[hugin-ptx] Re: questions about cpfind

2011-06-03 Thread Pablo d'Angelo

Am 03.06.2011 08:29, schrieb kfj:

Hi all!

I have some questions about cpfind:

- if my images have been taken with a stereographic lens (I use the
Samyang fisheye), will cpfind notice the fact (it's in the input pto)
and omit remapping the image, even though the hfov is above the
remapping threshold?


- cpfind only ever matches image pairs. Other CPGs, like autopano-sift-
c, seem to take the feature points of all images together and run one
matching step on the lot. If I understand the process correctly, the
pairwise approach is more likely to join images which aren't so well-
matched, but with lots of images and without constraints like linear
matching the pairwise approach is very time-consuming. Is there a
chance that the 'match all feature points in one go' approach could be
implemented in cpfind?

I have implemented a simple version of that, but its not yet commited, 
as the results are worse than that of the pairwise matching. I'll look 
into commiting that change.

- other CPGs have a 'maxmatches' feature that limits the number of CPs
returned. In cpfind the only way to influence the number of CPs
gnerated seems to be via the sieve parameters. Wouldn't it be possible
to employ a mechanism similar to cpclean to the end result to kick out
the 'worst' few points if there are more than the desired number?

Yes, that might be possible, but one the simple approach will loose the 
well distributed characteristic. Maybe some more advanced heuristrics 
might be found for keeping that, but I haven't thought about that yet.

- the documentation is thin when it comes to explaining the sieving
mechanism. I think 'buckets' and 'sieves' are technical terms straight
out of the matching algorithms, but aren't so easy to understand for
someone who merely wants to use cpfind. I'd like to know more about
the 'buckets' involved. I think what happens is that the image is
subdivided into sections  and each section is treated so that it

 doesn't get too many CPs, or has at least some even if they aren't so
 good, resulting in a more even spread than if the whole image was
 looked at.

Its something similar to that. There are two thinning filters:

Sieve 1:
filters the interest points (based on location and interest point 
strength). This minimizes the computation expense in the descriptor 
computation and matching steps. Uses sieve1width by sieve1height 
buckets/sections over the whole image. Only sieve1size interest points 
are kept in each bucket.

Sieve 2:
thins the successfully matched points. The rectangular region covered by 
the matches is divided into sieve2width and sieve2height sections. Note 
that not the full image area is used here, but the area where matches 
have been found.

Each bucket gets --sieve2size matches (if enough are available)

 If that is so, wouldn't it be a good idea to look at the

aspect ratio of the images to calculate appropriate bucket numbers?
This may seem of little use for the standard case of the images being
3:2 or 2:3, but I often have images of greatly varying aspect ratio
and a mechanism where I can just say I want, say, roughly 24 buckets
spread so that they all cover as-near-as-possible square areas would
be helpful. This question is particularly relevant for use of cpfind
with woa, where I intend to make cpfind the default CPG, now that the
--fullscale issue is settled.

That might be a nice feature, so one specify the number of buckets for 
the larger dimension and computing the number of buckets for the smaller 
dimension based on the aspect ratio.

- in woa, I use pre-warped images and feed them to the CPG. The iamge
pairs cpfind gets to see are therefore quite similar geometrically.
What ransac mode should I use? So far I have set hfov to 30 and
projection to rectilinear for all my prewarped images - after all I
have already warped them to be geometrically compatible and I dont
want them to be reprojected in any way - so the mode chosen would be
'hom'. Would I maybe be better off with 'rpy'?

Both should work. If you just want to allow shift and rotations 'rpy', 
together with a small fov (10) would be best. the homography will also 
allow shearing and mirroring, which is probably not needed for your case.

cpfind (and SIFT and related algorithms in general) are however not 
ideal for the refinement of matching points, as it expects precisely 
repeatable interest point detection. A direct, intensity based matching 
is preferrable for that case, for example Least square matching.

This typically yields points with an accuracy of 1/10th of a pixel.
The drawback is that is requires good initial approximations (~2 pixel 
accurate) of the relative orientation of the images. It would be a good 
refinement technique for inclusion into cpfind and the hugin control 
points tab.


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[hugin-ptx] Re: enfuse for tonemapping of a single RAW

2011-04-08 Thread Pablo d'Angelo

Hi Bruno,

Am 07.04.2011 20:20, schrieb Bruno Postle:

On Wed 06-Apr-2011 at 23:54 -0700, Jeffrey Martin wrote:

If I knew what a standard response curve looked like as EMoR parameters
then I would suggest that Hugin used it as a default.

Currently we use 0,0,0,0,0 which doesn't correspond to any real camera.

Thats something like the mean response curve of all cameras/films that 
where used to derive the EMoR model, so it should be a good start.


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[hugin-ptx] Re: [REVIEW] Pushing Hugin changes to VIGRA upstream

2011-03-26 Thread Pablo d'Angelo

Hi Lukas,

 Please review them and comment on them, because I'd like to send
 them to the upstream soon. I'm not sure about copyrights in some cases
 (eg. canvasSize patch) but I think most of it is Pablo's work. I'll look
 it up in the subversion history.

great, looks good, feel free to submit those to vigra!


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[hugin-ptx] Re: How should the 'Grey picker' work?

2011-03-04 Thread Pablo d'Angelo

Hi kfj,

Am 04.03.2011 10:23, schrieb kfj:

On 3 Mrz., 19:26, Pablo d'Angelopablo.dang...@web.de  wrote:

 But just throwing in a new free lunch feature without
documentation for everyone to figure out how it works by trial and
error isn't what I consider good style. For example, it took me quite
a while to figure out that to see any effect of the grey picker at
all, I had to remove the 'photometric' check mark in the preview. It
looks a bit like a quick shot to me.

I haven't tested the gray picker yet, so I can't comment the ease of use.

Having to fix 8 bit images with a second application of a curves tool
will degrade the image quality, if 8 bit images are used.

I agree, and, sadly, 16bit isn't yet an option for everyone and
increases processing time and memory use considerably. The resulting
degradation from successive processing steps may become quite
noticable. So there's another good feature waiting: how about an
option to convert to 16 bit on input and/or convert to 8 bit on
output?  Or am I missing something here?

All the internal processing during remapping is done in floating point, 
so no need to convert 8 bit to 16 bit before input. The only drawback is 
that enblend will work on the 8 bit images.

When I process my 16bit TIFFs
with hugin, I'd quite like to be able to get 8bit TIFF out, but it
seems like I can only store in 16bit.

I think that on the pto file level, the output bit depth can be 
specified, but I don't remember if the up or down casting done there is 
useful for your workflow.

Second, I haven't found any free image processing application performs
white balancing as good as hugin. That said, a gimp or other plugin with
the same algorithm would be nice ;-)

You seem to imply that hugin uses a special white balacing algorithm.
I always thought white balance was merely putting a linear scaling
factor on the magnitudes of the red and blue channel compared to

Other tools might do this. For a RAW converter this makes sense, but not 
for already processed photos, such as JPEGs. Try adjusting the color 
balance of a JPEG using linear scaling in GIMP or some other software. I 
found that nearly impossible without introducing various color 
distortions (not only related due to the missing dynamic range). Hugin 
estimates the camera response curve, much like proper HDR tools do, and 
respects that during white balance adjustments, see the paper at 
http://hugin.sourceforge.net/tech/ for more details.

And, while asking for documentation, is the openGL preview considering
the colour profile of the monitor, and does it do so an all platforms,
be it via the OS or by itself? Otherwise white balancing would merely
make the image look nice on that particular screen in the hugin

As far as I know, hugin is ignorant of color profiles, other than 
passing them through. It would be nice to have a calibrated workflow, 
but this doesn't mean that tools for color balancing (and especially a 
gray picker) are completely useless.


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[hugin-ptx] Re: How should the 'Grey picker' work?

2011-03-03 Thread Pablo d'Angelo

Hi Kay,

Am 03.03.2011 18:34, schrieb kfj:

Hmmm... I'm very much in two minds about features like this. I feel
that image processing functionality should be kept out of hugin. Of
course we need to align the images photometrically, but manually
finetuning the white balance is close to where I'd draw the border.

I don't think so. Its basically a free lunch, and one that makes 
technically sense, too.
Having to fix 8 bit images with a second application of a curves tool 
will degrade the image quality, if 8 bit images are used.

Second, I haven't found any free image processing application performs 
white balancing as good as hugin. That said, a gimp or other plugin with 
the same algorithm would be nice ;-)


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[hugin-ptx] Re: Region of Interest (ROI) for Control Point Finding/Image Alignment?

2011-02-14 Thread Pablo d'Angelo

Am 13.02.2011 16:25, schrieb kfj:

On 13 Feb., 11:13, Jeffrey Martin360cit...@gmail.com  wrote:

I was thinking also...

for panos, the centers of images usually do not overlap.
isn't searching the WHOLE of images a big waste?

There is another aspect which becomes more important with fisheyes and
stereographic images: if you feed the CPG with a partial image, it
can't decipher the warp to adapt it's feature point detector: the
image geometry is quite different from center to margin. So you can't
just use partial images, but you have to use the whole images and mask
them appropriately. Masking means introduction of additional data into
the process, either in the shape of a separate mask or as an alpha
channel. Using an alpha channel might be a reasonalbly inexpensive and
transparent (hah) way of doing the needful, but I'm not sure if the
current CPGs honour alpha channels - I rather doubt it.

cpfind does honor alpha channels and masks defined in the pto file.

It removes any matches found in the alpha channels (this is needed for 
remapped images, otherwise one could get false matches at the 
corners/edges of a remapped image.)

It will still analyse all parts of the image, though, so there is not 
much computational benefit. I think the typical savings are not really 
worth the coding effort.

I am currently toying with this mechanism for use in another demo
plugin, but I want to throw in rewarping of the parts of the images
that correspond to the ROIs to a common projection to make them
geometrically as similar as possible, thus improving CPG performance
especially with fisheye images and avoiding warp-related CPG problems
- some sort of high-end matching which would produce very good
quality, well-distributed CPs, particularly for applications like lens

Yes, something like that would be very nice. Or one could try Least 
squares matching. (estimates local affine transformation as part of the 
matching process, is typically accurate to ~ 0.1 pixel). However, it 
needs good initialisations (1-2 pixels error, good estimate for the 
initial affine transform).


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[hugin-ptx] Re: cpfind ransac mode

2011-02-11 Thread Pablo d'Angelo

Hi Jeffrey,

Am 07.02.2011 23:10, schrieb Jeffrey Martin:

I'm quite swamped with real work right now, so I don't have time to 
work on cpfind for the next weeks.

HI Kay,

a bunch of nice ideas!

comments below

On Monday, February 7, 2011 3:34:25 PM UTC+1, kfj wrote:

 If I could tell the CPG to scale all
images to, say, 50 pixels per degree overall, I would achieve
precisely the effect I want by specifying one single parameter. It'd
make things so much easier for mixed-lens takes.

ok, with a minimum image width of say 320 (long side), this would be
great, i think.

The FOV normalisation is a nice idea, but I needs a bit more effort than 
a simple scaling.

I know that theoretically SURF and SIFT features are (quite) scale-
insenstive, but my experience tells me that this truth only goes so
far. I'm not sure how scale-insenstive the gradient-based detector in
cpfind is. But I feel that implementing my proposition might be easy
and it'd give us the opportunity to see if this might be a cheaply
bought improvement in performance.

It should perform similar to SURF in that respect.

The idea is to run the process on smaller images and once the
orientations are established, to replace the images with full scale
versions and have all pto parameters that build on image coordinates
rescaled. I wrote this because I wanted to work on the screen-sized
images I carry with me on my laptop and apply the results to the full-
scale images back home with the fat data corpus. It works, and
surprisingly well. The scaled-down versions are usually a fair bit
crisper than the full-sized images, so there is enough detail for the
CPGs to work on - and since the feature detectors produce subpixel
accuracy, the scaled-up pto often stitches without any need for
further intervention - if you want you can run a global fine-tune on
the CPs.

Note that a global finetune is not  really the best thing, as most of 
the control points found by cpfind/panomatic/sift will be in some higher 
scale, and the finetune only uses a small window for correlation.

The next idea, to look at the overlapping parts once the overlap has
been roughly established, is also promising and heas been previously
exploited, though I'm not entirely sure where the code is.

The --multirow option of cpfind does that.


interesting aspect along these lines is to warp the overlapping parts
of two images to a common projection and run the CPGs on those warped
partial images, to later retransform the CPs to original image
coordinates. This has also been done, and I've experimented with it
myself, but found the gain not so noteworthy as to make me want to
investigate the matter more deeply -

do you want some 2000 image panos to test it on? in that case the time
savings might be very significant. what I mean is, sure for panos
containing 4 or 10 images this just won't matter but for gigapixel
images it might save minutes or hours.

Have you tried the multirow mode of cpfind for this type of panoramas? 
It was specially designed for that, and should be faster than doing a 
miniature pano and then reusing the overlaps, as it first matches only 
the consecutive images, connects strips, optimizes and then looks for 
control points in the overlapping images.

I don't have such a large pano, so I don't have much experience with it, 


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[hugin-ptx] Re: can't build latest hugin from source on ubuntu (error with flann_cpp_s)

2011-01-27 Thread Pablo d'Angelo

Hi Jeffrey,

Am 27.01.2011 23:42, schrieb Jeffrey Martin:

I'm trying to build hugin from source, on Ubuntu (I installed Ubuntu today)

After some missteps with getting the latest pano13 compiled, I finally
got to building Hugin, but now I'm getting this error:

[ 36%] Built target flann_cpp_s
Scanning dependencies of target flann_cpp
make[2]: *** No rule to make target
`src/foreign/flann/CMakeFiles/flann_cpp.dir/build'. Stop.
make[1]: *** [src/foreign/flann/CMakeFiles/flann_cpp.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [all] Error 2

If anyone can explain what to do, it would be very much appreciated :-)

I haven't seen that error (I'm using ubuntu maverik).
The only difference is that I'm using a separate build directory. I 
usually do something like this:

$ cd hugin.hg
$ mkdir build_release
$ cd build_release
$ cmake ..
$ make


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[hugin-ptx] Re: cpfind ransac mode

2011-01-24 Thread Pablo d'Angelo

Hi Kay,

Am 24.01.2011 18:12, schrieb kfj:

J. Martin asks

so your standard 6 shots around and 1 shot up pano (fullframe fisheye) where
the up shot has been rotated to landscape orientation by the camera - this
should not pose any problems for hugin?

I'd say - not really a problem, but if the first six are portrait and
the up shot landscape, if it's a manual lens (like my Samyang) I have
to tell hugin every time it's the same, even if the image dimensions
are the same to the other shots.More a nuisance. I have to have two
lens.ini files handy, or go through the dialog every time of 'do I
want to accept the parameters even though the image dimensions are

So all your image are physically in Landscape mode (i.e. width  
height)? Then hugin should ask only once, otherwise its a bug.

Pre-rotating the images outside hugin is not a good idea. Even if hfov 
and a/b/c parameters are applicable, what about the shift parameters 
d/e? Left or right rotation makes a big difference here, and there is no 
reliable way for hugin to figure that out.


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[hugin-ptx] Re: Where to get a nightly build for windows?

2011-01-24 Thread Pablo d'Angelo

Hi Can,

Am 24.01.2011 09:20, schrieb Can-C. Dörtbudak:

Hi guys,

could anyone please tell me, where i can get a development Version of
hugin like 2010.5 something?

As far as I know, nobody produces nightly builds for windows. Some 
outdated information on building hugin for windows is available on the 
panotools wiki:


I don't use Windows anymore, so I can't help with building. Even for 
experienced Windows developers, it might be easier to install linux and 
build and run hugin there...


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[hugin-ptx] Re: Test case for cpfind

2011-01-23 Thread Pablo d'Angelo

Hi Yuv,

Am 23.01.2011 15:10, schrieb Yuval Levy:

Michel's test/challenge was for this to work out of the box and I did not
have time to investigate further.  I realize now when running Exiftool that it
reports 0mm focal distance; and that Hugin sets the focal length to 50mm by
default, even if the exif data reported 0mm.  Maybe we should change that and
instead of assuming a default, ask the user?

Actually, the exif data in these images is inconstent, and reports 0 and 
50 mm, so hugin believes it is 50 mm...

$ exiv2 IMG_0114.JPG
Focal length: 50.0 mm

$ exiftool IMG_0114.JPG
Field Of View   : 40.5 deg
Focal Length: 50.0 mm (35 mm equivalent: 48.8 mm)
Lens: 0.0 mm (35 mm equivalent: 0.0 mm)

I fear that we can't really fix that. Long live EXIF.


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[hugin-ptx] cpfind ransac mode

2011-01-22 Thread Pablo d'Angelo

Hi all,

panomatic and thus cpfind use a RANSAC step for outlier removal. This 
used to be based on a homography, which works ok for non-wide angle 
images. It breaks for fisheye images, here a large error tolerance must 
be choosen, and this results in a rather weak outlier check for wide 
angle and fisheye images.

Additionally, the homography is more general than what we expect for 
panoramic images (it can also mirror images, for example), and this 
can result in some false matches slipping through, even when a 
relatively strict RANSAC threshold is choosen. Unfortunately, this can 
sometimes connect unrelated images together, and cpclean doesn't help as 
it won't remove all matches in an image pair.

I have thus implemented a new RANSAC model that can make use of the 
restrictions we have in panoramas, and also include prior information 
about lens type, HFOV and distortion etc. Basically, it tries to 
estimate roll,pitch and yaw for each image pair (using two control 
points), and checks if the remaining points are consistent, and repeats 
that a few times.

A new --ransacmode parameter can be used to switch between the ransac 
modes. By default it uses the homography and switches to the 
roll,pitch,yaw model if the HFOV is bigger than 65 degrees, the same 
value that is used to decide whether to remap to stereographic or not.
For testing, the HFOV can also be estimated in the RANSAC routine, but 
this is quite fragile due to panotools problems with estimating HFOV on 
image pairs.

Some examples:
--ransacmode rpy (new)

--ransacmode auto (default mode, uses homography)

Unfortunately, in some cases, the HFOV is not know very well (incomplete 
EXIF data, bad crop factors entered by the user etc...), so one cannot 
unconditionally recommend --ransacmode rpy.

It might be possible to work around that problem, but it will require 
some significant work, and I'm not sure if it worth it.

For the user that means:

1. User has a good estimate of the HFOV (EXIF Data or prior 
calibrations) - use cpfind --ransacmode rpy

which makes cpfind virtually bullet proof to really bad mismatches.

2. Bad EXIF Data and user doesn't know about crop factors or the like - 
use cpfind --ransacmode auto (the default) or cpfind --ransacmode 
homography, and accept some outliers.

I hesitate to default to --ransacmode rpy, as this will probably lead to 
quite some breakage for novice users, who enter bad crop factors.

I find 2. a bit unsatisfying as it means that we will get suboptimal 
results for many inexperience users (and many experienced ones too, who 
don't know about all the cpfind internals...).

Whats your opinion about that?

- Should we add more default presets to the control point detector 

- Try to automatically add --ransacmode rpy, if the hugin could 
successfully read HFOV from the EXIF data?

- Try to robustly add HFOV to the RANSAC model? Maybe just trying a 
range of initial HFOVs would be sufficient... However, I'm not sure if I 
can do that with my limited time budget.

Another way to reduce the problem would be to use a camera-crop factor 
database, such as the one from Autopano PRO:



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[hugin-ptx] Re: Cpfind for Dummies

2011-01-21 Thread Pablo d'Angelo
Hi Carl,

On 21 Jan., 09:07, Can-C. Dörtbudak doertbu...@googlemail.com wrote:

 same problem for me. I've tried the fullscale option and sieve1size
 etc. as well. I can't find control points in the pictures of my
 walimex fish eye. If somebody wants to verify this here is the link to
 the pictures:http://www.doertbudak.de/test_can.zip

I just tried your images and it worked fine with the current
development version, and the default cpfind settings.
Hugin 2010.4 will NOT work, you need the most recent development
version (harrys latest OSX build might work too, although it doesn't
yet contain a proper RANSAC for fisheye images).

I did the following steps:
1. Load images
2. Set full frame fisheye, HFOV
3. Press Align button

And this properly connected all images, even though the overlap is
quite small.


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[hugin-ptx] Re: Cpfind for Dummies

2011-01-20 Thread Pablo d'Angelo

Am 20.01.2011 10:48, schrieb Jeffrey Martin:

Hi Pablo,

Thanks for the explanation. A couple questions and clarifications:

On Wednesday, January 19, 2011 10:46:59 PM UTC+1, Pablo d'Angelo wrote:

Yes, it should. I have seen that the circle in your example was a bit
offset. This might be related to the center on d/e in the crop panel.
This means that the circle is always centered on the d/e parameters,
which worked nicely with my peleng. If bad d/e parameters are used, the
circle will be shifted. You could try without the center on d/e.

with my example, the vertical offset is about 100 pixels - due to the
lens being on an adapter, maybe. anyway,

You can savely untick the center on d/e, then you move the crop circle 

I filed a bug report about this

I can confirm that.

I tried searching for the right spot in the code, but I'm not very 
familiar with the refactoring that James had done on SrcPanoImage class. 
Where can I insert a hook for intercepting changes to the d/e 
parameters? Maybe some other Developers (Thomas, James?) can give me a 
small hint.

 i am using the command line

to do this stuff, is this maybe where my problem is?

Can you give a summary what you have done (in hugin and on the command 


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[hugin-ptx] Re: Cpfind for Dummies

2011-01-19 Thread Pablo d'Angelo

Hi Bloddy,

Am 17.01.2011 17:52, schrieb bloody tomatoes:


I'm reading this http://wiki.panotools.org/Cpfind and i have a few

1) The default settings of cpfind - this is the best setting for normal
(non-fisheye) images? or it's probably good enough but as cpfind is
very new, it could use more testing?

I did test the default setting (cpfind as in 
hugin-mac-2010.5.0-4854_d29b1d6da0e0 by Harry) mainly on different 
fisheye images Jeffrey send me, and they worked fine.

In general, I think the settings are fine for most panos. If you have 
examples where the default settings fail, please let me know.

2) What does --ransaciter and --ransacdist do (in plain english) ?

Part of the ransac based outlier removal, see 
Basically it tries to optimize an image pair and keeps only matches 
which have an error smaller than ransacdist. Setting this too strict 
will remove more matches than nessecary. Values between 10 and 50 are 
probably good. The current implementation in cpfind is a bit crude and 
works best for normal images. Wide angle and fisheye images are 
currently not handled well, and the ransacdist is currently increased if 
that happens. I'm working on a proper solution though.

3) To achieve good control points images with a high horizontal field
of view (e.g. ultra wide rectilinear or fisheye) are therefor remapped
into a conformal space (cpfind is using the stereographic projection
http://wiki.panotools.org/Projection#Stereographic_projection) and the
feature matching occurs in this space.
how does cpfind decide what to remap to conformal space, or not? or is
it depending on the lens type? (rectilinear no, fisheye yes) ?

All images with a hfov  65 are remapped into stereographic (unless they 
are already stereographic, as the Samyang 8mm fisheye is, so choose 
stereographic as input projection if you have a Samyang 8mm fisheye.)

4) When doing linear and multirow matching, does it try to join the
images in a 360? or only the first/last image? or not at all?

I'm not sure on the linear matching, but the multirow matching will try 
to connect all overlapping images. However, it might not work if the 
roll angles of the images change a lot, as overlap is only computed on a 
pano where yaw and pitch have been optimized. That is probably fine for 
large multirow projects shot from a panohead, but maybe not so great for 
hand held sphericals with wide angle lenses...

5) Changing --kdtreesteps and --kdtreeseconddist affect the final number
of keypoints found. is there anything more specific that should be
known? or should these numbers stay as they are (i'm guessing they
should be played with, since the parameters are there to be played with!)

Larger kdtreesteps tell cpfind to look harder for matches. I think 200 
is probably good enough, but it could be improved. Not so important.

kdtreeseconddist determines how similar corresponding matches need to 
be. Smaller values force cpfind to accept only unique matches, larger 
values accept more, but potentially bad matches. If no points can be 
found, increasing this to 0.4 or so might be worth a try, but there will 
be more errors.

6) Is there any good reason to have --sieve1size at 30 and not 3000
(more is better) ?

More is also slower... Sievesize 3000 basically means take all features 


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[hugin-ptx] Re: Cpfind for Dummies

2011-01-19 Thread Pablo d'Angelo

Hi Jeffrey,
Am 19.01.2011 22:23, schrieb Jeffrey Martin:

Thanks Pablo for the detailed explanations.

By the way, with these photos, I am still getting CP's outside the
cropping circle. does anyone have any idea why that would be the case?

1) is cpfind using the lens FOV to calculate CP's? (as autopano sift C does)
(only FOV? or also a/b/c ?)

It uses the full information (including a/b/c), crop circle and masks.

2) is cpfind supposed to use the crop in hugin (so that there should not
be CP's outside the crop)?

Yes, it should. I have seen that the circle in your example was a bit 
offset. This might be related to the center on d/e in the crop panel. 
This means that the circle is always centered on the d/e parameters, 
which worked nicely with my peleng. If bad d/e parameters are used, the 
circle will be shifted. You could try without the center on d/e.

I haven't added any safety margin for the crop in cpfind, so the the 
crop circle should never be outside the image.

So far I used the following procedure for fisheye panos:

0. (Do only once:) Enter Preferences/control point creator. Create a new 
cpfind detector entry change the default cpfind entry to use only the 
-o %o %s arguments and make it the default. (multirow might or might 
not be suitable for this purpose..)

1. Load images into hugin
2. Select fisheye and enter focal length and crop factor
3. Set crop on all images.
4. Press align button
5. (straighten + look for bad control points), optimize with a,b,c, d,e 
if required.

6. save lens settings for later usage.

Once you have saved your lens, you can load the parameters and crop with 
the Load lens button, and skip step 2 and 3.


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[hugin-ptx] Re: hugin plugin interface - developers please liaise

2011-01-19 Thread Pablo d'Angelo

Hi Kay,

Am 19.01.2011 10:04, schrieb kfj:

hg export 4852:bf77427fe623 4853:9de97bcfd3b2  patch4853
gzip  patch4853

I hope this is just what you need and convenient enough to use. Echoes

From http://mercurial.selenic.com/wiki/Export, it seems that hg bundle 
is the preferred way for contributing changesets. I have tried to import 
your changes into the sourceforge repository using hg import, I hope it 
worked fine.


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[hugin-ptx] Re: cmake help needed for python interface

2011-01-18 Thread Pablo d'Angelo

Hi Thomas,

Am 18.01.2011 19:24, schrieb T. Modes:

But I found an issue: I can not access the image variables of
SrcPanoImage like getImage(0).getYaw() and so on

Thats probably because these functions are defined using some macros 
inside Panorama.h. Maybe swig needs to call the C preprocessor or we 
need to call swig on an already preprocessed Panorama.h.


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[hugin-ptx] Re: hairy bug: control points outside image crop circle

2011-01-17 Thread Pablo d'Angelo
Hi Tomato,

On 17 Jan., 16:03, bloody tomatoes bloodytomat...@gmail.com wrote:

 using the latest hugin (2010.4) and cpfind, i have many control points
 outside the circle used to crop my images.

the cpfind included in 2010.4 unfortunately performs quite badly on
fisheye images. Yesterday I did commit quite a few fixed that will
boost performance with fisheye images a lot, it might be helpful to
wait for a new OSX prerelease binary.

Unfortunately I don't have fully circular fisheye images, and I
haven't tried cpfind on those. Can you post an example somewhere? I'd
like to use that for tuning cpfind.


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[hugin-ptx] Re: hairy bug: control points outside image crop circle

2011-01-17 Thread Pablo d'Angelo

Hi all,

unfortunately, there is still a bug in cpfind, which prevents it from 
processing fisheye images with a fov  170 degrees or so.. I'm working 
on a fix.


Am 17.01.2011 22:13, schrieb bloody tomatoes:

Harry, this build [OSX] New hugin-mac-2010.5.0-4854_d29b1d6da0e0 incl.
Thoby projection, new cpfind and gsoc 2010 panorama projection contains
Pablo's newest changes? i was under the impression that those changes
were only made in the last day or two.

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[hugin-ptx] Re: hairy bug: control points outside image crop circle

2011-01-17 Thread Pablo d'Angelo

Hi Tomato,

Am 17.01.2011 18:12, schrieb bloody tomatoes:

Hi Pablo,

I have sent you the files. Let me know if you received it ok.

I got the files, thanks. I did fix some cpfind issues with circular 
fisheye images. With the new fixes I didn't get points outside the crop 

Btw. you should really calibrate your panohead, there was horrible 
parallax in your example images. Still they were sufficient for testing 


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[hugin-ptx] Re: Show Stopper? (was Re: Re: 2010.4.0-beta1 Win32 test)

2011-01-16 Thread Pablo d'Angelo

Hi all,

Am 25.12.2010 19:26, schrieb Yuval Levy:

 I have started a tracker ticket:

I have improved cpfind to be much more reliable when using fisheye 
images. Most tests so far have been positive, except for images with 
very little overlap. If there are still problems with the latest 
development version (hg: 3da7ecaa2dea), please comment on the above bug 


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[hugin-ptx] Re: cpfind rocks!

2011-01-16 Thread Pablo d'Angelo

Hi Tom,
Am 16.01.2011 23:28, schrieb Tom Sharpless:


Now please, publish a URL for a current windows release package.
Everyone says it exists, no-one will say where :-

I'm currently running 2010.2. Got cpfind from a zip of 2010.3 (bin
directory only) that has defective Hugin, but working cpfind.

Sorry, I don't use Windows, but I have just commited some major 
improvements to the feature detector used by cpfind, so anything from 
2010.3 is a bit outdated (and I'm suprised that it worked so well for you).


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[hugin-ptx] Re: what should be in the scripting interface? please have your say!

2011-01-12 Thread Pablo d'Angelo

Hi Kay,

Am 10.01.2011 12:39, schrieb kfj:

I have set out creating a scripting interface for hugin.

Great, I think that hugin can benefit greatly from such an interface, 
both for custom utilities, as well as quick prototyping of new ideas.

So the next thing that I feel needs to be  done before I proceed is this:

- decide which part of the hugin functionality should be scriptable

In addition to the basic Data model (as you seem to have done already), 
the algorithms in hugin_base/algorithms might be useful for scripting 
workflows. Here, maybe only the static driver functions are required in 
the scripting language as the multi step approach (custruct algorithm 
object, call runAlgorithm()  get the results out of the object) is 
probably quite a hassle when writing scripts.

Btw. is your code available in some repo? Maybe a new hugin_scripting 
branch would be a good idea.

The next step, the 'mechanism to use scripted content from hugin',
would require code linked into hugin to interface with a scripting
language, enabling stuff like 'plugins'.

That would be especially helpful for customizing workflows etc. If the 
integration also extends to wxPython, new GUI functionality could be 
quite easily prototyped or even implemented in python.


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[hugin-ptx] Re: idea for CP deletion

2011-01-06 Thread Pablo d'Angelo

Am 06.01.2011 19:03, schrieb kfj:

Bruno, thank you for your advice. I have started out on a new project
towards the goal of eventually providing a scripting interface for

that would be really nice! I once tried with boost::python, but I hit 
some strange roadblocks, which prevented me from creating a useful 

I've run into another problem with finding the CP errors here - if I
call the optimizer on the Panorama object, the errors are filled in,
but now I wonder if there isn't a way to just ask for the calculation
of the distances without actually optimizing the CPs? After all, if
the transformations for the images are known, the distances should be
calculable without optimization. cpclean also calls the optimizer,
probably because it had the same problem?

I don't think there is a ready made function for computing the distances 
inside the hugin source. The distances can also be computed using the 
PTools::Transform objects (transform both points from input image 
coordinates into panorama space equirect and compute the great circle 
distance (haversine formula) there. Note that the distances depend on 
the output image projection and size.


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[hugin-ptx] Re: ptmender or nona?

2011-01-04 Thread Pablo d'Angelo

Am 04.01.2011 20:24, schrieb dmg:

oh, if I remember correctly, nona does multithreading. But I am not an
expert, so I'll let Pablo and those who know nona
describe it.

Yes, nona is multithreaded. As far as I know, ptmender doesn't perform 
the photometric (vignetting  white balance) corrections as nona does.


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[hugin-ptx] Re: Declaring 2010.4.0 final

2010-12-31 Thread Pablo d'Angelo

Hi all,

I have found that the integrated control point creator fails when images 
are rotated with respect to each other, which might be problematic with 
handheld and wide angle/fisheye images. I haven't tried many panos, so 
I'm not sure if I just was unlucky or if it only affects a few projects.

I will investigate and hopefully fix this in the first week in 2011. Not 
sure if this is a blocker or not. I quickly skimmed the hugin list, but 
haven't found much on the cpfind performance, except that it didn't work 
for Jan Martin.


Am 30.12.2010 01:33, schrieb Yuval Levy:

Hi all,

is there any reason not to declare 2010.4.0 final?

I see a Windows distribution (thank you Matthew), an OSX distribution (thank
you Harry), a Fedora distribution (thank you Terry).

I see a Debian experimental distribution [0] and must have missed Andreas
announcement.  Will get Ubuntu going in the coming hours.

My intention is to declare 2010.4.0 final December 31 before popping the



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[hugin-ptx] Re: Blending very large numbers of files

2010-12-16 Thread Pablo d'Angelo

Hi Matthew,

Am 16.12.2010 18:49, schrieb Matthew Gates:

An example DSS plate .tgz cab be found here:

http://porpoisehead.net/misc/S357.tgz (13 meg)

There are many of these files 1792 of these files - the one above is
the smallest.  Total size ~65 gig!  I love me some hefty data.   :D

Is there a summary of the production process for you data? I assume 
the following:

1. You got the tiled DSS plate files from some observatory.

2. You have some software to reproject the tiles into TOAST.

If you want to try the hugin vignetting correction, one needs to know 
corresponding pixels between the overlapping plates. There are two 

1. Add support for the input image (plate) format to hugin, and write a 
script that creates a PTO file from the metadata in the plate files. 
Then the standard workfow could be used (on the x64 images). The 
corresponding parameters could then be used for radiometric correction 
of the individal plates. If we add the toast projection, to panotools, 
it would be possible to directly output toast, otherwise its possible to 
produce corrected plate images.

2. Keep all the geometry stuff outside hugin and produce a input file 
for hugins vig_optimize tool with corresponding pixels within your 
software. This should be a simple text file with the following format:

img1_nr img2_nr x1 y1 x2 y2 r1 g1 b1 r2 g2 b2 0 radius_1 radius_2 0

where r,g,b are the respective RGB values and radius is the distance 
from the center, divided by the distance to the edge (if I remember 
correctly). Together with a fake pto file, this could be feed into 
vig_optimize to determine the correction parameters.

Looking at http://porpoisehead.net/images/dss_blend_needed.jpg
I'm a bit sceptical how well it might work with hugins vignetting 
correction though. Do you know if the position of the plate in the 
telescopes focal plane is available in the metadata? Do you have a 
document describing the metadata?

The x64 directories in the .tgz files might be useful here, as they
are full-plate at low res.  We could maybe extract these, experiment
with blending and even stitch them together into a panorama to check
it.  1792 300x300 tiles isn't so bad.

I can do the extraction of this data on the server and create a single
archive file which should be a manageable size.

For a first experiment, a smaller subset of the mosaic would be 
sufficient, maybe a 5x5 grid. For this test, the alignment could be done 
in hugin to avoid the steps I have mentioned before. The full data will 
be a real challange, even when using the tiny images.

The full mosaic would be much simpler, if we had a reference image 
that covers the whole mosaic. It only needs to contain the background 
brightness, not all the stars etc. This would make the vignetting 
correction much simpler and probably yield a nicer result.


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[hugin-ptx] Re: Hugin parallelization

2010-06-06 Thread Pablo d'Angelo

Hi Markku,

Am 05.06.2010 13:40, schrieb markku.kol...@iki.fi:

On 5 kesä, 09:33, Lukáš Jirkovskýl.jirkov...@gmail.com  wrote:

OpenMP isn't supported in the Express edition of VisualC++, you need
at least the Professional version to use it:
This will cause problems for Windows users that want/need to compile

Not really, if OpenMP is not mandatory (Which should be easily 
possible). Users of the Express edition won't get parallel support 
though. As parallelizing with OpenMP is really so much easier than with 
explicit threads, I think the missing support in the free Microsoft 
compiler should not stop Linux or OSX users from using all their 
processor cores.


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[hugin-ptx] Re: Hugin parallelization

2010-06-04 Thread Pablo d'Angelo

Am 04.06.2010 15:42, schrieb Lukáš Jirkovský:

today I decided to improve the performance of deghosting in hugin.
First try using SSE didn't work really well [1].

Did you check that your data was properly aligned for use with SSE?

 Second one using

OpenMP show noticeable increase of performance, because the code can
be parallelized quite easily (the only thing needed is to add two
pragma's) and efficiently (it runs four times faster on my Core i7).

I can see that the most of the threaded code in Hugin uses
boost::thread but I remember that the thread class from wxWidgets was
also mentioned. What should I use? Personally I'd like to avoid
wxWidgets threads because both deghosting_mask and hugin_hdrmerge are
console applications.

If OpenMP works fine for you, go ahead and use it. When I parallized the 
remapping with boost::thread, OpenMP was not properly supported by gcc, 
but this has changed since then. If you need generic thread support use 
boost::thread, except if it tied to the wxWidgets UI, where wxThreads 
might be more suitable for some tasks.


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[hugin-ptx] Re: patent-free panomatic: segfaulting on 64bit MacOSX

2010-04-24 Thread Pablo d'Angelo

Hi Harry,

Harry van der Wolf schrieb:


2010/4/23 Pablo d'Angelo pablo.dang...@web.de 

I had already built a debug version. I hoped that would create a better 
crash report.

First a gdb run starting panomatic (I renamed it back) without parameters:

Hmm, if the crash happens even without arguments, then it must be 
something very early in the program. I tried reproducing it on my 
machine (64 bit linux), but I couldn't find any problem with valgrind. 
Unfortunately, the your backtrace is very strange, and I don't see any 
symbols from panomatic in it. They all seem to be from the system linker.

The first thing panomatic does is to print its usage:

Pan-o-matic 0.9.4 by Anael Orlinski - nao...@naouel.org

It seems that you don't even get this message, so the problem occurs 
before the main() function is executed. This could be due to the 
instantiations of some global C++ objects, which is are created before 
the main() function is executed. I think this mostly happens in the 
zthread library. Maybe there is something wrong with the way I use CMake 
to build the zthread library.

The keypoints program doesn't link to zthread, can you try running this 
and see if it also crashes?


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[hugin-ptx] Re: patent-free panomatic: segfaulting on 64bit MacOSX

2010-04-22 Thread Pablo d'Angelo

Hi Harry,

Harry van der Wolf schrieb:


I tried to file a bug via the tracker on 
https://code.launchpad.net/~pablo.dangelo/hugin/panomatic-lib;, but I 
can't find how to do that.  Has the Launchpad bug tracker been activated 
for panomatic-lib?

I haven't looked at the bug tracker setup on launchpad yet, probably 
that needs some more work. In the long term, this will be merged in the 
hugin source tree anyway.

When starting to run a 64bit (x86_64) version of the patent-free 
panomatic it segfaults. It doesn't matter whether I start it with 
options or without options. Please note that panomatic is referred to 
as patfree-panomatic as I renamed it to patfree-panomatic to prevent 
confusion with the other panomatic.

Ok, so it crashes also if invoked without images? Can you post the 
detailed steps (commands to run) to reproduce the bug?

I copied the crash report into to this mail. I hope it makes sense to 
the experts as it doesn't to me.

Not really. the best thing would be a compilation in debug mode (set 
CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE to Debug), and run it under gdb:

$ gdb patfree-panomatic
$ r -o crash.pto image1 image2
$ bt

That would help a lot!


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[hugin-ptx] Re: [OSX] Hugin 32bit vs. 64 bit and the way to go forward

2010-04-20 Thread Pablo d'Angelo

Bruno Postle schrieb:

On Mon 19-Apr-2010 at 14:17 -0700, Battle wrote:

So where are my bottle necks?  The optimization process in hugin 
proper in the 32 bit build seems slow.  On smaller projects of 10 to 
20 images the optimization tab can take almost as long as actually 
stitching the project.  I don't know whether a 64 bit version of the 
Hugin UI would address this or if this is an issue with another sub 
program.  Since I don't know where the optimization is taking place or 
if it is multithreaded or otherwise optimized for multiple core 
machines I think its not possible for me to answer whether a 64 bit 
build of Hugin is useful.

Yes for big projects the optimisation is a bottleneck as it is 
single-threaded.  As far as I know there is no plan to make this 
multi-threaded, or even if it is possible.

The best way to speed up the optimisation is to exploit the problem 
structure when doing the optimisation. Currently a general purpose 
nonlinear least square minimiser is used in libpano

This is very inefficient for large problems where the variables are only 
sparsely connected. A sparse levenberg marquardt algorithm would work 
wonders there.
There is a fast implementation for 3D reconstruction problems that could 
be adapted to optimize panoramas http://www.ics.forth.gr/~lourakis/sba/.
However, it is too inflexible (all pictures can only have the same 
number of parameters, no linking of parameters possible) for use within 
hugin or libpano.


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[hugin-ptx] Re: Can I join?

2010-03-30 Thread Pablo d'Angelo

Antoine Deleforge schrieb:

Hi Antoine,

Thanks for your clarification Bruno. So if I understood well, the idea 
here is just to assume that consecutive pictures will likely overlap, 
since users usually take pictures consecutively along rows/columns while 
shoting their panorama.

What I was mentioning was more about doing some fast pre-computation to 
eliminate pictures having a very low probability of overlapping. Maybe 
we could use some simple geometrical properties of the set of control 
points within each picture (eg. density of points, alignments) in order 
too set aside unlikely pairs. However, I don't know if this has be done 
before nor if it is relevant to the project. This would be mainly useful 
for panoramas composed of a high number of images (eg 300): instead of 
using ANN 90,000 times during the matching phase, it would eventually be 
computed only for likely overlapping pairs.

There are two different strategies for matching: pairwise (panomatic 
does this), or by placing all feature vectors in a big kd-tree 
(autopano-sift does this). For a really large and completely unordered 
images, techniques like vocabulary trees are used to find candidate 
matching pairs. However I don't think that we need to go into this 

The feature matching should be included in the hugin source, so that it 
can leverage all the libs available (projections for ransac, 
optimisation and exif reading in the base hugin code). We had a GSoc 
project in 2008, which has just implemented the basic feature matching 
part (both the pairwise and global ANN matching state), but it was based 
only on the not so well performing matchpoint descriptor, so it wasn't 
merged in.


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[hugin-ptx] Re: Repository

2010-03-29 Thread Pablo d'Angelo

Hi Yuv,

Yuval Levy schrieb:

Hi Pablo,

On March 20, 2010 02:41:16 am Pablo d'Angelo wrote:

I think that moving to mercurial would good, and now is the right time
to do so.

OK, let's try to fix what still needs fixing.


I can see the value in keeping a subversion repository, but I dislike
keeping the SVN repo as the central repository for our branches. (Ie, no
developer will have/use an SVN checkout in any way).

I think we should keep it at least for historical / documentation purposes. 
Can stay unmaintained, i.e. revoke write access to everybody and put a note 
that the code has migrated to Hg.

Yes, I would leave the svn that way (and maybe commit some lines to the 
CMakeLists.txt file in the svn repo that prints a warning message and 
breaks compilation unless it is removed).

When I switched from CVS to SVN, I didn't keep a CVS mirror. It might
not be completely comparable to the current situation, but I don't
remember any complaints.

most of the CVS history seems to be available in SVN, while in the migration 
from SVN to Hg so far I have three options:
a) hugin/trunk only, with all revisions from about 24.. (when Ippei's GSoC 
2007 branch became officially trunk): 162 MB
b) hugin the whole story, that includes autopano-sift-c, panoglview, 
kimagefuser, etc.: 5.2 GB

c) import trunk without history (top-skimming) and start from scratch: 1.1MB

I tried the following procedure:
1) rsync full svn repo at file level
rsync -Lav hugin.svn.sourceforge.net:svn/hugin hugin-svnrepo

2) convert full repo to hg - 997 MB
$ hg convert hugin-svnrepo/hugin hugin-hgrepo

I used no special options (there seems to be a config file for branches 
etc. Its usage might improve things, as our repo is not structured as 
the usual svn repo, and we made some strange use of svn)

3) use hg convert to extract only the trunk from the full hg repo - 51 MB
$ cat  hgtrimfilemap
include hugin/trunk
rename hugin/trunk .

$ hg convert --filemap hgtrimfilemap hugin-hgrepo hugin-hgrepo-trunk-only

So it is 51 MB vs 1.1 MB.

I suspect that hgsvn does not deal well with branches. Probably digging a bit 
further things could be improved, but what for? Given the choice I am inclined 
to leave pre-Hg history in SVN (properly set to read-only) and start from a 
clean import of trunk. What do others think?

While there are probably usecases for having the full history, it might 
be overkill. If possible, I'd like to keep at least the recent history, 
though, that might be a compromise.

I just did some hunting why the full history is so much bigger, and the 
main culprit seems to be the videos and pdf files that Ippei added to 
the SVN repo during his GSOC 2007.
Also my svn mv to swap trunk and ippeis branch was not a good idea in 

It would be great if these could be removed either from the SVN repo 
(local copy), or we could take just the revision after the point where 
the video has been removed from the trunk again.

yes, SF is constantly under extreme load. The good thing is that with Hg the 
centralized repo becomes less and less important. It is easy, once we have 
Hugin on Hg, to move it to another Hg service provider. Unless you already 
know that you want to move to a specific service provider and that it does not 
offer Hg. E.g. Launchpad AFAIK is bzr only. 

I'm inclined to stay with SF for now, and do the migration. Better the devil 
you know...


Some other points with the repo conversion:
- renaming of the authors (there is a name map feature in hg convert. I 
wonder if we should move from the sf id to real names (and maybe email, 
for people that agree with that?)

- Should we use named branches in hg (for the release branches etc), or 
not? If we choose to do so, it might be nice to convert them (if its not 
too hard).


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Re: [hugin-ptx] GSOC 2010 – Accepted

2010-03-20 Thread Pablo d'Angelo

Hi Bruno,

Bruno Postle schrieb:

On Thu 18-Mar-2010 at 21:00 +0100, Lukáš Jirkovský wrote:

I've just got a great news – it seems that hugin was accepted[1] for
the Google summer of code 2010!


We have two or three mentors volunteered so far, we need more at least 
to do backup roles.  Now is the time to volunteer for mentoring.  We 
also need a backup admin as I will have limited connectivity for some of 
the SoC period.

I'm willing to be a backup admin and backup mentor. I won't be available 
at mid to end of June.


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[hugin-ptx] Re: Repository

2010-03-20 Thread Pablo d'Angelo

Hi Yuv,

I think that moving to mercurial would good, and now is the right time 
to do so.

Yuval Levy schrieb:

On March 19, 2010 01:55:36 pm T. Modes wrote:

It's easy to lock SVN making it read-only and allowing commits only from
an hgsvnpush cron job.

But then the svn repository is only a copy of the mercurial. What is
then the purpose of the svn repo?

distribution. There are plenty of read-only application. A user can download 
a tarball, or fetch from SVN. This is particularly handy for source based 
distributions such as Gentoo or FreeBSD, where it is technically possible to 
fetch code from a repository rather than from a downloaded tarball. I also 
don't know how packagers for distros such as Fedora, Debian, Ubuntu and the 
dozens or hundreds of other do get their source code. Simply interrupting SVN 
read-only service may interrupt the flow.

I can see the value in keeping a subversion repository, but I dislike 
keeping the SVN repo as the central repository for our branches. (Ie, no 
developer will have/use an SVN checkout in any way).

If there is a real need for a SVN repo for distribution, I would much 
more like a svn mirror of the trunk hg branch. However, as many 
projects have moved from SVN to DVCS, I think that the major builder 
(Gentoo, Freebsd) could handle a switch to hg relatively easily.

When I switched from CVS to SVN, I didn't keep a CVS mirror. It might 
not be completely comparable to the current situation, but I don't 
remember any complaints.

Another question is about the quality of service of the hg repos at sf 
net. I haven't tried them yet, but in the past, I was not really 
satisfied with the sf.net service.

Btw. when playing with conversions, it is best to download the entire 
svn repository (was called svndump or similar 2 years ago, IIRC) from sf 
and work with that.

It would be a good idea to try hg with panoglview source, this is not 
critical and also relatively small.


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Re: [hugin-ptx] GSOC 2010 – Accepted

2010-03-20 Thread Pablo d'Angelo

Hi Bruno,

Pablo d'Angelo schrieb:

I'm willing to be a backup admin and backup mentor. I won't be available 
at mid to end of June.

I tried to apply as a mentor for hugin at http://socghop.appspot.com, 
but I couldn't find a way to do so. Hugin is not listed when I select 
Apply to become a mentor. Hugin is also in the list of projects that 
haven't completed their organisation profile, maybe thats the reason.


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[hugin-ptx] Re: Towards a non-patented control point detector

2010-02-26 Thread Pablo d'Angelo

Hi Aron,

Aron H schrieb:

I've just been successful in building on Win XP with VS 2005, and
started playing with panomatic_nopatent :). With the default settings
from the readme, on a 2 row, 360 panorama, I'm finding a number of
false matches. I'd like to provide helpful input, or other help,
however I can.

It currently is more sensitive to distortions than the other 
descriptors. I hope to improve this (and add a better ransac model for 
outlier checking). Unfortunately, I have been rather busy with some 
other stuff lately.

What kinds of cases is this algorithm suited for? What would give it
problems? My problem panorama has varying white balance and exposure,
for example. I think you mentioned some research papers about the
algorithm - can you point me to them?

Hmm, the algorithm is not really based on a published approach, just on 
some ideas that are mentioned in a few of them, and its currently 
simpler than any of them:


The descriptor is basically just x and y gradient strength computed in a 
daisy like layout, where the radius of the circles define the scale of 
the gradient filter.

The code is relatively simple: localfeatures/CircularKeyPointDescriptor.cpp

I did some quick evaluation and parameter tuning using two panoramas, to 
learn the best radi and scales, but probably some kind of aggregation of 
the gradients is needed to really improve the performance.

I have also fixed the typo you mentioned in a later mail, and 
liblocalfeatures will be build as a static library on windows now.


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[hugin-ptx] Re: Announcement: Photoropter lens correction library

2010-02-15 Thread Pablo d'Angelo

Robert wrote:

=== Announcement: Photoropter lens correction library ===

Seems to be very similar to lensfun:

I think lensfun is really good, however, it never really got of the 
ground nicely (its used by ufraw though), because adding new lenses etc. 
is not as straightforward as it could be.

It would be great if the database storage could be kept similar or 
easily convertible, so that both projects can feed of the same data.


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[hugin-ptx] Re: HDR Remapping in NONA results in loss of dynamic range?

2010-02-01 Thread Pablo d'Angelo

hdrpano wrote:

I had the same problem a month ago.  Concluded that nona is unable to
preserve hdr when remapping.  Let me know if you figure this out...

It should work, if you set the Camera response type to linear.
(Lens tab, photometric sub tab).


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[hugin-ptx] Re: APSC gives array out of bounds?

2010-01-28 Thread Pablo d'Angelo

Zoran Zorkic wrote:

On Jan 29, 12:01 am, Bruno Postle br...@postle.net wrote:

In practice Hugin doesn't cope with any of these '=' references
pointing to an image with a later number, so image 0 should never
have any.  This sounds like a bug, do you only see this with the

Only with recent builds.
2009.4 works fine.

This is probably related to the merging of the layout branch. There 
shouldn't be any '=' references in the first image at all.


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[hugin-ptx] Re: Tests for Pablo's (almost) patent free CP detector (was: Towards a non-patented control point detector)

2010-01-14 Thread Pablo d'Angelo

allard wrote:

I did a first attempt to build on Wndows XP and that was not
successful. Let me describe the steps.

-Downloading and installing bazaar from their webpage and getting the
trunk trough their GUI went smooth.

-I ran CMake (i use 2.8.0 RC5 GUI), which went smoothly except that I
had to point it to some libraries directories, but I'm used to that
from the hugin builds (boost, wxtiff, jpeg, png and zlib).

-I opened the 'panomatic.sln' MSVC++ solution (I'm on the 2008 express
edition) and pressed 'build'. Many 'file not found' errors came up,
which were related to the fact that the boost directory and the vigra
directory were not added to the 'additional include directories'. I
was a bit surprised about the boost directory as this was certainly in
the cmake cache file.

Oh, if forgot to add a check for the vigra stuff. The boost include path 
should be picked up now.

-I added the directories through the 'properties/C++' tab of MSVC and
rebuilt. This time there were errors in
CircularKeyPointDescriptor.cpp , related to M_PI not being defined.
Fortunately, some googling told me this is a known problem and that
this can be solved by adding '#define _USE_MATH_DEFINES' and '#include
math.h' at the top of the file

Fixed in bzr

-I rebuilt. This time two more errors came up that I couldn't solve.
These were:
error C4716: 'PanoDetector::LoadKeypoints' : must return a value' in
panodetectorlogic.cp, line 110

This was an error in the source, I just commited a fix.

LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file '..\localfeatures

Maybe these are related? Could you update and try again.

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[hugin-ptx] Re: libpano13 1214 broken on Linux

2010-01-09 Thread Pablo d'Angelo

Hi Matthias,

Matthias Kabel wrote:

 I just tried to update my libpano13 and hugin installation with libpano13
 revision 1214 there is an error with hugin.

 hugin: queryfeature.c:376: panoProjectionFormatCount: Assertion
 `sizeof(panoFormatNames) == 20 * sizeof(int)' failed.
I fixed that error in libpano13 rev. 1203

This has removed the line were you backtrace shows the crash. Maybe 
something went wrong when updating your libpano13 checkout.

I tried make clean for libpano13 and hugin.

Did you also do make install for libpano13?

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[hugin-ptx] Re: libpano13 1214 broken on Linux

2010-01-09 Thread Pablo d'Angelo

Hi all,

Jean-Luc Coulon (f5ibh) wrote:

For me [tm] 1203 works
1214 doesnt.

assert(sizeof(panoFormatNames) == PANO_FORMAT_COUNT * sizeof(int));

This is the offending line and present on 1214
This line was existing in 1202, has been removed in 1203.
It is not present from 1203 until 1209 and appears agn in 
1210 and still here since.

I just removed it again in rev. 1215.

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[hugin-ptx] Re: large multi-row panoramas (was:Makefile generation)

2010-01-07 Thread Pablo d'Angelo

Hi Bruno,

Bruno Postle wrote:
 So here is my recipe for efficiently matching a multi-row panorama:
 1. First use ptochain to connect all consecutive photos in the project,
 the result will be a project with one or more groups of connected photos
 - With luck each of these groups will correspond with a 'row' of the

 2. Then take the first and last photos from each group and match them
 all together in one go (this is another tool with the same interface:
 ptobind).  With luck there will be a single group of connected photos in
 the project (if not you can open this subset in Hugin and manually add
 points before continuing).

 3. Next optimise this project, but only optimise pitch and yaw (not
 roll), this will distribute the photos around the scene even if there is
 only one control point between each photo.

 4. Use ptofill to place control points between the remaining overlapping
 photos that are not already linked.

 Though this works fine for me, and there is another tool called
 'gigastart' to manage all the steps, there is no reason why the same
 steps couldn't happen in a different standalone tool at some point.

This is really great! Now I just have to finish the work on the patent 
free control point detector (btw. has anybody tested it?) and it should 
be possible to replace autopano-sift-c with a truly free solution.

For typical point and click users, a script similar to gigastart (or 
small wrapper), that expects a pto file (or image list or so) and runs 
the whole process would be great. This could then be used directly as a 
control point generator from within hugin.


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[hugin-ptx] Re: Towards a non-patented control point detector

2010-01-03 Thread Pablo d'Angelo
Hi Harry,

On 3 Jan., 13:08, Harry van der Wolf hvdw...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi Pablo,

 Many thanks for this achievement. Even though the current autopano-sift-c
 and panomatic doe their job very nicely, it is really getting a pain in the
 backside to have to deal with this patent/license circumstances.

 I've tried to build it but it breaks on
 [ 23%] Building CXX object keypoints/CMakeFiles/
 error: vigra/impex.hxx: No such file or directory

 When installing vigra it works OK, but vigra is not part of this bazaar

Yes, it requires an external vigra lib.

 Did you intend this to be or become part of hugin. If so, do I need to or
 can I put this panomatic-lib somewhere in the hugin tree?

Currently it is not part of hugin. I'm still undecided if I should
keep it as a separate program, or embed it directly into hugin. For
the moment it is really a first test and not meant for shipping as a
default control point generator.

 Next to this I get a lot of errors about:
 -- Performing Test
 -- Performing Test
 boost_python_/usr/lib_/usr/include/python2.5_boost_python-gcc-mt_compile -
 -- Performing Test
 -- Performing Test
 boost_python_/usr/lib_/usr/include/python2.5_boost_python-mt_compile -
 (and many more lines)
 It creates the build files though and everything is compiled fine as well
 (after installing vigra). Is this python_boost thing a requirement? And
 what does it do?

It is not required, but can be used (in the future...) to call the
core detection routines from python. This is useful for further
parameter tweaking scripts. Currently this is an untested features.

 Finally when starting panomatic it displays the normal help screen but ends
 ThreadQueue waiting on remaining threads...
 Reference thread created.
 1 reference-thread added.
 Thread destroyed.
 1 reference-thread reclaimed.
 ThreadQueue destroyed

 Is this normal or is it something from OSX or boost-python or..??

I also get that message, it could be that I enabled a debug flag in
March 2009, but forgot about it. Its not serious.


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[hugin-ptx] Towards a non-patented control point detector

2010-01-02 Thread Pablo d'Angelo
Hi all,

I have taken some time in the last few days and continued my work on on 
a patent free control point detection algorithm, which I haven't had 
time to continue since I started it in March 2009.

I have taken panomatic as base, as it is a relatively clean code base 
(compared to the others), and implemented a new descriptor based on the 
geometric blur and DAISY papers. This is a relatively simplistic (and 
very cheap to compute) descriptor, and its probably not as powerful as 
the original SURF descriptor. I'm still using a small part of the SURF 
algorithm to estimate the orientation of the interest point, so it is 
not 100% patent free yet, but I hope to replace that part in the future.

I have further modularized the panomatic source code and added a new 
program called keypoints, which can be use to compute the descriptors 
only (similar to generatekeys from autopano-sift). The main panomatic 
executable now also supports loading of these files instead of 
recomputing them based on the images. This is mainly useful for testing 
and some more advanced control point finding strategies.

The code lives in a bzr repository on launchpad:

See the README file on how to build and use it. It is not tested on many 
panos yet, and might or might not work.

I'm interested in feedback to see how well it works with typical panos.

Note that it can't properly handle fisheye images (like the original 
panomatic). It might be possible to use it with match-n-shift, but I 
haven't tried that yet.


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[hugin-ptx] Re: [PanoTools-devel] bug in libpano/PTmender

2009-12-27 Thread Pablo d'Angelo
D M German wrote:
 Adding Tr parameters to the script will restrict the output of the any
 remapped image be at most 180 degrees, even if it can spawn longer (such
 as most of the cylindrical panoramas).
 I am not sure why this happens yet.

Only images that have nonzero TrXYZ should be affected by this, as they 
are fist projected onto a plane and thus cannot have more than 180 
degrees in the final panorama.

The behaviour of images with Tr(XYZ)0 should not change.


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[hugin-ptx] Re: CP Detector vs. Generator

2009-12-21 Thread Pablo d'Angelo
bruno.postle wrote:
 On Dec 21, 2:51 pm, Mick Crane mick.cr...@gmail.com wrote:
 Common point
 'shared features' is another one I like.

In photogrammetry, what we call control points is called tie points. I 
like that term it more than control points, but panotools has used 
control point, and for the sake of consistency, I think we should keep it.


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[hugin-ptx] Re: Fwd: Re: Re: possible memory leak in enblend enfuse?

2009-10-29 Thread Pablo d'Angelo

Rogier Wolff schrieb:
 On Wed, Oct 28, 2009 at 10:56:08PM +0100, Pablo d'Angelo wrote:
 Implementations of Minimum cut algorithms are widely available, for 
 example from the boost graph library or 
 http://www.cs.ucl.ac.uk/staff/V.Kolmogorov/software.html (maxflow v2.2 
 is GPL licensed).

 I think an implementation in enblend wouldn't be too hard to do, and 
 might be simpler than trying to fix all special cases with the current 
 The current approach, I think, is very good at hiding some differences
 between adjacent images. Getting a good initial cut-line might help
 a bit. But just switching to a good cut line according to this
 algorithm you described is not good enough.
 I have been thinking about THIS algorithm for the past few weeks. 
 Your edge cost function I think is too simple. I would add in the
 costs (i.e. absolute pixel differences) of a circle around the current

Actually, I believe that enblend also uses a very similar cost function 
currently, ie absolute gray value differences, with a much more 
restrictive state space. Thus I am not convinced that the simple 
absolute differences cost function is not good enough, when comparing 
to the current state.

 Suppose we have a person half on an image. The intention is to cut
 completely around this person. (cutting through the person should
 incur high costs because the pixels differ a lot.)
 Now suppose a small black line is in front of the person. Now both
 images have this line where the absolute difference between pixels
 is quite low (both black), but closeby pixels DO differ.

Of course it is possible to fool this simple cost function, as it is 
possible with the current enblend.

The pragmatic approach would be to first implement the graph cut 
optimization and then see where the problems with the simple absolute 
differences cost.

Then the cost function can be further tuned. I suspect that maybe adding 
a soft constraint that tries to keep the seam line closer to the center 
of the overlap region might also be helpful.


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[hugin-ptx] Re: Fwd: Re: Re: possible memory leak in enblend enfuse?

2009-10-28 Thread Pablo d'Angelo

Hi Andrew,

Andrew Mihal schrieb:
 Hi Pablo,
 Can you elaborate a little on your criticism of snakes?
 Is the problem:
 - That the polyline formulation cannot describe a good solution at all?

A polyline can describe all possible solutions, if it is fine enough.

 - That the size of the state space in the current implementation is
 too restrictive?

While I don't have a strict proof, I feel that the state space of the
snake model is too restrictive and too powerful at the same time, as it
allows self crossings of the seam line etc. Also, only a small part of
the image content (on lines perpendicular to the initial seam) is used
to determine the major location of the seam line.

I believe that a state space that includes the whole overlap area and
not only some profiles of it would lead to better results.

The second step (dijkstra shortest path) does try to remove these
limitations but it can't undo the decisions made by the polyline

A straightforward state space is an image that holds 0 for image pixels 
in the first image, and 1 for image pixels in the second image. This 
statespace has the advantage that it directly models the problem. 
Finding a solution can be done by modelling it as a graph and finding 
the minimum cut. In this approach, each pixel in the overlap region 
would be a node in the graph. The edges connect each pixel to the 4 
nearest neighbours. The edge value is the sum of the absolute color 
difference between the nodes connected by the edge.
The source node is connected to all pixels that are on the boundary of 
the overlap regions and are only valid in the first image.
The sink node is connected to all pixels that are on the boundary of the 
overlap regions and are only valid in the second image.

Finding the minimum cut in this graph will give the seam line that has 
the smallest color difference (note that this is the global minimum), 
and hence a good position for a seam line. This also means that only the 
cost function and not the parameterization of the optimization algorithm 
influence the result.

This should be relatively efficient, and it should be able to handle all 
special cases with strange overlap situations with holes, small overlaps 
etc. naturally.

There are some illustrations of the above in:
slides 29ff

Some more ideas on how to refine the cost function so that other 
constraints can also be added:

Implementations of Minimum cut algorithms are widely available, for 
example from the boost graph library or 
http://www.cs.ucl.ac.uk/staff/V.Kolmogorov/software.html (maxflow v2.2 
is GPL licensed).

I think an implementation in enblend wouldn't be too hard to do, and 
might be simpler than trying to fix all special cases with the current 
approach. Additionally, I believe that it would find better seams, so it 
is worth trying. Unfortunately, I currently don't have the time to do 
so... :-(

 - That the current implementation's cost functions do not correlate
 with a good solution?

No, I think these are good enough.

 - That the current implementation's GDA solver is insufficiently
 powerful to find a good answer to the optimization problem?

Yes, combined with the problems of the statespace indicated above.

 - something else?

The main source of bugs seems to be related to the bitmap - vector -
bitmap approach required by the polyline optimisation.

 It seems to me that the best seamline can be modeled as a polyline,
 and the search space can be defined in such a way as to include the
 best seam as a possibility. I admit that the current search space
 definition is a little rough, and that the GDA is buggy and needs
 parameter tuning. I think the hard part is defining what is best and
 turning that into equations. But surely the graph cut approach has
 this same requirement?

The main reason why I advocate trying graph cut approach is:
It should allow a different state space, which I think will sidestep
most of the painful problems related to many special cases with the
vector seams. This might be also possible to optimize the pixel labeling
directly with the simulated annealing, however it would probably take
forever to find a good solution due to the higher dimensionality of the
state space.


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[hugin-ptx] Re: Fwd: Re: Re: possible memory leak in enblend enfuse?

2009-10-17 Thread Pablo d'Angelo

Hi Andrew,

Andrew Mihal schrieb:
 I suspect a problem in the vectorization of the seam lines.

Actually, the approach of using vectorized seam lines is a relatively 
complicated process. Additionally, snakes are not particularly well 
known to find good global solutions. I think a different approach to 
seam line finding would avoid these problems, and also leads to better 
seams. One possibility are the graph cut based segmentation algorithms. 
Here the masks are generated directly and there is no need for going 
from masks to vectors and back to masks. I'm also quite sure that the 
generated seams would be better than with the current snake algorithm.


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[hugin-ptx] Re: GSoC2009_layout with XYZ for Windows - please test

2009-10-11 Thread Pablo d'Angelo

Oskar Sander schrieb:
 Ok!  I think one of the big challenges with this is to visualize the 
 paramters in some  some of tutorial/online manual.

Indeed. But so far I'm not sure if I have found the right parameters...

 The camera plane is Z=0,Xc,Yc  right?


  How do you then describe subject
 projection plane with the 2 parameters?

My experimental implementation does use plane yaw and plane pitch, 
to specify the surface normal of the plane, and the plane is always 
tangent to the unit sphere around the panorama camera. This works very 
similar to the yaw and pitch of the input images. For example, a plane 
at the nadir would be specified by

However I get strange results when placing this plane at the nadir of a 
spherical pano and then optimizing, this is why I haven't commited 
anything yet.

  Do you aaume something about
 the geometry with respect to PrincipalPoint or Nadir?

Ehm, not sure what you want to express with that picture?


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[hugin-ptx] Te0 and Te1 parameters in libpano13

2009-10-11 Thread Pablo d'Angelo

Hi all,

I have just commited some experimental extension to the TrX, TrY, TrZ 
parameters for mosaicing images of a planar scene to the libpano13 SVN trunk

One of the main drawbacks of the Tr* parameters is/was that the images 
had to be located on plane straight ahead of the panorama. This is too 
restrictive for the nadir and wall patching usecase.

As hinted in an earlier mail to hugin-ptx, I have added two more 
parameters that allow specification of the plane on which the off center 
images should be projected for each image by means of plane yaw (Te0) 
and plane pitch (Te1) parameters.
They define the normal of the plane in 3D space, similar to yaw and 
pitch, which define the looking direction of a camera.

So for nadir patching, off center shot should be set to Te00 Te1-90.
For fixing something on the left wall, the following parameters should 
be used: Te0-90 Te10. etc.

The main drawback of these parameters is that it is quite hard to 
optimize them: It is easily possible to have cameras that do not look 
onto the plane. This will confuse the optimization process and it won't 
be able to find a good solution. So initialization with good values or 
very careful stepwise optimization is required.


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[hugin-ptx] Re: windows binary release

2009-10-07 Thread Pablo d'Angelo

allard schrieb:
 no panomatic is definitely not in the SDK. and it adds short term
 problems - until the patent (SURF) expires.

 I think we need to follow the lead of the Mac OSX builds and make
 separate installers for the CP generators. But I also think that this
 should come after the SDK-build, binaries-build and installer
 compilation work well enough in sync. not now. for now leave it as it
 is, but leave it broken (i.e. don't add panomatic itself).
 I was recently looking for that patent on SURF. I couldn't find it.



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[hugin-ptx] Re: GSoC2009_layout with XYZ for Windows - please test

2009-10-01 Thread Pablo d'Angelo

Hi Oskar,

 For these two mosaics I did this by forcing only XYZ optimization first, 
 then adding angles in the next run. That converged nicely, and exposed a 
 few CP that were completely off. Other things i can think of are:
 * Observed initial values - Some UW mosaics uses ROV that captures XYZ 
 position and ypr of the mission. These are then used as starting values 
 in the optimization
 * Determine lens distortion parameters before, and use as starting value.
 * An iterative optimization strategy much like the one used for 
 panoramas where XYZ is iteratively optimized around anchor, then ypr

I'm currently working on that...

 BTW, What are the units of XYZ?

The Plane is currently located at z=-1 (straight in front of the 
camera). If you keep one camera at TrZ=0, then TrX,TrY and TrZ need to 
be multiplied by the physical distance between the camera position of 
that image and the plane.


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[hugin-ptx] Re: Aerial Photography Stitching

2009-09-30 Thread Pablo d'Angelo

Hi Matt,
Matt Williams wrote:
 2009/9/22 Pablo d'Angelo pablo.dang...@web.de:

 At work, we have a full frame camera system ( 3xCanon EOS-1d) with 50 mm
 lenses. Flying that at 1000m gives reasonable detail when looking
 straight down and the imaged area is much larger than with your example
 images, making them easier to handle.
 Ok. That's definitely something worth considering for the future. For
 the shots you've seen, the camera was provided by whoever in the area
 had a camera and free time for when the plane was booked. It's
 possible we could obtain a higher quality camera as a community.

Actually, the camera was ok, but maybe just use a wider angle lens and 
do mostly downward looking shots, and fly higher, if possible.

Flying higher will also make the mosaicing and interpretation of the 
pictures easier.

Btw. real aerial cameras (for example. UltraCam 
http://www.microsoft.com/ultracam/default.mspx ), as used by the mapping 
agencies, are probably 50 to 100 times as expensive as a Canon EOS 1D 


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[hugin-ptx] Re: tilt functions

2009-09-28 Thread Pablo d'Angelo

Brent wrote:

Now that I think about it, there is something odd in the fact that
 doing a multi-step optimization by changing which variables are
 optimized works any better than a full optimization.

Maybe my explanation in the previous email was a bit misleading. What I 
meant is to start optimizing with optimizing two images (with good 
connections etc.), then add the third, optimize again, add the fourth 
etc. This is done by the incremental optimization in hugin. (Note that 
here, control points in the non-optimized images are ignored).

  That is, if the
 current solution is in a local minima with respect to 10 variables,
 for example, then it will still be in a local minima if fewer than the
 full number is optimized starting from that point.

However, there might be other local minima, which can also be found by 
the optimizer, as its way though the solution space is changed, and some 
shortcuts might be blocked (such as modifying lens distortions and d,e 
shift to make images fit better during the first iterations), might send 
the iterative optimization into the wrong direction, from which it might 
be unable to recover. Then the first local minima of will be different, 
and thus later optimization with more parameters will also find another 

  If there's a way
 out of trap when optimizing a subset of the variables, then that same
 way out is available when more variables are allowed to vary.

Hmm, I don't think there are always ways of of local minimas, and adding 
some new parameters to the optimisation do not nessecarily mean that the 
previous local minima ceases to be one in the new parameter space.


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[hugin-ptx] Re: tilt functions

2009-09-27 Thread Pablo d'Angelo

Hi Brent,

Brent schrieb:
 From a purely empirical point of view, it appears that there is some
 undesirable linkage between these parameters that makes the
 minimization process get trapped into local minima and have difficulty
 finding a solution in some cases.

I have had the same problem, with both the tilt parameters (TiX,TiY,TiZ, 
TiS) and the position parameters (TrX, TrY, TrZ). The problem that the 
optimizer gets trapped in local minima isn't really something new, so we 
have worked a bit around that with multi-step optimization, and 
especially the incremental optimization in hugin and autooptimizer (cmd 
line optimisation program, part of the hugin package). I found that with 
adding image by image to the optimisation process, I didn't get really 
bad random behaviour anymore, even when later finetuning the project 
and doing reoptimisations, as the project is already close to a nice 
minima (I hope).

As for correlation between the parameters, I quite sure that d,e and 
TrX, TrY are highly correlated when using rectilinear images, especially 
if they are shot without large variation in yaw and pitch.

In my experiements with the graffiti wall example posted by Bruno, I got 
some problems when optimizing d,e (linked between all images), even if 
the solution before was quite good, and his images contain shots from 
many different angles.

I haven't expected an high correlation between p and TrZ though,  so 
this is interesting and should be analyzed in more detail. It might just 
be that the starting point in the solution space is very far from the 
global optima.


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[hugin-ptx] Re: Control point generation in difficult conditions - some success

2009-09-25 Thread Pablo d'Angelo

Hi Oskar,

did you also try panomatic? It might work better than autopano-sift-c.


Oskar Sander schrieb:
 My idea is to run CP finding on preprocessed images, and then
 substitute these for the originals before the stich step.
 I'd like to understand the APC inner working better though, maybe
 there are potential improvements. I've been peeking a bit in the
 code of APC and the LoweFeature detector. It seems to look for
 contrast rich areas, is it using the colour channels separately or
 luminance?  Any suggested reading?
 Hmm, no it did not improve much when tried en-masse unfortunately.  
 The places where controllpoints are found ar typical protruding features 
 that are better lit man more contrasty  than the deck, but these does 
 not work for optimization as they are not in the deck-plane.
 Is there an APC constant or parameter to lower the threshold of APC 
 critera, that could be tweaked in order to experiment with the selection 
 criteras  if the images are too soft in general?

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[hugin-ptx] Re: tilt functions

2009-09-24 Thread Pablo d'Angelo

Jim Watters schrieb:
 Pablo d'Angelo wrote:
 If I understand correctly both models will align an image so it is on 
 the same plane as others.

After some more reading of the code, I'm quite sure that the tilt can 
only work well with rectilinear input images. If only that case is 
interesting, one doesn't even need angles, a simple 3x3 homography 
matrix transform is sufficient, and probably more stable than the tilt 

 The XYZ model calculates the position of the camera, this will cause 
 certain distortions to the image. XYZ have to be optimized with ypr.
 The TxTyTzTs model calculates the actual distortion to align the image 
 after it has been placed correctly after optimizing ypr.

I don't believe that ypr and the TxTyTzTs are independent. For the shift 
compensation, the TxTyTzTs model will also require simultanious 
optimisation of d and e.

 The advantage to the XYZ model is it uses fewer overall parameters.
 But when I try imagine manipulating images in my head using TxTyTzTs i 
 don't see how Tz is any different than r.  And maybe Tz it is not 
 necessary.  The advantage to the TxTyTs model is ypr can be optimized 
 first to get a good placement before distorting the image by optimizing 
 TxTyTs overall needing fewer control points.

You still need Tx, Ty, Ts and d,e. This assumes that you do not need to 
touch y,p,r from a previous optimisation. However, I think y,p,r will 
try to compensate for the parallax, and they will thus be quite wrong, 
in an attempt to rescue the situation. I'm not sure that a later tilt 
estimation works satisfactory with the previously estimated y,p,r 
parameters. Maybe one can get away, if the camera hasn't been moved too far.

My experience with the tilt model was not so good. I have prepared a 
nice testset with the aerial images posted earlier, and it works quite 
well with the XYZ mode. I'll give more details later.


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[hugin-ptx] XYZ mosaic mode in hugin

2009-09-23 Thread Pablo d'Angelo

Hi Bruno,

Bruno wrote:
 Works for me, I also found that I can successfully optimise lens 
 ..so when can we have this in Hugin? ;-)

It doesn't make sense to add these the the trunk, as it would complicate 
the merging of layout. I'll looking into adding them to the layout branch.

Btw is there a list of issues in the tracker (or somewhere else) for the 
problems in the layout branch?


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[hugin-ptx] Re: [PanoTools-devel] tilt functions

2009-09-23 Thread Pablo d'Angelo

D M German wrote:
  Pablo dAngelo twisted the bytes to say:
  Pablo I'm still struggling to understand the geometric interpretation of 
 the Tx,Ty,Tz angles and the Ts parameters.
 hi Pablo,
 I have created this document to explain the use of the three parameters.

Thank you for the pdf, it explains the idea.

For interested people on hugin-ptx:
Read this to see the context of the discussion
The pdf mentioned can be downloaded from

 The purpose of the tilt is to remap a photo to match another plane.
 basically, the second image is moved in an angle in its own sphere (Tx,
 Ty, and Tz, similar to yaw, pitch and roll)

No, actually the rotation happens in image coordinates, not in its own 
sphere. This is a fundamental difference (in my opinion, it is also a 
fundamental flaw). At least thats how it is implemented.

Thus, I don't see how the currently implemented tilt parameters allow a 
general modelling, even when using only rectilinear - rectilinear.

The XYZ mode I recently implemented actually does its rotation in an own 
It rotates image B in its own sphere and then translates (X,Y) and 
scales (Z) the input image (still on the sphere!), which is then 
projected onto the panorama plane (when using rectilinear output).  When 
using another output projection than rectilinear, the image is projected 
onto a intermediate plane, from where it is reprojected into the output 

In that repect, I think the XYZ mode actually fits you description 
better than the tilt mode.

Note that for fisheye images, it does not make sense to imagine image A 
and image B as a plane, as it is illustrated in your example.

For that case, the transformation (ignoring lens distortion etc.) is a 
simple matrix multiplication of the pixel coordinates with a homography 
matrix T (T is a 3x3 matrix, with T(3,3) = 1). So that leaves 8 free 
parameters that need to be determined (note that this also allows 
non-square pixels, so effectively 7 parameters are needed for most 
With the tilt mode, at least
v,r,p,y, Tx,Ty,Ts and d,e are required for the warping, so there must be 
something wrong the model, as it should only require 7 parameters and 
not 9. Using an overparametrized model is not good for the optimisation, 
as it will confuse the optimizer.

With the XYZ model, only v,r,p,y, Tx,Ty,Tz are required, which is the 
minimum amount of parameters, and they can handle a all possible camera 
positions. This should work also work independently of the projection of 
the input images.


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[hugin-ptx] Re: Aerial Photography Stitching

2009-09-22 Thread Pablo d'Angelo

Hi Matt,

 This is the method I had been using before, but obviously without the
 Tilt parameters and so it really struggled.

Actually, I played around a little, and I wasn't satisfied with the tilt 
parameters, so changed libpano to allow estimate the X,Y and Z camera 
position (assuming a planar earth). I still need to do some final 
testing, but so far it doesn't look too bad.

 Thanks a lot for all your suggestions. I think I'm going to have to
 get a working group together within OSM to try to work on these
 problems. This experiment with aerial photography will likely be
 repeated again and so I feel it's worthwhile for us to create a strong
 open source workflow for creating full stitched images.

Please keep me updated. Where do you discuss these issues?


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[hugin-ptx] Re: Aerial Photography Stitching

2009-09-22 Thread Pablo d'Angelo

Matt Williams wrote:
 2009/9/22 Oskar Sander oskar.san...@gmail.com:
 Hi Matt,

 If you experiment on this further, it would be really sweet if you did a
 tutorial writeup here even if it doesn't work out perfect right now.
 I absolutely will. This won't be the last time that OSM hire a plane
 for some aerial photography and so it's important that we find a
 decent way of doing it.

I have played a little with the images, and from my perspective, it 
would be more usable, if the camera with a wide angle lens (maybe 28 mm 
instead of 50 mm) would be used especially for the nadir shots. Flying 
at a higher altitude will probably also help.
They probably still have enough detail for mapping (you probably do not 
need 5 cm ground resolution or so, 10 or 20 cm are probably enough to 
recognize most details required for mapping.

At work, we have a full frame camera system ( 3xCanon EOS-1d) with 50 mm 
lenses. Flying that at 1000m gives reasonable detail when looking 
straight down and the imaged area is much larger than with your example 
images, making them easier to handle.


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[hugin-ptx] Re: Aerial Photography Stitching

2009-09-22 Thread Pablo d'Angelo

Stefan de Konink wrote:

 We did; we have a rectifying program, and like I posted before I was
 pointed myself to efoto. From there on we can use qgis and mapserver for
 final positioning. Come and idle in #osp on oftc ;)

Do you have a procedure that works nicely for the large amount of image? 
I couldn't find anything on http://www.openstreetphoto.org ?


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[hugin-ptx] Re: Aerial Photography Stitching

2009-09-22 Thread Pablo d'Angelo

Matt Williams wrote:
 2009/9/22 Pablo d'Angelo pablo.dang...@web.de:
 Hi Matt,

 This is the method I had been using before, but obviously without the
 Tilt parameters and so it really struggled.
 Actually, I played around a little, and I wasn't satisfied with the tilt
 parameters, so changed libpano to allow estimate the X,Y and Z camera
 position (assuming a planar earth). I still need to do some final
 testing, but so far it doesn't look too bad.
 I see you've checked some of these changes into SVN, I've uncommented
 the '#define MOSAIC_XYZ 1' line in adjust.c. Is there anything I need
 to do elsewhere to allow it estimate these variables?

No. With these you could just try to optimize y,p,r,Tx,Ty,Tz for all 
images except the first one.


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[hugin-ptx] Re: Aerial Photography Stitching (using new mosaic mode)

2009-09-22 Thread Pablo d'Angelo

Pablo d'Angelo schrieb:
 Matt Williams wrote:
 2009/9/22 Pablo d'Angelo pablo.dang...@web.de:
 Hi Matt,

 This is the method I had been using before, but obviously without the
 Tilt parameters and so it really struggled.
 Actually, I played around a little, and I wasn't satisfied with the tilt
 parameters, so changed libpano to allow estimate the X,Y and Z camera
 position (assuming a planar earth). I still need to do some final
 testing, but so far it doesn't look too bad.
 I see you've checked some of these changes into SVN, I've uncommented
 the '#define MOSAIC_XYZ 1' line in adjust.c. Is there anything I need
 to do elsewhere to allow it estimate these variables?
 No. With these you could just try to optimize y,p,r,Tx,Ty,Tz for all 
 images except the first one.

There is a bug in panotools. Sometimes it does not optimize parameters 
if they are exactly set to 0. This seems to affect the Tx, Ty and Tz 
parameters as well (a,b,c parameters are the other parameter that suffer 
from this).

So simply add Tx0.1 Ty0.1 Tz0.1 to i lines, except for the first one.

Note: the names of the Tx, Ty, Tz parameters are only valid with the 
current svn and the MOSAIC_XYZ define in adjust.c. They will be 
available under another name in the future (probably just X Y Z).

Here is the result of merging images 539-549 from

It is not referenced to an OSM map (too late in the evening...), but the 
result looks very promising. It also shows that the sideward views are 
probably not that helpful for mapping, at least when reprojecting them.

Quick procedure:

1. panomatic -o 539-549.pto *.jpg
2. hugin 539-549.pto
  - set focal length to 50mm (~ HFOV 26°)
  - open fast preview
 - set projection to rectilinear,
 - select hfov and vfov ~ 100
 - show only the first image.
 - use the drag tool to move the first image so that it roughly 
looking like a nadir image
 - select all images again
  - Go to the optimizer tab, select (optimize y,p,r)
  - tick edit script
  - copy script into a text file 539.549.txt
  - Edit script, add
 Tx0.1 Ty0.1 Tz0.1 to i lines, except for the first one.
  - modify the v lines to include Tx# Ty# Tz# (where # is the image

  - run PToptimizer 539-549.txt
  - run PTmender -o 539-549 539-549.txt
  - run PTroller -o 539-549.tif 539-5490*.tif
  - crop 539-549.tif in your favorite image editor.


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[hugin-ptx] Re: Aerial Photography Stitching

2009-09-21 Thread Pablo d'Angelo

Hi Matt,

The general workflow for proper orthorectification (as used by the 
professionals) is:

1. Measure some ground control points (GCPs) in the images. These 
associate an image point with a 3D world position (lat, lon, height). If 
a full bundle adjustment is used, this is not needed for every images as 
tie points (called control points in hugin) can also be used. These are 
usually measured against maps, orthoimages, gps traces. The height is 
often derived from the SRTM dataset, or from high precision GPS 
measurements with post processing at specific corner (centre of 
roundabouts etc.).

2. With the GCPs and tie points, the position and orientation of each 
photo is estimated using bundle adjustment. This works a bit similar to 
what hugin/panotools does, but it solves for full 3D geometry.

3. Orthorectification is preformed using the estimated positions and 
orientations and a digital terrain model. If there is a lot of overlap 
in the photos, the terrain model can also be computed from the photos 
itself (This is actually what I currently do in my day job).

All data that is required for this is freely available. You can use well 
traces streets in OSM for establishing the ground control points in step 
1). The SRTM model required for orthorectification is available in the 
public domain (at least for areas south of 60° northern latitude).

The main problem is that there is no complete open source software 
package for this job. All the components are available in various 
software packages, but they are not integrated:

- Tie points can be created in hugin or with other matching software. 
With a bit of scripting, GCPs can be derived from tie points measured 
against OSM maps (its just coordinate transformation and lookup in the 
elevation model).

- A complete package that takes care of most steps required for 1) and 
2) is bundler, http://phototour.cs.washington.edu/bundler/ however, this 
is not designed to handle ground control points, so it won't give you 
absolute coordinates. It uses a customized version of SBA 
http://www.ics.forth.gr/~lourakis/sba/ for the bundle adjustment. SBA 
recently been extended so that it supports both tie points and ground 
control points.

- Orthorectification can be done using open source remote sensing 
software packages such as http://www.ossim.org or 
http://www.orfeo-toolbox.org. However, these packages are mostly 
designed for handling commercial satellite and aerial imagery, and I'm 
not sure if the support a simple camera model.

Then there is e-foto, which I have just downloaded as tried, but I 
didn't manage to do something useful with it.

So the correct way to produce nice orthophotos as shown by the map 
providers is not that simple using open source software, and needs quite 
some gluing together of several packages.

Hugin is currently not really suited for aligning all your images. 
However, the latest work in panotools (as mentioned in the reply by 
Lukas) might help if your area is reasonably flat.

The new parameters Tx, Ty and Ts parameters in panotools should allow 
you to orthorectify your images to a plane. As these are are very new, 
they are not supported in hugin yet. This means that you need to use the 
  panotools script interface from the command line directly. Maybe the 
following procedure might work (disclamer: I haven't tried anything of 
that myself!):

0. Get and compile the current trunk of libpano13

1. Load a few overlapping images captured from different viewpoints 
(maybe start with 3 or so) into hugin, and create a few good control 
points between them (make sure that they are good, to avoid confusion 
due to mismatched control points later on). Try to load a very well 
downwards looking image as first image. This image will define the plane 
to which the other images are warped later on.

Do not optimize yet. Make sure that the field of view of the images is 
reasonably correct. (Computation from EXIF data is probably good for the 
first try).

2. Set the projection to rectilinear, and choose a wide HFOV and VFOV, 
such as 90 degrees or so. Press the compute optimum size button.

3. Export everything as panotools compatible project. The 100% 
bulletproof way is to go to the optimisation tab, tick the edit script 
before optimisation (or similar) checkbox, press Optimize and select 
the text of the checkbox and save it into a textfile named optimize.txt

4. Now you need to select which variables to optimize, using by adding 
them to the v line in optimize.txt. I would try optimizing roll, pitch, 
yaw and Tx, Ty, Ts for all but the first image. Run
$ PToptimizer optimize.txt
to perform the optimisation. Check the file to see some information 
about the errors. Here some trial and error with different parameter 
sets is probably needed.

5. Test remapping the images with PTmender:
$ PTmendler optimize.txt

6. Combine the without any blending using PTroller
$ PTroller -o output.tif remapped1.tif remapped2.tif 

[hugin-ptx] Re: Aerial Photography Stitching

2009-09-21 Thread Pablo d'Angelo

Pablo d'Angelo wrote:
 Hi Matt,
 The general workflow for proper orthorectification (as used by the 
 professionals) is:
 1. Measure some ground control points (GCPs) in the images. These 
 associate an image point with a 3D world position (lat, lon, height). If 
 a full bundle adjustment is used, this is not needed for every images as 
 tie points (called control points in hugin) can also be used. These are 
 usually measured against maps, orthoimages, gps traces. The height is 
 often derived from the SRTM dataset, or from high precision GPS 
 measurements with post processing at specific corner (centre of 
 roundabouts etc.).

Sorry, this was confusing. This is a better explanation: Tie point are 
measured between the images, Ground Control points are measured between 
the image and some reference data (maps, gps traces, digital elevation 
models, geodetic gps measurements etc.).


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[hugin-ptx] Re: Integration Queue - current status

2009-09-20 Thread Pablo d'Angelo

Hi Yuv,

 6. vigra-1.6 (Lukáš): it has been decided to push the changes upstream; 
 wait for vigra-1.7 with the changes; then make Hugin work with 
 [vigra]-1.7. @Lukáš and @Pablo: what does it take to prepare Lukáš' work 
 to go into vigra; and how do we make it available to vigra?

I'll make a patch that fits the current vigra development version (They 
now have an mercurial repository) and submit it to the vigra developers.


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[hugin-ptx] Re: Integration Queue - how do we add features to trunk and to release

2009-09-19 Thread Pablo d'Angelo

Bruno Postle wrote:
 Cpclean is ready to go in as far as I'm concerned, the only question 
 is do we run it automatically with the Align... button?:

If in doubt: Make it configurable. I guess that it should be done for 
people that use the automatic method. However, if somebody adds some 
control points manually and presses Align again, it might remove the 
manually added points, which is probably not desired...


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[hugin-ptx] Re: OpenEXR three bands

2009-09-19 Thread Pablo d'Angelo

Hi Lukas,

Lukáš Jirkovský wrote:
 while working on my GSoC project I've noticed that current OpenEXR
 implementation has only 4 bands. This makes it's usage inconvenient
 sometimes because it makes everyone to use ImportImageAlpha even when
 alpha is not necessary. It seems that OpenEXR is almost exclusively
 used with RGBA but when someone doesn't need alpha it should be
 allowed to use it with assumption that all pixels are opaque.

Actually, its not that simple, as the alpha is usually pre-multiplied:
value_in_file = value * alpha. This makes alpha blending in computer 
graphics applications faster. Hugin doesn't use anything of that though 
(only 0 and 1 alpha...), but a general solution needs to take care of that.

The best solution would be to write a RGBA - RGB vigra accessor that 
could be passed to import image and would convert the RGBA - RGB.

the importImageAlpha() functionality is also a hugin/enblend only 
feature, I haven't submitted that to the main vigra branch last time I 
sent my changes there. However, that is not really a problem, as its 
just an extension and could easily be moved into our own vigra_ext lib.

 I'd like to try to implement this. My question is: Is it acceptable or
 not? I mean when OpenEXR is stored as RGBA is it against some
 non-written rules in VIGRA to allow loading/storing with using only
 RGB values?

Vigra is a multi purpose lib, and not restricted to a specific number of 
channels. For example, many remote sensing satellites have blue, green, 
red and infrared channels (The infrared channel contains valuable 
information about vegetation).
Vigra is pretty dumb when it comes to image import/export, as it doesn't 
have a proper handling for alpha channels. I have added the 
ImageInfo::getExtraSamples() (or something similar), so that it is at 
least possible to differentiate between real channels and mask or 
alpha channels.

  I don't want to block it's way into upstream only because
 of this. If you want to hear my opinion I don't see any problem here
 because eg. tiff allows using from 1 to 4 bands.

I don't think that this will be a problem, as the vigra import/export is 
quite bare bones anyway.

One also needs to submit test cases for the new functionality, otherwise 
it won't be accepted by the vigra maintainers.


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[hugin-ptx] Re: Hugin Qt

2009-09-19 Thread Pablo d'Angelo

Lukáš Jirkovský wrote:
 there's one part of hugin code which I'm thinking of. I have many
 questions about it. It's code in src/hugin_qtbase.
 Is it alive? Is there anyone who actually cares about it? For now it seems 

This is part of Ippei' GSOC 2007 project, where he did a lot of 
refactoring in the hugin core and started to lay a foundation for a QT 
based GUI, however, due to lack of development manpower and improvements 
in wxWidgets, we haven't really started developing a QT based GUI.


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[hugin-ptx] Re: Integration Queue - how do we add features to trunk and to release

2009-09-18 Thread Pablo d'Angelo

Yuval Levy schrieb:

 Hi all, particularly develoeprs,
 - vigra-1.6 (Lukáš' patch from before 0.8.0)

I think this is best done by adding the hugin changes to the main vigra 
lib. Most changes are related to the vigra impex functinality, and it 
shouldn't be hard to get them integrated (Maybe except for one place 
were I have changed the behaviour when saving floating point images into 
an integer format.)
After that we can simply wait until vigra 1.7.0 is released with our 
patches in and then remove vigra from our tree.

 - control-point cleaning (Thomas patch)
 - auto-crop (Gary's patch)
 - gsoc_2008_masking (Fahim's project)
 - gsoc_2008_feature_atching (Onur's project)
 The longer we wait, the more trunk will diverge and the more difficult 
 integration will become. Moreover, there is a risk that newer changes 
 will be implemented against the current trunk and will not be compatible 
 once what is in the queue enters trunk.
 I'd like to go systematically and efficiently through the integration of 
 the above features.
 There are three steps:
 1. Maturity
 2. Trunk Integration
 3. Release
 and then there is a
 4. Shortcut
 Only mature codelines/patches will be considered for integration in trunk
   can we verify the maturity of the PROJECTS?

Build and test them!
Actually, I did start a little work on the feature matching, however 
this is half finished and does not even compile, so I haven't commited 
that yet.

I think the two remaining gsoc2008 are the ones that need most work, and 
therefore aren't in a position to be included before some work has been 
done on them.

 IMO there is currently one feature that needs this sort of special 
 attention: it is gsoc2009_layout. It introduces a very important, 
 significant and welcome change in the underlying panorama model. It 
 affects almost every part of the code. The longer we wait, the more 
 difficult it will be to integrate.
 The question (to James, and his mentor Bruno) is: is it mature? if yes, 
 when do you have time to take care of the integration?
 Planning around James' project: what should we send to integration 
 before and what after?

I haven't yet looked at:
- control-point cleaning (Thomas patch)
- auto-crop (Gary's patch)

but I suspect that they are not too dependent on the layout work. So 
they could go in either before or after James.

I think gsoc2009_layout should be integrated as soon as possible after 
2009.4, if the marturity allows it.

 Specifically: lens calibration does not affect Hugin's main 
 functionality at all. Should we send one extra chunk of code with it, 
 and if yes which one?

I couldn't find the control point cleaning patch in the patches tracker 
of hugin, can somebody point me to it? It might a good candidate for 
merging into trunk before 2009.4


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[hugin-ptx] Re: cmake compilation of enblend [was: Enblend bug tracker and developer mailing list]

2009-09-09 Thread Pablo d'Angelo

Kornel Benko wrote:
 Am Mittwoch 09 September 2009 schrieb Ryan Sleevi:
   As you indicated in your follow-up, the CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE is what controls
   whether or not the compiler is set to be optimized for release mode. For
   the Windows platforms, all the build types are exported into a single 
   and can be chosen within the MSVC ide / vcbuild command-line (CMake tries
   to preserve the native build semantics, and that's how it is done on
   Windows). FindLibraryWithDebug further eases this process for the Windows
 What is missing now, is the control from command line for this.

Do you mean:
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release

If I remember correctly, the enblend autoconf script does use more 
aggressive optimisation options than most other packages.


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[hugin-ptx] Re: Mailing List(s)

2009-09-08 Thread Pablo d'Angelo

Hi Yuv,
Yuval Levy wrote:
 James Legg wrote:
 hugin-ptx is the only list linked to on hugin.sourceforge.net, and
 sourceforge makes the lists it hosts difficult to find. Could all the
 lists be listed there and at sourceforge.net/projects/hugin/?
 I am not sure what can and can't be listed on sf.net/projects/hugin. We 
 control hugin.sf.net and so we can list anything there. Yes the lists 
 are difficult to find and part of this process will end in better 
 documentation on where to find what - lists, RSS feeds, etc.
 To encourage public conversations I think the reply-to address on
 hugin-cvs (and other notification lists) should be hugin-ptx rather then
 the commiter's sourceforge address.
 I'm not sure if (a) it makes sense for all notifications lists and (b) 
 if it is possible with the current mailing list infrastructure (SF).
 I do see an added value with the reply to committs notification going to 
 hugin-ptx (or a dev-list). it defintely should not go to the committer.
 What scares me a bit is replies to bug tracker notifications. This may 
 defeat the purpose of keeping follow up information attached to the bug 
 tracker ticket, rather than a discussion on a mailing list.

Indeed. A reply to the bug tracker notification should end up as a 
comment on the bug tracker, instead! Most people might be happy with the 
additional complication of using a web-only forums (signing in, 
navigating back to the bug etc, scrolling down, replying there), but I 
suspect that the people using the tracker more often would prefer that a 
simple reply-to. It is so much easier and would lead to better usage of 
the tracker, especially when categorizing new bugs as they occur (I 
hope). Unfortunately, the sourceforge trackers cannot handle that, but 
there are systems that do (bugs.python.org, for example).

I would of course subscribe to -dev, and read it. I suspect that most 
developers are probably happy with the current situation. Taking the low 
level dev talk of the main list will probably mostly affect the users on 
the main list.

What do you users think? Are you tired by the low level tech talk here?


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[hugin-ptx] Re: Fusing before or after

2009-05-30 Thread Pablo d'Angelo

Hi all,

This description is correct. Note that align_image_stack was really 
written more like a proof of concept and is not really well optimized. 
Actually, the implementation of the normalized cross correlation in 
hugin is very basic and thus quite slow. Replacing it with a properly 
optimized version (I believe opencv has a nicely optimized correlator) 
would make both align_image_stack and the fine tune functionality much 


Bruno Postle wrote
 On Thu 28-May-2009 at 07:52 -0700, Tom Sharpless wrote:
 So align_image_stack does use local correlations, then generates CP's
 as a way of communicating the required alignment to other tools?
 It generates control points because it uses the hugin optimiser to 
 do the alignment (which is also why it accepts projection and field 
 of view parameters).
 Is this done in such a way as to allow some warping as well as simple
 shifting in the final alignment step?
 The alignment uses the usual roll, pitch, yaw and fov distortion.
 That is, are the CP's based only or mainly on local shifts?
 No idea, the image is divided up into a grid and a feature detector 
 tries to place an even distribution of points over the image area.
 In practice, with the -p option it behaves like a control point 
 generator that only works with stacked photos, but which produces 
 very few 'bad' points and which works very well with large exposure 

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[hugin-ptx] Re: Layout panorama model (GSoC)

2009-05-12 Thread Pablo d'Angelo

Hi James,

Just a quick note below:

James Legg wrote:

 It probably wouldn't take too long to combine this with the OpenGL
 preview, and might even be less work than putting it in its own tab.

Sounds good!

 I don't know about animating the transition between preview and layout
 mode though. That would be doable, but it might take a couple of weeks
 that could be better spent on something else.

I guess the simplest and hopefully useable method could be to
temporarily use a smaller field of view for each image in the layout
view. Stacks could probably shown by shifting their yaw and pitch
values a little.

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[hugin-ptx] Re: GSoC2009 Students: Next Steps

2009-04-05 Thread Pablo d'Angelo

Lukáš Jirkovský schrieb:
 2009/4/4 Faruq writefa...@gmail.com:

 you should take a look at the:

These are some toy programs I wrote some time ago.

 these are unfinished results from the Google Summer of Code project to
 integrate VIPS several years ago.

Actually, the GSoC code is here:


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[hugin-ptx] Re: Fine-tune and wide-angle lenses.

2009-03-24 Thread Pablo d'Angelo

Hi Peter,

Peter Gawthrop schrieb:
 Hi Pablo,
   I'd like to have a look at this. Could you tell me exactly where the
   current algorithm lives within the hugin tree?

The main correlation happens in:

these are relatively straightforward (and SLOW) implementations of 
normalized cross correlation, which I wanted to replace with something 
faster since ages but never got around to do so. As these functions know 
nothing about the image geometry, its hard to add the projection 
specific stuff to them.

The functions are called from

There all the image parameters are available from the m_pano object.

Additionally, some time (several years in fact) ago, I have started to 
play with a window that shows corrected closeups of the control points. 
That code is still available in
but the window is currently not build nor used. I think there are might 
be some smaller mistakes in how the image is transformed, but the
CPZoomDisplayPanel::updateInternal() function should contain code that 
tries to point a virtual camera on the control point location and uses 
that to remap the image. Probably it would be best to create some 
wrappers that look a bit similar to
which actually remap the images (using the half finished code from 
CPZoomDisplayPanel::updateInternal() as a blueprint) and then in turn 
call vigra_ext::PointFineTune.


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[hugin-ptx] Re: GSoC2009

2009-03-23 Thread Pablo d'Angelo

Hi Lukáš,

Lukáš Jirkovský wrote:
 I'd really want to participate, but I've not yet decided what should
 be my application.  think about two things:
 1. Making deghosting act more like as a library. This probably would
 ease integration to enfuse. The second part would be adding algorithm
 described in [1] or adding support for deghosting to enfuse. The
 problem of this is that I think I'd not be able to do the math of the
 algorithm without help (there are some things I've never seen before).

While I won't be able to be a full time mentor this year, I'd be more 
than happy to answer your questions about the algorithm in [1]. Don't 
let the formulas scare you. From a quick look it seems to work quite 
similar to the khan deghosting (whose paper also sounds more complicated 
than it really is), but contains additional steps to further improve the 

 If I would decide to integrate it to enfuse instead of implementing
 mentioned algorihtm the problem would be in fact that both khan and
 this algorithm are intended for use with HDR.

Actually, both algorithms produce a weight values for each pixel in each 
exposure. This weight value could be combined with the weight enfuse 
computes for each pixel.

 Anyway, even if I would choose one of these goals I'd like to
 implement also the second one but I think it would be quite
 problematic to do the both during summer so the second one wouldn't
 have so high priority.

I don't think doing both is possible in a summer, especially when time 
for learning how the algorithms really work is also needed.


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[hugin-ptx] Re: Fine-tune and wide-angle lenses.

2009-03-23 Thread Pablo d'Angelo

Hi Peter,

Peter Gawthrop wrote:

 As far as I know, Fine-Tune is unaware of lens effects. If so, it seem
 that the general solution would be to make Fine-Tune aware of the lens
 and, for example, map the two small areas used by Fine-Tune to the
 centre of the image for processing and then map back again.

Indeed, that would be very nice, if the lens parameters (mainly HFOV) 
are approximately known. An additional least square matching after the 
correlation search would lead to even better subpixel accuracy for the 
control points.


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[hugin-ptx] Re: Celeste.model is not found on win32

2009-03-04 Thread Pablo d'Angelo

Yuval Levy schrieb:
 Guido Kohlmeyer wrote:
 Meanwhile I found huginApp::Get()-GetXRCPath(), which is the same.
 is there a reason to have twice the same thing, or is this a redundancy? 
 if it is, from which class does it make sense to get the XRCPath? from 
 huginApp.h or from MainFrame.h?

Hmm, I don't remember why I did this. Probably because initially the 
path was handled by MainFrame and not by HuginApp. Probably 
MainFrame::GetXRCPath() can now be removed and replaced with 
HuginApp::GetXRCPath(), which I probably intended to do by somehow 
forgot to actually do.


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[hugin-ptx] Re: What is the status of keypoint detection and keypoint matching: machpoint (gsoc2007) and feature_matching (gsoc2008)

2009-03-01 Thread Pablo d'Angelo

Hi Bruno,

Bruno Postle schrieb:
 On Wed 25-Feb-2009 at 14:19 +0100, Harry van der Wolf wrote:
 During gsoc 2007 Zoran Mesec created/worked on matchpoint: the patent free
 keypoint detector. As far as I'm aware matchpoint works fine, but still has
 problems dealing with transparency masks.
 True or wrong? Anyone who does know, please explain. Any relevant info that
 I didn't ask here is welcome too.
 If I understand Zoran correctly, matchpoint is very good at 
 detecting scale invariant features, but the feature descriptors 
 generated are not as good as those from SIFT or SURF.

Yes, the interest point detector in matchpoint works ok, but the 
descriptor is currently not good.

 I'm not sure that this is very important - Current feature matching 
 tools such as those in Onur's project, panomatic or autopano-sift 
 work entirely by comparing these descriptors, but for panoramas we 
 can compare the geometrical relationships between points too.
 During gsoc 2008 Onur Küçüktunç created/worked on feature_matching to be
 used in combination with matchpoint. Is this now (relatively) mature or not?
 It worked for me, but I have no idea why it wasn't integrated.  Even 
 if the results are not so good, any patent-free control point finder 
 is better than none.

I remember that the feature detection code just contains duplicate 
copies of the matchpoint code, so we would have the same code in two 
locations: src/hugin_base/algorithms/control_points and src/matchpoint
The code in matchpoint should be made a library and linked from within 

I will have some time for hugin development this month (wife and baby 
are traveling, I'm stuck at home...), and I will look into these issues 
and make sure that we will have patent-free solution that is well 
integrated into hugin.

 It is implemented as part of the hugin GUI which makes it impossible 
 to script around.  I would very much like a command-line version 
 (equivalent to the 'autopano' tool from autopano-sift-C).
 Combination of matchpoint and match-n-shift: Is this now a working keypoint
 detection/matching combination as such or does match-n-shift just use
 autopano for the keypoint matching?
 match-n-shift uses a combination of autopano-sift-C and 
 align_image_stack.  There is a --matchpoint option which substitutes 
 the 'generatekeys' part of autopano-sift-C, but it doesn't work 
 because of the alpha channel bug.  Even so match-n-shift still uses 
 the 'autopano' part of autopano-sift-C for feature matching.
 [later...] I just added an ImageMagick workaround to match-n-shift 
 --matchpoint and now it seems to work ok.  Also match-n-shift runs 
 ptoclean as a final step, so it kind-of does the 'geometrical' check 
 I hope Pablo will add to this thread, he mentioned that between 
 the various projects (matchpoint, panomatic, autopano-sift-C, 
 feature_matching) there is all the code necessary to paste together 
 a complete patent-free solution.

So we have:

matchpoint (see above)

autopano-SIFT (patented algorithm (although the SIFT patent seems rather 
weak and might not apply if the SIFT descriptor is used together with 
another interest point detector).

panomatic (SURF, also patent. However, the interest point detector alone 
is not really patented, so we just need another feature descriptor).
The panomatic code is very nice and clean, and contains all the required 
matching stages, including a ransac step for throwing out outliers 
(which probably currently doesn't work with fisheye images and very wide 
rectilinear ones). I have already created a separate executable of the 
keypoint generator, it should be quite easy to do so for the matching 
stage, too.

 Otherwise, a command-line version of Onur's feature matching would 
 be enough to allow me to make match-n-shift 'patent-free'.

Actually, something like ptoclean should really be part of the core 
functionality in hugin.
Hmm, so should we make your perl modules a requirement for hugin?

Actually, I have also started a python wrapper around the core hugin 
libs (using boost-python). I also hope that this will be finished the 
end of this month, but I'm not sure if I can finish both the feature 
matching and the python interface. (as I mostly write code during the 
day, so its sometimes not that attractive to do the same in the evening, 


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[hugin-ptx] Re: EXR tweaks

2009-02-11 Thread Pablo d'Angelo

Lukáš Jirkovský schrieb:
 As I'd like to show that I'm still not bored hacking hugin I've done
 some tweaks to EXR implementation in Hugin, unfortunately none of them
 is tested.
 1.) workaround for bug causing clipping of some data (changes in
 ExrEncoderImpl::nextScanline() and rewriteFileUsingScaleFactor()
 function). This really needs testing but I don't have any image
 suffering from it.
 My ask for any test case is still valid. Anyway, what do you think
 about it? May it work correctly? I've explained how it is supposed
 work in comment in bug #1850361.

You can simply set the ev parameter (lens tab, photometric) of an image 
to something above 16 and should be able to see the results.

Rewriting the image has the nice property that it is completely 
independent of the calling code, but unfortunately its a bit costly. It 
would be possible to compute the scaling factor without rewriting the 
image, but this would require that the max of the image is computed 
somewhere inside the exportImage() functions and not in the codec 
itself. However, the vigra impex code is quite messy and hard to understand.

 2.) added support for different compression algorithms. I've not have
 enough time to test because I'd like to add it to the GUI first (I
 don't like changing this directly in code even for testing). This part
 of the patch should probably work.

I think enblend handles the compression arguments straight to vigra.
With hugin it should be possible to modify the .pto file and set the
type by changing
#hugin_outputImageTypeHDRCompression newcomp


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[hugin-ptx] Re: Trying to build hugin under native mingw

2009-02-08 Thread Pablo d'Angelo

tennevin yves wrote:

 I have been trying to build hugin under native mingw,
 I am trying first with hugin7.0 source, since it's supposed to compile.
 I managed to compile the dependencies
 Now I am getting some errors when wxWidget is invoved in the make.
 getting errors like
 `wxConvISO8859_1' was not declared in this scope
 Anyone know how to fix it (or to have an idea of what is exactly the 

Maybe its a wxWidgets ANSI vs UNICODE build problem. Hugin should be 
build and linked against wxWidgets compiled with unicode support.


 Y. tennevin / esby
 -- Make buildlog
 $ make
 [  9%] Built target huginANN
 [ 19%] Built target huginvigraimpex
 [ 22%] Built target huginlevmar
 [ 24%] Built target huginjhead
 [ 24%] Built target huginlensdb
 [ 55%] Built target huginbase
 [ 55%] Built target open_file
 [ 56%] Built target align_image_stack
 [ 57%] Built target autooptimiser
 [ 57%] Built target fulla
 [ 58%] Built target nona
 [ 59%] Built target pto2mk
 [ 59%] Built target tca_correct
 [ 60%] Built target vig_optimize
 [ 62%] Built target matchpoint
 [ 65%] Built target hugin_hdrmerge
 [ 66%] Building CXX object 
 In file included from 
 c:/msys/1.0/home/keby/hugin-0.7.0/src/hugin_base/hugin_utils/utils.h: In 
 function `Target hugin_utils::lexical_cast(Source)':
 error: `wxConvISO8859_1' was not declared in this scope
 In file included from 
 In function `typename Map::mapped_type map_get(Map, const typename 
 error: `wxConvISO8859_1' was not declared in this scope
 In function `const typename Map::mapped_type const_map_get(const Map, 
 const typename Map::key_type)':
 error: `wxConvISO8859_1' was not declared in this scope
 In function `typename Map::mapped_type map_get(Map, const char*)':
 error: `wxConvISO8859_1' was not declared in this scope
 In function `const typename Map::mapped_type const_map_get(const Map, 
 const char*)':
 error: `wxConvISO8859_1' was not declared in this scope
 In file included from 
 In member function `void 
 HuginBase::SrcPanoImage::setRadialDistortion(const std::vectordouble, 
 std::allocatordouble )':
 error: `wxConvISO8859_1' was not declared in this scope
 error: `wxString' was not declared in this scope
 error: `wxLogFatalError' was not declared in this scope
 In member function `void 
 std::vectordouble, std::allocatordouble )':
 error: `wxConvISO8859_1' was not declared in this scope
 error: `wxString' was not declared in this scope
 error: `wxLogFatalError' was not declared in this scope
 In member function 

[hugin-ptx] Re: Patches for TMPDIR, which one is better?

2009-02-08 Thread Pablo d'Angelo

Hi Lukáš,

I had a quick look at the patch, and it looks good (I haven't had time 
to do any testing...).


Lukáš Jirkovský wrote:
 No response? So if nobody will complain about it, I'll put it into the
 trunk tomorrow.


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[hugin-ptx] Re: patch for bug #2033756 call for testing

2009-02-01 Thread Pablo d'Angelo

Hi Yuv,

Yuval Levy wrote
 I've tested quickly hugin_hdrmerge in Windows. I applied your two 
 patches (30/Jan and 31/Jan).
 The good news is that it builds and it seems to get further than it used to.
 The bad news is that it still crashes. I am trying to merge three 16bit 
 TIFF images of 8megapixel with the following command:
 hugin_hdrmerge.exe -wl -ad -v -o p.exr p1.tif p2.tif p3.tif

Actually, hugin_hdrmerge assumes that p1.tif, p2.tif and p3.tif are 
already images where the gray values correspond to intensity values (ie. 
  if corresponding pixels are exposed well, they should have the same 
value). Suitable images are the .exr files created by nona, but not the 
original 8 or 16 bit images.

The deghosting will not function properly if it is feed with raw, 
non-exposure normalized input images (.jpg or normally converted RAW 
image). The deghosting will compute differences between the images and 
choose the color values where most images agree. This means that the 
gray values inside the images must be comparable (for example, 
proportional to the physical intensity).


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[hugin-ptx] Re: patch for bug #2033756 call for testing

2009-02-01 Thread Pablo d'Angelo

Yuval Levy schrieb:
 Hi Pablo,
 Pablo d'Angelo wrote:
 Actually, hugin_hdrmerge assumes that images where the gray values 
   correspond to intensity values
   if corresponding pixels are exposed well, they should have the same 
 value). Suitable images are the .exr files created by nona, but not the 
 original 8 or 16 bit images.

 The deghosting will not function properly if it is feed with raw, 
 non-exposure normalized input images
 unlike enfuse? so if we want deghosting for enfuse we need to first 
 normalize the input images? wouldn't that defeat the purpose and the 
 beauty of enfuse?

It is possible to do a shortcut, as we only need a function that can 
tell us how well two gray values in an image pair fit together.
I think it is possible to compute such a similarity fuction using mutual 
information, or just using the joint histogram (sometimes called 
coocurrence matrix) as distance metrics. It would be possible to add a 
special mode for that to hugin_hdrmerge. The output would then be the 
normal images, with the ghosts masked out in the alpha channel.

I haven't really played a lot with enfuse and the alpha channel, but if 
I remember correctly, there are some problems with visible seams when 
fusing images with masked out areas. It would be good to try a manual 
deghosting first, and see what happens when painting the ghost black, 
and masking it out using the alpha channel.


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[hugin-ptx] Re: new projection: architectual

2008-12-30 Thread Pablo d'Angelo

Daniel German schrieb:
 Now, regarding hugin. Some time ago I modified libpano to report the 
 available to hugin. The idea was that hugin does not need to hard code the
 projections, but rather can query them from libpano. This meant that
 you just need to recompile, install libpano and the new projections
 are available.
 Isn't that the case any more? The function that reports all data about
 a projection is
 query_feature, I think.

In principle, that is used, however, there are some problems with the 
heuristics used to do the FOV computations and the fast preview. I'd 
have to do a deeper check if that could be abstracted out of hugin and 
placed into libpano as well.


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[hugin-ptx] Re: Release 0.7.0 for Win32 available

2008-10-20 Thread Pablo d'Angelo

Hi Guido,

Guido Kohlmeyer wrote:
 Dear Yuv,
 I modified the license text slightly and build a new setup file.
 It can be found at
 the MD5 checksum is available as well

I have just uploaded this installer to the sourceforge. Thanks a lot for 
building it!


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[hugin-ptx] Re: hugin-0.7.0 released

2008-10-07 Thread Pablo d'Angelo

Hi Bruno,

Bruno Postle wrote:

 Congratulations to everyone responsible for this release!

Thanks a lot for doing the final hard work for making the release 
possible. Also thanks to all other developers who made this happen. I 
have been very busy with day time work and other commitments lately, so 
I didn't have the time to really contribute to hugins development lately.

As for the further development, I agree with Garry that we should do an
svn cp hutin/trunk hugin/branches/release-0.7.0
to create a stable branch, which could be used for urgent bugfixes, 
should the need occur.

We could then merge the gsoc_integration branch into the trunk and 
contine developing the new functionality for the 0.8 release.

Any objections?


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