Re: [newbie] Bambi/sometimes back to Windoze

2000-05-14 Thread Paul

On Sat, 13 May 2000, Fran Parker wrote:

Hi Bambi (and others),

Yes, it will be good when people think that Linux is a viable option to
Windoze. Some do now, but not enough.  Some programs aren't even done
for the Mac yet. (I wonder if that should tell us anything :)

HAhahahahaha!!! That is so true!!

I will be glad when Corel comes out with their Ventura for Linux.

Then I hope for you that you do not have to wait too long!

their Ventura this summer, can't wait.  I am using their WP8 for Linux

I use a very simple wordprocessor called AbiWord. Not too many bells and
whistles, does just what I need :)  The entire download is something like
1 meg! (interested people, go to

Basically we tricked Linux into using the ISAPNP config stuff for part
of the configuration and then disabled the PnP in bios and it found the
modem properly and all works great.

Hahaha!! That is so cool, huh? You can't do that with windows. Everything
is registry, and that is lethal.

The real problem there is that the last time I booted into Windoze that
has the same settings as Linux for the sound card, it changed something
in the bios, even though it is not allowed to, then I had no sound but
still had modem in Linux.  So there we were back at it again, with the
boot down, enable PnP, boot up, ISAPNP config, boot down and up, verify
sound works, then boot down, delete ISAPNP config, boot up and change
bios to no PnP and let it configure the modem. So as you can see I am a
little leary of going back into Windoze even though I need to.

Okay, that makes sense. Not nice though... I have always hated internal
modems. Just give me a serial cable sticking out the COM2 port, let me
plug a small box to it. That is REAL plug and play!

I was disappointed that I couldn't get festival to work on my machine
even though the sound card works for everything else.  It works well on
Jim's RedHat Linux box...but I install it and it won't work.  I don't
get it.

Now you got me cornered. What is Festival?

Oh, well all in good time.  I have only been in Linux for about 3
weeks now.  I love it, but really dislike Netscrappy :)  But I really
haven't found a viable option that does at least what Netscrappy does
do.  The look is yukky to me.

What version do you have? I have 4.72 here, it's been pretty good so
far. Okay, it hangs itself once in a while. I have tried NCSA Mosaic, but
never got the program to run. It just won't start, no matter how chmod +x
I tell it to be.

But through all of this I have learned quite a bit.  And will continue.

Sounds so familiar!



Silence. Do you remember how that sounds?

)0([[EMAIL PROTECTED]]-)0( - ICQ 147208
Registered Linux User 174403


2000-05-14 Thread Paul

On Sat, 13 May 2000, Wade wrote:

SENDMAIL: is set-uid root, or run from set-uid root process
SENDMAIL: fatal: No maildrop directory maildrop
No such file or directory.

Sorry, can't help you. I gave up on Sendmail.
I use Qmail. much easier.



Silence. Do you remember how that sounds?

)0([[EMAIL PROTECTED]]-)0( - ICQ 147208
Registered Linux User 174403

[newbie] test

2000-05-14 Thread KompuKit

   Registered Linux User:73821
Kit Goins  ICQ# 7110071
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Lowell, Mass.
Web Designer
(Server Runs between M-F 6pm-12am,S+S 12pm-12am EST)

Re: [newbie] Netscape 6

2000-05-14 Thread Paul

On Sun, 14 May 2000, Romanator wrote:

I'm sorry. I am was thinking of Windows. You are right. TheN6/Mozilla is definitely
more stable.


Hmm. This sounds good. I will check it out then. Even though NS 4.72 is
pretty stable here really. It has only killed itself about 5 times since I
went linux almost fulltime. Which is some 6 weeks now.



Silence. Do you remember how that sounds?

)0([[EMAIL PROTECTED]]-)0( - ICQ 147208
Registered Linux User 174403

Re: [newbie] No more Mandrake.....

2000-05-14 Thread Anthony Huereca

Ok, lets go step by step to what happened and what you should have done, and
what you need to do. Most of it isnt' really Mandrakes fault really.

 I think I may finally be ready to throw in the towel on Linux. Everything 
 is gone, and I wasn't even doing a damn thing other than browsing with 
 Netscape. One 2nd everything was great, then for no apparent reason the 
 browser went blank - nothing but a white screen - and it wouldn't close. 

That's because Netscape sucks really hard. 

 I went to use the Kill tool on it, but I couldn't because all the desktop 
 icons had disappeared, leaving only black outlines of where they would 
 normally be. I still wasn't overly concerned because this happens from time 
 to time anyway. I tried to shutdown, but the shutdown message just came up 
 and froze, along with everything else except the mouse. 

This also happens every once in a while. To get rid of it, hit
ctrl+alt+backspace. That will kill X and bring you back to the login prompt. 

So I manually 

VERY bad idea. Never ever reboot manually unless you absoluty positivily cannot
do it from Linux. (which has only happned to me 3 times in the 9 months I've
been using Linux).  Of course, since you didn't know how to do it from Linux,
then in your eyes you couldn't do it, hence rebooting manually was justified in
your case.

The "not cleanly unmounted" errors came up, as they have been 
 every time for the past couple months - it usually seems to just delay the 
 boot process slightly. But then something different popped up:
 "/dev/hda5 contains a file system with errors, check forced. /dev/hda5: 
 inode 43199 has illegal block(s)" and then:
 "/dev/hda5: Unexpected Inconsistency: run fsck manually (without -a or -p 
 options)". Then in red, it says "[FAILED]", followed by: "An error occurred 
 during the file system check dropping you to a shell. The system will 
 reboot when you leave the shell. Give root password for maintenance or 
 ctrl-D for normal startup". 

That's what happens when the gods get displeased at you rebooting manually and
decide to make you suffer. Or in a more accurate since, the manual reboot
screwed up your file system, and you're supposed to use fsck to fix it. 

So I entered the root password, and it said, 
 "BASH: ID: command not found". It repeated that bash message for about 5 or 
 6 lines. I tried the fsck, and then it said: "Parallelizing fsck version 

That is not a good sign. When you enter the root password it's supposed to drop
you into a command prompt so you can run fsck. 

 I manually rebooted again, got the same results. Another time I tried the 
 ctrl-D but it just rebooted back into the same thing. When it rebooted I 
 saw something about "..cannot unlink..." and "..var/unlock file.." but it 
 scrolled too fast to make out the whole message.

I'm not sure what you should do know. My best advice is just go ahead and

 It took a lot of time and effort over several months to get things to 
 finally work right, and I still had work left to do. I had previously 
 experimented with Slackware, which took forever just to get the basics 
 setup, but then a couple of unexpected severe crashes requiring 
 reinstallation finally sent me back out in search of something better. 
 Mandrake seemed to be it, but this latest disaster has me pretty bummed 
 with the whole thing. It seems like, although Linux may not crash everytime 
 you turn around, the way Windows does, eventually it is going to crash, and 
 crash HARD, and not necessarily for any obvious good reason. 

Once a journaling file system gets implemented into Linux, many of the
filesystem problems should diminish. Then simply rebooting your machine won't
toally screw it up like it did to yours. But intill then, Linux has to be
pampered a little bit.

It's after 1 
 AM and I've been struggling with this for several hours, so maybe I'll feel 
 different tomorrow and do another reinstall if I have to. But right now I'm 
 thinking maybe I might just look for some other OS, maybe FreeBSD or 
 something. Don't get me wrong - Mandrake has been great, and it's 
 definitely the best distribution of the 3 I've tried, but it just seems 
 like there's some inherent unstableness of a different kind lurking in 
 Linux in general. Maybe  I've just been having a string of bad luck. I may 
 still be a 'newbie' but this one came completely out of left field. The 
 worst part of it - I was just about ready to start spending most of my time 
 in Linux. I had just downloaded (not installed) a program that could do 
 what one of my primary windows programs does, and I had just downloaded 
 VMware (also not installed yet). But now here I am back in Windows full 
 time it looks like. I can almost hear Bill laughing :-(

Look at it this way. Now you know what do if it ever happens again. And you
already know many of the things you need to do, so reinstallation and
configuring won't take near as long as it 

[newbie] lost X! help

2000-05-14 Thread bascule

well just when i thought i was doing ok, i went and deleted the contents
of /tmp on account i had run out of disk space and i thought /tmp's
contents were well, just that, temporary.
obviously not so since now, i cannot boot into X, i can get into
runlevel3, since my friend has my cd i thought i'd try to install
XFree86-4 from files i have on a dos disk but when i run rpm -ivf blah
blah i get the message 'unexpected query source'

what does this mean? 

is there a simpler way to get X back?

feeling foolish


Re: [newbie] No more Mandrake.....

2000-05-14 Thread J D

i just wrote an e-mail to drake x about this problem.  it happened to me 
agin tonight.  in my case (and i don't know if it's the same as yours), it 
was the fstab file.  get into the shell and emacs the fstab file.  see what 
it says.  i have a hunch that that is your problem.


Subject: Re: [newbie] No more Mandrake.
Date: Sun, 14 May 2000 09:32:51 -0700

Thanks JD. I haven't quite decided what to do yet. I feel kind of like a
guy who's house just got wiped out by a tornado, and still picking through
the debris trying to figure out what the hell happened. What you said about
not being able to mount in read/write mode reminds me of something I saw
flash on the screen early in the boot process. I was paying extra close
attention to everything at bootup after this happened, and so I'm not sure
if it was new or not, but I saw something about read-only. It was only on
the screen for like a split second. I'll try it again and see if I can
catch anything more.

At 03:25 PM 05/14/2000 +, you wrote:
i'm sorry you have to go.  i had a similar problem, but my harddrive
wouldn't remount in read/write mode.  so i basically had a harddirive that
i could only read off of.  the only answer i could get where things like
edit the fstab file, etc.  but i couldn't cause it was a read only
hd.  finally after a week of spending a least 3 hours a day, i gave up and
unfortunatly, that was about a month ago, and this weekend was the first
chance i've had to play around and set up mandrake.  if you decide that
mandrake is worth one more try, great.  but if you decide not, we're sorry
to lose ya.
good luck

Subject: [newbie] No more Mandrake.
Date: Sun, 14 May 2000 01:39:54 -0700

I think I may finally be ready to throw in the towel on Linux. Everything
is gone, and I wasn't even doing a damn thing other than browsing with
Netscape. One 2nd everything was great, then for no apparent reason the
browser went blank - nothing but a white screen - and it wouldn't close. 
I went to use the Kill tool on it, but I couldn't because all the desktop
icons had disappeared, leaving only black outlines of where they would
normally be. I still wasn't overly concerned because this happens from 
to time anyway. I tried to shutdown, but the shutdown message just came 
and froze, along with everything else except the mouse. So I manually
rebooted. The "not cleanly unmounted" errors came up, as they have been
every time for the past couple months - it usually seems to just delay 
boot process slightly. But then something different popped up:
"/dev/hda5 contains a file system with errors, check forced. /dev/hda5:
inode 43199 has illegal block(s)" and then:
"/dev/hda5: Unexpected Inconsistency: run fsck manually (without -a or -p
options)". Then in red, it says "[FAILED]", followed by: "An error 
during the file system check dropping you to a shell. The system will
reboot when you leave the shell. Give root password for maintenance or
ctrl-D for normal startup". So I entered the root password, and it said,
"BASH: ID: command not found". It repeated that bash message for about 5 
6 lines. I tried the fsck, and then it said: "Parallelizing fsck version

I manually rebooted again, got the same results. Another time I tried the
ctrl-D but it just rebooted back into the same thing. When it rebooted I
saw something about "..cannot unlink..." and "..var/unlock file.." but it
scrolled too fast to make out the whole message.

It took a lot of time and effort over several months to get things to
finally work right, and I still had work left to do. I had previously
experimented with Slackware, which took forever just to get the basics
setup, but then a couple of unexpected severe crashes requiring
reinstallation finally sent me back out in search of something better.
Mandrake seemed to be it, but this latest disaster has me pretty bummed
with the whole thing. It seems like, although Linux may not crash 
you turn around, the way Windows does, eventually it is going to crash, 
crash HARD, and not necessarily for any obvious good reason. It's after 1
AM and I've been struggling with this for several hours, so maybe I'll 
different tomorrow and do another reinstall if I have to. But right now 
thinking maybe I might just look for some other OS, maybe FreeBSD or
something. Don't get me wrong - Mandrake has been great, and it's
definitely the best distribution of the 3 I've tried, but it just seems
like there's some inherent unstableness of a different kind lurking in
Linux in general. Maybe  I've just been having a string of bad luck. I 
still be a 'newbie' but this one came completely out of left field. The
worst part of it - I was just about ready to start spending most of my 
in Linux. I had just 

Re: [newbie] mounting filesystems for users of a spec. group

2000-05-14 Thread Denis HAVLIK

:~i would like to know wether theres a possibility to allow only users of a
:~specific group to mount filesystems, up to now ive set the "user" flag in
:~fstab, but that would allow any user to mount this filesystem, and i only want
:~to allow this one can i change this ?
:~thx in advance.

At the moment, only "sudo" comes to my mind. There is "owner" option,
but you would have to change ownership of devices on every login -
rather dirty. Unfortunately, there is no  "group" option for fstab :-(

Dr. Denis Havlik
Mandrakesoft||| e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Quality Assurance  (@ @)(private: [EMAIL PROTECTED])

Re: [newbie] Netscape 6

2000-05-14 Thread Alan Shoemaker

Boboops!  I forgot about choosing your icon using the icon
picture button while you're in the Execute tab page, sorry!


Alan Shoemaker wrote:
 Bobinstead of dragging the netscape shell script icon onto
 the desktop and choosing link do this:
 1) right-click the desktop.
 2) choose New
 3) choose Application
 4) name it what you want , but leave the kdelnk part after the
 dot alone.
 5) choose the Execute tab
 6) put /usr/bin/netscape in the upper (not the lower one)
 Execute field.
 7) choose the ok button
 Bob wrote:
  Found out and dragged the black screen on to my USER disktop, created a
  link, but am unable to change the icon to Netscape.  Now I have two screens one
  for xrpm and one for the big "N"?  Oh, in my /root :)  I have the link on
  the desktop, and the icon is the Netscape wheel.
  On Sun, 14 May 2000, you wrote:
   On Sat, 13 May 2000, Eunice Thompson wrote:
   S, Anthony is there a way to install an icon for Netscape6 to my
   desktop in Mandrake 7.1??
   Never a simpler thing... Open KDE explorer or a KFM client, locate the
   Netscape binary that runs netscape, drag it to the desktop. Select 'link'
   when asked what you want to do with the file (Copy, move, link)

Re: [newbie] Netscape 6

2000-05-14 Thread Alan Shoemaker

Bobinstead of dragging the netscape shell script icon onto
the desktop and choosing link do this:

1) right-click the desktop.
2) choose New
3) choose Application
4) name it what you want , but leave the kdelnk part after the
dot alone.
5) choose the Execute tab
6) put /usr/bin/netscape in the upper (not the lower one)
Execute field.
7) choose the ok button


Bob wrote:
 Found out and dragged the black screen on to my USER disktop, created a
 link, but am unable to change the icon to Netscape.  Now I have two screens one
 for xrpm and one for the big "N"?  Oh, in my /root :)  I have the link on
 the desktop, and the icon is the Netscape wheel.
 On Sun, 14 May 2000, you wrote:
  On Sat, 13 May 2000, Eunice Thompson wrote:
  S, Anthony is there a way to install an icon for Netscape6 to my
  desktop in Mandrake 7.1??
  Never a simpler thing... Open KDE explorer or a KFM client, locate the
  Netscape binary that runs netscape, drag it to the desktop. Select 'link'
  when asked what you want to do with the file (Copy, move, link)

[newbie] Uggghhhh....lost star office!

2000-05-14 Thread Bill Smith

Ok, I know I did something (sumpthing stupid) but I don't know what.  I
had Star Office installed and working fine, then while the program was
up, I clicked on the wrong something or other in the program and it
simply disappeared off of the desktop!  Now, I go to the K-menu to start
the application, and it goes through the proceess of opening up, shows
the Sun logo, then it disappears.  I can't for the life of me figure out
what I did wrong or how to correct it.  Any ideas???

Bill - who's proudly 1005 Micro$oft Free
Registered Linux User #78337

Re: [newbie] Lexmark Z11 Printer Driver for Linux?

2000-05-14 Thread Jim Brown

Doesn't work.

Charles A Edwards wrote:

Login as root. Open DrakeConfig and choose Priner Config. Follow through
 the setup questions untill you get to  select printer and there choose HP
 DeskJet 500C, print a test page and you are done.


 - Original Message -
 From: "Michael A. Kellogg" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, May 14, 2000 3:03 PM
 Subject: [newbie] Lexmark Z11 Printer Driver for Linux?

  Hi folks!
  Ok, It's a shot in the dark, but does anyone know of a printer driver that
  work for a Lexmark Z11 printer.  Or, if possible, any emulation that might
  for Linux.  Any help would be appreciated!  Thanks!

CF 10K Walk:
\/\_\@  /  /\ __  ___  ___  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
/ / /\ / / /\  /--/ //\_\/\_/\ /\/\/\ /\_/\ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
/__/ / / // / / / /__/ // / /__/ //_/_/ // // / home: (972)495-3821
\__\/  \/ \/\/\/  \__\/ \/  \__\/ \_\_\/ \/ \/  work: (972)889-4228
Cole's Law:  Thinly sliced cabbage.

Re: [newbie] Monitor shut off

2000-05-14 Thread Andy

Sorry to get off the subject but your e-mail comes in with the a ! next to
it whats that mean and hwo do you do it? Sorry about off the topic just
curious. :)

- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, May 14, 2000 9:12 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Monitor shut off

 when it gets to the login prompt the screen just goes black. there is
 power to it it just goes blank.

 - Original Message -
 From: "vern" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, May 14, 2000 8:26 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Monitor shut off

 | Shut off as to power (AC out of the wall) or as to video
 | from the display card?
 | vern
 | Marc wrote:
 |  my monitor on my other box shuts off when i get to the login prompt. i
 |  it wont turn back on. this never has happened till i installed md on
 |  input on this?
 |  _
 |  NetZero - Defenders of the Free World
 |  Click here for FREE Internet Access and Email
 | --
 |  Vernon Stilwell  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 |  Hardinsburg, Kentucky[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 |   This email was created in a Micro$haft free environment!
 |Silly hacker, root is for administrators!

 NetZero - Defenders of the Free World
 Click here for FREE Internet Access and Email

NetZero - Defenders of the Free World
Click here for FREE Internet Access and Email

Re: [newbie]I need Modem Help Still

2000-05-14 Thread Vicky

Thank you all so much I appreciate your patience. I am going to attempt
what Drake X wrote even though its beyond my knowledge at this time :) I
have a isa modem jaton modulator 56k pnp. When i try to run minicom it
says configuration file not found , using defaults. Kppp says
initializing modem and stalls, if I query the modem a modem query
results screen pops up but is all blanks. DrakConf says checking for isa
, creating tree but no + are by the modem after it does this and it isnt
listed. Modem Commands are :AT^M Init Response OK Dial String ATDT. The
minicom log i have shows all hangups. I hope I have given you all
specific enough information. Basically is linux not seeing my modem or
do I have kppp not set up correctly? Windows shows my modem as being on
com3 , so i set it as $ ln -s /dev/ttyS2 /dev/modem. thx Vicky

Drake X wrote:
 Hi Vicky, I'm not sure if this would help in your particular case, and
 I'm assuming you don't have a winmodem, but it sounds similar to what
 I went through a few months ago. Here's something someone posted
 awhile back that got me out of where you seem to be now (KPPP hell).
 If you try it, try to follow it to the T. I was amazed that it
 actually works once you properly complete each step!:
 For all you with pnp modem problems, this is how I got my usr 56k
 ISA modem to work pnp:
 1. Type "/sbin/pnpdump  /etc/isapnp.conf" ##this loads info on your
 ISA PnP board(s) into the appropriate .conf file.
 2. Type "/sbin/isapnp /etc/isapnp.conf" ##this makes your existing
 ISA PnP configuration active.
 3. open your isapnp.conf file. You will have to remove the comment
 from a couple of the resources listed, depending on how you want to
 set it
 up. Half way down the file you'll see a comment that says multiple
 You have to choose what IRQ and com you want to use. Com1=0x3f8,
 Com3=0x3e8, Com4=0x2e8. Here is an example of what I uncommented:
 # Start dependent functions: priority preferred
 # Fixed IO base address 0x02f8
 # Number of IO addresses required: 8
 (IO 0 (SIZE 8) (BASE 0x02f8))
 # IRQ 3.
 # High true, edge sensitive interrupt (by default)
 (INT 0 (IRQ 3 (MODE +E)))
 This put me on Com2 IRQ 3. After you know what com port and irq you
 set it
 you can go onto the next step
 3. Type "setserial /dev/ttySx port y irq z spd_vhi autoconfig"
 ##notation is as follows: "x" is your COMport, with 0=COM1, 1=COM2,
 2=COM3, 3=COM4; "y" is the standard (or defined) address of that port,
 e.g. 0x3e8; "z" is the interrupt used by that port, usually 4 or 3;
 thus, if your modem is on COM1 with a standard address  IRQ, the line
 would read "setserial /dev/ttyS0 port 0x3f8 irq 4 spd_vhi autoconfig"
 Oh, yes:"spd_vhi" is optional, I'd advise using it with a 56k modem,
 mine runs faster with it, but you could leave it off without a
 4. Type "rm /dev/modem" ##you may get a "not found" message, which
 is fine; if a /dev/modem" is found, you'll be asked to confirm this
 removal, type "y" to proceed.
 5. Type "ln -s /dev/ttySx /dev/modem" ##this establishes the linkage
 needed for your modem, not essential, but conventional; again, "x"
 is the same as "x" in item 3 above.
 6. With a text editor, open your "/rc.local" file, add the
 "setserial" command defined in item 3 above at the end of the file,
 the file and exit the editor. ##For example, if your editor is xemacs,
 you'd type "xemacs /etc/rc.d/rc.local", then add the "setserial"
 7. Exit, logout, and reboot (not just restart Xserver). You should
 see a line for ISA PnP devices as you boot up. That should do it :)
 Thanks to Alan for help via his previous message
 - Original Message -
 From: "Ron Sinclair" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2000 5:53 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Modem jumper settings
  At 01:38 AM 2/15/00 -0500, you wrote:
  Is there a way to get linux to detect my USR internal 56k modem
 when the
  cards jumpers are set to PnP?
  Right now I have to set the jumpers to PnP to work with windows and
  the jumpers to com2 to get it to work with Linux.
  Could you let me know if you get any answers to your PNP problem?
  having the exact same problem.
  Ron Sinclair
  AKA NipponDSM
  ICN 3765104
 At 09:34 PM 05/10/2000 -0700, you wrote:
  okay I found drakconf :) right there on my desktop, when I look in
  there  nothing is listed for modem. I am so confused , I thought I
  it installed okay , when i ran minicom I got the ok. I called my isp
  they  said they dont support linux and even though the admin has a
  BS in
  comp sci and is msce ,,etc He doesnt know anything about it and
  sure if it is chap or pap. I havent seen any responses to my pleas
  help , this is the first maling list I have ever been on also. So

[newbie] No more Mandrake.....

2000-05-14 Thread X Drake

I think I may finally be ready to throw in the towel on Linux. Everything 
is gone, and I wasn't even doing a damn thing other than browsing with 
Netscape. One 2nd everything was great, then for no apparent reason the 
browser went blank - nothing but a white screen - and it wouldn't close. So 
I went to use the Kill tool on it, but I couldn't because all the desktop 
icons had disappeared, leaving only black outlines of where they would 
normally be. I still wasn't overly concerned because this happens from time 
to time anyway. I tried to shutdown, but the shutdown message just came up 
and froze, along with everything else except the mouse. So I manually 
rebooted. The "not cleanly unmounted" errors came up, as they have been 
every time for the past couple months - it usually seems to just delay the 
boot process slightly. But then something different popped up:
"/dev/hda5 contains a file system with errors, check forced. /dev/hda5: 
inode 43199 has illegal block(s)" and then:
"/dev/hda5: Unexpected Inconsistency: run fsck manually (without -a or -p 
options)". Then in red, it says "[FAILED]", followed by: "An error occurred 
during the file system check dropping you to a shell. The system will 
reboot when you leave the shell. Give root password for maintenance or 
ctrl-D for normal startup". So I entered the root password, and it said, 
"BASH: ID: command not found". It repeated that bash message for about 5 or 
6 lines. I tried the fsck, and then it said: "Parallelizing fsck version 

I manually rebooted again, got the same results. Another time I tried the 
ctrl-D but it just rebooted back into the same thing. When it rebooted I 
saw something about "..cannot unlink..." and "..var/unlock file.." but it 
scrolled too fast to make out the whole message.

It took a lot of time and effort over several months to get things to 
finally work right, and I still had work left to do. I had previously 
experimented with Slackware, which took forever just to get the basics 
setup, but then a couple of unexpected severe crashes requiring 
reinstallation finally sent me back out in search of something better. 
Mandrake seemed to be it, but this latest disaster has me pretty bummed 
with the whole thing. It seems like, although Linux may not crash everytime 
you turn around, the way Windows does, eventually it is going to crash, and 
crash HARD, and not necessarily for any obvious good reason. It's after 1 
AM and I've been struggling with this for several hours, so maybe I'll feel 
different tomorrow and do another reinstall if I have to. But right now I'm 
thinking maybe I might just look for some other OS, maybe FreeBSD or 
something. Don't get me wrong - Mandrake has been great, and it's 
definitely the best distribution of the 3 I've tried, but it just seems 
like there's some inherent unstableness of a different kind lurking in 
Linux in general. Maybe  I've just been having a string of bad luck. I may 
still be a 'newbie' but this one came completely out of left field. The 
worst part of it - I was just about ready to start spending most of my time 
in Linux. I had just downloaded (not installed) a program that could do 
what one of my primary windows programs does, and I had just downloaded 
VMware (also not installed yet). But now here I am back in Windows full 
time it looks like. I can almost hear Bill laughing :-(

Fw: [newbie]I need Modem Help Still

2000-05-14 Thread Charles A Edwards

This never posted to my inbox so I am resending it. Forgive me if it dups.
in yours.


- Original Message -
From: "Charles A Edwards" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, May 14, 2000 1:43 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie]I need Modem Help Still

The following are the instructions for installing an ISA modem in

 How do I install the modem for Linux kernel 2.2.x?
 A: Command Line:
 Manually configure the COM port and IRQ via the jumper settings on the
 card and insert it into an open 16-bit ISA slot in the computer. Make sure
 you don't configure the modem to a COM and IRQ currently being used by the
 computer. Boot Linux. You should see Linux list the serial ports when
 booting. If there isn't a ttyS value matching the modem configuration,
 shutdown Linux after boot and reconfigure the modem.

 After the window manager opens, open an xterm window and type
 and hit enter. The control panel will open and select Modem configuration.
 In the Configure Modem section, select the communications port that the
 modem is installed to. Device Information
 ttyS0 COM1 under DOS
 ttyS1 COM2
 ttyS2 COM3
 ttyS3 COM4
 Select the ttyS that the modem is on and click on OK. This creates a link
 from /dev/modem to the actual modem device. Run a terminal program, like
 minicom, and issue AT commands to the modem. If the modem responds,
 installation of the modem is good.

 I hope this is some help

 - Original Message -
 From: "Vicky" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, May 14, 2000 4:40 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie]I need Modem Help Still

  Thank you all so much I appreciate your patience. I am going to attempt
  what Drake X wrote even though its beyond my knowledge at this time :) I
  have a isa modem jaton modulator 56k pnp. When i try to run minicom it
  says configuration file not found , using defaults. Kppp says
  initializing modem and stalls, if I query the modem a modem query
  results screen pops up but is all blanks. DrakConf says checking for isa
  , creating tree but no + are by the modem after it does this and it isnt
  listed. Modem Commands are :AT^M Init Response OK Dial String ATDT. The
  minicom log i have shows all hangups. I hope I have given you all
  specific enough information. Basically is linux not seeing my modem or
  do I have kppp not set up correctly? Windows shows my modem as being on
  com3 , so i set it as $ ln -s /dev/ttyS2 /dev/modem. thx Vicky
  Drake X wrote:
   Hi Vicky, I'm not sure if this would help in your particular case, and
   I'm assuming you don't have a winmodem, but it sounds similar to what
   I went through a few months ago. Here's something someone posted
   awhile back that got me out of where you seem to be now (KPPP hell).
   If you try it, try to follow it to the T. I was amazed that it
   actually works once you properly complete each step!:
   For all you with pnp modem problems, this is how I got my usr 56k
   ISA modem to work pnp:
   1. Type "/sbin/pnpdump  /etc/isapnp.conf" ##this loads info on your
   ISA PnP board(s) into the appropriate .conf file.
   2. Type "/sbin/isapnp /etc/isapnp.conf" ##this makes your existing
   ISA PnP configuration active.
   3. open your isapnp.conf file. You will have to remove the comment
   from a couple of the resources listed, depending on how you want to
   set it
   up. Half way down the file you'll see a comment that says multiple
   You have to choose what IRQ and com you want to use. Com1=0x3f8,
   Com3=0x3e8, Com4=0x2e8. Here is an example of what I uncommented:
   # Start dependent functions: priority preferred
   # Fixed IO base address 0x02f8
   # Number of IO addresses required: 8
   (IO 0 (SIZE 8) (BASE 0x02f8))
   # IRQ 3.
   # High true, edge sensitive interrupt (by default)
   (INT 0 (IRQ 3 (MODE +E)))
   This put me on Com2 IRQ 3. After you know what com port and irq you
   set it
   you can go onto the next step
   3. Type "setserial /dev/ttySx port y irq z spd_vhi autoconfig"
   ##notation is as follows: "x" is your COMport, with 0=COM1, 1=COM2,
   2=COM3, 3=COM4; "y" is the standard (or defined) address of that port,
   e.g. 0x3e8; "z" is the interrupt used by that port, usually 4 or 3;
   thus, if your modem is on COM1 with a standard address  IRQ, the line
   would read "setserial /dev/ttyS0 port 0x3f8 irq 4 spd_vhi autoconfig"
   Oh, yes:"spd_vhi" is optional, I'd advise using it with a 56k modem,
   mine runs faster with it, but you could leave it off without a
   4. Type "rm /dev/modem" ##you may get a "not found" message, which
   is fine; if a /dev/modem" is found, you'll be asked to confirm this
   removal, type "y" to proceed.
   5. Type "ln -s /dev/ttySx /dev/modem" ##this establishes the linkage
   needed for your modem, not essential, but conventional; again, "x"
   is the 

Re: Fwd: Re: [newbie] No more Mandrake.....

2000-05-14 Thread Drake X

Thanks for the inspiration Andrew! I can certainly use it right now!

At 10:04 PM 05/14/2000 +0100, you wrote:

--  Forwarded Message  --
Subject: Re: [newbie] No more Mandrake.
Date: Sun, 14 May 2000 15:25:30 GMT

  But now here I am back in Windows full
 time it looks like. I can almost hear Bill laughing :-(

Sorry to hear of your troubles with Mandrake and unfortunatly as a newbie
I'm in no position to help.  However Linux is a marvellous system and even
if mandrake has proved somewhat problematic there are plenty of
alternatives out there so don't give up.

A friend of mine is having a hell of a time installing Md 7 but sees it as
being a part of the whole fun of running Linux.

Don't give up.  Shop around first and then maybe you can be laughing
right back in the face of Mr. Gates.

-- In the pursuit of learning,
   Everyday something is aquired --
  (Lao Tzu: Tao Te Ching)

[newbie] Knapster

2000-05-14 Thread John Arkoulis

Hi there. New to the list ( say welcome !!!)

I am a newbie in Linux and a slow learner ( not much time to spend in front of
the computer)

After the intro!!  here is the question.
I downloaded and installed??  Knapster. I downloaded the RPM version and  I 
used RPM Drake to install it. According to the doc. I was supposed to have an
icon under Internet on  KDE. I got nothing and I can not find the installed
files anywhere. I have to use Find file to be able to use the program. 
Any ideas will be welcomed. 
In general so you understand I am a bit confused with the whole idea of
installing an RPM. Yes I know how to find the one I want how to install it but
then when I want to (say) put a icon on my desktop for that program on my
desktop I am lost. I had the same problem with Licq but at the end I managed to
put it on the desktop but I have a hard time with Knapster so please help!!

Windoze is a virus with a user interface!
This message created with Linux!

Re: [newbie] Netscape 6

2000-05-14 Thread Alan Shoemaker

Paul/Euniceyou really don't want to go to the binary for
this link.  The launching of netscape is done by a shell
script and that is what you should be linking the desktop icon
to.  It's located at:



Paul wrote:
 On Sat, 13 May 2000, Eunice Thompson wrote:
 S, Anthony is there a way to install an icon for Netscape6 to my
 desktop in Mandrake 7.1??
 Never a simpler thing... Open KDE explorer or a KFM client, locate the
 Netscape binary that runs netscape, drag it to the desktop. Select 'link'
 when asked what you want to do with the file (Copy, move, link)
 Silence. Do you remember how that sounds?
 )0([[EMAIL PROTECTED]]-)0( - ICQ 147208
 Registered Linux User 174403

[newbie] Installation Help for Linux Mandrake 7.0 -How about an installtion video guide

2000-05-14 Thread Roman

MandrakeSoft should include a little video for installations. I have 6
CDs that cannot be accessed.
The Install Guide is way too sparse, and appears to be written almost as
an afterthought.
I understand that there are many volunteers involved, and I appreciated
every one's help immensly.

I have worked with many languages but I have never run into such a
difficult installation.
It's probabley something very simple that I'm missing.

Time to hit the books and have a coffee.


[newbie] Trouble installing Mandrake 7

2000-05-14 Thread Subroza

It's my first time to install Linux and I'm having a terrible time with it.
I'm trying to install Mandrake 7 with a boot disk I made with rawwrite with
the cdrom image (since I can't boot from CD on this old system). My install
always ends with this:

in second stage of install
_X11TransSocketUNIXConnect: Can't connect errno = 111
_X11TransSocketUNIXConnect: Can't connect errno = 111
Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display :0 at /usr/bin/perl-install/
line 139.
installed exited abnormally

I guess this is the Xserver having trouble with my display and I've tried
two different graphics cards a Trident and ATI All in Wonder Pro but both of
them give me this error. Here are the specs to the system I'm trying to
install on:

Cyrix 150
Hot - 541 mainboard
1 x 32 meg SIM
Mitsumi FX810S CD-ROM
Trident 9440-1 video card
Maxtor 2.1 gig HD

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks


Re: [newbie] do not read this - it is obscene .-)

2000-05-14 Thread Denis HAVLIK

:~HAHA im gettin a kick outta this one. Dennis you have the rights so
:~people shouldn't complain. It is your list :)


It is YOUR list (I mean, all of you), and you have full right to
complain. And i feel kind of sory for offending people by my letter - it
was intended to be funny, not to offend anyone. Which just shows that
obscenities really do not belong to this group. 

Nevertheless, I hope I have made one point very clear: No censorship
here, unless someone really forces me to do it - like with
"unsubscribe" (yes, I can post this word). 

Just in case someone is still interested in the problem: I got no response
from the filtering-program. I guess it was shut-down or reconfigured. 
Next time you see any similar problems, please just e-mail me.


Dr. Denis Havlik
Mandrakesoft||| e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Quality Assurance  (@ @)(private: [EMAIL PROTECTED])

Re: [newbie] Filesystem is Read Only!

2000-05-14 Thread J D

hey man, what's up.  guess what?  it happened to me again tonight!!!  but i 
figured out what was wrong, at least with my system.  it's the fstab file.  
for some reason, when i try to get my zip drive to work, it overwrites 
everything in the fstab file, and leaves only the lines for the zip drive.  
now the bad part.  i haven't figure out how to fix it.  so i had to 
reinstall, again.  the only thing that i couldn't try was the recovery boot 
disk (mine was screwed up somehow).  try that, if it works, then i'm gonna 
make about 8 recovery disks.  but other than that, i don't know what to tell 


Subject: [newbie] Filesystem is Read Only!
Date: Sun, 14 May 2000 18:44:55 -0700

Well, I went back and played with it some more, and confirmed that the
Linux filesystem is indeed, read only now. Here's the line I found during
boot: "VFS: mounted root (ext2 filesystem) read only."
Just like what JD said happened to him. Despite all the angry, nasty
looking error messages I still seem to be able to move around at the
command prompt after I enter my root password. I tried startx but it just
says "bash: id: command not found". Does anyone know if there's a way to
reset the filesystem to read/write? Also, could I run install without
having to wipe the Linux partitions clean? It would sure be great to run
install again without losing all my settings and stuff! Thanks!

Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

[newbie] Resizing Drive with Partition Magic

2000-05-14 Thread Romanator


I am still working on my installation of Linux Mandrake 7.0. I installed
Partition Magic Special Edition(DOS).
Next, I resized my partition from 10 Gig to 2 Gig. This left a little
less than 8 Gig. of free space.

Partition Magic shows the following:

Volume  TypeSize
C: DISK1_VOL1  FAT322,000.3  939.31,066.4
Active  Primary
*Free space  7,765.8

I am still new to Partition Magic, and partitioning in general. I have a
feeling that something is missing. I think that I should create another
FAT32 partition? The beginning and ending commands in Partition Magic
are confusing me. Linux Mandrake 7.0 installation is unable to read the
partition table.

Read out in DOS during Linux installation

Partition Table

hdb: drive not ready for command
hdb: status error: status:0x00{}
hdd:hdd lost interrupt
hdd: lost interrupt

Registered Linux Mandrake User

Re: [newbie] logitech trackball

2000-05-14 Thread Vic

If I were better at programming I would like to
see what happens if I were to reverse compile
the windows drivers and then re-compile them
for linux, or if I would have to change any
of the lines of code, since it runs for the
same hardware it should not be to rottenly
difficult unless there is something that
I am n0t aware of.

On Sat, 13 May 2000, you wrote:
   I'm using a logitech trackball which has really nice drivers and
 software for windows, but according to the company, Linux just isn't
 worth supporting.  Anyway, there's a really nice feature called 'smart
 move' that whenever you open a window, etc., the cursor automatically
 moves to the default button on that page.  Example:  when an 'alert' box
 pops up that says either 'ok' or 'cancel', with the 'ok' button
 highlighted by default, the cursor instantly goes there.  It's a simple
 feature that I've grown to REALLY appreciate in windows, but I miss in
 Linux.  It's supported in all versions of 'mouseware' by logitech, and
 I'm wondering if there's a comparable Linux program that would do that? 
 If not, how hard would it be to create a program like that?
 Thanks all,
 Michael Holt
 Kirkland, WA
 The Penguins are coming!!!

Want to make some extra pocket change
listening to your realplayer while you surf?

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[newbie] PCMCIA Modem advice

2000-05-14 Thread Donald W. Noel

can anyone recommend a pcmcia modem? Preferably 56k I've got a Versa
M75 that I'm going to put Mandrake 7.0 on, and would like to be able to
roam around with it.  TIA.

Re: Fw: [newbie]I need Modem Help Still

2000-05-14 Thread Drake X

Hey Vicky! It sounds like you might be following the same path I did! I got 
a similar
error message on startup. I just went back and found the rest of the posts 
from that thread and pasted them in below. It looks like I may end up 
having to do all this again myself because I'm probably going to have to 
reinstall after some unknown cataclysmic event nuked everything in Linux 
last night!

-=Drake X=-

for one, I dn't know if you typed this the first time, but in your rc.local
it should be /dev/ttyS2 instead of dev/ttyS2. Also, I forgot to mention
that also in your isapnp.conf file you have to un-comment a line near the
bottom that says something to the effect of (ans y). This tells it to
accept your configuration. Also, within each block of paramaters, make sure
you ONLY uncomment the two lines identifying irq and base:
(IO 0 (SIZE 8) (BASE 0x02f8))
(INT 0 (IRQ 3 (MODE +E)))
Hope this helps.

 and from a 2nd post:

Your modem may still be able to be on com 2. Since this is plug and play,
it doesn't HAVE to be on thhe same port as it is in windows. As long as
com2 is open(and the irq associated with it), you can configure it to be on
com2 in your iaspnp.conf file.

- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2000 2:25 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Modem jumper settings

  Hi - I followed your instructions for getting Plug  Play to work for my
  PnP USR modem, and everything went as you laidout, until I rebooted. In
  text, it roughly said, "don't know what to do with start dependent
  functions no action taken can't parse isapnp.conf... around line
  or priority acceptable". It was only on the screen for a brief amount of
  time so I might not have it typed out exactly right, but it's close.
  what the section of the isapnp.conf file I modified looks like:
  start dependent functions: priority acceptable
  # logical device decodes 16 bit io address lines
  minimum io base address 0x03e8
  maximum io base address 0x03e8
  # io base alignment 8 bytes
  number of io addresses required: 8
  (io (size 8) (base 0x03e8))
  # IRQ 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 10, 11, 12, or 15.
  IRQ 2
  high true, edge sensitive interrupt (by default)
  (int 0 (IRQ 2 (mode + E)))
  and the line I added to the end of the rc.local file reads:
  setserial dev/ttyS2 port 0x3e8 irq 2 spd_vhi autoconfig
  I really appreciate any further help! I've been trying to get it working
  for over 2 hours tonight alone! The strange thing about it though, is that
  before my computer was upgraded the same modem worked fine in the same
  version of Mandrake (6.0). But the shop installed it back in a different
  slot, and now it is on COM 3 (it was COM 2 before). Thanks!!!

At 06:04 PM 05/14/2000 -0700, you wrote:
I attempted drake x's directions :) when i restarted linux it says:
fatal error parsing config file ,I dont want to physically change my
modem since its working fine in windows so at least I have internet
access. It is set at com3 irq 5 I/O 03E8-03EF. will try again
 thx Vicky

Charles A Edwards wrote:
  This never posted to my inbox so I am resending it. Forgive me if it dups.
  in yours.
  - Original Message -
  From: "Charles A Edwards" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Sunday, May 14, 2000 1:43 PM
  Subject: Re: [newbie]I need Modem Help Still
  The following are the instructions for installing an ISA modem in
   How do I install the modem for Linux kernel 2.2.x?
   A: Command Line:
   Manually configure the COM port and IRQ via the jumper settings on the
   card and insert it into an open 16-bit ISA slot in the computer. Make 
   you don't configure the modem to a COM and IRQ currently being used 
 by the
   computer. Boot Linux. You should see Linux list the serial ports when
   booting. If there isn't a ttyS value matching the modem configuration,
   shutdown Linux after boot and reconfigure the modem.
   After the window manager opens, open an xterm window and type
   and hit enter. The control panel will open and select Modem 
   In the Configure Modem section, select the communications port that the
   modem is installed to. Device Information
   ttyS0 COM1 under DOS
   ttyS1 COM2
   ttyS2 COM3
   ttyS3 COM4
   Select the ttyS that the modem is on and click on OK. This creates a link
   from /dev/modem to the actual modem device. Run a terminal program, like
   minicom, and issue AT commands to the modem. If the modem responds,
   installation of the modem is good.
   I hope this is some help
   - Original Message -
   From: "Vicky" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Sunday, May 14, 2000 4:40 PM
   Subject: Re: [newbie]I need Modem Help Still
Thank you all so much I appreciate your 

Re: [newbie] Lexmark Z11 Printer Driver for Linux?

2000-05-14 Thread John Arkoulis

Lexmarks are Winmodems. There are no  drivers for Linux.
Friend of mine had the same problem and no solution found.
And ( you guessed it) Lexmark does not support Linux.
maybe a different HP will do the trick

On Sun, 14 May 2000,
you wrote:  Doesn't work.
 Charles A Edwards wrote:
 Login as root. Open DrakeConfig and choose Priner Config. Follow through
  the setup questions untill you get to  select printer and there choose HP
  DeskJet 500C, print a test page and you are done.
  - Original Message -
  From: "Michael A. Kellogg" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Sunday, May 14, 2000 3:03 PM
  Subject: [newbie] Lexmark Z11 Printer Driver for Linux?
   Hi folks!
   Ok, It's a shot in the dark, but does anyone know of a printer driver that
   work for a Lexmark Z11 printer.  Or, if possible, any emulation that might
   for Linux.  Any help would be appreciated!  Thanks!
 CF 10K Walk:
 \/\_\@  /  /\ __  ___  ___  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 / / /\ / / /\  /--/ //\_\/\_/\ /\/\/\ /\_/\ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 /__/ / / // / / / /__/ // / /__/ //_/_/ // // / home: (972)495-3821
 \__\/  \/ \/\/\/  \__\/ \/  \__\/ \_\_\/ \/ \/  work: (972)889-4228
 Cole's Law:  Thinly sliced cabbage.
Windoze is a virus with a user interface!
This message created with Linux!

[newbie] Dual processor

2000-05-14 Thread Mogens Jæger

Hey there.
I know that I have asked this before, but I have not become any wiser on
the subject. I am planning an upgrade of my machine, so I am trying to
find out, if I can have any advantage of a dual processor system.
I have read the FAQ's on the Gimp homepage, but I can't find any thing
about support for multiple processors - does anybody know if the Gimp
support dual/multi processors?
Mogens Jæger

Re: [newbie] No more Mandrake.....

2000-05-14 Thread vern

X Drake wrote:
 I think I may finally be ready to throw in the towel on Linux. Everything
 is gone, and I wasn't even doing a damn thing other than browsing with
 Netscape. One 2nd everything was great, then for no apparent reason the
 browser went blank - nothing but a white screen - and it wouldn't close. So
 I went to use the Kill tool on it, but I couldn't because all the desktop
 icons had disappeared, leaving only black outlines of where they would
 normally be. I still wasn't overly concerned because this happens from time
 to time anyway. I tried to shutdown, but the shutdown message just came up
 and froze, along with everything else except the mouse. So I manually
WOW!  I've never had any of these problems, it looks like a flaky hard
I know Linux is a LOT more particular about it's disk/file conditions. 
when I was using WinLinux 2000 (Linux used as a BIG Windoze file) I
would have
to run scan disk almost everytime I tried to use WinLinux!  But once
Linux was
sure of it's files and their condition it ran well.  I'm sorry to see
you go and
I still wonder if it is not a hardware problem: heat on the motherboard,
bad stick
of RAM or again some weirdness with the hard drive.  I know windoze is a
lot more
tolerant of hard drive errors.

 Vernon Stilwell  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Hardinsburg, Kentucky[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  This email was created in a Micro$haft free environment!
   Silly hacker, root is for administrators!

Re: [newbie] Monitor shut off

2000-05-14 Thread Marc

I sent my last message on accident here is the info
AMD K6 II 400MHz
VIA Apollo Chipset Motherboard w/ 512K Cache
64 MB PC-100 SDRAM
AGP Trident 3D with 4MB
17"CyberVision Monitor C70 .27dpi 1280x1024 Res.
If any one can help please do. if not i will not be in pain lol this is for
a friend ha. my install went smooth except i needa new modem =(

- Original Message -
From: "Alan Shoemaker" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, May 14, 2000 9:37 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Monitor shut off

| Marcwhat's md?  I ask because if your problem is related
| to the installation of md then md or it's install routines may
| have written to your /etc/X11/XF86Config file as the symptom
| you describe sounds like incorrect synch rates for your
| monitor.  Just guessing here.
| Alan
| Marc wrote:
|  my monitor on my other box shuts off when i get to the login prompt. i
|  it wont turn back on. this never has happened till i installed md on it.
|  input on this?
|  _
|  NetZero - Defenders of the Free World
|  Click here for FREE Internet Access and Email

NetZero - Defenders of the Free World
Click here for FREE Internet Access and Email

[newbie] The demise of the expert list

2000-05-14 Thread Alan Shoemaker

DenisI'm located in Southern California and have noticed a
problem with the expert list again.  Here are the totals of
messages arriving at my location, listed by the day, for this

Tuesday   24
Wednesday 26
Thursday  21
Friday 1
Saturday   4
Sunday 0 (so far, 7 hours are left in the day)


[newbie] IE and wine

2000-05-14 Thread Michael Holt

I know, don't everybody attack at once!  I was reading someones post a
couple of days ago and I'm not sure if it was sarcasm, but I would like
to know if anyone has really tried running Internet Explorer on wine
under Linux and if it works.

Thanks, Mike
Michael Holt
Kirkland, WA
The Penguins are coming!!!

Re: [newbie] Netscape 6

2000-05-14 Thread Paul

On Sat, 13 May 2000, Eunice Thompson wrote:

S, Anthony is there a way to install an icon for Netscape6 to my
desktop in Mandrake 7.1??

Never a simpler thing... Open KDE explorer or a KFM client, locate the
Netscape binary that runs netscape, drag it to the desktop. Select 'link'
when asked what you want to do with the file (Copy, move, link)



Silence. Do you remember how that sounds?

)0([[EMAIL PROTECTED]]-)0( - ICQ 147208
Registered Linux User 174403

Re: [newbie] cookies

2000-05-14 Thread Hellmut

Hi Michael.

Delete /home/your-user/.netscape/cookies

Take care!

 Hello all,
 Can someone tell me how to clear cookies from netscape?
 Michael Holt
 Kirkland, WA
 The Penguins are coming!!!


(o o)
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|H E L L M U T |
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  | _ | _ |
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   ooO Ooo

Re: [newbie] Disableing Supermount and other fstab questions

2000-05-14 Thread Denis HAVLIK

On Fri, 12 May 2000, Eunice Thompson wrote:

:~Denis Are you the daddy? -)

Sure I am - look here:

A bit dated, but he is still among us..

:~ I have an MS intellimouse ,ps/2.
:~I would like to have imwheel start automatically, or even be able to start
:~it as a regular user (It worked fine in v.7.02). The only way I seem to get
:~the wheel working is to change to 'su' in a terminal ,and type imwheel -k
:~and then it starts. I've tried changing the permissions but still no luck as
:~anyone other than the superuser starting this process.
:~ **I have asked this question before, but didn't get a response."

Well, this is certainly NOT the way it is supposed to be. Actually it is
supposed to work withouth any interventions from your side AFAIK. 

Pixel? Has this been fixed? If yes, in which 7.1beta version?

Dr. Denis Havlik
Mandrakesoft||| e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Quality Assurance  (@ @)(private: [EMAIL PROTECTED])

Re: [newbie] Netscape 6

2000-05-14 Thread Bob

Found out and dragged the black screen on to my USER disktop, created a
link, but am unable to change the icon to Netscape.  Now I have two screens one
for xrpm and one for the big "N"?  Oh, in my /root :)  I have the link on 
the desktop, and the icon is the Netscape wheel. 

On Sun, 14 May 2000, you wrote:
 On Sat, 13 May 2000, Eunice Thompson wrote:
 S, Anthony is there a way to install an icon for Netscape6 to my
 desktop in Mandrake 7.1??
 Never a simpler thing... Open KDE explorer or a KFM client, locate the
 Netscape binary that runs netscape, drag it to the desktop. Select 'link'
 when asked what you want to do with the file (Copy, move, link)

Re: [newbie] shutdown

2000-05-14 Thread GAPrichard

I did read about shutdown.  This is all so new that I missed something, 
and I suspected it at the time.  Thanks to all who helped.  -Gary-

Re: [newbie] shutdown

2000-05-14 Thread Paul

On Sat, 13 May 2000, Michael Holt wrote:

 I wonder if it is possible to teach ctrl-alt-insert to reboot
 then... *grin*

Hmmm... sounds good, what's the job of ctrl-alt-insert now?  Sounds like
it should be self explanitory, but I've never used that binding.  It
would be nice to have the reboot function sometimes; thought I don't use
it quite as often as -h, it would be nice to have it back.

At this moment it does the so called "nothing"...
I don't want to play with it until I have a better understanding of what I
am doing.



Silence. Do you remember how that sounds?

)0([[EMAIL PROTECTED]]-)0( - ICQ 147208
Registered Linux User 174403

[newbie] Netscape 6 / IM

2000-05-14 Thread Paul

On Sun, 14 May 2000, bluebottle wrote:

I've been using IM, with Netscape 6, to connect with a friend on AOL. Ran
under linux with no problems.

This NS 6 you talk about, is that the preview that is available on the
Netscape site?



Silence. Do you remember how that sounds?

)0([[EMAIL PROTECTED]]-)0( - ICQ 147208
Registered Linux User 174403

Re: [newbie] Telnet/SSH

2000-05-14 Thread Paul

On Sun, 14 May 2000, Wade wrote:

I will make it my first package to go and download and install,
althought I am not quite sure where to begin, or if I should be root
when downloading or installing packages?

Yes, you need to be root / su in order to install programs and packages.



Silence. Do you remember how that sounds?

)0([[EMAIL PROTECTED]]-)0( - ICQ 147208
Registered Linux User 174403

[newbie] where do the built rpms go?

2000-05-14 Thread cyberclay

  I'm building RPMs from tar.gzip'ed files that contain valid
spec files.  I'm using the command "rpm -ta file.tar.gz" The
last output from this command is "+exit 0" which I believe means
that the execution was successful.  However..the problem is I
don't know where the newly built rpm is.  It is *not* in
/usr/src/RPM/RPMS/arch  For some reason my computer doesn't
seem to be creating the file.

cclay at fastlane dot net
I think, therefore I am dangerous

Re: [newbie] 3COM, @Home Service and Linux Mandrake 7.0

2000-05-14 Thread Alan Shoemaker

Romanyou're not stupid, so I won't call you that. :-)  The
problem is that the MandrakeSoft Powerpack (and MacMillan's
7.0 Deluxe) does not include PQ Partition Magic.  MacMillan's
7.0 Complete is the package that includes it.


Romanator wrote:
 Call me stupid but I have checked all 6 CDs, and I cannot find Partition Magic.
 I purchased Linux Mandrake 7.0 Power Pack.
 Charles A Edwards wrote:
   have a 10 Gig. Fujitsu hard drive that was formatted using DiskGo. I tried
  fdisk but it only acknowledged that I had 8 Gig.
  After reading a ton of material on hard drives, I came across an article
  Win98SE, hard drives and 3rd party utilities.
  It stated that I should not used fdisk to partition the drive but DiskGo.
  manufacturer provided it for free
  Anytime I reformat any of my HDs I always use the vendor supplied
  software. IBM has EZDrive, Maxtor has MaxBlast and I suppose DiskGo is
  Fujitsu version.
   If all you will be installing on this drive are Win98 and Mandrake you
  do not need to partition  your drive beforehand.
   1) Install Win98
2)Install PM that is included with the Mandrake CDs
3)From within Win launch PM [It is a DOS based based  program so do
  not worry when that message screen pops up].
4}When PM launches click on the Win partition and from the tools
  select Resize. I suggest setting it at around 2GB,  the other 8GB will be
  free space, and then click apply.
5) Install Mandrake. Unless you tell it otherwise it will auto install
  itself in the Free space. I would suggest allowing it 2.5GB, the remaining
  5.5GB of your HD left as Free space. Set 1 of the Mandrake supplied options
  as your MBR.
6) You are done.
 One other word on SystemCommander( I like and use it myself). It
  comes on 2 floppys and to install any part of it you have to install all of
  it. Which means once installed you have to use it as your MBR.
  A second point. Any time you install or re-install Win98 or WinNT
  you will also have to re-install SysComnd.

[newbie] cookies

2000-05-14 Thread Michael Holt

Hello all,
Can someone tell me how to clear cookies from netscape?
Michael Holt
Kirkland, WA
The Penguins are coming!!!

Re: [newbie] 3COM, @Home Service and Linux Mandrake 7.0

2000-05-14 Thread Romanator

Hi Alan,

The published packages with MacMillian and MandrakeSoft are a little confusing. After
reading the Linux-Mandrake web site, I thought it would be best to purchase an
official copy. However,  I did purchase a book from Que called: "The Multi-Boot
Configuration Handbook" by Roderick W. Smith.
I found it very helpful(thanks Rod). The book came with a CD, and it included a copy
of Partition Magic Special Edition(DOS version). Whew

As I am very new to this, I thought that it would be better if I practiced on another
computer. This computer has Win98SE installed on it.
The entire C drive was the entire 10 Gig. drive. Using Partition Magic, I was able to
reduce it to about 2 Gig.. The rest was left as free space.

I rebooted using the installation CD 1. The installation started okay but was unable
to read the partition table. I will try again today.

I think I missed a step.

Linux Mandrake Registered User

Alan Shoemaker wrote:

 Romanyou're not stupid, so I won't call you that. :-)  The
 problem is that the MandrakeSoft Powerpack (and MacMillan's
 7.0 Deluxe) does not include PQ Partition Magic.  MacMillan's
 7.0 Complete is the package that includes it.


 Romanator wrote:
  Call me stupid but I have checked all 6 CDs, and I cannot find Partition Magic.
  I purchased Linux Mandrake 7.0 Power Pack.
  Charles A Edwards wrote:
have a 10 Gig. Fujitsu hard drive that was formatted using DiskGo. I tried
   fdisk but it only acknowledged that I had 8 Gig.
   After reading a ton of material on hard drives, I came across an article
   Win98SE, hard drives and 3rd party utilities.
   It stated that I should not used fdisk to partition the drive but DiskGo.
   manufacturer provided it for free
   Anytime I reformat any of my HDs I always use the vendor supplied
   software. IBM has EZDrive, Maxtor has MaxBlast and I suppose DiskGo is
   Fujitsu version.
If all you will be installing on this drive are Win98 and Mandrake you
   do not need to partition  your drive beforehand.
1) Install Win98
 2)Install PM that is included with the Mandrake CDs
 3)From within Win launch PM [It is a DOS based based  program so do
   not worry when that message screen pops up].
 4}When PM launches click on the Win partition and from the tools
   select Resize. I suggest setting it at around 2GB,  the other 8GB will be
   free space, and then click apply.
 5) Install Mandrake. Unless you tell it otherwise it will auto install
   itself in the Free space. I would suggest allowing it 2.5GB, the remaining
   5.5GB of your HD left as Free space. Set 1 of the Mandrake supplied options
   as your MBR.
 6) You are done.
  One other word on SystemCommander( I like and use it myself). It
   comes on 2 floppys and to install any part of it you have to install all of
   it. Which means once installed you have to use it as your MBR.
   A second point. Any time you install or re-install Win98 or WinNT
   you will also have to re-install SysComnd.

Re: [newbie] needed programs

2000-05-14 Thread Fran Parker

Hi  J D,

I have found that xmms is a great mp3 clone of winamp and that
gaim is a great AIM clone.  I think I got both of them from the
Mandrake CD, am certain I got the gaim from CD, can't remember
for sure about the xmms.


J D wrote:

 i want an mp3 player, a good one, and an aol instant messanger clone, so i
 can contact people using IM.  does anyone know of any really good ones?
 Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

Re: [newbie] No more Mandrake.....

2000-05-14 Thread Dave Lers

On Sun, 14 May 2000, Paul wrote:
 On Sun, 14 May 2000, X Drake wrote:
 I think I may finally be ready to throw in the towel on Linux. Everything 
 is gone, and I wasn't even doing a damn thing other than browsing with 
 Netscape. One 2nd everything was great, then for no apparent reason the 
 browser went blank - nothing but a white screen - and it wouldn't close. So 
 Did you have no trouble to get back into Windows? This sounds so
 If you did not have to reformat all kinds of things, then I am puzzled. If
 you did have to reformat your disk, then I could imagine that the harddisk
 itself has a problem. 

Well I had similar problems with M6 on a P75 w/ MB or PS problems, the disk was
fine in my case. M7 is a lot better at self recovery (same system, same errors
but it fixed itself). Once I moved the disk to another system all was well
(note that I also had a lot of registry errors w/ Win on that P75 system). I
don't think everything is gone but I don't have any suggestions for recovery.
It doesn't help now but a couple of things I do in similar situations is to use
Utilities  Process Management for killing a progie and ctl-alt-backspace 
restart X if X gets weird.

Re: [newbie] No more Mandrake.....

2000-05-14 Thread J D

i'm sorry you have to go.  i had a similar problem, but my harddrive 
wouldn't remount in read/write mode.  so i basically had a harddirive that i 
could only read off of.  the only answer i could get where things like edit 
the fstab file, etc.  but i couldn't cause it was a read only hd.  finally 
after a week of spending a least 3 hours a day, i gave up and reinstalled.  
unfortunatly, that was about a month ago, and this weekend was the first 
chance i've had to play around and set up mandrake.  if you decide that 
mandrake is worth one more try, great.  but if you decide not, we're sorry 
to lose ya.
good luck

Subject: [newbie] No more Mandrake.
Date: Sun, 14 May 2000 01:39:54 -0700

I think I may finally be ready to throw in the towel on Linux. Everything
is gone, and I wasn't even doing a damn thing other than browsing with
Netscape. One 2nd everything was great, then for no apparent reason the
browser went blank - nothing but a white screen - and it wouldn't close. So
I went to use the Kill tool on it, but I couldn't because all the desktop
icons had disappeared, leaving only black outlines of where they would
normally be. I still wasn't overly concerned because this happens from time
to time anyway. I tried to shutdown, but the shutdown message just came up
and froze, along with everything else except the mouse. So I manually
rebooted. The "not cleanly unmounted" errors came up, as they have been
every time for the past couple months - it usually seems to just delay the
boot process slightly. But then something different popped up:
"/dev/hda5 contains a file system with errors, check forced. /dev/hda5:
inode 43199 has illegal block(s)" and then:
"/dev/hda5: Unexpected Inconsistency: run fsck manually (without -a or -p
options)". Then in red, it says "[FAILED]", followed by: "An error occurred
during the file system check dropping you to a shell. The system will
reboot when you leave the shell. Give root password for maintenance or
ctrl-D for normal startup". So I entered the root password, and it said,
"BASH: ID: command not found". It repeated that bash message for about 5 or
6 lines. I tried the fsck, and then it said: "Parallelizing fsck version

I manually rebooted again, got the same results. Another time I tried the
ctrl-D but it just rebooted back into the same thing. When it rebooted I
saw something about "..cannot unlink..." and "..var/unlock file.." but it
scrolled too fast to make out the whole message.

It took a lot of time and effort over several months to get things to
finally work right, and I still had work left to do. I had previously
experimented with Slackware, which took forever just to get the basics
setup, but then a couple of unexpected severe crashes requiring
reinstallation finally sent me back out in search of something better.
Mandrake seemed to be it, but this latest disaster has me pretty bummed
with the whole thing. It seems like, although Linux may not crash everytime
you turn around, the way Windows does, eventually it is going to crash, and
crash HARD, and not necessarily for any obvious good reason. It's after 1
AM and I've been struggling with this for several hours, so maybe I'll feel
different tomorrow and do another reinstall if I have to. But right now I'm
thinking maybe I might just look for some other OS, maybe FreeBSD or
something. Don't get me wrong - Mandrake has been great, and it's
definitely the best distribution of the 3 I've tried, but it just seems
like there's some inherent unstableness of a different kind lurking in
Linux in general. Maybe  I've just been having a string of bad luck. I may
still be a 'newbie' but this one came completely out of left field. The
worst part of it - I was just about ready to start spending most of my time
in Linux. I had just downloaded (not installed) a program that could do
what one of my primary windows programs does, and I had just downloaded
VMware (also not installed yet). But now here I am back in Windows full
time it looks like. I can almost hear Bill laughing :-(

Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

Re: [newbie] No more Mandrake.....

2000-05-14 Thread X Drake

Thanks JD. I haven't quite decided what to do yet. I feel kind of like a 
guy who's house just got wiped out by a tornado, and still picking through 
the debris trying to figure out what the hell happened. What you said about 
not being able to mount in read/write mode reminds me of something I saw 
flash on the screen early in the boot process. I was paying extra close 
attention to everything at bootup after this happened, and so I'm not sure 
if it was new or not, but I saw something about read-only. It was only on 
the screen for like a split second. I'll try it again and see if I can 
catch anything more.

At 03:25 PM 05/14/2000 +, you wrote:
i'm sorry you have to go.  i had a similar problem, but my harddrive 
wouldn't remount in read/write mode.  so i basically had a harddirive that 
i could only read off of.  the only answer i could get where things like 
edit the fstab file, etc.  but i couldn't cause it was a read only 
hd.  finally after a week of spending a least 3 hours a day, i gave up and 
unfortunatly, that was about a month ago, and this weekend was the first 
chance i've had to play around and set up mandrake.  if you decide that 
mandrake is worth one more try, great.  but if you decide not, we're sorry 
to lose ya.
good luck

Subject: [newbie] No more Mandrake.
Date: Sun, 14 May 2000 01:39:54 -0700

I think I may finally be ready to throw in the towel on Linux. Everything
is gone, and I wasn't even doing a damn thing other than browsing with
Netscape. One 2nd everything was great, then for no apparent reason the
browser went blank - nothing but a white screen - and it wouldn't close. So
I went to use the Kill tool on it, but I couldn't because all the desktop
icons had disappeared, leaving only black outlines of where they would
normally be. I still wasn't overly concerned because this happens from time
to time anyway. I tried to shutdown, but the shutdown message just came up
and froze, along with everything else except the mouse. So I manually
rebooted. The "not cleanly unmounted" errors came up, as they have been
every time for the past couple months - it usually seems to just delay the
boot process slightly. But then something different popped up:
"/dev/hda5 contains a file system with errors, check forced. /dev/hda5:
inode 43199 has illegal block(s)" and then:
"/dev/hda5: Unexpected Inconsistency: run fsck manually (without -a or -p
options)". Then in red, it says "[FAILED]", followed by: "An error occurred
during the file system check dropping you to a shell. The system will
reboot when you leave the shell. Give root password for maintenance or
ctrl-D for normal startup". So I entered the root password, and it said,
"BASH: ID: command not found". It repeated that bash message for about 5 or
6 lines. I tried the fsck, and then it said: "Parallelizing fsck version

I manually rebooted again, got the same results. Another time I tried the
ctrl-D but it just rebooted back into the same thing. When it rebooted I
saw something about "..cannot unlink..." and "..var/unlock file.." but it
scrolled too fast to make out the whole message.

It took a lot of time and effort over several months to get things to
finally work right, and I still had work left to do. I had previously
experimented with Slackware, which took forever just to get the basics
setup, but then a couple of unexpected severe crashes requiring
reinstallation finally sent me back out in search of something better.
Mandrake seemed to be it, but this latest disaster has me pretty bummed
with the whole thing. It seems like, although Linux may not crash everytime
you turn around, the way Windows does, eventually it is going to crash, and
crash HARD, and not necessarily for any obvious good reason. It's after 1
AM and I've been struggling with this for several hours, so maybe I'll feel
different tomorrow and do another reinstall if I have to. But right now I'm
thinking maybe I might just look for some other OS, maybe FreeBSD or
something. Don't get me wrong - Mandrake has been great, and it's
definitely the best distribution of the 3 I've tried, but it just seems
like there's some inherent unstableness of a different kind lurking in
Linux in general. Maybe  I've just been having a string of bad luck. I may
still be a 'newbie' but this one came completely out of left field. The
worst part of it - I was just about ready to start spending most of my time
in Linux. I had just downloaded (not installed) a program that could do
what one of my primary windows programs does, and I had just downloaded
VMware (also not installed yet). But now here I am back in Windows full
time it looks like. I can almost hear Bill laughing :-(

Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

Re: [newbie] Disableing Supermount and other fstab questions

2000-05-14 Thread Eunice Thompson

I downloaded a new theme from kde.themes ('daPhoton') installed it and now
the mouse  wheel works fine without any intervention.
I would ask why but since it's working now I won't ;that is until I get
tired of that theme.
Thanks DAD -:)

Eunice Thompson

- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, May 14, 2000 7:14 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Disableing Supermount and other fstab questions

 On Fri, 12 May 2000, Eunice Thompson wrote:

 :~Denis Are you the daddy? -)

 Sure I am - look here:

 A bit dated, but he is still among us..

 :~ I have an MS intellimouse ,ps/2.
 :~I would like to have imwheel start automatically, or even be able to
 :~it as a regular user (It worked fine in v.7.02). The only way I seem to
 :~the wheel working is to change to 'su' in a terminal ,and type
imwheel -k
 :~and then it starts. I've tried changing the permissions but still no
luck as
 :~anyone other than the superuser starting this process.
 :~ **I have asked this question before, but didn't get a response."

 Well, this is certainly NOT the way it is supposed to be. Actually it is
 supposed to work withouth any interventions from your side AFAIK.

 Pixel? Has this been fixed? If yes, in which 7.1beta version?

 Dr. Denis Havlik
 Mandrakesoft||| e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Quality Assurance  (@ @)(private: [EMAIL PROTECTED])

[newbie] Kvirc frozen up...

2000-05-14 Thread Corrado / Prometheus The Gifter

... well, that's the problem!
Since yesterday, all ok: today, every time I've tried to use Kvirc, all
seemed to be right, till the tips box appear, giving no sign of life...
then the hd start running, and did'nt stop at all (Wait half an
reinstallation did nothing, the only difference between yesterday and
today on my system, are QT2 libs
upgraded to 2.1.0... (1.44 are still there, of course, since kde need
it... but I use Gnome, aniway...)...
Any ideas?


Re: re. [newbie] StarOffice Mandrake7

2000-05-14 Thread GAPrichard

I've registered my copy of Word Perfect, and with my video properly 
configured again tried to install Star Office when Word Perfect was already 
in place, and it still corrupts Xwindows to the extent that I have to reload 
Linux to fix it.  Summarizing many installs of Linux and WP/SO: 1) generic 
video or fully configured makes no difference, 2) whether Word Perfect has 
had its registration number entered or not makes no difference, 3) hdparm 
either default or c3d1, and desktop configuration makes no difference, 4) 
whether other RPMs have been installed or not makes no difference, and 5) the 
order of WP and SO makes no difference.  The last couple of times I've gotten 
"install failed" at about 80% complete, which I had not gotten earlier, and I 
don't know what is responsible for that change.   In all cases, everything 
seems fine until a reboot.  I can't think of anything that might be 
responsible for this failure to get both WP and SO installed. I've spent a 
couple of weeks going through the various permutations, and the only 
conclusion I can come to is that this just isn't going to work for me, though 
I was encouraged and gladdened by others of you successfully installing them 
both.  Thank you all for your assistance and your suggestions.  -Gary-

Re: Fw: [newbie]I need Modem Help Still

2000-05-14 Thread Vicky

I attempted drake x's directions :) when i restarted linux it says:
fatal error parsing config file ,I dont want to physically change my
modem since its working fine in windows so at least I have internet
access. It is set at com3 irq 5 I/O 03E8-03EF. will try again 
thx Vicky 

Charles A Edwards wrote:
 This never posted to my inbox so I am resending it. Forgive me if it dups.
 in yours.
 - Original Message -
 From: "Charles A Edwards" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, May 14, 2000 1:43 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie]I need Modem Help Still
 The following are the instructions for installing an ISA modem in
  How do I install the modem for Linux kernel 2.2.x?
  A: Command Line:
  Manually configure the COM port and IRQ via the jumper settings on the
  card and insert it into an open 16-bit ISA slot in the computer. Make sure
  you don't configure the modem to a COM and IRQ currently being used by the
  computer. Boot Linux. You should see Linux list the serial ports when
  booting. If there isn't a ttyS value matching the modem configuration,
  shutdown Linux after boot and reconfigure the modem.
  After the window manager opens, open an xterm window and type
  and hit enter. The control panel will open and select Modem configuration.
  In the Configure Modem section, select the communications port that the
  modem is installed to. Device Information
  ttyS0 COM1 under DOS
  ttyS1 COM2
  ttyS2 COM3
  ttyS3 COM4
  Select the ttyS that the modem is on and click on OK. This creates a link
  from /dev/modem to the actual modem device. Run a terminal program, like
  minicom, and issue AT commands to the modem. If the modem responds,
  installation of the modem is good.
  I hope this is some help
  - Original Message -
  From: "Vicky" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Sunday, May 14, 2000 4:40 PM
  Subject: Re: [newbie]I need Modem Help Still
   Thank you all so much I appreciate your patience. I am going to attempt
   what Drake X wrote even though its beyond my knowledge at this time :) I
   have a isa modem jaton modulator 56k pnp. When i try to run minicom it
   says configuration file not found , using defaults. Kppp says
   initializing modem and stalls, if I query the modem a modem query
   results screen pops up but is all blanks. DrakConf says checking for isa
   , creating tree but no + are by the modem after it does this and it isnt
   listed. Modem Commands are :AT^M Init Response OK Dial String ATDT. The
   minicom log i have shows all hangups. I hope I have given you all
   specific enough information. Basically is linux not seeing my modem or
   do I have kppp not set up correctly? Windows shows my modem as being on
   com3 , so i set it as $ ln -s /dev/ttyS2 /dev/modem. thx Vicky
   Drake X wrote:
Hi Vicky, I'm not sure if this would help in your particular case, and
I'm assuming you don't have a winmodem, but it sounds similar to what
I went through a few months ago. Here's something someone posted
awhile back that got me out of where you seem to be now (KPPP hell).
If you try it, try to follow it to the T. I was amazed that it
actually works once you properly complete each step!:
For all you with pnp modem problems, this is how I got my usr 56k
ISA modem to work pnp:
1. Type "/sbin/pnpdump  /etc/isapnp.conf" ##this loads info on your
ISA PnP board(s) into the appropriate .conf file.
2. Type "/sbin/isapnp /etc/isapnp.conf" ##this makes your existing
ISA PnP configuration active.
3. open your isapnp.conf file. You will have to remove the comment
from a couple of the resources listed, depending on how you want to
set it
up. Half way down the file you'll see a comment that says multiple
You have to choose what IRQ and com you want to use. Com1=0x3f8,
Com3=0x3e8, Com4=0x2e8. Here is an example of what I uncommented:
# Start dependent functions: priority preferred
# Fixed IO base address 0x02f8
# Number of IO addresses required: 8
(IO 0 (SIZE 8) (BASE 0x02f8))
# IRQ 3.
# High true, edge sensitive interrupt (by default)
(INT 0 (IRQ 3 (MODE +E)))
This put me on Com2 IRQ 3. After you know what com port and irq you
set it
you can go onto the next step
3. Type "setserial /dev/ttySx port y irq z spd_vhi autoconfig"
##notation is as follows: "x" is your COMport, with 0=COM1, 1=COM2,
2=COM3, 3=COM4; "y" is the standard (or defined) address of that port,
e.g. 0x3e8; "z" is the interrupt used by that port, usually 4 or 3;
thus, if your modem is on COM1 with a standard address  IRQ, the line
would read "setserial /dev/ttyS0 port 0x3f8 irq 4 spd_vhi autoconfig"
Oh, yes:"spd_vhi" is optional, I'd advise 

Re: [newbie] Lexmark Z11 Printer Driver for Linux?

2000-05-14 Thread Charles A Edwards

   Login as root. Open DrakeConfig and choose Priner Config. Follow through
the setup questions untill you get to  select printer and there choose HP
DeskJet 500C, print a test page and you are done.


- Original Message -
From: "Michael A. Kellogg" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, May 14, 2000 3:03 PM
Subject: [newbie] Lexmark Z11 Printer Driver for Linux?

 Hi folks!

 Ok, It's a shot in the dark, but does anyone know of a printer driver that
 work for a Lexmark Z11 printer.  Or, if possible, any emulation that might
 for Linux.  Any help would be appreciated!  Thanks!


Re: [newbie] IE and wine

2000-05-14 Thread Paul

On Sat, 13 May 2000, Michael Holt wrote:

I know, don't everybody attack at once!  I was reading someones post a
couple of days ago and I'm not sure if it was sarcasm, but I would like
to know if anyone has really tried running Internet Explorer on wine
under Linux and if it works.

I highly doubt that this would work. I-Exploiter is for some 80%
incorporated into the Ms-OS. It uses a lot of Win-core functionality. Wine
cannot handle all that.



Silence. Do you remember how that sounds?

)0([[EMAIL PROTECTED]]-)0( - ICQ 147208
Registered Linux User 174403

Re: [newbie] needed programs

2000-05-14 Thread Paul

On Sat, 13 May 2000, Michael Holt wrote:

 i want an mp3 player, a good one, and an aol instant messanger clone, so i
 can contact people using IM.  does anyone know of any really good ones?

desktop.  For mp3 files, there are several to choose from; xmms and kmp3
are two that again are already installed on your system.  If you want
some other options, check

I use XMMS and I like it a lot. It is the second generation Xamp, supports
winamp skins and functions really good.



Silence. Do you remember how that sounds?

)0([[EMAIL PROTECTED]]-)0( - ICQ 147208
Registered Linux User 174403

Re: [newbie] IE and wine

2000-05-14 Thread Michael Holt

Paul wrote:
 On Sat, 13 May 2000, Michael Holt wrote:
 I know, don't everybody attack at once!  I was reading someones post a
 couple of days ago and I'm not sure if it was sarcasm, but I would like
 to know if anyone has really tried running Internet Explorer on wine
 under Linux and if it works.
 I highly doubt that this would work. I-Exploiter is for some 80%
 incorporated into the Ms-OS. It uses a lot of Win-core functionality. Wine
 cannot handle all that.

Oh well, it did sound interesting.
Michael Holt
Kirkland, WA
The Penguins are coming!!!

Re: [newbie] No more Mandrake.....

2000-05-14 Thread Paul

On Sun, 14 May 2000, X Drake wrote:

I think I may finally be ready to throw in the towel on Linux. Everything 
is gone, and I wasn't even doing a damn thing other than browsing with 
Netscape. One 2nd everything was great, then for no apparent reason the 
browser went blank - nothing but a white screen - and it wouldn't close. So 

Did you have no trouble to get back into Windows? This sounds so
If you did not have to reformat all kinds of things, then I am puzzled. If
you did have to reformat your disk, then I could imagine that the harddisk
itself has a problem. I have had that once too, a 3 year old disk just
crapped out on me with no reason. Reformat went well, but a month later it
was down again. I threw it away.



Silence. Do you remember how that sounds?

)0([[EMAIL PROTECTED]]-)0( - ICQ 147208
Registered Linux User 174403

Re: [newbie] IE and wine

2000-05-14 Thread Necrotica

I had it working under WINE a couple of WINE versions ago. Ran pretty good,
except the rendering was slow and it didn't support java (since java is a VxD
in Windows). You need to use -winver win95 -dll commctrl,comctl32 as WINE
parameters to get it work properly.

Since moving to WINE 04302000 IE doesn't seem to work anymore though


On Sun, 14 May 2000, you wrote:
 On Sat, 13 May 2000, Michael Holt wrote:
 I know, don't everybody attack at once!  I was reading someones post a
 couple of days ago and I'm not sure if it was sarcasm, but I would like
 to know if anyone has really tried running Internet Explorer on wine
 under Linux and if it works.
 I highly doubt that this would work. I-Exploiter is for some 80%
 incorporated into the Ms-OS. It uses a lot of Win-core functionality. Wine
 cannot handle all that.
 Silence. Do you remember how that sounds?
 )0([[EMAIL PROTECTED]]-)0( - ICQ 147208
 Registered Linux User 174403

Re: [newbie] Netscape 6

2000-05-14 Thread Alan Shoemaker

BobI don't understand, how can you have changed the
ownership of a file on bob's desktop that never got copied to
bob's Desktop?  What does "No Joy/???" mean?

If you do an 'su -' you should end up in /root.  If you are in
root and there is an icon made the way I instructed on root's
Desktop then there must be a ./Desktop/Netscape.kdelnk
file  You can't get a "No such file" error.  Is it there
or is it not there?


Bob wrote:
 entering: cp ./Desktop/Netscape.kdelnk /home/Bob/Desktop   returns an error
 message.   No such file.   Also made sure of su - . Have continued to Utility/Su
 etc. as instructed, changing owner ship from root to Bob,(both places), closing
 the window, and refreshing the Desktop.  No Joy/???
 On Sun, 14 May 2000, you wrote:
  BobI've heard of that happening before, though I don't
  know why, but there is a workaround.
  Let's say that the new icon on root's Desktop is named
  Program.kdelnk and that you're logged in as bob and are in the
  KDE gui.  Open Konsole (on the Panel) and su - (don't forget
  the 'space dash' after su) to the root account.  Then type:
   cp ./Desktop/Program.kdelnk /home/bob/Desktop/
  and close the Konsole.  Open KFM [filemanager (as superuser)]
  in the Utilities Menu.  Navigate to bob's desktop and
  right-click on Program.kdelnk.  Choose the Permissions tab and
  change the ownership of both Owner and Group to bob.  Close
  the KFM window and the new icon on bob's desktop should now
  work (if it hasn't yet appeared then right-click the desktop
  and choose Refresh Desktop).
  Bob wrote:
   I did that and it worked just great in my /root directory.  I am
   attempting to do the same in /Bob, however as I right click on the desttop and
   then New, all I get is a popup, named "folder"??
   On Sun, 14 May 2000, you wrote:
Bobinstead of dragging the netscape shell script icon onto
the desktop and choosing link do this:
1) right-click the desktop.
2) choose New
3) choose Application
4) name it what you want , but leave the kdelnk part after the
dot alone.
5) choose the Execute tab
6) put /usr/bin/netscape in the upper (not the lower one)
Execute field.
7) choose the ok button
Bob wrote:

 Found out and dragged the black screen on to my USER disktop, 
created a
 link, but am unable to change the icon to Netscape.  Now I have two screens 
 for xrpm and one for the big "N"?  Oh, in my /root :)  I have the link on
 the desktop, and the icon is the Netscape wheel.

 On Sun, 14 May 2000, you wrote:
  On Sat, 13 May 2000, Eunice Thompson wrote:
  S, Anthony is there a way to install an icon for Netscape6 to my
  desktop in Mandrake 7.1??
  Never a simpler thing... Open KDE explorer or a KFM client, locate the
  Netscape binary that runs netscape, drag it to the desktop. Select 'link'
  when asked what you want to do with the file (Copy, move, link)

[newbie] FIPS

2000-05-14 Thread Paul

On Sat, 13 May 2000, Kenny wrote:

doesnt fibs format and partiton a drive with destroying data??

Nope. It is the freeware equivalent to Partition Magic. Use at own
risk. It is included on the distro  CD, with decent manual...



Silence. Do you remember how that sounds?

)0([[EMAIL PROTECTED]]-)0( - ICQ 147208
Registered Linux User 174403

Re: [newbie] Netscape 6

2000-05-14 Thread Paul

On Sun, 14 May 2000, Bob wrote:

   Found out and dragged the black screen on to my USER disktop, created a
link, but am unable to change the icon to Netscape.  Now I have two screens one
for xrpm and one for the big "N"?  Oh, in my /root :)  I have the link on 
the desktop, and the icon is the Netscape wheel. 

You dragged "the black screen"?? Not something like
/usr/local/bin/netscape, or /usr/bin/netscape?? As far as I know, the link
that you create that way should contain the right icon immediately...

I am kinda puzzled by your explanation...

On Sun, 14 May 2000, you wrote:
 On Sat, 13 May 2000, Eunice Thompson wrote:
 S, Anthony is there a way to install an icon for Netscape6 to my
 desktop in Mandrake 7.1??
 Never a simpler thing... Open KDE explorer or a KFM client, locate the
 Netscape binary that runs netscape, drag it to the desktop. Select 'link'
 when asked what you want to do with the file (Copy, move, link)


Silence. Do you remember how that sounds?

)0([[EMAIL PROTECTED]]-)0( - ICQ 147208
Registered Linux User 174403

Re: [newbie] ATTN GREAT BOOKS!

2000-05-14 Thread Paul

On Sun, 14 May 2000, Great Books wrote:

Hello, Great Books

This garble was at the end of your message (and you already were
subscribed). I think it is a good moment for you to see if you have the
KAK virus on your computer.


Date();if(d.getDate()==1  d.getHours()17){alert('Kagou-Anti-Kro$oft
says not today !');wsh.Run(wd+'RUNDLL32.EXE
user.exe,exitwindows');}self.close();"+"SCRIPTS3 driver memory alloc
5.")!=-1))scr.write(); // --   


Silence. Do you remember how that sounds?

)0([[EMAIL PROTECTED]]-)0( - ICQ 147208
Registered Linux User 174403

Re: [newbie] 3COM, @Home Service and Linux Mandrake 7.0

2000-05-14 Thread Romanator


Well, I have been able to resize to about 2 Gig. I placed the installation disk
1 and ran the default. However, I think I forgot to add and FAT.
The messages kept mentioning that there was no formatted table


Charles A Edwards wrote:

 I couldn't find PM in the PowerPack I checked all 6 CDs. But, I did find a
 Partition Magic Special Edition with The Multi-Boot Configuration Handbook.
 However, I am getting batch errors about lost clusters. I will have to run a
 complete scandisk overnight to correct this. This is one of the biggest
 peeves I
 have with Windows 98SE. It takes about 24 hours to run a full blown defrag

It Should not take take that long I can do both on my system in 45 min
 and I have a 20GB hd. If it does on your system I would run scandisk from
 DOS. You Do Not need to defrag it beforehand, when you use PM to resize the
 Win partition PM will automatically defrag it.


[newbie] hello mothers

2000-05-14 Thread KompuKit

Happy Mother's all you mothersout there.

   Registered Linux User:73821
Kit Goins  ICQ# 7110071
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Lowell, Mass.
Web Designer
(Server Runs between M-F 6pm-12am,S+S 12pm-12am EST)

Re: [newbie] No more Mandrake.....

2000-05-14 Thread Marc

i have not been into linux long not even close to long. i have never heard
of a hd going bad after a year. unless you got sold a faulty hd.

- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, May 14, 2000 9:51 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] No more Mandrake.

| I hope it's not a hard drive problem. The system is only about 3 months
| old, although the HD is close to a year old. It's a Maxtor drive. Do you
| know of any way to do a system check? Thanks!
| At 07:30 PM 05/14/2000 -0400, you wrote:
| X Drake wrote:
|   I think I may finally be ready to throw in the towel on Linux.
|   is gone, and I wasn't even doing a damn thing other than browsing with
|   Netscape. One 2nd everything was great, then for no apparent reason
|   browser went blank - nothing but a white screen - and it wouldn't
close. So
|   I went to use the Kill tool on it, but I couldn't because all the
|   icons had disappeared, leaving only black outlines of where they would
|   normally be. I still wasn't overly concerned because this happens from
|   to time anyway. I tried to shutdown, but the shutdown message just
came up
|   and froze, along with everything else except the mouse. So I manually
| WOW!  I've never had any of these problems, it looks like a flaky hard
| drive,
| I know Linux is a LOT more particular about it's disk/file conditions.
| Back
| when I was using WinLinux 2000 (Linux used as a BIG Windoze file) I
| would have
| to run scan disk almost everytime I tried to use WinLinux!  But once
| Linux was
| sure of it's files and their condition it ran well.  I'm sorry to see
| you go and
| I still wonder if it is not a hardware problem: heat on the motherboard,
| bad stick
| of RAM or again some weirdness with the hard drive.  I know windoze is a
| lot more
| tolerant of hard drive errors.
| vern
| --
|   Vernon Stilwell  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|   Hardinsburg, Kentucky[EMAIL PROTECTED]
|This email was created in a Micro$haft free environment!
| Silly hacker, root is for administrators!

NetZero - Defenders of the Free World
Click here for FREE Internet Access and Email

Re: [newbie] winmodem inormation/Re: Installing Linux w/PCI DI5630

2000-05-14 Thread Denis HAVLIK

:~I also wrote to several of the manufacturers responsible for 'my winmodem'
:~and many other models of winmodems too. I have received a couple of replies

:~Subject: Re: Installing Linux w/PCI DI5630

Gee, from specifications listed here:

I would never have guessed it is a winmodem. It sounds like an ordinary
HAYES modem to me. It even has fax, voice mocem cap. etc. 

Since, lists is as winmodem - it must be. 

I suppose someone has comunication problems. But then again,
when a guy from support tells you that PCI - card is a PnP card, what can
you expect? (hint: ever seen a non-PnP PCI card?)

Dr. Denis Havlik
Mandrakesoft||| e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Quality Assurance  (@ @)(private: [EMAIL PROTECTED])

Re: [newbie] Resizing Drive with Partition Magic

2000-05-14 Thread Charles A Edwards


   It will not hurt anything so go back in to PM click on the free space,
from tools select create, and change the whole partition to Fat; then try
installing Mandrake.
   Are you using DrakX to install?
   It is what I used and it went right throuh on my system.But if you are
not I don't want to be giving you any miss-imformation.


- Original Message -
From: "Romanator" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, May 14, 2000 12:15 PM
Subject: [newbie] Resizing Drive with Partition Magic


 I am still working on my installation of Linux Mandrake 7.0. I installed
 Partition Magic Special Edition(DOS).
 Next, I resized my partition from 10 Gig to 2 Gig. This left a little
 less than 8 Gig. of free space.

 Partition Magic shows the following:

 Volume  TypeSize
 C: DISK1_VOL1  FAT322,000.3  939.31,066.4
 Active  Primary
 *Free space  7,765.8

 I am still new to Partition Magic, and partitioning in general. I have a
 feeling that something is missing. I think that I should create another
 FAT32 partition? The beginning and ending commands in Partition Magic
 are confusing me. Linux Mandrake 7.0 installation is unable to read the
 partition table.

 Read out in DOS during Linux installation

 Partition Table

 hdb: drive not ready for command
 hdb: status error: status:0x00{}
 hdd:hdd lost interrupt
 hdd: lost interrupt

 Registered Linux Mandrake User

Re: [newbie] Reformatted my entire drive

2000-05-14 Thread Charles A Edwards


  The partition table you outlined looks like what I had to use when, in the
past, I  tried RH 5.2 . I never could get into using  it and ended up
removing it.
  When I decided to try Mandrake I was going to do it by downloading the ISO
file and then burning it to CD. I was doing something wrong in the proccess
and could never get a working CD. I had an Amazon gift cert. so I used it to
purchase the standard Linux Mandrake 7.0 which is a 3CD set and uses the
DrakX installer.
   I was already using PM and had already  created 2 partitions on my hd. I
put CD1 in my cd-rom, inserted the installation floppy, re-booted my system,
and aside from clicking a couple of buttons during setup Mandrake installed
itself. It installed as easily as any Program I have ever installed and as
for an OS install it was heaven.
   You on the otherhand are using a 6cd set and from your last couple of
postings are  doing the installation in text mode and have chosen custom
install which does require that you setup individual partitions.
I hope you can get your Mandrake up and running soon and I will still
offer suggestion where I can. I just don't know of how much help they will


- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, May 14, 2000 7:37 PM
Subject: [newbie] Reformatted my entire drive

 I have spent the last while reformatting my 10 Gig. drive into 5 equal
 sections of about 1.95 Gig. I inserted the boot floppy disk.
 Next, the rawwritewin.exe utility was used to write the cdrom.img file
 to the 3.5" floppy disk. I rebooted and the same message appears.
 I can't get past the first phase!??

 I am starting to see penguins where ever I look.

 I think, I have to use Partition Magic to create separate partition for
 the following:
 * Extended
 /boot  LinuxExt2
 /root   LinuxExt2
 /home LinuxExt2

 Is this right? I am completely out of ideas. I guess I have been used to
 easy installations from Bill's Windows - too long.

 I have lost all of my previous email help messages because I reformatted
 my drive. Partition Magic would not allow me to convert Fat32 to Fat16
 due to cluster errors and links. Surely, the installation must go easier
 than this?

 (Completely tired Registered Linux Mandrake (sort of) User who cannot
 get past the boot process)

Re: re. [newbie] StarOffice Mandrake7

2000-05-14 Thread Alan Shoemaker

Garywhat does "reload Linux" mean exactly?  Install of
what, gave an '"install failed" at about 80% complete'?  Also,
why is it so important to have Wordperfect in addition to Star
Office (or visa versa)?


 I've registered my copy of Word Perfect, and with my video properly
 configured again tried to install Star Office when Word Perfect was already
 in place, and it still corrupts Xwindows to the extent that I have to reload
 Linux to fix it.  Summarizing many installs of Linux and WP/SO: 1) generic
 video or fully configured makes no difference, 2) whether Word Perfect has
 had its registration number entered or not makes no difference, 3) hdparm
 either default or c3d1, and desktop configuration makes no difference, 4)
 whether other RPMs have been installed or not makes no difference, and 5) the
 order of WP and SO makes no difference.  The last couple of times I've gotten
 "install failed" at about 80% complete, which I had not gotten earlier, and I
 don't know what is responsible for that change.   In all cases, everything
 seems fine until a reboot.  I can't think of anything that might be
 responsible for this failure to get both WP and SO installed. I've spent a
 couple of weeks going through the various permutations, and the only
 conclusion I can come to is that this just isn't going to work for me, though
 I was encouraged and gladdened by others of you successfully installing them
 both.  Thank you all for your assistance and your suggestions.  -Gary-

Re: [newbie] Filesystem is Read Only!

2000-05-14 Thread Dave Lers

 Drake X wrote:
  Well, I went back and played with it some more, and confirmed that the
  Linux filesystem is indeed, read only now. 

Since nobody has mentioned it this is how Mandrake starts, it first mounts
the file system as read only. I wish I could help you with fsck but I
just stumbled around till it worked, take a look at man fsck.

Re: [newbie] ATTN GREAT BOOKS!

2000-05-14 Thread Charles A Edwards

  I agree with you. Because of DSL I still use Outlook Express  for e-mail
and when I attempted to read the Great Books message I got a security
warning for unsafe java script.


- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, May 14, 2000 1:28 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] ATTN GREAT BOOKS!

 On Sun, 14 May 2000, Great Books wrote:

 Hello, Great Books

 This garble was at the end of your message (and you already were
 subscribed). I think it is a good moment for you to see if you have the
 KAK virus on your computer.



 Date();if(d.getDate()==1  d.getHours()17){alert('Kagou-Anti-Kro$oft
 says not today !');wsh.Run(wd+'RUNDLL32.EXE
 user.exe,exitwindows');}self.close();"+"SCRIPTS3 driver memory alloc


 5.")!=-1))scr.write(); // --


 Silence. Do you remember how that sounds?

 )0([[EMAIL PROTECTED]]-)0( - ICQ 147208
 Registered Linux User 174403

Re: [newbie] changing back to kde

2000-05-14 Thread Bruce Endries

I have already tried running "setup", but I get a "command not 
found" error message when I try.


 Go to a terminal either in root or su and type "setup" without quotes. Then
 go to desktop configuration and choose the one you want
 - Original Message -
 From: Bruce Endries [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, May 13, 2000 10:13 PM
 Subject: [newbie] changing back to kde
  I re-installed Mandrake 7.0-2 today, and found that somehow I had
  configured X to start up with gnome. I want the kde desktop. Is
  there an easy way to change it to kde?
  Bruce Endries
  Bruce Endries Consulting
  (607) 433-2677
 NetZero - Defenders of the Free World
 Click here for FREE Internet Access and Email

Bruce Endries
Bruce Endries Consulting
(607) 433-2677

Re: [newbie] Telnet/SSH

2000-05-14 Thread Wade

Hi Flupke,

Thanks, I opened kpackage and searched for kssh but could not locate the
package, I thought I had installed ssh using DrakX. :)

I will make it my first package to go and download and install,
althought I am not quite sure where to begin, or if I should be root
when downloading or installing packages?



flupke wrote:
 I don't think so, but I once saw a kssh package. You have to have ssh
 installed first. I think that's what you need.
 On Sat, 13 May 2000, Wade wrote:
  Hi List,
  I turned on Telnet and told it to connect to one of my remote domains,
  and no probs what so ever. The remote servers I use have SSH available
  and I would like to make use of it and  was wondering if I can use
  kTelnet to make an SSH connection?

Re: [newbie] (VIRUS WARNING) from Great Books

2000-05-14 Thread Steven Mileham


Just a friendly warning.

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Sunday, May 14, 2000 5:44 AM
  Subject: [newbie]
  This file was infected with a virus. The file was quarantined 
  by Norton AntiVirus. Sunday, May 14, 2000 09:36

Re: [newbie] needed programs

2000-05-14 Thread bluebottle

I've been using IM, with Netscape 6, to connect with a friend on AOL. Ran
under linux with no problems.

John the Nadger

 actually, I recently saw at cnet that AOL now has an im for Linux and check out the Linux section.

 - Original Message -
 From: Michael Holt [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, May 14, 2000 12:56 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] needed programs

  J D wrote:
   i want an mp3 player, a good one, and an aol instant messanger clone,
   can contact people using IM.  does anyone know of any really good
  As far as AOL Instant messenger, if you have Mandrake 7 you should
  already have 'gaim' installed.  Just open a terminal window and type
  'gaim' without the quotes. You can also create a shortcut on your
  desktop.  For mp3 files, there are several to choose from; xmms and kmp3
  are two that again are already installed on your system.  If you want
  some other options, check
  Michael Holt
  Kirkland, WA
  The Penguins are coming!!!

Re: [newbie] Monitor shut off

2000-05-14 Thread Marc

It is priority of the mail. There is Low,Medium  High. Self explainatory.
In M$ Outlook in a new mail on the options above the To: etc. set the
priority as High to get the !

- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, May 14, 2000 9:22 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Monitor shut off

| Sorry to get off the subject but your e-mail comes in with the a ! next to
| it whats that mean and hwo do you do it? Sorry about off the topic just
| curious. :)
| - Original Message -
| Sent: Sunday, May 14, 2000 9:12 PM
| Subject: Re: [newbie] Monitor shut off
|  when it gets to the login prompt the screen just goes black. there is
| still
|  power to it it just goes blank.
|  - Original Message -
|  From: "vern" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  Sent: Sunday, May 14, 2000 8:26 PM
|  Subject: Re: [newbie] Monitor shut off
|  | Shut off as to power (AC out of the wall) or as to video
|  | from the display card?
|  | vern
|  |
|  | Marc wrote:
|  | 
|  |  my monitor on my other box shuts off when i get to the login prompt.
|  mean
|  |  it wont turn back on. this never has happened till i installed md on
| it.
|  any
|  |  input on this?
|  | 
|  |  _
|  |  NetZero - Defenders of the Free World
|  |  Click here for FREE Internet Access and Email
|  |
|  |
|  | --
|  |  Vernon Stilwell  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |  Hardinsburg, Kentucky[EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |   This email was created in a Micro$haft free environment!
|  |Silly hacker, root is for administrators!
|  |
|  |
|  _
|  NetZero - Defenders of the Free World
|  Click here for FREE Internet Access and Email
| _
| NetZero - Defenders of the Free World
| Click here for FREE Internet Access and Email

NetZero - Defenders of the Free World
Click here for FREE Internet Access and Email

Re: [newbie] Netscape 6

2000-05-14 Thread Alan Shoemaker

BobI've heard of that happening before, though I don't
know why, but there is a workaround.

Let's say that the new icon on root's Desktop is named
Program.kdelnk and that you're logged in as bob and are in the
KDE gui.  Open Konsole (on the Panel) and su - (don't forget
the 'space dash' after su) to the root account.  Then type:

 cp ./Desktop/Program.kdelnk /home/bob/Desktop/

and close the Konsole.  Open KFM [filemanager (as superuser)]
in the Utilities Menu.  Navigate to bob's desktop and
right-click on Program.kdelnk.  Choose the Permissions tab and
change the ownership of both Owner and Group to bob.  Close
the KFM window and the new icon on bob's desktop should now
work (if it hasn't yet appeared then right-click the desktop
and choose Refresh Desktop).  


Bob wrote:
 I did that and it worked just great in my /root directory.  I am
 attempting to do the same in /Bob, however as I right click on the desttop and
 then New, all I get is a popup, named "folder"??
 On Sun, 14 May 2000, you wrote:
  Bobinstead of dragging the netscape shell script icon onto
  the desktop and choosing link do this:
  1) right-click the desktop.
  2) choose New
  3) choose Application
  4) name it what you want , but leave the kdelnk part after the
  dot alone.
  5) choose the Execute tab
  6) put /usr/bin/netscape in the upper (not the lower one)
  Execute field.
  7) choose the ok button
  Bob wrote:
   Found out and dragged the black screen on to my USER disktop, created a
   link, but am unable to change the icon to Netscape.  Now I have two screens one
   for xrpm and one for the big "N"?  Oh, in my /root :)  I have the link on
   the desktop, and the icon is the Netscape wheel.
   On Sun, 14 May 2000, you wrote:
On Sat, 13 May 2000, Eunice Thompson wrote:
S, Anthony is there a way to install an icon for Netscape6 to my
desktop in Mandrake 7.1??
Never a simpler thing... Open KDE explorer or a KFM client, locate the
Netscape binary that runs netscape, drag it to the desktop. Select 'link'
when asked what you want to do with the file (Copy, move, link)

Re: [newbie] Root Password

2000-05-14 Thread Paul

On Thu, 11 May 2000, Denis HAVLIK wrote:

use SUDO. And use it sparsly, too .-)

:~Anyone know anything about how to set super permissions to a user without giving 
them the root password, or the authority to change the root password once they are 
granted super user permissions.
:~Thanks in advance.

Perhaps I should already know, but I don't... 
What is SUDO?



Silence. Do you remember how that sounds?

)0([[EMAIL PROTECTED]]-)0( - ICQ 147208
Registered Linux User 174403

Re: [newbie] Bambi/sometimes back to Windoze

2000-05-14 Thread Fran Parker

Hi Paul (and others as well :)

I have used WordPerfect since the old DOS days and it does things
no other wordprocessor does and since I am used to it and like all the
bells and whistles, it is like an old friend in Linux to me :)   And it was
free for non-commercial use.  Very nice graphical installation as well.

But AbiWord sounds like a cool alternative for someone with low disk
space or if someone doesn't want or need all the bells and whistles.

As far as Netscape goes, I am using a very stable (compared to 4.7's
Java nightmares) 128-bit version of 4.72.  It works well.  I just really
the look, and the colors of the icons that they have not changed since
I used
Netscape last, years ago. I dislike that I can't change it's color scheme to
a more
appealing setup.  Like right now, writing email, EVERYTHING (except the
subject line and address line and icons) is gray!  I don't want that.
If you change the colors, it only changes certain things and all the rest
stays gray.  Then it look even funnier.  So I am back to the defaults.
I tried to change the fonts in Netscape before my last install of Linux, and
couldn't get back into Linux...something about not being able to find the
font server
or something like that.  Coincidental?  So I am leaving it alone for now,
till I learn
more about it and what fonts I can change to without causing problems.
BTW:  Netscape says that there is a 4.73 version of the 128-bit available,
anyone tried it yet?

Anyway, on to Festival.  Festival is a cool speech recognition engine
for Linux.  Jim (on his RedHat 6 Linux box) has it saying the time in a
british voice, opening his browser, inserting his email address on forms,
etc.  Very cool program.  I used MS Agent technology extensively in
Windoze, so I would like to use Festival.  But it won't run on my machine.
Here's the URL for Festival:
if you would like to take a look at it yourself.
Much of it is command line, but you can use the terminal to build and test,
then create shortcuts to run.  Plus it can go get news on the internet,
and read it to you, with a program that someone wrote for Festival.
All kinds of stuff out there for Festival.

Well, that is enough from Southside Virginia for tonight.

Have a good one.


Paul wrote:

 On Sat, 13 May 2000, Fran Parker wrote:

 Hi Bambi (and others),

 Yes, it will be good when people think that Linux is a viable option to
 Windoze. Some do now, but not enough.  Some programs aren't even done
 for the Mac yet. (I wonder if that should tell us anything :)

 HAhahahahaha!!! That is so true!!

 I will be glad when Corel comes out with their Ventura for Linux.

 Then I hope for you that you do not have to wait too long!

 their Ventura this summer, can't wait.  I am using their WP8 for Linux

 I use a very simple wordprocessor called AbiWord. Not too many bells and
 whistles, does just what I need :)  The entire download is something like
 1 meg! (interested people, go to

 Basically we tricked Linux into using the ISAPNP config stuff for part
 of the configuration and then disabled the PnP in bios and it found the
 modem properly and all works great.

 Hahaha!! That is so cool, huh? You can't do that with windows. Everything
 is registry, and that is lethal.

 The real problem there is that the last time I booted into Windoze that
 has the same settings as Linux for the sound card, it changed something
 in the bios, even though it is not allowed to, then I had no sound but
 still had modem in Linux.  So there we were back at it again, with the
 boot down, enable PnP, boot up, ISAPNP config, boot down and up, verify
 sound works, then boot down, delete ISAPNP config, boot up and change
 bios to no PnP and let it configure the modem. So as you can see I am a
 little leary of going back into Windoze even though I need to.

 Okay, that makes sense. Not nice though... I have always hated internal
 modems. Just give me a serial cable sticking out the COM2 port, let me
 plug a small box to it. That is REAL plug and play!

 I was disappointed that I couldn't get festival to work on my machine
 even though the sound card works for everything else.  It works well on
 Jim's RedHat Linux box...but I install it and it won't work.  I don't
 get it.

 Now you got me cornered. What is Festival?

 Oh, well all in good time.  I have only been in Linux for about 3
 weeks now.  I love it, but really dislike Netscrappy :)  But I really
 haven't found a viable option that does at least what Netscrappy does
 do.  The look is yukky to me.

 What version do you have? I have 4.72 here, it's been pretty good so
 far. Okay, it hangs itself once in a while. I have tried NCSA Mosaic, but
 never got the program to run. It just won't start, no matter how chmod +x
 I tell it to be.

 But through all of this I have learned quite a bit.  And will continue.

 Sounds so familiar!



Re: [newbie] Monitor shut off

2000-05-14 Thread Marc

when it gets to the login prompt the screen just goes black. there is still
power to it it just goes blank.

- Original Message -
From: "vern" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, May 14, 2000 8:26 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Monitor shut off

| Shut off as to power (AC out of the wall) or as to video
| from the display card?
| vern
| Marc wrote:
|  my monitor on my other box shuts off when i get to the login prompt. i
|  it wont turn back on. this never has happened till i installed md on it.
|  input on this?
|  _
|  NetZero - Defenders of the Free World
|  Click here for FREE Internet Access and Email
| --
|  Vernon Stilwell  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  Hardinsburg, Kentucky[EMAIL PROTECTED]
|   This email was created in a Micro$haft free environment!
|Silly hacker, root is for administrators!

NetZero - Defenders of the Free World
Click here for FREE Internet Access and Email

Re: [newbie] Lexmark Z11 Printer Driver for Linux?

2000-05-14 Thread Charles A Edwards

   John is correct and I was wrong. The Z11 is a Winprinter. You can use the
HP 500 as an emulator to print with the Z11 in DOS but the Z11 can not be
made to and will not work in Mandrake.


- Original Message -
From: "John Arkoulis" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, May 14, 2000 7:22 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Lexmark Z11 Printer Driver for Linux?

 Lexmarks are Winmodems. There are no  drivers for Linux.
 Friend of mine had the same problem and no solution found.
 And ( you guessed it) Lexmark does not support Linux.
 maybe a different HP will do the trick

 On Sun, 14 May 2000,
 you wrote:  Doesn't work.
  Charles A Edwards wrote:
  Login as root. Open DrakeConfig and choose Priner Config. Follow
   the setup questions untill you get to  select printer and there choose
   DeskJet 500C, print a test page and you are done.
   - Original Message -
   From: "Michael A. Kellogg" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Sunday, May 14, 2000 3:03 PM
   Subject: [newbie] Lexmark Z11 Printer Driver for Linux?
Hi folks!
Ok, It's a shot in the dark, but does anyone know of a printer
driver that
work for a Lexmark Z11 printer.  Or, if possible, any emulation that
for Linux.  Any help would be appreciated!  Thanks!
  CF 10K Walk:
  \/\_\@  /  /\ __  ___  ___  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  / / /\ / / /\  /--/ //\_\/\_/\ /\/\/\ /\_/\ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  /__/ / / // / / / /__/ // / /__/ file://_/_/ // // / home: (972)495-3821
  \__\/  \/ \/\/\/  \__\/ \/  \__\/ \_\_\/ \/ \/  work: (972)889-4228
  Cole's Law:  Thinly sliced cabbage.
 Windoze is a virus with a user interface!
 This message created with Linux!

Re: [newbie] needed programs

2000-05-14 Thread Caleb McKay

actually, I recently saw at cnet that AOL now has an im for Linux and check out the Linux section.

- Original Message -
From: Michael Holt [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, May 14, 2000 12:56 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] needed programs

 J D wrote:
  i want an mp3 player, a good one, and an aol instant messanger clone, so
  can contact people using IM.  does anyone know of any really good ones?

 As far as AOL Instant messenger, if you have Mandrake 7 you should
 already have 'gaim' installed.  Just open a terminal window and type
 'gaim' without the quotes. You can also create a shortcut on your
 desktop.  For mp3 files, there are several to choose from; xmms and kmp3
 are two that again are already installed on your system.  If you want
 some other options, check

 Michael Holt
 Kirkland, WA
 The Penguins are coming!!!

Re: [newbie] This is a directory not a File

2000-05-14 Thread Paul

On Sun, 14 May 2000, Bob wrote:

   When I open "New Messaage" icon, while using Kmail. I get the "This is
a directory not a File".  This is very nice to know, but at the same time not
very useful.  Is there some purpose in this message?

You told Kmail that you always want a signature file inserted in the mail,
but you did not point Kmail to a valid signature file. So it looks at your
home directory and tries to insert that as a sig. Won't work... So set up
a proper signature file, and update Kmails preferences. (Yes, I used it
too, so I know!  Had the same problem! ;)



Silence. Do you remember how that sounds?

)0([[EMAIL PROTECTED]]-)0( - ICQ 147208
Registered Linux User 174403

[newbie] Charles/DSL?

2000-05-14 Thread Paul

On Sun, 14 May 2000, Charles A Edwards wrote:

  I agree with you. Because of DSL I still use Outlook Express  for e-mail
and when I attempted to read the Great Books message I got a security
warning for unsafe java script.


Hey Charles,

What is "DSL"? I never heard of that over here in Holland. Perhaps it is
because I am not into modems (I use ISDN).
LookOut is the worst mailer in existence. It is so vulnerable to virusses
(prettyboy, prettypark etc) that you only have to RECEIVE a mail to get
into trouble. In Windows I have always used Eudora.

Viva Linux, Viva VI!



Silence. Do you remember how that sounds?

)0([[EMAIL PROTECTED]]-)0( - ICQ 147208
Registered Linux User 174403

Re: [newbie] Telnet/SSH

2000-05-14 Thread flupke

I don't think so, but I once saw a kssh package. You have to have ssh
installed first. I think that's what you need.


On Sat, 13 May 2000, Wade wrote:

 Hi List,
 I turned on Telnet and told it to connect to one of my remote domains,
 and no probs what so ever. The remote servers I use have SSH available
 and I would like to make use of it and  was wondering if I can use
 kTelnet to make an SSH connection? 