Re: [jQuery] [mcDropdown] Enhancement Request

2010-01-19 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II
There's no need to add this to the code. You can just place the wrapper in
the actual HTML and apply whatever CSS you need specific to the instance of
the mcDropdown.


On Mon, Jan 18, 2010 at 4:21 PM, Jerry wrote:


 The site says that the devs monitor this list for stuff
 and they don't give out their emails anywhere on the site. So...

 The mcDropdown is great but needed a little push from me in order to
 get the field to display properly on a form with labels to the left of
 the field (versus above). Because of that I needed to have a way to
 create css for the anchor and wrapper div tags inserted by the
 mcDropdown plugin.

 I added the following two new defaults:

, wrapperId: null  // The id of the wrapper for
 more css
 control ...  added 2010-01-18 Jerry Ablan
, anchorId: null   // The id of the
 anchor for more css
 control  ...  added 2010-01-18 Jerry Ablan

 In addition, the following was changed at line 160 (after insert of
 above two lines):

// create the div to wrap everything in
$divInput = $('div class=mcdropdowna ' + (
 settings.anchorId !
 == null ? ' id=' + settings.anchorId + ' ' : '' ) + 'href=#
 tabindex=-1/ainput type=hidden name=' + ( || +
 ' id=' + ( || + ' //div')
.appendTo($('div ' + ( settings.wrapperId !== null
 ? 'id=' +
 settings.wrapperId + ' ' : '' ) + 'style=position: relative;/

 With the wrapper div and anchor accessible now, I can style the CSS to
 get the field in the right place.


Re: [jQuery] Sum up of selected classes

2009-11-13 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II

You probably mean:


The selector $(total) would be looking for an element named total (i.e.
total /,) where as $(#total) looks for an element with an id of total.


On Fri, Nov 13, 2009 at 10:13 AM, palgo wrote:

 Hi guys,

 I have several input fields where the value get set (gave them class
 name =part).
 I want to sum up the input values into a last input field with class =
 total, whenever something is being typed in some other fields.

 The input fields with class part is not a fixed amount, they can
 vary between 2 to infinite.

 So I tried this, which doesn't work:

 $(.whatever).live(keyup, function(event){

var arr = $(.part);
var len = arr.length;
var tot = 0;

while (ilen)

tot = tot +arr[i].val();



 Anyone know what I'm doing wrong?

[jQuery] Re: namespacing jQuery

2009-10-27 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II
See the $.noConflict() docs:

var j = *jQuery.noConflict*();
// Do something with jQuery
j(div p).hide;
// Do something with another library's $()
$(content).style.display = 'none';


On Tue, Oct 27, 2009 at 10:25 AM, El Greg wrote:

 I'm interested in namespacing jQuery to something like $myjQ.  or myjQ.
 $ and wondering what the best way is to do it.  I will potentially be
 using my version of jQuery on other pages that are running other
 versions of jQuery - hence the idea to rename it completely so that I
 have control over version, plugins, etc.  I thought about just doing a
 find and replace on the word jQuery in the source, but I'm hoping
 there's an easier way.


[jQuery] Re: $.post() speed

2009-10-08 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II
The $.post() function is asynchronous (by default) when your code hits a
$.post() call, it'll keep executing code. In order to do something with the
results of your AJAX call, you'll want to use the callback option--which is
a function run when the AJAX call is completed.


On Thu, Oct 8, 2009 at 7:14 AM, Adonis wrote:

 I am not entirely sure if i am using proper definitions here, but here
 it goes..

 I have $.post() inside javascript functions. If ajax is successfull,
 it returns data from the server. I am trying to assign this data  to
 javascript global variables. The problem is that my global javascript
 variables end up to be empty. It seems it takes time for the ajax to
 return the data and by the time the server data is returned, the
 browser has comploted reading through the rest of the javascript
 functions. Thus, leaving my global variables empty.

 Do you have any suggestions on how this could be fixed? I am trying
 setTimeOut() at the moment but i would be glad to concider other
 solutions as well..

 I could provide code examples on request.

 Thanks in advance!

[jQuery] Re: load with callback confusion

2009-09-18 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II
The second argument for the load() function is data, not callback:

Do this instead:

 $(span#mycontent).load(mytext.txt, {}, function(){
  // callback code here


On Fri, Sep 18, 2009 at 5:51 AM, geegler wrote:

 How come this code doesn't work?

var soffset = $(this).offset();
var stop =;
var ihgt = $(div#footer).css(height);
var mtop = $(div#mydiv).css(top);
var mhgt = $(div#mydiv).outerHeight() + 50;
var ntop = stop - mhgt;

 This version works but, I don't want to display the div element until
 the small text file has completed loading.

var soffset = $(this).offset();
var stop =;
var ihgt = $(div#footer).css(height);
var mtop = $(div#mydiv).css(top);
var mhgt = $(div#mydiv).outerHeight() + 50;
var ntop = stop - mhgt;

[jQuery] Re: Paste an image into a tag...

2009-09-18 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II
It's been a while since I've looked at either TinyMCE or FCKEditor (now
CKEditor) but non of the WYSIWYG editors based on the browser can do what
Hogsmill wants.
In order to paste an image from the clipboard, you'll need something that
can also upload the image to the server on the paste operation.

The product I've used in the past to accomplish this is XStandard--which
comes as either a Firefox add-on and an ActiveX control for IE. It does
require an client installation, but it's a very powerful XHTML-based editor
and works really well for us.

The images are uploaded to the server via a web service on the paste
operation--it even handles multiple images in the clipboard. We choose
XStandard, because users could copy an entire Word document into the
clipboard with multiple images and simply paste it into the XStandard editor
and the content would get pasted complete with all the images in the Word

There are some Java-based rich text editor controls I found too, but they
were all much more expensive.

Also, if you *only* care about pasting a single image (and don't really need
the whole rich text portion) you could write a signed Java applet to do
this. For our help desk application, I wrote a signed Java applet that would
either take the screenshot for the user or allow pasting an image from the
clipboard to add as an attachment. I can't share the code, but it's
relatively straightforward (the biggest issue is handling clipboard
operations on the Mac.)


On Fri, Sep 18, 2009 at 9:22 AM, Peter Edwards wrote:

 Have you thought of using a rich text editor to do this such as
 TinyMCE and FCKEditor - they both have paste from clipboard

 On Fri, Sep 18, 2009 at 11:12 AM, Hogsmill wrote:
  This may or may not be possible, but if anyone knows a way to do it,
  I'd love to hear from you.
  Basically, I simply (?) want to copy an image (e.g. from ALT-Print
  Screen or 'Copy Image'), and paste/drop it into an img tag on a page
  so it appears on the page. I can then resize, drag-drop, etc. as
  I've had a rummage around the net, but can't find anything. Maybe it's

[jQuery] New iPhone-style button plug-in released...

2009-09-04 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II
We've just released another jQuery plug-in which emulates the iPhone-style
button used to toggle settings on/off. The plug-in works with both checkbox
and radio button groups and we've worked hard to make this a complete
plug-in. While there are several similar plug-ins, we couldn't find one that
actually had all the features we needed--which is why we built this version.

You can see a demo here:

Here are the features:

   - Works with checkboxes or radio elements
   - Full keyboard support — use the [TAB] key to move from field to field
   and use the spacebar to toggle the status of the iButton (or use the arrow
   keys for radio buttons)
   - Custom event handlers
   - Detach iButton behavior from the element
   - Metadata support — when used with the jQuery Metadata
   you can define the properties for your button completely within the class
   attribute of your input elements
   - Enable/disable drag support — while the dragging behavior is intuitive
   on touch-based devices, it's not always be the best or expected UI behavior
   and may cause some mouse users problems (NOTE: In order to help
   differentiate between an intended mouse click or an actual drag event, we're
   developed the clickOffset option. If the time (in milliseconds) is under
   this value (120ms by default) it's assumed the user was attempting to click
   the button and not drag the handle.)
   - Enable/disable animation
   - Single sprite image — easily change the look of your button by just
   replacing the image sprite
   - Customizable labels — use any labels you want for your buttons
   - Support for disabled buttons
   - Easing support for animations
   - iPhone support

Hopefully some of you find this useful.


[jQuery] Re: New iPhone-style button plug-in released...

2009-09-04 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II
Keyboard support is often overlooked, but it's always high on our priority
list because many of our users are very keyboard centric and don't like
using the mouse at all.

On Fri, Sep 4, 2009 at 12:23 PM, Dave Methvin dave.meth...@gmail.comwrote:

  We've just released another jQuery plug-in which emulates the
  button used to toggle settings on/off.

 Very nice, Dan. I like the way you haven't forgotten keyboard access.

[jQuery] Re: input has focus

2009-08-10 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II
You can add a class to your field when it has focus and then check for the
// add focus/blur events
.focus(function (){
.blur(function (){

Now you can just do $(input#1).is(.has-focus) to check if it has focus.


On Mon, Aug 10, 2009 at 3:20 PM, MartinBorthiry


  I'm trying to know if an input has focus. Is that possible using

  samething like this:


[jQuery] Re: [Linkselect] Change function fires when using replaceOptions

2009-08-05 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II
This is not a limitation, but a specific design decision. If you're
replacing the options in a select box you are in affect also changing the
value (or at least potentially changing) the value since you now have a
completely new set of values in the box.

Therefore, to ensure that dependency attached to the behavior are correctly
carried through the change callback is fired.

For example, let's say had 3 linkselects in your chain. Select 1 changes the
options in Select 2 and Select 2 changes the options in Select 3. When you
change the value in Select 1, the options in Select 2 will change, however
the options in Select 3 will also correctly change to reflect the new value
in Select 2.

However, if you *really* need to avoid the callback from running, the
replaceOptions() method does have a second argument you can set to false for
preventing the change callback from running. However, this really should be
the exception to the rule and should only be used if you're going to end up
with some kind of circular logic.


On Tue, Aug 4, 2009 at 2:54 PM, skube wrote:

 Ok, I think I have one last outstanding problem with Giva Labs'
 awesome Linkselect plug-in. I'm wondering if it is a limitation of the
 plug-in or if I am simply doing something wrong.

 I am using one select to update another and everything works
 perfectly. However, I am finding the change function fires when I
 use replaceOptions to update the second select even though I'm
 simply re-initiating the second select with a new set of options. I
 think the change function should only fire when I do I physically
 select another option in the second select and not every time I update
 the first select.

 I've recreated a cut/paste demo to illustrate the point below. As you
 can see, the alert occurs when changing either the first or second

 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
 !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN http://
 html xmlns=; xml:lang=en lang=en

script type=text/javascript src=
script type=text/javascript src=
script type=text/javascript src=

link type=text/css href=
 jquery.linkselect.css rel=stylesheet title=default media=all /
link type=text/css href= rel=alternate stylesheet
 title=select media=all /

  script type=text/javascript

change: function(){
 [{value:1,text:asdf}, {value:2,text:qwer}]);

change: function(){
alert('fired prematurely');


select id=one
optionoption 1-1/option
optionoption 1-2/option
optionoption 1-3/option
select id=two
optionoption 2-1/option
optionoption 2-2/option
optionoption 2-3/option


[jQuery] Re: Filter List Items w/ Sub-Lists

2009-08-05 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II

$('.start-here li').filter(':has(ul)').append('span class=ui-icon ui-


On Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 11:59 AM, Panman wrote:

 I have selected a list that contains sub-lists. Now, I'd like to
 search for the list items that contain sub-lists (but not including
 the sub-list-items). I think the example below will explain what I'm
 trying to do.

 ul class=start-here
  liDo Not Need/li
  liDo Not Need/li
  liDo Not Need/li
  liDo Not Need/li
  liDo Not Need/li
  liDo Not Need/li
  liDo Not Need/li
  liDo Not Need/li
  liDo Not Need/li
  liDo Not Need/li

 $('.start-here li').filter(':has(li)').append('span class=ui-icon ui-

 The above jQuery statement selects the correct li but also all child
 li's, which I do not want.

[jQuery] Re: [linkselect] Positioning menus off bottom of window

2009-08-04 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II
You can use the open callback to handle repositioning the container if you
wish. The callback gets 4 arguments: $container, $a, $selected, $title

The $container argument is a jQuery object referencing the dropdown. You
could just offset it's top position by XXX amount to move the box up.


On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 10:07 AM, Sherri wrote:

 Hi all,

 I'm working on a website where we're using the jquery.linkselect
 plugin, and we're running into a situation where we have one of the
 dropdown linkselect menus happening near the very bottom of the users'
 window.  Imagine that we have a list of articles with abstracts,
 authors, etc. running down the left hand side in a div which is set to
 show a scrollbar if the results list gets long, and each article has a
 linkselect dropdown menu.

 Unexpectedly, if you've scrolled to the bottom of the scrolling div
 and you're on the last item in the list, linkselect is allowing the
 menu to drop down extending past the bottom of the scrolling div and
 outside the boundary of the browser window.  This is problematic, as
 it makes the menu items inaccessible.

 We're looking for a way to have it automatically detect the bottom of
 the screen and reposition the menu accordingly (similarly to the way
 it does it to make sure it doesn't get positioned off the right hand
 side of the screen).  I might be able to hack it, but was hoping maybe
 the linkselect team might be able to put something in more quickly and
 efficiently than I can.  :)

 Alternately, a way to specify that a menu drops up rather than drops
 down would also be a great solution to our situation (I didn't see
 that in the options, though please let me know if I missed it).

 Thanks in advance for any help,


[jQuery] Re: Linkselect Plugin Woes

2009-07-30 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II
What's your code looks like? Are you using the replaceOptions() method
$(#id).linkselect(replaceOptions, options*, doCallback*)

Replaces the options in the dropdown with the array of objects passed into
the options argument. You can use this API method to repopulate a Linkselect
with options via an AJAX call. When the options are replaced, the
changecallback is triggered for the newly selected item. You can set
doCallback to false to prevent callback from being triggered.

For example:

var options = [
  {value: 1, text: Option 1}
, {value: 2, text: Option 2}
, {value: 3, text: Option 3, selected: true}
, {value: 4, text: Option 4}
, {value: 5, text: Option 5}

$(#id).linkselect(replaceOptions, options);

 Each item in the options array is a JavaScript object that must contain
at least the keys value and text. Also supported are the keys selected
(which can be true for any single item that needs selecting) and the
className key, which can be used to define a class for the option /
Are you using v1.2.07?


On Thu, Jul 30, 2009 at 1:17 AM, bharathbhooshan ambati wrote:

 please check the link its not wrking

 On Thu, Jul 30, 2009 at 1:02 AM, skube wrote:

 I'm having a problem with the GivaLabs' Linkselect plugin (http://  and I'm wondering
 if anyone has any insight?

 The plugin works great for most things, expect when I try to use the
 replaceOptions to repopulate the option list. I keep getting the
 following error:
 I[0] is undefined
 Failed to load source for: jquery.linkselect.min.js

 It seems like a generic error, but I'm wondering if anyone could offer
 any input?

 భరత్ భూషణ్ అంబటి

[jQuery] Re: Linkselect Plugin Woes

2009-07-30 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II
I've fixed the problem. The error was in the repaint() method--which was
expecting that the select / element had a title attribute.

I've uploaded a fixed version of the plug-in:

Let me know how the new version works out for you.


(BTW - I recommend looking into adding a title attribute to your select tag,
it can make the linkselect a little more user-friendly.)

On Thu, Jul 30, 2009 at 11:35 AM, skube wrote:

 Here is a distilled (cut and paste) version of the code. Only the
 plugin is not supplied.
 The error that is coming up is I[0] is undefined

 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
 !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN http://
 html xmlns=; xml:lang=en lang=en
style type=text/css
a.linkselectLink {text-decoration:none; display:block;}
.linkselectContainer {position: absolute;   left: 0; top: 0;
 display: none;  max-width: 500px;   }
.linkselectContainer .scrollable {width: auto;  background-
 color: white;   text-align: left;   overflow: auto; max-height: 216px;
 clear: both;}
.linkselectContainer ul {margin: 0px;   padding: 0px;}
script src=
 jquery.min.js type=text/javascript/script
script src=jquery.linkselect.min.js type=text/javascript /
  script type=text/javascript

change: function(){



select id=one
optionoption 1-1/option
optionoption 1-2/option
optionoption 1-3/option
select id=two
optionoption 2-1/option
optionoption 2-2/option
optionoption 2-3/option

[jQuery] Re: Linkselect Plugin Woes

2009-07-30 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II
The title attribute isn't required--it's optional. However, we use it as a
hint in the dropdown to provide the user with some form of instruction.

On Thu, Jul 30, 2009 at 4:37 PM, skube wrote:

 Oh and I didn't clue into the missing title attribute since my page
 was validating fine using Tidy.

 On Jul 30, 4:29 pm, skube wrote:
  N/m I now see the page has been updated with version 1.2.08.
  Thanks Dan! This was frustrating the heck out of me. :)

[jQuery] Re: jquery.calculation modification

2009-07-15 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II
Since you have a very specific use case, you're probably better off just
writing custom logic to accomplish this task.
However, one way you could hack this solution is to define a custom
jQuery.fn.getValue function:

jQuery.fn.getValue = function (){
  return this.attr(some_str);

If the calc plug-in finds a jQuery method called getValue it'll use that
function to retrieve it's value instead of the val method. So you can just
write a getValue method that grabs the value from the correct location.

Just be aware that the getValue() method will be used for all the methods in
the calc plugin for retrieving the value.


On Wed, Jul 15, 2009 at 8:57 AM, introvert wrote:


 I need some help on jquery.calculation plugin modification (I want to
 change it so that it would also read the attributes of elements if a
 string is passed as an attribute name).

 I want to change the .calc function so that I could optinally pass a
 string with each jquery object which are passed as an array of

qty * price,
// define the variables used in the equation, these can be a jQuery
qty: $(input[name^=qty_item_]),
price: $([id^=price_item_])
function (s){
return $ + s.toFixed(2);
function ($this){

 I want to be able to specify a string for each row in an array (qty,
 price) (as an array).

 Maybe something like:
qty: $(input[name^=qty_item_])[some_str],
price: $([id^=price_item_])

 I'm unsure how should I change the syntax and retrive the value inside
 the calc function (the second argument is called vars):

 for( var k in vars ){
// replace the keys in the expression
expr = expr.replace( (new RegExp(( + k + ), g)), _.$1);
if( !!vars[k]  !!vars[k].jquery ){
parsedVars[k] = vars[k].parseNumber();
} else {
parsedVars[k] = vars[k];

 Many thanks in advance!

[jQuery] Re: mcDropdown jQuery Plug-in v1.2.07

2009-07-10 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II
One thing to keep in mind is this plug-in was designed to be a new form UI
control that allows the users to type in their choices. Thus, the default
behavior when clicking in the box puts the focus in the text box so you can
begin typing.

However, you could accomplish what you want by:

* Using a div element instead of an input / element. This will make the
dropdown readonly w/no keyboard support.
* Attaching a click handler to the layer with the mcdropdown class

div id=mcdropdown/div

script type=text/javascript
// create the drop down
// attach a click handler to the div class=mcdropdown element
// when the element is clicked on, open the menu

I haven't tested this extensively, but it should work.


On Fri, Jul 10, 2009 at 6:17 AM, takuhii wrote:

 I am using this FANTASTIC drop down plugin for jQuery, but wondered
 how I can customise it so that rather than hit the button ont he
 right, I can click the whole active area to get the dropdown to
 appear. I currently have the menu attached to a single line text box
 and would like it to open up when ever I click in the text box, or on
 the dropdown arrow?

 Also, how can I specify some default text in the text box that is
 acting as my dropdown launchpad?


[jQuery] New Plug-in: Marquee, an ESPN-style ticker...

2009-05-21 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II

My current employer (Giva, Inc) has released another jQuery plug-in 
today called the Marquee jQuery Plug-in. The jQuery Marquee plug-in 
converts a list element (ul / or ol /) into an ESPN-style scrolling 
marquee. Messages are scrolled in from top or bottom (based on the 
yScroll option) and longer messages will then ticker to the left in 
order to show the full message.

While there are a number of ticker/marquee style plug-ins, nothing did 
exactly what I needed. I really wanted something that would scroll 
up/down new messages, but would then ticker messages that didn't fit on 
the screen.

In our SaaS application, our customers wanted a place at the top of the 
screen where they could put important notices to their clients, and they 
seem to be very happy with the effects we use in this plug-in.

The Marquee jQuery Plug-in has an example you can look at or you can see 
several different marquees in different configurations at:

Marquee Plug-in:

Marquee jQuery Project Page:

The plug-in is only 3K minimized.


[jQuery] Re: Known issues with webkit and jQuery 1.3?

2009-05-01 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II
While I didn't really dig into the problem, looking at the inspecting
the jScrollPaneContainer element in Chrome, the width is being set to 1130px
for me.

My guess is something in your code is calculating the wrong width for the

My best guess is this is due with the issue in Webkit where if you don't
load *all* the CSS before the JS, then the ready() function fires before all
the CSS is applied, therefore your dimensions can be off.

You might try moving the scrollpane code in a $(window).load() event
temporarily to see if that changes things.


On Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 1:13 PM, Kelvin Luck wrote:

 Hi again,

 I have now reproduced the issue in Safari on PC and now Chrome on PC.
 One of the user's reported a problem with this site:

 Clicking back and forth between warehouse and services in the
 aforementioned browsers sometimes breaks. A refresh fixes it. And it
 never breaks on the initial load. So it appears to be a webkit issue
 but I'm not sure exactly where it is going wrong...

 Any ideas still much appreciated,

 Kelvin :)

 On Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 9:53 AM, Kelvin Luck
  Sorry for the vague question but I'm wondering if there are any known
  issues with webkit browsers (e.g. Safari and Chrome) and jQuery 1.3?
  I've had quite a few queries from users of my jScrollPane plugin who
  have noticed issues with it on Safari on mac. They seem to be
  related to either document.ready firing at the wrong time or possibly
  to calculations of height going wrong.
  You can see some of the reports here:
  It also seems to be related to the state of the user's cache. One user
  said: Scrollbar works correctly on first load, but breaks when one or
  more of the dependent files loads from the browser cache, specifically
  in Safari on Mac. while another said: Loads frequently with no
  scrollbars at all, on refresh is fine.. This is what makes me wonder
  if the problem is related to document.ready...
  It seems like some people solved the problem by adjusting the order of
  the script and css files in the head of the document but this didn't
  work for everyone.
  I first started getting reports like this around the time jQuery 1.3
  came out and I don't think there were any previous to that. So it may
  be related to 1.3. But it could also be related to some changes I did
  at that time... I am asking my users to help me debug but I wondered
  if there was any known issues that might be causing this...
  Thanks for any ideas or pointers,
  Kelvin :)

[jQuery] Re: Form plugin: input elements excluded

2009-05-01 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II
You could do a manual AJAX submit and then just manually serialize your form

Also, before doing the AJAX submit, you could do something like:


This would move the fields back into the form / element.


On Mon, Apr 27, 2009 at 5:16 AM, dth wrote:


 I guess it must be because the dialog is moved to be the last element
 of the body element, and thus outside of the form.

 I guess that's necesarry for absolute placement  etc.

 I'll see if I manually can pick up the extra field values. Suggestions
 are welcome :)


 On Apr 27, 11:11 am, dth wrote:
  According to firebug not much is altered, and the fields should be
  included in the form as far as I can tell. But they aren't :/

[jQuery] Re: Synchronized 2 ajax calls

2009-02-22 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II
Use the complete callback to run some logic after an ajax call is complete.
So you can do something like:

   url: first_url
   , type: post
   , complete: function (){
   url: second_url
   , type: post
   , complete: function (){
  alert('done with 2nd call!);


On Sun, Feb 22, 2009 at 7:37 AM, major wrote:

 I have ajax call which implemented in Dojo.
 I need some JQuery mechanism which allow 1 ajax call to run, only
 after the former call has finished.
 I need such mechanism, since there is a known bug in IE which cannot
 run 2 ajax calls simultaneously.

[jQuery] Re: New jQuery Conditional Chain Plugin

2009-02-09 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II
On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 4:45 PM, Eric Garside wrote:

 Not really, ternary operators work fine for most situations. This is
 designed for a much more variable approach. Imagine a case where you
 want to conditionally call different functions based on the state.

 $('div').cond(settings.use_thumbnails, 'createThumb').cond
 (settings.use_image_security, 'createScreen',

You can still use ternary operations when you need a dynamic method as well:

$(div)[condition ? addClass : removeClass](myClass);


[jQuery] Re: $(document).keydown only works in FireFox?

2009-01-05 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II

The enter key is only registered on a keypress event in IE and
Webkit--so use keypress instead.


On Mon, Jan 5, 2009 at 6:20 AM, s0h0 wrote:


 i tried to use jQuery for cross browser compatibility...I want to execute a
 click on a Button when Enter got pressed on page...

 but the following script still only works in FireFox and not in IE.

 can anyone help me or have an idea?

 script type=text/javascript src=jquery.js/script
 script type=text/javascript

 $(document).ready(function() {

 $(document).keydown(function(evt) {
 if (!evt)
 evt = window.event;
 if (evt.keyCode == 13) {
 // alert(enter captured from IE);
 else if (evt.which == 13) {
 //alert(enter captured from Gecko, Opera);


 View this message in context:
 Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at

[jQuery] Re: firebug regression: console.log($('div')) less useful

2009-01-02 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II

It's a Firebug change. Use console.dir() instead (but I agree--I like
the old console.log() method)

On Fri, Jan 2, 2009 at 1:10 AM, Danny wrote:

 Has anyone else noticed that Firebug before 1.2 would treat console.log
 ($('div')) as an array and list all the matched elements on the
 console, so you could mouse over the list and highlight the elements,
 or right-click and scroll into view etc., but now it just lists
 Object length=13 and you need to click on that, then you get a
 vertical list that you need to scroll through. The old way was more
 helpful, I think.

 John Resig, you're the Mozilla Firebug person as well as the jQuery
 Man; can this be fixed?

 Workaround: console.log.apply(console, $('div').get()) comes close to
 reproducing the old behavior.

 I'll crosspost this on the Firebug list.

[jQuery] Re: Spammer bypassing JQ Validate to register?

2008-12-21 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II
 So, this dude from Poland managed to register without a first name,
 without a last name and likely without an invitation code.  I'll deal
 with the EE issues separately, but is there a known issue where
 someone can mess with the jquery in the page to bypass the validation
 that is running?

As David said, client-side validation is purely for the benefit of the
user--it offers no security to your site. All you need to do is to turn off
JavaScript to bypass the validation (however, the spammer is problem just
using a bot to post directly to your submission page.)


[jQuery] Animation speed dilemma...

2008-12-15 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II

I'm working on an ESPN style ticker and one of the problems I'm running in
to is that I need to base animation on a specific speed, not a duration.

Right now the animations all are based on duration (aka complete this
animation in 2 seconds.) However, I need my animations to all run at the
same visual speed (like 12/frames a seconds.)

Any easy way to do this with the built-in animation methods? I can roll the
animation up manually, but thought there might be a tip for converting the
animation speed to frames per second instead of overall duration.


[jQuery] Re: SOT: Blinking cursor in Firefox 2 bleeds through divs...

2008-12-05 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II


 No matter what I set the z-index to, it always blinks through the
 layer. Here's a very straightforward example that shows the issue in
 every version of FF2 I have:

Dan, do you have the cursor keys option enabled?

No--that's a different issue altogether. :) That was one of the first things
I checked.

Are you not seeing the issue in FF2?


[jQuery] Re: SOT: Blinking cursor in Firefox 2 bleeds through divs...

2008-12-05 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II


I wish I could give you some good news, but instead I can only commiserate.
FF 2 had all sorts of problems like that. Try having an absolutely
positioned div overlapping the scrollbar of a div with overflow: scroll.
Ugly. I even recall seeing a cursor in one tab's textarea blinking through
to the currently visible tab. Those problems appear to have been fixed in

FF3 works as expected. I know FF2 has a few bizarre issues like this, but I
just thought placing a div overlay over an input field was common enough
that there might be a fix for the issue.


[jQuery] SOT: Blinking cursor in Firefox 2 bleeds through divs...

2008-12-04 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II

I have a weird problem I'm running into again, but haven't been able to find
a fix. In FF2, when I place a div / over an input / element that
currently has focus, the blinking cursor shows up through the top layer.

I put together this little video to show off the problem:

Does anyone know of a fix for this problem?


[jQuery] Re: linkselect plugin problem (related hover gets deactivated) -- help please

2008-11-20 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II


Thanks. I'm attempting what you suggested, but maybe my syntax is
incorrect? Firebug tells me missing ) after formal parameters.

Can you point me in the right direction?

// replace select objects in the main content
   $(document).ready(function (){
   $('#container select').linkselect({fixedWidth: true});

// replace select objects in the header navigation
   $(document).ready(function (){
   $('#header select').linkselect({
 fixedWidth: true
 , init: function ($select, $input, $am $container){

I suspect somewhere in your code you've missing a closing parentheses.


[jQuery] SOT: Using FF2 input element sometimes including padding in width...

2008-11-18 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II

This is slight off-topic, but I thought maybe someone on this list might
have seen the issue before.

I've got an input element that has some a large padding to include a
background image icon. Most of the time in FF2 the element renders properly,
however occasionally the input element renders it's 100% width so that the
padding is included in the width (making the element too large for the space
its in.)

This is seemingly random, but once it starts rendering it that way it tends
to render it that way for an indeterminable amount of time and then it will
eventually start rendering properly.

I suspect this is just a bug in FF2, but wanted to see if anyone's seen the
issue before and has a fix.

Here's what the pertinent code looks like:

#search_input {
background: #fff url(./images/1.5/icons/search_text_16_disabled.png)
no-repeat 4px 4px;
font-size: 10px;
padding: 5px 5px 5px 25px;
border: 1px solid #c3c3d5;
width: 100%;
color: #ccc;
} {
background-image: url(./images/1.5/icons/search_text_16.png);
border: 1px solid #d07c57;
color: #4c4c4c;

input type=text name=search id=search_input value= /


[jQuery] Re: linkSelect - the width of the options container

2008-10-29 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II


I stumbled upon the situation, which seems confusing to me. In my app,
I noticed that the LinkSelect used to create the container for its
option list which is too wide. I read the docs and found the option
fixedWidth. To my bewilderment, it didn't work. I fired the Venkman
and analyzed, what's going on...

So, the following piece of code takes care of the container width
(lines 532-537):

// get the width of the anchor link unless inline, then grab width of
var aw = ($a.css(display).indexOf(inline)  -1) ?
$a.parent().outerWidth() : $a.outerWidth();
// get the original width of the container
var width = options.fixedWidth ? aw : $container.width();
// make sure the width of the drop down is at least as wide as the
if( width  aw ) width = aw;

in my case, the fragment of DHTML structure (after LinkSelect has
already transformed SELECT into A) is:

labelCountry: /label
a class=linkselectLink id=_link href=#Select country.../
ainput type=hidden value= id= name=/
a class=linkselectLink id=_link href=#Select city.../ainput
type=hidden value= id= name=/

so, while the width the options for each SELECT is only appox 140px,
LinkSelect executes the line

if( width  aw ) width = aw;

and takes the WIDTH OF THE CONTAINER (td), which is way bigger - 330px
in my case. Needless to say, the container turns to be excessively

I worked this around by enclosing my original SELECTs in a span. But
the question to the developers of LinkSelect - is it the intended and
correct behavior?

Yes, this is the expected behavior and it's done by design. If the link is
an inline element, then the container will size to it's parent element
(unless the CSS rules change this behavior.)

However, you can control this behavior via CSS by imposing a max-width to
the container or by just altering the CSS, like in Example 10 (go to and click on
the Select Style button; you'll see the width of the container is the same
size as the anchor element.)


[jQuery] Re: Select an element in an ancestor selector

2008-10-29 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II


You could trim this to:



[jQuery] Re: mcdropdown mouseout problems

2008-10-29 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II


I am trying to use mcdropdown for an easy search function for a
shopping cart.

The category list is long enough to force two columns. When mousing
from the first column to the second the entire menu will disappear.

In another case when drilling down below 3 levels if you mouse up to a
parent selection the entire menu will disappear.

My test page is at:

To experience the first issue select search by caliber and use the
mouse to select from the second column (works if you're really quick).
To experience the second issue, select search by manufacturer,
highlight a style, highlight a caliber. Then move the mouse back up to
the selected style.

This is an incredible plugin but these issues really limit it's use in
a lot of cases.

The problem is due to the anchor tags. That's going to cause problems with
the event handlers attached to the li / tags. What you need to do is
remove the anchor tags and select option to go to the URL:

$(#category).mcDropdown(#nav, {
select: function (value, display){
select.location = /catalog/index.php?cPath= + value;

This plug-in was really designed to be a form control, not a navigation
control (which is why anchors don't work well.)

If you remove the anchors and just use the code above, things should work


[jQuery] Re: mcDropDown: any click event fire the drop down animation

2008-10-21 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II

Like the topic says, any click, right or left, fires the animation for
the mcDropdown. It disappears right after. Has anyone encountered this
bug? Any fixes/workarounds?

Are you seeing the problem on the example page?

What version are you using?

Is there a live example of the problem you're having?


[jQuery] Linkselect Plug-in Released...

2008-10-20 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II

My current employer has released another jQuery plug-in: the Linkselect
jQuery Plug-in. This plug-in converts a normal select / element into a
component that can be highly stylized via CSS. While there are a number of
similar plug-ins already, there are a several of key differences which we
think make this unique:

* Drop down menus are intelligently positioned to stay in the viewport
* Specifically designed to work in a limited amount of real estate
* Specifically designed to work well with elements aligned on the right edge
of the viewport
* Full keyboard support (emulates IE6's select / element)
* Feature rich API (for updating value, replacing options, disabling
elements, etc)
* Many callback features to control behavior (on change, on init, on format,
* Supports tabindex

I blogged about this on Friday and also posted a little video demo:

You can download the plug-in from:

Here's an example page:


[jQuery] Safari/WebKit bug with maxWidth?

2008-10-17 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II

This doesn't look like a jQuery issue per-se, but webkit doesn't seem to
return a value for:

$el.css(max-width) or $el[0].style.maxWidth

IE and FF both return the correct value, but Webkit returns none. Is there
a way in Webkit to get the maxWidth of an element?


[jQuery] Re: livequery strange behaviour

2008-10-03 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II

I've recently discovered livequery plugin, but I can't make it work. I

I have the next code:

$(document).ready(function (){

 alert (executing jquery);

 $([EMAIL PROTECTED]).livequery(function(){
   alert(hey, one div wanna be rounded!);


...and it doesn't work. Neither the first alert nor the second one is
invoked.  But if I drop the line:


That's because you don't have parenthesis around (this)--you have curly
brackets {this}.


[jQuery] Re: Dan Switzer's Autocomplete plugin - can I do this...

2008-08-28 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II


First I'd recommend updating to latest version that Jörn's been managing. I
have no plans on updating my version.

I'm using Dan's autocomplete plugin in an app and it's working great. I
just have one question. I'm loading in all options (around 5-10) into an
array when the page loads. I'd like to trigger the list selection screen
when the user clicks into the text field. Is this possible?

So if I've got the following in my array:

I'd like all of those items to display when the user clicks the text field.
Then, as they type, it would filter out other options. Or of course they
could select it straight away, or type their own.

I thought it would be enough to put a click handler on the input field like


but that doesn't work. Anyone? Dan?

I think you might be able to hack it the way you want by changing the line:

var prev = ;


var prev = null;

And then you'd need the to set the option minChars to 0.

I haven't tested this and don't know what else this might impact.


[jQuery] Re: Dan Switzer's Autocomplete plugin - can I do this...

2008-08-28 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II


I think it might actually work without those changes you suggested. Problem
is that at the point I'm calling the plugin, it doesn't recognize
showResults as a method:

That's a private function that only the plug-in can access.


[jQuery] SOT: Documenting keyboard entry for select element

2008-08-26 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II

Has anyone seen any good documentation on how the keyboard selection works
for the select / element in the various browsers. It looks like the
behavior is pretty different in each browser. 

Firefox and IE7 allow variations of doing ba to select the first option
with a string starting with ba, however the actual implementation differs
(and quite frankly confusing.) IE6 only allows you to toggle through the
first letter. So press b and then a would go to the first option
starting with b and then go to the first option starting with a.

I've been trying to find any documentation, preferable something really

We've had some customers ask for use to replicate this behavior in a
plug-in, but since the behavior is so different in all the browsers I'm
trying to really fully understand how each method works before I make


[jQuery] Re: Adding Values (Sum) of TD.

2008-08-25 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II


I am trying to do a footer at the bottom of the table, and I would
love to use jquery to provide a total in the footer, something like

1 | 1 | 3
2 | 1 | 4
2 | 2 | 7 (JQuery added the TDs above)

Is it possible? And can anyone point me in the right direction.

You should be able to do this pretty easily using my Calc plug-in:


[jQuery] Re: delayed action

2008-08-21 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II

what if i need to make such actions:

after sending e-mail write message your message was sent, than wait
for sometime and close the form.

i tried setTimeout($('#somediv').fadeOut, 5000) , but it did not work

You need:

setTimeout(function (){
}, 5000);

I believe there's also a pause() or delay() plugin on the jQuery site that
does the same thing, but uses chaining:



[jQuery] Re: do I need to use var $var = something

2008-08-20 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II

I've seen jQuery developers use the following syntax when declaring
variables. Does the $ character help in any way? Does it do anything
or is it mostly just for convenience.

For example is this:
var paras = $(p);

better than this:
var $paras = $(p);

The $paras declaration identifies it as a jQuery object. The $ doesn't
hold any special function, it's just a way of using Hungarian Notation.

Take the following:

var el = document.getElementById(products);
var $el = $(el);

You now you know that el is a reference to the straight DOM object, while
$el is a reference to the jQuery equivalent.


[jQuery] Re: do I need to use var $var = something

2008-08-20 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II

Forgive me if this sounds ignorant, but...if I understand correctly,
using $ is purely for the developers own benefit so they remember
that the variable is using jQuery.


That's the idea behind the Hungarian Notation (which I recommend you read up
on if you want more information.) You're using pre-determined naming
convention with variables so that you can easily identify the data type by
the variable name. 


[jQuery] Re: $(this) is powerful, but is it a member of the family?

2008-07-25 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II

I have two jQuery books and scant coverage of $(this) between them. I
need to know if $(this) has parents, children and siblings, and if so
how to access them. Here's why...

I have a page with six one-line forms on it. I put the forms in divs
and hide the divs on page load based on the class of the divs. Each
div has an immediate sibling a that will toggle the form on a click.
It works great if I write a separate function for each div, but I want
to combine them into one function, bind that function to all of the
a by ID and use $(this) to know which is which when the event fires.
No problem, except that I need to fire the event on the next sibling,
not on the element I get with $(this). I've tried using the + sign in
several ways, but nothing has worked so far. How do I select the
parent, child or sibling of $(this)?

This would attach the behavior to any link element with the class of

$(a.formToggle).click(function (e){
// this = anchor tag that was just clicked


[jQuery] Re: Fall back to IFRAMEs with jQuery

2008-07-16 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II


I know this is a question which is really old news, but we have a site
where some of our users have centralized security settings, and their
ActiveX has been switched off and of course they can not use IE7. they
are proud IE6 users.

I have had a look at plenty of  old libraries that uses IFRAMEs I
tried one of them but absolutelly does not work together with jQuery.

does anyone know a way of doing this ?

Any help is very welsome !

I assume you're referring to AJAX/XHR support. If so and Flash is a valid
alternative, then check out:

I've not used, but it's designed to be a drop-in replacement for the XHR
that's supposed to be cross browser compliant. They also claim to have
updated hooks to most libraries (including jQuery.)


[jQuery] Re: jQuery animate performance help...please!!!

2008-07-11 Thread Dan G. Switzer II


i'm relatively new to jQuery and the world of javascript but since
i've started using it it's opened up a huge amount of possibilities
that i'm know everyone has encountered!!

anyway, i was hoping that someone with a bit more experience and
knowledge could help me out and possibly take a look at something and
see why the performance of this particular animation is so badly
affected, as it is the same function/animation that is used on other
pages of the site and that works really smoothly.

I am assuming there must be a conflict or heavy load somehwere causing
the dramatic reduction in performance of the animation...

the page that is affected is here:

and the page that it seems to work fine is here:

it is the animation of the right hand side pane (opened when you click
the links) and the slide down that occurs once the page has been
successfully requested via an ajax call. as i say i'm new and this is
my first major project using the framework and no doubt i am not doing
things the best way, but at the moment im just trying to learn as
quick as i can!!!

I didn't notice any speed difference between the 2 pages. The fx fluidity
seemed the same to me.

What I would recommend doing any time you're having a problem, is updating
to the latest build of jQuery. I see you're running v1.2.3 and v1.2.6 is the
latest release. Upgrading to v1.2.6 will also remove the need for the
jquery.dimension.js plug-in, since all that functionality is now
integrated into jQuery.

A couple of other notes:

1) You're using a speed of 1000ms (1 second) for your fx. You might want to
use a faster speed. If you have a lot of stuff happening in the background
(like lots of setIntervals or functions that keep calling setTimeout) then
that can affect the fluidity of animations.

2) Since the content panel is draggable, I'd make sure you're running the
latest version of the UI plug-ins too. There's been lots of work on these
plug-ins to fix various bugs and issues. 


[jQuery] Re: Safari 2 Mac - loads of problems!

2008-07-10 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II

Safari 2 has some serious problems with it's Javascript interpreter. Any
page that has a heavy amount of Javascript will fail. I know the jQuery team
has to run the jQuery unit tests on Safari 2 in chunks, otherwise Safari 2
blows up. There's several posts about this in the archives.


-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Jeffrey Kretz
Sent: Thursday, July 10, 2008 2:39 PM
Subject: [jQuery] Re: Safari 2 Mac - loads of problems!

Unfortunately, I too have had a number of problems related to Safari 2, in
building a CMS system.  I was able to get the public part of the site to
work, but the CMS administration (HTML Editor, etc) had many many problems,
despite everything working well in FF, Opera, IE6 and IE7.

Eventually, my boss decided to not support Safari 2, and we've had to tell
our clients on our CMS who use Safari to switch to Firefox or upgrade to
Safari 3.


-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of herrflick
Sent: Thursday, July 10, 2008 10:51 AM
To: jQuery (English)
Subject: [jQuery] Safari 2 Mac - loads of problems!

I've been working on a site that is really heavy with jquery stuff,
but have found it almost impossible to get even pretty basic stuff
working in safari 2 on a Mac.

The development site is at:

the scripts I've written are at:, and i'm using jquery

The graphs  all the page functions work as intended in all the
browsers I need (ie6 + win, firefox 2+, safari 3 mac, safari win etc),
but in safari 2 Mac the browser originally just crashed. I added
browser detection and created some basic alternative stuff, but as
soon as I add more than a few functions, the site stops working.

Has anyone had a similar issue with jquery, safari 2 (and perhaps
google maps API?)

Thanks for listening!

[jQuery] Re: Custom sort on table cell attribute value in tablesorter plugin rather than innerHTML value: help please!

2008-07-08 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II

I am using the tablesorter plugin, which I really like. However, in
several of my table cells I have oddly formatted time values that look
like the following:

1d 12h 34m 25s

Which maps to:

1 day, 12 hours, 34 mins and 25 seconds

I cannot change how these values are displayed - they have to be in
that format. However, in my code I also create an attribute to the
table cell called sorttable_customval in which I insert the raw number
format as a float:

td sorttable_customkey=dlt  sorttable_customval=65.093 1m 5s/

 I have tried to write my own add-on to the tablesorter source code to
get this attribute value in the confines of the tablesorter
textExtraction method:

Javascript at the top of my webpage with the table
textExtraction: 'customattribute',
debug: true,

The modified part of tablesorter.js (rows 233 and 234)
221 function getElementText(config,node) {
223 if(!node) return ;
225 var t = ;
227 if(config.textExtraction == simple) {
228 if(node.childNodes[0] 
node.childNodes[0].hasChildNodes()) {
229 t = node.childNodes[0].innerHTML;
230 } else {
231 t = node.innerHTML;
232 }
233 } else if(config.textExtraction ==
customattribute) {
234 t = $(node).attr('sorttable_customval');
235 } else {
236 if(typeof(config.textExtraction) ==
function) {
237 t = config.textExtraction(node);
238 } else {
239 t = $(node).text();
240 }
241 }
242 return t;
243 }

I thought this would work, but I get the following error in Firebug:

s is undefinedjquery.tablesorter.js (line 703)
return $.trim(s.toLowerCase());

The problem with using the textExtraction (at least from my understanding)
is that it works for all columns. So, I suspect the error is coming from the
fact that the 'sorttable_customval' only existing on some columns and is
returning undefined for the other columns (thus breaking $.trim().)

You were close when you wrote a custom parser--which is the way I've solved
this problem in the past. The problem is you used the is option instead of
the function option.

Try this:

id: 'dlt',
is: function (s){ return false },
format: function(value, table, cell){
return cell.parentNode.getAttribute('sorttable_customval');
type: 'numeric'

In the format option, the value is what's coming back from the
textExtraction method. In this case, we want to ignore this value all
together, and instead use the cell to extract the attribute.


[jQuery] Re: jScrollPanel not always initializing in Safari

2008-07-08 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II

$(document).ready() will not fire consistently in Safari (and I believe FF3)
unless you load all the external CSS stylesheets before your JS scripts.

Try moving all your link / and style / blocks above any script / tags
and see if that doesn't resolve the issue.

There's been talk about making it a requirement that in order for the jQuery
$.ready event to work properly, you must load all external CSS first.


-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Sam Sherlock
Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2008 1:41 PM
Subject: [jQuery] Re: jScrollPanel not always initializing in Safari

i've had troubles too; I've tried $(window).ready and also tried calling it

with a bit of tweaking and tinkering I thought I found a solution - but
then lost it

2008/7/8 hubbs [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

   I am using jScrollPanel, and I have noticed that it does not always
   get initialized when the page first loads in Safari.  If I refresh
   page, it correctly loads up jScrollPanel.

   Any ideas why this might be happening?


[jQuery] Re: $(something).text() doesn't preserve whitespace in IE

2008-07-07 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II

I'm having some issues when calling $(something).text() in IE 6/7.
Basically I'm getting the calling text() on a pre element which is
whitespace sensitive. In Firefox and Safari it works perfectly
returning the text with whitespace intact. Is it possible to make it
work in IE or shall I give up?

Have you tried using html() instead?


[jQuery] Re: Strange jQuery cross-browser problem

2008-07-01 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II


We are developing a site at

When you click on an icon on a Google map, the info window opens and
when you click on read more it should open a thickbox.

Problem is that some of our users report the feature not working in
FF3. Then for some it doesn't work in IE6. For others it works. Most
of them got it to work in IE7.

That's a strange FF3 and IE6 consistency problem.

I was wondering if you can you have a go with it and see if you can
spot anything unusual?

My guess is it's not a browser problem, but a JS problem. I just took a look
at your tb_show() function and that thing is huge. You also have everything
in a try/catch block with the catch just doing nothing--which is probably
what's happening.

You might want to add a statement to your catch block that sends the error
to your server--that way you can view the exceptions being thrown.


[jQuery] Re: Best way to detect between jQuery triggered event and actual browser-based event...

2008-07-01 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II

Hmmm...that hasn't come up for me yet.  Seems like the way you're doing it
would be the way to go for now.

Maybe in the next jQuery version they could add a key internalTrigger or
something like that to the event object when the trigger method is run.

Needing to determine the difference is a corner case, but it's an issue I've
run into from time-to-time. For example, I've got a plug-in where I've got a
click event set to toggle the current visibility of an element. However, if
I call that event programmatically I always want to make sure that it
shows the element (and doesn't toggle the state.) 

As I said, it's a corner case but one I've run into a few times in the past
6 months.


[jQuery] Re: Best way to detect between jQuery triggered event and actual browser-based event...

2008-07-01 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II

Needing to determine the difference is a corner case, but it's an issue
run into from time-to-time. For example, I've got a plug-in where I've got
click event set to toggle the current visibility of an element. However, if
I call that event programmatically I always want to make sure that it
shows the element (and doesn't toggle the state.)

As I said, it's a corner case but one I've run into a few times in the past
6 months.

It looks like maybe this is a better method:

function isJQueryEvent(e){
return !(($.browser.msie ? cancelBubble : bubbles) in e);

The ctrlKey is only available when a keyboard event occurs. I needed
something that works for the click event too. There may be some issues with
this, so it would be nice if a jQuery event object had: e.jquery = true.
That would make my code fullproof.


[jQuery] Preventing form field caching on refresh...

2008-07-01 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II

Does anyone know a reliable way to prevent form field caching on a page

I want all form fields to return to their original state (aka defaultValue.)
I'm developing a page and I really need the form to always return to it's
original HTML state. 

The page isn't being cached, but FF is replacing the form fields with the
changed values (which I don't want.)

Any suggestions?


[jQuery] Re: How to center text (sweet mother of mary can it be this hard?)

2008-06-30 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II


I really did not want to post here and ask for help on centering
text.  But I have created the simplest possible JQuery sample page,
used Firebug, and still can't figure it out.

Can anyone say what it would take to center text on this page:

You can do this purely in CSS:

.redButton {
  letter-spacing: 0.5pt;

  /* center text */
  position: fixed !important; 
  top: 50%;
  left: 50%;
  margin-top: -25px
  margin-left: -75px;

The idea is you're placing the div in the middle of the screen and then
using negative margins so that the very middle of the div is now dead
center. Without the negative margins, the top left of the div is in the
middle of the screen.

Also, I had to use the !important directive on the position, since the
corner plug-in looks to be setting the position to relative. You could use
either an absolute position or a fixed position. I used fixed in this
example so that even if you scroll, the layer will stay dead center (which I
thought is probably what you were going after.


[jQuery] Best way to detect between jQuery triggered event and actual browser-based event...

2008-06-30 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II

Just curious as to everyone's recommendations on detecting the difference
between a jQuery created event object (i.e. $(#el).trigger(click)) and a
real event object (i.e. create by the browser.)

Right now I'm doing:

if( !(ctrlKey in e) )

I believe the ctrlKey should be sent by every browser when the event action
occurs via a user's action, but just wanted to know if there's a better way.

It would be really nice if jQuery would pass a key that indicates whether an
event object is generated by the browser or by jQuery. I've come across a
few occasions were I needed to do different things based on how the event
was being triggered.


[jQuery] Re: Google Analytics Tracking with JQuery

2008-06-29 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II


I just started looking into JQuery and I have a few questions.  Mostly
about how to make tagging my links with google analytics tracking

I want to be able to track my outgoing links, which I've read is
possible, but I really haven't see anything about tracking third party
booking engines.

So basically what I want is this.

If I have links linking to my domain or an eCommerce or booking
engine, I don't want those links to be tagged as outgoing.  However,
if the link is to a booking engine/eCommerce I want them to be tagged
like this:

a href=;
onclick=pageTracker._link(this.href); return false;Purchase Now/a
or like this a
href=javascript:openWindow(pageTracker._getLinkerUrl('http://'))Booking Engine/a

What you're looking to do is very easy:

$(a).click(function (){
return false;

a href=;Purchase Now/a

Or if you only wanted to track specific links:

$(a.track).click(function (){
return false;

a href=;
class=trackPurchase Now/a

Also, I'm not sure how Google Analytics link tracking works, but just
remember that if JS is disabled, no tracking will occur.


[jQuery] Re: Is it possible to fade images partially?

2008-06-28 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II

I'd like to know if it is possible to apply the fadeOut function to an
element, but just partially, so that the element looks transparent
(like a disabled button).

I've been looking in the tutorials section of jQuery's official site
and in Google, but I haven't found anything about it.

Is it possible? if so, how?

Thanks in advance.

Use the fadeTo() method...


[jQuery] Re: New jQuery Plug-in: Multicolumn Dropdown

2008-06-26 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II


I was able to fix by own bug.  I commented out like 899
($self.blur();) and added a return true after line 901.  That makes it
so if you hit tab while at the end of the tree the tab will bubble up
to the browser which will move focus to the next item.  I tested in
IE7 and FF4 and it works great.

On line 150 I added tabindex=999 so that pressing tab would move
from the dropdown to the next form field.  Without the tabindex the
next tab moved the selection to the dropdown arrow image, which isn't
how a standard dropdown works.

On an unrelated issue this plugin doesnt' work with
jQuery.noConflict().  That probably doesn't matter for most people but
I'm transitioning from prototype and need to use noConflict.  I just
replaced $. with jQuery and $( with jQuery( and it everything
worked great.

I just pushed out a new build that should resolve all the issue you were
having. My fixes were a bit different, but they should do exactly what
you're wanting (for example, I'm using tabindex=-1 which should prevent
the dropdown anchor from being in the tab order altogether.)

v1.2 (2008-06-26)

* Added focus() method
* Fixed autocomplete list from showing dropdown when go back levels in FF3
* Fixed autocomplete list corruption in when go back levels after using
* Added tabindex=-1 to the dropdown arrow (so it shouldn't recieve focus
on tabbing)
* Fixed tabbing behavior so hitting [TAB] should go to the next element in
the tabindex
* Autocomplete no longer shows (by default) if the input is empty and
recieves focus (use the setting.showACOnEmptyFocus to control this behavior)
* Added setting.showACOnEmptyFocus (used for controlling whether the
autocomplete list shows on focus if list is empty; default = false)
* Fixed noConflict() bug (where $ wasn't being properly scoped)


[jQuery] Re: [autocomplete] combobox behaviour (and SELECT/OPTION accesibility)

2008-06-24 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II


thank you, I'll test that and check speed for local 6.000 options (our

Replacing 6,000 items is going to be slow. Quite frankly, that's a job for
AJAX. A select element w/6,000 items not only is a lot of content to push to
the client, it's a usability nightmare. That's really a perfect candidate
for AJAX.

If you really require unobtrusive JS, from a UI standpoint I think you'd be
better breaking that list down for the user (either by splitting things up
alphabetically or by categories.) You can then always replace that with the
autocomplete box if JS is enabled.


[jQuery] Re: New jQuery Plug-in: Multicolumn Dropdown

2008-06-23 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II


Very nice!

One small issue...if I click in the main part of the dropdown, rather than
on the down arrow, I can't select any options with the mouse.  This is a
little different than a native select control, where you can click anywhere
on it.

I updated the code over the weekend. You should now be able to use the mouse
to select options in the autocomplete option.


[jQuery] Re: New jQuery Plug-in: Multicolumn Dropdown

2008-06-23 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II


Key navigation doesn't work at all - I'm not able to key down or
anything.  I wonder if the hotkeys plugin for jQuery might be helpful
in this front since it normalizes key entry behavior?  Just a thought.

Thanks again for the stellar plugin.

Keyboard support should now be working correctly in Safari.


[jQuery] Re: tablesorter: Glue two rows together

2008-06-20 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II


 Here's an

Wow, looks great, thanks! I didn't have time to look over the code
yet, so one one question:

When I expand the second row and make a resort, the second row is
hidden again. Is it possible to let the second row stay visible?

The rows should stay expanded. They do for me in every browser I've tested.
Try expanding the first row and then clicking the Date column twice. The
Bike World should stay expanded.


[jQuery] Re: New jQuery Plug-in: Multicolumn Dropdown

2008-06-19 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II


Great plugin, Dan.

Quick bug report: if I go down three levels (by using the first
option) and the mouse off of the third out to the left, the 3rd level
stays while I attempt to navigate to another option.

I'm in FF3 on a Mac.

This behavior should be fixed now.


[jQuery] Re: New jQuery Plug-in: Multicolumn Dropdown

2008-06-19 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II


I've just tested the plugin demo available at: in Opera 9.27 and
9.5 and it's completely compatible, which is great news!

I can also confirm the following bug in Firefox 3 on Windows:

I just fixed the code to fix the mouse behavior, so it should be working as
expected now.


[jQuery] Re: New jQuery Plug-in: Multicolumn Dropdown

2008-06-19 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II


This plugin looks really cool!

I found a small issue:

If you load the page for the first time (in ff3) and just click on the
area in the dropdown (instead of the down arrow) there is no animation when
it expands down and the hierarchy arrows don't work when you use the mouse.
If you then click the down arrow and go down a level or two in the
and don't select something and go back to clicking on the blank area of the
dropdown, the formatting gets messed up (large vertical spacing of the
Entertainment entry in the demo).

1) If you click inside the text box, you go into keyboard entry mode--so
you're actually seeing the autocomplete box, not the dropdown menu. You
can change the styles in the CSS to make this look however you want (so that
you can make it look visual different.) Currently, when you're in keyboard
entry mode you can not use the mouse to select entries. You can disable
keyboard support by using a div/ element instead of an input/ element
and then clicking inside would always cause the same menu as dropdown

2) The second issue (with the large vertical spacing) seems to be related to
the Chili plug-in (which is used for syntax highlighting.) The problem seems
to be random and only occurs when Firebug reports Chili errors (at least
that's the only time I've seen the behavior.) I've never seen the behavior
on a page that doesn't have the Chili plug-in.


[jQuery] Re: New jQuery Plug-in: Multicolumn Dropdown

2008-06-19 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II


Very nice plugin!

I second Jorn's thought on the usage of both modes.  I found myself
slightly confused at first when I went into keyboard mode and couldn't
click on anything.  Seems to be an issue too when you click on the
arrow, the menu is expanded and then you proceed to click on the white
area that would normally trigger the keyboard mode.

I know Safari wasn't in your list of supported browsers, but I did
notice that the keyboard mode didn't seem to work correctly in Safari
3.1 on OS X.  Safari has a fairly decent user base, especially amongst
the jQuery crowd and I could see this as advantageous to you to get
the plugin more circulated.

All in all, excellent plugin - I will likely use it on a project of my

What about the keyboard functionality isn't working? Is it not working at
all, or just not working correctly?

Unfortunately capturing keyboard entry is really a PITA. It varies
drastically from browser-to-browser even on the same OS. It certainly does
not surprise me it's not working correctly on Mac Safari.

Obviously, if you find a fix, please let me know.


[jQuery] Re: tablesorter: Glue two rows together

2008-06-18 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II


is it possible to glue two table rows together, so that when the first
row is sorted, the second row always comes next?

Awhile back, I modded the tablesorter plug-in to do just that:

My code *has* been merged into the tablesorter code (in the SVN,) but the
updated version has still not been officially released.

With my mod you can add the CSS class of expand-child to each paired tr/
element in order to group the tr/ tags together. You can change the CSS
class with the cssChildRow option.

You can actually have multiple rows grouped together. Basically what happens
is every consecutive tr/ tag with the expand-child class is going to be
grouped with the last tr/ tag without the css class.

Here's an example:


[jQuery] New jQuery Plug-in: Multicolumn Dropdown

2008-06-18 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II

Awhile back I blogged about a plug-in that my company was planning on
releasing called mcDropdown (multicolumn dropdown.)

Well, the plug-in was officially released today:

If you like the plug-in, feel free to digg it:

You can jump directly to the example here:

In a nutshell, this plug-in creates a tree-like form control. We need a UI
control that would allow users to select an option from a large tree of data
and this was the end result.

I think the overall effect is pretty impressive and I've never seen a UI
control like it (especially considering it supports keyboard entry.)


[jQuery] Re: New jQuery Plug-in: Multicolumn Dropdown

2008-06-18 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II

Thanks! I think it's a pretty unique approach and haven't really seen
anything like it.

We use this control for some really large hierarchical trees of data and it
works very well. Generally the tree depth only goes 3 or 4 levels deep, but
many of the branches have over 20 items.

The multicolumn approach keeps the items in a compact space in the viewport
and the keyboard entry allows for quick keyboard selection.


-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Rey Bango
Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2008 12:01 PM
Subject: [jQuery] Re: New jQuery Plug-in: Multicolumn Dropdown

This plugin is HOT Dan.


Dan G. Switzer, II wrote:
 Awhile back I blogged about a plug-in that my company was planning on
 releasing called mcDropdown (multicolumn dropdown.)

 Well, the plug-in was officially released today:

 If you like the plug-in, feel free to digg it:

 You can jump directly to the example here:

 In a nutshell, this plug-in creates a tree-like form control. We need a
 control that would allow users to select an option from a large tree of
 and this was the end result.

 I think the overall effect is pretty impressive and I've never seen a UI
 control like it (especially considering it supports keyboard entry.)


[jQuery] Re: New jQuery Plug-in: Multicolumn Dropdown

2008-06-18 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II

On Jun 18, 8:31 pm, Dan G. Switzer, II [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Awhile back I blogged about a plug-in that my company was planning on
 releasing called mcDropdown (multicolumn dropdown.)

 Well, the plug-in was officially released

Just a thought.. wouldn't be better it's done as a replacement
over the optgroup--so that accessibility is maintained?

No, because the option/ tag does not allow deep nesting (which was a
requirement for us.)


[jQuery] Re: New jQuery Plug-in: Multicolumn Dropdown

2008-06-18 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II
It's been tested pretty extensively in Firefox 2  3 and IE 6  7 (because
these are the only browsers used by our userbase.)





From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Isaak Malik
Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2008 11:46 AM
Subject: [jQuery] Re: New jQuery Plug-in: Multicolumn Dropdown


This plugin looks very interesting, how is the browser support?

On Wed, Jun 18, 2008 at 5:31 PM, Dan G. Switzer, II

Awhile back I blogged about a plug-in that my company was planning on
releasing called mcDropdown (multicolumn dropdown.)

Well, the plug-in was officially released today:

If you like the plug-in, feel free to digg it:

You can jump directly to the example here:

In a nutshell, this plug-in creates a tree-like form control. We need a UI
control that would allow users to select an option from a large tree of data
and this was the end result.

I think the overall effect is pretty impressive and I've never seen a UI
control like it (especially considering it supports keyboard entry.)


Isaak Malik
Web Developer 

[jQuery] Re: hover flickering, snow storm pixels on JPGs (beginner problem)

2008-06-17 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II

Since the problem is w/absolute black being interpreted as transparent, what
happens if you put a black background behind the images?


-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Andy Matthews
Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2008 5:16 PM
Subject: [jQuery] Re: hover flickering, snow storm pixels on JPGs (beginner

Ack...both you and I can confirm that it's still a bug in IE7 as well.

-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of tlob
Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2008 3:53 PM
To: jQuery (English)
Subject: [jQuery] Re: hover flickering, snow storm pixels on JPGs (beginner

I just found out this one:


On Jun 17, 10:48 pm, Andy Matthews [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I spoke too soon. When I click on an image from the list above, THEN I
 get the white dots. Interesting that each image's dots are always in
 the same place. For example, in gallery 1, if I click on the
 black/white image of the man, then click back to the first image, the
 dots I see are in the same exact location as the dots in your screenshot.

 I'm betting that this has something to do with your use of your no

 Try removing that from use and see if it continues to exhibit this


 -Original Message-
 From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Behalf Of tlob
 Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2008 3:39 PM
 To: jQuery (English)
 Subject: [jQuery] Re: hover flickering, snow storm pixels on JPGs

 On Jun 17, 10:31 pm, Andy Matthews [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I'm looking at it in IE7 and I'm not seeing any of these white
  pixels you're mentioning. Can you confirm the version of IE you're

  -Original Message-
  From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Behalf Of tlob
  Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2008 3:21 PM
  To: jQuery (English)
  Subject: [jQuery] hover flickering, snow storm pixels on JPGs

  I try to implement the cycle Plugin. Pretty successful so far.
  Two things are strange:

  -The hover function over the main Image, behaves strangely in IE.
  It's more flickering than hovering.

  -And some of the Images have strange white pixels on it. Also only in
  Take a look:

  Can you help me out here?


[jQuery] Re: easy way to get all input value

2008-06-13 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II


I asked this via another thread, but no reply yet... so tossing it in here,
too. Do you know if *any* selector can be used with .formHash() or just an
id for a form? IE, if I have a few divs inside a form can I use a div id to
just get the formHash for form fields inside that div?

If your selector returns multiple form elements, then it will process them.
You can't feed it the div directly, but you can do any of the following:
div  form, #someElement  form, form.someClass, .someClass, form,
etc, etc.

Whatever jQuery object is passed to the hashForm() method is then filtered
for just form elements. So even if .someClass was assigned to various
elements, it uses the filter() method to limit the collection to just form


[jQuery] Re: Best practice to get form field values

2008-06-12 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II


Check out the Field plug-in:

This provides the type of functionality you're looking for (of providing
form values back for any type of field.)


-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of mar10
Sent: Thursday, June 12, 2008 3:17 AM
To: jQuery (English)
Subject: [jQuery] Best practice to get form field values


what would you consider the 'best practice' to access form input

Having an input field
input value=New topic class=inputEdit name=title
I could use
   $('[EMAIL PROTECTED]').val()
   $('[EMAIL PROTECTED]title]').val()

I also once observed, that the right side of the '=' was evaluated, so
it was possible to write
var x = 'title';
but i could not reproduce it today, so maybe I'm wrong.

Of course assigning an additional id
input value=New topic class=inputEdit name=title
type=text id=title
would allow for
but that appears to be somewhat redundant to me.

In short I am looking for the most simple built-in syntax to access
form values, like prototype's $F().
This means that querying option lists should return a list of selected
values (or texts), and text areas should work also.


[jQuery] Re: easy way to get all input value

2008-06-12 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II


The Field plug-in has a formHash() method which does exactly that:

You can see an example here:

If you are using Firebug, you can see the dump of the form in your console
when you click the $('#frmTest').formHash() button.


-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of jack
Sent: Thursday, June 12, 2008 9:52 PM
To: jQuery (English)
Subject: [jQuery] easy way to get all input value

Hi, all

Is there an easy way to get all the input values on a form into an
object? Thank you very much!


[jQuery] Re: [ANNOUNCE] Toaster plugin

2008-06-10 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II

I just updated the demo, I added a stack option
I had some problem calculating the spacing dynamically so I had to add
a spacing option too..

There is some behavior that I don't like much, try the following:

Open 3 sticky toasters, then close the first one and open a new one..

Not sure how I will fix this yet..

You could simplify this code a ton by putting everything inside one outer
container. The outer container is what you position to top-left, top-right,
bottom-left, bottom-right, etc.

You then just either append (top) or prepend (bottom) the toaster
notification to the container element.

The cool thing about this, is it will handle all the positioning
automatically. As one toaster element hides everything should shift
appropriately. Also, you don't have to worry about calculating where to
place each individual notification.


[jQuery] Re: [ANNOUNCE] Toaster plugin

2008-06-09 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II

One suggestion, multiple messages should really stack on top of each other.
Right now, if you open up multiple requests they go over top of each other.
They should stack on top and then slide down when each message closes.


-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Andy Matthews
Sent: Monday, June 09, 2008 9:18 AM
Subject: [jQuery] Re: [ANNOUNCE] Toaster plugin

By the way...

This plugin is REALLY nice when it works. Very well done. Now if you can
just make sure it works in IE7, I might put this into production.

-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of h3
Sent: Sunday, June 08, 2008 10:31 PM
To: jQuery (English)
Subject: [jQuery] [ANNOUNCE] Toaster plugin

I've just released a toaster plugin

Project page:

It's inspired by Miksago's experimental toaster plugin that was no longer

Note: It's beta release and it have been tested only on Firefox and
Konqueror yet, so it's most likely broken under IE and probably work fine
under Safari.

Feedbacks and comments are more than welcome !

[jQuery] Re: Display loading image while alternate image loads.

2008-05-27 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II


You can use the onerror event of an image to determine if an image loaded or
not. Also, you could load the image using JS's Image object-that way you
could display a loading image. Here's some example code:





From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Andy Matthews
Sent: Tuesday, May 27, 2008 4:50 PM
To: [jQuery]
Subject: [jQuery] Display loading image while alternate image loads.


I have a default image loaded into an img tag with an id of specialImage.
I also have a select box which displays a list of vehicles. The value of
each option is a filename (75682.jpg, 75123.jpg, etc.).


When the user selects a vehicle, I want to change the src of the img tag but
I'm running into a few issues that I'm not sure how to get around.


1) Because I'm not using an AJAX call, I don't know if the file actually
exists on the server. A few images are then showing as broken which is a big
no no.


2) The images being loaded in aren't huge, but they might be 40k or so.
Because I'm simply changing the src, I can't display a loading image while
the requested image is loading.


Are there ways around this? I'm thinking I could do an AJAX call to get the
response headers for the file. When I trigger the AJAX call, I'd display the
loading image. Then, if the response comes back 200, then I can display the
actual file, if not, I can display a no image available image.


Any thoughts on this method? Is there a better way to do this?



Andy Matthews
Senior ColdFusion Developer

Office:  615.627.9747
Fax:  615.467.6249 


Total customer satisfaction is my number 1 priority! If you are not
completely satisfied with the service I have provided, please let me know
right away so I can correct the problem, or notify my manager Aaron West at



[jQuery] Re: Tablesorter - Disabled Header Options with Pager

2008-05-20 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II

In most cases, you never want to call the same plug-in twice on a set of
jQuery objects that initialize a behavior on the page (you called
tablesorter() twice in your incorrect example.) This is because in most
cases you're applying the behavior twice and may end up with really bizarre


-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of shoo
Sent: Tuesday, May 20, 2008 9:22 AM
To: jQuery (English)
Subject: [jQuery] Tablesorter - Disabled Header Options with Pager

This week I've been working on implementing Tablesorter. It's a great
Jquery table sorting utility, but I spent quite a bit of time trying
to figure out why I could only sort columns in descending order while
using the pager plugin when I set the header option to disable some
columns. I didn't see anything on here about it so, I thought I would
post my fix / solution.

Below, the incorrect way to do it.

$(document).ready(function() {
// pass the headers argument and assing a object
headers: {

0: {
// disable it by setting the property sorter to false
sorter: false
4: {
// disable it by setting the property sorter to false
sorter: false
.tablesorter({widthFixed: true, widgets: ['zebra']})
   container: $(#ctl00_MainContent_pager),
   positionFixed: false
 }); ;

From what I've discovered, you really need to pass all the parameters
in one pass like below:

$(document).ready(function() {
   headers: {0: {sorter: false},6: {sorter: false}},
   widgets: ['zebra']
   container: $(#ctl00_MainContent_pager),
   positionFixed: false

Above, I am calling table sorter to disable columns 0 and 6, use the
zebra widget, then call the tablesorter Pager plugin.

[jQuery] Re: Filtering charachter input with jquery/javascript

2008-05-15 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II


You need to use the keypress event if you truly want to know which character
was pressed.

However, IE6 doesn't register the keypress event for certain non-printable
characters (like the backspace, the arrow keys, etc.) So, for IE6 you need
to capture those characters either on keydown (which I prefer) or keyup and
then call your event handler function (onlyNumbers) for when those keys are


-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Giovanni Battista Lenoci
Sent: Thursday, May 15, 2008 10:34 AM
To: jQuery (English)
Subject: [jQuery] Filtering charachter input with jquery/javascript

Hi, I'm having a problem filtering keyboard input in a text field.

Here is the page with the test:

I use this function to catch the key pressed by the user:

function onlyNumbers(e) {

  key = e.keyCode;

  if(debug) log(onlyNumbers\nkey_code:+key);

  if ((key==null) || (key==0) || (key==8) || (key==9) || (key==13) ||
(key==27) ) return true;

  keychar = String.fromCharCode(key);
  if(debug) log(keychar:+keychar);

  // numbers
  if(((0123456789.,).indexOf(keychar)  -1)) {
if(debug) log('OK');
return true;

  if(debug) log('KO');
  return false;


But If I press a number it works, when I press the dot or the
comma key I receive this:

onlyNumbers key_code:190
onlyNumbers key_code:188

Can you help me understand why it doensn't works?


[jQuery] Re: Java applet doesn't load when markup loaded via jquery

2008-05-12 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II

I've had a ton of problems using Applets on a page with jQuery in FF2
because FF does not like jQuery accessing the expando elements when the
window.onunload event runs.

I've had to revert to using an iframe to load my applets in, so that it can
be embedded in a page without jQuery. Perhaps you can do the same thing in
your tab. Just load the applet in a iframe that only displays the applet.


-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of .M.
Sent: Sunday, May 11, 2008 1:09 AM
To: jQuery (English)
Subject: [jQuery] Re: Java applet doesn't load when markup loaded via

Follow up - I can get my applet loaded and running in a jquery tab
(issue above was applet-specific) but this leads to another question -

Is there a way ui.tabs could work that allowed an applet to stay

I've been reading up on this and it appears there is a workaround for
hiding and revealing DIVs without unloading an applet but
jquery.ui.tabs doesn't do this.

Any thoughts?

On May 10, 6:49 pm, .M. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Anyone got suggestions for this?

 I'm trying to integrate this SFTPapplet(
 sftpapplet/) into my site. My standalone page with the object/embed
 code loads fine but if I try to load this dynamically into the page
 theappletdoesn't load.

 I have the following function linked to the onclick method of a
 so that when you click on the tab theappletcode is loaded into page.
 Markup loads fine butappletdoesn't start.

 function loadFTP() {



[jQuery] Preventing text field focus() when user tabs to field...

2008-05-09 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II

I'm working on an input field where I need to disable the browser from
automatically doing on an input text field. In a nutshell,
I've got an input box I basically am treating like a masked input.

The reason is I'm manually pre-selecting a text range. If I invoke my
function to pre-select the correct text asynchronously (via setTimeout) it
works correctly, but you get a very brief flash as the browser natively does
a select() on the text already in the input field.

I've tried using both e.preventDefault() and e.stopPropagation(), but
neither stopped the behavior in FF. Returning false doesn't prevent the
behavior either.

Here's basically what the code looks like:

$(input#myField).bind(focus, function (){
  setTimeout(function (){
// preselect just the first 2 chars
setSelection(this, 0, 2);
  }, 0);

// set the text selected in a text field
function setSelection(field, start, end) {
  if( field.createTextRange ){
var selRange = field.createTextRange();
selRange.moveStart(character, start);
selRange.moveEnd(character, end);;
  } else if( field.setSelectionRange ){
field.setSelectionRange(start, end);
  } else {
if( field.selectionStart ){
  field.selectionStart = start;
  field.selectionEnd = end;

Does anyone know of a trick to completely prevent FF from trying to select
all the text in a field automatically?


[jQuery] Re: autocomplete onSelectItem

2008-05-09 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II

It's onItemSelect, not onSelectItem (the docs are wrong.)


-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of michelem
Sent: Friday, May 09, 2008 12:11 PM
To: jQuery (English)
Subject: [jQuery] autocomplete onSelectItem

I'm trying the autocomplete plugin from:
I have a problem with the onSelectItem option that I suppose it will
be triggered when I select a value, right?
So i would like to do something when the value is selected, but It
doesn't work with my code:

script type='text/javascript'

$(#searchbox).autocomplete(db.php, {


input type=text name=myinput id=searchbox class=ac_input 

Everything works fine but the onSelectItem option seems to do nothing,
any ideas?
thank you very much


[jQuery] Re: Preventing text field focus() when user tabs to field...

2008-05-09 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II


I don't know off-hand, but the first place I'd look would be Josh
Bush's Masked Input plugin. He has done a ton of work to make it an
excellent plugin, so I'm guessing you could get some ideas by looking
at his code:

Hope that helps.

I looked there after I made my post and he's also using setTimeout to do it
asynchronously--so there may not be a cross browser way to actually stop the
default behavior (there might be, but Josh didn't have a solution either.)


[jQuery] Re: Expression/Selector question...

2008-05-08 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II


Yeah, it's also strange that while this doesn't work:
$(body  ul  li).filter($li[0]);

this does:
   $(body  ul  li).not($li[0]);

I'm a little lost by your parents example, though. Not sure exactly
what you're trying to get (esp. since you don't show where you've
declared $el and $parent.

Let's say you have:

li id=1
Parent 1
li id=2
Child 1

What I want to do is see if Child 1 has Parent 1 somewhere in it's
parent path. I don't really care if Child 1 would be a child of a child of
a child, just that at some point Parent 1 was actually in the parent path.

So, I would expect to be able to do:

var $p = $(#1);

Well this does work:

It doesn't work for me, since the actually expression I need to check
against a jQuery object that can't be reliable queried through a pure
CSS-style selector.

couldn't you do something like
$el.parent() ?
or $el.parent('.someclass') ?
or $el.parents('.someclass:first') ?

(just using class in the parents filter because not sure what you're

As I stated, using a CSS expression doesn't work for me because I'm actually
checking to see if another jQuery object is somewhere in the parent's tree.


[jQuery] Re: Expression/Selector question...

2008-05-07 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II

Just wonder if there were any comments to this?

On May 5, 4:24 pm, Dan G. Switzer, II [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 One thing that I've noticed is that the expr attribute is pretty
 inconsistent across methods (such as filter, find, parents, parent, etc.)
 The documentation is very vague about what an expression is, other than it
 just being a selector. However I would assume a valid expression for one
 element would be valid for all elements, but I've noticed that an HTML
 element is only a valid expression in the find() method.

 For example:

 $li = $(li);

 // returns the first matches for $li
 $(body  ul  li).find($li[0]);

 // this actually errors with a t.substring is not a function error
 $(body  ul  li).filter($li[0]);

 // I would expect this to only return the element which is the first $li,
 // but instead it ignores the expression altogether and returns all parents

 Shouldn't expressions work the same across all methods?

 Right now I'm having to use this to find only the explicit parent:

 $el.parents().filter(function (){ return this === $parent[0]; });

 However, if parents() worked like find() I would be able to do:


 (Before you say Why not just use $parent?, it's because I'm checking to
 see if an element is a child of a specific element.)


[jQuery] Re: use jQuery selector on IE5.5

2008-05-06 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II


I just know that in jQuery + IE5.5 most selectors return empty array.
After digging into source code I found that it will try to get the
nodeName and nodeType of document (nodeType=9) which IE 5.5's document
element doesn't have these two attributes.  As a quick fix I add the
following lines at the beginning of my HTML:

if (document) {
  if (!document.nodeType) document.nodeType = 9;
  if (!document.nodeName) document.nodeName = '#document';

and all of my selector works.  Of course there should be other cases
failed in IE 5.5 but at least simple selectors will work

Hope this help

Just so you know IE 5.5 is not supported by jQuery. So while this fix may
work for what you needed it for, it's likely that you'll run into other
problems with various jQuery code or plug-ins.


[jQuery] Expression/Selector question...

2008-05-05 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II

One thing that I've noticed is that the expr attribute is pretty
inconsistent across methods (such as filter, find, parents, parent, etc.)
The documentation is very vague about what an expression is, other than it
just being a selector. However I would assume a valid expression for one
element would be valid for all elements, but I've noticed that an HTML
element is only a valid expression in the find() method.

For example:

$li = $(li);

// returns the first matches for $li
$(body  ul  li).find($li[0]); 

// this actually errors with a t.substring is not a function error
$(body  ul  li).filter($li[0]);

// I would expect this to only return the element which is the first $li,
// but instead it ignores the expression altogether and returns all parents

Shouldn't expressions work the same across all methods?

Right now I'm having to use this to find only the explicit parent:

$el.parents().filter(function (){ return this === $parent[0]; });

However, if parents() worked like find() I would be able to do:


(Before you say Why not just use $parent?, it's because I'm checking to
see if an element is a child of a specific element.)


[jQuery] Re: jcarousel in ie 5.5

2008-05-02 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II


Anybody knows how to make work jcarousel in ie 5.5?. Now i see a white
space in the place of the jcarousel. Perfect in ie6, ie7 and Firefox.

jQuery only officially supports IE6 and above, so if you really need to
support a browser that old you're probably going to have problems with any
of the modern JS libraries (since they all pretty much required IE6+.)


[jQuery] Re: How to access TableSorter configuration properties

2008-04-21 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II


I'm using the TableSorter plugin on a table that will have new rows
appended to it by AJAX calls.  I want to resort the table using the
current sort settings after new rows are added.

I am using the TableSorter .trigger(update) and .trigger(sorton,
[sorting]) methods to resort the table.  I need to access the
tablesorter config object to extract the SortList.  How can I do this?

A couple of weeks ago I created a mod of the TableSorter code:

My mod using the jQuery .data() method to set the config options for the
current table, so you should be able to do:

var config = $.data(tableElement, tablesorter);

To get the config options.

While this is a mod, Christian has said my changes will be implemented in
the next release of the tablesorter code (although I can't say whether or
not he'll revise how I implemented things.)


[jQuery] Re: SOT: Using iframe to load in a Flash movie with dynamic height

2008-04-21 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II


I've been dealing with this irritating issue on and off now for about a
month. I'm finally going to ask for help.

I have a page here:

It contains a Flash movie whose height is set dynamically based on it's
content. The Flash movie might be 250px tall, or it might be 700px tall
depending on what it's currently displaying. This page works perfectly.

However the client has another site on which they have an iframe which
loads in the above page. On THAT page, the content of the Flash movie is
getting cut off for some reason. You can see my quick example here:

Notice that when the Flash movie first loads, the bottom inch or so is
getting cut off.

Does anyone have any idea why this is happening, or how I might go about
fixing it? Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.

This is where Firebug comes in handy--as it lets you easily find
padding/margin problems.

It's padding and margins on your body, td and form tags that are probably
the root cause. If you remove the padding/margin on those tags it basically
fixes the problem.


[jQuery] Re: SOT: Using iframe to load in a Flash movie with dynamic height

2008-04-21 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II


So your'e saying that even though the page works fine when not loaded into
an iframe, it's still a padding issue? That sounds odd to me. I'll check it
though...that'd be a great thing to have fixed.

You may have a different style sheet being loaded. Also, if you're opening
the IFRAME up to the exact dimensions you're expecting, but haven't
accounted for the padding and margins, then the height won't match up. 

[jQuery] Re: clone() not maintaining checked state of cloned checkbox inputs

2008-04-17 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II


I'm using the following code to get all selected checkboxes from my
html page and copy them into the form I'm about to submit:


I'm pretty certain that with previous versions of jquery (specifically
1.2.1), this was working for me, but since I've upgraded to 1.2.3, the
cloned checkboxes are no longer checked when the form is submitted.
I've had to add additional code to specifically re-check them after
the cloning.

Has anyone noticed similar behavior? It seems to me that the checked
state should be maintained during cloning.

I've seen this behavior in IE 6  7. The fix I used was (for IE) to copy
over the HTML:

You'd probably want to use outerHTML in your instance, but I believe that
will fix the problem.

I think the jQuery team has gone back and forth on whether or not jQuery
should resolve this problem in the clone() method. I know there are several
little quirks with the clone() method right now--and this is one of them.


[jQuery] Re: Two column menu using jdMenu?

2008-04-03 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II


I'm using jdMenu for a new project and came across a problem.  Some of my
menus are so long that they run off the page.  Is there any way of making
the menu spill over into a second column.  If that can't be done, can it
off and allow people to scroll through the listings?

How should I handle extra long menus?

I've been working on plug-in that addresses this exact issue. It's not ready
to be released yet, but I just threw together a quick preview:

This might give you an idea of how you want to handle it.


[jQuery] Re: JQuery TableSorter pager Plugin problem

2008-03-28 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II


I've recently installed the TableSorter widget for jquery. It all
worked fine, so I tried to go one step further, by installing the
pager plugin for TableSorter.

The problem I have is that the div called 'pager' appears on top of my
table (at the bottom), instead of under the table, where I would like
it to be. If I then select '20' (for 20 results per page) the div is
placed where it should be (under the table). Then I select '10' (to go
back to 10 results per page) and everything is displayed fine and

Any help?

Try setting the positionFixed to false.


[jQuery] Re: Brain do you destroy a div?

2008-03-28 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II

Sounds like an odd way to do it, just do


   works with any DOM selection and it's chainable


You'd really need to do:

$('span').fadeOut(function (){ $(this).remove() });

To make sure you don't remove the element until after the animation has


[jQuery] Best method for detecting the depth of childed ordered list...

2008-03-07 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II

I'm trying to get the depth of an ordered list. I need to know what the
deepest branch of the list is. My data looks like:

Item 1
Item 1.a
Item 1.b
Item 2
Item 3
Item 3.a
  liItem 3.a.i/li
  liItem 3.a.ii/li
  liItem 3.a.iii/li
Item 3.b
Item 4

I need to know that the deepest branch is 3 nodes deep (i.e. Item 3.a.i). I
can get this using recursion or loop through all the ul nodes, but I'm
wondering if I'm missing an obviously selector that will get me the same


  1   2   3   4   5   6   >