Re: [newbie-it] questione drivers.....

2001-07-20 Thread Luca Miselli

infatti io mi sono arreso, disinstallo mandrake e riprovo linux con 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2001 12:39 
  Subject: R: [newbie-it] questione 
  Eccone un altro. E via! Fondiamo un club ? 
  Porcamiseria! Ho fatto e disfatto. Anche manualmente. Ma niente da fare. 
  Mandrake 8,0 non mi vede il modem! 
-Messaggio originale-Da: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Per conto di 
D.P.Inviato: mercoledì 18 luglio 2001 11.32A: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Oggetto: 
[newbie-it] questione drivers.


  ciao a tutti.
  sto quasi per farmi prendere dal panico, però prima consulto voi 
  ...allora , il mio problema è il seguente :
  ho appena installato Linux Mandrake 8.0, ma il sistema non 
  riconosce alcune periferiche
  per essere precisi : bridge vari della Motherboard e modem 
  interno ( entrambi ASUS )
  la piastra madre è una A7PRO con chipset via KT133 ( Via VT 8363 
  il Modem è un ISDNLink 128k Adapter ( P IN 100 )
  potete aiutarmi  magari indicando una soluzione per la 
  questione drivers in generale ???
  ...grazie anticipate !


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evolved - Click Here 

Re: [newbie-it] Cercasi consigli per gli acquisti

2001-07-20 Thread CaMiX

Grazie a tutti per i consigli. 
Io ho già letto quello di Medri (non ho capito proprio tutto, ma cmq 
abbastanza). Solo che è troppo incompleto. Per quanto riguarda Appunti di 
Informatica Libera, lo posseggo sia in html che in pdf. Il mio problema è 
proprio la stampa (personalmente non riesco a leggere + di tanto a video...). 
Cavolo è una cosa pazzesca. Per curiosità, che tipo di negozio ti stampa il 
bestione? Una tipografia o cosa? Mi sembra fatto molto bene, ma non so come 
fare. La soluzione fai-da-te mi sembra francamente suicida (in tutti i sensi).


Il 20:49, giovedì 19 luglio 2001, hai scritto:
 CaMiX wrote:
  Ciao a todos.
  Qualcuno potrebbe consigliarmi un buon libro su cui apprendere seriamente
  il funzionamento di Linux? Avrei bisogno di qualcosa che parta proprio
  dalle basi ma che non si fermi a quelle. Mi spiego: ora non so molto di
  Linux, ma vorrei conoscerlo in maniera piuttosto approfondita, non solo
  per passione personale, ma anche per il mio futuro lavorativo di ing.
  informatico (ammesso che riesca a laurearmi...). Penso sia più facile
  trovare libri specifici per diversi target (newbie, medium, hard ;-), ma
  se volessi partire praticamente da zero (o quasi) e arrivare a una buona
  conoscenza? Sarei anche disposto all'acquisto di 2 libri (non
  contemporaneamente... troppe palanche :-), ma ne preferirei uno solo
  Accetto numerosi consigli.
  P.S. Se non chiedo troppo, potreste sinteticamente dirmi pregi e diffetti
  di eventuali libri segnalati? Scusate se rompo in questo modo... ma il
  pinguino lo voglio capire...

 Se vuoi imparare ad utilizzare Linux e hai voglia di leggere 2605 pagine
 ti consiglio Appunti Linux che tra l'altro è gratis perchè in formato
 pdf è molto cmprensibile ed è perfetto per tutti gli utenti dal newbie
 all'utente più esperto .
 Io ad esmpio me lo sono fatto stampare in un negozio e ho speso circa
 100 mila.
 Appunti Linux lo puoi trovare nelle riviste come Linux Magazine ho su
 internet al sito : o altri.
 Invece per quanto riguarda libri in vendita , io ne possiedo solo due
 Linux senza fatica speedy e Linux non credevo fosse cosi facile , ma
 sono due libri che ti danno praticamente  le basi e nulla più.
 Quindi il mio coniglio e di provare con Appunti Linux.
 Ciao Lele

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 Get your free address at

Re: [newbie-it] questione drivers.....

2001-07-20 Thread Germano

Penso che il consiglio di Sandro sia molto sensato se mai non dovesse 
funzionare allora quello di Marco è quasi giusto perchè si è dimenticato di 
dirti che serve anche il pacchetto isdn4net.rpm.
Colgo l'occasione per dire a Marco che è vero che c'è open source ma
 sarebbe cortesia anche citare le persone che per la prima volte forniscono i 

Ciao, Germano

 ciao a tutti.

 sto quasi per farmi prendere dal panico, però prima consulto voi

 ...allora , il mio problema è il seguente :

 ho appena installato Linux Mandrake 8.0, ma il sistema non
 riconosce alcune periferiche

 per essere precisi : bridge vari della Motherboard e modem interno
 ( entrambi ASUS )

 la piastra madre è una A7PRO con chipset via KT133 ( Via VT 8363 )

 il Modem è un ISDNLink 128k Adapter ( P IN 100 )

 potete aiutarmi  magari indicando una soluzione per la
 questione drivers in generale ???

 ...grazie anticipate !

[newbie-it] Sound

2001-07-20 Thread baldo78

Ho una scheda sound Blaster 16 compatibile.
Il mio problema è: riesco ad avviare sndconfig, i test vanno bene poi il
suono non si sente
ho provato a rilanciare sndconfig, ma da errore nell' accedere a
se faccio fuser -v /dev/dsp mi dice che c'è un processo in corso.
Come devo fare?
Dimenticavo, se avvio da console pnpdump il programma non trova nessuna
scheda audio.
Attendo risposte.

[newbie-it] consigli generici installazione utility

2001-07-20 Thread Danilo Finocchiaro

avrei un problema, ecco:
ho installato linux mandrake 8 da pochi giorni e, appassionatomi non poco , 
ho scaricato delle utility da internet.
queste hanno estenzione tar.z.
non riesco a installarle e neanche a farle funzionare.
vi ringrazio per l'attenzione dedicatami
finocchiaro danilo

Scarica GRATUITAMENTE MSN Explorer all'indirizzo

Re: [newbie-it] Sound

2001-07-20 Thread Mr_Brain

Il 15:33, venerdì 20 luglio 2001, hai scritto:
 Ho una scheda sound Blaster 16 compatibile.
Anch'io :))

 Il mio problema è: riesco ad avviare sndconfig, i test vanno bene poi il
 suono non si sente

Posta il tuo /etc/modules.conf (o /etc/conf.modules), magari e` questione di 
moduli..Inoltre, controlla i messaggi dell'avvio con
# dmesg | less

Ps: che versione??

Re: [newbie-it] consigli generici installazione utility

2001-07-20 Thread bellotti

Danilo Finocchiaro wrote:
 avrei un problema, ecco:
 ho installato linux mandrake 8 da pochi giorni e, appassionatomi non poco ,
 ho scaricato delle utility da internet.
 queste hanno estenzione tar.z.
 non riesco a installarle e neanche a farle funzionare.
 vi ringrazio per l'attenzione dedicatami
 finocchiaro danilo
 Scarica GRATUITAMENTE MSN Explorer all'indirizzo
Di solito i pacchetti in formata tar.gz sono sorgenti da compilare ,
comunque una volta decompressi con il comando tar vfxz
nomefile.tar.gzdevi entrare dentro alla directory creata e leggerti i
file readme e install che ti spiegano come installarli .
Il più delle volte dipende dal creatore, c'è un file confidure e da
console si digita il comando ./configure che compilta i file necessari
e dopo con un make crea gli eseguibili e infine con il comando make
install copia gli eseguibili nella directory necessaria .
Comunque il mio consiglio prima di eseguire questi comandi guarda se
dei file readme e leggiteli .
Spero di esserti stato di aiuto.

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Re: [newbie-it] permessi come utente

2001-07-20 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Salve, ho da poco installato mdk 8.0 e ho configurato oltre a root
 utente.So che quest'ultimo non ha tuuti i privilegi come su ma
vorrei avere
 la possibilità di visionare i cdrom.
 Posso vedere la cartelle contenute nel cdrom, ma mi viene negato,
 ai file ! come posso fare?

 ciao mario, hai da root suppongo che tu riesca a vedere il cd rom,
comunque prova ad usare il comando mount per montare una directory,
non ricordo la sintassi precisa, ma dovrebbe essere mount /dev/cdrom,
apero di esserti stato utile, ciao Alessandro

Re: [newbie-it] nvidia driver

2001-07-20 Thread bellotti

Gigi wrote:
 il primo consiglio e' di scaricare dal sito della
 nvidia i src.rpm e compilare quelli in con il comando
 rpm --rebuild per ottenere un pacchetto rpm per la tua
 mdk, nel caso tu avessi un altro kernel installato.
 Ti sara' cosi' piu' semplice disinsallarli quando
 vorrai farlo.
 Altrimenti puoi scaricare direttamente i drivers gia'
 compilati per la mdk 8.0
 Se proprio vuoi compilare i sorgentiecco come devi
 controlla di avere installato, e in caso contrario
 fallo, i sorgenti del kernel nella dir /usr/src
 se e' cosi', dopo aver dato tar xvfz e aver dato il
 comando cd /Nvidiablabla dai il comando make per il
 pacchetto GLX prima.
 Non dovresti avere problemi.
 Dopo fai lo stesso per l'archivio NVIDIA_kernelXXX ma
 dai questo comando:
 make SYSINCLUDE=/usr/src/linux/include
 in questo modo l'archivio viene compilato per i tuoi
 il resto della procedura e' lo stesso.
 ricordati di editare il file /etc/X11/XF86Config-4
 altrimenti il tuo sidtema non usera' i drivers .
  --- bellotti [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto: 
 Ho un problema con l'installazione dei driver nvidia
  , quando tento di
  compilare i sorgenti mi da il seguente errore :
  /usr/include/linux/modversions.h:1:2: #error Modules
  should never use
  Kernel-headers system hearders,
  /usr/include/linux/modeversions.h:1:2: #error but
  from headers from an
  appropriate Kernel-source
  make:***[nv.o] Error 1
  siccome non sono molto esperto come mi devo
  comportare la versione dei
  driver sono 1.0 , ho cercato di seguire le
  istruzioni di Linuxc ma mi
  sono fermto al comando make install.
  Se qualcuno potesse aiutarmi glie ne sarei grato .
  Ciao Lele
  Do You Yahoo!?
  Get your free address at
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Il tuo indirizzo gratis e per sempre su
Grazie del tuo consiglio sono riuscito ad installare i driver nvidia e
adesso all'avvio di X mi appare il logo di nvidia.
Nuovamente grazie cia Lele.

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[newbie-it] Motorola SM56 PCI Speakerphone Modem

2001-07-20 Thread Sergio Dogliani

Ciao a tutti...
vorrei un aiuto in merito al mio modem:
un Motorola SM56 PCI Speakerphone. C'è
qualche sistema per farlo funzionare sotto
Ho appena installato da pochi giorni la versione
Mandrake 8.0 ed il mio modem non viene
riconosciuto e non riesco a farlo funzionare.
Sotto Windows funziona benissimo. Non è
forse un winmodem? Si può in qualche modo
risolvere il problema?
Vi ringrazio per l'aiuto!

[newbie] Webmin and samba

2001-07-20 Thread Mark Annandale

Hi Guys

When accessing swat I am prompted for a username and password, using the 
obvious such as root and passwd etc. don't seem to work. Does anyone know 
what the usname and password are ?

And with webmin, what is the port number to access webmin. ie 
http://localhost:4000 ??


Mark A

RE: [newbie] Webmin and samba

2001-07-20 Thread Adams, Jamie

The URL for Webmin is https://localhost:1 (note the 's' after http)

From:  Mark Annandale[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:  20 July 2001 15:03
Subject:   [newbie] Webmin and samba

Hi Guys

When accessing swat I am prompted for a username and password, using the 
obvious such as root and passwd etc. don't seem to work. Does anyone know 
what the usname and password are ?

And with webmin, what is the port number to access webmin. ie 
http://localhost:4000 ??


Mark A

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Re: [newbie] Sound Card

2001-07-20 Thread Olaf Marzocchi

At 21.44 18/07/01, Alwan Sadagopan wrote:

I recently installed Linux Mandrake 8.0. I am unable to play mp3 music. 
When i launch the XMMS window and submit a MP3 file for play the system 
hangs (No response, Key board and the mouse become non functional),  Any 
suggestion to get XMMS stuff going???

Is there means to play .rm and .ram files?

Try to update XMMS with Software manager. I had the same problem, but it 
disappeared after the upgrade.


Configuration: Celeron 333A, 128 MB, 6+3 GB HD, SoundBlaster 128 PCI, 
Realtek Ethernet, i740 video card running at 1024@16bpp, Toshiba CD and LG 
8080B CD-RW
hda1: win 98, hda5 Linux ReiserFS, hda6 swap, hda7 ReiserFS (/home); hdb1: 
FAT32 with datas

Re: [newbie] importing messages from MS Outlook

2001-07-20 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Fri, 20 Jul 2001 14:27, srinivas sastry wrote:
  i want to import the mail messages from MS outlook to kmail and
 didn't know how. can anyone help me . i'm using mandrake 7.2


Run kmailcvt from a command line, or click File - Import in Kmail.

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] KDE 2.2 Safe When??

2001-07-20 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

Look here:

It says that 2.2 is due on August 6.

On Fri, 20 Jul 2001 17:01, John Rigby wrote:
 Hi Mandrake folks,

 Any idea when 2.2 will be considered safe for us Newbies??

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] kmail-configuration of multiple mail accounts

2001-07-20 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

Click Settings - Configure KMail. In the resulting window, click Network and 
open the Sending Mail tab (it should be open already). You can add accounts 
in the Incoming Mail section -- just click Add.

If you need more info, there's always the Help button.

On Fri, 20 Jul 2001 14:27, srinivas sastry wrote:
 hi all
 i'm a newbie and i'm using mandrake 7.2. can anyone tell me how to
 configure multiple e-mail accounts in kmail.


Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] Falshplayer and Konqueror

2001-07-20 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

Install the package kdebase-nsplugins (it's on the Mandrake CD) and open 
the KDE Control Centre. There should be new options for plug-ins.

On Fri, 20 Jul 2001 07:10, Riker wrote:
 I've gotten flash working in Netscape and Mozilla but have had no luck in
 getting it to work with Konqueror. If someone has gotten this to work,
 please point me in the right direction.

 I'm just not sure on how to set it up. I tried following the Netscape
 Plugin Scan directions to no avail. I'm also going through the old mail
 archives to see if I can find anything; nothing yet.



Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson


2001-07-20 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

Have a look at Sun Microsystems released all the 
StarOffice code they could (some had been licensed from third parties) under 
the GPL. The code has been ported to GTK+ to become OpenOffice. It should be 
_far_ better than StarOffice 5.x, especially in font handling and 
performance. Sun is going to use the OpenOffice code for a StarOffice 6.0 
release later this year. However, the current OpenOffice code can be 
downloaded now and it is supposed to be quite usable (I haven't tried it, 
however). Binaries are also available.

Think OpenOffice is to StarOffice 6 as Mozilla is to Netscape 6.

On Fri, 20 Jul 2001 17:00, Miark wrote:
 I heard they're working on version 6 which is to be released
 this fall.

 I'm thinking they'll probably address this issue there.
 Anybody know otherwise? I mean, they _must_ know about this.


 - Original Message -
 From: John Rigby [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, July 20, 2001 12:51 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] STAR OFFICE FONTS

  Hi there,
  If nobody here can fix it ( most things seem to be! ) send

 off a note

  to  SO. If enough people NICELY complain, it will be


  The axle that squeaks gets the grease - THAT'S life! 
  On Fri, 20 Jul 2001 15:03, you manipulated electrons to

   It's extremely annoying to me. I wish I knew how to

 correct this

   problem! Konqueror had a similar problem, but I

 corrected it

   through settings changes. But, SO52 doesn't have any

 such settings

   to change! So, what can we do???
  Fablor now Webhosting?? What on earth for??  Info here:
  (it's only an Autoresponder)  :-)

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] Update Programs Via Mandrake Update?

2001-07-20 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Fri, 20 Jul 2001 04:02, Curtis Matthiesen wrote:
 On Thu, 19 Jul 2001 13:13, Curtis Matthiesen wrote:
 Mandrake Update only provides security and critical bug fixes. Chances are
 that the newest CUPS version isn't there, or that your chosen update
  mirror hasn't been updated yet.
 Do you _need_ the latest CUPS version? Remember, if it aint broke, don't
 it :-)

 Well, I'm trying to update all my programs that have updates posted to them
 according to Mandrake Update, as it shows their is an updated version. Even
 though it ain't broke, I'd like to keep the newest version, UNLESS it's not
 good to have the newest version of programs?

It isn't always good to have the latest version of a package. Newer versions 
can sometimes break compatibility with other packages. When a distro is made, 
the distro maker tries its best to ensure that all packages work well with 
each other. Official updates are also tested for this, and so are safe to 
install. With other packages, you shoudn't upgrade if everything is fine.

As for the rest of your message, Civileme has already answered it. The grep 
command has been changed (this is a very rare occurrance, AFAIK), partially 
breaking the functionality of Software Manager. I think we'll have to wait 
for a Software Manager update before things get back to normal again.

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] login Manager

2001-07-20 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Fri, 20 Jul 2001 12:10, Kevin Fonner wrote:
 I wish to under stand the login manager better.  Can you use GDM to
 login to the system? It seems to be more configurable then the regular
 login manager.

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] Best browser for linux?

2001-07-20 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

Links is *the* best text-only browser out there, bar none!

A few weeks ago, I accidentally wrecked my X setup while trying to upgrade to 
XFree 4.1. I was too lazy to try and fix it at the time, so I spent the next 
few days doing all my ordinary web browsing in Links. It is really refreshing 
to see only the information, with no fancy unnecesary graphics.

Links has several advantages over Lynx. It has mouse support (via the gpm 
daemon), and it handles tables and frames very well (Lynx can't handle these 
at all). And since it is text-only, it is really *fast*.

On Fri, 20 Jul 2001 09:12, s wrote:
 Konqueror is my fave.  Opera, mozilla, galeon, and slipknot (or something
 or other that comes with the power pack) are all adequate enough, but
 konqueror is undoubtedly the best (imo).  And if you like a netscape, get
 6.1.  It is very stable and useable, cause your right, 6.0 will crash every
 dern time you open it.  If you like text only lynx is neato in a terminal
 (I like to play with it sometimes and it's handy if your X won't boot - so
 remember it for future reference), and then there's links.

 On Thursday 19 July 2001 10:25 am, you wrote:
  Hello: I have Mandrake 8.0 and use the default browser Netscape which
  comes with it. But this sucks specially on pages where there are some
  applets. I tried installing Netscape 6.0, it works great but crashes very
  often.  Does anybody have any suggestion on which broswer works great?

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] Browser testing grounds

2001-07-20 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Fri, 20 Jul 2001 07:36, Miark wrote:
 Strange. I just pointed Konqueror at

 and not only are the floating tables not floating, but the
 Mandrake and Apache images at the bottom of the page don't
 appear at all! The Mozilla trio (Mozilla, Galeon, and
 Netscape) have no problem.

 I guess if you need a page to test browsers (I'm thinking of
 something Civileme said this week) this is a good one.


It looks fine to me. I'm using Konqueror from KDE 2.2b1.

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] Still LM8.0 Box crash/hang up ?

2001-07-20 Thread Norman Teferle

Civileme and Paul,

Many, many thanks to you for your replies on my post yesterday. 
Thankfully I do not have the Southbridge686B problem chip and my BIOS settings were 
also not the reason for my crashes.

Yes, my Etherexpress pro 100 is built into the motherboard (Intel D850GB). I was able 
to disable it in the bios and install a PCI Ethernet card. And guess what - the box is 
still running. So far I was not able to crash the PC with my previous tests.

Due to the fact that I also had the problems with a ATI Mach 64 3D Rage II which sits 
in a PCI slots, I do not know if it is a AGP related problem. However, from the lspci 
output one can see that both use IRQ11 and therefore it is probably an interrupt 
related problem.

My question now is: Can I configure (in the BIOS maybe) my AGP video and my onboard 
network card to use different interrupts in order to happily live together or do I 
have to stick with my extra PCI network card? If I have to get another card would not 
be the end of the world.

Anyway, many thanks again to Civileme and Paul.

Norman :-)

Re: [newbie] Best browser for linux?

2001-07-20 Thread s

On Friday 20 July 2001 03:23 am, you wrote:
 Links is *the* best text-only browser out there, bar none!

Well, won't argue with you there.  I just spent about an hour playing with it 
and the mouse support is handy dandy!  I didn't realize it had that.  :-)


[newbie] reiserfs

2001-07-20 Thread Colin Jenkins

is there any no-destructive way of converting to reiserfs ?
When I reinstalled yesterday, I decided to try it out, but messed up a
(I formatted one drive as ext2 nand the other as reiserfs)


Colin Jenkins
ICQ: 650611  Voice: +61 97351410 Mob: 0409196144
There's nothing wrong with growing older, but where does it lead?

Re: [newbie] Prolems with WINE and Eudora

2001-07-20 Thread Paul

 I installed Wine-codeweavers and many apps works fine (the launch is VERY 
 slow, but they work).
 However, Eudora does not work well: even if I set it to store the mails and 
 the accounts infos in a custom direcotry, it tries to find them in its own dir.
 Details: Eudora in c:\progs\eudora, mails filters and datas in 
 d:\docs\eudora. I launch Eudora by clicking on it with konqueror, 
 it  starts (spaces indicating the delay) and asks me for account 
 informations. Strangely, it shows the mails, but only those, no filters, 
 addresses, accounts
 Any idea?

If you do not want to switch to Kmail (like me), you may want to look at
sylpheed. It looks a lot like Eudora and has many of its features already.
You can also import the existing mailboxes into the (MH-like) folder
For the program:
For the faq:
For the english manual (work in progress):

Good luck

Re: [newbie] Still LM8.0 Box crash/hang up ?

2001-07-20 Thread Paul

 My question now is: Can I configure (in the BIOS maybe) my AGP video and
 my onboard network card to use different interrupts in order to happily
 live together or do I have to stick with my extra PCI network card? If I
 have to get another card would not be the end of the world.

Hi Norman,
You will have to check the manual of the BIOS (or browse around in it).
If the IRQ's are definable, it will be there.
Glad you have things running in a stable way!

Re: [newbie] [Fwd: Re: [expert] Help -- the superblock could not be read ...]

2001-07-20 Thread etharp

could we ask to have you quote instead of send attachments to the mail list, 
and ask that you keep the questions and answers in the open. it would seem to 
me, that way we could all learn from the problems and answers that way 


On Thursday 19 July 2001 09:57, Randy Kramer wrote:

 Sridhar made a good point that is appropriate to check out.  Perhaps
 your problem is like the one I had just a few days ago.

 Civileme sent me some instructions to fix it.  This is a note I sent
 back to him with some additional notes / questions.  I will also forward
 my original note which described the problem.

 Good luck!
 Randy Kramer

 Date: Wed, 18 Jul 2001 10:16:27 -0400
 From: Randy Kramer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 X-Mailer: Mozilla 3.04 (Win95; U)
 MIME-Version: 1.0
 Subject: Re: [expert] Help -- the superblock could not be read ...
 References: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

 Wonderful -- thank you!  It appears I am back in business with no

 I plan to archive your instructions on my wiki (initially my private
 wiki, and later on my public wiki, WikiLearn, when it is up and

 A few notes / questions:  (The notes are mostly for my records.)

 1. I actually started the install with the intent of running it until
 the partitions were displayed so I could see which was my / partition.
 I could not display the partition table -- I forget exactly what stopped
 me.  But, neither did I cause any additional damage, AFAICT.

 2. While following your procedure I followed a trial and error approach
 -- I tried mounting the partition I thought was /, then tried the
 chroot.  It worked when I tried /dev/hda4 (which clearly was my /

 3. I now know why you suggested cat -- less won't work.

 4. I followed the mke2fs procedure.  It gave me what might be some
 useful information, all of which I did not write down.  I did note that
 it made superblock backups at 32,768, 98,304, and 163,840.

 Q: If this happened again, would it be worth trying the e2fsck -b
 command against one of those superblock backups?

 5. When I tried the reboot command nothing happened.  (I wasn't sure it
 was a command, so when nothing happened after 15 seconds, I rebooted
 manually.)  I should have tried shutdown -r now, or maybe /sbin/reboot.

 Thanks again!  This is wonderful!  If you have any problem with me
 putting this post on my twiki or WikiLearn, let me know.  In any event,
 the intent would be someday to rewrite as just a factual micro HOWTO, on

 Randy Kramer

 civileme wrote:
  OK boot with the boot CD
  Hit F1 and typr rescue without the quotes
  when the root prompt for the rescue system comes up
  # mount /(your / partition's actual disk partiton like /dev/hda6)  /mnt
  # chroot /mnt
  # mount /usr
  You now are in root mode and have access to your editors, at least the
  non-graphic ones.
  # cat /etc/fstab
  Either make note of what partition /home2 would be mounted to or make
  note of the line and fire up emacs with emacs /etc/fstab and comment it
  out.  or do what is said below.
  # mke2fs (partition where /home2 is mounted)
  # sync
  # reboot
  Take iut your rescue CD and let it boot

Re: [newbie] login Manager

2001-07-20 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Fri, 20 Jul 2001 18:31, Jose M. Sanchez wrote:
 Each display manager (it's not really a login manager) has it's own
 set of configuration files or shares some of the files from others.

 XDM, the great granddaddy of them all, is the basis for the others.

IIRC, GDM is not based on XDM at all -- it is a complete rewrite. That is 
probably a reason why it is more configurable than KDM.

 Mandrake 8 does a pretty good job of supplying identical configurations
 for all the provided and contributed managers...

 Thus you can easily switch between, KDM, XDM,  GDM.

 Look in /etc/X11 for their configuration files.


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Kevin Fonner
 Sent: Thursday, July 19, 2001 10:10 PM
 Subject: [newbie] login Manager

 I wish to under stand the login manager better.  Can you use GDM to
 login to the system? It seems to be more configurable then the regular
 login manager.

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

[newbie] ATTENTION: anyone with nVIDIA driver problems

2001-07-20 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

If you have problems with OpenGL games and apps crashing with the latest 
nVIDIA drivers, try typing this at a console:

  # export __GL_SYNC_VBLANK=0

Run your game/app from the same console. If it works, add it to your 
~/.bashrc file.

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] Kernel Probems

2001-07-20 Thread s

Well, don't know if it's an omission from your narrative or in your work, but 
did you edit and run lilo?  Did you square away your system map and all that 
stuff?  (LIttle short cut here:  make install  it does all that stuff for ya).
Here's my routine:
0.  rm -f /usr/src/linux, rpm -Uvv whatever , cd to /usr/src/linux
1.  mrproper (only if previously installed or worked on)
2.  make xconfig
3.  make dep
4.  make clean
5.  make bzImage
6.  make modules
7.  make modules_install
8.  make install  (then double check /boot and /etc/lilo.config)
9.  lilo  
10. reboot

I kinda put this together after reading about a baker's dozen howtos.  I 
rarely have any trouble.  (2.4.6-4mdk not withstanding embarrassed grin)


On Friday 20 July 2001 03:44 am, you wrote:
 Hiya, im hoping there's a simple solution to my problem, its probably
 just something stupid i've done during configuration.

 I have attempted to compile a new kernel from a magazine coverdisk
 (2.4.5), whenever I try to compile a kernel (this version or another)
 when I try and boot  the kernel it displays the 'loading Linux version
 2.2.5. and then just displays a blank screen.

 I believe that the system is booting, because the HDD whirrs for a while
 and it will accept CTRL+ALT+DEL to do a reboot. but I cant see a display
 of any kind.

 Is there something I could have missed from the kernel configuration to
 make it do this?

 The steps I completed to compile the kernel were as follows:

 1. Copied source to root directory and untarred.

 2. Entered directory 'Linux' and ran make 'mrproper'

 3. Configured kernel via 'make menuconfig' (cant get make xconfig to

 3. 'make dep' followed by 'make bzImage'

 4. 'make modules' followed by 'make modules_install'

 Can anyone see any flaws in the steps I am taking?

 Many thanks


Re: [newbie] Installation problems with 8.0

2001-07-20 Thread robert wydler haduch

when i purchased 8.0 from mandrake direct, they included an extra copy of
cd 1 and cd 2 with the comment that the boxed cds were not correctly
burned. you may want to talk to mandrake about it
At 08:13 PM 7/19/2001 +0200, you wrote:
purchased today Mandrake 8.0 PowerPack, but the installation
After the first screen and booting from CD-ROM
I get the following:
 Loading program into


 Error! Could not
uncompress second stage ramdisk
 (press enter to

The same append with expert install, also with
boot disk.
It seems that the system is trying to read the
CD without succes.

Can someone help me?


Re: [newbie] Best browser for linux?

2001-07-20 Thread James S Bear

Java works fine.  In fact, Opera was the first browser to support java 2, as far
as I know, but I know it was before netscape or explorer
Quoting Dave Sherman [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Hash: SHA1
 Opera 5 for Linux works great for me, although I think Java does not work 
 On Thursday 19 July 2001 10:25, thus spake Ravi Malghan:
   Hello: I have Mandrake 8.0 and use the default browser Netscape which
  comes with it. But this sucks specially on pages where there are some
  applets. I tried installing Netscape 6.0, it works great but crashes
  very often.  Does anybody have any suggestion on which broswer works
 Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1; name=Attachment: 1
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
 - -- 
 Nihil tam munitum quod non expugnari pecunia possit. (No 
 fortification is such that it cannot be subdued with money.)
 - - Marcus Tullius Cicero, 106-43 B.C.
 Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
 Comment: For info see

Ignorance is underrated 

Re: [newbie] One boot off and one boot on

2001-07-20 Thread James S Bear

W2K first, but to make life easier, format the drive as FAT32, not NTFS.  The
mandrake installer will make it simple to dual boot.  don't try the MS dual boot
with Mandrake, as far as I can see, it's not even an option.
Quoting idea.list [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Can anyone help please?
 I installed mandrake on an old 32mByte machine with two hd's. I have win98
 on first (8gig)hd and put linux on second (4gig)hd.  Linux did not work so
 am going to reinstall it on my main 512mByte, 17gig machine.  I Intend to
 partition the 17gig and dual boot with win2000pro/linux.
 On the old machine, I have tried to reclaim the 4gig harddrive and give it
 back to win98.  Have deleted  formatted the hd but did not know how to
 immobilize the dual boot process - I thought I would deal with that later.
 That time has now arrived :-) When I now boot the machine the dual boot
 does not appear and it simply boots to display grub as the prompt.
 Please bear in mind that I am completely stupid where linux is concerned
 not much better at windows (although I did my stint with assembler, c and
 basic in the 8080 days - had to put that in :-) - don't like to appear too
 stupid )
 My questions:
 On the old machine, how do I immobilize the dual boot process, get rid of
 the grub prompt, and simply boot straight into windows?
 On my new machine: will an 8gig partition be large enough for mandrake 8
 do I install mandrake first and win2000 second (win2000 sets up multi boot
 with w98 fine but will it recognise or 'see' linux) or, do I wait until I
 learn how to set up multi boot from within linux?  Obviously I would prefer
 that win2000 does it for me so that I can then get into linux quickly and
 start to learn all these clever linux things :) It's a chicken and egg
 situation if win2000 won't 'do the dual bit' for me.
 Help appreciated
 Sorry if the above is a bit garbled.
 Dave S.

Ignorance is underrated 

[newbie] Internet Problems

2001-07-20 Thread George Petri


I recently set up a network and fooled around with 
my networking config files and now DNS lookups don't appear to work :(, 
which explains why I have been recently using Outlook Express to send 

Basically, I can connect to the Internet with no 
problems but once I'm online, I can't do a thing.

If I type ping www.any, this message pops up on 
my screen:YPBINDPROC_DOMAIN: Domain not bound And ping just 
sits there waiting forever.

If I run Konqueror or Netscape and type in www.any, they also just sit 
there forever and never load.

Before, I changed my config files, Internet in 
Mandrake (I'm using 7.2) worked fine. I have always used kppp to 
connect to the Internet. I have always been using the LT WinModem 
5.78D driver.

What is wrong? I want to use the Internet in 
Linux, not Windows!

Perhaps, my config files have something to do with 
this, so here they are :)

I have named my computer "tux350" and theother one on the 
network, "cups166", in my pretend domain 
cups166.reisersun cups166

this file did not exist before I made 

--/etc/host.conf:--order hosts, nis, 
bindmulti on

(note: I use an isp called Bigpond, which has 
everything- ip addresses, that is - starting with 
139)--# search 
reisersun# search localdomainsearch localdomain# 
# ppp temp entrynameserver # ppp temp 
entrynameserver # ppp temp entrynameserver # 
ppp temp entrynameserver # ppp temp entry


I can't remember the numerous other config files 
that I changed so please tell me if you need any others to help diagnose my 

Before I changed anything, my computer used to be 
called the default "localhost.localdomain".

Please help me fix my config files so that I can 
use my Internet connection again in Linux!


Re: [newbie]will Konqueror run on a gnome desktop?

2001-07-20 Thread Ravi Malghan

can Konqueror be run on a gnome environment?
- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, July 19, 2001 7:12 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Best browser for linux?

 Konqueror is my fave.  Opera, mozilla, galeon, and slipknot (or something
 other that comes with the power pack) are all adequate enough, but
 is undoubtedly the best (imo).  And if you like a netscape, get 6.1.  It
 very stable and useable, cause your right, 6.0 will crash every dern time
 open it.  If you like text only lynx is neato in a terminal (I like to
 with it sometimes and it's handy if your X won't boot - so remember it for
 future reference), and then there's links.

 On Thursday 19 July 2001 10:25 am, you wrote:
  Hello: I have Mandrake 8.0 and use the default browser Netscape which
  with it. But this sucks specially on pages where there are some applets.
  tried installing Netscape 6.0, it works great but crashes very often.
  anybody have any suggestion on which broswer works great?

[newbie] Printing

2001-07-20 Thread James S Bear

I've got a printer on the network with an IP address.  How do I print to it?  It
is an HP color laserjet 4500 N.


Ignorance is underrated 

[newbie] dial-up

2001-07-20 Thread James S Bear

Not only do I have two NIC cards on my machine, but I also have a 56K modem. 
Into my network, I have a T1 line.  How can I configure my machine so that I can
dial into it and get the internet service?

Ignorance is underrated 

RE: [newbie] Kernel Probems

2001-07-20 Thread Adams, Jamie

Another small question, do i have to use a special Mandrake kernel or
can i just use any old run of the mill sources?

Sent:  20 July 2001 12:33
Subject:   Re: [newbie] Kernel Probems

Well, don't know if it's an omission from your narrative or in your work, but
did you edit and run lilo?  Did you square away your system map and all that 
stuff?  (LIttle short cut here:  make install  it does all that stuff for
Here's my routine:
0.  rm -f /usr/src/linux, rpm -Uvv whatever , cd to /usr/src/linux
1.  mrproper (only if previously installed or worked on)
2.  make xconfig
3.  make dep
4.  make clean
5.  make bzImage
6.  make modules
7.  make modules_install
8.  make install  (then double check /boot and /etc/lilo.config)
9.  lilo  
10. reboot

I kinda put this together after reading about a baker's dozen howtos.  I 
rarely have any trouble.  (2.4.6-4mdk not withstanding embarrassed


On Friday 20 July 2001 03:44 am, you wrote:
 Hiya, im hoping there's a simple solution to my problem, its probably
 just something stupid i've done during configuration.

 I have attempted to compile a new kernel from a magazine coverdisk
 (2.4.5), whenever I try to compile a kernel (this version or another)
 when I try and boot  the kernel it displays the 'loading Linux version
 2.2.5. and then just displays a blank screen.

 I believe that the system is booting, because the HDD whirrs for a while
 and it will accept CTRL+ALT+DEL to do a reboot. but I cant see a display
 of any kind.

 Is there something I could have missed from the kernel configuration to
 make it do this?

 The steps I completed to compile the kernel were as follows:

 1. Copied source to root directory and untarred.

 2. Entered directory 'Linux' and ran make 'mrproper'

 3. Configured kernel via 'make menuconfig' (cant get make xconfig to

 3. 'make dep' followed by 'make bzImage'

 4. 'make modules' followed by 'make modules_install'

 Can anyone see any flaws in the steps I am taking?

 Many thanks


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This message has been checked for all known viruses by Star Internet
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Re: [newbie] Kernel Probems

2001-07-20 Thread s

You can use either, but you're probably better off with the Mandrake ones. 

On Friday 20 July 2001 08:58 am, you wrote:
 Another small question, do i have to use a special Mandrake kernel or
 can i just use any old run of the mill sources?


[newbie] Dial on demand

2001-07-20 Thread Mark Annandale

Hi Guys

Has anyone come accross a simple explanation on how to set up dial on demand 
on mandrake 8. I would like the rest of my family, on their 'doze' PC, to 
access the net using the modem on my Linux box. 

I have the two machines networked together and can ping either machine from 
either end.

Thanks and regards

Mark A

Re: [newbie] Internet Problems

2001-07-20 Thread George Petri

- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, July 20, 2001 11:11 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Internet Problems

  /etc/resolv.conf   (note: I use an isp called Bigpond, which has
 - ip addresses, that is - starting with 139)
  # search reisersun
  # search localdomain
  search localdomain

 I think you should set the search in resolv.conf to the name of your
 ISP, not localdomain. In your case the system will look for the DNS
 on your own computer, afaik.

So, do I write search or search 139.whateveritwas?


Fw: Re: [newbie] Internet Problems

2001-07-20 Thread George Petri

oops, forget to send to list!

 - Original Message -
 From: Tomek Nowinski [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: George Petri [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, July 20, 2001 10:40 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Internet Problems

  Check out your resolv.conf
  You should have before you connect to internet this kind of message:
  search (search domain)
  nameserver (nameserver yourDNS)
  ppp (ppp yourgateway)
  That's all you need.
  Don't forget about ping, with ping you can see if you are connected well
  or what's going on.

 How do I get my ppp yourgateway?...I know the DNS, but not the gateway


[newbie] Internet college classes

2001-07-20 Thread Marcia Waller

Dear All,
I am considering taking some computer college and/or internet classes. My 
area college has internet instruction using webct software which supposedly 
works with Unix. Does that mean that it would work with Linux?

Unfortunately, they offer no classes teaching linux but several for Unix. 
Linux is my interest but is Unix just about the same thing?

Thanks for your help.


Marcia Waller

Re: [newbie]will Konqueror run on a gnome desktop?

2001-07-20 Thread s

ummm, good question.  I don't know.  I'm guessing not, possibly due to the 
qt/gtk thing.  I don't use gnome, and have maybe spent all of 5 minutes total 
looking at it (not my type g).  Type /usr/bin/konqueror into a terminal to 

On Friday 20 July 2001 08:09 am, you wrote:
 can Konqueror be run on a gnome environment?

Re: [newbie] Internet Problems

2001-07-20 Thread George Petri

I'm using Windows 98, the DNS server is there but the Default Gateway
section is blank!
Why is this?

Thanks again,

- Original Message -
From: Tomek Nowinski [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: George Petri [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, July 20, 2001 11:58 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Internet Problems

 You need to go to windows and get connected to internet and then if you
 have Win2000 or WindowsNT type

 ipconfig /all

 In Win98 you go to RUN an type winipcfg, push enter... and...

 you will find out full internet configuration

 See you,


 El 20 Jul 2001 16:43:57 +0200, George Petri escribió:
  - Original Message -
  From: Tomek Nowinski [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: George Petri [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Friday, July 20, 2001 10:40 PM
  Subject: Re: [newbie] Internet Problems
   Check out your resolv.conf
   You should have before you connect to internet this kind of message:
   search (search domain)
   nameserver (nameserver yourDNS)
   ppp (ppp yourgateway)
   That's all you need.
   Don't forget about ping, with ping you can see if you are connected
   or what's going on.
  How do I get my ppp yourgateway?...I know the DNS, but not the gateway

 Czatuj, wyslij sms-y, sprawdz poczte
 Zainstaluj OnetKomunikatora [ ]

Re: [newbie]will Konqueror run on a gnome desktop?

2001-07-20 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

Yep. IMHO, it's the only way to fly :-)

Since version 1.0.x, GNOME has been as solid as a rock for me. I found KDE 
2.0 to be simply unusable, but from 2.1 things got really good. I love GNOME 
for its ultra-configurable Panel and its equally versatile Sawfish WM. At the 
same time, I love KDE for Konqueror (both as a browser and as a file manager) 
and Kmail.

At the moment I have Mandrake 8.0 with both GNOME 1.4 and KDE 2.2b1 
installed. KDE has never been quite as stable as GNOME for me (YMMV), and 
running KDE apps like Konqueror and Kmail in GNOME provides me with the 
ultimate in flexibility. If a KDE-related process goes rogue (as it does on 
occasion; it is a beta after all), I can simply kill all of KDE (killall 
kdeinit) and load it back up again. GNOME stays up, totally unharmed.

On Fri, 20 Jul 2001 23:09, Ravi Malghan wrote:
 can Konqueror be run on a gnome environment?
 - Original Message -
 Sent: Thursday, July 19, 2001 7:12 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Best browser for linux?

  Konqueror is my fave.  Opera, mozilla, galeon, and slipknot (or something


  other that comes with the power pack) are all adequate enough, but


  is undoubtedly the best (imo).  And if you like a netscape, get 6.1.  It


  very stable and useable, cause your right, 6.0 will crash every dern time


  open it.  If you like text only lynx is neato in a terminal (I like to


  with it sometimes and it's handy if your X won't boot - so remember it
  for future reference), and then there's links.
  On Thursday 19 July 2001 10:25 am, you wrote:
   Hello: I have Mandrake 8.0 and use the default browser Netscape which


   with it. But this sucks specially on pages where there are some


   tried installing Netscape 6.0, it works great but crashes very often.


   anybody have any suggestion on which broswer works great?

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] Internet Problems

2001-07-20 Thread Ravi Malghan

I think the problem is with the default gateway on 
ur machine. When u are not connected to the
internet having the default gateway set to is all right. Before dialing to the internet
delete this static route and u should be able to 
browse the internet. 
FYI to delete the route
route delete defaultgateway (this 
syntax may incorrect, all u have to do is delete the default 


  - Original Message - 
  To: Ravi Malghan 
  Sent: Friday, July 20, 2001 10:42 
  Subject: Re: [newbie] Internet 
  This output is with my other computer (tux166) 
  netstat -nr output:
  Kernel IP routing 
  Genmask Flags MSS 
  Window irtt Iface192.168.1.0 
  UG 0 
  0 0 
  eth0192.168.1.0 U 0 
  0 0 
  U 0 
  0 0 
  UG 0 
  0 0 
  route output:
  -Kernel IP routing 
  Genmask Flags Metric 
  Ref Use Iface192.168.1.0 
  tux350.reisersu UG 
  0 0 0 
  * U 
  0 0 0 
  * U 
  0 0 0 
  lodefault tux350.reisersu UG 
  0 0 0 
- Original Message - 
To: George Petri 
Sent: Friday, July 20, 2001 11:17 
Subject: Re: [newbie] Internet 

can you send the output of netstat -rn 


  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Friday, July 20, 2001 8:27 
  Subject: [newbie] Internet 
  I recently set up a network and fooled around 
  with my networking config files and now DNS lookups don't appear to 
  work :(, which explains why I have been recently using Outlook Express 
  to send emails...
  Basically, I can connect to the Internet with 
  no problems but once I'm online, I can't do a thing.
  If I type ping www.any, this message pops 
  up on my screen:YPBINDPROC_DOMAIN: Domain not bound 
  And ping just sits there waiting forever.
  If I run Konqueror or Netscape and type in www.any, they also just 
  sit there forever and never load.
  Before, I changed my config files, Internet 
  in Mandrake (I'm using 7.2) worked fine. I have always used kppp 
  to connect to the Internet. I have always been using the LT 
  WinModem 5.78D driver.
  What is wrong? I want to use the 
  Internet in Linux, not Windows!
  Perhaps, my config files have something to do 
  with this, so here they are :)
  I have named my computer "tux350" and theother one 
  on the network, "cups166", in my pretend domain 
  cups166.reisersun cups166
  this file did not exist before I made 
  --/etc/host.conf:--order hosts, nis, 
  bindmulti on
  (note: I use an isp called Bigpond, which has 
  everything- ip addresses, that is - starting with 
  search reisersun# search localdomainsearch 
  localdomain# nameserver # ppp temp 
  entrynameserver # ppp temp entrynameserver # ppp temp entrynameserver # ppp temp 
  entrynameserver # ppp temp entry
  I can't remember the numerous other config 
  files that I changed so please tell me if you need any others to help 
  diagnose my problem.
  Before I changed anything, my computer used 
  to be called the default "localhost.localdomain".
  Please help me fix my config files so that I 
  can use my Internet connection again in Linux!

Re: [newbie] Internet Problems

2001-07-20 Thread Tomek Nowinski

Well, in this situation there are 2 options:

1. First, try to go to MORE and then push the bottom of REALESE ALL
and then RENEW ALL. It should renew your IP configuration and you should
see default gateway.

2. If this doesn't work... maybe somebody else can help you, just
because I don't what alse you can do.

P.S. Check out your network configuration, maybe something there is
cousing this problem.

El 21 Jul 2001 01:04:06 +1000, George Petri escribió:
 I'm using Windows 98, the DNS server is there but the Default Gateway
 section is blank!
 Why is this?
 Thanks again,
 - Original Message -
 From: Tomek Nowinski [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: George Petri [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, July 20, 2001 11:58 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Internet Problems
  You need to go to windows and get connected to internet and then if you
  have Win2000 or WindowsNT type
  ipconfig /all
  In Win98 you go to RUN an type winipcfg, push enter... and...
  you will find out full internet configuration
  See you,
  El 20 Jul 2001 16:43:57 +0200, George Petri escribió:
   - Original Message -
   From: Tomek Nowinski [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   To: George Petri [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Friday, July 20, 2001 10:40 PM
   Subject: Re: [newbie] Internet Problems
Check out your resolv.conf
You should have before you connect to internet this kind of message:
search (search domain)
nameserver (nameserver yourDNS)
ppp (ppp yourgateway)
That's all you need.
Don't forget about ping, with ping you can see if you are connected
or what's going on.
   How do I get my ppp yourgateway?...I know the DNS, but not the gateway
  Czatuj, wyslij sms-y, sprawdz poczte
  Zainstaluj OnetKomunikatora [ ]


Darmowy komunikator internetowy - zainstaluj
OnetKomunikator [ ]

[newbie] driver for PCTel's HSP 56K Micromodem

2001-07-20 Thread karthigan srinivasan

I have Mandrake 7.2 installed on my Compaq Pressario 7599. It has PCTel's 
HSP 56K micromodem in it. Can someone tell me if there is
any driver available for this modem?

I appreciate your help in advance.


Karthigan Srinivasan.

Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at

RE: [newbie] kmail-configuration of multiple mail accounts

2001-07-20 Thread srinivas sastry

hi sridhar
thank you very much for your  reply. i could be able to configure 3 to 4 
of my mail accounts. but there comes a problem with my principle mail account. all it 
says when i click checkmail is : the server says the password is wrong.  but when i 
use the same in netscape messenger i could be able to receive my mails . but i 
couldn't configure multiple mail accounts in netscape messenger. i tried but invain. 
any help is appreciated.



-Original Message-
From: Sridhar Dhanapalan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, July 20, 2001 2:30 PM
To: srinivas sastry; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [newbie] kmail-configuration of multiple mail accounts

Click Settings - Configure KMail. In the resulting window, click Network and 
open the Sending Mail tab (it should be open already). You can add accounts 
in the Incoming Mail section -- just click Add.

If you need more info, there's always the Help button.

On Fri, 20 Jul 2001 14:27, srinivas sastry wrote:
 hi all
 i'm a newbie and i'm using mandrake 7.2. can anyone tell me how to
 configure multiple e-mail accounts in kmail.


Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

RE: [newbie] importing messages from MS Outlook

2001-07-20 Thread srinivas sastry

   i tried both methods and i couldn't get anything. i couldn't run kmailcvt as it 
is not available in my distribution . i'm using mandrake 7.2 . i did run  find / 
-name kmailcvt  which couldn't find anything of that sort. secondly i couldn't find 
Import command in kmail. is my kmail belongs to older version?. 

-Original Message-
From: Sridhar Dhanapalan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, July 20, 2001 2:10 PM
To: srinivas sastry; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [newbie] importing messages from MS Outlook

On Fri, 20 Jul 2001 14:27, srinivas sastry wrote:
  i want to import the mail messages from MS outlook to kmail and
 didn't know how. can anyone help me . i'm using mandrake 7.2


Run kmailcvt from a command line, or click File - Import in Kmail.

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] AVI player in mdk8?

2001-07-20 Thread Dan Ray

 Any help, or a pointer to another avi player, is appreciated.

MPlayer is excellent.

The only thing I found about installing it is to pass the argument to disable 
compiler version checking in ./configure, as it doesn't seem to like gcc 
2.96. Do './configure --help' for the exact syntax of that. The resulting 
binary executes fine, despite the admonition not to bother sending bug 

Dan Ray
Director Custom Applications
Triangle Research, Inc.

Re: [newbie] Old Kernel- Safe to delete?

2001-07-20 Thread =/\\= Majki =/\\=

- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2001 6:29 AM
Subject: [newbie] Old Kernel- Safe to delete?

 I recently compiled my own kernel.  It seems to be working pretty well,
 been using it for a week or so now... so is it safe to delete the old one?
 would think so, but just want to be safe.  Takes up space on the boot
 menu  Also, what is the "linux non-fb" and "failsafe"?  Safe to remove
 those too?


'linux non-fb' is the same as 'linux' but without framebuffer. The
difference is that with 'linux' you have console in graphic mode, graphic
bootup (aurora), and you can have high resolution console, but in
framebuffer mode there is only 60Hz refresh. So I use 'linux non-fb', I have
text mode bootup and console 80x25 and higher refresh rate in console ( 70
Hz I think).
I did't use 'failsafe'.

Re: [newbie] How do I change the refresh rate of my monitor?

2001-07-20 Thread =/\\= Majki =/\\=

 To change the Refresh Rate...

 Edit the following file:

 Look for the Monitor Section: (example below)
 Change the values for VertRefresh and HorizSync
 HorizSync  60.0
 VertRefresh 56.0-76.0

Well, it doesn't set maximum possible refresh rate. I have Samsung
SyncMaster 700IFT, it can do 1024x768@100Hz.
I set:
HorizSync 30-96
VertRefresh 50-160

and when I run X I have only 85Hz. I see it on OSD.
When I run Windows I can easy change to 100Hz and it works.

Also I don't know how to change X resolution without restarting X. When I
press ctrl+alt+gray_+ X switch virtual desktop. I don't use virtual desktop,
I want switch resolution. In XF86Config I have
Modes  "1024x768"  "800x600"  "640x480"
Viewport 0 0


Re: [newbie] slow performance whist downloading normal ?

2001-07-20 Thread Rob

On Friday 20 July 2001 22:38, you wrote:
 On Friday 20 July 2001 00:54, Rob wrote:
  Whilst downloading from the internet my general machine performance seems
  to fall away terribly.
  the machine is no slouch 900 athlon 512m memory only on a 56k modem too.
  is this sluggishness normal?
  What could be wrong ?

 Do you have a winmodem/linmodem?  That can steal up to 40% of your CPU
 cycles for retraining (dropped messages).  Other than that, it could be bad
 irq tuning.  The modem should be at the top of the priority list or frames
 wlll be dropped and retransmissions requested frequently.


  Thanks Rob
Modem is standard 56k external (rockwell chipset) on com2 = tty2 ? so IRQ 
is 3 which near top of irq chain
as for IRQ my system is resonably complex being abit kt7 with hpt370, (The 
hpt is detected as HPT 366 ??? ) as ide34 GeForce256, sblive 5.1 3HDD 1 
booting from hda , 2 on ide34  as hde  f , 1 DVD as dev/cdrom on ide1, 1 
burner as /dev cdrom2. on ide2 The setup works fine under windows implying I 
have no IRQ conflicts. 
swap partition is adequate at 250M + 512M ram
Just seems very slow to respond when actively downloading. like 15 seconds  
to open a konqueror file manager window. 
Surely this can't be correct ?

Re: [newbie] GeForce2 MX

2001-07-20 Thread =/\\= Majki =/\\=

 So NOW when I launch tuxracer (just for instance--this actually happens
 ALL full-screen gl apps), the screen blanks, I hear the monitor tick to a
 different frequency, my speakers play the first note of the music, and
 nothing; I hang with a black screen.

 If I hit "esc" and "ctrl-alt-del" enough, I eventually get back to my
 desktop, having triggered the "Log me out" function in KDE, I guess.
 Sometimes I get KDE's "Really?" dialog, and other times I log all the way
 and see KDM instead.

I have the same problem. First when I installed Mandrake 8.0, programs which
use OpenGL didn't work. So I downloaded nVidia drivers. I installed them and
everything was ok. TuxRacer , glTron, and Chomium worked perfectly. A few
days later I change something in Mandrake Command Center, and MCC changed
XF86Config, switch again to nv, and removed load GLX. I repaired XF86Config,
now I run XFree without errors, have nVidia splash screen, but games don't
run. I have the same behavior, game switch monitor, play few notes, then
hang with blank screen. I reinstalled nVidia drivers but it didn't help.

[newbie] Noatun bombing

2001-07-20 Thread Miark

Noatun keeps bombing on me(MDK 8.0).

I think that deleting any noatun settings files will
probably fix it (like nuking .kde when KDE goes to hell in a
hand basket), but I can't seem to find them.

Any suggestions?


Re: [newbie] driver for PCTel's HSP 56K Micromodem

2001-07-20 Thread Carroll Grigsby

Yes, there are. It takes some effort, though. Check out the following
websites for more information:
HTH, Carroll

karthigan srinivasan wrote:
 I have Mandrake 7.2 installed on my Compaq Pressario 7599. It has PCTel's
 HSP 56K micromodem in it. Can someone tell me if there is
 any driver available for this modem?
 I appreciate your help in advance.
 Karthigan Srinivasan.

[newbie] -deferglyphs 16

2001-07-20 Thread Kevin Fonner

What exactly dows this switch do and is it important?  I looked in the 
help and didn really understand it.  When I removed this switch it 
solved my duel screen graphical login problem.

Re: [newbie] Update Programs Via Mandrake Update?

2001-07-20 Thread Curtis Matthiesen

It isn't always good to have the latest version of a package. Newer 
can sometimes break compatibility with other packages. When a distro is 
the distro maker tries its best to ensure that all packages work well with
each other. Official updates are also tested for this, and so are safe to
install. With other packages, you shoudn't upgrade if everything is fine.

Well, I assume the updates that I see when I run Mandrake Update are 
Official updates or, if not, how do you tell what is an official update 
compared to the updates that are showing at Mandrake Update?



As for the rest of your message, Civileme has already answered it. The grep
command has been changed (this is a very rare occurrance, AFAIK), partially
breaking the functionality of Software Manager. I think we'll have to wait
for a Software Manager update before things get back to normal again.

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
   There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
   LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
   -- Jeremy S. Anderson

Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at

Re: [newbie] AVI player in mdk8?

2001-07-20 Thread Paul

It was Fri, 20 Jul 2001 13:08:10 -0400 when Dan Ray wrote:

 Any help, or a pointer to another avi player, is appreciated.

MPlayer is excellent.

Thanks for the tip! This is excellent indeed!! :)
It plays just about anything one could need!!

bye bye aktion ;-)

Is it weird in here, or is it just me?
-Steven Wright - Registered Linux User 174403
 Linux Mandrake 8.0 - Sylpheed 0.5.1
** - when you care **

Re: [newbie] Sound Rights???

2001-07-20 Thread Michael D. Viron

It was Fri, 20 Jul 2001 15:44:27 -0400 when Kevin Fonner wrote:

I have that happen also.
You need to make the sound devices accessible for everyone:

chmod a+rw /dev/dsp* /dev/audio* /dev/midi*
That is actually not the preferred method of making sound available for
other users.  The preferred method is to add your user to the audio
group, which has rights to the audio devices.  Besides which, if you do the
above, you may open yourself up to security risks.


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

Re: [newbie] Nvidia installation FAQ !

2001-07-20 Thread Kernell32

Shouldn't it be make install ? 
That article repeats the README file from the tar and if i remember right 
didnt work.
Just untar the tars and type make install in both kernel and glx 
Then add: load glx 
and replace: nv with nvidia 
in the /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 file as it says in the article. 
After that you should not use kdm as loginmanager, use gdm instead or boot 
into runlevel3 and startx manually.
Worked for me tuxracer ut etc. all working fine.
On a GeForce2 GTS.

On Saturday 21 July 2001 21:23, A.Roesch wrote:
 i just found this a few days ago and thought this might help to solve
 a few problems !!

Re: [newbie] Sound Rights???

2001-07-20 Thread Dennis Myers

On Friday 20 July 2001 21:09, you wrote:
 It was Fri, 20 Jul 2001 15:44:27 -0400 when Kevin Fonner wrote:

 I have that happen also.
 You need to make the sound devices accessible for everyone:

 chmod a+rw /dev/dsp* /dev/audio* /dev/midi*

 That should cure your problem.
Sound is a funny thing. I have sound on system notifications and sound in 
alsa player, but no sound in xmms or plain ole cdplayer. The cdplayer loads 
up and the disk spins but no sound comes out of the speakers. Any suggestions 
on how to get xmms working? TIA for any help.
Dennis M. registered linux user # 180842

Re: Fw: [newbie] Problem with automounting CDROM and floppy

2001-07-20 Thread Ján Sedivý

 This is what my fstab file looks like and supermount is what you are
 for I think. This is from LM 8.0, which version are you using?

 /dev/hda1 / ext2 defaults 1 1
 none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
 /dev/hda7 /home ext2 defaults 1 2
 /mnt/cdrom /mnt/cdrom supermount fs=iso9660,dev=/dev/cdrom 0 0
 /mnt/floppy /mnt/floppy supermount fs=vfat,dev=/dev/fd0 0 0
 /mnt/zip /mnt/zip supermount fs=vfat,dev=/dev/zip 0 0
 none /proc proc defaults 0 0
 /dev/hda6 /usr ext2 defaults 1 2
 /dev/hda8 /var ext2 defaults 1 2
 /dev/hda5 swap swap defaults 0 0

 If you need any other help, come back to the list,
 Dennis M. registered linux user # 180842

Thanks, I have LM 8.0 too. I have tried configuring CD-ROM as suggested, but
I still cannot acces the drive.

System says something like this (just my translation, because I use
localized Mandrake...):
Cannot access file:/mnt/cdrom. You have not access rights to this place.
...even when I login in root mode.

When I open directory /mnt, cdrom icon has a lock on it. When I click on the
icon, i get similar message: You have not enough rights to read
file:/mnt/cdrom. (...again, in root mode too)

Have you any more ideas what to do (or should I reinstall LM)



Re: [newbie] Tribes 2 for Linux Error Message

2001-07-20 Thread Romanator


Can you provide any additional instructions?

Registered Linux User #179293
su is not the root of your problem
but the start of a new journey

Miark wrote:
 Have you installed the GLX and nVidia driver RPMs from the
 nVidia web site? If not, you'll need to. You can download
 them from
 and let me know if you want a white-space friendly version
 of nVidia's sardines-in-a-can instructions.
 - Original Message -
 From: Jim Lynch [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, July 19, 2001 5:38 PM
 Subject: [newbie] Tribes 2 for Linux Error Message
  I'm getting the error message below when I try to run
  Tribes 2. The launcher disappears after I click on the
  play online option.
  I see this error message in the terminal window:
  extension GLX missing on display :0.0.
  Any ideas how to get this fixed?
  Do You Yahoo!?
  Get personalized email addresses from Yahoo! Mail

Re: [newbie] Creating a link to application on the Gnome desktop

2001-07-20 Thread Romanator

Hi Dave,

I guess the launcher is in the Gnome Control Panel. I still think it
would be much easier to right-click on the desktop and add the link.
Hopefully, they will add this in their future releases.

Thanks for responding.

Registered Linux User #179293
su is not the root of your problem
but the start of a new journey

Dave Sherman wrote:
 Hash: SHA1
 I believe the desktop right-click menu option is Launcher, or perhaps
 New  Launcher.
 On Thursday 19 July 2001 18:33, thus spake Romanator:
  Hi all,
  I can't for the life of me figure out how to create a simple Link to an
  application or shortcut on the Gnome desktop.
  Any ideas?
  Registered Linux User #179293
  su is not the root of your problem
  but the start of a new journey
 - --
 Nihil tam munitum quod non expugnari pecunia possit. (No
 fortification is such that it cannot be subdued with money.)
 - - Marcus Tullius Cicero, 106-43 B.C.
 Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
 Comment: For info see

Re: [newbie] Creating a link to application on the Gnome desktop

2001-07-20 Thread Romanator

I'll try anything. This should be interesting.


s wrote:
 If you can't find the launcher, can't you do a
 ln -s /usr/bin/whatever /home/you/Desktop/whatever
 I used to do it that way a while back, but haven't in a while.  You don't get
 to choose a perty icon.  ;-)
 On Thursday 19 July 2001 06:33 pm, you wrote:
  Hi all,
  I can't for the life of me figure out how to create a simple Link to an
  application or shortcut on the Gnome desktop.
  Any ideas?
  Registered Linux User #179293
  su is not the root of your problem
  but the start of a new journey

Re: [newbie] AVI player in mdk8?

2001-07-20 Thread Romanator

Sorry, I just caught the end of this thread. Where can I find mplayer
for Linux? Is it included with the Powerpack?


Paul wrote:
 It was Fri, 20 Jul 2001 13:08:10 -0400 when Dan Ray wrote:
  Any help, or a pointer to another avi player, is appreciated.
 MPlayer is excellent.
 Thanks for the tip! This is excellent indeed!! :)
 It plays just about anything one could need!!
 bye bye aktion ;-)
 Is it weird in here, or is it just me?
 -Steven Wright - Registered Linux User 174403
  Linux Mandrake 8.0 - Sylpheed 0.5.1
 ** - when you care **

Re: Fw: [newbie] Problem with automounting CDROM and floppy

2001-07-20 Thread Romanator


Try inserting user as shown below:
/mnt/cdrom /mnt/cdrom supermount fs=iso9660,user,dev=/dev/cdrom 0 0
/mnt/floppy /mnt/floppy supermount fs=vfat,user,dev=/dev/fd0 0 0
/mnt/zip /mnt/zip supermount fs=vfat,user,dev=/dev/zip 0 0


Jan Sedivý wrote:
  This is what my fstab file looks like and supermount is what you are
  for I think. This is from LM 8.0, which version are you using?
  /dev/hda1 / ext2 defaults 1 1
  none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
  /dev/hda7 /home ext2 defaults 1 2
  /mnt/cdrom /mnt/cdrom supermount fs=iso9660,dev=/dev/cdrom 0 0
  /mnt/floppy /mnt/floppy supermount fs=vfat,dev=/dev/fd0 0 0
  /mnt/zip /mnt/zip supermount fs=vfat,dev=/dev/zip 0 0
  none /proc proc defaults 0 0
  /dev/hda6 /usr ext2 defaults 1 2
  /dev/hda8 /var ext2 defaults 1 2
  /dev/hda5 swap swap defaults 0 0
  If you need any other help, come back to the list,
  Dennis M. registered linux user # 180842
 Thanks, I have LM 8.0 too. I have tried configuring CD-ROM as suggested, but
 I still cannot acces the drive.
 System says something like this (just my translation, because I use
 localized Mandrake...):
 Cannot access file:/mnt/cdrom. You have not access rights to this place.
 ...even when I login in root mode.
 When I open directory /mnt, cdrom icon has a lock on it. When I click on the
 icon, i get similar message: You have not enough rights to read
 file:/mnt/cdrom. (...again, in root mode too)
 Have you any more ideas what to do (or should I reinstall LM)

Registered Linux User #179293
su is not the root of your problem
but the start of a new journey

Re: [newbie] Internet college classes

2001-07-20 Thread Terry C

Marcia, webct is a browser based interface and I have
used it with Netscape on Linux before without any
problems. Taking Unix classes can be very helpful to
you as you learn Linux. There are some differences,
but over all much of what you learn for Unix will
apply to Unix too.


--- Marcia Waller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Dear All,
 I am considering taking some computer college and/or
 internet classes. My 
 area college has internet instruction using webct
 software which supposedly 
 works with Unix. Does that mean that it would work
 with Linux?
 Unfortunately, they offer no classes teaching linux
 but several for Unix. 
 Linux is my interest but is Unix just about the same
 Thanks for your help.
 Marcia Waller

Do You Yahoo!?
Get personalized email addresses from Yahoo! Mail

[newbie] CableModem 3Com - via USB not Detected!

2001-07-20 Thread webmaster


I've just installed Mandrake-Linux 8.0 and found 
this great list, with you message on it.

Well... I have a PC with a cable modem, connected 
via USB port. It is a 3Com Cablemodem.

The point is... I do not reach any internet access 
with it.. I think it's not even detected. But when I connect it via Ethernet 
card... it runs perfectly!

So, is there a way to use a USB connected 
Cablemodem with Linux?

If you have any info... I'll really appreciate it a 


Adrián Ivanov

Re: [newbie]will Konqueror run on a gnome desktop?

2001-07-20 Thread Romanator

Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:
 Yep. IMHO, it's the only way to fly :-)
 Since version 1.0.x, GNOME has been as solid as a rock for me. I found KDE
 2.0 to be simply unusable, but from 2.1 things got really good. I love GNOME
 for its ultra-configurable Panel and its equally versatile Sawfish WM. At the
 same time, I love KDE for Konqueror (both as a browser and as a file manager)
 and Kmail.
 At the moment I have Mandrake 8.0 with both GNOME 1.4 and KDE 2.2b1
 installed. KDE has never been quite as stable as GNOME for me (YMMV), and
 running KDE apps like Konqueror and Kmail in GNOME provides me with the
 ultimate in flexibility. If a KDE-related process goes rogue (as it does on
 occasion; it is a beta after all), I can simply kill all of KDE (killall
 kdeinit) and load it back up again. GNOME stays up, totally unharmed.
 On Fri, 20 Jul 2001 23:09, Ravi Malghan wrote:
  can Konqueror be run on a gnome environment?
  - Original Message -
  Sent: Thursday, July 19, 2001 7:12 PM
  Subject: Re: [newbie] Best browser for linux?
   Konqueror is my fave.  Opera, mozilla, galeon, and slipknot (or something
   other that comes with the power pack) are all adequate enough, but
   is undoubtedly the best (imo).  And if you like a netscape, get 6.1.  It
   very stable and useable, cause your right, 6.0 will crash every dern time
   open it.  If you like text only lynx is neato in a terminal (I like to
   with it sometimes and it's handy if your X won't boot - so remember it
   for future reference), and then there's links.
   On Thursday 19 July 2001 10:25 am, you wrote:
Hello: I have Mandrake 8.0 and use the default browser Netscape which
with it. But this sucks specially on pages where there are some
tried installing Netscape 6.0, it works great but crashes very often.
anybody have any suggestion on which broswer works great?
 Sridhar Dhanapalan.
 There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
 LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
 -- Jeremy S. Anderson

When I'm in Gnome it feels more stable including it's graphics and file
manager. I'm still stumped on why they didn't offer an easier way to
create a simple shortcut to an application by right-clicking with the

Registered Linux User #179293
su is not the root of your problem
but the start of a new journey

Re: [newbie] Boot Problem

2001-07-20 Thread L.V.Gandhi

On July 20, 2001 12:04 am, Juan Carlos Conde wrote:
 Hello All.

 I had a dual boot with Win98 and LM8.0.
 Today I delete Win98 and I install Win98SE.
 After that I can not choose to boot Linux now.
 How can I restore the Boot Manager (I belive LILO is its name).

If you don't have boot disk, as many, please do like this.
Get hold of explore2fs.exe from net. Install it in windows partition. Run it. 
It will show you  the linux partition. From there export vmlinuz to windows 
c: drive. See what is the root partition for linux if you don't remember. 
Copy loadlin.exe to c: 
Now boot in DOS mode not DOS window.
use the command 
loadlin vmlinuz root=/dev/hdax where x is the correct root partition number 
ie 1, 2, 3, etc.
Now you can go to linux. As root in console type
/sbin/lilo -v.
Now your lilo is back.

203, Soundaryalahari Apartments, Lawsons Bay colony, Visakhapatnam, 530017
MECON, 5th Floor, RTC Complex, Visakhapatnam AP 530020 INDIA
[EMAIL PROTECTED],  [EMAIL PROTECTED] linux user No.205042

Re: [newbie] Sensors

2001-07-20 Thread L.V.Gandhi

I have kobian MB. But installing lm_utils didn't show the CPU temp etc.Has 
anybody working sensor with this MB. Or have I done any mistake un 
configuring. I used all defaults mostly but for ISA as I don't have isa slot?

On July 20, 2001 02:08 am, civileme wrote:
 gkrellm would be a good frontend.

 You must load lm_utils.  We do not install it by default and we defang the
 KDE functions that would use lm_sensors directly because there is ONE brand
 of notebooks where if you use lm_sensors once, your next act is a factory
 return for a new motherboard.


 Is the package name on the Core System CD

 Is a good place to start for additional applications.


203, Soundaryalahari Apartments, Lawsons Bay colony, Visakhapatnam, 530017
MECON, 5th Floor, RTC Complex, Visakhapatnam AP 530020 INDIA
[EMAIL PROTECTED],  [EMAIL PROTECTED] linux user No.205042


2001-07-20 Thread Romanator

John Rigby wrote:
 Hi there,
 If nobody here can fix it ( most things seem to be! ) send off a note
 to  SO. If enough people NICELY complain, it will be fixed.
 The axle that squeaks gets the grease - THAT'S life!   :-)
 On Fri, 20 Jul 2001 15:03, you manipulated electrons to produce:
  It's extremely annoying to me. I wish I knew how to correct this
  problem! Konqueror had a similar problem, but I corrected it
  through settings changes. But, SO52 doesn't have any such settings
  to change! So, what can we do???
 Fablor now Webhosting?? What on earth for??  Info here:
 (it's only an Autoresponder)  :-)

Apparently, a person from sun will be posting some news about the font
status very soon.

Registered Linux User #179293
su is not the root of your problem
but the start of a new journey

Re: [newbie]will Konqueror run on a gnome desktop?

2001-07-20 Thread s

On Friday 20 July 2001 12:56 pm, you wrote:
 On Friday 20 July 2001 14:51, s wrote:
  ummm, good question.  I don't know.  I'm guessing not, possibly due to
  the qt/gtk thing.  

 Ummm, Yes, if you have KDE installed on the machine.  If you do not, then
 you need konqueror-embedded which does not depend on kde or the Qt widget


In light of this conversation and testimonials to the newer gnome, I couldn't 
resist checking it out.  (And hey, that nautilis does look kinda neato.)  
However, my kde apps won't start.  I get couldn't start klauncher errors.

In addition, my games didn't play as smoothly.  Kinda like dropped frames or 

Anyone have any ideas here?

Re: [newbie]will Konqueror run on a gnome desktop?

2001-07-20 Thread s

On Friday 20 July 2001 11:09 pm, you wrote:
 On Saturday 21 July 2001 01:51, s wrote:
  On Friday 20 July 2001 12:56 pm, you wrote:
   On Friday 20 July 2001 14:51, s wrote:
ummm, good question.  I don't know.  I'm guessing not, possibly due
to the qt/gtk thing.
   Ummm, Yes, if you have KDE installed on the machine.  If you do not,
   then you need konqueror-embedded which does not depend on kde or the Qt
   widget set.
  In light of this conversation and testimonials to the newer gnome, I
  couldn't resist checking it out.  (And hey, that nautilis does look kinda
  neato.) However, my kde apps won't start.  I get couldn't start
  klauncher errors.
  In addition, my games didn't play as smoothly.  Kinda like dropped frames
  or something.
  Anyone have any ideas here?

 Yep, GNOME is the GNU Network Object Model Environemnt or words to that
 effect.  It uses a network socket (CORBA) to communicate among processes. 
 I was able to reproduce your behavior by bringing up a firewall though I
 could still connect to Konqueror through the File manager/Super-User Mode. 
 I am writing this message from GNOME right now using Kmail.


h.  Interesting.  However, I don't run a firewall or portsentry on this 

[newbie] Konqueror and Flash

2001-07-20 Thread Riker


Thanks for the tips! It works fine. Again,  thanks!


[newbie] OpenGL and Mplayer help needed

2001-07-20 Thread nkey

i am currently trying to install Mplayer so that i can view AVI's with
DivX support. I downloaded mplayer-0.17-1.20010501.i686.rpm

i am using Linux Mandrake 8.0 on an Athlon 700mhz machine with 128 MB RAM.
I have a KA7 motherboard 
using GeForce 256 (generic) GeForce 256 DDR graphics card on PCI bus.
i have a Creative Labs SB Live! EMU1 soundcard on PCI

anyways, when i attempt to use the command rpm -Uvh on the mplayer.rpm
file, i get this message

[root@charter Packages]# rpm -Uvh mplayer-0.17-1.20010501.i686.rpm
error: failed dependencies:
OpenGL is needed by mplayer-0.17-1.20010501   is needed by mplayer-0.17-1.20010501   is needed by mplayer-0.17-1.20010501
alright, i understand that i need to get OpenGL and the other two files
listed. first task, get OpenGL!

so i download XFree86-OpenGL-libs-4.1.0-2.i686.rpm

i try to rpm -Uvh this particular item and receive the following message

error: failed dependencies:
XFree86-OpenGL-core is needed by XFree86-OpenGL-libs-4.1.0-2

okay, no problem, i just need to do this by process of elimination,
correct? So i go get this file


download it just fine and attempt to rpm -Uvh this file and run into
another problem

[root@charter Packages]# rpm -Uvh XFree86-OpenGL-libs-4.1.0-2.i686.rpm
error: failed dependencies:
XFree86-OpenGL-core is needed by XFree86-OpenGL-libs-4.1.0-2
[root@charter Packages]# rpm -Uvh XFree86-OpenGL-core-4.1.0-2.i686.rpm
file /usr/X11R6/lib/ from install of XFree86-OpenGL-core-4.1.0-2 
conflicts with file from package XFree86-libs-4.1.0-6mdk
file /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/extensions/libGLcore.a from install of 
XFree86-OpenGL-core-4.1.0-2 conflicts with file from package 
file /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/extensions/libglx.a from install of 
XFree86-OpenGL-core-4.1.0-2 conflicts with file from package

don't know what to do from here and i feel pretty stupid at this point.
im super new to linux and despite the fact that i managed to get the
internet running without help (which i saw as a major accomplishment), i
cannot seem to install the correct rpms to get good ol' Mplayer running
for me.



[newbie] Mozilla and Java-Plugin

2001-07-20 Thread NMF

Hello All.
I play chess on-line at and I want to
use my linux box all of the time
I can play it with Netscape 4.77  but when I try it with
Mozilla in Mandrake it says to down load the java2 plugin
so i do and it will never work even after it is down loaded
I can see it it in the plugin directory..can someone  help
me out with this because I like mozilla's browser under
Mandrake a  whole bunch better than Netscrapeing it
TNX Nathan

Re: [newbie] How to auto-mount USB digital camera

2001-07-20 Thread ultima

-- Dr. Evil [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Friday, 20 July, 2001 7:03)  :
 I'm not sure about auto-mounting, but I can definitely say that Linux
 Mandrake works well with the Sandisk CF reader.  Basically, you plug
 it in, run modprobe usb-storage, and then you can mount /dev/...
 whatever it is, and you can just read the files out.  Very convenient.
Thanks. I will try that when I get a card reader.  In the meantime, 
based on some other postings I saw on this list about mounting floppy 
and zip disks, I put in a line in /etc/fstab to mount the camera, and 
a desktop icon to the mount point, and have been able to view and 
transfer the files on the camera.  

Is there a simpler or more elegant way to do this, i.e. treat the 
camera's memory card like a removable drive?


Re: [newbie] Internet college classes

2001-07-20 Thread Paul

It was Fri, 20 Jul 2001 21:51:29 -0400 when Kevin Fonner wrote:

Hey Terry, I think what you learn for Unix will apply to Unix too!! ;)


I agree. I am using Linux fulltime at home for more than 1.5 years, and
because of that I can find my way on big HPUX machines very well :)

Do you know the solution,
or are you part of the problem? - Registered Linux User 174403
 Linux Mandrake 8.0 - Sylpheed 0.5.1
** - when you care **

Re: [newbie] AVI player in mdk8?

2001-07-20 Thread Paul

It was Fri, 20 Jul 2001 19:39:48 -0400 when Romanator wrote:

Sorry, I just caught the end of this thread. Where can I find mplayer
for Linux? Is it included with the Powerpack?

Go to and there it is :)
Another tip that Dan wrote:
do ./configure --help and use the parameter to prevent configure from checking
the gcc compiler. It apparently does not like 2.96. Worked for me!
Also download their wincodecs zipfile and install that in /usr/lib/win32, and
it works like a champ.

Paul wrote:
 It was Fri, 20 Jul 2001 13:08:10 -0400 when Dan Ray wrote:
  Any help, or a pointer to another avi player, is appreciated.
 MPlayer is excellent.
 Thanks for the tip! This is excellent indeed!! :)
 It plays just about anything one could need!!
 bye bye aktion ;-)
 Is it weird in here, or is it just me?
 -Steven Wright - Registered Linux User 174403
  Linux Mandrake 8.0 - Sylpheed 0.5.1
 ** - when you care **

Do you know the solution,
or are you part of the problem? - Registered Linux User 174403
 Linux Mandrake 8.0 - Sylpheed 0.5.1
** - when you care **

Re: [newbie] Swann SpeedDemon 56K V.90 External Modem

2001-07-20 Thread Dennis Myers

 Heeheehee  drivers needed for an external serial modem?  I'll be amused for


Dang, you are easily amused, so  did you hear the one about the traveling 
modem salesman? .eh, oh well, never mind. It really isn't as good as 
drivers for external serial modems.
Dennis M. registered linux user # 180842

Re: [newbie] How to auto-mount USB digital camera

2001-07-20 Thread Dr. Evil

 Thanks. I will try that when I get a card reader.  In the meantime, 
 based on some other postings I saw on this list about mounting floppy 
 and zip disks, I put in a line in /etc/fstab to mount the camera, and 
 a desktop icon to the mount point, and have been able to view and 
 transfer the files on the camera.  


 Is there a simpler or more elegant way to do this, i.e. treat the 
 camera's memory card like a removable drive?

That's what I can do with the Sandisk.  I could not get gphoto to
compile, so I couldn't access my Canon Elph Powershot 300.  However,
the people at Ritz Camera gave me the Sandisk reader free with the
camera, so rather than struggle with gphoto, I just plugged in the
Sandisk and everything worked.  Now that I see how effective this
thing is I'm tempted to get an MP3 player to go with it.  The main
thing stopping me is that I want something that plays Ogg Vorbis
instead of or in addition to MP3.

Re: [newbie] Swann SpeedDemon 56K V.90 External Modem

2001-07-20 Thread tazmun

- Original Message -
From: Dennis Myers [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: civileme [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Newbie Linux-Mandrake
Sent: Friday, July 20, 2001 10:24 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Swann SpeedDemon 56K V.90 External Modem

  Heeheehee  drivers needed for an external serial modem?  I'll be amused
 Dang, you are easily amused, so  did you hear the one about the traveling
 modem salesman? .eh, oh well, never mind. It really isn't as good
 drivers for external serial modems.
 Dennis M. registered linux user # 180842

Careful...I think Civilme cracked a thinks he needed
one  :)

Re: [newbie] AVI player in mdk8?

2001-07-20 Thread Romanator

Sounds good. I'll check it out


Paul wrote:
 It was Fri, 20 Jul 2001 19:39:48 -0400 when Romanator wrote:
 Sorry, I just caught the end of this thread. Where can I find mplayer
 for Linux? Is it included with the Powerpack?
 Go to and there it is :)
 Another tip that Dan wrote:
 do ./configure --help and use the parameter to prevent configure from checking
 the gcc compiler. It apparently does not like 2.96. Worked for me!
 Also download their wincodecs zipfile and install that in /usr/lib/win32, and
 it works like a champ.
 Paul wrote:
  It was Fri, 20 Jul 2001 13:08:10 -0400 when Dan Ray wrote:
   Any help, or a pointer to another avi player, is appreciated.
  MPlayer is excellent.
  Thanks for the tip! This is excellent indeed!! :)
  It plays just about anything one could need!!
  bye bye aktion ;-)
  Is it weird in here, or is it just me?
  -Steven Wright - Registered Linux User 174403
   Linux Mandrake 8.0 - Sylpheed 0.5.1
  ** - when you care **
 Do you know the solution,
 or are you part of the problem? - Registered Linux User 174403
  Linux Mandrake 8.0 - Sylpheed 0.5.1
 ** - when you care **

Registered Linux User #179293
This email is powered by the Tux Email Utility

Re: [newbie] Quick question...

2001-07-20 Thread s

On Friday 20 July 2001 11:01 pm, you wrote:

 Hey gang,

   What was that web address for the small program that checks if the NVidia
 tarball was installed correctly?


[newbie] Websphere(Fpbuilder) can't ftp

2001-07-20 Thread John Rigby

Hi folks,
Gotta be something simple:
1. iglooftp ( very familiar to cuteftp users!)  no probs.
2. Can't get the help files . 
3. When attempting to upload inside FPB, it reports no server contact.



Fablor now Webhosting?? What on earth for??  
(it's only an Autoresponder)  :-)

Re: [newbie] C Compiler

2001-07-20 Thread civileme

On Friday 20 July 2001 20:56, George Baker wrote:
 A V Flinsch wrote:
  On Wednesday 18 July 2001 17:03, you wrote:
   Trying to install koffice 2.0.1 and kfinance 0.2.0 and keep getting the
   message that the C Compiler can't create executables. I have installed
   gcc and gcc -c++. This is the config.log I get:
  You need to install glibc-devel
  Kernel Panic is General Failure's second in command

 I installed glibc-devel and now get this message. Can't seem to find any
 libs that deal with X includes.

 [root@localhost kfinance-0.2.0]# ./configure loading cache ./config.cache
 checking for gcc... gcc
 checking whether the C compiler (gcc  ) works... yes
 checking whether the C compiler (gcc  ) is a cross-compiler... no
 checking whether we are using GNU C... yes
 checking whether gcc accepts -g...yes
 checking how to run the C++ preprocessor... g++ -E
 checking for X...
 configure: error: Can't find X includes. Please check your installation and
 add the correct paths!  [root@localhost kfinance-0.2.0]#
 George Baker
 South Africa

You need the stuff from XFree that says -devel- in the rpms.  It checks for X 
by looking for a header file.


[newbie] System speaker busies out /dev/dsp

2001-07-20 Thread dan

Anybody else noticed this? Do something to cause the system to beep at you (like 
trying to tab-complete an impossible string of characters) then use mpg123 or 
something. The sound device /dev/dsp is busy for sometimes 60 seconds or so after the 
last beep. 

What's the deal? Do I have something misconfigured?

Also, I'd dearly love to be able to have the system beep AND play an mp3 at the same 
time. It's possible under Windows. Is the whole /dev concept just too fileish to 
allow multiple sources for sound to get to the audio device?


Re: [newbie] Swann SpeedDemon 56K V.90 External Modem

2001-07-20 Thread Dennis Myers

On Thursday 19 July 2001 18:59, you wrote:
 Hello People

 Just to let you all know the results concerning Linux compatibility with
 the Swann SpeedDemon 56K V.90 External Modem.  Thanks to all who replied,
 much appreciated.  I've decided to give this modem a go since I'm getting
 with Telecom TalkingPoints (until I save up for a better one like 3com or

 I received the following email from the

 - Original Message -
 From: Tech Support [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: skinky [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, July 20, 2001 11:40 AM
 Subject: Linux

  Thanks for your mail, in regards to your query please note the speed
  demon external is an Intel chipset. It does have a hardware controller
  and can


  made to work with Linux using generic drivers but unfortunately we do not
  support that OS. Should you have any further queries please do not


  to contact tech support on the below numbers or 1300 138 324.
  Best Regards
  Technical Support
  Swann Communications
  1/177 Burnley St Richmond
  Victoria  Australia  3121
  Aus Tech Support  +61 3 9421 3290  (9AM - 6PM Mon to Thurs, 9AM - 5.30PM


  Aus EST).
  After hours mobile number 0418 146434 (6PM - 9PM Mon to Fri  Aus EST)
  Fax. +61 3 94213688
  -Original Message-
  Hi there
  I am interested in purchasing the a Swann SpeedDemon 56K V.90 External
  Modem.  Would you be so kind as to provide the following information
  regarding this modem:
  1.What chipset is used?
  2.Does it have a hardware controller?
  3.Is this modem compatible with Linux?
  Your help would be much appreciated.

 Do You Yahoo!?
 Get your free address at
You shouldn't have a problem. From your post I see that it is a serial modem. 
Just make sure that the serial port is enabled in bios and I personally use 
ttyS0 or com1 with mine, you will not see it in harddrake (probably) but if 
you use Kppp and setup to use the ttyS0 and your ISP dns etc it should work 
right out ot the box, no driver install or anything necessary. My modem is a 
little Best Data modem , external, serial and it works great.  Good luck,
Dennis M. registered linux user # 180842

Re: [newbie] Swann SpeedDemon 56K V.90 External Modem

2001-07-20 Thread civileme

On Friday 20 July 2001 00:12, Dennis Myers wrote:
 On Thursday 19 July 2001 18:59, you wrote:
  Hello People
  Just to let you all know the results concerning Linux compatibility with
  the Swann SpeedDemon 56K V.90 External Modem.  Thanks to all who replied,
  much appreciated.  I've decided to give this modem a go since I'm getting
  with Telecom TalkingPoints (until I save up for a better one like 3com or
  I received the following email from the
  - Original Message -
  From: Tech Support [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: skinky [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Friday, July 20, 2001 11:40 AM
  Subject: Linux
   Thanks for your mail, in regards to your query please note the speed
   demon external is an Intel chipset. It does have a hardware controller
   and can
   made to work with Linux using generic drivers but unfortunately we do
   not support that OS. Should you have any further queries please do not

Heeheehee  drivers needed for an external serial modem?  I'll be amused for 


   to contact tech support on the below numbers or 1300 138 324.
   Best Regards
   Technical Support
   Swann Communications
   1/177 Burnley St Richmond
   Victoria  Australia  3121
   Aus Tech Support  +61 3 9421 3290  (9AM - 6PM Mon to Thurs, 9AM -
   Aus EST).
   After hours mobile number 0418 146434 (6PM - 9PM Mon to Fri  Aus EST)
   Fax. +61 3 94213688
   -Original Message-
   Hi there
   I am interested in purchasing the a Swann SpeedDemon 56K V.90 External
   Modem.  Would you be so kind as to provide the following information
   regarding this modem:
   1.What chipset is used?
   2.Does it have a hardware controller?
   3.Is this modem compatible with Linux?
   Your help would be much appreciated.
  Do You Yahoo!?
  Get your free address at

 You shouldn't have a problem. From your post I see that it is a serial
 modem. Just make sure that the serial port is enabled in bios and I
 personally use ttyS0 or com1 with mine, you will not see it in harddrake
 (probably) but if you use Kppp and setup to use the ttyS0 and your ISP dns
 etc it should work right out ot the box, no driver install or anything
 necessary. My modem is a little Best Data modem , external, serial and it
 works great.  Good luck,