Re: [newbie-it] Word, OO e stampe (lungo e forse OT)

2003-02-03 Thread giamgax
Il Sun,  2 Feb 2003 23:57:26 +0100
 Eppure c'era un sw che faceva i pdf...
 Di free purtroppo non sono mai riuscita a trovare niente, però credo ci si possa
 accontentare di uno di questi due:
 - win2pdf : quando salvi in pdf ti aggiunge una pagina con scritto che è la
 versione gratuita blablabla, quindi è sufficiente non stamparla.
 - pdf995 : quando salvi in pdf ti apre il relativo sito in una finestra del
 browser (come se la cosa servisse ad invogliarti a pagare...)
 Io penso che potrebbero andarti bene, visto che a quanto dici non ti capita poi
 tutti i giorni di dover stampare per tua madre.
e io aggiungo:
- pdfcreator, che non va male (se non ricordo male l'ho trovato su
- pdf995 è il migliore, apre la finestra del browser ma è fatto da una serie di script 
e basta fare qualche modifica (togliere il richiamo alle 19 pagine web) e elimini 
l'inconveniente. Lo uso una 50ina di volte al giorno.

Yahoo! Cellulari: loghi, suonerie, picture message per il tuo telefonino

Re: [newbie-it] Modem interno

2003-02-03 Thread Fabio Manunza
Alle 18:03, domenica 2 febbraio 2003, Emiliano La Licata ha scritto:
 Ciao ragazzi,

 Con il kernel ricompilato 2.4.19 il modem interno Conexant, nonostante il
 driver, non funziona, nel senso che quando installo il pacchetto rpm del
 driver, l'output mi comunica che il sistema non è adatto per ricevere tale
 Secondo voi che voci del kernel dovrei attivare per far funzionare questo
 driver che invece con il kernel normale della mdk 9.0 funziona a

Che sia un problema del nome nella localizzazione della directory dei moduli?
Anch'io, in prove di compilazione kernel ho avuto lo stesso problema...non 

-- Fabio Manunza -- 
   ## n° macchina 140545 ##

[newbie-it] Compilare gaby errori con make

2003-02-03 Thread Giulio F .
Allora sono riuscito a dare il comando ./configure senza errori ma poi lanciando make 
mi vengono almeno 60 linee di errori! Sono così tanti che ti demoralizzano... è la 
prima volta che provo a compilare qualcosa e spero proprio che non sia sempre così!!! 
Anche perchè non posso usare solo il software della distribuzione!
Comunque i tipi di errore sono questi ripetuti molte volte:

../../../src/gaby.h:57:25: gtk/gtk.h: No sduch file
/usr/include/gdk_imlib_types.h:17: parse error before gint
list.c:30: deferencing pointer to incomplete type
list.c:58: 'clist' undeclared (first use of this function)
list.c:232: size of array 'a_line' has non-integer type
/usr/include/gdk_imlib_types.h:47: storage size of 'shape_color' isn't known

Grazie  a tutti per le risposte!
Giulio F.

Re: [newbie-it] Word, OO e stampe (lungo e forse OT)

2003-02-03 Thread pigi

 Eppure c'era un sw che faceva i pdf...

io usavo EasyOffice per scrivere eprodurre direttamente pdf sotto win

oppure con gli altri applicativi seguivo anche io la strda della stampa su 
stampante ps fittizia e poi usavo ghostview: la procedura dettagliata e' su



Re: [newbie-it] Modem USB

2003-02-03 Thread Andrea Cecagallina
At 19.00 02/02/2003 +0100, you wrote:

Credo  che il supporto USB per il modem sia caricato come modulo dal kernel
2.4.19 mdk 9.0, dunque dovrebbe già funzionare, supporta i modem usb CDC e
ACM... uhm... controlla se il tuo appartiene a questa categoria... altrimenti
non saprei  proprio cosa fare...

Sembrava anche a me
L'unico problema è che non riesco a dire a Mandrake che deve vedere un 
modem USB...
E non so come fare per vedere se il mio modem è CDC o ACM (che vogliono 
dire queste sigle, a proposito?)

La Atlantis mi ha risposto questo:
Gentile Cliente, Atlantis non supporta ufficialmente Linux. Non è detto però
che non siano già presenti driver per Linux del chipset ST (sempre che lei
abbia installato un kernel 2.4.x).

Altro non so... :(

Grazie per l'aiuto

Re: [newbie-it] Crashhh Browser

2003-02-03 Thread giamgax
  Sicuro che siano java e non java-script?
  Ciao, Germano
 Mumble, mumble... ottima domanda... da che capisco la differenza?

 e soprattutto come si può risolvere?
Yahoo! Cellulari: loghi, suonerie, picture message per il tuo telefonino

Re: [newbie-it] nuovo elenco telefonico - OT

2003-02-03 Thread Andrea Celli
On Mon, 3 Feb 2003 00:23:36 +0100
carmine de pasquale [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Mi è arrivato il nuovo elenco telefonico.
 al centro dell'elenco, la seat (casa editrice della telecom) pubblicizza
 i suoi servizi internet con pagine a colori navigate tramite pagine
 sfogliate col konqueror.
 forse è solo perchè la cattura dello schermo con gimp è più semplice?

Con Konquerror, in ambiente KDE, forse hanno usato ksnapshot che,
a dispetto del nome, è ancora più semplice.

 non so a voi, ma questo mi sembra l'inizio di un cambiamento verso linux

piano piano, lemme lemme, ... :-)

ciao, Andrea

Re: [newbie-it] Word, OO e stampe (lungo e forse OT)

2003-02-03 Thread Emiliano La Licata
Alle 21:44, domenica 2 febbraio 2003, Arwan ha scritto:

  Hai provato ad installare OOo per Winz?

 Ci ho pensato, ma non e' una soluzione possibile per la mia mamma. Gia'
 devo invogliarla da aprire il PC, se poi la metto difronte ad un software
 differente rispetto a quello che si trova al lavoro, le passa anche quel
 pizzico di desiderio che ha di accendere il mostro (come lo chiama lei)
 ed imparare a smanettare. Insomma, devo lusingarla mostrando quanto tutto
 e' bello e facile...

Mia mamma è pure assai impedita con il pc. non riesce neanche ad aprire 
Explorer, in generale sono convinto che la logica delle finestre non sia per 
nulla semplice, ma questo è un altro discorso... 
Dicevo le ho messo davanti Open Office e lo scambiato per Word, ha lavorato 
convinta fosse Word poi ho confessato ed adesso vuole lavorare con Open 
Office... non c'è granché da smanettare con OO... tu gli e lo sistemi al 
meglio poi lei non deve fare niente altro che usarlo come Word...


Re: [newbie-it] Modem interno

2003-02-03 Thread Emiliano La Licata
Alle 22:48, domenica 2 febbraio 2003, Fabio Manunza ha scritto:

 Che sia un problema del nome nella localizzazione della directory dei

Forse sì, perché l'output di errore fa riferimento a moduli mancanti...


Re: [newbie-it] webcam e videoconferenze

2003-02-03 Thread Emiliano La Licata

Ho spedito involontariamente in privato questo:
--  Messaggio inoltrato  --

Subject: Re: [newbie-it] webcam e videoconferenze
Date: Mon, 3 Feb 2003 14:11:30 +0100
From: Emiliano La Licata [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Alle 11:29, lunedì 3 febbraio 2003, pigi ha scritto:
 salve a tutti
 possiedo una di quelle macchinette webcam/foto USB (D-LINK dsc-350) che
 usavo quando avevo win come macchinetta digitale (a dire il vero ora un po'
 Ora vorrei provare a fare videoconferenza col pinguino 
 - riusciro' a usare la mia macchinetta? come la istallo?
 - che sw mi conviene usare?
 - se voglio comprarmi un'altra macchinetta foto/webcam che esperienza avete
 come compatibilità con linux?

L'ultimo numero di Linux Pratico, N. 8 è dedicato alla fotografia digitale e
all' USB Storage, dunque ti spiega, partendo dal kernel, proprio quello della
mdk 9.0, come configurare tutto...



Re: [newbie-it] webcam e videoconferenze

2003-02-03 Thread francesco.melo
Emiliano La Licata wrote:

Ho spedito involontariamente in privato questo:

--  Messaggio inoltrato  --

Subject: Re: [newbie-it] webcam e videoconferenze
Date: Mon, 3 Feb 2003 14:11:30 +0100
From: Emiliano La Licata [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Alle 11:29, lunedì 3 febbraio 2003, pigi ha scritto:

salve a tutti
possiedo una di quelle macchinette webcam/foto USB (D-LINK dsc-350) che
usavo quando avevo win come macchinetta digitale (a dire il vero ora un po'
Ora vorrei provare a fare videoconferenza col pinguino 
- riusciro' a usare la mia macchinetta? come la istallo?
- che sw mi conviene usare?
- se voglio comprarmi un'altra macchinetta foto/webcam che esperienza avete
come compatibilità con linux?

L'ultimo numero di Linux Pratico, N. 8 è dedicato alla fotografia digitale e
all' USB Storage, dunque ti spiega, partendo dal kernel, proprio quello della
mdk 9.0, come configurare tutto...




gnomemeeting è arrivato alla 0.96
è stabile e compatibile con netmeeting
puoi usarlo in una lan ...



Re: [newbie-it] Installazione mplayer da cd

2003-02-03 Thread Daniele Micci
Alle 04:00, lunedì 3 febbraio 2003, gkep ha scritto:
  E' un problema noto. La soluzione:
  * inserisci il CD 1 nel lettore
  * da console di root, digita: urpmi.update cdrom8
  E tutto andrà a posto.

 Grazie per la dritta, ma dove avrei dovuto cercare quell'informazione?


trovi le informazioni sugli errata delle varie versioni di MandrakeLinux 
sul sito Mandrake. Il link è sulla sinistra della pagina, mi pare verso 
mezza altezza. Lì troverai gli errori più frequente, con le relative 
(brevi) spiegazioni e con la soluzione.



«Il mondo si divide in 10 tipi di persone: quelle che conoscono la 
numerazione binaria, e quelle che non la conoscono.»

Re: [newbie-it] Linux Pratico (era: webcam e videoconferenze)

2003-02-03 Thread Andrea Cecagallina
At 14.13 03/02/2003 +0100, you wrote:

L'ultimo numero di Linux Pratico, N. 8 è dedicato alla fotografia digitale e
all' USB Storage, dunque ti spiega, partendo dal kernel, proprio quello della
mdk 9.0, come configurare tutto...

A parte che è il penultimo :) dato che è uscito quello nuovo con un 
bell'articolo su MySQL.. :)

Non è che qualcuno di voi ha idea di dove ci si possa procurare la loro 
raccolta? C'erano degli articoli che mi interessavano, ma non posso 
acquistarla facendomela spedire dato che dove abito il servizio postale (?) 
è veramente pietoso :(


Re: [newbie-it] Linux Pratico (era: webcam e videoconferenze)

2003-02-03 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
A parte che è il penultimo :) dato che è uscito quello nuovo con un 
bell'articolo su MySQL.. :)

Penultimo? E' da qualche giorno che non passo in edicola, ma non mi pareva fosse
già uscito quello nuovo... Non è che ti confondi con Linux  C.? Lo dico perchè
sull'ultimo numero c'era proprio un articolone su MySQL...
Bè, mi sa che presto mi farò un giro in edicola... =)

Non è che qualcuno di voi ha idea di dove ci si possa procurare la loro 
raccolta? C'erano degli articoli che mi interessavano, ma non posso 
acquistarla facendomela spedire dato che dove abito il servizio postale (?) è
veramente pietoso :(

La raccolta la vendono in edicola... So che un po' di tempo fa avevano fatto
uscire la raccolta dei primi 5 numeri, quindi forse in qualche edicola riesci
ancora a trovarla...
Sennò fattela spedire da qualche amico dove il servizio postale funziona... ;o)



Re: [newbie-it] Modem USB

2003-02-03 Thread Emiliano La Licata
Alle 11:53, lunedì 3 febbraio 2003, Andrea Cecagallina ha scritto:

 Sembrava anche a me
 L'unico problema è che non riesco a dire a Mandrake che deve vedere un
 modem USB...

Prova qui


Re: [newbie-it] Linux Pratico (era: webcam e videoconferenze)

2003-02-03 Thread Andrea Cecagallina
At 16.24 03/02/2003 +0100, you wrote:

Penultimo? E' da qualche giorno che non passo in edicola, ma non mi pareva 
già uscito quello nuovo... Non è che ti confondi con Linux  C.? Lo dico 
sull'ultimo numero c'era proprio un articolone su MySQL...
Bè, mi sa che presto mi farò un giro in edicola... =)

Sicuro: l'ho comprato... :)

La raccolta la vendono in edicola... So che un po' di tempo fa avevano fatto
uscire la raccolta dei primi 5 numeri, quindi forse in qualche edicola riesci
ancora a trovarla...
Sennò fattela spedire da qualche amico dove il servizio postale 
funziona... ;o)

L'ho cercata in un sacco di edicole di Milano e Pero (dove abito...), ma 
senza successo... :(


Re: [newbie-it] Compilare gaby errori con make

2003-02-03 Thread freefred
On Monday 03 February 2003 10:41 am, Giulio F. wrote about [newbie-it] 
Compilare gaby errori con make:
 Allora sono riuscito a dare il comando ./configure senza errori ma poi
 lanciando make mi vengono almeno 60 linee di errori! Sono così tanti che ti

eh eh
spesso pero' sono errori in cascata
ovvero risolvendo il primo (o quasi) scompaiono tutti gli altri.

... è la prima volta che provo a compilare qualcosa e spero
 proprio che non sia sempre così!!! 

che tipo di installazione hai fatto della mandrake?
Perche' sembra che ti manchino i pacchetti devel.
(e questo in fondo da' ragione a chi dice che coi dischi attuali
la divisione degli rpm in binari e devel porta piu' problemi che altro)

Come regola generale (e ahem molto a grandi linee)
quando la compilazione si blocca perche' non trova un file
con estensione .h, ti manca il relativo pacchetto devel
(ovviamente in una distro basata su RPM).
.h sta per header, insomma il make cerca i sorgenti.
in questo caso per esempio ti mancano direi le libgtk-devel.

 ../../../src/gaby.h:57:25: gtk/gtk.h: No sduch file

Devil Inside Experiment - C'era un bambino che odiava la polizia
Davide Banda Partial Arts [2000] -
ICQ uin 5887365 - PGP key available on keyservers

Re: [newbie-it] Modem interno

2003-02-03 Thread Fabio Manunza
Alle 12:34, lunedì 3 febbraio 2003, Emiliano La Licata ha scritto:
 Alle 22:48, domenica 2 febbraio 2003, Fabio Manunza ha scritto:
  Che sia un problema del nome nella localizzazione della directory dei

 Forse sì, perché l'output di errore fa riferimento a moduli mancanti...

Il makefile per la ricompilazione fa riferimento ad un kernel xxx.mdk-custom, 
mentre il kernel di default è un semplice xxx.mdk (sto parlando della 
ricompilazione dello stesso 2.4.19 della distro).
Sarebbe da provare a modificare il makefile in modo che l'output abbia lo 
stesso nome dell'originale; la cosa è semplicissima (basta editare il 
makefile). Io comunque, visto che non ho scorto particolari cambiamenti di 
performance dopo la ricompilazione, ho lasciato perdere.
Vuoi andare avanti tu, che a me viene da ridere?? ;-)

-- Fabio Manunza -- 
   ## n° macchina 140545 ##

Re: [newbie-it] Word, OO e stampe (lungo e forse OT)

2003-02-03 Thread Fabio Manunza
Alle 12:41, lunedì 3 febbraio 2003, Emiliano La Licata ha scritto:

 Mia mamma è pure assai impedita con il pc. non riesce neanche ad aprire
 Explorer, in generale sono convinto che la logica delle finestre non sia
 per nulla semplice, ma questo è un altro discorso...
 Dicevo le ho messo davanti Open Office e lo scambiato per Word, ha lavorato
 convinta fosse Word poi ho confessato ed adesso vuole lavorare con Open
 Office... non c'è granché da smanettare con OO... tu gli e lo sistemi al
 meglio poi lei non deve fare niente altro che usarlo come Word...

Questo è vero; effettivamente, da win, questa gran differenza con word proprio 
non si nota.
Per me vale il tantativo...Fallo per la scienza...

-- Fabio Manunza -- 
   ## n° macchina 140545 ##

Re: [newbie-it] Modem USB

2003-02-03 Thread Andrea Cecagallina
At 16.28 03/02/2003 +0100, you wrote:

Alle 11:53, lunedì 3 febbraio 2003, Andrea Cecagallina ha scritto:

 Sembrava anche a me
 L'unico problema è che non riesco a dire a Mandrake che deve vedere un
 modem USB...

Prova qui


Ci ero già stato, ma non avevo mica visto che c'erano info anche per 
Linux :(
Vedi? Questo è il brutto di navigare dall'ufficio... :(

Ed il bello di essere in questa lista è che la gente ti aiuta anche se 
rompi le scatole... :)

Grazie mille!
Mi scarico tutto il ncessaire e poi provo a vedere a casa se riesco a far 
parlare la Fenice col Pinguino... :)

Grazie ancora

Re: [newbie-it] Crashhh Browser

2003-02-03 Thread Germano
Alle 09:35, lunedì 3 febbraio 2003, hai scritto:
   Sicuro che siano java e non java-script?
   Ciao, Germano
  Mumble, mumble... ottima domanda... da che capisco la differenza?

  e soprattutto come si può risolvere?

Di preciso non so come si riconoscano se non quando il browser ti dice che 
prova ad aprire un javascript.
Per la soluzione: o lo fa il browser o lo fa il browser, quindi..

Ciao, Germano

Re: [newbie-it] nuovo elenco telefonico - OT

2003-02-03 Thread miKe
Hash: SHA1

Alle 00:23, lunedì 3 febbraio 2003, carmine de pasquale ha 
 Mi è arrivato il nuovo elenco telefonico.

 al centro dell'elenco, la seat (casa editrice della telecom)
 pubblicizza i suoi servizi internet con pagine a colori
 navigate tramite pagine sfogliate col konqueror.

..a me sembra explorer per mac...



- -- 

Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.20 @ hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 -- S.R.U.#705 -- R.M.#110932

Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: [newbie-it] saned, parzialmente risolto

2003-02-03 Thread miKe
Hash: SHA1

Alle 19:40, domenica 2 febbraio 2003, carmine de pasquale ha 

è il fido devfs !!

  se lanci xsane da utente 'pippo' il dispositivo è di


  in ogni caso devfs crea un dispositivo al volo, SE non

 CHE, non SE

se crei il dispositivo
di proprietà di ch vuoi lo possa usare
e quindi lo rendi non modificabile...

anche se sane agisce da root all'eventuale tentativo di 
modificare i  permessi riceverà un errore (c'è solo da 
verificare se l'errore sia bloccante, una prova puoi farla)

#mknod   /dev/... c   21   0 
#chmod 666   /dev/...
#chattr +ui   /dev/.

e marameo

 mi esce crw-rw 1 username groupname 21, 0 gen 1 1970
 generic ma mica ce l'ho da 33 anni lo scanner!


 figurati a me, non è nemmeno un anno che uso linux, anche se
 nel lontano 1988 all'università la metà dei pc (tutti
 8086-8080-8088) era unix 

per caso eri a Perugia? (io ho iniziato un pò dopo, nel '92)
comunque avevo professori molto Unix oriented...
(e si iniziava a parlare di un certo kernel 0.96...  :-°°)



- -- 

Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.20 @ hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 -- S.R.U.#705 -- R.M.#110932

Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: [newbie-it] saned, parzialmente risolto

2003-02-03 Thread carmine de pasquale
 se crei il dispositivo
 di proprietà di ch vuoi lo possa usare
 e quindi lo rendi non modificabile...

 anche se sane agisce da root all'eventuale tentativo di
 modificare i  permessi riceverà un errore (c'è solo da
 verificare se l'errore sia bloccante, una prova puoi farla)

 #mknod   /dev/... c   21   0
 #chmod 666   /dev/...
 #chattr +ui   /dev/.

 e marameo

grazie, ma comunque niente da fare.
dopo il settaggio il file è diventato root root rw-rw-rw-, ma all'avvio
di xscan da locale, user group rw-rw

ho provato anche ad inserire le 3 righe nel rc.local, ma all'avvio il
dispositivo (sempre rw-rw, user group) compare in partenza e non
devo crearlo facendo partire il sane anche sul server.

per partire con scansioni da remoto, posso anche usare telnet per
risettare i permessi, ma non mi sembra una procedura troppo semplice per
un inesperto.

dannato ugo!

  figurati a me, non è nemmeno un anno che uso linux, anche se
  nel lontano 1988 all'università la metà dei pc (tutti
  8086-8080-8088) era unix

 per caso eri a Perugia? (io ho iniziato un pò dopo, nel '92)
 comunque avevo professori molto Unix oriented...
 (e si iniziava a parlare di un certo kernel 0.96...  :-°°)

no, a Napoli



 - --

 Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.20 @ hp  Xe3
 R.U.#219755 -- S.R.U.#705 -- R.M.#110932

 Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
 Comment: For info see


Re: [newbie] Lost about swap

2003-02-03 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan
On Mon, 03 Feb 2003 20:27:51 +1300, Jason [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Nope, don't have a link but have read it in several places 
 before...though with lots of RAM being the norm nowadays, getting away 
 with less is a real possibility. I double it because HD space is cheap 
 and running out of swap on a running system is *not* something you want 
 to have happen, ever. It creates quite the headache.
 Adolfo Bello wrote:
 On Sun, 2003-02-02 at 20:28, Jason Greenwood wrote:
 As a rule of thumb, you want your swap partition to be double the size
 of the amount of ram you have eg 512MB RAM make swap 1+ Gb.
 Before getting out of Window$ and into GNU/Linux, I read somewhere that
 the more memory you have the less swap space you need and this makes
 sense to me. AFAIK, swap space has to do with the processor paging
 memory to disk to make room for other processes that might be in need of
 it. Being equal the request of memory, the system with more ram will
 need less swap space.
 Yesterday was the first time that I saw my system using swap space, but
 I was doing a lot of crap like compiling, database programming, testing
 OO and MyODBC, mail, etc, without taking care of processes that I didn't
 need any longer.
 Right now I have an 80 Mb swap partition and have had no problem but I
 would like to read more about the technical foundations for the rule of
 thumb that you mentioned. Any link or reference will be truly

Swap = 2x RAM has been a common equation for a long time now. In fact, 2.4
kernels prior to 2.4.10 required this to be met for proper VM functionality.
When it comes down to it, you need enough RAM and swap to cover everything you
want to do with your computer. Many of today's computers boast more RAM than
you'll ever need, given the current state of GNU/Linux, so you can afford to
relax things a little. For example, I have 1GB RAM, which is far more than I'll
ever need. I have configured a swap size of 1GB (i.e. swap = RAM), but my system
never needs to use it.

Sridhar Dhanapalan
  [Yama |]

I'm basically a very lazy person who likes to get credit for things other
people actually do. -- Linus Torvalds

Description: PGP signature

[newbie] having problems with video players....?!?!

2003-02-03 Thread Robert Wideman
HAHAHA, so true.


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Re: [newbie] OT?, help convince my b/f running as root is bad!

2003-02-03 Thread et
I think  (and am pretty sure) that allowing him to run as root will teach it's 
own lesson,,, kinda like how long it takes to figure out that rubbing your 
nose on the sidewalk will make your nose hurt  aka it is a self-evident 
universal truth also calll sink or swim learn to swim before you get in 
deep water, or not, learn to backup data and protect security, or not.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] mutt fetchmail

2003-02-03 Thread tuija
Viestissä Maanantai 3. Helmikuuta 2003 03:10, Benjamin Pflugmann kirjoitti:

 On Sun 2003-02-02 at 21:09:20 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  How to set mutt to find mails that
  fetchmail pulls and puts somewhere I don't
  know where, I lost 30 mails allready :)
  System is Mdk9.0

 I am not expert in this matter, but if the mail
 system is configured correctly, mutt should find
 your incoming mails automatically (via the $MAIL
 environment variable).

 I am not sure where to start to look. Are you sure
 that not fetchmail is the problem?

Yes I have tested that many times
 What is the output of (run in a shell):

 echo $MAIL
 ls -l /var/spool/mail
/var/spool/mail is empty
I have tried set spoolfile without help?
 If you have a ~/.muttrc, move it away temporarily
 to make sure the configuration doesn't get in the
I tried that too

Thank you advance
   ( ) t.Tuija :-) alias
\   /  thujan
 errare humanum est

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Re: [newbie] Laptop external modem problems

2003-02-03 Thread et
I tried the extra string and it man no difference.

I knew that, since that perticular string is for v92 modems, but the point 
was, on the USRobotics website they might have a lot of info about the model 
number of that modem and if it requires any special init settings.
have you tried the other modem on this box? maybe a bad or screwed up modem or 
modem cable... unless you have swapped them with known good items, and as 
long as this problem is not specific to either OS.. how can you know? 

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Re: [newbie] Unofficial January list stats

2003-02-03 Thread Todd Slater
On Mon, Feb 03, 2003 at 09:36:15PM +1100, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
 On Mon, 2003-02-03 at 15:25, Todd Slater wrote:
  Top 10 Posters
  403  Stephen Kuhn
  228  Anne Wilson
   98  Todd Slater
   85  et
   80  Adolfo Bello
   62  Derek Jennings
   61  Dennis Myers
   60  Mark Weaver
   56  Ronald J. Hall
   55  John Richard Smith
 Egads - I can't be THAT talkative, now can I?
 (...and to think that I keep accusing women of being the second most
 popular form of telecommunication)

I was going to call it Top 10 Windbags but then I saw my name on the
list! ;) It is interesting to note all the OT's in the threads, too.

That tele- joke is famous in my family for talking about gossipy
relatives. Telephone, telegraph, tell insert name of gossip here.

There is a saying in Spanish, Si quieres que sepan lo que eres,
cuentaselo a las mujeres (roughly, if you want people to know what you
are, tell women). I suppose every culture has one--unjustifiable IMO
because most men I know are more gossipy than the women I know.


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Re: [newbie] Is there a way to Powerdown/Off the computer a la Winsucks with a cmd on the CLI or Gui?

2003-02-03 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Monday February 3 2003 05:22 am, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Sunday 02 Feb 2003 11:33 pm, Jason Greenwood wrote:
  Shutdown requires root permission, with halt AFAIK a user does

 Depends on a configuration setting.  I've never used halt, so I
 couldn't say for that, but I would have thought it was similar to
 shutdown.  I use shutdown -h (or -r) as user, because I am the only
 person likely to be using it and the risk is minimal - my choice.  
 Certainly if others were using this machine I would rather they did
 that than simply powered off.


   'halt' is basically just an alias for 'shutdown -h now'

  From the man page,

  If  halt or reboot is called when the system is not in runlevel 0 
or 6,  in other words when it's running normally,  shutdown  will  be  
invoked instead  (with  the  -h  or -r flag). For more info see the 
shutdown(8) manpage.

   So 'halt' or 'reboot' just save a little typing ;)
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] installing software and sound

2003-02-03 Thread et
one of the neatest things I happen to love about GNU-linux is auto-complete 
at the command line, so if I wanted to start any program I am allowed to 
start, I can just type the first couple of letters and let autocomplete 
finnish by hitting the tab key, so if I wanted to start Opera, at the command 
line I type op[tab] then I see all the programs I can run that start with op

On Sunday 02 February 2003 08:20 pm, Adolfo Bello wrote:
 On Sun, 2003-02-02 at 20:37, Richard J wrote:

  Second, when I install a program I lose it.  For example, having
  installed Opera, I cannot find where it is to open it, how do I get an
  icon on the desktop or in the menu so that I can use the program

 In most cases, the whereis program is your friend. Like in:
 whereis opera

 Regarding sound, from the point of view of my laptop, I am totally
 audition impaired, or deaf if you want 8-)


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RE: [newbie] best cd burning application

2003-02-03 Thread Myers, Dennis R NWO
Title: RE: [newbie] best cd burning application

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Jason
Sent: Monday, February 03, 2003 1:09 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] best cd burning application

I use k3b exclusively, never toasted my system and is very Windoze like. 
Great tool..



Me too, have it on two systems no problems with fstab. I like it as well as cdbakeoven. Dennis M.

RE: [Fwd: Re: [newbie] Evolution 1.2 for MDK9, SRC/MDK RPM's]

2003-02-03 Thread Myers, Dennis R NWO
Title: RE: [Fwd: Re: [newbie] Evolution 1.2 for MDK9, SRC/MDK RPM's]

Doug, your posts are coming through as attachments. Most folks don't like to open attachments on the list. At least I never do unless I am expecting it and know who it is from. Just a suggestion to help you get a wider range of answers for any of you questions. HTH Dennis M.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Douglas B.
Sent: Monday, February 03, 2003 8:09 AM
To: Beginners' Mailing List
Subject: [Fwd: Re: [newbie] Evolution 1.2 for MDK9, SRC/MDK RPM's]


Re: [newbie] Laptop external modem problems

2003-02-03 Thread machine
 I tried the extra string and it man no
 I knew that, since that perticular string is for v92
 modems, but the point was, on the USRobotics website
 they might have a lot of info about the model number of
 that modem and if it requires any special init
 settings. have you tried the other modem on this box?
 maybe a bad or screwed up modem or modem cable...
 unless you have swapped them with known good items,
 and as long as this problem is not specific to either
 OS.. how can you know? 
 You may have a point I am going to have a look at 
the US Robotics website however this makes no sense to 
me I have tried another modem just like this one but 
not a different cable. However I am going to try the 
modem and cable off my other box that has ML 9.0 
installed and working. I have used this same brand and 
model of modem on at least 6 other ML9.0 installations 
and no special action was ever required. Getting this 
model modem to work in Mandrake Linux or any other OS 
has always been a 100% nobrainer as far as how do I 
know that this modem is good I am using it right now 
on the windoze part of the machine and have been using 
it several times a day every day for the last 4 days 
on the windoze side of this machine. and have used 
this modem and cable before on other machines. I 
always like this brand and model of modem because it 
is always up until this point super simple to use in 
any operating system and any brand or vintage of 
machine that I have ever tried this model on. Redhat, 
mandrake 8.0,  8.1, 8.2 9.0 windoze 95,  98, 2000, ME 
and Mac
 And this model always seems to play niceley with any 
and every ISP. I have seen some brands and models of 
modem work like crap with some ISPs and work well with 
others but never a us robotics sportster. The 
sportster seems to be almost a industry standard along 
with some of the Hayes modems of course. IMHO Hayes 
seems to have written the standards and with the 
sportster  series US Robotics seems to have done a 
flawless job of sticking to those standards.  As a 
rule of thumb IMHO if you want a a modem to work first 
time every time anywhere on anything get a old US 
Robotics sportster. No I am not a US Robotics or 3 Com 
employee. I really have to tend to think that ML is 
having trouble communicating with the serial port on 
this machine. That seems kind of unlikely but laptops 
and notebooks seem to be prone to having odd crap 
going on, at least in my experance so far. But thanks 
for the comments anything is worth a try. I may also 
try a older version of Mandrake just to see what 


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Re: [newbie] best cd burning application

2003-02-03 Thread Derek Jennings
On Monday 03 Feb 2003 2:23 pm, Myers, Dennis R NWO wrote:
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Jason
 Sent: Monday, February 03, 2003 1:09 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] best cd burning application

 I use k3b exclusively, never toasted my system and is very Windoze like.
 Great tool..



 Me too, have it on two systems no problems with fstab. I like it as well as
 cdbakeoven.  Dennis M.

Me three. It is the only CD burning app I use.

 I believe k3b will be included in Mandrake 9.1 in the main distro thanks to 
votes of support from Mandrake Club members.



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Re: [newbie] Laptop external modem problems

2003-02-03 Thread Anne Wilson
On Monday 03 Feb 2003 2:35 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  And this model always seems to play niceley with any
 and every ISP. I have seen some brands and models of
 modem work like crap with some ISPs and work well with
 others but never a us robotics sportster. The
 sportster seems to be almost a industry standard along
 with some of the Hayes modems of course.

Marc, I'm no expert when it comes to modems, but I used to have a couple of 
these.  They worked well for me over a long period of time, but I did have 
one problem that sounds as though it might have some relevance.  When the 
first on-line banking was coming into businesses I could not get the USR 
Sportster to work for a long time.  It was a matter of those initialise 
strings.  I think that perhaps some circumstances are more picky than others, 
because the general windows work gave me no problems at all without altering 
the strings.

My advice would be to go along to the website, as suggested, but also to ask 
Stephen for more help on possible strings.  Good luck.

Registered Linux User No.293302

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Re: [newbie] OT?, help convince my b/f running as root is bad!

2003-02-03 Thread et
On Monday 03 February 2003 08:52 am, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Monday 03 Feb 2003 1:40 pm, Todd Slater wrote:
  On Mon, Feb 03, 2003 at 07:40:05AM -0500, et wrote:
   I think  (and am pretty sure) that allowing him to run as root will
   teach it's own lesson,,, kinda like how long it takes to figure out
   that rubbing your nose on the sidewalk will make your nose hurt 
   aka it is a self-evident universal truth also calll sink or swim
   learn to swim before you get in deep water, or not, learn to backup
   data and protect security, or not.
  I agree that it may require a lesson learned the hard way. Like rubbing
  your eyes (or picking your nose!) after roasting, peeling, and chopping
  hot peppers.

 I have a friend who went to catering college.  During their training they
 were told of a man who 'prepped' chillies, then went to the toilet without
 washing his hands first.

I did some work in a plant that mixes spices, leaned against a pallet of cayne 
pepper. not a problem at all until about 30 seconds after I unzipped to take 
a leak. 

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Re: [newbie] Laptop external modem problems

2003-02-03 Thread et
On Monday 03 February 2003 09:35 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I tried the extra string and it man no
  I knew that, since that perticular string is for v92
  modems, but the point was, on the USRobotics website
  they might have a lot of info about the model number of
  that modem and if it requires any special init
  settings. have you tried the other modem on this box?
  maybe a bad or screwed up modem or modem cable...
  unless you have swapped them with known good items,
  and as long as this problem is not specific to either
  OS.. how can you know?

  You may have a point I am going to have a look at
 the US Robotics website however this makes no sense to
 me I have tried another modem just like this one but
 not a different cable.
was the problem cured useing a differnet modem? same cable and box?

  However I am going to try the
 modem and cable off my other box that has ML 9.0
 installed and working. I have used this same brand and
 model of modem on at least 6 other ML9.0 installations
 and no special action was ever required. Getting this
 model modem to work in Mandrake Linux or any other OS
 has always been a 100% nobrainer as far as how do I
 know that this modem is good I am using it right now
 on the windoze part of the machine and have been using
 it several times a day every day for the last 4 days
 on the windoze side of this machine. and have used
 this modem and cable before on other machines. 
well then ignor my asking if the modem is good, and don't bother switching it 
around.. my bad for not realizing it worked good on the M$side of the box.
what does your /etc/ppp/options file look like?

 always like this brand and model of modem because it
 is always up until this point super simple to use in
 any operating system and any brand or vintage of
 machine that I have ever tried this model on. Redhat,
 mandrake 8.0,  8.1, 8.2 9.0 windoze 95,  98, 2000, ME
 and Mac
  And this model always seems to play niceley with any
 and every ISP. I have seen some brands and models of
 modem work like crap with some ISPs and work well with
 others but never a us robotics sportster. The
 sportster seems to be almost a industry standard along
 with some of the Hayes modems of course. IMHO Hayes
 seems to have written the standards and with the
 sportster  series US Robotics seems to have done a
 flawless job of sticking to those standards.  As a
 rule of thumb IMHO if you want a a modem to work first
 time every time anywhere on anything get a old US
 Robotics sportster. No I am not a US Robotics or 3 Com
 employee. I really have to tend to think that ML is
 having trouble communicating with the serial port on
 this machine. That seems kind of unlikely but laptops
 and notebooks seem to be prone to having odd crap
 going on, at least in my experance so far. But thanks
 for the comments anything is worth a try. I may also
 try a older version of Mandrake just to see what

I agree that you might be having problems with the serial port and mandrake, 
maybe a corrupted file somewhere, what does /var/logs/dmesg say 
anything like this in there? 
Serial driver version 5.05c (2001-07-08) with HUB-6 MANY_PORTS MULTIPORT 
ttyS00 at 0x03f8 (irq = 4) is a 16550A
ttyS01 at 0x02f8 (irq = 3) is a 16550A

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Re: [newbie] against the war!

2003-02-03 Thread Ronald J. Hall
On Monday 03 February 2003 04:30 am, Malcolm Candlish wrote:

 Why not send it to your very nice dear friend Saddam, to see if he can
 offer you a little help. I sure he would be very pleased.

Saddam is not my friend, nor a friend to anyone in the civilized world...

 On the other hand, this really should not have been allowed on this list
 and may reflect on its immaturity.

 Malcolm Candlish.

This thread died a deserved death quite some time ago - why are you trying to 
reopen it?

Please don't even reply - because I won't.


 Dark Lord

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[newbie] fetchmail mutt postfix

2003-02-03 Thread tuija

And thank you all the help I have got so far :)
I send myself a mail and find out that
fetchmail pulls mail just right and flushes server,
but cause I don't have /var/spool/mail/username
Postfix throws them back to sender?
If I write procmail -v , it said system mail goes
How do I create that file /var/spool/mail/username?
I have tried set spoolfile command without help.
Or is there any other way to set system mail go
somewhere else?

Thank you advance
   ( ) t.Tuija :-) alias
\   /  thujan
 errare humanum est

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Re: [newbie] Webcams

2003-02-03 Thread Ronald J. Hall
On Monday 03 February 2003 08:57 am, et wrote:

 I don't use a webcam but if you have a winTV card, you can use it and a
 regular video camera, has by far the best color and picture of any webcam,
 and uses stuff you might already have.

I do have a WinTV card, but I think if I told my wife that I was going to use 
the camcorder for the computer she'd shoot me. :-)

She's...ummnot quite so enthusiastic about computers as I am.  :-)

Thanks anyways!


 Dark Lord

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Re: [newbie] OT?, help convince my b/f running as root is bad!

2003-02-03 Thread robin
Benjamin Pflugmann wrote:

Like you think you're in /mnt/windows/My\ Documents\Downloads 
and you want to delete a bunch of junk directories with names like 
???sefdljvn5+5, ???fdsre8344 etc., so you type rm -Rf ./?*   Just 
after you hit Enter you realise that (a) you were in /usr and (b) ? is 
a regular expression.

Minor nitpit: You mean shell pattern / globbing. Most shells don't
understand regular expressions. If it was a regular expression, ?
would make the / optional and * would repeat that 0-n times, so
., ./, .//, .///, etc. would match.

Damn, I've been spending too much time in Perl (which also globs, but in 
which ? is also a regexp for substitution and interpolation (which I 
also tend to get mixed up). Hold on ... regexps interpolate, globs 
substitute.  Or was it subs regulate, regglobs expulate, or ...

Btw, at least bash and tcsh support a nice feature. When your cursor
is at the end of the pattern, press ^X-* (that is: press and hold
CTRL and press x, then let go of CTRL, press * - that is: SHIFT-8 for
american keyboard, I think). This will expand the pattern in-line and
you can see without hitting return, which files match.

I never use rm together with patterns without this trick anymore and
never have deleted a file accidently since then (quite some years...).

Nice trick - didn't know about that one.  There again, it was years 
before I stumbled on Ctrl-U and Ctrl-D.

Sir Robin

 Like these cutters, and hackers, who will take the wall of men, and 
picke quarrells.
- G. Pettie

Robin Turner
Bilkent Univeritesi
Ankara 06533

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Re: [newbie] having problems with video players....?!?!

2003-02-03 Thread Damian Gatabria
On Monday 03 February 2003 08:25, Robert Wideman wrote:
 HAHAHA, so true.


It's true that 90% of the video players available for Linux are crap,
but he didn't give MPlayer a fair shot. That said, if he gets frustrated
that fast, he should not be using the kind of OS that requires some
actual learning. Maybe in 5 years, Linux will have improved enough
for my father to use it, too.

I don't want Windows to be only for the 31173. Yes, we've come a long way from
all those security holes, virii, and cryptic commands like Edit textfile.txt
(what in the hell is that supposed to mean?)

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Re: [newbie] Webcams

2003-02-03 Thread et
On Monday 03 February 2003 11:33 am, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
 On Monday 03 February 2003 08:57 am, et wrote:
  I don't use a webcam but if you have a winTV card, you can use it and a
  regular video camera, has by far the best color and picture of any
  webcam, and uses stuff you might already have.

 I do have a WinTV card, but I think if I told my wife that I was going to
 use the camcorder for the computer she'd shoot me. :-)

 She's...ummnot quite so enthusiastic about computers as I am.  :-)

 Thanks anyways!
really, your cam doing a lot of other stuff? it does not require the tape, nor 
does it require a lot of setup, depending on what sort of connections it has, 
if you down load the tape into your vhs player, you could just download it 
to the HD first, then add whever neat effects you want, then upload it to 
On a related kinda note, I got a xanboo security cam, sure looks like a 
win-cam,  it has a box that up to 4 cams can connect, and _looks_ like a 
composite s video (kinda like a ps2) connector to the cams, with a USB 
connection to the box, and I was wonder if anyone has any info on trying to 
get this to work somewhat under linux. I don't want to subscribe to the 
service to get it over the internet, I just want to see who is in the 
driveway without getting off my a$$. 

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Re: [newbie] having problems with video players....?!?!

2003-02-03 Thread Ronald J. Hall
On Monday 03 February 2003 08:54 am, Damian Gatabria wrote:

 It's true that 90% of the video players available for Linux are crap,
 but he didn't give MPlayer a fair shot. That said, if he gets frustrated
 that fast, he should not be using the kind of OS that requires some
 actual learning. Maybe in 5 years, Linux will have improved enough
 for my father to use it, too.


MPlayer rules. When I first d/l'ed it, and started playing it, I got that 
rocket scientist only impression, but after a short while I realised it 
just wasn't that bad. I've seen much, much worse under Linux.

AND the results are worth the effort required. :-)

PS Lots of people don't even roll their own but use the RPMs and they work 
fine as wellcan't get much easier than RPM...unless its apt-get.


 Dark Lord

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Re: [newbie] OT?, help convince my b/f running as root is bad!

2003-02-03 Thread robin
Anne Wilson wrote:

On Monday 03 Feb 2003 3:14 am, Robert Wideman wrote:

On Linux
systems i create a user and logon using that user but i su - to do 90% of
my work/playing around. 

So tell me why you aren't in just as much danger as he is for 90% of your 

When you use su, only those programs you open from that terminal have 
root priveleges.  If you log in as root, all the other stuff does as 
well.  Like your Internet browser, for example (which reminds me, AFAIK 
the only way to use Mozilla's automatic add-on installation is to run it 
as root, whcih I really don't like - can't they just allow you to 
download as a normal user then enter the root password to complete the 

Sir Robin

 Like these cutters, and hackers, who will take the wall of men, and 
picke quarrells.
- G. Pettie

Robin Turner
Bilkent Univeritesi
Ankara 06533

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Re: [newbie] Webcams

2003-02-03 Thread Ronald J. Hall
On Monday 03 February 2003 12:02 pm, et wrote:

 really, your cam doing a lot of other stuff? it does not require the tape,
 nor does it require a lot of setup, depending on what sort of connections
 it has, if you down load the tape into your vhs player, you could just
 download it to the HD first, then add whever neat effects you want, then
 upload it to vhs.

11-month old baby girl ='s wife using camera *lots*.   :-)

 On a related kinda note, I got a xanboo security cam, sure looks like a
 win-cam,  it has a box that up to 4 cams can connect, and _looks_ like a
 composite s video (kinda like a ps2) connector to the cams, with a USB
 connection to the box, and I was wonder if anyone has any info on trying to
 get this to work somewhat under linux. I don't want to subscribe to the
 service to get it over the internet, I just want to see who is in the
 driveway without getting off my a$$.

Hehehe, I understand. Sorry I can't help you with it though!

I put one of those cheap beam thingies in our driveway - it rings a bell 
inside the house to let me know someone is there. Of course, I still have to 
get up off me a$$ to see who it is :-)

I really don't like it though - eats batteries and goes off when a schoolbus 
goes by...


 Dark Lord

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Re: [newbie] OT?, help convince my b/f running as root is bad!

2003-02-03 Thread Anne Wilson
On Monday 03 Feb 2003 5:13 pm, robin wrote:
 Anne Wilson wrote:
  On Monday 03 Feb 2003 3:14 am, Robert Wideman wrote:
  On Linux
 systems i create a user and logon using that user but i su - to do 90%
  of my work/playing around.
  So tell me why you aren't in just as much danger as he is for 90% of your

 When you use su, only those programs you open from that terminal have
 root priveleges.  If you log in as root, all the other stuff does as
 well.  Like your Internet browser, for example (which reminds me, AFAIK
 the only way to use Mozilla's automatic add-on installation is to run it
 as root, whcih I really don't like - can't they just allow you to
 download as a normal user then enter the root password to complete the

Thanks, Robin.  I guess I only half understood last time a
I asked a similar question.

Registered Linux User No.293302

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Re: [newbie] OT?, help convince my b/f running as root is bad!

2003-02-03 Thread Benjamin Pflugmann
On Sun 2003-02-02 at 21:03:25 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Heh, thx Benjamin.  On the bright side we've got a router up  

Well, a router doesn't protect against downloaded, trojaned

 I'll work on him  hopefully get him to see the error of his 
 way.  Tho that is hard to do cause I run as Admin on 2k.  Mostly b/c 2k 
 doesn't handle multi-users very well IMO.  *sigh*

Yeah, easy and secure are mostly orthogonal. You can only make a
box as safe as it still allows you to still get some work done.

So, if the main reason for your (I mean you as well as him) Admin
usage is that Microsoft has made it too hard to use without, then,
well, that's not the case with Linux and therefore no argument

 Fwiw, when he first came to live here, I told him I'm going to do my utmost 
 to secure our LAN.  And that I wouldn't allow him to compromise it if at 
 all possible.  With luck I can use that argument again  with yours in 
 there too, it may sway him. :)

Yeah! Go, go, go! :-)



Description: PGP signature

Re: [newbie] Webcams

2003-02-03 Thread et
On Monday 03 February 2003 12:11 pm, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
 On Monday 03 February 2003 12:02 pm, et wrote:
  really, your cam doing a lot of other stuff? it does not require the
  tape, nor does it require a lot of setup, depending on what sort of
  connections it has, if you down load the tape into your vhs player, you
  could just download it to the HD first, then add whever neat effects you
  want, then upload it to vhs.

 11-month old baby girl ='s wife using camera *lots*.   :-)
you mean you just blow off your father inlaw... he wants to see that baby 
(going to be grandfather in July, setting up cam in Fla where daughter is 
preg, so I can see how preg in North Carolina)

  On a related kinda note, I got a xanboo security cam, sure looks like a
  win-cam,  it has a box that up to 4 cams can connect, and _looks_ like a
  composite s video (kinda like a ps2) connector to the cams, with a USB
  connection to the box, and I was wonder if anyone has any info on trying
  to get this to work somewhat under linux. I don't want to subscribe to
  the service to get it over the internet, I just want to see who is in the
  driveway without getting off my a$$.

 Hehehe, I understand. Sorry I can't help you with it though!

 I put one of those cheap beam thingies in our driveway - it rings a bell
 inside the house to let me know someone is there. Of course, I still have
 to get up off me a$$ to see who it is :-)

 I really don't like it though - eats batteries and goes off when a
 schoolbus goes by...
this was dirt cheep, but they want you to sign up for a subscripttion but it 
is a IM allert whenever someone is at the door, so you can see the front door 
from work before the kids open it at home,,, it has a motion detector (and I 
think/hope a ntsc based) s composite video, with 60 ft of cable, and they are 
going to soon have tempurature and other types of sesors avail... but if I 
can't get it to run under linux, I guess it will get stuck to the wife/kids 

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Re: [newbie] Unofficial January list stats

2003-02-03 Thread Benjamin Pflugmann
On Mon 2003-02-03 at 21:36:15 +1100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Mon, 2003-02-03 at 15:25, Todd Slater wrote:
  403  Stephen Kuhn
 Egads - I can't be THAT talkative, now can I?

Well, I considered to ask you that earlier, but regarding these
numbers I cannot hold off myself any longer... ;-)

 Mon,  3 Feb 2003 21:30:01 +1100
   9:30pm  up  1:56,  5 users,  load average: 0.26, 0.24, 0.24
 |____  | kuhn media australia|
[... cut 18 further lines of signature ...
 403 * 1168 bytes = ~460KB to each subscriber ...]

...would you mind stripping your signature a bit? Netiquette
recommends 4, but even getting it down to the half would be a



PS: Take that with a grain of salt... although I really prefer the
signature to be shorter, it is meant light-hearted. And any
misunderstanding is due to my lack of mastering English.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [newbie] mutt fetchmail

2003-02-03 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Tue, 2003-02-04 at 00:08, tuija wrote:
  Run fetchmailconf and double check where it's slurping your emails to
  - and then you'll be able to discern as to what is going on with the
  rest of the scene.
 I did that and .fetchmailrc doesn't tell where fetchmail puts the posts
 it pulls, /var/log/mail tells that 30 posts are pulled from server
 **'re going to have to get into the POSTFIX configurations and
double check those; by default, POSTFIX dumps it's mail in
/var/spool/mail, but that could be mucked up - so best is to fire up
Webmin and go into SERVERS, then POSTFIX, then USER MAILBOXES - click on
any mailbox and towards the top of the page it will give you the path to
the mailbox - and as well, will tell  you if it's a zero length file or
if there's something in it.

A question I would have, though, is when was the last time that you did
get mail properly - and were you slurping it from /var/spool/mail, or
have you changed anything that you know of on your system?

  My configs always dump to /var/spool/mail/yournamegoeshere it's readily readable/find-able...
 My /var/spool/mail  is empty there isn't user name, I have tried to command
 set spoolfile but it didn't help?
 How I can put the procmail on, could it help?
 Thank you advance

PROCMAIL runs from an RC file in your /etc directory - namely,
/etc/procmailrc - but prior to just jumping into that particular file
and it's structure, you're going to want to do some reading up on it.
PROCMAIL can be quite powerful for blocking spam, rerouting mail
internally on your system (or on your network) - heaps of different
functions. Check out: for more
information on this powerful little text file - you won't regret it.

Check through all of the above and tell us how it works mate! Cheers!

Tue,  4 Feb 2003 05:45:00 +1100
  5:45am  up 10:11,  4 users,  load average: 0.70, 0.55, 0.34
|____  | kuhn media australia|
|   / ,, /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |=|
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808 |
|  ;/ / | | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389|
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU   |
 linux user:267497 * RH 8.0 * PC/Mac/Linux/Networking/Consulting

Texas law forbids anyone to have a pair of pliers in his possession.

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RE: [Fwd: Re: [newbie] Evolution 1.2 for MDK9, SRC/MDK RPM's]

2003-02-03 Thread Douglas B.

Apologies - it happened because I was having trouble sending with my new
I'll avoid it in future.

On Mon, 2003-02-03 at 14:26, Myers, Dennis R NWO wrote:
 Doug, your posts are coming through as attachments. Most folks don't
 like to open attachments on the list. At least I never do unless I am
 expecting it and know who it is from. Just a suggestion to help you
 get a wider range of answers for any of you questions. HTH Dennis M.
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Douglas B.
 Sent: Monday, February 03, 2003 8:09 AM
 To: Beginners' Mailing List
 Subject: [Fwd: Re: [newbie] Evolution 1.2 for MDK9, SRC/MDK RPM's]

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Re: [newbie] HELPPP! - URGENT

2003-02-03 Thread Douglas B.
Many thanks for sorting out my confused state!
Great relief!

On Mon, 2003-02-03 at 14:13, et wrote:
 the 30 day support is usually just for install problems, and your membership 
 to this list is free and never runs out (you have to un$ub$cribe to get off 
 this list), now as far as your e-mail problem goes...  just re subscribe with 
 the new address...
 On Monday 03 February 2003 09:08 am, Douglas B. wrote:
  I have just taken out a year's standard membership, and wanted to set it
  up with my usual ISP connection with Tiscali (cheaper than Which).
  BUT my POP e-mail address with Tiscali is different from the SMTP e-mail
  address - a hangover from when Tiscali took over Lineone - and now I'm
  unable to write to Newbie Mailing List with the new membership.
  How can I get this sorted out and change the e-mail address I'm
  registered under - before my Power Pack month's free membership runs out
  in a few days. Help!!
  P.S.I think my registration number may be 069019-EU
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Re: [newbie] mutt fetchmail

2003-02-03 Thread Derek Jennings
On Monday 03 Feb 2003 6:55 pm, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
 On Tue, 2003-02-04 at 00:08, tuija wrote:
   Run fetchmailconf and double check where it's slurping your emails to
   - and then you'll be able to discern as to what is going on with the
   rest of the scene.
 * I did that and .fetchmailrc doesn't tell where fetchmail puts the posts
  it pulls, /var/log/mail tells that 30 posts are pulled from server
 *'re going to have to get into the POSTFIX configurations and
 double check those; by default, POSTFIX dumps it's mail in
 /var/spool/mail, but that could be mucked up - so best is to fire up
 Webmin and go into SERVERS, then POSTFIX, then USER MAILBOXES - click on
 any mailbox and towards the top of the page it will give you the path to
 the mailbox - and as well, will tell  you if it's a zero length file or
 if there's something in it.

 A question I would have, though, is when was the last time that you did
 get mail properly - and were you slurping it from /var/spool/mail, or
 have you changed anything that you know of on your system?

   My configs always dump to /var/spool/mail/yournamegoeshere it's readily readable/find-able...
  My /var/spool/mail  is empty there isn't user name, I have tried to
  command set spoolfile but it didn't help?
  How I can put the procmail on, could it help?
  Thank you advance

 PROCMAIL runs from an RC file in your /etc directory - namely,
 /etc/procmailrc - but prior to just jumping into that particular file
 and it's structure, you're going to want to do some reading up on it.
 PROCMAIL can be quite powerful for blocking spam, rerouting mail
 internally on your system (or on your network) - heaps of different
 functions. Check out: for more
 information on this powerful little text file - you won't regret it.

 Check through all of the above and tell us how it works mate! Cheers!

You should check that your fetchmailrc is actually passing the mail over to a 
valid user account.  For example in mine

poll with proto POP3
   user 'djennings' there with password 'xxx' is 'derek' here options 
fetchall  antispam 501

The account 'derek' has to be a valid user account on the server. If it is 
then Postfix will automatically create a directory in /var/mail for it.

The other question of course is . Do you have Postfix running?
If there is no listener running on port 25 (Such as Postfix or Sendmail), then 
Fetchmail will by default look to see if there is a ~/.procmailrc file in 
existance, and if there is it will pass the mail to procmail. What happens 
next is down to the contents of your .procmailrc file.


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Re: [newbie] text editing function required.

2003-02-03 Thread magnet
On Monday 03 Feb 2003 6:10 am, civileme wrote:
 On Sunday 02 February 2003 12:46 am, magnet wrote:
  I have a large text file containing thousands of url's, one per line, and
  am trying to find a suitable utility that will strip out identical lines
  and leave a condensed file. Can anyone suggest a good solution?
  Thanks :)

 #!/usr/bin/env python
 import sys, os
 if len(sys.argv) = 2:
   print Usage is './duprem infile outfile

 def userhome(filename):
   if string.find(HOME,filename)==0:
   return filename
   return HOME+filename

 Goodinput=os.system('[ -e infile ]')
 if Goodinput != 0:
   print input file +infile+ does not exist



 while len(g)  0:
   for x in G:
   if x == g:
   print duplicate +g+ removed
   if i == 0:
 for x in G:
 print complete


 Well put everything between the dashed lines into a text file called duprem
 in your user space, then chmod a+x duprem then call it by

 ./duprem (fileofurlswithduplicates) (outputfilecleanedofdups)


Wow... a reply from THE linux guru. I feel kinda humbled :)

Cheers m8. Will look into this later in the week on my day off and try to 
learn something from it.

Hope the job hunting is going well for you and some company out there is smart 
enough to utilise you skills soon.

Registered Linux User: 281659
Registered machines: 163839,163840,163841,163842,163843,163844
6xAthlon 1.2GHz all running some flavour of Mandrake.

My home is over-run with penguins that like a warm environment!

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Re: [newbie] Unofficial January list stats

2003-02-03 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Mon, 2003-02-03 at 23:33, Adolfo Bello wrote:
 On Mon, 2003-02-03 at 00:25, Todd Slater wrote:
  Top 10 Posters
  403  Stephen Kuhn
  228  Anne Wilson
   98  Todd Slater
   85  et
   80  Adolfo Bello
   62  Derek Jennings
   61  Dennis Myers
   60  Mark Weaver
   56  Ronald J. Hall
   55  John Richard Smith
 Did I ask that many questions? Jesus

Just imagine what those numbers would be like if they counted offlist
messages as well...gads...

Tue,  4 Feb 2003 06:50:00 +1100
  6:50am  up 11:16,  4 users,  load average: 0.01, 0.10, 0.16
|____  | kuhn media australia|
|   / ,, /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |=|
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808 |
|  ;/ / | | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389|
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU   |
 linux user:267497 * RH 8.0 * PC/Mac/Linux/Networking/Consulting

The vulcan-death-grip ping has been applied.

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Re: [newbie] Unofficial January list stats

2003-02-03 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Tue, 2003-02-04 at 00:24, Todd Slater wrote:
 On Mon, Feb 03, 2003 at 09:36:15PM +1100, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
  On Mon, 2003-02-03 at 15:25, Todd Slater wrote:
   Top 10 Posters
   403  Stephen Kuhn
   228  Anne Wilson
98  Todd Slater
85  et
80  Adolfo Bello
62  Derek Jennings
61  Dennis Myers
60  Mark Weaver
56  Ronald J. Hall
55  John Richard Smith
 I was going to call it Top 10 Windbags but then I saw my name on the
 list! ;) It is interesting to note all the OT's in the threads, too.

Heheheheh...wonder how many of us have brown eyes as a determination
that we're fulla shite up to our eyebrows...(g) (BTW, mine are green, so
it must be something else I'm fulla)

Tue,  4 Feb 2003 06:50:00 +1100
  6:50am  up 11:16,  4 users,  load average: 0.01, 0.10, 0.16
|____  | kuhn media australia|
|   / ,, /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |=|
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808 |
|  ;/ / | | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389|
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU   |
 linux user:267497 * RH 8.0 * PC/Mac/Linux/Networking/Consulting

The vulcan-death-grip ping has been applied.

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Re: [newbie] fetchmail mutt postfix

2003-02-03 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Tue, 2003-02-04 at 03:32, tuija wrote:
 And thank you all the help I have got so far :)
 I send myself a mail and find out that
 fetchmail pulls mail just right and flushes server,
 but cause I don't have /var/spool/mail/username
 Postfix throws them back to sender?
 If I write procmail -v , it said system mail goes
 How do I create that file /var/spool/mail/username?
 I have tried set spoolfile command without help.
 Or is there any other way to set system mail go
 somewhere else?
 Thank you advance

A question I have is this: does the username that you're wanting to
receive mail for - exist? Did you create this username, or is it your

The reason I'm asking is because I created one user to use primarily,
but I receive mail for root as well as two other users that I've created
- and also use forwarding files and fetchmail and procmail.

When you went into the Webmin administration for POSTFIX, even though
you didn't change anything, did you SAVE the configuration? Because I'm
also wondering if there's a configuration error with POSTFIX that is not
creating the proper user mbox...

Tue,  4 Feb 2003 06:55:00 +1100
  6:55am  up 11:21,  4 users,  load average: 0.76, 0.28, 0.20
|____  | kuhn media australia|
|   / ,, /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |=|
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808 |
|  ;/ / | | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389|
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU   |
 linux user:267497 * RH 8.0 * PC/Mac/Linux/Networking/Consulting

Why not have an old-fashioned Christmas for your family this year? Just
picture the scene in your living room on Christmas morning as your children
open their old-fashioned presents.

Your 11-year-old son: What the heck is this?

You:A spinning top!  You spin it around, and then eventually it falls
down.  What fun!  Ha, ha!

Son:Is this a joke?  Jason Thompson's parents got him a computer with 
two disk drives and 128 kilobytes of random-access memory, and I get this 
cretin TOP?

Your 8-year-old daughter: You think that's bad?  Look at this.

You:It's figgy pudding!  What a treat!

Daughter: It looks like goat barf.
-- Dave Barry, Simple, Homespun Gifts

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Re: [newbie] Webcams

2003-02-03 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Tue, 2003-02-04 at 03:33, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
 On Monday 03 February 2003 08:57 am, et wrote:
  I don't use a webcam but if you have a winTV card, you can use it and a
  regular video camera, has by far the best color and picture of any webcam,
  and uses stuff you might already have.
 I do have a WinTV card, but I think if I told my wife that I was going to use 
 the camcorder for the computer she'd shoot me. :-)
 She's...ummnot quite so enthusiastic about computers as I am.  :-)
 Thanks anyways!

When you say she's not so enthusiastic, is that a nice way of saying she
bloody hates computers? She ain't, by any chance or stretch of the
imagination, either a Sloan or a Combs, now is she? (g)

Tue,  4 Feb 2003 07:00:01 +1100
  7:00am  up 11:26,  4 users,  load average: 0.03, 0.14, 0.16
|____  | kuhn media australia|
|   / ,, /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |=|
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808 |
|  ;/ / | | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389|
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU   |
 linux user:267497 * RH 8.0 * PC/Mac/Linux/Networking/Consulting

jackpot:  you may have an unneccessary change record
-- message from diff

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Re: [newbie] OT?, help convince my b/f running as root is bad!

2003-02-03 Thread Kaj Haulrich
On Monday 03 February 2003 06:49 am, civileme wrote:

 Well, I do recall a case where someone was going to
 remove a directory with configuration files to allow it
 to rebuild itself

 The command was

 rm -rf /home/poorunfortunate/.kde

 since he was running as root

 and he got precisely this far:

 rm -rf /

 when the cat launched from the floor to the desktop and
 planted a paw squarely on the enter key

 Well---to put it mildly, there was a disturbance on the
 system as all the files on the machine  ALL went away.


As far as I remember Civileme, so did the cat. Didn't you 
have it for dinner ?

Kaj Haulrich.
Powered by Linux- Mandrake 9.0
Registered Linux user # 214073 at
Source :  my 100 % Microsoft-free personal computer.

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Re: [newbie] small linux (might? of lost $10.)

2003-02-03 Thread Jerry Barton
On Mon, 3 Feb 2003 15:56:57 +1100
Trevor Rhodes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Minix (mini unix).  I remember being taught that at college. Funny how I 
 somehow ended up with a copy.  Too bad I still don't have it though.



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Re: [newbie] OT?, help convince my b/f running as root is bad!

2003-02-03 Thread Brandon Vanderberg
On Mon, 2003-02-03 at 13:16, Kaj Haulrich wrote:
 On Monday 03 February 2003 06:49 am, civileme wrote:
  rm -rf /
  when the cat launched from the floor to the desktop and
  planted a paw squarely on the enter key
  Well---to put it mildly, there was a disturbance on the
  system as all the files on the machine  ALL went away.
 As far as I remember Civileme, so did the cat. Didn't you 
 have it for dinner ?

ARGH, cats!

rm -rf /dev/kitty 



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[newbie] Menudrake and kde 3.0.3

2003-02-03 Thread Adam Ritchie
Hi guys, i updated to  kde 3.0.3 on my 8.1 system and took the advice in kde 3 
primer on the mandrakeforum site and renamed my ~/.kde folder to oldkde and 
then after relogging back into kde 3 - it runs even better but now I can't 
get Menudrake to update the menus - it shows the changes inside of 
menudrake(even after exiting menudrake and reloading menudrake) but clicking 
save no longer actually updates the menus.  Using update-menus didn't help 
either.  I tried using kmenuedit, but the changes made with that are lost 
after booting the system two or three times.  Any thoughts?

Adam Ritchie

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Re: [newbie] Menudrake and kde 3.0.3

2003-02-03 Thread Damian Gatabria
On Monday 03 February 2003 21:43, Adam Ritchie wrote:
 Hi guys, i updated to  kde 3.0.3 on my 8.1 system and took the advice in
 kde 3 primer on the mandrakeforum site and renamed my ~/.kde folder to
 oldkde and then after relogging back into kde 3 - it runs even better but
 now I can't get Menudrake to update the menus - it shows the changes inside
 of menudrake(even after exiting menudrake and reloading menudrake) but
 clicking save no longer actually updates the menus.  Using update-menus
 didn't help either.  I tried using kmenuedit, but the changes made with
 that are lost after booting the system two or three times.  Any thoughts?

 Adam Ritchie

Open menudrake, go to action - modify menu style.

Make sure you are using Mandrake style menus


I don't want Windows to be only for the 31173. Yes, we've come a long way from
all those security holes, virii, and cryptic commands like Edit textfile.txt
(what in the hell is that supposed to mean?)

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Re: [newbie] OT?, help convince my b/f running as root is bad!

2003-02-03 Thread Chuck Burns
On Mon, February 3 2003 2:20 pm, Brandon Vanderberg wrote:
: ARGH, cats!
: rm -rf /dev/kitty
:  ;)

Uhm, wouldnt that actually be 'rm -f /usr/bin/cat' ?
History repeats itself.  That's one thing wrong with history.

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[newbie] Internet conn. sharing = big screwup! :-(

2003-02-03 Thread Ronald J. Hall
Well, under v8.2 of Mandrake, I simply clicked on my main computers connection 
sharing icon, and everything was automagically setup. Both my other comps 
could reach the Internet. No problems whatsoever.

Now...9.0...a whole 'nother story. I clicked on connection sharing, it asked 
for a few disks, loaded some software, told me it was finished.

Except that the network is now unreachable. I can't ping anyone else on my LAN 
and they can't ping me. NFS is shot, killed and buried. No games will find 
each other across the LAN. Just trying to open a window on the other 2 comps 
takes about a minute per window.

I checked iptables -L, now there is a whole long list of things in there, that 
were not there before. I tried service iptables stop, service shorewall stop, 
and service network restart just to see if I could regain contact but it 
still always says the same darn thing. network unreachable. Note that 
everything did work fine before.

Anyone have any ideas what happened or how to fix it?

trying hard not to scream and scare the neighbors!



 Dark Lord

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[newbie] imake fails when compiling KDE 3.1

2003-02-03 Thread jdrouhard
I have been trying to compile and run KDE for a while now. I have successfully 
arts, and kdelibs, but when I try to compile kdebase, it goes through most of it
and stops, saying that imake failed. Is this an xmkmf problem, or is it an imake
problem? I already reinstalled XFree86-devel and that didn't work. Thanks for your

-John Drouhard

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[newbie] imake fails when compiling KDE 3.1

2003-02-03 Thread John Drouhard
I have been trying to compile and run KDE for a while now. I have successfully 
installed arts, and kdelibs, but when I try to compile kdebase, it goes through most 
of it and stops, saying that imake failed. Is this an xmkmf problem, or is it an imake 
problem? I already reinstalled XFree86-devel and that didn't work. Thanks for your 

-John Drouhard

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Re: [newbie] best cd burning application

2003-02-03 Thread Aurélio Diniz
Ok, i'll give k3b a go. But if my fstab (or the hell that means) goes
postal, you'll know it! :)


filipe - a linux user from time to time

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[newbie] /etc/resolve.conf becomes empty.

2003-02-03 Thread L.V.Gandhi
Some times /etc/resolve.conf becomes empty. After log rotate, I saw this file 
becoming empty today. I am running Mandrake 9. Any solutions for keeping this 
file in tact?
203, Soundaryalahari Apartments, Lawsons Bay colony, Visakhapatnam, 530017
MECON, 5th Floor, RTC Complex, Visakhapatnam AP 530020 INDIA

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Re: [newbie] best cd burning application

2003-02-03 Thread s
On Monday 03 February 2003 6:03 pm, Aurélio Diniz wrote:
 Ok, i'll give k3b a go. But if my fstab (or the hell that means)
 goes postal, you'll know it! :)

cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.bak


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Re: [newbie] /etc/resolve.conf becomes empty.

2003-02-03 Thread Derek Jennings
On Monday 03 Feb 2003 2:07 pm, L.V.Gandhi wrote:
 Some times /etc/resolve.conf becomes empty. After log rotate, I saw this
 file becoming empty today. I am running Mandrake 9. Any solutions for
 keeping this file in tact?

If you are using DHCP protocol, then the default is to overwrite 
/etc/resolv.conf with the DNS server IP address supplied by DHCP.

To override that action edit /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0  (1,2 
etc)  and add the line




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RE: [newbie] Evolution 1.2 for MDK9, SRC/MDK RPM's

2003-02-03 Thread Robert Wideman
 don't know about installing 1.2.1-2, but I seem to remember problems
 with 1.2.0 until I downloaded Red Carpet from Ximian and used it for Ev
 1.2.0  - it went in fine.

Thanks but no thanks.  I tried Ximian when it first came out.  loved it but
i really wanted Gnome back.  Now that Gnome 2 is out i love it more than
anything.  I dont want to install anything but Evo.  Thanks for the info.

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RE: [newbie] Webcams

2003-02-03 Thread Robert Wideman
 I do have a WinTV card, but I think if I told my wife that I was 
 going to use 
 the camcorder for the computer she'd shoot me. :-)

Atleast you could get more bang for your buck with the combo...


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RE: [newbie] best cd burning application

2003-02-03 Thread Robert Wideman
cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab-old

then try it

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Aurélio Diniz
 Sent: Monday, February 03, 2003 6:03 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] best cd burning application

 Ok, i'll give k3b a go. But if my fstab (or the hell that means) goes
 postal, you'll know it! :)


 filipe - a linux user from time to time

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Re: [newbie] OT?, help convince my b/f running as root is bad!

2003-02-03 Thread Aurélio Diniz
If teaching him all those technical stuff doesn't work, just show him KDE
with a nice acqua theme and saying: Look at all these free programs!!... (it
worked for me!)
If everything fails, consider changing boyfriend! :)


Filipe Dinis

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Re: [newbie] best cd burning application

2003-02-03 Thread Aurélio Diniz
 cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab-old
 then try it

you're maybe right


filipe dinis

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Re: [newbie] OT?, help convince my b/f running as root is bad!

2003-02-03 Thread FemmeFatale
At 09:49 PM 2/2/2003 -0900, you wrote:

Well, I do recall a case where someone was going to remove a directory with
configuration files to allow it to rebuild itself

The command was

rm -rf /home/poorunfortunate/.kde

since he was running as root

and he got precisely this far:

rm -rf /

when the cat launched from the floor to the desktop and planted a paw 
on the enter key

Well---to put it mildly, there was a disturbance on the system as all the
files on the machine  ALL went away.

Seriously runing as root removes all virus and trojan protection linux has
beyond the fact that there are no helpful automatics to load them into your


Luv, as always you have gotten my attention.  I shall forward this as 
well.  And fwiw, I didn't know that about the virus/trojan stuff.  Thx 
learned something new today :)

Good Decisions You boss Made:
We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux. I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.

- Source: Dilbert

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Re: [newbie] OT?, help convince my b/f running as root is bad!

2003-02-03 Thread FemmeFatale
At 11:20 AM 2/3/2003 +0200, you wrote:

Leaving security stuff aside (its covered well without me) for me its
1. issue of privacy. I have four accounts on my home comp - me, wife, kids.
I've got some games my wife hates, she would kill me if kids found them (Doom
and friends :-)) So only I have permissions to run them. Also it makes it
easier to separate personal files. Even though our family is perfectly happy
it would seem unfair if I have root permissions and free access to everyones
files all the time while being hidden from others.
2. issue of habitforming. I am also admin for our family company that runs on
linux. Sure in our home comp security is not an issue really due to very
lousy internet connection, but I do not want to form bad habits at home that
could create problems later at work where security is no.1 issue.


Heh reason #2 is the one I am hoping will sway him :)

Thx for the input Wahur!


Good Decisions You boss Made:
We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux. I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.

- Source: Dilbert

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Re: [newbie] OT?, help convince my b/f running as root is bad!

2003-02-03 Thread FemmeFatale
At 07:40 AM 2/3/2003 -0500, you wrote:

I think  (and am pretty sure) that allowing him to run as root will teach 
own lesson,,, kinda like how long it takes to figure out that rubbing your
nose on the sidewalk will make your nose hurt  aka it is a self-evident
universal truth also calll sink or swim learn to swim before you get in
deep water, or not, learn to backup data and protect security, or not.

Haha Ed, no kidding.  Thats what I'm counting on.  It worked for me! :P

Yours Still,

Reinstall Queen :)

Good Decisions You boss Made:
We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux. I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.

- Source: Dilbert

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Re: [newbie] OT?, help convince my b/f running as root is bad!

2003-02-03 Thread FemmeFatale
At 12:42 AM 2/4/2003 +, you wrote:

If teaching him all those technical stuff doesn't work, just show him KDE
with a nice acqua theme and saying: Look at all these free programs!!... (it
worked for me!)
If everything fails, consider changing boyfriend! :)


Filipe Dinis

Haha Filipe!  Cute :)

Its fine, he'll come around sooner or later... if I have anything to say 
about it *grins*

mmm ya if only he liked eyecandy... He seems to have started to love 
Fluxbox.  Now we have to get Rox filer working on it for him.  *muses this 
could be fun...*

Mmm well is there anything I can trade him in for?  I've got a g/f here 
too... so trading up is not an option... *giggles*

Thx luv!


Good Decisions You boss Made:
We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux. I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.

- Source: Dilbert

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Re: [newbie] imake fails when compiling KDE 3.1

2003-02-03 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Fri, 2003-01-31 at 18:22, John Drouhard wrote:
 I have been trying to compile and run KDE for a while now. I have successfully 
installed arts, and kdelibs, but when I try to compile kdebase, it goes through most 
of it and stops, saying that imake failed. Is this an xmkmf problem, or is it an 
imake problem? I already reinstalled XFree86-devel and that didn't work. Thanks for 
your help!
 -John Drouhard

I'm rather surprised that you need to run imake - that's a bit on the
old side of compiling

IIRC, the process is 

1.) xmkmf
2.) make
3.) make install least that's what I do here...

Tue,  4 Feb 2003 12:20:00 +1100
 12:20pm  up 16:46,  4 users,  load average: 0.45, 0.28, 0.20
|____  | kuhn media australia|
|   / ,, /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |=|
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808 |
|  ;/ / | | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389|
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU   |
 linux user:267497 * RH 8.0 * PC/Mac/Linux/Networking/Consulting

Any fool can tell the truth, but it requires a man of sense to know
how to lie well.
-- Samuel Butler

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Re: [newbie] Unofficial January list stats

2003-02-03 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Tue, 2003-02-04 at 04:59, Benjamin Pflugmann wrote:
 On Mon 2003-02-03 at 21:36:15 +1100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Mon, 2003-02-03 at 15:25, Todd Slater wrote:
   403  Stephen Kuhn
  Egads - I can't be THAT talkative, now can I?
 Well, I considered to ask you that earlier, but regarding these
 numbers I cannot hold off myself any longer... ;-)
  Mon,  3 Feb 2003 21:30:01 +1100
9:30pm  up  1:56,  5 users,  load average: 0.26, 0.24, 0.24
  |____  | kuhn media australia|
 [... cut 18 further lines of signature ...
  403 * 1168 bytes = ~460KB to each subscriber ...]
 ...would you mind stripping your signature a bit? Netiquette
 recommends 4, but even getting it down to the half would be a
 PS: Take that with a grain of salt... although I really prefer the
 signature to be shorter, it is meant light-hearted. And any
 misunderstanding is due to my lack of mastering English.

Grain of salt - yeppers - took itmeanwhile, I have had this sig for
quite a long time - and yeah, it does go against normal netiquette...but
having to flipflop between several different email accounts and deal
with everything from regular business to just plain chatting, it takes
too much work to change it (grin)...and I hate sweating...(bigger grin)
(As if a 56 kilo yank sweats that much)

Tue,  4 Feb 2003 12:20:00 +1100
 12:20pm  up 16:46,  4 users,  load average: 0.45, 0.28, 0.20
|____  | kuhn media australia|
|   / ,, /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |=|
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808 |
|  ;/ / | | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389|
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU   |
 linux user:267497 * RH 8.0 * PC/Mac/Linux/Networking/Consulting

Any fool can tell the truth, but it requires a man of sense to know
how to lie well.
-- Samuel Butler

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[newbie] Printing a file list

2003-02-03 Thread Dennis Myers
Can someone tell me if there is a way to print the list of names in a 
directory that holds about 70 .jpg pictures? I just want a list of the photo 
names. TIA for any help.
Dennis M.  linux user # 180842

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Re: [newbie] Printing a file list

2003-02-03 Thread Azrael
umm.. something like:

ls *  file-list.txt

then open that file in an editor and print?

On Tue, 2003-02-04 at 01:56, Dennis Myers wrote:
 Can someone tell me if there is a way to print the list of names in a 
 directory that holds about 70 .jpg pictures? I just want a list of the photo 
 names. TIA for any help.

   `0_ O  )   `-.  ( ).`-.__.`) 
   (_Y_.)'  ._   )  `._ `. ``-..-'  
 _..`--'_..-_/  /--'_.' .'  
((i).-''  ((i).'  (((.-' 
Of all God's creatures there is only one that cannot be made the slave
of the lash. That one is the cat. If man could be crossed with a cat it
would improve man, but it would deteriorate the cat. 

Registered Linux User: 269002

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