[lace-chat] Secret Pal

2003-06-13 Thread Andrea Sommers
What a pleasant surprise to receive your package this month.  Beverly, 
my daughter, wanted some accessory pieces in an Avon dish set.  I 
thought it would be fun to get her the FULL set, including place 
settings for 4 plus ALL the accessory pieces.  I now have most of the 
pieces and I am only completing miscellaneous pieces. I was even able to 
obtain a autographed book explaining when the pieces were made, etc. 
(and giving me a list of all the pieces).  Well, I have been buying 
these on E-Bay so it was soo very nice to get a package for myself 
instead of just her - not that this is not fun collecting these for her. 
 By the way, she does not know I am getting the set - might suspect but 
does not know so in September, hopefully, she will be surprised.

Thanks for the potholder and towel set.  These will look great in my 
kitchen.  I am almost finished with the remodel of it and will be 
painting it yellow when I am finished and the colors in the set are 
PERFECT and I wanted some new towels for the new kitchen and really 
needed the potholder, might have gotten very old and used.  I will have 
to admit that one of the first things I did when I received your gifts 
was just sit down and enjoy a cup of tea.   What a delight to just sit 
and relax and drink tea from a friend - would be better with the friend 
but almost as good.  Last but certainly not least is the Hollyhock 
flower magnet and the gorgeous leaded glass Angel charm to hang on my 
sliding glass door, the charm looks great and will get sunlight most of 
the year.  The Hollyhock magnet is on my refrigerator to remind me of 
your kindness as my Secret Pal.

Thanks for every thing I really enjoy your gifts.

Andrea Sommers
In Las Vegas where the weather has been perfect, in the low 90's which 
because of our lack of humidity, is like 85 degrees.

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[lace-chat] Secret Pal

2003-07-13 Thread brenda bunn
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[lace-chat] Secret Pal

2003-07-13 Thread brenda bunn
Dear Secret Pal,
We have been gone a few days and when we got back I had the lovely package you sent. 
Thank you for the wonderful sewing caddy. I do a lot of needle work and this is just 
perfect for that. The Swedish bobbins, Gnome candle, beads and thread will be put to 
good use. I cherish each gift. You know me so well. Again thanks. May God bless you 
and your pins never bend. Take care
"Each day is a Gift from above"
Brenda Bunn 

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[lace-chat] Secret Pal

2003-08-14 Thread nicky.h-townsend
Hello and thank you to my Secret Pal for such a wonderful and lovely

But we were oh so disappointed at not meeting with your friend Claryce
Manchester who so very kindly delivered the gorgeous chocolates to our hotel
in Las Vegas.

We had a call from the bell desk to say that there was a delivery for us -
which really took us by surprise, but because of a slight mix up we didn't
get the message until the next day which was why I didn't call Claryce's
daughter until the following afternoon. Your lovely gift really brightened
our day as did Alice's call.

Briefly we had been up and ready for our coach pick up at 6.50am for our
trip to the Grand Canyon, the driver threw us off the coach because we were
not on his list despite agreeing that all our paper work was in order, it
was highly embarrassing and very distressing as I had confirmed our booking
with the tour company only the previous afternoon. The next 3 - 4 hours were
spent trying to sort out the problem as no other trips were available. The
coach company had put down the wrong date, for four days earlier. As we were
leaving Las Vegas we had resigned ourselves to not getting to see the canyon
and were feeling pretty sick about it all, especially as Papillon the
helicopter operator were still expecting us! to cut a long story short, by
11.30 Papillon got back to us and said that they had been able to arrange
something for us, they would fly us out to the grand canyon from Las Vegas
(at their expense) so we could make our trip. We couldn't believe what we
were hearing, but Papillon were absolutely brilliant.

To date the manager of Showtime Tours (who messed up the trip) has not
accepted any of our repeated telephone calls and has not responded to our
letter of complaint at their shoddy behaviour. They have made no apology and
their attitude was basically tough .

We were also dealing with a problem with our hire car at the same time too.
The air conditioning packed up and the firms 24 hour roadside assitance
didn't materialise, in fact they wanted us to detour 200miles to them! So we
were faced with driving through Death Valley and on to Las Vegas with no air
conditioning, the temperature was averaging 115F. We made it, we survived
the journey, but we literally fried - people we spoke to were absolutely
horrified when we told them about the journey.  We had gallons of water on
board which we desperately needed, but it didn't stay cool for long as it
reached cup of coffee/tea temperature very very quickly. We finally got the
car replaced in Santa Barbara (another long story) having had to also make
the journey across the Mojove Dessert too! We covered almost a 1000 miles
without air conditioning!

So as you see we had a rather interesting stay in Las Vegas, but thank you
again for being a brilliant Secret Pal and as Clint would sort of say
"making our day".

Nicky back home in Suffolk

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[lace-chat] secret pal

2003-08-19 Thread Sylvie Nguyen
To my secret pal, I'd like to say "thank you" for the
package of gifts which arrived while I was
out-of-state.  The writing paper with the lace motif
border is very nice in design, as well as color.  The
spangles and kit are also in my favorite colors, so I
look foward to using them.  The tape measure will be
used regularly, as I use one frequently while sewing.

Thank you for the thoughtfully chosen gifts.
Sylvie Nguyen
Cherry Valley, IL

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[lace-chat] secret pal

2003-09-21 Thread nicky.h-townsend
A huge thank you to my Secret Pal,
What a wonderful surprise parcel.  The calendar and the souvenir book of Las
Vegas are very special and are a really lovely reminder of the nice side of
our stay in Las Vegas. It is an amazing place. My son enjoyed the lollipop -
we'ed not seen one quite like it before, needless to say it didn't last
I just love the writing set, itis such a pretty design - shall use it
tonight to write to my cousin who I have recently discovered and will meet
for the first time in about two weeks time. As for the really cute squirel -
well he is hanging onto the side of a plant pot in my lounge so I can keep
an eye on him, we know what mischief they can get up to after our trip to

Hope that you all had a wonderful time at your daughters wedding. I'm really
looking forward to next months revelations! Thank you for being such a
special secret pal.

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[lace-chat] Secret Pal

2003-10-05 Thread Joan Whitfield
Dear Secret Pal
Thank you for the package - apologies for the delay in thanking you, but
life has been a bit frantic this week.  The embroidery kit will become a
birthday card for my DIL.  Though I have no Celtic origins (as far as I am
aware) I really like Celtic crosses and the bag will go with me to Pudsey
lace day next week, where I am sure it will quickly be filled with lace
'goodies'.  And the material is much too nice to be cut up as you suggest -
it will become a very unusual scarf as soon as I have time.
Joan from Yorkshire

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[lace-chat] Secret Pal

2003-11-04 Thread cooncatmom-arachne1061
I received a postcard of London yesterday from my Secret Pal to start 
my exchange off, I can hardly wait for the next installment!

H ... now that either narrows it down (to a pal in England)  or 

Thank you very much!

Korwyn in Norfolk UK

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[lace-chat] secret pal

2003-11-07 Thread Merlene
I received my package today. I love the bobbin holder. Someday I hope to
come and see the Rosetta Stone, and I have a few of Christine's patterns but
not that one. Thank you and have a good month.
Billions of dead things
Buried in rock layers
Laid down by water
All over the world

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[lace-chat] Secret Pal

2003-11-12 Thread nicky.h-townsend
Hello to my new Secret Pal in Australia
Thank you so much for the gifts, it was a delight to open all the little
parcels. The beads will be used to spangle some awaiting bobbins, the
threads are very pretty, nice fine gimps perhaps, and I love the little book
on chocolate - mouthwatering. I shall use the scarf as a cover cloth on my
pillow. Despite the clues in your card your identity is very much a secret.
Thank you so much, I shall look forward to the postman calling next month!
Nicky   living not too far from Southwold in a very dull grey Suffolk.

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[lace-chat] Secret Pal

2003-11-17 Thread Joan Whitfield
Dear Secret Pal
Thank you very much for my Australian parcel.  It's so nice to receive
things that are 'native' to a country other than your own.  I love the
Koala, and the colours in the thread are just what I would have chosen
myself.   Now I just need enough time to finish decorating the bedroom and
move the furniture back out of my workroom so I can get to the lace
Joan from Yorkshire who has a large stack of wet washing, an equally large
stack of neglected ironing, and it's just starting to rain again.

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[lace-chat] Secret Pal

2003-12-08 Thread nicky.h-townsend
Dear Secret Pal

What a lovely surprise to brighten a busy grey day, the Christmas bobbin is
delightful with its Christmas tree and star - thank you very very much. The
calendar is ideal for my handbag, I was so pleased that you  chose one which
shows a little of the area in which you live - dusk at Matilda Bay  wow!
Those stunning pinks and mauves are incredible, and the sea is so clear and
such a beautiful turquoise blue - we went for a walk along our beach
yesterday (on the North sea) and it looked a murderous black just so
inviting??? I really liked the card too - a very unfussy design in
Carrickmacross of the Madonna, very nice.

Thank you so much and very best wishes to you and yours for the Christmas
Season, health and happiness too for the coming year.

Nicky in a grey Suffolk, England

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[lace-chat] Secret Pal

2003-12-10 Thread Merlene
I received my Christmas Secret Pal pkg.The bobbins sure give the eye a run for
their money. They are lovely and feel good in the hand.
How did you know I needed some small divider pins?
And the ornament is cute. I can reuse the pattern next year.
Thank you
And have a Christ filled Holiday.
In Denver where it has snowed.

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[lace-chat] secret pal

2004-01-13 Thread nicky.h-townsend
Dear Secret Pal

Your parcel arrived today, we had a quiet but enjoyable Christmas and my DH
and I are looking forward to the coming year and the various lace events
that we plan to attend.
I was intrigued with the Batavia bobbins when I first opened the parcel and
then memory kicked in and I remembered the stamp issued in Australia some
years ago picturing the bobbins,  and an article I have about them. They are
really wonderful and just the right size for adding to my collection of
travel bobbins - thank you so very much. I shall have a good read and study
of the article tomorrow - when I don't have to focus on teaching lace
classes, which I do Monday - Wednesday.
I'm also enjoying the selection of cards that you have been sending, the
Beds hanky corner is very pretty, and they will be added to my album.
What a wonderful way to start the week (well almost the beginning of the
week) I'm really chuffed with the wonderful goodies you've sent for me.
Wishing you the very best for the New Year
Nicky   in Suffolk

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[lace-chat] Secret Pal

2004-01-14 Thread Margot Walker
I just picked up my mail and could hardly wait to get back to my flat to 
open my package from the U.K.  I certainly wasn't disappointed.  I love 
the smell of the soap - it seems a shame to use it - and the cover cloth 
will come in handy.  But the highlight was the pricking card.  It's very 
difficult/expensive for me to get, so usually I just use any old 
cardboard that I have around.  However, that's not good enough for 
Honiton and Milanese laces, with all the sewings.  So I will treasure 
this and use it sparingly.  Thanks so much.

Margot Walker in Halifax on the east coast of Canada
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[lace-chat] Secret Pal

2004-01-19 Thread Joan Whitfield
Dear Secret Pal
Sorry it's taken me so long to thank you - my mother has been in
hospital with a heart attack so life has been a bit hectic.  Did you weave
the scarf yourself? It's really  warm.  I love the idea of a 'Bandana Day'
and my favourite colour.  The cross-stitch must have taken ages and that
pale-coffee is just the shade I'd planned for the new paint in the dining
room.  The calendar from the last package is now in the kitchen, the diary
in my handbag and the bobbins already in use.  Thank you again for all the
lovely things you have sent.
Joan from Yorkshire

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[lace-chat] secret pal

2004-01-27 Thread Wildgun004smate
How can I become a secret pal?  

Clarksburg, West Virginia
where its snowing again

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[lace-chat] secret Pal

2004-02-03 Thread Merlene
Sorry, I forgot that I needed to post this. I did receive the beautiful
holiday bobbin.
Thank you very much. I am using it. I hope this finds you well.
Ad Astera Per Aspera
(To the Stars Through Trials)

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[lace-chat] Secret Pal

2004-02-04 Thread Barrie & Julie Todd
Dear Secret Pal,

Thankyou for your lovely parcel which I received today, I am absolutely
thrilled with my three bobbins.  The lovely ebony one will join my pillow when
I start my next project. One of the first people I saw making lace was a lady
who used only ebony & bone bobbins.  I love the bobbin pin, that will be very
useful ane will grace my pillow, as for my new keyring - I have always wanted
one, thankyou so much.

Thankyou also for the pretty bracelet, the Lace Guild Pin  and for the piece
of needlelace.  The little pack of playing cards will come in very handy
tomorrow as I am going away for the weekend and they are an ideal size to fit
into my handbag for those quiet moments.  The card with the cats on is very
pretty indeed.

Sorry to hear your mother in law is not very well.  Growing old is tough isn't
it.  I hope she will be happy in the home you choose for her.  My 91 year old
dad flatly refuses to go into a home, even for a few days.

We had a lovely holiday thankyou.  The weather was beautiful.  No I don't
really have a tan, I am very fair skinned so I don't go out in the sun much.
My arms have gained some colour tho but that will do me.  We have been having
a lot of rain this last week, hopefully it has finished now as this weekend is
a long weekend for us and people will be heading away to the beach again.

Well, I must away and get afew things done.  Once again many thanks for your
lovely gifts.

Best Wishes
Julie Todd

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[lace-chat] Secret Pal

2004-02-13 Thread Margot Walker
What a great package.  Even though computers were supposed to eliminate 
the need for paper, I seem to go through more notepads than ever.  The 
threads go together so well that I think I'll use them for canvaswork 
instead of lace and the divider pin is lovely.  But the bobbins are the 
piece de resistance.  They are absolutely beautiful and I just love the 
colours.  Do you have any idea who made them?  Thanks so much.  I'm off 
to spangle the bobbins and start using them.

Margot Walker in Halifax on the east coast of Canada
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[lace-chat] secret pal

2004-02-17 Thread mother
Hello secret pal, I hope you are cooler than I am. We are having 40c again today.There 
is  $1000 fine for using air conditioners and all other electricity is severly 
limited. We also have strict water controls in place. We have not had much severe heat 
this year and one would think the relevant autorities could get their act together 
instead of spending so much money on adverts to tell us how wonderful they are.
  Now I have got that off my chest I must thank you for thr lovely package. The 
pincushion is very nice...another of my collections is pincushions. I am very pleased 
with the Sylko as it has not been available here for a while. The notelets will of 
course be very handy. Thank you
Mary Wiedermann

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[lace-chat] Secret Pal

2004-03-17 Thread Margot Walker
Your parcel arrived today and I just love the frog key chain.  It is 
beautifully done and my nephew, who collects frogs, will be green with 
envy.  The colours of the threads are lovely.  I too have never had 
problems with polyester threads.  And the Springett card will be the 
next project for my lace pillow.  I've made one of their Xmas ornament 
kits, but this will be my first silk card one.  Thanks so much.

Margot Walker in Halifax on the east coast of Canada
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[lace-chat] Secret Pal

2004-03-23 Thread annetoney
Dear Secret Pal,

Your package was received yesterday.  As I am out of town right now, my
DD Laura called to tell me.  Thank you.  I will open it when I get home
next week(?) and thank you properly.  Laura did say it smells good.

Anne in Austin TX

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[lace-chat] Secret Pal

2004-04-01 Thread Merlene
Yes I have received a pkg last week some time. Change of jobs and I am just
now getting
to check my emails.  Thank you for the items. The candles smell wonderful.
Ad Astera Per Aspera
(To the Stars Through Trials)

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[lace-chat] Secret Pal

2004-04-07 Thread nicky.h-townsend
Dear Mary
Your parcel arrived today, earlier than I'd expected but a lovely surprise.
The bobbin case is really beautiful, thank you so very much. I will keep
this brief and write to you over the weekend (you didn't enclose your e.mail
address), and thank you properly, just wanted you to know that everthing
arrived safely.
Nicky  in Suffolk where its pouring with rain.

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[lace-chat] secret pal

2004-06-08 Thread awinner
Dear Secret Pal,
What a wonderful suprise greeting me yesterday, a package already!  I have
hung the wind chime in the window, the garden marker is placed.  The
chocolates are awaiting a special time when I can sit down and
enjoy..them.  Some people savor wines, me I savor chocolates.  The
bobbin holder is going on a pillow that needs to be transported with lots of
bobbins on it ( I do reenactments on the weekends).  The ladybug divider pin
goes on the pillow to ward off other ladybugs, as they will be jealous of how
pretty this one is. We are invaded by them each October, this has been
happening for about 5 years now.  And what a surprise when I opened the little
tin up to find a sewing kit.  The sachet went in the bedroom, where I can
selfishly enjoy its aroma.  The sampler tray it setting out where everyone can
see it. DH was amazed by all the lovely gifts you sent, he didn't realize how
serious we lace secret pals are:)   Thank you.
"the hotheadedness of youth can do no more damage
than the apathy of old age"  La Rochecauld

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[lace-chat] Secret Pal

2004-06-14 Thread Barrie & Julie Todd
Dear Secret Pal,

Thankyou very much for your lovely parcel which I received today.  The Rainbow
bobbins are lovely and I look forward to adding them to my pillow along with
the cute divider pin.
I look forward also to 'Creating the Mood' sometime soon  :-) as for the
Lavender Pillow and the Stationery Set & Clock they will be very useful also.
Thankyou so much.

Yes I have joined in these rounds before. Like you, my first one was not a
good experience - I received one parcel only from someone in Sth Korea.  I
never heard anything from them again. But my next and other experiences have
been wonderful so they have made up for the bad start.

Are your poodles standard, miniature or toy ?  My Mum had 2 miniature white
ones afew years ago.

Thankyou once again and I look forward to hearing from you next month.

Kindest Regards
from New Zealand

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[lace-chat] secret pal

2004-06-14 Thread Wildgun004smate
To my secret pal, I want to start by saying Thank you so much.  First, I love
the label on the box, the kittens are so cute.  The note you sent was lovely,
did you make the card?
The bobbins are beautiful, as you must know I am new to lace and all I have
acquired has either been given to me or I have made, except for the bobbins in
the dreadful starter kit (they are huge)  :)  and last but certainly not least
the cover cloth.  It is my first and the hedgehog family are the prettiest
things I have ever seen, and the fact that you made it makes it all the more
special.  I haven't used a cover cloth before, I guess because I don't exactly
know how it is used. 

Thank you again.

Melinda (Lynn) Weasenforth

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[lace-chat] Secret Pal

2004-06-14 Thread Joan Whitfield
Dear Secret Pal
Thank you for the "pink" parcel.  Only had time to glance at the little
book about roses but it looks very interesting.  The scarf will be worn at
every possible occasion - it's long enough to use as a wrap round my
shoulders in the evenings when the summer dresses need a little extra.  And
how clever of you to pick a card with pink roses for the message and pink
copy paper for wrapping to complete the theme.  I loved the hedgehogs
stamped on everything.
Joan from Yorkshire who, despite the minor inconvenience of hayfever, asthma
and swollen ankles is glad to be alive and enjoying the sunshine.

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[lace-chat] secret pal

2004-07-09 Thread Wildgun004smate
Today I had a package delivered.  To my amazement it was a Torchon Lace Book. 
 How wonderful.  I love it, can never get enough of this stuff.

I can't wait until next month.  :)


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[lace-chat] Secret Pal

2004-07-09 Thread Joan Whitfield
Dear Secret Pal
Thank you very much for my blue parcel - it's my favourite colour.  The
beads are so pretty, and they and the thread will soon be used.  I love the
dolphins, you are so lucky having them on your doorstep.  And the pendant is
hanging next to a dreamcatcher on my desk.
Best wishes, Joan from Yorkshire.

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[lace-chat] secret pal

2004-08-20 Thread Lynn Weasenforth
Hello to my secret pal,

Well if patience is a virtue, then I guess I am not very virtuous, however 
it was well worth the wait, I am sorry I ever doubted in you.  What a 
treasure trove full of wonderful things.

Thank you for the book and no I do not already have it.  The lace note cards 
are beautiful, the bobbins will go on my pillow tonight, the spider stamp so 
cute and the tape dispenser quite handy.  Again, Thank you, thank you for 
everything.  I feel like a kid, and it all came a week before my birthday, 
what a treat.

Lynn with a huge smile on her face,
Clarksburg, WV

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[lace-chat] secret pal

2004-09-13 Thread Lynn Weasenforth
Hello to my secret pal.  I just received your package today, what a treat 
you are spoiling me.  The two pair of bobbins are wonderful, it's the one 
thing that I really don't have many of, the divider pin is my first and I 
love it.  The magnets and pads are almost too pretty to use, but I will and 
the spider, he's so cute.  I used to be afraid of spiders until I joined 
this list, now there not so bad.  I will attach him to my pillow to watch 
over my work.  I have been doing some lace, trying to figure out spiders, 
and the next thing I want to try is the roseground, what is chrysanthemum 
lace?  Thank you again and I am now off to add these bobbins to my pillow.

Hugs to you and Thank you for everything.

Clarksburg, WV

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[lace-chat] secret pal

2004-10-12 Thread Lynn Weasenforth
To my secret pal,

Thank you again for such a wonderful box, the socks are just too cute, the 
chocolates, I will have to fight off the kids and grandkids.  The bobbins 
are beautiful, You are slowly making my supply of bobbins (not that many) to 
quite a number. The book is great, I can't wait to get to it and start 
checking it out.  Thank you again, I can't wait till next month when I find 
out who you are.

Thanks again, Lynn
Clarksburg, WV 

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[lace-chat] Secret Pal

2004-09-30 Thread Joan Whitfield
Dear Secret Pal
Apologies for the late thank-you.  I did send one but seem to have done
something wrong and it hasn't appeared.  My daughter has claimed the
gloves - something I've never used but she does, but I refused to part with
the bath pillow.  You couldn't have thought of anything better as my doctor
has just advised long hot baths instead of my usual showers as an aid to
pain relief.  And I especially love the little duck, and the story.  Thank
you very much for the things in my white parcel.
Joan from Yorkshire

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[lace-chat] secret pal

2004-11-27 Thread Lynn Weasenforth
Dear Susan,

I received your last package today, you have certainly spoiled me.  The 
bobbins are absolutely beautiful, I love them.  The book, another that I 
didn't already have.  The note dispenser and pen  are something that I have 
never seen before.  We are just a small community.  The pad of notepaper is 
quite cute.  I thank you for all that you have sent.  Have yourself a Merry 
Christmas and a Happy New Year.


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[lace-chat] SECRET PAL

2004-12-22 Thread Lynn Weasenforth
Hello, sorry to post here but I don't have Susan M. email address.  Just 
wanted to thank you for the surprise in my mailbox.  I took the dove and put 
a pin in its bottom, and now I have a divider pin, and the bell with my name 
is adorable.  Kind of nice to get an extra package.  You're a good secret 

Thank you,

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[lace-chat] secret pal

2004-12-28 Thread JMMAcademy
To apply, send an email message to  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  with the
following information:

1. Your name  Hannah Moad

2. Email address  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

3. Complete mailing address  502 N Elmwood Ave  Springfield  MO  65802

4.  For USA applicants only, preference for USA or overseas pal.  USA
(Remember, overseas
has larger postage costs and takes longer to be delivered).  Because 
most people prefer
an overseas pal this option will not be available to non-USA people

5. Affirmation of the following statements:
x_I have read and understand the rules of participating.
__x___I will mail my packages by the 5th of each month.
_x___I will email a thank you message to Lace-chat within
  THREE DAYS of receiving each package.
x_I will notify the coordinator immediately if something will
  prevent mailing my package on time or if I have to withdraw.
___x__I understand that I will be summarily removed from the round
  if I fail to fulfill my agreement.

6. Give a brief bio of yourself to assist your Pal in selecting items
for you - stage in life, family, pets, favourite activities, favourite 
types of lace you make or like, non-lace hobbies, pierced ears or not, 
allergies or diet restrictions (no nuts, sugar, chocolate, etc), 
bobbin styles if you do BL, and anything else you wish to share.  The 
more info
you give about yourself the easier it will be for your secret pal to 
goodies for you. I am a 45 YO homeschooling SAHM of 3 chilren,  Amanda 16, 
Darrell Jr, 10 and Ernest, 7.  I also have a great husband  Darrell.  I turn 46 
the 26th day of May.  We have three guinea pigs that weigh over 21/2 pounds 
each.  They are so spoiled.  I do not have pierced ears. and have no allergies. 
  I love coffees, cocoas, and teas, goodies of all kinds.  My favorite colors 
are blues, purples and pastels.  I have long hair.  I collect teapots and 
teacups and ladybugs.  I am making knitted lace, Torchon, Beds, Bucks, Russian, 
Battenberg, Romanian Point Lace and now working on Milanese.  I want to really 
get busy with Honiton this year.  I also love to TAT.  My 16 year old daughter 
makes Torchon and Tats with me.  We get to demonstrate  lace as often as we 
can.  I use midlands, and any continentals I get my hand on.  I am starting 
over since our housefire so any bobbins are a joy.  I also like to sew, knit, 
crochet, crotat,  loom knitting, needlepoint, counted, ribbon, crewel, and 
regular embroidery, drop spindle spinning, rug hooking, quilting and plastic 
 I also do quillwork with porcupine quills and beadworkand leatherwork  for 
my Husbands mountain man outfit for FCF.  I also love to read Christain and 
anything crafty related books.  
7. Please tell me the names of people with whom you have already been 
with in previous rounds of secret pal exchanges.

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[lace-chat] SECRET PAL

2005-01-18 Thread Lynn Weasenforth

I think I am in Heaven, to my secret pal, Thank you so much for the package, 
I got it today...Everything is so nice, The scissors holder   (can't spell 
the proper word) is so cute, I too lose things, no longer will my grandson 
be able to wander off with my scissors.  I love tea, can't wait to try it. 
Altoids, m...my favorite.  The bobbins and the beads are lovely, I can't 
wait to spangle some more bobbins, the bobbins will go immediately onto my 
pillow.  I just love everything and yellow is my favorite color.  :)  Thank 
you so much, your spoiling me and this is only the first month.


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[lace-chat] Secret Pal

2005-01-20 Thread Joan Whitfield
Thank you, secret pal from . Oregon?  I love the keyring - just got
another car and this was just what I needed for the spare key.  The house
smells delicious with the candles,and DD has claimed the notepad but I
reclaimed the feet. I recognise the lavender in the muslin bag, but what are
the blue crystals in the other bag?
Joan from Yorkshire

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[lace-chat] Secret Pal

2005-01-23 Thread Richard & Megan Jenkinson
Dear Secret Pal,

Thank you for your parcel, which has arrived safely.   Unfortunately, I will
not be seeing its contents for several months, as I am overseas.   However, a
friend has told me what was inside and it all sounds delightful, especially as
I collect bobbins.

I notice that some of the information given for secret pals are things I
forgot to mention, so here goes.   I have pierced ears and I love chocolates!

The weather here is freezing cold, we're in the middle of winter, but clear
blue skies, with lots of sunshine every day.   Can't say where I am yet, but
will tell you when I return to Australia.

Thanks again,

Megan (not in Sale, Australia!)

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[lace-chat] Secret Pal

2005-01-31 Thread Faye Owers
Thank you for the lovely surprise I received today.  Your parcel was waiting
when I arrived home from a lace day with a friend, that I am planning a trip
to Europe with.  We didn't make much lace but it was great fun planning the
next holiday.

I love the Santa divider pin and I have already put it on my pillow, the
hankies always come in handy and the penguin soap is so cute my grandchildren
will love it next time they are staying.  The bookmark will be very useful as
I read quite a lot and the thread will look lovely made up and the perfume
will be great to put in my bag.

I do have the freebee pattern but as yet have not made it up.

I am trying to get a start on a luggage tag for the Lace guild, so I am hoping
to start tonight.

Thank you for the lovely gifts

Faye Owers


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[lace-chat] secret pal

2005-02-23 Thread Lynn Weasenforth

To my secret pal, you are spoiling me.  The craft box is just the right size 
for all my beads and charms, I love the bobbins, the soap and the yellow 
flower, my favorite color.  Yummy coffee and the little sewing kit is oh so 
sweet, where in the world did you find it.  I would love to send one to my 
secret pal.  :)

Thank you so very much, I can't wait till I know who you are.

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[lace-chat] Secret Pal

2005-03-08 Thread Shirley
Dear Secret Pal, My February parcel arrived this morning. Thank you for all
the goodies they are wonderful. I will use my tea towel as a cover cloth as it
is too nice to wipe dishes on, my pin lifter will be very useful as mine isn't
that good, also my divider pin, the chocolate will go down very well as I just
love Cherry Brandy and the chocolate is an added bonus, my book mark is
beautiful, I love flowers.There is some bad news however, the parcel had
partly come unstuck and I didn't receive the key ring, I was very disappointed
about that. I will frame my post card as the cats are so cute.

Thanks again,
Shirley.( in Corio, Oz )

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[lace-chat] secret pal

2005-03-09 Thread Lynn Weasenforth
Hello to my secret pal,

Once again you have outdone yourself.  The needlelace video, wow, I can't wait
to watch it and see what it is all about.  Something new for me to
learn...gourmet jelly beans to die for.  The coffee creamers, yum and I love
the smell of the potpouri.  Finally the extra thing you sent for me, I know
that person will love...just like me.

Thank you again, you are to good to me.

Hugs, Lynn

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[lace-chat] Secret Pal

2005-03-23 Thread Shirley
Dear Secret Pal, My parcel arrived yesterday, Thank you. My little Easter
chicken is on the monitor looking at me , he is so cute.I love my candle, my
floaty soap and my candy ( yummy ). I have my cover cloth on the work I am
doing ( just so I can look at it ) and my bobbins are ready for when I need
Your not secret pal, Shirley.

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[lace-chat] secret pal

2005-04-07 Thread Lynn Weasenforth
Well here is another month and as always my secret pal has been good to me.  I
just love everything, the green thread came at a great time, I was gonna have
to go out and buy some for the leaves of a doily I am making, the yellow
thread, will be the extra that I need for the doily.  The baseball and bag are
just too cute, the earrings are beautiful, the bobbins ...oh you spoil me, the
tea and creamers yum, but the journal, what a wonderful place to put my lace
samples.  Thank you so very much, I can't wait to find out who you are.

Hugs, Lynn

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[lace-chat] secret pal

2005-05-31 Thread Lynn Weasenforth
Hello all,

Well once again I have been pleasantly surprised in getting my package.  But,
it was well worth the wait.  The chocolates are gone, grandkids (aren't they
great) I love the bobbins, I can never get enough of those.  The tea and
creamer, once again will be savored.  The note book and magnets are to cute.
The sachet smells so good that I don't want to put it to use.  Thank you so
very much.can't wait until next month so I know who you are.


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[lace-chat] secret pal

2005-06-18 Thread Lynn Weasenforth
Dear Hannah,

It's so nice to finally know who you are, everything that you have sent is
wonderful.  I have really enjoyed this round of secret pals.  Yellow is my
favorite color, the soaps are to beautiful to use. 
I also enjoy cross stitch, needlepoint, knitting, crocheting, macrame,
tatting, bobbin lace (love it), you have really blessed me with so many
bobbins, I guarantee they are all in use on my pillow.  I made it myself, I am
quite proud of it, a rather large roller pillow.  The teas and creamer
certainly get plenty of use.  I use the creamer in coffee, the tea I enjoy
alone.  I really like the coasters, now to get my crew to use them.  I am the
mother of four children The oldest passed away three years ago, he was 27, I
have two girls and a boy left ages, 29, 27, and 25.  I now have 9 and 3/4
grandchildren.  This one coming is a boy so I will have 5 girls and 5 boys.  I
think that will be all because my girls have had there tubes tied, my one son
is gone and the others wife is getting her tubes tide after this one is born.
Ten is plenty, I have a hard enough time trying to remember birthdays.  The
oldest is 10, then 7, 7, 6, 5, 5, 4, 2 and 10 months.  I babysit a lot. Hee

Well that is pretty much my life story, can't wait to check out the tatting
book, I taught myself how to do it but  have never made anything cause it
seemed so slow, but in August I will be 50, so I guess with age comes
patience.  My oldest  daughter says that she is quite proud of me, because she
says I usually give up on things.  I know when I started I got the dreaded
horror kit and it sat in my closet for something like 3 years
boy I sure wasted a lot of time, now that I am learning I can't get enough.
Ok that's it for my book.

bye, bye, Lynn

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[lace-chat] secret pal

2005-07-16 Thread Lynn Weasenforth
To my secret pal in the UK.  I received your package today and was quite
pleasantly surprised with all you sent.  You are the first ever of my secret
pals to send me thread, it is so beautiful and I already have a project in
mind for it.  DH swiped the key tag and had me put two of our grandkids
pictures in it, now I just need my DD1 to give me a picture of her 11 month
old and then wait a month for my 10th Grandchild to be born.  Anyway, I love
the tea cloth, and the coins I love to use on my spangles, the tissues and pad
of paper will be put to good use, it is already in my purse. 

Thank you so very much for everything,
Lynn (Melinda)

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[lace-chat] Secret Pal

2005-07-18 Thread Faye Owers
What a very nice surprise for me when I came home from a day making lace and
planning our next lacey trip to Europe, to find a parcel waiting for me.  The
bobbin and beautiful spangle will be used on my next project, I love the
little blue bear and the Guatemalan people, the bookmark sleeve will come in
very handy as will the bangles for some Christmas projects.  The little gift
cards are very pretty and I have already put my keys on the bobbin key ring.

Thank you

Faye Owers

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[lace-chat] Secret Pal

2005-07-19 Thread delia.palin
I hope someone can help me as Brenda is away.  I have joined the above 
scheme, and have sent off my parcel, which has been received and 
acknowledged.  But I have not received one myself.  I do not know if one was 
posted and has been lost, or if the system has broken down somehow.  Can 
anyone advise me please?

Dee Palin

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[lace-chat] Secret Pal

2005-07-20 Thread Shell
-Original Message-
I went to the post box today and squealed with delight, there was not a bill
in sight! Double bonus!  There was a parcel inside!  

Thank you very much for my gifts.  The writing paper is lovely and I look
forward to writing some letters on it.  The cross stitch will keep me busy
on my next trip (15 Sleeps to go!).  The Angel is great, I really love
blues!  The earrings are just my colour too.  The caramels are great, I've
had to promise to share them with my mum, we both love caramel!  Thanks so
much for the tip on bobbin winding and storage of the bobbins.

Once again, thank you


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[lace-chat] Secret Pal

2005-07-21 Thread delia.palin

Dear Secret Pal

I received my parcel today, and am absolutely delighted with it.  Did you 
know my favourite colours?  I can't remember if I put them on my info, but 
the threads are so pretty, and I will definitely use them soon.  The gloves 
are fascinating - I had never heard of such things before, but will try them 
in the shower tomorrow - I will be all smooth and shiny!  The pencil is too 
good to use, because I will never have another one, and want to keep it as a 
souvenir of where you are, and the little duck keyring fob is so sweet.  I 
shall enjoy having him on my keys, and at least I won't lose them as 
frequently as I usually do - I locked them in the boot of my car only two 
weeks ago, and had to get my husband to come over to sort me out - he was 
not pleased!!! (Understatement of the year!)  As for the fridge magnet, it 
is on my fridge right now.  I guess you made it, and it is lovely.  It is so 
nice to have something you have made yourself, and I will treasure it.

Thank you again so much - don't worry that it was a bit late - it was really 
worth waiting for!

Dee Palin

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[lace-chat] Secret Pal

2005-08-08 Thread delia.palin

Dear Secret Pal

Thank you so much for my parcel which arrived this morning.  What a lovely 
lot of goodies - and I have plans for all of them already!  The wombat is 
gorgeous and I have decided to call him Wally.  I love soft toys, and this 
one is so different and cute.  My daughter will be so envious.  I am going 
to display him on my dressing table.  The bookmark is in use already - I 
have just started reading a new book, and was using a bit of an envelope to 
mark my place.  The artwork on it is very interesting, and I love the design 
on the snake's back - it looks like you should be able to adapt it to a lace 
design!  The embroidery kit is so pretty.  I shall take it with me when I go 
away on holiday in a week's time.  It will not take up too much room, and 
will be fun to do.  The bag is very nice, and as I have an 'event' to go to 
soon that I am a bit apprehensive about, I will use it then for the first 
time and it will be just right.  The spangles are so pretty and unusual.  I 
have never seen beads that shape before, and they will certainly look really 
special on my pillow.

The gloves you sent me last time really do work - I use them all the time in 
the shower, and am so smooth now!  The threads you sent me are in use in a 
Hardanger embroidery that I have been wanting to do for a long time when I 
could find the right threads, and these are perfect.

Thank you once again for a lovely parcel.  'Speak' to you next month.  Take 

Dee Palin

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2005-08-12 Thread LESLEY & PETER GRIFFITHS
Dear Secret Pal

Thank you very much for my lovely bobbin which arrived just before my
birthday. I shall have to find a suitably smart spangle for it now. Hope your
trip to the US went well.

Yours Lesley Griffiths

Woolmer Green
Hertfordshire UK

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[lace-chat] secret pal

2005-08-21 Thread Lynn Weasenforth
To my secret pal,

Once again, it was worth the wait.  The past two weeks have been awful, 4 of
my 9 grandkids were in the hospital for spinal meningitis, now lucky me, I
have the symptoms, oh well.  Any way, the lace tools are beautiful and the
thread to die for, had to fight off everybody about the chocolate, the coaster
has a picture of my DH in it, and the bobbin lace sign is so cute.  You amaze
me with your gifts, I am extremely lucky to have you as my secret pal.

 Thank you so much,

Lynn (Melinda)

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[lace-chat] Secret Pal

2005-09-17 Thread delia.palin

Hello Secret Pal!

Thank you so much for my parcel which arrived this morning.  As always, it 
is full of pretty goodies, and I am delighted.

When I go to lacemaking class, several of these will be used - the pretty 
little pot with the millefiori lid will be used to hold the beads I am using 
in my present project (at the moment they are in an old plastic pin box); 
the pen and notepad will be used instead of the bits and pieces of scrap 
paper on which I write instructions from my teacher - and then promptly 
lose!  I think the pen is great, and I don't intend to use it too much, as 
it is too nice to waste, and the notepad is such a lovely delicate 
turquoise.   The address book is going to be passed around the class for 
everyone to put in their telephone numbers.  Often, as we only have a class 
once a month, I want to ring one of the girls, only to find that I have lost 
that bit of paper, too!  The napkins will be used during the first weekend 
of October, when my children are all coming to celebrate my birthday.  Such 
pretty purple and lilac flowers - you are clever at finding things in my 
favourite colours.  And, of course, everything wrapped in pretty lilac 

Thank you once again.  It is a lovely parcel, and I know how lucky I am to 
have you as my Secret Pal!

Dee Palin

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[lace-chat] secret pal

2005-09-20 Thread Lynn Weasenforth
To my secret pal,

Well, once again you have outdone yourself, you seem to do that every month.
The glass bobbin will be cherished and on my pillow tonight, the beads and
wire and small bobbin are very beautiful, I take it that I am supposed to make
spangles or a necklace, either way, I love them.  The Dutch shoe magnet is in
my shadow box with all my other special trinkets and the magnet shopping list
is always in demand, but not on my fridge, but next to my pillow.  Thank you
again, I am very lucky to have you as my secret pal.

Bye for now, Love Lynn

Oh by the way, all is well, no more sick kids, but my oldest daughter fell off
my front steps and has a black and blue left knee, on my way to the hospital
with her, she has put it off for two days.  When it rains.

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[lace-chat] Secret Pal

2005-09-20 Thread A & Y Farrell
Dear Secret Pal in New Zealand,

I was very excited when I got your parcel today. I thought I was going to the
post office to pick up a parcel from my DD1 in the US and instead the parcel
was from New Zealand.

Firstly thank you for your encouraging note. It was very positive,
Unfortunately this situation must come up from time to time. Thankyou for
coming on board.

The little bear was so cute and I am going to have to hide it from DD2 who
has earmarked it.  We also loved the oven mitt puppet, it's little ears
sticking up are gorgeous. Did you make it, we thought you did. I will have a
bath later and scrubby mitt my legs, very handy. The calendar will be
fantastic and I will be able to remember you all next year when I look up the

I am not a prolific lace maker but I will have to get the lace out now so as
to use the beautiful bobbins. I like to have bobbins of different woods.
And I am hiding the note pad so my family doesn't take off with it to write
insignificant notes on.

Cheers, your pal, Yvonne.

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[lace-chat] Secret Pal

2005-10-17 Thread delia.palin

Dear Secret Pal

Our postman calls at 7.15 in the morning, so I had your parcel to open 
before breakfast.  As always, it was a really great one.

The dogs have already been playing with their toy, and very nicely taking it 
in turns.  The make-up kit is really good and neat - I shall use it when we 
go away as it will be so easy to pack.  The tea I tried with my breakfast, 
and it is delicious.  The little angel pin is destined for my favourite 
jacket - I love the way the little heart moves.  I was fascinated to read 
about Floriade, and can't wait to finish this message so I can go on the 
website to see where you went!

Thank you so much for another lovely parcel.  I can't wait to find out who 
you are!

Dee Palin

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[lace-chat] Secret pal

2005-10-24 Thread A & Y Farrell
Dear Kiwi Secret Pal,
I was very happy when I drove past my letterbox today and saw you parcel . I
had already been out to check the mail earlier and found nothing. I love the
magnetic notepad. I had run out of fridge notes but hadn't got around to
chasing after a new one, they are hard to find sometimes. The pretty little
compact mirror will go straight into my handbag. They are so handy to have
around, but I haven't got one this nice. You must have had fun at the AGM
stalls. I love the little bookmark and the pincushion is so nifty. I will feel
like I was there with you when I use the 2005 bobbins. Thanks for the bath
soak. I will think of you gratefully when I use it. In fact I think it will go
very nicely with a glass of wine and a book.

Looking forward to meeting you computer face to computer face.

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[lace-chat] secret pal

2005-11-30 Thread Lynn Weasenforth
I recieved my package today from my secret pal in England, thank you very 
much, I was wanting to find something new to attempt and the fan pattern 
with the fan bones is scrumptious.  Now my biggest problem is how to do the 
stitches.  I do not yet know how to make lace just by looking at the 
pattern.  If someone could write to me I would be happy to find out what 
kind of stitches and how many bobbins are required.

Thank you again to my secret pal, I can't wait until next month to find out 
who you are.


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[lace-chat] secret pal

2005-12-05 Thread Melinda Weasenforth
Dear Brenda,

Please write to me, since we have changed from dial up to dsl. I have lost
most all my contacts, I need everybody's addresses to fill up my address book.
But I need my secret pals address one last time so I can mail out her

Thank you,

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[lace-chat] secret pal

2005-12-06 Thread A & Y Farrell
Dear Secret Pal from NZ,

Thankyou so much for my parcel for December. I so love the puau bracelet I
didn't know it came in so many colours. Did you tat the little mat yourself?
It is very lovely and I will treasure it. The calendar is great we are
planning a trip to NZ next year and we are looking at the pictures for places
to visit when we are there. Thanks for the notepad. It will be quite useful.
The beads and the spider will go into my bobbin kit and quickly be attached to
the bobbins that you sent earlier. As we will be away this Christmas I haven't
set up the Christmas tree but I do collect Christmas decorations and this one
is so beautiful it will definitely be a feature.

What a lovely little book mark. My husband has made me buy lots of books to
take on the plane so I don't drive him nuts so it will go in with them. I love
the thread it will be nice to tat. And the little bag and soap, fantastic. I
hope that you will be able to tell me the story behind the little bag when we
are properly introduced.

Cheers for now, Yvonne.

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2005-12-22 Thread Micki
Amidst the activities and fevered brows common to this time of the year, I 
sat in a pool of calm yesterday gloating over my secret pal parcel.   Right 
through-out the Secret Pal exchange Fay delighted me with the canny choices 
she sent, the surprises and the delights, and boy, will I be sorry to lose 
her as a secret pal.

Thank you Fay, you are a one in a million and I will be in touch off list.

And to Hannah, who wrote such a pleasing thank-you - it is a warming thought 
that you are enjoying my choices.  I got myself the same Irene Tomlinson 
pricking I sent you:  for the day I start learning how to do Bucks and no 
doubt yours will be done well before I even get to do my first Bucks piece, 

Thank you



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2006-01-03 Thread Win Lambert
I have just opened the last parcel in this round from Lyn - thank you so 
much for the goodies - the glass bobbin has arrived in one piece, in spite 
of Customs opening the parcel and not rewrapping it very securely.  Thank 
you also for the pin lifter, small pillow, Christmas Angel, Santa Claus 
brooch, and lovely cross stitch.

I hope you enjoyed Christmas and my best wishes for the New Year.

Win Lambert 

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2006-01-06 Thread Melinda Weasenforth
Hello all,

I just wanted to write to say Thank you to Pam Sharples, who has been my
secret pal this round,  Thank you so much for the bobbins, the note pad and
date book.  I have truly enjoyed this round and have always looked forward to
your packages, you have never once disappointed me, it has always been worth
the wait.  But, gee wiz this last one was killing me, the anticipation was
overwhelming.   I am just a big kid.
Now can you write me and tell me where to start on the fan pricking?

Thank you again, and I will be checking out the Roseground site.

Love, Lynn

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2006-02-11 Thread Melinda Weasenforth
To my secret pal,

Your package arrived today, what a treat, I love the bobbin and no I am not a
member of the circle, sometimes I think maybe I should join, but cash flow
always gets in the way.   I don't have a lot of bobbins, still trying to
find a place that is reasonable in prices, usually what it get is in secret
pal exchanges or ebay. (They love my money)  I love the key ring ( not the
magnet you thought) but it is  already on my key chain.  The Bobbin Lace Book
is quite nice, I can't wait to have myself a good read.  But, the icing on the
cake (I think) is the crochet hook.  I love antiques and it has imprinted on
it that it was made in 1911.  Wow, DH said put it up so you don't lose it, but
I just want to show it off.  Sometimes I think I was born in the wrong era, I
love all that is old much more than new. Any way, Thank you for all you sent,
and you are right, if you like it, it seems that I do to.


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2006-02-14 Thread Maxine Diffey
I would like to say that I received a parcel from the U.K. this morning,
and what a treat it was.  Thank you so much!  The spider is sitting up
on my computer desk by my printer.. I couldn't wait until Christmas to
display him, and I loved the little legend that you enclosed with him.
The bobbin with the forget-me-nots is beautiful as is the pin lifter.
The thread is most welcome, and I look forward to using it in due time.
Thank you so much for your most thoughtful parcel
Maxine - in N.Z.

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2006-03-09 Thread mturn
To my secret Pal thank you for the parcel which arrived on Wednesday, 
I did not get to send the message but I had to get ready for big craft show
we have, I was demonstrating all day yesterday so was rather tired by the
time I got home. Then we are demonstating again on Saturday for the day.
The note pad will be very handy, the bobbins are beautiful so nice to touch,
and I will try the tea.Hope things are not getting you down having moved so
many times, wqe vowed never again, lucky we are close to the grandchildren
now. Now our idea of a move is to load the caravan and take off for a while.

Margaret in Mt. Eliza

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2006-03-11 Thread Dee Palin

Hello Secret Pal!

Thank you so much for my parcel which arrived this morning.  It is lovely. 
I really love these bobbins, as the thread always stays where you want it 
and does not hop off the top at the wrong moment, and the pyrography is just 
so beautiful.

I have a confession to make - Jenny Hester is my lace teacher, so I imagine 
she is having a bit of a laugh about all this!  She has been very good and 
kept the secret, and I shall not try to persuade her to tell me -- I shall 
enjoy the surprise at the end even more this time!

We seem to have more than Jenny in common, since you have grandchildren, and 
so do I, but unfortunately mine are not interested in lacemaking, and you 
have a caravan and we have a camper.  Do you like dogs, too?  Ours are 
spoilt rotten, but both really deserve it.

Thank you once again for the parcel!  The bobbins will be on my pillow and 
in use very shortly.  'Speak' to you next month.

Dee Palin

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2006-03-14 Thread Melinda Weasenforth
To my secret pal in England,

Once again, you have outdone yourself.  I love the tin of mints, and the
picture on the front is precious, I love animals and I live in an house in an
apartment complex and am not allowed, I do however, have a black stray cat
that comes around and I feed her.  Who would fix a cat and put them on the
street, oops I am getting off the subject  anyway, The bobbin is already on
my bobbin tree, I made it out of a ring and candle stand.  Oops sorry again,
the bobbin key ring is so lovely and the sachet smells wonderful...and
Hagerstown, Md. is just up the road a few hours away from us.  Thank you again
for your gifts, I will treasure them..I am still in love with the crochet

Bye for now, Lynn in West Virginia.

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2006-04-09 Thread mturn
to my secret Pal thank you for my parcel which was waiting for me, when I
got home from working in the op shop. The Easter card is lovely and the
cross stitch, which I will do when I have plenty of time, I will use the
scarf now it is coming into winter, the nail thing I will put in our van ,
and the lovely needle holder it is my sign of spring to come.
I will let you know that for the next three months I could be late in
answering you, as we are going to be travelling around, our mail is to be
redirected, so it will catch up with me at some time.Hope all goes well with
you and you get the house on the market soon and don't have too much trouble
selling it.

in a cold Mt. Eliza

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2006-04-18 Thread Dee Palin
Dear Secret Pal!

What a wonderful parcel arrived today!  I am absolutely delighted with it.  I
was feeling a bit 'flat' after all the busy-ness of Easter, and it has really
cheered me up.

The bobbins are absolutely great.  I love the antique ones - they have so much
character and I love to think of someone else using them before me.  The ones
from Spain and Gozo are really great.  I think someone must have told you I
love to collect bobbins from other countries, and I had not got any like
these.  The little pincushion is so sweet - I love her lace hat, and will give
my grandchildren the pleasure of naming her for me - she will certainly be a
great addition to my pillow, and in aid of such a good cause too.  The little
notepad is so pretty - too pretty to use!  I shall have to keep it out of
sight when my daughter visits or she will want it.  The postcards are great
too - I am building up a really good collection now, and these will be a
welcome addition.  The scissors keeper will be so useful and I think the
stretchy bit is a really good idea.  I have not seen one like this before, and
it looks as if it will clip to almost anything - I am always losing my
scissors when I most need them.

Your lovely newsy letter is good reading.  I am glad I am not the only one to
hide pillows out of sight when not in use.  I have hidey-holes all over the
house for lace equipment.  The trouble comes when I have to remember where I
have put the thing I particularly want.  I am determined to be more organised
in our new house - but I am sure I have said that before!  We have not yet got
to the point of putting the house on the market, but hope to be able to do so
in two or three weeks' time.   We have been in this house longer than we have
ever been anywhere before, and there seems to be 101 bits and pieces to finish
first.  I have been on the internet to look at other houses in the area we
want to move to, and have found some good ones, but we are being very
restrained and are not allowing ourselves to become too excited in case the
ideal one is gone by the time we have an offer on ours.  We are supposed to be
downsizing too, and I am having such difficulty in deciding what I can bear to
part with.  It is all very exciting - and exhausting!

I hope you have a lovely time when you go away in your caravan - have you
planned many trips over the coming season?  Of course, lace equipment and
knitting is an essential part of holiday packing, isn't it?  It is in our
camper, anyway!

Thank you once again for a lovely parcel.  I hope the lady sending to you is
as generous as you are to me.

Dee Palin

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2006-05-06 Thread Melinda Weasenforth
To my secret pal,

I am very sorry to hear of your loss and send my most sincere condolences.  I
understand your grief somewhat, as I lost my son 4 years ago this past May 2.

Now, I want to thank you for Mays package, Aprils is still a no show, very
elusive package 

I love the bobbin with the spider spangle, I assure you that it and the cover
cloth will be of great use, as you said you can never have to many cover
cloths.  The pill box is great, I think that I will put a picture of my son
who passed away like I said earlier.  I am personally keeping the pharmacy in
my town in business.  High blood pressure, nerves, acid reflux.the list
goes on and on.  .  I love the thread it is a very pretty color and I
have never tried gimp patterns before so that will be an experience in

Thank you again, for all your lovely things that you sent.

Love you lots, Lynn

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2006-05-09 Thread Melinda Weasenforth

The elusive April's package has arrived and well worth the wait, the wonderful
smell coming from the package, I bet my mailman didn't want to give it to me.
 I love everything, the postcards, the towel, the pen (in my husbands pen
collection as I write) the heavenly soap and sachet.  The cat, oh the cat, I
am not allowed to have pets where I live, however I have a black one that
hangs around my house (not that I feed it or anything) but the fact that you
sent a black cat...amazing, I am still breathing in these smells.  Yum Yum

Thank you very much


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2006-05-19 Thread Dee Palin
Hello Secret Pal!

Thank you for another lovely parcel.  You are very generous.  I have always
wanted a tea towel to use as a cover cloth as so many of my friends have - and
now I have one!  It is prettier than theirs, too.  The Canadian Lace Badge
will go in my display cabinet.  It will be a very special reminder of you
being my Secret Pal.  I love the bobbins.  They are beautifully turned, and I
have not seen any by David Davies before.  They are really beautiful.  The
threads are so pretty.  I have not used any Oliver Twists before, but I am
looking forward to trying these out.  The little bowl is beautiful.  I love
wood, and when I opened it, I just sat and stroked it for ages - so silky!  Do
you know what wood it is?  The postcards and notepad from Southwell Workhouse
are very interesting.  The notepad will be put to good use, of course, and I
was fascinated to read about the Workhouse itself.

I love your long newsy letters.  You have certainly had a mixed time recently
with your camping exploits.  I had to laugh at your difficulties with the new
cooker.  You seem to do the same as we do - go to look at one thing and come
back with something else, most often much more expensive!  I should think it
was quite funny to watch someone else struggling with their awning, too.  I am
glad you got it all sorted out in the end, and I am sure you will have many
happy times in your new caravan with your very posh awning!

We are now officially 'on the market'.  Most of the hard work has been done in
the way of decorating.  We just have to maintain things as they are - not
easy, as I am not a naturally tidy person, but then neither is my husband.  I
had just finished sorting out things in the utility room last Sunday when he
came home and dumped some things on the work surface.  I swept them up and put
them out of sight.  The next morning, he asked me where I had put them, and it
took me 20 minutes to remember!  We did locate them in the end, anyway.  Now
we are waiting for the hordes of people who are going to be clamouring to buy
the house!

You are lucky to have been to so many lace days recently.  I am going to
Chepstow on Saturday.  I am so looking forward to it.  Will you be there?  How
funny if you were - and I shall not know it is you, even if I talk to you!

Thank you once again for a great parcel - I am very lucky to have you as my
Secret Pal.

Dee Palin

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2006-05-25 Thread M Turner
To my secret pal, thank you for the parcel which I caught up to, after our
postoffice messed up, but everything is okay now. We have travelled inland,
from Melbourne north through N.S.W. and into Queensland, We are finally in
Cairns on the coast, ready to start south again. I loved the colours in the
threads, will think about a project for that, the brooch is unusual but very
nice , the pricker is always handy as are spangles. the essential oils balls
are at present in use in the caravan, after going through the cyclone area,
where it was still raining every thing had this musty  smell. but not for
long. I hope that your daughters are better and you had hords of people
through your house.

Thank you again
Margaret from Mt Eliza,  now in Cairns for two more days.

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2006-06-13 Thread Melinda Weasenforth
Well, here we are another month.  Boy this year is flying by.  Thank you once
again for all the special goodies that you sent me.  The thread is beautiful,
the key chain (kiss) put my sons picture in it who passed away, now I will
always have him with me, the picture frame is perfect, I put my stamp in it
that I won in a raffle off the list, the bobbins are to die for, I love
bobbins and boy do I need them. The address book is great, I needed a new one,
I keep marking out addresses for new ones every time someone moves, I must
write in pencil instead of ink. 

Thank you so very much,

I think I have an idea who you are, but am not quite sure yet.oh well, I
will have to wait till next month.

Bye for now, I hope all is starting to get better, take care, until next

Love you, Lynn

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2006-06-26 Thread Dee Palin
Hello Secret Pal in Wales!

Thank you so much for my parcel which arrived over the weekend while I was
away.  What a nice surprise when I got back today.

The cover cloth is very welcome, and will be put to very good use.  Did you go
to the Poole Lace Circle Lace Day?  The bobbins are amazing - they are even
bigger than the Spanish ones, and I thought they were huge - a lovely addition
to my collection.  The face flannel is very fascinating.  I will save it till
my grandsons come over next time as I am sure they will really enjoy watching
it expand.  The card is so pretty - is that the type of lace you were
learning?  I also love the scissors keeper kit and will enjoy making it.  I
will save it to take away with me when we next go away in our camper.

You are lucky to have been able to go to the OIDFA conference.  You must have
had a fantastic time.  By now you will no doubt be off in your caravan again -
I hope the awning behaved itself when you put it up!  I am sure you will have
a lovely time.  We spent one night in our new camper last Thursday over to
Friday, and it was really great.  Since then I have been at my daughter's.
She is expecting a baby in December, and we have had a lovely time going round
baby equipment and clothes shops, and just making plans.  Great fun!

Thank you once again for a lovely, generous parcel.  Can't wait for next month
to find out who you are, and do not mind a bit if it is late.

Dee Palin

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2006-07-26 Thread micki
I wonder if my secret pal could please come in touch with me off-list, I 
could not quite make out where you were from?


Micki Cameron


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2006-09-11 Thread Melinda Weasenforth
Hello all,

To my secret pal, I received your package today, wow, four hooded bobbins and
a book (one I don't have) I am blessed.  One can never have enough bobbins and
the book, when I go to bed I will read and read and..

Thank you so very much,

Clarksburg, WV.

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2006-10-19 Thread Melinda Weasenforth
To my Secret Pal,

Hi, I received my package and thought How lucky I am, you are so thoughtful in
your choices of gifts.  I have to hide things so my girls won't swipe them.
The little book is so cute, and I have been reading and reading from it.  I
love the magnet and the coffee smells so good, I can't wait to try it.  The
spangling beads are just beautiful, I need to find the right bobbins to put
them on.  Everything is just beautiful...Thank you again, I hope your pal is
being as good to you as you are to me.

Hugs, Lynn

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2006-11-16 Thread Lynn Weasenforth
  Just wanted to say that I got the most beautiful book in the mail.  It's 
Brudges Lace,  there was no return address so I will assume that it is from my 
secret pal.
  Thank you so much, Lynn

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2006-12-25 Thread Lynn Weasenforth
Ho Ho Ho Hello,
  I know dumb huh, well I got a secret pal package on Saturday, I am glad 
nothing in it was breakable because the poor box was crushed.  The stocking is 
oh so beautiful, it will hang up every year,  the scarf is excellent, I bet it 
took quite a while to make.  The candle,  love the smell of Christmas 
cookies, my oven doesn't work so this fools the nose quite fine, the wolf 
scented picture is hanging at the computer desk, DH confiscated it, we collect 
Indian, wolves and eagle things, so even after the smell is gone he will still 
be here watching over us.  I thank you for all these goodies, I can't wait to 
find out who you are.  Till next time.
  Happy Holidays to you and yours, Love, Lynn

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2007-02-02 Thread Melinda Weasenforth
To my secret pal, well you have done it again, you have made me wait and
spoiled me rotten.  Makes me more appreciative and humbled, I must not be so
greedy.  I love antiques, so now I am off to google to figure out exactly
which bobbins can be used,  I know that spool bobbins will work, but I think
for a bobbin lace bobbin to work I will need some sort of attachment.   I will
be using it, rest assured.  I love antiques and don't wish to see them just
sitting on a shelf.  Thank you again,  Hugs, Lynn

p.s. I tried to post this to the secret pal site, but it won't let me.

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2007-06-26 Thread Melinda Weasenforth

Oh boy this is gonna be a fun secret pal round.  I received a package today
with two beautiful pairs of bobbins and some beeswax.  One can never have to
many bobbins, and I am certainly lacking in that department.

I got a couple of books on ebay the first of the month, one is Dutch and the
other is by Jean Leader, the thistle, shamrocks, roses, daffodils and fushia
one.  They take a lot of bobbins so these will certainly come in handy.

I hope you enjoy your holiday.

Thank you, Hugs from me to you, Lynn, West Virginia.

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2007-07-03 Thread Melinda Weasenforth
My package went out today also.  Hee Hee I am actually early in this round.
DH says " I see your into that stuff again"  yep was my reply.

Hugs, Lynn

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2007-09-09 Thread Melinda Weasenforth
To my secret pal,

I got my package yesterday, I would have written sooner but msn. didn't want
to work with me.

Any way, I love the thread, I have been needing some, I am slowly making my
thread stash grow.  The little bear is so cute, he is already on my key chain.
I just love everything you send and I can't wait to find out who you are.

Hugs, Lynn

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2007-11-16 Thread Melinda Weasenforth
To my secret pal,

Once again you have outdone yourself, I love the book, in fact my son has just
given me a set of acryilic paints, makes me want to get back into to it.
the thread is beautiful, I have never seen such vivid colors.

Thank you, I can't wait to find out who you are.

Hugs, Lynn

Climb to the top of the charts!  Play Star Shuffle:  the word scramble
challenge with star power.

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2003-06-08 Thread Susan MacLeod
Dear Secret Pal in Italy,
	Thanks for the great package!I love the frog and lily patterns!!!  The 
bobbins are beautiful, I have been collecting some hooded bobbins, and 
should have enough now to make something small.  The chocolate was 
delicious, even tho it didn't travel well.  Is the photo of your lace pillow?

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2003-06-09 Thread Carol Adkinson
Well - what can I say?   Again, a lovely package was awaiting my return 
from seeing my sister in hospital, so I was pretty downcast when I 
arrived home!   Until, that is, I saw the package.

The hankies are again a delight, and I shall really enjoy using them.   
The threads are beautiful shades of blue - I am going to a Lace Day on 
Saturday, and want to wind bobbins for a garter (edging, or something!) 
on my travel roller pillow, so they will be quickly used!

The pin cushion is a delight - I loved the beaded spider, so I think 
that will go on the pillow - for show perhaps, as I'd hate to loosen the 
beads by ramming in a pin - to remind me of my Secret Pal.

And the gadget!  I am delighted with it, as I had read the threads with 
interest, wondering what they were called over here, and how I could 
possibly acquire one!   So - that also will have its first outing to 
Sunny Norfolk (UK, that is!) on Saturday, where I have no doubt it will 
be much admired!

Thank you once again - you are so very kind, and very original too!

Carol - in sunny Suffolk, hoping that Norfolk will be just as good on 

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2003-06-23 Thread A & M Nicholas
Dear Secret Pal,

Many thanks for the lovely gift that arrived today.
You are right I am always looking for yet another bag for all my lace
goodies !!

All that hot weather can't be a bad thing if it gives you an excuse to make
lace indoors !!

   Thanks again,
Anne Nicholas in

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2003-07-14 Thread Susan MacLeod
To my secret pal somewhere in Italy,
	Thanks for the great package!  I love the sugar free candy, it is such 
pretty glass!   The cookies are nice, is Biscotti just Italian for 
cookie?  I always thought that it was just the crunchy ones that are slice 
off a loaf and baked twice.  The threads are very pretty.  And the 
patterns!  I am going to have to figure out how to do this lace, I love the 
abstract shaped one, and would really like to make it.  Please tell me more 
about this type of lace!  I will save the Larkspur seeds for next year, as 
there is not enuf summer left for them to grow.  The dianthus should be 
able to grow enough this year that they can bloom next year.
	There was a horrible hot spell here the beginning of the month, thankfully 
it is better now.  I'd be happy to have the temp in the 70's.  Mosquitos 
and black flies have made gardening less than pleasant this year.  There 
are lots of pollywogs in my frog pond, they will be changing over to little 
frogs soon.  It is a lot of fun to watch them grow up.  The water lilies 
winter well, and I hope to see flowers from them a little later on.
	Bambi broke into the vegetable garden and ate my beans and a pepper 
plant.  Rotten critters!  Tho I did see a fawn run across my front yard 
yesterday, and it was very cute.  If they'd just leave my gardens alone...
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[lace-chat] secret pal thanks

2003-07-23 Thread A & M Nicholas
Hi Secret Pal in Florida,

Your parcel arrived today and I absolutely love it!!
How clever you are to make the pouch from material that you have dyed yourself
and the pincushion in the shell is so sweet !!  It is so tiny and must have
been really  fiddly to make !!

I know what you mean about the heat. We have had hot weather for weeks now
although it has been cooler the last few days.
I have not touched my lace for weeks and Monday did 3 weeks worth of
ironing,that is another thing that I can't bear to do when it is hot !!

Thank you so much once again,

Anne Nicholas in
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[lace-chat] Secret Pal Thanks

2003-08-10 Thread Jane Dickinson
Dear Secret Pal

Huge, huge thanks for the August AND September parcels which have arrived 
recently. You must be going travelling, I hope you have a lovely time 
whatever it is you are up to.  I have to admit to opening both parcels so 
sorry about that I couldn't resist!  It will serve me right when I have no 
parcel next month.

I am already using the spectacles case for my sunglasses.  The earrings are 
exactly 'my thing' and I always choose silver rather than 'gold' so you 
have done very well!  I guess the green stone inlay is malachite?   They 
are very pretty and will go just as well with winter things when the summer 
has passed.  At the moment I can't imagine ever being cold again, it is SO 
hot here today.   The slim little address book is very useful and fits 
perfectly in one of the credit card slots in my bag.  You have sent more of 
the little perfumed sachets too, this time lavender.  My linen cupboard is 
going to be the best around!  The little angel fish keyring is very cute. 
 I have done some beading recently but nothing like that.  I shall enjoy 
using it.

The bookmarks will make me smile, the 'quotes' are very apt.  The brooch 
with the bird/sunflower (daisy?) is very lovely and has been worn on my 
Tshirt already.  I really love it.  The selection of cards will be enjoyed 
by me and eventually the lucky friends I choose to send them to.

Thankyou once again SP, you are a star!  I hope your Secret Pal is being as 
good to you.

With best wishes.

Jane Dickinson
Sweltering East Sussex, UK.

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[lace-chat] Secret Pal Thanks.

2003-08-16 Thread Carol Adkinson
To My Secret Pal,

I was dleighted with the Cathedral postcard - I tend to keep ones like that in
my Missal, so every time I use it I will beb thinking of you.

The stamps were a delight too - I wonder whether the UK postal service will
ever get round to an issue with stamps on them, as these are lovely.

And the small cookery book!   I was really pleased, especially as the recipes
have their titles in Welsh!   Brings the pangs of home-sickness back, but we
are trundling off to Wales tonight for the annual long holiday, so I will take
it with me, and use it and the Aga in the cottage to good effect!   A
brilliant choice of gift for me.

I was so pleased with the thread too!   I am taking that with me, as well as
some patterns, the tiny little bobbin winfder, and the travel pillow, as I
want to finish what is on the pillow, and start something whilst we are away -
and I won't have to worry about thread now!

Thank you so much - I do hope your Secret Pal is as good to you!   Take care,
and I hope you are having a great time trundling round Europe - you certainly
seem to have taken in a great deal.

Many thanks,


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[lace-chat] Secret Pal Thanks!

2003-08-18 Thread Susan MacLeod
Dear SP,
	Thanks for the great package!  More of those interesting patterns!!!  I 
just have to learn more about this lace and how to do it, the patterns are 
so nice!  I love the beads.  The lemons on the potholder looked so real, I 
had to sniff them!
	It has been very hot and humid here.  I feel moldy from all the rain and 
moisture.  Almost makes me want to move to Alaska where my big brother 
lives.  Have done  a little tatting, but no other lace as I've just felt 
too sticky.  Tatting works great in front of a fan.  Jane (Swanson) has 
talked me into entering a tatted seahorse in the CraftAdventure show that 
is the end of the month.  Wish me luck!
	There are still pollywogs in my frog pond without legs.  I wonder what 
they are that is taking them so long to grow up???  The kittens are getting 
big, the boy is bigger than his mom, and still has a lot of growing to do 
still.  They are almost 5 months old now.  They still race around like 
crazy cats, it can be very amusing or irritating, depending on the time of day.
	bye for now,

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[lace-chat] Secret Pal Thanks

2003-08-18 Thread Andrea Sommers
I really want to thank my Secret Pal for this month's and last month's
package.  The Lace Day and the VanSciver Bobbin Lace were great.  The Lace Day
brochure makes me want to attend a lace day - I will have to save my money so
that maybe next year or the year after I can attend one.  Again, as soon as I
get some extra money I will have to purchase some of the great looking items
in the catalog.  Currently, with the remodeling and my daughter's wedding have
taken ALL my extra money.  She seems to know when I get a few dollars ahead
and then asks for something else.  I do have to admit that she is paying for
more than half of the wedding expenses.  I love the gold rush embroidery
thread.  I will have a great time with the thread.  As I have said, you must
be a mind reader - with the various "talk" on the e-mail about the thread
comparison chart, I have thought about getting one and now thanks to your
generosity, I do not have to buy one myself.  Did you make the heart pin?  It
is great   I also love the beads for spangling my bobbins.  Lastly, but
surely not least, thank you for the beautiful picture album.  I know that you
said I could use it for my next traveling; however, I am going to use it for
copies of my daughter's wedding pictures.  You have been a great Secret Pal
and I am s lucky to have you as my Secret Pal.

Thanks -

Andrea Sommers

In Las Vegas, where it is "raining" about once or twice a week since it is our
rainy season.

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