
2002-05-25 Thread asapi

Ehmmi rendo contoma sai com'è.
Si sono presentate due signorine(siamo lontani dallo stereotipo femminile :-(
e mi hanno consegnato un modem Ericsson B-Quick - come ho detto non supportato da 
linux - ma perfettamente funzionante sotto win(sono in attesa che quelli della Telecom 
mi diano il modem che avevo chiesto -il Manta usb -).
Si,infatti avendo subdorato qualche fregatura,ho scelto alice flat;nonè eccezionale 
ma è veloce abbastanza per le mie necessità.
Ciao a tutti,

p.s.in verità spero che stavolta venga Alice!! -potenza dell'immagine-

On 25 May 2002 at 1:03, Corrado wrote:

Salve a tutti!
Mi hanno consegnato ilpacco Alice-senza la ragazza ovviamente-
 Ehm... non è molto IT, ma potresti togliermi una curiosità? Come ti è
 arrivato il pacco? Voglio dire, te l'hanno lasciato incustodito, alla
 mercè di chiunque, fuori dalla porta, anche se eri in casa, comè
 successo a Vieri?! ^_^
  se avevi chiesto esplicitamente un Alcatel, telefonare a Telecom e fartelo
  sostituire. Tra l'altro, Alice (soprattutto senza ragazza) non mi sembra
  questo mostro di convenienza. :)
 In effetti ho notato che non tutti fanno caso al fatto che la cifra
 esposta durante lo spot televisivo comprende sole 20 ore di
 connessione al mese... Attualmente l'ADSL è arrivato a circa 6 km da
 casa mia; a questo punto m'interesserebbe sapere da chi già ne fa uso se
 alla fine dei conti ne valga davvero la pena...

Università di Catania - C.E.A.
Servizio di WebMail

R: [newbie-it]

2002-05-25 Thread troll

io ho adsl bbb e vi assicuro ke la velocita' e il servizio lasciano  a
ma nel mio caso mi serve per lavoro skariko di antivirus protezioni driver
ecc. quindi mi sta bene un canone fisso kon una leggera velocita' di
il modem ke ho scelto e' un'alcatel di rete ke funge benissimo kon linux
visto ke non cerka driver al mio serverino.
consiglio quindi a tutti di montare una sk di rete nel pc e passare al modem
oppure router (qualsiasi marca) .
- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, May 25, 2002 9:44 AM
Subject: [newbie-it]

 Ehmmi rendo contoma sai com'è.
 Si sono presentate due signorine(siamo lontani dallo stereotipo femminile
 e mi hanno consegnato un modem Ericsson B-Quick - come ho detto non
supportato da linux - ma perfettamente funzionante sotto win(sono in attesa
che quelli della Telecom mi diano il modem che avevo chiesto -il Manta
usb -).
 Si,infatti avendo subdorato qualche fregatura,ho scelto alice flat;nonè
eccezionale ma è veloce abbastanza per le mie necessità.
 Ciao a tutti,

 p.s.in verità spero che stavolta venga Alice!! -potenza dell'immagine-

 On 25 May 2002 at 1:03, Corrado wrote:

 Salve a tutti!
 Mi hanno consegnato ilpacco Alice-senza la ragazza ovviamente-
  Ehm... non è molto IT, ma potresti togliermi una curiosità? Come ti è
  arrivato il pacco? Voglio dire, te l'hanno lasciato incustodito, alla
  mercè di chiunque, fuori dalla porta, anche se eri in casa, comè
  successo a Vieri?! ^_^
   se avevi chiesto esplicitamente un Alcatel, telefonare a Telecom e
   sostituire. Tra l'altro, Alice (soprattutto senza ragazza) non mi
   questo mostro di convenienza. :)
  In effetti ho notato che non tutti fanno caso al fatto che la cifra
  esposta durante lo spot televisivo comprende sole 20 ore di
  connessione al mese... Attualmente l'ADSL è arrivato a circa 6 km da
  casa mia; a questo punto m'interesserebbe sapere da chi già ne fa uso se
  alla fine dei conti ne valga davvero la pena...

 Università di Catania - C.E.A.
 Servizio di WebMail

[newbie-it] Rubrica di KMail

2002-05-25 Thread Emma e Gigi

Salve a tutti!!
Mi è capitato di reinstallare tutto il sistema (e mi capiterà ancora...!!) ed 
ho faticato a ricostruire.. la mia rubrica di KMail.
Insomma, come devo fare per salvarla e recuperarla tale e quale???
Ho provato e riprovato, ma non è mai ben ordinata come prima è sempre 
diversa da come la compilo io.
Dove sbaglio?? Come devo salvarla e come devo recuperarla?
Altra cosa: i segnalibro di Konqueror, possono venire esportati in Galeon? 
Non ci riesco!!

Re: [newbie-it] Fwd: file .awd

2002-05-25 Thread ku68

Ciao freefred alle 22:30, venerdì 24 maggio 2002, hai scritto:
 beh, l'xnview prendilo, non sara' bellissimo, ma e' piu'
 veloce (o quasi) dell'Acdsee.
Ciao e grazie, l'ho installato ma non riesco comunque a visualizzare l'.awd 
Un ultimo favore: il prg non viene aggiunto nel pannello di controllo ma devo 
lanciarlo da terminale. Qual'è la procedura esatta per aggiungere un prg al 
Grazie in anticipo dell'eventuale risposta

[newbie-it] Altro file non visualizzabile

2002-05-25 Thread ku68

Ho ricevuto un altro file stavolta con estensione .pdf che non riesco ad 
aprire. Ho controllato nelle proprietà ed ho visto che ha le solite del file 
.awd cioè application/octet-stream e codifica base64.
Qualcuno ha qualche suggerimento?

Re: [newbie-it] R: [newbie-it] Perch s'impianta?

2002-05-25 Thread ku68

Ciao Ferdinando alle 22:48, venerdì 24 maggio 2002, hai scritto:
 Guarda se per caso un tuo banco di memoria non si sia
 guastato, nel senso che ha un funzionamento non sempre corretto.
Non credo perché sotto win, dove uso programmi anche più pesanti tipo 
staroffice, funziona tutto che è un piacere e dove gli unici problemi che ho 
avuto sono stati dei piccoli crash quando aprivo in contemporanea OE e il 
mailer di staroffice. Insomma c'è qualche piccola incompatibilità ma nulla di 
preoccupante :-)
ps vedi anche l'altra risposta in cui riporto alcuni test

Re: [newbie-it] Perch s'impianta?

2002-05-25 Thread ku68

Ciao LukenShiro alle 22:48, venerdì 24 maggio 2002, hai scritto:

 Ma per si impianta intendi che va in stallo tutto il sistema
Esatto a un certo punto muovo solo il mouse e basta. Le cartelle non si 
aprono, non posso fare + nulla se non resettare. Mi succedeva con openoffice 
quando provavo a salvare un file nella partizione win. Pensavo dipendesse da 
quello invece mi è successo anche in fase di lettura della posta e dei 
newsgroup (mentre scarico la posta leggo alcuni ng). Ieri per esempio mi è 
successo ogni volta che tentavo di aprire la home.
 Nel primo caso puoi escludere che sia un problema di surriscaldamento?
Si la ventola funziona
 Tutt'al piu' ti converrebbe verificare con un apposito
 programma di non avere memoria anche in parte bacata (in linux, p.es.
 c'e' memtest; altrimenti ce ne sono diversi in winz)
Copio e incollo una parte del memtest:

Unable to malloc 1307574272 bytes.
Unable to malloc 1303379968 bytes.
Unable to malloc 1299185664 bytes.
Unable to malloc 1294991360 bytes.
Unable to malloc 1290797056 bytes.
Unable to malloc 1286602752 bytes.
Unable to malloc 1282408448 bytes.
Unable to malloc 1278214144 bytes.
continua poi diventa
cut troppi dati da incollare:-)
Allocated 140488704 bytes...trying mlock...failed:  insufficient resources.
Allocated 139436032 bytes...trying mlock...failed:  insufficient resources.
Allocated 138383360 bytes...trying mlock...failed:  insufficient resources.
Allocated 137330688 bytes...trying mlock...failed:  insufficient resources.
Allocated 136278016 bytes...trying mlock...failed:  insufficient resources.
Allocated 135225344 bytes...trying mlock...failed:  insufficient resources.
Allocated 134172672 bytes...trying mlock...failed:  only root can lock pages.
Continuing with unlocked pages.  This program runs much faster and results
are more reliable when running with locked pages.
quindi ...
Testing 134168576 bytes at 0x40301000 (4088 bytes lost to page alignment).

  Test  1: Stuck Address:  Testing...Passed.
  Test  2:  Random value:  Setting...Testing...Passed.
  Test  3:XOR comparison:  Setting...Testing...Passed.
  Test  4:SUB comparison:  Setting...Testing...Passed.
  Test  5:MUL comparison:  Setting...Testing...Passed.
  Test  6:DIV comparison:  Setting...Testing...Passed.
  Test  7: OR comparison:  Setting...Testing...Passed.
  Test  8:AND comparison:  Setting...Testing...Passed.
  Test  9:  Sequential Increment:  Setting...Testing...Passed.
  Test 10:Solid Bits:  Testing...Passed.
  Test 11:  Block Sequential:  Testing...Passed.
  Test 12:  Checkerboard:  Testing...Passed.
  Test 13:Bit Spread:  Testing...Passed.
  Test 14:  Bit Flip:  Testing...Passed.
  Test 15:  Walking Ones:  Testing...Passed.
  Test 16:Walking Zeroes:  Testing...Passed.
Run1 completed in 1819 seconds (0 tests showed errors).
  Test  1: Stuck Address:  Testing...Passed.
  Test  2:  Random value:  Setting...Testing...Passed.
  Test  3:XOR comparison:  Setting...Testing...Passed.
  Test  4:SUB comparison:  Setting...Testing...Passed.
  Test  5:MUL comparison:  Setting...Testing...Passed.
  Test  6:DIV comparison:  Setting...Testing...Passed.
  Test  7: OR comparison:  Setting...Testing...Passed.
  Test  8:AND comparison:  Setting...Testing...Passed.
  Test  9:  Sequential Increment:  Setting...Testing...Passed.
  Test 10:Solid Bits:  Testing...Passed.
  Test 11:  Block Sequential:  Testing...Passed.
  Test 12:  Checkerboard:  Testing...Passed.
  Test 13:Bit Spread:  Testing...Passed.
  Test 14:  Bit Flip:  Testing...Passed.
  Test 15:  Walking Ones:  Testing...Passed.
  Test 16:Walking Zeroes:  Testing...Passed.
Run2 completed in 1763 seconds (0 tests showed errors).
  Test  1: Stuck Address:  Testing...Passed.
  Test  2:  Random value:  Setting...Testing...Passed.
  Test  3:XOR comparison:  Setting...Testing...Passed.
  Test  4:SUB comparison:  Setting...Testing...Passed.
  Test  5:MUL comparison:  Setting...Testing...Passed.
  Test  6:DIV comparison:  Setting...Testing...Passed.
  Test  7: OR comparison:  Setting...Testing...Passed.
  Test  8:AND comparison:  Setting...Testing...Passed.
  Test  9:  Sequential Increment:  Setting...Testing...Passed.
  Test 10:Solid Bits:  Testing...Passed.
  Test 11:  Block Sequential:  Testing...Passed.
  Test 12:  Checkerboard:  Testing...Passed.
  Test 13:Bit Spread:  Testing...Passed.
  Test 14:  Bit Flip:  Testing...Passed.
  Test 15:  Walking Ones:  Testing...Passed.
  Test 16:Walking Zeroes:  Testing...Passed.
Run3 completed in 1779 seconds (0 tests showed errors).
  Test  1: Stuck Address:  

Re: [newbie-it] Altro file non visualizzabile

2002-05-25 Thread Fabio Manunza

Alle 10:31, sabato 25 maggio 2002, hai scritto:
 Ho ricevuto un altro file stavolta con estensione .pdf che non riesco ad
 aprire. Ho controllato nelle proprietà ed ho visto che ha le solite del
 file .awd cioè application/octet-stream e codifica base64.
 Qualcuno ha qualche suggerimento?

Certo, è un file Acrobat. Puoi leggerlo con il visualizzatore PS/PDF, o 
cliccandoci direttamente sopra.
-- Fabio Manunza -- 
   ## n° macchina 140545 ##

Re: [newbie-it] Altro file non visualizzabile

2002-05-25 Thread ku68

Ciao Fabio Manunza alle 12:14, sabato 25 maggio 2002, hai scritto:
 Certo, è un file Acrobat. Puoi leggerlo con il visualizzatore PS/PDF, o
 cliccandoci direttamente sopra.
Non lo legge... copio e incollo anche se non proprio allineato...
Error: /undefined
 in 0g\000g\000i\000a\000t\000e\000:\000

Operand stack:

Execution stack:
   %interp_exit   .runexec2   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   
2   %stopped_push   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   
false   1   %stopped_push   1   3   %oparray_pop   1   3   %oparray_pop   
.runexec2   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   2   
%stopped_push   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval--
Dictionary stack:
   --dict:1035/1476(ro)(G)--   --dict:0/20(G)--   --dict:67/200(L)--
Current allocation mode is local

GNU Ghostscript 
Unrecoverable error, exit code 1

Re: [newbie-it] Fwd: file .awd

2002-05-25 Thread freefred

On Saturday 25 May 2002 04:30, ku68, talkin' about Re: [newbie-it] Fwd:  
file .awd wrote:

 Un ultimo favore: il prg non viene aggiunto nel pannello di controllo
 ma devo lanciarlo da terminale. Qual'è la procedura esatta per
 aggiungere un prg al pannello?

per pannello intendi lo start menu, immagino.
Dovresti usare menudrake, che trovi in 

altrimenti, col kde, puoi lanciarlo dando alt+F2
e scrivendo il nome del programma


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Davide Banda Partial Arts [2000] - 
ICQ uin 5887365 - PGP key available on keyservers

[newbie-it] kmail

2002-05-25 Thread luigi

io ho più di un indirizzo di posta:
il mio + uno di yahoo ma non riesco ad inserirlo eppure i dati li ho tutti!
in outlook mi funziona
sono impedito
ciao grazie luigi

[newbie-it] konqueror

2002-05-25 Thread luigi

il mio konqueror si rifiuta di navigare
gli altri browser vanno...

[newbie-it] Java

2002-05-25 Thread Nicholas Wieland

Ciao a tutti:
vorrei smanettare un po' con java e volevo sapere se mi conviene usare kaffe e i tool 
di sviluppo contenuti in mdk o se è meglio scaricare jdk dal sito Sun :)
Se qualcuno ha esperienza in proposito vorrei anche sapere quali sono le differenze 
tra i due.
Ciao a tutti,

   Perhaps the most important achievement of Unix is to demonstrate that a powerful 
   system for interactive use need not be expensive either in equipment or in human 
   it can run on hardware costing as little as $40,000, and less than two man-years 
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   important characteristics of the system are its simplicity, elegance, and ease of 
The UNIX Time-sharing System* (1974)
D.M. Ritchie and K. Thompson

Re: [newbie-it] Map-Installer

2002-05-25 Thread Giuseppe Ferruzzi

Ciao LukenShiro, finalmente il problema di Lilo è stato risolto :-) , ci 
sono riuscito quasi per caso.  Mi mancava solo un'ultima prova che mi è 
stata ispirata dalle tue parole [ ... e' uno scherzetto che purtroppo 
lilo combina in presenza di una seconda partizione windows ...]. Prima 
di passare a Grub, ho voluto provare di fatto una partizione estesa al 
posto di quella primaria di hdb2 e adesso, quasi per miracolo, Lilo non 
da più problemi. Evidentemente non gli garba, come dicevi tu, di trovare 
due partizioni, che io penso però primarie, di Windows. Pertanto quando 
con Lilo avvio XP, non mi modifica più la tabella delle partizioni 
mettendo nascosto in /dev/hdb2. 
Con XP posso vedere questa device diventata hdb5, ma sempre con punto di 
mount /xptrans, e fare i transiti di files da XP a Linux e viceversa.
Attendo un tuo commento su questo risultato e se la spiegazione che ne 
ho dato possa essere accettabile.

Ciao da Giuseppe.

Re: [newbie] lan browsing /samba

2002-05-25 Thread magnet

- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2002 11:12 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] lan browsing /samba

 On Thursday 23 May 2002 10:13 pm, you wrote:
  On Thursday 23 May 2002 01:22 pm, LtCdData opened a general hailing
  frequency and transmitted to all open stations:
   Ive set up Samba on here (MD8.2) on KDE to (2k) pc. Access from
   to Linux is fine, however getting lan browsing the other way is being
   pain to get working, are there any good HowTo for the LISa ResLISa
   config. as all i seem to get is could not connect to host localhost
  personally i find lisa to be a pain.  you might try komba2.  it should
  on your cd's if not installed already.

 cheerz  komba2 works well..took 2 mins to get access set up :-

  -- magnet  use above -- Lt

Cheers data, will look into this at weekend :) [connection sporadic atm this
end :(]


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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Console Emulators

2002-05-25 Thread Chris Ames

I didn't even think about the DosEmulator. I'm goingto have to see how that 
works now. Thanx for the thought!



have you tried using the DosEmulator in linux? sometime ago i heard
someone who successfully used it to run genecyst and nesticle. your
milleage might vary. sorry if most of my rant was second hand. its all that
i have to offer. ;-)

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[newbie] refuse permission

2002-05-25 Thread Mr S Ganesan

Dear ones,
i have installed mandrake or is it mad drake?! in its latest avatar and 
found that even when there is no fire wall it is refusing acceptance of 
email from outsied users.
Say for example I send a mail to my machine which is running sendmail 
daemon nicely and sending mails to all the recipients in the world at 
large, it is refusing to accept mails sent to it. The reason given is that 
my machine is refusing to accept mails with the reason, access denied. Can 
any one help me how to solve this problem?

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Re: [newbie] KMail Attachments

2002-05-25 Thread Alastair Scott

Hash: SHA1

On Saturday 25 May 2002 2:47 pm, Michael Adams wrote:

 Ok, i was wrong again. Base 64 does not relate directly to PGP
 encryption. This still seems to be the only method that will attach
 the whole file though and not just 6 to 8 bytes.

 This is a hex dump of the 6 bytes attached if i try the None
 (8-bit) method on a .doc 51K file.
 d0 cf e0 a1 b1 e1
 What is happening here? Is this method only relevant for ASCII?

 Can Outlook Express users accept Base 64 encoded attachments?

The names used are not the best (a problem I've noticed elsewhere in kde 
:) The familiar ones are:

Base 64 = uuencoded

Quoted printable = MIME encoded

Outlook and OE (and nearly every other email package) will understand 

'8-bit', I presume, attaches the file without any encoding. As the 
following page (Extended Character Sets) explains, it's not clear why 
this option exists at all and, in any case, it can be ignored for 
normal (Internet-based) usage ...


- -- 
Alastair Scott (London, United Kingdom)
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


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Re: [newbie] ISP help

2002-05-25 Thread James R. McKenzie

Not right now.  Oddly enough AOL runs on FREE BSD (A UNIX flavor) but they
won't do a Linux client because (supposedly) the adds and promos that they
pester your brain to death with won't work in Linux.  Oh darned, no more
credit card offers, or chances to buy stuff I don't want and can't use
anyway.  8-{
- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, May 25, 2002 8:31 AM
Subject: [newbie] ISP help

Ok i finally got the modem installed but now the only isp i have is aol and
it makes you use a .exe is there any way i can get aol to work on linux?

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Re: [newbie] ISP help

2002-05-25 Thread shane

On Saturday 25 May 2002 05:31 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] opened a general hailing 
frequency and transmitted to all open stations:

 Ok i finally got the modem installed but now the only isp i have is aol
 and it makes you use a .exe is there any way i can get aol to work on

not really.  aol uses their own special tcp/ip stack if i recall correctly.  
infact it was the case (still is) that installing it on winders made your 
networking go all screwy.  you may need to look into getting another 
connection if you wanna surf in linux

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Re: [newbie] A Qestion of Memory

2002-05-25 Thread John Richard Smith

On Friday 24 May 2002 12:46, you wrote:

 There should be features to help such a transfer -- Excel and Lotus
 have them, not sure about Gnumeric and Kspread. 

On Sat May 25th , you wrote: 
Wow, very disappointing!

I did some testing on your 57 kb file on KSpread 1.1 on Mandrake 
8.1, on
a 700 MHz machine (AMD) with 256 MB of memory.  (With about 280 rows 
The file took around 30 seconds to load.

It was easy to convert the file to Gnumeric and comma delimited 
I don't have Gnumeric on the machine so I couldn't try it.

I took the comma delimited file to my Windows 95 machine -- 300 
MHz., 64
MB memory, Excel 97.  Loaded the file into Excel, saved it as a 
Excel file (.xls) -- quit Excel, opened Excel, loaded the .xls file 
about 1 second.

I did try something else -- I did try two other things:

   * I tried importing the comma delimited file back into KSpread, 
it was significantly faster.  It took about 10 seconds of machine 
to load up, but this consisted of two 5-second periods -- an
intermediate menu comes up halfway through the load to allow you to
specify any necessary options -- you can just hit enter.

   * I saved the imported comma delimited file from KSpread as a .ksp
file, and then loaded it -- it took about 14 seconds, and the 
between that and the original 30 seconds may be an indication of the
extra time due to colors.

Well I do have gnumeric on my machine and I opened the kspread file 
in kspread and saved as gnumeric file , which I then opened in 
gnumeric. About 1.5 seconds. However it was not flawless. the 
50total,89total,and 200toal columns were duds, every figure gone.

I also remade the colour scheme which is not so delightfully 
sensitive as kspread and does not look so nice, however the saved 
file reopened in gnumeric in about 1.5seconds.

I would say the developers  at kde resposible for kspread need to 
look into this urgently.


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] modem,s

2002-05-25 Thread Dennis Myers

On Saturday 25 May 2002 08:59 am, you wrote:
 Anyone know where I could buy online a modem 56k that is easy install with
 8.2. the one I,ve got is only 33.6 and its hardware modem but not going to

E-bay has some good buys on modems if you can wait out the bidding. An 
external modem is an excellent choice.  HTH
Dennis M. linux user #180842

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] ATI Radeon Allin Wonder video card

2002-05-25 Thread Gilligan

Does anyone know if the ATI radeon 7500 All-in-wonder(TV in/out) works
with LM 8.2? Especially if the TV functions work.


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] ISP help

2002-05-25 Thread Bill Spatz

On Saturday 25 May 2002 08:26 am, you wrote:
 Not right now.  Oddly enough AOL runs on FREE BSD (A UNIX flavor) but they
 won't do a Linux client because (supposedly) the adds and promos that they
 pester your brain to death with won't work in Linux.  Oh darned, no more
 credit card offers, or chances to buy stuff I don't want and can't use
 anyway.  8-{

Somewhere out there, there is a 2.0 version that has been modified to work 
in Linux.


 - Original Message -


 Sent: Saturday, May 25, 2002 8:31 AM
 Subject: [newbie] ISP help
 Ok i finally got the modem installed but now the only isp i have is aol

 it makes you use a .exe is there any way i can get aol to work on linux?


Virus checker? I don't need no steenkin virus checker! No M$ here!

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] modem,s

2002-05-25 Thread jbarron201

Thank,s deninis but thats were I got this one and I,m trying agian right now
but i don,t think null,s going to find it.I,d like to be sure next time. Are
aleast able to take it back.
- Original Message -
From: Dennis Myers [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, May 25, 2002 7:30 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] modem,s

 On Saturday 25 May 2002 08:59 am, you wrote:
  Anyone know where I could buy online a modem 56k that is easy install
  8.2. the one I,ve got is only 33.6 and its hardware modem but not going

 E-bay has some good buys on modems if you can wait out the bidding. An
 external modem is an excellent choice.  HTH
 Dennis M. linux user #180842

 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
 Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Dynamic DNS

2002-05-25 Thread Brian Parish

On Sat, 2002-05-25 at 20:11, civileme wrote:

 Look at what my old friend Crackerjack is doing, though...  $4 per year 
 through PayPal http://www.whyi.org/about/faq.html will host your domain 
 name with a dynamic IP.
 Yep you can do it.
 He provides a script in Perl to set it up.  


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Re: [newbie] modem,s

2002-05-25 Thread foodbank

pricewatch.com should do the trick for you..

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Saturday, May 25, 2002 6:59 
  Subject: [newbie] modem,s
  Anyone know where I could 
  buy online a modem 56k that is easy install with 8.2. the one I,ve got is only 
  33.6 and its hardware modem but not going to 

Re: [newbie] ISP help

2002-05-25 Thread Carroll Grigsby

On Saturday 25 May 2002 08:31 am, you wrote:
 Ok i finally got the modem installed but now the only isp i have is aol and
 it makes you use a .exe is there any way i can get aol to work on linux?

I googled for linux aol install, and got almost 200K hits. Here's a link I 
found on page 2 how one guy did it:
Note that he's starting with just the AOL CD's, so that you should be able to 
skip some of the steps about setting up an account. If I were you, I'd do a 
lot more searching before I'd dive into this particular pond.

And, FWIW, I'd consider changing ISP's.

-- cmg

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Re: [newbie] KMail Attachments

2002-05-25 Thread Michael Adams

On Sun, 26 May 2002 02:04, et wrote:
 just where in kmail are you seeing these choices? (the menu is different
 between a compose window to send mail and the mail client window to read
 mail, but for me, all I have to do to send an attachment is click on the
 paper clip and find the file base 64 and rot 13 have more to do with
 how *nix systems tranfer info over the net than anything else, and as long
 as the reciever can recieve in base 64 or rot 13 it should have no problem.
 do you recive attachments ok?

 On Saturday 25 May 2002 09:47 am, you wrote:
  On Fri, 24 May 2002 21:18, Michael Adams wrote:
   What the... KMail allows three choices for attachments:
   None (8-bit)
   Base 64
   Quoted Printable
   Two seem to want to send a few bytes of something. And from what help
   says it seems Base 64 relates to PGP encryption. I just want to hook
   a OO.o .doc file to an e-mail to send to the head tutor without
   embarrassing myself again. How?
  Ok, i was wrong again. Base 64 does not relate directly to PGP
  encryption. This still seems to be the only method that will attach the
  whole file though and not just 6 to 8 bytes.
  This is a hex dump of the 6 bytes attached if i try the None (8-bit)
  method on a .doc 51K file.
  d0 cf e0 a1 b1 e1
  What is happening here? Is this method only relevant for ASCII?
  Can Outlook Express users accept Base 64 encoded attachments?
  I do not connect the virus catcher to the net. I really want to use KMail
  to post these attachments to people that do (use Outlook).
  Running KMail 1.3.2 on 8.2

The menu in Composer (or the paperclip) bring up a File i/o dialog box. Once 
the file is selected, then there is another dialog box Message part 
properties that gives you the encoding options.

Base 64 seems to be the only one that attaches the file.


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Re: [newbie] KMail Attachments

2002-05-25 Thread Michael Adams

On Sun, 26 May 2002 02:06, Alastair Scott wrote:
 On Saturday 25 May 2002 2:47 pm, Michael Adams wrote:
  Ok, i was wrong again. Base 64 does not relate directly to PGP
  encryption. This still seems to be the only method that will attach
  the whole file though and not just 6 to 8 bytes.
  This is a hex dump of the 6 bytes attached if i try the None
  (8-bit) method on a .doc 51K file.
  d0 cf e0 a1 b1 e1
  What is happening here? Is this method only relevant for ASCII?
  Can Outlook Express users accept Base 64 encoded attachments?

 The names used are not the best (a problem I've noticed elsewhere in kde

 :) The familiar ones are:

 Base 64 = uuencoded

 Quoted printable = MIME encoded

 Outlook and OE (and nearly every other email package) will understand

 '8-bit', I presume, attaches the file without any encoding. As the
 following page (Extended Character Sets) explains, it's not clear why
 this option exists at all and, in any case, it can be ignored for
 normal (Internet-based) usage ...



Thanks Alastair... But it still doesn't explain why using these encodings 
won't attach the file correctly. At least i now know that if i always select 
Base 64 the mail will get through.


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Re: [newbie] A Qestion of Memory

2002-05-25 Thread Randy Kramer

John Richard Smith wrote:
 Well I do have gnumeric on my machine and I opened the kspread file
 in kspread and saved as gnumeric file , which I then opened in
 gnumeric. About 1.5 seconds. However it was not flawless. the
 50total,89total,and 200toal columns were duds, every figure gone.

I presume you scrolled to the bottom of the file -- I was worried the
first time I opened the file until I scrolled down -- as you know, only
one (or two) columns are filled in at the top of the file.

 I also remade the colour scheme which is not so delightfully
 sensitive as kspread and does not look so nice, however the saved
 file reopened in gnumeric in about 1.5seconds.
 I would say the developers  at kde resposible for kspread need to
 look into this urgently.

Yes, I wonder if anybody has filed a bug -- are you willing to try it?

Randy Kramer

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Re: [newbie] Flash plugin in Konq again

2002-05-25 Thread Carroll Grigsby


When I ran nspluginscan, a bunch of unfriendly messages also flew by, but I 
decided to ignore them, and so far I have not had any problems.

Let's make sure we're talking about the same things here -- I have a (fairly) 
clean new install of 8.2 and KDE 2.2.2. I installed Flash from the PowerPack 
Commercial CD. (Netscape 6 had already been installed.) This put 
ShockwaveFlash.class and libflashplayer.so in /usr/lib/netscape/plugins; it 
also put README and readme.html in /usr/share/doc/FlashPlayer-5.0.

I then downloaded kdebase-plugins-2.2.2-93mdk.i586.rpm and installed it with 
Software Manager, ran nspluginscan and rebooted. After that, it was just a 
matter of running the Scan for new plugins function from Konquer -- Settings 
-- Configure -- Netscape Plugins.

Possible problems:
1. Check that /usr/lib/netscape/plugins does contain the two Flash files 
mentioned above. It's possible that Flash may have put them someplace else -- 
perhaps a /flash_linux directory.
2. Did you close and re-open KDE after running nspluginscan? (Hmm -- my notes 
show that I did a reboot -- old habits are hard to break. Think it makes any 
3. Did then you run the Scan for new plugins in Konqueror?

-- cmg

On Thursday 23 May 2002 10:30 pm, you wrote:
 Sorry to have appeared dim here, but after another careful look I think
 maybe it's not me - something is screwy.  I have visited the path you
 describe before (also available from the KDE config menu).

 After clicking on the Scan for nsplugins button I see under the plugins

 Mozilla's real audio plugin
 Mozilla's pdf plugin
 Netscape's real audio plugin
 Netscape's pdf plugin

 No flash or whatever.  For the record, when I run nspluginscan, I get:

 kdecore (KLibLoader): WARNING: KLibrary: /usr/lib/libkdecore.so.3:
 undefined symbol: NP_GetValue
 kdecore (KLibLoader): WARNING:
 /usr/lib/netscape/plugins/raclass.zip: invalid ELF header
 kdecore (KLibLoader): WARNING: KLibrary: /usr/lib/libkdecore.so.3:
 undefined symbol: NP_GetValue
 kdecore (KLibLoader): WARNING:
 file=/usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/libjavaplugin_oji.so: /usr/lib/lib1:
 shared object not open
 kdecore (KLibLoader): WARNING: KLibrary: /usr/lib/libkdecore.so.3:
 undefined symbol: NP_GetValue
 kdecore (KLibLoader): WARNING:
 /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/raclass.zip: invalid ELF header
 kdecore (KLibLoader): WARNING: KLibrary: /usr/lib/libkdecore.so.3:
 undefined symbol: NP_GetValue

 A look at the rpm shows that the plugin files end up in /usr/lib.
 Presumably they are linked to other locations, but just for fun I added
 /usr/lib to the paths in the nsplugins window and clicked the scan
 button again.  Took a long time, but eventually it finished and made no
 difference at all.  Still the same four listed in the plugins windows.
 Still no flash.

 Any more ideas anyone?  Can anyone shed some light on whether the
 warnings from nspluginscan are normal or fatal?


 On Fri, 2002-05-24 at 01:04, Carroll Grigsby wrote:
  Open Konqueror. Select Settings and then Configure Konqueror. There
  should be a Netscape Plugins icon in the left hand column. Open it; there
  will be a sheet with two tabs. On the Scan tab, click Scan for Nsplugins.
  Then, under the Plugin tab, there will be a list -- mine shows that the
  Shockwave Flash and FutureSplash Player have been installed.
  -- cmg

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake_Desk (Grrrr!)

2002-05-25 Thread Damian G

On Sat, 25 May 2002 11:22:06 -0500 (CDT)
Dale Huckeby [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   This is my first post to the list.  Can anyone tell me how to install Gnome
 and Kde, but especially Gnome, without having Mandrake_Desk shoved down my
 throat.  I can't even install Midnight Commander without it, for Chrissakes!
 This is for 8.1.  If I can't get my desktop to be MY desktop, I'm going back
 to 7.2, which unlike 8.1 is lean and mean, or to another distro.
 Dale Huckeby

mandrake desk? wth are you talking about?

if you are having a lot of trouble installing KDE by yourself ( BTW there
are howto's Everywhere! try any mandrake related site...), 

try booting the installation CD, make no changes to the filesystems,
choose only KDE and GNOME related packages, and install...



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Re: [newbie] KMail Attachments

2002-05-25 Thread shane

On Saturday 25 May 2002 08:54 am, Michael Adams opened a general hailing 
frequency and transmitted to all open stations:

 Thanks Alastair... But it still doesn't explain why using these encodings
 won't attach the file correctly. At least i now know that if i always
 select Base 64 the mail will get through.

i must be doing something wrong, i can choose any of the methods for 
attaching and they are all readable by both my machine, my wife at home, 
and her machine at work.

We know what we are, but not what we may become -William Shakespeare

Profile at: http://dmoz.org/profiles/shen.html
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member http://www.linux-mandrake.com/en/club/
Registered linux user #101606  http://counter.li.org/

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake_Desk (Grrrr!)

2002-05-25 Thread shane

On Saturday 25 May 2002 09:22 am, Dale Huckeby opened a general hailing 
frequency and transmitted to all open stations:

   This is my first post to the list.  Can anyone tell me how to install
 Gnome and Kde, but especially Gnome, without having Mandrake_Desk shoved
 down my throat.  I can't even install Midnight Commander without it, for
 Chrissakes! This is for 8.1.  If I can't get my desktop to be MY desktop,
 I'm going back to 7.2, which unlike 8.1 is lean and mean, or to another

if by mandrake_desk you mean the rpm, well it is only some icons and 
backgrounds.  don't use them, choose other theme/styles, delete the 
mandrake shortcuts, whatever.  but 800k of icons and backgrounds seems like 
a poor reason to go back a few versions to me.

one mans theology is anothers belly laugh -heinlein

Profile at: http://dmoz.org/profiles/shen.html
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member http://www.linux-mandrake.com/en/club/
Registered linux user #101606  http://counter.li.org/

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Re: [newbie] Flash plugin in Konq again

2002-05-25 Thread Tom sparks


If I may chip in my two cents worth I've had a great deal of success
with flash by downloading the Macromedia Flash Player from
http://macromedia.com to my home directory and just unpacking the files
there. This will leave you with /home/myname/flash_linux folder, then
the directory to be scanned for plugins in my case as
/home/tom/flash_linux. Substitute the myname for whatever you've named
your home directory of course.   
Works flawlessly for me. 

On Sat, 2002-05-25 at 11:19, Carroll Grigsby wrote:
 When I ran nspluginscan, a bunch of unfriendly messages also flew by, but I 
 decided to ignore them, and so far I have not had any problems.
 Let's make sure we're talking about the same things here -- I have a (fairly) 
 clean new install of 8.2 and KDE 2.2.2. I installed Flash from the PowerPack 
 Commercial CD. (Netscape 6 had already been installed.) This put 
 ShockwaveFlash.class and libflashplayer.so in /usr/lib/netscape/plugins; it 
 also put README and readme.html in /usr/share/doc/FlashPlayer-5.0.
 I then downloaded kdebase-plugins-2.2.2-93mdk.i586.rpm and installed it with 
 Software Manager, ran nspluginscan and rebooted. After that, it was just a 
 matter of running the Scan for new plugins function from Konquer -- Settings 
 -- Configure -- Netscape Plugins.
 Possible problems:
 1. Check that /usr/lib/netscape/plugins does contain the two Flash files 
 mentioned above. It's possible that Flash may have put them someplace else -- 
 perhaps a /flash_linux directory.
 2. Did you close and re-open KDE after running nspluginscan? (Hmm -- my notes 
 show that I did a reboot -- old habits are hard to break. Think it makes any 
 3. Did then you run the Scan for new plugins in Konqueror?
 -- cmg
 On Thursday 23 May 2002 10:30 pm, you wrote:
  Sorry to have appeared dim here, but after another careful look I think
  maybe it's not me - something is screwy.  I have visited the path you
  describe before (also available from the KDE config menu).
  After clicking on the Scan for nsplugins button I see under the plugins
  Mozilla's real audio plugin
  Mozilla's pdf plugin
  Netscape's real audio plugin
  Netscape's pdf plugin
  No flash or whatever.  For the record, when I run nspluginscan, I get:
  kdecore (KLibLoader): WARNING: KLibrary: /usr/lib/libkdecore.so.3:
  undefined symbol: NP_GetValue
  kdecore (KLibLoader): WARNING:
  /usr/lib/netscape/plugins/raclass.zip: invalid ELF header
  kdecore (KLibLoader): WARNING: KLibrary: /usr/lib/libkdecore.so.3:
  undefined symbol: NP_GetValue
  kdecore (KLibLoader): WARNING:
  file=/usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/libjavaplugin_oji.so: /usr/lib/lib1:
  shared object not open
  kdecore (KLibLoader): WARNING: KLibrary: /usr/lib/libkdecore.so.3:
  undefined symbol: NP_GetValue
  kdecore (KLibLoader): WARNING:
  /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/raclass.zip: invalid ELF header
  kdecore (KLibLoader): WARNING: KLibrary: /usr/lib/libkdecore.so.3:
  undefined symbol: NP_GetValue
  A look at the rpm shows that the plugin files end up in /usr/lib.
  Presumably they are linked to other locations, but just for fun I added
  /usr/lib to the paths in the nsplugins window and clicked the scan
  button again.  Took a long time, but eventually it finished and made no
  difference at all.  Still the same four listed in the plugins windows.
  Still no flash.
  Any more ideas anyone?  Can anyone shed some light on whether the
  warnings from nspluginscan are normal or fatal?
  On Fri, 2002-05-24 at 01:04, Carroll Grigsby wrote:
   Open Konqueror. Select Settings and then Configure Konqueror. There
   should be a Netscape Plugins icon in the left hand column. Open it; there
   will be a sheet with two tabs. On the Scan tab, click Scan for Nsplugins.
   Then, under the Plugin tab, there will be a list -- mine shows that the
   Shockwave Flash and FutureSplash Player have been installed.
   -- cmg

 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
 Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com
Tom Sparks

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Port 80 was Re: [newbie] Dynamic DNS

2002-05-25 Thread Roger Sherman

I use dyndns.org to redirect people to my PC when they type in my domain 
name, so thats not a problem. What is the problem is, due to the nimda 
type stuff, my ISP (Optimum Online) has blocked port 80. Now, I know I can 
change the port that Apache runs on, but since browsers by default go to 
port 80, it seems I can't use my PC as a server for my website 
anymore...which sucks, since I definilty don't want to pay for virtual 
hosting, even as cheap as it's gotten. Hell, even if it was free, I'd 
still want to host it myself...

Does anyone have a solution for this? Is there any way around the port 80 
blockade, where someone could type http://www.rogersherman.com instead of 
having to type http://www.rogersherman.com:newport#?




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Re: [newbie] NFS and Linux

2002-05-25 Thread civileme

Keith Lynn wrote:

Hello everyone,
 I'm having a problem with Linux that I hope someone can help me with.
I have installed Mandrake 8.0 on a machine with the Intel 810/815 Chipset.
I am trying to mount a share through nfs from Solaris 7. I haven't had
trouble doing this in the past, but now when I try to mount the share, it
will mount, but it takes several minutes. Has anyone experienced this?
Does anyone have suggestions?

Keith Lynn
Systems Administrator
School of Computer and Information Sciences
University of South Alabama
Mobile, AL 36608
Phone: (251) 460-6390
Fax: (251) 460-7274
Alternate E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
URL: http://www.cis.usouthal.edu/~lynn/

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Yes, use ext2.  Reiserfs in 8.0 is broken w/r/t nfs, and a delay of days 
is possible.


Of course you could try 8.2 which has no such problem.

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Re: [newbie] Installing KDE 3.0.1 onto Mandrake 8.2

2002-05-25 Thread Alastair Scott

Hash: SHA1

On Friday 24 May 2002 2:01 pm, Derek Jennings wrote:

 Erm... dunno  I dislike ever using --force because nothing good ever
 seems to result.

 I guess the simplest way to install 3.0.1 would be urpmi  in your
 3.0.1 download directory. Then all the dependencies ought to get
 sorted out.

They are, but there are undesirable side-effects (in my setup).

The worst was that koffice appears broken for the time being. Once I saw 
this I removed (using rpm -e) all three versions that were present, 
namely 1.1.1 for KDE 2.2.2, 1.1.1 for KDE 3.0.0 and 1.2 beta 1 for KDE 
3.0.0. I then put back 1.1.1 for KDE 3 using the Mandrake RPMs, but 
still no luck - nothing happens when I click an icon, and there are 
errors galore when I run it from a konsole. So, after an attempt to 
compile 1.2 beta 1 from source which also failed, I've moved to 
openoffice.org 1.0.

I also had to rebuild a couple of panel applications (knetmonapplet and 
the liquid theme), which gave a similar shower of errors, and kxicq2 
also failed. That isn't a problem - I've moved to gaim, which is better 
supported anyway.

Finally, Mozilla 1.0.0 RC2 (Mandrake RPMs) no longer worked; I did rpm 
- -e then downloaded the generic installation package for 1.0.0 RC3 from 
mozilla.org and installed; it worked straight off.

I think I'll stop installing new versions of KDE and wait for Mandrake 
8.3 (9.0?) which, presumably, will have KDE 3.0.1 or 3.1, Mozilla 1.0 
and so on prepackaged and will not have KDE 2.2.2 available by default 
(I hope). There are two things happening at the moment which are 
stoking up trouble:

- - both KDE 2.2.2 and KDE 3.0.x (with incremental upgrades thereof) being 
present on the same machine;

- - MandrakeSoft moving from gcc 2.9.x to gcc 3.1.x for package-building.

Still, when the new Mandrake appears I'll be able to reformat / and 
install everything from scratch without touching the application 
settings or personal data in /home. This is one of the least publicised 
yet most remarkable features of Linux, and is entirely a result of 
strong architecture; try doing it with any flavour of Windows ;)

- -- 
Alastair Scott (London, United Kingdom)
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


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Re: [newbie] ISP help

2002-05-25 Thread civileme


 Ok i finally got the modem installed but now the only isp i have is 
 aol and it makes you use a .exe is there any way i can get aol to work 
 on linux?

Yes, just go to www.transgaming.com and sign up for a subscription then 
download the binary winex 2.0 and install it on your linux system.  Now 
put in an AOL 5.0 CD ((DEFINITELY not the 7.0)) and if you don't have 
one just call the AOL number for cancellation of service; they'll be 
HAPPY to send you one just to keep you as a customer.

OK equipped with the 5.0 CD and running linux, open the CD on the 
desktop and look all the exe's have a wineglass icon!  Find the icon 
that says setup and voila`.


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Re: [newbie] RPMFind.net down? Thanks

2002-05-25 Thread civileme

Michael Adams wrote:

On Fri, 24 May 2002 21:12, Michael Adams wrote:

I haven't got through sucessfully for ages. Anybody know what's happening

Yeah and now my bookmark works again... I am thinking twilight zone stuff 
here. I have tried on and off for days.

No Mandrake RPM of the XBasic Civileme liked though.

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The one from 8.1 still works, though it needs updating to XBasic 6.2

It was included last-minute in 8.1 and was on the commercial disk 2 
which of course is nowhere on any rpmfind site

But you can find it here


where it is called xb-6.2.1-2mdk.i586.rpm


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Re: [newbie] modem,s

2002-05-25 Thread civileme

Dennis Myers wrote:

On Saturday 25 May 2002 08:59 am, you wrote:

Anyone know where I could buy online a modem 56k that is easy install with
8.2. the one I,ve got is only 33.6 and its hardware modem but not going to

E-bay has some good buys on modems if you can wait out the bidding. An 
external modem is an excellent choice.  HTH

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Yes this one works in linux.  The supplied internet phone software works 
only in windows but you really don't need that.


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[newbie] interlink versapoint rf wireless keyboard

2002-05-25 Thread Anthony Loeppert

Has anyone gotten this wireless keyboard/mouse to work correctly under 
linux?  The basestation interfaces through usb.  I turned on bios 
support for usb keyboards.  The keyboard works fine until linux starts 
to boot... I get a kernel message that states the device (vend/prod 
0x46d/0xc00e) doesn't have an associated driver.

I've gotten a corded usb keyboard and mouse to work, but this thing is 
being stubborn.

I'm running a cleanly (freshly) installed 8.2.

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[newbie] Ports for samba filesharing...

2002-05-25 Thread Franki

Hi all,

In order to get my network card going again.. I had to upgrade my win2000
laptop to winXP..

surprisingly enough, its faster then it was, and I am surprisingly impressed
in spite of myself..

for an M$ OS.. its not that bad.. its not linux.. but its ok, ,and i have
lots of USB burners and scanners and stuff so I need winblows on at least
one PC..

anyway,, onto my question..

All the windows PC's on this network connect via a linux box hooked to my
ADSL.. works fine..

I just enabled the winXP firewall on my pcmcia network interface..

and all PC's have just dropped of samba access to this box...

I added port 139 to the open ports, but still can't access any shares on the
linux box..

What ports do I need to open to allow samba or smb shares to be available on
the xp box???



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RE: Port 80 was Re: [newbie] Dynamic DNS

2002-05-25 Thread Franki

There might be some port redirection service you could use, but I don't know
what it is..

you can set apache to use a different port.. then somewhere online.. use one
of the free webhosting accounts with friendly URL's like http://go.to/franki
(or get a real domain.)

put a page up there and use meta tags or javascript to redirect it to your
other port..

that way people only need to remember the go.to address and the other port
still gets used..

other then that, another ISP???



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Roger Sherman
Sent: Sunday, 26 May 2002 1:50 AM
To: newbie
Subject: Port 80 was Re: [newbie] Dynamic DNS

I use dyndns.org to redirect people to my PC when they type in my domain
name, so thats not a problem. What is the problem is, due to the nimda
type stuff, my ISP (Optimum Online) has blocked port 80. Now, I know I can
change the port that Apache runs on, but since browsers by default go to
port 80, it seems I can't use my PC as a server for my website
anymore...which sucks, since I definilty don't want to pay for virtual
hosting, even as cheap as it's gotten. Hell, even if it was free, I'd
still want to host it myself...

Does anyone have a solution for this? Is there any way around the port 80
blockade, where someone could type http://www.rogersherman.com instead of
having to type http://www.rogersherman.com:newport#?




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Re: [newbie] interlink versapoint rf wireless keyboard

2002-05-25 Thread Anthony Loeppert

Actually, that device number is associated with a corded usb mouse I had 
hooked up. Disregard that.

I tried this wireless keyboard on my Mac OSX machine and it worked.

On Saturday, May 25, 2002, at 01:53 PM, Anthony Loeppert wrote:

 Has anyone gotten this wireless keyboard/mouse to work correctly under 
 linux?  The basestation interfaces through usb.  I turned on bios 
 support for usb keyboards.  The keyboard works fine until linux starts 
 to boot... I get a kernel message that states the device (vend/prod 
 0x46d/0xc00e) doesn't have an associated driver.

 I've gotten a corded usb keyboard and mouse to work, but this thing is 
 being stubborn.

 I'm running a cleanly (freshly) installed 8.2.

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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] ISP help

2002-05-25 Thread Xecut1on

HAHAHAHAHA the aol 5.0 cd thing worked perfect lol thanks people.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] Down-grade to XFree86 4.1

2002-05-25 Thread Bill Davidson

I've just upgraded from Mandrake 8.1 to 8.2. Actually it was a clean
install. It appears that XFree 4.2 doesn't work well with my video
card(Tridend 3DImage975). My screen appears very dark and is impossible
to read if I try to go higher than 8-bit colour.

Are there any other packages I need to install if I downgrade to XFree
4.1. drakxtools perhaps.


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Re: [newbie] Down-grade to XFree86 4.1

2002-05-25 Thread Femme

On Sat, 25 May 2002 17:02:06 -0400
Bill Davidson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I've just upgraded from Mandrake 8.1 to 8.2. Actually it was a clean
 install. It appears that XFree 4.2 doesn't work well with my video
 card(Tridend 3DImage975). My screen appears very dark and is
 impossible to read if I try to go higher than 8-bit colour.
 Are there any other packages I need to install if I downgrade to XFree
 4.1. drakxtools perhaps.

If its a Trident card *I'm assuming a spelling error here from you*, you
will have to use 3.36 xfree IIRC.  The archives tell of many others with
similar cards that have the same problems in 8.x.  Just fair warning ;p


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Re: [newbie] Flash plugin in Konq again

2002-05-25 Thread Carroll Grigsby

On Saturday 25 May 2002 01:47 pm, Tom wrote:

 If I may chip in my two cents worth I've had a great deal of success
 with flash by downloading the Macromedia Flash Player from
 http://macromedia.com to my home directory and just unpacking the files
 there. This will leave you with /home/myname/flash_linux folder, then
 the directory to be scanned for plugins in my case as
 /home/tom/flash_linux. Substitute the myname for whatever you've named
 your home directory of course.
 Works flawlessly for me.


But does this work in Konqueror? I see that you use Ximian Evolution, and 
that's a somewhat different kettle of fish. The hassle Brian's having is not 
so much installing Flash as it is getting Konq to find it.
-- cmg

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Re: [newbie] Down-grade to XFree86 4.1

2002-05-25 Thread Bill Davidson

On Sat, 25 May 2002 15:25:46 -0600
Femme [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Sat, 25 May 2002 17:02:06 -0400
 Bill Davidson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I've just upgraded from Mandrake 8.1 to 8.2. Actually it was a clean
  install. It appears that XFree 4.2 doesn't work well with my video
  card(Tridend 3DImage975). My screen appears very dark and is
  impossible to read if I try to go higher than 8-bit colour.
  Are there any other packages I need to install if I downgrade to
  XFree 4.1. drakxtools perhaps.
 If its a Trident card *I'm assuming a spelling error here from you*,
 you will have to use 3.36 xfree IIRC.  The archives tell of many
 others with similar cards that have the same problems in 8.x.  Just
 fair warning ;p

Yes it is a Trident card. XFree3.3.6 doesn't work well with it either.
Although it works better than 4.2 does. 4.1 works well. I just wondered
if I would need to downgrade drakxtools as well.


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Re: [newbie] Down-grade to XFree86 4.1

2002-05-25 Thread civileme

Bill Davidson wrote:

I've just upgraded from Mandrake 8.1 to 8.2. Actually it was a clean
install. It appears that XFree 4.2 doesn't work well with my video
card(Tridend 3DImage975). My screen appears very dark and is impossible
to read if I try to go higher than 8-bit colour.

Are there any other packages I need to install if I downgrade to XFree
4.1. drakxtools perhaps.


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Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

IIRC, the 975 works even better in XFree 3.3.6 provided you tune it 
correctly.  Try that first or get the source rpms for 4.1 and make sure 
you are setup for development  

urpmi rpm-build
urpmi rpm-rebuilder

rpm -ivh (each of the XF4.1 source modules AND XFdrake )

urpme XFree86-server

rpm --rebuild (each of the XF4.1 nodules AND XFdrake)

and put all the new binary rpms in a separate directory, cd there, then

urpmi ./*

That woll build XFree4.1 for this distro and install it.  Fome there you 

XFdrake --expert


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Re: [newbie] Installing KDE 3.0.1 onto Mandrake 8.2

2002-05-25 Thread shane

On Saturday 25 May 2002 11:24 am, Alastair Scott opened a general hailing 
frequency and transmitted to all open stations:

 The worst was that koffice appears broken for the time being. Once I saw

ack! just found that out myself.

 I also had to rebuild a couple of panel applications (knetmonapplet and
 the liquid theme), which gave a similar shower of errors, and kxicq2

the liquid 9.5-5.mdk works fine here.  i forget where i found it but if you 
want it i can send it.

Every time you turn on your new car, you're turning on 20 microprocessors. 
Every time you use an ATM, you're using a computer. Every time I use a 
settop box or game machine, I'm using a computer. The only computer you 
don't know how to work is your Microsoft computer, right? --Scott McNealy, 
CEO, Sun Microsystems

Profile at: http://dmoz.org/profiles/shen.html
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
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Re: [newbie] Mandrake_Desk (Grrrr!)

2002-05-25 Thread Dale Huckeby

On Sat, 25 May 2002, Damian G wrote:

 On Sat, 25 May 2002 11:22:06 -0500 (CDT)
 Dale Huckeby [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

This is my first post to the list.  Can anyone tell me how to install Gnome
  and Kde, but especially Gnome, without having Mandrake_Desk shoved down my
  throat.  I can't even install Midnight Commander without it, for Chrissakes!
  This is for 8.1.  If I can't get my desktop to be MY desktop, I'm going back
  to 7.2, which unlike 8.1 is lean and mean, or to another distro.
  Dale Huckeby

 mandrake desk? wth are you talking about?

 if you are having a lot of trouble installing KDE by yourself ( BTW there
 are howto's Everywhere! try any mandrake related site...),

 try booting the installation CD, make no changes to the filesystems,
 choose only KDE and GNOME related packages, and install...


  I appreciate the thought, but no, it doesn't.  I'm NOT having trouble
installing KDE all by myself, or Gnome either, for that matter.  I've
installed 7.2 dozens of times and 8.1 four or five.  The problem is the
way Mandrake 8.1 tries to take over the desktop.  With 7.2, in Gnome,
I could drag and drop icons from the menus to the desktop, a very nice
feature.  With 8.1 I can't.  When it loads I can see the blue background
screen, then my wallpaper covers it, then another blue screen covers
that, then my wallpaper again covers the whole mess, this time with the
Mandrake icons rather than the ones I'm used to.  And these icons can't
be changed, at least not by the methods I'm used to, nor can I drag and
drop from the menus.  I'm assuming, perhaps erroneously, that the
difference between this and the previous behavior is the Mandrake_Desk
package, which didn't exist in 7.2.  There are other aggravations, too,
but I'll spare you.

Dale Huckeby

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Re: [newbie] A Qestion of Memory

2002-05-25 Thread Michael Adams

On Sun, 26 May 2002 03:30, John Richard Smith wrote:
 On Friday 24 May 2002 12:46, you wrote:
  There should be features to help such a transfer -- Excel and Lotus
  have them, not sure about Gnumeric and Kspread.

 On Sat May 25th , you wrote:
 Wow, very disappointing!
 I did some testing on your 57 kb file on KSpread 1.1 on Mandrake
 8.1, on
 a 700 MHz machine (AMD) with 256 MB of memory.  (With about 280 rows
 The file took around 30 seconds to load.
 It was easy to convert the file to Gnumeric and comma delimited


 I don't have Gnumeric on the machine so I couldn't try it.
 I took the comma delimited file to my Windows 95 machine -- 300
 MHz., 64
 MB memory, Excel 97.  Loaded the file into Excel, saved it as a
 Excel file (.xls) -- quit Excel, opened Excel, loaded the .xls file
 about 1 second.
 I did try something else -- I did try two other things:
* I tried importing the comma delimited file back into KSpread,
 it was significantly faster.  It took about 10 seconds of machine
 to load up, but this consisted of two 5-second periods -- an
 intermediate menu comes up halfway through the load to allow you to
 specify any necessary options -- you can just hit enter.
* I saved the imported comma delimited file from KSpread as a .ksp
 file, and then loaded it -- it took about 14 seconds, and the
 between that and the original 30 seconds may be an indication of the
 extra time due to colors.

 Well I do have gnumeric on my machine and I opened the kspread file
 in kspread and saved as gnumeric file , which I then opened in
 gnumeric. About 1.5 seconds. However it was not flawless. the
 50total,89total,and 200toal columns were duds, every figure gone.

 I also remade the colour scheme which is not so delightfully
 sensitive as kspread and does not look so nice, however the saved
 file reopened in gnumeric in about 1.5seconds.

 I would say the developers  at kde resposible for kspread need to
 look into this urgently.


John, OpenOffice.org may be the answer. Never mind the question.

Open Office includes a spreadsheet that has been tried and proven in a 
successful office suite for years (Suns Star Office). It will import and 
export in Excel format with little loss of quality. Plus you get a word 
processor that can read MS Word files and others thrown in.

Help is available on the list for installing it. I believe Tom posted an 
address to download the latest version from as a Mandrake RPM within the last 
few days.


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RE: Port 80 was Re: [newbie] Dynamic DNS

2002-05-25 Thread Roger Sherman

On Sun, 26 May 2002, Franki wrote:

 There might be some port redirection service you could use, but I don't know
 what it is..
 you can set apache to use a different port.. then somewhere online.. use one
 of the free webhosting accounts with friendly URL's like http://go.to/franki
 (or get a real domain.)
 put a page up there and use meta tags or javascript to redirect it to your
 other port..
 that way people only need to remember the go.to address and the other port
 still gets used..
 other then that, another ISP???

Thanks Franki, but those answers aren't for me. I don't want to have to 
deal with a free hosting page, even as just a redirect...nor do I want to 
attatch my domain name to a free webpage, and then not have that domain 
name associated with my server.

And with the one exception, my ISP offers really good service.

Thanks anyways...

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Roger Sherman
 Sent: Sunday, 26 May 2002 1:50 AM
 To: newbie
 Subject: Port 80 was Re: [newbie] Dynamic DNS
 I use dyndns.org to redirect people to my PC when they type in my domain
 name, so thats not a problem. What is the problem is, due to the nimda
 type stuff, my ISP (Optimum Online) has blocked port 80. Now, I know I can
 change the port that Apache runs on, but since browsers by default go to
 port 80, it seems I can't use my PC as a server for my website
 anymore...which sucks, since I definilty don't want to pay for virtual
 hosting, even as cheap as it's gotten. Hell, even if it was free, I'd
 still want to host it myself...
 Does anyone have a solution for this? Is there any way around the port 80
 blockade, where someone could type http://www.rogersherman.com instead of
 having to type http://www.rogersherman.com:newport#?

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake_Desk (Grrrr!)

2002-05-25 Thread Roger Sherman

On Sat, 25 May 2002, Dale Huckeby wrote:

 On Sat, 25 May 2002, Damian G wrote:
  On Sat, 25 May 2002 11:22:06 -0500 (CDT)
  Dale Huckeby [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This is my first post to the list.  Can anyone tell me how to install Gnome
   and Kde, but especially Gnome, without having Mandrake_Desk shoved down my
   throat.  I can't even install Midnight Commander without it, for Chrissakes!
   This is for 8.1.  If I can't get my desktop to be MY desktop, I'm going back
   to 7.2, which unlike 8.1 is lean and mean, or to another distro.
   Dale Huckeby
  mandrake desk? wth are you talking about?
  if you are having a lot of trouble installing KDE by yourself ( BTW there
  are howto's Everywhere! try any mandrake related site...),
  try booting the installation CD, make no changes to the filesystems,
  choose only KDE and GNOME related packages, and install...
   I appreciate the thought, but no, it doesn't.  I'm NOT having trouble
 installing KDE all by myself, or Gnome either, for that matter.  I've
 installed 7.2 dozens of times and 8.1 four or five.  The problem is the
 way Mandrake 8.1 tries to take over the desktop.  With 7.2, in Gnome,
 I could drag and drop icons from the menus to the desktop, a very nice
 feature.  With 8.1 I can't.  When it loads I can see the blue background
 screen, then my wallpaper covers it, then another blue screen covers
 that, then my wallpaper again covers the whole mess, this time with the
 Mandrake icons rather than the ones I'm used to.  And these icons can't
 be changed, at least not by the methods I'm used to, nor can I drag and
 drop from the menus.  I'm assuming, perhaps erroneously, that the
 difference between this and the previous behavior is the Mandrake_Desk
 package, which didn't exist in 7.2.  There are other aggravations, too,
 but I'll spare you.
 Dale Huckeby

Have you thought about trying 8.2?

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Re: [newbie] KMail Attachments

2002-05-25 Thread Michael Adams

On Sun, 26 May 2002 05:25, shane wrote:
 On Saturday 25 May 2002 08:54 am, Michael Adams opened a general hailing

 frequency and transmitted to all open stations:
  Thanks Alastair... But it still doesn't explain why using these encodings
  won't attach the file correctly. At least i now know that if i always
  select Base 64 the mail will get through.

 i must be doing something wrong, i can choose any of the methods for
 attaching and they are all readable by both my machine, my wife at home,
 and her machine at work.

No Shane, you are doing it right. It may be a setup thing that i have done. I 
am pretty sure that i am not trying to send a link :-). I tried sending the 
same file from a fat32 partition and it did the same thing with the 8-bit and 
Quoted-printable encoding options. I am simply bemused.


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Re: [newbie] Mandrake_Desk (Grrrr!)

2002-05-25 Thread Michael Adams

On Sun, 26 May 2002 05:02, Damian G wrote:
 On Sat, 25 May 2002 11:22:06 -0500 (CDT)

 Dale Huckeby [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
This is my first post to the list.  Can anyone tell me how to install
  Gnome and Kde, but especially Gnome, without having Mandrake_Desk shoved
  down my throat.  I can't even install Midnight Commander without it, for
  Chrissakes! This is for 8.1.  If I can't get my desktop to be MY desktop,
  I'm going back to 7.2, which unlike 8.1 is lean and mean, or to another
  Dale Huckeby

 mandrake desk? wth are you talking about?

 if you are having a lot of trouble installing KDE by yourself ( BTW there
 are howto's Everywhere! try any mandrake related site...),

 try booting the installation CD, make no changes to the filesystems,
 choose only KDE and GNOME related packages, and install...



If you are talking about the background image then replace it. For KDE:
Control Centre  Look 'n' feel  Backgrounds.

If you are talking about the icons then right click on them and delete them. 

If it is a popup welcome window there may be a checkbox on it to prevent it 
coming up.

P*ssed off attitudes usually draw p*ssed on replies Dale. It is worse when 
nobody understands what you are talking about.


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Mandrake_Desk (Grrrr!)

2002-05-25 Thread Dale Huckeby

On Sat, 25 May 2002, shane wrote:

 On Saturday 25 May 2002 09:22 am, Dale Huckeby opened a general hailing
 frequency and transmitted to all open stations:

   This is my first post to the list.  Can anyone tell me how to install
 Gnome and Kde, but especially Gnome, without having Mandrake_Desk shoved
 down my throat.  I can't even install Midnight Commander without it, for
 Chrissakes! This is for 8.1.  If I can't get my desktop to be MY desktop,
 I'm going back to 7.2, which unlike 8.1 is lean and mean, or to another

 if by mandrake_desk you mean the rpm, well it is only some icons and
 backgrounds.  don't use them, choose other theme/styles, delete the
 mandrake shortcuts, whatever.  but 800k of icons and backgrounds seems
 like a poor reason to go back a few versions to me.

  If it's only some icons and backgrounds, why does Mandrake threaten
to uncheck so many other packages, such as GMC and MC, when I uncheck it?
It's not just 800k of icons and backgrounds.  It's an overall difference
in behavior between 7.2 and 8.1.  With 7.2 I type in my userid, then my
password (at the console), and Bam!, I have a prompt.  With 8.1 it takes
about 10 seconds.  With 7.2, in Gnome, I can put in one of the install
CDs, double-click on the CD icon, and GMC pops up and in very short order
I can browse RPMs.  In 8.1 the same actions bring up Nautilus, which is
a bloated pig of a program, and I wait and wait while it loads the same
info in about three times the time it takes GMC.  Granted, this is Gnome
rather than Mandrake per se, but this graphics intensive, take the poor
dumb user by the hand attitude seems to permeate the latest version.

  In 7.2, for instance, if I wanted to run a program that needed root
permission while in a GUI as user, up pops a window that lets me type
in root's password, then the program itself comes up.  Now, after I type
in root's password, nothing happens, so I have to exit the GUI, type,
say, xinit /usr/bin/startgnome from a root console, then watch the GUI
scold me for running it in root as I do what I tried to do unsuccessfully
from the user GUI.  Can you spell b-u-g?

  Don't get me wrong.  I have used and loved Mandrake for several years.
And I appreciate that one of the 8.1 wizards was able to recognize that
my new ISP (I just moved cross-country) required a PAP login with the
password twice, not once, something tech help (We don't support Linux)
was too incompetent to tell me, and thus got the connection going.  But
Mandrake_Desk, if that's the package that's doing it, interposes an extra
layer of control over the desktop, giving me the icons IT wants me to
have and taking away some of the functionality I had in 7.2.  The reason
I abandoned Microshaft several years ago in the first place was that,
in addition to MS's outrageous corporate behavior, I got tired of having
my software dictate to me.  Well, 8.1 is getting uncomfortably close to
that same sort of behavior.  It's buggy, it's bloated, it's slow, and
it's too inclined to take me, the user, by the hand because it knows so
much better than me what's good for me.  Just my subjective impression,
of course.  That's why I'm seriously considering going back to 7.2,
or even Redhat (again), or SUSE, or Slackware, or even Debian.

Dale Huckeby

ps. I'm also thinking of reinstalling 7.2, and then upgrading specific
packages, such as replacing the older Gnome with 1.4.  But the point is,
I want *only* Gnome 1.4, without Mandrake's own desktop aps trying to
run the show.  The problem with this is the (shudder) download time over
a dialup connection.

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake_Desk (Grrrr!)

2002-05-25 Thread Dale Huckeby

On Sat, 25 May 2002, Roger Sherman wrote:

 On Sat, 25 May 2002, Dale Huckeby wrote:

  On Sat, 25 May 2002, Damian G wrote:
   On Sat, 25 May 2002 11:22:06 -0500 (CDT)
   Dale Huckeby [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  This is my first post to the list.  Can anyone tell me how to install Gnome
and Kde, but especially Gnome, without having Mandrake_Desk shoved down my
throat.  I can't even install Midnight Commander without it, for Chrissakes!
This is for 8.1.  If I can't get my desktop to be MY desktop, I'm going back
to 7.2, which unlike 8.1 is lean and mean, or to another distro.
Dale Huckeby
   mandrake desk? wth are you talking about?
   if you are having a lot of trouble installing KDE by yourself ( BTW there
   are howto's Everywhere! try any mandrake related site...),
   try booting the installation CD, make no changes to the filesystems,
   choose only KDE and GNOME related packages, and install...
I appreciate the thought, but no, it doesn't.  I'm NOT having trouble
  installing KDE all by myself, or Gnome either, for that matter.  I've
  installed 7.2 dozens of times and 8.1 four or five.  The problem is the
  way Mandrake 8.1 tries to take over the desktop.  With 7.2, in Gnome,
  I could drag and drop icons from the menus to the desktop, a very nice
  feature.  With 8.1 I can't.  When it loads I can see the blue background
  screen, then my wallpaper covers it, then another blue screen covers
  that, then my wallpaper again covers the whole mess, this time with the
  Mandrake icons rather than the ones I'm used to.  And these icons can't
  be changed, at least not by the methods I'm used to, nor can I drag and
  drop from the menus.  I'm assuming, perhaps erroneously, that the
  difference between this and the previous behavior is the Mandrake_Desk
  package, which didn't exist in 7.2.  There are other aggravations, too,
  but I'll spare you.
  Dale Huckeby

 Have you thought about trying 8.2?

  I bought the 7.2 powerpack several years ago.  I turned my daughter and
son-in-law on to Linux, they bought the 8.1 poerpack, and I burned copies
and installed from that.  But having just moved and not having a job yet,
I don't have the wherewithall to buy 8.2, and I'm a little chary of the
download time and possible difficulties in upgrading to 8.2.  But yes, it's
still an option that I should consider.  Thanks for mentioning it.  I hope
it fixes some of 8.1's bugs, such as refusing to give me the console
resolution I ask for during setup, or even by editing the relevant GRUB
file in the /boot directory.  If I want 80 by 23, I can only get it by
using the nonfb image.

Dale Huckeby

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] RPMFind.net down? Thanks

2002-05-25 Thread Michael Adams

On Sun, 26 May 2002 06:37, civileme wrote:
 Michael Adams wrote:
 On Fri, 24 May 2002 21:12, Michael Adams wrote:
 I haven't got through sucessfully for ages. Anybody know what's happening
 Yeah and now my bookmark works again... I am thinking twilight zone stuff
 here. I have tried on and off for days.
 No Mandrake RPM of the XBasic Civileme liked though.
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
 Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

 The one from 8.1 still works, though it needs updating to XBasic 6.2

 It was included last-minute in 8.1 and was on the commercial disk 2
 which of course is nowhere on any rpmfind site

 But you can find it here


 where it is called xb-6.2.1-2mdk.i586.rpm


Thanks, now i expect a huge gap from my previous AmigaBasic experience to 
this. Never mind, i am off to RTFM.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Mandrake_Desk (Grrrr!)

2002-05-25 Thread Roger Sherman

On Sat, 25 May 2002, Dale Huckeby wrote:

  Have you thought about trying 8.2?
   I bought the 7.2 powerpack several years ago.  I turned my daughter and
 son-in-law on to Linux, they bought the 8.1 poerpack, and I burned copies
 and installed from that.  But having just moved and not having a job yet,
 I don't have the wherewithall to buy 8.2, and I'm a little chary of the
 download time and possible difficulties in upgrading to 8.2.  But yes, it's
 still an option that I should consider.  Thanks for mentioning it.  I hope
 it fixes some of 8.1's bugs, such as refusing to give me the console
 resolution I ask for during setup, or even by editing the relevant GRUB
 file in the /boot directory.  If I want 80 by 23, I can only get it by
 using the nonfb image.

Another option would be to buy it from Cheapbytes, or some other place 
like that...you just get the download disks, but it only costs about $5. 
Judging from another one of your posts, I really think you'll like 8.2 a 
lot better - I think it's the first Mandrake version to wrest the title of 
Best Ever Mandrake from 7.2. 

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Re: [newbie] OT, need a file or help/pointer

2002-05-25 Thread Femme

In the noble (or not-so noble if you prefer) tradition of plinking
around in my system I decided *stupidly perhaps* to install a
network-cracking tool.

Now, you're wondering why right? Simple, I want to learn more about
security issues  where holes are in my system  a legal hack it till
you drop system on the net  www.sec33.com.  Fine, so I got a program
called Nessus (conveniently its on MDK's cd's).  However a newer version
adds some functionality.

Now, I have 2 problems to solve.

I have RTFMed the site  their tutorial *Only good for the current
version I may add*.  It tells me how to setup a user/admin  get my
Nessus running.  Problem:  If I try to install it from teh CLI it
informs me it will NOT install/run the GUI tool because I don't have
gtk-config in my path.  Now, being a good little dooby (watch
Romper-room, they have all sorts of dooby's), i searched  Searched my
cd's, my directories, my whole system.  I even did a find *gtk*.  That
got me a huge list, one of which was libconf-gtk-xx.  Fine, tahts it I
say to myself.  Wrong.  So... went to teh web, searched google  some
other RPM sites *Like sourceforge  RPM.net*.  No joy.  anyone know
where I can find this #^@#$ file!?

Problem 2: Assuming problem one is solved, I am unable to start the
program as a user itself because it tells me my host isn't up or
correct.  If I input my IP # instead of my HOST in the Host box, I get
an SSL error, telling me its unable to open SSL.  So, back to my cd's 
Web I go in search of SSL.  It seems I do have SSL installed (how to
tell though exactly? I searched for SSL on my system and it tells me
open-ssl is installed, teh package I need).  So what the hell am I doing
wrong here?  

If anyone has some suggestions/ideas/knowledge about Nessus or how to
sovle this crap, please let me know.



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Re: [newbie] New dumb CLI question

2002-05-25 Thread Femme

On Sat, 25 May 2002 23:26:20 -0400
darklord [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Saturday 25 May 2002 10:57 pm, you wrote:
  How do I restart my Internet Daemon from a Term window?
  I am using the MDK Control Center atm cause i keep getting cut-off
  (still don't know why).  Its rather tedious  i'd rather just enter
  a few commands @ a prompt.
 Hey. If you're using KDE (or the KDE stuff) then you can do a:
 and it will give you the usual interface for logging on to the 'Net.
 You should also be able to use /usr/sbin/pppd. I'm not sure about the
 syntax (read the man files) as I've never used it like that...
 HTHs... ;-)

well... Not really. But thx, I'm on DSL you see, and I connect through a
switch to a 3man LAN.  So in effect I'm on a second IP address we lease
through our ISP.  Sorry I wasn't more specific DL :)


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Re: [newbie] Flash plugin in Konq again

2002-05-25 Thread Carroll Grigsby

How did you convince Konqueror that Flash was available? I didn't have any 
problems installing Flash in Mandrake 8.1. Perhaps that's because 8.1 
installed Netscape 4.x as part of the default installation, so that the 
necessary file structure was present when Flash was installed. In 8.2, 
however, Netscape is _not_ installed unless it is explicitly specified (which 
I didn't do). Konqueror seems to want the necessary Flash references 
installed in /netscape/plugins. And, if you don't go through the 
kdebase-nsplugins installation and then run nspluginscan, there isn't any way 
to tell Konqueror to look for Flash -- at least from the GUI side.
-- cmg

On Saturday 25 May 2002 10:36 pm, you wrote:
 Sorry, I should have clarified that, yes it does work extremely well for


 On Sat, 2002-05-25 at 16:41, Carroll Grigsby wrote:
  On Saturday 25 May 2002 01:47 pm, Tom wrote:
   If I may chip in my two cents worth I've had a great deal of success
   with flash by downloading the Macromedia Flash Player from
   http://macromedia.com to my home directory and just unpacking the files
   there. This will leave you with /home/myname/flash_linux folder, then
   the directory to be scanned for plugins in my case as
   /home/tom/flash_linux. Substitute the myname for whatever you've named
   your home directory of course.
   Works flawlessly for me.
  But does this work in Konqueror? I see that you use Ximian Evolution, and
  that's a somewhat different kettle of fish. The hassle Brian's having is
  not so much installing Flash as it is getting Konq to find it.
  -- cmg
  Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
  Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Program help

2002-05-25 Thread Brian Parish

On Sun, 2002-05-26 at 12:43, Tim Ford wrote:
 A few quick questions -
 Im trying to get internet connectivity through Telstra Big Pond cable. I 
 have run ifconfig, and it showed me which one was connecting.
 For the second part, i needed to run a program which allows me to access 
 the cable line. It came in RPM fashion, i installed it, and now i cannot 
 run the program, as it doesn't show up in my run list, and the binary 
 has the descritption application/x-octetstream. i was wondering how i 
 could go about running the program (i run gnome, btw), and/or finding 
 where i went wrong in the installation.

I have set up bigpond cable for customers.  I had to use a thing called
bpalogin.  It's easy to set up and use.  Can mail it to your privately
if you like.


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] New dumb CLI question

2002-05-25 Thread Brian Parish

On Sun, 2002-05-26 at 12:57, Femme wrote:
 How do I restart my Internet Daemon from a Term window? 
 I am using the MDK Control Center atm cause i keep getting cut-off
 (still don't know why).  Its rather tedious  i'd rather just enter a
 few commands  a prompt.

I am using a DSL connection too.  Didn't use MCC to set it up though. 
In my case I ran adsl-setup to enter the config info. then adsl-start to
make it go.  Both from the console, both text based.

Didn't know there was another way :-)


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Re: [newbie] New dumb CLI question

2002-05-25 Thread Femme

On 26 May 2002 13:52:39 +1000
Brian Parish [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Sun, 2002-05-26 at 12:57, Femme wrote:
  How do I restart my Internet Daemon from a Term window? 
  I am using the MDK Control Center atm cause i keep getting cut-off
  (still don't know why).  Its rather tedious  i'd rather just enter
  a few commands @ a prompt.
 I am using a DSL connection too.  Didn't use MCC to set it up though. 
 In my case I ran adsl-setup to enter the config info. then adsl-start
 to make it go.  Both from the console, both text based.
 Didn't know there was another way :-)
I hate you.. you know that don't you? *S*

K Thx, I assume adsl-stop works then too?  And I suppose you need to
be root too?  

Anywhere I can get info on this little gem?  I found only one adsl file
on my system, called /usr/lib/libDrakX/network/adsl.pm.  Is that it?


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Re: [newbie] Flash plugin in Konq again

2002-05-25 Thread Tom Sparks

I removed all the defaults from Konqueror then clicked on add new and
that brought up my /home/tom, double clicked on flash_linux and
basically gave Konqueror no other options when I scanned for plugins. 
BTW, this is Flash 5.0 also, I also copy it to my mozilla plugins. My
nine year old son likes to visit a site or two that Flash 4.0 can't seem
to deal with. 

On Sat, 2002-05-25 at 22:43, Carroll Grigsby wrote:
 How did you convince Konqueror that Flash was available? I didn't have any 
 problems installing Flash in Mandrake 8.1. Perhaps that's because 8.1 
 installed Netscape 4.x as part of the default installation, so that the 
 necessary file structure was present when Flash was installed. In 8.2, 
 however, Netscape is _not_ installed unless it is explicitly specified (which 
 I didn't do). Konqueror seems to want the necessary Flash references 
 installed in /netscape/plugins. And, if you don't go through the 
 kdebase-nsplugins installation and then run nspluginscan, there isn't any way 
 to tell Konqueror to look for Flash -- at least from the GUI side.
 -- cmg
 On Saturday 25 May 2002 10:36 pm, you wrote:
  Sorry, I should have clarified that, yes it does work extremely well for
  On Sat, 2002-05-25 at 16:41, Carroll Grigsby wrote:
   On Saturday 25 May 2002 01:47 pm, Tom wrote:
If I may chip in my two cents worth I've had a great deal of success
with flash by downloading the Macromedia Flash Player from
http://macromedia.com to my home directory and just unpacking the files
there. This will leave you with /home/myname/flash_linux folder, then
the directory to be scanned for plugins in my case as
/home/tom/flash_linux. Substitute the myname for whatever you've named
your home directory of course.
Works flawlessly for me.
   But does this work in Konqueror? I see that you use Ximian Evolution, and
   that's a somewhat different kettle of fish. The hassle Brian's having is
   not so much installing Flash as it is getting Konq to find it.
   -- cmg
   Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
   Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
 Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com
Tom Sparks

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] New dumb CLI question

2002-05-25 Thread Brian Parish

On Sun, 2002-05-26 at 14:15, Femme wrote:
 On 26 May 2002 13:52:39 +1000
 Brian Parish [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Sun, 2002-05-26 at 12:57, Femme wrote:
   How do I restart my Internet Daemon from a Term window? 
   I am using the MDK Control Center atm cause i keep getting cut-off
   (still don't know why).  Its rather tedious  i'd rather just enter
   a few commands @ a prompt.
  I am using a DSL connection too.  Didn't use MCC to set it up though. 
  In my case I ran adsl-setup to enter the config info. then adsl-start
  to make it go.  Both from the console, both text based.
  Didn't know there was another way :-)
 I hate you.. you know that don't you? *S*
 K Thx, I assume adsl-stop works then too?  And I suppose you need to
 be root too?  
 Anywhere I can get info on this little gem?  I found only one adsl file
 on my system, called /usr/lib/libDrakX/network/adsl.pm.  Is that it?
Yes, you need to be root.  Have a look for these:

$ l /usr/sbin/adsl*
/usr/sbin/adsl-connect*  /usr/sbin/adsl-start*   /usr/sbin/adsl-stop*


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] New dumb CLI question

2002-05-25 Thread Brian Parish

On Sun, 2002-05-26 at 14:15, Femme wrote:
 On 26 May 2002 13:52:39 +1000
 Brian Parish [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Sun, 2002-05-26 at 12:57, Femme wrote:
   How do I restart my Internet Daemon from a Term window? 
   I am using the MDK Control Center atm cause i keep getting cut-off
   (still don't know why).  Its rather tedious  i'd rather just enter
   a few commands @ a prompt.
  I am using a DSL connection too.  Didn't use MCC to set it up though. 
  In my case I ran adsl-setup to enter the config info. then adsl-start
  to make it go.  Both from the console, both text based.
  Didn't know there was another way :-)
 I hate you.. you know that don't you? *S*
 K Thx, I assume adsl-stop works then too?  And I suppose you need to
 be root too?  
 Anywhere I can get info on this little gem?  I found only one adsl file
 on my system, called /usr/lib/libDrakX/network/adsl.pm.  Is that it?
Addendum to my last post.  adsl-* came as a result (I think) of
installing one of these:


Probably the last, but if you are running DSL, you should probably have
them all installed.  They are on the distro CDs.


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Program help

2002-05-25 Thread Tim Ford

Brian Parish wrote:

On Sun, 2002-05-26 at 12:43, Tim Ford wrote:

A few quick questions -

Im trying to get internet connectivity through Telstra Big Pond cable. I 
have run ifconfig, and it showed me which one was connecting.

For the second part, i needed to run a program which allows me to access 
the cable line. It came in RPM fashion, i installed it, and now i cannot 
run the program, as it doesn't show up in my run list, and the binary 
has the descritption application/x-octetstream. i was wondering how i 
could go about running the program (i run gnome, btw), and/or finding 
where i went wrong in the installation.


I have set up bigpond cable for customers.  I had to use a thing called
bpalogin.  It's easy to set up and use.  Can mail it to your privately
if you like.



Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Actually, thats the problem. I have Bpalogin rpm, and i installed it, 
however i cannot run it. When i go to the binary of it, it says its not 
an application (it says its an octetstream), and i am unsure how to run 
it, delete it or reinstall it. Any help would be appreciated.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Program help

2002-05-25 Thread Brian Parish

On Sun, 2002-05-26 at 17:12, Tim Ford wrote:
 Brian Parish wrote:
 On Sun, 2002-05-26 at 12:43, Tim Ford wrote:
 A few quick questions -
 Im trying to get internet connectivity through Telstra Big Pond cable. I 
 have run ifconfig, and it showed me which one was connecting.
 For the second part, i needed to run a program which allows me to access 
 the cable line. It came in RPM fashion, i installed it, and now i cannot 
 run the program, as it doesn't show up in my run list, and the binary 
 has the descritption application/x-octetstream. i was wondering how i 
 could go about running the program (i run gnome, btw), and/or finding 
 where i went wrong in the installation.
 I have set up bigpond cable for customers.  I had to use a thing called
 bpalogin.  It's easy to set up and use.  Can mail it to your privately
 if you like.
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
 Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com
 Actually, thats the problem. I have Bpalogin rpm, and i installed it, 
 however i cannot run it. When i go to the binary of it, it says its not 
 an application (it says its an octetstream), and i am unsure how to run 
 it, delete it or reinstall it. Any help would be appreciated.
Sounds like the rpm installation didn't make it executable.  If so, all
you should need to do is:

chmod +x /where/ever/it/lives/bpalogin

You will need to be root to do this.  You also need some settings in
/etc/bpalogin.conf IIRC.


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Flash plugin in Konq again

2002-05-25 Thread Brian Parish

On Sun, 2002-05-26 at 14:32, Tom Sparks wrote:
 I removed all the defaults from Konqueror then clicked on add new and
 that brought up my /home/tom, double clicked on flash_linux and
 basically gave Konqueror no other options when I scanned for plugins. 
 BTW, this is Flash 5.0 also, I also copy it to my mozilla plugins. My
 nine year old son likes to visit a site or two that Flash 4.0 can't seem
 to deal with. 

OK, this worked nicely for me too. You're right - the flash player that
comes on the distro doesn't work at all sites.  My 7 year old can now
happily click away on neopets.

thanks Tom and Carroll


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Re: [newbie] New dumb CLI question

2002-05-25 Thread Dale Huckeby

  From the command line.  I use ifup ppp0 to establish a connection,
and ifdown ppp0 to kill it.  Actually, I've put aliases in my .bashrc
for u and o, so that's what I type, but those commands are what
they stand for.

Dale Huckeby

On Sat, 25 May 2002, darklord wrote:

 On Saturday 25 May 2002 10:57 pm, you wrote:
  How do I restart my Internet Daemon from a Term window?
  I am using the MDK Control Center atm cause i keep getting cut-off
  (still don't know why).  Its rather tedious  i'd rather just enter a
  few commands  a prompt.

 Hey. If you're using KDE (or the KDE stuff) then you can do a:


 and it will give you the usual interface for logging on to the 'Net.

 You should also be able to use /usr/sbin/pppd. I'm not sure about the syntax
 (read the man files) as I've never used it like that...

 HTHs... ;-)

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Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] KMail Attachments

2002-05-25 Thread shane

On Saturday 25 May 2002 05:16 pm, Michael Adams opened a general hailing 
frequency and transmitted to all open stations:

 No Shane, you are doing it right. It may be a setup thing that i have
 done. I am pretty sure that i am not trying to send a link :-). I tried
 sending the same file from a fat32 partition and it did the same thing
 with the 8-bit and Quoted-printable encoding options. I am simply

maybe the at32 is the key, do you have the same trouble sending from a linux 

not that it will help much, but i admit i am curious now

The linux philosophy is laugh in the face of danger. Oops. Wrong one. 'Do 
it yourself.' That's it.  -L. Torvalds

Profile at: http://dmoz.org/profiles/shen.html
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member http://www.linux-mandrake.com/en/club/
Registered linux user #101606  http://counter.li.org/

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Mandrake_Desk (Grrrr!)

2002-05-25 Thread shane

On Saturday 25 May 2002 05:29 pm, Dale Huckeby opened a general hailing 
frequency and transmitted to all open stations:

   If it's only some icons and backgrounds, why does Mandrake threaten
 to uncheck so many other packages, such as GMC and MC, when I uncheck it?
 It's not just 800k of icons and backgrounds.  It's an overall difference
 in behavior between 7.2 and 8.1.  With 7.2 I type in my userid, then my
 password (at the console), and Bam!, I have a prompt.  With 8.1 it takes
 about 10 seconds.  With 7.2, in Gnome, I can put in one of the install
 CDs, double-click on the CD icon, and GMC pops up and in very short order
 I can browse RPMs.  In 8.1 the same actions bring up Nautilus, which is
 a bloated pig of a program, and I wait and wait while it loads the same
 info in about three times the time it takes GMC.  Granted, this is Gnome
 rather than Mandrake per se, but this graphics intensive, take the poor
 dumb user by the hand attitude seems to permeate the latest version.

ah i see, you want the minimul thing.  i got ya now!  i agree, nautilus is a 
pig (and i am a bloated kde user most of the time!) i do think that is 
partly gnome, but i see you point.

   In 7.2, for instance, if I wanted to run a program that needed root
 permission while in a GUI as user, up pops a window that lets me type
 in root's password, then the program itself comes up.  Now, after I type
 in root's password, 

that sounds like perhaps a missing suid or some such.  i haven't had that 
trouble in any version.

 The reason
 I abandoned Microshaft several years ago in the first place was that,
 in addition to MS's outrageous corporate behavior, I got tired of having
 my software dictate to me.

agree there!  though the wizards are getting close to out-o-control there 
are signs they are getting smarter.  it is nice to see the kde wizard want 
to walk me through everything first boot, but still include the cancel 

We know what we are, but not what we may become -William Shakespeare

Profile at: http://dmoz.org/profiles/shen.html
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member http://www.linux-mandrake.com/en/club/
Registered linux user #101606  http://counter.li.org/

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