Re: [newbie-it] Fwd: Piccoli inconvenienti

2002-10-02 Thread sandro

Hash: SHA1

Alle 11:17, lunedì 30 settembre 2002, hai scritto:
 1) In un qualunque file di testo o in StarOffice Writer, o Calc - comunque
 non con kmail - volendo far scorrere leggermente la schermata per avanzare
 solo di tre o quattro righe, se pongo il puntatore sul cursore al margine
 destro della pagina per più di quell'istante necessario ad avanzare di una
 riga soltanto, accade che il testo cominci a scorrere da se', fermandosi
 solo una volta arrivato in fondo al file. Dove sbaglio? Succede anche ad

Provato, sinceramente no.

 2) Capita spesso che richiamando con Konqueror, o direttamente con
 StarOffice (6.0) files di Office dalla partizione Windows del disco rigido,
 ottenga un crash. Compare sul monitor la scritta: Si è verificato un
 errore irrimediabile. Tutti i file modificati sono stati salvati e
 probabilmente verranno recuperati al prossimo avvio del programma.

Probabilmente è una questione di permessi. Ricordo un thread di parecchio 
tempo fa, riguardante un problema simile con il vecchio StarOffice, ma non 
ricordo i detagli, mi dispiace.

 (Domanda come sopra) 3) Se voglio fare un copia-incolla da un file di
 StarWrite a kmail ottengo solo copiature parziali ( di un file -- un
 paragrafo e mezzo; di un paragrafo -- tre righe e un po'; di una riga due
 parole...). Ciò comporta che se voglio, per es., inviare come Plain Text un
 file .doc, debbo aprirlo con SOffice, richiuderlo salvando come .txt,
 riaprirlo come tale ed infine effettuare il copia-incolla. Esiste un
 sistema più semplice? 

Provato anche questo ma da me funziona tutto OK.
Come selezioni il testo da copiare-incollare? Utilizzi il mouse? Hai provato 
con la combinazione di tasti shift - freccia verso destra o shift - 
freggia giù  per selezionare?

 4) Per riuscire a trasferire un testo da kword a
 soffice non ho trovato di meglio che effettuare un copia-incolla prima su
 kmail, poi da questa ad un editor eppoi finalmente aprire con soffice !!!
 Forse c'e' un sistema piu' pratico... 

Io solitamente seleziono con il mouse tutto il testo da copiare con il mouse, 
vado su OpenOffice e premendo il tasto centrale del mouse il testo mi viene 
incollato (se hai un mouse con soli due tasti li devi premere 
contemporaneamente per ottenere lo stesso effetto).

 5) C'è un modo per evitare che
 virgolette ed altri segni di interpunzione mi compaiano sotto forma di
 messaggi cifrati (un#8217;amica, ecc.)? 6) In molti casi (mails o lettura
 di *.doc con SOffice) i tre puntini di sospensione, così come le virgolette
 per evidenziare un termine, mi si trasformano in punti interrogativi. Anche
 scaricando testi da Internet, l'apostrofo è sistematicamente sostituito dal
 punto interrogativo. C'è rimedio?

Dovrebbe dipendere dalle impostazioni della lingua e del set di caratteri 


- -- 
Dr. Sandro Porrazzini - A.I.P. n° 2075 - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Mandrake Linux 8.2 on PIII 866 Mhz
Linux User #203143
Linux Machine #103048
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


[newbie-it] come importare

2002-10-02 Thread mario

saluti a tutti,come posso importare la rubbrica di outlook in kmail,
grazie come sempre 

Re: [newbie-it] come importare

2002-10-02 Thread Daniele Micci

Alle 14:30, mercoledì 2 ottobre 2002, hai scritto:
 saluti a tutti,come posso importare la rubbrica di outlook in kmail,
 grazie come sempre

Ciao Mario,
puoi provare in due modi:

1) il primo, sconsigliato, è il metodo usato dagli utenti Linux 
dell'undicesimo secolo, ed è detto della copiatura amanuense (vedi il 
saggio di Ser Linus da Vinci, del 1087)... ;-)

2) oppure prova così:
- apri l'Outlook Express, dal menù FILE seleziona ESPORTA, quindi RUBRICA;
- scegli come formato di esportazione FILE DI TESTO (COMMA SEPARATED VALUES);
- clicca su ESPORTA ed indica nome e percorso del file: dopo aver selezionato 
quali voci della rubrica di OE vuoi esportare (nome, cognome, cellulare, 
etc.) ti troverai con un file con estensione .csv;
- riavvia il PC e carica Linux;
- apri il file appena creato con un editor e sostituisci tutti i caratteri 
; (punto e virgola) col carattere , (virgola)... ovviamente, non farlo a 
mano... usa il comando sostituisci...;
- carica KMail ed apri la rubrica degli indirizzi;
- dal menù FILE della rubrica seleziona IMPORTA LISTA;
- indica il FILE DA IMPORTARE (ovvero quello creato da OE ed appena 
- dovrebbe comparirti una tabella tipo foglio elettronico... a questo punto 
non devi fare altro che abbinare a ciascuna colonna, che già dovrebbe avere 
un titolo in riga uno, la corrispondente voce della rubrica di KMail... ed 
il gioco dovrebbe essere fatto! Fammi sapere se funziona...


Re: [newbie-it] come importare

2002-10-02 Thread Andrea Celli

On Wed, 2 Oct 2002 15:58:54 +0200
Daniele Micci [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Alle 14:30, mercoledì 2 ottobre 2002, hai scritto:
  saluti a tutti,come posso importare la rubbrica di outlook in kmail,
  grazie come sempre
 Ciao Mario,
 puoi provare in due modi:
 1) il primo, sconsigliato, è il metodo usato dagli utenti Linux 
 dell'undicesimo secolo, ed è detto della copiatura amanuense (vedi il 
 saggio di Ser Linus da Vinci, del 1087)... ;-)
da non sottovalutare .. :-)))

un altro modo e quello di andare su e cercare outlook o
outlook import. Ci sono parecchi sw che promettono di fare quello
che lui desidera.
Personalmente, non li ho mai provati .. anche perché non ho mai usato
guardafuori. ;)

Una buona interoperabilità con OL dovrebbe averla evolution ce, dicono,
ne è un clone quasi perfetto.

ciao, andrea

[newbie-it] questa

2002-10-02 Thread ba-rk

Questa non me la aspettavo,da linux con KDE ero 
riuscito a vedere windows "/dev/hda 1/ e la cosa funzionava...adesso non so 
per quale motivo come clicco sull'icona c'è un gran sferragliare del disco fisso 
(il secondo in cui,risiede linux) non mi si apre nessuna finestra,ma in compeso 
sento tuttii file musicali di windows con xmmal di la dell'aqua 
santa che devo ancora provare,ho provato di tutto ho rifatto un centinaio di 
volte la procedura:crea nuovo/disco rigido/dispositivo/dev/hda 1.etc etc 
ma ad adesso non ho risolto niente cambiato icona,rinominto,nada de 
come sempre vi ringrazio davvero

Re: [newbie-it] come importare

2002-10-02 Thread Fabio Manunza

Alle 14:30, mercoledì 2 ottobre 2002, hai scritto:
 saluti a tutti,come posso importare la rubbrica di outlook in kmail,
 grazie come sempre

Premetto che non l'ho usata come funzione, ma su file di kmail c'è proprio 
l'opzione importa...
-- Fabio Manunza -- 
   ## n° macchina 140545 ##

Re: [newbie-it] questa

2002-10-02 Thread Stefano Sebastiani

Alle 18:21, mercoledì 2 ottobre 2002, ba-rk ha scritto:
 Questa non me la aspettavo,da linux con KDE ero riuscito a vedere windows
 /dev/hda 1/ e la cosa funzionava...adesso non so per quale motivo come
 clicco sull'icona c'è un gran sferragliare del disco fisso (il secondo in
 cui,risiede linux) non mi si apre nessuna finestra,ma in compeso sento
 tutti i file musicali di windows con xmm al di la dell'aqua santa che devo
 ancora provare,ho provato di tutto ho rifatto un centinaio di volte la
 procedura:crea nuovo/disco rigido/dispositivo/dev/hda 1.etc etc ma
 ad adesso non ho risolto niente cambiato icona,rinominto,nada de
 nada..aiutooo come sempre vi ringrazio davvero

Smanettare non serve quasi mai!
Prova a loggarti su un'altro terminale (ctrl+alt+ 6 o 5 o 4 o 3o 2 o 1)come 
root, lancia mc e guarda se in /mnt/win vedi qualcosa, se sì guarda i 
permessi (con mc e molto facile) e settali in modo che UGO possa navigare 
nelle directori.
Se no guarda in etc/fstab cosa c'è scritto per il tuo device.

Re: [newbie-it] questa

2002-10-02 Thread ba-rk

MHAA?ho guardato ma mi sembra tutto normalenon è che avete qualche
altra idea?
- Original Message -
From: Stefano Sebastiani [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 02, 2002 8:55 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] questa

 Alle 18:21, mercoledì 2 ottobre 2002, ba-rk ha scritto:
  Questa non me la aspettavo,da linux con KDE ero riuscito a vedere
  /dev/hda 1/ e la cosa funzionava...adesso non so per quale motivo
  clicco sull'icona c'è un gran sferragliare del disco fisso (il secondo
  cui,risiede linux) non mi si apre nessuna finestra,ma in compeso sento
  tutti i file musicali di windows con xmm al di la dell'aqua santa che
  ancora provare,ho provato di tutto ho rifatto un centinaio di volte la
  procedura:crea nuovo/disco rigido/dispositivo/dev/hda 1.etc etc
  ad adesso non ho risolto niente cambiato icona,rinominto,nada de
  nada..aiutooo come sempre vi ringrazio davvero

 Smanettare non serve quasi mai!
 Prova a loggarti su un'altro terminale (ctrl+alt+ 6 o 5 o 4 o 3o 2 o
 root, lancia mc e guarda se in /mnt/win vedi qualcosa, se sì guarda i
 permessi (con mc e molto facile) e settali in modo che UGO possa
 nelle directori.
 Se no guarda in etc/fstab cosa c'è scritto per il tuo device.

Re: [newbie-it] questa

2002-10-02 Thread miKe

Hash: SHA1

Alle 18:21, mercoledì 2 ottobre 2002, ba-rk ha scritto:
 Questa non me la aspettavo,da linux con KDE ero riuscito a vedere
 windows /dev/hda 1/ e la cosa funzionava...adesso non so per
 quale motivo come clicco sull'icona c'è un gran sferragliare del
 disco fisso (il secondo in cui,risiede linux) non mi si apre
 nessuna finestra,ma in compeso sento tutti i file musicali di
 windows con xmm 

serve  vedere 
(taglialo all'ultimo giorno...)

se xmms funzia significa che la partizione c'è ed è montata

per sicurezza manda pure l'output di 

poi, prova in console a entrare nella /mnt/windows (o come l'hai chiamata tu), e vedi 
che errore ricevi



Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.19  hp  Xe3
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Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: [newbie-it] Fwd: Piccoli inconvenienti

2002-10-02 Thread Arwan

Alle 08:35, mercoledì 2 ottobre 2002, contorcendoti la mente su Re: 
[newbie-it] Fwd: Piccoli inconvenienti, sandro hai scritto: 

 Io solitamente seleziono con il mouse tutto il testo da copiare con il
 mouse, vado su OpenOffice e premendo il tasto centrale del mouse il testo
 mi viene incollato

Grandioso! Meriti un bacio... ;-)


[newbie-it] tr

2002-10-02 Thread Arwan

Alle 10:21, mercoledì 2 ottobre 2002, contorcendoti la mente su Re: 
[newbie-it] a un passo dalla soluzione..., Mario Lodi Rizzini hai scritto: 

 Se non ho letto male, la sintassi dovrebbe essere la seguente:
 tr [opzioni] sequenza_caratteri_da_cercare  file_input  file_output
 Esempio: se vuoi cancellare il carattere ^M (invio) dal file di input,
 penso dovrai scrivere:
 tr -d \r  file_input  file_output

Il massimo che ho ottenuto e' questo:

[arwan@localhost biblib]$ tr -s # \t autore.txt autore2.txt
tr: at least one string must be given when squeezing repeats

[arwan@localhost biblib]$ tr -s # \t autore.txt autore2.txt
tr: too many arguments
Try `tr --help' for more information.

(il # e' il carattere da sostituire)


[newbie] modprobe eth while no nic present

2002-10-02 Thread L.V.Gandhi

My /etc/modules.conf is as follows
alias usb-interface usb-uhci
alias sound-slot-0 i810_audio
probeall scsi_hostadapter ide-scsi
options i810fb xres=800 hsync1=32 hsync2=48 vsync1=50 vsync2=70 vram=2 bpp=16 
accel=1 mtrr=1 hwcur=
1 xcon=4

# I2C module options
alias char-major-89 i2c-dev
options i2c-corei2c_debug=1
options i2c-algo-bitbit_test=1

alias char-major-81 bttv
options bttvcard=50
options tuner   debug=1 type=5 pal=b

But while booting I get these messages. 
Oct  1 06:58:37 localhost modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module eth1
Oct  1 06:58:37 localhost modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module eth2
Oct  1 06:58:37 localhost modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module eth3
Oct  1 06:58:37 localhost modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module eth4
Oct  1 06:58:37 localhost modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module eth5
Oct  1 06:58:37 localhost modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module eth6
Oct  1 06:58:37 localhost modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module eth7
Oct  1 06:58:37 localhost modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module eth8

I don't have any nic. While configuring also, only dialup with modem was 
automatically identified and configured by me. Why these messages occur? How 
to stop it?
203, Soundaryalahari Apartments, Lawsons Bay colony, Visakhapatnam, 530017
MECON, 5th Floor, RTC Complex, Visakhapatnam AP 530020 INDIA

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[newbie] cron.weekly doubt

2002-10-02 Thread L.V.Gandhi

I have a line in /etc/crontab as
22 4 * * 0 root nice -n 19 run-parts /etc/cron.weekly
but cron.weekly was run on 26th Sep which is Thu ie in number it should have 
been 4. 
log output is given below. PC is used daily including sundays.
[root@localhost log]# zless messages.2.gz |grep week
Sep 19 06:59:29 localhost anacron[1471]: Will run job `cron.weekly' in 10 min.
Sep 19 07:09:29 localhost anacron[1471]: Job `cron.weekly' started
Sep 19 07:09:29 localhost anacron[2499]: Updated timestamp for job 
`cron.weekly' to 2002-09-19
Sep 19 07:12:31 localhost anacron[1471]: Job `cron.weekly' terminated (mailing 
[root@localhost log]# zless messages.1.gz |grep week
Sep 26 07:08:54 localhost anacron[1468]: Will run job `cron.weekly' in 10 min.
Sep 26 07:18:54 localhost anacron[1468]: Job `cron.weekly' started
Sep 26 07:18:54 localhost anacron[2430]: Updated timestamp for job 
`cron.weekly' to 2002-09-26
Sep 26 07:23:05 localhost anacron[1468]: Job `cron.weekly' terminated (mailing 
[root@localhost log]#
Any explanations pl.
203, Soundaryalahari Apartments, Lawsons Bay colony, Visakhapatnam, 530017
MECON, 5th Floor, RTC Complex, Visakhapatnam AP 530020 INDIA

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Re: [newbie] modprobe eth while no nic present

2002-10-02 Thread Mike Burgener

But while booting I get these messages.
Oct  1 06:58:37 localhost modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module eth1
Oct  1 06:58:37 localhost modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module eth2
Oct  1 06:58:37 localhost modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module eth3
Oct  1 06:58:37 localhost modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module eth4
Oct  1 06:58:37 localhost modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module eth5
Oct  1 06:58:37 localhost modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module eth6
Oct  1 06:58:37 localhost modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module eth7
Oct  1 06:58:37 localhost modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module eth8

these messages are normal because the kernel scans all devices and try's to
detect some network cards but if you have only one it just detects eth0

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Re: [newbie] USB Scanner

2002-10-02 Thread Graham Watkins

et wrote:

On Tuesday 01 October 2002 03:50 am, you wrote:

mudder wrote:

try looking at these sites:

They may shed some light on your problem. I remember that
my acer usb scanner needed to have it's firmware uploaded using a perl
script and a modification of the sane backend.

Be prepared for a lot of trial and error and an equal amount of



Thanks for the links.  So far as I can make out, they are doing their
best to write drivers for every Primax scanner  but mine.  Time to think
about a new model, I guess.

I would be reading up on how the other scanners with models kinda like your 
are made to work, and try to figure out what the differences are, and how you 
could make your work. the Acer Remark above struck me, since I have an 
unsupported Acer Prisa 320 that I followed the directions for the prisa620, 
and changed which binary (*.bin) I used (in the windows install disk and 
folder) until I found the correct one, from then on I could use that scanner 
great, and I paid $40.00 US 2 years ago for that scanner. 

Thanks for everyone's input.  As I mentioned before, I'm not the world's 
greatest hacker so I don't think I'll be trying to bend a different 
backend to my will - I have neither the skills or the patience.  I spent 
ages trying to get the Plustek OpticPro 9600 working without success - 
and that one's SUPPOSED to work.

Reckon I'll be on the lookout for an Epson scanner as recommended by s.

Graham Watkins

For me, morning begins when I realize that the soft warm body curled up next 
to me is a cat. (Kinky Friedman - Frequent Flyer)

Registered Linux user number 265254

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Re: [newbie] can I just go and blow up ol

2002-10-02 Thread Charlie M.

On Tuesday 01 October 2002 3:10 pm, et wrote:
 tell me I am the only one

This list and the expert list both. Just started about an hour or so ago from 
my perspective. Someone setting up a mail server that made a woops maybe?
Registered user 244963 at
Happiness isn't something you experience; it's something you remember.
-- Oscar Levant

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Re: [newbie] Aarrgh! How to turn off supermount?

2002-10-02 Thread Alan Shoemaker

leeg100 wrote:
 On Tuesday 01 October 2002 04:17 pm, s wrote:
  On Monday 30 September 2002 08:28 pm, leeg100 wrote:
   So... how do I make removable media in Mandrake 9.0
   under KDE act like they do in say, Redhat?  In RH 7.3,
   you right-click a CD or Zip drive icon and select
   mount or unmount.  Nice and easy and no need to
   type a mount command if a shell prompt is not open...
   and apparently safer than Mdk's supermount.
  I ddin't see where you got an answer so I'll take a stab
  at it.  Well, disable it first in fstab, and then right
  click your kde desktop and choose make a new floppy
  device (or even the cdrom one will work too).  Then
  adjust the settings to your drive and pick out an icon.
  It should now have mount and umount in it's right click
  menu.  To disable supermount, type as root:  supermount
  -i disable. -s

 Thanks for all the replies, folks.  supermount -i disable
 fixed it. Creating a new device worked, but for some reason
 the Zip no longer has an eject choice on the context
 menu.  Not really a biggie, but curious.


make a new icon linked to your ZIP drive from the 'CD/DVD-ROM 
device...' choice (which has an context menu 'eject' choice).  

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Re: [newbie] no sound in MDK9.0 with ESS1688 ISA card

2002-10-02 Thread Kristjan Klementi

 On Mon, 30 Sep 2002 11:23:21 -0700
 Seedkum Aladeem [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Monday 30 September 2002 12:53 am, Jonathan Dlouhy wrote:
   On Monday 30 September 2002 03:38 am, Raffaele Belardi wrote:
I have an old ISA ESS1688-based sound card. That same audio card
worked fine in MDK8.2. After MDK9.0 installations, I see that:
- kernel detects an ISA PnP card, but does not seem to load the sound
modules (at least, I do no see any specific message in  /var/log/info
or warnings)
- there is no /dev/sound directory
- Mandrake Control Center does not display any sound card.
Any suggestions for what to look for?
   If sndconfig is not installed, then install it and just run
   sndconfig. I just did a from scratch Mandrake 9 install and that's
   what I wound up doing.
  I have the same problem with my sound card. I issued the sndconfig command 
  and it looks like it went into the probing stage and never came out of it.
 You have to click OK to get it to probe. Probing can take some time...
  had to kill the KDE window in order to get it to stop. My sound is still not 
  configured. LM8.0, 8.1 and 8.2 configured the same sound card automatically 
  during the install without any intervention.
  How did LM8.0, 8.1 and 8.2 do it then?
 Well it's often advised to run sndconfig in a virtual console and not under X.
 ML9.0 doesn't automatically configure ISA soundcards because it hung some 
 people's systems during install (IIRC from the cooker list).
 I don't know how ML8.0, 8.1 and 8.2 configured the soundcard. I am quite sure
 though that it can also work in Dolphin :)
 For most soundcards there are both OSS and ALSA drivers available in ML9.0.
 The ALSA ones in Dolphin are based upon  ALSA 0.9.0rc2 while 8.2 had the
 0.5.x series ALSA drivers. What would be nice is if you still have your 
 /etc/modules.conf from 8.2. Oh, what soundcard do you have and were you
 using ALSA (sndconfig is OSS only) ?
 Good luck!

sort of same problem here
sndconfig detects the OPTI audio 16 card  (isa pnp), 
now when starting probing it results errors here as following:

init_module: No such device
modprobe: insmod
modprobe: insmod sound-slot-0 failed 

in MDK 8,2 sndconfig did output sound samples in this point. 
and after running that tool I had sound forever (untill i installed 9,0)

Hot Mobiil - helinad, logod ja piltsõnumid!

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RE: [newbie] Multisession with CDRecord?

2002-10-02 Thread Barran, Richard

 Hi all,
 I am trying to figure out how to make multi-session CD's with 
 I use cdrecord 1.11a19 and tried burning with the -multi switch.
 The program writes a new session, I can see that from the 
 entrypoint on the
 CD-R/W. But after the burn I still only see the first session 
 that I burnt.


I was trying to create a multi-session CD myself at the weekend, and had the
same problem! I worked out eventually that when you create the ISO image
(using mkisofs) you need to have the original CD in the drive, and tell
mkisofs to make a note of the files already on it when it builds up a new
directory listing.
I can't remember the exact switch to use, but I'm sure man mkisofs will
bring it up.



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Re: [newbie] Copying CD's through terminal

2002-10-02 Thread John Richard Smith

Paul wrote:

In reply to Paul's mail, d.d. Tue, 1 Oct 2002 12:30:13 -0700 (PDT):


As the title suggests, how do I copy a cd using
terminal instead of the GUI?

dd if=/dev/cdrom | cdrecord -v -eject driveropts=burnfree speed=4 dev=0,0 -

(Remove the driveropts if your cd-writer does not support burnfree)




To Copy  data disc to disc on the fly,

mkisofs -r -j -v /mnt/cdrom/file - | cdrecord -v speed=8 dev=0,1,0 
-data -pad -eject -ignsize -
cd /mnt/cdrom/
mkisofs -r -j -v file - | cdrecord -v speed=8 dev=0,1,0 -data -pad 
-eject -ignsize -


John Richard Smith

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RE: [newbie] Multisession with CDRecord?

2002-10-02 Thread Mike Burgener

in console  (terminal) man cdrecord

At 08:53 02.10.2002 +0100, you wrote:
  Hi all,
  I am trying to figure out how to make multi-session CD's with
  I use cdrecord 1.11a19 and tried burning with the -multi switch.
  The program writes a new session, I can see that from the
  entrypoint on the
  CD-R/W. But after the burn I still only see the first session
  that I burnt.


I was trying to create a multi-session CD myself at the weekend, and had the
same problem! I worked out eventually that when you create the ISO image
(using mkisofs) you need to have the original CD in the drive, and tell
mkisofs to make a note of the files already on it when it builds up a new
directory listing.
I can't remember the exact switch to use, but I'm sure man mkisofs will
bring it up.



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RE: [newbie] Multisession with CDRecord?

2002-10-02 Thread Adriaan . Putter

 -Original Message-
 From: Paul [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, October 01, 2002 7:36 PM
 To: newbie
 Subject: [newbie] Multisession with CDRecord?
 Hi all,
 I am trying to figure out how to make multi-session CD's with 
 I use cdrecord 1.11a19 and tried burning with the -multi switch.
 The program writes a new session, I can see that from the 
 entrypoint on the
 CD-R/W. But after the burn I still only see the first session 
 that I burnt.

you first have to create an iso image with mkisofs

$ mkiso -o image.iso -J -R directory of files

this will create image.iso with the directory you specified as the root
of the image file. the J option is for Joliet extensions and R is for
Rock-Ridge extendsion

now to burn that you do:

$ cdrecord -v dev=0,0,0 speed=4 -data -multi image.iso

to write the image.iso, ofcourse you need to specify your dev parameters

now to do a add a session to that cd you need to get the
start and end sector of the previous session on the cd like this:

$ cdrecord dev=0,0,0 -msinfo

this will return something like 0,51635
this gives the start and end point of the previous session.

first create the iso image to append to cd like this:

$ mkisofs -o image2.iso -R -J -C 0,51635 -M 0,0,0 directory

with the -C switch you enter the numbers return by the -msinfo option of
the -M switch tells mkisofs to merge this image with the image found on dev

and then you ready to burn that image to the cd like this:

$ cdrecord -v dev=0,0,0 speed=4 -data -multi image2.iso

and that is it, now if i remeber everything right this should work
just check with the man pages.

hope this helps


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RE: [newbie] Multisession with CDRecord?

2002-10-02 Thread Paul

Thanks everyone, for the abundant replies!
I am sure that I can get things going well now.


Computing machines perhaps can do the work of a dozen ordinary men, but
there is no machine that can do the work of one extraordinary man.

E. B. White

---Original Message---
Date: Wed, 2 Oct 2002 10:29:35 +0200 
Subject: RE: [newbie] Multisession with CDRecord?

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2002-10-02 Thread Tom Oakes


MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos:

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Re: [newbie] fluxbox and xscreensaver (and kmail, and xterm, and...)

2002-10-02 Thread Derek Jennings

On Wednesday 02 Oct 2002 8:59 am, Barran, Richard wrote:

 I've been using Fluxbox on my home machine (LM8.2) for several weeks now.
 I'd like to run certain programs at startup: xscreensaver, and some GUI
 applications I use all the time such as Kmail.
 I read a page on about creating a .Xclients file with the
 program I want to run, followed the instructions to the letter but no

 Can someone help me?



There are a number of ways to do this. What I do is insert a line in 

session.screen0.rootCommand: /home/derek/.fluxbox/startup

This calls up a little bash script which starts all my start up apps for me.

xscreensaver -no-splash 
bsetbg -f ~/fluoresence6.jpg
rox -l mypanel

Why use a script and not just put several   session.screen0.rootCommand 
statements? For some reason I could not get it to work if I had more than 

BTW: If you are using fluxbox because it it is faster than KDE, then give 
sylpheed a try in place of Kmail.  It is *lots* faster. And if you are on 
Mandrake 9.0, then rox is now available in Contrib. It is way faster than 
konqueror file manager



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Re: [newbie] mount

2002-10-02 Thread John Richard Smith

et wrote:

On Wednesday 02 October 2002 04:26 am, you wrote:

farshad fekrinejat fekri wrote:

i have a problem with partion of other OS
i have two OS (Win 2000 - Linux)
now in linux how can i access to Win 2000 partion ?
is there command for mount other OS partion ?
thanks alot

As root,

add to,

(edit with your favorite editor, I like jed, joe or nedit)

/dev/hda1 /mnt/W2000 ntfs iocharset=iso8859-15,defaults 0 0

Create in,

(mkdir /mnt/w2000)

/mnt/W2000   directory

In terminal type,
mount -a


this all assumes you have win2k installed on the first partition of the 
master hard drive on the first ide channel, and formated to ntfs (which you 
will not or should not attempt to write to, only read from) which would be 
the normal default install for win2k.


I quite agree. though if your w2k is on a different partition then alter 
If you want to write to w2k then either you have to have a vfat w2k 
install or an
additional vfat partition which is used as a go between.

John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] iso downloading problems

2002-10-02 Thread et

On Tuesday 01 October 2002 11:55 pm, you wrote:
 I have written about a problem with downloading and using the install disk
 for md 9.0. Still having that problem. Right now I am downloading it from
 mandrake 8.2. The others have been in windows XP. I am really trying to
 give linux a fair chance. 9.0 looks very promising to me. I need to be able
 to use my dvd rom tho. I have a AMD k7 duron 1.2 procesor, g-force vid
 card. Mandrake 8.2 installed with no problems. Might just have to wait for
 the official release to come out. Was going to buy it anyway but wanted to
 install it now. I get the opening screen and hit enter and get a black
 screen. Have hit f1 and tried the other install methods with no luck. Any
 ideas guys?

which geforce card? don't worry about the DVDrom, unless it is a really 
strange one and not IDE, it will work. might have to download some added 
codecs and stuff depending on the movies you want to watch, but you can even 
get Mandrake install DVDs that have everything on one disk, and read from the 
dvd at bootup

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[newbie] NOT NICE OF ALL OF U!!!

2002-10-02 Thread Markus Klocker

Nobody answerd a mail from me!
Thats sad!

Re: [newbie] NOT NICE OF ALL OF U!!!

2002-10-02 Thread et

On Wednesday 02 October 2002 07:25 am, you wrote:
 Nobody answerd a mail from me!
 Thats sad!
what mail?

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Re: [newbie] NOT NICE OF ALL OF U!!!

2002-10-02 Thread Chey
That depends if it actually went through or that if most didn't receive it in the firs place. For sometime the mailing list has acted goofy. I go a week with zilch then suddenly get flooded with old postings and then then incident involving umit and repetitive emails on error command.

If you can post again I am sure the group can help if possible.

On Wednesday, October 2, 2002, at 04:25  AM, Markus Klocker wrote:

Nobody answerd a mail from me!
Thats sad!

.'If you do it right, no one is sure if you did anything at all.'

Re: [newbie] NOT NICE OF ALL OF U!!!

2002-10-02 Thread et

On Wednesday 02 October 2002 07:25 am, you wrote:
 Nobody answerd a mail from me!
 Thats sad!
some times an e-mail gets caught up in the net adn does not come to roost for 
some time, and since this is the first e-mail I have ever gotten from this 
address. don't get to pushy... no one is paid to answer here, we just are 
a bunch of pushy people wanting to give you our opinions anyway.grin
so don't SHOUT ok?

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Re: [newbie] Aarrgh! How to turn off supermount?

2002-10-02 Thread leeg100

On Wednesday 02 October 2002 02:30 am, Alan Shoemaker wrote:
  Thanks for all the replies, folks.  supermount -i disable
  fixed it. Creating a new device worked, but for some reason
  the Zip no longer has an eject choice on the context
  menu.  Not really a biggie, but curious.

 make a new icon linked to your ZIP drive from the 'CD/DVD-ROM
 device...' choice (which has an context menu 'eject' choice).

Thanks for the suggestion, but it didn't completely work!  The eject choice is 
there, but it doesn't eject the disk. :(


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[newbie] Beware of Opera from Club download for 9.0

2002-10-02 Thread Derek Jennings

Here is a heads up for Opera fans.

The version of Opera (opera-6.03-0.static.1mdk) available for download from 
Mandrake Club for 9.0, and I imagine also on the upcoming Powerpack CDs
does not seem to work with plugins.

I just spent a day struggling with it only to find that after replacing the 
RPM with 
opera-6.03-20020813.1  from the Opera download site everything  worked 


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Re: [newbie] hdparm and cd drive

2002-10-02 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Tuesday October 1 2002 08:59 pm, L.V.Gandhi wrote:
 On Monday 30 Sep 2002 10:44 pm, Tom Brinkman wrote:
  (my ide burner which has scsi emulation and is dev/scd0 or hdd, dma
  tom# hdparm -t /dev/scd0
  /dev/scd0 not supported by hdparm
   tom# hdparm -t /dev/hdd
  tom# '
   Timing buffered disk reads:  read() hit EOF - device too small

 How these two times get two different output.
 Initially I didn't have /dev/hdd. Then I did symlink with scd0 as
 [root@localhost lvgandhi]# ln -s /dev/scsi/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/cd
 /dev/hdd still I get as follows.
 [root@localhost lvgandhi]# hdparm -v /dev/hdd
 /dev/hdd not supported by hdparm
 What to do?

Nothin to do, as the mesg says, hdparm does not support scsi 
devices, only ide. Evidently, as my 'hdparm -t /dev/hdd' error shows, 
it won't work with ide devices that are scsi emulated either. Why or 
how hdparm is able to set the burner to use dma... I don't understand 
myself.  You didn't need the symlink, you might want to remove it. ide 
burners are setup as both ide (/dev/hdd) and scsi (/dev/scd0) by the 
append, hdd=ide-scsci

 Further how to know my cdrw HP9100c will be ok with dma?

   Trial'n error. Set it to dma enabled and see if there are any 
problems.  There shouldn't be.  See 'info hdparm', it's one of the 
better written man pages.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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[newbie] Xine plugin

2002-10-02 Thread David Seuferer

 I'm trying to find the mov plug in for xine, but can't find it
I've looked at sourceforge, but can't figure out which of the many
is the mov plug in.  Any help would be appreciated.

David Seuferer, CNE
Ames Laboratory
Information Systems
fax: (515) 294-5638
phone: (515) 294-6053

It comes in pints!?Pippin

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Re: [newbie] Evolution and recurring tasks

2002-10-02 Thread Warren Post

El mar, 01-10-2002 a las 02:20, Brian Parish escribió:
 I have a mission to convert my sister to Mandrake.  Evolution is an
 important part of this.  She asks how to do something fairly simple: 
 create a recurring task.  It certainly aint obvious to me.  Can it be

This is my biggest gripe with Evolution. You can't make a recurring
task, only a recurring appointment, at least not with 1.0.2 which I am

Warren Post
Santa Rosa de Copán, Honduras

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[newbie] Problems to install MDK 8.2 in iMac

2002-10-02 Thread Lúcio Costa de Almeida

Hi All,

I have an iMac 256ram, 600Mhz, 40Gb, cdrw.
I'm trying install MDK 8.2 pp but it's impossible...
What I did:

* I downloaded all *.iso;
* burned it in Toast;
when I tried boot iMac using firth Cd, the instalation
process start and run, but stop in a blue screen, I
can't use mouse or another device. After this, the
instalation stop.

Can Anyone help me??

I have two partitions in this iMac, 1°-- OS X,
2° -- Linux.

Tks for Your Time.

Lúcio Costa
Linux user #204519
We do what we can, we give what we have
   Our doubt is our passion and our passion is our task
 The rest is the madness of art.

Yahoo! GeoCities
Tudo para criar o seu site: ferramentas fáceis de usar, espaço de sobra e acessórios.

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[newbie] Ximian Desktop on MDK 8.2/KDE --- Oops!

2002-10-02 Thread Technoslick

Damn --- I got to stop thinking if a little bit is good, a lot more has 
to be better!

I was looking for a Linux alternative to my Windows Contact Management 
software (Maximizer) that my business and I live by. Evolution looked 
pretty good and a possible match to my needs. I installed the complete 
Desktop using their Red Carpet scripted installation feature. I should 
have taken just Evolution (for now), but got really greedy, thinking 
that the whole package would give me more of what I have in Maximizer. 
WellI suppose this would have been OK if GNOME was my default 
Windows Managerit ain't! Personally... I just don't like GNOME. 
That's just offense implied. Anyway...

Installation seemed to go very well. I have NEVER seen any on-line 
installation work as smoothly and as well thought out as Ximian's. 
Unfortunately, I cannot find any solution from them on how to get the 
thing to work under KDE. At this point in time, everything looks just as 
it did on KDE before I installed, with one rather interesting 
difference... All of my icons on my Quick-Start Task Bar are now the 
same -- the KDE gear icon. when I click on any of them, I get this error 

Unable to run the command specified. The file or directory 
'file:/usr/share/applnk-mdk/Applications/Editors/kwrite.desktop' does 
not exist.

Please note that the path is specific to the application icon I clicked 
on, so it varies with the application I am trying to access. It looks 
like this newbie is temporarily fooked and it doesn't even feel good! 

Could someone who installed Ximian Desktop in MDK 8.3, using KDE as 
their Windows Manager, please point me to the solution? (Preferably 
before I scream for jumping in without understanding the choices I 
made...) I have been running around Ximian's site for answers (and will 
continue to do so!), but thus far all I have found is that they 
acknowledge that mods have to be done! ARGH!

Dad, when will I grow up and be a competent Linux user like you?

Someday, son...someday.

I am going badk to do more searching g-r-r-r-r



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[newbie] Help Broke Fstab in MDK 8.2

2002-10-02 Thread Ralph De Witt

In trying to restore my system to a new MOBO I seem to have broken my fstab 
file. My current Fstab file is:

/dev/hda1 / ext3 defaults 1 1
none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
none /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0
/dev/hdb1 /home reiserfs notail 1 2
none /mnt/cdrom /mnt/cdrom supermount 
dev=/dev/hdc,fs=auto,ro,--,iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850,user,unmask=0 0 0
none /mnt/cdrom2 /mnt/cdrom2 supermount 
dev=/dev/scd0,fs=auto,ro,--,iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850,user,unmask=0 0 0
none /mnt/floppy /mnt/floppy supermount 
0 0
none /proc proc defaults 0 0
/dev/hda6 /usr ext3 defaults 1 2
/dev/hda5 swap swap defaults 0 0
/dev/hdb6 swap swap defaults 0 0

And my current Mtab file is:

/dev/hda1 / ext3 rw 0 0
none /proc proc rw 0 0
none /dev devfs rw 0 0
none /dev/pts devpts rw,mode=0620 0 0
none /dev/shm tmpfs rw 0 0
/dev/hdb1 /home reiserfs rw,notail 0 0
/dev/hda6 /usr ext3 rw 0 0
none /proc/bus/usb usbdevfs rw,devmode=0664,devgid=43 0 0

Could someone point me to the correct lines for floppy and cdroms. Thanks for 
your help.


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Re: [newbie] What do I use to burn a cdi image???

2002-10-02 Thread shane

Hash: SHA1

On Tuesday 01 October 2002 10:40 pm, Todd Franklin did speak unto the 
huddled masses, saying:

 first of all, try changing the year on your computer (FYI it's 2002 now)
  lol ;-)

 try eroaster's cd image functions

hey my windows on my dualboot thinks it is feb 2001!

or at least that is when it booted last.

- -- 
If I admit I was wrong, I am only saying I am wiser today than yesterday.

Profile at:
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member
Registered linux user #101606
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


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[newbie] Image Conversion

2002-10-02 Thread John Richard Smith

Does anyone out there know of any programme that can convert black and white
image files to colour.Some years ago I read somewhere that a technology 
computer software had been invented that could do this. I know colour can be
converted to BW in gimp , but I am talking about colourising BW pictures.


John Richard Smith

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[newbie] Where are the unix2dos on dolphin?

2002-10-02 Thread David Stevenson

Any suggestions anyone, please.

Oracle 8 on Linux HOWTO author.
Systems Admin, Oracle Installs, Web Design and Programming

Email: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[newbie] Mandrake PPC 8.2 How To Make Bootable CD from ISO

2002-10-02 Thread Keith Johnson

Hello any Mac users out there (or anyone else who knows this stuff),

I have downloaded the iso files from Mandrake.

I don't have Toast.

I was able to mount the isos in OSX (10.1.5), and burn them. Unfortunately,
the install CD doesn't boot.

The last time I did this was with Mandrake 8.0. With that, I used an IBM
machine (at work), and burned the CDs with EZ CD Creator, and they worked
like a charm. That was only an experiment, and now I think I'm ready for the
real thing.

I have not found a place on Mandrake's site that addresses my problem (not
having Toast). They just tell me burn the image from the iso and reboot
holding the C key... this doesn't work.

Do I have to just buy Toast (with its known issues with Mac's CD
Burner/iTunes), or just buy the 8.2 CDs from Mandrake?

There's got to be a way to make the image (or the files before I burn them)

Thanks in advance,


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Re: [newbie] Help Broke Fstab in MDK 8.2

2002-10-02 Thread Ralph De Witt

On Wednesday 02 October 2002 10:40 am, you wrote:
 Ralph De Witt wrote:

Ralph, the above fstab entry appears to be a mite fishy. Remove this
 from this line and all the other places it appears like this and see if
 it works again.



I modified my fstab as you suggested to the following:

/dev/hda1 / ext3 defaults 1 1
none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
none /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0
/dev/hdb1 /home reiserfs notail 1 2
none /mnt/cdrom /mnt/cdrom supermount 
/dev/hdc,fs=auto,ro,--,iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850,user,unmask=0 0 0
none /mnt/cdrom2 /mnt/cdrom2 supermount 
/dev/scd0,fs=auto,ro,--,iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850,user,unmask=0 0 0
none /mnt/floppy /mnt/floppy supermount 
0 0
none /proc proc defaults 0 0
/dev/hda6 /usr ext3 defaults 1 2
/dev/hda5 swap swap defaults 0 0
/dev/hdb6 swap swap defaults 0 0

How ever the floppy , and cdrom lines are still coming up broken.


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Re: [newbie] Image Conversion

2002-10-02 Thread Andreas Weiss

John Richard Smith wrote:
 Does anyone out there know of any programme that can convert black and 
 image files to colour.Some years ago I read somewhere that a technology 
 computer software had been invented that could do this. I know colour 
 can be
 converted to BW in gimp , but I am talking about colourising BW pictures.
i don't know if this question is not OT in this list, but generally:
- you can always downgrade a picture: less pixel, less color, ...
- you can not upgrade a picture, at least not with usual programs like 
gimp, photoshop, corel draw, ...


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Re: [newbie] Aarrgh! How to turn off supermount?

2002-10-02 Thread Ronald J. Hall

On Wednesday 02 October 2002 03:30 am, you wrote:

 make a new icon linked to your ZIP drive from the 'CD/DVD-ROM
 device...' choice (which has an context menu 'eject' choice).

I always used floppy device here, and it works great as well.

  Dark Lord

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[newbie] Firewall Builder under Mdk 9.0

2002-10-02 Thread Guilherme Cirne

Hi all,

Has anyone managed to get Firewall Builder to work under Mdk 9.0? 
Installing the 8.2 rpm doesn't work. I get an error when trying to run it.

I also tried compiling it from the source rpm. Libfwbuilder compiles fine 
but fwbuilder itself doesn't.

Does anybody know where I can get Firewall Builder rpms for 9.0???


Guilherme Cirne

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Re: [newbie] Virus warning from ISP

2002-10-02 Thread et

On Wednesday 02 October 2002 03:14 pm, you wrote:
 On Wed, 2002-10-02 at 14:47, Klemm wrote:
  That souns familiar
  I jut got also that mail
  with all the attachements. and viruses as I know now.

 Yeah, it's that new linux virus that strips random consonants from your
 outgoing email...
ro lmao

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Re: [newbie] resizing photos

2002-10-02 Thread Paul Rodriguez

Thanks! Had never seen that command before.  Worked like a charm!

- paul

On Mon, 2002-09-30 at 17:38, Alastair Scott wrote:
 On 30 Sep 2002 17:16:24 -0400 Paul Rodriguez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Is there a way to resize a bunch of photos at the same time?  I have a
  folder with 42 photos from my digital camera and would like to make them
  1/3 the size to put on the web in as few strokes as possible.  Ok, at
  least in an easy and reproducable way.
 ImageMagick - the mogrify command therein - will do it:
 Something like
 mogrify -resize 33%x33% *.jpg
 would appear to work. (Of course this will _replace_ all the existing .jpg files 
with their smaller mogrifications, so back them up first!)

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Re: [newbie] adding a new hard drive

2002-10-02 Thread Derek Jennings

If your new hard drive is on the same IDE channel as your existing one, then 
it will be hdb   not hda.  If it is on the other IDE channel it will be hdc 
or hdd according to whether it is master or slave.

That brings me to another point. Check you have set the jumpers correctly on 
the back of the new drive. One drive should be master the other drive should 
be slave. (Do NOT use cable) select

After you install the drive go into your BIOS and in the hard drive page 
select 'AUTO' and your new drives geometry should magically appear. Then boot 
into Linux and open Mandrake Control CentreMountPointsHardDrives  select 
your new drive from the 'tab' pick a file system type, and a mount point, and 
divide it into multiple partions if you wish and click 'Done' and your new 
drive will be formatted, and fstab will be written accordingly.

It only gets tricky if you want to mount the new partition as a partition that 
is already mounted elsewhere. Then you have to start juggling about with 
mount point names and copying files over from one to the other. 

Hope I remembered it all :-)


On Wednesday 02 Oct 2002 8:24 pm, Schwenk, Jeanie wrote:
 I'm about to add a new hard drive and once it is physically in place, I am
 unsure what to do next.  Here's what information I do have about the

   hda1 through hda6 are already exist in /dev
   hda1,5,6 are listed in /etc/fstab
   hda1 and 5 are listed in /etc/mtab

   hda1 is /
   hda5 is /usr
   hda6 is swap

 This new drive is for backups and I want to mount it at /backup.

 Do I just edit the fstab file and then run the mount command?  Can I use
 hda2, 3 or 4 however I want (ie add this to the fstab file - ./dev/hda2
 /backup ext2 defaults 1 2)?  Then run fdisk?

 This is Linux country.  On a quiet night, you can hear NT re-boot.

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[newbie] Boot floppy --Invalid Compressed format

2002-10-02 Thread steve litz

Iam trying to build the 2.4.19 kernel, The compile goes just fine with know 
errors but when I run make bzdisk the boot floppy it creates does not work 
when the machine boots and tries to read the files on the floppy I get this 
error: Invalid Compressed Format  (err=1) System Halted I have tried 
different floppy's. I have formated the floppy's before the files get copied 
to the floppy and it still will not work. I have also tried running bzImage 
and copying bzImage to a floppy, but I still get the same error.
The current kernel Iam running (2.4.18) boots just fine from a floppy, and iam 
also able to create more boot disks for kernel (2.4.18) that work just fine.

to install the kernel I used

make mrproper
make xconfig
make dep
make bzdisk
make modules
make modules_install
cp /usr/src/linux-2.4.19/arch/i386/boot/bzImage  /boot/vmlinuz

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Re: [newbie] rpmdrake sources

2002-10-02 Thread shane

Hash: SHA1

On Wednesday 02 October 2002 12:39 pm, Klemm did speak unto the huddled 
masses, saying:

 has anybody experienced problems installing from ftp sites
 I added the contributions and plf to my sources and that part worked
 fine, update source also, no problem. Untill I started to install
 soemthing from those places. Installation end with a error

i have installed over 2 dozen packages from plf, club and contrib mirrors to 
9.0 now and no problems.  are you sure the source was not busy?  maybe an 
error in the source path?

- -- 
The universe is a figment of its own imagination.

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Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
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Registered linux user #101606
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [newbie] can I just go and blow up ol

2002-10-02 Thread shane

Hash: SHA1

On Wednesday 02 October 2002 12:34 pm, Lyvim Xaphir did speak unto the 
huddled masses, saying:

 The thing about it is that I suspect Et actually has what it takes to
 get the job done.

ok, i am nervous now.  Et, have i mentioned what a great help you are on 
this list?  let me do it now.

 Bush is surrounded by fools questioning Iraqi regime change, while we
 have people like Hussein running around.

regime change != war.  i agree with one, the other.

anyway, i am for putting both bush and hussein on a new reality tv show.  i 
would call it no survivors.  ;-)

- -- 
If Microsoft is innovative in any area, it is in creating new forms of 
intimidation.  - Ralph Nader

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Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
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Registered linux user #101606
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Re: [newbie] Virus warning from ISP

2002-10-02 Thread shane

Hash: SHA1

On Wednesday 02 October 2002 1:40 pm, et did speak unto the huddled masses, 

 On Wednesday 02 October 2002 03:14 pm, you wrote:
  On Wed, 2002-10-02 at 14:47, Klemm wrote:
   That souns familiar
   I jut got also that mail
   with all the attachements. and viruses as I know now.
  Yeah, it's that new linux virus that strips random consonants from your
  outgoing email...

hey i have had the nocaps worm and bad speillers of the word untie virus 
for over 9 years now.  it is no laughing matter!  ;-P

- -- 
Windows: Where do you want to go today? MacOS: Where do you want to be 
tomorrow? Linux: Are you coming or what?

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Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member
Registered linux user #101606
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [newbie] can I just go and blow up ol

2002-10-02 Thread et

On Wednesday 02 October 2002 06:03 pm, you wrote:
 On Wednesday 02 October 2002 12:34 pm, Lyvim Xaphir did speak unto the

 huddled masses, saying:
  The thing about it is that I suspect Et actually has what it takes to
  get the job done.

 ok, i am nervous now.  Et, have i mentioned what a great help you are
 on this list?  let me do it now.

I ain't gonna get violent anymore,,,ever that was one of the main things 
they made me agree to before they let me out of Fort Levenworth, and as I 
understand it, they still got room for me if I screw up again.

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Re: [newbie] Virus warning from ISP

2002-10-02 Thread Robin Turner

shane wrote:

Hash: SHA1

On Wednesday 02 October 2002 1:40 pm, et did speak unto the huddled masses, 

On Wednesday 02 October 2002 03:14 pm, you wrote:

On Wed, 2002-10-02 at 14:47, Klemm wrote:

That souns familiar
I jut got also that mail
with all the attachements. and viruses as I know now.

Yeah, it's that new linux virus that strips random consonants from your
outgoing email...

hey i have had the nocaps worm and bad speillers of the word untie virus 
for over 9 years now.  it is no laughing matter!  ;-P

You're lucky, I've had the LEFTTHECAPSLOCKON worm many times.

BTW, I remember reading some stats on the quantity of Windows vs. Linux 
worms/viruses since 1991.  Does anyone have the current figures?  I need 
to do some counter-propanganda about Slapper.

Sir Robin

We do not imprison ourselves with laws, or impoverish ourselves with money - Iain 

Robin Turner
Bilkent Universitesi
Ankara 06533

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[newbie] Fwd: Re: Connecting with Customers

2002-10-02 Thread shane

Hash: SHA1

wow, maybe MS feels pressure from linux.  got a mail today.  my responce is 
included.  childish of me i know, but i am a bad person down deep...

thought some of might enjoy it.

- --  Forward  --

Subject: Re: Connecting with Customers
Date: Wed, 2 Oct 2002 16:02:32 -0700
To: Steve Ballmer 

first, a hint.  don't send in html.  only jackass microsoft users do that.

On Wednesday 02 October 2002 3:37 pm, Steve Ballmer did speak thus unto me:
 STYLE TYPE=text/css


 pI spend a lot of my time thinking about how Microsoft can do a better
 job of serving its customers. I'm convinced that we need to do more to
 establish and maintain broad connections with the millions of people who
 use our products and services around the world. We need to more
 thoroughly understand their needs,

i agree.  start by spamming your customers.  i use linux, because, frankly,
i upped my standards.  so up yours.

 pFirst I should give you some context on why I am sending you this
 email. This is one in an occasional series of mails that Bill Gates and
 I, and periodically other Microsoft executives, will be sending to people
 who are interested in hearing from us about technology and public-policy

and even people who don't want shit from you apparently.

 pIf you would like to hear from us in the future, please click a
3id=155here/a. If you don't want to hear from us again, you needn't
 do anything. We will not send you another of these emails unless you
 choose to subscribe at the link above./p

great MS joins the ranks of opt-out bullshitters.  and i thought windows
ME was as low as you could go.

 pIn my career, I've worked at only one other place besides Microsoft. I
 marketed brownie mix and blueberry muffin mix for one of the largest
 consumer products companies.

so you have always sold pre-packaged junk.  great.

 Even so, not every new grocery or drug-store item succeeds.

maybe they need an illegally maintained monopoly?

 pSatisfying customers is what it's all about with technology products,

then how did MS's good enough strategy work?

 And customers expect the same high quality and reliability in
 computing devices and software as they do in consumer products.

clearly not, or you would be pan handling on the street.

 That's why our customers still encounter bugs despite the
 rigorous and extensive stress testing and beta testing we do. With
 Windows 2000 and Windows XP, we dramatically improved the stability and
 reliability of our platform

and a lofty goal that was!  from zero to... well, not zero.

 pThe process of finding and fixing software problems has been hindered
 by a lack of reliable data on the precise nature of the problems
 customers encounter in the real world. Freeze-ups and crashes can be
 incredibly irritating, but rarely do customers contact technical support
 about them; instead, they close the program. Even when customers do call
 support and we resolve a problem, we often do not glean enough detail to
 trace its cause or prevent it from recurring.

this should help, the problem is they were running your software.  after i
stopped running your software (3 years ago) those problems went away.

 pThere are risks in offering this option to have software phone home

especially when nobody trusts you.  with good reason i might add.

 pAlso, customers may wonder what we do with their reports and whether
 their privacy is protected. We use advanced security technologies to help
 protect these error reports, which are gathered on a cluster of dedicated
 Microsoft servers

as secure as your other servers?  i feel safer already.

 pWe've been amazed by the patterns revealed in the error reports that
 customers are sending us.  ione percent
 of bugs cause half of all errors/i./p

would that bug be IE or outlook?

 pWith this immensely valuable feedback from our customers, we're now
 able to prioritize debugging work on our products to achieve the biggest
 improvement in customers' experience.

well anything has to be an improvement over your past bend over and take
it eXPerience.

 Some 450 companies
 have accessed our database of error reports related to their drivers,

is that the private data you mentioned before?

 pThere's much more I would like to share with you about these and other
 initiatives on behalf of customers, but I wanted to be (relatively)

well your bloat shines through even by email.

- --
A senior Microsoft Corp. executive told a federal court that some Microsoft
code was so flawed it could not be safely disclosed.  Can you say
Trustworthy Computing?

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Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member
Registered linux user #101606 @


Re: [newbie] Fwd: Re: Connecting with Customers

2002-10-02 Thread Robin Turner

Man, that was funny.  I've been spammed by MS myself, but never so 

We do not imprison ourselves with laws, or impoverish ourselves with money - Iain 

Robin Turner
Bilkent Universitesi
Ankara 06533

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RE: [newbie] adding a new hard drive

2002-10-02 Thread Schwenk, Jeanie

Diskdrake ... that's what I needed.  hdb1 and hdb2 are up and running.  



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[newbie] Can I

2002-10-02 Thread Edward Reynolds

I am new to Mandrake and have version 8.1  I have installed it on a
partition and dual boot with Windows 2000 Professional.

I would like to know if there is a tool that will allow me to resize my
Windows partition, without loosing the data on that partition.  I have
about 5 GB of free space on that partition.

I have tried to download diskdrake several times, but the link does not
seem to work.Any help would be appriciated.

Edward Reynolds

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Re: [newbie] Can I

2002-10-02 Thread et

On Wednesday 02 October 2002 07:41 pm, you wrote:
 I am new to Mandrake and have version 8.1  I have installed it on a
 partition and dual boot with Windows 2000 Professional.

 I would like to know if there is a tool that will allow me to resize my
 Windows partition, without loosing the data on that partition.  I have
 about 5 GB of free space on that partition.

 I have tried to download diskdrake several times, but the link does not
 seem to work.Any help would be appriciated.

 Edward Reynolds
depends on if the w2k partition is fat or ntfs,,, if it is ntfs,, I ain't 
sure but you might need PartitionMagic

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Re: [newbie] Fwd: Re: Connecting with Customers

2002-10-02 Thread et

On Wednesday 02 October 2002 07:40 pm, you wrote:
 Man, that was funny.  I've been spammed by MS myself, but never so
I agree, I am glad you shared it cause it was too good to allow it to only be 
seen by whomever is reading all the stuff in /dev/null. I just would never 
have given them anymore oppertunity than any other spam. (ie.; straight to 
/dev/null, do not stop to be read, do not pass go) but sharing it has given 
it a value that no other MS (software) product has ever recieved in my house.

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Re: [newbie] Can I

2002-10-02 Thread Edward Reynolds

et wrote:

 On Wednesday 02 October 2002 07:41 pm, you wrote:
  I am new to Mandrake and have version 8.1  I have installed it on a
  partition and dual boot with Windows 2000 Professional.
  I would like to know if there is a tool that will allow me to resize my
  Windows partition, without loosing the data on that partition.  I have
  about 5 GB of free space on that partition.
  I have tried to download diskdrake several times, but the link does not
  seem to work.Any help would be appriciated.
  Edward Reynolds
 depends on if the w2k partition is fat or ntfs,,, if it is ntfs,, I ain't
 sure but you might need PartitionMagic

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It is ntfs.   Will check on getting PartitionMagic.

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Re: [newbie] Can I

2002-10-02 Thread Guðmundur Bjarni

use partiton magic from or better yet system
commander from

p.s be careful when fiddling with the partition
- Original Message -
From: Edward Reynolds [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 02, 2002 11:41 PM
Subject: [newbie] Can I

 I am new to Mandrake and have version 8.1  I have installed it on a
 partition and dual boot with Windows 2000 Professional.

 I would like to know if there is a tool that will allow me to resize my
 Windows partition, without loosing the data on that partition.  I have
 about 5 GB of free space on that partition.

 I have tried to download diskdrake several times, but the link does not
 seem to work.Any help would be appriciated.

 Edward Reynolds

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[newbie] finally got the first iso

2002-10-02 Thread et

with my dialup connection.

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[newbie] kdeartwork location

2002-10-02 Thread Travis Crook

Hi all,
Where can I download the kdeartwork source 
rpms?  I have looked for them and haven't been 
able to grab them.  Are they included on the cds?


Travis Crook
Visions Beyond

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Re: [newbie] kdeartwork location

2002-10-02 Thread Spencer

On October 2, 2002 05:19 pm, Travis Crook wrote:
 Hi all,
 Where can I download the kdeartwork source
 rpms?  I have looked for them and haven't been
 able to grab them.  Are they included on the cds?


 Travis Crook
 Visions Beyond
With most of the mirrors busy the only place I could find was 
They are normally in SRPMS of any main Mandrake tree.


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Re: [newbie] kdeartwork location

2002-10-02 Thread Jonathan Dlouhy

On Wednesday 02 October 2002 08:19 pm, Travis Crook wrote:
 Hi all,
 Where can I download the kdeartwork source
 rpms?  I have looked for them and haven't been
 able to grab them.  Are they included on the cds?


 Travis Crook
 Visions Beyond

Jonathan Dlouhy
Wednesday, October 02, 2002

Registered Linux user #264482  Powered by Mandrake Linux 9  

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Re: [newbie] Ximian Desktop on MDK 8.2/KDE --- Oops!

2002-10-02 Thread Roland Hughes

I find that as Gnome improves it is less able to run under KDE. I was using evolution 
and galeon and did a redcarpet upgrade and they were both kaput. After 43 years in 
this business I am again learning that small individual apps doing a specific job are 
better than one app trying to do everything. But I really did like Galeon.

On Wed, 02 Oct 2002 11:28:39 -0400
Technoslick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Damn --- I got to stop thinking if a little bit is good, a lot more
 has to be better!
 I was looking for a Linux alternative to my Windows Contact Management
 software (Maximizer) that my business and I live by. Evolution looked 
 pretty good and a possible match to my needs. I installed the complete
 Desktop using their Red Carpet scripted installation feature. I should
 have taken just Evolution (for now), but got really greedy, thinking 
 that the whole package would give me more of what I have in Maximizer.
 WellI suppose this would have been OK if GNOME was my default 
 Windows Managerit ain't! Personally... I just don't like GNOME. 
 That's just offense implied. Anyway...
 Installation seemed to go very well. I have NEVER seen any on-line 
 installation work as smoothly and as well thought out as Ximian's. 
 Unfortunately, I cannot find any solution from them on how to get the 
 thing to work under KDE. At this point in time, everything looks just
 as it did on KDE before I installed, with one rather interesting 
 difference... All of my icons on my Quick-Start Task Bar are now the 
 same -- the KDE gear icon. when I click on any of them, I get this
 error message:
 Unable to run the command specified. The file or directory 
 'file:/usr/share/applnk-mdk/Applications/Editors/kwrite.desktop' does 
 not exist.
 Please note that the path is specific to the application icon I
 clicked on, so it varies with the application I am trying to access.
 It looks like this newbie is temporarily fooked and it doesn't even
 feel good! -Ouch!-
 Could someone who installed Ximian Desktop in MDK 8.3, using KDE as 
 their Windows Manager, please point me to the solution? (Preferably 
 before I scream for jumping in without understanding the choices I 
 made...) I have been running around Ximian's site for answers (and
 will continue to do so!), but thus far all I have found is that they 
 acknowledge that mods have to be done! ARGH!
 Dad, when will I grow up and be a competent Linux user like you?
 Someday, son...someday.
 I am going badk to do more searching g-r-r-r-r

The directions said to install Windows 98/2000 or better!
 So I installed Linux!

Linux Counter: 241069

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Re: [newbie] iso downloading problems

2002-10-02 Thread Mandrake Development @ Networks East

The mirror sites are VERY busy right now.  That is probably causing your
download problems.

I am having the same problem

- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, October 02, 2002 6:47 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] iso downloading problems

 On Tuesday 01 October 2002 11:55 pm, you wrote:
  I have written about a problem with downloading and using the install
  for md 9.0. Still having that problem. Right now I am downloading it
  mandrake 8.2. The others have been in windows XP. I am really trying to
  give linux a fair chance. 9.0 looks very promising to me. I need to be
  to use my dvd rom tho. I have a AMD k7 duron 1.2 procesor, g-force vid
  card. Mandrake 8.2 installed with no problems. Might just have to wait
  the official release to come out. Was going to buy it anyway but wanted
  install it now. I get the opening screen and hit enter and get a black
  screen. Have hit f1 and tried the other install methods with no luck.
  ideas guys?
 which geforce card? don't worry about the DVDrom, unless it is a really
 strange one and not IDE, it will work. might have to download some added
 codecs and stuff depending on the movies you want to watch, but you can
 get Mandrake install DVDs that have everything on one disk, and read from
 dvd at bootup

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Re: [newbie] Virus warning from ISP

2002-10-02 Thread Jason Guidry

On Wed, 2002-10-02 at 17:09, shane wrote: 
That souns familiar
I jut got also that mail
with all the attachements. and viruses as I know now.
   Yeah, it's that new linux virus that strips random consonants from your
   outgoing email...
 hey i have had the nocaps worm and bad speillers of the word untie virus 
 for over 9 years now.  it is no laughing matter!  ;-P
yup, saw that one, too. 

here's a script to take care of it for you: 

#! /bin/bash 
sudo slocate -u 
echo AAAHHH! 
slocate $BRAIN 
echo 'Ahh, I see the problem' 
umount /dev/head 
sudo rm -rf /mnt/ass/head 


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Re: [newbie] finally got the first iso

2002-10-02 Thread Damian G

On Wed, 2 Oct 2002 20:10:00 -0400

 with my dialup connection.

heh.. i downloaded the first iso, as my incoming
partition was getting full, i moved it to another
directory, then started downloading the other two.

when the last ones were finished, i realized i 
deleted the first one accidentally in one of my
random, wild deleting sprees 

[BTW i downloaded them from the eDonkey P2P network]

so, off i went to find a reasonably fast FTP server
to ammend my stupid mistake as fast as possible

and your modem connection should be getting
no less then half of my DSL speed, as the 
servers are still quite busy..


boot into windows?
what has smashing glass with footwear got to do with Operating systems?

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Re: [newbie] mldonkey problems

2002-10-02 Thread joe

Thanks for the suggestions, I still cant seem to connect to any servers
other than mldonkey servers, but I found that pausing and resuming my
downloads helped to get them started again. 

On Tue, 2002-10-01 at 23:38, Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:
 On Tue, 01 Oct 2002 20:52:48 -0600, joe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I have several questions regarding the latest mldonkey beta found on
  1.The rpm has set up mldonkey as a service, how can I disable this? 
  2. Why are there different settings when I start Mldonkey manually than
  when it starts as a service? (ie directories set to different places
  when it starts as a service)
 MLDonkey gets its config settings from the current working directory. If you're
 starting MLDonkey manually, make sure you're in the directory that contains your
 config files.
  2. Recently I have been unable to download anything even when I am
  connected and have found 1000+ sources for a particular file. Previously
  It was setting my cable modem on fire. Any ideas? 
 If you have a firewall, open TCP and UDP ports 4661-4666 and 13842.
  3. Now I am having problems connecting to any servers other than
  mldonkey servers. Perhaps I have been banned by lugdunum servers for
  creating too much traffic, but all of them? I have installed guarddog
  and iptables so that i could open ports or even disable my firewall
 I think lugdunum servers block MLDonkey by default. I think their logic is that
 MLDonkey is a threat to the eDonkey network since it can connect to multiple
 servers simultaneously. This is not necessarily the case
 More info can be found at the Linux eDonkey forum:
 Sridhar Dhanapalan
 Before you complain to us about how this stupid game won't just install and run
 the way you're used to, please bear in mind that we have been seeing a strong
 correlation between use of abusive or indecent language in complaints, and use
 of the MS Windows platform. -- From the Freeciv FAQ

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Re: [newbie] Ximian Desktop on MDK 8.2/KDE --- Oops!

2002-10-02 Thread Technoslick

Sage advice, I am sure. Thanks.

I have found that copying over KDE links from wherever I can find them 
to where they need to be is helping me to restore my KDE environment to 
the way it was before. As long as things are running well enough, I plan 
to leave the installed Ximian program as is. I probably should have 
spent some time reviewing the site before installing the program. It's 
nice, butstill just a P.I.M. I was hoping it was a full-blown 
contact management software.

I guess little apps it is..


Roland Hughes wrote:
  I find that as Gnome improves it is less able to run under KDE. I was
  using evolution and galeon and did a redcarpet upgrade and they were
  both kaput. After 43 years in this business I am again learning that
  small individual apps doing a specific job are better than one app
  trying to do everything. But I really did like Galeon.

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Re: [newbie] Aarrgh! How to turn off supermount?

2002-10-02 Thread Alan Shoemaker

leeg100 wrote:
 On Wednesday 02 October 2002 02:30 am, Alan Shoemaker wrote:
   Thanks for all the replies, folks.  supermount -i
   disable fixed it. Creating a new device worked, but
   for some reason the Zip no longer has an eject choice
   on the context menu.  Not really a biggie, but curious.
  make a new icon linked to your ZIP drive from the
  'CD/DVD-ROM device...' choice (which has an context menu
  'eject' choice).

 Thanks for the suggestion, but it didn't completely work! 
 The eject choice is there, but it doesn't eject the disk.


...really!  wow...!  you're correct (it worked on 8.1 and 
8.2), but it does umount the drive and typing eject /mnt/zip 
behaves exactly the same and yields this error message:

[alan@obi-wan removable media]$ eject /mnt/zip
eject: unable to eject, last error: Invalid argument
[alan@obi-wan removable media]$

so, to get better info:

[alan@obi-wan removable media]$ eject -v /mnt/zip
eject: device name is `/mnt/zip'
eject: expanded name is `/mnt/zip'
eject: `/dev/sda4' is mounted at `/mnt/zip'
eject: unmounting `/dev/sda4'
eject: `/dev/sda4' is a multipartition device
eject: trying to eject `/dev/sda4' using CD-ROM eject command
eject: CD-ROM eject command failed
eject: trying to eject `/dev/sda4' using SCSI commands
eject: SCSI eject failed
eject: trying to eject `/dev/sda4' using floppy eject command
eject: floppy eject command failed
eject: trying to eject `/dev/sda4' using tape offline command
eject: tape offline command failed
eject: unable to eject, last error: Invalid argument
[alan@obi-wan removable media]$

...guess I'll need to report this, thanks. :(

P.S. at least the eject button works. :)

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RE: [newbie] iso downloading problems

2002-10-02 Thread walt

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Mandrake
Development @ Networks East
Sent: Wednesday, October 02, 2002 8:51 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] iso downloading problems

The mirror sites are VERY busy right now.  That is probably causing your
download problems.

I am having the same problem

I checked my download of disk one with md5sum and everything checks out.
I still get a blank screen if I try to load it on boot-up. I did do a
live install in 8.2 and had some problems with the installation. Will
need to repair the installation and will keep trying to do a full
upgrade. Only got partial upgrade right now. Not giving up..linux has
been in my blood for a few years now and it has finally gotten to the
point where I want to use it exclusively.


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Re: [newbie] Virus warning from ISP

2002-10-02 Thread Dennis Myers

On Wednesday 02 October 2002 07:36 pm, Jason Guidry wrote:
 On Wed, 2002-10-02 at 17:09, shane wrote:
 That souns familiar
 I jut got also that mail
 with all the attachements. and viruses as I know now.
Yeah, it's that new linux virus that strips random consonants from
your outgoing email...
  hey i have had the nocaps worm and bad speillers of the word untie
  virus for over 9 years now.  it is no laughing matter!  ;-P

 yup, saw that one, too.

 here's a script to take care of it for you:

 #! /bin/bash
 sudo slocate -u
 echo AAAHHH!
 slocate $BRAIN
 echo 'Ahh, I see the problem'
 umount /dev/head
 sudo rm -rf /mnt/ass/head

Good gravy, that is so funny, you guys kill me! HOHOHO ROTFL
Dennis M. linux user #180842

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Re: [newbie] Virus warning from ISP

2002-10-02 Thread Ronald J. Hall

On Wednesday 02 October 2002 04:17 pm, you wrote:
 make you glad you use a OS that does not get uset by klez, don't it. I get
 about 4 klez or nimda a day, and I kinda enjoy seeing what ever file was
 sent as an attachment. last week, I got some with some java script from
 someone who buys stock in the Itialian stock market.

Yep, makes me real glad! (and that bit about the guy who buys stock in the 
Italian stock market is funny!) grin

  Dark Lord

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Re: [newbie] resizing photos

2002-10-02 Thread Todd Slater

On Tue, 1 Oct 2002 08:41:44 -0600
Jan Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 * Alastair Scott [EMAIL PROTECTED] [021001 08:07]:
  On 30 Sep 2002 17:16:24 -0400 Paul Rodriguez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Is there a way to resize a bunch of photos at the same time?  I have
   a folder with 42 photos from my digital camera and would like to
   make them 1/3 the size to put on the web in as few strokes as
   possible.  Ok, at least in an easy and reproducable way.
  ImageMagick - the mogrify command therein - will do it:
  Something like
  mogrify -resize 33%x33% *.jpg
  would appear to work. (Of course this will _replace_ all the
  existing .jpg files with their smaller mogrifications, so back them
  up first!)
 I agree that mogrify works ... I use it all the time.  One tip, though
 ... I have found that mogrify seems to have trouble compressing photos
 from my camera (an Olympus 3030z).  If I load them into the Gimp first
 and save them, then when mogrify resamples them they will be a half to
 a tenth (on small images) the size!

Mogrify compresses jpeg's at 75 on a scale of 100. Gimp, by default, also
saves jpeg's at 75. So, I wonder if the size difference is a result of
undergoing a 25% compression two times? You might try mogrify and
specifying a quality of 50 and see if you get comparable results--and save
yourself a step. I'm going to try it now.


Todd Slater
Not currently listening to tunes
In the first place God made idiots. This was for practice. Then he made
school boards. (Mark Twain)

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RE: [newbie] Virus warning from ISP

2002-10-02 Thread Franki

Thats Amavisd running on their mail server...    Great stuff...

I have the same thing running on my postfix mandrake box here..

its saved me downloading 3 copies of bugbear today...

everyone with a linux mail server supporting windows clients should run

its a shame that Mandrake doesn't see the benefit in making it an option...

both SUSE and Debian have amavis RPM's available.. mandrake doesn't appear
to have discovered it yet.

Here is the admin email amavis sent me this morning.:

A virus was found in an email from:


The message was addressed to:


The message has been quarantined as:


Here is the output of the scanner:

Virus Scanner v3.1, VSAPI v5.500-0829
Trend Micro Inc. 1996,1997
Pattern version 357
Pattern number 47948
Configuration: -a -r -nl -c1 -c2 -u -s
*** Found virus WORM_BUGBEAR.A in file

Searched : 0
Searched : 2
Scan : 2
Infected : 1
Infected : 1(Include files been compressed)
Start : 10/3/02 06:54:18
 Stop : 10/3/02 06:54:18
 Used : 00:00

Here are the headers:

Received: from ( [])
by (Postfix) with ESMTP id BB85D6E3
for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Thu,  3 Oct 2002 06:54:05 +0800 (WST)
Received: from office ( [])
by (8.12.6/8.12.6/RG2.2) with SMTP id g92Mf8AR017909;
Thu, 3 Oct 2002 08:41:08 +1000 (EST)
Date: Thu, 3 Oct 2002 08:41:08 +1000 (EST)
From: Clark Windows [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Greets!
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=--59XMUN6H7L3LGH2
To: undisclosed-recipients: ;

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Ronald J. Hall
Sent: Thursday, 3 October 2002 3:18 AM
To: Mandrake Newbie List
Subject: [newbie] Virus warning from ISP

Just got this from my ISP - thought it was interesting - only address I get
that looks remotely like the sender here is from this list


SouthEast Telephone AntiVirus scan results
 Date: Wed, 02 Oct 2002 10:25:07 -0400

RAV AntiVirus for Linux i686 version: 8.3.2 (snapshot-20020108)

SouthEast Telephone AntiVirus results on mail from :
Received: from (HELO
Received: from
Received: from
Received: from rivenheart

This email was automatically generated by the SouthEast Telephone
email server in response to a virus infected email. Below you will
find out more information on why you are receiving this email. If
you are a SouthEast Telephone customer and you have any further
questions or concerns please contact our Technical Support Department
at 1-888-812-5199 or email us at [EMAIL PROTECTED] If you are not
a SouthEast Telephone customer you may wish to contact your Internet
Service Provider for more assistance.

The file (part0001:w9x_682.exe.pif) attached to mail (with subject: [Samba]
Windows XP Authentication)


Cannot clean this file.
The file was successfully deleted by SouthEast Telephone AntiVirus.

This is a copy of the e-mail header:

Received: from (HELO
Received: from
Received: from
Received: from rivenheart

Scan engine 8.9 () for i386.
Last update: Wed Oct  2 08:07:06 2002
Scanning for 72047 malwares (viruses, trojans and worms).


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RE: [newbie] Fwd: Re: Connecting with Customers

2002-10-02 Thread Franki

I love it!   I hope that gets read by him and he replies to you
facinating stuff... :-)


of course, they probably use exchange server so he may never get your
reply..  :-)



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of shane
Sent: Thursday, 3 October 2002 7:09 AM
Subject: [newbie] Fwd: Re: Connecting with Customers

Hash: SHA1

wow, maybe MS feels pressure from linux.  got a mail today.  my responce is
included.  childish of me i know, but i am a bad person down deep...

thought some of might enjoy it.

- --  Forward  --

Subject: Re: Connecting with Customers
Date: Wed, 2 Oct 2002 16:02:32 -0700
To: Steve Ballmer

first, a hint.  don't send in html.  only jackass microsoft users do that.

On Wednesday 02 October 2002 3:37 pm, Steve Ballmer did speak thus unto me:
 STYLE TYPE=text/css


 pI spend a lot of my time thinking about how Microsoft can do a better
 job of serving its customers. I'm convinced that we need to do more to
 establish and maintain broad connections with the millions of people who
 use our products and services around the world. We need to more
 thoroughly understand their needs,

i agree.  start by spamming your customers.  i use linux, because, frankly,
i upped my standards.  so up yours.

 pFirst I should give you some context on why I am sending you this
 email. This is one in an occasional series of mails that Bill Gates and
 I, and periodically other Microsoft executives, will be sending to people
 who are interested in hearing from us about technology and public-policy

and even people who don't want shit from you apparently.

 pIf you would like to hear from us in the future, please click a
3id=155here/a. If you don't want to hear from us again, you needn't
 do anything. We will not send you another of these emails unless you
 choose to subscribe at the link above./p

great MS joins the ranks of opt-out bullshitters.  and i thought windows
ME was as low as you could go.

 pIn my career, I've worked at only one other place besides Microsoft. I
 marketed brownie mix and blueberry muffin mix for one of the largest
 consumer products companies.

so you have always sold pre-packaged junk.  great.

 Even so, not every new grocery or drug-store item succeeds.

maybe they need an illegally maintained monopoly?

 pSatisfying customers is what it's all about with technology products,

then how did MS's good enough strategy work?

 And customers expect the same high quality and reliability in
 computing devices and software as they do in consumer products.

clearly not, or you would be pan handling on the street.

 That's why our customers still encounter bugs despite the
 rigorous and extensive stress testing and beta testing we do. With
 Windows 2000 and Windows XP, we dramatically improved the stability and
 reliability of our platform

and a lofty goal that was!  from zero to... well, not zero.

 pThe process of finding and fixing software problems has been hindered
 by a lack of reliable data on the precise nature of the problems
 customers encounter in the real world. Freeze-ups and crashes can be
 incredibly irritating, but rarely do customers contact technical support
 about them; instead, they close the program. Even when customers do call
 support and we resolve a problem, we often do not glean enough detail to
 trace its cause or prevent it from recurring.

this should help, the problem is they were running your software.  after i
stopped running your software (3 years ago) those problems went away.

 pThere are risks in offering this option to have software phone home

especially when nobody trusts you.  with good reason i might add.

 pAlso, customers may wonder what we do with their reports and whether
 their privacy is protected. We use advanced security technologies to help
 protect these error reports, which are gathered on a cluster of dedicated
 Microsoft servers

as secure as your other servers?  i feel safer already.

 pWe've been amazed by the patterns revealed in the error reports that
 customers are sending us.  ione percent
 of bugs cause half of all errors/i./p

would that bug be IE or outlook?

 pWith this immensely valuable feedback from our customers, we're now
 able to prioritize debugging work on our products to achieve the biggest
 improvement in customers' experience.

well anything has to be an improvement over your past bend over and take
it eXPerience.

 Some 450 companies
 have accessed our database of error reports related to their drivers,

is that the private data you mentioned before?

 pThere's much more I would like to share with you about these and other
 initiatives on behalf of customers, but I wanted to be (relatively)

well your bloat shines through even by email.

[newbie] single user boot: i still cannot change root password

2002-10-02 Thread Ma Anguo

I upgraded the security level of my mandrake 8.2 box from the lowest to the
intermediate (3) level.

Now I don't have access to any user, including root, because my passwords
are all expired. I couldn't su to root and couldn't shutdown the box
(ctr+alt+del didn't respond). I was stuck with the graphical login and had
to press the reset button :-( , messing the filesystem...

I googled the internet to find out how to boot as a single user and change
the root password. Here is what I did.

lilo linux runlevel 1
lilo linux single
didn't help. The file system is messed (du to hard reset) and I am faced
with the alternative of either supplying the root password (which I don't
have) for maintenance or press ctr+D to do a normal start, which brings me
back to the stallemate above...

(btw, is there any difference between:
linux runlevel 1   ,
linux init 1   and
linux single  ?)

I then tried:

lilo linux init=/bin/sh rw

which gave me an init prompt.

I typed su and without asking for a password, I got the root prompt:
[root@(none) / ]#

I located the passwd command in the filesystem and tried it:
# ./passwd root
./passwd: permission denied.
I have the same result at the init or root prompt.

I then tried to modify the /etc/passwd file to erase the root pass (as I
read I could do when I googled the web).
vi didn't work but I found a vim-minimum in the filesystem and used it to vi
/etc/passwd but the file was read only and any attempt to write it failed.

Another note that might be important: the /usr filesystem was not mounted
and I didn't mount it because the filesystem got corrupted and trying to
mount it would have brought plenty of error messages and I wouldn't have
known what to do).

So: I lost my root password (not that I forgot it but it unexpectedly got
I could login and su to root as a single user but still could do anything
about it!

Beside getting me back my user and root password, I'd like to know if it is
possible to switch back to a lower security level... I cannot manage my box
at a higher level



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RE: [newbie] single user boot: i still cannot change root password

2002-10-02 Thread Franki

boot from the CD. and at the prompt. type rescue without the prompts...

it will then boot the CD install kernel and stuff and when finished you can

chroot /mnt

and you will have access to your files stuff..

then change your passwords etc...



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Ma Anguo
Sent: Thursday, 3 October 2002 11:41 AM
To: Mandrake Newbie ml
Subject: [newbie] single user boot: i still cannot change root password

I upgraded the security level of my mandrake 8.2 box from the lowest to the
intermediate (3) level.

Now I don't have access to any user, including root, because my passwords
are all expired. I couldn't su to root and couldn't shutdown the box
(ctr+alt+del didn't respond). I was stuck with the graphical login and had
to press the reset button :-( , messing the filesystem...

I googled the internet to find out how to boot as a single user and change
the root password. Here is what I did.

lilo linux runlevel 1
lilo linux single
didn't help. The file system is messed (du to hard reset) and I am faced
with the alternative of either supplying the root password (which I don't
have) for maintenance or press ctr+D to do a normal start, which brings me
back to the stallemate above...

(btw, is there any difference between:
linux runlevel 1   ,
linux init 1   and
linux single  ?)

I then tried:

lilo linux init=/bin/sh rw

which gave me an init prompt.

I typed su and without asking for a password, I got the root prompt:
[root@(none) / ]#

I located the passwd command in the filesystem and tried it:
# ./passwd root
./passwd: permission denied.
I have the same result at the init or root prompt.

I then tried to modify the /etc/passwd file to erase the root pass (as I
read I could do when I googled the web).
vi didn't work but I found a vim-minimum in the filesystem and used it to vi
/etc/passwd but the file was read only and any attempt to write it failed.

Another note that might be important: the /usr filesystem was not mounted
and I didn't mount it because the filesystem got corrupted and trying to
mount it would have brought plenty of error messages and I wouldn't have
known what to do).

So: I lost my root password (not that I forgot it but it unexpectedly got
I could login and su to root as a single user but still could do anything
about it!

Beside getting me back my user and root password, I'd like to know if it is
possible to switch back to a lower security level... I cannot manage my box
at a higher level



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[newbie] kbdrate?

2002-10-02 Thread leeg100

To speed up the keyboard typematic rate, I added this line to the end of 

kbdrate -r 30 -d 250

...but it doesn't work from there.

As root at a console prompt, it works fine.  Regular users apparently don't 
have rights to use the command.

So... where/how should I configure this?


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Re: [newbie] Aarrgh! How to turn off supermount?

2002-10-02 Thread s

On Wednesday 02 October 2002 08:58 pm, Alan Shoemaker wrote:

for some reason the Zip no longer has an eject choice
on the context menu.  Not really a biggie, but curious.

  The eject choice is there, but it doesn't eject the disk.

 ...really!  wow...!  you're correct (it worked on 8.1 and
 8.2), but it does umount the drive and typing eject /mnt/zip

cuz you need to eject the dev not the mount point.  
eject /dev/sda4 (or whatever it is)

no thoughts on the right click menu tho at this time.

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[newbie] iMac running Mandrake PPC 8.2 has blank screen

2002-10-02 Thread Gabe Knuth


Ive tried to read through the archives, but, unfortunately, most of the
explanations didnt help because I dont know what Im
reading. Im very new to
Linux, and am having a problem with the PPC version of Mandrake 8.2. 

The installation would only work in Text Install mode. Any time I tried to use the graphical install, I would just get a blue screen with a cursor in the
middle (the X). The cursor wouldnt
move. Once I got it installed, I
was able to boot into yaboot and fire up Linux
(pressing l). At that point, I type
linux and it goes through its bootup process. When it goes to switch to the next phase
(X-Windows or KDE, I presume) all I get is a black screen. No cursor, no pointer  no nothing.

I can assume from the archives that this is a display driver problem. From there, I am quite lost. Ive no clue where to go or how to
go about troubleshooting the problem.

If anyone can give me a hand, Id appreciate it. Thanks much.

Gabe Knuth


[newbie] nVidiaGeForce2Go card on Dell laptop - NO X WILL WORK!!

2002-10-02 Thread Ralph M. Los

Like the subject line says - I can't get a SINGLE X-server config to
work right.  I don't get it.

I've tried the defaults it gives (nVidia2 (generric) + flat panel
1024x768 + 1028x768@16bpp) and it still doesn't load right.  3.3.6 and
4.0.2 (I'm not entirely sure on ver #) don't work!!

HELP PLEASE would be most appreciated.

+  Ralph | Internet Systems  Security   +
+   | -Specializing in Paranoia-  +
+ralphatboundariezdotcom |  Never understimate the power +
+AIM: SekurityWizard | stupid people +
+ICQ: 2206039|in large groups+

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RE: [newbie] nVidiaGeForce2Go card on Dell laptop - NO X WILL WORK!!

2002-10-02 Thread Franki

Try this one..

someone nice sent it to me to try...

good luck.



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Ralph M. Los
Sent: Thursday, 3 October 2002 1:39 PM
Subject: [newbie] nVidiaGeForce2Go card on Dell laptop - NO X WILL
Sensitivity: Confidential

Like the subject line says - I can't get a SINGLE X-server config to
work right.  I don't get it.

I've tried the defaults it gives (nVidia2 (generric) + flat panel
1024x768 + 1028x768@16bpp) and it still doesn't load right.  3.3.6 and
4.0.2 (I'm not entirely sure on ver #) don't work!!

HELP PLEASE would be most appreciated.

+  Ralph | Internet Systems  Security   +
+   | -Specializing in Paranoia-  +
+ralphatboundariezdotcom |  Never understimate the power +
+AIM: SekurityWizard | stupid people +
+ICQ: 2206039|in large groups+

Description: Binary data

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Re: [newbie] Fwd: Re: Connecting with Customers

2002-10-02 Thread Alastair Scott

On Wed, 2 Oct 2002 16:09:04 -0700 shane [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hash: SHA1
 wow, maybe MS feels pressure from linux.  got a mail today.  my responce is 
 included.  childish of me i know, but i am a bad person down deep...

Interestingly, I got a copy at work and it was automatically classified as
spam (by the server copy of spamassassin) :)


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