[newbie] Mandrake 6.1

1999-10-19 Thread Laurie Dare

Hello from Downunder. As a happy and contented user of Mandrake 5.3 I
was a little tentative about 'updating' to 6.1. I had good reason! 6.1
has more bugs than my bed! For instance; the bootloader won't load LILO
onto hdb1, at least not the first time. Many of the program icons on the
desktop just look at you whwn you attempt to load the application...too
many to list. But the daddy of them all is the cute German/English
   "The file as a revision date in the future. This probably means that
you system time is wrong or as been wrong at some point." Ratsarse!! The
installation program can't tell the difference between EST (Australian)
and GMT ( or UTC if you will)!! Consequently many files have tomorrow's
date, and the above message comes up each and every time one is envoked.
Jesus, if I'd wanted all these hassles I could have installed Winblows
98!! Why must you people release such buggy software? Haven't you learnt
ANYTHING from Gill Bates? I'm off to purchase SuSe (or is it sUsE hi )
tomorrow...nothing's cheap if it doesn't work. Oh, and don't waste your
time flaming me. I've already quit this list.
Good riddance to bad rubbish!

Laurie Dare

Re: [newbie] the GPL effect ?

1999-10-19 Thread Ernest N. Wilcox Jr.

The thing new users need to understand is that Linux is something
like an accident. First, Linus Torvalds (hope I spelled his name
right!) produced the kernel, then put it on the web. Next others saw
the kernel and added other software until it became an OS. The only
thing is that it did not become just one OS, it became perhaps
hundreds of OS's. The answer to the question "Is there any order under
the GPL" is no.

Linux is a work of chaos, chance, and perhaps love. The people who
produced the superb elements we use with our Linux distributions,
whether it be RedHat, Mandrake, Suse, or any of the uncounted others
did so out of love for the challenge, or as a growth exercise, or for
any number of other reasons at which we can only guess (perhaps to
be a thorn in Bill's backside).

The bottom line for me, is that since I got all my hardware to work
correctly with Linux, it has not crashed or frozen even one time in
something over a month. On the other hand, in my Win95 installation, I
experience Explorer crashes at least three (3) times a week. This to
me makes Linux well worth the effort to get it to work with my

Which distribution to use is dependent upon the individual users
needs, likes, and desires. For some, perhaps for many, the choice of
any Linux distribution is not the correct answer at all. The learning
curve is indeed steep, and many may lack either the time or the
desire to put in the effort to learn to use Linux effectively. Add to
this the fact that not all hardware is supported, and getting Linux
to work on an individual machine may require some component

One last thought occurs to me. A wise old mentor once told me in my
youth that "there aint no free lunch". In terms of OS's, this means
to me that you can pay for your OS with hard cold cash, or with
blood, sweat, and tears, but either way, you will pay.

Now, on the plus side, when you do get Linux to work with your
hardware, you will have learned perhaps more about your 'puter
than you ever wanted to know, and you will enjoy the satisfaction and
pride of your accomplishment, and no small deed will it be.

Well I sure can ramble, so I'll try to get back to your question.
The advantage of Linux is that there is no aparent order, and that
is its disadvantage as well. This aparent lack of order has played a
role in making Linux the superb entity it has become. It also makes
figuring out which distro is for you hard and uncertain.


On Mon, 18 Oct 1999, Aldo Solari [APS] wrote:
 Redhat becomes Mandrake and Mandrake becomes Macmillan which is sold
 by the "Mighty Mouse" at Pepito's  Taco  Bar under the Trade Mark of
 Dr. Vampire :-)
 Is there any order under the GPL ?
 ] From: "Ernest N. Wilcox Jr." [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ] Just tossing in my 2 cents worth.  Macmillan  Publishing  is  just

Re: [newbie] Office Suites

1999-10-19 Thread Ernest N. Wilcox Jr.

I can't afford that either (T1), I just heard that the cost was
dropping, and added it in with the other ideas presented. I will most
likely go with my local cable provider sometime in the next year.
They charge $40.00 per month for unlimited service, and guarentee 512
K per second. I'll have to look more closely befoer I make the move,
but on the surface, it doesn't look too bad from here. They have
just changed to digital from coaxial cable region wide, so I'll wait
a while to let them iron the out wrinkles. I'm a city dweller, so my
options are fairly broad. Like I said, I got some researching to do
before I make any changes. Maybe you have a cable provider in your
area who provides internet access? Could be worth the look.


On Mon, 18 Oct 1999, Joseph S. Gardner wrote:
 "Ernest N. Wilcox Jr." wrote:
  That'l make it tough to get the stuff you want, no matter which way
  you go. Maybe you should talk to your local phone co. and see what the
  damage would be to go with either an ADSL, or a T1 line (I think
  that's the right term). ADSL might be a bit iffy since it is not
  available everywhere, but maybe the T1 line might be an option.
  You could get better bandwidth than with your 33.6 modem (I think you
  would have to replace the modem), and the line noise issue would be
  greatly diminished if not eliminated all together. The down side will
  be that the cost will undoubtedly be higher, and likely considerably
  so. But it can't hurt to check. There may also be connection options
  that I know nothing about since I have only used a modem. Maybe
  someone else can pass along some suggestions as to what you might
  consider as viable alternatives to a niosy phone line.
  On Sun, 17 Oct 1999, Jesse Royall wrote:
   the problem here is I am 90 miles from any place that would even resemble
   a book store or even a computer place. we do have a radio shack but they
   just carry DSS and Cell phones. so I had no choice... but the thing is I
   used Go!Zilla which allowed me to stop the download in mid stream and
   continue on later. so most of the time I setup Go!Zilla to start
   downloading from 11:00p till 7:00a and it took about 2 weeks to get the
   whole thing.. During the day its a pain also, becuase the lines and ISP
   gets congested and I have alot of line noise and can't get the full 33.6
   transfer during the day.
   On Sun, 17 Oct 1999 06:07:40 -0400 "Ernest N. Wilcox Jr."
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
You got that right! Neither of those suites I mentioned is as large as
a CD. I'd believe the 183 Hrs., that'd be a lot to get in one bite,
for sure. That's why I usually try to get my distro's on the CD from
my local software store. I just picked up the Linux-Mandrake 6.1
(the Macmillan release [6.5??]) for $35.00 US from BestBuy. That's
more than I would have to pay from Mandrakesoft, but I don't have to
hold my breath waiting for the CD to be delivered, and I don't have
to tie up my phone line for all those hours (I have only one line
here, and it is shared with the household telephone). I will likely
be trying to get it installed tomorrow or the next day, if work
permitts. It'll be interesting to see if I have any of the troubles
the other guys have had getting it to work properly. The one thing I
would like to have happen, would be for Linux-Mandrake (the official
release) to be available at one of my local software stores. Maybe
for the next release, I'll get my front side ahead of my backside,
look on the Mandrake site for a vendor in my area. It'd be just my
luck that it's allready here, and I just don't know about it.
On Sat, 16 Oct 1999, Jesse Royall wrote:

 6 hours download time is a walk in the park for 56k... try 183
 that is what it took to download the .iso file for linux!
 of line noise on my end didn't help matters either!

 On Sat, 16 Oct 1999 07:32:16 -0400 "Ernest N. Wilcox Jr."
  I like it. It does the job. It is big though, and the decision on
  installing it depends on what your needs are. If you just want a
  processor, StarOffice is overkill, but if you need a complete
  suite, designed to compete with the one from Redmond, then this
  is for you. It has everything you could need. Just search
  "StarOffice" in your web browser to locate the website. From
  you can check out the features, system requirements and even
  do a download or order the CD if you want to. Note that the
  is big!! Some 67Meg.!! So unless you have a cable connection, or
  ADSL connection, or other fast hookup, be ready to spend maybe 6
  on the download (with a 56K modem). On the other hand, if the
  is overkill for your needs, you 

Re: [newbie] DNS Server for Mandrake?

1999-10-19 Thread sphilp

On Tue, Oct 19, 1999 at 12:22:53AM -0400, Paul Hoy wrote:
 Does anyone know the name of the DNS RPM package that comes with Mandrake?

bind, bind-utils, bind-devel

Steve Philp
Network Administrator
Advance Packaging Corporation

Re: [newbie] Q about excessive HDD swapping when in KDE

1999-10-19 Thread Ernest N. Wilcox Jr.

On Mon, 18 Oct 1999, John Aldrich wrote:
 On Mon, 18 Oct 1999, you wrote:
  In the KDE environment as root, navigate to the /etc folder, and
  right-click the lilo.conf file, then select "text editor". Add the
  line below in the image section:
  Include the quotes this time. The line is just above the read only
  line in my lilo.conf file. This should help. It is my understanding
  that by default, Linux will use 64 Meg of RAM, and the above line
  will tell Linux to use the amount stated. Then save the file, and run
  lilo from a konsole window. This will re-configure the boot
  loader, then when you are finished, re-start your system, and you
  should be using all 128 Meg of RAM. I hope this helps,
 Actually, the amount of RAM the system will use depends
 solely on the system. Some systems (such as my home
 machine) will autodetect ram greater than 64 megs. I think
 it depends somewhat on the BIOS/motherboard.

I'd believe it. I got the parameter out of the RedHat 5.2 Instalation
Guide, and it helped my old box to work better, and it sounded like
maybe the above was a similar problem, so I passed it on.


Re: Fw: [newbie] (OT) -- About HTML

1999-10-19 Thread Ernest N. Wilcox Jr.

Yup. you found both the settings that can make you send HTML email in
OutLook Express. It's a shame that the Redmond boys don't set up the
defaults for good net ettiquet. But then the Netscape guys don't do
it either. Go figgure. As far as the Donnie issue, at least from
where I sat, it looked like most of the flaming was in responce to
his reaction to being told to turn off the HTML. But I hope it's
over, such a terrible wast of time and bandwidth ( I had something to
say on the subject as well as others ).


On Mon, 18 Oct 1999, Simon Norris wrote:
 Not to worry, I found my problem.
 FYI, there is an option in Outlook, 'reply to messages in the format in
 which they were sent' , which when checked, inherits the original poster's
 format. Selecting the plain text option is not enough. The post I was
 replying to was HTML without my knowledge.
 - Original Message -
 From: Simon Norris [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, October 18, 1999 3:33 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] (OT) -- About HTML
 Just a quick query, not really suited to this group, but necessary just the
 I have been using Outlook for some time now, and have had no problems
 sending plain text. Unfortunately, I have just sent a post to this group,
 and got a courteous comment directly to me asking for me to drop my HTML.
 All of the settings I have refer to plain text, so my question is, does
 Outlook have a mind of it's own, as most Microsoft products do? Does it
 inherit the format from the post I am replying to? The way I have Outlook is
 that there is no visible difference between plain text and HTML, so whenever
 I see someone ask for HTML to be dropped, I haven't got a clue whats going
 I would like to add my assistance to this group, as they have given me lots
 of ideas for things to do and I'd like to give something back, however I
 have no intention of receiving a similar flurry of comments as Donny did,
 for sending HTML (Although he did give as good as he got!!).
 As far as the comments about filtering HTML, that would be useful for us
 poor sods stuck with Outlook, who don't even know whether they're sending
 plain text or HTML!!
 Thanks for your generous assistance.
 - Original Message -
 From: Eric Mings [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, October 18, 1999 2:16 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] (OT) -- About HTML
 Based on the number of "remove" requests posted to the list, the
 actual number of people who actually *READ* the welcome message is
 probably quite small. Thus, the chances of the "Nettiquette" tutorial
 having any effect is negligible. However, if it saved us ONE post in
 HTML, I suppose it'd be worth it, and it wouldn't be that much
 trouble, as it would automatically go out with the 'welcome'
 message... just create that "nettiquette" tutorial once and it would
 go out automatically from there. :-)
 There is another solution if the list owner chose to implement it.
 Although I am relatively new to linux, I have run  large volumn
 discussions lists for several years. We have implemented a filter on our
 lists that rejects all attempts to send attachements to the list, and
 ALSO _rejects_ all HTML formatted email. Works great! Put the guidlines
 in the welcome message and let them figure out themselves why none of
 their postings make it to the list if they choose to ignore the
 guidlines. If they contact the list manager about it, I tell them what
 the problem is and how to fix it.  FWIW I would also recommend that
 whoever is running this list take a more visible and active approach in
 dealing with list problems so that members don't feel they need to fight
 out the issues on the list that should be delt with by the list manager.
 Eric Mings Ph.D.

Re: [newbie] New Mandrake 6.1 install

1999-10-19 Thread Ernest N. Wilcox Jr.

But it is with such experimentation that we really learn.


On Mon, 18 Oct 1999, Benjamin Sher wrote:
 Dear friends;
 I hope I can serve as a good object lesson to all other newbies:
 I messed with my X Font Server trying to install Win31 fonts into the
 ttfonts directory. Didn't work, broke my Font Server. Finally decided it
 would be best to just download Mandrake all over again. It's certainly
 worth it. Did it this morning. Just finished organizing my desktop.
 Exhausted. Been up all night without sleep.
 My thanks to everyone who must have been confused by my contradictory
 statements, not once but twice tonight. I was trying to fix the problem
 without having to bite the bullet and do a complete restore, not an
 upgrade, but a new install. Well, finally decided to get it over with so
 I could enjoy Linux and get a good night's sleep.
 My thanks to everyone again. Hope to be much more careful in the future. 
 Benjamin and Anna Sher
 Sher's Russian Web

Re: [newbie] Items of interest

1999-10-19 Thread Jeanette Russo

Sam wrote:
 If any of you are planning on doing some web business with a linux
 server, you might be interested in this.
 Go to the red hat site and register w/ red hat .com for their mailing
 list. You can then sign up to have a full blown copy of Oracle8i mailed
 to you for free.
 Also, HP is offerring openmail for linux for a free 6 month trial. after
 that if you only have a small # of users, you can get an open ended
 extension on the licence. Of course, you don't get any manuals or
 support w/ the freebie.
No matter what I do to try to join this it gives me an error message or
says the name is already in use.  I tried like 20 names and weird names
so I know thats not the case.

Re: [newbie] SBLive 6.1

1999-10-19 Thread Joseph S. Gardner

Civileme wrote:


 If it is still there, it's a step-by-step.


 "Joseph S. Gardner" wrote:

  Has anyone been able to get an SBLive or PCI512 working with Mandrake
  6.1 yet.  I know someone was working on this once upon a time but
  haven't heard from them in a while.
  Regards ,
  Joseph S. Gardner
  Senior Designer / Technical Support
  Kirby Co.,  Cleveland, OH

 (put this in .signature to avoid overzealous error messages)

Thanks, I'll give it a bash g tonight.

Joseph S. Gardner
Senior Designer / Technical Support
Kirby Co.,  Cleveland, OH

Re: [newbie] Items of interest

1999-10-19 Thread BryanMoorehead



Jeanette Russo [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 10/19/99 07:49:04 AM

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: Bryan Moorehead/Link/Allied Holdings)
Subject:  Re: [newbie] Items of interest

Sam wrote:

 If any of you are planning on doing some web business with a linux
 server, you might be interested in this.

 Go to the red hat site and register w/ red hat .com for their mailing
 list. You can then sign up to have a full blown copy of Oracle8i mailed
 to you for free.

 Also, HP is offerring openmail for linux for a free 6 month trial. after
 that if you only have a small # of users, you can get an open ended
 extension on the licence. Of course, you don't get any manuals or
 support w/ the freebie.

No matter what I do to try to join this it gives me an error message or
says the name is already in use.  I tried like 20 names and weird names
so I know thats not the case.

[newbie] Instalation Problems

1999-10-19 Thread Collin J. Davidson

 I just got my CheapBytes 
Mandrake 6.1 CD and I can't get it to install.I have a Promise Ultra66, and 
a 13G hard drive connected to it. I read theUltraDMA mini HowTO, so to 
start my installation I type "linuxide2=0x14c8,0x14be 
ide3=0x14c0,0x14ba" This seems to work because I can seemy hard 
drive. My hard drive contains a 9Gig FAT32 partition for Win98.First I 
tried the workstation setup just to make my life easy, and it said"not 
enough disk space." I then tried custom setup, but when I try tocreate 
my root partition, it keeps telling me the "boot partition is 
toobig" It doesn't matter how big(3098M) or small(1M) I make 
it, itkeeps telling me the same thing. I connected the hard drive to 
my EIDEinterface and am having the same problem. As usual, I'm sure 
it's somethingI'm doing, but any help would be appreciated.Collin J. 

Re: [newbie]OT Items of interest

1999-10-19 Thread Ty Mixon

Same here.  Generally what I have found is that if it errors out on 
such things, then tells you the name is taken you DID join, but there 
was some funky error that prevented you from getting the message.  So 
you and i have several memberships now.  :)

Ty Mixon
 Original Message 

On 10/19/99, 4:49:04 AM, Jeanette Russo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote 
regarding Re: [newbie] Items of interest:

 Sam wrote:
  If any of you are planning on doing some web business with a linux
  server, you might be interested in this.
  Go to the red hat site and register w/ red hat .com for their mailing
  list. You can then sign up to have a full blown copy of Oracle8i 
  to you for free.
  Also, HP is offerring openmail for linux for a free 6 month trial. 
  that if you only have a small # of users, you can get an open ended
  extension on the licence. Of course, you don't get any manuals or
  support w/ the freebie.
 No matter what I do to try to join this it gives me an error message 
 says the name is already in use.  I tried like 20 names and weird 
 so I know thats not the case.

RE: [newbie] (OT) -- About HTML

1999-10-19 Thread Ken Wilson

What version of Outlook are you using?  I have Outlook 98 and that
option is not present.

Ken Wilson
First Law of Optimisation: The speed of a non-working program is
(Steve Heller, 'Efficient C/C++ Programming')

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Michael R.
Sent: Monday, October 18, 1999 6:47 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] (OT) -- About HTML

All of the settings I have refer to plain text, so my question is, does
Outlook have a mind of it's own, as most Microsoft products do? Does it
inherit the format from the post I am replying to?

Yes. Under


There is a check box second from the bottom about replying in the format
the sender used. Deselect the choice.

Re: [newbie] terminal related lockups

1999-10-19 Thread Jackal

I am not sure if our problems are one and the same but I had this problem on
my laptop.  Occasionally, the system will lock the keyboard and the mouse and
I had to switch it off and on to continue...but a quick look at the clock
showed that the system is still running.

I was desperate and wrote a script that will reboot the machine if it cannot
find a certain file in the /tmp directory.  every now and then it checks the
directory and removes it if it is present and checks back after an
interval...which means every now and then i have to touch the file in the
directory...i know it seems stupid but at least the machine can shutdown
cleanly without me having to sit through an fsck whenever this happens
The wierd thing is that since i implemented this script the problem has been
so infrequent that is has almost (touch wood) disappeared!

I cannot explain this X-filish phenomenon but this is just my 2 cents...

On Tue, Oct 19, 1999 at 05:57:39AM +, pete moss wrote:
 i know, i have mentioned this before, but i am still having problems. 
 anytime i open a terminal (xterm, gnome-terminal, etc.) from within X,
 the computer completely locks up and i have to hit reset.  if i start
 the terminal from a virtual terminal (alt+F2) then it runs fine.  i am
 running mandrake 6.1.  i didnt have this problem with 6.0.  i have
 reinstalled several packages that seem to be affected, but no luck.  it
 seems like there is a software problem outside of the affected programs
 that might be causing this.  anyone know how i can track down this
 problem?  it is hindering some of my work in linux.  please pass the
 slightest bit of info!
 ps - is there a quick way to reinstall all of the currently installed
 packages from the cdrom?  i would like to avoid redoing a fresh install.

ICQ No.: 38756924

Re: [newbie] Fw: mandrake 6.1 and xf86 bugged?

1999-10-19 Thread Tigani_b

I have the same problem with you. Please share 
with me the solution if you get one. Thanks.

- Original Message - 
From: Ken Davis 
Sent: Thursday, October 14, 1999 8:50 AM
Subject: mandrake 6.1 and xf86 bugged?

I have a problem getting my #9 Imagine 128 series 2 4mb 
video card to work with Mandrake 6.1. I am also using a Hitachi 
superscan elite 751 (hitachi cm751 choice in setup). The problem is 
that during setup, the screen flashes several times, and it comes back 
saying it cannot set any display modes. I have used this setup in 
rh5.2, rh6.0 and mandrake 5.2 previously with no problems. If I goto 
the command prompt and run Xconfigurator I get the same type of errors 
during setup. During setup probe, it does detect my #9 pci card 
correctly. If I run startx, I get the error, a configured device 
found, but display modes could not be resolved. It is also 
running the I128 server which is the correct server for the card. I 
checked the xf86 faq and it says this card is completly compatible and does 
not require any settings, ie ramdac and clock settings. SuperProbe 
also seems to correctly identify the video card. I have also deleted 
and re-installed several times and removed all other cards from the system 
except for a pci network card (which also does not work, but thats another 
thread), and an sb awe32. Also, during the startx screen, it shows 
several lines of deleting needs hsync freq .xxx deleted for 
various resolutions, it shows a line (--) I128:I128-II revision (0) 

card type: pci
vidram: 4096k
ibm526 ramdac not found

Any help would be greatly appreciated,


Re: [newbie] sound card install and video adjustments

1999-10-19 Thread Tony Zocolillo


Does anyone have experience getting a CMI 8338 chip sound card to work with
Linux.  Supports lists the CMI 8330 chip but not the 8338.  I've tried every
card driver in the list and no luck.  I do get some trace of sound with a
few of the choices, but I have to turn the speakers on full power and I can
barely hear it.  I have a couple ESS boards coming in the mail this week, so
I'll probably switch to one of those.

I gave up on getting the SiS5597 on-board video to work and switched to a
ATI Mach 64 2Mb PCI.  I did try using the XFree86 3.3.5 but when I run
XF86Setup, I couldn't get it to work...couldn't get it to reconfigure back
to VGA16...so I end up reinstalling Linux each time.  The ATI card works
well except I can't figure out how to change resolution.  I'm currently at
1024x768x16bit.  Do I use xf86config?  Whenever I run this program I seen to
get problems as a result.  This program asks for monitor information "free
form" and when I put my monitor info in, I get errors relating to monitor
selection on restart.  When I installed Mandrake, I was give a list to
choose from, but in xf86config, I get no list...thus the info I put in is
aparently invalid. How do I use xf86config just to change one thing, or
can't I?  What info do I use for the monitor (I can't remember the list
verbatim)?  Can I use "CUSTOM"?

I also have a problem with the modem, which I believe is a winmodem as it is
somehow tied to the sound card (probably for voice functions).  If I disable
the onboard sound, I loose the modem too.  So I have picked up a Zoom V.90
modem also.  I hope that once I put the ESS sound and Zoom modem in, I'll be
full functional.

Tony Z.

Re: [newbie] (OT) -- About HTML

1999-10-19 Thread Simon Norris

It's actually Outlook Express 5, the one that's attached to IE 5, rather
than Office.
- Original Message -
From: Ken Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, October 19, 1999 2:05 PM
Subject: RE: [newbie] (OT) -- About HTML

What version of Outlook are you using?  I have Outlook 98 and that
option is not present.

Ken Wilson
First Law of Optimisation: The speed of a non-working program is
(Steve Heller, 'Efficient C/C++ Programming')

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Michael R.
Sent: Monday, October 18, 1999 6:47 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] (OT) -- About HTML

All of the settings I have refer to plain text, so my question is, does
Outlook have a mind of it's own, as most Microsoft products do? Does it
inherit the format from the post I am replying to?

Yes. Under


There is a check box second from the bottom about replying in the format
the sender used. Deselect the choice.

[newbie] Installing from other packages

1999-10-19 Thread Tony Zocolillo


Is it possible to install an app from one Linux package into another?  I
have a SuSE 6.2 with StarOffice (among others) and I would like to be able
to install it in Mandrake.  If this can be done, how so?  I have Mandrake
6.1 CD-ROM only, not the commercial distribution.  When I've tried to
install SuSE, the options are there to install the applications.  How would
I install these under Mandrake? and Would the StarOffice distributed
with the commercial SuSE 6.2 only work with SuSE 6.2 (another words, is it
licenced for use only with SuSE)?

Tony Z.

Fw: [newbie] Items of interest

1999-10-19 Thread Simon Norris

And I forgot to mention, it's open to the rest of the world, not just US
like the red hat signup!!
- Original Message -
From: Simon Norris [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, October 19, 1999 1:50 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Items of interest

As an exponent of the Oracle suite, you might also like to know that all of
the Linux Oracle products, including 8i and their web server, are available
if you join the Oracle Technet. If anyone is interested in the slightest in
getting Oracle products, it is well worth signing up. The products are
either available on CD, or downloadable straight from the site, for those of
you with fast connections (Most are actually available as split files, for
slower connections). The licenses are all development single user licenses.
Well worth every penny of download costs, or in the case of CD, the media

For those of you NT owners, there is an equivalent Oracle suite for you
there aswell.

The additional support (newsgroups, sample code, etc) is also very well

Head over to http://technet.oracle.com for more info.

- Original Message -
From: Jeanette Russo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, October 19, 1999 12:49 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Items of interest

Sam wrote:

 If any of you are planning on doing some web business with a linux
 server, you might be interested in this.

 Go to the red hat site and register w/ red hat .com for their mailing
 list. You can then sign up to have a full blown copy of Oracle8i mailed
 to you for free.

 Also, HP is offerring openmail for linux for a free 6 month trial. after
 that if you only have a small # of users, you can get an open ended
 extension on the licence. Of course, you don't get any manuals or
 support w/ the freebie.

No matter what I do to try to join this it gives me an error message or
says the name is already in use.  I tried like 20 names and weird names
so I know thats not the case.

Re[2]: [newbie] the GPL effect ?

1999-10-19 Thread Aldo Solari [APS]

Ernie: I share much of what you say in your poster. You have
a  very nice insight into Linux, indeed. Maybe this chaos is
the  kind of "productive order" needed for new ideas to come



Tuesday, October 19, 1999, 10:26:37 AM, you wrote:

ENWJ  The  thing new users need to understand is that Linux
ENWJ ...

RE: [newbie] KDE help files are missing Kmail app won't start

1999-10-19 Thread Frank Geter

Thanks for the help.  I reinstalled from the CD the kdelib package as
recommended and everything is working fine.  I greatly appreciate the help.

Frank Geter

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Steve Philp
Sent: Friday, October 15, 1999 2:51 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] KDE help files are missing Kmail app won't start

Frank Geter wrote:

 I recently purchased a CD-ROM of Mandrake 6.1 from Linux Mall.  I did a
 workstation install (not an upgrade) to my Gateway Pentium 100 PC.  To my
 delight this fixed my video problems with my monitor that I was having
 6.0 but now Kmail will not start and KDE help files are missing.  In
 addition the icons on the KFM viewer are screwed up.  It appears that the
 necessary files to define the icons are missing as well.  I makes me
 if Linux Mall sent me a beta of 6.1 instead of the final version of 6.1.

This problem has been hitting alot of people lately.  The first thing
you should try is reinstalling the kdelib package from the CDROM.

Does anyone from MandrakeSoft have a clue about why this is happening?
What's wrong with these CDs that people are getting broken installs?

Steve Philp
Network Administrator
Advance Packaging Corporation

[newbie] Interesting sound problem

1999-10-19 Thread Mike Abney


I've got Mandrake 6.0 installed and running pretty well (for a while now).
The only real problem I'm having is that sound doesn't play IN CERTAIN
CIRCUMSTANCES. For instance, the KDE startup sounds play fine.

I can do a:
cat test.wav  /dev/dsp
just fine and a:
cat test.au  /dev/audio
works as well.

What doesn't work is sound from an MP3 player (the default KDE MP3 player)
or a movie (AVI, MOV, whatever) in either KAction or xanim.

Any pointers?


Re: [newbie] Items of interest

1999-10-19 Thread Civileme

Jeanette Russo wrote:

 Sam wrote:
  If any of you are planning on doing some web business with a linux
  server, you might be interested in this.
  Go to the red hat site and register w/ red hat .com for their mailing
  list. You can then sign up to have a full blown copy of Oracle8i mailed
  to you for free.
  Also, HP is offerring openmail for linux for a free 6 month trial. after
  that if you only have a small # of users, you can get an open ended
  extension on the licence. Of course, you don't get any manuals or
  support w/ the freebie.
 No matter what I do to try to join this it gives me an error message or
 says the name is already in use.  I tried like 20 names and weird names
 so I know thats not the case.

Well, try going to www.sgi.com and see how much luck you have registering for
their 1400L Server giveaway.  It appears you must approach using windows or


Re: [newbie] SCSI support

1999-10-19 Thread yacketta

From: Ronald A. Yacketta

have you tried to recompile you kernel with scsi support?
what brand is the scsi card? the modules might already be compiled
and you just need to instmod/modprobe them

Jesse Royall [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 10/19/99 11:19:32 AM

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: Ronald A. Yacketta/958157/EKC)
Subject:  [newbie] SCSI support

Is there a way I can enable SCSI support without having to reinstall
Linux? Everywhere I look to install a Zip Drive (parallel) you have to
have the SCSI enabled at Install. And of course. Thinking I would not
need the Zip for anything (and probably still don't) I started to try to
install it just in case.

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Free software, free e-mail, and free Internet access for a month!
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Re: [newbie] sound card install and video adjustments

1999-10-19 Thread Tony Zocolillo

- Original Message -
From: John Aldrich [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, October 19, 1999 11:08 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] sound card install and video adjustments

 Either that, or choose "xf86setup" to reconfigure your X
 instead of XF86Config.
 Good luck!

Thanks John,   Since I have graphics working going into xf86setup will

[newbie] mt-st-rsh

1999-10-19 Thread BryanMoorehead


I have an old (early 1980's) Telebyte TDX 1600 BPI tape drive.  I have the DOS
software to run it, but was just wondering if anyone else
has attempted to use something like this with Linux.  I believe the card for it
is a Pertec interface? if that helps.  I occasionaly get people who want me to
a mag tape for them, and hey, if I can get away from DOS..;-)

I read from man mt, but don't know if that will work.  I found links to
mt-st-rsh, but the wording of mt-st-rsh to me, wasn't clear on what drives it
work with either.

Any ideas?


[newbie] Sound

1999-10-19 Thread R_Yeo

Running KDE1.1.1, Mandrake6.0.
Whenever I boot up my notebook(not often- about once a week), I do not
get any  sound until I run sndconfig.  Everything runs fine on the
sndconfig, and then it tells me that I already have a config file and
would I like to overwrite.  I hit yes and I'm away.  It's more
irritating that anything else.
My initial trouble shooting brought me to realise that one of the
problems was because my FDD (external - from the parallel port) and the
sound card was like seeing who would get the first DMA.  But, if I leave
my FDD continuously plugged in, I would still get this problem.
Same problems encountered when I was running RH6.0.  Any suggestions,

Ronald Yeo

RE: [newbie] [OT] Just tried kmail!

1999-10-19 Thread Andrew M George

Interesting, I've never even thought of doing that
I have a download directory in my Kpanel, so I usually just wait until I surf
to something I like, open the download directory (which starts a new window)
and drag the link / FTP icon across to it...

Thats what I love about Linux...there's so may different ways of doing things :)

On Wed, 20 Oct 1999, you wrote:
 I have, after much trial and error, figured out how to use kfm for ftp.  I
 open up the tree view and drag the file I want from the file view window
 onto the directory in the tree I want to place it in.  It works for me!
 Hope this helps.
 Frank Geter
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of John Aldrich
 Sent: Sunday, October 17, 1999 5:24 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] [OT] Just tried kmail!
 On Sat, 16 Oct 1999, you wrote:
  All your talk about k-mail made me try it out. It's really ok! I like
  it better than Netscape, but you are absolutely right about the HTML!
  It produces nothing but headaches! I'll probably keep using it for my
  email, now that I tried it. Now if KDE would only get the browser
  window to be able to handle ftp, I'd be all set. I'd never have any
  need to go back to Windoze at all. Just thought I'd let you know, you
  have made a convert of at least me.
 Glad you like it! :-) I've been corresponding with the current author
 of KDE and he seems to have a few good ideas on how to keep it
 updated and add some "bugfixes."
 As for the KFM window, I've never successfully used it for FTP, but
 I've read others have, so keep trying... :-) I think the trick is to
 make two KFM windows and drag -n- drop the file from one to the
 other. :-) That's too much trouble for me, so I'll just open up a
 Konsole window and use NCFTP. :-)

Re: [newbie] sound card install and video adjustments

1999-10-19 Thread Warren Doney

- Original Message -
From: Tony Zocolillo
 I gave up on getting the SiS5597 on-board video to work and switched to a
 ATI Mach 64 2Mb PCI.  I did try using the XFree86 3.3.5 but when I run
 XF86Setup, I couldn't get it to work...couldn't get it to reconfigure back
 to VGA16...so I end up reinstalling Linux each time.  The ATI card works
 well except I can't figure out how to change resolution.  I'm currently at
 1024x768x16bit.  Do I use xf86config?  Whenever I run this program I seen
 get problems as a result.  This program asks for monitor information "free
 form" and when I put my monitor info in, I get errors relating to monitor
 selection on restart.  When I installed Mandrake, I was give a list to
 choose from, but in xf86config, I get no list...thus the info I put in is
 aparently invalid. How do I use xf86config just to change one thing, or
 can't I?  What info do I use for the monitor (I can't remember the list
 verbatim)?  Can I use "CUSTOM"?

SiS chipsets don't do the VGA mode that XF86setup needs.
type Xconfigurator enter at command line  follow the prompts

as a guide.


Re: [newbie] Netscape Bookmarks

1999-10-19 Thread John Aldrich

On Tue, 19 Oct 1999, you wrote:
 Hi everybody. 
 Iam using Mandrake 6.1 and my Netscape lose my Bookmarks savings every
 time when I loggin. 
 Someone knows what is happening?
Check your ~/.Netscape directory and see if there is a
"lock" file. If there is, delete it.

Re: [newbie] Items of interest

1999-10-19 Thread John Aldrich

On Tue, 19 Oct 1999, you wrote:
 Well, try going to www.sgi.com and see how much luck you have registering for
 their 1400L Server giveaway.  It appears you must approach using windows or
Do you mean the following URL I just entered using Netscape
4.7 under RedHat 6.0? http://www.sgi.com/software/linux/contest/register.html?

Re: [newbie] SCSI support

1999-10-19 Thread John Aldrich

On Tue, 19 Oct 1999, you wrote:
 Is there a way I can enable SCSI support without having to reinstall
 Linux? Everywhere I look to install a Zip Drive (parallel) you have to
 have the SCSI enabled at Install. And of course. Thinking I would not
 need the Zip for anything (and probably still don't) I started to try to
 install it just in case.
I think what you need to do is add "append=ide-scsi" (minus
quotes) at the end of your lilo.conf. I'd suggest going to
the Mandrake mail archives and search for ide-scsi.

[newbie] Grapics Scramble in KDE.

1999-10-19 Thread Sean Armstrong

I have installed the Mandrake 6.1 distribution and I am getting funny
graphical problems. 
#1. The very far right of my monitor has very small blinking lines.  In
8bit graphical mode I don't see them. In 16 or 24 bit mode they appear. 
This didn't happen on Mandrake or Redhat 6.0 or earlier, but has only
happened with redhat and mandrake 6.1.  I used Xconfigurator to
configure my card and monitor the same way I did on earlier versions.

#2. A few of the toolbar buttons on kfm and a few other KDE apps have
the appearance of being scambled.  They still work, but graphically they
look like a scamblet tv picture.  This has only happened with the
Mandrake 6.1 distribution.  And it has happened on both of my computers
that run this distribution.  I have never experienced this problem
before and thought that I had loaded all the necessary KDE rpms upon
install like I normally do.  This happens whether in 8, 16, or 24 bit
mode and therefore, I believe this problem is unrelated to the first.

I would most appreciate any help in this matter. 

Re: [newbie] Missing - Garbled Pixmap

1999-10-19 Thread Ben

Thanks for the help, everything is working well now.

 kdelibs does not fully install, most of it makes it in, but it does not
 register with the rpm batabase and some files don't make it. Uninstall the
 kcmclock rpm, then run rpm -Uvh on the kdelibs package. If you want to use
 Brett Jones

Re: [newbie] has anyone rebuilt linux mandrake kernel for 486?

1999-10-19 Thread Phil Thornley

I run mandrake 6.0 on a 486 without a kernel recompile.  I haven't had
any serious problems with it but then I am only playing right now.  I
just did a custom install and left out some of the components I didn't

--- Steve Philp [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  John Ano wrote:
  I'd be grateful if someone could point me to the appropriate
  resources, rebuild the kernel (ie, what dev resources are needed,
  building CD, etc). I was going to read the RH HOWTO- , but I wasn't
  sure that would cover mandrake specifics...And is a recompiled
  all I need for mandrake to run on a 486 box?
 Unfortunately, no.  You'd also need to recompile the entire
 We've been told that a 486 version would be coming out RSN since the
 release.  Any news MandrakeSoft?
 Steve Philp
 Network Administrator
 Advance Packaging Corporation

Do You Yahoo!?
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[newbie] Intel 810 chipset

1999-10-19 Thread Michael R. Batchelor

Has anyone tried, successfully or unsuccessfully, 
to install Mandrake 6.1 on an Intel 810 motherboard?
Does any Xserver support that chipset yet?


Re: [newbie] Procmail

1999-10-19 Thread Michael R. Batchelor

 what you put in your ~/.forward file?  I've tried several variations, including
 this one given in procmail's manpage:
 "|exec /usr/bin/procmail"
 And it does not work.

Try removing the exec so it looks like


just in case your sendmail is configured to deny exec.
That should dump the message directly into procmail's 
standard input. Of course, you need to verify that procmail 
is actually installed in /usr/bin, too.


[newbie] WP8 Preferences fail -- Major flaw?

1999-10-19 Thread Benjamin Sher

Dear friends:

I have been using WP8 for Linux for over six months. I used to use WP6
for Dos and Windows years ago when, like so many others, I was persuaded
to follow the standard (pun intended) and switched to MSword 2, 6 and
then even for a while 97. 

I do not wish to discuss the merits of WordPerfect vs MSWord in this
message. Rather, I would like to inquire whether any of you have
discovered the same problem that I have, by now, repeatedly encountered:

After you install WP8 for Linux, whether as user or root, whether in
text mode or graphically, whether the download version or the retail,
whether in root's directory or in user's directory (I have done all of
these several times over), you have to configure its Preferences as
"adm", that is, adminstritator. The "adm" is definted by where and who
installed WP8. I am a single user on a single Linux machine (AMD k6-2
400 Mghrtz, 128 megs of RAM) and can, therefore, technically be an adm
either as root or user.

Each time I installed WP8, I first UNinstalled the earlier version
properly (by ./remove.wp) in the WP directory and then deleted
completely the .wprc folder that appears in your /home/user directory.
It is a hidden directory. To see it, either do a /home/user ls -la or go
to KFM File Manager and under View select to see the hidden files. 

All of this is as a preface to the following:

You configure your preferences by using the command:

/home/sher/wp80/wpbin/xwp -adm

or /opt/wp80/wpbin/xwp -adm (if that's where your WP is)

I spent an hour on the phone last week with a very kind and patient
gentleman from Corel tech support who explained all this to me and we
went step by step through every single screen and every single option in
Preferences. My problem at the time was that I couldn't get a document
backup, which is, of course, a critial matter. Well that's been solved.
You must save your work space in Environment and indicate your document
and backup directoris in Files as well as check the options for original
backup and the timed backup (preferably 1 minute).

I did all of this or rather we did it together on the phone, and
everything seemed all right. But after getting off the phone, without
making any changes, the next time I tried to enter Preferences with the
-adm command, I found that just about everything had been greyed out. I
couldn't believe it.

So, I played with it. I have installed it nearly a dozen times, mostly
as user, in the exact same way (by the way, Authorization said that
"sher", that's me, was the authorized adm since I installed it as user
and into my home directory. When I installed it as root, of course,
Administration said that "root" was the adm.

Well, to make a long story short, every time I install WP, I get the
same result, namely, that, as it turns out, YOU ONLY GET ONE CHANCE TO
SET THE PREFERENCES! After you get out and try to come back in and type
the -adm command, WP's Preferences menu (except for Administration and
one other section) clams shut.

I am well aware that the fact that Administration is OPEN in Preferences
is a key to opening up the rest of Preferences. And I have tried every
trick I can think of: adding sher as user, as group, adding "users",
adding root. I tried to log out of KDE and log back in as root and still
the exact same thing happens. In fact, if "user" has installed it in
user's directory, then root can't even open up Preferences at all
(except Administration). Same in reverse (if root has installed it, user
can't have access to Preferences). Nothing works.

Please try it yourself and tell me if you have the same problem.

If this is a bug, it is a severe and crippling bug. If it is not, if it
is in fact a security feature, and if the Administration section is the
key to making Preferences available to the user whenever he needs to,
please, by all means, let me and others know PRECISELY how to do that. 

So, the big question of the day is: IF I COULD GET INTO PREFERENCES
whether I am technically "sher' or "root"? Why does WP8 Preferences clam
shut after a single use?

If Corel tech support is listening, please contact me about this.  

Thank you all for listening and thank you for your patience. Any

Benjamin and Anna Sher
Sher's Russian Web

[newbie] terminal emulation problems

1999-10-19 Thread Jose Ramon Delgado

Hi , I am trying to connect my labtop to the 
serial port of my PC with Linux , and actually a got it , but the problem is 
that the speed of the comunication is really slow , ( for example 5 minutes just 
to load the mandrake init page where you enter the login and password) , I am 
using procommplus and Reflection X and even if I put the speed line to 115200 
bps is the same problem , I am using the getty command in the inittab file with 
this speed , , I am NOT using a Null modem cable and it still works but 
really really slowly.
Please help
Thanks in advanced

Re: [newbie] Grapics Scramble in KDE.

1999-10-19 Thread John Aldrich

On Tue, 19 Oct 1999, you wrote:
 #2. A few of the toolbar buttons on kfm and a few other KDE apps have
 the appearance of being scambled.  They still work, but graphically they
 look like a scamblet tv picture.  This has only happened with the
 Mandrake 6.1 distribution.  And it has happened on both of my computers
 that run this distribution.  I have never experienced this problem
 before and thought that I had loaded all the necessary KDE rpms upon
 install like I normally do.  This happens whether in 8, 16, or 24 bit
 mode and therefore, I believe this problem is unrelated to the first.
I've been reading a lot here about how some installations
get an incomplete installation of the KDELIBS. Try removing
and reinstalling the KDELIB rpm files.

[newbie] FTP install...

1999-10-19 Thread Alan Shoemaker

I have a system with a nic that is currently running win95 and as part
of my home network I can use the telnet client included in windows to
log on to my linux machine (running mdk 6.1) or I can use WS_FTP to log
in and transfer files to and from my linux machine.  It's a 486/100 and
I decided to install Mandrake 5.3 and use it as a dedicated firewall
with a dialup connection to my isp.

It has an adeptec controller on the sound card and a 2x scsi cdrom. 
Linux won't autodetect the scsi interface nor will it find the
controller after I specify the type, port address, irq...etc.  So I
decided to use FTP to do the install from my mdk 6.1's cdrom, but I
can't get signed on to the 6.1 system, it errors with this:

'I cannot log into machine: Unable to lookup FTP server host name'


'I cannot log into machine: Failed to connect to FTP server'

depending on whether I gave it a machine name or ip address.  Any ideas
on what to do.


Re: [newbie] Procmail

1999-10-19 Thread John Richards

I'm having the same problem.  If I use:

"|IFS=' '  exec /usr/bin/procmail -f- || exit 75 #richajoh"

an error is mailed to root that says 'sh: cannot use  in command'.

If I use:

"|exec /usr/bin/procmail #richajoh"

I get address richajoh is unsafe for mailing to programs.

Anyone have any ideas?   If anyone has procmail working in Mandrake 6.1,
what do you have in your forward?


- Original Message -
From: Thomas J. Hamman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, October 19, 1999 11:18 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Procmail

 Can somebody who uses Procmail for mail filtering (or knows how) please
tell me
 what you put in your ~/.forward file?  I've tried several variations,
 this one given in procmail's manpage:

 "|exec /usr/bin/procmail"

 And it does not work.

 On 19-Oct-99 Civileme wrote:
  I think I need to see the line before that one as well. The pipe
  that line has to be from something.  Better yet, a copy of the file
where it
  I see a shell error being reported which indicates a syntax problem is
  an '' somehow.

 That line is the only line in the file (and as far as I can tell, the only
 that's supposed to be in it).

  One elementary check is to make sure the example line isn't using `
  (lowercase of
  the uppercase ~ key) where you are using ' (lowercase of the uppercase "

 I checked, and was indeed using the correct key.  I've since tried some
 alternate .forward files given in the documentation I was using, including
 one given in procmail's man page (which I typed above), and they all
result in
 the test mail being lost and me receiving (when I check in my X-based mail
 client so procmail can't lose it) a mail ending in something like this:

- Transcript of session follows -
 sh: exec not available for sendmail programs
 554 "|exec /usr/bin/procmail"... Service unavailable

 It's as if sendmail doesn't want to run any of the commands in the


Re: [newbie] (OT) -- About HTML

1999-10-19 Thread Alan Shoemaker

Ken Wilson wrote:
 What version of Outlook are you using?  I have Outlook 98 and that
 option is not present.
 Ken Wilson
 First Law of Optimisation: The speed of a non-working program is
 (Steve Heller, 'Efficient C/C++ Programming')
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Michael R.
 Sent: Monday, October 18, 1999 6:47 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] (OT) -- About HTML
 All of the settings I have refer to plain text, so my question is, does
 Outlook have a mind of it's own, as most Microsoft products do? Does it
 inherit the format from the post I am replying to?
 Yes. Under
 There is a check box second from the bottom about replying in the format
 the sender used. Deselect the choice.

Kenthe conversation is actually about Outlook Express, not Outlook. 
Somebody must have dropped the Express part of Outlook Express in a


Re: [newbie] Installing from other packages

1999-10-19 Thread sphilp

On Tue, Oct 19, 1999 at 11:09:52AM -0400, John Aldrich wrote:
 On Tue, 19 Oct 1999, you wrote:
  Is it possible to install an app from one Linux package into another?  I
  have a SuSE 6.2 with StarOffice (among others) and I would like to be able
  to install it in Mandrake.  If this can be done, how so?  I have Mandrake
  6.1 CD-ROM only, not the commercial distribution.  When I've tried to
  install SuSE, the options are there to install the applications.  How would
  I install these under Mandrake? and Would the StarOffice distributed
  with the commercial SuSE 6.2 only work with SuSE 6.2 (another words, is it
  licenced for use only with SuSE)?
 You should be able to get the "tarball" distribution of
 Star Office from the StarOffice website
 (www.stardivision.com...which redirects you to a Sun.com
 website G) and install it in there. I'm not sure you can
 use the version of SO that comes with SuSE, as it may come
 in an incompatible format. Sure you can use the "alien"
 package convertor, but it'd just be easier to get the
 tarball and install it, I think. :-)

SuSE uses RPM.  And RPM's are tons easier than tarballs.  :)

Steve Philp
Network Administrator
Advance Packaging Corporation

Re: [newbie] Installing from other packages

1999-10-19 Thread sphilp

On Tue, Oct 19, 1999 at 04:09:35PM +0100, Simon Norris wrote:
 Somebody correct me if I'm wrong, but the applications you install will
 mainly depend on the Linux Kernel you're running. If your kernel is
 compatible, you should be relatively trouble free. See if you can find the
 install spec for Staroffice, particularly your version, it may need a
 particular X type aswell.
  Is it possible to install an app from one Linux package into another?  I
  have a SuSE 6.2 with StarOffice (among others) and I would like to be able
  to install it in Mandrake.  If this can be done, how so?  I have Mandrake
  6.1 CD-ROM only, not the commercial distribution.  When I've tried to
  install SuSE, the options are there to install the applications.  How would
  I install these under Mandrake? and Would the StarOffice distributed
  with the commercial SuSE 6.2 only work with SuSE 6.2 (another words, is it
  licenced for use only with SuSE)?

Actually, it's not so much kernel version that will give you trouble with
applications, it's libraries.

In the case of the SuSE 6.2 StarOffice, you'll probably be okay installing
it into your Mandrake system.  SuSE also uses RPM, so if it doesn't work
correctly, you can easily and cleanly rip it back out.

Steve Philp
Network Administrator
Advance Packaging Corporation

Re: [newbie] Procmail

1999-10-19 Thread Thomas J. Hamman

On 19-Oct-99 Michael R. Batchelor wrote:
 Try removing the exec so it looks like
 just in case your sendmail is configured to deny exec.
 That should dump the message directly into procmail's 
 standard input. Of course, you need to verify that procmail 
 is actually installed in /usr/bin, too.

Thanks; however, that didn't work either.  It produced the same result as the
other lines I tried.  The mail I receive pointing out the failed delivery
includes this:

   - Transcript of session follows -
sh: procmail not available for sendmail programs
554 "|/usr/bin/procmail"... Service unavailable

Procmail is definitely installed and in /usr/bin.  Are there any default
settings (I haven't messed with sendmail's settings at all) that would make
sendmail unable to use procmail?


Re: [newbie] Intel 810 chipset

1999-10-19 Thread sphilp

On Tue, Oct 19, 1999 at 03:55:42PM -0400, Michael R. Batchelor wrote:
 Has anyone tried, successfully or unsuccessfully, 
 to install Mandrake 6.1 on an Intel 810 motherboard?
 Does any Xserver support that chipset yet?

Is this a repost?  I think I remember responding to this question a couple
weeks ago...

The i810 is a motherboard chipset, not a video chipset.  Any idea what the
video chipset is?

Steve Philp
Network Administrator
Advance Packaging Corporation

Re: [newbie] terminal emulation problems

1999-10-19 Thread sphilp

On Tue, Oct 19, 1999 at 10:03:21PM +0200, Jose Ramon Delgado wrote:
 Hi , I am trying to connect my labtop to the serial port of my PC 
 with Linux , and actually a got it , but the problem is that the 
 speed of the comunication is really slow , ( for example 5 minutes just 
 to load the mandrake init page where you enter the login and password) , 
 I am using procommplus and Reflection X and even if I put the speed 
 line to 115200 bps is the same problem , I am using the getty command '
 in the inittab file with this speed , , I am NOT using a  Null modem 
 cable and it still works but really really slowly.

Trying to use X over a connection that slow will be exactly as painful as
you describe.

You can try finding some information about LBX, an X protocol compressor
which will make the connection feel a bit faster, but I don't know if the
Reflection X suite is compatible with it.

Steve Philp
Network Administrator
Advance Packaging Corporation

[newbie] SMP troubles

1999-10-19 Thread john may

Why do i get an error message everytime I try to recompile some program
that uses SMP (Symmetric Multi-Processing)?  For example, I am trying to
install VMware's Emulator on my Linux Machine (Mandrake 6.1, kernel
version 2.2.13-7mdk) and when I invoke their install script, it gives me
the following error message...

-  Begin Error -

What is the location of the directory of C header files that match your
running kernel?
[/usr/src/linux/include]?   --- I accept the default and it shoudl be

The directory of kernel headers (version 2.2.13-7mdk) does not match
your running kernel (version 2.2.13-7mdksmp).  Consequently, even if the
compilation of the module was successful, the module would not load into
the running kernel.

- End Eror -

Did Mandrake drop the ball on this, or is there something I am missing.
I have all the kernel source installed and it is in
/usr/src/linux/include.  Anybody else run into problems on an
SMP machine?  Help please.  I would have posted this to VMware, but i
have noticed the same problem with several packages while trying to
build and SMP version.  I ran into a similar problem while just trying
to recompile a new kernel..

-- John

Re: OT: Imation Needs a Spellchecker (was RE: [newbie] .iso file?)

1999-10-19 Thread Jesse Royall

Well, I am glad someone else is having the same problem as me. outa 10
disks 4 were able to copy and hold it.

On Sun, 17 Oct 1999 20:52:57 -0700 "Ken Wilson" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Maybe they meant to call their marque "Imitation".  Could explain the
 reportedly low quality of their writeable CD's.
 Ken Wilson
 First Law of Optimisation: The speed of a non-working program is
 (Steve Heller, 'Efficient C/C++ Programming')

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RE: [newbie] Any way to get the Monster MX-300 sound card to work?

1999-10-19 Thread Toshiro Viera Stalker

Has anyone managed to get one of these configured successfully?  If
 so, I could use some hints.


I have the same problem. I wrote a mail to Aureal people asking why they
don't have a driver for Linux and they told me they have plans to support
Linux somewhere in time :) That was 4 months ago, now I finally solved the
problem: I threw away the MX-300 and bought a Sound Blaster Live :)


[newbie] Setup of PHP/Midgard

1999-10-19 Thread Ryan Baxter

I recently installed Mandrake 6.1.  I have found documentation and help 
regarding setting up PHP, but it seems that this Midgard setup is different. 
  It seems that my apache files are configured correctly with AddType...etc 
..., but I can't seem to get any execution on php scripts.  Anybody have any 
experience setting this one up?  Appreciated!!


Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com

[newbie] Respawning too fast

1999-10-19 Thread Ryan Baxter

When I first boot up I get a respawning error.  Saying that it will be 
disabled for 5 minutes.  I just ignore and login without problems.  What is 
this?  Anybody seen it?


Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com

RE: [newbie] FTP install...

1999-10-19 Thread Aaron deRozario

Just out of interest - what is the telnet client included in windows called?


 -Original Message-
 From: Alan Shoemaker [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 1999 5:43 AM
 To:   newbie
 Subject:  [newbie] FTP install...
 I have a system with a nic that is currently running win95 and as part
 of my home network I can use the telnet client included in windows to
 log on to my linux machine (running mdk 6.1) or I can use WS_FTP to log
 in and transfer files to and from my linux machine.  It's a 486/100 and
 I decided to install Mandrake 5.3 and use it as a dedicated firewall
 with a dialup connection to my isp.
 It has an adeptec controller on the sound card and a 2x scsi cdrom. 
 Linux won't autodetect the scsi interface nor will it find the
 controller after I specify the type, port address, irq...etc.  So I
 decided to use FTP to do the install from my mdk 6.1's cdrom, but I
 can't get signed on to the 6.1 system, it errors with this:
 'I cannot log into machine: Unable to lookup FTP server host name'
 'I cannot log into machine: Failed to connect to FTP server'
 depending on whether I gave it a machine name or ip address.  Any ideas
 on what to do.

RE: [newbie] Mandrake 6.1

1999-10-19 Thread Aaron deRozario

Bloody Australia and damn Australians.  Place has gone down hill since they
stopped drinking Swan Lager and started on that awful stuff that comes out
of green cans.  Still Justin Langer is in the test team so it can't be all
bad.  And for the record the Mandrake programme sure knows what Western
Standard Time is.  If Mandrake can find Perth then it's certainly got its
priorities right ;-).

Australians have a bizarre preoccupation with rats' arses.  Don't ask me


 -Original Message-
 From: Laurie Dare [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, October 19, 1999 4:57 PM
 Subject:  [newbie] Mandrake 6.1
 Hello from Downunder. As a happy and contented user of Mandrake 5.3 I
 was a little tentative about 'updating' to 6.1. I had good reason! 6.1
 has more bugs than my bed! For instance; the bootloader won't load LILO
 onto hdb1, at least not the first time. Many of the program icons on the
 desktop just look at you whwn you attempt to load the application...too
 many to list. But the daddy of them all is the cute German/English
"The file as a revision date in the future. This probably means that
 you system time is wrong or as been wrong at some point." Ratsarse!! The
 installation program can't tell the difference between EST (Australian)
 and GMT ( or UTC if you will)!! Consequently many files have tomorrow's
 date, and the above message comes up each and every time one is envoked.
 Jesus, if I'd wanted all these hassles I could have installed Winblows
 98!! Why must you people release such buggy software? Haven't you learnt
 ANYTHING from Gill Bates? I'm off to purchase SuSe (or is it sUsE hi )
 tomorrow...nothing's cheap if it doesn't work. Oh, and don't waste your
 time flaming me. I've already quit this list.
 Good riddance to bad rubbish!
 Laurie Dare

Re: [newbie] terminal related lockups

1999-10-19 Thread pete moss

Jackal wrote:
 I am not sure if our problems are one and the same but I had this problem on
 my laptop.  Occasionally, the system will lock the keyboard and the mouse and
 I had to switch it off and on to continue...but a quick look at the clock
 showed that the system is still running.

i think the clock runs all the time anyway.  the clock is in your
hardware and it has a battery.  thtas why the time is correct if your
computer has been turned off for days.

 I was desperate and wrote a script that will reboot the machine if it cannot
 find a certain file in the /tmp directory.  every now and then it checks the
 directory and removes it if it is present and checks back after an
 interval...which means every now and then i have to touch the file in the
 directory...i know it seems stupid but at least the machine can shutdown
 cleanly without me having to sit through an fsck whenever this happens
 The wierd thing is that since i implemented this script the problem has been
 so infrequent that is has almost (touch wood) disappeared!

sounds odd, but i am desperate too.  any chance you could lend me a copy
of that script?

 I cannot explain this X-filish phenomenon but this is just my 2 cents...
 On Tue, Oct 19, 1999 at 05:57:39AM +, pete moss wrote:
  i know, i have mentioned this before, but i am still having problems.
  anytime i open a terminal (xterm, gnome-terminal, etc.) from within X,
  the computer completely locks up and i have to hit reset.  if i start
  the terminal from a virtual terminal (alt+F2) then it runs fine.  i am
  running mandrake 6.1.  i didnt have this problem with 6.0.  i have
  reinstalled several packages that seem to be affected, but no luck.  it
  seems like there is a software problem outside of the affected programs
  that might be causing this.  anyone know how i can track down this
  problem?  it is hindering some of my work in linux.  please pass the
  slightest bit of info!
  ps - is there a quick way to reinstall all of the currently installed
  packages from the cdrom?  i would like to avoid redoing a fresh install.
 ICQ No.: 38756924

Re: [newbie] SMP troubles

1999-10-19 Thread John Aldrich

On Tue, 19 Oct 1999, you wrote:
 Why do i get an error message everytime I try to recompile some program
 that uses SMP (Symmetric Multi-Processing)?  For example, I am trying to
 install VMware's Emulator on my Linux Machine (Mandrake 6.1, kernel
 version 2.2.13-7mdk) and when I invoke their install script, it gives me
 the following error message...
 -  Begin Error -
 What is the location of the directory of C header files that match your
 running kernel?
 [/usr/src/linux/include]?   --- I accept the default and it shoudl be
 The directory of kernel headers (version 2.2.13-7mdk) does not match
 your running kernel (version 2.2.13-7mdksmp).  Consequently, even if the
 compilation of the module was successful, the module would not load into
 the running kernel.
Hmm...that's wierd... Are there any options, such as " -- nodeps" to
make it work Dunno what the problem is. That's really wierd. Have
you tried the SMP list? It's at [EMAIL PROTECTED] You can
subscribe to it or just send a message (I'm subbed to it myself...)

Re: [newbie] Installing from other packages

1999-10-19 Thread John Aldrich

On Tue, 19 Oct 1999, you wrote:
 SuSE uses RPM.  And RPM's are tons easier than tarballs.  :)
Yeah...I didn't realize that SuSE uses RPM as well. :-) Good to know.
I was wondering why people keep getting referred to SuSE's web site
to get apps. :-)

RE: [newbie] FTP install...

1999-10-19 Thread John Aldrich

On Tue, 19 Oct 1999, you wrote:
 Just out of interest - what is the telnet client included in windows called?
Would you believe "telnet" :-)

[newbie] [Fwd: HTMLDOC (announce) new rpms]

1999-10-19 Thread Sam

Pablo Costa wrote:

Just uploaded the following to ftp://incoming.redhat.com/libc6


They are also available at http://shark.ib.usp.br/~pablo/rpms/htmldoc

Or ftp://linusp.usp.br/pub/local/pablo/rpms/htmloc

RPMs are built on a Pentium II 400 64megs RAM with
RedHat 6.1 installed.

Required programs to install shared binary rpm.
Standard Red Hat 6.1 installation

 Name: htmldoc  Relocations: (not relocateable)
 Version : 1.7   Vendor: (none)
 Release : 1 Build Date: Tue Oct 19
 10:09:07 1999
 Install date: Tue Oct 19 10:09:32 1999  Build Host:
 Group   : X11/Applications  Source RPM:
 Size: 1009807  License: GPL
 Packager: Pablo Costa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 URL : http://http://www.easysw.com/~mike/htmldoc/
 Summary : HTMLDOC is a program that generates indexed HTML, AdobeĀ®
 PostScriptTM, and PDF files from HTML
 Description :
 HTMLDOC is a program that generates indexed HTML, AdobeĀ® PostScriptTM, and
 PDF files from HTML "source" files that you create using your favorite
 HTML editor.
 HTMLDOC includes a simple GUI interface to manage your HTML files and
 automatically (re)generate files for viewing and printing.

 * Tue Oct 19 1999 Pablo Costa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Initial Release

 To unsubscribe:
 mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

[newbie] SBLive!

1999-10-19 Thread David Hayes

Anyone have any luck install the SBLive!.  I am running Kernel 2.2.13
and when I run the install scripts, it says that  kernel 2.2.5 is
required.  I have tried the other option which is insmod -f sblive.o and
I get a long list of errors talking about unresolved symbol.  Any help
would be appreciated.

RE: [newbie] FTP install...

1999-10-19 Thread Ty Mixon

There's two in Win9x - telnet (imaginitive, huh?) and Hyperterminal.

Ty Mixon

 Original Message 

On 10/19/99, 5:24:26 PM, Aaron deRozario [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
wrote regarding RE: [newbie] FTP install...:

 Just out of interest - what is the telnet client included in windows 


  -Original Message-
  From:   Alan Shoemaker [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent:   Wednesday, October 20, 1999 5:43 AM
  To: newbie
  Subject:[newbie] FTP install...
  I have a system with a nic that is currently running win95 and as part
  of my home network I can use the telnet client included in windows to
  log on to my linux machine (running mdk 6.1) or I can use WS_FTP to 
  in and transfer files to and from my linux machine.  It's a 486/100 
  I decided to install Mandrake 5.3 and use it as a dedicated firewall
  with a dialup connection to my isp.
  It has an adeptec controller on the sound card and a 2x scsi cdrom.
  Linux won't autodetect the scsi interface nor will it find the
  controller after I specify the type, port address, irq...etc.  So I
  decided to use FTP to do the install from my mdk 6.1's cdrom, but I
  can't get signed on to the 6.1 system, it errors with this:
  'I cannot log into machine: Unable to lookup FTP server host name'
  'I cannot log into machine: Failed to connect to FTP server'
  depending on whether I gave it a machine name or ip address.  Any 
  on what to do.

Re: [newbie] FTP install...

1999-10-19 Thread sphilp

On Wed, Oct 20, 1999 at 08:24:26AM +0800, Aaron deRozario wrote:
 Just out of interest - what is the telnet client included in windows called?


Of course, there's no pretty GUI for it, so Windows doesn't exactly announce
that it's installed.  You'll either have to create an icon for it on the
desktop (or add it to a menu), or use the Run... item from the Start menu to
launch it.

Steve Philp
Network Administrator
Advance Packaging Corporation

RE: [newbie] Mandrake 6.1

1999-10-19 Thread Hugh

WoW bad temper ! :)

On Tue, 19 Oct 1999, you wrote:
 Bloody Australia and damn Australians.  Place has gone down hill since they
 stopped drinking Swan Lager and started on that awful stuff that comes out
 of green cans.  Still Justin Langer is in the test team so it can't be all
 bad.  And for the record the Mandrake programme sure knows what Western
 Standard Time is.  If Mandrake can find Perth then it's certainly got its
 priorities right ;-).
 Australians have a bizarre preoccupation with rats' arses.  Don't ask me
  -Original Message-
  From:   Laurie Dare [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent:   Tuesday, October 19, 1999 4:57 PM
  Subject:[newbie] Mandrake 6.1
  Hello from Downunder. As a happy and contented user of Mandrake 5.3 I
  was a little tentative about 'updating' to 6.1. I had good reason! 6.1
  has more bugs than my bed! For instance; the bootloader won't load LILO
  onto hdb1, at least not the first time. Many of the program icons on the
  desktop just look at you whwn you attempt to load the application...too
  many to list. But the daddy of them all is the cute German/English
 "The file as a revision date in the future. This probably means that
  you system time is wrong or as been wrong at some point." Ratsarse!! The
  installation program can't tell the difference between EST (Australian)
  and GMT ( or UTC if you will)!! Consequently many files have tomorrow's
  date, and the above message comes up each and every time one is envoked.
  Jesus, if I'd wanted all these hassles I could have installed Winblows
  98!! Why must you people release such buggy software? Haven't you learnt
  ANYTHING from Gill Bates? I'm off to purchase SuSe (or is it sUsE hi )
  tomorrow...nothing's cheap if it doesn't work. Oh, and don't waste your
  time flaming me. I've already quit this list.
  Good riddance to bad rubbish!
  Laurie Dare
Boling's postulate:
If you're feeling good, don't worry.  You'll get over it.

Re: [newbie] Installing from other packages

1999-10-19 Thread sphilp

On Tue, Oct 19, 1999 at 09:16:00PM -0400, John Aldrich wrote:
 On Tue, 19 Oct 1999, you wrote:
  SuSE uses RPM.  And RPM's are tons easier than tarballs.  :)
 Yeah...I didn't realize that SuSE uses RPM as well. :-) Good to know.
 I was wondering why people keep getting referred to SuSE's web site
 to get apps. :-)

Part of the "go to SuSE" is because they've done some good work implementing
X servers that aren't yet available from XFree.  Dirk Hondel (I think I've
mis-remembered his name) heads the XFree86 project and is also associated
with SuSE in some fashion.

Red Hat _used_ to do some work in this area also.  Their series was called
XBF (X Binary Free, or something like that) and were binary-only servers
that they used as bargaining chips to get video card companies to allow them
to open the source.  Precision Insight worked at signing the NDAs and
creating the code then Red Hat put their brand on them.

You'll probably recognize the Precision Insight name as the guys that are
currently working on integrating OpenGL into the XFree 4.0 code base.  Not
sure how well that work is going, but I'd imagine that we've got to be
getting close to a 4.0 release soon.
Steve Philp
Network Administrator
Advance Packaging Corporation

Re: [newbie] Mail filter

1999-10-19 Thread Hugh

Thanks so much ! I was getting tired of little Donny and his big mouth. 
Your directions worked perfect.   Thanks again


On Sun, 17 Oct 1999, you wrote:
 Hugh wrote:
  Can someone walk mr through the Kmail filter process?
  I want to kill file someone on this list :)
  Boling's postulate:
  If you're feeling good, don't worry.  You'll get over it.
 with Kmail up click on the FIle pulldown menu
 Select Filter
 Now once on filter, select the NEW button and click it
 Click the arrow to the right of the first selection box
 set it for "From"
 Then the second box should be "contains"
 The third box should be a unique string enough to identify the sender
 For example if you wanted to select "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" you might
 "zakhurlb" since that is unlikely to identify anyone else
 then go to the first action box
 and click the arrow  for "transfer"
 and if you are Kfiling it select "trash" as the destination.
Boling's postulate:
If you're feeling good, don't worry.  You'll get over it.

Re: [newbie] Follow-up to SMP troubles

1999-10-19 Thread sphilp

On Tue, Oct 19, 1999 at 10:27:05PM -0400, John May wrote:
 Here's what VMware has to say about the SMP troubles I, and others, are
 having.  The whole article is quoted for clarity.  
 --- SNIP ---

 Does this mean that Linux-Mandrake is a "lame" distribution?

It sure does.  It means that they modified what the kernel reports as it's
version, but they didn't modify /usr/src/linux/include/linux/version.h to
reflect that fact.

For a quick fix, try editing /usr/src/linux/include/linux/version.h so that
the UTS_RELEASE line looks like this:

#define UTS_RELEASE "2.2.13-4mdksmp"

(just add the smp to the end of the string)

Then try installing VMware.  If it works then, submit a bug to the
bugs@linux-mandrake address, post a LOUD message on this list announcing the
problem and the fix, and then pat yourself on the back for doing more
testing on this operating system than Mandrake apparently did.

Yes, I'm a little peeved at the quality of 6.1...

Steve Philp
Network Administrator
Advance Packaging Corporation

Re: [newbie] BUG: 6.1

1999-10-19 Thread Ty Mixon

Wonder if that has any relation to linuxconf (lilo) not wanting to 
recogize my /dev/hdc1 as a valid Linux partition for booting from?

Boot fine from a floppy . . . .

Ty Mixon

 Original Message 

On 10/19/99, 8:02:41 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote regarding [newbie] 
BUG: 6.1:

 Two more bugs to report:

 1)  By default, Mandrake attempts to turn on DMA for available IDE 
 Attempting to copy the contents of a CDROM to my hard drive, I 
 the following errors:

   hdd: timeout waiting for DMA
   hdd: irq timeout: status=0x58 { DriveReady SeekComplete 
DataRequest }
   hdd: DMA disabled
   hda: timeout waiting for DMA
   hda: irq timeout: status=0x58 { DriveReady SeekComplete 
DataRequest }
   hda: DMA disabled

 and then the entire machine locked up.  The keyboard was frozen and I 
 up "kicking the Big Red Button" on the machine.

 I modified my BIOS settings to disable DMA support for the interfaces 
 rebooted.  Trying to make the copy, the same errors and lockup (and
 resolution occurred).

 Finally, I modified /etc/rc.d/init.d/mandrake_everytime to change the 
-d1 to
 -d0 in the hdparm line and rebooted the machine.

 After the reboot, I again attempted the copy only to be greeted with 
 same errors followed by:

   hdd: ATAPI reset complete
   ATAPI device hdd:
 Error: Unit attention -- (Sense key=0x06)
 Power on, reset or bus device reset occurred -- (asc=0x29, 
   hdd: cdrom_decode_status: status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete 
Error }
   hdd: cdrom_decode_status: error=0x30
   ide0: reset: success

 The machine did not lock up this time, but I'm a bit worried by the
 messages.  This machine had NO PROBLEMS running Mandrake 6.0 and had 
 problems running 2.3.x kernels.

 Thinking that I'd simply bypass the bad judgement on Mandrake's part, 
 moved to compiling my own kernel.  Once again, I'm hit with a bug:


 Steve Philp
 Network Administrator
 Advance Packaging Corporation

Re: [newbie] Intel 810 chipset

1999-10-19 Thread Warren Doney

- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 1999 11:57 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Intel 810 chipset

 On Tue, Oct 19, 1999 at 03:55:42PM -0400, Michael R. Batchelor wrote:
  Has anyone tried, successfully or unsuccessfully,
  to install Mandrake 6.1 on an Intel 810 motherboard?
  Does any Xserver support that chipset yet?

 Is this a repost?  I think I remember responding to this question a couple
 weeks ago...

 The i810 is a motherboard chipset, not a video chipset.  Any idea what the
 video chipset is?

 Steve Philp
 Network Administrator
 Advance Packaging Corporation

The i810 has intergrated video support, similar to my SiS 620. It's quite
It seems someones got it working (not very well) -
I saw mention of it in  comp.windows.x.i386unix (a newsgroup) check this
link: http://xfree86.org/FAQ/index.html#SectionF re: unsupported cards


[newbie] StarOffice mailing list?

1999-10-19 Thread Benjamin Sher

Dear friends:

Anybody know if there is a StarOffice mailing list (or newsgroup)?

Benjamin and Anna Sher
Sher's Russian Web

[newbie] desktop size 640*480

1999-10-19 Thread Martijn Van Der Horst

I have just installed linux but my desktop size is now 
how can I make my desktop size 

RE: [newbie] Mandrake 6.1

1999-10-19 Thread Andrew M George

Actually, I've been getting that error with linuxconf since Redhat 5.0...never
figured out why

On Wed, 20 Oct 1999, you wrote:
 Bloody Australia and damn Australians.  Place has gone down hill since they
 stopped drinking Swan Lager and started on that awful stuff that comes out
 of green cans.  Still Justin Langer is in the test team so it can't be all
 bad.  And for the record the Mandrake programme sure knows what Western
 Standard Time is.  If Mandrake can find Perth then it's certainly got its
 priorities right ;-).
 Australians have a bizarre preoccupation with rats' arses.  Don't ask me
  -Original Message-
  From:   Laurie Dare [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent:   Tuesday, October 19, 1999 4:57 PM
  Subject:[newbie] Mandrake 6.1
  Hello from Downunder. As a happy and contented user of Mandrake 5.3 I
  was a little tentative about 'updating' to 6.1. I had good reason! 6.1
  has more bugs than my bed! For instance; the bootloader won't load LILO
  onto hdb1, at least not the first time. Many of the program icons on the
  desktop just look at you whwn you attempt to load the application...too
  many to list. But the daddy of them all is the cute German/English
 "The file as a revision date in the future. This probably means that
  you system time is wrong or as been wrong at some point." Ratsarse!! The
  installation program can't tell the difference between EST (Australian)
  and GMT ( or UTC if you will)!! Consequently many files have tomorrow's
  date, and the above message comes up each and every time one is envoked.
  Jesus, if I'd wanted all these hassles I could have installed Winblows
  98!! Why must you people release such buggy software? Haven't you learnt
  ANYTHING from Gill Bates? I'm off to purchase SuSe (or is it sUsE hi )
  tomorrow...nothing's cheap if it doesn't work. Oh, and don't waste your
  time flaming me. I've already quit this list.
  Good riddance to bad rubbish!
  Laurie Dare

[newbie] Fwd: linux-hardware

1999-10-19 Thread John Aldrich

Hello, fellow Linux users. I realize this is somewhat Off
Topic, but I, too, have seen a lot of interest in linux
hardware, so, I'm forwarding this for anyone who might be
interested. :-)

 --  Forwarded Message  --
Subject: linux-hardware
Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1999 15:55:24 +0200 (CEST)
From: Rik van Riel [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi *,

now more and more (IMHO off-topic) posts about what hardware
to use are starting to appear on linux-kernel and linux-smp,
I asked if there would be interest in a new list for the
purpose of discussing Linux and hardware.

Since quite a bit of interest has been shown, I created the
list as soon as I came back from ALS -- even before I have
recovered from jetlag and resulting lack of sleep :)

The list is: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To subscribe, you can send an email to:
with the following text in the body of the message:
subscribe linux-hardware


The Internet is not a network of computers. It is a network
of people. That is its real strength.
work at:http://www.reseau.nl/
home at:http://www.nl.linux.org/~riel/

Linux SMP list: FIRST see FAQ at http://www.irisa.fr/prive/mentre/smp-faq/
To Unsubscribe: send "unsubscribe linux-smp" to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [newbie] BUG: 6.1

1999-10-19 Thread Axalon Bloodstone

On Tue, 19 Oct 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Two more bugs to report:
 1)  By default, Mandrake attempts to turn on DMA for available IDE devices. 
 Attempting to copy the contents of a CDROM to my hard drive, I encountered
 the following errors:

Um, no 6.1 shiped without the ide patch
   hdd: timeout waiting for DMA 
   hdd: irq timeout: status=0x58 { DriveReady SeekComplete DataRequest } 
   hdd: DMA disabled 
   hda: timeout waiting for DMA 
   hda: irq timeout: status=0x58 { DriveReady SeekComplete DataRequest } 
   hda: DMA disabled 
 and then the entire machine locked up.  The keyboard was frozen and I ended
 up "kicking the Big Red Button" on the machine.  
 I modified my BIOS settings to disable DMA support for the interfaces and
 rebooted.  Trying to make the copy, the same errors and lockup (and
 resolution occurred).
 Finally, I modified /etc/rc.d/init.d/mandrake_everytime to change the -d1 to
 -d0 in the hdparm line and rebooted the machine.

This only gets used if opti is specified on the cmdline, 

 After the reboot, I again attempted the copy only to be greeted with the
 same errors followed by:
   hdd: ATAPI reset complete 
   ATAPI device hdd: 
 Error: Unit attention -- (Sense key=0x06) 
 Power on, reset or bus device reset occurred -- (asc=0x29, ascq=0x00) 
   hdd: cdrom_decode_status: status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete Error } 
   hdd: cdrom_decode_status: error=0x30 
   ide0: reset: success 
 The machine did not lock up this time, but I'm a bit worried by the
 messages.  This machine had NO PROBLEMS running Mandrake 6.0 and had no
 problems running 2.3.x kernels.
 Thinking that I'd simply bypass the bad judgement on Mandrake's part, I
 moved to compiling my own kernel.  Once again, I'm hit with a bug:
 2)  Inability to compile a kernel.  Attempting a 'make menuconfig' yields:
   gcc -O6 -fomit-frame-pointer -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti -pipe -s -mpentium 
-mcpu=pentium -march=pentium -ffast-math -fexpensive-optimizations -malign-loops=2 
-malign-jumps=2 -malign-functions=2 -mpreferred-stack-boundary=2 -DLOCALE  
-I/usr/include/ncurses -DCURSES_LOC="ncurses.h"   -c lxdialog.c -o lxdialog.o
   cc1: Invalid option `preferred-stack-boundary=2'
   make[1]: *** [lxdialog.o] Error 1
   make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-2.2.13/scripts/lxdialog'
   make: *** [menuconfig] Error 2
 This leaves me with a couple questions:  
 * RPM packaging is supposed to ensure that binary packages are reliably
   recreatable using the source package.  If I can't even get the resulting
   source to build, how did you manage to compile the thing in the first 

The cflags get put there by rpm, (there was a non fuctional %post to check
gcc --version for 2.95+, actualy it functions but only if gcc is
installed at the time) Have a gander at the src.rpm

 * Where the hell is the quality testing?!  I've only owned this
   distribution for two days and already I've tripped over three bugs that
   should not happen.
 I know that the second bug has already been reported to this list.  I
 haven't seen a reponse from Mandrake concerning an updated package to fix
 the problem.  Actually, I don't think I've even seen a response from anyone
 at Mandrake for any of the reported problems.

You guys really want to download 30+ megs to not have to manual edit a

 I'm not a clueless, confused, newbie user.  I'm not adverse to fixing these
 problems myself.  However, I'd prefer the opportunity to shoot MYSELF in the
 foot prior to Mandrake grabbing the gun and doing it for me.
 Well?  You got my money, how about giving me a workable product for it?
 Consider putting that on a bulletin board somewhere.  You'd do well to take
 it to heart.

MandrakeSoft  http://www.mandrakesoft.com/