Re: how to take advantage of mod_perl and analize effectiveness ofefforts?

2003-03-08 Thread Perrin Harkins
On Fri, 2003-03-07 at 18:21, Charlie Smith wrote:
 What is being cached by the mod_perl?

You should definitely read the mod_perl documentation that another
poster pointed you to.  However, let me address your core question about
what is being cached with mod_perl.

Technically, mod_perl doesn't cache any differently from Perl itself. 
When Perl code gets compiled to bytecode it stays in memory until the
Perl interpreter exits.  The key difference between mod_perl and Perl
CGI is that mod_perl keeps the interpeter alive between requests and
thus keeps the compiled bytecode in memory as well.  This is what people
mean by caching code.

Some frameworks that you can use with mod_perl, like Mason or Embperl,
cache other things as well.  This is explained in their documentation.

There are ways of configuring mod_perl to automatically pick up changes
in your code.  This is all described in the mod_perl documentation.

- Perrin

Re: Optimising cache performance

2003-03-08 Thread Perrin Harkins
Clinton Gormley wrote:
For now it's not a distributed system, and I have been using 
Cache::FileCache.  But that still means freezing and thawing objects - 
which I'm trying to minimise.
Other things (IPC::MM, MLDBM::Sync, Cache::Mmap, BerkeleyDB) are 
significantly faster than Cache::FileCache.  If you have tons of free 
memory, then go ahead and cache things in memory.  My feeling is that 
the very small amount of time that the fastest of these systems use to 
freeze and thaw is totally made up for in the huge memory savings which 
allows you to run more server processes.

When you say that Cache::Mmap is only limited by the size of your disk, 
is that because the file in memory gets written to disk as part of VM? ( 
I don't see any other mention of files in the docs.) Which presumably 
means resizing your VM to make space for the cache?
That's right, it uses your system's mmap() call.  I've never needed to 
adjust the amount of VM I have because of memory-mapping a file, but I 
suppose it could happen.  This would be a good question for the author 
of the module, or an expert on your system's mmap() implementation.

I see the author of IPC::MM has an e-toys address - was this something 
you used at e-toys?
It was used at one point, although not in the version of the system that 
I wrote about.  He originally wrote it as a wrapper around the mm 
library, and I asked if he could put in a shared hash just for fun.  It 
turned out be very fast, largely because the sharing and the hash (or 
btree) is implemented in C.  The Perl part is just an interface to it.

I know very little about shared memory segments, 
but is MM used to share small data objects, rather than to keep large 
caches in shared memory?
It's a shared hash.  You can put whatever you want into it.  Apache uses 
mm to share data between processes.

Ralph Engelschall writes in the MM documentation :
The maximum size of a continuous shared memory segment one can allocate 
depends on the underlaying platform. This cannot be changed, of course. 
But currently the high-level malloc(3)-style API just uses a single 
shared memory segment as the underlaying data structure for an MM object 
which means that the maximum amount of memory an MM object represents 
also depends on the platform.

What implications does this have on the size of the cache that can be 
created with IPC::MM
It varies by platform, but I believe that on Linux it means each 
individual hash is limited to 64MB.  So maybe I spoke too soon about 
having unlimited storage, but you should be able to have as many hashes 
as you want.

If you're seriously concerned about storage limits like these, you could 
use one of the other options like MLDBM::Sync or BerkeleyDB which use 

- Perrin

Re: Optimising cache performance

2003-03-07 Thread Perrin Harkins
Clinton Gormley wrote:
I'd appreciate some feedback on my logic to optimise my cache (under 
mod_perl 1)
First, I'm assuming this is for a distributed system running on multiple 
servers.  If not, you should just download one of the cache modules from 
CPAN.  They're good.

I'm planning a two level cache :
1) Live objects in each mod_perl process
2) Serialised objects in a database
I suggest you use either Cache::Mmap or IPC::MM for your local cache. 
They are both very fast and will save you memory.  Also, Cache::Mmap is 
only limited by the size of your disk, so you don't have to do any purging.

You seem to be taking a lot of care to ensure that everything always has 
the latest version of the data.  If you can handle slightly out-of-date 
data, I would suggest that you simply keep objects in the local cache 
with a time-to-live (which Cache::Mmap or Cache::FileCache can do for 
you) and just look at the local version until it expires.  You would end 
up building the objects once per server, but that isn't so bad.

If everything really does have to be 100% up-to-date, then what you're 
doing is reasonable.  It would be nice to not do the step that checks 
for outdated objects before processing the request, but instead do it in 
a cleanup handler, although that could lead to stale data being used now 
and then.

If you were using a shared cache like Cache::Mmap, you could have a cron 
job or a separate Perl daemon that simply purges outdated objects every 
minute or so, and leave that out of your mod_perl code completely.

Yet another way to handle a distributed cache is to have each write to 
the cache send updates to the other caches using something like 
Spread::Queue.  This is a bit more complex, but it means you don't need 
a second-tier in your cache to share updates.

- Perrin

Re: Optimising cache performance

2003-03-07 Thread Perrin Harkins
Cory 'G' Watson wrote:
I'm not sure if my way would fit in with your objects Clinton, but I 
have some code in the commit() method of all my objects which, when it 
is called, removes any cached copies of the object.  That's how I stay 
up to date.
Why wouldn't it simply update the version in the cache when you commit? 
 Also, do you have a way of synchronizing changes across multiple machines?

- Perrin

Re: [mp2] integration with apache threads

2003-03-06 Thread Perrin Harkins
Pavel Hlavnicka wrote:
Is there some relation between Perl threads and Apache threads? What I 
mean: If Apache fires a new thread, what happens in mod_perl? Are perl 
structures copied from the parent thread interpreter to the new one?
... or is the new perl environment clean?
Have you read this?

I believe this addresses your questions.  For the details of how Perl 
threads work, read this:

- Perrin

Re: [mp2] integration with apache threads

2003-03-06 Thread Perrin Harkins
[ Please keep posts on the list.  I am not the most knowledgeable person 
here about threads, mp2, or XS code. ]

Pavel Hlavnicka wrote:
Thanks again,

I'm solving following problem: generally may happen, that somebody has 
an instance of XML::Sablotron (and of few more packages) allocated in 
the interperter at the time, the perl is cloned.

Sablotron objects are just wrappers around internal c++ structures, and 
the only data, they keep, are handles. Some of internal objects are 
thread safe and may be shared, some must be instantiated per thread.
Any Perl data will be copied for you.  Things at the C++ level will have 
to be taken care of by you.  There may be a hook that you can use to do 
some work whenever a new interpreter is cloned.

I already introduced threadsafe refcounting for all wrapped internals 
(bot of safe and unsafe) to prevent crashing in destructors (while 
disposing internal structure from several cloned instances), but 
currently I do need understand all scenarios, which may happen when 
handling non-thread safe internals. I need rather to write a 
documenation, about what the user is allowed, then develop a different 

In other words: I can keep all object happy when cloned to another 
threads due the refcounting, but I (user) must grant, that 
non-threadsafe instances are used across different threads. My original 
question was aimed right to this point: whether is such a situation even 
possible. It seems, it is. It it clear? have you got some more comments 
for me?
There's no chance that the same Perl object will be used in multiple 
threads, but obviously multiple Perl objects could end up pointing to 
the same C++ data.  I'd suggest asking how others are handling making 
their XS libraries safe across clone calls in a place like 
comp.lang.perl.misc where more XS wizards tend to hang out.  There are 
some here too though.  Anyone have a better answer for Pavel about how 
to deal with this?

Thank you very very much


Re: Spell Checkers and EMail

2003-03-06 Thread Perrin Harkins
Philip M. Gollucci wrote:
We send a good deal of templated based E-Mail with the option to edit right 
before sending.  The editing is done via webpage running under 
mod_perl/Apache or PerlEx/IIS with Oracle and MSSQL backends respectively.

Anyone know of any good modules to add a spellchecker ability to this edit 
screen or possibly the one on the next page (submit button) ?
If this is for an internal application where you have control over what 
browsers people use, there are several browser plug-ins and Java applets 
that provide in-line spell-checking on form inputs.

- Perrin

Re: Help - Can Apache 2 Filters be implemented in Apache 1.3.x viamod_perl

2003-03-06 Thread Perrin Harkins
On Thu, 2003-03-06 at 23:13, David Culp wrote:
 Can Apache 2 Filters be implemented in Apache 1.3.x via mod_perl [1.x]?

No.  However, there are a couple of method for doing this in 1.x.  See
Apache::Filter or Apache::OutputChain.

- Perrin

Re: Reading an array from perl script

2003-03-05 Thread Perrin Harkins
Stas Bekman wrote:
As suggested by Mark, IPC::Shareable might work if the data set is 
small. If it's big you can use a simple dbm to store the data in and 
with proper locking
read/write to/from it without disturbing each other.
Yes, and the MLDBM::Sync module would handle that for you behind the scenes.

- Perrin

Re: Apache::DBI on mp2

2003-03-05 Thread Perrin Harkins
Stas Bekman wrote:
FWIW, we are discussing the internal DBI pooling mechanism at the 
dbi-dev list and having already a sort-of-working prototype. So 
hopefully there will be no need for Apache::DBI in the near future, as 
DBI will be able to handle pooling internally. However it may take some 
time, as the drivers will have to adjust to support the new functionality.

You can see the thread here:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/index.html#02118
Some working examples are attached to this message:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg02134.html
This is totally cool, Stas!  Nice work.  I look forward to answering 
yes when people ask if mod_perl has database connections pooling.

By the way, to completely get rid of Apache::DBI this would need to 
cover the safety functionality in there as well, i.e. the pinging and 
the part where it rolls back any pending transactions when a a handle is 
returned to the pool.

- Perrin

Re: Transparent front-end proxying for many VirtualHosts

2003-03-05 Thread Perrin Harkins
On Wed, 2003-03-05 at 18:30, Andrew Ho wrote:
 I want to simplify my configuration in two ways. I'd prefer not to
 maintain two sets of VirtualHost configuration data, and I'd like it if
 the block that proxies .pl files to the backend proxy not be replicated
 per VirtualHost.

As others pointed out, mod_macro is good for this.  Personally, I tend
to solve problems like this by generating my httpd.conf with a template
and a tiny Perl script.  That allows me to do absolutely anything in it,
including looking up data from a database to use in the conf file.

- Perrin

Re: prompting for secure data during

2003-03-03 Thread Perrin Harkins
Aaron J Mackey wrote:
I need to make some secure data available to mod_perl handlers, without
having it physically stored in a file, database, or named shared memory
(since if someone can read the handlers' code, then they could read the
sensitive data as well).  So I need to prompt for it during server
(re)start-up, and stuff it away into a lexical variable that only the
handler can get at (i.e. another piece of code, or even another handler,
that blesses itself into my handler's package still cannot access the
data).  Every httpd child process should have their own copy of the data.
Is there a solution or cookbook recipe for this yet?
What you're doing looks fine, as far as it goes.  By making these 
variables part of a closure, you are making it impossible for people to 
read it directly with Perl code.  Of course there is nothing you can do 
to prevent someone with full access to your server from running C code 
that will walk Perl's variables until it finds $secret.  They could 
probably do this with creative of some of the B:: modules.

- Perrin

Re: mod_perl headers

2003-03-03 Thread Perrin Harkins
Cure wrote:
Does Apache submit headers when a error occurs ?
No.  You sent the headers with your send_http_header command.  Mason 
doesn't have this issue because it waits and builds up the entire output 
in a string before it sends any headers out.  You can do the same in 
your script if you want to.

Take a look at 
for more info on these issues.

That's not a method of $r.  Don't do that.

- Perrin

Re: mod_perl headers

2003-03-03 Thread Perrin Harkins
Cure wrote:
I know -- I submit the headers but why does it show the headers on 
the browser, doesn't
that mean the headers wre submitted twice ?
Why don't you take a look at the raw output (with LWP's GET script or 
something) and see?

I misread your question before -- apache does send a hardcoded message 
with headers by default when your program crashes.  In your case, you 
have also sent some headers but I think those will be buffered while the 
error headers will not, causing the effect that you're seeing.

I can't advise you about why CGI::Carp isn't working for you.  It might 
be caused by you already having sent some output at the time your script 
died.  People often complain about CGI::Carp problems, so it seems to be 
a pretty fragile module.  You can see some other people's discussions 
about it in the mailing list archives.  They might have possible 
solutions for you.

- Perrin

Re: Problems installing Apache (./configure)

2003-03-02 Thread Perrin Harkins
mel awaisi wrote:
Error: could not find any of these C compilers
anywhere in your PATH:  gcc cc acc c89
Well, you need to install a compiler.  You must have chosen a set of 
packages that does not include development tools when you installed Red 
Hat.  Look for their RPM of gcc and install it.

- Perrin

Re: [error] Insecure dependency in unlink while running with -Tswitch at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0/Apache/Session/Store/ line106

2003-02-28 Thread Perrin Harkins
On Fri, 2003-02-28 at 08:47, Martin Moss wrote:
 Is Apache::Session::DB_type Faster than Apache::Session::File?

It depends on your disk, OS, and filesystem.  It stores all the files in
one directory, which is quite slow on some systems and not a problem on

 I already use a lot of DB connections and I used Apache::Session::File to
 reduce this,

Apache::Session::MySQL (or Oracle, etc.) do not require separate
database connections.  If you already have a connection (which you would
if you use Apache::DBI), you just pass it to Apache::Session.

- Perrin

Re: [error] Insecure dependency in unlink while running with-Tswitch at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0/Apache/Session/Store/File.pmline106

2003-02-28 Thread Perrin Harkins
On Fri, 2003-02-28 at 09:10, Martin Moss wrote:
 I can't use Apache::DBI.
 I have multiple database connections.which are authenticated for different

You're pretty much screwed then on the database front.

 I just wanted to
 reduce the database lookups.

If you just want to cache data, don't use Apache::Session for that.  Use
IPC::MM, Cache::Mmap, Cache::FileCache, or MLDBM::Sync.

- Perrin

Re: Apache is exiting....

2003-02-28 Thread Perrin Harkins
Paolo Campanella wrote:
I'm sure:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] /root]# ps axf
 1212 ?S  0:00 httpd-modperl -f /etc/httpd/conf/httpd-modperl.conf
 1215 ?S  0:00  \_ httpd-modperl -f /etc/httpd/conf/httpd-modperl.conf
 1216 ?S  0:00  \_ httpd-modperl -f /etc/httpd/conf/httpd-modperl.conf
 1217 ?S  0:00  \_ httpd-modperl -f /etc/httpd/conf/httpd-modperl.conf
[get killer URL here]

[EMAIL PROTECTED] /root]# ps axf | grep httpd-modperl
 1288 pts/4S  0:00  \_ grep httpd-modperl
 1215 ?S  0:00 httpd-modperl -f /etc/httpd/conf/httpd-modperl.conf
 1217 ?S  0:00 httpd-modperl -f /etc/httpd/conf/httpd-modperl.conf
 1284 ?S  0:00 httpd-modperl -f /etc/httpd/conf/httpd-modperl.conf
[EMAIL PROTECTED] /root]# tail /var/log/httpd-modperl/error_log 
Exception 415: UnableToReadFont (@/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/ttf/Ritalin.ttf) at /path/to/script line 584.
[Fri Feb 28 14:31:49 2003] [alert] Child 1216 returned a Fatal error... 
Apache is exiting!
That's bad.  Sounds like an apache bug to me.  Can anyone else confirm 
if this is intended behavior or not?  You might want to check the httpd 
lists and newsgroups for info about this.

- Perrin

Re: Apache is exiting....

2003-02-27 Thread Perrin Harkins
On Thu, 2003-02-27 at 08:42, Paolo Campanella wrote:
 for a moment that you have no specific knowledge of the library which
 causes this problem: is there any black box approach to stopping some
 library's complaints from shutting down my web server?

No.  The library is executing C code in the web server process.  There
is nothing stopping it from simply saying exit(), or even segfaulting
and killing that process.  Note that it's just one process though, not
the whole server.  Not a big deal.

You can sort of work around this by using a reverse proxy to separate
your mod_perl server from your front-end web server.  This gives you a
scenario similar to CGI, and it's what FastCGI does, and Microsoft and
other commercial vendors make a big fuss about doing this.  However, the
only advantage to it is that you can return a prettier error message to
the user.  It won't prevent anyone from exiting a process.

- Perrin

Re: Apache is exiting....

2003-02-27 Thread Perrin Harkins
On Thu, 2003-02-27 at 11:06, Paolo Campanella wrote:
 Just one thing though: when the process dies, it
 really does take the main server process down with it:
 [Thu Feb 27 17:55:04 2003] [alert] Child 8592 returned a Fatal error... 
 Apache is exiting!

Are you certain?  Have you actually checked to see if the main server
process PID is still running?  If it crashes the parent process, that's
bad.  (You are running prefork MPM, aren't you?)

- Perrin

Re: Authorization question

2003-02-27 Thread Perrin Harkins
Jean-Michel Hiver wrote:
Yes, but you're then making the authorization layer inseparable from
your applicative layer, and hence you loose the interest of using
separate handlers.
It's pretty hard to truly separate these things.  Nobody wants to use 
basic auth, which means there is a need for forms and handlers.  Then 
you have to keep that information in either cookies or URLs, and there 
is usually a need to talk to an external data database with a 
site-specific schema.  The result is that plug and play auth schemes 
only work (unmodified) for the simplest sites.

- Perrin

Re: Authorization question

2003-02-27 Thread Perrin Harkins
Jean-Michel Hiver wrote:
It's pretty hard to truly separate these things.  Nobody wants to use
basic auth, which means there is a need for forms and handlers.

How do you mean, 'nobody'? Users certainly don't mind!
Sure they do.  They want a nice HTML login screen, and features like 
remember this login on this computer (using cookies) which is standard 
on most major sites now.

I admit that it's hard to get away without cookies and URI encoding
schemes, but not impossible. There's a lot of tricks that you can do
with path_info...
But path_info is URI encoding.  Also, most of the auth/access modules, 
including ones that stick to the auth and access phases, use cookies or 
URIs.  There really is no other option except basic auth.

If you build a generalized auth system, there may well be other people 
interested in it.  However, it would have to be very easy to change the 
mechanisms for maintaining state (cookies, URIs, basic auth) and 
checking credentials (any kind of database with any kind of schema). 
The latter probably means some custom development on every installation.

- Perrin

Re: Table/row locking with Apache::Session::Mysql /Apache::Session::Flex

2003-02-26 Thread Perrin Harkins
md wrote:
--- md [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Is it possible to have row-level locking (as opposed
to table-level or null locker) with MySQL 4.x and
You effectively have that already, since the MySQL locker only locks an 
individual session.  Check the code.

Looks like I get that with InnoDB automatically...
You can use actual transactions there.  Try starting with the 
Apache::Session::Store::Postgres module and hacking it a bit.  There is 
no module available that was designed for use with Innodb MySQL tables.

- Perrin

Re: Scripts and HTML docs in the same directory (+ modperl newbieexperiences)

2003-02-26 Thread Perrin Harkins
On Wed, 2003-02-26 at 23:16, Mark James wrote:
 One question: Prior to using mod_perl I was able to have
 unsuffixed scripts and .html files residing together in the
 server root directory by using Apache's Files directive to
 force the scripts to be executed: e.g.
  Files db
  ForceType application/x-httpd-cgi
 I can't seem to do this with mod_perl because I now have to use
 a SetHandler directive on the directory

You should be able to do the SetHandler inside a Files directive just
like you did with ForceType.  Have you tried that?

- Perrin

Re: Table/row locking with Apache::Session::Mysql /Apache::Session::Flex

2003-02-25 Thread Perrin Harkins
md wrote:
Also, we'll soon be adding a substantial number of
users to our system and I wonder if it would be wise
to move away from the table locking that is currently
being used with Apache::Session::MySQL.
It would be.  Frankly, there is no value to the kind of mutual exclusion 
that the Apache::Session locking provides in a typical web application. 
 If you use the null locker you will still get atomic updates, but you 
will have the possibility of someone opening up two browser windows, 
hitting submit in both, and having the last save overwrite the values 
from the first one, possibly losing some changes.  In most web apps, 
that is not a big problem.

Note that this could become a problem if you use sessions incorrectly by 
putting tons of data in them.  Most of your data should have its own 
normalized tables and persistence code.  Sessions are for storing tiny 
little bits of data like the user's ID or some form data that from a 
multi-page form that hasn't been committed yet.

I'm looking at Apache::Session::Flex and setting
Lock='Null'...however, I get the impression from an
old email (see below) that Flex is for debugging only.
If you look at the actual contents of Apache::Session::MySQL, you'll see 
that it's essentially just a config file.  There's no need to be 
concerned about using Flex, but you could easilly code up your own 
Apache::Session::MySQLNoLocks by changing a line in the current module.

First, any benchmarks on what kind of load I can
realistically use with Apache::Session::MySQL?
It all depends on how much data you put in (lots of data in the session 
will slow things down) and how fast your database is.  At eToys we used 
a slightly hacked version of Apache::Session::DBI with Oracle and it 
handled more traffic than most sites will ever see.

- Perrin

Re: mod_perl examples

2003-02-24 Thread Perrin Harkins
On Mon, 2003-02-24 at 00:14, Christopher Hahn wrote:
 The examples from the O'Reilly book Writing Apache Modules with Perl and C
 do not compile because of a missing Apache::Src module.  
 I am using Apache 2.0 + mod_perl-1.99_08 and can only find docs on this
 under the 1.0 section of the mod_perl 1.0 area of the mod_perl website

That's right, that book only applies to mod_perl 1.x.  If you want
documentation on using mod_perl 2 there is only the documentation on the
website at this time.

- Perrin

Re: Apache::Session and Postgres

2003-02-24 Thread Perrin Harkins
On Mon, 2003-02-24 at 07:09, Grant McLean wrote:
 I get this error:
   Can't locate object method get_lock_manager via package
 And indeed, that method does not seem to be defined in any of the modules
 which Apache::Session::Postgres inherits from.

I don't see anything that calls that method anywhere in the
Apache::Session distribution.  Either you have some code doing it, or
you have an old version.  You should be running the 1.54 distribution.

- Perrin

RE: child-parent memory access / mod_perl / shared mem/inter-proccess communication , etc..

2003-02-24 Thread Perrin Harkins
On Mon, 2003-02-24 at 05:40, Jim Morrison [Mailing-Lists] wrote:
 Hmm.. Yes, it sounds pretty sketchy to me too!  Immediately what I am
 playing with is the idea of keeping parsed XML (XML::LibXML)in memory
 between requests.  Is this a completely barmy idea?

Caching is a good idea, but it's not possible to share objects between
Perl processes without serializing them.  Try using Cache::Mmap,
Cache::FileCache, or MLDBM::Sync.

- Perrin

Re: child-parent memory access / mod_perl / shared mem / inter-proccesscommunication , etc..

2003-02-24 Thread Perrin Harkins
Jim Morrison [Mailing-Lists] wrote:
Sniff..  I've kind of got something working... Enough such that one
httpd can request an XYZ, and if a second httpd comes along a little
later and requests the same XYZ then it will get it from shared memory.
I hope you used one of the modules I suggested rather than writing the 
whole thing from scratch.

As expected though.. trying to do this with LibXML objects fails.. a
LibXML is an XS module, so that may interfere with serialization.

CAVEAT : I know it's probably looked at as a silly idea, but if I could
keep my parsed stylesheets/xml's shared somewhere I'd save my self
having to re-parse for every request wouldn't I? . . 
Why don't you try caching the results instead?

- Perrin

Re: child-parent memory access / mod_perl / shared mem / inter-proccesscommunication , etc..

2003-02-24 Thread Perrin Harkins
Matt already answered most of your questions.

Jim Morrison [Mailing-Lists] wrote:
 And I'm getting some mileage out of
experimenting with this anyhow - if it doesn't work for LibXML it looks
like it could be very useful for other stuff, and if it ever works
bug-free(-ish) I'd like to give something back to all the CPAN-people
who've written things I use.. 
No offense, but you are reinventing the wheel.  There are many modules 
available for sharing cached data.  They all use Storable, so none will 
work on LibXML objects, but they are pretty well-known and mature 
modules: Cache::Mmap, Cache::Cache (which includes an option to use 
IPC::Sharelite), IPC::MM, MLDBM::Sync, etc.

- Perrin

Re: Apache module

2003-02-24 Thread Perrin Harkins
On Mon, 2003-02-24 at 19:49, Carl Holm wrote:
 Does anyone know where to find the Apache module mentioned (use 
 Apache;) in the tracking users with cookies code example code found 
 in the Apache::Session manpage?  

It's part of mod_perl.  If you have installed mod_perl 1.x, you have it.

Re: Apache module

2003-02-24 Thread Perrin Harkins
[please keep it on the list]

Carl Holm wrote:
I'm running mod_perl2
The examples in the documentation of Apache::Session are for mod_perl 
1.x.  If you want to run them under mod_perl 2, you have to port them or 
use the backward compatibility functions.  Documentation is on the site.

Note that these examples are pretty trivial and should not be hard for 
you to port.  Apache::Session itself is in no way tied to any version of 

- Perrin

Re: child-parent memory access / mod_perl / shared mem /inter-proccess communication , etc..

2003-02-23 Thread Perrin Harkins
On Sun, 2003-02-23 at 10:46, Jim Morrison [Mailing-Lists] wrote:
 Having spent the w/e getting to grips with's and the such I'm
 beginning to discover that it's only possible to share read-only memory
 and as soon as you write to memory it splits off.. .. 

The situation with forked Apache processes is the same as with any
forked process: you have to use some form of IPC to communicate between

I suggest you look at IPC::MM or IPC::Shareable.  IPC::Shareable is more
transparent, but IPC::MM has better performance.  IPC::MM simply creates
a hash in shared memory and lets you write to it.  Either of these will
allow you to share data between processes.

 What I really want to do is to write a module that can be accessed from
 any of the child apache processes such that some work can be done at one
 stage, and if the second request comes through to another child, that
 child can pick up on the work of the first..

That sounds pretty sketchy to me.  Why are you trying to do that?  There
may be a much simpler way to achieve what you're after.

 Is there _absolutely_ no way that two children could ever have write
 access to the same object?

No, not when there are multiple processes involved.  The sharing that
happens with the modules I mentioned above involves serializing Perl
data into a byte stream, putting it into shared memory, and then pulling
it back and de-serializing on the other side.

 Lastly, coming from a RiscOS background, it was always possible to issue
 module interrupts such that one program can call the functions of
 another completely separate program..

You have the basic Unix building blocks here: signals, semaphores,
shared memory, sockets.

 It seems to me I'm missing some pretty basic inter-program communication
 stuff.. but then all my experience of calling one linux prog from
 another has usually worked by piping something from one to another.

You can talk between processes on STDIN (which is what a pipe is doing)
if the process you want to talk to is listening on STDIN.  Web server
processes don't do that.  They listen on sockets for requests from

- Perrin

Re: mp2: any recommendations for template systems yet?

2003-02-21 Thread Perrin Harkins
On Fri, 2003-02-21 at 16:10, Udlei Nattis wrote:
 you can use Ananke::Template
 is one version of template::toolkit but very very very very fast

I wouldn't really call it a version of Template Toolkit.  It's much more
like HTML::Template: a very streamlined templating tool with an
intentionally limited mini-language.  The mini-language used looks like
Template Toolkit but is functionally equivalent to HTML::Template.

Template Toolkit has many other features and a much more extensive
mini-language, which is presumably why someone would choose to use it. 
Ananke::Template would be more appropriate for someone whose needs are
met by HTML::Template but who prefers the look of the TT tags.

- Perrin

Re: Apache::TicketAccess

2003-02-20 Thread Perrin Harkins
Scott Alexander wrote:

I'm trying to use the example from the Eagle book on page 309 - 314 using
the TicketAccess, TicketMaster, TicketTool handlers.

In TicketMaster in sub go_to_uri it sets the a cookie with the $ticket.

I can print $ticket to error log to see what it contains. But for some
reason the cookie never gets set.

I haven't used these modules, but I suggest you do some further 
debugging.  Try looking at the headers being sent back from the server 
and see if it is sending the cookie header or not.  Try going straight 
to it without going through the proxy.  Find out what is actually 
happening.  Then you'll have a better idea what needs to be fixed.

By the way, most people use CPAN modules for this rather than the stuff 
in the Eagle book.  Look at things like Apache::AuthTicket or 
Apache::AuthCookieURL.  (I don't have a use for any of these modules, so 
I can't personally recommend one.)

- Perrin

Re: mp2: any recommendations for template systems yet?

2003-02-20 Thread Perrin Harkins
On Thu, 2003-02-20 at 22:27, Carl Brewer wrote:
 Do any of you have any recommendations for template systems with
 mp2?  Not of the religious kind (!) but more on the lines
 of what's working with mp2 at the moment?

Everything that doesn't make mod_perl API calls should work without
changes.  That means HTML::Template, Template Toolkit, Text::Template,
CGI::FastTemplate, etc.

 Without wishing to start anything religious ... any suggestions
 for a template system that handles sessions?

Apache::ASP, Embperl, and Mason all have session support integrated
now.  I can't vouch for their stability on mp2 yet though.

 I'm not adverse to
 HTML::Template and Apache::Session if it'll work with mp2.

Since Apache::Session has nothing to do with mod_perl, it will work fine
on mp2, or CGI for that matter.

- Perrin

Re: help with Apache::DB

2003-02-19 Thread Perrin Harkins
On Tue, 2003-02-18 at 08:07, giorgos zervas wrote:
 i am using Apache::DB to debug my mod_perl handlers and altough the 
 debugger seems to be working fine it won't display the source code next 
 to the current line being debugged.

That's because you are compiling that code before you activate the
debugger, so it doesn't get to put in the debugging symbols.  Look at
the init method in the Apache::DB documentation.

- Perrin

Re: mod_perl 2 apache::session and or die

2003-02-19 Thread Perrin Harkins
Chris Faust wrote:

All works well except when there is any kind of problem in the script where
the condition will die..


When this happens everything to do with that script is unresponsive - I know
that is a little vague but that is the best way I can describe it. What
happens is the error comes up (standard server error) and that is the last
thing that is logged, if you try to go back and refresh the hourglass will
go for hours and nothing happens and nothing is ever logged

It sounds like a locking problem to me.  I'm guessing that mod_perl 2 is 
not calling the right hooks when it traps a die() to trigger the DESTROY 
method in Apache::Session which releases all locks.  You can find out 
exactly what's going on if you run it in the debugger (Apache::DB) or 
throw some debug logging into Apache::Session to find out where it gets 
stuck.  This is the beauty of having the source code.

- Perrin

Re: Please wait Handler

2003-02-14 Thread Perrin Harkins
Martin Moss wrote:

I was wondering if it is possible to Create a Handler that points a user 
at a page with an animated gif saying something like Please wait, and 
then when my other handlers have finished display the page results I 
want from my mod perl handlers.

The classic answer to this problem is described by Randal in one of his 
Web Techniques columns:

You can also try server push (with the Content-type: 
multipart/x-mixed-replace header), but I'm not sure how consistently 
today's browsers implement that.

- Perrin

Re: Please wait Handler

2003-02-14 Thread Perrin Harkins
Andrew Ho wrote:

Make an HTML page which does a form submit to
just displays an HTML page with an animated please wait image on it, and
its headers include the following header:

Refresh: 1; url=

That's what Randal does in the article that I posted (although his puts 
it in a META tag).  It's called client pull, and was introduced by 
Netscape at the same time as server push.

- Perrin

Re: Has Apache::Cookie been ported to mod_perl-2 yet?

2003-02-13 Thread Perrin Harkins

No it hasn't. Need to use CGI::Cookie for the time being. Apache::Cookie
and Apache::Request I believe are both either provided by or dependent on
libapreq, which is still a work in progress for apache2/mod_perl2. That's
the biggest reason I'm still using Apache 1.3.x now.

Incidentally, I recommend CGI::Lite.  It's very small and fast, and has 
an API close enough to Apache::Request that you could easilly convert 
your code later.  Handles cookies as well.

- Perrin

Re: Apache::Registry incompatible with CGI ?

2003-02-04 Thread Perrin Harkins
Rob Lambden wrote:

  sub SetupPageArguments()
  my ($DB, $nLoop, @Query, $Key, $Value);


for($nLoop=0; $nLoop=$#{$DB-{Page}-{'.parameters'}}; $nLoop++)



What's the purpose of that loop?  Is it just to copy the data out of 
Apache::Request/CGI?  I would do something a little more compact, like this:

my @keys = $DB-{ApacheReq}-param();
my %param_hash = map { $_, [ $DB-{ApacheReq}-param($_) ] } @keys;
$DB-{Page} = \%param_hash;
$DB-{Page}-{'.parameters'} = \@keys;

However, when I send a large block of data in with the
request I have found 
that portions of the middle are left out.  Putting the old code back
means that the whole of the 
text is seen.

Have you tried debugging the individual parameters to see exactly which 
ones(s) are getting munged?  Print them out in both versions and compare 
them to see where the data is being lost.

- Perrin

Re: Use DBI in http.conf

2003-02-03 Thread Perrin Harkins
Wes Cravens wrote:

I have a number of 

PerlModule Library::Module

Location '/Module'
SetHandler Perl-Script
PerlHandler Library::Module

Type configs.

I can very easily extract this information from a database.

Or you could use Apache::Dispatch, or you could put them in a simple 
text file, or you could use mod_macro.  I'm sure it would work to put 
them in DBI (although you'd better close that connection before Apache 
forks!), but then you have a bunch of config data that can only be 
changed by messing with SQL and can no longer be easilly viewed, diffed, 
versioned, etc.

- Perrin

Re: $^T

2003-02-03 Thread Perrin Harkins
H Jayakumar wrote:

   In windows mod_perl-beta2 

print $^T; 

   returns the same value again and again

That is correct behavior.  The $^T variable contains the time that the 
current program (i.e. apache) started running.   If you want the current 
time, use time() instead.

- Perrin

Re: libgtop gone?

2003-01-29 Thread Perrin Harkins

Thanks to both of you for pointing out that it's on the Gnome FTP site. 
 I'll send Doug a documentation patch to point to this location.

- Perrin

Re: [OT] Gkrellm (was: RE: libgtop gone?)

2003-01-29 Thread Perrin Harkins
Narins, Josh wrote:

Um, can someone provide a link as to what libgtop is
supposed to do? Is it just a graphical /usr/local/bin/top?

There is a graphical top built on it, but libgtop is just a library that 
measures memory usage, CPU, etc. is a module which provides a 
Perl interface to that data.  It is referred to in many parts of the 
mod_perl documentation, like this one:

It is the basis of the Apache::GTopLimit module and is used by 

- Perrin

Re: DBM ties within Apache under Mod Perl

2003-01-29 Thread Perrin Harkins
Jim Morrison [Mailinglists] wrote:

One of the things I understood mod_perl allowed you to do is to tie a
Hash/DBM to the top apache process, so that it's always available
throughout the other apache processes?

You can only do that for read-only dbms.  For read/write, use MLDBM::Sync.

PS.  Do people think this is a bad idea from the start?

Yes.  For one thing, there is no way to know when people leave your site.

- Perrin

Re: mod_perl and current directory (was Re: Newbie Q on Apache::Include)

2003-01-29 Thread Perrin Harkins

I'm not sure whether the company that's hosting my web site will want to 
install any non-critical module (They ahve done me a favor allowing me 
to run mod_perl ... ) So I want to see if I have any options installing 
it under my directory tree.

Okay.  You need to modify @INC then.  Take a look here for examples:

- Perrin

Re: do as temp solution for require problem ?

2003-01-28 Thread Perrin Harkins

This is working fine although a mysql database connection in a  
subroutine in an external file doesn't always work.

Please explain.  It shouldn't ne a problem to run code that makes a 
database connection in a separate module.

- Perrin

Re: Newbie Q on Apache::Include

2003-01-28 Thread Perrin Harkins

Can someone direct me to a good tutorial for Apache::Include?

What are you trying to do?  All it does is add one extra directive to 
mod_include, allowing you to call a Perl script in-line.  If that script 
is run under Apache::Registry, you don't even need to do that; you can 
use the normal syntax for a virtual include.

- Perrin

Re: do as temp solution for require problem ?

2003-01-28 Thread Perrin Harkins

If you look at the previous mentioned site, you can see there is only 
one file, but it contains a lot of includes.
- a random function for the banners on top
- a file for the navigation on the left which includes a file for the 
date and a file for the counter (mysql database)
- the content pages with different files for the forms redirected per OS 
and type of Browser.

You seem to be talking about including chunks of the page, like 
server-side includes (SSI).  That's not the same as doing a require/use 
on a module.  Modules are for storing chunks of Perl code, not HTML.

You originally asked about why your subs from required files were not 
working.  That's what Stas and Randal are telling you: you need to make 
them into real modules with package declarations.  There are other 
ways to do it (like do) but they are kludges.

If you're looking for something to help you manage splitting pages up 
into chunks of HTML, you should consider either using SSI (!--#include 
virtual=/perl/example.cgi?argument=value --) or using HTML::Mason, 
which is based around that idea.

- Perrin

Re: Newbie Q on Apache::Include

2003-01-28 Thread Perrin Harkins

My personal web site has both static and dynamic files. The static files 
have a kind a look template maintained by using XSSI. For the dynamic 
files I wanted to somehow be able to do the same thing using the same 
files so that I don't need to maintain 2 sets of files. Of the set of 
scripts there are some that handle forms. I could have the shtml include 
the script and pass on the query_string. But I want these to be of type 
POST. So I can't have the form handler to be an shtml file (having the 
look) which would call (!--#include ) the cgi script. I need the 
opposite - parsing of the script output.

Then I thought I would check if it was possible with mod_perl and found 
Apache::Include. This seemed promising to achieve what I would like to 
do - use the same files (that maintain the look of my web site) for both 
the static and dynamic pages.

You can do this.  Technically I think you can POST to a file, but you 
don't need to.

You can do this lots of ways, including post-processing the output of a 
CGI script with a module like CGI::SSI.  What I would suggest is writing 
a script that you will run under Apache::Registry, and calling 
Apache::Include-virtual('/uri/of/file') to do the includes.

- Perrin

Re: mod_perl and current directory (was Re: Newbie Q on Apache::Include)

2003-01-28 Thread Perrin Harkins

Tks that way worked except for the #config sizefmt of mod_include

That should work fine.  What's broken with it?

 From the documentation of the Apache::Include I couldn't make out 
whether it handled other features like set which I am using.

It does not implement SSI, it just integrates an extra tag (#perl) into 
mod_include.  Everything that works in your current mod_include pages 
should continue to work.

But your 
siggestion led me to search on CPAN and found Apache::SSI.

Apache::SSI is good too.  It will use more RAM, but it is slightly 
faster than mod_include.

- Perrin

libgtop gone?

2003-01-28 Thread Perrin Harkins
I pointed someone at some mod_perl documentation that suggested 
installing GTop to measure shared memory, but he was unable to find 
libgtop for download at the URL in that module.  I investigated and I 
don't see it anywhere!  Is libgtop gone?  Did it get replaced with 
something else?  Any Gnome followers here who can shed some light on this?

- Perrin

Re: mod_perl and current directory (was Re: Newbie Q on Apache::Include)

2003-01-28 Thread Perrin Harkins

!--#config sizefmt=Mb --  works with mod_include Got a [an error 
occurred while processing this directive] (well actually the errmsg that 
I had set) with CGI::SSI. As I said I didn't really follow-up to see if 
this is a prob.

Oh, sorry, I missed the part about CGI::SSI.  That will work with 
mod_include (and thus with Apache::Include).

It does not implement SSI, it just integrates an extra tag (#perl) 
into mod_include.  Everything that works in your current mod_include 
pages should continue to work.

Oh kinda like embedding perl code in an shtml?

It lets you run any Perl subroutine in the middle of a page.  It also 
lets you include files (a virtual include) from within a Perl script 
by calling the Apache::Include module.

Actually I haven't got this to work. I'm yet trying to figure how to 
load the module (PerlModule Apache::SSI) in the .htaccess with it 
actuall residing in the /perl/ directory rather than the standard lib 

Why?  It's a module, not a CGI script.

If you don't want to put it in your standard @INC paths, you can put it 
under APACHE_HOME/lib/perl/ which is automatically added to @INC by 

- Perrin

Re: libgtop gone?

2003-01-28 Thread Perrin Harkins
Stas Bekman wrote:

It's integrated into the gnome project and doesn't really exist as a 
standalone thing. At least I couldn't find it. When you install the 
gnome desktop, you get libgtop as well. So if you are on linux, simply 
check your distro for this package. e.g. use:

in the worst case use the above resource to grap the src.rpm and then 
extract tar.gz from there.

This guy was on HPUX, and he just wanted source to this one library.  It 
used to be available separately.  I guess it's not a simple thing to do 
at this point if you don't want gnome and aren't on Red Hat.

- Perrin

Re: [mp2] Connection pool with Apache::DBI and Oracle

2003-01-27 Thread Perrin Harkins
Georg Botorog wrote:

I don't understand. The Apache server I am using has 50 ThreadsPerChild

If you want help with mod_perl 2, you need to say so.  Otherwise it is 
assumed you are using 1.x.  Put [mp2] in your subject line.

Thus, Apache is able to handle quite a few
requests simultaneously. However, Oracle has only one session for the

Each thread has its own Perl interpreter and each one of those will have 
a persistent DBI connection when using Apache::DBI.  Nothing is shared 
between threads unless you explicitly make it shared.

There is currently no way to share DBI handles between threads.  If 
you're interested in working on that problem, you can read the archived 
posts on the topic.  As I mentioned in the last message, sharing doesn't 
help much unless you have a lot of mod_perl code that doesn't use 
database connections.

As a consequence, starting two identical requests from distinct
clients leads to blocking the second request until the first one is

Absolutely not.  There is no sharing and thus no blocking.

- Perrin

Re: [mp2] Connection pool with Apache::DBI and Oracle

2003-01-27 Thread Perrin Harkins
Georg Botorog wrote:

Actuallly, I had no idea I am using mp2. I have downloaded some time ago
a bundle with Perl, Apache, etc. (for NT), and I'm still using it today.

Ah, okay NT is another key piece of information.  Sorry, I don't use 
apache on NT so I thought that was a mp2 directive.

So, you are using 1.x on NT.  With 1.x, all requests are handled 
serially on NT, which explains the behavior you're getting.  It's 
actually not related to DBI at all.

See for the 
full story.

- Perrin

Re: Connection pool with Apache::DBI and Oracle

2003-01-24 Thread Perrin Harkins
Georg Botorog wrote:

More precisely, I am using Apache::DBI to create and cache the
connection to the DB. As this connection uses a single Oracle session,
it is obvious that it becomes a bottleneck.

Apache::DBI uses one connection per process.  There is no bottleneck 
there.  Each process only handles one request at a time so it would have 
no use for more than one database connection.

 Ideally, one would have a pool of DB
sessions (= DB handles) that the Apache threads would use in serving the
requests coming from clients.

That's only ideal if your code spends a lot of time doing things that 
don't involve a database.  You shgould be running with a reverse proxy 
in front, so that mod_perl processed will not be serving static files.

Alternatively, is it possible to convince several Apache servers running
concurrently to cooperate (i.e., load balance) in answering incoming
requests? If yes, how?

Any load-balancer will do that.  There are dozens, both commercial and 
open source.  See the mod_perl documentation for a list you can start with.

- Perrin

Re: mysql question

2003-01-23 Thread Perrin Harkins
Calm down folks.  Anyone can make a mistake.  This is a diverse list 
with many different levels of Internet experience represented, and one 
off-topic post is not a big enough problem to merit banning people.

General list etiquette is discussed here:

Please take care to choose the right place to ask this sort of question 
in the future.


Re: mysql password encryption

2003-01-22 Thread Perrin Harkins
Martin Moss wrote:

the problem I have is that I store the password in the database as a
Password field. However when I wish to use DBI to connect to another mysql
database I cannot use the Password stored in the database as it comes out
encrypted.  I really don't want to store the unencrypted password anywhere
on the system. Is there a way to let DBI/mysql know that the password I am
giving them is ALREADY encrypted?

Why don't you just encrypt it yourself and store it in a VARCHAR?

- Perrin

Re: server startup shutdown

2003-01-22 Thread Perrin Harkins

I have XML  file
and don`t want parse/serialize on each request
how implement this:
1) XML parsed on startup
2) All modules work whith same object

It doesn't look to me like you can share objects across threads 
effectively at this time.  You can share a hash ref, but that doesn't 
share things tha are referenced within that hash and it doesn't share 
the blessing.

I think you will need to do this using standard data sharing methods, 
like IPC::MM or MLDBM::Sync.

3) XML serialize on server shutdown

That sounds dangerous.  What happens if your server crashes or otherwise 
shuts down abnormally?  You will lose everything.  Much safer to write 
your updates to disk, even if you only do it with Storable or 
MLDBM::Sync and then transform it back to XML later.

- Perrin

Re: Configuration in module vs in apacheconfig...

2003-01-22 Thread Perrin Harkins
Marcin Kasperski wrote:

After some initial consideration I found, that moving config from to myapp.conf does not seem to be reasonable. Imagine
PerlSetVar'ing arrays and hashes which can refer one to another...

If you can do it in a module, you can do it in myapp.conf.

package MyConfigPackage;
use vars qw($complex_var);

$complex_var = { 'foo' = [ 'bar', 'baz' ] };

Personally, I've been pretty happy to keep two config files, since the 
distinction seems pretty clear to me.

- Perrin

Re: [mp2] e-Commerce

2003-01-21 Thread Perrin Harkins
Nick Tonkin wrote:

Hmm, I think it all depends on the application. It's true that hardware
costs have declined since The Days, but you still don't have unlimited

True, there is an upper limit on per-machine scalability with a 
multi-process server and thttpd would do better there if the network 
connection is not already saturated.  In our case we benchmarked thttpd 
vs. a stripped apache 1.x and the performance was so close that we 
decided to go with the simpler route of using apache, which gave us SSL 
for images and the ability to run a single server for proxy and static 
page requests.  It also made it easy to set Expires tags on images.

One possible factor in our good apache performance is the high locality 
of access for our static files.  There was a very good chance that any 
requested file would already be cached in RAM.  ValueClick was probably 
just the opposite.

- Perrin

Re: [mp2] e-Commerce

2003-01-21 Thread Perrin Harkins
Stas Bekman wrote:

Where did you see the benchmarks showing that Apache 2.0 has a better 
performance than 1.3?

All over!

Joshua's numbers from this list:

Some good graphs, including thttpd:

Someone's random benchmark from Google:

I've seen other random posts too, which I can't find at the moment.

Note that ZDNet found no improvement over 1.x on Linux when they 
benchmarked it, but it was version 2.035 and there could be other 
factors as well.,3959,15300,00.asp

- Perrin

Re: Testing

2003-01-21 Thread Perrin Harkins
Michael Hyman wrote:

I am interested in how people setup their Apache 1.3.x servers to run
mod_perl'able code. Not, how to get mod_perl to run something, we do that
with rewrite rules. I am more interested in config settings that control for
performance and stability.

There is lots of documentation about performance tuning in the on-line 
documentation. is a good place 
to look.

I am also very concerned about testing. How do you test a mod_perl system to
make sure there is no memory corruption from one instance of an app to

What do you mean by memory corruption?  The only sharing that happens 
between processes is what your OS does magically through copy-on-write.

Is there any documentation on testing a mod_perl app? I have yet to find

There is plenty about this in the on-line docs too.

- Perrin

Re: [mp2] e-Commerce

2003-01-20 Thread Perrin Harkins
Eric Frazier wrote:

On that note, how about just using Apache2 for the proxy front end, and
mod_perl /apache 1.x for the back end? I have wanted to try to avoid the
thttpd stuff for images and from what I have heard about apache2 it can
handle static pages a lot faster than the 1.x did.

You really should be able to get more than enough performance out of 1.x 
for static files, unless you are using very old hardware.  We used a 
slim 1.x build with mod_proxy, mod_ssl, and mod_rewrite for all of our 
static files at eToys and it ran like a champ.  It's true that both 
thttpd and apache 2 have better performance, but web server performance 
on static files is almost irrelevant on today's hardware because you 
fill your bandwidth up long before anything else becomes an issue.

- Perrin

Re: Apache::Session::File hangs

2003-01-19 Thread Perrin Harkins
Axel Huizinga wrote:

The following code hangs after reloading and the try to tie again the 
previously created session! WHY?

use vars qw(
   $id $sID
   %session $sessionDir

The session variable has to go out of scope for the lock to be released. 
 I know it seems like the untie should do it, but try making %session a 
lexical instead of a global.

- Perrin

Re: using ALRM signal in mod_perl script

2003-01-17 Thread Perrin Harkins
Plamen Stojanov wrote:

is it save to use ALRM signal in my mod_perl script. I hook a handler there, 
to unlock my semaphores in emeregency. 

It should work, but you'd be better off with a cleanup handler.

- Perrin

Re: crazy problem

2003-01-17 Thread Perrin Harkins
Ray Zimmerman wrote:

I have a bizarre problem and I've run out of ideas ...

Here's the gist ... when I run some code which looks like ...

   my result = `/usr/local/bin/matlab  input_file.m`;

... from a perl CGI, then matlab (a commercial math package) segfaults. 
However, when I run it from mod_perl on the same server it runs fine (it 
runs fine from the command line, btw).

Something is different.  Environment variables, PATH, user, current 
directory, etc.  You have to go through all of them until you find the 
one that's the problem.  Depending on how your server is set up, CGI 
could be executing as a different user.

- Perrin

Re: Determining when a cached item is out of date

2003-01-16 Thread Perrin Harkins
Christopher L. Everett wrote:

But I haven't
been able to wrap my skull around knowing when the data in Mysql is
fresher than what is in the cache without doing a major portion of the
work needed to generate that web page to begin with.

There are three ways to handle cache synchronization:

1) Time to Live (TTL).  This approach just keeps the data cached for a 
certain amount of time and ignores possible updates.  This is the most 
popular because it is easy to implement and gives good performance. 
Cache::Cache and friends work this way.

2) Polling.  This involves checking the freshness of the data before 
serving it from cache.  This is only feasible if you have a way to check 
freshness that is faster than re-generating the data.  This is difficult 
in most situations.

3) Invalidation.  This approach involves removing cache entried whenever 
you update something that would make them out of date.  This is only 
feasible if you have total control over the update mechanism and can 
calculate all the dependencies quickly.

One more thing.  Perrin Harkins' eToys case study casually mentions a
a means of removing files from the mod_proxy cache directory so that
mod_proxy had to go back to the application servers to get an up to
date copy.  I haven't seen anything in the mod_proxy docs that says
this is possible.  Does something like that exist outside of eToys?

Not in mod_proxy.  We added it ourselves.  I don't have the code for 
that anymore, but it's not hard to do if you have a competent C hacker 
handy.  Maybe mod_accel has this feature.

- Perrin

Re: Determining when a cached item is out of date

2003-01-16 Thread Perrin Harkins
Christopher L. Everett wrote:

I see where one could combine polling and invalidation, for instance
by having empty files representing a page that get touched when the
data for them go out of date.

More commonly you would combine TTL with invalidation.  You use 
invalidation for the simple stuff, where people need to make instant 
updates they can see, and you use TTL to catch everything else.

But again, there is the issue of mapping changed data onto dependent

Tracking dependencies gets difficult quickly, and that's why almost no 
one does it.  TTL is very efficient, if you can live with data being out 
of sync for a little while.

- Perrin

Re: Load balancers

2003-01-13 Thread Perrin Harkins
John Siracusa wrote:

But meanwhile, we're still open to alternatives.  Surprisingly, there don't
seem to be many (software) options.  (A hardware load balancer is not an
option at his time, but I'll also take any suggestions in that area :)

I've always used hardware ones.  I believe big/ip does everything you 
need.  However, if I were going to use a software solution I would be 
looking at Linux Virtual Server, probably starting with the Red Hat 
offering based on it.

This brings me to the mod_perl angle.  Has anyone ever tried using a slimmed
down mod_perl server as a load balancer?  Is this feasible?

Not a good idea.  It would eat all your memory.  You'd be much better 
off with the mod_rewrite solution mentioned in this thread.

- Perrin

Re: Load balancers

2003-01-13 Thread Perrin Harkins
John Siracusa wrote:

The mod_rewrite solutions lack dead server detection, and that's something
I'd rather not try to roll on my own, especially after seeing how well (or
not, actually) existing software solutions do.  But I've added it to the


It's kind of disappointing to hear that the mod_perl solution it probably
not feasible.  Perl solutions are always more fun to implement ;)

The mod_rewrite option is a Perl solution.  You would write some Perl 
code to manage the availability checks and optionally to provide a new 
load-balancing algorithm.  It's very similar to using mod_perl for it, 
except you get to skip writing lots of annoying proxy code.

- Perrin

Re: Load balancers

2003-01-13 Thread Perrin Harkins
John Siracusa wrote:

But in a full-fledged mod_perl solution, I could back out gracefully and
retry another server if I happened to initially choose a dead server before
my dead server detection code caught it.

That sounds cool, but how important is it really?  I'm not sure any of 
these solutions (including the commercial ones) do that level of 
seamless failover effectively.

- Perrin

Re: Shared memory 'copy-on-write' issue

2003-01-10 Thread Perrin Harkins
Anton Permyakov wrote:

i am seeing that link about memory sharing by copy-on-write points to
'META: change link when site is live' stands after it.

Site is alive, how knows where should this link point to?

It does go the guide correctly, but a more specific link would be this:

- Perrin

Re: OSCON ideas

2003-01-09 Thread Perrin Harkins
Larry Leszczynski wrote:

On Wed, 8 Jan 2003, Perrin Harkins wrote:

2) The Perl Pet Store

This would be a discussion of porting the J2EE Pet Store reference 
application to Perl.  It would cover Perl equivalents for various J2EE 
features, and talk about what was easier or harder to do in Perl.

I think this could make for an excellent talk.

Along similar lines, I'd be interested in hearing about Perl application
frameworks such as OpenInteract, progress of P5EE, etc. - any ammunition I
could use that would help displace the misconception that if an app
server/framework is required then it must be Java-based.

Several people have brought up benchmarking in reference to the pet 
store.  I don't think it will possible to do a good benchmark of this 
application, partly because it's so big (it's a reference app that uses 
lots of functionality just to demonstrate it) and partly because it's 
well known that the J2EE pet store performs badly.  It does not 
represent anyone's best efforts to make a high-performance Java store.

If people are more concerned with seeing something that would dispel 
myths about Perl performance, rather than a talk on feature portability 
from J2EE to Perl, I could look at implementing something that really 
can be benchmarked like the TPC-W spec or the Doculabs Nile Bookstore 
benchmark.  These would be more comparable to existing Java and .NET 
performance tests.

Personally it would warm my heart to help enable a press release saying 
something like Perl blows away previous price/performance leaders on 
TPC-W benchmark, but I don't know if hearing about that would be as 
interesting to people as the other things I proposed.

Regardless, I think that posting a good reference implementation of one 
of these specs might get mod_perl some good attention from the 
business-oriented mags that usually focus on Java, and would be a 
valuable marketing tool.

- Perrin

Re: Anyone ever have Apache::Session::File files getting corrupted?

2003-01-09 Thread Perrin Harkins

Anyway, my question for now is whether anyone has seen corruption like this
with Apache::Session::File in your typical multi-user mod_perl web app

I think most people don't use Apache::Session::File in production.  It's 
more of a testing thing.  In your situation, you would probably get 
great performance from MLDBM::Sync with SDBM_File.  I'd suggest trying 
that if you can't determine the cause of the Apache::Session::File issues.

- Perrin

Re: Query

2003-01-08 Thread Perrin Harkins
George Valpak wrote:

Sounds like you need 2 apaches, on separate physical servers - 

I agree, the proxy approach is your best choice, and it gives other 
performance benefits as well, described in the documentation.

- Perrin

Re: Sticky pnotes conclusion

2003-01-08 Thread Perrin Harkins
John Heitmann wrote:

That example makes us look pretty dumb, let me explain how it happened 
since it may affect you too. We do inter-request caching of $dbh in 
pnotes. We rely on the destructor of DBI to disconnect; we don't use 
disconnect() anywhere in our code. We do however use 
Apache::AuthTIcket-- which does disconnect-- and we pass it our cached 
$dbh. So you can see how the above example could occur: AuthTicket grabs 
a dbh, then disconnects it, we still use it because we assume it is 
connected like normal, but the DBI doesn't like that sequence of events 
(it recovers the connection, but leaks).

It doesn't seem necessary for Apache::AuthTicket to do that.  However, 
people using Apache::DBI would not have a problem with this since the 
disconnect doesn't actually disconnect.

- Perrin

OSCON ideas

2003-01-08 Thread Perrin Harkins
As many of you probably know, the call for participation in this year's 
Open Source Conference has gone out 
(  I'm 
thinking about possible talks to submit and I want a little feedback on 
what people are most interested in.  Here are two options I'mconsidering:

1) Database Objects in Perl

This talk would focus on the database mapping options for Perl, 
including modules like Tangram, Class::DBI, SPOPS, etc.  It would 
examine the differences in features, ease of use, and performance and 
include a set of hand-coded classes using straight DBI for comparison.

2) The Perl Pet Store

This would be a discussion of porting the J2EE Pet Store reference 
application to Perl.  It would cover Perl equivalents for various J2EE 
features, and talk about what was easier or harder to do in Perl. 
Because of the size of the Pet Store codebase and the complexity of the 
environment required to run it (multiple databases, etc.), it may not be 
possible to do a good performance benchmark.  However comparisons on 
other fronts (amount of code, ease of maintenance, etc.) would be made.

What do you guys think?

- Perrin

Re: Query

2003-01-07 Thread Perrin Harkins
Chandrasekhar R S wrote:

I am having a requirement as follows :

	I need to execute/interpret the perl requests away from mod_perl.

Can you explain why you want to do this?  Your stated requirement is 
already met by CGI, FastCGI, SpeedyCGI, and a bunch of other things, but 
we can't really recommend anything specific without more information.

- Perrin

Re: Apache::DBI

2003-01-06 Thread Perrin Harkins
Paul Simon wrote:

I wasn't sure if Apache::DBI was screwing with ORACLE,
especially with persistent connections... 

The Apache::DBI code is really short and easy to read.  Basically, it 
just doesn't close connections when you call disconnect.  It also does 
automatic rollbacks at the end of each request to make sure nothing is 
left in a bad state, and it pings the db connection each time you ask 
for one to make sure it's still alive.

There's nothing in there that should interfere with the normal workings 
of DBI.

- Perrin

Re: mod_perl invokation valid?

2003-01-06 Thread Perrin Harkins
Charlie Smith wrote:

Question: Even though I have PERL 5.8 installed, we wish to get mod_perl 
installed to make use of caching.
Currently, a listing of the %ENV hash indicates that we're running 

Okay, so you have mod_perl installed and now you want to use it.  Take a 
look at the documentation for the Apache::Registry module that comes 
with mod_perl.  That will help you run your CGI scripts under mod_perl.

- Perrin

Re: Sticky pnotes with Apache::Registry

2003-01-05 Thread Perrin Harkins
David Kaufman wrote:

John Heitmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote ...
in fact, i've avoided using pnotes after seeing
similar inconsistencies and reading reports of others having them, too.
that was a while back, though.

I've used pnotes extensively for exactly this sort of thing and have 
found it to be extremely reliable and always cleaned up.  I've never 
seen this problem before, but it does seem to be related to the 
directory index somehow.  Sorry I can't offer a specific solution.  I 
would suggest checking the code for any other possible sources of leaks, 
i.e. an unintentional closure that holds onto a copy of the DBI handle.

 maybe Apache::Session (or CGI::Session) can handle these

No, Apache::Session is for storing data between requests, which is 
exactly the opposite of what he's trying to do.  It can't handle storing 
DBI handles anyway, because Storable can't serialize them.

- Perrin

Re: Modules Executed Twice

2002-12-30 Thread Perrin Harkins
 Explanations and other suggested approaches to handling this problem
 will be most welcome.

My suggestion in the past has been to PerlRequire a that does a
use on your modules, instead of pulling them in with PerlModule.
Of course, if you turn PerlFreshRestart on then this is the intended
- Perrin

Re: Apache::Session::MySQL

2002-12-28 Thread Perrin Harkins
 So by user nobody, you mean in the httpd.conf file in the virtualhost
 tags the user and group?

 I have it set to user username and group username for each account,
 since all of our boxes use SuExec.

Okay, that may be an issue because SuExec does not work with mod_perl. 
Each apache daemon can only run mod_perl processes as a single user, but
that user can be any user you choose.  You would never set them to run as
root, because that would be a security problem.
 So mod_perl is safe Ok. one other question. If I do upgrade to
 Mod_Perl, can I still run regular Perl scripts

Yes, and you should still be able to run them with SuExec.  As George
said, there is quite a bit documentation on the site that
may help you.
- Perrin

Re: Fw: OT - Santa uses PERL

2002-12-20 Thread Perrin Harkins
Robert Landrum wrote:

On Fri, Dec 20, 2002 at 10:35:18AM -0800, Bill Moseley wrote:

That sounds a lot like Perrin's story.  Didn't he save Christmas one 

I wouldn't go that far.  There were actually a lot of warehouse problems 
 that led to disappointed customers, but I don't dwell on that because 
that wasn't my area.

Perhaps Perrin is an elf. :)

I'll be an elf if I can jump up onto a horse like Legolas.

- Perrin

Re: [OT] mod_proxy, mod_perl, php

2002-12-19 Thread Perrin Harkins
Scott Alexander wrote:

No mod_perl doesn't serve the documents. I'm just using a PerlTranshandler
to change the uri.

Okay, that should work then.

So if I add php support to the mod_perl server. How much extra
load/memory usage strain  will it add to the mod_perl server.

I don't know; that's a PHP question.

If I add a www -management system to our existing intranet application I
want that all the www pages are in the www -management system not php
pages on the front_end (have to add php support of course) and html pages
on the mod_perl server.

Sorry, I don't understand what you're talking about here.

Or would it be better to have a nfs on the front_end accessible from the
mod_perl server. So users can update the documents using the intranet
application. Then www requests are handled only by the front end with now
added php support.

I don't see any good reason not to put PHP on the backend and do all the 
page generation there.  It keeps the front-end simple too.

- Perrin

Re: [OT] mod_proxy, mod_perl, php

2002-12-18 Thread Perrin Harkins
Scott Alexander wrote:

At the moment I have a front_end server with no php support.

Backend is mod_perl. I'm planning to extend our document management
system to serve www pages.

The html documents are on the mod_perl machine. What happens if users add
php code to their html documents?

Nothing, unless you add PHP support to that machine and make sure 
mod_perl is not serving those documents.  You can't have them both 
handle the same documents.

If I add php support on the front_end will it work normally?

No, not if the front-end is proxying.  It has to be actually serving 
those documents locally in order to run them through PHP.

- Perrin

Re: [OT] Ideas for limiting form submissions

2002-12-18 Thread Perrin Harkins
Bill Moseley wrote:

what would you recommend for caching the md5 strings.  Cache::Cache or
DBM?  I suppose a Cache::Cache file cache would be the easiest.

In order of speed:
BerkeleyDB (with built-in locking)
Cache::FileBackend (from Cache::Cache -- no need to use Cache::Cache 
front-end unless you want expiration)

IPC::MM is shared memory, so it won't persist data across restarts.

- Perrin

Re: Double execution of PerlRequire statement

2002-12-18 Thread Perrin Harkins
Kyle Oppenheim wrote:

This behavior is documented in the guide...

This is true, although technically it shouldn't require the same file 
twice unless you have PerlFreshRestart on (which is a bad idea).

- Perrin

Re: When perl is not quite fast enough

2002-12-17 Thread Perrin Harkins
Jeff AA wrote:

I have two questions:

1) In this list, I have seen folks asking general Perlish questions 
   told to take their discussions elsewhere, along with the useless 
   recommendation that they browse - I have done this 
   several times and joined a few of the lists, but only ever found 
   lists that were rather beginner. I have also lurked in some of the pearly lists without finding the right level.

   - can folks name any specific useful intermediate/advanced
 Perl lists? i.e. Perl 4+ years in a commercial env

In addition to, the usenet groups and IRC have the highest 
concentration of experienced Perl coders.

   I would guess that symbol table fiddles
   might be risky in a mod_perlish env.

No more so than any other place.  The biggest risk is that symbol table 
hacks are usually bizarre and hard to read.  The Apache::PerlRun module 
modifies the symbol table in order to reset globals, and I've done 
really simple things with it to automatically build accessor methods 
(which can be better than AUTOLOAD with mod_perl because of memory sharing).

- Perrin

Re: AUTOLOAD in mod_perl (was Re: When perl is not quite fast enough)

2002-12-17 Thread Perrin Harkins
Christopher Grau wrote:

I may be veering off-topic, but I've started doing similar things in my
own code (generating accessor methods via AUTOLOAD).  I ended up writing
`Class::Autoload,' which I intend to upload to CPAN when I'm done with
documentation and testing.

Mine was very simple and didn't need to handle any odd cases, which was 
why I didn't bother using a CPAN module.  I would probably check 
Class::MethodMaker before doing it this way again.

I had this in a shared class:

Package Util;

sub build_accessors {
my ($class, $pkg, $attr_names) = @_;
no strict 'refs';
foreach my $attr_name (@{$attr_names}) {
*{$pkg . ::$attr_name} = sub { return $_[0]-{$attr_name}; };

And then I would put something like this in the classes that needed it:

  my @attr_names;
  @attr_names = qw(
  Util-build_accessors(__PACKAGE__, \@attr_names);

- Perrin

Re: SSI Not Working Apache

2002-12-16 Thread Perrin Harkins
Martin Kuria wrote:

mod_include is not included please do advice what do I need to have ssi 
to work please do help

Hi Martin,

This list is not for general Apache configuration questions.  Please see to find a more appropriate list to 
ask your question on.

- Perrin

Re: Apache::Session and user sessions

2002-12-09 Thread Perrin Harkins
md wrote:

My question is with regards to whether I need or
should put the submitted data into the session as the
user navigates the forms (to create an account). The
user will be taken through three forms to create an
account. So for instance, form one will ask the user
to create a username, password, and provide an email
address. Before moving on to form two (billing info),
should I put this data in the session, or just go
ahead and dump it in the database (after making any
nec. checks), since I won't need the info until they
actually login? Or should I collect all the info from
all three screens by putting it in the session as the
user traverses the forms and then put it all in the
database at once? I'm currently using the first
option. BTW, it is possible for a user to create a
free account by hitting form one only, so no harm
would come if something happened after form one.

This is really a question of requirements.  In systems where all 
information needs to be collected before a valid account can be created, 
you have to wait until the end to put it in the permanent tables.  I 
usually don't store form input in the session because it leads to 
strange results if the user has multiple browser windows open on the 
site, but that may not be an issue for your application.

Another question, while not mod_perl related (sorry:),
is how to taint check input data like usernames,
address fields and email addresses. All info is just
put in the database, no unsafe system calls are run.
I'm curious as to what characters to limit for
usernames in particular.

If you're using bind variables with DBI, there is no technical reason to 
restrict the characters at all.  Just make sure you HTML-escape them 
whenever you display them on a page.

- Perrin

Re: Apache::Session and user sessions

2002-12-09 Thread Perrin Harkins
Rafiq Ismail (ADMIN) wrote:

I'm not sure how often a user will attempt to complete one form through
multiple browsers.  To be honest I'm not sure that he/she should.

There are all kind of forms.  An obvious example would be a search. 
Users often open up multiple windows when browsing a site and do 
searches in them.  If you store search-related data in the session, the 
multiple windows will interfere with each other.  These should be stored 
in the HTML instead.

- Perrin

Re: Resetting cache Apache::Registry

2002-12-03 Thread Perrin Harkins
Justin Luster wrote:

I know that when you “require” or “use” helper files in a Perl Script,
and you are using Apache::Registry, when changes are made to the helper
files they are not recognized until you restart Apache.  In the
documentation it says that you can change the Apache configuration file
to do this for you.

That's a reference to Apache::Reload or Apache::StatINC.  You can do 
that in an htaccess file if your host allows it.

  What I want to know is if there is a way to clear
out the files or code in the Apache::Registry cache via a Perl Script. 

Yes, but understand that we're not talking about the Apache::Registry 
cache here.  A::R just caches your CGI script itself, not the modules. 
The modules are cached as a normal function of Perl, i.e. once it has 
compiled a module that module stays in memory until the Perl process 
shuts down.

To make Perl reload a module, you can do this:

delete $INC{'Your/'};
require Your::Module;

But that glosses over a lot of details about imports and such, so you're 
better off using Apache::Reload if you can.

- Perrin

Re: General interest question: PDF contents handling in PostgreSQL.

2002-11-26 Thread Perrin Harkins
Fabián R. Breschi wrote:

   I wonder if using ModPerl and PostgreSQL there's any possibility to 
resemble what in Oracle is called 'Intermedia', in this particular case 
parsing/indexing content of PDF files inside PostgreSQL as  a LOB or 
alternatively as a flat OS file with metadata parsed/indexed from it 
into the RDBMS.

You can easilly add this to DBIx::FullTextSearch.  All you need to do is 
write a simple frontend that uses a PDF reading module to extract the 
text.  However, it uses MySQL rather than PostgreSQL.

- Perrin

Re: [SOT] Strange browser behavior

2002-11-21 Thread Perrin Harkins
Nick Challoner wrote:

My questions are, is there some IE anomaly or some anomalous way
of configuring or using IE that can cause it to all of a sudden
do a GET instead of a POST (anything short of manually entering
the url)?

User bookmarking the page (well, adding to favourites considering we're
talking about IE) and then returning to it via the bookmark?

It may also no longer send POST data or give the option of no longer 
sending it if you go back to a page resulting from a POST after a 
certain amount of time.

- Perrin

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