[newbie-it] Re: Scusate... Multiple Network configuration fornotebook

2001-10-04 Thread Leonardo Orazi

 in teoria dovresti riuscire a gestire tutti i profili che vuoi dal control
 center sollo la voce rete.
 Crei un nuovo profilo per ogni insieme di parametri e via.
 Dico in teoria perche' in pratica io non sono riuscito a farlo funzionare
 e ogni tanto usando il profilo casa il computer cerca di usare l'IP che
 uso dal mio ufficio in universita'.
 Magari a te funziona e poi mi fai sapere.

 Luigi De Pascale:   Indirizzo: Via San Lorenzo 53, 56127 Pisa
  Tel.: +39/0347/8707210

In effetti ho provato anch'io senza nessun risultato. Forse aggiornando a MD

[newbie-it] Problema localhost...

2001-10-04 Thread Merz Luca

il problema è questo; è dalla mdk 8.0 che pur cercando di configurare nel
miglior modo possibile LISA per sfogliare la rete, non arrivo mai a capo di
L'unico errore che mi torna konqueror quando tento di sfogliare la rete è:
Impossibile trovare localhost
La cosa mi appare strana in quanto funziona tutto a meraviglia, anche tutti
i configuratori che si appoggiano su apache e che ovviamente vengono
contattati tramite http:\\localhost:n°porta.
Ho provato a cercare errori nella tabella di routing, nel file di hosts, ma
non trovo niente di anomalo.
Qualcuno ha un'idea?

Re: [newbie-it] Mandrake+LTmodem

2001-10-04 Thread Gino

io ho prelevato i sorgenti del driver su

1. scompattati : tar xvzf noemfile.tar.gz
2. la compilazione è piuttosto veloce (NOTA: deve aver installati gli header
del kernel . io metterei anche i sorgenti - che kernel hai?)
a) dai: ./build_module - ti costruisce i moduli
b) poi: ./ltinst2 - che si occupa della installazione dei moduli (ti mette
un lt_serial.o e un lt_modem.o in /lib/modules/versione_del_kernel_che usi)

c) e' poi possibile lanciare un ./autoload che si occupa di farti partire i
drivers in automatico (NOTA: dipende molto dalla distro che usi-- io ho
saltato questo passo, utilizzando una slak- puoi ad. es mettere un
modprobe lt_serial (è lt_serial il modulo che va caricato, che poi con il
modprobe si porta dietro anche lt_modem) in /etc/rc.d/rc.modules - credo
però che mdk usi degli scripts di avvio un po' personalizzati...prova con lo
script ./autoload, se no fammi sapere...

3. a questo punto se non hai voglia di rebootare, dai un modprobe lt_serial
e dovresti essere pronto!!!

lo script ./ltinst2 dovrebbe crearti da solo il link simbolico a
/dev/modem...cioè /dev/modem punta ad una device creata dal modulo che si
chiama /dev/LT0 e sarebbe la seriale virtuale che stai utilizzando: quindi
se dai una
ls -la /dev/modem puoi verificare.
Accertati poi che i permessi su /dev/LT0 siano giusti.

Questi ultimi passaggi sono solo dei controlli...gli scripts di cui sopra
fanno tutto piuttosto bene...

Questo è quanto...spero di non essere stato troppo confusionario, cmq sono

NON predere la versione 6b del modulo, a me non funzionava, o meglio credo
che sia un modulo di test e non ancora operativo...il file quindi è

A disposizione per chiarimenti...buona giornata a tutti.


- Original Message -
From: Luigi De Pascale [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2001 9:56 PM
Subject: [newbie-it] Mandrake+LTmodem

 Ciao Gino,
 direi che puoi parlarne direttamente qui del LTmodem.
 Io sono riuscito a connettermi ma questo non vuol dire che tutto filil
 Leggero'con piacere i metodi.
 Solo ti prego: Scrivi for dummy.
 Step by step e facile.

 Luigi De Pascale:   Indirizzo: Via San Lorenzo 53, 56127 Pisa
  Tel.: +39/0347/8707210

Re: [newbie-it] emulatori windows + server X 4.0.3 + prg + filtri in Kmail

2001-10-04 Thread max

Il 14:29, mercoledì 03 ottobre 2001, hai scritto:
 Ciao a tutta la ml!
 Ho una lista di domande a cui spero mi possiate
 Vorrei chiedere un consiglio: qual'è il miglior
 emulatore windows per Linux? Dove posso scaricarlo?
 Vorrei che fosse il più semplice possibile da usare
 dato che sono ancora alle prime armi.

io ho acquistato win4lin perchè molto più veloce di wmware. In linuxc di 
qualche tempo fa c'era una prova comparativa molto dettagliata.
Dal sito www.netraverse.com puoi scaricarti la demo e/o acquistare la 
versione download che costa molto meno da quella distribuita in italia (mi 
pare dalla italsel).
In mandrake 8 funziona la suite office, la rete ( è come avere un altro pc in 
rete), i programmi di navigazione, di posta, firewall (anche se è meglio 
lasciar fare a linux), aimster, ecc. ecc. ecc. L'unico programma che non sono 
riuscito a far funzionare  e nero...poco male gtoaster va benissimo.
Può essere un sistema per passare gradualmente a linux specialmente in 
ambienti di lavoroil mio caso appunto.



[newbie-it] Immagini ISO

2001-10-04 Thread max

esiste un programma per navigare nelle immagini iso?
Mi spiego: ho l'immagine iso di trinux80, vorrei apportare delle modifiche ad 
alcuni file di configurazione e rimasterizzare il tutto.
Si può fare?



[newbie-it] problema di rete

2001-10-04 Thread Brunini Alessandro

Salve alla lista, io ci riprovo, forse non mi avete letto :))

Ho 2 PC che si vedono tranquillamente e si pingano alla perfezione uno con
indirizzo, l'altro con IP

Al computer che si connette ad internet con ADSL (pppoe) è stata affiancata
una seconda scheda di rete che sotto Mandrake 8.1 (per ora sotto windows
2000 ci ho rinunciato) l'utility di ICS dà l'IP, mentre per il
modem non mi chiede niente.

Anche sull'altro PC ho una MDK 8.1 che ha come default gateway
(indirizzo che tra l'altro pinga), ma il problema è che non mi apre le
pagine web...

Qualcuno ha dei suggerimenti?

Ciao ;)

PS: Siate chiari perchè sono un po' durognolo.

PPS: Ma dove è il wizard per creare un server tanto decantato sul sito MDK,
chiamato wizdrake?

Ciao a tutti e grazie.

Re: [newbie-it] problema di rete

2001-10-04 Thread GuilePi

- Original Message -
From: Brunini Alessandro [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2001 12:24 PM
Subject: [newbie-it] problema di rete

 Salve alla lista, io ci riprovo, forse non mi avete letto :))

 Ho 2 PC che si vedono tranquillamente e si pingano alla perfezione uno con
 indirizzo, l'altro con IP

Lo stesso?

 Al computer che si connette ad internet con ADSL (pppoe) è stata
 una seconda scheda di rete che sotto Mandrake 8.1 (per ora sotto windows
 2000 ci ho rinunciato) l'utility di ICS dà l'IP, mentre per il
 modem non mi chiede niente.

 Anche sull'altro PC ho una MDK 8.1 che ha come default gateway
 (indirizzo che tra l'altro pinga), ma il problema è che non mi apre le
 pagine web...

Che vuol dire non mi apre? Puoi essere un po' piu' chiaro?

 Qualcuno ha dei suggerimenti?

 Ciao ;)

 PS: Siate chiari perchè sono un po' durognolo.

 PPS: Ma dove è il wizard per creare un server tanto decantato sul sito
 chiamato wizdrake?

 Ciao a tutti e grazie.


R: [newbie-it] problema di rete

2001-10-04 Thread the wise man

Ciao io ho installato mandrake 8.0 e ho un modem adsl speedstream 4060
della Efficient (distribuito da Alcatel) fornito da tin.it
Il mio problema è che non so come configurarlo per la connessione
Anche io ho due pc collegati in rete ma non riesco a farli comunicare
Puoi gentilmente dirmi come devo fare per configurare il tutto?
Te ne sarei molto grato, la mia e-mail è: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Aspetto tue notizie
Grazie anticipatamente

 Salve alla lista, io ci riprovo, forse non mi avete letto :))

 Ho 2 PC che si vedono tranquillamente e si pingano alla perfezione uno
 indirizzo, l'altro con IP

Lo stesso?

 Al computer che si connette ad internet con ADSL (pppoe) è stata
 una seconda scheda di rete che sotto Mandrake 8.1 (per ora sotto
 2000 ci ho rinunciato) l'utility di ICS dà l'IP, mentre per
 modem non mi chiede niente.

 Anche sull'altro PC ho una MDK 8.1 che ha come default gateway
 (indirizzo che tra l'altro pinga), ma il problema è che non mi apre le
 pagine web...

Che vuol dire non mi apre? Puoi essere un po' piu' chiaro?

 Qualcuno ha dei suggerimenti?

 Ciao ;)

 PS: Siate chiari perchè sono un po' durognolo.

 PPS: Ma dove è il wizard per creare un server tanto decantato sul sito
 chiamato wizdrake?

 Ciao a tutti e grazie.


R: [newbie-it] problema di rete

2001-10-04 Thread Brunini Alessandro

 Ho 2 PC che si vedono tranquillamente e si pingano alla perfezione uno con
 indirizzo, l'altro con IP

Lo stesso?

No, mi ero sbagliato. Uno ha il classico

 Anche sull'altro PC ho una MDK 8.1 che ha come default gateway
 (indirizzo che tra l'altro pinga), ma il problema è che non mi apre le
 pagine web...

Che vuol dire non mi apre? Puoi essere un po' piu' chiaro?

Che non va su nessuna pagina web con nessun navigatore, nè pinga alcun
indirizzo web.


Re: [newbie-it] Mandrake+LTmodem 2

2001-10-04 Thread Luigi De Pascale

On Thu, 4 Oct 2001, Gino wrote:

 che vuoi dire con non trova nessuna destinazione?

 che ti dice host sconosciuto o qualcosa del genere?

 se è così li il prblema non è più il modem, bensì i DNS, che si occupano di
 convertire i nomi di dominio in indirizzi ip..a seconda di ciò che usi per
 la connessione devi impostarli con quelli del tuo provider..
 se vuoi tagliare la testa al toro e renderli disponibili al sistema devi
 inserire le seguenti righe in /etc/resolv.conf:

 nameserver = xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx (gli indirizzi ip dei dns del tuop prov)
 nameserve = yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy (dns secondario che usualmente i provider

 Prova...se ho capito il problema


Be', diciamo che hai capito il problema.
Il punto e' che non dispongo di questi dati in quanto sono assegnati in
modo dinamico dal provider. (Ciaoweb)
Cosa potrebbe essere che gli impedisce di farlo?

R: [newbie-it] Problema localhost...

2001-10-04 Thread Merz Luca

..nella richiesta di aiuto avevo scritto sbagliato.
Il punto però non è questo, è lo sfoglio della rete che non riesco a fare
con konqueror perche mi da come errore [Impossibile trovare localhost],
qualcuno ci riesce?

-Messaggio originale-
Da: LukenShiro [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Inviato: giovedì 4 ottobre 2001 13.49
Oggetto: Re: [newbie-it] Problema localhost...

Nell'anno di grazia 08:42, giovedì 04 ottobre 2001, Voi, Messer Merz 
Luca, avete scritto:
 L'unico errore che mi torna konqueror quando tento di sfogliare la 
rete è:
 Impossibile trovare localhost
 contattati tramite http:\\localhost:n°porta.

Non so se puo' servire (magari non c'entra), ma mi sa che l'errore e' 
solo di digitazione, dovrebbe essere http://localhost:n°porta
Salux, Lk

L.U. #210970 - L.M. #98222
Pure' allegro di MDK 8.0+8.1+8.2 in ordine sparso ;-)

[newbie-it] Kernel

2001-10-04 Thread CaMiX

Ciao a tutti.
Sto leggendo gli appunti fi Giacomini e sono arrivato alla sezione 
compilazione kernel. Allora vorrei compilare il kernel (ovviamente ;-)). Ho 
prelevato il kernel 2.4.9 da ftp//:ftp.kernel.org. Da quanto ho capito, dopo 
aver scompattato il file è necessario copiare la directory linux in 
/usr/src/. Purtroppo quando lancio mrproper da /usr/src/linux la shell mi dà 
errore dicendo che non trova il Makefile (che si trova in /usr/src/linux/), 
perché lo cerca in arch/i386. Ho creato queste sub-directory e vi ho copiato 
il Makefile. A queto punto parte ma mi dà un sacco di warning e alla fine dà 
un messaggio del genere (+ o -):
Makefile:XXX: no rules Makefile.
XXX è  un numero (che identifica l'errore credo, no?).
Cosa devo fare? 

Grazie a che mi vorrà rispondere


Re: [newbie-it] problema di rete

2001-10-04 Thread Gino

i dns sono impostati?

- Original Message -
From: Brunini Alessandro [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2001 12:24 PM
Subject: [newbie-it] problema di rete

 Salve alla lista, io ci riprovo, forse non mi avete letto :))

 Ho 2 PC che si vedono tranquillamente e si pingano alla perfezione uno con
 indirizzo, l'altro con IP

 Al computer che si connette ad internet con ADSL (pppoe) è stata
 una seconda scheda di rete che sotto Mandrake 8.1 (per ora sotto windows
 2000 ci ho rinunciato) l'utility di ICS dà l'IP, mentre per il
 modem non mi chiede niente.

 Anche sull'altro PC ho una MDK 8.1 che ha come default gateway
 (indirizzo che tra l'altro pinga), ma il problema è che non mi apre le
 pagine web...

 Qualcuno ha dei suggerimenti?

 Ciao ;)

 PS: Siate chiari perchè sono un po' durognolo.

 PPS: Ma dove è il wizard per creare un server tanto decantato sul sito
 chiamato wizdrake?

 Ciao a tutti e grazie.

Re: R: [newbie-it] Problema localhost...

2001-10-04 Thread LukenShiro

Nell'anno di grazia 15:31, giovedì 04 ottobre 2001, Voi, Messer Merz 
Luca, avete scritto:
 Il punto però non è questo, è lo sfoglio della rete che non riesco a 
 con konqueror perche mi da come errore [Impossibile trovare 

A me da' impossibile collegarsi all'host localhost, ma credo perche' 
non c'e' nessun servizio in ascolto, dato che ho blindato tutto...
Nel file /etc/hosts compare il riferimento per risolvere il nome 
localhost []?

L.U. #210970 - L.M. #98222
Pure' allegro di MDK 8.0+8.1+8.2 in ordine sparso ;-)

R: R: [newbie-it] Problema localhost...

2001-10-04 Thread Merz Luca

si, ma il mio problema è circoscritto allo sfoglio della rete tramite
konqueror, come browser funziona benissimo e in qualsiasi altro caso
localhost è pienamente attivo e risponde sempre, tranne che lì

-Messaggio originale-
Da: LukenShiro [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Inviato: giovedì 4 ottobre 2001 15.46
Oggetto: Re: R: [newbie-it] Problema localhost...

Nell'anno di grazia 15:31, giovedì 04 ottobre 2001, Voi, Messer Merz 
Luca, avete scritto:
 Il punto però non è questo, è lo sfoglio della rete che non riesco a 
 con konqueror perche mi da come errore [Impossibile trovare 

A me da' impossibile collegarsi all'host localhost, ma credo perche' 
non c'e' nessun servizio in ascolto, dato che ho blindato tutto...
Nel file /etc/hosts compare il riferimento per risolvere il nome 
localhost []?

L.U. #210970 - L.M. #98222
Pure' allegro di MDK 8.0+8.1+8.2 in ordine sparso ;-)

Re: [newbie-it] Mandrake+LTmodem 2

2001-10-04 Thread LukenShiro

Nell'anno di grazia 14:53, giovedì 04 ottobre 2001, Voi, Messer Luigi 
De Pascale, avete scritto:
 Il punto e' che non dispongo di questi dati in quanto sono assegnati 
 modo dinamico dal provider. (Ciaoweb)

Allora ti conviene inserire l'opzione usepeerdns nel file 
/etc/options, dovrebbe risolvere il problema.
P.S. cmq ho letto da qualche parte che si possono prendere benissimo i 
DNS di altri provider. Effettivamente ho fatto la prova, dato che il. 
dns di aruba lascia un po' a desiderare, inserendo quelli di ngi 
( - funziona tutto perfettamente.
Salux, Lk 
L.U. #210970 - L.M. #98222
Pure' allegro di MDK 8.0+8.1+8.2 in ordine sparso ;-)

[newbie-it] Re: kernel

2001-10-04 Thread Gino

Se il kernel che devi installare è diverso da quello precedente (cioè si
trova dentro un dir diversa, ma gari dentro /usr/src hai linux-2.4.5 e
2.4.9) non credo sia necessario fare mrproper...

Inoltre ti consiglio di rinominare la dir linux che ora contiene il kernel
2.4.9 e poi creare un link linux ad essa...mi spiego

mv linux linux-2.4.9
ln -s linux-2.4.9 linux

così per qualsiasi prob, basta che cambi il link e puoi ricompilart anche un
kernel precedente e ti trovi nella situazione di cui sopra...
io farei (anche se prbabilmente rispetto all'autore di quello che stai
leggendo, io sono una sega..)

cd /usr/src/linux
make menuconfig (o xconfig se usi X)
make dep
make clean
make bzImage
make modules
cp /usr/src/linux/System.map /directory di boot (di solito /boot)
cp /usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot/bzImage /directory dove hai l'immagine del
kernel (io uso sempre /boot ma mi sa che mdk usa / - te ne puoi accertare
guardando /etc/lilo.conf - io creerei un'altra voce cmq)

(queste ultime due puoi sostituirle con make bzlilo - però non mi fiderei
troppo di dove va poi a mettere i files di cui sopra)

make modules_install
lilo -v (ti aggiorna il bootloader)
depmod -a 2.4.9


Ciao Gino

P.S.: lo so che quando scrivo sono un po' confusionario..chiedo venia

- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2001 9:46 PM
Subject: [newbie-it] Kernel

 Ciao a tutti.
 Sto leggendo gli appunti fi Giacomini e sono arrivato alla sezione
 compilazione kernel. Allora vorrei compilare il kernel (ovviamente ;-)).
 prelevato il kernel 2.4.9 da ftp//:ftp.kernel.org. Da quanto ho capito,
 aver scompattato il file è necessario copiare la directory linux in
 /usr/src/. Purtroppo quando lancio mrproper da /usr/src/linux la shell mi
 errore dicendo che non trova il Makefile (che si trova in
 perché lo cerca in arch/i386. Ho creato queste sub-directory e vi ho
 il Makefile. A queto punto parte ma mi dà un sacco di warning e alla fine
 un messaggio del genere (+ o -):
 Makefile:XXX: no rules Makefile.
 XXX è  un numero (che identifica l'errore credo, no?).
 Cosa devo fare?

 Grazie a che mi vorrà rispondere


[newbie-it] Fwd: Kernel.

2001-10-04 Thread viger71

--  Messaggio inoltrato  --
Subject: Kernel.
Date: Wed, 3 Oct 2001 17:44:13 -0400

Per compilare i kernel di servono i seguenti file:
Kernel-headers*. .
Kernel-pcmca(forse di questo puoi fare ameno)
Kernel-source*. ...

 *Al posto dell'asterisco troverai il numero della versione del kernel.
Importante preleva i kernel con la dicitura i386 anche se hai un Pentium 4.(i
vari 586 o 686 sono quelli precompilati, quindi a te non interessano).
Quindi: Kernel-2.2.14-12.i386.rpm .

Da terminale digita :   #cd /usr/src/linux (per andare nella directory che
contiene i sorgenti), dove dovrebbe trovarsi il link simbolico che porta alla
vera directory dove sono i veri sorgenti in genere /usr/src/linux-x.x.x .

Da questa directory /usr/src/linux  digita make xconfig, che lancia un tool
grafico per il questionario nel quale devi scegliere le parti del kernel che
ti servono.

Per ciascuna scelta hai due risposte possibili y (si) e n (no), e una
terza m (modulo)e questo richiede una spiegazione a parte.

Fatte le scelte e uscito e salvando il K devi verificare le dipendenze,
altrimenti il Kernel non và, quindi dalla directory /usr/src/linux digita
make dep, se durante la verifica dovesse presentarsi qualche errore non
preoccuparti in quanto il kernel che stai usando continuerà a funzionare
perché non è stato toccato.

Se make dep non ha dato errori digita make clean per fare un pò di pulizia
dai file temporanei prodotti finore, e questo sempre della directory

Da quì ti consiglio di preparare un floppy dove salverai il kernel, così da
poterlo provare:
1-inserisci il floppy nel drive.
2-vai in /usr/src/linux e digita make bzdisk, in questa fase stai generando
 il kernel vero e prorpio, dovrai attendere qualche minuto.
3-alla fine della fase 2 ,  digita make modules.
4-quando ricompare il prompt della linea di comando digita make
modules_install, questa fase è molto breve.
5-digita depmod -a.

A questo punto avrai creato un file con i moduli che possono essere caricati

Se dà messaggi d'errore devi rivolgerti ad un linuxiano doc.
A questo punto il kernel è pronto.
 Per provarlo lasci il floppy nel drive e riavvia Linux.
Se ci sono messaggi d'errore non preoccuparti più di tanto, vuol dire solo
che devi ottimizzarlo meglio.
Se tutto va bene, apri un terminale e digita uname -a , dovrebbe comparire
un messaggio che specifica la versione de kernel e la data di compilazione.



[newbie-it] Mandrake 8.1 e floppy

2001-10-04 Thread WhiteBase

Non riesco a far vedere il floppy alla mandrake 8.1 e ho qualche problema di
riconoscimento dello zip 100 usb (mobo Asus Cusl2 intel 815e).
Continua a ripetere che la periferica non esiste (il floppi sotto win e
durante l'installazione funziona perfettamente).
Per comodità vi riporto il link a un forum in cui ho chieso aiuto. Lì ho
spiegato in dettaglio il problema e ho riportato l'uscita di vari comandi
(tipo lsmod e altri...).
Altrimenti faccio un gigantesco copia e incolla qui.

Francesco Aldrovandi

Re: [newbie-it] Precisazione per KDE e MDK 8.1

2001-10-04 Thread Germano

kcpuload è il più discreto dal punto di vista visivo, si mette nella tool bar 
e neanche te ne accorgi.

Ciao, Germano

Il 12:39, mercoledì 03 ottobre 2001, hai scritto:
 On Monday 01 October 2001 21:58, Marco wrote:
  qualcuno conosce un prg che mi dica quanto la cpu stia frigendo? thx :P

 ci sono molti monitor, il piu' comune e' forse xosview,
 molto meglio, e' il gkrellm.
 Potresti averli gia' installati entrambi.


Re: [newbie-it] Kernel

2001-10-04 Thread viger71

No, i386 non è ottimizzato per i 386 ma è quello che puoi ricompilare, mentre 
i kernel targati i586 i686 sono quelli PREcompilati per i processori più 
comuni ma non per il tuo Duron piuttosto che K6.



  Nell'anno di grazia 21:46, giovedì 04 ottobre 2001, Voi, Messer CaMiX,
  avete scritto:
   aver scompattato il file è necessario copiare la directory linux in
   /usr/src/. Purtroppo quando lancio mrproper da /usr/src/linux la
  shell mi dà
   errore dicendo che non trova il Makefile (che si trova in
  Nonostante quanto ho sentito e letto io ho sempre seguito il
  procedimento che illustrero' e non ho mai incontrato problemi di sorta
  1) dato che /usr/src/linux sara' un link simbolico al kernel in uso, lo
  elimini [casomai non lo fosse, basta rinominarlo]
  2) scompatti il tar.gz o il tar.bz2 direttamente nella directory
  /usr/src ... uscira' una nuova serie di directory che fa capo a
  3) rinomini la directory linux in linux-2.4.9 o simile e ricrei il
  link simbolico di nome linux che punta a questa directory
  4) entri nella directory /usr/src/linux-2.4.9
  5) il make mrproper non serve se il kernel e' di una versione nuova,
  quindi puoi evitarlo.
  6) procedi con la sequenza make xconfig  make dep  make clean 
  make bzImage  make modules  make modules_install
  7) salvi da qualche parte il file .config in modo da non perderlo
  qualora servisse ricompilare.
  8) copi System.map e arch/i386/boot/bzImage nella directory
  /boot e fai le modifiche necessarie al gestore del bootloader per
  rispecchiare il kernel appena compilato. Se usi l'ottimo grub, basta
  controllare che il file /boot/grub/menu.lst sia corretto.
  9) metti un comando depmod -as in un file di avvio tipo rc.local, per
  Ciauz, Lk

[newbie-it] cambio display manager

2001-10-04 Thread Guido Masciello

Qualcuna sa indicarmi come cambiare display manager ( da kdm a gdm ) ?



Re: [newbie-it] Kernel

2001-10-04 Thread LukenShiro

Nell'anno di grazia 00:23, venerdì 05 ottobre 2001, Voi, Messer CaMiX, 
avete scritto:

A me pero' sembra abbastanza strano, io ho sempre scaricato dal mirror 
italiano di ftp.kernel.org il file linux- x.x.x.tar.bz2 ed ho compilato 
piu' volte il 2.4.5, 2.4.7, 2.4.9 e ora ho il 2.4.10 ma problemi come 
questi non li ho mai avuti :O
A me nella directory /usr/src/linux-249 appariva e appare sia 
Rules.make che Makefile e nella /usr/src/linux-249/arch/i386 deve 
esserci Makefile. Sembra che manchi (o che non sia stato copiato 
tutto il contenuto) e quindi non riesce a proseguire. Prova a 
scompattare _direttamente_ nella directory /usr/src, senza copiare 
niente da altre parti
cd /usr/src
tar xvjf linux-2.4.9.tar.bz2
e poi vai avanti col resto.
L.U. #210970 - L.M. #98222
Shake di MDK 8.0+8.1+8.2 su 2.4.10 ;-)

Re: [newbie-it] Kernel

2001-10-04 Thread freefred

On Friday 05 October 2001 00:23, CaMiX wrote:

 Ora sto scaricando l'rpm kernel-2.4.10-1mdk.src.rpm. Provo a vedere cosa
 riesco a combinare. Cmq non è giusto scaricare l'src invece dell'i386?

no, temo di no.
non vorrei dire assurdita', ma nel tuo caso l'src non sta per i sorgenti
del kernel (che puoi prendere in .tgz) ma per un rpm in forma sorgente.
Ovvero, puoi ricompilarlo per la tua macchina con
rpm --rebuild
ma alla fine avrai un kernel in rpm, gia' compilato, che
installerai con i classici comandi rpm.
Non ho mai upgradato il kernel in rpm, quindi di piu' non so,
ma se vuoi conmpilare il kernel per la tua macchina
mi sa dovrai prendero in sorgenti.


Devil Inside Experiment - C'era un bambino che odiava la polizia
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ICQ uin 5887365 - PGP key available on keyservers

Re: [newbie-it] Mandrake+LTmodem 2

2001-10-04 Thread Luigi De Pascale

On Thu, 4 Oct 2001, brain wrote:

 Gino ha scritto:
  C'è un parametro, che messo in /etc/ppp/options, svolge la funzione
  di farti assegnare dinamicamente i dns..no me lo ricordo, però
  forse adddefaultroute...ma mi sa che dico una str...ata.


Ok, allora direi che quello e' il file giusto. il mio e' il seguente:


Non pensate che una di queste righe blocchi qualcosa?

Luigi De Pascale:   Indirizzo: Via San Lorenzo 53, 56127 Pisa
 Tel.: +39/0347/8707210

Re: [newbie-it] Kernel

2001-10-04 Thread LukenShiro

Nell'anno di grazia 19:25, giovedì 04 ottobre 2001, Voi, Messer 
LukenShiro, avete scritto:

Mi scuso della risposta parziale; se vuoi installare i sorgenti in 
formato rpm e non scaricare i tar.gz/tar.bz2, dovresti scaricare ed 
installare i pacchetti kernel-headers-2.4.x- e kernel-source-2.4.x (non 
i src.rpm che dovresti ricostruire)
L.U. #210970 - L.M. #98222
Pure' allegro di MDK 8.0+8.1+8.2 su 2.4.10 originale

[newbie-it] modem hamlet

2001-10-04 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Caro esimio listùn,

abbiate pietà di un povero utentewindowspentito che non riesce a far
riconoscere il suo Hamlet Silver Surfer 56k-V90 USB a Mandrake 8.0
appena uscito dal guscio. Il pinguino magico mi dice che il dispositivo
è occupato... Che devo fare? (comprare un modem più serio a parte!)

Io vi ringrazio già per la risposta (o per la colletta ;P)


[newbie-it] adsl

2001-10-04 Thread the wise man

Ciao a tutti

Io ho due pc e una connessione adsl tin.it con modem SpeedStream 4060 della Efficient (fornito da Alcatel)

Il mio problema è che non riesco a configurare la connessione
sotto mandrake 8.0 

Qualcuno gentilmente può dirmi i passi per configurare la connessione
e far dialogare i due pc?

Il mio indirizzo è: 


grazie anticipatamente
a tutti coloro che vorranno rispondermi

aspetto fiducioso un
aiuto e grazie ancora

Re: [newbie-it] Problema localhost...

2001-10-04 Thread LukenShiro

Nell'anno di grazia 08:42, giovedì 04 ottobre 2001, Voi, Messer Merz 
Luca, avete scritto:
 L'unico errore che mi torna konqueror quando tento di sfogliare la 
rete è:
 Impossibile trovare localhost
 contattati tramite http:\\localhost:n°porta.

Non so se puo' servire (magari non c'entra), ma mi sa che l'errore e' 
solo di digitazione, dovrebbe essere http://localhost:n°porta
Salux, Lk

L.U. #210970 - L.M. #98222
Pure' allegro di MDK 8.0+8.1+8.2 in ordine sparso ;-)

Re: [newbie-it] Mandrake+LTmodem 2

2001-10-04 Thread Gino

C'è un parametro, che messo in /etc/ppp/options, svolge la funzione di farti
assegnare dinamicamente i dns..no me lo ricordo, però forse
adddefaultroute...ma mi sa che dico una str...ata.

In ogni caso, basta che metti i dns di un qualsiasi provider, la ricerca
forse risulterà leggermente piu lenta...
Io uso libero e net4free e sul primo (che li fornisce in automatico) ho
messo quelli del secondo...
Se ci vuoi provare sono:

Altrimenti prova a collegarti con kppp (se usi kde)
o wvdial (da console) che ti fanno una configurazione ad hoc per loro e non
vanno, se fornisci i dati in sede di configurazione di uno dei due programmi
stessi, a leggersi le altre info sui files di testo di cui parliamo...
Prova e fammi sapere.ho passato esattamente i tuoi stessi problemi
qualche tempo fa...,

- Original Message -
From: Luigi De Pascale [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2001 2:53 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] Mandrake+LTmodem 2

 On Thu, 4 Oct 2001, Gino wrote:

  che vuoi dire con non trova nessuna destinazione?
  che ti dice host sconosciuto o qualcosa del genere?
  se è così li il prblema non è più il modem, bensì i DNS, che si occupano
  convertire i nomi di dominio in indirizzi ip..a seconda di ciò che usi
  la connessione devi impostarli con quelli del tuo provider..
  se vuoi tagliare la testa al toro e renderli disponibili al sistema devi
  inserire le seguenti righe in /etc/resolv.conf:
  nameserver = xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx (gli indirizzi ip dei dns del tuop prov)
  nameserve = yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy (dns secondario che usualmente i provider
  Prova...se ho capito il problema

 Be', diciamo che hai capito il problema.
 Il punto e' che non dispongo di questi dati in quanto sono assegnati in
 modo dinamico dal provider. (Ciaoweb)
 Cosa potrebbe essere che gli impedisce di farlo?

Re: [newbie-it] Mandrake+LTmodem 2

2001-10-04 Thread Gino

che vuoi dire con non trova nessuna destinazione?

che ti dice host sconosciuto o qualcosa del genere?

se è così li il prblema non è più il modem, bensì i DNS, che si occupano di
convertire i nomi di dominio in indirizzi ip..a seconda di ciò che usi per
la connessione devi impostarli con quelli del tuo provider..
se vuoi tagliare la testa al toro e renderli disponibili al sistema devi
inserire le seguenti righe in /etc/resolv.conf:

nameserver = xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx (gli indirizzi ip dei dns del tuop prov)
nameserve = yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy (dns secondario che usualmente i provider

Prova...se ho capito il problema

- Original Message -
From: Luigi De Pascale [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2001 10:39 AM
Subject: [newbie-it] Mandrake+LTmodem 2

 io ho preso i miei moduli esattamente da quel sito. Ma in basso alla
 pagina ci sono anche quelli precompilati (rpm).
 NOTA: per chi lo chiedeva, ci sono anche quelli per la RED-HAT.
 Ovviamente ho preso quelli per la mia versione di kernel 2.4.3-20.
 Versione 6.0a.
 Adesso entro in rete (con i 5.99 non ci riuscivo). Ma ancora le cose non
 vanno bene perche' non trova nessuna destinazione.
 Ciao ciao

 Luigi De Pascale:   Indirizzo: Via San Lorenzo 53, 56127 Pisa
  Tel.: +39/0347/8707210

Re: [newbie-it] Kernel

2001-10-04 Thread CaMiX

Innanzittutto grazie delle risposte.
Allora, ho fatto quanto hai detto, ma il risultato è il seguente:

[root@localhost linux-2.4.9]# make xconfig
Makefile:233: arch/i386/Makefile: File o directory inesistente
make: *** No rule to make target `arch/i386/Makefile'.  Stop.

Il fatto è che io, prima di scaricare il kernel 2.4.9, non ho trovato nessuna 
directory o collegamento in /usr/src che avesse il nome linux... C'era solo 
una dir di nome RPM... Quindi ho scompattato il pacchetto e ho copiato la dir 
linux in /usr/src. L'ho rinominata, ho fatto il link simbolico ma quando 
entro in /usr/src/linux-2.4.9 il risultato è quello sopra...

Ora sto scaricando l'rpm kernel-2.4.10-1mdk.src.rpm. Provo a vedere cosa 
riesco a combinare. Cmq non è giusto scaricare l'src invece dell'i386? 
Quest'ultimo non è precompilato per 80386 e superiori?


Il 10:07, giovedì 04 ottobre 2001, hai scritto:
 Nell'anno di grazia 21:46, giovedì 04 ottobre 2001, Voi, Messer CaMiX,

 avete scritto:
  aver scompattato il file è necessario copiare la directory linux in
  /usr/src/. Purtroppo quando lancio mrproper da /usr/src/linux la

 shell mi dà

  errore dicendo che non trova il Makefile (che si trova in


 Nonostante quanto ho sentito e letto io ho sempre seguito il
 procedimento che illustrero' e non ho mai incontrato problemi di sorta


 1) dato che /usr/src/linux sara' un link simbolico al kernel in uso, lo
 elimini [casomai non lo fosse, basta rinominarlo]
 2) scompatti il tar.gz o il tar.bz2 direttamente nella directory
 /usr/src ... uscira' una nuova serie di directory che fa capo a
 3) rinomini la directory linux in linux-2.4.9 o simile e ricrei il
 link simbolico di nome linux che punta a questa directory
 4) entri nella directory /usr/src/linux-2.4.9
 5) il make mrproper non serve se il kernel e' di una versione nuova,
 quindi puoi evitarlo.
 6) procedi con la sequenza make xconfig  make dep  make clean 
 make bzImage  make modules  make modules_install
 7) salvi da qualche parte il file .config in modo da non perderlo
 qualora servisse ricompilare.
 8) copi System.map e arch/i386/boot/bzImage nella directory
 /boot e fai le modifiche necessarie al gestore del bootloader per
 rispecchiare il kernel appena compilato. Se usi l'ottimo grub, basta
 controllare che il file /boot/grub/menu.lst sia corretto.
 9) metti un comando depmod -as in un file di avvio tipo rc.local, per
 Ciauz, Lk

[newbie] Faxing form staroffice

2001-10-04 Thread belcoop

How do I fax from staroffice or from Koffice? 


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[newbie] did anybody test staroffice 6.0 beta?

2001-10-04 Thread development

Is staroffice 6.0 any good/still a load of bugs? 


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[newbie] Two Questions

2001-10-04 Thread PENA FAMILY

I won't have access to my Linux box for a week more but this is a question I
have if anyone can shed some light.

1.) I have a Sansdisk USB flash card reader, how do I get Linux to see it
and access the .jpg photos I have on them?

2.) I have an HP external CDwriter hooked up by parallel port. It is between
the HP printer and the computer via the parallel port. How do I access it
through Linux. I am able to use the printer fine by Linux doesn't see the
CDwriter. At this time I have no use for it since I am not considering
backing up or burning anything in particular. This is mostly out of play and

Thanks to all who shed some light on these two issues for me.

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[newbie] Sorry, this is a test

2001-10-04 Thread Gordon Burgess-Parker

I sent a message over 12 hours ago, and it hasn't appeared.

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RE: [newbie] Does computer with dual PIII 700MHz good enough to run Web mail server?

2001-10-04 Thread Franki

hell yes, I did that on a Pentium Pro 200 with 48 mb of ram, it ran without
a reboot for 3 months..

and it hosted 50+ mb of html pages and images, it handled several shopping
carts, it hosted 7 domains, and handled 3000+ emails a day, (also setup to
scan emails for virus's to protect the winblows users connected to it.)

worked great, but I have since replaced it with a Athlon 1.4 and a 60 gig

Dual PIII 700's should piss it in... :-)



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Tuan Tran
Sent: Thursday, 4 October 2001 9:55 AM
Subject: [newbie] Does computer with dual PIII 700MHz good enough to run
Web  mail server?

Can any one tell me if I can use dual PIII 700MHz to run web, mail 
intranet file server? How fast is it? My cable company provides 2MB
download and 380Kps upload. Is it good enough to run web server with
about 50 people access at a same time?
Thank you

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[newbie] A Zip drive Icon problem

2001-10-04 Thread Gordon Burgess-Parker

In 8.0 I have an icon for zip drive on each desktop. When I click the
icon, I cannot access the zip drive, and I get an error message that
says cannot mount - unrecognised device. If I right click on the icon
and choose the device (?) tab, there are two lines - the first says
device: /mnt/zip, the second says mount: /mnt/zip/. If I change the
Device line to read /dev/sda4 , ok out and click the icon, hey presto!
the zip drive is accessible.

However, when I come to boot the machine back up, (the next day say) the
device line has changed back to /mnt/zip and I have to go through the
whole process again! Why won't it save the settings?



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Re: [newbie] Swap Mempry

2001-10-04 Thread Robert MacLean

I don't agree about the 2x problem.
I have 384Megs of Ram and a 128Meg swap file running M8 and it runs
fine. I also had at one stage 384Megs of Ram and 64Meg swap file and
it ran fine as well.
IMHO the total about of ram (actual ram and swap file combined) varies
between machines and what that machine does. if some one is simply
going to use koffice then 256Megs of ram with no swap should be fine,
A quake 3 server will need more ram and a swap
IMHO for most workstations I say get about 512megs of total ram
(preferbily all ram, but if not make the remainder up from swap).

Robert MacLean
- Original Message -
From: Spencer Collyer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2001 10:35 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Swap  Mempry

 On Wednesday 03 October 2001 06:50, you wrote:
  On Wed, 3 Oct 2001 08:28:30 +0300, Yuriy Temnyuk
   I have 256 Mb phisical memory, what size of Swap I must create?
  The general rule-of-thumb is to have a swap size of 2x RAM.
  you typically won't gain much by having over 200MB of swap. If you
  need to use this much swap, your hard drive would be thrashing
  crazy and your system would slow to a crawl. In this case, you
  really look into buying more RAM (assuming that the problem hasn't
  been caused by buggy software). Excess RAM is not wasted in Linux,
  since it uses the surplus for hard drive caching.
  Of course, there are exceptions. For example, servers often
  large volumes of swap space, as do serious
  software/graphical/multimedia development workstations. For the
  average desktop system, however, a maximum of 200MB is plenty.

 I've seen conflicting reports about this on this and other lists.
 say that anything over 200MB is not going to be useful, but others
 saying that there is a pathological condition in the 2.4 kernels
 is being worked on) that can cause system hangs if your swap is not
 your physical memory.

 I've got 512MB physical memory, and a swap partition of 250MB at
 present. Since upgrading to LM8.0 I've had the machine lock up
 once (necessitating the reset button), so I've been thinking about
 creating another 800MB of swap to get to the '2x physical'
 recommendation. This would go on my secondary 80gig disk, so finding
 the space is not a problem, but is it worth going with this or not?



  Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines

 Remove the fruit to obtain reply address:
 spencer at lasermount orange dot uklinux dot net
 8:29am up 16 days, 20:46, 3 users, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.01


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Re: [newbie] 8.1 install problem

2001-10-04 Thread shipahoy

 Yep, i hink you are right, it's a kernel, becouse, when i tried the
 MDK 8.1 Beta 1 , the 3dfx of mine worked perfect, and it was
 a different kernel (i think)...
Its XFree 4.10. I installed a barebones Mandrake 8.0 and upgraded to 8.1
but kept XFree 4.03. The 2.4.8 kernel accepted the KM133 chipset/graphics

The problem is I can''t do a lot because there are a lot of packages
that are dependent on Xfree 4.1 such as Drafconf, so I can''t configure
my mouse or do anything with fonts.

Mandrake 8.1 is not a lot of use to me in this state.

Is there any way to get XFree86 4.1 to like a KM133A chipset with
integrated onboard S3 SavagePro graphics?

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[newbie] 3D is so slow with LM8.1

2001-10-04 Thread Rod . Walsh

Just installed LM8.1 on my PC with (AGP) ATI Radeon AIW 32MB. Normal
applications seem fine but 3D app.s (i.e. games) are incredably slow (P100
kind of slow). The 3D tron-clone is achieving 1 frame/second and TuxRacer
is also unplayable. 

I selected X 4.1.0 with 3D acceleration at installation and the OS seems to
recognise that it`s an ATI Radeon on board (I think one of the games
reported this). 

Any ideas what the problem is? 
Where do I find the relevant information/configuration? 
How do I fix this? 


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Re:[newbie] Gnome 1.4 and icons

2001-10-04 Thread ArekG

This is my first letter to this list, so I'd like to write 'Hello' to
all list subscribers.

Hello David,

on Thursday, October 04, 2001 at 9:46:19 AM, you wrote in subject of [newbie] Gnome 
1.4 and icons:

DR Anyway, my problem is desktop icons in Gnome: after installation, they were all
DR there - internet, control-centre, Mandrake this-and-that, etc. Then they suddenly
DR disappeared: on logging in, a blank desktop and no reaction from the right mouse
DR button

  I've got exactly the same problem, but with KDE (I haven't tried
  under another X manager). After upgrading from 8.0 to 8.1 all my
  desktop icons and backgrounds are gone ;-( I've got a red desktop
  for my root account, and a blue for user. Also doesn't work right
  mouse button (and a little icon on taskbar to logoff).

  My hardware:
  Duron 750, Matrox G200 (8MB RAM)display card, 224MB RAM, VIA AC'97
  sound (or sth like this...), A4Tech WWW-7 mouse with scroll.

  So, I'm also waiting for any suggestions...

Best regards from Gdansk, Poland,

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Re: [newbie] I need the libwrap.a file.

2001-10-04 Thread Mohammed Arafa

give rpmfind.net the first go
u might also give mandrake.com a look maybe even under the cooker if it has
the version u want
- Original Message -
From: Peter Marchetti [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2001 9:59 PM
Subject: [newbie] I need the libwrap.a file.

 I thought I installed all the lib files offered on my ML8.0 PP distro, but
 guess not.  Anyone know where I can find them?

 Peter Marchetti
 Media Visions, Inc.

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[newbie] Monitors and video cards

2001-10-04 Thread John Simmons

Is it possible to set a specific scan freq for a given resolution?  The 
Control Center/Display doesn't allow this that I've seen.

  There are three types of lies...
lies (You'll never need more than 64K),
damn lies (Windows is more stable than Linux), and
press releases (It will be released as scheduled).

  John Simmons (Redneck Techno-Biker)

  John Simmons (Barbarian Diecast Collector)

  DeMONS/2, Nascar 4 Online Race Scheduler

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Re: [newbie] Does computer with dual PIII 700MHz good enough to run Web mail server?

2001-10-04 Thread etharp

and may I ask, how (who) does the dns for those domains, and what is the 

On Wednesday 03 October 2001 22:51, you had thoughts to the concept of:
 I run 3 domains/internal file server/mail server/sql server...all from a
 dual PIII 500 with 512meg of ram.  And it barely stress's this machine. 
 Your dual PIII 700 should be more then fine =)  And i run this all off of a
 2meg up and 4 meg down connection.


 On Wednesday 03 October 2001 21:54, Tuan Tran wrote:
  Can any one tell me if I can use dual PIII 700MHz to run web, mail 
  intranet file server? How fast is it? My cable company provides 2MB
  download and 380Kps upload. Is it good enough to run web server with
  about 50 people access at a same time?
  Thank you
  Do You Yahoo!?
  Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com

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[newbie] KDE is hiding in LM8.1?

2001-10-04 Thread Rod . Walsh

I just installed LM8.1 with many windows managers including KDE. However,
when I boot up KDE is not an option. 

Is KDE hiding there? 
Or do I have to reinstall that part? 
What steps do I need to follow? 


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Re: Fwd: Re: [newbie] MODEMS vs Winmodems

2001-10-04 Thread etharp

so, Joe, can we count on you to be the resident win-modem in Mandrake at 
newbie helper? what we REALLY need is someone to help out all the winmodem 
owner/newbies when they write.  Can I give them your e-mail address should 
they not receive a positive responce within say 48 hours?
bigga snip
 For the record, the purpose of my post was not to say that everyone should
 embrace soft modems.  The tendency on the list has been to slam them
 outright instead of offering support to the person requesting help.  That
 does a disservice to the person asking the questions, discourages them from
 seeking further help from this forum and ultimately discourages trying
 linux as an alternative.

 For the benefit of those who pay per minute for internet access and those
 with slow connections, I do think it is time to let this topic die off.
 Let's just agree to disagree.


It's also important to understand that there's no answers available from this 
list, only opinions.
Some of them just happen to be, or are intended to be helpful ;-}
*Tom Brinkman

Ed Tharp

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Re: [newbie] Hello Everyone!!

2001-10-04 Thread etharp

ahhh... (humped back old crone, rubbing hands together stirring bubbling 
cauldren) another tasty newbie morsal, you'll never getaway now 
newbie.yuk, yuk, yuk,  

 On Wednesday 03 October 2001 08:02 pm, Mark Wilson wrote:
 Hello List..
  I am a new to Mandrake.. My name is Mark, and I have been using Linux
  for about 6 months.. I have loaded it on one machine and I am currently
  loading it on my other machine, as soon as I get my new Motherboard and
  processor.. I have been using Redhat Linux 6.2 for about 9 months now..
  This is what we use at work.. I am a Systems Support analyst for a
  company, in Richmond VA, and I am sure not the most experienced Linux
  user out there, but I hope i will be able to help out someone, and vice

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RE: [newbie] Download accelerators for Linux?

2001-10-04 Thread FLYNN, Steve

Although this isn't for Linux, I'd heartily recommend GetRight. It allows
you to remove the spyware, which is only there for the unregistered version,
and even so, a carefully crafted HOSTS file prevents it from talking back to
the spyware collector.

In fact, I use quite a bit of spyware and *none* of it manages to talk back
to any host other than the one I want it to! Anything the HOSTS file doesn't
route to, the firewall stops getting out anyway.

Getting off the point though - if you are pulling ISO images, and have to do
so in Windows, you'll not go far wrong by using GetRight to help you out.
Saved me gigs of bandwidth over the last few years, and I'm on a POTS where
I pay by the minute (welcome to the UK, where you'll get robbed blind for a
crappy service).

 -Original Message-
 From: Ralph Slooten [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, October 01, 2001 6:30 PM
 Subject:  Re: [newbie] Download accelerators for Linux?
 Yes, I know a VERY good alternative. ProZilla (prozilla.delrom.ro). There
 is a new GUI version, which not only supports ftp search, but also
 site downloads.
 Supports almost everything that GoZilla does :-)
 On Mon, 1 Oct 2001, s wrote:
  On Monday 01 October 2001 11:21 am,  Terry wrote:
   I've recently had my eyes opened to Go!Zilla on Windows while
   the LM 8.1 ISO's, and was wondering if some equivalent existed for
   Would love to be able to download future versions of LM from within
   at a rapid pace instead of having to boot into windows.
  nt (aka Xdownloader or downloader for X - all the same thing), is great.
  True, I haven't tried too many - never needed one in my windows days.
  with all this inexperience, I put nt to use with no learning curve.  And
  always gets it's file!  No corruption, resumes on it's own, and enough
  buttons and settings to keep a GoZilla veteran happy.  And it comes with
  nice gui too.  :-)
 ICQ: 25543458Homepage: http://www.axllent.linux-dude.net/
 PGP Public Key:http://prozilla.delrom.ro/RalphSlooten.asc
   File: message.footer  

This email and any files sent with it are intended only for the named 
recipient. If you are not the named recipient please telephone/email  
the sender immediately. You should not disclose the content or
take/retain/distribute any copies.

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Registered Office 2 Rougier Street
York YO90 1UU
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A member of the Norwich Union Marketing Group 
which is regulated by the Personal Investment Authority. 
Member of the Association of British Insurers.

For further Enquires 01603 622200 

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Re: [newbie] Monitors and video cards

2001-10-04 Thread Paul

In reply to John's words, written Thu, 04 Oct 2001 05:51:46 -0500

Is it possible to set a specific scan freq for a given resolution?  The 
Control Center/Display doesn't allow this that I've seen.

You could try xvidtune.

NEVER, BUT NEVER question the ENGINEERS judgement

http://nlpagan.net - Registered Linux User 174403
Linux Mandrake 8.0 - Sylpheed 0.6.2
Open Source, Open Minds. Linux.

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Re: [newbie] Gnome 1.4 and icons

2001-10-04 Thread Charles A Edwards

On Thu, 4 Oct 2001 08:46:19 +0100
David Robertson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi everyone
 I've just installed LM 8.1 and all was well for 24 hours apart from what I consider 
to be the usual Mandrake network setup nightmare! (Much better in 8.1 - at least it 
is no longer assumed that if you're on a LAN, that's how you want to connect to the 
 Anyway, my problem is desktop icons in Gnome: after installation, they were all 
there - internet, control-centre, Mandrake this-and-that, etc. Then they suddenly 
disappeared: on logging in, a blank desktop and no reaction from the right mouse 
button. This has happened before, with LM 8.0 and Ximian gnome, but LM doesn't have a 
doorman-reset facility as in Ximian, so just what has gone wrong and how can I fix 
it? I'm running a laptop with a S3 Savage/MX display chip, Aureal Vortex au8810 
sound, Pentium 700, 128MB RAM and in general Linux runs fine, tho' I need a separate 
sound driver. (Sound is fine in Gnome but nothing in KDE).
 I've tried reconfiguring XFree 4.1 but to no avail. Any suggestions?
I am guessing that you had been using Nautilus and that it was drawing
your desktop.
At some point you must have exited the program or set it to Not draw and
manage the destop.
To correct this launch Nautilus, if your Icons reappear nothing else need
be done.
If not, select the Advance Setup buttom and then choose to have it draw 
your desktop.

If you choose to use GMC it will also draw the desktop and create icons
but be forwarned, there is a Gonome problem with GMC/Nautilus where other
than the drive icons, all icons create by GMC wiil not properly function.
This problem exist when 8.1 is done as a Clean install.
It is not present if you do an upgrade install.

   Charles  (-:   

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Re: [newbie] Install from ISOs

2001-10-04 Thread bascule

if you have the space you could always mount the isos, copy the files to a 
directory on a partition that you don't need to mount during the install, use 
the paths on each of the cd's i.e. create RPMS and RPMS2 etc under 
.../Mandrake and put the appropriate files there, if that doesn't work you 
could try installing with all the rpms coppied to /Mandrake/RPMS, i would 
suggest not choosing a mount point for the partition with the files on during 
install as it is temporarily mounted by the boot floppy and this seems to 
confuse the installation later on, at least under 8.0 freq it did, i do feel 
Mandrake could be clearer about how to do installs using the hd boot floppy 
with more than one iso file, if this doesn't work you could look at trying to 
download the files from the ../i586/base directory on the ftp servers that 
have the distribution in non iso form, i believe this is the directory that 
has the info about the list of rpms and what directory they are in.

clear? because i think i've confused myself!


On Wednesday 03 October 2001 9:29 pm, you wrote:
 How can I install Mandrake from ISO-files? If I boot from the
 HD-Install-Disk, I can only choose one ISO-file. The Installation-Program
 shows an error-message, if it tries to install files from cd2 or cd3.

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Re: [newbie] su not found?

2001-10-04 Thread Christian Dysthe

On Wednesday 03 October 2001 11:50 pm, you wrote:

| Try going to a terminal and typing su. If the command is found, you
| should get prompted for a root password. If not, something sinister is
| afoot.

I do have su. I use it all the time. It seems like KDE can't find it, and I 
am wondering why.

Christian Dysthe
ICQ: 3945810
Registered Linux User #228949

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Re: [newbie] chromium

2001-10-04 Thread Ronald J. Hall

michael wrote:
 does anyone have any cheat codes for chromium???
 what is the highest score you have gotten?

Haven't you heard? Chromium's design philosophy is that few survive beyond the
first 5 mins! grin

Don't remember my score, but 3rd level is about as far as I get. (hate those
swarming bubble thingys!) ;-)

Nice looking/sounding game though. I love putting some Metallica or early Def
Lepard in the CD and using it for the soundtrack! ;-)


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RE: [newbie] 8.1 ~ Floppy not working

2001-10-04 Thread FLYNN, Steve

Well, what does 'ls -al /dev/fd*' show?

What appears in /var/log/messages when you mount the drive?

-Original Message-
From:   Ralph Slooten [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Monday, October 01, 2001 9:04 PM
Subject:Re: [newbie] 8.1 ~ Floppy not working

Hehe, thanks for the wise-ass comment... but that's not the problem

On Mon, 1 Oct 2001, mik wrote:

 there needs to be a floppy in your drive.


 On Monday 01 October 2001 22:48, you wrote:
  Well, I decided to reinstall, as I could not figure out what the
  is, but even after a fresh install, my floppy drive does not
work :-/
  Hasn't anyone has this problem yet?
  Whan I try mound the floppy, it just tells me it was unable to
mount the
  floppy drive, and when I click details, : mount: /dev/fd0:
unknown device.
  Trying it in the shell does not work either:
  mount /mnt/floppy/
  mount: /dev/fd0: unknown device
  I try the other floppy devices, but this has to be the one I
need, as it's
  just a standard 1044 floppy drive.
  I have for the sake of it re-reformatted my harddrive, this time
  connecting my new Logitech USB mouse, leaving my computer the
way it has
  always been, and still it didn't work :-(
  Maybe someone knows, or can explain just how this new system
works with
  Not that this is urgent today, but will be in the near future
for me, so
  again, any info would be appreciated. Can the rest of you using
  8.1 connect to your floppies?
  On Sun, 30 Sep 2001, Ralph Slooten wrote:
   Could someone please help me here? I have just installed
   8.1, and everything works great, except for my floppy drive
:-/ I have
   used Redhat, LM 7.0, 7.1, 8.0, and they have never given any
   regarding the floppy drive.
   I read on the mandrake site that 8.1 uses some new method to
   automatically configure devices, but I just can't work it all
   When I try mount the floppy to any of the floppy devices, I
get : unknown
   Any suggestions are welcome :-)
   Thanks in advance

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This email and any files sent with it are intended only for the named 
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A member of the Norwich Union Marketing Group 
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Re: [newbie] Kernel Panic:VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 03:05

2001-10-04 Thread AOL Systems

try to change your Mandrake CD try buying agai.that is the good part of Linux it is
very cheap.heheheheeheeh!When it not works e-mail me.TY!


Stephen Liu wrote:


 Thanks for your further advice.

 Unfortunately I still encountered the same problem after repeated trials.

 My partition table as follows

 Native partition for /boot5 MB
 Swap260 MB (2 x 128 MB RAM)
 rest for root partition

 I even tried installing Mandrake 7.2 first.  After it works successfully,
 then I installed/upgrade it to Mandrake 8.0  But I still could not get the
 later to work.  At re-start following warning signal prompts ;

 Kernel Panic:VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 03:05

 Would it be the bug problem of my installer - Mandrake 8.0 ? ? ?

 Best Regards
 Stephen Liu

 At 11:30 AM 10/2/2001 -0700, you wrote:
 Dear Sir Stephen Lui
 before adding a / linux native root partition just add first a native
 /boot with 5MB needed then after press add again for the swap partion
 your swap
 partion must be 2x your memory so for example you have 64mB memory your swap
 partion must be at least 128MB. then add your / root pation then add an
 asterisk to Grow to fill this disk this will install your all your linux
 in there
 Thanks and Good Luck!
 Stephen Liu wrote:
   Thanks for your response and advice.
   I only have 2 partitions in my hard disc, the native and the swap.
   I am sure I have added a mount point  /  to the native partition.
   Pls try this pls add a linux native with mount point
   so you can divide your boot partition to your original mount point
   Kindly explain how to add  /boot  to the native partition.  Is it to add
   a boot partition on the hard disc, making 3 partitions, boot, native and
   swap and thereafter adding a mount point  /  to the boot partition ?  How
   about the native partition whether a mount point  /  is still necessary ?
   Thanks in advance.
   Stephen Liu
   which you originaly configured so it will not conflivt with your existing
   linux native.
   then dont forget to add a swap partition.
   I hope my little knowledge on this can help you.
   The Technology Specialist
   Stephen Liu wrote:
 Hi all people,

 I installed Mandrake 8.0 to a new hard disk and encountered following
 problem when restarting the computer after installation
  completed.  There
 was no other Operating System sharing the hard disk.

 Class of installation :  Recommended

 When restarting the computer following error indicated

 VFS : cannot open root device 305 or 03:05.
 Please append a correct root= boot option
 Kernel Panic : VFS unable to mount root fs on 03:50

 I did try several times to restart the computer and also reinstall the
 software but with no improvement.

 Kindly help !!!

 Thanks in advance.

 Best Regards
 Stephen Liu

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[newbie] ICQ Java

2001-10-04 Thread Valerie Cheng


I succesfully installed ICQ Java.
However, when I run it, it gives me exception in main thread.
Does anyone know why this is happening and how can I fix it?
Thank you.


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Re: [newbie] Sorry, this is a test

2001-10-04 Thread David Robertson

On Thu, 04 Oct 2001 09:23:45 +0100
Gordon Burgess-Parker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I sent a message over 12 hours ago, and it hasn't appeared.

It has now...:)

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RE: [newbie] chromium

2001-10-04 Thread Carl Lafferty

  does anyone have any cheat codes for chromium???
  what is the highest score you have gotten?
 Haven't you heard? Chromium's design philosophy is that few 
 survive beyond the
 first 5 mins! grin
 Don't remember my score, but 3rd level is about as far as I get. 
 (hate those
 swarming bubble thingys!) ;-)
 Nice looking/sounding game though. I love putting some Metallica 
 or early Def
 Lepard in the CD and using it for the soundtrack! ;-)
enya is also a good choice!!  Relaxing so you are not jerking around :)

Metallica BAD! Lars BAD!!!

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RE: [newbie] Does computer with dual PIII 700MHz good enough to run Web mail server?

2001-10-04 Thread Franki

Dunno about the gentleman to who you fired that question at, I run a dns
server at another location and whenever I see a host that the box connects
to alot, I add it to /etc/hosts  and it seems to run perfectly well for

later on, when I get djbdns sussed, I will be putting a dnscache on the box
to see how that goes speeding things up, but for now, it seems to run as
quickly as the connection will allow it anyway...



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of etharp
Sent: Thursday, 4 October 2001 6:51 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Does computer with dual PIII 700MHz good enough to
run Web  mail server?

and may I ask, how (who) does the dns for those domains, and what is the

On Wednesday 03 October 2001 22:51, you had thoughts to the concept of:
 I run 3 domains/internal file server/mail server/sql server...all from a
 dual PIII 500 with 512meg of ram.  And it barely stress's this machine.
 Your dual PIII 700 should be more then fine =)  And i run this all off of
 2meg up and 4 meg down connection.


 On Wednesday 03 October 2001 21:54, Tuan Tran wrote:
  Can any one tell me if I can use dual PIII 700MHz to run web, mail 
  intranet file server? How fast is it? My cable company provides 2MB
  download and 380Kps upload. Is it good enough to run web server with
  about 50 people access at a same time?
  Thank you
  Do You Yahoo!?
  Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com

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Re: [newbie] did anybody test staroffice 6.0 beta?

2001-10-04 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Thu, 4 Oct 2001 08:52:14 +0200, development
 Is staroffice 6.0 any good/still a load of bugs? 

It isn't bad, but IMHO not quite ready for production use (it's a beta, after
all). Bloat-wise (installation/memory footprint, speed, etc.), it's only a
little better than SO 5.2, although I'm sure that shall drastically improve for
the final release. Besides the removal of the integrated desktop, there isn't
much real aesthetic difference (most changes are under the hood), although the
feature set has definitely been improved. I was a little disappointed to see
that it hadn't been GTKised as had been previously announced. Well, that's why
we have Abiword :) 

Sridhar Dhanapalan

Windows 95/NT - 32 bit extensions and a graphical shell for a 16 bit patch to an
8 bit operating system originally coded for a 4 bit microprocessor, written by a
2 bit company that can't stand 1 bit of competition!

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Re: [newbie] All your numbers are belong to us

2001-10-04 Thread Matt Greer

on 10/4/01 12:59 AM, Sridhar Dhanapalan at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Well, it DOES offer us a great example of the dangers of overzealous patent
 copyright protection, which directly relates to the open source/proprietary
 software debates.

Hmmm, their number check page doesn't appear to have a form on it to enter
your number. I've checked in netscape and IE (the only browsers I have at
work). Is it temporarily down or are they using some odd java applet or


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Re: [newbie] did anybody test staroffice 6.0 beta?

2001-10-04 Thread Lanman

On the other hand, OpenOffice (http://www.openoffice.org) which is a 
scaled-down version of StarOffice works quite nicely on Windows 
(Yuck! Ptewey!) AND Linux. They've removed the email client, the web-browser 
and desktop (?) environment, cutting the size to about 40 Mb (for the 
download), so perhaps that's worth looking at. Same install GUI, same 
cross-application functionality, smaller footprint. Quite Stable.


On Thursday 04 October 2001 09:40 am, you wrote:
 On Thu, 4 Oct 2001 08:52:14 +0200, development

  Is staroffice 6.0 any good/still a load of bugs?

 It isn't bad, but IMHO not quite ready for production use (it's a beta,
 after all). Bloat-wise (installation/memory footprint, speed, etc.), it's
 only a little better than SO 5.2, although I'm sure that shall drastically
 improve for the final release. Besides the removal of the integrated
 desktop, there isn't much real aesthetic difference (most changes are under
 the hood), although the feature set has definitely been improved. I was a
 little disappointed to see that it hadn't been GTKised as had been
 previously announced. Well, that's why we have Abiword :)

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Re: [newbie] Does computer with dual PIII 700MHz good enough to run Web mail server?

2001-10-04 Thread Lanman

A friend of mine runs 8 web-sites from a dual PIII-600 system as well as 
email and DNS with no hickups at all. Yours should be fine, but keep in mind 
that it will also depend on how many hits you get on your web-site and how 
large the files are, ie; if your users are moving large graphic files across 
your network on a regular basis, and you're hitting 250 consecutive 
connections on your web-server, you may want to stay ahead of the potential 
problem by loading up on ram, and setting up SCSI drives. It also can't hurt 
to make sure your running all your INTRANET users on 10/100 mbps network 
cards. I had that exact problem with a dual PIII-866 system, but those 
upgrades solved the problem, for now.


On Thursday 04 October 2001 09:45 am, you wrote:
 Dunno about the gentleman to who you fired that question at, I run a dns
 server at another location and whenever I see a host that the box connects
 to alot, I add it to /etc/hosts  and it seems to run perfectly well for

 later on, when I get djbdns sussed, I will be putting a dnscache on the box
 to see how that goes speeding things up, but for now, it seems to run as
 quickly as the connection will allow it anyway...



 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of etharp
 Sent: Thursday, 4 October 2001 6:51 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Does computer with dual PIII 700MHz good enough to
 run Web  mail server?

 and may I ask, how (who) does the dns for those domains, and what is the

 On Wednesday 03 October 2001 22:51, you had thoughts to the concept of:
  I run 3 domains/internal file server/mail server/sql server...all from a
  dual PIII 500 with 512meg of ram.  And it barely stress's this machine.
  Your dual PIII 700 should be more then fine =)  And i run this all off of


  2meg up and 4 meg down connection.
  On Wednesday 03 October 2001 21:54, Tuan Tran wrote:
   Can any one tell me if I can use dual PIII 700MHz to run web, mail 
   intranet file server? How fast is it? My cable company provides 2MB
   download and 380Kps upload. Is it good enough to run web server with
   about 50 people access at a same time?
   Thank you
   Do You Yahoo!?
   Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com

 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1; name=message.footer
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

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[newbie] m8.1 iso URLs

2001-10-04 Thread Robert MacLean


I'm having a problem getting the URL's for the M8.1 ISO files. The
reason is that the FTP servers are very busy during the day, and this
is the only time I have to go and get the urls. What I want to do is
get the urls, and place them in my download manager and schedule them
to download at night when I'm away from my machine and FTP servers are
less busy. Can any one please help. Thanx
Robert MacLean

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Re: [newbie] Swap Memory

2001-10-04 Thread michael

On Thursday 04 October 2001 01:51 am, you wrote:
 IMHO for most workstations I say get about 512megs of
 total ram (preferbily all ram, but if not make the
 remainder up from swap).

   The general rule-of-thumb is to have a swap size of
   2x RAM.

Fry's has 512 megs for 39.95 US.

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Re: [newbie] MS vs GM (Linux vs GM)

2001-10-04 Thread shane

On Thursday 04 October 2001 01:49, Rick [Kitty5] spoke unto the masses thusly:

 if GM sold cars like Linux...

upgrading the engine might speed up your car and improve your milage, but 
oddly break your stereo.  you would later solve this by adding seemingly 
unrelated parts, ie the bolts with the -a setting.

your car would have different abilities for each different key used to start 
it.  the most important would be the root key which would do everything.  if 
you didn't want your daughter to take the car to a certain persons house, you 
could simply disallow it in her profile.

if you found you were missing a part or had a broken part, any other gm car 
owner could simply make a copy of their part and put it in your car and 
everything would work alright.

everytime you started the car it would give the choice of what body type to 
use, ranging from gnome (a general commuter configuration) to kde (a larger 
more suv type) to enlightenment (a more spartin sports model) as well as many 

people who saw that you drove a gm car would assume that you knew how to 
build or fix any car, oddly, through your constant use you would in time 
actually learn this skill.

the odometer would be replaced by an uptime readout.

your car would be so good at running you where you need to go that you would 
set it up it to do things when you weren't even in it, ranging from going to 
the store to get milk for you on a weekly basis to searching for other life 
(seti-in-your-car) forms.

... and if you drown, die knowing you were headed for the shore. -from 
farenheight 451

Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
http://dmoz.org cause humans do it better!
Link different.
Profile at: http://dmoz.org/profiles/shen.html

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[newbie] md5sums

2001-10-04 Thread Robert MacLean


I'm assuming that the md5sum file with the m8.1 iso's is a crc type
check thing? if so how do i use it?



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Re: [newbie] Gnome 1.4 and icons

2001-10-04 Thread David Robertson

On Thu, 4 Oct 2001 07:38:33 -0400
Charles A Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Thu, 4 Oct 2001 08:46:19 +0100
 David Robertson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi everyone
  I've just installed LM 8.1 and all was well for 24 hours apart from what I 
consider to be the usual Mandrake network setup nightmare! (Much better in 8.1 - at 
least it is no longer assumed that if you're on a LAN, that's how you want to connect 
to the internet!)
  Anyway, my problem is desktop icons in Gnome: after installation, they were all 
there - internet, control-centre, Mandrake this-and-that, etc. Then they suddenly 
disappeared: on logging in, a blank desktop and no reaction from the right mouse 
button. This has happened before, with LM 8.0 and Ximian gnome, but LM doesn't have a 
doorman-reset facility as in Ximian, so just what has gone wrong and how can I fix 
it? I'm running a laptop with a S3 Savage/MX display chip, Aureal Vortex au8810 
sound, Pentium 700, 128MB RAM and in general Linux runs fine, tho' I need a separate 
sound driver. (Sound is fine in Gnome but nothing in KDE).
  I've tried reconfiguring XFree 4.1 but to no avail. Any suggestions?
 I am guessing that you had been using Nautilus and that it was drawing
 your desktop.
 At some point you must have exited the program or set it to Not draw and
 manage the destop.
 To correct this launch Nautilus, if your Icons reappear nothing else need
 be done.
 If not, select the Advance Setup buttom and then choose to have it draw 
 your desktop.
 If you choose to use GMC it will also draw the desktop and create icons
 but be forwarned, there is a Gonome problem with GMC/Nautilus where other
 than the drive icons, all icons create by GMC wiil not properly function.
 This problem exist when 8.1 is done as a Clean install.
 It is not present if you do an upgrade install.
Charles  (-:   
 Thank you - Nautilus wasn't drawing the desktop


David E Robertson FRCOG

Director, Assisted Conception Unit
The Esperance Hospital
East Sussex BN21 3BG

Tel/Fax +44 1323 410333
Web www.sussex-fertility.co.uk

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Re: [newbie] did anybody test staroffice 6.0 beta?

2001-10-04 Thread shane

i will second that, open office has been running great for me for some time.  
go, download, install, rejoyce.

On Thursday 04 October 2001 07:50, Lanman spoke unto the masses thusly:

 On the other hand, OpenOffice (http://www.openoffice.org) which is a
 scaled-down version of StarOffice works quite nicely on Windows
 (Yuck! Ptewey!) AND Linux. They've removed the email client, the
 web-browser and desktop (?) environment, cutting the size to about 40 Mb
 (for the download), so perhaps that's worth looking at. Same install GUI,
 same cross-application functionality, smaller footprint. Quite Stable.

Enter any 11-digit prime number to continue...

Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
http://dmoz.org cause humans do it better!
Link different.
Profile at: http://dmoz.org/profiles/shen.html

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RE: [newbie] md5sums

2001-10-04 Thread Ingo Bauer

Good afternoon Robert;

You can find the list of sites providing 8.1 iso's @ 


-Original Message-
From: Robert MacLean [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2001 12:35 PM
Subject: [newbie] md5sums


I'm assuming that the md5sum file with the m8.1 iso's is a crc type
check thing? if so how do i use it?



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Re: [newbie] All your numbers are belong to us

2001-10-04 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Thu, 04 Oct 2001 09:18:30 -0500, Matt Greer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 on 10/4/01 12:59 AM, Sridhar Dhanapalan at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Well, it DOES offer us a great example of the dangers of overzealous patent
  copyright protection, which directly relates to the open source/proprietary
  software debates.
 Hmmm, their number check page doesn't appear to have a form on it to enter
 your number. I've checked in netscape and IE (the only browsers I have at
 work). Is it temporarily down or are they using some odd java applet or

It uses Flash. After entering your number, it shows the musical score of that
key sequence and even plays it for you.

Since they have copyrighted the keytones made by all the numbers between 0 and
100 billion, your number is guaranteed to be there, complete with country and
area codes.

Sridhar Dhanapalan

Windows is not done until Lotus 123 won't run.
-- Old Microsoft internal slogan

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Re: [newbie] md5sums

2001-10-04 Thread Fred Schroeder


at the command promt type:

md5sum filename

where filename is the name of the downloaded file you wish to check.  This 
will spit out a character string, which should match what is in the md5sums 
file, which is a text file.

hope I helped, and didn't confuse!


At 05:34 PM 10/4/01 +0200, you wrote:

I'm assuming that the md5sum file with the m8.1 iso's is a crc type
check thing? if so how do i use it?



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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: Fwd: Re: [newbie] shift causes beep?

2001-10-04 Thread Steve Borrett

 I don't think that is it, well, didn't, until I tested that theory while I
 was responding to this post... which crippled my keyboard.  Doh.


 Any thoughts on how I can un-map shift as a typematic?  I do indeed have a
 strange keyboard though, a micro inovations keyboard with a built in
 touchpad, which I've been using for some time (long enough to wear the nub
 off the 'j' key.

I really don't know. Have you tried it with a different keyboard plugged in?


...in a world without walls or fences, we wouldn't need windows or gates.

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[newbie] Help

2001-10-04 Thread Ulend

Dear Mr.,

Could you tell if the OpenGL libraries have been 
integrated with Mandrake8.1, or I don't download any other thingin order 
to use OpenGL?


Re: [newbie] md5sums

2001-10-04 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Thu, 4 Oct 2001 17:34:53 +0200, Robert MacLean [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm assuming that the md5sum file with the m8.1 iso's is a crc type
 check thing? if so how do i use it?

Yes. It uses checksumming to verify the integrity of your files. Put it in the
same directory as the ISO binaries, and type:

  $ md5sum -c md5sum

The second md5sum is the filename. For more info, type man md5sum.

Sridhar Dhanapalan

I believe OS/2 is destined to be the most important
operating system, and possibly program, of all time.
-- Bill Gates (from the Foreword to the OS/2 Programmers' Guide)

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Re: [newbie] Re: 2.4.10 kernel-update

2001-10-04 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Thursday 04 October 2001 10:45 am, Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:
 I've been using 2.4.10 all day and I can't see any difference from
 Mandrake 8.1's 2.4.8 kernel. The VM is just as bad as before:

 $ free -m
  total   used   free sharedbuffers
 cached Mem:   249229 19  0  9
 84 -/+ buffers/cache:136112
 Swap:  200103 96

 As can be seen in the above free -m output, I am using 103MB of
 Swap even though I have 112MB of RAM free (excluding cache).

This is mine just now (everything under / is RieserFS, 2.4.10):

 total   used   free sharedbuffers   cached
Mem:  500492  8  0 61  285
-/+ buffers/cache:146354
Swap: 180  0179

I've never used any /swap since some kernel MM problems in the 
early 2.4.1 (IIRC) kernels.  'top  Shift+m' (sort by mem) shows  
1543 root  12   0  109M  28M  1996 S 0.1  5.7   8:12 X
 only using 28 MB (objectprelink'd KDE2.2.1) as the biggest memory user.
1783 tom   18   0 22092  21M  3316 S 0.0  4.3  17:36 gqview
 Gqview is running a fullscreen slideshow (48,500+ files, 8 sec ea.) as 
my background on all 4 desktops is next at 21 MB.  Next users of any 
consequence are:

2196 tom9   0 17660  17M  7516 S 0.0  3.4   0:00 kppp
9782 tom9   0 15720  15M 12288 S 0.0  3.0   0:09 kmail
1793 tom9   0 15408  15M 11292 S 0.0  3.0   0:32 kdeinit
1787 tom9   0 11092  10M  9572 S 0.0  2.1   0:02 kdeinit
9495 tom   12   0 10636  10M  9048 R 0.5  2.0   0:02 kdeinit
1993 tom9   0 10136 9.8M  8780 S 0.0  1.9   0:00 kdeinit
   I believe any work station system with = 128 MB ram, and getting 
into swap more than just a touch or even at all, probly has hardware 
and or configuration problems.
Tom Brinkman                 Galveston Bay, USA
Admiral Yamamoto:  I fear that all we have done is to awaken a
 sleeping giant,  and filled him with a terrible resolve.

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Re: [newbie] Help

2001-10-04 Thread Miark

Hi Ulend,

Yes, OpenGL is supported in 8.1 (and 8.0, and 7.2, and 7.0, etc.)
by the Mesa library which you'll find on your install CDs.


- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2001 4:29 PM
Subject: [newbie] Help

Dear Mr.,

Could you tell if the OpenGL libraries have been integrated with Mandrake8.1, or I 
download any other thing in order to use OpenGL?


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Re: [newbie] Two Questions

2001-10-04 Thread shane

On Thursday 04 October 2001 00:42, PENA FAMILY spoke unto the masses thusly:

 1.) I have a Sansdisk USB flash card reader, how do I get Linux to see it
 and access the .jpg photos I have on them?

got one myself, moved it to my 8.1 box to see.

the usb sees it, but when i try to mount it as a drive from the control 
center it reports an unknown file system.  windows reports it as a fat (16 i 
assume) but 8.1 says no.  could it be i am missing an important setting?

the sandisk sight claims if you have a kernal higher than 2.4 it will simply 
work if you plug it in

errr, not yet. :)

He who laughs, lasts.

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[newbie] OpenOffice font display

2001-10-04 Thread Miark

I've got OpenOffice on one machine running 8.0, and
on another running 8.1. The fonts look great in 8.1,
but in 8.0, it's as bad as StarOffice 5.2. Now why 
is that?


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[newbie] Broadcast 2000 performance

2001-10-04 Thread Jeremy D

I'm hoping this isn't too off-topic -- the software is
packaged with LM8.0.

I'm currently having trouble getting any decent
performance out of Broadcast 2000 on my T-bird box. 
Particularly, I can't seem to get video capture to
work without dropping more frames than are captured. 
I know my system (HD speed, proc, mem) are up to it as
I can do it in win.  I'd really like to get Bcast to
work as I don't feel like spending $200+ for a real
video editing program like Premiere (I'm currently
managing with a collection of freeware apps).

Here are my system specs:
Athlon T-Bird 1.113Ghz
30GB HD (~8GB for Linux)
Asus GeForce2MX vid card
Hauppauge WinTV-GO PCI capture card (detected in LM8.0
at install -- Brooktree chipset)
Creative Labs Ensoniq PCI sound card (works fine)

I'm trying to capture at 640x480@30fps -- can do it in
win if my HD's defragged.

'Would appreciate any ideas.


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Re: Fwd: Re: [newbie] shift causes beep?

2001-10-04 Thread Manuel Drake

On Thu, 4 Oct 2001, Steve Borrett wrote:

  I don't think that is it, well, didn't, until I tested that theory while I
  was responding to this post... which crippled my keyboard.  Doh.


Yea, shift, as you said, is not supposed to be typematic!

  Any thoughts on how I can un-map shift as a typematic?  I do indeed have a
  strange keyboard though, a micro inovations keyboard with a built in
  touchpad, which I've been using for some time (long enough to wear the nub
  off the 'j' key.

 I really don't know. Have you tried it with a different keyboard plugged in?

Cripes, you expect me to properly troubleshoot this :?)

Good call, willdo soon... just lost a fan on my Slack server, so the fun
goes on...

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Re: [newbie] did anybody test staroffice 6.0 beta?

2001-10-04 Thread Arthur H. Johnson II

I downloaded StarOffice 6.0Beta, saw how well it worked, and decided to go
for OpenOffice since the source project typically works better than the
commercial offshoot, ie Mozilla.  I was right.  OpenOffice is better.  Get

On Thu, 4 Oct 2001, shane wrote:

 i will second that, open office has been running great for me for some time.
 go, download, install, rejoyce.

 On Thursday 04 October 2001 07:50, Lanman spoke unto the masses thusly:

  On the other hand, OpenOffice (http://www.openoffice.org) which is a
  scaled-down version of StarOffice works quite nicely on Windows
  (Yuck! Ptewey!) AND Linux. They've removed the email client, the
  web-browser and desktop (?) environment, cutting the size to about 40 Mb
  (for the download), so perhaps that's worth looking at. Same install GUI,
  same cross-application functionality, smaller footprint. Quite Stable.

Arthur H. Johnson II
The Linux Box

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[newbie] turning off hard disk optimisation... (in mdk7.2)

2001-10-04 Thread Franki

Hi all,

I have (you would all know this by now :-) a 60 gig hard disk in my main
web/mail server,

it is running postfix on a reiserfs partition (all partitions except /boot
are reiserfs)

and I have been getting annoying messages about the mail server being unable
to write to open files...

That shouldn't be possible so it appears to be a corrupted file system
again, (in /var)

Also, Wietse Venema the guy that wrote postfix said that it was definatly a
file system error...

having never had problems with reiserfs before, I am thinking that the only
thing I can think of
that might be the problem is that I selected file system optimisation when
I was installing 7.2
onto this system..,.

So my question is this, if choosing that adds some hdparm parameters

Where are they so I can turn them off, reformat /var and see if that makes a

(I looked in /etc/rc.d/rc.local and they are not there...)

any suggestions would be much appreciated...



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Re: [newbie] Does computer with dual PIII 700MHz good enough to run Web mail server?

2001-10-04 Thread Ric

I'm running this on a Dual PII 266, and it never breaks a sweat.
Also add to that, printer server, smb, firewall, and DNS.

The CPUs are idle most of the time.


Tuan Tran wrote:

 Can any one tell me if I can use dual PIII 700MHz to run web, mail 
 intranet file server? How fast is it? My cable company provides 2MB
 download and 380Kps upload. Is it good enough to run web server with
 about 50 people access at a same time?
 Thank you
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Re: [newbie] did anybody test staroffice 6.0 beta?

2001-10-04 Thread shane

On Thursday 04 October 2001 13:10, Dave Sherman spoke unto the masses thusly:

 How are the MS Word/Excel filters? Can OpenOffice save files to those
 formats? I was under the impression that OpenOffice could not use

i have not had much experience opening files from open office into ms, but 
those few have worked fine.  i have never had any trouble opening ms files in 
open office, and i do a lot of that.

Microsoft: Having a false sense of security was never so expensive.

Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
http://dmoz.org cause humans do it better!
Link different.
Profile at: http://dmoz.org/profiles/shen.html

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Re: [newbie] soundrecording

2001-10-04 Thread Marcia

Dear Frans,

I installed the libqt2-devel and it has made no difference. I, also, need the 
qt libraries for another program. I thought I had them all downloaded and 
installed but I continue to get the same error message which is:  checking 
for Qt... configure: error: Qt = 1.42 (headers and libraries) not found. 
Please check your installation!

Would anyone know where I can get the correct qt libraries for my LM8? What 
versions would I need exactly? I already installed the ones from my CD but 
they are not making a difference. Any help will be greatly appreciated.



On Wednesday 03 October 2001 12:26, you wrote:
 Marcia wrote:
  Dear All,
  I have been trying to install krecord but it requires the qt libraries
  which I supposedly have, but when I go through compiling it says there
  are no header files for qt. Would anyone know what I am missing when it
  comes to qt and how to get it? Thanks for your help.

 I think you need libqt2-devel from the first CD.


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Re: [newbie] Nvidia drivers and LM8.1

2001-10-04 Thread Derek Jennings

That happened to me as well.
When I ran Control centre and went into the advanced Hardware/Display 
settings it told me I was running XFree ver 3 even though I had expressly 
selected 4.10 in the install.
After selecting XFree4.10 it all worked OK.

I am beginning to think 8.1 could have done with a few more weeks of testing.

 I also had problems with my scanner. An icon was automatically put on my 
desktop for my usb scanner. except it did not work. I had to put another icon 
on myself.


On Thursday 04 October 2001 11:02 pm, Ron Burns wrote:
 Hi folks

 I have installed the latest Nvidia drivers avilailable on Mandrake User.
 Everything goes as expected and I see the Nvidia Logo
 when X starts. When I start an opengl game or gears, I get kicked out of
 the x-server and it restarts bringing me back to the
 login screen. Any suggestions anyone?

 Thanks :)


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Re: [newbie] chromium

2001-10-04 Thread Ronald J. Hall

Carl Lafferty wrote:

  Nice looking/sounding game though. I love putting some Metallica
  or early Def
  Lepard in the CD and using it for the soundtrack! ;-)
 enya is also a good choice!!  Relaxing so you are not jerking around :)

(humming sail away, sail away...something Orinoco Flow)

 Metallica BAD! Lars BAD!!!

Yes, but BAD is GOOD! ;-)


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[newbie] Bastille adventure

2001-10-04 Thread Admin


Setting up the bastille firewall is turning into an adventure.  Although I 
pretty much having it do what I want, there are some nagging issues I am 
hoping somebody can assist me.

1.  Background info:  Running LM8.0 in a dell 4100 series pc using an 800 mhz 
pIII processor with 384meg of RAM.

2.  Most annoying:  I keep loosing my lan connection to my win box.  I will 
have everything running (meaning my lan, the firewall, and my internet 
connection) pretty good.  I will then walk away from the computer, and come 
back, say an hour later.  When I return, I can no longer access the c drive 
in my win box.  If I try, I get a input/output error.  To get it back, I 
must shut down the firewall, unmount  and remount the c drive and restart the 
firewall (by firewall I mean Bastille).  FWIW, I don't loose my samba 
connection.  I suspect the firewall, because if the firewall is down, and I 
leave for 2 hours or more, the network is just fine when I return.  I have 
checked the bastille-firewall.cfg file and I don't see anything involving 
some kind of network time out variable.  Could it be related to one of the 
icmp variables?

3.  Not so annoying:  Thekernel modules to masquerade option in 
InteractiveBastille has the default setting of ftp raudio vdolive.  To the 
list I added irc.  When I load bastille-firewall I get the error messages 
could not find ip_nat_raudio and ip_nat_vdolive.  I searched in my system for 
both files (used the command find / ip_nat_raudio* -print) and I could not 
find them.  Any ideas where they might be?  Either in my system or on some 
web page?  I assume ip_nat_raudio is for realplayer.  I have been able to do 
a workaround by dedicating a couple of ports to real player.  Imho, it is not 
the best solution, but it should do until I am able to find the nat file for 
it.  I have no idea what is vdolive?  Again, if somebody can suggest where I 
might find it, I would appreciate it.

4.  Not annoying but still:  I use IRC and in order for the servers to 
identify my client, I must leave port 113 open.  Is there a way where I can 
shut down the port after the server has identified my client?  I had to 
install identd in my system for the i.d. process to work properly.

Thanks in advance


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Re: [newbie] Kernel Panic:VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 03:05 problem

2001-10-04 Thread Stephen Liu

Hi Sridhar

Lot of thanks for your response and time spent.

Both  /boot  and  /root  are in Ext2.   I also tried with 
only  /root  partition in Ext2 and the result was the same.

Still I could not understand what mistake I have committed.  Linux-Mandrake 
7.2 runs great in the same PC and Hard disc.

I was a little bid tire of trying Linux-Mandrake 8.0 continuously without 
any result.  Then I turned to Linux-Mandrake 8.1.  Having its ISO images 
download from the website I started installation with CD thus prepared.  It 
went through smoothly and the mouse was alive.  However after re-starting 
the mouse die.

I started /configuration/hardware/HardDrake.  All devices on its window did 
not show any description including the mouse.  I attempted to evoke the 
file on the menu bar, such as File, Options, Tools and Help but without 
response.  I tried Ctrl/Alt/Shift and f/i/l/e combination 
key.  Unfortunately it did not work.

I logout and re-started the PC.  During exiting follow error messages pop-up

-  /dev/psaux : No such device or address
-  Link error messages pop-up ………
-  Mainloop returned Console Init : No such device or address
-  INIT : no more process left in this runlevel

The PC hanged on forcing me to re-boot the PC

No improvement made after re-starting.  I tried twice re-installing 
Linnux-Mandrake 8.1 with the same result

Could any guy on the list shed me some light.  Thanks in advance.

Best Regards
Stephen Liu

At 03:24 PM 10/4/2001 +1000, you wrote:
I don't think it's a bug, since most people have had no problems 
installing 8.0.
More likely, it is some kind of incompatibility with your system. I have a
feeling that the problem is due to ReiserFS. Try making only Ext2 
partitions and
see what happens. Alternatively (and even better), you should try installing
Mandrake 8.1.

On Thu, 04 Oct 2001 12:54:03 +0800, Stephen Liu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi all people,
  Have any guy on the list encountering the same problem in installing
  Mandrake 8.0
  I tried several days to install Mandrake 8.0 but met with frustration.
  My partition table is as follows:
  (It is a blank hard disc of 3.3G for running Linux-Mandrake 8.0 only)
  -  Native partition for /boot 5 MB
  -  Swap 260 MB  (2 x 128 MB RAM)
  -  Rest for root partition
  Each time after installation completed and re-starting, following warning
  message prompts:
  Kernel Panic:VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 03:05
  I even tried installing Mandrake 7.2 first.  After it worked successfully,
  then I installed/upgraded it to Mandrake 8.0.  But I still could not get
  the later to work.   At re-start the same warning signal prompts.
  Would it be the bug problem of  Mandrake 8.0 ? ? ?
  Best Regards
  Stephen Liu

Sridhar Dhanapalan

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Re: [newbie] Kernel Panic:VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 03:05

2001-10-04 Thread Stephen Liu


Lot of thanks for your response and time spent.

Still I could not understand what mistake I have committed.  Linux-Mandrake 
7.2 runs great in the same PC and Hard disc.

I was a little bid tire of trying Linux-Mandrake 8.0 continuously without 
any result.  Then I turned to Linux-Mandrake 8.1.  Having its ISO images 
download from the website I started installation with the CDs thus 
prepared.  It went through smoothly and the mouse was alive.  However after 
re-starting the mouse die.

I started /configuration/hardware/HardDrake.  All devices on its window did 
not show any description including the mouse.  I attempted to evoke the 
file on the menu bar, such as File, Options, Tools and Help but without 
response.  I tried Ctrl/Alt/Shift and f/i/l/e combination 
key.  Unfortunately it did not work.

I logout and re-started the PC.  During exiting follow error messages pop-up

-  /dev/psaux : No such device or address
-  Link error messages pop-up ………
-  Mainloop returned Console Init : No such device or address
-  INIT : no more process left in this runlevel

The PC hanged on forcing me to re-boot the PC

No improvement made after re-starting.  I tried twice re-installing 
Linnux-Mandrake 8.1 with the same result

Could any guy on the list shed me some light.  Thanks in advance.

Best Regards
Stephen Liu

At 09:01 PM 10/4/2028 +0800, you wrote:
try to change your Mandrake CD try buying agai.that is the good part of 
Linux it is
very cheap.heheheheeheeh!When it not works e-mail me.TY!


Stephen Liu wrote:

  Thanks for your further advice.
  Unfortunately I still encountered the same problem after repeated trials.
  My partition table as follows
  Native partition for /boot5 MB
  Swap260 MB (2 x 128 MB RAM)
  rest for root partition
  I even tried installing Mandrake 7.2 first.  After it works successfully,
  then I installed/upgrade it to Mandrake 8.0  But I still could not get the
  later to work.  At re-start following warning signal prompts ;
  Kernel Panic:VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 03:05
  Would it be the bug problem of my installer - Mandrake 8.0 ? ? ?
  Best Regards
  Stephen Liu
  At 11:30 AM 10/2/2001 -0700, you wrote:
  Dear Sir Stephen Lui
  before adding a / linux native root partition just add first a native
  /boot with 5MB needed then after press add again for the swap partion
  your swap
  partion must be 2x your memory so for example you have 64mB memory 
 your swap
  partion must be at least 128MB. then add your / root pation then add an
  asterisk to Grow to fill this disk this will install your all your linux
  in there
  Thanks and Good Luck!
  Stephen Liu wrote:
Thanks for your response and advice.
I only have 2 partitions in my hard disc, the native and the swap.
I am sure I have added a mount point  /  to the native partition.
Pls try this pls add a linux native with mount point
so you can divide your boot partition to your original mount point
Kindly explain how to add  /boot  to the native partition.  Is it 
 to add
a boot partition on the hard disc, making 3 partitions, boot, 
 native and
swap and thereafter adding a mount point  /  to the boot 
 partition ?  How
about the native partition whether a mount point  /  is still 
 necessary ?
Thanks in advance.
Stephen Liu
which you originaly configured so it will not conflivt with your 
linux native.
then dont forget to add a swap partition.
I hope my little knowledge on this can help you.

The Technology Specialist
Stephen Liu wrote:

  Hi all people,
  I installed Mandrake 8.0 to a new hard disk and encountered 
  problem when restarting the computer after installation
   completed.  There
  was no other Operating System sharing the hard disk.
  Class of installation :  Recommended
  When restarting the computer following error indicated
  VFS : cannot open root device 305 or 03:05.
  Please append a correct root= boot option
  Kernel Panic : VFS unable to mount root fs on 03:50
  I did try several times to restart the computer and also 
 reinstall the
  software but with no improvement.
  Kindly help !!!
  Thanks in advance.
  Best Regards
  Stephen Liu

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[newbie] terminal games?

2001-10-04 Thread Matt Greer

Does anyone know of any action games that are done in the console (probably 
using ncurses)? I mean games that use text characters to produce all the 
graphics, you could run the game without X installed at all.

I keep downloading games that claim to be console games, compiling them, 
then running them and they pop up in kde as a graphical game. Getting 
frustrating :)


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