Re: Query time taken on disk

2014-07-14 Thread greg . lane

Hi Satendra,

On 7/14/2014 5:48 AM, Satendra wrote:

Hi there, I'm struggling to find the total time taken by a database query
on the disk? As I understand when a database query start execution it takes
some time inside the database engine  some time to seek the result from
disk (if that is not in cache/buffer)

Can anybody from the group please suggest any clue about the execution time
on the disk?

Many thanks

As stated in other emails you can use the performance_schema.  Mark 
Leith has provided a stable version of ps_helper now called the sys 
schema and can be obtained on github here, .  There is quite a bit of help 
and examples in the  Also you check into the experimental 
portion of it called dba helper also on github, .  I think you will be able to 
find what you are looking for utilizing these tools that make 
performance schema much easier to use and under stand.


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Re: find a particular record.

2007-06-29 Thread Alex Greg

I am doing this to move data from one table to other and getting below
How can check this particular record at this row number 921888 in dats_tem

insert into reports1.dats1 select * from dats_tem;

ERROR 1292 (22007): Incorrect datetime value: '-00-00 00:00:00' for
column 'P_LAST_SOLD_DATE' at row 921888

An extremely quick and dirty solution:

mysqldump -uusername -p -t --skip-opt database_name dats_tem | grep
INSERT | head -921888 | tail -1

replacing username with your username and database_name with your
database name, of course.

-- Alex

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Re: General Query Log -- No Timestamp

2007-06-29 Thread Alex Greg

On 6/26/07, Brown, Charles [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

The MYSQL general query log does not include timestamp of queries that
it logs because queries are logged many many seconds before they are

Which version of MySQL are you running? I'm running 5.0.22 on my
desktop, but I'm fairly sure that older versions included timestamps
in the general query log.

I just enabled mine to test this (by adding log = /var/log/mysql.log
to /etc/my.cnf) and it looks something like:

070629  8:17:44   6 Connect [EMAIL PROTECTED] on monitoring
 6 Query   set autocommit=0
 6 Query   select * from urls where active=y
070629  8:17:45   6 Query   INSERT INTO results VALUES
 6 Query   INSERT INTO results VALUES
 6 Query   INSERT INTO results VALUES
 6 Query   INSERT INTO results VALUES

-- Alex

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Re: MySQL Benchmarking

2007-03-15 Thread Alex Greg

On 3/14/07, Clyde Lewis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

System Configuration: Sun Microsystems  sun4u Sun Fire E2900
System clock frequency: 150 MHZ
Memory size: 65536 Megabytes
CPU: 12 @ 1200 MHz

I'm looking for a tool that will allow us to determine the max number
of databases that can run in a single instance of MySQL on a pretty
beefy server( Spec above).

In total we will have about  ~40 MySQL
instances running on this server. Each instance of MySQL, there will
have between 30-60 individual databases supporting an OLTP
application. I know that there are no know internal limits that MySQL
have regarding the number of databases that can be created, but I
would like get my hands on a tool that can simulate the number of
databases and identify where we would potentially run into
performance issues.

As I mentioned above, your performance issues are going to come not
from the number of databases, but from (primarily) how well-designed
your database tables and queries are, and (secondly) how you configure
the mysql server(s).

One important factor to bear in mind is that with 40 separate MySQL
instances on the single 64GB server, you will have a maximum 1.6GB of
RAM per instance (excluding memory used by the O/S and other
applications). This will have to be divided up between the various
memory buffers (key_buffer, innodb_buffer_pool, etc.) allocated by
each mysql process, so you might want to reconsider if you really need
to run 40 separate mysql processes, or whether all the databases can
live in the same MySQL instance and thus probably make better use of
the available RAM.

With regards to stress-testing and benchmarking, two popular tools for
benchmarking MySQL servers are:

Super Smack:

We need to determine whether to have multiple
servers to support the ~40 instances or have all ~40 instances on the
same machine. Any help of ideas would be greatly appreciated with
this decision.

I would be inclined to have separate machines, rather than put
everything on one huge server. By spreading the data around, you are
reducing the risk if the one mega-machine were to become unavailable,
and also reducing resource contention (on the disks, CPU, RAM etc.).

-- Alex

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Re: how would mysqld restart affect dynamically set global variables?

2007-03-14 Thread Alex Greg

We're running mysql 4.1.20.  If I understand the manual correctly, I can
change max_connections while mysqld is running without restart mysqld to
make the change take effect


But what if mysqld restarts later in some
other situations, like machine reboot, would my (global) change on
max_connections remain?

No; you'll need to put it in my.cnf in order for it to persist after
mysqld is shut down.

-- Alex

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Re: Repair query overloading server

2007-03-14 Thread Alex Greg

On 3/8/07, Gary Sewell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm having a problem with a single repair query seemingly taking over the
whole server. I'll try and explain….

Large table or 1.2m rows, running a repair on this causes the query queue to
grow and grow and finally max out.

The problem isn't table locks because no-one else is using the test database
I am repairing.

Assuming you're running both the test database and the live database
on the same physical server, it sounds like the problem could be that
the table repair is starving the disks I/O-wise, causing other queries
to run very slowly.

If at all possible, try and move the test database to its own physical
hard drive (or ideally, to its own hard drive on a separate disk
controller); that way, any disk-intensive table repairs won't affect
disk performance of the live database.

Or move the test database to its own server; running test and live
systems on the same physical server is asking for trouble!

Even the most simple
select queries on the live database are taking 500 secs!! I want the repair
to run but not to the detriment of other queries.

This problem will be a lot worse if the queries aren't well optimised;
have you checked them with EXPLAIN? 500 seconds does indeed sound a
bit excessive, even for a system under heavy disk I/O load.

Once the repair is over it can take about 3 minutes before the queue starts
to evaporate also, shouldn't it kick back into gear as soon as the repair is

In my experience, It can take a while for the kernel to re-balance
things. Caching of  MyISAM data pages is managed by the operating
system's page cache, and not by MySQL; if a large table has to be
re-built, this will most likely have an adverse effect on MyISAM
performance until things have balanced themselves out.

-- Alex

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Re: Innodb corruption help needed!

2007-03-14 Thread Alex Greg

On 3/11/07, Jean-Sebastien Pilon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I am running a mysql database server and we experienced a power failure.
The mysql server does not want to restart because innodb is corrupted.

Version info:

Mysql version 4.1.11-Debian_4sarge7-log
Debian sarge
Reiserfs filesystem

What I have tried:

- Ran reiserfsck to fix corrupted file system. It fixed some problems,
now says no corruption.
- Restarted mysql with no success
- Restarted mysql with innodb_force_recovery = 4 option, with no success
- Restarted mysql with innodb_force_recovery = 6 option, mysql starts,
but cannot access any data in my different schemas/tables

See below for mysql startup log

What should I do next ?

Unfortuantely, it looks like your InnoDB tablespace is beyond
recovery. If this data is critical and you don't have a backup, it
might be worth getting MySQL Enterprise Support for this server and
have them try and recover it -- see
for details.

Assuming you have a backup of your data and you want to get the server
back up and running so you can restore from this backup, you need to
shut down the server, delete the corrupted InnoDB tablespace and
associated .frm files, and start it up again (which will cause the
server to re-create the tablespace from scratch):

1. Shut down mysql (/etc/init.d/mysql stop on Debian, iirc)

2. Go into your data directory, and run:
a. rm -f ib*
b. for f in `find -name \*.ibd`; do b=`echo $f | sed 's/.ibd//g'`; rm
-f $b.ibd $b.frm ; done

3. Start the server again (/etc/init.d/mysql start on Debian, iirc)

4. Restore your backup (I'm assuming this is in a .sql file) by
running the relevant sections back through the mysql program.

By the way, a power outage shouldn't cause the InnoDB tablespace to
become corrupted like this, it's ACID-compliant. It's possible that
your disk system is doing some caching you don't know about, resulting
in MySQL thinking data is on disk (or guaranteed to be put on disk)
when it actually isn't. See
for details on how to test (and fix) this.

-- Alex

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Re: Default root password not blank?

2007-03-14 Thread Alex Greg

On 3/13/07, Merlin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I just compiled mysql4.1.22 on a suse 9.3 machine. All went fine, but
when I try to change the password I get prompted for one. So I hit
return as it is supposed to be blank, right? But it seems to be not:

/usr/local/mysql/bin # ./mysqladmin -u root -p password testpw
Enter password:
./mysqladmin: connect to server at 'localhost' failed
error: 'Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)'

if I do the command without -p I get:
./mysqladmin: connect to server at 'localhost' failed
error: 'Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)'


./mysqladmin password testpw

-- Alex

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Re: Gaining statistics from MySQL

2007-02-21 Thread Alex Greg

On 2/20/07, Clyde Lewis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm looking to find a way to determine the number of transactions
that a particular database is processing each min/hour/day/month/year

Looks like Com_commit is what you're looking for (though you can
replace commit with most other types of query, i.e. Com_select,

This is a counter, so you'll need to record the value periodically and
work out the differences for a period.

-- Alex

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Re: What is the db.opt ?

2006-12-11 Thread Alex Greg

Would like to know what is the archive db.opt.

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Re: Replication error: Unable to get certificate

2006-11-27 Thread Alex Greg

 Master_SSL_Allowed: Yes
 Master_SSL_CA_File: /root/.mysql/cacert.pem
 Master_SSL_CA_Path: /root/.mysql/
Master_SSL_Cert: /root/.mysql/client-cert.pem
 Master_SSL_Key: /root/.mysql/client-key.pem
  Seconds_Behind_Master: 0


SSL:3017771936:error:0200100D:system library:fopen:Permission

MySQL (which runs as the mysql user) isn't going to be able to read
the certificates out of root's home directory, which is only readable
by root.

Put the certificates somewhere where the mysql user can read them -
your data directory would be a sensible place.

-- Alex

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Re: How to keep myqsl backup server

2006-11-24 Thread Alex Greg

I need to create an application where i will be requiring a backup server
like when one server fails i can switch automatically to the other server
hosted somewhere else , now the data needs to be consistent on both the
servers, one sol is i keep automated backups on the primary server and
restore it by a script on the backup server

You want replication, which will automatically keep your data
up-to-date between two servers in near-real-time. See

Note: You will need to configure master-master replication if you want
to start writing to the other server if the master fails, otherwise
your data will be inconsistent.

but i need to know how will i
switch between servers and if i use domain names instead of ips how will i
make immediate switch.

You probably shouldn't use DNS entries for an application that
requires immediate fail-over; configure your application to connect to
an IP address, then change this IP address if you have to fail over to
the backup server.

-- Alex

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Re: storing images in the database

2006-10-11 Thread Greg Donald

On 10/10/06, Rodney Courtis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I want to store jpeg images in a mysql database from php in the form of 'blob' 
Is this possible and can you detail for me the steps to achieve this?

For a nice size performance hit, yup:

Greg Donald

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Returning a Value from a Stored Procedure

2006-10-08 Thread Greg Lindstrom

I am running MySQL 5.0 on Windows XP hitting it from Python (2.4) routines.
I have an id column (auto increment, primary key) on every table that I use
to join other tables.  I use stored procedures to insert new records into
each table and would like to know how to return the id value of the recently
inserted record (it's more a problem on how to *get* the id value to return
than how to return it).

If anyone can show me how to do this or point me to the appropriate
documentation, I would be grateful.


Re: Zip Code Distance

2006-08-29 Thread Greg Donald

On 8/29/06, Jesse [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

This is not necessarily SQL Specific, but it will impact my MySQL

Using the zip code, how can you determine what's in a (say) 50 mile radius.
In other words, if I'm looking for schools within a 50 mile radius of my
location (Zip Code 33881), How can I determine this by the zip code?  I have
seen lots of search engines that do this, but don't know how they determine
the distance.  I figured that I can use the first 4 digits as a match, then
the first 3 digits which will be a little further away, but I don't know how
accurate that would be.  Does anyone have any ideas?

Greg Donald

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RE: Installing MySQL on Windows Server 2003 Standard x64 Edition

2006-08-25 Thread Greg Joss
Go to Control PanelSystemAdvanced. Click Environmental Variables and Find
the PATH variable under System Variables and add the full path, i.e.
c:\Program Files\...\mysql\bin to the variable.

-Original Message-
From: David Lazo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, August 25, 2006 2:54 PM
Subject: Installing MySQL on Windows Server 2003 Standard x64 Edition

I'm having problems with MySQLInstanceConfig.exe - Unable To Locate

   This application has failed to start because LIBMYSQL.dll was not found.
Re-installing the application may fix this problem

I have tried to re-install, but I get the same message.

I read the following related threads but didn't help.

I looked for the file and it exists in:

This is the download I'm using for the installation:
Windows Server 2003 (AMD64 / Intel EM64T)5.0.24

Please advise.


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Re: where may I find sqlplus.hh??

2006-08-06 Thread Greg 'groggy' Lehey
On Thursday,  3 August 2006 at 22:56:54 -0700, Ratnadeep Nayak wrote:
  I have downloaded a code on c++ to talk to MySQL database from net which
 included a file sqlplus.hh , where may I find the file?Please help me

It's not in our code.  It must be in the code you downloaded.  If you
don't find it there, follow up with the author.

Greg Lehey, Senior Software Engineer, Online Backup
Echunga, South Australia
Phone: +61-8-8388-8286   Mobile: +61-418-838-708

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Re: Why release 5.0.23 instead of 5.0.24?

2006-07-30 Thread Greg 'groggy' Lehey
On Saturday, 29 July 2006 at  9:53:29 -0700, Abdullah Ibn Hamad Al-Marri wrote:
 Jim Winstead wrote:
 On Sat, Jul 29, 2006 at 08:35:41AM -0700, Abdullah Ibn Hamad Al-Marri wrote:
 Why MySQL 5.0.23 while it has serious bug?

 I thought you guys will release 5.0.24 instead.

 This is still the case. 5.0.23 will not be released, and 5.0.24 will be
 released as soon as it is ready.

 (I see that some 5.0.23 binaries are listed on the 5.0 download page --
 this is a mistake.)

 That's why I wondered.

 So when will we get MySQL 5.0.25 for FreeBSD?

I suppose you mean 5.0.24.  I can't speak for the build team, but the
FreeBSD Ports Collection will have it as soon as the maintainer
updates it.  He's on vacation until 21 August, so normally it wouldn't
be until after that.  If you have a good reason to need it earlier,
let me know and I may be able to update it for you.

Greg Lehey, Senior Software Engineer, Online Backup
Echunga, South Australia
Phone: +61-8-8388-8286   Mobile: +61-418-838-708

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Re: Incremental Backup

2006-07-19 Thread Greg 'groggy' Lehey
On Tuesday, 18 July 2006 at 10:57:24 +0530, Kaushal Shriyan wrote:

 I would like to know following 2 things.

 1) if i would like to take mysql incremental backup weekly

 cp /var/lib/mysql/ /backup/mysqlbak/

Others have already explained why this won't work.  None of them have
addressed the issue of incremental backups, though.  To clarify: an
incremental backup is one which bases on a previous backup, so it only
contains data that has changed since that backup.  None of the methods
described can do that.  Neither will the first release of our new
online backup, though it's planned for later.

Currently you have the following option:

1.  Ensure that you have the binlog enabled.   See the chapter on
replication in the reference manual for details
(  You
don't need to run a slave node, but you do need to create the
binlogs, which will be your incremental backup files.

2.  Make a complete backup at some point.  All incremental backups
require this step, of course.  Currently mysqldump or mysqlhotcopy
are your choices, though of course you can also back up the
underlying files if you take the appropriate precautions to ensure
that they're consistent.  Note the binlog position at the time of
the backup.

3.  Back up the binlogs as they fill up.

4.  To restore the database, first restore the complete backup.  Then
use mysqlbinlog
( to
output the incremental part of the backup to a mysql client.  Use
the --start-position option to mysqlbinlog to tell it where to

5.  Optionally, use the --stop-position argument to tell it where to
stop.  This gives you the capability to recover to a point in time
(like just before that monster query went wrong).

For more information, see the Example Backup and Recovery Strategy at
I *strongly* recommend trying this out with a dry run before
entrusting your database to it; it's quite possible to shoot yourself
in the foot.

Greg Lehey, Senior Software Engineer, Online Backup
Echunga, South Australia
Phone: +61-8-8388-8286   Mobile: +61-418-838-708

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Re: I don't understand why SCSI is preferred.

2006-07-11 Thread Greg 'groggy' Lehey
On Tuesday, 11 July 2006 at 16:41:24 -0700, Chris White wrote:
 On Tuesday 11 July 2006 04:18 pm, Brian Dunning wrote:
 My understanding is that SCSI has a faster transfer rate, for
 transferring large files. A busy database needs really fast access,
 for making numerous fast calls all over the disk. Two different,
 unrelated things.

 I am more than willing to be called Wrong, slapped, and cast from a

 Be careful on that, databases do more work in memory than anything
 else.  That said, I'd be more worried about your memory capacity.
 Now, if you rely mainly on swap(virtual) memory, then you might
 worry more on that :).

Clearly when you're working in memory, the kind of disks you use don't
have much influence.

In fact, SCSI disks typically have (marginally) faster access times
than ATA.  They may also have higher transfer rates, but as Brian
observes, this is of marginal interest.

One of the things that we discuss internally from time to time is the
influence of block size on database performance.  On modern disks,
random access to a single 4 kB block takes about 5.1 ms (5 ms seek,
0.1 ms transfer).  Random access to a single 64 kB block takes about
6.6 ms (5 ms seek, 1.6 ms transfer).  Clearly big blocks improve disk
bandwidth; but if you only need 4 kB, the rest doesn't buy you
anything.  That's why we discuss rather than come to any useful

Greg Lehey, Senior Software Engineer, Online Backup
Echunga, South Australia
Phone: +61-8-8388-8286   Mobile: +61-418-838-708

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Re: mysqldump - dump file per table?

2006-07-09 Thread Greg 'groggy' Lehey
On Friday,  7 July 2006 at 14:53:11 -0500, Dan Buettner wrote:
 I'm preparing to implement some mysqldump-based backups, and would
 really like to find an easy way to dump out one SQL file per table,
 rather than single massive SQL file with all tables from all

 In other words, if I have database DB1 with tables TBL1 and TBL2, and
 database DB2 with tables TBL3 and TBL4, I'd end up with files named
 something like this, containing just the table create and data for


 This would make selective restores a lot easier, and would also allow
 us to set up development/testing environments more easily than one big

 I'd use mysqlhotcopy but we're in an InnoDB environment.

 I can implement this with a little perl script but wondered if anyone
 was aware of a tool out there already?

As has been discussed, there's no current method.  It's certainly as
an enhancement.  doable (though we'd need to think about how to name
the dump files).  You could put in a bug report asking for the
functionality, though honestly I don't see much likelihood of us doing
it in the near future.  But then, I don't decide the priorities.

On the other hand, if the bug report is accompanied by working code to
implement this functionality, there's a much better chance of it being
accepted.  If you or somebody else want to do this, please contact me
first so that we can discuss the approach.

Greg Lehey, Senior Software Engineer, Online Backup
Echunga, South Australia
Phone: +61-8-8388-8286   Mobile: +61-418-838-708

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Re: mysqldump: Got errno 27 on write. file too large

2006-07-05 Thread Greg 'groggy' Lehey
On Wednesday,  5 July 2006 at  9:12:52 -0400, Duhaime Johanne wrote:
 I have musql 4.1.7 on Solaris 9, 64 bits and I want to mysqldump a +-4
 gigas db.


 The full directory that contains the *.frm, *.MYD,*.MYI files has the
 following size:
 du -ks  /seqdata/mysql/autres_bds/regen
 3702719 /seqdata/mysql/autres_bds/regen
 ... I get the output du -k: 2098184 myregendump

 this error supposed to be:
 bin/perror 27
 Error code  27:  File too large
 As you can see I have plenty of space.

Error codes below 128 come from the kernel.  It's possible for
applications to return error numbers in this range too, but it's not a
good idea, and mysqldump doesn't do it.  So whatever's happening here,
it's being reported by the kernel.

There are two numbers:

#define EFBIG   27  /* File too large */
#define ENOSPC  28  /* No space left on device */

EFBIG refers to limitations in the size of one file; you can get it
even if there's plenty of space in the file system.  ENOSPC is the
other way round: you can get it even if the file isn't at its maximum
allowed size.

 In  the error file I have multiple times the line:
 InnoDB: Error: unable to create temporary file; errno: 2
 mercure{mysql}66: bin/perror 2
 Error code   2:  No such file or directory
 But  the directory exist.

I'd guess that it doesn't.  Unfortunately the message doesn't tell you
which file it's trying to create.  This might be worth a bug report,
since it seriously hinders you in finding out what that particular
problem is.

Why does this not show up in your verbose mysqldump?

 Then I tried a verbose mysqldump.

 mercure{mysql}73: /seqweb/mysql/bin/mysqldump --opt --verbose regen 
 -- Connecting to localhost...
 -- Retrieving table structure for table cpgisland_Human_May2004...
 -- Sending SELECT query...
 -- Retrieving rows...
  21 tables
 -- Retrieving table structure for table unit_occurence_Human_May2004...
 -- Sending SELECT query...
 -- Retrieving rows...
 /seqweb/mysql/bin/mysqldump: Got errno 27 on write
 This table is 1 giga data and 500mb index.

Note that mysqldump is not very efficient in its format.  How big was
the output file when it failed?  I'd hazard a guess at 2 GB
(specifically, 2147483647 bytes).  If this is the case, it's
definitely a file system limitation.

 Then I tried a mysqldump of this table only:
 /seqweb/mysql/bin/mysqldump --opt --verbose regen
 and it works fine.

 How can I solve this problem?

Well, you've found one workaround :-) 

What file system are you using?  Could this be (Sun's old) UFS?

I'm sure that Sun has file systems that aren't limited to 2 GB; you
could use one of them.  They'll probably give you other advantages

 I have looked at the previous message in the forum but could not
 find anything answering my problem.

I'm relatively confident that this isn't a mysqldump problem.

On Wednesday,  5 July 2006 at 12:28:53 -0400, Michael Stassen wrote:

 My first thought is that Dominik is on the right track.  I get

 : perror 27
   OS error code  27:  File too large

 which suggests there is some OS limitation.  Perhaps the user
 running mysqldump is limited?  Do you have any larger files owned by
 the same user?  Can that user currently create a file larger than
 that using another means?

Yes, this could be a disk quota issue.

 The other possibility would be a bug.  You are using version 4.1.7, which
 is nearly 2 years old now (released October 2004).  The current version is
 4.1.20. If you have indeed hit a bug, your best bet would be to upgrade
and try again.  You should probably at least read the *long* list of bug
 fixes from 4.1.7 to 4.1.20 in the MySQL change history in the manual

While it's my duty not to stand up and say it's not a mysqldump bug,
I'd be very surprised in this case--see above for reasoning.

Greg Lehey, Senior Software Engineer, Online Backup
Echunga, South Australia
Phone: +61-8-8388-8286   Mobile: +61-418-838-708

Are you MySQL certified?

Description: PGP signature

Re: FreeBSD 6 and MySQL with DBs on a NAS

2006-06-26 Thread Greg 'groggy' Lehey
On Monday, 26 June 2006 at 10:41:16 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 *** This happens for me using FreeBSD 6.0 or FreeBSD 6.1 with the most
 recent MySQL 4.1 or 5.0 built from ports and when the DBMS data files
 reside on a NetApp NAS share shared over NFS.  It only seems to happen with
 very frequently written-to tables. I sent this to the list last week and no
 one responded. ***

 Hi, I was wondering if anyone else had encountered this issue and/or come
 up with what needs to be done to resolve it:

 I currently have MySQL 5.0.22 built from ports on a FreeBSD 6.1 machine
 with the DB data residing on a NetApp share connected via NFS.  A strange
 thing happens often after a few hours or a couple of days, some tables
 that are very active start to crash for no apparent reason as far as I
 can tell.

 Example output from check table tablename:
 Table  | Op| Msg_type | Msg_text

 dbname.tablename | check | warning  | Table is marked as crashed

 dbname.tablename | check | error| Found key at page 18259968 that
 points to record outside datafile |
 dbname.tablename | check | error| Corrupt


 I've seen this happen on FreeBSD 6.0 and 6.1 with MySQL 4.1.x and MySQL
 5.0.x built from ports.  Has anyone else seen this and if so has a
 resolution been found?

This is a complicated one.  There are at least three variables:

1.  MySQL is typically most heavily tested on Linux; you're running
2.  You're using the version of FreeBSD from the Ports Collection, not
our own build.
3.  You're running over NFS, to a different implementation.

Of these variables, I'd say that (2) is probably completely
irrelevant.  Of the other two, I'd put my money on (3).

You can test this if you can move the database to local disk, at least
fora while.  If the problem no longer occurs, there's a good reason to
believe that my guess is right.  In this case, it's not a MySQL
problem.  The best thing to do then would be to report it via the
FreeBSD bug reporting system (

If the problem still occurs, it would be good to get more information
about the database and query structure.

Greg Lehey, Senior Software Engineer, Online Backup
Echunga, South Australia
Phone: +61-8-8388-8286   Mobile: +61-418-838-708

Are you MySQL certified?

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Re: mysqldump locks dumping db mysql in 5.1.9

2006-06-07 Thread Greg 'groggy' Lehey
On Wednesday,  7 June 2006 at 11:35:56 -0700, James Barros wrote:

 I've got 5.1.9 running on FreeBSD and I'm trying to do some backups,
 but mysqldump is locking up on me.

 when I run:
 mysqldump -uroot --opt mysql
 (and yes, it's a test box, so there is no root password. I can
 duplicate this behavior with other accounts with sufficient priv's
 specifying a password)

 I get:


 and then it just freezes there till I ctl+c out.

 Is this a legit bug I should report to the buglist or did I screw
 something up?

mysqldump should not hang, so it's a bug.  The real question is how
you managed to trip it.  Please enter a bug report and I'll look at it
as soon as possible.

Greg Lehey, Senior Software Engineer
Echunga, South Australia
Phone: +61-8-8388-8286   Mobile: +61-418-838-708

Are you MySQL certified?

Description: PGP signature

Re: i'm at a complete loss?

2006-05-29 Thread Greg Maruszeczka
On Sun, 28 May 2006 20:17:53 -0400
Daniel McQuay [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hello list,
 I just installed MySQL on my FreeBSD box here at home and am having a
 few problems with privileges. I can connect to mysql using; mysql -u
 mysql and there is no password needed. However, when I try to connect
 to the server using root; mysql -u root I get an error;
 ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using
 password: NO)
 so reading that it appears that I need a password so i try; mysql -u
 root -p it prompts me for my root pass and when I put it in it does
 that same thing above but with (using password: YES).
 I went to the the MySQL web site and read 2.10.3 Securing the Initial
 MySQL Accounts and tried following along with that but with no luck.
 When checking google for help I read a lot about the initial
 installation. Something about /usr/local/bin/mysql_install_db will
 install a privilege table.
 I installed mysql using this guide here and every thing
 seemed to go well but like I said I keep getting this error. Is there
 something else I should do? Any help on this would be MUCH


Wasn't clear to me in reading your post that you did this so here

Did you actually set a root password for mysql using a GRANT
statement after logging in with the default BLANK password?

mysql -u root -p [then just hit enter]


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Re: Backups with MySQL/InnoDB

2006-05-08 Thread Greg 'groggy' Lehey
On  Sunday, May 07, 2006 6:14 PM, Greg 'groggy' Lehey wrote:
 On Sunday,  7 May 2006 at  9:27:31 -0700, Robert DiFalco wrote:
 What are people doing for backups on very large MySQL/InnoDB
 databases?  Say for databases greater than 200 GB. Curious about
 the backup methods, procedures, and frequency.

 A second question, but not for the first time: how would you *like* to
 do backups if you had the choice?  We're currently in the final stages
 of the design of an online backup solution, and in the near future I'll
 publish the specs.  I won't mention them now to avoid influencing you,
 but now's the time to speak up if you want something specific.

On Monday,  8 May 2006 at  8:15:17 -0700, paul rivers wrote:

 I would suggest looking at the functionality of Microsoft SQL Server
 or Sybase backups.  It's extremely nice from an admin point of view,
 and certainly covers all of what Robert mentions.

Yes, from an administrative perspective we're trying to make something
that feels intuitive, and particularly the Microsoft approach seems
a good starting point for this aspect.  If you have a pet feature not
discussed below, let me know.

On  Sunday, May 07, 2006 9:30 PM, Robert DiFalco wrote:

 Fast, incremental, compressed, and no max-size limitations. Must be
 transaction safe; able to run while transactions are going on
 without including any started after the backup began; the usual

We're certainly planning incremental backups, but they probably won't
be in the first release.  We don't plan any size limitations (this is
a streaming backup), and it will be transaction-safe (statement-safe
for MyISAM) and online (i.e. concurrently with normal processing).

Compression is a different issue.  We haven't considered it so far,
and though it's desirable, I don't see why we can't get an external
program to do this (bzip2 or gzip, for example; the choice depends on
your personal tradeoffs between time and space).

On Monday,  8 May 2006 at 15:55:07 -0300, Daniel da Veiga wrote:
 On 5/8/06, David Hillman wrote:
 On May 7, 2006, at 11:29 PM, Robert DiFalco wrote:
 Fast, incremental, compressed, and no max-size limitations. Must be
 transaction safe; able to run while transactions are going on without
 including any started after the backup began; the usual stuff.

Incremental, transaction safe, compressed, fast, no-max-size.
 ( In order )

 Those are certainly the most important features (and I'll be glad to
 beta-test it ;) I'll add: manage multiple servers, deal with
 replication (using the replicated server as a backup would be cool),
 manage binlogs (date and purge) and be compatible with version 4.1 and
 above (I don't plan on using the 5 version any time soon).

The component we're working on at the moment is the streaming online
backup API.  Basically you issue an SQL command BACKUP DATABASE, and
it outputs a data stream that you can point at your tape drive, to a
disk, or across the network to something like VERITAS.  We're very
conscious of the multiple server issue, but it's going to have to wait
until we can back up one server properly.  Dealing with replication is
a special case of multiple servers, so that will wait too.  We will
backup the binlog, though, and our current thinking is to use it for
incremental backups, though this may change.

On Monday,  8 May 2006 at 16:09:23 -0500, Rich Duzenbury wrote:

 In addition, I'd like to see a configurable option for how often to
 take a full and or incremental backups, a mechanism to age the
 backups and drop them after a certain amount of time.  For example,
 I want a simple way to keep four weekly near line backups each
 month, then age off and keep one backup for each of the previous 11
 months, and then just one backup per year.  This would be about 1T
 of data for us.

This is also another aspect of the backup solution we're working on.
I'll put it down on the wish list.

On Tuesday,  9 May 2006 at  7:18:28 +1000, David Logan wrote:
 Hi Greg,

 Maybe similar features to that of bacula (my current backup software of
 choice for my wifes business servers). This is a very comprehensive open
 source solution that has many of the features requested below. eg.
 multiple servers, pooling, aging etc. It is a good example of what my
 own requirements would be.

I don't know Bacula, but I suppose I should investigate it.  Do you
know anybody in the project?

 Is the intention to have a MySQL type plugin? eg. will it have an
 api that will be open to other backup solutions being able to
 utilise what will be written?

Yes, this is very much the intention.  It's the API that we're
defining now.  We've been talking to Zmanda (,
who are interested in extending amanda with MySQL plugins, and we'd be
more than happy for others to join in.

 It would be nice to be able to utilise a standard XBSA solution giving
 access to the database from any one of the major enterprise backup
 solutions, eg. Legato Networker, Veritas Netbackup, HP

Re: Backups with MySQL/InnoDB

2006-05-07 Thread Greg 'groggy' Lehey
On Sunday,  7 May 2006 at  9:27:31 -0700, Robert DiFalco wrote:
 What are people doing for backups on very large MySQL/InnoDB databases?
 Say for databases greater than 200 GB. Curious about the backup methods,
 procedures, and frequency.

A second question, but not for the first time: how would you *like* to
do backups if you had the choice?  We're currently in the final stages
of the design of an online backup solution, and in the near future
I'll publish the specs.  I won't mention them now to avoid influencing
you, but now's the time to speak up if you want something specific.

Greg Lehey, Senior Software Engineer
Echunga, South Australia
Phone: +61-8-8388-8286   Mobile: +61-418-838-708

Are you MySQL certified?

Description: PGP signature

Re: mySQL Backups

2006-04-11 Thread Greg 'groggy' Lehey
On Tuesday, 11 April 2006 at 18:40:23 +1000, Jim wrote:

 What is the standard procedure for mySQL backups.
 We need to backup at least once a day on a windows OS.
 Is there a SQL Server Job Agent type solution?

At the moment it's a mess.  We're working on cleaning up the mess, and
you should see something soon.  As soon as we have something to show,
we'll let you know.  In the meantime, we're still defining the
architecture.  If (any of) you have specific wishes, please let me

Greg Lehey, Senior Software Engineer
Echunga, South Australia
Phone: +61-8-8388-8286   Mobile: +61-418-838-708

Are you MySQL certified?

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Re: New MySQL Transaction Engine Announced

2006-04-09 Thread Greg 'groggy' Lehey
On Friday,  7 April 2006 at  9:52:46 -0500, mos wrote:
 In case anyone is interested in where MySQL is going with transactions;1262876365;relcomp;1

Before anybody goes overboard here based on the Subject: line, read
the article.  This is not New MySQL Transaction Engine Announced,
but New MySQL Transaction Engine to be Announced:

  MySQL is due to unveil a new transaction database engine at its
  upcoming user conference later this month, according to a company

Greg Lehey, Senior Software Engineer
Echunga, South Australia
Phone: +61-8-8388-8286   Mobile: +61-418-838-708

Are you MySQL certified?

Description: PGP signature

Re: MySQL 4.0.18 on Mac OS X 10.2.8 won't start

2006-04-02 Thread Greg 'groggy' Lehey
On Monday,  3 April 2006 at  2:29:48 +0530, Sachin Petkar wrote:
 On 4/3/06, Eric Braswell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Sachin Petkar wrote:
 For some reason, MySQL 4.0.18 has suddenly stopped running and will not
 start anymore.


 There are several possible reasons for this. ...

 Thanks to everyone, MySQL is back up and running.
 This was definitely enlightening!

Did you establish what the cause of the problem was?

Greg Lehey, Senior Software Engineer
Echunga, South Australia
Phone: +61-8-8388-8286   Mobile: +61-418-838-708

Are you MySQL certified?

Description: PGP signature

Re: Tuning a Server with 10,000 databases

2006-04-01 Thread Greg Whalin
Gary Huntress wrote:
 David Logan wrote:
 mos wrote:

 At 09:27 PM 3/31/2006, you wrote:

 I have been offering free database hosting for over 4 years and I've
 been doing it on a shoestring.My last MySQL server was a generic
 1GHz system with 256MB RAM running Redhat 9.   The performance was
 surprisingly good because the query loads were not typically high.  
 One persistent problem was the initial connection times.   On that
 old system if I had less than approx 10,000 separate databases then
 the connection times were fast, and on the order of 1 second or
 so.   If I had more than 10,000 databases this dramatically changed
 the connection times to well over 15 seconds or more.

 I always attributed this connection lag to a problem with the
 filesystem and the large number of directories.  The old server had
 RH9 and ext3 with no htree support which I was told could help with
 this problem.

 I recently bought a new 2.4 GHz system with 1GB of RAM and installed
 Fedora 4 with ext3 and htree support.  All new hardware, faster
 drives, more RAM and updated software.  I thought I was golden!   
 Well, I have 14,000 databases on this new system and it is as slow
 as the old 1GHz system.
 The tuning articles I've read, and the sample my-*.cnf files that
 ship with the tarball appear to apply to the more typical
 installation of a single huge database rather than thousands of
 individual dbs.   Can anyone offer any suggestions?


 Gary Huntress

 Just a guess, but could the problem be the 14,000 directories
 you have to store the 14,000 databases? The problem could be the OS
 directory structure. Putting the data into fewer databases will
 likely solve the problem or perhaps move half of the directories to
 another drive.


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 Hi Gary,

 I think that Mike may have hit the nail on the head. I've a few unix
 directories with multiple thousand files and they do become a bit of a
 problem to manage speedwise. Perhaps, as Mike has suggested, place
 half of them on another drive.

 The other option could be to run multiple instances of MySQL, each
 having a different port number (this could be based on username or
 something similar) eg. A-D port 3306, E-H 3307, etc. and reducing the
 number of dbs per instance (server) that way.


 I agree with the diagnosis.  I'm unsure how to move 1/2 the databases to
 a new drive though.  That would be the simplest solution.   As I
 understand it, MySQL will only use 1 data directory, so the best case
 would be symlinks.   I'm not sure about this but 15,000 symlinks to
 multiple drives may be just as slow as 15,000 directory entries.   Were
 either of you thinking of another way to split up the directories?   
 Unfortunately, since I assign one database per user, I can't limit the
 number created.
 Multiiple servers may be my best option.

Not necessarily sure this is the problem.  But if it is, it could be
solved by switching to a different filesystem.  Or, if you are using
ext3fs, you could try enabling dir_index on the filesystem (tune2fs -O
dir_index ... man tune2fs), which could give you a boost in performance
in a large dir (this could take a long time to complete).  You may also
want to up your table cache so that mysql can keep more of your commonly
used tables open?

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Re: Update or insert with a single SQL statement?

2006-03-31 Thread Greg Donald
On 3/31/06, Brian Dunning [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have a really simple two-column database:

 domain_name (primary key)

 I'm trying to keep track of the referrer of every visit to a web
 site, and I'm looking for a single SQL statement (since my ISP limits
 the total number of calls I can make in a day) that will either
 insert a new record if the referring domain is not already in there,
 or simply update the timestamp if the referring domain is already in



Greg Donald
Zend Certified Engineer
MySQL Core Certification

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Re: foreign key creation on MyISAM storage engine

2006-03-28 Thread Greg 'groggy' Lehey
On Tuesday, 28 March 2006 at 10:09:16 +0200, Martijn Tonies wrote:
 Hello Taco,

 I previously tried this same question on the GUI tool list, but not much
 traffic there, so I thought I'd give it a go here.
 I've been reading some articles that suggest I should be able to create a
 relationship on a MyISAM table, it would be great if someone could confirm
 or deny this.

 has anyone experienced any problems creating foreign keys
 (relationships) on tables that are of storage engine MyISAM?

 Now, there will be people telling you that you CAN create foreign keys.

 Well, in a way, this is true - you can create columns with values that
 point to other tables.

 What you probably are asking, is if you can referential integrity

 The answer, for MyISAM tables, is NO.

Currently foreign key constraints only work for InnoDB tables.  We're
working making foreign keys table independent, but I can't give you a
completion date yet.

Greg Lehey, Senior Software Engineer
Echunga, South Australia
Phone: +61-8-8388-8286   Mobile: +61-418-838-708

Are you MySQL certified?

Description: PGP signature

Re: SP Debugger (was: Re: ANN: Database Workbench 2.8.5 released!)

2006-03-28 Thread Greg 'groggy' Lehey
On Tuesday, 28 March 2006 at  8:29:08 +0200, Martijn Tonies wrote:
 Hello Nick,

 Upscene Productions is proud to announce the next
 version of the popular database development tool:

 Database Workbench 2.8.5 has been released today!

 I'd like to hear more about the stored procedure debugger -- does all the
 functionality in the documentation work with MySQL?  Anybody used this with
 MySQL, who could describe their experience with it?

 I would really love a good SP debugger!

 I'm sorry to say the debugger only works with InterBase
 and Firebird.

 The MySQL server doesn't provide debugging hooks, by itself,
 this is a problem for 3rd party tool vendors. InterBase or Firebird
 don't provide these either, but we are emulating server behaviour
 at the client side. Although this works for a very large part, it isn't
 exactly easy and there are still problems sometimes, it's hard to
 get perfect.

 This is the reason why we haven't gone that route with MySQL.

What would it take on our side for you to reconsider that decision?

Greg Lehey, Senior Software Engineer
Echunga, South Australia
Phone: +61-8-8388-8286   Mobile: +61-418-838-708

Are you MySQL certified?

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Re: Replication from multiple masters?

2006-03-01 Thread Greg Donald
On 3/1/06, Jeff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Does anyone know if it's possible to replicate to a single slave from
 different databases on different masters?

 For instance:

   \ /
   rep rep
 \ /

snipMySQL only supports one master and many slaves./snip

Greg Donald
Zend Certified Engineer
MySQL Core Certification

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Re: manage multiple mysql servers on different hosts?

2006-03-01 Thread Greg Donald
On 3/1/06, Bing Du [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 We're running several mysql servers for different applications on
 different machines.  Instead of connecting to each mysql server manually
 to find out basic information, e.g. versions, mostly like what 'show
 variables' returns, plus what databases exist on each server, are there
 any tools that can do that?   Can phpMyAdmin manage multiple mysql

Additional MySQL servers can be defined in phpMyAdmin's file.

Greg Donald
Zend Certified Engineer
MySQL Core Certification

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Re: Downgrade from MySQL 5 to MySQL 4.1

2006-02-15 Thread Greg 'groggy' Lehey
On Wednesday, 15 February 2006 at 19:38:18 +0700, Ady Wicaksono wrote:
 Dear All

 i would like to downgrade from MySQL 5.0.18 to MySQL 4.1.18, I found
 MySQL 5.0.18 makes my application unstable... please help me, since
 currently all table in row=compact format

If you're having this kind of problem, could you please give us a bug

Greg Lehey, Senior Software Engineer
Echunga, South Australia
Phone: +61-8-8388-8286   Mobile: +61-418-838-708

Are you MySQL certified?

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Re: Innodb table locked on delete

2006-02-10 Thread Greg Whalin
Innodb is indeed row level locking.  You are likely thinking of BDB
which uses memory page level locking.


sheeri kritzer wrote:
 Innodb is not row-level locking -- it's memory-page-level-locking.  A
 memory page is usually small, so it's almost like row-level locking,
 but not quite.  Perhaps you're running up against that?
 What does the query log say which queries were running?  How do you
 know it's the delete that's taking the lock, and not an update (the
 error message said an update or a delete)?
 On 2/10/06, Ady Wicaksono [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 So where's the row locking?

 I configure my database with Innodb + READ COMMITED, by this configuration
 by using autocommit=1, delete should be done on data commited to disk.
 Other thread should be able to insert/update.


 Tables are locked on delete because, like an update, they are changing

 Imagine issuing a REPLACE statement after a DELETE statement.  If the
 DELETE locks the table, then the REPLACE happens AFTER the DELETE, as
 you wanted.  If the DELETE does not lock the table, then it's possible
 the REPLACE will happen before the DELETE, and the DELETE will delete
 the row you just replaced.


 On 2/9/06, Ady Wicaksono [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Why table locked on delete?


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Re: MySQL Connection Problems

2006-02-09 Thread Greg 'groggy' Lehey
On Thursday,  9 February 2006 at 17:02:06 -0800, Michael Jeung wrote:

 Periodically, exim throws the following error into its panic log:

 Feb 9 13:24:51 mx_server_1 exim[69953]: 2006-02-09 13:24:51 failed to expand 
 ${lookup mysql {select distinct domain from email_table where 
 domain='$domain'}{$value}} while checking a list: lookup of select distinct 
 domain from email_table where domain='' gave DEFER: MYSQL connection 
 failed: Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (61)

 (where is one of our customer's domains that we host.)

 This has been happening for months, and I'm trying to get rid of
 these errors. The come in bursts - in a single second, I could get as
 many as 30 to 40 of these messages.

 Now, I've taken a few different steps to track this down, but the
 problem is very elusive and hard to replicate. The mySQL error logs
 are unhelpful. I'm sure that my mySQL server isn't running out of
 connections, because if it was, I would receive a too many
 connection error message. (I deliberately lowered the max number of
 mySQL connections to test this.)

Since you've checked the MySQL logs, can I assume that you've
confirmed that the server hasn't been failing and being restarted?
Even if you don't find any evidence of such problems, can you check
with ps to see when the mysqld was started?

 I'm wondering if there's a system level limit that I'm running into
 that would be independant of exim or mySQL's configuration. I'm a
 little hazy in this area, but I would be talking about some sysctl
 variable, a ulimit on open sockets, or something to that effect.

This doesn't seem consistent with the errors you're reporting.  If you
did hit some FreeBSD-related limit, it would be reported in

Greg Lehey, Senior Software Engineer
Echunga, South Australia
Phone: +61-8-8388-8286   Mobile: +61-418-838-708

Are you MySQL certified?

Description: PGP signature

Re: MySQL installation failure

2006-02-01 Thread Greg 'groggy' Lehey
On Wednesday,  1 February 2006 at 15:01:15 -0600, Hong Li wrote:

 I am doing investigation to determine whether we can use MySQL in
 our project.  But I got error message when I try to install MySQL on
 Unix server.  Could you please help me?

 group name wheel not found in group table(s)

This suggests that you're using a BSD-style package.  BSD systems have
group wheel, many UNIX systems don't.  Can you give details of your
system and what version of MySQL you're trying to install?

Greg Lehey, Senior Software Engineer
Echunga, South Australia
Phone: +61-8-8388-8286   Mobile: +61-418-838-708

Are you MySQL certified?

Description: PGP signature

Re: Query: Order for the Earliest Latest date

2006-01-24 Thread Greg Fortune
In addition to the id_Site, you also need to grab the MAX(Time) so you have 
something to sort by.  This requires a little trick known as a groupwise 
maximum.  See for 
an explanation and some examples.

Greg Fortune

On Tuesday 24 January 2006 09:06, Dan Baker wrote:
 I have two tables I'm working with.  One table (Sites) contains contact
 information for every customer site that we deal with. The other table
 (Incidents) contains all the support calls we've made.

 I'm trying to generate a list of sites that HAD a support incident within a
 known date range, and order them so that the site that has the OLDEST
 support call is FIRST in the list.
 I'm using:
 WHERE Time = $date1 AND Time = $date2
 Which gives me a list of sites that had a support incident between the
 dates, but doesn't really sort them correctly.
 It simply orders them by who had the earliest support call.  I'm looking
 for the site who's LAST support call is the EARLIEST.

 [Incident TABLE]
 Field Type Null Default Links to Comments MIME
 id   int(11) No
 Time   int(11) No  0when call came in  text/plain
 Description   varchar(100) No  brief description
 Notes   text No  operator notes
 id_Site   int(11) No  0  site - id

 Thanks for any pointers.

Description: PGP signature

Re: problems with old isam tables

2006-01-12 Thread Greg Fortune
That looks a little odd.  Do isam tables have a .myi file for each table that 
stores the indexes? If so, yours appears to be missing.  I would suggest you 
use mysqldump to dump the table, change the ENGINE= section in the resulting 
dump file, and then reload the table and data from that dump file.

When upgrading between major versions (4.0, 4.1, 5.0, 5.1, etc), it's always 
wise to make a full backup of the data files and a full backup of the 
database using mysqldump.  The output from mysqldump is just SQL so it is 
always the safest route if you run into problems.

Greg Fortune

On Wednesday 11 January 2006 13:39, Anne Ramey wrote:
 I have a problem.  I had to upgrade to 4.1 yesterday for an application,
 and now I can't convert my old isam tables to myisam:
 ERROR 1017 (HY000): Can't find file: 'codes.MYI' (errno: 2)
 and I can't use phpmyadmin because there are isam tables.  Is there any
 way to save the data and fix this?  I know it should have been done when
 upgrading to 4.0, but for some reason it wasn't.

 mysql 4.1, redhat ES3

Description: PGP signature

Re: problems with old isam tables

2006-01-12 Thread Greg Fortune
Also, you may find that check table/repair table are able to fix the problem.  
See for more 


On Thursday 12 January 2006 08:28, Greg Fortune wrote:
 That looks a little odd.  Do isam tables have a .myi file for each table
 that stores the indexes? If so, yours appears to be missing.  I would
 suggest you use mysqldump to dump the table, change the ENGINE= section in
 the resulting dump file, and then reload the table and data from that dump

 When upgrading between major versions (4.0, 4.1, 5.0, 5.1, etc), it's
 always wise to make a full backup of the data files and a full backup of
 the database using mysqldump.  The output from mysqldump is just SQL so it
 is always the safest route if you run into problems.

 Greg Fortune

 On Wednesday 11 January 2006 13:39, Anne Ramey wrote:
  I have a problem.  I had to upgrade to 4.1 yesterday for an application,
  and now I can't convert my old isam tables to myisam:
  ERROR 1017 (HY000): Can't find file: 'codes.MYI' (errno: 2)
  and I can't use phpmyadmin because there are isam tables.  Is there any
  way to save the data and fix this?  I know it should have been done when
  upgrading to 4.0, but for some reason it wasn't.
  mysql 4.1, redhat ES3

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Re: GUI (linux X based or web based) for mysql

2005-12-16 Thread Greg Maruszeczka

Dotan Cohen wrote:

I keep a lot of personal information in a MySQL database. I have a few
querys premade for the wife to use, but we have gotten to the point
where we need a solution for her to be able to run her own queries.
She is NOT about to learn SQL, and myPHPadmin is a little too
compicated. I looked at an Access installation the other day and it
seemed to be just what we need- a GUI for non-programmers to use a
database. Is there any such beast for MySQL? Anthing that will run on
Fedora Core 4 would be great. Or even a web-based solution would be
fine- I do have apache on localhost.

Check out Open Office 2.0 and its Base app, available in windows and 
*nix versions. I think it can use MySQL through either ODBC or JDBC 
connectors, though I haven't played with it much (yet) to evaluate it.

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Re: Band width consume

2005-12-07 Thread Alex Greg
On 12/4/05, Luiz Rafael Culik Guimaraes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Dear Friends

 Is their an Page with data of how much bandwidth mysql consume when using
 remote servers?

mysql show status like 'Bytes_%';
| Variable_name  | Value  |
| Bytes_received | 1718034415 |
| Bytes_sent | 2783965287 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

This will give you an incrementing value that you can plot on a graph
using MRTG ( or similar.

-- Alex

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Re: MySQL Innodb Crash on 2 concurrent select

2005-11-17 Thread Greg 'groggy' Lehey
On Wednesday, 16 November 2005 at 20:40:35 +0700, Ady Wicaksono wrote:
 I have MySQL with about 12 billion rows when i try to create 2
 process, each select count(*) on the same table after a long
 time about 30 minutes it crashed :(

 ANy information?


 InnoDB: We intentionally generate a memory trap.
 InnoDB: Submit a detailed bug report to
 InnoDB: If you get repeated assertion failures or crashes, even
 InnoDB: immediately after the mysqld startup, there may be
 InnoDB: corruption in the InnoDB tablespace. Please refer to
 InnoDB: about forcing recovery.
 mysqld got signal 11;

This is obviously a bug.  I've just checked the bug database, but I
don't see a report on it yet.  Could you please enter one?

Greg Lehey, Senior Software Engineer
Echunga, South Australia
Phone: +61-8-8388-8286   Mobile: +61-418-838-708

Are you MySQL certified?

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Re: Can't start mysql 5.0.15

2005-11-11 Thread Greg Maruszeczka
Saffa Kemokai wrote:
 I am unable to start mysql after several trials and fixes. I compiled 
 a mysql 5.0.15 source for FreeBSD 5.3. It doesn't seem to have placed 
 the files in their proper locations. Below is what I keep getting and 
 I don't know now how to get it working. What do I need to do about 
 this table? How do I create it?
 051110 20:59:33  InnoDB: Started; log sequence number 0 43655
 051110 20:59:34 [ERROR] Fatal error: Can't open and lock privilege 
 tables: Table '' doesn't exist
 051110 20:59:34  mysqld ended

Are you installing from a tarball? If so, you should seriously consider
using the FBSD ports system instead since it will make longer term
management much easier.

# cd /usr/ports/databases/mysql-server50
# make install clean


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Re: mysql on raid 1 or raid 5?

2005-10-20 Thread Greg 'groggy' Lehey
On Thursday, 20 October 2005 at 16:57:36 +0800, Hiu Yen Onn wrote:
 hi all,

 currently, i have a machine with raid 1 and raid 5 (backplane). in order
 to boost up the mysql performance, does it advise install /var/ (mysql
 data directory) into raid 1 or raid 5? please advise. thanks

RAID-5 optimizes storage space, not performance.  If you're looking
for performance, RAID-1 is a better choice, though obviously there are
lots of things to consider.  In particular, if you're striping
(RAID-10), choose as large a stripe size as possible.  And of course
it can use nearly twice as much disk space.

Greg Lehey, Senior Software Engineer
Echunga, South Australia
Phone: +61-8-8388-8286   Mobile: +61-418-838-708

Are you MySQL certified?

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Re: How do you set a Primary Key when uploading data into a table?

2005-10-10 Thread Greg Donald
On 10/10/05, Bill Abel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 How do you load data into a table and generate a primary key which
 auto increments by 1.

 I want to end up with a primary key value of int 1, 2, 3, 4, and so on.

 My table has three rows, Id (pri_key), Code, Description. I'm loading
 data from a text file into the table like this:

 load data local infile 'path_to_myfile.txt' into table sic_codes lines
 terminated by '\r' (code, description);

 Currently, the Id gets values of 99897, and then increments by one.

 Any  help is appreciated.

Add an auto_increment option to your Id field.

Greg Donald
Zend Certified Engineer
MySQL Core Certification

Re: compare tables from two systems

2005-10-05 Thread Greg Donald
On 10/5/05, Claire Lee [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 We have two clusters running the same data
 independently and saving output to databases on two
 systems (two hosts) respectively. We need to compare
 the output each day. Is there an easy way to compare
 tables from two systems? We are sure the structure of
 the tables are all the same and we need to compare the
 data. Any advice is welcome. Thanks.

mysqldump -l -B db1  db1.sql
mysqldump -l -B db2  db2.sql
diff db1.sql db2.sql  diff.sql

Greg Donald
Zend Certified Engineer
MySQL Core Certification

Re: Lost connection to MySQL server during query when calling stored procedure

2005-09-26 Thread Greg 'groggy' Lehey
On Thursday, 22 September 2005 at 17:06:32 +1200, Jasper Bryant-Greene wrote:
 Jasper Bryant-Greene wrote:
 I have a stored procedure defined as follows:


 Sometimes when I execute this stored procedure ...  I get the error
 Lost connection to MySQL server during query.

 I am using MySQL 5.0.12-beta-log on Gentoo Linux x86.

 This only seems to happen when accessing MySQL from PHP's MySQLi API,
 not when accessing it using the mysql command-line client.

 Is this a bug I should report to MySQL or to PHP? I'm not able to test
 other APIs at the moment.

If the server dies, that's a MySQL problem.  Take a look at for information on how to report it.  In
particular, the server logs should give some information.

Greg Lehey, Senior Software Engineer
Echunga, South Australia
See complete headers for address and phone numbers.

Are you MySQL certified?

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Re: mysql process 99.9 percent

2005-09-26 Thread Greg 'groggy' Lehey
On Monday, 26 September 2005 at  9:29:32 +0200, mark carson wrote:
 Joeffrey Betita wrote:
  do you have any idea why the mysql process is 99.9 percent? when i click
 one hyperlink it takes more than 1 minute to load the page. thank you very

 Most readers in this list expect OS and MySQL server information etc
 before responding.

 In our experience this is usually caused by poor SQL query construction
 e.g. large result set e.g. x million rows and/or index choice, database
 table design and/or MySQL server setup.

 Turn-on logging, rerun selected queries with and without the explain
 syntax, look at the MySQL administrator process list to see which query
 is the problem whilst the CPU is 99.9 %.

FWIW, we have at least one case where the server gets itself into a
loop for no obvious reason.  See
and for more details.  If the
problem at hand is related to this bug, I'd be very interested in
hearing from you, especially if you can reproduce the problem easily.

Note that the submitter of the second-mentioned bug report has done a
very good job of describing his problem.  Only reports of similar
quality would be of much help.

If this isn't your (Joeffrey's) problem, it might give you an idea of
the kind of information we're looking for.

Greg Lehey, Senior Software Engineer
Echunga, South Australia
See complete headers for address and phone numbers.

Are you MySQL certified?

Description: PGP signature

Re: Linux+AMD64+MySQL.

2005-08-30 Thread Greg Whalin

RV Tec wrote:


I'm used to run MySQL (4.0) with OpenBSD (3.7). Now I've decided to give 
Linux a shot, to see if I could gain some serious performance. The 
server I'm using is a dual Opteron 246, with 2GB RAM, LSI MegaRAID 320. 
CentOS 4.1 x86_64 seems to be a good OS.

Although I thought that the most interesting thing in running 
Linux+MySQL was the fact that LinuxThreads is available, the binaries 
are using pthreads.

When I try to compile my own MySQL (pretty much the same way as the RPM 
is created, except that I'm trying LinuxThreads), everything goes 
smoothly, but the servers crashes with Signal 11 every 10, maybe 5 
minutes. When I compile it with pthreads, everything is back to normal.

I'm trying with MySQL 4.1.10a (I've tried the 4.0.25, 4.1.14 as well), 
with Centos 4.1 x86_64, Kernel 2.6.9-11.ELsmp.

So, I've a few questions, maybe you guys can help:

1) pthreads is safer, but LinuxThreads is way faster?
2) What's the best io scheduler for 20GB MyISAM DB? I'm currently using 

3) Does anyone have any tips on running MySQL+AMD64+Linux?

Thanks a lot!

Best regards,

We fought this exact setup for some time.  Some things I learned and our 

- gcc 3.4 (we are using 3.4.3)
- glibs 2.4.4 (w/ NPTL)
- deadline scheduler
- xfs for filesystem
- 2.6 kernel
- custom build of mysql 4.1

Everything else was either non-performant or unstable.  Also, stay away 
from Fedora.  We ended up switching to Gentoo and had massive 
performance and stability gains from the switch, but the reasons are 
more to do w/ gcc and glibc.

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Data sync offline

2005-08-24 Thread Alex Greg

Our company is considering migrating some tablesfrom MyISAM to InnoDB,
as it has row-level locking and other improvements over MyISAM.

However, one of the things we do at the moment is rsync the MySQL data
directory to our development server every night over an 2Mbps ADSL
connection (as we have 40GB of data, downloading it all every night
isn't a viable option).

I am aware that you can't copy the InnoDB binaries around to different
installations. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how we could
continue to do incremental downloads of this data over a slow


-- Alex

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Re: Make a report like this...

2005-07-20 Thread Greg Fortune
You might try --xml or --html with a different separator.


Greg Fortune
Enterprise Systems
Eastern Washington University
Phone: 509-359-6690

On Wednesday 20 July 2005 03:28 pm, Dan Bolser wrote:



 | 1132 |34 |  1 |  1 | 1bf3-1,1bgj-1,1bgn-1,1bkw-1,1cc4-1, |
 |  |   ||| 1cc6-1,1cj2-1,1cj3-1,1cj4-1,1d7l-1, |
 |  |   ||| 1dob-1,1doc-1,1dod-1,1doe-1,1ius-1, |
 |  |   ||| 1k0i-1,1k0j-1,1k0l-1,1pbb-1,1pbc-1, |
 |  |   ||| 1pbd-1,1pbe-1,1pbf-1,1pdh-1,1phh-1, |
 |  |   ||| 1pxa-1,1pxb-1,1pxc-1,2phh-1 |


 | 1793 |10 |  1 |  1 | 1jdx-1,2jdw-1,2jdx-1,3jdw-1,4jdw-1, |
 |  |   ||| 5jdw-1,6jdw-1,7jdw-1,8jdw-1,9jdw-1  |


 Hello, I made the above report by hand after using a GROUP_CONCAT
 query. Is there any way to make this kind of format automatically in

 It seems it would be a nice feature.


Description: PGP signature

Re: Why does query load faster after executing 2nd time? (Query Caching DISABLED, Key-Cache already fully loaded)

2005-07-17 Thread Greg Whalin

Filesystem buffering?

pow wrote:

Hi everyone,
Im puzzling over why a query loads faster the second time I execute it.

I am sure it is not query cached, because that is off.
I also made sure that the key that is used was already cached b4 i even 
executed the query the first time. So it is not like as if the 2nd 
execution used the key cache and the first attempt did not.

I am executing the queries directly in MYSQL command prompt.

Is there some other type of cacheing that i am missing?



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Re: Stored Procedure in MySQL 5.x

2005-07-15 Thread Greg Fischer
How effective? Very effective.  Actually, I am testing it, and once I
overcame a few syntax issues, it's working great.  Procedures and
functions both.  I havent tested triggers yet.  But so far I am using
a mini-blog thing on my web site with them and I am loving the ease of
Mysql combined (finally!) with the power of sprocs.

Of course, it is beta right now, so I wouldnt stick it into anything
you need to rely on yet, but get it going and try it for yourself.

One thing to note, while the sprocs and functions work good on
Windows, connecting with some client languages (python in my case)
isnt working.  Same goes for ODBC.  If you use Linux, then it works

Oh, and another thing to note.  If you use MySQL Query Browser to
create the procecures, it has a bug and inserts the wrong delimiters 
in the drop if exists statement.  That really messed me up at first.
 So, remove the // and insert the $$ and it will work great.


On 7/15/05, Scott Hamm [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 How effective is Stored Procedure in MySQL 5.x?
 Power to people, Linux is here.

Greg Fischer
1st Byte Solutions

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Re: UDF failure

2005-07-06 Thread Greg Fischer
Looks like you're confusing Prepared Statements with Functions/Stored
Procedures.  You don't compile a function, and you're using 4.1, you
need Mysql 5.  (specifically 5.0.3 I think, you'd have to look that
up, but you would want 5.0.7 anyway. Maybe I have that confused with
triggers, cant remember.)

Prepared Statements are C code using the C API.  You have SQL Language
code, that looks correct, but you're implementing it incorrectly.
(with the wrong version)  Functions are not compiled, like you are
doing with gcc.

Prepared Statements:


Hope that helps.

On 7/6/05, Gleb Paharenko [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 When attempting to load a new function with the mysql cli client the
 complains that the server has gone away and reconnects with connection
 Check MySQL error log, server could die while loading the UDF.
 Stored procedures appeared only in 5 version. This works fine for me on 5.0.7.
 mysql create function hello (s char(20)) returns char(50) RETURN
 CONCAT('Hello, ',s,'!');//
 Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
 Nic Stevens [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm trying to build a UDF for MySQL 4.1.12. I'm running on Linux
 (FedoraFC1). My UDF function seemed to blow up the server so I went to
 source and tried to build
 Using the precompiled binaries for Linux and using the source
 for the same version (4.1.12) I was unable to build as a
 shared object (I followed the instructions in the source -- they didnt
 so I used what seemed to make the most sense for building my object).
 building the shared object the compiler spits out a warning from
 asm/atomic.h (#warning Using kernel header in userland program. BAD!)
 I'm using gcc version 3.3.2 20031022 (Red Hat Linux 3.3.2-1) on a
 Core 1 machine. I built the shared object with gcc -I/usr/include/mysql
 -shared -o
 When attempting to load a new function with the mysql cli client the
 complains that the server has gone away and reconnects with connection
 id of
 1. Nothing is listed in mysql.funcs either.
 There needs to be better documentation of the process for building
 The code I need to run can be run nicely by MySQL but I can't declare a
 stored function as documented. The stored function is fairly simple:
 SET x = 69.1*(lat - lat2);
 SET y = 69.1*(lon1 - lon2) * COS(lon1*57.3);
 SET miles = SQRT(x*x+y*y);
 RETURN miles;
 The mysql client spits back :
 ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the
 that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to
 near '(z1 VARCHAR(10), z2 VARCHAR(10)) RETURNS REAL
 Using the example given in the documentation I get:
 mysql CREATE FUNCTION hello (s CHAR(20)) RETURNS CHAR(50)
 - RETURN CONCAT('Hello, ',s,'!');
 ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the
 that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to
 near '(s CHAR(20)) RETURNS CHAR(50)
 RETURN CONCAT('Hello, ',s,'!')' at line 1
 Can someone elucidate the mystery of either stored functions or UDF's?
 For technical support contracts, goto
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__  ___ ___   __
   /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /Gleb Paharenko
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Greg Fischer
1st Byte Solutions

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Re: PHP MySQL connection problem

2005-06-10 Thread Greg Donald
On 6/10/05, Andre Matos [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am getting slow connections between php4 and MySQL 4.1.9.
 There are some connections that are very fast, but others can take from 5 to
 20 second or more (usually it takes less than 0.1 second to create a new
 connection). I tried to identify if there is a pattern but it seems that it
 does not exist, in other words, it can create 5 connections and then the 6th
 takes too much time. In another time, it process 13 connections fast and the
 14th is slow again.

If your going across network you might check your network cards.  Had
this happen to me once.  Reseated the card in the database server,
fixed it right up.

Greg Donald
Zend Certified Engineer

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Re: Seriously.. When are we going to get subqueries?!

2005-06-09 Thread Greg Whalin

Jeff Smelser wrote:

On Thursday 09 June 2005 01:26 pm, George L. Sexton wrote:

Another limitation in MySQL is that you can only have one timestamp column
with a default of CURRENT_TIMESTAMP.

How many friggin times do I have to say that this is not an issue with 4.1 and 
above? Which, BTW, is production mysql..

Why do you keep bringing this up?


Are you sure?  I don't see that from

It seems that w/  4.1, you can specify any ONE timestamp col w/ default 
of CURRENT_TIMESTAMP.  You are not limited to the 1st one, but still 
seems you are limited to a max of 1 timestamp.  Or am I reading this wrong?

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Re: Seriously.. When are we going to get subqueries?!

2005-06-08 Thread Greg Whalin

Jay Blanchard wrote:

On Wednesday 08 June 2005 11:16 am, you wrote:

Thats funny.. looks like it will be added to 5.1.. Dunno why they


it is adding a feature..

The best open-source database on the market today? Free
Constant improvements to database? Free

Ability to complain when we don't get what we want? Priceless


*I* wasnt requesting anything..  So you need to reply to the person who
complaining in the first place. I just thought it was funny.. Them
fixing has 
no care in the world in my mind since  I never use subqueries..

So take your comments elsewhere..Or direct them to the right person..

Easy there boss, I was just responding to the thread and meant no
offense. I saw the whole thing as funny.

I personally find the idea that just because a product is free that 
people are not allowed to, or should not complain when they find 
shortcomings in that product, to be more than a bit short sighted.  It 
is still VERY arguable as to wether Mysql is or is not the best open 
source DB on the market today.  I am sure the Postgresql people would 
not agree, and they could likely make a very compelling argument.  If 
Mysql wants to have the best product, then they NEED people to use their 
product, and to complain when something is not correct.  And, they need 
to listen to those complaints from their users.  For most any large open 
source project, there is more of a need for users and testers than there 
is for developers.  Those people who use the free version of Mysql are 
arguably testers (those w/ support contracts are customers, and are 
arguably even more entitled to complain).

Granted, Kevin's tone was a bit harsh, but his sentiments should be 
encouraged (frustration w/ a lack of feature).  The concept that people 
should be happy with what they get for a free product only serves to 
keep the quality of free products below what they could be.

The performance of sub-queries in mysql when used in an IN() clause is 
embarassingly slow.  They are in most cases, unusable because they do 
not use indexes correctly.  This is a legitimate complaint, and one that 
I personally hope Mysql looks into and repairs.  I echo Kevin's thoughts 
and I rarely even have a use for sub-queries (given I got used to them 
not being available).


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Re: Seriously.. When are we going to get subqueries?!

2005-06-07 Thread Greg Whalin
They do use indexes if you use them to build derived tables and are 
pretty fast.  The only case where I see them not using indexes when I 
think they should is when you use a sub-query for an IN() clause.

Kevin Burton wrote:


Subqueries in 4.1 are totally broken.  They don't use indexes.  They're 
evil.  We're told we have subqueries but there's no way anyone on earth 
could use them.  To make matters worse a lot of developers are TRICKED 
into using them and assume that mysql would do the right thing but its a 
HUGE performance hit.


1.  When will subqueries that actually use indexes be implemented?  
We've been promised this feature since 4.0 it was one of the biggest 
feature wins of 4.1.

2. If they won't be in 5.0 could you please abandon a feature for 5.0 
and concentrate on subqueries?

3. If they won't be in 5.0 could you at least be honest and remove this 
feature since in the best case its useless and in the worse case its 
dangerous (god forbid someone should ship code that uses this)?

Not trying to be obnoxious here but I really want this feature and the 
current implementation is very.. evil.



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Re: 4.1.12 Crashing on Mandrake 10.1

2005-05-19 Thread Greg Whalin
Hmmm,  I downloaded source and compiled, and had an instant segfault. 
Rolled back to 4.1.11.  I assumed it was something funky w/ my compile, 
but after reading all the above posts ... ???

Mark Matthews wrote:
Hash: SHA1
Donny Simonton wrote:
I'm not sure but I know when I installed it yesterday via RPM it kept core
dumping and restarting.  Glad I still had 4.1.11 available.

Donny, Douglas,
Something goofy went on with the production of those RPMs for 4.1.12
that didn't show up during release QA, so once we found out that users
were having issues with them, we pulled them off the website until we
can figure out what went wrong. For now, the tarballs should be okay if
you can use those. It seems that it only is related to how the RPMs were
packaged and/or post-processed.
- --
Mark Matthews
MySQL AB, Software Development Manager - Connectivity
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Re: Preventing slaves from falling behind masters...

2005-05-12 Thread Greg Whalin
Donny Simonton wrote:
With Mysql you should ONLY use RAID10.  Everything else is not worth your

I would argue that a large stripe (RAID0) would be a better solution for 
slaves in a large replicant network.  Why waste the drive space and 
performance on a RAID10 when you have multiple replicants for HA.  That 
said, all of our DBs are RAID10 as we never know which ones we may need 
to put in as master (if master fails).

As long as you are using 15k SCSI drives, on both your master and your
slave, your slave should rarely ever fall behind.  Especially if you are
doing less than 1,000 inserts per second on the master.  Otherwise you
should be just fine.
The only time our slaves ever fall behind, is when you delete 40 records
from table A then insert 40 new ones.  But we do that for 600k records, so
we do a few million deletes and inserts in a short period of time.

Given that the slaves will never start a query until the master has 
finished it and passed it along to the slave, the slave is ALWAYS 
running a bit behind the master.  And, if you are using MyIsam tables, 
and running w/ low-priority-updates (as the Mysql guide suggests for 
performance on slaves), then it is likely that a heavy hit replicant 
will lag to a noticable level when under high traffic.  Innodb should 
lessen this a bit as it is not doing full table locks and you can have 
it do dirty reads.

As for our replicant cluster, we do not run w/ low-piority-updates 
simply because we found it increased replication lags, and exposed 
replication bugs in our application (write to the rw pool, immediately 
look for that record in the ro pool and not find it).  We also put our 
more powerful hardware in our replicant cluster as our rw machine does a 
fraction of the traffic (1/10th the qps of any of our replicants).  Even 
w/ this, our replicants sometimes fall behind, but never more than 1 to 
2 seconds.


-Original Message-
From: Kevin Burton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, May 11, 2005 7:30 PM
Subject: Preventing slaves from falling behind masters...
If you're running in a master/slave environment.. and you're application
is using the slave too often... replication can fall behind which can
then confuse your application.
This can happen if the IO performance of both the master and slaves is
equivalent and you're performaning INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE with a load of 1
on the master.  Then when the transactions move to the slave all the IO
is used up and any additional SELECTS will just cause the slave to fall
Has anyone else seen this?  One way I was thinking of solving this is to
use RAID5 on our master and then RAID0 on the slaves so that the master
is a hard bottleneck. Then the slaves have no problem running
transactions via replication and have load available to run SELECTS.
Any other ideas?
Use Rojo (RSS/Atom aggregator)! - visit
See #rojo if you want to chat.
Rojo is Hiring! -
  Kevin A. Burton, Location - San Francisco, CA
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2005-05-12 Thread Greg Whalin
Newer SATA drives are supporting command queueing, which should really 
help their performance.  I think when SATA-2 becomes more available, 
SATA will start being a more viable choice and start rivaling SCSI 

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Re: Opteron HOWTO?!

2005-05-10 Thread Greg Whalin
Care to share any secrets?  You guys are running Suse w/ 2.4 kernel yes? 
 Any specifics as far as kernel/glibc/gcc versions.  Are you running 
mysql 4.1.*?  Are you using NPTL?  You using the binary from mysql, or 
building yourself?  Are you running Innodb or Myisam.  You mentioned 
reiserfs correct?  Any problems w/ ext3?

Sorry to bombard you w/ questions, but we have had nothing but horrible 
performance using Opterons, and any specifics you can give would help to 
clear up this mess.  I know that I am not the only person who is seeing 
this flakyiness.

Dathan Pattishall wrote:
Subject: Re: Opteron HOWTO?!
On 5/9/05, Kevin Burton wrote:
So... it sounds like a lot of people here (Dathan and Greg) 
have had 

problems deploying MySQL on Opteron in a production environment.
To me it sounds more like a lot of people have had problems 
running Linux on x86-64 systems.

We don't have any problems running Opterons at all. 
With all the tests me and my team have done, we know the ins and outs of
getting Opterons up, running-stable, and blazing fast. Our entire
datacenter are (about 200 servers)

Dual Opterons with at least 4GB of memory running in 64-bit mode.
All the databases (about 30)
 - Are dual opterons with 8 GB of memory connected to a Hitachi 9980
SAN-through a McData Switch.
We do about 70K qps at peak for about 1 Billion Queries per day (only on
30 servers BOOYA). So, it's pretty stable.
Dathan V Pattishall
Sr. Database Engineer / Sr. Software Engineer
Friendster Inc.

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Re: Opteron HOWTO?!

2005-05-09 Thread Greg Whalin
I am all in favor of this idea.  Currently, this info is scattered all 
over the web, and finding it can be time consuming (even w/ Google).  I 
see lots of people jumping the same hurdles, so a central location for 
this info seems it would greatly benefit the community.

Kevin Burton wrote:
So... it sounds like a lot of people here (Dathan and Greg) have had 
problems deploying MySQL on Opteron in a production environment.
I was wondering if we could start an Opteron HOWTO somewhere (mysql 
wiki?) which could illustrate the minefields they've had to walk to 
hopefully solidify MySQL on this platform and to prevent others from 
having the same bad experiences.

We're considering an Opteron migration as well and as the 2G memory 
barrier fast approaches I'm expecting more MySQL users to migrate as well.
Maybe this should be a X86_64 bit FAQ though since Intel is coming out 
with more EM64T stuff


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Re: MySQL not using optimum disk throughput.

2005-05-09 Thread Greg Whalin
Kevin Burton wrote:
Greg Whalin wrote:
I suspect this is an OS issue.  Our Opteron's were completing large 
data update queries aprox 2-3 times slower than our Xeons when running 
under 2.6.  After a switch to 2.4, Opteron's are faster than the 
Xeons.  I mentioned NPTL being shut off (LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.4.19 in 
init script).  When we left NPTL running, we saw almost instant 
deadlocks just watching replication catching up (no other site traffic 
directed to the machine).  This is in 2.4 btw, so this is the 
backported NPTL kernels from Fedora.  I somewhat suspect NPTL being a 
problem in 2.6 as well due to impressions I get from sifting through 
mysql's bug tracking system. The IO scheduler was also an obvious 

Another point I wanted to note.
What version of glibc were you running.  We were running Debian with 
glibc 2.3.2 (libc6-i686-2.3.2) and were running into deadlocks with 
another piece of code.

2.3.2 has a number of known issues and we had to migrate to an 
experimental 2.3.4 build.  I've been considering moving our databases to 
2.3.4 but they weren't having any problems.

It might be that opteron is raising these issue more than Xeon.
We are currently running 2.3.2 (Fedora Core 1) on our Opterons.  When we 
were still running linux 2.6, we were on 2.3.3 (Fedora Core 2).

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Re: MySQL not using optimum disk throughput.

2005-05-09 Thread Greg Whalin
Kevin Burton wrote:
Greg Whalin wrote:
We are currently running 2.3.2 (Fedora Core 1) on our Opterons.  When 
we were still running linux 2.6, we were on 2.3.3 (Fedora Core 2).

Yeah... we were being bitten by 2.3.2's NPTL implementation for MONTHs 
before I heard a rumor that the Internet Archive moved to 2.3.4.
This literally solved all my problems so I'd recommend upgrading to 
2.3.4 if you notice this type of stuff again.

Curious, were you seeing deadlocks in Suns JVM w/ Tomcat?  We were 
forced to run Tomcat w/ NPTL off due to deadlocks under glibc 
2.3.2+NPTL.  Under FC2, the JVM runs fine w/ NPTL, though glibc is now 
2.3.3.  We have had no NPTL issues w/ the x86 version of mysql, but the 
x86-64 definite almost immediate deadlock (w/ 2.3.2).

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Re: MySQL not using optimum disk throughput.

2005-05-07 Thread Greg Whalin
Hi Peter,
As for reporting bugs ...
We have found Opteron w/ Mysql to be an extremely buggy platform, 
especially under linux 2.6, but granted, we are running Fedora.  Perhaps 
we will try Suse, but I feel I have heard similar reports (from 
Friendster) about their use of Suse 2.6 and Opterons being similarly slow.

We are currently running MyIsam tables, but plan on switching to Innodb 
in the next month or two btw, so our performance problems are w/ MyIsam.

Peter Zaitsev wrote:
On Fri, 2005-05-06 at 19:01, Greg Whalin wrote:
What drives are you using?  For SCSI RAID, you definitly want deadline 
scheduler.  That said, even after the switch to deadline, we saw our 
Opteron's running way slow (compared to older slower Xeons).  Whatever 
the problem is, we fought it for quite a while (though difficult to test 
too much w/ production dbs) and ended up rolling back to 2.4.

One more thing to try, if you have smart RAID would be  noop
scheduler, to let  hardware to do the job.  Smart optimizations OS do to
reduce head movement may not make sense for RAID. In practice I've
however seen close results. 

Also which storage engine are you using ?
One of the things which was changed in 2.6 for some hardware
configurations is  fsync() performance.  It was cases in some cases,
so it was instant. 

This for example explained in many cases why people moving from  IDE
devices to much faster SCSI devices may observe performance degradation
(IDE with 2.4 has typically fake fsync)
In general  we have very positive feedback from using Opterons with
MySQL at this point.  Sometimes it takes time to make it work right,
especially it was the case when they were new but when it flies. 
Practically same applies to EM64T - It is very good to have now two
inexpensive 64bit platforms available. 

We're getting some feedback about problems on some Fedora Core versions,
well this is bleeding edge distribution so I'm nothing but surprised.
SuSE both in SLES and Professional variants seems to work very well with
Opterons as well as recent RH EL.
Speaking about MySQL problems - if you have any MySQL issues on
Opterons,  please report them as bugs and we'll troubleshoot it.

Kevin Burton wrote:
Kevin Burton wrote:

Greg Whalin wrote:

Deadline was much faster.  Using sysbench:
sysbench --num-threads=16 --test=fileio --file-total-size=20G 
--file-test-mode=rndrw run

So... FYI.  I rebooted with elevator=deadline as a kernel param.
db2:~# cat /sys/block/sda/queue/scheduler
noop anticipatory [deadline] cfq
(which I assume means I'm now running deadline.  Is there any other way 
to find out?)

And no performance diff.  Note that you're benchmarks only show a 20M 
addition overhead.  We're about 60x too slow for these drives so I'm not 
sure what could be going on here :-/


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Re: MySQL not using optimum disk throughput.

2005-05-06 Thread Greg Whalin
We have seen the exact same thing here.  We used the deadline scheduler 
and saw an immediate improvement.  However, we still saw much worse 
performance on our Opteron's (compared to our older Xeon boxes).  We 
ended up rolling back to Fedora Core 1 2.4.22-1.2199.nptlsmp kernel and 
shut down NPTL and now our Opteron's are much much faster than our Xeons.

The thing I find strange about this is that our experience (@ Meetup) 
seems to match that of Friendsters (I know of a few other high traffic 
sites that have mentioned similar issues), in that Mysql on Opteron and 
Linux 2.6 is not a good solution.  Yet, Mysql recommends exactly this 
config and in fact, does not seem to even support (via support contract) 
a 2.4 solution for Opteron + Mysql.

Dathan Pattishall wrote:
What kernel are you running.
If your running 2.6.x use the deadline scheduler or downgrade to
2.4.23aavm 2.6.[0-9] has major problems with the IO scheduler since the
process scheduler is very fast now.

Dathan Vance Pattishall

-Original Message-
From: Kevin Burton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, May 06, 2005 1:58 PM
Subject: MySQL not using optimum disk throughput.

We have a few of DBs which aren't using disk IO to optimum capacity.
They're running at a load of 1.5 or so with a high workload 
of pending queries.

When I do iostat I'm not noticing much IO :
Device:rrqm/s wrqm/s   r/s   w/s  rsec/s  wsec/srkB/s 
avgrq-sz avgqu-sz   await  svctm  %util
sda  0.00  13.73 128.43 252.94 1027.45 1695.10   513.73   
847.55 7.1490.13  285.00   2.53  96.57

This is only seeing about 500k - 1M per second throughput.
When I run bonnie++ on these drives they're showing 20M-40M 

Which is really strange.
Most of our queries are single INSERTS/DELETES.  I could 
probably rewrite these to become batch operations but I think 
I'd still end up seeing the above iostat results but with 
higher throughput.

 so I'd like to get to the bottom of this before moving forward?
I ran OPTIMIZE TABLE on all tables but nothing. 

The boxes aren't paging.
They're running on a RAID5 disk on XFS.
Could it be that the disks are having to do a number of HEAD 
seeks since we have large tables?

Use Rojo (RSS/Atom aggregator)! - visit 
See #rojo if you want to chat.

Rojo is Hiring! -
  Kevin A. Burton, Location - San Francisco, CA
 AIM/YIM - sfburtonator,  Web - GPG 
fingerprint: 5FB2 F3E2 760E 70A8 6174 D393 E84D 8D04 99F1 4412 

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Re: MySQL not using optimum disk throughput.

2005-05-06 Thread Greg Whalin
Kevin Burton wrote:
Greg Whalin wrote:
We have seen the exact same thing here.  We used the deadline 
scheduler and saw an immediate improvement.  However, we still saw 
much worse performance on our Opteron's (compared to our older Xeon 
boxes).  We ended up rolling back to Fedora Core 1 
2.4.22-1.2199.nptlsmp kernel and shut down NPTL and now our Opteron's 
are much much faster than our Xeons.

Sweet... I'm going to take a look at that!
Two votes for the deadline scheduler.  Though I'm an NPTL fan but I'm 
not sure our DB boxes need this as they don't use THAT many threads.
Deadline was much faster.  Using sysbench:
sysbench --num-threads=16 --test=fileio --file-total-size=20G 
--file-test-mode=rndrw run

2.6.10-1.14_FC2smp on dual Opteron 248s w/ 4GB RAM
default scheduler (anticaptory):
Operations performed: 6004 Read, 3996 Write, 12800 Other = 22800 Total 
Read 93.812Mb Written 62.438Mb Total transferred 156.25Mb (2.9186Mb/sec)

 186.79 Requests/sec executed
Test execution summary:
   total time:  53.5363s
   total number of events:  1
   total time taken by event execution: 376.0398
   per-request statistics:
approx.  95 percentile: 0.1106s
Threads fairness:
   execution:   88.48/93.88
deadline scheduler:
Operations performed: 6006 Read, 3994 Write, 12800 Other = 22800 Total 
Read 93.844Mb Written 62.406Mb Total transferred 156.25Mb (4.4464Mb/sec)

 284.57 Requests/sec executed
Test execution summary:
   total time:  35.1411s
   total number of events:  1
   total time taken by event execution: 289.2953
   per-request statistics:
approx.  95 percentile: 0.0870s
Threads fairness:
   execution:   90.52/96.58
The 2.4 scheduler showed similar results to deadline under 2.6.
The thing I find strange about this is that our experience (@ Meetup) 
seems to match that of Friendsters (I know of a few other high traffic 
sites that have mentioned similar issues), in that Mysql on Opteron 
and Linux 2.6 is not a good solution.  Yet, Mysql recommends exactly 
this config and in fact, does not seem to even support (via support 
contract) a 2.4 solution for Opteron + Mysql.

Wow... whats the consensus on Opteron here then?  It seems to be a clear 
winner since you can give the mysql process more memory for caching.

Is it an OS issue since few of the distributions seem to support Opteron 

I suspect this is an OS issue.  Our Opteron's were completing large data 
update queries aprox 2-3 times slower than our Xeons when running under 
2.6.  After a switch to 2.4, Opteron's are faster than the Xeons.  I 
mentioned NPTL being shut off (LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.4.19 in init script). 
 When we left NPTL running, we saw almost instant deadlocks just 
watching replication catching up (no other site traffic directed to the 
machine).  This is in 2.4 btw, so this is the backported NPTL kernels 
from Fedora.  I somewhat suspect NPTL being a problem in 2.6 as well due 
to impressions I get from sifting through mysql's bug tracking system. 
The IO scheduler was also an obvious culprit.

Other issues I have noticed w/ Opteron ver of mysql ...
- Under 2.6, if we took the db offline and ran myisamchk on a table w/ 
fulltext indexes, and then started back up again, the table would nearly 
instantly crash (upon first writes to it).  Running repair table would 
seg fault.  Shutting down to run myisamchk would only cause the table to 
crash again upon 1st write.  Only solution ... alter table tablename 
engine=myisam;  Then the table would run fine.  We have since dropped 
all fulltext indexes and moved to Lucene (much more flexible and way 
faster anyhow).

- Under 2.4 (just happened to me tonight and this is a scary one), we 
routinely archive and cleanup large tables w/ seldom used old data. 
After doing a DELETE FROM table WHERE ctime  '2005-05-01', we would 
see a select count(*) show around 160k rows remaining (from 1st of the 
month).  I would call repair table on the table, and the remaining rows 
would be deleted.  Repair would make mention of dropping row count from 
165k to 0.  Yikes!  This happened on both Opterons and did not happen on 
the Xeons (thank god ... was able to save the data).

In any rate, I am 100% confidant in saying that Mysql (w/ myisam table 
engine ... not tried innodb yet) on linux on Opterons is not yet stable 
or speedy.  Though we usually only see problems under large data 
cleanups (moving, deleting, repairing, etc).


Re: MySQL not using optimum disk throughput.

2005-05-06 Thread Greg Whalin
What drives are you using?  For SCSI RAID, you definitly want deadline 
scheduler.  That said, even after the switch to deadline, we saw our 
Opteron's running way slow (compared to older slower Xeons).  Whatever 
the problem is, we fought it for quite a while (though difficult to test 
too much w/ production dbs) and ended up rolling back to 2.4.

Kevin Burton wrote:
Kevin Burton wrote:
Greg Whalin wrote:
Deadline was much faster.  Using sysbench:
sysbench --num-threads=16 --test=fileio --file-total-size=20G 
--file-test-mode=rndrw run

So... FYI.  I rebooted with elevator=deadline as a kernel param.
db2:~# cat /sys/block/sda/queue/scheduler
noop anticipatory [deadline] cfq
(which I assume means I'm now running deadline.  Is there any other way 
to find out?)

And no performance diff.  Note that you're benchmarks only show a 20M 
addition overhead.  We're about 60x too slow for these drives so I'm not 
sure what could be going on here :-/


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Re: zip code search within x miles

2005-04-15 Thread Greg Donald
On 4/15/05, Scott Haneda [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 How are sites doing the search by zip and coming up with results within x
 miles?  Is there some OSS zip code download that has been created for this?

Greg Donald
Zend Certified Engineer

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Re: subqueries *not* using indexes for IN clause

2005-04-04 Thread Greg Whalin
We have noticed this as well and it is really pretty shoddy.  It seems 
that when using IN( SELECT ), they treat it as ANY() which does a 
full table scan.

Only way we have found to get fast performance out of subqueries is to 
use the derived table format and join with the derived table.  But if I 
have to do that, might as well just use the join without the funky syntax.

Still, it does simplify some sql which is difficult to do with a regular 
join (i.e. joining w/ max() col, etc.).

In any rate, I agree.  What is the point of claiming to offer 
sub-selects when thay are practically unusable in IN() statements which 
is how most people use subselects IMO.

Kevin A. Burton wrote:
Whats up with this?
As far as I can tell MySQL subqueries in 4.1.x releases are totally 
broken with IN clauses The major reason is that they don't use *ANY* 
indexes and resort to full table scans.

Lets take two queries:
   mysql EXPLAIN
*** 1. row ***
  id: 1
 select_type: SIMPLE
   table: FEED
type: const
possible_keys: PRIMARY
 key_len: 4
 ref: const
rows: 1
   Extra: *** 2. row 
  id: 1
 select_type: SIMPLE
   table: ARTICLE
type: const
possible_keys: PRIMARY
 key_len: 4
 ref: const
rows: 1
   Extra: 2 rows in set (0.00 sec)


Which is *great*. The join is using both of the PRIMARY indexes on the 
columns and only references one row.

Can't get any better than that!
Now lets rewrite the SELECT to use a subquery:
*** 1. row ***
  id: 1
 select_type: PRIMARY
   table: FEED
type: ALL
possible_keys: NULL
 key: NULL
 key_len: NULL
 ref: NULL
rows: 2316698
   Extra: Using where
*** 2. row ***
  id: 2
   table: ARTICLE
type: const
possible_keys: PRIMARY
 key_len: 4
 ref: const
rows: 1
   Extra: Using index
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

And here's where the fun begins. The FEED table won't use *ANY* index! 
It really can't get ANY worse than that.

So either this is a bug in both 4.1.10 and 4.1.7 or the optimizer is 
just plain broken.

Note that using FORCE INDEX doesn't work at all.

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Re: remove trailing character

2005-03-10 Thread Greg Fortune
How about
UPDATE table set email = TRIM(TRAILING '' FROM email) 

Greg Fortune

On Thursday 10 March 2005 03:29 pm, Scott Haneda wrote:
 I managed to mess up and email storage addresses are in the format of

 How I can strip off the , it does not exist on all, only some.

 Scott HanedaTel: 415.898.2602 Fax: 313.557.5052

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Re: Join Limits

2005-03-07 Thread Greg Fortune
Any chance of condensing some of the flag fields into bit fields?  
Alternatively, can you represent the variables as (rule id, variable name, 
variable value) in a single table rather than using lots of columns/tables?

Greg Fortune

On Monday 07 March 2005 10:31 am, Kevin Cowley wrote:
 Unfortunately both limits are getting in our way.

 We have approximately 32,000 variables scattered across a number of
 tables that we need to convert to bitmaps. The problem is that about
 1500 of these variables need to go in a single bitmap hence the problems
 with the 1024/64 column/table limit.

 If you're correct and its using a bitmap in the optimizer, then it means
 its possible to extend the value by replacing the bitmap with a
 structure and a clever set of functions. I've used this technique in
 another application to overcome a 32 bit limit - its probably going to
 be a bastard of a job to rewrite the relevant parts of MySql though.

 Kevin Cowley
 Product Development
 Alchemetrics Ltd
 Tel: 0118 902 9000 (swithcboard)
 Tel: 0118 902 9099 (direct)

  -Original Message-
  From: Eric Bergen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: 07 March 2005 18:16
  To: Kevin Cowley
  Subject: Re: Join Limits
  The join table limit in MySQL is dictated by the arch that's running
  on. 32 tables for 32bit and 64 tables for 64bit (Somebody correct me
  if I'm wrong). I believe this is due to using a bitmap inside the join
  optimizer to keep track of tables. 64 tables is a very hefty query it
  makes me think that maybe you are doing something wrong when designing
  your application to need a join that big. When the optimizer optimizes
  a query it checks every possible execution path through every table so
  the more joins you have the more paths the opimizer has to check to
  find the optimal one (This isn't entirely true but close enough for my
  argument here).
  Needing more than 1024 columns in a table also seems like bad design.
  Maybe you can detail more of what you are doing and why you need so
  many columns
  On Mon, 7 Mar 2005 12:21:52 -, Kevin Cowley
   Does anyone know if there is a method of circumventing or changing


   default join limits of 64 tables or 1024 columns? We're running


   4.1.4 using MyISAM tables
   Kevin Cowley
   Product Development
   Alchemetrics Ltd
   Tel: 0118 902 9000 (swithcboard)
   Tel: 0118 902 9099 (direct)


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Re: what is select_limit (and what is it used for)?

2005-03-07 Thread Greg Fortune
It only affects the client and only when the --safe-updates, --i-am-a-dummy, 
-U flag is used.  I assume it just places an explicit limit clause of LIMIT 
1000 on the end of any select statement run from the client.  It's meant to 
keep less experienced users from running a couple of cross product joins that 
output millions of lines of data.

Greg Fortune

On Monday 07 March 2005 10:48 am, Caron, Christian wrote:

 the default select_limit is set to 1000. What does this mean and how can
 it affect a server?

 Is there some information out there about this variable? I can't find
 anything except a one line description on the MySQL site...

 Christian Caron

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Innodb and Linux 2.6 Async I/O ??

2005-02-28 Thread Greg Whalin
Just found and read this study:

and was curious to see if anyone has any additional thoughts as to the 

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Re: wikipedia down, slashdot covering, mysql mentioned

2005-02-24 Thread Greg Whalin
Rich Lafferty wrote:
On Thu, Feb 24, 2005 at 02:38:46PM +0200, DebugasRu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Probably fsync() had failed to flush some part of a 16 kB page to
so what ? one of trade-offs would be to re-read the data from the disk
and compare it with what it should be (another copy on the disk) and
only after that fix the transaction,

That didn't get rid of the race condition, it just moved it. So now you
write the transaction, and you read it off, and then you write that it
was OK -- but what if that write gets interrupted?
So you write the transaction, and you read it off, and then you write
that it was OK, and then you read that off, and then you write that the
OK was OK. No, that could get interrupted to...
Meanwhile, it turns out that you've been reading back from cache instead
of platters all along. Or perhaps it turns out that the battery-backed
cache in the disk controller has a dead battery, or simply doesn't work.
If the disk promises data is written but it is not then there is nothing
MySQL can do to *tell* that something is amiss. 

I think you've confused an RDBMS with a system administrator. Next
thing you know you'll be complaining that MySQL isn't ACID-compliant
because it can't survive a fire.
Exactly.  No ACID database can ensure integerity in such a situation. 
Postgres, Oracle, or any other transactional DB would have suffered the 
same fate in these two cases (LiveJournal, Wiki).

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Re: Innodb - raw partition vs filesystem store?

2005-02-24 Thread Greg Whalin
Heikki Tuuri wrote:
A journaling file system like ReiserFS does not help if fsync does not 
work. A journaling file system itself is actually a bit like a 
transactional database. A broken fsync might cause bad damage there.

I would be happy if users tested the 'pull-the-plug' performance of 
Linux-2.6.10/InnoDB. Jens Axboe might have solved most fsync problems: 
I am running 2.6.10 here.  I will see if I can set up a test case this 

Also, I know you and others have mentioned that Linux 2.6 + Opteron + 
Innodb is a problematic situation.  Could you expand on this?  From our 
personal experience (running mysql on Opteron + linux 2.6.10 w/ myisam 
tables), we have seen very slow performance when running intensive IO 
operations (deleting 20 million rows from a 50 col table) and we have 
experienced a greater number of index corruption on the opterons than on 
our intel dbs.

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Re: wikipedia down, slashdot covering, mysql mentioned

2005-02-24 Thread Greg Whalin
Rich Lafferty wrote:
On Thu, Feb 24, 2005 at 09:10:32AM -0500, Greg Whalin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Exactly.  No ACID database can ensure integerity in such a situation. 
Postgres, Oracle, or any other transactional DB would have suffered the 
same fate in these two cases (LiveJournal, Wiki).

FWIW, my understanding of LiveJournal's integrity problem after the
power outage involved tables they weren't yet able to migrate off of
MyISAM, and getting replication content in all directions. The
stuff migrated to InnoDB already came up fine. Their replication
setup is a bit complex -- see for an
(My kit at the same facility was hit too, and recovered correctly, for
what it's worth. :-)
At least this mailing list has progressed beyond Why didn't they have
a UPS?, I suppose. :-)
They had most of their dbs transitioned to innodb, but even some of 
those came up corrupted due to write caching being enabled on individual 
drives.  Their myisam tables simply needed indexes rebuilt (which is a 
pain in the butt and takes forever).  Their complete story:

Needless to say, between LJ and Wiki, I am fairly paranoid about db 
corruption now (though our writes are considerably less than either of 
those two places as we are 99% reads ... our reads are considerably less 
than either of those sites as well :) )

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Innodb - raw partition vs filesystem store?

2005-02-23 Thread Greg Whalin
What are pros/cons as far as performance, reliability, and ease of 

Anyone have any experience running Innodb on raw partition?
Any thoughts as to best filesystem for Innodb?  What about pros/cons of 
journaled filesystems when in use with Innodb (i.e. transactions)?

How do the recent experiences of LiveJournal/Wikipedia sway these answers?
Just going over some thoughts in my head and want to see if any good 
discussion can come from this?

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Re: wikipedia down, slashdot covering, mysql mentioned

2005-02-22 Thread Greg Whalin
Many data centers do not allow customers to install their own UPS inside 
the rack.  I am not sure if this is the case with Wikipedia, but it is 
definitely the case at the data center we are hosted in.  I would love 
to shove one in after reading the horror stories at Livejournal and now 

Daniel Kasak wrote:
Scott Haneda wrote:
There is a thread over at /. about WikiMedia being out due to a power 

MySql is getting bashed pretty hard in some cases as apparently, in power
failures, you get database corruption.  (this is all from the posts, 
not my
opinion at all, I am asking only to learn more) Also, it is mentioned the
MySql devs just do not have data corruption from power failure a high

Many are leaning on Postgres.  For me, MySql has never let me down 
(Knock on
PSU) but I have to ask, for more data on this matter.  I run MySql on 
I sometimes have to reboot, it comes back up fine, I do however, do 
special to shut down mysql, should I be?

There are certainly some people who have nothing better to do than 
preach the benefits of Postgres over MySQL on Slashdot.
The simple fact is that no matter how fancy your software is, if your 
computer experiences a power outage, you can't *insist* that one 
particular application somehow protect your data from the fate of 
everything else on your computer.

We have a UPS connected to our 2 servers. The Linux server is running 
apcupsd and controlling the Win2k server ( also running apcupsd in slave 
mode ). Both servers are connected via a crossover cable to each other ( 
so we don't have to put the network switches on the UPS ).

If WikiMedia can't implement something at least as good as the above, 
then how can they or anyone else point the finger at MySQL for data 
corruption? The mind boggles over what they expect.

Having said that, our MySQL server has experienced a power 'issue' ( my 
boss tripped over the power cord coming from the UPS ). We both turned 
white :) But MySQL started up OK, rolled back a transaction or 2, and 
continued on it's way.

There's nothing like a UPS though. Or better yet, a UPS, daily backups, 
and a transaction log.

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Re: wikipedia down, slashdot covering, mysql mentioned

2005-02-22 Thread Greg Whalin
I was under the impression that fsync() was only buggy in Linux in the 
2.4 kernels.  Is it still problematic in 2.6 series?

Heikki Tuuri wrote:
a buggy fsync() in Linux is one of  the possible reasons here. If an 
InnoDB tablespace gets corrupt in a power outage, it is most probably 
caused by a bad fsync() implementation or configuration in the operating 
system or hardware. An fsync() call should write the data physically to 
disk or to a battery-backed, non-volatile disk cache. If it fails to do 
so, then any database, PostgreSQL or anything, can get corrupt.

In the Wikipedia case, James Day posted an error message that InnoDB 
printed. It showed that the page checksum was wrong. Probably fsync() 
had failed to flush some part of a 16 kB page to disk.

Unfortunately, fsync() is badly implemented in many, or most, 
OS/hardware configurations. Some ways to improve the situation:

- use hdparm, or proprietary disk configuration tools of the disk vendor 
to switch off write caching in the SCSI controller and the disk itself;
- use a battery-backed disk cache in the SCSI disk controller;
- use certified hardware from one vendor: for example, Solaris/Sparc 
might work more reliably than an arbitrary Linux/x86 configuration;
- do not use disk striping, software RAID, NFS, or anything exotic;
- use the MySQL replication to keep a backup server.

None of the above is guaranteed to remove corruption problems, and 
switching off write caching can seriously lower performance. In the 
Wikipedia case, battery-backed SCSI controllers did not help at all. 
Thus, using an Uninterrupted Power System is probably the best way to 
prepare against power outages.

It is possible to implement fsync() correctly and efficiently in the 
operating system and hardware. There are no physical limitations that 
would make it impossible. But, unfortunately, in practice, many 
implementations are seriously flawed.

Best regards,
Heikki Tuuri
Innobase Oy
Foreign keys, transactions, and row level locking for MySQL
InnoDB Hot Backup - a hot backup tool for InnoDB which also backs up 
MyISAM tables

Order MySQL Network from
- Original Message - From: Peter Wilm [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Newsgroups: mailing.database.myodbc
Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2005 12:40 PM
Subject: Re: wikipedia down, slashdot covering, mysql mentioned

Could this possibly be a problem with a bad fsync implementation in
linux ( 2.6.5)?
Scott Haneda schrieb:
There is a thread over at /. about WikiMedia being out due to a power 

MySql is getting bashed pretty hard in some cases as apparently, in 
failures, you get database corruption.  (this is all from the posts, 
not my
opinion at all, I am asking only to learn more) Also, it is mentioned 
MySql devs just do not have data corruption from power failure a high

Many are leaning on Postgres.  For me, MySql has never let me down 
(Knock on
PSU) but I have to ask, for more data on this matter.  I run MySql on 
I sometimes have to reboot, it comes back up fine, I do however, do 
special to shut down mysql, should I be?

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Re: wikipedia down, slashdot covering, mysql mentioned

2005-02-22 Thread Greg Whalin
Daniel Kasak wrote:
Greg Whalin wrote:
Many data centers do not allow customers to install their own UPS 
inside the rack.  I am not sure if this is the case with Wikipedia, 
but it is definitely the case at the data center we are hosted in.  I 
would love to shove one in after reading the horror stories at 
Livejournal and now Wikipedia.

I see.
Do the data centers offer their own UPS ( as opposed to the customer 
setting up one for themselves ), or do they simple ban the use of UPSs 

Either way, if you *need* a UPS, you can't hide behind the excuse oh 
yeah but XYZ wouldn't let me. You find a way to make it happen ... or 
if you can't you at least don't start blaming your software for what is 
obviously a hardware issue.

Our data center spans two power grids, has a massive battery backup, and 
is backed by two massive generators, making power loss pretty difficult.

However, we once lost power to our entire cage by hooking into too many 
servers into a single circuit and tripping a breaker.  We now have two 
power feeds coming into each rack, and redundant power supplies on each 
db server split between the two circuits.  We also carefully watch our 
power utilization to make sure we don't come close to hitting this limit.

As I understand it, both LJ and Wiki suffered from someone hitting EPO 
switch (emergancy power off used to kill all power for when fire 
fighters have to come through ... a safety to make sure the firemen are 
not electrocuted when putting out fires).  This EPO switch is precisly 
why UPSs are sometimes not allowed in each individual rack.  For safety 
reasons, they need to ensure that all power is off in event of 
fire/rescue crews having to come through.

I am not sure that LJ or Wiki blamed mysql.  In fact, the only mysql 
complaint I saw from LJ was that they had to spend time rebuilding index 
files for their few remaining myisam tables.  This I can easily believe 
as I see myisam indexes get corrupted when I sneeze in their general 
direction.  However, LJ mentioned that all of their innodb tables 
recovered with no problems.  In fact, both Wiki and LJ mentioned drive 
write caching to be the major cause of their problems.

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Re: INSERT queries hang on amd64

2005-02-16 Thread Greg Whalin
I have 2 dual proc opterons and also have not seen this using MyISAM 
(4.1.9), however, I have been less than impressed with mysql on opteron 
(using the x86-64 binary from their site).  Performance is generally 
less than that of our remaining old 32 bit dual proc xeon machines (all 
our db machines have 4 GB RAM and similar my.cnf settings giving 1.5GB 
to keybuffer, 768M to sort_buffer).  In some cases, we are seeing 
queries take twices as long on the opteron machines as on the xeons, and 
it is rare for the opterons to ever outperform our xeon cluster.  It is 
also much more likely for our tables to crash during big alters on the 
opteron machines than on the xeon, especially if the table has a full 
text on it (

We are planning a full switch to innodb, and I seriously hope that makes 
the mysql on opteron experience a more pleasurable one.

Donny Simonton wrote:
I know this may be strange, but have you turned on innodb on the box?  Even
if don't use it?  I have 8 amd64 boxes and have never experienced this
problem you are talking about.  They range from single proc to quad proc.
Never this problem but all of them have innodb turned on.  

Turn it on and see what happens, it could be a bug inside the mysql code.

-Original Message-
From: Michel Buijsman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2005 5:41 AM
Subject: INSERT queries hang on amd64
My problem: INSERT queries hang on amd64.
This looks a lot like Don MacAskill's bugreport in
Which is listed as closed, but the bug is apparently still there
so maybe it should be reopened...
I've just upgraded from 4.1.9 to 4.1.10 (binary) on a dual opteron
with 8G ram, running Debian 3.1 pure64 gcc-3.4. Also tried 4.0.23
last week, but that had the same problems. Kernels I've tried are
2.6.11-rc1-mm1 and 2.6.11-rc2.
I'm running 2 boxes in a replication setup, using the amd64 as the
master (or standalone) gave me pretty much what Don describes in bug
3483, insert queries start hanging after a while with no way to kill
them except kill -9 from the OS, which is a bit rough. ;-)
The master or standalone setup required quite a bit of poking to get
it to hang in a test environment, or just a few short hours running
as a production server. I haven't been able to narrow it down to one
specific thing, but it appears to have something to do with indexes,
because it ran fine after dropping all of them.
I hacked up a test script that's throwing a random selection of selects
and inserts at it at random intervals between 0 and 2 seconds, from 20
concurrent threads.
I could trigger it by running a repair table on it while the test
script was running. The repair thread would wait for its turn, then lock
everything else out and do its thing, and when it was done the first
insert after that would hang indefinitely. (Left it hanging over the
weekend, nothing.)
Adding skip-concurrent-insert fixes the problem, but cripples the
performance so that's not really an option.
Then tried to run one of the amd64 boxes as a slave off of a xeon box:
Same problem, the replication thread hangs within seconds of starting
the server, and again won't budge for anything except kill -9. This is
on a server without _any_ other connections except for a processlist.
I've run out of things to try, so I hope someone here can help...
snipped replication setup
set-variable= key_buffer=2G
set-variable= table_cache=1024
set-variable= sort_buffer=16M
set-variable= read_buffer=16M
set-variable= max_allowed_packet=10M
set-variable= thread_cache=64
set-variable= thread_stack=512K
set-variable= tmp_table_size=16M
set-variable= interactive_timeout=600
set-variable= wait_timeout=600
set-variable= max_connections=1024
set-variable= query_cache_type=2
set-variable= query_cache_size=100M
set-variable= join_buffer_size=8M
set-variable= thread_concurrency=4
set-variable= myisam_sort_buffer_size=64M
Michel --
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Re: Innodb auto increment - reset itself automatically?

2005-02-11 Thread Greg Whalin
Rishi Daryanani wrote:
My database is mostly made up of MyIsam tables, and some InnoDB tables.
One particular Innodb table works fine with an auto increment field.
The table is updated often, records being added and deleted at pretty
much the same rate.
So, there are only a very few records in the table at any given time.
It was being used and the auto increment value was around 21.
Recently, after the records were deleted in the system (by my client -
through a database system that I created - NOT directly via the db), I
noticed that new records to the table start with the auto increment
field '1'.
I don't understand this. The autoincrement field seems to have reset
itself back to 0. I know this because there are now 3 records in that
table with ids 1,2,3
I tested it again by adding a new record, which was assigned the id 4.
Then, i deleted that, and added a new record, which was assigned the
id 5.
So its working as normal again! I just dont understand how Mysql reset
the autoincrement field from 21 back to 0
Can anyone think of a reason why this would happen? I'm really worried
about the database now :(
Thanks very much!

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Re: key on the month portion of a date field

2005-02-09 Thread Greg Fortune
Remember, a low cardinality index will possibly be ignored by the optimizer 
and an index on month will never have a cardinality of more than 12.  For 
testing purposes, you might try added a column for month and populating it 
off your current data.

update the_table set the_field=MONTH(the_field)

Then, add an index on that column and test your queries against the new index.  
I'd be surprised if you saw much increase in speed, especially as your data 
set grows.


On Wednesday 09 February 2005 09:17 am, Gabriel B. wrote:
 Short Version:
 is there any way to make an index for a date field that appears in the
 WHERE as a MONTH() argument?

 I have a table with some hundreds of thousands of rows already, and
 now i have the need to show upcoming birthdays to some users.

 the query uses WHERE MONTH(birthday).. the `birthday` field is of date
 (-00-00) type

 It is not too slow this way since i started the WHERE with lots of
 checks that cuts down to a medium of 200 rows that actualy gets to
 this check, but i feel uncorfotable to not use a index.

 So, is there any way to make an index for that kind of query, or i
 must re-estruct the table to have a month field?


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Re: Plus sign doesn't concatenate strings in MySQL?

2005-01-15 Thread Greg Whalin
Jochem van Dieten wrote:
On Sat, 15 Jan 2005 11:11:05 -0500, Robert Alexander wrote:
Each language is going to have its own personality.  If they all did
things the same way, we wouldn't have the wealth of different ones to
choose from.

DBMS's are not languages, they are implementations.

Might not be a good idea, Dave, to take MS products as examples of
what accepted standards are.  MS has a long history of lack of
respect for established standards.
I suspect MySQL is more ANSI compliant than MS SQL Server.

Can you substantiate that suspicion?
This entire discussion is somewhat pointless in the face of reality. 
Sure it would be nice if every DB vendor had the exact same syntax, but 
that is not the case.  They all differ enough so that anything more than 
 basic SQL will not migrate.  Accept it, deal with it, and RTFM to 
learn how to use SQL in each implementation.

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Re: Monitoring replication in mysql

2004-12-21 Thread Greg Whalin
Tucker, Gabriel wrote:
Write a script that does a slave status and check if either of the threads are 
running.  You could
further check for error numbers and descriptions.  This is what we do.
-Original Message-
From: Anil Doppalapudi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, December 21, 2004 6:05 AM
Subject: Monitoring replication in mysql

we have no of mysql replication setups in our setup. how to monitor those
replication aim is if any slave goes down
my script should immediately send an alert mail to me. if anybody having
already developed scripts please let me know otherwise just give me an idea
what to monitor in in replication setup.
We have a script that monitors output from SHOW SLAVE STATUS, but 
actually had one time when replication died, but output from above 
command looked perfectly fine.  It was due to massive table corruption, 
which was in turn due to filesystem corruption.  Now, we have the same 
test running, but we also have a backup monitor which inserts a value in 
the master and tries to read it from all replicants.  We allow an 
acceptable delay (5-10 minutes) before we page all admins with this 
backup test.

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Re: Need more info about currently running queries

2004-12-21 Thread Greg Fortune
Yep, mysqladmin can give the same info.  As noted in my original message, I 
need much more detailed info.  

The crux of the problem is that I need to run a query that could take several 
hours when it's using indexes correctly, but it is not working correctly so 
it takes longer than I've been willing to wait (about 14 hours).  I need to 
make changes to indexes and run the query again, but I don't want to wait 
hours until I know whether the change was effective or not.  I really need a 
way to find out how far the query has progressed after 15 minutes so I can 
calculate how much improvement the changes made.


On Tuesday 21 December 2004 02:25 am, Gleb Paharenko wrote:

 Using SHOW PROCESSLIST you can just check if your query running, or

 is waiting for some lock. For more info, you can run ps axm in shell

 and look for the thread state, but that's more related to the kernel stuff.


 Greg Fortune [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Is there anyway to get additional information about a query that is
  running?  I've got some performance problems I'm trying to analyze while
  loading large data sets and I'm running a test query, but I don't have
  idea how far the query has progressed.
  The test query is a count(some_field) with the JOINs that I need and I'd
  to know how many rows it has counted or how many rows it has visited from
  each table, etc, etc, etc.  I know ahead of time that the result should
  about 2.6 million and am just trying to get timing data.
  Is there any way to get at this kind of info?

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Need more info about currently running queries

2004-12-20 Thread Greg Fortune
Is there anyway to get additional information about a query that is currently 
running?  I've got some performance problems I'm trying to analyze while 
loading large data sets and I'm running a test query, but I don't have any 
idea how far the query has progressed. 

The test query is a count(some_field) with the JOINs that I need and I'd like 
to know how many rows it has counted or how many rows it has visited from 
each table, etc, etc, etc.  I know ahead of time that the result should be 
about 2.6 million and am just trying to get timing data.

Is there any way to get at this kind of info?


Greg Fortune
Enterprise Systems
Eastern Washington University
Phone: 509-359-6690

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Re: MySQL load balancing...

2004-12-16 Thread Greg Whalin
We also use Linux Virtual Server for load balancing, but only on our 
read-only cluster.  Our current levels of RW traffic do not demand more 
than one machine.

Russell E Glaue wrote:
We have fail-over using Linux Virtual Server, now upgrading to Red Hat 
Cluster Suite. We do not implement load-balancing.
Here is why.

In order to have full true load balancing, you need to have two or more 
MySQL database server replicating data to each other in real time. 
Currently your only choice is master-master replication.
master-master replication is not fast enough for real-time updates for a 
load-balanced environment. It is good enough for fail-over which is what 
we currently implement.

You can still have load-balancing in a distributed fashion. If you have 
two MySQL database servers for your cluster, and you designate half your 
databases for one server and half for the other, technically you are 
implementing load balancing as your distributing your data among two 
servers. Although this is not really the best practice. However in this 
setup, each server can be a fail-over for the other. So if one server 
fails the other takes over as master for it's databases.

fail-over recovery.
This is one issue worth considering. If your MySQL database server comes 
back online, LVS (Linux Virtual Server) wants to immediately throw it 
back in as master/primary. However, once the server is up, it needs time 
to get back up to date from the other master. So for recovery, you will 
need to perform this manually and not let LVS do this automatically. 
Bring the server back online, allow time for the replication to 
complete, then go to the LVS and set the server as active primary.

Kevin A. Burton wrote:
Was curious what people on the list are using for load balancing.. 
there are a number of techniques here but it would be interesting if 
people could share some real-world experiences

HTTP load balancing is pretty well understood but there's not a bunch 
out there on MySQL load balancing


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Re: MySQL 4.1.7 Network slowdown

2004-12-07 Thread Greg Whalin
Frank Febbraro wrote:
The MySQL-client is 4.1.7, too?

The localhost mysql command is version 4.1.7-standard
The remote query browser is version 1.1.1 gamma
The remote JDBC driver is version 3.0.16-ga
Are you seeing the slowdown only from your java app?  Or from all clients?
In the changelog for the 3.0.16 connector, they disabled BufferedInput 
as they were having problems with it on some systems.  You should be 
able to pass useUnbufferedInput=true in the jdbc url to get this back. 
I think they are working on their own implementation to get buffered 
input back in the new 3.1 connector.

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Re: MySQL 4.1.7 Network slowdown

2004-12-07 Thread Greg Whalin
Got me then?!  I am still running 4.0.22.  Waiting for the connecter/J 
to come out of gamma and for 4.1.* to stabilize a bit, so I can't offer 
much other than what I have read.

Frank Febbraro wrote:
Are you seeing the slowdown only from your java app?  Or from all clients?

I see this slowdown from my java app AND from the remote MySQL client
application (called MySQL Query Browser 1.1.1 and 1.1.2). Basically I
see the slowdown from all clients that are remote machines, but I do
not see it when I execute the queries on localhost (the server on
which the database is running)

In the changelog for the 3.0.16 connector, they disabled BufferedInput
as they were having problems with it on some systems.  You should be
able to pass useUnbufferedInput=true in the jdbc url to get this back.
I think they are working on their own implementation to get buffered
input back in the new 3.1 connector.

I experienced the slowdown with the 3.0.15 driver so I upgraded to the
3.0.16 driver and have the same problem.
Any insight?
THanks again,

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mysqlhotcopy in replication setup run from slave

2004-12-07 Thread Greg Whalin
So, ran into a problem with using mysqlhotcopy to build a backup capable 
of starting a new replicant.  The current option (record_log_pos) 
attempts to get master info from show master status, regardless of 
whether running on master or slave.  It also uses show slave status to 
see where the slave is in processing master logs.  I have found two 
problems with this ...

- seems show master status returns nothing if you are not a master (and 
not logging a binlog)
- takes the log position from the Read_Master_Log_Pos, which is only 
what the IO thread has read, and not what has been applied

I have patched to add a new option --on_slave, which changes the 
behavior a bit.  It now does not run show master, but instead gets all 
data from show slave status.  It uses the Exec_master_log_pos to get the 
current log position and dies if Slave_IO_Running is not Yes.

See attached patch.  Any comments?  Does this make sense to people?  Any 
better ideas?  I can say that this works, whereas the default does not. 
 Meaning, I am able to take a snapshot, and build a new replicant off 
of that using the data retrieved from (record_log_pos).

Greg Whalin
--- /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqlhotcopy	2004-10-23 12:15:09.0 -0400
+++ mysqlhotcopy	2004-12-07 13:17:12.780790784 -0500
@@ -75,6 +75,7 @@
   --resetslave reset the once all tables are locked
   --tmpdir=#	   temporary directory (instead of $opt_tmpdir)
   --record_log_pos=#   record slave and master status in specified db.table
+  --on_slave   tells record_log_pos that this is a slave box
   --chroot=#   base directory of chroot jail in which mysqld operates
   Try \'perldoc $0\' for more complete documentation
@@ -115,6 +116,7 @@
@@ -478,8 +480,8 @@
 $dbh-do( RESET SLAVE ) if ( $opt{resetslave} );
 if ( $opt{record_log_pos} ) {
-	record_log_pos( $dbh, $opt{record_log_pos} );
-	$dbh-do(FLUSH TABLES /*!32323 $hc_tables */);
+		record_log_pos( $dbh, $opt{record_log_pos}, $opt{on_slave} );
+		$dbh-do(FLUSH TABLES /*!32323 $hc_tables */);
@@ -743,28 +745,41 @@
 sub record_log_pos {
-my ( $dbh, $table_name ) = @_;
+my ( $dbh, $table_name, $on_slave ) = @_;
 eval {
-	my ($file,$position) = get_row( $dbh, show master status );
-	die master status is undefined if !defined $file || !defined $position;
-	my ($master_host, undef, undef, undef, $log_file, $log_pos ) 
-	= get_row( $dbh, show slave status );
-	my $hostname = hostname();
-	$dbh-do( qq{ replace into $table_name 
-			  set host=?, log_file=?, log_pos=?, 
-  master_host=?, master_log_file=?, master_log_pos=? }, 
-		  undef, 
-		  $hostname, $file, $position, 
-		  $master_host, $log_file, $log_pos  );
+		my ($file, $position, $master_host, $log_file, $log_pos);
+		my $hostname = hostname();
+		if (defined $on_slave) {
+			## try to get from slave status
+			my $io_running;
+			($master_host, undef, undef, undef, $file, $position, undef, undef, $log_file, $io_running, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, $log_pos, undef)
+= get_row( $dbh, show slave status );
+			if ($io_running ne 'Yes') {
+die IO thread is not running, so can't get reliable master info;
+			}
+		}
+		else {
+			## try to get from master and slave status
+			($file,$position) = get_row( $dbh, show master status );
+			die master status is undefined if !defined $file || !defined $position;
+			($master_host, undef, undef, undef, $log_file, $log_pos ) 
+= get_row( $dbh, show slave status );
+		}
+		## update the log table
+		$dbh-do( qq{ replace into $table_name 
+  set host=?, log_file=?, log_pos=?, 
+  master_host=?, master_log_file=?, master_log_pos=? }, 
+			  undef, 
+			  $hostname, $file, $position, 
+			  $master_host, $log_file, $log_pos  );
 if ( $@ ) {
-	warn Failed to store master position: [EMAIL PROTECTED];
+		warn Failed to store master position: [EMAIL PROTECTED];
@@ -887,6 +902,13 @@
 The name of the log-pos table should be supplied in database.table format.
 A sample log-pos table definition:
+=item --on_slave
+This changes behavior of --record_log_pos to only check slave status.
+This allows us to get an indication of the actual position in the master
+log file we are at on this slave at the time of the hot copy so that you
+can use this data to build another replicant from this running slave.
 =over 4
 CREATE TABLE log_pos (

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Re: 4.0 vs 4.1

2004-12-07 Thread Greg Whalin
Ronan Lucio wrote:
Actually, Ive never had such problem.
Im just afraid of it because Ive read some issues about corruption
in MySQL tables and the own MySQL Manual says that exist a command
just to repair MyISAM tables (myisamchk -
Once I dealing with hangs problems with MySQL + FreeBSD-4.x, Im
afraid that the table could crashs when MySQL hangs... :-/
Never had table corruption, though I have had index corruption in myisam 
tables many times on sound hardware.  Usually, this is due to an unclean 
 shutdown, though I have seen it happen other times when the server is 
supposedly running with no problems.  A repair table tablename always 
fixes the problem.

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Re: upgrade from mysql 3.23 to 4.1

2004-11-30 Thread Greg Macek
On Tue, 2004-11-30 at 11:50 -0600, Jeff Smelser wrote:
 On Monday 29 November 2004 11:35 pm, Greg Macek wrote:
  I was thinking about this as well, but was hoping to minimize the amount
  of work I would have to do. However, if this makes the most sense for
  upgrading, perhaps this is what I'll do.
 Actually, I think you will be minimizing going the 4.0 route. These major 
 upgrades are no small tasks anyway.

OK, sounds like what I should do is the following:

* Upgrade current mysql install (3.23.49) to latest stable 4.0 series
(4.0.22 according to the website)
* Test out all applications and make sure everything is working as
* Test new features in 4.0.x vs. 3.23.x
* After sufficient time to test, upgrade to latest stable 4.1.x

I think I can make this scenario work. :) Thanks all for the direction.
Otherwise, I may have run into issues doing the huge jump. 


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Re: upgrade from mysql 3.23 to 4.1

2004-11-29 Thread Greg Macek
On Wed, 2004-11-24 at 09:15 -0600, Jeff Smelser wrote:
 On Wednesday 24 November 2004 07:32 am, Hristo Chernev wrote:
  How to upgrade from 3.23.58 to 4.1.7? Which is the easiest way with minimal
  risk and downtime?
 Yeah right.. ;) 
  Background: Heavy loaded mysql server, only one database but it is huge -
  5GB.The database is replicated to another server.Mysql 3.23.58.Linux OS.
  Here is the my plan, please correct me if there is a better way or if I am
  doing unnecessary actions:
  1. Stop the site and mysql servers and backup database.
  2. Upgrade mysql versions on the two machines.
  3. Compiling apache and php with new mysql 4.1 client lib.
  4. Recreate users and rights ( the provided script fix_privilege_table will
  not work correctly form 3.23. to 4.1. will it?).
  5. Start main mysql server without replication.
  6. Rename database to olddb.
  7. Create new database named db.
  Do one of 8a or 8b:
  8a.Dump olddb with mysqldump, then run the result file to fill the new db
  (in order to have native 4.1 database ).
  8b.Using SQL queries (or phpmyadmin) copy all tables from olddb to new db
  (in order to have native 4.1 database ).
  9. Assure that all is correct then delete olddb, copy database to the slave
  and start mysql servers.
  10. Confirm replication is ok, then start the site.
 This is a good list.. My suggestion would be to do this on some sort of 
 back/dev machine.. php doesnt just work with 4.1 automatically (depending on 
 Not sure which distro u use, that could be a driving factor of problems you 
 may see to.

I am actually in the process of planning a similar upgrade for our
database server. None of our databases are that big, but was wondering
about what gotcha's I should be on the lookout for. I planned on
walking through the upgrade pages from for going from 3.23 to
4.0 and 4.0 to 4.1. I was hoping not to have to re-create the databases
as the original poster mentioned, but I don't have a slave DB setup
either. Will this be an issue? 


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