Re: [newbie-it] ./configure

2002-10-06 Thread Milko Ferioli

Grazie per la risposta, ma quali librerie mi mancano e dove posso recuperarle.
Perchè non si compila da root?
Scusa le domande banali ma è già stato un successo riuscire ad installarlo.

Ciao Milko

Alle 01:55, domenica 6 ottobre 2002, hai scritto:
 Alle 00:29, domenica 6 ottobre 2002, Milko Ferioli ha scritto:
  Ciao stò cercando di installare un nuovo tema su Mandrake 8.2 ma ho
  dei problemi.
  vi allego la lista dei comandi, potrste aiutarmi a capire dove
  sbaglio. Alla fine se digito make mi risponde:
  make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.
  Ciao Milko
  [root@localhost mosfet-liquid0.9.5]# ./configure --prefix=/opt/kde3

 non si compila da root
 si installa solo..

  checking for strip... strip
  admin/ltconfig: admin/ltconfig: No such file or directory
  configure: error: libtool configure failed

 librerie mancanti, non ti crea il makefile ecco il perchè del target


 Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.19  hp  Xe3
 R.U.#219755 - S.R.U.#705 - R.M.#110932

Re: [newbie-it] Errore nel montare i filesystem

2002-10-06 Thread Ivano

Ho provato anche con la red-hat 7.2 ed Win Xp in Dual Boot, con partizioni 
ntfs, ma niente da fare.
Comunque se riesci a montarle fammi sapere.
Ciao Ivano.

Il 20:30, sabato 5 ottobre 2002, hai scritto:
 Hash: SHA1

 Alle 16:36, sabato 5 ottobre 2002, Ivano ha scritto:
  Le partizione ntfs, sopratutto quele di XP sono difficili da
  installare, meglio convertirle in fat32.

 beh, se hai il 2000 in dual boot (che in genere uno paga, e parecchio pure)
 mi pare normale usarlo con il proprio FS, altrimenti si perdono i pochi
 vantaggi del sistema rispetto al 98/me...

 non è difficile usare ntfs e montarlo con G/N/Linux..
 il problema è che sembra che la mandrakkia abbia qualche problemino, che
 non vorrei dipendesse dalle pezze applicate al kernel, o da qualche
 parametro di lilo o di kudzu...

 voglio provare ad installarla e vedere..



 Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.19  hp  Xe3
 R.U.#219755 - S.R.U.#705 - R.M.#110932
 Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
 Comment: For info see


Version: GnuPG v1.0.2b (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: [newbie-it] Errore nel montare i filesystem

2002-10-06 Thread miKe

Hash: SHA1

Alle 10:18, domenica 6 ottobre 2002, Ivano ha scritto:
 Ho provato anche con la red-hat 7.2 ed Win Xp in Dual Boot, con
 partizioni ntfs, ma niente da fare.
 Comunque se riesci a montarle fammi sapere.

allora, io ho solo 2 pc (con il dual boot 2000-slackware)
e su entrambi monto tranquillamente la partizione ntfs da utente...

visto che l'errore nel montare ntfs mi pare piuttosto diffuso in mandrake, ho detto 
che avrei provato ad installarlo per vedere...

per ora ho alcune 'teorie':
- -mandrake genera un fstab in cui le partizioni win4 vengono prima della root, quindi 
i moduli per ntfs non vengono trovati, per questo l'errore al boot.
l'errore però non dovrebbe ripetersi a sistema up, cioè a / montata
è una prova che vorrei fare

- -il kernel di mandrake ha alcune pezze, magari creano problemi (ad esempio la patch 
preemptive  01 applicata al 2.4.18  linus della mia slack mi impediva di montare 
partizioni nfs, la cosa è stata risolta e con la 04 funzia,
potrebbe essere un esempio)

- -fstab di mandrake riporta alcune opzioni, che non credo siano congruenti con ntfs 
si potrebe testare con le semplici 'defaults,noauto,users,umask=000'
altra prova che vorrei fare

- -le proprietà sui dispositivi, che manrake applica in modo un pò strano...
..esempio lampante la proprietà del floppy disk, data all'utente... tempo di installare e vedo...

intanto, se qualcuno vuole provare indico il mio fstab, i miei moduli, la 
configurazione del kernel relativa ad ntfs e le proprietà del dispositivo e dei 
mountpoint, l'output del comando mount:

Administrator@mdk:~$ cat /etc/fstab
/dev/hda7   swapswap   defaults   0   0
/dev/hda6   /   reiserfs   defaults   1   1
/dev/hda5   /fat_c  vfat defaults,auto,users,showexec,umask=000 0   0
/dev/hda2   /ntfs   ntfs noauto,users,umask=000   0   0
/dev/hdc/cdrom  iso9660  defaults,users,noauto,exec,ro  0 0
/dev/fd0/floppy auto defaults,users,noauto 0 0
mike:/exp   /nfsnfs  
defaults,users,noauto,soft,timeo=10,rsize=8192,wsize=8192 0 0
#dns:/nfs   /nfsnfs  defaults,users,noauto 0 0
none /dev/pts  devpts gid=5,mode=620  0   0
none /procprocdefaults   0   0
/proc/bus/usb/proc/bus/usb usbdevfs rw,devmode=0664,devgid=43 0 0
Administrator@mdk:~$ su
root@mdk:/home/Administrator# lsmod
Module  Size  Used byNot tainted
ds  6344   2
yenta_socket8672   2
pcmcia_core37536   0  [ds yenta_socket]
serial 43556   1  (autoclean)
smbfs  31488   0  (unused)
ntfs   48736   0
nfs70528   1
lockd  45840   1  [nfs]
sunrpc 56508   1  [nfs lockd]
tulip  37120   1
maestro3   24624   3
ac97_codec  9736   0  [maestro3]
scanner 8376   0  (unused)
usb-uhci   20972   0  (unused)
usbcore54208   0  [scanner usb-uhci]
ppp_deflate39040   0  (unused)
ppp_async   6368   0
ppp_generic16544   0  [ppp_deflate ppp_async]
slhc4272   0  [ppp_generic]
agpgart15976   0  (unused)
lp  6464   0
parport_pc 24776   1
parport23520   1  [lp parport_pc]
nls_iso8859-1   2844   1  (autoclean)
nls_cp437   4348   1  (autoclean)
vfat9212   1  (autoclean)
fat28824   0  (autoclean) [vfat]
root@mdk:/home/Administrator# cat /usr/src/linux/.config | grep NTFS
# CONFIG_NTFS_RW is not set
root@mdk:/home/Administrator# exit
Administrator@mdk:~$ mount
/dev/hda6 on / type reiserfs (rw)
none on /proc type proc (rw)
/dev/hda5 on /fat_c type vfat (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev,showexec,umask=000)
mike:/exp on /nfs type nfs 
/dev/hda2 on /ntfs type ntfs (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev,umask=000)

 Ciao Ivano.


Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.19  hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 - S.R.U.#705 - R.M.#110932
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: [newbie-it] ./configure

2002-10-06 Thread miKe

Hash: SHA1

Alle 09:59, domenica 6 ottobre 2002, Milko Ferioli ha scritto:
 Grazie per la risposta, ma quali librerie mi mancano e dove posso

io non uso mandrake, quindi non posso dirti quale rpm contenga le librerie, puoi 
comunque trovarle sicuramente nei cd di installazione
vedi se i readme di liquid indicando le dipendenze, le cita,
altrimenti vai nei  vari cd, nell dir. RPMS e prova con:
$ rpm -qlp *.rpm | grep libtool

vedi se non hai installato qualche rpm che le comrendesse

 Perchè non si compila da root?

la sequenza dei comandi, in genere, è
$./configure (da utente)
$make (da utente)
#make install (o, meglio, checkinstall, da root)

per installare, devi essere root, perchè vai a scrivere su parti del sistema non 
accessibili all'utente, in particolare riscrivi librerie o eseguibili,
per compilare non è invece necessario essere superutente, che ha una path diversa, non 
dovendo necessariamente accedere ad alcuni eseguibili, e dovendo invece raggiungerne 
altri, interdetti agli utenti  (alcuni esempi, l'utente non ha in path /sbin e non 
raggiunge quindi halt o shutdown, se non con degli alias o indicandoli esplicitamente, 
al contrario, si potrebbe evitare a root di raggiungere alcuni comandi, per i quali si 
autorizzano gli utenti del gruppo wheel, per motivi di *paranoica* sicurezza)

 Ciao Milko


Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.19  hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 - S.R.U.#705 - R.M.#110932
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: [newbie-it] messaggi doppi

2002-10-06 Thread miKe

Hash: SHA1

Alle 21:50, sabato 5 ottobre 2002, Fabio Manunza ha scritto:
 Alle 20:32, sabato 5 ottobre 2002, hai scritto:
  ho dovuto killare kmail per un problemino di gnupg,
  ed alcuni miei messaggi (che avevo già spedito) sono partiti
  nuovamente, me ne scuso con la ml...


;) con me ci viene anche chi mette in girno messaggi firmati con 
pgp senza rendere pubbliche le chiavi...



Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.19  hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 - S.R.U.#705 - R.M.#110932
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: [newbie-it] Errore nel montare i filesystem

2002-10-06 Thread Ivano

Grazie Mike, questo fstab è da studiare, sei in gamba.
A presto..

Il 16:30, domenica 6 ottobre 2002, hai scritto:

 Hash: SHA1

 Alle 10:18, domenica 6 ottobre 2002, Ivano ha scritto:
  Ho provato anche con la red-hat 7.2 ed Win Xp in Dual Boot, con
  partizioni ntfs, ma niente da fare.
  Comunque se riesci a montarle fammi sapere.

 allora, io ho solo 2 pc (con il dual boot 2000-slackware)
 e su entrambi monto tranquillamente la partizione ntfs da utente...

 visto che l'errore nel montare ntfs mi pare piuttosto diffuso in mandrake,
 ho detto che avrei provato ad installarlo per vedere...

 per ora ho alcune 'teorie':
 - -mandrake genera un fstab in cui le partizioni win4 vengono prima della
 root, quindi i moduli per ntfs non vengono trovati, per questo l'errore al
 boot. l'errore però non dovrebbe ripetersi a sistema up, cioè a / montata è
 una prova che vorrei fare

 - -il kernel di mandrake ha alcune pezze, magari creano problemi (ad
 esempio la patch preemptive  01 applicata al 2.4.18  linus della mia slack
 mi impediva di montare partizioni nfs, la cosa è stata risolta e con la 04
 funzia, potrebbe essere un esempio)

 - -fstab di mandrake riporta alcune opzioni, che non credo siano congruenti
 con ntfs si potrebe testare con le semplici
 'defaults,noauto,users,umask=000' altra prova che vorrei fare

 - -le proprietà sui dispositivi, che manrake applica in modo un pò
 strano... ..esempio lampante la proprietà del floppy disk, data
 all'utente... tempo di installare e vedo...

 intanto, se qualcuno vuole provare indico il mio fstab, i miei moduli, la
 configurazione del kernel relativa ad ntfs e le proprietà del dispositivo e
 dei mountpoint, l'output del comando mount:

 Administrator@mdk:~$ cat /etc/fstab
 /dev/hda7   swapswap   defaults   0   0
 /dev/hda6   /   reiserfs   defaults   1   1
 /dev/hda5   /fat_c  vfat defaults,auto,users,showexec,umask=000 0  
 0 /dev/hda2   /ntfs   ntfs noauto,users,umask=000   0   0
 /dev/hdc/cdrom  iso9660  defaults,users,noauto,exec,ro  0 0
 /dev/fd0/floppy auto defaults,users,noauto 0 0
 mike:/exp   /nfsnfs 
 defaults,users,noauto,soft,timeo=10,rsize=8192,wsize=8192 0 0
 #dns:/nfs   /nfsnfs  defaults,users,noauto 0 0
 none /dev/pts  devpts gid=5,mode=620  0   0
 none /procprocdefaults   0   0
 /proc/bus/usb/proc/bus/usb usbdevfs rw,devmode=0664,devgid=43 0 0
 Administrator@mdk:~$ su
 root@mdk:/home/Administrator# lsmod
 Module  Size  Used byNot tainted
 ds  6344   2
 yenta_socket8672   2
 pcmcia_core37536   0  [ds yenta_socket]
 serial 43556   1  (autoclean)
 smbfs  31488   0  (unused)
 ntfs   48736   0
 nfs70528   1
 lockd  45840   1  [nfs]
 sunrpc 56508   1  [nfs lockd]
 tulip  37120   1
 maestro3   24624   3
 ac97_codec  9736   0  [maestro3]
 scanner 8376   0  (unused)
 usb-uhci   20972   0  (unused)
 usbcore54208   0  [scanner usb-uhci]
 ppp_deflate39040   0  (unused)
 ppp_async   6368   0
 ppp_generic16544   0  [ppp_deflate ppp_async]
 slhc4272   0  [ppp_generic]
 agpgart15976   0  (unused)
 lp  6464   0
 parport_pc 24776   1
 parport23520   1  [lp parport_pc]
 nls_iso8859-1   2844   1  (autoclean)
 nls_cp437   4348   1  (autoclean)
 vfat9212   1  (autoclean)
 fat28824   0  (autoclean) [vfat]
 root@mdk:/home/Administrator# cat /usr/src/linux/.config | grep NTFS
 # CONFIG_NTFS_RW is not set
 root@mdk:/home/Administrator# exit
 Administrator@mdk:~$ mount
 /dev/hda6 on / type reiserfs (rw)
 none on /proc type proc (rw)
 /dev/hda5 on /fat_c type vfat (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev,showexec,umask=000)
 mike:/exp on /nfs type nfs
35) /dev/hda2 on /ntfs type ntfs (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev,umask=000)

  Ciao Ivano.


 Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.19  hp  Xe3
 R.U.#219755 - S.R.U.#705 - R.M.#110932
 Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
 Comment: For info see


Version: GnuPG v1.0.2b (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: [newbie-it] scriptare

2002-10-06 Thread Arwan

Alle 21:17, sabato 5 ottobre 2002, contorcendoti la mente su Re: [newbie-it] 
scriptare, Fabio Manunza hai scritto: 

  Ho visto che in questi giorni si è parlato di script.

 La prima cosa che mi viene in mente sono gli appunti di informatica libera;
 (vol. II - parte 14). In rete poi, dovresti trovare parecchio..

Ho cercato nel tomo II, ma non ho trovato il capito di cui parli. Invece, dal 
capitolo 44 in poi c'e' parecchia roba. Forse abbiamo edizioni diverse :-)
Anzi, ne sono quasi sicura: ho scaricato la mia un annetto fa, e un amico mi 
diceva di una versione nuova. Sai se ci sono grandi differenze?


Re: [newbie-it] mi si ancora piantato Linux!

2002-10-06 Thread Giorgio Griffon

Grazie delle spiegazioni.
E' un po' che devo chiedere ulteriori lumi sulla disattivazione del devfs, 
che a me crea altri fastidi: so che dopo aver scritto nomount in lilo.conf 
bisogna fare un'altra semplicissima operazione (me l'ha confessato Arwan), ma 

Re: [newbie-it] mi si ancora piantato Linux!

2002-10-06 Thread Fabio Manunza

Alle 21:45, domenica 6 ottobre 2002, hai scritto:
 Grazie delle spiegazioni.
 E' un po' che devo chiedere ulteriori lumi sulla disattivazione del devfs,
 che a me crea altri fastidi: so che dopo aver scritto nomount in
 lilo.conf bisogna fare un'altra semplicissima operazione (me l'ha
 confessato Arwan), ma quale?

...Beh, addirittura confessare..
Comunque dopo aver modificato lilo devi dare il comando
lilo -v

-- Fabio Manunza -- 
   ## n° macchina 140545 ##

Re: [newbie-it] scriptare

2002-10-06 Thread Fabio Manunza

Alle 12:28, domenica 6 ottobre 2002, hai scritto:

 Ho cercato nel tomo II, ma non ho trovato il capito di cui parli. Invece,
 dal capitolo 44 in poi c'e' parecchia roba. Forse abbiamo edizioni diverse
 :-) Anzi, ne sono quasi sicura: ho scaricato la mia un annetto fa, e un
 amico mi diceva di una versione nuova. Sai se ci sono grandi differenze?

..Urka, io il mio l'ho installato da un cdrom del n°26 di Linux  C.; quello 
che avevo prima effettivamente differiva di molto...perlomeno nella mole; 
oltretutto in quest'ultima edizione sono state pure incorporate le FAQ di 
Paolone, per cui...pagato uno, presi due...

-- Fabio Manunza -- 
   ## n° macchina 140545 ##

Re: [newbie-it] mi si ancora piantato Linux!

2002-10-06 Thread miKe

Hash: SHA1

Alle 21:45, domenica 6 ottobre 2002, Giorgio Griffon ha scritto:
 Grazie delle spiegazioni.
 E' un po' che devo chiedere ulteriori lumi sulla disattivazione del
 devfs, che a me crea altri fastidi: so che dopo aver scritto
 nomount in lilo.conf bisogna fare un'altra semplicissima
 operazione (me l'ha confessato Arwan), ma quale?

ricaricare lilo
#lilo -v



Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.19  hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 - S.R.U.#705 - R.M.#110932
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: [newbie-it] Errore nel montare i filesystem

2002-10-06 Thread miKe

Hash: SHA1

Alle 18:43, domenica 6 ottobre 2002, Ivano ha scritto:
 Grazie Mike, questo fstab è da studiare, sei in gamba.

grazie, troppo buono..

avevo promesso  che avrei fatto delle prove:

[root@mike mike]# mount
/dev/hda5 on / type reiserfs (rw,notail)
none on /proc type proc (rw)
none on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,mode=0620)
none on /dev/shm type tmpfs (rw)
/mnt/cdrom on /mnt/cdrom type supermount 
/mnt/cdrom2 on /mnt/cdrom2 type supermount 
/mnt/cdrom3 on /mnt/cdrom3 type supermount 
/mnt/floppy on /mnt/floppy type supermount 
none on /proc/bus/usb type usbdevfs (rw,devmode=0664,devgid=43)
/dev/hda1 on /mnt/ntfs type ntfs (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev,umask=000)
^ si riesce a montare ntfs anche con 
diciamo che ne ero sicuro, scagioniamo le patch al kernel, che non ho 
toccato, il devfs ecc..

[root@mike mike]# ls -l /dev/hda1
brwxrwxrwx1 root disk   3,   1 feb 23  2002 /dev/hda1

permessi un pò 'permissivi' 

[root@mike mike]# ls -l /mnt/ | grep ntfs
dr-xr-xr-x1 root root16384 ago  1 23:52 ntfs/

questi sono giusti..

[root@mike mike]# lsmod
Module  Size  Used byTainted: P
nls_iso8859-1   2816   1  (autoclean)
ntfs   51744   1  (autoclean)
agpgart31552   3  (autoclean)
NVdriver  822336   9  (autoclean)
via82cxxx_audio18144   0
uart401 6336   0  [via82cxxx_audio]
ac97_codec  9568   0  [via82cxxx_audio]
sound  57292   0  [via82cxxx_audio uart401]
soundcore   4068   4  [via82cxxx_audio sound]
nfsd   69536   8  (autoclean)
lockd  49344   1  (autoclean) [nfsd]
sunrpc 62964   1  (autoclean) [nfsd lockd]
lp  6464   0
parport_pc 22088   1
parport23968   1  [lp parport_pc]
af_packet  12488   0  (autoclean)
scanner 8992   0  (unused)
usb-uhci   21668   0  (unused)
usbcore59072   1  [scanner usb-uhci]
8139too14336   1  (autoclean)
mii 1360   0  (autoclean) [8139too]
supermount 62180   4  (autoclean)
rtc 5912   0  (autoclean)
reiserfs  169312   1
sym53c8xx  64828   0  (unused)
sd_mod 11512   0  (unused)
scsi_mod   93244   2  [sym53c8xx sd_mod]

questo non è lo stesso pc della precedente mail, come si vede dai 
l'importante è il caricamento del modulo ntfs..

[root@mike mike]# cat /etc/fstab
/dev/hda5 / reiserfs notail 1 1
none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
none /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0
/dev/hdc5 /home2 reiserfs defaults,noauto,users 1 1
/mnt/cdrom /mnt/cdrom supermount 
dev=/dev/hdd,fs=iso9660,ro,--,iocharset=iso8859-15 0 0
/mnt/cdrom2 /mnt/cdrom2 supermount 
dev=/dev/scd0,fs=iso9660,ro,--,iocharset=iso8859-15 0 0
/mnt/cdrom3 /mnt/cdrom3 supermount 
dev=/dev/scd1,fs=iso9660,ro,--,iocharset=iso8859-15 0 0
/dev/hdc3 /mnt/fat-c vfat 
iocharset=iso8859-15,umask=000,codepage=850,users 0 0
/mnt/floppy /mnt/floppy supermount 
0 0
/dev/hda1 /mnt/ntfs ntfs 
user,umask=000,noauto,dev,suid,exec,defaults,users 0 0
/dev/hdc1 /mnt/slackware reiserfs users,defaults 1 1
none /proc proc defaults 0 0
none /proc/bus/usb usbdevfs defaults 0 0
/dev/hdc2 swap swap defaults 0 0

fstab è molto diverso da quello della slack, la linea relativa a 
ntfs, no (l'ho messa io..:-)

[root@mike mike]# cat /boot/config | grep NTFS
# CONFIG_NTFS_RW is not set

questo è il default per mandrake, lo avete tutti se non avete 

[root@mike mike]# cat /etc/lilo.conf
[root@mike mike]#

scagioniamo anche lilo e i suoi append dai mancati montaggi di ntfs

ora fatemi sapere se risolvete... buonanotte

 A presto..


Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.19  hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 - S.R.U.#705 - R.M.#110932
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: [newbie-it] messaggi doppi

2002-10-06 Thread Arwan

Alle 21:50, sabato 5 ottobre 2002, contorcendoti la mente su Re: [newbie-it] 
messaggi doppi, Fabio Manunza hai scritto: 

 Alle 20:32, sabato 5 ottobre 2002, hai scritto:
  ho dovuto killare kmail per un problemino di gnupg,
  ed alcuni miei messaggi (che avevo già spedito) sono partiti nuovamente,
  me ne scuso con la ml...


Macche', e' per farci capire, in modo gentile, che dobbiamo studiare di 
piu' i suoi consigli...


Re: [newbie] -Question about Java Applet and Browser Upgrade and Flashplayer

2002-10-06 Thread Todd Flinders

Hi, Eric:

Just hit the space bar to go past the more.  It's going to make you page 
through the entire license so that you have the opportunity to read it before 
it will create the .rpm file for you.

When that's done just type:
rpm -ivh j2sdk*rpm

On Saturday 05 October 2002 09:41 pm, Eric S. Dye wrote:
 Hi Todd and Dennis,

 More Questions..

 I downloaded the sun java file. can you tell me how to execute the file,
 install it, and agree to the license. i got to the license but it doesn't
 show the whole thing. it shows more, but i can't get any farther that the
 more. i got the flashplayer installed, but the cards still will not open.
 could you go to, then try to open the Daily
 Reflections applet. its a small angel and see if it will open for you. if
 it doesn't can you explain further what i have to do. i am lost at the
 moment. where do i execute the commands. i apologize for the stupidity, but
 i would appreciate any help.

 thank you,


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Re: [newbie] 9.0 - Define source for RPMDRAKE

2002-10-06 Thread Markus Bela

Thanks Darwin, will try...


- Original Message - 
From: Darwin Gottfried [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, October 05, 2002 5:09 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] 9.0 - Define source for RPMDRAKE

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Re: [newbie] help with MPlayer

2002-10-06 Thread Kristjan

On Sat, 05 Oct 2002 13:53:14 -0600
joe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Sat, 2002-10-05 at 13:09, Kristjan wrote:
  one error that I dont know what to do with
  openig any video I get a popup window telling:
  error opening/initializing the selected video_out (-vo) device !
  what that must tell to me ? I get this error If two copies of mplayer are running 
at the same time.
 I think I saw a similar error when trying to use -vo vesa:xvidix to get
 my tv-out working. I don't suppose this is the case here. 
 If you are using the gui it is easy to try changing video drivers. Right
 click to get preferences and then choose a different driver on the video
 tab. I think xv X11/Xv is the best (for me anyway).
  And do I need to install some additional libraries or plugins to view divx movies?
 Assuming you didn't have to force anything when you installed mplayer it should play 
divx using the win32 codecs.
 Good luck, hope this helps.

Thanks Joe
It helped, got the picture. So easy things, but sometimes just have to come to that.

there is one more thing, selecting fullscreen only adds large black borders but does 
not enlargen the video picture. I didnt find any settinds conserning that ? doubt that 
its the way it should be.


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[newbie] sympa???

2002-10-06 Thread Franki

Hi guys,

I finially decided to install Sympa figuring if its good enough for
mandrake, its good enough for me...

so i went to my mdk9 box and typed urpmi sympa
it gave me a package not found error...

so I walked over to an 8.2 box and typed the same, and low and behold, it
installed Sympa..

So my question is,,, where did it go from nine?? was it considered not
useful? has its license changed?

was it an accident? did mandrake include an alternate mailing list ???

any ideas anyone?



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[newbie] Networking

2002-10-06 Thread Lee

Hi All:

I've been mostly lurking for two years now, and have (with your guidance) 
gotten most everything done in Mandrake that I wanted, but.

My home network.

I have 1 MS ME 586, 1 MS WIN98 586, 2 MS WIN2K 586's, 1 LEXMARK Optra LX+, 
and 1 MDK 586 all through SMC 7004ABR and DLink routers with another Lexmark 
Optra LX+ attached and to a Cable internet connection.  One 2K is FAT32 and 
the other is one of each 40 Meg drives.  Also assorted printers including and 
Epson 8000 in there somewhere.

Never ever have I had all talking to all.  Right now the network printer is 
not seen by any of the machines although I specifically assigned it to  Not a major problem and may be hardware although I see that 
Komba2 indentifies one of the WIN2K boxes as  Anyway I can fix 
that (Probably)

Real Problems:

1. Komba2 displays ?Error returning   t:NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED from both 
WIN2K boxes.

2. With the MDK box, I have not ever had the use of any of the printers that 
are attached to the other computers or the network, or the one on the 
parallel port on the router.  All except as noted above 
work fine shared through the Windows boxes.

3.  WIN2K boxes say incorrect passwork or unknown username for :\\Supertux 
when I attempt to browse in that direction.

Now that I'm about to upgrade (reinstall actually) to 9.0, I would like to do 
it right the first time and end up with a network that I can expect to wean 
off of MS this next year.

I am assuming that as I added and subtracted from this mess, I named things 
and assigned passwords long forgotton, but I don't know how to get it all 
back to reality short of major surgery.  (Not an option, please)

I do know all the admin passwords 'cause they're all the same.  (It's all my 
stuff, after all.)

All comments graciously appreciated.  



Registered Linux user #223705

Give me ambiguity or give me something else.

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Re: [newbie] Another pesky supermount problem

2002-10-06 Thread Robin Turner

Robin Turner wrote:
 I currently have a Mdk 8.2 system with three kernels.  The 8.0 kernel 
 (2.4.3-20mdk) will not give ordinary users access to removable media - 
 depending on how accessed, I get messages like Could not read / , You 
 do not have permission to access /mnt/floppy or Mount: only root can 
 do that.  The 8.2 kernel (2.4.18-6mdk) allows access, but freezes on 
 entering the Internet.  The 9.0 kernel (2.4.3-20mdk), which I've just 
 installed, behaves just like the 8.0 kernel; i.e. no access for ordinary 
 My /etc/fstab file is as follows (some lines may be broken because of 
 text-wrapping in the mail)
 /dev/hda5 / reiserfs defaults 1 1
 none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
 none /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0
 /mnt/cdrom /mnt/cdrom supermount dev=/dev/cdrom,fs=iso9660,--,user 0 0
 /mnt/floppy /mnt/floppy supermount dev=/dev/fd0,fs=vfat,--,user 0 0
 /dev/hda1 /mnt/windows vfat user,exec,dev,suid,rw 0 0
 none /proc proc defaults 0 0
 /dev/hda6 swap swap defaults 0 0
 Any ideas what might be causing all this?

To answer my own question - seems you shouldn't have supermount and 
user in the same line.  Dh.

Sir Robin

We do not imprison ourselves with laws, or impoverish ourselves with 
money - Iain Banks

Robin Turner
Bilkent Universitesi
Ankara 06533

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RE: [newbie] tightvnc Way cool!!!!

2002-10-06 Thread Franki

Thanks for the info,, I am looking into it...

looks great, just want I needed.



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Michael Viron
Sent: Saturday, 5 October 2002 9:04 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] tightvnc Way cool

By the way, the original vnc team has restarted development at .


At 02:27 PM 10/5/2002 +0800, you wrote:

Hi Guys,

I just got VNC running on my win and lin box's.. I currently have my linux
box's desktop running on my windows machine..

This is S cool, and its fast too... I am seriously impressed..

I have some questions though...

How secure is this? (I am using big passwords) but I suspect that this is
not an encrypted service...

Has anyone tunneled it over shh?? if so, was it hard to setup??? also, does
using ssh with compression speed things up even more???

any thoughts would be most appreciated.



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RE: [newbie] SMTP port 25

2002-10-06 Thread Franki

That depends,

postfix is a mail server...

if you just collect email via evolution or kmail from your ISP's mail server
then no, you don't need postfix running..

however, you can do some really really cool things using postfix, so its
worth reading up on. (

Also, if you run a security level that does checks and emails the results,
then you need postfix to get them I believe.



Ps, if you decide to stop it, issue :
service postfix stop

at the command line then use the mandrake control panel to stop it running
on boot.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of David Seuferer
Sent: Friday, 4 October 2002 9:33 PM
Subject: [newbie] SMTP port 25

I've got a process that is listening to port 25 that is
owned by /usr/lib/postfix/master.  What is this and do
I need it running?

David Seuferer, CNE
Ames Laboratory
Information Systems
fax: (515) 294-5638
phone: (515) 294-6053

It comes in pints!?Pippin

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Re: [newbie] sympa???

2002-10-06 Thread Derek Jennings

On Saturday 05 Oct 2002 9:53 pm, Franki wrote:
 Hi guys,

 I finially decided to install Sympa figuring if its good enough for
 mandrake, its good enough for me...

 so i went to my mdk9 box and typed urpmi sympa
 it gave me a package not found error...

 so I walked over to an 8.2 box and typed the same, and low and behold, it
 installed Sympa..

 So my question is,,, where did it go from nine?? was it considered not
 useful? has its license changed?

 was it an accident? did mandrake include an alternate mailing list ???

 any ideas anyone?



sympa like many other useful applications has never been part of the 'base 
distro'  It is maintained as part of 'Contribs'

In 8.2 download edition a snapshot of contrib was placed on CD3. This time for 
whatever reason 9.0 does not contain a contrib snapshot. Of course that does 
not stop you getting your hands on it. All mirrors have a contrib directory. 
For example

You can even get urpmi access with the command

urpmi.addmedia contrib with 

(That command is all one line)

Be aware though that the synthesis file is not always up to date, and you may 
have to ftp to the directory to find the app you want.


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Re: [newbie] Mandrake 9.0 installation problems

2002-10-06 Thread Brian Meadows

On Fri, 04 Oct 2002 23:55:43 -0400, you wrote:

Your 24X Mitsumi IDE/ATAPI CD-ROM drive (Mfg. date - circa 1997) is
designed to read CD-Rs, BUT is limited to a max storage capacity of 630
MBs in Mode 2 (standard read mode).  You may not be able to read the
Install CD for MDK 9 (~690+ MBs) properly or at all.

Good one - hadn't thought of that. 

Is this burn of MDK 9 from the very same burner you used to make your
MDK 8.2 CDs? 


Is your CD-RW capable of burning 700 MB CD-Rs? 


Have you
checked disc number one for complete readability?

Yes, but not on the Mitsumi drive. 

It sounds like the size of the first CD of MDK 9 is your problem. Either
your burner cannot accommodate beyond 650 MBs 

No, it's not that. 

and/or your CD-ROM drive
cannot read beyond that point (as your specs suggest!) 

Sounds likely. 

BTW: If you lack the specs on your CD-ROM drive, they are here:
(careful! one very long URL!)

Shane has been able to trick some CD-ROM drives into reading beyond
their mfg. capacity. However, if I understand him correctly, the drives
at least allowed the install to get to the point of picking out the
packages (where you could choose to nix those that were in the nether
regions of your CD-R.) If you aren't able to get the installation to
recognize the drive, it would seem this is a moot technique.

Nope, the installation doesn't start up at all. 

Some things to consider in your hardware setup of drives and CD-ROMs for
the future:

1. It would be best for your setup if you slaved the two drives together
on the primary IDE channel and made the CD-ROM drive the master on the
second IDE channel. It's really not best for the performance of the
drive to have a CD-ROM on the same channel and can cause problems.

Yes, I should switch them around - the PC used to have a third
hard drive, but I had to steal that one for another PC. 


Does any of this help?

Yes, I think you've probably got the answer with the capacity of
the CD-ROM. Damn! I'd much sooner have seen Mandrake go to a
fourth image than cause this problem - in fact, given that those
of us who run both Windows and Linux will tend to use the older
boxes for Linux (for obvious reasons!) I'd even question the
commercial logic of Mandrake's decision. I guess the newer
CD-ROMs aren't that expensive these days

Thanks for the help, 


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Re: [newbie] SMTP port 25

2002-10-06 Thread Derek Jennings

On Friday 04 Oct 2002 4:00 pm, Franki wrote:
 That depends,

 postfix is a mail server...

 if you just collect email via evolution or kmail from your ISP's mail
 server then no, you don't need postfix running..

 however, you can do some really really cool things using postfix, so its
 worth reading up on. (

 Also, if you run a security level that does checks and emails the results,
 then you need postfix to get them I believe.


Not necessarily -
A lightweight alternative is ssmtp  which is very simple (just 28k)


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Re: [newbie] Mandrake 9.0 installation problems

2002-10-06 Thread Technoslick

Your welcome, Brian! I'm glad you found what your problem was. Now, what 
do you (and I who also have a CD-RW in my Linux 8.2 machine that won't 
read 700 MB CDs properly) and the others with this problem do about it?

It seems that this will be a reoccurring theme until all of us get rid
of our older CD-ROM/DVD-ROM/CD-RW drives. However, this might be a good
opportunity to rally together as a group of users who feel that a change
needs to be made. There's no reason beyond convenience for Mandrake (I
include the very obvious cost factor of burning, packaging and shipping
out one extra CD as part of this) to have any of the distribution disks
larger than 650 MBs. At least for a little while longer. Mandrake
would be sympathetic to our needs if they knew that there were enough
users suffering from this problem. If a few of us make our thoughts
known, we might get a second set of ISOs on-line. If a LOT of us make
our needs very real to them, they might even see the logic of
commercially producing a second set of CDS.

We represent their proud and elite. We make them what they are by our
presence on their listserv, helping users learn to get the most from
their product. Our devoted and dedicated, not to mention the very fact
that we choice their distribution over others, makes us their front
line. They are aware of this, and I'm sure that they care.
Howeverenough of us have to voice our concerns to make it be known
to them that this is bigger concern than they might have once thought.
Otherwise, things will continue on as they are and those of us with
older drives on our Linux machines will have to buy new drives, find
ways to reverse engineer the ISOs, or install in another way. We
shouldn't have to do this. We shouldn't have to replace a good working
piece of hardware (supported by the distro, at that!) just to install a
newer version. Not yet. Not until our old machines are like 286
doorstops, I would think.

Those of you who have been here longer than me must know of a proper way
to make this request in numbers. I urge everyone, even those who are not
plagued with this problem, to band together and let Mandrake know that
we are hurting for change: a very small change that is possible and
manageable. We do it right, with respect, but with an obvious
underlining strength derived from need.

Now that I have everyone's attention and the word mutiny being
murmured is being whispered within the gathered crowd, does anyone have
an productive ideas as to how we should make such a respectful plea to
Mandrake with the greasiest impact possible?

All for one, and one for all!
(Sorry for that...I just recently
watched the movie, The Musketeer.) :-D

Rabble-Rousing T

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Re: [newbie] Evolution and recurring tasks

2002-10-06 Thread Brian Parish

On Thu, 2002-10-03 at 00:22, Warren Post wrote:
 El mar, 01-10-2002 a las 02:20, Brian Parish escribió:
  I have a mission to convert my sister to Mandrake.  Evolution is an
  important part of this.  She asks how to do something fairly simple: 
  create a recurring task.  It certainly aint obvious to me.  Can it be
 This is my biggest gripe with Evolution. You can't make a recurring
 task, only a recurring appointment, at least not with 1.0.2 which I am
 Warren Post
 Santa Rosa de Copán, Honduras
Not with 1.0.8 either.  Seems like a significant omission, but maybe the
Ximians feel that doing something more than once is just boring ;-)


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[newbie] Epson Printer

2002-10-06 Thread Rich

I'm in the market for a new printer and am considering either the Epson
C60 or C80.

I'm running 8.2 and will be connecting parallel.  Are there any known
problems connecting either of these printers to Mandrake 8.2?


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Re: [newbie] usb printer probs in 9.0?

2002-10-06 Thread Angus Auld

 Greetings everyone,
 I am having a problem trying to configure my Epson Stylus Color 480SXU in Mdk 9.0.
 This printer wasn't detected during install of 9.0, but it is showing correctly in 
MCC. When I try to configure with PrinterDrake, I go through the wizard process, and 
all seems OK till I try to test the driver and get asked for a password:
 The access to the requested resource on the CUPS server running on localhost (port 
631) requires a password.
 So, I then enter my user passwordthat's not good enough. I then try my root 
password, it chews on that for quite a while, during which I get a bit of erratic 
window behaviour, then it refuses my root password too.
 What does PrinterDrake want??
 I click on Finish and get this error: An error occurred while retrieving the 
printer list: client-error-not-found.
 Why isn't my printer being found?
 The 480SXU is a usb only printer, and it's listed on the Mdk hardware site as being 
perfectly compatible w/9.0. It worked perfect for me under 8.2. 
 It doesn't seem to be detected during boot. usb is loaded but the printer isn't 
 Anyone have any ideas? TIA for anything.


I got my printer configured and working. I tried unplugging the usb cable from the 
computer port and plugging it back in.that didn't help, but I tried plugging it 
into my other usb port...presto! I was able to configure the printer w/PrinterDrake, 
and it is now functioning OK.

I wonder why the first port was not acceptable?? It was working there in Mdk 8.2.

Seems strange that the installer didn't offer to configure my printer :-/
It works now anyway. ;-)


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Re: [newbie] Epson Printer

2002-10-06 Thread Angus Auld

 I'm in the market for a new printer and am considering either the Epson
 C60 or C80.
 I'm running 8.2 and will be connecting parallel.  Are there any known
 problems connecting either of these printers to Mandrake 8.2?
Hi Rich, I have an Epson printer, a 480SXU, and just got it working under Mdk 9.0.

You can check out printers for compatibility and get all kinds of great info here:

I checked out the C60 and C80, and they both are listed as being perfectly compatible 
w/Linux. :-)
Epson seems to be very Linux-friendly.

All the best!


PS. You can also check hardware compatibility here:

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[newbie] can't copy to A:

2002-10-06 Thread Sean Goh

Hi, i've a problem copying files from M8.2 to the floppy disk...i use 
the conquerer and i used the copy and paste method but as a paste it to 
the floppy directory, the computer hangs after a second or two. 
Previosly i could copy to A: without a problem using the same method. 
And it gradually grew worse such that i had to reboot the comp and try 
again. Sometime it worked but now it can't work at all. Anyone knows the 



How can One who is merciful, and who is also infinite in power, tolerate such 
injustice and oppression? This is a question with which we have nothing to do. God has 
given us sufficient evidence of His love, and we are not to doubt His goodness because 
we cannot understand the workings of His providence. - The Great Controversy, 

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[newbie] Bizarre SpamAssassin scores

2002-10-06 Thread Derek Jennings

It is very nice having spamassassin in Contrib in 9.0, but after having some 
obvious spams get past spamassassin I took a look at the score file and found 
that it differs from the official spamassassin scores file in rather 
strange ways. 

The scores file can be found in /usr/share/spamassassin/ 

The scores file in the RPM will for example penalise mails originating from 
Kmail by +1.634 points instead of the -2.863 points in the 'official' scores 
(A negative score is indicative of non-spam) 

Another example: 
The mildly 'spammish' phrase Congratulations is scored as 0.218 points in 
the official score file, but is given a massively non spammish score of 
-3.077 in the score file in the RPM. 

In order to revert back to the 'official' scores, just download the 
spamassassin tar.gz file from and decompress the 
compressed file (just clicking on it in konqueror is all you need to do 
this), then copy into /usr/share/spamassassin


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Re: [newbie] can't copy to A:

2002-10-06 Thread Brian Parish

On Mon, 2002-10-07 at 00:16, Sean Goh wrote:
 Hi, i've a problem copying files from M8.2 to the floppy disk...i use 
 the conquerer and i used the copy and paste method but as a paste it to 
 the floppy directory, the computer hangs after a second or two. 
 Previosly i could copy to A: without a problem using the same method. 
 And it gradually grew worse such that i had to reboot the comp and try 
 again. Sometime it worked but now it can't work at all. Anyone knows the 
This is a known problem with Konq.  The solution: don't do it! ;-)

Presumably fixed in 9.0 - haven't tried it.  Midnight Commander or the
good old cp command in a console are both good alternatives.


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[newbie] Crash early in install of 9.0

2002-10-06 Thread xjqcf

I posted this on alt.os.linux.mandrake but thought I'd post to this
list, too (I hope this is not considered Spam).:

I have a set of install discs for mdk 9.0 from Cheapbytes ( I am a
Club Mandrake member, however :) ). I managed
to install 9.0 over an existing ext2 and swap a partition (not an
update) without many problems.

However, when I tried to boot from CD 1 in the 2nd pc, it hangs

I can get to the intital screen where you chose f1 for options,
enter for default boot. The dfault just brings me to a faint clear
raster on the screen, then no activity for mins from CD or Hard

When I f1 and type in text the boot starts; the kernel gets
and stuff gets logged to the screen, but comes to a quick freeze.

The last few lines displayed are:

Checking 'hlt instruction...OK.
Checking for popad bug...OK.
POSIX conformance testing by UNIFIX
enabled ExtINT on CPU#0
ESR value before enabling vector:0002

The last underscore is the blinking cursor; thats where it freezes.

The machine it worked on is an old low end HP Pavilion

The failing machine is a box with an MSI K7T266Pro (256MB)
motherboard with an
Athlon 1700+ Graphics card is a PNY Verto (nVidia GeForce4 MX 420

This pc has an 8.2 installation I was trying to upgrade (but I guess
it didn't get far enough to matter)

Any Ideas what's going wrong here?


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Re: [newbie] Mandrake 9.0 installation problems

2002-10-06 Thread et

well, to be honest, I have often found that sitting back and expecting the 
same from almost any group works best as far as predicting behavior. as long 
as the same is a long record of attempting excellence within the realm of 
Open Source and/or GNU, I see no reason to expect any less. I do agree 
that as far as a powerpack or prosuite, I would hope they could do the math 
over and figure that they have enough space left on the 3rd cd to make the 
first 2 isos down to 650 for the pressed and sale versions. I know it would 
cut into the pool of potential purchasers if the box needs to note that it 
only runs on computers with a CD reader newer than the last 2 years. 
that said, why not redo the ISOs and post a location to find them? 

On Sunday 06 October 2002 08:15 am, you wrote:
 Your welcome, Brian! I'm glad you found what your problem was. Now, what
 do you (and I who also have a CD-RW in my Linux 8.2 machine that won't
 read 700 MB CDs properly) and the others with this problem do about it?

 It seems that this will be a reoccurring theme until all of us get rid
 of our older CD-ROM/DVD-ROM/CD-RW drives. However, this might be a good
 opportunity to rally together as a group of users who feel that a change
 needs to be made. There's no reason beyond convenience for Mandrake (I
 include the very obvious cost factor of burning, packaging and shipping
 out one extra CD as part of this) to have any of the distribution disks
 larger than 650 MBs. At least for a little while longer. Mandrake
 would be sympathetic to our needs if they knew that there were enough
 users suffering from this problem. If a few of us make our thoughts
 known, we might get a second set of ISOs on-line. If a LOT of us make
 our needs very real to them, they might even see the logic of
 commercially producing a second set of CDS.

 We represent their proud and elite. We make them what they are by our
 presence on their listserv, helping users learn to get the most from
 their product. Our devoted and dedicated, not to mention the very fact
 that we choice their distribution over others, makes us their front
 line. They are aware of this, and I'm sure that they care.
 Howeverenough of us have to voice our concerns to make it be known
 to them that this is bigger concern than they might have once thought.
 Otherwise, things will continue on as they are and those of us with
 older drives on our Linux machines will have to buy new drives, find
 ways to reverse engineer the ISOs, or install in another way. We
 shouldn't have to do this. We shouldn't have to replace a good working
 piece of hardware (supported by the distro, at that!) just to install a
 newer version. Not yet. Not until our old machines are like 286
 doorstops, I would think.

 Those of you who have been here longer than me must know of a proper way
 to make this request in numbers. I urge everyone, even those who are not
 plagued with this problem, to band together and let Mandrake know that
 we are hurting for change: a very small change that is possible and
 manageable. We do it right, with respect, but with an obvious
 underlining strength derived from need.

 Now that I have everyone's attention and the word mutiny being
 murmured is being whispered within the gathered crowd, does anyone have
 an productive ideas as to how we should make such a respectful plea to
 Mandrake with the greasiest impact possible?

 All for one, and one for all!
 (Sorry for that...I just recently
 watched the movie, The Musketeer.) :-D

 Rabble-Rousing T

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Re: [newbie] Anybody having problems with 'snapscan' and their scanner?

2002-10-06 Thread Poogle

On Sunday 06 Oct 2002 H:31 am, Colin Rose wrote:
 The problem is that somehow a typo is introduced in the file
 /etc/sane.d/dll.conf. If you get the error 'no devices found' then edit
 the above file and change the word 'SnapScan' to 'snapscan' and it
 should work.

AAARGGH !! I spent a couple of days trying to get my snapscan to work and 
missed this so I uninstalled sane and then installed sane from 8.2 into 9.0 
to make it work, I'm going for a lie down now.


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Re: [newbie] Networking

2002-10-06 Thread Todd Flinders

I'm not familiar with Komba, but I do set up Samba networks.  In Komba there's 
probably a place to send your username and password.  Make sure that is 

In your Samba Configuration, I believe you need to tell it to send encrypted 
passwords.  If memory serves me correctly GNU/Linux won't connect to Windows 
unless you do this.

You might try mounting some Windows shares by hand to make sure you can indeed 
see the Windows box and that Samba is set up correctly.  Then once you know 
it is definitely working, play with any specifics of Komba.  Following is a 
command to mount a Windows share:

mount -t smbfs -o username=USERNAME //WINDOWS-IP-ADDRESS/SHARE-NAME 

If all is working correctly, you will be prompted for a password before the 
mount actually occurs.

On Sunday 06 October 2002 03:03 am, Lee wrote:
 Hi All:

 I've been mostly lurking for two years now, and have (with your guidance)
 gotten most everything done in Mandrake that I wanted, but.

 My home network.

 I have 1 MS ME 586, 1 MS WIN98 586, 2 MS WIN2K 586's, 1 LEXMARK Optra LX+,
 and 1 MDK 586 all through SMC 7004ABR and DLink routers with another
 Lexmark Optra LX+ attached and to a Cable internet connection.  One 2K is
 FAT32 and the other is one of each 40 Meg drives.  Also assorted printers
 including and Epson 8000 in there somewhere.

 Never ever have I had all talking to all.  Right now the network printer is
 not seen by any of the machines although I specifically assigned it to  Not a major problem and may be hardware although I see that
 Komba2 indentifies one of the WIN2K boxes as  Anyway I can fix
 that (Probably)

 Real Problems:

 1. Komba2 displays ?Error returning   t:NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED from both
 WIN2K boxes.

 2. With the MDK box, I have not ever had the use of any of the printers
 that are attached to the other computers or the network, or the one on the
 parallel port on the router.  All except as noted above
 work fine shared through the Windows boxes.

 3.  WIN2K boxes say incorrect passwork or unknown username for
 :\\Supertux when I attempt to browse in that direction.

 Now that I'm about to upgrade (reinstall actually) to 9.0, I would like to
 do it right the first time and end up with a network that I can expect to
 wean off of MS this next year.

 I am assuming that as I added and subtracted from this mess, I named things
 and assigned passwords long forgotton, but I don't know how to get it all
 back to reality short of major surgery.  (Not an option, please)

 I do know all the admin passwords 'cause they're all the same.  (It's all
 my stuff, after all.)

 All comments graciously appreciated.



 Registered Linux user #223705

 Give me ambiguity or give me something else.

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Re: [newbie] sympa???

2002-10-06 Thread Todd Flinders

A lot of programs are indeed missing.  I think this was done to make room 
for the Internationalization on the 3rd CD and to keep a 100% separation in 
the distro between Free and non-Free software.

I have found that MOST (not all) of the missing software is found under the 
contrib section of the FTP mirrors or at the Mandrake Club.

On Saturday 05 October 2002 01:53 pm, Franki wrote:
 Hi guys,

 I finially decided to install Sympa figuring if its good enough for
 mandrake, its good enough for me...

 so i went to my mdk9 box and typed urpmi sympa
 it gave me a package not found error...

 so I walked over to an 8.2 box and typed the same, and low and behold, it
 installed Sympa..

 So my question is,,, where did it go from nine?? was it considered not
 useful? has its license changed?

 was it an accident? did mandrake include an alternate mailing list ???

 any ideas anyone?



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[newbie] Downloading and installing mandrake

2002-10-06 Thread Mike Eastaugh


Am completly new to this, so could someone help me here. I'm just looking to
download a copy of mandrake from the FTP site and install it by booting from
CD. Can someone please tell me what I need to download.

Any help much appreciated


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Re: [newbie] Networking

2002-10-06 Thread et

On Sunday 06 October 2002 11:08 am, you wrote:
 I'm not familiar with Komba, but I do set up Samba networks.  In Komba
 there's probably a place to send your username and password.  Make sure
 that is correct.

 In your Samba Configuration, I believe you need to tell it to send
 encrypted passwords.  If memory serves me correctly GNU/Linux won't connect
 to Windows unless you do this.
If I remeber corectly this is one of those win problems within a mixed win 
network, since by default win95 does not encrypt passwords and win nt does. 
it really winds up being you have no make sure all the boxes do the same 
thing, and seems to me, with is better than without. 

 You might try mounting some Windows shares by hand to make sure you can
 indeed see the Windows box and that Samba is set up correctly.  Then once
 you know it is definitely working, play with any specifics of Komba. 
 Following is a command to mount a Windows share:

 mount -t smbfs -o username=USERNAME //WINDOWS-IP-ADDRESS/SHARE-NAME
(the CAPS to be replaced with you correct information, in a case sensitve 
format, so to mount MY windows box with the IP, and my c:\share 
folder shared with the name of Share (as setup on that computer allowing 
file and print sharing on MS network, and having tcp/ip and the permentant 
IP set in network properties...etc..) I type on one livne without the 
quotes mount -t smbfs -o username=et //
 /mnt/Share and hit enter. I can then browse on over to /mnt/Share and see 
them files

 If all is working correctly, you will be prompted for a password before the
 mount actually occurs.
I can then browse on over to /mnt/Share and see them files
 On Sunday 06 October 2002 03:03 am, Lee wrote:
  Hi All:
  I've been mostly lurking for two years now, and have (with your guidance)
  gotten most everything done in Mandrake that I wanted, but.
  My home network.
  I have 1 MS ME 586, 1 MS WIN98 586, 2 MS WIN2K 586's, 1 LEXMARK Optra
  LX+, and 1 MDK 586 all through SMC 7004ABR and DLink routers with another
  Lexmark Optra LX+ attached and to a Cable internet connection.  One 2K is
  FAT32 and the other is one of each 40 Meg drives.  Also assorted printers
  including and Epson 8000 in there somewhere.
  Never ever have I had all talking to all.  Right now the network printer
  is not seen by any of the machines although I specifically assigned it to  Not a major problem and may be hardware although I see that
  Komba2 indentifies one of the WIN2K boxes as  Anyway I can
  fix that (Probably)
  Real Problems:
  1. Komba2 displays ?Error returning   t:NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED from both
  WIN2K boxes.
  2. With the MDK box, I have not ever had the use of any of the printers
  that are attached to the other computers or the network, or the one on
  the parallel port on the router.  All except as noted above
  work fine shared through the Windows boxes.
  3.  WIN2K boxes say incorrect passwork or unknown username for
  :\\Supertux when I attempt to browse in that direction.
  Now that I'm about to upgrade (reinstall actually) to 9.0, I would like
  to do it right the first time and end up with a network that I can expect
  to wean off of MS this next year.
  I am assuming that as I added and subtracted from this mess, I named
  things and assigned passwords long forgotton, but I don't know how to get
  it all back to reality short of major surgery.  (Not an option, please)
  I do know all the admin passwords 'cause they're all the same.  (It's all
  my stuff, after all.)
  All comments graciously appreciated.
  Registered Linux user #223705
  Give me ambiguity or give me something else.

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Re: [newbie] Downloading and installing mandrake

2002-10-06 Thread Dennis Myers

On Sunday 06 October 2002 10:29 am, Mike Eastaugh wrote:

 Am completly new to this, so could someone help me here. I'm just looking
 to download a copy of mandrake from the FTP site and install it by booting
 from CD. Can someone please tell me what I need to download.

 Any help much appreciated


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Mike you need the following 3 .iso's the first two are nearly 700 Mb so you 
need 80 min CDs to burn the image.

When you get on one of the ftp sites, if you do not see these files then click 
up on the directory to the next higher level until you see  a folder with iso 
as it's label, go there. I think they have fixed the links to go to the right 
place now.  Welcome to adventure called Linux, it is worth the trip.  HTH

Dennis M. linux user #180842

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Re: [newbie] Printer stopped working [solved!]

2002-10-06 Thread Linus Drouhard

I got it working again.  I had changed some of the running items through 
Mandroke Control center.  I turned off things I didn't think I needed.  
Apparently I turned off too many.  I restarted the ones that I had stoppled 
and printerdrake started and ran just fine.  Thanks for all the suggestions.

On Saturday 05 October 2002 11:00 am, Chris Edwards wrote:
 They probably have a solution for you.

 Hi Linus,
 I have the same problem.  The instal  actually
 detected my printer and printed a test page, but
 haven't worked since.
 I tried deleting the printer, but then I couldn't get
 printerdrake to work.
 Any help I can get on how to properly add and
 configure my printer is appreciated.
 I have an Epson Stylus Color 740 connected to the USB
 Mike K.
 --- Linus Drouhard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all,
 I have an Espon Stylus 777 that was working fine
 until a couple of days ago.
 I recently installed Mandrake 9.0.  I think that the
 printer worked under
 9.0, but I'm not sure  It worked great under 8.2
 and it still works fine
 with Windows (as much as I hate to admit it).
 Anyway, I'm getting the following message in CUPS
 Printer State: processing, accepting jobs.
 USB port busy; will retry in 30 seconds...
 Device URI: usb:/dev/usb/lp0
 Printerdrake cannot see the printer at all.  KDE
 Control panel printer
 configuration utility can see the printer, but still
 can't print.  I get the
 same error.
 I tried PrinterDrake from command line.  It gave me
 the error...
 [root@localhost linus]# printerdrake
 cupsd (pid 1496) is running...
 WARNING: pinging broadcast address
 WARNING: pinging broadcast address
 rmmod: module parport_probe is not loaded
 modprobe: Can't locate module parport_probe
 modprobe: Can't locate module parport_probe
 rmmod: module parport_probe is not loaded
 WARNING: pinging broadcast address
 ...could not find printer.
 the module parport is loaded, but why does that
 matter as I'm using a USB
 Any help, insights, or just plain sympathy is
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RE: [newbie] Downloading and installing mandrake

2002-10-06 Thread Mike Eastaugh

Thanks Dennis and Todd,

Am indeed doing this from a win 2k or 95/98 machine probably using adaptec
cd creator. From what I can make of the mandrake website I need to write the
ISO files to CDs as raw data.

So are files with the .ISO extension bootable then?

Many thanks again,


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Dennis Myers
Sent: 06 October 2002 16:53
Subject: Re: [newbie] Downloading and installing mandrake

On Sunday 06 October 2002 10:29 am, Mike Eastaugh wrote:

 Am completly new to this, so could someone help me here. I'm just looking
 to download a copy of mandrake from the FTP site and install it by booting
 from CD. Can someone please tell me what I need to download.

 Any help much appreciated


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Mike you need the following 3 .iso's the first two are nearly 700 Mb so you
need 80 min CDs to burn the image.

When you get on one of the ftp sites, if you do not see these files then
up on the directory to the next higher level until you see  a folder with
as it's label, go there. I think they have fixed the links to go to the
place now.  Welcome to adventure called Linux, it is worth the trip.  HTH

Dennis M. linux user #180842

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Re: [newbie] Downloading and installing mandrake

2002-10-06 Thread Scott B

No, the ISO images are a special kind of file.  They contain all of the 
data and directory structure needed to write a whole CD.  That's why the 
files are usually bigger than a CD will hold. You will need to find 
where it says 'create CD from iso image' in your CD burner software and 
choose that.  Then it will ask for the image file.  Make sure it is set 
to 'iso' then point it to the iso file you downloaded.  After that, the 
image file will tell it everything else it needs to do.

Scott B

Mike Eastaugh wrote:

Thanks Dennis and Todd,

Am indeed doing this from a win 2k or 95/98 machine probably using adaptec
cd creator. From what I can make of the mandrake website I need to write the
ISO files to CDs as raw data.

So are files with the .ISO extension bootable then?

Many thanks again,


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Re: [newbie] Downloading and installing mandrake

2002-10-06 Thread Todd Flinders

Go to:

Assuming you are using an Athlon or a Pentium, click on Mandrake 9.0/i586 ISO 
Image.  Choose a mirror closest to you and then download:

You only really NEED the first iso to get a working GNU/Linux, but I'd highly 
encourage you to grab the first two.  If you have high speed internet access, 
you might as well grab all three.

When you've downloaded the files, type the following in the directory you 
downloaded in:
md5sum -c md5sums.90

This will take a while to calculate, but it will confirm that the download 
occurred successfully.  If you are going to burn these ISO from a 
non-GNU/Linux machine, refer the README file for instructions.  I also don't 
know how to check the md5sum from a non-GNU/Linux OS.

To burn from GNU/Linux type:
cdrecord -scanbus

Not which device points to your burner.  In my case it's 1,3,0.  Then use this 
information to burn the CD.
cdrecord -v speed=8 dev=1,3,0 Mandrake90-cd1-inst.i586.iso

Replace the values with your own, of course.

On Sunday 06 October 2002 08:29 am, Mike Eastaugh wrote:

 Am completly new to this, so could someone help me here. I'm just looking
 to download a copy of mandrake from the FTP site and install it by booting
 from CD. Can someone please tell me what I need to download.

 Any help much appreciated


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RE: [newbie] sympa???

2002-10-06 Thread Franki

pretty dumb really,  there was 200 odd mb left on CD3.. they should have
made it up to a full CD by putting conrtib packages in it.. better then
leaving the CD only 3/4 full...

oh well, I'll get it from contribs,,

thanks guys,



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Todd Flinders
Sent: Sunday, 6 October 2002 11:01 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] sympa???

A lot of programs are indeed missing.  I think this was done to make room
for the Internationalization on the 3rd CD and to keep a 100% separation in
the distro between Free and non-Free software.

I have found that MOST (not all) of the missing software is found under
contrib section of the FTP mirrors or at the Mandrake Club.

On Saturday 05 October 2002 01:53 pm, Franki wrote:
 Hi guys,

 I finially decided to install Sympa figuring if its good enough for
 mandrake, its good enough for me...

 so i went to my mdk9 box and typed urpmi sympa
 it gave me a package not found error...

 so I walked over to an 8.2 box and typed the same, and low and behold, it
 installed Sympa..

 So my question is,,, where did it go from nine?? was it considered not
 useful? has its license changed?

 was it an accident? did mandrake include an alternate mailing list ???

 any ideas anyone?



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Re: [newbie] Downloading and installing mandrake

2002-10-06 Thread Todd Flinders

It's been a long time since I've used Windows, but in Adaptec there will be an 
option of some sort to to from an image/iso.  That's what you want.  The 
README file you'll find on the FTP site you download the .iso's from will 
actually have instructions on how to burn using Adaptec.

Once you burn the iso as an image, it expand into a normal CD.  The first one 
is bootable for install.  The second (I believe) is bootable for rescue and 
such.  If you end up with CDs that just have the .iso file on them, then a 
mistake was made in the Adaptec configuration before the burn.

On Sunday 06 October 2002 09:57 am, Mike Eastaugh wrote:
 Thanks Dennis and Todd,

 Am indeed doing this from a win 2k or 95/98 machine probably using adaptec
 cd creator. From what I can make of the mandrake website I need to write
 the ISO files to CDs as raw data.

 So are files with the .ISO extension bootable then?

 Many thanks again,


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Dennis Myers
 Sent: 06 October 2002 16:53
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Downloading and installing mandrake

 On Sunday 06 October 2002 10:29 am, Mike Eastaugh wrote:
  Am completly new to this, so could someone help me here. I'm just looking
  to download a copy of mandrake from the FTP site and install it by
  booting from CD. Can someone please tell me what I need to download.
  Any help much appreciated
  Do You Yahoo!?
  Everything you'll ever need on one web page
  from News and Sport to Email and Music Charts

 Mike you need the following 3 .iso's the first two are nearly 700 Mb so you
 need 80 min CDs to burn the image.

 When you get on one of the ftp sites, if you do not see these files then
 up on the directory to the next higher level until you see  a folder with
 as it's label, go there. I think they have fixed the links to go to the
 place now.  Welcome to adventure called Linux, it is worth the trip.  HTH

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Re: [newbie] Bizarre SpamAssassin scores

2002-10-06 Thread Charlie

On Sunday 06 October 2002 08:00 am, Derek Jennings wrote:
 It is very nice having spamassassin in Contrib in 9.0, but after having
 some obvious spams get past spamassassin I took a look at the score file
 and found that it differs from the official spamassassin scores file in
 rather strange ways.

 The scores file can be found in /usr/share/spamassassin/

 The scores file in the RPM will for example penalise mails originating from
 Kmail by +1.634 points instead of the -2.863 points in the 'official'
 scores file.
 (A negative score is indicative of non-spam)

 Another example:
 The mildly 'spammish' phrase Congratulations is scored as 0.218 points in
 the official score file, but is given a massively non spammish score of
 -3.077 in the score file in the RPM.

 In order to revert back to the 'official' scores, just download the
 spamassassin tar.gz file from and decompress the
 compressed file (just clicking on it in konqueror is all you need to do
 this), then copy into /usr/share/spamassassin

Many of the Mandrake developers use 'scoring' to help decide whether they read 
specific messages on the cooker ml. The likelihood that a lousy bug report 
will be written in something other than a command line mail client would 
probably explain that weighting. More guru elitism on someone's part. Or 
just someone that is so pressed for time that they don't want to be bothered 
with us gnubies out here. Or just too tired to proofread a configuration 
file properly. ;)

The congratulations thing is a left over from Dolphin release, when world+dog 
was saying that to the developers?

Change the settings to suit yourselves maybe? g
Registered user 244963 at
I got the bill for my surgery.  Now I know what those doctors were
wearing masks for.
-- James Boren

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[newbie] USB Hot Sync with Palm Device

2002-10-06 Thread Dan Butler

Has anyone had any luck with hot syncing their palm device using the USB
connection?  I have tried pilot-link but don't have enough knowledge to get
it to configure and work by applying the tarball file.  I think I'll just be
waiting for a working version to be installed with the next version of
Dan B

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake 9.0 installation problems

2002-10-06 Thread Charlie

On Sunday 06 October 2002 08:57 am, et wrote:
 well, to be honest, I have often found that sitting back and expecting the
 same from almost any group works best as far as predicting behavior. as
 long as the same is a long record of attempting excellence within the
 realm of Open Source and/or GNU, I see no reason to expect any less. I
 do agree that as far as a powerpack or prosuite, I would hope they could do
 the math over and figure that they have enough space left on the 3rd cd to
 make the first 2 isos down to 650 for the pressed and sale versions. I know
 it would cut into the pool of potential purchasers if the box needs to note
 that it only runs on computers with a CD reader newer than the last 2
 years. that said, why not redo the ISOs and post a location to find them?

I'm not sure that newer than the last 2 years statement would be accurate in 
all cases Ed. Both my CD-ROM and my CD-RW (a Liteon 40x LTN403L, and Mitsumi 
CR-4804-TE 4x4x24) are considerably older than 2 years old. Neither has a 
problem with larger media; nor have they since I checked for firmware updates 
and installed the relevant ones from the manufacturer's sites. That was the 
CD-RW, I don't remember doing anything with the Liteon and don't have any 
'notes' in my odds'n'sods directory in my back-up partition about it. There 
was a firmware update for the Mitsumi. Two in fact; one specifically to 
handle larger media. 

The disks for 8.2 and 9.0beta2 were made with 700 MB blanks (Maxells, which 
appear to be made by Ritek) and the disks for Dolphin were made on 90 minute 
blanks from a spindle of 50 that I couldn't resist for the price. Seemed a 
waste of some space but it worked and full capacity was read by the CD-RW. 
The install of 9.0 was a breeze except for no desktop icons; but that was 
minor since I get rid of most of them anyway, then add a few of my own 
choosing for things I use often.

BTW have you noticed how difficult it has become to buy 650 MB blanks in the 
past few months? The last -RWs I bought were 700 MB. I blame hardware and 
peripheral manufacturers a hell of a lot more for this type of trouble than I 
ever would the developers for any distribution. The convenience of the end 
user is a distant last place in the 'roadmaps' for all manufacturers. If it's 
considered at all. If you have a drive that won't read/write larger media 
correctly; and that's all you can buy, you'll likely have to buy something 
newer won't you? The manufacturers get the cash then, don't they?

Manufacturers such as HP that don't even attempt to make older drives behave 
properly with newer media sizes and types won't get any of my upgrade 
dollars. Not that they ever have. :-)
Registered user 244963 at
Economists can certainly disappoint you.  One said that the economy would
turn up by the last quarter.  Well, I'm down to mine and it hasn't.
-- Robert Orben

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RE: [newbie] Downloading and installing mandrake

2002-10-06 Thread Mike Eastaugh

Ahhh, excellent. Thanks Scott.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Scott B
Sent: 06 October 2002 18:18
Subject: Re: [newbie] Downloading and installing mandrake

No, the ISO images are a special kind of file.  They contain all of the
data and directory structure needed to write a whole CD.  That's why the
files are usually bigger than a CD will hold. You will need to find
where it says 'create CD from iso image' in your CD burner software and
choose that.  Then it will ask for the image file.  Make sure it is set
to 'iso' then point it to the iso file you downloaded.  After that, the
image file will tell it everything else it needs to do.

Scott B

Mike Eastaugh wrote:

Thanks Dennis and Todd,

Am indeed doing this from a win 2k or 95/98 machine probably using adaptec
cd creator. From what I can make of the mandrake website I need to write
ISO files to CDs as raw data.

So are files with the .ISO extension bootable then?

Many thanks again,


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Re: [newbie] sympa???

2002-10-06 Thread shane

Hash: SHA1

On Sunday 06 October 2002 9:31 am, Franki did speak unto the huddled masses, 

 pretty dumb really,  there was 200 odd mb left on CD3.. they should have
 made it up to a full CD by putting conrtib packages in it.. better then
 leaving the CD only 3/4 full...

well the contribs take up 2 full cds, so...

some want 700MB isos so they don't have to download cd 3 if they don't need 
internationalizations, some want 650 for older drives, some want all free 
software, some want demos, some want a smaller distro, some want all the 

man i am glad *i* don't have to make these choices!  they deserve a month 
off IMHO.

- -- 
Vini, vidi, Linux.  I came, I saw, I got a real OS.

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Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [newbie] Konqueror and Realplayer

2002-10-06 Thread Todd Flinders

I would check your /etc/pluggerrc file and make sure nothing screwy is going 
on there.  Then check in Konqueror's Settings under File Association for any 
of the Realplayer associatations.  Make sure RealPlayer is at the top of the 
General and Embedding tabs.

On Sunday 06 October 2002 12:36 pm, Noah Hicks wrote:
 Does anyone know how to make Realplayer open the audio/video streams from
 Konqueror?  I was able to to it in Mozilla and Galeon by placing a plugin
 file in the proper dir but I can't seem to do it with Konqueror.

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Re: [newbie] how to get write permission to a mounted folder?

2002-10-06 Thread Norman

fifner the dragon wrote:

I made a shared folder (called J) on my other box(windoze). I can access it from 
/mnt/J using Samba. To read and copy from it is no problem. If I log in as root I can 
write to it. How can I write to it without logging in as root?


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try the following:

cd /mnt
ls -l J
as this is a Windows PC you should see something like
drwxrwxrwx   18 root root 4096 Dec 31  1969 J/

If you get the line starting drwxr-xr-x then only the user who created the
directory has write access ( in this case root )
So then ( logged in as the user root ) do
chmod 777 J
and the problem should be solved.
best wishes,

registered Linux user 277766

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Re: [newbie] Konqueror and Realplayer

2002-10-06 Thread Derek Jennings

On Sunday 06 Oct 2002 8:36 pm, Noah Hicks wrote:
 Does anyone know how to make Realplayer open the audio/video streams from
 Konqueror?  I was able to to it in Mozilla and Galeon by placing a plugin
 file in the proper dir but I can't seem to do it with Konqueror.


Make sure the path points to the dirs where you put the plugins for mozilla, 
then scan for new plugins.
If successful you will see the plug ins in the 'Plugins Tab'

If you are running mdk 8.2 or earlier you may have to install the 
kdebase-nsplugins RPM first.


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Re: [newbie] Mandrake 9.0 installation problems

2002-10-06 Thread Michael Notforyou

On Sun, 2002-10-06 at 18:01, shane wrote:
 Hash: SHA1
 On Sunday 06 October 2002 11:24 am, Alastair Scott did speak unto the 
 huddled masses, saying:
  I have a feeling the next medium type to die off will be the 100MB
  Zip disk.
 someone has those?  ;-)

Uhh, me! Don't really use it, but yeah, got 'em.

 - -- 
 When everyone agrees around here, it means that something must be wrong.
 Profile at:
 Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
 Mandrake Users Club Member
 Registered linux user #101606
 Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)

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*Michael Notforyou*
Registered Linux User #197888
Registered Linux Machine #166780

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Re: [newbie] cdrom eject.

2002-10-06 Thread Seedkum Aladeem

On Sunday 06 October 2002 01:51 pm, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
 On Saturday 05 October 2002 07:04 pm, you wrote:
  When I try to eject the cdrom using the eject in a popup menu or an eject
  entered on the command line, the CD pops out from the CD drive but it
  quickly gets pulled back into the CD drive. How can I change the CD?

 What version of Mandrake are you using...and what syntax did you try from
 the command line. I think Todd from Mandrake posted a reply/message about
 this somewhere on the list.

 Did you do a: eject /mnt/cdrom

 or a: eject /dev/actual device name

 Worst case - disable supermount and it should work (but you have to redo
 your desktop icons).


I tried the command line eject in the following two forms and I got the same 

eject cdrom
eject /dev/cdrom

Then I went and pressed the button on the cdrom drive to make it eject. The 
same thing happened. Also this time the cdrom directory disappeared from the 
Konc window and did not come back even after I clicked the cdrom icon again. 
Later I issued the following command in a Konsole window:

ls /mnt/cdrom

The response to this command was (correct):
Boot/ Mandrake/

After that, the cdrom directory showed up in the Konc whindow spontaneously.

The eject selected form the pulldown menu behaved the same.

The wiered behavior continued after this excercise. I will try to find Todd's 



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Re: [newbie] cdrom eject.

2002-10-06 Thread Seedkum Aladeem

On Sunday 06 October 2002 04:56 pm, Seedkum Aladeem wrote:
 On Sunday 06 October 2002 01:51 pm, Ronald J. Hall wrote:


 I tried the command line eject in the following two forms and I got the
 same result:

 eject cdrom
 eject /dev/cdrom

 Then I went and pressed the button on the cdrom drive to make it eject. The
 same thing happened. Also this time the cdrom directory disappeared from
 the Konc window and did not come back even after I clicked the cdrom icon
 again. Later I issued the following command in a Konsole window:

 ls /mnt/cdrom

 The response to this command was (correct):
 Boot/ Mandrake/

 After that, the cdrom directory showed up in the Konc whindow

 The eject selected form the pulldown menu behaved the same.

 The wiered behavior continued after this excercise. I will try to find
 Todd's message.



Sorry. All that is happenning with LM9.0

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Re: [newbie] help with MPlayer

2002-10-06 Thread joe

On Sun, 2002-10-06 at 14:54, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
 On Sunday 06 October 2002 03:57 am, you wrote:
  there is one more thing, selecting fullscreen only adds large black borders
  but does not enlargen the video picture. I didnt find any settinds
  conserning that ? doubt that its the way it should be.

Sometimes Mplayer will fullscreen the boarders but leave the video at
normal size for me, I select normal size then go back to fullscreen and
this often fixes the problem.

 I've noticed that too - but only with certain videos. I have LOTR's ripped 
 into DIVX format (I own the video as well) and if I pick double-size from 
 the menu (click in the video), I actually get a bigger, more viewable image.
 Hope this helps!
   Dark Lord

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Re: [newbie] usb printer probs in 9.0?

2002-10-06 Thread Linus Drouhard

I have been having problems with printers in general with 9.0.  I have a 
Stylus 777 (Epson) connected through USB.  Sometimes PrinterDrake can find 
it, other times not.  I've successfully printed two test pages.  That's all.  
The rest of the time it gets stuck and I get the message usb port 
busy...will retry in 30 seconds  well, the pages never come out.  Deleting 
and reinstalling the printer has only worked once.

I tried an old HP Laser Jet with my parallel port.  I've had one test page 
print, and it took 20 minutes or more before it came out.  Otherwise, same 
similar problem to Espon.  Right now I have no working printers and am just 
about ready to go back to 8.2. 


On Sunday 06 October 2002 08:59 am, Angus Auld wrote:
  Greetings everyone,
  I am having a problem trying to configure my Epson Stylus Color 480SXU in
  Mdk 9.0.
  This printer wasn't detected during install of 9.0, but it is showing
  correctly in MCC. When I try to configure with PrinterDrake, I go through
  the wizard process, and all seems OK till I try to test the driver and
  get asked for a password:
  The access to the requested resource on the CUPS server running on
  localhost (port 631) requires a password. So, I then enter my user
  passwordthat's not good enough. I then try my root password, it chews
  on that for quite a while, during which I get a bit of erratic window
  behaviour, then it refuses my root password too. What does PrinterDrake
  I click on Finish and get this error: An error occurred while
  retrieving the printer list: client-error-not-found.
  Why isn't my printer being found?
  The 480SXU is a usb only printer, and it's listed on the Mdk hardware
  site as being perfectly compatible w/9.0. It worked perfect for me under
  It doesn't seem to be detected during boot. usb is loaded but the printer
  isn't detected.
  Anyone have any ideas? TIA for anything.


 I got my printer configured and working. I tried unplugging the usb cable
 from the computer port and plugging it back in.that didn't help, but I
 tried plugging it into my other usb port...presto! I was able to configure
 the printer w/PrinterDrake, and it is now functioning OK.

 I wonder why the first port was not acceptable?? It was working there in
 Mdk 8.2.

 Seems strange that the installer didn't offer to configure my printer :-/
 It works now anyway. ;-)


 This is the Earth School..always in session. Now is the right time to
 learn, and teach.--A.A.

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Re: [newbie] Printer stopped working [solved!] {NOT!}

2002-10-06 Thread Linus Drouhard

Wrongo!  I thought I had it solved as I got a test page.  That was all I got.  
Everything else gets stuck in queue with usb port busy error.  Any ideas at 
all?  I'm just about to dust off my 8.2 disks.  It's a shame too, as there's 
a lot to like in 9.0.


On Sunday 06 October 2002 11:37 am, Linus Drouhard wrote:
 I got it working again.  I had changed some of the running items through
 Mandroke Control center.  I turned off things I didn't think I needed.
 Apparently I turned off too many.  I restarted the ones that I had stoppled
 and printerdrake started and ran just fine.  Thanks for all the

 On Saturday 05 October 2002 11:00 am, Chris Edwards wrote:
  They probably have a solution for you.
  Hi Linus,
  I have the same problem.  The instal  actually
  detected my printer and printed a test page, but
  haven't worked since.
  I tried deleting the printer, but then I couldn't get
  printerdrake to work.
  Any help I can get on how to properly add and
  configure my printer is appreciated.
  I have an Epson Stylus Color 740 connected to the USB
  Mike K.
  --- Linus Drouhard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi all,
I have an Espon Stylus 777 that was working fine
  until a couple of days ago.
  I recently installed Mandrake 9.0.  I think that the
  printer worked under
  9.0, but I'm not sure  It worked great under 8.2
  and it still works fine
  with Windows (as much as I hate to admit it).
Anyway, I'm getting the following message in CUPS
  Printer State: processing, accepting jobs.
  USB port busy; will retry in 30 seconds...
  Device URI: usb:/dev/usb/lp0
  Printerdrake cannot see the printer at all.  KDE
  Control panel printer
  configuration utility can see the printer, but still
  can't print.  I get the
  same error.
  I tried PrinterDrake from command line.  It gave me
  the error...
  [root@localhost linus]# printerdrake
  cupsd (pid 1496) is running...
  WARNING: pinging broadcast address
  WARNING: pinging broadcast address
  rmmod: module parport_probe is not loaded
  modprobe: Can't locate module parport_probe
  modprobe: Can't locate module parport_probe
  rmmod: module parport_probe is not loaded
  WARNING: pinging broadcast address
  ...could not find printer.
  the module parport is loaded, but why does that
  matter as I'm using a USB
  Any help, insights, or just plain sympathy is
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[newbie] XBOX media player and the GPL

2002-10-06 Thread Damian

Hi people.

I chose to bring this up because it pissed me off a bit,
and i think we can do something about it.

There's this new program called Xbox Media Player which 
appears to be in clear violation of the GPL. i'm not quite sure what this
program does, but i think it's purpose is playing DivX movies on an Xbox or 

Anyway, it takes code from FFMPEG ( 
and XVID ( which are both licensed under the GPL,
and the developers of this XboxMediaPlayer have not released 
the source for their program, and when asked for a copy, they clearly
demonstrate they give a s*** about the issue.

A member of the MPlayer-users list has emailed them concerning
this issue and got the following reply:


We are not obliged to release our source until we reach our first stable 
public release version 1.0 -  I've made our position about this quite clear.

If we continue to get any more such demands we shall simply stop releasing 
public betas, and release version 1 and the accompanying source 6-12 month 
from now.


Now, this got me thinking ( and i've already posted my ideas to MPlayer list)
how about we all *make* them stop releasing their betas? i.e. we *all* keep 
asking for the source untill they choose to give us their
oh-so-very-feared-punishment and quit releasing programs in clear violation 
of the GPL?

lemme know what you think :o)

Share your knowledge. It is a way to achieve immortality.(The Dalai Lama)

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[newbie] how to enable DRI on ATI radeon 32mb pci ?

2002-10-06 Thread joe

I have noticed that i cannot play tuxracer because it is so slow, I
found this how-to for AGP Radeon cards:

which i tried to follow. (I inserted Load dri into the module section
and created a DRI section with Mode 0666 in my XF86Config-4)

But after restarting and running glxinfo I find that I still don't have
direct rendering. I am pretty sure I am going to need this If I am going
to be able to play some games. Any ideas? TIA for any help. 

Some system info: 
ATI radeon is my third videocard (possibly related to problem?)
SIS630e MB w/ integrated agp video (disabled in bios so that other
videocards will work)
S3 trio 1mb videocard is in my first pci slot.
128mb ram (of which mandrake only seems to find 121mb)
running LM 9.0
no xinerama working yet.
no tv-out working yet.

Everything else just works :)

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake 9.0 installation problems

2002-10-06 Thread FemmeFatale

At 11:24 AM 10/6/2002 -0600, you wrote:
huge snip of irrelevancies

  the disks for Dolphin were made on 90 minute
blanks from a spindle of 50 that I couldn't resist for the price.

We live in the same city... where the hell did you find 90 minute CD's!?

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[newbie] how much ram should MDK be using?

2002-10-06 Thread joe

I have found that under LM 9.0 using KDE it always shows 119mb of ram
used according to gnome system monitor. This doesn't seem to  change no
matter what i run. Is this an accurate measure of my used ram?

I found that under some other window managers there will be slightly
less used  (such as 110mb ) but still most of what I have. 

I am running some servers but still...
How can this be? 

I have tried to stop mandrake from running some of those servers as
services and this still didn't seem to make a difference.

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[newbie] Realplayer and web sites - solution

2002-10-06 Thread Jim Fazio

For any one else who uses realplayer and noticed that the help, music,
or any thing else that uses a web browser does not work.  I have a
workaround.  Seems realplayer is expecting Netscape to be loaded in
/usr/bin/netscape.  MDK9 does not have netscape it uses mozilla. What I
did was make a soft link from /usr/bin/netscape to /usr/bin/mozilla.  So
that it will find netscape and launch it, but it's really starting

su (to root)
cd /usr/bin
ln -s mozilla netscape

Worked for me.  :-)
Jim F

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Re: [newbie] Printer stopped working [solved!]Mine not solved!

2002-10-06 Thread Marcia

Linus Drouhard wrote:

I got it working again.  I had changed some of the running items through 
Mandroke Control center.  I turned off things I didn't think I needed.  
Apparently I turned off too many.  I restarted the ones that I had stoppled 
and printerdrake started and ran just fine.  Thanks for all the suggestions.

On Saturday 05 October 2002 11:00 am, Chris Edwards wrote:

They probably have a solution for you.


Hi Linus,

I have the same problem.  The instal  actually
detected my printer and printed a test page, but
haven't worked since.

I tried deleting the printer, but then I couldn't get
printerdrake to work.

Any help I can get on how to properly add and
configure my printer is appreciated.

I have an Epson Stylus Color 740 connected to the USB

Mike K.

--- Linus Drouhard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi all,
I have an Espon Stylus 777 that was working fine
until a couple of days ago.
I recently installed Mandrake 9.0.  I think that the
printer worked under
9.0, but I'm not sure  It worked great under 8.2
and it still works fine
with Windows (as much as I hate to admit it).

Anyway, I'm getting the following message in CUPS

Printer State: processing, accepting jobs.
USB port busy; will retry in 30 seconds...
Device URI: usb:/dev/usb/lp0

Printerdrake cannot see the printer at all.  KDE
Control panel printer
configuration utility can see the printer, but still
can't print.  I get the
same error.

I tried PrinterDrake from command line.  It gave me
the error...

[root@localhost linus]# printerdrake
cupsd (pid 1496) is running...
WARNING: pinging broadcast address
WARNING: pinging broadcast address
rmmod: module parport_probe is not loaded
modprobe: Can't locate module parport_probe
modprobe: Can't locate module parport_probe
rmmod: module parport_probe is not loaded
WARNING: pinging broadcast address

...could not find printer.

the module parport is loaded, but why does that
matter as I'm using a USB

Any help, insights, or just plain sympathy is



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I just installed LM 9 and my HP 940c usb printer will not work at all. 
 It will not print a test page and cannot be configured with the webmin 
tool. It worked fine in 8.2. Any suggestions?  Thanks for help in advance.



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Re: [newbie] Printer stopped working [solved!]Mine not solved!

2002-10-06 Thread Linus Drouhard

Run PrinterDrake through the console.  You will get extra messages there that 
you don't get through the Mandrake Control Center.  I'll bet that your 
getting the following messages.

rmmod: module parport_probe is not loaded
modprobe: Can't locate module parport_probe
modprobe: Can't locate module parport_probe
rmmod: module parport_probe is not loaded

If so, I think that we have a generic problem with Mandrake 9.0.  Weird thing 
is, my son has almost the exact same setup that I have K7S5A MB with 1GHz 
Duron, Nvidia video.  His works fine.


Oh, you missed a later message, my system is NOT fixed.  Still broken.

On Sunday 06 October 2002 10:01 pm, Marcia wrote:
 Linus Drouhard wrote:
 I got it working again.  I had changed some of the running items through
 Mandroke Control center.  I turned off things I didn't think I needed.
 Apparently I turned off too many.  I restarted the ones that I had
  stoppled and printerdrake started and ran just fine.  Thanks for all the
 On Saturday 05 October 2002 11:00 am, Chris Edwards wrote:
 They probably have a solution for you.
 Hi Linus,
 I have the same problem.  The instal  actually
 detected my printer and printed a test page, but
 haven't worked since.
 I tried deleting the printer, but then I couldn't get
 printerdrake to work.
 Any help I can get on how to properly add and
 configure my printer is appreciated.
 I have an Epson Stylus Color 740 connected to the USB
 Mike K.
 --- Linus Drouhard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all,
   I have an Espon Stylus 777 that was working fine
 until a couple of days ago.
 I recently installed Mandrake 9.0.  I think that the
 printer worked under
 9.0, but I'm not sure  It worked great under 8.2
 and it still works fine
 with Windows (as much as I hate to admit it).
   Anyway, I'm getting the following message in CUPS
 Printer State: processing, accepting jobs.
 USB port busy; will retry in 30 seconds...
 Device URI: usb:/dev/usb/lp0
 Printerdrake cannot see the printer at all.  KDE
 Control panel printer
 configuration utility can see the printer, but still
 can't print.  I get the
 same error.
 I tried PrinterDrake from command line.  It gave me
 the error...
 [root@localhost linus]# printerdrake
 cupsd (pid 1496) is running...
 WARNING: pinging broadcast address
 WARNING: pinging broadcast address
 rmmod: module parport_probe is not loaded
 modprobe: Can't locate module parport_probe
 modprobe: Can't locate module parport_probe
 rmmod: module parport_probe is not loaded
 WARNING: pinging broadcast address
 ...could not find printer.
 the module parport is loaded, but why does that
 matter as I'm using a USB
 Any help, insights, or just plain sympathy is
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 I just installed LM 9 and my HP 940c usb printer will not work at all.
  It will not print a test page and cannot be configured with the webmin
 tool. It worked fine in 8.2. Any suggestions?  Thanks for help in advance.



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Re: [newbie] XBOX media player and the GPL

2002-10-06 Thread Bo Rosén

mån 2002-10-07 klockan 00.41 skrev Damian:

 There's this new program called Xbox Media Player which 
 appears to be in clear violation of the GPL. i'm not quite sure what this
 program does, but i think it's purpose is playing DivX movies on an Xbox or 

Isn't this a matter for the FSF? See


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