Re: [newbie-it] montaggio CD

2002-07-03 Thread Giuseppe Ferruzzi

Giorgio Griffon wrote:

Uso Linux (Mandrake 8.2) da due settimane e mi sono iscritto alla lista per
principianti solo perché non c'era quella per ultra-principianti; però se
qualcuno si degna di rispondere alle mie domande sicuramente ovvie, prometto
di passare in seguito a quesiti più interessanti.
Ho letto nei vari manuali che ho sotto mano che è possibile consentire
all'utente generico il montaggio e smontaggio dei CD Rom e del floppy;
allora, secondo le indicazioni, ho aggiunto nel file /etc/fstab le opzioni
users,noauto alle righe corrispondenti ai tre aggeggi (lettore CD,
masterizzatore, che se per ora già funzionasse come lettore andrebbe bene, e
floppy). Adesso come utente generico posso accedere alle cartelle
rispettive, ma il montaggio è ancora una possibilità esclusiva dell'utente
root. Qualcuno sa dirmi come si fa? E l'opzione supermount che ho trovato
già predisposta, e secondo il manuale dovrebbe eseguire il montaggio
automaticamente, quando diavolo è che funziona?


Devi inserire user, nel mio fstab la s finale non c'è non ho 
verificato se è uguale, per come utilizzarlo ti mando per esempio tutto 
il mio fstab.
/dev/hda2/reiserfsdefaults 1 2
/dev/hda1/bootext3defaults 1 2
devpts/dev/ptsdevptsdefaults 0 0
/dev/hda4/homereiserfsdefaults 1 2
/dev/cdrom/mnt/cdromautoro,noauto,user,exec 0 0
/dev/dvd/mnt/dvdautoro,noauto,user,exec 0 0
/dev/fd0/mnt/floppyautonoauto,user,sync 0 0
/dev/sda1/mnt/sda1autonoauto,user,exec 0 0
usbdevfs/proc/bus/usbusbdevfsnoauto 0 0
proc/procprocdefaults 0 0
/dev/hdb1/xpntfsro,noauto,user,umask=022 0 0
/dev/hdb2/xptransvfatnoauto,user 0 0
/dev/hda3swapswappri=42 0 0

poi devi controllare le proprietà del punto di monta e i permessi 
relativi, il proprietario deve essere root ma
per mostra voci ed entra devono essere spuntati gruppo ed altri.

Prova intanto così.

Ciao da Giuseppe

Re: [newbie-it] Scandisk e Defrag

2002-07-03 Thread Andrea Celli

On Tue, 2 Jul 2002 16:29:31 +0200
Benedetto Santarella [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Esistono delle versioni per linux di Scandisk e Defrag?

fsck e defrag

 O Linux non ha bisogno di questi tool

Il primo viene avviato automaticamente ogni tot reboot.
Il secondo esiste solo per completezza. Non ho mai sentito dire di nessuno
che l'abbia usato. I file system usati con Linux (ext2, ext3, reiserfs, ...) 
frammentano pochissimo. Anzi, con un uso intenso tendono a deframmentare. 

La cosa è spiegata in modo divertente in un classico articolo di Dicosmo:
Trappola nel ciberspazio

ciao, Andrea

Re: [newbie-it] Wine, come si usa

2002-07-03 Thread Andrea Celli

On Tue, 2 Jul 2002 18:35:37 +0200
Benedetto Santarella [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Qualcuno di voi l'ha mai usato??? 
 E se si,come si usa

Ricopio una risposta che ho dato su un NG:

1) i programmi che girano sono pochi e, per il principio
di malignità del caso, non son quelli che ti servono.
2) i programmi che girano senza problemi sono ncora meno e, per la legge di
Murphy, sono quelli di cui non te ne frega nulla.
3) devi preparare un file di configurazione seguendo il modello
che trovi nella documentazione. Altrimenti cerca tkwine che
ti assiste graficamente nel farlo. Il wine che si scarica da lo ha già incluso.

ciao, andrea

Re: [newbie-it] montaggio CD

2002-07-03 Thread Fabio Manunza

Alle 08:27, mercoledì 3 luglio 2002, hai scritto:
 Giorgio Griffon wrote:
 Uso Linux (Mandrake 8.2) da due settimane e mi sono iscritto alla lista
  per principianti solo perché non c'era quella per ultra-principianti;
  però se qualcuno si degna di rispondere alle mie domande sicuramente
  ovvie, prometto di passare in seguito a quesiti più interessanti.
 Ho letto nei vari manuali che ho sotto mano che è possibile consentire
 all'utente generico il montaggio e smontaggio dei CD Rom e del floppy;
 allora, secondo le indicazioni, ho aggiunto nel file /etc/fstab le opzioni
 users,noauto alle righe corrispondenti ai tre aggeggi (lettore CD,
 masterizzatore, che se per ora già funzionasse come lettore andrebbe bene,
  e floppy). Adesso come utente generico posso accedere alle cartelle
  rispettive, ma il montaggio è ancora una possibilità esclusiva
  dell'utente root. Qualcuno sa dirmi come si fa? E l'opzione supermount
  che ho trovato già predisposta, e secondo il manuale dovrebbe eseguire il
  montaggio automaticamente, quando diavolo è che funziona?

Devo ammettere che il supermount mi ha creato più di un problema per la 
definizione di un fstab decente; tutto, ritengo, ruota attorno a questa 
opzione che stravolge, a mio parere, la sintassi del file.
Se attivi l'opzione user, devono essere attivate anche le opzioni noexec, 
nosuid, nodev (questo supponendo una disabilitazione di supermount).
Se invece preferisci attivare quest'ultimo la riga in fstab di un ipotetico 
device, deve essere di questo genere:
/mnt/cdrom /mnt/cdrom supermount 
dev=/dev/scd0,fs=iso9660,ro,--,iocharset=iso8859-15 0 0
ovviamente tutto su una riga.
Nota la definizione di dev=/dev/scd0, perchè ho voluto porre in emulazione 
scsi il mio lettore cd per eventuali masterizzazioni al volo. Nel caso tu 
volessi mantenere il lettore nelle condizioni originarie poni dev=/dev/hdx, 
con x=posizione del tuo lettore.
Facci sapere.

-- Fabio Manunza -- 
   ## n° macchina 140545 ##

Re: [newbie-it] gimp e web

2002-07-03 Thread arwan

Alle 00:47, mercoledì 3 luglio 2002, contorcendoti la mente su Re: 
[newbie-it] gimp e web, caro Giuseppe Ferruzzi hai scritto: 

 arwan wrote:
 Il  pixie plus image manager  e' compreso in kde (o
 meglio, lo trovo nei tre CD della mdk?)

 Prima di risponderti mi sono informato tramite il solito freshmeate e
 spero che mi perdonerai arwan, sembra che l'autore pixieplus  l'abbia
 previsto solo per Debian e SuSELinux e non per RedHat e Mdk. 

Perdonato... ma solo perche' riesco ad arrangiarmi con xnview! :-)

 Puoi tranquillamente usare xnview e non trascurerei konqueror come
 consigliato da Andrea.

Con konqueror ho provicchiato tempo fa... ma o mi e' sfuggito qualcosa, o non 
risponde bene come xnview.

 Ciao e scusami se ti ho fatto perdere tempo.

Eddeche'? Grazie ancora!


Re: [newbie-it] Wine, come si usa

2002-07-03 Thread Corrado

Il mer, 2002-07-03 alle 12:19, Andrea Celli ha scritto:

 Ricopio una risposta che ho dato su un NG:

 2) i programmi che girano senza problemi sono ncora meno e, per la legge di
 Murphy, sono quelli di cui non te ne frega nulla.

E' vero: io riesco a far girare alla grandissima mIRC e il notepad,
infatti :)
Però devo dire che rispetto a qualche tempo fa programmi come Odigo o
Yahoo Messenger continuano si a non funzionare, ma non funzionano un po'
meglio a ogni nuova release di wine!

Tuttavia, dato che mi sarebbe sorto un dubbio riguardo l'utilizzo di
driver per win sotto emulazione, vorrei sapere se qualcuno sapesse
indicarmi qualche how-to relativo all'argomento...


Re: [newbie-it] montaggio CD - II

2002-07-03 Thread arwan

Alle 21:06, mercoledì 3 luglio 2002, contorcendoti la mente su [newbie-it] 
montaggio CD - II, caro Giorgio Griffon hai scritto: 

 bisogna essere superutente per usare mount. Nella sostanza non cambia
 niente, però la soddisfazione di vedere un messaggio diverso è notevole.

A parte il fatto ceh il superutente e' il root... :-)

 Qualcuno sa aiutarmi?

Cavolo, ne sai piu' di me...


Re: [newbie-it] indirizzi rubriche

2002-07-03 Thread arwan

Alle 21:31, mercoledì 3 luglio 2002, contorcendoti la mente su Re: 
[newbie-it] indirizzi  rubriche, caro nicola hai scritto: 

 Ciao, non so se può esserti utile, ma anche io ho dovuto importare la
 rubrica da win (Outlook Express) a linux (kmail). 

Io sono partite da The Bat, ma il problema e' lo stesso.

 Per riuscirci, prima ho
 esportato la rubrica come file di testo come permesso da win, poi ho aperto
 il file con kspead (credo che un qualsiasi foglio di calcolo vada bene) e
 lo ho risalvato come documento di testo separato da virgola. 

Ho fatto un lavoro simile (saltando un passaggio perche' The Bat mi permette 
gis' di fare i txt con testo separato da virgola, spazio, tab. etc), ma ho 
avuto lo stesso dei problemi (vedi sotto).

 A questo punto
 ho importato in kmail. Non so se è la strada migliore, sicuramente non è la
 più breve...

Pensavo anch'io fosse efficace, infatti sono riuscita ad importare tutti i 
nomi e gli indirizzi di posta... ma non i numeri di telefono e gli altri dati 
che avevo :-(
Cmq provero' ad usre la virgola al posto del tab.


Re: [newbie] OK New adventure in User passwords!

2002-07-03 Thread FemmeFatale

martin wrote:
 --- FemmeFatale [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Gues what I did 

I forgot my user password!  OH JOY!


how the hell do I login now!?

got roots password just not my user one! ;\

ain't I just brilliant?

 if you have the root password, why don't you just
 login as root and do
 passwd user   *whatever your username was)
 then fill in the new password

Thx Martin.  And to answer your question:

Because I didn't think that would work? *SIghs* OK OK So i'm blonde 
today. ;0

The pink's wearing off on my hair and the blonde is coming through loud 
 clear I think :)


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Re: [newbie] OK New adventure in User passwords!

2002-07-03 Thread FemmeFatale

civileme wrote:
 FemmeFatale wrote:
 Gues what I did 

 I forgot my user password!  OH JOY!


 how the hell do I login now!?

 got roots password just not my user one! ;\

 ain't I just brilliant?



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 Ummm, try the command line
 at boot splash screen hit F1 then type
 linux 1
 (I say this because if your security is Higher or Paranoid, you 
 won't be able to login as root from console or GUI anyway)
 When the prompt comes up you are root
 passwd username
 is the command, and it will interact with you.

*files the info for linux 1 away* TY :)

Heh Martin beat you to the cmd but that other piece of info was good too!

:)  Merci luv


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Re: [newbie] Pause while on vacation

2002-07-03 Thread H.J.Bathoorn

On Wed 03 Jul 2002 03:55, Roland Hughes wrote:
 I am going on vacation and need to turn it off for a while, or my isp
 will kill me, and I can not find out how.


send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and put
SET newbie NOMAIL (without the quotes) in the message body.

to recieve again: a message with SET newbie MAIL (no quotes) in the message 

Good luck,

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Re: [newbie] 2 monitors

2002-07-03 Thread Michael Adams

On Tue, 02 Jul 2002 15:37, mandrake wrote:
 How can I setup 2 monitors in linux?
 Im using a NVIDIA GForce 2

Install a second video card. It does not need to be top of the line. An old 
PCI style may be all you need, you decide.


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[newbie] Bounce or Filter?

2002-07-03 Thread Michael Adams

Which is the best option for spam and why?


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[newbie] Couple of Questions Re: Open Office

2002-07-03 Thread Graham Watkins

This may seem like the bleedin' obvious but please indulge me.

I recently got hold of the Linux Format magazine with this as a freebie. 
 Before I install, I'd appreciate it if some of you folks could give 
your views on the following:

1.Are the differences between OO 1.0 and SO 5.2 worth the trouble of 
installing it?

2.Will OO read saved SO documents?

3.Is it advisable to uninstall SO prior to installing OO or can they 
peacefully co-exist
   while I decide which I like best?

Thanks y'all

Graham Watkins

For me, morning begins when I realize that the soft warm body curled up next 
to me is a cat. (Kinky Friedman - Frequent Flyer)

Registered Linux user number 265254

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Re: [newbie] Grep..?

2002-07-03 Thread Moshe Kaminsky

In fact, you probably want *only* the name of the file, for which you
can use
  grep -l ...


* Jan Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] [020701 18:49]:
 * Damian G [EMAIL PROTECTED] [020701 08:46]:
  the command looks like this:
  grep -i -A 2  ~/CDs/* -e searchterm
  will look inside of every file in ~/CDs/ directory, the  -i  switch
  means 'ignore the difference between upper and lowercase' so it can
  find Gaim when i search for gaim , then 
  -A 2 means i want it to show me two lines After the matching  line.
  and  -e searchterm is... well, the search term.
 You might try the -H option to grep.  It produces output like this,
 which might be a cleaner output:
 $ grep -H 'Senator' *.qif
 cash.qif:PSenator Inn
 cp91.qif:PThe Senator Inn  Conf Ctr
 cp92.qif:PSenator Inn  Conference Center
 cp.qif:PThe Senator Inn  Conf Ctr
 cp.qif:PSenator Inn
 cp.qif:ASenator Inn  Conference Cente
 Jan Wilson, SysAdmin _/*];  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Corozal Junior College   |  |:'
 Corozal Town, Belize |  /'
 Reg. Linux user #151611  |_/   Network, SQL, Perl, HTML

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[newbie] Browser compatibility.

2002-07-03 Thread Michael Adams

I tried to visit this site.

The result upset me so much i sent them this.

Incompatible Browser
 From: Michael Adams [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dear Sir

I am one of the many people turning to the Virus Free Linux/Unix alternative 
for my browsing.

Internet Explorer is not written for Linux. Microsofts browser has never been 
a W3C standard for viewing of web pages. HTML has and i have 5 browsers on my 
computer that can read HTML, JAVA, JavaScript, CSS, XML and Flash in most if 
not all of their incarnations.

Making your site available to one browser only is like allowing fords only on 
the road. You force me to do business elsewhere - thus i will comply and do 
bussiness elsewhere.


I am still miffed but i feel better for doing something.


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Re: [newbie] Browser compatibility.

2002-07-03 Thread Michael Adams

On Wed, 03 Jul 2002 19:38, Michael Adams wrote:
 I tried to visit this site.

 The result upset me so much i sent them this.

 Incompatible Browser
  From: Michael Adams [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Dear Sir

 I am one of the many people turning to the Virus Free Linux/Unix
 alternative for my browsing.

 Internet Explorer is not written for Linux. Microsofts browser has never
 been a W3C standard for viewing of web pages. HTML has and i have 5
 browsers on my computer that can read HTML, JAVA, JavaScript, CSS, XML and
 Flash in most if not all of their incarnations.

 Making your site available to one browser only is like allowing fords only
 on the road. You force me to do business elsewhere - thus i will comply and
 do bussiness elsewhere.


 I am still miffed but i feel better for doing something.

Whoops :-( I got bounced, so i sent it to the bounce address


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Re: [newbie] Browser compatibility.

2002-07-03 Thread Graham Watkins

Michael Adams wrote:

I tried to visit this site.

The result upset me so much i sent them this.

(Justifiable complaint snipped)


I am still miffed but i feel better for doing something.

I've fired off a few e-mails along similar lines myself in the last week 
or so.  I've got conciliatory though ultimately unhelpful replies - 
generally along the lines of the use of Windows Media Player being due 
to circumstances beyond their control. (This was particularly galling 
with the live coverage from Glastonbury - I had really wanted to see the 
White Stripes). One of the more knowledgeable respondents suggested I 
get the CrossOver plugin.

I think we should all complain every time we are shut out of a site or 
other resource due to exercising our right to choose non-MS software. 
Eventually they might conclude that it's easier to provide platform 
independent content than to keep having to answer (if answers they can 
be called) the complaints.

Graham Watkins

For me, morning begins when I realize that the soft warm body curled up next 
to me is a cat. (Kinky Friedman - Frequent Flyer)

Registered Linux user number 265254

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Re: [newbie] Browser compatibility.

2002-07-03 Thread Alastair Scott

Hash: SHA1

On Wednesday 03 July 2002 9:21 am, Michael Adams wrote:

  I am still miffed but i feel better for doing something.

 Whoops :-( I got bounced, so i sent it to the bounce address

WD for finding this - I've been hoping to ever since I started using 
Linux but had not come across one yet :)

The source contains the dead giveaway:

meta name='GENERATOR' content='Microsoft FrontPage 4.0'

and the site uses (Microsoft) Internet Information Server.

Evidently a 'Microsoft shop', and it's quite likely 'incompatible 
browser' = 'site done on cheap, thus no testing with other browsers'.

I can view the front page by changing the Konqueror browser 
identification to 'IE 4.01 on Windows 2000' (Tools | Change Browser 
Identification); however, if I go inside Konqueror locks up.

I also love this puffery ('excellent site design' ... for one browser!)

- -- 
Alastair Scott (London, United Kingdom)
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


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Re: [newbie] Couple of Questions Re: Open Office

2002-07-03 Thread Derek Jennings

On Wednesday 03 Jul 2002 9:01 am, Graham Watkins wrote:
 This may seem like the bleedin' obvious but please indulge me.

 I recently got hold of the Linux Format magazine with this as a freebie.
  Before I install, I'd appreciate it if some of you folks could give
 your views on the following:

 1.Are the differences between OO 1.0 and SO 5.2 worth the trouble of
 installing it?

Absolutely. Unless you positively like the SO5.2 desktop, you will find OO is 
streets ahead.

 2.Will OO read saved SO documents?

Absolutely Yes.

 3.Is it advisable to uninstall SO prior to installing OO or can they
 peacefully co-exist
while I decide which I like best?

Not necessarily.  In particular delete the ~/.sversionrc file or else it 
causes problems.

 Thanks y'all

The OO version you have from the magazine may not pick up all your fonts like 
an RPM for Mandrake should. If you have problems with fonts as root run 
./spadmin  which is in the ../program directory of wherever your OO gets 
installed. From there add the fonts in your drakfont directory.



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Re: [newbie] Strange crashes when idle

2002-07-03 Thread Pastor-KC1DI

- Original Message -
From: Pippin Barr [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, July 03, 2002 5:39 AM
Subject: [newbie] Strange crashes when idle

 Hi all,

 I don't know if I consider myself a newbie, having run linux of some sort
 for about three years, but I don't consider myself an expert, so here I

 My problem is unfortunately hard to describe, and what I'm really looking
 for is ideas for establishing what the problem might be.

 Basically, I installed Mandrake 8.2 a few days ago, and it's crashed once
 or twice a day since then. I was tolerating it, until this morning's crash
 when my root partition was damaged. Now I want to get to the bottom of it.

 When it's crashed I can see that my CPU meter is suggest a very high CPU
 load (around 4 lines high on a standard xload meter). Various things lock
 up, generally my web browser. I'm suspicious of mozilla/galeon at present,
 but don't really know for sure.

 Eventually the whole thing dies, and I can ctrl-alt-F1 etc to get to a
 shell, but if I run anything (like pine) the whole thing stops, and
 eventually I can't do anything (like login from another prompt). At that
 point I have to reset my computer...

 As I said, this morning the disk was damaged by this, and I had to
 manually run fsck to fix it up. Annoying.

 Anyone experience similar weird problems?

 I'm going to try not running any mozilla based browsers for a while, to
 see if that helps at all. I'll let you know if it does.

 Thanks for any help you can offer me!

 Pippin Barr

Hi Pippin Barr,

I'm Having a very similar problem here also.. but haven't yet been able to
figure out what exactly is causing the problem.  I've tried several
suggestions ( differen video board/ settings) Mouse settings etc. all to no
avail.. My Machine Crashes almost always while trying to download web pages
or mail.  does not seem to matter what Brower or email client I'm using.. It
Crashes with mozzila , opera, konquerer equally as well.  Please if you
should find out the cure post it to the group so others that may be having
the same problems can benifit.

Also it may help to list your machines equipment parameters so others can
see if it's the same chipset video or something else smimilar.

My Machine is has a SIS 730s Chip set AmD Athlon 950Mhz Proc. 512 MB Ram
with 32 MB share with video Card.

someone help us..

have a nice day

Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
Version: 6.0.373 / Virus Database: 208 - Release Date: 7/1/02

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Re: [newbie] OO print to file (pdf)

2002-07-03 Thread Derek Jennings

On Tuesday 02 Jul 2002 11:55 pm, Todd Slater wrote:
 I'm trying to write an doc to pdf. When I try to open it with xpdf,
 I get this error:

 Error: May not be a PDF file (continuing anyway)
 Error (0): PDF file is damaged - attempting to reconstruct xref table...
 Error: Couldn't find trailer dictionary
 Error: Couldn't read xref table

 GV is able to open it, but when I switch between pages it takes forever to
 display the page. I need to write to pdf so I can print at another

 Has anybody else encountered this problem?


How are you writing your PDF file? The reason I ask is if you run
./spadmin and add a pdf printer it does not actually generate pdf files.  OO 
seems to assume you have Acrobat Distiller installed which as far as I can 
make out is an expensive piece of software. The files generated will actually 
be postscript  which is why gv can display them. Examining the top line of 
the files with an editor will confirm if they are pdf or postscript.

To write pdf files in OO this is what I did.
Using ./spadmin define a printer which has the properties
qtcups --stdin

When you print to that printer you will get a choice of printing to any of the 
CUPS printers including the KDE pdf pseudo printer which itself uses 
ghostview to create pdf documents from postscript.

(Note: Upgrading your ghostscript from the GPL'd version supplied with 
Mandrake to the Aladdin licensed version from the ghostscript home page will 
often make a noticeable improvement in quality. The RedHat rpms work fine)



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[newbie] KDE 3.0.2 out

2002-07-03 Thread Alastair Scott

Hash: SHA1

The changelog is thin and, I suspect, not complete:

Most of the fixes appear to be library-based; at least in my case 
Konqueror is more stable (no more 'bomb' popups) :)

It can be got from:

which automatically redirects you to a mirror.

- -- 
Alastair Scott (London, United Kingdom)
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


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Re: [newbie] Strange crashes when idle

2002-07-03 Thread et

are you running out of swap? disk space? (when I run out of space in /home, 
often the first place I notice is hitting a menu item in a browser) do you 
have an append statement in /etc/lilo.conf that says mem=465? (or some number 
that subtracts the  shared video memory amount from total system ram ie.; 
512 - 32 = 470 and I add a couple a megs to be sure it really had 512 to 

On Wednesday 03 July 2002 05:06 am, you wrote:
 - Original Message -
 From: Pippin Barr [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, July 03, 2002 5:39 AM
 Subject: [newbie] Strange crashes when idle

  Hi all,
  I don't know if I consider myself a newbie, having run linux of some sort
  for about three years, but I don't consider myself an expert, so here I
  My problem is unfortunately hard to describe, and what I'm really looking
  for is ideas for establishing what the problem might be.
  Basically, I installed Mandrake 8.2 a few days ago, and it's crashed once
  or twice a day since then. I was tolerating it, until this morning's
  crash when my root partition was damaged. Now I want to get to the bottom
  of it.
  When it's crashed I can see that my CPU meter is suggest a very high CPU
  load (around 4 lines high on a standard xload meter). Various things lock
  up, generally my web browser. I'm suspicious of mozilla/galeon at
  present, but don't really know for sure.
  Eventually the whole thing dies, and I can ctrl-alt-F1 etc to get to a
  shell, but if I run anything (like pine) the whole thing stops, and
  eventually I can't do anything (like login from another prompt). At that
  point I have to reset my computer...
  As I said, this morning the disk was damaged by this, and I had to
  manually run fsck to fix it up. Annoying.
  Anyone experience similar weird problems?
  I'm going to try not running any mozilla based browsers for a while, to
  see if that helps at all. I'll let you know if it does.
  Thanks for any help you can offer me!
  Pippin Barr

 Hi Pippin Barr,

 I'm Having a very similar problem here also.. but haven't yet been able to
 figure out what exactly is causing the problem.  I've tried several
 suggestions ( differen video board/ settings) Mouse settings etc. all to no
 avail.. My Machine Crashes almost always while trying to download web pages
 or mail.  does not seem to matter what Brower or email client I'm using..
 It Crashes with mozzila , opera, konquerer equally as well.  Please if you
 should find out the cure post it to the group so others that may be having
 the same problems can benifit.

 Also it may help to list your machines equipment parameters so others can
 see if it's the same chipset video or something else smimilar.

 My Machine is has a SIS 730s Chip set AmD Athlon 950Mhz Proc. 512 MB Ram
 with 32 MB share with video Card.

 someone help us..

 have a nice day

 Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
 Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
 Version: 6.0.373 / Virus Database: 208 - Release Date: 7/1/02

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RE: [newbie] Browser compatibility.

2002-07-03 Thread John Bodden

Although I have to use Windows at work I choose not to use IE and switch
between Opera and Netscape. Web designers who only design for one
browser are very shortsighted. Maybe if he/she gets enough email about
it they will see the error of their ways.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Michael Adams
Sent: Wednesday, July 03, 2002 3:39 AM
Subject: [newbie] Browser compatibility.

I tried to visit this site.

The result upset me so much i sent them this.

Incompatible Browser
 From: Michael Adams [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dear Sir

I am one of the many people turning to the Virus Free Linux/Unix
for my browsing.

Internet Explorer is not written for Linux. Microsofts browser has never
a W3C standard for viewing of web pages. HTML has and i have 5 browsers
on my 
computer that can read HTML, JAVA, JavaScript, CSS, XML and Flash in
most if 
not all of their incarnations.

Making your site available to one browser only is like allowing fords
only on 
the road. You force me to do business elsewhere - thus i will comply and
bussiness elsewhere.


I am still miffed but i feel better for doing something.


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[newbie] Re: Mozilla upgrade

2002-07-03 Thread John Richard Smith

daRcmaTTeR wrote:

 John Richard Smith wrote:

 I still don't know about all the pluggins, Mozilla and Netscape 
 seem to have so many. My old mozilla had java realtime as an rpm 
 and I guess this serves again, and does not need changing ?

 John... glad to hear that you've gotten everything installed and 
 working. I'm sure as you're already discovering that Mozilla has 
 come a long way just from version 0.9.8 to version 1.0. as for the 
 plugins you're going to have to download java, and flash, 
 macromedia, and realaudio plugins for Mozilla 1.0. you will have to 
 do this as root, otherwise they won't install. 

 I like what I see, not had time to really use it yet.
 I have alrerady downloaded from , javs, flash and 
 macromedia ,though not real audio,
 I guess these will not do since they are for's own tar 
 bar install. Yes ?

 the one that you downloaded from my server is the same one that is on the plugin packages you grabbed will work just fine.

 I noticed with Mozilla  0.9.8  when the app comes across a need that 
 is not yet installed while on the web
 it throws up a warning messageXYZ is needed by Mozilla to , 
 view, enable whatever, would you like to install now from here  
 -enter  And sometimes I did so.
 your basically saying copy the url and install later , I think.

 well, yes...if you come upon a page that causes Mozilla to squawk 
 about needing a certain plugin, copy the URL to the clipboard, shut 
 down Mozilla and then restart Mozilla as user root so you're able to 
 install the new software into Mozilla. I regular user doesn't have 
 enough permissions to do this.

 It's telling that the sent folder isn't pointing to the correct 
 place in your home directory. check out the image i've attached for 
 seeing 'where' the settings are defined.



 OK, this  is in   Windows(formerly Tasks) - Mail+Newsgroup - View 
 Settings for this Account - Copies+Folders  ,   and like you I have ,

 ( dot ) Send folder on |  |
 ( dot ) Drafts   on |  |
 ( dot ) Templates   on |  
 | alternates are   `local folders '


 John, just take a screen shot of what it is you're trying to describe 
 to me and send it along with the message. It's a bit late, I've been 
 coding all evening, and my eyes just aren't comprehending what it is 
 you're trying to tell me.

OK this is a snapshot of the entry in copies and folders.
This neat don't you think. the send screenshot I mean.


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] Books suggestion.

2002-07-03 Thread Randy Kramer

This is a list of resources that I've found.

I haven't tried all of them.  Most recently, I refound the Mandrake 8.2
Reference Manual
( and
it looks like it's worth a read.  (It may not have worked for me as a
rank newbie.)

Randy Kramer

 On Tue, 02 Jul 2002 22:22:29 -0300
 Filipe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Could you give me a little help answering the add below ??? (It can
  interest others newbies)
  Linux home-user (not IT professional but above dummy in computer
  level), myself, that recently installed Mandrake 8.2 (2 cd's pack),
  with no time for formal course, with some initial difficulty, looks
  an excellent book (just one) of Linux with home-user approach, in
  style: step-by-step / self-study,based on Redhat or Mandrake
  preferably (if it is important), updated version, covering the basic
  topics from: linux installation, soft installation/upgrade; use of
  utilities (backup, anti-virus, firewall), hard/drivers
  upgradeuntil setting home network (at most), for learn and
  reference use.

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Re: [newbie] Wget

2002-07-03 Thread Jordan Elver

Thanks for that, but already tried more or less the same.
The problem is (probably explained beter this time :-)) that I get a 403 HTTP 
error as the directory browsing on the server is turned off, so wget can't find 
the files (I assume). Any ideas? Is it possible to get files only over a 
certain size? Say over 10k?


Quoting Jussi Aalto [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 It's all in 'man wget', but in case you're a lazy reader, read this:
 wget -r -l1 --no-parent -A.gif
 wget -r -l1 --no-parent -A.jpg
 On Tuesday 02 July 2002 22:03, Jordan Elver wrote:
  Could anyone advise me how to use wget?
  I am trying to download a whole directory of images, but directory
  is turned off :-( So wget can't follow them, does anyone know of any
  sites that I can look at?
 Hi!  You have reached 555-0129. None of us are here to answer the phone
 the cat doesn't have opposing thumbs, so his messages are illegible. 
 leave your name and message after the beep...

Jordan Elver

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Re: [newbie] Re: Mozilla upgrade

2002-07-03 Thread Jure Repinc

John Richard Smith wrote:
 OK this is a snapshot of the entry in copies and folders.
 This neat don't you think. the send screenshot I mean.
 This is another screenshot of Mail and Newsgroups window.
 Please note you will see that the wizard that helps you set up the 
 accounts fails to create
 an UNSENT MESSAGE catagory for noth my email accounts, yet it does for
 local folders which I never asked for. See attatched.

Unsent messages are saved into Drafts folder.

Live long and prosper!

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Re: [newbie] HP Surestore 5000

2002-07-03 Thread Manuel Soto

Try flexbackup
On Wed, 2002-07-03 at 00:02, dfox wrote:
  My problem is that I have no idea how to use the tape drive.
  Could someone give me some pointers please.
 I think there's a Tape howto over in the howto docs, but once you
 have the tape working, it's pretty easy to use - you just use the
 /dev/st0 (it is scsi, right?) or /dev/nst0 devises - the second is
 the no-rewind device.
  Is it worth playing with?
 Do yuo like to make backups? Or do you want to risk losing your
 data? :)
  Which tape would work with it?
 My surestore drive uses 4mm DAT tapes - they are DDS-2 and capacity
 is 2 gigs uncompressed. When I got the drive, that was just right
 for copacity; nowadays it is a bit small. But I rarely need to back
 everything up. The tapes I've been using are Imation 4mm tapes - $5
 bucks a pop when I got the drive. 
  What backup software could I use with it?
 Lots support tapes - since it is a device you can just use
 'tar'. I've found that 'tar' is just as easy to use, and probably
 preferable over other backup software. Plus, Arkeia would need X, 
 which translates to a pretty big system build before you could restore
 a tape. Tar can fit on a rescue diskette.

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[newbie] Re: Mozilla upgrade

2002-07-03 Thread John Richard Smith

daRcmaTTeR wrote:

 John Richard Smith wrote:

 I still don't know about all the pluggins, Mozilla and Netscape 
 seem to have so many. My old mozilla had java realtime as an rpm 
 and I guess this serves again, and does not need changing ?

 John... glad to hear that you've gotten everything installed and 
 working. I'm sure as you're already discovering that Mozilla has 
 come a long way just from version 0.9.8 to version 1.0. as for the 
 plugins you're going to have to download java, and flash, 
 macromedia, and realaudio plugins for Mozilla 1.0. you will have to 
 do this as root, otherwise they won't install. 

 I like what I see, not had time to really use it yet.
 I have alrerady downloaded from , javs, flash and 
 macromedia ,though not real audio,
 I guess these will not do since they are for's own tar 
 bar install. Yes ?

 the one that you downloaded from my server is the same one that is on the plugin packages you grabbed will work just fine.

 I noticed with Mozilla  0.9.8  when the app comes across a need that 
 is not yet installed while on the web
 it throws up a warning messageXYZ is needed by Mozilla to , 
 view, enable whatever, would you like to install now from here  
 -enter  And sometimes I did so.
 your basically saying copy the url and install later , I think.

 well, yes...if you come upon a page that causes Mozilla to squawk 
 about needing a certain plugin, copy the URL to the clipboard, shut 
 down Mozilla and then restart Mozilla as user root so you're able to 
 install the new software into Mozilla. I regular user doesn't have 
 enough permissions to do this.

 It's telling that the sent folder isn't pointing to the correct 
 place in your home directory. check out the image i've attached for 
 seeing 'where' the settings are defined.



 OK, this  is in   Windows(formerly Tasks) - Mail+Newsgroup - View 
 Settings for this Account - Copies+Folders  ,   and like you I have ,

 ( dot ) Send folder on |  |
 ( dot ) Drafts   on |  |
 ( dot ) Templates   on |  
 | alternates are   `local folders '


 John, just take a screen shot of what it is you're trying to describe 
 to me and send it along with the message. It's a bit late, I've been 
 coding all evening, and my eyes just aren't comprehending what it is 
 you're trying to tell me.

OK this is a snapshot of the entry in copies and folders.
This neat don't you think. the send screenshot I mean.

This is another screenshot of Mail and Newsgroups window.
Please note you will see that the wizard that helps you set up the 
accounts fails to create
an UNSENT MESSAGE catagory for noth my email accounts, yet it does for
local folders which I never asked for. See attatched.

John Richard Smith

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[newbie] Re: Mozilla upgrade

2002-07-03 Thread John Richard Smith

daRcmaTTeR wrote:

  John Richard Smith wrote:
  I still don't know about all the pluggins, Mozilla and Netscape
  seem to have so many. My old mozilla had java realtime as an rpm
  and I guess this serves again, and does not need changing ?
  John... glad to hear that you've gotten everything installed and
  working. I'm sure as you're already discovering that Mozilla has
  come a long way just from version 0.9.8 to version 1.0. as for the
  plugins you're going to have to download java, and flash,
  macromedia, and realaudio plugins for Mozilla 1.0. you will have to
  do this as root, otherwise they won't install.
  I like what I see, not had time to really use it yet.
  I have alrerady downloaded from , javs, flash and
  macromedia ,though not real audio,
  I guess these will not do since they are for's own tar
  bar install. Yes ?
  the one that you downloaded from my server is the same one that is on the plugin packages you grabbed will work just fine.
  I noticed with Mozilla  0.9.8  when the app comes across a need that
  is not yet installed while on the web
  it throws up a warning messageXYZ is needed by Mozilla to ,
  view, enable whatever, would you like to install now from here
  -enter  And sometimes I did so.
  your basically saying copy the url and install later , I think.
  well, yes...if you come upon a page that causes Mozilla to squawk
  about needing a certain plugin, copy the URL to the clipboard, shut
  down Mozilla and then restart Mozilla as user root so you're able to
  install the new software into Mozilla. I regular user doesn't have
  enough permissions to do this.
  It's telling that the sent folder isn't pointing to the correct
  place in your home directory. check out the image i've attached for
  seeing 'where' the settings are defined.

  OK, this  is in   Windows(formerly Tasks) - Mail+Newsgroup - View
  Settings for this Account - Copies+Folders  ,   and like you I have ,
  ( dot ) Send folder on |  |
  ( dot ) Drafts   on |  |
  ( dot ) Templates   on |
  | alternates are   `local folders '
  John, just take a screen shot of what it is you're trying to describe
  to me and send it along with the message. It's a bit late, I've been
  coding all evening, and my eyes just aren't comprehending what it is
  you're trying to tell me.

OK this is a snapshot of the entry in copies and folders.
This neat don't you think. the send screenshot I mean.

This is another screenshot of Mail and Newsgroups window.
Please note you will see that the wizard that helps you set up the
accounts fails to create
an UNSENT MESSAGE catagory for noth my email accounts, yet it does for
local folders which I never asked for. See attatched.

OOP's I sent the wrong one , second time better.

John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] HP Surestore 5000

2002-07-03 Thread dfox

 Try flexbackup

Try trimming your posts

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Re: [newbie] HP Surestore 5000

2002-07-03 Thread Norman

dfox wrote:

 I think there's a Tape howto over in the howto docs, but once you
 have the tape working, it's pretty easy to use - you just use the
 /dev/st0 (it is scsi, right?) or /dev/nst0 devises - the second is
 the no-rewind device.

  Is it worth playing with?

 Do yuo like to make backups? Or do you want to risk losing your
 data? :)

  Which tape would work with it?

 My surestore drive uses 4mm DAT tapes - they are DDS-2 and capacity
 is 2 gigs uncompressed. When I got the drive, that was just right
 for copacity; nowadays it is a bit small. But I rarely need to back
 everything up. The tapes I've been using are Imation 4mm tapes - $5
 bucks a pop when I got the drive.

  What backup software could I use with it?

 Lots support tapes - since it is a device you can just use
 'tar'. I've found that 'tar' is just as easy to use, and probably
 preferable over other backup software. Plus, Arkeia would need X,
 which translates to a pretty big system build before you could restore
 a tape. Tar can fit on a rescue diskette.


tar cvf /dev/st0 /home/norman

did a backup of my home directory.

I thought I would need some software to rewind the tape

not realising that this would happen automatically after

the above command completed.

I assume /dev/nst0 is used if you just want to append extra

stuff after the first write.

best wishes,


registered Linux user 277766

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[newbie] Mozilla

2002-07-03 Thread John Richard Smith

I have solved the the SAVE UNSENT MESSAGES Problem.

I messed about trying all last night to make the setting right and they 
were ok in the first place.

I decided to go for broke and deleted every mozilla accounts and start 

Of course that wizard appears, because there are no accounts, and asks 
to make you a new one, actually you don't seem to have a choice , so I 
did. Having been through the hoop once I found the terminology just that 
much easier to understand. All these different apps seem to have subtle 
variations on the same theme, never mind that though. I  finished 
setting up the accounts and opened mozilla again, back comes that 
sodding wizard, who say's I haven't got an account, told him to mind his 
own business and open Mozilla.

Mozilla opens.

I set up a test message and tell mozilla  in   file - send message 
later  ,   to save the message,and mozilla duly saves the message , 
not in drafts ,  but in local folders - unsent messages, not in anything 
to do with the actual account. a little bit odd. Never mind it works, 
later I told mozilla to send unsent messages and it did.

Now all I'm left with is getting that sodding wizard to understand that 
I do have accounts,
I don't need reminding every time I start mozilla. But definate progress.

Even though I'm being a little critical here , I can see that there are 
some minor teeting problems, the whole concept that Mozilla is trying to 
become looks very much  The Business .

Thank you , annonymous   daRcmaTTeR , thank you for your help.



John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] Strange crashes when idle

2002-07-03 Thread Pastor-KC1DI

- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, July 03, 2002 6:40 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Strange crashes when idle

 are you running out of swap? disk space? (when I run out of space in
 often the first place I notice is hitting a menu item in a browser) do you
 have an append statement in /etc/lilo.conf that says mem=465? (or some
 that subtracts the  shared video memory amount from total system ram
 512 - 32 = 470 and I add a couple a megs to be sure it really had 512 to

 On Wednesday 03 July 2002 05:06 am, you wrote:
  - Original Message -
  From: Pippin Barr [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Wednesday, July 03, 2002 5:39 AM
  Subject: [newbie] Strange crashes when idle
   Hi all,
   I don't know if I consider myself a newbie, having run linux of some
   for about three years, but I don't consider myself an expert, so here
   My problem is unfortunately hard to describe, and what I'm really
   for is ideas for establishing what the problem might be.
   Basically, I installed Mandrake 8.2 a few days ago, and it's crashed
   or twice a day since then. I was tolerating it, until this morning's
   crash when my root partition was damaged. Now I want to get to the
   of it.
   When it's crashed I can see that my CPU meter is suggest a very high
   load (around 4 lines high on a standard xload meter). Various things
   up, generally my web browser. I'm suspicious of mozilla/galeon at
   present, but don't really know for sure.
   Eventually the whole thing dies, and I can ctrl-alt-F1 etc to get to a
   shell, but if I run anything (like pine) the whole thing stops, and
   eventually I can't do anything (like login from another prompt). At
   point I have to reset my computer...
   As I said, this morning the disk was damaged by this, and I had to
   manually run fsck to fix it up. Annoying.
   Anyone experience similar weird problems?
   I'm going to try not running any mozilla based browsers for a while,
   see if that helps at all. I'll let you know if it does.
   Thanks for any help you can offer me!
   Pippin Barr
  Hi Pippin Barr,
  I'm Having a very similar problem here also.. but haven't yet been able
  figure out what exactly is causing the problem.  I've tried several
  suggestions ( differen video board/ settings) Mouse settings etc. all to
  avail.. My Machine Crashes almost always while trying to download web
  or mail.  does not seem to matter what Brower or email client I'm
  It Crashes with mozzila , opera, konquerer equally as well.  Please if
  should find out the cure post it to the group so others that may be
  the same problems can benifit.
  Also it may help to list your machines equipment parameters so others
  see if it's the same chipset video or something else smimilar.
  My Machine is has a SIS 730s Chip set AmD Athlon 950Mhz Proc. 512 MB Ram
  with 32 MB share with video Card.
  someone help us..
  have a nice day
Yes I have the append statement mem=480M

and I have 980M swap space I think but I will check that out today ..

Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
Version: 6.0.373 / Virus Database: 208 - Release Date: 7/1/02

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Re: [newbie] Re: Mozilla upgrade

2002-07-03 Thread robin

John Richard Smith wrote:

 daRcmaTTeR wrote:

 John Richard Smith wrote:

 I still don't know about all the pluggins, Mozilla and Netscape 
 seem to have so many. My old mozilla had java realtime as an rpm 
 and I guess this serves again, and does not need changing ?

 John... glad to hear that you've gotten everything installed and 
 working. I'm sure as you're already discovering that Mozilla has 
 come a long way just from version 0.9.8 to version 1.0. as for the 
 plugins you're going to have to download java, and flash, 
 macromedia, and realaudio plugins for Mozilla 1.0. you will have to 
 do this as root, otherwise they won't install. 

When I installed java, it crashed Mozilla on opening any page containing 
java.  I checked the doc pages, but it just said that this was a known 
bug.  Does anyone know a workarounds (preferrably one that doesn't 
involve hacking source code)?

Sir Robin

We're clouds over the sea, or flecks of matter
in the ocean when the ocean seems lit from within.
I know I'm drunk when I start this ocean talk. - Rumi

Robin Turner
Bilkent Üniversitesi
Ankara 06533

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Re: [newbie] Sound Problems (was BIG Trouble)

2002-07-03 Thread john drouhard

On Tuesday 02 July 2002 09:28 am, you wrote:
 I keep getting error messages llike

 Artsd should run with realtime scheduling, but it does not (is artswrapper
 suid root?).

 The aRts sound daemon will not autosuspend right now since there are active

 SounServer shows Run soundserver with realtime priority ticked.

to check and see if artwrapper is running suid root, type:
ls -l $(which artswrapper)

If you get this,
-rwxr-xr-x1 root root

It is bad. This is good.
-rwsr-xr-x1 root root

To get the s, follow these commands,
chown root $(which artswrapper)
chmod 4755 $(which artswrapper)

That'll fix the real time sceduling error, and I do advise using Full Duplex. 
The sound quality is not good without it.

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Re: [newbie] Windows Games

2002-07-03 Thread Ronald J. Hall

On Tuesday 02 July 2002 11:59 pm, you wrote:

 i have seen a few, but not much.  it boils down to the chicken and the egg.
 if nobody makes linux games, you buy win games and run them in linux, but
 then nobody is buying linux games, so why make linux games?

 personally, i support wine because they are doing something bigger than
 games, but i only buy games if they are for linux.  i miss loki

So do I, Shane! I bought just about everything they offered... ;-(


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Re: [newbie] Re: Mozilla upgrade

2002-07-03 Thread John Richard Smith

robin wrote:

 John Richard Smith wrote:

 daRcmaTTeR wrote:

 John Richard Smith wrote:

 I still don't know about all the pluggins, Mozilla and Netscape 
 seem to have so many. My old mozilla had java realtime as an rpm 
 and I guess this serves again, and does not need changing ?

 John... glad to hear that you've gotten everything installed and 
 working. I'm sure as you're already discovering that Mozilla has 
 come a long way just from version 0.9.8 to version 1.0. as for the 
 plugins you're going to have to download java, and flash, 
 macromedia, and realaudio plugins for Mozilla 1.0. you will have 
 to do this as root, otherwise they won't install. 

 When I installed java, it crashed Mozilla on opening any page 
 containing java.  I checked the doc pages, but it just said that this 
 was a known bug.  Does anyone know a workarounds (preferrably one that 
 doesn't involve hacking source code)?

 Sir Robin

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It's not much help, but what version are you running ?
If it's not the latest, maybe an update.


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] HP Surestore 5000

2002-07-03 Thread daRcmaTTeR

On Wed, 3 Jul 2002, Norman wrote:

 tar cvf /dev/st0 /home/norman
 did a backup of my home directory.
 I thought I would need some software to rewind the tape
 not realising that this would happen automatically after
 the above command completed.
 I assume /dev/nst0 is used if you just want to append extra
 stuff after the first write.
 best wishes,
 registered Linux user 277766 you've really got my curiosity peeked. once you get the files 
on the tape, how in the world does one browse, find, and then get the 
file(s) off the tape? I've never done this before, but am truely facinated 
by this. 


R L U: #186492
When ever people annoy me I remember, Vengence is mine saith the Lord.
My prayer is, am I Lord...send me!

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RE: [newbie] HP Surestore 5000

2002-07-03 Thread Tibbetts, Ric

On Wed, 3 Jul 2002, Norman wrote:

 tar cvf /dev/st0 /home/norman
 did a backup of my home directory.
 I thought I would need some software to rewind the tape
 not realising that this would happen automatically after
 the above command completed.
 I assume /dev/nst0 is used if you just want to append extra
 stuff after the first write.
 best wishes,
 registered Linux user 277766 you've really got my curiosity peeked. once you get the files 
on the tape, how in the world does one browse, find, and then get the 
file(s) off the tape? I've never done this before, but am truely facinated 
by this. 

If you put 'em on there with tar, take 'em off with tar.
To get a listing of them:

tar -tvf /dev/st0  tape_list.tar (would output the contents to a file)
Want one off?
tar -xvf /dev/st0 path/filename

Want to get really trick, you can compress the files when you write them to
tape with tar:

tar -czvf /dev/st0 files to be backed up

To get those off:

tar -zxvf /dev/st0 filespec

The z in tar will compress/uncompress them on the fly. There are far
better utilities for doing backups than tar. But in a pinch, it works. Let's
not forget that tar is short for Tape ARchive
In fact, tar should by default use whatever your default tape drive is.
(works that way on AIX, Solaris,  HP-UX anyway) You just type:  tar -xv
files to back up If you leave off the f, it defaults to the first tape
drive. The f flag is actually to designate a file name for the archive
other than tape. I haven't tried this on Linux. Maybe I'll check mine when I
get home.. ;)

Have fun!


Now the fun part: This is like a lottery: Will this actually post or not. I
haven't had any luck lately. I've almost given up trying.

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Re: [newbie] Strange crashes when idle

2002-07-03 Thread et

On Wednesday 03 July 2002 11:08 am, you wrote:
 - Original Message -
 Sent: Wednesday, July 03, 2002 6:40 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Strange crashes when idle

  are you running out of swap? disk space? (when I run out of space in


  often the first place I notice is hitting a menu item in a browser) do
  you have an append statement in /etc/lilo.conf that says mem=465? (or


  that subtracts the  shared video memory amount from total system ram


  512 - 32 = 470 and I add a couple a megs to be sure it really had 512 to
  On Wednesday 03 July 2002 05:06 am, you wrote:
   - Original Message -
   From: Pippin Barr [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Wednesday, July 03, 2002 5:39 AM
   Subject: [newbie] Strange crashes when idle
Hi all,
I don't know if I consider myself a newbie, having run linux of some


for about three years, but I don't consider myself an expert, so here


My problem is unfortunately hard to describe, and what I'm really


for is ideas for establishing what the problem might be.
Basically, I installed Mandrake 8.2 a few days ago, and it's crashed


or twice a day since then. I was tolerating it, until this morning's
crash when my root partition was damaged. Now I want to get to the


of it.
When it's crashed I can see that my CPU meter is suggest a very high


load (around 4 lines high on a standard xload meter). Various things


up, generally my web browser. I'm suspicious of mozilla/galeon at
present, but don't really know for sure.
Eventually the whole thing dies, and I can ctrl-alt-F1 etc to get to
a shell, but if I run anything (like pine) the whole thing stops, and
eventually I can't do anything (like login from another prompt). At


point I have to reset my computer...
As I said, this morning the disk was damaged by this, and I had to
manually run fsck to fix it up. Annoying.
Anyone experience similar weird problems?
I'm going to try not running any mozilla based browsers for a while,


see if that helps at all. I'll let you know if it does.
Thanks for any help you can offer me!
Pippin Barr
   Hi Pippin Barr,
   I'm Having a very similar problem here also.. but haven't yet been able


   figure out what exactly is causing the problem.  I've tried several
   suggestions ( differen video board/ settings) Mouse settings etc. all


   avail.. My Machine Crashes almost always while trying to download web


   or mail.  does not seem to matter what Brower or email client I'm


   It Crashes with mozzila , opera, konquerer equally as well.  Please if


   should find out the cure post it to the group so others that may be


   the same problems can benifit.
   Also it may help to list your machines equipment parameters so others


   see if it's the same chipset video or something else smimilar.
   My Machine is has a SIS 730s Chip set AmD Athlon 950Mhz Proc. 512 MB
   Ram with 32 MB share with video Card.
   someone help us..
   have a nice day

 Yes I have the append statement mem=480M

 and I have 980M swap space I think but I will check that out today ..

 Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
 Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
 Version: 6.0.373 / Virus Database: 208 - Release Date: 7/1/02

512-32 = 480 
maybe add a few more megs to be on the safe side, I have noticed some boxes 
with 2, 256 meg strips may count as 510megs ram or 516 megs ram. not sure 
why, but with that much ram, why chance it.  (512-[32+6]=_474_, and then make 
sure you run /sbin/lilo after editing lilo.conf. you sure ain't likly to be 
running out of swap.

true enough about heat, probly the most common cause of truly random 
lockups especially if you include broke CPU fans in the heat catagory, 
however taking the sides off, while an acceptable temporary test method, in 
the long term the dust buildup and static charge acssoceated with the dust 
makes it not to good in the long run (IMHO). best to get enough air running 
thru the case with added fans and heatsinks. removing the side covers often 
does not really improve the airflow around the CPU, kinda like taking the 
shroud off the radiator in the car because you have too many bugs in the 
radiator to get air thru. Believe i or not, there may have even been some 
thought to the design of the case that directs flow from the front of the 
case towards the back. blowing the dust off the cards and boards and fans 
once in a while is not a bad idea either. and do use some heatsink grease 
when you install a cpu fan. not a lot (a dab is plenty, the stuff has legs 
and will get everywhere [like your good shirt in the closet] 

[newbie] Now the fun part: Ric's tid-bits

2002-07-03 Thread et

 Now the fun part: This is like a lottery: Will this actually post or not. I
 haven't had any luck lately. I've almost given up trying.
we got this one (hope you ain't offended by the play on your name,,, I bet 
you NEVER heard that one b4

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Re: [newbie] Ok you got me started

2002-07-03 Thread tom brinkman

On Tuesday 02 July 2002 02:40 pm, Terence J. Golightly wrote:

   # I2C adapter drivers
   # I2C chip drivers

   These are just comment lines, nothin's being done
Show stopper.  sensors-dectect is failing to find any i2c
  hardware to match a driver to, or v-versa.  What motherboard ?
  (brand  model)

 SoYo Dragon Plus Athlon xp 2100 plus.

 Check my attachments.
i2c-via.o: vt82c586b not found
i2c-via.o: Error while reading PCI configuration

 It's not finding a sensor module for your mobo's chipset. Could 
be other reasons, but maybe the mobo's chipset isn't supported yet? 
You might try puting these lines in /etc/rc.d/rc.local

# I2C adapter drivers
modprobe i2c-via(try also,  modprobe i2c-viapro)
# I2C chip drivers
modprobe lm80 (try also,  modprobe lm75)
modprobe eeprom

 and these in /etc/modules.conf
# I2C module options
alias char-major-89 i2c-dev

 also add this line to /etc/modules

...and see if it works.  Other than that, I'm at a loss. You might 
need to report the problem directly to lm_sensors, or get with 
someone who's got a SY-Dragon+ and see how they got sensors workin, 
and with what kernel.  With the latest cooker kernels I'm gettin 
scrambled mostly useless output from lm_sensors.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] Browser compatibility.

2002-07-03 Thread Anne Wilson

On Wednesday 03 Jul 2002 9:35 am, you wrote:
 Michael Adams wrote:
 I tried to visit this site.
 The result upset me so much i sent them this.

 (Justifiable complaint snipped)

 I am still miffed but i feel better for doing something.

 I've fired off a few e-mails along similar lines myself in the last week
 or so.  I've got conciliatory though ultimately unhelpful replies -
 generally along the lines of the use of Windows Media Player being due
 to circumstances beyond their control. (This was particularly galling
 with the live coverage from Glastonbury - I had really wanted to see the
 White Stripes). One of the more knowledgeable respondents suggested I
 get the CrossOver plugin.

 I think we should all complain every time we are shut out of a site or
 other resource due to exercising our right to choose non-MS software.
 Eventually they might conclude that it's easier to provide platform
 independent content than to keep having to answer (if answers they can
 be called) the complaints.

On similar lines, though Windows based, I complained to HSBC bank that I was 
unable to access the on-line bank whilst using Netscape 6.2.  I was told that 
it was not and would not be supported as it was inherently insecure i.e. 
could save login/passwords.

I guess I should have pointed out to them that I could just as easily do that 
from any number of my linux browsers, if I were stupid enough to do so, but I 
didn't.  I regret that now, although they would probably have just seen that 
as an excuse to block out linux browsers as well.

You could just as well say that I can't have a PIN nu,mber, because I might 
write it down.  How stupid can you get?


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Re: [newbie] Browser compatibility.

2002-07-03 Thread et

On Wednesday 03 July 2002 12:10 pm, you wrote:
 On Wednesday 03 Jul 2002 9:35 am, you wrote:
  Michael Adams wrote:
  I tried to visit this site.
  The result upset me so much i sent them this.
  (Justifiable complaint snipped)
  I am still miffed but i feel better for doing something.
  I've fired off a few e-mails along similar lines myself in the last week
  or so.  I've got conciliatory though ultimately unhelpful replies -
  generally along the lines of the use of Windows Media Player being due
  to circumstances beyond their control. (This was particularly galling
  with the live coverage from Glastonbury - I had really wanted to see the
  White Stripes). One of the more knowledgeable respondents suggested I
  get the CrossOver plugin.
  I think we should all complain every time we are shut out of a site or
  other resource due to exercising our right to choose non-MS software.
  Eventually they might conclude that it's easier to provide platform
  independent content than to keep having to answer (if answers they can
  be called) the complaints.

 On similar lines, though Windows based, I complained to HSBC bank that I
 was unable to access the on-line bank whilst using Netscape 6.2.  I was
 told that it was not and would not be supported as it was inherently
 insecure i.e. could save login/passwords.

 I guess I should have pointed out to them that I could just as easily do
 that from any number of my linux browsers, if I were stupid enough to do
 so, but I didn't.  I regret that now, although they would probably have
 just seen that as an excuse to block out linux browsers as well.

 You could just as well say that I can't have a PIN nu,mber, because I might
 write it down.  How stupid can you get?

have you tried it with the browser reporting that it is ie4+? if they are 
going to tell me I cann't come in without the right key, and the only thing 
that makes it the right key is me telling them it's the right key then if 
I want in still, I will tell them; heck yea, it's the right key, and it 
fits and i have been using this key for x number of months

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Re: [newbie] Strange crashes when idle

2002-07-03 Thread Dan LaBine

 true enough about heat, probly the most common cause of truly random
 lockups especially if you include broke CPU fans in the heat catagory,
 however taking the sides off, while an acceptable temporary test method,
 the long term the dust buildup and static charge acssoceated with the dust
 makes it not to good in the long run (IMHO). best to get enough air
 thru the case with added fans and heatsinks. removing the side covers
 does not really improve the airflow around the CPU, kinda like taking the
 shroud off the radiator in the car because you have too many bugs in the
 radiator to get air thru. Believe i or not, there may have even been some
 thought to the design of the case that directs flow from the front of the
 case towards the back. blowing the dust off the cards and boards and fans
 once in a while is not a bad idea either. and do use some heatsink grease
 when you install a cpu fan. not a lot (a dab is plenty, the stuff has legs
 and will get everywhere [like your good shirt in the closet] anyway)

Agreed! Extra coolers and sinks are the way to go! Just thought about the
panels as a test.
But YES, go with the coolers if your power supply can handle them.


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Re: [newbie] Re: Mozilla upgrade

2002-07-03 Thread daRcmaTTeR

On Wed, 3 Jul 2002, Raffaele Belardi wrote:

 I just jumped into this thread, so maybe I lost something, but I don't 
 have any problem with Mozilla1.0 + JRE1.4.0 + MDK8.2
  From Mozilla's Help-AboutPlugins does the java plugin result installed ok?

yes, if you're running the browser as root user at the time you download 
and install the plugin it will work just fine. you *must* be root though 
at the time. 


R L U: #186492
When ever people annoy me I remember, Vengence is mine saith the Lord.
My prayer is, am I Lord...send me!

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Re: [newbie] Browser compatibility.

2002-07-03 Thread Bill Davidson

On Wed, 3 Jul 2002 17:10:13 +0100
Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On similar lines, though Windows based, I complained to HSBC bank that
 I was unable to access the on-line bank whilst using Netscape 6.2.  I
 was told that it was not and would not be supported as it was
 inherently insecure i.e. could save login/passwords.
 I guess I should have pointed out to them that I could just as easily
 do that from any number of my linux browsers, if I were stupid enough
 to do so, but I didn't.  I regret that now, although they would
 probably have just seen that as an excuse to block out linux browsers
 as well.
 You could just as well say that I can't have a PIN nu,mber, because I
 might write it down.  How stupid can you get?

Insecure? Have they read ANYTHING about IE. Besides you can save
passwords with IE just like any browser.


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[newbie] Mandrake != United Linux

2002-07-03 Thread Alastair Scott

Hash: SHA1

I have to say the rebuttal of the concept of UL is superbly argued!

- -- 
Alastair Scott (London, United Kingdom)
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


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Re: [newbie] Browser compatibility.

2002-07-03 Thread Bryan Tyson

On Wednesday 03 July 2002 03:38, Michael wrote:

 I tried to visit this site.
 The result upset me so much i sent them this.

I sent the letter below, and I encourage everyone on the list to send a 
similar letter. 

Subject: Create a Real Web Site Please
From: Bryan S. Tyson [EMAIL PROTECTED]

When attempting to view your site using Konqueror 2.2.1 and Mozilla 
0.9.4, both Linux web browsers, I was curtly informed that my browser 
is incompatible. Your site, sir, is what is incompatible. Stick 
with established standards and real html, not Microsoft proprietary 

Powered by SuSE Linux 7.3 Professional
KDE 2.2.1 KMail 1.3.1
This is a Microsoft-free computer

Bryan S. Tyson

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Re: [newbie] Browser compatibility.

2002-07-03 Thread Alastair Scott

Hash: SHA1

On Wednesday 03 July 2002 6:48 pm, Bryan Tyson wrote:

 When attempting to view your site using Konqueror 2.2.1 and Mozilla
 0.9.4, both Linux web browsers, I was curtly informed that my browser
 is incompatible. Your site, sir, is what is incompatible. Stick
 with established standards and real html, not Microsoft proprietary

Excellent - even someone who can't string two words together will 
understand that :)

It may well work. Some time ago was a famous 
browser-cracker but (in my Windows days) I and others managed to 
persuade the Co-Operative Bank to make it work with Opera. They did 
better and threw out all the non-standards-compliant plumbing; it now 
works with all three principal Linux browsers whereas, I suspect, it 
once worked with none of them.

(I admit to pressing down on a huge lever; the Co-Op takes great pride 
in being an ethical organisation* and I wrote to the CEO arguing that 
cutting out potential swathes of users through carelessness was both 
unethical and poor business sense!)


- -- 
Alastair Scott (London, United Kingdom)
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


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Re: [newbie] Browser compatibility.

2002-07-03 Thread Josef Lowder

The protest message I send to offending websites: 

Do you realize that limitations you have built into your website 
cut off more than half the world from being able to access your website? 

How savvy is that? 

Why in the world would you design your website to require visitors 
to use any one type of browser (and/or specific add-on functions like 
flash) when more than half of the computer users in the world cannot 
access your website as a consequence? 

Furthermore, when they require a bunch of personal info that I do not 
want to provide, I just put X's in each field and for an email address: 


 On Wednesday 03 Jul 2002 9:35 am, you wrote:
  Michael Adams wrote:
  I tried to visit this site.
  The result upset me so much i sent them this.

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RE: [newbie] HP Surestore 5000

2002-07-03 Thread Tibbetts, Ric

On Wed, 3 Jul 2002, Tibbetts, Ric wrote: you've really got my curiosity peeked. once you get the files 
 on the tape, how in the world does one browse, find, and then get the 
 file(s) off the tape? I've never done this before, but am truely
 by this. 
 If you put 'em on there with tar, take 'em off with tar.
 To get a listing of them:
 tar -tvf /dev/st0  tape_list.tar (would output the contents to a file)
 Want one off?
 tar -xvf /dev/st0 path/filename
 Want to get really trick, you can compress the files when you write them
 tape with tar:
 tar -czvf /dev/st0 files to be backed up
 To get those off:
 tar -zxvf /dev/st0 filespec
 The z in tar will compress/uncompress them on the fly. There are far
 better utilities for doing backups than tar. But in a pinch, it works.
 not forget that tar is short for Tape ARchive
 In fact, tar should by default use whatever your default tape drive is.
 (works that way on AIX, Solaris,  HP-UX anyway) You just type:  tar -xv
 files to back up If you leave off the f, it defaults to the first tape
 drive. The f flag is actually to designate a file name for the archive
 other than tape. I haven't tried this on Linux. Maybe I'll check mine when
 get home.. ;)
 Have fun!
 Now the fun part: This is like a lottery: Will this actually post or not.
 haven't had any luck lately. I've almost given up trying.


thank you SO much for that awesome information. I can now see what is on 
the tape now by writing the contents to a file. however when I attempt to 
extract a specific file from the tape is tells me that the listed file is 
not found in the archive.

==error message===
[root@tapeserv root]# tar -xvf /dev/st0 /home/mdw1982/.mc/ini
tar: /home/mdw1982/.mc/ini: Not found in archive
tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors
== end error message ===

Try dropping the leading slash from the filespec:

tar -xvf /dev/st0 home/mdwwhatever/somefile

Just watch where you're sitting when you do that. I think if you check the
listing you made with 'tar -tvf', you'll notice the leading slash is not
there. Tar does that so you can restore them anywhere. If the leading slash
is still on, then the file will only restore to it's original location.
I usually have a /Data/Restore filesystem for doing restores. I get them off
tape to that directory, then put them in place. It's a hassle, but I've
hammered home directories by dropping them straight in. (turned a whole home
directory into 0 length files... oops!).


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Re: [newbie] Enabling quota

2002-07-03 Thread Anand Kumar Kalyanasundaram

I figured out what it was. I had a quota file, but it was
empty and that was causing the Invalid argument error.
By the way, webmin has an easier way of enabling quotas. But
I think there is a bug in the webmin method because, it
was trying to turn-on quota twice in the same script file !
These quota commands are in /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit (for your info).

I have been using linux for 2 months now and this has been a
nice experience for me.

Thanks Mr.Sridar and all.


On Tue, 2 Jul 2002, Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:

 On Mon, 1 Jul 2002 23:40:55 -0500 (CDT), Anand Kumar Kalyanasundaram
  I am trying to enable userquota on my /home partition. I
  added the following script to a file in /etc/rc.d/rc5.d
  # Check quota and then turn quota on.
  if [ -x /usr/sbin/quotacheck ]
  echo Checking quotas. This may take some time.
  /usr/sbin/quotacheck -avug
  echo  Done.
  if [ -x /usr/sbin/quotaon ]
  echo Turning on quota.
  /usr/sbin/quotaon -avug
  I get the following error:
  Jul  1 23:10:49 localhost quotaon: quotaon: using
  /home/aquota.user on /dev/hda6: Invalid argument
  Jul  1 23:10:49 localhost rc.sysinit: Enabling local
  filesystem quotas:  failed Jul  1 23:10:50 localhost
  quotaon: quotaon: using /home/aquota.user on /dev/hda6:
  Invalid argument
  I get this Invalid argument error even when I try to
  enable userquotas using webmin.
  Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong here ?

 Is your /home partition ReiserFS? ReiserFS needs to be patched to support

 Sridhar Dhanapalan

   We are Linux. Resistance is measured in Ohms.

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Re: [newbie] HP Surestore 5000

2002-07-03 Thread et

On Wednesday 03 July 2002 01:43 pm, you wrote:
 On Wed, 3 Jul 2002, Tibbetts, Ric wrote: you've really got my curiosity peeked. once you get the files
  on the tape, how in the world does one browse, find, and then get the
  file(s) off the tape? I've never done this before, but am truely
   facinated by this.
  If you put 'em on there with tar, take 'em off with tar.
  To get a listing of them:
  tar -tvf /dev/st0  tape_list.tar (would output the contents to a file)
  Want one off?
  tar -xvf /dev/st0 path/filename
  Want to get really trick, you can compress the files when you write them
  to tape with tar:
  tar -czvf /dev/st0 files to be backed up
  To get those off:
  tar -zxvf /dev/st0 filespec
  The z in tar will compress/uncompress them on the fly. There are far
  better utilities for doing backups than tar. But in a pinch, it works.
  Let's not forget that tar is short for Tape ARchive
  In fact, tar should by default use whatever your default tape drive is.
  (works that way on AIX, Solaris,  HP-UX anyway) You just type:  tar -xv
  files to back up If you leave off the f, it defaults to the first
  tape drive. The f flag is actually to designate a file name for the
  archive other than tape. I haven't tried this on Linux. Maybe I'll check
  mine when I get home.. ;)
  Have fun!
  Now the fun part: This is like a lottery: Will this actually post or not.
  I haven't had any luck lately. I've almost given up trying.


 thank you SO much for that awesome information. I can now see what is on
 the tape now by writing the contents to a file. however when I attempt to
 extract a specific file from the tape is tells me that the listed file is
 not found in the archive.

 ==error message===
 [root@tapeserv root]# tar -xvf /dev/st0 /home/mdw1982/.mc/ini
 tar: /home/mdw1982/.mc/ini: Not found in archive
 tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors
 == end error message ===

 what is it trying to tell me?
that you have a puncuation problem?
tar -xvf /dev/st0/home/mdw1982/.mc/ini home/mdw1982/.mc/ini 
heck I Know squat about tar... I bet I am way wrong

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RE: [newbie] HP Surestore 5000

2002-07-03 Thread daRcmaTTeR

On Wed, 3 Jul 2002, Tibbetts, Ric wrote:

 On Wed, 3 Jul 2002, Tibbetts, Ric wrote: you've really got my curiosity peeked. once you get the files 
  on the tape, how in the world does one browse, find, and then get the 
  file(s) off the tape? I've never done this before, but am truely
  by this. 
  If you put 'em on there with tar, take 'em off with tar.
  To get a listing of them:
  tar -tvf /dev/st0  tape_list.tar (would output the contents to a file)
  Want one off?
  tar -xvf /dev/st0 path/filename
  Want to get really trick, you can compress the files when you write them
  tape with tar:
  tar -czvf /dev/st0 files to be backed up
  To get those off:
  tar -zxvf /dev/st0 filespec
  The z in tar will compress/uncompress them on the fly. There are far
  better utilities for doing backups than tar. But in a pinch, it works.
  not forget that tar is short for Tape ARchive
  In fact, tar should by default use whatever your default tape drive is.
  (works that way on AIX, Solaris,  HP-UX anyway) You just type:  tar -xv
  files to back up If you leave off the f, it defaults to the first tape
  drive. The f flag is actually to designate a file name for the archive
  other than tape. I haven't tried this on Linux. Maybe I'll check mine when
  get home.. ;)
  Have fun!
  Now the fun part: This is like a lottery: Will this actually post or not.
  haven't had any luck lately. I've almost given up trying.
 thank you SO much for that awesome information. I can now see what is on 
 the tape now by writing the contents to a file. however when I attempt to 
 extract a specific file from the tape is tells me that the listed file is 
 not found in the archive.
 ==error message===
 [root@tapeserv root]# tar -xvf /dev/st0 /home/mdw1982/.mc/ini
 tar: /home/mdw1982/.mc/ini: Not found in archive
 tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors
 == end error message ===
 Try dropping the leading slash from the filespec:
 tar -xvf /dev/st0 home/mdwwhatever/somefile
 Just watch where you're sitting when you do that. I think if you check the
 listing you made with 'tar -tvf', you'll notice the leading slash is not
 there. Tar does that so you can restore them anywhere. If the leading slash
 is still on, then the file will only restore to it's original location.
 I usually have a /Data/Restore filesystem for doing restores. I get them off
 tape to that directory, then put them in place. It's a hassle, but I've
 hammered home directories by dropping them straight in. (turned a whole home
 directory into 0 length files... oops!).


Thanks...that did the trick. Now all I've got to do is figure out just how 
to erase the tape before backing up to it. Or, does that happen 
automagically when tar begins to write to the device? 


R L U: #186492
When ever people annoy me I remember, Vengence is mine saith the Lord.
My prayer is, am I Lord...send me!

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[newbie] openssh 3.4 problem on mdk7.2

2002-07-03 Thread Franki

Hi People...

I just upgraded ssh on a mdk7.2 server (used MandrakeUpdate to get
openssh3.4) and now I have a problem..

when I try to login remotely, I get this message:

# ssh -X -C
no matching comp found: client zlib server none

yet if I login with webmin, ssh is running fine..

I did notice that ssh added a ssh user to /etc/passwd is that normal???

Has anyone else had this problem? and if so, what did you do about it?

I am updating one of my 8.2 boxes to see if I get the same problem... I'll
let you know.



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RE: [newbie] HP Surestore 5000

2002-07-03 Thread Tibbetts, Ric

 that you have a puncuation problem?
 tar -xvf /dev/st0/home/mdw1982/.mc/ini home/mdw1982/.mc/ini 
 heck I Know squat about tar... I bet I am way wrong

I don't think that will work. If you did that, tar would be looking for a

And that wouldn't exist. He just needed to drop the leading / off the


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RE: [newbie] HP Surestore 5000

2002-07-03 Thread Tibbetts, Ric

Thanks...that did the trick. Now all I've got to do is figure out just how 
to erase the tape before backing up to it. Or, does that happen 
automagically when tar begins to write to the device? 

No worries!
Tar will blindly write over anything that's already on the tape. So you
don't need to format the tape. Trust me, formatting a tape (even erasing
one) can be excruciatingly slow! Just write over them.

Once you get artful, you can start playing with the mt commands (move
tape). Then you can use non-rewinding devices, and put more than one tar
file on a tape (provided you have room). ;)

If you start running tight on space on that tape, remember to add the z
flag when you create, and read the tape. Then it will compress the data.
Depending on what the data is, it can recover a lot of space.


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Re: [newbie] HP Surestore 5000

2002-07-03 Thread daRcmaTTeR

On Wed, 3 Jul 2002, et wrote:

  thank you SO much for that awesome information. I can now see what is on
  the tape now by writing the contents to a file. however when I attempt to
  extract a specific file from the tape is tells me that the listed file is
  not found in the archive.
  ==error message===
  [root@tapeserv root]# tar -xvf /dev/st0 /home/mdw1982/.mc/ini
  tar: /home/mdw1982/.mc/ini: Not found in archive
  tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors
  == end error message ===
  what is it trying to tell me?
 that you have a puncuation problem?
 tar -xvf /dev/st0/home/mdw1982/.mc/ini home/mdw1982/.mc/ini 
 heck I Know squat about tar... I bet I am way wrong

actually et, you were really close. heck, for all i know your way could be 
right also.  


R L U: #186492
When ever people annoy me I remember, Vengence is mine saith the Lord.
My prayer is, am I Lord...send me!

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Re: [newbie] Browser compatibility.

2002-07-03 Thread shane

Hash: SHA1

On Wednesday 03 July 2002 04:55 am, Jure Repinc did speak unto the huddled 
masses, saying:

 If you set it to represent itself as IE. If you set it to represent
 itself as Opera, site blocks it.
 Sites like this really stink.

i have always wondered how much of the IE % of use is really other browsers 
pretending.  damn chicken and egg again

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RE: [newbie] openssh 3.4 problem on mdk7.2

2002-07-03 Thread Franki


my bad,,

the problem isn't with ssh.. it was my 8.2 box reporting in a very odd way
that the 7.2 box's credentials had changed...

sorry for wasting peoples time, (assuming I did.)

Still, thats an odd way of telling me that..



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Franki
Sent: Thursday, 4 July 2002 2:04 AM
Subject: [newbie] openssh 3.4 problem on mdk7.2

Hi People...

I just upgraded ssh on a mdk7.2 server (used MandrakeUpdate to get
openssh3.4) and now I have a problem..

when I try to login remotely, I get this message:

# ssh -X -C
no matching comp found: client zlib server none

yet if I login with webmin, ssh is running fine..

I did notice that ssh added a ssh user to /etc/passwd is that normal???

Has anyone else had this problem? and if so, what did you do about it?

I am updating one of my 8.2 boxes to see if I get the same problem... I'll
let you know.



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RE: [newbie] openssh 3.4 problem on mdk7.2

2002-07-03 Thread Franki

ok, so I was wrong again..

my win box via terra term pro and ttssh can log into the mdk7.2 box.. but my
8.2 box can't

I have removed all references to that box from the known_hosts file on the
8.2 box, and it still gives me
the: no matching comp found: client zlib server none error..

anyone know why??

Both boxes have now been upgraded to openssh 3.4



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Franki
Sent: Thursday, 4 July 2002 2:04 AM
Subject: [newbie] openssh 3.4 problem on mdk7.2

Hi People...

I just upgraded ssh on a mdk7.2 server (used MandrakeUpdate to get
openssh3.4) and now I have a problem..

when I try to login remotely, I get this message:

# ssh -X -C
no matching comp found: client zlib server none

yet if I login with webmin, ssh is running fine..

I did notice that ssh added a ssh user to /etc/passwd is that normal???

Has anyone else had this problem? and if so, what did you do about it?

I am updating one of my 8.2 boxes to see if I get the same problem... I'll
let you know.



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[newbie] Lilo

2002-07-03 Thread Brian R Koppe

I still have not been able to get LILO working - someone mentioned using
the Mandrake install CD as a boot disc and typing repair at the prompt
before it goes to the graphical install.  Unfortunately, I have no idea
where this is - I looked and looked and I see no opportunity to type
anything.  I'm using the Download Edition of Mandrake 8.2.



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[newbie] Open Office

2002-07-03 Thread babalas

Hi there,
I tried installing Open Office. The installation stops and gives me the
message that the drive is out of space. I know that there is no shortage
of space on the drive.Has anyone run into this problem before? Thanks in


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[newbie] G3 MT with SYM53c875 and OrangeMicro USB/FireWire

2002-07-03 Thread Fred Klein


After many attempts I finally managed to install Mandrake Linux 8.2 PPC on
my beige G3 MT 333.
However, I had to remove both the UW-SCSI (SYM53c875) and USB/FireWire
(OrangeMicro) PCI cards to get that far.
When I keep these installed, I cannot boot (BootX) as either the kernel
somehow has a problem handling USB devices on an ADB native Mac, or the
install program freezes when trying to install the driver for the SCSI card.

Can you please help me?

In addition, I also removed my Voodoo 2 3Dfx card as I did not dare hitting
more conflicts. So I used the built in ATI Rage II video card. Is my Voodoo
2 card supported? Would it be better than using the ATI one?

Last but not least, once I had Linux running, I noticed some graphical
glitches in the fonts: about 5 pixels are randomly missing per character. It
does not look like a general video problem as the graphics (icons and so on)
did not miss any pixels. Only the fonts. Any idea what's going on?

Thanks in advance

best regards

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[newbie] Printer config problem

2002-07-03 Thread Anne Wilson

I'm having problems with printer margins.  I know someone asked this a couple 
of weeks ago, but I never saw the answer.

I have found the utility for adjusting margins, but like the previous 
llister, when I print the page for measuring the bottom is missing (obviously 
- the margins need adjusting ;-)

Could someone please run this utility and give me the formula that should be 
at the bottom, so that I can input the correct values.



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Re: [newbie] Re: Mozilla upgrade

2002-07-03 Thread Anne Wilson

On Wednesday 03 Jul 2002 1:51 pm, you wrote:
 daRcmaTTeR wrote:
   John Richard Smith wrote:


 This is another screenshot of Mail and Newsgroups window.
 Please note you will see that the wizard that helps you set up the
 accounts fails to create
 an UNSENT MESSAGE catagory for noth my email accounts, yet it does for
 local folders which I never asked for. See attatched.

Just jumped in, and may have misunderstood, but if is an ISP?...

Don't you think that unsent messages are better kept on your local machine?  
Personally I use tiscali, which offers webmail, but I prefer to download 
messages, keep copies of sent messages and everything else on my local 

Each to his own - but I feel more in control that way.


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[newbie] LISa

2002-07-03 Thread Anne Wilson

'The LISa daemon is now configured correctly, hopefully.  Make sure that it is
 started with root previleges.  A good idea would be to start it when your
 system boots.  (lisa --kde2)'

I know this means putting it into a config file - one of the rc.d ones, I 
think.  Can someone please direct me?


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Re: [newbie] Ok you got me started

2002-07-03 Thread Terence J. Golightly

On Mon, 2002-07-01 at 18:28, Dennis Myers wrote:
 On Monday 01 July 2002 05:25 pm, you wrote:
  On Mon, 2002-07-01 at 10:10, tom brinkman wrote:
   On Sunday 30 June 2002 03:37 pm, Terence J. Golightly wrote:
  sensors -s gives a no sensors found message.  I looked at the
  sensors.conf file and I know I need help in setting it up.

Did you read the docs, run 'sensors-detect', and put the
 appropriate lines in modules.conf and rc.local ?
I still have more reading to do.  From the docs it looks
complicated.  I recompiled a kernel here and there but not gotten
as involved in loading modules and manipulating rc.d files and
I'm beginning to suspect you're workin from a tarball.  don't,
   and don't use those docs.  No kernel recompile is neccessary.
   Mandrake kernels have had the i2c modules for a long time. Install
   the lm_sensors rpm, use urpmi as I don't remember if the
   liblm_sensors rpm is needed or not. Then it should be as simple as
   orun 'sensors-detect' and hit Enter for each question it asks
   ocut'n paste the lines it generates into the appropriate
modules.conf or rc.local file (detect tells you what goes where).
Addi2c-proc   to /etc/modules (not modules.conf)
   oEasiest thing is to reboot, tho it can be done without rebooting.
   oType 'sensors' in a term, and you should see sensor output.
   Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas
  Sorry, my posts are incomplete.  I did install an rpm of lm_sensors
  A first run of sensors-detect and it found my Pine tnt2 video card but
  couldn't find the i2c-riva driver. I went to the url that was given but
  got lost in the links.
  i2c-elektor.o.gzinsmod failed and something about incorrect
  parameters, including invalid IO or IRQ params.
  i2c-elv.o.gzinsmod failed same message as above.
  i2c-phillips-par.o.gz   loaded successfully
  i2c-velleman.o.gz   init_module: no such device and same errors as
  i2c-dev already loaded
  How do I check to see if some of these might already be loaded into the
  kernel.  I check the directory path to the files in quesiton and they
  are there.
  scan ISA bus yes
  bunch of error messages for chips that arn't on my board.
  Summary of probes just done:
  press enter to continue.   didn't print anything before this line?
  I chose to use smbus for loading I2c modules.
  I then get the following:
  #cut here 
  # I2C adapter drivers
  # I2C chip drivers
  #cut here 
  To make sensors modules behave correctly,add these lines to either
  /etc/modules.conf or /etc/conf.modules:
  #cut here 
  # I2C module operations
  alias char-major-89 i2c-dev
  #cut here 
  Sorry if I have sent incomplete info for your consumption.  I will try
  to be more vigilant in future exchanges.

 Terry, the above lines, each after cut here, should should be copied into :  
 /etc/rc.d/rc.local   for the first one and then into the /etc/modules.conf  
 for the second one. Do not include the cut here lines. Do include the # 
 signs, which makes me wonder if the first for the rc.local file, is complete 
 or correct, cause both lines are commented so no drivers are shown. 

I'll do that after I find out why sensors-detect is not finding the
drivers for my system. i.e. the first cut-out section has no commands to
place into etc/rc.d/rc.local.

What mother board do you have? 

It is a Soyo Dragon Plus.

and are you sure you copied the lines in their 
 entirety?  You can copy the lines with kedit or gedit text editors,  probably 
 the easiest is to navigate to the files and open with advanced editor. HTH
I have included some attachments that have appeared in another post. I
hope they can shed some light on this.

Many Thanks,



total 96
-rw-r--r--1 root root 4914 Sep 23  2001 i2c-algo-bit.o.gz
-rw-r--r--1 root root 3623 Sep 23  2001 i2c-algo-pcf.o.gz
-rw-r--r--1 root root 3382 Sep 23  2001 i2c-ali15x3.o.gz
-rw-r--r--1 root root 2660 Sep 23  2001 i2c-amd756.o.gz
-rw-r--r--1 root root 9037 Sep 23  2001 i2c-core.o.gz
-rw-r--r--1 root root 3680 Sep 23  2001 i2c-dev.o.gz
-rw-r--r--1 root root 2343 Sep 23  2001 i2c-elektor.o.gz
-rw-r--r--1 root root 1691 Sep 23  2001 i2c-elv.o.gz
-rw-r--r--1 root root 1462 Sep 23  2001 i2c-hydra.o.gz
-rw-r--r--1 root root 3731 Sep 23  2001 i2c-i801.o.gz
-rw-r--r--1 root root 2040 Sep 23  2001 i2c-i810.o.gz
-rw-r--r--1 root root 1179 Sep 23  2001 i2c-isa.o.gz
-rw-r--r--1 root root 2015 Sep 23  2001 i2c-philips-par.o.gz
-rw-r--r--1 root root 3291 

Re: [newbie] Sound Problems (was BIG Trouble)

2002-07-03 Thread Anne Wilson

On Wednesday 03 Jul 2002 11:27 am, you wrote:
 On Tuesday 02 July 2002 09:28 am, you wrote:
  I keep getting error messages llike
  Artsd should run with realtime scheduling, but it does not (is
  artswrapper suid root?).
  The aRts sound daemon will not autosuspend right now since there are
  active modeles.
  SounServer shows Run soundserver with realtime priority ticked.

 to check and see if artwrapper is running suid root, type:
 ls -l $(which artswrapper)

 If you get this,
 -rwxr-xr-x1 root root

 It is bad. This is good.
 -rwsr-xr-x1 root root

 To get the s, follow these commands,
 chown root $(which artswrapper)
 chmod 4755 $(which artswrapper)

 That'll fix the real time sceduling error, and I do advise using Full
 Duplex. The sound quality is not good without it.

Thanks - that's a great help.  At least it has started up (fresh login) 
without the error messages.  Any other recommendations while we're on the 


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RE: [newbie] Lilo

2002-07-03 Thread Jose Ventura

I think it's not 'repair' but 'rescue' (without the quotes), but you can
always do a upgrade install, do not chose any packages to install and
configure lilo again...

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Brian R Koppe
Sent: quarta-feira, 3 de Julho de 2002 20:49
Subject: [newbie] Lilo

I still have not been able to get LILO working - someone mentioned using
the Mandrake install CD as a boot disc and typing repair at the prompt
before it goes to the graphical install.  Unfortunately, I have no idea
where this is - I looked and looked and I see no opportunity to type
anything.  I'm using the Download Edition of Mandrake 8.2.



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Re: [newbie] Open Office

2002-07-03 Thread babalas

On Wed, 2002-07-03 at 15:54, babalas wrote: 
 Hi there,
   I tried installing Open Office. The installation stops and gives me the
 message that the drive is out of space. I know that there is no shortage
 of space on the drive.Has anyone run into this problem before? Thanks in

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Never mind - Stupid me - The directory that I installed to didn't have
enough room. 

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Re: [newbie] LISa

2002-07-03 Thread LtCdData

On Wednesday 03 July 2002 9:09, you wrote:
 'The LISa daemon is now configured correctly, hopefully.  Make sure that it
 is started with root previleges.  A good idea would be to start it when
 your system boots.  (lisa --kde2)'

 I know this means putting it into a config file - one of the rc.d ones, I
 think.  Can someone please direct me?


i used webmin to add LISa was a lot easier, lisa was all i required to 
use on MD8.2 ( no--KDE bit required)
tho i prefer to use komba2 on CD3 as it works a lot better for me

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[newbie] mingetty

2002-07-03 Thread Jay

okay, I have had my server up for 6 days..I usually have top running..
Out of no where I have a process called mingetty that appears 5 times in a
row. This has not been there in the last 5 days.

Does anyone know what this does or why it has appeared?


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Re: [newbie] Windows Games

2002-07-03 Thread D. Olson

On Wednesday 03 July 2002 11:40 am, you wrote:
 So do I, Shane! I bought just about everything they offered... ;-(

I saw three Loki games today - EUS (I already have it), Myth II, and some 
train simulator game.

I would have loved to buy both of the latter two, but I decided on just Myth 
II.  Why? Not because I am not supporting the Linux games, but I mean, $45 
for a TRAIN SIM? I am sorry, but I just don't like trains.

So I got Myth II for $7.99.

If that train sim is still there in a month or so, I will offer them $15 for 

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Re: [newbie] mingetty

2002-07-03 Thread Derek Jennings

On Wednesday 03 Jul 2002 10:06 pm, Jay wrote:
 okay, I have had my server up for 6 days..I usually have top running..
 Out of no where I have a process called mingetty that appears 5 times in a
 row. This has not been there in the last 5 days.

 Does anyone know what this does or why it has appeared?

mingetty should be there all the time. It is the process which manages the 
consoles on Ctl+Alt+F1 through to F6 There should be 6 of them not 5
It is not a problem. You can ignore them.


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Re: [newbie] Windows Games

2002-07-03 Thread D. Olson

Well strap a collar on and call me Lassie... I actually found a Loki game 
today... Myth II - $7.99 CAD... I got it. Gonna try it in a few minutes.

On Tuesday 02 July 2002 11:59 pm, you wrote:
 On Tuesday 02 July 2002 05:30 pm, D. Olson did speak unto the huddled

 masses, saying:
  Yes, very strange indeed. Funny how I only ever saw ONE Linux game on a
  store shelf... Hmm... Go figure.

 i have seen a few, but not much.  it boils down to the chicken and the egg.
 if nobody makes linux games, you buy win games and run them in linux, but
 then nobody is buying linux games, so why make linux games?

 personally, i support wine because they are doing something bigger than
 games, but i only buy games if they are for linux.  i miss loki

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Re: [newbie] StarOffice 6.0 can't save file

2002-07-03 Thread Bob Read

Civileme, your instructions worked quite well and SO6
is behaving nicely on the installation I tried them on.

HOWEVER,  uninstalling SO6 took gnome and a number  of
other things with it,  Is there any way to uninstall
the SO6  without losing so much else in the process?
I still have one more to do.


civileme wrote:
 You cannot upgrade to SO 6.0.  System-wide upgrades are likely to cause
 some problems anyway but here is the method for SO 6.0 so that you can
 run it afterward  It is not an upgrade artifact in this case but an
 improper installation.
 1. Uninstall SO6
 2. Look for two files named .sversionrc and .user60.rdb (note the leading
 dots!) and delete them if you find them (I found them in my home path)
 3. In an xterm window, log in as root (su)
 4. urpmi staroffice-en
 5. /usr/lib/office60_en/setup to start the setup script
 6. select the local (200MB) installation. Change the path for this
 installation to /opt/staroffice6.0
 7. complete the installation (btw, if you don't have a Java runtime
 environment installed, you can do so by clicking the INSTALL button on
 the JRE
 8. exit
 9. execute the setup script again as a local user, and this time select
 workstation installation.
 If you do not activate it exactly this way, you will have permissions
 problems with saving backup files and such.
 Please not that you can login as another user and run the setup script
 (just click the menu button for Staroffice writer) to set it up as
 another workstation installation for that user.
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Re: [newbie] Lilo

2002-07-03 Thread Barry Premeaux

On Wednesday 03 July 2002 12:48 pm, you wrote:
 I still have not been able to get LILO working - someone mentioned using
 the Mandrake install CD as a boot disc and typing repair at the prompt
 before it goes to the graphical install.  Unfortunately, I have no idea
 where this is - I looked and looked and I see no opportunity to type
 anything.  I'm using the Download Edition of Mandrake 8.2.



At the initial screen, use F1.  Then you will get a prompt at which you type 


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Re: [newbie] Lilo

2002-07-03 Thread John Richard Smith

Brian R Koppe wrote:

I still have not been able to get LILO working - someone mentioned using
the Mandrake install CD as a boot disc and typing repair at the prompt
before it goes to the graphical install.  Unfortunately, I have no idea
where this is - I looked and looked and I see no opportunity to type
anything.  I'm using the Download Edition of Mandrake 8.2.




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Put cd1 in rom drive and boot when you reach install bits skip then till 
you choose upgrade , trundle past  some more  to the lilo install bit , 
then hop past the rest and reboot. Take care with your lilo entries. It 
will install lilo in your MBR  again
If you messup, don't worry use an old winblowers boot disk to A prompt 
and type fdisk mbr that removes it . Start again.

John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] Sound Problems (was BIG Trouble)

2002-07-03 Thread john drouhard

On Wednesday 03 July 2002 01:42 pm, you wrote:
 Thanks - that's a great help.  At least it has started up (fresh login)
 without the error messages.  Any other recommendations while we're on the


Is your sound working ok, or are there still problems with the XMMS plugins. 
aRtsd is used by ALSA, so if you choose that in KDE control center, then it 
will definitely use aRtsd. I advise putting it back on OSS or Autodetect. 
ALSA has many errors a lot. I find OSS to be the best.

John Drouhard

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Re: [newbie] I thought Wal Mart had a deal with L-MDK?

2002-07-03 Thread D. Olson

On Wednesday 03 July 2002 06:51 pm, you wrote:
 If that was true, yes, you would be more open to viruses (virii isn't a
 word), but since Lindows has made it clear that users log in using
 usernames and passwords, I think that they have fixed this hole.

 Unless I read their FAQ wrong...

Well paint me purple and call me Barney. Looks like they didn't bother 
changing it, but they did mention it in the FAQ...

The lurking terror of Root

So far I haven't addressed the questionable design decision to make the user 
run as root. This opens the door for viruses and insecurities like the ones 
that have plagued Windows for years. The Unix system of limited privileges 
has been an effective means of restricting viral code. To throw all that away 
now seems very foolish.

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Re: [newbie] Browser compatibility.

2002-07-03 Thread Len Lawrence

On Wed, 3 Jul 2002, Michael Adams wrote:

 I tried to visit this site.

 The result upset me so much i sent them this.
 ... snip ...

Good for you.  You can view the site in Opera with the identifier set to
MSIE 5.0 - but don't tell them that!
Len Lawrence

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Re: [newbie] HP Surestore 5000

2002-07-03 Thread dfox

 And that wouldn't exist. He just needed to drop the leading / off the

Fundamentally, one would not try to tar to /dev/st0/home/whatever.
The tape doesn't have a filesystem. to the OP - just use /dev/st0. You
aren't going to be able to access the tape as a disk, so don't try to
do so: there is no real concept of a 'root' directory or what have
you on a tape, and you don't really need it anyway, because it's where
you are in the filesystem when you *restore* that determines where
the data is going to end up.


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Re: [newbie] HP Surestore 5000

2002-07-03 Thread dfox

 If you start running tight on space on that tape, remember to add the z
 flag when you create, and read the tape. Then it will compress the data.
 Depending on what the data is, it can recover a lot of space.

I'm not a big fan of using compression on the tapes, and I really haven't
tried it. The downside is if you have a marginal tape, most of the data
(anything after the marginal spot) becomes hard or impossible to recover.

But I wonder if it is better to use the z flag (i.e, 'tar' does the
compression, through gzip) or by preselecting compression (using mt; I think
there's an option) beforehand.


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Re: [newbie] HP Surestore 5000

2002-07-03 Thread dfox

 Thanks...that did the trick. Now all I've got to do is figure out just how 
 to erase the tape before backing up to it. Or, does that happen 
 automagically when tar begins to write to the device? 

You don't have to. It's done by the tape hardware itself, just like a
regular audio/video tape. Sometimes a bulk eraser (courtesy of Radio Shack)
helps, but I personally haven't found a need to for DAT tapes - I just 
keep writing on top of what was there before.

There is an 'erase' option in 'mt' but I've never used it.

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Re: [newbie] HP Surestore 5000

2002-07-03 Thread dfox

 tar -xvf /dev/st0/home/mdw1982/.mc/ini home/mdw1982/.mc/ini 
 heck I Know squat about tar... I bet I am way wrong

That won't work, sorry. Tapes don't have filesystems, and if you just
want to back up starting from /home/mdw* just do:

tar -cvf /dev/st0 /home/md*

If you look at the output of tar (hence the 'v' option) you'll see a
list of files, all starting with 'home'. Tar omits the leading '/' (there
is an option to change this behavior) by default. When you do the restore,
simply cd into the directory (/home/mdw*) and restore it. 

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Re: [newbie] HP Surestore 5000

2002-07-03 Thread dfox

 Try dropping the leading slash from the filespec:
 tar -xvf /dev/st0 home/mdwwhatever/somefile
 Just watch where you're sitting when you do that. I think if you check the
 listing you made with 'tar -tvf', you'll notice the leading slash is not

Ric - good advise. Just remember the difference between relative and
absolute path names. Without the leading slash, that's a relative 
pathnmae -- i.e., relative to where you are now. If you are going to
restore home, remember you must be at the top of the tree (cd /) because
'home' (or /home) is a directory off of /, and surely enough, when you
restore in /, all the filenames just fall neatly where they're supposed
to be. It's probably less error prone to backup /home/username rather than
just 'username' -- even if it means one extra directory in the paths of
all your files. 

Not remembering 'where is this data reative to where I am in the filesystem'
is easy to do, and oftentimes one ends up with /tmp/usr/bin/something or
/home/ed/ed/wheatever if in the wrong place prior to the restore -- hell
I've done it enough times :(.

It's also why I tell people to 'tvf' before they 'xvf' when using 'tar' 

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Re: [newbie] HP Surestore 5000

2002-07-03 Thread dfox

 To get those off:
 tar -zxvf /dev/st0 filespec
 The z in tar will compress/uncompress them on the fly. There are far
 better utilities for doing backups than tar. But in a pinch, it works. Let's

That's one aspect where the commercial backup systems should fare better
than plain 'tar' -- selective restore. The tape solution I had back
when I was using DOS let me just point and click files that I wanted
to restore. Plus, the files were stored at the beginning in a special
hash / index file, so if you wanted to restore 'foo' it would fast-forward
to where foo was, and get it. 

In a pinch, tar works well -- and it's best for full system restores,
since the other solutions are usually too bgi and/or require too much
installed just to run off of a floppy. The other available packages
(arkeia, etc.) also may do better at incremental or differential system
backups -- but that's an area that I have not yet tried.

Just remember that a tape is a sequential device, so selective file 
restore is less convenient. 

Speaking of backups, there is 'dump' and 'restore' - these are less
familiar for most linux people, but they are fairly entrenched in
bsd. dump is probably harder to use and more arcane, and I've played
with it less than 'tar' but it does let you rummage around the tape
almost like a filesystem, you can interactively list directories, and
so forth. 

(With this thread and the recent one on recording streams I hope
I get to have an impact changing magnetic patterns on a whole slew
of systems out there :).


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