Re: [newbie-it] Installazione Software

2002-10-15 Thread sebastiano arrigoni

On Mon, 2002-10-14 at 17:33, Andrea Nasso wrote:
 Scusate ma sono abbastanza novizio di questo mondo... Qualcuno sarebbe
 cosi gentile da aiutarmi a entrare in questa mentalità linux e mi
 guiderebbe nel semplice setup di un qualsiasi applicativo. So che la
 domanda è generica ma dopo aver installato il S.O. mi trovo un po
 bloccato quando scarico un software da internet.
 Grazie a chiunque abbia tempo di darmi una mano.

puoi usare rmpdrake, l'ottimo tool di gestione dei pacchetti e degli
aggiornamenti degli stessi. con questo programma non solo puoi
installare i pacchetti presenti sui cd della distro (che probabilmente
sono piu' che sufficienti per un primo approccio al sistema), ma anche
aggiornare tali pacchetti direttamente dalla rete.

... e cosi' me ne sto qui al sole 
  a bere birra, leggere e riflettere, 
 svolgendo cioe' i compiti doverosi
  che costituiscono il dovere per un uomo.

RE: [newbie-it] Installazione Software

2002-10-15 Thread Andrea Nasso

Grazie mille :-D

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of miKe
Sent: lunedì 14 ottobre 2002 19.58
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] Installazione Software

Hash: SHA1

Alle 18:09, lunedì 14 ottobre 2002, Andrea Celli ha scritto:

 Cercalo in formato rpm e poi dai
   $ rpm -i nome_pacchetto.prpm

forse sarebbe meglio # rpm -i ..

 ciao, Andrea


Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.19 @ hp  Xe3
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Comment: For info see


RE: [newbie-it] Installazione Software

2002-10-15 Thread Andrea Nasso

Grazie mille

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Fabio Manunza
Sent: lunedì 14 ottobre 2002 23.26
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] Installazione Software

Alle 17:33, lunedì 14 ottobre 2002, hai scritto:
 Scusate ma sono abbastanza novizio di questo mondo... Qualcuno sarebbe

 cosi gentile da aiutarmi a entrare in questa mentalità linux e mi 
 guiderebbe nel semplice setup di un qualsiasi applicativo. So che la 
 domanda è generica ma dopo aver installato il S.O. mi trovo un po 
 bloccato quando scarico un software da internet.

 Grazie a chiunque abbia tempo di darmi una mano.

Consiglio: vai sul sito e scarica Da Windows a
un libro che ti sarà utilissimo per muovere i primi passi con il
pinguino. Vale.

-- Fabio Manunza -- 
   ## n° macchina 140545 ##

Re: [newbie-it] Installazione Software

2002-10-15 Thread Andrea Celli

On Mon, 14 Oct 2002 18:18:21 +0200
francesco.melo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 adesso sei tu ad avergli complicato la vita :)

uno pari, palla al centro :-)))

sai, sono un vecchio tradizionalista, ho sempre la konsole aperta
e considero più semplice dare al volo la riga di comando.
L'errore è che poi penso che sia più semplice anche per gli altri.

ciao, andrea

[newbie-it] wine

2002-10-15 Thread ba-rk

ho installato il pacchetto wine dalla distro ,in rpm...come faccio a 

[newbie-it] Hard disks su USB

2002-10-15 Thread Guido Milanese

Su una rivista ho letto recensioni di hard disks portatili collegati via USB (in 
particolare: Archos MiniHD e Iomega HDD20). Notizie di compatibilità Linux?

Grazie in anticipo!

Guido Milanese   - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Vocal Ensemble Ars Antiqua -
Salita del Passero 11, I-16126 Genova GE, Italy

Re: [newbie-it] wine

2002-10-15 Thread Fabio Manunza

Alle 12:48, martedì 15 ottobre 2002, hai scritto:
 ho installato il pacchetto wine dalla distro ,in rpm...come faccio
 a vederlo?grazie

..Vedere, cosa?
Una volta installato, wine, in teoria, è pronto per essere a) manipolato; b) 
testato con gli applicativi di Win che intendi utilizzare; non pensare a 
schermate di benvenuto tipo windozz, o console tipo grustibus; da cruda linea 
di comando dai il comando wine seguito dal percorso dell'applicativo, e vedi 
un po' che succede.
Consigliabile una capatina al sito di Wine, il cui indirizzo troverai nella 
(parca) documentazione allegata al pacchetto; da lì potrai scaricare 
ulteriori documenti che potranno esserti utili nella configurazione 
dell'emulatore; personalmente mi sono scontrato con wine come un caprone 
contro un muro, ma pare che l'ultima versione, presente nella mdk 9.0, sia 
piuttosto maturata da un punto di vista dei risultati; per cui, auguri, e 
facci sapere dei tuoi progressi.

-- Fabio Manunza -- 
   ## n° macchina 140545 ##

[newbie-it] USB not working.... Help!

2002-10-15 Thread David

Hi yall Just installed ML 8.0 on a Toshiba
1710CDT and everything went fine during the install  detected everything
and was able to complete the USB mouse test successfully. Go and StartX and
nada. Mouse is a MS Optical Intellimouse
and its dead.. Any hints on how to
configure it? .. TIA, DaveA

[newbie-it] Masterizzatore / Masterizzare.

2002-10-15 Thread ottoecinque

Ciao a tutti

Ho appena installato il Mandrake 9.0 dopo anni di winzozz


allora ho 2 domande da porre:

che programma posso usare per masterizzare e dove lo trovo?

Io ho un masterizzatore  waitec scsi 624, ha bisogno di driver per
funzionare da masterizzatore o lo rileva gia automaticamente il
programma apposito?

ciao a tutti 

Re: [newbie-it] wine

2002-10-15 Thread Daniele Micci

Alle 14:44, martedì 15 ottobre 2002, hai scritto:
 personalmente mi sono scontrato con wine come un caprone
 contro un muro, ma pare che l'ultima versione, presente nella mdk 9.0, sia
 piuttosto maturata da un punto di vista dei risultati

... meno male, non sono il solo ad avere le corna (in senso figurato) ancora 
ammaccate dai tentativi... ;-)
Tentando e ritentando e modificando il file di configurazione a caso (o 
quasi), ero riuscito ad ottenere buoni risultati con wine sotto Mandrake 7.2 
o 8.0 (non ricordo)... da allora non sono più riuscito a ripetere 
l'alchimia... è anche vero che sto usando Windows sempre meno, quindi 
l'esigenza di simulare programmi (almeno per me) sta diminuendo sempre più... 
rimane la curiosità, però!


[newbie-it] mozilla mail

2002-10-15 Thread Fabio Gianferrari

Non riesco a configurare la posta elettronica con Mozilla mail. a dire il 
vero credo di fare tutto regolarmente : imposto i vari server in entrata per 
i vari account e quello in uscita. Quest' ultimo funziona : i messaggi li 
spedisco, ma incredibilmente non riesco a scaricare niente, con nessun 
account. Semplicemente quando clico su  SCARICA MSG  non succede 
assolutamente nulla ; non un messaggio d' erore, non un tentativo di 
connessioneniente. Non è che sia un problema grave perchè con Kmail è 
tutto regolare cerco solo di capire cosa può essere. 
Succede la stessa identica cosa anche ad una mia amica. C' è qualcun altro ???

Re: [newbie-it] mozilla mail

2002-10-15 Thread Greg

On Tue, 15 Oct 2002 19:43:45 +0200
Fabio Gianferrari [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Non riesco a configurare la posta elettronica con Mozilla mail. a dire il 
 vero credo di fare tutto regolarmente : imposto i vari server in entrata per 
 i vari account e quello in uscita. Quest' ultimo funziona : i messaggi li 
 spedisco, ma incredibilmente non riesco a scaricare niente, con nessun 
 account. Semplicemente quando clico su  SCARICA MSG  non succede 
 assolutamente nulla ; non un messaggio d' erore, non un tentativo di 
 connessioneniente. Non è che sia un problema grave perchè con Kmail è 
 tutto regolare cerco solo di capire cosa può essere. 
 Succede la stessa identica cosa anche ad una mia amica. C' è qualcun altro ???

Siamo in due! Anzi tre!! Idem x tutti i passaggi...

Re: [newbie-it] Masterizzatore / Masterizzare.

2002-10-15 Thread Fabio Manunza

Alle 16:48, martedì 15 ottobre 2002, hai scritto:
 Ciao a tutti
 Ho appena installato il Mandrake 9.0 dopo anni di winzozz
 allora ho 2 domande da porre:
 che programma posso usare per masterizzare e dove lo trovo?
XCd-Roast può essere quello che fa per te; ti consiglio comunque una scorta 
al cd-recording How-to: ti farà capire cosa stai utilzzando, e ti permetterà 
di acquisire le basi necessarie per poter masterizzare anche da riga di 
comando (una cosa che un vero linuxiano prima o poi deve fare - vedila come 
un rito iniziatico...)
 Io ho un masterizzatore  waitec scsi 624, ha bisogno di driver per
 funzionare da masterizzatore o lo rileva gia automaticamente il
 programma apposito?
no problem
 ciao a tutti 

-- Fabio Manunza -- 
   ## n° macchina 140545 ##

Re: [newbie-it] Modem

2002-10-15 Thread Fabio Manunza

Alle 16:56, martedì 15 ottobre 2002, hai scritto:
 Ciao a tutti
 altro problemuccio...
 io ho un modem pci Conexant/Rockwell HSF.
 i driver per linux si trovano senza problemi( navigando con winzozz)
 ma come faccio a portarli a linux?
 Posso mettreli su un dichetto formattato da windows e vederli poi qui?
 il file ha estensione *.rpm posso cliccarci sopra tranquillamente come
 in winzozz?
 cia e scusate la mia ignoranzasono appena nato
 by luca

...Il cosiddetto cavallo di S. Francesco, può essere un buon sistema per il 
riversamento di file da un sistema all'altro; un'altro può essere quello di 
operare come root, avendo il libero accesso a tutte le partizioni del disco; 
sconsigliabile rendere accessibile in scrittura la partizione win al semplice 
utente: questioni di sicurezza.
Asssicurati che il driver che hai scaricato sia compatibile con il kernel 
della distribuzione; assicurati che il tuo modem sia realmente un HCF (mdk ha 
la pessima abitudine di confondere HCF con HSF per un certo tipo di modem); 
controlla perciò l'identificativo del tuo modem con la lista seguente:
PCI ID 127A:1025 (Some units are HCF however)
PCI ID 127A:2005 (Some units are HCF however)
In questo caso potresti avere un HSF: scarica i driver adatti.
Una volta installato il tutto, controlla le impostazioni e lancia kppp; 
dovrebbe avviarsi tutto senza problemi.
I driver Conexant si sono resi disponibili in tempi relativamente recenti, ma 
il modem si disimpegna veramente bene: un'altra piccola porzione di terreno 
sottratta a Zio Bill...

P.S. Sito driver Conexant:
-- Fabio Manunza -- 
   ## n° macchina 140545 ##

Re: [newbie-it] Modem

2002-10-15 Thread Daniele Micci

Alle 16:56, martedì 15 ottobre 2002, hai scritto:
 Ciao a tutti
 altro problemuccio...
 io ho un modem pci Conexant/Rockwell HSF.
 i driver per linux si trovano senza problemi( navigando con winzozz)
 ma come faccio a portarli a linux?
 Posso mettreli su un dichetto formattato da windows e vederli poi qui?
 il file ha estensione *.rpm posso cliccarci sopra tranquillamente come
 in winzozz?
 cia e scusate la mia ignoranzasono appena nato
 by luca

Ciao Luca,
per quanto riguarda la prima domanda, puoi accedere da Linux alla partizione 
di Windows: nella cartella /mnt/ troverai una serie di sub-cartelle... una è 
quella di windows (solitamente /mnt/windows ... chi l'avrebbe mai detto?)... 
accedi al punto dove hai salvato il file RPM e copialo/spostalo nella 
partizione Linux. Per quanto riguarda la seconda domanda, non saprei (non ho 
mai installato quei driver)... ma il fatto che siano in formato RPM farebbe 
propendere per il sì. Sicuramente, però, troverai le informazioni che cerchi 
nel sito da cui li hai scaricati.


Re: [newbie-it] Masterizzatore / Masterizzare.

2002-10-15 Thread Arwan

Alle 16:48, martedì 15 ottobre 2002, contorcendoti la mente su [newbie-it] 
Masterizzatore / Masterizzare., [EMAIL PROTECTED] hai scritto: 

 Ciao a tutti
 Ho appena installato il Mandrake 9.0 dopo anni di winzozz
 allora ho 2 domande da porre:
 che programma posso usare per masterizzare e dove lo trovo?

Guarda se, durante l'installazione, il sistema ha scelto per te: barra delle 
applicazioni - applicazioni - archiviazione.
Oppure cerca nei Cd della tua distro un gcombust o xcdroast (puoi anche 
installarli da barra delle applicazioni - configurazione - gestione 
Io preferisco lavorare da shell, con cdrecord; ci sono in circolazoine dei 
chiari how-to per capire come funzia, oltre che gli appuntilinux. Se ci sono 
riuscita io...

[newbie-it] Crash!

2002-10-15 Thread Arwan

Buonanotte... nel vero senso della parola!
Son due giorni (ieri e oggi) che KDE mi va in crash. Ieri e' capitato mentre 
mandavo una mail; per rispedire ho dovuto uscire da KDE, rifare il login 
(senza reboot) e riavviarlo. Dopo cio', tutti i collegamenti (del desktop e 
della barra) se cliccati davano errore. Sono uscita da KDE e, in tutti i 
terminali virtuali, s'e' presentata una finestra grigio scuro, senza 
possibilita' d'azione. Il disco fisso era fermo. Al reboot (forzato :-( ) non 
sono piu' stata in grado di montare una delle partizioni; arrivato a questo 
punto il processo d'avvio si inchiodava con un kernel panic (mi diceva che un 
non so cosa puntava a NULL). Non sono riuscita a sistemare le cose nemmeno 
partendo dall'altro Linux che ho installato, una Slack, nonostante con e2sfck 
le cose sembravano essersi messe a posto (ma la slack mi permetteva di 
lavorare solo in lettura).
Oggi stessa storia, solo che (dopo aver doppiato i miei dati sul disco 
fisso di Giorgio :-) e aver modificato il fstab in modo che non caricasse la 
partizione incriminata, oltre ad aver lanciato un e2sfck pressoche' ovunque 
:-))) ) s'e' inchiodato mentre salvavo un file di testo. In tre riavvii 
successivi (solito kernel panic, filesystem corrotto e simili, stavolta sulla 
partizione con il sistema operatvo) finalmente MDK mi ha presentato la 
schermata del login: qualsiasi utente mettessi, pero', anziche' permettermi 
di lavorare mi ripresentava la schermata del login. Ho spento (forzatamente 
:-( ) e sono ripartita con la Slack: qui il fstab era completo ed ha caricato 
tutto tranquillamente, comprese le partizioni che il giorno prima non 
andavano; ho fatto e2sfck sulla partizione con la MDK, reboot e, finalmente, 
mdk e' partita. 
Al prossimo crash che devo fare???

Re: [newbie-it] Crash!

2002-10-15 Thread freefred

On Tuesday 15 October 2002 10:45 pm, Arwan wrote about S%:
 Buonanotte... nel vero senso della parola!
 Son due giorni (ieri e oggi) che KDE mi va in crash. Ieri e' capitato
 mentre mandavo una mail; per rispedire ho dovuto uscire da KDE, rifare il
 login (senza reboot) e riavviarlo. 

Probabile opti per soluzioni drastiche ma mi sembra tu non sia messa
In questi casi io di solito, dopo aver salvato alcune cose, tipo il kmailrc,
l'addressbook ec., cancello la dir .kde nella home e ne faccio creare
un'altra al successivo login.
Di solito i problemi gravi col kde si risolvono (anche se il 3 ancora non me 
ne ha mai dati).

Dopo cio', tutti i collegamenti (del
 desktop e della barra) se cliccati davano errore.

Si' un classico errore, non ti trovava o era morto il dcop direi,
desktop communication protocol dovrebbe essere.

 Sono uscita da KDE e, in
 tutti i terminali virtuali, s'e' presentata una finestra grigio scuro,
 senza possibilita' d'azione. Il disco fisso era fermo. Al reboot (forzato
 :-( ) non sono piu' stata in grado di montare una delle partizioni;

con quale errore?

 arrivato a questo punto il processo d'avvio si inchiodava con un kernel
 panic (mi diceva che un non so cosa puntava a NULL). Non sono riuscita a
 sistemare le cose nemmeno partendo dall'altro Linux che ho installato, una
 Slack, nonostante con e2sfck le cose sembravano essersi messe a posto (ma
 la slack mi permetteva di lavorare solo in lettura).

puoi entrare con un floppy o col cd della mandrake.
il problema del solo lettura probabilmente se ricordo bene
lo risolvi con un chroot sulla partizione montata, che altrimenti,
immagino per sicurezza, viene montata in read only.

 Oggi stessa storia, solo che (dopo aver doppiato i miei dati sul disco
 fisso di Giorgio :-) e aver modificato il fstab in modo che non caricasse
 la partizione incriminata, oltre ad aver lanciato un e2sfck pressoche'

non capisco pero', tutto questo l'ha generato il kde?
se dai un fsck non va a buon fine?

 finalmente MDK mi ha presentato
 la schermata del login: qualsiasi utente mettessi, pero', anziche'
 permettermi di lavorare mi ripresentava la schermata del login.

ehm, a me il kdm (login grafico) della mdk dura ormai massimo
tre giorni.
E arriva sempre a farmi questo.
Parto in init 3 e lancio startx.

 Al prossimo crash che devo fare???

Cerca di capire meglio che succede.
Parti in console, fai un fsck, fai fare alla mandrake i suoi controlli,
e spera che non si sia danneggiato il disco o il sistema operativo.
Una volta che a causa di continui reboot durante il caricamento
anche il mio linux si trovava in una situazione simile, glielo
reinstallai sopra, un finto upgrade insomma.
Ti installera' probabilmente anche cose che non vuoi, ma 
dovrebbe aggiustare e non tocca le configurazioni.


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Re: [newbie-it] Modem

2002-10-15 Thread giamgax

Il Tue, 15 Oct 2002 16:56:39 +0200
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ebbe a dire:
 Ciao a tutti
 altro problemuccio...
 io ho un modem pci Conexant/Rockwell HSF.
 i driver per linux si trovano senza problemi( navigando con winzozz)
 ma come faccio a portarli a linux?

puoi anche copiarli sulla partizione di win$, tanto con linux riesci a leggerli senza 

 cia e scusate la mia ignoranzasono appena nato
 by luca
Mio Yahoo!: personalizza Yahoo! come piace a te

[newbie] DNS config

2002-10-15 Thread Kalle Saarinen


What config file stores the DNS server information in LM 9.0? I can't find it.



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Re: [newbie] Security alert

2002-10-15 Thread Michael Adams

Hands up all those that have had major isues trying to uninstall Bonzai 
Buddy from computers when it had been inadvertently downloaded. This would 
be a lot less of a problem in Linux even if the buddy came in an RPM.

On Tue, 15 Oct 2002 12:09, E T wrote:
 ever seen the bonzi buddie as parrot like the paperclip in m$oriface,
 that was free, but better spyware than doubleclick could buy. same folks, I
 would wonder about the firewall and weither it was spyware too.

 On Monday 14 October 2002 05:30 am, shane wrote:
  Hash: SHA1
  On Monday 14 October 2002 1:46 pm, Marco Verheul did speak unto the
  masses, saying:
   I was just surfing the internet when I got a security alert, stating
   that I am broadcasting an IP address and that my PC could be getting
   unwanted visitors. I was directed to the following link:
  it is a pop-up ad for a useless product, i connect through a pretty damn
  good firewall and do _not_ broadcast anything, but i get it all the time.
  - --
  The sum of the intelligence of the world is constant. The population is,
  of course, growing.
  Profile at:
  Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
  Mandrake Users Club Member
  Registered linux user #101606
  Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


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[newbie] Video Capturing with geforce 3?

2002-10-15 Thread Mixael

I was wondering if it there is any drivers / software for video 
capturing in linux with a geforce 3.

Thanks, Michael

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RE: [newbie] Security alert

2002-10-15 Thread Franki

the worst spyware is IMHO Alexa,

They even say in their license that they will collect Some personially
identifable material

they record where you go, what you enter into online forms and a ton of
other stuff,,,

that is such strong spyware, that it should class as a trojan horse...

luckily, thats just something else for win users to worry about.



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of E T
Sent: Tuesday, 15 October 2002 7:10 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Security alert

ever seen the bonzi buddie as parrot like the paperclip in m$oriface, that
was free, but better spyware than doubleclick could buy. same folks, I would
wonder about the firewall and weither it was spyware too.

On Monday 14 October 2002 05:30 am, shane wrote:
 Hash: SHA1

 On Monday 14 October 2002 1:46 pm, Marco Verheul did speak unto the

 masses, saying:
  I was just surfing the internet when I got a security alert, stating
  that I am broadcasting an IP address and that my PC could be getting
  unwanted visitors. I was directed to the following link:

 it is a pop-up ad for a useless product, i connect through a pretty damn
 good firewall and do _not_ broadcast anything, but i get it all the time.

 - --
 The sum of the intelligence of the world is constant. The population is,
 course, growing.

 Profile at:
 Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
 Mandrake Users Club Member
 Registered linux user #101606 @
 Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [newbie] Sound in LM9

2002-10-15 Thread John Richard Smith

Marcia wrote:

 Dear All,

 Does anyone know how the /etc/modules.conf should read if one has LM9? 
 When mine worked in 8.2 it had a different looking /etc/modules.conf 
 than in LM9. I have the viachipset  onboard sound. Does anyone have 
 LM9 with the viachipset onboard sound and has it working with alsa? If 
 so, would you please let me know how you got it to work?




I have via 8233 chipset on msi mobo , and it worked in LM9.0 beta2 with:-


above snd-via8233 snd-pcm-oss
alias sound-slot-0 snd-via8233


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] Security alert

2002-10-15 Thread Eric S. Dye

i did indeed go to the site below and my Black Ice Defender proved 
completely stealthy. thank you..


At 09:03 AM 10/15/2002 +, you wrote:
On Monday 14 October 2002 21:08, Eric S. Dye wrote:

  another good firewall program
  that i use is the black ice program and of course norton sells a good one
  as well. i wouldn't worry about broadcasting your I P address, but if you
  do a lot of surfing, you should consider a firewall. i think Linux has a
  built in firwall, doesn't it.

if you still think that Black Ice Defender is a good firewall have a look at
this website and see what results it had when tested.

having BID installed on your windowz machine can be even worse that having no
firewall at all (i.e. false sense of security). when you need a firewall,
ZoneAlarm is the choice.

Piero Piutti
Ticket to Ride - The Unofficial Ride Website:

Message mailed with: KMail 1.4.3 ~ KDE 3.0.3 ~ Mandrake Linux 9.0

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Re[2]: [newbie] Security alert

2002-10-15 Thread Roman Korcek


if you still think that Black Ice Defender is a good firewall have a look at
this website and see what results it had when tested.

having BID installed on your windowz machine can be even worse that having no
firewall at all (i.e. false sense of security). when you need a firewall,
ZoneAlarm is the choice.

 i did indeed go to the site below and my Black Ice Defender proved
 completely stealthy. thank you..

It is not a problem with inbound traffic (which you probably tested),
it's a problem with outbound traffic.


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Re: [newbie] No logout/halt/reboot in Dolphin

2002-10-15 Thread Roman Korcek

Hi all,

 I don't know if its just my level of security or what, but the
 options to logout, halt, and reboot don't show up when I logout of
 KDE in Mandrake Linux 9.0.  I previously had RedHat Linux 7.3
 installed, and the options were  there.  What am I missing?  Is
 there a security level that will trigger those options to disappear?
 I have the  Higher security setting on right now.

 This isn't tearing me apart, but its rather annoying...  

I have a very similar question - in 9.0 I can't run shutdown as a
regular user anymore - says command not found. So I guessed it's in
/sbin which isn't in a regular user's path so I typed /sbin/shutdown
-r now but bash said only root can do that. Shutdown has r-x
permission for all, so, I wonder, what setting/file do I need to
change in order to be able to run shutdown as a regular user?


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Re: [newbie] No logout/halt/reboot in Dolphin

2002-10-15 Thread Derek Jennings

Shutdown is under the control of PAM  (Permissions access module?)

If you look at /usr/bin/shutdown you will see it is in fact a symlink to an 
application called 'consolehelper'

Consolehelper is a wrapper which looks at the name of the symlink it was 
called from (in this case shutdown) and looks it up in /etc/pam.d
If it finds a file in there with the same name as the symlink it applies the 
authentication tests it finds there. If authentication passes consolehelper 
will pass control over to the requested application. ( /sbin/shutdown)

/etc/pam.d/shutdown contains :-

auth   sufficient   /lib/security/
auth   required /lib/security/
#auth   required/lib/security/ service=system-auth
accountrequired /lib/security/

In your case I think it is the last line which is stopping you running 
shutdown. Probably because of your security level.  If you ask for high 
security, then that is what you get :)


On Tuesday 15 Oct 2002 11:50 am, Roman Korcek wrote:
 Hi all,

  I don't know if its just my level of security or what, but the
  options to logout, halt, and reboot don't show up when I logout of
  KDE in Mandrake Linux 9.0.  I previously had RedHat Linux 7.3
  installed, and the options were  there.  What am I missing?  Is
  there a security level that will trigger those options to disappear?
  I have the  Higher security setting on right now.
  This isn't tearing me apart, but its rather annoying...

 I have a very similar question - in 9.0 I can't run shutdown as a
 regular user anymore - says command not found. So I guessed it's in
 /sbin which isn't in a regular user's path so I typed /sbin/shutdown
 -r now but bash said only root can do that. Shutdown has r-x
 permission for all, so, I wonder, what setting/file do I need to
 change in order to be able to run shutdown as a regular user?

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Re[2]: [newbie] No logout/halt/reboot in Dolphin

2002-10-15 Thread Roman Korcek

Hey Derek,

 I have a very similar question - in 9.0 I can't run shutdown as a
 regular user anymore - says command not found. So I guessed it's in
 /sbin which isn't in a regular user's path so I typed /sbin/shutdown
 -r now but bash said only root can do that. Shutdown has r-x
 permission for all, so, I wonder, what setting/file do I need to
 change in order to be able to run shutdown as a regular user?

 Shutdown is under the control of PAM  (Permissions access module?)

 If you look at /usr/bin/shutdown you will see it is in fact a symlink to an 
 application called 'consolehelper'

 Consolehelper is a wrapper which looks at the name of the symlink it was 
 called from (in this case shutdown) and looks it up in /etc/pam.d
 If it finds a file in there with the same name as the symlink it applies the 
 authentication tests it finds there. If authentication passes consolehelper 
 will pass control over to the requested application. ( /sbin/shutdown)

 /etc/pam.d/shutdown contains :-

 auth   sufficient   /lib/security/
 auth   required /lib/security/
 #auth   required/lib/security/ service=system-auth
 accountrequired /lib/security/

 In your case I think it is the last line which is stopping you running 
 shutdown. Probably because of your security level.  If you ask for high 
 security, then that is what you get :)

Thank you for the answer, but I set the lowest security level at
install (I think it was Medium).

So what do I neeed to do? Commment out the last line?


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[newbie] Samba Troubles

2002-10-15 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Greetings all,

I'm having a little trouble getting Samba going.

I've got Mandrake 9.0 on my deskop, win2k on my laptop and trying to get
these bad boys to have a conversation.

I can ping the Laptop from Linux, and vice versa.

I edited the smb conf file to reflect the workgroup name, also enabled
encrypted passwords.  (as per some documentation I have).

I went into the terminal and started samba with /etc/rc.d/init.d/smb start

It starts up fine.

I load up my browser and key in   What do I get?  

Connection refused by server!

I've been toying with this for a couple of days.   I'm sure it's something
simple I'm missing.   

Any direction on this?


mail2web - Check your email from the web at .

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Re: Re[2]: [newbie] No logout/halt/reboot in Dolphin

2002-10-15 Thread Derek Jennings

On Tuesday 15 Oct 2002 12:25 pm, Roman Korcek wrote:
 Hey Derek,

  I have a very similar question - in 9.0 I can't run shutdown as a
  regular user anymore - says command not found. So I guessed it's in
  /sbin which isn't in a regular user's path so I typed /sbin/shutdown
  -r now but bash said only root can do that. Shutdown has r-x
  permission for all, so, I wonder, what setting/file do I need to
  change in order to be able to run shutdown as a regular user?
  Shutdown is under the control of PAM  (Permissions access module?)
  If you look at /usr/bin/shutdown you will see it is in fact a symlink to
  an application called 'consolehelper'
  Consolehelper is a wrapper which looks at the name of the symlink it was
  called from (in this case shutdown) and looks it up in /etc/pam.d
  If it finds a file in there with the same name as the symlink it applies
  the authentication tests it finds there. If authentication passes
  consolehelper will pass control over to the requested application. (
  /etc/pam.d/shutdown contains :-
  auth   sufficient   /lib/security/
  auth   required /lib/security/
  #auth   required/lib/security/ service=system-auth
  accountrequired /lib/security/
  In your case I think it is the last line which is stopping you running
  shutdown. Probably because of your security level.  If you ask for high
  security, then that is what you get :)

 Thank you for the answer, but I set the lowest security level at
 install (I think it was Medium).

 So what do I neeed to do? Commment out the last line?

No I do not think that would help. You have to 'pass' a test to get access to 
the command. If you have medium security I do not understand why your system 
should behave differently to mine (also medium)  My ordinary users can use 
shutdown without a problem.

Have you ever had high security?, or did you upgrade instead of install?

It might be worth taking a look at /etc/security/console.apps  I have a zero 
byte file in there called shutdown.  It may be that at higher security levels 
that file does something.

You could also try editing /etc/pam.d/shutdown like this :-
auth   sufficient   /lib/security/
auth   required /lib/security/
auth   required /lib/security/ service=system-auth

I think you will then be prompted for a password before shutdown


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[newbie] damn mandrake apache.!!! nothing in logs to tell me what the problem is.

2002-10-15 Thread Franki

Hi guys,

I am getting stressed here, so excuse my abruptness.. :-)

anway, the source of my problem is that apache is giving me no feedback on
why it won't start.

apachecrl configtest

passses both and httpd-perl.conf

I have looked in /var/log/syslog and /var/log/messages and

nothing in any of them to even indicate it tried to start.

when I try, I get this:

service httpd start
Starting httpd:[PASSED]

nothing shows up in the logs, hell, nothing shows up anywhere..

surely there must be some way of getting a verbose start log.. anyone??

I have uninstalled rpmdrakes php rpms, and put the old ones back, and I did
likewise with the conf files..

still gives me [PASSED] mesages and no feedback at all as to why.

Please, Does anyone have any idea how to get this thing working again? I'm
in the shitter if I don't get it sorted before its needed tomorrow..

Incidently, I am doing this remotely over ssh with X forwarding.. not that
that should make any difference.

your help would be really appreciated.



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Re: Re[2]: [newbie] No logout/halt/reboot in Dolphin

2002-10-15 Thread Ronald J. Hall

On Tuesday 15 October 2002 08:07 am, you wrote:


  Thank you for the answer, but I set the lowest security level at
  install (I think it was Medium).
  So what do I neeed to do? Commment out the last line?

 No I do not think that would help. You have to 'pass' a test to get access
 to the command. If you have medium security I do not understand why your
 system should behave differently to mine (also medium)  My ordinary users
 can use shutdown without a problem.

 Have you ever had high security?, or did you upgrade instead of install?

 It might be worth taking a look at /etc/security/console.apps  I have a
 zero byte file in there called shutdown.  It may be that at higher security
 levels that file does something.

 You could also try editing /etc/pam.d/shutdown like this :-
 auth   sufficient /lib/security/
 auth   required   /lib/security/
 auth   required   /lib/security/ service=system-auth
 #accountrequired  /lib/security/

 I think you will then be prompted for a password before shutdown


Guys, I don't about 9.0, or which versions (RC releases, boxed set, d/l 
versions) you're using, but I had this same trouble with 8.2. Using the d/l 3 
CD version, any normal user on my system could not shut it down. As soon as I 
purchased the boxed set (7 CD Powerpack), my normal users could once again 
shut down. I don't know if its relevant here or not, but its just a thought...

See ya...

  Dark Lord

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[newbie] host to host or two host to hub?

2002-10-15 Thread Hesham Khonji
This a general question about networking: is itbetter to connect two computers directly with a crossover cable than via a hub because that way it would run in full-duplex as oppose to half-duplex? 

HeshamSend and receive Hotmail on your mobile device: Click Here

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Re: Re[2]: [newbie] No logout/halt/reboot in Dolphin

2002-10-15 Thread Flux

Okay, it seems I need to answer my own question:

I'm still a newbie at Linux, and so I had no idea *why* I couldn't get those 
halt/reboot/logout options to appear.  
Well, after playing around, just looking and looking all over in the menus, I ran 
across the Login Manager.  Its 
kinda hidden in Dolphin's menus.  In any case, in the Login Manager, I went to the 
Sessions tab.  The very first 
setting is called Allow Shutdown and you have a subsetting for the Console and 
Remote.  The setting for Console 
said Nobody; I simply changed it to Everybody.  I logged out and logged back in, 
and then tried to log out 
again.  To my delight, I now had the options to halt/reboot/logout.  Success!

Now I could be wrong about this; I could have changed a different setting somewhere 
IT.  (In other words, I don't know why this setting change accomplished what I was 
after).  The point is that it 
worked and I'm finished.  Ugh!

-Lawrence Winstead

 10/15/2002 7:51:53 AM, Ronald J. Hall [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Tuesday 15 October 2002 08:07 am, you wrote:


  Thank you for the answer, but I set the lowest security level at
  install (I think it was Medium).
  So what do I neeed to do? Commment out the last line?

 No I do not think that would help. You have to 'pass' a test to get access
 to the command. If you have medium security I do not understand why your
 system should behave differently to mine (also medium)  My ordinary users
 can use shutdown without a problem.

 Have you ever had high security?, or did you upgrade instead of install?

 It might be worth taking a look at /etc/security/console.apps  I have a
 zero byte file in there called shutdown.  It may be that at higher security
 levels that file does something.

 You could also try editing /etc/pam.d/shutdown like this :-
 auth   sufficient/lib/security/
 auth   required  /lib/security/
 auth   required  /lib/security/ service=system-auth
 #accountrequired /lib/security/

 I think you will then be prompted for a password before shutdown


Guys, I don't about 9.0, or which versions (RC releases, boxed set, d/l 
versions) you're using, but I had this same trouble with 8.2. Using the d/l 3 
CD version, any normal user on my system could not shut it down. As soon as I 
purchased the boxed set (7 CD Powerpack), my normal users could once again 
shut down. I don't know if its relevant here or not, but its just a thought...

See ya...

  Dark Lord

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Re: [newbie] DNS config

2002-10-15 Thread Lyvim Xaphir

On Tue, 2002-10-15 at 02:59, Kalle Saarinen wrote:
 What config file stores the DNS server information in LM 9.0? I can't find it.

Not exactly sure what you are referring to here.  If you are talking
about a bona fide DNS server that's running named and serving DNS data
out of port 53, then the DNS zone data files are in /var/named.

On the other hand if you are looking for where the system stores DNS
names for DNS lookups, then that is /etc/resolv.conf.



Kernel  2.4.18-6mdk Mandrake Linux  8.2
Enlightenment 0.16.5-11mdkEvolution  1.0.2-5mdk
Registered Linux User #268899

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Re: [newbie] Extra Hard Drive

2002-10-15 Thread Travis Crook

hi, I have a ten GB partition devoted to miscellaneous things. I use it

1) saving downloaded rpm's and tarballs
2) a place to rip dvd's and music
3) a place to download music to
4) backing up my computer whenever I need to

The only reason it would make it faster is if the games and mp3's on you
system drive were fragmented in with the rest of your files. Linux does not
do this so you will not notice much of a difference in access speed.

John Drouhard

I think I'll do just that.  After I figure out how to build it into a RAID.


Travis Crook
Visions Beyond

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RE: [newbie] host to host or two host to hub?

2002-10-15 Thread Sabin, Matthew

suppose it would depend on the hub -- if it supports full duplex, then I'd use 
the hub to allow for the flexibility of adding another host later. I use a 
switchwhich supports full-duplex, soall 6 hosts in my home get full 


  -Original Message-From: Hesham Khonji 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2002 9:28 
  AMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [newbie] host to 
  host or two host to hub?
  This a general question about networking: is itbetter to connect 
  two computers directly with a crossover cable than via a hub because that way 
  it would run in full-duplex as oppose to half-duplex? 
  Send and receive Hotmail on your mobile device: Click 

Re: [newbie] Security alert

2002-10-15 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Monday October 14 2002 04:23 pm, Franki wrote:

 other then that, don't worry about it, head over to and run
 shields up to see
 if you have anything open.. (its not a great scanner, but better then


 Shields up is a fairly easy test to pass.  The security products he 
touts are for Windoze, and are also fairly weak.  MOF, has been 
itself hacked several times.

There's a coupl'a quick scans and several more comprehensive ones 
that take quite some time to run.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] Extra Hard Drive

2002-10-15 Thread Derek Jennings

On Tuesday 15 Oct 2002 3:39 pm, Travis Crook wrote:
  If you want to speed up your system you could mount your extra HD as a
  software RAID drive.
  RAID0  will stripe data between two hard drives, so some blocks are read


  one drive, and some from the other effectively halving the seek time.
   Software RAID is real easy to set up using diskdrake. You just need two


  drives (on different IDE controllers)
  The drives do not have to be the same size or same make (unlike hardware


  on Wintel MBs) You just identify partitions on each drive as RAID


  in diskdrake and then mount them as a single partition. The partitions do


  even need to be the same size. Other partitions on the drives may be
  configured as non RAID
  The downside of software RAID is
  If your system is already installed it is complicated moving partitions


  to create the RAID partitions.
  The seek time will be limited by the seek time of the slowest drive. So
  if your 10GB drive is an old piece of rubbish it is counterproductive.
  If either drive has a data corruption it will trash the data on the other


  well (unless you use RAID3? (mirror+stripe) which uses twice the disc


  Just an idea

 I have always wanted to play around with a RAID on a workstation.
 I didn't realize Linux could do it with different sized drives.  I think
 I know what I'll do with that extra drive!


 Travis Crook
 Visions Beyond

There was a thread on this about a year ago. I think Civileme and Sridhar were 
discussing it. A search in the archives might be useful.
Also most HOWTOs you find might make it look more complicated than it is. I do 
believe diskdrake will do the whole thing for you nowdays.

If it works out OK for you, I might take my own advice and put that old hard 
drive to use :-)


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[newbie] looking for hands-on help

2002-10-15 Thread Joe Harkins

As a newbie who is impresssed with and wants to learn Linux Mandrake but 
remains totally at sea due to more than 20 years of DOS and Windows, I would 
find it a great help if I could find classes or seminars or whatever 
that would get me sufficiently grounded to start real learning.

Right now, after weeks of installing Linux Mandrake 8, I am still dealing 
with the facts that I cannot install my printer, the sound system works for 
the CD player but for nothing else, I can't install downloaded programs, have 
not a single clue as to what all these file names and acronyms mean (and 
since I can't print I have no way of making reference docs and like many 
people I am screen-dyslexic but can do fine with hard docs) and so on - all 
of which stand in the way of actually learning and enjoying the system.

As I said, if there is a tutoring venue in the NY/NJ area that would 
ground me in the basics, I'd sure appreciate knowing about it.


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Re: [newbie] Extra Hard Drive

2002-10-15 Thread Travis Crook

 If you want to speed up your system you could mount your extra HD as a
 software RAID drive.

 RAID0  will stripe data between two hard drives, so some blocks are read
 one drive, and some from the other effectively halving the seek time.

  Software RAID is real easy to set up using diskdrake. You just need two
 drives (on different IDE controllers)
 The drives do not have to be the same size or same make (unlike hardware
 on Wintel MBs) You just identify partitions on each drive as RAID
 in diskdrake and then mount them as a single partition. The partitions do
 even need to be the same size. Other partitions on the drives may be
 configured as non RAID

 The downside of software RAID is

 If your system is already installed it is complicated moving partitions
 to create the RAID partitions.

 The seek time will be limited by the seek time of the slowest drive. So if
 your 10GB drive is an old piece of rubbish it is counterproductive.

 If either drive has a data corruption it will trash the data on the other
 well (unless you use RAID3? (mirror+stripe) which uses twice the disc

 Just an idea


I have always wanted to play around with a RAID on a workstation.
I didn't realize Linux could do it with different sized drives.  I think
I know what I'll do with that extra drive!


Travis Crook
Visions Beyond

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Re: [newbie] Extra Hard Drive

2002-10-15 Thread Travis Crook

start smart ass redneck with two teeth remarks
send it to me, by far the best use for it.
/ smart ass redneck with two teeth remarks end


Would it make file access faster
 if it was used as a file drive (i.e. I install games, mp3s, etc. on
 it instead of the system drive)?  What else could I do with it?


 Travis Crook
 Visions Beyond
depends on it's speed

The drive is an older Western Digital, but it does support 

Derek suggested RAID so I think I'll give that a whirl.


Travis Crook
Visions Beyond

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[newbie] buying 9.0

2002-10-15 Thread H.J.Bathoorn

Hi all,

A few months back with Mandrake being in financial hard times, there was an 
offer of pre-buying 9.0 and 9.1 together with 8.2.

Wanting to help I did so, butnow 9.0 is coming and out it's 
deafeningly quiet!:o(
I don't mind buying 9.0 again, it's all in a good cause, but I would like to 
know what's up!

Anyone got the same feeling, or am I the only one?


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Re: [newbie] looking for hands-on help

2002-10-15 Thread Miark

Instead of a class, you may consider getting one of those mondo
manuals like Using Linux by Que. I find them very class-like in that
they cover all the basics, but in depth, and in a way that's friendly
to those new to the game. They cover sound and the rest.


Joe Harkins [EMAIL PROTECTED] saith:

 As I said, if there is a tutoring venue in the NY/NJ area that would 
 ground me in the basics, I'd sure appreciate knowing about it.

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Re: [newbie] buying 9.0

2002-10-15 Thread Carroll Grigsby

On Tuesday 15 October 2002 12:19 pm, H.J.Bathoorn wrote:
 Hi all,

 A few months back with Mandrake being in financial hard times, there was an
 offer of pre-buying 9.0 and 9.1 together with 8.2.

 Wanting to help I did so, butnow 9.0 is coming and out it's
 deafeningly quiet!:o(
 I don't mind buying 9.0 again, it's all in a good cause, but I would like
 to know what's up!

 Anyone got the same feeling, or am I the only one?


IIRC, it takes about four weeks after the release of a new version before the 
packaged sets get out into the world. I've lost track of the release date, 
but those boxes should be shipping soon -- next week?
-- cmg

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[newbie] adding a contrib to urpmi.

2002-10-15 Thread Franki

Hi all,

I want to add a contribs directory:

to mandrake9.0's urpmi sources...

how do I do that? I don't really understand the whole
thing.. and it doesn't seem to work.

can anyone help me out here??



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Re: [newbie] adding a contrib to urpmi.

2002-10-15 Thread Miark


1) Do the add command
2) Give the source a shorthand name of your choice
3) Specify the URL of the contribs RPMs directory
4) Use the word with and pecify the path of the hdlist
   relative to the RPMs directory. With normal packages, it's often
   ../base/, but contrib packages are usually in 
   the same directory and hdlist is actually hdlist2.

So in your case:

urpmi.addmedia cif-contrib 


Franki [EMAIL PROTECTED] saith:

 I want to add a contribs directory:
 to mandrake9.0's urpmi sources...

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RE: [newbie] adding a contrib to urpmi.

2002-10-15 Thread Franki

cool, how I got it, so the files are a binary that is put in the
ftp sites, and it somehow contains a list of packages that are in the
directory?? is it recreated by a cron job on the server whenever new
packages are added?

thanks for the tip, much appreciated.



-Original Message-
From: Miark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, 16 October 2002 1:20 AM
To: Newbie at MDK
Subject: Re: [newbie] adding a contrib to urpmi.


1) Do the add command
2) Give the source a shorthand name of your choice
3) Specify the URL of the contribs RPMs directory
4) Use the word with and pecify the path of the hdlist
   relative to the RPMs directory. With normal packages, it's often
   ../base/, but contrib packages are usually in
   the same directory and hdlist is actually hdlist2.

So in your case:

urpmi.addmedia cif-contrib
/RPMS/ with


Franki [EMAIL PROTECTED] saith:

 I want to add a contribs directory:

 to mandrake9.0's urpmi sources...

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Re: [newbie] buying 9.0

2002-10-15 Thread Anne Wilson

On Tuesday 15 Oct 2002 5:51 pm, you wrote:
 On Tuesday 15 October 2002 12:19 pm, H.J.Bathoorn wrote:
  Hi all,
  A few months back with Mandrake being in financial hard times, there was
  an offer of pre-buying 9.0 and 9.1 together with 8.2.
  Wanting to help I did so, butnow 9.0 is coming and out
  it's deafeningly quiet!:o(
  I don't mind buying 9.0 again, it's all in a good cause, but I would
  like to know what's up!
  Anyone got the same feeling, or am I the only one?

 IIRC, it takes about four weeks after the release of a new version before
 the packaged sets get out into the world. I've lost track of the release
 date, but those boxes should be shipping soon -- next week?
 -- cmg

I've pre-ordered, and I understood that they would not be out until the end 
of October.


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Re: [newbie] adding a contrib to urpmi.

2002-10-15 Thread Charlie

On Tuesday 15 October 2002 11:00 am, Franki wrote:
 Hi all,

 I want to add a contribs directory:
b /RPMS/

 to mandrake9.0's urpmi sources...

 how do I do that? I don't really understand the whole
 thing.. and it doesn't seem to work.

 can anyone help me out here??



This is what I used in a terminal (super user) Frank:
# urpmi.addmedia contribs 
with ../../i586/Mandrake/base/

That's all one line with single space before and after the word contribs, 
after RPMS, and after the word with. I couldn't even find the contribs 
( list on the mirror you linked. I did see the one for the Club 
and (I think) unsupported though. They're in the directory with the RPMS.

The path to the is (or should be) in the /Mandrake/base directory, 
which makes an interesting relative path to the, doesn't it? :-)

It works here. Hope it helps.

Registered user 244963 at
The algorithm to do that is extremely nasty.  You might want to mug
someone with it.
-- M. Devine, Computer Science 340

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[newbie] KonCD

2002-10-15 Thread Anne Wilson

KonCD appeared to recognise my ide cdreader, so I hoped to use it for a disk 
copy.  I got the following error:

/usr/bin/cdrecord: No such file or directory. No read access for ''.

Error, Exit status: 2

I have checked that permission are set to give access to the group cdwriter, 
of which I am a member.  What does the . signify, I wonder?

Any ideas as to the problem would be gratefully received


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Re: [newbie] looking for hands-on help

2002-10-15 Thread Sharrea

On Wednesday 16 Oct 2002 4:20 am, Joe Harkins wrote:
 As a newbie who is impresssed with and wants to learn Linux Mandrake but
 remains totally at sea due to more than 20 years of DOS and Windows, I
 would find it a great help if I could find classes or seminars or
 whatever that would get me sufficiently grounded to start real learning.

 Right now, after weeks of installing Linux Mandrake 8, I am still dealing
 with the facts that I cannot install my printer, the sound system works
 for the CD player but for nothing else, I can't install downloaded
 programs, have not a single clue as to what all these file names and
 acronyms mean (and since I can't print I have no way of making reference
 docs and like many people I am screen-dyslexic but can do fine with hard
 docs) and so on - all of which stand in the way of actually learning and
 enjoying the system.

 As I said, if there is a tutoring venue in the NY/NJ area that would
 ground me in the basics, I'd sure appreciate knowing about it.


I don't know about any classes and anyway I'm in NZ, but...

I felt the same way when I first started using linux 16 months ago.  I 
started off initially by reading the Mandrake docs (which I see have 
changed a lot since then - must have another good look at them).  This 
provided a basic understanding of the filesystem structure and basic 
commands in a console as well as some insight as to just what you can do in 
linux.  The rest of my learning so far came from this newbie list, man 
pages and the vast array of HOWTOs that are available on the net for just 
about anything to do with linux.

Oh, and hubby bought me (with some subtle hints from me) Linux in a 
Nutshell by O'Reilly for Christmas which is a very handy reference.

When first starting to use linux it all seems very confusing (for some of 
us) but perseverance pays off and like a lot of us newbies, you just might 
find that the learning process is actually FUN!

Good luck
Help Microsoft stamp out piracy - give Linux to a friend today

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Re: [newbie] buying 9.0

2002-10-15 Thread H.J.Bathoorn

On Tuesday 15 October 2002 19:51, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Tuesday 15 Oct 2002 5:51 pm, you wrote:
  On Tuesday 15 October 2002 12:19 pm, H.J.Bathoorn wrote:
   Hi all,
   A few months back with Mandrake being in financial hard times, there
   was an offer of pre-buying 9.0 and 9.1 together with 8.2.
   Wanting to help I did so, butnow 9.0 is coming and out
   it's deafeningly quiet!:o(
   I don't mind buying 9.0 again, it's all in a good cause, but I would
   like to know what's up!
   Anyone got the same feeling, or am I the only one?
  IIRC, it takes about four weeks after the release of a new version before
  the packaged sets get out into the world. I've lost track of the release
  date, but those boxes should be shipping soon -- next week?
  -- cmg

 I've pre-ordered, and I understood that they would not be out until the end
 of October.

I've thought and supposed on the same lines and fact is that I feel it's 
inapropiate to be kept totally in the the dark, this way.

The boxed version dropping on my doormat tomorrow wouldn't change that 
Fact is I don't even know what I bought (boxed download version or power pack 
or whatever) at the time.
I just wanted to contribute. I don't want a pat on the back but I don't want 
to feel forgotten either.

At least now I know I'm not the only one in the dark:o)

I hope somebody at Mandrake takes the hint and realizes one sometimes has to 
throw a bone into the pack to keep it happy and make it feel useful.


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Re: [newbie] looking for hands-on help

2002-10-15 Thread Anne Wilson

On Tuesday 15 Oct 2002 7:54 pm, you wrote:
 On Wednesday 16 Oct 2002 4:20 am, Joe Harkins wrote:
  As a newbie who is impresssed with and wants to learn Linux Mandrake but
  remains totally at sea due to more than 20 years of DOS and Windows, I
  would find it a great help if I could find classes or seminars or
  whatever that would get me sufficiently grounded to start real learning.
  Right now, after weeks of installing Linux Mandrake 8, I am still dealing
  with the facts that I cannot install my printer, the sound system works
  for the CD player but for nothing else, I can't install downloaded
  programs, have not a single clue as to what all these file names and
  acronyms mean (and since I can't print I have no way of making reference
  docs and like many people I am screen-dyslexic but can do fine with hard
  docs) and so on - all of which stand in the way of actually learning and
  enjoying the system.
  As I said, if there is a tutoring venue in the NY/NJ area that would
  ground me in the basics, I'd sure appreciate knowing about it.

 I don't know about any classes and anyway I'm in NZ, but...

 I felt the same way when I first started using linux 16 months ago.  I
 started off initially by reading the Mandrake docs (which I see have
 changed a lot since then - must have another good look at them).  This
 provided a basic understanding of the filesystem structure and basic
 commands in a console as well as some insight as to just what you can do in
 linux.  The rest of my learning so far came from this newbie list, man
 pages and the vast array of HOWTOs that are available on the net for just
 about anything to do with linux.

 Oh, and hubby bought me (with some subtle hints from me) Linux in a
 Nutshell by O'Reilly for Christmas which is a very handy reference.

 When first starting to use linux it all seems very confusing (for some of
 us) but perseverance pays off and like a lot of us newbies, you just might
 find that the learning process is actually FUN!

 Good luck

Using Linux, Que books, was very good when I first started - a good deal of 
depth in easily digested mode.  The version I have is a couple of years old, 
and therefore not entirely up to date.  It also does rather heavily favour 
Redhat, but having said that, it was very helpful.  I agree about the Linux 
in a Nutshell, and the third book that filled in gaps was Linux for Dummies.  
The three books with their different styles and content should cover most of 
what is not distro specific.  The Mandrake documentation and this list does 
the rest.



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Re: [newbie] looking for hands-on help

2002-10-15 Thread Rick Friedman

Since you're in the NY/NJ area, I would suggest that you get in contact
with the New York Linux Users group (NYLUG). You can get a lot of help
and learn quite a bit from joining a LUG (Linux Users Group). 

The website is:


On Tue, 2002-10-15 at 11:20, Joe Harkins wrote:
 As a newbie who is impresssed with and wants to learn Linux Mandrake but 
 remains totally at sea due to more than 20 years of DOS and Windows, I would 
 find it a great help if I could find classes or seminars or whatever 
 that would get me sufficiently grounded to start real learning.
 Right now, after weeks of installing Linux Mandrake 8, I am still dealing 
 with the facts that I cannot install my printer, the sound system works for 
 the CD player but for nothing else, I can't install downloaded programs, have 
 not a single clue as to what all these file names and acronyms mean (and 
 since I can't print I have no way of making reference docs and like many 
 people I am screen-dyslexic but can do fine with hard docs) and so on - all 
 of which stand in the way of actually learning and enjoying the system.
 As I said, if there is a tutoring venue in the NY/NJ area that would 
 ground me in the basics, I'd sure appreciate knowing about it.

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Re: [newbie] adding a contrib to urpmi.

2002-10-15 Thread Charlie

On Tuesday 15 October 2002 12:22 pm, Franki wrote:
 Thanks mr Charlie,

 There was a file in the contribs dir.. I used that and it

 first time for everything huh??

 I am surprised that mdk don't make a contribs source part of the base
 install, its very handy.



You're quite welcome Frank. Mandrake is so user friendly that even a gnubie 
such as myself can occasionally answer a question and be right. :-)

I don't quite remember what the reasoning was for not including a source at 
release, something to do with licenses that possibly don't quite fit the 
open source nature of Mandrake Download Edition I think.

As long as you get what you need who the heck cares, right? :-)

 -Original Message-
 From: Charlie [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, 16 October 2002 2:01 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] adding a contrib to urpmi.

 On Tuesday 15 October 2002 11:00 am, Franki wrote:
  Hi all,
  I want to add a contribs directory:

 b /RPMS/
  to mandrake9.0's urpmi sources...
  how do I do that? I don't really understand the whole
  thing.. and it doesn't seem to work.
  can anyone help me out here??

 This is what I used in a terminal (super user) Frank:
 # urpmi.addmedia contribs
S with ../../i586/Mandrake/base/

 That's all one line with single space before and after the word contribs,
 after RPMS, and after the word with. I couldn't even find the contribs
 ( list on the mirror you linked. I did see the one for the Club
 and (I think) unsupported though. They're in the directory with the RPMS.

 The path to the is (or should be) in the /Mandrake/base
 which makes an interesting relative path to the, doesn't it? :-)

 It works here. Hope it helps.

Registered user 244963 at
It's not the valleys in life I dread so much as the dips.
-- Garfield

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Re: [newbie] damn mandrake apache.!!! nothing in logs to tell me what the problem is.

2002-10-15 Thread Sharrea

On Wednesday 16 Oct 2002 1:42 am, Franki wrote:
 anway, the source of my problem is that apache is giving me no feedback
 on why it won't start.

 apachecrl configtest

 passses both and httpd-perl.conf

 I have looked in /var/log/syslog and /var/log/messages and

 nothing in any of them to even indicate it tried to start.

 when I try, I get this:

 service httpd start
 Starting httpd:[PASSED]

 nothing shows up in the logs, hell, nothing shows up anywhere..

 surely there must be some way of getting a verbose start log.. anyone??

 I have uninstalled rpmdrakes php rpms, and put the old ones back, and I
 did likewise with the conf files..

 still gives me [PASSED] mesages and no feedback at all as to why.

 Please, Does anyone have any idea how to get this thing working again?
 I'm in the shitter if I don't get it sorted before its needed tomorrow..

 Incidently, I am doing this remotely over ssh with X forwarding.. not
 that that should make any difference.

don't know if this makes a difference (probably not, but woth a try):

#  apachectl start  or

#  apachectl graceful   to restart

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[newbie] Smart partitioning

2002-10-15 Thread Marco Verheul


For those who didn't read the other mail, I'm going to kick Windows and
use Linux exclusively on my PC. I intend to re-partition and install
Mandrake 9.0 and I need some tips on how to do this in a smart way.

I have a disk of 40GB which now is devided in 10GB Linux and 30GB
Windows. I have very basic partitions for Linux.

I want to have a separate home-partition to start with. Further I would
like to get started in a while with developing websites linked to a
database (with Python/Apache/MySQL) and to install Oracle 9ias with
development tools. I imagine it could be handy to use a seperate
partition for toying around with that.

All in all I don't want to make it too complicated, just usefull.

I'd like to know your recommandations on what partitions I should create
and their sizes. Thanks.

Regards, Marco

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[newbie] Making a good backup

2002-10-15 Thread Marco Verheul

Hello fellow Mandrake users,

I decided the time has come to create myself a microsoft free
environment, so I'm going to erase Windows ME that I don't use anyway
from my PC. The plan is to make a new install after re-partitioning my
hard-disk of Mandrake 9.0. Before I do that I could use some tips on how
to backup my current data in mdk 8.1 so I can be up to speed in no-time
after the new install. I will ask some re-partitioning tips in a
separate mail. The questions:

- which files should I backup for Evolution and how do I restore 
  my current mailboxes? Will there be a version conflict with a
  newer version of Evolution?

- i noticed that it's hard to copy directories with their contents
  using Konquerer or Nautilus. It's no problem on the command line
  with copy -r. Can I expect similar problems with burning a data
  CD using x-cd-roast?

- any usefull ideas that I didn't think of??

Thanks for your input.

REgards, Marco

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Re: Re[2]: [newbie] Security alert

2002-10-15 Thread RichardA

Roman Korcek, Tuesday 15 October 2002 11:47:

 if you still think that Black Ice Defender is a good firewall have a look
  at this website and see what results it had when
 having BID installed on your windowz machine can be even worse that
  having no firewall at all (i.e. false sense of security). when you need
  a firewall, ZoneAlarm is the choice.
  i did indeed go to the site below and my Black Ice Defender proved
  completely stealthy. thank you..

 It is not a problem with inbound traffic (which you probably tested),
 it's a problem with outbound traffic.

Although ZoneAlarm is a good software firewall, is not the place to 
go for unbiased information about it.

BTW, Steve Gibson was frothing at the mouth before Win XP was released, 
saying because it could spoof packets the whole web would crash and burn... 

It didn't.



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RE: Re[2]: [newbie] Security alert

2002-10-15 Thread Franki

yeah, i remember reading about that as well..

I like steve gibson, he is a very smart man (I think anyone that can program
assembly is smart), so what, he is a tad melodramatic... if it gets the
point across, good on him..

As to the firewalls, as I remember it, he had good stuff to say about all of
them except Black Ice and that was just on trojans and stuff..

As for XP, it has continued the fine M$ tradation of big exploits.. but it
has no where near the marketshare that 98 has, so maybe we have to wait a
while..  :-)

If someone writes a nimda or klez or whatever that spoofs its IP, then
perhaps the chaos you long for will ensue... :-)



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of RichardA
Sent: Wednesday, 16 October 2002 4:32 AM
Subject: Re: Re[2]: [newbie] Security alert

Roman Korcek, Tuesday 15 October 2002 11:47:

 if you still think that Black Ice Defender is a good firewall have a
  at this website and see what results it had when
 having BID installed on your windowz machine can be even worse that
  having no firewall at all (i.e. false sense of security). when you need
  a firewall, ZoneAlarm is the choice.
  i did indeed go to the site below and my Black Ice Defender proved
  completely stealthy. thank you..

 It is not a problem with inbound traffic (which you probably tested),
 it's a problem with outbound traffic.

Although ZoneAlarm is a good software firewall, is not the place to
go for unbiased information about it.

BTW, Steve Gibson was frothing at the mouth before Win XP was released,
saying because it could spoof packets the whole web would crash and burn...

It didn't.



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Re: [newbie] buying 9.0

2002-10-15 Thread Robin Turner

H.J.Bathoorn wrote:
 On Tuesday 15 October 2002 19:51, Anne Wilson wrote:
On Tuesday 15 Oct 2002 5:51 pm, you wrote:

On Tuesday 15 October 2002 12:19 pm, H.J.Bathoorn wrote:

Hi all,

A few months back with Mandrake being in financial hard times, there
was an offer of pre-buying 9.0 and 9.1 together with 8.2.

Wanting to help I did so, butnow 9.0 is coming and out
it's deafeningly quiet!:o(
I don't mind buying 9.0 again, it's all in a good cause, but I would
like to know what's up!

Anyone got the same feeling, or am I the only one?


IIRC, it takes about four weeks after the release of a new version before
the packaged sets get out into the world. I've lost track of the release
date, but those boxes should be shipping soon -- next week?
-- cmg

I've pre-ordered, and I understood that they would not be out until the end
of October.
 I've thought and supposed on the same lines and fact is that I feel it's 
 inapropiate to be kept totally in the the dark, this way.
 The boxed version dropping on my doormat tomorrow wouldn't change that 
 Fact is I don't even know what I bought (boxed download version or power pack 
 or whatever) at the time.
 I just wanted to contribute. I don't want a pat on the back but I don't want 
 to feel forgotten either.
 At least now I know I'm not the only one in the dark:o)
 I hope somebody at Mandrake takes the hint and realizes one sometimes has to 
 throw a bone into the pack to keep it happy and make it feel useful.

I also think that it's counterproductive to have such a long waiting 
period.  I realise that printing the documentation takes time, but 
surely it would be possible to release a CD-only version before, or at 
least at the same time as, it's available from third-party vendors.  For 
the record, here's how I got my various distros (for home, that is - at 
the office I just FTP install from our university's mirror).

7.0 - free with a Turkish PC magazine (this was the distro that turned 
me on to Mandrake - one of the best ever)
7.2 -
8.0 - bought on the street (literally - the guy was sitting in a pile of 
pirated Windows software, so I thought I'd encourage his interest in 
Open Source)
8.2 - free with Linux Format

In all cases (except perhaps the first), if there had been a 
reasonably-priced (even slightly more expensive) CD set available from 
Mandrake, I'd have oredered that instead.

Sir Robin

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[newbie] Mencoder results and questions

2002-10-15 Thread Ronald J. Hall

Well, I just d/led and installed the latest MPlayer. I went to PLF and 
grabbed all the required dependencies (AFAICT) and I compiled it. Its 
running, I can play DVD's, DIVX, and VCD's... So I thought I'd be brave and 
use Mencoder to rip a DVD. I looked at the docs, tracked down some Mencoder 
references from the Mandrake news archive, and tried this:

mencoder -dvd 1 -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vhq:vbitrate=633 -oac 
mp3lame -lameopts br=96:cbr -o Ronin_2.avi

This is all on one line of course. The DVD was a Ronin Warriors cartoon set.
It took some time, but appeared to work. I've got a 424.8 meg AVI file which 
MPlayer will play.

I have to admit though, that I was a wee bit disappointed in the video 
quality (audio seems fine). I noticed some artifacting where colors blend 
together. Is there a setting that I can change/use to increase the video 
quality that will still keep it in the filesize range that will allow it to 
be burnt to a CD? I'd love to be able to give just 2 copies to my sons (they 
don't have DVD's in their comps).

Thanks a lot! :-)

  Dark Lord

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Re: [newbie] Smart partitioning

2002-10-15 Thread Richard Holt

On 15 Oct 2002 22:14:25 +0200, Marco Verheul [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 For those who didn't read the other mail, I'm going to kick Windows
 and use Linux exclusively on my PC. I intend to re-partition and
 install Mandrake 9.0 and I need some tips on how to do this in a smart
 I have a disk of 40GB which now is devided in 10GB Linux and 30GB
 Windows. I have very basic partitions for Linux.
 I want to have a separate home-partition to start with. Further I
 would like to get started in a while with developing websites linked
 to a database (with Python/Apache/MySQL) and to install Oracle 9ias
 with development tools. I imagine it could be handy to use a seperate
 partition for toying around with that.
 All in all I don't want to make it too complicated, just usefull.
 I'd like to know your recommandations on what partitions I should
 create and their sizes. Thanks.
 Regards, Marco


It's not the last word in partioning, but it has worked well for me on
Mdk 8.1. 
Here's what I did based on info from a magazine and my experience:
It's in English though there's also a Spanish version. 

It's been checked over by people who know more than I do. 
Hope it helps. 

PD:  If you find any errors or points for discussion, please let me
know. rh.


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Re: [newbie] looking for hands-on help

2002-10-15 Thread windwalker

On Tuesday 15 October 2002 12:12, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Tuesday 15 Oct 2002 7:54 pm, you wrote:
  On Wednesday 16 Oct 2002 4:20 am, Joe Harkins wrote:
   As a newbie who is impresssed with and wants to learn Linux Mandrake
   but remains totally at sea due to more than 20 years of DOS and
   Windows, I would find it a great help if I could find classes or
   seminars or whatever that would get me sufficiently grounded to start
   real learning.
   Right now, after weeks of installing Linux Mandrake 8, I am still
   dealing with the facts that I cannot install my printer, the sound
   system works for the CD player but for nothing else, I can't install
   downloaded programs, have not a single clue as to what all these file
   names and acronyms mean (and since I can't print I have no way of
   making reference docs and like many people I am screen-dyslexic but can
   do fine with hard docs) and so on - all of which stand in the way of
   actually learning and enjoying the system.
   As I said, if there is a tutoring venue in the NY/NJ area that would
   ground me in the basics, I'd sure appreciate knowing about it.

I to find myself in the same mess. I installed Linux as i was so tired of the
MS game... although i can get on net.. I cant seem to install LICQ
and have no correct way to do it. Im in a remote little town with no other
linux users about..
Got printer working, got a new hayes modem running, but so need LICQ
I download  and from there its a messonline docs for installing downloaded
programs is nill as well as the books I got with the install are confusing.
I come from the days of the Vic 20 and having to type in all programs from say 
RUN or Compute magazine and after that a MS  USER Ive been so ruined
by just being a MS operator.
Classes in this area??? none  books in stores on linux??? nill
I to have no clue haow to get downloaded programs to work...
Bout all I got is a email running and a browser..
oh well may have to do another MS OS install if it gets worse and geeez
all I wanted was LICQ to keep track of my family members...
in a rural farm townwhere linux is unknown

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Re: [newbie] Is lnx4win a FAKE?

2002-10-15 Thread shane

Hash: SHA1

On Monday 14 October 2002 11:58 pm, H.J.Bathoorn did speak unto the huddled 
masses, saying:

 If it's really needed to run Linux from a Win/dos folder (older laptops
 sometimes need dos for the hardware) Markus could try using 'zipslack' or

if it is just to get a feel for linux, look for a linux live cd.  boot and 
run, no harddrive changes at all.

- -- 
you can have peace or freedom, but never count on both at once -heinlein

Profile at:
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member
Registered linux user #101606
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [newbie] looking for hands-on help

2002-10-15 Thread E T

of course you have beeen here;;

On Tuesday 15 October 2002 03:12 pm, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Tuesday 15 Oct 2002 7:54 pm, you wrote:
  On Wednesday 16 Oct 2002 4:20 am, Joe Harkins wrote:
   As a newbie who is impresssed with and wants to learn Linux Mandrake
   but remains totally at sea due to more than 20 years of DOS and
   Windows, I would find it a great help if I could find classes or
   seminars or whatever that would get me sufficiently grounded to start
   real learning.
   Right now, after weeks of installing Linux Mandrake 8, I am still
   dealing with the facts that I cannot install my printer, the sound
   system works for the CD player but for nothing else, I can't install
   downloaded programs, have not a single clue as to what all these file
   names and acronyms mean (and since I can't print I have no way of
   making reference docs and like many people I am screen-dyslexic but can
   do fine with hard docs) and so on - all of which stand in the way of
   actually learning and enjoying the system.
   As I said, if there is a tutoring venue in the NY/NJ area that would
   ground me in the basics, I'd sure appreciate knowing about it.
  I don't know about any classes and anyway I'm in NZ, but...
  I felt the same way when I first started using linux 16 months ago.  I
  started off initially by reading the Mandrake docs (which I see have
  changed a lot since then - must have another good look at them).  This
  provided a basic understanding of the filesystem structure and basic
  commands in a console as well as some insight as to just what you can do
  in linux.  The rest of my learning so far came from this newbie list, man
  pages and the vast array of HOWTOs that are available on the net for just
  about anything to do with linux.
  Oh, and hubby bought me (with some subtle hints from me) Linux in a
  Nutshell by O'Reilly for Christmas which is a very handy reference.
  When first starting to use linux it all seems very confusing (for some of
  us) but perseverance pays off and like a lot of us newbies, you just
  might find that the learning process is actually FUN!
  Good luck

 Using Linux, Que books, was very good when I first started - a good deal of
 depth in easily digested mode.  The version I have is a couple of years
 old, and therefore not entirely up to date.  It also does rather heavily
 favour Redhat, but having said that, it was very helpful.  I agree about
 the Linux in a Nutshell, and the third book that filled in gaps was Linux
 for Dummies. The three books with their different styles and content should
 cover most of what is not distro specific.  The Mandrake documentation and
 this list does the rest.



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Re: [newbie] Security alert

2002-10-15 Thread Lyvim Xaphir

On Mon, 2002-10-14 at 21:50, FemmeFatale wrote:

 For windows both norton  blackice bite the bikey.  Plain  simple.  If you 
 want proof I Can direct you off or on list to a website.
 Zonealarm is the only software firewall for Winblows i personally trust.
 *Dons her tinfoil hat* :)

VERY GOOD, Femme.  Not bad..not bad at all!!

(hands Femme silver star)

Keep up the good work.  ;)


Kernel  2.4.18-6mdk Mandrake Linux  8.2
Enlightenment 0.16.5-11mdkEvolution  1.0.2-5mdk
Registered Linux User #268899

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Re: [newbie] Mencoder results and questions

2002-10-15 Thread Carlos Arigos

El Mar 15 Oct 2002 17:56, Ronald J. Hall escribió:
 Well, I just d/led and installed the latest MPlayer. I went to PLF and
 grabbed all the required dependencies (AFAICT) and I compiled it. Its
 running, I can play DVD's, DIVX, and VCD's... So I thought I'd be brave and
 use Mencoder to rip a DVD. I looked at the docs, tracked down some Mencoder
 references from the Mandrake news archive, and tried this:

 mencoder -dvd 1 -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vhq:vbitrate=633 -oac
 mp3lame -lameopts br=96:cbr -o Ronin_2.avi

 This is all on one line of course. The DVD was a Ronin Warriors cartoon
 set. It took some time, but appeared to work. I've got a 424.8 meg AVI file
 which MPlayer will play.

 I have to admit though, that I was a wee bit disappointed in the video
 quality (audio seems fine). I noticed some artifacting where colors blend
 together. Is there a setting that I can change/use to increase the video
 quality that will still keep it in the filesize range that will allow it to
 be burnt to a CD? I'd love to be able to give just 2 copies to my sons
 (they don't have DVD's in their comps).

 Thanks a lot! :-)

Hola. Ronald:

I'm using 'video dvd rip' (plf). With a nice gui, dvdrip let you choose every 
parameters (video bitrate; 1,2,3,4 CDs as target media, preview images,  
etc.). I think mencoder is part of dvdrip. Steps are: Storage locationRIP 
titleClip ZoomTranscodeBurn.

Buena suerte.

Sorry: I'm not so good with English.
Carlos Arigós
Concordia, Entre Ríos, Argentina
GNU/Linux Mandrake 9.0
9:33pm up 49 min, 2 users, load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.00

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Re: [newbie] buying 9.0

2002-10-15 Thread Carroll Grigsby

On Tuesday 15 October 2002 03:06 pm, H.J.Bathoorn wrote:
 On Tuesday 15 October 2002 19:51, Anne Wilson wrote:
  On Tuesday 15 Oct 2002 5:51 pm, you wrote:
   On Tuesday 15 October 2002 12:19 pm, H.J.Bathoorn wrote:

 snipped stuff about when/if boxed sets will arrive

 I've thought and supposed on the same lines and fact is that I feel it's
 inapropiate to be kept totally in the the dark, this way.
I agree. It would be nice to get an e-mail/notice on the LM homepage/whatever 
about when to expect the boxed sets. However, my experience has been that 
it gets here just about when they said that it would, so I'm not worried. 
Yet. Mandrake does a helluva good job on The Really Important 
Matters, but its customer relations could stand some improvement. Maybe once 
their cash flow improves

 The boxed version dropping on my doormat tomorrow wouldn't change that
Given that your doorstep is a canal barge, I understand your concern.  ;^)

Harm, try looking at it this way: When we do get our boxes, those of us 
who've chosen to go the boxed set route will have a better idea as to the 
challenges that lay ahead. Not having high speed access isn't all bad. We 
don't have to mess with md5sums, burning CD's, humongeous downloads, etc. For 
me, that's a fair exchange. ymmv

 I hope somebody at Mandrake takes the hint and realizes one sometimes has
 to throw a bone into the pack to keep it happy and make it feel useful.


-- cmg

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Re: [newbie] buying 9.0

2002-10-15 Thread E T

On Tuesday 15 October 2002 09:12 pm, Carroll Grigsby wrote:
 On Tuesday 15 October 2002 03:06 pm, H.J.Bathoorn wrote:
  On Tuesday 15 October 2002 19:51, Anne Wilson wrote:
   On Tuesday 15 Oct 2002 5:51 pm, you wrote:
On Tuesday 15 October 2002 12:19 pm, H.J.Bathoorn wrote:
  snipped stuff about when/if boxed sets will arrive
  I've thought and supposed on the same lines and fact is that I feel it's
  inapropiate to be kept totally in the the dark, this way.

 I agree. It would be nice to get an e-mail/notice on the LM
 homepage/whatever about when to expect the boxed sets. However, my
 experience has been that it gets here just about when they said that it
 would, so I'm not worried. Yet. Mandrake does a helluva good job on The
 Really Important
 Matters, but its customer relations could stand some improvement. Maybe
 once their cash flow improves

  The boxed version dropping on my doormat tomorrow wouldn't change that

 Given that your doorstep is a canal barge, I understand your concern.  ;^)

 Harm, try looking at it this way: When we do get our boxes, those of us
 who've chosen to go the boxed set route will have a better idea as to the
 challenges that lay ahead. Not having high speed access isn't all bad. We
 don't have to mess with md5sums, burning CD's, humongeous downloads, etc.
 For me, that's a fair exchange. ymmv

  I hope somebody at Mandrake takes the hint and realizes one sometimes has
  to throw a bone into the pack to keep it happy and make it feel useful.

 -- cmg
I have unlimited dialup, and have managed to download all 3 iso and am 
enjoying 9.0, but still waiting for my advanced purchase to arrive too, and I 
have to admit, I expect it anyday, cause I have preordered 7.2, 8.0, 8.1, and 
8.2, and in each case, just as soon as I get my pants all wound up it 
gets here. 

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[newbie] Those USB Thumb drives...

2002-10-15 Thread Ralph M. Los

One thing I haven't figured out how to do is how to get my
128-meg Thumb Drive (USB-based disk) to work as a hot plug into linux.
I can do it with WinXP and Win2k all day long which I use on a regular
basis as a FAT filesystem.  These things are SO useful!

Does anyone know of a way to get them to work as a hot-plug
mount/dismount under Linux Mdk 9.0?

Thanks in advance!!

+  Ralph | Internet Systems  Security   +
+   | -Specializing in Paranoia-  +
+ralph[at]boundariez[dot]com |  Never understimate the power +
+AIM: SekurityWizard | stupid people +
+ICQ: 2206039|in large groups+

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Re: [newbie] Those USB Thumb drives...

2002-10-15 Thread Michael Notforyou

On Tue, 2002-10-15 at 22:21, Ralph M. Los wrote:
   One thing I haven't figured out how to do is how to get my
 128-meg Thumb Drive (USB-based disk) to work as a hot plug into linux.
 I can do it with WinXP and Win2k all day long which I use on a regular
 basis as a FAT filesystem.  These things are SO useful!
   Does anyone know of a way to get them to work as a hot-plug
 mount/dismount under Linux Mdk 9.0?

Mine (TechTone/Desay USA 32MB) is detected and can be mounted by, as

mount -t vfat /dev/sda1 /mnt/your_mount_point

and an /etc/fstab entry would be:

/dev/sda1 /mnt/your_mount_point vfat user,exec,noauto,rw,sync,umask=0 0

Note that you'll need the usb-storage module. Hotplug will typically
load all the proper modules.

Make sure that you substitute the actual mount point (which you have
created with mkdir) for your_mount_point.

Let me know if you have problems.

 Thanks in advance!!
 +  Ralph | Internet Systems  Security   +
 +   | -Specializing in Paranoia-  +
 +ralph[at]boundariez[dot]com |  Never understimate the power +
 +AIM: SekurityWizard | stupid people +
 +ICQ: 2206039|in large groups+

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*Michael Notforyou*
Registered Linux User #197888
Registered Linux Machine #166780

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[newbie] SMB package missing

2002-10-15 Thread Ted Manka

HI all!  Ok, so here is the deal.  I am trying to set up a samba server
on my home network.  In KDE I right click on the file I want to share, I
follow the dialog to share the file but then at the end I get a funny

Mandatory package SMB is missing

But the kicker is that SMB is installedI'm pretty sure it is.
SoI guess my question is: how can I verify the integrity(existence?)
of my SMB package...and I guess I wanted to see if anyone else was
having this problem.  Prob just me.  Ok so I wanted to say thanks in
advance to all who help me with this problem...and thanks for having me
in the Mandrake community.

Ted Manka

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Re: [newbie] SMB package missing

2002-10-15 Thread Jim Fazio

When you run a rpm -qa | grep samba what do you get?  This command
will query the rpm database and grep (search for) samba.  I get:


I have the samba client (common and client) installed, which is default
I believe, and the samba server (server and swat), which is not by
default.  I you do not have the last two then you need to install then. 
I would use the Install Software application and search for samba, you
should find the server and swat on disk 2.

Jim F.

On Wed, 2002-10-16 at 00:55, Ted Manka wrote:
 HI all!  Ok, so here is the deal.  I am trying to set up a samba server
 on my home network.  In KDE I right click on the file I want to share, I
 follow the dialog to share the file but then at the end I get a funny
 Mandatory package SMB is missing
 But the kicker is that SMB is installedI'm pretty sure it is.
 SoI guess my question is: how can I verify the integrity(existence?)
 of my SMB package...and I guess I wanted to see if anyone else was
 having this problem.  Prob just me.  Ok so I wanted to say thanks in
 advance to all who help me with this problem...and thanks for having me
 in the Mandrake community.
 Ted Manka

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Re: [newbie] Those USB Thumb drives...

2002-10-15 Thread Barry Michels

I just plug mine in and it mounts itself to /mnt/removable.  I don't know how 
it works, I guess it was default.  And, yes, those things are VERY useful.  4 
of the technicians in my company have them and I'm trying to talk my boss 
into getting one for each of the rest.


On Tuesday 15 October 2002 10:21 pm, Ralph M. Los wrote:
   One thing I haven't figured out how to do is how to get my
 128-meg Thumb Drive (USB-based disk) to work as a hot plug into linux.
 I can do it with WinXP and Win2k all day long which I use on a regular
 basis as a FAT filesystem.  These things are SO useful!

   Does anyone know of a way to get them to work as a hot-plug
 mount/dismount under Linux Mdk 9.0?

 Thanks in advance!!

 +  Ralph | Internet Systems  Security   +
 +   | -Specializing in Paranoia-  +
 +ralph[at]boundariez[dot]com |  Never understimate the power +
 +AIM: SekurityWizard | stupid people +
 +ICQ: 2206039|in large groups+

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RE: [newbie] Those USB Thumb drives...

2002-10-15 Thread Sekurity Wizard there's no possible corruption (like Windows warns) when you
plug/unplug at will?  Do you have to un-mount before you unplug?
Anything else I should know before I try the solution outlined earlier?

THANKS ALL - I'm completely new - I don't quite understand what I'm
doing so I'm asking for mechanics behind the thing...

+   s.Wizard  ---]Security Specialist +
+---+  +---+
+ SekurityWizard@boundariez[spamSUX].com   +
+---+  +---+

-Original Message-
From: Barry Michels [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2002 11:29 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Those USB Thumb drives...

I just plug mine in and it mounts itself to /mnt/removable.  I don't
know how 
it works, I guess it was default.  And, yes, those things are VERY
useful.  4 
of the technicians in my company have them and I'm trying to talk my
into getting one for each of the rest.


On Tuesday 15 October 2002 10:21 pm, Ralph M. Los wrote:
   One thing I haven't figured out how to do is how to get my
 Thumb Drive (USB-based disk) to work as a hot plug into linux. I can

 do it with WinXP and Win2k all day long which I use on a regular basis

 as a FAT filesystem.  These things are SO useful!

   Does anyone know of a way to get them to work as a hot-plug 
 mount/dismount under Linux Mdk 9.0?

 Thanks in advance!!

 +  Ralph | Internet Systems  Security   +
 +   | -Specializing in Paranoia-  +
 +ralph[at]boundariez[dot]com |  Never understimate the power +
 +AIM: SekurityWizard | stupid people +
 +ICQ: 2206039|in large groups+

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RE: [newbie] Those USB Thumb drives...

2002-10-15 Thread Sekurity Wizard

OK, assume I'm a complete idiot and know nothing about Linux.

Can I plug in the USB drive after I boot up?  Or do I require a re-boot
every time I plug in, unplug, etc?  Can you give me an idiot's guide to
getting this working?  Like I said, I installed linux about...oh.3
weeks ago and am going at it from the ground-up.

Thanks, patience is much appreciated with a n00b.

+   s.Wizard  ---]Security Specialist +
+---+  +---+
+ SekurityWizard@boundariez[spamSUX].com   +
+---+  +---+

-Original Message-
From: Michael Notforyou [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2002 10:43 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Those USB Thumb drives...

On Tue, 2002-10-15 at 22:21, Ralph M. Los wrote:
   One thing I haven't figured out how to do is how to get my
 Thumb Drive (USB-based disk) to work as a hot plug into linux. I can

 do it with WinXP and Win2k all day long which I use on a regular basis

 as a FAT filesystem.  These things are SO useful!
   Does anyone know of a way to get them to work as a hot-plug 
 mount/dismount under Linux Mdk 9.0?

Mine (TechTone/Desay USA 32MB) is detected and can be mounted by, as

mount -t vfat /dev/sda1 /mnt/your_mount_point

and an /etc/fstab entry would be:

/dev/sda1 /mnt/your_mount_point vfat user,exec,noauto,rw,sync,umask=0 0

Note that you'll need the usb-storage module. Hotplug will typically
load all the proper modules.

Make sure that you substitute the actual mount point (which you have
created with mkdir) for your_mount_point.

Let me know if you have problems.

 Thanks in advance!!
 +  Ralph | Internet Systems  Security   +
 +   | -Specializing in Paranoia-  +
 +ralph[at]boundariez[dot]com |  Never understimate the power +
 +AIM: SekurityWizard | stupid people +
 +ICQ: 2206039|in large groups+

 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
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*Michael Notforyou*
Registered Linux User #197888
Registered Linux Machine #166780

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Re: [newbie] Making a good backup

2002-10-15 Thread Brian Parish

On Wed, 2002-10-16 at 06:14, Marco Verheul wrote:
 Hello fellow Mandrake users,
 I decided the time has come to create myself a microsoft free
 environment, so I'm going to erase Windows ME that I don't use anyway
 from my PC. The plan is to make a new install after re-partitioning my
 hard-disk of Mandrake 9.0. Before I do that I could use some tips on how
 to backup my current data in mdk 8.1 so I can be up to speed in no-time
 after the new install. I will ask some re-partitioning tips in a
 separate mail. The questions:
 - which files should I backup for Evolution and how do I restore 
   my current mailboxes? Will there be a version conflict with a
   newer version of Evolution?
 - i noticed that it's hard to copy directories with their contents
   using Konquerer or Nautilus. It's no problem on the command line
   with copy -r. Can I expect similar problems with burning a data
   CD using x-cd-roast?
 - any usefull ideas that I didn't think of??
 Thanks for your input.
 REgards, Marco

As you are trashing the ME partition anyway, one easy way to do your
backup would be to convert it to a linux partition before
re-installing.  Copy all your data onto it, then do your install. 
Choose expert mode and use diskdrake during the install to blow away all
the other paritions and set them up as you would like.  Make sure the
backup partition is not included in the list for formatting!  Then you
only have to copy things back as required.  There's nothing whatsoever
wrong with having the first partition as a data area, so once you've got
everything back where you want it, you are done.

Of course if you are looking for more space for your main partitions,
you don't need to use all the space currently occupied by ME.  Just
create one big enough to backup the required data.

For evolution, you only need to copy the evolution directory and all its
subdirectories (cp -r).  Just put them back again before running
evolution for the first time and all will be as it was.


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Re: [newbie] an unexpected icon and a forgotten password

2002-10-15 Thread Ferris

Login to the window manager using the login name 'root' and then your
root pw as the pw.  Then you can call up Mandrake control center and set
up user accounts there or you can also do it in the terminal if you

On Tue, 2002-10-15 at 03:57, Joe Harkins wrote:
 I'm running Mandrake8.2 and using KDE.
 At the bottom of my screen I noticed an icon has apeared in the form of a 
 small lock. When I clicked on it the screen went black and a prompt appeared 
 that wanted my user password. Since I don't recall what the user pw is (and 
 don't get to see it on boot) the only way out was to cut the power.
 After going through a few failed reboots to restore the system, I see the 
 lock is still there.
 So, I have three related questions.
 1) what is that lock and what would I have done to cause it to appear
 2) whay is the prompt wanting to acomplish?
 3) how to I determine or change my user password? 
 I live alone so it doesn't much matterI have the root password pasted right 
 to the front of the machine where I can see it. .B.but I went through so much 
 crap and so many reinstalls before getting a functioning system, I haven't 
 any idea what the user pw is.  
 Can I assume that having the root pw should allow me to install a new user 
 name and user password?

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[newbie] Apple Airport Card

2002-10-15 Thread christopher geddes
Title: Apple Airport Card


I am a newbie and I just installed mandrake 8.2 on my powerbook g4 667. I am very satisfied with the OS with the exception that I cannot seem to get the airport card to work. If anyone has encountered this problem and resolved it your help would be greatly appreciated?



Re: [newbie] looking for hands-on help

2002-10-15 Thread Graham

shane wrote:

Hash: SHA1

On Tuesday 15 October 2002 3:32 pm, windwalker did speak unto the huddled 
masses, saying:


Got printer working, got a new hayes modem running, but so need LICQ
I download  and from there its a messonline docs for installing
downloaded programs is nill as well as the books I got with the install

i don't use licq, but i know there should be an rpm at or 
possibly on the cds (did you look in the software installer) and if you are 
still lost, we are the best resource.  what version you running?  you need 
any old icq or do you prefer licq for a reason?  help us help you.

- -- 
1 if by land, 2 if by sea, 3 if by interdimentional teleportation.

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Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member
Registered linux user #101606
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)



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licq is packaged on cd2 of the download edition of mdk 9.0 HTH


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