
> - Alfred
> -Original Message-
> From: [mailto:
>] On Behalf Of Neico
> Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2013 4:33 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release
> One question does appear in my mind with that tough...
> How are mods going to be able to use the tools like Hammer in the future?
> Games ship it with themselves, but for mods there would be a
> customizable solution needed,
> or do you expect us to rip the tools stuff from one of the games and
> modify it until it fits and ship it together with the mod?
> I think that's a rather big thing that isn't covered by the news at all
> and will have an impact if there's no solution coming soon.
> - Neico
> On 27.06.2013 01:02 GMT +2, Alfred Reynolds wrote:
> >
> >
> > That is where 

Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release

2013-06-26 Thread Joe Ludwig
The SDK Base apps hadn't been published yet, but that should be fixed now. You 
should see "Source SDK Base 2013 Multiplayer" and "Source SDK Base 2013 
Singleplayer" in your tools list. Install those and your mod should show up. 
(You'll need to build it first so you have binaries to load.)

[] On Behalf Of fuZZ RedEyes
Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2013 6:02 PM
To: Discussion of Half-Life Programming
Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release

Thank for the fast reply Alfred,
I just may have misunderstood something, cause i told about the equivalent of 
the source sdk base 2006 and 2007, but a 2013 version.

The three mod templates, get from the github repository, have all a 
gameinfo.txt with a steamapp ID set to 243730.
To me it was supposed to be the Sourcesdk Base 2013 i had mentionned. the hl2 
steamapp id hasn't change it's always 220.
So it a bit confuse to me, if i put the mod template into 
"steamapps/Sourcemods/" and restart steam, nothing appears.
something goes wrong ,no ?

2013/6/27 Alfred Reynolds>>
The expectation is that the Singleplayer variant of the SDK Base will update 
when HL2 does, which will be reasonably rarely (i.e less than once a year). The 
MP version will more closely track the engine used by our MP titles (TF2, 
HL2DM, DoD:S, CS:S) and will update every couple of months, but those changes 
should not break backwards compatibility for games.

 On Behalf Of fuZZ RedEyes
Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2013 5:07 PM

To: Discussion of Half-Life Programming
Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release

Yeah Great news, and thank you Joe and Alfred for posting, here.
Hmm, The source sdk base 2013 it not yet available from steam tools.
How many time do you expect guys, for the steamAppID 243730 (source sdk 2013) 
to be )released  on steam ? ( the Steam AppID is the one set into the 
gameinfo.txt  of the template mod_hl2 /mod_episodic )

2013/6/27 Alfred Reynolds>>
No, hammer is only available on windows and we have no plans at this time to 
change that.

It is a MFC app, which is a windows only UI tech, so a port would be difficult. 
Future engines have been designed with cross platform support in the toolchain 
from the start.

 On Behalf Of Jesse F
Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2013 4:46 PM
To: Discussion of Half-Life Programming

Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release

Is hammer going to work on mac and linux now? I like that I can use not VS to 
build the sdk now.

On Wed, Jun 26, 2013 at 4:44 PM, Alfred Reynolds>> wrote:
There is a new Source SDK Base 2013 app (one for MP and one for SP) that ships 
with a complete suite of the modding tools, you should use those and set a 
custom VPROJECT (actually, you can use the tools from any game, just set that 
vproject environment).

- Alfred

-Original Message-
 On Behalf Of Neico
Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2013 4:33 PM
Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release

One question does appear in my mind with that tough...

How are mods going to be able to use the tools like Hammer in the future?
Games ship it with themselves, but for mods there would be a
customizable solution needed,
or do you expect us to rip the tools stuff from one of the games and
modify it until it fits and ship it together with the mod?
I think that's a rather big thing that isn't covered by the news at all
and will have an impact if there's no solution coming soon.

- Neico

On 27.06.2013 01:02 GMT +2, Alfred Reynolds wrote:
> That is where you want to go for the code.
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [<>]
>  On Behalf Of Joe Ludwig
> Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2013 3:49 PM
> To: '<>'
> Subje

Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release

2013-06-26 Thread fuZZ RedEyes
Thank for the fast reply Alfred,
I just may have misunderstood something, cause i told about the equivalent
of the source sdk base 2006 and 2007, but a 2013 version.

The three mod templates, get from the github repository, have all a
gameinfo.txt with a steamapp ID set to 243730.
To me it was supposed to be the Sourcesdk Base 2013 i had mentionned. the
hl2 steamapp id hasn't change it's always 220.
So it a bit confuse to me, if i put the mod template into
"steamapps/Sourcemods/" and restart steam, nothing appears.

something goes wrong ,no ?


2013/6/27 Alfred Reynolds 

>  The expectation is that the Singleplayer variant of the SDK Base will
> update when HL2 does, which will be reasonably rarely (i.e less than once a
> year). The MP version will more closely track the engine used by our MP
> titles (TF2, HL2DM, DoD:S, CS:S) and will update every couple of months,
> but those changes should not break backwards compatibility for games.
> ** **
> *From:* [mailto:
>] *On Behalf Of *fuZZ RedEyes
> *Sent:* Wednesday, June 26, 2013 5:07 PM
> *To:* Discussion of Half-Life Programming
> *Subject:* Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release
> ** **
> Yeah Great news, and thank you Joe and Alfred for posting, here.
> Hmm, The source sdk base 2013 it not yet available from steam tools.
> How many time do you expect guys, for the steamAppID 243730 (source sdk
> 2013) to be )released  on steam ? ( the Steam AppID is the one set into the
> gameinfo.txt  of the template mod_hl2 /mod_episodic )
> //nicolas
> ** **
> ** **
> 2013/6/27 Alfred Reynolds 
> No, hammer is only available on windows and we have no plans at this time
> to change that.
> It is a MFC app, which is a windows only UI tech, so a port would be
> difficult. Future engines have been designed with cross platform support in
> the toolchain from the start.
> *From:* [mailto:
>] *On Behalf Of *Jesse F
> *Sent:* Wednesday, June 26, 2013 4:46 PM
> *To:* Discussion of Half-Life Programming
> *Subject:* Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release
> Is hammer going to work on mac and linux now? I like that I can use not VS
> to build the sdk now.
> On Wed, Jun 26, 2013 at 4:44 PM, Alfred Reynolds 
> wrote:
> There is a new Source SDK Base 2013 app (one for MP and one for SP) that
> ships with a complete suite of the modding tools, you should use those and
> set a custom VPROJECT (actually, you can use the tools from any game, just
> set that vproject environment).
> - Alfred
> -Original Message-----
> From: [mailto:
>] On Behalf Of Neico
> Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2013 4:33 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release
> One question does appear in my mind with that tough...
> How are mods going to be able to use the tools like Hammer in the future?
> Games ship it with themselves, but for mods there would be a
> customizable solution needed,
> or do you expect us to rip the tools stuff from one of the games and
> modify it until it fits and ship it together with the mod?
> I think that's a rather big thing that isn't covered by the news at all
> and will have an impact if there's no solution coming soon.
> - Neico
> On 27.06.2013 01:02 GMT +2, Alfred Reynolds wrote:
> >
> >
> > That is where you want to go for the code.
> >
> > -Original Message-
> > From: [mailto:
>] On Behalf Of Joe Ludwig
> > Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2013 3:49 PM
> > To: ''
> > Subject: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release
> >
> >
> >
> > Source SDK 2013 Release
> >
> > We have released an update to the Source SDK, bringing support for Mac
> OS X and Linux to mod developers and exposing the ability for virtual
> reality support in your mod. The biggest change with this update is that we
> are using github to host the source code. You will find the code here. This
> Source SDK 2013 release also includes a new license that can be foundhere.
> This new license allows mod authors to share their changes to the SDK more
> easily.
> >
> > The other 

Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release

2013-06-26 Thread Kyle Sanderson
Thanks for the update!


On Wed, Jun 26, 2013 at 5:37 PM, Rodrigo 'r2d2rigo' Diaz  wrote:

> @Jacob: MS tends to break their own C++ compilers with each VS release, so
> I would recommend you to keep using VS2010 for Source SDK; but if you
> really, really need the new IntelliSense features added in VS2012, you can
> install 2010 and 2012 in the same machine and the later will use the "old"
> compiling tools if you refuse to update the project when opening it.
> 2013/6/27 Jacob "J*Rod" Salas 
>> Hey, I've been building the latest multiplayer code in VS 2012 (Release),
>> and I immediately run into linker mismatches with _MSC_VER (1600 vs 1700)
>> in pretty much every precompiled library. I probably should've just built
>> the project using the 2010 toolset to begin with, but I don't think those
>> files had any compatibility problems like that in any other SDK.
>> Thanks!
>> --
>> Jacob "J*Rod" Salas
>> The star is silent, but prominent... 
>> ___
>> To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives,
>> please visit:
> ___
> To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives,
> please visit:
To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives, please 

Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release

2013-06-26 Thread Rodrigo 'r2d2rigo' Diaz
@Jacob: MS tends to break their own C++ compilers with each VS release, so
I would recommend you to keep using VS2010 for Source SDK; but if you
really, really need the new IntelliSense features added in VS2012, you can
install 2010 and 2012 in the same machine and the later will use the "old"
compiling tools if you refuse to update the project when opening it.

2013/6/27 Jacob "J*Rod" Salas 

> Hey, I've been building the latest multiplayer code in VS 2012 (Release),
> and I immediately run into linker mismatches with _MSC_VER (1600 vs 1700)
> in pretty much every precompiled library. I probably should've just built
> the project using the 2010 toolset to begin with, but I don't think those
> files had any compatibility problems like that in any other SDK.
> Thanks!
> --
> Jacob "J*Rod" Salas
> The star is silent, but prominent... 
> ___
> To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives,
> please visit:
To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives, please 

Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release

2013-06-26 Thread Jacob "J*Rod" Salas
Hey, I've been building the latest multiplayer code in VS 2012 (Release),
and I immediately run into linker mismatches with _MSC_VER (1600 vs 1700)
in pretty much every precompiled library. I probably should've just built
the project using the 2010 toolset to begin with, but I don't think those
files had any compatibility problems like that in any other SDK.


Jacob "J*Rod" Salas
The star is silent, but prominent... 
To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives, please 

Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release

2013-06-26 Thread Psy_Commando
Sounds like a good new. Honestly, I was about to switch to UDK. But maybe
this might just work..

Is faceposer fixed ? And, does this use Qt for the UI, like the SFM ?

On Wed, Jun 26, 2013 at 8:14 PM, Alfred Reynolds

>  The expectation is that the Singleplayer variant of the SDK Base will
> update when HL2 does, which will be reasonably rarely (i.e less than once a
> year). The MP version will more closely track the engine used by our MP
> titles (TF2, HL2DM, DoD:S, CS:S) and will update every couple of months,
> but those changes should not break backwards compatibility for games.
> ** **
> *From:* [mailto:
>] *On Behalf Of *fuZZ RedEyes
> *Sent:* Wednesday, June 26, 2013 5:07 PM
> *To:* Discussion of Half-Life Programming
> *Subject:* Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release
> ** **
> Yeah Great news, and thank you Joe and Alfred for posting, here.
> Hmm, The source sdk base 2013 it not yet available from steam tools.
> How many time do you expect guys, for the steamAppID 243730 (source sdk
> 2013) to be )released  on steam ? ( the Steam AppID is the one set into the
> gameinfo.txt  of the template mod_hl2 /mod_episodic )
> //nicolas
> ** **
> ** **
> 2013/6/27 Alfred Reynolds 
> No, hammer is only available on windows and we have no plans at this time
> to change that.
> It is a MFC app, which is a windows only UI tech, so a port would be
> difficult. Future engines have been designed with cross platform support in
> the toolchain from the start.
> *From:* [mailto:
>] *On Behalf Of *Jesse F
> *Sent:* Wednesday, June 26, 2013 4:46 PM
> *To:* Discussion of Half-Life Programming
> *Subject:* Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release
> Is hammer going to work on mac and linux now? I like that I can use not VS
> to build the sdk now.
> On Wed, Jun 26, 2013 at 4:44 PM, Alfred Reynolds 
> wrote:
> There is a new Source SDK Base 2013 app (one for MP and one for SP) that
> ships with a complete suite of the modding tools, you should use those and
> set a custom VPROJECT (actually, you can use the tools from any game, just
> set that vproject environment).
> - Alfred
> -Original Message-
> From: [mailto:
>] On Behalf Of Neico
> Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2013 4:33 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release
> One question does appear in my mind with that tough...
> How are mods going to be able to use the tools like Hammer in the future?
> Games ship it with themselves, but for mods there would be a
> customizable solution needed,
> or do you expect us to rip the tools stuff from one of the games and
> modify it until it fits and ship it together with the mod?
> I think that's a rather big thing that isn't covered by the news at all
> and will have an impact if there's no solution coming soon.
> - Neico
> On 27.06.2013 01:02 GMT +2, Alfred Reynolds wrote:
> >
> >
> > That is where you want to go for the code.
> >
> > -Original Message-
> > From: [mailto:
>] On Behalf Of Joe Ludwig
> > Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2013 3:49 PM
> > To: ''
> > Subject: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release
> >
> >
> >
> > Source SDK 2013 Release
> >
> > We have released an update to the Source SDK, bringing support for Mac
> OS X and Linux to mod developers and exposing the ability for virtual
> reality support in your mod. The biggest change with this update is that we
> are using github to host the source code. You will find the code here. This
> Source SDK 2013 release also includes a new license that can be foundhere.
> This new license allows mod authors to share their changes to the SDK more
> easily.
> >
> > The other change with the Source SDK is that now Hammer and the other
> mod tools ship with their respective games instead of as part of the SDK
> Launcher. The launcher itself is being phased out, so it will disappear
> from your Tools list. You can find information about how to run the tools
> from the games here.
> >
> > The source for this new SDK release incl

Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release

2013-06-26 Thread Alfred Reynolds
The expectation is that the Singleplayer variant of the SDK Base will update 
when HL2 does, which will be reasonably rarely (i.e less than once a year). The 
MP version will more closely track the engine used by our MP titles (TF2, 
HL2DM, DoD:S, CS:S) and will update every couple of months, but those changes 
should not break backwards compatibility for games.

[] On Behalf Of fuZZ RedEyes
Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2013 5:07 PM
To: Discussion of Half-Life Programming
Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release

Yeah Great news, and thank you Joe and Alfred for posting, here.
Hmm, The source sdk base 2013 it not yet available from steam tools.
How many time do you expect guys, for the steamAppID 243730 (source sdk 2013) 
to be )released  on steam ? ( the Steam AppID is the one set into the 
gameinfo.txt  of the template mod_hl2 /mod_episodic )

2013/6/27 Alfred Reynolds>>
No, hammer is only available on windows and we have no plans at this time to 
change that.

It is a MFC app, which is a windows only UI tech, so a port would be difficult. 
Future engines have been designed with cross platform support in the toolchain 
from the start.

 On Behalf Of Jesse F
Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2013 4:46 PM
To: Discussion of Half-Life Programming

Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release

Is hammer going to work on mac and linux now? I like that I can use not VS to 
build the sdk now.

On Wed, Jun 26, 2013 at 4:44 PM, Alfred Reynolds>> wrote:
There is a new Source SDK Base 2013 app (one for MP and one for SP) that ships 
with a complete suite of the modding tools, you should use those and set a 
custom VPROJECT (actually, you can use the tools from any game, just set that 
vproject environment).

- Alfred

-Original Message-
 On Behalf Of Neico
Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2013 4:33 PM
Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release

One question does appear in my mind with that tough...

How are mods going to be able to use the tools like Hammer in the future?
Games ship it with themselves, but for mods there would be a
customizable solution needed,
or do you expect us to rip the tools stuff from one of the games and
modify it until it fits and ship it together with the mod?
I think that's a rather big thing that isn't covered by the news at all
and will have an impact if there's no solution coming soon.

- Neico

On 27.06.2013 01:02 GMT +2, Alfred Reynolds wrote:
> That is where you want to go for the code.
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [<>]
>  On Behalf Of Joe Ludwig
> Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2013 3:49 PM
> To: '<>'
> Subject: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release
> Source SDK 2013 Release
> We have released an update to the Source SDK, bringing support for Mac OS X 
> and Linux to mod developers and exposing the ability for virtual reality 
> support in your mod. The biggest change with this update is that we are using 
> github to host the source code. You will find the code here. This Source SDK 
> 2013 release also includes a new license that can be foundhere. This new 
> license allows mod authors to share their changes to the SDK more easily.
> The other change with the Source SDK is that now Hammer and the other mod 
> tools ship with their respective games instead of as part of the SDK 
> Launcher. The launcher itself is being phased out, so it will disappear from 
> your Tools list. You can find information about how to run the tools from the 
> games here.
> The source for this new SDK release includes the latest code for all the 
> included games, and has many new features:
> . The games now build and run clients on Windows, OSX, and Linux. Dedicated 
> servers are supported on Windows and Linux.
> . Steam Pipe (the new Steam content delivery system) is supported by the 
> sample mods. Existing mods can c

Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release

2013-06-26 Thread Marcus Dyck
On 2013-06-26 7:01 PM, "Rodrigo 'r2d2rigo' Diaz"  wrote:

> *Future engines have been designed with cross platform support in the
> toolchain from the start.*
> *
> *
> Oh my god, HL3 CONFIRMED!
> 2013/6/27 Alfred Reynolds 
>>  No, hammer is only available on windows and we have no plans at this
>> time to change that.
>> ** **
>> It is a MFC app, which is a windows only UI tech, so a port would be
>> difficult. Future engines have been designed with cross platform support in
>> the toolchain from the start.
>> ** **
>> *From:* [mailto:
>>] *On Behalf Of *Jesse F
>> *Sent:* Wednesday, June 26, 2013 4:46 PM
>> *To:* Discussion of Half-Life Programming
>> *Subject:* Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release
>> ** **
>> Is hammer going to work on mac and linux now? I like that I can use not
>> VS to build the sdk now.
>> ** **
>> On Wed, Jun 26, 2013 at 4:44 PM, Alfred Reynolds <
>>> wrote:
>> There is a new Source SDK Base 2013 app (one for MP and one for SP) that
>> ships with a complete suite of the modding tools, you should use those and
>> set a custom VPROJECT (actually, you can use the tools from any game, just
>> set that vproject environment).
>> - Alfred****
>> -Original Message-
>> From: [mailto:
>>] On Behalf Of Neico
>> Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2013 4:33 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release
>> One question does appear in my mind with that tough...
>> How are mods going to be able to use the tools like Hammer in the future?
>> Games ship it with themselves, but for mods there would be a
>> customizable solution needed,
>> or do you expect us to rip the tools stuff from one of the games and
>> modify it until it fits and ship it together with the mod?
>> I think that's a rather big thing that isn't covered by the news at all
>> and will have an impact if there's no solution coming soon.
>> - Neico
>> On 27.06.2013 01:02 GMT +2, Alfred Reynolds wrote:
>> >
>> >
>> > That is where you want to go for the code.
>> >
>> > -Original Message-
>> > From: [mailto:
>>] On Behalf Of Joe Ludwig
>> > Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2013 3:49 PM
>> > To: ''
>> > Subject: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > Source SDK 2013 Release
>> >
>> > We have released an update to the Source SDK, bringing support for Mac
>> OS X and Linux to mod developers and exposing the ability for virtual
>> reality support in your mod. The biggest change with this update is that we
>> are using github to host the source code. You will find the code here. This
>> Source SDK 2013 release also includes a new license that can be foundhere.
>> This new license allows mod authors to share their changes to the SDK more
>> easily.
>> >
>> > The other change with the Source SDK is that now Hammer and the other
>> mod tools ship with their respective games instead of as part of the SDK
>> Launcher. The launcher itself is being phased out, so it will disappear
>> from your Tools list. You can find information about how to run the tools
>> from the games here.
>> >
>> > The source for this new SDK release includes the latest code for all
>> the included games, and has many new features:
>> > . The games now build and run clients on Windows, OSX, and Linux.
>> Dedicated servers are supported on Windows and Linux.
>> > . Steam Pipe (the new Steam content delivery system) is supported by
>> the sample mods. Existing mods can change their gameinfo.txt to match the
>> new format and gain Steam Pipe support.
>> > . Support for Virtual Reality via the Oculus Rift has been added to the
>> SDK. Running a compatible mod with -vr on the command line will run the mod
>> in stereo and enable head tracking on the Rift.
>> >
>> > You can find instructions on getting started with the ne

Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release

2013-06-26 Thread M B
Doubt it, actually.

Sent from my iPod

On Jun 26, 2013, at 5:01 PM, "Rodrigo 'r2d2rigo' Diaz"  

> Future engines have been designed with cross platform support in the 
> toolchain from the start.
> Oh my god, HL3 CONFIRMED!
> 2013/6/27 Alfred Reynolds 
>> No, hammer is only available on windows and we have no plans at this time to 
>> change that.
>> It is a MFC app, which is a windows only UI tech, so a port would be 
>> difficult. Future engines have been designed with cross platform support in 
>> the toolchain from the start.
>> From: 
>> [] On Behalf Of Jesse F
>> Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2013 4:46 PM
>> To: Discussion of Half-Life Programming
>> Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release
>> Is hammer going to work on mac and linux now? I like that I can use not VS 
>> to build the sdk now.
>> On Wed, Jun 26, 2013 at 4:44 PM, Alfred Reynolds  
>> wrote:
>> There is a new Source SDK Base 2013 app (one for MP and one for SP) that 
>> ships with a complete suite of the modding tools, you should use those and 
>> set a custom VPROJECT (actually, you can use the tools from any game, just 
>> set that vproject environment).
>> - Alfred
>> -----Original Message-
>> From: 
>> [] On Behalf Of Neico
>> Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2013 4:33 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release
>> One question does appear in my mind with that tough...
>> How are mods going to be able to use the tools like Hammer in the future?
>> Games ship it with themselves, but for mods there would be a
>> customizable solution needed,
>> or do you expect us to rip the tools stuff from one of the games and
>> modify it until it fits and ship it together with the mod?
>> I think that's a rather big thing that isn't covered by the news at all
>> and will have an impact if there's no solution coming soon.
>> - Neico
>> On 27.06.2013 01:02 GMT +2, Alfred Reynolds wrote:
>> >
>> >
>> > That is where you want to go for the code.
>> >
>> > -Original Message-
>> > From: 
>> > [] On Behalf Of Joe Ludwig
>> > Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2013 3:49 PM
>> > To: ''
>> > Subject: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > Source SDK 2013 Release
>> >
>> > We have released an update to the Source SDK, bringing support for Mac OS 
>> > X and Linux to mod developers and exposing the ability for virtual reality 
>> > support in your mod. The biggest change with this update is that we are 
>> > using github to host the source code. You will find the code here. This 
>> > Source SDK 2013 release also includes a new license that can be foundhere. 
>> > This new license allows mod authors to share their changes to the SDK more 
>> > easily.
>> >
>> > The other change with the Source SDK is that now Hammer and the other mod 
>> > tools ship with their respective games instead of as part of the SDK 
>> > Launcher. The launcher itself is being phased out, so it will disappear 
>> > from your Tools list. You can find information about how to run the tools 
>> > from the games here.
>> >
>> > The source for this new SDK release includes the latest code for all the 
>> > included games, and has many new features:
>> > . The games now build and run clients on Windows, OSX, and Linux. 
>> > Dedicated servers are supported on Windows and Linux.
>> > . Steam Pipe (the new Steam content delivery system) is supported by the 
>> > sample mods. Existing mods can change their gameinfo.txt to match the new 
>> > format and gain Steam Pipe support.
>> > . Support for Virtual Reality via the Oculus Rift has been added to the 
>> > SDK. Running a compatible mod with -vr on the command line will run the 
>> > mod in stereo and enable head tracking on the Rift.
>> >
>> >

Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release

2013-06-26 Thread Dylan House
*Hint hint*

On Wed, Jun 26, 2013 at 5:00 PM, Rodrigo 'r2d2rigo' Diaz  wrote:

> *Future engines have been designed with cross platform support in the
> toolchain from the start.*
> *
> *
> Oh my god, HL3 CONFIRMED!
> 2013/6/27 Alfred Reynolds 
>>  No, hammer is only available on windows and we have no plans at this
>> time to change that.
>> ** **
>> It is a MFC app, which is a windows only UI tech, so a port would be
>> difficult. Future engines have been designed with cross platform support in
>> the toolchain from the start.
>> ** **
>> *From:* [mailto:
>>] *On Behalf Of *Jesse F
>> *Sent:* Wednesday, June 26, 2013 4:46 PM
>> *To:* Discussion of Half-Life Programming
>> *Subject:* Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release
>> ** **
>> Is hammer going to work on mac and linux now? I like that I can use not
>> VS to build the sdk now.
>> ** **
>> On Wed, Jun 26, 2013 at 4:44 PM, Alfred Reynolds <
>>> wrote:
>> There is a new Source SDK Base 2013 app (one for MP and one for SP) that
>> ships with a complete suite of the modding tools, you should use those and
>> set a custom VPROJECT (actually, you can use the tools from any game, just
>> set that vproject environment).
>> - Alfred
>> -Original Message-
>> From: [mailto:
>>] On Behalf Of Neico
>> Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2013 4:33 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release
>> One question does appear in my mind with that tough...
>> How are mods going to be able to use the tools like Hammer in the future?
>> Games ship it with themselves, but for mods there would be a
>> customizable solution needed,
>> or do you expect us to rip the tools stuff from one of the games and
>> modify it until it fits and ship it together with the mod?
>> I think that's a rather big thing that isn't covered by the news at all
>> and will have an impact if there's no solution coming soon.
>> - Neico
>> On 27.06.2013 01:02 GMT +2, Alfred Reynolds wrote:
>> >
>> >
>> > That is where you want to go for the code.
>> >
>> > -Original Message-
>> > From: [mailto:
>>] On Behalf Of Joe Ludwig
>> > Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2013 3:49 PM
>> > To: ''
>> > Subject: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > Source SDK 2013 Release
>> >
>> > We have released an update to the Source SDK, bringing support for Mac
>> OS X and Linux to mod developers and exposing the ability for virtual
>> reality support in your mod. The biggest change with this update is that we
>> are using github to host the source code. You will find the code here. This
>> Source SDK 2013 release also includes a new license that can be foundhere.
>> This new license allows mod authors to share their changes to the SDK more
>> easily.
>> >
>> > The other change with the Source SDK is that now Hammer and the other
>> mod tools ship with their respective games instead of as part of the SDK
>> Launcher. The launcher itself is being phased out, so it will disappear
>> from your Tools list. You can find information about how to run the tools
>> from the games here.
>> >
>> > The source for this new SDK release includes the latest code for all
>> the included games, and has many new features:
>> > . The games now build and run clients on Windows, OSX, and Linux.
>> Dedicated servers are supported on Windows and Linux.
>> > . Steam Pipe (the new Steam content delivery system) is supported by
>> the sample mods. Existing mods can change their gameinfo.txt to match the
>> new format and gain Steam Pipe support.
>> > . Support for Virtual Reality via the Oculus Rift has been added to the
>> SDK. Running a compatible mod with -vr on the command line will run the mod
>> in stereo and enable head tracking on the Rift.
>> >
>> > You can find instructions on getting started with the new Source S

Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release

2013-06-26 Thread fuZZ RedEyes
Yeah Great news, and thank you Joe and Alfred for posting, here.
Hmm, The source sdk base 2013 it not yet available from steam tools.
How many time do you expect guys, for the steamAppID 243730 (source sdk
2013) to be )released  on steam ? ( the Steam AppID is the one set into the
gameinfo.txt  of the template mod_hl2 /mod_episodic )


2013/6/27 Alfred Reynolds 

>  No, hammer is only available on windows and we have no plans at this
> time to change that.
> ** **
> It is a MFC app, which is a windows only UI tech, so a port would be
> difficult. Future engines have been designed with cross platform support in
> the toolchain from the start.
> ** **
> *From:* [mailto:
>] *On Behalf Of *Jesse F
> *Sent:* Wednesday, June 26, 2013 4:46 PM
> *To:* Discussion of Half-Life Programming
> *Subject:* Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release
> ** **
> Is hammer going to work on mac and linux now? I like that I can use not VS
> to build the sdk now.
> ** **
> On Wed, Jun 26, 2013 at 4:44 PM, Alfred Reynolds 
> wrote:
> There is a new Source SDK Base 2013 app (one for MP and one for SP) that
> ships with a complete suite of the modding tools, you should use those and
> set a custom VPROJECT (actually, you can use the tools from any game, just
> set that vproject environment).
> - Alfred
> -Original Message-
> From: [mailto:
>] On Behalf Of Neico
> Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2013 4:33 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release
> One question does appear in my mind with that tough...
> How are mods going to be able to use the tools like Hammer in the future?
> Games ship it with themselves, but for mods there would be a
> customizable solution needed,
> or do you expect us to rip the tools stuff from one of the games and
> modify it until it fits and ship it together with the mod?
> I think that's a rather big thing that isn't covered by the news at all
> and will have an impact if there's no solution coming soon.
> - Neico
> On 27.06.2013 01:02 GMT +2, Alfred Reynolds wrote:
> >
> >
> > That is where you want to go for the code.
> >
> > -Original Message-
> > From: [mailto:
>] On Behalf Of Joe Ludwig
> > Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2013 3:49 PM
> > To: ''
> > Subject: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release
> >
> >
> >
> > Source SDK 2013 Release
> >
> > We have released an update to the Source SDK, bringing support for Mac
> OS X and Linux to mod developers and exposing the ability for virtual
> reality support in your mod. The biggest change with this update is that we
> are using github to host the source code. You will find the code here. This
> Source SDK 2013 release also includes a new license that can be foundhere.
> This new license allows mod authors to share their changes to the SDK more
> easily.
> >
> > The other change with the Source SDK is that now Hammer and the other
> mod tools ship with their respective games instead of as part of the SDK
> Launcher. The launcher itself is being phased out, so it will disappear
> from your Tools list. You can find information about how to run the tools
> from the games here.
> >
> > The source for this new SDK release includes the latest code for all the
> included games, and has many new features:
> > . The games now build and run clients on Windows, OSX, and Linux.
> Dedicated servers are supported on Windows and Linux.
> > . Steam Pipe (the new Steam content delivery system) is supported by the
> sample mods. Existing mods can change their gameinfo.txt to match the new
> format and gain Steam Pipe support.
> > . Support for Virtual Reality via the Oculus Rift has been added to the
> SDK. Running a compatible mod with -vr on the command line will run the mod
> in stereo and enable head tracking on the Rift.
> >
> > You can find instructions on getting started with the new Source SDK
> 2013 on the Valve Developer Community wiki.
> >
> >
> > ___
> > To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives,
> please visit:
> >
> >

Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release

2013-06-26 Thread Rodrigo 'r2d2rigo' Diaz
*Future engines have been designed with cross platform support in the
toolchain from the start.*
Oh my god, HL3 CONFIRMED!

2013/6/27 Alfred Reynolds 

>  No, hammer is only available on windows and we have no plans at this
> time to change that.
> ** **
> It is a MFC app, which is a windows only UI tech, so a port would be
> difficult. Future engines have been designed with cross platform support in
> the toolchain from the start.
> ** **
> *From:* [mailto:
>] *On Behalf Of *Jesse F
> *Sent:* Wednesday, June 26, 2013 4:46 PM
> *To:* Discussion of Half-Life Programming
> *Subject:* Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release
> ** **
> Is hammer going to work on mac and linux now? I like that I can use not VS
> to build the sdk now.
> ** **
> On Wed, Jun 26, 2013 at 4:44 PM, Alfred Reynolds 
> wrote:
> There is a new Source SDK Base 2013 app (one for MP and one for SP) that
> ships with a complete suite of the modding tools, you should use those and
> set a custom VPROJECT (actually, you can use the tools from any game, just
> set that vproject environment).
> - Alfred
> -Original Message-
> From: [mailto:
>] On Behalf Of Neico
> Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2013 4:33 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release
> One question does appear in my mind with that tough...
> How are mods going to be able to use the tools like Hammer in the future?
> Games ship it with themselves, but for mods there would be a
> customizable solution needed,
> or do you expect us to rip the tools stuff from one of the games and
> modify it until it fits and ship it together with the mod?
> I think that's a rather big thing that isn't covered by the news at all
> and will have an impact if there's no solution coming soon.
> - Neico
> On 27.06.2013 01:02 GMT +2, Alfred Reynolds wrote:
> >
> >
> > That is where you want to go for the code.
> >
> > -Original Message-
> > From: [mailto:
>] On Behalf Of Joe Ludwig
> > Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2013 3:49 PM
> > To: ''
> > Subject: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release
> >
> >
> >
> > Source SDK 2013 Release
> >
> > We have released an update to the Source SDK, bringing support for Mac
> OS X and Linux to mod developers and exposing the ability for virtual
> reality support in your mod. The biggest change with this update is that we
> are using github to host the source code. You will find the code here. This
> Source SDK 2013 release also includes a new license that can be foundhere.
> This new license allows mod authors to share their changes to the SDK more
> easily.
> >
> > The other change with the Source SDK is that now Hammer and the other
> mod tools ship with their respective games instead of as part of the SDK
> Launcher. The launcher itself is being phased out, so it will disappear
> from your Tools list. You can find information about how to run the tools
> from the games here.
> >
> > The source for this new SDK release includes the latest code for all the
> included games, and has many new features:
> > . The games now build and run clients on Windows, OSX, and Linux.
> Dedicated servers are supported on Windows and Linux.
> > . Steam Pipe (the new Steam content delivery system) is supported by the
> sample mods. Existing mods can change their gameinfo.txt to match the new
> format and gain Steam Pipe support.
> > . Support for Virtual Reality via the Oculus Rift has been added to the
> SDK. Running a compatible mod with -vr on the command line will run the mod
> in stereo and enable head tracking on the Rift.
> >
> > You can find instructions on getting started with the new Source SDK
> 2013 on the Valve Developer Community wiki.
> >
> >
> > ___
> > To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives,
> please visit:
> >
> >
> >
> > ___
> > To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives,
> please visit:
> >

Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release

2013-06-26 Thread Alfred Reynolds
No, hammer is only available on windows and we have no plans at this time to 
change that.

It is a MFC app, which is a windows only UI tech, so a port would be difficult. 
Future engines have been designed with cross platform support in the toolchain 
from the start.

[] On Behalf Of Jesse F
Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2013 4:46 PM
To: Discussion of Half-Life Programming
Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release

Is hammer going to work on mac and linux now? I like that I can use not VS to 
build the sdk now.

On Wed, Jun 26, 2013 at 4:44 PM, Alfred Reynolds>> wrote:
There is a new Source SDK Base 2013 app (one for MP and one for SP) that ships 
with a complete suite of the modding tools, you should use those and set a 
custom VPROJECT (actually, you can use the tools from any game, just set that 
vproject environment).

- Alfred

-Original Message-
 On Behalf Of Neico
Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2013 4:33 PM
Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release

One question does appear in my mind with that tough...

How are mods going to be able to use the tools like Hammer in the future?
Games ship it with themselves, but for mods there would be a
customizable solution needed,
or do you expect us to rip the tools stuff from one of the games and
modify it until it fits and ship it together with the mod?
I think that's a rather big thing that isn't covered by the news at all
and will have an impact if there's no solution coming soon.

- Neico

On 27.06.2013 01:02 GMT +2, Alfred Reynolds wrote:
> That is where you want to go for the code.
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [<>]
>  On Behalf Of Joe Ludwig
> Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2013 3:49 PM
> To: '<>'
> Subject: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release
> Source SDK 2013 Release
> We have released an update to the Source SDK, bringing support for Mac OS X 
> and Linux to mod developers and exposing the ability for virtual reality 
> support in your mod. The biggest change with this update is that we are using 
> github to host the source code. You will find the code here. This Source SDK 
> 2013 release also includes a new license that can be foundhere. This new 
> license allows mod authors to share their changes to the SDK more easily.
> The other change with the Source SDK is that now Hammer and the other mod 
> tools ship with their respective games instead of as part of the SDK 
> Launcher. The launcher itself is being phased out, so it will disappear from 
> your Tools list. You can find information about how to run the tools from the 
> games here.
> The source for this new SDK release includes the latest code for all the 
> included games, and has many new features:
> . The games now build and run clients on Windows, OSX, and Linux. Dedicated 
> servers are supported on Windows and Linux.
> . Steam Pipe (the new Steam content delivery system) is supported by the 
> sample mods. Existing mods can change their gameinfo.txt to match the new 
> format and gain Steam Pipe support.
> . Support for Virtual Reality via the Oculus Rift has been added to the SDK. 
> Running a compatible mod with -vr on the command line will run the mod in 
> stereo and enable head tracking on the Rift.
> You can find instructions on getting started with the new Source SDK 2013 on 
> the Valve Developer Community wiki.
> ___
> To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives, please 
> visit:
> ___
> To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives, please 
> visit:

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Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release

2013-06-26 Thread Andrew McWatters
I have waited for this day for so long. Thank you, based Valve.___
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Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release

2013-06-26 Thread Jesse F
Is hammer going to work on mac and linux now? I like that I can use not VS
to build the sdk now.

On Wed, Jun 26, 2013 at 4:44 PM, Alfred Reynolds

> There is a new Source SDK Base 2013 app (one for MP and one for SP) that
> ships with a complete suite of the modding tools, you should use those and
> set a custom VPROJECT (actually, you can use the tools from any game, just
> set that vproject environment).
> - Alfred
> -Original Message-
> From: [mailto:
>] On Behalf Of Neico
> Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2013 4:33 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release
> One question does appear in my mind with that tough...
> How are mods going to be able to use the tools like Hammer in the future?
> Games ship it with themselves, but for mods there would be a
> customizable solution needed,
> or do you expect us to rip the tools stuff from one of the games and
> modify it until it fits and ship it together with the mod?
> I think that's a rather big thing that isn't covered by the news at all
> and will have an impact if there's no solution coming soon.
> - Neico
> On 27.06.2013 01:02 GMT +2, Alfred Reynolds wrote:
> >
> >
> > That is where you want to go for the code.
> >
> > -Original Message-
> > From: [mailto:
>] On Behalf Of Joe Ludwig
> > Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2013 3:49 PM
> > To: ''
> > Subject: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release
> >
> >
> >
> > Source SDK 2013 Release
> >
> > We have released an update to the Source SDK, bringing support for Mac
> OS X and Linux to mod developers and exposing the ability for virtual
> reality support in your mod. The biggest change with this update is that we
> are using github to host the source code. You will find the code here. This
> Source SDK 2013 release also includes a new license that can be foundhere.
> This new license allows mod authors to share their changes to the SDK more
> easily.
> >
> > The other change with the Source SDK is that now Hammer and the other
> mod tools ship with their respective games instead of as part of the SDK
> Launcher. The launcher itself is being phased out, so it will disappear
> from your Tools list. You can find information about how to run the tools
> from the games here.
> >
> > The source for this new SDK release includes the latest code for all the
> included games, and has many new features:
> > . The games now build and run clients on Windows, OSX, and Linux.
> Dedicated servers are supported on Windows and Linux.
> > . Steam Pipe (the new Steam content delivery system) is supported by the
> sample mods. Existing mods can change their gameinfo.txt to match the new
> format and gain Steam Pipe support.
> > . Support for Virtual Reality via the Oculus Rift has been added to the
> SDK. Running a compatible mod with -vr on the command line will run the mod
> in stereo and enable head tracking on the Rift.
> >
> > You can find instructions on getting started with the new Source SDK
> 2013 on the Valve Developer Community wiki.
> >
> >
> > ___
> > To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives,
> please visit:
> >
> >
> >
> > ___
> > To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives,
> please visit:
> >
> >
> ___
> To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives,
> please visit:
> ___
> To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives,
> please visit:

To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives, please 

Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release

2013-06-26 Thread Alfred Reynolds
There is a new Source SDK Base 2013 app (one for MP and one for SP) that ships 
with a complete suite of the modding tools, you should use those and set a 
custom VPROJECT (actually, you can use the tools from any game, just set that 
vproject environment).

- Alfred

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Neico
Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2013 4:33 PM
Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release

One question does appear in my mind with that tough...

How are mods going to be able to use the tools like Hammer in the future?
Games ship it with themselves, but for mods there would be a
customizable solution needed,
or do you expect us to rip the tools stuff from one of the games and
modify it until it fits and ship it together with the mod?
I think that's a rather big thing that isn't covered by the news at all
and will have an impact if there's no solution coming soon.

- Neico

On 27.06.2013 01:02 GMT +2, Alfred Reynolds wrote:
> That is where you want to go for the code.
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Joe Ludwig
> Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2013 3:49 PM
> To: ''
> Subject: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release
> Source SDK 2013 Release
> We have released an update to the Source SDK, bringing support for Mac OS X 
> and Linux to mod developers and exposing the ability for virtual reality 
> support in your mod. The biggest change with this update is that we are using 
> github to host the source code. You will find the code here. This Source SDK 
> 2013 release also includes a new license that can be foundhere. This new 
> license allows mod authors to share their changes to the SDK more easily.
> The other change with the Source SDK is that now Hammer and the other mod 
> tools ship with their respective games instead of as part of the SDK 
> Launcher. The launcher itself is being phased out, so it will disappear from 
> your Tools list. You can find information about how to run the tools from the 
> games here.
> The source for this new SDK release includes the latest code for all the 
> included games, and has many new features:
> . The games now build and run clients on Windows, OSX, and Linux. Dedicated 
> servers are supported on Windows and Linux.
> . Steam Pipe (the new Steam content delivery system) is supported by the 
> sample mods. Existing mods can change their gameinfo.txt to match the new 
> format and gain Steam Pipe support.
> . Support for Virtual Reality via the Oculus Rift has been added to the SDK. 
> Running a compatible mod with -vr on the command line will run the mod in 
> stereo and enable head tracking on the Rift.
> You can find instructions on getting started with the new Source SDK 2013 on 
> the Valve Developer Community wiki.
> ___
> To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives, please 
> visit:
> ___
> To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives, please 
> visit:

To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives, please 

To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives, please 

Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release

2013-06-26 Thread Neico
One question does appear in my mind with that tough...

How are mods going to be able to use the tools like Hammer in the future?
Games ship it with themselves, but for mods there would be a
customizable solution needed,
or do you expect us to rip the tools stuff from one of the games and
modify it until it fits and ship it together with the mod?
I think that's a rather big thing that isn't covered by the news at all
and will have an impact if there's no solution coming soon.

- Neico

On 27.06.2013 01:02 GMT +2, Alfred Reynolds wrote:
> That is where you want to go for the code.
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Joe Ludwig
> Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2013 3:49 PM
> To: ''
> Subject: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release
> Source SDK 2013 Release
> We have released an update to the Source SDK, bringing support for Mac OS X 
> and Linux to mod developers and exposing the ability for virtual reality 
> support in your mod. The biggest change with this update is that we are using 
> github to host the source code. You will find the code here. This Source SDK 
> 2013 release also includes a new license that can be foundhere. This new 
> license allows mod authors to share their changes to the SDK more easily.
> The other change with the Source SDK is that now Hammer and the other mod 
> tools ship with their respective games instead of as part of the SDK 
> Launcher. The launcher itself is being phased out, so it will disappear from 
> your Tools list. You can find information about how to run the tools from the 
> games here.
> The source for this new SDK release includes the latest code for all the 
> included games, and has many new features:
> . The games now build and run clients on Windows, OSX, and Linux. Dedicated 
> servers are supported on Windows and Linux.
> . Steam Pipe (the new Steam content delivery system) is supported by the 
> sample mods. Existing mods can change their gameinfo.txt to match the new 
> format and gain Steam Pipe support.
> . Support for Virtual Reality via the Oculus Rift has been added to the SDK. 
> Running a compatible mod with -vr on the command line will run the mod in 
> stereo and enable head tracking on the Rift.
> You can find instructions on getting started with the new Source SDK 2013 on 
> the Valve Developer Community wiki.
> ___
> To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives, please 
> visit:
> ___
> To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives, please 
> visit:

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Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release

2013-06-26 Thread Byron Mallett
Whoa, so far out of left field but so appreciated!

-- Byron Mallett
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Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release

2013-06-26 Thread Alfred Reynolds

That is where you want to go for the code.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Joe Ludwig
Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2013 3:49 PM
To: ''
Subject: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release

Source SDK 2013 Release

We have released an update to the Source SDK, bringing support for Mac OS X and 
Linux to mod developers and exposing the ability for virtual reality support in 
your mod. The biggest change with this update is that we are using github to 
host the source code. You will find the code here. This Source SDK 2013 release 
also includes a new license that can be foundhere. This new license allows mod 
authors to share their changes to the SDK more easily.

The other change with the Source SDK is that now Hammer and the other mod tools 
ship with their respective games instead of as part of the SDK Launcher. The 
launcher itself is being phased out, so it will disappear from your Tools list. 
You can find information about how to run the tools from the games here.

The source for this new SDK release includes the latest code for all the 
included games, and has many new features:
. The games now build and run clients on Windows, OSX, and Linux. Dedicated 
servers are supported on Windows and Linux.
. Steam Pipe (the new Steam content delivery system) is supported by the sample 
mods. Existing mods can change their gameinfo.txt to match the new format and 
gain Steam Pipe support.
. Support for Virtual Reality via the Oculus Rift has been added to the SDK. 
Running a compatible mod with -vr on the command line will run the mod in 
stereo and enable head tracking on the Rift.

You can find instructions on getting started with the new Source SDK 2013 on 
the Valve Developer Community wiki.

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Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release

2013-06-26 Thread M B
Well, I hope so.

Sent from my iPod

On Jun 26, 2013, at 3:59 PM, "Dylan House"  wrote:

> Great!
> On Wed, Jun 26, 2013 at 3:57 PM, Neico  wrote:
>> Now that is unexpected...
>> ___
>> To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives, 
>> please visit:
> ___
> To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives, please 
> visit:
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Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release

2013-06-26 Thread Dylan House

On Wed, Jun 26, 2013 at 3:57 PM, Neico  wrote:

> Now that is unexpected...
> ___
> To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives,
> please visit:
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Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK 2013 Release

2013-06-26 Thread Neico
Now that is unexpected...

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