Re: [newbie-it] Divx! Come vederli?

2002-02-14 Thread Stefano Salari

 --- Alberto [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto:  On
13-02-2002 13:51,
 Fatto anche questo..mentre lo istallo mi chiede le o una cosa
 del genere.
 Io forzo.
 Lui istalla.
 Lancio xine e mi cerca quelle maledette lib.
 Se provo a istallare le lib mi dice che andranno in
 conflitto con un po di
 robba e quindi io non le istallo.
 Ma che spono sti conflitti? Io ho le libpng2 e non
 gli piacciono ma non le
 posso disistallare se no si tirano 200 che devo fare ; (

Scusa, ho appena risposto alla tua precedente mail
consigliandoti anch'io la 0.9.8 perche' mi ero perso
questo tuo messaggio...

Non so dirti che tipo di conflitti siano, non mi e'
mai capitato!

Potresti postare l'output di ./configure quando ti
chiede le libpng?

...E mi viene un dubbio: hai installato anche i
sorgenti delle libpng? Xine ne ha bisogno per la
compilazione... (il pacchetto libpng-develop o
qualcosa di simile).

Ciao! Steo.


Dillo con una cartolina!

Re: [newbie-it] Scanner USB Agfa e25

2002-02-14 Thread Pollo

Il mer, 2002-02-13 alle 17:24, Mario Lodi Rizzini ha scritto:
 Scusa se ti rompo, ma a questo punto ti chiedo cortesemente qualche 
 Quanto segue l'ho fatto seguendo quanto riportato in
 Ho installato i backends di sane 1.0.7
 Poi ho definito lo scanner con mknod /dev/usbscanner c 180 48
 Infine ho inserito in /etc/modules.conf la riga
 options scanner vendor=0x06bd product=0x2095.
 Ho fatto il reboot.
 Se ora vado in Harddrake, lo scanner non c'è; al suo posto c'è una 
 periferica USB sconosciuta con ID 06BD2095 con la richiesta di inviare 
 a [EMAIL PROTECTED] i files sotto /proc/  (ora non ricordo 
 Se hai seguito un procedimento diverso, mi puoi indicare quale?
 Grazie 1000
 Mario Lodi Rizzini
 (o_  Membro del FoLUG
 //\  Forlì Linux Users Group 
 Mandrake 8.1 su Celeron 733

Ecco qua un aiuto come ti avevo promesso.

Come prima cosa ho installato Sane presente sui CD della mdk8.1 e tutti
gli altri rpm che gli servono compreso XSane.

Poi ho creato il device scanner come hai fatto tu con mknod
/dev/usb/scanner c 180 48 ed ho inserito in /etc/modules.conf le righe
options scanner vendor=0x06bd product=0x2095
post-install scanner chmod 666 /dev/usb/scanner

Poi ho scaricato il beckend 1.0.6 di Sane e il beckend per lo Snapscan
più recenti (nel mio caso 2001108). Dopo aver decompresso entrambi gli
archivi tar.gz, ho copiato i file decompressi del beckend dello snapscan
all'interno nella cartella beckend che si trova a sua volta all'interno
della cartella sane-beckends-1.0.6 creata precedentemente.
Inoltre ho modificato la riga 120 (o vicina) del file snapscan.h
mettendo: {SNAPSCAN e25, SNAPSCANE50}
Fatto ciò ho eseguito la solita procedura di installazione dopo essermi
spostato nella cartella sane-beckends-1.0.6:
./configure --prefix=/usr/local
make install

Non è ancora finita! Ho modificato il file /usr/etc/sane.d/snapscan.conf
mettendo # davanti a tutte le righe e aggiungendo le righe:
firmware /home/pollo/Snape25.bin
Il file Snape25.bin lo puoi trovare nella partizione che hai lasciato a
windows nella cartella windows/system/. Se non hai una partizione con
windows penso che lo trovi da qualche parte sul cd con ScanWise.
Se non lo trovi dimmelo che te lo spedisco (sono solo 32Kbyte).

Ora è veramente finita! Se tutto è ok lanciando il comando scanimage -L
dovresti come output una riga simile:
device 'snapscan:/dev/usb/scanner' is a AGFA SNAPSCAN flatbed scanner
Se ti compare lancia a tua scelta xsane oppure xscanimage oppure
qualsiasi altra GUI per sane.

Il procedimento che ho seguito è questo...
...prova e poi fammi sapere.

Ciao, Pollo.

Re: [newbie-it] Divx! Come vederli?

2002-02-14 Thread Alberto

On 14-02-2002 9:04, Stefano Salari [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- Marco Canapicchi [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto:
 Alberto wrote:
 Di istallato ho le libpng2 ma se ne frega..e
 adesso che faccio? Levo le due
 e metto le 3?ma quei conflitti che mi dice
 darebber la libpng3 che cosa
 Non so che fare.
 Grazie ancora
 Ciao ciao
  Mi sa che e' la versione 0.9.5 di xine a dare
 problemi.. una cosa simile me l'ha data anche a me
 Prova con la 0.9.8: io l'ho installata ed e' tutto
 Va bene anche con gli RPM.
 Io la 0.9.5 non l'ho mai installata, ho anch'io la
 0.9.8 che funziona e l'ho installata con le libpng
 della Mandrake 8.1.
 Ciao! Steo.
Ma allora sono io che sono troppo fortunato? Che faccio ci metto ste anche se dice che da conflitti col mondo?

 Dillo con una cartolina!

Re: [newbie-it] Divx! Come vederli?

2002-02-14 Thread Alberto

 Scusa, ho appena risposto alla tua precedente mail
 consigliandoti anch'io la 0.9.8 perche' mi ero perso
 questo tuo messaggio...
 Non so dirti che tipo di conflitti siano, non mi e'
 mai capitato!
 Potresti postare l'output di ./configure quando ti
 chiede le libpng?
 ...E mi viene un dubbio: hai installato anche i
 sorgenti delle libpng? Xine ne ha bisogno per la
 compilazione... (il pacchetto libpng-develop o
 qualcosa di simile).
 Ciao! Steo.
 Allora..quando configuro xine szr non ricordo male non mi chiede le
poi quando lo lancio dice che non le tyrvo
Ho istallato anche 0.9.8 da rpm e me le chiede quando forzo e
noquando lo lancio mi chiede sempre le lib
Le libpng/develop o qualcosa del genere le ho gia istsallate insieme alle
libpng 2 ma proprio se ne frega
L'unica é provare di istallare ste poi mi funziona linucx o muore?;
Help ; (
Ciao alberto 
 Dillo con una cartolina!

Re: [newbie-it] Divx! Come vederli?

2002-02-14 Thread Luigi De Pascale

On Thu, 14 Feb 2002, Alberto wrote:

  Ciao! Steo.
 Ma allora sono io che sono troppo fortunato? Che faccio ci metto ste anche se dice che da conflitti col mondo?

Direi di no. FInisce che dopo non ti funziona piu' niente.
Potresti invece scaricare i surce (.src) e compilarli sul tuo computer.
A quel punto le cose dovrebbero funzionare.

Not all who wander are lost

Luigi De Pascale:   Indirizzo: Dipartimento di Matematica Applicata U.Dini
   Via Bonanno Pisano 25/B, 56126 Pisa, ITALY  
 Tel.: +39/050/844745

Re: [newbie-it] anti-aliasing

2002-02-14 Thread Rodolfo Colombo

Alle 18:45, mercoledì 13 febbraio 2002, hai scritto:

 Qualcuno che ha applicato con successo l'opzione anti-aliasing saprebbe
 indicarmi che caratteri sta usando (ho la possibilità di sfruttare pure i
 caratteri win)?

l'antialiasing io l'ho disattivato perchè mi dava degli errori e inoltre mi 
rallentava un pochino il sistema.
ho installato i font win e tutto è migliorato notevolmente specialmente su 
internet su linuxC n. 21 nelle tips trovi il modo di installare i font win
se non lo trovi spedisco in lista i comandi e le cose da fare.
ciao a tutti 

Re: [newbie-it] Galeon e java

2002-02-14 Thread syd

Lele wrote:
 Usando Galeon mi imbatto in siti che richiedono java e il browser mi dice
 di scaricarne i plugins, cosa che ho fatto, ma sneza ottenere risultati.
 Dove sbaglio ? e poi, in netscape o mozilla non ci sono plugins adatti ? Se
 si dove posso trovarli ed eventualmente copiarli ?

 Grazie per le eventuali risposte

Quando entri in siti che usano java non riesci a caricare le applet: se ho 
capito bene, è questo il tuo problema.
I plugins java di cui tu parli sono contenuti all'interno del pacchetto java 
e fondamentalmente non ti servono per il caricamento delle applet. Ciò che ti 
serve è la sola installazione del pacchetto dopo la quale, se proprio lo vuoi 
fare, potrai procedere all'installazione dei plugins in essa contenuti.
Cosa hai scaricato e installato? Il pacchetto JRE o quello SDK? Se non sei 
uno sviluppatore java, ti è sufficiente il JRE le cui dimensioni sono meno 
della metà di quelle dell'SDK (14Mb contro 35Mb).
Una volta effettuata l'installazione credo che il tuo browser non riesca a 
leggere l'eseguibile java e questo perché non sa dove cercarlo: devi 
indicargli il path. Immagino (io non ho mai usato Galeon) che da qualche 
parte nelle impostazioni del tuo navigatore ci sarà una sezione dedicata alla 
configurazione java dove magari ti chiederà l'indicazione di un percorso per 
l'eseguibile java: se così è, allora cerca nel tuo filesystem una directory 
intitolata a java (te la dovresti ritrovare dopo l'installazione e 
generalmente in /usr, se non ricordo male) all'interno della quale dovrebbe 
esserci l'eseguibile che ti interessa. Indica a Galeon quel percorso.

Per quanto riguarda la possibilità di sfruttare l'eseguibile java usato da 
netscape, anche a me piacerebbe sapere se è possibile usarlo ed eventualmente 
in quale oscuro luogo è nascosto: eviterei così di scaricarmi pacchetti java 
vari, visto che netscape devo comunque tenermelo in quanto il mio konqueror 
non può fare a meno di lui per il flash player della macromedia. 
Quanto sarebbe bello un Konqueror indipendente da netscape... ma questa è 
un'altra storia.

Se non sono stao chiaro, chiedi pure, sempre che abbia ben capito il tuo 


[newbie-it] Internet

2002-02-14 Thread Pollo

Ho un grosso problema per la navigazione in internet. Non sono ancora
riuscito a trovare un browser veramente completo. Con qualcuno non
funzionano gli applet java, con qualcun'altro non riesco a utilizzare
tutte le funzioni di alcuni siti (tipo inviare sms ecc.), con altri non
posso rivisitare off-line le pagine aperte quando ero on-line ed infine
con qualcuno sono costretto a leggere i testi delle pagine web con una
lente di ingrandimento.

Qualcuno sa darmi qualche dritta in proposito? Io cerco un browser che
mi permetta di aprire tutte le pagine web (anche con applet java) e che
mi permetta di visualizzare off-line le pagine già visitate on-line.

Vi ringrazio. Pollo. 

[newbie-it] Dove ho sbagliato?

2002-02-14 Thread ku68

Ciao, ieri ho provato a installare staroffice 5.2. E memore di un 
consiglio l'ho installato da root con l'opzione net. Praticamente la 
directory era questa /home/root/staroffice/net
Per non riuscivo ad aprire il prg da altri utenti (ho creato per 
provare 3 utenti su un pc singolo) in quanto la dir root era 
inacessibile non avendo i permessi.
Ho cancellato il tutto e vorrei riprovare. Mi dite dove ho sbagliato? 
Forse la dir doveva essere /home/staroffice/net? A proposito anche 
adabas va installato in /net ?
Grazie in anticipo della risposta

[newbie-it] permessi-proprietario

2002-02-14 Thread Giorgio Carrara

Ieri l'altro ho installato Ximian Gnome.
Credo di aver fatto tutto per bene ( tanto è tutto in 'automatico' )
infatti, per quanto ne capisco mi pare vada tutto bene, ma mi ritrovo
con il lettore floppy, col DvdCdRom e col masterizzatore che mi vengono
negati. Infatti, guardando le loro proprietà ( su nautilus, tasto destro
sull'icona mount ) mi vien detto che non posso variarle in quanto non
sono il proprietario.
C'è qualcuno che mi spiega ( usando l'interfaccia grafica e non il
terminale ), come posso riappropriarmi dei miei dischi e dischetti ?

Grazie in anticipo


[newbie-it] Opzione distruggi

2002-02-14 Thread Daniele Micci

Ciao a tutti,
uso Mandrake 8.1; nella versione precedente, in KDE era possibile - 
cliccandoci su col pulsante destro - selezionare l'opzione distruggi oltre 
alle semplici elimina e cestina. In MDK 8.1, invece, questa opzione 
sembra scomparsa. Pensavo l'avessero rimossa.
Invece mi sono accorto che l'opzione può essere inserita nella barra del 
Konqueror. E da lì funziona.
La mia domanda, allora, è: com'è possibile far riapparire la voce 
distruggi anche nel menù che compare cliccando su un qualsiasi oggetto con 
il pulsante destro del mouse?
Grazie in anticipo a chi vorrà rispondermi...


Re: [newbie-it] Kmail e allegati

2002-02-14 Thread Daniele Micci

Il giorno 08:46, mercoledì 13 febbraio 2002 hai scritto:
 volevo sapere un paio di cose:

 1) è possibile fare in modo che nell'elenco dei messaggi di una cartella
 kmail mostri l'icona della graffetta per quelli che hanno l'allegato?

credo che questo non sia possibile. Non so se questa caratteristica verrà 
aggiunta nelle future versioni di KMail. Potresti contattare il sito del KDE 
e proporglielo. In ogni caso, una delle colonne visualizza le dimensioni del 
messaggio. Già da lì, solitamente, è facile rendersi conto se quell'email 
possieda o no un allegato.

 2) a volte oltre agli allegati soliti mi trovo anche il testo dell'email in
 html, che visualizzato mi restituisce il sorgente della lettera: si può

Dovresti disattivare la visualizzazione in linea degli allegati, tramite il 
menù visualizza.


Prego. :)


Re: [newbie-it] Cattiva qualità di stampa e problema con floppy

2002-02-14 Thread Daniele Micci

Il giorno 10:37, mercoledì 13 febbraio 2002 hai scritto:
  Scusa, ma non avevi detto che l'installazione di Linux riconosce il tuo
  modello senza problemi? Quindi dovrebbe essere già installata, perchè
  devi nuovamente scegliere nell'elenco dei drivers?

 Con un altro prg la vede con kups no

KUPS è solo un'utility di gestione del sistema di stampa CUPS. Quindi se la 
tua stampante non compare in KUPS, vuol dire che non è riconosciuta da CUPS.
Qual è questo altro programma che riconosce la tua stampante?


Re: [newbie-it] Dove ho sbagliato?

2002-02-14 Thread Daniele Micci

Il giorno 14:59, gioved 14 febbraio 2002 hai scritto:
 Ciao, ieri ho provato a installare staroffice 5.2. E memore di un
 consiglio l'ho installato da root con l'opzione net. Praticamente la
 directory era questa /home/root/staroffice/net
 Per non riuscivo ad aprire il prg da altri utenti (ho creato per
 provare 3 utenti su un pc singolo) in quanto la dir root era
 inacessibile non avendo i permessi.
 Ho cancellato il tutto e vorrei riprovare. Mi dite dove ho sbagliato?
 Forse la dir doveva essere /home/staroffice/net? A proposito anche
 adabas va installato in /net ?
 Grazie in anticipo della risposta

Non devi installare StarOffice in una cartella NET, ma con l'opzione NET.
Cio devi dare il comando di installazione seguito da: -net 
In questo modo il programma  disponibile per tutti gli utenti.


[newbie-it] Decomprimere i file zip

2002-02-14 Thread e/tacc

Non riesco a decomprimere i file zip.

Mi dice:Spiacente l'utilità zip non è nel tuo PATH

Questo è il contenuto della variabile PATH:
echo $PATH

Queste sono i programmi zip:

Perchè non funziona?

[newbie-it] Inappropriate ioctl for device

2002-02-14 Thread Marco Fortini

Salve a tutti,

sempre nel contesto dei miei tentativi di 
connettermi col modem ADL Alcatel;

sapreste dirmi cosa è l' IOCTL 

Feb 11 22:21:01 localhost pppd[4126]: pppd 2.4.1 
started by root, uid 0Feb 11 22:21:01 localhost pppd[4126]: Using interface 
ppp1Feb 11 22:21:01 localhost pppd[4126]: Connect: ppp1 -- 
/dev/pts/3Feb 11 22:21:01 localhost pppd[4126]: Modem hangupFeb 11 
22:21:01 localhost pppd[4126]: Connection terminated.Feb 11 22:21:01 
localhost pppd[4126]: Using interface ppp1Feb 11 22:21:01 localhost 
pppd[4126]: Connect: ppp1 -- /dev/pts/3Feb 11 22:21:01 localhost 
pppd[4126]: Modem hangupFeb 11 22:21:01 localhost pppd[4126]: Connection 
terminated.Feb 11 22:21:01 localhost pppd[4126]: Couldn't attach to PPP unit 
1: Invalid argumentFeb 11 22:21:01 localhost pppd[4126]: Couldn't create new 
ppp unit: Inappropriate ioctl for deviceFeb 11 22:21:02 localhost last 
message repeated 2 timesFeb 11 22:21:02 localhost pppd[4126]: Couldn't get 
channel number: Input/output errorFeb 11 22:21:02 localhost pppd[4126]: 
Couldn't create new ppp unit: Inappropriate ioctl for deviceFeb 11 22:21:02 
localhost pppd[4126]: Couldn't create new ppp unit: Inappropriate ioctl for 



Marco Fortini

[newbie-it] Scaricare i file dalla rete

2002-02-14 Thread e/tacc

Non riesco a scaricare i file dalla rete.
Indico il percorso dove scaricare, do l' OK e poi più nulla.

Re: [newbie-it] Decomprimere i file zip

2002-02-14 Thread Daniele Micci

Il giorno 18:08, giovedì 14 febbraio 2002 hai scritto:
 Non riesco a decomprimere i file zip.

 Mi dice:Spiacente l'utilità zip non è nel tuo PAT
 Perchè non funziona?

devi semplicemente installarla. Cerca zip usando il Software Manager: 
troverai un pacchetto chiamato zip-2.3-7mdk (o qualcosa del genere). 
Installalo e riprova ad usare il programma di archiviazione.


Re: [newbie-it] Slackware e ISDN

2002-02-14 Thread miKe

Hash: SHA1

Il 21:10, martedì 12 febbraio 2002, in merito a [newbie-it] Slackware 
e ISDN, syd ha scritto:
 Mi rivolgo a tutta la lista ma in particolare a chi usa una slack 8
 (ciao mike!!):


 scrivo per conto di un mio amico con il quale circa
 un mese fa decidemmo di migrare su linux... io mdk, lui slack.
 Il suo problema attuale è questo: da quando ha installato non è mai
 riuscito a connettersi a causa della sua scheda ISDN winbond 6692.

non conosco la scheda, ma da quanto mi risulta, i TA ISDN sono 
pienamente supportati.

ora, che chipset monta?
credo che sul sito del produttore dovrebbe essere riportata la 
presenza di drivers per i vari S.O.

 Attualmente è alle prese con la ricompilazione del kernel (è la
 retta via?) e dire che sta soffrendo è davvero un eufemismo.

se riesce a sapere che chipset monta la sua scheda il problema è 
sicuramente risolto al 90%
se poi ricompila correttamente e include il supporto nel kernel, lo 
sarà al 100...


- --


Slackware 8 GNU/Linux 2.4.16-pk @ hp Xe3
R.U.#  219755 - S.R.U.# 705 - R.M.# 110932
- --

Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: [newbie-it] Decomprimere i file zip

2002-02-14 Thread e/tacc

Alle 18:31, giovedì 14 febbraio 2002, hai scritto:
 Il giorno 18:08, giovedì 14 febbraio 2002 hai scritto:
  Non riesco a decomprimere i file zip.
  Mi dice:Spiacente l'utilità zip non è nel tuo PAT
  Perchè non funziona?

 devi semplicemente installarla. Cerca zip usando il Software Manager:
 troverai un pacchetto chiamato zip-2.3-7mdk (o qualcosa del genere).
 Installalo e riprova ad usare il programma di archiviazione.


Non ho quel file e purtroppo non riesco a scaricarlo dalla rete, questo per 
ora è il secondo problema.
Ciao e ti ringrazio 

Re: [newbie-it] Decomprimere i file zip

2002-02-14 Thread Daniele Micci

Il giorno 00:45, venerdì 15 febbraio 2002 hai scritto:
 Non ho quel file e purtroppo non riesco a scaricarlo dalla rete, questo per
 ora è il secondo problema.
 Ciao e ti ringrazio

Che versione usi di Mandrake Linux?

[newbie] Mac OS X versus Linux - factual please

2002-02-14 Thread Andrei Raevsky

Hi guys,
Thanks for all your comments which, while very interesting, do not quite 
answer my maybe poorly formulated question.  So I will re-phrase it: do you 
know of any comparisons between MAC OS X and Linux which would look at 
aspects such as connectivity, multi-tasking, multi-user capability, telnet 
(how many simultaneous sessions), file system comparison (journalling), 
crash recovery, users and group administration, etc.
Rather than a philosophical comparison with praise or blame I would simply 
seek an objective technical/factual comparison of the compare and contrast 
Many thanks in advance,

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Re: [newbie] Text Editing

2002-02-14 Thread Robin Turner

I missed the begining of this string, so ignore me if I'm heading off 
in the wrong direction

KWrite has a good find-replace function which allows regular 
expressions.  Alternatively, if you need to do this operation a lot, 
then a Perl script might be the way to go.


On Thursday 14 February 2002 03:11, Randy Kramer wrote:
 Walter Logeman wrote:
  Yes i am familiar with the process you describe in Word. I
  wonder of Star Office has the same ability?

 I don't know -- I fooled around with Star Office for a little
 while, but never tried anything like this, but I would expect the
 ability to do search and replace on paragraph marks and similar.

  Good, i will see whatelse it does with line endings...

 Have fun!  I asked on the nedit list about folding once (something
 like Word's collapsible outlining) -- they seemed receptive to
 implementing something in the future.  I pay attention to the list
 and have seen no activity toward that end.  That is the one thing I
 still need (in a word processor or an editor).

   Does Textpad have some
   better magic?  Can you describe it or point to a link?
  It is very comprehensive.  I can set different behaviousrs for
  different types of files eg txt or html etc.  I can set it to
  add hard returns upon save - or not, and the word wrap is done
  independently form the line endings or the window size.

 I'll check it out!

  Thanks for the details on nedit... helpful.

 You're welcome!

 Randy Kramer

Someone who re-invents the wheel will not take driving for granted.

Robin Turner
IDMYO, Bilkent Universitesi
Ankara 06533

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RE: [newbie] group permissions

2002-02-14 Thread Mithrilhall2000

What I really want to do is make every directory non-browse-able to the user
anonymous. I want anonymous to only be able to browse its home directory. So
I guess I would like to also change all subdirectories and the files within
them as well.

Something like:

chgrp -R anonymous /etc/

Now the only problem I have is I don't know what's going on with a command
like this. What would this (or whatever would be correct) do?

Again, thanks for your time.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Michael Viron
Sent: February 13, 2002 11:49 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] group permissions

This depends on what exactly you mean to do.

Do you mean to change the group of all files / subdirectories of the
directory?  If so, you can use 'chgrp -R newgroup directoryname'.

Do you want to change only the ownership of the directory itself?
Use 'chgrp newgroup directoryname'.


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

At 02:07 AM 02/14/2002 -0800, you wrote:
Could someone post an example showing how to change permissions for a
certain group.


I have a group by the name of anonymous with one user name anonymous
belonging in the group. I want to be able to set permissions for group
anonymous on certain directories. If someone could post an example I would
greatly appreciate it.


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[newbie] Re: Salam :)

2002-02-14 Thread Mohammed Arafa 2 Mailing Lists

i m not very strong on linux nor hardware so i cant really help you ..
mandrake has a hardware compatibility page ..unfortunately it is not updated
regularly but maybe u will find something there that will help you

good luck

- Original Message -
From: Hanan Z. Shargi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2002 1:54 AM
Subject: Salam :)

 Salam Dear Mohammad,

 I was happy I found a muslim brother on the list :-D

 I just joined the list maybe 2-3 weeks ago, and I wanna ask you A
 I'v posted it on the list twice yet no body seems to wanna answer it or is
 not appropriate to ask here ?!!  I dont know what is the problem !!

 anyway here is the Q as I posted it if you have any suggestion about it
 advise me, otherwise just disregard it :-)


 Hi again,

 I am shopping for an external CD-RW drive for my notebook, one that I'd be
 able to use with my PC as well ( thats why I'm looking for ones with USB +
 pcmci interfaces ), I need some advise from you folks.

 will any CDRW drive with a pcmci interface work with Mandrake ?? or do I
 to look for one that states specifically that it works with linux ? I
 the Mandrake hardware database but it mostly showed internal ones, and
 of good help.
 same thing for the USB interface...does it really need to secify that it
 with linux ?

 ... Or shall I go for SCSI ?? ( if someone suggests that I go for SCSI
 also advise with a good SCSI inteface card for notebooks ():-)

 any advise will be highly appreciated :)

 Hanan Z. Shargi
 Registered Linux User# 259916

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RE: [newbie] group permissions

2002-02-14 Thread Sam STern

Hi Mithrilhall,

What you need to do is audit your system permissions. Make certain that
the all permissions are very restrictive. Here is an example:


drwxr-x--x   15 root adm  4096 Feb 14 01:53 ./
drwxr-x--x   21 root adm  1024 Feb  9 01:18 ../
drwx--5 adminadmin4096 Feb  1 05:23 admin/
drwx--4 usr1 usr1 4096 Feb  1 05:30 usr1/
drwx--4 usr1$usr1$4096 Feb  9 00:26 usr1$/
drwx--4 usr2 usr2 4096 Feb  1 05:30 usr2/
drwx--4 usr2$usr2$4096 Feb  9 00:26 usr2$/

Here we can see that usr1 can only browse their home share while usr2
cannot see usr1's share. A good start is to move your system to msec
level 4 or 5 after reviewing the documents in:


Do Not forget that msec lvl 4+ introduces the ctools, ntools and xgrp
group to restrict access to key files including ping and top/ps. Once
the permissions are sanely set, then you need not worry about the
anonymous user (assuming that the anonymous user cannot obtain r00t via
your FTP, IMAP, etc. server). I would strengthen permissions on the home
directories so that each user's home is chmod 700 or only readable,
writable or executable by that user. Please remember that some files in
/etc MUST be world-readable but individual home dirs, mailspools, etc.
should not be group- or world- readable. 

You may also want to investigate creating a chroot jail for various
services, but remember that a good cracker can break out of a chroot
jail if the right tools are available.

P.S. to alter the home permissions you may want to:

Chmod 700 /home/*

Or similar.


Sam Stern
Bethesda, MD, USA

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Mithrilhall2000

 What I really want to do is make every directory 
 non-browse-able to the user anonymous. I want anonymous to 
 only be able to browse its home directory. So I guess I would 
 like to also change all subdirectories and the files within 
 them as well.
 Something like:
 chgrp -R anonymous /etc/
 Now the only problem I have is I don't know what's going on 
 with a command like this. What would this (or whatever would 
 be correct) do?
 Again, thanks for your time.

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Re: [newbie] uninstall/re-install KDE Kmail (8.1)?

2002-02-14 Thread Walter Logeman

I am not sure at all either, but i recently used rpmdrake to 
delete another program.

Note that the actual emails are in ~/Mail and you may wish to 
keep those.


 On Monday 11 February 2002 08:07 pm, you wrote:
  I have gotten the KDE Kmail setup all fouled up ... how do I
  uninstall and reinstall it ... I can't find the program in
  the control area ...

 just delete your ~/.kde/share/config/kmailrc  file to try and
 reconfigure it. But as far as uninstalling kmail and
 reinstalling it...  I don't know if one can without doing the
 whole of kde.


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Re: [newbie] RaiserFS or Linux partition

2002-02-14 Thread Bryan B Whitehead

I don't think ReiserFS is worth crying about since it doesn't get
smaller than 32MB...

A partition that small (such as /boot) isn't getting much activity
anyhow. So using a non journel FS is fine. Or, like you seggested, ext3.

Fsck on 32MB is hardly even noticable.

On Sun, 2002-02-10 at 14:23, Lyvim Xaphir wrote:
 On Sunday 10 February 2002 16:28, you wrote:
  For a partition so small why on earth would you even use a JFS? If you
  are never going to touch it make it ext2 and mount it ro.
  journal a FS that is going to undergo many changes (basically an active
  FS) when you mess with your kernel (or ar messing with something in
  /boot) just run /bin/sync several times before running lilo. more
  chances lilo screwing up then any fsck running on lilo...
  and running fsck on a 32MB drive is very very fast... no need to
 Well, running ext3 FS on a 32mb drive is very very fast also, plus you 
 eliminate the need for fsck.  If you've got the ability available, I 
 personally don't see any reason not to use it.  What's the big deal, unless 
 you just like typing /bin/sync ?
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Bryan Whitehead
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Phone: 818 354 2903

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Re: [newbie] Mac OS X versus Linux - factual please

2002-02-14 Thread NDPTAL85

On Thursday, February 14, 2002, at 03:16  AM, Andrei Raevsky wrote:

 Hi guys,
 Thanks for all your comments which, while very interesting, do not 
 quite answer my maybe poorly formulated question.  So I will re-phrase 
 it: do you know of any comparisons between MAC OS X and Linux which 
 would look at aspects such as connectivity, multi-tasking, multi-user 
 capability, telnet (how many simultaneous sessions), file system 
 comparison (journalling), crash recovery, users and group 
 administration, etc.
 Rather than a philosophical comparison with praise or blame I would 
 simply seek an objective technical/factual comparison of the compare 
 and contrast type.
 Many thanks in advance,

Ok to save you some time the only differences are in the file system. 
Linux can use the ext2, ext3, JFS, ResierFS or XFS file systems. All 
except ext2 are journaling. Mac OS X can use the HFS+ (which is the 
recommended one) or the BSD UFS filesystem. At the moment there are no 
journaling capabilities available under OS X although FreeBSD's 
SoftUpdates are under consideration.

As for the rest I'll run it down item by item

Connectivity? What do you mean by that?

Multi-tasking: Both Linux and Mac OS X have pre-emptive multitasking.

Multi-user: Both OS's can have multiple users logged in at any one time.

Telnet: Thats a setting that can be changed on either OS. Suffice it to 
say under normal circumstances no one will reach the limit on either OS.

Crash recovery: What do you mean by this? It crashes, you reboot. You 
can use backup software/hardware with either OS.

User and group administration: In addition to the normal Unix users and 
groups, you can use NIS on both OS's. OS X on its own has a unique 
Netinfo Domain Database system that can be used to admin networks 
consisting of clients of any OS. Additionaly SAMBA (SMB) can be 
installed and used on both to replicate Windows networking capabilities 
(PDC's BDC's...etc).

Mac OS X is closely related to FreeBSD Unix ( The core 
of OS X (Darwin) inherited a lot of technology/features from FreeBSD. 
Since FreeBSD and Linux were already very similar (although not 
identical) the differences the user would see were already very little. 
This remains so on OS X. By comparing Mac OS X to Linux you're really 
just comparing one Unix to another, like Solaris to AIX or HP-UX to 
Tru64. What sets Mac OS X apart from other Unix's is its ability to run 
regular applications in addition to Unix apps. Things like Microsoft 
Office, Adobe Photoshop, Macromedia Freehand, Internet Explorer, 
Quicken, and video games such as Quake, Doom, StarCraft, WarCraftetc 
that are all native to the platform.

And no I don't know of any sites that have an exact comparison, if 
anyone else does please post a link to it! It really would be redundant 
though since more or less *NIX is *NIX.

Blonde Klingons: Because it was a good day to dye!

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[newbie] Program with ./configure

2002-02-14 Thread Daniel Chen

Strange problem

I download the source code of PHP-4.1.1 and tried to compile it in my
Mandrake Linux 8.1 This is my first time compiled a source code. I
followed the instruction in INSTALL and execute ./configure. However, no
matter how hard I tried, I could not run ./configure. I always got this
error message:

bash: ./configure: bad interpreter: No such file or directory

Help me please, I am going to crazy!

Also, can anybody tell me what is foo. I saw this word appeared quite
often in Linux document but I don't understand what it mean.

Thank you for help!


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[newbie] ADSL Setup with Mandrake 8.1

2002-02-14 Thread Claudio Mio

First of all can I say its really good that 8,1 has added support for the
Alcatel SpeedTouch modem. This has simplified things alot for me!

Now onto my problem

Ive installed a very small setup of Mandrake 8.1 with firewall support only.
The intention is to run it as a firewall/Name Server/Proxy Server/Web Server
on my small network at home. The ADSL modem I have setup is the Alcatel
SpeedTouch USB.

This seems to work however my routing tables dont seem to be setup

When my machine starts it auto connects (everthing looks fine in
/var/log/messages). However I cant ping my ISPs DNS server.
When I run route to see the routes setup it hangs until I ctrl-break.
If I then add a route to my DNS server I then get all these additional
entries in my routing table.
If I then add a default route via the device ppp0 everything seems to work
from my linux box.

Ideally I would like this to happen automatically on startup of the box.

Any ideas?


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Re: [newbie] Program with ./configure

2002-02-14 Thread Brendan

 I download the source code of PHP-4.1.1 and tried to compile it in my
 Mandrake Linux 8.1 This is my first time compiled a source code. I
 followed the instruction in INSTALL and execute ./configure. However, no
 matter how hard I tried, I could not run ./configure. I always got this
 error message:

If you do an ls, is the configure script there?
Try giving it an absolute path like /tmp/foo/configure 

 Also, can anybody tell me what is foo. I saw this word appeared quite
 often in Linux document but I don't understand what it mean.

It's a nothing word. It is just a placeholder word. That's the simple 


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[newbie] Another related question - iptables

2002-02-14 Thread Claudio Mio

I have setup firewall rules on my linux box.

The iptables script I have used is:

iptables -F
iptables -P INPUT DROP
iptables -A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -s -i ppp0 -j DROP
iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p icmp -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p tcp -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p udp --dport netbios-ns -j DROP
iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p udp --dport netbios-dgm -j DROP
iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p udp --dport bootps -j DROP
iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p udp -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
#iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport auth -j REJECT --reject-with tcp-reset
iptables -A INPUT -i ppp0 -p tcp -j REJECT
iptables -A INPUT -i ppp0 -p udp -j DROP
iptables -A INPUT -j LOG --log-level warning --log-prefix fw:

iptables -t nat -P POSTROUTING DROP
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o ppp0 -j MASQUERADE

My problem is that on my other machine on my small network I have setup a
default rote to the linux box. The linux box has an ip my other
box has an ip

Now I can quite happily ping the linux box. However If I try to ping a box
on the internet (my ISPs DNS server - this works from my linux box) I get
'Network unreachable'.

So as a test I added the following iptables rule on my linux box:
iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -j LOG

This results in all my pings to being logged but not the ones to
the DNS server.

Any ideas would be much appreciated


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[newbie] Installing a Downloaded File

2002-02-14 Thread Tonton

Anyone, how can I install a downloaded file?

Here are the filenames I download:


All of this files, when I view this in Linux, all their extension names are all ended 
with asterisk (*) eg. gtk-splitter-0.9a.tar*.  


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Re: [newbie] Program with ./configure

2002-02-14 Thread Brian Parish

This is a permissions problem.  I usually see it when attempting to run
something I've put on an NFS mounted directory and I've somehow got the
ownership screwed up.  Try just copying the whole directory into your
home directory and running it there.  That seems to work for me as a
quick bypass.  Got to get round to understanding exactly what's going on
here though!


On Thu, 2002-02-14 at 20:33, Daniel Chen wrote:
 Strange problem
 I download the source code of PHP-4.1.1 and tried to compile it in my
 Mandrake Linux 8.1 This is my first time compiled a source code. I
 followed the instruction in INSTALL and execute ./configure. However, no
 matter how hard I tried, I could not run ./configure. I always got this
 error message:
 bash: ./configure: bad interpreter: No such file or directory
 Help me please, I am going to crazy!
 Also, can anybody tell me what is foo. I saw this word appeared quite
 often in Linux document but I don't understand what it mean.
 Thank you for help!

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Re: [newbie] monitor

2002-02-14 Thread g

vasscon wrote:

 My monitor,a 15'' Proview PK-572 isn't listed

if no other responce log and run search
for 'proview AND pk-572 AND linux' and you should get a few hits.
drop 'linux' and you should get many hits.

log proview site, search 'pk-572', pull tech specs, plug into config.

you can also check linuxhardware site, [ http://???.??? ] and
search for make/ model.

good luck.


 think green...  save a tree, save a life, save time, save bandwidth,
  save storage.   send email,   text/plain - disable pgp/gpg/geek code
 if you are proud to be an american, then buy made in america.

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Re: [newbie] ADSL Setup with Mandrake 8.1

2002-02-14 Thread Brian Parish

What is in your /etc/resolv.conf file before and after you get it

On Thu, 2002-02-14 at 20:48, Claudio Mio wrote:
 First of all can I say its really good that 8,1 has added support for the
 Alcatel SpeedTouch modem. This has simplified things alot for me!
 Now onto my problem
 Ive installed a very small setup of Mandrake 8.1 with firewall support only.
 The intention is to run it as a firewall/Name Server/Proxy Server/Web Server
 on my small network at home. The ADSL modem I have setup is the Alcatel
 SpeedTouch USB.
 This seems to work however my routing tables dont seem to be setup
 When my machine starts it auto connects (everthing looks fine in
 /var/log/messages). However I cant ping my ISPs DNS server.
 When I run route to see the routes setup it hangs until I ctrl-break.
 If I then add a route to my DNS server I then get all these additional
 entries in my routing table.
 If I then add a default route via the device ppp0 everything seems to work
 from my linux box.
 Ideally I would like this to happen automatically on startup of the box.
 Any ideas?

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Re: [newbie] Installing a Downloaded File

2002-02-14 Thread Brian Parish

You need to unpack the files ending with .tar

Easiest way is to right click on them in konqueror and choose to open
them with the archiver.  Tell it to extract all the files, then check
what's in the directory it creates.  Hopefully there will be a readme or
install file that documents how to go about installing.

./configure and make install are the usual two steps, but that
doesn't always apply, so look for instructions.

The .bin file should be directly executable.  Just cd to the directory
it lives in and type ./j2.bin  without the quotes.

The rar file - no idea!


On Thu, 2002-02-14 at 21:56, Tonton wrote:
 Anyone, how can I install a downloaded file?
 Here are the filenames I download:
 All of this files, when I view this in Linux, all their extension names are all 
ended with asterisk (*) eg. gtk-splitter-0.9a.tar*.  

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Re: [newbie] greek fonts

2002-02-14 Thread g

vasscon wrote:

 Does the latest distribution support greek fonts as well?

should. saw it somewhere in 8.0, did not bother. intend to
install when i up to 8.1.

your need is special?


 think green...  save a tree, save a life, save time, save bandwidth,
  save storage.   send email,   text/plain - disable pgp/gpg/geek code
 beauty of real is revealed only to those who persevere.
 old orthodox saying.
 if you are proud to be an american, then buy made in america.

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[newbie] cdrom can't accessed

2002-02-14 Thread christiyono

hello lists,

I have unknown condition about my cdrom (ASUS 50X), suddenly it can't be 
accessed either by user nor root. When I try to mount it error message is  
bash : cd : /mnt/cdrom : Input/Output error  --- in xterminal mode.
When I try it not in xwindow the error message is like this:

hdd : command error : status=0x51 {DriveReady SeekComplete Error}
hdd : command error : error=0x54
isofs_read_super : bread failed, dev=16 : 40, iso_blknum = 16, block = 32
bash : cd : /mnt/cdrom : Input/Output error 

but I try my cdrom to play cd music (direct play on cdrom) it work well...
I think this serious for me (newbie :-( ), please help me...



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[newbie] Dual Head

2002-02-14 Thread Nelson Bartley


I'm interested in creating a dual head (dual desktop?) configuration for
my computer. I currently have the 2 monitors required, as well as the 2
video cards (Geforce 2 GTS, Ati Rage Pro). 

Now, when I go into XFdrake, it asks me a series of questions. 

1) Configure Heads independently 
2) Use Xinerema 
3) Config (vid card 1) 
4) Config (vid card 2) 

Now, what should I do to have optimal dual head display? Do I use
Xinerema or do I configure both heads independently? 

I'm relatively new to this, and this second monitor is for status
monitoring (Gaim, gkrellm, e-mail, xmms) and will not have video running
on it (why would I run video on the crappy 15 inch when I could run it
on the 19 inch :)

Any info would be greatly appreciated.


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Re: Re(8): [newbie] Mac OS X versus Linux?!

2002-02-14 Thread Roman Korcek


 Do you know how GSM mobile phones became an international standard? The
 Nordic countries (Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Iceland and Finland) agreed on
 a common standard for mobile phone communications. The Nordic countries
 don't have the largest populations of any countries in the world, nor are
 they necessarily the most advanced countries in every area. The only
 reason that GSM became a standard was through mutual agreement, rather
 than competition in the mobile phone area. No other country could agree
 on another standard, because all the different companies' and countries'
 interests were too divergent. In the states, they have yet to achieve
 even a nationwide GSM coverage because of all of the competing standards.
 Talk about a nightmare scenario!

Just to clarify, AFAIK the nordic countries established the NMT
standard, which stands for Nordic Mobile Telecommunication
(or Telephone?). GSM was created by the Group Speciale Mobile (sp?),
later renamed to Global Standard for Mobile communication.


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Re[2]: [newbie] kernel sources

2002-02-14 Thread Roman Korcek


 I found Kernel-source on the 8.1 CD that I had downloaded.  It's on
 CD#2..I believe it's called kernel-source-2.4.8-26mdk.i586.rpm

 the package for kernel sources is kernel-source it should be on the
 second installation CD.

Thank you very much.
BTW: How come the package is not mentioned anywhere in rpmdrake?

Thanks again

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Re: [newbie] Mac OS X versus Linux - factual please

2002-02-14 Thread Andrei Raevsky

Thanks for the info.  This answers my question very well.

Ok to save you some time the only differences are in the file system.
Linux can use the ext2, ext3, JFS, ResierFS or XFS file systems. All
except ext2 are journaling. Mac OS X can use the HFS+ (which is the
recommended one) or the BSD UFS filesystem. At the moment there are no
journaling capabilities available under OS X although FreeBSD's
SoftUpdates are under consideration.

As for the rest I'll run it down item by item

Connectivity? What do you mean by that?

Multi-tasking: Both Linux and Mac OS X have pre-emptive multitasking.

Multi-user: Both OS's can have multiple users logged in at any one time.

Telnet: Thats a setting that can be changed on either OS. Suffice it to
say under normal circumstances no one will reach the limit on either OS.

Crash recovery: What do you mean by this? It crashes, you reboot. You
can use backup software/hardware with either OS.

User and group administration: In addition to the normal Unix users and
groups, you can use NIS on both OS's. OS X on its own has a unique
Netinfo Domain Database system that can be used to admin networks
consisting of clients of any OS. Additionaly SAMBA (SMB) can be
installed and used on both to replicate Windows networking capabilities
(PDC's BDC's...etc).

Mac OS X is closely related to FreeBSD Unix ( The core
of OS X (Darwin) inherited a lot of technology/features from FreeBSD.
Since FreeBSD and Linux were already very similar (although not
identical) the differences the user would see were already very little.
This remains so on OS X. By comparing Mac OS X to Linux you're really
just comparing one Unix to another, like Solaris to AIX or HP-UX to
Tru64. What sets Mac OS X apart from other Unix's is its ability to run
regular applications in addition to Unix apps. Things like Microsoft
Office, Adobe Photoshop, Macromedia Freehand, Internet Explorer,
Quicken, and video games such as Quake, Doom, StarCraft, WarCraftetc
that are all native to the platform.

And no I don't know of any sites that have an exact comparison, if
anyone else does please post a link to it! It really would be redundant
though since more or less *NIX is *NIX.

Blonde Klingons: Because it was a good day to dye!

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Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger:

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Re: [newbie] unix to dos and dos to unix....

2002-02-14 Thread Robin Turner

On Thursday 14 February 2002 05:17, Franki wrote:
 Hi all,

 I have many perl scripts in a directory that all contain windows
 control characters..

 I would like to make a shell script or something that will go
 through all the files in a directory, (and any sub directores)
 grep every file for ^M characters and swap them for their unix

 has anyone ever done this?

 PS, the only txt editor that allowed me to see the ^M's was vi,
 pico and others did not show them.. why is that?

On Thursday 14 February 2002 05:17, Franki wrote:
 Hi all,

 I have many perl scripts in a directory that all contain windows
 control characters..

 I would like to make a shell script or something that will go
 through all the files in a directory, (and any sub directores)
 grep every file for ^M characters and swap them for their unix

 has anyone ever done this?

 PS, the only txt editor that allowed me to see the ^M's was vi,
 pico and others did not show them.. why is that?

AFAIK KWrite doesn't show, but does give the opportunity to, say, 
search/replace regexps, and change the EOL character.  I'm still 
finding I have the same problem - I converted a ton of Word documents 
ages ago (with noword, IIRC) but some control characters just won't 
go, no matter what kind of substitutions I run on them; e.g.,


should get rid of tabs, but doesn't.

Or maybe it's just that my Perl programming sucks ;-)


Someone who re-invents the wheel will not take driving for granted.

Robin Turner
IDMYO, Bilkent Universitesi
Ankara 06533

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Re: Re[2]: [newbie] kernel sources

2002-02-14 Thread Anuerin G. Diaz

On Thu, 14 Feb 2002 12:42:48 +0100
Roman Korcek [EMAIL PROTECTED] revealed these words to me:

  I found Kernel-source on the 8.1 CD that I had downloaded.  It's on
  CD#2..I believe it's called kernel-source-2.4.8-26mdk.i586.rpm
  the package for kernel sources is kernel-source it should be on the
  second installation CD.
 Thank you very much.
 BTW: How come the package is not mentioned anywhere in rpmdrake?
 Thanks again

hmmnn. i remember somebody (civileme?) mentioned that the rpmdrake does not show all 
the packages as it hides some so as not to overwhelm the new user. but its in the 
other tab (the list view).



Programming, an artform that fights back.

Anuerin G. Diaz
Design Engineer
Millennium Software, Incorporated
2305 B West Tower, Philippines Stocks Exchange Center,
Exchange Road, Ortigas Center, Pasig City

Tel# 638-3070 loc. 72
Fax# 638-3079

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[newbie] iptables

2002-02-14 Thread tsmets

I'm a bit confused with the iptables installation in the MDK 8.1...
There is in the /etc/sysconfig/ a rather cryptic iptables file called in the
start up process.
When trying to by-pass the call to the file for a self made file the call to
iptabes commands.
The commands give error codes requesting to do a modprob of the module first

Am i missing a point, or is it just a PATH problem ?

What is the best way to introduce my own rules in the iptables w/o having to
learn the syntax of the file invoked per default ?



Thomas SMETS
rue J. Wytsmanstraat 62
1050 Bruxelles
yahoo-id : smetsthomas

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[newbie] mount as a regular user

2002-02-14 Thread rsch77

Hello all !
My problem is I don't manage to mount my cdrom and floppy as a
regular user, neither through the command line, nor through the KDE
desktop icons. I've changed the permissions
of /bin/mount, /mnt/cdrom, /mnt/floppy in order to give me
execution/write permissions. Also I've checked fstab and it has the
option user. The message error I get is you must be superuser to
mount. Does it have anything to do with the groups I belong to/the
security level ? I checked these items as well and I only belong to
my own group and my security level is medium.
If someone knows what is wrong, please help me.
Thanks in advance,


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[newbie] help with Alcatel USB ADSL drivers

2002-02-14 Thread JIm Killock

Hi all,

i'm having a problem with my new install of Madrake Standfard 8.1 - 
which i bought cos it runs these drivers out of the box .. but I'm 
getting two problems:

The internet connection wizard reckons I need the second Commercial apps 
CD - true or not??

The connection script in
reckons itr can't see the Alcatel firmware, which is most definitely sat 
next to in the same directory. I've checked its permissions and it is 
definitely executable by all.

Any help appreciated,

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RE: [newbie] is there an easier way to install Gnone update?

2002-02-14 Thread Nick

Thanks Kipling but I think i may do it the hard way and use the RedCarpet
Installer over the next few months! Nah, should only take a couple of days
but I just though there may be a zip/tar file out there that I can download
instead of all the individual rpm's as there's around 50 of them and i can
only get a few each time before i get disconnected and have to start all
over again but miss out the rpm's i've already got! bit fiddly, really. Oh,
i've also found a great download manager integrated into Opera 5.2. It's not
quite as good as GETRIGHT but not far off..


-Original Message-
From: Kipling Cooper [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 14 February 2002 02:46
Subject: Re: [newbie] is there an easier way to install Gnone update?

* Nick [EMAIL PROTECTED] [13 Feb 02 20:24]:
 Trying to upgrade my version of Gnome to the latest from with the suggested method of lynx - blah, blah,
 etc. It works OK but my ISP disconnects me every two hours so I keep
 to resume all the time. Can this be downloaded from anywhere else in an
 format as I could then use the GETRIGHT download manager from my stupid ME
 partition to complete the download (sorry Guys, haven't found anything
 as good as GETRIGHT for Linux yet!)

1. Don't know about Gnome on RPM, but I recall the Ximian script was
interactive.  No use if you can't finish the dl, though.

2. I use GTM (GTransfer Manager) for resumable dl's.

Good Luck!

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Re: [newbie] unix to dos and dos to unix....

2002-02-14 Thread Gerald Waugh

On Wed, 13 Feb 2002, Franki wrote:
 %_Hi all,
 I have many perl scripts in a directory that all contain windows control
 I would like to make a shell script or something that will go through all
 the files in a directory, (and any sub directores)
 grep every file for ^M characters and swap them for their unix
 has anyone ever done this?
 PS, the only txt editor that allowed me to see the ^M's was vi, pico and
 others did not show them.. why is that?

Gerald Waugh

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Re: [newbie] Mac OS X versus Linux - factual please

2002-02-14 Thread Nicolas VERITE

 On Thursday, February 14, 2002, at 03:16  AM, Andrei Raevsky wrote:
 Hi guys,
 Thanks for all your comments which, while very interesting, do not 
 quite answer my maybe poorly formulated question.  So I will re-phrase 
 it: do you know of any comparisons between MAC OS X and Linux which 
 would look at aspects such as connectivity, multi-tasking, multi-user 
 capability, telnet (how many simultaneous sessions), file system 
 comparison (journalling), crash recovery, users and group 
 administration, etc.
 Rather than a philosophical comparison with praise or blame I would 
 simply seek an objective technical/factual comparison of the compare 
 and contrast type.
 Many thanks in advance,

I have not seen my post, so I repost :

The best article to me is this one :
Tales of the BeOS refugee

I is written by a famous BeOS power-user.
This is more a BeOS / MacOS X comparision,
than a Linux / MacOS X one.
However, this is quite complete :
it compares BeOS/MacOSX/Linux/Windows.


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Re: [newbie] ripping cds on laptop

2002-02-14 Thread Nicolas VERITE

Paul Rodríguez wrote:
 For some reason I cannot rip audio cd's on my dell laptop, never have
 been able to.  Doesn't happen on the desktop.  Anybody know why this
 would be?
 - Paul Rodriguez

Isn't there a problem of mounting ?

I've read that :
- in order to play audio CDs, don't mount the CD
(and cable it inside the box)
- in order to get data out of a CD, mount it

Anyone to confirm ?


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Re: [newbie] Mac OS X versus Linux - factual please

2002-02-14 Thread Kenn Yahoo

i DID see that post, i checked out the article you recommend, and it was

thought *slightly* slanted toward BeOS, it was one of the most informative
comparison of operating systems I've seen ...

thanks for the suggestion.


| I have not seen my post, so I repost :
| The best article to me is this one :
| Tales of the BeOS refugee
| I is written by a famous BeOS power-user.
| This is more a BeOS / MacOS X comparision,
| than a Linux / MacOS X one.
| However, this is quite complete :
| it compares BeOS/MacOSX/Linux/Windows.
| Enjoy.
| Nyco

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Re: [newbie] ripping cds on laptop

2002-02-14 Thread Randy Kramer

Nicolas VERITE wrote:
 Paul Rodríguez wrote:
  For some reason I cannot rip audio cd's on my dell laptop, never have
  been able to.  Doesn't happen on the desktop.  Anybody know why this
  would be?
  - Paul Rodriguez
 Isn't there a problem of mounting ?
 I've read that :
 - in order to play audio CDs, don't mount the CD
 (and cable it inside the box)
 - in order to get data out of a CD, mount it
 Anyone to confirm ?

These are true statements.  There may be a way to get around the need
for the audio cable from the CD drive to the sound card.

   * I'm not sure how that relates to ripping -- can you (Paul) play
audio CDs on the laptop (under Linux)?
   * If the problem is a missing cable, may be difficult to deal with on
a laptop.

Randy Kramer

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Re: Re(4): [newbie] Mac OS X versus Linux?!

2002-02-14 Thread NDPTAL85

On Thursday, February 14, 2002, at 11:30  AM, Mike Settle wrote:

 I thought this was supposed to be a Mandrake forum - For the last three
 days, all I've seen is Mac OS related !!!  Why don't you guys find a
 chatroom, or something.

Have you actually been reading the emails? This entire thread stopped 
talking about Mac OS dozens of messages ago and is now talking about the 
Linux hardware support situation.

Mac OS X, FreeBSD, Mandrake Linux and Windows XP Pro are my OS's. I am 
GEEK, hear me roar.

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Re: [newbie] NVIDIA after Kernel update?

2002-02-14 Thread s

On Thursday 14 February 2002 10:35 am, you wrote:
 Thanks for your assistance! I've got a couple of questions for you...

 In my /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 file, I've got the following in Section

 # This loads the NVIDIA GLX extension module.
 # IT WILL LOAD XFree86 glx module and the server will crash.


 Should I replace that with the Load glx that you suggested, or should I
 leave what's there?

h.  that must be a mandrake thing.  What I'd do is comment that out and 
put the loadglx in there.  and if I had problems, I'd uncomment it out 
and comment the load  glx.   But yeah, I'd use  load   glx  first.

 Also, I previously installed the NVIDIA_kernel and NVIDIA_GLX from *RPM*
 without errors/warnings (before I got your email)... Is that a problem?
 Should I uninstall them and re-install from the tarballs as you suggested?

if they were rpms, it would probably be best to uninstall them, yeah.  


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RE: [newbie] NVIDIA after Kernel update?

2002-02-14 Thread Vogel, Andrew (VOGELAP)

Thanks again for your help.

I'll try these things out tonight (I'm not at my machine right now!) and let
you know how it goes.

I really appreciate your assistance!

Do you know anything about ZIP drives? See below... ;-)

I've got an internal ATAPI ZIP drive in my box (it's the SECOND device on
the SECOND IDE channel). It used to work just fine under 8.0, but since I
did a complete wipe-n-install of 8.1, it isn't recognized within Linux. The
drive powers during POST, so I know the connections are still good. I've got
a known good ZIP disk in the drive.

* Here is my entire FSTAB:
/dev/hda1 / ext2 defaults 1 1
none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
none /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0
/dev/hda6 /home ext2 defaults 1 2
/dev/hdc /mnt/cdrom auto
iocharset=iso8859-1,ro,nosuid,noauto,user,exec,codepage=850,nodev 0 0
/dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy auto
e 0 0
none /proc proc defaults 0 0
/dev/hdb1 /var ext2 defaults 1 2
/dev/hda5 swap swap defaults 0 0
/dev/hdd4 /mnt/zip auto
user,iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,sync,exec,codepage=850,noauto 0 0

* And from dmesg (anything that looked interesting or remotely related is
included here, the rest cut): Linux version 2.4.8-26mdk
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) (gcc version 2.96 2731 (Mandrake Linux
8.1 2.96-0.62mdk)) #1 Sun Sep 23 17:06:39 CEST 2001 Calibrating delay
loop... 1064.96 BogoMIPS
Memory: 254824k/262080k available (1086k kernel code, 6868k reserved, 397k
data, 712k init, 0k highmem)
ide: Assuming 33MHz system bus speed for PIO modes; override with idebus=xx
hda: ST36530A, ATA DISK drive
hdb: WDC AC26400R, ATA DISK drive
ide0 at 0x1f0-0x1f7,0x3f6 on irq 14
ide1 at 0x170-0x177,0x376 on irq 15
hda: 12715920 sectors (6511 MB) w/448KiB Cache, CHS=791/255/63, UDMA(33)
hdb: 12594960 sectors (6449 MB) w/512KiB Cache, CHS=6149/64/32, UDMA(33)
hdc: ATAPI 52X CD-ROM drive, 128kB Cache, DMA
Uniform CD-ROM driver Revision: 3.12
ide-floppy driver 0.97
hdd: 98304kB, 196608 blocks, 512 sector size
hdd: 98304kB, 96/64/32 CHS, 4096 kBps, 512 sector size, 2941 rpm Partition
 /dev/ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0: p1 p2  p5 p6 
 /dev/ide/host0/bus0/target1/lun0: p1
 /dev/ide/host0/bus1/target1/lun0: p4
Floppy drive(s): fd0 is 1.44M
FDC 0 is a post-1991 82077
ide-floppy driver 0.97
Soundblaster audio driver Copyright (C) by Hannu Savolainen 1993-1996
sb: No ISAPnP cards found, trying standard ones...
SB 4.11 detected OK (220)
Sound Blaster 16 (4.11) at 0x220 irq 7 dma 0
Sound Blaster 16 at 0x330 irq 7 dma 0,0
cdrom: open failed.
 /dev/ide/host0/bus1/target1/lun0: p4
 /dev/ide/host0/bus1/target1/lun0: p4
devfs: devfs_register(): device already registered: 0
cdrom: open failed.
SCSI subsystem driver Revision: 1.00
cdrom: open failed.

I've tried:
Mkdir /mnt/zip
Mount /mnt/zip /dev/hdd4 (harddrake reports the ZIP drive as HDD -- it's the
2nd device on the 2nd IDE channel) ...and I got this error:
mount: /dev/hdd4 is not a block device I tried:
Mount /mnt/zip /dev/hdd
...and I got this error:
mount: /dev/hdd is not a block device

root.drewvogel:~$ ls -ail /dev/ide
total 0
3640 drwxr-xr-x1 root root0 Jan 19 17:26 ./
  10 drwxr-xr-x1 root root0 Dec 31  1969 ../
   10620 drwxr-xr-x1 root root0 Jan 21 11:28 cd/
6770 drwxr-xr-x1 root root0 Jan 20 14:50 hd/
3650 drwxr-xr-x1 root root0 Jan 19 10:32 host0/
6760 drwxr-xr-x1 root root0 Jan 19 17:19 zip/
root.drewvogel:~$ ls -ail /dev/ide/zip/
total 0
6760 drwxr-xr-x1 root root0 Jan 19 17:19 ./
3640 drwxr-xr-x1 root root0 Jan 19 17:26 ../

Any ideas? I hadn't noticed the /dev/ide/zip directory before, but it's
empty... Don't know how to proceed!

Some more information:

 mount -t vfat  /dev/ide/host0/bus1/target1/lun0/p4 /mnt/zip
Tried the following, with a known-good ZIP disk in the drive:

root.drewvogel:~$ mount -t vfat /dev/ide/host0/bus1/target1/lun0/p4
mount: special device /dev/ide/host0/bus1/target1/lun0/p4 does not exist

root.drewvogel:~$ cd /dev/ide/host0/bus1/target1/lun0
root.drewvogel:/dev/ide/host0/bus1/target1/lun0$ ls total 0
   0 disc 0 part4 0 zip/
root.drewvogel:/dev/ide/host0/bus1/target1/lun0$ mount -t vfat
/dev/ide/host0/bus1/target1/lun0/zip /mnt/zip/
mount: /dev/ide/host0/bus1/target1/lun0/zip is not a block device


Andrew Vogel: Manager of Professional Programs at the University of
Cincinnati College of Pharmacy   (513)-558-3784

 -Original Message-
 From: s [mailto:[EMAIL 

Re: [newbie] xscreen saver

2002-02-14 Thread Rich Buckner

On Thursday 14 February 2002 10:42 pm, christiyono wrote:
 hi all,

 is it any tricks to put xscreensaver from another distro to be activated in
 my mandrake 8.0? let say I have xscreensaver rpm from redhat and how to do
 it? so I can select and activate it from mandrake control center.

 thank's a lot


Install xscreensaver (in a terminal, cd to the directory containing the rpm 
and type (without the quotes) rpm -Uvh xscreensaver*);

As a user, type (without the quotes) the following in a terminal 

This will bring up the xsreensaver configuration tool where you can set up 
when and how the xcreensaver will come on.  You'll also need to disable the 
default kde screensaver in the kde control center.

Finally, add the following line (without the quotes) to your home .baschrc 
file: xscreensaver 

Xscreensaver should now be activated and ready to run everytime you log in as 

Hope this helps.


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[newbie] Changing from KDM to GDM

2002-02-14 Thread Terry

Anyone know how to change from KDM to GDM? I like the look of GDM better,
but couldn't figure out how to configure Mandrake to tell it to use GDM
instead.  Any suggestions?



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Re: [newbie] ADSL Setup with Mandrake 8.1

2002-02-14 Thread Claudio Mio

The /etc/resolv.conf is as follows:
search localdomain

Ive now got something working by adding the following into my rc.local:
route del default
route add default ppp0

This is a bit quirky though and it smells like Im not doing something right!

- Original Message -
From: Claudio Mio [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2002 6:42 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] ADSL Setup with Mandrake 8.1

 Ill need to check when I get home.
 But from memory I think it contains both the primary and secondary DNS
  What is in your /etc/resolv.conf file before and after you get it
  On Thu, 2002-02-14 at 20:48, Claudio Mio wrote:
   First of all can I say its really good that 8,1 has added support for
   Alcatel SpeedTouch modem. This has simplified things alot for me!
   Now onto my problem
   Ive installed a very small setup of Mandrake 8.1 with firewall support
   The intention is to run it as a firewall/Name Server/Proxy Server/Web
   on my small network at home. The ADSL modem I have setup is the
   SpeedTouch USB.
   This seems to work however my routing tables dont seem to be setup
   When my machine starts it auto connects (everthing looks fine in
   /var/log/messages). However I cant ping my ISPs DNS server.
   When I run route to see the routes setup it hangs until I ctrl-break.
   If I then add a route to my DNS server I then get all these additional
   entries in my routing table.
   If I then add a default route via the device ppp0 everything seems to
   from my linux box.
   Ideally I would like this to happen automatically on startup of the
   Any ideas?

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Re: [newbie] Changing from KDM to GDM

2002-02-14 Thread Kathy Montgomery

My /etc/sysconfig/desktop file contains the line DESKTOP=GNOME.  I believe
/etc/X11/prefdm checks this file and if DESKTOP is set to Gnome, GDM is run.

So I think you change the /etc/sysconfig/desktop file

- Kathy

Terry wrote:

 Anyone know how to change from KDM to GDM? I like the look of GDM better,
 but couldn't figure out how to configure Mandrake to tell it to use GDM
 instead.  Any suggestions?



Unix fun:

$ cat food in can
cat: cannot open food in can

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[newbie] Lilo Problems

2002-02-14 Thread Carlos Alberto Lima dos Santos

I installed windows 2000, after that linux 8.1, but I am with problems to
initiate with lilo.
   The following error occurs, that I am not obtaining to decide, if somebody
will be able to help. 

   The First estage boot loader was able to load the second stage boot loader,
but has failed to execute. This can either be caused by a geometry mismatch or
by moving /boot/boot.b without running the map installer.



Carlos Alberto L. dos Santos (TOCA)
Eng. de Computação - Puc-Campinas(SP) - Brasil

Yahoo! GeoCities
Tenha seu lugar na Web. Construa hoje mesmo sua home page no Yahoo! GeoCities. É fácil 
e grátis!

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Re: [newbie] NVIDIA after Kernel update?

2002-02-14 Thread s

On Thursday 14 February 2002 11:13 am, you wrote:
 Thanks again for your help.

 I'll try these things out tonight (I'm not at my machine right now!) and
 let you know how it goes.

 I really appreciate your assistance!

 Do you know anything about ZIP drives? See below... ;-)

Well, some of that you tried was my advice and it didn't work out for ya.  As 
a last resort, try editing lilo and putting no  in front of mount on the 
line that says devfs=mount, so that it looks like devfs=nomount.  Then try 
the mount -t vfat /dev/hdd /mnt/zip

That was how mine was working in 8.1.  But I dumped the zip recently, moved 
my burner over and things are a little better.  


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Re: [newbie] unix to dos and dos to unix....

2002-02-14 Thread Michel Clasquin

On Thursday 14 February 2002 05:17, Franki wrote:
 Hi all,

 I have many perl scripts in a directory that all contain windows control

 I would like to make a shell script or something that will go through
 all the files in a directory, (and any sub directores)
 grep every file for ^M characters and swap them for their unix

 has anyone ever done this?

Someone apparently did. Often enough to write a standard utility called 
dos2unix ... g

there is also a unix2dos package to go with it

Michel Clasquin, D Litt et Phil (Unisa)
This message was posted from a Microsoft-free PC

...hey, at least a wild goose chase gives you some exercise-Neal Stephenson

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Re: [newbie] unix to dos and dos to unix....

2002-02-14 Thread Miark


 AFAIK KWrite doesn't show, but does give the opportunity to, say, 
 search/replace regexps, and change the EOL character.  I'm still 
 finding I have the same problem - I converted a ton of Word documents 
 ages ago (with noword, IIRC) but some control characters just won't 
 go, no matter what kind of substitutions I run on them; e.g.,
 should get rid of tabs, but doesn't.
 Or maybe it's just that my Perl programming sucks ;-)

In this one case, it would be the latter ;-) It would be 



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Re: [newbie] Source

2002-02-14 Thread Paul

On 14 Feb 2002 05:56:23 -0500 Paul wrote:

Ok well after some research it seem that compliing from source is always
better then rpm's. Lets you get very specific on how you want the
program setup and more so where it is install (woo who!). How do you
determin dependencies for source? Thanks.

When you compile from source, you first run ./configure. If you run
./configure --help you get a list full of options you can activate to set up
the program in the way you want it.


I passed around the corner and someone saw my grin.   
When he smiled I realised I'd passed it on to him. - Registered Linux User 174403
Linux Mandrake 8.0 - Sylpheed 0.7.1

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Re: [newbie] What does CTRL-ALT-F2 get you?

2002-02-14 Thread Dan Shackelford

I believe you will find that CTRL - ALT - F7 will get you back ... Xwindows
by default puts the GUI on F7.

At 12:49 PM 2/14/2002 -0600, you wrote:

Hi all,

I've just installed MD 8.1.

My system starts up in GNOME.  I pressed CTRLALTF1 and it took
me to a command prompt out of GNOME.  This is OK and expected but..

How do I get back to GNOME from there?

How is this different then simply clicking the Open Terminal icon in

Thanks from a true newbie.

Scott Burrows
Office:   407 804-3208
Pager:   407-400-0197

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o o o o o o o o  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  o _ 
o  _|   | 
  .][__n_n_|DD[  _  |   | 
_/oo O oo`  ooo   ooo  'o!o!o o!o!o` 

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Re: [newbie] What does CTRL-ALT-F2 get you?

2002-02-14 Thread Randy Kramer

Burrows, Scott wrote:
 My system starts up in GNOME.  I pressed CTRLALTF1 and it took
 me to a command prompt out of GNOME.  This is OK and expected but..
 How do I get back to GNOME from there?

Press CTRLALTF7 (or occasionally, I've had to press F8).

Pressing ctrlaltF2 took you to a virtual console (one of six -- F1
thru F6) but left your X applications (GNOME) running in ...F7.

 How is this different then simply clicking the Open Terminal icon in

Don't use GNOME, but I believe it is the same as what happens in KDE --
in one case (Open Terminal) you open an X-based terminal within KDE
(Konsole), in the other case you open a non X-based virtual terminal.

Randy Kramer

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Re: [newbie] Source

2002-02-14 Thread civileme

Paul Kraus wrote:

Ok well after some research it seem that compliing from source is always
better then rpm's. Lets you get very specific on how you want the
program setup and more so where it is install (woo who!). How do you
determin dependencies for source? Thanks.


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Well that is the problem...  You can install something that doesn't work 
because it needs something else or like windows games that often 
arrogantly install their own version of DirectX (even though yours may 
be more recent), you may break things.

Some makefiles allow make -n install to look at the files list and then 
you can see if you have any of thise files already there.

Uninstalling is generally impossible unless you have the files list.

Hence the packaging methods like .deb and .rpm .

Better yet is to find the source rpm

it would look like


You can install that as user in your own rpm tree --  say put

mkdir -p ~/rpm
mkdir -p ~/rpm/BUILD
mkdir -p ~/rpm/SOURCES
mkdir -p ~/rpm/SPECS
mkdir -p ~/rpm/RPMS
mkdir -p ~/rpm/SRPMS

And make sure you install _all_ the rpm tools

Then in your home directory

rpm -i Xtart-1.1-6mdk.src.rpm

The source tarballs drop into rpm/SOURCES
the all-important specification of customization drops into /rpm/SPECS

and now you can edit with emacs the .spec file to suit your needs then

rpm -ba Xtart.spec

and if you have exit 0 status, you can pick the binary from the i586 
subdirectory for rpm/RPMS and install it as root with rpm -ivh.

Most alien rpms do _not_ get on the mandrake menus, so if that is 
important pull a couple of mandrake rpms that do get on the menu and 
install them to your rpm build directories and see how it is done.

This is much safer than using the tarballs directly.  There is a full 
howto on it at


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[newbie] Memory

2002-02-14 Thread Marcia

Dear All,

Happy Valentine's Day. 

I have a desktop computer that is only 200mhz and has 96 megs of ram. I would 
like to upgrade it to have 256 megs of ram but is that all for nothing if I 
do not upgrade the cpu? 

Thanks for the help.


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[newbie] Full Screen in Vmware2.04

2002-02-14 Thread Marcia

I now have vmware 2.04 running Windows95 in my LM8.1. I am very thrilled 
about that however I cannot get it to full screen mode. I was able to run it 
full screen with 2.03 in LM8. Is there something I can do to remedy this?

Thanks for the help.



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Re: [newbie] Memory

2002-02-14 Thread Mark Weaver

On Thu, 14 Feb 2002 14:26:50 -0500
Marcia [EMAIL PROTECTED] thoughtfully uttered these words to

 Dear All,
 Happy Valentine's Day. 
 I have a desktop computer that is only 200mhz and has 96 megs of ram.
 I would like to upgrade it to have 256 megs of ram but is that all for
 nothing if I do not upgrade the cpu? 
 Thanks for the help.


you should be able to run just fine on your 200Mhz machine, and one can
never have too much RAM. Except if you're running Windows98 and you've
got more then 512MB. Winders98 can't see any more then that. Linux can
see up to 4GB of RAM on the other hand. 

At home I'm running an AMD K6 233 with 160MB of RAM. That is one solid
machine. have at it.


Registered Linux User 182496
Mandrake 8.1
  3:05pm  up  4:48,  2 users,  load average: 0.13, 0.12, 0.10

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Re: [newbie] Memory

2002-02-14 Thread Afonso

Marcia wrote:

Dear All,

Happy Valentine's Day. 

I have a desktop computer that is only 200mhz and has 96 megs of ram. I would 
like to upgrade it to have 256 megs of ram but is that all for nothing if I 
do not upgrade the cpu? 

Thanks for the help.


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you have a point in that, in a pentium 200 you whould notice only a 
small difference in speed, it's not worth it because you can upgrade 
your cpu and motherboard and going to 256mb but rambus that is even 
faster than the standard pc133 dimm's.
Good valentine's for you to

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Re: [newbie] Full Screen in Vmware2.04

2002-02-14 Thread Afonso

Marcia wrote:

I now have vmware 2.04 running Windows95 in my LM8.1. I am very thrilled 
about that however I cannot get it to full screen mode. I was able to run it 
full screen with 2.03 in LM8. Is there something I can do to remedy this?

Thanks for the help.



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why can't you do that ???
p.s.- if you configure your virtual machine resulution to the same as 
your MDK resolution it will be at  full screen!

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Re: [newbie] What does CTRL-ALT-F2 get you?

2002-02-14 Thread civileme

Burrows, Scott wrote:

Hi all,

I've just installed MD 8.1.

My system starts up in GNOME.  I pressed CTRLALTF1 and it took
me to a command prompt out of GNOME.  This is OK and expected but..

How do I get back to GNOME from there?

How is this different then simply clicking the Open Terminal icon in

Thanks from a true newbie.

Scott Burrows
Office:   407 804-3208
Pager:   407-400-0197

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ctrl-alt-f7 gets you back

It is different in that the logged-in device is a console rather than a 
pty, and you do not have the DISPLAY variable set.  You can make a 
terminal window behave almost identical to a console by


The other major difference is that your foreground/background control is 
only from the command line since you can't just move the mouse to the 
GUI windows and do something else but have to use ctrl-alt-fx  (where 1 
=x =7) to go to a different window.

Note also that it is unwise to use ctrl-alt-f1 becaue that is where X is 
launched.  Use 2-6 for additional consoles

It is a good skill to be able to use consoles--when some program freezes 
X, you can slip away with ctrl-alt-f2 from the frozen screen, login, 
call up the processes list with

ps ax|less

and probably discover the process causing you problems--note its name or 
number and try

kill (number)
killall (name)
kill -9 (number)

Then ctrl-alt-f7 will take you back to an unfrozen GUI

That's how the folks using linux a while get uptimes of hundreds of days...


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Re: [newbie] Memory

2002-02-14 Thread Gerald Waugh

On Thu, 14 Feb 2002, Marcia wrote:
 %_Dear All,
 Happy Valentine's Day. 
 I have a desktop computer that is only 200mhz and has 96 megs of ram. I would 
 like to upgrade it to have 256 megs of ram but is that all for nothing if I 
 do not upgrade the cpu? 
run top
if you are doing a lot of swapping then the RAM will help else it won't


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Gerald Waugh

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Re: [newbie] Memory

2002-02-14 Thread Randy Kramer

Marcia wrote:
 I have a desktop computer that is only 200mhz and has 96 megs of ram. I would
 like to upgrade it to have 256 megs of ram but is that all for nothing if I
 do not upgrade the cpu?

No, IME, additional RAM is often more significant than increased
processor speed in influencing the overall speed of your computer.  It
depends partially on what you do with your machine.  Do you keep a lot
of windows open?  Is your machine using swap now?  How much?  How often
do you reboot?  Do you notice your machine slowing down after you start
using swap?  If so, adding RAM will certainly help.

Randy Kramer

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Re: [newbie] Memory

2002-02-14 Thread civileme

Marcia wrote:

Dear All,

Happy Valentine's Day. 

I have a desktop computer that is only 200mhz and has 96 megs of ram. I would 
like to upgrade it to have 256 megs of ram but is that all for nothing if I 
do not upgrade the cpu? 

Thanks for the help.


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The RAM upgrade is always helpful--the system will use it as quickly as 
possible for buffer and cache if programs are not using it and this 
speeds throughput.

Even more helpful is kernel 2.4.17 or later because the virtual memory 
algorithm thrashes the disk much less.  This was the big slow-down for 
the changeover to kernel 2.4


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Re: [newbie] Memory

2002-02-14 Thread Roy

ram is the biggest bottle neck on a machine.  installing ram will help out
alot by improving most software preformace and reduce the read-write caching
to your hard drive
- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2002 1:26 PM
Subject: [newbie] Memory

 Dear All,

 Happy Valentine's Day.

 I have a desktop computer that is only 200mhz and has 96 megs of ram. I
 like to upgrade it to have 256 megs of ram but is that all for nothing if
 do not upgrade the cpu?

 Thanks for the help.


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RE: [newbie] What does CTRL-ALT-F2 get you?

2002-02-14 Thread Burrows, Scott

Thanks Randy!


-Original Message-
From: Randy Kramer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2002 2:54 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] What does CTRL-ALT-F2 get you?

Burrows, Scott wrote:
 My system starts up in GNOME.  I pressed CTRLALTF1 and it took
 me to a command prompt out of GNOME.  This is OK and expected
 How do I get back to GNOME from there?

Press CTRLALTF7 (or occasionally, I've had to press F8).

Pressing ctrlaltF2 took you to a virtual console (one of six -- F1
thru F6) but left your X applications (GNOME) running in ...F7.

 How is this different then simply clicking the Open Terminal icon in

Don't use GNOME, but I believe it is the same as what happens in KDE --
in one case (Open Terminal) you open an X-based terminal within KDE
(Konsole), in the other case you open a non X-based virtual terminal.

Randy Kramer

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Re: [newbie] Modem PCTel

2002-02-14 Thread Carroll Grigsby

On Thursday 14 February 2002 10:09 am, you wrote:
 Does anyone know any driver for the PCTel Platinum V90 HSP Micromodem
 that works in Mandrake 8.1 ?


-- cmg

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[newbie] Netscape 6.2 Installation

2002-02-14 Thread Andre Dubuc

Maybe I'm paranoid, but to install Netscape using NetscapeInstaller 
involves downloading from the net. I've no problem with that, but I do take 
issue that, in order for the install to succeed, the files must go into 

Now, unless I'm mistaken /usr/local has root:root permissions. So, in effect 
I have to download as root? Sounds like a Windows-come-and-get me install??

My gut feeling is that I must be mistaken, and/or I don't understand the 
perrmission thing with /usr/local/ . . . Since no-one else has complained 
about this, how can I download it as user? I get error messages about 
pipeline being broken or such.

How I love being a newbie -- just got back onto the list. Great to be back!


Please pray the Holy Rosary to end the holocaust of abortion.
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Re: [newbie] is there an easier way to install Gnone update?

2002-02-14 Thread Guy Zelck

You should have a look at the X-Downloader at
This app amazed me: it's a beauty, it works very well and even has sound 


Nick wrote:

Trying to upgrade my version of Gnome to the latest from with the suggested method of lynx - blah, blah, etc,
etc. It works OK but my ISP disconnects me every two hours so I keep having
to resume all the time. Can this be downloaded from anywhere else in an RPM
format as I could then use the GETRIGHT download manager from my stupid ME
partition to complete the download (sorry Guys, haven't found anything else
as good as GETRIGHT for Linux yet!)



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Re: [newbie] DVDRom problem

2002-02-14 Thread Andy Gay

Thanks for help so far.
I have tried several things.
The dmesg reported:
hdc: Toshiba DVD-ROM SDC2502, ATAPI CD-DVD ROM drive

I did a 
ln -s /dev/cdrom /dev/hdc as root and got
/dev/hdc already exists

ls -l /dev/cdrom 
I get
lr-xr-xr-x  1   rootroot  16 Feb 14 10:09   dev/cdrom --

Something keeps reseting /dev/cdrom back group=root after I set
permissions to myself as group

Here is /etc/fstab:

/dev/hda5 / ext2 defaults 1 1
/dev/hda2 /boot ext2 defaults 1 2
none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
none /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0
/mnt/cdrom  /mnt/cdrom  supermount  
 0 0
/mnt/floppy /mnt/floppy supermount  
0 0
/dev/hda1 /mnt/windows vfat defaults 0 0
none /proc proc defaults 0 0
/dev/hda6 swap swap defaults 0 0

What am I not doing?
Thanks for ongoing help.

On Mon, 2002-02-11 at 07:51, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
 Andy Gay wrote:
  My DVD Rom which I use for the CD Rom functions works fine on
  installation and package management, but not for audio or data file
  access either as root or myself.
  I get something like Could not access /dev/cdrom or no audio cd
  detected.  Make sure you have correct file permissions. error message
  when using KDE cd audio player, or any other.
  I have added myself as group with rw rights to /dev/cdrom and various
  other symbolic links of Mandrake 8.1.  But I guess ownership is not the
  problem since root usage doesn't work either.
  Appreciate any help.
 Andy, not sure about the data problem, but as far as audio goes, sometimes you
 have to make a symbolic link. Try this:
 ln -s /dev/cdrom whatever your actual device is
 For example, in my case my DVD drive is /dev/scd0 so mine was:
 ln -s /dev/cdrom /dev/scd0
 Do a dmesg |less or dmesg  dmesg.txt (and read the resulting text file)
 to see just what you DVD is listed as...
 Hope this helps! ;-)

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Re: Fw: [newbie] making a file from a man doc

2002-02-14 Thread Randy Kramer

Brendan wrote:
 # ./man2txt  umlug.1x.txt | less


Thanks for this!  Where did you find man2txt.  It seems to not be
installed on Mandrake 8.1 with the selection I made, and although I
found a man page for it on the internet, I haven't, so far, found a
place to download it.

Randy Kramer

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Re: [newbie] Lilo Problems

2002-02-14 Thread Bryan B Whitehead

can you give allot more info? like how many disks? scsi? ide? mixed? how
is the partitions? 

On Thu, 2002-02-14 at 10:33, Carlos Alberto Lima dos Santos wrote:
 I installed windows 2000, after that linux 8.1, but I am with problems to
 initiate with lilo.

The following error occurs, that I am not obtaining to decide, if somebody
 will be able to help. 
The First estage boot loader was able to load the second stage boot loader,
 but has failed to execute. This can either be caused by a geometry mismatch or
 by moving /boot/boot.b without running the map installer.
 Carlos Alberto L. dos Santos (TOCA)
 Eng. de Computação - Puc-Campinas(SP) - Brasil
 Yahoo! GeoCities
 Tenha seu lugar na Web. Construa hoje mesmo sua home page no Yahoo! GeoCities. É 
fácil e grátis!

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Bryan Whitehead
SysAdmin - JPL - Interferometry Systems and Technology
Phone: 818 354 2903

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Re: [newbie] NVIDIA after Kernel update?

2002-02-14 Thread Alaa The Great

On Thu, 14 Feb 2002 11:35:35 -0500
Vogel, Andrew (VOGELAP) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thanks for your assistance! I've got a couple of questions for you...
 In my /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 file, I've got the following in Section
 # This loads the NVIDIA GLX extension module.
 # IT WILL LOAD XFree86 glx module and the server will crash.
 Should I replace that with the Load glx that you suggested, or should

I think you should replace it.


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Re: [newbie] Retry timeout exceeded?

2002-02-14 Thread Mark Evans

I have found that you must send emails to this list from the email account 
registered.  Any other sending address is just bounced right back.

Hope this help!

On Wednesday 13 February 2002 14:48, you wrote:
 I haven't received messages from newbie since Sunday. I've received four
 failed mail deliveries ( returning message to sender, indicating it's a
 permanent error) with the message above.

 I can receive/send messages to other lists. What should I do to correct
 this? All other lists work. What should I do to correct this?


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Re: [newbie] mount as a regular user

2002-02-14 Thread Anuerin G. Diaz

On Thu, 14 Feb 2002 12:28:34 +
rsch77 [EMAIL PROTECTED] revealed these words to me:

 Hello all !
 My problem is I don't manage to mount my cdrom and floppy as a
 regular user, neither through the command line, nor through the KDE
 desktop icons. I've changed the permissions
 of /bin/mount, /mnt/cdrom, /mnt/floppy in order to give me
 execution/write permissions. Also I've checked fstab and it has the
 option user. The message error I get is you must be superuser to
 mount. Does it have anything to do with the groups I belong to/the
 security level ? I checked these items as well and I only belong to
 my own group and my security level is medium.
 If someone knows what is wrong, please help me.
 Thanks in advance,

check the inside of the fstab file, make sure that for the cdrom and floppy entries 
have the word 'user' in the options. if they are missing, (as root) add them and run 
mount -a to have the changes reflected immediately.



Programming, an artform that fights back.

Anuerin G. Diaz
Design Engineer
Millennium Software, Incorporated
2305 B West Tower, Philippines Stocks Exchange Center,
Exchange Road, Ortigas Center, Pasig City

Tel# 638-3070 loc. 72
Fax# 638-3079

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Re: [newbie] DVDRom problem

2002-02-14 Thread Andy Gay


As advised on list, I edited the ~/.kde/share/config/kscdrc for

That did it!  Thanks to everybody!

Now if I can get XMMS to work.  I really like that one.
On Mon, 2002-02-11 at 06:17, Andy Gay wrote:
 My DVD Rom which I use for the CD Rom functions works fine on
 installation and package management, but not for audio or data file
 access either as root or myself.
 I get something like Could not access /dev/cdrom or no audio cd
 detected.  Make sure you have correct file permissions. error message
 when using KDE cd audio player, or any other.
 I have added myself as group with rw rights to /dev/cdrom and various
 other symbolic links of Mandrake 8.1.  But I guess ownership is not the
 problem since root usage doesn't work either.
 Appreciate any help.
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Re: [newbie] Retry timeout exceeded?

2002-02-14 Thread Andre Dubuc

Thanks Mark,

That's probably what did it. 

Just after the 7th my IP changed providers, and with it, of course DNS 
addresses. I've had to change a few things at this end. Then I noticed the 
mail slowed down, and stopped entirely from N@L-M.

Good to know, in hindsight. Nice to be back though!


On Wednesday 13 February 2002 16:00, you wrote:
 I have found that you must send emails to this list from the email account
 registered.  Any other sending address is just bounced right back.

 Hope this help!

 On Wednesday 13 February 2002 14:48, you wrote:
  I haven't received messages from newbie since Sunday. I've received
  four failed mail deliveries ( returning message to sender, indicating
  it's a permanent error) with the message above.
  I can receive/send messages to other lists. What should I do to correct
  this? All other lists work. What should I do to correct this?

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Please pray the Holy Rosary to end the holocaust of abortion.
Remember in your prayers the suffering souls in Purgatory.

May God bless you abundantly in His love!

For a free Cenacle Scriptural Rosary Booklet --

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Re: [newbie] ADSL Setup with Mandrake 8.1

2002-02-14 Thread Guy Zelck


I've got the same modem as you but the routing is set up correctly.
I used drakconf to configure my setup.
I see in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts that ifup sets the default route 
and ifup-ppp deletes any existing route prior to that. It's quite 
I'm also planning of setting up a fw using fwbuilder as a front-end. Do 
you think it is possible to define the external interface in our case 
since the address we have is not fixed and the interface, ppp0, 
dissappears from time to time.
I haven't looked into it I must admit but if you have any experience...


Claudio Mio wrote:

The /etc/resolv.conf is as follows:
search localdomain

Ive now got something working by adding the following into my rc.local:
route del default
route add default ppp0

This is a bit quirky though and it smells like Im not doing something right!

- Original Message -
From: Claudio Mio [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2002 6:42 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] ADSL Setup with Mandrake 8.1

Ill need to check when I get home.
But from memory I think it contains both the primary and secondary DNS

What is in your /etc/resolv.conf file before and after you get it

On Thu, 2002-02-14 at 20:48, Claudio Mio wrote:

First of all can I say its really good that 8,1 has added support for


Alcatel SpeedTouch modem. This has simplified things alot for me!

Now onto my problem

Ive installed a very small setup of Mandrake 8.1 with firewall support


The intention is to run it as a firewall/Name Server/Proxy Server/Web


on my small network at home. The ADSL modem I have setup is the


SpeedTouch USB.

This seems to work however my routing tables dont seem to be setup

When my machine starts it auto connects (everthing looks fine in
/var/log/messages). However I cant ping my ISPs DNS server.
When I run route to see the routes setup it hangs until I ctrl-break.
If I then add a route to my DNS server I then get all these additional
entries in my routing table.
If I then add a default route via the device ppp0 everything seems to


from my linux box.

Ideally I would like this to happen automatically on startup of the


Any ideas?


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Re: [newbie] ripping cds on laptop

2002-02-14 Thread Paul Rodríguez

Yes, I can listen to cd's fine on my laptop, but when I try to rip the
cd, grip just stands there.  

- Paul Rodriguez

On Thu, 2002-02-14 at 11:52, Randy Kramer wrote:
 Nicolas VERITE wrote:
  Paul Rodríguez wrote:
   For some reason I cannot rip audio cd's on my dell laptop, never have
   been able to.  Doesn't happen on the desktop.  Anybody know why this
   would be?
   - Paul Rodriguez
  Isn't there a problem of mounting ?
  I've read that :
  - in order to play audio CDs, don't mount the CD
  (and cable it inside the box)
  - in order to get data out of a CD, mount it
  Anyone to confirm ?
 These are true statements.  There may be a way to get around the need
 for the audio cable from the CD drive to the sound card.
* I'm not sure how that relates to ripping -- can you (Paul) play
 audio CDs on the laptop (under Linux)?
* If the problem is a missing cable, may be difficult to deal with on
 a laptop.
 Randy Kramer
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Re: [newbie] Mac OS X versus Linux - factual please

2002-02-14 Thread Pascal Goguey


 Hi guys,
 Thanks for all your comments which, while very interesting, do not quite
 answer my maybe poorly formulated question.  So I will re-phrase it: do you
 know of any comparisons between MAC OS X and Linux which would look at
 aspects such as connectivity, multi-tasking, multi-user capability, telnet
 (how many simultaneous sessions), file system comparison (journalling),
 crash recovery, users and group administration, etc.
 Rather than a philosophical comparison with praise or blame I would simply
 seek an objective technical/factual comparison of the compare and

May I remind you that the first philosophical comparison with praise / blame 
etc... came from you? Are expressions like I don't think, I don't trust
objective / technical / factual for you?

 For a very simple reason: I don't think that proprietary software is a
 good thing.  Neither do I trust that Mac suddenly coming into Unices
 and even open source with their next OS is anything but opportunism
 born out of dire need.  As for their OS - look at Linus T's comments
 about it in his book.

 Join the world’s largest e-mail service with MSN Hotmail.

 I would simply seek an objective technical/factual comparison of the
 compare and ontrast type.
 Many thanks in advance,


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Re: [newbie] ripping cds on laptop

2002-02-14 Thread Randy Kramer

Paul Rodríguez wrote:
 Yes, I can listen to cd's fine on my laptop, but when I try to rip the
 cd, grip just stands there.


Sorry, I don't have any ideas -- maybe somebody else?

Randy Kramer

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[newbie] (OT) AT or ATX

2002-02-14 Thread skinky

I know this isn't the place to ask this question, but I just have a quick 

I have an old (1997) pc case that I want to use for a new pc.  How do I tell 
whether the case is AT or ATX?

The mobo currently in it is a J-656VXD (Intel VX chipset) with a Socket 7 
200MHz CPU and 200W power supply.  I have the mobo manual but it doesn't 
mention anything about AT-anything.

I've been given a good price on an Asus A7VL133VM mobo with an AMD Duron 
1000MHz CPU but it requires an ATX case.  When I asked the supplier about 
using my old case he said he would have to see it.  Unfortunately he is in 
Auckland and I'm in the Bay of Islands (3.5-4 hour drive).

The pc is for surveillance and will be hidden in a cupboard which is why I 
want to use my old case (its only 330mm high).  The smallest (in height) that 
the supplier has is 460mm.

Is there an easy way of telling what the form factor the case is?

Any help is greatly appreciated.

oxymoron:  Microsoft Works

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Re: Re(4): [newbie] Mac OS X versus Linux?!

2002-02-14 Thread Anuerin G. Diaz

On Thu, 14 Feb 2002 10:30:17 -0600
Mike Settle [EMAIL PROTECTED] revealed these words to me:

 I thought this was supposed to be a Mandrake forum - For the last three
 days, all I've seen is Mac OS related !!!  Why don't you guys find a
 chatroom, or something.

no disrespect meant, but the thread (while long and numerous) was very informational. 
No,this is not a Mandrake forum , it is a newbie-list (pun intended. ;-). The original 
question was _i think_ valid since it was looking for sources on comparison between 
Mac OSX and Linux. For somebody who have never touched a Mac, this exchange brought me 
a lot of info and insights.

i also understand that this may be take a little time to some subscribers which some 
have none to spare. I also find myself on that boat quite frequently, so may I 
introduce my two trusty mail companions: filters and delete. ;-)

sorry if some of my comments may seem smart-alecky but they were done in good humor.

have a good day!


Programming, an artform that fights back.

Anuerin G. Diaz
Design Engineer
Millennium Software, Incorporated
2305 B West Tower, Philippines Stocks Exchange Center,
Exchange Road, Ortigas Center, Pasig City

Tel# 638-3070 loc. 72
Fax# 638-3079

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[newbie] [OT] saw this one in Sridhar's sig

2002-02-14 Thread Anuerin G. Diaz

 Sridhar Dhanapalan
 After you install Windows XP, you have the option to create user accounts. If
 you create user accounts, by default, they will have an account type of
 Administrator with no password. -- Microsoft KnowledgeBase article Q293834

hey, is this for real? if it is then i think it's funny because the way i understood 
it is that the only one limited by the password is the Admin... i dont know if i 
really understood it correctly but is it like to a man holding the only key to his 
frontdoor while others are entering the house from the backdoor which is wide open? 



Programming, an artform that fights back.

Anuerin G. Diaz
Design Engineer
Millennium Software, Incorporated
2305 B West Tower, Philippines Stocks Exchange Center,
Exchange Road, Ortigas Center, Pasig City

Tel# 638-3070 loc. 72
Fax# 638-3079

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Re: [newbie] Installing a Downloaded File

2002-02-14 Thread Anuerin G. Diaz

On Thu, 14 Feb 2002 18:56:45 +0800
Tonton [EMAIL PROTECTED] revealed these words to me:

 Anyone, how can I install a downloaded file?
 Here are the filenames I download:
 All of this files, when I view this in Linux, all their extension names are all 
ended with asterisk (*) eg. gtk-splitter-0.9a.tar*.  

hello 'tsong,

most of the files are 'compressed' files.

 gtk-splitter-0.9a.tar --- tar file. unpack using tar xf [filename]
 HID_fsbench.rar   --- rar file. i dont have a decompressor for 
rar files in linux but there is a rar package in the
installation CDs. use that and read the 
man page. 
 j2sdk-1_3_1_02-linux-i386.bin --- binary file. execute by typing 
 kmemmon-0.2.tgz   --- gzipped tar file. unpack using tar zxf 

packed files (tar) are like zipped filed but without comperssion. basically its a 
group of file joined together. the common contents of tar files are the source codes. 
you may find a configure script, a makefile, and some readme files inside thought not 
all or maybe nothing at all may be present depending upon the package. be sure to read 
the the readme files first. then run the configure script (prepend ./ to the filename) 
to create the makefile. then the last steps will be to compile the source codes using 
make and, if the make install option is present, install using make install. in the 
absence of a make install, you may have to place it in your system manually.

the asterisks when you do a ls command means that they are executables. you can invoke 
them using ./[filename].

[for tonton only]
kung me di ka pa maintindihan, pwede mo akong i-email offlist at tingnan natin kung 
magagawan natin ng solusyon. or hintayin mo na lang yung mga ibang sagot dito, 
depending on the speed of the list.

welcome aboard.



Programming, an artform that fights back.

Anuerin G. Diaz
Design Engineer
Millennium Software, Incorporated
2305 B West Tower, Philippines Stocks Exchange Center,
Exchange Road, Ortigas Center, Pasig City

Tel# 638-3070 loc. 72
Fax# 638-3079

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